1a department reporting system	��������t��
2a departmental reporting system	�������i�t��	ADRS
3a family of minicomputers (computer automation)	�@�ؤp���p����t�C( �p����۰ʤƤ��q )	NAKED MINI
4a hardware programming language	�w��{���]�p�y��	AGPL
5a multi access on-line system	�h���s���p���t��	AMOS
6a programming language	�@�ص{�dz]�p�y��	APL
7a retrieval process language	�˯��L�{�y��	ARPL
8a space	�������j
9A-except-B gate	A �P �D B �h
10A-IGNORE-B gate	�P B �L���� A �h
11A-OR-NOT-B gate	A �ΫD B �h
12A-type address constant	A ���a�}�`��
13a. c. dump	��y�_�q
14a. c. flip-flop	��y���Ͼ�
15A/D converter	����ܼƦ��ഫ��
16A/R age month	A/R �b��
17A/R due month	A/R ���
18abandon	���; �@�o
19abbe constant	�����`��
20abbreviate	²�g; �Y�g
21abbreviated address	²����}
22abbreviated address call	²����}�I�s
23abbreviated address calling	²�}�I�s
24abbreviated addressing	²���w�}
25abbreviated answer	²������
26abbreviated argument list	�u�Y�޼ƪ�
27abbreviated call	�u�Y�I�s; ²�I
28abbreviated call letters	�u�Y�I��
29abbreviated character	²�Ʀr��
30abbreviated combined relation condition	�Y�g�ƦX���Y����
31abbreviated dial system	²�������t��
32abbreviated dialing	²������
33abbreviated form	²�g�Φ�
34abbreviated header	�Y�g���D
35abbreviated indication	�Y�g���
36abbreviated instailion	²���w��
37abbreviated install	²�Ʀ��w��
38abbreviated keyword	²�Y����r
39abbreviated name	�Y�g�W��
40abbreviated notation	�Y�g��ܪk; �Y�g�r��
41abbreviated relation condition	�Y�g���Y����
42abbreviated table	�Y�g��
43abbreviating keyboard command	�Y�g��L�R�O
44abbreviation	�Y�g; �Y�y	ABB
45abbreviation document	�Y�g���
46abc analysis	ABC ���R
47ABC automatic coding system	�r����۰ʽs�X�t��	ABC
48abend	���`����; ���`����
49abend	���`�פ�Y�g
50abend dump	���`�������x
51abnormal	���`( �{�H )
52abnormal circumstance	���`���p
53abnormal dump out	���`���x��X
54abnormal end	���`�פ�
55abnormal ending	���`����
56abnormal error	���`���~
57abnormal exit	���`�X�f
58abnormal false	���`������	AFT
59abnormal input cause	���`��J��]	AIC
60abnormal termination	���`�פ�
61abnormal termination	���`�פ�
62abnormal true test	���`�u����	ATT
63abort	���_; ���; ���`����
64abort advisory channel	���G�٪��Ը߳q�D	AAC
65abort program assembly	���`�����{�Ƕ׽s	APA
66abort sensing and implementation system	����G�ٶǷP�M�B�z�t��	ASIS
67absolute accuracy	����ǽT��
68absolute address	�����}; ����a�}
69absolute addressing	����w�}
70absolute ampere	����w��	ABAMP
71absolute assembly language	����զX�y��	AAL
72absolute command	����R�O
73absolute coordinate	����y��
74absolute data	������
75absolute diskette read	����Ϥ�Ū��
76absolute diskette write	����Ϥ��g�J
77absolute electrostatic unit	�����R�q���	AESU
78absolute error	����~�t
79absolute format	����榡
80absolute indexed mode	������޼ҺA
81absolute insert mode	���ﴡ�J�A
82absolute instruction	������O
83absolute loader	������J��; ������J�{��
84absolute location	�����m
85absolute mode	����ҺA
86absolute module	����Ҳ�
87absolute name	����W��
88absolute overwrite mode	�����мg�A
89absolute point	�����I
90absolute section	����Ϭq
91absolute shared region	����@�ΰϰ�
92absolute time	����ɶ�
93absolute time base error	����ɰ�~�t	ATBE
94absolute value	�����
95absolute vector	����V�q
96absolute virtual address	���������}
97absorption index	�l������	AI
98abstract	�K�n
99abstract family of languages	��H�y���t�C	AFL
100abstract symbol	��H�Ÿ�
101ac erasing	��y�M���k
102AC indicator	��y�T�����ܾ�
103AC mode	���α���Ҧ�
104ac-bias recording	��y���m�O��
105ac-dc ringing	�檽�y�q�a
106accelerated depreciation	�[�t����
107accelerated life test	�[�t�ةR����
108accelerated random search	�[�t�H���d�M
109acceleration time	�[�t�ɶ�
110accelerator	�[�t��
111accept	����
112accept action	�����ʧ@
113accept command key indicator	�����R�O����ܲ�
114accept date	�������
115accept for update	��s����
116accept phase	�������q
117accept response	�����^��
118accept sequence error	�������ǻ~�t
119accept statement	�����ԭz
120accept w/error	�����~��������
121accept with warning	��ĵ�i��������
122acceptable estimates	�i�������p�q
123acceptable failure rate	�X��G�ٲv	AFR
124acceptable program	�i�����{��
125acceptable quality level	�i������q�з�	AQL
126acceptable reliability level	�i�������i�a�ʼз�	ARL
127acceptable string	�i�����r��
128acceptance	�禬
129acceptance acknowledge	��������
130acceptance and transfer	�����P����	A&T
131acceptance criteria	�禬�з�
132acceptance data package	�禬��ƥ]
133acceptance data package	�禬��ƥ]	ADP
134acceptance functional test	�禬�ʯ����	AFT
135acceptance functional test procedure	�禬�\����յ{��	AFTP
136acceptance inspection	�禬����
137acceptance inspection package	�禬�ˬd�M�˳n��	AIP
138acceptance inspection package	�禬�ˬd�n��]	AIP
139acceptance requirements	�禬�n�D	AR
140acceptance requirementsackage	�禬�n�D	AR
141acceptance test	�禬����	AT
142acceptance test	�禬����	AT
143acceptance test	��������
144acceptance test procedure	�禬����{��	ATP
145acceptance test procedure	�禬����{��	ATP
146acceptance triais	�禬����
147accepted limit	���\����
148accepted sequence	��������
149accepted tolerance	�����e�q
150accepted value	���\��
151accepting	����
152acceptor handshake	�������H���洫	AH
153acceptor of data	��Ʊ�����
154access	�s��; Ū�g; �i�X; ���e	ACC
155access activity	�s������
156access algorithm	�s���t��k
157access and control point	�s���M�����I	A&CP
158access arm	�s���u
159access arm	�s���u
160access assembly	�s���զX
161access attribute of segment	�q�s���ݩ�
162access authorization	�s�����v
163access barred	�T��s��
164access barred signal	�s���T��T��
165access bit	�s���줸
166access by record file address	�Q�ΰO���ɮצ�}�s��
167access category	�s�����O
168access channel	�i�X�q�D; �s���q�D
169access channel control	�s���q�D����
170access check	�s������
171access circuit	�s���q��
172access code	�s���X	AC
173access common system table	�s�����Ψt�Ϊ�
174access compatibility	�s���ۮe��
175access consideration	�s���z��
176access context	�s���ߵ�
177access control	�s������	AC
178access control bit	�s������줸
179access control byte	�s������줸��
180access control entry	�s�����	ACE
181access control field	�s��������	ACF
182access control key	�s��������
183access control levels	�s�������
184access control list	�s�������
185access control list entry	�s���������
186access control procedure	�s������{��
187access control requirement	�s������n�D
188access control section	�s������`
189access control word	�s������r	ACW
190access cycel	�s���g��	AC
191access cycle	�s���g��
192access cylinder	�s���ϬW
193access date	�s�����
194access decision	�s���M��
195access declaration	�s���ŧi
196access denial	�s���_�w
197access device	�s���]��	AD
198access domain	�s����
199access exception	�s���ҥ~
200access existing permanent file	�s���{���ä[��
201access facility	�s���\��
202access failure	�s������
203access function	�s���\��
204access function register	�s���ާ@�Ȧs��	AFR
205access gap	�s������
206access hole	�s����
207access hole	�J��	AH
208access interrupt	�s�����_
209access interrupt mark	�s�����_�лx
210access isolation mechanism	�s���j������	AIM
211access key	�s������X
212access key organization	�s������X��´
213access level	�s���h
214access level structure	�s���h�����c
215access line	�s���u��
216access line facilities	�s���u���]�I
217access list	�s����
218access machanism	�s�����c
219access machine	�s����
220access macro	�s���������O
221access macro instruction	�s���������O
222access management	�s���޲z�{��
223access manager	�s���޲z�{��	AM
224access manager	�s���޲z�{��	AM
225access mask register	�s���n���Ȧs��
226access matrix	�s���x�}
227access mechanism	�s�����c
228access mechanism	�s�����c
229access method	�s����k
230access method block	�s����k��
231access method block list	�s����k���C��	AMBL
232access method control block	�s����k����r��	ACB
233access method data statistics block	�s����k�ƾڲέp��	AMDSB
234access method for indexed data	���޸�Ʀs���k
235access method interface	�s����k����	AMI
236access method interface	�s����k����	AMI
237access method module	�s���k�Ҳ�
238access method routine	�s����k�`��
239access method services	�s����k�A��	AMS
240access method services	�s����k�A�ȵ{��	AMS
241access method summary	�s���k�K�n
242access methods	�s����k	AM
243access mode	�s���ҺA; �s���覡
244access name	�s���W
245access network	�i�X����
246access object	�s���ؼ�
247access operation	�s���ާ@
248access oriented	�s�����ɦV
249access originator	�s����
250access path	�s�����|
251access path control	�s�����|����
252access path of data structure	��Ƶ��c�s�����|
253access path period	�s���g��
254access path selection	�s�����|���
255access path specification language	�s�����|�����y��	APSL
256access path widening	�s�����|�[�e
257access period	�s���g��
258access permission	�s���\�i
259access permission	�ϥλ{�i
260access phase	�s�����q
261access point	�s���I
262access port	�s����
263access priority	�s���u���v
264access privilege	�s���S�v
265access procedure	�s���{��
266access program	�s���{��
267access protection field	�s���O�@��
268access protocol	�s����w
269access rate	�s���t�v
270access records	�s���O��
271access restriction	�s������
272access restriction inforcement	�s������j��
273access right	�s���v
274access right	�ϥ��v
275access rights	�s���v; �ϥ��v��
276access rights grant or deny	�s���v�����\�Ωڵ�
277access rights terminal	�����s���׺ݾ�
278access routine	�s���`��
279access routine code file	�s���`���N�X��
280access routine recompilation	�s���`�����s�sĶ
281access routine specification	�s���`���W��
282access rule	�s���W�h
283access scan	�s�����y
284access scheme	�s�����
285access sequence	�s������
286access specification	�s���W��
287access specification language	�s���W��y��
288access specifier	�s�������Ÿ�
289access speed	�s���t��
290access stream	�s���u�@�y
291access table	�s����
292access technique	�s����k�޳N
293access time	�s���ɶ�
294access time	�s���ɶ�	AT
295access time gap	�s���ɶ�����
296access type	�s����; �s������
297access type bits	�s�����L��	ATB
298access type definition	�s�������w�q
299access unit	�s���椸
300access variables	�s���ܶq
301access verb	�s���ʵ�
302access violation	�s���H�W
303access width	�s���e��
304access window	�s������
305accessibility	�i�s��
306accessibility character	�i�s���ʦr��
307accessible	�i�s����
308accessible address space	�i�s����}�Ŷ�
309accessible field	�i�s����
310accessible state	�i�s�����A
311accessing batch processing environment	�s���妸�B�z����
312accessing cost for instruction and data	�s�����O�M��ƪ�����
313accessing cost for item outside stack	�s�����~��������
314accessing environment of task	�s����������
315accessing formula	�s������
316accessing independent processing environment	�s���W�߳B�z����
317accessing interactive processing environment	�s���椬���B�z����
318accessing operation	�s���ާ@
319accession designation number	�s�����U�s��
320accession designation number	�W�ɽs��	ADN
321accessor control	�s���{�DZ���
322accessor privilege	�s���{�ǯS�v
323accessory	����; �t��
324accessory power supply	���U�q��	APS
325account	�b��; ���; �|�p; �b��; �p��	A/C
326account balance	��ؾl�B
327account creation report	�s�رb�����
328account delete report	�s�R�b�����
329account detail	�b�����
330account information	�Ȥ��T
331account name	�b��W��
332account number	�b��; �|�p�s��
333account payable	���I�b��
334account receivable	�����b��
335account reconciliation program	���ʰO���{��	ARP
336account string	�b��r��
337account template	�b��ҪO
338accountability in data entry	�ƾڿ��J���g�ٳd��	AIDE
339accounting	�b��; �|�p
340accounting application program	�|�p���ε{��
341accounting code	�|�p�X
342accounting cycle	�|�p�g��
343accounting data system	�|�p��ƨt��	ADS
344accounting equation	�|�p��{��
345accounting format	�|�p�榡
346accounting information	�|�p��T
347accounting information system	�|�p�H���t��	AIS
348accounting line number	�p�Ʀ��	ALN
349accounting management system	�|�p�޲z�t��	AMS
350accounting manager	�|�p�޲z��
351accounting period	�|�p����
352accounting procedure	�|�p�{��
353accounting ratio	�|�p��v
354accounting regime	�O�b���Ҵ���
355accounting report	�|�p����
356accounting summary report	�|�p�J�`��
357accounting system	�|�p�t��
358accounting tabulating	�|�p���	AT
359accounts payable	���I�b��
360accounts receivable	�����b��
361accounts receivable file	�����b����
362accounts receviable age month	�����b�ڱb�֤��
363accrual accounting	�|�p���p��¦
364accrual basis	���p��¦
365accrued	���p��
366accrued by period	�̴��������p
367accumlated depreciation	�ֿn����
368accumulate	�֭p
369accumulating final total	�̫�ֿn�`��
370accumulation and distribution unit	�ֿn���t�˸m	ADU
371accumulation field	�֭p��
372accumulator	�ֿn��; �֥[��	AC
373accumulator	�ֿn��
374accumulator field	�ֿn��
375accumulator left shift	�֥[������	ALS
376accumulator minus judgement	�֥[��"��"�P�w	AMJ
377accumulator read-in module	�֥[��Ū�J�Ҳ�	ARM
378accumulator register	�֥[�Ȧs��	AR
379accumulator shift right	�֥[���k��	ASR
380accuracy	�ǽT��; ��T��
381accurate position indicator	��T��m���ܾ�	API
382accurately defined system	�T���w�q�t��	ADS
383acknowledge	�{�i
384acknowledge character	�T�{�r��
385acknowledged information transfer service	�^������T��e�A��
386acknowledged state variable	�ӻ{���A�ܼ�
387acknowledgement	�ӻ{; �{�i; ����
388ACMS	���α���P�޲z�t��
389ACMS central controller	ACMS�������
390ACMS operator	ACMS�ާ@��
391ACMS operator command	ACMS�ާ@�R�O
392ACMS user	ACMS�ϥΪ�
393ACMS/AD	���α���P�޲z�t��/ ���εo�i
394acoustic	�n�Ǫ�
395acoustic coupler	�n���X��
396acoustic data analysis center	�T���ƾڤ��R����	ADAC
397acoustic data processor	�n��ƳB�z��	ADP
398acoustic intelligence data system	���T�����ƾڨt��	AIDS
399acoustic panel	�j�����O
400acoustic transmission system	�n�ǿ�t��	ATS
401acoustic-optic modulator	�n-���ը	AOM
402acoustical	���T��
403acoustical absorption coefficient	�n���l���t��	AAC
404acoustics	���T��; �n��
405acquire	���
406acquire program device operation	�{���˸m����@�~
407acquisition	���
408acquisition of signal	�H�����	AOS
409acronym	�Y�g�r; �r��; �r���y; �Y�r�y
410across tape	��e�ϱa	AT
411ACSE	���X����A�Ȥ���
412action	���; �@��; ���I; ���O; �ʧ@
413action area	���O��
414action code	��ʽX
415action command	�ʧ@�R�O
416action current	�@�ιq�y
417action cycle	�ʧ@�g��
418action detail report	��ʩ��ӳ���
419action directive	�ʧ@������O
420action entry	�@�εn��
421action field	�����
422action file	�{����
423action group	���O�s
424action item	�@���
425action line	�@�νu
426action list	�@�ΦC��
427action menu	�@�Τ�U
428action message	�ʧ@�T��
429action panel	���O�e��
430action period	�@�δ�
431action routine	�@�α`��
432action sequence diagram	�@�ζ��ǹ�
433action site	�@�Φ�m
434action spot	�@���I
435action stack	�@��|��
436action status	��ʪ��A
437action tiem	�@�ήɶ�	AT
438action token	�@�ΰO��
439activate	�Ұ�
440activate button	�Ұʫ��s
441activate counter	�p�ƾ�	AC
442activate key	�Ұ���
443activate logical unit	�Ұ��޿�椸	ACTLU
444activate physical unit	�Ұʹ���椸	ACTPU
445activate signal	�ҰʰT��
446activate task	�Ұʥ���
447activate user	�ҰʨϥΪ�
448activate user task	�ҰʨϥΪ̥���
449activating	�E�o
450activation	�_��; ����
451activation	�_��
452activation block	���ʤ��{��
453activation environment	��������
454activation flag	���ʺX��
455activation fragment	���ʬq
456activation item	�_�ʶ���
457activation list	�_�ʶ��ئC��
458activation of homing	���ʦ۰ʾɤިt��
459activation pointer	���ʫ���
460activation processor	���ʳB�z��
461activation record	���ʰO��	AR
462activation record template	���ʰO���ҪO
463activation request	���ʽШD
464activation table	���ʪ�
465active	�ݩR; �ϥΤ���; ���Ī�; �{�檺
466active	�{�檺
467active acoustic device	�����n����	AAD
468active address key	�{���}��
469active and inactive stack	�ާ@�ΦU�D�ާ@���|
470active area	���ʰ�
471active backup line	���ʳƥνu��
472active bank	�i�ϥθ�Ʈw
473active block	�����ե�
474active card	�{�Υd��
475active cell	�{���Ʈ�
476active channel state	�{�γq�D���A
477active circuit	�����q��
478active communication satellite	���ijq�T�ìP
479active component	�D�ʤ���
480active computer	�{�ιq��
481active data	�{��
482active data area	�{�θ�ư�
483active data set	�{�θ�ƶ�
484active default detection	�{�Ψt�γ]�w�˴�
485active device	���ij]��
486active disc table	�{�κϺЪ�	ADT
487active disc table	�{�κϺЪ�	ADT
488active display	�������
489active electronic countermeasure	�����q�l���
490active electronment group	�{�����Ҳ�
491active element	�D�ʤ���
492active element group	���������	AEG
493active feedback	�D�ʦ^�X
494active file	�{���ɮ�
495active file directory	�{���ɮץؿ�
496active file list	�{���ɮת�
497active file table	�{���ɮת�	AFT
498active file table	�{���ɮת�	AFT
499active form	�{���
500active gate	�����h
501active high	���A����
502active high clock	���A���Į���
503active high signal	���A���İT��
504active instruction	���ī��O
505active instruction counter	�{�Ϋ��O�p�ƾ�	AIC
506active item record count	�ϥΤ������ص���
507active job	�{�b�@�~
508active junction box	�����s����
509active line	�u�@�u
510active lines	�{�ʽu��
511active link pack	�E�����s���˰t��	ALPA
512active list structure	�{���c
513active logging	�{�ΰO��
514active low	�C�A����
515active low clock	�C�A���Į���
516active low inverter	�C�A���ĤϦV��
517active maintenance downtime	���ĺ��׷���ɶ�
518active master file	�{�ΥD��
519active master item	�{�ΥD��
520active matrix	�ʺA�x�}
521active matrix addressing	�ʺA�x�}�w�}
522active memory	�{�ΰO����
523active memory cell	�{�ΰO���餸��
524active message processing	���İT���B�z
525active monitor	�{�κʷ��{��
526active network	�{���
527active only	�ȭ���ϥΤ���
528active operator	�{�ξާ@�Ÿ�
529active page	�{�έ�
530active page field	�{������
531active page queue	�{����C
532active page register	�{�έ��Ȧs��
533active page register	���ĭ��Ȧs��	APR
534active pageing	�{����
535active partition	�{����
536active parts	�{����
537active procedure	�{�b�L�{
538active process	�{�ɵ{��
539active processor module	�{�γB�z���Ҳ�
540active record	�@���O��
541active record code	�ϥΤ����O���X
542active relay station	�������~	ARS
543active screen	�{��e��
544active search list	�{�άd�M��
545active segment field	���ʬq�r�q	ASF
546active sheet	�{����
547active side	�{�θ`�I
548active status register	�u�@���A�Ȧs��	ASR
549active subfile	�@�Τ��l�ɮ�
550active task	�{�ʥ���
551active task list	�{�ʥ��Ȫ�
552active task list	���ĥ��Ȫ�	ATL
553active time list	���Įɶ���	ATL
554active transfer command	�����ಾ�R�O	ATC
555active window	�{�����
556active work space	���ʤu�@�Ŷ�	AWS
557activity	���ʲv; ���ʩ�
558activity attributes	�����ݩ�
559activity chain address	�����쵲��}
560activity code	���ʽX
561activity grid	���ʬ]
562activity save area	���ʫO�s��	ASA
563activity trail	���ʵ���
564actual	���
565actual address	��ڦ�}
566actual argument	��ڤ޼�
567actual cost over standard cost	��ڦ�������зǦ���
568actual cost this period	������ڦ���
569actual cost-to-date	�ܥ���֭p��ڦ���
570actual costing	��ڦ����k
571actual costs	��ڦ���
572actual count	��ڽL�I
573actual counted quantity	��ڽL�I�ƶq
574actual decimal point	��ڤp���I
575actual logical file name	��b�޿��ɮצW
576actual lower bound	��b�U��
577actual nonterminal name	��ګD�׵��ŦW
578actual number of active and suspended record	�ϥΤ��μȰ��ϥΰO��������
579actual numerical value	��ڼƭ�
580actual output	��ڿ�X
581actual output alpha factor	��ڿ�XAlpha �]�l
582actual parameter	��b�Ѽ�
583actual parameter association	��ѼƵ��X
584actual parameter list	��ڰѼƪ�
585actual parameter part	��ڰѼƳ���
586actual parameter word	��ڰѼƦr
587actual program absolute address	��ڵ{�������}
588actual quantity over standard quantity	��ڼƶq����зǼƶq
589actual quantity under standard quantity	��ڼƶq�C��зǼƶq
590actual record length	��ڰO������
591actual retention time	��ګO���ɶ�	ART
592actual return code	��ڪ�^�X	ARC
593actual row	��ڦC
594actual runtime	��ڹB��ɶ�
595actual runtime data area	��ڹB��ɶ��ƾڰ�
596actual selling price	��ھP�����
597actual selsyn	��ڦ۰ʦP�B��
598actual sequence	��b�ǦC
599actual source	�귽
600actual start	��ڶ}�l
601actual start date	��ڶ}�l���
602actual storage	����x�s��
603actual switching point	����ഫ�I
604actual time	��ڮɶ�
605actual time of completion	��ڧ����ɶ�	ATC
606actual time of reception	��ڱ��ɶ�	ATOR
607actual time over standard time	��ڮɶ�����зǮɶ�
608actual transfer rate	��ڶǿ�v
609actual transmission	��ڶǿ�
610actual upper bound	��ڤW��
611actual variable parameter	����ܶq�Ѽ�
612actual word	��ڦr
613actual work center	��ڤu�@��
614actual-formal parameter correspondence	���--�ΰѹ������Y
615actually-semicomputable	��ڥb�i�p�⪺
616actuating code	����X
617actuating device	�۰ʸ˸m; �ո`�˸m
618actuating error signal	�Ұʻ~�t�H��
619actuating logic	�����޿�H��
620actuating signal	�ҰʫH��
621actuating system	�Ұʨt��; ����t��
622actuation time	�ʧ@�ɶ�
623actuator	�s�����c
624actuator	�P�ʾ�
625actuator arm	�s���u
626actuator lever	�Ұʱ�
627acumulative value	�ֿn��
628acute angle	�U��
629acyclic	�D�`��
630acyclic circuit	�D�`���q��
631acyclic dependence relation	�D�g�����������Y
632acyclic diagraph	�D�`�����V��
633acyclic feeding	�D�g���^�X
634acyclic feeding graph	�L�馳�V��
635acyclic graph	�D�`����
636acyclic network	�D�`������
637acyclic process	�D�`���L�{
638acyclic set	�D�`���Ƕ�
639ad hoc approach	�S�w�]�ƪk
640ad hoc logic	�M���޿�
641ada immediate to accumulator	�ߧY�ƦP�֥[���ۥ[	ADI
642adaptation kit	���M�t�X��	AK
643adapter	�t����; ���[�d; ��y��
644adapter	�౵��	ADPT
645adapter control block	�t���������	ACB
646adapter setup code	�t���d�]�w�X
647adapting	�վA
648adaptive amplifier	�۾A����j��	AA
649adaptive ARQ	�A����ARQ
650adaptive control	�۾A������	AC
651adaptive data base manager	�۹L����Ʈw�޲z�{��	ADM
652adaptive data reporting system	�۾A����Ƴ��i�t��	ADRS
653adaptive digital vocoder	�۾A���Ʀ��n�X��	ADV
654adaptive expert system	�۾A���M�a�t��
655adaptive filtering	�վA�ʹL�o
656adaptive logic circuit	�۾A���޿�q��	ALC
657adaptive mission oriented software system	���V�۾A�����Ȫ��n��t��	AMOSS
658adaptive modulatio	�۾A���ը�	AM
659adaptive multifunction circuit	�۾A���h�\�ྐྵ��	AMC
660adaptive predictive coding	�۾A���w���s�X	APC
661adaptive predictive encoding	�۾A���w���s�X	APE
662adaptive reliability control system	�۾A���i�a�ʱ���t��	ARCS
663adaptive speed control	�۾A���t�ױ���	ASC
664adaptive subbend coding	�A�����W�a�s�X
665add accumulator	�֥[���[( ���O )	ADA
666add bill	�s�W�M��
667add control unit	�[�k���	ACU
668add immediately	�����[	AI
669add mode	�[�k�ҺA
670add new year to table	�N�s�~�ץ[�J��
671add normalized	�W��ƥ[	ADR
672add number to accumulator	�[�ƨ�֥[��	ADN
673add operation	�[�k�B��
674add register	�[�k�Ȧs��	ADR
675add time	�[��ɶ�
676add transactions	�s�W����
677add-dubtract	�[��	AS
678add-on card	���[�����d
679add-on security	���[�O�K���I
680add-or-subtract	�[�δ�	AOS
681add-subtract time	�[��ɶ�	AST
682add-without-carry gate	���h
683add/subtract unit	�[�k��k�˸m	ASU
684added bit	���[�줸
685added entry	�Q�[��	AE
686addend	�[��	ADND
687addend	�[��	ADND
688addend address	�[�Ʀ�}
689addend register	�[�ƼȦs��
690addend string	�[�Ʀ�
691addend-partial product register	�[��--�����n�Ȧs��
692adder	�[�k��	ADR
693adder	�[�k��	ADR
694adder	�[�k��
695adder amplifier	�[�k��j��
696adder for multiple operands	�h�ާ@�ƥ[�k��	AMO
697adder left input register	�[�k������J�Ȧs��	ALIR
698adder output buffer	�[�k����X�w�ľ�	AOB
699adder tree	�[�k����	AT
700adder-subtracter	�[�
701adder-subtracter	�[�
702addition	�[�k���O	ADD
703addition circuit	�[�k�q��
704addition command	�[�k�R�O
705addition entry point	���[�J�f�I
706addition formula	�[�k����
707addition record	�ɥR�O��
708addition speed	�[�k�t��
709addition table	�[�k��
710addition without carry	����[
711additional	���[; ��L��; �B�~��
712additional area	�ɥR��
713additional call library	���[�դJ�{�Ǯw
714additional channel	���U�q�D
715additional character	�S��Ÿ�
716additional code	���U�X
717additional compilation data	�M�νs��
718additional detail	���[����
719additional disk	���[�\��
720additional function	���[�\��
721additional high layer functions	���[�����h�\��
722additional information transfer	���[��T��e
723additional input source	���[��J��
724additional low layer functions	���[�C���h�\��
725additional manufacturing operation description	���[�s�{�@�~����
726additional memory	���[�O����
727additional memory module	���[�O����Ҳ�	AMM
728additional messages	��l�T��
729additional operation	���[�@�~
730additional operation description	���[�@�~����
731additional programmed request	���[�{���ШD
732additional record	�ɥR�O��
733additional reference-signal transmission	���[�ѦҫH���ǿ�	ART
734additional routing operation description	���[�~�{�@�~����
735additional time	���[�ɶ�	ATIM
736additional typeless function	���[�L�������
737additional variable	���[�ܶq
738additive	�ۥ[��
739additive operator	�[�k��l
740additive operator	�[�k�B���
741additive partition	�[�ʤ���
742additive smoothing	�ۥ[�ʥ���
743addometer	�[�⾹
744addon boards	�X�R�d
745address	��}; �w�}
746address	��}	ADR
747address access control	��}�s�����
748address access type	��}�s������
749address adder	��}�[�k��	ADA
750address alignment	��}�վ�
751address area	��}��
752address arithmetic	��}�B��
753address array	��}�}�C
754address assignment	��}���t
755address blank	�Ŧ�}
756address boundary	��}��
757address buffer	��}�w�ľ�
758address bus	��}�׬y��	AB
759address bus	��}�׬y��	AB
760address bus driver	��}�׬y���X�ʾ�
761address bus structure	��}�׬y�Ƶ��c
762address byte	��}�줸��
763address card	��}�d��
764address chaining	��}�s��
765address change	��}�ܧ�
766address check	��}����	ADRCHK
767address check boundary	��}�ˬd���	ACB
768address circuit	��}�q��
769address code	��}�N�X
770address code modulation	��}�s�X�ը�
771address code sensor	��}�X�˴���
772address communication system	��}�q�T�t��
773address compare register	��}����Ȧs��	ACR
774address complete message	�w�}�����T��
775address component	��}����
776address constant	��}�`��	ADDCON
777address constant	��}�`��	ADCON
778address control register	��}����Ȧs��	ACR
779address control unit	��}���	ACU
780address conversion	��}�ഫ
781address counter	��}�p�ƾ�	AC
782address counter	��}�p�ƾ�
783address couple field	��}��r��
784address data strobe	��}��ƿ�q	ADS
785address decoder	�a�}�ѽX��	AD
786address decoder	��}�ѽX��
787address decrement	��}��q
788address demultiplexer	��}�h�u���t��
789address descriptor	��}�y�z
790address designator	��}���ܲ�
791address disable	��}�T��	ADDSB
792address display	��}���
793address display subsystem	��}��ܤl�t��	ADS
794address display system	��}�V�ܨt��
795address distance distribution	��}�Z�����t
796address driver	��}�X�ʾ�
797address enable	��}�ҥ�	ADREN
798address error	��}�~�t	ADE
799address exit	��}�X�f
800address fault	��}�G��
801address field	��}��
802address field	��}��	ADDF
803address field computation	��}��p��
804address field extension	��}���X�i
805address fix state clear	��}�T�w���A�M��
806address format	��}�榡
807address format	��}�榡
808address function	��}�ާ@
809address functional instruction	��}�ާ@���O
810address generation	��}����	AG
811address generation unit	��}���;�	AGU
812address generator	��}�ͦ��{��	AG
813address header	��}���D
814address identification	��}���Ѳ�
815address identification code	��}���ѽX
816address in	��}��J	ADRI
817address increment	��}�W�q
818address incrementer	��}�W�q��
819address indicating group	��}���ܲ�	AIG
820address indicating group allocation	��}�������ܲդ��t
821address information	��}��T	AIF
822address interleaving	��}���
823address key	��}��
824address key register	��}��Ȧs��	AKR
825address label	��}�и�
826address language	��}�y��
827address latch	��}��s��
828address latch element	��}�Ȧs����	ALE
829address latch enable	��}�Ȧs���ҥ�	ALE
830address latching unit	��}��s�˸m
831address line	��}�u
832address list	��}��
833address load key	��}���J��
834address localization	��}������
835address locator logic	��}�w�쾹�޿�	ALL
836address main line	��}�D�u
837address maker	��}�аO��	AM
838address map	��}����
839address map register	��}�����Ȧs��
840address mapping	��}����; ��}�M�g
841address mapping table	��}������
842address mark	��}�аO	AM
843address marker	��}���Ѳ�	AM
844address marker byter	��}���ѲŦ줸��
845address master	��}�D��
846address match	��}�ۦX
847address match	��}�ǰt
848address memory	��}�O����
849address message	��}�H��
850address mode	��}�ҺA
851address mode	�M�}�覡	AM
852address modification	��}�ק�
853address modifier	��}�ק�q	AM
854address modify	��}�ק�
855address multiple access	��}�h���s��
856address operator	��}�B���
857address out	��}��X	ADO
858address out bus	��}��X�׬y��
859address out of range	��}���X
860address output file	��}��X�ɮ�
861address part	��}����
862address part	��}����
863address path	��}���|
864address pointer	��}����
865address pool	��}��
866address port	��}��
867address precise interruption	��}�ŦX���_
868address prefixing	��}�e�ɪk
869address printer	��}�C�L��
870address priority	��}�u����
871address read wire	��}Ū�X�u
872address recall register	��}���եμȦs��	ARR
873address recognition unit	��}�ѧO�椸	ARU
874address reference	��}�ѷ�
875address reference table	��}���ު�
876address register	��}�Ȧs��
877address register	��}�Ȧs��	ADDR
878address reiocation	��}�A�w��
879address routing indicator	��}���|��ܫ��ܲ�
880address save register	��}�O�s�Ȧs��
881address scrambler	��}�s�X��
882address selection	��}���	ADSEL
883address selector	��}��ܾ�
884address sensor	��}Ū�X��
885address separator	��}���j��
886address sequence	��}�ǦC
887address set key	��}�]�w��
888address shift register	��}����Ȧs��	ASR
889address size	��}����
890address skew	��}����
891address sort routine	��}�����ˬd�`��
892address space	��}�Ŷ�
893address space	��}�Ŷ�	AS
894address space extension block	��}�Ŷ��X�R��	ASXB
895address space identifier	��}�Ŷ����Ѳ�	ASID
896address space number	��}�Ŷ���	ASN
897address space vector table	��}�Ŷ��V�q��	ASVT
898address start	��}�Ұ�
899address start register	��}�_�l�Ȧs��	ASR
900address stop	��}�ŦX����	ADDSTOP
901address strap	��}�a
902address strobe	��}��q
903address substitution	��}����
904address switch	��}�}��
905address switch register	��}�����Ȧs��	ASR
906address syllable	��}�r�`
907address synchronizing track	��}�P�B����	AST
908address tape	��}�a
909address trace	��}����
910address track	��}�y
911address track	��}�D
912address transfer operator	��}�ǰe�B���
913address transform instruction	��}�ܴ����O
914address transformation	��}�ഫ
915address translation	��}½Ķ
916address translation	��}�ഫ
917address translation buffer	��}�ഫ�w�ľ�	ATB
918address translation slave store	��}�ഫ�q���x�s��
919address translation table	��}�ഫ��	ATT
920address translator	��}��Ķ��
921address translator	��}�ഫ�{��	AT
922address vector	��}�V�q
923address window	��}����
924address wire	��}�u	A wire
925address wire	��}�u	AWIRE
926address word	��}�r
927address write	��}�g�J	AW
928address-complete signal	��}�����H��
929address-content independence	��}--���e�W�ߩ�
930address-incomplete signal	��}�������H��
931address-selective	��}���	ADSEL
932address-to-block mapping	��}--���ܴ�
933addressability	�w�}��O
934addressable cursor	�i�w�}���
935addressable horizontal prsitions	�i�w�}��������m
936addressable memory	�i�w�}�O����
937addressable memory space	�i�w�}�O�ЪŶ�
938addressable point	�i�w�}�I
939addressable point	�i�w�}�I
940addressable register	�i�w�}�Ȧs��
941addressable storage	�i�w�}�x�s
942addressable storage	�{���������L����i�w�}�x�s�p�⾹
943addressable vertical position	�i�w�}������m
944addressbility measure	�i�w�}�{��
945addressed	�Q�X��}
946addressed direct access	�w�}�����s��
947addressed location	�Q�X�椸
948addressed memory	�w�}�O����
949addressed sequential access	�w�}���Ǧs��
950addressed storage	�w�}�x�s��
951addressed vertical positions	�w�w�}������m
952addressee	���T��
953addresses	��}
954addressing	�w�}
955addressing	�X��; �w�}	ADDR
956addressing capability	�w�}��O
957addressing capacity	�w�}�e�q
958addressing character	�w�}�r��
959addressing data communication	��Ƴq�T�w�}�k
960addressing decode	�w�}�ѽX
961addressing environment	�w�}����
962addressing exception	�w�}���`
963addressing interrupt	�w�}���_
964addressing level	�w�}��
965addressing matrix	�w�}�x�}
966addressing mode	�w�}�ҺA
967addressing mode	�w�}�Ҧ�	AMODE
968addressing mode bit	�w�}�覡�줸
969addressing range	�w�}�d��
970addressing space	�w�}�Ŷ�
971addressing system	�w�}�t��
972addressing technique	�w�}�޳N
973addressless instruction	�L��}���O
974addressless instruction format	�L��}���O�榡
975adds entered	�x��J���s�W����
976adds generated	�x���ͤ��s�W����
977adjacencies	�۾F��
978adjacency	�۾F
979adjacency matrix	�F���x�}
980adjacent	�۾F��
981adjacent channel	�۾F�q�D	AC
982adjacent channel	�۾F�q�D	AC
983adjacent code	�۾F�X
984adjacent domains	�F����
985adjacent domatins	�F��
986adjacent edge	�F��
987adjacent error correcting code	�۾F�ȿ��X
988adjacent free area	�۾F�ۥѰ�
989adjacent identifier	�۾F���Ѳ�
990adjacent level	�۾F��
991adjacent matrix	�۾F�x�}
992adjacent node	�F�`�I
993adjacent node	�۾F�`�I
994adjacent nodes	�۾F���I
995adjacent region	�۾F��
996adjacent-bit-dependent code	�F������N�X
997adjacent-group-dependent code	�F�լ����X
998adjoint address	�s�s����}
999adjoint addressing	�s�s���w�}
1000adjoint nonterminal	���H�D�׵���
1001adjust	�վ�
1002adjustable array	�i�հ}�C
1003adjustable head hold	�i�պ��Y�[
1004adjustable short-circuit termination	�i�յu���׺ݾ�
1005adjustable size specification	�i�ժ��׻���
1006adjustable-size aggregate	�i�ժ��׶�
1007adjustable-size aggregate	�i�վ�j�p���E�X
1008adjusted ring length	�շ�������
1009adjusting entry	�վ�n��
1010adjusting key	�շ���
1011adjustment	�վ�
1012adjustment amount	�վ���B
1013adjustment extension	�վ㩵�i���B
1014adjustment free	�����վ㧹��
1015administration center	�޲z����
1016administration data network	�޲z�ƾں���	ADNET
1017administration engineer	�޲z�u�{�v
1018administration program	�޲z�{��	AP
1019administration software	�޲z�n��
1020administrative	��F�޲z��
1021administrative analysis	�޲z���R	AAIS
1022administrative communications requirements	��F�޲z�q�T�n�D	ACR
1023administrative computer program	��F�޲z�p����{��
1024administrative control system	��F�޲z����t��
1025administrative data processing	��F�޲z��ƳB�z�޳N	ADP
1026administrative identification	��F�޲z�ѧO	ADMINID
1027administrative information	�޲z��T
1028administrative management	��F�޲z	ADM
1029administrative management society	��F�޲z��|	AMS
1030administrative message switching	�޲z�H���洫
1031administrative message switching program	�޲z�H���洫�{��
1032administrative network	�޲z�ʳq�H����
1033administrative science	�޲z���
1034administrative security	�޲z�w����
1035administrative support system	��F����t��
1036administrative terminal system	��F�޲z�׺ݨt��	ATS
1037administrative utility	�޲z�ꤽ�ε{��
1038administrator	�޲z��
1039administrator	�ưȺ޲z��	ADMIN
1040administrator options	�޲z�̿��
1041administrator's duty	��ƺ޲z��¾�d
1042administrator's guide	��F�޲z�����n
1043admins	�@�ظ�Ʈw�޲z�t��
1044ADMIRAL run tape	ADMIRAL �B��a	ART
1045admissibility	�i�įǩ�
1046admissibility condition	�i�įDZ���
1047admissibility of A*	A*��k���i�įǩ�
1048admissibility of graph-search control strategy	�Ϸj����������i�įǩ�
1049admissibility of search algorithms	�d�M�t��k���i�įǩ�
1050admissible	�e�\��
1051admissible algorithm	�i�įǺt��k
1052admissible character	�e�\�r��
1053admissible class of grammars	�i�e�\��k��
1054admissible control	�e�\����
1055admissible error	�e�\�~�t
1056admissible hypothesis	�e�\���]
1057admissible interpolation constraint	�e�\��������
1058admissible mark	�e�\�O��
1059admissible number	�e�\��
1060admissible parameter	�e�\�Ѽ�
1061admissible partition	���\����
1062admissible sequence	�e�\�ǦC
1063admissible state semantics	�i�e�\���A�y�q
1064admissible statistical hypothesis	�e�\�έp���]
1065admissible symbol	�e�\�Ÿ�
1066admissible variation	�e�\�ܤ�
1067admission delay	�e�\����
1068admission rule	�e�\�W�h
1069admittance	�ɯ�
1070admittance function	�ɯǨ��
1071admittance matrix	�ɯǯx�}
1072admittance parameter	�ɯǰѼ�
1073adopted authority	�u���v�O
1074ADP system	ADP �t��
1075advance	����; �W�e; �e��
1076advance administrative system	���i�޲z�t��
1077advance booking charter	�w�q�]��	ABC
1078advance control	���汱��
1079advance deviation report	���t�������i	ADR
1080advance diviation report	���t�������i	ADR
1081advance education center	�w���V����	AEC
1082advance information memory	���i�H�����x��	AIM
1083advance interrupt control transfer	���椤�_�����ಾ
1084advance item	�W�e��
1085advance item technique	���i���ا޳N
1086advance memory systems;Inc.	���i�x�s���t���q	AMS
1087advance mode	����覡
1088advance preparation	�w�dz�
1089advance read status transfer	����Ū���A�ಾ
1090advance signal processing system	����H���B�z�t��
1091advance version program	����½Ķ�{��
1092advanced acoustic signal processor	���i�n�H���B�z��	AASP
1093advanced administration system	���i�޲z�t��	AAS
1094advanced airborn digital computer	���i�����Ʀr�p���	AADC
1095advanced airborn digital computer	���i�����Ʀ�p���	AADC
1096advanced application support facility	�������Τ䴩�]��
1097advanced avionics data handling system	���i��Ÿ�ƳB�z�t��	AADHS
1098advanced avionics digital computer	���i��żƦr�p���
1099advanced avionics digital computer	���i��żƦ�p���	AADC
1100advanced avionics interface program	���ů�Źq�l�]�Ƥ����{��	AAIP
1101advanced avionics interface program	���i��Źq�l�]�Ƥ����{��	AAIP
1102advanced ballistic computer	���i�u�D�p���	ABC
1103advanced ballistic missile defence agency	���i�u�D�ɼu���m��	ABMDA
1104advanced bipolar monolithic	���i����������q��	ABM
1105advanced business processor	���i�ưȳB�z��	ABP
1106advanced calender	�U�~��
1107advanced COM executive	���iCOM ����	ACE
1108advanced command and control architectural testbed	���i���R�O�P������t���c����x	ACCAT
1109advanced communication function for VTAM	�������{�q�T�s���k�����ųq�H�ާ@�{��	ACF
1110advanced communications function	���ųq�T�ާ@�{��	ACF
1111advanced communications network service	���i�q�T�����A��	ACNS
1112advanced communications network servicee	���i�q�T�����A��	ACNS
1113advanced communications service	���i�q�T�~��	ACS
1114advanced communications technology	���i�q�T�޳N	ACT
1115advanced computational processor	���ŭp��B�z��	ACP
1116advanced computer for medical environment	�������ҥΰ��ŭp���	ACMR
1117advanced computer technique project	���i�p����޳N�p��	ACTP
1118advanced computer technology	���i�p����޳N	ACT
1119advanced continuous simulation language	���ųs������y��
1120advanced control	���汱��
1121advanced control signal processor	���ű���H���B�z��	ACSP
1122advanced cryptographic system	���űK�X�t��	ACS
1123advanced data acquisition routine	���Ÿ������`��	ADAR
1124advanced data base system	���i��Ʈw�t��	ADBS
1125advanced data code	���i��ƥN�X	ADC
1126advanced data communication control procedures	���i��Ƴq�T����W�{	ADCCP
1127advanced data display system	���i�����ܨt��	ADDS
1128advanced data entry	���i����Ƶn��	ADE
1129advanced data entry executive	���i��Ƶn������{��	ADEX
1130advanced data link control	���i����쵲����
1131advanced data link controller	���i����쵲���	ADLC
1132advanced data management system	���i��ƺ޲z�t��	ADMS
1133advanced data processing	�޲z��ƳB�z	ADP
1134advanced data system	���Ÿ�ƨt��	ADS
1135advanced debugging system	���i�{�������t��	ADS
1136advanced defence communication satellite	���Ű꨾�q�T�ìP
1137advanced defence communication satellite program	���Ű꨾�q�T�ìP�p��
1138advanced defence communication system	���Ű꨾�q�T�t��	ADCS
1139advanced diskette operating system	���i�ϺЧ@�~�t��	ADOS
1140advanced diskette operating system	���i�ϺЧ@�~�t��	ADOS
1141advanced document revision notic	���׭q�����q��	ADRN
1142advanced document revision notice	���q�������q��	ADRN
1143advanced DOS	���źϺЧ@�~�t��
1144advanced early warming system	���Źwĵ�t��	AEWS
1145advanced early warning system	���i�wĵ�t��	AEWS
1146advanced fault resolution	���e�G�٧P�w	AFR
1147advanced file organization	���i�ɮײ�´	AFO
1148advanced financal reporting system	���i�]�ȳ���t��	AFRS
1149advanced financial reporting system	���i�]�ȳ���t��	AFRS
1150advanced function	���žާ@�{��	AF
1151advanced function for communication	���ųq�T�\��
1152advanced function printing	���i�\��C�L�n��	AFP
1153advanced graphic system	���i�ϧΨt��	AGS
1154advanced hybird computing system	���i�V�X�p����t��	AHCS
1155advanced hybrid computing system	���ŲV�X�p��t��	AHCS
1156advanced information manager	���Ÿ�T�޲z�{��	AIM
1157advanced information system	���i�H���t��	AIS
1158advanced information technology	���Ÿ�T�޳N
1159advanced instruction system	���ū��O�t��	AIS
1160advanced instrumentation and data analysis system	���Ż�����q�P��Ƥ��R�t��	AIDAS
1161advanced integrated data system	���ź�X��ƨt��	AIDS
1162advanced integrated safety and optimizing computer	���Ŷ����w���̨Τƭp���	ADVISOR
1163advanced interactive debugging system	���i��Ͱ����t��	AIDS
1164advanced interactive executive	���ť�Ͱ���{��	AIX
1165advanced intercontinental missile system	���i�w�ھɼu�t��
1166advanced interface module	���i�����Ҳ�	AIM
1167advanced interior communication system	���Ť����q�T�t��	AICS
1168advanced life information system	���i�ةR��T�t��	ALIS
1169advanced linear programming system	���Žu�ʳW���t��	ALPS
1170advanced lithography	���ť��i�����L��޳N
1171advanced manual line	���i�ⱱ�u��	AML
1172advanced math library	���i�ƾǮw	AML
1173advanced micro devices Inc.	���i�L�����q	AMD
1174advanced microcomputer development system	���i�L���p����}�o�t��	AMDS
1175advanced microprocessor programming language	���i�L�B�z���{���]�p�y��	AMPL
1176advanced microprogrammable processor	���ŷL�{������B�z��	AMPP
1177advanced minuteman computer	���ť��L�ɼu�p���	AMC
1178advanced mircoprogrammable processor	���i�L�{�DZ���B�z��	AMPP
1179advanced mode	����覡
1180advanced modular audio-visual unit	���Ųե��ť�˸m	AMAVU
1181advanced network design and management system	���i�����]�p�P�޲z�t��	ANDMS
1182advanced network system architecture	���i�����t��c	ANSA
1183advanced numerical control APT	���i�Ʊ��۰ʵ{���u��	ANCA
1184advanced numerical control ART	���i�ƭȱ���ART�y��	ANC ART
1185advanced on-borad processor	���i��ֳB�z��	AOP
1186advanced operating facilities	���i�@�~�t��	AOS
1187advanced operating system	���i�ާ@�t��	AOS
1188advanced optical character reader	���i���Ǧr�ž\Ū��	AOCR
1189advanced optical character recognition	���i���Ǧr���ѧO	AOCR
1190advanced orbital launch operation	���ŭy�D�o�g�ާ@
1191advanced peer-to-peer networking	���i���P�h�p��	APPN
1192advanced placement program	���i�����{��	APP
1193advanced printer function	���ŦL����\��	APF
1194advanced procedure	����L�{
1195advanced program-to-program communication	���i���{�����q�T	APPC
1196advanced program-to-program communications	���i���{�Ƕ��q�H��k	APPC
1197advanced re-entry program	���i���A�J�{��	ARP
1198advanced realtime processing system	�۶i��ɳB�z�t��	ARPS
1199advanced reconfigurable computer system	���i�i���t�m�p����t��	ARCS
1200advanced reconnaissance satellite	���Ű���ìP
1201advanced record system	���i�O���t��	ARS
1202advanced remote display station	���i���{��ܯ�	ARDS
1203advanced remote job entry	���i�����{�@�~��J	ARJE
1204advanced research planning document	������s�p���ɮ�	ARPD
1205advanced research projects agency	������s�W����	ARPA
1206advanced research projects agency network	������s�W��������	ARPANET
1207advanced scientific array processor	���i��ǰ}�C�B�z��	ASAP
1208advanced scientific computer	���i��ǭp���	ASC
1209advanced scientific instrument	���i��ǻ���	ASI
1210advanced seismic computer	���i�a�_�p���	ASC
1211advanced signal processing	���i�H���B�z	ASP
1212advanced signal processor	���i�H���B�z��	ASP
1213advanced simulation center	���i��������	ASC
1214advanced simulation facility	���i�����]��	ASF
1215advanced software	���ųn��
1216advanced software facility	���ųn��]�I
1217advanced software system	���ųn��t��	ADSS
1218advanced solid logic technology	���i�T�A�޿�޳N	ASLT
1219advanced static test recording apparatus	�����R�A����O���˸m	ASTRA
1220advanced station	���毸	ADVAST
1221advanced statistical analysis program	���Ųέp���R�{��	ASTAP
1222advanced structural analyser	���i�����c���R�{��	ASTRA
1223advanced support processor	���i�䴩�B�z��	ASP
1224advanced system	���Ũt��	AS
1225advanced system architecture	���i���t����t���c
1226advanced system data processing simulation	���i�t�θ�ƳB�z����	ASDPSIM
1227advanced system engineering	���Ũt�Τu�{	ASE
1228advanced system research	�����t��s	ASR
1229advanced systems development division	���i�t�ζ}�o��	ASDD
1230advanced systems Inc.	���i�t���q	ASI
1231advanced systems management system	���Ũt�κ޲z�t��	ASMS
1232advanced table lookup	���i�d��k	ATL
1233advanced teleprocessing system	���ٻ��{�B�z�t��	ATS
1234advanced terminal controller	���i�׺ݱ��	ATC
1235advanced terminal management system	���i�׺ݺ޲z�t��	ATMS
1236advanced use	�����ϥ�
1237advanced user terminal	���ťΤ�׺�
1238advanced users terminal	���ťΤ�׺ݾ�	AUT
1239advanced utility	���i���ε{��
1240advanced very high resolution radiometer	���i�W������v��g�p	AVHRR
1241advanced-level user	���ťΤ�
1242advancing page	�ɫe��
1243advancing phrase	�e�ɵu�y
1244advice	�U�i
1245advice	�Ѧһ���
1246advice added to delineation	���ϰѦһ���
1247advice language	���ɻy��
1248adviser business oriented language	�Ը߷~�ȾɦV���y��	ABOL
1249advisory board	�Ը߳�
1250advisory circular	�Ը߳q�O
1251advisory council on science policy	��ǬF���Ըߩe���|	ACSP
1252advisory engineer	�Ըߤu�{�v
1253advisory group on electronic devices	�q�l����Ը߲�	AGEP
1254advisory service	�Ը߷~��
1255AE indicator	��}�ҥΫ��ܲ�
1256aerial cable	�[�Źq�u
1257aerial insert	�Ť�����
1258aerial optical cable	�Ť����l
1259aeronautical advisory station	��ūt�߯�
1260aeronautical broadcasting station	��żs����
1261aeronautical communication system abbreviation	��ųq�T�t�β��y
1262aeronautical computer laboratory	��ŭp��������	ACL
1263aeronautical emergency frequency	��������W�v
1264aeronautical fixed service	�T�w��ŷ~��
1265aeronautical fixed station	�T�w��Źq�x
1266aeronautical fixed telecommunication setwork	�ɯ�ΩT�w�q�H��	AFTN
1267aeronautical fixed telecommunications network	�T�w��Źq�H����	AFTN
1268aeronautical marker beacon station	��żлx�H�йq�x
1269aeronautical mobile service	��Ŭy�ʪA��	AMS
1270aeronautical multicom land station	��Ŧh�x�q�H�a����
1271aeronautical multicom mobile station	��Ŧh�x�q�H���ʹq�x
1272aeronautical multicom service	��Ŧh�x�q�H�A��
1273aeronautical radio beacon station	��ŵL�u�q�H�Я�
1274aeronautical radio navigation service	��ŵL�u�q�ɯ�A��
1275aeronautical station	��Źq�x
1276aeronautical station master log	��Źq�x�D��x
1277aeronautical stellite communications center	��ŽìP�q�T����	ASCC
1278aeronautical telecommunication log	��Źq�H�O��
1279aeronautical telemetering land station	��Ż����y�ʯ�
1280aeronautical telemetering mobile station	��Ż����y�ʯ�
1281aeronautical utility land station	��ųq�Φa�W�q�x
1282aeronautical utility mobile station	��ųq�β��ʹq�x
1283aerospace business environment slmulator	��Ťu�@���Ҽ�����	ABES
1284aerospace computer	��ŭp���
1285aerospace computer program	��ŭp����{��	ACP
1286aerospace defense command	��Ũ��ë�����	ADCOM
1287aerospace digital development	��żƦ�}�o	ADD
1288aerospace engineering	��Ťu�{
1289aerospace ground-support equipment	��ŭ���a���䴩�]��	AGE
1290aerospace hybrids	��ťβV�X�L�q��
1291aerospace industries association	��Ťu�~��|	AIA
1292aerospace intelligence data system	��Ŵ��z�ƾڨt��	AIDS
1293aerospace program-oriented language	��ŵ{���M�λy��	APOL
1294aerospace safety research and data institute	��Ŧw����s�M�ƾڬ�s��	ASRDI
1295aerospace traffic control center	��ť�q�ި��	ATCC
1296afcet	�k�걱���
1297affin type	��������
1298affine mapping	��g�M��
1299affine transformation	��g�ܴ�
1300affinity	�ۦ�
1301affirmative acknowledgement	�֩w����
1302affirmative acknowledgment	�{�i�r��
1303affix	����
1304affix grammar	�����k
1305AFILE	�ɮ�
1306AFILE compactor utility	�ɮ׺��Y���ε{��
1307AFILE merge utility	�ɮצX�֤��ε{��
1308AFM/AP	�@���ɮ׺޲z���U�B�z��
1309after add	�s�W��
1310after baking	�G���H�N
1311after care	����
1312after change	�ܧ��
1313after effect	���
1314after etching	�ݾl�G�k
1315after exposure	����n��
1316after frame	���
1317after glow	�l��
1318after heating	��l��
1319after image	�ṳ; �ݯd�v��
1320after image journal	�ṳ��x��
1321after image journaling	�ṳ��x��
1322after jmage	�l�H
1323after journal	�G���ɮפ�x
1324after phrase	��u�y
1325after receipt of order	�����w�椧��	ARO
1326after recording	��������k
1327after reload	���s���J��
1328after service	���A��
1329after space	�ťզ�
1330after table	��u�@�x
1331after treatment	��B�z
1332after update	��s��
1333after-cost	��ͦ���
1334after-image journal	�����H��x
1335after-look journalising	�G���ɮװO��
1336after-specification	�᳡����
1337afterword	AFTERWORD �R�O
1338age code	�b�ֽX
1339aged packet	�Ѥƫʥ]
1340aged trial balance	�b�ָպ��
1341agency for international development	��ڶ}�o�p	AID
1342agency name	�N�z�ӦW��
1343aggreation	���X
1344aggregate	�E�X; ��ƶ�
1345aggregate	�E�X
1346aggregate assignment	���X����
1347aggregate bit rate	�`�p��t�v
1348aggregate channel	���X�H�D
1349aggregate expression	�E�X��
1350aggregate field	�E�X��
1351aggregate notation	�E���O�k
1352aggregate of the data	�ƾڶ��X
1353aggregate output	���X��X
1354aggregate reversals	���X���ƫH��
1355aggregate signal	���X�H��
1356aggregate speed	���X�t��
1357aggregation hierarchy	�E�����ŵ��c
1358aggregation problem	�E�X���D
1359agile radar	�F���p�F
1360agility	�F��
1361aging	�Ѥ�
1362aging effect	�ѤƮ���
1363aging failure	�ѤƬG��
1364aging periods	�b�ִ���
1365agitation error	�Z�ʻ~�t
1366agree life	�����ةR
1367agreed indication	�Τ@��ܪk
1368agreement	��w
1369agricultural on-line access	�A�~�H���p���s��	AGRICOLA
1370ahpabetic word	�r���r
1371AI language	�H�u����y��
1372AI programming	�H�u����{�dz]�p
1373AI programming language	�H�u����{�dz]�p�y��
1374AI system	�H�u����t��
1375aided range gearing	�b�۰ʶZ���ƾڶǿ�
1376aided range tracking	�b�۰ʶZ������
1377aided tracking	�b�۰ʸ���
1378aided tracking mechanism	���U���ܾ��c
1379aided tracking system	���U���ܨt��
1380aids distribution list	���U�]�Ƥ��t��	ADL
1381aids service	���U�ʪA��
1382Aiken relay calculator	����~�q�����p�⾹	ARC
1383aiming circle	�ؼг�
1384aiming field	�ؼ���
1385aiming field	�ؼЦr�q
1386aiming symbol	�ؼвŸ�
1387aiming symbol	�ؼвŸ�
1388aiphanumeric instruction	�r���Ʀr�����O
1389air bearing disk	�Ů�b�ǩӺϺ�
1390air boundary layer	�Ů���ɼh
1391air circuit breaker	���_����	ACB
1392air condition system	�Žըt��
1393air conditioning	�Ů�ո`	AC
1394air conditioning	�Ů�ո`
1395air control authority	�Ť��޲z��
1396air cooled	��~�o	AC
1397air cooler	��N�o
1398air cushion	���_��
1399air data processor	�j��ƾڳB�z��
1400air dielectric coaxial cable	���t�P�b�q�l
1401air duct	�q���D
1402air filter	��L�o��
1403air flow sensor	��y�ǷP��
1404air force association	�ŭx��|	AFA
1405air force coding system	�ŭx�s�X�t��	AFCS
1406air force commumication system	�ŭx�q�T�t��	AFCS
1407air force communication	�ŭx�q�T	AFCOM
1408air force computer program library	�ŭx�p����{���w	AFCPL
1409air force cryptographic code system	�ŭx�K�X�t��	AFKAC
1410air force data automation agency	�ŭx�ƾڦ۰ʤƧ�	AFDAA
1411air force data communications system	�ŭx�ƾڳq�T�t��	AFDATACOM
1412air force data services center	�ŭx�ƾڪA�Ȥ���	AFDSC
1413air force data system design center	�ŭx�ƾڨt�γ]�p����	AFDSDC
1414air force electronic data processing center	�ŭx�q�l��ƳB�z����	AFEDPC
1415air force fomputer acquistion office	�ŭx�p������ʳB	AFCAO
1416air force intelligence data handling system	�ŭx�����ƾڳB�z�t��	AIDS
1417air force office of scientific research	�ŭx��㳡	AFOSR
1418air force on-line data system	�y�x�p���ƾڨt��	AFOLDS
1419air force technical applications center	�ŭx�޳N���Τ���	AFTAC
1420air force test and evaluation center	�ŭx����P��������	AFTEC
1421air gap	�T��	AG
1422air graffic ocntrol centre	�Ť���q�ި��
1423air hole	���
1424air indicator	��ʫ��w
1425air inlet/outlet	�Ů�J�f�ΪŮ�X�f
1426air isolated monolithic circuit	��j������q��	AIMC
1427air isolation	��j��
1428air leakage	�|�T
1429air movement data	�Ů�B�ʼƾ�	AMD
1430air moving devices	�q���]��	AMDS
1431air navigation computer	��Ż��p���
1432air net	�Ť���
1433air route traffic control	�Ť���q�ި�	ARTC
1434air traffic control	�Ť���q�ި�	ATC
1435air traffic control communications	�Ť���q�ި�q�H
1436air-breather	�q���˸m
1437air-circuit-breaker switchgear	�Ů��_�����}���˸m
1438air-conditioning room	�Ů�ո`��	AC/RM
1439air-cooled	��N�o��
1440air-data computer	�j�T�ƾڭp���
1441air-defence computer	���ŭp���
1442air-floated head	��B���Y
1443air-floated magnetic head	�Ů�B�ʺ��Y
1444air-flow type ink-jet printing head	�T�y�����Q�L���Y
1445air-folating head	��B�Y
1446air-insulated monolithic	���t�����	AIM
1447air-lubricated guide	�Ů��ƾɭy
1448air-tight seal	�K��
1449air/ground aiaison code	��-�a�p���N�X	AGLC
1450air/ground interface simulation	�Ŧa��������	AGISIM
1451airborne command post	��ū�����
1452airborne computer	�����p���
1453airborne data acquisition	��������������	ADAC
1454airborne data processor	������ƳB�z��	ADP
1455airborne data terminal set	�����ƾڲ׺ݾ�
1456airborne digital recorder	�����Ʀ�O����	ADR
1457airborne electronic computer	��Źq�l�p���
1458airborne integrated data system	������X�ƾڨt��	AIDS
1459airborne integrated display system	������X��ܨt��	AIDS
1460airborne line printer	��u�C�L��	ALP
1461airborne meteorological data collection system	�����T�H�ƾڦ����t��
1462airborne navigation computer	�����ɯ�p���	ANC
1463airborne sarning and control system computer	�����wĵ�P����t�έp���
1464airflow	��y
1465airline computer tracing system	��u�p������ܨt��
1466airline electronic engineering commission	��Źq�l�u�{�e���|	AEEC
1467airline reservation system	�����q���t��
1468airport traffic controller	�Ť���q���	APTC
1469al-purpose language	�q�λy��
1470alarm	ĵ��; ĵ�a
1471alarm	��ĵ	ALM
1472alarm bell	ĵ�a	ALMBELL
1473alarm box	ĵ�ܮ�
1474alarm box	��ĵ�H���c
1475alarm center	��ĵ����
1476alarm circuit	��ĵ�q��
1477alarm clde	��ĵ�X
1478alarm clock	��ĵ����
1479alarm control	��ĵ����	ALMC
1480alarm device	��ĵ�˸m
1481alarm display	��ĵ���
1482alarm free	�L��ĵ
1483alarm indication monitor	�iĵ���ܺʱ���	AIM
1484alarm indicator panel	��ĵ���ܱ����	AIP
1485alarm master	�D��ĵ�˸m	ALM
1486alarm message	ĵ���T��
1487alarm monitor computer	��ĵ�ʵ����p���	AMC
1488alarm rate	��ĵ�v
1489alarm receiver	��ĵ������	ALRCV
1490alarm relay	��ĵ�H���~�q��
1491alarm return address	��ĵ��^��}
1492alarm sensor	��ĵ�ǷP��
1493alarm signal	��ĵ�H��
1494alarm switch	��ĵ�}��
1495alarm system	��ĵ�t��
1496alarm unit	��ĵ�˸m	AU
1497alarm-repeated transmission	���Ƴ�ĵ�ǿ�
1498alarmed cable	��ĵ�ιq�l
1499alert	ĵ��
1500alert	��ĵ�H��
1501alertor	��ĵ��
1502algebra trans lator	�N��½Ķ�{��	ALTRAN
1503algebra-oriented language	���V�N�ƪ��y��
1504algebraic adder	�N�ƥ[�k��
1505algebraic calculator language	�N�ƭp��{�ǻy��	ALCAL
1506algebraic coding	�N�ƽs�X
1507algebraic coding theory	�N�ƽs�X�z��
1508algebraic compiler	�N�ƽsĶ�{��	ALCOM
1509algebraic decoder	�N��Ķ�X��
1510algebraic decoding	�N��Ķ�X
1511algebraic expression	�N�ƪ�F��
1512algebraic formal partten recognition	�N�ƧΦ��Ҧ��ѧO
1513algebraic interpretive dialogue	�N�Ƹ������	AID
1514algebraic language	�N�ƻy��
1515algebraic manipulation	�N�ƾާ@
1516algebraic manipulation language	�N�ƾާ@�y��
1517algebraic multiple-error correcting code	�N�Ʀh���t���ե��X
1518algebraic oriented language	���V�N�ƪ��y��	ALGOL
1519algebraic programming language	�N�Ƶ{�dz]�p�y��
1520algebraic sign	�N�ƲŸ�
1521algebraic sign	�N�ƲŸ�
1522algebraic spatial image restoration	�N�ƪŶ��϶H���
1523algebraic specification	�N�ƴy�z
1524algebraic tranformation	�N���ܴ�
1525algebraic translator and compiler	�N��½Ķ�{���P�sĶ�{��	ALTAC
1527ALGOL compiler	ALGOL �y���sĶ�{��	ALCOM
1528ALGOL computer	��k�y���p���	ALCO
1529ALGOL extended for design	�]�p���X�RALGOL�y��	AED
1530ALGOL machine	ALGOL �p���
1531ALGOL real-time language	ALGOL��ɻy��	ARL
1532ALGOL statement	ALGOL �ԭz
1533ALGOL-based associative language	��ALGOL �����p�y��
1534ALGOL-like language	��ALGOL �y��
1535ALGOL-like programming language	��ALGOL �{���]�p�y��
1536algorism	��k
1537algorithm	�t��k; �B�z�B�J
1538algorithm	��k	ALG
1539algorithm analysis	��k���R
1540algorithm chart	��k��
1541algorithm decoder	��kĶ�X�{��
1542algorithm deseription language	��k�y�z�y
1543algorithm design	��k�]�p
1544algorithm diagram	��k��
1545algorithm flow chart	��k�y�{��
1546algorithm generator	��k�ͦ��{��
1547algorithm insolubility	��k���i�ѩ�
1548algorithm logic	��k�޿�
1549algorithm module	��k�Ҳ�
1550algorithm optimization	��k�u��
1551algorithm organization	��k��´
1552algorithm pattern	��k�Ҧ�
1553algorithm processor	��k�B�z��
1554algorithm reflnement	��k�D��
1555algorithm routine	��k�{��
1556algorithm simulation	��k����
1557algorithm translation	��k½Ķ
1558algorithm-based fault tolerance	����k���e��
1559algorithmic	��k
1560algorithmic control system	��k����t��	ALCS
1561algorithmic language	�t��y��
1562algorithmic language	��k�y��; ALGOL �y��	ALGOL
1563algorithmic language 60	ALGOL60 ��k�y��	ALGOL 60
1564algorithmic language 68	ALGOL68 ��k�y��	ALGOL 68
1565algorithmic processor description language	��k�B�z���y�z�y��	APDL
1566algorithmic programming language	��k�{�dz]�p�y��	APL
1567algorithmic remote manipulation	�۪k���{�B�z	ARM
1568algorithmic state machine	��k���A��	ASM
1569algorithmstructure	��k���c
1570alhpa meric character recognition	�r���Ʀr�r���ѧO
1571alias	�O�W
1572alias	�O�W
1573alias description entry	�O�W�y�z��
1574alias section	�O�W�q
1575alias-type transformation	�O�W�����ܴ�
1576aliassing	�V�c�{�H
1577aliassing problem	�O�W���D
1578alibi-type transformation	�y�ЩT�w�϶H���ʪ��ܴ�
1579align	���	ALN
1580align orders	�w�ƭq��
1581align text	�վ�奻
1582aligned bundle	�վ�u��
1583aligner	��ǻ�
1584alignment	�ե�; ���
1585alignment	���
1586alignment clause	����l�y
1587alignment connector	�w��s����
1588alignment disk	�վ�κϺ�
1589alignment function	����\��
1590alignment indicator	�w����ܲ�
1591alignment mark	��ǼаO
1592alignment of data	�ƾڪ����w��
1593alignment pattern	��ǼҦ�
1594alignment precision	�շǺ��
1595alignment requirement	�շǽШD
1596alignment restriction	�վ㭭��
1597alignment routine	�վ�{��
1598alignment rule	����W�h
1599alignment time	�վ�ɶ�
1600alignment tool	��ǥx
1601alignment-code	�w��X
1602alive circuit	�a�q�u��
1603all asynchronous device driver subroutine library	�����B�]���X�ʤl�{�Ǯw
1604all busy circuit	�����u��
1605all canceled order	�����x�����q��
1606all channel decoder	���H�D�ѽX��
1607all clear	���M�s
1608all common control system	����������t��
1609all conversion tool	���ഫ�u��
1610all digital phaselocked loop	���Ʀ즡�����	ADPLL
1611all mark	���аO
1612all numeral numbering	���Ʀr�s��	ANN
1613all on-line	�����s�u	AOL
1614all or nothing check	�������������
1615all time	�����ɶ�	ATIM
1616all trunks busy	�������~�u�e�u	ATB
1617all-busy	����
1618all-clear key	���M����
1619all-file sharing	���ɮצ@��
1620ALL-IN-1 phone directory	ALL-IN-1�q�ܸ��Xï
1621all-in-one computer	����p���
1622all-magnetic logic	�����޿�
1623all-on--one processor	��O�B�z��
1624all-or-nothing approach	�������L���
1625all-or-nothing gate	�E�����L��
1626all-paralled a/d converter	���æ�Ҽ��ഫ��
1627all-pass element	���q����
1628all-pass structure	���q���c
1629all-paths-busy	�q������
1630all-point-addressability	���I�i�M�}��
1631all-points usable	���I�i��
1632all-points-addressable	���I�i�M�}��	APA
1633all-prupose computer	�q�έp���
1634all-prupose controller	�q�α��
1635all-purpose	�q�Ϊ�	AP
1636all-purpose language	�q�λy��
1637all-purpose robot	�q����H
1638all-relay selector	���~�q������ܾ�
1639all-round computer center	��X�p�������
1640all-solution relation	�������t
1641all-steps control	�����ű���
1642all-zero signal	���s�H��
1643all-zero statement label	���s�y�y�и�
1644allocatable space	�i���t�Ŷ�
1645allocate	�t�m; ���w; ���t
1646allocate	���t
1647allocate a device	�t�m�˸m
1648allocate and free statement	���t�y�y�M����
1649allocate block	���t�x�s��
1650allocate enent	���w�ƥ�
1651allocate file	���t�ɮ�
1652allocate node	���t�`�I
1653allocate storage	���t�x�s��
1654allocated configuration index	���t�t�m����
1655allocated resource table	���t�귽��
1656allocated resource table address	���t�귽���}
1657allocated resouree table entry	���t�귽��J�f
1658allocating character string variable	���w�r�Ŧ��ܶq
1659allocating data array	���t�ƾڲ�
1660allocating phase	���t���q
1661allocating physical file space	���t���z�ɮתŶ�
1662allocating system resource	���t�t�θ귽
1663allocation	���t; �t�m
1664allocation	���w	ALLOC
1665allocation algorithm	���t��k
1666allocation and loading program	���t�M�ˤJ�{��
1667allocation built-in function	���t�������
1668allocation class	�t�m����
1669allocation model	���t�ҫ�
1670allocation of data set	�ƾڶ����t
1671allocation plan	���t���
1672allocation quantity audit	�t�m�ƶq�f��
1673allocation quantity-production	�t�m�ƶq--�Ͳ�
1674allocation records	�t�m�O��
1675allocation routine	���t�Ҧ�{��
1676allocation statement	���t�y�y
1677allocation strategy module	���t�����Ҳ�
1678allocation variance	�t�m�t��
1679allocation/pick variance	�t�m/ �ˮƮt��
1680allocator	���t�{��
1681allocator queue table	���t�Ŷ��C��
1682allotter	���t��
1683allotter switch	���t���ഫ
1684allotting switch	���t���u�x
1685allow	�e�\
1686allow declaration	�e�\�ŧi
1687allow mode	���μҺA; �e�\�ҺA
1688allowable logical control structure	�e�\�޿豱��c
1689allowable resources	���θ귽
1690allowable resources	�e�\�귽
1691allowable value	�e�\��
1692allowable working speed	�e�\�u�@�t�v
1693allowance	�e��
1694allowance	�e�t
1695allowance for doubtful accounts	�Ʃ�b�b
1696allowed failure effect	���\�G�ٮ���	AFE
1697allowed predecessor	�e�\���W��
1698allowed successor	�e�\���~��
1699alloy belt printer	�X���a�C�L��
1700ALOG function	ALOG���
1701alogorithmic approach	��k�G��
1702alogorithmic code	��k�N�X
1703alogorithmic cost model	��k�����ҫ�
1704alogorithmic dispatching	��k�ի�
1705alogorithmic error	��k���~
1706alogorithmic language	��k�y��	ALGOL
1707alogorithmic language program	��k�y���{��
1708alogorithmic logic	��k�޿�
1709alogorithmic macrodesign system	��k���O�]�p�t��
1710alogorithmic measure of reliability	�i�a�ʪ���k�q��
1711alogorithmic pattern generation system	��k�ϧΥͦ��t��
1712alogorithmic rule	��k�W�h
1713alogorithmic scheduling	��k�ի�
1714alogorithmic simulation	��k����
1715alogorithmic statement	��k�y�y
1716alogorithmic transformation	��k�ܴ�
1717alogorithmic unsolvability	��k���i�ѩ�
1718alpha characters	��Ʀr����( �r��; �Ʀr; �Ÿ� )
1719alpha code	�r���X
1720alpha factor	Alpha �]��
1721alpha field	�����
1722alpha format	�r���榡
1723alpha literal	��Ʃw�r
1724alpha meric class	�r���Ʀr��
1725alpha meric edited	�r���Ʀr�s��
1726alpha meric field descriptor	�r���Ʀr�r�q�y�z��
1727alpha meric index	�r���Ʀr����
1728alpha meric information	�r���Ʀr�H��
1729alpha meric listing	�r���Ʀr�C��
1730alpha meric literal	�r���Ʀr��r
1731alpha meric logic package	�r���Ʀr�޿�]
1732alpha meric printer	�r���Ʀr�C�L��
1733alpha meric visual display	�r���Ʀr��ܾ�
1734alpha system	�r���H���t��
1735alphabet	�r���ǦC; �^��r��
1736alphabet	�r��
1737alphabet	�r��
1738alphabet (general sense)	�r��; �r��
1739alphabet character	�r���r��
1740alphabet data	�r���ƾ�
1741alphabet data code	�r���ƾڥN�X
1742alphabet length	�r������
1743alphabet name	�r����W
1744alphabet number	�r���Ʀr
1745alphabet sequence	���r������
1746alphabet symbol	�r���Ÿ�
1747alphabet translation	���r����Ķ
1748alphabetic	��r
1749alphabetic address	�r����}
1750alphabetic addressing	�r���s�}
1751alphabetic arrangement	�r�����DZƦC
1752alphabetic character	�r���r��
1753alphabetic character set	�r�Ŧr����; �r���r����
1754alphabetic character set	�r���r�Ŷ�
1755alphabetic character set	�r���r����
1756alphabetic character subset	�r���r���l��
1757alphabetic character subset	�r���r�Ťl��
1758alphabetic class	�r����
1759alphabetic code	�r���X
1760alphabetic code	�r�ŽX
1761alphabetic code	�r���X
1762alphabetic code	�r���X
1763alphabetic coded character set	�r�Žs�X�r����
1764alphabetic coded character set	�r���s�X�r�Ŷ�
1765alphabetic coded set	�r���X�ƶ�
1766alphabetic coding	�r���s�X
1767alphabetic data	��r���
1768alphabetic data code	�r���ƾڽX
1769alphabetic data set	�r���ƾڶ�
1770alphabetic field	��r���
1771alphabetic flag	�r���аO
1772alphabetic information	�r���H��
1773alphabetic item	�r����
1774alphabetic print control	�r���L�걱��
1775alphabetic punch	�r�����
1776alphabetic shift	���r����
1777alphabetic signal	�r���H��
1778alphabetic string	�r�Ŧ�
1779alphabetic string	�r����
1780alphabetic string	�r���r��
1781alphabetic symbol	�r���Ÿ�
1782alphabetic symbol	�r���Ÿ�
1783alphabetic variant	�r������
1784alphabetic word	�r�Ŧr
1785alphabetic wrod	�r���r
1786alphabetic-numeric	�r���Ʀr��
1787alphageometric	�X��k�r�����
1788alphageometric mode	�X��k�r����ܤ覡
1789alphageometric operation	�r�ϹϸѾާ@
1790alphameric	�r���Ʀr
1791alphameric character	�r���Ʀr�r��
1792alphameric character set	�r���Ʀr�Ÿ�
1793alphameric class	�r���Ʀr��
1794alphameric code	�r���Ʀr�N�X
1795alphameric coding	�r���Ʀr�s�X
1796alphameric conversion	�r���Ʀr�ഫ
1797alphameric conversion code	�r���Ʀr�ഫ�X
1798alphameric edited	�r���Ʀr�s��
1799alphameric field descriptor	�r���Ʀr�r�q�y�z��
1800alphameric graphic display	�r���Ʀr�϶H�V��
1801alphameric index	�r���Ʀr����
1802alphameric information	�r���Ʀr�H��
1803alphameric instruction	�r���Ʀr�����O
1804alphameric keyboard	�r���Ʀr��L
1805alphameric listing	�r���Ʀr�C��
1806alphameric literal	�r���Ʀr��r
1807alphameric logic package	�r���Ʀr�޿�]
1808alphameric printer	�r���Ʀr�C�L��
1809alphameric read out	�r���ƦrŪ�X
1810alphameric reader	�r���Ʀr�\Ū��
1811alphameric symbol	�r���Ʀr�Ÿ�
1812alphameric visual display	�r���Ʀr��ܾ�
1813alphanumeric	��Ʀr
1814alphanumeric	�r���Ʀr��
1815alphanumeric character	��Ʀr��
1816alphanumeric character	�r���Ʀr�r��
1817alphanumeric character entry	��Ʀr���n��
1818alphanumeric character set	��Ʀr����
1819alphanumeric character set	�r���Ʀr�r�Ŷ�
1820alphanumeric character subset	�r���Ʀr�r�Ťl��
1821alphanumeric code	��ƽX
1822alphanumeric code	�r���Ʀr�N�X
1823alphanumeric code	��ƽX
1824alphanumeric coded character set	��ƽs�X�r����
1825alphanumeric coded character set	�r���Ʀr�F�X�r�Ŷ�
1826alphanumeric coded set	��ƽX�ƶ�
1827alphanumeric coding	�r���Ʀr�s�X
1828alphanumeric conversion code	�r���Ʀr�ഫ�X
1829alphanumeric data	��Ƹ��
1830alphanumeric data	�r���Ʀr�ƾ�
1831alphanumeric data	��Ƹ��
1832alphanumeric data item	�r���Ʀr�ƾڶ�
1833alphanumeric display	�r���Ʀr���	AND
1834alphanumeric display equipment	�r���Ʀr��ܳ]��	ANDE
1835alphanumeric displays	�r���Ʀr��ܾ�	ANDS
1836alphanumeric edited data item	�r���Ʀr�s�誺�ƾڶ�
1837alphanumeric field	��Ʀr���
1838alphanumeric field	�r���Ʀr�r�q
1839alphanumeric generator	�r���Ʀr�o�;�	ANG
1840alphanumeric graphic display	�r���Ʀr�����
1841alphanumeric impact printer	�r���Ʀr�������C�L��	AIP
1842alphanumeric information	�r���Ʀr�H��
1843alphanumeric instruction	�r���Ʀr�����O
1844alphanumeric key	��Ʀr��
1845alphanumeric key	�r���Ʀr��
1846alphanumeric keyboard	�r���Ʀr��L
1847alphanumeric logic package	�r���Ʀr�޿�]	ANLP
1848alphanumeric machine	�r���Ʀr��
1849alphanumeric operation	�r���Ʀr���ާ@
1850alphanumeric output	�r���Ʀr��X	ANO
1851alphanumeric printer	�r���Ʀr���L��
1852alphanumeric reader	�r���Ʀr�\Ū��
1853alphanumeric scharacter set	��Ʀr�r����
1854alphanumeric shift	��Ʀr�첾
1855alphanumeric style	�r���Ʀr�榡
1856alphanumeric symbol	�r���Ʀr�Ÿ�
1857alphanumeric tube	�r���Ʀr�V�ܺ�
1858alphanumeric user identification code	��Ʀr�ϥΪ��ѧO�X
1859alphanumerical code	�r���Ʀr�X
1860alphanumerical information	�r���Ʀr�H��
1861alphanumerical keyboard device	�r���Ʀr��L�˸m
1862alphascope	�r����ܾ�
1863alphavariable	�r���ܼ�
1864alt key	�����
1865alter file	�ק��ɮ�
1866alter key	������	ALTK
1867alter mode	�ܧ�覡
1868alter statement	�ק�y�y
1869alter switch	�ܧ�}��
1870alter/display	������	A/D
1871alterable machine structure	�i�ܾ������c
1872alterable memory	�i�ܼ��x��
1873alterable read only memory	�i�ܥuŪ�x�s��	AROM
1874alterable read-only operating system	�i�ܥuŪ�ާ@�t��	AROS
1875alteration switch	�ܴ��}��
1876altering message	���T��
1877alternate	���; ���N
1878alternate acknowledge	�������
1879alternate area	�����
1880alternate binary code	���ܤG�i��X
1881alternate buffer file	����w���ɮ�
1882alternate channel	����H�D
1883alternate channel interference	�۶��H�D�z�Z
1884alternate circuit route	�ƥθ���
1885alternate coding key	���νX��
1886alternate collating sequence	���N�Dzz����
1887alternate collating sequence	�����I����
1888alternate communication	����q�H
1889alternate communication facility	�ƥγq�H�]��
1890alternate console	�ƥα���x
1891alternate current	��y�q
1892alternate cursor	�ƥΥ���
1893alternate data retry	�����ƽƺ�	ADR
1894alternate delimiter type	�ƥΩw�ɲ���
1895alternate digit inversion	�Ʀr����洫
1896alternate directon	���V
1897alternate display	�ƥ���ܾ�	AD
1898alternate entry	����n��
1899alternate error procedure	�ܧ�~�t�L�{
1900alternate error procedure routine	�ܧ�~�t�L�{�{��
1901alternate error return	�ܧ�~�t��^
1902alternate file	���ɮ�
1903alternate index	������
1904alternate input library	�����J�w
1905alternate key	������X
1906alternate key	�ƥ�����r
1907alternate level	�����
1908alternate library facility	�ƥε{�Ǯw�\��
1909alternate mark inversion	�H���������	AMI
1910alternate mark inversion code	�H���������X
1911alternate named file	�ƥΩR�W�ɮ�
1912alternate operation	����ާ@
1913alternate order	��y
1914alternate path	�ƥγq��
1915alternate path retryalternate	�������|�A��	APR
1916alternate prefix	�ƥΫe��
1917alternate program	����{��	ALP
1918alternate record key	���ΰO����
1919alternate record key clause	����O������l�y
1920alternate return	�����^
1921alternate return formal	��ܪ�^�Φ�
1922alternate return specifier	��ܪ�^����
1923alternate route	���N����	ALRT
1924alternate routine	�ƥε{��
1925alternate routing	���N���|
1926alternate routing	���^���ѿ��
1927alternate routing code	���^���ѿ�ܽX
1928alternate run	����B��
1929alternate screen size	�t�@�ؿù��j�p
1930alternate size	����j�p
1931alternate source	�����
1932alternate system input source	����t�ο�J
1933alternate tape	�ƥκϱa
1934alternate term plan	������حp��	ATP
1935alternate terminal	���β׺ݾ�
1936alternate track	�ƥκϹD
1937alternate track	���έy
1938alternate track table	�ƥκϹD��
1939alternate transmission	���y�ǿ�
1940alternate use	����ϥ�
1941alternate view	���N����
1942alternate work center	���N�u�@��
1943alternating binary coding	����G�i��s�X
1944alternating code	����N�X
1945alternating current	��y�q	AC
1946alternating current analog computer	��y�����p���
1947alternating current computer	��y�p���
1948alternating current converter	��y�ܴ���
1949alternating current relay	��y�~�q��	A. C. REL
1950alternating current selection	��y���
1951alternating current servomechanism	��y�A�����c
1952alternating current system	��y�t��
1953alternating current to direct current	��y--���y�ഫ	AC/DC
1954alternating current transmission	��y�ǿ�
1955alternating logic	����޿�
1956alternating no-return-to zero	������k�s��	ANRZ
1957alternating non-return-to-zero	������k�s��	ANRZ
1958alternating-current signaling	��y�ǫH
1959alternating-current supervision	��y����
1960alternation	����; ���
1961alternation gate	�Ϊ�
1962alternation switch	�ܧ�}��
1963alternative	���N; ��ܤ��
1964alternative allocation	������t
1965alternative box	�����
1966alternative class	��������
1967alternative collating sequence	�����z����
1968alternative cylinder	�ƥάW��
1969alternative denial gate	�P�D�h
1970alternative file attribute	�ܤ@�ɮ��ݩ�
1971alternative initial microprogram load	�ܤ@��l�L�{�ǸˤJ	ALT IMPL
1972alternative initial program lad	�ܤ@��l�{�ǸˤJ	AIPL
1973alternative initial program load	�ܤ@��l�{�ǸˤJ	AIPL
1974alternative line	���N�u��
1975alternative option	�����ܤ��
1976alternative return points	��ܪ�^�I
1977alternative routing	�������
1978alternative routing	�ܤ@���ѿ��
1979alternative sector	���N�ϰ�
1980alternative sector	�ƥ�����
1981alternative statement	��ܻy��
1982alternative system console	���N�t�ΥD���x
1983alternative system console	�ƥΨt�α���x
1984alternative track	�ƥκϭy
1985alternative track	���έy
1986alternator	�����
1987alterroute	���	ALRT
1988altimeter coder	���׽s�X��
1989alu input and output	�B�⾹��J�P��X	AIO
1990alu operation	�B�⾹�ާ@	AO
1991alu shift register	�B�⾹����Ȧs��	ASR
1992aluminium substrate disk	�T��ϽL
1993alytic engineammer	�{�����R��
1994AM	�մT
1995ambient	�P��
1996ambient condition	���ұ���
1997ambient noise	���Ҿ���
1998ambient temperature	���ҷū�
1999ambiguity	�ҽk�I
2000ambiguity data	�h�q�ʼƾ�
2001ambiguity delay	�ҽk����
2002ambiguity encoding	�ҽk�s�X
2003ambiguity error	�h�q�ʿ��~
2004ambiguity features	�h�q�ʯS��
2005ambiguity problem	�h�q�ʰ��D
2006ambiguity processor architecture	�h�q�ʳB�z����t���c
2007ambiguous data	�h�q�ʼƾ�
2008ambiguous expression	�h�q��F��
2009ambiguous file	�h�q�ɮ�
2010ambiguous grammar	�h�q��k
2011ambiguous language	�h�q�y��
2012ambiguous symbol	�h�q�Ÿ�
2013amdahl diagnostics assistance center	���U�E�_����	AMDAC
2014amdahl internally developed software	amdahl�����}�o���n��	AIDS
2015amendment file	�ק��ɮ�
2016amendment record	�ק�O��
2017amendment tape	�ק�ϱa
2018American Academy of Arts and Science	�����ǧ޳N��s�|	AAAS
2019American Academy of Science	�����ǰ|	AAS
2020American Accounting Association	����|�p��|	AAA
2021American Association for Artificial intelligence	����H�u���z��|	AAA
2022American Association of Electrical Engineers	����q�l�u�{�v��|	AAEE
2023American Association of Engineers	����u�{�v��|	AAE
2024American Association of Industrial Management	����u�~�޲z��|	AAIM
2025American Association of Microprocessor Engineers	����L�B�z���u�{�v��|	AAME
2026American Automatic Control Council	����۰ʱ���e���|	AACC
2027American Broadcasting Companies; Inc.	����s�����q	ABC
2028American Communication Associtation	����q�T��|	ACA
2029American communications	����q�T	AMERICOM
2030american electronics association	����q�l�Ǩ�|	AEA
2031American engineering standards committee	����u�{�зǩe���|	AESC
2032american federation for information processing	����H���B�z�p�X�|	AFIP
2033american institute for decision science	����M���ǾǷ|	AIDS
2034american institute of aeronautics and astronautics	�����ŻP��Ѩ�|	AIAA
2035american institute of consulting engineers	�����U�ݤu�{�v��|	AICPA
2036American institute of electrical engineers	����q�T�u�{�v�Ƿ|	AIEE
2037american institute of electrical engineers	����q�T�u�{�v�Ƿ|	AIEE
2038American institute of industrial engineers	����u�~�u�{�v�Ƿ|	AIIE
2039American institute of physics	���ꪫ�z�Ƿ|	AIP
2040american institute of radio engineers	����L�u�q�u�{�v��|	AIRE
2041American management associations	����޲z��|	AMA
2042American micro system	����L���t��	AMI
2043American national standard	�����a�з�	ANS
2044American national standard control character	�����a�зDZ���r��	ANSCC
2045American national standard control character	�����a�зDZ���r��	ANSCC
2046American national standard label	�����a�зǼи�	ANSL
2047american national standard labels	�����a�зǼи�	ANL
2048American national standards institute	�����a�зǨ�|	ANSI
2049American national standards institute	�����a�зǾǷ|	ANSI
2050american radiol association	����L�u�u�q��|	ARA
2051American sign language	����Ÿ��y��	ASL
2052American standard	����з�	ASW
2053American standard code	����зǽX	ASC
2054American standard code for information interchange	�����T�洫�зǽX	ASCII
2055American standard code for information interchange	����H���洫�μзǥN�X	ASCII
2056american standard code for information interchange	����H���洫�μзǽX	ASCII
2057American standard wire	����зǽu�W	ASW
2058American standards	����з�	AMER.STD
2059American standards association	����зǨ�|	ASA
2060American standards association	����зǨ�|	ASA
2061ami coding	�Ǹ�����ܴ��s�X
2062ami signal	�Ǹ�����ܴ��H��
2063ami violation	�Ǹ�����ܴ��ҥ~
2064aml/2	�}�C���y--2
2065amorphous memory	�L�w���x�s��
2066amorphous semiconductor memory	�D���b�����x�s��
2067amortization	�����v��
2068amos memory	���Y�`�J�����ݮ�ƪ��b�����x�s��
2069amount	���B
2070amount due	������B
2071ampere	�w��
2072ampere	�w��	AMP
2073ampere turn	�w�`	AT
2074ampere turns	�w�`	ATS
2075ampere volt ohm meter	�U�Ϊ�	AVO
2076ampere-hour	�w��	AH
2077ampere-hour meter	�w���p�ɭp	A. H. M.
2078ampere-second	�w����	AS
2079ampersand	��}�p��Ÿ�
2080ampersand	& ��
2081amphibious communication net	������γq�H��
2082amplification	��j
2083amplification	��j
2084amplification by stimtlated emission of radiation	���E��g��j
2085amplification codefficient	��j�t��
2086amplification factor	��j�]��
2087amplifier	��j��
2088amplifier	��j��	AR
2089amplifier in	��j����J��	AMP.IN
2090amplifier input	��j����J��	AI
2091amplifier out	��j����X��	AMP.OUT
2092amplifier output	��j����X	AO
2093amplifier output stage	��j����X��	AOS
2094amplifier power supply	��j���q��	APS
2095amplify	��j
2096amplitude	���T
2097amplitude adder	�T�ץ[�k��
2098amplitude comparator	���T�����
2099amplitude modulation	���T�ը�	AM
2100amplitude sensor	���T�˴���
2101amplitude shift deying	��T�����䱱�k	ASK
2102amplitude test cassette	�T�״��ղ����ϱa
2103amplitude variation	�i�T�ܰ�
2104amplitude-frequency modulation	���T-�W�v�ը�	AFM
2105An Analytical Information Management System	���R�T���޲z�t��	AAIMS
2106an code	an�X
2107an evolutionary system for on-line processing	AESOP�t��	AESOP
2108anacom	���R�p���
2109analizer	���R��
2110analog	����
2111analog	����	ANLG
2112analog adder	����[�k��
2113analog adder	����[�k��
2114analog amplifier	�����j��
2115analog approach	����D�Ѫk
2116analog back-up	����ᴩ
2117analog calulation	����p��
2118analog circuit-analysis by time-sharing system	�ĥΤ��ɨt�Ϊ������q�����R	ANCIR/TSS
2119analog cnannel	����q�D
2120analog comparator	��������
2121analog compiler	����sĶ�{��
2122analog compiler system	����sĶ�{�Ǩt��
2123analog computer	����p���
2124analog computer	����p���	ANACOM
2125analog control	������
2126analog data	������
2127analog data	������
2128analog data	������
2129analog data recording transcriber	�����ưO�������	ADRT
2130analog data sink	������Ʊ����a
2131analog data source	�����Ʒ�
2132analog decoding	����Ķ�X
2133analog delay unit	�����ɸ˸m	ADU
2134analog device	����˸m
2135analog digital	����Ʀ�
2136analog digital subsystem	�����Ʀ�l�t��	ADS
2137analog display unit	������ܸ˸m	ADU
2138analog divider	�����k��
2139analog divider	�����k��
2140analog divider	�����k��
2141analog encoding	����s�X
2142analog feedback	������X	AF
2143analog feedback system	����^�X�t��
2144analog form	�����
2145analog function generator	������Ʋ��;�	AFG
2146analog generator	����H���o�;�
2147analog gybrid	�����V�X��	AH
2148analog imulation system	�����u�t��	ASS
2149analog indicator	������ܾ�
2150analog input	������J	AIN
2151analog input channel	�����J�q�D
2152analog input channel	�����J�q�D
2153analog input channel amplifier	�����J�q�D��j��
2154analog input channel amplifier	�����J�q�D��j��
2155analog input expander	�����J�X�i��
2156analog input module	������J�Ҳ�	AIM
2157analog input operation	�����J�ާ@
2158analog input system	������J�t��	AIS
2159analog input/output package	������J��X�n��]	AIOP
2160analog integrated circuit	����n��q��
2161analog integrators of discrete function	������Ƽ����n����	AIDF
2162analog intelligence test	�����z����
2163analog interpolation	�������k
2164analog line driver	�����u���X�ʾ�	ALD
2165analog loop back	����H������
2166analog magnetic head	������Y
2167analog memory	����O����
2168analog memory device	�����x�s����	AMD
2169analog module	����Ҳ�
2170analog monitor module	����ʷ��{�ǼҶ�	AMM
2171analog multiplexer	����h���౵��
2172analog multiplication	�����k��
2173analog multiplier	�����k��
2174analog multiplier	�����k��
2175analog nest units	����զX�˸m
2176analog network	�������
2177analog ouptut submodule	������X�l�Ҳ�	AOS
2178analog output	�����X	AO
2179analog output channel amplifier	�����X�q�D��j��
2180analog phase-locked loop	�����������	APLL
2181analog process	����L�{
2182analog process ocmputer	����L�{�p���
2183analog processing of image coding	�϶H�s�X������B�z
2184analog processing unit	�����B�z��	APU
2185analog program tape	�����{�DZa	APT
2186analog pulse modulation	����ߪi����
2187analog read only memory	�����uŪ�x�s��	ANAROM
2188analog recording	����O��
2189analog recording dynamic analyzer	�����O���ʺA���R�{��	ARDA
2190analog recording system	�����O���t��	ARS
2191analog representation	�����ܪk
2192analog representation	������
2193analog representation	�����ܪk
2194analog scaling	�����Ҧ]�l
2195analog scanner	�����y��
2196analog select keyboard	��������L	ASK
2197analog select keyboard	���������L	ASK
2198analog shift register	��������Ȧs��	ASR
2199analog signal	����H��
2200analog signal converter	�����H���ഫ��	ASC
2201analog storage	�����x�s��
2202analog switch	����}��
2203analog switching	����洫
2204analog switching hybrids	����}���V�X�L�q��
2205analog to digital simulation language	����--�Ʀ�����y��	ADSL
2206analog to time to digit	����--�ɶ�--�Ʀ�	ATD
2207analog translator	����½Ķ��	ANATRAN
2208analog transmission	����ǿ�
2209analog transmission line	�����ǿ�u��	ATL
2210analog variable	�����ܼ�
2211analog variable	�����ܶq
2212analog variable	�����ܼ�
2213analog variable assignment	�����ܶq���
2214analog video bandwidth	�������W�a�e	AVB
2215analog visual signal	����v���H��
2216analog-digital adapter	����--�Ʀ�A�t��
2217analog-digital automatic program tester	����--�Ʀ�۰ʵ{�Ǵ��յ{��
2218analog-digital chip	����--�Ʀ��ഫ�˸m
2219analog-digital computer	����--�Ʀ�p���
2220analog-digital computing system	����--�Ʀ�p��t��
2221analog-digital control system	����--�Ʀ챱��t��
2222analog-digital conversion equipment	����--�Ʀ��ഫ�]��
2223analog-digital converter	����--�Ʀ��ഫ	A/DC
2224analog-digital converter hybrids	����--�Ʀ��ഫ���V�X�L�qָ
2225analog-digital data interconversion	����--�Ʀ��Ƥ���
2226analog-digital element	����--�Ʀ줸��
2227analog-digital encoder	����--�Ʀ�s�X��
2228analog-digital interface	����--�Ʀ줶��
2229analog-digital real time computer	����--�Ʀ�Y�ɭp���
2230analog-digital simulation omputer	����--�Ʀ�V�X��u
2231analog-to-digital	����-�Ʀr�ഫ	A/D
2232analog-to-digital converter	����ܼƦ��ܴ���	A/D
2233analog-to-digital converter	����ܼƤ��ഫ��
2234analog-to-digital recorder	����--�Ʀ�O����	ADR
2235analog-to-digital recording system	����--�Ʀ�O���t��	ADRS
2236analog-to-frequency converter	����--�W�v�ഫ��	AFC
2237analog/digital convert	����q��Ʀr�q�ഫ	A/D
2238analogconversion	�����ഫ
2239analogue integrated circuit	����n��q��
2240analogue loop test	����^������
2241analogue output	�����X
2242analogue record	����O��
2243analogue shift register	������Ȧs��
2244analogue storage module	�����x�s�Ҳ�
2245analogue subset	����l��
2246analogue supervision	����ʱ�
2247analogue timing pulse	����w�ɯ߽�
2248analogue to digital converter	����--�Ʀ��ഫ��
2249analogue to time to digital	����--�ɶ�--�Ʀ��ഫ
2250analogue translator	����½Ķ��
2251analyser	���R��
2252analysis	���R
2253analysis	���R
2254analysis algorithm	���R��k
2255analysis block	���R��
2256analysis model	���R�ҫ�
2257analysis of accounts	�|�p���R	A/A
2258analysis of apare parts change	�ƥ�����R	ASPC
2259analysis package	���R�{���]	ANAPAC
2260analysis pass	���R�M
2261analysis program	���R�{��
2262analysis routine	���R�Ҧ�{��
2263analysis system	���R�t��	ANSYS
2264analysis-block	���R��
2265analysis/synthesis system	���R�P���X�t��
2266analyst	���R��	ANAL
2267analyst assistance program	���R�����U�{��	AAP
2268analyst-programmer	�{�����R��
2269analytic engine	���R��
2270analytic extension	���R�}��
2271analytic geometry interpretive language	�ѪR�X������y��	AGILE
2272analytic investigation	���R��s
2273analytic language manipulation system	�ѪR�y���B�z�t��	ALMS
2274analytic plotter	�ѪRø�ϻ�
2275analytic procedure	���R��k
2276analytic program	���R�{��
2277analytical engine	���R��
2278analytical-function generator	�ѪR��Ƶo�;�
2279analyzability	�i���R��
2280analyze	���R
2281analyzer	���R�{��
2282analyzer	���R�{��
2283analyzer-recorder-controller	���R��-�O����-���	ARC
2284ancestor	���l; �W�N
2285ancestor directory	���l�ؿ�
2286ancestor node	�����`�I
2287ancestral task	��l����
2288ancestry-filtered form strategy	�����L�o������
2289anchor point	�w���I
2290anchored choice	�T�w���
2291anchored recognition	�T�w�ѧO
2292ancillary circuit	���U�q��
2293ancillary control process	���U����{��	ACP
2294ancillary control process	���\����L�{
2295ancillary control process buffer descriptor	���U����L�{�w�Ĵy�z��	ABD
2296ancillary device	���U�]��
2297ancillary equipment	�~��]��
2298ancillary facility	���U�]�I
2299ancillary peripheral	���U�P��]��
2300ancillary support	�~��䴩
2301ancillary support routine	���U�䴩�{��
2302ancillary transmission equipment	���U�ǿ�]��
2303and absolute	�P����	ANA
2304and constant	"�P"�کw	ANC
2305AND element	����
2306and element	"�P"����
2307AND element	����
2308AND gate	�ιh
2309and gate	�P�h	AG
2310AND gate	�ιh
2311and immediate with accumulator	�ߧY�ƦP�֥[����"�P"	ANI
2312and inverter	�P�D��	AI
2313and logic product	"�P"�޿�n
2314and negative gate	"�P�D"�h
2315and not gate	�T��h
2316AND operation	�ιB��
2317and parallelism	"�P"�����
2318and register	"�P"�Ȧs��	ANR
2319and relationship	"�P"���Y
2320and symbol	"�P"�Ÿ�
2321and tie	"�P"�s��
2322and tree	"�P"��
2323and with accumulator	�P�֥[����"�P"	ANA
2324and-not circuit	"�P-�D"�q��
2325and-not operation	�T��ާ@
2326and-operation	"�P'�ާ@
2327AND-OR circuit	"�P��"�q��
2328and-or delay	"�P��"����	AOD
2329AND-OR extender	"�P��"�X�i��	AOX
2330and-or function	"�P��"�\��	AOR
2331and-or graph	"�P��"��	AOG
2332AND-OR-AND circuit	"�P�P"�q��
2333AND-OR-AND gate	"�P�λP"�h
2334AND-OR-INVERT gate	"�P�ΫD"�h
2335and-or-inverter	"�P�ΫD"�h	AOI
2336and-or-trigger	"�P��"IJ�o��	AOT
2337AND-to-OR circuit	"�P��"�q��
2338and-to-or function	"�P��"�\��
2339and-tube	"�P"�h��
2340AND/OR expression	"�P��"��
2341AND/OR form	"�P��"��
2342AND/OR form for goal expression	�ؼЪ�F����"�P��"�Φ�
2343AND/OR graph	"�P��"��
2344AND/OR search grahp	"�P��"�j����
2345AND/OR tree	"�P��"��
2346anding	"�P"�ާ@
2347angle	��
2348angle-to-digit converter	����-�Ʀr�ഫ��
2349angstrom	�J
2350angular position counter	����m�p�ƾ�	APC
2351angular transformation	�����ܴ�
2352angular-rate sensor	���t�v�ǷP��	ARS
2353animation language	�ʱި�@�y��
2354animation system	�ʱި�@�t��
2355anisochronous	��B
2356anisochronous signal	�ǦP�B�H��
2357anisochronous transmission	�ǦP�B
2358anisotropic stress effect	�U�V�������O����	ASE
2359aniwriter	��u���r��
2360annex	����
2361annex storage	���p�x�s��
2362annex store	�w���x�s
2363annihilation	����
2364annihilator	������
2365annotate	����
2366annotated value	���
2367annotation	����; ��; ����
2368announcement	�o�G
2369annual percentage rate	�~�צʤ��v	APR
2370annual report	�~�׳��i	AR
2371annual units	���~���q
2372annual usage extension	���~�ϥζq���i���B
2373annular ring	( 2.5 �� )����
2374annunciator	�H����	ANN
2375annunciator jack	�H�������
2376anomalous mode	���`�A
2377anomalous propagation	���`�Ǽ�
2378anomalous transmission	���`�ǿ�	AT
2379anonymous interrupt processing	�����_�B�z
2380anonymous processor pool	�L�W�B�z���s
2381anonymous program unit	�ΦW�{�dz��
2382ANSI keyboard	�����a�зǾǷ|���з���L
2383ansi label	�����a�зǾǷ|�и�	AL
2385answer	����
2386answer back	����
2387answer back check	��������
2388answer back code	�����q�X	ABC
2389answer back code	�����X
2390answer back device	�����]��
2391answer back key	�����q��
2392answer back mechanism	�������c
2393answer back memory	�����x�s��
2394answer back signal	�����H��
2395answer back unit	�����˸m
2396answer byte	�����r�`
2397answer extraction	��������
2398answer message	�����T��
2399answer mode	�����覡
2400answer statement	�����y�y
2401answer time recorder	�����ɶ��O����	ATR
2402answer tone	�^������; ���ܭ�
2403answer tone	������
2404answer-back device	�����˸m	ABD
2405answerback message	�^�аT��
2406answering	�^��
2407answering	�����]��
2408answering circuit	�����q��
2409answering equipment	�����]��
2410answering extraction	��������
2411answering inerval	�������j
2412answering sign	�����Ÿ�
2413answering time	�����ɶ�
2414answeringfrequency	�����W�v
2415answerphone	�����q��
2416antecedent goal	����ؼ�
2417antecedent rule	����W�h
2418anthropomorphic dummy	�����H
2419anthropomorphic robot	���H�����H
2420anti-homomorphism	�ϦP�A
2421anti-jam display	�Ϥz�Z��ܾ�	AJD
2422anti-jamming	�ܤz�Z
2423anti-jamming block out	�Ϥz�Z���O��	AJBO
2424anti-magnetic	�Ϻϩʪ�
2425anti-magnetic material	�Ϻϩʧ���
2426anti-noise coding	�ܾ����s�X
2427anti-phase	�Ϭ�
2428anti-saturated logic circuit	�ܹ��M�޿�q��
2429antialiasing	�ƥ����W
2430anticipated carry adder	����i��[�k��
2431anticipated cost	�w������
2432anticipated cost/unit	�w����즨��
2433anticipated demand	�w���ݨD
2434anticipated fixed cost	�w���T�w����
2435anticipated input	�����J
2436anticipated output	�����X
2437anticipated request	����ШD
2438anticipation	�w��
2439anticipatory buffering	����w��
2440anticipatory carry adder	����i��[�k��
2441anticipatory control	���汱��
2442anticipatory input	�����J
2443anticipatory paging	�w������
2444anticipatory paging	����խ�
2445anticipatory staging	����ǰe
2446anticoincidence	"��"
2447anticoincidence element	"��"�h
2448anticoincidence gate	"��"�h
2449anticoincidence operation	"��"�ާ@
2450anticoincidence pulse	"��"�߽�
2451anticoincidence unit	"��"�椸
2452anticomputer	�ϭp���
2453antihunting circuit	���\�ʹq��
2454antijam display	�Ϥz�Z��ܾ�	AJD
2455antijamming margin	�ܤz�Z�Ϋ�
2456antijamming measure	�ܤz�Z���I
2457antilog multiplier	�Ϲ�ƭ��k��
2458antiparallel	�����檺
2459antirace coding	�ܷm���s�X
2460antireciprocal circuit	�ϥi�f�q��
2461antisaturation	�ܹ��M
2462antisetoff powder	�l����
2463antistatic	���R�q
2464antistop list	�������
2465antithetic variates	�ﰸ�ܶq
2466antitone mapping	�ϧǬM�H
2467any quantity	���N�q	AQ
2468any-or-all gate	���@�����h
2469aperiodic circuit	�D�P���q��
2470aperiodic model	�D�P���ҫ�
2471aperture	�ծ|; �f�|
2472aperture	�p��
2473aperture card	���եd��
2474aperture card	�ծ|�d��
2475aperture core	�a�պϤ�
2476aperture delay	�L�p��
2477aperture distortion	�ծ|���u
2478aperture effect	�ծ|����
2479aperture time	��ծɶ�
2480aperture uncertainty	���T�w�ʪ��L�p����
2481APL application	APL ���ε{��
2482APL compiler	APL �sĶ�{��
2483APL construction	APL �y�����c
2484APL environment	APL �y������
2485APL evaluation	APL �y������
2486APL extension	APL �y���X�R
2487APL implementation	APL �y����{
2488APL language	APL �y��
2489APL standard	APL �з�
2490APL/360	APL/360 �y��
2491APMIS	�A���~������T�t��
2492apostrophe	��޸�
2493apostrophe character	�J���r��
2494apostrophe edit	�J���s��
2495apostrophe edit descriptor	�J���s��y�z��
2496apostrophe editing	�J���s��
2497apparent storage	���[�x�s��
2498appearance	�~��
2499append	���[
2500append	�l�[
2501append command	���[�R�O
2502append file	�l�[�ɮ�
2503append lines command	�K�[�r��R�O
2504append macro	���[���O
2505append record	���[�O��
2506appendage	����
2507appendance test	�~�[����
2508appended space	���[��
2509APPLE computer	"ī�G"�p���
2510appli cation program interface	���ε{�Ǥ���	API
2511applicable operating system	�i�ξާ@�t��
2512applicable programming	�i�ε{�dz]�p
2513applicaion module library	���μҲյ{�Ǯw	AML
2514application	����; ���ε{��; ���γn��
2515application	���ε{��
2516application area	���ε{����
2517application area	����
2518application buffer	���νw�ľ�
2519application control	�����	AC
2520application control and management system	���α���P�޲z�t��
2521application control block	���ε{������r��	ACB
2522application control mode	���α���Ҧ�
2523application controller concept	���α���{�Ƿ���
2524application data	����
2525application data base	���μƾڮw
2526application data description	���μƾڴy�z
2527application data structure	���θ�Ƶ��c	ADS
2528application database	���θ�Ʈw
2529application dedicated terminal	�M�β׺�
2530application definition file	���Ωw�q�ɮ�
2531application definition utility	���Ωw�q���ε{��
2532application defintion record	���Ωw�q�O��	ADR
2533application design service	���γ]�p�A��	ADS
2534application design tool	���γ]�p�u��
2535application desinger	���γ]�p�v
2536application development	���εo�i
2537application development cycle	���ζ}�o�P��
2538application development language	���εo�i�y��
2539application development system	���εo�i�t��
2540application development system	���ζ}�o�t��
2541application environment	��������
2542application execution controller	���α��
2543application file	�����ɮ�
2544application file	�����ɮ�
2545application generation	���Υͦ�
2546application generator	���Υͦ��{��
2547application independent coding method	���οW�߽s�X�k
2548application integrated modules	���ζ����Ҳ�	AIM
2549application integrity]	�������
2550application interface module	���α��f�Ҳ�	AIM
2551application job	���Χ@�~
2552application language	���λy��
2553application layer	���μh
2554application layer	���μh
2555application level function	���ίť\��
2556application level gateway	���μh�����s��
2557application library	���ε{�Ǯw
2558application library file	���ε{�Ǯw�ɮ�	ALF
2559application link	���ε{����
2560application load list	���ε{�ǸˤJ��	ALL
2561application management	���κ޲z
2562application management activity	���κ޲z����
2563application management system	���κ޲z�t��	AMS
2564application manager	���κ޲z�v
2565application manual	����U
2566application mapping service	����ø�ϪA�ȵ{��	AMS
2567application message handler	���ΫH���B�z��	AMH
2568application module	���μҲ�
2569application network	�����
2570application note	���Ϊ`��
2571application number	�ӽи�
2572application package	���ε{��
2573application package	���ε{�ǥ]
2574application packages	���ήM�˳n��
2575application performance	���Ωʯ�
2576application portability	���ε{�ǥi���ө�
2577application problem	����D
2578application process	���γB�z
2579application process	���ε{��	AP
2580application processing function	���γB�z�\��
2581application processor	���γB�z�{��
2582application profile	����²���ɮ�
2583application program	���ε{��
2584application program	���ε{��
2585application program	���ε{��	AP
2586application program addressing	���ε{�ǩw�}
2587application program block	���ε{�Ƕ�	APB
2588application program division	���ε{�dz�	APD
2589application program maintenance expenditure	���ε{�Ǻ��@�O��
2590application program preparation	���ε{�ǹw�[�u
2591application program request	���ε{�ǽШD
2592application program routine	���Τl�{��
2593application program run-unit	���ε{�ǹB����
2594application program schedule	���ε{�ǽի�
2595application program scheduling	���ε{�ǽի�
2596application program sensitivity	���ε{�DZӷP��
2597application program termination	���ε{���פ�
2598application programmer	���ε{���v
2599application programmer	���ε{�dz]�p��
2600application programming interface	���ε{�dz]�p��
2601application programming services	���ε{���W���A��
2602application protocol	����ij
2603application prototype environment	��T�¶q�n
2604application reference manual	���ΰѦҤ�U	ARM
2605application resource unit	���θ귽�椸	ARU
2606application review	�����	AR
2607application routine	���ε{��
2608application selection menu	���Ψt�ο�ܵe��
2609application service	���η~��
2610application software	���γn��
2611application software	���γn��
2612application software engineering	���γn��y��
2613application software generator	���γn��ͦ��{��
2614application software language	���γn��y��
2615application software preparation	���γn��w�[�u
2616application software system	���γn��t��
2617application source program	����{��
2618application specific integrated circuit	�S�w�\��n��q��	ASIC
2619application specification	�����
2620application structure	���ε{�ǵ��c
2621application structure definition	���ε{�ǵ��c�w�q
2622application structure preserving	���ε{�ǵ��c�O�s
2623application structure review	���ε{�ǵ��c����
2624application structure specification	���ε{�ǵ��c����
2625application study	����s
2626application subprogram	���Τl�{��
2627application subtask	���Τl����
2628application suite	���M���Ψt��
2629application support	���Τ䴩
2630application support environment	���Τ䴩����	ASE
2631application support package	�M�˳n��
2632application support program	���Τ䴩�{��
2633application system	���Ψt��
2634application system level	���Ψt�ί�
2635application system/400	���Ψt��/400	AS/400
2636application task	������
2637application task	������
2638application terminal language	���β׺ݻy��	ATL
2639application timer	���Ωw�ɾ�
2640application transaction program	���Ψƶ��B�z�{��
2641application virtual machine	�������	AVM
2642application ware	����
2643application-function	���Υ\��
2644application-oriented	���V����
2645application-oriented language	���V�����y��	AOL
2646application-oriented system	���V���Ψt��
2647application-specific language	���w���λy��
2648applications library	���ε{�Ǯw
2649applications manual	����U
2650applications reference index	���ΰѦү���
2651applications software	���γn��	ASW
2652applications software kit	���M���γn��	ASK
2653applicative language	�����y��
2654applicator program	���ε{��
2655appliced voltage	�~�[�q��
2656applied algorithm design	���κ�k�]�p
2657applied cost	����
2658applied data research Inc.	���θ�Ƭ�s���q	ADR
2659applied field	�~�[��
2660applied information management system	���ΫH���޲z�t��	AIMS
2661applied occurrence	���ΩʥX�{
2662applied voltage	�~�[�q��
2663applied voltage test	�[������
2664apply	�޶i
2665apply	����
2666apply operator	���ξާ@��
2667apportion design	���t�]�p
2668apportion model	���t�ҫ�
2669approach	����
2670approach aid	�G���U��q
2671approach to library filing by computer	�p����i���? �Ƭ[�k
2672approval test	�X�������
2673approved circuit	�禬�q��
2674approved order	�֭㪺�q��
2675approximate analysis	������R
2676approximate calculation	����p��
2677approximate continuity	����sŪ
2678approximate data	����ƾ�
2679approximate error	����~�t
2680approximate evaluation	����p��
2681approximate method	����k
2682approximate process	����k
2683approximate quantity]	����q
2684approximate representation	������
2685approximate solution	�����
2686approximate treatment	����p��
2687approximate value	�����
2688approximation algorithm	�����k
2689approximation system	����t��
2690approximation theory	����z��
2691apriori information	����H��
2692apron	����
2693APT compiler	APT�y���sĶ�{��
2694APT construction	APT�y�����c
2695APT language	APT�y��
2696aptitude test	��O����
2697ar-wire	��}Ū�X�u
2698arabic teleprinter	���ԧB�r���q�ǥ��r��
2699arbitary unit	���N���	AU
2700arbiter	����{��
2701arbiter cell	����椸
2702arbitrarily sectioned file	���N���q�ɮ�
2703arbitrarily segmented global memory	�������q�`�x�s��
2704arbitrarily traversable graph	�i���N�M��
2705arbitrary access	���N�s��
2706arbitrary distribution	���N���t
2707arbitrary function generator	���N��Ƶo�;�	AFG
2708arbitrary input	���N��J
2709arbitrary number	���N��
2710arbitrary placement	���N����
2711arbitrary selection	���N���
2712arbitrary sequence	���N����
2713arbitrary sequence computer	���N���ǭp���
2714arbitrary sign	���N�Ÿ�
2715arbitrary site failure	���N�a�I�G��
2716arbitrary statement	���N�y�y
2717arbitrary text string	���N�����
2718arbitrary unit	���N���
2719arbitrary value	���N��
2720arbitration	���
2721arbitration logic	����޿�
2722arbitration procedure	����L�{
2723arbitration system	����t��
2724arbitration unit	����椸
2725arc	��
2726arc length	����
2727arccosine	�Ͼl��
2728architectural characteristics	��t�S��
2729architectural comparison	���c���
2730architectural definition	��t�w�q
2731architectural design	���c�]�p
2732architectural detail	���c�Ӹ`
2733architectural difference	���c�t��
2734architectural feature	���c�S�x
2735architectural limit	���c����
2736architectural protection	���c�O�@
2737architectural structure	�`�鵲�c
2738architecture	�[�c; ���c
2739architecture	��t���c
2740architecture CAD	��t���c�p������U�]�p
2741architecture design	��t���c�]�p
2742architecture evaluation	��t���c����
2743architecture free processor	�L���c���B�z��
2744architecture function	��t���c�\��
2745architecture function set	��t���c�\�ධ
2746architecture prototyping	���c�쫬
2747architecture simulation	��t���c����
2748architecture vision	�c�y����
2749archival back-up	�k�ɳƥ�
2750archival data base	�ɮצ��ƾڮw
2751archival device	�ɮ׮w�]��
2752archival memory	�ɮ׸��x�s��
2753archival repository	�ɮ׮w
2754archival security program	�ɮ׮w�O�K�{��	ASP
2755archival storage	�ɮ׮w�x�s��
2756archival storage and recovery progrm	�ɮ��x�s�P��_�{��
2757archival storage format	�ɮ��x�s�榡
2758archive	�ר�; �O��
2759archive	�j�e�q�~�x�s��
2760archive diskette	�ɮפ��n��
2761archive file	�ɮ׮w���
2762archive file	�O����
2763archive header format	�ɮ׮w���D�榡
2764archive hierarchy	�ɮ׮w�h��
2765archive manual page	�ɮ׮w�H�u����
2766archive set	�ר��B��
2767archived file	���v��
2768archived file	�s�ɤ��
2769archived file	�w����
2770archived member	�s�ɶ�
2771archives on-line	�ɮ׮w�x�s�p��	ARCHON
2772archiving	�k��
2773archiving	�s��
2774arcsine	�ϥ���
2775arctangent	�ϥ���
2776area	��; ��
2777area	��
2778area argument	�ϰ��ܤ�
2779area assignment	�ϰ���
2780area attribute	�ϰ��ݩ�
2781area code	�ϰ�N�X
2782area communication	�ϰ�q�H
2783area communication organization	�ϰ�q�H���
2784area condition	�ϰ����
2785area coverage	�i�F�ϰ�
2786area definition	�ϭ��w
2787area description	�ϰ�y�z
2788area descriptors	�ϰ�y�z��
2789area entry	�ϰ�J�f
2790area fill	�ϰ��R
2791area format	�ϰ�Φ�
2792area identification field	���ѧO��
2793area identifier	�ϰ��ѧO��
2794area memory map	�ϰ��x�s�ܴ�
2795area name	�ϰ�W
2796area of safe operation	�w���u�@��	ASO
2797area packing density	�ϰ��x�s�K��
2798area recording density	�ϰ�O���K��
2799area research	�ϰ챴��
2800area router	�ϰ����
2801area routing	�ϰ���|�w��
2802area search	�ϰ��˯�
2803area security table	�ϰ�O�K��
2804area selection	�ϰ���
2805area traffic control	�ϰ��q�ި�	ATC
2806area type	�ϰ�����
2807area variable	�ϰ��ܶq
2808areal density	���K��
2809areal packing density	���x�s�K��
2810areal recording density	���O���K��
2811areal storage density	���x�s�K��
2812argument	�޼�
2813argument	�ܤ�
2814argument	�޼�
2815argument area	�ܤ���
2816argument association	�ܤ����X
2817argument block pointer	�ܤ������ܦr
2818argument capability	���ܶq��O
2819argument checking	�ܤ��ˬd
2820argument conversion	�ܤ��ഫ
2821argument count	�ܤ��p��
2822argument descriptor	�ܤ��y�z��
2823argument error	�ܤ���
2824argument field	�ܤ��r�q
2825argument handling	�ܤ��B�z
2826argument list	�ܤ���
2827argument list overflow	�ܤ����X
2828argument passing	�޼ƶ�
2829argument pointer	�޼ƫ���
2830argument pointer	���ܶq���w	AP
2831argument register	���ܶq�Ȧs��
2832argument segment	�ܤ��q
2833argument sequence	�ܤ��ǦC
2834argument stack	�ܤ��y
2835argument subscript	�ܤ��U��
2836argument table	�ܶq��
2837argument transmission	���ܶq�ǰe
2838argument type	�ܤ�����
2839argument value	�ܤ���
2840argument vector	�ܤ��V�q
2841arithmeric simple variable	��N²���ܶq	ASV
2842arithmetic addition	��N�[�k
2843arithmetic address	��N��}
2844arithmetic and control	�B�ⱱ�	A&C
2845arithmetic and controls	�B��P����˸m	A&C
2846arithmetic and controls	�B��P����	A&C
2847arithmetic and logic box	��N�P�޿��	ALB
2848arithmetic and logic operation	��N�P�޿�ާ@
2849arithmetic and logic unit	��N���޿�椸
2850arithmetic and logic unit	�B�⾹	ALU
2851arithmetic and logic unit	��N�޿�椸
2852arithmetic array element	��N�Ʋդ���
2853arithmetic array identification	��N�}�C�ѧO	AAID
2854arithmetic assignment	��N���
2855arithmetic assignment statement	��N��Ȼy�y
2856arithmetic base	��N��
2857arithmetic base abd scale conversion	��N�����M�Ы��ഫ
2858arithmetic bus	�B��׬y��	AB
2859arithmetic bus	�B���`�u	AB
2860arithmetic capability	�B���O
2861arithmetic check	��N����
2862arithmetic circuit	�B��q��
2863arithmetic coding	��N�s�X
2864arithmetic computing machine	��N�p���
2865arithmetic computing maching	��N�p���
2866arithmetic constant	��N�`��
2867arithmetic constant expression	��N�`�ƪ�F��
2868arithmetic constant word	�B��`�Ʀr
2869arithmetic control section	�B�ⱱ���	ARC
2870arithmetic control unit	�B�ⱱ�	ACU
2871arithmetic conversion	��N�ഫ
2872arithmetic data	�B��ƾ�
2873arithmetic data attributes	��N�ƾ��ݩ�
2874arithmetic debug	�B��ո�
2875arithmetic debugging	�B��ƿ�
2876arithmetic design system	�B��]�p�t��	ADS
2877arithmetic device	�B��˸m
2878arithmetic difference	��N�t
2879arithmetic distance	��N���Z
2880arithmetic element	�B�ⳡ��	ARITH ELEM
2881arithmetic element program	�B�⤸�{��	ARELEMP
2882arithmetic enable control	�B��Ұʱ���
2883arithmetic error	��N�~�t
2884arithmetic error code	��N�~�t�X
2885arithmetic exception	��N�ҥ~
2886arithmetic expression	��N��F��
2887arithmetic facility	�B��]��
2888arithmetic fault	�B���
2889arithmetic fault access	�B��G�٦s��
2890arithmetic field	�B��r�q
2891arithmetic flag	�ٺ�лx	AF
2892arithmetic formula	��N����	AF
2893arithmetic function designator	�B���Ƽ��Ѳ�	AFD
2894arithmetic function identifier	�B���Ƽ��Ѳ�	AFID
2895arithmetic grammar	��N��k
2896arithmetic greater than	��N�j��	AGT
2897arithmetic identifier	��N���Ѳ�
2898arithmetic if statement	��N����y�y
2899arithmetic input right	��N�B���J����	AIR
2900arithmetic instruction	��N���O
2901arithmetic instruction	��N���O
2902arithmetic item	��N��
2903arithmetic library	�B��{�Ǯw
2904arithmetic limit match	�B�⭭��ŦX
2905arithmetic logic	�B���޿�
2906arithmetic logic and control unit	��N�޿�M����˸m	ALCU
2907arithmetic logic processor	��N�޿�B�z��	ALP
2908arithmetic logic register stack	��N�޿�Ȧs��	ALRS
2909arithmetic logic unit	�B�⾹	ALU
2910arithmetic logic unit data flow	�B�⾹�ƾڬy
2911arithmetic mask register	�B��̽��Ȧs��	AMR
2912arithmetic microoperation	��N�L�ާ@
2913arithmetic mode	�B��覡
2914arithmetic mode conversion	��N�覡�ഫ
2915arithmetic opeator	��N�B���
2916arithmetic operation	��N�B��
2917arithmetic operation	��N�B��
2918arithmetic operator	�ƾǺ�l; ��N�B��l
2919arithmetic option statement	��N����y�y
2920arithmetic organ	�B�⾹
2921arithmetic output control unit	��N�B���X���	AOCU
2922arithmetic output data	��N�B���X�ƾ�	AOD
2923arithmetic output unit	��N�B���X����	AOU
2924arithmetic overflow	��N����
2925arithmetic overflow	�B�ⷸ�X
2926arithmetic picture data	��N�ϧμƾ�
2927arithmetic pipeline	�B��y���u
2928arithmetic point	�p���I
2929arithmetic portion	�B�ⳡ��
2930arithmetic primary	��N�쵥��
2931arithmetic processing unit	��N�B��B�z��	APU
2932arithmetic processor	��N�B�z��	AP
2933arithmetic processor array	��N�B�z���}�C
2934arithmetic product	��N���n
2935arithmetic quadruple	��N�B��|����
2936arithmetic reading test	�B��Ū�X�˴�	ART
2937arithmetic register	��N�Ȧs��
2938arithmetic register	�B��Ȧs��	AR
2939arithmetic relation	��N���Y
2940arithmetic relation	��N���t
2941arithmetic relational expression	��N���t��F��
2942arithmetic routine	��N�{��
2943arithmetic section	�B�⾹
2944arithmetic shift	��N����
2945arithmetic shift	��N����
2946arithmetic shift combined	�զX��N����
2947arithmetic shift left	��N����	ASL
2948arithmetic shift right	��N�k��	ASR
2949arithmetic skill	��N�ޥ�
2950arithmetic speed	��N�t��
2951arithmetic statement	��N�y�y
2952arithmetic statement function	��N�y�z���	ASF
2953arithmetic subroutine	��k�l�{��
2954arithmetic system	�B��t��
2955arithmetic technique	�B��޳N
2956arithmetic techniques	��N�޳N
2957arithmetic term	��N��
2958arithmetic test program	�B����յ{��
2959arithmetic trap enable	���\��N�R��
2960arithmetic trap mask	�B��R��̽�
2961arithmetic type	�ƾ�����
2962arithmetic type	�B������
2963arithmetic underflow	��N���
2964arithmetic underflow	��N�U��
2965arithmetic unit	��N�椸
2966arithmetic unit	�B�⾹	AUITH U
2967arithmetic unit	��N�椸
2968arithmetic variable	��N�ܶq
2969arithmetic verb	��N�ʵ�
2970arithmetic weight	��N�v
2971arithmetic-geometric mean	��N�X����
2972arithmetic-oriented programming	���V�۳N�B�⪺�{�dz]�p
2973arithmetic/logic section	��N�P�޿賡��	ALS
2974arithmetical average	��N����
2975arithmetical check	��N����
2976arithmetical circuit	��N�q��
2977arithmetical computing machine	��N�p���
2978arithmetical data	��N�ƾ�
2979arithmetical instruction	��N���O
2980arithmetical instruction	��N���O
2981arithmetical mode conversion	��N�覡�ഫ
2982arithmetical operator	��N�B���
2983arithmetical prdeicate	��N�׵�
2984arithmetical progression	��N�ż�	AP
2985arithmetically	�b��N��k�W
2986arithmetization	��N��
2987arithmograph	�B���
2988arithmometer	�|�h�B�⾹
2989arm lock magent	�u�p����K	ALM
2990armature	�q��
2991armed forces radio service	�Z�˳����L�u�q�԰�	AFRS
2992armed interrupt	�ݩR���_
2993armed state	�ݩR���A
2995arrange	��s
2996arrangement	�w��
2997arrangement	�ƦC	ARRGT
2998arrangement rule	�ƦC�W�h
2999arranging routine	��z�{��
3000array	�}�C
3001array	�}�C
3002array	�}�C
3003array acceptor	�������}�C
3004array aggregate	�}�C�E��
3005array algorithm	�}�C��k
3006array allocation	�}�C���t
3007array allocation routine	�}�C���t�Ҧ�{��
3008array allocation statement	�}�C���t�y�y
3009array and vector computer	�}�C�V�q�p���
3010array architecture	�}�C���c
3011array assignment	�}�C���
3012array attribute	�}�C�ݩ�
3013array automata	�}�C�۰ʾ�
3014array bound	�}�C��
3015array boundary	�}�C���
3016array box	�}�C��
3017array component	�}�C����
3018array component syntax	�}�C���q�y�k
3019array computer	�V�q�p���
3020array control unit	�}�C���	ACU
3021array control unit	�}�C���
3022array copy subroutine	�}�C�ƻs�Ʊ`��
3023array creaton	�}�C�إ�
3024array cross-section	�}�C���I��
3025array declaration	�}�C����
3026array declaration syntax	�}�C�����y�k
3027array declarator	�}�C������
3028array declarator statement	�}�C�����ԭz
3029array define	�}�C�w�q
3030array destruction	�}�C�M�P
3031array dimension	�}�C����
3032array element	�}�C����
3033array element	�}�C����
3034array element reference	�}�C�����ޥ�
3035array element subscript	�}�C�����U��
3036array element sucessor function	�}�C�������~���
3037array expression	�}�C��F��
3038array extent	�}�C�e��
3039array file	�}�C�ɮ�
3040array folding adder	�}�C���|�[�k��
3041array formal parameter	�}�C�Φ��Ѽ�
3042array formal specification	�}�C�榡����
3043array grammar	�}�C��k
3044array index	�}�C�U��
3045array indexing	�}�C����
3046array initialization	�}�C���
3047array initialization statement	�}�C��ȱԭz
3048array input statement	�}�C��J�ԭz
3049array interconnection	�Ʋդ��p�޿�	AIL
3050array item	�}�C��
3051array language	�}�C�y��
3052array linkage field	�}�C�s����
3053array list	�}�C��
3054array logic	�}�C�޿�
3055array lookahead adder	�}�C����[�k��
3056array machine language	�}�C���y��	AML
3057array manipulation	�}�C�B�z
3058array memory	�}�C�x�s��
3059array memory packet	�}�C�x�s�]
3060array module	�}�C�Ҳ�
3061array multiplication	�}�C���k
3062array multiplier	�}�C���k��
3063array name	�}�C�W
3064array name argument	�}�C�W�ܤ�
3065array name table	�}�C�W�r��
3066array names parameter	�}�C�W�Ѽ�
3067array operation	�}�C�B��
3068array parameter	�}�C�Ѽ�
3069array pipelining	�}�C�y��
3070array pipelining algorlthm	�}�C�y����k
3071array pipelining parameter	�}�C�y���Ѽ�
3072array pipelining scheme	�}�C�y�����
3073array pitch	��Z
3074array printer	�w���C�L��
3075array printing statement	�}�C�C�L�y�y
3076array processing	�}�C�B�z
3077array processing computation	�}�C�B�z�p��
3078array processor	�}�C�B�z��
3079array processor	�}�C�B�z��	AP
3080array processor	�}�C�B�z��
3081array processor access method	�}�C�B�z���s����k	APAM
3082array processor software	�ƲճB�z���n��	APS
3083array product	�}�C���n
3084array reading statement	�}�CŪ�J�y�y
3085array references	�}�C�ޥ�
3086array representation	�}�C��ܪk
3087array search program	�}�C�˯��{��
3088array segment	�}�C�q	ARRAY SELE
3089array selection circuit	�}�C��ܹq��
3090array sequential allocation	�}�C���Ǥ��t
3091array storage allocation	�}�C�x�s���t
3092array stream	�}�C�y
3093array subscript	�}�C�U��
3094array substring reference	�}�C�l��ޥ�
3095array symbol	�}�C�Ÿ�
3096array symbol table	�}�C�Ÿ���
3097array table	�}�C��
3098array transform processor	�}�C�ܴ��B�z��	ATP
3099array tuple	�}�C����
3100array type	�}�C����
3101array type conversion	�ƾ������w�q
3102array unit	�}�C�B�z��
3103array vecter	�}�C�V�q	AV
3104array-array operation	�}�C-�}�C�B��
3105array-like	���}�C��
3106arrival event	��F�ƥ�
3107arrival function	�J�C���
3108arrival operation	�J�C�ާ@
3109arrival sequence access path	�J�C���dzX�ݸ��|
3110arriving orders	��F���q��
3111arrow	�b�Y
3112arrow diagram	�V�q��
3113arrow junction label	�и�
3114arrow network	�b�Y������
3115arrow notation	�b�Y��ܪk
3116arrow number	�b�Y�Ǹ�
3117art assembly system	�ޥ���Ķ�t��	ART
3118arthmetic register	��N�Ȧs��
3119articulate	�챵
3120articulated computing hierarchy	���ŭp��h��	ARCH
3121articulated index	�s������
3122articulated omputing hierarchy system	���ŭp��t��
3123articulation	�M����
3124articulation efficiency	�M���IJv
3125articulation index	�M���׫���	AI
3126articulation point	�_�I
3127articulation reduction	�M���׭��C
3128articulation reference equivlent	�M���װѦҷ�q
3129artifact	�H�u�]��
3130artifical intelligence in medicine	��ǤH�u����	AIM
3131artificial activity	�H������
3132artificial aging	�H�u�ɮ�
3133artificial brain	�H�u?
3134artificial circuit	��u�q��
3135artificial cognition	�H�u�ѧO
3136artificial error signal	�H���~�t�H��
3137artificial evolution	�H�u�i��
3138artificial intelligence	�H�u���z
3139artificial intelligence	�H�u����	AI
3140artificial intelligence approach	�H�u�����k
3141artificial intelligence programming language	�H�u����{�dz]�p�y��
3142artificial intelligence technology	�H�u����޳N
3143artificial language	�H�u�y��
3144artificial language	�H�u�y��
3145artificial line	��u�u
3146artificial load	��u�t��
3147artificial mouth	�H�u�L
3148artificial network	��u����
3149artificial perception	�H�u��ı
3150artificial process	�H�u�k
3151artificial syntax	�H�u�y�k
3152artificial traffic	�����q�H�q
3153artificial traffic equipmint	�H�u�q�H�]��
3154artificial traffic generator	�H�u�q�H�q�o�;�
3155artificial traffic load	�����q�H�q�t��
3156artificial transmission line	�H�u�ǿ�u	ATL
3157artificial variable	�H���ܶq
3158artificial vector	�H���V�q
3159artificial voice	�����y�n
3160artificial voice generator	�����y�n�o�;�
3161artificial work-load model	��u�u�@�t���ҫ�
3162artificially random self-motivated	�H�u�H���ۿE	ARASEM
3163artificially rendom self-motivated	�H�u�H���ۿE	ARASEM
3164artificially-aged	�H�u�Ѥƪ�
3165artowrk tape	��ϫH���a
3166artwork	���
3167artwork	���
3168artwork master	�Ӭۭ��
3169asa code	����зǨ�|�X
3171ascend	�W��
3172ascender	�ɧǫ��ܾ�; �ɰ��T��
3173ascender	�ɧǫ��ܾ�
3174ascending	�W�ɪ�; �ɧ�
3175ascending chain	�ɧǦC
3176ascending key	����
3177ascending key	��������r
3178ascending key phrase	��������r����
3179ascending order	�ɧ�; �V�W����
3180ascending order	�ɧ�
3181ascending phrase	�ɧǵu�y
3182ascending sequence	���ɧǦC
3183ascending sort	�ɧDZƧ�
3184ASCII collating sequence	����H���洫�μзǽX�ƧǧǦC
3185ASCII conversion chart	ASCII�ഫ��
3186ASCII front panel	ASCII ���O	AFP
3187ASCII keyboard	����H���洫�μзǽX��L
3188ASCII stream file	ASCII ����ɮ�
3189ASCII subset	ASCII�l��
3190asian language fonts	�Ȭw�y���]�r
3191asian language printing	�Ȭw�y�����L
3192asking for correction	�ШD��	AFC
3193asociative push down store	���p��i���X�x�s��	APDS
3194aspect	�譱; �ˤl
3195aspect card	��d��
3196aspect ratio	�a���
3197aspect ratio	�϶H�e����	AR
3198asr keyboard	�۰ʦ��o��L
3199assemble	�զX
3200assemble	�զX
3201assemble debugging system	�զX�����t��
3202assemble duration	�զX����
3203assemble duration	�զX�ɶ�
3204assemble error	�զX���~
3205assemble level	�զX��
3206assemble list	�զX��
3207assemble operator	�զX���
3208assemble program	�զX�{��
3209assemble time	�զX�ɶ�
3210assemble to order	�q�榡�Ͳ�
3211assemble to stock	�w�s���Ͳ�
3212assemble-and-go	�զX�ùB��
3213assemble-FORTRAN linkage	�զX--FORTRAN �s��
3214assembled origin	�զX��_�l��}
3215assembled source program statement	�զX���l�{���ԭz
3216assembled source statement	�զX���l�ԭz
3217assembler	�զX�{��; ��Ķ��
3218assembler	��Ķ�{��	ASM
3219assembler argument	�զX�{���ܤ�
3220assembler base	�զX�{���w
3221assembler code	�զX�{���X
3222assembler command	�զX�{���R�O
3223assembler command string	�զX�{���R�O��
3224assembler compiler	�զX�sĶ�{��
3225assembler control	�զX����
3226assembler development system	�զX�{���s��t��
3227assembler directive	�զX�R�O
3228assembler directive commands	�զX�R�O
3229assembler error code	�զX���~�X
3230assembler error message	�զX���~�T��
3231assembler expression	�զX�{����F��
3232assembler generating system	��Ķ�{���ͦ��t��	ASM GEM
3233assembler generator	�զX���͵{��
3234assembler grammar	�զX�{����k
3235assembler implicit address	�զX�{��������}
3236assembler instruction	�զX���O
3237assembler language	�զX�y��	AL
3238assembler language character set	�զX�y���r�Ŷ�
3239assembler language coding form	�զX�{���y���s�X�Φ�
3240assembler language component	�զX��������
3241assembler language expansion	�զX�y���X�R
3242assembler language instruction code	�զX�{���y�����O�X
3243assembler language listing	�զX�y���C��
3244assembler language program	�զX�y���{��
3245assembler language programming	�զX�y���{���]�p
3246assembler level	�զX�{����
3247assembler list	�զX��
3248assembler listing	�զX�C��
3249assembler load	�զX�{�����J
3250assembler loader	�զX���J�{��
3251assembler loader package	�զX���J�M�˳n��
3252assembler machine	�զX��
3253assembler macro-call	�զX�{�������ե�
3254assembler member	�զX�y������
3255assembler microprogramming language	�զX�L�{���]�p�y��
3256assembler operation code	�զX�{���ާ@�X
3257assembler operation directive	�զX�{���ާ@���O
3258assembler operator	�զX�{���ާ@��
3259assembler option	�զX���
3260assembler output	�զX��X
3261assembler output listing	�զX�{����X�C��
3262assembler program	�զX�{��
3263assembler pseudo-operation	�զX�{�������ާ@
3264assembler routine	�զX�{��
3265assembler source code	�զX�{����l�X
3266assembler source file	�զX�{����l�ɮ�
3267assembler source program	�զX�y����l�{��
3268assembler statement	�զX�ԭz
3269assembler system	�զX�t��
3270assembler translator	�զX½Ķ�{��
3271assembler-like format	����Ķ�{���榡
3272assembler/disassembler	�զX�����
3273assembling	�զX
3274assembling	�˰t
3275assembling file	��Ķ�ɮ�
3276assembling jig	�˰t�[
3277assembling list	�զX��
3278assembling phase	�զX���q
3279assembling time	�զX����
3280assembling time	�զX�ɶ�
3281assembling user routine	�զX�Τ�`��
3282assembly	�զX��; �˰t��
3283assembly	�զX	ASM
3284assembly and checkout	�˰t�P����	A&CO
3285assembly and disassembly	�զX�P�ϲզX; �˰t�P���	A&D
3286assembly and equipment	�զX�P�]��	A&E
3287assembly and maintenance	�˰t�P���@	A&M
3288assembly and repair	�˰t�P�ײz	AR
3289assembly and test	�˰t�P����	A&T
3290assembly automation	�˰t�۰ʤ�
3291assembly average	�׶�������
3292assembly buffer	�զX�{���w�ľ�	AB
3293assembly buffer	�զX�w�ľ�
3294assembly chaining	�զX�s��
3295assembly code	�զX�X
3296assembly code list	�զX�N�X��
3297assembly code table	�զX�N�X��
3298assembly coding convention	�զX�s�X���w
3299assembly coding form	�զX�s�X�Φ�
3300assembly coding format	�զX�s�X�榡
3301assembly control statement	�զX����ԭz
3302assembly debug program	�զX�����{��
3303assembly directive	�զX�R�O
3304assembly drawing	�˰t��
3305assembly expression	�զX��F��
3306assembly identification number	�����ѧO��	AIN
3307assembly instruction	�զX���O
3308assembly job step	�զX�@�~�B�J
3309assembly language	�զX�y��
3310assembly language	�զX�y��
3311assembly language coding	�զX�y���s�X	ALC
3312assembly language component	�զX�y������
3313assembly language display support	�զX�y����ܤ䴩
3314assembly language editor	�զX�y���s��{��
3315assembly language environment	�զX�y������
3316assembly language format	�զX�y���榡
3317assembly language graphics programmer	�զX�y���ϧξǵ{����
3318assembly language instruction	�զX�y�����O
3319assembly language list	�զX�y���C��
3320assembly language output	�զX�y����X
3321assembly language processor	�զX�y���B�z�{��	ALP
3322assembly language program	�զX�y���{��	ALP
3323assembly language program tape	�զX�y���{���a
3324assembly language programmer	�զX�y���{����
3325assembly language programming	�զX�y���{���]�p	ALP
3326assembly language source file	�զX�y����l�ɮ�
3327assembly language subprogram	�զX�y���l�{��
3328assembly language support	�զX�y���䴩
3329assembly language symbolic debug	�զX�y���Ÿ�����	ADEBUG
3330assembly layout	�˰t��	ASLO
3331assembly level	�զX��
3332assembly level programming	�զX�ŵ{���]�p
3333assembly line	�զX�C
3334assembly line balancing program	�˰t�u���Ű��D
3335assembly line listing control	�զX�C�C����
3336assembly line processing	�զX�C�B�z
3337assembly list	�զX��
3338assembly listing	�զX�C��
3339assembly listing	�զX�C��
3340assembly micro library	�զX�L�{�Ǯw	AML
3341assembly mnemonic	�զX�U�O�X
3342assembly order	�׽s����	AO
3343assembly output language	�զX����X�y��
3344assembly parameter	�զX�Ѽ�
3345assembly phase	�զX���q
3346assembly phase	�զX���q
3347assembly print wheel	�զX�C�L��
3348assembly process	�զX�L�{
3349assembly program	�զX�{��
3350assembly program	�׽s�{��	AP
3351assembly programming system	�׽s�{�dz]�p�t��	APS
3352assembly register	�զX�Ȧs��
3353assembly routine	�զX�Ҧ�`��
3354assembly section	�զX�q
3355assembly space	�˰t�Ŷ�
3356assembly statement	�զX�ԭz
3357assembly statement instruction	�զX�ԭz���O
3358assembly statement program	�զX�ԭz�{��
3359assembly statment coding	�զX�ԭz�s�X
3360assembly subroutine	�զX�l�Ҧ�`��
3361assembly system	�զX�t��
3362assembly technique	�˰t�u�~
3363assembly test	�զX����
3364assembly test program	�զX���յ{��	ATP
3365assembly time	�զX�ɶ�
3366assembly under test	�Q���ե�	AUT
3367assembly unit	�զX�{�����
3368assembly-control	�զX����
3369assembly-disassembly facility	�զX--����]��
3370assembly-language input	�զX�y����J
3371assembly/disassembly function	�զX����\��
3372assertion data	�P�w���
3373assertion data base	�P�w��Ʈw
3374assertion item	�P�w��
3375assertion language	�P�w�y��
3376assertion list	�P�w��
3377assertion lists	�P�w��
3378assertion statement	�P�w�ԭz
3379assertion table	�P�w��
3380assessment	( �i�a�� )����
3381assessment routine	�����{��
3382asset	�겣
3383asset leger	�겣�b
3384assets	�겣�B
3385assign	���w
3386assign	���w; ���
3387assign a channel	���w�q�D
3388assign clause	���w�l�y
3389assign keyboard command	���w��L�R�O
3390assign network	���w����
3391assign network address	���w������}
3392assign network address command	���w������}�R�O
3393assign phase	���w���q
3394assign representation	���w���
3395assign statement	���w�ԭz
3396assign/free area	���w�ϰ�ΦۥѰϰ�
3397assigned branch	���w�ಾ
3398assigned go to	���w��V
3399assigned go to statement	���w��V�y�y
3400assigned priority	���w�u��
3401assigned slot release	������w�ɶ�	ASR
3402assigned volume resource	���w�����귽
3403assignee	�����H
3404assignee number	���w�H���X
3405assigning a device	���w�]��
3406assigning logical name to device	���w�]���޿�W
3407assignment	����; ���
3408assignment	���w
3409assignment	����
3410assignment access plan	���t�s�����
3411assignment algorithm	���t�t��k
3412assignment arithmetic if clause	���w��Nif�l�y
3413assignment arithmetic if statement	���w��Nif�ԭz
3414assignment arithmetic operation	���w��N�B��
3415assignment axiom	���w���z
3416assignment by name	���W���w
3417assignment by name	�W�٤�����
3418assignment command	���w�R�O
3419assignment compatible type	���w�ۮe����
3420assignment component	���w�ե�
3421assignment control number	���t�����
3422assignment directive	���w����
3423assignment expression	��Ȧ�
3424assignment expression	���w��F��
3425assignment half-word	���w�b�r
3426assignment index	���w����
3427assignment operation	���w�B��
3428assignment operator	��ȹB��l
3429assignment operator	���w���
3430assignment period	���t�P��
3431assignment priority	���w�u��
3432assignment problem	���t���D
3433assignment register	���t�Ȧs��
3434assignment rule	���t�W�h
3435assignment statement	�����ԭz
3436assignment statement	���t�ԭz
3437assignment statement expression	���t�ԭz��F��
3438assignment statement loop	���t�ԭz�`��
3439assignment statement syntax	���w�ԭz�y�k
3440assignment switchboard	���U�t�q�L
3441assignment symbol	���w�Ÿ�
3442assignment table	���t��
3443assignment to common storage	���@�x�s�����t
3444assistant engineer	�U�z�u�{�v	AE
3445assisted access	�[�t�s��
3446assisted call	���U�ե�
3447assisted instruction	�[�t���O
3448associated address	���p��}
3449associated data	���p���
3450associated data signal	���p��ƫH��
3451associated data terminal	���p��Ʋ׺ݾ�
3452associated diagraph	�s�a���V��
3453associated field value	���p����
3454associated file	���p�ɮ�
3455associated mode	���p�Ҧ�
3456associated operator	���p��l
3457associated page table	���p������
3458associated pair	���p����
3459associated physical address	���p���z��}
3460associated program	���p�{��
3461associated queue element	���p���C����
3462associated record	���p�O��
3463associated scalar type	���p�жq����
3464associated service system	���p�A�Ȩt��
3465associated set ytpe	���X���X����
3466associated software tool	�����n��u��
3467associated value	���X��
3468associated variable	���X�ܶq
3469associated word	���X��
3470association	���X
3471association	���X
3472association control service element	���X����A�Ȥ���
3473association for computing machinery	�p�����|	ACM
3474association for computing machinery	�p�����|	ACM
3475association for educational data systems	�Ш|�ƾڨt�Ψ�|	AEDS
3476association francaise de normalisation	�k��зǤƲ�´��|	AFNOR
3477association of computer users	�p����ϥΪ̨�|	ACU
3478association of data base producers	��Ʈw�Ͳ��̨�|
3479association of data terminal distributors	�ƾڲ׺ݹs��Ө�|	ADTD
3480association of electrical industries	�q��u�~��|	AEI
3481association of field service managers	�{���A�Ⱥ޲z����|	AFSM
3482association of industrial scientists	�u�~��Ǥu�@�̨�|	AIS
3483associations	�p�Q
3484associative	���X��; ���p��
3485associative	���X��	ASSOC
3486associative addressing	���X�w�}
3487associative behavior	���X�欰
3488associative bipolar cell	���X�����椸
3489associative block design	���X�ϳ]�p
3490associative cell	���X�椸
3491associative code	�զX�N�X
3492associative data processing	������ƳB�z	ADP
3493associative data structure package	���X�ƾڵ��c�]
3494associative descriptor scheme	�����y�z�Ť��
3495associative directory	�����ؿ�
3496associative file	�����ɮ�
3497associative function	�����\��
3498associative index method	���p���ޤ�k	AIM
3499associative key	���X����X
3500associative language	���X�y��
3501associative logic parallel system	�����޿�����B��t��	ALPS
3502associative memory	���p�O����
3503associative memory	���p�x�s��	ASSM
3504associative memory address	���p�x�s����}	AMA
3505associative memory array	���p�x�s���x�}	AMA
3506associative memory computer	���p�x�s���p���	AMC
3507associative memory data	���p�x�s�ƾ�	AMD
3508associative memory equipment	���p�x�s�]��	AME
3509associative memory match	���X�O�аt�X
3510associative memory; parallel processing language	���p�x�s����B�z�y��	AMPPL
3511associative mosfet cell	���X���ݮ�ƪ��b���������������x�s�椸
3512associative output unit	���p��X����	AOU
3513associative page organization	���X������´
3514associative parallel processor	���p����B�z��	APP
3515associative pointer	���p���ܲ�	APTR
3516associative processing	���X�B�z
3517associative processor	���p�B�z��	AP
3518associative processor controller	���p�B�z�����	APC
3519associative programming	���X�{���]�p
3520associative programming language	�����{�dz]�p�y��	APL
3521associative push down memory	���p��i���X�x�s��	APDM
3522associative push-down memory	���X�O����
3523associative read-only memory	���p�uŪ�x�s��	AROM
3524associative register	���p�Ȧs��	AR
3525associative search	���X�d�M
3526associative storage	���p�x�s��
3527associative storage	���X�x�s��
3528associative storage	���X�x�s��
3529associative storage pool	���X�x�s����
3530associative storage register	���X�x�s�Ȧs��
3531associative store	���X�x�s
3532associative store	���X�x�s��
3533associative structure	���X�����c
3534associative structure computer	���p���c�p���	ASC
3535associative syntactic calculus	���X�y�k�t��
3536associative table looking	���X�d��
3537associative-data structure package	���p�ƾڵ��c�n��]	ASP
3538associative/parallel implementation	���X�����{
3539associativity	���X��
3540associativity of substitutions	�m�����X��
3541associativity operator	���X���
3542assorted link speed	�ǰt����t��
3543assorted terminal type	�ǰt�׺�����
3544assume	���]
3545assumed decimal point	���]�p���I
3546assumed decimal point	���w���p���I
3547assumed priority	���w�u����
3548assumed size array	���w�j�p�}�C
3549assumed value	���w��
3550assumed-size aggregate	���w�j�p��
3551assumed-size aggregate	���]�j�p���E�X
3552assurance	�O��
3553astable circuit	��í�w�q��
3554astable multivibrator	�h�Ӯ�����
3555astatic control	�L�w�V����
3556asterisk	�P��; �w�}���e�B��l
3557asterisk	�P��
3558asterisk dummy argument	�P�������ܤ�
3559asterisk notation	�P���O�k
3560asterisk picture	�P���v��
3561asterisk picture character	�P���v���r��
3562asterisk protection	�P���O�@
3563astigmation control	�H������
3564astigmatism correction	�H���ե�
3565astigmatizer	�H���˸m
3566astroid	�P�νu
3567astroid-shaped curve	�P���u
3568astronomical calculation	�Ѥ�p��
3569asymmertric multiprocessing	����٦h���B�z
3570asymmetric	�D��٪�
3571asymmetric chevron	����٤H�r��
3572asymmetric distortion	����٥��u
3573asymmetric duplex	����٥����u
3574asymmetric equation	�����{
3575asymmetric error	����~�t
3576asymmetric error constant	����~�t�`��
3577asymmetric expression	����
3578asymmetric half disc	����٥b�Ϻ�	AHD
3579asymmetric half-duplex	����٥b���u
3580asymmetric halfdisc	����٥b�Ϻ�
3581asymmetric modulator	�D��ٽը
3582asymmetric multiprocessor	�D��٦h���B�z��
3583asymmetric network	����ٺ���
3584asymmetric non-linearity	����٫D�u��
3585asymmetric relation	��������t
3586asymmetric representation	������
3587asymmetric stability	����í�w��
3588asymmetric system	�D��٨t��
3589asymmetric time	����ɶ�
3590asymmetric value	�����
3591asymptote	����u
3592asymptotically efficient estimate	�����Ħ��p
3593asymptotically normal random variable	�����W�H���ܶq
3594asymptotically unbiased	����L����
3595asynchronization	���B
3596asynchronous	���B; �D�P�B
3597asynchronous	���B��	ASYNC
3598asynchronous adapter	���B�A�t��	ASA
3599asynchronous address communication system	�D�P�B��}�q�T�t��	AACS
3600asynchronous attack	���B����
3601asynchronous balanced mode	���B���żҦ�
3602asynchronous block transmission	���B���ǿ�
3603asynchronous byte-oriented FDX	�D�P�B�r���ɦV�����u
3604asynchronous call	�D�P�B��
3605asynchronous circuit	���B�q��
3606asynchronous clock	���B����
3607asynchronous communication	���B�q�T
3608asynchronous communication controller	���B�q�T���
3609asynchronous communication interface	���B�q�T����
3610asynchronous communication interface adapter	���B�q�T�����A�t��
3611asynchronous communication port	�D�P�B�q�T��
3612asynchronous communication system	���B�q�H�t��
3613asynchronous communications adapter	�D�P�B�q�T�A�t��	ACA
3614asynchronous communications base	�D�P�B�q�T���}	ACB
3615asynchronous completion routine	���B�����Ҧ�`��
3616asynchronous computer	���B�p���
3617asynchronous concurrent event	���B�֦�ƥ�
3618asynchronous control	���B����
3619asynchronous crypto unit	���B�K�X�˸m
3620asynchronous data multiplexer synchronizer	�D�P�B��Ʀh�u�ƥΦP�B��	ADMS
3621asynchronous data transceiver	���B��Ʀ��o��	ADT
3622asynchronous data transmission	���B��ƶǿ�
3623asynchronous debugging	���B����
3624asynchronous device	���B�˸m
3625asynchronous digital computer	���B�Ʀ�p���
3626asynchronous directly-coupled computer	���B�������X�p���
3627asynchronous directory operation	���B�ؿ�
3628asynchronous disconnected mode	���B�_�}�覡	ADM
3629asynchronous display	���B���
3630asynchronous entry point	���B��J�I
3631asynchronous event	���B�ƥ�
3632asynchronous exection	���B����
3633asynchronous exit	���B�X�f
3634asynchronous finite automata	���B�����۰�
3635asynchronous finite state machine	���B�������A��
3636asynchronous garbage collector	���B�L�γ椸�����{��
3637asynchronous gate element	���B�h����
3638asynchronous input	���B��J
3639asynchronous interface	���B����
3640asynchronous interface adapter	���B�����A�t��
3641asynchronous interface module	���B���f�Ҳ�	AIM
3642asynchronous line controller	���B�u�����
3643asynchronous line inter face	���B�u�����f	ALI
3644asynchronous line module	���B�u���Ҳ�	ALM
3645asynchronous line unit	���B�u������	ALU
3646asynchronous logic system	���B�޿�t��
3647asynchronous login terminal	���B���U�׺�
3648asynchronous machine	���B��
3649asynchronous memory access	���B�O����s��
3650asynchronous memory capability	���B�O�����O
3651asynchronous memory system	���B�O����t��
3652asynchronous modem	���B�ը�ѽվ�	AM
3653asynchronous module	���B�Ҳ�
3654asynchronous mulitplexer adapter	���B�h���౵���A�t��	AMA
3655asynchronous multiplexer	���B�h�u�ഫ
3656asynchronous network	���B����
3657asynchronous notification	���B�лx�H��
3658asynchronous operation	���B�ާ@
3659asynchronous operation pending	���B�ާ@���M���A
3660asynchronous operator	���B�B���
3661asynchronous output	���B��X
3662asynchronous parallel algorithm	���B����t��k
3663asynchronous procedure	���B�L�{
3664asynchronous procedure	�D�P�B�{��
3665asynchronous processing	���B�B�z
3666asynchronous processing unit	���B�B�z��	APU
3667asynchronous record	���B�O��
3668asynchronous record operation	���B�I�s
3669asynchronous record operation	���B�O���ާ@
3670asynchronous request	���B�ШD
3671asynchronous requests	�D�P�B�n�D
3672asynchronous response	���B�T��
3673asynchronous response mode	���B�����覡	ARM
3674asynchronous ripple adder	���B���V�[�k��	ARA
3675asynchronous routine	���B�Ҧ�`��
3676asynchronous sending	���B�o�e
3677asynchronous sending mode	���B�o�e�覡
3678asynchronous sense	���B�˴�
3679asynchronous sensing	���BŪ�X
3680asynchronous sequential circuit	���B�ɧǹq��
3681asynchronous sequential machine	���B�ɧǾ�	ASM
3682asynchronous sequential network	���B�ɧǺ���
3683asynchronous serial transmission	���B���ǿ�
3684asynchronous shift register	���B����Ȧs��
3685asynchronous signalling	���B�H���o�e
3686asynchronous signals	���B�H��
3687asynchronous start-stop teletypewriter	���B�_�����q�Ǿ�
3688asynchronous structure	���B���c
3689asynchronous switching	���B�}��
3690asynchronous system trap	���B�t���
3691asynchronous system trap	���B�t����	AST
3692asynchronous system trap level	���B�t�����
3693asynchronous system trap level	���B�t�ΫR���
3694asynchronous terminal	���B�׺�
3695asynchronous terminal adapter	���B�q�H�׺ݾA�t��	ATA
3696asynchronous terminal controller	���B�׺ݱ��	ATC
3697asynchronous terminal status word	���B�׵����A�r
3698asynchronous terminal support	���B�׺ݤ䴩
3699asynchronous termination	���B�׵�
3700asynchronous time-division multiplexing	���B�ɤ��h���ഫ
3701asynchronous to synchronous inverter	�D�P�B�ܦP�B�˴���
3702asynchronous transaction processor	���B�ƶ��B�z��	ATP
3703asynchronous transfer	���B�ǿ�
3704asynchronous transmission	���B�ǿ�; �D�P�B�ǿ�
3705asynchronous transmission	���B�ǿ�
3706asynchronous transmission output	���B��X
3707asynchronous trap	���B����
3708asynchronous uncontrolled	�L������B
3709asynchronous working	���B�u�@
3710at end	�פ�
3711at end phrase	���ݵu�y
3712at one time	�@��
3713at-end condition	�פ����
3714at-symbol	���Ÿ�
3715athwartship magnetization	��V�Ϥ�	AM
3716atithmnetic picture data	�۳N�Ϲ����
3717Atlantic standard	�j��v�зǮɶ�	AST
3718ATM	�D�P�B��e�Ҧ�
3719atom	��l; �椸
3720atom	��l
3721atomic action	��l�ʧ@
3722atomic data element	��l�ƾڳ椸
3723atomic energy detection system	��l�౴���t��	AEDS
3724atomic formulas	������
3725atomic unit	���椸
3726attach	���[; ����; �s��
3727attach	���W
3728attach EOT marker	�K�W�ϱa��( EOJ )�аO
3729attach record	���[�O��
3730attach statement	���[�y�y
3731attach system	�����t��
3732attach terminal	���[�׺ݾ�
3733attach to a database	���[���Ʈw
3734attached FORTRAN processor	���UFORTRAN �B�z�{��	AFP
3735attached header	���[���D
3736attached identifier	���[���Ѳ�
3737attached processor	���[�B�z��; �۳s�B�z��
3738attached processor	���[�B�z��	AP
3739attached resource computer	���[�귽�p���	ARC
3740attached support computer	�W���p���
3741attached support processor	���ݤ䴩�B�z��	ASP
3742attached support program	���ݤ䴩�{��	ASP
3743attached task	���[����
3744attaching device	���[�]��
3745attaching point	���[�I
3746attaching subtask	���[�l����
3747attaching task	���[����
3748attaching unit	���[�˸m
3749attachment	����; ���ݸ˸m
3750attachment a disable switch	���ݸ˸m�h��}��
3751attachment a enable switch	���ݸ˸m���}��
3752attachment feature	����S��
3753attachment plug	���Y
3754attachment port	�s����
3755attachment table	�s����
3756attachment unit interface	���[�˸m����	AUI
3757attack time	�W�ɮɶ�
3758attack-time delay	�W�ɮɶ�����
3759attainable accuracy	�i�o���
3760attendance	�O�i
3761attendance accounting subsystem	�X�Է|�p�l�t��	AAS
3762attendance reporting	�X�Գ��i
3763attendant	���@�H��
3764attended operation	�s���ާ@
3765attended time	�ȯZ�ɶ�
3766attention	�`�N; ĵ��
3767attention	�`�N	ATN
3768attention command	�`�N�R�O
3769attention device	�`�N�˸m
3770attention exit routine	�X�f���ܨҦ�`��
3771attention field	ĵ�i���
3772attention field	������
3773attention flag	ĵ�ܺX��; ���_�n�D�ѧO�r
3774attention handling	���ܳB�z
3775attention identification	�`�N�ѧO	AID
3776attention identification character	ĵ���ѧO�r��
3777attention identifier	���_�n�D�ѧO�r
3778attention identifier	�`�N���Ѳ�	AID
3779attention identifier character	�`�N���ѲŦr��	AID
3780attention interrupt	���_�n�D
3781attention interrupt	�`�N���_
3782attention key	���_�n�D��
3783attention key	�`�N��
3784attention line	�`�N�u
3785attention program	�`�N�{��
3786attention scheduler	�`�N�Ƶ{�{��
3787attention sign	�`�N�Ÿ�
3788attention status bit	�`�N���A��
3789attention switch	ĵ�i�}��
3790attention symbol	�`�N�Ÿ�
3791attention table	�`�N��
3792attenuate	����
3793attenuation	�I��	ATTEN
3794attenuation constant	�I��`��
3795attenuation distortion	�I��u
3796attenuation equalization	�I���
3797attenuation factor	�I��Y��	AF
3798attenuator	�I�
3799attitude flight control system	���櫺�A����t��	AFCS
3800attitude reference system	���A�ѦҨt��	ARS
3801atto	����
3802attosecond	������
3803attribute	�ݩ�
3804attribute	�ݩ�	ATTR
3805attribute access	�ݩʦs��
3806attribute alterable	�i�ܧ��ݩ�
3807attribute assignment	�ݩʫ��w��
3808attribute byte	�ݩʦ줸��
3809attribute byte	�ݩʦ줸��
3810attribute character	�ݩʦr��
3811attribute character	�ݩʦr��
3812attribute data element	�ݩʸ�Ƥ�
3813attribute delimiter	�ݩʩw�ɲ�
3814attribute description	�ݩʴy�z
3815attribute directory	�ݩʥؿ�
3816attribute distributed tree	�ݩʤ��t��	ADT
3817attribute enquiries	�ݩʸ߰�
3818attribute error	�ݩʿ��~
3819attribute evaluation rule	�ݩʵ����W�h
3820attribute evaluator	�ݩʵ�����
3821attribute label	�ݩʼи�
3822attribute list	�ݩʪ�
3823attribute migration	�ݩʾE��
3824attribute name	�ݩʦW
3825attribute name-value pairs	�ݩʦW�r--�ȹ�
3826attribute occurrence	�ݩʥX�{
3827attribute of chinese character	����r�ݩ�
3828attribute record	�ݩʰO��
3829attribute retrieval	�ݩ��˯�
3830attribute section	�ݩʳ���
3831attribute set	�ݩʲ�
3832attribute shape grammar	�ݩʧΪ���k
3833attribute specification	�ݩʻ���
3834attribute structure	�ݩʵ��c
3835attribute support	�ݩʤ䴩
3836attribute translation gammar	�ݩ�½Ķ��k
3837attribute type	�ݩ�����
3838attribute value	�ݩʭ�
3839attribute value	�ݩʭ�	AV
3840attribute value list	�ݩʭȪ�
3841attribute value ring	�ݩʭ���
3842attribute with macro declare statement	�����ŧi�ԭz�ϥ��ݩ�
3843attribute word	�ݩ�����
3844attribute-executable	�i�����ݩ�
3845attribute-readable	�iŪ�ݩ�
3846attribute-savable	�i�O�s�ݩ�
3847attributed grammar	�ݩʤ�k
3848attributed translation	�ݩ�½Ķ
3849attributeevaluation rule	�ݩʵ����W�h
3850audibility	�iť��
3851audible alarm	���Tĵ����
3852audible alarm	���T��ĵ
3853audibleness	��ť��
3854audio bandwidth	���W�a�e	AB
3855audio cassette	�X�������ϱa
3856audio cassette interface	�X���ϱa����
3857audio communication	�n�W�q�T
3858audio communication device	�n�W�q�T�]��
3859audio communication line	�n�W�q�T�u��
3860audio disc	���W�Ϻ�
3861audio distribution system	�n�W���t�t��	ADS
3862audio frequency	���W	AF
3863audio frequency apparatus	���W�]��	AFA
3864audio frequency change	���W����	AFC
3865audio frequency coder	���W�s�X��	AFC
3866audio frequency generator	���W�o�;�	AFG
3867audio frequency shift keying	���W���W�䱱	AFSK
3868audio frequency transformer	���W�ܴ���	AFT
3869audio input device	�n�W��J�˸m
3870audio inquiry	�M���߰�
3871audio line	�n�W�u��
3872audio power amplifier	�n�W�\�v��j��
3873audio response control	�n����������	ARC
3874audio response message	�n�W�����H��
3875audio response system	�n�������t��	ARS
3876audio response terminal	�n�W�����׺ݾ�
3877audio response time-share system	���W�T�����ɨt��	ARTS
3878audio response time-shared system	���W�T�����ɨt��	ARTS
3879audio response unit	���W�T���˸m	ARU
3880audio signal	�n�W�H��	AUDSNL
3881audio synthesis	�n���X��
3882audio tape	�����ϱa
3883audio terminal	�n�W�׺ݾ�
3884audio tone decoder	����Ķ�X��	ATD
3885audio-cassette record interface	�n�W�����ϱa��������
3886audio-frequency circuit	�n�W�q��
3887audio-frequency wave	�n�W�i
3888audio-visual	��ť
3889audiographic teleconference	��ť�����{�q�ܷ|ij	AGT
3890audit	�f�p; �]��
3891audit	�d�b
3892audit area selection	�f�p�ϰ��w�k
3893audit computer	�f�p�έp���
3894audit control information	�f�d�����T
3895audit entry	�ˬd��J	AE
3896audit entry language	�d�b��J�y��	AEL
3897audit exception list	�f�֨ҥ~�M�U
3898audit function	�f�p�\��
3899audit journal file	�f�p��x��
3900audit list	�f�ֲM�U
3901audit listing	�f�p�C��
3902audit program	�f�d�{��
3903audit programming	�f�p�{���]�p
3904audit server	�f�p���A�{��
3905audit trail	�f�p�O��; �l���]��
3906audit trail	�f�p�l��
3907audit trail	�f�p�s��
3908audit trail attribute	�f�p�l���ݩ�
3909audit trail file	�f�p�l���ɮ�
3910audit trail tape	�f�p�l�ܺϱa
3911audit window	�f�p����
3912audit-review file	�]�d��
3913auditing	�f�p
3914auditing automatic data processing system	�f�p�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��
3915auditing routine	�f�p�{��
3916auditing system	�f�p�t��
3917auditor	�f�֭�
3918auditor	�f�p��
3919auditory information display	ťı�H�����	AID
3920augend	�Q�[��
3921augend in gate	�Q�[�ƿ�J�h
3922augend register	�Q�[�ƼȦs��
3923augment	�W�[
3924augment digit	�W�[��
3925augment link	�X�R��
3926augmentability	�X�R��
3927augmental interval	�W�q���j
3928augmented code	�X�R�X
3929augmented grammar	�X�R��k
3930augmented human intelligence	�j�ƤH�����z
3931augmented matrix	�X�R�x�}
3932augmented operation code	�X�R�ާ@�X
3933augmented pattern	�X�R�Ҧ�
3934augmenter	�W�q
3935augmenting path	�W�����|
3936augtag	�ܤ��U��
3937augument byte	�޼Ʀ줸��
3938augument list	�޼ƪ�
3939Australian Broadcasting Companies; Inc.	�D�j�Q�ȼs�����q	ABC
3940authentication	Ų�{
3941authentication	��qŲ�O	AUTH
3942authentication	Ų�w
3943authentication algorithm	��qŲ�O��k
3944authentication code	��qŲ�O�N�X
3945authentication protocol	�T�{��w
3946author	�{���]�p��; �@��
3947author and key word in context	�W�U��������Ϊ̯���	AKWIC
3948author language	�s��y��
3949author's alterations	�@�̪��ק�; �{�������{�����	AA'S
3950authority	�v�O
3951authority file	�v���ɮ�
3952authority list	�v����
3953authority table	�S�v��	AT
3954authorization data set	�S�\��ƶ�
3955authorization file	���v�ɮ�
3956authorization file	�v���ɮ�
3957authorization information	���v��T
3958authorization modification	�S�\�ק�
3959authorization table	�v����
3960authorize	���v
3961authorize	���v
3962authorized access	�S�\�s��
3963authorized data list	�޳N��ƩM�޳N�����@����	ADL
3964authorized data set	�S�\��ƶ�
3965authorized frequency	�S�\�W�v
3966authorized program	�S�\�{��
3967authorized program analysis report	�S�\�{�Ǥ��R���i	APAR
3968authorized program facility	�S�\�{�dz]��	APF
3969authorized state	�S�\���A
3970auticulatory	���`��
3971auto answer file	�۰ʦ^���ɮ�
3972auto answer mode	�۰ʦ^���ҺA
3973auto answerback	�۰ʦ^��
3974auto bauding	�۰��j�v�վ�
3975auto call	�۰ʩI�s
3976auto centering	�۰ʩw��
3977auto centering	�۰ʩw��
3978auto correlation	�۰ʬ����ˬd
3979auto create	�۰ʲ��ͪ�
3980auto dial	�۰ʼ���
3981auto dup/skip	�۰ʽƨ�P���V	ADS
3982auto execution	�۰ʰ���
3983auto file	�۰���J�ɮ�
3984auto forward	�۰ʦV�e; �۰���e
3985auto index	�۰ʯ���
3986auto index	�۰ʯ���
3987auto job atartup	�۰ʤu�@�Ұ�
3988auto repeat	�۰ʭ���
3989auto reply	�۰ʦ^��
3990auto save	�۰ʫO�s
3991auto screen blank	�۰ʮ��������
3992auto shift	�۰ʲ���
3993auto tab	�۰ʸ���
3994auto termination unit	�۰ʥ��ݸ˸m
3995auto wraparound	�۰ʥ]¶
3996auto xoff	�۰� XOFF
3997auto xon	�۰� XON
3998auto zeroing	�۰��k�s
3999auto-baud-detect function	�i�S�v���˥\��
4000auto-drafting	�۰ʨ��
4001auto-duplication feature	�۰ʽƨ�S�x
4002auto-duplication indicator	�۰ʽƨ���ܲ�
4003auto-instruction device	�۰ʱоǾ�
4004auto-poll	�۰ʽ���
4005auto-programming	�۰ʵ{���]�p
4006auto-sorter	�۰ʤ�����
4007auto-stop	�۰ʰ���
4008auto-transformer	�۽�������	ATR
4009autoabstract	�۰ʺK�n
4010autoadaptive inventory management system	�۰ʾA���w�s�޲z�t��	AIMS
4011autoalarm	�۰ʳ�ĵ��
4012autoanswer	�۰ʦ^��
4013autocall	�۰ʩI�s
4014autocall unit	�۰ʩI�s�˸m
4015autocalling	�۰ʩI�s
4016autochange	�۰��ܧ�; �۰��ܴ��ί�
4017autochanglover unit	�۰��ഫ��
4018autochart	�۰ʵe�y�{��
4019autochart program	�۰ʬy�{�ϵ{��
4020autocode	�۰ʥN�X
4021autocode instruction	�۰ʽs�X���O
4022autocode list processing	�۰ʽs�X��B�z	ALP
4023autocode system	�۰ʽs�X�t��
4024autocoder	�۰ʽs�X��	AC
4025autocoder	�۰ʽs�X��	AC
4026autocoding	�۰ʽs�X
4027autocontrol	�۰ʱ���
4028autocorrection coefficient	�۰ʮե��Y��
4029autocorrelation	�۬���
4030autocorrelation analysis	�۬������R
4031autocorrelation command receiver	�۬����R�O������
4032autocorrelation matrix	�۬����x�}
4033autocorrelation sequence	�۬����ǦC
4034autocorrelative function	�۬������
4035autocorrelative matrix	�۬����x�}
4036autocorrelator	�۬�����
4037autocorrelogram	�۬�����
4038autocorrelogram computer	�۬����Ϧ��p���
4039autocut-off	�۰��_��
4040autocycle	�۰ʴ`��
4041autodata gather	�۰ʸ�Ʀ�����
4042autodecrement	�۴�q
4043autodecrement address	�۴��}
4044autodecrement addressing	�۴�w�}
4045autodecrement code	�۴�N�X
4046autodecrement deferred index	�۴�����
4047autodecrement deferred mode	�۴��Ҧ�
4048autodecrement flag	�۴�лx
4049autodecrement index mode	�۰ʻ�����޼ҺA
4050autodecrement indexed mode	�۴���޼Ҧ�
4051autodecrement indicator	�۴���ܲ�
4052autodecrement mode	�۰ʻ����
4053autodecrement mode	�۴�Ҧ�
4054autodesign	�۰ʳ]�p
4055autodin	�۰ʼƦr�H�������Τ�׺�	ADST
4056autodin switching center	autodin �۰ʼƦr�����ഫ����	ASC
4057autodraft	�۰ʨ��
4058autoexcitation	�ۿE�y
4059autoexecution	�۰ʰ���
4060autofile	�۰��ɮ�
4061autoflow	�۰ʬy�{
4062autoforecast	�۰ʹw��
4063autohub	�۰ʥd�L
4064autoincerment mode	�۰ʻ��W�Ҧ�
4065autoincrement	�۰ʥ[��
4066autoincrement address	�ۼW��}
4067autoincrement addressing	�ۼW�w�}
4068autoincrement code	�ۼW�q�N�X
4069autoincrement deferred indexed mode	�۰ʽw���W�Ҧ�
4070autoincrement deferred mode	�۰ʩ����W�q�Ҧ�
4071autoincrement indexed mode	�۰ʻ��W���޼Ҧ�
4072autoindex	�۰ʯ���
4073autoindex register	�۰ʯ��޼Ȧs��
4074autoindex system	�۰ʯ��ިt��
4075autolink	�۰ʳs��
4076autoload	�۰��X�J
4077autoload	�۰ʸ��J
4078autoload vector	�۰��X�J�V�q
4079autoloader	�۰ʸ��J��
4080autoloading head arm	�۰ʥ[�����Y�u
4081autolog line	�۰ʰO���C
4082automanual	�b�۰ʪ�
4083automanual system	�b�۰ʨt��
4084automat	�۰ʾ�
4085automat and automatic control	�۰ʸ˸m�P�۰ʱ���	AAC
4086automata and formal language	�۰ʾ��M�Φ��y��
4087automata causality	�۰ʾ����]�G��
4088automata classification	�۰ʾ�����
4089automata model	�۰ʾ��ҫ�
4090automata representation	�۰ʾ����
4091automata size	�۰ʾ��W��
4092automata theory	�۰ʾ��z��
4093automatable	�i�۰ʤƪ�
4094automatci data set	�۰ʼƶǾ�	ADS
4095automatci voltage digitizer	�۰ʹq���Ʀr�ഫ��	AVD
4096automate	�۰ʤ�
4097automate	�۰�
4098automated administration	�۰ʤƺ޲z
4099automated analysis	�۰ʤ��R
4100automated assembly	�۰ʲզX
4101automated assistant	�۰ʤƻ��U
4102automated bibliography	�۰ʤƮѥ�	AB
4103automated bibliography	�۰ʤƤ��m�ؿ�
4104automated data management	�۰ʼ��u�޲z	ADM
4105automated data management information system	�۰ʸ�ƺ޲z��T�t��	ADMIS
4106automated data medium	�۰ʸ�ƴC��
4107automated data processing	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z
4108automated data processing system	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��	ADPS
4109automated data system	�۰ʸ�ƨt��	ADS
4110automated data wiring	�۰ʼƾڱ��u	ADW
4111automated decision system	�۰ʨM���t��
4112automated design	�۰ʳ]�p	AD
4113automated design engineering	�۰ʳ]�p�u�{
4114automated design tool	�۰ʳ]�p�u��
4115automated dictionary	�۰ʤƦr��
4116automated digital weather communication program	�۰ʼƦ��H�q�T�{��	ADWCP
4117automated document management system	�۰ʤ��޲z�t��	ADMS
4118automated documentation	�۰��ɮ׽s��
4119automated drafting	�۰ʨ��
4120automated environment	�۰ʤ�����
4121automated financial information system	�۰ʤư]�ȫH���t��	AFIS
4122automated funds transfer	�۰ʸ����b	AFT
4123automated funds transfer system	�۰ʸ����b�t��	AFTS
4124automated glossary	�۰ʤƵ��ת�
4125automated graphic technology	�۰ʤƹϧΧ޳N	AGT
4126automated imagery processing	�۰ʦ����B�z	AIP
4127automated implementation support	�۰ʹ�{�䴩
4128automated industrial management system	�۰ʤu�~�޲z�t��	AIMS
4129automated information directory update system	�۰ʤƫH���ؿ���s�t��	AIDUS
4130automated information dissemination system	�۰ʫH���Ǽ��t��	AIDS
4131automated information management	�۰ʫH���޲z	AIM
4132automated information management system	�۰ʫH���޲z�t��	AIMS
4133automated information resource	�۰ʸ�T�귽
4134automated information resource system	�۰ʫH���귽�t��	AIRES
4135automated input and document update system	�۰ʤƿ�J�P�ɮק�s�t��	AIDUS
4136automated input and dorectory update system	�۰ʤƫH���ؿ���s�t��	AIDUS
4137automated inquiry system	�۰ʬd�ߨt��
4138automated instruction fetch unit	�۰ʤƨ����O����	AIFU
4139automated integrated manufacturing	�۰ʺ�X�s�y	AIM
4140automated intelligence file	�۰ʤƱ������	AIF
4141automated intelligence system	�H�u���z�t��
4142automated inventory management	�۰ʮw�s�޲z	AIM
4143automated job	�۰ʤƧ@�~
4144automated language processing	�۰ʻy���B�z	ALP
4145automated layout program	�۰ʥ����{��
4146automated logic	�۰ʤ��޿�
4147automated logic diagram	�۰��޿��	ALD
4148automated logic mapping system	�۰��޿�M�H�t��	ALMS
4149automated maintenance system	�۰ʤƺ��@�t��	AMS
4150automated multi-media terminal	�۰ʤƦh����׺�	AMMT
4151automated operator	�۰ʺ�l	AO
4152automated operator interface	�۰ʺ�l����	AOI
4153automated process planning system	�۰ʤu�~�W�{�]�p�t��
4154automated processing information file	�۰ʳB�z�H���ɮ�	APIF
4155automated production management	�۰ʥͲ��޲z
4156automated program support system	�۰ʤƵ{�Ǥ䴩�t��	APSS
4157automated program verifier	�۰ʵ{������{��
4158automated programming	�۰ʵ{���]�p
4159automated proof	�۰����
4160automated publishing system	�۰ʥX���t��
4161automated reproduction and collating system	�۰ʦA�ͩM�չ�t��	ARCS
4162automated simulation tool	�۰����u��
4163automated software engineering	�۰ʳn��u�{
4164automated spooling prioity	�۰ʰ�����ާ@�u���v
4165automated spooling priority	�۰ʰ�����ާ@�u����	ASP
4166automated stock control	�۰ʮw�s�޲z
4167automated system initialization	�۰ʨt�Ϊ�l��	ASI
4168automated tape library	�۰ʤƺϱa�{���w	ATL
4169automated teller machine	�۰ʥX�Ǿ�	ATM
4170automated test case	�۰ʴ��ծר�
4171automated thesaurus	�۰ʥD�D����
4172automated translation	�۰�½Ķ
4173automated transmission system	�۰ʶǿ�t��	ATS
4174automated unit test	�۰ʤƳ椸����	AUT
4175automated verification system	�۰ʤ�Ų�w�t��	AVS
4176automath	�۰ʼƾǵ{��
4177automati clevel recorder	�۰ʹq���O����	ALR
4178automati clocking circuit	�۰���w�q��	ALC
4179automatic	�۰ʪ�
4180automatic	�۰ʪ�	AUTO
4181automatic abstracting	�۰ʽs���K
4182automatic acceleration	�۰ʥ[�t
4183automatic accounting system	�۰ʰO�b�t��
4184automatic address modification	�۰ʦ�}�ק�
4185automatic address recognition subsystem	�۰ʦ�}�ѧO�l�t��	AARS
4186automatic addressing	�۰ʩw�}
4187automatic addressing system	�۰ʩw�}�t��	AAS
4188Automatic AirDefense Information System	�۰ʪŨ��T���t��	AADIS
4189automatic alarm	�۰ʳ�ĵ
4190automatic alignment	�۰ʱƦC����
4191automatic allocation	�۰ʤ��t
4192automatic amplitude control	�۰ʮ��T����	AAC
4193automatic answer back unit	�۰�������
4194automatic answer-back code exchange	�۰ʪ�^�����N�X�洫��
4195automatic answering	�۰ʦ^��; �۰ʦ^��
4196automatic area control	�۰ʦa�ϱ���	AAC
4197automatic area control system	�۰ʦa�ϱ���t��	AACS
4198automatic assembly	�۰ʲզX
4199automatic assembly equipment	�۰ʲզX�]��
4200automatic assembly system	�۰ʲզX�t��
4201automatic audio switching	�۰ʭ��W�洫	AAS
4202automatic backup	�۰ʳƥ�
4203automatic balancing	�۰ʥ���
4204automatic bias	�۰ʰ���
4205automatic bias compensation	�۰ʰ������v	ABC
4206automatic bias control	�۰ʰ�������	ABC
4207automatic bootstrap	�۰ʱҰʵ{��
4208automatic branching	�۰��ಾ
4209automatic built-in subroutine	�۰ʤ��ؤl�{��
4210automatic calculation	�۰ʭp��
4211automatic calculator	�۰ʭp�⾹
4212automatic call	�۰ʽե�
4213automatic call distributor	�۰ʩI�s���t��
4214automatic call library	�۰ʽեε{���w
4215automatic call simulator	�۰ʩI�s�����˸m
4216automatic call-back	�۰ʳ�^
4217automatic calling	�۰ʩI�s
4218automatic calling	�۰ʩI�s
4219automatic calling unit	�۰ʩI�s�椸	ACU
4220automatic carry	�۰ʶi��
4221automatic cartography	�۰ʨ�Ͼ�
4222automatic cash depositor	�۰ʦs�ھ�	AD
4223automatic cassette changer	�X���ϱa�۰ʧ���
4224automatic central alarm system	�����۰�ĵ���t��	ACAS
4225automatic character recognition	�۰ʦr���ѧO
4226automatic charge indication	�۰ʭt������
4227automatic charting	�۰�ø��	AUTOCHART
4228automatic check	�۰�����	AC
4229automatic check	�۰��ˬd	AC
4230automatic check interrupt	�۰ʮ��礤�_
4231automatic checker	�۰ʮ��羹
4232automatic checking	�۰ʮ���
4233automatic circuit breaker	�۰��_����	ACB
4234automatic circuit layout	�۰ʥ��u
4235automatic circuit tester	�۰ʹq�����վ�
4236automatic classifier	�۰ʤ�����
4237automatic clearing apparatus	�۰ʲM���˸m
4238automatic clearing indicator	�۰ʲM�����ܾ�
4239automatic code	�۰ʽs�X
4240automatic coding system	�۰ʽs�X�t��	ABC
4241automatic collision avoidance system	�۰��׸I�t��	ACAS
4242automatic colour control	�۰ʱm�ⱱ��	ACC
4243automatic commitment dump	�۰ʥ�I���x
4244automatic communication	�۰ʳq�H	AUTOCOMM
4245automatic compilation	�۰ʽsĶ
4246automatic component assembly	�۰ʤƤ���˰t
4247automatic computer	�۰ʭp���	AC
4248automatic computer telex system	�p����۰ʱ���Τ�q���t��
4249automatic computerized transverse axial scanner	�۰ʭp����ƪ���b���y��
4250automatic configuration	�۰ʰt�m	AC
4251automatic constant function	�۰ʱ`�ƥ\��
4252automatic continuous-tape relay switching	�۰ʳs��a����洫
4253automatic control engineering	�۰ʱ���u�{	AC
4254automatic control evaluation system	�۰ʱ�������t��
4255automatic control panel	�۰ʱ���O
4256automatic control theory	�۰ʱ���z��
4257automatic correction	�۰ʮե�
4258automatic data acquisition	�۰ʸ�����( �{�� )	ADA
4259automatic data conversion	�۰ʸ�ƥ洫�t��
4260automatic data digitizing system	�۰ʸ�ƼƦ�ƨt��	ADDS
4261automatic data entry unit	�۰ʸ�Ƶn���椸	ADEU
4262automatic data exchange system	�۰ʼƾڥ洫�t��	ADXS
4263automatic data handling system	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��	ADHS
4264automatic data interchange system	�۰ʸ�Ƥ����t��
4265automatic data link	�۰ʸ�Ƴs��
4266automatic data medium	�۰ʸ�ƴC��
4267automatic data migration	�۰ʸ�ƾE��
4268automatic data plotter	�۰ʸ��ø�Ͼ�	ADP
4269automatic data processing	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z	ADP
4270automatic data processing center	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z����	ADPC
4271automatic data processing engineering	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�u�{	ADPE
4272automatic data processing equipment	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�]��	ADPE
4273automatic data processing equipment/software	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�]�ƩM�n��	ADPE/S
4274automatic data processing machine	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z��	ADPM
4275automatic data processing program	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�{��	ADPP
4276automatic data processing program reporting system	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�{�����i�t��	ADPPRS
4277automatic data processing service center	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�A�Ȥ���	ADPSC
4278automatic data processing system	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��
4279automatic data processing unit	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�˸m	ADPU
4280automatic data processing;inc.	�۰ʸ���u�B�z���q	ADP
4281automatic data processor	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z��	ADP
4282automatic data protection	�۰ʸ�ƫO�@
4283automatic data rate changer	�۰ʼƲv�ܴ���	ADRC
4284automatic data recovery restart operation	�۰ʸ�ƫ�_�A�_�ʾާ@
4285automatic data reducer	�۰ʸ��²�ƾ�
4286automatic data reduction	�۰ʸ��²��
4287automatic data reduction equipment	�۰ʸ��²�Ƴ]��
4288automatic data routing group	�۰ʸ�Ƹ��|��	ADRG
4289automatic data service center	�۰ʸ�ƪA�Ȥ���	ADSC
4290automatic data set editing program	�۰ʸ�ƶ��s��{��	ADSEP
4291automatic data switching centre	�۰ʸ�ƥ洫����
4292automatic data switching system	�۰ʸ���౵�t��	ADSS
4293automatic data system uniform practices	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t�βΤ@�@�k	ADSUP
4294automatic data test line	�۰ʸ�ƩM�B�{�q�H�A��	ADTS
4295automatic data test unit	�۰ʸ�ƴ��ո˸m	ADTU
4296automatic data transfer	�۰ʸ�ƶǰe	ADT
4297automatic data translator	�۰ʸ��½Ķ��	ADT
4298automatic data unit	�۰ʸ�Ƹ˸m	ADU
4299automatic data-and-time indication	�۰ʤ��--�ɶ�����
4300automatic data-processing resource	�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�귽
4301automatic debugging	�۰ʰ���
4302automatic deceleration	�۰ʻ���
4303automatic decimal point computer	�p���I�۰ʩw��p���
4304automatic desk computer	��W���۰ʭp���
4305automatic destruct program	�۷��{��
4306automatic detection	�۰��˴�	ADT
4307automatic diagnosis	�۰ʶE�_
4308automatic diagnostic program	�۰ʶE�_�{��	ADP
4309automatic diagnostics	�۰ʶE�_�޳N
4310automatic dial order wire	�۰ʼ����Ǹ��u	ADOW
4311automatic dial switching network	�۰ʼ����洫����	ADSN
4312automatic dialer	�۰ʼ�����
4313automatic dialing unit	�۰ʼ�����	ADU
4314automatic dialing unit adult language	�۰ʼ�����	ADU
4315automatic dictionary	�۰ʵ���
4316automatic digital accumulator	�۰ʼƦr�֥[��	ADA
4317automatic digital calculator	�۰ʼƦ�p�⾹
4318automatic digital data error recorder	�۰ʼƦ��ƻ~�t�O����
4319automatic digital message switch	�۰ʼƦ�T���౵	ADMSC
4320automatic digital message switching	�۰ʼƦ�T���౵�޳N	ADMS
4321automatic digital on-line instruments system	�۰ʼƦ�s�u�����t��	ADOLIS
4322automatic digital recording and control	�۰ʼƦ�O���P����	ADRAC
4323automatic digital relay center	�۰ʼƦ�r���~����	ADRC
4324automatic digital switch	�۰ʼƦ�}��	ADS
4325automatic digital switching	�۰ʼƦ�洫
4326automatic digital switching center	�۰ʼƦ��౵����	ADSC
4327automatic digital tracking	�۰ʼƦ����	ADT
4328automatic digital tracking analyser computer	�۰ʼƦ���ܤ��R�p���	ADTAC
4329automatic digital weather switch	�۰ʼƦ��H�洫	ADWS
4330automatic direction finding systme	�۰ʴ��V�t��	ADFS
4331automatic direction indicator	�۰ʤ�V���ܾ�	ADI
4332automatic dispatch system	�۰ʵo�e�t��
4333Automatic Display	�۰����	AD
4334automatic display and plotting system	�۰���ܻPø�Ϩt��	ADPS
4335automatic display system	�۰���ܨt��
4336automatic dissemination	�۰ʶǻ�
4337automatic document classification	�۰ʤ�����
4338automatic document clustering	�۰ʤ��E��
4339automatic document control system	�۰ʤ����t��
4340automatic document request service	�۰ʤ��ɾ\�ƨ�A�Ȩt��	ADRS
4341automatic document retrieval system	�۰ʤ���˯��t��
4342automatic document storage and retrieval	�ɮצ۰��x�s�P�˯�	ADSTAR
4343automatic drafting system	�۰�ø�Ϩt��	ADS
4344automatic duration indication	�۰ʫ���ɶ�����
4345automatic dynamic response analyzer	�۰ʰʺA�T�����R��	ADRA
4346automatic electric co	�۰ʹq�T���q	AE
4347automatic electronic computer	�۰ʹq�l�p���
4348automatic electronic data switching center	�۰ʹq�l�ƾڥ洫����
4349automatic electronic exchange	�۰ʹq�l�洫	AEX
4350automatic electronic switching center	�۰ʹq�l�౵����	AESC
4351automatic engineering design system	�۰ʤu�{�]�p�t��	AEDS
4352automatic entrance unit	�۰ʶi���]��	AEU
4353automatic equipment	�۰ʸ˸m	AUT EQ
4354automatic error correction	�۰ʪȿ�	AEC
4355automatic error correction device	�۰ʪȿ��˸m
4356automatic error correction system	�۰ʪȿ��t��
4357automatic error correction/detection	�۰ʪȿ��P�˿�	AECD
4358automatic error detection	�۰��˿�
4359automatic error request equipment	�۰ʮt���ШD�˸m	ARQ
4360automatic error-correcting code	�۰ʪȿ��X
4361automatic exchange	�۰ʥ洫
4362automatic extraction	�۰ʵѨ�
4363automatic fault detection	�۰ʬG���˴�	AFDET
4364automatic fault finding	�۰ʬG���˴�	AF
4365automatic fault finding and maintenance	�۰ʬG���˴��P���@	AFM
4366automatic fault isolation	�۰ʬG�ٹj��	AFI
4367automatic fault isolation test	�۰ʬG�ٹj������	AFIT
4368automatic fault isolation tester	�۰ʬG�ٹj�����վ�
4369automatic fault location	�۰ʬG�٩w��	AFL
4370automatic fault-isolation tester	�۰ʬG�ٹj�����վ�	AFIT
4371automatic feed water control	�۰ʨѤ�����	AFWC
4372automatic fidelity control	�۰ʸ��ܱ���	AFC
4373automatic field analog computer	�۰ʲ{������p���	AFAC
4374automatic field duplication	�۰����ƨ�
4375automatic field/format recognition	�r�q�ή榡�۰��ѧO��	AFR
4376automatic file control and documentation	�۰��ɮ׺޲z�M�ɮ׽s��	AFCAD
4377automatic fine control	�۰ʷL��	AFC
4378automatic fine tuning	�۰ʷL��	AFT
4379automatic floating point	�۰ʯB�I	AFP
4380automatic following	�۰ʸ��H	AF
4381automatic following control	�۰ʸ��ܱ���	AFC
4382automatic for storage and retrieval of information	�H���x�s�P�˯��۰ʤ�	AFSARI
4383automatic formatting	�۰ʮ榡��
4384automatic frequency and phase control	�۰��W�v�P�ۦ챱��	AFPC
4385automatic frequency control	�۰��W�v����	AFC
4386automatic frequency stabilization	�۰��W�ví�w	AFS
4387automatic function	�۰ʥ\��
4388automatic gain control	�۰ʼW�q����	AGC
4389automatic gain stabilization	�۰ʼW�qí�w	AGS
4390automatic general information learning equipment	�۰ʳq�ΫH���dz]��	AGILE
4391automatic generation	�۰ʥͦ�
4392automatic gold page	�۰�Gold PAGE
4393automatic ground receiver terminal	�۰ʦa���������׺�	AGRT
4394automatic hardware dump	�۰ʵw����_�q��
4395automatic hierarchy	�۰ʼh��
4396automatic identification	�۰ʼ���
4397automatic illustrated documentation system	�۰ʹϸ��ɮ׽s��t��	AIDS
4398automatic image data extraction system	�۰ʹϹ��ƾڪR���t��	AIDES
4399automatic image retrieval system	�۰ʹ϶H�˯��t��	AIRS
4400automatic in-circuit tester	�q���۰ʤ����վ�
4401automatic indentation	�۰��Y�i
4402automatic indexing	�۰ʼФ�
4403automatic indicator	�۰ʫ��ܾ�
4404automatic information	�۰ʫH������	AIT
4405automatic information display equipment	�۰ʫH����ܳ]��	AIDE
4406automatic information display system	�۰ʫH����ܨt��	AIDS
4407automatic information processing	�۰ʫH���B�z	AIP
4408automatic information retrieval	�۰ʫH���˯�
4409automatic information system	�۰ʫH���t��	AIST
4410automatic information tester	�۰ʫH�����վ�	AIT
4411automatic input	�۰ʿ�J	AI
4412automatic inspection	�۰��ˬd	AI
4413automatic inspection data accumulator	�۰��ˬd�ƾڲ֥[��	AIDA
4414automatic inspection of data	�ƾڦ۰��ˬd	AIDA
4415automatic instrucion retry module	�۰ʫ��O���ռҲ�
4416automatic integrated circuit tester	�����q���۰ʴ��ջ�	AICT
4417automatic integrating debugging system	�۰ʺ�X�ոըt��	AIDS
4418automatic integrator	�۰ʿn���{��
4419automatic intelligence data system	�۰ʱ����ƾڨt��	AIDS
4420automatic inter rogation distorted	�۰ʸڰݥ��u	AID
4421automatic interactive debugging system	�۰ʥ椬�ոըt��	AIDS
4422automatic interactive driver	�۰ʥ椬�X�ʾ�
4423automatic interlock	�۰��p��
4424automatic internal diagnosis	�۰ʤ����E�_	AID
4425automatic interrupt	�۰ʤ��_
4426automatic job scheduling	�۰ʧ@�~�ի�
4427automatic job stream generator	�۰ʧ@�~�y�ͦ��{��	AJG
4428automatic job-to-job transition	�۰ʧ@�~��@�~���L��
4429automatic journal entries	�۰ʤ�O�b�n��
4430automatic key management	�۰ʰ��޲z	AKM
4431automatic key transliteration	�۰�����r��Ķ
4432automatic knowledge	�۰ʤƪ���
4433automatic knowledge acquisition	�۰ʪ������
4434automatic label control	�۰ʼи�����
4435automatic language daa processing	�۰ʻy���ƾڳB�z	ALDP
4436automatic language processing	�۰ʻy���B�z
4437automatic language translator	�۰ʻy��½Ķ�{��
4438automatic laser encoder	�۰ʲ\���s�X��	ALE
4439automatic level compensation	�۰ʹq�����l	ALC
4440automatic level control	�۰ʹq������	ALC
4441automatic level setting	�۰ʹq���վ�	ALS
4442automatic lexical code	�۰ʤƵ���N�X
4443automatic lexical coding	�۰ʤƵ���s�X
4444automatic library call	�۰ʵ{���w�ե�
4445automatic library update	�{���w�۰ʧ�s
4446automatic line adjust	�۰ʽվ�C
4447automatic line feed	�۰ʴ���	ALF
4448automatic line reconnect	�۰ʽu���A�s
4449automatic line test	�u���۰ʴ���	ALT
4450automatic load and drive control	�۰ʸˤH�P�X�ʱ���	ALDC
4451automatic load balancing device	�t���۰ʥ��Ÿ˸m	ALBD
4452automatic load regulator	�۰ʥ[���ո`��	ALR
4453automatic loader	�۰ʸ��J�{��
4454automatic loader diagnostics	�۰ʸ��J�{�����E�_�{��
4455automatic loader switch	�۰ʸ��J�{���}��
4456automatic local frequency control	�۰ʥ����W�v����	ALFC
4457automatic location identification	��ʦ�m�ѧO	ALI
4458automatic lock	�۰���w
4459automatic locking	�۰���w
4460automatic logic nesting	�۰��޿�޳N
4461automatic logon	�۰ʶi�J�t��
4462automatic magnetic tape dissemination	�ϱa�۰ʴ��ѪA��	AMTD
4463automatic malfunction analysis	�G�٦۰ʤ��R	AMA
4464automatic manual	�۰�--�H�u
4465automatic map	�۰ʹ���	AUTOMAP
4466automatic map display	�۰ʬM�g��ܾ�	AMD
4467automatic marker	�۰ʹ��O��
4468automatic measure device	�۰ʴ��q�˸m	AMD
4469automatic measurement	�۰ʴ��q	AUTMEAS
4470automatic measurement technology	�۰ʴ��q�޳N
4471automatic member	�۰ʲխ�
4472automatic member	�۰ʦC����
4473automatic membership class	�۰��ݩ����O
4474automatic message distribution system	�۰ʫH�����o�t��	AMDS
4475automatic message handling system	�۰ʫH���B�z�t��	AMHS
4476automatic message processing system	�۰ʫH���B�z�t��	AMPS
4477automatic message recording	�۰ʫH���O��	AMR
4478automatic message registering	�۰ʫH���n�O	AMR
4479automatic message switching	�۰ʰT���洫
4480automatic message switching network	�۰ʰT���洫����
4481automatic message switching system	�۰ʰT���洫�t��
4482automatic message-switching center	�۰ʰT���洫����
4483automatic messsage exchange	�۰ʫH���洫	AUTOMEX
4484automatic microfilm editor	�۰��Y�L�����s��˸m	AME
4485automatic mircrofilm information system	�۰��Y�L�����H���t��	AMFIS
4486automatic mode	�۰ʤƼҺA
4487automatic modulation control	�۰ʽը��	AMC
4488automatic monitor	�۰ʺʱ���
4489automatic monitor and ocntrol device	�۰ʺʱ��˸m	AMC
4490automatic monitored control system	�۰ʺʱ��t��
4491automatic monitoring system	�۰ʺ�ť�t��	AMS
4492automatic morse	�۰ʲ�����	AM
4493automatic multicycle	�۰ʦh���`��
4494automatic multilevel precedence	�۰ʦh���u��
4495automatic multiple address relay system	�۰ʦh�}����t��	AMARS
4496automatic network	�۰ʺ���
4497automatic network dial	�۰ʺ�������	AND
4498automatic new line	�۰ʴ���	ANL
4499automatic noise limiter	�۰ʾ������	ANL
4500automatic noise suppressor	�۰ʾ�����	ANS
4501automatic number analysis	�۰ʼƦr���R	ANA
4502automatic number key	�۰ʼƦr��
4503automatic number machine	�۰ʸ��X��	ANM
4504automatic number normalization	�ƭȦ۰ʳW���
4505automatic numbering equipment	�۰ʽs���]��
4506automatic numbering transmitter	�۰ʽs���o����
4507automatic numerical decision	�۰ʼƭȧP�w	AND
4508automatic open loop control	�۰ʶ}������
4509automatic operating and scheduling program	�۰ʾާ@�P�ի׵{��	AOSP
4510automatic operation	�۰ʹB��	AUTOMATION
4511automatic operation system	�۰ʾާ@�t��	AUTOOSY
4512automatic operations control	�۰ʤƧ@�~����	AOC
4513automatic origination	�۰ʲ���
4514automatic output control	�۰ʿ�X���	AOC
4515automatic overlaying	�۰ʭ��|
4516automatic overload	�۰ʹL��	AUTO OVL
4517automatic overload control	�۰ʹL������
4518automatic pagination	�۰ʼЩw����
4519automatic pagination	�۰ʭ��X�w��
4520automatic paging	�۰ʽխ�
4521automatic paper carriage	�۰ʨ��Ȧ��[
4522automatic parser	�۰ʤ��R�{��
4523automatic parser generator	�۰ʤ��R�{�������͵{��
4524automatic parsing algorithm	�۰ʤ��R�t��k
4525automatic patching system	�۰ʽs�ƨt��
4526automatic peripheral control	�۰ʥ~�]���	APC
4527automatic phase control	�۰ʬۦ챱��	APC
4528automatic phase lock	�۰����	APL
4529automatic phase synchronization	�۰ʬۦ�P�B
4530automatic photomapping equipment	�۰ʥ��qø�ϳ]��	APE
4531automatic picture sharpness control	�۰ʹ϶H�M���ױ���	APSC
4532automatic picture transmission	�۰ʹ϶H�ǿ�	APT
4533automatic picture transmission system	�۰ʹ϶H�ǿ�t��	APTS
4534automatic placement	�۰ʥ���
4535automatic plexicoder	�۰ʺ�X�s�X��	AUTOPLX
4536automatic plotter	�۰�ø�Ͼ�
4537automatic plotting	�۰�ø��
4538automatic poll	�۰ʽ���
4539automatic position	�۰ʩw��
4540automatic position reference system	�۰ʦ�m�ѦҨt��	APRS
4541automatic positioning equipment	�۰ʩw��]��	APE
4542automatic power off	�۰��_�q	APO
4543automatic power plant checker	�q���]�Ʀ۰����羹	APPC
4544automatic predictive maintenance	�۰ʹw���ʺ��@	APM
4545automatic premption	�۰ʥ��e
4546automatic printer	�۰ʦL���
4547automatic printing	�۰ʦC�L
4548automatic priority group	�۰��u����	APG
4549automatic priority inter rupt	�۰��u�����_	API
4550automatic product test	�۰ʲ��~����
4551automatic program certification	�۰ʵ{������
4552automatic program control	�۰ʵ{�DZ���	APC
4553automatic program execution	�۰ʵ{������
4554automatic program generation	�۰ʵ{������
4555automatic program generator	�۰ʵ{�ǥͦ��{��	APG
4556automatic program interrupt	�۰ʵ{�Ǥ��_	API
4557automatic program interruption	�۰ʵ{�����_
4558automatic program language	�۰ʵ{���y��
4559automatic program load	�۰ʵ{�ǸˤJ	APL
4560automatic program loading unit	�۰ʵ{�ǸˤJ�˸m	APLU
4561automatic program optimization	�۰ʵ{���̨Τ�
4562automatic program segmentation	�۰ʵ{�����q
4563automatic program synthesis	�۰ʵ{����X
4564automatic program synthesision	�۰ʵ{����X
4565automatic program system	�۰ʵ{�Ǩt��	APS
4566automatic program verification	�۰ʵ{�����
4567automatic programmer	�۰ʵ{���]�p��
4568automatic programming	�۰ʵ{�dz]�p	AP
4569automatic programming approach	�۰ʵ{�dz]�p��k
4570automatic programming system	�۰ʵ{�dz]�p�t��
4571automatic programming tool	�۰ʵ{�dz]�p�u��	APT
4572automatic programming unit	�۰ʵ{�dz]�p�˸m
4573automatic punch	�۰ʥ��վ�
4574automatic quality control	�۰ʽ�q����
4575automatic question modification	�۰ʴ��ݭק�
4576automatic random access transport	�۰��H���s���ǻ�	ARAT
4577automatic range control	�۰ʶq�{����	ARC
4578automatic range tracking unit	�۰ʶZ�����ܸ˸m	ARTU
4579automatic range unit	�۰ʴ��Z��	ARU
4580automatic ratio control	�۰ʤ�v����	ARC
4581automatic reader	�۰�Ū�X��	AUTOREAD
4582automatic reading	�۰�Ū��
4583automatic reading maching	�۰���Ū��
4584automatic receiver	�۰ʱ�����
4585automatic receiver program	�۰ʱ����{��	ARP
4586automatic reclosing	�۰ʦA�����q	AUTORECL
4587automatic record analysis language	�۰ʰO�����R�y��	ARAL
4588automatic record locking	�۰ʬ�����w
4589automatic record selection/deletion	�۰ʰO����ܧR��
4590automatic recorder	�۰ʰO����
4591automatic recording calculating machine	�۰ʰO�����p���
4592automatic recover program	�۰ʫ�_�{��
4593automatic recovery	�۰ʮե�
4594automatic recovery quest	�۰ʫ�_�Ӽ�	ARQ
4595automatic recovery quotient	�۰ʫ�_�Ӽ�	ARQ
4596automatic reelhub	�۰ʽL�߳���
4597automatic refreshing	�۰ʧ�s
4598automatic relay computer	�۰��~�q���p���
4599automatic relay equipment	�۰ʤ��~�]��
4600automatic reocrding	�۰ʰO��
4601automatic reorganization	�۰ʭ���
4602automatic repeat request	�۰ʭ��e�n�D
4603automatic repeat request	�۰ʭ��_�ШD	ARQ
4604automatic repetition	�۰ʭ���
4605automatic repetition of errors	�X���۰ʭ��_	ARE
4606automatic repetition system	�۰ʭ��ƨt��
4607automatic report feature	�۰ʳ��i�S�x	ARF
4608automatic request	�۰ʽШD	ARQ
4609automatic request for repetition	�۰ʭ��_�ШD	ARQ
4610automatic request system	�۰ʥӽШt��	ARQ
4611automatic request terminal	�۰ʽШD�׺ݾ�	ARQ
4612automatic request-repeat	�۰ʽШD����
4613automatic research compiler	�۰ʬ�s½Ķ�{��
4614automatic research computer	�۰ʬ�s�p���
4615automatic reset	�۰ʴ_��
4616automatic reset counter	�۰ʽƦ�p�ƾ�	ARC
4617automatic reset relay	�۰ʴ_���~�q��
4618automatic resolution control	�۰ʲM���ױ���	ARC
4619automatic response file	�۰������ɮ�
4620automatic response query	�۰ʦ^���߰�	ARQ
4621automatic restart	�۰ʦA�Ұ�	AR
4622automatic restart error code	�۰ʦA�_�ʿ��~�X
4623automatic restore procedure	�۰ʴ_��L�{
4624automatic retransmission	�۰��ˬd�`��
4625automatic retransmission exchange	�۰ʭ��o�洫��	ARX
4626automatic retrieval system	�۰��˯��t��	ARS
4627automatic return	�۰ʦ^��
4628automatic route management	�۰ʸ��Ѻ޲z	ARM
4629automatic route selection	�۰ʸ��|���	ARS
4630automatic routine	�۰��ˬd�`��
4631automatic routing	�۰ʸ����
4632automatic sample processor	�۰ʨ��˳B�z��	ASP
4633automatic scale	�۰ʩw��
4634automatic scale command	�۰ʩw�ЩR�O
4635automatic scan	�۰ʱ��y
4636automatic scan counter	�۰ʱ��y�p�ƾ�	ASC
4637automatic scanner	�۰ʱ��y�{��
4638automatic scanning control unit	�۰ʱ��y���	ASCU
4639automatic schedule procedures	�۰ʽի׵{��	ASP
4640automatic scheduling	�۰ʱƵ{
4641automatic scheduling and operation program	�۰ʽի׻P�ާ@�{��	ASOP
4642automatic schema translation	�۰ʤ��½Ķ
4643automatic seat reservation system	�۰ʭq���t��
4644automatic seat reservations system	�۰ʭq�y�t��	ASRS
4645automatic segmentation	�۰ʤ��q
4646automatic segmentation and control	�۰ʤ��q�M����
4647automatic selection	�۰ʿ��	AS
4648automatic selection control	�۰ʿ�ܱ���	ASC
4649automatic selectivity control	�۰ʿ�ܩʱ���	ASC
4650automatic self-verification	�۰ʦ�����	ASV
4651automatic send-receive set	�۰ʦ��o�]��	ASR
4652automatic send-receiver	�۰ʵo�e������	ASR
4653automatic send/receive	�۰ʵo�e����
4654automatic send/receive set	�۰ʵo�e������
4655automatic sender	�۰ʵo�e��	AUTSEND
4656automatic sending	�۰ʵo�e
4657automatic sending hopper	�۰ʰe�ȧ�J�f
4658automatic sensibility control	�۰��F�ӫױ���	ASC
4659automatic sensing	�۰�Ū�X
4660automatic sensing display flag	�۰�Ū�X��ܺX��
4661automatic sequence	�۰ʶ���
4662automatic sequence computer	�۰ʮɧǭp���
4663automatic sequence control	�۰ʮɧDZ���	ASC
4664automatic sequence-controlled computer	�۰ʱ���ɧǭp���
4665automatic sequencer	�۰ʮɧǸ˸m
4666automatic sequencing	�۰ʩw��
4667automatic sequential connection	�۰ʶ��dzs��
4668automatic sequential operation	�۰ʶ��ǹB��
4669automatic sequential operation	�۰ʶ��Ǿާ@
4670automatic service	�۰ʪA��
4671automatic service requirement	�۰ʪA�ȽШD
4672automatic servo ploter	�۰ʦ��Aø�ϻ�	ASP
4673automatic set membership	�۰ʳ]�w�խ�����
4674automatic sheet feeder	�۰��X�Ⱦ�
4675automatic shift position data encoder	�۰ʲ���ƾڽs�X��	ASPDE
4676automatic shutdown	�۰ʰ���
4677automatic signal recognition unit	�۰ʫH���ѧO�˸m	ASRU
4678automatic signalling	�۰ʵo�e�H��	AUTSIGN
4679automatic signature verification system	�۰�ñ�W����t��	ASVS
4680automatic single path error correction	�۰ʳ�{�ȿ�	AUTOSPEC
4681automatic skip	�۰ʸ��L
4682automatic software re-IPL	�۰ʦA��l�{�����J�n��
4683automatic sorter	�۰ʤ�����
4684automatic sorting machine	�۰ʤ�����
4685automatic space extension	�۰ʪŶ��X�i
4686automatic speech processing	�۰ʻy���B�z
4687automatic speech recognition	�۰ʻy���ѧO	ASR
4688automatic speech verification	�۰ʻy������	ASV
4689automatic speed control	�۰ʳt�ױ���	ASC
4690automatic spelling correction	�۰ʫ��g�ե�
4691automatic spool	�����
4692automatic stabilization equipment	�۰�í�w�]��	ASE
4693automatic stacking	�۰ʰ��|
4694automatic starter	�۰ʰ_�ʾ�
4695automatic starting control	�۰ʰ_�ʱ���
4696automatic starting device	�۰ʰ_�ʸ˸m
4697automatic startup	�۰ʱҰ�
4698automatic station	�۰ʯ�
4699automatic station deeping system	�۰ʹq�x���ܨt��
4700automatic station identification device	�۰ʹq�x�ѧO�˸m
4701automatic step adjustment	�۰ʨB�J�Ƶ{
4702automatic stepping	�۰ʨB�i
4703automatic stop	�۰ʰ���
4704automatic stop arrangement	�۰ʸ˸m
4705automatic storage	�۰��x�s
4706automatic storage allocation	�۰��x�s���t
4707automatic storage allocation	�۰��x�s�t�m
4708automatic storage and retrieval system	�۰��x�s�M�˯��t��	ASRS
4709automatic storage area	�۰��x�s��
4710automatic subprogram timing measurement system	�۰ʤl�{���w�ɴ��q�t��
4711automatic subschema generation	�۰ʤl�ϥͦ�
4712automatic subscriber line test equipment	�Τ�u�۰ʴ��ո˸m	ASLTE
4713automatic supervisory control	�۰ʺʷ�����
4714automatic switch center	�۰ʥ洫����	ASC
4715automatic switched channel	�۰��౵�q�D
4716automatic switching	�۰��౵
4717automatic switching center	�۰��౵����
4718automatic switching equipment	�۰��౵�]��
4719automatic switching network	�۰��౵����
4720automatic switching panel	�۰��ഫ�O	ASP
4721automatic switching recorder	�۰��ഫ�O����	ASR
4722automatic switching service	�۰��౵�~��
4723automatic switching system	�۰��౵�t��
4724automatic switchover	�۰��౵�{��
4725automatic synchronized control	�۰ʦP�B����	ASC
4726automatic synchronizer	�۰ʦP�B��	AS
4727automatic synchronizing system	�۰ʦP�B�t��
4728automatic syntax method	�۰ʻy�k
4729automatic syntax recognition	�۰ʻy�k�ѧO
4730automatic synthesis	�۰ʺ�X
4731automatic system	�۰ʨt��
4732automatic system analysis	�۰ʨt�Τ��R	ASA
4733automatic system checkout program	�۰ʨt���ˬd�{��	ASCP
4734automatic system control	�۰ʨt�α���	ASC
4735automatic system genertion	�۰ʨt�Υͦ�
4736automatic system self-test	�۰ʨt�Φۧڴ���	ASST
4737automatic system trouble analysis	�۰ʨt�άG�٤��R	ASTA
4738automatic tabulating machine	�۰ʨ���
4739automatic tally order	�۰ʵ�����O
4740automatic tape dispenser	�۰ʺϱa���t��	ATD
4741automatic tape handler	�۰ʨ��a��	ATH
4742automatic tape library	�۰ʺϱa�w
4743automatic tape reader	�۰�Ū�a��	ATR
4744automatic tape relay	�۰ʺϱa�ഫ�t��
4745automatic tape winder	�۰ʺϱa�˸m	ATW
4746automatic target tracking	�۰ʥؼи���	ATT
4747automatic telephone	�۰ʹq��	AT
4748automatic telephone set	�۰ʹq�ܾ�	ATS
4749automatic teller machine	�۰ʥX�Ǿ�	ATM
4750automatic telling	�۰ʥX��	ATL
4751automatic terminal disconnection	�׺ݦ۰��_�}
4752automatic terminal station	�۰ʲ׺ݯ�	ATS
4753automatic test capability	�۰ʴ��կ�O
4754automatic test data generator	�۰ʴ��ո�Ʋ��;�
4755automatic test equipment	�۰ʴ��ճ]��	ATE
4756automatic test equipment	�۰ʴ��ճ]��	ATE
4757automatic test generation system	�۰ʴ��ղ��ͨt��
4758automatic test generator	�۰ʴ��եͦ��{��	ATG
4759automatic test line	�۰ʴ��սu	ATL
4760automatic test pattern	�۰ʴ��ռҦ�
4761automatic test pattern generation system	�۰ʴ��ռҦ����ͨt��	ATPG
4762automatic test system	�۰ʴ��ըt��	ATS
4763automatic texting	�۰ʹq��B�z
4764automatic theorem proving	�۰ʩw�z����
4765automatic threading and rewind	�۰ʤޱa�M�ϱa����
4766automatic threading tape drive	�۰ʬ�a�˸m
4767automatic threshold control	�۰ʩw���ȱ���	ATC
4768automatic ticketing	�۰ʭq��	AT
4769automatic timing control	�۰ʭp�ɱ���	ATC
4770automatic timing corrector	�۰ʭp�ɮե���	ATC
4771automatic tint control	�۰ʦ�ձ���	ATC
4772automatic tool changer	�u��۰����˸m	ATC
4773automatic traffic control	�۰ʥ�q�ި�	ATC
4774automatic traffic overload protection	�۰ʰʥ�q�W���O�@
4775automatic train control	�C���۰ʱ���	ATC
4776automatic train operation	�C���۰ʾާ@	ATO
4777automatic train scheduling	�۰ʦC���Ƶ{
4778automatic transaction queue	�۰ʨƶ��B�z��C
4779automatic transductor	�۰ʴ��ྐྵ
4780automatic translation	�۰�½Ķ	AUTOTRAN
4781automatic transmitter	�۰ʵo�e��
4782automatic trim system	�۰ʷL�ըt��	ATS
4783automatic trouble diagnosis	�۰ʬG�ٶE�_
4784automatic trouble locating arrangement	�۰ʬG�٩w��˸m
4785automatic typesetting	�۰ʱƦr
4786automatic typewriter	�۰ʥ��r��	AT
4787automatic utility translator	�۰ʤ���½Ķ��	AUTRAN
4788automatic variable	�۰��ܼ�
4789automatic vectorization procedure	�۰ʦV�q�ƹL�{
4790automatic veriable	�۰��ܼ�
4791automatic verification system	�۰�����t��
4792automatic verifier	�۰�����{��
4793automatic voltage regulator	�۰ʹq���ո`��	AVR
4794automatic volume recognition	�۰ʨ��W�ѧO	AVR
4795automatic volume recognition	�۰ʺϱ�����
4796automatic volume sensing	�۰��ɮר�Ū�X	AVS
4797automatic wafer testing machine	�۰ʶ�����վ�
4798automatic width control one-shot	�۰ʼe�����í�q��
4799automatic word	�۰ʦr�X	AW
4800automatic working	�۰ʤu�@
4801automatic writing machine	�۰ʼg�J��	AWM
4802automatic zero resetting	�۰ʭ��I�_��
4803automatic-digital data-error recorder	�۰ʼƦr����ƻ~�t�O����	ADDER
4804automatic-feed punch	���X����( �� )
4805automatic-feed punch	�۰ʰe�d���
4806automatic/manual	�۰ʪ��ΤH�u��	AM
4807automatically cleared failure	�v�۰ʲM���G��
4808automatically corrected error	�۰ʮե����~
4809automatically generating program	�۰ʲ��͵{��
4810automatically processed wirelist	�۰ʱ��u��	APWL
4811automatically repaired computer	�۰ʭ״_�p���	ARC
4812automatically switching	�۰ʥ洫	AS
4813automatics	�۰ʾ�
4814automation	�۰ʤ�
4815automation	�۰ʤ�( �@�~ )
4816automation command	�۰ʤƩR�O
4817automation control definition	�۰ʱ���w�q
4818automation design aid	�۰ʳ]�p���U�u��
4819automation of field operations and services	�{���@�~�P���@�۰ʤ�	AFOS
4820automation one association	�۰ʤ@�����p	AIA
4821automation size	�۰ʤƳW��
4822automation-based software paradigm	���۰ʤƪ��n��d��
4823automativ voltage margin	�۰ʹq���e��	AVM
4824automatization	�۰ʤ�
4825automaton	�۰ʾ�
4826automaton classification	�۰ʾ�����
4827automaton language	�۰ʾ��y��
4828automaton model	�۰ʾ��ҫ�
4829automaton theory	�۰ʾ��z��
4830automonitor	�۰ʺʷ��{��
4831automonitor routine	�۰ʺʷ��`��
4832automorphism	�ۦP�c
4833automorphism group	�ۦP�c�s
4834automotive microprocessor	�T���ηL�B�z��
4835autonomous	�W��
4836autonomous automation	�W�ߦ۰ʾ�
4837autonomous block	�W�߶�
4838autonomous channel	�W�߳q�D
4839autonomous channel operation	�W�߳q�D�ާ@
4840autonomous circuit	�W�߹q��
4841autonomous computer system	�W�߭p����t��
4842autonomous data transfer	�W�߸�ƶǰe	ADT
4843autonomous decentralized computer control system	�W�ߤ������p�������t��
4844autonomous decentralized system	�W�ߤ������t��
4845autonomous development system	�W�ߵo�i�t��	ADS
4846autonomous functional unit	�W�ߥ\�ೡ��	AFU
4847autonomous intelligence	�W�ߴ���
4848autonomous muliplexer channel	�۪v���h���౵���|�D	AMC
4849autonomous multiprocessor	�W�ߦh���B�z��
4850autonomous operation	�W�߾ާ@
4851autonomous robots	�W�߫������
4852autonomous sequential circuit	�ۿE�ɧǹq��
4853autonomous system	�W�ߨt��
4854autonomous test	�W�ߴ���
4855autonomous testable programmable logic array	�W�ߥi���i�s�޿�}�C
4856autonomous working	�W�ߤu�@
4857autonomy	�W�ߩ�
4858autooscillation	�ۮ�
4859autopatch system	�۰ʽs�ƨt��
4860autopatching	�۰ʴ���
4861autopiler	�۰ʽsĶ�{��
4862autopiler compiler	�۰�½Ķ�{��
4863autopilot	�۰ʾr�p
4864autoplling	�۰ʽ���
4865autoplotter	�۰�ø�Ͼ�
4866autoprompting	�۰ʴ���
4867autoranging	�۰ʶZ���ץ�
4868autorecorder	�۰ʰO����
4869autorecovery	�۰ʦ^�_
4870autoregistration	�۰ʹ��
4871autoregression	�۰ʦ^�k
4872autoregression model	�۰ʦ^�k�ҫ�
4873autoregressive	�۰ʦ^�k
4874autoremoval	�۰ʲ���
4875autorestart	�۰ʦA�Ұ�
4876autorestart mechanism	�۰ʦA�Ұʾ��c
4877autoroation	����
4878autoscaling	�۰ʽվ��v��
4879autoscore	�۰ʹ��u��
4880autoskip option	�۰ʸ��V���
4881autostart job entry	�۰ʱҰʧ@�~����
4882autostart monitor	�۱Ұʺʱ��{��	ASM
4883autoswap mode	�۰ʥ洫�覡
4884autoswap-off	�۰ʥ洫����
4885autosyn system	�۰ʦP�B�t��
4886autosynchronous	�۰ʦP�B
4887autosynchronous code	�۰ʦP�B�N�X
4888autotab	�۰ʸ���
4889autotab attribute	�۰ʸ����ݩ�
4890autotest	�۰ʴ���
4891autothreading tape	�۰ʤޱa
4892autothreading tape mechanism	�۰ʤޱa���c
4893autotimer	�۰ʭp�ɾ�
4894autotracking	�۰ʸ���
4895autovariable threshold	�۰ʥi�ܩw��
4896autovariace	�۰ʤ�t
4897autoverify	�۰�����
4898autovon	�۰ʹq�ܺ�
4899autovon user	�۰ʹq�ܺ��Τ�
4900autowriter	�۰ʼg�J��
4901autual velocity	��ڳt��	AV
4902auxiliaries	���U�]��
4903auxiliary	���U
4904auxiliary carry bit	���U�i��줸
4905auxiliary computing system	���U�p��t��
4906auxiliary condition	���[����
4907auxiliary conditioning unit	���U�ո`��	ACU
4908auxiliary conductor	���U�ɽu
4909auxiliary console	���U����x	AC
4910auxiliary console	���U����x
4911auxiliary control unit	���U���
4912auxiliary counter	���U�p�ƾ�
4913auxiliary data	���U���
4914auxiliary data processing equipment	���U��ƳB�z�]��	ADPE
4915auxiliary data processing system	���U��ƳB�z�t��	ADPS
4916auxiliary data translator unit	���U����ഫ�˸m	ADTU
4917auxiliary definition	���U�w�q
4918auxiliary encoder system	���U�s�X�t��	AES
4919auxiliary engineering signal processor	���U�u�{�H���B�z��	AESP
4920auxiliary equalizer	���U���ž�	AUXEQL
4921auxiliary equipment	���U�]��
4922auxiliary file format	���U�ɮ׮榡
4923auxiliary file processing	���U�ɮ׳B�z
4924auxiliary function word	���U�\��r
4925auxiliary functional unit	���U�\�ྐྵ��	AFU
4926auxiliary head	���U���Y
4927auxiliary identifier	���U���Ѳ�
4928auxiliary input	���U��J
4929auxiliary input device aid-to-navigation	�ɯ�]��
4930auxiliary input-output statement	���U��J��X�ԭz
4931auxiliary instruction buffer	���U���O�w�ľ�
4932auxiliary key	���U��
4933auxiliary key field	���U����
4934auxiliary keypad	���U�p��L
4935auxiliary memory	���U�x�s��	AM
4936auxiliary memory drum	���U�x�s�Ϲ�	AMD
4937auxiliary memory management	���U�O����޲z
4938auxiliary operation	���U�B��
4939auxiliary operation	���U�@�~
4940auxiliary output	���U��X
4941auxiliary output device	���U��X�˸m	AOD
4942auxiliary pointer	���U����
4943auxiliary pole	���U�Ϸ�
4944auxiliary port	���U��
4945auxiliary potential transformer	���U������	AUPT
4946auxiliary power	���U�q��
4947auxiliary power plant	���U�q���]��	APP
4948auxiliary power supply	���U�q��	APS
4949auxiliary power supply module	���U�q���ե�	APSM
4950auxiliary power unit	���U�q��	APU
4951auxiliary processing unit	���U�B�z��	APU
4952auxiliary processor	���U�B�z��
4953auxiliary prom chip	���U�i�{���ư�Ū�O�����鿶��
4954auxiliary prom module	���U�i�{���ư�Ū�O����Ҳ�
4955auxiliary read-out	���UŪ�X	ARO
4956auxiliary recorder unit	���U�O����	ARU
4957auxiliary register	���U�Ȧs��	AR
4958auxiliary routine	���y�{��	AR
4959auxiliary run-time system	���U�B��ɶ��t��
4960auxiliary scgment table	���q��	AST
4961auxiliary source	���U�q��
4962auxiliary storage	���U�x�s( �� )
4963auxiliary storage	���U�x�s��
4964auxiliary storage	���U�x�s��	AS
4965auxiliary storage address register	���U�x�s����}�Ȧs��	ASAR
4966auxiliary storage allocation table	���U�x�s�����t��	ASAT
4967auxiliary storage capacity	���U�x�s���e�q
4968auxiliary storage management	���U�x�s�޲z
4969auxiliary storage manager	���U�x�s�޲z�{��	ASM
4970auxiliary store	���U�x�s��	AS
4971auxiliary store	���U�x�s
4972auxiliary switch	���U�}��	ASW
4973auxiliary tape memory	���U�ϱa�x�s��	ATM
4974auxiliary test unit	���U���ո˸m	ATU
4975auxiliary timer	���U�p�ɾ�	AT
4976auxiliary track	���U�ϭy	AUXTRAC
4977auxiliary unit	���U�˸m	AU
4978auxiliary variable	���U�ܶq
4979auxiliary voltage controller	���U�q�����	AVC
4980auxiliary winding	���U���u	AW
4981availability	���ĩ�	AVAIL
4982availability	�i�Ϋ�; �i�ϥΩ�
4983availability characteristics	�i�ΩʯS�x
4984availability checking	�i�ϥΩ��ˬd
4985availability factor	�ϥήIJv
4986availability model	�i�Ωʼҫ�
4987availability ratio	�i�βv
4988availability store	�i���x�s��
4989availability system	�t�ΧQ�βv
4990availability,reliability,and maintainability	�i��, �i�H��, ���@��
4991availability; reliability and maintainability	�i�Ω�;�i�a�ʩM�i���@��	ARM
4992available	�i�Q�Ϊ�; �i�ϥΪ�
4993available capacity	�i�ϥβ���
4994available device table	�i�γ]�ƪ�	ADT
4995available file space	�����ɮתŶ�
4996available file table	�����ɮת�
4997available for shipment	�i�ΥX�f
4998available frame capacity count	�i�ήخe�q�p��	AFCC
4999available frame count	�i�ήحp��	AFC
5000available interruption	���Ĥ��_
5001available line	���Ħ�
5002available line length	���Ħ����
5003available list	�i�Ϊ�
5004available machine time	�i�ήɾ�	AMT
5005available matrix	�i�ϥίx�}
5006available memory	�i�ΰO�Юe�q
5007available memory table	�i�ΰO�Ъ�
5008available mode	�i�μҺA
5009available mode	�i���A
5010available node pool	���ĸ`�I��
5011available option	�i��
5012available page	�i����
5013available page queue	�i������C
5014available partition	�i����
5015available point	�i���I
5016available property bit	�i�ίS�x�줸
5017available rate	�i�βv
5018available ratio	�i�βv
5019available record	�i�ϥά���
5020available resource	�i�θ귽
5021available space	�i�ΪŶ�
5022available space list	���ĪŶ���
5023available space table	���ĪŶ����
5024available space table buffer segment	���ĪŶ���w�Ĭq
5025available storage list	�����x�s��
5026available storage structure	�����x�s���c
5027available time	���Įɶ�
5028available time	�i�ήɶ�
5029avalanche induced migration	���Y�ް_�ಾ	AIM
5030avalanche injection type metal-oxide semiconductor	���Y�`�J���ݮ�ƪ��b����	AMOS
5031avalanche injection type mos memory	���Y�`�J�����ݮ�ƪ��b����O����
5032avalanche photodiode	���Y���q�G����	APD
5033averabe instructions per second	�C�������O��	AIPS
5034average	������; ����; ������
5035average	������	AV
5036average absolute	���������
5037average absolute value	���������
5038average access time	�����s���ɶ�
5039average actual	��ڥ���
5040average actual output	��ڥ������X
5041average annual growth rate	�~���������v	AAGR
5042average arrival rate	������F�v
5043average arrival time	������F�ɶ�
5044average block	�����r��
5045average block length	�����r�ժ���
5046average branching factor	�����ಾ�]�l
5047average calculating operating time	�����B��ɶ�
5048average calculating operation	�����p��ާ@
5049average code length	�����X��
5050average computer	�����p���
5051average computing device	�����ȭp��˸m
5052average conditional information cotent	���������T���[
5053average cost	��������
5054average cost	��������
5055average cost method	���������k
5056average cost replace transaction	�����������N����
5057average current queue	�{�業�����ݦ�C
5058average daily capacity	�����C�鲣��
5059average data transfer rate	������ƶǰe�t��
5060average demand	�����ݨD
5061average density	�����K��
5062average effectiveness level	��������
5063average efficiency	�����IJv
5064average error	�����~�t
5065average error rate	�����X���v
5066average failure number	�����G�ټ�	AFN
5067average handling time	�����B�z�ɶ�	AHT
5068average hierarchy access time	�������Ŧs���ɶ�
5069average information	������T
5070average information content	������T���[
5071average information content	������T�q
5072average information content per character	�C�r������T�q
5073average information matrix	������T�x�}
5074average information rate	������T�v
5075average information rate	������T�ǿ�t�v
5076average instruction execution time	�������O����ɶ�	AIET
5077average latency time	�������ݮɶ�
5078average length	��������
5079average length of search	�����d�M����
5080average level	��������
5081average life	�����ةR
5082average load	�����t��
5083average magnitude of error	�~�t������	AME
5084average memory	�����O����
5085average month end balance	�륽�����l�B
5086average month or period-end balance	�륽�δ��������l�B
5087average monthly or period usage	�륽�δ��������ϥζq
5088average monthly sales	�륭���P��q
5089average no. of components in an assembly	�˰t����������ƥ�
5090average no. of operation per routing	�~�{�������@��
5091average number	������
5092average operation time	�����B��ɶ�	AOT
5093average outgoing quality curve	�����˫��q���u
5094average period-balance	���������l�B
5095average period-end quantity on hand	���������b�w�q
5096average picture level	�����϶H�q��	APL
5097average power	�����\�v
5098average probability	�������v
5099average queue time	�������ݮɶ�
5100average ratio	������v
5101average record	�����O��
5102average record length	�����O������
5103average record size	�����O���j�p
5104average response computer	�����T���p���	ARC
5105average retrieval time	�����˯��ɶ�	ART
5106average rotational delay	�������ੵ��
5107average run labor hours	�����H�u�@�~�ɼ�
5108average run machine hours	���������@�~�ɼ�
5109average run-time	�����B��ɶ�	ART
5110average running time	�����B��ɶ�
5111average sales	�����P��q
5112average sales per period	�C�������P��q
5113average sales this month or period	������������P��q
5114average sample number	�������˼�	ASN
5115average search time	�����d�M�ɶ�
5116average seek time	�����d��ɶ�
5117average service life	�����ϥιةR	ASL
5118average service rate	�����A�Ȳv
5119average setup labor hours	�����H�u��Ʈɼ�
5120average speed	�����t��
5121average standared output	�����зDz��X
5122average test	�����ˬd
5123average time	�����ɶ�
5124average time between maintenance	�������׶��j�ɶ�	ATBM
5125average time to relay	������o�ɶ�	ATTR
5126average time to repair	�����״_�ɶ�	ATTR
5127average total time	�`�����ɶ�	ATT
5128average transfer rate	�����ǿ�v
5129average transinformation	�����ǰe��T
5130average transinformation content	������T�ǿ�q
5131average transinformation rate	������T�ǿ�v
5132average transinformation rate	�����ǰe��T�v
5133average transmission rate	�����ǿ�v
5134average turnover	�����g��
5135average turnover period	�����g���
5136average turnover rate	�����g���v
5137average unit cost	������즨��
5138average usages of a component	�������ӥζq
5139average usages of a work center	�u�@�������ϥβv
5140average use	�����ϥ�
5141average useful life	�����ϥιةR	AUL
5142average value	������
5143average wire gauge	�����u�W	AWG
5144average word length	�����r��	AWL
5145average word load	�����r���J	AWL
5146average-behavior analysis	�����ʺA���R
5147average-behavior of algorithm	��k�����ʯ�
5148averaging method	�D�����Ȫk
5149averaging time	��������
5150axial component	�b�V���q
5151axial symmetry	�b��٩�
5152axial vector	�b�V�q
5153axis attribute	�b�ݩ�
5154axis crossing	�b�u��e
5155axis grid lines	�b�V����u
5156axis ratio	�b���
5157azimuth	���	AE
5158azimuth error	���~�t
5159azimuth error indicator	���~�t���ܾ�	AEI
5160azimuth indicator	�����ܾ�	AI
5161azimuth magnetic recording	���ϰO��
5162B 5000	�_��5000�t�C�p���
5163B address	B ( �� )��}
5164B axis	��u�b
5165B extent	��u�ϰ�
5166B implied A gate	A ��B �D�h
5167B OR NOT A gate	B ��A �D�h
5168B register	��}�Ȧs��
5169b's complement	�ɽX
5170b-1's complement	�ϽX
5171b-adjacent code b	�F���X
5172b-code	b �N�X
5173b-disk	�i��κϺ�
5174b-except-a gate	b a �D�h
5175b-ignore-a gate	�Pa �L����b �h
5176b-implies-a gate	b �� a �D�h
5177b-light	b ���ܿO
5178b-line counter	���мȦs���p�ƾ�
5179b-machine	b ����
5180b-register	b �Ȧs��; ���мȦs��
5181b-rule	b �W�h
5182b-spline	b �������
5183b-store	���мȦs��	BST
5184B-tree	�G����
5185B-Y	��--��
5186bachelor of business administration	�ӷ~�޲z�Ǥh	BBA
5187Bachman diagram	�ڻ�����
5188bachman notation bachman	��ܪk
5189back	�I��
5190back acknowledge	�٦^����
5191back azimuth	�Ϥ�쨤
5192back chaining	�V���쵲�k�h
5193back character	�h�汱��r��
5194back file	�ᴩ�ɮ�
5195Back Focal Length	��J�Z	BFL
5196back link	�^���s��
5197back lobe	��ä
5198back mark	�ϼлx
5199back marker	�^���аO	BM
5200back matter	���ީΦr��������
5201back number	�L�����Z��
5202back office box	�ƥο줽�c	BOB
5203back order	���X�f�q��
5204back out	�^��
5205back panel	�᭱�O
5206back patching	�^��
5207back scattering	�ϦV���
5208back space file	��^�ɮ�	BSF
5209back to back coupling	�I�a�I�����X	B-B
5210back tracking method	�^���k
5211back tracking operation	�^���ާ@
5212back translator	�٭���Ķ��
5213back up	�ƥ��ɮ�; ���; �ƥ�
5214back wiring g operation	�ϭ����u
5215back-diagonal	�Ϲ﨤�u
5216back-end processor	��ݾ�
5217back-end-networking	��ݺ����ᴩ( �� )
5218Back-Feed	�^�e	BF
5219back-haul	�Ÿ��ǿ�
5220back-lighted plotting surface	�ϥ��ϭ�
5221back-mounted	�I��w�˪�
5222back-off compensation	�Ჾ���v
5223back-resistance	�ϦV�q��
5224back-roll	����
5225back-strike print	�������C�L
5226back-to-back connection	�I��I�s��
5227back-to-back device	���]��
5228back-to-back test	�I��I����
5229back-track algorithm	�^���t��k
5230back-up battery	�ƥιq��
5231back-up bit	��Ʀ�
5232back-up capability	��Ư�O
5233back-up circuit	��ƹq��
5234back-up communication processor	�ᴩ�q�T�B�z��
5235back-up digital computer	�ƥμƦr�p���	BDC
5236back-up disk	�ƥκϺ�
5237back-up method	��ƪk
5238back-up protection	��ƫO�@
5239back-up reference station	��ưѦү�
5240back-up store	�ƥ��x�s��
5241back-up system	��ƨt��
5242back-up tape	�ƥ��a
5243back-up trunk	�ƥ����~�u
5244backboard	���O
5245backbone	���
5246backbone network	���F����
5247backbone ring	��������
5248backbone route	�����|
5249backdoor data	�D�k�~�|���o�����
5250backdoor file indicator	����ɮ׫��ܲ�
5251backflush	�f��k
5252backfocal length	��J�Z	BFL
5253background	�I��; ����	BKGRD
5254Background	�I��	BG
5255background border	�I�����
5256background color	����
5257background compiler	��x�sĶ�{��
5258background computer	��x�p���
5259background data	�I�����
5260background data ter	�I�����
5261background display image	�I����ܬM��
5262background image	�I���v��
5263background ink	�I������
5264background inking	�I���W��
5265background job	�I���@�~
5266background mode	��x�覡
5267background monitor	��x�ʷ��{��
5268background noise	�I������
5269background or bias-include noise	�I���������
5270background partition	�I������
5271background plate	�I����
5272background printing	��x�C�L
5273background processing	�I���{��
5274background program	�I���{��
5275background programming	�I���{���]�p
5276background projection	�I����v
5277background reader	��x�\Ū��
5278background region	��x��
5279background storage	���U�x�s��
5280background stream	��x�y
5281background system	��x�t��
5282background terminal	��x�׺ݳ]��
5283background text	�I������; �I����y
5284background-limited infrared detector	���I��������~�u�˥ܾ�
5285background-research	�I����s
5286background/foreground	�I���e��	B/F
5287backgrounding	�I���B�z
5288backing	�f��
5289backing copy	�ƥ�
5290backing out	��������@�~( �� )
5291backing sheet	�ƥ���
5292backing storage	�ƥ��x�s��
5293backing store	�ƥ��x�s
5294backing tape	�ϱa��
5295backlash	�Ͻ�
5296backlash circuit	���ئ��q��
5297backlash compensation	���ظ��v
5298backlog	���X�f�O��
5299backlog by buyer report	�̱��ʪ̧O���X�f�O������
5300backlog quantity	���X�f�ƶq
5301backlog total	���X�f�`�p
5302backordered quantity	���X�f�q��ƶq
5303backout	�h�X
5304backout routine	�h�^�`��
5305backplane	�I�O; ��O; ��[
5306backplane interconnect	�I�O���B
5307backplane level	���O�h
5308backplane placement	���O����
5309backplane routing	���O���u
5310backplane testing	���O����
5311backplane wiring	���O���u
5312backplate	���O
5313backscatter	�ϦV���g
5314backspace	�˰h
5315backspace (character)	�^��( �r�� )	BS
5316backspace character	�˰h�r��	BS
5317backspace control	�^�h����
5318backspace key	�˰h��
5319backspace mechanism	�h����c
5320backspace statement	�h��y�y
5321backspace tape	�^�h�ϱa
5322backspacing	�^�h
5323backtrack	�^��
5324backtrack search	�^���d�M
5325backtracking	�^���k
5326backtracking algorithm	�^���t��k
5327backtracking point	�^���I
5328backtracking programming	�^���{���]�p
5329backup	���; �ƥ�; �ƥ�; �ƻs
5330backup	���
5331backup address register	�ƥΦ�}�Ȧs��	BAR
5332backup computer	�ƥέp���	BUC
5333backup copy	�ƥ�
5334backup disk	�ƥκϤ�
5335backup diskette	�ƥκϤ�
5336backup file	�����
5337backup fixed disk	�ƥΩT�w���Ϻ�
5338backup frequency	�ƥ��W�v
5339backup mode	�ƥμҺA
5340backup path	�ƥ����|
5341backup register	�ƥμȦs��	BUR
5342backup storage	�ƥ��x�s��
5343backup system	�ƥΨt��
5344backup version	�ƥ�����
5345backup volume	�ƥ����
5346backup volume cleanup process	�ƥ�����M�~�B�z
5347backus naur form	�ڬ촵�պ��S��	BNF
5348backus normal form	�ڬ촵�S��	BNF
5349backus-naur form	�ڬ촵�պ���ܦ�
5350backus-naur formalism	�ڬ촵�պ��S��
5351backward	�ϦV	BKWD
5352backward (file) recovery	�f�V( �� )�_��
5353backward attribute	�ϦV�ݩ�
5354backward busy	�^�{���u
5355backward busying signal	�^�{���u�H��
5356backward call indicator	��V�I�s����
5357backward chaining	�ϦV�챵
5358backward chaining manner	�ϦV��覡
5359backward chaining problem solver	�ϦV����D�D�ѵ{��
5360backward channel	�ϦV�q�D
5361backward conditional probabilities	�ϦV�����v
5362backward counter	�˼ƭp�ƾ�
5363backward crosstalk	�ϦV�ꭵ
5364backward current	�ϦV�q�y
5365backward difference	��V�t��
5366backward difference method	��V�t���k
5367backward diode	�ϦV�G����
5368backward direction	�ϦV�޾�
5369backward elimination	��V����
5370backward error	��V�~�t
5371backward error analysis	��V�~�t���R
5372backward file	�ϦV�ɮ�
5373backward file recovery	�ϦV�ɮ׫�_
5374backward finite difference	��V�����t��
5375backward flow problem	�f�V�y�{���D
5376backward forward counter	���ϦV�p�ƾ�
5377backward impedance	�ϦV����
5378backward interpolation	��V����
5379backward ionospheric scatter	�V��q���h���g
5380backward learning	�Ϭd�k
5381backward link	�ϦV�챵
5382backward link field	�ϦV�s����
5383backward link pointer	�ϦV�s������
5384backward option	�ϫ�V�i�ﶵ
5385backward path	�^�{���|
5386backward pointer	�ϦV����
5387backward polyphase sort	�ϦV�h�ۤ���
5388backward processing	�ϦV�B�z
5389backward production system for theorem proving	�w�z�����ΰf�V���ͦ��t��
5390backward propagation ionospheric scatter	�V��Ǽ��q���h���g
5391backward pruning procedure	�ϦV�װŹL�{
5392backward read	��Ū
5393backward reading	�ϦVŪ�X
5394backward recovery	�V���_
5395backward reference	�V��ޥ�
5396backward robot problem-solving system	�ϦV�����H�D�Ѩt��
5397backward scan technique	�ϦV���y�k
5398backward scheduling	�f�V�Ƶ{�k
5399backward shift operator	�Ჾ��l
5400backward signal	�ϦV�H��
5401backward signaling path	�^�{�H���q��
5402backward supervision	�ϦV�ʱ�
5403backward tracing	�V��l��
5404backward transfer	��V�ಾ
5405backward voltage	�ϦV�q��
5406backward wave amplifier	�^�i��j��	BWA
5407backward-difference operator	��V�t����l
5408backwards attribute	�ϦV�ݩ�
5409backword lobe	��ä
5410bad block	�a��
5411bad block table	�l�a�϶���( �� )
5412bad break	�����
5413bad copy	�ҽk���M���Z��
5414bad debt	�b�b
5415bad letter	�ҽk�r��
5416bad machine	���G�٪�����	BM
5417bad sector error	���}�Ϭq���~
5418bad separator	���~���j��
5419bad track	���}�ϭy
5420bad type syntax	���~�����y�k
5421badge	�ѧO��
5422badge card reader	�аO�d��; �аO�d�\Ū��	BCR
5423badge reader	�аO����
5424badge security	�аO�w��
5425badly formed expression	���~����F��
5426baffle	�ɪO
5427bag	���Ǫ�����
5428balance	���l
5429balance due	���I�l�B
5430balance equation	���Ť�{
5431balance factor	���Ŧ]��
5432balance file	�l�B��
5433balance forward	�l�B�ӫe
5434balance forward method	���V�l�B�k
5435balance of tree	������
5436balance set	���Ŷ�
5437balance sheet	�겣�t�Ū�
5438balance stripe	���ű�
5439balance tree	���ž�
5440balanced	���Ū�
5441balanced amplifier	���ũ�j��
5442balanced amplitude modulation	���ŽմT�ը�
5443balanced array	���Ű}�C
5444balanced binary system	���ŤG�i��t��
5445balanced binary tree	���ŤG����
5446balanced check mode	��������覡
5447balanced circuit	���Žu��
5448balanced code	���ŽX
5449balanced data link	���Ÿ�����
5450balanced duplexer	�������u��
5451balanced error	���Ż~�t
5452balanced error range	��ٻ~�t�d��
5453balanced error soution	���Ż~�t��
5454balanced factor	���Ŧ]��
5455balanced inductor logical element	���Ŧ��q�P�޿褸��	BILE
5456balanced line	���Žu
5457balanced link-level operation	��������žާ@
5458balanced merge	���ŦX��
5459balanced merge sort	���ŦX�֤���
5460balanced modulation	���Žը�
5461balanced modulator	���Žը	BM
5462balanced network	���ź���
5463balanced signal pair	���ūH����
5464balanced sorting	��ٱƧ�; ��٤���
5465balanced station	���ů�
5466balanced system	���Ũt��
5467balanced to ground	��a����
5468balanced to unbalanced	����--�������ܴ���	BALUN
5469balanced transmission line	���Ŷǿ�u
5470balanced tree	���ž�
5471balanced tree index	���ž����
5472balancing	����
5473balancing control totals	�l�B�����`�p
5474balancing error	���Ż~�t
5475balancing network	���ź���
5476balancing of an operational amplifier	�B���j��������
5477balancing operational amplifier	���ŹB���j��
5478ball resolver	�y�y�Ф��Ѿ�
5479ballistic compressor computer code	�u�D���Y���p����{�ǽX	BCCC
5480ballistic computer	�u�D�p���
5481ballistic galvanometer	�u�D���q�y�p
5482ballistic missile defence	�u�D�ɼu���s
5483ballistic missile early warning system	�u�D�ɼu�wĵ�t��
5484ballistic technique	�u�D�޳N
5485balsam	�n���
5486Banach space	�ڮ����Ŷ�
5487banana plug	��������
5488band	�a; �W�a( �� )
5489band (belt) printer	�a���C�L��
5490band compaction	�W�a���Y
5491band edge absorption	�W�a�t�l��
5492band elimination filter	�a���o�i��
5493band expansion factor	�W�a�X�i�Y��
5494band filter	�W�a�o�i��	BF
5495band line printer	�a���C�L��
5496band pass	�W�q	BP
5497band printer	�a���C�L��
5498band splitting	�W�a����
5499band structure	�W�a���c
5500band theoryure	�W�a�z��
5501band width	�q�T�W�e( �� )
5502band-elimination filter	�W�a�o�i��
5503band-gap energy	�W�a�د�q
5504band-limited channel	�����W�e�q�D
5505band-limited function	�����W�e���
5506band-limited random process	�����W�e�H���L�{
5507band-rejection filter	�W���o�i��
5508band-stop filter	�W���o�i��
5509band-suppression filter	�W���o�i��
5510banding	���a����
5511bandpass	�q�W�a
5512bandpass amplifier	�W�q��j��
5513bandpass filter	�W�q�o�i��	BPF
5514bandwidth	�W�e
5515bandwidth compression	�W�e���Y
5516bandwidth limited	�����W�e
5517bandwidth product	�W�e�ͦ�
5518bandwidth range	�W�e�d��
5519bandwidth reservation	�W�e�O�d
5520bandwidth rule	�W�e�W�h
5521bang-bang control	�_��������
5522bang-bang serve	�~�q�����A���c
5523bang-hang servo	�~�q�����A���c
5524bank	�O�Юw; �O�����
5525bank address	�O�Юw��}
5526bank bit	�x�s�줸
5527bank information system network	�Ȧ��T�t�κ���	BISNET
5528bank management information system	�Ȧ�޲z��T�t��	BMIS
5529bank memory	�O�Юw; �O����
5530bank on-line teller system	�Ȧ�s�u�X�ǭ��t��
5531bank switching	�O�Юw�洫
5532bank teller terminal	�Ȧ�X�ǭ��׺ݳ]��		BTT
5533bankers automated clearing service	�Ȧ�۰ʲ��u�洫�æC	BACS
5534banking	�Ȧ�~
5535banking system	�Ȧ�~�ȳB�z�t��
5536banking systems information exchange	�Ȧ�t�θ�T�洫	BSIE
5537banking terminal device	�Ȧ�׺ݳ]��
5538banner	���D
5539banner page	���D��
5540banner word	���D�r
5541baptist information retrieval system	���������S��T�˯��t��	BIRS
5542bar	��; �a; ����
5543bar chart	�����; ������; ������
5544bar code	���X
5545bar code reader	���X�\Ū��
5546bar code scanner	���X���y��
5547bar console typewriter	�즡����x���L��
5548bar double-X	������X
5549bar line printer	�즡�C�L��
5550bar printer	�즡�L���
5551bar width	���e
5552bar-code reader	���X���y��
5553bar-matrix display	��--�x�}���
5554bare bus bar	�r���u
5555bare computer	�r( �p�� )��
5556bare conductor	�r���^
5557bare machine	�r��
5558bare wire	�ɽu
5559barker code barker	�X
5560barrage jammer	�B�_���z�Z�o�g��
5561barrage jamming	�B�_���z�Z�o�g
5562barrage jamming rader display	�B�_���z�Z�p�F���
5563barrage reception	���ѽu�ܤz�Z����
5564barred	�B�_���z�Z
5565barred	signal	�B�_���z�Z�H��
5566barred facility	�B�_���z�Z�]��
5567barrel	��
5568barrel cleaning	�u���M�z
5569barrel connector	�P�b�q�l�s����
5570barrel distortion	����u
5571barrel print	�����C�L
5572barrel printer	�����C���
5573barrel printing	�����C�L
5574barrel switch	��ζ}��
5575barrier box	�j����
5576barrier capacitance	���׼h�q�e
5577barrier grid storage tube	�٬]�x�s��
5578barrier layer	���׼h
5579barrier layer capacitance	���׼h�q�e
5580barrier layer condenser	���׼h�q�e
5581barrier layer puncture	���׼h����
5582barrier resistance	���׼h�q��
5583barrier voltage	���׼h�q��
5584barrier-layer cell	���׼h�q��
5585bartlett window	�گS����
5586baryta paper	��Ư�
5587basci display file	������ɮ�	BDF
5588basci line apace	����Z
5589base	��( �� )��; ���I; ��; ��¦
5590base (address) register	��( �} )�Ȧs��
5591base (deprecated in this sense)	����( ���y�� )
5592base address	��}
5593base address register	��}�Ȧs��
5594base address reiocation	���}���w��
5595base and limit	��a�P���I
5596base attribute	��a�ݩ�
5597base band	��a	BB
5598base beam lead	���W���޽u
5599base capacity	������
5600base channel	���q�D
5601base characteristic	���S��
5602base charge	���q��
5603base charging process	���R�q�L�{
5604base charging speed	���R�q�t��
5605base cluster	��s
5606base color	���
5607base communication processor	��a�q�T�B�z	BCP
5608base communications	��a�q�T
5609base complement	�ɽX
5610base contact	�����I
5611base coupled logic circult	�����X�޿�q��
5612base current	���q�y
5613base current source	���q�y��
5614base data	�����
5615base data processing installation	��a��ƳB�z����	BDPI
5616base data source definition	����Ʒ��w�q
5617base diffusion	���X���h
5618base displacement addressing system	��}�첾�w�}�t��
5619base earth	�����a
5620base electrode	��
5621base element	������
5622Base Group	��s	BG
5623base group	����
5624base I/O address	����X�J��}
5625Base Image	���v��
5626base interrupt address register	�����_��}�Ȧs��
5627base item	����
5628base layer	���h
5629base line	��u
5630base line configuration management	���[�c�޲z
5631base line correction	��u�ե�
5632base line drift	��u�}��
5633base load	���t��
5634base locator linkage	���}�w��s��
5635base mass storage volume	���j�q�x�s��
5636base memory address	���O�����}( �� )
5637base metal	������
5638base mode link control	���覡�������W�{
5639base node	�����I
5640base notation	���Ÿ�
5641base number	���
5642base of stack register	���|�Ȧs�����}
5643base operand address	���B�⤸��}
5644base operand specifier	���B�⤸���w��
5645base order	��¦�q��
5646base page addressing	���w�}
5647base page select	�����
5648base parameter	��Ѽ�
5649base point	���I
5650base price	������
5651base priority	���u���v
5652base radix	�����
5653base rate	����v
5654base RBA	���۹�r����}
5655base reference potential	���Ѧҹq��
5656base reference voltage	���Ѧҹq��
5657base region	���
5658base register	���Ȧs��
5659base relative addressing	��}�۹�w�}
5660base resistance	���q��
5661base resource units	���귽���
5662base saturation voltage	�����M�q��
5663base segment	�����q
5664base set	��
5665base sheet resistivity	������h�q���v
5666base spreading resistance	���X�i�q��
5667base station	��
5668base storage pool	�����x����
5669base table	����
5670base terminal	���޽u
5671base thick	�a��p��
5672base time	��ɶ�
5673base type	����
5674base unit price	��������
5675base volume	���
5676base width	��ϼe��
5677base-collector junction	��--���q����
5678base-emitter barrier capacitance	��--�o�g���̻ٹq�e
5679base-emitter saturation voltage	���o�g�����M�q��
5680base-emitter voltage	���o�g���q��
5681base-minus-one's complement	�ϽX
5682base-mode	���覡
5683base-plus-displacement address	��}�[�첾�q��}
5684baseband	����W�a; ���W
5685baseband assignment	��a���t
5686baseband attenuation	��a�I��
5687baseband LAN	��a�ϰ����
5688baseband modem	��a�ը�ѽվ�
5689baseband receive terminal	��a�����׺�
5690baseband send terminal	��a�o�e�׺�
5691baseband signal	��a�H��
5692baseband signalling	��a�H��
5693baseband system	��a��ƶǿ�t��
5694baseband to base band	��a--��a	BB TO BB
5695baseband transmission	���W�ǿ�
5696baseband transmission	��a�ǿ�
5697based integer	�a����
5698based notation	���O�ƪk
5699based number	�a���
5700based storage allocation	���x�s���t
5701based storage area	���x�s��
5702based variable	���ܼ�
5703Basegram	( �� )��a( ��o�� )�q��	BGM
5704baseline	��u
5705baseline angle	��u��
5706baseline axis	��u�b
5707baseline configuration management	��ǰt�m�޲z
5708baseline correction	��Ǯե�
5709baseline direction	��u��V
5710baseline extent	��u�ϰ�
5711baseline increment	��u�W�q
5712baseline network	��Ǻ���
5713baseline offset	��u�첾�q
5714baseline sequential axis	��u���Ƕb
5715baseplate	���y
5716BASIC	����y��
5717basic access	���i�X
5718basic access level	���s����
5719basic access method	���s����k	BAM
5720basic activity subset	�����ʤl���X
5721basic additional teleprocessing support	�����U���{�H���B�z�������	BATS
5722basic additional teleprocessing system	�����U���{�H���B�z�t��	BATS
5723basic address	����}
5724basic address register	����}�Ȧs��
5725basic architecture model	���[�c�ҫ�
5726basic assemble program	���s�X�{��
5727basic assembler language	���զX�{���y��
5728basic assembler program	���զX�{��	BAP
5729basic assurance test	���O������	BAT
5730basic attribute	���ݩ�
5731basic autocoder	���۰ʽs�X��
5732basic batch program	������B�z�{��
5733basic batch user	�������
5734basic block	����
5735basic building block	���c��
5736basic business language	���ӥλy��	BBL
5737basic call control	���I�s����
5738basic character set	���r�Ŷ�
5739basic chinese character set	������r��
5740basic COBOL batch program	��COBOL ����B�z�{��
5741basic code	�����X
5742basic coding	�����s�X
5743basic combined subset	���p�X�l���X
5744basic command	���R�O
5745basic command interpreter	���R�O��Ķ�{��
5746BASIC committee	BASIC �e���|
5747basic communication access method	���q�T�s����k	BCAM
5748basic communications support	���q�T�䴩�{��	BCS
5749BASIC compiler	BASIC �sĶ�{��
5750BASIC construction	BASIC ���c
5751basic control code	������X	BCC
5752basic control memory	������O����	BCM
5753basic control mode	������Ҧ�	BC
5754basic control monitor	������ʷ��{����	BCM
5755basic control program	������{��	BCP
5756basic control system	������t��	BCS
5757basic control word	������r	BCW
5758basic controller	�����
5759basic counter unit	���p�ƾ��椸	BCU
5760basic crypto analysis course	���K�X���R��	BCAC
5761basic current-switch circuit	���q�y�}���qָ
5762basic data exchange	����ƥ洫	BDE
5763basic data management	����ƺ޲z�{��	BDM
5764basic data structure symbol	����Ƶ��c��
5765basic data type	���������
5766basic debugger command	�������R�O
5767basic debugging tool	�������u��
5768basic device unit	���]�Ƴ椸	BDU
5769basic direct access method	�������s���k	BDAM
5770basic disc filling system	���Ϻж��ɨt��	BDFS
5771basic disc operating system	���ϺЧ@�~�t��
5772basic disk command	���ϺЩR�O
5773basic display file	������ɮ�	BDF
5774basic display unit	����ܳ椸	BDU
5775basic document	���ɮ�
5776basic edit	���s��
5777basic editor monitor	���s��ʷ��{��	BEM
5778basic encoding unit	���s�X��	BEU
5779BASIC environment	BASIC �y������
5780basic equalizer	�����ž�
5781basic error recovery class	�����~�_���
5782BASIC evaluation	BASIC �D��
5783basic exchange diskette	���洫�n��
5784basic exchange format	���洫�榡
5785basic executive system	������t��	BES
5786basic external function	���~�����
5787basic failure rate	���G�ٲv
5788basic feasible solution	���i���
5789basic field attribute	�����ݩ�
5790basic field description	���满��
5791basic file	���ɮ�
5792basic file access system	���ɮצs���t��	BFAS
5793basic file Channel	���ɮ׳q�D	BFC
5794basic file structure	���ɮ׵��c
5795basic file system	���ɮרt��	BFS
5796basic fixed-length data format	���w���׸�Ʈ榡
5797basic flow chart	���y�{��
5798basic form	����
5799basic format	���榡
5800basic format generator	���榡�ͦ��{��
5801basic FORTRAN statement	FORTRAN ���ԭz
5802basic frequency	���W
5803basic function	�����
5804basic graphic access method	���ϧΦs����k	BGAM
5805basic graphic system	���ϧΨt��	BGS
5806basic group	��s
5807basic high layer functions	�����h�\��
5808basic ideographic character set	���H�Φr�Ŷ�
5809basic impulse level	���߽Ĺq��	BIL
5810basic index access method	�����ަs����k
5811basic indexed sequential access method	�����޶��Ǧs���k	BISAM
5812basic induction variable	���e���ܶq
5813basic information unit	����T�椸	BIU
5814basic information unit chain	����T�椸��
5815basic input output system	����J��X�t��
5816basic input/output system	����J/ ��X�t��	BIOS
5817basic instruction	�����O
5818basic instruction set	�����O��
5819basic interactive structure	����͵��c
5820basic interface	������
5821BASIC interpreter package	BASIC �����{�ǮM�˳n��	BIP
5822BASIC language	BASIC �y��
5823basic level of compatibility	�ۮe�ʤ�������
5824basic line equalizer	���u�����ž�
5825basic link	�����
5826basic link unit	���s���椸
5827basic linkage	���s��
5828basic LISP function	��LISP���
5829basic list	���C��
5830basic load	���t��
5831basic loader	�����J�{��
5832basic loop	���`��
5833basic low layer functions	���C�h�\��
5834basic machine cycle	�������P��
5835basic mapping services	���}�ܴ��A��	BMS
5836basic mapping support	���ܴ��䴩	BMS
5837basic memory	���O����
5838basic merge program	���X�ֵ{��
5839basic message switching center	���T���洫����	BSC
5840basic microcomputer compiler	���L�p����sĶ�{��
5841basic mode	���ҺA
5842basic mode control procedures	���ҺA����L�{
5843basic mode link control	���ҺA�쵲����
5844basic module	���Ҳ�
5845basic monitor	���ʷ��{��
5846basic multiline controller	���h�����	BMLC
5847basic multiprogramming system	���h���{���]�p�t��
5848basic network	������
5849basic noise	������
5850basic non-chinese character set	���D����r��
5851basic number	���
5852basic numbering plan	���s�����
5853basic operating software system	���@�~�n��t��	BOSS
5854basic operating system	���@�~�t��	BOS
5855basic operating system software	���@�~�t�γn��	BOSS
5856basic operating system/360	���@�~�t��360
5857basic operation monitor	���ާ@�ʷ��{��	BOM
5858basic operation system/360	���@�~�t��/360	BOS/360
5859basic operational concept	���ާ@����
5860basic operator command	���ާ@���R�O
5861basic operator control	���ާ@������
5862basic operator control command	���ާ@������R�O
5863basic operator control SSP	���ާ@������t�ΪA�ȵ{��
5864basic operator control station	���ާ@�����	BOP
5865basic operator panel	���ާ@������O	BOP
5866basic operator panel display register	���ާ@�����O��ܼȦs��
5867basic order code	�D���O�X
5868basic overlay	���л\
5869basic partitioned access method	�����Ϧs����k	BPAM
5870basic path notation	�����|���Ѫk
5871basic peripheral channel	���g��q�D	BPC
5872basic peripherals	���g��]��
5873basic PL/1 statement	PL/1���ԭz
5874basic plan grnerating system	���W�h���ͨt��
5875basic price	��ǻ���
5876basic primary operator control station	���D�ާ@�����
5877basic program access method	���{���s����k	BPAM
5878basic programming extensions	���{���]�p�X�R	BSE
5879basic programming support	���{���]�p�䴩	BPS
5880basic programming system	���{���]�p�t��	BPS
5881basic pulse	��ǯ߽�
5882basic pulse generator	�D�߽IJ��;�
5883basic rate	���t�v
5884basic rate interface	���t�v����
5885basic real constant	����`��
5886basic real-time monitor	����ɺʷ��{��	BRTM
5887basic recursive function theory	�����j��ƽ�	BRFT
5888basic saturated cut-set	�����M�ζ�
5889basic secondary operator control station	�����U�ާ@�����
5890basic security mechanism	���w���ʾ���
5891basic sequential access method	�����Ǧs����k	BSAM
5892basic sequential subset	�����Ǥl��
5893basic services	���A��
5894basic spline	������
5895BASIC standard	BASIC �з�
5896basic statement	���ԭz
5897basic statistics	��¦�έp; ���έp
5898basic status	�����A
5899basic status register	�����A�Ȧs��	BSTAT
5900basic storage allocation	���x�s���t
5901basic storage module	���x�s�Ҳ�	BSM
5902basic string	���r��
5903BASIC subprogram	BASIC �Ƶ{��
5904basic subsystem module	���l�t�μҲ�	BSM
5905basic symbol	���Ÿ�
5906basic synchronized subset	���P�B�l���X
5907basic synchronous communication	���P�B�q�T	BSC
5908BASIC system	BASIC �y���t��
5909basic system extension	���t���X�R	BSE
5910basic telecommunication(s) access method	���q�T�s���k	BTAM
5911basic telecommunications access method	���q�T�s����k	BTAM
5912basic terminal access method	���׺ݦs����k	BTAM
5913basic time-sharing system	�����ɨt��	BTSS
5914basic timing cycle	���w�ɩP��	BTSS
5915basic token	���O��
5916basic transformation	���ܴ�
5917basic transmission	���ǿ�]��	BTU
5918basic transmission unit	���ǿ���	BTU
5919basic turing machine	�����L��
5920basic working display	���u�@��ܵe��
5921basic-mode	���Ҧ�
5922basic-transient diode logic	�����ܤG�����޿�q��	BTDL
5923BASIC-type language	BASIC �����y��
5924basis	��u
5925basis files	���ɮ�
5926basis matrix	��x�}
5927bass	�C��
5928bass boost	�C������
5929bastard ALGOL	�ܧΪ�ALGOL �y��
5930bastard size	�D�зǤؤo
5931batch	�妸; ���
5932batch	PVS	�妸�{������A�ȵ{��
5933batch accumulator	��q�֥[��
5934batch and interactive network	����M��ͳB�z����
5935batch application	�妸���ε{��
5936batch automated balancing system	�妸�۰ʥ��Ũt��	BABS
5937batch BSC	��B�z�G�i��P�B�q�H
5938batch capacity	�妸����
5939batch circuit analysis	��q�q�����R
5940batch coding sheets	�妸�s�X��
5941batch command	���R�O
5942batch communications program	�妸�q�T�{��	BCP
5943batch compilation	����sĶ�B�z
5944batch compilation listing	����sĶ�C��
5945batch compilation report	����sĶ����
5946batch control	��B�z����
5947batch control sample	���山��˥�
5948batch data exchange	�����ƥ洫
5949batch data exchange service	�妸��ƥ洫�~��	BDES
5950batch data exchange services	��q��ƥ洫�~��
5951batch data processing	�����ƳB�z
5952batch deleted	�w�R���妸
5953batch device	��B�z�]��
5954batch ender	��q������
5955batch entry	��q��J
5956batch environment	��B�z����
5957batch execution	��B�z����
5958batch facility	��\��
5959batch file	���R�O
5960batch files	����ɮ�
5961batch header	��q���Y
5962batch initiation	����ҩl
5963batch input	��q( ���� )��J	BI
5964batch input	�����J	BI
5965batch input data record	�����J��ưO��
5966batch input functionality	�����J�\���
5967batch input stream	�����J�H���y
5968Batch Interactive	������( �޳N )	BI
5969batch interface file	��q�����ɮ�	BIF
5970batch interface JCL mask file	��q����JCL �ҫ��ɮ�
5971batch interface log file	��q�������A�O���ɮ�
5972batch job	���@�~	BJ
5973batch job queue	���@�~��C
5974batch log	�妸��x
5975batch message processing	�������B�z	BMP
5976batch method	���B�z�k
5977batch method of treatment	���B�z�k
5978batch mode	�妸�B�z�Ҧ�
5979batch monitor	�妸�B�z�ʷ��{��
5980batch number	�帹
5981batch operating software system	��q�@�~�n��t��	BOSS
5982batch operation	����ާ@
5983batch operationg system	��B�z�@�~��	BOS
5984batch output converter	�����X�ഫ�{��
5985batch partition	���B�z����
5986batch print function	����C�L�\��
5987batch process system	����B�z�t��
5988batch processing	�妸�B�z; ���B�z
5989batch processing environment	�妸�B�z����
5990batch processing interrupt	�妸�B�z���_
5991batch processing mode	�妸�B�z�Ҧ�
5992batch processing program	�妸�B�z�{��
5993batch processor log	�妸�B�z�{�Ǿ��O��
5994batch program	�妸�{��
5995batch qty	�妸�ƶq
5996batch query	�妸�d��
5997batch query language	�妸�d�߻y��	BQL
5998batch queue	�妸��C
5999batch region	�妸����
6000batch request	�妸�B�z�ШD
6001batch return status	�妸��^���A
6002batch run	������
6003batch save/restore	���O�d��_
6004batch sequence number	���嶶�Ǹ�	BSN
6005batch session	��q�q��
6006batch spool monitor	�妸������ʷ��{��	BSM
6007batch statistics	�妸�έp
6008batch status	�妸���A
6009batch stream	����Ƭy
6010batch subsystem	���B�z�l�t��
6011batch system	���t��
6012batch table	��q��
6013batch task	�妸����
6014batch terminal	���B�z�׺ݾ�
6015batch terminal controller	����B�z�׺ݱ��
6016batch terminal simulator	��׺ݼ����{��	BTS
6017batch ticket	�妸��
6018batch time-sharing monitor	���B�z���ɺʷ��{��	BTM
6019batch total	�妸�`��
6020batch totals	�妸�`�p
6021batch traller	�������
6022batch transaction file	�妸�B�z�����ɮ�
6023batch transfer program	�妸�ǰe�{��	BTP
6024batch update	�妸��s
6025batch update mode	�妸��s�A
6026batch user	�妸�B�z�Τ�
6027batch workload	�妸�u�@�t��
6028batch-fabricated	���Ͳ���
6029batch-header document	�妸�����ɮ�
6030batch-mode data processing	�妸����ƳB�z
6031batch-operating system	��B�z�ާ@�t��
6032batch-oriented BMP program	�妸�B�z�ɦV���妸�H���B�z�{��
6033batch-oriented system	�妸�B�z�ɦV���t��
6034batch-processing orientated	�妸�B�z�ɦV
6035batched communication	����q�T
6036batched job	�妸�@�~
6037batched job processing	�妸�@�~�B�z
6038batching	�妸�B�z�k
6039batching with control total	�㦳�����`�ƪ��妸�B�z�k
6040batten	�ۦP��m���
6041batten check	�P�����ˬd�t��
6042battery	�q��
6043battery back up board	�q����ƹq���O
6044battery backup	�q���ճƥ�	BBU
6045battery control and monitor	�q������M�ʵ���	BCM
6046battery control data processor	�q�������ƳB�z��	BCDP
6047battery cut-off	�q���_�}	BCO
6048battery exchange	�q���洫
6049battery inverter	�q���ܬy��	B/I
6050battery pack	�q����
6051battery signaling	�q���H���]��
6052battery signaling exchange	�q���H���洫
6053battery timing equipment	�q���w�ɸ˸m	BTE
6054battery-power	�q���ѹq
6055battery-powered	�q���ѹq��
6056battery-powered calculator	�q�����p�⾹
6057Baud	�j
6058baud	�i�S	BD
6059baud conversion	�i�S�v�ഫ
6060Baud rate	�j�v
6061baud rate	�줸�ǿ�v; �ǿ�v; �j�t�v
6062baud rate generator	�i�S�v���;�	BRG
6063baudot	�զh��
6064baudot code	�զh�X	BAUD
6065baudot keyboard	�զh��L
6066baudot MUX	�զh�h��
6067bauds	�i�S	BDS
6068bay	���[
6069bayelectric company	����q���q	BEC
6070bayes decision rule	�����M���W�h
6071bayes decision theory	�����M���z��
6072bayesian statistics	�����έp�z��
6073bayonet coupling	�d�f����
6074bayroll register	�~��n�Oï
6075bc mode	������Ҧ�
6076Bcat-Frequency Oscillator	���W������	BFO
6077BCD code	�G--�Q�i��X
6078BCD counter	�G--�Q�i��p�ƾ�
6079BCD-Binary Coded Decimsl	�Q�i��ƤG�i��s�X
6080BCH code	BCH �X
6081BCN-Business Computer Network	�ӷ~�q������
6082BCS satellite	������t�νìP
6083BCS theory	bcs �z��
6084BCUG	����ʳ��ϥ�G ��
6085BDS	BDS �y��
6086bea-of-light transistor	�����q���^	BOLT
6087beacon	�޼�
6088beacon frame	�H����
6089beacon frequency	�H���W�v
6090beacon message	�H�ЫH��
6091beacon processing system	�H�гB�z�t��	BPS
6092beacon reply processor	�H�Ц^���B�z��	BRP
6093beacon station	�H�Я�
6094beacon video processing equipment	�H��W�B�z�]��	BVPE
6095beaconing terminal	�H�в׺�
6096bead	�]
6097beam	����
6098beam addressed metal oxide semiconductor	���w�}���ݮ�ƪ��b���^	BEAMOS
6099beam antenna	�w�V�ѽu
6100beam approach	�g���k
6101beam communication set	�w�V�q�T�x
6102beam control	�g������
6103beam convergence	�q�l���|�E
6104beam deflection	�q�l������
6105beam diameter	�������|
6106beam divergence	�����ش�
6107beam diversity	�@���h��
6108beam finder	�M�u��
6109beam frequency oscillator	�g���W�v������	BFO
6110beam gating electrode	�q�l���h���q��
6111beam radar	�w�V�p�F
6112beam reception	�w�V����
6113beam satellite antenna	�w�V�ìP�ѽu
6114beam search	�w�V�j��
6115beam splitter	�q�l��������	BS
6116beam station	�w�V������
6117beam storage cells	�q�l���x�s���椸
6118beam store	�q�l���x�s��
6119beam switching tube	�g���u�}����
6120beam transmission	�w�V�ǿ�
6121beam transmission link	�w�V�ǿ����
6122beam urrent	�g���q�y
6123beam width	���e
6124beam-accessed	�����s����
6125beam-accessible memory	�����O����
6126beam-deflection valve	�q�l�������
6127beam-lead	�W���޽u
6128beam-lead bonding	�W���޽u�k
6129beam-lead integrated circuit	�W���޽u�n��q��
6130beam-lead structure	�W���޽u���c
6131beam-riding guidance system	�i����ɨt��
6132beamwidth	�i���e
6133bearer	��[
6134bearer services	���e�A��
6135bearing	�b��
6136bearing accuracy	���ǽT��
6137bearing discrimination	��V�ѧO
6138bearing distance computer	���Z���p���
6139beat	��; ����; ���r�ɶ�
6140beat frequency	���W
6141beat-frequency oscillator	���W������	BFO
6142beating shift	�V������
6143beep	��( �u )�n
6144beeper	ĵ��
6145before change	�ܧ�e
6146before delete	�R���e
6147before image	�e��
6148before image journalizing	���e����x
6149before phrase	�e�u�y
6150before unload	���U�e
6151before update	��s�e
6152before-image	�e��
6153before-image journal	�e����x��
6154begin block	�_�l��
6155begin bracket	�l�A��	BB
6156begin bracket indicator	�_�l�ʥ]���ܦ줸
6157begin chain	�}�l��
6158begin column	���C
6159BEGIN statement	BEGIN �y��
6160begin-end block	�}�l--������
6161beginblock underline	�]�m��U�E�u���_�l��m
6162Beginner's All-prupose Symbolic Instruction Code	��Ǫ̳q�βŸ����O�X; BASIC �y��	BASIC
6163beginning	����
6164Beginning	�}�l	BGN(G)
6165beginning attribute character	�}�l�ݩʦr��
6166beginning balance	����l�B
6167beginning character	�_�l�r��
6168beginning end	�_�l��
6169beginning inventory	����s�f; ����w�s
6170beginning of block	�r�ն}�l	BOB
6171beginning of file lable	�ɮ׶}�l�и�
6172beginning of information marker	��T�}�l�аO	BIM
6173beginning of record	�O���}�l	BOR
6174beginning of tape	�ϱa�}�l	BOT
6175beginning-file label	�ɮ׶}�l�лx
6176beginning-of-file label	�ɮ׶}�l�и�
6177beginning-of-information	��T�}�l
6178beginning-of-information marker	��T�}�l�лx
6179beginning-of-tape	�ϱa�}�l�лx
6180beginning-of-tape control	( �� )�a�}�l����
6181beginning-of-tape hole	( �� )�a�}�l�лx��
6182beginning-of-tape mark	�ϱa�}�l�лx
6183beginning-of-tape marker	( �� )�a�}�l�лx	BOT
6184beginning-of-volume label	���}�l�и�
6185behavior compiler	�欰�sĶ�{��
6186behavior language	�欰�y��
6187behavior mode	�欰�Ҧ�
6188BEHAVIOR subblock	BEHAVIOR�p�q
6189behavioral DECSIM (BDS)	BDS �y��
6190behavioral simulation	�欰����
6191behaviour characteristics	�欰�S�x
6192behavioural science	�欰���
6193behavioural science programming language	�欰��ǽs�{�y	BSPL
6194behavioural system	�欰�t��
6195behavioural theory	�欰�z��
6196behind the tape reader	�b�ϱa�\Ū���Z	BTR
6197Belady algorithm	���ܭ}��k
6198bell	����
6199bell	�a; �T�a	BEL
6200Bell administrative network communication system	������F�޲z�����q�T�t��	BANCS
6201Bell administrative network communications system	������F�޲z�����q�T�t��	BANCS
6202bell alarm switch	ĵ�a�}��	BASW
6203Bell and Howell newspaper index	����--���º����ȯ���
6204bell character	��ĵ��	BEL
6205bell character	��ĵ( �r )��	BEL
6206bell character;BEL	�a�r��
6207bell code	��ĵ�X
6208Bell data network	�����ƾں���	BDN
6209bell fast	�֨���
6210bell idles	�~�X
6211Bell information network	������T��	BIN
6212bell integrated optical device	��ĵ�n����dz]��	BIOD
6213Bell interpretive system	������Ķ�t��
6214Bell laboratories	���������
6215Bell laboratory interpretive system	��������Ǫ�Ķ�t��	BLIS
6216Bell line drawing language	������ϻy��	B-LINE
6217Bell system	�����t��
6218Bell system reference system	�����t�ΰѦҨt��	BSRF
6219Bell system teletypewriter exchange service	�����t�ιq�ǥ��r���洫�~��
6220Bell telephone laboratories	�����q�ܹ����	BTL
6221Bell telephone manufacturing	�����q�ܻs�y	BTM
6222BELL/Canada	�[���j�����q�H���q	BELL/C
6223bellows contact	�馡®��
6224belt	�֭��a
6225belt printer	�a���C���
6226benchmark	���	BM
6227benchmark (test)	���Ĵ���
6228benchmark package	��ǵ{�ǥ]
6229benchmark problem	( ����p����ʯ઺ )��ǰ��D
6230benchmark program	��ǵ{��	BMP
6231benchmark programming	��ǵ{���]�p
6232benchmark routine	��DZ`��
6233benchmark test	��Ǵ���
6234benchmark test program	��Ǵ��յ{��
6235benchmarking method and result	��ǵ{����k�M���G
6236bend	�s��
6237bend test	�s������
6238bending loss	�L�u�q�i������l��
6239bending stress	�s�����O
6240Bendix integrated data system	���}�J����X��ƨt��	BIDS
6241beneficiary case	���q�̨���
6242Berger code	�B��X
6243Berkeley computer corporation	���J�ܭp������q	BCC
6244Bernoulli	���V���޳N
6245Bernoulli flexible disk drive	���V���n�Ϻо�
6246Bernoulli polynomials	���V���h����
6247berometer	�����p	BRM
6248beryllia substrate	��ƹe����
6249bespole	�w�w���f
6250Bessel hunction	���뺸���
6251Bessel interpolation formula	���뺸��������
6252best approximation	���u�G��
6253best curve	�̨Φ��u
6254best linear unbiased estimator	���u�u�ʵL�����p
6255best match	�̨Τǰt
6256best pattern	�̨ιϫ�
6257best-case model	�̨α��μҫ�
6258best-first search	�̨��u���d�M
6259best-fit	���u����
6260best-fit method	���u�����k
6261Bestell system	�B�����t��	BESSY
6262beta (system)	���L�t��
6263beta cutoff	���L�װ�
6264beta function	���L���
6265beta particle	���L�ɤl
6266beta ray	���L�g�u
6267beta site	���L�ե�; ���L����
6268beta value	���L��
6269BETB	�ʥ]��
6270Bevan information generator	��U��T���;�	BIG
6271bevel	�׭�
6272beyond very high speed integration	�W���t�n��( �q�� )	BHSI
6273bezel	�E����
6274BH meter	BH���q�p
6275bi-directional dialog	���V���
6276bi-directional heuristic	���V�ձ�
6277bi-directional transceiver element	���V���o�G�ξ�	BTE
6278bi-Doppler scoring system	���h���Ǩt��	BIDOPS
6279bi-duplexed redundancy	���V���u���l( �� )	BDR
6280bi-hpase level	�G�۹q��	BI-L
6281bi-hpase mark	�G�ۼаO	BI-M
6282bi-language form	���y����
6283bi-phase space	�G�۪Ŷ�	BI-S
6284bi-processor configuration	���B�z���t�m
6285bi-syn	���P�B
6286bi-synchronous batch terminal	���P�B����B�z�׺�( �]�� )
6287bias	���t; ����; ����
6288bias check	���t; ����; ����
6289bias current	���y
6290bias data	�������
6291bias distortion	��( �� )���u
6292bias error	���~
6293bias gain-control eircuit	������j����q��
6294bias ratio	�����v
6295bias sample	�����ҫ��ļ�
6296bias test (=marginal test)	��t����( ���� )
6297bias testing	��t����( ���� )
6298bias winding	���m¶��
6299bias-induced noise	�����P�����n��
6300bias-off	���m( �� )�I��
6301biased data	�������
6302biased error	�����~�t
6303biased exponent	������
6304biased partitioning	�������t( ���� )
6305biasing	���m
6306biasing circuit	�����q��
6307biasing logic	�����޿�
6308biax (magnetic) element	���b�Ϫ䤸��
6309biax memory	���b�Ϫ�O����
6310bibliographic	�ѥت�
6311bibliographic coupling	�ѥؿ����X
6312bibliographic data base	�ѥظ�Ʈw
6313bibliographic data processing program	�ѥظ�ƳB�z�{��	BIDAP
6314bibliographic information system	�ѥظ�T�t��
6315bibliographic retrieval services	�ѥ��˯��A��	BRS
6316bibliographic search	�ѥجd�M
6317bibliography	�ѥ�
6318bicathode tube	��������
6319bicharacteristic ray	���S�x�g�u
6320bicomponent algorithm	���s�q���q��k
6321biconditional bus	������׬y��
6322biconditional flow	������y
6323biconditional gate (=exclusive-NOR gate)	������h( �����h )
6324biconditional operation	������ާ@
6325biconditional statement	���A�ԭz
6326biconnected component	���s�q����
6327biconnected graph	���s�q��
6328bicubic	���T����
6329bicycling	( �����q�� )�p��
6330BID	( SNA������O���@ )
6331bid	���
6332bidder	���
6333bidding	���
6334bidiagonal matrix	��﨤�u�x�}
6335bidigraph	���V��
6336bidindicator	�ШD���ܲ�
6337bidirectional	���V��
6338Bidirectional bus	���V�׬y��	BIDI
6339bidirectional bus	���V�׬y��
6340bidirectional bus driver	���V�׬y���X�ʾ�
6341bidirectional bus switch	���V�׬y�ƶ}��
6342bidirectional counter	���V�p�ƾ�
6343bidirectional coupler	���V���X��
6344bidirectional current	���V�q�y
6345bidirectional flow	���V�y�{
6346bidirectional gate	���V�h
6347bidirectional ine-shot	���V��	�q��
6348bidirectional logical relationship	���V�޿����Y
6349bidirectional microphone	���V��
6350bidirectional operation	���V�ާ@
6351bidirectional pointer	���V����
6352bidirectional printing	���V�C�L
6353bidirectional pulse	���V�߽�
6354bidirectional pulse train	���V�߽ĦC
6355bidirectional reading	���VŪ
6356bidirectional relationship	���V���Y
6357bidirectional search process	���V�d�M�L�{
6358bidirectional search with equal speed	���t���V�d�M
6359bidirectional shift register	���V����Ȧs��
6360bidirectional switch	���V�}��
6361bidirectional test port	���V���դf
6362bidirectional transistor	���V�q����
6363bidirectional wave form	���V�i��
6364bidrectional flow	���V�y�{
6365biduplexed system	�����u�t��
6366bifilar	���Ѫ�
6367bifocal	���J�I�z��
6368bifurcate	���e( �� )
6369bifurcated contact	���e��®��( IJ�I )
6370bifurcation	���e
6371bifurcation connector	���e���s����
6372bifurcational value	������
6373big blue	�Ŧ⥨�H( �N��IBM���q )
6374biharmonic equation	���թM��{��
6375biharmonic operator	���թM�B���
6376biharmonic partial differential equation	���թM���L����{	BIPDE
6377bilateral agreement	�����ij
6378bilateral array	���V�}�C
6379bilateral closed user group	���V���X���
6380bilateral closed user group (BCUG)	����ʳ��ϥΪ̲�
6381bilateral closed user group with outgoing access	��P���X�ե~�Τ�q�T�����V���X�Τ��
6382bilateral control	���V����
6383bilateral diffusion	���V�X��
6384bilateral diode switch	���V�G����}��
6385bilateral Laplace transformation	�����Դ��Դ��ܴ�
6386bilateral network	���V����
6387bilateral surface	��������
6388bilateral switch	���V�}��
6389bilateral synchronization	���V�P�B
6390bildschirmtext	�������t��	BTX
6391bilinear form	���u�ʫ�
6392bilinear formula	���u�ʤ���
6393bilinear integral form	���u�ʾ�X��
6394bill	�b��; �M��
6395bill board antenna	�s�i�P���ѽu
6396bill of lading	����
6397bill of landing	����	B/L
6398bill of material	���ƲM��	BM
6399bill of material(s)	�ήƲM��	BOM
6400bill of materials	���ƲM��
6401bill of sale	�P��M��	B/S
6402bill payment	�O�b��I
6403billi	�d��
6404billibit	�d����
6405billicycle	�d���P
6406billing	�O�b
6407billing and accounting computer	���کM�|�p�p���	BAA
6408billing cycle	�b��g��
6409billing machine	�}���
6410billing punch	���ڥ��վ�
6411billing transaction	�b�沧��
6412Billing; Inventory Control; Acounts Reveivable;	�O�b; �w�s�޲z; �έp; �����ڶ�; �P��	BICARSA
6413billing;accounts receivable; sales analysis	�O�b; �����b��; �P����R	BARSA
6414billion	( ���� )�Q��
6415billion operations per second	�C��10�����B��
6416billions of instuctions per second	�C�����X�Q�������O( CPU �t�ת����q��� )	BIPS
6417bilogical	���޿誺
6418BIMED porgram	�Ω�ͪ���Dzέp��FORTRAN �p����{��
6419bimodal	���ҺA��
6420bimorph	�����q����
6421bimorph memory cell	���A�O����
6422bin	�c
6423bin card	�d���c
6424bin location	�ܦ�
6425binary	�G�i��; �G�i�ƪ�	BIN
6426Binary	�G�i�	BIN
6427binary (numeration) system	�G�i��( �Ʀr )�t��
6428binary accumulator	�G�i��֥[��
6429binary adder	�G�i��[�k��
6430binary adding circuit	�G�i��[�k�q��
6431binary adding device	�G�i��[�k��
6432binary addition	�G�i��[�k
6433binary address	�G�i���}
6434binary algebraic adder	�G�i��N�ƥ[�k��
6435binary alphabet	�G�i��r����
6436binary arithmetic	�G�i���N��
6437binary arithmetic operation	�G���B��
6438binary array	�G�i��}�C
6439binary asymmetric channel	���A( �G�i�� )����٫H( �q )�D	BAC
6440binary asymmetric dependent channel	���A�D��٬����q�D	BADC
6441binary attribute	�G�i���ݩ�
6442binary B-tree	�G�eB--��
6443binary bit	�G�i���
6444binary Boolean operation	�G�i��L( �޿� )�B��
6445binary card	�G�i��d��
6446binary card image object file	�G�i��d���M���ت��ɮ�
6447binary cell	�G�i��; �G�i���x�s��
6448binary chain	�G�i����
6449binary channel	���q�D
6450binary character	�G�i�r��
6451binary character set	�G�i��r��
6452binary check digit	�G�i�����Ʀ�
6453binary chop	��b�˯�
6454binary circuit	�G�i��q��
6455binary code	�G�i��X	BC
6456binary code decimal syste;	�G�i��X���Q�i��t��
6457binary code format	�G�i��X�榡
6458binary coded octal	�G--�K�i��	BCO
6459binary coded output	�G�i��s�X��X
6460binary coded set	�G�i�X�ƶ�
6461binary coder	�G�i��s�X��
6462binary coding	�G�i��s�X
6463binary coefficient	�G�i��Y��
6464binary column	�G�i���
6465binary communication system	�G�i��q�T��
6466binary comparator	�G�i������( ����B��� )
6467binary compatibility	�G�i��ۮe��
6468binary computer	�G�i��p���
6469binary constant	�G�i��`��
6470binary contact making counter	�G�i�IJ���p�ƾ�
6471binary control	�G�i���
6472binary control field	�G�i�����
6473Binary convolutional encoding	�G�줸�^�۽s�X
6474binary countdown	�G�i���p��
6475binary counter	�G�i��p�ƾ�	BC
6476binary cyclic code	�G�Q�i�`���X
6477binary data	�G�i����
6478binary decimal code	�G�Q�i��N�X
6479binary decimal counter	�G--�Q�i��p�ƾ�	BDC
6480binary decimal system	�G--�Q�i��O�ƪk
6481binary decision	�G���P�w
6482binary decision diagram	�G���M����
6483binary decision tree	�G���M����
6484binary deck	�G�i��d���|
6485binary decoder	�G�i��ѽX��	BD
6486binary device	�G�i��]��
6487binary digit	�G�i�Ʀ�; �G�i��Ʀr	BINIT
6488binary digit characters	�G�i��Ʀr�r��
6489binary digit string	�G�i�Ʀ�r��
6490binary digital computer	�G�i��Ʀ�p���
6491binary digital multiplier	�G�i��Ʀ쭼�k��	BDM
6492binary digital signal stream	�G�i�Ʀ�H����
6493binary digital system	�G�i��Ʀ�t��
6494binary digits	�G�i��Ʀ�	BITS
6495binary directed tree	�G�����V��
6496binary divider	�G�i��k��
6497binary dump	�G�i�����x( �C�L )
6498binary dump program	�G�i�����x�{��
6499binary element	�G�i�( �� )
6500binary element string	�G�i�( �� )��
6501binary encoding	�G�i��s�X
6502binary equivalent (=equivalent binary digits)	���ĤG�i���
6503binary extension	�G�i���X�R
6504binary figure	�G�i��Ÿ�
6505binary file	�G�i���ɮ�
6506binary fixed-point constant	�G�i��w�I�`��
6507binary flip-flop	�G�i��Ͼ�
6508binary form	�G�i�Φ�
6509binary form file	�G�i����
6510binary form oat-point constant	�G�i���
6511binary format	�G�i��榡
6512binary format code	�G�i��( �榡 )�N�X
6513binary half-adder	�G�i��b�[��
6514binary hologram	�G��������
6515binary image	�G�i��M��
6516binary image data	�G�i��M�����
6517binary image processing	�G�i��M���B�z
6518binary image value	�G�i��M����
6519binary imaging	�G�i�즨��; �G�ȤƼv��
6520binary incremental representation	�G�i��W�q��ܪk
6521binary information	�G�i���T
6522binary input	�G�i���J
6523binary input file	�G�i���J�ɮ�
6524binary input-binary output machine	�G�i���J��X��	BIBOM
6525binary insert	������J
6526binary insertion	������J�k
6527binary instruction format	�G�i����O�榡
6528binary instruction packet	�G�i����O�]
6529binary integer	�G�i����
6530binary internal translator	�G�i���½Ķ�{��
6531binary intersystem transmission standard	�G�i��t�ζ��ǿ�з�	BITS
6532binary item	�G�i���ƶ�
6533binary language representation	�G�i��y����ܪk	BLR
6534binary load	�G�i����J
6535binary load/dump	�G�i����J�����x( �{�� )	BLD
6536binary loader	�G�i����J�{��
6537binary loader tape	�G�i����J�{���a
6538binary logarithm	�G�i����
6539binary logic	�G�i���޿�
6540binary logic element	�G�i���޿褸��
6541binary logic network	�G���޿����
6542binary logic system	�G�i���޿�t��
6543binary lookup	�G�i��d��
6544binary machine code	�G�i�����X
6545binary magnetic tape	�G�i��ϱa
6546binary manipulation	�G�i��B�z
6547binary matching	�G�i��ǰt( �k; �޳N )
6548binary matrix	�G�i��x�}
6549binary matrix compression	�G�i��x�}���Y
6550binary message	�G�i��T��
6551binary minus	�G�i���( �B��� )
6552binary mode	�G�i��Ҧ�
6553binary modulation	�G�i��ը�
6554binary multiplier	�G�i��k��
6555binary multipllcation rule	�G�i��k�W�h
6556binary multiply	�G�i��k	BM
6557binary node	�G�e���I	BM
6558binary non-algebraic adder	�G�i��D�N�ƥ[�k��
6559binary notation	�G�i�O�ƪk
6560binary notation system	�G�i��O�ƨ�( �t�� )
6561binary number	�G�i���	BM
6562binary number representation	�G�i��ƪ��( �k )
6563binary number system	�G�i��ƨt��	BNS
6564binary numeral	�G�i���
6565binary numerat	�G�i���
6566binary numeration system	�G�i��ƨ�
6567binary numerical signal code	�G�i��Ʀr�H���s�X
6568binary object format	�G�i��ت��榡
6569binary object program	�G�i��ت��{��
6570binary one	�G�i��
6571binary operation	�G�i��ާ@( �B�� )
6572binary operator	�G�i��B���
6573binary output	�G�i���X
6574binary output file	�G�i���X�ɮ�
6575binary output program	�G�i���X�{��	BOP
6576binary pair (=flip-flop)	���Ͼ�
6577binary parallel digital computer	�G�i���Ʀ�p���
6578binary phase shift keying	�G�i��۲��䱱( �޳N )	BPSK
6579binary phase-shift-keyed	�G�i��۲��䱱( �� )	BPSC
6580binary picture data	�G�i��Ϲ����
6581binary point	�G�i��p���I	BIN
6582Binary Point	�G�i��p���I	BIN PT
6583binary product	�G�i�
6584binary product generator	�G�i����;�
6585binary pulse-code modulation	�G�i��߽�( �s )�X�ը�
6586binary quantizer	�G�i��Ʀr�ഫ��
6587binary query	����k�d��
6588binary random sequence	�G���H���ǦC
6589binary realization of autocorrelation	�۬������G�i���{
6590binary recording mode	�G�i��O���Ҧ�
6591binary relation	�G�����Y
6592binary representation	�G�i����( �k )
6593binary representation loader	�G�i��i���w����J�{��	BRL
6594binary resolvent	�G�����Ѧ�
6595binary row	�G�i��C
6596binary scale	�G�i��O�ƪk	BS
6597binary scaler	�G�i��p�ƾ�
6598binary search	�G�i�d�M�k; �G���d�M�k; �G���j�M�k
6599binary search algorithm	�G���d�M�t��k
6600binary search function	�G���d�M�\��
6601binary search method	�G���d�M�k
6602binary search program	�G���d�M�{��
6603binary search routine	�G���d�M�`��
6604binary search technique	�G���d�M�޳N
6605binary search tree	�G���d�M��
6606binary semaphore	�G�i�X��
6607binary sequence	�G�i��ǦC
6608binary serial signaling rate	�G�i����H���ǿ�t�v
6609binary signal	���A�H��
6610binary signalling	����q�H
6611binary sort tree	�G���ƧǾ�
6612binary standard numeric representation	�G�i��зǼƭȪ�ܪk
6613binary storage	�G�i���x�s��
6614binary storage tree	�G�e�x�s��
6615binary string	�G�i��
6616binary subtract	�G�i���
6617binary subtraction	�G�i���k
6618binary symbol	�G�i��Ÿ�
6619binary symmetric	�G�����
6620binary symmetric channel	�G�i��( �G�� )��ٳq�D	BSC
6621binary symmetric dependent channel	�G�i��( �G�� )��٬����H( �q )�D	BSDC
6622binary symmetric function	�G�i��( �G�� )��٨��
6623binary symmetric source	�G�i��( �G�� )��ٷ�
6624binary synchronous adapter	�G���P�B�A�t( �౵ )��	BSA
6625binary synchronous commnuications	���P�B�q�T
6626binary synchronous communication	�G�i��( �G�� )�P�B�q�T	BISC
6627binary synchronous communication cabions	�G���P�B�q�T��w
6628binary synchronous communication protocal	�G�i��( �G�� )�P�B�q�T��w
6629binary synchronous communications	�G�i��P�B�q�T	BISYNC
6630binary synchronous communications adapter	�G�i��P�B�q�T�A�t��	BSCA
6631binary synchronous communications controller	�G�i��( �G�� )�P�B�q�T���	BSCC
6632binary synchronous ROM	�G�i��( �G�� )�P�B����Ū�O����
6633binary synchronous transmission	�G�i��( �G�� )�P�B�ǿ�
6634binary system	�G�i��t��
6635binary to decimal	�G�i��@�Q�i��	B-D
6636binary tree	�G����
6637binary tree architecture	�G����[�c
6638binary tree processor network	�G����B�z������
6639binary tree search	�G����d�M
6640binary tree sort	�G����Ƨ�
6641binary tree structure	�G�����c
6642binary tree type	�G��������
6643binary trigger	���AIJ�o��	BIN
6644binary unit	�G�i��椸
6645binary unit distance code	�G�i��椸�Z���X
6646binary unit of information	�G�i���T�椸
6647binary variable	�G�i���ܼ�
6648binary vector	�G�i��V�q
6649binary word	�G�i��r
6650binary zero	�G�i�� 0
6651binary-analog conversion	�G�i��	BAC
6652binary-coded address	�G�i��X��}
6653binary-coded character	�G�i��X( �s�X )�r��
6654binary-coded data	�G�i��s�X���
6655binary-coded decade counter	�G--�Q�i��p�ƾ�	BCDC
6656binary-coded decimal	�G�i��ؾ�X���Q�i��	BCD
6657binary-coded decimal character code	�G�i��s�X���Q�i��r��( BCD	)�N�X
6658binary-coded decimal code	�G�i�X; �Q�i�ưO�k( ²��BCD	)	BCDIC
6659binary-coded decimal notation	�G�i�X; �Q�i�ưO�k	BCD
6660binary-coded decimal number	�G�i��s�X���Q�i���
6661binary-coded decimal number system	�G�Q�i��ƨt
6662binary-coded decimal representation	�G�i�X; �Q�i�ƪ�ܪk	BCD
6663binary-coded decimal system	�G�i��s�X( �� )�Q�i��
6664binary-coded digit	�G�i��s�X(��)�Ʀr
6665binary-coded information	�G�i��s�X��T	BCI
6666binary-coded notation	�G�i�X�O�k	BCD
6667binary-coded octal	�G�i��s�X���K�i��
6668binary-coded state table	�G�i��s�X���A��
6669binary-condition	���ȱ���
6670binary-decade counter	�G--�Q�i��p�ƾ�
6671binary-decimal	�G--�Q�i�
6672binary-decimal conversion	�G--�Q�i��O�ƪk
6673binary-decimal converter	�G--�Q�i���ܴ���	BDC
6674binary-to-analog converter	�G�i��--�����ഫ
6675binary-to-decimal	�G--�Q�i��( �� )	BIDEC
6676binary-to-decimal conversion	�G--�Q�i���ഫ
6677binary-weighted ramp generation	�[�v�G�i��תi�ͦ�
6678binaural	�����n
6679bind	�s��; ���X
6680bind command	�s���R�O
6681bind image	�s���M��
6682bind image table	�s���M����
6683bind of an address	��}���s��
6684bind session request	���X��ܽШD
6685bind session requset	�s���n�D
6686bind to set	�]�w
6687binder	�{��
6688binder group	�s���{�Dz�
6689binder hole card	���˭q�եd��
6690binder holes	�˭q��
6691binder-hole card	���˰v�եd��
6692bindery	�����ʷ���( �� )
6693binding	�p�s	BIND
6694binding item	�p�s��
6695binding number	���X��
6696binding post	���u�W
6697binding process	�p�s�L�{
6698binding time	�p�s�ɶ�
6699binistor	�|�h�b����}����
6700binomial	�G����
6701binomial coefficient	�G�����Y��
6702binomial distribution	�G��������
6703binomial formula	�G��������
6704binomial formula generalized	�s�q�G��������
6705binomial test	�G������
6706binomial theorem	�G�����w�z
6707bio-computer	�ͪ��p���
6708bio-robot	�ͪ��۰ʾ�
6709bio-science	�ͪ����
6710bioastrophysics	����ͪ����z��
6711biocodes	�ͩR��T��Ʈw
6712biocomputer statistics	�ͪ��p����έp��	BCS
6713biocontrol system	�ͪ�����t��
6714biocybernetics	�ͪ������
6715biodemography	�ͺA�έp��
6716biodynamics	�ͪ��ʤO��
6717bioelectronics	�ͪ��q�l��
6718bioenergetics	�ͪ���q��
6719bioengineering	�ͪ��u�{��
6720bioergonomics	�ͪ��\�ľ�
6721biofeed back	�ͪ���
6722biolerplate	�ղz�O
6723biological abstracts	�ͪ��Ǥ�K	BA
6724biological computer laboratory	�ͪ��p��������	BCL
6725biological information-processing organization	�ͪ���T�B�z��´	BIO
6726biological pattern recognition	�ͪ��Ҧ��ѧO
6727biological science communications project	�ͪ���dzq�T�u�{	BSCP
6728biological statistics	�ͪ��έp��
6729biological system	�ͪ�( �H )���t��
6730biological telemetry	�ͪ��H�������޳N
6731biomathematics	�ͪ��ƾ�
6732BIOMED	�@�زέp�p��n��]
6733biomedical analog signal processor	�ͪ��������H���B�z��	BASP
6734biomedical computing technology information center	�ͪ���ǭp��޳N��T����	BCTIC
6735biomedical data (statistical software package)	�ͪ���Ǹ��	BMD
6736biomedical program	�ͪ���ǵ{��
6737biometric computer service inc.	�ͪ��έp�p����A�Ȥ��q	BCSI
6738biometrics	�ͪ��έp��
6739bionic computer	��;ǭp���
6740bionic system	��ͨt��
6741bionics	��;�
6742biophysical society	�ͪ����z�Ƿ|	BS
6743biophysics	�ͪ����z��
6744biorthogonality relation	���������Y
6745BIOS	����J�X�t��
6746BIOS interrupt	BIOS���_
6747BIOS-Basic Input Output System	����J��X�t��
6748biosensor	�ͪ��ǷP��
6749BIOSIS previews	�ͩR��ǫH���w����Ʈw
6750biostatistics	�ͪ��έp��
6751biosystem	�ͪ��t��
6752Biot-Savart's law	����--�ĥ˯S�w��
6753biotechnology	�ͪ��u�{��
6754biotelemetry system	�ͪ������t��
6755biotron	������p�ͺ�
6756bipartite graph	����
6757biphase coding	���۽s�X
6758biphase mark coding	���۶Ǹ��s�X
6759biphase modulation	���۽ը�
6760biphase recording	���ۨ�O��
6761biphase shift-keying	�������䱱	BPSK
6762biphase signaling	���۪Ÿ��s�X
6763biphase-level coding	���۹q���s�X
6764bipolar	�����ʪ�; ������
6765bipolar (nuipolar)	������
6766bipolar bit-slice microcomputer	����������L���p���
6767bipolar circuit	�������q��
6768bipolar code	�����ʽX
6769bipolar code with zero extraction	�s���������ʽX
6770bipolar coding	�����ʽs�X
6771Bipolar combined with Mosfet	�����զX�����ݮ�ƪ��b��������������	BIMOS
6772bipolar computer element	�������p�������
6773bipolar CPU slice	����( �� )�����B�z�����
6774bipolar decoder	�����ѽX��
6775bipolar device	����������
6776bipolar fabrication	����������s�y
6777bipolar flip-flop	�����b���饿�Ͼ�
6778bipolar insulated gate field effect transistor	���������t�]������q����	BIGFET
6779bipolar integrated circuit	�����n��q��
6780bipolar logic gate	�������޿�h
6781bipolar logic integrated circuit	�������޿�n��q��
6782bipolar LSI microcomputer chip	�������W�j���n��L�p������
6783bipolar LSI microprocessor	�������W�j���n��L�B�z��
6784bipolar mask bus	�����̽��׬y��
6785bipolar memory device	�����O����˸m
6786bipolar microcomputer element	�����L�p�������
6787bipolar microcontroller	�����L���
6788bipolar microprocessor slice	�������L�B�z����
6789bipolar microprogram control unit	�����L�{�����
6790bipolar monolithic memory cell	����������x�s�椸
6791bipolar PROM	�������i�{���ư�Ū�O�Цs��
6792bipolar pulse	�����ʯ߽�
6793bipolar RAM	�������H���O����
6794bipolar read only memory	������Ū�O����	BROM
6795bipolar ROM	��������Ū�O����
6796bipolar Schottky technology	�������v�S��u��
6797bipolar semiconductor	�������b����
6798bipolar shift register	����������Ȧs��
6799bipolar signal	�����H��
6800bipolar signalling	����( �o�e )�H��
6801bipolar slice IC processor	��������n��q���B�z��
6802bipolar structure	�������c
6803bipolar system development set	�����t�ζ}�o�椸
6804bipolar technology	�������u��
6805bipolar transistor	�����q����
6806bipolar transmission	�����ʶǿ�
6807bipolar violation	�����ʯ}�a�I
6808bipolar-bit	����( �H )���줸
6809bipolar-memory	�������O����
6810bipolar-memory cell	�������O�г椸
6811bipolarity	������
6812biquinary	�G���V�X�i��( �� )
6813biquinary check ing code	�G���V�X�i���ˬd�X
6814biquinary code	�G�i���X
6815biquinary notation	�G���V�X�i��O�ƪk
6816biquinary number	�G���V�X�i���
6817biquinary number notation	�G���i��O�ƪk
6818biquinary number representation	�G���V�X�i��ƪ�ܪk
6819biquinary representation	�G���V�X�i����( �k )
6820biquinary scaler	�G���V�X�i��p�ƾ�
6821biquinary system	�G���V�X�i��
6822biquinary-coded decimal number	�G���V�X�s�X�Q�i���
6823birdles	�y�s�n
6824birefringence	����g
6825birefringent	����g��
6826Birmingham standard wire gauge	��B�����зǽu�W
6827birth and death process	�W���L�{
6828birth-death system	�ͦ��t��
6829birth-death type	�W������
6830birthday parodox	�ͤ�P�w
6831bisect	�G����
6832bisection technique	�����޳N
6833bisection theorem	�����w�z
6834bisector	�����u
6835bismuth	�c
6836bistabillty	���
6837bistable	���
6838bistable (trigger) circuit	��í�A( IJ�o )�q��
6839bistable circuit	��í�A
6840bistable component	�����
6841bistable device	��í�]��
6842bistable element	�����
6843bistable flip-flop	��í�A���Ͼ�
6844bistable multivebrator	��í�A�h��IJ�o��
6845bistable trigger circuit	��í�AIJ�o�q��
6846bisync	���P�B��
6847bisynch pass through	���P�B�q�L	BPT
6848bisynchronous communications adapter	���P�B�q�T�౵��	BCA
6849bit	�줸; �Ƥ�
6850bit accumulator	�줸�֥[��
6851bit and symbol timing	�줸�P�Ÿ��w��
6852bit architecture	�줸��t���c
6853bit array	�줸�}�C
6854bit attribute	�줸�ݩ�
6855bit bender	�G�i��g
6856bit block	�줸��
6857bit bumming	�줸���~
6858bit burst	�줸��
6859bit bus	�줸�׬y��
6860bit byte	�줸�r
6861bit cell	�줸�椸
6862bit changer	�줸�ܴ���
6863bit check	�줸����
6864bit class	�줸����
6865bit clear	���줸�M��
6866bit clock	�줸����
6867bit code	�줸�X
6868bit combination	�줸�զX
6869bit comparator	�줸�����
6870bit compare	���줸���
6871bit complement	��( �� )���ɼ�
6872bit configuration	�줸���c
6873bit control block	�줸�����	BCB
6874bit control word	�줸����r	BCW
6875bit count function	�줸�p�ƥ\��
6876bit crowding	�줸��
6877bit data transfer rate	�줸��ƶǰe�t�v
6878bit data type	�줸�������
6879bit density	�줸�K��	BD
6880bit driver	�줸�X�ʾ�
6881bit drop-in	�H���V�J
6882bit dump device	��( �� )���ɦL�˸m
6883bit error	����~
6884bit error rate	�~�X�v	BER
6885Bit Error Rate	( ��S )�줸�~�X�v	BER
6886Bit Error Rate Test(er)	�줸�~�X�v����( �{�� )	BERT
6887bit extraction	�줸�Ѩ�
6888bit field	�줸��
6889bit field manipulation	�줸��ާ@
6890bit fields	�줸��
6891bit format	�줸�榡
6892bit function	�줸���
6893bit grinding	�줸�R��
6894bit image	�줸�M��
6895bit interleaving	�줸�ﴡ
6896bit interval	�줸���j
6897bit level	�줸��
6898bit level linear recurrence	�줸�Žu�ʻ��j
6899bit line	�줸�u
6900bit list	�줸��
6901bit literal	�줸��r
6902bit location	�줸�椸
6903bit loss	�줸�ᥢ
6904bit machine	�줸�p���
6905bit manipulation	�줸�ާ@
6906bit manipulation intrinsic function	�줸�ާ@�������
6907bit manipulation subroutine	�줸�ާ@���`��
6908bit map	�Ƥ��M��; �줸��M; �줸��
6909bit map protocol	�줸�M����ij
6910bit mapped graphics	�줸����ø��
6911bit mapped images	�줸�M�g�v��
6912bit mapping	�줸��M
6913bit martrix	�줸�x�}
6914bit mask	�줸�̽�
6915bit memory organization	�줸�O�����´
6916bit move subroutine	�줸�ǰe���`��
6917bit name	�줸�W
6918bit nibble	�|�줸�r
6919bit of information	��T�줸
6920bit organized memory	�줸��´�O����
6921bit packing	�줸�զX
6922bit packing density	�줸�x�s�K��
6923bit pair	�X�줸��
6924bit parallel	�줸����
6925bit parity	�줸�_��
6926bit pattern	�줸�Ҧ�
6927bit per inch	�줸/ �^�o
6928bit per second	�줸/ ��
6929bit per second	�C��줸	BPS
6930bit plane	�줸��
6931bit plane coding	�쭱�s�X
6932bit port	���
6933bit position	�Ƥ���m; �줸��m
6934bit pulse crowding	�줸�߽ľ���
6935bit rate	�줸�t�v
6936bit reduction	�줸���Y
6937bit reduction factor	�줸���Y�]��
6938bit register	�줸�Ȧs��
6939bit reversal	�줸����
6940bit scattering	�줸���g
6941bit sequence	�줸�ǦC
6942bit sequence independence	�줸�ǦC�W�ߩ�
6943bit serial	�줸��C
6944bit serial format	���C�榡
6945bit serial link	���C���	BSL
6946bit set	�줸���X
6947bit shift	�줸����
6948bit shift compensation	�줸������v
6949bit sign	�줸�Ÿ�
6950bit significance	�줸�v
6951bit significant controller address	�줸���ı����}	BSCA
6952bit significant dievice addresses	�줸���ij]�m��}	BSDA
6953bit site	�Ʀ��m
6954bit slice central processing element	����������B�z�椸
6955bit slice technique	����޳N
6956bit speed	��S�t��
6957bit status	�쪬�A
6958bit status field	�쪬�A��
6959bit status register	�쪬�A�Ȧs��
6960bit steeling	�쮿��
6961bit stream	��y
6962bit stream transmission	��y�ǰe
6963bit string	�줸��
6964bit string data	�����
6965bit string manipulation	���B�z
6966bit string operation	���B��
6967bit string pattern recognition	���Ҧ��ѧO
6968bit string pulse	���߽�
6969bit string register	���Ȧs��
6970bit string representation of set	��궰�X���
6971bit strip	��a
6972bit stuffing	�줸��R
6973bit switch	����}��
6974bit symbol	��Ÿ�
6975bit synchronization	��P�B
6976bit time	��ɶ�
6977bit timing recovery	��w�ɭ״_	BTR
6978bit track	��ϭy
6979bit traffic	��ǰe
6980bit transparent transmission	�줸�z�q���ǿ�
6981bit vector	��V�q
6982bit wide	��e
6983bit width	��e��
6984bit word	��r
6985bit zone	�аϰ�
6986bit-block of transfer	�줸�s�ഫ
6987bit-by-bit	����
6988bit-by-bit control	���챱��
6989bit-by-bit execution	�v�����
6990bit-by-bit memory	���I���O����
6991bit-by-bit memory type	�v��O������
6992bit-by-bit optical memory	���I�����O����
6993bit-by-bit register diplay	�v��Ȧs��ܾ�
6994bit-map	�Ƥ��M��
6995bit-oriented	���쪺
6996bit-oriented data protocol	���V�쪺��ƨ�w
6997bit-oriented memory	����s���O����
6998bit-parallel logical instruction	�줸�����޿���O
6999bit-reversed order	�˦줸��
7000bit-sense line	�줸�P���u
7001bit-serial	�줸��C
7002bit-serial adder	�줸��C�[�k��
7003bit-serial arithmetic	�줸��C�B��
7004bit-serial associative processor	������p�B�z��
7005bit-serial bus	����p�׬y��
7006bit-serial common carrier	�줸���p���θ��i
7007bit-serial communication	�줸���p�q�H
7008bit-serial data stream	�줸���p��Ƭy
7009bit-serial processor	�줸���p�B�z��
7010bit-slice	�줸��
7011bit-slice access	����s��
7012bit-slice architecture	�줸������t���c
7013bit-slice central processing element	�줸���������B�z�椸
7014bit-slice computer	�줸���p���
7015bit-slice direction	�줸����V
7016bit-slice microcontroller	�줸���L���
7017bit-slice microprocessor	�줸���L�B�z��
7018bit-slice organization	�줸����´
7019bit-slice processing	�줸���B�z
7020bit-slice store	�줸���x�s��
7021bit-string constants	�줸��`��
7022bit-string error	�����~
7023bit-string operator	���B���
7024bit/s(econd)	�줸/ ��
7025bite	�I�k
7026biternary	���T�i��
7027biternary code	���T�i��X
7028bitmap	�줸�զC
7029bitmap data	�Ƥ��M�����; ��M���
7030bitmap editor	��M�s��{��
7031bitonic merging algorithm	����ϦX�ֺ�k
7032bits per inch	�C�^�T�줸��	BPI
7033bits per millimeter	�C�@�̦줸��	BPMM
7034bits per minute	�C���줸��	BPM
7035bits per second	�줸/ ��	BPS
7036bits perinch	�C�^�T�줸��	BPI
7037bits-denotation	�줸�лx
7038bits-pattern	�줸�Ҧ�
7039bits-per-second	�C��줸��
7040bitwise	�v��
7041bitwise AND operator	����
7042bitwise exclusive OR operator	����
7043bitwise inclusive OR operator	����
7044bitwise operation	�v��B��
7045bitwise operator	����B��l
7046bivariant function generator	�G����Ƶo��
7047bivariant optimizing control	���ܶq���u����
7048bivariate curve fitting	�G���ܲ����u�վA
7049bivariate interpolation	���ܶq�����k
7050bivariate test	�G���ܲ�����
7051bivicon	��( �q�l )���ṳ��
7052black and white	�¥�	B/W
7053black body	����
7054black box	�½c
7055black box approach	�½c�D�Ѫk
7056black box characterization	�½c�S�x�O�z
7057black box concept	�½c����
7058black box description of process	�L�{���½c�y�z�k
7059black box method	�½c�ާ@�k
7060black box model	�½c�ҫ�
7061black box program characterization	�½c�{���S�x�O�z
7062black box testing	�½c����
7063black recording	�¦�O��
7064black screen	�¦�å���
7065black signal	�¦�H��
7066black-and-white pattern	�¥չϧ�
7067blackboard system	�ªO�t��
7068Blackman window	���p�J�ҵ���
7069blade-fork contact	�M�f���e��IJ�I®��
7070blank	�ť�	BLNK
7071blank (character)	�ť�( �r�� )
7072blank addressing	�Žs�}
7073blank argument	���ܤ�
7074blank card	�ťեd��
7075blank character	�ťզr��
7076blank clause	�ťդl�y
7077blank code	�ťN�X
7078blank coil	�Ũ�
7079blank column	�ťզ�
7080blank common	�ťդ��ΰ�
7081blank common block	�ťդ��ζ�
7082blank cover	�ťջ\�O
7083blank deleter	�ťղM����
7084blank diskette	�ťճn��
7085blank editing	��s��
7086blank field descriptor	�ť��满����
7087blank fill attribute	�ťն�R�ݩ�
7088blank form	�ťծ榡
7089blank label	�ťռи�
7090blank line	�ťզ�
7091blank matrix element	�ťկx�}����
7092blank medium	�ťմC��
7093blank module board	�ťռҲժO
7094blank paper tpae coil	�ťկȱa��
7095blank position	�ťզ�m
7096blank record	�ťհO��
7097blank space	�ťհ�
7098blank specifier	�Ů满����
7099blank symbol	�ťղŸ�
7100blank tape	�ťձa
7101blank transmission test	�Ŷǿ����
7102blanked scope	���y
7103blanket	��X��
7104blanket detail	��X�q�����
7105blanket order	��X�q��
7106blanket order request	��X�q�椧�ШD
7107blanket purchase	��X����
7108blanket release	�}�ߺ�X�q��
7109blanket release number	��X�q�渹�X
7110blanking	�d�ť�
7111blanking interval	�����H�����j
7112blanking level	�����H���q��
7113blanking pulse	�����H���߽�
7114blast	�M��
7115blast through alphanumerics	�W�G�����r���Ʀr
7116blastable read-only memory	�W�j����Ū�O����
7117blcak code	�¦�N�X
7118blcok-driven data-flow processor	���X�ʸ�Ƭy�B�z��
7119blcok-organized storage	�����c�x�s��
7120BLDL table	BLDL��
7121bleed	��X
7122bleeder circuit	�n�y�q��
7123bleeder resistor	�n�y�q��
7124blended data	�V�X���
7125Blessum compensation	�B�Ǵ�
7126blind	�B��
7127blind alley	���J�P
7128blind dialing	������
7129blind keyboard	�L�����L
7130blind search	���صo�e
7131blind spot	���I
7132blink	�{�{; �{��
7133blinking	�{��
7134blinking character	�{�ʦr��
7135blinking readout	�{Ū
7136blip	�лx
7137blip counting	�лx�p��
7138blip facility	�лx�\��
7139BLISS	BLISS �y��
7140bliss classification bliss	����
7141blister	�Ϫw
7142blistering	�_�w
7143block	��; ���; �ϰ�; ��Ƭq; �q��; �Ϭq; �϶�
7144block access method	���q�s���k	BAM
7145block activation	���_��
7146block add	���ۥ[
7147block adder and modifier	���[�k���P�קᄍ	BAM
7148block address	�϶���}; ���}
7149block addressing	�����s�}
7150block algorithm	�����t��k
7151block align	���ƦC
7152block allocation	�����t
7153block analysis	���{�����R
7154block body	���{����
7155block boundary	����
7156block buffer	���w��
7157block cancel character	��������r��
7158block chaining	���챵
7159block character	���r��
7160block character check	���r����
7161block check	�϶��ֹ�
7162block check character	�Ϭq�ֹ�r��	BCC
7163block check character (BBC)	���ˬd�r��
7164block check procedure	������L�{
7165block check sequence	�r�����綶��	BCS
7166block cipher	�����B��
7167Block Ciphering and Stream Ciphering	�q�[�K�P��[�K
7168block circulant matrix	���`���x�}
7169block code	�H���եN�X
7170block coding	�H���սs�X
7171block constant	���`��
7172block control	�r�ձ���
7173block control header	�������	BCH
7174block control unit	�����	BCU
7175block control word	������
7176block copy	���ƨ�
7177block count	���p��
7178block count readout	���p��Ū
7179block data	��ƶ�
7180block data subprogram	��ƶ��Ƶ{��
7181block delay distortion	�������u
7182block delete	���R��
7183block description word	���y�z�r	BDW
7184block descriptor	���y�z��
7185block determination	���{�ǽT�w
7186block device	�϶��˸m
7187block diagonal matrix	�����﨤�x�}
7188block diagram	�����
7189block diagram complier	�عϽsĶ�{��	BLODI
7190block diagram language	�عϻy
7191block diagram manual	�عϤ�U	BDM
7192block diagram of system	�t�ήع�
7193block diagram simulator	�عϥ�u��
7194block diagrm	�����
7195block directed graph	����V��
7196block encode	���s�X
7197block encoder	���s�X��
7198block encoding	���s�X
7199block end	���{�ǵ���
7200block end operator	���{�ǵ����B���
7201block entrance	���{�ǤJ�f
7202block entry	���{�ǤJ�f
7203block error rate	���X���v	BKER
7204block error rate test	���X���v����	BIERT
7205block error status	���X�����A	BES
7206block event control	�H���ըƥ���
7207block exit	���{�ǥX�f
7208block file	���{���ɮ�
7209block floating point	���կB�I
7210block format	���榡
7211Block Format Recording	( �r )���榡�O���޳N	BFR
7212block gap	�H���ն���
7213block graph	����
7214block graphics	�չϧ�
7215block handing statement	���B�z�ԭz
7216block handler	���B�z�{��	BH
7217block handler macro instruction	���B�z�������O
7218block handler set	���B�z�{����
7219block handling macro	���B�z�������O	BH
7220block handling routine	���B�z�`��	BHR
7221block head	�{�Ƕ�����
7222block height	�r������
7223block I/O	����J��X
7224block I/O file	�����J���ɮ�
7225block identifier	���{�Ǽ��Ѳ�
7226block ignore character	�H���է@�o�Ÿ�
7227block input	����J
7228block input processing	����J�B�z
7229block input/output input	�r�տ�J��X�]�ƪ���J	BIOI
7230block insertion	�����J
7231block iterative method	����N�k
7232block length	����( ��ƶ����� ); �q��	BL
7233block letter	���r��
7234block level access	�{�Ƕ��Ŧs��
7235block level sharing	���Ŧ@��
7236block list	���{�Ǫ�
7237block loading	�{�Ƕ��ˤJ
7238block logic computer	���޿�p���	BLOGIC
7239block mark	���лx
7240block mode	����; �����Ҧ�
7241block move	������
7242block movement	������
7243block multiplex mode	�r�զh�u�Ҧ�
7244block multiplexe(o)r	�r�զh�u��
7245block multiplexeor	�r�զh�u��	BLMPX
7246block multiplexeor channel	�r�զh�u�q�D
7247block multiplexeor mode	�r�զh�u�Ҧ�
7248block multiplexer	�϶��h�u��
7249block multiplexer channel	���զh�u�q�D	BMPX
7250block multiplexing type system	�r�զh�u���t��
7251block name	���W�r
7252block of address space	�a�}�Ŷ���
7253block of argument	�ܤ���
7254block of graph	�϶�
7255block of information	��T��
7256block of memory	�x�s��
7257block of shared memory	�@���x�s��
7258block of stored record	�x�s�O����
7259block of words	�r��
7260block output	����X
7261block paging	���սխ�
7262block parity	���_������
7263block pool	�x�s������
7264block prefix	�r�իe��
7265block priority control	���u���ű���	BPC
7266block processing	���B�z
7267block processor	���B�z�{��
7268block record	�r�հO��
7269block reference	���{�Ƕ��ޥ�
7270block reference density	���{�Ƕ��ޥαK��
7271block reference set	���{�Ƕ��ޥζ�
7272block reference string	���{�Ƕ��ޥΦ�
7273block register	�r�ռȦs��
7274block representation	�عϪ��
7275block reservation	���O�d
7276block search	�����d��
7277block search node	�����d��`�I
7278block section	����϶�
7279block separation	�����j
7280block separator	�����j��
7281block signal	����H��
7282block signal system	����H���t��
7283block size	����; ����ؤo; �϶��j�p
7284block sort	�r�դ���
7285block spacer	���j��
7286block spanning	�϶���V
7287block special file	�r���M���ɮ�
7288block split	������
7289block splitting	������
7290block state	���{�Ǫ��A
7291block step	�����q
7292block structure	���{�ǵ��c
7293block structure mechanism	���{�ǵ��c��z
7294block structure transmission	���ǿ�
7295block sum check	���M����
7296block switching	�r�ե洫
7297block synchronization	���P�B
7298block syntax	���{�Ƕ��y�k
7299block task control	�����ȱ���
7300block transfer	����
7301block transfer function	���ǿ�\��
7302block trnasmission	���ǰe
7303block variable	���ܶq
7304block world	�϶��@��
7305block-begin	����; �������
7306block-by-block operation	�v���ާ@
7307block-by-block transmission	�v���ǿ�
7308block-diagram	²��
7309block-diagram operator	�عϺ�l
7310block-driven data-flow processor	���X�ʸ�Ƭy�B�z��
7311block-end	����
7312block-entry	����J
7313block-oriented	�϶��ɦV��
7314block-oriented assoviative processor	���������p�B�z��
7315block-oriented compiler	�϶��ɦV���sĶ�{��
7316block-oriented memory	�϶��ɦV���O����
7317block-oriented random access memory	�϶��ɦV���H���s���O����
7318block-push instruction	���ձ��J���O
7319block-structured code	���{�ǵ��c�X
7320block-structured language	���{�ǵ��c�y
7321block-structured list	���{�ǵ��c��
7322block-structured process	���{�ǵ��c�B�z�L�{
7323block-structured programming language	���{�ǵ��c�{���]�p�y
7324block-structured symbol	���{�ǵ��c�Ÿ�
7325block-structured symbol table	���{�ǵ��c�Ÿ���
7326block-switch technology	���ե洫�޳N
7327block-to-page mapping	�϶��쭶���ܴ�
7328block-tridiagonal matrix	���G�﨤�}
7329blocked	����
7330blocked byte	�����r
7331blocked file	�����ɮ�
7332blocked I/O queue	�����J��X��C
7333blocked job	�����@�~
7334blocked level access	�����Ŧs��
7335blocked list	������
7336blocked mode	�����覡
7337blocked physical record	�������z�O��
7338blocked process	����{��
7339blocked record	��������; �O���q
7340blocked state	���ꪬ�A
7341blocked tack	�������
7342blockette	�p�{�Ƕ�
7343blocking	�s��; ����; ����
7344blocking AST	���� AST
7345blocking buffer	�����w��
7346blocking capacitor	����q�e��
7347blocking factor	���]��	BF
7348blocking instruction	������O
7349blocking of PIUs	PIU�ն�
7350blocking of records	���հO��
7351BLOCKING system	BLOCKING�V�X�ܴ��t��
7352blockmark	���лx	BM
7353blocks world	�϶��@��
7354blocks-construction program	�϶�--�c�y�{��
7355blocks-world manipulation system	�϶��@�ɳB�z�t��
7356blook access	���զs��
7357bloom	���w
7358bloop	����
7359blooping tape	�����a
7360blovk lock state	�����ꪬ�A
7361blow	�I��
7362blow-thru	�궵���ܪk
7363blowback	�^�z
7364blowing	�Q�X
7365blown fuse	���_��
7366BLR	�G�i��y����ܪk
7367BLUE language	�Ŧ�y
7368blue-ribbon connector	�x��y
7369blue-ribbon program	�L���{��
7370Blum measure	���|�i����
7371blunder	�j���~
7372blur	�ҽk
7373blurring	�ҽk
7374blurring effect	�ҽk����
7375blurring operation	�ҽk�B��
7376blurring operator	�ҽk��l
7377bnak management information system	�Ȧ�޲z��T�t��	BMIS
7378BNPF format	BNPF�榡
7379board	�O	BD
7380board guide(=card guide)	����ɭy
7381board of control	����O	BC
7382board tester	�O���ջ�
7383board-level	����O��
7384bobbin ocre	�a¶�Ϫ�
7385Bode diagram	�i�w��
7386body	�D��; ��
7387body axis	��b
7388body case	�~��
7389body group	�D��
7390body resistance	��q��
7391body size	�]�r��ؤo
7392body statement	����ԭz
7393body stub	��s��
7394boeing applied computing service	�i�����έp��~��	BACS
7395boeing computer services co	�i���p����A�Ȥ��q	BCS
7396boeing electronic analog computer	�i���q�l����p���	BEAC
7397Boeing Interactive Graphics System	�i����͹ϧΨt��	BIGS
7398Boeman	�i�������H
7399bolck allocation map	�r�դ��t��	BAM
7400bold	����( �C�L ); �A��( �ù� )
7401bold face	����r
7402bold-faced letter	����r��
7403boldness	�A����
7404bolt	����
7405BOLT	�P�B��
7406bomb	���u
7407bond paper	�ߦX��
7408bond type diode	�k�����G����
7409bonding	���k
7410bonding pad	�k����
7411Bonyhard oranization	�թ`���w��´
7412booboo	���~
7413book	�w�w
7414book copying	�O���ƻs
7415book inventory	�b���s�f; �b���w�s
7416book message	�h�}��o�q��
7417book value	�b����
7418book-keeping	ï�O��
7419booking adjustments	�b���վ�
7420booking records	�b���O��
7421bookkeeping machine	ï�O��
7422bookkeeping operation (=redtape operation)	�{�ǥ[�u�B��
7423Boole array	���L�}�C
7424Boole function	���L���
7425boolean	���L; ����	BOOL
7426Boolean	���L	B
7427Boolean 1 state	���L���A
7428Boolean add (=OR)	�޿�[
7429Boolean adder	���L�[�k��
7430boolean algebra	���L�N��
7431Boolean algebra	�޿�N��	BA
7432Boolean algebra system of notation	���L�N�ưO�ƪk
7433Boolean algebra theorem	���L�N�Ʃw�z
7434Boolean analyzer	���L���R��	BA
7435Boolean array	���L�Ʋ�
7436Boolean calculation	�޿�N�ƹB��
7437Boolean calculus	�޿�t��
7438Boolean character	���L�r��
7439Boolean choice model	���L��ܼҫ�
7440Boolean coefficient	���L�Y��
7441Boolean coefficient (=NOT)	�D
7442Boolean complementation (=NOT)	���L�D��
7443Boolean computer	���L�p���
7444Boolean condition	���L����
7445Boolean conjunction	���L�޿譼�k
7446Boolean connective	���L�s��
7447Boolean constant	���L�`��
7448Boolean data	���L���
7449Boolean data item	���L��ƶ�
7450Boolean data type	���L�������
7451Boolean denotation	���L�лx
7452Boolean differectial	���L�L��
7453boolean difference	���L�t��	BD
7454Boolean difference method	���L�t���k
7455Boolean difference technique	���L�t���޳N
7456Boolean equation	���L��{
7457boolean expression	���L��
7458Boolean expression	���L��
7459boolean expression	���զ�
7460Boolean factor	���L�]�l
7461Boolean format	���L�榡
7462boolean function	���L���
7463Boolean function	���L���
7464Boolean Function IDentifier	���L��Ƽ��Ѳ�	BFID
7465Boolean item name	���L���W
7466Boolean literal	���L��r
7467Boolean logic	���L�޿�
7468Boolean manipulation instruction	���L�ާ@����
7469Boolean marker	���L�O��
7470Boolean matrix	���L�x�}
7471Boolean matrix addition	���L�x�}�[�k
7472Boolean matrix method	���L�x�}��k
7473Boolean matrix multiplication	���L�x�}���k
7474Boolean matrix representation	���L�x�}��ܪk
7475boolean operation	���չB��
7476Boolean operation	���L�B��
7477boolean operation table	���չB���
7478Boolean operation table	���L�B���
7479Boolean operator	�޿��l
7480boolean operator	���L�B��l
7481boolean operators	���պ�l
7482Boolean optimization algorithm	���L�̨κt��k
7483Boolean part	���L����
7484Boolean pattern	���L�Ҧ�
7485Boolean position	���L��m
7486Boolean primary	���L�쵥�q
7487Boolean quantity	���L�q
7488Boolean query	���L�d��
7489Boolean recurrence	���L���j
7490Boolean recurrence function	���L���j���
7491Boolean recurrence solver	���L���j�ѵ���
7492Boolean ring	���L��
7493Boolean secondary	���L�G���q
7494Boolean state	���L���A
7495Boolean sum	���L�M
7496Boolean symbol	���L�Ÿ�
7497Boolean term	���L��
7498Boolean to bits symbol	���L��r��Ÿ�
7499Boolean type	���L��
7500Boolean unit	���L�椸
7501boolean value	���L��
7502Boolean value	���L��
7503boolean valued expression	���ռƭȦ�
7504Boolean valued function	���L�Ȩ��
7505Boolean variable (=logical variable)	�޿��ܶq
7506boom	�D��
7507boomy	�z���n
7508booster response	��j�Ůɶ��T��
7509boot	�޾�; �Ұ�
7510boot leader	�޾ɸ��J�{��
7511boot load program	�۸��J�{��
7512boot load spawn file	�޾ɸ��J�l�ɮ�
7513boot name	�Ұʸ˸m�W��
7514boot record	�ҰʰO��
7515boot time	�޾ɮɶ�
7516boot up	�Ұ�
7517boot(bootstrap)	���|; �ۤ޾ɵ{���γ]��
7518Boot-leg program	�ۤ޵{��
7519bootable volume	�i�ҰʺϺ�
7520Booth algorithm of binary multiplication	�G�i��k��������k
7521bootstrap	�Ұʵ{��; �Ұ�; �ۧڱҰ�	BSOT
7522bootstrap address	�޾ɵ{����}
7523bootstrap amplifier	���|��j��
7524bootstrap block	�޾ɶ�; �ۧڱҰʰϬq
7525bootstrap circuit	���|�q��
7526bootstrap combined programming language	�ۮi�զX�{���]�p�y��	BCPL
7527bootstrap driver	�Ұ��X�ʾ�
7528bootstrap image	�޾ɬM��
7529bootstrap input program	�Ұʿ�J�{��
7530bootstrap loader	�Ұʸ��J�{��; �ۧڱҰʸ��J��
7531bootstrap loader microprocessor	�޾ɸ��J�{���L�B�z��
7532bootstrap loading routine	�޾ɸ��J�`��
7533bootstrap memory	�޾ɰO����
7534bootstrap program	�Ұʵ{��
7535bootstrap read routine	�޾�Ū�J�`��
7536bootstrap routine	�޾ɱ`��
7537bootstraping	�޾�
7538bore	��
7539borrow	�ɦ�
7540borrow digit	�ɦ�줸
7541borrow generation device	�ɦ첣�;�
7542Bose; Cbaudhuri and Hocquenghem Coding	BCH �s�X
7543BOT marker	�a���лx
7544BOT/EOT test cassette	�l���лx���էX���ϱa
7545both field	���V���
7546both regular and immediate command	�`�W�M�ߧY�R�O
7547both-way communication	���V�q�T
7548both-way junction	���V�s��
7549both-way line	���V�u��
7550both-way operation	���V�ާ@
7551both-way trunk line	���V���~�u
7552bottle-neck	�~�V
7553bottle-neck detection	�~�V�˴�
7554bottle-neck problem	�~�V���D
7555bottleneck	�~�V
7556bottleneck work center	�~�V�u�@��
7557bottom	����; ( �e���� )����
7558bottom address	����}
7559bottom document	���h���
7560bottom element	������
7561bottom layer	���h
7562bottom line	���u
7563bottom margin	����; ����
7564bottom marker	�����лx
7565bottom of stack	�|��
7566bottom of stack register	�|���Ȧs��
7567bottom paper	���ݥί�
7568bottom view	������
7569bottom-up	�ѤU�ӤW
7570bottom-up analysis	�ѤU�ӤW���R
7571bottom-up approach	�ѤU�ӤW�k
7572bottom-up design	�ѤU�ӤW�]�p
7573bottom-up development	�ѤU�ӤW�}�o�k
7574bottom-up fashion	�ѤU�ӤW���]�p��k
7575bottom-up implementation	�ѤU�ӤW��{
7576bottom-up integration	�ѤU�ӤW����
7577bottom-up method	�ѤU�ӤW�k
7578bottom-up parse	�ѤU�ӤW���R
7579bottom-up parsing	�ѤU�ӤW���R
7580bottom-up parsing in production language	���ͦ��y�����ѤU�ӤW���R
7581bottom-up recognizer	�ѤU�ӤW�ѧO��k
7582bottom-up search	�ѤU�ӤW�d�M
7583bottom-up strategy	�ѤU�ӤW����
7584bottom-up syntax analysis	�ѤU�ӤW�y�k���R
7585bottom-up testing	�ѤU�ӤW����
7586bottommost	�̩��h
7587bottommost element	�̩�����
7588bounce	�u�^
7589bounce-free switch	�L�ϸ��}��
7590bounceless contact	�L����IJ�I
7591bouncing	����
7592bouncing busy hour	���ɮ���
7593bound	�ɭ�; ���
7594bound address memory management	�ɦ�}�O����޲z
7595bound arc	������
7596bound character	��ɦr��
7597bound component	���즨��
7598bound control module	��������Ҳ�
7599bound cursor	�������
7600bound occurrence	�����X�{
7601bound of aggregation	�E�����
7602bound of parameter	�Ѽ����
7603bound pair	�ɰ�
7604bound pair list	�ɰ���
7605bound segment	�p�s�q
7606bound symbol	�����Ÿ�
7607bound task set	�������ȶ�	BTS
7608bound task set load module	�������ȶ����J�Ҳ�
7609bound variable	�����ܶq
7610boundary	���; �ɭ�	BDY
7611boundary address register	��ɦ�}�Ȧs��
7612boundary alignment	��ɹ��
7613boundary chain	�����
7614boundary characteristic	��ɯS�x
7615boundary coding	�ɽs�X
7616boundary collocation	��ɰt�m
7617boundary condition	��ɱ���
7618boundary control	��ɱ���
7619boundary cost	��ɦ���
7620boundary detection	����˴�
7621boundary error	��ɻ~�t
7622boundary estimation	��ɴ��w
7623boundary face	��ɭ�
7624boundary following	��ɸ��H
7625boundary frequency	����W�v
7626boundary function	��ɥ\��
7627boundary function resource	��ɥ\��귽
7628boundary height	��ɰ���
7629boundary layer	��ɼh
7630boundary line	��ɽu
7631boundary maximum and minimum	��t���j���p
7632boundary network node	��ɺ����`�I	BNN
7633boundary node	��ɸ`�I
7634boundary operator	��ɾާ@��
7635boundary point	����I
7636boundary register	��ɼȦs��
7637boundary tag method	��ɼлx�k
7638boundary tracing	��ɸ���
7639boundary treatment	��ɳB�z
7640boundary value	��ɭ�
7641boundary value analysis	��ɭȤ��R
7642boundary value theorem	��ȩw�z
7643boundary-contraction method	��ɦ��Y�k
7644boundary-value problem	��ɭȰ��D
7645bounded context constructor	���ɤW�U��c�y�{��
7646bounded context grammar	���ɤW�U���k
7647bounded context langrage	���ɤW�U��y
7648bounded context parser	���ɤW�U����R��
7649bounded context recognizer	���ɤW�U���ѧO��
7650bounded context rule	���ɤW�U��W�h
7651bounded context scheme	���ɤW�U����
7652bounded context table	���ɤW�U���
7653bounded downwards	�V�U����
7654bounded existential quantifier	���ɦs�b�q��
7655bounded function	���ɨ��
7656bounded language	���ɻy
7657bounded quantifier	��ɶq��
7658bounded region	���ɰ�
7659bounded regular language	���ɥ��W�y
7660bounded representation	���ɪ��
7661bounded sequence	���ɧǦC
7662bounded set	���ɶ��X
7663bounded universal quantifier	���ɥ��ٶq��
7664bounded variable	�����ܶq
7665bounded vauiable algorithm	�����ܶq��k
7666bounded vonyrcy	���ɤW�U��
7667bounded-reversal Turing machine	���ɤϦV���L�p���
7668bounds register	�ɭ��Ȧs��
7669boundscript	�ɼ�
7670box	���c; ��
7671box diffusion	�ۦ��X��
7672box in	�ؤJ
7673boxed mode	���l�覡
7674BPS FORTRAN tape compiler	BPS FORTRAN �a�sĶ�{��
7675brace	�j�A��
7676bracked communication	���h�q�T
7677bracked count	�A���p��
7678bracket	�ʥ]; ���A��; ��[; �A��
7679bracket arithmetic expression	�A����N��F��
7680bracket error	�A�տ��~
7681bracket logical expression	�A���޿��F��
7682bracket operation	�A���ާ@
7683bracket pair	�A����
7684bracket protocol	���h���
7685bracket state manager	���h���A�޲z�{��
7686bracketed	�ؤJ
7687bracketed arithmetic expression	�A����N��F��
7688bracketed form	�A����ܧΦ�
7689bracketed logical expression	�A���޿��F��
7690bracketing	���A��; �w���
7691braille marks	�I�r�żлx
7692brain	�j��
7693brain connection pattern	���s���Ҧ�
7694brain information service	����T�A��	BIS
7695brain model	���ҫ�
7696branch	����; �ಾ
7697branch access	�ಾ�s��
7698branch access type	�ಾ�s���Φ�
7699branch addressing	�ಾ�w�}
7700branch always command	���ಾ�R�O
7701branch and bound procedure	����ɭ��k
7702branch and bound search	����ɭ��d�M
7703branch and bound strategy	����ɭ�����
7704branch and count register	�ಾ�P�p�ƼȦs��	BCR
7705branch and link	�ಾ�P�s��	BRL
7706branch and link register	�Ȧs�����ಾ�ós�����O	BALR
7707branch and save register	�ಾ�M�O�d�Ȧs��	BASR
7708branch cable	����q�l
7709branch calling	�ಾ�ե�
7710branch carry clear	�M������i��
7711branch carry set	�]�m����i��
7712branch characteristic equation	����S�ʤ�{
7713branch circuit	����u��
7714branch condition false	�����ಾ
7715branch condition true	����u�ಾ
7716branch conditional	�����ಾ	BRC
7717branch construct	���䵲�c
7718branch construction	����c�y
7719branch control unit	���䱱�
7720branch controller	���䱱�
7721branch coverage	�����л\
7722branch current	����q�y
7723branch displacement	����첾
7724branch exchange	�q�ܤ���	BX
7725Branch if Greater Than zero	�j��s�ಾ( ���O )	BGT
7726branch impedance	�������
7727branch indicator	�ಾ���ܾ�
7728branch instruction	������O
7729branch linkage	����s��	BAL
7730BRANCH macro	�ಾ�������O
7731branch mask computation	�ಾ�̽��p��
7732branch method	����k
7733branch mode	�ಾ�Ҧ�
7734branch name	����W�r
7735branch network	�������
7736branch node	����`�I
7737branch node list	����`�I��
7738branch node of tree	�������I
7739branch of logic circuit	�޿�q������
7740branch office	�����q
7741branch on	��...�ಾ
7742branch on condition	�������
7743branch on condition clear	����M���ಾ
7744branch on count	�p���ಾ
7745branch on count instruction	�p���ಾ	BCT
7746branch on equality	�۵��ಾ
7747branch on false	�������ಾ
7748branch on index high	���ޤj���ಾ
7749branch on index low or equal	���ޤp�ά۵��ಾ	BXLE
7750branch on indicator	���ܲ��ಾ
7751branch on switch-setting	���w�m�}���ಾ
7752branch on true	�u�����ಾ
7753branch on zero instruction	�s�ಾ���O
7754branch operation	�ಾ�ާ@
7755branch or skip on condition	�����ಾ�θ�
7756branch order	�ಾ���O
7757branch oriented grammar	����ɦV����k
7758branch point	�����I
7759branch programming	����{���]�p
7760branch statement	�ಾ�ԭz
7761branch strip	����a
7762branch structure	���䵲�c
7763branch table	�ಾ��
7764branch tag bit	�ಾ�S�x��
7765branch terminal	����׺�
7766branch trace	�ಾ�l��
7767branch tracer	�ಾ�l�ܵ{��
7768branch unconditionally	�L�����ಾ	BRU
7769branch unconditionaly	�L�����ಾ	BU
7770branch vector	�ಾ�V�q
7771branch-and-bound	����ɭ�
7772branch-and-bound method	����ɭ��k
7773branch-and-bound search	����ɭ��d�M
7774branch-bound algorithm	����ɭ��t��k
7775branch-bound algorithm	����ɭ��t��k
7776branch-bound method	����ɭ��k
7777branching	�ಾ
7778branching algorithm	�ಾ��k
7779branching factor	�ಾ�Y��
7780branching factor of search process	�j���L�{��������Y��
7781branching network	�ಾ����
7782branching operation	�ಾ�B��
7783branching process	����B�z
7784branching-time temporal logic	����ɶ��ɺA�޿�
7785branchpoint	�ಾ�I
7786brand	�O��
7787breach	�|�}
7788breadboard	����q���O
7789breadboard circuit	����q��
7790breadboard kit	����qָ�O���M�椸
7791breadth-and depth-first searchs	�e�׻P�`���u���d�M
7792breadth-first	�e���u��
7793breadth-first generation	�e���u���ͦ��k
7794breadth-first procedure	�e���u���L�{
7795breadth-first search	�e���u���d�M
7796breadth-first strategy	�e���u������
7797breadth-limited	�e�׭���
7798breadth-limited search	�e�׭���d�M
7799break	���_; �Ȱ�; ���_	BK
7800break address	�_�}��}
7801break character	���j�r��
7802break communications	�_�}�q�T
7803break delivery	���_�ǰe
7804break discount percent	�{�ɧ馩�ʤ���
7805break down	�z��
7806break down diode		��G����
7807break down test		�����
7808break down voltage		��q��
7809break feature	�_�}�\��
7810break field(CTS-300)	���_��( �� )
7811break field(generic)	���_��
7812break key	���_��
7813break line	���C
7814break mode	����Ҧ�
7815break output	�_���X
7816break period	�_�}�P��
7817break point	���_�I; ���_�I; �{���I	BP
7818break point trap	�_�I��
7819break receiver	�_�}�H��������
7820break request	���_�ШD	BR
7821break sequence	���_����
7822break simulation	�_�}����
7823break statement	�_�}�y�y
7824break time	�_�}�ɶ�
7825break up	�Y��
7826break-down current		��q�y
7827break-down impedance		�����
7828break-in	���J
7829break-in facility	���J�\��
7830break-in function	���J�\��
7831break-in keying	���J�䱱	BK
7832break-in operate time	���J�u�@�ɶ�
7833break-in system	���J�q�H�覡
7834break-into	���J
7835break-make ratio	�_�X��
7836break-point insertion	�_�I���J
7837break-point stop	�_�I��
7838breakdown signal	�G�٫H��
7839breaker	�_����
7840breakin attempt	���Ϥ��J
7841breaking	�_�}
7842breaking halt	�Ȱ��I
7843breaking hyphen	�_�r�s����; �_�r�s���Ÿ�
7844breakout	���_
7845breakout point	���_�I
7846breakpoint	�Ȱ��I; ���_�I	BKPT
7847breakpoint fault	�_�I�G��
7848breakpoint halt	�_�I����
7849breakpoint instruction	�_�I���O
7850breakpoint operation	�_�I�ާ@
7851breakpoint program	�_�I�{��
7852breakpoint switch	�_�I�}��
7853breakpoint symbol	�_�I�Ÿ�
7854breakthrough	�|�L
7855breakup date source definition	��������Ʒ��w�q
7856breather pipe	�q���
7857breezeway	�Ӥf
7858Bresenham's algorithm	Bresenham����k
7859brick	�j
7860bridge	������; ����; ����
7861bridge circuit	�����q��
7862bridge duplex system	�������u�t��
7863bridge fault	�����G��
7864bridge identifier	�����ѧO�r
7865bridge input circuit	������J�q��
7866bridge input circuit (in process control)	( �{�DZ���� )�q����J�q��
7867bridge limiter	�������T��
7868bridge storage module	�����s�x���Ҳ�	BSM
7869bridge tap	��������
7870bridge ware	��������
7871bridged tap	��������
7872bridging	����
7873bridging connection	�����s��
7874bridging contacts	�������I
7875bridging fault	�������~
7876bridging order	�s�����O
7877bridging-off command	����R�O
7878bridging-on command	�f���R�O
7879brightness	�G��	BRT
7880brightness channel	�G�׳q�D
7881brightness control knob	�G�׽վ�s
7882brightness ratio	�G�פ�
7883brightness value	�G�׭�
7884brilliance	����	BRIL
7885brinary-coded data	�G�i��s�X���	BCD
7886bring-up test	�o�X����
7887brink	�䰼
7888Bristol board	�u�詳�O
7889british association fo the advancement of science	�^���ǫP�i��|	BASS
7890British association of consulting engineers	�^���U�ݤu�{�v��|
7891British Association Unit	�^��зdz���|	BAU
7892British computer association for the blind	�^�ꪼ�H�p�����|	BCAB
7893British computer society	�^��p����Ƿ|	BCS
7894British Education Index	�^��Ш|����
7895British electrical development association	�^��q��o�i��|	BEDA
7896British Empire Radio Union	�^��L�u�q�R�n�̨�|	BERU
7897British Engineering Standard Associution	�^��u�{�зǨ�|	BESA
7898British Engineers club	�^��u�{�v�Ѽֳ�	BEC
7899British Equipment Trade Association	�^��]�ƶT����|	BETA
7900british imperial system	�^��k�w�зǨt��	BIS
7901British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus	�^��u�~���q�α���]��	�Ө�|	BIMCAM
7902british information services	�^�걡���A�Ȥ��q	BIS
7903British Institute of Electrical Engineers	�^��q��u�{�v�Ƿ|	BIEE
7904british institute of traio Engineers	�^��L�u�q�u�{�v�Ƿ|	BIRE
7905british radio equipment manufacturers association	�^��L�u�q�]�ƨ�y��|	BREMA
7906British Standard Gauge	�^��зǽu	B.S.G.
7907British Standard Wire Gauge	�^��зǽu�W	B.S.W.G.
7908British standards institution	�^��зǾǷ|	BSE
7909british standards institution	�^��зǨ�|	BSI
7910British Standards Specification	�^��зdzW�d	B.S.S.
7911British Telecom	�^��l�q���q�H��
7912british telecom	�^��l�q���q�H��	BT
7913broad-band amplifier	�e�W��j��
7914broad-band coaxial-cable transmission	�e�W�P�b�q�l�ǿ�
7915broad-band demultiplexer	�e�W�h�u���Ѿ�
7916broad-band exchange	�e�W�a�洫
7917broad-band exchange service	�e�W�洫�~��
7918broad-band noise	�e�W���n
7919broad-band system	�e�W�t��
7920broadband	�e�W	BB
7921broadband channel	�e�W�q�D
7922broadband coaxial cable	�e�W�P�b�q�l	BBC
7923broadband communication	�e�W�q�T
7924Broadband EXchange	�e�W�洫��	BEX
7925Broadband EXchange services	�e�W�洫�~��	BEX
7926Broadband ISDN	�e�WISDN
7927broadband signalling	�e�W�H���ǿ�
7928broadcast	�s��
7929broadcast address	�s����}
7930broadcast addressing	�s���w�}
7931broadcast circuit	�s���u��
7932broadcast communication	�s���q�T
7933broadcast data set	�s����ƶ�
7934broadcast homes	�s�����a
7935broadcast input	�s����J
7936broadcast message	�s�����H��
7937broadcast packet	�s���]
7938broadcast protocol multiprocessor	�s����w�h�B�z��
7939broadcast queue	�s����C
7940broadcast recognitio access method	�s���ѧO�s���k
7941broadcast satellite technique	�s���ìP�޳N
7942broadcast system	�s���t��
7943broadcast videotex	�s�����H���ǵ�
7944broadcasting	�s��
7945broadcasting amplitude modulation	�մT�s��	BAM
7946broadcasting sequential process	���Ǽs���{��
7947broadcasting station	�s����
7948broaden	�X�i
7949broadsheet	�e�T��
7950broken line	��u
7951bromide print	�D���ȦL��
7952brother	�S��
7953brother chain	�P����
7954brother field	�P����
7955brother link	�S����
7956brother node	�P�Ÿ`�I
7957brother task	�P�ť���
7958browse	½�\; �s��
7959browse display	�s�����
7960browse member	�s������
7961browse/update/delete	�s��/ ��s/ �R��
7962browsing	�s��
7963brush	�q��; ��
7964brush compare check	�q���դ���ˬd
7965brush reader	�q��\Ū��
7966brush station	�q�꯸
7967Brussels system	���|�뺸�t��
7968brute borce	�Z�O
7969brute force approach	�Z�O�p��k
7970brute force method	�Z�O�k
7971brute force technique	�Z�O�޳N
7972BSC	�G�i��ٳq�D
7973BSC 3270 device emulation	BSC 3270�]�ƥ�u
7974BSC file	�G�i��P�B�q�T�ɮ�
7975BSC or SS line	�G�i��P�B�q�T�μȰ����q�T�u��
7976BSC or SS session	�G�i��P�B�q�T�μȰ����q�T���
7977BSC or SS station	�G�i��P�B�q�T�μȰ����q�T��
7978BSC using ASCII transmission code	�ϥ�ASCII �ǿ�X��BSC	BSCA
7979BSC using EBCDIC transmission code	�ϥ�EBCDIC �ǿ�X��BSC	BSCE
7980BSC/SS communication adapter	BSC/SS�q�T����
7981BSC/SS communication control	BSC/SS�q�T����
7982btam extended support	�X�R���	BTAM-ES BT
7983btye code	�r���X
7984bubble	�Ϫw
7985bubble annihilation	�Ϫw����
7986bubble annihilator	�Ϫw������
7987bubble board	�Ϫw�O
7988bubble chip	�Ϫw���
7989bubble circuit	�Ϫw�q��
7990bubble computer	�Ϫw�p���
7991bubble delay device	�Ϫw����˸m
7992bubble device margin	�Ϫw����e��
7993bubble diameter	�w�|
7994bubble disk latch	�Ϫw�L��
7995bubble domain memory	�Ϫw�w�q�O����	BDM
7996bubble drive	�Ϫw�X��
7997bubble flow-steering switch	�Ϫw�y�ɦV�}��
7998bubble generator	�Ϫw���;�
7999bubble guide channel	�Ϫw�ɦV�q�D
8000bubble idler	�Ϫw���ྐྵ
8001bubble ladder	�w��
8002bubble lattice device	�Ϫw�I�}�]��
8003bubble lattice file	�Ϫw�I�}�ɮ��x�s��
8004bubble memory	�Ϫw�O��( �� )
8005bubble memory application	�Ϫw�O��������
8006bubble memory controller	�Ϫw�O�б��	BMC
8007bubble memory device	�Ϫw�O�г椸	BMD
8008bubble propagation	�Ϫw�Ǽ�
8009bubble replicator	�Ϫw�ƻs��
8010bubble soft error	�Ϫw�n��
8011bubble sort	�w���Ƨ�; �B�w�����k
8012bubble sort program	�w���Ƨǵ{��
8013bubble stretch	�Ϫw����
8014bubble stretcher	�Ϫw������
8015bubble transfer	�Ϫw�ಾ
8016bubble transfer switch	�Ϫw�ಾ�}��
8017bubble trap	�Ϫw����
8018bubble-domain	�wå
8019bubble-domain shift register	�wå����Ȧs��
8020Buckbee-Mears automated ploting system	�ڧJ��--�̺����۰ʤ�ø�Ϩt��	BMAPS
8021bucket	��; �J��; �x�s��
8022bucket access	�x�s��s��
8023bucket address	�x�s���}
8024bucket brigade delay line	̲���쩵��u
8025bucket brigade device	�ձ��˸m	BBD
8026bucket brigade shift register	�ձ�����Ȧs��
8027bucket chain	�x�s����
8028bucket header	�J�魺; ��; �x�s���Y
8029bucket index	�x�s�����
8030bucket location	�x�s���m
8031bucket locking	�J�鳬��
8032bucket pointer	�J�����
8033bucket size	�J��j�p
8034bucket split	�J�����( �� )
8035bucket splitting	�J�����
8036bucket-resolved index	�x�s����ѯ���
8037bucket-resolved inverted list	�x�s����ѭ˱ƪ�
8038bucket-searching operation	��d��ާ@
8039buckling	�s��
8040buddy system	���t��
8041budget	�w��
8042budget accounting information system	�w��|�p��T�t��	BACIS
8043budget control	�w�ⱱ��
8044budget preparation	�w��dz�
8045budgetary control system	�w��޲z�t��
8046budgeted statemente	�w���n��
8047budgeting system	�w��t��
8048buffer	�w��; �w�ľ�; �w�İ�	B
8049buffer action	�w�ħ@��
8050buffer address	�w�İϦ�}
8051buffer allocation	�w�İϤ��t
8052buffer amplifier	�w�ĩ�j��	BA
8053buffer area	�w��
8054buffer arm	�w���u
8055buffer assignment	�w�ľ����w��
8056buffer asynchronous communication	�w�ĦP�B�q�T
8057buffer attribute	�w�įS�x
8058buffer B register	�w�ľ���}�Ȧs��	BBREG
8059buffer block deletion	�w�İϧR��
8060buffer chain	�w�İϳs��
8061buffer channel	�w�ijq�D
8062buffer circle	�w�ĩP��
8063buffer circuit	�w�Ĺq��
8064buffer control block	�w�ı����
8065buffer control order	�w�ľ�����X
8066buffer control program	�w�ı���{��
8067buffer control word	�w�İϱ���r	BCW
8068buffer depletion	�w�ľ���
8069buffer device	�w�ij]��
8070buffer error	�w�Ļ~�t
8071buffer flag	�w�ĺX��
8072buffer function	�w�ħ@��
8073buffer gate (=OR gate)	�w�Ĺh
8074buffer group	�w�IJ�
8075buffer I/O	�w�Ŀ�J��X
8076BuFfer Increment	�w�ļW�q	BFI
8077buffer input/output channel	��J��X�w�ijq�D
8078buffer interface switch	�w�Ĥ����}��
8079buffer interleave controller	�w�ĥ�����
8080buffer invalidation	�w�ľ��L��
8081buffer inverter	�j���Ϭ۾�
8082buffer length	�w�ľ�����
8083buffer loop	�w�ľ��`��
8084buffer management	�w�ľ��޲z
8085buffer management interface	�w�İϺ޲z����
8086buffer manager	�w�İϺ޲z�{��
8087buffer mark	�w�ľ��аO	BM
8088buffer memory	�w�İϰO����
8089buffer memory register	�w���x�s���Ȧs��
8090buffer offset	�w�İϦ첾
8091buffer output	�w�İϿ�X
8092buffer output pointer	�w�İϿ�X����	BOP
8093buffer output register	�w�Ŀ�X�Ȧs��
8094buffer pad character	�w�ľ���R�r��
8095buffer pointer	�w�ľ�����
8096buffer pool	�w�Ħ�
8097buffer preallocation	�w�İϹw���t
8098buffer prefix	�w�īe��
8099Buffer ready	�w�İϴN��	BFRDY
8100buffer ring	�w����
8101buffer scheduling	�w�ıƵ{
8102buffer segment	�w�İϤ��q
8103buffer size	�w�İϤj�p	BUFSZ
8104buffer size constraint	�w�İϤj�p����
8105buffer slot	�w�ļ�
8106buffer sotre location	�w���x�s���椸
8107buffer space	�w�ĪŶ�
8108buffer spring	�w�ļu®
8109buffer storage	�w���x�s( �� )
8110buffer storage device	�w���x�s���]��
8111buffer storage location	�w���x�s���椸
8112buffer store	�w���x�s( �� )
8113buffer store address	�w���x�s����}
8114buffer store address register	�w���x�s����}�Ȧs��	BSAR
8115buffer store device	�w���x�s���˸m
8116buffer store page	�w���x�s����	BSP
8117buffer swapping	�w�ĥ洫
8118buffer sweep	�w�İϱ��y
8119buffer terminal	�w�IJ׺�
8120buffer underrun	�w�İϤ���
8121buffer unit	�w�ij椸
8122buffer unit pool	�w�ľ��椸��
8123buffer variable	�w���ܶq
8124buffer work area	�w�Ĥu�@��
8125Bufferd Terminal	���w�ľ����׺ݾ�
8126buffered asynchronous communicatio interface	���w�Ī����B�q�T����
8127buffered asynchronous communication	���w�Ī����B�q�T
8128buffered channel	���w�ľ����q�D
8129buffered computer	���w�ľ����p���
8130buffered counter	�w�ĭp�ƾ�
8131buffered date path	�w�ĸ�Ƹ��|
8132buffered I/O	�w�Ŀ�J��X
8133buffered I/O controller	�w�Ŀ�J��s���	BIOC
8134Buffered Input/Output	�a�w�İϿ�J��X( �]�� )	BI/O
8135buffered input/output	���w�ľ�����J��X	BI/O
8136buffered input/output channel	���w�Ī���J��X�q�D
8137buffered keyboard	���w�ľ�����L
8138buffered keyboard printer	���w�ľ���L�C���
8139buffered keypunch	���w�ľ�����L���վ�
8140buffered network	���w�ľ�������
8141buffered station	�w�į�
8142buffering	�w��
8143buffering algorithm	�w�ĺ�k
8144buffering area	�w��
8145buffering attribute	�w���ݩ�
8146buffering chain	�w������
8147buffering control	�w�ı���
8148buffering exchange	�w�ĥ洫
8149buffering memory	�w�İO����
8150buffering option	�w�ĥ��ﶵ
8151buffering system	�w�Ĩt��
8152buffering technique	�w�ħ޳N
8153bufferspace	�w�ľ��Ŷ�	BUFSP
8154bug	���~
8155bug patch	���~�׸�
8156bug seeding	���~�}��
8157bugcheck	���~�ˬd
8158bugcheck dump file	�����ɦL��
8159build block	�c���
8160build in	���æ�
8161build operation	�إߧ@�~
8162build-in	����; ����
8163build-in adapter	�����A�t��
8164build-in attribute	�T���ݩ�
8165build-in language	�T���y��
8166build-in modem	���æ��ƾھ�
8167build-up sequence	�إߧǦC
8168build-up time	�إ߮ɶ�
8169build-virtual-machine program	�إߵ������{��
8170builder tools	�c�ت̤u��
8171building block	�c��
8172building block of automata	�۰ʾ����զ��椸
8173building block oriented language	�n�즡�ɦV�y��	BBOL
8174building block principle	�c�ذ϶�����z
8175building block system	�n��t��	BBS
8176building module	�c�ؼҲ�
8177building software	�c�سn��
8178building-block of logic	�޿赲�c��
8179building-up curve	�W�����u
8180built-in check	��������
8181built-in command	�����R�O
8182built-in control	��������
8183built-in current threshold	���b�q�y�w��
8184built-in error checking	�������~�ˬd
8185built-in error correction	�������~�ե�
8186built-in fault tolerance	�����e��
8187built-in field function	�����r�q���
8188built-in file capacity	�����ɮׯ�O
8189built-in form data item	���ت���ƶ�
8190built-in function	���إ\��; ���ب��
8191built-in instrinsic function	���b���
8192built-in instrument microcomputer	���������L�p���
8193built-in procedure	���ص{��
8194built-in storage	���x�s��
8195built-in system	�����t��
8196built-in test	��������	BIT
8197built-in testing equipemnt	�������ո˸m
8198built-in tool	�����u��
8199built-in tracing structure	�������ܵ��c
8200built-up connection	�౵
8201built-up time	�إ߮ɶ�
8202bulb	�O�w
8203bulk	����
8204bulk acoustic wave device	���n�i����
8205bulk core memory	�j�e�q�Ϫ�O����
8206bulk data transfer	�����ƶǰe
8207bulk degaussing	��L�a����
8208bulk eraser	�j���Ͼ�
8209bulk media conversion utility program	�����x�s�C���ഫ���ε{��
8210bulk memory	�j�e�q�O����
8211bulk memory controller	�j�e�q�O�б��
8212bulk memory device	�j�e�q�O����]��
8213bulk message testing	��q�H������
8214bulk print	��q�C�L
8215bulk processing	�j�e�q�B�z
8216bulk processing subsystem	�j�e�q�B�z�l�t��	BPS
8217bulk stock	�j�v�s�f
8218bulk storage	�j�q�x�s��( �~���x�s��; ���U�x�s )
8219bulk store	�j�e�q�x�s��
8220bulk testing	�������
8221bulk update	�j�q��s
8222bulk update terminal	��q��s�׺�
8223bulk-metal technology	���I���ݤu����
8224Bull General Electric	�����q�ιq���q	BGE
8225bullet	����
8226bulletin board system (BBS)	�ݪO�t��
8227bulletin boards	���i�P
8228bump contact	���γs��
8229bump contacted chip	���s����
8230bumper	��ʽ���
8231bunch	�E��
8232bunching	�E��
8233Bundespost	��w�l�q��
8234bundle	��
8235bundled	���a
8236bundled program	���H�{��
8237burden costs	�����s�y�O����
8238bureau of standards	�зǧ�	BS
8239bureau of the budget	�w�⧽
8240buried coaxial cable telecommunication	�a�U�P�b�q�l�q�l�q�T
8241buried collector	�I�h����
8242buried layer	�I�h
8243buried-channel charge-coupled device	���I�q�D�q�����X�˸m
8244burn	�U�N
8245burn resistance	�ܿN��
8246burn-in	�Ѥ�
8247burn-in screen	�Ѥƿz��
8248burn-out	�N�a
8249burning	�N��
8250burring	�ҽk���M
8251burroughs direct interface	�_�Ӫ�������	BDI
8252Burroughs hospital accounting system	�_����|�O�b�t��	BHAS
8253Burroughs hospital information processing system	�_����|��T�B�z�t��	BHIPS
8254Burrughs poll/select	�_�ӽ���/ ���
8255Burssels classification system	���|�뺸�����t��
8256burst	�O; ����
8257burst and sync bit generator	�߽Ħ�P�P�B�줸���;�	BSBG
8258burst error	��o�ʮt��
8259burst error correcting code	��o�t���ե��X
8260burst isochronous transmission	���ɯ߽Ķǰe
8261burst length	�߽Ħ����
8262burst mode	�߽Ħꦡ
8263burst mode refresh	��o��覡��_
8264burst modem	�߽Ħꦡ�ƾھ�
8265burst page	���խ�
8266burst traffic	�߽Ħ�y�q�q
8267burst transmission	�O�o�ǿ�
8268burst wait	�߽Ħ굥��	BST WAIT
8269burst-mode state	��o��Ҧ����A
8270burst-mode sweep	�O�o�Ҧ��A���y; ���ռҦ����y
8271burst-oriented data transmission	�`�o����ƶǿ�
8272burst-oriented transmission	�`�o���ǿ�
8273burst-ytpe error	�߽Ħꦡ���~
8274burster	���Ⱦ�
8275burster-trimmer-stacker	���Ⱦ�--�Ť���--���|��
8276bursty type	�O�o
8277bus	�׬y��
8278bus access conflict	�׬y�Ʀs���Ĭ�
8279bus acknowledge	�׬y�ƽT�{
8280bus adapter	�׬y�ƾA�t��
8281bus address register	�׬y�Ʀ�}�Ȧs��
8282bus allocator	�׬y�Ƥ��t��
8283bus arbiter	�׬y�ƥ����
8284bus arbiter chip	�׬y�ƥ�������
8285bus arbitration	�׬y�ƥ��
8286bus avallable signal	�׬y�ƥi�ΫH��
8287bus bar	����
8288bus category	�׬y�����O
8289bus check	�׬y���ˬd
8290bus circuits	�׬y�ƹq��
8291bus compatible	�׬y�Ƭۮe��
8292bus configuration	�׬y�ưt�m
8293bus connector	�׬y�Ʊ�����
8294bus contention	�׬y�Ƨ@��
8295bus control	�׬y�Ʊ���	BC
8296bus control chip	�׬y�Ʊ����
8297bus control logic	�׬y�Ʊ����޿�
8298bus control unit	�׬y�Ʊ��	BCU
8299bus controller	�׬y�Ʊ��
8300bus conversion interface	�׬y���ഫ����
8301bus coupling	�׬y�ƽ��X
8302bus cycle	�׬y�ƩP��
8303bus driver	�׬y���X�ʾ�
8304bus extender	�׬y���X�i��
8305bus extender module	�׬y���X�i�Ҳ�
8306bus grant input	�׬y�Ƥ��\��J
8307bus hardware	�׬y�Ƶw��
8308bus hub	�s���q��
8309bus idle machine cycle	�׬y�ƪŶ~�����u�@�P��
8310bus in	�׬y��--�J
8311bus input/output channels	�׬y�ƿ�J��X�q�D
8312bus interface emulation	�׬y�Ƥ�����u
8313Bus Interface Module	�׬y�Ƥ����ҥ�	BIM
8314bus interface register	�׬y�Ƥ����Ȧs��	BIR
8315bus interface timing	�׬y�Ƥ����ɧ�
8316bus interfacing	�׬y�Ƥ���
8317bus interlocked communication	�׬y�Ƥ���q�T
8318bus line	�׬y�ƽu
8319bus lock	�׬y�ƫ���
8320bus master	�׬y�ƥD����
8321bus mother board	�׬y�ƥ��O
8322bus network	�׬y�ƺ���
8323bus organized structure	�׬y�Ʀ����c
8324bus out	�׬y�ƥX
8325bus out parity	�׬y�ƿ�X�_������	BOP
8326bus out parity check	�׬y�ƿ�X�_������	BOC
8327bus out parity error	�׬y�ƿ�X�_�������	BOPE
8328bus plane	�q���h
8329bus polling protocol	�׬y�Ʊ��ߨ�ij
8330bus port	�׬y�ư�
8331bus priority structure	�׬y���u�����c
8332bus program counter	�׬y�Ƶ{���p�ƾ�
8333bus request	�׬y�ƽШD	BUSREQ
8334bus requirements	�׬y�ƻݨD
8335bus set	�׬y�Ʋ�
8336bus signals	�׬y�ƫH��
8337bus slave	�׬y�ƨ�����
8338bus strobe signal	�׬y�ƿ�q�H��
8339bus structure	�׬y�Ƶ��c
8340bus switch	�׬y�ƶ}��
8341bus system	�׬y�ƨt��
8342bus termination	�׬y�Ʋױ�
8343bus timing	�׬y�Ʈɧ�
8344bus topology	�׬y�Ʃ���
8345bus transceiver	�׬y�Ʀ��o��
8346bus type	�׬y������
8347bus wire	�׬y�ƽu��
8348bus-in	�׬y�ƿ�J
8349bus-in signal	�׬y�ƿ�J�H��
8350bus-interlocked communication	�׬y�Ƥ���q�T
8351bus-organization	�׬y�Ʀ����c
8352bus-oriented backplane	�׬y�ƥΩ��O
8353bus-oriented structure	�׬y�Ʀ����c
8354bus-out	�׬y�ƿ�X
8355bus-out check	�׬y�ƿ�X�ˬd
8356bus-out signal	�׬y�ƿ�X�H��
8357bus-to-peripheral interface	�׬y�ƨ�~��]�Ƥ���
8358business and engineering enriched FORTRAN	�ӷ~�M�u�{²�YFORTRAN �y��	BEEF
8359business and engineering FORTRAN	�ӷ~�M�u�{�]�p��FORTRAN �y��	BEEF
8360business applications subsystem	�ӷ~���Τl�t��
8361business automation	�Ӱȳq�H
8362business batch system	�ӷ~�妸�B�z�t��	BBS
8363business communication system	�ӥγq�T�t��	BCS
8364business compiler	�ӥνsĶ�{��
8365business computer center	�ӷ~�p�⤤��	BCC
8366business computer system	�ӥέp����t��	BCS
8367business data processing	�Ӱȸ�ƳB�z	BDP
8368business data processing language	�Ӱȸ�ƳB�z�y��
8369business EDP system technique	�ӷ~�q�l��ƳB�z�t�Χ޳N	BEST
8370business electronic computer	�ӥιq�l�p���	BEC
8371business graphics utilities	�ӥιϧΤ��ε{��	BGU
8372business graphics utility	�ӥΨ�Ϲ�ε{��	BGU
8373business information system	�ӷ~��T�t��	BIS
8374business language	�ӥλy
8375business management accountion system	�ӷ~�޲z�p�b�t��	BMAS
8376business manager	�ӰȺ޲z�{��
8377business network	�ӥγq�H����
8378business number	���q�q�ܸ��X
8379business processor	�ӰȳB�z��
8380business professional system	�ӷ~�M�Ψt��	BPS
8381business report application development system	�ӥγ��i���ζ}�o�t��	BRADS
8382business service	�ӥη~��
8383business simulation	�ӷ~��u
8384business statistics	�ӰȲέp
8385business terminal equipment	�ӷ~�׺ݳ]��
8386business transaction	�u�ӥ��
8387business unit	�Ʒ~���
8388business-data processing	�Ӱȸ�ƳB�z
8389business-oriented computer	���V�ӷ~���p���
8390bust	����
8391bust this	�ǿ饢��
8392busy	�u�@��	BSY
8393busy back	���^�H��
8394busy bit	����	BB
8395busy channel	���q�D
8396busy flag	���лx
8397busy hour	����
8398busy hour crosstalk noise	���ɤz�Z����
8399busy hour usage	��������
8400busy idle condition	���~����
8401busy indicator	�ܦ���
8402busy line	���νu��
8403busy on entry	�J�f���L
8404busy period	���ήɶ�
8405busy report	���u���i
8406busy signal	�e�u�H��
8407busy test	���u����
8408busy time of line	�u�����ήɨ�
8409busy token	���лx
8410busy waiting	������
8411Busy-Hour Call Attempts	����( �` )�I�s	BHCA
8412busy/not busy	�u�@��/ �D�u�@��
8413Butterworth filter	�گS�U���o�i��
8414butto device	���s���]��
8415button	���s
8416button device	���s���]��
8417button witch	���s�}��	BS
8418buy code	���ʽX
8419buyer	���ʤH��
8420buzz	����
8421buzzer	��s��; ĵ�i�n
8422by descriptor	�z�L�y�z��
8423by immediate value	�z�L�{��
8424by pass condenser	�Ǹ��q�e��
8425by reference	�z�L�Ѧҭ�
8426by-pass block	�Ǹ��q�e
8427by-pass cancel character	�Ǹ��R�h�r��
8428by-pass control	�Ǹ�����
8429by-pass input record	�Ǹ���J�O��
8430by-pass procedure	�Ǹ��L�{
8431by-product	�Ʋ��~
8432by-product recording	���a�O��
8433bypass	�Ǹ�; ���L; ���L
8434bypass labal processing	���L���ѳB�z
8435bypass plug	�Ǹ����Y
8436bypassed lR(K) parser	�Q�Ǹ���LR(K) �y�k���R�{��
8437bypassing	�Ǹ�
8438byte	�줸��; �Ƥ��ժ�; ��	B
8439byte address	�r����}
8440byte addressing	�r���w�}
8441byte addressing storage	�r���w�}�x�s��
8442byte boundary	�r����
8443byte boundary alignment	�r����ɹ��
8444byte collection	�r���s
8445byte computer	�r�����p���
8446byte control	�r�����
8447byte count register	�r���p�ƼȦs��	BCR
8448byte expression	��( �� )���ժ�ܦ�
8449byte manipulation	��( �� )���ճB�z
8450byte pointer	��( �� )���ի���
8451bytes per inch	�C�^�T�r����
8452cable	�q�l; �ƽu
8453cable address	�q������
8454cable carrier	�q�l�[
8455cable carrier bracket	�q�l�[��[
8456cable guide	�q�l�ɥ�
8457cable path	�q�l���|
8458cable thru	�q�l��
8459cable tie	�q�lô�a
8460cabling	�q�l�w��
8461cache	�ֳt�O����; ���t�w�İO����
8462cache (memory)	�֨�( �O���� )
8463cache cluster	���t�Ȧs���s��
8464cache cluster size	���t�Ȧs���s���ؤo
8465cache memory	�֦s�O����; ���t�w�İO����
8466caching	���t�Ȧs
8467calculate	�p��
8468calculate on hand	�p��w�s�q
8469calculate on hand cost	�p��b�w�s����
8470calculating punch	�p�⥴��(��)
8471calculation key	�p������X	CALC key
8472calculation mode	�p��ҺA	CALC mode
8473calculator	�p���; �p�⾹
8474calculator oriented processor	�p�⾹�M�γB�z��
8475calculator with algebraic logic	�N���޿�p�⾹
8476calculator with arithmetic logic	��N�޿�p�⾹
8477calculator with external program input	�~����H�{�����p�⾹
8478calculator with keyboard program input	��L��J�{�����p�⾹
8479calculator with postfix notation logic	��m�O�k�޿�p�⾹
8480calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic	�Ϫi���O�k�޿�p�⾹
8481calculator with suffix notation logic	�����O�k�޿�p�⾹
8482calculator without addressable storage	�L�i�w�}�x�s���p�⾹
8483calendar	���; ��ƾ�
8484calendar file	�����
8485calendar management	���޲z
8486calendar-counter	���p�ƾ�
8487calibrate	�ե�
8488call	�I�s; ���s; �l��
8489call accepted packet	�I�s�����]
8490call back signal	�^�s�H��
8491call by descriptor	���y�z�Žե�
8492call by value parameter	����ȽեΰѼ�
8493call completion	�I�s����
8494call control	�I�s����
8495call control procedure	�I�s����{��
8496call for service	�I�s�A��
8497call forwarding	�I�s�౵
8498call frame	�I�s�ج[
8499call identification line	�I�s�ѧO�u
8500call identifier	�եμ��Ѳ�
8501call if minus	���t�ե�
8502call if plus	�����ե�
8503call in	�դJ
8504call indicator	�I�s��
8505call instruction	�I�s���O
8506call interface	�I�s����
8507call key	�I�s��
8508call list	�եΪ�
8509call lose	�I�s�ᥢ
8510call meter	�I�s�p�ƾ�
8511call modification completed	�I�s�ק粒��
8512call modification request	�I�s�ק�n�D
8513call module	�եμҶ�
8514call monitor instruction	�եκʷ��{�ǫ��O
8515call monitor system service	�եκʷ��t�ΪA��
8516call name	�I�s�m�W
8517call not accepted signal	�I�s�������H��
8518call number	�I�s���X
8519call offering	�I�s�»P
8520call on	�X��
8521call out	�եX
8522call program	�եε{��
8523call progress	�I�s�i�i
8524call progress message	�I�s�i��H��
8525call progress signal	�I�s�i�i�H��
8526call queue register	�եγ��C�H�s��
8527call reference	�I�s�Ѧ�
8528call reference value	�I�s�Ѧҭ�
8529call release	�I�s����
8530call request	�եνШD
8531call request packet	�I�s�ШD�]
8532call request signal	�I�s�ШD�H��
8533call set up	�I�s�إ�
8534call set up packet	�I�s�إߥ]
8535call set up time	�I�s�إ߮ɶ�
8536call sign	�I��
8537call sign series	�I���ǦC
8538call signal	�I���H��
8539call stack	�I�s���|
8540call statement	�եαԭz
8541call statement for create task	�ͦ����Ƚեαԭz
8542call statement manipulation	�եαԭz�B�z
8543call subroutine	�եΤl�{��
8544call subscriber	�D�s�Τ�
8545call supervision packet	�q�ܺʵ��]
8546call through	���q
8547call through test	���q����
8548call type	�I�s����
8549call type macro	�եΫ������{��
8550call unit	�եγ椸
8551call waiting	�եε���
8552call word	�եΦr
8553call-accepted signed	�����I�s�H��
8554call-not-accepted signed	�������I�s�H��
8555callable	�i�I�s��
8556callable DBQ	�i�I�s��Ʈw�d��
8557callable RDO	�i�I�s��ROD �l�{��
8558called indicator	�I�s���ܾ�	CI
8559called indicator	�I�s���ܾ�
8560called line	�Q�s�u	CLD
8561called party	�Q�s��
8562called position	�Q�եΦ�m
8563called procedure	�Q�չL�{
8564called process	�Q�եιL�{
8565called program	�Q�չL�{
8566called routine	�Q�եε{��
8567called station	�Q�եΦ�m
8568called subprogram listing	�Q�եΤl�{�ǦC��
8569called subscriber	�Q�s�Τ�
8570called terminal	�Q�s��
8571caller	�I�s�{��
8572caller activation pointer	�I�s�{���E�y���ܦr
8573caller dependent capability	�P�եε{�Ǧ�������O
8574caller independent capability	�W�ߤ_�եε{�Ǫ���O
8575caller notification packet	�եε{�Ǽлx�H���]
8576calligraphic display device	�Ѽg��ܸ˸m
8577calling	�I�s
8578calling argument	�ե��ܤ�
8579calling classification	�եΤ���
8580calling code	�I�s�q�X
8581calling convention	�եά��w
8582calling convention for input output	��J��X�եά��w
8583calling DTE	�D�s��Ʋ׺ݳ]��( DTE )
8584calling frequency	�I�s�W�v
8585calling graph	�եι�
8586calling identification line	�D�s�ѧO�u
8587calling indicator	�եΫ��ܲ�
8588calling library	�եήw�{��
8589calling list	�I�s��
8590calling location	�եγ椸
8591calling module	�եμҶ�
8592calling party	�D�s
8593calling point	�ե��I
8594calling procedure	�եιL�{
8595calling process	�եιL�{
8596calling processor	�եγB�z�{��
8597calling program	�I�s�{��
8598calling rate	�I�s�v
8599calling rate capacity	�I�s�v�e�q
8600calling relay	�I�s�~�q��
8601calling routine	�եε{��
8602calling segment	�եε{�Ǭq
8603calling sequence	�I�s����; �l�ΧǦC
8604calling signal	�I�s�H��
8605calling station	�եΦ�m
8606calling task	�եΥ���
8607calling the queue package	�եΦ�C�]
8608calling trace	�եθ���
8609calling up	���q
8610calls waiting	�I�s����
8611cam	�Y��
8612cancel	����	CANL
8613cancel character	�R����	CAN
8614cancel character; CAN	�����r��
8615cancel code	�@�o�X
8616cancel indicator	�@�o���ܲ�
8617cancel key	�����s
8618cancel message	�@�o�T��
8619cancel order	�����q��
8620cancel session request	������ܽШD
8621cancel statement	�R�h
8622cancel status word	�@�o���A�r
8623cancellation	�ۮ�
8624cancellation effect	�ۮ�����
8625cancellation law	�ۮ���
8626cancellation law of addition	�[�k���h��
8627cancellation mark	�R���лx
8628cancellation network	�ۮ�����
8629cancellation of record	�O������
8630cancellation ratio	�ۮ���
8631cancelling advice	�`�P�q��
8632cancelling in digits	�Ʀ�ۮ�
8633cancelling signal	�����H��
8634candidate	�J��
8635candidate key	�ԥνX
8636candidate solution graph	�Կ�ѹ�
8637candidate volume	�Կ��
8638canned cycle	�T�w�`��
8639canned data	�w�s���
8640canned paragraphs	�T�w�q
8641canned routine	�T�w�Ҧ�{��
8642canning	�Υ~�߱K��
8643cannula	���M
8644canonic generation	���W�ͦ�
8645canonic number	���W�Ʀ�
8646canonical	�W�d
8647canonical block	���W��
8648canonical correlation	�嫬����
8649canonical cycle notation for permutation	�ƦC�W�d�`���O�k
8650canonical data model	�W�d��Ƽҫ�
8651canonical data structure	�W�d��Ƶ��c
8652canonical derivation	�W�d����
8653canonical form	�W�d�Φ�
8654canonical label language	�W�d��y��
8655canonical labelled tree	�W�d���
8656canonical mapping	�W�d�M�g
8657canonical maxterm	�嫬�j��
8658canonical minterm	�嫬�p��
8659canonical model	�W�d�ҫ�
8660canonical order	�W�d����
8661canonical parse	�W�d���R
8662canonical record structure	�W�d�O�����c
8663canonical sentential form	�W�d�y��
8664canonical system	�W�d�t��
8665canonical variable	�W�d�ܼ�
8666canonically labeled tree	���h
8667cant	�׭�
8668capability	�ϥθ��
8669capacitance	�q�e
8670capacitor	�q�e��
8671capacitor storage	�q�e�x�s
8672capacitor store	�q�e�x�s��
8673capacity	�e�q; ����
8674capacity and daily scheduling hour formulas	����P�C��Ƶ{�ɼƤ���
8675capacity load	����t��
8676capacity planning	����W��; �e�q�W��
8677capacity planning analysis	����W�����R
8678capacity requirements	����ݨD
8679capacity requirements planning	����ݨD�W��
8680capacity run file	����B�@��
8681capital investment	�ꥻ���
8682caps	�j�g��
8683capstan	���L
8684caption	���D
8685captive accounts	������
8686carbon ribbon	�Ҧ�a
8687card	�d; �O
8688card address	�����m
8689card address backplane	����a�}���O
8690card address design	�����m�]�p
8691card assignment	�������
8692card back	�d���I��
8693card base	�d���w
8694card bed	�d���y
8695card board computer	�����]���
8696card border	�d����t
8697card box	�d���@
8698card bus	�����`�u
8699card cabinet	�d���@
8700card cage	�q���O���J�c
8701card catalog	�d���ؿ�
8702card chassis	�����O
8703card cloumn	�d��
8704card code	�d���N�X
8705card code set	�d���N�X��
8706card collator	�d����z��
8707card column	�d����
8708card copier	�d���_���
8709card cycle	�d���g��
8710card data converter	�d������ഫ��
8711card deck	�d����; �d�|
8712card duplicator	�d���ƻs��
8713card editor	�d���s��{��
8714card ejector	����ƥX��
8715card enclosure	�d�~��
8716card face	�d������
8717card feed	�X�d����	CF
8718card field	�d���r�q
8719card file	�d���ɮ�
8720card frame	�������
8721card frame cage	������@
8722card guide	����ɭy
8723card holder	�d�O�T�w��
8724card hole	�d����
8725card hopper	���d��; �X�d��
8726card image	�d���M�H
8727card index	�d������
8728card input	�d����J
8729card input magazine	�d����J�c
8730card insertion	�d�����J
8731card interpreter	�d��½Ķ��
8732card jam	�d���d��
8733card leading edge	�d���e�u
8734card level module	����żҥ�
8735card loader	�d���ˤJ�{��
8736card matching	�d���ǰt
8737card module	����ҥ�
8738card mount	�d���[
8739card pack	�d�O��; �d�|
8740card path	�d���q��
8741card puller	����O���޾�
8742card punch	���d��
8743card punch and reader	���d���M�\Ū��
8744card puncher	�d�����վ�
8745card punching	�d������
8746card rate	�d���t�v
8747card read punch	�d���\Ū���վ�
8748card read punch unit	�d���\Ū���վ�
8749card reader	�ϱ�Ū���˸m; Ū�d��	CRD
8750card reader controller	�d���\Ū���
8751card reader diagnostics	�d���\Ū���E�_
8752card reader punch	�d����J���վ�
8753card ready	�d���N��
8754card receiver	���d�c
8755card reproducer	�d���ƻs��
8756card reproducing punch	�d���ƻs����
8757card row	�d�C
8758card run	�d���B��
8759card selector	�����
8760card sensing	�d��Ū�X
8761card sensor	�d��Ū�X��
8762card set	�d���ն�
8763card slot	�d����
8764card sorter	�d��������
8765card stacker	�|�d��; ��d��
8766card system	�d���t��
8767card to tape	�d����ȱa
8768card track	�d���D
8769card trailing edge	�d���Z�u
8770card unit speed	�d�����t��
8771card unit type	�d��������
8772card verifier	�d�������
8773card verifying	�d������
8774card wreck	�d���l�a
8775card-end connector	�g��d�s����
8776cardinal number	����
8777cardinalate	���
8778cardinality	���; ���
8779careful writing	�ԷV�g�X
8780caret	���r�Ÿ�
8781carriage	�x�[
8782carriage control character	���[����r��
8783carriage control data set	���[�����ƶ�
8784carriage control tape	���[����a
8785carriage controller	���[���
8786carriage draw spring	���[�ԤO�u®
8787carriage guide rail	���[�ɭy
8788carriage lock	���[��
8789carriage motor	���[���F
8790carriage overflow	���[���X
8791carriage positioning	���[�w��
8792carriage rail	�Ƭ[�ɭy
8793carriage release	���[����
8794carriage restore key	���[��_��
8795carriage return	�^��; �^�Y��; ��e����^
8796carriage return character	�^���r��
8797carriage return code	�^���N�X
8798carriage return key	������; �^�Y��
8799carriage space key	���[�ű���
8800carriage tape	��e�ȱa
8801carriage tension spring	���[�ԤO�u®
8802carried forward	��U��
8803carrier	�ưʸ˸m; ���i	CARR
8804carrier band	���i�W�a
8805carrier concentration	���y�l�@��
8806carrier cycle	���i�g
8807carrier density	���y�l�K��
8808carrier detect	���i�˪i
8809carrier diffusion	���y�l�X��
8810carrier drive motor	�ưʸ˸m�X�ʰ��F
8811carrier flooding	���y�l�R��
8812carrier free	�L���i
8813carrier frequency	���i�W�v
8814carrier gas	�B������
8815carrier generation	���y�l����
8816carrier group	���i�s
8817carrier holes	�����
8818carrier injection	���y�l�`�J
8819carrier link	���i���
8820carrier mobility	���y�l�E���v
8821carrier multiplex communication	���i�h���q�H
8822carrier noise	���i����
8823carrier noise level	���i�����q��
8824carrier on-off	���i���L( �覡 )
8825carrier only	�¸��i
8826carrier power output rating	���i�B�w��X�\�v
8827carrier sense	���i�P��
8828carrier shift	���W����
8829carrier source	���i��
8830carrier storage effect	���y���n�E����
8831carrier supply system	���Ѩt��
8832carrier suppression	���i���
8833carrier system	���i�t��
8834carrier telegraph circuit	���i�q���u��
8835carrier telephone circuit	���i�q�ܽu��
8836carrier transition	���i��A
8837carrier wave	���i
8838carriers to noise ratios	���T���
8839carry	�i��	CRY
8840carry bit	�i��줸
8841carry byte register	�i��r�`�H�s��	CBR
8842carry chain	�i����
8843carry circuit	�i��q��
8844carry clear signal	�i��M���H��
8845carry complete	�i�짹��
8846carry complete signal	�i�짹���H��
8847carry completion	�i�짹��
8848carry completion detection circuit	�i�짹���˴��q��
8849carry delay	�i�쩵��
8850carry delay time	�i�쩵��ɶ�
8851carry dependent sum adder	�M�ƻP��즳�����[�k��
8852carry detection	�i���˴�
8853carry digit	�i��Ʀ�
8854carry flag	�i��X��
8855carry flip flop	�i��IJ�o��
8856carry forward	�V�e�i��
8857carry gate	�i���
8858carry gate signal	�i����H��
8859carry gating circuit	�i����q��
8860carry generate output	�i��o�Ϳ�X
8861carry generation	�i��o��
8862carry generator	�i��o�;�
8863carry in	�ˤJ	CI
8864carry in terminal	��J��
8865carry indicator	�i����ܲ�
8866carry initiating signal	�i��_�l�H��
8867carry input	�i���J
8868carry line	�i��u
8869carry lookahead	����i��	CLA
8870carry lookahead adder	����i��[�k��
8871carry lookahead generator	����i��o�;�
8872carry lookahead logic	����i���޿�
8873carry number	�i���
8874carry out	�i���X
8875carry out bit	��X��
8876carry out terminal	��X��
8877carry output	�i���X
8878carry over	������
8879carry portion	�i�쳡��
8880carry propagate output	�i��ǰe��X
8881carry propagation	�i��ǰe
8882carry pulse	�i��ߨR
8883carry rate	���f�v
8884carry register	�i��H�s��
8885carry reset	�i��M��
8886carry save adder	�i��O�d�[�k��
8887carry separation	�i�����
8888carry set	�i���
8889carry signal	�i��H��
8890carry skip	���V�i��
8891carry status	�i�쪬�A
8892carry status word	�i�쪬�A�r
8893carry storage	�i��s�x
8894carry storage adder	�i��s�x�[�k��
8895carry storage device	�i��s�x�˸m
8896carry storage register	�i��s�x�H�s��
8897carry system	�i��t��
8898carry threshold	�i���
8899carry time	�i��ɶ�
8900carry type	�i������
8901carry-asve adder	�`�ٶi�줧�[�k��
8902carrying cost	���f����; �ƿ즨��; �m�s����
8903carrying factor	���f�]��
8904carrying rate	���f��v
8905carryover	����
8906cartesian product	�åd�����n; �d�d�����n
8907cartridge	�X���Ϻ�
8908cartridge disc	�X���Ϻ�
8909cartridge disc unit	�X���Ϻо�
8910cartridge disk	�X���Ϻ�
8911cartridge disk drive	�X���Ϻо�
8912cartridge disk driver	�X���Ϻо�
8913cartridge label	�ϱa�и�
8914cartridge loading	�X���ϱa
8915cartridge magnetic tape	�X���ϱa
8916cartridge reader	�X���ϱa�\Ū��
8917cartridge serial number	�ϱa�ǦC��
8918cartridge tape	�X���ϱa
8919cascade	�걵; ���p
8920cascade action control	���p�ʧ@����
8921cascade carry	�v��i��
8922cascade circuit	���p�q��
8923cascade connection	���p
8924cascade control	���p����
8925cascade decoder	���pĶ�X��
8926cascade digital	���p�Ʀ�
8927cascade entry	���p�J�f
8928cascade form networks	���p������
8929cascade input	���p��J
8930cascade list	���p��
8931cascade machine	���p��
8932cascade machine organization	���p�����c
8933cascade network	���p����
8934cascade sequence	��C����
8935cascade shower	���p�L�g
8936cascade sort	���p����
8937cascade stage	���p
8938cascaded carry	��Ŷi��
8939cascading	���p
8940case	�r��; �j�p�g�r��
8941case clause	���p�l�y
8942case dispenser	�I�ھ�
8943case grammar	�����k
8944case in	�{�����J
8945case label	����лx
8946case label list	����лx��
8947case list element	���p����
8948case on delivery	�{�ڥ�f
8949case on shipment	�˳f�I��
8950case out	�{����X
8951case package	�޴߫ʸ�
8952case part	���p����
8953case pointer	���p���ܦr
8954case prefix	���p�e��
8955case receipt tape	�{�����J�a
8956case selector	�����ܦ�
8957case selector statement	���p��ܱԭz
8958case send	�{���o�e
8959case sensitivity	�j�p�g�P�O��
8960case statement	����ԭz
8961case study	��Ҭ�s
8962case value	�����
8963cash	�{��
8964cash accounting method	�{���|�p�k
8965cash and cod sales	�{���P��f�I�{�P��
8966cash budget	�{���w��
8967Cash Despenser/Auto-Tele-Machine	�q�׻P�۰ʤƪA�Ⱦ���	CD/ATM
8968cash disbursements journal	�{����X��O�b
8969cash discount	�{���馩
8970cash dispenser	�{���t�m��
8971cash flow	�{���y�{; �{���y�q
8972cash flow report-both,current	�{���y�{����--���; ��������
8973cash flow report-both,standard	�{���y�{����--���; �зǦ���
8974cash flow report-open,current	�{���y�{����--�w�}�߭q��; ��������
8975cash flow report-open,standard	�{���y�{����--�w�}�߭q��; �зǦ���
8976cash flow report-planned,standard	�����y�{����--�p����; �зǦ���
8977cash flow report-planner,curre	�{���y�{����--�p����; ��������
8978cash requirements report	�{���ݨD����
8979cash sale	�{���P��
8980cash service	�{���~��
8981cashflow	�{���y�q
8982cashier mode	�X�ǭ��覡
8983cashless society	�L�{�����|
8984cashless system	�L�{����
8985cassette	�X���ϱa
8986cassette diagnostic	�X���E�_
8987cassette disc	�X���Ϻ�
8988cassette disk	�X���Ϻ�
8989cassette drive	�X���X�ʾ�
8990cassette film	�X������
8991cassette interface	�d������
8992cassette interrecord gap	�X���O���Ż�
8993cassette magnetic tape	�X���ϱa
8994cassette recorder	�X��������
8995cassette tape	�X���ϱa
8996cassette tape unit	�X���ϱa��
8997cassette unit	�X���ϱa��
8998cassette videotape	�X�����v�a
8999cast	cast��
9000cast of symbol	�﫬�Ÿ�
9001cast off	���p
9002cast system	���Ũt��
9003caster	�}��
9004casting out nines check	���E����
9005casual clearing station	�ƬG�x��
9006casual inspection	���w���ˬd
9007casual network user	�ʮɺ����Τ�
9008casual user	�ʮɥΤ�
9009casualty report	�G�ٳ��i	CASREP
9010catalanguage	���G�y��
9011catalog	�ؿ�; ����; �s��	CAT
9012catalog file descriptor	�ؿ��ɮ״y�z��
9013catalog file string	�ؿ��ɮצ�
9014catalog file string error	�ؿ��ɮצ�t��
9015catalog listing	�ؿ���
9016catalog memory	���p�x�s��
9017catalog record	�ؿ��O��
9018catalog search	�ؿ��˯�
9019cataloged data set	�s�ظ�ƶ�
9020cataloged file	�s���ɮ�
9021cataloged load module	�s�ظˤJ�Ҳ�
9022cataloged load module file	�s�ظˤJ�Ҳ��ɮ�
9023cataloged permanent file	�s�إä[�ɮ�
9024cataloged priority	�s���u����
9025cataloged procedure	�s�عL�{
9026cataloged program	�s�ص{��
9027cataloger	�s��
9028cataloging	�s��
9029cataloging system	�s�بt��
9030catalogue	�ؿ�
9031catalogue data base	�ؿ���Ʈw
9032catalogued file	�s���ɮ�
9033catalogued procedures	�s�عL�{
9034catalyst	IJ�C
9035catalyzer	�ʤƾ�
9036catastrophe	�j�ƬG
9037catastrophic cancellation	���q����
9038categorical data	�������
9039category	���O
9040cathode ray tube	�����g�u��	CRT
9041cathode ray tube	�����g�u��
9042cathode ray tube terminal	�����g�u�޲׺ݾ�	CRT
9043cell	�椸; �M��; ��Ʈ�; �r����
9044cell coordinates	��Ʈ�y��
9045cell growth problem	�ӭM�ͪ����D
9046cell hand-off	�M�����Ҳ���
9047cell interconnection	�椸���s
9048cell interconnection mask	�椸���s����
9049cell library	�椸�{���w
9050cell logic	�椸�޿�
9051cell matrix	�椸�x�}
9052cell memory	�椸�x�s��
9053cell model	�ӭM�ҫ�
9054cell name	�椸�W
9055cell orifice	�椸��
9056cell pointer	��Ʈ����
9057cell scanning system	�椸���y�t��	CELLSCAN
9058cell space simulation language	�椸�Ŷ������y��
9059cell value	�椸��
9060cellar	��i���X�x�s��
9061cellular array	�檬��C
9062cellular array processor	�檬�}�C�B�z��
9063cellular automaton	�I��۰ʾ�	CA
9064cellular chain	�椸����
9065cellular computation	�ӭM���c���p��
9066cellular computer	�ӭM���c�p���
9067cellular construction	�ӭM���c
9068cellular fast processor	�ӭM�ֳt�B�z��
9069cellular inverted list	�椸���˱ƪ�
9070cellular linear input logic	�ӭM�u�ʿ�J�޿�
9071cellular list	�椸��
9072cellular logic	�ӭM�޿�
9073cellular logic array	�ӭM�޿�}�C
9074cellular logic image processor	�ӭM�޿�M�H�B�z��	CLIP
9075cellular logic in memory	�x�s���椸�޿�
9076cellular logic operation	�ӭM�޿�ާ@
9077cellular logical array	�ӭM�޿�}�C
9078cellular memory	�ӭM�x�s��
9079cellular mobile telephone systems	���_�����ʹq��
9080cellular multilist	�ӭM�h��
9081cellular network	�ӭM����
9082cellular partition	�椸������
9083cellular production	�椸�Ͳ�
9084cellular splitting	�椸������
9085cellular tree structured computer	�ӭM���c�p���
9086cellular unmanned production	�椸���L�H�Ͳ��t��	CUP
9087center	����; ����; ����
9088center alignment tab	���߹�ǼаO
9089center clipping	���߫d�i
9090center feed tape	���ɤկȱa
9091center finding	���ߩw��
9092center justification	����
9093center mark	���߼аO
9094center operator	�����ާ@��
9095center point	�����I
9096center processing unit retry	�����B�z���_��
9097center routine	�����Ҧ�`��
9098center spot	�����I
9099center system	�����t��
9100center tapped	�������
9101center tree	���߾�
9102center zero	�s�I����
9103centeral communication controller	�����q�H�����
9104centeral computing facility	�����p��]��
9105centeral control cycle	��������`��
9106centeral control unit	�������
9107centeral controller	�������
9108centeral data base	������Ʈw
9109centeral data file	��������ɮ�
9110centeral difference formula	�����t������
9111centeral difference interpolation	���߮t�����Ȫk
9112centeral difference notation	���߮t���O�k
9113centeral interconnection	�������s
9114centeral processor	�����B�z��
9115centeralization	������
9116centeralized algorithm	�����ƺ�k
9117centeralized arbiter	���������
9118centeralized data base	��������Ʈw
9119centeralized data processing	��������ƳB�z
9120centeralized monitoring system	�����ʱ��t��
9121centeralized multiend point connection f	�������h���I�s��
9122centeralized network	����������
9123centeralized processing	�������B�z
9124centeralized resource management	�������귽�޲z
9125centeralized resource management algorithm	�������귽�޲z��k
9126centeralized supervisory and control equipment	�������ʷ�����]��
9127centeralized system	�������t��
9128centered difference	���߮t��
9129centering	�w����
9130centering mark	���߼и�; �����аO
9131centerless grinding	�L�߬�i
9132centerline	���߽u
9133centesimal notation	�ʶi��Ÿ�
9134centimeter	����	CM
9135central	����	CNTRL
9136central air data computer	������Ÿ�ƭp���	CADC
9137central communication controller	�����q�H�����
9138central computer	�����p���	CC
9139central computer complex	�����p����_�X�t��	CCC
9140central console	��������x
9141central control	��������
9142central control board	��������O
9143central control cycle	��������`��
9144central control desk	��������x
9145central control line	��������u��
9146central control module	��������Ҳ�
9147central control room	���������
9148central data acquisition system	�����������t��	CDAS
9149central data bank	������Ʈw
9150central data display	���������ܾ�	CDD
9151central data processing center	������ƳB�z����
9152central data processor	������ƳB�z��
9153central difference operator	���߮t����l
9154central digital computer	�����Ʀ�p���
9155central display unit	������ܾ�
9156central distributed system	�����������t��
9157central exchenge	�����洫	CX
9158central file	�����ɮ�
9159central finite difference	���ߦ����t��
9160central flow control precedence network	���߬y�{�����u������
9161central flow control software	���߬y�{����n��
9162central flow control software system analysis	���߬y�{����n��t�Τ��R
9163central index file	���������ɮ�
9164central interface unit	������������
9165central interrupt register	�������_�Ȧs��
9166central laboratory minicomputer	��������p���p���
9167central limit theorem	���߷����w�z
9168central line	���߽u	CL
9169central location	�����椸
9170central logic bus	�����޿��`�u	CLB
9171central logic complex	�����޿�զX
9172central logic control	�����޿豱��
9173central logic unit	�����޿賡��	CLU
9174central mean	���ߧ���
9175central mean operator	���ߧ��Ⱥ�l
9176central memory	�����x�s��	CM
9177central memory control	�����x�s�����
9178central module	�����Ҷ�
9179central moment	�����x
9180central monitoring	�����ʵ�
9181central office	���ߧ�
9182central office exchange	���ߧ��洫��
9183central operation	�����ާ@
9184central point	�����I
9185central processing element	�����B�z�椸	CPE
9186central processing system	�����B�z�t��	CPS
9187central processing unit	�����B�z���	CPU
9188central processing unit (deprecated)	�����B�z�椸( ���y�� )
9189central processing unit loop	�����B�z���`��
9190central processor	�����B�z��
9191central processor control	�����B�z������
9192central processor simulation	�����B�z������
9193central processor subsystem	�����B�z�l�t��
9194central register	�����Ȧs��
9195central scanning loop	�������y�`��
9196central serve	�������A�t��
9197central site	�����q���Ҧb�a
9198central station	���߯�
9199central storage	�����x�s��
9200central string table	���ߦ��
9201central subsystem	�����l�t��
9202central switching	�����ഫ
9203centralize	����
9204centralized automatic testing	�������۰ʴ���	CAT
9205centralized computer networks	�������q������
9206centralized control system	�����޲z��
9207centralized data processing	������ƳB�z
9208centralized engine room control	���������
9209centralized reference system	�����Ըߨt��
9210centralized system	�������t��
9211centralized traffic control	�����ƥ�q�ި�
9212centralized update library	��������s�{�Ǯw
9213centralized-control network	�����������
9214centrally controlled network	�����������
9215centre	����	CTR
9216centre feed hole	���ɤ�
9217centre of a quadric	�G��������
9218centre of an area	���n����
9219centre of fiqure	�Τ�
9220centre of spherical curvature	�y���v����
9221centre of symmetry	��٤���
9222centre tapped primary winding	���ߩ�ꪺ����u��
9223centre tapped transformer	���ߩ�ꪺ������
9224centre tree	���߾�
9225centrifugal action	���ߧ@��
9226centrifugal blower	���ߦ�����
9227centroid	�Τ�
9228centroid of a free tree	�ۥѾ��Τ�
9229centroid point	���I
9230centroid vector	��V�q
9231ceramic	������
9232ceramic bond	�������X��
9233ceramic cap	�����U
9234ceramic capacitor	�����q�e
9235ceramic metal	���ݳ���
9236ceramic package	�����ʸ�
9237ceramic packing	�����ո�
9238ceramic plate	������
9239ceramic seal	�����K��
9240ceramic substrate	����Ũ��
9241ceramic wafer	�������
9242ceramicon	������
9243ceramics	����
9244certification	���{�w
9245chad	�h
9246chadless tape	�L�h�a
9247chain	��; �쵲; ���B����
9248chain addition program	�즡�K�[�{��
9249chain address	�즡��}
9250chain addressing	�즡�X��
9251chain area	�즡�ϰ�
9252chain break	�줤�_
9253chain byte	�즡�r�`
9254chain calculation	�즡�p��
9255chain carry	�즡�i��
9256chain character area	�즡�r�Ű�
9257chain circuit	�즡�q��
9258chain code	�즡�X
9259chain code generator	�즡�X�o�;�
9260chain code tracing	��X�l�ܤ覡
9261chain command	�즡�R�O
9262chain command flag	�즡�R�O�лx
9263chain console type writer	�즡����x���r��
9264chain data	�즡���
9265chain data address	�즡��Ʀ�}
9266chain data code	�즡��ƽX
9267chain data flag	�즡��ƯS����
9268chain decomposition theorem	����ѩw�z
9269chain effect	�즡����
9270chain error	����~
9271chain feature	�챵�S��
9272chain field	�즡�r�q
9273chain file	�즡��r
9274chain image	�즡�϶H
9275chain in	��J
9276chain index	�����
9277chain job	�즡�@�~
9278chain line printer	�즡��L��
9279chain link record	�즡�s���O��
9280chain linked to next	�V�U��
9281chain linked to next and prior	���V��
9282chain linked to owner	�V�D��
9283chain list	�妡��C
9284chain maintenance program	�즡���@�{��
9285chain matrices	�챵�x�}
9286chain mode	chain �Ҧ�; �妡
9287chain of controllers	�����
9288chain of subcatalog	�l�ؿ���
9289chain output	�즡��X
9290chain printer	��L�r��
9291chain program	��L�{��
9292chain reaction	�s�����
9293chain record	�s��O��
9294chain rule	�s��k�h
9295chain rule for differentiation	�L�����챵�W�h
9296chain scheduling	�즡�ի�
9297chain search	���˯�
9298chain segment	��q
9299chain validation edit	�쵲���T�ʽs��
9300chained address	�챵��}
9301chained addressing	�챵�s�}
9302chained allocation	�즡���t
9303chained dependence	�챵������
9304chained detail record	�챵�ӥذO��
9305chained fields	�챵�r�q
9306chained file	�챵�ɮ�
9307chained file management system	�챵�ɮ׺޲z�t��	CFMS
9308chained job	�챵�@�~
9309chained line	�챵��
9310chained linear list	�즡�u�ʪ�
9311chained list	�챵��
9312chained list search	�챵��j��
9313chained record	�즡�O��
9314chained sector	�챵�Ϭq
9315chained segment buffer	�챵�q�w�İ�
9316chained segment buffering	�챵�q�w��
9317chained structured record	�즡���c�O��
9318chained sublibraries	�챵�l�{�Ǯw
9319chaining	�챵
9320chaining address	�챵��}; �쵲��}
9321chaining backward	�f�V��
9322chaining bit	�챵��
9323chaining channel action	�즡�q�D�ʧ@
9324chaining check	�챵�ˬd
9325chaining command file	�챵�R�O�ɮ�
9326chaining common variables	�챵�����ܼ�
9327chaining core block	�챵�Ϥ��x�s��
9328chaining equivalence variables	�챵�����ܼ�
9329chaining field	�챵�r�q
9330chaining forward	�V�e�챵
9331chaining method	�챵�k
9332chaining overflow	�즡���X
9333chaining search	�妡�d�M
9334challenge	�_�V���D
9335chamber	�e��	CHM
9336chameleon segment	�ܤƵL�`�{���q
9337champion data	�u�����
9338chance cause	���M��]
9339chance coincidence	���M���X
9340chance failure	���J�G��
9341chance machine	���J�p���
9342chance player	���J�����H
9343change	��	CHG
9344change accumulation	���ֿܲn
9345change bar	�ܧ��
9346change bars	�ܧ���X
9347change bit	�ܧ��
9348change character	���r��
9349change direction	���ܤ�V
9350change direction command indicator	���V�R�O���ܲ�
9351change direction protocol	���V��w
9352change directive	�����O
9353change dump	�洫�ɦL
9354change file	�ܴ��ɮ�
9355change frame	���ج[
9356change horizon	�ܧ�ɶb
9357change horizon value	�ܧ�ɶb��
9358change key	�������
9359change key characteristic	��S���ܧ�
9360change L/O costing table	�ܧ�L/O ������
9361change L/O simulation costing table	�ܧ�L/O ��������
9362change level	�ܧ��
9363change management	�ܴ��޲z
9364change manual page	�ܴ����u����
9365change mode	�ܧ�ҺA; �ܧ�Ҧ�
9366change of state	���A�ܴ�
9367change order	���w��
9368change over	�ܧ�
9369change over arrangement	�ഫ�˸m
9370change over circuit	�ഫ�q��
9371change over contact unit	�ഫ���I��
9372change over facility	�ഫ�]��
9373change over gate	�ഫ�h
9374change over procedure	�ഫ�L�{
9375change over signal	�ഫ�H��
9376change over switch	�ഫ�}��
9377change over system	�ഫ�t��
9378change over time	�ഫ�ɶ�
9379change page	����; �ܭ�
9380change period intervals	�ܧ�����ɬq
9381change position connection	�ܦ�s��
9382change record	�ܧ�O��
9383change remote access password	�ܧ��{�s���q��X
9384change report period intervals	�ܧ��������ɬq
9385change request	���ШD
9386change tape	���a
9387change transaction	�ܧ���
9388changeable	�i����
9389changeable physical layout	�i�ܹ��饬��
9390changeable storage	�i���x�s��
9391changeback procedure	��^�L�{
9392changed record	�ܧ��O��
9393changer	�ഫ��
9394changing exception task attribute	�ܧ��`���������ݩ�
9395changing file name	�ܧ��ɮ�
9396changing order point	�ܧ��I
9397channel	�q�D; ��Ƴq�T���|	CHAN
9398channel adapter	�q�D�౵��
9399channel adapter supervisor	�q�D�A�t���޲z�{��
9400channel address	�q�D��}
9401channel address field	�q�D��}�r�q
9402channel address halfword table	�q�D��}�b�r��
9403channel address output	�q�D��}��X
9404channel address register	�q�D��}�H�s��
9405channel address word	�q�D��}�r
9406channel affinity	�q�D���P��
9407channel allocation	�q�D���t
9408channel assignment	�q�D���t
9409channel assignment record	�q�D���t�O��
9410channel assignment register	�q�D���t�Ȧs��
9411channel assignment table	�q�D���t��
9412channel availability	�q�D�i�Ωʪ�	CAT
9413channel available interrupt	�q�D���Ĥ��_
9414channel bandwidth	�q�D�W�e
9415channel buffer storage	�q�D�w���x�s��
9416channel burst mode	�q�D��o�ǿ�覡
9417channel bus controller	�q�D�`�u���
9418channel bus out	�q�D�`�u��X	CBO
9419channel busy	�q�D���L
9420channel capacity	�q�D�e�q
9421channel check	�q�D�ˬd
9422channel check handler	�q�D�ˬd�B�z�{��	CCH
9423channel code	�q�D�N�X
9424channel coding	�q�D�s�X
9425channel command	�q�D�R�O	CHANCOM
9426channel command block	�q�D�R�O��	CCB
9427channel command register	�q�D�R�O�Ȧs��
9428channel command word	�q�D�R�O�r	CCW
9429channel command word buffer	�q�D�R�O�w��	CCWB
9430channel compression	�q�D���Y
9431channel condition	�q�D���A
9432channel conductance	�q�D�Ǿ�
9433channel connection	�q�D�s��
9434channel connector	�q�D�s����
9435channel control	�q�D����	CHC
9436channel control block	�q�D�����	CCB
9437channel control character	�q�D����r��
9438channel control check	�q�D�����ˬd	CCC
9439channel control reconfiguration	�q�D����c
9440channel control unit	�q�D���	CHCU
9441channel control vector	�q�D����V�q	CHCV
9442channel control word	�q�D����r	CCW
9443channel controller	�q�D���	CC
9444channel current	�q�D�q�y
9445channel data check	�q�D����ˬd
9446channel data selector	�q�D��ƿ�ܾ�
9447channel decoder	�q�DĶ�X��
9448channel definition table	�q�D�w�q��
9449channel demodulation	�q�D�ѽ�
9450channel demodulator	�q�D�ѽվ�
9451channel demultiplexer	�q�D�h�����Ѿ�
9452channel dissipation	�q�D�l��
9453channel distortion coefficient	�q�����u�t��
9454channel disturbance	�q�D�z�Z
9455channel effect	�q�D����
9456channel encoder	�q�D�s�X
9457channel encoding	�q�D�s�X
9458channel end	�q�D����	CHE
9459channel end condition	�q�D�������A
9460channel end interrupt	�q�D�������_
9461channel entry	�q�D��J	CHANENT
9462channel error statistics	�q�D�t���έp
9463channel flag	�q�D�лx
9464channel frequency characteristic	�q�D�W�v�S��
9465channel frequency stability	�q�D�W�ví�w��
9466channel gate	�q�D��
9467channel grade	�q�D����
9468channel grant	�q�D�\�i
9469channel group	�q�D��
9470channel identification	�q�D�ѧO
9471channel indicator	�q�D���ܾ�
9472channel indirect data addressing	�q�D������Ʃw�}	CIDA
9473channel instruction	�q�D���O
9474channel interface	�q�D����	CHIF
9475channel length	�q�D����
9476channel logic	�q�D�޿�
9477channel manager	�q�D�޲z�{��
9478channel mask	�q�D���X
9479channel mobility	�q�D�E���v
9480channel mode	�q�D�覡
9481channel monitor	�q�D�ʱ���
9482channel multiplexer	�q�D�h���_�ξ�
9483channel noise	�q�D����
9484channel noise level	�q�D������
9485channel number	�q�D���X
9486channel operation	�q�D�ާ@
9487channel overload	�q�D�W��
9488channel pattern	�q�D�Ϯ�
9489channel pointer	�q�D���ܾ�
9490channel pool	�q�D��
9491channel position	�q�D��m
9492channel predicate	�q�D�z��
9493channel processor	�q�D�B�z��
9494channel program	�W�D�{��
9495channel program translation	�q�D�{���ഫ
9496channel programming	�q�D�{���]�p
9497channel protocol	�q�D��w
9498channel pulse	�q�D�߽�
9499channel queue	�q�D��C
9500channel read backword command	�q�D�^Ū�R�O
9501channel read command	�q�DŪ�R�O
9502channel region	�q�D��
9503channel reliability	�q�D�i�a��
9504channel request	�q�D�ШD
9505channel request block	�q�D�ШD��	CRB
9506channel request priority	�q�D�ШD�u��	CRP
9507channel reset	�q�D�_��
9508channel resistance	�q�D�q��
9509channel routine algorithm	�q�D���|�t��k
9510channel scheduler	�q�D�ի׵{��
9511channel scheduling	�q�D�ի�
9512channel selectivity	�q�D��ܩ�
9513channel separation	�q�D����
9514channel service unit	�q�D�A�Ⱦ�	CSU
9515channel set	�q�D��
9516channel size	�q�D�e��
9517channel start	�q�D�Ұ�
9518channel status	�q�D���A	CS
9519channel status indicator	�q�D���A���ܾ�
9520channel status information	�q�D���A��T
9521channel status routine	�q�D���A�{��
9522channel status table	�q�D���A��	CST
9523channel status word	�q�D���A�r	CSW
9524channel sweep	�q�D���y
9525channel switching	�q�D�ഫ
9526channel synchronizer	�q�D�P�B�˸m
9527channel tags in	�q�D��J�аO
9528channel temperature	�q�D�ū�
9529channel terminal coder	�H�q�׺ݽs�X��
9530channel terminal decoder	�H�q�׺ݸѽX��
9531channel throughput	�q�D�]�R�q
9532channel time	�q�D�u�@�ɶ�
9533channel time slot	�q�D�ɶ���
9534channel to channel adapter	�q�D�q�D���
9535channel traffic control	�q�D�q�H����	CTC
9536channel transistor	�q�D�����
9537channel translating equipment	�q�D�ഫ�]��	CTE
9538channel unit	�q�D�椸
9539channel unit address	�q�D�˸m��}
9540channel utilization	�q�D�Q�βv
9541channel utilization index	�q�D�Q����
9542channel vocoder	�q�D�n���X
9543channel waiting queue	�q�D���ݳ��C
9544channel width	�q�D�e��
9545channel word	�q�D�r
9546channeling	�q�D�@��
9547channeling diode	�q�D�G����
9548channelizing	�q�D��
9549channsl connection	�q�D�s��
9550channsl-atlached	�q�D�s����
9551chapter	�q
9552CHAR type	CHAR �Φ�
9553character	�r��; �r��	CHAR
9554character address	�r�Ŧ�}
9555character address counter	�r�Ŧ�}�p�ƾ�
9556character addressing	�r�ũw�}
9557character adjustment	�r�Žվ�
9558character advance pulse	�Ÿ��e�i�ߨR
9559character alignment	�r�Žվ�
9560character arrangement	�r�Ŧw��
9561character array	�r�żƲ�
9562character array initialization	�r�żƲչw�m��
9563character assembly word	�r�ŲզX�r	CAW
9564character assignment	�r�ū��w
9565character assignment statement	�r�ū��w�ԭz
9566character assignment table	�r�Ť��t��	CAT
9567character attribute	�r���ݩ�
9568character average information content	�r�ť����H���q
9569character base	�r�Ű�¦
9570character blank	�r�Ūť�
9571character board	�r�ŪO
9572character boundary	�r��
9573character box	�r����
9574character box element	�r���������
9575character buffer	�r���w��
9576character bus	�r�Ŷ׬y��
9577character cell	�r�ų椸
9578character cell viewer	�r����q����
9579character check	�r������
9580character class	�r�Ų�
9581character class description	�r�Ų�������
9582character code	�r�ťN�X
9583character code conversion	�r�ťN�X�ഫ
9584character code table	�r�Žs�X��
9585character coding	�r�Žs�X
9586character comparison	�r�Ť��
9587character computer	�r�ŭp���
9588character constant	�r�ű`��
9589character constant editing	�r�ű`�ƽs��
9590character control block	�r�ű����	CCB
9591character controlled generator	�r�ű���o�;�
9592character conversion	�r���ഫ
9593character count program	�r�ŭp�Ƶ{��
9594character counter	�r�ŭp�ƾ�
9595character crowding	�r�ž���
9596character cycle	�r�Ŵ`��
9597character data	�r�Ÿ��
9598character data storage	�r�Ÿ���x�s��
9599character data type operation	�r�Ÿ�������ާ@
9600character definition display	�r�ũw�q���
9601character deletion character	�R�h�r��
9602character delimiter	�r�Ť��ɲ�
9603character denotation	�r�żлx
9604character density	�r�űK��
9605character desassembly	�r�ũ��
9606character design	�r�ų]�p
9607character device	�r���˸m
9608character dimension	�r�Ťj�p
9609character disk	�r�ŽL
9610character display	�r�����
9611character display device	�r����ܸ˸m
9612character duration	�r���e��
9613character edge	�r����t
9614character editing	�r���s��
9615character element	�r�Ť���
9616character emitter	�r�ű��y�o�;�
9617character encoding	�r�Žs�X
9618character error rate	�r�Ůt���v
9619character expression	�r�Ū�F��
9620character field	�r��
9621character field descriptor	�r�Ŭq�y�z��
9622character field dimenion	�r����j�p
9623character file	�r���ɮ�
9624character file separator	�r���ɮפ��j��
9625character fill	�r����R
9626character font	�r��
9627character format	�r�Ů榡
9628character frame	�r��
9629character frame bit	�r�ŮؽX��
9630character function	�r�Ũ��
9631character function reference	�r�Ũ�Ƥޥ�
9632character gate	�r�ſ�q�h
9633character generation	�r�Ų���
9634character generation option	�r�Ų��Ϳ��
9635character generation unit	�r�Ų��;�
9636character generator	�r�����;�; �r�β��͵{��
9637character generator utility	�y�r���ε{��
9638character glyph	�r�Ũ誩
9639character graphic	�r�Źϧ�
9640character group	�r�Ų�
9641character guidance	�r�Ť޾�	CHARGUID
9642character handling	�r�ųB�z
9643character identifier	�r�ż��Ѳ�
9644character ignore block	�L�Ħr�Ŷ�
9645character ignore instruction	�r�ŵL�ī��O
9646character image	�r�ŬM��
9647character increment	�r�żW�q
9648character information	�r�Ÿ�T
9649character information rate	�r�Ÿ�T�v
9650character insert	�r�Ŵ��J
9651character insert mode	�r�Ŵ��J�覡
9652character insertion	�r�Ŵ��J
9653character instruction	�r�ū��O
9654character integer	�r�ž��
9655character interleaved time frame	�r�ť���ɶ���
9656character interleaving	�r�ť���ƦC
9657character interval	�r�Ŷ��j
9658character key	�r����
9659character late	�U�@�Ӧr��
9660character level	�r�Ŭq
9661character like code	���r�ŽX
9662character literal	�r�Ŧr����
9663character load routine	�r�ŸˤJ
9664character locator	�r�ũw���
9665character machine	�r�ŭp���
9666character manipulation	�r�ųB�z
9667character marker	�r�żаO��
9668character matrix	�r���x�}
9669character mean information content	�r�ť�����T�q
9670character mean transinformation content	�r�ť����ಾ�H���q
9671character memory	�r���x�s��
9672character misregistration	�r�Ŧ�m����
9673character mode	�r���ҺA; �r�żҦ�
9674character mode display	�r���覡���
9675character mode DTE	�r���Ҧ�DTE
9676character mode input	�r���覡��J
9677character modifier	�r�ŭק�q
9678character motion	�r�Ų���
9679character multiplexer	�r�Ŧh���౵��
9680character object	�r�Ź�H
9681character offset	�r�����m
9682character oriented procedure	�r�žɦV���L�{
9683character oriented record	�Ω�r�Ū��O��
9684character oriented requirement	�Ω�r�Ū��ШD
9685character outline	�r�ť~��
9686character packing density	�r�ŰO���K��
9687character parity check	�r�ũ_������
9688character path	�r�Ÿ��|
9689character pattern	�r��
9690character pattern input	�r����J
9691character per second	�C��r����	CPS
9692character picture specification	�r�ŹϹ�����
9693character pitch	�r�Ŷ��Z
9694character plane	�r��
9695character plotting	�r�ū�ø��
9696character point display	�r���I���
9697character pointer	�r������
9698character position	�r����m
9699character printer	�r���C�L��
9700character properties	�r���S��
9701character pulse	�r�ů߽�
9702character rate	�r�Ŷǿ�v
9703character reader	�r���\Ū��
9704character reading	�r��Ū�X
9705character ready	�r���Ƨ�
9706character recognition	�r������
9707character recognition machine	�r�����Ѿ�
9708character recognition system	�r�����Ѩt��
9709character recognitnon criteria	�r�����ѷǫh
9710character reference point	�r���Ѧ��I
9711character register	�r���Ȧs��	CHR
9712character relational expression	�r�����t���
9713character repertoire	�r�Ŷ�
9714character repetition cycle	�r�ŭ��_�`��
9715character rotation	�r�ű���
9716character row	�r�Ŧ�
9717character scalar	�r�żжq
9718character segmentation	��r���q
9719character selection circuit	�r�ſ�ܹq��
9720character sensing equipment	�r��Ū�X�˸m
9721character sensing field	�r��Ū�X��
9722character sensing strip	�r��Ū�X�a
9723character sequence	�r�Ŷ���
9724character set	�r�Ŷ�; �r����
9725character set attribute	�r���ݩ�
9726character shift in	���J�r����
9727character signal	�r�ūH��
9728character size	�r�Ťj�p
9729character skew	�r�Ŭn��
9730character source	�r�ŷ�
9731character space	�r�ŪŶ�
9732character spacing	�r�ŶZ
9733character spacing reference line	�r�ũw��u
9734character storage unit	�r���x�s�椸
9735character store	�r���x�s
9736character stream	�r�Ŭy
9737character string	�r��; �r����
9738character string constant	�r����`��
9739character string data	�r�Ŧ���
9740character string descriptor	�r����y�z��
9741character string function	�r������
9742character string instruction	�r������O
9743character string manipulation package	�r����B�z�M�˳n��
9744character string picture	�r����Ϲ�
9745character string picture data	�r��v�����
9746character string variable	�r�����ܼ�
9747character stroke	�r������
9748character structure	�r�ŵ��c
9749character style	�r��
9750character subset	�r���l��
9751character suppression	�r�ŧ��
9752character switching	�r�ť洫
9753character symbol	�r�ŲŸ�
9754character symbol set	�r���Ÿ���
9755character synchronization	�r�Ŷǰe�P�B
9756character table	�r�Ū�
9757character testing function	�r�Ŵ��ե\��
9758character timing	�r�ũw��
9759character token	�r�ŰO��
9760character topology	�r�ũݾ뵲�c
9761character transfer	�r���ǰe	cx
9762character transfer rate	����ಾ�t��
9763character transliteration	�r�Ū�Ķ
9764character tree	�r�ž�
9765character type	�r������
9766character type statement	�r�������ԭz
9767character unit	�r�ų椸
9768character unit correction	�r�ų椸�ץ�
9769character value	�r�ŭ�
9770character values	�r����
9771character variable	�r���ܼ�
9772character wheel	�r��
9773character width	�r���e��
9774character writing tube	�r�ŰO����
9775character zone	�r�Űϰ�
9776character-mode terminal	�r�żҦ��׺ݾ�
9777character-string constant	�r��`��
9778character-string picture data	�r��v�����
9779characteristic	����
9780characteristic	�S�ʼ�
9781characteristic adaptive control	�S�x�۾A������
9782characteristic adaptive system	�S�x�۾A���t��
9783characteristic condition	�S�x����
9784characteristic cone	�S�x�@
9785characteristic conoid	�S�x�@
9786characteristic data of computer	�p������S�ʦ��u���
9787characteristic distortion	�S�x���u
9788characteristic disturbance	�S�x�z�Z
9789characteristic element	�S�x�n��
9790characteristic equation	�S�x��{
9791characteristic factor	�S�x�]��
9792characteristic form	�S�x�Φ�
9793characteristic frequencies	�S���W�v
9794characteristic function	�S�x���
9795characteristic grammar	�S�x��k
9796characteristic impedance	�S�x����
9797characteristic in a floating point representation	�B�I��ܪk��������
9798characteristic language	�S�x�y��
9799characteristic length	�S�x����
9800characteristic letter	�S�x�r��
9801characteristic machine	�S�x��
9802characteristic measurement	�S�x����
9803characteristic of a logarithm	��Ƥ����ƩΩw�쳡
9804characteristic oscillation	�S�x����
9805characteristic program grammar	���{����k
9806characteristic programmed grammar	���{����k
9807characteristic quadratic form	�S�x�G����
9808characteristic readout voltage pulse	�S�xŪ�X�q���ߨR
9809characteristic root	�S�x��
9810characteristic set	�S�x���X
9811characteristic signal	�S�x�H��
9812characteristic system	�S�x�t��
9813characteristic test	�S�x����
9814characteristic value	�S�x��
9815characteristic variable	�S�x�ܼ�
9816characteristics	�ʽ�; �S��
9817characteristics of channel	�q�D�S�x
9818characterization	�S�x��
9819characterization of computability	�i�p��ʨ�E
9820characters received in error	���������~�r����
9821charactron	�r�ź�
9822charactron tube	�r�X��
9823charage coupled device memory	�q�����X�����x�s��
9824charage coupled device technology	�q�����X����u�~
9825charage storage cell	�q���x�s����
9826charage storage tube	�q���x�s��
9827charater to byte symbol	�r����r�`�Ÿ�
9828charccter forming tube	�r�ŧΦ���
9829charge	�R�q
9830charge amplifier	�q����j��
9831charge analysis	�q�����R
9832charge carrier	�q�����y�l
9833charge control analysis	�q��������R
9834charge corona	�q�w
9835charge coupled device	�q�����X����
9836charge coupled memory	�q�����X�x�s��
9837charge density	�q���K��
9838charge number	���O���X
9839charge off	�ꥻ�O�Τ�
9840charge pattern	�q��������
9841charge storage diode	�q���x�s�G����
9842charge storage flip flop	�q���x�sIJ�o��
9843charge transfer	�q���ǰe
9844charge transfer device	�q���ǰe����
9845charge transition time	�q����V�ɶ�
9846charge up	�R�q
9847charging	�p�O
9848charging time	�p�O�ɶ�
9849charstream	�r�Ŭy
9850charstring	�r�Ŧ�
9851chart	��; �Ϫ�; �s��
9852chart area	�ϧΰϰ�; �s�ϰϰ�
9853chart format	�Ϫ�榡
9854chart layout	�Ϫ�榡
9855chart of account	�|�p��ت�
9856chart of accounts	�|�p��ت�
9857chart option	�ϧο��
9858chart pattern	�Ϯ�
9859chart reader	�Ϫ�\Ū��
9860chart recorder	�Ϫ�O��
9861chart recording	�Ϫ�O��
9862chart speed	�Ϫ�O���t��
9863chart type	�ϫ�
9864charting	���
9865CHAS	�|�p��ت�
9867chassis	���L
9868chassis assembly	���L�զX
9869chassis earth	���L���a
9870chassis mount construction	���L�����c
9871chatter	����
9872check	�ˬd
9873check bit	�ˬd�줸
9874check bit column	�����C
9875check bit polynomial	�����h����
9876check bit sum	�����M
9877check bus	�����`�u
9878check card	����d��
9879check character	�ˬd�r��; �ֹ�r��
9880check code	�ˬd�X
9881check consistency	����@�P��
9882check digit	�ˬd�Ƥ�; �ֹ�줸
9883check divide indicator	���簣�k���ܾ�
9884check expression	�ˬd��ܦ�
9885check for overflow	���X�ˬd
9886check formula	��⤽��
9887check group	�ֹ�r��
9888check indicator	������ܾ�
9889check indicator instruction	������ܾ�����
9890check key	�ֹ���
9891check light	����O
9892check list	�ˬd��
9893check list method	��������k
9894check number	�����
9895check out	����
9896check point	���d
9897check point data set	�ˬd�I��ƶ�
9898check problem	�ˬd�D��
9899check procedure	����L�{
9900check program	����{��
9901check protect	����O�@
9902check register	�ֹ�Ȧs��
9903check reset	����Ʀ�
9904check reset key	����Ʀ���
9905check routine	����`��
9906check routine test	����`������
9907check row	�����
9908check subroutine	����l�`��
9909check sum	�ˬd�M
9910check sum code	�ˬd�M�X
9911check sum digit	����M��
9912check symbol	����Ÿ�
9913check syntax	����y�k
9914check system	����t��
9915check table	�ˬd��
9916check tag	����аO
9917check total	�����`��
9918check track	����D
9919check trunk	�����`�u
9920check word	����r
9921checker	���羹
9922checker board	����O
9923checker board effect	����O����
9924checker playing program	���Ѥ��ɵ{��
9925checking bit	�����
9926checking by resubstitution	���s�N�J����
9927checking calculation	���
9928checking card	�ˬd�d��
9929checking circuit	����q��
9930checking code time	�N�X����ɶ�
9931checking computation	����p��
9932checking credit limits	�ˬd�H���B��
9933checking digit	�����
9934checking feature	����S��
9935checking information	����H��
9936checking loop	�ˬd�^��
9937checking machine	�����
9938checking of access right	�s���v�ˬd
9939checking off symbol	�d�W�Ÿ�
9940checking procedure	����B�J
9941checking program	�ֹ�{��
9942checking routine	�ˬd�`��
9943checking sequence	�ˬd�Ǩ�
9944checking subroutine	�ˬd�l�`��
9945checking symbol	����Ÿ�
9946checkout compiler	�ˬd�sĶ�{��
9947checkout console	���վާ@�x
9948checkout equipment	�˴��]��
9949checkout program	�ˬd�{��
9950checkout system	�ˬd�t��
9951checkpoint	�ֹ��I; �����I; �ֹ�{�����A
9952checkpoint based software tool	��_�����I���n��u��
9953checkpoint control	�����I����
9954checkpoint dump	�����I�H�����x
9955checkpoint entry	�����I�J�f
9956checkpoint file	�����I�ɮ�
9957checkpoint file code	�����I�ɮץN�X
9958checkpoint record	�����I�O��
9959checkpoint restart	�����I�A�Ұ�
9960checkpoint routine	�����I�`��
9961checkpoint subroutine	�����I�l�`��
9962checkpointer	�ˬd�I
9963checkpointing	�ֹ��I�]�w
9964checksum	�`�M�ˬd; �ֹ��`��
9965chemical bond	�ƾ���
9966chemical depositon	�ƾ���n
9967chemical element	�ƾǤ���
9968chemical energy	�ƾǯ�
9969chemical engineering	�ƾǤu�{
9970chemical engineering process	�ƾǤu�{�L�{
9971chemical equilibrium problem	�ƾǥ��Ű��D
9972chemical equivalent	�ƾǷ�q
9973chemical etching	�ƾǻG�k
9974chemical impurity	�ƾǬV��
9975chemical polishing	�ƾǥ��A�B�z
9976chemical purification	�ƾǴ���
9977chemical staining	�ƾǬV��
9978chemical treatment	�ƾdzB�z
9979chemically deposited printed circuit	�ƾ���n�L��q��
9980chief operator	�D�ާ@��
9981chief programmer	�D�{����
9982chief programmer team	�D�{������
9983child	�l�k; �l��; �U�N
9984child and twin pointer	�l�k�M�q�ͫ��ܲ�
9985child group	�l�s
9986child node	�l�`�I
9987child parent mapping	�l�k�s��M�H
9988child pointer	�l���ܦr
9989child resource	�l�k�귽
9990child to parent linkage	�l�s�s��
9991childern chain	�l�k��
9992childern processes	�l�L�{
9993childern record	�l�k�O��
9994childern relation	�l�k���Y
9995children	�l�`�I
9996chilling unit	�P�N�]��
9997chinese	����
9998chinese character	����r��
9999chinese enterable	�i��J�����ݩ�
10000chinese enterable attribute	�i��J�����ݩ�
10001chinese enterable field	�i��J�������
10002chinese entry	����n��
10003chinese field	�������
10004chinese impact printer	���弲�����C���
10005chinese key	������
10006Chinese language computer society	����p����Ƿ|	CLCS
10007chinese number	���帹�X
10008chinese number entry mode	���帹�X�n���ҺA
10009chinese relational database operator	�������s����Ʈw�ާ@�{��
10010chinese subfield	���妸���
10011chinese teletex system	����q�Ǥ��t��
10012chinese videotex system	����q�ǵ��T�t��	CVS
10013chinese videotex system	����q�ǵ��T�t��	CVS
10014chip	����
10015choice	���
10016choice device	��ܸ˸m
10017choke packets	����ʥ]
10018chstom and semicustom	�w��M�b�w��
10019chstom design	�w��]�p
10020chstom hybrids manufacturers	�M�βV�X�L�q���Ͳ��t�a
10021chstom information control system	�Ȥ�H���޲z�t��
10022chunk	�ϰO�ж�
10023CICS/VS	�Ȥ��T����t��/ �����x�s
10024cipher code	�K�X
10025cipher equipment	�K�X�]��
10026cipher feedback	�K�X�^�X
10027cipher machine	�K�X��
10028cipher mask	�K�X����
10029cipher message	�K�X�q��
10030cipher system	�K�X�t��
10031cipher telegram	�K�X�q��
10032cipher text	�K��
10033ciphering	�[�K
10034ciphering techniques	�[�K�޳N
10035ciphony	�K�X�q�ܾ�
10036cipmuting system	�p��t��
10037circle	��
10038circle dot mode	���I��
10039circle of buffer	���νw�İ�
10040circuit	�q��; �u��
10041circuit abjustment	�q���վ�
10042circuit access point	�q���s���I
10043circuit alarm	�u��ĵ��
10044circuit algebra	�q���N��
10045circuit analysis	�q�����R
10046circuit analyzer	�q�����R��
10047circuit array	�q���}�C
10048circuit board	�q���O
10049circuit board testing	�q���O����
10050circuit breaker	�_����
10051circuit capacity	�u���ǿ�
10052circuit card	�q���d	CIRCARD
10053circuit code	�q���X
10054circuit complexity	�q���_����
10055circuit component	�q������
10056circuit connector	����y
10057circuit constant	�q���`��
10058circuit control station	�u�����
10059circuit convolution	�`�����n
10060circuit description table	�q���y�z��
10061circuit design	�q���]�p
10062circuit diagram	�q����
10063circuit element	�q������
10064circuit equation	�q����{
10065circuit family	�q���t�C
10066circuit grade	�q������
10067circuit hole	�q����
10068circuit identification code	�q���ѧO�X
10069circuit identify	�q���ѧO
10070circuit integration	�n��q����
10071circuit interface protocol	�u��������w
10072circuit kit	�@�M�q��
10073circuit layout	�q���������p������U�]�p
10074circuit line up	�u���w��	CLU
10075circuit load	�q���t����O
10076circuit logic	�q���޿�
10077circuit malfunction	�q������
10078circuit manufacture	�q����y
10079circuit matrix	�^���x�}
10080circuit media	�q���C��
10081circuit model	�q���ҫ�
10082circuit noise	�q���z�Z
10083circuit noise level	�q�������q��
10084circuit opening contact	�_�����I
10085circuit operating rate	�q���u�@�v
10086circuit operating time	�q���ާ@�ɶ�
10087circuit operation	�q���ާ@
10088circuit optimization	�q���̨Τ�
10089circuit parameter	�q���Ѽ�
10090circuit philosophy	�q����z
10091circuit protecter	�q���O�@��
10092circuit protection	�q���O�@
10093circuit quality control	�q����q����
10094circuit reliability	�q���i�a��
10095circuit specification	�q���S��
10096circuit speed	�u���t��
10097circuit subspace	�^���l�Ŷ�
10098circuit switch	�u���汵
10099circuit switch connection	�u���汵�s��
10100circuit switch data transmission service	�u���洫��ƶǿ�A��
10101circuit switch function	�u���汵�\��
10102circuit switched public data network	�q���洫��������ƺ���
10103circuit switching	�u������; �q���洫
10104circuit switching center	�u����������
10105circuit switching operation	�u�������ާ@
10106circuit switching scheme	�u���洫���
10107circuit switching station	�u���洫��
10108circuit technology	�q���u�~
10109circuit tester	�q�����羹
10110circuit testing	�q������
10111circuit testing center	�q�����礤��
10112circuit theory	�q���z��
10113circuit to pin ratio	�u�����u��v
10114circuit tolerance	�q���t�e
10115circuit tracing machine	�q��ø�Ͼ�
10116circuit unit	�q���椸
10117circuit usage	�q���Q�βv
10118circuit wafer	�q������
10119circuit yield	�q�����~�v
10120circuit-switching	�q���洫
10121circuitry	�q����
10122circulant	�`����C��
10123circulant buffering	�`���w��
10124circulant convolution	��P���n
10125circulant matrix	�`���x�}
10126circulant matrix eigenvalue	�`���x�}�S�x��
10127circulant matrix eigenvector	�`���x�}�S�x�V�q
10128circular correlation	�`������
10129circular definition	�����w�q
10130circular execution pipeline	�`������޽u
10131circular file	�`���ɮ�
10132circular film	�������
10133circular frequency	�P�W
10134circular interpolation	�꩷����
10135circular linkage	�`���챵
10136circular linked list	�`�����
10137circular list	�`����
10138circular list type	�`��������
10139circular magnetization mode	��κϤƼҦ�
10140circular pipeline	�`���޽u
10141circular process	�`���B�z
10142circular relation	�`�����Y
10143circular scan	��δy��
10144circular shift	�`������
10145circular storage	�`���x�s��
10146circular symbol	�`���Ÿ�
10147circular table	�`����
10148circulate	�`��	CIR
10149circulating memory	�`���O����
10150circulating register	�`���Ȧs��
10151circulating shift	�`������
10152circulating storage	�`���x�s��
10153circulating store	�`���x�s��
10154circulation	�`��
10155circulation code	�`���X
10156circulation control system	�y�q�޲z�t��
10157circulator	�`����
10158circum earth orbit	���a�y�D
10159circumference	�P��
10160circumference mode	�����Ҧ�
10161circumscribed cone	�~�����@
10162circumscription	�ɭ�
10163circumstance	�ƥ�
10164citation	�ޥ�
10165cl-processor	���U�B�z��
10166clamp	�_; �O��; ���l
10167clamp lever	�_��
10168clamper	�X��q��
10169clamping	�X��
10170clamping action	�X��@��
10171clamping circuit	�X��q��
10172clamping diode	�X��G����
10173clarification	��M
10174clarity	���T��
10175clash	�R
10176clasp	����
10177class	���O; ����	CLS
10178class clause	�����l�y
10179class code	�����Ÿ�
10180class condition	��������
10181class definition	�����w�q
10182class density function	���K�ר��
10183class finding	�������
10184class hypothesis	�����]
10185class identification number	���O��
10186class interval	�������j
10187class name	�����W
10188class number	������
10189class of algorithm	�t��k��
10190class of grammar	��k��
10191class of jobs	�@�~��
10192class of language identifiable in the limit	�ɭ����ѻy����
10193class of languages	�y����
10194class or vender total	���O�������`�p
10195class symbol	�����Ÿ�
10196class test	��������
10197class test table	�������ժ�
10198class vector	�����V�q
10199classical	�g��
10200classical abjoint	�g����H
10201classical approach	�g����R�k
10202classical control theory	�g�山��z��
10203classical fault	�嫬�G��
10204classical filter theory	�g���o�i���z��
10205classical mechanics	�g��O��
10206classical solution	�g��Ѫk
10207classical sorting	�g������k
10208classical structurcd program	�g�嵲�c�{��
10209classification	����
10210classification by computer	�p�������
10211classification declaration	��������
10212classification of automata	�۰ʾ�����
10213classification schema	�����k
10214classification system	�����t��
10215classification table	������
10216classifier	������
10217classify	����
10218classons	�g��l
10219clause	�l�y
10220clause body	�l�y��
10221clause for goals	�ؼФl�y
10222clause form	�l�y�Φ�
10223clause network	�l�y����
10224clause number	�l�y�ƥ�
10225clause set	�l�y��
10226clause train	�l�y�C
10227clean copy	��l�ƥ�
10228clean hole punching	���b����
10229clean out	�M��
10230clean stop	��������
10231clean surface	�M���
10232cleaner	�o����
10233cleaning	�M��
10234cleaning device	�M���˸m
10235cleaning diskette	�M��Ϥ�
10236clear	�M��; ����	CLR
10237clear accumulstor	�M���֥[��
10238clear all command	���M�s���O
10239clear all function	�M���Ҧ��\��
10240clear and add	�M���M�[�k
10241clear and add magnitude	�M���M�ۥ[�ƭ�	CAM
10242clear and subtract	�M���P����O	CLS
10243clear area	�ťհ�
10244clear band	�ťլq
10245clear carry	�M���i��	CLC
10246clear character	�ťզr��; �Ŧ�r��
10247clear circuit	�M�s�q��
10248clear collision	�M���Ĭ�
10249clear command	�M�s���O
10250clear control	�M������
10251clear display	�M�����
10252clear entry	�M����J
10253clear entry function	�M���i�J�\��
10254clear flag	�M���лx
10255clear indication packet	�M�����ܥ]
10256clear indicator	�M�����ܾ�
10257clear instruction	�M�����O
10258clear key	�M����
10259clear key switch	�M����}��
10260clear lamp	�M�����ܿO
10261clear language address	���X�a�}
10262clear leader	�z�Τޱa��
10263clear list	�M����
10264clear memory	�M���s
10265clear memory function	�M���i�J�\��
10266clear message	�M���H��
10267clear operation	�M���ާ@
10268clear output	�M����X
10269clear page	�M��
10270clear program	�M���{��
10271clear pulse	�M���ߨR
10272clear request	�M���ШD	CLR
10273clear request packet	�M���ШD�]
10274clear screen	�M�ù�
10275clear session request	�M����ܽШD
10276clear signal	�M���H��
10277clear store instruction	�M���x�s���O
10278clear switch	�M���}��
10279clear tape	�M�~�ϱa
10280clear to send	�M���o�e
10281clear to send carrier detect	�M���o�e���i�˴�	CSCD
10282clear to send circuit	�M�e�q��
10283clear to sent	�����ǰe
10284clear trailer	�z���ޱa��
10285clear write condition	�M���g����
10286clear write time	�M���g�J�ɶ�
10287clear-to-send	�M���o�e
10288clearance	���M; ���Z
10289clearance check	��������
10290clearance order	�M�����O
10291cleared condition	�M������
10292clearing	�M��
10293clearing a device directory	�M���]�ƥؿ���
10294clearing device	�M���˸m
10295clearing field	�M���r�q
10296clearing interrupt	�M�����_
10297clearing key	�M����
10298clearing procedure	�M���L�{
10299clearing signal	�M���H��
10300clearing time	�q�H�p���ɶ�
10301cleavage	����
10302clemped beam	�T��W
10303clemped plate	�T��O
10304clerical operation	�H�u�@�~
10305click	�䭵; �w��
10306click clack	�κ�L�p��
10307click key	�䭵��
10308client process	�e�U�L�{
10309climb tree	���s
10310clinical laboratory computer system	�{�ɹ���ǭp����t��
10311clip	���l; ���T
10312clip level	���T�q��
10313clipboard	�ſ�O
10314cliping hardware	�Ũ��w��
10315clipper	���T��
10316clipping	�I��; ���T
10317clipping limiter	���T��
10318clock	����; ����; �ɯ�	CLK
10319clock algebra	�����N��
10320clock bit	������
10321clock circuit	�����q��
10322clock comparator	���������
10323clock control	��������
10324clock counter	�����p�ƾ�
10325clock cubsystem	�����l�t��
10326clock cycle	�����P��
10327clock damage	�����}�a
10328clock driver	�����X�ʾ�
10329clock frequency	�����߽��W�v
10330clock gate	�����߽Ĺh
10331clock generator	�����߽ĵo�;�
10332clock in	������J	CLKIN
10333clock input	������J
10334clock interrupt	�������_
10335clock line	�����u
10336clock manager	�����޲z�{��
10337clock monitor	�����ʷ��{��
10338clock of automation	�۰ʾ�����
10339clock out	������X	CLKOUT
10340clock overflow	�ɧǺ���
10341clock period	�����P��
10342clock phase	�����ۦ�
10343clock preset	�����w�]
10344clock process	�����i�{
10345clock pulse	�����ߪi; �p�ɯߪi
10346clock pulse gate	�����ߪi�h
10347clock pulse generator	�����߽ĵo�;�	CPG
10348clock pulse interval	�����߽Ķ��j
10349clock pulse source	�����߽ĭ�
10350clock pulse width	�����߽ļe��
10351clock queue	�����}�C
10352clock rate	�����W�v
10353clock rate testing	�����W�v����
10354clock recovery	������_
10355clock register	�����Ȧs��
10356clock repetition rate	�����߽ĭ��_�W�v
10357clock scheduling	�����ի�
10358clock service	�����A��
10359clock signal	�p�ɰT��
10360clock signal frequency	�p�ɰT���W�v
10361clock signal generator	�p�ɰT���o�;�
10362clock skew	�����ۦ�t
10363clock source	�����߽ķ�
10364clock speed	�ɯ߳t�v
10365clock start command	�����_�ʩR�O	CSC
10366clock switch	��������}��
10367clock system	�����߽Ĩt��
10368clock table	������
10369clock test	�����H������
10370clock time	�����ɶ�
10371clock time scheduling	�����ի�
10372clock track	�����y
10373clock unit	�������
10374clock window	�������f
10375clock-driven sweep	�ɧ��X�ʱ��y
10376clocked	��������
10377clocked filp flop	����IJ�o��
10378clocked sequential circuit	�����ɧǹq��
10379clocking	�p��
10380clocking diagram	IJ�o�ɧǹ�
10381clocking recovery	������_
10382clocking relay state	�p�ɤ��_���A
10383clockless	�L�`��
10384clockwise	���ɰw��V��	CW
10385clockwise direction	��������V; ���ɰw��V
10386close	����; ����	CLS
10387close batch	�����妸; �w�����妸
10388close block	������
10389close box	������
10390close coupled	���X��	CC
10391close coupling	���X
10392close cycle control	��������
10393close down	����
10394close file	�����ɮ�	CLS
10395close game	��������
10396close keyboard command	������L�R�O
10397close lunar satellite	���ìP
10398close manual page	�����H�u��
10399close primitive	������y
10400close program	�����{��
10401close request frame	�����ШD�V
10402close statement	�����ԭz
10403close symbol	�����Ÿ�
10404close system call	�ʳ��t�νդJ
10405close the front door	�����e��
10406close the top cover	�������\
10407close tolerance	��e�t
10408close user group	�������
10409close window	�ʳ���
10410closed	���X
10411closed array	���Ʋ�
10412closed batch	�����妸; �w�����妸
10413closed circuit	���X�q��	CC
10414closed circuit communication system	�������q���t��
10415closed circuit signalling	�����q�H
10416closed circuit TV	�����q��
10417closed clause	���l�y
10418closed contact	��IJ�I
10419closed control of system performance	�t�γ�������ʯ�
10420closed curve	�����u
10421closed curve sequence	�����u����
10422closed cycle refrigeration	�����N�o
10423closed domain	����
10424closed down	����
10425closed easy axis field	���b���X��
10426closed file	���ɮ�
10427closed flow network	�����y�ʺ���
10428closed flux device	���ϸ��˸m
10429closed flux structure	���ϸ����c
10430closed form	������
10431closed form measure	�����׶q
10432closed fragments	�ʳ����q��
10433closed game	�����ﵦ
10434closed interval	����
10435closed line	���X�u
10436closed loop	�ʳ����j��; ����
10437closed loop circuit	�����q��
10438closed loop continuity check	���X�^���s����ˬd	CLCC
10439closed loop control	��������
10440closed loop control system	��������t��	CLCS
10441closed loop estimation	�������p
10442closed loop program	�����{��
10443closed loop shift register	��������Ȧs��
10444closed loop system	�����t��
10445closed magnetic circuit	���ϸ�
10446closed network	��������
10447closed network model	���������ҫ�
10448closed node	���`�I
10449closed operation	���B��
10450closed operator	����l
10451closed orders	�w���׭q��
10452closed path	����
10453closed polygon	�ʳ��h���
10454closed portion	��������
10455closed procedure	���L�{
10456closed queuing network	���X�ư}����
10457closed region	����
10458closed routine	�����ҵ{
10459closed semantic tree	�ʳ��y�q��
10460closed set	�ʶ�
10461closed shop	�ʳ�������
10462closed spiral array	���X���u�}�C
10463closed state	���A
10464closed subroutine	�ʳ��l�`��
10465closed symbiontic system	�����@�s�t��
10466closed under product	��n�ʳ�
10467closed under set closure	�ﶰ�X���]�ʳ�
10468closed under union	��M�B��ʳ�
10469closed user group	�ʳ��Τ�s; �s���q�T
10470closed user group	�ʳ��ϥΪ̲�	CGU
10471closed user group with outgoing access	�i�o�H�s���q�H
10472closed walk	���q�D
10473closedown	����
10474closeout	����
10475closeout by date	�̤������
10476closeout selection	���׿��
10477closing entries	���b����
10478closing file	�����ɮ�
10479closing flag	������
10480closing journal	�������
10481closing of file	�ɮת�����
10482closing output file	������X�ɮ�
10483closing pseudo text delimiter	�������奻�w�q��
10484closing stock status	�s�q���b���A
10485closing string	�ʳ��r�Ŧ�
10486closing update	���b��s
10487closure	���]
10488closure of relational language	�����y�����]
10489closure of set	�������]
10490closure point	�I���I
10491closure property	���]�S��
10492closure theorem	���X�w�z
10493cloth ribbon	�����a
10494clunk	clunk ; �ɶ����
10495cluster	�s��; �O��; �s��
10496cluster analysis	�s�����R
10497cluster assignment function	�E�����w���
10498cluster command register	�E�X�R�O�Ȧs��
10499cluster control	�s������
10500cluster control unit	�s�����
10501cluster controller	�s�����
10502cluster controller node	�O������`
10503cluster controller operator	�O������ާ@��
10504cluster data	�������
10505cluster identification	�E�X�ѧO
10506cluster information register	�E�X��T�Ȧs��
10507cluster model	�s���ҫ�
10508cluster number	�s����
10509cluster pattern sample	�E�X�Ҧ�����
10510cluster sampling	���ը���
10511cluster shape	�E���κA
10512cluster size	�s�դؤo
10513cluster system	�s���t��
10514cluster type	�s������
10515clustered file	�s���ɮ�
10516clustered insertion	���s���J
10517clustered page	�s������
10518CLUSTERED VIA set option	CLUSTERED VIA �]�w���
10519clustering	�s��
10520clustering fuzzy data set	�E���ҽk��ƶ�
10521clustering procedure	�s���L�{
10522clustering technique	�s���޳N
10523clutch	���X��
10524clutch mechanism	弱����c
10525clutter	���T
10526CMI	�q���O����s����
10527CMIP	�@�P�޲z��T��w
10528CMP	�ۮe�ʼҦ��줸
10529cmrq dey	�q�H�n�D��
10530co-routine	��O�l�{��
10531co-tree	�P���c
10532coalesce	�X��
10533coating	��h
10534coaxial	�P�b��
10535coaxial cable	�P�b�q�l
10536coaxial cable area	�P�b�q�l��
10537coaxial cable connector	�P�b�q�l�s����
10538coaxial port	�P�b��
10539COBOL	���q�ӥλy��
10540CODASYL	��ƨt�λy���|ij
10541CODASYL-compliant	�̷�CODASYL �W�w��Ʈw�t��
10542code	�X; �r�X; �g�X; �s�X; �N�X	CD
10543code alphabet	�N�X�r��
10544code area	�X��
10545code auditor	�N�X�ˬd�{��
10546code bar	�N�X��
10547code base	�s�X���
10548code bit	�N�X��
10549code block	�X��
10550code book	�N�Xï
10551code brackets	�A���N�X
10552code call	�s�X�I�s
10553code call indicator	�s�X�I�s���ܾ�
10554code capacity	�s�X��O
10555code chain	�N�X��
10556code character	�N�X�r��
10557code check	�N�X����	CC
10558code checking time	�N�X����ɶ�
10559code circuit	�s�X�q��
10560code classification	�N�X����
10561code combination	�N�X�զX
10562code command	�s�X���O
10563code communication	�s�X�q�H
10564code compression	�N�X���Y
10565code control	�N�X����	CC
10566code controlled switch	�X���}��
10567code conversion	�r�X�ഫ
10568code conversion equipment	�r�X�ഫ�]��
10569code conversion procedure	�r�X�ഫ�{��
10570code conversion table	�r�X�ഫ��
10571code conversion table generation program	�r�X�ഫ��إߵ{��
10572code conversion table modification	�r�X�ഫ��ץ�
10573code conversion table program	�r�X�ഫ��{��
10574code convert	�N�X�ഫ
10575code converter	���X��
10576code convertion program	�r�X�ഫ�{��
10577code convertion table	�r�X�ഫ��
10578code coversion procedure	�r�X�ഫ�{��
10579code data	�N�X���
10580code data conversion	�N�X����ഫ
10581code dependent system	�����X��t
10582code design	�N�X�]�p
10583code device	�N�X��
10584code digit	�N�X�Ʀ�
10585code directing character	�N�X�޾ɦr��	CDC
10586code discriminator	ų�X��
10587code distance	�X�Z
10588code distinguishability	�X����v
10589code distortion	�Ÿ����u
10590code efficiency	�s�X�IJv
10591code element	�X����
10592code element set	�N�X������
10593code error	�N�X���~
10594code error detector	�~�X�˴���
10595code error tester	�~�X���ջ�
10596code extension	�N�X�X�R
10597code extension character	�X�X�R�r��
10598code extension in an 8-bit environment	8 �줸�����X�i�s�X
10599code fetch	���X
10600code fetch cycle	���X�P��
10601code field	�N�X�r�q
10602code file	�N�X��k
10603code film	�N�X�n��
10604code format	�s�X�榡
10605code generating	�N�X�ͦ�
10606code generation	�r�X����
10607code generation language	�r�X���ͻy��
10608code generation mechanism	�r�X���ͤ覡
10609code generation method	�r�X���ͪk
10610code generation notation	�r�X���ͪ�ܪk
10611code generation pass	�r�X���͹M
10612code generator	�N�X�o�;�	CG
10613code generator data	�N�X�o�;����
10614code graphics	�s�X�ϧ�
10615code group	�K�y�r��
10616code hoisting	�N�X����
10617code hole	�N�X��
10618code identifier	�N�X���Ѳ�
10619code image	�N�X�Ϯ�
10620code image read	�N�X�Ϯ�Ū�X
10621code independence system	�N�X�L���t��
10622code independent data communication	�L����Ƴq��
10623code interpreter	�N�X��Ķ�{��
10624code key	�N�X��
10625code language telegram	�K�X�q��
10626code length	�X��
10627code letter	�N�X�r��
10628code level	�N�X��
10629code light	�Ÿ��O
10630code line	�O�X��
10631code line index	�O�X�ϯ���
10632code machine	�s�X��
10633code mark	�N�X�Ÿ�
10634code memory	�N�X�O����
10635code modulation	�N�X�ը�
10636code motion	�N�X����
10637code names dictionary	�N�X����
10638code number	�N�X�s��
10639code optimization	�s�X�u��
10640code page	���X
10641code pattern	�X��
10642code point	�r�X�I
10643code polynomial	�N�X�h����
10644code position	�N�X��m
10645code pulse	�N�X�߽�
10646code rate	�s�X�v
10647code reader	�N�X�\Ū��
10648code receiver	�N�X������
10649code reception	�����N�X
10650code recognition system	�N�X�ѧO�t��
10651code regeneration	�N�X�A��
10652code register	�N�X�Ȧs��
10653code repertoire	���O��
10654code repertory	���O��
10655code rewriting	�N�X�A��
10656code rule	�s�X�W�h
10657code segment	�{���Ϭq
10658code segment of algorithm	�t��k�N�X�q
10659code segment table	�X�q��
10660code selection	��X
10661code selection algorithm	�N�X��ܺt��k
10662code selector	��X��
10663code sender	�o�X��
10664code sending	�o�X
10665code sending method	�o�X�覡
10666code sequence	�N�X�ǦC
10667code set	�X��
10668code sign	�N�X�Ÿ�
10669code signal	�s�X�Ÿ�
10670code statement	�N�X�ԭz
10671code storage circuit	�N�X�x�s�q��
10672code subroutine	�s�X�l�`��
10673code symbol	�s�X�Ÿ�
10674code system	�N�X�t��
10675code table	�X��
10676code track	�N�X�D
10677code transaction	�N�X�ư�
10678code transform	�X�ܴ�
10679code translater	Ķ�X��
10680code translation	Ķ�X��
10681code transparent data communication	���X��Ƴq�T
10682code transparent system	���X�t��
10683code tree	�N�X��
10684code type	�N�X����
10685code value	�X��
10686code vector	�X�V�q
10687code violation	�D�k�s�X
10688code violation pattern	�D�k�s�X�Ҧ�
10689code walk throughs	�N�X���
10690code weight	�X�v
10691code wheel	�X�L
10692code word	�X�r
10693code word dictionary	�X�r�r��
10694code word weight enumerator	�X�r�v�p�ƾ�
10695code-independent data communication	�W�߽X��Ƴq�H
10696code-transparent data communication	�X�z����Ƴq�H
10697codec	�s�XĶ�X��
10698coded	�s�X	CDD
10699coded address	�s�X��}
10700coded arithmetic data	�s�X��N���
10701coded arithmetic data item	�s�X��N��ƶ�
10702coded automatic gain control	�s�X���۰ʼW�q
10703coded biphase	�s�X����
10704coded call indicator	�s�X�I�s���ܾ�
10705coded character	�s�X�r��
10706coded character set	�s�X�r�Ŷ�
10707coded character set code	�X�Ʀr����
10708coded character sets for telemetic services	�q�Ǹ�T�A�Ƚs�X�r�Ū�
10709coded data decoder	�s�X��ƸѽX��
10710coded data pattern	�s�X��ƼҦ�
10711coded decimal	�G�i��s�X���Q�i��
10712coded decimal adder	�s�X���Q�i��[�k��
10713coded decimal calculating machine	�s�X�Q�i��p���
10714coded decimal digit	�s�X���Q�i��Ʀ�
10715coded decimal machine	�s�X���Q�i��p���
10716coded decimal notation	�s�X���Q�i��O�ƪk
10717coded decimal number	�s�X�Q�i���
10718coded decimal representation	�s�X���Q�i���ܪk
10719coded decimal system	�s�X���Q�i��t��
10720coded dependent system	�N�X�������t��
10721coded digital communication	�s�X�Ʀ�q�H
10722coded directing character	�N�X�޾ɦr��
10723coded disc	�X�L
10724coded diversity	�s�X����
10725coded extension character	�s�X�X�R�r��
10726coded font	�s�X�r�β�
10727coded form	�s�X�Φ�
10728coded form of arithmetic data	��N��ƽs�X�Φ�
10729coded format	�s�X�榡
10730coded fuzzy language	�s�X���ҽk�y��
10731coded graphics	�s�X�ϧ�
10732coded image	�X�Ƽv��
10733coded instruction	�s�X���O
10734coded light identification	�s�X���ѧO
10735coded message	�s�X�T��
10736coded number	�s�X��
10737coded optical character	�s�X���r��	COC
10738coded order	�s�X���O
10739coded overlay	�s�X�л\
10740coded program	�s�X�{��
10741coded pulse	�s�X�߽�
10742coded representation	�X���
10743coded sequence	�s�X�ǦC
10744coded set	�s�X��
10745coded signal	�s�X�H��
10746coded stop	�s�X����
10747coded string	�s�X�r�Ŧ�
10748coded word	�N�X�r
10749codeless	�L�N�X
10750codeless input system	�L�s�X��J�t��
10751coden	���Z
10752coder	�s�X��
10753codeterministic system	�@�T�w�t��
10754codification	�s�X
10755codify	�s�X
10756coding	�s�X; �g�X	COD
10757coding assembly	�s�X�{�DzզX
10758coding by bit	����s�X
10759coding cam	�s�X�Y��
10760coding check	�s�X�ˬd
10761coding circuit	�s�X�q��
10762coding clerk	�s�X��
10763coding collar	�s�X��
10764coding cycle	�s�X�`��
10765coding delay	�s�X����
10766coding error	�s�X���~
10767coding filter	�s�X�o�i��
10768coding gain	�s�X��q
10769coding line	���O�r
10770coding machine	�s�X��
10771coding mask	�s�X�̽�
10772coding method	�s�X��k
10773coding network	�s�X����
10774coding of critical section	�{�ɰϪ��s�X
10775coding paper	�{�ǯ�
10776coding pulse multiple	�s�X�߽Ħh���t��
10777coding relay	�s�X�~�q��
10778coding rule	�s�X�W�h
10779coding scheme	�g�X�k
10780coding section	�s�X�q
10781coding sheet	�g�X��
10782coding system	�s�X�t��
10783coding technique	�s�X�޳N
10784coding tool	�s�X�u��
10785coding tube	�s�X��
10786coefficient	�Y��	COEFF
10787coefficient matrix	�Y�Ưx�}
10788coefficient multiplier	�Y�ƭ��k��
10789coefficient of correlation	�����Y��
10790coefficient of determination	�T�w�Y��
10791coefficient of expansion	���ȫY��
10792coefficient of proportionality	��ҫY��
10793coefficient of variation	�ܲ��Y��
10794coefficient scale	��Ҧ]�l
10795coefficient standard deviation	�зǮt�Y��
10796coefficient tape	�Y�Ʊa
10797coefficient unit	�Y�Ƴ椸
10798coefficient unit multiplier	�Y�Ƴ椸���k��
10799coercend	�j��l�y
10800coercion	�j��
10801coercion of type	�����j��
10802coercion operator	�j�����
10803coherence function	�ۤz���
10804coherent beam	�ۤz����
10805coherent communication channel	�ۤz�q�T�q�D
10806coherent communication system	�ۤz�q�T�t��
10807coherent detection	�ۤz�˴�
10808coherent effect	�ۤz����
10809coherent fashion	�ۤz�覡
10810coherent light	�ۤz��
10811coherent optical correlator k	�ۤz��������
10812coherent optical processing system	�ۤz���B�z�t��
10813coherent processing system	�ۤz�B�z�t��
10814coherent processing system description	�ۤz�B�z�t�δy�z
10815coherent processing system design	�ۤz�B�z�t�γ]�p
10816coherent processing system parameter	�ۤz�B�z�t�ΰѼ�
10817coherent reception	�ۤz����
10818coherent rotation	�@�P���
10819coherent signal	�ۤz�H��
10820cohesion	���E��
10821coincide	���X
10822coincide decoding	���XĶ�X
10823coincidence	���X
10824coincidence arrangement	���X�˸m
10825coincidence circuit	���X�q��
10826coincidence counter	���X�p�ƾ�
10827coincidence counting technique	���X�p�Ƨ޳N
10828coincidence decoking	���XĶ�X
10829coincidence element	���X����
10830coincidence error	���X�~�t
10831coincidence gate	���X�h
10832coincidence gate signal	���X�h�H��
10833coincidence matrix switch	���X�x�}�}��
10834coincidence method	���X�k
10835coincidence proportional counter	��ҭ��X�p�ƾ�
10836coincidence selection	���X���
10837coincidence selection system	���X��ܨt��
10838coincidence senser	���X�˴���
10839coincidence type adder	���X�[�k��
10840coincidence unit	���X�椸
10841coincident current selection	�q�y���X����k
10842coincident drive system	���X�X�ʨt��
10843coincident-current selection	�Ŭy���
10844cold boot	�N�Ұ�; �N�}��
10845cold boot loader	�N�Ұʸ��J
10846cold cathode digital displays	�N�ҰʼƦ���ܾ�
10847cold cathode discharge	�N�Ұʩ�q
10848cold cathode tube	�N�Ұʺ�
10849cold circuit	�N�q��
10850cold iron soldered joint	�N�K�k��
10851cold joint	�N�k
10852cold junction	�N��
10853cold plate	�N�O
10854cold solder joint	��k
10855cold start	�N�Ұ�; �N�}��
10856cold trap	�N����
10857cold type	�N��
10858cold weld	�N�k
10859cold working	�N�[�u
10860coll	�u��
10861coll protect	�u��O�@
10862coll rack	�u��[
10863coll tab	�u����
10864collapse	�}��
10865collar	�Y�t
10866collar bush	�b���ʮM
10867collate	�z��; �չ�; ��Ө֦X; �ƦC
10868collate program	��z�{��
10869collateral	���~
10870collateral action	����ʧ@
10871collateral clause	����l�y
10872collateral declaration	���满��
10873collateral dipole	���C�����l
10874collateral elaboration	����[�u
10875collateral execution	�������
10876collating	���
10877collating sequence	��ֶ���; �չ�ǦC; �ƦC�ǦV
10878collating sequence clause	��z���Ǥl�y
10879collating unit	��z�˸m
10880collation	���
10881collation file code	��z�u�@�N�X
10882collation operation	��z�B��
10883collation pass	��z�M
10884collation working file	��z�u�@�ɮ�
10885collator	��־�
10886collecting garbage element	�����L�γ椸
10887collection	����; ���X
10888collection of mathematical function	�ƾǨ�ƶ�
10889collection of node	�`�I��
10890collection of record	�O����
10891collection of related data record	������ưO����
10892collection of segmented input	���q��J��
10893collection of tuple of tree	������
10894collection station	������
10895collective	����
10896collective address group	���}��	CAG
10897collective call	���I
10898collective link	���鱵�u
10899collective routing indicator	������|��ܼҶ�
10900collective sampling unit	���թ�˳��
10901collector	���X��
10902collector area	�������n
10903collector backward current	�����ϦV�q�y
10904collector barrier	������
10905collector base diode	�������G����
10906collector base junction	��������
10907collector beam lead	�����禡���u
10908collector body resistance	������q��
10909collector characteristic	�����S��
10910collector contact	�������I
10911collector coupling	�������X
10912collector current	�����q�y
10913collector cut off current	�����I��q�y
10914collector diffusion isolation	�����X���j��
10915collector dot	�������I
10916collector dotting	�������I
10917collector etch	�����G�k
10918collector grid	�����]
10919collector isolation leakage	�����j���|�y
10920collector junction	������
10921collector junction diode	�������G����
10922collector lead	�������u
10923collector mesh	�����]
10924collector node	�����`�I
10925collector power supply	�����q��
10926collector region	������
10927collector resistance	�����q��
10928collector resistor	�����q��
10929collector saturation resistance	�������M�q��
10930collector saturation voltage	�������M�q��
10931collector series resistance	�������p�q��
10932collector substrate capacity	�������p�q��
10933collimator	���ǻ�
10934collision	�I��
10935collision detect	�I������
10936colon	�_��
10937color difference computer	��t�p���	CODIC
10938color graphic mode	�m��ø�ϼҺA
10939color graphic workstation	�m��ø�Ϥu�@��
10940color graphics adapter	�m��ϧΤ����d	CGA
10941color map table	�m���M��
10942color master	�D��
10943color palette	�C����; �զ�O
10944color table	��m��
10945colordial	����ݩʹ��
10946colour	�C��
10947column	��; ����; ����; ��; ��
10948column guide	���нu
10949column header	����D; �涵���Y
10950column margin	���
10951column number	���
10952column select	���
10953column separator	����j
10954column split	����o
10955column to source	��l�{������
10956column variable	�����ܼ�
10957column vector	��V�q
10958column width	��e
10959COM printer	�q����X�L�����C�L��
10960COM1; COM2	��1 ; 2 ��C����
10961comb	��
10962combination	�X��; �զX
10963combinational circuit	�զX�q��
10964combine	�զX; �X��
10965combine code	�X�ֽX
10966combine interval	�X�֮ɬq
10967combine requirements	�X�ֻݨD
10968combine requirements code	�X�ֻݨD�X
10969combined quantity	�X�ּƶq
10970combined station	�q�T����R�O
10971coming online	�Y�N�s�u
10972comlementary position	�ɨ��Ŧ�m
10973COMM EXEC	�r���B��l
10974comma	�r�I
10975comma operator	�r���B��l
10976command	�R�O
10977command area	�R�O��
10978command chaining	�R�O����
10979command code	�R�O�X
10980command communication and telemetry system	���O�q�H�P�����t��
10981command continuation	�R�O����
10982command control	�R�O����
10983command control link	�R�O�������
10984command control program	�R�O����{��
10985command control subsystem	�R�O����l�t��
10986command control word	�R�O����r
10987command decoder	�R�O�ѽX�{��	CD
10988command definition	�R�O�w�q
10989command definition statement	�R�O�w�q�ԭz
10990command definition utility	�R�O�w�q���ε{��
10991command destruction	�R�O�}�a
10992command dispatcher	�R�O�ի׵{��
10993command display	�R�O���
10994command display station	�R�O��ܯ�
10995command file	�R�O�ɮ�
10996command file application	�R�O�ɮ�����
10997command file name	�R�O�ɮצW
10998command file processing	�R�O�ɮ׳B�z
10999command file to terminal interplay	�R�O�ɮ׻P�׺ݪ��ۤ��@��
11000command format	�R�O�榡
11001command frame	�R�O��
11002command function key	�R�O�\����
11003command gate	�R�O�h
11004command generating circuit	�R�O���͹q��
11005command generating network	�R�O���ͺ���
11006command generator	�R�O���;�
11007command group	�R�O��
11008command guidance	�R�O���	CG
11009command identifier	�R�O���Ѳ�
11010command informaion	�R�O�T��
11011command information	�R�O��T
11012command input	�R�O��J
11013command input buffer	�R�O��J�w��
11014command input buffer	�R�O��J�w�ľ�	CIB
11015command instruction	�R�O���O
11016command instruction format	�R�O���O�榡
11017command interface	�R�O����
11018command interpretation	�R�O��Ķ
11019command interpreter	�R�O��Ķ�{��
11020command key	�R�O��
11021command key indicator	�R�O����ܾ�
11022command keys	�R�O��
11023command language	�R�O�y��
11024command language interpreter	�R�O�y����Ķ�{��	CLI
11025command level	�R�O����
11026command line	�R�O��; �R�O�C
11027command line interpreter	�R�O���Ķ�{��
11028command line utility	�R�O�����ε{��
11029command list	�R�O��
11030command logic	�R�O�޿�
11031command mode	�R�O�覡
11032command mode time sharing	�R�O�覡����
11033command name	�R�O�W�r
11034command net	������
11035command node	�R�O�`�I
11036command operation	�R�O�ާ@
11037command parameter	�R�O�Ѽ�
11038command phase	�R�O���q
11039command pointer	�R�O����
11040command procedure	�R�O�{��
11041command procedures	�R�O�{��
11042command process	�R�O�B�z�{��
11043command processing	�R�O�B�z
11044command processor	�R�O�B�z�{��
11045command program	�R�O�{��
11046command qualifier	�R�O���w��
11047command readout	�R�OŪ�X
11048command receiver selected logic	���O����������޿�
11049command reentry	�R�O���s����
11050command register	�R�O�Ȧs��	CR
11051command register circuit	�R�O�Ȧs���q��
11052command reject	�R�O�ڵ�
11053command rejection	�R�O�ڵ�
11054command response	�R�O�^��
11055command retry	�R�O����
11056command rollback	�R�O��^
11057command search	�R�O�d�M
11058command sequence	�R�O�ǦC
11059command service	�R�O�A��
11060command set	�R�O�m��
11061command signal	�R�O�H��
11062command statement	�R�O�ԭz
11063command status register	�R�O���A�Ȧs��
11064command stream	�R�O�y
11065command string	�R�O�r��
11066command string interpreter	�R�O���Ķ��
11067command structure	���O���c
11068command supporting wildcard	�R�O�䴩�q�t��
11069command syntax	�R�O�y�k
11070command system	�R�O�t��
11071command tape	�R�O�a
11072command vector	�R�O�V�q
11073command verb	�R�O�ʵ�
11074command word	�R�O�r
11075commander equipment	���O�]��
11076comment	����; �Ƶ�; ����; ����
11077comment annotation	����
11078comment card	���ѥd
11079comment code	���ѽX
11080comment column	���ѦC
11081comment convention	���Ѭ��w
11082comment declaration	���ѻ���
11083comment entry	���Ѷ�
11084comment field	������
11085comment item	���Ѷ�
11086comment line	���Ѧ�
11087comment phrase	���ѵu�y
11088comment statement	���ѱԭz
11089comment symbol	���ѲŸ�
11090comment syntax	���ѻy�k
11091comments	����
11092commercial communication	�ӥγq�T
11093commercial communication activity	�ӥγq�T���c
11094commercial communication satellite	�ӷ~�q�T�ìP
11095commercial communication service	�ӷ~�q�T�~��
11096commercial compiler	�ӥνsĶ�{��
11097commercial computer	�ӥέp���
11098commercial data management system	�ӥθ�ƺ޲z�t��
11099commercial environment	�ӥ�����
11100commercial instruction set	�ӥΫ��O��
11101commercial satellite	�ӷ~�ìP
11102commercial time sharing	�ӥΤ��ɨt��
11103commision work sheet	�����u�@��
11104commit	�T�w; �ӿ�
11105commitment	�ӿ�
11106commitment unit	�ӿճ椸
11107commitment; concurrency and recovery element	�ӿ�; �æ�δ_�줸��
11108committed orders	�w�ӿխq��
11109common	�@�Ϊ�
11110common address space section	���Φa�}�Ŷ��ϰ�	CASS
11111common application service element	�@�P���ΪA�Ȥ���
11112common area	���ΰ�
11113common assembler	���βզX�{��
11114common assembler directive	���βզX���O
11115common assembly language	���βզX�y��	CAL
11116common assignment channel	�����t�q�D
11117common association	����X
11118common bandwidth	�����W�e
11119common base	�@��
11120common base amplifier	�@����j��
11121common base connection	�@���s��
11122common base transistor	�@���q����
11123common bill	�@�βM��
11124common block	���ζ�
11125common block analysis	������R
11126common block list	�����
11127common block name	����W
11128common block table	�����
11129common bus	���ζ׬y��
11130common bus multiprocessor	���ζ׬y�Ʀh���B�z��
11131common bus system	���ζ׬y�ƨt��
11132common business oriented language	COBOL �ӥλy��	COBOL
11133common carrier	�@�P���l; �@�q�ǿ��; �q�T���
11134common chain	������
11135common channel signaling system	�@�P�q�H���t��
11136common channel signling system	�@�P�D�H���t��
11137common collector amplifier	�@����j��
11138common collector circuit	�@���q��
11139common communication area	���ΫH��
11140common communication line	���γq�T�u
11141common communicator	���γq�T�{��
11142common computer software	���έp����n��
11143common control connection	���@����s��
11144common control equipment	���@����]��
11145common control line	���@����u
11146common control mode	���@����覡
11147common control switching arrangement	���@�����ഫ�]��
11148common control switching system	���@����洫�t��
11149common control system	���@����t��
11150common control unit	���@�����
11151common core	�D�x�s�����ΰ�
11152common costs	���@����
11153common data area	���θ�ư�
11154common data base	�@�θ�Ʈw
11155common data bus	�@�θ�ƶ׬y��
11156common data definition language	���θ�Ʃw�q�y��	CDDL
11157common data dictionary	�@��	CDD
11158common data network	���μƾں���
11159common data operator	���θ��ާ@�{��	CDO
11160common data storage	�����x�s��
11161common data storage area	�����x�s��
11162common data system	���θ�ƨt��
11163common declaration	�����
11164common drain	�@�κ|
11165common emitter amplifier	�@�g��j��
11166common error	���t
11167common event flag cluster	�@�P�ƥ�X��G ��
11168common expression	���Ϊ�ܦ�
11169common external temporary storage	���Υ~���Ȯ��x�s��
11170common field	������
11171common gate	���ιh
11172common grid circuit	���]���q��
11173common hardware	���εw��
11174common hub	�����
11175common input channel	���ο�J�q�D
11176common input file	���ο�J�ɮ�	CLF
11177common interchange description format	�@�P�洫�y�z�榡	CIDF
11178common interface	������
11179common interface language	�������y��
11180common interrupt processing module	���Τ��_�B�z�Ҳ�
11181common label	���μи�
11182common language	���λy��
11183common line	���νu
11184common local optimization	���Χ����̨Τ�
11185common logarithm	�`��
11186common logic address	�����޿��}
11187common logic unit	���@�޿�˸m	CLU
11188common machine language	���έp����y��	CML
11189common memory	�����x�s��
11190common message buffer pool	���ΫH���w�İ�
11191common mode	�@�q�Ҧ�	CM
11192common mode choke	�@���Ҭy
11193common mode interface	�@�Ҥ���
11194common mode rejection	�@�ҧ��
11195common mode voltage	�@�ҹq��
11196common network	�����
11197common nickname	�@�μʺ�
11198common output chain	���ο�X��
11199common page	����
11200common park	�@�ιs��
11201common peripheral interface	���ζg�䤶��
11202common phrase	���εu�y
11203common program	���ε{��
11204common protocal error	�@�P�ʳq�H��w���~
11205common protorcal error	�@�P�ʳq�H��w���~
11206common queue	����C
11207common ratio	����
11208common register	���μȦs��
11209common relocation	���ίB��
11210common resource	�@�θ귽
11211common return	�@�P���a�I
11212common scale of notation	�Q�i�O�ƪk
11213common section	���άq
11214common segment	���ε{�Ǭq
11215common segment bit	���άq��
11216common sense physics	�`�ѩʪ��z��
11217common sense reasoning	�`�ѩʱ��z
11218common service area	���@�A�Ƚd��
11219common software	�q�γn��
11220common storage	�����x�s��
11221common storage area	�����x�s��
11222common subexpression	���Τl��F��
11223common subexpression analysis	���Τl��F�����R
11224common summary report	���κK�n����
11225common user	���@��
11226common user channel	���@��q�D
11227common user communication	���@��q�T
11228common user data network	���@�Τ�ƾں���
11229common user data terminal	���@�Τ��Ʋ׺�
11230common user network	���@�����
11231common user routine	�Τ᤽�@�`��
11232common user system	�Τ᤽�Ψt��
11233common variable	�����ܼ�
11234common virtual terminal	���ε����׺�
11235commonality	�q�Ω�
11236commonly-used system program	�`�Ψt�ε{��	CUSP
11237commputer load simulator	�p����ˤJ������	CLS
11238communality	���]�l��t
11239communicate	�q��
11240communicating finite statemachine	�q�T�������A��
11241communicating module	�q�T�Ҳ�
11242communicating protocol	�q�T��w
11243communicating sequential process	�q�T���Ƕi�{
11244communicating word processor	�q�T�r�B�z��	CWP
11245communication	�q�T; �q�H	COMM
11246communication access device	�q�T�s���˸m
11247communication access method	�q�T�s���k
11248communication adapter	�q�T�����d; �q�T�t����
11249communication adapter error counter	�q�T�ˬd���~�p�ƾ�
11250communication aid	�q�T���U
11251communication among independent tasks	�W�ߥ��Ȥ������q�T
11252communication and tracking	�q�H�P����	CAT
11253communication area	�q�T��
11254communication based system	���q�T���t��
11255communication buffer	�q�T�w��
11256communication bus	�q�T�`�u
11257communication cable	�q�T�q�l
11258communication card	�q�T�t���d
11259communication cell	�q�T�γ椸
11260communication center	�q�H����	COMMCEN
11261communication channel	�q�T�q�D
11262communication channel adapter	�q�T�q�D�A�t��	CCA
11263communication check	�q�T�ˬd
11264communication check code	�q�T�ˬd�X
11265communication check summary counter	�q�T�ˬd�K�n�p�ƾ�
11266communication circuit	�q�T�u��
11267communication close	�����q�T
11268communication computer	�q�T�p���
11269communication control	�q�T���	CLC
11270communication control block	�q�T�����	CCB
11271communication control center	�q�T�����	CCC
11272communication control character	�q�T����r��
11273communication control device	�q�T���
11274communication control group	�q�T�����
11275communication control logic	�q�T�����޿�
11276communication control package	�q�T����]	CCP
11277communication control procedure	�q�T����W�{
11278communication control system	�q�T����t��
11279communication control unit	�q�T����]��
11280communication controller	�q�T���
11281communication controller node	�q�T����I
11282communication coprocessor	�q�T�@�B�z��
11283communication cycle	�q�T�P��
11284communication data processor	�q�T��ƳB�z��	CDP
11285communication data system	�q�T��ƨt��
11286communication deception	�q�T�۶B
11287communication delay histogram	�q�T�������
11288communication description	�q�T�y�z
11289communication description entry	�q�T�y�z��
11290communication description name	�q�T�y�z�W
11291communication desk	�q�T�u�@�x	CDK
11292communication device	�q�T�˸m
11293communication device handler	�q�T�]�ƳB�z�{��
11294communication disconnection	�q�T���_
11295communication disconnection process	�q�T���_�{��
11296communication element	�q�T����
11297communication emulator	�q�T��u�t��
11298communication engineering	�q�T�u�{
11299communication entity	�q�T����
11300communication equipment	�q�T�]��
11301communication error code	�q�T���~�X
11302communication executive	�q�T����
11303communication field	�q�T��
11304communication file	�q�T�ɮ�
11305communication file definition	�q�T�ɮשw�q
11306communication hardware	�q�T�w��
11307communication identifier	�q�T���Ѳ�
11308communication input output control system	�q�T��J��X����t��
11309communication instruction	�q�T���O
11310communication interface	�q�T����
11311communication interface circuit	�q�T�����q��
11312communication interface routine	�q�T�����`��
11313communication interrupt	�q�T���_
11314communication interrupt control program	�q�T���_����{��	CICP
11315communication interval	�q�T���j
11316communication jammer	�q�T�z�Z��
11317communication line	�q�T�u��; �q�T�u��
11318communication line adapter	�q�T�u���A�t��
11319communication line concentrator module	�q�H�u�����u���Ҳ�	CLCM
11320communication line connecting procedure	�q�T�u���s���{��
11321communication line connection procedure	�q�T�u���s���{��
11322communication line control	�q�H�u�����	CLC
11323communication line control procedure	�q�T�u������L�{
11324communication line processor	�q�T�u���B�z��	CLP
11325communication line terminal	�q�T�u���׺�	CLT
11326communication line terminator	�q�T�u���ױ���	CLT
11327communication link	�q�T��
11328communication link analyzer system	�q�H������R�t��	CLAS
11329communication link controller	�q�T������
11330communication link software	�q�T�s���n��
11331communication link subsystem	�q�T������t��
11332communication linkage	�q�T���
11333communication list	�q�T�ؿ�
11334communication management	�q�T�޲z
11335communication management layer	�q�T�޲z�h
11336communication mechanism	�q�T���c
11337communication medium	�q�T�C��(��)
11338communication mode	�q�T�覡
11339communication model	�q�T�ҫ�
11340communication modem	�q�T�ը�ѽվ�
11341communication module	�q�T�Ҳ�
11342communication monitor	�q�T�ʵ���
11343communication monitoring report	�q�T�ʴ����i
11344communication multiplexer	�q�T�h���౵��
11345communication mutiplexer	�q�T�h���ഫ��	CM
11346communication nature	�q�T����
11347communication net	�q�T��
11348communication network	�q�T����
11349communication network management	�q�T�����޲z
11350communication network processor	�q�T�����B�z��
11351communication open	���}�q�T
11352communication operation center	�q�T�ާ@����
11353communication oriented computer	�q�T�ɦV���p���
11354communication oriented message system	���V�q�T���T���t��	CORMES
11355communication oriented operating system	�q�T�ɦV���ާ@�t��
11356communication outage	�q�T���_
11357communication outage restoration system	�q�T���_��_�t��
11358communication package	�q�T�M�˳n��
11359communication partner	�q�T�X�@��
11360communication peripheral controller	�q�T�~���
11361communication pool	�q�T�w
11362communication port	�q�T�X�J�f
11363communication preprocessor	�q�T�w�B�z��
11364communication processor	�q�T�B�z��	CP
11365communication protocal	�q�T��w
11366communication protocol	�q�T��w
11367communication protocol synthesis	�q�T��w��X
11368communication queue	�q�T�}�C
11369communication queue definition	�q�T�}�C�w�q
11370communication queuedefinition	�q�T�}�C�w�q
11371communication reminder	�q�T����
11372communication screen	�q�T�ù�
11373communication software	�q�T�n��
11374communication supervisory	�q�T�ʷ�
11375communication system simulation language	�q�T�t����y��
11376communication terminal module	�q�T�׺ݼҶ�
11377communication terminal synchronous	�q�T�׺ݦP�B
11378communication theory	�q�T�z��
11379communication utility	�q�T���Ψt��
11380communication word	�q�T�r
11381communication zone	�q�T�ϰ�
11382communications	�q�T	COMMS
11383communications access manager	�q�T�s���޲z�{��	CAM
11384communications access method	�q�T�s���k
11385communications adapter	�q�T�౵
11386communications and data handling system	�q�T�P��ƳB�z�t��
11387communications and data subsystem	�q�T�P��Ƥl�t��
11388communications and inquity system	�q�T�άd�ߨt��
11389communications and system management	�q�T�Ψt�κ޲z
11390communications buffer	�q�T�w�ľ�
11391communications buffer memory	�q�T�w�ľ��x�s��
11392communications change reguset	�q�T���ШD
11393communications check point	�q�T�ˬd�I
11394communications command and terminal system	�q�T�����P�׺ݨt��
11395communications computer	�q�T�p��	CC
11396communications configuration	�q�T�[�c
11397communications control	�q�T����
11398communications control block	�q�T�����
11399communications control character	�q�T����r��
11400communications control console	�q�T������a�x
11401communications control language	�q�T����y��
11402communications control program	�q�T����{��
11403communications control system	�q�T����t��
11404communications control unit	�q�T���
11405communications controller multichannel	�h�q�D�q�T���
11406communications counter measures	�q�T��ܬI
11407communications digital control unit	�q�T�Ʀ챱��˸m
11408communications dual access controller	�q�T�����s�����
11409communications executive	�q�T����R�O	CEX
11410communications input output control system	�q�T��J��X����t��	CIOCS
11411communications input output multiplexer	�q�T��J��X�h���ഫ��	CIOM
11412communications intelligence channel	�q�T���z�q�D
11413communications intelligent matrix	�q�T���z�x�}
11414communications interface assembly	�q�T��������
11415communications interface unit	�q�T�����椸
11416communications line	�q�T�u��
11417communications line adapter	�q�T�u���A�t��
11418communications line expander	�q�H�u���X�R��	CLE
11419communications line multiplexer	�q�T�u���h���ഫ��
11420communications line switch	�q�T�u���洫	CLS
11421communications link	�q�T���
11422communications link controller	�q�H������	CLC
11423communications linkage	�q�T���
11424communications management configuration	�q�T�޲z�t�m
11425communications management system	�q�T�޲z�t��
11426communications mix	�q�T�V�X
11427communications mode control	�q�T�覡����
11428communications monitor system	�q�T�ʱ��t��
11429communications multiplexer	�q�T�h���ഫ��
11430communications multiplexer module	�q�T�h���ഫ���Ҳ�
11431communications network	�q�T����
11432communications network architecture	�q�T�����c
11433communications network management interface	�q�T���޲z����
11434communications network processor	�q�T�����B�z��
11435communications network system	�q�T�����t��
11436communications operating instructions	�q�T�ާ@���O
11437communications operating system	�q�T�ާ@�t��
11438communications operations	�q�T�@�~
11439communications oriental real time executive	�q�T�M�ι�ɰ���{��
11440communications oriented language	�q�T�ɦV���y��
11441communications oriented peripheral equipment	���V�q�T���~��]��
11442communications oriented software	�q�T�ɦV���n��
11443communications outage restoration system	�q�T���_��_�t��
11444communications port	�q�T��
11445communications procedure oriented language	���V�q�T�L�{���y��
11446communications processor	�q�T�B�z��
11447communications region	�q�T�ϰ�
11448communications register	�q�T�Ȧs��
11449communications register unit	�q�T�Ȧs������
11450communications regulatory commission	�q�T�޲z�e���|
11451communications satellite	�q�T�ìP
11452communications servers	�q�T���A��
11453communications simulator	�q�T������
11454communications status word	�q�T���A�r
11455communications subsystem	�q�T�l�t��
11456communications system	�q�T�t��
11457communications system language	�q�T�t�λy��
11458communications system user	�q�T�t�ΥΤ�
11459communications task group	�q�T���Ȳ�
11460communications terminal controller	�q�T�׺ݱ��
11461communications user program	�q�T��{��
11462communications vector table	�q�T�V�q��
11463communicator	�q�T�{��
11464communiction region	�q�T��
11465communiction region cell	�q�T�ϳ椸
11466communiction register	�q�T�Ȧs��
11467communiction register unit	�q�T�Ȧs�˸m
11468communiction reliability	�q�T�i�a��
11469communiction resource	�q�T�귽
11470communiction routing table	�q�T���|���
11471communiction satellite	�q�T�ìP
11472communiction scanner	�q�T���y��
11473communiction section	�q�T�`
11474communiction security	�q�T�O�K��	COMSEC
11475communiction services	�q�T�~��
11476communiction signal distribution system	�q�T�H�����t�t��
11477communiction software	�q�T�n��
11478communiction station	�q�T��
11479communiction status word	�q�T���A�r
11480communiction subnet	�q�T�l��
11481communiction subnetwork	�q�T�l��
11482communiction subsystem	�q�T�l�t��
11483communiction supervisory	�q�T�ʷ�
11484communiction switching unit	�q�T�౵�˸m
11485communiction system	�q�T�t��
11486communiction task	�q�T����
11487communiction technology	�q�T�޳N
11488communiction technology satellite	�q�T�޳N�ìP
11489communiction terminal	�q�T�׺�
11490communiction theory	�q�T�z��
11491communiction timer	�q�T�p�ɾ�
11492communiction within domain	�줺�q�T
11493community antenna television	�ѽu�q��
11494community automatic exchange	���Φ۰ʥ洫
11495community view	�@�P����
11496communtative	�洫��
11497commutation switch	�ഫ�}��
11498commutative	�洫
11499commutative law	�洫��
11500commutative matrix	�i�洫�x�}
11501commutative operation	�i�洫�ާ@
11502commutative operator	�i�洫��y
11503commutative principle for addition	�[�k�洫��	CPA
11504commutative principle for multiplication	���k�洫��	CPM
11505commutative production system	�i�洫�����ͦ��t��
11506commutative sequential executing order	�i�洫���ǰ��榸��
11507commutative system	�i�洫�t��
11508commutativity	�i�洫��
11509commutativity of disjunction	�R���i�洫��
11510commutativity of multiplication	���k�i�洫��
11511commutator	���V��
11512commutator circuit	���t���q��
11513commutator pulse	�w�ɯ߽�
11514commutator type analog digital converter	�౵���Ҽ��ഫ��
11515commutator type function generator	�౵����Ƶo�;�
11516commute	�洫
11517commuting operator	�i�����
11518comp port	�����
11519compack disk player	�p���Ϻо�
11520compact automatic retrieval device	�p���۰ʸ���˯��˸m
11521compact automatic retrieval display	�p���۰ʸ���˯���ܾ�
11522compact cassette	�p���X���ϱa
11523compact code	���Y�X
11524compact compiler	²���sĶ�{��
11525compact convex set	��P�Y��
11526Compact Disk	����	CD
11527compact disk	��P�Ϻ�
11528compact mass storage system	��ꫬ�j�q�x�s���t��	CMSS
11529compact memory	����x�s��
11530compact notation	���Y�O�k
11531compact set	��o��
11532compact space	��o�Ŷ�
11533compact storage	��K�x�s
11534compact syntax table	���Y�y�k��
11535compact technique	���Y�޳N
11536compactability	�i��o��
11537compacting memory	���O����
11538compaction	²�Y
11539compaction algorithm	²�Y�t��k
11540compaction of file record	�ɮװO�������Y
11541compaction pointer	���Y����
11542compactness	��o��
11543compactness of a work load model	�u�@�t���ҫ�����o��
11544compactor	�K�Y
11545compander	������
11546companding	���X
11547companion forms	�ۦ�
11548companion keyboard	�t�M��L
11549companion matrix	���H�x�}
11550company information	���q��T
11551company's production plan	���q�Ͳ��p��
11552comparable computer vision system	�i��p�����ı�t��
11553comparand	����r
11554comparand register	����Ȧs��
11555comparator	�����
11556comparator buffer	������w�ľ�
11557comparator check	���������
11558comparator circuit	����q��
11559comparator in analog computing	�����p������
11560comparator sorter	��������k
11561comparators	�����	CM
11562compare	���
11563compare and print	����M�C�L
11564compare facility	����]��
11565compare full word	���r���
11566compare instruction	������O
11567compare logic	����޿�
11568compare logical	����޿�
11569compare logical immediately	�ߧY�޿���	CLI
11570compare numeric unequal	����ƭȬ۵�
11571compare shift unit	������쾹
11572compare string with word	��P�r���
11573compare zone equal	����Ϭ۵�
11574compare zone unequal	����Ϥ���
11575comparer	�����
11576comparibility character sets	�ۮe�r�Ŷ�
11577comparibility condition	�ۮe�ʱ���
11578comparibility feature	�ۮe�ʯS��
11579comparibility integration mock up	�ۮe�ʿn��ҫ�
11580comparibility mock up	�ۮe�ʵ��ļҫ�
11581comparibility mode	�ۮe�覡
11582comparibility objective	�ۮe�ʥؼ�
11583comparibility process	�ۮe�L�{
11584comparibility relation	�ۮe���Y
11585comparibility set	�ۮe�ʶ��X
11586comparibility software tool	�ۮe�ʳn��u��
11587comparibility test	�A�X��
11588comparibility testing	�ۮe�ʴ���
11589comparing brush	����q��
11590comparing control	�������
11591comparing control change	��������ܧ�
11592comparing element	�������
11593comparing unit	�������
11594comparision	���
11595comparision card	��ӥd��
11596comparision circuit	����q��
11597comparision circuitry	����q��
11598comparison	���
11599comparison coder	����s�X��
11600comparison command	����R�O
11601comparison curve	������u
11602comparison element	�������
11603comparison expression	�����F��
11604comparison indicator	������ܾ�
11605comparison key	�����
11606comparison method	����k
11607comparison operation	����B��
11608comparison operator	����B��l
11609comparison order	������O
11610comparison post mortem	����ˬd
11611comparison test	�������k
11612compartment	�j��
11613compartment system	�h�����t��
11614compartmentalization	�H���Ƥ���
11615compass integrated system compiler	ù�L��X�t�νsĶ�{��
11616compass on line interactive language	ù�L�p���椬�y��
11617compatibility	�ۮe��
11618compatibility mode	�ۮe�ҺA; �ۮe�ʼҦ�
11619compatible	�ۮe
11620compatible access mode	�ۮe�s���覡
11621compatible circuit	�ۮe�q��
11622compatible computer	�ۮe�p���
11623compatible crosspoints	���q��e�I
11624compatible device	�ۮe�]��
11625compatible discriminant constraint	�ۮe�P�O����
11626compatible distribution function	�ۮe�������
11627compatible duplex system	�ۮe���u�t��
11628compatible hardware	�ۮe�w��
11629compatible hybrid integrated circuit	�ۮe�V�X�n��q��
11630compatible integrated circuit	�ۮe�n��q��
11631compatible machine	�ۮe�p���
11632compatible monolithic integrated circuit	�ۮe�ʳ���n��q��
11633compatible operating system	�ۮe�ާ@�t��
11634compatible pattern	�ۮe�Ҧ�
11635compatible range constraint	�ۮe�ϰ����
11636compatible set of operation	�ۮe�B�ⶰ
11637compatible shift keying	�ۮe�����䱱
11638compatible single side band	�ۮe����a
11639compatible software	�ۮe�n��
11640compatible state	�ۮe���A
11641compatible storage	�ۮe�s�x��
11642compatible terminal	�ۮe�׺ݾ�
11643compatible time sharing system	�ۮe���ɨt��	CTSS
11644compatible type	�ۮe����
11645compilation	�sĶ
11646compile	�sĶ
11647compile duration	�sĶ����
11648compile phase	�sĶ���A
11649compiler	�sĶ�{��; �sĶ��
11650compiler assemble	�sĶ�{���զX�{��	COMPASS
11651compiler generator	�sĶ���;�
11652compiler language for information processing	�T���B�z�Ϊ��sĶ�{���y��	CLIP
11653compiler language utility extension	�sĶ�{���y�����ε{���X�R	CLUE
11654compiler of differential expression	�L����F���sĶ�{��	CODEX
11655compiler stack	�sĶ���|��
11656compiling	�sĶ
11657compiling program	�sĶ��
11658compiling time	�sĶ����
11659complement	�ɼ�; ���ɦ�; �ɨ�
11660complement arithmetic	�ɽX�B��
11661complement base	�ɼƤ�����
11662complement form	�ɽX�Φ�
11663complement instruction	�ɽX���O
11664complement method	�ɽX�D�k
11665complement number	�ɼ�
11666complement number system	�ɽX�t��
11667complement of graph	�Ϫ��ɹ�
11668complement of nine's	�Q�i��ϽX
11669complement of one's	�G�i��ϽX
11670complement of set	���X���ɶ�
11671complement on nine	9 ���ɼ�
11672complement on one	1 ���ɼ�
11673complement on ten	10���ɼ�
11674complement on two	2 ���ɼ�
11675complement operator	�D�ɺ��
11676complement procedure	�D�ɹL�{
11677complement pulse	�D�ɯ߽�
11678complement representation	�D�ɪ��
11679complement rule	�ɽX�W�h
11680complement vector	�ɦV�q
11681complement writing	�ɼƼ��g
11682complemental	����
11683complemental code	�ɽX
11684complemental graph	�ɹ�
11685complementarity principle	���ɭ�z
11686complementary	����
11687complementary binary	���ɤG�i��
11688complementary character position	�ɨ��r����m
11689complementary circuit	���ɹq��
11690complementary code	�ɽX
11691complementary constant current logic	�����ڬy�޿�
11692complementary metal oxide semiconductor	���ɦ�����b����	CMOS
11693complementary null character	�ɨ��Ŧr��
11694complementary null position	�ɨ��Ŧ�m
11695complementary operation	���ɹB��
11696complementer	���ɾ�
11697complete	����
11698complete carry	�����i��
11699complete date	�������
11700complete shipment	�X�f����
11701completeness check	����ʮֹ�
11702completion code	�����X; �����X
11703completion routine	�����l�`��
11704complex	�ƦX��
11705complex buffered I/O buffer	�����w�Ŀ�J��X�w�İ�
11706complex condition	�ƦX����
11707complex fraction	�c����
11708complex frame	�_�ج[
11709complex frequency	�_�X�W�v
11710complex function	�_�Ȩ��
11711complex information processing	�_���H���B�z	CIP
11712complex instruction set computers	�������O�����q��	CISC
11713complex instruction set comupter	�_�V���O�t�έp���	CISC
11714complex logarithm	�_���	CLOG
11715complex logic	�_�V�޿�
11716complex mapping	�_�V�M�H
11717complex marker	�_�маO��
11718complex matrix	�_�x�}
11719complex model	�_�Ƽҫ�
11720complex multiplication	�_�ƭ��k
11721complex multiplier register	�_�ƭ��ƱH�s��
11722complex multiply register	�_�ƭ��k�H�s��
11723complex number	�Ƽ�
11724complex number field	�ƼƦ�q
11725complex number type	�Ƽƫ�
11726complex numeric data	�Ƽƭȸ��
11727complex objects	��������
11728complex operation	�ƼƹB��
11729complex operator	�ƺ�l
11730complex pattern	�ƼҦ�
11731complex picture information system	�ƬV�϶H�H���t��
11732complex plexus structure	�ƬV�����c
11733complex power series	�Ƽƾ��ż�
11734complex product	�ƦX��
11735complex symbol	�ƼƲŸ�
11736complex system	�ƬV�t��
11737complex task	�ƬV����
11738complex tone	�ƭ�
11739complex type	�ƫ�
11740complex utility routine	��X�ʹ�ε{��
11741complex value	�ƭ�
11742complex variable	���ܼ�
11743complex vector space	�ƦV�q�Ŷ�
11744complex waiting function	�ƦV���ݥ\��
11745complexity	������
11746componemt item type	�����ث��A
11747component	�ե�; ����
11748component acceptance test	�����禬����	CAT
11749component description	������
11750component explosion	����i�}
11751component inventory	����w�s
11752component item class	���������O
11753component item description	�����ػ���
11754component item detail	�����ة���
11755component item number	�������X
11756component item status	�����ت��A
11757component lead time adjustment	����e�_�ɶ��վ�
11758component required date	����ݨD���
11759component return to stock	����h�w
11760component status	�����A
11761component stock location	����s���m
11762component type	�����A
11763component usage designator	����Ϊk�Ч�
11764component warehouse	����w��
11765compose	���s�@
11766compose file	����ɮ�
11767compose sequence	�ժ��ǦC
11768composed	�ƪ���
11769composite	�ƦX�X��
11770composite character	�[���C�L�r��
11771composite external symbol dictionary	�զX���Ÿ�����
11772composite key	�X����
11773composite part	�Ʀ��s��
11774composition	�ժ�
11775compound document	�ƦX���
11776compound object	�ƦX�ؼ�
11777compound statement	�ƦX�y
11778compresse index	���Y����
11779compressed binary format	���Y���G�i��榡
11780compressed file pointer	���Y�ɮ׫���
11781compressed index	�w���Y����
11782compressed resource file	���Y���귽�ɮ�
11783compression	���Y
11784compression	���Y
11785compression file	���Y�ɮ�
11786compromised amptitude equalizer	��J���T���ƾ�
11787computation and data flow integrated subsystems	�p��P��Ƭy��X�l�t��	CADFISS
11788computation and design division	�p��P�]�p�B	CDD
11789computation center	�p�⤤��
11790computation correction	�p��ץ�
11791computation induction	�p���k��
11792computation model	�p��ҫ�
11793computation module	�p��Ҳ�
11794computation organization	�p���´
11795computation room	�p�����
11796computation rule	�p��W�h
11797computation sheet	�p���
11798computation speed	�p��t��
11799computation structure	�p�⵲�c
11800computation technique	�p��k
11801computation time	�p��ɶ�
11802computation unit	�B�ⳡ��
11803computational accuracy	�p����
11804computational algorithm	�p��t��k
11805computational chemistry	�p��ƾ�
11806computational combinatorics	�p��զX�Ʀ�
11807computational complexity	�p�������
11808computational condition	�p�����
11809computational cutoff rate	�p�⪺�I��t�v
11810computational detail	�p��Ӹ`
11811computational efficiency	�p��IJv
11812computational effort	�p��u�@�q
11813computational errors	�p��~��
11814computational fluid dynamics	�p��y��ʤO��	CFD
11815computational instability	�p�⤣í�w��
11816computational item	�p�ⶵ
11817computational linguistics	�p����y����	COLING
11818computational logic	�p���޿�
11819computational mathematics	�p��ƾ�
11820computational method	�p���k
11821computational model	�p��ҫ�
11822computational physics	�p�⪫�z
11823computational problem	���D
11824computational procedure	�p��L�{
11825computational process	�p��L�{
11826computational processor	�B��B�z��
11827computational scheme	�p����
11828computational security	�p��w����
11829computational seismology	�p��a�_��
11830computational stability	�p��í�w��
11831computational state	�p�⪬�A
11832computational system	�p��t��
11833computational topology	�p��ݮ���
11834computator	�p��˸m
11835compute	�p��
11836compute mode	�p��Ҧ�
11837compute reset hold switch	�p��_��O���T�ζ}��
11838compute-bound	�p�⭭�
11839computed altitude	�p�Ⱚ��
11840computed entry table	�p�ⶵ��
11841computed field	�p����
11842computed jump	�p���ಾ
11843computed path control	�p����|����
11844computed push button	�p����s
11845computed transfer	�p���ಾ
11846computer	�p���
11847computer	�p���; �q��
11848computer access	�p����s��
11849computer address bus	�p�����}�`�u	CAB
11850computer address matrix	�p�����}�x�}
11851computer administrative record	�p����޲z�O��
11852computer aided design	�q�����U�]�p	CAD
11853computer aided design and drafting	�q�����U�]�p�P���
11854computer aided engineering	�q�����U�u�{	CAE
11855computer aided instruction	�q�����U�о�	CAI
11856computer aided manufacturing	�q�����U�s�y�t��	CAM
11857computer aided photo-repeat	�q�����U���Y�Ӭ�
11858computer aided production management system	�q�����U�Ͳ��޲z�t��
11859computer aided programming system	�q�����U�{���]�p�t��
11860computer aided quality control	�q�����U�~��
11861computer aided service	�q�����U�~��
11862computer aided software engineering	�q�����U�n��u�{	CASE
11863computer aided test	�p������U�о�
11864computer aided testing	�p������U����
11865computer aided trouble shooting	�q�����U����	CATS
11866computer aided typesetting	�p������U�Ʀr	CAT
11867computer algebra	�q���N��
11868computer algorithm	�q���t��k
11869computer and communication	�q���P�q�T	C&C
11870computer and information sciences	�p����P�H�����	COINS
11871computer based instruction	�q�����U�о�	CBI
11872computer bound	���p�⭭��
11873computer bound application	���p��q�������
11874computer bound computation	���p�⭭��p��
11875computer bound job	���p�⭭��@�~
11876computer bound task	���p�⭭�����
11877computer center	�p�������
11878computer code	�p����X
11879computer crime	�p����Ǹo
11880computer direct to telegraph	�p�������q����	CODIT
11881computer directed communication	�p�������q�T	CODIC
11882computer education system	�p����Ш|�t��
11883computer element	�p��椸
11884computer graphic	�q���Ͼ�
11885computer graphics	�q���ϧ�
11886computer hobbyist	�p����~�l�R�n��
11887computer hologram	�p���������
11888computer holography	�p��������N
11889computer hospital care	�p�����|�@�z
11890computer human interaction	�p����M�H���椬�@��
11891computer hybrids	�p����V�X�L�q��
11892computer identifiaction	�p��������ѧO
11893computer image generator	�p����Ϲ��o�;�
11894computer image processing	�p����Ϲ��B�z
11895computer industry	�p����u�~
11896computer industry association	�p����u�~��|
11897computer input from microfilm	�p����Y�L������J
11898computer input microfilm	�p�����J�Y�L����
11899computer installation	�p����w��
11900computer instruction	�p������O
11901computer instruction set	�p������O�t��
11902computer insurance	�p����O�I
11903computer integrated manufacturing	�q����X�s�y	CIM
11904computer intellignce	�p������z
11905computer interface	�p�������
11906computer interface engineering	�p��������u�{
11907computer interface terminal	�p��������׺�
11908computer interface unit	�p��������]��
11909computer language	�q���y��; �p����y��
11910computer language recorder	�p����y���O���{��	CLR
11911computer language symbol	�p����y���Ÿ�
11912computer language translator	�p����y��½Ķ�{��
11913computer language translator identifier	�p����y��½Ķ�{���ѧO��
11914computer learning	�p����Dz�
11915computer limited	���p�⭭��
11916computer limited switching	���p�⭭��{���ഫ
11917computer link method	�p����p���k
11918computer load	�q���t��
11919computer logic	�q���޿�
11920computer logic circuit	�q���޿�q��
11921computer logic demonstrator	�q���޿�t�ܾ�
11922computer logic graphics	�q���޿�ϥܾ�
11923computer logic unit tester	�q���޿�ե���վ�
11924computer magnetic tape	�p����ϱa
11925computer mail	�p����l��
11926computer main frequency	�p����D�W
11927computer mainframe	�p����D��
11928computer management	�p����޲z
11929computer management association	�p����޲z��|
11930computer manager	�p����g�z
11931computer matching	�p����ǰt
11932computer memory	�p����O����
11933computer memory interconnect	�q���O����s����	CMI
11934computer memory structure	�p����O���鵲�c
11935computer memory tester	�p����O������վ�
11936computer memory unit	�p����x�s�]��
11937computer message transmission	�p����T���ǿ�
11938computer micrographics	�q���L�ϧ�
11939computer micrographics technology	�q���L�ϧΧ޳N
11940computer mode	�B�⪬�A
11941computer model	�p����ҫ�
11942computer modification	�p����{���ק�
11943computer module	�p����˾�
11944computer monitoring system	�p����ʷ��t��
11945computer music	�p�������
11946computer name	�p����W
11947computer network	�q������
11948computer network component	�q��������
11949computer network facility	�q�������]��
11950computer network protocol	�q��������w
11951computer networking	�p����s��
11952computer numerical control	�q���ƭȱ���	CNC
11953computer off line control system	�p����Ʀ챱��
11954computer on line real tiem applications language	�p����p��������λy��
11955computer on slice	������p���
11956computer open loop control	�p�����������
11957computer operated automatic test system	�p����ާ@���۰ʴ��ըt��	COATS
11958computer operated universal test system	�p����ާ@���q�δ��ըt��
11959computer operations facility	�p����ާ@�]��
11960computer operator	�q���ާ@��
11961computer optics package	�p������ǮM�˳n��
11962computer optimization package	�p����̨ΤƮM�˳n��
11963computer order code	�p������O�X
11964computer organization	�p������c
11965computer output film	�p���X����
11966computer output microfiche	�p�����X�Y�L����
11967computer output microfilm	�p�����X�Y�L����
11968computer output microfilm printer	�q����X�L�����C�L��
11969computer output microfilm recorder	�p�����X�Y�L�����O����
11970computer output microfilmer	�q����X�L�Y������
11971computer output microfilming	�q����X�L�Y������ (COM)
11972computer output micrographics	�q����X��L�Ӭ۾�
11973computer output on microfilm	�p����Y�L������X
11974computer patient monitoring system	�p����f�J���@�t��
11975computer pattern recognition	�p����Ҧ��ѧO
11976computer pergormance	�p����ʯ�
11977computer pergormance evaluation	�p����ʯ����
11978computer pergormance predication	�p����ʯ�w��
11979computer peripheral communication	�p����~��q�H
11980computer peripheral equipment	�p����~��]��
11981computer picture	�p����϶H
11982computer plotting system	�p���ø�Ϩt��
11983computer power center	�p����ʤO����
11984computer power supply	�p����q��
11985computer power support system	�p����ѹq�t��
11986computer practice	�p������
11987computer printout	�p����C�L��X
11988computer processor unit	�p����B�z��
11989computer produced drawing	�p���ø��
11990computer product news	�p������~�s�D
11991computer professional	�p����M�~�H��
11992computer program	�q���{��
11993computer programmer	�q���{����
11994computer programming	�q���{���]�p
11995computer programming language	�q���{���]�p�y��
11996computer programming methodology	�q���{���]�p��k��
11997computer programming training	�q���{���]�p���V
11998computer readout	�p���Ū�X
11999computer recognition	�p����ѧO
12000computer recording	�p����O��
12001computer resale broker	�p������ܸg���H
12002computer reset hold switch	�p��_��O���T�ζ}��
12003computer resource	�p����귽
12004computer resource management	�p����귽�޲z
12005computer resource performance management	�p����귽�ʯ�޲z
12006computer resource sharing	�p����귽�@��
12007computer resource unit	�p����귽�˸m
12008computer revolution	�p������R
12009computer robot interface	�p��������H����
12010computer room	�p�������
12011computer run	�p����B��
12012computer satellite	�p������U��
12013computer scheduling system	�p����իרt��	CSS
12014computer science	�۰ʾ����
12015computer science and engineering board	�p�����ǩM�u�{��	CSEB
12016computer science curriculum	�p�����ǽҵ{
12017computer science department	�p�����Ǩt
12018computer science network	�p�����Ǻ�
12019computer science theory	�p�����Dzz��
12020computer search	�p����˯�
12021computer search center	�p����˯�����
12022computer searching system	�p����˯�����
12023computer security	�p����w����
12024computer security model	�p����w���ҫ�
12025computer security verification	�p����w��������
12026computer selection methodology	�p�����ܧ޳N
12027computer self learning	�p����۾Dz�
12028computer service	�p����A��
12029computer service bureau	�p����A�ȧ�
12030computer service organization	�p����A�Ⱦ��c
12031computer services network	�p����A�Ⱥ�
12032computer servo unit	�p������A����
12033computer simulation	�p�������
12034computer simulation language	�p��������y��
12035computer simulator	�p�������
12036computer socicty	�p�����|
12037computer software and applications conference	�p����n��M���η|ij
12038computer software and applictions conference	�p����n�骩�v�k
12039computer software copyright act	�p����n�骩�v�k
12040computer software engineering	�p����n��u�{
12041computer software error	�p����n����~
12042computer software maintenance	�q���n����@
12043computer software management	�p����n��޲z
12044computer software measurement	�p����n�����
12045computer software performance evaluation	�p����n��ʯ����
12046computer state	�p������A
12047computer statement	�p��ԭz
12048computer switch	�p��}��
12049computer system	�p����t��
12050computer update equipment	�p�����s�]��
12051computer utilization monitor	�p����Q�βv�ʵ���	CUM
12052computer utilization reporting system	�p����Q���p����t��	CURES
12053computer word	�p����r
12054computer-oriented language	�p����ɦV�y��
12055computer-output-microfilm	�q����X�L����
12056computer-system audit	�q���t�ν]�d
12057computer-system security	�q���t�Φw��
12058computerization	�p�����
12059computerize	�p�����
12060computerized tomography	�q���_�h���y�N
12061computerized typesetting	�q���ƪ��@�~
12062computervision graphics processor	�p�����ı�ϥܳB�z��	CGP
12063computery	�p����t��
12064computicket	�p����Ʀs��
12065computing	�p��
12066computing amplifier	�p���j��
12067computing centre	�p�⤤��
12068computing circuit	�p��q��
12069computing complexity	�p��_�V��
12070computing counter	�p�⾹
12071computing element	�p�⤸��
12072computing engine	�p���
12073computing interval	�p�����
12074computing laboratory	�p���s��
12075computing logger	�p��O����
12076computing machine circuit	�p����q��
12077computing machinery	�p�����
12078computing matrix	�p��x�}
12079computing mechanism	�p�����
12080computing medium	�p��C��
12081computing method	�p���k
12082computing mode	�p��覡
12083computing network	�p�����
12084computing power	�p���O
12085computing resource	�p��귽
12086computing rule	�p���
12087computing speed	�p��t��
12088computing standard	�p��з�
12089computing statement	�p��ԭz
12090computing store	�p��s�x��
12091computing system	�p��t��
12092computing system catalog	�p��t�Υؿ�
12093computing technique	�p��޳N
12094computing time	�p��ɶ�
12095computing typesetting	�p����ƪ�
12096computing unit	�p��˸m
12097computist	�p��a
12098computron	�p����Φh���q�l��
12099computus	�p���U
12100computyper	�p��C�L�˸m
12101compuword	�p����r
12102comupter logic unit tester	�p����޿賡����վ�	CLU
12103comuptervision graphics operating system	�p�����ı�ϥܾާ@�t��	CGOS
12104concatenate	�dzs; �s��
12105concatenated data set	���m��ƶ�
12106concatenated field	���m��
12107concatenated key	�dzs��
12108concatenated segment	�s���q
12109concatenating file	�s���ɮ�
12110concatenating indicator	�s�����ܲ�
12111concatenation	�s��
12112concatenation error	�s�����~
12113concatenation expression	�dzs��
12114concatenation operation	�s���B��
12115concatenation operator	�dzs�B��l
12116concatenation rule	�s���W�h
12117concave	�W
12118concave edge	�W��
12119concave function	�W���
12120concave label	�W�аO
12121concave lens	�W�z��
12122concave line	�W�u
12123concave mirror	�W��
12124concealed device	�����˸m
12125concealed wiring	�t�u
12126concentrated traffic	�����q�H�q
12127concentratior	���T; �׶�; ����
12128concentrator	�׶���; ���T��
12129concentrator unit control	���u�����
12130concentric cable	�P�b�q�l
12131concept classification	��������
12132concept coordination	�������
12133concept formation	������
12134concept formulation	����������
12135concept model	�����ҫ�
12136concept schema	�����Ҧ�
12137conceptual analyzer	�������R��
12138conceptual data	�`����
12139conceptual data base design	�`���Ʈw�]�p
12140conceptual database model	������Ʈw�ҫ�
12141conceptual dependency theory	�������k�ݲz��
12142conceptual flow chart	�����y�{��
12143conceptual framework	�����ج[
12144conceptual level	������
12145conceptual module	�����Ҷ�
12146conceptual phase	�������q
12147conceptual schema	�����Ҧ�
12148conceptual schema design	�����Ҧ��]�p
12149conceptual solution	������
12150conceptual structure	�������c
12151conceptual system design	�����t�γ]�p
12152conceptual system structure	�����t��c
12153conceptual taxonomy	����������
12154conceptual view	�����W�ݪk
12155concise command language	²���R�O�y��	CCL
12156conclusion	����
12157concordance	���n�y�ׯ���
12158concordance list	���n�y�ׯ��ު�
12159concordance program	���n�y�ׯ��޵{��
12160concordance table	�K����
12161concrete core drilling	�V���g�p�z
12162concrete invariant	���餣�ܦ�
12163concrete program	����{��
12164concurrence	��; �P�@
12165concurrency	��
12166Concurrency Control Methods	�æ汱��k	CCM
12167concurrent	�P��; �æ�; �P�@
12168concurrent mode	�æ�ҺA
12169concurrent operation	�æ�ާ@; �P�@�@�~; �æ�@�~
12170concurrent peripheral operation	�æ�g��ާ@
12171concurrent peripheral operations	�æ�P��@�~
12172concurrent processing	�æ�B�z; �P�ɳB�z
12173concurrent run unit	�P�@����椸
12174concurrent update mode	�P�@��s�ҺA
12175condense	�@�Y; ���Y
12176condfidence limit	�m�H����
12177condition	����; �޿����
12178condition codes	����X
12179condition handler	����B�z�{��
12180condition indicator	���p���ܽX
12181condition name	����W��
12182condition value	�����
12183conditional assembly	����զX
12184conditional block	�����Ϭq; ����ʰ϶�
12185conditional branch	�������
12186conditional construction	�������c�y
12187conditional entropy	�����i
12188conditional expression	�����ܦ�
12189conditional force	����ʱj��
12190conditional GO TO	���������V
12191conditional implication operation	����ĭ�t�B��
12192conditional information content	�����T���[
12193conditional instruction	������O
12194conditional jump	������V
12195conditional next field	������
12196conditional operator	����B��l
12197conditional order	����ʭq��
12198conditional request	����ШD
12199conditional sale	�����X
12200conditional statement	����ԭz; ����y
12201conditional variable	�����ܼ�
12202conditions	�S���p
12203condlict	�Ĭ�
12204conductor	����
12205conduit	�޹D
12206confidence limit	�m�H�ɭ�
12207configuration	�]�w; �[�c; �t�m; �պA
12208configuration command	�[�c�R�O
12209configuration control panel	�պA�[�c����O
12210configuration database	�t�m��Ʈw
12211configuration file	�[�c�ɮ�
12212configuration menu	�t�Ƶe��
12213configuration register	�t�m�Ȧs��
12214configuration setup	�[�c�]�m
12215configuration support	�[�c�䴩
12216configure	�t�m
12217confirmation box	�T�{��
12218confirmation field	�T�{��
12219confirmed date	�T�{���
12220conflicting	�Ĭ�
12221conflicting attribute	�Ĭ��ݩ�
12222congestion	�����T��; �E��
12223congestion control	��������
12224congestion loss	�����T����
12225conjunction	�s��; �֦X
12226connect	�s��
12227connect password	�s���t�X
12228connect-to-interrupt	�s���ܤ��_�V�q
12229connected speech understanding capability	�s�e�y���z�ѯ�O
12230connected station	�s����
12231connected undirected graph	�s�q�L�V��
12232connected vertices	�s�����I
12233connectedness	�s�q��
12234connecting cable	�s���q�l
12235connecting file	�s���ɮ�
12236connecting line	�s���u
12237connection	�s��
12238connection box	�s����
12239connection byte	�s���r�`
12240connection chain	�s����
12241connection established signal	���q�H��
12242connection graph	�s����
12243connection layout	�s����
12244connection matrix	�s���x�}
12245connection network buffer	�s�������w�ľ�
12246connection number	�s���s��
12247connection oriented	���V�s��
12248connection point manager	�s���I�޲z
12249connection problem counter	�s�����D�p�ƾ�
12250connection status field	�s�����A���
12251connection table	�s����
12252connection time	�s���ɶ�
12253connection trap	�s������
12254connectionless service	�L�s���A��
12255connector	�s����; �s���I; �s���Ÿ�
12256connector node	�s���`�I
12257consecutive	�s��
12258consecutive access	�s��s����
12259consent	���y
12260conservative logic element	�u���޿褸��	CLE
12261consigned components	�e�s����
12262consistency	�@�P
12263console	����x; �D���x
12264console support	����x�䴩�\��
12265console terminal	����x�׺ݾ�; �D���׺ݾ�
12266consolidate	�X��
12267consolidated balance sheet	�X�ָ겣�t�Ū�
12268consolidated statements	�X�ְ]�ȳ���
12269consonant	�n��
12270constant	�`��
12271constant function	�`�ƥ\��
12272constrained domain	������
12273constrained extreme value problem	�������Ȱ��D
12274constrained filtering restoration	�����o�i�_��
12275constrained restoration	�����_��
12276constrained system	�����t��
12277constrained type	��������
12278constrained vector	�����V�q
12279constraint	���; ����
12280constraint comparibility	�����ۮe��
12281constraint condition	��������
12282constraint equation	������{
12283constraint matrix	�����x�}
12284constraint satisfacation	�������
12285constraint set	�������X
12286constraints oriented matrix generator	�����������x�}���;�
12287construct	�c�y
12288constructable function	�i�c�D���
12289consumer electronics show	�a�ιq�l���~�i��
12290contact bounce	���I����
12291contact edge	�s����
12292contact input	���I��J
12293contact interrogation signal	���I�d�ڰT��
12294contact protection	���I�O�@
12295contained program	���˵{��
12296container file	�����ɮ�
12297content	���e; ���[
12298content addressable storage	���e�w�}�x�s��
12299content dependent information language	�P���e�������H���y��
12300content view	��ݤ��e
12301contention	����; �v��; �Ĭ�
12302contention based bus	�v�����׬y�ƲպA����
12303contention resolution	�v���ѨM
12304contention state	�v�����A
12305context	���; �W�U��
12306context indexing	��߯���
12307context searcher	����˯���(�{��)
12308context sensitive	�W�U�����; ��N��{
12309context switching	��ߤ���
12310context variable	����ܶ�; ����ܼ�
12311contiguous area	�۳s�ϰ�
12312contiguous file	�۳s�ɮ�
12313contingency procedure	���o�{��
12314continous form	�s�����
12315continuation bucket	�s���ɶJ��
12316continuation character	�s��r��
12317continuation volumerch	����e��
12318continue problem analysis	�~����D���R
12319continued	�~��
12320continued MFD(master file directory)	�s��D�ɿ�
12321continued SFD(sud-file directory)	�s���r�ؿ�
12322continued UFD(user file directory)	�s��ϥΪ��ɿ�
12323continuous carrier	�s��ǰe���i
12324continuous code	�s��X
12325continuous continuous forms	�s���X���
12326continuous data set	�s���ƶ�
12327continuous form	�s���
12328continuous operator	�s��B���
12329continuous optimization program	�s��ާ@�{��
12330continuous path	�s����|����
12331continuous path controlled robot	�s��y��������J
12332continuous path motion	�s��y��B��
12333continuous processing	�s��B�z
12334continuous program	�s��{��
12335continuous progression code	�s��żƽX
12336continuous random process	�s���H���L�{
12337continuous random variable	�s���H���ܼ�
12338continuous record	�s��O��
12339continuous reverse	�s���V
12340continuous sequence	�s��ǦC
12341continuous simulation	�s�����
12342continuous spectrum	�s����
12343continuous speech	�s��y��
12344continuous statement	�s��ԭz
12345continuous stationary reader	�s��T�w�\Ū��
12346continuous sweep	�s���y
12347continuous system modeling program	�s��t�μҫ��إߵ{��
12348continuous time system	�s��ɶ��t��
12349continuous tone	�s��歵
12350continuous topology	�s��ݾ��
12351continuous transmission	�s��ǿ�
12352continuous variable	�s���ܼ�
12353continuous wave	�s��i
12354continuous wave laser	�s���J�g��
12355continuous wave magnetron	�s��i�ϱ���
12356continuous-form paper	�s������
12357continuously acting computer	�s��ʧ@�p���
12358contour	�~��
12359contour character	�Ťߦr
12360contour control	��������
12361contour extraction	�������
12362contour following	��������
12363contour integration	�P�u�n��
12364contour line	�����u
12365contour map	���Ƚu��
12366contour tracing	���ȸ���
12367contract	�X�P
12368contract completion percentage	�X�������ʤ���
12369contract expiration date	�X���L����
12370contract price file	�X��������
12371contracted notation	²�ƲŸ�
12372contractible graph	�i���Y��
12373contraction	���Y
12374contraction mapping	���Y�M��
12375contraction rule	�Y�g�W�h
12376contradictory information	�٬޸�T
12377contradictory opposite	�٬ާ_�w
12378contradictory proposition	�٬ީR�D
12379contrafunctional digraph	�f��Ʀ��V��
12380contragradient tranformation	�f�B�ܴ�
12381contraposition rule	�˸m�W�h
12382contrapositive	�˸m
12383contrapositive fule	�˸m�W�h
12384contrary proposition	�ۤϩR�D
12385contrast	���
12386contrast image enhancement	�Ϯt�v���W�j
12387contrast stretching	�Ϯt�X�i
12388contravariant component	���ܤ��q
12389contravariant vector	���ܦV�q
12390contribution	�@��
12391contribution file	�^�m�ɮ�
12392control	����
12393control abstraction	�����H��
12394control accuracy	������
12395control action	����@��
12396control adapter	����t���d
12397control algorithm	����t��k
12398control amplifier	�����j��
12399control and data retrieval system	����M����˯��t��	CDES
12400control and monitor console	�ʱ��x
12401control and status logic	����P���A�޿�
12402control and status register	����P���A�Ȧs��	CSR
12403control and switch equipment	����M�ഫ�]��
12404control and test	����P����	CAT
12405control and timing	����P�w��
12406control and warning	����P��ĵ
12407control apparatus	����˸m
12408control application	��������
12409control area	�����
12410control ball	����y
12411control bit	�����
12412control block	����϶�; �����
12413control block event	�������ƥ�
12414control board	����O
12415control break	��; ����_
12416control break level	����_����
12417control breakpoint instruction	�����_�I���O
12418control brush	�����
12419control buffer	����w��
12420control bus	����u
12421control bus master	����׬y�ƥ��O
12422control bus signal	����׬y�ưT��
12423control button	������s
12424control byte	����r�`
12425control card	����d
12426control card specification	����d���W��
12427control center	�����
12428control central tracking	����߸���
12429control chain	������
12430control change	�������
12431control channel	����q�D
12432control channel information demodulator	����q�D��T�ѽվ�
12433control character	����r��
12434control character device	����r���]��
12435control chart	�����
12436control chatacer	����r��
12437control chnnel	����q�D
12438control circuit	����q��
12439control clerk	��Ʊ����
12440control clock	������
12441control code	����X
12442control column	�����
12443control command	����R�O
12444control command data	����R�O���
12445control command program	����R�O�{��
12446control command word	����R�O�r
12447control communication	����q�T
12448control communication executive	����q�T����{��
12449control component	�����
12450control computer	����p���
12451control concurrency	������
12452control connector	����s����
12453control console	����x
12454control console port	����x��
12455control coordination system	�����ըt��
12456control coordinator	�����վ�
12457control counter	����p�ƾ�
12458control coupling	����X
12459control cycle	����P��
12460control data	������
12461control data assembly program	�����ƲզX�{��
12462control data communications control program	�����Ƴq�T������{��
12463control data computer	�����ƭp���
12464control data corporation	�����Ƥ��q
12465control data item	�����ƶ�
12466control data mathematical programming	�����ƼƾdzW��
12467control data name	�����ƦW
12468control data register	�����ƼȦs��
12469control data set	�����ƶ�
12470control data table	�����ƪ�
12471control data terminal	�����Ʋ׺ݾ�
12472control dependence	���������
12473control desk	����x
12474control device	���
12475control diagram language	����ϧλy��
12476control dial	����L
12477control dictionary	�������
12478control distribution center	������t����
12479control distribution system	������t�t��
12480control division	���
12481control division header	������D
12482control domain	�����
12483control electrode	����q��
12484control electronics	����q�l��
12485control electronics assembly	����q�l�ո˥�
12486control element	�����
12487control engine	���
12488control engineering	����u�{
12489control equation	�����{
12490control equipment	����]��
12491control error	����~�t
12492control expression	���
12493control facility	����˸m
12494control field	������
12495control field length	���������
12496control field sorting	��������
12497control file	������
12498control file attribute	�������ݩ�
12499control file name	�����ɮצW
12500control file system resource	�����ɮרt�θ귽
12501control flag	����X��
12502control flow	����y�V
12503control flow chart	����y�{��
12504control flow complexity measure	����y�����ʴ���
12505control flow computer	����y�p���
12506control flow jump	����y�ಾ
12507control flow keyword	����y����r
12508control folw graph	����y�{��
12509control footing	������
12510control function	����\��
12511control group	����s
12512control heading	�����Y��
12513control in	�����J
12514control instruction	������O
12515control interval	����϶�
12516control interval block level	����j�϶��h��
12517control interval level	����j�h��
12518control key	������
12519control language interpreter	����y����Ķ�{��	CLI
12520control length	�������
12521control level	����h��; �����
12522control level indicator	����ū��ܲ�
12523control link	����s��
12524control log	�����x
12525control matrix network	����x�}��	CMN
12526control mechanism	����c
12527control medium	����C��
12528control memory	����O����	CM
12529control memory address register	�����x�s����}�Ȧs��	CMAR
12530control message	����q��
12531control message display	����H�����
12532control message transmission	����H���ǿ�
12533control microcomputer	����ηL�p���
12534control mode	����ҺA
12535control model	����ҫ�
12536control monitor unit	�ʱ��椸
12537control net	�����
12538control net system	�������t
12539control network	�������
12540control number	�����
12541control operation	����@�~
12542control operator	����ާ@��
12543control optimization	����̨Τ�	COP
12544control optimization program	����̨ΤƵ{��
12545control organization	�����´
12546control oriented architecture	���V�����t
12547control oriented function	���V����\��
12548control oriented language	����M�λy��
12549control oriented microcomputer	���V����L�p���
12550control panel	����O
12551control panel button	����O���s
12552control panel interrput transfer	����O���_�ಾ�{��
12553control panel light	����O���ܿO
12554control panels	����O
12555control parameter	����Ѽ�
12556control parameter assembly program	����Ѷq�զX�{��
12557control part	�����
12558control path	������|
12559control pattern	����Ҧ�
12560control pen	���
12561control point	�����I	CP
12562control portion	�����
12563control power supply	����q��
12564control precision	������
12565control print	����C�L	CP
12566control print character	����C�L�r��
12567control procedure	����{��
12568control processor	����B�z��	CPO
12569control program	����{��; ����{��
12570control program assist	����{�����U	CPA
12571control program facility	����{���]�I
12572control program generator	����{�����;�
12573control program support	����{���䴩
12574control program type	����{������
12575Control Program/Microprocessor	CP/M�ާ@�t��	CP/M
12576Control Program/Microprocessor Operating System	CP/M�@�~�t��	CP/M OS
12577control programmer	����{���s�	CP
12578control programming system	����{���]�p�t��	CPS
12579control protocol	�����w
12580control pulse	����߽�
12581control punch	�����
12582control rack	������[
12583control range	����d��
12584control read only memory	�����Ū�O����	CROM
12585control record	����O��
12586control region	����ϰ�
12587control region base register	����ϰ���Ȧs��
12588control region length register	����ϰ���׼Ȧs��
12589control register	����Ȧs��	CR
12590control register connector	����Ȧs���s����	CRC
12591control relationship	�������Y��
12592control relay	�����~�q��
12593control relay circuit	�����~�q���q��
12594control room	�����
12595control routine	����Ҧ�`��
12596control routine interrupt	����{�Ǥ��_
12597control scheme	����Ҧ�
12598control section	����q
12599control section chaining	����ǦC�챵
12600control sequence	�����
12601control set	����˸m
12602control setting panel	����˸m�O
12603control sheet	�����
12604control shift	�����
12605control signal	����T��
12606control signal generator	����T�����;�
12607control signal processor	����T���B�z��
12608control simulation	�������
12609control software	����n��
12610control specification	����W�d����
12611control stack	������|
12612control state	����A
12613control statement	����ԭz
12614control statics	�����R�O��
12615control station	���
12616control statue register	����A�Ȧs��	CSR
12617control status register	����A�Ȧs��	CSR
12618control stick	�����
12619control storage	�����x�s��
12620control storage initial program load	�����x�s����l�{�����J
12621control storage processor	�����x�s���B�z��
12622control store	�����x�s��
12623control store address register	�����x�s��}�Ȧs��	CSAR
12624control store data register	�����x�s��ƼȦs��	CSDR
12625control store diagnostics	�����x�s���E�_
12626control store monitor	�����x�s�ʵ���
12627control strategy	�����
12628control stream	����y
12629control structure	����c
12630control structure module	����c��
12631control subassembly	������ե�
12632control subroutine language	����`���y��	CONSUL
12633control supervisor	����޲z
12634control supply indicator	����q�����ܾ�
12635control switching points	��������I	CSP
12636control symbol number	����Ÿ��s��	CSN
12637control system	����t��
12638control system analysis program	����t���R�{��	CSAP
12639control system design	����t�γ]�p
12640control system dynamics	����t�ΰʤO��
12641control system synthesis	����t�κ�X
12642control systems engineering	����t�Τu�{	CSE
12643control table	�����
12644control tape	����a
12645control tape mechanism	����a���c
12646control tape sequence	����a����
12647control task	�������
12648control task	�������
12649control task structure	������ȵ��c
12650control task structure	������ȵ��c
12651control technique	����޳N
12652control technique	����޳N
12653control terminal	����׺�
12654control terminal	����׺ݾ�
12655control text	�����Z
12656control text response	�����Z�^��
12657control token	����аO
12658control token	����аO
12659control token packet	����аO�]
12660control token packet	����аO�]
12661control total	�����`��
12662control total	�����`��
12663control total-item balance file	�����`�p--�w�s�l�B��
12664control totals by type	�̫��A�O�����`�p
12665control track	����ϭy
12666control track	����ϹD
12667control track direction computer	����l�ܤ�V�p���
12668control track direction computer	������ܤ�V�p���
12669control transfer	�����ഫ
12670control transfer	�����ഫ
12671control transfer instruction	�����ಾ���O
12672control transfer instruction	�����ಾ���O
12673control transfer mode	�����ಾ�覡
12674control transfer mode	�����ಾ�覡
12675control transfer operation	�����ಾ�ާ@
12676control transfer operation	�����ಾ�ާ@
12677control translator	����½Ķ�{��	CONTRAN
12678control translator	����½Ķ�{��	CONTRAN
12679control tree	�����
12680control tree	�����
12681control typewriter	����r��
12682control typewriter	����r��
12683control unit	����椸; ����˸m	CONU
12684control unit accumulator register	����֥[�Ȧs��	CAR
12685control unit description	����ϥλ���
12686control unit description	����ϥλ���
12687control unit device interface	����]�Ƥ���
12688control unit device interface	����]�Ƥ���
12689control unit end	�������
12690control unit end condition	�����������
12691control unit end condition	�����������
12692control unit interface	�������	CUI
12693control unit interface	�������	CUI
12694control units	����椸
12695control utility routine	����α`��
12696control utility routine	����α`��
12697control valve	�����
12698control valve	�����
12699control variable	�����ܼ�
12700control variable name	�����ܼƦW
12701control volume	�����
12702control word	����r��	CW
12703control word address	����r�a�}
12704control word error	����X��
12705control word format	����r�榡
12706control word line	����r�u
12707control-unit-attached device	������s�����˸m
12708controllability	�i����
12709controllability condition	�i���ʱ���
12710controllability matrix	�i���ʯx�}
12711controllability subindex	�i���ʦ�����
12712controllable	�i����
12713controllable floor stock	�i����{���w�s
12714controllable rocket motor	�i�����b�o�ʾ�
12715controllable satellite	�i���ìP
12716controlled access system	�����s���t��	CAS
12717controlled accessibility	�����s����
12718controlled attenuator timer	����I��p�ɾ�	CAT
12719controlled attribute	�����ݩ�
12720controlled computational experiment	�����p�����
12721controlled condition	��������
12722controlled conditions system	��������t��
12723controlled digital simulator	�����Ʀ������	CDDIS
12724controlled element computer	����椸�p���	CEC
12725controlled environment	��������
12726controlled facility	�����]��
12727controlled factor	�i���]�l
12728controlled head	�����Ϲ�
12729controlled head gap	�����Ϲ궡��
12730controlled indexing language	�����Ф޻y��
12731controlled looping	�����`��
12732controlled parameters	�����Ѽ�
12733controlled plant	�����u�t
12734controlled post monitor program	��������ˬd�{��
12735controlled pushdown automation	�����U�����۰ʾ�	CPA
12736controlled reconfiguration system	�������c�t��
12737controlled rectifier	�i����y��	CR
12738controlled saturation logic	�������M�޿�	CSL
12739controlled statistical arbitration	�����έp���M
12740controlled storage	�����x�s��
12741controlled switch	����}��
12742controlled system	����t��
12743controlled variable	�����ܼ�
12744controlled vocabulary	�i������ת�
12745controller	����˸m; ���
12746controller address	����d��}
12747controller assignment number	������t��
12748controller board	����d
12749controller buffer	����w��
12750controller bus	����`�u
12751controller bus address register	����`�u��}�Ȧs��
12752controller card	�������
12753controller check	����ˬd
12754controller configuration facility	����t�m�\��
12755controller data channel	�����Ƴq�D
12756controller definition table address	����w�q���}
12757controller error	����~�t	CONE
12758controller function	����\��
12759controller identification	����ѧO
12760controller input output	�����J��X
12761controller input test equipment	�����J���ճ]��
12762controller interrupt logic	������_�޿�
12763controller interruption	������_
12764controller name	����W��
12765controller panel	����O
12766controller ready	����Ƨ�
12767controlling equipment	�I���˸m
12768controlling machine	�����
12769controlling means	�����k
12770controlling subsystem	����l�t��
12771controlling system	����t��
12772controls	������c
12773controls and displays	����P��ܳ]��
12774controls and displays subsystem	����P��ܤl�t��
12775convection	��y
12776convention	�ߺD; �D��; ��w
12777conventional	�`�W
12778conventional algorithm	�`�W��k
12779conventional file	�`�W�ɮ�
12780conventional gate level simulation	�DzΪ����ż���
12781conventional grouping	�`�W����
12782conventional head	�`�W�Ϲ�
12783conventional indication	�q�μЧ�
12784conventional memory	�`�W�s�x��
12785conventional model	�Dzμҫ�
12786conventional multiprocessor	�`�W�B�z��
12787conventional number	�`�W��
12788conventional program	�`�W�{��
12789conventional programming language	�`�W�{���]�p�y��
12790conventional routing method	�`�W���|��ܪk
12791conventional scheduler	�`�W�ի׵{��
12792conventional software	�`�W�n��
12793conventional viewdata system	�`�W�i����ƨt��
12794converational compiler	�|�ܦ��p��
12795converational debug routine	�|�ܦ������`��
12796converational device	�|�ܸ˸m
12797converational entry	�|�ܦ���J
12798converational equipment	�|�ܳ]��
12799converational file	�|���ɮ�
12800convergence	����
12801convergence acceleration	���ĩʥ[�t
12802convergence algorithm	���ĺ�k
12803convergence circuit	���Ĺq��
12804convergence criterion	���ĩʧP��
12805convergence factor	���Ħ]�l
12806convergence forward pruning	���ĥ��V�װ�
12807convergence recorder	���İO����
12808convergence scheme	���Ĥ��
12809convergent factor	���Ħ]�l
12810convergent fanout	���Į��X
12811convergent fanout path	���Į��X���q��
12812convergent light	�|�E��
12813convergent light illumination	�|�E���ө�	CLI
12814convergent matrix	���įx�}
12815convergent orbit	���ĭy�D
12816converging series	���įż�
12817converging tree	���ľ�
12818converion	�ഫ
12819conversation	���
12820conversation assembler	�|�ܲզX�{��
12821conversation mode	��ͼҺA
12822conversation system with on line	remote terminals	���p����{�׺ݪ��|�ܨt��	CONSORT
12823conversational	��ͦ�; ���V�q�T��
12824conversational algebraic language	�|�ܦ��N�ƻy��	CAL
12825conversational application program	�|�ܦ����ε{��
12826conversational circuit analysis program	�|�ܦ��q�����R�{��	CCAP
12827conversational communication access method	�|�ܦ��q�T�ݤ�k	CCAM
12828conversational drawing	��ͦ��s��
12829conversational guidance	�|�ܦ��y��
12830conversational guidance timesharing	�|�ܦ����ɤ���
12831conversational include	��ͦ��Ѧ�
12832conversational input output	�|�ܦ���J��X
12833conversational laguage for input output	��J��X�η|�ܻy��	CLIO
12834conversational language	�|�ܦ��y��
12835conversational language for input output	��J��X�η|�ܻy��	CLIO
12836conversational mode	��ͦ��ҺA
12837conversational mode operation	��ͦ��ާ@
12838conversational monitor system	��ͦ��ʷ��t��	CMS
12839conversational operation	��ͦ��ާ@
12840conversational operation mode	��ͦ��ާ@�覡
12841conversational process	��ͦ��L�{
12842conversational processing	��ͦ��B�z
12843conversational program	��ͦ��{��
12844conversational program module	��ͦ��{���Ҳ�
12845conversational programing system	��ͦ��{���]�p�t��
12846conversational programming	��ͦ��{���]�p
12847conversational programming language	��ͦ��{���]�p�y��
12848conversational remote batch entry	��ͦ���{
12849conversational remote job entry	��ͦ���{�@�~��J	CRJE
12850conversational report	��ͦ����i
12851conversational statistics	��ͦ��έp�n��
12852conversational system	��ͨt��
12853conversational terminal	��Ͳ׺�
12854conversational terminal service	��Ͳ׺ݧ@�~
12855conversational time sharing	��ͦ�����
12856conversational translator writing system	��ͦ�½Ķ�{���s�g�t��
12857conversational utility	��ͦ�����
12858converse	�Ϫ�
12859converse digraph	�f���V��
12860converse graph	�f��
12861converse of relation	�f���t
12862converse routine	�ഫ�`��
12863converse sending roller	�f�V�e�Ⱥu��
12864converse theorem	�f�w�z
12865conversion	�ഫ
12866conversion accuracy	�ഫ���
12867conversion and check limit	����M�d������	CCL
12868conversion chart	�ഫ��
12869conversion code	�ܴ��X
12870conversion curve	���⦱�u
12871conversion device	�ഫ�˸m
12872conversion equipment	�ഫ�]��
12873conversion factor	�ഫ�]��
12874conversion field	�ഫ���
12875conversion in expressions	��F�������ഫ
12876conversion instruction	�ഫ���O
12877conversion key	�ഫ��
12878conversion loss	�ഫ�l��
12879conversion mode	�ഫ�ҺA
12880conversion of constant	�`���ഫ
12881conversion of information	��T�ܴ�
12882conversion operator	�ഫ���
12883conversion parameter	�ഫ�Ѽ�
12884conversion plan	�ഫ�p��
12885conversion process	�ഫ�L�{
12886conversion program	�ഫ�{��
12887conversion rate	�ഫ�t�v
12888conversion ratio	����v
12889conversion reformat utility	�ഫ�����s�榡�Ƥ��ε{��
12890conversion routine	�ഫ�`��
12891conversion rule	�ഫ�W�h
12892conversion symbol	�ഫ�Ÿ�
12893conversion table	�ഫ��
12894conversion table printing	�ഫ���C�L
12895conversion word rate	�r�ഫ�t�v
12896convert	�ഫ	CNVT
12897convert character code	�ܴ��r�X	CCC
12898convert to binary	�ഫ���G�i��
12899convert to decimal	�ഫ���Q�i��
12900converted journal entry	�ഫ������x��
12901converted quantities	�w�ഫ�ƶq
12902converter	�ܬy��; �ഫ��; �ഫ�{��	CNV
12903converter analog element	�ഫ����������
12904converter chip	�ഫ������
12905converter instruction register	�ܴ������O�Ȧs��	CIR
12906converter logic element	�ܴ����޿褸��
12907converters	�ഫ��
12908convertibility	�i�ഫ��
12909convertible circuit breaker	�i�ഫ���q�����}
12910convertible information system	�i�ഫ��T�t��
12911convertion	��y
12912convertional equipment	�`�W�]��
12913convex	�Y��
12914convex cone	�Y�@
12915convex edge	�Y��
12916convex function	�Y���
12917convex hull	�Y�]
12918convex lens	�Y�z��
12919convex mirror	�Y��
12920convex programming	�Y�W��
12921convex set	�Y��
12922convex system	�Y�t��
12923convexity	�Y��
12924convexity closure	�Y���]
12925convey	�ǰe
12926conveyance buffer	�ǰe�w��
12927conveyance case	�B��u�㨤��
12928conveyer	�ǰe��
12929conveyer system	�ǰe�t��
12930convolution	���
12931convolution code	���n�X
12932convolution kernel	���n��
12933convolution operation	���n�B��
12934convolution processor	���n�B�z��
12935convolution signal	���n�H��
12936convolution sum	���n�M
12937convolution summation	�D���n�M
12938convolution theorem	���n�w�z
12939convolutional code	���n�X
12940convolutional coder	���n�s�X��
12941convolutional coding	���n�s�X
12942convolutional decoder assembly	���XĶ�X��	CDA
12943coolant	�N�o��
12944coolant distribution unit	�N�o�����t�˸m
12945cooler	�N�o��
12946cooling	�N�o
12947cooling agent	�N�o��
12948cooling air	�N�o��
12949cooling distribution unit	�t�N�˸m
12950cooling equipment	�N�o�˸m
12951cooling fan	�N�o����
12952cooling fin	������
12953cooling jacket	�N�o���M
12954cooling period	�N�o�P��
12955cooling plate	�N�o�O
12956cooling system	�N�o�t��
12957cooperating	��P�ާ@
12958cooperating application	�X�@���ε{��
12959cooperating concurrent processes	��P�}�o�i�{
12960cooperating index	�X�@����
12961cooperating process	��@�i�{
12962cooperating program	��P�ާ@�{��
12963cooperating protocol	�X�@��w
12964cooperating software process	��P�n��i�{
12965cooperating tasks	�X�@����
12966cooperative	�X�@
12967cooperative communication	�X�@�q�T
12968cooperative game	�X�@����
12969cooperative installation	�X�@�w��
12970cooperative intelligence network system	�X�@���z�����t��	COINS
12971cooperative transactional processing	�X�@�ƶ��B�z
12972coordinate	�y��
12973coordinate access array	��P�s���Ʋ�
12974coordinate adder	���Х[�k��	COAD
12975coordinate adderssed memory	�y�дM�}�O����
12976coordinate addressed memory	��P�M�}�s�x��
12977coordinate axiom	�����z
12978coordinate based modeling system	���y�Ъ��ҫ��ƨt��
12979coordinate conversion	�����ܴ�
12980coordinate conversion computer	�����ഫ�p���	CCC
12981coordinate converter	�����ഫ��	CC
12982coordinate data	�y��
12983coordinate data transmitter system	�y�и�Ƶo�e�t��	CDT
12984coordinate digitizer	�y�мƦ�ƻ�
12985coordinate file	�y���ɮ�
12986coordinate graphics	�y�йϧ�
12987coordinate indexing	������
12988coordinate line	�y�нu
12989coordinate multiplex storage circuit	�y�д_���x�s�q��
12990coordinate pair	�y���I
12991coordinate paper	�y�Я�
12992coordinate positioning system	�y�Щw��t��
12993coordinate primitive	��խ�y
12994coordinate retrieval	��P�˯�
12995coordinate rotation digital computer	�y�б���Ʀ�p���
12996coordinate scheme	��դ��
12997coordinate selector	�y�п�ܾ�
12998coordinate storage	�y���x�s��
12999coordinate surface	�y�Э�
13000coordinate system	�y�Шt��
13001coordinate term system	�P���N�y�˯��t��
13002coordinated geometry	�y�дX��
13003coordinates	�y�Ц�m
13004coordinates computed	�p��y��
13005coordinating calculating center	�p���դ���
13006coordinating element	��դ���
13007coordination	���
13008coordination center	��դ���
13009coordination net	��պ�
13010coordination number	�t���
13011coordination processor	��ճB�z��
13012coordinator	��դH��
13013coordinator routine	��ձ`��
13014coplanar grid	�@���]��
13015coplanar tape	�P���������ϱa
13016coplementary null character	�ɨ��Ŧr��
13017copper binding wire	�ɥ]�u
13018copper clad	�Żɺ��|��
13019copper deposit	��n��
13020copper foil	�ɺ�
13021copper foil laminate	�ɺ��|�h�O
13022copper plate	��ɼh
13023copper wire	�ɽu
13024coprocessor	�[�t�B�z��; ��N�B�⾹
13025copy	�ƻs; �ۼg; ����; �ƥ�
13026copy check	�Ƭd�ˬd
13027copy control character	�ƨ��r��
13028copy density	�ƨ�K��
13029copy descriptor	�ƨ�y�z��
13030copy field	�ƻs��
13031COPY field description statement	COPY���y�z�y
13032copy file	�ƻs�ɮ�
13033copy group	�ƻs��
13034copy line command	�ƻs�r��R�O
13035copy operation	�ƻs�ާ@
13036copy option	�ƥ�����
13037copy process	�ƨ�i�{
13038copy propagation	�ƨ�Ǽ�
13039copy protection	�����O�@
13040copy rule	�ƨ�W�h
13041copy screen mode	�ƨ�̹��覡
13042copy selection	�j�q�ƻs�ﶵ
13043copy-on-reference	�ƥ��ѦҪk
13044COR corporate	���q�W��
13045cordonnier	�P���
13046cordonnier check	�P��ծ���
13047cordonnier system	�P��ըt��
13048cordwood module	�n�즡�Ҷ�
13049cordwood technique	�n�즡�޳N
13050core	�Ͽ�; �Ϥ�
13051core address	�Ϫ��}
13052core allocation	�Ϫ���t
13053core array	�Ϫ䳯�C
13054core bank	�Ϫ���
13055core buffer	�Ϫ�w���x�s��
13056core common	�@�κϤ�
13057core diode circuit	�Ϫ�G����q��
13058core diode storage matrix	�Ϫ�G�����x�s�x�}
13059core driver	�Ϫ��X�ʾ�
13060core dump	�T�����x
13061core file	�Ϫ��x�s�ɮ�
13062core heating	�Ϫ�o��
13063core image	�Ϥ߬M��
13064core image library	�Ϫ�M���w
13065core load	�֤ߵ{�Ǹ��J
13066core load module	�դJ���s�Ҷ�
13067core load overlay builder	���s�ˤJ�л\�إߵ{��
13068core management	�Ϫ�޲z
13069core management macros	�Ϫ�޲z���R�O
13070core memory	�Ͽ��O����
13071core memory reentrant routine	���s�A�J�`��
13072core memory resident	�Ϫ�O����`�n��
13073core mismatch	�Ϲ��K�ߦ��
13074core module	�֤߼Ҳ�
13075core plane	�Ϫ�O
13076core production	�Ϫ䲣�ͦ�
13077core protocal	�֤ߨ�w
13078core resident	�Ϫ�`�n
13079core resident routine	�Ϫ�`�n�`��
13080core stack	�Ϫ���
13081core storage	�Ϫ��x�s��
13082core store	�Ϫ��x�s��
13083core switch circuit	�Ϫ�}���q��
13084core system	�Ϫ�t��
13085core tape	�Ϫ�a
13086core testing circuit	�Ϫ���չq��
13087core transistor circuit	�Ϫ�q����q��
13088corner	����
13089corner cut	����
13090corner tolerance	�ਤ�e��
13091corona	��q
13092coroutine	��P�`��
13093coroutine call and return	��P�`���եΩM��^
13094coroutine linkage	��P�`���챵
13095corporate data base	�p�X��Ʈw
13096corporate data network	�p�X��ƺ�
13097corporate financial system	�p�X�]�Ȩt��
13098corporate information center	�p�X��������
13099corporate information service department	�p�X�T���A�ȳ�
13100corporate management information system	�p�X�޲z�T���t��
13101corporate phone directory	���q�q�ܸ��Xï
13102corporate planning system	���~�W���t��
13103corporate resolution	���q�v�d
13104corpus	�y����Ʈw
13105corpuscle	�ɤl
13106correct	���T
13107correct and copy	�ե��_��
13108correct data	�ե����
13109correct entry	�ե���
13110correct recognition rate	���T�ѧO�v
13111correct route	���T���|
13112correct time	�ǽT�ɶ�
13113correctable error	�i�տ��~
13114correctable gate	�i�ե��h
13115corrected data	�w�ո��
13116correcter unit	�ե���
13117correcting circuit	�ե��q��
13118correcting code	�ե��X
13119correcting computer	�ե��p���
13120correcting condition	�ե�����
13121correcting element	�ե�����
13122correcting function	�ե����
13123correcting pulse	�ե��߽�
13124correcting signal	�ե��H��
13125correction	�ե�
13126correction capability	�ȿ���O
13127correction channel	�ե��q�D
13128correction code byte	�ե��X�r�`
13129correction code check	�ե��X����
13130correction coefficient	�ե��Y��
13131correction data	�ե����
13132correction of error	�~�t�ե�
13133correction program	�ե��{��
13134correction support circuitry	�ե��䴩�q��
13135correction system	�ե��t��
13136correction term	�ե���
13137correction time	�ե��ɶ�
13138corrective action request	�ե��ʧ@�ШD
13139corrective command	�ե��R�O
13140corrective guidance command	�ե���ɩR�O
13141corrective maintenance	�ե����@
13142corrective maintenance time	�ե����@�ɶ�
13143corrective network	�ե�����
13144corrective service	�ե��A��
13145correctness	���T��
13146correctness of concurrency control	���汱����T��
13147correctness oriented programming	���V���T�ʪ��{���]�p
13148correctness proof	���T���ҩ�
13149correctness specification	���T����
13150corrector	�ե���
13151corrector formula	�ե�����
13152correlated data processor	������ƳB�z��
13153correlated noise	��������
13154correlated radio lines	�������L�u
13155correlation adjusted	�H���ʽվ�
13156correlation coefficient	�H���Y��
13157correlation matrix	�H���x�}
13158correlation tolerance	�����e�e
13159corrention	��	CORR
13160correspondent	�ŦX	CORR
13161cosine	�l��
13162cost	����
13163cost adjustment	�����վ�
13164cost amount for month-to-date	����ܤ��馨�����B
13165cost and profit information calculated	�����P�Q���p��
13166cost basis	������¦
13167cost broken down	�������u
13168cost deviation	�������t
13169cost deviation code	�������t�X
13170cost effectivity	�������ĩ�
13171cost of all on-hand items	�����b�w���ئ���
13172cost of capital	�ꥻ����
13173cost of on-hand	�b�w����
13174cost of placing an order	�o�X�@�q�椧����
13175cost of sales	�P�f����
13176cost of sales this period	�����P�⦨��
13177cost of sales this year	���~�P�⦨��
13178cost of usage this period	�����ϥζq����
13179cost of usage this year	���~�ϥζq����
13180cost per piece	�C����
13181cost per unit	��즨��
13182cost rate	������v
13183cost replace amount	�����m�����B
13184cost reports	��������
13185cost technique	�����޳N
13186cost technique code	�����޳N�X
13187cost total sheet	�����`�p��
13188cost total sheet-closed orders	�����`�p��-�w���׭q��
13189cost variance	�����t��
13190cost variations-current to standard	�����t��--��������зǪ�
13191cost worksheet	�����u�@��
13192cost-performance	�����įq��
13193costed reports	��������
13194costing	�����k
13195costing date	�������
13196costing table	������
13197council of europe	�ڬw�e���|	COE
13198count attribute	�p���ݩ�
13199count of the planned orders to be firmed	�w�p���ݽT�{�q�椧����
13200count of value	�ƭȭp��
13201count parameter	�p�ưѼ�; �p�ƾ�
13202counted quantity	�L�I�ƶq
13203counted sting	�p�Ʀ��
13204counter	�p�ƾ�
13205countercolockwise	�f������V
13206counters	�p�ƾ�; �ֺ⾹
13207counting semaphore	�p�ƫH��
13208coupler	�¦X��
13209course line computer	��u�p���	CLC
13210cover	�\�l
13211cover assembly	�\�O�զX
13212cover letter	�ʭ��H��
13213cover note	�ʭ��`�I
13214cover slide	�\�O�ƭy
13215coverage analysis	�A�νd����R
13216CP/OSS	CP/OSS�줽�Ǧ۰ʤƨt��
13217CPU	�����B�z�椸
13218crank	���`
13219crash	���; �G�٪�; �t�άG��
13220CRB	�q�D�ШD��
13221CRC	�`���h�l�ˬd
13222CRC (abbreviation)	�`�����l�ֹ蠟�Y�g
13223create	�إ�
13224create a directory	�إߥؿ�
13225create form	�إߪ��
13226creating new document form	�إ߷s�����
13227credit	�U��; �H��
13228credit code	�H�νX
13229credit description	�H���
13230credit discount	�H�Χ馩
13231credit extension decisions	�H���X�i�M��
13232credit limit	�H���B��
13233credit memo	�U���̳�
13234credit memo code	�U���̳�X
13235credit memo invoice reference	�U���̳�o���ҩ�
13236credit memorandum	�U���q�]��
13237creditor	���v�H
13238credits	�U�B
13239crew	�խ�
13240crippled leap frog test	��B����	CLT
13241criteria	�n��
13242critical	����; ���䪺
13243critical extension center	��n�u�@��
13244critical item	��n����
13245critical operation time factor	��n�@�~�ɦ]��
13246critical orders list	��n�q��M�U
13247critical path method	�n�|�u����
13248critical ratio	���v
13249critical ratio limit	���v����
13250critical section	����Ϭq; �{�ɰϬq
13251crop	�ŵ�
13252cross application support system	���Τ䴩�t��
13253cross correlation	�椬����
13254cross cursor	��e�Ѧ�; ��e�ѷ�
13255cross hair	�Q�r��e�I
13256cross hatch	��e�v�u
13257cross modulation	���
13258cross operation	��e�B��; ��e�B�@
13259cross point fault	�洡�I���~
13260cross product	��e���n
13261cross reference	�椬�Ѧ�
13262cross tabulation	��ӦC��
13263cross-file	�椬�k��
13264cross-filing	�椬�k��
13265cross-reference	��ӰѦҪ�
13266cross-reference table or listing	��ӰѦҪ�ΦC��
13267crossfoot	��e����
13268crossfooting	�椬����
13269crosspoint connection	��e�I�s��
13270crosspoint switching matrix	���I�}���x�}
13271crosstalk	�ꭵ
13272crosstalk attenuation	�ꭵ�I��
13273crosstalk coupling	�V�T���X
13274crosstalk disturbance	�ꭵ�z�Z
13275crosstalk interference	�ꭵ�z�Z
13276crosstalk measure set	�ꭵ����
13277crosstalk meter	�ꭵ���ջ�
13278crosstalk path	�ꭵ���|
13279crossword puzzle	�@���a���r�r��
13280crowbar	�����q��
13281CRT	�����g�u��
13282crude	���[�u
13283crude materials	�ͮ�
13284crylographic trasformation	�[�K�ഫ
13285cryoelectronics	�C�Źq�l��
13286cryogenic	�C��
13287cryogenic computer memory	�C�ŭp����O����
13288cryogenic continuous film memory	�C�ųs�������O����
13289cryogenic data center	�C�Ÿ�Ƥ���
13290cryogenic element	�C�Ť���
13291cryogenic memory	�C�ŰO����
13292cryogenic storage	�W�C���x�s��
13293cryogenic storage container	�W�C���x�s���e��
13294cryogenic storage system	�W�C���x�s�t��
13295cryogenic store	�W�C���x�s
13296cryogenics	�C�Ū��z��
13297cryometer	�C�ŭp
13298cryomite	�p���C�ŭP�N��
13299cryopump	�C�Ŭu
13300cryosar	���Y�_�X�C�Ŷ}��
13301cryoscope	�B�I���w��
13302cryostat	�P�N��
13303cryotron	�N�l��
13304cryotron associative processor	�N�l�����p�B�z��
13305cryotron computer	�N�l�ޭp���
13306cryotron memory	�N�l�ްO����
13307cryptanalysis	�K�X���R
13308crypto	�K�X��
13309crypto unit	�K�X�˸m
13310cryptocenter	�K�X����
13311cryptochannel	�K�X�q�D
13312cryptogram	�K�X�q��
13313cryptograph	�K�X
13314cryptographic communication	�K�X�q�T
13315cryptographic data unit	�K�X��Ƴ]��
13316cryptographic equipment	�K�X�Ƹ˸m
13317cryptographic key	�K�X��
13318cryptographic key distribution center	�K�X����t����
13319cryptographic key translation center	�K�X��½Ķ����
13320cryptographical center	�K�X����	CRYPCEN
13321cryptography	�K�X�N
13322cryptography architecture	�K�X���c
13323cryptogrphic severe message	�Y��[�K�q��S�K�q
13324cryptoguard	�K�X�O�@
13325cryptologic	�K�X�޿�
13326cryptologic organization	�K�X��´
13327cryptology	�K�X�N
13328cryptomaterial	�K�X����
13329cryptopart	�K�X����
13330cryptosecurity	�O�K���I
13331cryptosystem	�K�X�t��
13332cryptotechnique	�K�X�޳N
13333cryptotext	�K�X�q��
13334crystal	����
13335crystal amplifier	�����j��
13336crystal anisotropy	����U�V�ɩ�
13337crystal calibrator	����շǾ�
13338crystal chemistry	����ƾ�
13339crystal controlled clock	�ۭ^��������
13340crystal controlled oscillator	����������
13341crystal counter	����p�ƾ�
13342crystal current	����q�y
13343crystal diode	����G����
13344crystal gate	����h
13345crystal growth	����ͪ�
13346crystal impedance	�������
13347crystal lattice	����
13348crystal orientation	���V
13349crystal oscillator	���鮶����
13350crystal perfection	���駹��
13351crystal pulling	�Գ洹
13352crystal rectiler	�����y��
13353crystal triode	����T����
13354crystalline anisotropy	���A�U�V�ɩ�
13355crystalline perfection	���A�����
13356crystalline phase	����
13357crystalline silicon	����ֺ
13358crystallite	�L��
13359crystallization	����
13360crystallization rate	�����t��
13361crystallographic orientation	���V
13362crystallographic structure	���鵲�c
13363crystallography	�����
13364CSA	�[���j�зǧ�
13365CSDN	�q���洫�ƾں���
13366CSMA/CD	�h���^��/�I��������a�ļ����������i�P
13367CSR	����A�̦s��
13368CSU	�q�D�A�ȳ���
13369cube	�ߤ�
13370cube manager	�ߤ���޲z
13371cube network	�ߤ������
13372cube root	�ߤ��
13373cubic	�ߤ�
13374cubic algebra	�ߤ�N��
13375cubic convergence	�T������
13376cubic fitting model	���u���X�ҫ�
13377cubic graph	�T����
13378cubic meter	�ߤ��
13379cubic notation	�ߤ��ܪk
13380cubic resistance	��q��
13381cubic spline	�T���˱�
13382cubical	�ߤ�
13383cubical algebra	�ߤ�N��
13384cubo cubic transformation	�����ܴ�
13385cue mark	�����аO
13386cue response query	���������߶�
13387cue signal	�������O�T��
13388cue tape	���O�ϱa
13389cue ttrack	���O�ϱa
13390CUG	�ʳ��ϥΪ�G��
13391cumulative	�֭p��
13392cumulative available capacity	�֭p�i�β���
13393cumulative distance	�֭p�Z��
13394cumulative distribution function	�ֿn�������	CDF
13395cumulative error	�ֿn�~�t
13396cumulative index	�h������
13397cumulative indexing	�h������
13398cumulative material lead time	���Ʋ֭p�e�m�ɶ�
13399cumulative percent cost price	��������֭p�ʤ���
13400cumulative percent items	���ز֭p�ʤ���
13401cumulative percent usage	�ϥζq�֭p�ʤ���
13402cumulative percentage	�ֿn�v
13403cumulative relative frequency	�ֿn�۹��W�v
13404cumulative reliability	�`�i�a��
13405cumulative remainder	�ֿn�Ѿl
13406cumulative service tape	�ֿn�A��
13407cumulative sum	�֥[�M
13408cumulative usage	�֭p�ϥζq
13409cumulative usage amount	�֭p�ϥζq���B
13410cumulative value	�ֿn��
13411cup	�椤����
13412cup wheel printer	�M���C�L��
13413curie point	�~���I
13414curie point writing	�~���I�g�J
13415curl	�۫�
13416curr as-is	�{�氲�]
13417currency	����
13418currency control table	������
13419currency indicator	��e�ȫ��ܲ�
13420currency indicators	�{��q���ܾ�
13421currency sign	�f���Ÿ�
13422currency status indicators	�{�檬�A���ܾ�
13423currency symbol	�f���żлx
13424current	�q�y; �{��; �ثe��; �ثe; �{��	CUR
13425current access mode	�{�Φs���Ҧ�
13426current activation item	�ثe�ʺA����
13427current activity	�{�次��
13428current address	�{��}
13429current address register	�{��}�Ȧs��
13430current amplification	�q�y��j
13431current amplifier	�q�y��j��
13432current annual forecast	�����~�׹w��
13433current argument stack	�{���ܤ���
13434current assets	�y�ʸ겣
13435current attenuation	�q�y�I��
13436current awareness	�̷s�����q��
13437current awareness service	�̷s�����q���A��
13438current backup version	��e�ƥ�����
13439current balance	�����l�B
13440current beam position	�{��q�l����m
13441current bit	�{���
13442current bit monitor unit	�{���ʵ��椸
13443current block number	��e����
13444current buffer address	�ثe�w�İϦ�}
13445current buffer area	�{��w��
13446current channel register	�{��q�D�Ȧs��
13447current character	�{�Φr��
13448current circuit	�q�y�q��
13449current command file	��e�R�O�ɮ�
13450current commonly used Chinese character	�{�N�q�Τ�r
13451current component	�q�y���q
13452current cost	��������
13453current cursor position	�{����m
13454current data array	�{���Ƴ��C
13455current data bit	�{���Ʀ�
13456current database file	�{���Ʈw�ɮ�
13457current date	����
13458current date information	�����T��
13459current default directory	��e���w���w�ؿ�
13460current desity	�q�y�K��
13461current device	�{��]��
13462current directory	�ثe�ؿ�
13463current directory path	�ثe�ؿ����|
13464current disk	�ثe�Ϻ�
13465current distribution	�q�y����
13466current document	�{���
13467current document block	�{����
13468current drive	�ثe�Ϻо�
13469current effciency	�����IJv
13470current file	��e�ɮ�
13471current file area	��e�ɮװ�
13472current file user	��e�ɮץΤ�
13473current gain	�q�y�W�q
13474current generation	��N
13475current generation file	�s�@�N�ɮ�
13476current generator	�q�y�o�;�
13477current goal	��e�ؼ�
13478current graph	�q�y��
13479current hogging injection logic	�q�y�Z�ê`�J�޿�	CHIL
13480current hogging logic	�q�y�Z���޿�
13481current indicator	�{����ܲ�
13482current information selection	�{��H�����
13483current injection logic	�q�y�`�J�޿�	CIL
13484current input	��e��J
13485current input state	��e��J�A
13486current input stream	��e��J�y
13487current input stream pointer	��e��J�y���ܦr
13488current instruction	�{����O
13489current instruction register	�{����O�Ȧs��	CIR
13490current instruction segment register	�{����O�q�H�s��	CIR
13491current instruction word	�{����O�r
13492current knife	�q�y�M
13493current labor content this level	���������H�u�ƭ�
13494current labor rate code	�����H�u��v�X
13495current left margin	�{�楪����
13496current length	��e����
13497current liabilities	�y�ʭt��
13498current library	�{��{�Ǯw
13499current limiting resistor	���y�q����	CLR
13500current line	��e��
13501current line pointer	��e����ܦr	CLP
13502current location	��e��m
13503current location counter	�{�Φ�m�p�⾹
13504current location pointer	��e��m���ܦr
13505current loop	�q�y�j��
13506current machine rate	����������v
13507current message block	�{�ΫH���ϰ�
13508current mode	�q�y�覡
13509current mode circuit	�q�y���q��
13510current mode complementary transistor	�q�y�����ɴ�����޿�
13511current mode digital to analog converter	�q�y���Ƽ��ഫ��	CMDAC
13512current mode logic	�q�y���޿�
13513current month percent	����ʤ���
13514current number	�{��s��
13515current operation	�{��@�~
13516current operation work center	�{��@�~�u�@��
13517current operator	��e���
13518current order	�{����O	CD
13519current output	��e��X
13520current output state	��e��X�A
13521current overhead code	���������s�y�O�νX
13522current overhead content this level	�������������s�y�O�μƭ�
13523current overhead percent	���������s�y�O�Φʤ���
13524current overhead percentage	���������s�y�O�Φʤ���
13525current overhead rate	���������s�y�O��v
13526current overhead rate code	���������s�y�O��v�X
13527current page	�{�歶
13528current page register	�{�歶���H�s��
13529current parent	��e�s�N
13530current partition	�{�����
13531current period	��e�P��
13532current pointer	��e���w
13533current position	�ثe��m
13534current print position	��e�C�L��m
13535current priority indicator	�{���u�����ܲ�
13536current priority level	�{���u����
13537current probe	�q�y����
13538current processor priority	��e�B�z���u����
13539current processor status	��e�B�z�����A
13540current product line	�{��Ͳ��u	CPL
13541current production	�{��Ͳ�
13542current program	�{��{��
13543current program segment	�{��{�Ǭq
13544current program status word	�{��{�Ǫ��A�r
13545current purchase content this level	�����������ʼƭ�
13546current queue	�{�浥�ݧǦC
13547current record	�{��O��
13548current record buffer	�{��O���w��
13549current record pointer	�{��O������
13550current regulator hybrids	�q�y�ո`���βV�X�L�q��
13551current replacement cost	������m����
13552current requesting program	�{��ШD�{��
13553current requirement	�{��n�D
13554current research information system	�{�p��s�����t��
13555current resources	�{��귽
13556current rise time	�q�y�W�ɮɶ�
13557current routine	�{��{��
13558current ruler	�{�γW��
13559current run labor rate	�����B�@�H�u��v
13560current schema	�{����
13561current screen	�ثe�ù�
13562current security count	�{��w���p��
13563current selected switch	�q�y��ܶ}��
13564current sentential form	�{��y��
13565current setup cost per lot	�����C���Ʀ���
13566current setup labor rate	������ƤH�u�O�v
13567current sink	�q�y�l����
13568current slot	��e�ɶ��q
13569current software priority level	�{��n���u����
13570current source	�q�y��
13571current source file	�{���l�ɮ�
13572current sourcing logic	�q�y���޿�
13573current spike	�q�y�y�ߨR
13574current stabilizer	í�y��
13575current stack context	�{��̫e�Z���t
13576current stack frame	�{��̮ج[
13577current stack pointer	�{��̫��w
13578current stack top value	�{��̳���
13579current standard cost	�����зǦ���
13580current state	�{�檬�A
13581current statement number	�{���ԭz��
13582current status	�{�檬�A
13583current status indicator	�{�檬�A���ܾ�
13584current status input	�{�檬�A��J
13585current status list	�{�檬�A��
13586current status register	�{�檬�A�H�s��	CSTR
13587current steering	�q�y�ɤ�
13588current steering diode matrix	�q�y�ɤޤG���ޯx�}
13589current steering element	�q�y�ɤޤ���
13590current steering gate	�q�y�ɤު�
13591current steering logic	�q�y�ɤ��޿�
13592current steering switch	�q�y�ɤ޶}��
13593current string	��e�r�Ŧ�
13594current subtree	��e�l��
13595current switch	�q�y�}��
13596current switch logic	�q�y�}���޿�
13597current switching circuit	�q�y�}���q��
13598current switching mode	�q�y�}����
13599current system input device	�{��t�ο�J�]��
13600current task	�{����
13601current task table	�{���Ȫ�
13602current text size	�{�Τ�Z�ؤo	CT
13603current threshold	�q�y��
13604current time	�{��
13605current transfer order	�{���ಾ���O
13606current transfer ratio	�{��ǿ�v
13607current transformer	�ܬy��
13608current unit cost	������즨��
13609current user coordinate system	�{��Τ᧤�Шt
13610current user name	�{���W
13611current value	�{���
13612current versus voltage curve	�q�y�q�����u
13613current word pointer	�{��r���ܲ�	CWP
13614current work center	�{��u�@��
13615current working directory	�{��u�@�ؿ�
13616current working set	�{��u�@������
13617cursor	���	CSR
13618cursor blink	���
13619cursor control	����
13620cursor control key	������
13621cursor data	���
13622cursor indicator	��Ы��ܾ�
13623cursor left	�����
13624cursor line	��нu
13625cursor mark	��вŸ�
13626cursor mode	��мҺA
13627cursor moving key	������
13628cursor position	���m
13629cursor register	��бH�s��
13630cursor remove	����
13631cursor right	��Хk��
13632cursor roam area	��в��ʰ�
13633cursor roam position	��в��ʦ�m
13634cursor selection field	������
13635cursor style	�����
13636curtate	����
13637curvature	���v
13638curve	���u
13639curve conformity	���u�@�P��
13640curve description	���u�y�z
13641curve fitting	���u�A�t
13642curve fitting compaction	���u���X���Y�k
13643curve fitting method	���u�A�t�k
13644curve follower	���uŪ����
13645curve following stylus	���u���H�w
13646curve generation	���u�ͦ�
13647curve generator	���u���;�
13648curve nonformity	���u�D�@�P��
13649curve pattern compaction	���u�������Y�k
13650curve plotter	ø�Ͼ�
13651curve segmentation	���u���q
13652curve surface definition	�����w�q
13653curvilineal	���u
13654curvilineal corrdinate	���u�y��
13655curvilineal net	���u����
13656cushion	�n��
13657CUSP	�`�Ψt�ε{��
13658cust order	�Ȥ�q��
13659custom	�w�
13660custom built installation process offering	���ѩw��w�˹L�{
13661custom built system	�M�Ψt��
13662custom hybrids	�M�βV�X�L�q��
13663custom input output unit	�Ȥ��J��X�˸m	CIOU
13664custom integrated circuit	�w��n��q��
13665custom made	�w��
13666custom made chip	�w������
13667custom options	�������
13668custom order on line processing	�Ȥ�q���p���B�z	COOP
13669custom order online processing	�Ȥ�q���p���B�z
13670custom processor	�w��B�z��
13671custom program	�w��{��
13672custom programmable read only memory module	�Τ�i�s�{�ǰ�Ū�x�s��
13673custom setting	�۳]��; �۩w��
13674custom system	�Ȥ�t��
13675custom wired	�Ȥ�s�u��
13676custom-bonded item	�O�|����
13677customer accounting system	�Ȥ�|�p�t��	CAS
13678customer application summary	�Ȥ����κK�n
13679customer back communications terminal	�U�ȻȦ�H�׺�	CBCT
13680customer charges	�Ȥ᦬�O
13681customer controller	�Τᱱ�
13682customer engineer	���@�u�{�v
13683customer engineer disk	���@�u�{�v�Ϻ�
13684customer engineer diskette	���@�u�{�v�n�L
13685customer engineer user profile	���@�u�{�v�Τᷧ�p��
13686customer engineering	�Ȥ�u�{
13687customer engineering monitor	�Ȥ�u�{�ʷ��{��	CEMON
13688customer engineers memorandum	�Ȥ�u�{�v�Ƨѿ�
13689customer information control system	�Ȥ��T����t��	CICS
13690customer initiated call	�U�ȹq��
13691customer interface	�Ȥᤶ��
13692customer item comment	�Ȥᶵ�ػ���
13693customer job number	�Ȥ�u�@���X
13694customer meter	�����
13695customer multiplexer	�Ȥ�h���ഫ��	CMX
13696customer option	�Ȥ���
13697customer order comment	�Ȥ�q�满��
13698customer order lead time	�Ȥ�q��e�m�ɶ�
13699customer order number	�Ȥ�q�渹�X
13700customer order processing	�Ȥ�q��B�z
13701customer order summary file	�Ȥ�q��J�`��
13702customer password	�Ȥ�q��X
13703customer pick list requirements	�Ȥ��ˮƲM��ݨD
13704customer replaceable unit	�Ȥ�i������
13705customer select	�Ȥ���
13706customer service representation	�Ȥ�A�ȥN��
13707customer service representative	�Ȥ�A�ȥN��
13708customer set up	�Ȥ�˸m
13709customer setup	�Ȥ�w��
13710customer shipping name	�Ȥ�X�f�W��
13711customer special charge display	�Ȥ�S���O���
13712customer specification	�Ȥ�W��
13713customer system	�Ȥ�t��
13714customer terminal equipment	�Ȥ�׺ݳ]��
13715customer use	�Ȥ�e��
13716customization	�Ȥ�W��]�w
13717customize	�۩w; �w��; �]�w�Ȥ�W��
13718customized format	�w��榡
13719cut	����
13720cut off gain	�I�_�W�q
13721cut sheets	��i��
13722cutoff	�I��
13723cutoff inventory	�ѮƮw�s; �I��w�s
13724cutoff quantity	�I��ƶq
13725cutover	�I��
13726cutter	�I�_��
13727CX	�r���ǰe
13728cycle	�`������; �`��; �g��
13729cycle count	�g���L�I
13730cycle count	�g���L�I
13731cycle count activity	�g���L�I����
13732cycle count code	�g���L�I�X
13733cycle count compare	�g���L�I���
13734cycle count list	�g���L�I�M�U
13735cycle count selection	�g���L�I���
13736cycle logarithmic	10������
13737cycle period	�g��
13738cycle run	�`������
13739cycle stock	�g���s�q
13740cycle time	�`���ɶ�; �g���ɶ�
13741cyclic file	�`���ɮ�
13742cyclic group	�`���s
13743cyclic redundancy	�`���h�l�ˬd
13744cyclic redundancy check	�`���h�l�ˬd	CRC
13745cyclic redundancy check	�`����������r��
13746cyclic shift	�ݰj����
13747cylinder	�ϬW; ��W
13748cylinder index	�ϬW����
13749cylinder lens	��W�z��
13750cylinder numder	�ϬW�s��
13751cylindrical	������	*
13752desk-top calculator	��W���p�⾹	*
13753device control character	�˸m����r��	*
13754display calculator	��ܭp��	*
13755display calculator	��ܭp��	*
13756search cycle	�d�M�g��
13757D-A converter	�Ʀ������ഫ��; �����ഫ��
13758D-algorithm	�t��k
13759d-alogrithm	�t��k	DALG
13760d-c amplifier	���y��j��
13761d-c coupling	���y���X
13762d-c data set	���y��ƾ�
13763d-c dump	���y�ɦL
13764D-calculus	�t��; �p��
13765D-chain trace	�����
13766d-character	�r��
13767D-control	�L������
13768D-cube calculus	�ߤ�t��
13769D-disk	�Ϻ�
13770D-floating datum	D--�B�ʸ��
13771D-floating point data	D--�B�I���
13772D-frontier	��t
13773d.c. amplifier	���y��j��
13774d.c. analog computer	���y����p���
13775d.c. flip-flop	���y���Ͼ�
13776d.c. restoration	���y��_
13777d.c. signalling	���y�H���ǿ�; ���y�H�O
13778D/A converter	�Ʀ�������ഫ��
13779DAC monitor	�Ʀ�--�����ഫ���ʱ��{��
13780DAC-1 monitor	DAC-1 �ʱ���
13781dadanet	��ƺ�
13782dagger	�C��
13783daily back up volume	��ƥ���
13784daily batch	�C��妸�B�z
13785daily capacity	�C�鲣��
13786daily initialization diskette	���l�Ƴn��
13787daily traffic flow	�C��q�T�q
13788daisy chain	����
13789daisy chain bus	����ζ׬y��
13790daisy chain connection	������s��
13791daisy chain interrupt	������_
13792daisy chain recursion	�����廼�j
13793daisy wheel printer	������L���
13794daisy-chained cable	���⦡�q�l
13795daisy-chained memory chip	���⦡�x�s��( �� )��
13796damage	�l�a
13797damage assessment routine	�l�a���p�Ҧ�`��
13798damage correction	�l�a�ե�
13799damaged database	���l��Ʈw
13800damaged naturall frequency	���l�۵M�W�v
13801damaged satellite	���l�ìP
13802damped method	�����k
13803damper	������
13804damping	����
13805damping control	�[�ñ��
13806damping factor	�����]�l
13807damping pad holder	�[�ùԦ��[
13808danger protecting function	�M�I���@�\��
13809dangerous area	�M�I��
13810dangerous function	�M�I���
13811dangling pointer	�n�\����
13812dangling pointer problem	�n�\����D
13813dark adaptation	�t�A��
13814dark current	�t( �q )�y
13815dark region	�t��
13816dark satelllte	���K�ìP
13817DASD dump restore program	�����s���x�s�]�����x�s��_�{��
13818DASD queue	�����s���x�s�]�ư}�C
13819DASD sharing	�����s���x�s�]�Ʀ@��
13820dash	�}�鸹
13821dash control	���s����
13822dash pattern	��u�Ҧ�
13823dash-out	�R�h; �ı�
13824dashed line	��u
13825DASHER	�ز׺ݨt��
13826dashpot	���; ��������q��
13827DASPAN	�ƾڳq�T�����]�I
13828data	���; �ƾ�
13829data abstraction	��Ʃ�H��
13830data abstraction language	��Ʃ�H�ƻy��
13831data accepted	�w�������
13832data accepted flag	��Ʊ����X��
13833data access	��Ʀs��; �ƾڦs��
13834data access arrangement	��Ʀs���˸m	DAA
13835data access control	��Ʀs������
13836data access data channel	��Ʀs���ƾڳq�D
13837data access language	��Ʀs���y��
13838data access management	��Ʀs���޲z
13839data access method	��Ʀs���k
13840data access path	��Ʀs�����|
13841data access protocol	��Ʀs����w	DAP
13842data access register	��Ʀs���Ȧs��	DAR
13843data access security	��Ʀs���w����	DAS
13844data access system	��Ʀs���t��
13845data access system language	��Ʀs���t�λy��	DASL
13846data accumulation and distribution units	��Ʋ֥[�P���t�˸m	DADU
13847data accumulator	��Ʋ֥[��
13848data acpuisition and processing	�������M�B�z	DAP
13849data acquisition	������; ��ƨ���	DA
13850data acquisition and computer system	�������M�p����t��	DACS
13851data acquisition and control	�������P����	DAC
13852data acquisition and control system	�������M����t��	DACS
13853data acquisition and conversion system	�������P�ഫ�t��	DACS
13854data acquisition and correction system	�������P�ե��t��	DACS
13855data acquisition and display system	�������P��ܨt��	DADS
13856data acquisition and interpretation system	�������M��Ķ�t��	DAISY
13857data acquisition and monitoring equipment	�������P�ʱ��]��	DAME
13858data acquisition and processing	�������M�B�z
13859data acquisition and processing program	�������M�B�z�{��	DAPP
13860data acquisition and processing system	�������M�B�z�t��	DAPS
13861data acquisition and processing unit	�������P�B�z�椸	DAPU
13862data acquisition and recording system	�������M�O���t��	DARS
13863data acquisition and recording terminal	�������P�O���׺ݾ�	DART
13864data acquisition and reduction system	�������P²�ƨt��	DARS
13865data acquisition and reports control	�������P������	DARC
13866data acquisition center	����������	DAC
13867data acquisition chassis	�������[	DAC
13868data acquisition computer	�������p���	DAC
13869data acquisition control and buffer unit	����������M�w�ľ�	DACBU
13870data acquisition control system	����������t��
13871data acquisition equipment	�������]��	DAE
13872data acquisition facility	�������]�I	DAF
13873data acquisition logging system	���������x�t��
13874data acquisition multiprogramming system	�������h���{���]�p�t��	DAMPS
13875data acquisition probe	���������w
13876data acquisition recorder	�������O����	DAR
13877data acquisition recording system	�������O���t��
13878data acquisition station	��������	DAS
13879data acquisition statisical recorder	��Ʀ����έp�O����	DASR
13880data acquisition system	�������t��	DAS
13881data acquisition test	����������	DAT
13882data adapter	��ưt����	DA
13883data adapter unit	��ưt���椸	DAU
13884data adaptive monitor	��Ʀ۾A���ʵ���
13885data address	��Ʀ�}
13886data address register	��Ʀ�}�Ȧs��	DAR
13887data addressed memory	��Ʃw�}�O����	DAM
13888data addressed storage	��Ʃw�}�x�s��
13889data addressing	��Ʃw�}
13890data administration	��ƺ޲z
13891data administration control system	��ƺ޲z����t��
13892data administration system	��ƺ޲z�t��	DAS
13893data administrator	��ƺ޲z�v; ��ƺ޲z�{��	DA
13894data aggregate	��ƶ��E; ��ƻE�X
13895data aggregate type	��ƻE�X����
13896data ailgnment network	��ƽվ����
13897data alignment	��ƽվ�
13898data alphabet	��Ʀr����
13899data analysis	��Ƥ��R	DATAN
13900data analysis and classification	��Ƥ��R�P����	DANAC
13901data analysis and processing	��Ƥ��R�P�B�z	DAP
13902data analysis and reduction system	��Ƥ��R�P²�ƨt��	DARES
13903data analysis and technique development center	��Ƥ��R�P�޳N�}�o����	DATDC
13904data analysis console	��Ƥ��R����x	DAC
13905data analysis control	��Ƥ��R����	DAC
13906data analysis data base	��Ƥ��R��Ʈw	DADB
13907data analysis display unit	��Ƥ��R��ܳ椸
13908data analysis facility	��Ƥ��R�]�I	DAF
13909data analysis program	��Ƥ��R�{��	DAP
13910data analysis recording tape	��Ƥ��R�O���ϱa	DART
13911data analysis software	��Ƥ��R�n��
13912data analysis system	��Ƥ��R�t��	DASY
13913data analysis technique	��Ƥ��R�޳N
13914data analysis tool	��Ƥ��R�u��
13915data and address bus	��ƩM��}�׬y��
13916data and computation center	��ƩM�p�⤤��	DACC
13917data and control bus	��Ʊ���׬y��	DCB
13918data and research technology corporation	��ƻP��s�޳N���q	DART
13919data and structure definition language	��ƩM���c�w�q�y��	DASDL
13920data antidependence	��Ƥ�������
13921data area	��ư�
13922data area data structure	��ưϸ�Ƶ��c
13923data area number	��ưϽs��
13924data area offset	��ưϦ첾�q
13925data array	��ư}�C; ��Ʋ�
13926data array shared among sibling tasks	�P�M���ȶ��@�θ�ư}�C
13927data article requirements	��ƶ��ݨD	DAR
13928data assembly and checking circuit	��ƲզX�M����q��	DAC
13929data associative message	��Ƭ����H��	DAM
13930data attribute	����ݩ�; �ƾ��ݩ�
13931data authentication	���Ų�w
13932data automatation	��Ʀ۰ʤ�
13933data automatic reduction equipement	��Ʀ۰�²�Ƴ]��	DARE
13934data automatic rescheduling technique	��Ʀ۰ʦA�Ƶ{�޳N	DART
13935data automatic system	��Ʀ۰ʳB�z�t��
13936data automation equipment	��Ʀ۰ʤƳ]��	DAE
13937data automation requirement	��Ʀ۰ʤƭn�D	DAR
13938data automation research and experimentation	��Ʀ۰ʤƬ�s�P����	DARE
13939data automation subsystem	��Ʀ۰ʤƤl�t��	DAS
13940data auxiliary set	��ƻ��U�]��
13941data available	����	DA
13942data bank	��ƻȦ�; ��Ʈw	DBK
13943data base	��ư�; ��Ʈw	DB
13944data base abstraction	��Ʈw��H��
13945data base access	��Ʈw�s��
13946data base access control	��Ʈw�s������
13947data base access facility	��Ʈw�s���{���n��	DBAF
13948data base access language	��Ʈw�s���y��
13949data base access program interface	��Ʈw�s���{������
13950data base administration	��Ʈw�޲z
13951data base administrator	��Ʈw�޲z�v; ��Ʈw�޲z��	DBA
13952data base administrator aid	��Ʈw�޲z�H�����U�{��
13953data base analysis	��Ʈw���R
13954data base and transaction management system	��Ʈw�P���ʺ޲z�t��
13955data base architecture	��Ʈw��t���c
13956data base area file	��Ʈw���ɮ�
13957data base authorization file	��Ʈw���v�ɮ�
13958data base availability	��Ʈw�i�Ω�; ��Ʈw���IJv
13959data base backup	��Ʈw�ƥ�
13960data base backup dump	��Ʈw�ƥζɦL
13961data base backup dump tape	��Ʈw�ƥ����x�a
13962data base buffer	��Ʈw�w�İ�
13963data base buffer management	��Ʈw�w�İ�
13964data base call	��Ʈw�ե�
13965data base component	��Ʈw����
13966data base computer	��Ʈw�p���	DBC
13967data base configuration	��Ʈw�պA
13968data base consistency	��Ʈw�@�P��
13969data base construction	��Ʈw���c
13970data base control block	��Ʈw�����	DBCB
13971data base control system	��Ʈw����t��	DBCS
13972data base creation	��Ʈw�إ�
13973data base creation process	��Ʈw�إߵ{��
13974data base data commuication	��Ʈw��Ƴq�T�޲z�t��	DBDC
13975data base data model	��Ʈw��Ƽҫ�
13976data base data name	��Ʈw��ƦW
13977data base definition file	��Ʈw�w�q�ɮ�
13978data base description	��Ʈw�y�z
13979data base descriptor module	��Ʈw�y�z�{���Ҳ�
13980data base device failure	��Ʈw�˸m�G��; ��Ʈw�˸m����
13981data base diagnostics	��Ʈw�E�_�{��
13982data base document	��Ʈw�����
13983data base dump file	��Ʈw���x�ɮ�
13984data base entropy concept	��Ʈw�i����
13985data base entropy framework	��Ʈw�i�[�c
13986data base evaluation	��Ʈw����
13987data base exception condition	��Ʈw���`����
13988data base facility	��Ʈw���ε{��	DBF
13989data base file	��Ʈw�ɮ�	DBF
13990data base file allocation problem	��Ʈw�ɮפ��t���D
13991data base generation program	��Ʈw���͵{��
13992data base generator	��Ʈw���͵{��	DBG
13993data base graph software	��Ʈw�ϧγn��
13994data base idenitfier	��Ʈw���Ѳ�
13995data base image	��Ʈw�M��
13996data base implementation	��Ʈw����
13997data base index	��Ʈw����
13998data base initialize	��Ʈw�w�m; ��Ʈw��l��
13999data base inquiry and library browsing	��Ʈw�d�߻P�{���w�y��
14000data base inquiry system	��Ʈw�d�ߨt��
14001data base integrity	��Ʈw��X��
14002data base integrity checking	��Ʈw��X���ˬd
14003data base interlock control	��Ʈw���걱��
14004data base interpretation	��Ʈw��Ķ
14005data base key	��Ʈw����r; ��Ʈw��
14006data base key comparison	��Ʈw����r���
14007data base key file	��Ʈw����r�ɮ�
14008data base key item	��Ʈw����r��
14009data base language	��Ʈw�y��	DBL
14010data base loading	��Ʈw���J
14011data base location	��Ʈw��m
14012data base lockout	��Ʈw����
14013data base logging	��Ʈw�n��
14014data base logging interface block	��Ʈw���x�����{����
14015data base logic	��Ʈw�޿�
14016data base logical organization	��Ʈw�޿��´
14017data base maintenance	��Ʈw���@
14018data base management	��Ʈw�޲z
14019data base management capability	��Ʈw�޲z��O
14020data base management function	��Ʈw�޲z�\��
14021data base management recovery	��Ʈw�޲z��_
14022data base management restart	��Ʈw�޲z���s�Ұ�
14023data base management software	��Ʈw�޲z�n��
14024data base management system	��Ʈw�޲z�t��	DBMS
14025data base management task	��Ʈw�޲z����
14026data base manager	��Ʈw�޲z��
14027data base manager interface	��Ʈw�޲z������
14028data base manipulation	��Ʈw�ާ@
14029data base memory	��Ʈw�O����
14030data base modifier	��Ʈw�׹��y
14031data base normalization	��Ʈw���W��
14032data base of Moon rocks	��y���۸�Ʈw
14033data base operation	��Ʈw�ާ@
14034data base optimization	��Ʈw�̨Τ�
14035data base organization	��Ʈw��´
14036data base packet	��ƶǰe�]�q
14037data base performance	��Ʈw�į�
14038data base physical organization	��Ʈw�����´
14039data base portability	��Ʈw�i���
14040data base position	��Ʈw�w��
14041data base practitioner	��Ʈw�m�ߥ�
14042data base privacy	��Ʈw�O�K��
14043data base processor	��Ʈw�B�z��	DBP
14044data base program communication block	��Ʈw�{���q�T��	DB-PCB
14045data base programmer	��Ʈw�{����
14046data base programming	��Ʈw�{���]�p
14047data base programming language	��Ʈw�{���]�p�y��
14048data base protection	��Ʈw�O�@
14049data base query	��Ʈw�d��
14050data base query language	��Ʈw�d�߻y��
14051data base recovery	��Ʈw��_
14052data base recovery control	��Ʈw��_����
14053data base register	��Ʈw�Ȧs��
14054data base reliability	��Ʈw�i�a��
14055data base reorganization	��Ʈw����
14056data base restructuring	��Ʈw���㵲�c
14057data base retrieval task	��Ʈw�˯�����
14058data base rollback-and-synchronization schema	��Ʈw��^�P�B�Ҧ�
14059data base schema	��Ʈw����
14060data base security	��Ʈw�w����
14061data base security access right	��Ʈw�w���ʦs���v
14062data base segment	��Ʈw�q
14063data base semantic integrity	��Ʈw�y�q�������
14064data base session file	��Ʈw�|���ɮ�
14065data base set	��Ʈw��
14066data base simulation	��Ʈw����
14067data base snapshot	��Ʈw���I�C�L
14068data base software	��Ʈw�n��
14069data base status indicator	��Ʈw���A���ܦr
14070data base status utility	��Ʈw���A���ε{��
14071data base structure	��Ʈw���c
14072data base subdivision	��Ʈw����; ��Ʈw���q
14073data base subset	��Ʈw�l��
14074data base subsystem	��Ʈw�l�t��
14075data base support	��Ʈw�䴩
14076data base system	��Ʈw�t��
14077data base system package	��Ʈw�t�ήM�˳n��
14078data base task group	��Ʈw���ȸs	DBTG
14079data base technology	��Ʈw�޳N
14080data base time-out	��Ʈw�W��
14081data base update	��Ʈw��s
14082data base update time	��Ʈw��s�ɶ�	DBUT
14083data base utility	��Ʈw���ε{��
14084data base utility service	��Ʈw���ΪA��
14085data base view	��Ʈw����
14086data base workload	��Ʈw�u�@�t��
14087data base-oriented tool	��Ʈw�ɦV�u��
14088data base-oriented tool generator	��Ʈw�u�㪺���͵{��
14089data bit	��Ʀ줸	DB
14090data bit interval	��Ʀ줸���j
14091data bit period	��Ʀ줸�g��
14092data bits per character	�C�r���줸��
14093data block	���( �� )��
14094data block buffering	��ƶ��w��
14095data block length	��ƶ�����
14096data book	��Ƥ�U; �M��
14097data break	��Ƥ��_
14098data break cycle	��Ƥ��_�g��
14099data break transfer	���_����ƶǰe
14100data breakpoint	��Ƥ��_�I
14101data bucket	��ƶJ��
14102data buffer	��ƽw�ľ�
14103data buffer control	��ƽw�İϱ���
14104data buffer register	��ƽw�İϼȦs��
14105data buffering	��ƽw��
14106data bulk	��ƶq
14107data bus	��ƶ׬y��	DB
14108data bus buffer	��ƶ׬y�w�ľ�
14109data bus component	��ƶ׬y����
14110data bus controller	��ƶ׬y���
14111data bus coupler	��ƶ׬y���X��
14112data bus driver	��ƶ׬y�X�ʾ�
14113data bus enable in	��ƶ׬y���\��J
14114data bus latch	��ƶ׬y��
14115data bus status	��ƶ׬y���A
14116data byte buffer	��Ʀr�սw�İ�	DBB
14117data cable	�ƾڹq�l
14118data cache	��Ƨ֨��O�а�
14119data call	��ƩI�s
14120data calling	��ƩI�s
14121data capacity	��Ʈe�q
14122data capsule	��Ʈe��
14123data capture	��Ʀ���
14124data capture and management system	����^���P�޲z�t��
14125data capture speech synthesis	����^���y����X�k
14126data capture system	����^���t��
14127data card	��ƥd��
14128data card deck	��ƥd�|
14129data carrier	��Ƹ��l; ��ưO���C��
14130data carrier detector	��Ƹ��i�˪i��
14131data carrier failure detector test	��Ƹ��i�G���˴�������
14132data carrier storage	��Ƹ����x�s��
14133data cartridge drive	��Ʋ����ϱa�X�ʾ�
14134data casette	��ƥd���ϱa; ��ƥd���ϱa��
14135data cell	��Ƴ椸	DC
14136data cell drive	��Ƴ椸���ϥd����
14137data cell unit	��Ʈ���; ��Ƴ椸���ϥd����
14138data chain	�����
14139data chain control station	����챱�
14140data chaining	����챵
14141data channel	��Ƴq�D	DC
14142data channel bandwidth	��Ƴq�D�W�e
14143data channel converter	��Ƴq�D�ഫ��
14144data channel cycle	��Ƴq�D�g��
14145data channel cycle stealing	��Ƴq�D�g������
14146data channel interrupt	��Ƴq�D���_
14147data channel multiplexer	��Ƴq�D�h�u�౵��
14148data channel received line signal	���i�˦���
14149data character	��Ʀr��
14150data character set	��Ʀr����
14151data characteristics table	��ƯS�x��
14152data check	����ˬd; �������	DATCHK
14153data checking	����ˬd; �������
14154data circuit	�ƾڹq��
14155data circuit connection	�ƾڹq���s��
14156data circuit switch system	�ƾڹq���洫�t��
14157data circuit switching equipment	�ƾڹq���洫�]��
14158data circuit termination equipment	�ƾڹq���׺ݳ]��	DCE
14159data circuit termination equipment waiting	�ƾڹq���׺ݳ]�Ƶ���
14160data circuit transparency	�ƾڹq���z�q��
14161data circuit, received	��Ʊ����q��
14162data circuit, transmitted	��Ƶo�e�q��
14163data circuit-terminating equipment	�ƾڹq���׺ݳ]��	DCE
14164data circuit-termination equipment	�ƾڹq���׺ݳ]��	DTE
14165data clamp	��ƺ��q��
14166data class	������O
14167data clause	��Ƥl�y
14168data clock seperator	��Ʈ��������
14169data code	���( �N )�X	DC
14170data code conversion	��ƥN�X�ഫ
14171data code set	��ƥN�X��
14172data code telecommunication conversion	�q�H�θ�ƥN�X
14173data code transiation	��ƥN�X½Ķ
14174data coding system	��ƽs�X�t��
14175data collection	��Ʀ���	DC
14176data collection and analysis	��Ʀ������R
14177data collection and processing system	��Ʀ����B�z�t��	DACAPS
14178data collection channel	��Ʀ����q�D
14179data collection facility	��Ʀ����]�I
14180data collection method	��Ʀ�����k
14181data collection methodology	��Ʀ�����k��
14182data collection phase	��Ʀ������q
14183data collection plateform	��Ʀ������x	DCP
14184data collection satellite	��Ʀ����ìP
14185data collection station	��Ʀ�����
14186data collection system	��Ʀ����t��
14187data collection terminal	��Ʀ����׺ݾ�
14188data collision	��ƸI��
14189data command	��ƩR�O
14190data common	��Ʀ@�P�I
14191data communication	��Ƴq�T; �ƾڳq�T	DACOM
14192data communication adapter	�ƾڳq�T�A�t��
14193data communication channel	�ƾڳq�T�q�D	DCC
14194data communication configuration	�ƾڳq�T�պA
14195data communication control	�ƾڳq�T����( �� )
14196data communication control procedure	�ƾڳq�T����L�{
14197data communication control unit	�ƾڳq�T����椸
14198data communication equipment	��Ƴq�T�]��	DCE
14199data communication equipment	�ƾڳq�T�]��
14200data communication facility	�ƾڳq�T�]�I
14201data communication I/O exchange	�ƾڳq�T��J��X�洫��
14202data communication input/output	�ƾڳq�T��J��X
14203data communication interface	�ƾڳq�T����
14204data communication interface card	�ƾڳq�T�����d
14205data communication line	�ƾڳq�T�u��
14206data communication monitor	�ƾڳq�T�ʱ���
14207data communication multiplexer	�ƾڳq�T�h�u��
14208data communication network	�ƾڳq�T����
14209data communication network architecture	�ƾڳq�T������t( ���c )	DCNA
14210data communication network facilities	�ƾڳq�T�����]�I	DCNF
14211data communication operating system	�ƾڳq�T�@�~�t��	DACOS
14212data communication output selector	�ƾڳq�T��X��ܾ�	DCOS
14213data communication processing environment	�ƾڳq�T�B�z����
14214data communication processor	�ƾڳq�T�B�z��
14215data communication program communication block	�ƾڳq�T�{���q�T��
14216data communication protocol	�ƾڳq�T��w
14217data communication read	�ƾڳq�TŪ�X	DCR
14218data communication service	�ƾڳq�T�A��
14219data communication station	�ƾڳq�T��
14220data communication system	�ƾڳq�T�t��	DCS
14221data communication terminal	�ƾڳq�T�׺ݾ�
14222data communication to disc control	�ƾڳq�T--�Ϻб���	DC-DC
14223data communication user	�ƾڳq�T�Τ�
14224data communications	�ƾڳq�T	DATACOM
14225data communications buffer	�ƾڳq�T�w�İ�
14226data communications exchange	�ƾڳq�T�洫��
14227data compaction	��ƺ��k; ������Y
14228data compaction technique	������Y�޳N
14229data comparator	��Ƥ����
14230data compilation	��ƽsĶ
14231data complementation	��ƸɽX�k
14232data complexity	��ƽ����k
14233data component	��Ƥ���
14234data compression	������Y
14235data compression technique	������Y�޳N
14236data computer	�ƾڭp���
14237data concentrater	��ƶ��T��
14238data concentration	��ƶ���
14239data concentration formatting	��ƶ����榡
14240data concentrator	��ƶ�����
14241data concentrator and distributor	��ƶ������t��
14242data concurrency	��Ʈw�æ��
14243data conferencing network	��Ʒ|ij����
14244data conferencing repeater	��Ʒ|ij���~��
14245data connection	��Ƴs��
14246data connector	��Ƴs����
14247data consistency	��Ƥ@�P��
14248data constant	��Ʊ`��
14249data constraint	��Ƭ���
14250data construction	��Ƶ��c
14251data contamination	��ƦìV
14252data control block	��Ʊ���( �� )��	DCB
14253data control clerk	��Ʊ����
14254data control group	��Ʊ����
14255data control interval	��Ʊ���϶�
14256data control unit	��Ʊ���椸	DCU
14257data control utility	��Ʊ���ε{��
14258data controller	��Ʊ��
14259data conversion	����ܴ�	DC
14260data conversion code	����ഫ�N�X
14261data conversion hybrids	����ഫ�V�X�L�q��
14262data conversion language	����ഫ�y��
14263data conversion line	����ഫ�u
14264data conversion utility	����ഫ���ε{��
14265data converter	����ഫ��
14266data coordinating committee	��ƨ�թe���|	DATCO
14267data coordinator and retriever	��ƨ��( �{�� )�M�˯��{��	DCR
14268data correction	��Ʈե�	CACOR
14269data correctness	��ƥ��T��
14270data correlation and documentation system	��Ƭ����P���s��t��	DCD
14271data correlator	��Ƭ�����	DACOR
14272data corruption	��ƴc��
14273data count field	��ƭp�����
14274data count printout	��ƭp�ƦC�L��X	DACPO
14275data coupler	��ƽ��X��
14276data coupling	��ƽ��X
14277data deck	��ƥd����
14278data declaration	��ƫŧi
14279data declaration statement	��ƫŧi�ԭz
14280data definition	��Ʃw�q	DD
14281data definition command	��Ʃw�q�R�O
14282data definition facility	��Ʃw�q�\��
14283data definition language	��Ʃw�q�y��
14284data definition language utility	��Ʃw�q�y�����ε{��
14285data definition languages	��Ʃw�q�y��	DDL
14286data definition statement	��Ʃw�q�ԭz
14287data delay	��Ʃ���
14288data delimiter	��Ʃw�ɼ�
14289data demand protocol	��ƻݨD��w
14290data density	��ƱK��
14291data dependence graph	��Ƭ�����
14292data dependence relation	��Ƭ������t
14293data dependence test	��Ƭ����ʴ���
14294data dependency	��Ƭ���
14295data dependency theory	��Ƭ����z��
14296data description	��ƴy�z
14297data description clause	��ƴy�z�l�y
14298data description entry	��ƴy�z��
14299data description language	��ƴy�z�y��	DDL
14300data description library	��ƴy�z�w
14301data description secification	��ƴy�z�W��	DDS
14302data description skeleton	��ƴy�z���[
14303data descriptor	��ƴy�z��	DD
14304data design	��Ƴ]�p
14305data design layout	��Ƴ]�p�榡
14306data destination address	��ƥت���}
14307data detection	����˴�
14308data detection window	����˴�����
14309data dictionary	��Ʀr��	DADIC
14310data dictionary assembler	��Ʀr��զX�{��
14311data dictionary directory	��Ʀr��ؿ�
14312data dictionary package	��Ʀr��M�˳n��
14313data diddling	��ƴ��F
14314data digital handling	��ƼƦ�B�z
14315data directed formatting	��Ʃw�V�榡��
14316data directed output	��Ʃw�V��X
14317data directed transmission	��Ʃw�V�ǿ�
14318data direction register	��Ʃw�V�Ȧs��	DDR
14319data directory	��ƥؿ�
14320data display	������
14321data display alarm	������ĵ��
14322data display board	�����ܪO
14323data display center	�����ܤ���
14324data display indicator	�����ܫ��ܾ�
14325data display module	�����ܼҲ�
14326data display selection	�����ܿ��
14327data display station	�����ܯ�
14328data display unit	�����ܳ椸
14329data distortion	��ƥ��u
14330data distributing channel	��Ƥ��t�q�D
14331data distribution center	��Ƥ��t����	DDC
14332data distribution phase	��Ƥ��o���q
14333data distributor	��Ƥ��t�{��
14334data division	��Ƴ�	DD
14335data division entry	��Ƴ����y�z��
14336data division syntax	��Ƴ����y�k
14337data drawing list	��ƹϪ�	DDL
14338data driven	����X��
14339data driven machine	��Ƭy�p���
14340data dump	��ƶɦL
14341data dumper	��ƶɦL�{��
14342data edition	��ƽs��
14343data element	��Ƥ���
14344data element chain	��Ƥ�����
14345data element descriptor	��Ƥ����y�z��	DED
14346data element value	��Ƥ�����
14347data enable	���\��ƶǰe
14348data enablement	���\���
14349data encapsulation	��ƫʳ���
14350data encoding system	��ƽs�X�t��
14351data encrypting key	��ƥ[�K��
14352data encryption	��ƥ[�K
14353data encryption standard	��ƥ[�K�з�	DES
14354data encryption standard algorithm	��ƥ[�K�зǺt��k
14355data encryption subroutine	��ƥ[�K���`��
14356data end command	��Ʋפ�O
14357data entry	��Ƶn��	DE
14358data entry control	��Ƶn������
14359data entry device	��Ƶn���˸m
14360data entry error	��Ƶn�����~
14361data entry facility	��Ƶn���]�I	DEF
14362data entry format	��Ƶn���榡
14363data entry function	��Ƶn���\��
14364data entry language	��Ƶn���y��	DEL
14365data entry library	��Ƶn���w	DEL
14366data entry mode	��Ƶn���Ҧ�
14367data entry order number	��Ƶn���R�O���X
14368data entry panel	��Ƶn���O	DEP
14369data entry program	��Ƶn���{��
14370data entry reporting system	��Ƶn�����i�t��	DERS
14371data entry segments	��Ƶn���Ϭq
14372data entry station cluster	��Ƶn�����s����	DESC
14373data entry summary record	��Ƶn���J�`�O��
14374data entry system controller	��Ƶn���t�α��	DESC
14375data entry terminal	��Ƶn���׺ݾ�
14376data entry utility	��Ƶn�����ε{��
14377data envelope	��ƥ]��
14378data environment	�������
14379data error	��ƻ~�t
14380data error detection	��ƿ��~�˴�
14381data error processing	��ƿ��~�B�z
14382data error recorder	��ƿ��~�O����
14383data escape character	�����q�r��
14384data evaluation	��Ƶ���
14385data event	��ƨƥ�
14386data examination	����ˬd
14387data examination clerk	����ˬd�H��
14388data exception	��Ʋ��`
14389data exchange	��ƥ洫	DEC
14390data exchange area	��ƥ洫��
14391data exchange command	��ƥ洫�R�O
14392data exchange control	��ƥ洫����	DEC
14393data exchange network	��ƥ洫����
14394data exchange program	��ƥ洫�{��	DEP
14395data exchange service	��ƥ洫�A��
14396data exchange system	��ƥ洫�t��	DXS
14397data exchange unit	��ƥ洫�椸	DEU
14398data extend block	����X�R��
14399data extraction	��Ʃ�X
14400data fetch	�����
14401data field	������	DF
14402data fields	�����
14403data file	����ɮ�
14404data file class	����ɮ�����
14405data file communication	����ɮ׳q�T
14406data file content	����ɮפ��e
14407data file converter	����ɮ��ഫ�{��
14408data file descriptor	����ɮ״y�z
14409data file descriptor record	����ɮ״y�z�ŰO
14410data file generation	����ɮײ���
14411data file generation and maintenance	����ɮײ��ͩM���@
14412data file maintenance	����ɮ׺��@
14413data file program	����ɮ׵{��	DAF
14414data fitting	��ƻE�X
14415data flow	��Ƭy�{	DF
14416data flow analysis	��Ƭy���R
14417data flow anomaly	��Ƭy���`
14418data flow chart	��Ƭy�{��
14419data flow computer	��Ƭy�p���
14420data flow concept	��Ƭy����
14421data flow control	��Ƭy�{����	DFC
14422data flow data base machine	��Ƭy��Ƴs��
14423data flow dependency	��Ƭy������
14424data flow diagram	��Ƭy�{�ϸ�	DFD
14425data flow format	��Ƭy�榡
14426data flow instruction	��Ƭy���O
14427data flow language	��Ƭy�y��
14428data flow methodology	��Ƭy��k��
14429data flow model	��Ƭy�ҫ�
14430data flow monitor	��Ƭy�ʱ��{��
14431data flow multipocessor	��Ƭy�h�B�z��
14432data flow operator	��Ƭy�B���
14433data flow procedure	��Ƭy�{��
14434data flow procedure language	��Ƭy�{�ǻy��
14435data flow processor	��Ƭy�B�z��
14436data flow program	��Ƭy�{��
14437data flow resource manager	��Ƭy�귽�޲z
14438data flow semantics	��Ƭy�y�q��
14439data flow structure	��Ƭy���c
14440data flow supercomputer	��Ƭy�W�Źq��
14441data flow token	��Ƭy�аO
14442data flowchart	��Ƭy�{��
14443data flux reversal	��ƺϳq½��
14444data form	����榡
14445data format	��Ʈ榡
14446data format	��Ʈ榡
14447data format item	��Ʈ榡��
14448data format statement	��Ʈ榡�ԭz
14449data formatting	��Ʈ榡��
14450data formatting error	��Ʈ榡�ƿ��~
14451data formatting statement	��Ʈ榡�Ʊԭz
14452data frame	��ƶ�
14453data free way	�L�ƾڳq��
14454data function keyboard	��ƥ\����L
14455data gate	��ƹh
14456data gather system	��Ʀ����t��
14457data gathering	��ƻE��
14458data gathering machine	��Ʀ�����
14459data gathering problem	��Ʀ������D
14460data gathering set	��Ʀ����]��
14461data gathering system	��Ʀ����t��
14462data generation	��Ʋ���
14463data group	��Ʋ�
14464data halfword table	��ƥb�r��
14465data handler	��ƳB�z��
14466data handling	��ƳB�m
14467data handling capacity	��ƳB�z��O
14468data handling component	��ƳB�z����
14469data handling machine	��ƳB�z�p���
14470data handling procedure	��ƳB�z�{��
14471data handling recording system	��ƳB�z�O���t��
14472data handling system	��ƳB�z�t��
14473data handling utility	��ƳB�z���ε{��
14474data head	����Y
14475data header	��Ƽ��D
14476data hierarchy	��ƶ��h
14477data highway	����`�u
14478data hold	��ƫO��
14479data hold time	��ƫO���ɶ�
14480data host	��ƥD��
14481data identification	��Ƽ���	DID
14482data identifier	��Ƽ��Ѳ�
14483data imperfection	��Ưʳ�
14484data in	��ƿ�J
14485data in voice	�ܤ����
14486data independence	��ƿW�ߩ�
14487data independency	��ƿW�ߩ�
14488data independent access model	��ƿW�ߩʦs���ҫ�
14489data information	�ƾڸ�T
14490data information line	��Ƹ�T�u��
14491data information system	��Ƹ�T�t��
14492data initiated control	��ƱҰʱ���
14493data input	��ƿ�J	DI
14494data input bus	��ƿ�J�׬y��	DIB
14495data input clerk	��ƿ�J��	DIC
14496data input consoles	��ƿ�J����x	DIC
14497data input device	��ƿ�J�˸m	DID
14498data input display	��ƿ�J���( �� )	DID
14499data input display console	��ƿ�J��ܱ���x
14500data input enable	���p��ƿ�J	DIEN
14501data input pin	��ƿ�J���}
14502data input station	��ƿ�J��
14503data input unit	��ƿ�J�椸
14504data inquiry terminal	��Ƭd�߲׺ݾ�	DIT
14505data inscriber	��ưO����
14506data inserter	��ƴ��J�{��
14507data integrity	��Ƨ����
14508data integrity block	��ƾ�X�ʵ{����	DIB
14509data integrity protection	��ƾ�X�ʫO�@
14510data interaction	��ƪ���ͧ@��
14511data interchange	��ƥ洫
14512data interchange code	��ƥ洫�X	DIC
14513data interchange system	��ƥ洫�t��
14514data interface	��Ƥ���
14515data interrogation language	��Ƭd�߻y��
14516data interrupt	��Ƥ��_
14517data intialization statement	��ƪ�l�Ʊԭz
14518data inventory	��ƲM��
14519data item	��ƶ�; ��ƶ���	DI
14520data item description	��ƶ��y�z	DID
14521data item dictionary	��ƶ��r��
14522data item group	��ƶ���
14523data item level	��ƶ���
14524data item management system	��ƶ��޲z�t��
14525data item occurrence	���и�ƶ���
14526data item separator	��ƶ����j��
14527data item synthesis	��ƶ���X
14528data item type	��ƶ��Φ�
14529data item validation	��ƶ�����
14530data item value	��ƶ���
14531data jack	��ƶ���; ��ƴ���
14532data key	�����
14533data keyboard	�����L
14534data layout	��ƧG�m; ��Ʈ榡
14535data length	��ƪ���	DL
14536data level	��Ƶ���
14537data level access	��ƯŦs��
14538data level check	��Ư�����
14539data library	��Ƥ��w
14540data library system	��Ʈw�t��
14541data limit protection	��Ƭɭ��O�@
14542data limit register	��ƭ��Ȧs��
14543data link	�����; �ƾ����	DL
14544data link adapter	�������t����	DLA
14545data link address	��������}	DLA
14546data link attached loop	�������s���j��
14547data link configuration	�������պA
14548data link control	����챱��; ����쵲����	DLC
14549data link control bootstrapping	����������Ұ�
14550data link control character	����������r��
14551data link control layer	����������h
14552data link control protocol	����쵲�q�T��w
14553data link control standard	����쵲����з�
14554data link encryption	�������[�K
14555data link escape	�����h�X�r��	DLE
14556data link escape character	�����h�X�r��	DLEC
14557data link interface	����������
14558data link layer	�������h
14559data link level	��������
14560data link mapping	��ƥ�s��	DLM
14561data link multiplexer	�������h�u��
14562data link receiving set	��ƶǿ鱵���]��
14563data link role	����쵲¾��; ����쵲����
14564data link support	�������䴩
14565data link terminal	�������׺ݾ�
14566data list	��ƦC��	DL
14567data list element	��ƪ���
14568data list file	��ƪ��ɮ�	DLF
14569data literal	��Ƥ�r
14570data location	��Ʀ�m
14571data locking	�����w
14572data logger	��ƿ��x��
14573data logger checker	��ƿ��x���羹
14574data logging	��ƻx��
14575data logging and transmission system	��ƿ��x�P�ǿ�t��	DALATS
14576data logging transducer	��ƿ��x�ഫ��
14577data logic	����޿�	DL
14578data loop transceiver	��ưj�����o��	DLT
14579data maintenance	��ƺ��@
14580data management	��ƺ޲z	DM
14581data management block	��ƺ޲z�����	DMB
14582data management comprehensive facility	��ƺ޲z��X�\��]�I
14583data management host language statement	��ƺ޲z�D�n�y���ԭz
14584data management language	��ƺ޲z�y��	DML
14585data management portion	��ƺ޲z����
14586data management program	��ƺ޲z�{��
14587data management programming system	��ƺ޲z�{���t��
14588data management service	��ƺ޲z�A��
14589data management software	��ƺ޲z�n��
14590data management statement	��ƺ޲z�ԭz
14591data management system	��ƺ޲z�t��	DMS
14592data management system host language interface	��ƺ޲z�t�ΥD�n�y������
14593data management utility	��ƺ޲z���ε{��	DMU
14594data manager	��ƺ޲z�{��	DM
14595data manager control structure	��ƺ޲z����c
14596data manager feature	��ƺ޲z�{���S�I
14597data manipulation	��ƾާ@
14598data manipulation facility	��ƳB�z�\��
14599data manipulation instruction	��ƾާ@���O
14600data manipulation language	��ƳB�z�y��	DML
14601data manipulation language processor	��ƾާ@�y���B�z�{��
14602data manipulation performance	��ƾާ@�ʯ�
14603data manipulation protocol	��ƾާ@��w
14604data manipulation routine	��ƾާ@�`��
14605data manipulator	��ƾާ@��
14606data manipulator network	��ƾާ@����
14607data map	��ƬM��
14608data mapping	��ƬM���ܴ�
14609data mapping language	����ܤƻy��
14610data mark	��ƼаO
14611data materialization	��ƨ����
14612data matrix	��Ưx�}
14613data mechanism	��ƾ��c
14614data media	��ƴC��
14615data medium	��ƴC��
14616data medium protection device	��ƴC��O�@�˸m
14617data message	��ƫH��	DM
14618data message switching system	��ƫH���洫�t��
14619data message transfer system	��ƫH���ǰe�t��
14620data migration	��ƾE��
14621data mode	��ƼҦ�
14622data mode escape	��ƼҦ��h�X
14623data modegement	��ƼҺA
14624data model	��Ƽҫ�	DM
14625data modem	��Ƽƾھ�
14626data modularization	��ƼҲդ�
14627data module	��ƼҲ�
14628data monitor	��ƺʵ���
14629data monitoring system	��ƺʷ��t��
14630data movement	��Ʋ���; ��Ʋ��ʹL�{
14631data movement instruction	��ƶǰe���O
14632data movement verb	��ƶǰe�ʵ�
14633data moving system	��ƶǻ��t��	DAMOS
14634data multiplexer	��Ʀh�u��; �ƾڦh�u��	DMX
14635data multiplexer system	��Ʀh�u�ǿ�t��
14636data name	��ƦW��	DN
14637data name directory	��ƦW�٥ؿ�
14638data net	��ƺ�
14639data net console message	��ƺ�������x�H��
14640data net control module	��ƺ�������x�Ҳ�
14641data network	�ƾں���	DATANET
14642data network identification code	�ƾں����ѧO�X
14643data network with satellite	�ìP�ƾں���
14644data number	��ƽs��
14645data object	��ƹ�H
14646data operation	��ƹB��
14647data organization	��Ʋ�´
14648data origination	��Ʒ��y
14649data output dependency	��ƿ�X������
14650data output register	��ƿ�X�Ȧs��	DOR
14651data output switch	��ƿ�X�}��
14652data over voice	�y�����i���
14653data overrun	��ƹO�V; ��ƹL�q
14654data ownership	��ƥD�v
14655data package	��ƮM�˳n��
14656data packet	��ƥ]
14657data packet acknowledgement	��ƥ]����
14658data packet size histogram	��ƥ]�e�q�����
14659data pad	��ƼȰO��
14660data panel	��Ʊޭ�; ��ƳB�z�L
14661data part	��Ƴ���
14662data path	��Ƹ��|
14663data path organization	��Ƹ��|��´
14664data path organization exception	��Ƹ��|�ղβ��`
14665data path parallelism	��Ƹ��|�����
14666data pathing	��Ƹ��|
14667data pathway	��Ƹ��|
14668data pattern	��ƼҦ�
14669data phase	��ƶ��q
14670data photodetector	��ƥ��˾�
14671data physics	��ƹ����
14672data pick-up	��ƶǷP��
14673data pilot	��Ƥ޾�
14674data plotter	���ø�Ͼ�
14675data point	����I
14676data polynomial	��Ʀh����
14677data pool	��Ʈw
14678data pool common storage	��Ʀ������x�s
14679data pool dictionary entry format	��Ʀ��r��n�J�榡
14680data pool editor	��Ʀ��s��{��
14681data pool editor audit trail format	��Ʀ��s��{���]�ָ��ܮ榡
14682data pool editor file assignment	��Ʀ��s��{���ɮ׫��w
14683data pool editor input data format	��Ʀ��s��{����J��Ʈ榡
14684data port	��ư�
14685data portability	��ƥi���
14686data positionning	��Ʃw��
14687data positions	��Ʀ�m
14688data preparation	��Ʒdz�
14689data preparation clerk	��Ʒdzƭ�
14690data preparation supervisor	��Ʒdzƺʷ��{��
14691data preprocessing	��ƹw�B�z
14692data presentation device	�����ܸ˸m
14693data privacy	��ƫO�K
14694data process	��ƳB�z
14695data processing	��ƳB�z	DP
14696data processing capability	��ƳB�z��O
14697data processing center	��ƳB�z����	DPC
14698data processing conversational mode	��ƳB�z�|�ܼҦ�
14699data processing cycle	��ƳB�z�g��
14700data processing department	��ƳB�z����
14701data processing department organization	��ƳB�z������´
14702data processing equipment	��ƳB�z�]��	DPE
14703data processing interface	��ƳB�z����
14704data processing inventory	��ƳB�z�M��
14705data processing machine	��ƳB�z��	DPM
14706data processing machine, electronic	�q�l��ƳB�z��
14707data processing management	��ƳB�z�޲z
14708data processing node	��ƳB�z�I
14709data processing problem	��ƳB�z���D
14710data processing project engineer	��ƳB�z�M�פu�{�v
14711data processing service	��ƳB�z�A��
14712data processing services industry	��ƳB�z�A�Ȧ�~
14713data processing standards	��ƳB�z�з�
14714data processing station	��ƳB�z��	DPS
14715data processing system	��ƳB�z�t��	DPS
14716data processing system security	��ƳB�z�t�Φw����
14717data processing task	��ƳB�z����
14718data processing technique	��ƳB�z�޳N
14719data processing terminal	��ƳB�z�׺ݾ�
14720data processing, batch	����ƳB�z
14721data processing, business	�~�ȸ�ƳB�z
14722data processing, centralized	������ƳB�z
14723data processing, decentralized	������ƳB�z
14724data processing, electronic	�q�l��ƳB�z
14725data processing, in-line	�u����ƳB�z
14726data processing, industrial	�u�~��ƳB�z
14727data processing, integrated	��X��ƳB�z
14728data processing, off-line	���u��ƳB�z
14729data processing, on-line	�s�u��ƳB�z
14730data processing, scientific	��Ǹ�ƳB�z
14731data processor	��ƳB�z��	DP
14732data proliferation	��ƼW��
14733data protection	��ƫO�@
14734data protection authority	��ƫO�@�v�Q���c
14735data protection convention	��ƫO�@����
14736data purging	��ƲM�z
14737data purification	��Ʋb��
14738data qualification and retrieval	��ƨM���P�˯�
14739data quality	��ƽ�q
14740data quantity	��ƶq
14741data quantizer	��ƽs�X��
14742data query	��Ƭd��
14743data query system	��Ƭd�ߨt��
14744data query system installation	��Ƭd�ߨt�θ˳]
14745data radio	��ƵL�u�q�q�T
14746data rate	��Ƴt�v
14747data reader	��ƾ\Ū��
14748data ready	��ƳƧ�
14749data ready flag	��ƳƧ��X��
14750data realm	��Ƭ�
14751data rearrangement	��ƭ��s�ƦC
14752data receive	��Ʊ�����	DR
14753data receive exchange	��Ʊ����洫��
14754data reconstruction	��ƭ��c
14755data record	��ưO��
14756data record clause	��ưO���l�y
14757data record control	��ưO������
14758data record format	��ưO���榡
14759data record size	��ưO������
14760data recording	��ưO��	DATREC
14761data recording amplifier	��ưO����j��
14762data recording and processing system	��ưO���M�B�z�t��
14763data recording control	��ưO�����	DRC
14764data recording device	��ưO���˸m	DRD
14765data recording media	��ưO���C��
14766data recording system	��ưO���t��
14767data recording system analyst	��ưO���t�Τ��R��
14768data records bypassed	���h����Ƶ���
14769data records transferred	�ಾ����Ƶ���
14770data recovering	��ƫ�_
14771data recovery	��ƫ�_
14772data reducer	���²�ƾ�
14773data reduction	����Y��	DR
14774data reduction center	��ƾ�z����
14775data reduction control	���²�Ʊ���	DARCON
14776data reduction process	��ƾ�z�L�{
14777data reduction program	���²�Ƶ{��	DARP
14778data reduction translator	���²��½Ķ��	DART
14779data reduction, on-line	�s�u����Y��
14780data region	��ư�
14781data register	��ƼȦs��	DR
14782data relationship level	������Y��
14783data reliability	��ƥi�a��
14784data reordering	��ƭ��Ʃ�
14785data reorganization utility	��ƭ��դ��Ω�
14786data repeater	��ƭ��o��
14787data report	��Ƴ���	DR
14788data representation	��ƪ�ܪk
14789data reproduction	��ƦA��
14790data resolution	��Ƥ���
14791data resource administrator	��Ƹ귽�޲z��	DRA
14792data restructure	��ƭ��c
14793data retention	��ƫO��
14794data retrieval	����˯�
14795data retrieval capability	����˯���O
14796data retrieval operation	����˯��ާ@
14797data retrieving program	����˯��{��
14798data reuse	��ƭ��ϥ�
14799data ring	�����	DR
14800data route	��Ƹ��|
14801data routing	��Ƹ��|���
14802data rule	��ƳW�h
14803data sampling	��Ʊļ�
14804data sampling switch	��Ʊļ˶}��
14805data save mode	��ƫO�d�Ҧ�
14806data scaling	��ƴ���
14807data science	��Ƭ��
14808data scoping	��Ƨ@�ΰ�
14809data screening	��ƿz��
14810data section	��Ƭq
14811data secure computer network	��Ʀw���p�������
14812data security	��Ʀw��
14813data security analysis	��Ʀw�����R
14814data security communication	��Ʀw���q�T	DASECOM
14815data segment	��ưϬq
14816data segment operation	��ưϬq�ާ@
14817data selecting	��ƿ��
14818data selection and modification	��ƿ�ܻP�ק�
14819data selector	��ƿ�ܾ�
14820data selector and tagger	��ƿ�ܾ��P���Ѿ�	DASAT
14821data semantics	��ƻy�q��
14822data sensitive fault	��ƱӷP�G��
14823data sensitivity	��ƱӷP��
14824data sequence chart	��ƧǦC��
14825data server	��Ʀ��A��
14826data service	��ƪA��
14827data service language	��ƪA�Ȼy��
14828data service unit	��ƪA�ȳ椸	DSU
14829data services	��ƪA�ȵ{��
14830data services command processor	��ƪA�ȩR�O�B�z��
14831data services manager	��ƪA�Ⱥ޲z�{��
14832data services request block	��ƪA�ȽШD��
14833data services task	��ƪA�ȥ���	DST
14834data set	��ƶ�; ��ƾ�	DS
14835data set access methods	��ƶ��s����k
14836data set adapter	��ƶ��t����
14837data set clock	��ƶ�����
14838data set control	��ƶ�����
14839data set control block	��ƶ�����( �� )��	DSCB
14840data set definition	��ƶ��w�q	DSD
14841data set definition file	��ƶ��w�q�ɮ�
14842data set definition name	��ƶ��w�q�W��
14843data set definition statement	��ƶ��w�q�ԭz
14844data set definition table	��ƶ��w�q��	DSDT
14845data set design parameter	��ƶ��]�p�Ѽ�
14846data set extension	��ƶ��X�R	DSE
14847data set group	��ƶ���	DSG
14848data set key	��ƶ���
14849data set label	��ƶ��аO	DSL
14850data set lable	��ƶ��аO	DSL
14851data set migration	��ƶ��E��
14852data set name	��ƶ��W��	DSN
14853data set organization	��ƶ���´	DSORG
14854data set profile	��ƶ�²�n��
14855data set protection	��ƶ��O�@
14856data set ready	��ƶ��Ƨ�
14857data set ready circult	�ƶǾ��Ƨ��q��
14858data set ready lead	�ƶǾ��Ƨ��ޤJ��
14859data set record format	��ƶ��O���榡
14860data set reference number	��ƶ��ޥθ�
14861data set retirement	��ƶ����^
14862data set security	��ƶ��w����
14863data set table	��ƶ���
14864data set up time	��ƫإ߮ɶ�
14865data set utility	��ƶ����ε{��
14866data set utility programs	��ƶ����ε{��
14867data sheet	��ƪ�
14868data shift	��Ʋ���
14869data signal	��ƫH��
14870data signaling rate	��ƫH���ǿ�
14871data signaling rate transparecy	��ƫH���ǿ�v�z����
14872data signalling	��ƫH���ǿ�
14873data signalling rate	�ƾګH���v
14874data sink	��Ƽ�; ��Ʊ�����
14875data size	��ƶq
14876data skew	��Ƨ���
14877data slot	��Ƽ�
14878data smoothing	��ƥ���
14879data sorting	��Ƥ���
14880data sorting algorithm	��ƱƦC�t��k
14881data sorting system	��Ƥ����t��
14882data source	���(��)��; ��ƨӷ�
14883data source definition	��Ʒ��w�q	DSD
14884data source definition builder	��Ʒ��w�q�سy��
14885data source field	��Ʒ����
14886data source group	��Ʒ��s��
14887data source key	��Ʒ�����
14888data space	��ƪŶ�
14889data space management	��ƪŶ��޲z
14890data sparation	��Ƥ���
14891data sparator	��Ƥ�����
14892data sparator unit	��Ƥ����椸
14893data specification	��ƳW�满��
14894data specification statement	��ƳW�满���ԭz
14895data speed	��Ƴt��
14896data splitting	��Ƥ���
14897data stabilization	���í�w��
14898data stack	��ư��|
14899data stack address	��Ư���}
14900data stack address register	��Ư���}�Ȧs��
14901data stack descriptor	��Ư��y�z��
14902data stack descriptor register	��Ư��y�z�żȦs��
14903data staging	��Ƥ���
14904data star	��ƬP
14905data state	��ƪ��A
14906data statement	��Ʊԭz
14907data statement file	��Ʊԭz�ɮ�
14908data station	��Ư�; �ƾگ�
14909data station consloe	��Ư�����x
14910data storage	����x�s��
14911data storage and retrieval	��Ʀs��
14912data storage and retrieval system	����x�s�M�˯��t��	DASTARS
14913data storage back up system	����x�s�ƴ��t��
14914data storage equipment	����x�s�]��
14915data storage representation	����x�s��ܪk
14916data strategy description language	��Ƶ����y�z�y��	DSDL
14917data stream	��Ʀ�y
14918data stream format	��Ƭy�榡
14919data stream interface	��Ƭy����
14920data string	��Ʀ�
14921data structure	��Ƶ��c
14922data structure definition	��Ƶ��c�w�q
14923data structure diagram	��Ƶ��c��
14924data structure for software interrupt	�n�餤�_����Ƶ��c
14925data structure independence	��Ƶ��c�W�ߩ�
14926data structure mapping	��Ƶ��c�ܴ�
14927data structure matrix	��Ƶ��c�x�}
14928data structure memory	��Ƶ��c�x�s��
14929data structure set	��Ƶ��c��
14930data structure theory	��Ƶ��c�z��
14931data structure tree	��Ƶ��c��
14932data structures	��Ƶ��c
14933data structures for computer information system	�p�����T�t�Ϊ���Ƶ��c
14934data sub-entry	��Ƥl�n�O��
14935data subfield	��Ƥl���
14936data sublanguage	��Ƥl�y��
14937data submodel	��Ƥl�ҫ�
14938data subset	��Ƥl��
14939data switch	��ƶ}��
14940data switching	��ƥ洫
14941data switching center	��ƥ洫����
14942data switching exchange	�ƾڥ洫����	DSE
14943data synchro	��ƦP�B
14944data synchronizer channel	��ƦP�B���q�D
14945data synchronizing unit	��ƦP�B��
14946data syntax	��ƻy�k
14947data system	��ƨt��
14948data system communication	��ƨt�γq�T
14949data system division	��ƨt�γ�
14950data system environment simulator	��ƨt�����Ҽ�����	DASYS
14951data system interface	��ƨt�Τ���
14952data system tester	��ƨt�δ��վ�
14953data system transmission	��ƨt�ζǿ�
14954data table	��ƪ�
14955data tablet	��ƿ�J�O
14956data tag	��ƼаO
14957data tagging	��Ƽ���
14958data take-off	��Ʈ���
14959data tape	��Ʊa
14960data tape	��ƺϱa
14961data tape program	��ƺϱa�{��
14962data tape punch	��Ưȱa����	DTP
14963data technique	��Ƨ޳N
14964data telecommunications	��ƻ��{�q�T	DATEL
14965data telemetry register	��ƻ����Ȧs��
14966data telephone circuit	��ƹq�ܹq��
14967data teletypewriter set	��ƹq�ǥ��r��
14968data telex	��ƥΤ�q��
14969data telex telephone service	��ƥΤ�q���q�ܪA��	DATEL
14970data terminal	��Ʋ׺ݾ�	DT
14971data terminal equipment	��Ʋ׺ݳ]��; �ƾڲ׺ݳ]��	DTE
14972data terminal equipment clear request	��Ʋ׺ݳ]�ƲM���ШD
14973data terminal equipment waiting	��Ʋ׺ݳ]�Ƶ���
14974data terminal function	��Ʋ׺ݥ\��
14975data terminal installation	��Ʋ׺ݸ˳]
14976data terminal ready	��Ʋ׺ݳƧ�	DTR
14977data terminal set	��Ʋ׺ݳ]��
14978data terminal, multiplex	�h�u��Ʋ׺ݾ�
14979data terminology	��ƳN�y
14980data test	��ƴ���
14981data test equipment	��ƴ��ճ]��
14982data test set	��ƴ��ո˸m
14983data text	��Ƥ奻
14984data time	��Ʈɶ�
14985data token	��ƼаO
14986data token packet	��ƼаO�]
14987data track	��ƺϭy
14988data traffic	��Ƭy
14989data traffic reset	��Ƭy�q���]
14990data traffic reset state	��Ƴq�T�q���m���A
14991data traffic set state	��Ƭy�q�]�w���A
14992data transactions	��Ʋ���
14993data transcducer	����ഫ��
14994data transceiver	��Ʀ��o��
14995data transcription	������
14996data transfer	��ƶǰe
14997data transfer assembly	��ƶǰe�զX
14998data transfer command	��ƶǰe�R�O
14999data transfer control	��ƶǰe����
15000data transfer controller	��ƶǰe���
15001data transfer instruction	��ƶǰe���O
15002data transfer mode	��ƶǰe�Ҧ�
15003data transfer phase	��ƶǿ鶥�q
15004data transfer procedure	��ƶǰe�{��
15005data transfer rate	�ƾڶǿ�v
15006data transfer register	��ƶǰe�Ȧs��	DTR
15007data transfer request signal	��ƶǰe�ШD�T��
15008data transfer state	��ƶǰe���A
15009data transfer statement	��ƶǰe�ԭz
15010data transfer time	��ƶǰe�ɶ�
15011data transfer word	��ƶǰe�r
15012data transformation	����ഫ
15013data translation	���½Ķ
15014data translation equipment	���½Ķ�]��
15015data translation system	���½Ķ�t��
15016data translation technology	���½Ķ�޳N
15017data translator compiler	���½Ķ�{�����s��
15018data transmission	��ƶǿ�; �ƾڶǿ�
15019data transmission and switching system	��ƶǿ�M�洫�t��
15020data transmission channel	��ƶǿ�q�D
15021data transmission circuit	��ƶǿ�q��
15022data transmission efficiency	��ƶǿ�IJv
15023data transmission facility	��ƶǿ�]�I
15024data transmission factor	��ƶǿ�]��	DTF
15025data transmission interface	��ƶǿ餶��
15026data transmission line	��ƶǿ�u
15027data transmission link	��ƶǿ����
15028data transmission network	��ƶǿ����
15029data transmission rate	��ƶǿ�v
15030data transmission service	��ƶǿ�A��
15031data transmission set	��ƶǿ�]��
15032data transmission software	��ƶǿ�n��
15033data transmission speed	��ƶǿ�t��
15034data transmission statement	��ƶǿ�ԭz
15035data transmission station	��ƶǿ鯸
15036data transmission system	��ƶǿ�t��	DST
15037data transmission terminal	��ƶǿ�׺ݾ�
15038data transmission terminal equipment	��ƶǿ�׺ݳ]��
15039data transmission testing set	��ƶǿ���վ�
15040data transmission trap	��ƶǿ鳴��
15041data transmission unit	��ƶǿ���
15042data transmission utilization measure	��ƶǿ�ĥΫ�
15043data transmission video dispaly unit	��ƶǿ���W��ܾ�
15044data transmitter	��Ƶo�e��
15045data transparency	��Ƴz����
15046data transport system	��ƶǰe�t��
15047data tree	��ƾ�
15048data truncation	��ƺI�_
15049data type	�������; ��ƫ���
15050data type checking	��ƫ��A�ˬd
15051data type compatibility	��������ۮe��
15052data type conversion	��������ഫ
15053data type declaration statement	��������ŧi�ԭz
15054data type default rule	����������w�W�h
15055data type designator	��������лx��
15056data type extension	��������X�R
15057data type graphical	��ƹϫ���
15058data type property	��������ʽ�
15059data type rule	��������W�h
15060data type specification	�����������
15061data type transmission	��������ǿ�
15062data under voice	�ܤU���
15063data unit	��Ƴ椸
15064data updating capability	��ƭק��O
15065data use identifier	��ƨϥ��ѧO��
15066data validation	��Ʀ�����
15067data validity	��ƾA�Ω�
15068data value	��ƭ�
15069data vector	��ƦV�q
15070data voice answerback	����n������
15071data volatility	��ƴ�����
15072data volume	��ƶq
15073data volume	��ƶq
15074data way	��Ƹ�
15075data way model	��Ƹ��ҫ�
15076data window	��Ƶ���
15077data withdrawal	��Ʀ��^
15078data word	��Ʀr	DW
15079data word buffer	��Ʀr�w�ľ�
15080data word length	��Ʀr��
15081data word size	��Ʀr����
15082data word wrap	��Ʃ����ˬd
15083data wrap	��Ʃ����ˬd
15084data write error	��Ƽg�J���~
15085data, air movement	������
15086data, analog	������
15087data, auxiliary	���U���
15088data, control	������
15089data, delivery	�ǰe���
15090data, digital	�Ʀ���
15091data, input	��J���
15092data, installation	�˳]���
15093data, logical	�����
15094data, machine-readable	�����iŪ���
15095data, mass	�j�q���
15096data, master	�D���
15097data, mechanized	����Ƹ��
15098data, output	��X���
15099data, raw	��l���
15100data, source	��l���
15101data, test	���ո��
15102data, transaction	������
15103data-addressed memory	��Ʃw�}�O��
15104data-link control characters	�ƾ��챱��r��
15105data-link escape	�����h�X	DLE
15106data-link layer	�����h
15107data-name	��ƦW��
15108data-phone	��ƹq��
15109data-sensive fault	��Ʀ��P�G��
15110data-set	��ƶ�
15111data-set coupler	��ƽ��X��
15112data-set receive timing	��ƶ������p��	DR
15113data-set transmit timing	��ƶ��o�e�p��	DT
15114data-set-ready	��ƶ��Ƨ�
15115data-set-ready lead	��ƶ������p��
15116data-set-ready lead	��ƶ��Ƨ����u
15117data-signalling rate	��Ƶo�e�v
15118data-switching center	��ƥ洫����
15119data-switching center, automatic	�۰ʸ�ƥ洫����
15120data-switching center, electronic	�q�l��ƥ洫����
15121data-transfer rate, average	��������ಾ�v
15122data-transfer rate, effective	���ĸ���ಾ�v
15123data-transmission utilization ratio	��ƶǿ�ĥΤ�
15124database	��Ʈw
15125database access	��Ʈw�s��
15126database administrator	��Ʈw�޲z�v	DBA
15127database builder	��Ʈw�سy��
15128database control system	��Ʈw����t��	DBCS
15129database declaration	��Ʈw�ŧi
15130database definition language	��Ʈw�w�q�y��	DDL
15131database definition processor	��Ʈw�w�q�B�z�{��
15132database handle	��Ʈw�����ܶ�
15133database key	��Ʈw����X	DBKEY
15134database management system	��Ʈw�޲z�t��	DBMS
15135database model	��Ʈw�w�q�ҫ�
15136database of atomic and molecular physics	��l�M���l���z�Ǹ�Ʈw
15137database operator	��Ʈw�ާ@��
15138database pages	��Ʈw��
15139database query	��Ʈw�d�ߨt��	DBQ
15140database remote interconnect	��Ʈw���{�s��	DRI
15141database security and integrity	��Ʈw�w���ʻP��X��
15142database structure area	��Ʈw���c��	DBSA
15143datagram	��Ƴ�	DG
15144datagram identification	��Ƴ�����
15145datagram interface standard	��Ƴ������з�
15146datagram nondelivery indicaton	��Ƴ����o�e����
15147datagram packet handler	��Ƴ��]�B�z�{��
15148datagram path	��Ƴ����|
15149datagram service	��Ƴ��~��
15150datagram service signal	��Ƴ��A�H��
15151datagram-based packet format	��Ƴ��ƾڥ]�榡
15152datagraphic output writer	��ƹϧο�X�{��	DOW
15153datagraphics automated retrieval technique	��ƹϥܪk�۰��˯��޳N	DART
15154datagraphics output writer	��ƹϧο�X�{��
15155datamation	��Ʀ۰ʤ�
15156dataphone	��ƹq��
15157dataphone adapter	�ƾڹq�ܰt����
15158dataphone digital service	�ƾڹq�ܼƦ�~��
15159dataphone digital system	�ƾڹq�ܼƦ�t��	DDS
15160dataphone service	�ƾڹq�ܷ~��
15161dataphone switched digital service	�ƾڹq�ܥ洫�Ʀ�~��	DSDS
15162dataplex	�ƾ��౵
15163datascope computer output microfilm	�ƾ���ܾ��p�����X�L�Y����
15164datascope computer output microfilmer	�ƾ���ܾ��p�����X�L�Y������	DACOM
15165dataset	��ƶ�
15166datatrieve	��ƿԸ߻y��
15167datatron	��ƳB�z��
15168datatron assembly system	��ƳB�z���զX�t��	DAS
15169datatron users organization	��ƳB�z���Τ��´	DUO
15170dataway	��Ƴq�D
15171datawire	��ƽu��
15172date	���	DT
15173date & time stamp	����ήɶ��W�O
15174date and quantities on this release	�����o�����P�ƶq
15175date and time reformation	�ɤ�T��
15176date card	����d
15177date conversion	����ഫ
15178date field	������
15179date for next cycle count	�U���g�L�I���
15180date format	����榡
15181date format characters	����榡�r��
15182date format strings	����榡�r��
15183date interval	����ɬq
15184date interval record	����ɬq�O��
15185date last active issue	�e���o�Ƥ��
15186date last activity	�e�����ʤ��
15187date last affecting quantity on hand	�e���v�T�b�w�q���
15188date last issue	�e���o�Ƥ��
15189date last maintained	�e�����@���
15190date last sale	�e���P����
15191date last use	�e���ϥΤ��
15192date next count	�U���L�I���
15193date next cycle count	�U���g���L�I���
15194date number	�����	DN
15195date of filing	�k�ɤ��
15196date of last count	�e���L�I���
15197date of last payment	�e���I�ڤ��
15198date of last sale	�e���P����
15199date of last use	�e���ϥΤ��
15200date of last use range	�e���ϥΤ���d��
15201date of next cycle count	�U���g���L�I���
15202date range	����d��
15203date required	�ݨD���
15204date scale	������
15205date separator	������j
15206date work file	����u�@��
15207date-compiled	�sĶ���
15208date-compiled paragraph	���{���sĶ���
15209date-name	��ƦW��
15210date-time code	���--�ɶ��N�X
15211date-time group	���--�ɶ���
15212date-written	��g���
15213dating format	����榡
15214dating routine	�p����`��
15215dating subroutine	�p����`��
15216dation	DATION����
15217datum	���	D
15218datum error	��ƿ��~
15219datum limit protection	��Ƭɭ��O�@
15220datum line	�w�Ƚu
15221datum node	�ѦҸ`�I
15222datum offset	��ǰ���
15223datum point	����I
15224datum setting	��dz]�m
15225datum vertex	�Ѧҳ��I
15226datums	���
15227day clock	�����
15228day length	��u�@�ɼ�
15229day-of-year function	�~�����
15230daycodes	���X
15231days in period	�������
15232days memo	�ɶ��̳�
15233days per forecast period	�C�w���������
15234days per period	�C�����
15235days queue	���ݤ��
15236days supply	�������
15237daystron powerplant automation language	�w���S�Եo�q���۰ʤƻy��	DAPAL
15238dB	����
15239dba	��Ʈw�޲z��
15240dbcs	�G�줸�զr��; �G�줸�սX�t��
15241dc amplifier	���y��j��
15242dc couple	���y���X
15243dc coupled flip-flop	���y���X���Ͼ�
15244dc transmission network	���y�ǿ����
15245dc-dc converter	���y--���y�ഫ��
15246dc-motor control hybrids	���y���F����V�X�L�q��
15247dc-synchronization	���y�P�B
15248dcf formatter	�榡��
15249DCL server	DCL ���A��
15250DCL server image	DCL �A�ȬM��
15251DDP	������ƳB�z���Y�g
15252de-energize	���h�q��
15253deactivate	����; ����
15254deactivate association	�����X
15255deactivating a segment	����Y�@�q
15256deactivation	����
15257deactivator	����
15258deactive	�h��
15259dead	����
15260dead band	���W�a
15261dead file	���ɮ�
15262dead line	���u; �Ÿ�
15263dead lock	����; ���y
15264dead reckoning	����k
15265dead time	���ɮɶ�
15266dead zone	���a
15267dead zone unit	���a�椸
15268dead-front	�L�q�O
15269dead-zone unit	���a�椸
15270deadlock	����
15271deadly embrace	����
15272deallocated	�Ѱ��t�m
15273debatable time	�N�l�ɶ�
15274debit	�ɤ�
15275debit card system	�ɤ�d�t��
15276debit magnetic strip reader	�ɤ�d�ϱ��\Ū��
15277debit symbol	�ɤ�Ÿ�
15278debits	���B
15279deblcated line	�M�νu
15280deblock	���Ѱ϶�
15281deblocking	��Ƥ���
15282deblocking record	�{�������O��
15283deblur	�h�ҽk
15284deblurring operator	�h�ҽk�B���
15285debounce	�h�ݰ�
15286debounce logic	�h�ݰ��޿�
15287debounce logic switch	�Ѹ��޿�}��
15288debounce pulser	�Ѹ��ߪi��
15289debouncer	�h�ݰʹq��
15290debouncing	�h�ݰ�
15291debouncing circuit	�h�ݰʹq��
15292debt	��
15293debtor	�ŰȤH
15294debug	����
15295debug aid	�������U�u��
15296debug base name	�����w�W
15297debug card	�����d
15298debug command	�����R�O
15299debug command address restriction	�����R�O��}����
15300debug function	�����\��
15301debug hardware	�����w��
15302debug machine	��������
15303debug macroinstruction	�����������O
15304debug macros	�����������O
15305debug memory map	�����O�ЬM��
15306debug mode	�����Ҧ�
15307debug monitor	�����ʷ��{��	DEMON
15308debug nested trap list	�����_������
15309debug on-line	�s�u����
15310debug output file	������X�ɮ�
15311debug phase	�������q
15312debug routine	�����Ҧ�`��
15313debug statement	�����ԭz
15314debug support schema	�����䴩����
15315debug support system	�����䴩�t��
15316debug support system action command	�����䴩�t�ά��ʩR�O
15317debug support system command	�����䴩�t�ΩR�O
15318debug support system command language	�����䴩�t�ΩR�O�y��
15319debug support system command language syntax	�����䴩�t�ΩR�O�y���y�k
15320debug support system control command	�����䴩�t�α���R�O
15321debug support system description	�����䴩�t�δy�z
15322debug support system error message	�����䴩�t�ο��~�H��
15323debug support system execution	�����䴩�t�ΰ���
15324debug support system execution file	�����䴩�t�ΰ����ɮ�
15325debug support system field	�����䴩�t�����
15326debug support system field description	�����䴩�t�����y�z
15327debug support system interaction environment	�����䴩�t�Υ������
15328debug support system interface	�����䴩�t�Τ���
15329debug support system language format	�����䴩�t�λy���榡
15330debug support system noninteraction environment	�����䴩�t�ΫD�������
15331debug support system operation environment	�����䴩�t�ξާ@����
15332debug support system statement format	�����䴩�t�αԭz�榡
15333debug support system verb	�����䴩�t�ΰʵ�
15334debug support system verb description	�����䴩�t�ΰʵ��y�z
15335debug switch	�����}��
15336debug symbol table	�����Ÿ���
15337debug system	�����t��
15338debug-item	��������
15339debugged program	�w�������{��
15340debugger	�����{��; ������
15341debugger capability	�����{����O
15342debugger command	�����{���R�O
15343debugger command expression	�����{���R�O��ܦ�
15344debugger compilation	�����{���sĶ
15345debugger file assignment	�����{���ɮ׫��w
15346debugger information	�����{����T
15347debugger interaction	�����{����ͧ@��
15348debugger operation	�����{���ާ@
15349debugger status	�����{�����A
15350debugging	����
15351debugging activity	��������
15352debugging aid	������U
15353debugging aid facility	�������U�]��
15354debugging aid routine	�������U�Ҧ�`��
15355debugging aids	�������U�{��
15356debugging aids routine	�������U�Ҧ�`��
15357debugging and checking process	�����M����L�{
15358debugging compiler	�����sĶ�{��
15359debugging data base model	������Ʈw�ҫ�
15360debugging efficiency	�����IJv
15361debugging environment	��������
15362debugging facility	�����]�I
15363debugging interface	��������
15364debugging language	�����y��
15365debugging line	�����C
15366debugging macros	�����������O
15367debugging methodology	������k��
15368debugging mode	�����Ҧ�
15369debugging model	�����ҫ�
15370debugging module	�����Ҳ�
15371debugging monitor	�����ʱ��{��
15372debugging on-line	�s�u����
15373debugging optimized program	�����̨ΤƵ{��
15374debugging package	�����M�˳n��
15375debugging packet	�����M�˳n��
15376debugging program	�����{��
15377debugging request execution	�����ШD����
15378debugging room	��������
15379debugging routine	�����`��
15380debugging section	�����{���q
15381debugging software package	�����M�˳n��
15382debugging specification	�����W�满��
15383debugging stage	�������q
15384debugging statement	�����ԭz
15385debugging step	�����B�J
15386debugging subcommand	�����l�R�O
15387debugging system	�����t��	DS
15388debugging technique	�����޳N
15389debugging time	�����ɶ�
15390debugging tool	�����u��
15391debugging utility	�������ε{��
15392debugging variable assignment	�����ܼƽ��
15393debunching	�q�l����
15394deburr	�h��f
15395debye	�w��
15396DEC multinational character	DEC �h��r��
15397DEC multinational character set	DEC �h��r����
15398decade	�Q�i; �Q�Ƹs; �Q
15399decade adder	�Q�i��[�k��
15400decade carry	�Q�i��i�k
15401decade computer	�Q�i��p���
15402decade counter	�Q�i�p�ƾ�
15403decade counter circuit	�Q�i�p�ƹq��
15404decade counting tube	�Q�i�p�ƺ�
15405decade digital computer	�Q�i�p�Ʀ�p���
15406decade divider	�Q�i��k��
15407decade frequency divider	�Q�i����W��
15408decade ring	�Q�i��p����
15409decade ring register	�Q�i�����μȦs��
15410decade scaler	�Q�i��p�ƾ�
15411decade subtracter	�Q�i���k��
15412decade tube	�Q�i��ƺ�
15413decagram	�Q�J	DKG
15414decaliter	�Q��
15415decals	�K��
15416decameter	�Q����
15417decatenation	�Ѱ��s��
15418decatron	�Q�i��
15419decatron counter	�Q�i�ޭp�ƾ�
15420decatron scaler	�Q�i�ީw�о�
15421decay	�I��
15422decay constant	�I��`��
15423decay factor	�I��]�l
15424decay time	�h�ܮɶ�
15425decaying transient	�I������
15426decca area navigation computer	�S�d�ϰ�ɯ�p���	DANAC
15427decelerating ring	��t����
15428deceleration	��t
15429deceleration time	��t�ɶ�
15430decentral graphic system	�����ƹϥܨt��
15431decentralization	������
15432decentralized approach	�����B�z��k
15433decentralized arbiter	�����������
15434decentralized computer network	�����p�������
15435decentralized computing system	�����p����t��
15436decentralized control	��������
15437decentralized control algorithm	��������t��k
15438decentralized control flow model	��������y�ҫ�
15439decentralized control flow system	��������y�t��
15440decentralized data processing	��������ƳB�z
15441decentralized data processing network system	������ƳB�z�����t��
15442decentralized file	�������ɮ�
15443decentralized information system	��������T�t��
15444decentralized locking protocol	������w��w
15445decentralized measure	�������q
15446decentralized multi-end point connection	�D�����h�u�s��
15447decentralized network	����������
15448decentralized open network architecture	�������}�������[�c	DONA
15449decentralized optimal control	�������̨ΤƱ���
15450decentralized processing	�����B�z
15451decentralized resource allocation	�������귽���t
15452decentralized stochastic control	�������H������
15453deception	�g�b
15454decibel	����
15455decibel based on miliwatt	�@�ˤ���
15456decibel meter	�����p
15457decibel-log frequency characteristic	��������W�v�S��
15458decibels above reference noise	�W�L��Ǿ�����������
15459decible approximation	�����������
15460decimal	�Q�i��; �p���I
15461decimal (numeration)system	�Q�i��( �Ʀr )�t��
15462decimal accumulator	�Q�i��֥[��
15463decimal add	�Q�i��[�k	DA
15464decimal add circuit	�Q�i��[�k�q��
15465decimal adder	�Q�i��[�k��
15466decimal addition	�Q�i��[�k
15467decimal address	�Q�i���}
15468decimal adjust	�Q�i�վ�
15469decimal adjust accumulator	�Q�i��վ�֥[��	DAA
15470decimal adjust accumulator instruction	�Q�i�վ�֥[�����O
15471decimal adjust instruction	�Q�i��վ���O
15472decimal alignment	�Q�i��w��
15473decimal arithmetic	�Q�i��B��
15474decimal arithmetic abjustement	�Q�i���N�վ�
15475decimal arithmetic data-types	�Q�i��B��������
15476decimal arithmetic operation	�Q�i���ƹB��
15477decimal arithmetic system	�Q�i���ƨt��
15478decimal arithmetic trap mask	�Q�i���N�B��۳��̻�
15479decimal attribute	�Q�i���ݩ�
15480decimal base	�Q�i��
15481decimal carry	�Q�i��i��
15482decimal character	�Q�i�r��
15483decimal classification system	�Q�i�����k
15484decimal classification, Dewey	���¤Q�i�����k
15485decimal classification, universal	�q�ΤQ�i�����k
15486decimal code translator	�Q�i��N�X½Ķ��
15487decimal coded system	�Q�i��s�X�t��
15488decimal computation	�Q�i��p��
15489decimal constant	�Q�i��`��
15490decimal control	�Q�i���
15491decimal control block	�w�q�����	DCB
15492decimal counter	�Q�i��p�ƾ�
15493decimal decoder	�Q�i��s�X��
15494decimal digit	�Q�i�Ʀ�; �Q�i������
15495decimal digit, coded	�X�ƤQ�i�Ʀ�
15496decimal display	�Q�i�����
15497decimal divide	�Q�i��k
15498decimal divide interrupt	�Q�i����_
15499decimal division	�Q�i��k
15500decimal encoder	�Q�i��s�X��
15501decimal encoding of number	�ƤQ�i�s�X�k
15502decimal equivalent table	�Q�i��Ȫ�
15503decimal expression	�Q�i���ܦ�
15504decimal feature	�Q�i��S��
15505decimal feature instruction	�Q�i��S�ʫ��O
15506decimal field	�p�����; �Q�i�Ʀ����
15507decimal filing	�Q�i���ɮ׽s��
15508decimal fixed-point constant	�Q�i��w�I�`��
15509decimal fixed-point value	�Q�i��w�I��
15510decimal float-point constnat	�Q�i��B�I�`��
15511decimal floating-point constant	�Q�i��B�I�`��
15512decimal floating-point value	�Q�i��B�I��
15513decimal fraction	�Q�i�����	DF
15514decimal fraction notation	�Q�i����ƭp�ƪk
15515decimal integer	�Q�i����
15516decimal interchange code	�Q�i��洫�X
15517decimal keyboard	�Q�i����L	DKB
15518decimal location	�Q�i���m
15519decimal marker	�Q�i��аO
15520decimal multiple	�Q�i��
15521decimal multiplication	�Q�i��k
15522decimal multiplier	�Q�i��k��
15523decimal normalization	�Q�i��W��
15524decimal notation	�Q�i�O�ƪk
15525decimal notation, binarycoded	�G�i�X�Q�i�O�ƪk
15526decimal number	�Q�i���; �Q�i���
15527decimal number base	�Q�i��ư�
15528decimal number system	�Q�i�ƨt��; �Q�i��O�ƪk
15529decimal numberation system	�Q�i��ƨ�
15530decimal numbering system	�Q�i��ƨ�
15531decimal numeral	�Q�i��(��); �Q�i��Ʀ�
15532decimal numeration	�Q�i( �� )�Ʀ�
15533decimal operator	�Q�i��B���
15534decimal overflow	�Q�i�Ʒ��X	DV
15535decimal overflow interrupt	�Q�i�Ʒ��X���_
15536decimal part	�p�Ʀ�
15537decimal place	�p�Ʀ��
15538decimal point	�Q�i�p���I
15539decimal point alignment	�p���I���
15540decimal pointer	�Q�i�����
15541decimal presentation	�Q�i����
15542decimal printing	�Q�i��C�L
15543decimal product generator	�Q�i��n���;�
15544decimal representation	�Q�i���ܪk
15545decimal ring-type adder	�Q�i���Υ[�k��
15546decimal scale	�Q�i��
15547decimal scaler	�Q�i��w�о�
15548decimal selection	�Q�i����
15549decimal sequence	�Q�i��ǦC
15550decimal storage system	�Q�i�x�s�t��
15551decimal string	�Q�i��r��
15552decimal subtract	�Q�i���k
15553decimal symbol	�Q�i��Ÿ�
15554decimal system	�Q�i���
15555decimal system, Dewey	���¤Q�i�t��
15556decimal tab	�Q�i�����
15557decimal tabulation	�Q�i����
15558decimal tabulator keys	�Q�i������
15559decimal-aligned tab	�p���I����и�
15560decimal-to-binary-conversion	�Q�i��ܤG�i���ܴ�
15561decimalism	�Q�i��
15562decimalization	�Q�i���
15563decimalize	�Q�i���
15564decimally	�Τp��
15565decimation register	�Q�i��Ȧs��
15566decimeter	����
15567decipher	�ѱK
15568decipherable	�iĶ�X
15569decipherer	�ѱK��
15570deciphering	�PŪ
15571deciphering machine	�ѱK��
15572decision	�M�w; �M��
15573decision accounting	�M���p��
15574decision acknowledge	�P�M�֩w
15575decision aided information system	���U�M����T�t��
15576decision algorithm	�M���t��k
15577decision analysis	�M�����R
15578decision anticipation	�M���w��
15579decision block	�M����
15580decision boundary	�M�����
15581decision box	�M����
15582decision characteristics	�M���S��
15583decision circuit	�M�w�q��
15584decision computer	�M���p���
15585decision content	�M��(�w)���[
15586decision criterion	�P�O�ǫh
15587decision directed adaptation	�M���޾ɪ��۾A��
15588decision element	�M������
15589decision feedback	�M���^�X
15590decision feedback system	�M���^�X�t��
15591decision for context-free grammar	�W�U��}����k���M��
15592decision function	�M�����
15593decision gate	�M���h
15594decision graph	�M����
15595decision information	�M����T
15596decision information distribution system	�M����T�����t��	DIDS
15597decision instant	�M������
15598decision instruction	�M�w���O; �M�����O
15599decision integrator	�M���n����
15600decision level	�M������
15601decision logic	�M���޿�
15602decision logic circuitry	�M���޿�q��
15603decision logic control	�M���޿豱��
15604decision logic table	�M���޿��
15605decision logic translator	�M���޿�½Ķ��
15606decision machine	�M���p���
15607decision maker	�M���˸m
15608decision making function	�M���\��
15609decision making system	�M���t��
15610decision mechanism	�M�����c
15611decision method	�M����k
15612decision model	�M���ҫ�
15613decision model base	�M���Ҧ��w
15614decision node	�M���`�I
15615decision plan	�M���p��
15616decision point	�M���I
15617decision probability	�M�����v
15618decision problem	�M�����D
15619decision procedure	�M���{��
15620decision process	�M���L�{
15621decision response time	�M���^���ɶ�
15622decision rule	�M���W�h
15623decision space	�M���Ŷ�
15624decision structure	�M�����c
15625decision support model	�M���䴩�ҫ�
15626decision support system	�M������t��
15627decision surface	�M����
15628decision table	�M����
15629decision table component	�M������
15630decision table conversion	�M�����ഫ
15631decision table language	�M����y��
15632decision table preprocessor	�M����w�B�z�{��
15633decision table processor	�M����B�z��
15634decision table translator	�M����½Ķ��
15635decision theory	�M����
15636decision threshold	�M����
15637decision threshold computer	�M���֭p���
15638decision tree	�M����
15639decision tree classifier	���M�������k
15640decision type node	�M�����`�I
15641decision value	�M����
15642decision value number	�M���Ƚs��
15643decision variable	�M���ܼ�
15644decision verification	�M������
15645decision, integrator	�n�����M��
15646decision, logic	�޿�M��
15647decision, logical	�޿�M��
15648decision-making process	�M���L�{
15649decit	�Q�i���
15650deck	�|�d
15651deck label	�|�d����
15652deck of cards	�d�|
15653deck, binary	�G�i�|�d
15654deck, condensed	�@�Y�|�d
15655deck, executive	�����|�d
15656deck, instruction	���O�|�d
15657deck, object	�ؼ��|�d
15658deck, symbolic	�Ÿ��|�d
15659declarate statement	�ŧi�ԭz
15660declaration	�ŧi
15661declaration cell	�ŧi�椸
15662declaration condition	�ŧi����
15663declaration knowledge	�ŧi����
15664declaration macroinstruction	�ŧi�������O
15665declaration of dimension	�����ŧi
15666declaration order	�ŧi����
15667declaration prelude	�ŧi�dz�
15668declaration section	�ŧi�q
15669declaration statement	�ŧi�ԭz
15670declaration token	�ŧi�O��
15671declaration type tag	�ŧi�����аO
15672declarative	�ŧi��
15673declarative array	�ŧi�}�C
15674declarative instruction	�ŧi���O
15675declarative knowledge	�ŧi�ʪ���
15676declarative knowledge definition	���z���ѩw�q
15677declarative knowledge representation	�ŧi���Ѫ��
15678declarative macroinstruction	�ŧi�������O
15679declarative operation	�ŧi�ʾާ@
15680declarative operation code	�ŧi�ާ@�X
15681declarative part of procedure	�{�ǫŧi����
15682declarative procedure	�ŧi�{��
15683declarative section	�ŧi�`
15684declarative sentence	�ŧi�y
15685declarative statement	�ŧi�ԭz
15686declarative task description	�ŧi���ȴy�z
15687declarative token	�ŧi�аO
15688declarator	�ŧi��
15689declarator name	�ŧi�ŦW
15690declarator subscript	�ŧi�ŤU��
15691declare	�ŧi
15692declare area	�ŧi��
15693declare data item	�ŧi��ƶ�
15694declare privacy lock	�ŧi�O�K��
15695declare procedure	�ŧi�{��
15696declare record	�ŧi�O��
15697declare record storage mode	�ŧi�O���x�s�覡
15698declare set number insertion rule	�ŧi�]�Ƹ����J�W�h
15699declare statement	�ŧi�ԭz
15700declare synonym name	�ŧi�P�q���W�r
15701declare type and size	�ŧi��������M�j�p
15702declared attribute	�ŧi�ݩ�
15703declared bit	�ŧi�줸
15704declared range	�ŧi�d��
15705declared scalar type	�ŧi�жq����
15706declarer	�ŧi��
15707declaring common storage	�ŧi�����x�s��
15708declining stage	�U�����q
15709decodability	�iĶ�X��
15710decodable code	�iĶ�N�X
15711decode	�ѽX	DCD
15712decode and encode statement	Ķ�X�M�s�X�ԭz
15713decode field	�ѽX��
15714decode machine	Ķ�X��
15715decode procedure	Ķ�X�L�{
15716decode scaling	�Q�i����
15717decode statement	Ķ�X�ԭz
15718decoded operation	�ѽX�@�~
15719decoder	�ѽX��
15720decoder card	�ѽX�d
15721decoder matrix	�ѽX�d�x�}
15722decoder outboard	�ѽX�~�O
15723decoder output value number	�ѽX����X�ȸ�
15724decoder read-only memory	�ѽX����Ū�x�s��	DROM
15725decoder simulator	�ѽX������
15726decoder switching unit	�ѽX�}���˸m
15727decoder, operation	�@�~�ѽX��
15728decoding	�ѽX
15729decoding algorithm	�ѽX��k
15730decoding assignment	�ѽX���w
15731decoding circuit	�ѽX�q��
15732decoding gate	�ѽX�h
15733decoding information	�ѽX�T��
15734decoding logic	�ѽX�޿�
15735decoding matrix	�ѽX�x�}
15736decoding network	�ѽX����
15737decoding process	�ѽX�L�{
15738decoding relay	�ѽX�~�q��
15739decoding scheme	�ѽX���
15740decoding switch	�ѽX�}��
15741decoding table	�ѽX��
15742decoding time	�ѽX�ɶ�
15743decoding tree	�ѽX��
15744decollate	�Ѩ�; ����
15745decollator	���β�
15746decommutation and readout system	�Ϥ����PŪ�X�t��
15747decompaction	����
15748decompile	��Ķ
15749decomposable	�i���Ѫ�
15750decomposable code	�i���ѽX
15751decomposable model	�i���Ѽҫ�
15752decomposable operator	�i���Ѻ�l
15753decomposable production	�i���Ѫ����ͦ�
15754decomposable production system	�i���Ѫ����ͦ��t��
15755decomposable searching problem	�i���ѷj�����D
15756decomposable system	�i���Ѩt��
15757decompose	����
15758decomposition	����
15759decomposition chart	���ѹ�
15760decomposition mathematical programming system	���ѽu�ʳW���t��
15761decomposition method	���Ѥ�k
15762decomposition of automaton	�۰ʤ���
15763decomposition of block diagrams	�عϤ���
15764decomposition of model interaction	�ҫ��ۤ��@�Ϊ�����
15765decomposition of relation scheme	���Y�Ҧ�����
15766decomposition of system network	�t���������
15767decomposition principle	���ѭ�h
15768decomposition process	���ѹL�{
15769decomposition query	���Ѭd��
15770decomposition query algorithm	���Ѭd�ߺ�k
15771decomposition technique	���ѧ޳N
15772decompression	�٭�
15773decreasing	����
15774decrement	����
15775decrement accumulator	��q�֥[��
15776decrement address	��q�a�}
15777decrement field	������
15778decrement instruction	��q���O
15779decrement jump	��q�ಾ
15780decrement list	��q��
15781decrement load	��q���J
15782decrement memory	��q�x�s��
15783decrement operator	��q�ާ@��
15784decrement register	��q�Ȧs��
15785decremeter	�I��p
15786decryphering	Ķ�X
15787decrypt	Ķ�X
15788decryption	Ķ�X
15789dedicate	�M�ΰt��
15790dedicated	�M��; �W����
15791dedicated access	�M�Φs��
15792dedicated application computer	�M�έp���
15793dedicated array processor	�M�ΰ}�C�B�z��
15794dedicated channel	�M�γq�D
15795dedicated circuit	�M�ιq��
15796dedicated connection	�M�γs��
15797dedicated data set	�M�θ�ƶ�
15798dedicated device	�M�γ]��
15799dedicated executive	�M���{��
15800dedicated function	�M�Υ\��
15801dedicated line	�M�u
15802dedicated link	�M�����
15803dedicated memory	�M���x�s��
15804dedicated microprocessor system	�M�ηL�B�z���t��
15805dedicated network	�M���
15806dedicated port	�M�Τf
15807dedicated program	�M�ε{��
15808dedicated register	�M�μȦs��
15809dedicated service	�M�ΪA��
15810dedicated space	�M�ΪŶ�
15811dedicated storage	�M���x�s( �� )
15812dedicated system	�M�Ψt��
15813dedication	�M��
15814deduction	����
15815deduction system	�tĶ�t��
15816deduction tree	�tĶ��
15817deductive data base	�tĶ��Ʈw
15818deductive mathematical	�tö�ƾdzW��
15819deductive mathematical discipline	�tö�ƾdzW��
15820deductive simulation	�tĶ����
15821deenergize	���h�q��
15822default	���w; ��w�榡
15823default attribute	���w�ݩ�
15824default block size	���w���j�p
15825default characteristic	���w�S��
15826default convention	���w���w
15827default declaration	���w�ŧi
15828default dictionary directory	���w����ƨ�ؿ�
15829default directory	�J�w�ɥ�; ���w�ؿ�
15830default disk	���w�Ϻо�
15831default disk drive	���w�Ϻо�
15832default document	���w���
15833default drive	���w�X�ʾ�
15834default extension	���w�X�i
15835default extension quantity	���w�X�i�ƶq
15836default format	���w�榡
15837default format statement	���w�榡�ԭz
15838default group	�t���w��
15839default handler	���w�B�z�{��
15840default interpretation	���w�ȸ�Ķ
15841default keyboard monitor	���w��L�ʵ���
15842default legend	���w�ϵ�
15843default literal	�t���w�����q
15844default mass storage volume group	�t���w�j�q�x�s����
15845default mode	���w�ҺA
15846default option	�t�Τ��w�ȿ��
15847default parameter	�t�Τ��w�Ѽ�
15848default print settings	���w�C�L�]�w
15849default radix	���w���
15850default register definition	���w�Ȧs���w�q
15851default rule	���w�]�w�W�h
15852default ruler	���w�W��
15853default security level	�t���w�w����
15854default size	���w�j�p
15855default value	���w��; �J�w��
15856default viewport	���w������
15857default volume	���w��
15858defect	���I
15859defect skip	���I���L
15860defect skipping	���I���L
15861defective modulation	�D���ƽը�
15862defective track	�G�ٺϭy
15863defective word cell	�G�٦r�椸
15864defensive programming	�����ʵ{���]�p
15865defer	����
15866defer firm planned order	����w�T�{�p�����q��
15867defer scheduled receipt	����Ƶ{����
15868defered addressing	����w�}
15869deferred condition code	�������X
15870deferred cycle	����g��
15871deferred echo	����^��
15872deferred entry	����i�J; �����J
15873deferred exit	���Ჾ�X; �����X
15874deferred I/O	�����J��X
15875deferred interrupt	���ᤤ�_
15876deferred job	�����u�@
15877deferred maintenance	������@
15878deferred maintenance time	������׮ɶ�
15879deferred processing	�����B�z; ����B�z
15880deferred processing session	�����B�z�|��
15881deferred restart	����A�Ұ�
15882deferred update	�����s
15883deferred write	����g�X
15884defferfered snapshots	���w������
15885define	�ɩw; �]�w
15886define area	�w�q��	DA
15887define byte	�w�q�줸��	DB
15888define constant	�w�q�`��	DC
15889define control block	�w�q�����	DCB
15890define control block dummy	�w�q���������	DCBD
15891define data command	�w�q��ƩR�O
15892define item	�w�q��
15893define label	�w�q�аO
15894define storage	�w�q�x�s��	DS
15895define symbol	�w�q�Ÿ�	DS
15896define symbol address	�w�q�Ÿ���}	DSA
15897define table	�w�q��
15898define word	�w�q�r	DW
15899defined item	�w�q��
15900defined readout	�W�wŪ�X
15901defined user command	�w�q����
15902defined variable	�w�ɩw���ܼ�
15903definer	�w�q��
15904defining contrast	�ɩw���
15905defining range	�w�q�Ȱ�
15906defining scalar	�w�q�жq
15907definite intgral	�w�n��
15908definite iteration	�w����
15909definite machine	�T�w���ɧǾ�
15910definite response	�T�w����
15911definition	�w�q; �T�w	DEF
15912definition block	�w�q��
15913definition environment	�w�q����
15914definition phase	��B�]�p���q
15915definition statement	�w�q�ԭz
15916definition table	�w�q��
15917definition tree	�w�q��
15918definition, problem	���D�w�q
15919definitional part	�w�q����
15920definitized spare parts list	�T�w���ƥ��	DSPL
15921deflation	��X��
15922deflect	��V
15923deflection	���V
15924deflection circuit	����q��
15925deflection plate	����O
15926deflection rate	����v
15927deflector	���ྐྵ
15928defletion	����	DEFL
15929defletion sensitivity	����ӷP��
15930defletion type storage tube	������x�s��
15931defocus	���J
15932degauss	�h��
15933degausser	�h�Ͼ�
15934degaussing computer	���ϭp���	DCMPTP
15935dege connector, right-angle	������t�s����
15936dege, guide	�ɽt
15937dege, stroke	���e��t
15938degenerate boolean algebra	�h�ƪ����L�N��
15939degeneration factor	�h�Ʀ]��
15940degenerative feedback	�h�Ʀ^�X
15941degradation	����; �h��
15942degradation factor	�����]��
15943degradation failure	�h�ƥ���
15944degradation testing	�h�ƴ���
15945degraded service state	���ŪA�Ȫ��A
15946degree	��; ����; �{��
15947degree of resolution	���ѫ�
15948deka	�Q�i��
15949dekatron calculator	�Q�i��p�⾹
15950delaminate	���h
15951delay	����	DL
15952delay action	����@��
15953delay bit	����줸
15954delay cable	����q�l
15955delay carry	����i��
15956delay circuit	����q��
15957delay coding, minimum	�̤p����g�X
15958delay correction network	����ե�����
15959delay counter	����p�ƾ�	DC
15960delay distortion	�����u
15961delay element	������
15962delay element, digit	�Ʀ쩵����
15963delay equalization	������
15964delay equalizer	�����ƾ�
15965delay fault	����G��
15966delay flip-flop	�����Ͼ�
15967delay generator	����w�IJ��;�
15968delay instruction	������O
15969delay line	����u	DL
15970delay line memory	����u�O��	DLM
15971delay line register	����u�Ȧs��	DLP
15972delay line storage	����u�x�s
15973delay line store	����u�x�s��
15974delay line synthesizer	����u�X����	DLS
15975delay lock loop	������w�j��	DLL
15976delay loop store	����j���x�s
15977delay modulation	����ը�	DM
15978delay period	����g��
15979delay programming	����{���]�p
15980delay quene	�����C
15981delay statement	����ԭz
15982delay system	����t��
15983delay time	����ɶ�
15984delay unit	����椸
15985delay vector	����V�q
15986delay, data	��Ʃ���
15987delay, external	�~����
15988delay, operating	�@�~����
15989delay-line	����u
15990delay-line register	����u�Ȧs��
15991delay-line storage	����u�x�s( �� )
15992delay-line, acoustic	�����u
15993delay-line, electric	���q�u
15994delay-line, electromagnetic	���q�Ͻu
15995delay-line, magnetic	���Ͻu
15996delay-line, magnetostrictive	�Ϧ��Y����u
15997delay-line, mercury	�E����u
15998delay-line, nickel	�쩵��u
15999delay-line, quartz	�ۭ^����u
16000delay-line, sonic	���i����u
16001delayed access	����s��
16002delayed branch	�����ಾ
16003delayed call	����I�s
16004delayed control mode	������Ҧ�
16005delayed echo	����^�i
16006delayed off	��������
16007delayed relaying communication satellite	������o���q�T�ìP
16008delayed repeater satellite	�������~�ìP
16009delayed request mode	����ШD�Ҧ�
16010delayed response	����^��
16011delayed response mode	����^���Ҧ�
16012delayed signal	����H��
16013delayed start	����Ұ�
16014delayed time system	����ɶ��t��
16015delayed-output equipment	�����X�]��
16016delayer	����
16017deleave	���|; ���o
16018delete	�R��	DEL
16019delete a directory	�R���ؿ�
16020delete address mark	�R����}�лx
16021delete batch	�R���妸
16022delete bit	�R���줸
16023delete character	�R���r��	DEL
16024delete character buffer	�R�r���w��
16025delete code	�R���X
16026delete entry	�R����
16027delete entry marker	�R�����лx
16028delete flag	�R���X��
16029delete form	�R����
16030delete key	�R����
16031delete line buffer	�R�C�w��
16032delete lines command	�R���r��R�O
16033delete record	�R���O��
16034delete statement	�R���ԭz
16035delete structure	�R�����c
16036delete word buffer	�R�r�w��
16037deleted file	�w�`�P�ɮ�
16038deletes entered	�R���w��J������
16039deletes generated	�R���w���ͪ�����
16040deletion	�R������
16041deletion discipline	�R���W�h
16042deletion error	�R�����~
16043deletion mark	�R���лx
16044deletion record	�R���O��
16045deletion strategy	�R������
16046deley base	�����
16047delimit	�w��
16048delimiter	�w�ɼ�; �Ϲj�r��
16049delimiter character	�w�ɦr��
16050delimiter line	�w�ɲŦ�
16051delimiter macro instruction	�w�ɲť������O
16052delimiter statement	�w�ɱԭz
16053delimiter, data	��Ʃw�ɼ�
16054delimiter, location	��m�w�ɼ�
16055delimiting character	�w�ɦr��
16056delink	�Ѱ��챵
16057delinquent	���b��
16058deliver	��I; ��e
16059deliverable item	�i��I��
16060delivery	��f
16061delivery cycle	��I�g��
16062delivery cylinder	�ǰe��W
16063delivery data	�ǰe���
16064delivery mechanism	�ǰe���c
16065delivery paper deflector	�e�ȾɦV�˸m
16066delivery receipt	�Ǥ�^��
16067delivery roller	�ǰe�u��
16068delivery time	�ǩI�ɶ�
16069delivery tray	�ǩI���L
16070delivery wheels	�ǰe��
16071delock	�Ѷ�
16072delta modulation	�W�q�ը�	DM
16073delta network	�W�q����
16074delta noise	�W�q����
16075delta signal	�T���H��
16076delta time	�ɶ��t��; �w�Įɶ�
16077delta-time	�w�Įɶ�
16078demagnetization	�h��; �h��
16079demagnetizer	�h�ϸ˸m
16080demagnetizinh state	�h�Ϫ��A
16081demand	�ݨD
16082demand assigned multiple access	�ݨD���t���h���s��
16083demand assigned signalling and switching	�ШD��ȫH���o�e�P�洫	DASS
16084demand assignment	�ݨD���t
16085demand assignment controller	�ݨD���t���	DAC
16086demand assignment multiple access	���ݨD���t�h��s��	DAMA
16087demand assignment-digital speech interpolation	�ШD���t-�Ʀ�y�����J	DA-DSI
16088demand data	�ݨD���
16089demand deposit program library	�����s�ڵ{���w	DDPL
16090demand driven	�ݨD�X�ʪ�
16091demand error	�ݨD���~
16092demand fetching	�ݨD���R�O
16093demand function	�ݨD���
16094demand history	�ݨD���v
16095demand history construction	�ݨD���v�إ�
16096demand load	�ݨD���J
16097demand loading	�ݨD�����J
16098demand multiplexing	�ݨD�h���ഫ
16099demand paged virtual memory	�ݨD�����������s�x��
16100demand paging	�ݨD����
16101demand paging system	�ݨD�������իרt��
16102demand per period	�C���ݨD
16103demand processing time-sharing	�ݨD�����ɳB�z
16104demand reading	�ݨDŪ
16105demand staging	�ݨD���q
16106demand zero page	�ݨD�Ĺs��
16107demoding circuit	�ѽX�q��
16108demodulate	�ѽ�
16109demodulation	�ѽ�
16110demodulator	�ѽվ�
16111demodulator band filter	�ѽվ��W�a�o�i��	DBF
16112demonstration	�ܽd
16113demonstration program	�ܽd�{��
16114Demorgan's theorem	�}���کw�z
16115demountable device	�i�����x�s�˸m
16116demountable storage	�i����x�s��
16117demultiplexer	�h�����Ѿ�	DEMUX
16118demultiplexing	�h������
16119demultiplier	���
16120denary	�Q�i; �Q�i��
16121dendritic algorithm	��K���t��k	DENDRAL
16122dendrogram	�t��
16123denial gate, alternative	�楸�h
16124denial gate, joint	�s���h
16125denominator	����
16126denotation	�лx
16127denotation semantics	�лx�y�q
16128denotational description	�лx�y�z
16129denotational semantics	�Ÿ��y�N
16130denotational setting	�Ÿ��]�w
16131denotative definition	�~���w�q
16132denote	�лx
16133dense	���K��
16134dense binary code	���K�G�i�X
16135dense index	�K������
16136dense list	�K����
16137dense matrix	���K�x�}
16138dense subgraph	���K�l��
16139density	�K��	DEN
16140density data	�K�׸��
16141density gradient	�K�ױ��
16142density ratio	�K�פ�
16143density tracks	�K�׺ϭy
16144density, bit	�줸�K��
16145density, character	�r���K��
16146density, packing	�ʸ˱K��
16147density, recording	�O���K��
16148density, track	�y�K��
16149denumerable set	�i�ƶ�
16150deny	�ڵ�
16151depacketize	��]
16152department	����	DEPT
16153department number	�������X
16154department tag file	��������
16155departure event	�����ƥ�
16156departure freqency	�����W�v
16157dependable communication	�i�a�q�T
16158dependence diagram	�����y�{��
16159dependency graph representation	�����Ϫ�ܪk
16160dependency hazard	�����_�I
16161dependency number	������
16162dependency relationship	�̿����Y
16163dependency set	������
16164dependent application	�ۨ�����
16165dependent demand	�̻ۨݨD
16166dependent equations	�̤ۨ�{��	DEN
16167dependent program	�����{��
16168dependent segment	�����q
16169dependent system	�����t��
16170dependent transaction	�̲ۨ���
16171dependent variable	�]�ܼ�; �ۨ��ܼ�
16172deposit	�s��
16173deposit region	�s���
16174depreciable cost	���¦���
16175depreciable life	���´���
16176depreciation	����
16177depreciation rate	���²v
16178depth	���`��; �`��
16179depth first	�a�V�j�M
16180depth, crimp	�����`��
16181deque	����C
16182dequeue	��ݦ�C; �J�X��C�{��
16183derivation graph	�ɥX��
16184derivation language	���ɻy��
16185derivation rule	���ɳW�h
16186derivation tree	���;�
16187derivative block	�ɥX��
16188derivative control	�L�ӱ���
16189derivative file	�����ɮ�
16190derivative indexing	���ͼФ�
16191derivative language	���ͻy��
16192derived data item	�ɥX��ƶ�
16193derived field	�_�����
16194derived information	�ɥX�T��
16195derived relation	�ɥX���Y
16196derived rule	�ɥX�W�h
16197derived sound	�ɥX�n��
16198derived subprogram	�ɥX�l�{��
16199derived type	�ɥX����
16200derived type conversion	�ɥX�����ഫ
16201derived type definition	�ɥX�����w�q
16202derived-term indexing	�ۥѵ��Ф�
16203descend	�U��
16204descendand	���; ��N
16205descendant	�U�N; ���
16206descendant node	�l�`�I
16207descendant vertex	���~���I
16208descender	�U���T��
16209descending	���
16210descending chain	������
16211descending key	������
16212descending order	����
16213descending sequence	���Ƕ���
16214descending sort	���DZƧ�
16215descent method	�U���k
16216descrambler	�ѩվ�
16217description	�y�z; ����
16218description attribute matrix	�y�z�ݩʯx�}
16219description block	�y�z��
16220description entry	�y�z��
16221description language	�y�z�y��	DL
16222description list	�y�z��
16223description, job	�u����
16224description, problem	���D����
16225description-truncated	�����@�I����
16226descriptive abstract	�y�z�K�n
16227descriptive language	�y�z�y��
16228descriptive manual	�ŧi��U
16229descriptive model	�y�z�ʼҫ�
16230descriptive session	�y�z�|��
16231descriptive statement	�y�z�ԭz
16232descriptor	�y�z��; �O�z�l
16233descriptor attribute	�y�z���ݩ�
16234descriptor attribute matrix	�y�z�Ÿ��ʰ}�C	DAM
16235descriptor base	�y�z��
16236descriptor base register	�y�z�Ű�a�}�Ȧs��
16237descriptor code	�y�z�ťN�X
16238descriptor flag	�y�z�żаO
16239descriptor generator working segment	�y�z�Ų��͵{���u�@�q
16240descriptor index	�y�z����
16241descriptor queue	�y�z�ų��C
16242descriptor queue element	�y�z�ų��C����
16243descriptor register	�y�z�żȦs��
16244descriptor table	�y�z�Ū�
16245design	�]�p
16246design aid	�]�p���U�u��
16247design analysis	�]�p���R
16248design analyzer	�]�p���R�{��
16249design approach	�]�p�ͦV
16250design assertation consisitency checker	�@�P������{��	DACC
16251design assertion consistency checker	�]�p�榡�@�P������{��
16252design automation	�]�p�۰ʤ�
16253design automation system	�]�p�۰ʤƨt��
16254design change request	�]�p���ШD	DCR
16255design choice logic	�]�p����޿�
16256design constraint	�]�p����
16257design cycle	�]�p�P��
16258design data book	�]�p��Ƥ�U
16259design data package	�]�p��ƮM�˳n��
16260design development record	�]�p�i�װO��	DDR
16261design engineer	�]�p�u�{�v	DG
16262design engineering	�]�p�u�{��
16263design environment	�]�p����
16264design fault	�]�p�G��
16265design file	�]�p�ɮ�
16266design framework	�]�p���c
16267design goal	�]�p�ؼ�
16268design guideline	�]�p���n
16269design handbook	�]�p��U	DH
16270design inspection	�]�p�ˬd
16271design language	�]�p�y��
16272design logic	�]�p�޿�
16273design objective	�]�p�ؼ�
16274design of experiment	����]�p
16275design phase	�]�p���q
16276design programmer	�{���]�p��
16277design reliability	�{���i�a��
16278design requirement	�]�p�n�D
16279design rule checking	�]�p�W�h�ˬd
16280design simulation	�]�p����
16281design strategy	�]�p����
16282design system	�]�p�t��
16283design tactics	�]�p�ޥ�
16284design tradeoff	�]�p���
16285design verification	�]�p����
16286design, character	�r���]�p
16287design, data	��Ƴ]�p
16288design, functional	�\��]�p
16289design, item	���س]�p
16290design, logic	�޿�]�p
16291design, logical	�޿�]�p
16292designated router	���w���|���t��
16293designated terminal	���w�׺�
16294designated work centers	���w�u�@��
16295designating device	���ѳ]��
16296designation	���R	DSGN
16297designation device	���ܳ]��
16298designation hole	���w�լ}
16299designation hole	�лx��
16300designation indicator	�лx���ܲ�
16301designation number	���w�ƥ�
16302designation numeral	���w��( �� )
16303designation numeral	�лx��
16304designation of link	����лx
16305designation of six character data field	���r�Ÿ�����лx
16306designation punch	���w����
16307designation punch	�лx��
16308designation register	�лx�Ȧs��
16309designational expression	�R�W��F��
16310designator	���w��; ���w�X
16311designator storage word	�лx���x�s�r
16312designer console	�]�p���u�@�x
16313desirable recovery procedure	�i�檺��_�{��
16314desire value	�����
16315desired capacity	���沣��
16316desired shift length	���檺�Z������
16317desk caculator	��W�p�⾹
16318desk calculator	��W�p�⾹
16319desk calculator function	��W�p�⾹�\��
16320desk check	�H�u�ˬd
16321desk checking	��u�ˬd
16322desk computer	��W�p���
16323desk management	�ưȺ޲z
16324desk mounted word processing equipment	��W�r���B�z�]��
16325desk top analogy systems	��W����t��
16326desk top calculator	��W�p�⾹
16327desk top computer	��W�p���	DTC
16328desk top computer system	��W�p����t��
16329desk top document copying machine	��W��ƽƨ��
16330desk top publish	��W�ƪ��t�ξ�
16331desk top reader	��W���\Ū��
16332desk, control	����x
16333desk-top calculator	��W���p�⾹
16334desktop publishing system	��W���ƪ��t��
16335despatch	�ի�
16336despatcher	�ի׵{��
16337despooler	��Ƨǵ{��
16338despotic network	�ի׵{��
16339DESQ	DESQ�{��
16340destage	���x
16341destination	�ت�; �ؼ�
16342destination accumulator	���G�֥[��
16343destination address	�ت���}; �H�e��}	DA
16344destination address field	�ت��a�}���
16345destination code	�ت��a�N�X
16346destination code base	�ت��N�X���	DCB
16347destination code byte	�˴��N�X�줸��	DCB
16348destination code indicator	�ت��N�X���ܾ�
16349destination element field	�ت��a�����
16350destination field	�ت��a���
16351destination figure	�װ�
16352destination file	���G�ɮ�
16353destination form library	�ؼЪ��w
16354destination host	�ت��a�D��
16355destination instruction, source	���w���O
16356destination name	�ت��a�W
16357destination node	�ت��a�`�I
16358destination port	�ت��a�ݤf
16359destination queue	�ت��a�}�C
16360destination register	�ؼкݼȦs��
16361destination selection	�ت��a���
16362destination set	�ت��a���X
16363destination station	�ت���
16364destination station address	�ت����a�}
16365destination subarea field	�ت��l�����
16366destination subport address	�ت��l�ݤf�a�}
16367destination task	�ت�����
16368destination time	�ؼЮɶ�
16369destination warning marker	�ϱa����ĵ�i�лx
16370destruct	�}�a
16371destruct command receiver	�۷��R�O������
16372destruction	�}�a��
16373destructive addition	�}�a�ʥ[�k
16374destructive cursor	�}�a�ʴ��
16375destructive read	�}�a�ʾ\Ū
16376destructive read in	�}�a��Ū�J
16377destructive read out	�}�a��Ū�X
16378destructive read-only	�}�a�ʰ�Ū
16379destructive reading	�}�a��Ū�X
16380destructive readout	�}�aŪ�X
16381destructive storage	�}�a���x�s(��)
16382destructive test	�}�a�ʴ���
16383destructor	�Ѱ��{��
16384detach	���}; ����
16385detach terminal	��ܱM����
16386detachable plugboard	���ʴ��Y�O
16387detached	������
16388detached job	�������@�~
16389detached process	�������{��; ����( �� )�{��
16390detached processing	�������B�z�{��
16391detached program	�������{��
16392detail	����
16393detail analysis	���Ӥ��R
16394detail assembly panel	����զX�O	DAP
16395detail bit	���Ӧ줸
16396detail card	���ӥd
16397detail chart	�ԲӬy�{��
16398detail condition	�Ӹ`����
16399detail condition register	�Ӹ`����Ȧs��	DCR
16400detail file	������; �����ɮ�
16401detail flow chart	�ԲӬy�{��
16402detail lines	���ӦC
16403detail printing	�ӥئC�L
16404detail record	���ӰO��
16405detail record count	���ӰO������
16406detail report in accounting format	�H�|�p�榡�C�L�����ӳ���
16407detail report in production format	�H�Ͳ��榡�C�L�����ӳ���
16408detail reports	���ӳ���
16409detail talble	�ӥت�
16410detail tape	���ӱa
16411detail time	�ӥسB�z�ɶ�
16412detailed design	�Ӹ`�]�p
16413detailed load analysis	���ӭt�����R
16414detailed operations list	���ӧ@�~�M�U
16415detailed schedule	�Ӹ`�i�ת�
16416detectable element	�i�˴�����
16417detectable field	�i�������
16418detectable group	�i�˴���ܲ�
16419detectable segment	�i�˴��q
16420detected fault	�˴��G��
16421detected handle	�˴��y�`
16422detecting	�˴�
16423detecting code	����X
16424detecting code, error	���~�X
16425detecting system	�˴��t��
16426detection	�˴�	DET
16427detection code byte	�˴��N�X�줸��
16428detection monitor	�˴��ʷ��{��
16429detection radar data processing	�����p�F��ƳB�z
16430detection, split	�������d
16431detector	������	DET
16432detector amplifier	�˴���j��	DA
16433detent	�w
16434deterioration	�ܽ�
16435determinant	��C��
16436determinate fault	�w���G��
16437determinate region	�����ϰ�
16438determination relationship	�T�w���Y
16439determination, coefficient	�Y�ƽT�w
16440determiner	�]�l
16441deterministic	�T�w�ʪ�
16442deterministic automaton	�T�w�ʦ۰ʾ�
16443deterministic bottom-up grammar	�T�w�ʦ۩��V�W��k
16444deterministic case	�T�w�ʨƨ�
16445deterministic context sensitive language	�T�w�ʤW�U��ӷP�y��	DCSL
16446deterministic context-free language	�T�w�ʤW�U��L���y��
16447deterministic diagram	�T�w�ʪ��A��
16448deterministic finite automaton	�T�w�ʦ����۰ʾ�
16449deterministic grammar	�T�w�ʤ�k
16450deterministic language	�T�w�ʻy��
16451deterministic linear bounded automaton	�T�w�ʽu�ʦ��ɦ۰ʾ�
16452deterministic process	�T�w�{��
16453deterministic retrieval	�T�w���˯�
16454deterministic routing	�T�w�ʸ��|���
16455deterministic schedule	�T�w�ʱƵ{
16456deterministic simulation	�T�w�ʼ���
16457deterministic system	�T�w�ʨt��
16458deterministic top-down grammar	�T�w�ʦ۳��V�U��k
16459deterministic transfer function	�T�w�ʶǻ����
16460detour matrix	���^�x�}
16461DEUNA	DEUNA �����t����
16462develop	�o�i
16463develope kit	�o�i�u��
16464developer	��v��
16465developer mix	�㹳�V�X��
16466developing head	��v�Y
16467development cycle simulation	�}�o�g������
16468development facility	�o�i����; �o�i�]�I
16469development management system	�}�o�޲z�t��
16470development software	�}�o�n��
16471development stage	�}�o���q
16472development system	�}�o�t��
16473development system activity	�t�ζ}�o����
16474development system step	�t�ζ}�o�B�J
16475development time	�o�i�ɶ�
16476development time	�}�o�ɶ�
16477development toll	�}�o�u��
16478development toll package	�}�o�u��M�˳n��
16479development tolls	�}�o�O
16480development-aid tools	�o�i���U�u��
16481deviation	���t
16482deviation alarm	���t��ĵ
16483deviation computer	���t�p���
16484deviation from original order quantity	�P��l�q�ʼƶq�����t
16485deviation quantity	���t�ƶq
16486device	�˸m; �]��
16487device 0 attention switch	�˸m0ĵ�i�}��
16488device 0 ready light	�˸m0�Ƨ����ܿO
16489device adapter	�˸m�t����
16490device adapter interface	�˸m�t������
16491device address	�˸m��}; �]�Ʀ�}
16492device allocation	�˸m���t
16493device assignment	�˸m����; �]�ƫ���
16494device availability	�˸m�i�βv
16495device backup	�˸m�ƴ�
16496device base control block	�˸m�������
16497device block	�˸m��
16498device busy	�˸m���L
16499device character control	�˸m�r�ű���
16500device characteristics table	�˸m�S�x��
16501device check	�˸m����
16502device cluster	�˸m�s��
16503device cluster size	�˸m�s���ؤo
16504device code	�˸m�X
16505device compatibility	�˸m�ۮe��
16506device control	�˸m����; �˸m����r��
16507device control block	�]�Ʊ����	DCB
16508device control cell	�˸m����椸
16509device control character	�˸m����r��
16510device control register	�˸m����Ȧs��
16511device control register address	�˸m����Ȧs����}
16512device control table	�˸m�����
16513device control unit	�˸m������
16514device controller	�˸m���
16515device coordinate	�˸m�y��
16516device data block	�˸m��ƶ�	DDB
16517device datatype	�˸m��ƧΦ�
16518device definition utility	�˸m�w�q���ε{��
16519device dependent program	�˸m�̵ۨ{��
16520device dependent routine	�˸m�̨ۨҦ�`��
16521device descriptor block	�˸m�y�z�r�Ŷ�	DDB
16522device descriptor module	�˸m�y�z�r�żҲ�	DDM
16523device designation	�˸m���w
16524device diagnostic program	�˸m�E�_�{��
16525device directory	�˸m�ؿ�
16526device driver	�˸m�X�ʾ�; �˸m�X�ʱ`��
16527device driver routine	�˸m�X�ʱ`��
16528device end condition	�˸m��������
16529device error	�˸m���~
16530device failure	�˸m����
16531device feedback	�˸m�^�X
16532device field	�˸m���	DFLD
16533device flag	�˸m�X��	DF
16534device function	�˸m�\��
16535device Function Controller	�˸m�\�౱�
16536device function controller	�˸m�\�౱�
16537device handler	�˸m�B�m��	DH
16538device header	�˸m���Y
16539device ID decoder	�˸m�ѧO�ѽX��
16540device ID register	�˸m�ѧO�Ȧs��
16541device identification	�˸m�ѧO
16542device identifier	�]�Ƽ��Ѳ�	DID
16543device identifier code	�]�Ƽ��ѽX
16544device independence	�˸m�W�ߩ�
16545device initial reset	�˸m�_�l���w
16546device initialize	�]�ƪ�l��	DIN
16547device input format	�]�ƿ�J�榡	DIF
16548device input queue	�]�ƿ�J��C
16549device interface	�˸m����	DEVI
16550device interrupt	�˸m���_�H��
16551device interrupt vector table	�˸m���_�V�q
16552device line	�˸m�C
16553device management	�˸m�޲z
16554device media control language	�˸m�C�鱱��y��	DMCL
16555device message handler	�˸m�H���B�z�{��
16556device name	�˸m�W��
16557device name table	�˸m�W�٪�	DNT
16558device not ready	�˸m���Ƨ�
16559device number	�˸m���X
16560device number register	�˸m���Ȧs��	DNR
16561device output format	�˸m��X�榡	DOF
16562device output format block	�˸m��X�榡��
16563device page	�˸m����	DPAGE
16564device parameter list	�˸m�Ѽƪ�
16565device pool management	�˸m���޲z
16566device priority	�˸m�u������
16567device processor	�˸m�B�z�{��
16568device queue	�˸m��C
16569device ready	�˸m�Ƨ�
16570device reconfiguration	�˸m���s�t�q
16571device reference table	�˸m�ѦҪ�	DRT
16572device register	�˸m�Ȧs��
16573device select code	�˸m��ܽX
16574device selector	�˸m��ܾ�
16575device service task	�˸m�A�ȥ���
16576device slect pulse	�˸m��ܯߪi
16577device space	�˸m�Ŷ�
16578device status bit	�˸m���A�줸
16579device status byte	�˸m���A�줸��
16580device status register	�˸m���A�Ȧs��
16581device status word	�˸m���A�r	DSW
16582device time-out cell	�˸m�W�ɽե�
16583device tolerance	�˸m�e�t
16584device type	�˸m����
16585device type table	�˸m������
16586device unit	�˸m�椸
16587device utility program	�˸m���ε{��	DUP
16588device vector	�˸m�V�q
16589device vector table	�˸m�V�q��	DVT
16590device waiting queue	�˸m���ݦ�C
16591device work queue	�˸m�B���C
16592device, analog	����˸m
16593device, attention	���`�˸m
16594device, conversion	�ܴ��˸m
16595device, input	��J�˸m
16596device, output	��X�˸m
16597device, solid-state	�T�A�˸m
16598device, terminal	�׺ݸ˸m
16599device-control character	�˸m����r��
16600device-denpendent	�˸m�̪ۨ�
16601device-oriented data structure	�˸m�ɦV����Ƶ��c
16602device-token	�˸m�ŰO
16603Dewey decimal classification	���¤Q�i�����k
16604Dewey decimal system	���¤Q�i�t��
16605diacritical sign	�ϧO�O��
16606diad	�|�i( �� )
16607diadic operator	���ȹB���
16608diagnoal entry	�﨤�u����
16609diagnose interface	��������
16610diagnosis	�E�_
16611diagnostic	����; �E�_
16612diagnostic check	��������
16613diagnostic communication	�����q�T
16614diagnostic compiler	�����sĶ�{��
16615diagnostic control program	��������{��	DCP
16616diagnostic decision logic table	�����P�_�޿��	DDLT
16617diagnostic dictionary	���_�r��
16618diagnostic diskette	�����Ϥ�
16619diagnostic facility	�E�_�]�I
16620diagnostic flow chart	�����y�{��	DEC
16621diagnostic function	�E�_�\��
16622diagnostic function test	�E�_�\�����; �����\�����	DFT
16623diagnostic instruction	�������O
16624diagnostic loader	�������J�{��
16625diagnostic logic simulator	�����޿������
16626diagnostic logout	�����O��
16627diagnostic mode	�����Ҧ�
16628diagnostic monitor	�ʵ���	DM
16629diagnostic order calculator	�������O�p�⾹	DOC
16630diagnostic package	�����M�˳n��
16631diagnostic program	�����{��; �E�_�{��
16632diagnostic programming	�����{���]�p
16633diagnostic routine	�E�_�`��; �����`��
16634diagnostic scan	��������
16635diagnostic shift register	��������Ȧs��	DSR
16636diagnostic statement	�E�_�ԭz
16637diagnostic system	�����t��
16638diagnostic test	�E�_����
16639diagnostic test page	�E�_���խ���
16640diagnostic tool	�E�_�u��
16641diagnostic trace program	�E�_�l�a�{��
16642diagnostic track	�����ϭy
16643diagnostic tree	�E�_��
16644diagnostic utility system	�E�_���ε{���t��	DUS
16645diagnostic-checkity	�E�_�ֹ�
16646diagnostics	�����{��
16647diagnostor	�E�_�{��
16648diagnotor	�E�_��
16649diagonal of a matrix	�x�}���﨤�u
16650diagram	��(��)
16651diagram block	�����
16652diagram data flow	��Ƭy�{�ϸ�
16653diagram dynamic flow	�ʺA�y�{�ϸ�
16654diagram electrical schematic	�q������
16655diagram engineering logic	�u�{�޿�ϸ�
16656diagram flow	�y�{�ϸ�
16657diagram functional	�\��ϸ�
16658diagram logic	����
16659diagram logical	����
16660diagram method	�ϸѪk
16661diagram paper	�q����
16662diagram program	�ϥܵ{��
16663diagram set-up	�]�m�ϸ�
16664diagram Veitch	���_�ϸ�
16665diagram Venn	�S��ϸ�
16666diagrammatic notation	�ϸѪ�ܪk
16667dial	����; �����L; ��׽L
16668dial access	�����s��
16669dial access information retrieval system	�����s����T�˯��t��	DAIRS
16670dial backup auto answer unit	�������Z���������椸	DBAAU
16671dial check	�����ˬd
16672dial conference	�q�ܷ|ij
16673dial exchange	�����洫
16674dial in	���J
16675dial in port	���J��
16676dial line	�����u��
16677dial out	���X
16678dial pulse	�����ߪi
16679dial set	������
16680dial system	�����t��
16681dial terminal	�����׺ݾ�
16682dial tone	������	DT
16683dial transfer	�����ǰe
16684dial up	����
16685dial up characteristics	�����S��
16686dial up connect	�����s��
16687dial up line	�����u��
16688dial up teleconferencing	�������~�q�ܷ|ij
16689dial up terminal	�����׺ݾ�
16690dial-up	���W; ������
16691dial-up line	�������u��
16692dial-up system	���W�t��
16693dial-up terminal line	�������׺ݾ��u
16694Dialcom	�����q�T�A��
16695dialect	�訥
16696dialectic sensors	�訥�P����
16697dialed circuit	�Q�s��; �Q�����u��
16698dialed line	�Q�s��; �Q�����u��
16699dialer	������
16700dialing	����; �D�s
16701dialing device	�����˸m
16702dialing set computer	�r�L���p���
16703dialing, direct distance	���~��������
16704dialog	���; ���
16705dialog box	��ܮ�
16706dialog manager	��ܺ޲z�{��
16707dialog terminal system	��ܺݲ׾��t��	DTS
16708dialogue	���
16709dialogue control file	��ܱ����ɮ�	DCF
16710dialogue generator	��ܲ��͵{��
16711dialogue grammar	��ܤ�k
16712dialogue layer	��ܼh
16713dialogue specification language	��ܳW��y��	DSL
16714dialogue subsystem	��ܤl�t��
16715dialogue system	��ܨt��
16716diamagnetic	�ܺϩʪ�
16717diameter	���|
16718Diamond switch	�p�۶}��
16719diamonds	�٧�
16720dibit	���줸; ����
16721dibit encoding	���ƽs�X
16722dibit transmission	���줸�ǿ�
16723dicap storage	�G����q�e�x�s
16724dichotomizing search	�G���k�d�M
16725dichotomy	�G���k
16726dichotomy system	�G���t��
16727dicode	���X
16728dictate	���w
16729dictionary	�r��; ���
16730dictionary automatic	�۰ʦr��
16731dictionary catalog	�r��ؿ�
16732dictionary code	�r��N�X
16733dictionary directory	�r��ؿ�
16734dictionary electronic	�q�l�Ʀr��
16735dictionary element	�r�夸��
16736dictionary external symbol	�r��~�Ÿ�
16737dictionary file	���X�ഫ��; �r���ɮ�
16738dictionary fix utility	�r��ץ����ε{��
16739dictionary management utility	�r��޲z���ε{��	DMU
16740dictionary mechanical	����Ʀr��
16741dictionary object	�r��ت���; ������
16742dictionary relocation	���w��r��
16743dictionary verify	�r��T�{
16744die	����
16745dielectric	���q��; ���t����	DIELEX
16746dielectric layer	���q�h
16747dielectric loss	����l��
16748diferential gain	�L���W�q
16749diferential phase	�t���ۦ�
16750diferential phase shift keying	�t�������䱱
16751diferential resolver	�L���D�Ѿ�
16752diferential transducer	�t���ܴ���
16753diferentiate	�t��; �L��
16754diferrdd addressing	���w�w�}
16755difference	�t��
16756difference amplifier	�t�ʩ�j��	DA
16757difference gate	�t�h
16758difference logic	�޿�t
16759difference logical	�޿�t
16760difference method	�t���k
16761difference quantity	�t���ƶq
16762difference register	�t���Ȧs��	DR
16763different style of chinese character	����r
16764differential amplifier	�L����j��; �t�ʩ�j��	DA
16765differential analyzer	�L�����R��
16766differential analyzer, electronic	�q�l�L�����R��
16767differential audio output	�t�ʦ��n�W��X
16768differential computing potentiometer	�L���p��q��p	DCP
16769differential file	�ɻ~�ɮ�
16770differential gear	�t�ʾ���
16771differential mode	�L���Ҧ�
16772differential modulation	�L������
16773differential phase-shift keying	�t���۫���	DPSK
16774differential-signal receiver	�t�T������
16775differentiating amplifier	�L����j��
16776differentiating circuit	�L���q��
16777differentiator	�L����
16778diffusion capacitance	�X���q�e
16779digested data	�K�����
16780Digiplot	�Ʀ�yø�`��
16781Digiralt	�Ʀ�p�F���ת�
16782digit	�Ʀ�; �Ʀ�
16783digit analysis	�Ʀ���R
16784digit arithmetic	�Ʀ�B��
16785digit binary	�G�i�Ʀ�
16786digit binary-coded	�G�i�X�Ʀ�
16787digit bit	�Ʀ�줸
16788digit buffer	�Ʀ�w�ľ�
16789digit by digit algorithm	�v���k
16790digit capacity	�Ʀ�e�q
16791digit check	�ֹ�Ʀ�
16792digit check, forbidden	�T�μƦ�ֹ�
16793digit circuit	�Ʀ�q��
16794digit coded decimal	�X�ƤQ�i�Ʀ�
16795digit coded voice	�Ʀ�s�X�y��
16796digit column	�Ʀ��
16797digit compression	�Ʀ����Y
16798digit computer	�Ʀ�p���
16799digit control system	�Ʀ챱��t��
16800digit count	�Ʀ�p��
16801digit decimal	�Q�i�Ʀ�
16802digit delay	�Ʀ쩵��
16803digit delay element	�Ʀ쩵����
16804digit driver	�Ʀ��X�ʾ�
16805digit emitter	�Ʀ�o�g��
16806digit emitter, selective	��ܼƦ�o�g��
16807digit equivalent binary	���ĤG�i�Ʀ�
16808digit forbidden	�T�μƦ�
16809digit function	�\��Ʀ�
16810digit gap	���ئ���
16811digit hexadecimal	�Q���i�Ʀ�
16812digit high-order	�����Ʀ�
16813digit least significant	�̧C�ļƦ�
16814digit logic	�Ʀ��޿�
16815digit low-order	�C���Ʀ�
16816digit marker	�Ʀ�Ÿ�
16817digit most significant	�̰��ļƦ�
16818digit octal	�K�i�Ʀ�
16819digit order number	�Ʀ�
16820digit path	�Ʀ���|
16821digit period	�Ʀ�g��
16822digit place	�Ʀ쭱; �줸��m
16823digit plane	�Ʀ쭱
16824digit plane driver	�Ʀ쭱�X�ʾ�	DPD
16825digit position	�Ʀ��m
16826digit posting, terminal	�׺ݼƦ�i��
16827digit present	�Ʀ���	DP
16828digit punch	�Ʀ쥴��
16829digit select	�Ʀ���
16830digit selector	�Ʀ��ܾ�
16831digit sign	���t���Ʀ�
16832digit significant	���ļƦ�
16833digit specifier	�Ʀ���w��
16834digit sum check	�M�ֹ�Ʀ�
16835digit switching	�Ʀ�洫
16836digit symbol display generator	�Ʀ�Ÿ���ܲ��;�
16837digit time	�Ʀ�ɶ�
16838digit time slot	�Ʀ�ɶ��ѻ�
16839digit to binary converter	�Ʀ�P�G�i���ഫ��
16840digit transfer bus	�Ʀ��ಾ�׬y��
16841digit transfer trunk	�Ʀ��ಾ�F�u
16842digit unallowable	�D�e�\���O�Ʀ�
16843digit unallowable instruction	�D�e�\���O�Ʀ�
16844digit wave form	�Ʀ�i��
16845digit zero symbol	�Ʀ�s�Ÿ�
16846digital	�Ʀ�; �Ʀ쪺
16847digital	analog convert	��-���ഫ	D/A
16848digital adaptive area correlation	�Ʀ�۾A���ϰ����	DAAC
16849digital adaptive recording system	�Ʀ즡�۾A���O���t��	DARS
16850digital adder	�Ʀ�[�k��
16851digital air data computer	�Ʀ��żƾڭp���	DADC
16852digital air data computer system	�Ʀ��żƾڭp����t��	DADS
16853digital alarm clock	�Ʀ�ĵ����
16854digital angle recorder	�Ʀ즡���O����	DAR
16855digital angular position encoder	�Ʀ쨤��m�s�X��
16856digital approximation	�Ʀ�G��
16857digital attenuator system	�Ʀ즡�I��t��
16858digital audio disk	�Ʀ�ưۤ�
16859digital automatic multiple pressure recorder	�Ʀ즡�۰ʦh���O�O����	DAMPR
16860digital automatic pattern recognition	�Ʀ즡�۰ʼҦ��ѧO	DAPR
16861digital automatic readout tracker	�Ʀ즡�۰�Ū�X�l�ܾ�	DART
16862digital automatic weather network	�Ʀ�۰ʮ�H����	DAWN
16863digital azimuth range tracking system	�Ʀ즡���Z���l�ܨt��	DARTS
16864digital back-up	�Ʀ�ƴ��]��
16865digital bar-code wand	�Ʀ�ʱ��X�˴���
16866digital block	�Ʀ�T����
16867digital branch exchange	�Ʀ쫬�Τ����洫��
16868digital building block oriented language	�Ʀ�n�줸��ɦV�y��	DBBOL
16869digital camera	�ƾڷӹ���
16870digital carrier system	�Ʀ���i�t��
16871digital cartridge	�Ʀ�X���ϱa( �� )
16872digital cassette recorder	�Ʀ�X���O����
16873digital chain system	�Ʀ��즡
16874digital channel	�Ʀ�q�D
16875digital character	�Ʀ�r��
16876digital circuit	�Ʀ�q��
16877digital clock	�Ʀ���
16878digital clock pulse	�Ʀ�����ߪi	DCP
16879digital code	�Ʀ�N�X	DC
16880digital code converter	�Ʀ�N�X�ഫ��	DCC
16881digital coded voice	�Ʀ�s�X�y��
16882digital command language	�Ʀ�R�O�y��	DCL
16883digital command system	�Ʀ�R�O�t��	DCS
16884digital communication	�Ʀ�q�T
16885digital communication set	�Ʀ�q�T�]��
16886digital communication system	�Ʀ�q�T�t��	DCS
16887digital comparator	�Ʀ�����	DC
16888digital complement	�Ʀ쪺�ɽX
16889digital computer	�Ʀ�p���	DC
16890digital computer association	�Ʀ�p�����|	DCA
16891digital computer program	�Ʀ�p����{��	DCP
16892digital computer programming	�Ʀ�p����{���]�p	DCP
16893digital computer technique	�Ʀ�p����޳N
16894digital computing system	�Ʀ�p��t��
16895digital concentration readout	�Ʀ춰��Ū�X	DCR
16896digital control	�Ʀ챱��	DC
16897digital control computer	�Ʀ챱��p���	DCC
16898digital control design language	�Ʀ챱��]�p�y��	DCDL
16899digital control system	�Ʀ챱��t��	DCS
16900digital control unit	�Ʀ챱�
16901digital controller	�Ʀ챱�
16902digital conversion	�Ʀ��ഫ
16903digital converter	�Ʀ��ഫ��
16904digital countdown system	�Ʀ컼��p�ƨt��
16905digital counter	�Ʀ�p�ƾ�
16906digital cross correct	�Ʀ��e�ե�
16907digital data	�Ʀ���
16908digital data acquisition system	�Ʀ�������t��	DDAS
16909digital data buffer	�Ʀ��ƽw�İ�	DDB
16910digital data communications message protocol	�Ʀ��Ƴq�T�T����w	DDCMP
16911digital data communications system	�Ʀ��Ƴq�T�t��	DIDCS
16912digital data computer	�Ʀ��ƭp����������J	DIDAC
16913digital data display	�Ʀ������(��)	DIDAD
16914digital data exchange	�Ʀ�q�T�A��	DDX
16915digital data processor	�Ʀ��ƳB�z��	DIDAP
16916digital differential analyzer	�Ʀ�L�����R��
16917digital display	�Ʀ����
16918digital document interchange format	�}�N�h���洫�榡	DDIF
16919digital equivalent	�Ʀ쵥�ƭ�
16920digital image data	�Ʀ�v�����	DID
16921digital image hard copy	�Ʀ�v���L�s�޳N
16922digital information display	�Ʀ��T���( �� )	DID
16923digital input base	�Ʀ��J���	DIB
16924digital input computer	�Ʀ��J�p���	DIC
16925digital integrated circuit	�Ʀ�n��q��
16926digital integrated circuit element	�Ʀ�n��q������	DICE
16927digital interface signal	�Ʀ줶���H��
16928digital inupt module	�Ʀ��J�Ҳ�
16929digital link interface	�Ʀ��������
16930digital logic circuit	�Ʀ��޿�q��	DLC
16931digital multiplier	�Ʀ쭼��
16932digital optical disk	�Ʀ����
16933digital output module	�Ʀ��X�Ҳ�
16934digital pattern generator	�Ʀ�Ҧ����;�	DPG
16935digital recorder analyzer	�Ʀ즡�O�����R��	DRA
16936digital representation	�Ʀ��ܪk; �줸��ܦ�
16937digital shift	�Ʀ�첾
16938digital signal	�Ʀ�H��
16939digital signal processing	�Ʀ�H���B�z
16940digital signal processor	�Ʀ�H���B�z��	DSP
16941digital sketch phone	��ƴyø�q�T�A��
16942digital sort	�Ʀ�Ƨ�
16943digital standard relational interface	�Ʀ�з����s����	DSRI
16944digital subset	�Ʀ�l��
16945digital system	�Ʀ�t��
16946digital to analog converter	�Ʀ�--�����ഫ��	DAC
16947digital transmission	�Ʀ�ǿ�
16948digital transmission system	�Ʀ�ǿ�t��
16949digital value	�ƭ�
16950digital variable	�Ʀ��ܼ�
16951digital-analog simulator	�Ʀ�-�����ഫ�����{��	DAS
16952digital-analog-analog-digital	�Ʀ�--����--�Ʀ�--����( �ഫ )	DAAD
16953digital-to-analog conversion	�Ʀ�@�ܤ@�����ഫ
16954digital-to-analog converter	�Ʀ�ܤ����ഫ��	DAC
16955digital-to-analog coverter	�Ʀ�������ഫ��
16956digital-to-digital converter	����ܼƦ��ഫ��
16957digitalized	�Ʀ��
16958digitization	�Ʀ��ഫ
16959digitize	�Ʀ��; �줸��
16960digitized	�Ʀ��
16961digitized speech	�Ʀ�ƻy��
16962digitizer	�Ʀ���ƾ�
16963digraph	( �� )�V��
16964dile processing	�ɳB�z
16965dimension	( �q )��; ��; �]��; �j�p
16966dimensional form	���קΦ�
16967diminished radix complement	�Y��ư�ɼ�
16968diminished-radix complement	�D��ư�ɼ�
16969diminshed radix complement	�Y��ư�ɼ�
16970diode	�G����; �G����
16971diode function generator	�G�����Ʋ��;�
16972diode germanium	��G����
16973diode silcon	���G����
16974diode tunnel	�z�ǤG����; �G�D�G����
16975dipole modulation	�G������
16976direct	�޾�
16977direct access	�������F; �����s��
16978direct access communication channel	�����s���q�T�q�D	DACC
16979direct access device	�����s���˸m; �����s���˸m
16980direct access file	�����s���ɮ�
16981direct access method	�����s���k	DAM
16982direct access storage	�����s���x�s��
16983direct access storage device	�����s���x�s�˸m; �����s���x�s�˸m	DASD
16984direct access storage dump restore	�����s���x�s�����x��_	DASDR
16985direct access storage facility	�����s���x�s�]�I	DASF
16986direct access storage subsystem	�����s���x�s�l�t��
16987direct access storage unit	�����s���x�s�椸
16988direct access store	�����s���x�s��
16989direct address	������}	DA
16990direct addressing	�����w�}
16991direct adjacent channel interference	�����۾F�q�D�z�Z	DACI
16992direct call facility	�����I�s�]�I
16993direct coding	�����s�X
16994direct computer control	�����p�������	DCC
16995direct connection	�����s��
16996direct connection system	�����s���t��
16997direct control	��������
16998direct control bus in	��������׬y�ƿ�J	DCBI
16999direct control bus out	��������׬y�ƿ�X	DCBO
17000direct control channel	��������q�D	DCC
17001direct control connection	��������s��
17002direct control hold in	��������O��	DCHI
17003direct control oriented language	��������ɦV���y��
17004direct controled system	��������t��
17005direct correlation	��������
17006direct cost	��������
17007direct coupled system	�������X�t��	DCS
17008direct coupled transistor logic	�������X�q�����޿�	DCTL
17009direct current	���y	DC
17010direct current amplifier	���y��j��
17011direct current balancer	���y���ž�
17012direct current bias	���y����
17013direct current component	���y������
17014direct current computer	���y�p���
17015direct current converter	���y�ഫ��
17016direct current coupling	���y���X
17017direct current panel	���y���u�O
17018direct data access arrangement	���y��Ʀs���˸m
17019direct data attachment	���y��Ƴs����	DDA
17020direct data entry	������Ƶn��
17021direct data organization	�����ƾڲ�´
17022direct data path	������Ƹ��|
17023direct data set	���y��ƶ�
17024direct deactivation	��������
17025direct derivation	��������
17026direct descendant	�����l��
17027direct digital control	�����Ʀ챱�
17028direct digital encoder	�����Ʀ�s�X��	DDE
17029direct digital multitask interface	�Ʀ�h�u������	DMI
17030direct digital process control	�����Ʀ�B�z����
17031direct disc attachment	�����Ϻгs����	DDA
17032direct display	������ܾ�
17033direct distance dialing	���~��������	DDD
17034direct distribution satellite	�������o�ìP
17035direct driver	�����X�ʾ�	DD
17036direct encoding microinstruction	�����s�X�L���O
17037direct entry photocomposition	������J�Ӭ۱ƪ�
17038direct eurrent to alternating current	���y--��y	DC-AC
17039direct execute language	��������y��
17040direct execution system	��������t��
17041direct father	�����W��
17042direct file	�����ɮ�
17043direct file organization	�����ɮײ�´
17044direct graph	���V��
17045direct high level language processor	�������Ży���B�z��	DHLLP
17046direct histogram specification	��������ϳW���
17047direct in	�����J
17048direct information access network	������T�s������	DIANE
17049direct input	������J
17050direct insert subroutine	�������J���`��
17051direct instruction	�������O
17052direct interface adapter	���������t����	DIA
17053direct inward dialing	�����V������; �������J	DID
17054direct jump	�������V
17055direct keying device	�����䱱�˸m
17056direct labor cost	�����H�u����
17057direct labor cost variance	�����H�u�����ܲ�
17058direct least squares method	�����̤p�G���k	DLS
17059direct line	���F�u��
17060direct line attachment	���F�u�s��	DLA
17061direct line subscriber	���F�u��
17062direct load	�������J	DL
17063direct location mode	�����w��Ҧ�
17064direct mapping	��������
17065direct mapping cache	�����M���֨�
17066direct memory access	�����O�Цs��; �O�Ъ����s��	DMA
17067direct memory access controller	�����O����s�����	DMAC
17068direct memory access interface	�����O����s������	DMAI
17069direct memory adapter	�����O����t����	DMA
17070direct memory address	�����O��}
17071direct memory exchange	�����O����洫	DMX
17072direct memory line	�����O����u	DML
17073direct memory queue	�����O����}�C	DMQ
17074direct microprogrammed execution	�����L�{������
17075direct mode	�����ҺA; �����Ҧ�
17076direct multiplex channel	�����h�u�q�D
17077direct numerical control	�����ƭȱ���
17078direct on-line processor	�����s�u�B�z��
17079direct operation	�����ާ@
17080direct option repeater	������ܤ��~��
17081direct or relative file organization	�������ά۹���ɮײ�´
17082direct order cost	�����q�ʦ���
17083direct organization	������´
17084direct organization file	������´�ɮ�
17085direct out	�����X
17086direct output	������X
17087direct outward dialing	�����V�~����	DOD
17088direct page register	���������Ȧs��
17089direct parent	��������
17090direct percentage function	�y���ʤ���\��
17091direct printing	�����C�L
17092direct procedence relation	�����u�����Y
17093direct process	�����B�z
17094direct processor adapter	�����B�z���t����	DPA
17095direct program control	�����{������
17096direct ray	�����g�u�q��
17097direct reading encoder	��Ū���s�X
17098direct reading totalizer	��Ū���֥[��	DRT
17099direct recording	�����O��
17100direct reduction	����²��
17101direct reference	�����Ѧ�; �����ޥ�
17102direct reference address	�����ѦҦ�}
17103direct register transfer	�����Ȧs���ಾ
17104direct search	�����d�M
17105direct selection	�������
17106direct sharing	�����@��
17107direct statement	�����ԭz
17108direct storage access	�����x�s��s��	DSA
17109direct substitution	�������N
17110direct subtract	������	DS
17111direct symbol recognition	�����Ÿ��ѧO
17112direct system output	�����t�ο�X	DSO
17113direct transfer	�����ǰe
17114direct transmission	�����ǿ�
17115direct usages	�����ϥζq
17116direct view storage display	���[���x�s���
17117direct view storage tube	���[���x�s��	DVST
17118direct voice input	�����n����J
17119direct voltage	���y�q��
17120direct-challenge system	�����߰ݨt��
17121direct-coupled amplifier	�������X��j��
17122direct-coupled flip-flop	�������X���Ͼ�
17123direct-coupled transistor logic	�������X�q�����޿�
17124direct-coupling	�������X
17125direct-current amplifier	���y��j��
17126direct-current signalling	�����ǫH
17127direct-entry photoypesetter	������J�ӱƾ�
17128direct-execution language	�������氪���y��
17129direct-insert routine	�������J�`��
17130direct-insert subroutine	�������J���`��
17131direct-point repeater	������o��
17132directed flowgraph	�w�V�y�{��
17133directed graph	���V�ϧ�
17134directed graph circuit algorithm	���V�Ϧ^���t��k
17135directed net	���V��
17136directed rounding	���ܩ�
17137directed semantic graph	���V�y�q��	DSG
17138directed tree	���V��; �w�V���
17139directing character	�w�V�r��
17140directing code	�w�V�N�X
17141directing listed spooled output	���V�C�������X
17142directing station	���a��	DS
17143direction	��V; �y�V
17144direction finder	���V��	DF
17145direction finding	���V	DF
17146direction flow	�y�V; ��V�y��
17147direction normal flow	���`�y�V
17148directional antenna	�w�V�ѽu
17149directional coupler	�w�V���X��	DC
17150directional filter	�w�V�L�o��
17151directions	����; ���ɻ���
17152directive	�ŧi; ���O
17153directive parameter block	���ܰѼƵ{����	DPB
17154directive statement	���ܱԭz
17155directivity	��V
17156directivity gain	��V��
17157directivity pattern	�w�V�Ҧ�
17158directly addressable storage common area	�i�����w�}�x�s�����ΰϰ�	DSC
17159directly coupled system	�������X�t��
17160directly executed language	��������y��	DEL
17161director	������; �ɦV��
17162directoried data set	�s�ظ�ƶ�
17163directory	�W��; �ؿ�	DIR
17164directory area	�ؿ���
17165directory assistance operator	�ؿ����U�ާ@��
17166directory binding	�ؿ��˭q
17167directory block	�ؿ��϶�
17168directory caching	�ɥسt�s
17169directory cluster size	�ɥظs���ؤo
17170directory code	�ؿ��X
17171directory description block	�ؿ��y�z��
17172directory device	�ɥظ˸m
17173directory devices	�ؿ��˸m
17174directory entries	�ؿ��X�J�f
17175directory entry	�ؿ���
17176directory file	�ؿ��ɮ�
17177directory hashing	�ؿ������
17178directory hierarchy	�ɥؼh��
17179directory key	�ؿ�����r
17180directory listing	�ؿ��C��r
17181directory log	�ؿ��O��
17182directory management	�ؿ��޲z
17183directory name	�ɥئW��
17184directory path	�ؿ����|; �ɥظ��|
17185directory report	�ؿ�����
17186directory retrieval	�ؿ��˯�
17187directory rights	�ؿ��v��
17188directory routing	�ؿ����|���
17189directory search	�ؿ��d�M
17190directory security	�ؿ��w�����@
17191directory segment	�ؿ��q
17192directory specification	�ɥسW��
17193directory structure	�ؿ����c
17194directory structured	�ɥص��c��
17195directory table	�ؿ���
17196dirty bit	�a��; �a�줸
17197disable	�ϥ���; �h��	DSBL
17198disable channel	�q�D����
17199disable instruction	�T����O
17200disable interrupt	�T��_	DI
17201disable switch	�T��}��
17202disable word	�T��r
17203disabled	�w����
17204disabled module	����Ҳ�
17205disabler	���ľ�
17206disabling	�T��
17207disabling interrupt	���Ĥ��_
17208disabling pulse	�T��߽�
17209disabling tone	�T�
17210disagreement set	���@�P���X
17211disambiguation	�����G�q��
17212disarm	����
17213disarm state	�Ѱ����A
17214disarmed interrupt	���ɤ��_
17215disassemble	����
17216disassembler	�ϲզX�{��
17217disassembling	����
17218disaster dump	�a�׶ɦL
17219disbursement	��X
17220disc	( �� )��; ( �� )�L
17221disc address	�ϺЦ�}
17222disc allocation table	�ϺФ��t��	DAT
17223disc block	�Ϻ��x�s��
17224disc bootstrap program	�ϺбҰʵ{��
17225disc buffer area access method	�Ϻнw�İϦs����k	DBAAM
17226disc channel	�Ϻгq�D	DKC
17227disc control	�Ϻб���	DKC
17228disc controller	�Ϻб��	DC
17229disc data unit	�Ϻи�Ƴ椸	DDU
17230disc diameter	�ϺЪ��|	DD
17231disc drive	�Ϻ��X�ʾ�	DD
17232disc file	�Ϻ��ɮ�
17233disc file assignment table	�Ϻ��ɮ׫��w��
17234disc file index	�Ϻ��ɮׯ���
17235disc file optimizer	�Ϻ��ɮ׳̨Τ�	DFO
17236disc floppy	�n�Ϻ�
17237disc format	�ϺЮ榡
17238disc magnetic	�Ϻ�
17239disc management facility	�Ϻк޲z�]�I	DMF
17240disc memory	�ϺаO����	DKM
17241disc module	�ϺмҲ�
17242disc operating monitor	�ϺЧ@�~�ʷ��{��	DOM
17243disc pack	�Ϻв�
17244disc pack driving module	�Ϻв��X�ʼҲ�
17245disc pack unit	�Ϻвո˸m	DPU
17246disc programming system	�Ϻе{���]�p�t��
17247disc resident system	�Ϻб`�n�t��	DRS
17248disc seal	�L�Ϋʤf
17249disc space management	�ϺЪŶ��޲z	DSM
17250disc storage	�Ϻ��x�s( �� )
17251disc support system	�ϺФ䴩�t��	DSS
17252disc system	�ϺШt��
17253disc time-sharing system	�ϺФ��ɨt��
17254disc transport	�Ϻжǰʸ˸m
17255discard	�o��
17256discard algorithm	�o���t��k
17257discharge	��q	DIS
17258discipline	�W�{
17259disclosure	�ѱK
17260disconnect	���_; �( ���� )	DISC
17261disconnect command	��R�O
17262disconnect mode	���_�Ҧ�; ��Ҧ�
17263disconnect signal	��H��; ���_�H��
17264disconnect timeout	��W��
17265disconnected command chain	��R�O��	DCC
17266disconnected digraph	���s�q���V��
17267disconnected graph	��ϧ�
17268disconnected signal	��H��
17269disconnecting link	�_�}���
17270disconnecting volume	�����
17271disconnection	�
17272discontact	�^��; �_�H
17273discontinuity	���_��
17274discontinuous action	���_����
17275discontinuous binary number	���_�G�i���
17276discontinuous control system	���s����t��
17277discontinuous function	���s����
17278discontinuous operation	�����ާ@
17279discontinuous segment	�D�s��q
17280discontinuous signal	�_��T��
17281discontinuous transmission	�_��ǿ�
17282discount	�馩
17283discount percentages	�馩�ʤ���
17284discount rate	�馩�v
17285discounted cash flow	��{�{���y�q
17286discrete	����
17287discrete address	������}	DA
17288discrete address	������}
17289discrete address beacon system	������}�H�Шt��	DABS
17290discrete algorithm	�����t��k
17291discrete analog	��������
17292discrete bit optical memory	�������줸���O����
17293discrete channel	�����q�D
17294discrete circuit	�������q��
17295discrete compiler	�����sĶ�{��
17296discrete component	��������
17297discrete component circuit	��������q��
17298discrete component insertion machine	���������J��
17299discrete component parts	����������	DCP
17300discrete continuous system	�����s��t��
17301discrete control system	��������t��
17302discrete cosine transform	�����l���ܴ�
17303discrete data	���������
17304discrete distribution	�������t
17305discrete file format	�����ɮ׮榡
17306discrete IC	�����n��q��
17307discrete information source	������T��
17308discrete mathematics	�����ƾ�
17309discrete memoryless source	�����L�x�s��
17310discrete model	�����ҫ�
17311discrete modules	���߼Ҳ�
17312discrete network simulation	������������
17313discrete order policy	�������q�ʵ���
17314discrete order quantity	�������q�ʼƶq
17315discrete progamming	�����W��
17316discrete programming	�����{���]�p
17317discrete proportion	���s���v
17318discrete reasoning	�������z
17319discrete repersentation	������ܪk
17320discrete representation	������ܪk
17321discrete sample	�����˥�
17322discrete series	�����ǦC
17323discrete signal	�����H��
17324discrete simulation	��������
17325discrete simulation system	���������t��
17326discrete source system simulation	�����H���t���
17327discrete spectrum	������
17328discrete system	�����t��
17329discrete topology	�����ݾ뵲�c
17330discrete transistor	�������q����
17331discrete type	��������
17332discrete unit	�����椸
17333discrete value	������
17334discrete variable	�����ܼ�
17335discrete wired circuits	���߫���u�s���q��
17336discrete word intelligibility	����i����
17337discrete-state system	�������A�t��
17338discrete-time filter	�����ɶ��o�i��
17339discrete-time system	�����ɶ��t��
17340discrete-valued objective	�����ȥؼШ��
17341discretionary array method	�ۥѿ�w���C�k
17342discretionary controls	�ۥѿ�w����
17343discretionary hyphen	�ۥѿ�w�s�r��
17344discretionary wiring method	�ۿ塞�u�k
17345discretization	������
17346discretization error	�����ƻ~�t
17347discriminant	�P�O��
17348discriminant analysis	�ⷥ���R
17349discriminant approach	�P�O�k
17350discriminant declaration	�P�O������
17351discriminant function	�P�O�����
17352discriminant speccification	�P�O���W��
17353discriminant-check	�P�O������
17354discriminating digit	�P�O�Ʀ�
17355discriminating order	�P�O����
17356discriminating selector	ų�O��ܾ�
17357discriminating tone	ų�O��
17358discrimination	�P�O��
17359discrimination circuit	ų�O�q��
17360discrimination data processing system	�ƾ�ų�O�B�z�t��	DDPS
17361discrimination function	�P�O���
17362discrimination instruction	Ų�O���O
17363discrimination process	�P�O�L�{
17364discrimination ratio	�P�O��
17365discrimination value	�P�O��
17366discriminator	Ų�O��	DISC
17367discriminator initiation area	���Ų�O��	IAD
17368disjoint	���ۥ�
17369disjoint binary trees	���ۥ�G����
17370disjoint data set name	���ۥ��ƦW
17371disjoint policy	���ۥ浦��
17372disjoint subrage	���ۥ�l��
17373disjunct	�R��
17374disjunction	����
17375disjunction gate	�����h
17376disjunctive conjunctive goal tree	�R���X���ؼо�
17377disjunctive normal form	�R�����W��
17378disjunctive search	�����d�M
17379disjunctive syllogism	�R���T�q��
17380disk	�Ϻ�; �Ϻ�
17381disk access	�ϺЦs��
17382disk adapter	�Ϻаt����
17383disk allocation	�ϺФ��t��
17384disk backup	�Ϻгƥ�
17385disk base	�ϺЮw
17386disk based operation system	�ϺЧ@�~�t��
17387disk based system	�Ϻа��t��
17388disk bootstrap program	�ϺбҰʵ{��
17389disk cache buffer	�ϺЧ֦s��
17390disk cartridge	�X���Ϻ�
17391disk change memory	�i���ϺаO����
17392disk channel	�Ϻгq�D
17393disk cluster allocation map	�ϺЧ����t��
17394disk coder	�Ϻнs�X��
17395disk configuration	�ϺЬ[�c�إߵ{��
17396disk control block	�Ϻб����	DCB
17397disk control field	�Ϻб������	DCF
17398disk controller	�Ϻб��
17399disk coprocessor board	�ϺХ[�t�B�z�O
17400disk data base	�Ϻи�Ʈw
17401disk device	�Ϻг]��
17402disk directory	�Ϻ��ɥ�
17403disk dirve	�Ϻо�
17404disk dirve system	�Ϻ��X�ʨt��
17405disk drive	�Ϻ��X�ʾ�
17406disk duplexing	�h���w��P�B
17407disk emulator	�ϺХ�u��
17408disk enclosure	�ϺХ~��
17409disk error	�Ϻп��~
17410disk file	�Ϻ���; �Ϻ��ɮ�	DF
17411disk file check	�Ϻ��ɮ��ˬd	DFC
17412disk file control unit	�Ϻ��ɮױ���椸	DFCU
17413disk file controller	�Ϻ��ɮױ��
17414disk file index	�Ϻ��ɮׯ���
17415disk file manager	�Ϻ��ɮ׺޲z��
17416disk file optimizer	�Ϻ��ɮ׳̨Τ�
17417disk file subsysyem	�Ϻ��ɮפl�t��
17418disk file write	�Ϻ��ɮ׼g�J	DFW
17419disk flutter	�Ϻ�Ÿ��
17420disk format	�ϺЮ榡
17421disk index hole	�ϺЯ��ެ}
17422disk interfacing	�ϺФ���
17423disk librarian	�ϺЮw�޲z�{��
17424disk management	�Ϻк޲z
17425disk map	�Ϻ��x�s��
17426disk monitor system	�Ϻкʷ��t��
17427disk neck	�Ϻйi�f
17428disk operating system	�ϺЧ@�~�t��
17429disk operating system generation	�ϺЧ@�~�t�β���	DOSGEN
17430disk operating system module tester	�ϺЧ@�~�t�μҲմ��վ�	DMT
17431disk oriented system	�ϺоɦV���t��
17432disk overlay	�Ϻ��л\
17433disk overlay area	�Ϻ��л\��
17434disk pack	�ϺХ]; �Ϻв�	DPK
17435disk parameter block	�ϺаѼư϶�
17436disk platter	�ϺХ��O
17437disk queue	�ϺЦ�C
17438disk queue control block	�ϺЦ�C�����	DQCB
17439disk read-write head	�Ϻ�Ū�g�Y
17440disk record form	�ϺаO���Φ�
17441disk recorder	�ϺаO����	DR
17442disk recording format	�ϺаO���榡
17443disk remote operating system	�Ϻп�{�@�~�t��	DROS
17444disk request word	�ϺнШD�r
17445disk resident	�Ϻоn�d
17446disk resident overlay	�`�n�Ϻ��|��
17447disk resident overlay segment	�`�n�Ϻ��|�Ф��q
17448disk resident system	�Ϻб`�n�t��
17449disk resident utility	�Ϻб`�n���ε{��
17450disk scavenging	�Ϻмo���ƱϦ^
17451disk scheduling policy	�ϺбƵ{����
17452disk sector	�ϺкϬq
17453disk sense	�Ϻ��˴�; �Ϻ�Ū�X
17454disk server	�ϺЪA�ȯ�
17455disk server erase program	�ϺЪA�ȲM���{��
17456disk server log station	�ϺЪA�ȵn����
17457disk sharing	�ϺЦ@��
17458disk sheet	�ϺФ�
17459disk size	�ϺЪŶ��j�p
17460disk sorting	�ϺбƧ�, �ϺФ���
17461disk space	�ϺЪŶ�
17462disk Spindle	�Ϻ���b
17463disk storage	�Ϻ��x�s( �� )	DS
17464disk storage area	�Ϻ��x�s�ϰ�
17465disk storage device	�Ϻ��x�s�˸m
17466disk storage drive	�Ϻо�
17467disk storage module	�Ϻ��x�s�Ҳ�
17468disk storage subsystem	�Ϻ��x�s�l�t��
17469disk storage unit	�Ϻ��x�s�椸; �Ϻо�
17470disk substract	�Ϻа���
17471disk surface	�ϺЪ�
17472disk system management	�Ϻ��x�s�޲z�{��
17473disk track	�ϺЭy�D
17474disk transfer address	�Ϻ���e��}
17475disk transfer area	�Ϻ���e��
17476disk unit	�Ϻг��, �Ϻо�	DU
17477disk volume	�ϺШ�
17478diskette	�Ϥ�
17479diskette 1	�歱��K�׺ϺФ�
17480diskette 2	������K�׺ϺФ�
17481diskette 2D	�������K�׺ϺФ�
17482diskette 2D driver	�������K�׺Ϻо�
17483diskette directory	�Ϥ��ؿ�
17484diskette drive	�Ϥ��X�ʾ�; �n�ϺϺо�	DD
17485diskette drive adapter	�Ϥ��X�ʾ��t����	DDA
17486diskette entry forms	�Ϥ��n�����
17487diskette file	�Ϥ��ɮ�
17488diskette formatted tape	�Ϥ��榡�ƺϱa
17489diskette formatting	�Ϥ��榡��
17490diskette hard-holes	�Ϥ��w��ϱa
17491diskette initialize	�Ϥ���l��
17492diskette load and edit	�Ϥ����J�P�s��
17493diskette location	�Ϥ��w��
17494diskette operating system	�Ϥ��@�~�t��	DOS
17495diskette preparation	�Ϥ��dz�
17496diskette segments	�Ϥ��Ϭq
17497diskette sheet	�n�Ϥ�
17498diskette slot	�n�ϼ�
17499diskette storage device	�n���x�s�]��
17500diskette system	�Ϥ��t��
17501diskless workstation	�L�Ϥ��u�@��
17502diskpack	�Ϻв�
17503diskware	�Ϻгn��
17504dislocation	���
17505dislocation array	����}�C
17506dislocation density	����K��
17507dismount	����; ���U
17508dismounting a file structure	�����@�ɮ׵��c
17509disorderly close-down	�N�~����
17510dispatch	���o
17511dispatch algorithm	�ի׺t��k
17512dispatch list	�t�e�M�U
17513dispatch material inquiry	�t�e���Ƭd��
17514dispatch network	�ի׺���
17515dispatch processor time	�ի׳B�z���ɶ�
17516dispatch queue entry	�իצ�C�J�f
17517dispatcher	�ի׭�; �t�e��	DISP
17518dispatcher algorithm	�ի׵{���t��k
17519dispatcher and schedule	�ի׻P�Ƶ{�p��
17520dispatcher control table	�ի׵{�������
17521dispatcher descriptor	�ի׵{���y�z��
17522dispatcher primitive	�ի׵{�����y
17523dispatcher queue segment	�իצ�C�q
17524dispatcher task	�իץ���
17525dispatcher's chart	�իװT����
17526dispatchering	�ի�
17527dispatchering center	�իפ���
17528dispatchering cycle	�ի׶g��
17529dispatchering point	�ի��I
17530dispatchering priority	�ի��u���v
17531dispatchering system	�իרt��
17532dispatching	�t�e�k
17533dispatching center	�t�e����
17534dispatching priority	�t�e�u���v
17535dispath	�ի�; �t�e
17536dispatsal record	�����O��
17537disperse	����
17538dispersed intelligence	���������z
17539dispersion gate	�����h, �P�D�h
17540dispersion measure	�����ʴ���
17541displace	�m��; ���N
17542displaced indexed mode	�첾���޼Ҧ�
17543displaced page	�m����
17544displacement	�첾	DISP
17545displacement byte	�첾�r��
17546displacement deferred indexed	�첾������޼Ҧ�
17547displacement deferred indexed mode	�첾�����ܧ}�Ҧ�
17548displacement deferred mode	�첾���޼Ҧ�
17549displacement field	�첾��; �m�����
17550displacement function	�첾���
17551displacement indexed mode	�첾�ܧ}�Ҧ�
17552displacement method matrix generator	�첾�k�x�}���;�	DMMG
17553displacement mode	�첾�Ҧ�
17554displacement pulse	�첾�߽�
17555displacement region	�첾��
17556displacement transducer	�첾�P����
17557displacements	�K��; �ಾ
17558display	���; ��ܾ�	DISP
17559display a ruler	��ܼФ�
17560display access	��ܦs��
17561display adapter	��ܰt����	DA
17562display alarm	ĵ�����
17563display analysis console	��ܤ��R����x
17564display and printing calculator	��ܤΦC�L���p�⾹
17565display area	��ܰ�
17566display assignment bit	��ܫ��w�줸
17567display attribute	����ݩ�
17568display background	��ܭI��
17569display based word processing equipment	��ܦ��r�B�z�]��
17570display board	��ܪO
17571display buffer	��ܽw�İ�
17572display calculator	��ܭp�⾹
17573display category	��ܥؿ�
17574display center	��ܤ���
17575display characters	��ܦr��
17576display characters generator	��ܦr�Ų��;�
17577display characters per frame	�C����ܦr�ż�
17578display colour	��ܦ�m
17579display column	��ܦC
17580display command	��ܩR�O
17581display component	��ܤ���
17582display console	��ܱ���x	DC
17583display console keyboard	��ܱ���x��L
17584display control	��ܱ���
17585display control panel	��ܱ������O	DCP
17586display control state	��ܱ���A
17587display control unit	��ܱ���椸
17588display controller	��ܱ��
17589display cycle	��ܶg��
17590display data analysis	��ܸ�Ƥ��R
17591display data item	��ܸ�ƶ�
17592display data module	��ܸ�ƼҲ�
17593display delayed	��ܩ���
17594display device	��ܸ˸m
17595display digital	�Ʀ����
17596display drum	��ܺϹ�
17597display editing	��ܽs��
17598display editing features	��ܽs��S��
17599display editing functions	��ܽs��\��
17600display editor	��ܽs�边
17601display element	��ܤ���	DE
17602display emulation	��ܥ�u
17603display entity	��ܹ���
17604display field	������
17605display file	����ɮ�
17606display file handler	����ɮ׳B�z�{��
17607display forced	�j�����
17608display foreground	��ܫe��
17609display format	��ܮ榡
17610display formatting language	��ܮ榡�ƻy��	DFL
17611display frame	��ܮ�
17612display generation time	��ܲ��ͮɶ�
17613display generator	��ܵo�;�
17614display graphic	�ϧ����
17615display group	��ܲ�
17616display halt	��ܼȰ�
17617display hardware	��ܵw��
17618display horizon	��ܮɶb
17619display horizon value	��ܮɶb��
17620display image	��ܼv��
17621display information facility	��ܸꮧ�]�I	DIF
17622display input devices	��ܿ�J�˸m
17623display instruction	��ܫ��O
17624display keys	�����
17625display language	��ܻy��	DILAN
17626display layout sheet	�e���G�m��
17627display line	��ܦ�u
17628display macro instruaction	��ܥ������O
17629display menu	��ܤ�U
17630display mode	��ܼҦ�
17631display module	��ܼҲ�
17632display monitor	��ܺʷ��{��
17633display only	��ܱM��
17634display optimal search tree	��̨ܳΤƬd�M��
17635display order	��ܩR�O
17636display oriented computer usage system	��ܾɦV���p������Ψt��
17637display packing	��ܥ]��
17638display paging	��ܤ���
17639display panel	��ܥ���	DP
17640display period intervals	��ܴ����ɬq
17641display place	��ܰ�
17642display point	����I
17643display points per frame	�C������I��
17644display processing unit	��ܳB�z�椸	DPU
17645display processor	��ܳB�z��	DP
17646display processor loop	��ܳB�z���j��
17647display quality	��ܽ�q
17648display recall control	��ܭ����
17649display refresh time	��ܧ�s�ɶ�
17650display refresher rate	��ܨ�s�t�v
17651display register	��ܼȦs��
17652display screen	��ܿù�
17653display scrolling	��ܺu��
17654display segment	��ܬq
17655display sign clause	��ܲŸ��l�y
17656display simulation	��ܼ���
17657display situation	���p���
17658display size	��ܤؤo
17659display software	��ܳn��
17660display space	��ܪŶ�
17661display statement	��ܱԭz
17662display station	��ܯ�	DS
17663display status word	��ܪ��A�r
17664display subsystem	��ܤl�t��
17665display surface	��ܭ�
17666display system	��ܨt��
17667display terminal	��ܲ׺ݾ�
17668display terminal types	��ܲ׺�����
17669display transmission generator	��ܶǿ鲣�;�	DTG
17670display tube	��ܺ�
17671display unit	��ܳ��
17672display update	��ܧ�s
17673display vector	��ܦV�q
17674display window manager	��ܵ����޲z
17675display-only attribute	�ȧ@����ݩ�
17676displayed ruler	��ܳW��
17677dispoay report period intervals	��ܳ�������ɬq
17678disposable tape reel	�i�H�N�B�z���ϱa��
17679disregard message	�o���H��
17680dissconnect	�; �_�}
17681dissconnect abort	�_�}����
17682dissector	��Ѿ�
17683dissector image	�R����
17684dissemination	����; �Ǽ�
17685dissipation	�\�v����
17686distance	��Z
17687distance code	�X�Z
17688distance code, minimum	�̤p�Z���X
17689distance code, unit	���Z���X
17690distance dialing, direct	���~��������
17691distance early warning	���{�wĵ
17692distance end	����	D/E
17693distance gate	�Z���h
17694distance Hamming	�~���Z��
17695distance host	���{�D��
17696distance host interface	���{�D������
17697distance key	�Z����
17698distance signal	���{�H��
17699distance, signal	�H���Z��
17700distant control	����
17701distant echo	���ݦ^�i
17702distant exchange	���Z���洫	DX
17703distant host	���{�D��
17704distant radio communication	���{�ѽu�q�q�T	DX
17705distant radio communication priority	���{�ѽu�q�q�T�u���v
17706distant signal	���{�H��
17707distant station reception	���{������	DX
17708distinct grammar	�۲���k
17709distinct interface	�W�S����
17710distinguished element	�S������
17711distinguished sequence	�S������
17712distinguished symbol	�S���Ÿ�
17713distinguished vertex	�_���I
17714distinguishing test	��O����
17715distinguishing tree	��O��
17716distort	���u
17717distortion	���u; ����
17718distortion amplitude vs frequency	�T�W���u
17719distortion bias	�������u
17720distortion coefficient, phase	�ۦ쥢�u�Y��
17721distortion delay	�����u
17722distortion end	���I���u
17723distortion fortuitous	���M���u
17724distortion phase	�ۦ쥢�u
17725distortion set	���u���q�]��
17726distortion single-harmonic	��Ӫi���u
17727distortion teletypewriter signal	�q�ǥ��r�H�����u
17728distortion total harmonic	�`�Ӫi���u
17729distribute	����
17730distributed	��������
17731distributed access	�������s��
17732distributed adaptive routing	�������۾A�����|���
17733distributed application	����������
17734distributed application and processing system	���������γB�z�t��	DAPS
17735distributed approach	�������B�z��k
17736distributed arbitration	���������
17737distributed architecture	�������[�c
17738distributed array processor	�������}�C�B�z��	DAP
17739distributed artificial intelligence system	�������H�u���z�t��
17740distributed capacitance	�������q�e
17741distributed circuit	�������q��
17742distributed communication	�������q�T
17743distributed communications architecture	�������q�T�[�c	DCA
17744distributed computation	�������p��
17745distributed computer	�������p���
17746distributed computer architecture	�������p�����t���c
17747distributed computer network	�������p�������	DCN
17748distributed computer system	�������p����t��	DCS
17749distributed computing	�������p��
17750distributed computing system	�������p��t��	DCS
17751distributed concurrency control algorithm	�������@�汱��t��k
17752distributed constants	�������`��
17753distributed control executive	�������������
17754distributed control system	����������t��
17755distributed data	���������
17756distributed data base	��������Ʈw
17757distributed data base definition language	��������Ʈw�w�q�y��
17758distributed data base management	��������Ʈw�޲z
17759distributed data base technique	��������Ʈw�޳N
17760distributed data base tested system	��������Ʈw���ըt��
17761distributed data base transaction	��������Ʈw���ʳB�z
17762distributed data management	��������ƺ޲z
17763distributed data manipulation facility	��������ƳB�z�]�I
17764distributed data network	�������ƾں�	DDN
17765distributed data processing	��������ƳB�z; ��������ƳB�z
17766distributed data processing network	��������ƳB�z��
17767distributed data processing system	��������ƳB�z�t��
17768distributed data switching	��������ƥ洫
17769distributed database	��������Ʈw
17770distributed debugging	����������
17771distributed decoding	������Ķ�X
17772distributed directory	�������ɥ�
17773distributed double-loop computer network	�����������p�������	DDLCN
17774distributed executive-like system	�����������t��
17775distributed fault	�������G��
17776distributed fault-tolerant computing system	�������e���p��t��
17777distributed frame alignment signal	�������ةw��H��
17778distributed free space	�������ۥѪŶ�
17779distributed function	�������\��
17780distributed function architecture	�������\��[�c	DFA
17781distributed function computer system	�������\��p����t��
17782distributed function terminal	�������\��׺ݾ�
17783distributed general-purpose computing system	�������q�έp��t��
17784distributed graph algorithm	�������ϧκt��k
17785distributed indexed access method	���������ަs����k
17786distributed industrial management system	�������u�~�޲z�t��
17787distributed information network architecture	������T�����[�c	DINA
17788distributed intelligence system capability	���������z�t��O
17789distributed interactive computing environment	��������ͭp������
17790distributed interconnection	���������s
17791distributed library	�������{���w
17792distributed locking algorithm	��������w�t��k
17793distributed logic	�������޿�
17794distributed logic memory	�������޿�O����
17795distributed loop computer network	�������j���p�������	DLCN
17796distributed loop message communication protocol	�������j���H���q�T��w	DLMCP
17797distributed loop operating system	�������j���@�~�t��
17798distributed message switching system	�������H���洫�t��
17799distributed microprocessor control system	�������L�B�z������t��
17800distributed minicomputer network	�������g�A���p�������
17801distributed multiprocessor	�������h���B�z��
17802distributed multiprocessor technology	�������h���B�z���޳N
17803distributed network	����������
17804distributed network supervisor	�����������ʷ��{��
17805distributed network system	�����������t��	DNS
17806distributed of processor time	�B�z���ɶ����t
17807distributed office system	�������줽�Ǩt��
17808distributed operating system	�������@�~�t��
17809distributed order entry system	�������q��n���t��	DOES
17810distributed organization	��������´
17811distributed overflow space	���������X�Ŷ�
17812distributed parallel logic theory	�����������޿�z��
17813distributed parameter	�������Ѽ�
17814distributed parameter system	�������Ѽƨt��
17815distributed plant management	�������u�~�޲z
17816distributed presentation managment	��������ܺ޲z
17817distributed presentation services	��������ܪA�ȵ{��	DPS
17818distributed printing	�������C�L
17819distributed priority network	�������u������
17820distributed process control system	�������B�z����t��	DPCS
17821distributed processing	�������B�z
17822distributed processing communications module	�������B�z�q�T�Ҳ�	DPCM
17823distributed processing electronic mail	�������B�z�q�l�l��
17824distributed processing environment	�������B�z����	DPE
17825distributed processing network	�������B�z����
17826distributed processing programming executive	�������B�z�{���]�p����{��
17827distributed processing structure	�������B�z���c
17828distributed processing system	�������B�z�t��	DPS
17829distributed processor	�������B�z��
17830distributed program design language	�������{���]�p�y��	DPDL
17831distributed programming	�������{���]�p
17832distributed protcol version	��������w����
17833distributed query	�������߰�
17834distributed query processing	�������߰ݳB�z
17835distributed query processing strategy	�������߰ݳB�z����
17836distributed replicated system	���������Шt��
17837distributed resource management	�������귽�޲z
17838distributed satellite system	�������ìP�t��
17839distributed search	�������d�M
17840distributed shortest path algorithm	�������̵u���|�t��k
17841distributed software measurement system	�������n����w�t��
17842distributed software rellability	�������n��i�a��
17843distributed system	�������t��
17844distributed system architecture layer	�������t�ά[�c�h��
17845distributed system executive	�������t���{��
17846distributed system license option	�������t�ίS�\�ﶵ
17847distributed system network	�������t���	HP
17848distributed system program	�������t�ε{��	DSP
17849distributed system satellite	�������t�νìP
17850distributed system terminal	�������t�β׺ݾ�	DST
17851distributing frame	�t�u�[
17852distribution	���e; ���t
17853distribution box	�t�q�c	DB
17854distribution by value	�̻��Ȥ��t
17855distribution cable	�t�q�l
17856distribution coefficient	�������Y��
17857distribution curve	���������u
17858distribution directory	�����ؿ�
17859distribution frame	�t�u��
17860distribution function	���t���
17861distribution kit	���t�u��
17862distribution list	���t�W��
17863distribution mode	�����Ҧ�
17864distribution network	����������
17865distribution of a document	�����G
17866distribution office support system	���}���줽�Ǥ䴩�t��	DISOSS
17867distribution point	���t�I
17868distribution program	�������{��
17869distribution request	�����ШD
17870distribution sort	�������Ƨ�
17871distribution switch board	�t�q�O
17872distribution system	�t�q�t��	DISSYS
17873distribution tape	���o�κϱa
17874distribution tape reel	���o�κϱa��	DTR
17875distribution time pulse	���t�ɶ��w��
17876distribution variance	���t�ܲ���
17877distribution volume	���t�Ϩ�
17878distributional class	�������O
17879distributive document processing system	���t���B�z�t��	DDPS
17880distributive lattice	���t��
17881distributive law	���t��
17882distributor	���t��	DR
17883distributor time-pulse	�p�ɯߪi���t��
17884distributor transmitter	���t�o�e��
17885distributors automated real-time system	�s��Ӧ۰ʧY�ɨt��	DARTS
17886disturb	�z�Z
17887disturb current cycle	�z�Z�q�y�g��
17888disturb output	�z�Z��X
17889disturb pulse, post-write	�g��z�Z�ߪi
17890disturb pulse, preread	Ū�e�z�Z�ߪi
17891disturb signal	�z�Z�T��
17892disturbance power	�z�Z�\�v
17893disturbance storage	�z�Z�x�s��
17894disturbed cell	�z�Z�椸
17895disturbed character	�z�Z�Ÿ�
17896disturbed condition	�z�Z���p; �z�Z����
17897disturbed one output	�z�Z"1"��X
17898disturbed read out	���ZŪ�X
17899disturbed response signal	���Z�^���H��
17900disturbed test	�z�Z����
17901disturbed zero output	���Z"0"��X
17902disturbed zero output signal	���Z"0"��X�T��
17903disturbed-one output signal	���Z1 ��X�H��
17904disturbed-zero output signal	���Z0 ��X�H��
17905disturbing frequency	�z�Z�W�v
17906disturbing magnetic field	�z�Z�ϳ�
17907disymmetry	�����
17908ditto	�P�W
17909dittogram	�����r��
17910divergence	�X��; ���t
17911divergence problem	�X�����D
17912divergent sequences	�o���ǦC
17913diverity, polarization	���Ƥ���
17914diverity, space	�Ŷ�����
17915diversity	����; �۲�
17916diversity combiner	�����X�־�
17917diversity converter	�����ഫ��
17918diversity gate	�����h
17919diversity reception	��������
17920diversity signal	�����H��
17921diversity system	���������t��
17922diversity, frequency	�W�v����
17923divide	��	DIV
17924divide check	���k����
17925divide check test	���k�������
17926divide out	��; ���h
17927divide statement	���k�ԭz
17928divide support routine	���k�䴩�`��
17929divide time	���k�ɶ�
17930divided access line circuit	���զs���u��
17931divided by symbol	���Ÿ�
17932divided difference	���t
17933divided job processing	�@�~���γB�z
17934dividend	�Q����; �Ѯ�
17935dividend address operand	�Q���Ʀ�}�B�⤸
17936dividend length operand	�Q���ƪ��׹B�⤸
17937dividend string	�Q����C
17938divider	���k��; �ɥd	DIV
17939divider circuit	���q��
17940divider, analog	�����k��
17941dividing circuit	���k�q��
17942dividing filter	�����o�i��
17943division	���k; ����	DIV
17944division engineering standard	�����u�{�з�	DES
17945division hashing	���k����
17946division header	�������D; ����
17947division key-to-address transformation	���k��}�ܴ�
17948division sign	����
17949division subroutine	���k���`��
17950division time	���k�ɶ�
17951divisional communication	�������q�T
17952divisor	����	DIV, DR
17953divisor address operand	���Ʀ�}�B�⤸
17954divisor length operand	���ƪ��׹B�⤸
17955divisor string	���Ʀ�C
17956DL/1	��ƻy��
17957DLL facility	�U�u���J���@�{��
17958do nothing operation	���@�~���O	NO OP
17959do-group	DO--�y��
17960DO-loop	DO	�j��
17961do-nothing instruction	�L�����O
17962dock	�X�Y
17963dock acknowledgement	�X�Y�{�i
17964dock-to-stock	�X�Y��ܮw
17965document	���; ���	DCMT
17966document abstract retrieval equipment	���m��K�˯��]��	DARE
17967document accession number	���n�O�s��	DAN
17968document alignment	���w��
17969document assembly	���զX
17970document cabinet	����d
17971document classification	������
17972document clustering	���E��
17973document composition system	���Ʀr�t��
17974document control remote station	�����{�u�@��	DCRS
17975document conversion	����ഫ
17976document copying	������
17977document database	����Ʈw	DDB
17978document delivery	����e
17979document destination	���C�L
17980document effected code	����ĥN�X	DEC
17981document format	���榡
17982document function	���\��
17983document handing	���B�z	DH
17984document handler processor	���B�z�����B�z�{��	DHP
17985document identification number	����ѧO���X	DIN
17986document identifier code	����ѧO�X
17987document index	������
17988document information	����T
17989document library facility	���w�]�I	DLF
17990document mark	���аO
17991document merge	���X��
17992document misregistration	���|�n�O
17993document number	����X
17994document on-line retrieval system	�s�u����˯��t��
17995document ordering system	���ƧǨt��
17996document preparation system	�����@�t��
17997document printer	���L���
17998document processing	���B�z
17999document processing menu	���B�z�ؿ�
18000document processing subsytem	���B�z�l�t��
18001document processing system	���B�z�t��
18002document protocol	����w
18003document reader	���\Ū��
18004document reader subsystem	���\Ū���l�t��
18005document reference edge	���Ѧҿ�
18006document retrieval	����˯�	DR
18007document retrieval index	����˯�����
18008document retrieval system	����˯��t��	DRS
18009document searching	���d�M
18010document searching system	���d�M�t��
18011document service center	���A�Ȥ���	DSC
18012document sorter	��������
18013document source	��l���
18014document speling check function	�����g�ˬd�\��
18015document structure	����c
18016document term matrix	����˯����x�}
18017document text	�����
18018document title	�����D
18019document transfer	����ಾ
18020document transfer menu	����ಾ�ؿ�
18021document transportation	���ǰe
18022document type	�������
18023document window	������
18024document writer	���Ū�g��
18025documentation	����; ����	DO
18026documentation aid system	����ƽs��U�t��	DAS
18027documentation book	���
18028documentation convention	���s����w
18029documentation rule	���s��W�h
18030documentation superviser	���޲z��
18031documentation system	���s��t��
18032documentor	���B�z��
18033documentstion	���B�z
18034docuterm	���W��
18035dollar sign	�����Ÿ�
18036domain	�w�q��
18037domain calculus	��t��
18038domain migration	�w��E��
18039domain of function	��ư�
18040domain of relaction	���Y��
18041domain operator	��B���
18042domain relational calculus	�����Y�t��	DRC
18043domain tip	å�y
18044domain tip memory	å�y�O����
18045domain wall	�
18046domain wall energy	���
18047domain wall switching	å��½��
18048domain-own	��@��
18049domains	å; ��
18050domestic robot	�a����H
18051domestic satellite	�ꤺ�q�T�ìP	DOMSAT
18052dominance	��t��
18053dominate node	��t�`�I
18054Domino problem	�h�̿հ��P���D
18055don't care	�H�N; �L��
18056don't care complex	�H�N�ƦX��
18057don't care condition	�L������
18058don't care gate	�H�N�h
18059don't care logic condition	�H�N�޿����
18060don't care term	�H�N��
18061don't know state	�L���A
18062donor	�I��
18063donor impurity	�I�D���V��
18064donor ion	�I�D���l
18065doorbell	���_�n��X��
18066dope vector	�T���V�q
18067dormant file structure	�ݥ��ɮ׵��c
18068dormant processor	�ݥγB�z��
18069dormant segment	�ݥΤ��_
18070dormant state	���A
18071dormant task	�ݥΥ���
18072DOS booting	�Ϻоާ@�t�αҰ�
18073DOS diskette	DOS �Ϻ�
18074dot	�I
18075dot band printer	�I�a���C���
18076dot character generator	�I�}�r�Ų��;�
18077dot character impact printing technique	�I�}�r�ż������L��޳N
18078dot character nonimpact printing technique	�I�}�r�ūD�������L��޳N
18079dot character printer	�I�x�}�r�ŦL���
18080dot chart	�I��
18081dot cycle	���I�g��
18082dot matrix	�I�x�}
18083dot matrix character generator	�I�x�}�r�����;�
18084dot matrix plotter	�I�x�}ø�Ͼ�
18085dot matrix printer	�I�x�}�L���
18086dot pattern	�I�x�}�Ҧ�
18087dot printer	�I�x�}�L���
18088double	�G��
18089double address	����}
18090double adjoint addressing	�����۾F���w�}
18091double arrow	���b�Y; ����
18092double balanced modulator	�����Žը
18093double bucket	�����x�s���w�}
18094double buffer	���w��
18095double bus	���׬y��
18096double byte	���줸��
18097double byte character set	���줸�զr��
18098double byte code system	���줸�սX�t��
18099double byte interleaved	���줸�ե�q	DBI
18100double calculation	�_��
18101double carry	�����i��
18102double chained linear list	���즡�u�ʪ�
18103double chained tree	�����
18104double channel	���q�D
18105double channel duplex	���q�D���u
18106double channel simplex	���q�D��u
18107double character delimiter	���r�ŭ��w��
18108double column menu	���������
18109double current method	���y�k
18110double current signalling	���y�ǫH
18111double current transmission	���y�ǿ�
18112double cycle	���g��
18113double dabble	�����[
18114double dense recording	���K�װO��
18115double density	���K��
18116double density encoding	���K�׽s�X
18117double density floppy disk	���K�׳n��
18118double density format	���K�׮榡
18119double density recording	���K�װO��
18120double description method	�����y�z�k
18121double dictionary	���r��
18122double diffused metal oxide semiconductor	���X�����ݮ�ƪ��b����	DMOS
18123double diffused transistor logic	���X���q�����޿�	DDTL
18124double disk unit	���Ϻо�
18125double end queue	����C
18126double entry card	���J�f�d��
18127double entry system	���n���t��
18128double error correction code	�����ȥ��X
18129double error correction scheme	�����ȥ��k
18130double error detection	�����˴�	DED
18131double exponential smoothing	�G�����ƥ���
18132double floation data	�����r���B�I���
18133double frequency recording	���W�O��	DFR
18134double in-line package	���C�������M�˳n��
18135double layered text editor	���h����s��{��
18136double length	�����r��
18137double length floating point number	�������B�I��
18138double length number	��������
18139double length register	���r���Ȧs��
18140double length result	���������G
18141double length shift	�����r������
18142double liked list	�������
18143double linkage	�����챵
18144double linked deque	��������C
18145double linked list	�����C
18146double linked rings	������
18147double loading	�����t���k
18148double modulation	������; �����ը�
18149double operand instruction	���B�⤸���O
18150double paging	������
18151double pole double throw	���M���Y�}��
18152double polling	��������
18153double precision	������K��; ���ǫ�
18154double precision arithmetic	������K�B��
18155double precision array	������K�}�C
18156double precision computation	����׭p��
18157double precision constant	����ױ`��
18158double precision exponent	����׫���
18159double precision function	����ר��
18160double precision hardware	����׵w��
18161double precision real type	������K��ƫ�
18162double precision type	������K��
18163double prioity	���u��
18164double pulse	���߽�
18165double pulse recording	���ߪi�O��
18166double punch	������
18167double rail logic	���y�޿�
18168double recording check	���O������
18169double recursive	�������j��
18170double register	�����Ȧs��
18171double shift	������
18172double sideband modulation	���DZa����
18173double sideband signal	����a�H��
18174double sideband transmission	����a�ǿ�
18175double sided board	�����O
18176double sided disk	�����Ϻ�
18177double sided printed circuit board	�����L��q���O
18178double space	�����j
18179double track	���ϭy
18180double type	����ǫ�����
18181double undirect addressing	���������w�}
18182double uniform channel	�������óq�D
18183double width character	���e�r��
18184double word	���r	DW
18185double word boundary	���r���
18186double word command	���r�R�O
18187double word length	�����r��
18188double word length arithmatic	���r���B��
18189double word pointer	���r�ի���
18190double word register	���r�Ȧs��
18191double-address	���}
18192double-aperture core	���պϤ�
18193double-base diode	����G����
18194double-bucket	����( �x�s�� )
18195double-buffered data transfer	���w�ĸ���ಾ
18196double-buffered in	���w�Ŀ�J
18197double-buffered out	���w�Ŀ�X
18198double-length number	�����ƥ�
18199double-length numeral	������
18200double-line	�j��C�L
18201double-precision number	����ƥ�
18202double-precision numeral	�����
18203double-precision quantity	����q
18204double-pulse recording	���ߪi����
18205double-sideband transmission	���DZa�ǿ�
18206double-sided document	�_�������
18207double-size	����; ��j
18208double-width	��e
18209double-word addressing	���r�w�}
18210doubler	�G����
18211doublet	���r�`
18212doubleword	���r
18213doubly chained technique	����޳N
18214doubly chained tree	�����
18215doubly connect list	����q��
18216doubly connected linear programming	���p�u�ʳW�h
18217doubly linked circular list	����`����
18218doubly linked linear list	����u�ʪ�
18219doubly linked ring	������
18220doubly periodic function	���g�����
18221doubly stochastic matrix	���H���x�}
18222down	�V�U
18223down click	�U�w
18224down counter	����p�ƾ�
18225down link	�U�����
18226down load	�U��
18227down stream load	�U����J
18228down time	���u�ɶ�
18229down time ratio	�����ɶ���v
18230down-line load	�U�u���J
18231down-line loading	�U�u���J
18232down-line-load facility	�U�u���J���@�{��
18233downline system load	�U�u�t��J
18234downline task load	�U�u�u�@���J
18235download	�U��
18236downloading	��ƤU��
18237downstroke	����
18238downtime	����ɶ�; �l�a���ɶ�
18239downward compatibility	�V�U�ۮe
18240downward multiplexing	�V�U�h�u�_��
18241downward reference	�V�U�ޥ�; �V�U�ѷ�
18242doyble click	���w
18243doyble precision constant	���ǫױ`��
18244DP	��Z�C�L��
18245DPT	�X�ʾ��y�z��
18246draft	��Z; ��Z
18247draft copy	��Z����
18248draft international standard	��ڨ�ϼз�
18249draft machine	��Ͼ�
18250draft printer	��Z�L�r��	DP
18251draft tube	�q����
18252draft-quality	��Z�r��L���q
18253drafter	�y�Ͼ�
18254drafting machine	�y�Ͼ�
18255drag	�o��
18256dragging	�즲
18257drain	�V��; �l��
18258drain logging	�|�O
18259drain message	��|�H��
18260drawer	��P
18261drawer directory	��P�ؿ�
18262drawing color	ø�Ϧ�m
18263drawing list	�ϯȲM��
18264drawing number	�ϸ�
18265DRI	��Ʈw���ݳs��
18266drift	�}��
18267drift computer	���t�p���
18268drift corrected amplifier	�}���ե���j��
18269drift error	�}���~�t
18270drift-corrected amplifier	�}���勵��j��
18271drifting characters	�}���r��
18272drifting editing	�}���s��
18273drifting symbol	�}���Ÿ�
18274drill and practise	���
18275drive	����; ���ʾ�
18276drive backwards	�V���X��
18277drive capability	���ʯ�O
18278drive circuit	�X�ʹq��
18279drive element	�X�ʤ���
18280drive identifier	�X�ʾ��ѧO�r
18281drive letter	�Ϻо��r���N��
18282drive mechanism	�X�ʾ��c
18283drive name	�Ϻо��W��
18284drive pulse	���ʯߪi
18285drive pulse generator	�X�ʯߪi���;�
18286drive pulse, partial	�������ʯߪi
18287drive requirement	���ʻݨD
18288drive sense	�X�ʾ��P��
18289drive source	�X�ʷ�
18290drive specification	�X�ʾ��W��
18291drive surface	�X�ʭ�
18292drive tape	( �� )�a���ʾ�
18293driver	�X�ʾ�	DR
18294driver analog line	����u�X�ʾ�	ALD
18295driver board	�X�ʾ��O
18296driver bus	�׬y���X�ʾ�
18297driver card	�X�ʾ��d
18298driver digit plane	�Ʀ쥭���X�ʾ�	DPD
18299driver line	�u�X�ʾ�
18300driver power	�X�ʥ\�v
18301driver software	�X�ʾ��n��
18302driver start I/O routine	�X�ʾ��ҰʤJ/�X�`��
18303driver-dispatch table	�X�ʾ�������	DDT
18304driver-fork level	�X�ʾ��e������
18305driver-prologue table	�X�ʾ��y�z��	DPT
18306driving-point	�X���I
18307driving-point function	�����I���
18308drop	���
18309drop dead halt	���~�Ȱ�
18310drop false	�~��
18311drop in	���J
18312drop line	����s�u
18313drop out	���X
18314drop out detector	�|�X�˴���
18315drop repeater	�������~��
18316drop ship purchase order	����X�f�����ʭq��
18317drop wire	�ޤJ�u
18318drop-dead halt	��������
18319drop-in	�V�J
18320drop-on demand	�E�o�Q��
18321drop-out	�|�X
18322drop-out count	���I�`��
18323dropped bit	�|���T���줸
18324drum	�Ϲ�	DR
18325drum buffer	�w�ĺϹ�
18326drum control	�Ϲ�����
18327drum display	��ܺϹ�
18328drum drive	�Ϲ��X��( �� )
18329drum head	�Ϲ����Y
18330drum log	���x�Ϲ�
18331drum magnetic	�Ϲ�
18332drum memory system	�Ϲ��O�Шt��	DMS
18333drum memory unit	�Ϲ��O�г椸
18334drum number	�Ϲ���
18335drum oriented system	( �� )��( �� )�V�t��
18336drum parity	�Ϲ��t��; �Ϲ��P��
18337drum plotter	�굩ø�Ͼ�
18338drum printer	�����C���
18339drum program	�{��( �� )��
18340drum storage	�Ϲ��x�s( �� )
18341drum storage system	�Ϲ��x�s�t��
18342drum timing pulse	�Ϲ��w�ɯ߽�
18343drum unit	�Ϲ��椸	DRU
18344dry cell	���q��
18345dry contact	����IJ
18346dry photography	���L�N
18347dry processor	�����B�z��
18348dry read contact	��Ū��IJ
18349dry running	�ŹB��
18350dryrun	�w��
18351DSK	�����Ϻи˸m
18352dual access storage handling	���u�s���x�s�B�z	DASH
18353dual bus	���׬y��
18354dual bus system	�����t��
18355dual card	���d
18356dual circuitry check	���q���ֹ�
18357dual cluster	���s��
18358dual code	���X
18359dual display	�����
18360dual gap head	�����Y
18361dual gate	���h��
18362dual language	���y��
18363dual level sensing	���h�P��
18364dual operation	�ﰸ�B��; �ﰸ�@�~; ���Χ@�~
18365dual pages	����; ���k�⭶
18366dual port	����
18367dual sector buffer	���q�w��
18368dual storage	�����x�s( �� )
18369dual system	���M�t��
18370dual-purpose connector	�����s����
18371dual-simplex	������u
18372dual-wide	�����e��
18373duality	�ﰸ��
18374ducol-punched card	������եd
18375duct system	�ɺިt��
18376due	���
18377due date	�����
18378due date adjusted to calendar start date	�վ����鬰���}�l���
18379due date limit	����鷥��
18380due date prior to calendar start date	�����b���}�l�餧�e
18381due date prior to current date	�����b���餧�e
18382due date prior to planning start date	�����b�W���}�l�餧�e
18383due date this release	�����o������
18384due dock	��X�Y���
18385due stock	��ܮw���
18386dumb	����
18387dummy	��u; ��];����
18388dummy address	������}
18389dummy argument	��]�޼�; �����޼�
18390dummy argument identifier	��]�޼Ƽ��Ѳ�
18391dummy array	�����}�C
18392dummy cell	�����椸
18393dummy check	��������
18394dummy control section	�걱��q
18395dummy data	�����
18396dummy data set	������ƶ�
18397dummy deck	�ťd���|
18398dummy device	�����˸m
18399dummy entry	�����J�f
18400dummy file	�����ɮ�
18401dummy host system input	�����D�t�ο�J
18402dummy input	������J
18403dummy instruction	�������O
18404dummy list	������
18405dummy load	�����t��
18406dummy loop	�����j��
18407dummy main program	�����{��
18408dummy message	�����H��
18409dummy node	�����`�I
18410dummy order	�������O
18411dummy procedure	�����{��
18412dummy record	�����O��
18413dummy routine	�����`��
18414dummy section	��`
18415dummy state	�������A
18416dummy statement	�����ԭz
18417dummy string	������C
18418dummy terminal input	�����׺ݿ�J
18419dummy transfer	�����ǰe
18420dummy variable	�����ܼ�
18421dummy word	�����r
18422dump	�ɨ�; �ɦL
18423dump a-c	��y�ɦL
18424dump change	�ܦ��ɦL
18425dump check	�ֹ�ɦL
18426dump command	�ɦL�R�O
18427dump d-c	���y�ɦL
18428dump dynamic	�ʺA�ɦL
18429dump list	���x��
18430dump memory	�O�жɦL
18431dump mode	���x�Ҧ�
18432dump point	���x�I
18433dump postmortem	�ƫ�ɦL
18434dump power	�q���M��
18435dump routine	�ɦL�`��
18436dump selective	��ܶɦL
18437dump snapshot	�ֳt�ɦL
18438dump static	�R�A�ɦL
18439dump storage	�x�s�ɦL
18440dumping	�ɦL
18441duobinary coding	���G�i��s�X
18442duobinary system	���G�i��t��
18443duodecimal	�Q�G�i��
18444duodecimal notation	�Q�G�i��
18445duodecimal number	�Q�G�i�ƥ�
18446duodecimal number system	�Q�G�i�Ʀ�t��
18447duodecimal numeral	�Q�G�i��
18448dup control code	Dup����X
18449duplex	���u; �����C�L
18450duplex apparatus	���u�]��
18451duplex artificial circuit	���u��u�q��
18452duplex channel	���u�q�D
18453duplex communication centre	���u�q�T����
18454duplex computer	���u�p���
18455duplex computer system	���p����t��
18456duplex console	���u����x
18457duplex control	���u����
18458duplex independent	���u�W��
18459duplex line	���u�u��
18460duplex machine system	�����t��
18461duplex mode	���u�Ҧ�
18462duplex one-tape	���u��a
18463duplex one-way	���u��V
18464duplex operation	���u�u�@
18465duplex operation, full	�����u�@�~
18466duplex operation, half	�b���u�@�~
18467duplex register	���u�Ȧs��
18468duplex running	���u�B��
18469duplex service, full	�����u�A��
18470duplex service, half	�b���u�A��
18471duplex simultaneous two-way	���u�P�����V
18472duplex system	�����t��
18473duplex system, bridge	�������u�t��
18474duplex transmission	���u�ǿ�
18475duplex way system	���u��
18476duplex working	���u�u�@
18477duplexed system	���u��
18478duplexing	���u
18479duplexing switching system	���u�洫�t��
18480duplicate	�ƻs
18481duplicate activity	�ƻs����
18482duplicate arithmetic unit	���йB��椸
18483duplicate equipment	���г]��
18484duplicate error message	����~�H��
18485duplicate file	�����ɮ�
18486duplicate key	�ƻs�_; �ƻs��
18487duplicate logical unit	�����޿�椸
18488duplicate mass storage volume	���Фj�q�x�s��
18489duplicate message	���ЫH��
18490duplicate pointer array	�ƻs���а}�C
18491duplicate recod	���аO��
18492duplicate transmission	���жǿ�
18493duplicate volume	�ƻs��
18494duplicated record	�ƥ��O��
18495duplicating check	��������
18496duplicating device	���M�˸m
18497duplication	�ƻs
18498duplication check	���Ʈֹ�
18499duplication code	���ƽX
18500duplication factor	���Ʀ]�l
18501duplicator	�ƻs��
18502duration	����ɶ�
18503duration modulation, pulse	�ߪi����
18504duration of random walk	�H���樫�B��
18505duration pulse	�ߪi�e��
18506duration time modulation	�ߪi�e�׽ը�	DTM
18507duration, pulse	�ߪi����
18508dust-resistant cartidge	���в�
18509duty cycle	�u�@�`��; �u�@�g��
18510duty ratio	���Ųv
18511duty-cycle operation	�`���u�@
18512DV	�Q�i����
18513dyad	�G������
18514dyadic	�G����
18515dyadic array	�G���}�C
18516dyadic Boolean operation	���L�G���B��
18517dyadic Boolean operator	���L�G���B��l
18518dyadic instructions	�G�����O
18519dyadic logical operation	�G���޿�B��
18520dyadic matrices	�G���V�q�x�}
18521dyadic operation	�G���B��
18522dyadic operator	�G���B���
18523dyadic processor	�G���B�z��
18524dyanmic flip-flop	�ʺA���Ͼ�
18525dynamic	�ʺA��
18526dynamic access	�ʺA�s��
18527dynamic access mode	�ʺA�s���Ҧ�
18528dynamic accuracy	�ʺA���
18529dynamic address	�ʺA��}
18530dynamic address relocation	�ʺA��}���w��
18531dynamic address table	�ʺA��}��	DAT
18532dynamic address translation	�ʧ}½Ķ; �ʺA��}�ഫ	DAT
18533dynamic address translator	�ʺA��}�ഫ��	DAT
18534dynamic algorithm	�ʺA�t��k
18535dynamic allocation	�ʺA�t�m
18536dynamic allocation interface routine	�ʺA���t�����`��
18537dynamic allocation memory	�ʺA���t�O����
18538dynamic allocation of new space	�s�Ŷ����ʺA���t
18539dynamic architecture	�ʺA�[�c
18540dynamic area	�ʺA��
18541dynamic array	�ʺA�}�C
18542dynamic array bound	�ʺA�}�C��
18543dynamic assertion	�ʺA�_��
18544dynamic asynchronous logic circuit	�ʺA���B�޿�q��
18545dynamic bandwidth allocation	�ʺA�W�e���t
18546dynamic behavior	�ʺA�S��
18547dynamic binding	�ʺA�j��; �ʺA���X
18548dynamic buffer allocation	�ʺA�w�ľ����t
18549dynamic buffering	�ʺA�w��
18550dynamic call	�ʺA�ե�
18551dynamic cataloging	�ʺA����
18552dynamic cell	�ʺA�椸
18553dynamic characteristics	�ʺA�S��
18554dynamic check	�ʺA����
18555dynamic circuit	�ʺA�q��
18556dynamic cluster model	�ʺA�s���ҫ�
18557dynamic compiling	�ʺA�s��
18558dynamic computer check	�ʺA�p�������
18559dynamic computer group	�ʺA�p�����
18560dynamic condition	�ʺA����
18561dynamic constraint	�ʺA����
18562dynamic control	�ʺA����
18563dynamic control module area	�ʺA����Ҳ�
18564dynamic control system	�ʺA����t��
18565dynamic core allocation	�ʺA�x�s���t
18566dynamic data area	�ʺA��ư�
18567dynamic data independence	�ʺA��ƿW�ߩ�
18568dynamic data modification	�ʺA��ƭק�
18569dynamic data set definition	�ʺA��ƶ��w�q
18570dynamic data structure	�ʺA��Ƶ��c
18571dynamic data structuring	�ʺA��Ƶ��c
18572dynamic database	�ʺA��Ʈw
18573dynamic debug	�ʺA����
18574dynamic debug mode	�ʺA�����覡
18575dynamic debugging technique	�ʺA�����޳N	DDT
18576dynamic debugging tool	�ʺA�����u��
18577dynamic descendence	�ʺA���~
18578dynamic device allocation	�ʺA�]�Ƥ��t
18579dynamic device reconfiguration	�ʺA�]�ƭ��t�m
18580dynamic dispatching	�ʺA�ի�
18581dynamic display	�ʺA���
18582dynamic distributed system	�ʺA�������t��
18583dynamic dump	�ʺA�ɦL
18584dynamic effect model	�ʺA�����ҫ�
18585dynamic error	�ʺA�~�t
18586dynamic file organization	�ʺA�ɮײ�´
18587dynamic flow diagram	�ʺA�y�{��
18588dynamic gain	�ʺA�W�q
18589dynamic gate	�ʺA�h
18590dynamic hashing	�ʺA����
18591dynamic hazard	�ʺA�_�I
18592dynamic image	�ʺA�v��
18593dynamic index	�ʺA����
18594dynamic indirect addressing	�ʺA�����w�}
18595dynamic information	�ʺA��T
18596dynamic instruction	�ʺA���O
18597dynamic link	�ʺA���
18598dynamic linking	�ʺA�챵
18599dynamic linking descriptor	�ʺA�챵�y�z��
18600dynamic load	�ʺA�t��
18601dynamic loader	�ʺA���J�{��
18602dynamic loading	�ʺA���J
18603dynamic log	�ʺA��x
18604dynamic logic	�ʺA�޿�
18605dynamic loop	�ʺA�j��
18606dynamic mapping allocation	�ʺA�x�s���t��
18607dynamic mapping system	�ʺA�M�g�t��
18608dynamic memory	�ʺA�O��( �� )
18609dynamic memory management	�ʺA�O�к޲z
18610dynamic memory relocation	�ʺA�O���魫�s���t
18611dynamic microprocessor	�ʺA�L�B�z��
18612dynamic microprogram control	�ʺA�L�{������
18613dynamic model	�ʺA�ҫ�
18614dynamic multiplexing	�ʺA�h�u�ഫ
18615dynamic operation	�ʺA�ާ@
18616dynamic optimization	�ʺA�̨Τ�
18617dynamic order	�ʺA�Ƨ�
18618dynamic ordering procedure	�ʺA�Ƨǵ{��
18619dynamic ordering search	�ʺA�ƧǬd�M
18620dynamic overlay	�ʺA�л\
18621dynamic page relocation	�ʺA�����s���t�w��
18622dynamic parameter	�ʺA�Ѽ�
18623dynamic pool block	�ʺA�զX��
18624dynamic print-out	�ʺA�L�X
18625dynamic priority	�ʺA�u����
18626dynamic procedure	�ʺA�{��
18627dynamic process	�ʺA�{��( �L�{ )
18628dynamic process creation	�ʺA�B�z�إ�
18629dynamic process deletion	�ʺA�B�z�R��
18630dynamic program debugging	�ʺA�{������
18631dynamic program loading	�ʺA�{�����J
18632dynamic program profile	�ʺA�{�����R��
18633dynamic program relocation	�ʺA�{�����w��
18634dynamic programming	�ʺA�W��	DP
18635dynamic queue	�ʺA�}�C
18636dynamic RAM	�ʺARAM
18637dynamic random access memory	�ʺA�H���s���O����	DRAM
18638dynamic range	�ʺA�d��
18639dynamic real-time information processing system	�ʺA�Y�ɸ�T�B�z�t��
18640dynamic reallocation	�ʺA�����t
18641dynamic reconfiguration	�ʺA���c
18642dynamic reconfiguration system	�ʺA���c�t��
18643dynamic region area	�ʺA�d���
18644dynamic register	�ʺA�Ȧs��
18645dynamic relocation	�ʺA�_�m; �ʺA���w��
18646dynamic relocation memory	�ʺA���w��O����
18647dynamic relocation program	�ʺA���w��{��
18648dynamic replication	�ʺA����
18649dynamic resource	�ʺA�귽
18650dynamic resource allocation	�ʺA�귽���t
18651dynamic resource management	�ʺA�귽�޲z
18652dynamic response	�ʺA�^��
18653dynamic routine	�ʺA�`��
18654dynamic routing	�ʺA���|���
18655dynamic scene analysis	�ʺA�������R
18656dynamic scheduling	�ʺA�Ƶ{
18657dynamic scope	�ʺA�d��
18658dynamic scope rule	�ʺA�@�ΰ�W�h
18659dynamic semantics	�ʺA�y�q��
18660dynamic set	�ʺA��
18661dynamic sets	�ʺA��
18662dynamic sharing	�ʺA�@��
18663dynamic shift register	�ʺA����Ȧs��
18664dynamic space reclamation	�ʺA�Ŷ��^��
18665dynamic standby computer	�ʺA�ƥέp���
18666dynamic statistics	�ʺA�έp��
18667dynamic stop	�ʺA����
18668dynamic storage	�ʺA�x�s( �� )
18669dynamic storage allocation	�ʺA�x�s�t�m
18670dynamic storage allocation algorithm	�ʺA�x�s���t�t��k
18671dynamic storage allocation language	�ʺA�x�s���t�y��
18672dynamic storage allocation scheme	�ʺA�x�s���t����
18673dynamic storage allocstion	�ʺA�x�s�t�m
18674dynamic storage area	�ʺA�x�s��	DSA
18675dynamic storage cell	�ʺA�x�s�椸
18676dynamic storage device	�ʺA�x�s�˸m
18677dynamic storage management	�ʺA�x�s�޲z
18678dynamic storage region	�ʺA�J�s�ϰ�	DSR & DSRP
18679dynamic subroutine	�ʺA���`��
18680dynamic support program	�ʺA�䴩�{��
18681dynamic support system	�ʺA�䴩�t��	DSS
18682dynamic syntax	�ʺA�y�k
18683dynamic system	�ʺA�t��
18684dynamic system identification	�ʺA�t���ѧO
18685dynamic system synthesizer	�ʺA�t��X���{��	DSS
18686dynamic terminal	�ʺA�׺ݾ�
18687dynamic test	�ʺA����
18688dynamic text display system	�ʺA������ܨt��
18689dynamic track following	�ʺA�ϭy���H
18690dynamic transfer function	�ʺA�ǻ����
18691dynamic translation buffer	�ʺA½Ķ�w�ľ�
18692dynamic tree table	�ʺA���
18693dynamic trigger	�ʺAIJ�o��
18694dynamic user microprogramming	�ʺA�Τ�L�{���]�p
18695dynamic variation	�ʺA�ܲ�
18696dynamic volume control	�ʺA������
18697dynamical load	�ʺA���J
18698dynamically allocate	�ʺA�t�m
18699dynamically allocated pool	�ʺA���t���Φ�
18700dynamically modified channel program	�ʺA�ק�q�D�{��
18701dynamically redefinable character set	�i�ʺA���w�q�r�Ŷ�
18702dynamically self-checked	�ʺA����	DSC
18703dynamically user microprogrammable machine	�ʺA�Τ�i�s�L�{���p���
18704dynamicizer	��( �� )�A��
18705dynamics analyzer	�ʺA���R�{��
18706dynamics analyzer	�ʺA���R�{��
18707E beam	�q�l��
18708E beam bonding	�q�l���k
18709E format	E �榡
18710E format code E	�榡�N�X
18711E layer	�q���h
18712E notation	E ��ܪk
18713E register	�X�R�Ȧs��
18714E type compensation	"E" �����v
18715E-cycle	E �g��
18716E-format	E-�榡
18717E. L. cell	���P�o���椸
18718E13B	�@�غϩʾ����r���ѧO�r�Ŷ�
18719earliest starting time	�̦��_�ʮɶ�	EST
18720early date	�̦����
18721early installation support	�����w�ˤ䴩	EIS
18722early programming language	�����{���]�p�y��	EPL
18723early support program	�����䴩�{��	ESP
18724early warning signal	�wĵ�T��	EWS
18725early warning system	�wĵ�t��	EWS
18726earnings	�վl
18727earth landing system	�H�f�Ũt��	ELS
18728earth station	���ĦU�V�P�ʿ�g�\�v	EIRP
18729earth station disks	�a���q�x������
18730earth switch	���a�}��	E.S.
18731earthing conductor	���a����
18732easy processing channel	���B�z�q�D	EPC
18733easycoder to COBOL	COBOL ²���s�X��	ETC
18735ec level	�u�{�ܧ�h��
18736Eccles-Jordan circuit	�R�J�h�����q��
18737Eccles-Jordan trigger	�R�J�h����IJ�o��	EJT
18738echo	�^��; �^��
18739echo attenuation	�^�i�I��
18740echo back	�^����^
18741echo check	��^�ֹ�
18742echo control	�^�i����
18743echo mode	�^�M�ҺA; �^�i�ҺA
18744echo suppressor	�^����
18745econometric software package	�p�q�g�ٮM�˳n��	ESP
18746economic analysis	�g�٤��R
18747economic inventory procedures	�g�ٽL�s�{��	EIP
18748economic life	�g�ٹةR
18749economic order quantity	�g�٩w�f�q	EOQ
18750economical order quantity	�g�٭q�ʶq	EOQ
18751edge	��t
18752edge detection	��t����
18753edge irregularity, stroke	���e��t���W�h��
18754edge,card leading	�d���e�t
18755edge,card trailing	�d����t
18756edge,character	�r����t
18757edge,document reference	���Ѧ���t
18758edge-lighted display	��t�o����ܾ�	ELD
18759edge-notched card	��t�d( �� )
18760edge-perforated card	��t���եd
18761edge-punched card	��t���եd( �� )
18762edit	�s��
18763edit buffer	�s��w�ľ�
18764edit control character	�s���r��
18765edit directed stream I/O	�s��D�ɤJ�X�u�@�ǦC
18766edit lines command	�s��( �r )�C�R�O
18767edit mode	�s��ҺA
18768edit routine	�s��`��
18769edit string	�s��r��
18770editable stored program	�i�s���x�s�{��	ESP
18771editing	�s��; �s��
18772editing clause	�s��l�y
18773editing environment	�s������
18774editing input data	�s���J���
18775editing key	�s����
18776editing mode	�s��ҺA
18777editing subroutine	�s�Ʀ��`��
18778editing values	�s���ݩʼƭ�
18779editing window	�s�����
18780edition	��
18781editor	�s�边; �s��{��	EDI
18782editor card	�d���s�边
18783editor function	�s��\��
18784editor linkage	�쵲�s�边
18785editor math	�s��⦡
18786editor menu	�s��ؿ�; �s���U
18787editor mode	�s��ҺA
18788editor print-punch	�L���s�边
18789Editor program	�s��{��
18790editor punch-print	���L�s�边
18791educational information network	�Ш|��T����	EIN
18792educomp time-shared operating system	�Ш|�p������ɧ@�~�t��	ETOS
18793effecive information rate	���ĸ�T�v
18794effective address	���Ħ�}
18795effective data-transfer rate	���ĸ���ಾ�v
18796effective date	���Ĥ��
18797effective date from	���Ĥ����
18798effective date to	���Ĥ����
18799effective frame	���Įج[
18800effective half word address	���ĥb�r��}	EHA
18801effective noise bandwidth	���ľ����W�e	ENB
18802effective radiated power	���Ŀ�g�\�v	ERP
18803effective rights	�����v��
18804effective signal duration	���īH������
18805effective sound pressure	�����n��
18806effective speed	���ijt��
18807effective speed	���ijt�v
18808effective switching field	���Ķ}����
18809effective time	���Ĥu�@�ɶ�
18810effective transfer rate	���Ķǿ�( �t )�v
18811effective transmission	���Ķǿ�
18812effective transmission rate	���Ķǿ�v
18813effective transmission speed	���Ķǽ��t��
18814effective utilization	���ħQ�βv
18815effective value	���ĭ�
18816effective virtual address	���ĵ�����}
18817effective word	���Ħr
18818effective word location	���Ħr��m
18819effectiveness	�ĥ�; ���ĩ�
18820effectivity change	���ĩ��ܧ�
18821effectivity date	���ĩʤ��
18822effector	������
18823efficiency	�IJv
18824efficiency algorithm	���ĺt��k
18825efficiency alpha factor	�IJvAlpha �]��
18826efficiency analysis	���ĩʤ��R
18827efficiency degradation	�IJv�h��
18828efficiency factor	�IJv�]��
18829efficiency test	�IJv����
18830efficient codes	���ĽX
18831efficient estimators	���Ħ��p�q
18832efficient operation	���ľާ@
18833efficient parallel algorithm	���ĥ���t��k
18834efficient protocol	���Ĩ�w
18835efficient resource utilization	���ĸ귽�Q��
18836efficient runtime code	���Ī��B��N�X
18837efficient slave support feature	���ıq�ݤ䴩�S��
18838efficient space management	����( �x�s )�Ŷ��޲z
18839efficient syntax	���Ļy�k
18840efficient typesetting	���ıƦr
18841effort	�u�@; ��s�p��
18842EFTP packed	�H�Ӻ��ɮ׶ǰe��w�]
18843EGCS attribute	EGCS�ݩ�
18844EGCS map	EGCS �M�g
18845egoless programming	�L�ۧڵ{���]�p
18846EIA communication adapter	�q�l�u�~��|�q�T�A�t��
18847EIA interface standard RS-232 B or C	�q�l�u�~��|�����з�RS-232 B�� C
18848EIA interrace	�q�l�u�~��|�зǤ���
18849EIA RS232C	EIA-RS232C�з�
18850eia unit	eia ���
18851eia-RS232c	RS-232	EIA
18852EIA/CCITT v. 24 feature	EIA/CCITT v.24�S��
18853EIAJ standards	�饻�q�l�u�~��|�з�
18854eigenfrequency	�S�x�W�v
18855eigenfunction	�S�x���
18856eigenvalue	�S�x��; �S�ʭ�
18857eigenvector	�S�x�V�q
18858eight bit adder	�K�줸�[�k��
18859eight place	�K��
18860eight queens problem	�K�Z���D
18861eight-bit	�K�줸
18862eight-bit byte	�K�줸�줸��
18863eight-bit data path	�K�줸��Ƹ��|
18864eight-bit system	�K�줸�t��
18865eight-digit binary number	�K�줸�G�i���
18866eight-digit number	�K���
18867eight-four-two-one code	8,4,2,1 ( �N )�X
18868eight-level code	�K���X
18869eight-level paper tape	�K�ůȱa
18870eighty-column card	�K�Q��d��
18871eighty-column puncher	�K�Q�C���վ�
18872Eihill	"��A�ƧA"��T�˯��n��
18873either symbol	��ܲŸ�
18874either way communication	���@�V�q�T
18875either way operation	���@�V�ާ@
18876either-or circuit	"��"�q��
18877eject	�u�X	EJT
18878eject key	�u�_��
18879ejected	���X
18880ejection	�u�X
18881EKG transmission	�߹q�϶ǿ�
18882elaborate collaterally	�æ�[�u
18883elaboration	�[�u
18884elapsed CPU execution time	�����B�z������g�L���ɶ�
18885elapsed processing time	�B�z�g�L�ɶ�
18886elapsed time	�Ӯ�
18887elapsed time measurement	�g�L�ɶ����q
18888elapsed timer	�g�L�p�ɾ�
18889elapsed-time value	�g�L�ɶ���
18890elastic buffer	�u�ʽw�ľ�
18891elastic memory distributor	�u�ʰO�Ф��t��
18892elastic store	�u���x�s��
18893elasticity	�u��
18894election	���	ELECT
18895electorstatic store	�R�q�x�s( �� )
18896electret	�n����
18897electric	�q�l
18898electric accounting machine	�q�l�p�b��
18899electric battery	�q��	ELB
18900electric cable	�q�l	ELC
18901electric calculating machine	�q�l�p���
18902electric cash-register	�q�l�{�����Ⱦ�
18903electric charge	�q��
18904electric current	�q�y
18905electric current density	�q�y�K��
18906electric current measurement	�q�y���q
18907electric delay-line	�q���u
18908electric diaphragm switch	�q�l�����}��
18909electric discharge printer	��q���C���
18910electric displacement density	�q�l�첾�K��
18911electric double layer	�q�l���h
18912electric doublet	�q�����l
18913electric field	�q��
18914electric field force	�q���O
18915electric machine CAD	�q�����p������U�]�p
18916electric moment	�q�x
18917electric motor	�q�ʰ��F	EM
18918electric permittivity	�q�e�v
18919electric polarization	�q����( �@�� )
18920electric power research institute	�q�O��s�Ƿ|	EPRI
18921electric power supply	�q������	EPS
18922electric robot	�q�l�����H
18923electric spark	�q�l����
18924electric transducer	�ܹq��
18925electric typewriter	�q�ʥ��r��
18926electric video-signal technique	�q�l���W�H���B�z�޳N
18927electrical accounting machine	�q�l�p�b��	EAM
18928electrical adder	�q�l�[�k��
18929electrical analog	�q�l����
18930electrical analogy	�q�l����
18931electrical brush	�q��
18932electrical circuit	�q��
18933electrical communication	���u�q�T
18934electrical computer	�q�l�p���
18935electrical conductivity	�ɹq��
18936electrical conductor	�ɹq
18937electrical connector	�q�s����
18938electrical contact	�qIJ�I
18939electrical degree	�q��
18940electrical engineering	�q�l�u�{
18941electrical insulation	�q( �� )���t	EI
18942electrical interface	�q�l����; �q�l�s��
18943electrical interference	�q�l�z�Z
18944Electrical KiloWatts	�d��	EKW
18945electrical machine	�q��
18946electrical measurement	�q�l���q
18947electrical network	�q�l����
18948electrical network analysis	�q�����R
18949electrical picture signal	�q�ϫH��
18950electrical potential	�q��
18951electrical power control unit	�q������˸m	EPCU
18952electrical readout	�q�lŪ�X
18953electrical research association	�q�l��s��|	ERA
18954electrical reset	�q�l���m
18955electrical schematic diagram	�q������
18956electrical signal	�q�l�H��
18957electrical tough pitch	�q���Z	ETP
18958electrical transmission	�q�l�ǿ�
18959electrically alterable memory	�q�l�i��O����	EAM
18960electrically alterable read only memory	�q�l�i��g��Ū�O����	EAROM
18961electrically alterable ROM	�q�l�i��g��Ū�O����
18962electrically alterablly read-only memory	�q�l�i��g��Ū�O����
18963electrically driven duplicator	�q�l�X�ʽƦL��
18964electrically erasable ROM	�q�l�i�M����Ū�O����
18965electrically powered telephone	�q�O�q��
18966electrically programmable read-only memory	�q�l�i�{���ư�Ū�O����	EPROM
18967electricaly erasable read only memory	�q�l�i�M����Ū�O����	EEROM
18968electricity	�q; �q��	ELECTR
18969electrization	�q�l��
18970electro interference	�q�l�z�Z
18971electro jet	�q�l��( �y )
18972electro lens	�q�l�z����
18973electro lithography	�q�l�����L��N
18974electro luminescent	�q�l�o����ܪO
18975electro luminescent displays	�q�l�o���O��ܾ�	ELD
18976electro magnetic wave	�q�Ϫi	EMW
18977electro optic effect	�q�l����
18978electro radiation	�q�l��g
18979electro sensitive	�q�l�P��
18980electro switching system	�q�l�洫�t��
18981electro-acoustic tables	�q�n�ϧο�J�O
18982electro-beam accessed memory	�q�l���s���O����
18983electro-beam fabrication	�q�l���[�u
18984electro-beam valve	�q�l����
18985electro-camera	�q�ʷӹ���
18986electro-communication	�q�l�q�T
18987electro-luminescent counting element	���t�o���p�⤸��
18988electro-luminescent display	���t�o����ܾ�
18989electro-luminescent memory	���t�o���O����
18990electro-luminescent storage	���t�o���x�s��
18991electro-luminescent vertical indicating system	���P�o���������ܨt��	ELVIS
18992electro-luminesscent display panel	�q�t�o����ܪO	ELDP
18993electro-luminexcent counting element	���t�o���p�⤸��
18994electro-magnetic interference	�q�Ϥz�Z
18995electro-magnetic volume	�q�Ϯe�q	EMV
18996electro-magnetic-a-coustics	�q��--�n���˸m	EMAC
18997electro-optic	�q����	E-O
18998electro-optic crystal storage	�q�������x�s��
18999electro-optic deflection	�q������
19000electro-optic effect	�q������
19001electro-optic frequency response	�q���W�v�^��
19002electro-optic phase modulation	�q���ۦ�ը�
19003electro-optic transmitter	�q���ǰe��
19004electro-optical alignment unit	�q�l���ǽվ�椸
19005electro-optical deflector	�q�����ྐྵ
19006electro-optical effect	�q������
19007electro-optical system	�q�l���Ǩt��
19008electro-optical system design	�q�l--���Ǩt�γ]�p	EOSD
19009electro-visual system	�q�H��--�i���H���t��	ELVIS
19010electroacoustic transducer	�q�n���ྐྵ
19011electrocardiogram processing	�߹q�ϳB�z
19012electrocardiography	�߹q�ϴy�O�N
19013electrocardiology	�߹q��
19014electrochromeric display	�q�t�ܦ���ܾ�
19015electrocircuit	�q��
19016electrodata center	�q�l��ƳB�z����
19017electrodata machine	�q�l��ƳB�z��
19018electrode	�q��
19019electrodeposition	�q����
19020electrodynamic multiplier	�q�ʦ����k��
19021electrodynamics	�q�ʤO��
19022electroencephalogram	���q��
19023electroencephalography	���q�����
19024electroencephalology	���q�l��
19025electrograph	�q�l�O����
19026electrographic printer	�q�ϦC���
19027electrographic recording	�q�l�O��
19028electroluminescent diode	���t�o���G����
19029electroluminescent film	�q�P�o������	ELF
19030electroluminescent panel	���P�o���O	ELP
19031electroluminescent screen	���t�o���ù�
19032electroluminesecence	�q�l�o��
19033electrolysis	�q��
19034electrolytic capacitor	�q�ѹq�e��	ELCC
19035electrolytic printing	�q�ѦC�L
19036electrolytic recording	�q�ѰO��
19037electrolytic solution	�q�ѷ��G
19038electromachanical analog computer	���q����p���
19039electromachanical plotter	���q��ø�Ͼ�
19040electromachining	�q�[�u
19041electromagnet	�q�F( �_���� )
19042electromagnetic	�q��	EM
19043electromagnetic communication	�q�Ϫi�q�T
19044electromagnetic compatibility	�q�Ϭۮe��
19045electromagnetic contactless relay	�LIJ�I�q���~�q��
19046electromagnetic delay line	���q�Ͻu
19047electromagnetic environment	�q������
19048electromagnetic field	�q�ϳ�
19049electromagnetic hazard	�q�ϦM�`��
19050electromagnetic induction input	�q�ϷP����J
19051electromagnetic intelligence	�q�ϱ���	ELINT
19052electromagnetic intelligence system	�q�ϱ����t��	EMIS
19053electromagnetic interference	�q�Ϥz�Z	EI
19054electromagnetic interference control	�q�Ϥz�Z����
19055electromagnetic radiation	�q�Ͽ�g
19056electromagnetic radiation control	�q�Ͽ�g����
19057electromagnetic relay	�q���~�q��
19058electromagnetic rotating storage	�q�Ϧ������x�s��
19059electromagnetic surveillance	�q�Ϻʵ�	EMS
19060electromagnetic unit	�q�ϳ��	EMU
19061electromagnetic wave	�q�Ϫi	EMW
19062electromagnetic wave transmission	�q�Ϫi�ǿ�
19063electromagnetic-wave propagation	�q�Ϫi�Ǽ�	EMP
19064electromagnetics	�q�Ͼ�
19065electromagnetostatic field	�R�q�ϳ�
19066electromechanical device	���q�]��
19067electromechanical input-output device	���q����J��X�˸m
19068electromechanical plotter	���q��ø�Ͼ�
19069electromechanical relay	���q���~�q��	EMR
19070electromechanical robot	���q�ǰʾ����H
19071electromechanical switching	���q���}��
19072electrometer	�R�q�p	ELT
19073electromigration	�q��
19074electromotive force	�q�ʶ�	EMF
19075electromotive unit	�q�ʳ��	EMU
19076electron	�q�l
19077electron accelerator	�q�l�[�t��
19078electron avalanche	�q�l���Y
19079electron beam	�q�l��
19080electron beam addressable memory	�q�l���i�w�}�O����	EBAM
19081electron beam printing	�q�l���C�L
19082electron beam recording	�q�l���O��( �k )	EBR
19083electron brain	�q��
19084electron bunch	�q�l����
19085electron charge	�q�l�q��
19086electron collision	�q�l�I��
19087electron computer	�q�l�p���
19088electron current	�q�l�q�y
19089electron density	�q�l�K��
19090electron device	�q�l�˸m	ED
19091electron device testing	�q�l�˸m����
19092electron emission	�q�l�o�g
19093electron energy	�q�l��q
19094electron eye	�q��( �����H�� )
19095electron flow	�q�l�y
19096electron gun	�q�l�j	EG
19097electron lens	�q�l�z��
19098electron mail	�q�Ƕl��
19099electron mass	�q�l��q
19100electron megavolt	�q�l����	EMV
19101electron octet	�q�l�K��줸��
19102electron pair	�q�l��
19103electron paramagnetic resonance	�q�l���Ͽ�( �@ )�_
19104electron positron pair	�q�l���l��
19105electron rays	�q�l��
19106electron trap	�q�l������
19107electron tube	�q�l��
19108electron volt	�q�l��S	EV
19109electron-beam	�q�l��
19110electron-beam addressable memory	�q�l���w�}�O����
19111electron-hole pair	�q�l�Ŭ}��
19112electron-induced conductivity vidicon	�q�l�P���ɹq������	EICV
19113electronegativity	�t�q��
19114electronic	�q�l��
19115electronic accounting machines	�q�l�O�b��
19116electronic analog fire control computer	�q�l����������p���
19117electronic analog multiplier	�q�l�����k��
19118electronic attachment	�q�l����
19119electronic automatic exchange	�q�l�۰ʥ洫��	EAX
19120electronic beam machining	�q�l���[�u
19121electronic billing machine	�q�l�L���
19122electronic binary multipling computer	�G�i��k�q�l�p���
19123electronic blackboard	�q�l�ªO
19124electronic brain	�q( �l )��
19125electronic building brick	�q�l�ե�
19126electronic bulk memory	�j�e�q�q�l�O����
19127electronic calculator	�q�l�p�⾹
19128electronic cash register	�q�l���Ⱦ�	ECR
19129electronic charge	�q��
19130electronic cipher machine	�q�l�K�X��	ECM
19131electronic circuit	�q�l�q��
19132electronic circuit	�q�l�q��
19133electronic circuit analog program	�q�l�q������{��
19134electronic circuit packaging	�q�l�q���ʸ�
19135electronic circuitry	�q�l�q����
19136electronic clock	�q�l��
19137electronic codebook operation	�q�l�s�X���ާ@
19138electronic coder	�q�l�s�X��
19139electronic communications	�q�l�q�T��
19140electronic component	�q�l����
19141electronic composition	�q�l�X��
19142electronic computer	�q�l�p���	ELECOM
19143electronic computer center	�q�l�p�������
19144electronic computer originated mail	�q�l�p����ɦV���l��	ECON
19145electronic computer system	�q�l�p����t��
19146electronic control	�q�l����
19147electronic counter	�q�l�p�ƾ�	EC
19148electronic counter counter measures	�q�l�Ϲ�ܱ��I	ECCM
19149electronic counter measures	�q�l�z�Z	ECM
19150electronic countermeasure computer	�q�l��ܭp���
19151electronic countermeasures satellite	�q�l��ܽìP
19152electronic data acquisition	�q�l������
19153electronic data exchange	�q�l��ƥ洫
19154electronic data image	�q�l��ƹϹ�
19155electronic data interchange	�q�l�洫�t��	EDI
19156electronic data processing	�q�l��ƳB�z	EDP
19157electronic data processing management science	�q�l��ƳB�z�޲z���
19158electronic data processing memory thinfilm	�q�l��ƳB�z�O��ï��
19159electronic data processing system	�q�l��ƳB�z�t��	EDPS
19160electronic data processor	�q�l��ƳB�z��
19161electronic data switching system	�q�l��ƥ洫�t��
19162electronic data-processing machine	�q�l��ƳB�z��	EDPM
19163electronic data-processing system	�q�l��ƳB�z�t��	EDPS
19164electronic data-switching center	�q�l����౵����
19165electronic decision maker	�q�l�M���˸m
19166electronic design interchange format	�q�l�]�p�洫�榡	EDIF
19167electronic desk calculator	��W�q�l�p�⾹
19168electronic detent	�q�l��ʾ�
19169electronic device	�q�l�˸m( ���� )
19170electronic dictionary	�q�l�r��
19171electronic differential analyzer	�q�l�L�����R��
19172electronic differential analyzer	�q�l�L�����R��
19173electronic divider	�q�l���k��
19174electronic document delivery systems	�q�l���ǰe�t��
19175electronic document distribution	�q�l�����t
19176electronic document system	�q�l���t��
19177electronic drafting maching	�q�lø�Ͼ�	EDM
19178electronic editing	�q�l�s��
19179electronic editor	�q�l�s���
19180electronic emission	�q�l�o�g
19181electronic engineering	�q�l�u�{
19182electronic equipment	�q�l�]��
19183electronic exchange	�q�l�洫
19184electronic eye	�q��( �����H�� )
19185electronic failure report	�q�l�G�ٳ��i	EFR
19186electronic filing	�q�l�ɮ׾�z
19187electronic form	�q�l�榡
19188electronic form system	�q�l�榡�t��
19189electronic format control	�q�l�榡����
19190electronic function generator	�q�l��Ʋ��;�
19191electronic funds transfer	�q�l�״�	EFT
19192electronic funds transfer system	�q�l�����b�t��	EFTS
19193electronic ground support equipment	�a���q�l���U�]��	EGSE
19194electronic hash	�q�l����
19195electronic image	�q�l�Ϲ�
19196electronic image generator	�q�l�Ϲ����;�	EIG
19197Electronic Industrial Association	�q�l�u�~��|	EIA
19198electronic industries association	�q�l�u�~��|	EIA
19199Electronic Industries Association	�q�l�u�~��|	EIA
19200electronic industries standard code	�q�l�u�~�зǽX
19201electronic information	�q�l��T
19202electronic information exchange	�q�l��T�洫
19203electronic information exchange system	�q�l��T�洫�t��	EIES
19204electronic instrument	�q�l����
19205electronic interface	�q�l( �]�� )����	EI
19206electronic interface integrated validation	�q�l�����]�ƾ�X����	EIIV
19207electronic interface unit	�q�l�����椸	EIU
19208electronic interference	�q�l�z�Z	EI
19209electronic invoicing machine	�q�l�}��( �� )��
19210electronic jamming	�q�l�z�Z	EJ
19211electronic journal	�q�l���Z
19212electronic keyboard	�q�l��L
19213electronic keyboard system	�q�l��L�t��	EKBS
19214electronic keying	�q�l�䱱( �k )
19215electronic knowledge	�q�l���Ѯw	EKB
19216electronic label reader	�q�l�аO�d�\Ū��	ELR
19217electronic launching equipment	�q�l�o�g�]��	ELE
19218electronic library	�q�l�Ϯ��]
19219electronic library search	�q�l���ϮѬd�M
19220electronic line printer	�q�l�C���	ELP
19221electronic line scanning	�q�l�汽�y
19222electronic lock	�q�l��
19223electronic machine tool control	�q�l���ɱ���
19224electronic mail	�q�l�l��	EM
19225electronic mail network	�q�l�l�����
19226electronic mail service	�q�l�l��A��
19227electronic mail subsystem	�q�l�l���l�t��
19228electronic mail system	�q�l�l��t��	EMS
19229electronic mailbox	�q�l�l�c
19230electronic maildrop	�q�l�l�c
19231electronic mailing	�q�l�l��
19232electronic management system	�q�l�޲z�t��	EMS
19233electronic materials information services	�q�l���Ƹ�T�A��	EMIS
19234electronic message	�q�l�T��
19235electronic message service	�q�l�T���A��	EMS
19236electronic message service system	�q�l�T���A�Ȩt��	EMSS
19237electronic message system	�q�l�T���t��	EMS
19238electronic mode control	�q�l�ҺA����	EMC
19239electronic model	�q�l�ҫ�
19240electronic module	�q�l�Ҳ�
19241electronic moving display panel	�q�l������ܪO
19242electronic multiple automatic exchange	�q�l�h���۰ʥ洫��	EMAX
19243electronic neuron network	�q�l���g����
19244electronic neuron network simulation	�q�l���g��������
19245electronic news gathering	�q�l�s�D����	ENG
19246electronic numerical integrator and calculator	�q�l�ƭȿn�����M�p�⾹	ENIAC
19247electronic office	�q�l�줽��
19248electronic orbit	�q�l�y��
19249electronic overlay	�q�l�л\
19250electronic package	�q�l�M�˳n��
19251electronic packaging	�q�l�ո�
19252electronic parallel digital computer	����q�l�Ʀ�p���
19253electronic pen	�q�l��, ����
19254electronic plotter	�R�qø�Ͼ�
19255electronic print	�q�l�C�L
19256electronic print reader	�q�l�C�L�\Ū��
19257electronic printer	�q�l�C���
19258electronic processing	�q�l�B�z
19259electronic processing equipment	�q�l�B�z�]��
19260electronic program	�q�l�{��
19261electronic publishing	�q�l�ƪ�
19262electronic publishing system	�q�l�ƪ��t��
19263electronic puncher	�q�l���վ�
19264electronic random number generator	�q�l�üƲ��;�
19265electronic reading machine	�q�l�\Ū��
19266electronic reconnaissance	�q�l����
19267electronic reconnaissance accessory	�q�l����U�]��	ELRAG
19268electronic reconnaissance facility	�q�l����]�I
19269electronic reconnaissance system	�q�l����t��
19270electronic record	�q�l�O��
19271electronic recording machine	�q�l�O����
19272electronic recording machine accounting	�q�l�|�p�t��	ERMA
19273electronic register sender	�q�l�Ȧs���o�e��	ERS
19274electronic remote switching	�q�l���{�洫	ERX
19275electronic resolver	�q�l���Ѿ�
19276electronic retina chatracter reader	�q�l�����r�ž\Ū��	ERCR
19277electronic retina computing reader	�q�l�����p��\Ū��	ERCR
19278electronic robot	�q�l�����H
19279electronic scales	�q�l�׶q
19280electronic scanning radar	�q�l���y�p�F
19281electronic search	�q�l�d�M
19282electronic secretary	�q�l����
19283electronic security	�q�l�w��	ELSEC
19284electronic serial digital computer	��C�q�l�Ʀ�p���
19285electronic signal	�q�l�H��
19286electronic signalling system	�q�l�H���t��
19287electronic slide rule	�q�l�p���
19288electronic speech recognition	�q�l�y���ѧO
19289electronic spreadsheet	�q�l�պ��
19290electronic spreadsheet software	�q�l�պ��n��
19291electronic statistical machine	�q�l�έp��
19292electronic stencil	�q�l�ҪO
19293electronic storage device	�q�l�x�s�˸m
19294electronic store information system	�q�l�x�s��T�t��	ESIS
19295electronic stylus	�q�l��
19296electronic surveillance	�q�l����
19297electronic surveillance equipment	�q�l�ʵ��]��
19298electronic sweep generator	�q�l���y���;�	ESG
19299electronic switch	�q�l�}��	ES
19300electronic switch system	�q�l�}���t��
19301electronic switching ecnter	�q�l�洫����
19302electronic switching programming language	�q�l�洫�{���]�p�y��	ESPL
19303electronic switching system	�q�l�洫�t��	ESS
19304electronic switching system control	�q�l�洫�t�α���
19305electronic switching system flow chart	�q�l�洫�t�άy�{��	ESSFLO
19306electronic systems simulator	�q�l�t�����	ESS
19307electronic table calculator	��W�q�l�p�⾹
19308electronic telegraph switching system	�q�l���q���洫�t��
19309electronic teletype exchange	�q�l�q�ǥ洫��	ELTEX
19310electronic test equipment	�q�l���ճ]��
19311electronic timing set	�q�l�p�ɸ˸m	ETS
19312electronic translator	�q�l�sĶ��
19313electronic tutor	�q�l�оǸ˸m
19314electronic typing calculator	�q�l���r�p�⾹	ETC
19315electronic typing system	�q�l���r�t��	ETS
19316electronic viewfinder	�q�l�M����
19317electronic warfare	�q�l��
19318electronic warfare computer	�q�l�ԭp���
19319electronic warning system	�q�l�wĵ�t��
19320electronic-to-optical transduser	�q���ഫ��
19321electronic-visual-auditory training aid	�q�l��ıťı�V�m���U�]��
19322electronic-volt	�q�l��S	E.V.
19323electronical integration assembly	�q�l�n��զX	EIA
19324electronics	�q�l��
19325electronics	molecular	���l�ǹq�l
19326electronics industries association	�q�l�u�~��|	EIA
19327electrooptic coefficient	�q���Y��
19328electrophotographic printer	�q�l�ӹ��C�L��
19329electrophotographic printing	�q�l�ӹ��C�L
19330electrophotographic process	�q�l�ӹ��L�{( �޳N )
19331electrophotography	�q�l�ӹ��N
19332electroplated film disk	�q��ï���Ϻ�
19333electroplated film head	�q������Y
19334electroplating	�q��
19335electroplating bath	�q���
19336electropneumatic controller	�q�l��ʱ��
19337electropolish	�q�ߥ�
19338electroscope	��q��
19339electrosensitive matrix printer	�q�P���x�}�C���
19340electrosensitive paper	�q�P��	ESP
19341electrosensitive printer	�q�P���C���
19342electrosensitive recording	�q�P���O��
19343electrostatic accumumlator	�R�q�֥[��
19344electrostatic adhesion	�R�q�ߪ��O
19345electrostatic bonding	�R�q�k��
19346electrostatic cathode-ray tube	�R�q�����g�u��
19347electrostatic charge	�R�q�q��
19348electrostatic deflection	�R�q����
19349electrostatic discharge	�R�q��q
19350electrostatic document copying machine	�R�q���ƦL��; �R�q��������
19351electrostatic effect	�R�q����
19352electrostatic field	�R�q��
19353electrostatic field interference	�R�q���z�Z
19354electrostatic focusing	�R�q�E�J
19355electrostatic image	�R�q�v��
19356electrostatic latent image	�R�q�繳
19357electrostatic loudspeaker	�R�q���n��
19358electrostatic memory	�R�q�O����
19359electrostatic memory tube	�R�q�O�к�
19360electrostatic plotter	�R�qø�Ͼ�
19361electrostatic printer	�R�q�C���
19362electrostatic printing	�R�q�C��
19363electrostatic printing head	�R�q�C���Y
19364electrostatic record paper	�R�q�O����
19365electrostatic recording	�R�q�O��
19366electrostatic recording paper	�R�q�O����
19367electrostatic reproduction	�R�q�ƻs
19368electrostatic screen	�R�q�ù�
19369electrostatic separator	�R�q������
19370electrostatic shield	�R�q���@
19371electrostatic storage	�R�q�x�s( �� )
19372electrostatic storage tube	�R�q�x�s��	EST
19373electrostatic storage unit	�R�q�x�s�椸
19374electrostatic voltmeter	�R�q��S��
19375electrostatic wattmeter	�R�q�\�v��
19376electrostatic writing head	�R�q�O���Y
19377electrostatics	�R�q��
19378electrostriction	�q���Y( �{�H )
19379electrostrictive	�q�P���Y
19380electrostrictive effect	�q�P���Y����
19381electrothermal recording	�q���O��
19382electrothermic print	�q���C�L
19383electrothermic printer	�q�����C���
19384electrowriter	�q�l���r��
19385electrronic multiplier	�q�l���k��
19386element	����; ���	ELEM
19387element	�椸; ����; ����	EL
19388element active	��������
19389element address	�椸��}
19390element AND	AND ����
19391element area	����
19392element binary	�G�i����
19393element code	�X����
19394element combinational logic	�զX�޿褸��
19395element count	�����p��
19396element cryogenic	�ŴH����
19397element data	��Ƥ���
19398element decision	�M������
19399element delay	������
19400element descriptor	�����y�z��
19401element digit delay	�Ʀ쩵����
19402element entry	������
19403element error rate	����~�t�v
19404element expression	������ܦ�
19405element field	������; ���ư�
19406element field description statement	�����y�z�ԭz
19407element function	�\�स��
19408element group	������
19409element ID	�椸�Хܲ�
19410element interleaving	�X����e
19411element list	������
19412element logic	�޿褸��
19413element majority decision	�h�ƨM������
19414element NAND	NAND����
19415element negation	�t����
19416element NOR	NOR ����
19417element number	�椸�s��
19418element occurrence rank	�����X�{���C
19419element OR	OR����
19420element passive	�L������
19421element position	�X����m
19422element precessor	�椸�B�z��	EP
19423element sequential logic	�����޿褸��
19424element size	�����j�p
19425element string	�椸( �r�� )��
19426element threshold	�w������
19427element variable	�椸�ܼ�
19428element with distributed parameters	�����ѼƤ���
19429element with lumped parameters	���`�ѼƤ���
19430elemental	��
19431elemental algorithm	���t��k
19432elemental cable section	���q�l�I��
19433elemental form	����
19434elemental network	������
19435elemental standard data system	���зǸ�ƨt��	ESDS
19436elemental term	����
19437elemental work	���@�~
19438elementary	�쵥; ��
19439elementary arithmetic	����N
19440elementary Boolean matrix	�����L�x�}
19441elementary chain	����
19442elementary closure property	���ʳ��S��
19443elementary component	�����q
19444elementary condition	������
19445elementary contraction	�����Y
19446elementary cycle	���g��
19447elementary data item	����ƶ�
19448elementary data ytpe	���������
19449elementary field	�����
19450elementary homomorphism	���P�A
19451elementary instruction	�����O
19452elementary item	����
19453elementary matrix	���x�}
19454elementary network	������
19455elementary object	���ؼ�
19456elementary operation	���ާ@	EO
19457elementary path	�����|
19458elementary sentence	���y�l
19459elementary statistics	�쵥�έp��
19460elementary user	����
19462elevated electrode integrated circuit	���q���n��q��	EEIC
19463elevated floor	���ʦa�O
19464elevation angle	����
19465elevation computer	���׭p���
19466elevation scanning	�������y	EIESCAN
19467elevator seeking	�������j�M
19468eleven punch	��11���զ�
19469eleven's complement check digit	11���ɼƮֹ�Ʀ�
19470eleven-punch	�Q�@��
19471eleven-unit code	11���X
19472elidble hypernotion	�i�٪��W����
19473elide	�ٲ�
19474elidible process	�i��{��
19475eligible	�X���; �J��
19476eligible for purge	�i�h��
19477eligible list	�J���
19478eliminate	����
19479eliminating bad block	�R���a��
19480eliminating dead assignments	�R���L���w��
19481elimination factor	�R���]��
19482elimination method	�����k
19483elimination of tautologies	�P�q�r���R��
19484elimination of unknowns	�����Ʈ��h�k
19485elimination technique	�R���޳N
19486elimination, zero	���s
19487eliminator	�R����
19488elite	�@�إ��r���r���ؤo
19489ellipse	��ϧ�
19490ellipsis	�ٲ��k
19491elliptical orbitation	���y�D
19492elongation	�X��; ���
19493else	�_�h
19494else clause	"�_�h"�l�y
19495else if statement	�_�h�p�G�ԭz
19496else if-block	�_�h�p�G( �ԭz )��
19497else operation	�_�h�B��
19498else process	�_�h�B�z
19499else rule	�_�h�W�h
19500else statement	�_�h�ԭz
19501else symbol	�_�h�Ÿ�
19502else-block	�_�h( �ԭz )��
19503else-if symbol	�_�h�p�G�Ÿ�
19504EM character	�O���C��פ��
19505em dash	���}�鸹
19506emanation	��g	EM
19507emanation security	�o�g�w��	EMSEC
19508embed	�O�J
19509embeddable	�i�O�J
19510embeddable chain	�i�O�J��
19511embedded	���t��
19512embedded blanks	�O�J�ť�
19513embedded code	�O�J�N�X
19514embedded command	�O�J�R�O
19515embedded compiler	�O�J�sĶ�{��
19516embedded computer	�O�J���p���
19517embedded computer system	�O�J���p����t��
19518embedded conductor	�O�J����
19519embedded environment	�O�J����
19520embedded format control	�O�J�榡����
19521embedded hyphen	�O�J�s�r��
19522embedded interpreter	�O�J��Ķ�{��
19523embedded key	�O�J��
19524embedded language	�O�J�y��
19525embedded linker directive	�O�J�챵�{�����O
19526embedded markov process	�O�J������ҹL�{
19527embedded multivalue dependency	�O�J���h�Ȭ���
19528embedded pointer	�O�J����
19529embedded pointers	�O�J����
19530embedded ruler	�ӤJ�W��
19531embedded SCSI	����p���q�������d
19532embedded servo	�O�J���A
19533embedded software	���سn��; ���t�n��
19534embedded space	�O�J�Ŷ�
19535embedded structure	�O�J���c
19536embedded switch	�O�J�}��
19537embedded system	�O�J�t��
19538embedded system design	�O�J�t�γ]�p
19539embedded text control	�O�J�奻����
19540embedded track zero sensing	�O�J���s�ϭy�P��
19541embedded variable-length plinter	�O�J���ܪ����ܲ�
19542embedding	�O�J
19543embedding mapping	�O�J�M��
19544embeded head	�^�O�����Y
19545embody	�ɥR
19546embossed plate printer	�Y���C���
19547embossment	���_
19548embracing	�]��
19549emergency	�ƥ�; ���	EM
19550emergency action	���ʧ@	EMA
19551emergency bed request system	������x�ШD�t��	EMBERS
19552emergency button	�����s
19553emergency call	���I�s
19554emergency category	��浥��
19555emergency communication net	���q�T��
19556emergency communication terminal	���q�T�׺ݾ�
19557emergency communications	���q�T
19558emergency detection system	��汴���t��
19559emergency equipment	���]��
19560emergency exchange	���洫
19561emergency exit	���X�f
19562emergency interconnection	����p��
19563emergency key	�����
19564emergency maintenance	�����@	EM
19565emergency maintenance time	�����@�ɶ�
19566emergency message automatic transmission system	���T���۰ʶǿ�t��	EMATS
19567emergency mobile communication	��沾�ʳq�T
19568emergency mode	���B��ҺA
19569emergency network	������
19570emergency operation	���ާ@
19571emergency operations system	���@�~�t��
19572emergency power cut-off	�����_�q��	EPCO
19573emergency power off	����_�q	EPO
19574emergency power supply	����q��	EPS
19575emergency program	���B�z�{��
19576emergency proving period	����i�g��
19577emergency requirement	���ݭn
19578emergency route	�����|
19579emergency set	���]��
19580emergency signal	���H��
19581emergency signal alarm	���H����ĵ( �� )
19582emergency stop indicator	��氱�����ܾ�	ESI
19583emergency switch	���}��
19584emergency switch	���}��	EMS
19585emergency treatment	���B�z	EMT
19586emergency-off	����_�q
19587emergent ray	�h�X�g�u
19588EMI control	�q�Ϥz�Z����
19589emission	�o�g
19590emission designator	�o�g���ܲ�
19591emission law	�o�g�w��
19592emission policy	�o�g�F��
19593emission secruity	�o�g�w��
19594emission security	�o�g�w��	EMSEC
19595emissivity	�o�g�v
19596emit	�o�g
19597emit data	�o�g���
19598emit field	( �L���O )�`�����
19599emit instruction	�o�g���O
19600emit instruction debugging	�o�g���O����
19601emittance	�o�g
19602emitted electron energy	��g�q�l��
19603emitter	�g��; �o�g��	EMIT
19604emitter character	�r���o�g��
19605emitter cut-off current	�g���I��q�y
19606emitter digit	�Ʀ�o�g��
19607emitter follower	�g���l�H��
19608emitter function logic	�g���\���޿�	EFL
19609emitter half-time	�b�g�o�g��
19610emitter junction diode	�g�����G����
19611emitter leg	�g�����u
19612emitter pulse	�w�C�o�g�ߪi
19613emitter selective digit	���o�g��
19614emitter terminal	�g���׺ݾ�
19615emitter time constant	�g���ɶ��`��
19616emitter-emitter coupled logic	�g��--�g�����X�޿�q��	E2CL
19617emitter-follower	�g���H����
19618EML analysis	�q�Ϭۮe�ʤ��R
19619emphasis	�W�j
19620emphasis circuit	�W�j�q��
19621emphasis network	�W�j����
19622emphatic form	�W�j�Φ�
19623empiric-function generator	�����Ʋ��;�
19624empirical calculation	�g��p��
19625empirical distribution	�g����t
19626empirical documentation	�g����
19627emplacement	�w��
19628employee badge number	���u�ѧO�Ҹ��X
19629employee number	���u���X
19630employee shift override	���u�Z���m��
19631employeer rate override	���u��v�m��
19632employer identification code	���D�ѧO�X	EIC
19633emptied	�w�M��
19634emptiness	�Ŷ����D
19635emptiness problem	�Ŷ����D
19636empty	�ʥF	EMP
19637empty argument	�Ť޼�
19638empty band	�űa
19639empty class	����
19640empty clause	�Ťl�y
19641empty descriptor	�Ŵy�z��
19642empty descriptor segment	�Ŵy�z�q
19643empty entry	�ŵn�O��
19644empty field	�ť����
19645empty file	���ɮ�
19646empty function	�Ũ��
19647empty graph	�Ź�
19648empty list	�Ū�
19649empty medium	�ŴC��
19650empty metamember	�Ť�����
19651empty page	�ŭ���
19652empty position	�Ŧ�m
19653empty production	�Ų��ͦ�
19654empty queue	�Ŧ�C
19655empty record	�ŰO��
19656empty relation	�����t
19657empty segment	�Ŭq
19658empty sentence	�ťy�l
19659empty sequence	�ŧǦC
19660empty set	�Ŷ��X
19661empty slot	�ż�
19662empty space	�ťժŶ�
19663empty statement	�űԭz
19664empty store	���x�s��
19665empty string	�Ŧ�C
19666empty substitution	�Ÿm��
19667empty symbole	�ŲŸ�
19668empty tape	�űa
19669empty word	�Ŧr
19670EMS destination	EMS �ت��`�I
19671emulate	�ҥ�
19672emulate system architecture	��u�t�ά[�c
19673emulated control unit	�ҥ鱱��椸
19674emulated executive	��u����{��
19675emulation	����; �ҥ�
19676emulation command	�����R�O
19677emulation computer	�����p���
19678emulation job	�����@�~
19679emulation mode	�����ҺA
19680emulation package	�����M�˳n��
19681emulation program	�����{��	EP
19682emulation programming	�����{���]�p
19683emulation system organization	�����t�β�´
19684emulation technique	�����޳N
19685emulational language	�����y��
19686emulator	������
19687emulator board	��u���O	EMB
19688emulator command	�������O
19689emulator control mode	�ҥ龹����ҺA
19690emulator debug	��������
19691emulator job	�����@�~
19692emulator machine language	��u�����y��	EML
19693emulator mode	�����ҺA
19694emulator section	�����{������
19695emulator system	�����{���t��
19696emulator system architecture	�����t�ά[�c
19697emulator trap	��u�{�dz���	EMT
19698emulator trap code	���������X
19699emulator trap instruction	�����������O
19700emulator trap processing code	���������B�z�X
19701emulator trap processor	���������B�z��
19702emulsion	�P���ž�
19703emulsion-laser storage	�ž��p�g�x�s( �� )
19704en dash	�u�}�鸹
19705enable	�ͮ�; �P��	ENBL
19706enable channel	�q�D���
19707enable condition	���\����
19708enable gate	���\�h
19709enable input	���\��J
19710enable interrupt instruction	���\���_���O
19711enable interupt	���\���_	EI
19712enable logic	���\�޿�
19713enable module	���\�Ҳ�
19714enable output	���\��X	EO
19715enable postition	���\��m
19716enable presentation	�ϯ����
19717enable printer	���q�C���
19718enable register	���\�Ȧs��
19719enable secondary command	���\�G�����U�R�O
19720enable signal	���\�H��
19721enable state	���\���A
19722enable statement	���\�ԭz
19723enable the time-of-day clock	�Ұ�TOD�p����
19724enable word	���\�r
19725enabled	�w���
19726enabled condition	���\����
19727enabled interruption	���\���_
19728enabled module	���\�Ҳ�
19729enabled page fault	���\�����X��
19730enabled state	���\���A
19731enabled transition	���\�ǰe
19732enablement	���\; ��{
19733enabling	�}��; ���\
19734enabling count memory	���\�p�ưO����
19735enabling counting	���\�p��
19736enabling signal	�P���H��
19737enamel covered wire	���]�u
19738enamel covering	���]��
19739enamel insulated wire	���]�u
19740enamelled cable	���]�q�l
19741enblock	����
19742encapsulated data type	���Y�������
19743encapsulated discrete modules	�K�ʤ����Ҳ�
19744encapsulated postscript	���Y������ƪ�
19745encapsulated program	�n�ʵ{��
19746encapsulated type	���Y����
19747encapsulation	�K��
19748encapsulation construct	�ʳ����c
19749encapsulation technology	�ʸ˧޳N
19750encapsulation testing	�ʸ˴���
19751enciosure	�]��
19752enciosure in network	���������ʳ���u
19753enciosure theorem	�ɭ��w�z
19754encipher	�s�X
19755enciphered data	�s�X���
19756enciphered facsimile communication	�s�X�ǯu�q�T
19757enciphered telephony	�O�K�q��
19758encipherer	�s�X��
19759enclose	�ʳ�
19760encode	�s��; �s�X	ENC
19761encode address	�s�X��}
19762encode circuit	�s�X�q��
19763encode control	�s�X����
19764encode control microprogram	�s�X����L�{��
19765encode control microprogramming	�s�X����L�{���]�p
19766encode data	�s�X���
19767encode group	�s�X��
19768encode input	�s�X��J	EI
19769encode key	�s�X��
19770encode model	�s�X�ҫ�
19771encode procedure	�s�X�L�{
19772encode processor	�s�X�B�z��
19773encode statement	�s�X�ԭz
19774encode table	�s�X��
19775encode/decode conversion	�s�X/ �ѽX�ഫ
19776encoded abstract	�s�X����K
19777encoded control	�s�X����
19778encoded fields	�s�X���
19779encoded image	�s�X�Ϲ�
19780encoded mode	�s�X�ҺA
19781encoded point	�s�X�I
19782encoded question	�s�X���D
19783encoded recording	�s�X�O��
19784encoder	�s�X��	ENCDR
19785encoder ambiguity	�s�X�����ҽk��
19786encoder group	�s�X����
19787encoder matrix	�s�X�x�}
19788encoder mode	�s�X�ҺA
19789encoder output	�s�X����X
19790encoder programming language	�s�X���{���]�p�y��	EPL
19791encoding	�s�X
19792encoding by group	���սs�X
19793encoding device	�s�X�˸m
19794encoding key	�s�X��
19795encoding law	�s�X��
19796encoding matrix	�s�X�x�}
19797encoding method	�s�X��k
19798encoding microinstruction	�s�X�L���O
19799encoding model	�s�X�ҫ�
19800encoding operation	�s�X�ާ@
19801encoding pack	�s�X�ե�
19802encoding phase relationship	�s�X�ۦ����Y
19803encoding rate	�s�X�v
19804encoding scheme	�s�X�w�e
19805encoding strip	�s�X��
19806Encore	���i( ���ε{�� )
19807encrypt	Ķ���K�X
19808encrypted message	�K��
19809encrypted message part	�K�峡��
19810encrypted voice	�[�K�y��
19811encrypting key	�[�K����X
19812encryption	�t�X��; ��ƥ[�K; �O�@�X
19813encryption algorithm	�[�K�t��k
19814encryption check bit	�K�X�ֹ�줸
19815encryption device	�[�K�˸m
19816encryption equipment	�[�K�]��
19817encryption protocol	�[�K��w
19818encryption standard	�[�K�з�
19819encryption technique	�[�K�޳N
19820encryption-based protection protocol	�[�K; �O�@��w
19821encrytped circuit	�[�K�q��
19822end	�׺�; ��
19823end address	������}
19824end around borrow	�`���ɦ�
19825end bit	�����줸
19826end branch	���ݤ���
19827end bulb	�����
19828end byte counter	�׵��줸�խp�ƾ�
19829END card	�����d
19830end closing figures	�̲׵��b�Ʀ�
19831end column	������
19832END command	�����R�O
19833end communication layer	�����q�T�h
19834end condition	�פ����
19835end connector	�׵���
19836end control	��������R�O
19837end crossfire	�׺ݦ��
19838end crosstalk	�׺ݦꭵ
19839end data symbol	�׺ݸ�ƲŸ�
19840end date	�������
19841end directive	�������O
19842end distortion	���I���u
19843end DO	�����`��
19844end dump	�פ�ɦL
19845end edge	���y��
19846end effector	���ݰ��澹
19847end eigenvalue	���I�S�x��
19848end equipment	���ݳ]��
19849end external application	�����~�����ε{��
19850end file command	�����ɮשR�O
19851end file condition	�����ɮױ���
19852end file label	�����ɮ׼и�
19853end file record	�����ɮװO��
19854end file specifier	�����ɮ׻�����
19855end file statement	�����ɮױԭz
19856end IF	��������( �ԭz )
19857end if statement	��������ԭz
19858end instruction	�������O
19859end instrument	�׺ݻ���
19860end interruption sequence	�������_�ǦC	EIS
19861end item	�̲׶���
19862end item allocation document	�̲ײ��~���t����	EIAD
19863end key	������
19864end leading	�e��
19865end line	�����C
19866end link	�����쵲
19867end macro	���������\��
19868end mark	�פ�аO	EMK
19869end marked network	�׺ݼаO����
19870end marker	���I�лx��
19871end marking control	�����аO����
19872end node	( �� )�ݸ`�I
19873end of address	��}����	EOA
19874end of address code	��}�X�����X	EOA
19875end of block	������	EOB
19876end of block character	�������r��
19877end of bracket	�A�ղפF
19878end of chain	�쵲��	EOC
19879end of chain indicator	�������( �� )
19880end of character	�r�ŵ���	EOC
19881end of code	�N�X����	EOC
19882end of conversion	�ഫ����	EOC
19883end of data	��Ƨ�; ��ƲפF	EOD
19884end of day	�鵲��	EOD
19885end of dtat file	����ɮ׵���
19886end of extent	�d����	EOE
19887end of file	�ɧ�	EOF
19888end of file indicator	�ɧ����ܲ�
19889end of inquiry	�d�ߵ���	EOI
19890end of job	�פ�u�@	EOJ
19891end of life	�ةR�פ�	EOL
19892end of line	�楽��m; �C��	EOL
19893end of line block	��յ���	EOLB
19894end of line indicator	�C�������ܲ�
19895end of list	�C����	EOL
19896end of logical tape	�޿�ϱa����	EOLT
19897end of magnetic tape	�ϱa����	EMT
19898end of medium character	�C��פ�r��	EM
19899end of message	�T���פF	EOM
19900end of message check	�T�������ֹ�	EOM
19901end of message code	�T�������X	EOM
19902end of mission	���ȵ���	EOM
19903end of operation	�B�⵲��	EO
19904end of page	������	EOP
19905end of page indicator	���������ܲ�
19906end of polling	���ߵ���	EOP
19907end of program	�{������	EOP
19908end of query	�d�ߵ���	EOQ
19909end of record	�O������	EOR
19910end of reel	�ϱa������	EOR
19911end of run	�B�浲��	EOR
19912end of scanning	���y����	EOSC
19913end of screen	�ù�����	EOS
19914end of segment	�q����	EOS
19915end of sequence	�ǦC����	EOS
19916end of tape	�ϱa����	EOT
19917end of tape mark	�ϱa�����лx
19918end of task exit routine	���ȵ����Ҧ�`��	ETXR
19919end of test	���յ���	EOT
19920end of text	���嵲��; �好	EOT
19921end of text character	�好�r��; ����פ�r��	ETX
19922end of transmission	�ǿ�פF	EOT
19923end of transmission block	�ǿ������	ETB
19924end of transmission block character	�ǿ�����r��; �ǰe��Ƭq�פ�r��	ETBC
19925end of trnasmission character	�ǿ鵲���r��	EOT
19926end of volume	������	EOV
19927end of volume label	�������и�	EOV
19928end of word	�r����	EOW
19929end office	�ݧ�
19930end packet	�����]
19931end page condition	����������
19932end pages	������
19933end paragraph name	�����q�W
19934end paranmeter	�פ�Ѽ�
19935end point	���I; ����
19936end point analysis	�̫ᵲ�G���R
19937end point control	���I����
19938end point control problem	�׺ݱ�����D
19939end point detector	���I�˴���
19940end point indicator	���I���ܲ�
19941end point node	�׵��I
19942end position	������m
19943end positionnode	������m
19944end printing	���ݦC�L
19945end product	�̲ײ��~
19946END program	�����{��
19947end pseudo instruction	��������O
19948end readout	�̲�Ū�X
19949end record	�����O��
19950end record marker	���������аO
19951end record number	�����O����	ERN
19952end statement	�׵��ԭz
19953end symbol	�����Ÿ�
19954end test file	���������ɮ�
19955end time	�פ�ɶ�
19956end to end	�ݹ��	E-E
19957end trailing	����
19958end transaction key	����������
19959end translation time indecator	½Ķ�ɶ��������ܾ�	ETTI
19960end use device	���I�ϥθ˸m
19961end user	�ϥΪ�	EU
19962end user application	�̲ץΤ�����
19963end user facility	�̲ץΤ�]�I	EUF
19964end user facility task group	�̲ץΤ�]�I���Ȳ�	EUFTG
19965end user language	�̲ץΤ�y��
19966end user management	�̲ץΤ�޲z
19967end user processor	�̲ץΤ�B�z��
19968end user to SSCP echo check	�̲ץΤ��SSCP���^�e�ֹ�
19969end value	�ݭ�
19970end vertex	�ݳ��I
19971end view	������
19972end wafer	���ݤ�
19973end warning area	�׺�ĵ�i��
19974end warning marker	�׺ݳ�ĵ�аO
19975end-around borrow	�ݰj�ɦ�
19976end-around carry	�ݰj�i��	EAC
19977end-around shift	�ݰj����
19978end-around-carry shift	�ݰj�i�첾��
19979end-around-shift register	�`������Ȧs��
19980end-bracket indicator	�A��������	EBI
19981end-error exception	�׺ݿ��~���`
19982end-finish	�׺ݵ���
19983end-item where-used	�̲׶��إγ~
19984end-item where-used by item w/o components	�����~�����س̲ץγ~
19985end-item where-used by vendor	�̨����ӧO���س̲ץγ~
19986end-item with features	�̲׶��ؤ��S��
19987end-of volume label	�e�q�׵��аO
19988end-of-file	�ɮ׵�����	EOF
19989end-of-file code	�ɮ׵����X
19990end-of-file indicator	�ɧ�����( �� )
19991end-of-file label	�ɮ׵����и�
19992end-of-file lable	�ɲ׵��аO
19993end-of-file mark	�ɧ��аO	EOF
19994end-of-group indicator	�է����ܲ�	EGI
19995end-of-job indicator	�@�~�������ܲ�
19996end-of-job processing	�@�~�����B�z
19997end-of-line	�C����m
19998end-of-medium character	�O���C��פ�r��	EM
19999end-of-message	�H������	EOM
20000end-of-message character	�H�����r��
20001end-of-message code	�T�������X
20002end-of-message indicator	�T���������ܲ�	EMI
20003end-of-procedure division	�{�ǵ�������
20004end-of-reel marker	���׼лx
20005end-of-run routine	�B�浲���Ҧ�`��
20006end-of-segment indicator	�q�������ܲ�	ESI
20007end-of-selection character	��ܵ�����	EOS
20008end-of-tape	�ϱa������	ETX
20009end-of-tape marker	�a���лx
20010end-of-text	���嵲��
20011end-of-text character	�好�r��
20012end-of-transmission	�Dz���	EOT
20013end-of-transmission block	�ǰe��������	ETB
20014end-of-transmission character	�Dz��r��
20015end-of-transmission-block character	�ǿ�����r��
20016end-point subport	���I�l��
20017end-reply packet	���I�^���]
20018end-to-end	�ݹ��
20019end-to-end acknowledgement	�ݹ������
20020end-to-end cbecksum	�ݹ���ˬd�M
20021end-to-end circuits	�ݹ�ݹq��
20022end-to-end communication	�ݧ����q�T
20023end-to-end control	�ݹ�ݱ���
20024end-to-end control layer	�ݨ�ݱ���h
20025end-to-end encryption	�ݧ����[�K
20026end-to-end flow control	�ݹ�ݬy�q����
20027end-to-end path	�ݹ�ݸ��|
20028end-to-end protocol	�ݹ�ݨ�w
20029end-to-end responsibility	�ݹ�ݦ^����
20030end-to-end service	�ݧ����q�T�A��
20031end-to-end session	�ݨ�ݹ��
20032end-to-end signalling	�ݨ�ݵo�H��
20033end-to-end system	�ݹ�ݨt��
20034end-to-end test	�ݶ�����
20035end-to-end transport layer	�ݨ�ݶǿ�h
20036end-to-reel marker	�ϱa�������аO
20037end-use	�̲רϥ�
20038end-user computing	�̲ץΤ�p��
20039end-user module	�׺ݥΤ�Ҳ�
20040end-user's mind	�̲ץΤᴼ�z
20041ending	����
20042ending balance	�����l�B
20043ending character	������
20044ending file	�ɮ׵���
20045ending file label	�ɮ׵��и�
20046ending flag	�����X��
20047ending inventory	�����s�f
20048ending inventory stock status	�����w�s���A
20049ending message	�����T��
20050ending statement	�����ԭz
20051ending symbol	�����Ÿ�
20052ending tape	�ϱa����	ET
20053ending tape label	�a�����и�
20054endless	�`��
20055endless data	�`�����
20056endless data recorder	�`����ưO����
20057endless loop	�L���j��	EL
20058endless loop cartridge	�`���X���ϱa��
20059endless loop cartridge tape	���ΧX���ϱa
20060endless master tape	���ΥD�a
20061endless program	�L���I�{��
20062endless tape	�L���I�ϱa
20063endnote	����
20064endogenous variable	�����ܼ�
20065endomorphic system	�Ÿ��ǦC�ܴ��t��
20066endomorphism	�ۦP�A
20067endomorphism semigroup	�ۦP�A�b�s
20068endorser	�L�Oñ�p
20069endpoint node	�׺ݸ`�I
20070endurance	����ɶ�	ENDUR
20071endurance limit	�h�ҷ���
20072endure	�~��u�@
20073endwise feed	���ݦV�e�X�e
20074energency switch	���}��
20075energize	�q�q	ENGZ
20076energized network	�Q�E�y����
20077energizing circuit	�E�y�q��
20078energy	��q
20079energy band	��a
20080energy level	���
20081energy level diagram	�ඥ��
20082energy management analog computer	��q�޲z����p���
20083energy research and development administration	�෽��s�M�}�o��	ERDA
20084energyline	���z�ƾڮw
20085enforced circularity	�j��`��
20086engage	���X
20087engaged condition	���u����
20088engaged line	���u; ���νu
20089engaged position	����m
20090engaged signal	�s���H��
20091engaged signaling	�s���H���ǿ�
20092engaged test	��IJ����
20093engaged tone	���u��
20094engagement clip	���u��
20095engagin force, contact	���O
20096engaging force contact	���J�����O
20097engine	�o�ʾ�
20098engine analytical	���R��
20099engineer	�u�{�v	ENG
20100engineered capacity	�u�{�e�q
20101engineering	�u�{	ENG
20102engineering and production data control	�u�{�P�Ͳ���Ʊ���
20103engineering bill	�u�{�βM��
20104engineering change	�u�{�ܧ�	EC
20105engineering change log	�u�{���ܰO��
20106engineering channel circuit	�u�{�q�D�u��
20107engineering circuit multiplex set	�u�{�q���h���q�T�˸m
20108engineering command	�޳N����
20109engineering communications or telephone	�u�{�q�T�ιq��
20110engineering compromise	�u�{��J���
20111engineering development	�u�{�}�o
20112engineering discipline	�u�{�W�w
20113engineering drawing number	�u�{�ϸ�
20114engineering education	�u�{�Ш|
20115engineering effort	�u�{�p��
20116engineering graphic system	�u�{�Ϩt��	EGS
20117engineering improvement time	�u�{��i�ɶ�
20118engineering index	�u�{����	EI
20119engineering information retrieval	�u�{��T�˯�	EIR
20120engineering instruction	�u�{����	EI
20121engineering logic diagram	�u�{�޿��
20122engineering management information technique	�u�{�޲z��T�޳N	EMIT
20123engineering manager workstations	�u�{�g�z�u�@��	EMWS
20124engineering measures	�u�{���q
20125engineering path	�u�{���|
20126engineering philosophy	�u�{��z
20127engineering reliability	�u�{�i�a��
20128engineering requirement	�u�{�n�D
20129engineering signal processor	�u�{�]�p�H���B�z��	ESP
20130engineering support system	�u�{�䴩�t��
20131engineering system	�t�Τu�{
20132engineering system	�u�{�t��
20133engineering test panel	�u�{����O
20134engineering time	���@�˭׮ɶ�
20135engineering work order	�u�{�u�@����
20136engineering work station	�u�{���u�@��	EWS
20137engineering workstation	�u�{�u�@��
20138English-like procedure call	���^�y�L�{�ե�
20139English-like statement	���^�y���ԭz
20140English-understanding system	�^�y�z�Ѩt��
20141enhance	�W�j
20142enhanced background	�W�j�I��
20143enhanced graphics	�W�j���ϧ�
20144enhanced graphics adapter	�W�j��ø�Ϥ����d	EGA
20145enhanced graphics module	�W�j���ϧμҲ�	EGM
20146enhanced private switched communications service	�W�j���M�Υ洫�q�T�A��	EPSCS
20147enhanced services	�ﵽ�A��
20148enhanced small device interface	�p���]�Ƥ���	ESDI
20149enhanced small disk interface	�W�j���p�ϺФ���
20150enhanced trajectory control	�W�j���y����
20151enhancement	�W�j
20152enhancement device	�W�j���]��
20153enhancement mode	�W�j�ҺA
20154enhancement mode field effect transistor	�W�j���������q����
20155enhancement MOS	�W�j��MOS �q��	EMOS
20156enhancement MOS device	�W�j�����ݮ�ƪ��b����˸m
20157enhancement type	�W�j����
20158enlarge	��j
20159enlarge view	��j�ؤo
20160enlarged display	��j���
20161enlargement	�W�j
20162ENQ sequence	�߰ݲŦ���
20163enquad	��}��
20164enqueue	�J�X��C�{��
20165enquiry	�߰�( �� ); �^���q�H	ENQ
20166enquiry character	�߰ݦr��	ENQ
20167enquiry control character	�߰ݱ���r��	ENQ
20168enquiry stationer	�d�߯�
20169enquiry system	�d�ߨt��
20170enquiry terminal system	�߰ݲ׺ݨt��	ETS
20171enquiry-clause	�d�ߤl�y
20172enquiry-response system	�ߵ��t��
20173enquiry/response processing	�d��/ �^���B�z
20174enroll	�C�W
20175ensemble	�`��
20176ensemble average	�`�駡��
20177ensure	�O��
20178enter	��J; ��J
20179enter action	�i�J�ާ@
20180enter context command	��J�W�U��R�O
20181enter counter	��J�p�ƾ�
20182enter data	��J���
20183enter drive	��J�X�ʾ�
20184enter head	��J���Y
20185enter instruction	��H���O
20186enter key	��J��
20187enter key request	��J��ШD
20188enter keys	��J��	ENK
20189ENTER macro	��J����( ���O )
20190enter message	��J�T��
20191enter mode	�i�J�ҺA
20192enter operator	��J�B���
20193enter password	��J�q��X; ��J�K�X
20194enter point	��J�I
20195enter sequence iteration	��J�ǦC�|�N
20196enter statement	��J�ԭz
20197enter text	��J�奻
20198enter track	��J�ϭy
20199enter/inquiry mode	��J�d�߼ҺA
20200entered block	��J��
20201entered transaction statistics	�w��J�����ʲέp
20202entering	�i�J
20203enterprise	��´; ���~
20204enterprise number	���~���X
20205enterprise schema	���~����
20206entire function	����
20207entire variable	�����ܼ�
20208entity	����
20209entity analysis	������R
20210entity attribute	�����ݩ�
20211entity description	����y�z
20212entity identifler	������Ѳ�
20213entity indetifier	�����ѧO��
20214entity model	����ҫ�
20215entity name	����W( �� )
20216entity name set	����W��
20217entity occurence	����ƥ�
20218entity record	����O��
20219entity record set	����O����
20220entity relationship	�������Y
20221entity relationship approach	�������Y�k
20222entity relationship concept	�������Y����
20223entity relationship data model	�������Y��Ƽҫ�
20224entity relationship diagram	�������Y��
20225entity relationship mode	�������Y�ҺA
20226entity relationship model	�������Y�ҫ�
20227entity set	���鶰
20228entity set model	���鶰�ҫ�
20229entity type	��������
20230entity-type	�궵��
20231entrance	�J�f; �J�f�I	ENTR
20232entrance cable	�i�J�q�l
20233entrance location	�i�J��m
20234entrance point	�i�J�I
20235entrance symbol	�i�J�Ÿ�
20236entrap	����
20237entropy	��; �i
20238entry	�i�f; �J�f; �n��	ENT
20239entry address	�n����}
20240entry association	���ص��X
20241entry attribute	�����ݩ�
20242entry block	���ض�
20243entry box	�n����
20244entry call	�i�J�ե�
20245entry closed	�ʳ��n��
20246entry cluster	��ظs
20247entry condition	�i�J����
20248entry conditions	�i�J����
20249entry constant	�i�J�`��
20250entry control	�n������
20251entry data	�i�J���
20252entry date	�n�����
20253entry declaration	�i�J����
20254entry deletion	����اR��
20255entry descriptor	�i�J�y�z��
20256entry expression	�i�J��ܦ�
20257entry family	�i�J�t�C
20258entry form defination	�n�����w�q
20259entry form title	�n�������D
20260entry format	�n���榡
20261entry index	���޴ڥ�	EX
20262entry inhibited	�T��n��
20263entry instruction	�i�J���O
20264entry into force	�ͮ�
20265entry key	�n����	ENTK
20266entry keyboard	��L�n��
20267ENTRY macro	�i�J����( ���O )
20268ENTRY macro instruction	�i�J�������O
20269entry mask	�J�f�n
20270entry mode	�n���ҺA
20271entry mode program	�i�J�ҺA�{��
20272entry monitor display	�J�f�ʱ���ܾ�	EMD
20273entry monitoring system	�J�f�ʱ��t��	EMS
20274entry name	�J�f�W��
20275entry name attribute	�n�����W���ݩ�
20276entry node	�i�J���I
20277entry page	�୶�J�f
20278entry point	�i�J�I; �n���I	EP
20279entry point access method	�i�J�I�s���k
20280entry point address	�i�J�I��}	EPA
20281entry point control item	�i�J�I���	EPCI
20282entry point symbol	�i�J�I�Ÿ�
20283entry point table	�i�J�I��	EPT
20284entry position	�n�O����m
20285entry program	�i�J�{��
20286entry query control console	�n���d�߱���x	EQCC
20287entry queue	�n����C
20288entry representation specification	�i�J��ܳW��
20289entry sequence	��J����
20290entry sequenced data set	�ڥاǸ�ƶ�	ESDS
20291entry sequenced file	��J�����ɮ�
20292entry specification	���ػ���
20293entry statement	�i�J�ԭz
20294entry switch	��J�}��
20295entry symbol	�i�J�Ÿ�
20296entry table	���ؤJ�f��	ET
20297entry time	�i�J�ɶ�
20298entry time-sharing system	�n�����ɨt��	SS
20299entry value	�i�J��
20300entry variable	�ڥ��ܼ�
20301enumerability	�i�Ʃ�
20302enumerable set	�i�T�|��; �i�C�|��
20303enumerate	�p��; �C�|
20304enumerated type	�T�|��; �C�|��
20305enumeration	�C�|
20306enumeration literals	�C�|��r
20307enumeration method	�C�|�k
20308enumeration theorem	�C�|�w�z
20309enumeration type	�C�|����
20310enumeration type declaration	�C�|�����ŧi
20311enumeration type definition	�C�|�����w�q
20312enumeration type input/output	�C�|������J/ ��X
20313enumeration type representation	�C�|������ܪk
20314enumeration-I/O package	�C�|������J��X�M�˳n��
20315enumerative algorithm	�C�|��k
20316enumerative Bayesian algorithm	�i�ƨ����t��k
20317enumerative classification	�C�|����
20318envelop curve	�ʥ]���u
20319envelope	�i��; �O�@�M	EN
20320envelope delay	�i�ʩ���
20321envelope detection	�ʥ]�˪i
20322envelope power	�ʥ]�\�v
20323envelope wide-scope	���W�ܪi��
20324environment	����
20325environment analog recording system	��������O���t��	EARS
20326environment attribute	�����ݩ�
20327environment clause	���Ҥl�y
20328environment clause	�]�Ƴ��l�y
20329environment control table	���ұ����	ECT
20330environment data bank	���Ҹ�Ʈw	ECB
20331environment description	���Ҵy�z
20332environment description statement	���Ҵy�z�ԭz
20333environment division	���ҳ��`( COBOL �{�� )
20334environment engineering	���Ҥu�{
20335environment file	�����ɮ�
20336environment information on-line	���Ҹ�T�s�u	ENVIOL
20337environment record	���ҰO��
20338environment recording	���ҰO��	ER
20339environment simulation	���Ҽ���
20340environment software	���ҳn��
20341environment symbol	���ҲŸ�
20342environmental condition	���ұ��p
20343environmental control	���ұ���
20344environmental control system	���ұ���t��
20345environmental control table	���ұ����
20346environmental data index	���Ҹ�Ư���	ENDEX
20347environmental file	�����ɮ�
20348environmental impact assessment	���Ҽv�T���p	EIA
20349environmental loss time	�P��l���ɶ�
20350environmental model	���Ҽҫ�
20351environmental monitoring	���Һʵ�
20352environmental recorder data set	���ҰO������ƶ�	ERDS
20353environmental recording,editing,and printing	���ҰO��; �s��M�C�L�޳N	EREP
20354environmental security	���Ҧw��
20355environmental simulator	���Ҽ�����	ENSIM
20356environmental test	���Ҹ���
20357eof control character	EOF ����r��
20358EOT marker	�a���лx
20359EPI wafer	���U����
20360epiatxy	�~��; �q������V����
20361epilog	����( �L�{ )
20362epilogue	�����{��
20363epitaxial diffused method	�~���X���k
20364epitaxial film	�~���h
20365epitaxial growth	�~�����
20366epitaxial growth mesa transistor	�~���ͪ��x�����q����
20367epitaxial layer	�~���h
20368epitaxial mesa transistor	�~���x���q����
20369epitaxial passivated integrated circuit	�~���w�ƿn��q��
20370epitaxial planar technique	�~�������ͪ��޳N
20371epitaxial planar transistor	�~�������q����
20372epitaxial region	�~����
20373epitaxial transistor	�~���q����
20374epitaxy	�U���N
20375epsilon move	�ʧ@; ����
20376eption reported	���`���i
20377equal	����
20378equal gain combiner	���W�q�_�X��
20379equal matrix language	���x�}�y��
20380equal symbol	����Ÿ�
20381equal zero	����s
20382equal-length code	�����X
20383equality	����
20384equality gate	�����h
20385equality operator	�����B���
20386equality poeration	�����B��
20387equality unit	�P�h
20388equalization	����; ����
20389equalization network	���ź���
20390equalize assignment	���ť��ȫ���
20391equalizer	���ƾ�; ���ž�	EQ
20392equals function	����\��
20393equate operand spaces	�۵��ާ@�ƶ��j	EOS
20394equation	��{��	EQ
20395equation solver	��{���ѵ���
20396equation statement	��{���ԭz
20397equation-oriented simulation langrnge	��{�ɦV�������y��
20398equational language	��{���y��
20399equi-join	�����X; ����
20400equijoin	����s��
20401equilibrium	����
20402equilibrium distribution coefficient	���Ť��t�Y��
20403equilibrium equation	���Ť�{��
20404equilibrium probability	���ŷ��v
20405equipment	�]��	EQPT
20406equipment acceptance requirements and inspections	�]���禬�ݨD�M����	EARI
20407equipment allowance revision program	�]�Ʈe�t�ץ��{��	EARP
20408equipment ancillary	�~��]��
20409equipment auxiliary	���ݳ]��
20410equipment characteristic file	�]�ƯS���ɮ�	ECF
20411equipment charge	�]�ƶO��
20412equipment check	�]�Ʈֹ�
20413equipment clock	�]�Ʈ���
20414equipment compatibility	�]�Ƭۮe��
20415equipment compiler system	�]�ƽsĶ�{���t��	ECS
20416equipment complex	�]�ƽ���
20417equipment component list	�]�Ƥ����	ECL
20418equipment configuration control	�]�ưt�m����
20419equipment coversion	�ܴ��]��
20420equipment data form	�]�Ƹ�Ʈ榡	EDF
20421equipment delay-output	�]�Ʃ����X
20422equipment delayed-output	�����X�]��
20423equipment error	�]�ƿ��~
20424equipment failure	�]�ƻ~��
20425equipment failure	�]�ƬG��
20426equipment high-performance	���ij]��
20427equipment identification	�]���ѧO�лx	EI
20428equipment incomplete	�]�Ƥ�����	EI
20429equipment input	��J�]��
20430equipment installation and checkout	�]�Ʀw�˻P����	EIC
20431equipment installation notice	�]�Ʀw�˳q��	EIN
20432equipment interface	�]�Ƥ���
20433equipment intermodulation noise	�]�Ƥ��ը��
20434equipment low-performance	�C�ij]��
20435equipment maintenance reporting system	�]�ƺ��@���i�t��	EMRS
20436equipment misuse error	�]�ƻ~�ο�
20437equipment mobility	�]�ƥi���ʩ�
20438equipment modification	�]���ܧ��	EML
20439equipment modification list	�]�Ƨ�s��	EML
20440equipment operating procedure	�]�ƾާ@�{��	EOP
20441equipment operation control	�]�ƾާ@����	EOC
20442equipment output	��X�]��
20443equipment output port	�]�ƿ�X��
20444equipment pence conversion	�K�h�ܴ��]��
20445equipment peripheral	�P��]��
20446equipment printing	�C�L�]��
20447equipment remote control	�n���]��
20448equipment specification and interface data sheets	�]�ƳW��P������ƪ�	ESAIDS
20449equipment statistical data card	�]�Ʋέp��ƥd	ESCE
20450equipment tabulating	�C��]��
20451equipment terminal	�׺ݳ]��
20452equipment under test	�Q������	EUT
20453equipment unit	�]�Ƴ���椸
20454equipment-oriented data format	�]�ƾɦV����Ʈ榡
20455equipotent set	�������X
20456equipotential surface	���쭱
20457equitable sharing	�����@��
20458equity	�v�q; ���v
20459equivalen value	����
20460equivalence	����; ����
20461equivalence chain	������
20462equivalence declaration	�����ŧi
20463equivalence element	�P����
20464equivalence gate	�P�h
20465equivalence group	������
20466equivalence join	�P�����p
20467equivalence name	�����W��
20468equivalence of flowchart and FSM	�y�{�ϻPFSM ��������
20469equivalence operation	���ȹB��
20470equivalence operator	�����B���
20471equivalence problem	�������D
20472equivalence property	������
20473equivalence queue	������C
20474equivalence relation	�������Y
20475equivalence statement	�����ԭz
20476equivalence string	�P���r��
20477equivalence subclass	�����l��
20478equivalence-defining statement	�����w�q�ԭz
20479equivalenced variable	�����ܼ�
20480equivalent	�۵�
20481equivalent access time	���Ħs���ɶ�
20482equivalent bandwidth	�����W�e
20483equivalent binary content	�����G�i��e
20484equivalent binary digit	���ĤG�i�Ʀ�
20485equivalent binary digit-factor	�����G�i��Ʀ�]�l
20486equivalent bit rate	���Ĥ�S�v
20487equivalent bunary weight	�����G�i��[�v��
20488equivalent chain	������
20489equivalent circuit	���Ĺq��
20490equivalent class	������
20491equivalent codes	�����X
20492equivalent compiler	���ĽsĶ�{��
20493equivalent configuration	�����c�ϰt�m
20494equivalent equations	���Ĥ�{��
20495equivalent expression	���Ī�ܦ�
20496equivalent focal length	���ĵJ�Z	EFL
20497equivalent four-wire system	���ĥ|�u�t��
20498equivalent four-wire system	���ĥ|�u�t��
20499equivalent grammar	������k
20500equivalent impedance	���Ī���
20501equivalent isotropically-radiated power	���ĦU�V�P�ʴT�g�\�v
20502equivalent linearization	���Ľu�ʤ�
20503equivalent network	�����
20504equivalent noise resistance	���ľ����q��
20505equivalent noise sideband input	���Ī�������a��J
20506equivalent noise temperature	���ľ����ū�
20507equivalent normal form method	�����d���k
20508equivalent object program	���ĥؼе{��
20509equivalent relation	�������Y; �������Y
20510equivalent series resistance	���Ħ��p�q��	ESR
20511equivalent state	���Ī��A
20512equivalent statement	���ıԭz
20513equivalent statement label	���ıԭz�и�
20514equivalent string	���Ħ�C
20515equivalent subprogram	���Ĥl�{��
20516equivalent subprogram specification	���Ĥl�{���W�满��
20517equivalent-circuit model	���Ĺq���ҫ�
20518equivocation	����T���q�`������
20519erasability	�i�M����
20520erasable	�i�M��
20521erasable and alternative ROM	�i�M���i��g����Ū�O����
20522erasable area	�i�M����
20523erasable memory	�i�M���O����	EM
20524erasable memory	�i�M���O����	EM
20525erasable programmable read only memory	�i��g�i�W����Ū�O����	EPROM
20526erasable programmable read only memroy	�i�M���i�s�{����Ū�O����	EPROM
20527erasable programmable read-only memory	�i�ٰ��i�{����Ū�O����
20528erasable PRON	�i�M���i�{���ư�Ū�O����
20529erasable read only memory	�i�M����Ū�O����	EROM
20530erasable storage	�i�M�x�s( �� )
20531erasable store	�i�M���x�s��
20532erase	�R��; ����; �M��
20533erase	�M��	ER
20534erase amplifier	�O���M����j��
20535erase character	�M���r��
20536erase command	�M���R�O
20537erase eof	����������
20538erase error	�M����
20539erase gate	�M���h
20540erase head	�M���Y
20541erase input	������J
20542erase key	�M����
20543erase list	�M�����
20544erase mode	�M���ҺA
20545erase residual	�M�~�ݾl
20546erase status	�M�����A	ERSTA
20547erase write	�M���g�H	EWRT
20548erase-on-allocate	�t�m�ɲM��
20549erase-on-delete	�R���ɲM��
20550erase/write	�M��/ �g�J	E/WR
20551Eraseable Programmable ROM	�i�ٳW����Ū�O����
20552eraser	�M����
20553erasing head	�����Y	EH
20554erasing move	�M���ʧ@
20555erasing of information	��T�M��
20556erasing production	�M�����ͦ�
20557erassable	�i�M��
20558erasure	�M��; �R�h
20559erasure pattern	�M�����Ҧ�
20560erasure signal	�M���H��
20561ERDA reserarch abstracts	�෽�}�o��s��K	ERA
20562erecting	�w��
20563ergodic source	�M�`��
20564ergonomics	�H��u�{��
20565ergoromics	�H��u��
20566erlang	���u�p��
20567erlang hour	���u�p��
20568erosion	�I�k
20569erroneous bit	���~�줸
20570erroneous block	���~�X�ն�
20571erroneous data	���~���
20572erroneous passage	���~�q��
20573erroneous word	���r
20574error	���~; �~�t	ER
20575error abort	���~���`����
20576error absolute	����~�t
20577error action	���~�ʧ@
20578error adaptive control computer	�~�t�۾A������p���	EACC
20579error alarm list	���~�wĵ�T����
20580error alert program	���~�wĵ�{��
20581error analysis and logging facility	�~�t���R�M�O���]�I
20582error analysis and logging module	�~�t���R�M�O���Ҳ�
20583error and omissions excepted	���~�M��|���~	EOE
20584error balanced	���Ż~�t
20585error bit	���~�줸
20586error block	���~�X��
20587error bound	�~�t�ɭ�
20588error burst	�~�t�O�o
20589error byte	���~�r�`
20590error call	���~�ե�
20591error category	���~���O
20592error character	���~�r��
20593error check	�X���ֹ�
20594error check analysis diagram	�t���ֹ���R��	ECAD
20595error check and control	�t������P����	ECC
20596error check diagram	�˿���	ECD
20597error check program	���~����{��
20598error checking	�~�t�ֹ�
20599error checking and correction	�ֹ�P��	ERCC
20600error checking and error processing	���~����M���~�B�z
20601error checking and recovery	���~����P��_
20602error checking circuitry	���~����q��	ECC
20603error checking code	���~����X
20604error classification	���~�����k
20605error code	���~�X
20606error code diagnostic messsage	���~�N�X�E�_�T��
20607error code generator	���~�X���;�
20608error code number	���X��
20609error code word	���X�r
20610error coded check	���X����
20611error condition	���~����
20612error condition (in calculators)	( �p�⾹���� )���~����
20613error condition flag	�~�t����X��
20614error control	���~����
20615error control character	�~�t����r��
20616error control code	���~����X
20617error control commands	���~����R�O
20618error control device	���~����˸m
20619error control procedure	���~����{��
20620error control restart procedures	�t������A�۰ʹL�{
20621error control software	�~�t����n��
20622error control system	�~�t����t��
20623error correcting	���~��	EC
20624error correcting code	���~���X
20625error correcting code system	���X��t��
20626error correcting routine	���~���`��
20627error correcting synchronous system	���P�B�t��
20628error correcting system	���~���t��
20629error correction	�~�t�勵
20630error correction and detection characters	���~���P�˴��r��
20631error correction and information system	���P��T�t��	ECIS
20632error correction circuit	���q��	ECC
20633error correction code	���X	ECC
20634error correction diagram	����	ECD
20635error correction procedure	���{��
20636error correction save point	���~���O�s�I
20637error correction signal	���H��	ECS
20638error correction submode	���~���l�Ҧ�
20639error correction system	��~�t��
20640error corrective routine	���Ҧ�`��
20641error count	���~�p��
20642error data	��ƻ~�t
20643error decoder	�~�t�s�X��
20644error dectection routine	�˿��Ҧ�`��
20645error dection/correction	���~�˴�/ �ե�
20646error detecting	�˿�	ED
20647error detecting and feedback system	���~�˴��M�^�X�t��
20648error detecting code	���~�˴��X
20649error detecting system	���~�˴��t��
20650error detection	���~�˴�	ERDET
20651error detection and correction	���~�˴��M�ե�
20652error detection and correction system	�˿��P���t��
20653error detection code	���~�˴��N�X
20654error detection code generator	�˿��X���;�	EDCG
20655error detection data channel	���~�˴���Ƴq�D
20656error detection encoder/decoder	�˿��s�X/ �ѽX��	EDED
20657error detection interactive transmission	�˿���Ͷǿ�	EDIT
20658error detection system	���~�t��
20659error detection/correction capability	���~�˴��ե���O
20660error detector	�~�t�T���˴���
20661error diagnostic print routine	���~�E�_�C�L�`��
20662error diagnostics	���~�E�_
20663error diagnostics time-sharing	���~�E�_����
20664error dump	�X���ɦL
20665error equation	�~�t��{��
20666error estimate	�~�t���p
20667error exit	���~����
20668error exit address	���~������}	EEA
20669error explanation	���~����
20670error file	���~�ɮ�
20671error file control	���~�ɮױ���
20672error file control totals	���~�ɮױ����`�p
20673error file edit	���~�ɮ׽s��
20674error flag	���~�X��
20675error format	���~�榡
20676error free	�L�~
20677error function	�~�t���	ERF
20678error generated	���ͻ~�t
20679error gross	�H���~�t; ���A�~�t
20680error handing	���~�B�z
20681error handing package	���~�B�z�M�˳n��
20682error handler	���~�B�m�`��	EH
20683error handling	���~�B�z�`��
20684error in address	��}���~	EIA
20685error in label	����~	EIL
20686error in operation	�ާ@���~	EIO
20687error in reading	�\Ū�~�t
20688error indication	���~����
20689error indicator	���~���ܾ�	EI
20690error indicator	���~���ܦr	EI
20691error information	���~��T
20692error information declarative	���~��T�ŧi��
20693error inherent	�T���~�t
20694error inherited	�~�ӻ~�t
20695error initial	�ҩl�~�t
20696error interception	���~��I
20697error interrupt	���~���_
20698error interrupt buffer	���~���_�w�ľ�	EIB
20699error interrupt request vector	���~���_�ШD�V�q	EIRV
20700error item	���~����
20701error job	���~�@�~
20702error journal output format	���~�O����X�榡
20703error latch trace program	���~��s�l�ܵ{��	ELT
20704error latency	���~����ɶ�
20705error limit	���~����
20706error list	�G�٪�
20707error locating	���~�w��
20708error lock	���~����
20709error log	���~�s��; ���~�O��	EL
20710error log manager	���~�O���޲z�{��	ELM
20711error log table	�X���n�O��
20712error logger	���~�O����
20713error logger file	�X���O���ɮ�
20714error logging	���~�n�O�{��
20715error logging and analysis	�X���n�O�M���R	ELAN
20716error logging register	���~�n�O�Ȧs��	ELR
20717error logging report	�X���O�����i
20718error loop	���~�j��	EL
20719error machine	�����~�t
20720error macro	���~�B�z�������O
20721error mark	���~�аO
20722error matrix method	�~�t�x�}�k	EMM
20723error measuring device	���~�˸m
20724error measuring system	�~�t���q�t��
20725error message	���~�T��; �~�t�T��
20726error message editor	���~�T���s��{��
20727error message list	���~�T����
20728error message output	���~�T����X
20729error message repertoire	���~�T����
20730error message warning	���~�T���wĵ
20731error messages at compile time	�sĶ�ɿ��~�T��
20732error messages at runtime	�B��ɿ��~�T��
20733error of reading	�\Ū�~�t
20734error of transmission	�ǿ���~
20735error patter register	���~�Ҧ��Ȧs��	EPR
20736error pattern	���~�Ҧ�
20737error pattern generator	���~�Ҧ����͵{��	EPG
20738error pattern register	���~�Ҧ��Ȧs��	EPR
20739error potentiometer loading	�q��t���~�t
20740error prevention	�~�t�w��
20741error print	���~�C�L	EP
20742error printout	���~�C�L��X
20743error processing declaration	���~�B�z����
20744error processing subsystem	���~�B�z�l�t��	EPSS
20745error program	�{���~�t
20746error program-sensitive	�{�����P�~�t
20747error propagated	�Ǽ��~�t
20748error propagation limiting code	���~�Ǽ������X
20749error queue	���~��C
20750error range	�~�t�d��
20751error rate	���~�v; �~�t�v
20752error rate of a translator	Ķ�X�������~�v
20753error rate of keying	����~�X�v
20754error rate of telegraph	�q�����~�v
20755error ratio	�~�t��
20756error record	���~�O��
20757error recording printout	���~�O���C�L��X
20758error recovery	�~�t�_��; ���~�_��
20759error recovery manager	���~��_�޲z�{��	ERM
20760error recovery procedure	���~��_�{��	ERP
20761error recovery procedure information block	���~��_�L�{��T��	ERPIB
20762error recovery program	���~��_�{��	ERP
20763error recovery program interface byte	���~��_�{���������줸��	ERPIB
20764error recovery routine	���~��_�Ҧ�`��
20765error register	���~�Ȧs��
20766error report	���~����
20767error request process	���~�ШD�B�z	ERP
20768error residual	�ݾl�~�t
20769error return	���~��^
20770error return address	���~��^��}
20771error round-off	�˥h�~�t
20772error rounding	�ˤJ�~�t
20773error routine	�~�t�`��
20774error routine address	���~�B�z�`����}
20775error serverity code	���~�Y���ʪ��N�X
20776error signal	�ܿ��H��
20777error source	�ڷ��~�t
20778error span	�~�t�t�Z
20779error state	���~���A	ERST
20780error statistics by tape volume	���a�������~�έp	ESTV
20781error statistics by volume	�������~�έp	ESV
20782error statistics volume	���~�έp��	ESV
20783error status	���~���A
20784error status code	���~���A�X
20785error status condition	���~���A����	ESC
20786error status word	���~���A�r
20787error stop	���~����	ERRSTOP
20788error summary	���~�K�n
20789error summary counter	���~�K�n�p�ƾ�
20790error summary file	���~�K�n�ɮ�
20791error symbol	���~�Ÿ�
20792error tape	�d���a
20793error tape transmission	�d���a�ǰe
20794error term	�~�t��
20795error trapping routine	���~�]���`��
20796error treatment	���~�B�z
20797error unbalanced	�����Ż~�t
20798error value	���~��
20799error vector computer	�~�t�V�q�p���	EVC
20800error volume analysis	���~������R	EVA
20801error-checking code	�ֻ~�X
20802error-correcting code	��~�X
20803error-correcting routine	��~�`��
20804error-correcting system	���~���t��
20805error-correction	�~�t�勵
20806error-correction bit	���줸
20807error-correction system	���~���t��
20808error-correction, automatic	�۰ʧ�~
20809error-detecting code	���~�X
20810error-detecting routine	���~�`��
20811error-detecting system	���~�˴��t��
20812error-free	�L�~�t
20813error-free data transmission	�L����ƶǿ�
20814error-free encoding	�L���s�X
20815error-free message	�L���T��
20816error-free operation	�L���ާ@
20817error-free running period	�L���B���
20818error-free signal message	�L���H���T��
20819error-free transmission	�L���ǿ�
20820error-free transmission of data	��ƵL���ǿ�
20821error-incluced grammar	�~�t�ɥX��k
20822error-prone module	���X�����Ҳ�
20823error-rate measuring equipment	�X���v���q�]��
20824error-reproting routine	���~���i�Ҧ�`��
20825error-return-information	���~��^��T
20826error-rquared criterion	�~�t����ǫh
20827errors and omissions	���~�P��|	EO
20828errror condition statement	���~����ԭz
20829ersatz device	�N�γ]��
20830erternal register	�~���Ȧs��	EXT
20831erxpansion cofficient	���ȫY��
20832ESA-IRS	�ڬw��ŧ��T���˯��A��
20833Esaki-diode	���T�G����
20834escape	�h�X( �� ); ���X	ESC
20835escape character	�h�X�r��; �����r��	ESC
20836escape code	�h�X�N�X
20837escape general	�q�`�h�X
20838escape key	�h�X��
20839escape locking	��w�h�X
20840escape message	�����T��
20841escape nonlocking	����h�X
20842escape routine	�����`��
20843escape sequence	��������
20844escape sequence command	�h�X���ǩR�O
20845escape string	ESP �r��
20846escape structure	�h�X���c
20847escape symbol	�h�X�Ÿ�
20848escape to CP	����CP( ����{�� )���A
20849ESCORT	�@�ذ��ŵ{���]�p�y��
20850ESOPE	�@�ئh�s���p����t��
20851ESPOL	�@�ؽs���ާ@�t�ΥΪ��y��
20852essential attribute	���ݩ�
20853essentiality	����
20854esthesiometer	IJı���q��
20855esthesiometry	IJı���q�k
20856estimated annual usage	���p���~�ϥζq
20857estimated annual usage quantity	���p���~�ϥμƶq
20858estimated annual use	���p���~�ϥ�
20859estimated average annual usage	���p�C�~�����ϥζq
20860estimated completion date	���p�������
20861estimated entry searching	���p�ڥجd�M
20862estimated time of arrival	�w�p��F�ɶ�	ETA
20863estimated time of departure	�w�p�����ɶ�	ETD
20864estimation	���p
20865estimator	���p�q
20866etch	�k
20867etch back	�`�G�k
20868etch cutting	�G�k����
20869etch pattern	�G�k�ϧ�
20870etch type	�k�諬
20871etchant resist	�ܻk��
20872etched circuit	�k��q��
20873etched foil process	�k���u��
20874etched printed circuit	�k��L��q��
20875etched wire technique	�k��ɽu�޳N
20876etcher	�q�k�边
20877etching	�k
20878etherent	�H�Ӱϰ��
20879ethernet	�H�Ӻ���
20880ethernet communications system	�H�ӳq�T�t��
20881ethernet file transfer protocol	�H�Ӻ��ɮ׶ǰe��w	EFTP
20882ethernet interface	�H�Ӻ�����
20883ethernet lan	�H�Ӱϰ�ʺ���
20884ethernet linkage	�H�Ӻ��챵
20885ethernet physical channel	�H�ӹ���q�D
20886ethernet protocol	�H�ӳq�T��w
20887ethernet specification	�H�Ӻ��޳N�W�满��
20888ethernet-compatible hardware	�H�Ӻ��ۮe���w��
20889ethernet-like computer network	�H�Ӻ����p�������
20890ethernet-like network	���H�Ӻ�������
20891EUCLID	EUCLID�y��( �b PASCAL �y����¦�W�o�i�Ӧ����@�ػy�� )
20892Euclidean algorithm	�ڤ�t��k
20893EULER	�@�ص{���]�p�y��
20894Euler diagraph	�کԦ��V��
20895Euler graph	�کԹ�
20896Euler loop	�ک԰j��
20897Euler method	�کԪk
20898Euler number	�کԼ�
20899Euler path	�کԸ��|
20900Eulerian digraph	�کԦ��V��
20901Eulerian equation	�کԤ�{��
20902euqipment data terminal	��Ʋ׺ݳ]��
20903Eurolex	�ڬw�k�ߤ��߸�Ʈw
20904Europan space agency	�ڬw��ŧ�	ESA
20905European broadcasting union	�ڬw�s���p��	EBU
20906European communication satellite committee	�ڬw�q�T�ìP�e���|	ECSC
20907European community information service	�ڬw�@�P���T�A�Ⱦ��c	ECIS
20908European computer conference	�ڬw�p����|ij
20909European Computer Manufacture Association	�ڬw�q���s�y�Ө�|	ECMA
20910European computing congress	�ڬw�p��|ij	EUROCOMP
20911European conference on electronics	�ڬw�q�l�Ƿ|ij	EUROCONE
20912European Economic Community's on-line network	�ڬw�g�٦@�P��s�u����	EURONET
20913European informatics network	�ڬw��T�Ǻ���	EIN
20914European information network	�ڬw��T����	EIN
20915European network	�ڬw�p�������	EURONET
20916European Patent Office	�ڬw�M�Q��
20917european patent orrice	�ڬw�M�Q��	EPO
20918European Space Agency	�ڬw��ѧ�	ESA
20919European space agency network	�ڬw��ŧ�����	ESANET
20920European Space Agency network	�ڬw��ѧ�����	ESANET
20921European space data center	�ڬw��Ѹ�Ƥ���	ESDAC
20922European space research laboratory	�ڬw�Ŷ���s�����	ESLAB
20923European teleprocessing system	�ڬw���{�B�z�t��	ETS
20924European wideband communications system	�ڬw�e�W�a�q�T�t��	EWCS
20925evaluate	����
20926evaluation	����
20927evaluation criterion	�����з�
20928evaluation data	��Ƶ���
20929evaluation environment	��������
20930evaluation module	�����Ҳ�
20931evaluation module interface	�����Ҳդ���
20932evaluation of a primary	���q�D��
20933evaluation of argument subscript	�ܼƤU�ШD��
20934evaluation of arithmetic expressions	��N������
20935evaluation of assignment statement	���w�ԭz�D��
20936evaluation of expression	��ܦ��D��
20937evaluation of logical expression	�޿��ܦ��D��
20938evaluation of mixed mode expression	�V�X��( ��� )���D��
20939evaluation of predicates	�z������
20940evaluation of subscript argument	�U�Ф޼ƨD��
20941evaluation order	��������
20942evaluation performance	�ʯ����
20943evaluation processor module	�B�z�������Ҳ�
20944evaluation program	�����{��
20945evaluation system	�����t��
20946evaluation test procedure	ų�w���յ{��	ETP
20947evaluative abstract	�����ʤ�K
20948evaluator	�p��h����
20949evaporated film disk	�]�o�����Ϻ�
20950evasive action	�j�צ��
20951even (logic block)	�����޿賡��	EV
20952even component	������
20953even function	�����
20954even line	���Ʀ�
20955even location	���Ʀ�m
20956even logic block	�����޿賡��	EV
20957even loop	���ưj��
20958even memory buffer register	�����x�s���w�ļȦs��	MBR-E
20959even memory location	�����x�s��m
20960even number	����
20961even parity	������
20962even parity check	���t���ֹ�
20963even parity check	���P��ֹ�
20964even parity select	���P����	EPS
20965even permutation	���ƦC
20966even substitution	���N��
20967even surface	���ƭ�
20968even symmentry	�����
20969even-controlled gate	���Ʊ���h
20970even-numbered channels	���Ƴq�D
20971even-numbered error	���Ʈt��
20972even-odd check	�_���ֹ�
20973event	�ƥ�
20974event chain	�ƥ���
20975event channel	�ƥ�q�D
20976event class	�ƥ���
20977event code	�ƥ�X
20978event control bolck	�ƥ����	ECB
20979event count	�ƥ�p��
20980event counter	�ƥ�p�ƾ�
20981event data	�ƥ���
20982event datatype	�ƥ�������
20983event detection	�ƥ��˴�
20984event driven executive	�ƥ��X�ʰ���{��
20985event driven monitor	�ƥ��X�ʺʷ��{��
20986event filter	�ƥ�L�o�{��
20987event flag	�ƥ�X��
20988event flag cluster	�ƥ�лx��
20989event graph	�ƥ��
20990event handing	�ƥ�B�z
20991event interrupt queue	�ƥ��_��C
20992event list	�ƥ��
20993event logger protocol	�ƥ�O���{����w
20994event management system	�ƥ�޲z�t��	EMS
20995event mark	�ƥ�аO
20996event name	�ƥ�W��
20997event option	�ƥ���ﶵ
20998event oriented language	�ƥ�ɦV�y��
20999event posting	�ƥ�O�H
21000event pseudo-variable	�ƥ�����ܼ�
21001event queue	�ƥ��C
21002event routine	�ƥ�Ҧ�`��
21003event scanning	�ƥ��y
21004event scheduling	�ƥ�Ƶ{
21005event scheduling system	�ƥ�Ƶ{�t��	ESS
21006event simulation	�ƥ����
21007event storage and distribution unit	�ƥ��x�s�P���t�椸	ESDU
21008event synchronization	�ƥ�P�B
21009event table	�ƥ��
21010event tag	�ƥ�аO
21011event tracer	�ƥ�l�a�{��
21012event type	�ƥ�����
21013event variable	�ƥ��ܼ�
21014event wait queue	�ƥ��ݦ�C
21015event-driven procedure	�ƥ��X�ʵ{��
21016event-interrupt	�ƥ��_
21017event-oriented	�ƥ�ɦV
21018eventuality	�����ƥ�; �i��ƥ�
21019evident code	���X
21020evnet delay	�ƥ���
21021evoke module control	��_�Ҳձ���
21022evolutionary operation	��}�ާ@�k	EVOP
21023evolutionary program link procedure	��}�{���s���L�{
21024evolutionary system for data processing	��ƳB�z��}�t��	ESDP
21025evolutionary system for data proessing	��ƳB�z���u�t��	ESDP
21026evolving natural language information model	����۵M�y����T�ҫ�	ENALIM
21027examination of memory	�O�����ˬd
21028examine	�f�d	EXAM
21029examine region	�ˬd��
21030examine statement	����ԭz
21031example program graph	��ҵ{����
21032exceed capacity	�W�e�q
21033excellent diagnostics	�̨ζE�_
21034except gate	���~�h
21035except operation	"�ƥ�"�ާ@
21036exception	�ҥ~	EXPT
21037exception analysis	�ҥ~���R
21038exception analysis investigation	�ҥ~���R�լd
21039exception analysis report	�ҥ~���R����
21040exception analysis system	���`���R�t��	EASY
21041exception character handing	���`�r�ųB�z
21042exception code	���`�X
21043exception condition	�ҥ~����
21044exception control statement	���`����ԭz
21045exception declaration	���`�ŧi
21046exception dispatcher	�ҥ~�����{��
21047exception enables	�ҥ~���\
21048exception gate	�T��h
21049exception handler	���`�B�z�{��
21050exception handling	���`�B�z
21051exception handling mechanism	���`�B�z����
21052exception item	���`��
21053exception item encoding	���`���s�X
21054exception message	���`�T��
21055exception mode	�ҥ~�ҺA
21056exception model	���`�ҫ�
21057exception name	���`�W
21058exception OR	������
21059exception principle system	���`��h�t��
21060exception process entry descriptor	���`�B�z�n���y�z��
21061exception processing descriptor segment	���`�B�z�y�z�Ŭq
21062exception processor message	���`�B�z�{���T��
21063exception raised in communication task	�q�T���Ȥް_�����`
21064exception raised in declaration	�ŧi�ް_�����`
21065exception record	���`�O��
21066exception report	�ҥ~����
21067exception reporting	���`���i
21068exception request	���`�ШD	EXR
21069exception response	�ҥ~�^��
21070exception routine	���`�Ҧ�`��
21071exception scheduling routine	���`�Ƶ{�`��
21072exception service routine	���`�A�ȨҦ�`��
21073exception vector	�ҥ~�V�q
21074exception word dictionary	�ҥ~�r�r��
21075exceptional condition code	���`����X
21076excerpt	�K��( ��� )
21077excess 3 binary coded decimal	�W3�G-�Q�i��N�X
21078excess 64 code	�W64�X
21079excess carrier	�h�l���y�l
21080excess charge	�Ѿl�q��
21081excess code	�l�X
21082excess conduction	�L�ѫ��ɹq
21083excess electron	�h�l�q�l
21084excess notation	�W�V�O�k
21085excess three	�W3�X
21086excess three code	�W�T�X	ETC
21087excess-3 coded decimal system	�W3 ( �N )�X���Q�i��
21088excess-3 representation	�W�G��ܪk
21089excess-3 value	�W3 ��
21090excess-fifty code	�[50�X
21091excess-fifty representation	�[50��ܪk
21092excess-six code	�W6 ( �N )�X
21093excess-sixty-four binary notation	�W64�G�i��O�ƪk
21094excess-three code	�[�T�X
21095excess-three represntation	�W3 ��ܪk
21096excessive subscript	�h�l�U��
21097exchange	�洫; �洫��
21098exchange algorithm	�洫�t��k
21099exchange area	�洫��
21100exchange automatic	�۰ʥ洫
21101exchange buffering	�洫�w��
21102exchange center, local	��a�洫����
21103exchange center, telephone local	��a�q�ܥ洫����
21104exchange central office	�`���洫��
21105exchange class of	�洫����
21106exchange control logic	�洫�����޿�
21107exchange cross-bar switch	�e�u���q�ܥ洫
21108exchange data terminal	�洫�ƾڲ׺ݾ�
21109exchange dial	�����洫
21110exchange director	�洫���
21111exchange facilities	�洫�]�I( �q�D )
21112exchange input-output	��X�J�洫
21113exchange instruction	�洫���O
21114exchange jump	�洫�ಾ
21115exchange keying	�洫�䱱
21116exchange line	�洫�u��
21117exchange line call	�洫�u���I�s
21118exchange manual	�H�u�洫
21119exchange memory	�O�Х洫
21120exchange message	�T���洫
21121exchange network	�洫����
21122exchange operation	�洫�B��
21123exchange price information computer	�~�׻����T�p���	EPIC
21124exchange private automatic	�p�Φ۰ʥ洫��
21125exchange private automatic branch	�p�Φ۰ʥ洫����
21126exchange procession	�洫�L�{
21127exchange program	�洫�{��
21128exchange register	�洫�Ȧs��
21129exchange sequence	�洫�ǦC
21130exchange service	�洫�A��
21131exchange service	�洫�A��
21132exchange service, foreign	�V�ϥ洫�A��
21133exchange service, teletype-writer	�q�ǥ��r���洫�A��
21134exchange sort	�洫����
21135exchange step	�洫�B�J
21136exchange storage	�x�s�洫
21137exchange switching center, local	��a�洫����
21138exchange system	�洫�t��
21139exchange text string	�洫����r�Ŧ�
21140exchange trunk	�F�u�洫��
21141exchange unit	�洫�椸	EU
21142exchange-oriented operator control	�洫���ɦV���ާ@������	EOOC
21143exchangeable disc	�i�����Ϻ�
21144exchangeable disk storage	�i�����Ϻ��x�s��
21145exchanger	�洫��
21146excitation	�E�y
21147excitation table	�E�y��
21148excitation trigger	�E�yIJ�o��
21149excited state	���E���A
21150exciton	�E�o�ʹq�l-�Ŭ}��
21151exclude	�ư�
21152excluded	�w�ư�
21153excluded-record string	�ư�������
21154exclusion	����
21155exclusion gate	�����h
21156exclusion key	"����"��
21157exclusion operation	�����B��
21158exclusion word dictionary	�T��r�r��
21159exclusive	�ư�; ����
21160exclusive attribute	�����ݩ�
21161exclusive branch	��������
21162exclusive control	��������
21163exclusive event	�����ƥ�
21164exclusive exchange line	�M�Υ洫�u��
21165exclusive gate	"����"�h
21166exclusive lock	��������
21167exclusive lock state	�M����w���A
21168exclusive mode	�����Ҧ�
21169exclusive NOR	�޿�q��
21170exclusive nor gate	"�P"�h
21171exclusive normal input	�ߤ@���`��J
21172exclusive option	�������ﶵ
21173exclusive or	����	EX
21174exclusive problem	�������D
21175exclusive read	�����\Ū
21176exclusive reference	�����ޥ�
21177exclusive segment	�����q
21178exclusive segments	�����q
21179exclusive updatd	������s
21180exclusive usage mode	�����ϥΪ��A
21181exclusive-allow-read lock state	�M�Φ���Ū��w���A
21182exclusive-NOR	"�P"�޿�q��	ENOR
21183exclusive-NOR gate	�����ϩιh
21184exclusive-or	������
21185exclusive-OR	������
21186exclusive-OR element	"��"����
21187EXCLUSIVE-OR element	��������
21188exclusive-OR function	"��"�ާ@
21189exclusive-OR gate	�����ιh
21190exclusive-or gate	�����ιh
21191EXCLUSIVE-OR gate	�����ιh
21192exclusive-OR matrix	"��"�x�}
21193exclusive-OR operation	"��"�B��
21194exclusive-OR operator	�����ιB���
21195exclusive-user circuit	�Τ�M�ιq��
21196exclusiveness	�ƥL��; ������
21197exclustive-NOR gate	"�P"�h
21198EXCP interface	����q�D�{������
21199excute	����
21200excution	����
21201excution system	����t��
21202excution time	����ɶ�
21203excutor node	����`�I
21204EXEC build-in function	���椺�ب��
21205EXEC control statements	EXEC����ԭz
21206EXEC procedure	����L�{
21207EXEC statement	����ԭz
21208EXEC user-defined variable	����Τ�w�q�ܼ�
21209execiser	����{��
21210execrtive control system	���汱��t��	EXEC
21211exector	����{��	EX
21212execuition diagnostic facility	����E�_�]�I	EDF
21213executable	�i����
21214executable array statement	�i����}�C�ԭz
21215executable code program tape	�i����N�X�{���a	EXACT
21216executable image	�i����v��
21217executable instruction	�i������O
21218executable module management	�i����Ҳպ޲z
21219executable program	�i����{��
21220executable program unit	�i����{���椸
21221executable section	�i����Ϭq
21222executable source statement	�i�����l�ԭz
21223executable statement	�i����ԭz
21224executable statement	�i����ԭz
21225executable statement label	�i����ԭz�и�
21226executable syntax notation	�i����y�k���
21227executable trace	�i����l�a
21228executalbe program notation	�i����{�����
21229executbale code program tape	�i����N�X�{���a	EXACT
21230execute	����	EX
21231execute bit	����줸
21232execute channel program	����q�D�{��	EXCP
21233execute component	���椸��
21234execute control cycle	���汱��g��	ECC
21235execute cycle	����g��
21236execute exception	���沧�`
21237execute flag	����X��
21238execute input/output	�����J��X	EIO
21239execute input/output system	��J��X����t��	EIOS
21240execute instruction	������O
21241execute instructions	������O
21242execute interface program	���椶���{��	EIP
21243execute local	��������	EXL
21244execute network analysis utility	����������R���ε{��
21245execute phase	�����; ���涥�q
21246execute register content	����Ȧs�����e
21247execute statement	����ԭz
21248execute store	�����x�s��
21249execute vector	����V�q
21250execute-assignment-statement	������w�ԭz
21251execute-if-statement	����p�G�ԭz
21252executing block	����{����
21253executing state	���檬�A
21254execution	����; ����L�{
21255execution abort	���沧�`����
21256execution analysis	������R
21257execution analyzer	������R�{��
21258execution behavior	����欰
21259execution control	���汱��
21260execution control function	���汱��\��
21261execution control program	���汱��{��
21262execution control system	���汱��t��
21263execution cycle	����g��
21264execution environment	��������
21265execution error	������~
21266execution error detection	������~�˴�
21267execution failure probability	���楢�ѷ��v
21268execution file	�����ɮ�
21269execution instruction	������O
21270execution interruption	���椤�_
21271execution interval	���涡�j
21272execution key	������
21273execution language	����y��
21274execution level	�����
21275execution module	����Ҳ�
21276execution monitoring	����ʵ�
21277execution monitoring and control	����ʵ��M����
21278execution node	����`�I
21279execution of a machine instruction	�������O������
21280execution order	���榸��
21281execution ordering	���涶��
21282execution path	������|
21283execution phase	����{�Ǭq
21284execution phrase	������y
21285execution pipeline	����޽u
21286execution priority	�����u���v
21287execution processing unit	����B�z��	EPU
21288execution request block	����ШD��	ERB
21289execution route	������|
21290execution sequence	���涶��
21291execution space map block	�����x�s�Ŷ��ܴ���
21292execution stack	������|��
21293execution statement	����ԭz
21294execution step	����B�J
21295execution stream	����y
21296execution system	����t��
21297execution time	����ɶ�
21298execution time character set	����ɦr�Ŷ�
21299execution time storage management	������x�s�޲z
21300execution trace	����l��
21301execution unit	����椸	EU
21302execution-time print routine	����ɦC�L�Ҧ�`��	ETPR
21303executive	�����; ����{��	EXEC
21304executive and scheduling program	����P�Ƶ{�{��	ESP
21305executive assignment facilities	������w�]�I
21306executive channel program	����q�D�{��
21307executive circuit	����q��
21308executive command	����R�O
21309executive communication	����q�T
21310executive communication exchange	����q�T�洫	ECE
21311executive control function	���汱��\��
21312executive control language	���汱��y��	ECL
21313executive control program	���汱��{��	EP
21314executive control system	���汱��t��	EXEC
21315executive control utility routine	���汱��ΨҦ�`��
21316executive cycle	����g��
21317executive deck	�����|�d
21318executive diagnostic system	����E�_�t��
21319executive display terminal	������ܲ׺�
21320executive dumping	�������x
21321executive dynamic debugging technique	����ʺA�����޳N	EDDT
21322executive facilities assignment	����]�ƫ��w
21323executive file-control system	�����ɮױ���t��
21324executive function	����\��	E-FUNC
21325executive independent utilities	�W�߰��檺���ε{��	EIU
21326executive information system	��F��T�t��; �D�޸�ƪA�Ȩt��	EIS
21327executive instruction	������O
21328executive language	����y��
21329executive language control	����y������
21330executive logging interface block	����{���O��������
21331executive management reponsibility	���ź޲z�H���޲z�d��	EMR
21332executive management responsibility	����޲z�d��	EMR
21333executive mode	����ҺA
21334executive module	����Ҳ�
21335executive operating system	����@�~�t��
21336executive order	����R�O	EO
21337executive process table	����( �B�z )�{�Ǫ�	EPT
21338executive program	����{��	EP
21339executive program control	����{������
21340executive real-time system	����Y�ɨt��
21341executive request	����ШD
21342executive resident segment	����n�d�q
21343executive routine	����`��
21344executive software	����n��
21345executive statement	����ԭz	EXEC
21346executive storage area	�����x�s��	ESA
21347executive subsystem program	����l�t�ε{��
21348executive supervisor	����޲z�{��
21349executive system	����t��
21350executive system concurrency	����t�Ψæ��
21351executive system control	����t���
21352executive system function	����t�Υ\��
21353executive system multiprogramming	����t���h���{���]�p
21354executive system of multiprogramming	�h���{��������t��
21355executive system problem oriented language	����t�ΰ��D�ɦV�y��	ESPOL
21356executive system problem reiented language	����t�ΰ��D�ɦV�y��	ESPOL
21357executive system programming oriented language	�t�ΰ���{���]�p�ɦV���y��	ESPOL
21358executive system routine	����t�ΨҦ�`��
21359executive system utility	����t�Τ��ε{��
21360executive termination	����פ�
21361executive time	����ɶ�
21362executive utility	���椽�ε{��
21363executive utility routine	���椽�ε{���Ҧ�`��
21364executive's interface	���椶��
21365executor	����{��	EX
21366exhaustiv search procedure	���d�{��
21367exhaustive search procedure	�ܺɦ��j�M�{��
21368existence test	�s�b����
21369existential closure	�s�b�ʳ�
21370existential quantified variable	�s�b�q�����ܼ�
21371existential quantifier	�s�b�q��
21372existing	�{����
21373existing carrier line up	�{�b���i�վ�	ELU
21374existing computer system	�{�s�p����t��
21375existing data base	�{�s��Ʈw
21376existing permanent file	�{�s�ä[���ɮ�
21377existing permanent unprotected file	�{�s�ä[�ʫD�O�@�ɮ�
21378existing record	�{�b�O��
21379existing subsystem	�{�s�l�t��
21380exit	�X�f; ���X	EX
21381exit code	�X�f�X
21382exit handler	�X�f�B�z�`��
21383exit instruction	�������O
21384exit interactive graphics library	�h�X��͹ϧε{���w
21385exit label	�h�X�и�
21386exit list	�h�X��	EXIST
21387exit macroinstruction	�h�X�������O
21388exit node	�h�X�`�I
21389exit page	�୶�X�f
21390exit phase	�X�f���q
21391exit point	�h�X�I
21392exit program	�X�f�{��
21393exit program statement	�h�X�{���y��
21394exit routine	�X�f�`��; �ϥΪ̥X�f�`��
21395exit statement	�h�X�y��
21396exit status code	�X�f���A�X
21397exjunction	"��"( �h )
21398exjunction gate	���~�@���h
21399EXLST exit routine	EXLST�h�X�Ҧ�`��
21400exlusive-OR gate	"��"�h
21401exogenous variable	���~�ܼ�
21402exorciser development system	�ҫ��}�o�t��	EXOR
21403EXORCISO	�@�حp���( �������Ԥ��q )
21404EXP function	EXP ���
21405EXPAND	�@�غ����ާ@�t��( Tandem���q )
21406expand mode	�X�R�覡
21407expand nonstop network	�L����X�i����	ENN
21408expandability	�X�i��
21409expandability attribute	�i�X�R�ݩ�
21410expandable file family	�i�X�i���ɮרt�C
21411expandable level interactive application system	�i�X�R�ť�ͦ����Ψt��
21412expandable machine accounting system	�i�X�R�������|�p�t��
21413expandable stored program	�i�X�R�x�s�{��	ESP
21414expanded address space	�X�i��}�Ŷ�
21415expanded addressing	�w�}�X�R
21416expanded ASCII code	�X�iASCII �N�X
21417expanded character set	�X�R�r�Ų�	ECS
21418expanded circuit	�X�i�q��
21419expanded editing	�X�i�s��
21420expanded function operator panel	�X�R���\��ާ@������O	EFOP
21421expanded grammar	�X�i��k
21422expanded memory	�X�R�O����
21423expanded order	�X�i�O
21424expanded parallel I/O capacity	�X�R�����J��X��O
21425expanded pseudo code	�X�i�����N�X
21426expanded virtual machine assist	�X�R���������U	EVMA
21427expander	�X�i��; ���T��
21428expander board	�X�i�O
21429expander board kit	���M�X�i�q���O
21430expander input	�X�i����J	EI
21431expanding network operating system	�X�R�������@�~�t��
21432expanding node	�X�i�`�I
21433expanding opcode	�X�i�@�~�X
21434expanding subinterval algorithm	�X�i�l�϶��t��k
21435expandor	�X�i��; ���T��
21436expansion	�X�R; ����
21437expansion adapter	�X�R�t����
21438expansion board	�X�R�O
21439expansion card	�X�R����O
21440expansion interface	�X�R����
21441expansion of node	�`�I�X�i
21442expansion process	�i�}�L�{
21443expected cost	�w������
21444expected errors	���\�~�t	E.E.
21445expected inventory	�w���w�s
21446expected receipts	�w������
21447expected run-time	���ݹB��ɶ�	ERT
21448expected time of response	���ݦ^���ɶ�	ETR
21449expected value	�����
21450expedite	���
21451expedite firm planned order	�T�{�p���q�椧���
21452expedite planned order	�p���q�椧���
21453expedite scheduled receipt	�w�Ƶ{���Ƥ����
21454expedited flow	�[�t�y�q��w
21455expedited message handing	�[�t�T���B�z	EMH
21456expedited message handling	�[�t�T���B�z	EMH
21457expediting	��ʪk
21458expeditor	�ʮƭ�
21459expenditure	��X; ���O
21460expense	�O��; �}��
21461expense item	�O���
21462expenses	�O��
21463experiment	����
21464experiment data management system	�����ƺ޲z�t��	EDMS
21465experiment data record	�����ưO��	EDR
21466experiment design	����]�p
21467experimental computer complex	����ʭp�������	ECC
21468experimental computer network	����ʭp�������
21469experimental data base	�����Ʈw
21470experimental data handling equipment	�����ƳB�z�]��	EDHE
21471experimental data management system	�����ƺ޲z�t��
21472experimental design	����]�p
21473experimental error	����~�t
21474experimental facility	����]�I
21475experimental hybrid computer network	����V�X�p�������	EHCN
21476experimental learning system	�g��Dzߨt��
21477experimental mathematical programming system	����ʼƾǵ{���]�p�t��
21478experimental memory address register	����O�Ц�}�Ȧs��	EMAR
21479experimental network operating system	����ʺ����@�~�t��
21480experimental polyporcessor system	����ʦh�B�z���t��	EPOS
21481experimental roughing	����ʷ����k
21482experimental stellite communication earth station	����ìP�q�T�a����
21483expert inquire system	�M�a�Ըߨt��
21484expert problem solver	�M�a���D�D�Ѿ�
21485expert problem solving	�M�a���D�D��
21486expert system	�M�a�t��
21487experts	�M�a( �t�� )
21488expiration check	�I�����ˬd
21489expiration date	�פ���
21490expiration of the processor time slice	�B�z���ɶ����_
21491expire date	�L����
21492explain	����
21493explanatory comment	�����ʪ`��
21494explanatory text	�����ʤ奻
21495explicit	����; �㦡
21496explicit address	�㦡��}
21497explicit alternate program communication block	�㦡����{���q�T��
21498explicit attribute	�㦡�ݩ�
21499explicit conversion of data type	����������㦡�ഫ
21500explicit declaration	�㦡�ŧi
21501explicit expression	�㦡��ܦ�
21502explicit function	����
21503explicit identification	�㦡����
21504explicit item for inquiry	�Ѭd�ߤ����ܶ���
21505explicit literal	�㦡��r
21506explicit mapping	�㦡�M�g
21507explicit prompt	�������ܻy
21508explicit scope terminator	�����@�ΰ�פ��
21509explicit segmentation	�㦡�{�����q
21510explicit type	�㦡����
21511explicit type association	�㦡�������X
21512exploded pie graph	���ѻ檬��
21513exploit	�}��
21514explosion	�z�o; �i�}
21515explosion of knowledge	�����z�o
21516explosion proof	���z
21517exponent	����	E
21518exponent characters	���Ʀr��
21519exponent curve	���Ʀ��u
21520exponent part	���Ƴ���
21521exponent part format	���Ƴ����榡
21522exponent register overflow fault	���ƼȦs���W���G��
21523exponential	����
21524exponential decay	���ưI��
21525exponential distribution	���ƫ����t
21526exponential equation	���Ƥ�{��
21527exponential function	���ƨ��
21528exponential notation	���ưO�ƪk
21529exponential notationl	���ưO�ƪk
21530exponential operator	���ƹB���
21531exponential smoothing	���ƫ�����; ���ƥ��ƪk
21532exponential subroutine	���Ʀ��`��
21533exponential value	���ƭ�
21534exponentiation	����
21535export	�X�f
21536exported	��X
21537exposure	�n��
21538express engineering circuit	�ֳt�u�{�q��
21539express international telex service	�S�ְ�ڹq�Ƿ~��	EITS
21540express logic	�ֳt�޿�
21541express programming language	�S�ֵ{���]�p�y��	EPL
21542express read	��Ū
21543expression	��ܦ�; ���
21544expression atom	����l
21545expression containing conditions	�t������ܦ�
21546expression continuation	��ܦ��s���
21547expression data type	��ܦ��������
21548expression element	��ܦ�����
21549expression error	��ܦ����~
21550expression of condition	�����ܦ�
21551expression symbolic	�Ÿ���
21552expression syntax	��ܻy�k
21553expression translator	��ܦ�½Ķ�{��	EXTRAN
21554expression translator	��ܦ�½Ķ�{��	EXTRAN
21555expression-oriented language	��ܦ��ɦV���y��	EOL
21556extected time of response	���ݦ^���ɶ�	ETR
21557extend	�X�R�ɮ׾ާ@
21558extend address	�X�R��}
21559extend assembler	�X�R�զX�{��
21560extend filp-flop	�������Ͼ�
21561extend immediate address	�X�R�ߧY��}
21562extendable compiler	�i�X�R���sĶ�{��( �y�� )	ETC
21563extended	�X�R
21564extended address	�X�R��}
21565extended address register	�X�R����}�Ȧs��	EAR
21566extended addressing	�X�R�w�}
21567extended addressing mode	�X�R�w�}�ҺA
21568extended alphabet	�X�R�r��
21569extended APT	�X�R��APT �{��	EXAPT
21570extended area service	�s��A��
21571extended argument block	�X�R�޼Ƭq
21572extended arithmetic processor	�X�R����N�B��B�z��	EAP
21573extended arithmetic unit	�X�R�B��椸	EAU
21574extended array logic	�X�R�}�C�޿�
21575extended ASCII 8-bit code	�X�RASCII 8 �줸�X
21576extended assembler language coding	�X�R�զX�y���s�X
21577extended attribute	�X�R�ݩ�
21578extended attribute block	�X�R�ݩʬq	EAB
21579extended attribute buffer	�X�R�ݩʽw�ľ�
21580extended attribute grammar	�X�R�ݩʤ�k
21581extended basic mode	�X�R���ҺA
21582extended binary coded decimal	�X�R�G--�Q�i��洫�X
21583extended binary coded decimal interchange code	�X�W�G�i�X�Q�i�ƥ洫�X	EBCDIC
21584extended binary vectors	�X�R�G�i��V�q
21585extended Boolean information retrieval	�X�R���L��T�˯�
21586extended buffer pool	�X�R�w�Ħ�	EXBUF
21587extended channel status word	�X�R�q�D���A�r	ECSW
21588extended character	���w�q�r��
21589extended code	�X�R�X
21590extended code memory	�X�R�X�O����	ECM
21591extended code module	�X�R�X�Ҳ�	ECM
21592extended color	�X�R�m��
21593extended communications operating system	�X�R�q�T�@�~�t��	ECOS
21594extended comparison	�X�R���
21595extended console system	�X�R����x�t��	ECON
21596extended content addressable memory	�X�R�����e�w�}�O����	ECAM
21597extended control	�X�R����	EC
21598extended control and simulation language	�X�R������M�����y��	ECSL
21599extended control mode	�X�R����ҺA	ECMODE
21600extended control program support	�X�R����{���䴩	ECPS
21601extended control store	�X�R�����x�s��	ECS
21602extended core storage	�X�R�Ϫ��x�s��	ECS
21603extended cost	���i����
21604extended data (base) management system	�X�R���( �w )�޲z�t��	EDMS
21605extended data base control system	�X�R��Ʈw����t��
21606extended data bus	�X�R��ƶ׬y��
21607extended data management facility	�X�R��ƺ޲z�]�I	EDMF
21608extended data model	�X�R��Ƽҫ�
21609extended data set	�X�R��ƶ�	EDS
21610extended data transfer	�X�R����ƶǰe	EXTND
21611extended data transfer	�X�R����ƶǰe	EXTND
21612extended device control	�X�R�]�Ʊ���	EDC
21613extended diagnostic messages	�X�R�E�_�T��
21614extended direct addressing	�X�R�����w�}
21615extended direct memory access	�X�R�y���O����s��	EDMA
21616extended disc file management system	�X�R�Ϻ��ɮ׺޲z�t��	EDFM
21617extended disc operating system	�X�R�ϺЧ@�~�t��	EDOS
21618extended disc utilities program	�X�R�ϺФ��ε{��
21619extended disk operating system	�X�R�ϺЧ@�~�t��
21620extended display processor instruction set	�X�R��ܳB�z�����O�t��
21621extended emulator control	�X�R��u������
21622extended emulator control mode	�X�R�ҥ鱱���( �A )	EXEC MODE
21623extended field attribute	�X�R����ݩ�
21624extended file	�X�R�ɮ�
21625extended finite automaton	�X�R�����۰ʾ�	EFA
21626extended fixed link pack area	�X�R���T�w�챵�椸��	EFOP
21627extended floating point operation	�X�R�B�I�B��
21628extended function code	�X�R�\��( �ާ@ )�X
21629extended function store	�X�R���\���x�s��	EFS
21630extended general purpose simulator	�X�R���q�����	EGPS
21631extended grammar	�X�R��k
21632extended group coded recording	�X�R���s�s�X�O��
21633extended group coded set	�X�R���s�s�X��	EGCS
21634extended horizon projection	���i�ɶb������
21635extended I/O monitor	�X�R��J��X�ʷ��{��
21636extended industry standard architecture	�X�R�O�~�ɼзǬ[�c	EISA
21637extended input-output system	�X�R����J��X�t��	EIOS
21638extended instruction group	�X�R���O��
21639extended instruction set	�X�R�����O��	EIS
21640extended interaction oscilator	�����@�ξ_����	EIO
21641extended interface	�X�R����
21642extended language	�X�R�y��
21643extended line adapter	�X�R���u���t����	ELA
21644extended linear conversational programming system	�X�R���u�ʷ|�ܵ{���]�p�t��	ELICPS
21645extended local system queue area	�i�X�R�����t��C��	ELSQA
21646extended logic requirement	�X�R�޿�n�D
21647extended lookup	�X�R�M�d
21648extended main store	�X�R�D�x�s��	EMS
21649extended maintenance service	�X�j�����@�~��	EMS
21650extended master terminal routine	�X�R�D�׺ݨҦ�`��
21651extended memory	�X�R�O����	EM
21652extended memory area	�X�R���O�а�	EMA
21653extended memory function	�X�R�O�Х\��
21654extended memory management	�X�R�O����޲z�{��	EMM
21655extended memory map block	�X�R�O���ܴ���
21656extended memory monitor	�X�R�O�кʷ��{��
21657extended memory monitor's programmed request	�X�R�O�кʷ��{���ШD
21658extended memory programmed request	�X�R�O�е{���ШD
21659extended memory specification	�X�R�O�Хd	EMS
21660extended memory unit	�X�R���O����	EMU
21661extended mercruy autocode	�i�����u�۰ʽs�X	EMA
21662extended mode	�X�R�ҺA
21663extended multiprogramming system	�X�R�h���{���]�p�t��
21664extended network services	�X�R�������A��	ENS
21665extended operating system	�X�R���@�~�t��	EOS
21666extended operation	�X�R�ާ@
21667extended operation codes	�X�R�ާ@�X
21668extended operator commend	�X�i�ާ@���R�O
21669extended operator control SSP	�X�R�ާ@������t�ΪA�ȵ{��
21670extended pageable link pack area	���i�X�R�s���˰t��	EPLPA
21671extended parity checking	�X�R���_���ֹ�	EPC
21672extended partition specification table	�X�R�����q�ϻ�����	EPST
21673extended PASCAL compiler	�X�RPASCAL�sĶ�{��
21674extended precedence grammar	�X�R�u����k
21675extended precision	�X�R��ǫ�
21676extended precision floating point	�X�R��ׯB�I	EPF
21677extended precision floating point arithmetic	�X�R��ׯB�I�B��
21678extended precision word	�X�R��צr
21679extended price	���i����
21680extended primary operator control station	�X�R�D�ާ@�����
21681extended processing table	�X�R�B�z��	EPT
21682extended processor	�X�R���B�z��	EP
21683extended range	�X�R��
21684extended range floating opint information system	�X�i�d���B�I��T�t��	ERFPI
21685extended range floating point information system	�X�R�d��B�I��T�t��	ERFPIS
21686extended register	�X�R�Ȧs��
21687extended remote job entry	�X�R�����{�@�~�n��	ERJE
21688extended response byte	�X�R�^���줸��
21689extended response field	�X�R�^�����
21690extended result output	�X�R���G��X
21691extended result output function	�X�j���x��X�\��
21692extended retrieval information blocks	�X�R�˯���T�q
21693extended sataus word	�X�R���A�r	ESW
21694extended scheduler work area	�X�R�Ƶ{�u�@��	ESWA
21695extended secondary operator control station	�X�R���U�ާ@�����
21696extended segment processing	�X�R���r�q�B�z	ESP
21697extended shift left	�X�R����
21698extended shift right	�X�R�k��
21699extended spooling facility	�X�R���Ʀs�n��	ESF
21700extended storage	�X�R�O����
21701extended subpool	�i�X�R�l�w�Ħ�	ESP
21702extended system queue area	�i�X�R���t��C��	ESQA
21703extended tape operating system	�X�R���ϱa�@�~�t��	ETOS
21704extended telecommunications module	�X�R�����{�q�H�Ҳ�	EXTM
21705extended time scale	�X�i�ɼ�
21706extended truth table	�X�R�u�Ȫ�
21707extended unit	�X�R�椸
21708extended vendor file	���i�������ɮ�
21709extended virtual machine	�X�R��������	EVM
21710extended virtual maching	�X�R��������	EVM
21711extended working register	�X�R�u�@�Ȧs��
21712extender	�X�R��
21713extender card	�X�i�d
21714extendible compiler	�i�X�R�sĶ�{��	ETC
21715extendible computer compiler	�i�X�R���p����sĶ�{��	ECC
21716extendible computer system simulator	�i�X�R���p����t����{��	ECSS
21717extensible data structure	�i�X�R��Ƶ��c
21718extensible language	�i�X�R�y��
21719extensible language 1	�i�X�R�y��1	EL1
21720extensible language facility	�i�X�R���y���]�I	ELF
21721extensible metalanguage	�i�X�R���y��
21722extensible microprogramming language	�i�X�R�L�{���]�p�y��	EMPL
21723extensible programming language	�i�X�R���{���]�p�y��	EPL
21724extensible register	�i�X�R�Ȧs��
21725extensible video interactive language	�i�X�R�����W�Ϲ���ͻy��	EVIL
21726extension	����; ����
21727extension calculation	���i�p��
21728extension character	�X�R�r��
21729extension character, code	�X�����r��
21730extension lanaguage	�X�R�y��
21731extension memory	�X�R�O����
21732extension of function	��Ʈi�}
21733extension of resource allocation problem	�귽���t���D���X�R
21734extension register	�X�R�Ȧs��	ER
21735extension station	������
21736extension tube	( �Ӭ۾� )������
21737extensiveness	�X�i��
21738extensiveness input/output control	�X�i��J��X����˸m
21739extensys multiprocessor operating system	�h�B�z���@�~�t��	EMOS
21740extent	������; �d��
21741extent map	���ɹ�
21742extent number	���ɼ�
21743extent of parallelism	����ʪ��d��
21744extent request block	�d��ШD��
21745extention	���ɦW
21746exteranl device interrupt	�~���]�Ƥ��_
21747exterior	�~��
21748exterior hash function expression	�~�����ƪ�ܦ�
21749exterior label	�~���и�
21750external	�~����
21751external access	�~���s��	EA
21752external access network	�~���s������	EAN
21753external address modifier	�~����}��s��
21754external arithmetic	�~��N
21755external bridge	�~������
21756external bus	�~���׬y��
21757external bus instruction	�~���׬y�ƫ��O
21758external call	�~���ե�
21759external channel program	�~���q�D�{��
21760external clock	�~������
21761external clocking	�~�w��
21762external command	�~���R�O
21763external data	�~�����
21764external data controller	�~���ƾڱ��	EXDC
21765external data file	�~������ɮ�
21766external data item	�~����ƶ�
21767external data record	�~����Ƭ���
21768external data structure	�~����Ƶ��c
21769external decimal	�~���Q�i���
21770external defined symbol	�~���w�q�Ÿ�
21771external deivce start	�~���]�ư_��
21772external delay	�~����	ED
21773external delay time	�~������ɶ�
21774external demand	�~���ݨD
21775external device	�~���˸m	EXD
21776external device address	�~���]�Ʀ�}
21777external device code	�~���]�ƥN�X	EDC
21778external device communication	�~���]�Ƴq�T
21779external device control	�~���]�Ʊ���( �� )
21780external device control word	�~���]�Ʊ���r	EDCW
21781external device data flow	�~���]�Ƹ�Ƭy
21782external device operand	�~���]�ƹB�⤸
21783external device operation code	�~���]�ƹB��X
21784external device response	�~���]�Ʀ^��
21785external device status	�~���]�ƪ��A
21786external documents	�~�����
21787external domain	�~����
21788external equipment	�~���]��
21789external error	�~�����~
21790external even detection module	�~���ƥ��˴��Ҳ�	EEDM
21791external event module	�~���ƥ�Ҳ�
21792external event processor module	�~���ƥ�B�z��( �{�� )�Ҳ�
21793external excitation	�~�E�y
21794external file	�~���ɮ�
21795external file name	�~���ɮצW
21796external flag	�~���X��
21797external flag	�~���X��	EF
21798external fragmentation	�~�H��
21799external function	�~���\��	EXF
21800external function reference	�~��Ƥޥ�
21801external function store	�~������x�s��	EFS
21802external function testing	�~���\�����
21803external function translator	�~������ഫ��	EFT
21804external graph	�~���ϧ�
21805external hardware	�~���w��
21806external idle time	�~������( �Ŷ� )�ɶ�
21807external indicators	�~�����ܲ�
21808external inhibit interrupt	�~���T��_
21809external input	�~����J
21810external input to on-line test	�s�u���ժ��~����J	EXT
21811external input-output processor	�~����J-��X�B�z��	EIO
21812external interface control	�~����������	EIC
21813external interrupt	�~���_; �~�����_	EI
21814external interrupt control	�~�����_����
21815external interrupt enable	���\�~�����_
21816external interrupt inhibit	�T��~�����_
21817external interrupt level	�~�����_��
21818external interrupt lines	�~�����_�u
21819external interrupt mask	�~�����_�̽�
21820external interrupt status word	�~�����_���A�r
21821external interrupt supporrt	�~�����_�䴩	EIS
21822external interrupt symbol	�~�����_�Ÿ�
21823external interruption	�ۥ~�I�_; �~�����_
21824external interrupts	�~�����_
21825external interrutp	�~�����_
21826external key	�~����
21827external label	�~���лx
21828external line	�~���u��
21829external link	�~���챵	EL
21830external load	�~�t��
21831external loss time	�~���l���ɶ�
21832external media	�~���C��
21833external memory	�~���O��	EM
21834external memory computer	�~�O�Эp���
21835external memory-address register	�~�s��}�Ȧs��
21836external merge	�~���X��
21837external model	�~���ҫ�
21838external modem	�~���ƾھ�
21839external modem interface	�~���ƾھ�����	EMI
21840external multipiexer channel	�~���h�u�q�D	EMC
21841external multiplexer channel	�~���h�u�q�D	EMC
21842external multiplexer channel	�~���h�u�q�D	EMC
21843external name	�~���W
21844external node	�~���`�I
21845external noise	�~����
21846external noise factor	�~����������	ENF
21847external number	�~����
21848external number repetition	�~��������
21849external numbering plan	�~���s���p��
21850external observation	�~���[��
21851external optical modulation	�~�����ը�
21852external or secondary storage device	�~���O�и˸m
21853external page	�~������
21854external page address	�~��������}
21855external page storage	�~�������x�s��	EPS
21856external page storage management	�~�������s�x���޲z
21857external page table	�~��������	EXPT
21858external photoeffect	�~�����q����
21859external photoeffect detector	�~�����q�������羹
21860external priority	�~���u������
21861external priority interrupts	�~���u������
21862external priority interrupts	�~���u���Ť��_
21863external priority number	�~���u����	EPN
21864external procedure	�~���{��
21865external procedure identifier	�~���{���ѧO
21866external procedure reference	�~���{�Ǥޥ�
21867external processor status word	�~���B�z�����A�r	EXPSW
21868external program	�~���{��
21869external program check	�~���{������
21870external program interrupt	�~���{�Ǥ��_
21871external program link	�~���{���쵲
21872external program parameter	�~���{���Ѽ�
21873external programming	�~���{���]�p
21874external reference	�~�Ѧ�; �~���ѷ�	EXTRN
21875external register	�~���Ȧs��	EXT
21876external request	�~���ШD
21877external reset	�~�����m	EXR
21878external routine	�~���Ҧ�`��
21879external run unit	�~���B��椸	ERU
21880external schema	�~������
21881external searching	�~���d�M
21882external segment name	�~���q�W	ESN
21883external selection storage	�~���x�s��
21884external self-locking flag	�~������X��
21885external sense and control line	�~���ǷP�α���u
21886external shared page table	�~�@�ɭ�����	EXSPT
21887external signal	�~���H��
21888external signal interrupt	�~���H�����_
21889external signal line	�~�H���u
21890external sort	�~���Ƨ�
21891external statement	�~���ԭz
21892external status words interrupt	�~�����A�r���_
21893external storage	�~�x�s; �~���x�s
21894external store	�~�x�s	ES
21895external subroutine	�~�����`��
21896external switch	�~���}��
21897external symbol	�~�Ÿ�; �~���Ÿ�
21898external symbol dictionary	�~�Ÿ��r��	ESD
21899external symbolic reference	�~���Ÿ��ޥ�
21900external text	�~���奻
21901external timing	�~���p��
21902external transmit clock	�~���ǰe����	EXTC
21903external transport instruction	�~���B�e���O
21904external trigger	�~IJ�o��
21905external trigger pulse	�~IJ�o�߽�
21906external unit	�~���椸
21907external unit identifier	�~���椸���Ѳ�
21908external variable	�~���ܼ�
21909external visual display equipment	�~�����[��ܳ]��	EVDE
21910externally caused failure	�~���G�٭�]	ECF
21911externally caused failure	�~�x�G��	ECF
21912externally compiled module	�~���sĶ�Ҳ�
21913externally compiled subprogram	�~���sĶ�Ƶ{��
21914externally compiled subprogram identifier	�~���sĶ�Ƶ{�����Ѳ�
21915externally defined symbol	�~���w�q�Ÿ�
21916externally designated subprogram	�~�����w���Ƶ{��
21917externally programmed computer	�~�{���p���
21918externally specified address	�~�w��}	ESA
21919externally stored program	�~�x�{��
21920externally-specified index	�~�w����
21921extneded relational memory	�X�R�����O����
21922extra	�S�O; �B�~	EXTR
21923extra address	���[��}
21924extra best best	�W�u��	EBB
21925extra bit	���[�줸
21926extra block	���[��
21927extra block probability	���[�����v
21928extra buffer	���[�w��
21929extra byte	���[�줸��
21930extra cell	���[�椸
21931extra cell	���[�椸
21932extra code	���[�X
21933extra code instruction	���[�X���O
21934extra error	�B�~�~�t
21935extra front-end computer	�~�[�e�ݾ�
21936extra gate	���[�h
21937extra I/O package kit	���[�����M��J��X�ե�
21938extra input terminal	�~�[��J�׺ݾ�	XIT
21939extra instruction	���[���O
21940extra key	���[����X
21941extra large scale integration	�W�j���n��q��	ELSI
21942extra large scale packaging	�W�j���ʸ�	EXLP
21943extra limiter	�~�[���
21944extra logic element	���[�޿褸��
21945extra low frequency	�W�C�W	ELF
21946extra message	���[�T��
21947extra output order	���[��X���O
21948extra output terminal	�~�[��X�׺ݾ�	EXOT
21949extra parallelism	�~�[��
21950extra pass	�~�[�M��
21951extra pointer	���[����
21952extra pointer field	���[�������
21953extra print order	���[�C�L���O
21954extra processor	���[�B�z��
21955extra pseudo order	���[�������O
21956extra segment register	���[�q�Ȧs��
21957extra storage address register	���[�x�s����}�Ȧs��	EXSAR
21958extra symbol	�~�[�Ÿ�
21959extra video memory	�B�~���W�O����
21960extra-pulse	�h�X���ߪi
21961extract	�^��; ���; �Ѩ�
21962extract file	�`����; �Ѩ���
21963extract instruction	�K�����O
21964extract utility	�K�����ε{��
21965extracted digit	��X�Ʀ�
21966extracting	���; �Ѩ�
21967extraction	�R��
21968extraction tool	�޴���u��
21969extractor	�K����
21970extraneous ink	�r�~����
21971extrapoiate	�~��
21972extrapolate	�~��
21973extrapolation	�~��; �~���k
21974extremely high frequency	�W���W	EHF
21975extremely large logical addressing range	���j�޿�w�}�d��
21976extremely large logical addressing range	���j�޿�w�}�d��
21977extremely large physical addressing range	���j������w�}�d��
21978extremely large scale integration	�W�j���n��q��	ELSI
21979extremely low frequency	�W�C�W	ELF
21980extremely-high frequency	�W���W	EHF
21981extremity	����
21982extremum	����
21983extrinsic semiconductor	�t�V��b����
21984eye pattern	�ص���
21985eye-brain hand machine	���������
21986eye-brain system	�����t��
21987EZPERT	�@�حp���޲z�n��]
21988F format	F �榡
21989f value in	F IN��
21990f value out	F OUT ��
21991F-conversion	�ഫ	F
21992f-format	�榡
21993f/o cost roll factor	F/O �����ֺ�]��
21994fable	fable �y��	FABLE
21995fabric ribbon	��´��a
21996fabricate-to-stock	�s�q���[�u
21997fabricated item	�[�u����
21998fabricated language	�H�y�y��
21999fabricated part	�[�u�s��
22000fabrication	��y; �Ͳ�
22001fabrication order	�Ͳ��R�O
22002face	��
22003face bold	����
22004face bond	�����k
22005face bonding material	�����X����
22006face bonding techingue	�����k;�����X�޳N
22007face card	�d��
22008face change character	�r�����ܦr��
22009face character nonimpact printing technique	�D���������r�ŦL��޳N
22010face chip	�{Է�i�ܱ������
22011face chromatic numbe	�����
22012face classification	���������k
22013face colourable plane	���ۦ⥭��
22014face colouring	���ۦ�
22015face down bonding	�˸˲k��
22016face in frame	�ج[����
22017face inner	����
22018face outer	�~��
22019face shield	�e�̽�
22020face structure	�����c
22021face-down feed	���X
22022face-up bonding	���k�k
22023face-up feed	���X
22024facet	�p����
22025facet analysis	�������R�k
22026facet name	�����W
22027facet-keyed element	��������r����
22028faceted classification	��������
22029facilities	�]��
22030facilities control form	�]�Ʊ���榡	FCF
22031facilities library	�]�I�w
22032facilities management	�]�I�޲z	FM
22033facilitiles control	�]�Ʊ���	FC
22034facility	�]�I; �]��
22035facility allocation	�]�Ƥ��t
22036facility assignment	�]�Ƥ��t
22037facility comparison	�]�Ƥ��
22038facility control/power management	�]�Ʊ���/ �q���޲z	FC/PM
22039facility data report	�]�I��Ƴ��i	FDR
22040facility design criteria document	�]�I�]�p��h�ɮ�	FDCD
22041facility field	²�n��
22042facility for automatic sorting and testing	�۰ʤ����P���ճ]��	FAST
22043facility gauge	�]�Ƽз�	FCGA
22044facility inventory	�]�ƥؿ�
22045facility management	�]�ƺ�
22046facility management reporting	�]�I�޲z���i	FMR
22047facility of automation,control and test	�۰ʤ�	FACT
22048facility power monitor	�]�ƥ\�v�ʱ���	FPM
22049facility record	�]�ưO��
22050facility request	�]�ƽШD	FR
22051facility utilization	�]�ƧQ�βv
22052facility work order	�]�Ƥu�@����
22053facility, hold	���d�]�I
22054facom automatic symbolic program	FACOM �۰ʲŸ��{��	FASP
22055facom-hitac limited	�I�h�q-��ߦ������q	FHL
22056facsimile	�ǯu; ����	FAC
22057FACSimile	�ǯu	FAX
22058facsimile amplitude modulation mode	�ǯu�մT�覡	FAXAMMODE
22059facsimile apparatus	�ǯu��
22060facsimile baseband	�ǯu���W�a
22061facsimile character generation	�ǯu�r�ťͦ�
22062facsimile communications system	�ǯu�q�H�t��	FCS
22063facsimile converter	�ǯu�ഫ��
22064facsimile copy	�ǯu�ƨ�
22065facsimile density	�ǯu�K��
22066facsimile equipment	�ǯu�]��
22067facsimile mail	�ǯu�H��
22068facsimile modulation	�ǯu��
22069facsimile network	�ǯu��
22070facsimile positing	�ǯu�ǰe
22071facsimile posting	���s
22072facsimile printer	�ǯu�C�L��
22073facsimile receiver	�ǯu������
22074facsimile receiving converter	�ǯu�����ܴ�
22075facsimile recorder	�ǯu�O����
22076facsimile recording	�ǯu�O��
22077facsimile reporting code	�ǯu���i�K�X
22078facsimile service	�ǯu�q�T�~��
22079facsimile signal	�ǯu�H��
22080facsimile signal converter	�ǯu�H���ܴ���
22081facsimile signal level	�ǯu�H���q��
22082facsimile signal simulator	�ǯu�H��������
22083facsimile switching	�ǯu�౵
22084facsimile switching unit	�ǯu�ഫ�]��	FSU
22085facsimile synchronizing	�ǯu�P�B
22086facsimile system	�ǯu�t��
22087facsimile telegram	�ǯu�q��
22088facsimile telegraphy	�ǯu�q��
22089facsimile transmission	�ǯu�ǿ�
22090facsimile transmission system	�ǯu�ǿ�t��	FACTS
22091facsimile transmitter	�ǯu�o�g��
22092facsimile transmitting converter	�ǯu�o�e�ܴ���
22093facsimile-signal level	�ǯu�H�����
22094fact	�ƹ�
22095fact correlation	�ƹ����p��
22096fact expression	�ƹ��F��
22097fact node	�ƹ�`�I
22098fact object	�ƹ�ؿ�
22099fact retrieval	�ƹ��˯�
22100fact-based data analysis	���ƹ��Ƥ��R
22101fact-checking function	�ƹ��ˬd���
22102factirzation theorem	���ѩw�z
22103factor	�]��; �]��	FAC
22104factor affecting efficiency	�v�T�IJv�]��
22105factor allocation	�]�l���t
22106factor analysis	�]�����R
22107factor blocking	�]�l����
22108factor clause	�]�l�l�y
22109factor experimental	����]��
22110factor groupoid	�]�l�s
22111factor of cooperation	�X�@�]��
22112factor of ten	�Q��
22113factor out	�R�X�]��
22114factor scale	�Ыצ]��
22115factor set	�]�l��
22116factor syntax	�]�l�y�k
22117factor total	�]�l�`�p
22118factorable graph	�]�l���ѹ�
22119factorial	����
22120factorial design	�����]�p
22121factorial experiment design	�R�]����]�p
22122factorial function	�������
22123factorial operator	�����B���
22124factorial power	������
22125factorial sign	�����Ÿ�
22126factoring	�]�l����
22127factoring file specification	�]�l�����ɮ׻���
22128factoring of attributes	�ݩʴ��X���]�l
22129factorization	�]�l���Ѫk
22130factorization into prime numbers	���Ѧ���]��
22131factorization into primes	���Ѧ���]�ƪk
22132factorization of repairs	�״_���]������
22133factorization of transformation	�ܴ����]������
22134factorization technique	�]�l���Ѥ�k
22135factory automation	�u�t�۰ʤ�	FA
22136factory data collection system	�u�t��Ʀ����t��
22137factory engineer	�t�a�u�{�v
22138factory feed back and reports	�u�t�^�X�M���i
22139factory testing	�b�u�t����
22140factual compiler	��b�sĶ�{��	FACT
22141facula	����
22142fade	�I��
22143fade area	�I����
22144fade chart	����
22145fade down	�϶H�I��	FD
22146fade fail safe facility	�I�h�G�٪��O�w�]�I
22147fade indicator	�I�����ܾ�
22148fade zone	������
22149fading	�I��
22150fading depth	�I���`��
22151fading effect	�I������
22152fading flat	����I��
22153fading margin	�I�����
22154fading memory filter	�O����I���z��{��
22155fading period	�I���P��
22156fading range	�I���d��
22157fading region	�I����
22158fading rise	�W�I��
22159fading selective	��ܰI��
22160fading signal	�I���H��
22161fail	����
22162fail address	���Ħ�}
22163fail category	�������O
22164fail data	���ĸ��
22165fail mask mode	���ī̽��覡
22166fail memory	���İO����
22167fail-all fault simulation	���G�ټ���
22168fail-safe	�G�٫O�I
22169fail-safe facility	�G�٫O�I�]�I
22170fail-safe nature	�i�a��
22171fail-safe program	�w���{��
22172fail-safe system	�G�٫O�I�t��
22173fail-safety	�G�٫O�I
22174fail-soft	�G�ٮz��
22175fail-soft behavior	�G�ٮz�ƯS��
22176fail-soft capability	�G�ٮz�Ư�O
22177fail-soft function	�G�ٮz�ƥ\��
22178fail-soft mode	�G�ٮz�Ƥ覡
22179fail-soft operation	�G�ٮz�ƹB��
22180fail-soft system	�n���G�٨t��
22181fail-store mode	�����x�s�A
22182fail-timer	���ĭp�ɾ�
22183failing unit	�G�٪��˸m
22184failsafe operation	�G�٦w���B�@
22185failsafe-operation	�G�ٰ��w�B
22186failsoft	�n�ʬG��
22187failure	�~��; �G��	FUR
22188failure analysis information retrieval	�G�٤��R�H���˯�	FAIR
22189failure analysis program	�G�٤��R�{��	FAP
22190failure analysis report	�G�٤��R���i	FAR
22191failure bit	�G�٦�
22192failure catastrophic	�a���~��
22193failure category	�G�٤���
22194failure cause data report	�G�٭�]��Ƴ��i	FCDR
22195failure count	�G�٭p��	FC
22196failure data calculation	�G�ٸ�ƭp��
22197failure detection	�G�ٱ���
22198failure distribution	�G�٤���
22199failure equipment	�]�ƻ~��
22200failure exception	�G�ٲ��`
22201failure exception mode	�G�٨ҥ~�Ҧ�
22202failure frequency function	�G���W�v���
22203failure function	�G�٨��
22204failure functionn	���ѥ\��
22205failure handler	���Ѫ��p�B�m��	FH
22206failure identification	�G�ټ���
22207failure incipient	��o�~��
22208failure induced	���o�~��
22209failure level	�G�ٯ�
22210failure logging	�G�ٰO��
22211failure mean-time-between	�G�ٶ������ɶ�
22212failure mean-time-to	�G�٫e�����ɶ�
22213failure mode	�G�ټҦ�
22214failure mode effect analysis	�G�ټҦ��v�T���R	FMEA
22215failure mode effect and criticality analysis	�G�ټҦ��v�T�P�Y���ʤ��R	FMECA
22216failure node	�G�ٸ`�I
22217failure notification sheet	�G�ٳq����	FNS
22218failure or inadequacy report	�G�٩Τ��X�A���i	FIR
22219failure predication	���Ĺw��
22220failure probabiliy analysis	�G�ٷ��v���R	FPA
22221failure rate	���IJv	FR
22222failure rate data	���IJv���	FARADA
22223failure record	�G�ٰO��	FR
22224failure recovery	�G�ٱư�
22225failure report	�G�ٳ��i	FR
22226failure state	�G�٪��A
22227failure testing	�G���˴�
22228failure tolerant parallel programming	�e������{�]�p
22229failure tree analysis	���ľ���R
22230failure warning and analysis system	�G�ٳ�ĵ�M���R�t��	FWAS
22231failure-free operation	�L�G�ٹB��
22232failureanalysis	���Ĥ��R	FA
22233faio-safe control	�G�٫O�I����
22234fair and impartial random selection	�����X�z���H�����	FAIR
22235fair market yalue	������������	FMV
22236fair reachability graphs	���F��
22237fairchild integrated realtime executive	�P�����q��X����{��	FIRE
22238fairchild software development system	�P���n��}�o�t��	FSDS
22239faire share policy	�������ɬF��
22240fairness doctrine	������h
22241fake host	���D��
22242fake host communication	���D���q�H
22243fall back procedure	�M�h�L�{
22244fall back recovery	�M�h��_
22245fall joint computer conference	��u�p�X�p����|ij	FJCC
22246fall out ratio	���˲v
22247fall time	�U���ɶ�
22248fall-back	�M�h
22249fall-back mode	�M�h�覡
22250fall-back precdure	�M�h�L�{
22251fall-back recover	�M�h��_
22252fall-back state	��h���A
22253fall-in	�i�J�P�B
22254fall-out of ste	���h�P�B
22255fallacious derivation	�ջ~���z
22256fallback circuit	��h�q��
22257fallback method	�M�h��k
22258falling factorial	��������
22259false	���~
22260false add	�b�i��[; �޿�[
22261false alarm	�~��ĵ
22262false call	�~�I�s
22263false calling	�~�I�s
22264false code	�D�k�N�X
22265false code check	�D�k�N�X����
22266false color	����
22267false combination	���զX
22268false contouring	������
22269false dismissal	�~�Ѱ�
22270false drop	�~��
22271false error	����
22272false exit	���X�f
22273false identiffication	���~�ѧO
22274false input vector	����J�V�q
22275false operation	���ާ@
22276false predicate	���z��
22277false proposition	���R�D
22278false qutput	����
22279false repetition cycle	�����`��
22280false retrieval	�����˯�
22281false signal	���~�H��
22282false sorts	������
22283false start	���_��
22284false statement	���ԭz
22285false symbol	���Ÿ�
22286false synchronization	���P�B
22287false-zero test	��s����
22288faltung	���X��
22289faltung intergral	���n; �n��
22290faltung theorem	���n�w�z
22291falut-tolerant local-area network	�e������
22292family	�a��
22293family chip	�t�C���
22294family computer	�t�C�p���
22295family of characterisities	�S�ʱ�
22296family of frame	�ج[��
22297family of predicate	�z����
22298family of sets	����
22299family order representation	�ڦ��Ǫ�ܪk
22300family program	�ڵ{��
22301family structure	�ڵ��c
22302family tree	�ھ�
22303FAMOS memory	�B�]���Y�`�J�����ݮ�ƪ��b����O����	FAMOS
22304fan	����
22305fan antenna	���Τѽu
22306fan connector	�����s����
22307fan control word	������r
22308fan in	���J
22309fan in and fan out	���J�P���X
22310fan out	���X
22311fan-fold paper	���|���O����
22312fan-in	���J	FI
22313fan-in index	���J����
22314fan-out	���X�ݼ�	FO
22315fan-out argument	���X�ܤ�
22316fan-out branch	���X�ಾ
22317fan-out capability	��X��O
22318fan-out line	���X�u
22319fan-out modem	���X�ը�ѽվ�
22320fan-out node	���X�`�I
22321fan-out source	���X��
22322fan-out stem	���X�z�u
22323fan-out-free circuit	�L���X�q��
22324fanfold	����
22325fanfold paper	�����; ���|�������
22326fanfold printer	���|�Ȧ��C�L��
22327fanning strip	���κݤl�O
22328fanout-observed output function	���X�[���X�\��	FOOF
22329far infrared pointer package	����~���ܾ��ե�	FIRPP
22330far jump	���ಾ
22331far zone	����
22332far-end cross talk	���ݦꭵ	FEXT
22333far-end crosstalk	���ݦꭵ
22334far-end crosstalk attenuation	���ݦ��Z�I��
22335far-end operated terminal echo suppressor	���ݾާ@���׺ݦ^�i��
22336farad	�k( �� )	F
22337faraday	�k�Բ�
22338faraday effect	�k�ԲĮ���
22339faraday magneto-optical effect	�k�Բĺϥ�����
22340faraday's law of induction	�k�ԲķP���w��
22341faraday's series	�k�Բįż�
22342faraday'slaw of electrolysis	�k�ԲĹq�ѩw��
22343fascicle	���U
22344fascimile communications system	�ǯu�q�H�t��	FCS
22345fast access data storage	�ֳt�s������x�s��
22346fast access disc subsystem	�ֳt�s���ϺФl�t��	FDS
22347fast access memory	�ֳt�s���O����
22348fast access memory	�ֳt�s���O����	FAM
22349fast access memory parity error	�ֳt�s���O����_����	FMPE
22350fast access retrieval system	�ֳt�X���˯��t��
22351fast access storage	�ֳt�s���x�s( �� )
22352fast access storage technology	�ֳt�s���x�s�޳N	FAST
22353fast acting channel	�ֳt�ʧ@�q�D
22354fast aigorithm	�ֳt��k
22355fast analysis of tape and recovery	�ϱa�ֳt���R�M��_	FATAR
22356fast analysis of tape surfaces	�ϱa�����ֳt���R	FATS
22357fast application of suffix tree	�����ֳt
22358fast automatic gain control	�ֳt�۰ʼW�q����	FAGC
22359fast auxiliary memory	�ֳt���U�O����	FAM
22360fast backward	�ϱa�ֳt�˱a
22361fast binary Fourier representation transform	�ֳt�G�i��Ũ�����ܦ��ܴ�	FBT
22362fast binary Fourier repressentation transform	�ֳt�G�i��Ũ�����ܦ��ܴ�	FBT
22363fast bus	�ֳt�`�u
22364fast busy	�ֳt��
22365fast carry iterative network	�ֳt�i���|�N����	FCIN
22366fast coding	�ֳt�s�X
22367fast coincidence circuit	�ֳt�ŦX�q��
22368fast comprehensive recovery	�ֳt��X��_
22369fast comprehensive restart	�ֳt��X�A�_��
22370fast connect circuit switching	�ֳt�s���q���}��
22371fast connect dial circuit	�ֳt�s�������u��
22372fast copy data set program	�ֳt������ƶ��{��
22373fast data base access	�ֳt��Ʈw�s��
22374fast digital processor	�ֳt�Ʀ�B�z��	FDP
22375fast disk storage	�ֳt�Ϻ��x�s��
22376fast dump restore	�ֳt���x��_	FDR
22377fast fading	�ְI��
22378fast FORTRAN processor	FORTRAN	�B�z��	FFP
22379fast forward	�ֶi	FF
22380fast forward control	�ֳt���V����
22381fast Fourier trans-form	�ֳt�Ũ����ܴ�	FFT
22382fast Fourier transform	�ֳt�I���ഫ
22383fast Fourier transform	�ֳt�Ũ����ܴ�	FFT
22384fast Fourier transform implementation	�ֳt�Ũ����ܴ���{
22385fast Fourier transform number of operation	�ֳt�Ũ����ܴ��B�⦸��
22386fast Fourier transform subroutine	�ֳt�Ũ����ܴ��l�Ҧ�`��
22387fast frequency shift keying	�ֳt���W�䱱	FFSK
22388fast interline non-activate automatic control	�ֳt�j��۰ʱ���	FINAC
22389fast lens	����
22390fast library maintenance	�ֳt�{���w���@	FLIM
22391fast linkage editor	�ֳt�s���s��{��	FLEE
22392fast memory	�ֳt�O����	FM
22393fast modem polling	�ֳt�ը�ѽվ����߹L�{
22394fast multiplier	�ֳt���k��
22395fast multitasking operating	�ֳt�h���Ⱦާ@�t��	FAMOS
22396fast parallel arithmetic	�ֳt����B��
22397fast path	�ֳt���|
22398fast path dependent region	�ֳt���|������
22399fast path feature	�ֳt���|�S��
22400fast path potential transaction	�ֳt���|��b�ƶ��B�z
22401fast planarity algorithm	�ֳt�����ʺ�k
22402fast program loading	�ֳt�{�����J
22403fast queuing system	�ֳt�ƶ��t��	FAQS
22404fast random enquiry display	�ֳt�H���d�����	FRED
22405fast reading electronic digitizer	��Ū���q�l�Ʀ�ƻ�	FRED
22406fast register	�ֳt�Ȧs��
22407fast release	�ֳt����	FR
22408fast response	�ֳt�^��
22409fast response time	�ֳt�Q���ɶ�
22410fast retrieval storage	�ֳt�˯��x�s��	FRS
22411fast return control	�ֳt��^���
22412fast reverse	�ֳt�ϦV
22413fast screening	��t�z��	FS
22414fast select	�ֳt���; ²�K�q�H
22415fast signal	�ֳt�H��
22416fast state	�ֺA
22417fast storage	�ֳt�x�s( �� )
22418fast switch over	�ֳt����
22419fast switching circuit	�ֳt�}���q��
22420fast sync extend	�ֳt�P�B�X�i�k
22421fast time constant	�ֳt�ɶ��`��	FTC
22422fast time costant circuit	�u�ɶ��`�ƹq��
22423fast time scale	�֮ɼ�
22424fast transient loader	�ֳt���A���J�{��	FTL
22425fast turn-around	�ֳt�P��	FTA
22426fast turnarount	�ֳt�P��	FTA
22427fast virtual export/report	�ֳt������X�P��_	FAVER
22428fast walsh transform	�ֳt�U�����ܴ�	FWT
22429fast-addressing of virtual storage	�����x�s���ֳt�w�}
22430fast-back algorithm	�ֳt��^��
22431fast-back parser	�֪�^���R��
22432fast-back top-doxn analysis	���^�ۤW�V�U���R
22433fast-carry lookahead	�ֳt�W�e�i��
22434fast-frequency hopping	�ֳt���W	FFH
22435fast-sampling tracking system	�ֳt���˸���
22436fast-turn-around batch system	�ֳt�P���B�z�t��
22437faster language translation system	�ֳt�y��½Ķ�t��	FLTS
22438fat east network	���F�H����	FEN
22439fat link	�ʽu
22440fat vector	�e�V�q
22441fatal abort code	�Y�����`�����X
22442fatal error	�Y�����~
22443fatal error message	�Y�����~�H��
22444fatal message	���j���~�T��
22445fatal monitor error	�ʷ��{�������~
22446father	�W�h
22447father chain	���I
22448father field	�����
22449father file	���ɮ�
22450father link	���s��
22451father node	���`�I
22452father process	���L�{
22453father-son information	���l�H��
22454fault	�G��; �L��	FLT
22455fault analysis	�G�٤��R
22456fault avoidance	�G���קK
22457fault block	�G�ٶ�
22458fault clearance	�G���Y��
22459fault collapsing	�G�ٸѪR
22460fault condition reported by drive	�X�ʾ����i���G�٪��A
22461fault control	�G�ٱ���	FC
22462fault control office	�G�ٱ���	FCO
22463fault correct	�G�ٮե�
22464fault correction array	�G�ٮե��Ʋ�	FCA
22465fault coverage	�G�ٽd��
22466fault current	�G�ٹq�y
22467fault desk	�G�ٰO���x
22468fault detect	�G���˴�
22469fault detection	�G�ٰ���
22470fault diagnosis algorithm	�G�ٶE�_��k
22471fault diagnosis of linterconnection network	���s�����G�ٶE�_
22472fault diagnostic program	�G�ٶE�_�{��
22473fault dictionary	�G�����
22474fault dig\agnosis	�G�ٶE�_
22475fault distinguish	�G�ٰϤ�
22476fault dominance	�G�٤�t
22477fault dropping	�G�ٱư�
22478fault effect	�G�ټv�T
22479fault equivalence	�G�ٵ���
22480fault finding	�G�ٴM��
22481fault flag	�G�ټаO
22482fault freedom	�e���ʯ�
22483fault indication device	�G�٫��ܳ]��
22484fault indicator	�G�٫��ܾ�
22485fault insetion	�G�ٴ��J
22486fault inspecting manual book	�G���ˬd��U
22487fault isolation	�G�ٹj��
22488fault isolation analysis routine	�G�ٹj�����R�Ҧ�`��	FIAR
22489fault isolation checkout	�G�ٹj���ˬd	FIC
22490fault isolation checkout system	�G�ٹj���ˬd�t��
22491fault isolation command	�G�ٹj���R�O
22492fault isolation logic	�G�ٹj���޿�
22493fault isolation mode	�G�ٹj���覡
22494fault isolation register	�G�ٹj���Ȧs��
22495fault isolation routine	�G�ٹj���Ҧ�`��	FIR
22496fault isolation test	�G�ٹj������	FIT
22497fault isolation test adaptor	�G�ٹj�����վA�t��	FITA
22498fault kernel	�G�ٮ�
22499fault list	�G�٦C��
22500fault locating and reporting equipment	�G�٩w��P���i�]��	FLARE
22501fault locating equipment	�G�٩w��]��
22502fault locating test	�G�٩w�����	FLT
22503fault locating unit	�G�٩w��]��	FLU
22504fault location	�G�٩w��
22505fault location and monitoring	�G�٩w��P�ʵ�	FLAM
22506fault location by interpretive testing	�������ժk�G�٩w��	FLIT
22507fault location indicator	�G�٦�m���ܾ�	FLI
22508fault location panel	�G�٩w��O	FLP
22509fault location program	�G�٩w��{��
22510fault location test	�G�٩w�����
22511fault locatizer	�G���I������
22512fault locator	�G�٩w��{��	FLOC
22513fault masking	�G�٫̽�
22514fault matrix	�G�ٯx�}
22515fault modelling	�G�ټҫ���
22516fault network	�G�ٺ���
22517fault occurred after rezeroing	���歫�k�s�R�O��X�{���G��
22518fault occurred during seek	�M��L�{���X�{���G��
22519fault of balancing	���ŬG��
22520fault pattern-seneitive	���˦��P�G��
22521fault print	�G���I
22522fault probability	�G�ٷ��v
22523fault processing module	�G�ٳB�z�Ҳ�
22524fault processor	�G�ٳB�z�{��
22525fault program-seneitive	�{�����P�G��
22526fault propagation	�G�ٶǼ�
22527fault rate	�G�ٲv
22528fault rate threshold	�G�ٲv������
22529fault recording	�G�ٰO��
22530fault report	�G�ٳ��i
22531fault section	�G�ٳ���
22532fault secure circuit	�G�٦w���q��
22533fault seeding	�G�ٴ���
22534fault self-detection capabilities	�G�٦��˥X��O
22535fault signal	�G�٫H��
22536fault signalling	�G�٫H���q��
22537fault signature	�G�٪�x
22538fault simulation	�G�ټ���
22539fault simulation comparator	�G�ټ��������	FSC
22540fault simulator	�G�ټ�����
22541fault source	�G�٨ӷ�
22542fault state	�G�٪��A
22543fault symptom code	�G�٩����X	FSC
22544fault symptom index	�G�٩�������	FSI
22545fault system usage	�G�٨t������
22546fault tag	�G�ټаO
22547fault test generation	�G�ٴ��եͦ�
22548fault testing	�G�ٴ���
22549fault threshold	�G�٪�����
22550fault time	�G�ٮɶ�
22551fault tolerance	�G�ٮe��
22552fault tolerant computer	�e���p���	FTC
22553fault trace	�G�ٰl��
22554fault treatment	�G�ٳB�z
22555fault tree analysis	�G���������R	FTA
22556fault verification	�G�ٽT�{
22557fault-avoidance technique	�G���קK�޳N
22558fault-finding procedure	�G�ٴM��L�{
22559fault-free	�L�G��
22560fault-induced value	�G�ٻ��ɭ�
22561fault-locating technology	�G�٩w��޳N	FLT
22562fault-locating tests	�G�٩w�����	FLTS
22563fault-location problem	������D
22564fault-pattern	�G�ټҦ�
22565fault-rate threshold	���~�v�w��
22566fault-secure	�G�٫O�I
22567fault-simulated language	�G�ټ����y��
22568fault-tolerant	�e��
22569fault-tolerant approach	�e���k
22570fault-tolerant communication architecture	�e���q�H���c
22571fault-tolerant computer	�e���p���	FTC
22572fault-tolerant computing	�e���p��
22573fault-tolerant computing system	�e���p��t��
22574fault-tolerant concept	�e������
22575fault-tolerant control system	�e������t��
22576fault-tolerant design	�e���]�p
22577fault-tolerant design technique	�e���]�p�޳N
22578fault-tolerant distrbuted system	�e�������t
22579fault-tolerant distributed processing	�e���������B�z
22580fault-tolerant gate	�e�����q��	FTG
22581fault-tolerant local-area network	�e�������
22582fault-tolerant logic	�e���޿�
22583fault-tolerant memory simulator	�e���O���������
22584fault-tolerant micropocessor system	�e���L�B�z���t��
22585fault-tolerant multicomputer system	�e���h�p����t��
22586fault-tolerant multiprocessor system	�e���h�B�z���t��
22587fault-tolerant network	�e������
22588fault-tolerant operating system	�e���ާ@�t��
22589fault-tolerant routing algorithm	�e�����|��ܺ�k
22590fault-tolerant software	�e���n��
22591fault-tolerant system	�e���t��
22592fault-tolerant system evaluation	�e���t���
22593fault-tolerant system modelling	�e���t�μҫ���
22594fault-tolerant technique	�e���K�N
22595fault-tolterant computing	�e���p��	FTC
22596faulty block	�G�ٶ�
22597faulty coverage ratio	�G���л\�v
22598faulty functional block	�G�٥\���
22599faulty line	�G�ٽu��
22600faulty section	�G�ٳ���
22601faulty signalling link	�G�٫H���ǿ�u��
22602fauot-tolerant clocking system	�e���ɼШt��
22603favored execution option	�u�f����i��q
22604fax	�ǥ�
22605fax computer	�ǯu�p���
22606FAX scanner	�ǯu���y��
22607fax service	�ǯu�q�ܷ~��
22608FAX sinal level	�ǯu�H���q��
22609FAX transmitter	�ǯu�o�e��
22610FBA disk drive	�T�w�����c�Ϻо�
22611fddeback decoding	�^��Ķ�X	FD
22612feasibility	�i���
22613feasibility analysis	�i��ʤ��R
22614feasibility study	�i��ʬ�s
22615feasible basis	�i���
22616feasible computability	�i��i�p���
22617feasible constraint	�i�����
22618feasible direction	�i���V
22619feasible flow	�i��y
22620feasible ideal system target	�i��z�Q�t�Υؼ�	FIST
22621feasible sequence	�i��ǦC
22622feasible solution	�i���
22623feasible structure	�i�浲�c
22624feasible system	�i��{���t��
22625feasible vertex label	�i�泻�I�аO
22626feature	�S��; �S�ʸ˸m
22627feature analysis	�S�x���R
22628feature argument	�S�x�ܤ�
22629feature checking	�ֹ�S�x
22630feature code	�S�x�N�X
22631feature deduction	�S�x���t
22632feature definition language	�S�ʩw�q�y��	FDL
22633feature extraction	�S�x���
22634feature extraction classification	�S���������
22635feature extraction method	�S�x����k
22636feature measurement	�S�x���q
22637feature space	�S�x�Ŷ�
22638feature vector	�S�x�V�q
22639feature vector extraction	�S�x�V�q���
22640features for attaching communications	���ݳq�H�ʯ�
22641federal assistance program retrieval system	�p�����U�{���˯��t��	FAPRS
22642federal automatic data processing	�p���۰ʸ�ƳB�z	FADP
22643federal aviation administration	�p����ź޲z��	FAA
22644federal aviation agency	�p����ŧ�	FAA
22645federal bureau of investigation	�p���լd��	FBI
22646federal cataloging program	�p���s�ص{��	FCP
22647federal cobol compiler testing service	�p��COBOL �sĶ�{�����ժA�ȳB	FCCTS
22648federal communication commission network	�p���q�H�e���|����	FCCN
22649federal communications commi-ttee	�p���q�H�e���|	FCC
22650federal communications commission	�p���q�T�e���|	FCC
22651Federal Communications Commission	�����p���q�H�e���|	FCC
22652federal compiler testing service	�p���s�{�����ժA�ȳB	FCTS
22653federal conversion support center	�p���ഫ�䴩����	FCSC
22654federal council for science and technology	�p����ǧ޳N�e���|	FCST
22655federal data processing center	������ƳB�z����	FDPC
22656federal energy administration	�p���෽�p	FEA
22657federal information network	�p��������	FEDNET
22658federal information processing standards	�p���H���B�z��	FIPS
22659federal post office	�p���l��	FPO
22660federal radio act	�p���L�u�q�k	FRA
22661federal radio commission	�p���u�q�e���|	FRC
22662Federal Register Abstracts	�p���n�O�K�n
22663federal reserve bank system	�p���x�ƻȦ�t��
22664federal reserve communications system	�p���x�Ƴq�H�t��	FRCS
22665federal reserve wire	�p���ƥνu��	FEDWIRE
22666federal software exchange center	�p���n��������	FSEC
22667federal standard	�p����	FDE-STD
22668federal state joint board	�U�{�p�X�e���|
22669federal supply code	�p���ɥR�X	FSC
22670federal systems division	�p���t����	FSD
22671federal telecommunications standards ommittee	�p���B�{�q�H��e���|	FTSC
22672federal telecommunications system	�p���B�{�q�H�t��	FTS
22673federal trade commission	�p���T���e���|	FTC
22674federated architecture	�p�X��t��c
22675federation of american scienticts	�����Ǯa�p�X�|	FAS
22676federation of british industries	�^��u�~�p�X�|	FBI
22677federation of international documentation	����ɮ׽s���p�X�|	FID
22678federation of NCR users	����NCR ���q���p�X�|	FNU
22679feed	�X�e
22680feed back	�^�X	FB
22681feed back frequency modulation	�^�X���W	FBFM
22682feed card	�X�d����
22683feed control	�ѯȱ���
22684feed count	�X�e�p��	FC
22685feed face-down	���X
22686feed face-up	���X
22687feed forward	�e�X
22688feed hold	�X��
22689feed hole	�X��
22690feed holes	�X�e��
22691feed horn	��z�ѽu
22692feed key	�X��
22693feed past document copying machine	�~�n����ƴ_���
22694feed pitch	�X�նZ; �X���Z
22695feed punch	�e�d���վ�
22696feed punch, automatic	���X���վ�
22697feed rate	�X�e�t�v
22698feed rate by-pass	�i���t�v�Ǹ�
22699feed rate coding	�X�e�t�v�s�X
22700feed rate number	�X�e�t�v��
22701feed reel	�X�J���L
22702feed roller	�e�ȿ�
22703feed runction	�X�e�\��
22704feed spool	��a�b
22705feed status	�X�e���A
22706feed tape	�X�a����
22707feed through	�X�q
22708feed through document copying machine	���n����ƴ_���
22709feed track	�X�y
22710feed tray	�X�e��[
22711feed-hole spacing	��e�ն��j
22712feed-in	�X�J
22713feed-rate word	�X�e�t�v�r
22714feed-through connector	�X�q�s����
22715feedback	�^�X; �^��	FDBK
22716feedback amplifier	�^�X��j��
22717feedback balance code	�^�X���ŽX
22718feedback bridge	�^�X����
22719feedback bridging fault	�^�X���G��
22720feedback capacitance	�^�X�q�e
22721feedback channel	�^�X�q�D
22722feedback circuit	�^�X�q��
22723feedback communication	�^�X�q�H
22724feedback connection	�^�X�s��
22725feedback control	�^�X����
22726feedback control action	�^�X����@��
22727feedback control hybrid	�^�X����βV�X�L�q��
22728feedback control looop	�^�X����^��	FCL
22729feedback control loop	�^�X��������
22730feedback control signal	�^�X����H��
22731feedback control system	�^�X����H��
22732feedback decoding	�^�X�ѽX
22733feedback degenerative	�h�Ʀ^�X
22734feedback discipline	�^�X�u�h
22735feedback edge set	�^�X�䶰�X
22736feedback elements	�^�X����
22737feedback encoding	�^�X�s�X
22738feedback impedance	�^�X����
22739feedback information	�^�X�H��
22740feedback line identification	�^�X�u�ѧO
22741feedback loop	�^�X����
22742feedback mechanism	�^�X����	FM
22743feedback negative	�t�^�X
22744feedback network	�^�X����	FBN
22745feedback node set	�^�X�`�I��	FNS
22746feedback path	�^�X�q��
22747feedback policy	�^�X�k
22748feedback positive	���^�X	FP
22749feedback ratio	�^�X��
22750feedback regnerative	�A�ͦ^�X
22751feedback shift register	�^�X����Ȧs��	FSR
22752feedback signal	�^�X�H��
22753feedback system	�^�X�t��
22754feedback transducer	�^�X�ǷP
22755feedback variable	�^�X�ܼ�
22756feedboard	�ѯȪO
22757feedboard rasing and lowering control	�ѯȪO�ɭ����
22758feeder	�X�u
22759feeder assembly	�X�q�ե�
22760feeder cable	�X�q�l
22761feeder control logic	�X�u�����޿�	FCL
22762feeder counter	�X���p�ƾ�
22763feeder line	��u
22764feeder route	�X�����|
22765feeder section	�X���q
22766feedforward	�e�X
22767feedforward control action	�e�X����@��
22768feedforward counter	�e�X�p�ƾ�
22769feedforward lines	�e�X�u
22770feeding	�X��
22771feeding bank	�Ѫo�c
22772feeding bridge	�X�q�q��
22773feeding form	����X�e
22774feeding mechanism	�X�e���c
22775feeding multicycle	�h�`���X�d
22776feeding multiread	�hŪ�X�d
22777feeding single-sheet	��i�X�e
22778feedover	�e�X
22779feedover condition	�e�X����
22780feedvoer processor	�e�X�B�z��
22781feeler lever	IJ��
22782feeler pin	IJ�w
22783feerrite alider	�K��ϺӯB�ʶ�
22784feerrite-diode circuit	�K����G���޹q
22785femto	�@�L�L
22786femtosecond	�@�L�L��
22787fence	����
22788Fermi level	�O�̯ඥ
22789Fermi-Dirac distribution	�O�̤��t; �f��J���t
22790ferreed assembly	�K®�~�q����
22791ferret	�q�l����
22792ferret receiver	�������
22793ferret satellite	�L�u�q����ìP
22794ferric oxide	����K��
22795ferrite	���K����; �K����
22796ferrite code	���ϽX
22797ferrite core memory	�K����Ϥ߰O����
22798ferrite film disk	�K���������Ϻ�
22799ferrite head	�K����Ϻ�
22800ferrite memory	�K����O����
22801ferrite transistor circuit	�K���鴹��޹q��
22802ferro-electric display	�K�q��ܾ�
22803ferro-electric memory	�K�q�O����
22804ferroacoustic storage	�K�n�x�s��
22805ferroelectic substance	�j�Ͻ�
22806ferroelectric	�K�q��
22807ferroelectric condenser	�K�q�q�e��
22808ferroelectric material	�K�q����
22809ferromagnetic	�K����
22810ferromagnetic material	�K�ϧ���
22811ferromagnetic store	�K���x�s��
22812ferromagnetics	�j�Ͼ�
22813ferromagnetism	�K�ϲ{�H
22814ferrous oxide spot	��ƨ��K���I
22815ferrule	�M����
22816fetch	����; Ū��	FET
22817fetch bit	���Ʀ�
22818fetch cycle	�����g
22819fetch data	�����
22820fetch execute cycle	��������g
22821fetch instruction	�����O
22822fetch length control	Ū�����ױ���	FLC
22823fetch logic	���޿�
22824fetch memory cycle	�����O�жg
22825fetch operation	���ާ@
22826fetch phase	�������q
22827fetch policy	��������
22828fetch process	���i�L�{
22829fetch protection	�����O�@
22830fetch protection bit	�����O�@��
22831fetch routine	�����Ҧ�`��
22832fetch sequence	Ū���ǦC
22833fetch stage	Ū����
22834fetch time	Ū���ɶ�
22835fetch time program	Ū���ɶ��{��
22836fetch unit	Ū������
22837fetch violation	Ū���H�k
22838fetch-execute control cycle	Ū�����汱��P��
22839fetch-store execution ordering	Ū�@�g����w��
22840fetch/load trace	���X/ ���J����
22841fetcher	����t��
22842fewest component strategy	�̤֤�����
22843ffigure description language	�ϧλ����y��	FDL
22844fi-fmd layer	�\��޲z��ƪ��\������{�Ǽh
22845fiber backbone	���ַF�u
22846fiber buffer	�ֺ��w�ļh
22847fiber bundle	���֧�
22848fiber crosstalk	���֤z�Z
22849fiber data link	���ָ�����
22850fiber distributed data interface	���֤�������Ƥ����з�	FDDI
22851fiber glass	�����ֺ�
22852fiber harness	�ֺ��u��
22853fiber loss	�ֺ��l��
22854fiber optic	���֪�
22855fiber optic acceptance angle	���ֱ�����
22856fiber optic bandwidth	�����W�e
22857fiber optic bit rate	���֦�v
22858fiber optic cable	���ֹq�l
22859fiber optic capacity	���֮e�q
22860fiber optic cathode-ray tubes	���ֳ����g�u
22861fiber optic cladding	���֥]��
22862fiber optic communication	���ֳq�H	FOC
22863fiber optic dispersion	���ִ��g
22864fiber optic disptortion	���֥��u
22865fiber optic electrostatic plotting system	�����R�qø�Ϩt��
22866fiber optic emitter	���ֵo�g��
22867fiber optic local erea network	���֧�������
22868fiber optic modem	���ֽը�ѽվ�	FOPIC
22869fiber optic multiplexer	���֦h���ഫ��
22870fiber optic processor	���ֳB�z��
22871fiber optic recording	���ְO��
22872fiber optic transmission system	���ֶǿ�t��
22873fiber optics	����
22874fiber optics cathode ray tube	���ֳ����g�u��	FOT
22875fiber optics communication	���ֳq�T�H	FOC
22876fiber optics communication and information society	���ֳq�H�M�H����|	FOCIS
22877fiber optiocs	�ֺ�����
22878fiber protrusion	�����ֺ���f
22879fiber-optic bundle	���֧�
22880fiber-optic CRT	���ֳ����g�u��
22881fiber-optic link	���ֳs��
22882fiber-optic modem	���ֽը�ѽվ�	FOM
22883fiber-optic photo transfer	�ֺ����q�ܴ�	FOPT
22884fiber-optic receiver amlifier	�����ֺ�������j��
22885fiberoptic modem	���ֽը�ѽվ�	FOM
22886fibonacci distribution	�O���������
22887fibonacci function	�O��������
22888Fibonacci memory management	�O������O�к޲z
22889fibonacci merge	�O��������k
22890fibonacci method	�O�������k
22891Fibonacci number	�O�������
22892fibonacci number	�O�����諴��
22893fibonacci number system	�O�������ƨt
22894fibonacci polynomial	�O�����諴�h����
22895Fibonacci search	�O������d�M
22896fibonacci search	��i����d�M; ���d�M�k
22897fibonacci sequence	�O������ǦC
22898fibonacci serch	�O�������˯��k
22899Fibonacci series	�O������ż�
22900fibonacci series	�O������ƦC
22901fibonacci string	�O������r�Ŧ�
22902fibonacci tree	�O�������
22903fibonomial coefficients	�O������t��
22904fiche	��
22905fick's law	Fick�w��
22906fiction	���w
22907fictitious carry	���i��	FC
22908fictitious load	���t��	FC
22909fictitious variable	��c�ܼ�
22910fictitous magnetic pole	���Q�Ϸ�
22911FID field	�榡���Ѧr��
22912fidelity	�O�u��
22913fidelity criteria	�G�u�׼Э�
22914fiel of direct access	�y���s���ɮ�
22915field	���; ��
22916field access method	�r��s����k
22917field accumulation	���֭p
22918field activation item	���ʺA����
22919field address	���}	FA
22920field advance	���V�e
22921field alignment	��w��
22922field alterable control element	�{Է�i�ܱ����	FACE
22923field alterable read-only memories	�{���i�ܰ�Ū�O����
22924field alterable ROM	�{���i�ܰ�Ū�O����
22925field analysis standard patterns	�r����R�Э�Ҧ�
22926field area	����
22927field attribute	����ݩ�
22928field attribute definition	�Ϭq�ݩʩw�q
22929field attributes	����ݩ�
22930field bit name	�Ϭq��W
22931field blanking	Է�ť�
22932field by field form	�v���覡
22933field by field panel	�v��쭱�O
22934field card	�d��
22935field change	�{Է����
22936field character set	���r��
22937field characters	���r��
22938field checking	�{Է�ˬd
22939field coil	�E�Ͻu��
22940field common	�@����
22941field control	������
22942field control station	�{Է����x
22943field core	�E���K��
22944field correlator	�b�ج�����
22945field data	�{Է���
22946field data code	�x�θ�ƽX
22947field data computer	�{Է��ƭp���	FDC
22948field declarator	��컡����
22949field decrement	������
22950field definition	���w�q
22951field delimiter	���
22952field density	Է�K��
22953field description	���y�z
22954field description statement	���y�z�y
22955field descriptor	�Ϭq�y�z��
22956field descriptor block	���y�z�H����	FDB
22957field descriptor group	�Ϭq�y�z�Ų�
22958field designator	���R�W��
22959field developed program	��a�o�i�{��	FDP
22960field develpoed program	�{Է�}�o�{��	FDP
22961field diagnostic test	�{Է�E�_����	FDT
22962field discharge	����
22963field distortion	��Է���u
22964field dominance	�b�ذ���
22965field effect amplifier	Է������j��	FEA
22966field effect transistor	���Ĺq����	FET
22967field effect transistor random access memory	�������q�����H���O����
22968field effect transistor storage	�������q�����x�s��	FETS
22969field engineer	�{Է�u�{�v	FE
22970field engineering design change schedule	�{Է�u�{�]�p���p��	FEDCS
22971field entry procedure	����J�{��
22972field fixed	�T�w��
22973field format	���榡
22974field formatted request	���榡�ƽШD
22975field free	�ۥ���
22976field frequency	Է�W
22977field handling	���B�z
22978field identification	������
22979field identifier	�����Ѳ�
22980field identifiers	����ѧO��
22981field indicator	�����ܲ�
22982field indicators	������
22983field initialization	����]
22984field insert	��촡�J
22985field installation	�{Է�w��
22986field intensity	Է�j	FI
22987field intensity distribution	Է�j����
22988field intialization	����l��
22989field isolation	�����j
22990field item name	��춵�ئW
22991field length	�����
22992field length condition register	�����ת��A�Ȧs��
22993field length count	�����׭p��	FLC
22994field level specifications	���Ż���
22995field location	�Ϭq��m
22996field macro control card	��춰���d
22997field maintenance	�{Է���@
22998field mark	���аO	FM
22999field marker	�Ϭq�аO��
23000field marker character	��Ŧr��
23001field mode	��( �� )��( �A )
23002field name	��W
23003field number	��츹�X
23004field of view	�i����
23005field on-line data acquisition and analysis system	�{Է�p����ƨ����P���R�t��	FODAAS
23006field outline printing	����u�C�L
23007field outlining	����u
23008field outlining attribute	����u�ݩ�
23009field overiay	�Ϭq�л\
23010field patch	�{Է�׸�
23011field picture	��( �� )�榡; ��( �� )�y�z
23012field positioning descripter	���w��y�z��
23013field programmable gate array	�{Է�i�s�{���}�C	FPGA
23014field programmable logic array	�{���i�s�{�޿�}�C	FPLA
23015field programmable logic sequencer	�{Է�i�s�{�޿�w�Ǿ�	FPLS
23016field programmable read only memory	�{���i�s�{��Ū�O����	FPROM
23017field propagation of bubble	�Ϫw��Է�Ǽ�
23018field protected	�O�@��
23019field range	���d��
23020field redefinition	�Ϭq���s�w�q
23021field reference	���Ѧ�
23022field replaceable unit	���a�i�����	FRU
23023field reset	��( �� )���m
23024field rheostat	��Է�ܪ���
23025field running test	�{Է�B�����
23026field search argument	���d�M�ܤ�	FSA
23027field secruity	�Ϭq�w����
23028field section	�Ϭq�`
23029field security table	���w���ʪ�
23030field select command register	����ܩR�Ȧs��	FSCR
23031field select unit	����ܸ˸m	FSU
23032field selected length	����ܪ���
23033field selection	�����
23034field selection vector	����ܦV�q
23035field selector	����ܲ�
23036field separator	�����j�Ÿ�	FSS
23037field service technician	�{Է�A�ȧ޳N
23038field shifting	�沾��
23039field signed	���t����
23040field size	���j�p
23041field spacing	��춡�Z
23042field strength	Է�j
23043field support system	�{Է����t��	FSS
23044field sweep	Է���y
23045field sync pulse	Է�P�B�߽�
23046field tab	������	FTAB
23047field tag	�Ϭq�аO
23048field teats	�{������
23049field terminator	���פ��
23050field terminator code	��( �� )�׵��X
23051field terminator key	��( �� )�׵���
23052field transistor	�����q����
23053field tree	��( �� )��( �����c )
23054field trial	�{������
23055field type	��쫬��
23056field unit	���椸	FU
23057field upgrading	�{���ɯ�
23058field utillzation	���Q��
23059field validation	��( �� )����
23060field validation character	��Φr��
23061field validator	�������
23062field value	���; ����
23063field width	�Ϭq�e
23064field word buffer	�Ϭq�r�w�ľ�
23065field-definition characters	���w�q�r��
23066field-effect transistor random access memory	�������q������H���s���O����	FETRAM
23067field-formatted form	�Ϭq�榡�ƧΦ�
23068field-formatted system service	�Ϭq�榡�t�ΪA��
23069field-marker characters	�����Ѧr��
23070field-oriented machines	�Ϭq���p���
23071field-programmable read-only storage	�{���i�s�{��Ū�x�s��
23072field-replaceable unit	���a�i������
23073field-upgraded	�{�������W�j
23074field-validation characters	������r��
23075Fieldata	( �� )���Ը��
23076Fieldata code	( �� )���Ը�ƽX
23077fieldata code	�x�θ�ƽX
23078Fieldata Family	( �� )���Ը�Ʊ�
23079Fieldata System	( �� )���Ը�ƨt��
23080fieldistor	Է��ѡ�����
23081fiexible disk control	�n�Ϻб���
23082fifo	���i���X�k
23083FIFO algorithrm	���i���X��k
23084FIFO input	���i���X��J
23085FIFO interface	���i���X����
23086FIFO memory	���i���X�O����
23087FIFO method	���J���X�k
23088FIFO queue	���i���X��C
23089FIFO replacement algorithm	���i���m����
23090FIFO scheduling discipline	���i���X�ի׳W�h
23091FIFO stack	���i���X���|
23092fifo STATUS INDICATOR	���i���X���A���ܾ�
23093FIFO storage element	���i���X�x�s����
23094FIFO up/down indicator	���i���X�ɭ�����
23095FIFO virtual memory	���i���X�����O����
23096fifteen l's	�Ŷ��H��
23097fifteen puzzle	�Q���g�c
23098fifth generation computer	�Ĥ��N�p���	FGC
23099fifth generation kernal language	�Ĥ��N�p����֤߻y	FGKL
23100fifth generation knowledge representation language	�Ĥ��N���Ѫ�F�y��	FGKRL
23101fifth-generation computer systems	�Ĥ��N�q���t��
23102figurative	�H�x
23103figurative constant	���J���X�S�x; ���w�`��
23104figurative language	�϶H�y��
23105figure	��(��); ��
23106figure blank	�Ʀ춡�j
23107figure case	�Ʀ�r��
23108figure code	�Ʀ�s�X
23109figure description language	�ϧδy�z�y��	FDL
23110figure ground articultation	�ϧέI���M����
23111figure keyboard	�r�����
23112figure number	�ϸ�; �ϽX
23113figure of merit	��q�]��	FOM
23114figure out	�X�p
23115figure pattern	�Ʀ�
23116figure shift	���Ʀ���	FS
23117figure-reader electronic device	�q�l�ϧξ\Ū��	FRED
23118figures	�ƭ�
23119figures shift	�Ʀ첾��
23120figures shift signal	�Ʀ��ɫH��
23121figurre signal	�����ܴ��H��
23122filamentary transistor	�u�������
23124file	�ɮ�; �k��
23125file access	�ɮצs��
23126file access attribute	�ɮצs���ݩ�
23127file access auditing	�ɮצs���f�p
23128file access authority checking	�ɮ׳X���v�ˬd
23129file access block	�ɮצs���q	FAB
23130file access call	�ɮ׳X�ݽե�
23131file access channel	�ɮצs���q�D	FAC
23132file access characteristics	�ɮצs���S��
23133file access control	�ɮצs������
23134file access error	�ɮ׳X�ݥX��
23135file access keys	�ɮצs�������r	FADS
23136file access listener	�ɮצs����ť�{��	FAL
23137file access maintenance output universal system	�ɮצs�����@��X�q�Ψt��	FAMOUS
23138file access manager	�ɮצs���޲z�{��	FAM
23139file access method	�ɮצs����k	FAM
23140file access mode	�ɮ׳X�ݤ覡
23141file access model	�ɮצs����
23142file access protocol	�ɮצs����w
23143file access time	�ɮצs���ɶ�
23144file access-allocation interaction	�ɮ׳X�ݤ��t�ۤ��@��
23145file active	����
23146file activity ratio	�ɬ��ʤ�
23147file address	�ɧ}
23148file address checking program	�ɮצa�}����{��
23149file address checking system	�ɮצa�}����t��
23150file address register	�ɮצ�}�Ȧs��	FAR
23151file addressing	�ɮ׽s�}
23152file allocation	�ɮװt�m	FIALLOC
23153file allocation problem	�ɮפ��t���D	FAP
23154file allocation table	�ɮװt�m��	FAT
23155file allocation time	�ɮפ��t�ɶ�
23156file analysis	�ɤ��R
23157file analysis for random access storage	�H���s���x�s�����ɮפ��R	FARS
23158file appending	�ɮת��[
23159file area	�ɮװ�
23160file assignment	�ɮפ��t
23161file assignment table	�ɮפ��t��
23162file assignment table address	�ɮפ��t��a
23163file attribute	�ɮ��ݩ�
23164file attributes	�ɮ��ݩ�
23165file availability	�ɮץi�Ω�
23166file backup	�ɮ׳ƥ�
23167file block table	�ɮײժ�
23168file buffer	�ɮ׽w�İϾ�
23169file buffer area	�ɮ׽w�İ�
23170file buffer count	�ɮ׽w�ľ��p��	FBC
23171file buffer count register	�ɮ׽w�ľ��p�ƼȦs��	FBCR
23172file buffer variable	�ɮ׽w���ܼ�
23173file buffering	�ɮ׽w��
23174file build	�ɮ׺c�y
23175file bus in	�ɮ��`�u��J	FBI
23176file bus out	�ɮ��`�u��X	FBO
23177file cabinet	�ɮ��d
23178file cabinet menu	�ɮ��d�ؿ�
23179file capacity status	�ɮ׮e�q���A
23180file catalog	�ɮץؿ�
23181file CCW count	�ɮ׳q�D����r���
23182file CCW count register	�ɮ׳q�D����r�p�ƼȦs��	FCC
23183file CCW flags	�ɮ׳q�D����r�аO	FCF
23184file chained	����
23185file chaining	�ɮ��䱵
23186file character	�ɮצr��
23187file check	�ɮ�����
23188file class	�ɮ׺���
23189file clause	�ɮפl�y
23190file clean-up	�ɲM�z
23191file cleanup	�ɮײM�z
23192file clerk	�ɮ׺޲z��
23193file close	�ɮ�����	FCLOSE
23194file cluster	�ɮ�G ��
23195file code	�ɮץN�X
23196file coexistence	�ɮצ@�s
23197file compare mask	�ɮפ���̽�	FCM
23198file component	�ɮפ���
23199file composition	�ɮקΦ�
23200file computer	�ɮ׭p���
23201file concatencation	�ɮ׳s��
23202file condensation	�ɮ����Y
23203file condition	�ɮױ���
23204file consolidation	�ɮ׾�z
23205file constant	�ɮױ`��
23206file constraint	�ɮ׬���
23207file content manager	�ɮץؿ��޲z�{��
23208file contention	�ɮת���
23209file control	�ɮױ���	FICO
23210file control block	�ɮױ���϶�; �ɮױ���q	FCB
23211file control block bit assignment	�ɮױ��������t
23212file control block indicator	�ɮױ�������ܲ�
23213file control block pointer	�ɮױ�������ܦr
23214file control panel	�ɮױ���O	FCP
23215file control primitive	�ɮױ�����{��	FCP
23216file control procedure	�ɮױ���L�{	FCP
23217file control processor	�ɮױ���B�z��	FCP
23218file control program	�ɮױ���{��	FCP
23219file control services	�ɮױ���A��	FCS
23220file control system	�ɮױ���t��
23221file control table	�ɮױ����	FCT
23222file control type error	�ɮױ��������X��
23223file control unit	�ɮױ���]��	FCU
23224file controlservice	�ɮױ���A�ȵ{��	FCS
23225file conversion	�ɮ��ഫ	FICON
23226file conversion system	�ɮ��ഫ�t��
23227file copy	�ɮ׫���
23228file create and maintenance	�ɮ׫إߩM���@	FCRAM
23229file creator's specification	�ɮ׳]�ߪ̪�����
23230file cylinder address	�ɮצP��кϹD�զ�}	FCA
23231file daemon	�ɮ׫O�@
23232file data	�ɮ׸��
23233file data address	�ɮ׸�Ʀ�}	FDA
23234file data block	�ɮ׸�Ʋ�	FDB
23235file data buffer	�ɮ׸�ƽw�ľ�	FDB
23236file data description language	�ɮ׸�ƴy�z�y��	FDDL
23237file data register	�ɮ׸�ƼȦs��	FDR
23238file dead	����
23239file deallocation time	�ɮ׭����ɶ�
23240file declaration	�ɮ׻���
23241file defining string	�ɮשw�q�r�Ŧ�
23242file definition	�ɮשw�q	FD
23243file definition entry	�ɮשw�q��
23244file definition language	�ɮשw�q�y��	FDL
23245file definition macroinstruction	�ɮשw�q��
23246file definition name	�ɮשw�q�W
23247file descriprtion statement	�ɮ״y�z�ԭz
23248file description	�ɮ״y�z	FD
23249file description attribute	�ɮ״y�z�ݩ�
23250file description block	�ɮ״y�z��
23251file description entry	�ɮ״y�z��
23252file description subsytem	�ɮ״y�z�l�t��	FDS
23253file description system	�ɮ״y�z�t��	FDS
23254file descriptor	�ɮ״y�z��
23255file design	�ɮ׳]�p
23256file designator	�ɮשR�W��
23257file detail	������
23258file diagnostic register	�ɮ׶E�_�Ȧs��	FDR
23259file difinition processor	�ɮשw�q�B�z�{��	FDP
23260file directory	�ɮצW��	FD
23261file directory maintenance	�ɮץؿ����@
23262file distribution control	�ɮפ��G����
23263file driver	�ɮ��X�ʾ�
23264file dump	�ɮ����x
23265file duplication	�ɮ����
23266file editor	�ɮ׽s��{��
23267file enable input	�ɮפ��\��J
23268file end flag	�ɮ׵����лx
23269file entity	�ɮ׹���
23270file environment table	�ɮ����Ҫ�	FET
23271file error flags	�ɮ׿��~�лx	FEF
23272file event	�ɮרƥ�
23273file exchange	�ɮץ洫	FILEX
23274file exchange program	�ɮץ洫�{��
23275file expression	�ɮת�F��
23276file extended control block	�ɮ��X�i�����
23277file extension	�ɮ��X�R; �ɫ�
23278file extension space	�ɮ��X�R�Ŷ�
23279file extension specification	�ɮת��[����
23280file extent	�ɩ�����
23281file feed	�ɮ��X�e
23282file filter	�ɮ׿z��
23283file fixed-length record	�w���O����
23284file flat	���Z��
23285file flattener	�ɮ�������
23286file folders	�ɮק�
23287file follow-up	�l����
23288file format	�ɮ׮榡
23289file format compatibility	�ɮ׮榡�ݮe��
23290file format conversion	�ɮ׮榡�ܴ�
23291file format level	�ɮ׮榡�h��
23292file forms	�����
23293file function	�ɮץ\��
23294file gap	�ɻ�
23295file generation	�ɮײ���; �ɮ׻s�y���X
23296file generation number	�ɮ׻s�y���X
23297file generation utility	�ɮץͦ����ε{��
23298file generation version	�ɮ׻s�y����
23299file group	�ɮײ�
23300file handle	�ɮ׳B�z�s��
23301file handler	�ɮ׳B�z��	FH
23302file handling	�ɮ׳B�z
23303file handling statement	�ɮ׳B�z�ԭz
23304file hardware flag	�ɮ׵w��лx	FHF
23305file hardware flag register	�ɮ׵w��лx�Ȧs��	FHF
23306file header	�ɮ׼��D
23307file highwater mark	�ɮװ����аO	FHM
23308file I/O	�ɥX�J
23309file identifcation	���ѧO
23310file identifer	�ɮ׼��Ѳ�
23311file identification	�ɮ��ѧO	FILE-ID
23312file identification number	�ɮ��ѧO���X
23313file identifier	�ɮ��ѧO�X	FID
23314file inactive	�D����
23315file indentification number	�ɮ��ѧO���X
23316file index	�ɮׯ���
23317file indirect register	�ɮ׶����H�s��	FIR
23318file informatin table	�ɮ׫H����	FIT
23319file information	�ɮ׫H��
23320file information block	�ɮ׸�ƶ�	FIB
23321file information language executive routine	�ɮ׫H���y������Ҧ�`��	FILER
23322file input/output control logic	�ɮ׿�J��X�����޿�
23323file inquiry	�ɮ׸߰�
23324file inquiry technique	�ɮ׸߶��޳N	FIT
23325file insertion	�ɮ״��J
23326file inspection	�ɮ��ˬd
23327file interconnection	�ɮפ��s
23328file interrogation program	�ɮ׸߰ݵ{��
23329file inventory	�ɮײM��
23330file inverted	�f��
23331file journalization	�ɮפ�x
23332file kind type	�ɮ׺�������
23333file label	�ɮ׼���
23334file layout	�ɥ��m; �ɮקG�m
23335file layout and allocation program	�ɮץ��m�M���t�{��	FLAP
23336file length	�ɮת���
23337file level specifications	�ɮׯŻ���
23338file librarian	�ɮ׮w�޲z�{��
23339file limit	�ɮ��x�s�e�q��
23340file line length	�ɮצ����
23341file list	�ɮת�
23342file load	����
23343file load factor	�ɮ׸��J�v
23344file loading	�ɮ׸ˤJ
23345file location recognition	�ɮצ�m�ѧO
23346file lockout	�ɮ׫���
23347file log	�ɮװO��
23348file logical structure	�ɮ��޿赲�c
23349file mainteance	�ɮ׺��@	FMAIN
23350file maintenance	�ɺ��@; �ɮ׺��@
23351file maintenance forms	�ɮ׺��@���
23352file maker	�ɮ׽s��{��
23353file management	�ɮ׺޲z	FM
23354file management communication supervisor	�ɮ׺޲z���q�H�޲z�{��
23355file management facilities	�ɮ׺޲z�\��
23356file management loading facility	�ɮ׺޲z�[���]�I	FMLF
23357file management program	�ɮ׺޲z�{��
23358file management routine	�ɮ׺޲z�Ҧ�`��
23359file management supervisor	�ɮ׺޲z���ʵ��{��	FMS
23360file management supervisor interface	�ɮ׺޲z���ʵ��{������
23361file management system	�ɮ׺޲z�t��	FMS
23362file management system catalog cache	�ɮ׺޲z�t�νs�ت����t�w���x�s��
23363file management system permission	�ɮ׺޲z�t�γ\�i
23364file management systme password	�ɮ׺޲z�t�Τf�O
23365file manager	�ɮ׺޲z�{��	FM
23366file manipulation	�ɽճB
23367file manipulation architecture	�ɮ׳B�z���c
23368file manipulation command	�ɮ׳B�z
23369file manipulation language	�ɮ׳B�z�y��	FML
23370file manipulator	�ɮ׳B�z�{��
23371file map	�ɬM��
23372file map directory	�ɮ׬M�H�ؿ�
23373file map table	�ɬM����
23374file mark	�ɮ׼лx
23375file medium	�ɮפ���
23376file memory	�ɮװO����
23377file memory	controller	�ɮװO���鱱�
23378file merge	�ɮצX��
23379file merging	�ɦX��
23380file migration algorithm	�ɮײ��ʺ�k
23381file mircroprogram flags	�ɮ׷L�{���лx	FMF
23382file mircroprogram flags register	�ɮ׷L�{���лx�Ȧs��	FMF
23383file modification	�ɮ׭ק�
23384file name	�ɮצW��
23385file name extension	�ɮש����W��
23386file name generation	�ɮצh�ͦ�
23387file name table	�ɮצW�r��	FNT
23388file nesting store	�ɮ״O�M�x�s	FNS
23389file number	�ɮ׽s��
23390file number control table	�ɮ׼Ʊ����
23391file of cards	�d����
23392file of direct access	�����s���ɮ�
23393file of index access	���ަs���ɮ�
23394file of sequential c\access	���Ǧs���ɮ�
23395file open	�ɮץ��}	FOPEN
23396file operation	�ɮ׾ާ@
23397file operator	�ɮ׾ާ@��
23398file option	�ɮ׿ﶵ
23399file organization	�ɲ�´; �ɮײ�´
23400file organization evaluation model	�ɮײ�´�����ҫ�	FOREM
23401file organization generator	�ɮײ�´�ͦ���	FORGE
23402file organization technique	�ɮײ�´�޳N	FORTE
23403file oriented data structure	�ɮר��V��Ƶ��c
23404file overflow areas	�ɮ׷��X�ϰ�
23405file packing density	�ɮ׸˶�K��
23406file page	�ɮ׭���
23407file parameter	�ɮװѼ�
23408file parity checks	�ɮש_������	FPC
23409file partitioning	�ɮ׹���
23410file physical structure	�ɮת��z���c
23411file pocket	�ɮ׳U
23412file pointer	�ɮ׫��w
23413file position	�ɮצ�m
23414file preparation	�ɮ׭��
23415file preparation statement	�ɮ׭�Ʊԭz
23416file primary source	�ɮץD��
23417file print	�ɮצC�L
23418file problem	���D��
23419file processing	�ɮ׳B�z
23420file processing unit	�ɮ׳B�z����	FPU
23421file processor	�ɮ׳B�z��	FP
23422file property	�ɮשʽ�
23423file protec memory	�ɮ׫O�@�O����	FPM
23424file protect	�ɮ׫O�@	FP
23425file protected	�ɮר��O�@
23426file protected light	�ɮ׫O�@���ܿO
23427file protected ring	�ɮ׫O�@��
23428file protection	�ɮ׫O�@	FPT
23429file protection device	�ɮ׫O�@�˸m
23430file protection mode	�ɮ׫O�@�覡
23431file protection ring	�ɫO�@��
23432file protection technique	�ɮ׫O�@�޳N
23433file pruging	�ɮײM�z
23434file query input	�ɮ׬d�߿�J
23435file reansfer protocol	�ɮ׶ǰe��w	FRP
23436file reconstruction	�ɮ׭���
23437file reconstruction procedure	�ɮ׭��عL�{
23438file record	�ɮװO��
23439file record compaction	�ɮװO�����Y
23440file recovery	�ɮ׫�_
23441file reel	�ɱ�
23442file reference	�ɮפޥ�
23443file reference function	�ɮפޥΥ\��
23444file reference input	�ɮפޥο�J
23445file register	�ɮ׼Ȧs��	FR
23446file relative record address	�ɮ׬۹�O���a�}
23447file reorganization	�ɮק�s
23448file resource management	�ɮ׸귽�޲z
23449file restore	�ɮ׫�_
23450file retention period	�ɮ׫O�d��
23451file retrieval	�ɮ��˯�
23452file scan	�ɮױ��y
23453file searching	�ɮ׬d��
23454file searching requirement	�ɬd�M�n�D
23455file secondary switching center	�ɮץ洫����
23456file section	�ɮפ��q
23457file security	�ɮצw����
23458file security control	�ɮ׫O�K����
23459file security function	�ɮ׫O�K�\��
23460file segment	�ɮ׬q
23461file segment definition	�ɮ׬q�w�q
23462file separator	�ɮפ��j��	FS
23463file separator character	�j�ɦr��
23464file sequence number	�ɮ׶��Ǹ�
23465file serial number	�ɮ׶���
23466file server	�ɮתA�ȯ�
23467file set	�ɮ׶�
23468file sharing	�ɮצ@��
23469file size	�ɮפj�p
23470file size argument	�ɮת����ܤ�
23471file space	�ɮתŶ�
23472file space allocatio map	�ɮתŶ����t��
23473file space allocation	�ɮתŶ����t
23474file space catalog	�ɮתŶ�����
23475file space management	�ɮתŶ��޲z
23476file space management scheme	�ɦw�Ū��޲z�Ҧ�
23477file space usage	�ɮתŶ��ϥ�
23478file specification	�ɮ׳W��	FILESPEC
23479file specification area	�ɮ׻����ϰ�
23480file specification syntax	�ɮ׻����y�k
23481file specification value	�ɮ׻�����
23482file status	�ɮת��A
23483file status data item	�ɮ׺A��ƶ�
23484file status specifier	�ɮת��A������
23485file status table	�ɮת��A��	FST
23486file storage	�x�s��
23487file storage region	�ɮ��x�s��	FSR
23488file storage station	�ɮ�; �k��
23489file store	�ɮ��x��
23490file string	�ꦡ��
23491file structure	�ɮ׵��c
23492file structure abbreviation	�ɮ׵��c�Y�g
23493file structure owner	�ɮ׵��c�Ҧ���
23494file structure search list	�ɮ׵��c�d�M��C
23495file structured	�ɮ׵��c��
23496file structured device	�ɮ׵��c���]��
23497file sturcture	�ɮ׵��c	FS
23498file suspense	�a��
23499file symbol	�ɮײŸ�
23500file system	�ɮרt��
23501file system control block	�ɮרt�α����	FSCB
23502file system executive	�ɮרt�ΰ���{��
23503file system input source	�ɮרt�ο�J��
23504file system interface	�ɮרt�Τ���
23505file system layout	�ɮרt�γW��
23506file system module	�ɮרt�μҶ�
23507file system structure	�ɮרt�ε��c
23508file tag gate	�ɮ׼лx��	FTG
23509file tag in	�ɮ׿�J�лx	FTI
23510file tag out	�ɮ׿�X�лx	FTO
23511file tape	�a��
23512file threaded	��u��
23513file tidying	�ɮ׾�z
23514file title	�ɮ׼��D
23515file to file	�ɮ׹��ɮ�	FTF
23516file trailer label	�ɮק����и�
23517file tranliteration	�ɮ�½Ķ
23518file transaction	�����
23519file transfer	�ɮ���e; �ɮ��ಾ	FLX
23520file transfer disk receive routine	�ɮ׶ǰe�Ϻб����Ҧ�`��
23521file transfer disk restart module	�ɮ׶ǰe�ϺЦA�_�ʼҶ�
23522file transfer disk send routine	�ɮ׶ǰe�Ϻеo�e�Ҧ�`��
23523file transfer message	�ɮ���e�T��
23524file transfer module	�ɮ׶ǰe�Ҷ�
23525file transfer operation	�ɮ׶ǰe�ާ@
23526file transfer procedure	�ɮ���e�{��
23527file transfer program	�ɮ׶ǰe�{��	FTP
23528file transfer protocol	�ɮ׶ǰe��w
23529file transfer requests	�ɮ׶ǰe�ШD	FTR
23530file transfer support program	�ɮ���e�䴩�{��
23531file transfer system	�ɮ׶ǰe�t��
23532file transfer utility	�ɮ���e���ε{��
23533file transferability	�ɮת��i�ǰe��
23534file translation language	�ɮ�½Ķ�y��
23535file transporter	�ɮ׶ǰe��	FT
23536file treansfer protocol	�ɮ׶ǰe��w	FTP
23537file type	�ɮקΦ�
23538file type specificationh	�ɮ���������
23539file unit controller	�ɮ׳]�Ʊ��
23540file unit shared	�@�ɪ��ɮ׳]��
23541file update	�ɮק�s
23542file update kernel	�ɮק�s��
23543file update master program	�ɮק�s�D�{��
23544file updating	�ɮק�s
23545file updation	�ɮק�s
23546file usage file	�ɮץΪk���ɮ�
23547file usage list	�ɮץΪk��
23548file utility	�ɮפ��ε{��
23549file variable	�ɮ��ܼ�
23550file variable identifier	�ɮ��ܼƼ��Ѳ�
23551file variable-length record	�ܪ��O����
23552file verification utility	�ɮ׮��礽�ε{��	FVU
23553file version number	�ɮת������X
23554file visible	�i����
23555file volume	�ɮר�
23556file window	�ɮ׵���
23557file wire	�u����
23558file word	�ɮצr
23559file-oriented in-terpretive language	�ɮ׾ɦV�������y��	FOIL
23560file-oriented programming	�ɮ׾ɦV���{���]�p
23561file-oriented system	�ɮ׾ɦV���t��
23562file-protect ring	�@����
23563file-protection ring	�@����
23564file-related information	�ɮ׬����H��
23565file-reserching requirement	�ɮ��˯��n�D
23566file-structure device	�ɮ׵��c�]��
23567file-structure lookup	�ɮ׵��c�d��
23568filed	�w���ɪ�
23569fileld by field processing	�v���B�z
23570filemark	�ɼ�
23571filename	�ɮצW��
23572filename block	�ɮצW�ٶ�	FNB
23573filename extension	�ɮש����W��
23574filer item	��R�Ŷ�
23575files	�ɮ�
23576filestore transfer routine	�ɮ��x�s�ಾ�Ҧ�`��	FTR
23577filial	����
23578filial set	�˶�
23579filing	�ɮ׽s��
23580filing area	�s�ɰ�
23581filing criteria	�s�ɭ�h
23582filing data	�s�ɤ��
23583filing hierarchy	�s�ɵ���
23584filing rime	�k�ɮɶ�	FT
23585filing rule	�s�ɳW�h
23586filing section	�s�ɬq
23587filing system	�s�ɨt��
23588filing time	�k�ɮɶ�	FLT
23589filing unit	�s�ɳ��
23590fill	�s��
23591fill character	�r����R
23592fill code	��R�X
23593fill command	��J�R�O
23594fill mode	��R�Ҧ�
23595fill number	��R���X
23596fill panel	��R����
23597fill pattern	�ɥ�
23598fill text command	��J����R�O
23599fill to end-of-block	��ܬq����
23600filled cable	��R�q�l
23601filled entry	�����e����
23602filled screen	������I
23603filler	��ƹ�
23604filler panel	��˭��O
23605filling	��R
23606filling algorithm	��R��k
23607film	����
23608film advance	�����i�Z
23609film assembly	�����˰t
23610film base	�n����
23611film chain	�q������q�v�]��
23612film circuits	�����q��
23613film clip	�Ť�
23614film disk	�����Ϻ�
23615film file	�Y�L�����ɮ�
23616film forms	�[����
23617film frame	�n����
23618film grain noise	�������ɾ���
23619film head	�������Y
23620film hybrids	�����V�X�L�q��
23621film hybrids construction	�����V�X�L�q�����c
23622film input to digital automatic computer	�۰ʼƦ�p�����������J	FIDAC
23623film input/output	������J��X�˸m	FIOU
23624film integrated circuit	���n��q��	FIC
23625film integrated cirucit	�����n��q��	FIC
23626film library	�����w
23627film library instantaneous presentation	������w�ߧY����	FLIP
23628film makeup	�����
23629film mechanical	�Ӭۨ�O��
23630film memory	�����O����
23631film optical scanning device for input to computer	�p�����J�ν������DZ��y�˸m	FOSDIC
23632film optical sensing device	�n�����P��
23633film pattern	�����ϧ�
23634film pickup	�q������q�v
23635film reader	Ū����
23636film reading machine	�����\Ū	FRM
23637film recorder	������
23638film scanner	�������y��
23639film spot	���I
23640film storage	�����x�s��
23641film strip	�ۿO�n��
23642film thin	����
23643filmsetter	�Ӭ۱ƪ�
23644filter	�L�o��	FLT
23645filter address correction	�L�o�{�Ǧ�}�ե�	FAC
23646filter command	�L�o�R�O
23647filter factor	�L�o�]�l
23648filter level	�z�����
23649filter plate	�o���O
23650filter transfer function	�o�i�ǻ����
23651filter-band eliminator	�a���o�i��	FL-BE
23652filter-band pass	�a�q�o�i��	FL-BP
23653filter-lowpass	�C�q�o�i��	FL-LP
23654filtered accumulation	�z��֥[
23655filtering algorithm	�L�o��k
23656filtering expression	�z���F��
23657filtering procedure	�z��L�{
23658final acceptance test	�̫��禬����	FAT
23659final address	�̲צ�}	FA
23660final assembly	�̫�˰t	FA
23661final assembly schedule	�̲׸˰t�Ƶ{
23662final bit	�צ�
23663final carry digit	�̲׶i���
23664final closing bracket	�̫ᳬ�A��
23665final continuation line	�̫��~���
23666final controlling element	�̲ױ����
23667final copy	�̫����
23668final digit code	�̲׼Ʀ�X
23669final electrical test	�̲׹q�����
23670final encapsulation	�ʤf
23671final exchange line	�׺ݥΤ�u
23672final form	�w�Z
23673final form text	�̲קΦ�����	FFT
23674final form text document content architeceture	�̲קΦ������Ƥ��e���c	FFTDCA
23675final form text document content architecture	�̲קΦ������Ƥ��e���c	FFTDCA
23676final group	�̲ײ�
23677final inspection	�̫��ˬd
23678final limit reserve	�׭��O�s	FLR
23679final limit up	�W��	FLU
23680final link	�̲����
23681final lower limit	�U���׷���	FLL
23682final merge phase	�̲��k�ֶ��q
23683final model	�̲׼Ҧ�
23684final negative carry	�̫�t�i��
23685final optimization pass	�̲��u�ƹM
23686final parameter	�̫�Ѽ�
23687final phase	�̫ᶥ�q
23688final posterior distribution	�̫������G
23689final queue	���ݰ}�C
23690final recovery	�̫��_
23691final result	�̲׵��G
23692final route chain	�̲׸��|��
23693final S-memory address	S--�O���骺�פ��}
23694final semicolon	�̲פ���
23695final shift register	�̲ײ���Ȧs��	FSR
23696final source program	�̫᷽�{��
23697final stack	�̲״�
23698final state	�׺A
23699final station	�ׯ�
23700final termination message	�̫�פ�H��
23701final test	�̲״���
23702final total adjustment amount	�̲��`�վ���B
23703final total number of transactions	�̲ײ����`����
23704final total number of transactions with variance	���ܲ����̲ײ����`����
23705final total transaction amount and variance	�̲��`���ʪ��B�P�ܲ�
23706final total variance quantity	�̲��`�ܲ��ƶq
23707final totals	�̲��`�p
23708final trunk	�׺ݷF�u
23709final trunk group	�̫ᤤ�~�u�s
23710finance image processor	���ĹϹ��B�z��	FIP
23711financial modeling	�]�F�ҫ���
23712financial ratios	�]�Ȥ�v
23713financial report	�]�ȳ���
23714financial stock analysis	�]�Ȧs�q���R
23715financial time company information	���ĮɥN���q��Ʈw
23716financial utility	�]�Ȥ��ε{��
23717find	�M��ԭz	FIND
23718find algorithm	�M���k
23719find text string	�M�䥿���
23720finder	�M����
23721finders	���ױƻ٤�U
23722finding	�d��
23723finding action	�d��ʧ@
23724findlist	�M�d��C
23725fine control	�L�ձ�
23726fine index	�ӯ���
23727fine line	�ӽu
23728fine pattern	��ӹϮ�
23729fine sort	��ӱƧ�
23730fine start	�L�۰�
23731fine striped memory	�L�a�O����	FSM
23732fine-grain parallel processing	�Ӳɥ���B�z
23733fineness	�«�
23734fineness of scanning	���y�u�K��
23735finger	���
23736finger board	��L
23737finger control	���
23738finger counting	����
23739finger-tip control	���s����
23740fingerprint pattern	�����Ҧ�
23741fingerprint processing	�����B�z
23742finish activity	�׵�����
23743finish condition	�׵�����
23744finish node	�̲׸`�I
23745finished goods	���~
23746finished goods inventory	���~�w�s; ���~�s�f
23747finished inventory	���~�w�s
23748finished item	��������
23749finished item description	�������ػ���
23750finished item number	�������ظ��X
23751finished item stock location	�������خw��
23752finished item warehouse	�������خw��
23753finished warehouse	���~��
23754finite	������
23755finite alphabet	�����r����
23756finite automata	�����۰ʾ�
23757finite automation language	�����۰ʤƻy��	FAL
23758finite automaton	�����۰ʾ�
23759finite counting automata	�����p�Ʀ۰ʾ�
23760finite decimal	�����Q�i�p��
23761finite difference	�����t��
23762finite element	������
23763finite element analysis program	���������R
23764finite element method	�������k
23765finite element modelling	�إߦ������ҫ�	FEM
23766finite flowchart	�����ع�
23767finite game	�����ﵦ
23768finite graph	������
23769finite input alphabet	������J�r����
23770finite intergral transform	�����n���ܴ�
23771finite length string	��������
23772finite logical view	�����޿��	FLV
23773finite matrix	�����x�}
23774finite memory	�����O����
23775finite memory automaton	�����O����۰ʾ�
23776finite memory filter	�����O�����o�i��
23777finite nonempty set	�����D�Ŷ�
23778finite output memory machine	������X�O�о�	FOMM
23779finite performable procedure	�����i����L�{
23780finite precision number	������K��
23781finite progress	�����i�{
23782finite puise response	�������Ħ^��
23783finite qutomata theory	�����۰ʾ��z��
23784finite representation	������ܪk
23785finite sequence	�����ǦC
23786finite set of symbols	�����Ÿ���
23787finite shift-rank process	���������L�{
23788finite specification	��������
23789finite state	�������A	FS
23790finite state acceptor	�������A������	FSA
23791finite state algorithm	�������A��k
23792finite state automaton	�������A�۰�	FSA
23793finite state device	�������A�˸m
23794finite state generator	�������A�ͦ���	FSG
23795finite state grammer	�����A��k	FSG
23796finite state language	�����A�y��
23797finite state machine	�����A����
23798finite state network	�����A����
23799finite state recongnizer	�����A�ѧO��
23800finite state sequential machine	�����A���Ǿ�
23801finite state specification language	�����A�����y��	FISSL
23802finite state table	�������A��
23803finite substitution	�����m��
23804finite table	������
23805finite transducer	����½Ķ��
23806finite-choice grammar	������ܤ�k
23807finite-duration sequence	�����ɼe�ǦC
23808finite-element method	���������k	FEM
23809finite-source model	�������ҫ�
23810finite-state transition diagram	�������A�ഫ��	FSTD
23811finite-word length arithmetic	�����r���B��
23812finitely additive set function	�����[�ʶ����
23813finiteness	������
23814fippi	�p���n�Ϻ�
23815fire code	�k���X
23816fire control	�g������
23817fire control computer	���O����p���	FCC
23818firing	�I��
23819firing potential	�o�g��
23820firing rule	�I���W�h
23821firm	�T�{
23822firm banking	���~�Ȧ�
23823firm period	�T�{����
23824firm planned order	�T�{�p���ʭq��
23825firmward circuitry	����q��
23826firmward classification	�������
23827firmware	���~
23828firmware building block	����c����
23829firmware compatibility	����ۮe��
23830firmware control memory	���鱱��O����	FCM
23831firmware engineering	����u�{
23832firmware limitation	���魭��
23833firmware monitor	����ʱ��{��
23834firmware option	����ﶵ
23835firmware package	����M�˳n��
23836firmware program	����{��
23837firmware ROM	�����Ū�O����
23838firmware support	����䴩
23839first	����
23840first attribute	�Ĥ@�ݩ�
23841first carrier	�Ĥ@���i
23842first character	����r��
23843first check character flip flop	�������IJ�o��	FCCFF
23844first class conductor	�Ĥ@������
23845first come first serve	���ӥ���	FCFS
23846first computer inquiry	�����p����d��
23847first copy-out time	���������ɶ�
23848first detector	�@�����羹
23849first element of chain	�줤�Ĥ@����
23850first error communication	�즸���~�q�H	FE
23851first fit	��X
23852first fit algorithm	��X�t��k
23853first fit partition assignment	��X������
23854first generation computer	�Ĥ@�N�p���
23855first generation electronic computer	�Ĥ@�N�q�l�p���
23856first generation image	�Ĥ@���ͦ��H
23857first generation microcomputer	�Ĥ@�N�L�p���
23858first in first out	���i���X�k	FIFO
23859first in not used first out	���i�����X	FINUFO
23860first indication of trouble	�����G�٫���	FIT
23861first item list	������
23862first language under bootstrap	�Ұʵ{���U���Ĥ@�y��	FLUB
23863first level address	�@�Ŧ�}
23864first level interrupt handler	�Ĥ@�Ť��_�B�z�{��	FLIH
23865first level message	�@�ūH��
23866first level message member	�@�ūH������
23867first level of packaging	�@�Ųո�
23868first level statement	�@�űԭz
23869first line find	�Ĥ@��M��
23870first line form advance	���Ĥ@��i��
23871first litter	��l�A��
23872first normal form	�Ĥ@���`��	FNF
23873first of chain	�쭺
23874first operand	�Ĥ@�ާ@��
23875first operation used	�����@�~���ϥ�
23876first order	����O
23877first order difference equation	�@���t����
23878first order diffraction beam	�@���l�g����
23879first order dynamic logic	�@���ʺA�޿�
23880first order logic	�@���޿�
23881first order predicate calculus	�@���z���t��	FOPC
23882first order recursive program	�@�����µ{��
23883first order subroutine	�@�Ťl�Ҧ�`��
23884first order time constant	�@���ɶ��`��
23885first page indicator	�Ĥ@�����ܲ�
23886first partial product	�Ĥ@�����n
23887first party release	�D�s���u
23888first pass	�Ĥ@�M
23889first pass own coding sorting	�Ĥ@�M�۽s�X�������O
23890first probability distribution	�Ĥ@���v����
23891first ready first excute	���N��������	FRFE
23892first ready first execute	���N��������	FRFE
23893first selecting	�즸���
23894first speaker	�o�ܺ�
23895first storage level	�Ĥ@���x�s��
23896first symbol	�}�l�Ÿ�
23897first term	�}�궵
23898first terminal	�Ĥ@�׵���
23899first textword	�q��Ĥ@�r
23900first word address	���r��}	FWA
23901first word of text	�q��Ĥ@�r
23902first word poiter	���r���w	FWP
23903first-9n first-out buffering	���i���X�w�Īk
23904first-character forms control	�Ĥ@�r�Ů榡����	FCFC
23905first-choice	�����
23906first-choice circuit	�����q��
23907first-choice route	�������|
23908first-come first-served policy	���ӥ��A�ȵ���
23909first-come first-served schedule	���ӥ��A�Ƚիפ�k
23910first-end first-out	���������e�X	FEFO
23911first-ended first-out	����������X
23912first-fit method	���������k
23913first-in first-out	���i���X	FIFO
23914first-in first-out basis	���i���X��
23915first-in first-out buffer	���i���X�w�ľ�
23916first-in first-out buffer memory	���i���X�w�İO����
23917first-in first-out buffering	���i���X�w�Īk
23918first-in first-out list	���i���X��
23919first-in last-out	���i��X	FILO
23920first-in last-out stack	���i��X��
23921first-in-chain	�쭺	FIC
23922first-in-still there	���i���O�d	FIST
23923first-level address	�Ĥ@����}
23924first-level macro	�@�ŧ��\��
23925first-level protocol	�@�Ũ�w
23926first-order dependence	�Ĥ@�Ŭ�����
23927first-order expression	�@����F��
23928first-order language	�@���y��
23929first-order predicate	�@���z��
23930first-order predicate logic	�@���z���޿�
23931first-order subroutine	�Ĥ@�Ŧ��`��
23932first-order theory	�@���z��
23933first-pass sorting	�Ĥ@�M����
23934fiscal period	�|�p�g��
23935fish bone device	�������
23936fisheye lens	�����z��
23937fist in first out	���i���X	FIFO
23938fist in last out	���i��X	FILO
23939fit	�D�S
23940fit test rule	���X���ճW�h
23941fitted model	���X�ҫ�
23942fitting	���X
23943fitting compaction, curve	���u���k
23944fitting criterion	���X��h
23945fitting criterlon	���X��h
23946five bit byte	����r�`
23947five bit code	�����X
23948five figure system	����ƨ�
23949five hole punched tape	���ե��կȱa
23950five level	�����X
23951five level code	�����X
23952five level start-stop operation	�����_���ާ@
23953five partition support	�����Ϥ��
23954five srart-stopoperation	�����_���B��
23955five track reader	�����Ū�J��
23956five unit code	�����X
23957five-colour theorem	����w�z
23958five-in-a-row	���l��
23959five-level code	�����X
23960five-step per primary color	�C�ذ�������
23961five-unit teletype code	�����q�ǥ��r�X
23962fix	�T�w
23963fix up on printer	�C�L����w	FUOP
23964fixation	�w�v
23965fixed	�T�w
23966fixed address offset	�T�w��}�����q
23967fixed allocation	�T�w�t�m
23968fixed analog	�T�w����
23969fixed and exchangeable disc storage	�T�w���M�i�����Ϻ��x�s��	FEDS
23970fixed and exchangeable disk storage	�T�w���M�i�����Ϻ��x�s��
23971fixed and proportional spacing	�T�w�M����Ҧr�Ŷ��j
23972fixed and variable-sized window	�T�w���M�i�ܤj�p������
23973fixed area	�T�w	FX
23974fixed array method	�T�w�}�C
23975fixed asset	�T�w�겣
23976fixed asset accounting	�T�w�겣�|�p
23977fixed assets	�T�w�겣
23978fixed assignment	�T�w���
23979fixed automaton	�T�w�۰ʾ�
23980fixed base point	�T�w���I
23981fixed bias	�T�w���m
23982fixed bit rate	�T�w��S�v
23983fixed BLDL table	�T�w BLDL ��
23984fixed block	�T�w��	FB
23985fixed block architecture	�w�յ��c	FBA
23986fixed block architecture device	�T�w�����c�]��
23987fixed block format	�T�w���榡
23988fixed block length	�T�w������
23989fixed busy hour	�T�w�e�u�ɶ�
23990fixed connector	�T�w�s���ž�
23991fixed constant	�T�w�`��
23992fixed control area	�T�w�����
23993fixed control storage	�T�w�����x�s��	FCS
23994fixed cost	�T�w����
23995fixed count check	�w�Ʈֹ�
23996fixed currency symbol	�T�w�f���Ÿ�
23997fixed cycle	�T�w�P��
23998fixed cycle operation	�w�g�@�~	FCO
23999fixed data	�T�w��ƦW
24000fixed decimal	�w�I�Q�i�I
24001fixed decimal mode	�T�w�Q�i��ҺA
24002fixed disk	�w������
24003fixed disk drive	�T�w�Ϻо�
24004fixed disk formatting	�T�w�ϺЮ榡��
24005fixed disk storage	�T�w�Ϻ��x�s��	FDS
24006fixed earth station	�T�w�a����
24007fixed element of permutation	�ƦC���T�w����
24008fixed entry record	�T�w�J�f�O��
24009fixed equipment	�T�w�]��
24010fixed field	�T�w��
24011fixed field addressing	�T�w���w�}
24012fixed field format	�T�w���榡
24013fixed field language	�T�w���y��
24014fixed field method	�T�w���k
24015fixed field record	�T�w���O��
24016fixed form	�T�w�覡
24017fixed form coding	�T�w�榡�s�X
24018fixed form operation	�T�w�覡�ާ@
24019fixed format	�T�w�榡
24020fixed format message entry device	�T�w�榡�H����J�]��	FFMED
24021fixed format messages	�T�w�榡�H��
24022fixed function	�ɶ��Ы�
24023fixed function generator	�T�w��Ʋ��;�
24024fixed gain control	�T�w�W�q����	FGC
24025fixed head	�T�w���Y	FH
24026fixed head disc	�T�w�Y�Ϻ�	FHD
24027fixed head disc storage	�T�w�Y�Ϻ��x�s��	FHDS
24028fixed head disc/drum store	�T�w�Y�Ϻ�/ �Ϲ��x�s��	FHDS
24029fixed head disk	�T�w�Y�Ϻ�
24030fixed head storage facility	�T�w���Y�x�s�]��	FHSF
24031fixed header prefix	�T�w���D�e��	FHP
24032fixed interval	�T�w���j	FI
24033fixed jack	�T�w����	FJ
24034fixed length	�w��
24035fixed length code	�w���N�X
24036fixed length control area	�T�w���ױ����
24037fixed length operand	�w���O��
24038fixed length page	�w����
24039fixed length record	�T�w���װO��; �w����
24040fixed length record file	�w���O����
24041fixed length record format	( �T )�w��( �� )�����榡
24042fixed length records	( �T )�w��( �� )����
24043fixed length word	�w���r
24044fixed line numbers	�T�w�渹
24045fixed loop	�����j��
24046fixed master	�T�w�D��
24047fixed member	�T�w����
24048fixed memory	�T�w�O��
24049fixed opint part	�w�I��
24050fixed order quantity	�T�w�q�ʶq
24051fixed partition system	area	�T�w���Ϩt�ΰ�	FPSA
24052fixed path of operation	�T�w�ާ@���|	FPO
24053fixed path protocol	�T�w���|��w	FPP
24054fixed point	�w�I; �w�I��
24055fixed point address arithmetic logic unit	�w�I��}�B���޿賡��	FXPALU
24056fixed point arithmetic	�w�I��N	FPA
24057fixed point binary	�w�I�G�i��
24058fixed point calculation	�w�I�p��	FPC
24059fixed point computer	�w�I�p���
24060fixed point decimal	�w�I�Q�i��
24061fixed point fractional	���Ʃw�I
24062fixed point number	�w�I��
24063fixed point numbers	�w�I��
24064fixed point operation	�w�I�B��
24065fixed point part	�w�I����
24066fixed point repesentation system	�w�I��ܨt��
24067fixed point representation	�w�I���( �k )	FPR
24068fixed point system	�w�I�t��
24069fixed point value	�w�I��
24070fixed point variables	�w�I�ܼ�
24071fixed position keyboard	�T�w��m��L	FPK
24072fixed preassigned multiple-access	�T�w���w���t�h���s��	FPMA
24073fixed priority-oriented demand-assignment	�T�w�u���ɦV�����ݤ��t	FPODA
24074fixed program computer	�T�w�{���p���
24075fixed program receive	�T�w�`�ر���	FPR
24076fixed program send	�T�w�`�اаe	FPS
24077fixed quantity	�T�w�ƶq
24078fixed quantity required	�һݩT�w�ƶq
24079fixed radix (numeration) system	�T�w�ư�( �Ʀr )�t��
24080fixed radix notation	�T�w�ư�Ʀ�t��; �w��ưO�k
24081fixed radix numeration system	�T�w�ư�Ʀ�t��
24082fixed radix scale	�w�ư�Ы�
24083fixed routine	�T�w�`��
24084fixed sequence format	�T�w�ǦC�榡	FSF
24085fixed spacing	�T�w�Ŷ�
24086fixed storage	�T�w�x�s( �� )
24087fixed sttribute	�T�w�ݩ�
24088fixed term plan	�T�w���حp�E	FTP
24089fixed time	�T�w�ɶ�	FT
24090fixed time interval	�T�w�ɶ����j	FTI
24091fixed time schedule	�T�w�ɶ��i�ת�
24092fixed tolerance band compaction	�T�w�e�\�a���k
24093fixed type bar	�T�w�L�r��
24094fixed word length	�T�w�r��	FWL
24095fixed word length computer	�T�w�r���p���
24096fixed-block architecture device	�w�յ��c�]��	FBA
24097fixed-control computer	�T�w����p���
24098fixed-field coding	�T�w���s�X
24099fixed-format language	�T�w�榡�y��
24100fixed-format menu	�T�w�榡��
24101fixed-function generator	�T�w��Ƶo�;�
24102fixed-length logical format	�T�w�����޿�榡
24103fixed-length logical operand	�T�w�����޿�ާ@��
24104fixed-length module	�T�w���׼Ҷ�
24105fixed-length packet	�T�w���ץ]
24106fixed-length page	�T�w���׭���
24107fixed-length record merging mode	�w���O�������覡
24108fixed-length record sorting mode	�w���O�������覡
24109fixed-length request	�w���ШD
24110fixed-length sequence	�w���ǦC
24111fixed-length word	�w���r
24112fixed-point computer	�w�I�p���
24113fixed-point decimal	�w�I�Q�i���
24114fixed-point mode	�w�I�Ҧ�
24115fixed-point number	�w�I��
24116fixed-point part	�w�I����
24117fixed-point register	�w�I�Ȧs��
24118fixed-point representation system	�w�I�����t
24119fixed-program read-only storage	�T�w�{����Ū�O����
24120fixed-radix notation	�T�w��ưO�ƪk
24121fixed-radix numeration	�T�w��ưO�ƪk
24122fixed-radix numeration system	�T�w��ưO����t
24123fixed-radix scale	�T�w��ưO�ƪk
24124fixed-reference modulation	�T�w���ը�
24125fixed-size block	�T�w����
24126fixed-size command	�T�w�����O
24127fixed-size element	�T�w������
24128fixed-size record	�w���O��
24129fixed-tolerance-band compaction	�T�w�e���d��������Y
24130fixed-tolerance-band computer	�T�w�e���d��p���
24131fixed-value criterion	�T�w�ȭ�h
24132fixing	�w�v
24133fixing level	�w����
24134fixpoint theory	�����I�z��
24135fixpoitn induction method	�����I�k�Ǫk
24136fixture	�T�w��
24137fjlly integrated magnetic memory	���n��ϰO����
24138flag	�X��; �X��	FLG
24139flag	check	�лx������
24140flag bit	�X�мƤ�
24141flag byte	�аO�r�`
24142flag code	�лx�X
24143flag condition	�лx����
24144flag control	�аO����
24145flag data	�лx���
24146flag event	�лx�ƥ�
24147flag flip-flop	�лxIJ�o��
24148flag indicator	�лx���ܲ�
24149flag line	�лx��
24150flag logic function	�аO�޿�\��
24151flag number	�аO��
24152flag ove bound	�V�ɼлx
24153flag page	�X�Э�
24154flag register	�лx�Ȧs��	FLR
24155flag sense	�аOŪ�X
24156flag sequence	�X���ǦC
24157flag setting peripheral	�]�m�лx���~��]��
24158flag shift operation	�лx����ާ@
24159flag state	�лx���A
24160flag test	�X���
24161flag transfer	�лx�ǰe
24162flag value	�аO��
24163flag wequence	�лx�ǦC
24164flagging	�Ϲ�
24165flagging preposition	�лx����
24166flame-sprayed ferrite	���K�Q�\�K����
24167flange	�Y�t
24168flange connector	�s�����Y�t
24169flare	�~�X�����{��
24170flase floor	���a�O
24171flase host	���D��
24172flash	���X��; �{
24173flash call	�S��I�s
24174flash card	�{���d
24175flash information service	�S�ֱ����A��
24176flash item	²�u������
24177flash mode	�{�{�Ҧ�
24178flash signal	�{���H��
24179flash-type A/D converter	�ֳt����/ �Ʀ��ഫ��
24180flasher circuit	�{���^��
24181flashing	�{��
24182flashing light	�{�ʫ��ܿO
24183flat	���O
24184flat arrangement	���Z�w��
24185flat bed camera	���O��H��
24186flat cable	����q�l
24187flat card resolving potentiometer	���d���ѹq�쨯
24188flat conductor	�a���ɽu
24189flat descriptor	��ժ��y�z��
24190flat distribution	���Z����
24191flat fading	���Z�I��
24192flat fading channel	���Z�I���q�D
24193flat file	���Z��; ������
24194flat flexible cable	�a���X�ʹq�l
24195flat head plotter	���ꦡø�ϻ�
24196flat intergrated circuit	���n��q��
24197flat package	���ʸ�
24198flat panel display	���O��ܾ�
24199flat pannel display	�������ܾ�
24200flat pannel technique	���޳N
24201flat positive peak	�������p
24202flat rate	���ɭp��
24203flat transmission	�����ǰe
24204flat tuning	�ʽ�
24205flat weighting	�����[�v
24206flat wire	���u
24207flat-bed cylinder press	�����u���L���
24208flat-bed editing machine	���x�s���
24209flat-bed plotter	���Oø�ϻ�
24210flat-bed scanner	���O�x���y��
24211flat-bed scanning	�������y
24212flat-bed transmitter	���x�ǯu�o�e��
24213flat-film memory	�������O����
24214flat-package intergrated circuit	���ʸ˿n��q��
24215flat-sandwich multiconductor cable	�a���h��q�l
24216flathed plotter	�xø�Ͼ�
24217flatness	������
24218flattener	������
24219fleet scheduling program	�ֳt�Ƶ{�{��	FSP
24220fleury algorithm	���Ǩ���k
24221flexi mode	�u�ʤ覡
24222flexibility	�X��
24223flexibitity	���Y��
24224flexible	�u�ʪ�	FLEX
24225flexible algebraic scientific translator	�u�ʪ��N�Ƭ��½Ķ�{��	FAST
24226flexible array	�u�ʰ}�C
24227flexible array bound	�u�ʼƲլ�
24228flexible automation	�u�ʦ۰ʤ�
24229flexible base material	�n�ʰ��
24230flexible bus	�n�`�u
24231flexible central processing unit	�u�ʪ������B�z��	FCPU
24232flexible circuit	�n�ʦL��u��
24233flexible circuits	�X���u��
24234flexible control computer	�u�ʱ���p���
24235flexible data dictionary system	�u�ʸ�Ƶ���t��
24236flexible disc	�n�Ϻ�	FD
24237flexible disc drive	�n�Ϻо�	FDD
24238flexible disc system	�n�ϺШt��	FDS
24239flexible disk	�n�ʺϺ�
24240flexible disk cartridge	�����n�Ϻ�
24241flexible disk control	�n�Ϻб��
24242flexible disk controller	�n�б��	FDC
24243flexible disk drive	�n�Ϻо�	FDD
24244flexible disk system	�n�ϺШt��	FDS
24245flexible generic system software	�u�����ݨt�γn��
24246flexible ideal format for information	�u�ʲz�Q����T�榡
24247flexible interface technique	�u�ʤ����޳N	FIT
24248flexible joint	�n�s��
24249flexible manufacture system	�u�ʥ[�u�t��
24250flexible manufacturing system	�u�ʻs�y�t��	FMS
24251flexible multipipeline processor	�u�ʪ��h�D�y���u�B�z��	FMPP
24252flexible name	�i�ܪ��W�r
24253flexible package	�u�ʲո˥�
24254flexible parallel processing	�u�ʪ�����B�z
24255flexible plastic disc	��Ƴn�Ϻ�
24256flexible printed circuit	�X�ʦL��q��
24257flexible processor design	�u�ʳB�z�{�dz]�p
24258flexible symbol	�i�ܲŸ�
24259flexible test method for microprocessor	�L�B�z�����u�ʴ��ժk
24260flexible topology	�u�ʥ���
24261flexible vector	�i���Y���V�q
24262flexible wire	�n�u
24263fleximan	�u�ʾ��H
24264flexo-writer	�h�\�ॴ�r��
24265flexography	�ϥΥi�s���������L��k
24266flexowriter	�q�ǥ��r��
24267flexowriter code	�q�ǥ��r���X
24268flexural modulus	���s�Ҽ�
24269flicker	�{�{
24270flicker bit	���{��
24271flicker effect	�{�{����
24272flicker frequency	�{�{�W�v
24273flicker rate	�{�{�v
24274flickering	�{�{��
24275flicking	�{�{
24276flight analyzer	������R��
24277flight computer	����p���
24278flight course computer	�ɯ�p���
24279flight director computer	��������p���	FDC
24280flight simulator	���������
24281flight-path computer	��u�p���
24282flip chip	�˸˪k
24283flip flop	IJ�o	F/F
24284flip network	�洫����
24285flip symbol	��Ÿ�
24286flip-chip bonder	�˸˦����X��
24287flip-chip bonding	�˸ˤ����X�k
24288flip-chip integrated circuit	�˸ˤ��n��q��
24289flip-chip method	�˸˱��X�k
24290flip-chip structure	�˸ˤ����c
24291flip-chip transistor	�˸ˤ������
24292flip-flop	���Ͼ�
24293flip-flop a-ccoupled	��y���X���Ͼ�
24294flip-flop capcitance-coupled	�q�e���X���Ͼ�
24295flip-flop carry	�i�쥿�Ͼ�
24296flip-flop circuit	���Ͼ��q��
24297flip-flop counter	IJ�o�p�ƾ�
24298flip-flop decade ring	�Q�i��IJ�o�p����
24299flip-flop delay	IJ�o����
24300flip-flop direct-coupled	�������X���Ͼ�
24301flip-flop equipment	IJ�o�˸m
24302flip-flop register	���ϼȦs��
24303flip-flop sign	���t�����Ͼ�
24304flip-flop sign-control	���t������Ͼ�
24305flip-flop signal	IJ�o�H��
24306flip-flop signal control	IJ�o�H�����
24307flip-flop stage	IJ�o��
24308flip-flop storage	���Ͼ��x�s
24309flip-flop string	IJ�o��
24310flip-flop wequential circuit	IJ�o���ɧǹq��
24311flip-latch	����IJ�o��	FL
24312flipping	�ഫ
24313flj-head storage	�B�ʺϺ��x�s��
24314flle control	�ɮױ���	FICO
24315floaing outpout	�B�ʿ�X	FO
24316float	�B��
24317float attribute	�B���ݩ�
24318float contact	��IJ�B��
24319float dollar sign	�B�ʬ����Ÿ�
24320float factor	վ�ʦ]��
24321float head	�B�ʺ��Y
24322float plate assembly	�B�ʪO�˸m
24323floatable overlay	�i�B���л\
24324floatin-point coding compaction	�B�I�s�X���Y
24325floatin-point radix	�B�I���
24326floating	�B��
24327floating accent	���ʭ�����
24328floating accumulator	�B�I�֥[��	FAC
24329floating action controller	�B�ʦ����
24330floating add	�B�I�[�k	FAD
24331floating add absolutely	����ȯB�I�[	FAAB
24332floating add magnitude	�B�I�[�q	FAM
24333floating address	�B�ʦ�}
24334floating arithmetic sign	�B�I��N�Ÿ�
24335floating beacon	�B��
24336floating buffer	�B�ʽw�İ�
24337floating bus	�B���`�u
24338floating bushing	�B�ʮM��
24339floating carrier amplifier	�B�ʸ��i��j��
24340floating carrier modulation	�B�ʸ��i�ը�
24341floating channels	�B�ʳq�D
24342floating character	�B�ʦr��
24343floating command line	�B�ʩR�O��
24344floating constant	�B�I�`��
24345floating controller	�L�w�챱�
24346floating currency sign	�B�ʳf���Ÿ�
24347floating currency symbol	�B�ʳf���Ÿ�
24348floating data	�B�I���
24349floating decimal	�B�I�Q�i��
24350floating decimal abstract coding system	�B�I�Q�i���K�s�X�t��	FACS
24351floating decimal accumulator	�B�I�Q�i�֥[��
24352floating decimal arithmetic	�B�I�Q�i��B��
24353floating decimal mode	�`�ʤQ�i��ҺA
24354floating decimal set-up	�B�I�Q�i��˸m
24355floating devimal subroutine	�B�I�Q�i��B��l�Ҧ�`��
24356floating diffusion	�B�ʶǼ�
24357floating divide	�B�I���k	FD
24358floating error code	�B�ʿ��~�X	FEC
24359floating executive	�B�ʰ���`��
24360floating gate	�}�B�h
24361floating gate avalanche injection MOS	�B�]���Y�`�J�����ݮ�ƪ��b����
24362floating head	�B�ʺ��Y
24363floating head magnetic disk	�B���Y�Ϻ�
24364floating indexed point arithmetic	�B�I�ܧ}�B��	FLIP
24365floating input	�B�ʿ�J	FI
24366floating input distortion	�B�ʿ�J����	FID
24367floating input to ground output	�B�ʿ�J���a��X	FITGO
24368floating insertion character	�B�ʴ��J�r��
24369floating insertion editing	�B�ʴ��J�s��
24370floating interpretative automatic translator	�B�ʸ����۰�½Ķ�{��	FAIT
24371floating interpretive language	�B�I�����y��	FLINT
24372floating magnetic head	�B�ʺ��Y
24373floating maintenance mode	�B�ʺ��@�覡
24374floating multiply	�B�I���k	FML
24375floating normalized control	�B�I�W��Ʊ���
24376floating number	�B�I��
24377floating octal point	�B�I�K�i��	FLO
24378floating overflow bit	�B�I���X��
24379floating overflow trap	�B�I�W���۳�
24380floating overlay	�B���л\
24381floating point	�B�I; �B�I�ƾ�	FLP
24382floating point arithmetic	�B�I�B��	FPA
24383floating point arithmetic library	�B�I�B��w	FPAL
24384floating point arithmetic package	�B�I�B��M�˳n��
24385floating point arithmetic unit	�B�I�B�ⳡ��	FLPAU
24386floating point board	�B�I�O	FPB
24387floating point constant	�B�I�`��
24388floating point control field	�B�I�������
24389floating point data	�B�ʸ��
24390floating point data item	�B�I��ƶ�
24391floating point hardware	�B�I�w��	FPH
24392floating point instruction set	�B�I���O�t��	FIS
24393floating point interpretive program	�B�I��Ķ�{��	FLIP
24394floating point mode	�B�I�覡
24395floating point operand stack	�B�I�ާ@�ƴ�
24396floating point package	�B�I�M�˳n��	FPP
24397floating point processor	�B�I�B�z��	FPP
24398floating point processor unit	�B�I�B�z��	FPPU
24399floating point register	�B�I�Ȧs��	FPREG
24400floating point register-storage	�B�I�Ȧs��	FS
24401floating point root isolation	�B�I�ڤ���	FRTISO
24402floating point significance control	�B�I���Ħ챱��
24403floating point subtract	�B�I��
24404floating point system,inc	�B�I�t���q	FPS
24405floating point transformation	�B�I�ഫ
24406floating point underflow trap	�B�I�U���۳�
24407floating point underflow trap enable	���\�B�I�U���۳�
24408floating point unit	�B�I����	FPU
24409floating reference address	�B�ʰѦҦ�}
24410floating replacement character	�B�ʸm���r��
24411floating sign	�B�I�Ÿ�	FS
24412floating significance control	�B�ʦ��Ħ챱��
24413floating subroutine	�B�ʤl�Ҧ�`��
24414floating subtract	�B�I��k	FS
24415floating symbolic address	�B�ʲŸ���}
24416floating type	�B�I�Φ�
24417floating underflow	�B�I�U��
24418floating voltage	�B�ʹq��
24419floating zero	�B�ʹs
24420floating zero control	�B�ʹs�I����
24421floating-gate memory	�B�]�O����
24422floating-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor	�B�ʬ]���ݮ�ƪ��b����	FGMOS
24423floating-poing calculation	�B�I�p��
24424floating-poing data	�B�I���
24425floating-point	�B�I��	FLTPT
24426floating-point accelerator	�B�I�[�t��
24427floating-point accumulator	�B�I�֥[��
24428floating-point adder	�B�I�[�k��
24429floating-point arithmetic	�B�ʺ�N
24430floating-point arithmetic hardware	�B�I�B��w��
24431floating-point arithmetic package	�B�I�B��{���]	FAP
24432floating-point array processor	�B�I���}�C�B�z��
24433floating-point base	�B�I��; �B�I�ư�
24434floating-point basis	�B�I��
24435floating-point binary	�B�I�G�i�A	FLBIN
24436floating-point buffer	�B�I�w�ľ�	FLB
24437floating-point calculation	�B�I�p��
24438floating-point coding compaction	�B�I�g�X���k
24439floating-point coefficient	�B�I�Y��
24440floating-point compaction	�B�I���Y�k
24441floating-point computer	�B�I�p���
24442floating-point constant	�B�I�`��
24443floating-point constants	�B�I�`��
24444floating-point decimal	�B�I�Q�i��	FLDEC
24445floating-point divide exception	�B�I���k���`
24446floating-point exception	�B�I���`
24447floating-point exception routine	�B�I���`�Ҧ�`��
24448floating-point exponent	�B�I��
24449floating-point expression	�B�I��ܦ�
24450floating-point feature	�B�I�\�ೡ��
24451floating-point feature instruction	�B�I�\����O
24452floating-point field	�B�I���
24453floating-point format	�B�I�榡
24454floating-point indicator	�B�I���ܲ�
24455floating-point input format	�B�I��J�榡
24456floating-point input/output	�B�I��J��X
24457floating-point instruction group	�B�I���O
24458floating-point integer	�B�I���
24459floating-point literal	�B�I��r
24460Floating-point mathematics	�B�I�ƾ�
24461floating-point mode	�B�I�Ҧ�
24462floating-point mould	�B�I�ҫ�
24463floating-point multiplication	�B�I���k
24464floating-point notation	�B�I�O�ƪk
24465floating-point number	�B�I��
24466floating-point operation	�B�I�B��
24467floating-point operation code	�B�I�ާ@�X
24468floating-point operation stack	�B�I�ާ@��	FLOS
24469floating-point package	�B�I�M�˳n��	FPP
24470floating-point precision	�B�I���
24471floating-point processor exception	�B�I�B�z�����`
24472floating-point processor register	�B�I�B�z���Ȧs��
24473floating-point radix	�B�I�ư�
24474floating-point register	�Ȧs��	FPR
24475floating-point representation	�B�I��ܪk
24476floating-point representation system	�B�I��ܨt��
24477floating-point rounding	�B�I�ˤJ
24478floating-point routine	�B�I�`��
24479floating-point shift	�B�I����
24480floating-point status vector	�B�I���A�V�q	FSV
24481floating-point subroutine	�B�I�Ʊ`��
24482floating-point subtractor	�B�I��k��
24483floating-point system	�B�I��
24484floating-point transformation	�B�I�ഫ
24485floating-point truncation	�B�I�I�_
24486floating-point type	�B�I����
24487floating-point underflow	�B�I�U��
24488floating-poiut	�B�I�]��
24489floatingpoint operations per second	�C��B�I�B�⦸��	FLOPS
24490floatint-point base	�B�I��
24491floder block	�������|��
24492floding at boundary	��ɧ��|�k
24493flood study	���g�v��
24494flooding	���̹�
24495flooding routing	�X�������|���
24496floopy base	�n�а�
24497floor function	�a�O���
24498floor of number	�ƪ��U���
24499floor space	�����n
24500floor stock	�{���w�s
24501floor stock code	�{���w�s�X
24502floor time	�����ɶ�
24503flop symbol	��Ÿ�
24504flop-flop register	IJ�o���Ȧs��
24505floppy	�n���ϺЪ�
24506floppy data entry system	�n�Ϻи�Ƶn���t��
24507floppy disc cartridge	�����n�Ϻ�
24508floppy disc controller	�n�б��	FDC
24509floppy disc drive	�n�Ϻо�	FDD
24510floppy disc editor	�n�нs��{��	FDEDIT
24511floppy disc operating system	�n�Ϻоާ@�t��	FDOS
24512floppy disc performance	�n�Щʯ�
24513floppy disc send/receive	�n�Ϻеo�e����	FDSR
24514floppy disc system	�n�Шt��	FDS
24515floppy disk	�n�Ϻ�; �Ϥ�
24516floppy disk archiving system	�n���k�ɨt��
24517floppy disk assembler	�n�вզX�{��	FDASM
24518floppy disk controller	�n�б��	FDC
24519floppy disk drive	�n���Ϻо�	FDD
24520floppy disk format controller	�n�Ю榡���
24521floppy disk formatting	�n�Ю榡��
24522floppy disk reader	�Ϥ��\Ū��
24523floppy disk reference point	�n�аѦ��I
24524floppy disk sectors	�n����
24525floppy disk unit	�n�о�
24526floppy diskette	�n���Ϻ�
24527floppy mini	�p�n�Ϻ�
24528floppy ROM	�X�ʰ�Ū�O����
24529floting instruction set	�B�I���O�t��	FIS
24530flourescent	���
24531flow	�y�{; �y��
24532flow analysis	�y���R
24533flow bidirectional	���V�y�{
24534flow block diagram	�y�{��	FBD
24535flow board	�����O
24536flow chart	�y�{��
24537flow chart process	�y�{�ϹL�{
24538flow chart symbol	�y�{�ϲŸ�
24539flow chart text	�y�{�ϥ���
24540flow charting	�y�{�Ͻs��
24541flow comment	�y�`��
24542flow contro procedure	�y����L�{
24543flow control	�y�q����; ����yչ	FC
24544flow control algorithm	�y�����k
24545flow control data generator	�y�����ƥͦ���	FLCDG
24546flow control mechanixm	�y������c
24547flow control parameter negotiation	�y�{����Ѽưөw
24548flow control scheme	�y������
24549flow diagram	�y�{�ϸ�; �y�V��
24550flow diagram, dunamic	�ʺA�y�{��
24551flow direction	�y�V
24552flow graph	�y��
24553flow graph algorithm	�y�Ϻ�k
24554flow graph reducibility	�y�ϥi����
24555flow graph schematic model	�y�{�ϹϸѼҫ�
24556flow in network	�����y
24557flow label	�y�и�
24558flow line	�y�{�u
24559flow normal direction	���V�y�{
24560flow of control	����y�{
24561flow of control model	����y�ҫ�
24562flow of information	��T�y
24563flow of program	�{���y�{
24564flow parallel	���p�y�{
24565flow process diagram	�y�{��
24566flow revese-direction	�ϦV�y�{
24567flow serial	��C�y�{
24568flow status attribute	�y���A�ݩ�
24569flow tabel	�y�{��
24570flow table	�����
24571flow trace	�y�{���a
24572flow tracer	�H���y�l�a�{��
24573flow tracer routine	�H���y���a�Ҧ�`��
24574flowchart	�y�{��
24575flowchart connector	�y�{�ϳs����
24576flowchart convention	�y�{�ϳW�h
24577flowchart data	��Ƭy�{��
24578flowchart generator	�y�{�ϵo�;�	FLOWGEN
24579flowchart graph	�عϧΦ�����
24580flowchart microprogramming language	�y�{�ϷL�{���p�y��
24581flowchart package	�y�{�ϥ]
24582flowchart program	�y�{�ϵ{��
24583flowchart schema	�y�{�ϼҦ�
24584flowchart symbol	�y�{�ϲŸ�
24585flowchart technique	�y�{�ϧ޳N
24586flowchart template	�y�{�ϼҪO
24587flowchart text	�y�{�ϥ���
24588flowcharting	�y�{�ϻs�@
24589flowline	�y�{�u
24590flowsheet	�ާ@�{�Ǯع�
24591floyd evans production language	�����w--��贵���ͦ��y��
24592floyd production recognizer	�����w���ͦ��ѧO��
24593floyd-e-cans production language	������w--��贵���ͦ��y��	FPL
24594flubble	�n�Ϫw
24595fluctuation	�_��
24596fluent computers	�G�A�p���
24597fluerics	�y����
24598fluid	�G	FL
24599fluid computer	�g�y�p���
24600fluid container	��_�c
24601fluid digital computer	�g�y�Ʀ�p���	FDC
24602fluid dynamics	�y��ʤO��
24603fluid logic	�y���޿�
24604fluid mechanics	�y��O��
24605fluid pump	�y�鬦
24606fluid-operated digital automatic computer	�g�y�۰ʼƦ�p���	FLODAC
24607fluidic	�g�y
24608fluorescence	�å�
24609fluorescent display	�å���ܾ�
24610fluorescent lamp	��O
24611fluorescent paint	��\��
24612fluorescent radiation	���g
24613fluorescent screen	���
24614fluorescent X-ray	�å�X-�g�u
24615fluorimeter	��p
24616flush	����; �M��
24617flush closedown	�M����
24618flush left	����ƻ�
24619flush printed board	�������L��O
24620flush right	�k��ƻ�
24621flush time	�q�L�ɶ�
24622flush type circuit	�������q��
24623flushing	�R�~
24624flutter	�\��
24625flutter and wow	�t�פ����é�
24626flutter computer	Ÿ�ʭp���
24627flux	�ϳq
24628flux change character	�r����	FC
24629flux changes perinch	�q�q���ܦ���/ �^�o	FCPI
24630flux coating	�k���\��
24631flux counter	�ϳq�p�ƾ�
24632flux curve	�q�q���u
24633flux deeper	�O�q��
24634flux density	�q�q�K��
24635flux gate	�ϳq�q�h
24636flux leakage	�|��
24637flux logic elment array	�ϳq�q�޿褸��}�C	FLEA
24638flux meter	�ϳq�p
24639flux responsive head	�ϳq�u�ӺϺ�
24640flux reversal per inch	�C�^�o�ϳq���স��
24641flux reversal per millimeter	�ϳq½��/ �@��	FRPM
24642flux switching technique	�ϳq½��޳N
24643flux transitions per inch	�C�^�o�q�q�ܤƼ�	FTPI
24644flux tranxitions per inch	�C�^�o�q�q�ܤ�	FTPI
24645fly bach	�^���y
24646fly fold	����
24647fly lens	�Dz��z��
24648fly-speck	�p�ô�
24649flyback power supply	�^���q��
24650flyback time	���ɶ�
24651flyback transformer	�^��������
24652flying	�B�_��
24653flying belt printer	���a�C�L��
24654flying disk printer	�r���C�L��
24655flying drum printer	�r�馡�C�L��
24656flying head	�B�ʺϺ�
24657flying height	�B�ʰ���
24658flying paper	�ֳt���ʯ�
24659flying printer	���b���C�L��
24660flying sheel printer	����C�L��
24661flying spot	���I
24662flying spot scanner	���I���y	FSS
24663flying spot scanning digitizer	���I���y�Ʀ�ƻ�
24664flying spot store	���I�x�s��	FSS
24665flying spot store address	���I�x�s��}
24666flying wheel printer	����C�L��
24667flying zone	�ϺӯB�ʰ�
24668flying-spot scanner	���I���y��
24669flying-spot scanning	���I���y( �k )
24670flying-spot tube	���y��
24671flynn classification schema	���L�����k
24672flywheel effect	�������
24673FM recording	���W�O��
24674FME response	FME ����
24675FMS converter	FMS �ഫ�{��
24676foag flip-flop	�X�Х��Ͼ�
24677foating-point status vector	�B�I���A�V�q	FSV
24678focal distance	�J�Z
24679focal length	�J�Z	FL
24680focal point	�J�I
24681focus	�J�I
24682FOCUS	�J�I
24683focus coil	�E�J�u��
24684focus coil acis	�E�J�u��b
24685focus committee	���ߩe���|
24686focus fiber optics	�E�J����
24687focus lens	�E�J�z��
24688focus out	���J
24689focus serve	�E�J���A
24690focused overload	�����W��
24691focusing	�E�J
24692focusing coil	�E�J�u��
24693fog	�P���L��
24694foil	��
24695fold	�P�X; �P�|
24696foldable operation	�i���|�B��
24697folded array configuration	�魡�Ʋհt�m
24698folded spectrum technique	���|���Ч޳N
24699folder	���w; ���v
24700folder directory	�������|�ؿ�
24701folder name	���W
24702folder problem	���D��
24703folder store	�������|�x�s
24704folding	�P�|
24705folding ratio	���|�v
24706folding scheme	���|�覡
24707folio	���X( ���G�� )
24708folio berso	�������I��
24709folio verso	�������I��	FV
24710follow	���H	FLW
24711follow symbol	���~�Ÿ�
24712follow-on	�~��
24713follow-the-index	�u���޴M�d
24714follow-up	���a	FU
24715follow-up control	�l�ܱ���
24716follow-up date	��ʤ��
24717follow-up date shortage	��ʤ������
24718follow-up file	�l����
24719follow-up potentiometer	���a�q��p
24720follow-up servo	�H�ʦ��A���c
24721follower cathode	�����H����
24722following component	���~���q
24723following error in servo system	���A�t�������a�~�t
24724following items not available	�U�C�U�����s�b	FINA
24725following word	���H�r
24726folm standard	�зǧΦ�
24727fomatting program	�榡�Ƶ{��
24728font	�P��r��; �r�β�
24729font	�r��
24730font area	�r�ΰ�
24731font assignment	�r�����w
24732font card	�r�βեd�O
24733font change	�r����	FC
24734font change character	�r�����ܦr��
24735font data	�r��
24736font data set	�r�θ�ƶ�
24737font disk	�r�Һ�
24738font diskette	�r�βպϤ�
24739font family	�r���ڨt
24740font file	�r�β��ɮ�
24741font integrity	�r�����
24742font invocation	�r���ե�
24743font load	�r�����J
24744font map	�r����
24745font master	�r���
24746font membership	�r�β�
24747font memory	�r�ΰO����
24748font name	�r�ΦW��
24749font number	�r�βռ�
24750font outline	�r�Υ~��
24751font pattern	�r��
24752font reticle	�r�ή�
24753font select	�r��
24754font set	�r�ζ�
24755font size	�r�Τj�p
24756font store	�r�Үw
24757font type	�r��
24758font values	�r�έ�
24759FONTAC	FONTAC �p���
24760foot candle	�^�ؿå�
24761foot candle meter	�ӫ׭p
24762foot cross	�椬����
24763foot pedal	�}��}��
24764footer	���}; ���}����
24765foothill problem	�p�C���D
24766footing	�X�p	FTG
24767footing area	���}��
24768footnote	�}��	FN
24769footnote number	�}���X
24770footnote separator	�}���ѧO�r��
24771footnotes	���}
24772footprint	�x�����n
24773FOR clause	FOR �l�y
24774for list	FOR ���
24775for list element	FOR ����
24776for statement	FOR �ԭz
24777for statement syntax	�`��FOR �ԭz�y�k
24778for your information	�ѰѦ�	FYI
24779for-all structure	���ާ@���c
24780for-loop	�`��
24781for-loop block	�`�����{��
24782for-loop optimization	�`���u��
24783for-part	�`���ѼƳ���
24784foral	�@�ذ��žڮw�Τ�y��
24785forbidden channel	�T�γq�D
24786forbidden character	�T�Φr��
24787forbidden character code	�T�ΫD�k�r�ŽX
24788forbidden code	�T�νX
24789forbidden combination	�T�βզX
24790forbidden combination check	�T�βզX����
24791forbidden digit	�T�μƦ�
24792forbidden digit check	�T�Φr������
24793forbidden instruction	�T���O
24794forbidden-combination check	�T�βզX�ֹ�
24795forbidden-digit check	�T�μƦ�ֹ�
24796forbidden-pulse combination	�T��߽IJզX
24797forbidding subgraph	�T�Τl��
24798forcast periods	�w������
24799force	�j��; ��
24800force add code	�j���s�W�X
24801force administration data system	�L���޲z��ƨt��	FADS
24802force air cooling	�q���N�o
24803force checkpoint	�j���ˬd�I
24804force close	�j������
24805force contact engaging	���O
24806force contact separating	��O
24807force interrupt	�j��_
24808force of impression	���O
24809force placement method	�O����
24810force start	�j��۰�
24811forced air cooling	�q���N�o
24812forced branch	�j���ಾ
24813forced coding	�j��g�X
24814forced control field	�j������
24815forced convection cooling	�j����y�N�o
24816forced decision rule	�j��M���W�h
24817forced display	�j�����
24818forced draft	�j��q��
24819forced job startup	�j��u�@�Ұ�
24820forced linearization	�j��u�ʤ�
24821forced prority	�j���u����
24822forced release	�j���o��
24823forced termination	�j��פ�
24824forced ventialtion	�j��q��
24825forcibly hamiltion sequence	�j��K���y�ǦC
24826forcing	�j�
24827forcing function	�j����
24828fore-tapy sort	�ϱa�w��z
24829forecast	�w��
24830forecast center	�w������	FC
24831forecast coordinator	�w����դH��
24832forecast error	�w�����~
24833forecast master synchronization	�w���D�ɦP�B
24834forecast model	�w���Ҧ�
24835forecast option	�w�����
24836forecast period size	�w�������j�p
24837forecast quantity	�w���ƶq
24838forecasting	�w��
24839forecasting inventory technique	�w���w�s�q�޳N
24840forecasting software maintenance	�w���n����@
24841forecasting theory	�w���z��
24842foreground	�e��	FG
24843foreground and background monitor	�e�x�P��x�ʱ��{��	FBM
24844foreground colour	�e���C��
24845foreground display image	�e�x��ܹ϶H
24846foreground image	�e���v��
24847foreground initiated background job	�e�x�۰ʪ���x�@��
24848foreground initiated batch	�e���޵o( �� )��( �B�z )
24849foreground initiation	�e�x�۰�
24850foreground job	�e�x�@��
24851foreground job processing	�e�x�@���B�z
24852foreground message processing program	�e�x�H���B�z�{��
24853foreground mode	�e�x�覡
24854foreground monitor	�e�x�ʱ��{��
24855foreground partition	�e�x����
24856foreground processing	�e���B�z; �e���B�z
24857foreground program	�e���{��
24858foreground programming	�e���W��
24859foreground region	�e����
24860foreground routine	�e���ұ`��
24861foreground scheduler	�e���Ƶ{�{��
24862foreground system	�e���t��
24863foreground table	�e�x��	FGT
24864foreground task	�e������
24865foreground-background communication	�e��--�᳡�q�H
24866foreground-background discipline	�e�x--��x�W�h
24867foreground-background enviromnent	�e�x--��x����
24868foreground-background monitor	�e��--�᳡�ʷ��{��
24869foreground-background scheduling	�e��--�᳡�ի�
24870foreground/background	�e�x/ ��x	F/B
24871foregrounding	�e�x�]�m
24872foreign area customer dialing	�~�ϥΤἷ��	FACD
24873foreign area translation	�~���ܴ�
24874foreign attachments	�~�����[�˸m
24875foreign exchange	���~�洫��	FEX
24876foreign exchange line	���~�洫�u��
24877foreign exchange service	�V�ϥ洫�A��
24878foreign host	�~���D��
24879foreign key	�~����; �~������X
24880foreign key link	�~����s��
24881foreign medium	�~���C��
24882foreign numbering plan area	�~���s���W�E��	FNPA
24883foreign source data	�~�ӷ����
24884foreign volume	�~��( �� )��
24885foreman	��Z
24886forest	��ƪL
24887forgetful functor	�i���l
24888fork	�e��
24889fork block	�e�ζ�
24890fork configuration	�e��c
24891fork dispatcher	�e��������
24892fork process	�e�γB�z�{��
24893fork qyeye	�e�Φ�C
24894fork structure of bubble device	�Ϫw�����e�ε��c
24895forked working	��e�u�@
24896form	�榡; �Φ�
24897form advance	����
24898form application aids	�������U
24899form attributes	����ݩ�
24900form building	���إ�
24901form bursting	�����q
24902form context	����q
24903form control	��汱��
24904form control buffer	�榡����w�İ�	FCB
24905form control image	�榡����϶H
24906form control procedure	�榡����L�{
24907form data	�����
24908form data description generation	�榡��ƴy�z�ͦ�
24909form data item	����ƶ���
24910form definition	���w�q	FORMDEF
24911form definition language	�榡�w�e�y��
24912form definition utility	���w�q���ε{��	FDU
24913form description	���y�z
24914form description utility	�榡�y�z���ε{��	FDU
24915form design	���]�p
24916form design sheet	���]�p��
24917form designer	���]�p��
24918form development	���o�i
24919form development environment	���o�i����
24920form document	�����
24921form driver	����X�ʵ{��; ����X�ʾ�	FDV
24922form editor	���s��{��; ���s�边	FED
24923form factor	���t��
24924form feed	����X�e; ����	FF
24925form feed character	�榡�ǰe�r��	FF
24926form feed control character	��������X
24927form feed out	����
24928form feeding	����X�e
24929form fidle constant	������`��
24930form field attribute	�������ݩ�
24931form field validator	��������Ѳ�
24932form file	�����; ����ɮ�
24933form flash	�榡�{��
24934form guide roller	�ɤ޽���
24935form interface management system	��椶���޲z�t��
24936form language	���y��
24937form language protocol model	�Φ��y���W���ҫ�
24938form letter	�H��
24939form librarian	���w�޲z�{��
24940form library	���w
24941form libray maintenance	�榡�w���@
24942form maintenance utility	�榡���@���ε{��
24943form maintenance utility control file	�榡���@���ε{�������ɮ�
24944form maintenance work space	�榡���@�u�@�Ŷ�
24945form management	�榡�޲z
24946form management system	���޲z�t��	FMS
24947form management utility	���޲z���ε{��	FMU
24948form manager	���޲z�{��
24949form map	�榡�M�H
24950form mode	���覡
24951form modifying	�榡�ק�
24952form movement time	���Ȳ��ʮɶ�
24953form name	���W��
24954form normal	���`��
24955form object file	���ؼ��ɮ�
24956form of bits	�X����
24957form of object code	�ؼнX�Φ�
24958form of physical store	����x�s��
24959form of service	���ȧΦ�
24960form of subscripts	�U�Ю�Φ�
24961form overlay	�榡���|
24962form pinfeed	�w�X���
24963form pseudo-instruction	�������O��
24964form quasiinstruction	�ǫ��O�Φ�
24965form receiving tray	���Ȭ[
24966form record	������
24967form record field	��������
24968form retrieval and manipulation language	����˯��P�ާ@�y��	FOREMAN
24969form session file	�榡�|���ɮ�
24970form sheet	���
24971form skip	����
24972form snapshot	��������v��
24973form stop	��氱��
24974form summary	���K�n
24975form tester	�����Ѿ�
24976form type code	�榡�X
24977form upgrade utility	���ɯŤ��ε{��	FUU
24978form utility	��椽�ε{��	FUT
24979form-based command interpreter	��_�榡���R�O��Ķ�{��
24980forma design specification	���]�p����
24981formaiton rule	�c�y�W�h
24982formal	�Φ�
24983formal "device" handler	��"�]��"�B�z�{��
24984formal address	����}
24985formal argument	�Φ��ܤ�
24986formal attribute	�Φ��ݩ�
24987formal axiomatics	�����z��
24988formal check	��������
24989formal class	����
24990formal conditional statement	�Φ�����ԭz
24991formal control	������
24992formal data-base query	�Φ���Ʈw�d��
24993formal declarer	��������
24994formal deduction	������
24995formal definiton	�Φ��лx
24996formal denotational semantics	�Φ���ܻy�q
24997formal description language	���y�z�y
24998formal explanation of implementation	��{��������
24999formal file	�Φ��ɮ�
25000formal file identifier	�Φ��ɮ׼��Ѳ�
25001formal grammar	����k
25002formal implication	�Φ�ĭ�[
25003formal language	���y��
25004formal language grammar	���y����k
25005formal language processor	���y���B�z�{��
25006formal language theory	���y���z��
25007formal linguistics	���y����
25008formal logic	�Φ��޿�
25009formal lower bound	���U��
25010formal microprogram	���L�{��
25011formal model	�Φ��ҫ�
25012formal model of software life cycle	�n��ͦs�����Φ��ҫ�
25013formal model of system behaviour	�t�Ωʯ઺�Φ��ҫ�
25014formal notion fo grammar	��k��������
25015formal parameter	�Φ��Ѽ�
25016formal parameter call	�Φ��Ѽƽե�
25017formal parameter identifier	�Φ��ѼƼ��Ѳ�
25018formal parameter list	�Φ��Ѽƪ�C
25019formal parameter part	�Φ��ѼƳ���
25020formal parameter section	�Φ��ѼƬq
25021formal parameter type	�Φ��Ѽ�����
25022formal parsing algorithm	���y�k���R��k
25023formal proof	������
25024formal property of grammar	��k�����S��
25025formal pushdown automaton	�Φ��U���۰ʾ�
25026formal qualification review	���X��_�d	FQR
25027formal qualification test	���W������	FQT
25028formal query language	�Φ��߰ݻy��	FQL
25029formal record	���O��
25030formal row	����
25031formal rule	���W�h
25032formal semantic definition	���y�q�w�q
25033formal semantic description	���y�q�y�z
25034formal semantic language	���y�q�y��	FSL
25035formal semantics	���y�q
25036formal specification	������
25037formal syntax	���y�k
25038formal system	���t��
25039formal testing	������
25040formal theory	���z��
25041formal type model	�Φ����ҫ�
25042formal upper bound	���W��
25043formal value parameter	�Φ��ȰѼ�
25044formal variable	�Φ��ܼ�
25045formal variable parameter	�Φ��ܼưѼ�
25046formal verification	������
25047formal-actual parameter correspondence	�ΰ�-��ѹ������t
25048formalism	�W����
25049formalizatio fof requirement	�ݨD�Φ���
25050formalize	����
25051formalized computer	�Φ��ƭp���
25052formalized computer program	�Φ��ƭp����{��
25053formant	����; �@���p
25054format	�榡; �s�@�榡	FMT
25055format address	��}�榡
25056format analyzer	�榡���R��
25057format and protocol language	�榡�M�W���y��	FAPL
25058format character	�榡��
25059format character nonprint	���C�L���榡��
25060format character set	�榡�r�Ŷ�
25061format chart	�榡��
25062format check	�榡�ֹ�
25063format classification	�榡����
25064format classification short-hand	�榡�����Y
25065format code	�榡�X
25066format command	�榡�R�O
25067format construction	���c�y
25068format control	�榡����
25069format control language	�榡����y��	FCL
25070format control panel	�榡����O
25071format control revision	�榡����ץ�
25072format control word	�榡����r	FCW
25073format conversion	�榡�ഫ
25074format converter	�榡�ഫ��
25075format counter	�榡�p�ƾ�	FC
25076format definition	�榡�w�q
25077format description statement	�榡�y�z�ԭz
25078format description type	�榡�y�z����
25079format descrlption	�榡�y�z
25080format designator	�榡�лx��
25081format detail	�榡�ӥ�
25082format device	�榡�Ƹ˸m
25083format directed	���V�榡
25084format effector	�榡����; �榡����r��	FE
25085format effector character	�榡����r��
25086format error	�榡���~
25087format feed character	�榡�X�e�r��
25088format field descriptor	�榡���y�z��
25089format frequency	�@���p��X
25090format generator	�榡�ͦ���
25091format group	�榡�s��
25092format horizontal	�����榡
25093format identification	�榡����	FID
25094format identification field	�榡�������
25095format identifier	�榡�ѧO�r	FI
25096format implicit address instruction	�榡����}���O
25097format information	�榡�H��
25098format instruction	���O�榡
25099format item	�榡��
25100format label	�榡�и�
25101format line	�榡��
25102format list	�榡��C
25103format logic	���޿�
25104format loop	�榡��
25105format macros	�榡���\��
25106format manager	�榡�޲z�{��	FM
25107format master	�榡�D��
25108format memory data	�榡�O������
25109format mode	�榡�覡
25110format modification	�榡�ק�
25111format n-address instruction	n�}���O�榡
25112format notation	�榡��ܪk
25113format of edit-directed transmission	�s�覡�ǿ�榡
25114format of list-directed I/O	����J��X�榡
25115format of transaction I/O nessage	�ƶ��B�z��J��X����榡
25116format order	�O�榡
25117format pattern	�榡����
25118format primary	�榡�쵥��
25119format program	�榡�{��
25120format recognition	�榡�ѧO
25121format record	�榡�O��
25122format register	�榡�Ȧs��
25123format routine	�榡�Ҧ�`��
25124format selection	�榡���
25125format sentence	�榡�ԭz
25126format service program	�榡�A�ȵ{��
25127format set	�榡��
25128format sheet	�榡��
25129format specification	�榡����
25130format specification interpretation	�榡�W�d����
25131format statement	�榡�y��
25132format string	�榡��; �榡�r��
25133format structure	�榡���c
25134format summary	�榡���n
25135format symbol	�榡�Ÿ�
25136format text	�榡����
25137format translate	�榡½Ķ
25138format type	�榡����	FT
25139format vertical	�����榡
25140format-controlled cbaracter file	�榡����r���ɮ�
25141format-directed list processor	�榡�����B�z��	FLIP
25142formation	�c�y
25143formation of hologram	�����Ϩ�@
25144formatless input	�L�榡��J
25145formatted data	�榡�Ƹ��
25146formatted data entry program	�榡�Ƹ�Ƶn���{��	FDEP
25147formatted diskette	�榡�ƪ��n�Ϻ�
25148formatted display	�榡����ܹ�
25149formatted DSCB	�榡�Ƹ�ƶ������
25150formatted dump	�榡�����x
25151formatted field	�榡����
25152formatted field definition	�榡���w�q
25153formatted file system	�榡���ɮרt��	FFS
25154formatted I/O statement	�榡��J��X�ԭz
25155formatted image	�榡�ƹ϶H
25156formatted input/output	�榡�ƿ�J��X
25157formatted language	�榡�ƻy��
25158formatted logic record	�榡���޿�O��
25159formatted message	�榡�ƫH��
25160formatted program	�榡�Ƶ{��
25161formatted program interface	�榡�Ƶ{������
25162formatted program out listing	�榡�{����X�C��
25163formatted read statement	�榡Ū�ԭz
25164formatted record	�榡�ưO��
25165formatted request	�榡�ƽШD
25166formatted source file	�榡�Ʒ��ɮ�
25167formatted source program	�榡�Ʒ��{��
25168formatted storage capacity	�榡���x�s�e�q
25169formatted system services	�榡�ƨt�ΪA�ȵ{��
25170formatted tape	�榡��( �� )�a
25171formatted volume	�榡�ƨ�
25172formatted write statement	�榡�g�ԭz
25173formatter	�ƪ��{��; �榡��
25174formatting	�榡�Ƥ�
25175formatting flexibility	�榡�Ƽu��
25176formatting mode	�榡�Ƥ覡
25177formed wire contact	�u®�����Y
25178former	�u��[
25179former surrounding case	�e���ұ��p
25180forms control buffer	�榡����w�ľ�	FCB
25181forms description language	���y�z�y��	FDL
25182forms entry system	�����J�t��	FES
25183forms management system	�榡�޲z�t��	FMS
25184formsoriented interactive data base system	�����檺�椬��Ʈw�t��	FIDBS
25185formula	����
25186formula ALGOL	���� ALGOL �y��
25187formula and statement translator	�����M�ԭz½Ķ�{��	FAST
25188formula assembler translator	�����զX½Ķ�{��	FORAST
25189formula calculator	�����p�⾹
25190formula coder	�����s�X��	FORC
25191formula language	�����y��
25192formula manipulation	�����ܴ�
25193formula manipulation compiler	�����B�z�sĶ�{���y	FORMAC
25194formula manipulation language	�����B�z�y	FORMAL
25195formula mode	������( �A )
25196formula recognition	�����ѧO
25197formula translating language	����½Ķ�y��
25198formula translator	����½Ķ�{��
25199formulate	�g������
25200formulation	�ԭz��
25201formulation method	������ܪk
25202formulator	�����Ƶ{��
25203fornat element descriptor	�榡�n���y�z	FED
25204FORTAN	�ֶ�
25205FORTH compiler	FORTH �sĶ�{��
25206FORTH language	FORTH �y��
25207fortnightly decision	���P�M�w
25209FORTRAN	implementation	FORTRAN ����{
25210FORTRAN 66	FORTRAN �y��1966�~�Э㪩��
25211FORTRAN 77	FORTRAN �y��1977�~�Э㪩��
25212FORTRAN 77 character set	FORTRAN 77�r�Ŷ�
25213FORTRAN 77 free-format specificaiton	FORTRAN 77�ۥѮ榡����
25214FORTRAN american standards association	����FORTRAN ���|
25215FORTRAN and internal translator system	����½Ķ�{���P����½Ķ�{���t��	FORTRANSIT
25216FORTRAN assembler	FORTRAN �զX�{��	FORBLR
25217FORTRAN assembly program	FORTRAN ��Ķ�{��	FAP
25218FORTRAN assmbly program	FORTRAN �զX�{��	FAP
25219FORTRAN automated cod evaluation system	FORTRAN �۰ʽs�X�����t��	FACES
25220FORTRAN automated code evaluation system	FORTRAN �۰ʽs�Xų�w�t��	FACES
25221FORTRAN automatic checkout system	FORTRAN �۰�����t��	FACS
25222FORTRAN automatic checkout system	FORTRAN �۰�����t��	FACS
25223FORTRAN automatic debugging system	FORTRAN �۰ʰ����t��	FADS
25224FORTRAN automatic debugging system	FORTRAN �۰ʰ����t��	FADS
25225FORTRAN automatic symbol translator	FORTRAN �۰ʲŸ�½Ķ�{��	FAST
25226FORTRAN automatic symbol translator	FORTRAN �۰ʲŸ�½Ķ��	FAST
25227FORTRAN automatic timing system	FORTRAN �۰ʩw�ɨt��	FATS
25228FORTRAN automatic timing system	FORTRAN �۰ʩw�ɨt��	FASTS
25229FORTRAN calculator	FORTRAN �y���p�⾹	FOCAL
25230FORTRAN calculator	FORTRAN �y���p�⾹	FOCAL
25231FORTRAN Coding Form	�ֶǼg�X��
25232FORTRAN committee	FORTRAN �e���|
25233FORTRAN COMMON statement	FORTRAN ���@�ԭz
25234FORTRAN compiler	FORTRAN �sĶ�{��
25235FORTRAN compiler system	FORTRAN �sĶ�{���t��
25236FORTRAN compiler validation system	FORTRAN �sĶ�{������t��	FCVS
25237FORTRAN compiler validation system	FORTRAN �sĶ�{������t��	FCVS
25238FORTRAN computation	�ֶǭp��
25239FORTRAN conditional	FORTRAN ����
25240FORTRAN construction	FORTRAN �y�����c
25242FORTRAN control character	FORTRAN ����r��
25243FORTRAN data application and control	FORTRAN ������λP����	FORDAC
25244FORTRAN database language comminittee	FORTRAN �Ʈw�y���e���|	FDBLC
25245FORTRAN debug package	FORTRAN �����{���]	FDP
25246FORTRAN debugging aid program	FORTRAN �������U�{��	FORDAP
25247FORTRAN debugging system	FORTRAN �����t��	FDS
25248FORTRAN deductive system	FORTRAN �tö�t��	FDS
25249FORTRAN DO statement	FORTRAN �`���ԭz
25250FORTRAN execution error monitor	FORTRAN ����X���ʷ��{��
25251FORTRAN execution time estimator	FORTRAN ����ɶ����p�{��	FETE
25252FORTRAN executive	assembly program	FORTRAN �����Ķ�{��	FEAP
25253FORTRAN executive assembly program	FORTRAN ����{�����զX�{��	FEAP
25254FORTRAN extended graph algorithmic language	FORTRAN �X�i�ϧκ�k�y��	FGRAAL
25255FORTRAN extension	FORTRAN �y���X�R
25256FORTRAN fault processor	FORTRAN �G�ٳB�z�{��
25257FORTRAN full set	FORTRAN ����
25260FORTRAN graph algorithmic language	FORTRAN �ϧκ�k�y��	FGRAL
25261FORTRAN graph algorithmic language	FORTRAN �ϧκ�k�y��	FGRAL
25262FORTRAN graphics support	FORTRAN �ϧΤ䴩	FGS
25263FORTRAN graphics support	FORTRAN �ϧΤ��
25264FORTRAN identifier	FORTRAN ���Ѳ�
25267FORTRAN intrinsic routines	FORTRAN �����Ҧ�`��
25269FORTRAN IV cross assembler	FORTRAN IV��e�զX�{��
25270FORTRAN IV logical capability	FORTRAN IV�޿�\��
25271FORTRAN IV simulator	FORTRAN IV�����{��
25272FORTRAN keyword	FORTRAN ����r
25273FORTRAN language	�Ŷǻy��; ��Ķ�y��
25274FORTRAN language	FORTRAN �ԭz
25275FORTRAN language interrupt service routine	FORTRAN �y�����_�A�ȨҦ�`��
25276FORTRAN language processor feature	FORTRAN �y���B�z�{�ǯS��
25277FORTRAN library function	FORTRAN �w���
25278FORTRAN library module	FORTRAN �w�Ҷ�
25279FORTRAN librayr function	FORTRAN �w���
25280FORTRAN list porcessing system	FORTRAN ��B�z�t��	FLPS
25281FORTRAN list processing language	FORTRAN ��B�z�y��	FLPL
25282FORTRAN list processing language	FORTRAN ��B�z�y��	FLPL
25283FORTRAN list processing system	FORTRAN ��B�z�t��	FLPS
25284FORTRAN listing code	FORTRAN �C��N�X
25285FORTRAN load and go	FORTRAN ���J�ùB��	FORGO
25286FORTRAN load-and-go	FORTRAN ���J�ùB��{��	FLAG
25287FORTRAN logical information retrieval technique	FORTRAN �޿�H���˯��޳N	FLIRT
25288FORTRAN matrix abstraction technique	FORTRAN �x�}�����޳N	FORMAT
25289FORTRAN matrix analysis	FORTRAN �x�}���R	FORMA
25290FORTRAN monitor system	FORTRAN �ʱ��t��	FMS
25291FORTRAN monitor system	TRAN�ʱ��t��	FMS
25292FORTRAN network analysis program	FORTRAN �������R�{��	FNAP
25293FORTRAN network analysis program	FORTRAN �������R�{��	FNAP
25294FORTRAN operating system	FORTRAN �ާ@�t��	FOS
25295FORTRAN optimization code	FORTRAN �̨ΤƥN�X
25296FORTRAN preporcessor	FORTRAN �w�B�z�{��
25297FORTRAN processing system	FORTRAN �B�z�t��	FPS
25298FORTRAN resource mix	FORTRAN �귽�V�X��ҭp���
25299FORTRAN simulation	FORTRAN �y������	FORTSIM
25300FORTRAN simulator	FORTRAN �����{��
25301FORTRAN specification statement	FORTRAN �����ԭz
25302FORTRAN standard	FORTRAN �y����
25303FORTRAN statement	FORTRAN �ԭz
25304FORTRAN statement column	FORTRAN �ԭz�C
25305FORTRAN subscript	FORTRAN �U��
25306FORTRAN subset	FORTRAN �l��
25307FORTRAN symbol	FORTRAN �Ÿ�
25308FORTRAN symbolic debugging package	FORTRAN �Ÿ������{���]	FDEBUG
25309FORTRAN symbolic debugging package	FORTRAN �Ÿ������M�˳n��	FDEBUG
25310FORTRAN system monitor	FORTRAN �t�κʱ��{��
25311FORTRAN test procedure language	FORTRAN ���չL�{�y��	TPL/F
25313FORTRAN uitlity system	FORTRAN ���ε{���t��	FUS
25314FORTRAN variable	FORTRAN �ܼ�
25315FORTRAN-based array processor	�HFORTRAN ����¦���}�C�B�z��
25316FORTRAN-based graphics package	���FORTRAN �y�����ϧήM�˳n��
25317FORTRAN-callable subroutine	FORTRAN �i�հƱ`��
25319FORTRAN-like call	��FORTRAN �ե�
25320FORTRAN-like EQUIVALENCE statement	��FORTRAN �����ԭz
25321FORTRAN-oriented information management system	FORTRAN �ɦV���H���޲z�t��	FORIMS
25322fortuitous	���W�h
25323fortuitous conductor	���W�h����
25324fortuitous distortion	���M���u
25325forty-four repeater	�|�|�W����
25326forwad space file on multi-file tapy	�h�ɮױa�W�����V���j�ɮ�
25327forward	��e
25328forward acting code	���V�@�νX
25329forward acting shift register	���V�ʧ@����Ȧs��	FASR
25330forward addressing	���V�M�}
25331forward and backward deduction	���V����
25332forward backword counter	���V�p�ƾ�
25333forward bias	���V����
25334forward biased	����
25335forward busying	���V�e�u
25336forward chaining	���V�챵
25337forward chaining manner	���V��覡
25338forward chaining problem solver	���V����D�D�ѵ{��
25339forward channel	�e�V�q�D
25340forward circuit	���V�q��
25341forward clearing	���V�M��
25342forward communication center	�e�V�q�H����
25343forward conduction	���V�Ǿ�
25344forward controlling elements	���V�����
25345forward counter	���V�p�ƾ�
25346forward crosstalk	�e�V���
25347forward current	���V�q�y
25348forward declared	�e�V����
25349forward deduction system	���V�tö�t��
25350forward definition chain	���V�w�q��
25351forward echo	���V�^�i
25352forward edge	�e�V��
25353forward error correction	�e�V�~�t��	FEC
25354forward error detection/correction	�e�V���~�˴��ե�	FEDC
25355forward file recovery	�ɮצV�e��_
25356forward function identifier	���V�ޥΨ�Ƽ��Ѳ�
25357forward gate	���V��	FG
25358forward job	���V�@�~
25359forward link	���V�s��	FLINK
25360forward link field	���V�챵���
25361forward link pointer	���V�u�����ܦr
25362forward link service	���V�u���~��
25363forward link user	���V�u����
25364forward loop backward hop	���V�����ϦV���D	FLBH
25365forward merge	���V�k��
25366forward path	���V�q��
25367forward pointer	�e�V����
25368forward polyphase sort	�����h�ۤ���
25369forward prediction residue	���V�w���Ѿl
25370forward probability	�e�V���v
25371forward procedure identifier	���V�ޥιL�{���Ѳ�
25372forward production system	���V���ͦ��t��
25373forward propagation circuit	�e�V�Ǽ��u��	FPC
25374forward pulse	���V�߽�
25375forward read continuous	�s��e�VŪ�X	FRC
25376forward reading	���VŪ�X
25377forward recovery	���V��_
25378forward recovery time	���V��_�ɶ�
25379forward reference	�e�V�Ѧ�; �V�e�ѷ�
25380forward reference of procedure entry	�L�{���V�ޥΤJ�f
25381forward reference type identifier	���V�ޥ��������Ѳ�
25382forward repositioning	���V�A�w��
25383forward resistance	���V�q��
25384forward robot problem-solving systme	���V�����H���D�D�Ѩt��
25385forward rule-based deduction system	��_�W�h�����V���רt��
25386forward scatter	���V���g
25387forward scheduling	�w�s�Ƶ{; ���V�Ƶ{�k
25388forward selection	�w��
25389forward signalling path	���V�ǫH�q��
25390forward space	���V�Ŷ�
25391forward space block	���V���j�H����	FSB
25392forward space file	���V���j�ɮ�	FSF
25393forward space record	���V���j�O��	FSR
25394forward supervision	���V�ʱ�
25395forward tapy motion	�ϱa���V�ǰ�
25396forward transfer element	���V�ǻ��椸
25397forward transfer function	���V�ǻ����
25398forward twin pointer	�V�e�p�ͫ��w
25399forward type cycle	�e�V���`��
25400forward-acting error correction	���V�ȿ�
25401forward-transfer signal	���V�౵�H��
25402forware pruning	���V�װ�
25403forwared loop parity hop	���V�����_����	FLPH
25404foundation virtual machine	��������
25405four colour process	�|��k
25406four figure wywtem	�|���
25407four phase modulation	�|�۽ը�
25408four probe method	�|���w�k
25409four quadrant multiplier	�|�H�����k��
25410four quadrant operation	�|�H���ާ@
25411four track recorder	�|�ϹD������
25412four wire	�|�u
25413four wire repeater	�|�u�W����
25414four wire system	�|�u�t��
25415four wire terminating set	�|�u�ݱ��˸m
25416four-address	�|��}
25417four-address code	�|�}�X
25418four-address computer	�|��}�p���
25419four-address instruction	�|�}���O
25420four-address insturction	�|��}���O
25421four-bit byte	�|��r�`
25422four-bit interface logic unit	�|�줶���޿�椸	FILU
25423four-bit slice circuit	�|����q��
25424four-bit slice microprocessor	�|����L�B�z
25425four-bit slice system	�|����t��
25426four-byte signed integer	�|�줸�ձa�Ÿ����
25427four-byte signed integer key	�|�줸�ձa�Ÿ������
25428four-byte unsigned binary	�|�줸�յL�Ÿ��G�i��
25429four-byte unsigned binary key	�|�줸�յL�Ÿ��G�i����
25430four-channel multiplier	�|�q�D���k��
25431four-channel time-division multiplex	�|�q�D�ɤ��h���_��
25432four-color display	�|����ܾ�
25433four-colour conjecture	�|��q�Q
25434four-counter machine	�|�p�ƾ���
25435four-digit	�|�쪺
25436four-function calculator	�|�\��p�⾹
25437four-function interchange box	�|�\��洫��
25438four-out-of-eight code	�K�X�|�X
25439four-pass compiler	�|�M���y�sĶ�{��
25440four-plus-one address	�|�[�@�}
25441four-plus-one address instruction	�|�[�@��}���O
25442four-pole circuit	�|�ݽu��
25443four-pole network	�|�ݺ���
25444four-row keyboard	�|�C��L
25445four-tape sort	�|�a�Ƨ�
25446four-terminal network	�|�ݺ���
25447four-wire channel	�|�u�q�D
25448four-wire circuit	�|�u�q��
25449four-wire cirduit	�|�u�q��
25450four-wire link	�|�u�u��
25451four-wire multiplex facility	�|�u��h���_�γ]��
25452four-wire repeater	�|�u�W����
25453four-wire system	�|�u�t��
25454four-wire terminating set	�|�u�׺ݾ�
25455four-word bead	�|�r�]
25456Fourier analysis	�ť߸����R
25457Fourier analysis	�Ũ������R
25458Fourier analyzer	�ť߸����R��
25459fourier discriptor	�	Ũ����y�z��
25460Fourier intergral	�Ũ����n��
25461fourier kernel	�	Ũ�����
25462Fourier principle	�Ũ�����z
25463Fourier series	�Ũ����ż�
25464Fourier transform	�Ũ����ܴ�
25465fourier transform centering	�	Ũ����ܴ��襤
25466fourier transform diagonalization property	�	Ũ����ܴ��﨤�ʽ�
25467fourier transform pair	�	Ũ����ܴ���
25468fourier transform shifting	�	Ũ����ܴ��첾
25469fourier transform spectrum	�	Ũ����ܴ���
25470fourth generation electronic computer	�ĥ|�N�q�l�p���
25471fourth generation languages	�ĥ|�N�y��
25472fourth normal form	�ĥ|�d��	FNF
25473fourth-generation computer	�ĥ|�N�p���
25474fox message	���T
25475foxbord programming language	FOXbord �{���]�p�y��	FPL
25476FPLA .VS. PROM	�P�i�s�{��Ū�O����諸�{Է�i�s�{�޿�}�C
25477FPLA fast multibit shifter	�{Է�i�s�{�޿�}�C���ֳt�h�첾�쾹
25478FPLA output programmability	�{Է�i�s�{�޿�}�C����X�i�s�{��
25479fractile	�����
25480fraction	����
25481fraction bar	���ƱצE
25482fraction field	������
25483fraction mask	�p�ƾB�n
25484fractional arithmetic	���ƹB��
25485fractional arithmetic unit	�p�ƹB�ⳡ��
25486fractional computer	���ƭp���
25487fractional constant	���Ʊ`��
25488fractional correction rule	�����ե��W�h
25489fractional digit	�Ʀ�
25490fractional error	�۹�~�t
25491fractional factorials	���ƶ���
25492fractional fixed point	���Ʃw�I
25493fractional frequency	���W
25494fractional number	�p��
25495fractional part	�p�Ƴ���
25496fractional programming	�����W�E
25497fractional representation	�p�ƪ�ܪk
25498fractional step method	���B�k
25499fractionation	���Ƥ�
25500fractionator reflux analog computer	���H�^�y�����p���	FRAC
25501fracture	�_��
25502fragment	�H��
25503fragment code	���q�X
25504fragment record	�_�����
25505fragmentation	�H��; ����
25506fragmentation index	�x�s������
25507fragmentation model	���q�x�s�ҫ�
25508fragmentation of storage space	�x�s�Ŷ��ݤ�
25509fragmenting	����
25510fram type a	A ���ج[
25511framb number	�ؽs��
25512frame	��; ��T��
25513frame access function	�ئs�����
25514frame alignment	�ئ�
25515frame alignment recovery time	�ةw���_�ɶ�
25516frame alignment signal	�ةw��H��
25517frame alignment time slot	�ةw��ɶ�����
25518frame area	�ح��n
25519frame assertion	�e�����z
25520frame axiom	�e�����z
25521frame basic	�ذ����
25522frame blanking	�ر���
25523frame boundary	�ؤ���
25524frame buffer	�X�ؽw�ľ�
25525frame buffer display	�ؽw����ܾ�
25526frame chaining	���챵
25527frame check sequence	������ǦC	FCS
25528frame check sequence error	�ج[�ˬd���ǿ��~
25529frame checking sequence	���ˬd����	FCS
25530frame code	�X��
25531frame connector	�s������
25532frame control field	�ر������
25533frame count	�حp��
25534frame creation terminal	�اΦ����
25535frame default	�ؤ��w��
25536frame delimiting sequence	�ةw�ɧǦC
25537frame description	�ج[�y�z
25538frame error	�خt��
25539frame felated attribute	�ج����ݩ�
25540frame film	( �v )����
25541frame format	�خ榡
25542frame format relationship	�خ榡���t
25543frame frequency	���W
25544frame grabber	�ر�����
25545frame grabbing	�ب�
25546frame ground	�ج[�a�u; ���߱��a
25547frame grounding circuit	�ج[���a�q��
25548frame handler	�ر���{��
25549frame header	�ؼ��D
25550frame hole	�ج[��
25551frame in	�e�J
25552frame inheritance	�ت��~��
25553frame level data	�دŸ��
25554frame level function	�دť\��
25555frame level interface	�دŤ���
25556frame level procedure	�دŹL�{
25557frame line	�ؽu
25558frame name	�ئW
25559frame output	�ؿ�X
25560frame pitch	�ض��Z
25561frame pointer	�ث���	FP
25562frame problem	�ج[���D
25563frame rate	�سt�v
25564frame repetition frequency	�ح��_�W�v	FRF
25565frame representation	�ت�ܪk
25566frame representation language	�ت�ܻy��	FRL
25567frame size	�ؤj�p
25568frame slop default	�ج[�椺�w
25569frame slot	�ؼ�
25570frame starth	�ذ_�l
25571frame statement	�رԭz
25572frame store	���x�s
25573frame structure	�ص��c
25574frame synchronizer	�ئP�B��
25575frame synchronizing pulse	�ئP�B�߽�
25576frame system	�ج[�t��
25577frame table entry	�ت�J�f	FTE
25578frame theory	�ج[�z��
25579frame theroy model	�ج[�z�׼ҫ�
25580frame time	�ɮ�
25581frame timing	�ةP��
25582frame transmission	�ضǿ�
25583frame type	������	FTY
25584frame type B	B ���ج[
25585frame-based description language	��_�ج[���y�z�y��
25586frame-dependent control	�ج�������	FDC
25587frame-driven dialog system	���X�ʹ�ܨt��
25588frame-free representation	���ت��
25589frame-handling function	�سB�z���
25590frame-like slot array	�ج[����l�}�C
25591frame-like theroy	�ج[���z��
25592frame-oriented approach	�ج[�ɦV����k
25593frame-slot-facet access path	�ج[--��--�����X�ݸ��|
25594frames per second	�C��ؼ�	FPS
25595frames received in error	�����ج[���~
25596framework	�[�c
25597framework for language evolution	�y���i�}���ج[
25598framing	����; ����
25599framing bits	���ؼƤ�
25600framing character	���ئr��
25601framing code	���ؽX
25602framing error	���ػ~�t	FE
25603framing mask	�����
25604framing pattern	���ؼҦ�
25605franchise	�S�v
25606franking	�\�l�W
25607free	����; �ۥѬ����ާ@
25608free access	�ۥѦs��
25609free access floor	���ʦa�O
25610free access to selected numbers	��ܼƪ��ۥѦs��	FASN
25611free area list	�ۥѰϪ�
25612free area routine	�ۥѰϨҵ{
25613free block control table	�ۥѶ������	FCT
25614free block list	�ۥѶ���
25615free block queue element	�ۥѶ��}�C����
25616free blocks	�ۥѶ�
25617free boolean algebra	�ۥѥ����N��
25618free boundary	�ۥ����
25619free cell	�ۥѳ椸
25620free chain	�ۥ���
25621free circuit	�Ŷ~�q��
25622free component	�ۥѦ���
25623free condition	�Žu���A
25624free control interval	�Ŷ~����϶�
25625free convection cooling	�۵M�׬y�N�o
25626free core pool	�Ŷ~�D�x�s��
25627free cursor	�ۥѴ��
25628free electron	�ۥѹq�l
25629free field	�ۥ���
25630free field storage	�ۥ�����x�s��
25631free file map	�ۥ��ɮ׬M�H
25632free form coding	�ۥѫ��s�X
25633free form data	�ۥѮ榡���
25634free form mode	�ۥѮ榡�覡
25635free form operation	�ۥѮ榡�ާ@
25636free format input	�ۥѮ榡��J
25637free function	�ۥѨ��
25638free game	�ۥѹC��
25639free garbage	�ۥѵL�γ椸
25640free garbage collection	�ۥѵL�γ椸����
25641free garbage routine	�ۥѵL�γ椸�����ҵ{
25642free group of block	�ۥѶ���
25643free identifier	�ۥѼ��Ѳ�
25644free indexing	�ۥѯ���
25645free input-output mode	�ۥѿ�J��X�覡
25646free lattice	�ۥѮ�
25647free line	�Ŷ~�u
25648free line condition	�Ŷ~�u���A
25649free line signal	�Ŷ~�u�H��
25650free list	�ۥѪ�
25651free location	�ۥѸ`�I
25652free occurrence	�ۥѥX�{
25653free occurrence of identiffier	���ѲŦۥѥX�{
25654free operand	�ŹB���H
25655free operator	�ۥѺ�l
25656free operator precedence grammar	�ۥѺ�l�u����k
25657free oscillation	�ۥѮ���
25658free page of memory space	�O����Ŷ��ۥѭ���
25659free period	�������
25660free physical block	�ۥѪ��z��
25661free pool	�ۥѦ�
25662free queue element	�ۥѱư}����	FQE
25663free record queue	�Ŷ~�O���}�C
25664free release	����
25665free routing	�ۥѸ��|
25666free running mode	�ۿE�覡
25667free running multivibrator	�h�Ӯ�����
25668free schema	�ۥѼҦ�
25669free schema entry	�ۥѼҦ�����
25670free sketch	�{���Z
25671free slot	�ۥѷ���
25672free space	�ۥѪŶ�
25673free space attenuation	�ۥѪŶ��I��
25674free space directory	�ۥѪŶ��ؿ�
25675free space list	�ۥѪŶ���
25676free space loss	�ۥѪŶ��ᥢ
25677free space management	�ѪŶ��޲z
25678free space page	�ۥѪŶ�����
25679free standing operating system	�W�ߪ��ާ@�t	FSOS
25680free statement	����ԭz
25681free station	�Ŷ~��
25682free storage	�Ŷ~�x�s��
25683free storage area	�ۥ��x�s��
25684free storage management	�ۥ��x�s�޲z
25685free store stack	�ۥ��x�s�|
25686free subscriber	�Ŷ~�Τ�
25687free subtree	�ۥѤl��
25688free symbol	�ۥѲŸ�
25689free task control block	�ۥѥ��ȱ���
25690free term	�ۥѶ�
25691free time system	�ۥѮɶ��t��	FTS
25692free tree	�ۥѾ�
25693free tree enumeration	�ۥѾ�T�|
25694free union	�ۥ��p�X
25695free variable	�ۥ��ܼ�
25696free wheeling	�ۥѽ���
25697free-form format	�ۥѮ榡
25698free-form input	�ۥѮ榡��J
25699free-format menu	�ۥѮ榡���
25700free-format update	�ۥѮ榡��s
25701free-running blocking oscillator	�ۿE����������
25702free-running multivibrator	�۵o�Ʈ���
25703free-standing display	�W�ߦ����
25704free-standing post-processor of job	�@�~���W�߫�B�z�{��
25705free-standing pre-processor of job	�@�~���W�߹w�B�z�{��
25706freedom of information act	�H���k�ۥѫ�	FOIA
25707freehand	��ø
25708freehand sketch	�{��e���
25709freeing	����
25710freely programmable word processing equipmen	�i�ۥѽs�{�r���B�z�]��
25711freely-locatable program	�B�ʵ{��
25712freeman's chain code	��������X
25713freepform language for image processing	�϶H�B�z�ΦۥѮ榡�y��	FLIP
25714freestanding system	�W�ߨt��	FS
25715freeze	�ᵲ
25716freeze frame	�O����
25717freeze mode	�O�����A
25718freeze point specifications	���T�I����
25719freezer hybrids	�N�Ᾱ�βV�X�L�q��
25720freight	�B�O
25721freight amount	�B�O���B
25722freight status file	�f�B���A�ɮ�
25723french patent	�k��M�Q	FRP
25724frequency	�W�v
25725frequency agility	�W�v�u�ӫ�
25726frequency aliasing	�W�v�V�|
25727frequency allocation	�W�v���t
25728frequency allocation list	�W�v���t��	FAL
25729frequency analog computer	�W�v�����p���	FAC
25730frequency analysis	�W���R
25731frequency analysis compaction	�W�Ф��R��²�k
25732frequency analyzer	�W�v���R��
25733frequency and time-division data line	�W���P�ɤ���ƽu��
25734frequency and time-division data link	�W�v�P�ɤ�����I��	FATDL
25735frequency assignment chart	�W�v���t��
25736frequency band	�W�a
25737frequency bandwidth	�W�W�e��
25738frequency bandwith	�W�W�e
25739frequency change signaling	�ܤ��W�v�q�H
25740frequency changer	���W��	FC
25741frequency changing signalling	���W�o�T
25742frequency channel	�W�D	FC
25743frequency characteristic	�W�v�S��
25744frequency coding	�W�v�s�X
25745frequency compression demodulator	�W�v���Y�ѽվ�
25746frequency compression domodulaotr	�W�v���Y�ѽվ�	FCD
25747frequency control analysis facility	�W�v������R�]��	FCAF
25748frequency control and analysis center	�W�v����M���R����	FCAC
25749frequency conversion accessory	�W�v�ܴ����U�]��	FCA
25750frequency converter	�W�v�ഫ��	FC
25751frequency count	�W�v�p��
25752frequency counter	�p�W��
25753frequency demodulation	�W�v�ѽ�
25754frequency departure	�W�v�}��
25755frequency dependent	�W�v�̩ۨ�
25756frequency detuning	�W�v����
25757frequency discrimination	�W�vŲ�O
25758frequency discriminator	Ų�W��
25759frequency distortion	�W�v���u
25760frequency distribution	�W�v����
25761frequency diversity	�W�v����
25762frequency divider	���W��	FD
25763frequency division multiple access	���W�h���s��	FD-MA
25764frequency division multiplex	�W���h���ǿ�
25765frequency division multiplexer/multiplexing	���W�h���ഫ��/ �h���ഫ	FDM
25766frequency division switching system	�W����洫��
25767frequency domain	�W��
25768frequency domain convolution	�W����n
25769frequency domain equalizer	�W�짡�ž�
25770frequency domain experiment design	�W�����]�p
25771frequency doubler	���W��	FD
25772frequency doubling	���W
25773frequency drift	�W�v�}��
25774frequency exchange signaling	�洫�W�v�q�H
25775frequency exchange signalling	���W�o�T
25776frequency frogging	�W�v�ܴ�
25777frequency hopping multipl-access	���W�h���s��	FHMA
25778frequency hopping/time hopping	���W/ ����	FH/TH
25779frequency interference control	�W�v�z�Z����	FIC
25780frequency interference, radio	�g�W�z�Z
25781frequency meter	�W�v�p
25782frequency modulation	�W( �v )��( �� )	FM
25783frequency modulation association	���W��|	FMA
25784frequency modulation discriminator	���WŲ�W��
25785frequency modulation recording	���W�O��
25786frequency modulation system	���W��
25787frequency modulation, pulse	�ߪi�W�v����
25788frequency multiplex	�W�v�h���ഫ	FM
25789frequency multiplexing	�W�v�h�u�k
25790frequency multiplier	���W��
25791frequency of access	�s���W�v
25792frequency of optimum traffic	�̨γq�H�q���W�v	FOT
25793frequency of oscillation	�����W�v
25794frequency of reference	�Ѧ��W�v
25795frequency offset	�W�v���m
25796frequency pulling	�W�v����
25797frequency resolution	�W�v����v
25798frequency response	�W�v�Q��	FR
25799frequency response function	�W�v�^�����
25800frequency response tests	�W�v�^������
25801frequency reuse	�W�v�_��
25802frequency shcnger	���W��	FC
25803frequency shift	�W�v����
25804frequency shift communication system	���W�q�t��
25805frequency shift data	���W���
25806frequency shift keyin	�W���䱱	FSK
25807frequency shift keying	�W���䱱	FSK
25808frequency shift modulation	���W�ը�	FSM
25809frequency shift modulator	���W�ը
25810frequency shift system	���W�t��
25811frequency shift transmission	���W�ǿ�
25812frequency spectrum	�W��
25813frequency standard	�W�v�Э�	FS
25814frequency swing	���v�ܰ�
25815frequency synchronism	�W�v�P�B
25816frequency synthesizer	�W�v�X����
25817frequency test	�W�v����
25818frequency time control	�W�v�ɶ�����	FTC
25819frequency time modulation	�W�v�ɶ���	FTM
25820frequency tolerance	���W�e�\��
25821frequency transient response	�W�v���ɦ^����
25822frequency translation	�W�v�ܴ�
25823frequency, carrier	���i�W�v
25824frequency, clock	�����W�v
25825frequency, modulation	�����W�v
25826frequency, pulse repetition	�ߪi�����W�v
25827frequency, radio	�g�W
25828frequency-analysis compaction	�W�v���R���k
25829frequency-division data link	�W�������	FDDL
25830frequency-division modulation	�W���ը�	FDM
25831frequency-division multiple access	�W���h���s��	FDMA
25832frequency-division multiple-address	�W���h��}	FDMA
25833frequency-division multiplex	���W�h�u
25834frequency-division multiplex equipment	�W���h���ǿ�]��	FDME
25835frequency-division multiplexer/multiplexing	�W���h���_��	FDM
25836frequency-division multiplexing limitations	�W���h���_������
25837frequency-driven design	�W�v�X�ʪ��]�p
25838frequency-halving circuit	���W�q��
25839frequency-shift coding	�W�v�g�X
25840frequency-shift key	�W���䱱	FSK
25841frequency-shift keyin	���W�䱱
25842frequency-shift keying	�W������k
25843frequency-shift modulation	���W����	FSM
25844frequency-time coding of pulse	���W�v�ɶ��s�X
25845frequency-to-number converter	�W�v--�Ʀ��ܴ���
25846frequeney analysis and control	�W�v���R�M����	FAC
25847frequently-used data	�`��
25848fresh copy	�̷s�ƥ�
25849friction belt	�����ֱa
25850friction clutch	�������X��
25851friction feed paper	�����ѯ�
25852friction feeder	�����ѯȸ˸m
25853friction pressure control	�������O����
25854frictional error	�����~�t
25855frilling	�K��
25856fringe	��t
25857fringe node	��t�`�I
25858fringing field distribution	��t��Է����
25859from date	�_�l���
25860from effectivity date	���Ķ}�l��
25861from library	�_�l�ɮ׮w
25862fromuency	��
25863front back interference	�e��z�Z
25864front clipping plane	�e�Ũ���
25865front compression	�e�����Y
25866front computer	�e�ݭp���
25867front connection	�����s��
25868front cover	�e�\; �e�\�O
25869front dead	�ű���
25870front door	�e��
25871front edge	�e�u
25872front elevation	������
25873front enc communications processor	�e�ݳq�H�B�z��	FECP
25874front end	�e��	FE
25875front end communications processor	�e�ݳq�H�B�z��	FECP
25876front end computer	�e�ݭp���	FC
25877front end converter	�e���ഫ��
25878front end network processor	�e�ݺ����B�z��	FNP
25879front end processing	�e�m�B�z
25880front end processor	�e�ݳB�z��
25881front end processor interface	�e�ݳB�z������	FI
25882front end processors	�e�ݳB�z��	FEP
25883front end software	�e�ݵ{��
25884front gap	�e����
25885front lay	�e�ݩw��˸m
25886front load chassis	�e���w�˪����[	FLC
25887front loading	�����˺�
25888front mounted connecter	�����w�˪��s����
25889front mounted connector	���O�s����
25890front panel	�e���O
25891front panel function	�e�O�\��
25892front panel microroutine	�e�O�L�ҵ{
25893front printing	�����C�L
25894front proch	�e�u
25895front projection	�e��v
25896front view	������	FV
25897front wiring	���u���u
25898front-back connection	���ϭ��s��
25899front-end compression	�e�����Y
25900front-end concentrator	�e�ݶ�����
25901front-end control facility	�e�ݱ���]��
25902front-end control facility package	�e�ݱ���]�Ʋե�
25903front-end microprocessor	�e�ݷL�B�z��
25904front-end processing	�eࡳB�z
25905front-end processor architecture	�e�ݳB�z����t���c
25906front-end system	�e�ݨt��
25907front-to-back effect	�e��v�T
25908frontier	����
25909frontier node	����`�I
25910frontier set	��ɶ��X
25911frozen period	�ᵲ����
25912frozen time period	�ᵲ�ɬq
25913frquency shift coded data	�W���s�X���
25914frying	�ܵ�����
25915fuel cell	�U�ƹq��
25916fuel terminal	�[�o�׺ݾ�
25917FUJITSU automatic computer	�I�h�q�۰ʭp���	FACOM
25918fujitsu automatic numerical control	�I�h�q�۰ʼƱ�	FANUC
25919fujitsu network architecture	�I�h�q������t���c	FNA
25920ful screen	���̹�
25921full adder	���[��	FA
25922full adder output	���[����X
25923full address	����}
25924full address jump	����}�ಾ
25925full addressing	����}�M�}
25926full assembly	�����սs
25927full auto-bonding system	���۰ʲk���t��
25928full automatic cataloging technique	���۰ʽs�ا޳N	FACT
25929full automatic compiler translator	���۰ʽsĶ½Ķ�{��	FACT
25930full automatic electronic judging device	���۰ʹq�l�M����	FAEJD
25931full automatic processing	���۰ʳB�z
25932full binary tree	���G�e��
25933full buffer	���w��
25934full call letters	����I���r
25935full capability mode	���\��覡
25936full capacity	�̰��e�q
25937full carrier	�����i
25938full character matrix	���r�ůx�}
25939full character printer	���r�ŦL���
25940full circle	����
25941full coat magneticfilm	���\�h�Ͻ�
25942full compaction	�������Y
25943full concatenated key	���}�m����X
25944full costing	�������k
25945full count input	���ƿ�J
25946full count out	���ƿ�X
25947full customed	���w�
25948full cycling file organization	���`���ɮײ�´	FCFO
25949full data set authority	����ƶ����v
25950full decode address	��Ķ�X��}
25951full demand paging	���ШD���խ�
25952full demand paging memory management	���ШD���խ����O����޲z
25953full designation	�����лx
25954full detail	������
25955full direct addressing	����}�����M�}
25956full directory path	����ؿ����|
25957full drive pulse	���X�ʯ߽�
25958full duplex	�����u	FDX
25959full duplex dedicated link	�����u�q�M�����
25960full duplex links	�����u��
25961full duplex teletype	�����u�q��	FDT
25962full electronic switching system	���q�l�洫��
25963full figure	����	FF
25964full file management functionality	���ɮ׺޲z�\���
25965full file protection functionality	���ɮ׫O�@�\���
25966full form character	���Φr
25967full frame	���e��
25968full frame time code	���خɶ��X
25969full function node	���\��`�I	FFN
25970full function workstation	���\��u�@��
25971full functional dependence	���\��ۨ�
25972full group	���
25973full hanzi support	�����~�r���
25974full install	�����w��
25975full key	����
25976full keyboard input	��r��п�J
25977full language alogol 68 checkout compiler	��ALGOL 68�y������sĶ�{��	FLACC
25978full line	���
25979full line mode	����覡
25980full load	����	FL
25981full logical connectivity	���޿�s����
25982full magnetic controller	���ϱ��
25983full matrix method	���x�}�k
25984full numbering line	��s����
25985full operand	���ާ@��
25986full packet	���]
25987full path	�����|
25988full path name	�����|�W��
25989full period	��P��
25990full print	���C�L
25991full procedural language	���L�{�y��
25992full process	���B�z�{��
25993full range	���q�{
25994full recording mode	�����O���覡
25995full recovery	������_
25996full routing node	���ܮ|�`�I
25997full sbstracter	���
25998full sbutracter	���
25999full scale	����	FS
26000full scale clearance	�����M��
26001full scale equation	���{
26002full scale range	���Ы׶q�{	FSR
26003full scan	�����y
26004full screen	���ù�
26005full screen editing	���̹��s��
26006full screen form	���̹��Φ�
26007full screen interface	���̹�����	FSI
26008full screen mode	���̹��覡
26009full screen naming	���̹��R�W
26010full screen panel	���̹���ܫ�
26011full screen processing	���̹��B�z	FSP
26012full screen text editor	���̹��奻�s��{��
26013full selected current	����q�y
26014full shift capability	�������O
26015full speed	���t�v
26016full spelling	������g
26017full stop	�y��	FSTP
26018full store	�x�s��	FST
26019full symbolic name	���Ÿ��W
26020full system integrity	���t�������
26021full tone original	����խ쪩
26022full transparent text mode	���z���奻�覡
26023full wafer LSI	����j�W�ҿn��q��
26024full wafer memory	����O����
26025full wave	���i	FW
26026full wave power supply	���i�q��
26027full width erase head	���e�ײM�~�өٰ���
26028full word	�����r
26029full word boundary	���r���
26030full word device	���r����
26031full word input/output buffer	���r��J��X�w�ľ�
26032full word integer overflow	���r��Ʒ��X
26033full xize	�ꪫ�ؤo
26034full-automatic switching network	���۰ʥ洫����
26035full-balanced tree	�����ž�
26036full-duplex channel	�����u�q�D
26037full-duplex character transmission	�����u�r�Ŷǿ�
26038full-duplex circuit	�����u�q��
26039full-duplex facilities	�����u�]��
26040full-duplex line	�����u�u��
26041full-duplex link	�����u���
26042full-duplex mode	�����u�覡
26043full-duplex operation	�����u�B��
26044full-duplex performance	�����u�ʯ�
26045full-duplex primary station	�����u�D��
26046full-duplex service	�����u�A��
26047full-duplex telephone lines	�����u�q�ƽu
26048full-duplex terminal	��2�u�׺�
26049full-duplex transmission	�����u�ǿ�
26050full-functional dependency	����Ƭ�����
26051full-language	�����y��
26052full-level pegging	�����n�Ӫk
26053full-load current	�����q�y	FLC
26054full-load frame time	�����خɶ�	FLFT
26055full-payment lease	���^������
26056full-read pulse	��Ū�ߪi
26057full-scale value	����
26058full-screen	���ù�
26059full-screen field naming	���ù����W
26060full-screen processing	���̹��B�z	FSP
26061full-size	����
26062full-size character	���Φr��
26063full-size cursor	����
26064full-size key	������
26065full-size mode	���μҺA
26066full-size pulse	���T�߽�
26067full-speed operation	���t�u�@
26068full-subtracter	���
26069full-word data item	���r��ƶ�
26070full-word instruction	���r���O
26071full-write pulse	���g�߽�
26072fully associative buffer storage	�����p�w���x�s��
26073fully associative cache	�����s�w�s��
26074fully automated computer program	���۰ʭp����{��	FACP
26075fully automated switched telecommunication network	���۰ʶ}�����{�q�H����	FASTN
26076fully automatic compiling system	���۰ʽsĶ�t��	FACS
26077fully automatic compiling technique	���۰ʽsĶ�޳N	FACT
26078fully automatic high quality translation	���۰ʰ���q½Ķ	FAHQT
26079fully automatic machine translation	���۰ʾ���½Ķ	FAMT
26080fully automatic network	���۰ʺ���
26081fully automatic service	���۰ʷ~��
26082fully automatic switching system	���۰ʥ洫�t��
26083fully automatic test algebraic language	���۰ʴ��եN�ƻy��	FATAL
26084fully aytomatic compiling technique	���۰ʽsĶ�޳N	FACT
26085fully buffered channel	���w�ijq�D	FBC
26086fully concatenated key	���dzs��
26087fully conected network	���s������
26088fully connected network	���s������
26089fully connected primary satellite system	���s�D�ìP�t��
26090fully connected single primary satellite system	���s��ΥD�ìP�t��
26091fully decoded	��Ķ�X
26092fully developed production program	���i�}�u�@�{��
26093fully dissociated mode of operation	���������p���u�@�覡
26094fully distributed costs	��������������	FDC
26095fully distributed system	�������t��
26096fully formed character	���Φr��
26097fully functional dependent	����Ƭ���
26098fully integrated digital network	���n��Ʀ����
26099fully integrated magnetic memory	���n��ϰO����
26100fully interpretive translator	������½Ķ�{��
26101fully inverted attribute	���Ϭ��ݩ�
26102fully inverted file	���˦���
26103fully parallel associative memory	��������p�O����
26104fully parallel associative processor	��������p�B�z��
26105fully parallel memory	������O����
26106fully parenthesized notation	���A�����
26107fully perforated tape	�����ձa
26108fully qualified name	�����w�W
26109fully remote data acquisition	���n����ƨ���	FREDA
26110fully static memory	���R�A�O����
26111fully sutomatic switching teletype	���۰��ഫ�q��	FAST
26112fully variable multiple access	���i�ܦh�}�s��
26113fully-connected netowrk	���s������
26114fulo-adder	���[��
26115funarg problem	����ܤ����D
26116funational design	�\��]�p
26117funciton managememt	�\��޲z	FM
26118functinal description	�\�໡��
26119function	���; �@��	FCT
26120function address instruction	�\���}���O
26121function argrment	��Ʀ��ܼ�
26122function array	�\��}�C
26123function assignment	�\����t
26124function authority credential	�\��ϥ��v����	FAC
26125function authority creduential	�\����v�̵�
26126function block	�\���
26127function body	��ƹL�{��
26128function button	�\����s
26129function byte	�\��r�`
26130function calculator	��ƭp�⾹
26131function call	�\��I�s; ��ƩI�s
26132function call semantics	��ƽեλy�q
26133function call syntax	��ƽեλy�k
26134function check machine	�\�������
26135function circuit	�\��q��
26136function code	�\��X	FC
26137function code out of range	�\��X�V��
26138function command	�\��R�O
26139function control	������
26140function control block	�\�౱���	FCB
26141function control package	�ާ@����]	FCP
26142function control sequence	�\����ǦC	FCS
26143function control switch	�\�౱��}��
26144function data table	�\���ƪ�	FDT
26145function decision table	�\��M����	FDT
26146function declaration part	��ƻ�������
26147function declaration statement	��ƻ����ԭz
26148function definition	��Ʃw�q
26149function definition module	�\��w�q�Ҷ�
26150function definition syntax	��Ʃw�q�y�k
26151function design	�\��]�p
26152function designator	�\����ܲ�
26153function diagram	�\���
26154function digit	��ƼƦ�
26155function directive	�ާ@���O
26156function distribution	�\�����
26157function distribution computer	�\������p���
26158function driver	�ާ@�X�ʾ�
26159function dummy procedure	��ư׹L�{
26160function dynamic hazard	��ưʺA�_�I
26161function element	�\�स��
26162function entry	��ƤJ�f
26163function entry mark	��ƤJ�f�аO
26164function evaluation	��ƨD��
26165function evaluation routine	��ƨD�Ȩҵ{
26166function execution	�\�����
26167function field	�����
26168function fo block-diagram operators	�عϺ�l�����
26169function generating digital-to-analog converter	�\�ಣ�ͼƦ�--�����ഫ��	FGDAC
26170function generation gechnique	��Ƶo�ͧ޳N
26171function generator	��Ʋ��;�
26172function generator curve-follower	��Ƶo�ͦ��u���H��
26173function generator map-reader	��Ƶo�͹϶H�\Ū��
26174function generator, diode	�G�����Ʋ��;�
26175function generator, empirie	�g���Ʋ��;�
26176function generator, loaded-potentiometer	�[���q�쾹��Ʋ��;�
26177function generator, tapped-potentiometer	���Y�q�쾹��Ʋ��;�
26178function hazard	�\��_�I
26179function heading	��Ƽ��D
26180function hole	�\���
26181function identifier	�\����Ѳ�
26182function image	�M�H���
26183function independent testing	�\��L������
26184function information influence design	�\��H���v�T�]�p
26185function input section	�\���J����
26186function input/diagnostic output	�\���J�E�_��X	FIDO
26187function interpreter	�\������{�h
26188function inverse	�Ϩ��
26189function key	�\����
26190function key symbol	�\����Ÿ�
26191function keyboard	�\����L
26192function keys	�\����
26193function length	�\�����
26194function letter	�\��r��
26195function level	�\�൥��
26196function library	��Ʈw
26197function management	�\��޲z	FM
26198function management data	�\��޲z���	FMD
26199function management data interpreter	�\��޲z��ƪ�Ķ�{��	FMDI
26200function management data services	�\��޲z��ƪA�ȵ{��
26201function management header	�\��޲z���Y	FMH
26202function management profile	�\��޲z²�n��
26203function mechanism	�ާ@���c
26204function memory	��ưO����
26205function mode	�\��Ҧ�
26206function modifier	�\��ק��
26207function modularization	�\��Ҷ���
26208function multiplier	��ƭ���
26209function name	�\��W
26210function node	�\��`�I
26211function of block exit	���{���X�f�\��
26212function of control program	����{���\��
26213function of performed by automata	�۰ʾ�����\��
26214function of transport-level	�ǰe�ť\��
26215function of word	�r���
26216function operational design	�\��ާ@�]	FOD
26217function operational sequence diagram	�\��ާ@����	FOSD
26218function operational specification	�\��ާ@����	FOS
26219function organization	�\���´
26220function parameter	�\��Ѽ�
26221function part	��Ƴ���
26222function plotter	���ø�ϻ�
26223function pool	�\���
26224function preselection capability	�w����ܥ\�ध��O
26225function procedure	��ƹL�{
26226function procedure termination	��ƹL�{�פ�
26227function punch	�\�ॴ��
26228function recursive	���k���
26229function recursive programming	��ƻ��k�{���]�p
26230function rederence	��Ƥޥ�
26231function reference	��Ƥޥ�
26232function reference name	��ƤޥΦW
26233function requester	�\��ШD��
26234function response	�\��^��
26235function result type	��Ƶ��G����
26236function return value	��ƪ�^��
26237function routine	�ާ@�ҵ{
26238function screen	�ާ@�̹�
26239function select	��ƿ��; �\����
26240function selection kdyboard	�\������L
26241function selector circuit	�u�@��ܹq��
26242function sequence diagram	�ާ@���ǹ�
26243function sequencer	��ƧǦC�o�;�
26244FUNCTION statement	FUNCTION �ԭz
26245function strobe	�\���q�߽�
26246function subprogram	��ưƵ{��
26247function subprogram name	��ưƵ{���W
26248function subprogram reference	��ưƵ{���ޥ�
26249function switch	��ƶ}��; �\��}��
26250function symbol	��ƲŸ�
26251function table	��ƪ�
26252function test	�\�����	FT
26253function testing	�\�����
26254function timer	�ާ@�p�ɾ�
26255function timing	�ާ@�p��
26256function transfer	�ಾ���
26257function unit	�\�ೡ��
26258function value	��ƭ�
26259function word	�\��r
26260function's free variable value	��Ʀۥ��ܼ�
26261function's parameter list	��ưѼƪ�
26262function-address instruction	�\���}���O
26263function-descriptive language	��ƴy�z�y��
26264function-distributed system	�\������t��	FDS
26265function-generating hybrids	���ͨ�ƪ��X�L�q��
26266function-generator hybrids	��Ƶo�;��V�X�L�q��
26267function-independent testing	�\��L������	FIT
26268function-object table	���--�ؼЪ�
26269function-oriented protocol	�\��ɦV����w
26270function-transform pair	����ܴ���
26271functional	�\�઺
26272functional address instruction	�ާ@��}���O
26273functional address instruction format	�ާ@��}���O�榡
26274functional analog computer	��Ƽ����p���
26275functional analysis	�\����R
26276functional architecture	�\�൲�c
26277functional argument problem	��Ʀ��ܼư��D
26278functional arrangement	�\���
26279functional aspect of system	�t�Υ\���[�I
26280functional assembly	�\��ե�
26281functional behavior	�\��欰
26282functional block	�\���
26283functional block level	�\�����
26284functional boundary	�\�����
26285functional capabilities list	�ާ@�\���	FCL
26286functional chain	�\����
26287functional character	�\��r��
26288functional checkout	�\������	FCO
26289functional classification	�\�����
26290functional completeness	�\�৹���
26291functional composition	�ާ@�զX
26292functional configuration audit	�\��t�m�f�d	FCA
26293functional constraint	�\�����
26294functional control key	�\�౱����
26295functional controller	�\�౱�
26296functional counter	�ާ@�p�ƾ�
26297functional data base	�\���Ʈw	FDB
26298functional decomposition	�\�����
26299functional density	�\��K��
26300functional dependence	��Ƭۨ�
26301functional dependency	�\�������
26302functional description table	�\��y�z	FDT
26303functional design	�\��]�p
26304functional device	�\��˸m
26305functional diagram	�\���
26306functional disign	�\��]�p
26307functional electronic block	�q�l�\���	FEB
26308functional element	�\�स��
26309functional element program	�\�स���{��
26310functional enhancement package	�\��W�j���M�˳n��
26311functional fault	�\��G��
26312functional flow block	�ާ@�y�{�ع�	FFB
26313functional flow diagram	�ާ@�y�{��	FFD
26314functional instruction address	�\����O��}
26315functional interface	�\��f
26316functional interleaving	����ާ@
26317functional language	��Ʀ��y��
26318functional layer	�\��h
26319functional level modelling	�\��żҫ���
26320functional logic block	�\���޿賡��	FLB
26321functional macro	�ާ@�����O
26322functional macro instructions	�ާ@�����O
26323functional memory	�\��O����
26324functional model	�\��ҫ�
26325functional model of memory	�O���骺�\��ҫ�
26326functional modularity	�\��Ҷ���
26327functional module	�\��Ҷ�
26328functional nomenclature signal	�\��R�W�H��	FNS
26329functional notation	�\��Ÿ�
26330functional nultiplier	��ƭ��k��
26331functional operation	��ƹB��
26332functional parallelism	�\�������
26333functional parameter	�\��Ѽ�
26334functional partition	�\��e��
26335functional partitioning microprocessor	���\��e�����L�B�z��
26336functional perator	�\��ާ@��
26337functional performance	�\��S��
26338functional processing module	�\��B�z�Ҷ�
26339functional programming language	��ƫ��{���]�p�y��
26340functional query	��Ƭd��
26341functional recovery routine	�\���_�ҵ{	FRR
26342functional recovery routines	�\���_�ҵ{	FRR
26343functional redundancy	�\�ा�E
26344functional reference point	�\��Ѧ��I
26345functional requirement	�\��ݨD
26346functional requirements document	�\��n�D���	FRD
26347functional selector	�\���ܾ�	FS
26348functional semantics	�\��y�q
26349functional shell	�\��~��
26350functional simulation	�\�����	FSIM
26351functional simulator	�\������{��
26352functional specialization	�\��M��
26353functional specification	�\��W�满��
26354functional state	�\�બ�A
26355functional strength	�\�୭��
26356functional style	�\������
26357functional subsystem	�\��l�t��	FSS
26358functional subsystem application	�\��l�t������	FSA
26359functional subsystem interface	�\��l�t����	FSI
26360functional symbol	�\��Ÿ�	FS
26361functional test	�\�����
26362functional test report	�\����ճ��i	FTR
26363functional test request	�\����սШD	FTR
26364functional tester	�\����վ�
26365functional transformation	����ܴ�
26366functional unit	�\��椸
26367functionality	�\���
26368functionalityit	��Ʃʤ�
26369functionally complete function	�\�৹�����
26370functionally distributed computer system	�\��������p����t��	FDCS
26371functionally distributed computing system	�\��������p��t��	FDCS
26372functionally distributed data-base	�\���������Ʈw
26373functionally distributed network	�\�����������
26374functions and mapping	��ƻP�M�g
26375functive	�\����
26376functor	�\�ྐྵ
26377fundamental	��
26378fundamental circuit matrix	���q���x�}
26379fundamental cutset	���ζ�
26380fundamental cycle	���P��
26381fundamental extract circuti	���W�����q��
26382fundamental frequency	���W��
26383fundamental mode	���u�@�覡
26384fundamental mode circuit	���Ҧ��u��
26385fundamental structure	�����c
26386fundamental structure node	�����c�`�I
26387fundamental structure of algorithm system	��k�t�������c
26388fundamental structure of computer science	�p�����Ǫ������c
26389fundamental studies in computer seience	�p�����ǰ�¦��s	FSCS
26390fundamental type	����
26391fundamental-mode operation	����( �A )�@�~
26392fundamental/noise detection circuit	���˴��q��
26393funnel	�|��
26394funtional network	�\�����	FN
26395further function	�i�h���
26396further standard function	�i�h����
26397furtran utility system	FORTRAN���ε{���t��	FUS
26398fuse	�O�I��	FU
26399fuse cell	�����椸
26400fuse cross section	�����孱��
26401fuse disconnecting switch	���_���}��
26402fuse time computer	�ޫH�ɶ��p���
26403fuser	���X��
26404fuser roll	�ĦX���u��
26405fusibility	�i����
26406fusible link	�i������
26407fusible link PROM	�i���s���i�{���ư�Ū�O����
26408fusible read only memory	��������Ū�O����	FROM
26409fusible ROM	�i���s����Ū�O����	FROM
26410fusing	�w�v
26411fusing level	�w�v����
26412fusion point	���I
26413futility cutolff	�L���ȭװ�
26414future address patch	���Ӧ�}�׸�
26415future batch	���ӧ妸
26416future labels	���Ӽи�
26417future of event	�ƥ�����
26418future surrounding case	�������ұ��p
26419fuzziness	�ҽk��
26420fuzzy algorithm	�ҽk��k
26421fuzzy algorithm approach	�ҽk��k
26422fuzzy automata	�ҽk�۰ʾ�
26423fuzzy automation	�ҽk�۰ʤ�
26424fuzzy command	�ҽk���O
26425fuzzy constraint	�ҽk����
26426fuzzy control	�ҽk����
26427fuzzy data set	�ҽk��ƶ�
26428fuzzy degree	�ҽk��
26429fuzzy entropy	�ҽk�i
26430fuzzy environment	�ҽk����
26431fuzzy event	�ҽk�ƥ�
26432fuzzy goal	�ҽk�ؼ�
26433fuzzy grammar	�ҽk��k
26434fuzzy graph	�ҽk��
26435fuzzy language	�ҽk�y��	FL
26436fuzzy linear programming	�ҽk�u�ʳW�h
26437fuzzy logic	�ҽk�޿�
26438fuzzy logic controller	�ҽk�޿豱�
26439fuzzy logic function	�ҽk�޿���
26440fuzzy mapping	�ҽk�ܴ�
26441fuzzy mathematics	�ҽk�ƾ�
26442fuzzy message	�ҽk�H��
26443fuzzy object	�ҽk�ؼ�
26444fuzzy partial graph	�ҽk������
26445fuzzy production system	�ҽk���ͦ��t��
26446fuzzy quantity	�ҽk�q
26447fuzzy reasoning	�ҽk���z
26448fuzzy region	�ҽk�ϰ�
26449fuzzy relation	�ҽk���t
26450fuzzy rule-based method	���ҽk�W�h����k
26451fuzzy set	�ҽk���X
26452fuzzy set theory	�ҽk���X��
26453fuzzy structure	�ҽk���c
26454fuzzy subgraph	�ҽk�l��
26455fuzzy subset	�ҽk�l��
26456fuzzy system	�ҽk�t��
26457fuzzy temporal relation	�ҽk�ɬ����t
26458US federation of information users	����H�����p�X�|	FIU
26459G-dimension	G �q��
26460gain	�W�q
26461gain control	�W�q����
26462gain factor	�W�q�Y��
26463gain flatness	�W�q���Z��
26464gain frequency characteristic	�W�q�W�v�S��
26465gain insertion	���J�W�q
26466gain margin	�W�q�Ϋ�
26467gain slope	�W�q�ײv
26468Galois field	�����
26469galvanic separation	�y�q���_
26470game	�v��; �ի�; �ﵦ
26471game graph	�v�ɹ�
26472game machine	�v�ɾ�
26473game management	�޲z�v��
26474game models	�v�ɼҫ�
26475game player	�v�ɰѥ[��; �v�ɭp���
26476game playing	�v��
26477game port	�v�ɰ�
26478game program	�v�ɵ{��
26479game theory	�v�ɲz��
26480game tree	�v�ɾ�
26481gaming	�v��
26482gaming machine	�v�ɾ�
26483gaming simulation	�v�ɼ���
26484gamma camera interface	gamma �ӹ����ɭ�
26485gamma distribution	�������t
26486gamma function	�������
26487gang	���s; ����
26488gang punch	���ե���; ���դլ}
26489gantt chart	�̯S��
26490Gantt chart	�̯S��; �����
26491gap	����; ���j
26492gap azimuth	���j���
26493gap block	����
26494gap character	���j�r��
26495gap coding	���j�X
26496gap depth	���j�`��
26497gap digit	���j�Ʀ�
26498gap file	�ɻ�
26499gap filler input	��ؿ�J
26500gap filling	���
26501gap interblock	������
26502gap interrecord	������
26503gap interword	�r����
26504gap length	���j����
26505gap of bits	�줸���j
26506gap of keys	����ȶ��j
26507gap record	�O����
26508gap scatter	�Żش��G
26509gap seal	���j�K��
26510gap test	���j����
26511gap width	���j�e��
26512gap word	�r��
26513gapless	�L����
26514gapless structure	�L�_�ص��c
26515gapped tape	���j�a
26516garage	�s����
26517garbage	�o��; �L�ΰT��; �U��
26518garbage collection	�o�Ʀ���
26519garbage collection bit	�L�γ椸������
26520garbage collector	�L�γ椸�����{��
26521garbage collector's marker	�L�γ椸�����{�Ǫ����Ѿ�
26522garbage compaction	�L�γ椸���Y
26523garbage in	�L�ο�J
26524garbage out	�L�ο�X
26525garbage signal	�L�ΰT��
26526garbled message	���ðT��
26527gas panel	������ܫ�
26528gate	�h; �h��
26529gate array	�h�}�C
26530gate array chip	�h�}�C����
26531gate array interchange language	�h�C�洫�y��	GAIL
26532gate binary	�h�G�i���
26533gate cell	�h�椸
26534gate circuit	�h�q��
26535gate control block	�h�����
26536gate diode	�h�G����
26537gate element	�h����
26538gate generator	�h�i���;�
26539gate inverter	�h�Ϭ۾�
26540gate inverter memory	�h�Ϭ۾��O����
26541gate level simulation	�h�ż���
26542gate pulse	�h�߽�
26543gate reference	�h�Ѧ�
26544gate region	�h��
26545gate signal	�h�T��
26546gate switch	�h�}��
26547gate time	����h���ɶ�
26548gate to	�h�J
26549gate tube	�h��
26550gate turn off thyristor	�h�I�_�h�y��	GTOT
26551gate way	�h��
26552gate, a AND NOT B	A �Τ�B �h
26553gate, A except B	A ��B �h
26554gate, A ignore B	A ��B �h
26555gate, A implies B	A ĭ�tB �h
26556gate, A OR NOT B	A �Τ�B �h
26557gate, addition-without-carry	�L�i��[�k�h
26558gate, alternative denial	�椬�ڵ��h
26559gate, AND	�@���h
26560gate, AND NOT	�ΤϹh
26561gate, anticoincidence	�ϲŦX�h
26562gate, biconditional	�G�X����h
26563gate, buffer	�w�Ĺh
26564gate, cnditional implication	����ĭ�t�h
26565gate, coincidence	�ŦX�h
26566gate, conjunction	�@���h
26567gate, difference	�t���h
26568gate, disjunction	�����h
26569gate, dispersion	�����h
26570gate, distance	�Z���h
26571gate, don't-care	�H�N�h
26572gate, equality	�����h
26573gate, equivalence	�ﵥ�h
26574gate, except	���~�h
26575gate, exclusion	�����h
26576gate, exclusive-NOR	�����ϩιh
26577gate, exclusive-OR	�����ιh
26578gate, exjunction	���~�@���h
26579gate, generator	���;��h
26580gate, identity	���h
26581gate, if-A-then-B	�YA �h��B �h
26582gate, if-A-then-NOT-B	�YA �h��B �h
26583gate, if-then	�Y�h�h
26584gate, ignore	���h
26585gate, implication	ĭ�t�h
26586gate, inclusion	�]�A�h
26587gate, inclusive-NOR	�]�A�ϩιh
26588gate, inclusive-OR	�]�A�ιh
26589gate, intersection	��e�h
26590gate, join	�p�X�h
26591gate, joint denial	�p�X�ڵ��h
26592gate, logic product	�޿�n�h
26593gate, logic sum	�޿�M�h
26594gate, majority decision	�h�ƨM�w�h
26595gate, match	�k�X�h
26596gate, mix	�V�X�h
26597gate, modulo-two sum	��2 �M�h
26598gate, NAND	�Ϥιh
26599gate, negation	�t�h
26600gate, negative AND	�t�ιh
26601gate, negative ignore	�t���h
26602gate, negative-OR	�t�ιh
26603gate, neither-nor	���D�h
26604gate, nonconjunction	�D�@���h
26605gate, nondisjunction	�D�����h
26606gate, nonequality	�D�����h
26607gate, nonequivalence	�D�ﵥ�h
26608gate, NOR	�ϩιh
26609gate, NOT	�Ϲh
26610gate, NOT if-then	�ϭY�h�h
26611gate, NOT-AND	�Ϥιh
26612gate, NOT-both	�G�Ϲh
26613gate, null	�s�h
26614gate, one	���h
26615gate, OR	�ιh
26616gate, OR NOT	�ΤϹh
26617gate, partial-sum	�����M�h
26618gate, Pierre's arrow	�ֺ��h�b�ڹh
26619gate, positive AND	���ιh
26620gate, positive OR	���ιh
26621gate, rejection	�_�M�h
26622gate, Sheffer stroke	�R�����ĵ{�h
26623gate, sine-junction	���������h
26624gate, subjunction	�������h
26625gate, symmetric difference	��ٮt���h
26626gate, union	�p���h
26627gate, zero-match	�s�k�X�h
26628gate-level model	�h�����żҫ�
26629gate-level simulation	�h�����ż���
26630gateable clock	�h������
26631gated	�h����
26632gated amplifier	�h����j��
26633gated buffer	�h���w�ľ�
26634gated clock	�h������
26635gated crossover detection	�h���L�s�˴�
26636gated FF	�h�����ܹq��
26637gated full adder	�h�����[��
26638gated information	�h����T
26639gated latch	�h������
26640gateway	�q�D; ��D
26641gateway center	�q�|����
26642gateway computer	�h���s���p���
26643gateway controller	�h���s�����
26644gateway node	�h�����I
26645gateway protocol	�h���s����w
26646gateway work center	�q�|�u�@��
26647gather-write/scatter-read	�����g����Ū
26648gating	�q�D
26649gating circuit	�q�D�q��
26650gating code	�q�D�X
26651gating element	�h�����
26652gating line	�q�D�u��
26653gating matrix	�q�D�x�}
26654gating pulse	�q�D�߽�
26655gating technique	�q�D�޳N
26656gating time	�q�D�ɶ�
26657gauge	�q�W
26658Gauss-Seidel Method	���h�ɭ}�k
26659Gaussian curve	�������u
26660Gaussian distribution	�������t
26661Gaussian elimination	�������h�k
26662Gaussian noise	��������
26663gear, differential	�t�ʾ���
26664gear, integrating	�n������
26665gear, variable-speed	�ܳt����
26666general access copy	�q�Φs���ƥ�	GAC
26667general address	�q�Φ�}
26668general assembly drawing	�`�˹�	GAD
26669general computer system	�q�έp����t��
26670general description	�@��y�z
26671general escape	�@��h�X
26672general expenses	�`�ȶO��
26673general identifier	�q���ѧO��
26674general information	�n��
26675general item	�@�붵��
26676general ledger	�`�b�|�p; �`�����b
26677general ledger credit	�`�b�U��
26678general ledger debit	�`�b�ɤ�
26679general ledger worksheet	�`�b�u�@���Z
26680general problem	�@��y�{��
26681general problem solver program	�@����D�{��
26682general process	�@��{��; �q�ε{��
26683general program	�@��{��
26684general prupose register	�q�μȦs��
26685general purpose compiler	�q�νsĶ��
26686general purpose financial statements	�@��]�ȳ���
26687general purpose library	�q�ε{���w
26688general purpose register	�q�μȦs��
26689general purpose system simulator	�q�Ψt�μ�����	GPSS
26690general purpose time-sharing system	�q�Τ��ɨt��
26691general register	�q�μȦs��	G/R
26692general routine	�@��`��
26693general station	�@�미
26694general user	�@��ϥΪ�
26695general user configuration	�@��ϥΪ̬[�c
26696general-purpose library	�x�ε{���w
26697general-purpose-computer	�q�έp���	GPC
26698generalized assembly language	�q�βզX�y��	GAL
26699generalized excitation table	�@��ƿE�y��
26700generalized exponential distribution	�@��ƫ��Ƥ���
26701generalized routine	�@��Ʊ`��
26702generate	����
26703generated address	�@��( �� )�}
26704generated elements	�ͦ�����
26705generated error	�o�ͻ~�t
26706generated requirement	���ͤ��ݨD
26707generating function	���ͨ��
26708generating routine	���ͱ`��
26709generation	���X; �s�y
26710generation data group	�@�Ӹ�Ƹs
26711generation number	�s�y���X
26712generation rule	�l�ͳW�h
26713generation version	�s�y����
26714generation, report	�����s
26715generative method	�l�ͪk
26716generator	���;�
26717generator gate	���;��h
26718generator, analytical-function	�ѪR��Ʋ��;�
26719generator, arbitrary-function	�a�N��Ʋ��;�
26720generator, character-controlled	�r������;�
26721generator, clock-pulse	�����ߪi���;�
26722generator, diode function	�G�����Ʋ��;�
26723generator, empiric function	�g���Ʋ��;�
26724generator, function	��Ʋ��;�
26725generator, gate	�h�i���;�
26726generator, loaded-potentiometer function	�t���q��p��Ʋ��;�
26727generator, manual number	�H�u�Ʋ��;�
26728generator, manual word	�H�u�r���;�
26729generator, pure	�²��;�
26730generator, random number	�H���Ʋ��;�
26731generator, report	�s��
26732generator, restorer-pulse	��_�ߪi���;�
26733generator, tapped-potentiometer function	�����Y�q��p��Ʋ��;�
26734generator, time-pulse	�ɶ��ߪi���;�
26735generic	�P�ݪ�
26736generic device name	�q�θ˸m�W��
26737geometric distribution	�X�����
26738gereral accounting package	�q�η|�p�M�˳n��
26739germanium diode	��G����
26740germanium transistor	��q����
26741ghost hyphen	�۰ʳs�r��
26742gibabyte	�d���r�`	GB
26743gibberish	���
26744gibberish total	����`�p
26745gigabit	�d����S	GB
26746gigahertz circuit	�Q�����q��; ���q��
26747GIGI	�ϧμv�����ͤθ�Ķ
26748gimbal	��V��[
26749given name	�J�w�W��
26750glitch	�G��
26751global	����; ���骺
26752global addresser	������}	GA
26753global aggregate	�`�E��
26754global attribute	�`���ݩ�
26755global character mode	����r���X
26756global cross-reference	�`���Ӥޥ�
26757global field	�`����
26758global filter	�`��z�ᄍ
26759global identifier	�`����Ѳ�
26760global logical data base description	���L�޿��Ʈw�y�z
26761global name	���L�W��
26762global option	������
26763global page table	�`�魶��
26764global search-and-replace	�`��d�M�P����; �`��d�M��
26765global section	�`����q
26766global section descriptor	�`����q�y�z��
26767global section table	�`����q��
26768global symbol	�`��Ÿ�
26769global symbol table	�`��Ÿ���	GST
26770global variable	���L( �`�� )�ܶ�; �`���ܼ�
26771global variables	���L�ܼ�
26772glossary	�r�J; �W������
26773glyph	�y�r
26774go to	�i��; ����
26775GO TO instruction	GO TO ���O
26776GO TO statement goal	GO TO �ԭz
26777goal programming	�ؼгW��
26778gorunding circuit, frame	�ج[���a�q��
26779gothic	����
26780graceful degradation	�q�e�h��
26781grade of service	�A�ȯ�
26782gradient	���
26783gradient search	��׬d�M
26784grammar	��k
26785grand total-item balance file	�`�p--�w�s�l�B��
26786grandfather cycle	��l�g
26787grandfather tape	��l�a
26788grant	�»P; ���\
26789graph	�ϧ�
26790graph coordinate unit	�ϧήy�г��
26791graph display	�ϧ���ܾ�
26792graph follower	Ū�Ͼ�
26793graph language	�ϧλy��
26794graph plotter	ø�Ͼ�
26795graph plotters	ø�Ͼ�
26796graph reduction	�Y��
26797graph region	�ϧΰϰ�
26798graph type	�ϧΧΦ�
26799graph-off	�ϧ�--����
26800graph-on	�ϧ�--�Ұ�
26801grapheme	�y�N�ϥ�
26802graphic access method	�ϧΦs���k	GAM
26803graphic array	�ϧΰ}�C
26804graphic attention	�ϧ�ĵ�i
26805graphic attribute	�ϧ��ݩ�
26806graphic capability	�ϧΥ\��
26807graphic character	�ϸ�; �ϧΦr��
26808graphic cursor	�ϧδ��
26809graphic data	�ϧθ��
26810graphic data processing	�ϧθ�ƳB�z
26811graphic display	�ϧ����
26812graphic memory	�ϧΰO�о�
26813graphic mode	�ϧμҺA
26814graphic mouse	ø�ϴ�йq�l��
26815graphic object	�ϧΥؼ�
26816graphic panel	�ϪO
26817graphic pc application program	�ӤH�q���ϧ����ε{��
26818graphic program	�ϧε{��
26819graphic routine	�ϧα`��
26820graphic screen	�ϧοù�
26821graphic symbol	�ϥܲŸ�
26822graphic terminal	ø�ϲ׺ݾ�
26823graphic-display subsystem	�ϧ���ܤl�t��
26824graphical automatic programming	�ϸѦ۰ʵ{���]�p
26825graphical data display manager	�ϧθ����ܺ޲z�t��	GDDM
26826graphical representation	�ϥ�
26827graphics	�ϧ�
26828graphics application program	�ϧ����ε{��	GAP
26829graphics drive program	ø���X�ʵ{��
26830Gray code	��p�X
26831gray level	���t��; �`�L�h��
26832gray scale	���t�h����
26833gray-scale	�ǫפ��
26834greater than	�j��
26835greater than or equal to	�j����
26836greek alphobet	��þ�r��
26837greenwich mean time	��L�ªv�зǮɶ�	GMT
26838Greenwich mean time	��L�ªv�ɶ�	GMT
26839grid	�]; ��l
26840grid line	�]�u
26841grid, control	����]
26842grid-spaced contact	�]����IJ
26843grommet	���t��
26844groove	�W��; ����
26845gross	�`�M
26846gross analysis	��Q���R
26847gross earnings register	���J�n�Oï
26848gross error	�H���~�t
26849gross margin	��Q
26850gross profit	��Q
26851gross profit amount	��Q��ʤ���
26852gross requirement	��ݨD
26853ground	���a
26854ground data	�a�����
26855ground potential difference	���a�q��t
26856ground system	�a�u�t��
26857ground truth	�a�����
26858ground, frame	�ج[�a�u
26859ground, signal	�H���a�u
26860grounding	���a
26861grounding electrode	���a�q��
26862group	��; �s
26863group acess	�Ϭq�s�s���v
26864group available capacity	�s�եi�ϥί�q
26865group classification code	���s�X
26866group communication	�Ϭq�s�q�T
26867group data item	�s�ո�ƶ�
26868group delay distortion	�s�����u
26869group dictionary	G �ձM�����
26870group field	�s��
26871group file	�s����
26872group handles	�s�ռХܰ�
26873group indicate	�s����
26874group item	�s����
26875group load capacity ratio	�s�խt���ഫ�����v
26876group MAD ratio	�s��MAD ��v
26877group mark	����
26878group number	�ո�
26879Group on Computer	�q��q�l�u�{�v�Ƿ|�p����p��	G-C
26880group percent of load	�t���s�զʤ���
26881group record array	�հO���}�C
26882group reliability coefficients	�s�եi�a�ʫY��
26883group seasonal coefficients	�s�թu�`�ʫY��
26884group seasonality	�s�թu�`��
26885group separator character	�j�s�r��
26886group theory	�s��
26887group total indicator	�s���`����
26888group transmission	�s�նǰe
26889group, link	��s
26890group, trunk	�F�u�s
26891grouped record	���s�O��
26892grouping	�s�ժk
26893grouping isolation	�s�j��
26894growing thesaurus	�W������w
26895growth	�W��
26896growth stage	�������q
26897growth system	�F�ͨt��
26898growth trend	�F�ͶɦV
26899GST	�`��Ÿ���
26900guard band	�@�a
26901guard signal	���@�H��
26902guest opersting system	�ȧ@�~�t��
26903guide	���n
26904guide edge	�ɽt
26905guide line	�޾ɽu; ���n
26906guide margin	�����
26907guide mode	���n�A
26908guide plate	�ɪO
26909guide-in window	�ɤJ����
26910gulp	�Ƥ��ոs
26911gulps	�줸�s��
26912gun, electron	�q�l��
26913gun, holding	���d��
26914gun, light	����
26915gutter	��Z
26916GWBASIC	BASIC �y�����@��
26917half	�b; �@�b	HF
26918half adder	�b�[��
26919half adding	�b�[�k
26920half duplex	�b���u
26921half form character	�b�Φr
26922half line	�b�u
26923half size	�b�Φr
26924half subtracter	�b�
26925half tone	�b���
26926half wirte pulse	�b�g�߽�
26927half word	�b���r
26928half word boundary	�b�r��
26929half word buffer	�b�r�w�ľ�
26930half word input	�b�r��J
26931half word output	�b�r��X
26932half-add	�b�[
26933half-adder	�b�[��
26934half-duplex	�b���u��
26935half-duplex channel	�b���u�q�D
26936half-duplex contention	�b���u�ļ�
26937half-duplex transmission	�b���u�ǿ�
26938half-gateway	�b�H�h
26939half-inch tape	�b�^�o�ϱa
26940half-inch tape drive	�b�^�o�ϱa��
26941half-interval search	�϶����b�d�M
26942half-life	�b�I��
26943half-line	�b�u
26944half-ordered set	�b�Ƕ�
26945half-read pulse	�bŪ�߽�
26946half-reflection	�b�Ϯg
26947half-select pulse	�b��߽�
26948half-session	�b��ܴ�
26949half-shift register	�b����Ȧs��
26950half-sine	�b����
26951half-space	�b��
26952half-speed	�b�t��
26953half-subtracter	�b�
26954half-tone	�b���
26955half-tone process	�b��ճB�z
26956half-value period	�b�I��
26957half-wave	�b�i
26958half-wave rectifier	�b�i��y��
26959halfbyte	�b�r��
26960halfbyte aligned	�b�r�`���
26961halt	����
26962halt and proceed	����P�i��	HPR
26963halt burst mode	�Ȱ����նǿ�	HBM
26964halt condition	��������
26965halt cycle	����g��
26966halt indicator	�������ܾ�
26967halt input	�Ȱ���J
26968halt instruction	�Ȱ����O
26969halt mode	�Ȱ��ҺA
26970halt number	������
26971halt problem	�������D
26972halt problem mode	�������D�ҺA
26973halt state	����A
26974halt switch	�����}��
26975halted state	����A
26976halting execution	�������
26977halting problem	�������D
26978halting problem of flowchart schema	�y�{�Ϥ�װ������D
26979halting processing state	�Ȱ��B�z���A
26980halver operator	�����B��l
26981halving circuit	�����q��
26982halving register	�����Ȧs��
26983halyard	�ɭ���
26984hammer	�r��	HMR
26985hammer bank	�r���
26986hammer code	�r��N�X
26987hammer control logic	�r�豱���޿�	HCL
26988hammer lever	�r���
26989hammer machine	�r���
26990hammer magnet	���q�϶�
26991hammer shaft	���b
26992hand assembler	��u�զX�{��
26993hand assembly language	��u�զX�y��
26994hand calculator	��ʭp���
26995hand computation	��u�p��
26996hand held calculator	����p�⾹
26997hand held console	�������x
26998hand operation	��u�ާ@
26999hand punch	��ʥ��վ�
27000hand-coded analyser	��s���R��
27001hand-coded compiler	��s�sĶ�{��
27002hand-eye machine	�Ⲵ��
27003hand-feed punch	���X����
27004hand-flag transmission	��X�ǿ�
27005hand-held calculator	������p�⾹
27006hand-held computer	������p���
27007hand-operated punch card	�H�u�ާ@���եd
27008hand-printed character recognition	��g��r���ѧO
27009hand-written character	��g�r��
27010hand-written compiler	��g�sĶ�{��
27011handing time	�H�u�ާ@�ɶ�
27012handle	�Хܰ�
27013handle head	�y�`�Y
27014handle part	�y�`����
27015handle tail	�y�`��
27016handler	�B�m�{��
27017handling	�B�m
27018handling capacity	�B�z��O	HC
27019handling event function	�ƥ�ާ@�\��
27020handling failure	�B�z����
27021handling system	�B�z�t��	HD
27022handling time	�B�z�ɶ�
27023handover	�ಾ
27024handprint data-entry terminal	��u�C�L��Ƶn�J�׺ݾ�
27025hands on operation	����ާ@
27026hands-on	����
27027hands-on background	�u�@�g��
27028handset	���
27029handshake	���; �ǰe�ˬd
27030handshake protocol	�����w
27031handshaking	����H���洫
27032handshaking modem	�H���洫���ƾھ�
27033handshaking procedure	����L�{
27034handshaking sequence	����H������
27035handwriting	��g��
27036handwriting alpha-numeric character	��g�r��--�Ʀr�r��
27037handwriting character recognition	��g�r���ѧO
27038handwriting Chinese character	��g����r��
27039handwriting reader	��g��\Ū��
27040handwritten numeral reognition	��g�Ʀ��ѧO
27041hanging	�Ȱ�
27042hanging cursor position	�Ȱ���Ц�m
27043hard	�w��
27044hard adder	�w�[�k��
27045hard bubble	�w�w
27046hard bubble suppression	�w�w���
27047hard card	�w�鴡��O
27048hard copy	�w������; �ù�����
27049hard copy	�w����
27050hard copy facility	�w�������]��
27051hard copy interface	�w�������ɭ�
27052hard copy interpretation	�w��������Ķ
27053hard copy log	�w��������X
27054hard copy numeric input	�w�������Ʀr��J
27055hard copy output	�w��������X
27056hard copy peripheral	�w�����P��]��
27057hard copy printer	�w�����C�L��	HCP
27058hard copy system	�w�����t��	HCS
27059hard copy task	�w��������	HCT
27060hard copy unit	�w������
27061hard copy video interface	�w�������W�ɭ�
27062hard core	�w��
27063hard core entry descriptor	�֤ߵw��J�f�y�z
27064hard disc	�w�Ϻ�
27065hard disc operating system	�w�ϺЧ@�~�t��
27066hard disk	�w�Ϻ�
27067hard disk controller	�w�Ϻб��
27068hard disk drive	�w���Ϻо�	HDD
27069hard drive	�w�X�ʾ�
27070hard error	�w����~
27071hard facility	�w�]��
27072hard fault	�w�G��
27073hard format	�w�榡
27074hard hole	�w����
27075hard limited integrator	�w���q�n����
27076hard limiter	�w���T��
27077hard limiting	�w���T
27078hard machine check	�w�]������
27079hard magnetic material	�w�ϧ���
27080hard particle	�w����
27081hard permalloy head	�w�����X���Ϲ�
27082hard programmable control unit	�w�i�{���Ʊ��	HPCU
27083hard pulse	�j�߽�
27084hard return	�w���^��
27085hard sector	�w�Ϭq
27086hard sector disk	�w�Ϭq�Ϻ�
27087hard sectored	�w���Ϭq
27088hard sectored disk	�w���Ϭq��
27089hard sectored format	�w���Ϭq�Ю榡
27090hard sectoring	�w���q
27091hard space	���_����
27092hard stop	�w����
27093hard wait	�w����
27094hard wired	�w�s�u
27095hard wired circuit	�w�s�u�q��
27096hard wired controller	�w�s�u���
27097hard wired index	�w�s�u�ܧ}
27098hard wired instruction	�w�s�u���O
27099hard wired interconnection	�w�s�u���s
27100hard wired logic	�w�s�u�޿�
27101hard wired numerical control	�w�s�u�ƭȱ���
27102hard wired system	�w�s�u�t��
27103hard wired terminal	�w�s�u�׺ݾ�
27104hard-copy terminal	�ƦL���׺ݾ�
27105hard-to-get data	���o���
27106hard-wried control	�w�s�u����
27107hardcopy	�ƦL
27108hardcore fault	�֤ߵw��G��
27109hardened memory system	�T�ưO����t��
27110hardware	�w��
27111hardware address	�w���}
27112hardware address control	�w���}����
27113hardware aid to software	�n�骺�w�黲�U
27114hardware algorithm	�w��t��k
27115hardware arbiter	�w������
27116hardware architecture	�w����t�[�c
27117hardware assembler	�w��զX�{��
27118hardware associative memory	�w�鵲�X�O����	HAM
27119hardware availability ratio	�w��i�βv
27120hardware bootstrap	�w��۰ʱҰ�
27121hardware breakpoint	�w���_�I
27122hardware character	�w��r��
27123hardware character generator	�w��r�Ų��;�	HCG
27124hardware check	�w������
27125hardware check routine	�w������`��	HCR
27126hardware checksum	�w������M
27127hardware communication region	�w��q�T�ϰ�
27128hardware compatibility	�w��ۮe��
27129hardware compiler	�w��sĶ�{��
27130hardware component	�w�餸��
27131hardware configuration	�w��t�m
27132hardware configuration table	�w��t�m��
27133hardware console	�w�鱱��x
27134hardware construction	�w��c�y
27135hardware context	�w���q
27136hardware control	�w�鱱��
27137hardware control field	�w�鱱����
27138hardware control flag	�w�鱱��X��
27139hardware core	�w��֤�
27140hardware cost	�w��N��
27141hardware data control	�w���Ʊ���
27142hardware data extraction	�w�������
27143hardware debug	�w�鰣��
27144hardware deficiency	�w��ʳ�
27145hardware description language	�w��y�z�y��
27146hardware design	�w��]�p
27147hardware diagnostic program	�w��E�_�{��
27148hardware digital processing	�w��Ʀ�B�z
27149hardware display vector	�w����ܦV�q
27150hardware dump	�w�����x
27151hardware dump area	�w�����x�ϰ�
27152hardware emulation cross compiler	�w���u��e�sĶ�{��
27153hardware emulator	�w���u�{��
27154hardware enhancement	�w��W�j
27155hardware error	�w����~
27156hardware error recovery management system	�w����~��_�޲z�t��
27157hardware evaluation	�w�����
27158hardware facility	�w�]��
27159hardware firmware software trade-off	�w�鶴��n���v��
27160hardware implemented fault tolerance	�w���{���޳N	HIFT
27161hardware instruction	�w����O
27162hardware instruction retry	�w����O����	HIR
27163hardware interface	�w�餶��
27164hardware interface module	�w�餶���Ҳ�	HIM
27165hardware interlock register	�w�餬��Ȧs��
27166hardware interpreter	�w�骽Ķ�{��
27167hardware interrupt	�w�餤�_
27168hardware interrupt facility	�w�餤�_�]�I
27169hardware interrupt system	�w�餤�_�t��	HIS
27170hardware isolation of program	�{�����w��j��
27171hardware language	�w��y��
27172hardware layer	�w��h
27173hardware level	�w���
27174hardware lock	�w�����
27175hardware logic diagram	�w���޿��	HLD
27176hardware maintenance	�w����@
27177hardware malfunction	�w��G��
27178hardware management	�w��޲z
27179hardware manufacturers association	�w��s�y�Ө�|
27180hardware measurement tool	�w����q�u��	HMT
27181hardware memory system	�w��O�Шt��
27182hardware microcode optimizer	�w��L�X�̨ξ�
27183hardware model	�w��ҫ�
27184hardware module	�w��Ҳ�
27185hardware monitor	�w��ʵ���	HARDMON
27186hardware monitor interface	�w��ʵ����ɭ�	HMI
27187hardware monitoring	�w��ʵ�
27188hardware multiplier	�w�魼�k��	HMPR
27189hardware multiply module	�w�魼�k�Ҳ�
27190hardware operation	�w��ާ@
27191hardware optimization	�w��̨Τ�
27192hardware option	�w���ܥ\��
27193hardware padding sequence	�w��˶�ǦC
27194hardware PCB	�w��B�z����q
27195hardware performance	�w��į�
27196hardware performance study	�w��į��s
27197hardware pipeline	�w��޽u
27198hardware priority interrupt	�w���u�����_
27199hardware probe	�w�鱴��
27200hardware process control block	�w��B�z����q
27201hardware real-time monitor	�w��Y�ɺʱ���
27202hardware realization of operating system	�ާ@�t�εw���{
27203hardware recovery	�w���_
27204hardware register	�w��Ȧs��
27205hardware register saving	�w��Ȧs���O�s
27206hardware reliability	�w��i�a��
27207hardware representation	�w���ܦ�
27208hardware requirement	�w��n�D
27209hardware requirements	�w��ݨD
27210hardware resident	�w��`�n
27211hardware resource	�w��귽
27212hardware resource control	�w��귽����
27213hardware resource utilization	�w��귽�Q�βv
27214hardware security	�w��w��
27215hardware selection criteria	�w���ܼз�
27216hardware selector	�w���ܾ�
27217hardware serviceability ratio	�w��i�ήɶ���
27218hardware simulator	�w�������
27219hardware specification sheet	�w��W���	HSS
27220hardware stack	�w����|
27221hardware structure	�w�鵲�c
27222hardware subassembly	�w��l�զX
27223hardware subsystem	�w��l�t��
27224hardware support	�w��䴩
27225hardware support device	�w��䴩�˸m
27226hardware support kit	�t�M�w��
27227hardware supported vector operation	�w��䴩���V�q�B��
27228hardware system	�w��t��
27229hardware system command	�w��t�ΩR�O	HSC
27230hardware tab	�w��аO
27231hardware tariff	�w������
27232hardware technology	�w��޳N
27233hardware test	�w�����
27234hardware timer	�w��p�ɾ�
27235hardware trace mode	�w��l�ܤ覡
27236hardware unit	�w��椸
27237hardware vector to raster	�V�q���]�ܴ��w��
27238hardware verification technique	�w������޳N
27239hardware virtualizer	�w�������	HV
27240hardware word package	�w��r���M�˳n��
27241hardware word size	�w��r��
27242hardware zone	�w���
27243hardware-assisted high level debugging	�w�黲�U�����Ű���
27244hardwire	�q��
27245hardwired	�T�u��; �w���u��
27246hardwired connection	�w���u�s��
27247hardwiring	�w�s�u
27248harmful interference	���`�z�Z
27249harmonic	�Ӫi
27250harmonic analysis	�Ӫi���R
27251harmonic distortion	�Ӫi���u
27252harmonic equation	�թM��{
27253harmonic excitation	�Ӫi�E�y
27254harmonic filter	�Ӫi�o�i��	HF
27255harmonic function	�թM���
27256harmonic number	�թM��
27257harmonic oscillator	�����i���;�
27258harmonic response	�Ӫi�^��
27259harmonic response characteristic	�Ӫi�^���S��
27260harmonic series	�թM�ż�
27261harmonic telephone ringer	�Ӫi�q�ܮ��a��
27262harness	�ɽu
27263hartley	���S��
27264hash	����
27265hash address	�����}
27266hash addressing	����w�}
27267hash addressing method	����w�}�k
27268hash algorithm	����t��k
27269hash algorithm information table	����t��k��T��
27270hash algorithm library	����t��k�w	HAL
27271hash block	�����
27272hash code	����X
27273hash coding	����s�X
27274hash coding scheme	����s�X���
27275hash file	�����ɮ�
27276hash file system	�����ɮרt��
27277hash function	������
27278hash function solvability	�����ƥi�ѩ�
27279hash index	�������
27280hash indexing technique	������ުk
27281hash key	��������r
27282hash mark	����Ÿ�
27283hash method	����k
27284hash routine	����{�`��
27285hash table	�����
27286hash table bucket	�����
27287hash table entry	�����
27288hash total	�����`�M
27289hash transformation	�����ܴ�
27290hash vector	����V�q
27291hashed index	����( ���� )����
27292hashed value	�����
27293hashing	���éw�}�k; �h������
27294hashing technique	����k
27295hatted code	�H���X
27296haul	�q�H�Z��
27297hauled-down	�ԤU
27298hazard	�_�I
27299hazard analysis	�_�I���R
27300hazard circuit	�_�I�q��
27301hazard detection	�_�I�˴�
27302hazard elimination	�_�I����
27303hazard function	�_�I���
27304head	�Y; ���Y
27305head access window	���Y�s������
27306head address register	���Y��}�Ȧs��
27307head alignment	���Y���
27308head arm	���Y�u
27309head assembly	���Y�զX
27310head carriage	���Y���[
27311head clogging	���Y����
27312head core	���Y��
27313head cover	���Y�n
27314head crash	���Y�I��
27315head degausser	���Y���Ͼ�
27316head demagnetizer	���Y���Ͼ�
27317head disc assembly	���Y�զX
27318head disk interference	���Y�ϺФz�Z
27319head driver	���Y�X�ʾ�	HD
27320head drum	���Y��
27321head end	��������
27322head field	���Y��
27323head flag	���Y�аO
27324head gap	�ꭱ����
27325head housing	���Y�n
27326head information	���Y��T
27327head intertrack shield	���Y�D���̻�
27328head landing zone	���Y�w���
27329head life	���Y�ةR
27330head load	���Y���J
27331head load instruction	���Y���J���O
27332head load pad	���Y���J��
27333head loader	���Y���J��
27334head loading mechanism	���Y���J���c
27335head loading time	���Y���J�ɶ�
27336head loading zone	���Y���J��
27337head marker	���Y�аO
27338head message	�����T��
27339head movement	���Y����
27340head node	��`�I
27341head number	���Y��
27342head of an edge	���Y
27343head of form	����Y
27344head of list	���Y
27345head of ready list	�N�����Y
27346head of string	�r���Y
27347head of the queue	��C��
27348head per track	�C�y�@���Y
27349head pointer	�����Y
27350head positioner	���Y�w�쾹
27351head pressure solenoid	���Y���O���u��
27352head record	���D�O��
27353head rotor	���Y�n�l
27354head scatter	���Y����
27355head search controller	���Y�d�M���
27356head segment	���D�q
27357head select signal	���Y��ܰT��
27358head settling time	�d��ɶ�
27359head sheet	���D��
27360head slider	���Y�B�ʶ�
27361head slot	���Y��
27362head stack	���Y��
27363head step settling time	���Y�B�ií�w�ɶ�
27364head support arm	���Y�䴩�u
27365head switch	���Y�}��
27366head switching	���Y�౵
27367head symbol	�곡�Ÿ�
27368head to head	���Y����Y
27369head unloading	���Y�U��
27370head vector field	���Y�V�q�ϳ�
27371head wheel	���Y����
27372head/disk assembly	���Y/ �I�вզX
27373header	���Y; ����
27374header area	�Хܰ�
27375header block	���D�r��
27376header buffer	�����w�ľ�
27377header byte	���D�줸��
27378header card	���D�d��
27379header checking	���D����
27380header coil	���а�
27381header element	������
27382header entry	���D��
27383header field	���D��
27384header file	�D�ɮ�
27385header format	���D�榡
27386header information	���Y��T
27387header label	����	HDR
27388header line	���D��
27389header message	�����T��
27390header part	���D����
27391header record	���D�O��
27392header record format	���D�O���榡
27393header section	���D�`
27394header segment	���D�q
27395header sheet	���D��
27396header statement	���D�ԭz
27397header switching	���D�洫
27398header table	���D��
27399header word	���D�r
27400headers and trailers	�Y������
27401heading	���D; �孺	HD
27402heading and footing	�[���D�M�X�p
27403heading block	�_�l�r��
27404heading card	���D�d��
27405heading character	���D�r��
27406heading code	���D�ѧO�X
27407heading control	���D����
27408heading frame	���D��
27409heading information	���D��T
27410heading line	���D�C
27411heading message	���D����
27412heading printing	���D�L��
27413heading record	���D�O��
27414heading sense	���D�˴�
27415heading statement	���ԭz
27416heading syntax	���D�y�k
27417heading volume	���D��
27418headphone	�վ�
27419headset	���Y��
27420healing	��_
27421health care system	�O���t��	HCS
27422health check program	���d�ˬd�{��
27423heap	���|; ���; ��m
27424heap allocation	�說���t
27425heap construction	���|�c�y
27426heap element	���|����
27427heap file	���|�ɮ�
27428heap sort	���|�Ƨ�
27429heap sort program	���|�����{��
27430heap storage allocation	���|�x�s���t
27431heap storage management	���|�x�s�޲z
27432heap storage space requirement	���|�x�s�Ŷ��n�D
27433heap symbol	���|�Ÿ�
27434heat capacity	���e�q
27435heat conduction	���Ǿ�
27436heat conduction equation	���Ǿɤ�{
27437heat drift	���}��
27438heat equation	���y��{
27439heat exchanger	���洫��
27440heat fixing	���w�v
27441heat flow	���y
27442heat flow problem	���y���D
27443heat flux	���y�q�q
27444heat fusing	������
27445heat insulator	�����t��
27446heat of emission	����
27447heat pipe	����
27448heat proof	����
27449heat radiation	����g
27450heat run	�o������
27451heat shield	�o�̻�
27452heat sink	������	HS
27453heat sink compound	���������
27454heat sink cooling	�����N�o
27455heat sink strip	������
27456heat sinking	����
27457heat sinking capability	������O
27458heat spot	�L���I
27459heat test	�[������
27460heat transfer	���ǿ�
27461heat transfer coefficient	�Ǽ��Y��
27462heat transfer computer	���ǻ��p���
27463heat transfer path	�Ǽ����|
27464heat treat	���B�z
27465heat treatment	���B�z	HT
27466heatbeat	����
27467heater	�[����
27468heater block	�[�����ե�
27469heater type tube	�Ǽ����q�l��
27470heaterless tube	�������q�l��
27471heating and ventilation	�ѷx�P�q��
27472heating coil	�[���u��
27473heating computer	�[���p���
27474heating current	�[���q�y
27475heating effect	������
27476heating electrode	�[���q��
27477heating element	�o����
27478heating equipment	�[���]��
27479heating rate	�[���t�v
27480heating stylus	�[���w
27481heating time	�[���ɶ�
27482heavy	����
27483heavy duty	����
27484heavy duty load	���t��
27485heavy duty tape	���IJv�ϱa
27486heavy load	���t��
27487heavy route	�����|
27488heavy route circuit	�����|�q��
27489heavy route earth station	�����|�a����
27490heavy route station	�����|��
27491heavy seeding	������
27492heavy system workload	���t�Τu�@�t��
27493heavy traffic	�q�H�~���c��
27494heavy traffic time	�q�H�~���c���ɶ�
27495hectometer	�@�ʦ�
27496hectometric wave	�ʦ̪i
27497hectovolt	�ʥ�S
27498hectowatt	�ʥ˯S
27499height	����
27500height above average terrain	�a����������
27501height balanced binary	�����G����
27502height balanced tree	���ץ��ž�
27503height computer	���׭p���
27504height control	���ױ���
27505height finder	���״��Z��
27506height gain	���׼W�q
27507height indicator	���׫���
27508height of a node	�`�I����
27509height of a tree	������
27510height pattern	������V��
27511height reply analysis processor	���צ^�����R�B�z��
27512height simulator	���׼�����	HTSIM
27513heir pointer	���~����
27514held over	����
27515held terminal	����׺ݾ�
27516helical	���ۧ�
27517helical line	���۽u
27518helical polarization	���۰���
27519helicoid	���ۭ�
27520helicopter performance computer	���ɾ��ʯ�p���	HPC
27521heliograph	����Ϯg�H����
27522helix	���۽u
27523helix printer	���ۧΦC�L��
27524hell system	���Ĩt��
27525hello	�I�s
27526hello screen	�I�s�ù�
27527help	����; �D�U
27528help file	������
27529help form	������
27530help form name	������W��
27531help function	�D�U�\��
27532help key	�D�U��
27533help library	������Ʈw
27534help menu	�D�U���
27535help message	�����T��
27536help messages	���U�T��
27537help panel	�����O
27538help program	�D�U�{��
27539help screen	�D�U�ù�
27540help support	�D�U�䴩
27541help system	�D�U�t��
27542help text	������r
27543help user action routine	��D�����
27544help word	�D�U�r
27545hemicontinuous	�b�s��
27546hemivariate	�b�ܼ�
27547hemivariate functional	�b�ܼƪx��
27548heptode	�C���u�ź�
27549hercules card	���ϧΤ����d
27550hermetic	�K��
27551hermetic package	���K�ʫʸ�
27552hermetic seal	�K��
27553hermetically sealed	��K
27554hermite	��̴���
27555hermitian form	��̫�
27556hermitian matrix	��̯x�}
27557hertz (cycles/second)	��( �g��/ �� )	HZ
27558hetero dpitaxial optical waveguide	����~�����Ǫi��
27559hetero epitaxy	����~��
27560hetero junction	���赲
27561heterochronous	�t�P�B
27562heterochronous computer	����\��p���
27563heterochronous data base	�h���ظ�Ʈw
27564heterochronous multiprocessor	���c���h�B�z��
27565heterochronous network	�h���غ���
27566heterochronous structure	�������c
27567heterochronous system	�h���بt��
27568heterocrystal	���费��
27569heterocyne	�~�t
27570heterocyne conversion	�~�t�ഫ
27571heterocyne interference	�~�t�z�Z
27572heterocyne method	�~�t�k
27573heterocyne oscillator	�~�t������
27574heterocyne reception	�~�t����
27575heterocyne repeater	�~�t��o��
27576heterocyning	�~�t�@��
27577heterogeneity	�h�۩�
27578heterogeneous	���誺
27579heterogeneous computer	����\��p���
27580heterogeneous computer network	����\��p�������
27581heterogeneous computer system	�h���حp����t��
27582heterogeneous data base	�h���ظ�Ʈw
27583heterogeneous data base management	�h���ظ�Ʈw�޲z
27584heterogeneous group	�h�۸s
27585heterogeneous light	������
27586heterogeneous microprocessor	�����L�B�z��
27587heterogeneous multiplex	�h���ت��h���ǰe
27588heterogeneous multiprocessor	�����h�B�z��
27589heterogeneous network	�h���غ���
27590heterogeneous structure	�������c
27591heterogeneous system	�h���بt��
27592heterogeneousc computer ntwork	����ʹq������
27593heuristic	�ҵo��
27594heuristic algorithm	�ҵo���t��k
27595heuristic approach	�ҵo�k
27596heuristic binary file index	�ҵo�G�i���ɮׯ���
27597heuristic factory	�ҵo���u�t
27598heuristic function	�ҵo���
27599heuristic knowledge	�ҵo�ʪ���
27600heuristic method	�ҵo�k
27601heuristic optimization	�ҵo�̨Τ�
27602heuristic path algorithm	�ҵo���J�t��k
27603heuristic power	�ҵo��O
27604heuristic problem solution	�ҵo�����D�Ѫk
27605heuristic problem solving	�ҵo���D�D��
27606heuristic procedure	�ҵo���L�{
27607heuristic program	�ҵo���{��
27608heuristic programming	�ҵo���{���]�p
27609heuristic pruning	�ҵo���װ�
27610heuristic pruning of game tree	���ɾ��ҵo���װ�
27611heuristic routine	�ҵo���`��
27612heuristic rule	�ҵo���W�h
27613heuristic search	�ҵo���d�M
27614heuristic searching	�ҵo���d�M
27615heuristic technique	�ҵo���޳N
27616heuristically-programmed algorithmic	�ҵo���{���t��k	HAL
27617heuristically-programmed algorithmic computer	�ҵo���{���t��k�p���	HALC
27618heuristics	�ҵo��
27619hex buffer	���w�ľ�
27620hex head screw	�������v
27621hex inverter	���Ϭ۾�
27622hex pad	�����k��
27623hexadecimal	�Q���i��
27624hexadecimal addition	�Q���i��[�k
27625hexadecimal address	�Q���i���}
27626hexadecimal base	�Q���i��
27627hexadecimal calculator	�Q���i��p���
27628hexadecimal character	�Q���i��r��
27629hexadecimal code	�Q���i��N�X
27630hexadecimal constant	�Q���i��`��
27631hexadecimal conversion table	�Q���i�촫���
27632hexadecimal digit	�Q���i��Ʀ�
27633hexadecimal floating point	�Q���i��B�I
27634hexadecimal format	�Q���i��榡
27635hexadecimal keyboard	�Q���i����L
27636hexadecimal listing	�Q���i��C��
27637hexadecimal microcode	�Q���i��L�N�X
27638hexadecimal multiplication	�Q���i�쭼�k
27639hexadecimal notation	�Q���i��O�ƪk
27640hexadecimal number	�Q���i���
27641hexadecimal number system	�Q���i��ƨt��
27642hexadecimal numeral	�Q���i���
27643hexadecimal point	�Q���i��p���I
27644hexadecimal self-defining term	�Q���i��۩w�q��
27645hexadecimal symbolic loader	�Q���i��Ÿ����J�{��	HDLR
27646hexadecimal system	�Q���i���
27647hexadecimal to binary	�Q���i����ഫ�G�i���	HTB
27648hexadecimal value	�Q���i����
27649hexaformat	���榡
27650hexode	������
27651hibernate state	�V�v���A
27652hibernation	�V�v
27653hidden bit	���æ줸
27654hidden computer	���íp���
27655hidden data	���ø��
27656hidden entity	�������
27657hidden field	�����
27658hidden file	���æ��ɮ�
27659hidden line	���ýu
27660hidden line algorithm	���ýu�t��k
27661hidden line elimination	���ýu����
27662hidden line plot	���ýuø��
27663hidden line removal	���ýu���h
27664hidden memory	����O����	HM
27665hidden optimization	���æ��̨Τ�
27666hidden refresh logic	���æA���޿�
27667hidden stack	�����|
27668hidden surface	���í�
27669hidden surface algorithm	����t��k
27670hidden surface elimination	�������
27671hidden surface removal	������h
27672hidden symbol	���æ��Ÿ�
27673hidden variable	�����ܼ�
27674hide	����
27675hierarchic direct access method	�������s����k	HDAM
27676hierarchic direct organization	��������´
27677hierarchic indexed direct access method	�����ު����s����k	HIDAM
27678hierarchic indexed sequential access method	�����޴`�Ǧs����k	HISAM
27679hierarchic sequence	�h���`��
27680hierarchic sequential access method	�h���`�Ǧs����k	HSAM
27681hierarchical	�h����; ���h��
27682hierarchical abstract computer	�h����H�p���
27683hierarchical abstract machine methodology	���h����H����k
27684hierarchical access method	�h���s���k	HAM
27685hierarchical array processor	���h�}�C�B�z��
27686hierarchical boolean function	���h���L���
27687hierarchical cataloging structure	���Žs�ص��c
27688hierarchical classification	���Ť���
27689hierarchical clustering	���Ÿs�E
27690hierarchical computer network	���h�q������
27691hierarchical control	���ű���
27692hierarchical data base	�h����Ʈw
27693hierarchical data model	�h����Ƽҫ�
27694hierarchical data structure	���h��Ƶ��c
27695hierarchical database	���h����Ʈw
27696hierarchical decomposition	�h������
27697hierarchical description	���h���y�z
27698hierarchical design	���h���]�p
27699hierarchical design method	���h���]�p�k
27700hierarchical development mehtodology	���Ůi�o�k	HDM
27701hierarchical dialogue structure	���h����ܵ��c
27702hierarchical direct	���ź޲z
27703hierarchical direct access method	�h�������s���k	HDAM
27704hierarchical directed graph	���h�����V��
27705hierarchical directory structure	���h���ؿ����c
27706hierarchical distributed multiprocessor	���h���������h�B�z��
27707hierarchical file	�����ɮ�
27708hierarchical file structure	�����ɮ׵��c
27709hierarchical file system	���h���ɮרt��
27710hierarchical form	���h�����
27711hierarchical graph language	���h���ϧλy��
27712hierarchical image understanding model	���Ź϶H�z�Ѽҫ�
27713hierarchical indexed direct access method	�h�����ު����s���k	HIDAM
27714hierarchical indexed sequential access method	�h�����޶��Ǧs���k
27715hierarchical information control system	���Ÿ�T����t��
27716hierarchical information structure	���Ÿ�T���c
27717hierarchical interrupt	���Ť��_
27718hierarchical laboratory automation system	���Ź���Ǧ۰ʤƨt��
27719hierarchical language	���Ży��
27720hierarchical level approach	���ŵ��c�k
27721hierarchical logic high level	�����޿谪�q��
27722hierarchical memory storage	���ŰO�����x�s
27723hierarchical model of program	�{�����h���ҫ�
27724hierarchical monitor	���źʷ��{��
27725hierarchical multiprogramming	���Ŧh���{���]�p
27726hierarchical network	���h������
27727hierarchical network architecture	���h�������[�c	HNA
27728hierarchical network nodes	���h�������`�I
27729hierarchical operation system	���ŧ@�~�t��
27730hierarchical organization	���h����´
27731hierarchical path	���Ÿ��|
27732hierarchical planning	���ųW��
27733hierarchical pointer	�h������
27734hierarchical prioritization scheme	�����u���Ƥ��
27735hierarchical problem structure	���h�����D���c
27736hierarchical production system	���h���Ͳ��t��
27737hierarchical record type	���h���O������
27738hierarchical report	���h������
27739hierarchical sequence key	�h����������X
27740hierarchical sequential	�h������
27741hierarchical sequential access method	�h�����Ǧs����k
27742hierarchical sequential organization	�h�����Dz�´
27743hierarchical service system	���ŪA�Ȩt��
27744hierarchical set	���Ŷ��X
27745hierarchical simulation	���h������
27746hierarchical storage manager	���h���x�s�޲z�{��
27747hierarchical storage system	���h���x�s�t��
27748hierarchical structure	�h�����c
27749hierarchical structure production control	�h�����c�Ͳ�����
27750hierarchical structure support	�h�����c�䴩
27751hierarchical system	���Ũt��
27752hierarchical tree system	���h�����c��Ψt��
27753hierarchical tree-structure	���h�����c
27754hierarchically distributed robot control system	�h���������������H����t��
27755hierarchically intelligent control	���Ŵ��z����
27756hierarchically replicated banking data base	���h���ƨ�Ȧ��Ʈw
27757hierarchically structured system	���h�����c�t��
27758hierarchically synchronized network	���h���P�B����
27759hierarchy	�h��	HIR
27760hierarchy access time	���Ŧs���ɶ�
27761hierarchy capacity	���Ůe�q
27762hierarchy chart	���h��
27763hierarchy computer control system	���ŭp�������t��
27764hierarchy configuration	���Űt�m
27765hierarchy control	���ű���
27766hierarchy control system	���ű���t��
27767hierarchy cost	���Ż���
27768hierarchy data structrure	�h����Ƶ��c
27769hierarchy language	���ŵ��c�y��
27770hierarchy manager	���ź޲z
27771hierarchy model	���ŵ��c�ҫ�
27772hierarchy number	���h����
27773hierarchy number of procedure	�L�{�h���s��
27774hierarchy of activity	���ʼh��
27775hierarchy of argument type	�ܤ������h��
27776hierarchy of block	���{�Ǽh��
27777hierarchy of control	����h��
27778hierarchy of high level language processor	���Ży���B�z�����h��
27779hierarchy of information storage	��T�x�s�h��
27780hierarchy of interpretive modules	�����Ҳժ����h�����c	HIM
27781hierarchy of interruption priority	���_�u���v�h��
27782hierarchy of layer	���h���h��
27783hierarchy of mask	�̽��h��
27784hierarchy of memory	�x�s�h��
27785hierarchy of operations	�ާ@�h��
27786hierarchy plan	���Ť��
27787hierarchy segment	�h�����_
27788hierarchy segment theorem	�h���q�z��
27789hierarchy system	�h���t�ν�
27790hieroglyph	�H�Τ�r
27791high	��
27792high accuracy data	���ǽT�׸��
27793high accuracy data transmission system	���ǽT�׸�ƶǿ�t��
27794high accuracy formula	���ǽT�פ���
27795high accuracy radar data transmission system	���ǽT�׹p�F��ƶǿ�t��	HARDTS
27796high activity data processing	���ĸ�ƳB�z
27797high address	�����}
27798high and low temperature cycle	���C�ū״`��
27799high availability	���ϥΫ�
27800high availability message communication system	���i��ʰT���洫�q�T�t��
27801high bandwidth LAN	���W�e�����
27802high bandwidth link	���W�e���
27803high bit rate	���줸�v	HBR
27804high bound	�W��
27805high byte	����r��
27806high byte enable	����r���Ұ�	HBEN
27807high byte strobe	����r����q	HBS
27808high capacity	���e�q
27809high capacity communication	���e�q�q�T
27810high capacity mobile telecommunications system	���e�q�y�ʻ��{�q�T�t��
27811high capacity system	�j�e�q�t��	HCS
27812high conductivity	���ɹq��	HC
27813high contrast	���ѪR��
27814high current hybrids	�j�q�y�V�X�L�q��
27815high data storage system	����Ʋv�x�s�t��
27816high density	���K��	HIDEN
27817high density assembly	���K�ײզX
27818high density bipolar	���K��������
27819high density bipolar code	���K�������ʽX
27820high density buffer	���K�׽w�ľ�
27821high density center	���K�פ���
27822high density data	���K�׸��
27823high density data system	���K�׸�ƨt��
27824high density data transmitters	���K�׸�Ƶo�e��	HDDT
27825high density digital recording	���K�׼Ʀ�O��
27826high density digital tape	���K�׼Ʀ�ϱa
27827high density digital tape recorder	���K�׼Ʀ�ϱa��	HDDTR
27828high density electronic packaging	���K�׹q�l�ո�	HDEP
27829high density encode model	���K�׽s�X�Ҧ�
27830high density flexible	���K�׼u��	HDF
27831high density logic	���K���޿�
27832high density multitrack recording	���K�צh�ϹD�O��	HDMR
27833high density packaging	���K�ײո�
27834high density recording	���K�װO��	HDR
27835high density storage	���K���x�s��
27836high density tape	���K�׺ϱa
27837high density traffic	���K�׳q�H�~��
27838high dimensional pattern grammar	�����Ҧ���k
27839high dynamic user equipment	���ʺA�Τ�]��
27840high efficient and ease-to-use system interface	���IJv���Ϊ��t�άɭ�
27841high end	���h��; ���ū�
27842high energy	����q
27843high energy gas laser	�������p�g	HEGL
27844high energy laser beam	����q�p�g�i��	HELB
27845high energy laser system	����p�g�t��	HELS
27846high energy physics laboratory	���ફ�z�����	HEPL
27847high energy tape	����ϱa
27848high fidelity	���O�u��
27849high frequency	���W	HF
27850high frequency amplifier	���W��j��	HFA
27851high frequency and high resolution colour printing	���W�ΰ��ѪR�ױm��C�L
27852high frequency carrier	���W���i
27853high frequency carrier telegraphy	���W���i�q��
27854high frequency channel	���W�q�D
27855high frequency choke	���W��y��
27856high frequency current	���W�q�y
27857high frequency distribution frame	���W�������[�c	HFDF
27858high frequency emphasis	���W�[��
27859high frequency sputtering	���W�q�g�k
27860high frequency transformer	���W������
27861high gain amplifier	���W�q��j��
27862high gain antenna	���W�q�ѽu
27863high gain link	���W�q���
27864high grade cryptographic system	���űK�X�t��
27865high grade cryptosystem	���űK�X�t��
27866high impedance	������
27867high indicator	���ȫ��ܲ�
27868high inductance head	���q�P���Y
27869high information delta modulation	����T�W�q�ը�	HIDM
27870high integration density	���n���
27871high intensity magnetic filter	���j�׺ϩ��o�i��	HIMF
27872high intensity noise	���j�׾���	HIN
27873high intensity reciprocity failure	���j�פ����ʬG��	HIRF
27874high intensity sound simulator	���j���n��������	HISS
27875high isolation transformer	�j�j��������	HIT
27876high language	�����y��	HL
27877high level analog input subsystem	���������J�t��	HLAIS
27878high level automatic scheduling program	�����۰ʱƵ{�{��	HASP
27879high level command	�����R�O
27880high level communication structure	�����q�T���c
27881high level compiler	�����sĶ�{��	HLC
27882high level control	��������
27883high level data base language	������Ʈw�y��
27884high level data base management system	������Ʈw�޲z�t��
27885high level data link control	������Ƴs������	HDLC
27886high level data link control adaptor	������Ƴs���A�t��
27887high level data link control procedure	������Ƴs������L�{
27888high level data link control protocol	������Ƴs������W�{
27889high level data link control station	������Ƴs�����
27890high level data link control system	������Ƴs������t��
27891high level data link control system support	������Ƴs������t�Τ䴩
27892high level data link controller	������Ƴs�����
27893high level data linkage module	������Ƴs���Ҳ�
27894high level data manipulaton language	������ƾާ@�y��
27895high level data type	�����������
27896high level debugging	��������
27897high level decomposition	��������
27898high level description language	�����y�z�y��
27899high level digital interface	�����Ʀ줶��
27900high level diode transistor logic	�����G����q�����޿�	HLDTL
27901high level file store	�����ɮ��x�s��
27902high level form definition language	�������w�q�y��
27903high level graphical programming language	�����ϸѵ{���]�p�y��
27904high level graphics routine	�����ϥܱ`��
27905high level job control language	�����@�~����y��
27906high level language	�����y��
27907high level language architecture	�����y�����c
27908high level language computer	�����y���p���
27909high level language debugging	�����y������
27910high level language machine	�����y����
27911high level language processor architecture	�����y���B�z���[�c
27912high level language programming	�����y���{���]�p
27913high level language programming environment	�����y���{���]�p����
27914high level language structure	�����y�����c
27915high level logic	���q���޿�
27916high level machine	��������
27917high level message	�����T��
27918high level microprogram language	�����L�{���y��
27919high level microprogramming	�����L�{���]�p
27920high level microprogramming language	�����L�{���]�p�y��
27921high level modulation	���q������
27922high level network	���q����
27923high level network processing language	���������B�z�y��
27924high level network protocol	���q�����W�{
27925high level network service	���q�����A��
27926high level noise margin	���q�������e��
27927high level nonprocedure language	���q�D�L�{�y��
27928high level operation system	�����@�~�t��
27929high level operator	���h�B���
27930high level primitive	�����y��
27931high level procedural programming language	�����{�ǵ{���]�p�y��
27932high level procedure	�����W�{
27933high level processing	���h�B�z
27934high level programmer interface	�����{��������
27935high level programming interface	�����{���]�p����	HLPI
27936high level programming language	�����{���]�p�y��
27937high level protocol	������w
27938high level query language	�����d�߻y��
27939high level real time language	�����Y�ɻy��
27940high level recovery	������_
27941high level representation	������ܪk
27942high level resource scheduler	�����귽�Ƶ{�{��
27943high level scheduler	�����Ƶ{�{��
27944high level scheduling	�����Ƶ{
27945high level segment	�������q
27946high level single ended	��ݱ��a���q��	HLSE
27947high level software	�����n��
27948high level source code	������l�X
27949high level specification language	���������y��
27950high level string-processing concept	�����r��B�z����
27951high level structured programming language	�������c�Ƶ{���]�p�y��
27952high level syntax	�����y�k
27953high level test language	�������ջy��
27954high level transistor logic	���Źq�����޿�
27955high level vector language	�����V�q�y��
27956high level vector language computer	�����V�q�y���p���
27957high level vision	������ı
27958high lighting	��X
27959high limiting control action	�����ױ���@��
27960high loss fiber	���I���ֺ�
27961high low bias check	���C��t����
27962high low bias test	���C��t�ˬd
27963high low limit	���C����
27964high maintainability	�����ש�
27965high noise immunity	�����Z��
27966high noise immunity logic	�����Z���޿�	HINIL
27967high operand	�W�ɹB�⤸
27968high or low selector	���C��ܾ�
27969high order	����; ����; ����
27970high order bit	����줸
27971high order byte	����r��
27972high order character	����r��
27973high order digit	�����Ʀ�
27974high order end	�����
27975high order incompleteness	���줣������
27976high order language	����y��	HOL
27977high order language technology	����y���޳N
27978high order language working group	����y���u�@��	HOLWG
27979high order logic	�����޿�
27980high order merge	����X��
27981high order position	���Ʀ�
27982high order precedence grammar	�����u����k
27983high order predicate calculus	����z���t��
27984high pass	���q
27985high pass filter	���q�o�i��	HPF
27986high performance	���ʯ�
27987high performance antenna assembly	���ʯ�ѽu�˸m	HPAA
27988high performance communication	���ʯ�q�T
27989high performance communication equipment	���ʯ�q�H�]��
27990high performance communication system	���ʯ�q�T�t��
27991high performance communications adapter	���ʯ�q�T�A�t��	HPCA
27992high performance data compression	���ʯ������Y
27993high performance display	���ʯ���ܾ�
27994high performance equipment	���ʯ�]��
27995high performance graphics system	���ʯ�ϧΨt��
27996high performance lanimate	���ʯ�h���O
27997high performance parallel processor	���ʯ७��B�z��
27998high performance processor	���ʯ�B�z��
27999high performance real-time application	���ʯ�Y������
28000high performance system	���ʯ�t��
28001high performance tape	���ʯ�ϱa
28002high performance uniprocessor	���ʯ��B�z��
28003high performance unit	���ʯ�椸
28004high performance virtual machine system	���ʯ�������t��
28005high performation main storage	���ʯ�D�x�s��	HPMS
28006high permeability alloy	���Ͼɲv�X��
28007high permeability material	���Ͼɲv����
28008high portion	������
28009high position	����
28010high positive indicator	�������ܾ�
28011high power	�j�\�v
28012high power amplifier	�j�\�v��j��
28013high power hybrids	�j�\�v�V�X�L�q��
28014high power inhibit	�j�\�v�T��q��
28015high power up amps	�j�\�v�B���j��
28016high precision	�����
28017high pressure	����
28018high priority	���u������	HIPRI
28019high priority message	���u�����Ÿ�T
28020high priority record queue	���u���ŰO����C
28021high profile terminal	������β׺ݾ�
28022high punch	���쥴��
28023high quality	����q	HQ
28024high random access	���t�H���s��	HIRAC
28025high reduction	�����Y�p
28026high reliability	���i�a��
28027high resolution	���ѪR��
28028high resolution computer graphic system	���ѪR�׭p����ϧΨt��
28029high resolution graphic	���ѪR�׹ϧ�
28030high resolution graphics termianl	���ѪR�׹ϧβ׺�
28031high resolution permanent magnet	���ѪR�ץä[���K
28032high resolution timer	���ѪR�שw�ɾ�
28033high segment	���q
28034high selectivity	����ܩ�
28035high speed	���t
28036high speed adapter	���t�A�t��
28037high speed adapter address	���t�t�A����}
28038high speed adapter subchannel	���t�t�A���l�q�D
28039high speed adapter teleprinter module	���t�t�A���q�ǦC�L���Ҳ�
28040high speed adder	���t�[�k��
28041high speed algorithm	�ֳt�t��k
28042high speed analog computer	���t����p���
28043high speed arithmetic	���t�B��
28044high speed buffer	���t�w�ľ�
28045high speed buffer register	���t�w�ļȦs��
28046high speed buffer storage	���t�w���x�s��
28047high speed bus	���t�׬y��
28048high speed bus adapter	���t�׬y�ƾA�t��
28049high speed calculation	���t�p��
28050high speed card punch	���t�d�����վ�
28051high speed card reader	���tŪ�d��	HSCR
28052high speed carry	���t�i��
28053high speed channel	���t�q�D
28054high speed channel processor	���t�q�D�B�z��	HCP
28055high speed circuit	���t�q��
28056high speed circuit breaker	���t�_����
28057high speed communication station	���t�q�T��
28058high speed compound terminal	���t�_�X�׺ݾ�	HSCT
28059high speed computer	���t�p���
28060high speed concentrator	���t���u��
28061high speed controller	���t���
28062high speed counter	���t�p�ƾ�
28063high speed counting	���t�p��
28064high speed data	���t���	HSD
28065high speed data acquisiition	���t������	HSDA
28066high speed data buffer	���t��ƽw�ľ�	HSDB
28067high speed data bus	���t��ƶ׬y��
28068high speed data channel	���t��Ƴq�D
28069high speed data link	���t��Ƴs��
28070high speed data path	���t��Ƹ��|
28071high speed data regeneration assembly	���t��ƦA�ͲզX
28072high speed data word	���t��Ʀr
28073high speed digital computer	���t�Ʀ�p���
28074high speed digital filter	���t�Ʀ��o�i��	HSDF
28075high speed digital integrated circuit	���t�Ʀ�n��q��
28076high speed digitization	���t�Ʀ��
28077high speed dump	���t���x
28078high speed duplex printing	���t�����C�L
28079high speed duplication	���t�_��
28080high speed encoder	���t�s�X��
28081high speed intercomputer communication	���t�p������q�T
28082high speed job selection	���t�@�~���
28083high speed line	���t�u
28084high speed line adapter	���t�u���A�t��	HLA
28085high speed line printer	���t��C�L��
28086high speed loading	���t���J�k
28087high speed local network	���t�ϰ����
28088high speed logic interface	���t�޿褶��
28089high speed loop	���t�j��
28090high speed memory	���t�O����
28091high speed multiplex link	���t�h�u�ǿ�s��
28092high speed multiplier	���t���k��
28093high speed multiply	���t��
28094high speed network	���t����
28095high speed paper reader	���t�ȱa�\Ū��
28096high speed paper tape absolute loader	���t�ȱa������J�{��	HSPTAL
28097high speed paper tape punch	���t�ȱa���վ�
28098high speed parallel adder	���t����[�k
28099high speed pipeline computer	���t�޽u�p���
28100high speed plotter	���tø�Ͼ�
28101high speed printer	���t�C�L��
28102high speed reader	���t��J��	HSR
28103high speed reading system	���tŪ�ƨt��
28104high speed register	���t�Ȧs��
28105high speed repetitive operation	���t���_�ާ@
28106high speed scan	���t���y
28107high speed scroll	���t½��
28108high speed seek	���t�M��
28109high speed selector	���t��ܾ�
28110high speed selector channel	���t��ܾ��q�D	HSEL
28111high speed semantic net	���t�y�q��
28112high speed serial data buffer	���t�ǦC��ƽw�ľ�
28113high speed signal control equipement	���t�T������]��
28114high speed single line controller	���t��u���
28115high speed skip	���t���L
28116high speed storage	���t�x�s��
28117high speed storage loading	���t�x�s�����J
28118high speed store	���t�x�s
28119high speed switched digital service	���t�ഫ�Ʀ�~��	HSSDS
28120high speed symbol generator	���t�Ÿ����;�	HSSG
28121high speed tape puncher	���t�ȱa���վ�
28122high speed tape transport	���t�ϱa��
28123high speed technology robot	���t�޳N�����H
28124high speed testing technique	���t���է޳N
28125high speed tranmission	���t�ǿ�
28126high speed type	���t���r
28127high technology office	���޳N�줽��
28128high technology robot	���޳N�����H
28129high temperature laminate	���żh���O
28130high temperature storage	�����x�s��
28131high tension supply	�����q��
28132high threshold logic	������޿�	HTL
28133high threshold logic circuit	������޿�q��
28134high throughput	���]�R�q
28135high throughput interconnection structure	���]�R�q���s���c
28136high transaction throughput	���ƶ��B�z�]�R�q
28137high usage group	���Q�βv��
28138high usage intertoll trunk	���Q�βv���~�x�����~�u
28139high usage route	���ĸ��|
28140high usage trunk	���Ĥ��~�u
28141high usage trunk group	���Ĥ��~�u��
28142high vacuum tube	���u�Źq�l��
28143high value	�����
28144high velocity	���t��
28145high voltage	���q��
28146high voltage direct converter	�������y�ഫ��	HVDC
28147high voltage direct current	�������y
28148high voltage power supply	�����q��
28149high voltage state	�����A
28150high volume production	�j�q�Ͳ�
28151high volume time-sharing	�j�e�q����
28152high-key value	�����
28153high-level language	�����y��
28154high-on-the line	���o�q��
28155high-order bit	�����줸
28156high-order byte	�����줸��
28157high-order end	������
28158high-speed carry	���t�i��
28159higher array	�������Ʋ�
28160higher dimensional array	�����Ʋ�
28161higher dimensional grammar	������k
28162higher harmonic	�������Ӫi
28163higher language	�����y��
28164higher level	���h
28165higher level arithmetic function	�����B��\��	HLAF
28166higher level knowledge	��������
28167higher level language resource	�����y���귽
28168higher level microprogramming language	�����L�{���]�p�y��
28169higher level programming language	�����{���]�p�y��
28170higher level storage structure	�����x�s�����c
28171higher mathematics	�����ƾ�
28172higher modular assembiles	�����ҲդƲե�
28173higher modulus counter	���j�Ҳռƭp�ƾ�
28174higher numbered state	���s�����A
28175higher order calculus	����p��k
28176higher order differential equation	����L����{
28177higher order function	�������
28178higher order language	�����y��
28179higher order logic	�����޿�
28180higher order precedence	�����u���k
28181higher order precedence grammar	�����u����k
28182higher order precedence relation	�����u�����Y
28183higher order predicate	�����z��
28184higher order predicate calculus	�����z���t��
28185higher order routine	�����Ҧ�{��
28186higher order software	�����n��	HOS
28187higher priority	�����u����
28188higher priority job	�����u���ŧ@�~
28189highest index level	�̰����޵���
28190highest order	�̰���
28191highest possible frequency	�̰��i���W�v
28192highest possible key value	�̰��i�����
28193highest priority number	�̰��u����
28194highest priority serviceable number	�̰��u���A�ȼ�
28195highest response radio next	�U�@�̰��^���v	HRN
28196highest significant position	�̰����Ħ�
28197highlight	���G��; �S��ĪG
28198highlight area	���ذ�
28199highlighting	����
28200highlighting character	���G�צr��
28201highlighting command	���ةR�O
28202highlighting display	���G�����
28203highly automated logic	���צۤư��޿�	HAL
28204highly modular operating system	���׼Ҳդƾާ@�t��
28205highly overlapped pipeline computer	���t���|�޽u�p���
28206highly parallel arithmetic	���ץ���B��
28207highly parallel computer	���ץ���p���
28208highly parallel microprogrammable system	���ץ���i�L�{���ƨt��
28209highly symmetric graph	���׹�ٹ�
28210highly time parallel algorithm	���ץ���t��k
28211highwater marking	������и�
28212highway	���γq�D
28213highway memory	�`�u�O����
28214highway memory address	�`�u�O�Ц�}
28215highway network data and information	�`�u������ƩM��T	HNDI
28216highway optimization program system	�z�u�̨ΤƵ{���t��	HOPS
28217highway switch	�`�u�}��
28218highway traffic director	�`�u��T�q���ܾ�	HTD
28219highway width	�`�u�e��
28220highway-to-group demultiplexer	�`�u�s�T��������
28221hill and dale	�p��
28222hill and dale climbing	�p���n�s�k
28223hill and dale climbing process	�p���n�s�L�{
28224hill climbing	�n�s�k
28225hill climbing algorithm	�n�s�t��k
28226hill climbing metaphor	���s�k
28227hill climbing method	�n�s�k
28228hill climbing process	�n�s�L�{
28229hillock	�p�C
28230hinge	����
28231hip	���檺
28232hip token	�Ҧ��ưO��
28233hipping	�Ҧ���
28234hiragana	�����W
28235histogram	�W����
28236histogram equalization	�W���ϥ��Z��
28237histogram linearization	����Ͻu�ʤ�
28238histogram modification	����ϭץ�
28239histogram of differences	�t�Ȫ����
28240histogram specification	����ϳW�d
28241histogram thresholding	����ϺI�Ȥ�
28242histoqram flattening	����ϥ��Z��
28243historical abstracts	���v��K
28244historical cost	���v����
28245historical data device	���v��Ƹ˸m
28246historical database	���v��Ʈw
28247historical development of hybrids	�V�X�L�q�����o�i�v
28248historical file	���v�ɮ�
28249historical information	���v��T
28250historical reference	���v�ѷ�
28251historical work load data	���v�u�@�t�����
28252history data	���v���
28253history data set	���v��ƶ�
28254history dependent control	���v��������
28255history file	���v�ɮ�
28256history list	���v��C
28257history of available space list	�i�Q�ΪŶ�����v
28258history of binomial coefficients	�G�����t�ƾ��v
28259history of buffering of input-output	��J��X�w�ľ��v
28260history of coroutine	�@�ε{�Ǿ��v
28261history of enumeration of input-output	��J��X�w�ľ��v
28262history of program execution	�{��������v
28263history of subroutine	�l�{�Ǿ��v
28264history of trees	�����v
28265history register	�g���Ȧs��
28266history run	���v�B��
28267hit	�R��
28268hit file	�R���ɮ�
28269hit ratio	�R���v
28270hit-on-the-fly-printer	���Ǧ��L���
28271hits	���A�z�Z
28272hold	�O��
28273hold acknowledge	�O���֩w	HLDA
28274hold acknowledge signal	�O���֩w�T��
28275hold button	�O�����s
28276hold circuit	�O���q��
28277hold class job	�O���ŧ@�~
28278hold coil	�O���u��
28279hold controls	�O������
28280hold current	�O���q�y
28281hold down tabulator key	���U�w����
28282hold facility	�O���]��
28283hold graphics	�O���ϧΪk
28284hold in range	�O���d��
28285hold input	�O�s��J
28286hold instruction	�O�����O
28287hold key	�O����
28288hold list	�O����T��
28289hold mark	�O���Ÿ�
28290hold mode	���d�ҺA; �O���ҺA
28291hold page queue	�O��������C
28292hold pattern	�O���Ҧ�
28293hold queue	�O����C
28294hold request	�O���ШD
28295hold reset switch	�_��O���}��
28296hold signal	�O���T��
28297hold state	���d���A; ���m���p
28298hold time	�e�ήɶ�
28299hold unit	�O����
28300holder	�����H
28301holding	�O�d
28302holding action	�O���@��
28303holding beam	�O���q�l��
28304holding circuit	�O���q��
28305holding coil	�O���u��
28306holding current	�O���q�y
28307holding gun	�O�s�q�l�j
28308holding line	�O���u
28309holding power	�����\�v
28310holding register	�O���Ȧs��
28311holding screen status	�����������A
28312holding time	�e�ήɶ�
28313holding torque	�O���O�x
28314hole	�ť�
28315hole carrier	�ť޸��y�l
28316hole conduction	�ť޾ɹq
28317hole conductor current access device	���վ���q�y�s������
28318hole count check	�խp������
28319hole count error	�խp�ƿ�
28320hole counter	�խp�ƾ�
28321hole current	�ť޹q�y
28322hole density	�ťޱK�X
28323hole in scope	�@�ΰ쪺�}
28324hole injection	�ťު`�J
28325hole injector	�ťު`�J��
28326hole mobility	�ť޾E���v
28327hole patten	�Ƥի���
28328hole pattern	���ռҦ�
28329hole site	�զ�
28330hole sort	���դ����k
28331hole trap	�ճ���
28332hole wall	�վ�
28333holoframe	�����Ϯ�
28334hologram	�����Ӭ�
28335hologram information light	�����ϸ�T��
28336hologram memory system	�����O�Шt��
28337hologram page	�����ϭ�
28338hologram pattern	�����ϼҦ�
28339hologram plate	�����ϪO
28340hologram storage plate	�����x�s�O
28341hologram technique	�����޳N
28342holograph	�����Ӭ�
28343holographic based system	�����Ӭ۰��t��
28344holographic coding plate	�����s�X�O
28345holographic information retrieval system	�����Ӭ۸�T�˯��t��	HIRS
28346holographic lens	�����Ӭ����
28347holographic memroy	�����Ӭ۰O����	HM
28348holographic read-only memory	������Ū�O����
28349holographic readout system	����Ū�X�t��
28350holographic recorder	�����Ӭ۰O����
28351holographic storage	�����Ӭ��x�s��
28352holography	�����Ӭ۳N
28353holography input	�����Ӭۿ�J
28354holography memory	�����Ӭ۰O����
28355hololens	�����z��
28356home	���a��
28357home address	������}
28358home address block	������}�椸	HAB
28359home address gap	������}����	HAG
28360home address register	������}�Ȧs��	HAR
28361home automation	�a�x�۰ʤ�	HA
28362home banking	�a�x�Ȧ�
28363home block	�D��; �_�l�q
28364home brew	�_�l�E��
28365home bucket	�_�l�x�s��
28366home cell	�_�l�椸
28367home computer	�a�x�p���
28368home cursor position	�_�l���m
28369home directory	��l�ؿ�
28370home drive system call	�X�ʾ����Y�^�s�t�Υs��
28371home electronic bank business	�a�x�q�l�Ȧ�~��
28372home environment	��������
28373home information system	�a�x��T�t��
28374home key	�k����
28375home location	���Ѧ�m
28376home loop	���a�j��
28377home loop operation	���a�^���ާ@
28378home numbering plan area	�ꤺ�s���p����
28379home optical transceiver	���a���Ǧ��o��
28380home optical transmitter-receiver	���a���Ǧ��o��
28381home position	�_�l��m
28382home record	�_�l�O��
28383home terminal	�����׺�
28384home-made computer	�겣�p���
28385home-use	�a��
28386homelink	������
28387homenet	���a��
28388homeomorphic	�P�F
28389homeomorphically irreducible tree	�P�F���i²�ƾ�
28390homeomorphism	�P�F
28391homeomorphy	�P�F�H
28392homeostasis	�餺����
28393homeostatic utility control	�P�A�ո`���α���
28394homepitaxy	���~��
28395homework software	�a�γn��
28396homing	�޾�
28397homing adapter	���ѾA�t��
28398homing beacon	�ɯ�H��
28399homing guidance system	�۰ʨ�ɨt��
28400homing procedure	���ѹL�{
28401homing reciver	�۰ʴM��������
28402homing sequence	�޾ɧǦC
28403homing test vehicle	�۰ʴM���t�θ���ҫ�
28404homing tree	�޾ɾ�
28405homochromatic	�P��
28406homochronous	���P�B
28407homodyne detection	�s�t���˴�
28408homogeneity	���é�
28409homogeneous	���誺
28410homogeneous computer network	�P��ʹq������
28411homogeneous computer system	�P���p����t��	HCS
28412homogeneous grammar	������k
28413homogeneous group	�P����
28414homogeneous information sets	���ëH����	HIS
28415homogeneous light	����
28416homogeneous linear equations	�����u�ʤ�{
28417homogeneous medium	�����
28418homogeneous multinomial	�����h����
28419homogeneous multiplex	�P��h�u
28420homogeneous multiplexed circuit	�P��h�u�ഫ�q��
28421homogeneous multiplexing	�P��h�u�ഫ
28422homogeneous multiprocessor	�P��h�u�B�z��
28423homogeneous network	�P���غ���
28424homogeneous plex structure	�P�����c
28425homogeneous programming	�����W�h
28426homogeneous random field model	�����H�����ҫ�
28427homogeneous structure	�P�����c
28428homogeneous system	�����t��
28429homogeneous tree	�P����
28430homogeneous unit structure	�P���椸���c
28431homogenization	���Ƨ@��
28432homogenous	����
28433homogenous array	�P���}�C
28434homogenous boundary condition	������ɱ���
28435homogenous computer network	�P���p�������
28436homograph	�P��q��
28437homographic mapping	�P����M��
28438homojunction	�P�赲
28439homology	�z�g
28440homomorph	�P�A�H
28441homomorphic	�P�A��
28442homomorphic filtering	�P�A�o�i
28443homomorphic image	�P�A�H
28444homomorphic replication	�P�A���ƹB��
28445homomorphic signal processing	�P�A�T���B�z
28446homomorphic speech processing	�P�A�y���B�z
28447homomorphic system	�P�A�t��
28448homomorphism	�M����; �P�A
28449homomorphism interpolation theorem	�P�A�����w�z
28450homonym	�P�����q��; �P�W����
28451homonymy	�P�����q
28452homophone	�P�����q��
28453homophonic enciphering	�P���r�s�X
28454homophonic filtering	�P���o�i
28455homophonic substitution	�P���N��
28456homophony	�P��
28457homostasis	�P�A
28458homotope	�P�ڤ���
28459homotype	�P��
28460homotypy	�P����
28461honeycomb	����
28462honeycomb domain structure	���Ц���쵲�c
28463honeycomb memory	�����O����
28464honeycomb pattern	���Ц��Ϯ�
28465honeycomb radiator	����������
28466hood	�n; �M
28467hook	�_
28468hook collector	�_��q��
28469hook collector transistor	�_�ζ��q���q����޽u
28470hook service	�u�����~�A��
28471hook signal	�����T��
28472hook state	�������A
28473hook theory	���z��
28474hook up	���_
28475hook up wire	��s�u
28476hooking	���_
28477hoot stop	������
28478hop	���~�q
28479hopper	�e�d�c
28480horizon angle	����
28481horizon cover	�d���л\
28482horizon effect	���ɮIJv
28483horizon range	���ɽd��
28484horizon transmission	�������Z�ǿ�
28485horizontal	������
28486horizontal advance	�����e�~
28487horizontal and vertical check	�a����窺
28488horizontal and vertical parity check	�a��_������
28489horizontal and vertical parity check code	�a��_������X
28490horizontal arithmetic unit	�����B�⾹
28491horizontal array	�����}�C
28492horizontal automatic frequency control	�����۰��W�v����
28493horizontal blanking	��������
28494horizontal blanking signal	���������H��
28495horizontal centering control	������m����
28496horizontal character	��V�r��
28497horizontal check	��V����
28498horizontal check parity	��V����_��
28499horizontal check tube	��V�����
28500horizontal coils plates	�����u�鷥�O
28501horizontal control	��������
28502horizontal control tube	���������
28503horizontal data handling	��V��ƳB�z
28504horizontal deflecting circuit	��������q��
28505horizontal design	��V�]�p
28506horizontal difference table	�������t����
28507horizontal display	�������
28508horizontal distributed system	�����������t��
28509horizontal feed	�����X�e
28510horizontal film head	�����������Y
28511horizontal flow chart	�����y�{��
28512horizontal flyback	�����^�y
28513horizontal formatting	��V�榡
28514horizontal interlaced transmission	���汽�y�ǿ�
28515horizontal justification	�����վ�
28516horizontal line	�����u	HL
28517horizontal mark count	��V�лx�p��
28518horizontal microinstruction	��V�L���O
28519horizontal microprogramming	��V�L�{���]�p
28520horizontal motion index	�������ʯ���
28521horizontal network	��V����
28522horizontal optimization	��V�̨Τ�
28523horizontal oscillator	����������
28524horizontal output stage	������X��
28525horizontal parity	�����_������
28526horizontal parity check	�����_������
28527horizontal partition	��V����
28528horizontal pointer	��V���w
28529horizontal polarization	��������
28530horizontal positioning	��V�w��
28531horizontal positions	������m
28532horizontal programming	��V�W��
28533horizontal raster count	��V���]�p��
28534horizontal recording	�����O��
28535horizontal redundancy check	��V���Ʈ���
28536horizontal retrace	�����^��
28537horizontal retrace ratio	�����^���ɶ���
28538horizontal return	������^
28539horizontal scanning	�������y
28540horizontal scanning circuit	�������y�q��
28541horizontal scroll	�����s��
28542horizontal scrolling	�
28543horizontal shift	��������
28544horizontal sorter	��V������
28545horizontal structure	��V���c
28546horizontal structure support	��V���c�䴩
28547horizontal sweep	�������y
28548horizontal sync pulse	�����P�B�߽�
28549horizontal sync signal	�����P�B�T��
28550horizontal synchronizing pulse	����P�B�߽�
28551horizontal synchronizing signal	�����P�B�T��
28552horizontal system	�����t��
28553horizontal tab	���
28554horizontal table	��V��
28555horizontal tabulation	��V���
28556horizontal tabulation character	�����w��r��
28557horizontal tabulator key	��V�s����
28558horizontal terminating block	��V�פ��
28559horizontal type	�
28560horizontal wraparound	��V����
28561horizontally deflecting coils	��������u��
28562horizontally deflecting plates	��������O
28563horizontally displayed records	������ܰO��
28564horizontally indexed field	�����������
28565horn	������
28566horn antenna	��z���ѽu
28567horn feed system	�����^�X�t��
28568horn gap switch	�������ض}��
28569horse power	���O
28570horse power hour	���O�p��
28571horse power nominal	�W�ذ��O
28572hose	�n��
28573hospital accounting system	��|�O�b�t��
28574hospital administrative program	��|�޲z�{��
28575hospital automation	��|�۰ʤ�
28576hospital information system	��|��T�t��	HIS
28577hospital patient badside monitoring	��|�f�H�{�ɺʵ�
28578host	�D��
28579host access method	�D�s���k
28580host adaptation	�D���A����
28581host application program	�D���ε{��
28582host attach	�D���s��
28583host attachment	�D�t�γs��
28584host attachment facility	�D�t�γs���]��
28585host based system	�J�D�t��
28586host command facility	�D���R�O�B�z�]�I	HCF
28587host command processor	�D�R�O�B�z��	HCP
28588host command service	�D�R�O�A��	HCS
28589host communications processor	�D�q�H�B�z��	HCP
28590host compiler	�D�sĶ�{��
28591host computer	�D�q��; �j�q��
28592host computer interface	�D�p�������	HCI
28593host connection facility	�D�s���]��
28594host control block	�D����{�Ƕ�
28595host control block table	�D����{�Ƕ���
28596host control emulation	�D�������
28597host conversational function	�D���|�ܥ\��
28598host data base	�D����Ʈw
28599host data language	�D����ƻy��
28600host dependent	�P�D������
28601host development environment	�D���o�i����
28602host environment	�D������
28603host file	�D�ɮ�
28604host file close	�D�ɮ�����
28605host file enquire	�D�ɮ׸߰�
28606host file system	�D�ɮרt��
28607host file transceiver	�D�ɮצ��o�{��
28608host information processor	�D��T�B�z��
28609host initiated program	�D�Ұʵ{��
28610host interconnection	�D�����s
28611host interface	�D������
28612host interface adapter	�D�������A�t��
28613host interface block	�D��������
28614host interface module	�D�������Ҳ�	HIM
28615host interface processor	�D�������B�z��	HIP
28616host interface routine	�D�������`��
28617host language	�D���y��	HL
28618host language compilation	�D�y���sĶ
28619host language data base	�D�y����Ʈw
28620host language dependent	�P�D�y������
28621host language execution	�D�y������
28622host language interface	�D���y������
28623host language processor	�D�y���B�z�{��
28624host language statement	�D���y���ԭz
28625host language system	�D�y���t��
28626host library	�D�{���w
28627host link	�D�s��
28628host machine	�D��
28629host master key	�D���D����r
28630host mode	�D���Ҧ�
28631host monitoring protocol	�J�D�ʷ���w
28632host name	�D���W
28633host network administration facility	�D�����޲z�]��
28634host network control	�D��������
28635host node	�D���`�I
28636host node cycle	�D�`�I�P��
28637host number	�D����
28638host operating system	�D���@�~�t��
28639host preparation facility	�D���dzƳ]�I
28640host process	�D�i�{
28641host processing system	�D�B�z�t��
28642host processor	�D���B�z��	HOSP
28643host programming language	�D�{���]�p�y��
28644host remote node entry system	�D���{�`�I��J�t��
28645host resident	�D���`�n
28646host resident module	�D�`�n�Ҳ�
28647host resident program	�D�`�n�{��
28648host resident program development	�D�`�n�{���}�o
28649host resident software	�D�`�n�n��
28650host resident software system	�D�`�n�n��t��
28651host resource	�D���귽
28652host service	�D���A��
28653host service communication	�D���A�ȳq�T
28654host service dialogue	�D���A�ȹ��
28655host service function	�D���A�ȥ\��
28656host service port	�D���A�Ȱ�
28657host service protocol	�D���A�Ȩ�w
28658host service station	�D���A�ȯ�
28659host service station transfer protocol	�D���A�ȯ��ǰe��w
28660host software	�J�D�n��
28661host subarea	�D���l�ϰ�
28662host subscriber	�D����
28663host switch	�D���}��
28664host system	�D���t��
28665host system mailbox	�D���t�ΫH�c��
28666host system mailbox switch setting	�D���t�ΫH�c�϶}���]�m
28667host system message blocks	�D���t�θ�T��
28668host system reponses	�D���t�Φ^��
28669host text	�D���
28670host to adapter protocol	�D����A�t����w
28671host to host	�D����D��
28672host to host traffic	�D����D���q�H
28673host transfer file	�D�ǰe�ɮ�
28674host transmission	�D���ǿ�
28675host variable	�D���y���ܶ�
28676host virtual storage	�D�����x�s��
28677host-satellite system	�D��--�ìP�t��
28678hostel	��
28679hostel like process	�����L�{
28680hostname attribute	�D���W�ݩ�
28681hot bend test	���s������
28682hot carrier diode	�����y�l�G����
28683hot chassis	�����[
28684hot electron	���q�l
28685hot fix	�ֳt���@
28686hot fix redirection area	�ֳt���@�w�d�ϰ�
28687hot frame	�����[
28688hot gas welding	��k
28689hot hole	����
28690hot line circuit	���u�q��
28691hot metal composition	�����ݵ��c
28692hot press	����
28693hot pressed	������
28694hot pressed ferrite	�����K����
28695hot spot	�L���I
28696hot start	���Ұ�
28697hot type	�[����
28698hot weld	���k
28699hot zone	�[���ϰ�
28700hour	�p��
28701hour holding	�p�ɼȰ�
28702hour of log-on	���U�ɶ�
28703hours of service	�A�Ȯɶ�
28704house	����
28705house correcting	���Ȯե�
28706house drop	���ȸ��t
28707house keeper	���ȳB�z�{��
28708house keeping	���ȳB�z
28709house keeping digit	���ȼƦ�
28710house keeping information	���ȸ�T
28711house keeping instruction	���ȫ��O
28712house keeping module	���Ⱦާ@�Ҳ�
28713house keeping program	���ȳB�z�{��
28714house keeping routine	���ȳB�z�`��
28715house keeping run	���ȳB�z�ާ@
28716house keeping software	���ȳB�z�n��
28717house keeping style	���ȳB�z�覡
28718house line symbol	���u�Ÿ�
28719house wife program	���ȵ{��
28720household	�a�Ⱥ޲z
28721householder transformation	���U�ܴ�
28722housekeeping bit	���Ȧ줸
28723housekeeping operation	�޲z�@�~
28724housekeeping package	���Ȳո�
28725housekeeping page	���ȳB�z����
28726housekeeping segment	���ȳB�z�{�Ǭq
28727housekeeping signal	���ȰT��
28728housing	�~�n
28729houston automatic spooling program	���y�۰ʦP�ɽw�s��X�{��	HASP
28730hub	�౵��
28731human initiated failure	�H���G��	HIF
28732human operator simulator	�ާ@�H����������	HOS
28733human resource information system	�H�O�귽��T�t��
28734human-to-machine	�H������
28735humidity	���
28736hundred call seconds	�ʩI��	HCS
28737hunting oscilator	�j��������	HO
28738hybrid	�V�X
28739hybrid arithmetic unit	�V�X�B�⾹	HAU
28740hybrid circuit	�V�X�q��
28741hybrid circuit structure	�V�X�q�����c
28742hybrid circuit substructure	�V�X�q����
28743hybrid code	�V�X�X
28744hybrid coil	�V�X�u��
28745hybrid combination	�V�X�����c
28746hybrid communication network	�V�X�q�T����
28747hybrid communication routine	�V�X�q�H���|���	HCR
28748hybrid communication system	�V�X�q�T�t��
28749hybrid computation	�V�X�p��
28750hybrid computer	���X�p���
28751hybrid computer block oriented language	�V�X�p��������y��
28752hybrid computer input output	�V�X�p�����X��J
28753hybrid computer interface	�V�X�p����ɭ�
28754hybrid computer link	�V�X�p����s�u	HYCOL
28755hybrid computer programming language	�V�X�p����{���]�p�y��
28756hybrid computer simulation	�V�X�p�������
28757hybrid computer system checkout	�V�X�p����t������
28758hybrid computer translator	�V�X�p���½Ķ�{��	HYCOTRAN
28759hybrid construction	�V�X�L�q�����c
28760hybrid control	�V�X����
28761hybrid control computer	�V�X����p���
28762hybrid cube network	�V�X�ߤ�κ���
28763hybrid data acquisition system	�V�X�������t��
28764hybrid decoding	�V�X�ѽX
28765hybrid diagnostic program	�V�X�E�_�{��
28766hybrid digital analog computer	�V�X���Ʀ�����p���	HYDAC
28767hybrid digital analog pulse time	�V�X���Ʀ�����߽Įɶ�	HYDAPT
28768hybrid digital optical processor	�V�X�Ʀ���dzB�z
28769hybrid electromagnetic wave	�V�X�q�Ϫi	HEW
28770hybrid encoding	�V�X�s�X
28771hybrid error control	�V�X�t������
28772hybrid fire control computer	�V�X�����p���
28773hybrid function generation system	�V�X��Ʋ��;�	HFGS
28774hybrid function generator	�V�X��Ʋ��;�
28775hybrid hardware control	�V�X�w�鱱��
28776hybrid hologram	�V�X������
28777hybrid IC	�V�X�n��q��
28778hybrid image processing system	�V�X�v���B�z�t��	HIPS
28779hybrid index	�V�X����
28780hybrid input-output	�V�X��J��X
28781hybrid integrated circuit	�V�X�n��q��
28782hybrid interface	�V�X�ɭ�	HIF
28783hybrid language assembler	�V�X�y���զX�{��	HYLA
28784hybrid library	�V�X�{�Ǯw
28785hybrid main program	�V�X�D�{��
28786hybrid method	�V�X�覡
28787hybrid microcircuit	�V�X�L���q��
28788hybrid microcircuit leads	�V�X�L���q�����u
28789hybrid microstructure	�V�X�L�����c
28790hybrid microwave	�V�X�L�i
28791hybrid mode	�V�X�Ҧ�
28792hybrid modular redundancy	�V�X�Ҳխ���
28793hybrid modular redundant system	�V�X�Ҳխ��ƨt��
28794hybrid modulation	�V�X����
28795hybrid monitor	�V�X�ʱ��{��
28796hybrid network	�V�X����
28797hybrid operating system	�V�X�@�~�t��
28798hybrid operation	�V�X�B��
28799hybrid optical fiber circuit	�V�X���ֹq��
28800hybrid packaging	�V�X�ո�
28801hybrid parameter	�V�X�Ѽ�
28802hybrid phase modulation	�V�X����
28803hybrid power operational amplifier	�V�X���\�v�B���j��
28804hybrid problem	�V�X���D
28805hybrid programming	�V�X�{���]�p
28806hybrid RAM	�V�X�H���O����
28807hybrid ranging	�V�X�d��
28808hybrid RC network	�V�X���e����
28809hybrid receiver	�V�X���ƾ�
28810hybrid redundancy	�V�X����
28811hybrid representation	�V�X��ܪk
28812hybrid ring	�V�X��
28813hybrid set	�V�X�˸m
28814hybrid simulation	�V�X����
28815hybrid simulation system	�V�X�����t��
28816hybrid simulator	�V�X�����{��
28817hybrid software	�V�X�n��
28818hybrid system	�V�X�t��
28819hybrid system check	�V�X�t������
28820hybrid system checkout	�V�X�t������
28821hybrid technology computer	�V�X�޳N�p���
28822hybrid telecommunication	�V�X���{�q�l�q�T
28823hybrid terminal	�V�X�׺ݾ�
28824hybrid transformer array	�V�X�L�q���������}�C
28825hybrid translator	�V�X½Ķ�{��	HYTRAN
28826hydrographic information	�����T
28827hydrographic message	����T��
28828hydrolant	�����T
28829hydrological and meteorological land station	�����H�a����
28830hydrulic robot	�G�ʾ����H
28831hygrometer	��׭p
28832hygroscopic	�l��
28833hyper channel	�W�ųq�D
28834hyper media	�W�ŴC��
28835hyper pure silicon	�W�ª���
28836hyper resolution	�W���Ѫk
28837hyper rule	�W�W�h
28838hyperactive fault	�W�u�@�G��
28839hyperalternative	�W���
28840hyperarc	�W��
28841hyperbola	�����u
28842hyperbolic	�����u	HYP
28843hyperbolic equation	�����u��{��
28844hyperbolic function	�����u���
28845hyperbolic integer programming	�����u��ƳW��	HIP
28846hyperbolic navigation system	�����u�ɯ�t��
28847hyperbolic orbit	�����u�y�D
28848hyperbolic partial differential equation	���������L����{��
28849hyperbolic system	������
28850hyperbolic type	�����u��
28851hyperbolograph	�����u�W
28852hyperboloid	�����u
28853hyperconcentrator	�W���u��
28854hypercube	�W�ߤ��鵲�c
28855hypercube network	�W�ߤ�κ���
28856hypercube system	�W�ߤ�t��
28857hyperdisk	�W�Ϻ�
28858hyperenvironmnet test system	�W���Ҹ���t��
28859hyperexponential distribution	�W���Ƥ��G
28860hyperexponential service model	�W���ƪA�ȼҫ�
28861hypergraph	�W��
28862hypergroup	�W�s
28863hypernotion	�W����
28864hyperplane	�W����
28865hyperplane decision boundary	�W�����M�����
28866hyperplane method	�W�����k
28867hyperplane theorem	�W�����w�z
28868hyperpure gas	�W�b����
28869hyperrectangle	�W�x��
28870hypersonic flow	�W�n�t�y
28871hyperspace	�W�Ŷ�
28872hypersynchronous	�W�P�B��
28873hypertape control	�ֳt�ϱa����
28874hypertape drive	�ֳt�ϱa��
28875hypertape unit	�ֳt�椸�]��
28876hypertapes	�ֳt�ϱa	HYPER
28877hypertext	�W�Ť��
28878hypertext program	�W�Ť��{��
28879hypertext software	�W�Ť奻�n��
28880hypertext system	�W�Ť奻�t��
28881hypertraceable graph	�W�i�y�e��
28882hypervisor	�޲z�{��
28883hyphen	�s�r��
28884hyphen drop	�s�r�����h
28885hyphen exception file	�s�����ҥ~��
28886hyphen pass	�s�r���q�L
28887hyphen pull	������
28888hyphen push	�f����
28889hyphenate	�γs�r���s��
28890hyphenation	�_�r; �γs�r���s��
28891hyphenation zone	�s����
28892hyphens	�s�r����
28893hypoid	����������
28894hypothesis	���]; ���Q
28895hypothesis loop	���Q����
28896hypothesis test result cycle	���Q���յ��G�P
28897hypothesis testing	���Q����
28898hypothesize and test	���]�M����
28899hypothetic algorithm	���Q�t��k
28900hypothetical computer	���Q�p���
28901hypothetical game	���Q�ի�
28902hypothetical machine	���Q��
28903hypothetical memory	�����O����
28904hypothetical operating system	���Q�@�~�t��
28905hypothetical order code	���Q���O�X
28906hypothetical reference digital circuit	���]�ѦҼƦ�q��	HRDC
28907hypothetical syllogism	���Q�T�q��
28908hysteresis	�Ϻ��{�H; �Ϻ�������
28909hysteresis advance	�Ϻ��W�e
28910hysteresis curve	�Ϻ����u
28911hysteresis curve recorder	�Ϻ����u�O����
28912hysteresis distortion	�Ϻ��ܧ�
28913hysteresis error	�Ϻ����~
28914hysteresis loop	�Ϻ��^�u
28915hysteresis loss	�Ϻ��l��
28916hysteresis or backlash	�Ϻ��ΰ���
28917hysteresis unit	�Ϻ���������
28918(INCLUSIVE-)OR gate	( �]�t )�ιh
28919(INCLUSIVE-OR) element	( �]�t )����
28920I value	I--��
28921I/O	��J/ �X
28922I/O bound	��J/ �X���
28923I/O buffer	��J/ �X�w�ľ�
28924I/o channel	��J/ �X�q�D
28925I/O control	��J/ �X����
28926I/O data base	��J/ �X��Ʈw
28927I/O device error recovery procedure	��J��X�˸m���~��_�{��	ERP
28928I/O driver	��J/ �X�X�ʾ�
28929I/O function	��J/ �X�\��
28930I/O function code	��J/ �X�\��X
28931I/O function modifier	��J/ �X�\����Ÿ�
28932I/O lockdown	��J/ �X��w
28933I/O mode	��J/ �X�Ҧ�
28934I/O operation	��J/ �X�ާ@
28935I/O pending	��J/ �X�Ȱ�
28936I/O request packet	��J/ �X�n�D�ʥ]	IRP
28937I/O rundown	��J/ �X����
28938I/O space	��J/ �X�Ŷ�
28939I/O status block	��J/ �X���A��	IOSB
28940I/O unit	��J/ �X�椸
28941IC	�n��q��
28942IC memory	�n��q���O����
28943icon	�Ϲ�; �ϲ�
28944icon activation item	�Ϲ��ʺA����
28945ICP	�w������{���n���
28946IDB	���_�����q
28947idea processor	�[���B�z��
28948ideal benchmark characteristic	�z�Q��ǵ{�ǯS��
28949ideal blackbody	�z�Q����
28950ideal code	�z�Q�X
28951ideal coding	�z�Q�s�X
28952ideal conceptual model	�z�Q�����ҫ�
28953ideal coordinates	�z�Q����
28954ideal design of effective and logical system	�����޿�t�Ϊ��z�Q�]�p	IDEALS
28955ideal filter	�z�Q�o�i��
28956ideal format	�z�Q�榡
28957ideal highpass filter	�z�Q���q�o�i��
28958ideal lowpass filter	�z�Q�C�q�o�i��
28959ideal machine	�z�Q�p���
28960ideal noise diode	�z�Q�����G����
28961ideal orientation	�z�Q���V
28962ideal performance	�z�Q�ʯ�
28963ideal receiver	�z�Q������
28964ideal solution	�z�Q��
28965ideal throughput	�z�Q�]�R�q
28966ideal transduser	�z�Q�ǷP��
28967ideal transformation	�z�Q�ܴ�
28968ideal value	�z�Q��
28969idealized computer	�z�Q�ƭp���
28970idealized form	�z�Q�ƪ��
28971idealized pattern	�z�Q�ƼҦ�
28972idealized system	�z�Q�ƨt��
28973idealized value	�z�Q�ƭ�
28974idempotent	����
28975idempotent element	������
28976idempotent law	������
28977idempotent matrix	�����x�}
28978ident field	�ѧO��
28979identical argument list	�ڵ��ܼ�
28980identical component	�ڵ�����
28981identical computation	�ڵ��p��
28982identical entry	�ڵ���
28983identical function reference	�ڵ���Ƥޥ�
28984identical operation	�ڵ��B��
28985identical permutation group	�ڵ��m��
28986identical processor	�ڵ��B�z��
28987identical register	�ڵ��Ȧs��
28988identical sublist	�ڵ��l��
28989identical subtree	�ڵ��l��
28990identical table	�ڵ���
28991identically false	�ڰ�
28992identically true	�گu
28993identifiability	�i�ѧO��
28994identifiable language	�i�ѧO�y��
28995identification	�ѧO	ID
28996identification address mark	�ѧO��}�аO
28997identification beacon	�ѧO�ЫH
28998identification burst	�ѧO��
28999identification call letter	�ѧO�I��
29000identification card	�ѧO�d��
29001identification card reader	�ѧO�d���\Ū��
29002identification characters	�ѧO�r��
29003identification code	�ѧO�X
29004identification condition	�ѧO����
29005identification data	�ѧO���	ID
29006identification division	�ѧO��
29007identification facility	�ѧO�u��
29008identification item	�ѧO��
29009identification letter	�ѧO�r��
29010identification mark	�ѧO�Ÿ�
29011identification name	�ѧO�W
29012identification number	�ѧO��
29013identification point	�ѧO�I
29014identification problem	�ѧO���D
29015identification record	�ѧO�O��
29016identification register	�ѧO�H�s��
29017identification satellite	�ѧO�ìP
29018identification section	�ѧO�q
29019identification sequence number	�ѧO���Ǹ�
29020identification sign	�ѧO�Ÿ�
29021identification signal	�ѧO�T��
29022identification world	�ѧO�@��
29023identifier	���ѲŸ�
29024identifier arrtibute	���ѲŸ��ݩ�
29025identifier block	���ѲŶ�
29026identifier circuit	���ѹq��
29027identifier declaration	���ѲŻ���
29028identifier expected	������Ѳ�
29029identifier length	���ѲŪ���
29030identifier list	���ѲŪ�
29031identifier name	���ѲŦW
29032identifier pointer	���Ѳū���
29033identifier protection	���ѲūO�@
29034identifier table	���ѲŪ�
29035identifier word	���ѲŦr
29036identify	����	IDENT
29037identify absolute mode	���ѵ���M�}��}
29038identify circuit	���ѹq��
29039identify class sentence	�������y�l
29040identify control section	���ѱ���q
29041identify dummy section	���ѪŬq
29042identify listed output	���ѦC���X
29043identify relocatable mode	���ѯB�ʩw�}�覡
29044identify routine	���Ѩҵ{
29045identifying call	���ѽե�
29046identifying code	���ҽX
29047identity	��
29048identity declaration	������
29049identity definition	���w�q
29050identity element	������
29051identity function	�����
29052identity gate	���h
29053identity group	��줸���s
29054identity mapping	�ڵ��M�g
29055identity matrix	���x�}
29056identity message	���P�T��
29057identity operation	���B��
29058identity permutation	���ƦC
29059identity property	����
29060identity relation	�ڵ����Y��
29061identity relator	�ڵ����Y��
29062identity selector	����ܾ�
29063identity sign	���Ÿ�
29064identity transform	�ڵ��ܴ�
29065identity unit	���P����
29066ideogram	��N��r
29067ideographic character	��N�r��
29068ideographic support	��N��r�䴩
29069idle block	���m��
29070idle call	�Žե�
29071idle capacity	���m�e�q
29072idle channel	���m�q�D
29073idle character	����r��
29074idle circuit	���m�q��
29075idle circuit condition	�Ÿ��q�����A
29076idle communication mode	���m�q�H�覡
29077idle condition	���m���A
29078idle contact	�ű��I
29079idle frequency	���W
29080idle indication signal	�Žu���ܫH��
29081idle jack	���m��
29082idle line termination	���m�u���ױ��]��
29083idle link	���m���
29084idle loop	����
29085idle process	���m�i�{
29086idle route	���m���|
29087idle route indicator	���|�ܶ���
29088idle routine	���m�`��
29089idle segment	�Ŷ����q
29090idle signal	���m�H��
29091idle slot detector	�ż��˴���
29092idle state	���m���A
29093idle time	���m�ɶ�
29094idle trunk	���m���~�u
29095idle two-way selector stage indicator	���V��կťܶ~��
29096idle wire	�Žu
29097idleness	���m�v
29098idling	�Ÿ�
29099idling adjustment	�Ÿ��վ�
29100idling condition	���m���A
29101IEEE bus	IEEE�`�u
29102if-and-only-if element	�Y�B�߭Y����
29103IF-AND-ONLY-IF element	�Y�B�߭Y����
29104if-and-only-if gate	�Y�B�߭Y�h
29105IF-AND-ONLY-IF gate	�Y�B�߭Y�h
29106if-then element	�Y�h����
29107IF-THEN element	�Y�h����
29108IF-THEN gate	�Y�h�h
29109if-then gate	�Y�h�h
29110IFAB	�����צs���q
29111ignore	����
29112ignore bit	�L�Φ�
29113ignore block character	�L�ζ�
29114ignore character	�����r��
29115ignore character block	�L�Φr�Ŷ�
29116ignore class	������
29117ignore code	�����X
29118ignore data	�������
29119ignore gate	�����h
29120ignore instruction	�������O
29121ignore label check	�L�μи��ˬd
29122iiffe vector	��Q�ҦV�q
29123ill condition	�f�A
29124ill conditioned equation	�f�A��{
29125ill conditioned matrix	�f�A�x�}
29126ill conditioned polynomial	�f�A�h����
29127illegal address check	�D�k��}����
29128illegal binary card	�D�k�G�i��d��
29129illegal blank field	�D�k�ť���
29130illegal character	�D�k�r��
29131illegal code	�D�k�N�X
29132illegal code motion	�D�k�N�X����
29133illegal command	�D�k�R�O
29134illegal command check	�D�k�R�O�ˬd
29135illegal control message error	�D�k����H��
29136illegal delimiter	�D�k�w�q��
29137illegal element	�D�k����
29138illegal entry	�D�k�J�f
29139illegal entry count	�D�k�J�f�p��
29140illegal field width	�D�k��e��
29141illegal file password	�D�k�ɮפf�O
29142illegal function assignment	�D�k��ƽ��
29143illegal host connection	�D�k�D���s��
29144illegal instruction	�D�k���O
29145illegal interrupt	�D�k���_
29146illegal load address	�D�k�ˤJ��}
29147illegal move	�D�k����
29148illegal operation	�D�k�ާ@
29149illegal operation code	�D�k�ާ@�X
29150illegal packet	�D�k�]
29151illegal parameter substitution	�D�k�Ѽƴ��N
29152illegal procedure fault	�D�k�L�{�G��
29153illegal punctuation	�D�k���I
29154illegal random access	�D�k�H���s��
29155illegal request	�D�k�ШD
29156illuminance	�ө�
29157illuminate	�ө�
29158illuminating engineering	�ө��u�{
29159illumination	�ө���
29160illuminator	�ө��]��
29161illuminometer	�ӫ׭p
29162image	�M��
29163image activator	�v���E�o�{��
29164image analysing computer	�v�����R�p���
29165image analysis	�v�����R
29166image annotation record	�v���`���O��
29167image antenna	�蹳�ѽu
29168image area	�M����
29169image array	�϶H���C
29170image aspect	�϶H�e����
29171image attenuation coefficient	�϶H�I��t��
29172image attenuation constant	�϶H�I��`��
29173image attribute	�϶H�ݩ�
29174image averaging	�϶H�G�Ȥ�
29175image basis	�϶H��
29176image block	�϶H��
29177image brightness	�϶H�G��
29178image carrier	�϶H���i
29179image cell	�϶H�椸
29180image charge	�϶H�q��
29181image coding	�϶H�s�X
29182image converter	�϶H�ܴ�
29183image coples	�϶H�ƥ�
29184image cosmetic processing	�϶H�㹢�B�z
29185image current	�v�H�q�y
29186image data	�v�����
29187image data base	�v����Ʈw
29188image data compression	�v��������Y
29189image data degradation	�v����ƽ�q����
29190image data format	�v����Ʈ榡
29191image data query language	�v����Ƭd�߻y��
29192image data structure	�v����Ƶ��c
29193image database management	�v����Ʈw�޲z
29194image database management system	�v����Ʈw�޲z�t��
29195image database manipulation system	�v����Ʈw�ާ@�t��
29196image database organization	�v����Ʈw��´
29197image database system	�v����Ʈw�t��
29198image defect	�v���ʳ�
29199image degradation	�v����q����
29200image degradation model	�v���h�Ƽҫ�
29201image description	�Ϲ��y�z
29202image description file	�Ϲ��y�z�ɮ�
29203image detection	�Ϲ��˴�
29204image digitizer	�Ϲ��Ʀ�ƻ�
29205image directory structure	�Ϲ��ؿ����c
29206image dissector	�R�H��
29207image distortion	�϶H���u
29208image editor	�M���s��{��
29209image element	�H��
29210image encoding	�϶H�s�X
29211image enhancement	�϶H�W�j
29212image enhancement technique	�϶H�W�j�޳N
29213image exit	�v���h�X
29214image feature extraction	�϶H�S�����
29215image file	�v���ɮ�
29216image formation	���H
29217image frequency interference	���W�z�Z
29218image generation	�϶H�ͦ�
29219image graphics	�M�H�ϧξ�
29220image head adjustor	�϶H�곡�վ㾹
29221image header	�v�����D
29222image I/O segment	�v���J/ �X���q
29223image impedance	�ﵥ����
29224image input device	�϶H��J�]��
29225image intensifier	�϶H�W�j��
29226image interpretation	�϶H��Ķ
29227image inverter	�϶H�Ϭ۾�
29228image jump	�϶H���V
29229image libary	�϶H�w
29230image manipulation language	�϶H�ާ@�y��
29231image memory	�v���O�о�
29232image method	�M�H�k
29233image mixing	�϶H�V�X
29234image mode	�v���ҺA
29235image model	�϶H�ҫ�
29236image name	�v���W��
29237image orthicon	�W���R�H��
29238image output device	�ϧο�X�]��
29239image parameter	��H�Ѽ�
29240image phase constant	�Ϲ��ۦ�`��
29241image plane	�Ϲ�����
29242image point	�Ϲ��I
29243image printer	�Ϲ��L���
29244image printing	�Ϲ��L��
29245image privileges	�v���S�v
29246image processing	�Ϲ��B�z
29247image processor graphics	�Ϲ��B�z����ϧ޳N
29248image protocol	�Ϲ���w
29249image quality	�Ϲ���q
29250image quality indicator	�Ϲ���q���ܾ�	IQI
29251image quantization	�Ϲ��q�l��
29252image recognition	�Ϲ��ѧO
29253image reconstruction	�Ϲ����c
29254image reconstruction technique	�Ϲ����c�޳N
29255image recovery technique	�v����_�޳N
29256image refresh database	�Ϲ���s��Ʈw
29257image regeneration	�v���A��
29258image registration	�v�����X
29259image rejection	�Ϲ����i���
29260image representation	�Ϲ����
29261image restoration	�Ϲ��_��
29262image retention	�v���O�d
29263image roam	�v������
29264image rotation	�v������
29265image rotator	�v��������
29266image sampling	�v������
29267image scanner	�v�����y��
29268image scanner digitizer	�v�����y�Ʀ��
29269image scrolling	�v���W��
29270image section	�v���q	ISECT
29271image section descriptor	�v���q�y�z��	ISD
29272image segmentation	�v������
29273image sensor	�v���P����
29274image sequence processing	�v�����dzB�z
29275image signal	�v���T��
29276image sketch relation conversion	�v���u����
29277image smoothing	�v�����Ƥ�
29278image space	�v���Ŷ�
29279image spread	�v���X�i
29280image stability	�v��í�w��
29281image statement	�v���y�k
29282image storage space	�v���x�s�Ŷ�
29283image store management system	�v���x�s�޲z�t��	ISMS
29284image symbol set	�v���Ÿ���	ISS
29285image synthesis	�v���X��
29286image system	�v���t��
29287image table	�v����
29288image texture analysis technique	�v�����z���R�޳N
29289image transfer	�v����L
29290image transfer coefficient	�v���ಾ�t��
29291image transfer constant	�v���ಾ�`��
29292image transformation	�v���ܴ�
29293image transmission	�v���ǿ�
29294image tube	�v����
29295image understanding	�v���z��
29296image understanding model	�v���z�Ѽҫ�
29297image understanding program	�v���z�ѵ{��
29298image understanding system	�v���z�Ѩt��
29299image value	�v����
29300image velocity sensor	�v���t�׷P����
29301image zoom	�v���ܵJ
29302imagery	����
29303imagery processing	�����B�z	IP
29304imaginaries	���
29305imaginaries accumulator	��Ʋ֥[��
29306imaginaries axis	��b
29307imaginaries constant	��`��
29308imaginaries frequency	���W�v
29309imaginaries number	���
29310imaginaries part	�곡
29311imaginaries space	��Ŷ�
29312imaginaries terms	��ƶ�
29313imaginaries test	���Q����
29314imaging	�v��
29315imaging array	�v���}�C
29316imaging optics	�v������
29317imaging path	�v���q��
29318imaging system	�v���t��
29319imbalance	������
29320imbedding method	�O�J�k
29321imcomplete program	�������{��
29322imitate	����
29323imitator	������
29324immaterial safety circuit	�D����w���q��
29325immediate access	�ߧY�X��
29326immediate access cathode ray tube storage	�ֳt�s���g�u���x�s��
29327immediate access memory	�ֳt�s���O����
29328immediate access storage	�ֳt�s���x�s��
29329immediate access store	�ֳt�s���x�s
29330immediate acknowledgement	�Y�ɹ����^��
29331immediate add	�ߧY�[
29332immediate adder	�ߧY�ƥ[�k��	ADI
29333immediate address	�Y�ɦ�}
29334immediate address instruction	�Y�ɦ�}���O
29335immediate address mode	�Y�ɦ�}�覡
29336immediate character	�ߧY�r��
29337immediate checkpoint	�ߧY�ˬd�I
29338immediate command	�ߧY�R�O
29339immediate component	�������q
29340immediate conditional assembly	�ߧY����զX
29341immediate constituent	�����զ�
29342immediate constraint	��������
29343immediate control mode	�ߧY����Ҧ�
29344immediate data	�������
29345immediate data dependency	������Ƭ�����
29346immediate device control block	�����]�Ʊ����
29347immediate expression indicator	������A���Ÿ�
29348immediate extended	�����X�i
29349immediate inference	�������z
29350immediate instruction	�Y�ɫ��O
29351immediate instruction	�������O
29352immediate left recursion	���������j
29353immediate maintenance	�ֳt���@
29354immediate mode	�ߧY�Ҧ�
29355immediate mode	�ߧY�覡
29356immediate mode addressing	�ߧY�Ҧ��w�}
29357immediate operand	�ߧY�ާ@��
29358immediate operation	�ߧY�ާ@
29359immediate precedence	�����u��
29360immediate predecessor	�����{��
29361immediate processing	�����B�z
29362immediate release signal	��������T��
29363immediate request mode	�ߧY�ШD�覡
29364immediate resource allocation	�����귽���t
29365immediate response mode	�ߧY�^���Ҧ�
29366immediate response mode	�ߧY�^���覡
29367immediate scheduler	�Y�ɽի׵{��
29368immediate skip	�ߧY���B
29369immediate subcommand	�ߧY�l�R�O
29370immediate successor	�ߧY�{��
29371immediate symbol	�ߧY�Ÿ�
29372immediate task	�ߧY����
29373immediate type instruction	�ߧY�����O
29374immediate value	�ߧY��
29375immersion cooling	���{���N�o
29376immersion effect	���{����
29377immersion heater	���{���[����
29378immersion plating	����
29379immortal MPP	����T���B�z�{��
29380immunity	���Z��
29381IMP	�ɭ��T���B�z��
29382IMP subnet	IMP �l����
29383impacety	�v�T
29384impact	������
29385impact duration	��������ɶ�
29386impact force	�����O
29387impact line printer	�������L���
29388impact matrix printer	�������x�}�L���
29389impact paper	���ӯ�
29390impact point	�����I
29391impact printer	�����C�L��
29392impact strength	�����j��
29393impact test	��������
29394impact wear	�����i�l
29395impact wear theory	�����i�l�z��
29396impacted medium	��������
29397impairment	��l
29398impairment scale	��l����
29399impedance	����
29400impedance bridge	���ܹq��
29401impedance discontinuity	���ܶ��_��
29402impedance function	���ܨ��
29403impedance matching	���ܤǰt
29404impedance matching transformer	���ܤǰt������
29405impedance meter	���ܴ��q��
29406impedance mismatch	���ܥ��t
29407impedance unbalance measuring set	���ܥ��Ŵ��w�˸m
29408imperative instruction	�R�O���y��
29409imperative language	�R�O���y��
29410imperative macroinstruction	�R�O���������O
29411imperative operation	�R�O���ާ@
29412imperative statement	�R�O���ԭz
29413imperfect contact	��IJ���}���I
29414imperfect debugging	���������G�ٱư�
29415imperfect earth	���a���}
29416imperfect tape	�ʳ��a
29417imperfection	�������
29418impinge	����
29419implant	���J
29420implantation	�`�J
29421implanted channel	�`�J�q�D
29422implanted resistor	�`�J�q��
29423implement	��{, �u��
29424implement level	��{��
29425implement system	��{�t��
29426implementation	��{, �u��, �]��
29427implementation defined pragma	��{�ʩw�q�y�k
29428implementation grammar	��{��k
29429implementation language	�u��y��
29430implementation module	��{�Ҳ�
29431implementation name	�u��W
29432implementation phase	�u�㶥�q
29433implementation procedure	����L�{
29434implementation requirement	����ݨD
29435implementation restriction	���歭��
29436implementation result	���浲�G
29437implementation rule	����W�h
29438implementation strategy	���浦��
29439implementation technique	����޳N
29440implementation verb	����ʵ�
29441implemented library	�w����w
29442implementing embedded language	����O�J�y��
29443implementor	�]��
29444implementor name	��{�W��
29445implementor-name	�˳]�̦W��
29446implicant	�����
29447implication	ĭ�t; ���t��
29448implication function	���t�\��
29449implication gate	���t�h
29450implication graph	���t��
29451implication operation	���t�ާ@, ���t�B��
29452implication relation	���t���Y
29453implication routine	���t�Ҧ�{��
29454implication table	���t��
29455implicit address	����}
29456implicit address instruction format	����}���O�榡
29457implicit addressing	�����M�}
29458implicit attribute	�����ݩ�
29459implicit binding	���õ��X
29460implicit computation	���íp��
29461implicit data structure	���ø�Ƶ��c
29462implicit decision	���çP�_
29463implicit declaration	���û���
29464implicit definition	���éw�q
29465implicit difference equation	���ît����{
29466implicit difference method	���ît���k
29467implicit difference scheme	���ît���榡
29468implicit DO list	���ô`����
29469implicit enumeration method	���êT�|�k
29470implicit estimation technique	����p�k
29471implicit file assignment	�����ɮפ��t
29472implicit function	����
29473implicit function equation	���è�Ƥ�{
29474implicit identification	���ü���
29475implicit instruction format	���ë��O�榡
29476implicit job startup	�����u�@�Ұ�
29477implicit mapping	�����M��
29478implicit method	ĭ�[�k
29479implicit opening	�������}
29480implicit operand	���B���H
29481implicit output file code	���ÿ�X�ɮ׽X
29482implicit parameter	���ðѼ�
29483implicit partition	�����
29484implicit partition state	���ä��Ϫ��A
29485implicit pointer	����w
29486implicit precedence	���t�u����
29487implicit price	��X����
29488implicit procedure	���ùL�{
29489implicit procedure division reference	���ùL�{���ޥ�
29490implicit procedure parameter	���ùL�{�Ѽ�
29491implicit quadratic equation	���äG����{
29492implicit qualification	����w
29493implicit reference	���äޥ�
29494implicit representation	���ê�ܪk
29495implicit request	���ýШD
29496implicit result	���õ��G
29497implicit scope terminator	�����@�ΰ�פ��
29498implicit segmentation	���õ{�Ǥ��q
29499implicit send/receive	���õo�e����
29500implicit sequence control	���ö��DZ���
29501implicit shared use	���æ@�ɨϥΪk
29502implicit sign clause	����l�y
29503implicit solution	���øѪk
29504implicit storage management	�����x�s�޲z
29505implicit type	��������
29506implicit type association	�����������X
29507implicit type conversion	���������ഫ
29508implicit type statement	���������ԭz
29509implicit variable	�����ܼ�
29510implicit word order	���ær��
29511implied addressing	���t�w�}
29512impluse	�߽�
29513import	�i�f
29514impulse element	�ߨR����
29515impulse excitation	�ߨR�E�y
29516impulse function	�ߨR���
29517impulse noise	�ߨR����
29518impulse recorder	�ߨR�O����
29519impulse register	�ߨR�H�s��
29520impulse response	�ߨR�^��
29521impulse response analysis	�ߨR�^�����R
29522impulse response function	�ߨR�^�����
29523impulse scaler	�ߨR�p�ƾ�
29524impulse signalling	�ߨR���H���ǰe
29525impulse source	�ߨR��
29526impulse system	�ߨR��
29527impulse testing	�ߨR����
29528impulse testing machine circuit	�ߨR���վ��q��
29529impulse time division system	�ɶ����j�ߨR�h���q�H��
29530impulsing	�ߨR�E�y
29531impulsion	�ߨR
29532impure code	���½X
29533IMS	��ƺ޲z�t��
29534in	��J
29535in amplifier	��J��j��
29536in band	�a��
29537in band diversity	�a������
29538in band ferquency assignment	�a���W�v���t
29539in band noise power ratio	�P�W�a�����n�\�v��]��
29540in band signalling	�a���H��
29541in band signalling equipment	�a���H���ǿ�]��
29542in band signalling system	�a���H���ǿ��
29543in bridge	�[����
29544in channel interference	�P�i�D�z�Z
29545in circuit emulation	�u������u
29546in circuit emulator	�u������u��
29547in circuit post assembled testing	�ո˦Z�q��������
29548in circuit test	�q������
29549in connection	���s��
29550in core compiler	���s�sĶ�{��
29551in dial register	���J�H�s��
29552in dialing	���J
29553in diffusion	���X��
29554in doubt work unit	���T�w�u�@�椸
29555in fan	��J
29556in file	�g�J�ɮ�
29557in full	����
29558in gate	��J�h
29559in house	������
29560in house computer	�ۥέp���
29561in house facility	�ۥγ]�I
29562in house line	�����u��
29563in house machine	�ۥξ���
29564in house network	��������
29565in house operation	�Ǥ��ާ@
29566in house system	�����t��
29567in line	������
29568in line assembly	����˰t
29569in line code	�������J�X
29570in line coding	�������J�s�X
29571in line control statement	�������J����ԭz
29572in line diagnosis	�������J�E�_
29573in line equipment	�p���]��
29574in line execute	�p������
29575in line expansion	�������J�i�}
29576in line function	�p���\��
29577in line interrupt service routine	�������_�A�ȵ{��
29578in line literal	�����r����
29579in line macro	�������J�������O
29580in line multiplexer	�������J�h���౵��
29581in line package	�����ʸ�
29582in line pragma	�������J�ԭz
29583in line procedure	�������J�L�{
29584in line processing	�u���B�z
29585in line readout	�b�uŪ�X
29586in line subroutine	�������J�l�{��
29587in list	���ؿ�
29588in mode	�g�J�Ҧ�
29589in out box	��J��X��
29590in out delay counter	��J��X����p�ƾ�
29591in out file	�J�X�ɮ�
29592in out mode	�J�X�覡
29593in out parameter	�J�X�Ѽ�
29594in phase	�P�ժ�
29595in phase channel	�P�ճq�D
29596in phase operation	�P�չB��
29597in phase signal	�P�۫H��
29598in place computation	�{���p��
29599in process inventory	�b��~�w�s
29600in process measurement	�b��~���q
29601in processing	�p��
29602in station	����
29603in station circuit	�����q��
29604in station test	��������
29605in stockroom operation	�J�w�ާ@
29606in stream procedure	�y���L�{
29607in string command	�ꤺ�R�O
29608in tree	����
29609inaccessible stationary point	���i�Fí�w�I
29610inaccuracy	���ǽT
29611inaction period	�L�@�δ�
29612inactive	�����ʪ�
29613inactive block	�����ʶ�
29614inactive character	�L�Φr��
29615inactive constraints	�L�Ĭ���
29616inactive display list	�ݥ���ܪ�C
29617inactive entry	�ݥΤJ�f
29618inactive event variable	�ݥΨƥ��ܼ�
29619inactive file	�ݥ��ɮ�
29620inactive line	�ݥνu��
29621inactive link	�ݥ����
29622inactive mass storage volume	�ݥΤj�q�x�s��
29623inactive mode time sharing	�R�A�覡����
29624inactive node	�����ʸ`�I
29625inactive page	�����ʭ�
29626inactive program	�D�{�ε{��
29627inactive queue	�ݥγ��C
29628inactive record	�����ʰO��
29629inactive segment	�D�{�άq
29630inactive stack	�ݥδ�
29631inactive state	�ݥΪ��A
29632inactive station	�ݥί�
29633inactive time	�����ʮɶ�
29634inactive volume	�ݥΨ�
29635inarray	�����Ʋ�
29636inblock subgroup	�����l��
29637inbound	�J��
29638inbound connection	�����n�D�s��
29639inbound link	�J���u��
29640inbound pacing	�J���w�B
29641inbound signalling	�J���T��
29642inbox	����c
29643inbuffer	��J�w�ĵ{��
29644incall count	�i�J�I�s�p��
29645incandescence	�ռ�
29646incandescent	�ռ���
29647incandescent lamp	�ռ��O�w
29648incarnation	����
29649incarnation-own	�������
29650incessancy	�����_��
29651inching switch	�L�ʶ}��
29652incidence	���X
29653incidence cut-set	���p�ζ�
29654incidence edge	���p��
29655incidence function	���p���
29656incidence matrix	���p�x�}
29657incident angle	�J�g��
29658incident description	�ƥ�y�z
29659incident file	�ƥ��ɮ�
29660incident light	�J�g��
29661incident record	�ƥ�O��
29662incident report	�ƥ���i
29663incident type	�ƥ�����
29664incident wave	�J�g�i
29665incidental time	�B�~�ɶ�
29666incipient error	�������~
29667incipient failure	�����G��
29668incircuit emulator	�u������u��
29669inclined orbit	�ɱ׭y�D
29670include a VMS file	�ɤH�@VMS �ɮ�
29671INCLUDE file	INCLUDE �ɮ�
29672include set	�]�t��
29673inclusion	�]�t
29674inclusion gate	�]�t�h
29675inclusion relation	�]�t���t
29676inclusive	�]�A�b����	INC
29677inclusive disjunction	�i�ݪR��
29678inclusive reference	�ۮe�ޥ�
29679inclusive routine	�ۮe�ҵ{
29680inclusive segment	�ۮe�q
29681inclusive-or element	�]�t����
29682inclusive-or gate	�]�t�ιh
29683inclusive-or operation	�ݩιB��
29684incoherence	�D�ۤz��
29685incoherent bundle	�D�ۤz�u��
29686incoherent detection	�D�ۤz�ѽ�
29687incoherent light	�D�ۤz��
29688incoherent reception	�D�ۤz����
29689incoherent rotation	�D�ۤz���
29690income	���J; ���q
29691income statement	���q��
29692income tax	�ұo�|
29693incoming aggregate signal	��J���X�H��
29694incoming alpha signal	�J��������O�H��
29695incoming bets signal	�J���}�l���O�H��
29696incoming borrow	��J�ɦ�
29697incoming call packet	�I�s�]
29698incoming call wire grouping key	�I�J���u��
29699incoming carrier	��J���i
29700incoming channel	��J�q�D
29701incoming circuit	�J���q��
29702incoming data	��J���
29703incoming end	��J��
29704incoming error	�J���t��
29705incoming frame	�J�����[
29706incoming group	��J��
29707incoming line circuit	�J���q��
29708incoming message	�ӳ�
29709incoming multi-access channel	��J�h���X�ݳq�D
29710incoming multipoint unit	�J���h�I�]��
29711incoming quality level	��J��q����
29712incoming register	�ӸܰO�o��
29713incoming selector	�J����ܾ�
29714incoming semator	��J�H����
29715incoming signal	��J�H��
29716incoming source document	��J�����
29717incoming symbol	��J�Ÿ�
29718incoming task	��J����
29719incoming teletype	��J�q�ǥ��r��
29720incoming terminal	��J�׺�
29721incoming traffic	��J���H��
29722incoming transmission	�i���H�����ǿ�
29723incoming truck	�J�����~�u
29724incoming unit	�J���]��
29725incomparable actions	���i��ʧ@
29726incomparable elements	���i����
29727incompatibility	���ݮe��
29728incompatibility problem	���ݮe���D
29729incompatible action	���ݮe�ʧ@
29730incompatible computer	���ݮe�p���
29731incompatible crosspoints	�����q��e�I
29732incompatible data	���ݮe���
29733incompatible method	���ݮe��k
29734incompatible procedure	���ݮe�L�{
29735incomplete beta function	���������
29736incomplete branch	������������
29737incomplete call	�������I�s
29738incomplete code design	���������{���]�p
29739incomplete correlation matrix memory	�����������x�}�O����
29740incomplete file update	�������ɮק�s
29741incomplete gamma function	���������
29742incomplete operation	�������B��
29743incomplete routine	�������ҵ{
29744incomplete sequential machine	�������ɧǾ�
29745incomplete syntax description	�������y�k�y�z
29746incomplete type declaration	��������������
29747incomplete type definition	�����������w�q
29748incomplete update protection	��������s�O�@
29749incompletely specified sequential machine	�������T�w�ɧǾ�
29750incomputability	���i�p���
29751inconnector	������
29752inconsistency	���@�P��
29753inconsistent data	���ۮe���
29754inconsistent element	���ۮe����
29755inconsistent format	���ۮe�榡
29756inconsistent formula	��������
29757inconsistent order	�D�@�P��
29758inconsistent shared data	���ۮe���@�ɸ��
29759inconsistent statements	���ۮe�ԭz
29760inconsistent type declaration	���ۮe��������
29761incorrect bit	���~��
29762incorrect length	���~����
29763incorrect length status	�����T���ת��A
29764incorrect modulation	�����T�ը�
29765incorrect restitution	�����T�ѽ�
29766incorrectness	�����T��
29767increment	�W��
29768increment address	�W�q��}
29769increment addressing	�W�q�w�}
29770increment function	�W�q���
29771increment interrupt	�W�q���_
29772increment list	�W�q��
29773increment load	�W�q�ˤJ
29774increment loop parameter	�W�q�`���Ѽ�
29775increment memory	�W�q�O����
29776increment mode display	�W�q�覡���
29777increment operation	�W�q�B��
29778increment operator	�W�q�B���
29779increment register	�W�q�H�s��
29780increment representation	�W�q��ܪk
29781increment routine	�W�q�ҵ{
29782increment size	�W�q�ؤo
29783increment vector	�W�q�V�q
29784incremental	�W�q��
29785incremental address	�W�q��}
29786incremental admittance matrix	�W�q�ɯǯx�}
29787incremental backup	�W�q�Ƥ�
29788incremental compaction	�W�q��²�ƾڪk
29789incremental compiler	���W( �q )�sĶչ��
29790incremental computation	�W�q�p��
29791incremental computer	�W�q�p���
29792incremental coordinate	���W�y��
29793incremental data	�W�q���
29794incremental digital recorder	�W�q���Ʀ�O��
29795incremental dimension	�W�q����
29796incremental display	�W�q���
29797incremental documentation	�W�q�����s��
29798incremental dump	�W�q���x
29799incremental duplex	�W�y���u
29800incremental encoder	�W�qĶ�X��
29801incremental execution	�W�q����
29802incremental feed	�W�q�X��
29803incremental integrator	�W�q�n��
29804incremental magnetic permeability	�W�q�Ͼɲv
29805incremental method	�W�q�k
29806incremental mode	�W�q�覡
29807incremental parameter	�W�q�Ѽ�
29808incremental phase modulation	�W�q�լ�
29809incremental plotter	�W�qø�ϻ�
29810incremental programming environment	�W�q�{���]�p����
29811incremental quantity	�W�q
29812incremental quantum efficiency	�W�q�q�l�IJv
29813incremental recorder	�W�q�O��
29814incremental reorganization	�W�q���s��´
29815incremental representation	�W�q��ܪk
29816incremental size	�W�q�j�p
29817incremental system	�W�q�t��
29818incremental tape drive	�W�q���ϱa�X�ʾ�
29819incremental tape unit	�W�q���ϱa��
29820incremental ternary representation	�W�q�T����ܪk
29821incremental transducer	�W�q���ǷP��
29822incremental vector	���W�V�q
29823incrementation parameter	�W�q�Ѽ�
29824incremented dump	�W�q���x
29825incrementer	�W�q��
29826indefinite call sign	���w�I��
29827indefinite data	���w���
29828indefinite form	���w��
29829indefinite integral	���w�n��
29830indefinite integration	���w�n��
29831indefinite interation	���w���N
29832indefinite matrix	���w�x�}
29833indefinite metric	���w�׶q
29834indefinite opertor	���w��l
29835indefinite repeat	���w����
29836indefinite repeat block	���w���ж�
29837indefinite summation	���w�`�M
29838indefinite suspension	���w����
29839indefinite sweep	���w���y
29840indent	���Y
29841indent tab character	���Y����
29842indentation	�Y�i
29843independence	�W�ߩ�
29844independence number	�W�߼�
29845independence statistical	�έp�W�ߩ�
29846independence test	�W�ߩʴ���
29847independent arithmetic processor	�W�߹B��B�z��
29848independent channel handler	�W�߳q�D�B�z�{��
29849independent clock	�W�߮���
29850independent communicating entity	�W�ߪ��q�T����
29851independent compilation	�W�߽s��
29852independent component release	�W�߳������	ICR
29853independent control	�W�߱���
29854independent control point	�W�߱����I
29855independent data communication	�W�߸�Ƴq�H
29856independent data communication system	�W�߸�Ƴq�H�t��
29857independent digit	�W�߼Ʀ�
29858independent distance model	�W�߶Z���ҫ�
29859independent entries	�W�ߤ�
29860independent environment	�W������
29861independent equation	�W�ߤ�{
29862independent error code	�W�߿��~�X
29863independent errors	�W�߮t��
29864independent event	�W�ߨƥ�
29865independent experiment	�W�߹���
29866independent file facility	�W���ɮפu��
29867independent form description language	���������y�z�y��
29868independent index register	�W���ܧ}�H�s��
29869independent indexing	�W���ܧ}
29870independent indexing mechanism	�W���ܧ}���c
29871independent interrupt	�W�ߤ��_
29872independent linearity	�W�߽u��
29873independent macro processor	�W�ߥ����[�u�{��
29874independent modularity	�W�߼Ҷ���
29875independent operation	�W�߾ާ@
29876independent partition scheduling	�W�ߤ��Ͻի�
29877independent processing	�W�߳B�z
29878independent processor	�W�߳B�z��
29879independent program loader	�W�ߪ��{�����J��
29880independent random variable	�W���H���ܼ�
29881independent reference	�W�ߤޥ�
29882independent reference model	�W�߰�Ǽҫ�	IRM
29883independent resource	�W�߸귽
29884independent routine	�W�ߨҵ{
29885independent sample	�W�߲���
29886independent sector	�W�߮���
29887independent sector designating device	�W�߮��ϼлx�]��
29888independent segment	�W�߬q
29889independent set	�W�߶�
29890independent sideband	�W����a
29891independent sideband carrier	�W����a���i
29892independent sideband communication	�W����a�q�H
29893independent sideband facilities	�W����a�]��
29894independent sideband receiver	�W����a������
29895independent sideband transmission	�W����a�ǿ�
29896independent sideband transmitter	�W����a�o�g��
29897independent software module	�W�ߪ��n��Ҷ�
29898independent task	�W�ߥ���
29899independent task abort dump	�W�ߥ��Ȳ��`�������x
29900independent task model	�W�ߴ��ռҫ�
29901independent utility	�W�ߤ��ε{��
29902independent utility programs	�W�߹�ε{��
29903independent variable	���ܼ�
29904independent work station user	�W�ߤu�@���Τ�
29905independing mode	�W�ߤ覡
29906indeterminacy	���w��
29907indeterminate analysis	���w�ѪR
29908indeterminate equation	���w��{
29909indeterminate fault	���w�ʬG��
29910indeterminate function	���w���
29911indeterminate network state	���w�������A
29912indeterminate operator	���w��l
29913indeterminate reference	���w�ޥ�
29914index	����
29915index absolute addressing	�ܧ}����M�}
29916index access method	�ܧ}�s���k
29917index adder	�ܧ}�[�k��
29918index adder register	�ܧ}�[�k���H�s��
29919index address mark	���ަ�}�аO
29920index addressing	�ܧ}�M�}
29921index array	�U�мƲ�
29922index bit	�ܧ}��
29923index bound	�U�Ьɭ�
29924index bucket	�����x�s��
29925index buffer	�ܧ}�w�ľ�
29926index build	���ޫإ�
29927index card	���ޥd
29928index check	�U���ˬd
29929index component	���޳���
29930index constraint	�U����
29931index control word	�ܧ}����r
29932index counter	�ܧ}�p�ƾ�
29933index data item	���޸�ƶ�
29934index data management	�U�и�ƺ޲z
29935index data name	�U�и�ƦW
29936index data-name	���޸�ƦW��
29937index deferred mode	�ܧ}����覡
29938index definition	���Ʃw�q
29939index descriptor	���޴y�z��
29940index disk	���޺Ϻ�
29941index entry	���޶�
29942index error	���л~�t
29943index field	�ܧ}��
29944index field value	�ܧ}���
29945index file	�����ɮ�
29946index file bit map	�����ɮצ줸��
29947index file descriptor record	�����ɮ״y�z�ŰO��
29948index file pointer record	�����ɮ׫��w�O��
29949index format	�ܧ}�榡
29950index gap	���޶���
29951index generation	���ޥͦ�
29952index hole	���ޤ�
29953index indirect addressing	�ܧ}�����M�}
29954index input	���޿�J
29955index instruction	�ܧ}���O
29956index key	��������X
29957index language	�Ф޻y��
29958index level	���޼h
29959index maintenance	���޺��@
29960index manager	���޺޲z�{��
29961index mapping	���ެM�H
29962index mark	����
29963index marker	�ܧ}�аO
29964index matching cell	��g�v�ǰt�椸
29965index matching materials	��g�v�ǰt����
29966index mechanism	���޾��c
29967index memory	�ܧ}�O����
29968index mode	���޼Ҧ�
29969index mode set	���޼Ҧ���
29970index modification	�ܧ}�ק�
29971index name	���ަW
29972index number	���޸��X
29973index organization	���޲�´
29974index output	���޿�X
29975index page	���ޭ�
29976index part	�ܧ}����
29977index plan	���޳W�h
29978index point	�����I
29979index pointer segment	���ޫ��w�q
29980index positions	���ަ�m
29981index profile	���޹w�m��w
29982index qualifier	���ޭ��w��
29983index range	�U�нd��
29984index ready circuit	���޴N���q��
29985index realm	�ܧ}�ϰ�
29986index record	���ެ���
29987index record header	���ްO�����D
29988index register	���޼Ȧs��
29989index register allocation	���޼Ȧs�����t
29990index register pointer	���޼Ȧs�����w
29991index replication	���ޭ���
29992index return character	���ު�^�r��	IRT
29993index root page	���ޮڭ�
29994index searching technique	���ެd�u�޳N
29995index sensing	����Ū�X
29996index sequential processor	���޶��dzB�z�{��
29997index set	���޶�
29998index signal	���ްT��
29999index slip	���ޱ�
30000index slot	���޼�
30001index source segment	���޷��q
30002index storage	�ܧ}�x�s��
30003index strip	���ޱ�
30004index structure	���޵��c
30005index system	���ިt��
30006index table	���ު�
30007index target segment	���ޥؼЬq
30008index target set	���ޥؼж�
30009index technique	���ާ޳N
30010index term	���ަr
30011index track	���޹D
30012index translation unit	�ܧ}½Ķ��	IXU
30013index type	�U������
30014index upgrade	���ާ�s
30015index value	���ޭ�
30016index variable	�U���ܼ�
30017index window	���е�
30018index word	���Цr
30019index word register	���Цr�H�s��
30020index-name	���ަW��
30021indexed access method	���ަs����k	IAM
30022indexed address	���ަ�}
30023indexed addressing mode	�s���w�}�Ҧ�
30024indexed component	�U����
30025indexed data descriptor	�[���ު���ƴy�z��
30026indexed data name	���ޫ���ƦW
30027indexed data set	���ޫ���ƶ�
30028indexed direct addess method	���ު����s����k
30029indexed field	�s�����
30030indexed file	���ަ������
30031indexed file load	�s���ɮ׸��H
30032indexed file organization	�s���ɮ׵��c
30033indexed file structure	�����ɮ׵��c
30034indexed form array	�s�����}�C
30035indexed jump instruction	�ܧ}�ಾ���O
30036indexed linear list	�����u�ʪ�
30037indexed list	���ު�
30038indexed mode	���ޤ覡
30039indexed nonsequential file	���ޫD�����ɮ�
30040indexed operand address	�ܧ}�ާ@�Ʀ�}
30041indexed organization	�s����´
30042indexed random access method	�ܧ}�H���s���覡	IRAM
30043indexed register	�s���Ȧs��
30044indexed search	�����˯�
30045indexed segment	���ެq
30046indexed sequential access method	���޶��Ǧs����k
30047indexed sequential data set	���޶��Ǹ�ƶ�
30048indexed sequential file	�s�������ɮ�
30049indexed sequential file management	�s�������ɮ׺޲z
30050indexed sequential module	�s�����ǼҶ�
30051indexed sequential organization	�s�����Dz�´
30052indexed sequential storage	�s�������x�s
30053indexed sequential table retrieval	�s�����Ǫ��˯�
30054indexed set type	���޶�����
30055indexed structure	���޵��c
30056indexed variable	�����ܼ�
30057indexed zero page addressing	�ܧ}�s���M�}
30058indexing	�ܧ}
30059indian parallel grammar	�L�׵o���k
30060indicant	���ܲ�
30061indicate	����
30062indicating applied occurrence	�������ΩʥX�{
30063indicating bit	���ܪk
30064indicating controller	���ܱ��	IC
30065indicating cycle	���ܩP��
30066indicating defining occurrence	���ܩw�q�ʥX�{
30067indicating device	���ܳ]��
30068indicating equipmetn	���ܳ]��
30069indicating group	���ܲ�
30070indicating group allocation	���ܲդ��t
30071indicating instrument	���ܾ�
30072indicating lamp	���ܿO
30073indicating range	���ܽd��
30074indicating recorder	���ܰO����
30075indicative abstract	���ܩ�²�z
30076indicator	���ܾ�
30077indicator allocation	���ܲŤ��t
30078indicator area	���ܲŰ�
30079indicator assignment	���ܲŽ��
30080indicator board	���ܾ��L
30081indicator case	���ܪO
30082indicator chart	���ܦr��
30083indicator coupling network	���ܾ����X����
30084indicator diagram	�ܥ\��
30085indicator dial	���ܾ��׽L
30086indicator disk	���ܽL
30087indicator equipment	���ܳ]��
30088indicator lamp	���ܿO
30089indicator off	���ܫ��O�_�}
30090indicator on	���ܫ��O���q
30091indicator property list	���ܩʽ��
30092indicator register	���ܱH�s��
30093indicator shutter	���ܿO�֪�
30094indicator signal	���ܫH��
30095indicator term	���ܱԭz
30096indicator tube	���ܺ�
30097indicatrix	����
30098indigenous fault	���b�G��
30099indirect activation	�����E��
30100indirect address	������}
30101indirect addressing	�����M�}
30102indirect assignment	�������
30103indirect call	�����ե�
30104indirect chaining method	�����챵�k
30105indirect clock control	������������
30106indirect command	�����R�O
30107indirect command file	�����R�O�ɮ�
30108indirect command file error abort	�����R�O�ɮץX�����`����
30109indirect configuration	�����t�m
30110indirect control	��������
30111indirect cost	��������
30112indirect cost effectiveness	���������ĪG
30113indirect coupled system	�������X�t��
30114indirect crosstalk	�������
30115indirect data address word	������Ʀ�}�r	IDAW
30116indirect deactivation	��������
30117indirect echo	�����^�i
30118indirect electrostatic process	�����R�q�B�z
30119indirect encoding microinstruction	�����s�X�L���O
30120indirect execution	��������
30121indirect file context	�����ɮפW�U��
30122indirect file function	�����ɮץ\��
30123indirect index	��������
30124indirect indexed mode	�����ܧ}�覡
30125indirect input	������J
30126indirect instruction	�������O
30127indirect letterpress	�����Y�L��
30128indirect mode	�����覡
30129indirect operation	�����ާ@
30130indirect output	������X
30131indirect pointer	�������w
30132indirect quadruple	�����|����
30133indirect ray	�������u
30134indirect reference	�����ޥ�
30135indirect reference address	�����ޥΦ�}
30136indirect referencing	�����Ѧ�
30137indirect register mode	�����H�s���覡
30138indirect relation	�����q�H�p��
30139indirect route	�������|
30140indirect scratchpad address register	�������t�Ȧs��}�Ȧs��	ISAR
30141indirect sharing	�����@��
30142indirect signal	�����T��
30143indirect spot welding	�����I�k
30144indirect tag memory	�����S���O����	ITM
30145indirect triple	�����T����
30146indirect user	������
30147indirect waste	�����l��
30148indirect wave	�����i
30149indirectly connected interrupt level	�����s�����_��
30150indirectly controlled system	��������t��
30151indirectly controlled variable	���������ܼ�
30152indirectly coupled system	�������X�t��
30153indirectly heated tube	�Ǽ����q�l��
30154induced interference	�P���z�Z
30155induced jitter	�P���ݰ�
30156induced matrix norm	�ɥX���x�}��
30157induced optical conductor loss	�P��������l��
30158induced subgraph	���ɤl��
30159induced uniaxial anisotropy	���ɳ滲�U�V����
30160induced voltage	�P���q��
30161inductive potential divider	�q�P�ʹq�������	IPOT
30162inductive potentionmeter	�q�P�ʹq�쾹
30163inductive reactance	�q�P�q��
30164inductive storage switch	�P���x�s���}��
30165inductive switch	�P���}��
30166inductor	�q�P��
30167inductor microelement	�L���q�P����
30168industrial community	�u�~��
30169industrial computer	�u�~����p���
30170industrial computer enclosure	�u�~�p����~��
30171industrial control	�u�~����
30172industrial control analog module	�u�~��������ե�
30173industrial control communication	�u�~����q�H
30174industrial control component	�u�~�����
30175industrial control module	�u�~����ե�
30176industrial data acquisition system	�u�~��ƪ����t��
30177industrial dynamics	�u�~�ʺA
30178industrial electronics	�u�~�q�l��
30179industrial engineering	�u�~�u�{
30180industrial management program	�u�~�޲z�{��	IMP
30181industrial management society	�u�~�޲z��|
30182industrial mathematics	�u�~�ƾ�
30183industrial mathematics society	�u�~�ƾǾǷ|
30184industrial microcomputer	�u�~�ηL��
30185industrial process control	�u�~�L�{����
30186industrial process simulation	�u�~�Ͳ��L�{��u
30187industrial programming language	�u�~�{���]�p�y��
30188industrial psychology	�u�~�߲z��
30189industrial robot	�u�~�����H
30190industrial robot control	�u�~�����H����
30191industry application program	�u�~���ε{��
30192industry code	�u�~�N�X
30193industry robot	�u�~�����H
30194industry standard plotting package	�u�~�Ǽ�ø�ϳn��]
30195industry standard specifications	�u�~�ǼгW��
30196ineffective call	�L�ĩI�s
30197ineffective time	�L�Įɶ�
30198ineffectiveness	�L�ĪG
30199inefficient serial algorithm	�C�Ħ���k
30200inelastic scattering	�D�u�ʴ��g
30201inequality	������
30202inequality constraints	����������
30203inequality operator	�������B���
30204inequivalence	��
30205inequivalence gate	���h
30206inert gas	�k�ʮ���
30207inert solvent	�k�ʷ���
30208inertia	�D��
30209inertia coupling data unit	�D�ʽ��X��Ƹ˸m
30210inertia delay	�D�ʩ���
30211inertia factor	�D�ʦ]��
30212inertial guidance system	�D�ʨ�ɨt��
30213inertial navigation computer	�D�ʾɯ�p���
30214inertial theorem	�D�ʩw�z
30215inertialess deflection	�L�D�ʰ���
30216inessential error entry	�D�����~��
30217inexact data	���T�����
30218infant mortality stage	�������Ķ��q
30219infeasibility form	���i���
30220infeasible path	���i����|
30221infer	���z
30222inference clause	���z�l�y
30223inference control	���z����
30224inference engine	���z��
30225inference execution language	���z�����y��	INFEREX
30226inference machine	���z��
30227inference method	���z��k
30228inference network system	���z�����t��
30229inference node	���z�`�I
30230inference rule	���z�W�h
30231inference rule completeness	���z�W�h���Ʃ�
30232inference rule soundness	���z�W�h���i�a��
30233inference system	���z�t��
30234inference theory	���z�z��
30235inferenial capability	���z��O
30236inferior figures	�U���Ʀ�
30237inferiority rate	����
30238infinite graph	�L����
30239informal axiomatics	�D�����z��
30240informal documentation	�D�������	ID
30241informal method	�D����k
30242informal proof	�D�Φ��ҩ�
30243informal specification	�D���W�d
30244informal syntax tree	�D���y�k��
30245informal type specification	�D�������W�d
30246informatics	��T��
30247information	��T	INFO
30248information abstract	���ɩʤ�K
30249information access unit	��T�s�����
30250information accumulation	��T�n��
30251information acquisition	��T����
30252information addressee	�q���x
30253information age	��T�ɥN
30254information algebra	��T�N��
30255information analyst	��T���R�a
30256information array	��T���C
30257information bandwidth	��T�W�e
30258information bank system	�����w�t��
30259information base	��T�w
30260information based society	��T�ƪ��|
30261information bearer channel	��T�Ӹ��q�D
30262information behavioral pattern	��T�欰�Ҧ�
30263information bit	��T��
30264information block	��T��
30265information bulletin	��T����
30266information bus	��T�`�u
30267information capacity	��T�e�q
30268information carrier	��T����
30269information carrying capacity	�B����T��O
30270information carrying signal	�B����T�H��
30271information center	��T����
30272information channel	��T�q�D
30273information character	��T�r��
30274information circuit	��T�ǰe�u��
30275information collection system	��T�����t��	ICS
30276information collector	��T������
30277information communication	��T�q�T
30278information community	��T����
30279information computer system	��T�p����t��
30280information content	��T���e
30281information content binary unit	��T�q�G�i����
30282information content decimal unit	��T�q�Q�i����
30283information content natural unit	��T�q�۵M���
30284information control	��T����
30285information conversion	��T�ഫ
30286information costs	��T����
30287information cycle	�����P��
30288information data processing	��T��ƳB�z
30289information decoding	��T�ѽX
30290information density	��T�K��
30291information derivability analysis	��T�i���ɩʤ��R
30292information description language	��T�y�z�y��
30293information descriptor record	��T�y�z�ŰO��
30294information display	��T���
30295information display rate	��T��ܲv
30296information display record	��T��ܰO��
30297information displays automatic drafting system	��T��ܦ۰�ø�Ϩt��
30298information distributor	��T���t��
30299information economics	��T�g�پ�
30300information efficiency	��T�IJv
30301information element	��T����
30302information encoding	��T�s�X
30303information engineer	�����u�{�v
30304information entropy	��T�i
30305information entry	��T�J�f
30306information entry logical unit	��T��J�޿賡��
30307information environment	��T����
30308information exchange	��T�洫
30309information explosion	��T�z��
30310information extraction ability	��T�Ѩ���O
30311information facility	��T�u��
30312information feedback	��T�^�X
30313information feedback system	��T�^�X�t��
30314information field	��T��
30315information flag	��T�X��
30316information flow analysis	��T�y���R
30317information generator	��T��
30318information generator system	��T���t��
30319information group	��T��
30320information group separator	��T�դ��j��
30321information grouping logic	��T�����޿�
30322information handling rate	��T�B�z�t�v
30323information handling services	��T�B�z�~��
30324information handling system	��T�B�z�t��
30325information heading	��T���Y
30326information industry	��T���~
30327information industry association	�H�����~��|	IIA
30328information input	��T��J
30329information institue of Canada	�[���j�H���Ƿ|	IIC
30330information integrity	��T�����
30331information interchange	��T�洫
30332information language	��T�y��
30333information link	��T���
30334information logic graph	��T�޿��
30335information logic machine	��T�޿��
30336information loss	��T�l��
30337information lossless	��T�L�l
30338information magnitude	��T�q��
30339information management package	��T�޲z�n��]
30340information management system	��T�޲z�t��
30341information manipulation language	��T�ާ@�y��
30342information matrix	��T�x�}
30343information measure	��T����
30344information mechanics	��T�O��
30345information memory	��T�O����
30346information message	��T����
30347information network	��T����
30348information network structure	��T�������c
30349information notification	��T�q��
30350information office	�ݸ߳B
30351information oriented language	��T�ɦV���y��
30352information path	��T�q��
30353information pattern	��T�Ҧ�
30354information point	��T�I
30355information pollution	��T�ìV
30356information pool	��T��
30357information process analysis	��T�B�z���R
30358information processing	��T�B�z
30359information processing architecture	��T�B�z��t���c
30360information processing code	��T�B�z�N�X
30361information processing environmnet	��T�B�z����
30362information processing flowchart symbols	��T�B�z�y�{�ϲŸ�
30363information processing machine	��T�B�z��
30364information processing management	��T�B�z�޲z
30365information processing model	��T�B�z�ҫ�
30366information processing power	��T�B�z��O
30367information processing rate	��T�B�z�t�v
30368information processing system	��T�B�z�t��
30369information processing technology	�����B�z�޳N
30370information processor	��T�B�z��
30371information provider	��T���Ѫ�
30372information pulse	��T�߽�
30373information rate	��T�v
30374information read	��TŪ�X
30375information read wire	��TŪ�X�u
30376information record	��T�O��
30377information records division	��T�O����	IRD
30378information recovery	��T��_
30379information register	��T�Ȧs��
30380information representation	��T��ܪk
30381information request	��T�ШD
30382information requirement determination	��T�ݨD�T�w
30383information resource	��T�귽
30384information resource administration	��T�귽�޲z
30385information resource dictionary system	��T�귽�r��t��	IRDS
30386information resource management	��T�귽�޲z
30387information retrieval	��T�˯�
30388information retrieval method	�����˯���k
30389information retrieval system	�����˯��t��
30390information retrieval technique	�����˯��޳N	IRT
30391information retrieval type	�����˯�����
30392information revolution	��T���R
30393information satisfiability	��T�i������
30394information science	��T���
30395information science technology	��T��ǧ޳N
30396information search language	�����˯��y��
30397information selection system	��T��ܨt��
30398information sensing	����Ū�X
30399information separator	��T���j��
30400information separator character	��T���j��
30401information sequence	��T�ǦC
30402information series	��T��
30403information service network	��T�A�Ⱥ�
30404information sink	��T������
30405information society	��T�ƪ��|
30406information source	��T��
30407information source coding	��T���s�X
30408information space	��T�Ŷ�
30409information state	��T���A
30410information storage	��T�x�s��
30411information storage density	��T�x�s�K��
30412information storage means	��T�x�s��q
30413information storage tube	��T�x�s��
30414information storing device	��T�x�s�˸m
30415information stream	��T�y
30416information strength	��T�j��
30417information structure	��T���c
30418information structure design	��T���c�]�p
30419information structure implementation	��T���c��{	ISI
30420information symbol	��T�Ÿ�
30421information system	��T�t��
30422information system access line	��T�t�γX�ݽu��
30423information system architecture	��T�t����t���c
30424information system coordinator	��T�t�Ψ�յ{��	ISC
30425information system engineering	��T�t�Τu�{
30426information system resource manager	��T�t�θ귽�޲z�{��	ISRM
30427information system security	��T�t�Φw����
30428information system supporting organization	��T�t�Τ䴩��´
30429information technology	��T�޳N
30430information theory	��T��
30431information throughput rate	��T�q�L�v
30432information tool	��T�u��
30433information transfer	��T�ǰe
30434information transfer channel	��T�ǰe�q�D
30435information transfer efficiency	��T�ǰe�IJv	ITE
30436information transfer experiments	��T�ǰe����	INTREX
30437information transfer module	��T�ǰe�Ҳ�
30438information transfer phase	��T�ǰe���q
30439information transfer satellite	��T�ǰe�ìP	ITS
30440information transfer transaction	��T�ǰe����
30441information transmission	��T�ǿ�
30442information transmission equipment	��T�ǿ�]��
30443information transmission system	��T�ǿ�t��
30444information trunk	�d�߽u
30445information uncertainty	��T���T�w��
30446information unit	��T���
30447information unit separator	��T�����j��
30448information user	��T��
30449information utility	��T���ε{��	INFUT
30450information utilization	��T�Q�βv
30451information variable	��T�ܼ�
30452information vector	��T�V�q
30453information vendor	��T��
30454information wire	��T�u
30455information word	��T�r
30456information write wire	��T�g�J�u
30457informational capacity	��T�e�q
30458informational message	��T�T��
30459informational node	��T�`�I
30460informative abstract	��T���n
30461informative pattern	��T�Ҧ�
30462infranics	���~�u�q�l��
30463infrared absorption	���~�l��
30464infrared angle tracker	���~�ਤ���ܻ�
30465infrared band	���~�W�a
30466infrared cinematography	���~��v�N
30467infrared communication	���~�q�D
30468infrared detecting satellite system	���~�����ìP�t��
30469infrared detector dark resistance	���~�˴����t�q��
30470infrared emitting diode	���~�o���G����
30471infrared light	���~��
30472infrared point source flash detector	���~�I���{�{�˴���
30473infrared radiation	���~�o��
30474infrared radiation suppression	���~�T�g���
30475infrared rays	���~�u
30476infrared sensor	���~�ǷP��
30477infrared spin scan radiometer	���~���౽�y��
30478infrared static sensor	���~�R�A�ǷP��
30479infrared surveillance system	���~�ʵ��t��
30480infrared transmission	���~�ǿ�
30481infrared viewer	���~�[�
30482inherent addressing	�T���M�}
30483inherent ambiguity	�T���G�q��
30484inherent error	�T���~�t
30485inherent frequence response	�T���W�v�^��
30486inherent priority	�T���u��
30487inherent stability	�T��í�w��
30488inherent start-stop distortion	�T���_����ܫ�
30489inherent statistical uncertainty	�T�����έp���T�w��
30490inherent storage	�T���x�s��
30491inherent store	�T���x�s
30492inherent transparency	�T���z����
30493inherently ambiguous language	�T���G�q�y��
30494inherited attribute	�~���ݩ�
30495inherited error	�~��~�t
30496inhibit	�T��	INH
30497inhibit banner page	�T����D��
30498inhibit bit	�T���
30499inhibit carry	�T��i��
30500inhibit circuit	�T��q��
30501inhibit control	�T���
30502inhibit current	�T��q�y
30503inhibit current pulse	�T��q�y�ߨR
30504inhibit element	�T���
30505inhibit gate	�T��h
30506inhibit halt flip-flop	�T��Ȱ�IJ�o��
30507inhibit input	�T���J
30508inhibit interrupt	�T��_
30509inhibit line	�T��u
30510inhibit mount message	�T��w�˫H��
30511inhibit noise	�T���
30512inhibit pulse	�T��ߨR
30513inhibit signal	�T��H��
30514inhibit sum	�T��M��
30515inhibit wire	�T��u
30516inhibiting signal	�T��H��
30517inhibition	�T��
30518inhibition gate	�T��h
30519inhibition rules	�T��W�h
30520inhibitor	�T�
30521inhibitory action	�T��@��
30522inhibitory gate	�T��h
30523inhibitory input	�T���J
30524inhibitory input point	�T���J�I
30525inhomogeneity	�����é�
30526inhomogeneous boundary condition	�D������ɱ���
30527inhomogeneous equation	�D������{
30528inhomogeneous fiber	�D�����
30529inhomogeneous mesh calculation	�D���ú���p��
30530init block	��l�ƶ�
30531initem	��J��
30532initial access time	��l�s���ɶ�
30533initial address	�_�l��}
30534initial address designator	�_�l��}�лx��	IAD
30535initial appearance	��l�X�{
30536initial argument	��l���ܼ�
30537initial attribute	��l�ݩ�
30538initial attribute rule	��l�ݩʳW�h
30539initial batch program	��l����B�z�{��
30540initial blank	��l�ťղŸ�
30541initial carriage return	�_�l�^��
30542initial chaining value	��l�챵��
30543initial column	��l�C
30544initial condition	��l����
30545initial condition hierarchy	��l����h��
30546initial condition mode	��l�����A
30547initial condition sequence	��l����ǦC
30548initial condition word	��l����r
30549initial conditional code	��l����X
30550initial configuration	��l�t�m
30551initial connection protocol	��l�s����w
30552initial control program load	��l����{���ˤJ
30553initial control word	��l����r
30554initial cycle error	��l�P����
30555initial data	��l���
30556initial data base description	��l��Ʈw�y�z
30557initial data structure	��l��Ƶ��c
30558initial definition	��l�w�q
30559initial delay	�_�l����
30560initial delay position	�_�l�����m
30561initial effective data	��l���ĸ��
30562initial element	��l����
30563initial error	��l���~
30564initial expression	��l��F��
30565initial expression indicator	��l��F�����ܲ�
30566initial external procedure	��l�~���L�{
30567initial failure	����G��
30568initial flow data	��l�y���
30569initial function	��l���
30570initial gap	��l����
30571initial information	��l�H��
30572initial input	�_�l��J
30573initial input routine	�_�l��J�ҵ{
30574initial instruction	�_�l����
30575initial interval	�_�l���j
30576initial key	�Ұ���
30577initial letter	�_�l�r��
30578initial line	��l��
30579initial list	��l��
30580initial load	��l�ˤJ
30581initial loader	��l���J�{��
30582initial machine load	��l�����ˤJ
30583initial magnetization	�_�l�Ϥ�
30584initial microcode load	��l�L�X�ˤJ	IML
30585initial microprogram load	��l�{���ˤJ	IML
30586initial mode	��A
30587initial node	�_�l�`�I
30588initial numerical data	��l�Ʀ���
30589initial operational capacity	�_�l�B���O
30590initial order	�_�l���O
30591initial parameter	��l�Ѽ�
30592initial permeability	�_�l�Ͼɲv
30593initial permutation	��l�ƦC
30594initial phase	��l���q
30595initial point	��l�I
30596initial portion	��l����
30597initial position	��l��m
30598initial predicate	��l�z��
30599initial print	��l�C�L
30600initial priority number	��l�u����
30601initial problem	��l���D
30602initial procedure	��l�L�{
30603initial process name	��l�L�{�W
30604initial program	��l�{��
30605initial program load	��l�{�����J
30606initial program loader	��l�{�������J��
30607initial program position	��l�{����m
30608initial pulse	�_�l�ߨR
30609initial receiving point	��l�����I
30610initial reciprocal approximation table	��l����˼ƪ�
30611initial recovery action	��l��_�ʧ@
30612initial register indicator	��l�H�s�����ܲ�
30613initial request	��l�ШD
30614initial reset	��l�_��
30615initial reset pulse	��l�_��ߨR
30616initial row	��l��
30617initial satisfactory performance test	��B���N�ʯ����
30618initial section	��l�q
30619initial seek interrupt	��l�d�䤤�_
30620initial segment	��l�u�q
30621initial selection control block	��l��ܱ����
30622initial sentential form	��l�y��
30623initial sequence number	��l���Ǹ�
30624initial setting	��l�]�w
30625initial signal	�_�l�H��
30626initial signal unit	�_�l�H���椸
30627initial snapshot	��l���H
30628initial solution	��l��
30629initial space allocation	��l�Ŷ����t
30630initial stack placement	��l��̥���
30631initial stare	��A
30632initial starement	��l�ԭz
30633initial start	��l�_��
30634initial status word	��l���A�r
30635initial strain	������
30636initial sum	�_�l�M
30637initial survey	�_�l�ҹ�
30638initial susceptibility	�_�l�ϤƲv
30639initial symbol	��l�Ÿ�
30640initial system design	�t�Ϊ�B�]�p
30641initial system loading	��l�t�θˤJ
30642initial table	��l��
30643initial tape	��l�a
30644initial task	��l����
30645initial term	��l��
30646initial terminal program	��l�׺ݵ{��
30647initial value	���
30648initial value declaraction	��Ȼ���
30649initial value method	��Ȥ�k
30650initial value problem	��l���D
30651initial vector display point	��l���D����I
30652initial vertex	��l���I
30653initial warning radar	����ĵ�ٹp�F
30654initial word	��l�r
30655initialization	��l��
30656initialization command	�_�l�R�O
30657initialization commection protocol	�_�ҳs����w
30658initialization error	��l�ƻ~�t
30659initialization mode	��Ҥ覡
30660initialization operation	��l�ƾާ@
30661initialization phase	��l�ƶ��q
30662initialization sequence	��l�ƧǦC
30663initialization statement	��l�Ʊԭz
30664initialization vector	��l�ƦV�q
30665initialization verification	�m�������
30666initialize	��l��	IV
30667initialize graphics	��l�ƹϥܳn��
30668initialize library file	�w�m�w�ɮ�
30669initialize mode	��l���A
30670initialize operation	�w�m�ާ@
30671initialize routine	��l�ƨҵ{
30672initialize substring	�w�m�l��
30673initialize switch	�w�m�}��
30674initialized data base	�w�m��Ʈw
30675initialized host file	��l�ƥD�ɮ�
30676initialized loop program	��l�ƴ`���{��
30677initializer	��ҵ{��
30678initializing	��Ҥ�
30679initializing declaration	��Ҥƻ���
30680initializing statementon	��l�dzƱԭz
30681initiate	�Ұ�
30682initiate button	�Ұʫ��s
30683initiate control word	�Ұʱ���r
30684initiate key	�Ұ���
30685initiate mode	�Ұʤ覡
30686initiate statement	��l�ԭz
30687initiate transmit	��l�o�e
30688initiating pulse	�ҰʯߨR
30689initiating signal	�ҰʫH��
30690initiating station	�_�l��
30691initiating task	�Ұʥ���
30692initiating terminal	�o�e��
30693initiating trigger	�Ұ�IJ�o��
30694initiation	�Ұ�
30695initiation area discriminator	�_�l�ϰ�ų�O��	IAD
30696initiator	�Ұʵ{��
30697initiator procedure	�Ұʵ{�ǹL�{
30698initiator program	�Ұʵ{��
30699injection	�`�J
30700injection efficiency	�`�J�t��
30701injection grid	�`�J�]��
30702injection laser	�`�J���J�g��
30703injection laser diode	�`�J���J�g�G����
30704injection logic	�`�J�޿�
30705injection molding	�`�J����
30706injection nozzle	���Q�L
30707injector	�`�J��
30708ink	�o��
30709ink bleed	�������X
30710ink character recognition	�����r���ѧO
30711ink jet printer	�Q���C�L��
30712inked ribbon	�۾��a
30713inperprocess communication	�i�{���q�H
30714inperprocess communication medium	�i�{���q�H�C��
30715inperprocess communication protocol	�i�{���q�H��w
30716inperprocess naming convertion	�L�{���R�W���w
30717input	��J
30718input buffer register	��J�w�ıH�s��
30719input checking equipment	��J����]��
30720input coding	��J�s�X
30721input command data set	��J�R�O��ƶ�	ICDS
30722input command file	��J�R�O�ɮ�
30723input communication	��J�q�H
30724input computer	��J�p���
30725input control register	��J����H�s��	ICR
30726input control shift register	��J�����H�s��
30727input conversion	��J�ഫ
30728input converter	��J�ഫ��
30729input data	��J���
30730input data buffer	��J��ƽw�İ�	IDB
30731input data bus	��J����`�u
30732input data description	��J��ƴy�z
30733input data error	��J��ƿ��~
30734input data instruction	��J��ƫ��O
30735input data language	��J��ƻy��
30736input data selection	��J��ƿ��
30737input data sensitivity	��J����F�ө�
30738input data set	��J��ƶ�
30739input data structure	��J��Ƶ��c
30740input data vector	��J��ƦV�q
30741input design	��J�]�p
30742input device	��J�˸m
30743input digit	��J�Ʀ�
30744input display console	��J��ܱ���x
30745input disposition code	��J�B�m�N�X
30746input document	��J���
30747input editing	��J�s��
30748input element	��J����
30749input enable control	��J���\����
30750input end	��J��
30751input equipment	��J�]��
30752input error	��J���~
30753input event	��J�ƥ�
30754input event attribute	��J�ƥ��ݩ�
30755input expander	��J�X�i��
30756input feature vector	��J�S���V�q
30757input field	��J��
30758input file	��J�ɮ�
30759input file code	��J�ɮץN�X
30760input file control block	��J�ɮױ����
30761input file specification	��J�ɮ׳W�满��
30762input form	��J��
30763input format control	��J�榡����
30764input generator	��J�o�;�
30765input hardware descriptive language	��J�w��y�z�y��
30766input head	��J��
30767input header	��J���D
30768input impedance	��J����
30769input information	��J��T
30770input inhibit	��J�T��
30771input instruction code	��J���ܽX
30772input interface	��J����
30773input interface unit	��J�����˸m
30774input job	��J�@�~
30775input job queue	��J�@�~���C
30776input job stream	��J�@�~�y
30777input keyboard	��J��L
30778input language	��J�y��
30779input language converter	��J�y���ഫ�{��
30780input limited	��J����
30781input limited system	��J�����t��
30782input limiter	��J���T��
30783input line	��J��
30784input link	��J�s��
30785input list	��J��
30786input loading	��J�[��
30787input loading factor	��J�t���v
30788input logic level	��J�޿�q��
30789input machine variable	��J�p����ܼ�
30790input magazine	�e�d�c
30791input mechanism	��J���c
30792input media device	��J�C��˸m
30793input medium	��J����
30794input memory buffer	��J�O����w��
30795input message	��J�T��
30796input message acknowledgment	��J�T������
30797input mode	��J�覡
30798input module	��J�Ҷ�
30799input node	��J�`�I
30800input node state	��J�`�I���A
30801input noise temperature	��J�����ū�
30802input number	��J��
30803input operation	��J�ާ@
30804input option	��J���ﶵ
30805input order	��J����
30806input output	��J��X
30807input output access unit	��J��X�s���˸m
30808input output adapter	��J��X�౵��
30809input output allocation	��J��X���t
30810input output analysis	��J��X���R
30811input output architecture	��J��X��t���c
30812input output area	��J��X��
30813input output argument	��J��X�ܤ�
30814input output arithmetic unit	��J��X�B�ⳡ��
30815input output block	��J��X��
30816input output board	��J��X����
30817input output bounded	����J��X����
30818input output buffer	��J��X�w��
30819input output bus	��J��X�`�u
30820input output cable	��J��X�q�l
30821input output category	��J��X���O
30822input output channel	��J��X�q�D
30823input output channel bus	��J��X�q�D�`�u
30824input output channel bus control	��J��X�q�D�`�u����
30825input output channel selection	��J��X�q�D���
30826input output channel statistics	��J��X�q�D�έp
30827input output channeller	��J��X���
30828input output characteristic	��J��X�S��
30829input output command	��J��X�R�O
30830input output compiler	��J��X�sĶ�{��
30831input output complete signal	��J��X�����H��
30832input output concept	��J��X����
30833input output condition	��J��X����
30834input output connector	��J��X�s����
30835input output console	��J��X����x
30836input output control	��J��X����	IOC
30837input output control extensiveness	��J��X�����X�i��
30838input output control header	��J��X������D
30839input output control module	��J��X����Ҷ�
30840input output control program	��J��X����{��	IOCP
30841input output control structure	��J��X����c
30842input output control subsystem	��J��X����l�t��
30843input output control system	��J��X����t��
30844input output control unit	��J��X����˸m
30845input output convention	��J��X���w
30846input output converter	��J��X�ഫ��
30847input output coupler	��J��X���X��
30848input output cycle	��J��X�P��
30849input output data item	��J��X��ƶ�
30850input output description	��J��X�y�z
30851input output device	��J��X�]��
30852input output device controller	��J��X�]�Ʊ��
30853input output device handler	��J��X�]�ƳB�z�{��
30854input output distributed processing	��J��X�����B�z
30855input output driver	��J��X�X�ʾ�
30856input output editor	��J��X�s��{��
30857input output efficiency	��J��X�IJv
30858input output equipment	��J��X�˸m
30859input output exchange	��J��X�洫��
30860input output executive	��J��X����{��
30861input output expander	��J��X�X�i��
30862input output file	��J��X�ɮ�
30863input output format	��J��X�榡
30864input output function	��J��X�\��
30865input output gate	��J��X�h
30866input output generation	��J��X�ͦ�
30867input output group	��J��X�s
30868input output handling	��J��X�B�z
30869input output housekeeping system	��J��X���ȳB�z�t��
30870input output identification method	��J��X���Ѫk
30871input output indicator	��J��X���ܲ�
30872input output information	��J��X��T
30873input output information messages	��J��X��T�T��
30874input output interface	��J��X����
30875input output interface method	��J��X���Ѫk
30876input output interface module	��J��X�����Ҷ�
30877input output interleaving control	��J��X�������
30878input output interrupt	��J��X���_
30879input output interrupt handler	��J��X���_�B�z�{��
30880input output interrupt indicator	��J��X���_���ܾ�
30881input output interrupt inhibit	��J��X���_�T��
30882input output interrupt request register	��J��X���_�ШD�H�s��
30883input output label system	��J��X��t��
30884input output library	��J��X�w
30885input output limited	����J��X���
30886input output limited system	����J��X����t��
30887input output limited tape	��J��X���a
30888input output link adapter	��J��X����౵��
30889input output link control	��J��X�������
30890input output list	��J��X��
30891input output management	��J��X�޲z
30892input output medium	��J��X����
30893input output method	��J��X��k
30894input output microprocessor	��J��X�L�B�z��
30895input output mode	��J��X�覡
30896input output model	��J��X�ҫ�
30897input output multiplexer	��J��X�h���౵��
30898input output multiplexing	��J��X�h���౵
30899input output nucleus	��J��X�֤�
30900input output operation	��J��X�ާ@
30901input output package	��J��X�{���]
30902input output pair	��J��X�ﰸ
30903input output parity interrupt	��J��X�_�����_
30904input output peripheral control	��J��X�~����
30905input output port	��J��X�f
30906input output priority	��J��X�u���v
30907input output procedure	��J��X�L�{
30908input output process	��J��X�B�z
30909input output processor	��J��X�B�z��
30910input output program communication	��J��X�{���q�H
30911input output pulse	��J��X�ߨR
30912input output queue	��J��X���C
30913input output queue backward pointer	��J��X���C�Z�V���w
30914input output queue forward pointer	��J��X���C�e�V���w
30915input output read	��J��XŪ�X
30916input output read-time control	��J��X��ɱ���
30917input output record block	��J��X�O����
30918input output redircetion	��J��X�A�w�V
30919input output reference	��J��X�ޥ�
30920input output referencing	��J��X�X��
30921input output register	��J��X�H�s��
30922input output request	��J��X�ШD
30923input output request subroutine	��J��X�ШD�l�{��
30924input output request word	��J��X�ШD�r
30925input output routine	��J��X�ҵ{
30926input output scheduler	��J��X�ի׵{��
30927input output section	��J��X�q
30928input output selector	��J��X���
30929input output sense	��J��XŪ�X
30930input output sequence	��J��X����
30931input output signal	��J��X�H��
30932input output simultaneity	��J��X�P�ɩ�
30933input output skip	��J��X���V
30934input output space	��J��X�Ŷ�
30935input output standard interface	��J��X�зǤ���
30936input output statement	��J��X�ԭz
30937input output station	��J��X��
30938input output status	��J��X���A
30939input output storage	��J��X�x�s��
30940input output stream	��J��X�y
30941input output structure	��J��X���c
30942input output subsystem	��J��X�l�t��
30943input output supervisor	��J��X�޲z�{��
30944input output switch	��J��X�}��
30945input output switching	��J��X����
30946input output switching channel	��J��X�����q�D
30947input output symbol	��J��X�Ÿ�
30948input output system bus	��J��X�t���`�u
30949input output table	��J��X��
30950input output tape	��J��X�a
30951input output terminal	��J��X�׺�
30952input output termination	��J��X�פ�
30953input output test	��J��X����
30954input output test ptogtam	��J��X���յ{��
30955input output traffic control	��J��X�y�q����
30956input output traffic table	��J��X�y�q��
30957input output transfer	��J��X�ǰe
30958input output transfer block	��J��X�ǰe��
30959input output trap	��J��X����
30960input output trunk	��J��X�z�u
30961input output unit	��J��X�˸m
30962input output utility	��J��X���ε{��
30963input output variable	��J��X�ܸm
30964input output voerlapping	��J��X���|
30965input output write	��J��X�g�J
30966input paging	��J�����ի�
30967input panel	��J�̭�
30968input parameter	��J�Ѽ�
30969input part	��J����
30970input pattern	��J�Ҧ�
30971input phase	��J���q
30972input port	��J�f
30973input position map	��J��m��
30974input power constraint	��J�\�v����
30975input predicate	��J�z��
30976input primitive	��J��y
30977input procedure	��J�L�{
30978input process	��J�L�{
30979input processor	��J�B�z��
30980input program	��J�{��
30981input protection	��J�O�@
30982input pulse	��J�ߨR
30983input pulse width	��J�߽ļe��
30984input quantity	��J�q
30985input queue	��J��C
30986input queue message handler	��J��C�T���B�z�{��
30987input queue opinter	��J�ư}���ܦr
30988input rank	��J����
30989input rate	��J�t��
30990input reader	��J�\Ū��
30991input rearrangement	��J���s�w��
30992input record	��J�O��
30993input record character set	��J�O���r�Ŷ�
30994input redirection	��J��V
30995input reference	��J�ѷӭ�
30996input region	��J�ϰ�
30997input register	��J�H�s��
30998input register full	��J�H�s����
30999input request	��J�ШD
31000input resistor	��J�q��
31001input resolution	��J����
31002input routine	��J�ҵ{
31003input scan	��J���y
31004input section	��J�q
31005input sequence	��J�ǦC
31006input service	��J�u�@
31007input set	��J��
31008input sheet	��J��
31009input signal	��J�T��
31010input signal design	��J�T���]�p
31011input simulator	��J�����{��
31012input size	��J�j�p
31013input source program	��J���{��
31014input specification	��J�W�d����
31015input speed	��J�t��
31016input spooling	��J�����
31017input spooling subsystem	�������J�l�t��
31018input stacker	��J�c
31019input stage	��J��
31020input statement	��J�ԭz
31021input station	��J��
31022input status register	��J���A�H�s��
31023input storage	��J�x�s��
31024input stream	��J�y
31025input stream control	��J�y����
31026input string	��J��
31027input structure	��J���c
31028input subroutine	��J�l�{��
31029input subsystem	��J�l�t��
31030input sumbol	��J�Ÿ�
31031input surge	��J�F��
31032input symbiont	��J�@�s�{��
31033input system	��J�t��
31034input tape	��J�a
31035input tape sorting	��J�a����
31036input tape test	��J�a����
31037input terminal	��J�׺�
31038input test equipment	��J���ճ]��
31039input transaction	��J�ƶ�
31040input transaction processing	��J�ƶ��B�z
31041input transformer	��J������
31042input translator	��J½Ķ�{��
31043input tube	��J��
31044input unit	��J�˸m
31045input value	��J��
31046input variable	��J�ܼ�
31047input vector	��J�V�q
31048input voltage	��J�q��
31049input wire	��J�u
31050input wok queue	��J�u�@���C
31051input word	��J�r
31052input-output	��J��X
31053input-output channel	��J--��X�q�D
31054input-output controller	��J--��X���
31055input-output device	��J--��X�˸m
31056input-output unit	��J--��X�椸
31057inquire answer	�߰ݦ^��
31058inquire buffer	�߰ݽw�İ�
31059inquire display terminal	�߰���ܲ׺�
31060inquire response	�߰�����
31061inquire terminal	�߰ݲ׺�
31062inquiry	�߰�
31063inquiry answer	��{�d�ߦ^��
31064inquiry application	�t������
31065inquiry character	�߰ݦr��
31066inquiry circuit	�߰ݹq��
31067inquiry clause	�߰ݤl�y
31068inquiry display terminal	�߰���ܲ׺�
31069inquiry facility	�d�ߤu��
31070inquiry logical terminal	�d���޿�׺�
31071inquiry message exchange	�߰ݫH���洫
31072inquiry mode	�d�ߤ覡
31073inquiry processsing	�d�߳B�z
31074inquiry response	�d�ߦ^��
31075inquiry response operation	�d�ߦ^���ާ@
31076inquiry seesion	�d�߹��
31077inquiry specifier	�d�߻�����
31078inquiry station	�d�߯�
31079inquiry system	�d�ߨt��
31080inquiry terminal	�d�߲׺�
31081inquiry terminal display	�߰ݲ׺���ܾ�
31082inquiry theory	�d�߲z��
31083inquiry transaction	�d�ߨƶ�
31084inquiry typewriter	�d�ߥ��r��
31085inquiry unit	�d�߸˸m
31086inquiry with update	�d�ߧ�s�B�z
31087inreducible graph	���i����
31088inscriber	�O����
31089inseparable action	���i���ʧ@
31090insert	���J
31091insert character	���J�r��
31092insert cursor	���J���
31093insert machine	���J��
31094insert program	���J�{��
31095insert record	���J�O��
31096insert storage key	���J�x�s��r
31097insert subcommand	���J�l�{��
31098inserted mode	���J�覡
31099inserted subroutine	�Q���J�l�{��
31100inserted test step	���J����
31101inserting control	���J����
31102insertion	���J
31103insertion editing	���J�s��
31104insertion error	���J��
31105insertion gain	���J�W�q
31106insertion loss	���J�l��
31107insertion loss versus frequency characteristic	���J�l���W�v�S�ʦ��u
31108insertion method	���J�k
31109insertion picture character	���J�ϧΦr��
31110insertion sequence	���J����
31111insertion sort	���J����
31112insertion switch	�ޤJ�}��
31113insertion transformation	���J�ܴ�
31114inside diameter	���|
31115inside plant	�Ǥ��]�I
31116inside radius	���b�|
31117insolating transformer	�j��������
31118insolubility	������
31119inspect	�ˬd
31120inspect file information	�ˬd�ɮ׸�T
31121inspect statement	�ˬd�ԭz
31122inspection	�ˬd
31123inspection card	�ˬd�d��
31124inspection control	�ˬd����
31125inspection hole	�����
31126inspection progress notification	�ˬd�i�׳q����	IPN
31127inspection test procedure	�ˬd���չL�{
31128instability	��í�w��
31129install	�إ�
31130installability test	�i�w�˩ʴ���
31131installation	�w��
31132installation charge	�w�˶O��
31133installation date	�w�ˤ��
31134installation dependent	�P�w�˦�����
31135installation dickette	�w�˳n�L
31136installation exit routine	�w�˥X�f�ҵ{
31137installation management	�t�m�޲z
31138installation news	�p�⯸²�T
31139installation oriented utility	�]�Ʀw�˾ɦV�����ε{��
31140installation performance specification	�˸m�ʯ�W�满��
31141installation processing control	�]�ƳB�z����
31142installation profile	�w�˷��n
31143installation tape number	�w�˺ϱa��
31144installation testing	�]�Ʀw�˴���
31145installation time	�w�ˮɶ�
31146installation verification procedure	�w�����ҹL�{
31147installed user program	�w�w�˪��Τ�{��
31148instance	�ƨ�
31149instant	����
31150instant dimmer memory	���ɾB���O����
31151instant distortion	���ɥ��u
31152instant management power	�Y�ɺ޲z��O	IMP
31153instant replay	�Y�ɭ���
31154instant stop type	�Y�ɰ�������
31155instant vision	���ɹ϶H
31156instantaneous access	�ߧY�X��
31157instantaneous amplitude	���ɴT��
31158instantaneous automatic gain control	�Y�ɦ۰ʼW�q����
31159instantaneous code	�ߧY�X
31160instantaneous communication	���ɳq�H
31161instantaneous companding	�������X
31162instantaneous data-transfer rate	���ɸ�ƶǿ�v
31163instantaneous description	���ɴy�z
31164instantaneous failure rate	���ɬG�ٲv
31165instantaneous frequency	�����W�v
31166instantaneous picture	���ɹ϶H
31167instantaneous power	���ɥ\�v
31168instantaneous readout detector	����Ū�X�˴���
31169instantaneous sound pressure	�����n��
31170instantaneous storage	�ߧY�s���x�s��
31171instantaneous stream density	���ɬy�K��
31172instantaneous time	���ɮɶ�
31173instantaneous transmission rate	���ɶǿ�v
31174instantaneous transmission speed	���ɶǿ�t��
31175instantaneous value	���ɭ�
31176instantaneous voerload	���ɶW��
31177institute	��s��
31178instruction	���O	INSN
31179instruction address	���O��}
31180instruction address register	���O��}�Ȧs��	IAR
31181instruction address source	���O��}��
31182instruction architecture	���O��t���c
31183instruction area	���O��
31184instruction array	���O���C
31185instruction block	���O��
31186instruction book	������
31187instruction buffer	���O�w�ľ�
31188instruction bus	���O�`�u
31189instruction cache	���O���t�w�İO����
31190instruction cache control	���O���t�w�İO���鱱��
31191instruction card	���O�d��
31192instruction catalog	���O��
31193instruction cell	���O�椸
31194instruction character	���O�r��
31195instruction check indicator	���O������ܾ�
31196instruction circuit	���O�q��
31197instruction classification	���O����
31198instruction code	���O�N�X
31199instruction compatibility	���O�ݮe��
31200instruction complement	���O�ɽX
31201instruction constant	���O�`��
31202instruction control	���O����
31203instruction control circuit	���O����q��
31204instruction control memory	���O����O����
31205instruction control unit	���O���
31206instruction counter	���O�p�ƾ�
31207instruction cycle	���O�P��
31208instruction database system	�оǸ�Ʈw�t��
31209instruction deck	���O�d���|
31210instruction decode module	���OĶ�X�Ҷ�
31211instruction decode network	���OĶ�X����
31212instruction decoder	���OĶ�X��
31213instruction decoding	���OĶ�X
31214instruction definition format	���O�w�q�榡
31215instruction definition language	���O�w�q�y��
31216instruction dependency	���O�۬۩�
31217instruction diagnostics	���O�E�_
31218instruction element	���O����
31219instruction execute	���O����
31220instruction execution logic	���O�����޿�
31221instruction execution rate	���O����t�v
31222instruction execution sequence	���O���涶��
31223instruction execution time	���O����ɶ�
31224instruction fetch	�����O
31225instruction fetch cycle	�����O�P��
31226instruction fetch phase	�����O���q
31227instruction field	���O��
31228instruction flow	���O�y
31229instruction flow chart	���O�y�{��
31230instruction format	���O�榡
31231instruction forming	���O��
31232instruction group	���O��
31233instruction ignore	�L�ī��O
31234instruction information	���O��T
31235instruction length	���O����
31236instruction level multiprogram	���O�Ŧh�B�z�{��
31237instruction level simulation	���O�ż���
31238instruction list	���O��
31239instruction location counter	���O��m�p�ƾ�
31240instruction location register	���O�椸�H�s��
31241instruction look-ahead unit	������O����
31242instruction machine code	���O�����X
31243instruction manual	��U
31244instruction marker control	���O�O���
31245instruction memory	���O�O����
31246instruction menu	���O�����
31247instruction mix	���O�V�X���
31248instruction mix description	���O�V�X��Ҵy�z
31249instruction mode	���O�覡
31250instruction modification	���O�ק�
31251instruction modifier	���O�ק��
31252instruction operation code	���O�ާ@�X
31253instruction oriented algorithm	���O�ɦV���t��k
31254instruction packet	���O�]
31255instruction path	���O�q��
31256instruction pipeline	���O�y���u
31257instruction pointer	���O���w
31258instruction pointer register	�������мȦs��
31259instruction prefetch	���O�w��
31260instruction processing damage	���O�B�z�}��
31261instruction processing unit	���O�B�z�˸m
31262instruction processor	���O�B�z��
31263instruction pulse	���O�ߨR
31264instruction queue	���O���C
31265instruction register	���O�H�s��
31266instruction repertoire	���O�t��
31267instruction repertory	���O�t��
31268instruction retry	���O����
31269instruction retry facility	���O����\��
31270instruction scheduler	���O�ի׵{��
31271instruction segment	���O�q
31272instruction segment descriptor register	���O�q�y�z�űH�s��
31273instruction semantic	���O�y�q
31274instruction sequence	���O�ǦC
31275instruction set	���O��
31276instruction set component	���O�n���
31277instruction set expandability	���O���X�i��
31278instruction simulation	���O����
31279instruction space	���O�Ŷ�
31280instruction stack	���O�u
31281instruction statement	���O�ԭz
31282instruction step	���O�B
31283instruction storage	���O�x�s��
31284instruction stream	���O�y
31285instruction syntax	���O�y�k
31286instruction table	���O��
31287instruction tape	���O�a
31288instruction time	���O�ɶ�
31289instruction trace	���O����
31290instruction type	���O����
31291instruction unit	���O����
31292instruction used bit	���O�ϥΦ�
31293instruction word	���O�r
31294instruction word format	���O�r�榡
31295instruction work stack	���O�u�@��
31296instructional character	���O��
31297instructional constant	���O�`��
31298instructional cycle	���O�P��
31299instrument	����
31300instrument board	����O
31301instrument case	����~��
31302instrument computer	����έp���
31303instrument controller	�����
31304instrument digital technique	����Ʀ�޳N
31305instrument error	����~�t
31306instrument landing system	�����۳��t��
31307instrument microcomputer	����ηL��
31308instrument panel	�����O
31309instrument program	����{��
31310instrument programmability	����{���i����
31311instrumentation computer hierarchy	�p�����γ]�ƪ���t���c
31312insulated gate	���t�]
31313insulated gate field effect transistor	���t�]�����������	IGFET
31314insulating barrier	���t�h
31315insulation	���t
31316insulation blocking	���t����
31317insulation current	���t�q�y
31318insulation film	���t����
31319insulation paper	���t��
31320insulation resistance	���t�q��
31321insulation width	���t�e��
31322insulator	���t��
31323insurance	�O��
31324insurance application program	�O�I���ε{��
31325insurance value added network service	�O�I�~�W�Ⱥ����A��
31326insure	�O�I
31327insymbol	�����Ÿ�
31328insystem emulator	�t����u��
31329intaglio	�W�O
31330intake rollers	�i�Ⱦ@
31331integer	���
31332integer attribute	����ݩ�
31333integer byte array	��Ʀ�`�Ʋ�
31334integer character comversion	�㫬�r���ഫ
31335integer constant	��`��
31336integer constant exceeds ragne	��`�ƶV��
31337integer constant expression	��`�ƪ�F��
31338integer conversion	����ഫ
31339integer data type operation	��Ƹ�������ާ@
31340integer division	��ư��k
31341integer double variable	������r�ܼ�
31342integer doubleword array	������r�Ʋ�
31343integer error number	��ƥX����
31344integer expression	�㫬��F��
31345integer field	�㫬��
31346integer floating conversion	�㫬�B�I���ഫ
31347integer form	�㫬
31348integer format	�㫬�榡
31349integer function language	���ƻy��
31350integer input output package	�㫬��J��X�{���]
31351integer item	��ƶ�
31352integer linear programming	��ƽu�ʳW�h
31353integer numbering system	��Ƽƨ�
31354integer overflow trap	��Ʒ��X�۳�
31355integer part	��Ƴ���
31356integer programming	��ƳW�h
31357integer programming algorithm	��ƳW�h��k
31358integer type definition	�㫬�w�q
31359integer variable	�㫬�ܼ�
31360integer variable dimension	�㫬�ܼƺ���
31361integer variable reference	�㫬�ܼƤޥ�
31362integer vector	�㫬�V�q
31363integer word array	�㫬�r�Ʋ�
31364integer word expression	�㫬�r��F��
31365integer word variable	�㫬�r�ܼ�
31366integrability condition	�i�n�ʱ���
31367integral	�n��
31368integral action	�n���@��
31369integral action limiter	�n���@�έ��
31370integral action rate	�n���@�γt�v
31371integral calculus	�n����
31372integral computer	��ƭp���
31373integral control action	�n������B��
31374integral convergence	��Ʀ���
31375integral curve	�n�����u
31376integral denotation	��лx
31377integral dependence	�����
31378integral disc	���馡
31379integral distribution curve	�n���������u
31380integral equation	�n����{
31381integral equivalent	�������
31382integral fin packages	���鴲���ʸ�
31383integral function	����
31384integral linear programming	��ƽu�ʳW�h
31385integral mould	��ҫ�
31386integral nonlinearity	�n���D�u��
31387integral number	���
31388integral part	��Ƴ���
31389integral pattern	��Ҧ�
31390integral point	����I
31391integral pulse frequency modulation	�n���ߨR���W
31392integral quantity	�n����
31393integral reset controller	�n�����㦡���
31394integral ring	�����
31395integral symbol	�n���Ÿ�
31396integral transform	�n���ܴ�
31397integral transform method	�n���ܴ��k
31398integral transformation	�n���ܴ�
31399integralization	���
31400integrand	�Q�n���
31401integraph	�n����
31402integrated access network	��X���s������
31403integrated adapter	���m���౵��
31404integrated adaptive routing system	��X�۾A�����|��ܨt��
31405integrated attachment	�n��t��
31406integrated automatic test system	��X�۰ʴ��ըt��
31407integrated block channel	�n��r�ճq�D
31408integrated catalog algorithm	��X�s�غ�k
31409integrated chip	�n�鿶��
31410integrated chopper	�n���_����
31411integrated circuit	�n��q��
31412integrated circuit calculator	�n��q���p�⾹
31413integrated circuit chip board	�n��q�������O
31414integrated circuit component	�n��q������
31415integrated circuit dielectric isolation	�n��q������j��
31416integrated circuit diode matrix memory	�n��q���G���ް}�C�O����
31417integrated circuit logic	�n��q���޿�
31418integrated circuit memory	�n��q���O����
31419integrated circuit package	�n��q���ե�
31420integrated circuit tester	�n��q�����վ�	ICT
31421integrated circuit testing	�n��q������
31422integrated circuit transisitor	�n��q�������
31423integrated civil engineering system	��X�g��u�{�t��
31424integrated communication	��X�q�H
31425integrated communication adapter	���m���q�H�౵
31426integrated communication facility	��X�q�H�]�I
31427integrated communication network	��X�q�H����
31428integrated component	�n�餸��
31429integrated component circuit	�n�餸��q��
31430integrated computation	��X�p��
31431integrated computer	�V�X�p���
31432integrated computer aided manufacturing	��X�p������U��y
31433integrated computer network	��X�p�������
31434integrated computer telemetry	��X�p��������˸m
31435integrated computing system	��X�p����t��
31436integrated connumications access method	��X�q�H�s����k
31437integrated console	��������x
31438integrated control	��������
31439integrated control facility	��������]��
31440integrated controller	�������	IC
31441integrated data acquisition subsystem	��X��ƪ����l�t��
31442integrated data base	��X��Ʈw
31443integrated data base management system	��X��Ʈw�޲z�t��
31444integrated data connumications controller	��X��Ƴq�H���
31445integrated data dictionary	��X��Ʀr��
31446integrated data file	��X����ɮ�
31447integrated data management system	��X��ƺ޲z�t��
31448integrated data network	��X��ƺ�
31449integrated data presentation	��X��ƪ��
31450integrated data processing	��X��ƳB�z
31451integrated data retrieval system	��X����˯��t��
31452integrated data store	��X����x�s��
31453integrated data structure	��X��Ƶ��c
31454integrated debugging aid	�n�鰣���u��
31455integrated design	��X�]�p
31456integrated design team	��X�]�p�p��
31457integrated device	�n�龹��
31458integrated dictionary directory system	�զX�r��ؿ��t��
31459integrated digital analogue	��X�Ʀ����
31460integrated digital network	��X�Ʀ��
31461integrated digital voltmeter	�n��Ʀ�q����
31462integrated disc adapter	���˦��ϺоA�t��
31463integrated electronic processor	�n�馡�q�l�B�z��
31464integrated electronics	�n��q�l��
31465integrated emulation	�n���u
31466integrated emulator	�n���u�{��
31467integrated environmental design	�������ҳ]�p
31468integrated equipment components	�n��]�Ƴ���
31469integrated file access method	�n���ɮצs���k
31470integrated file adapter	�n���ɮ��౵��
31471integrated file organization	�n���ɮ׵��c
31472integrated filestore	�n���ɮ��x�s��
31473integrated financial management system	��X�]�Ⱥ޲z�t��	IFMS
31474integrated head	�n��Ϲ�
31475integrated image analysis	��X�϶H���R
31476integrated information system	��X�H���t��
31477integrated injection logic	�n��`�J�޿�
31478integrated injection logic chip	�n��`�J�޿迶��
31479integrated injection logic circuit	�n��`�J�޿�q��
31480integrated logic accumulating scanner	�n���޿�֥[���y��
31481integrated magnetic memory	�n��ϰO����
31482integrated management information system	��X�޲z��T�t��	IMIS
31483integrated management planning	��X�޲z�p�E
31484integrated manufacturing software system	��X�Ͳ��n��t��
31485integrated marketing system	��X�P��t��
31486integrated mass storage processor	�n��j�q�x�s�B�z��	IMP
31487integrated memory processor	��X�x�s�B�z��
31488integrated microelectronic circuitry	�n��L�q�l�q��
31489integrated micromodules	�n��L���ե�
31490integrated modem	�n�馡�ը�ѽվ�
31491integrated monolithic circuit	�n�����q��
31492integrated multiplexer channel	��X�h���౵���q�D
31493integrated multivendor network system	�_�X�h��D�����t��
31494integrated national network	��X����ʺ�
31495integrated navigation computer	��X�ɯ�p���
31496integrated network architecture	��X������t���c
31497integrated office communication	��X�줽��
31498integrated office system	��X�줽�Ǩt��
31499integrated operational amplifier	�n��B���j��
31500integrated optical channel	�n����dzq�D
31501integrated optical circuit	�n����ǹq��
31502integrated optical fiber system	�n������ֺ��t��
31503integrated optics	�n�����
31504integrated personnel information report	��X�����Ƹ�Ƴ��i
31505integrated porporate data base	��X��Ʈw
31506integrated printer adapter	���˦��C�L���A�t��
31507integrated processor board	���馡�B�I������O
31508integrated production line	��X�Ͳ��u
31509integrated programming environment	��X�{���]�p����
31510integrated records system	��X�O���t��
31511integrated relational data base	��X���Y��Ʈw
31512integrated representation	��X��ܪk
31513integrated resister	�n��q��
31514integrated semiconductor circuit	�b����n��q��
31515integrated service	��X�A��
31516integrated service digital network	��X�A�ȼƦ����
31517integrated services network	��X�A�ȳq�H����
31518integrated software	�զX�n��
31519integrated software line	�զX�n��t�C���~
31520integrated software package	�զX�n��]
31521integrated square	����n��
31522integrated square error	�~�t������n��
31523integrated statllite terrestrial network	�ìP�a���������
31524integrated storage control	�n���x�s����
31525integrated support requirements	��X���䴩�n�D
31526integrated system	��X�t��
31527integrated tactical connumication system	��X�ԳN�q�H�t��
31528integrated target control system	��X�ؼб���t��
31529integrated teleconnumicaton system	��X��{�q�H�t��
31530integrated teleptocessing network	��X��{�H���B�z
31531integrating amplifier	�n���j��
31532integrating block	�n������
31533integrating capacitor	�n��q�e��
31534integrating circuit	�n��q��
31535integrating gear	�n���ǰʸ˸m
31536integrating mechanism	�n�����c
31537integrating motor	�n���q�ʾ�
31538integrating network	�n������
31539integrating translator	��X�ഫ��
31540integrating unit	�n���˸m
31541integrating wheel	�n����
31542integration	����
31543integration density	�n��K��
31544integration device	�n��]��
31545integration engineering	�n��u�{
31546integration level	�n���
31547integration method	�n���k
31548integration program	�n���{��
31549integration routine	�n���ҵ{
31550integration rule selection	�n���W�h�����
31551integration scheme	�n���k
31552integration software	�զX�n��
31553integration testing	��X����
31554integration testing philosophy	������խ�z
31555integrator	�n����	INTGR
31556integrator capacitor	�n���q�e��
31557integrator computing unit	�n�����p��˸m
31558integrator feedback	�n�����^�X
31559integrity	������
31560integrity check routine	�������ˬd�{��
31561integrity constraint	����ʭ���
31562integrity control	����ʱ���
31563integrity control facility	����ʱ���\��
31564integrity mechanism	����ʾ���
31565integrity subsystem	����ʤl�t��
31566intellectual technology	���z�޳N
31567intelligence	���z	INTEL
31568intelligence card reader	���z�d���\Ū��
31569intelligence cmplifier	���z��j��
31570intelligence communication	���z�q�H
31571intelligence data	�������
31572intelligence keyboard	���z��L
31573intelligence machine	���z��
31574intelligence quotient	����
31575intelligence quotient classification	���Ӥ���
31576intelligence receiver	�H��������
31577intelligence robot	���z�����H
31578intelligence sample	���z�˥�
31579intelligence service	��������
31580intelligence signal	�����H��
31581intelligence test	���O����
31582intelligent amplifier	���z��j��
31583intelligent automation	���z�۰ʤ�
31584intelligent behaviour	���z�欰
31585intelligent capability	���z��O
31586intelligent channel	���z�q�D
31587intelligent code selection technique	���z�N�X��ܧ޳N
31588intelligent communication terminal	���z�q�H�׺�
31589intelligent computer	���z�p���
31590intelligent computer coaches	���z�p����нm
31591intelligent consumer product	���z�����O�~
31592intelligent control	���z����
31593intelligent copier	���z�_�L��
31594intelligent data acquisition system	���z��ƪ����t��
31595intelligent data collection station	���z��Ʀ�����
31596intelligent data entry terminal	���z��ƿ�J�׺�
31597intelligent data network	���z��ƺ�
31598intelligent decision	���z�M��
31599intelligent device	���z�]��
31600intelligent digitizer	���z�Ʀ�ƻ�
31601intelligent disk	���z�Ϻ�
31602intelligent display device	���z��ܳ]��
31603intelligent dual interface	���z������
31604intelligent fault recovery	���z�G�٫�_
31605intelligent function	���z
31606intelligent graphic	���z�ϧ�
31607intelligent inference machine	���z���z��
31608intelligent information dictionary system	���z��T�r��t��
31609intelligent information system	���z��T�t��
31610intelligent instrument	���z����
31611intelligent interface	���z����
31612intelligent interface computer	���z�����p���
31613intelligent kernel	���z�֤�
31614intelligent keyboard system	���z��L�t��
31615intelligent line adapter	���z�u���౵��
31616intelligent machine	���z��
31617intelligent man-machine interface	���z�J������
31618intelligent mark document reader	���z�аO���Ū�X��
31619intelligent mark reader	���z�аOŪ�X��
31620intelligent memory manager	���z�O����޲z�{��	IMM
31621intelligent microimage retrieval terminal	���z�L�H�˯��׺�
31622intelligent minicomputer terminal	���z�p�����׺�
31623intelligent network processor	���z�����B�z��
31624intelligent peripheral controller	���z�~���
31625intelligent plotter	���z�yø��
31626intelligent preprocessing	���z�w�B�z
31627intelligent printer	���z�C�L��
31628intelligent printing system	���z�L��t��
31629intelligent program	���z�{��
31630intelligent remote control system	���z�����t��
31631intelligent remote multiplexer	���z��{�h���౵��
31632intelligent remote station support	���z��{�����
31633intelligent retrieval	���z�˯�
31634intelligent robot	���z�����H
31635intelligent robot control	���z�����H����
31636intelligent support system	���z����t��
31637intelligent telephone	���z�q��
31638intelligent terminal	���z�׺�
31639intelligent time division multiplexer	���z�ɤ��h���౵��
31640intelligent tutoring system	���z�ӧO���ɨt��
31641intelligent work station	���z�u�@��
31642intelligibility	�i����
31643intelligibility measure	�i���׫׶q
31644intelligible cross talk	�i�����
31645intelligible meaning	�i�z�Ѫ��N�q
31646intelligible phrase	�i�z�Ѫ����y
31647intensified field	�W�G��
31648intensifier	�W�j��
31649intensify	�W�j
31650intensity	�j��	INTEN
31651intensity control	�j�ױ���
31652intensity function	�j�ר��
31653intensity modulation	�G�׽ը�
31654intent propagation	�N�϶Ǽ�
31655intention list	�N�V��
31656intentional nonlinearity	�H���D�u��
31657inter center data link	���߶���������	ICDL
31658inter computer coupler	�p��������X��
31659inter data processor	������ƳB�z��
31660inter domain call	�춡�ե�
31661inter domain sharing	�춡�@��
31662inter frame time fill	�ض��ɶ���R
31663inter item relationship	�������Y
31664inter library loan	�]�ڤ���
31665inter macro instruction	�����������O
31666inter office communication	�����q�H
31667inter program communication	�{�����q�H
31668inter related task	��������
31669inter spceified index	�����M����
31670interacting activity	�椬����
31671interacting computation	�椬�p��
31672interacting control algorithm	�椬�����k
31673interacting goal	�ۧ�ؼ�
31674interacting parallel processing	�椬����B�z
31675interacting simulator	�H����ܥ�u��
31676interaction	�椬�@��
31677interaction control	�椬����
31678interaction cycle	�椬�@�ΩP��
31679interaction effect	�椬�@�ή���
31680interaction factor	�椬�@�Ψt��
31681interaction fault	�椬�@�άG��
31682interaction handler	�椬�@�γB�z�{��
31683interaction management	�椬�@�κ޲z
31684interaction model	�椬�@�μҫ�
31685interaction point	�椬�@���I
31686interaction time	�椬�@�ήɶ�
31687interactive	�椬��
31688interactive algebric manipulation	�椬���N�ƹB��
31689interactive array comupter	�椬�����C�p���
31690interactive assembler	�椬�զX�{��
31691interactive batch processing	�椬����B�z�Τ�
31692interactive business oriented language	�椬���ưȱM�y��
31693interactive cable television	�椬���q�l�q��
31694interactive colour display	�椬�m�����
31695interactive colour graphic	�椬���m��ϸѪk
31696interactive command language processor	�椬�R�O�y���B�z�{��
31697interactive communication feature	�椬�q�H�S��
31698interactive comupter aided design	�椬�p������U�]�p
31699interactive comupter aided technology	�椬�p������U�޳N
31700interactive comupter graphics	�椬�p������
31701interactive conceptual database design	�椬������Ʈw�]�p
31702interactive continuous simulation language	�椬�s������y��
31703interactive control table	�椬�������
31704interactive data analysis	�椬����Ƥ��R
31705interactive data base processor	�椬����Ʈw�B�z�{��
31706interactive data base utilities	�椬����Ʈw���ε{��
31707interactive data definition utility	�椬����Ʃw�q���ε{��
31708interactive data entry	�椬����ƿ�J
31709interactive data handling system	�椬����ƳB�z�t��
31710interactive data network	�椬����ƺ���
31711interactive data query processing	�椬����Ƭd�߳B�z
31712interactive data transaction	�椬����ƨƶ��B�z
31713interactive debug requirement	�椬�����n�D
31714interactive debugger	�椬�����{��
31715interactive debugging session	�椬�������
31716interactive decision making	�椬���P�M
31717interactive design system	�椬�]�p�t��
31718interactive digital image processing	�椬�Ʀ�϶H�B�z
31719interactive digital plotter	�椬�Ʀ�ø�Ͼ�
31720interactive digital receiver simulator	�椬�Ʀ챵������u��
31721interactive display	�椬���
31722interactive editor	�椬�s��{��
31723interactive educational program	�椬���Ш|�{��
31724interactive entry	�椬��J
31725interactive environmnet	�椬����
31726interactive facility	�椬���\��
31727interactive file manager	�椬�ɮ׺޲z
31728interactive file sharing	�椬�ɮצ@��
31729interactive financial planning system	�椬���]�ȭp���t��	IFPS
31730interactive general accounting system	�椬���q�ΰO�b�t��
31731interactive geometrical design system	�椬�X��]�p�t��
31732interactive graphic package	�椬�ϧε{���]
31733interactive graphic procedure	�椬�ϧιL�{
31734interactive graphic program	�椬�@�ϵ{��
31735interactive graphic system	�椬���ϧΨt��	IGS
31736interactive graphical simulation language	�椬�ϸѼ����y��
31737interactive graphics	�椬���Ϩ�
31738interactive graphics library	�椬���ϸѵ{���w
31739interactive graphics terminal	�椬���ϥܲ׺�
31740interactive healthcare information system	�椬���O����T�t��
31741interactive host link	�椬�D���
31742interactive image processing	�椬���϶H�B�z
31743interactive instructional system	�椬���Ч��t��
31744interactive interface	�椬������
31745interactive interrputer	�椬�����_�{��
31746interactive job submission	�椬������@�~
31747interactive keyboard	�椬����L
31748interactive keyboard printer	�椬����L�C�L��
31749interactive knowledge base	�椬���Ѯw
31750interactive maintenance	�椬�����@
31751interactive manipulation	�椬�ާ@
31752interactive manufacturing control system	�椬���Ͳ�����t��	IMCS
31753interactive media	�椬���C��
31754interactive minicomputer programming	�椬���p���p����s�{
31755interactive mode	�|�ܤ覡
31756interactive monitor language	�椬���ʷ��{���y��	IMOL
31757interactive network	�椬������
31758interactive network flow simulation	�椬�������y�����{��
31759interactive operation environmnet	�椬���ާ@����
31760interactive operations facility	�椬���ާ@�u��
31761interactive partition	�椬����
31762interactive pattern recognition	�椬�Ҧ��ѧO
31763interactive planning system	�椬���W���t��
31764interactive problem control system	�椬���D����t��
31765interactive processing	��ͦ��B�z
31766interactive processing mode	��ͦ��B�z�覡
31767interactive productivity facility	�椬�Ͳ��v�u��
31768interactive program design	�椬���{���]�p
31769interactive query facility	�椬���d�ߤu��
31770interactive query interface	�椬���d�ߤ���
31771interactive query system	�椬���d�ߨt��
31772interactive reentrant assembler	�椬�i���J�զX�{��
31773interactive remote job entry	�椬����{�@�~��J
31774interactive restoration	�椬�_��
31775interactive routine	�椬�ҵ{
31776interactive scheduling algorithm	�椬�ի׺�k
31777interactive searching	�椬�˯�
31778interactive service	�椬�A��
31779interactive session control module	�椬��ܱ���Ҷ�
31780interactive simulation	�椬����
31781interactive simulation program	�椬�����{��
31782interactive simulator	�椬�������{��
31783interactive software development tool	�椬���n��}�o�u��
31784interactive software measurement tool	�椬���n����q�u��
31785interactive software system	�椬���n��t��
31786interactive subsystem interface	�椬�l�t�Τ���
31787interactive support system	�椬�䴩�t��
31788interactive survey analysis package	�椬���լd���R�{���]
31789interactive system	���ͦ��t��
31790interactive task	���ͥ���
31791interactive terminal	���ͦ��׺ݾ�
31792interactive terminal facility	���ͦ��׺ݤu��
31793interactive terminal protocol	���ͦ��׺ݨ�w
31794interactive test controller	���ͫ����ձ��
31795interactive text preparation system	���ͦ��奻�dzƨt��	ITPS
31796interactive time sharing conversation	���ͤ��ɷ|��
31797interactive time sharing system	���ͤ��ɨt��
31798interactive tool	�椬�u��
31799interactive tracing	�椬����
31800interactive transaction dump facility	�椬�ƶ��B�z���x�]�I	ITDF
31801interactive type communication	�椬���q�H
31802interactive user computer communication	�Τ�p����椬�q�H
31803interactive vector graphics system	�椬�V�q�ϸѨt��
31804interactive vehicle scheduling system	�椬�������իרt��
31805interactive video disk system	�椬�q���ۤ��t��
31806interactive videotex	�椬�i����ƨt��
31807interactive work station	�椬���u�@��
31808interassembler	�椬�զX�{��
31809interband magneto-optic effect	�a���ϥ�����
31810interbank network	�Ȧ涡����
31811interbase current	�����q�y
31812interbit interference	�춡�z�Z
31813interblock	�ն�
31814interblock gap	�϶�����
31815interblock space	��ƶ����Ŷ�
31816intercalate	���J
31817intercarrier buzz	�����i����
31818intercarrier signal	�����i�H��
31819intercept	�I�v
31820intercept communication method	�I�v�q�H��k
31821intercept operator	�I�v��
31822intercept radar	�I���p�F
31823intercept receiver	�I��������
31824intercept service	�I���~��
31825intercept tape storage	�I���a�x�s��
31826intercepted resource	�Q�I���귽
31827intercepted station	�Q�I����
31828intercepted terminal	�Q�I���׺�
31829intercepting	�I��
31830intercepting truck	�I���z�u
31831interception	�I��
31832interchange	����
31833interchange address	������}
31834interchange box	�洫��
31835interchange circuit	�����q��
31836interchange code	�����N�X
31837interchange field separator	�洫����j��
31838interchange graph	�洫��
31839interchange group separator	�洫�դ��j��
31840interchange mode	�洫��k
31841interchange record separator	�����������j��	IRS
31842interchange sort	�洫����
31843interchange trunk	�������~�u
31844interchangeability	������
31845interchangeable card feed	�i�����d���X�e��
31846interchangeable connector	�i�������s����
31847interchangeable disk	�i�����Ϻ�
31848interchangeable program tape	�i�����{���a
31849interchangeable substitute	�i�������N�Ϋ~
31850interchangeable type bar	�i�����r��
31851interchannel communication	�q�D���q�H
31852interchannel crosstalk	�q�D���ꭵ
31853interchannel frequency band	�q�D���W�a
31854interchannel intelligible crosstalk	�q�D���i���ꭵ
31855interchannel interference	�q�D���z�Z
31856interchannel intermodulation	�q�D������
31857interchannel interval	�r�Ŷ����Z
31858interchannel modulation	�q�D���ը�
31859interchannel noise	�q�D������
31860interchannel spacing	�r�Ŷ����j
31861interchannel time base error	�q�D���ɰ�~�t
31862interchannel time displacement	�q�D���ɶ�����
31863interchannel variable length block format	�q�D���ܪ����榡
31864intercom	�����q�H
31865intercom service	�����q�H�A��
31866intercommunication circuit	�����q�H�q��
31867intercommunication equipment	�����q�H�]�m
31868intercommunication flip-flop	�����q�HIJ�o��	ICF
31869intercommunication installation	�����q�H�˸m
31870intercommunication logic	�����q�H�޿�
31871intercommunication primirives	�����q�H��y
31872intercommunication set	�����q�H�]��
31873intercompilation	�����sĶ
31874intercomputer adapter	�p������౵��	ICA
31875intercomputer buffer	�p������w�ľ�
31876intercomputer communication link	�p������q�H����
31877interconnect	���s
31878interconnect device arrange	���s�]�ƪ��t�m
31879interconnect dynamical system	���s���ʺA�t��
31880interconnect equipment	���s�]��
31881interconnect function	���s�\��
31882interconnectable behavior model	�i���s�S�ʼҫ�
31883interconnected bussiness system	���s�ӥΨt��
31884interconnected system	���s�t��
31885interconnecting device	���s�]��
31886interconnecting electronic mail system	���s�q�l�l��t��
31887interconnecting link	���s�u��
31888interconnecting main	�p���z�u
31889interconnecting switching center	���s�洫����
31890interconnecting unit	���s�˸m
31891interconnection	���s	IC
31892interconnection approach	���s�k
31893interconnection board	���O
31894interconnection capacitance	���s�q�e
31895interconnection circuit	���s�q��
31896interconnection film	���s��
31897interconnection function	���s�\��
31898interconnection list	���s��
31899interconnection network	���s����
31900interconnection pattern	���s�Ҧ�
31901interconnection scheme	���s��
31902interconnection stack	���s��
31903interconnection switch	���s�}��
31904interconnection system	���s�t��
31905interconnection topology	���s����
31906interconnector	���s��
31907interconsole message program	����x�������ǻ��{��
31908intercoupler	�����X��
31909intercross	��e
31910intercycle	���P��
31911interdigital timing	�Ʀ�X�����j�ɶ�
31912interdigital transducer	�e�������ྐྵ
31913interelectrode capacitance	�����q�e
31914interest	�Q��
31915interexchange channel	�����洫�q�D
31916interface	����	INTF
31917interface cable	�����q�l
31918interface card	�������f
31919interface channel	�����q�D
31920interface channels connumication	�����q�D�q�H
31921interface checking	��������
31922interface chip	��������
31923interface circuit	�����q��
31924interface command	�����R�O
31925interface communication	�����q�H
31926interface computer	�����p���
31927interface computer unit	�����p�������
31928interface connection	�����s��
31929interface control module	��������Ҷ�
31930interface control unit	��������˸m
31931interface debugging	��������
31932interface design	�����]�p
31933interface device	�����]��
31934interface diagnosis	�����E�_
31935interface driver	�����X��
31936interface equipment	�����˸m
31937interface error control	�����t������
31938interface flag	�����аO
31939interface function	�����\��
31940interface function layer	�����\��h
31941interface hardware	�����w��
31942interface interpretable station address	����Ķ�X����}
31943interface job	�����@�~
31944interface latch chip	������s������
31945interface line summary	�����u����
31946interface logic design	�����޿�]�p
31947interface message processor	�ɭ��T���B�z��	IMP
31948interface message processor throughput	�ɭ��T���B�z���]�R�q
31949interface microprocessor system	�����L�B�z���t��
31950interface module	�����Ҷ�
31951interface multiplexer	�����h���౵��
31952interface node	�����`�I
31953interface organization	������´
31954interface parity	�����H����
31955interface peripherals	�����~��
31956interface port	�����ݤf
31957interface pragma	�����y��
31958interface procedure	�����L�{
31959interface processor	�����B�z��
31960interface program	�����{��
31961interface requirement	�����n�D
31962interface routines	�����ҵ{
31963interface signalling format	�����H���榡
31964interface software	�����n��
31965interface specification standard	�����W�d�з�
31966interface standards	�����з�
31967interface surface	������
31968interface switch	�����}��
31969interface system communication	�����q�T�t��
31970interface testing	��������
31971interface timer	�����p�ɾ�
31972interface type	��������
31973interface typewriter	�������r��
31974interface unit	��������	INTFU
31975interfacility transfer trunk	�]�I���ǰe���~
31976interfacing concept	�����޳N����
31977interfacing terminal	�����׺�
31978interference	�z�A	INTFC
31979interference absorber	�z�Z�l����
31980interference analyser	�z�Z���R��
31981interference blanker	�z�Z������
31982interference detection	�z�Z�˴�
31983interference emission	�z�Z�o�g
31984interference fading	�z�Z�I��
31985interference fringe	�z�Z����
31986interference immunity	�ܤz�Z��
31987interference limit	�z�Z�ɭ�
31988interference pattern	�z�A�Ҧ�
31989interference prediction	�z�A�w��
31990interference region	�z�Z��
31991interference rejection capability	�z�Z����O
31992interference spectrum	�z�Z�W��
31993interfering process	�z�Z�L�{
31994interfering signal	�z�Z�H��
31995interferogram	�z�A��
31996interferometer	�z�A��
31997interframe difference ampiltube suppressing	�ض��t���T�����Y
31998interframe encode	�ض��s�X
31999intergrated mission control centerss	��X���ȱ����
32000interim storage	�{���x�s��
32001interior communications	�����q�H
32002interior label	���и�
32003interior node	���`�I
32004interjob dependency	�u�@���̩ۨ�
32005interjob message handler	�@�~���H���B�z�{��
32006interlace	��e
32007interlace control	����վ�
32008interlace memory	����s���O����
32009interlace operation	����ާ@
32010interlace sync	����P�B
32011interlaced mode	����s���覡
32012interlaced scanning	�j�汽�y
32013interlacing	��e�B�@
32014interlanguage	�����y��
32015interlayer	�h��
32016interlayer contact	�h����IJ
32017interlayer continuity	�h���s��
32018interlayer interface	�h������
32019interleave	�洡
32020interleaved array	����Ʋ�
32021interleaved code	����N�X
32022interleaved subscript	����U��
32023interleaved transmission	����o�e
32024interleaving	�洡(��e)�s��
32025interleaving access	����s��
32026interleaving equipment	�����]��
32027interleaving memory	����s���O����
32028interleaving unit	��e�椸
32029interline gap	�涡����
32030interline space	�涡���Z
32031interlinear spacing	�C�L�涡���Z
32032interlinkage	�챵
32033interlinking	�챵
32034interlinking routine	���s�{��
32035interlisp	�@�ص{�dz]�p�y��
32036interlock	�p��	ITLK
32037interlock circuit	����q��
32038interlock code	����N�X
32039interlock projector	�����v��
32040interlock switch	����}��
32041interlock time	����ɶ�
32042interlock time print	����ɶ��C�L
32043interlocked manner	����覡
32044interlude	�����{��
32045intermediary language	�����y��
32046intermediate	������
32047intermediate access memory	�����s���O����
32048intermediate assignment	�������
32049intermediate block check	����������
32050intermediate block check character	�����������	ITB
32051intermediate buffer	�����w��
32052intermediate carrier	�������i
32053intermediate carry status	�����i�쪬�A
32054intermediate center	���त��
32055intermediate circuit sub-control station	�����q���������
32056intermediate code	�����N�X
32057intermediate control change	���������ܴ�
32058intermediate conversion	�����ഫ
32059intermediate copy	��������
32060intermediate cycle	�����P��
32061intermediate data set	������ƶ�
32062intermediate distributing frame	�����t�u�[
32063intermediate echo suppressor	���I�^�i��
32064intermediate equipment	�����˸m
32065intermediate field	������
32066intermediate file	�����ɮ�
32067intermediate form	�����榡
32068intermediate frequency	���W
32069intermediate frequency amplifier	���W��j��
32070intermediate frequency gain control	���W�W�q����
32071intermediate function	�����\��
32072intermediate handling	�����B�z
32073intermediate host node	�����D�`�I
32074intermediate language	�����y��
32075intermediate level processing	���ųB�z
32076intermediate materials	��������
32077intermediate memory	�����O����
32078intermediate memory storage	�����O�����x�s
32079intermediate negative carry	�����t�i��
32080intermediate network node	���������`�I
32081intermediate node	�����`�I
32082intermediate object code	�����ؼнX
32083intermediate object program	�����ؼе{��
32084intermediate output file	������X�ɮ�
32085intermediate pass	�������y�M
32086intermediate processing element	�����B�z����
32087intermediate quantity	�����q
32088intermediate read-out	����Ū�X
32089intermediate result	�������G
32090intermediate routing function	�������|��ܥ\��
32091intermediate routing node	�������|��ܸ`�I
32092intermediate source text	�������{�ǥ���
32093intermediate station	�����x	INTERMSTA
32094intermediate storage	�����x�s��
32095intermediate store	�����x�s��
32096intermediate string	�����Ÿ���
32097intermediate sub-control station	�����������
32098intermediate subcarrier	�������U���i
32099intermediate switchboard	�����}���O
32100intermediate system	�����t��
32101intermediate text block	��������q	ITB
32102intermediate text language	��������y��
32103intermediate total	�����`�p
32104intermediate transit point	�����I
32105intermediate transmission block	�����ǿ�T����
32106intermediate tree representation	�����@�����
32107intermediate vertice	�������I
32108intermediate work file	�����u�@�ɮ�
32109intermediate zone	������
32110intermessage delay	���嶡����
32111intermessage fluctuation	���媺���u���@
32112intermittence	����
32113intermittent error	�����ʿ��~
32114intermittent fault	�����ʬG��
32115intermittent input	������J
32116intermittent service	�����u�@
32117intermittent signal	�_��T��
32118intermittent timing transmission	�����ʩw�ɶǿ�
32119intermix tape	�V�κϱa
32120intermodulation	���ը�
32121intermodulation distortion	���ը�u
32122intermodulation distortion ratio	���ե��u��
32123intermodulation noise	���ը��
32124intermodule communication	�Ҷ����q�H
32125intermodule reference	�Ҳն��ޥ�
32126internal absorptance	���������t��
32127internal address	������}
32128internal address indicating group	������}���ܲ�
32129internal analog transmission	���������ǿ�
32130internal arithmetic	�����B��
32131internal attribute	�����ݩ�
32132internal bias	�������m
32133internal block	�����{��
32134internal buffer	�����w�ľ�
32135internal call	�����ե�
32136internal capacity	���q�e
32137internal chaining	���챵
32138internal character format	�����r�Ů榡
32139internal checking	��������
32140internal circuit	�����q��
32141internal clock	������
32142internal clocking	��������
32143internal code	�����N�X
32144internal communication circuit	�����q�H�q��
32145internal communication facility	�����q�H�]�I
32146internal concurrency	�����o���
32147internal configuration	�����t�m
32148internal constant	�����`��
32149internal control system	��������t��
32150internal conversion routine	�����ഫ�{��
32151internal data	�������
32152internal data conversion	��������ഫ
32153internal data field	���������
32154internal data structure	������Ƶ��c
32155internal decimal	�����Q�i��
32156internal decimal item	�����Q�i�
32157internal digital transmission	�����Ʀ�ǿ�
32158internal discontinuity	�������_��
32159internal documentation listing	�������C��
32160internal drop	���q����
32161internal failsafe timer	���O�I�p�ɾ�
32162internal file	�����ɮ�
32163internal file	�����ɮ�
32164internal file connector	�����ɮ׳s����
32165internal file name	�����ɮצW
32166internal file-access block	�����ɮצs����	IFAB
32167internal floating point	�����B�I
32168internal form	������
32169internal format	�����榡
32170internal forwarding	�����౵
32171internal fragmentation	�����H��
32172internal function	�������
32173internal function register	�����ާ@�H�s��
32174internal idle time	���Ŷ~�ɶ�
32175internal impedance	������
32176internal input circuit	������J�q��
32177internal interrupt	�����_
32178internal journal	������x
32179internal label	�����и�
32180internal label	���аO
32181internal lag	�������Z
32182internal library definition	�����w�w�q
32183internal link flag	�����s���аO
32184internal machine representation	����������ܪk
32185internal magnetic recording	�����ϰO��
32186internal manipulation instruction	���[�u���O
32187internal memory	���O����
32188internal memory	���O����
32189internal memory unit	���s�˸m
32190internal message distribution center	���������o������
32191internal model	�����ҫ�
32192internal module	�����Ҷ�
32193internal name	�����W�r
32194internal network protocol	����������w
32195internal number system	�����s���t��
32196internal object	���ؼе{��
32197internal operating environment	�����B������
32198internal output circuit	������X�q��
32199internal priority	�����u����
32200internal procedure	�����{��
32201internal processing unit	���B�z��
32202internal processor error	�����B�z����
32203internal program representation	���{����ܪk
32204internal reader	�����\Ū�{��
32205internal record	�����O��
32206internal reference	�����X��
32207internal reflection	�����Ϯg
32208internal relational data base	�������Y��Ʈw
32209internal resistance	����
32210internal response	�����^��
32211internal routine	�����ҵ{
32212internal schema	���Ҧ�
32213internal searching	�����˯�
32214internal security audit	�����w���ˬd
32215internal sort	������
32216internal sort phase	�����������q
32217internal sorting	������
32218internal source	�����H��
32219internal source program pointer	�������{�����w
32220internal stack	����
32221internal state	�����A
32222internal statement number	�����ԭz�s��
32223internal storage	���x�s
32224internal storage buffer	���s�w�ľ�
32225internal storage capacity	���s�e�q
32226internal storage code	���s�N�X
32227internal storage location	���s�椸
32228internal storage structure	���s���c
32229internal subpicture stack	�����l�ϰ��
32230internal subprogram	�����l�{��
32231internal sumbol form	���Ÿ��Φ�
32232internal sumbol table	�����Ÿ���
32233internal text	��������
32234internal thermal resistance	������
32235internal timer	���p�ɾ�
32236internal timer handler	�����w�ɳB�z�{��
32237internal trace table	�������ܪ�
32238internal transmittance	�����z�g��
32239internal transport instruction	�����ǰe���O
32240internal trap	������
32241internal variable	�����ܼ�
32242internal vertice	�������I
32243internal virtual address	��������}
32244internal visual inspection	��������
32245internal voltage	���q��
32246internal writer	�����g�{��
32247internally programmed computer	���s�{���p���
32248internally stored program	���x�s�{��	ISP
32249international call sign	��کI�s�H��
32250international code	��ڹq�X
32251international code of signals	��ګH���s�X
32252international code signal	��ڽs�X�H��
32253international computation center	��ڭp�⤤��
32254international marketing institute	��ڰӱ���s��	IMI
32255international microcomputer exposition	��ڷL�����i���|	IME
32256international micrographics congress	����Y�L�Ӭۧ޳N�|ij	IMC
32257international number	��ڽs��
32258international paper sizes	��ڥίȳW��
32259international phonetic alphabet	��ڭ���
32260international prefix	��ګe��
32261international signal code	��ګH���N�X
32262international software database	��ڳn���Ʈw
32263international standard book number	��ڼзǸ�
32264international standards organization	��ڷǤƲ�´
32265international symbol	��ڲŸ�
32266international system of units	��ڳ���
32267internet	���s����
32268internet architecture	������t���c
32269internet packet	�����]
32270internetwork connection	�����s��
32271internetwork connumication	�����q�H
32272internetwork protocol	������w
32273internetwork protocol standard	������w�з�
32274internetworking	�����s��
32275internodal awareness	�`�I�����A�ʵ�
32276internodal destination queue	�`�I���ت��a���C
32277internodal message handler	�`�I����B�z�{��
32278internodal sequence prefix	�`�I�����ǫe��
32279interoffice trunk	�������~�u	IOT
32280interoperability	�t�X�ʧ@��
32281interpolate	����
32282interpolating multiplier	���ȭ��k��
32283interpolation	����
32284interpolation search	���ȴM��
32285interpolation technique	�����k�޳N
32286interpolator	������
32287interpret	��Ķ
32288interpret table	��Ķ��
32289interpretation	��Ķ
32290interpretation algorithm	��Ķ�t��k
32291interpretation guided segmentation	��Ķ�޾ɪ����q
32292interpretation phase	��Ķ���q
32293interpretation process	��Ķ�L�{
32294interpretation rule	��Ķ�W�h
32295interpretation subroutine	��Ķ�l�{��
32296interpretation test	��Ķ����
32297interpretation time	��Ķ�ɶ�
32298interpreted language	��Ķ�y��
32299interpreted programming language	��Ķ�ʵ{���]�p�y��
32300interpreter	��Ķ��	INTERP
32301interpreter code	��Ķ�X
32302interpreter definition	��Ķ�{�����w�q
32303interpreter equivalence	��Ķ�{������
32304interpreter generator	��Ķ�{���ͦ��{��	INTGEN
32305interpreter interpreter	��Ķ�{������Ķ�{��
32306interpreter interpretive routine	��Ķ�{������Ķ�`��
32307interpreter oriented instruction	��Ķ�{���ɦV�����O
32308interpreter programming	��Ķ�{�����{�dz]�p
32309interpreter transfer	��Ķ�ʶǰe
32310interpreting	��Ķ
32311interpreting compiler	��Ķ�ʽsĶ�{��
32312interpreting execution	��Ķ����
32313interpreting instruction	��Ķ���O
32314interpreting matrix	��Ķ�x�}
32315interpreting mode	��Ķ�Ҧ�
32316interpreting process	��Ķ�L�{
32317interpreting program translation	��Ķ�{��½Ķ
32318interpreting semantics	��Ķ�y�q��
32319interpreting subroutine	��Ķ�Ʊ`��
32320interpreting system	��Ķ�t��
32321interpreting tracing	��Ķ���ܪk
32322interpreting translation program	��Ķ½Ķ�{��
32323interpretive call interface	��Ķ�I�s����
32324interpretive code	��Ķ�N�X
32325interpretive element	��Ķ����
32326interpretive language	��Ķ�y��
32327interpretive method	��Ķ��k
32328interpretive order	��Ķ���O
32329interpretive program	��Ķ�{��
32330interpretive programming	��Ķ�{���]�p
32331interpretive routine	��Ķ�`��
32332interpretive schema	��Ķ�Ҧ�
32333interpretive trace program	��Ķ�ʸ��ܵ{��
32334interpretive version	��Ķ��
32335interprocedural analysis	�L�{�����R
32336interprocedural data flow analysis	�L�{����Ƭy���R
32337interprocedural data flow analysis algorithm	�L�{����Ƭy���R��k
32338interprocess communication	�{�Ƕ��q�T
32339interprocess communication facility	�{�Ƕ��q�T���@�{��	IPCF
32340interprocessor bus	�B�z�����`�u
32341interprocessor bus drive	�B�z�����`�u�X�ʾ�
32342interprocessor communication	�B�z�����q�H��
32343interrcommunicating line	�����q�H�u��
32344interrcommunicating system	�����q�H�t��
32345interreciprocal digital networks	���f�Ʀ����
32346interrecord gap	������
32347interrecord gap length	�O�����j����
32348interrecord relation	�O�������Y
32349interrecord separator character	�O�������j�Ŧr��
32350interrecord spacing	�O�����j
32351interrecord structure	�O�����p�t���c
32352interrelated logic accumulating scanner	�����޿�֥[���y��
32353interrelational constraint	�������t����
32354interrogate	�߶�	INT
32355interrogate interrupt	�߶����_
32356interrogate interrupt syllable	�߶����_�r�`
32357interrogating	�d��
32358interrogating processor	�߰ݳB�z��
32359interrogating signal	�߰ݰT��
32360interrogating typewriter	�߰ݹq�ǥ��r��
32361interrogation	�߰�
32362interrogation code	�߰ݥN�X
32363interrogation coding	�߰ݽs�X
32364interrogation frequency	�߰��W�v
32365interrogation function	�߰ݥ\��
32366interrogation hole	�߰ݤ�
32367interrogation link	�߰����
32368interrogation mark	�߰ݲ�
32369interrogation pulse	�߰ݯߨR
32370interrogation reply cycle	�߰ݦ^���P��
32371interrogation reply system	�߰ݦ^���t��
32372interrogation respondor	�^����
32373interrogation spacing	�߰ݶ��j
32374interrogation unit	�߰ݾ�
32375interrogator	�߰ݾ�
32376interrogator control terminal	�߰ݾ�����׺�
32377interrogator delay	�߰ݾ�����
32378interrogator responder	�ݵ���
32379interrupt	���_
32380interrupt adapter	���_�A�t��
32381interrupt address vector	���_��}�V�q
32382interrupt allow	���\���_
32383interrupt assignment strategy	���_���t����
32384interrupt bit table	���_���
32385interrupt capacity time sharing	���_��O����
32386interrupt circuitry	���_�^��
32387interrupt class	���_��
32388interrupt clear	���_�M��
32389interrupt code	���_�X
32390interrupt condition	���_����
32391interrupt control	���_����
32392interrupt control block	���_�����
32393interrupt control instruction	���_������O
32394interrupt control logic	���_�����޿�
32395interrupt control routine	���_����ҵ{
32396interrupt controller	���_���
32397interrupt count pulse	���_�O�ƯߨR
32398interrupt cycle	���_�P��
32399interrupt data block	���_��Ƭq	IDB
32400interrupt declaration	���_����
32401interrupt device	���_�]��
32402interrupt device code	���_�]�ƥN�X
32403interrupt disable	���_����
32404interrupt dispatch block	���_�����q
32405interrupt driven	���_�X��
32406interrupt driven system	���_�X�ʨt��
32407interrupt enable and interrupt disable	���_���\�P���_����
32408interrupt enable bit	���_���\��
32409interrupt enable flag	���_���\�лx
32410interrupt entry point	���_�J�f�I
32411interrupt error	���_��
32412interrupt event	���_�ƥ�
32413interrupt exchange areas	���_�洫��
32414interrupt expander	���_�X�i��
32415interrupt facility	���_�]�I
32416interrupt feed back signal	���_�^�X�H��
32417interrupt flag	���_�лx
32418interrupt flip-flop	���_IJ�o��
32419interrupt freeze mode	���_�ᵲ���A
32420interrupt function enable	���_�ާ@�Ұ�
32421interrupt handler	���_�B�z�{��	IH
32422interrupt handling	���_�B�z
32423interrupt handling logic	���_�B�z�޿�
32424interrupt handling program	���_�B�z�{��
32425interrupt handling routine	���_�B�z�ҵ{
32426interrupt identification	���_�ѧO
32427interrupt independent processor	���_�W�߳B�z��
32428interrupt indicator	���_���ܾ�
32429interrupt inhibit	���_�T��
32430interrupt input line	���_��J�u
32431interrupt instruction	���_����
32432interrupt interface	���_����
32433interrupt latch	���_��s
32434interrupt latency	���_����
32435interrupt level	���_��
32436interrupt level branch table	���_�Ť����
32437interrupt level examination	���_���ˬd
32438interrupt linkage	���_����
32439interrupt lockout	���_����
32440interrupt log word	���_�O���r
32441interrupt logging	���_�O��
32442interrupt making	���_�n��
32443interrupt mask	���_�̽�
32444interrupt mask bit	���_�̽���
32445interrupt mask flag	���_�̽��лx
32446interrupt mask out	���_�̽���X
32447interrupt mask read	���_�̽�Ū�X
32448interrupt mask word	���_�̽��r
32449interrupt mask word segment	���_�̽��r�q
32450interrupt message	���_�T��
32451interrupt mode	���_�覡
32452interrupt module	���_�Ҷ�
32453interrupt nesting	���_�O�M
32454interrupt operation	���_�ާ@
32455interrupt oriented system	���_�ɦV�t��
32456interrupt packet	���_�]
32457interrupt page adress register	���_������}�Ȧs��
32458interrupt pending	���_�E�_
32459interrupt phase	���_���q
32460interrupt priority	���_�u���v
32461interrupt priority chip	���_�u���v����
32462interrupt priority level	���_�u������	IPL
32463interrupt priority system	���_�u���v�t��
32464interrupt priority table	���_�u����
32465interrupt priority threshold	���_�u����
32466interrupt procedure	���_�{��
32467interrupt processing	���_�B�z
32468interrupt processing routine	���_�B�z�ҵ{
32469interrupt program	���_�{��
32470interrupt program signal	���_�{���H��
32471interrupt push switch	���_���s�}��
32472interrupt queue entry	���_�Ƴ��J�f
32473interrupt queue head pointer	���_�ƹ���ܦr
32474interrupt queue tail pointer	���_�Ƨ����ܦr
32475interrupt reassignment	���_�����w
32476interrupt recovery procedure	���_��_�L�{
32477interrupt recovery routine	���_��_�ҵ{
32478interrupt register	���_�Ȧs��
32479interrupt release	���_�Ѱ�
32480interrupt request	���_�ШD	IRQ
32481interrupt request block	���_�ШD��
32482interrupt request line	���_�ШD�u��
32483interrupt request signal	���_�ШD�T��
32484interrupt response	���_�^��
32485interrupt return check	���_��^����
32486interrupt return control word	���_��^����r
32487interrupt return instruction	���_��^���O
32488interrupt scanner	���_���y��
32489interrupt search	���_�˯�
32490interrupt sensing	���_�˴�
32491interrupt sensing circuit	���_�˴��q��
32492interrupt service communication	���_�A�ȳq�H
32493interrupt service routine	���_�A�ȱ`��	ISR
32494interrupt service section	���_�A�ȸ`
32495interrupt servicing	���_�A��
32496interrupt signal	���_�H��
32497interrupt signal feedback	���_�H���^�X
32498interrupt signal switch	���_�H���}��
32499interrupt signal trigger	���_�H��IJ�o��
32500interrupt simulation	���_����
32501interrupt source	���_��
32502interrupt stack	���_���|	IS
32503interrupt stack pointer	���_���|����
32504interrupt stacking	���_���
32505interrupt status word	���_���A�r
32506interrupt structure	���_���c
32507interrupt switch	���_�}��
32508interrupt system	���_�t��
32509interrupt time-out	���_�W��
32510interrupt timer	���_�p�ɾ�
32511interrupt timing	���_�w��
32512interrupt trap	���_���R
32513interrupt trigger signal	���_IJ�o�H��
32514interrupt type	���_����
32515interrupt vector	���_�V�q
32516interrupt vector address	���_�V�q��}
32517interrupt vector register	���_�V�q�H�s��
32518interrupt word register	���_�r�H�s��
32519interrupt-driven	���_�X�ʪ�
32520interruptable state	�i���_���A
32521interrupted isochronous transmission	���_���ɶǿ�
32522interruptibility	�i���_��
32523interruptible identification	�i���_����
32524interruptible indicator	�i���_���ܾ�
32525interruptible instruction	�i���_���O
32526interruptible state	�i���_���A
32527interrupting channel	���_�q�D
32528interrupting device	���_�]��
32529interruption	���_
32530interruption acknowledge	���_�֩w����
32531interruption code	���_�N�X
32532interruption control routine	���_����ҵ{
32533interruption frequency	���_�W�v
32534interruption handling	���_�B�z
32535interruption logging	���_�O��
32536interruption mask	���_�̽�
32537interruption mask register	���_�̽��H�s��
32538interruption network	���_����
32539interruption pending	���_�E�_
32540interruption queue	���_�ư}
32541interruption rate	���_�v
32542interruption request	���_�ШD
32543interruption routine	���_�ҵ{
32544interruption source	���_��
32545interruption status	���_���A
32546interruption subroutine	���_�l�{��
32547interruption supervisor	���_�޲z�{��
32548interruption switch	���_�}��
32549interruptive event	���_�ƥ�
32550intersatellite communication	�ìP���q�H
32551intersatellite link	�ìP�����
32552intersatellite service	�P�ط~��
32553interscan	�����y
32554interscandental curve	�b�W�V���u
32555intersecting chain	�ۥ���
32556intersection	�ۥ�
32557intersection curve	�ۥ榱�u
32558intersection data	�ۥ���
32559intersection gate	�ۥ�h
32560intersection graph	���
32561intersection set	�涰
32562intersegment reference	�q���ޥ�
32563intersite facility	�����]�I
32564intersite line	�����u��
32565intersite system	�����t��
32566intersite transmission	�����ǿ�
32567intersite user communication	�U�a����q�H
32568intersite user interaction function	�U�a���Τ�椬�ާ@
32569interspace	�Ŷ�
32570interspread gang punching	���i�d���|����
32571interstage punch	�j�楴��
32572interstate communicator	�{���q�H
32573interstation interference	�����z�Z
32574interstation muting	�������n���
32575interstellar communication	�P�سq�H
32576interswitch trunk	�洫�������~�u
32577intersymbolic interference	�Ÿ����z�Z
32578intersync mode	���P�B�覡
32579intersystem communication	�t��q�H
32580intersystem crosstalk	�t����
32581intersystem intelligible crosstalk	�t��i�����
32582interval	���j
32583interval clock	���j����
32584interval depth	�϶��`��
32585interval migration	�϶��E��
32586interval mode	���j�覡
32587interval modulation	���j�ը�
32588interval number	�϶���
32589interval patition	�϶�����
32590interval polling timer	�P���Ը߭p�ɾ�
32591interval resolution	�϶����Ѫk
32592interval service value	�϶��A�ȭ�
32593interval symbol dictionary	�϶��Ÿ����ު�
32594interval theoretical duration	�϶��z�׫���ɶ�
32595interval time-out	�϶��W��
32596interval timer	�϶��p�ɾ�
32597intervening statement	���J�ԭz
32598intervening word	���J�r
32599intervention	�z�w
32600intervention button	���O�I���s
32601intervention required check	�ШD�z�w����
32602intervention required error	�ШD�z�w�t��
32603intervention required message	�ШD�z�w�H��
32604intervention schedule	���ի�
32605intervention signal	���T��
32606intervention switch	���}��
32607interweave	�զX
32608interword	�r��
32609interword blank	�r���ť�
32610interword flag	�r���аO
32611interword gap	�r�����j
32612interword space	�r���Z
32613interworking	�椬�u�@
32614intra-record data structure	����������Ƶ��c
32615intransit store	���ǰe�x�s��
32616intraprogram docummentation	�{���������s��
32617intrarecord structure	�O�������c
32618intrasystem connumication	�t���q�H
32619intrinsic absorption	���b�l��
32620intrinsic call	�T���ե�
32621intrinsic carrier concentration	�������y�l�@��
32622intrinsic charge	�����q��
32623intrinsic commands	�����R�O
32624intrinsic conductivity	�T���ɹq��
32625intrinsic flux	�����ϳq
32626intrinsic function	���b���
32627intrinsic hysteresis loop	���b�Ϻ��^�u
32628intrinsic impedance	�T������
32629intrinsic induction	���[�ϫ����j��
32630intrinsic induction magnetic tape	���[�ϫ����j�׺ϱa
32631intrinsic internal photoeffect	�T���������q����
32632intrinsic level	�������
32633intrinsic noise	�T������
32634intrinsic permeability	�T���Ͼɲv
32635intrinsic procedure	�T���L�{
32636intrinsic semiconductor	�����b����
32637intrinsic state	�T�����A
32638intrinsic time	�T���ɶ�
32639intrinsic vlaue	�T����
32640intrusion	�I�J
32641intrusion resistant communication cable	���ѱK�q�H�q�l
32642intrusion tone	�I�J��
32643intuitive forecasting technique	��ı�w���޳N
32644intuitive recovery procedure	��ı��_�L�{
32645intuitively built recognizer	��ı�إߪ��ѧO�{��
32646invaild abort request	�L�IJ��`����ШD
32647invaild access right	�L�Ħs���v
32648invaild address register	�L�Ħ�}�Ȧs��
32649invaild bit	�L�Ħ�
32650invaild character	�L�Ħr��
32651invaild condition detection	�L�ı����˴�
32652invaild digit	�L�ļƦ�
32653invaild exclusive reference	�L�Ĥ����ޥ�
32654invaild frame	�L�Į�
32655invaild instruction	�L�ī��O
32656invaild interrupt level	�L�Ĥ��_��
32657invaild key	�L����
32658invaild key condition	�L�������
32659invaild key phrase	�L����u�y
32660invaild op code	�L�ľާ@�X
32661invaild page	�L�ĭ���
32662invaild page time sharing	�L�ĭ�������
32663invaild password	�D�k�f�O
32664invaild priority	�L���u����
32665invaild punch	�L�ĥ���
32666invaild received frame	�L�ı�����
32667invaild recevier address	�L�ı�����}
32668invaild region identifier	�L�İϰ���Ѳ�
32669invaild return buffer address	�L�Ī�^�w�İϦ�}
32670invaild send buffer address	�L�ĵo�e�w�İϦ�}
32671invaild shared memory table password	�L�Ħ@�ΰO�����f�O
32672invaild time interval request	�L�Įɶ����j�ШD
32673invaild trap vector address	�L�ij����V�q��}
32674invaild unit number	�L�ij]�Ƹ�
32675invaild vector specification	�L�ĦV�q����
32676invaild window identifier	�L�ĵ��f���Ѳ�
32677invalid definition	�L�ĩw�q
32678invalid key condition	�L���_����
32679invariable linear system	���ܪ��u�ʨt��
32680invariance	���ܩ�
32681invariant assignment optimization	���ܼƽ���u��
32682invariant factor	���ܦ]�l
32683invariant field	�T�w����
32684invariant imbedding	���ܴO�J
32685invariant operation processor	���ܹB��B�z�{��
32686invariant point	�����I
32687invariant processing	���ܼƳB�z
32688invariant routing	�کw���|���
32689inventory	�s�f
32690inventory calculations	�s�f�p��
32691inventory check	�w�s�ˬd
32692inventory control system	�w�s����t��
32693inventory data	�w�s�q���
32694inventory detail	�w�s�M��ӥ�
32695inventory file	�w�s�ɮ�
32696inventory inquiry data processing	�w�s�t�߸�ƳB�z
32697inventory management	�w�s�޲z
32698inventory management simulator	�w�s�޲z�����{��
32699inventory master file	�w�s�D�ɮ�
32700inventory master overflow	�w�s�D�ɮ׷��X
32701inventory model	�w�s�ҫ�
32702inventory monitoring	�w�s�ʷ�
32703inventory record management	�w�s�O���޲z
32704inventory records	�w�s�O��
32705inventory stock report	�s�f���i
32706inventory system	�w�s�t��
32707inventory theory	�w�s�z��
32708inventory turnover	�s�f�P��v
32709inverse adjacency list	�f������
32710inverse assembler	�f�զX�{��
32711inverse channel	�f�q�D
32712inverse checksum code	���ˬd�M�X
32713inverse code	�f�N�X
32714inverse conversion	�f�ഫ
32715inverse discrete cosine transform	�����ϧE���ܴ�
32716inverse duplex circuit	�f���u�q��
32717inverse factorial series	�ϻ����n�ż�
32718inverse filter	�ϦV�o�i��
32719inverse filter restoration	�ϦV�o�i���_��
32720inverse function	�Ϩ��
32721inverse gate	�Ϭ۹h
32722inverse homomorphism	�f�P�A
32723inverse hyperbolic function	���������
32724inverse interpolation	�f���k
32725inverse iteration	�f���N
32726inverse kernel	�f��
32727inverse matrix	�f�x�}
32728inverse move	�f����
32729inverse network	�˸m����
32730inverse point	�Ϻt�I
32731inverse power iteration	�f�����N�k
32732inverse probability	�f���v
32733inverse proportionality	�Ϥ�ҩ�
32734inverse ratio	�Ϥ�
32735inverse residue code	�ϳѧE�X
32736inverse sine transformation	�ϥ����ܴ�
32737inverse substitution	�ϥN��
32738inverse theorem	�f�w�z
32739inverse transfer function	�϶ǻ����
32740inverse transformation	���ܴ�
32741inverse trigonometric function	�ϤT�����
32742inverse video	�����
32743inversion	�Ϭ�
32744inversion constant	�Ϻt�`��
32745inversion signal	�Ϭ۫H��
32746inverted attribute	�˸m�ݩ�
32747inverted comma	�޸�
32748inverted crosstalk	�W�v�˸m���
32749inverted directory	�˸m�ؿ�
32750inverted file	�����ɮ�
32751inverted file dialogue structure	�˱��ɮ׹�ܵ��c
32752inverted file mode	�˱��ɮ׼Ҧ�
32753inverted file model	�˱��ɮ׼ҫ�
32754inverted index	�˱Ư���
32755inverted input	�Ϭۿ�J
32756inverted list	�˱ƪ�
32757inverted list file	�˱ƪ��ɮ�
32758inverted output	�Ϭۿ�X
32759inverted position	�Ϭۦ�m
32760inverted sequence	�ϧ�
32761inverted signal	�ϰT��
32762inverted tree	�˸m��
32763inverter	�Ϭ۾�
32764inverter buffer	�Ϭ۾��w�ľ�
32765inverter open collector	���q���}�����Ϭ۾�
32766inverter transistor	�ˬ۴����
32767invertibility	�i�f��
32768invertible amplifier	�Ϭ۩�j��
32769invertible bidirectional bus driver	�Ϭ����V�`�u�X�ʾ�
32770invertible decoupling algorithm	�i�f�ѽ���k
32771invertible finite automata	�i�f�����۰ʾ�
32772invertible function	�i�f���
32773invertible grammar	�i�f��k
32774invertible symbol	�i�f�Ÿ�
32775inverting circuits	�Ϭ۹q��
32776inverting gate	�Ϭ۹h
32777invertor	�Ϭ۾�
32778investment tax credit	���|�U��
32779invigilator	�ʵ���
32780invisible character	�L�Φr��
32781invisible hyphen	�L�γs�r��
32782invisible mode	���i���覡
32783invitation	�ܽ�
32784invitation delay	�ܽЩ���
32785invitation list	�ܽЪ�
32786invite	�ܽ�
32787invocation	�ե�
32788invocation procedure	�ޥιL�{
32789invocation style	�ްʫ���
32790invoice	�o��
32791invoke	�ް�
32792invoked block	�Q�եΤ��{��
32793invoked procedure	�Q�եιL�{
32794invoking block	�եΤ��{��
32795invoking function	�եΨ��
32796invoking subprogram	�եΤl�{��
32797involuntary interrupt	���M���_
32798involuntary interrupt program	���M���_�{��
32799involutory matrix	��X�x�}
32800ion	���l
32801ion absorption	���l�l��
32802ion beam implantation	���l���`�J
32803ion exchange process	���l�洫�u�~
32804ion gun	���l�j
32805ion implantation	���l�`�J
32806ion implantation apparatus	���l�`�J�˸m
32807ion implanted device	���l�`�J�]��
32808ion implanted region	���l�`�J��
32809ion laser	���l�J�g
32810ionic accelerator	���l�[�t��
32811ionic mobility	���l�E���v
32812ionic semi conductor	���l�b����
32813ionization	�q��
32814ionization chamber	�q����
32815ionized gas readout	����q�������
32816IPCF	�{�����q�T���ε{��
32817IPL	���_�u������
32818ipo chart	��J�B�z��X��
32819IRG	���_�n����������
32820IRP	���_�n�D�ʥ]
32821irrational number	�L�z��
32822irrelevance	�L��
32823IS	���_���|
32824ISAM	�s�����w�s���k
32825ISD	�v�����q�y�z��
32826ISECT	�v�����q
32827iso reference model	��ڼзDz�´�ѦҼҫ�
32828isochronous transmission	���ɶǿ�
32829isolated amplifier	�Q�j������j��
32830isotope	�P���
32831issue	�o�X
32832isw block	��l�x�s�g�J��
32833italic	����r
32834item	����
32835item-list	���ت�
32836iteration	�ϴ_�B�@
32837iteration factor	�ϴ_�]��
32838iterative operation	���йB��
32839jack	���y; �d�系	JK
32840Jack connection	���ճs��	JC
32841jack key lamp panel	���չq��O�L	JKL
32842jack panel	���f�O
32843jack strip	���f®��
32844jack switch	���f�}��
32845jacket	�~��
32846jackplug	���Y
32847Jackson structured programming	�ǧJ�����c�{���]�p	JSP
32848Jacobian matrix	�ɼƯx�}
32849jam	�d��; ����
32850jam signal	�z�Z�H��
32851jam transfer	�����ಾ
32852jamming signal	�����H��
32853janitor	�P��; �޲z��
32854Japan medical programming system	�饻��ǵ{���]�p�t��	JAMPS
32855Japanese word processor	���B�z��
32856jargon	�N�y
32857JCL mask	JCL �̽�
32858jelly bean	�����q������
32859jet propulsion center	�Q����i��s����	JPC
32860jitter	Ÿ��
32861JK flip-flop	JK ���Ͼ�
32862JK M/S flip-flop	JK �D�q���Ͼ�
32863job	�@�~; �u�@
32864job accounting	�@�~�O�b
32865job accounting facility	�@�~�O�b�{��	JAF
32866job accounting file	�@�~�O�b��
32867job accounting information	�@�~�O�b�H��
32868job accounting interface	�@�~�O�b����	JAI
32869job accounting report system	�@�~�O�b���i�t��	JARS
32870job accounting routine	�@�~�O�b�{��
32871job accounting system	�@�~�O�b�t��	JAS
32872job accounting table	�@�~�O�b��	JAT
32873job action command	�@�~�B�z�R�O
32874job analysis	�@�~���R	JA
32875job analysis and performance analysis system	�@�~�P�ʯ���R�t��	JASPER
32876job analysis system	�@�~���R�t��	JAS
32877job bank	�@�~��
32878job batch	�@�~�妸
32879job block	�@�~��
32880job built-in macro instruction	�@�~���䥨�����O
32881job cancellation message log	�u�@���P�T����x
32882job card	�@�~�d
32883job catalog	�@�~�ؿ�
32884job characteristic	�u�@�S��
32885job class	�@�~���O
32886job communication block	�@�~�q�H��
32887job content	�@�~���e
32888job control	�@�~����	JC
32889job control block	�@�~�����	JCB
32890job control card	�@�~����d	JCC
32891job control command	�@�~����R�O
32892job control communication	�@�~����q�H
32893job control facility	�@�~����\��
32894job control file	�@�~������
32895job control information	�@�~����H��
32896job control language	�@�~����y��	JCL
32897job control language generation	�@�~����y���ͦ�	JELGEN
32898job control language preprocessor	�@�~����y���w�B�z�{��	JCLPREP
32899job control message	�@�~����H��
32900job control number	�@�~���	JCN
32901job control procedure	�@�~����{��
32902job control processor	�@�~����B�z��	JCP
32903job control program	�@�~����{��	JCP
32904job control record	�@�~����O��
32905job control rights	�@�~�����v
32906job control sequence	�@�~�����
32907job control statement	�u����ԭz
32908job control stream	�@�~����y
32909job control table	�@�~�����	JCT
32910job control task	�@�~�������
32911job controller	�@�~���
32912job cost	�u�@����
32913job cost sheet	�u�@�����p���
32914job cylinder map	�@�~�W�����t��	JCM
32915job data area	�u�@�����p���	JOBDAT
32916job data flow	�@�~�ƾڬy
32917job data program	�@�~�ƾڵ{��
32918job definition	�@�~�w�q
32919job description	�u��y�z	JD
32920job development system	�@�~�}�o�t��	JDS
32921job dividing	�u����
32922job drawing list	�@�~������
32923job end control card	�@�~��������d
32924job entry	�@�~�n��
32925job entry central services	�@�~�n�����ϪA��	JECS
32926job entry control language	�@�~�n������y��	JECL
32927job entry facility	�@�~�n���]��	JEF
32928job entry peripheral services	�@�~�n���g��A��	JEPS
32929job entry program	�@�~�n���{��	JEP
32930job entry subsystem communication table	�@�~�n���l�t�γq�T��	JESCT
32931job entry system	�@�~�n���t��	JES
32932job exit	�@�~�X�f
32933job file	�@�~��
32934job file control	�@�~�ɱ���
32935job file control block	�@�~�ɮױ����	JFCB
32936job file index	�@�~�ɯ���
32937job file number	�@�~�ɮ׸�	JFN
32938job flow	�@�~�y�{
32939job flow control	�@�~�y�{����
32940job handling routine	�@�~�B�z�{��
32941job header	�@�~���D
32942job identifier	�@�~���Ѳ�
32943job information block	�@�~�H����	JIB
32944job information system	�@�~��T�t��	JIS
32945job initiation	�@�~�Ұ�
32946job initiation processing level	�@�~��l�B�z��
32947job input data	�@�~��J�ƾ�
32948job input device	�@�~��J�˸m
32949job input file	�@�~��J��
32950job input prefix	�@�~��J�e�m
32951job input queue	�@�~��J��C
32952job input station	�@�~��J��	JIS
32953job input stream	�@�~��J�y
32954job internal processing procedure	�@�~�����B�z�L�{
32955job keyboard monitor	�u�@��L�ʵ���
32956job level	�@�~��
32957job level field	�@�~����
32958job library	�@�~�w	JOBLIB
32959job list	�@�~��
32960job load	�@�~���J
32961job load characterization	�@�~���J�S��
32962job log	�@�~��x
32963job logging	�@�~��x
32964job login	�@�~�n�O
32965job logout	�@�~���P
32966job management	�@�~�޲z
32967job memory	�@�~�O����	JMEM
32968job memory switch matrix	�@�~�x�s���}���x�}	JMSX
32969job message queue	�@�~�H����C
32970job mix optimization	�@�~�V�X�̨Τ�	JOMO
32971job mixing	�@�~�V�X
32972job model	�@�~�ҫ�
32973job model construction	�@�~�ҫ��غc
32974job name	�u�@�W��
32975job networking	�@�~��
32976job networking facility	�@�~�����{��	JNF
32977job number	�@�~��
32978job offset	�@�~���m
32979job on carry	�i���ಾ	JC
32980job order	�@�~��	JO
32981job order costing	�u�@�w�Ʀ������R
32982job order number	�@�~�渹	JON
32983job organization language	�@�~��´�y��	JOL
32984job oriented language	�H�@�~���ɦV���y��
32985job oriented terminal	�H�@�~���ɦV���׺�
32986job output data	�@�~��X���
32987job output device	�@�~��X�˸m
32988job output file	�@�~��X��
32989job output queue	�@��X��C
32990job output stream	�@�~��X�y
32991job pack area	�@�~�ո˰�	JPA
32992job pack area queue	�@�~�ո˰Ϧ�C
32993job parallel process	�@�~����B�z
32994job parameter	�@�~�Ѽ�
32995job partition parameter	�@�~���ϰѼ�
32996job patch	�@�~�{�ɭ׸�	JPATCH
32997job preparation	�@�~�dz�
32998job priority	�@�~�u����
32999job process	�@�~�B�z
33000job processing	�@�~�B�z
33001job processing control	�@�~�B�z����
33002job processing monitor	�@�~�B�z�ʷ��{��
33003job processing system	�@�~�B�z�t��
33004job processing unit	�@�~�B�z�椸
33005job processor	�@�~�B�z��
33006job program	�@�~�{��
33007job program mode	�@�~�{���覡
33008job queue	�@�~��C
33009job queue dump program	�@�~��C���x�{��	JOBQD
33010job queue entry	�@�~��C�J�f
33011job queue management	�@�~��C�޲z
33012job receiving message	�@�~�����H��
33013job recovery control file	�@�~��_������
33014job region	�@�~��
33015job reporting	�u�@���i
33016job request	�@�~�ШD
33017job request control routine	�@�~�ШD����Ҧ�{��
33018job request selection	�@�~�ШD���
33019job run	�u�@�B��
33020job schedule	�@�~�Ƶ{
33021job scheduler	�@�~�Ƶ{��
33022job scheduling	�@�~�Ƶ{
33023job search list	�u�@�d��
33024job selection	�@�~���
33025job separation	�@�~���j
33026job separator	�@�~���j�l
33027job separator pages	�@�~���j��
33028job sequence	�@�~����
33029job sequence number	�@�~���Ǹ�
33030job sequencing	�@�~�w��
33031job service prefix	�@�~�A�ȫe�m
33032job shop	�u�@��
33033job slot	�u�@��
33034job source device	�@�~���]��
33035job source file	�@�~����
33036job source image	�@�~���M��
33037job source record	�@�~���O��
33038job specification language	�@�~�W��y��
33039job stack	�@�~���|
33040job stack system	�@�~���|�t��
33041job start priority processing	�@�~�Ұ��u���B�z
33042job statement	�@�~�ԭz
33043job statement control	�@�~�ԭz����
33044job status	�@�~���A
33045job status information	�@�~���A�H��
33046job status word	�@�~���A�r
33047job step	�@�~�B�J
33048job step control	�@�~�B�J����
33049job step control block	�@�~�B�J�����	JSCB
33050job step index	�@�~�B�J����	JSI
33051job step initiation	�@�~�B�J�Ұ�
33052job step restart	�@�~�B�J���Ұ�
33053job step task	�@�~�B�J����
33054job stream	�@�~�׬y
33055job stream input	�@�~�y��J
33056job stream processor	�@�~�y�B�z�{��
33057job ststus area	�@�~���A��
33058job submission	�@�~����
33059job support task	�@�~�䴩����
33060job swapping memory	�@�~�洫�x�s��	JSWAP
33061job switching	�u��洫
33062job table	�@�~��
33063job throughput	�@�~�B�z��O
33064job time	�u�@�ɶ�
33065job totals	�u�@�`�p
33066job traller	�@�~��
33067job transfer port	�@�~�ǰe��
33068job unit block	�@�~�椸��	JUB
33069job virtual memory	�@�~�����x�s��
33070job work order	�@�~�u�@����	JWO
33071job's channel area	�@�~�q�D��
33072job's console terminal	�@�~����x�׺�
33073job's logical job name	�@�~���޿�@�~�W
33074job's spooled listed output	�@�~���u�W�P�ɶg��@�~�B�z�C���X
33075job's spooled punched output	�@�~���u�W�P�ɶg��@�~�B�z���տ�X
33076job-recovery control file	�u��_�챱����
33077joggle	���n
33078join	�s��; ���X
33079join dependency	�s������
33080join gate	�s�X�h
33081join information content	�p�X��T���[
33082join operation	��s�B��
33083join secondary	���X���U��
33084joint	���Y	JNT
33085joint access costs	�p�X�s������
33086joint allocation	�p�X�t�m�q
33087joint application design	�p�X���ε{�dz]�p	JAD
33088joint computer conference	�p����p�X�|ij	JCC
33089joint denial	�ϩιB��
33090joint denial gate	�ϩιh
33091joint gate	�ιh
33092joint information content	�p�X��T�q
33093joint mark	�s���Ÿ�
33094joint operation	�p�X�ާ@
33095joint use	�p��
33096jointly managed device	�p�X�޲z�˸m
33097Josephosen memory	������x�s��
33098journal	���Z; ��x
33099journal analyzer	��x���R�{��
33100journal buffer	��x�w�ľ�
33101journal control command	��x����R�O
33102journal control program	��x����{��	JCP
33103journal control table	��x�����	JCT
33104journal dump	��x���x
33105journal entry	��x�b�n��
33106journal file	��x��
33107journal management program	��x�޲z�{��	JMP
33108journal number	��x����
33109journal output	��x��X
33110journal printer	��x�C���
33111journal reader	��x�\Ū��
33112journal receiver	��x������
33113journal sheet	��x����
33114journal tape printer	��x�a�C���
33115journal volume	��x��
33116journaling	����n��
33117journalingle	��x�\��
33118journalishing	��x�ާ@
33119joy stick	�n��; ���a��
33120joystick	���a��; �n��
33121JSYS trap	JSYS����
33122julian data	�Ӷ���
33123jumbo chip	�j�����
33124jump	���V; ����
33125jump absolute	�����ಾ
33126jump address	�ಾ��}	JA
33127jump address register	�ಾ��}�Ȧs��	JAR
33128jump and set return	�ಾ�ó]�w��^��}	JSR
33129jump condition	�ಾ����
33130jump if not	�����ಾ
33131jump instruction	���V���O
33132jump last	�̫����	JL
33133jump lock	�ಾ����
33134jump on carry	�i��h�ಾ
33135jump on minus	�t�ಾ	JM
33136jump on nonzero	�D�s�ಾ	JNZ
33137jump on parity even	���笰�����ಾ	JPE
33138jump on positive	���ಾ	JP
33139jump on zero	�s�ಾ	JZ
33140jump operation	�ಾ�@�~
33141jump operator	�ಾ�ާ@��
33142jump order	�ಾ���O
33143jump program	�ಾ�{��
33144jump relative	�۹��ಾ	JRL
33145jump relative instruction	�۹��ಾ���O
33146jump routine	�ಾ�ҵ{
33147jump table	�ಾ��
33148jump trace	�ಾ�l�a
33149jumper	����; ���u
33150jumper area	������
33151jumper connection	���u�s��
33152jumper wire	�����u
33153junction	�s���I	JC
33154junction box	���u��	JB
33155junction capacitance	�����q�e
33156junction record	�s���O��
33157junction symbol	�p���Ÿ�
33158junction transistor	�����q����
33159junctor	�s����
33160junior computer operator	��ŭp����ާ@��
33161junior keypunch operator	��ť��խ�
33162junior operator	��žާ@��
33163junior programmer	��ŵ{����
33164junior system analyst	��Ũt�Τ��R��
33165junk	�L�μƾ�
33166just in time	�Y�ɨ����t��; �ץЦ��޲z�t��	JIT
33167justification	���; �վ�
33168justification range	�վ�d��
33169justified margin	����
33170justified text	�����Z
33171justify	�㪩; ���; �A���
33172justify inhibit	�T����
33173juxtaposition	�æC
33174K	�d
33175k out of n code	n ����k �X
33176karnaugh map	���չ�
33177Karnaugh map	�d�չ�
33178Kbyte	�d��
33179keep	�O�d
33180keep it simple straight	²����A	KISS
33181keeplist	�O�s��C
33182Kendall's notation	�ֱo�O�k
33183kenotron	�u�ž�y��
33184kernel	�֤�
33185kernel executive	�֤߰���{��
33186kernel function	�֤ߨ��
33187kernel grammer	�֤ߤ�k
33188kernel instruction set	�֤߫��O��
33189kernel interprocess communication	�֤߶i�{���q�H
33190kernel language	�֤߻y��
33191kernel mode	�֤߼Ҧ�
33192kernel module	�֤߼Ҳ�
33193kernel normal form	�֤߼зǦ�
33194kernel of multimicroprocessor operating system	�h�L�B�z���ާ@�t�ή֤�
33195kernel primitive	�֤߻y��
33196kernel processor	�֤߳B�z��
33197kernel program	�֤ߵ{��
33198kernel software	�֤߳n��
33199kernel test program	�֤ߴ��յ{��
33200kerning	�r�����; �|�m
33201key	��; ���丹
33202key access	��s��
33203key address	���}
33204key argument	��޼�
33205key assignment	�r����
33206key authentication code	��Ų�w�X
33207key buffer	��w�ľ�
33208key card punch	���վ�
33209key change	���ܴ�
33210key characteristics	��S��
33211key click	���n
33212key click filter	���n�o�i��
33213key code	����r�X
33214key code table	����r�X��
33215key coder	����r�s�X��
33216key coding element location	����r�s�X���w��
33217key coding element sort program	����r�s�X�������{��
33218key columns	�����
33219key component	��ե�
33220key compression	�����Y
33221key controlled storage protection	�䱱�x�s�O�@
33222key conversion	����r�ഫ
33223key data	����r�ƾ�
33224key data item	����r�ƾڶ�
33225key data station	�䱱�ƾگ�	KDS
33226key data terminal	�䱱�ƾڲ׺�	KDT
33227key data type	���ƧΦ�
33228key definition	������w�q	KD
33229key descriptor block	����r�y�z�Ŷ�
33230key descriptors	��y�z��
33231key display call indicator	����ܩI�s���ܾ�
33232key display system	�䱱��ܨt��	KDS
33233key driven	���X��
33234key edit terminal language	��s��׺ݻy��	KTL
33235key element	����r��
33236key encode	��s�X
33237key encoder	��s�X��
33238key encrypting key	����r�[�K��
33239key entry	��J
33240key entry area	��L��J��
33241key entry system	��L��J�t��
33242key equals address addressing	��}�۵��w�}
33243key factor	�D�n�]��
33244key feedback area	��^�X��
33245key field	������; �D�n���	KF
33246key field level specifications	������ųW��
33247key file	����r��
33248key file entry method	����r�ɿ�J�覡
33249key file organization	����r�ɲ�´
33250key file structure	����r�ɵ��c
33251key generation	����r�ͦ�
33252key generator	��H�����;�
33253key holder	��y
33254key in	��J
33255key in data	��J�ƾ�
33256key in flag	��J�аO
33257key index	��r����
33258key information	����H��
33259key ingredient	����r�զ�����
33260key input	��J
33261key input checking visual display unit	��L��J�ˬd��ܳ椸
33262key input flag	��L��J�X��
33263key instruction	�޾ɫ��O
33264key item	�D�n����
33265key joint	�䱵
33266key length	���
33267key letter	��L�r��
33268key letter in context	�W�U�夺����r��	KLIC
33269key level	�䶥�h	KL
33270key loader	��L���J�{��
33271key loader module	��L���J�{���Ҳ�	KLM
33272key lock	����
33273key management	��޲z
33274key management facility	��޲z�]�I
33275key map list	��ϲM��
33276key marker	����O��
33277key match	��ǰt
33278key matching	��ǰt
33279key memory	���x�s��
33280key name	��W
33281key of reference	�ޥ�����r
33282key operation	����ާ@
33283key organization	����r��´
33284key pad	��x
33285key panel	��L
33286key phrase	����r���y
33287key process	��B�z
33288key program type function computer	����{����ƭp���
33289key pulse	��߽�	KP
33290key pulsing	�䱱�߽Ľը�	KP
33291key pulsing signal	�䱱�߽īH��
33292key punch	�䥴�վ�	KP
33293key punch machine	�䥴�վ�	KP
33294key punch operator	�䥴�խ�	KPO
33295key queue	���C
33296key range	��d��
33297key register	��Ȧs��	KR
33298key retrieval	����r�˯�
33299key row	��C
33300key scan	�䱽�y
33301key scheme	����X���
33302key search	��d�M
33303key sender	��o�e��
33304key sending	��o�e
33305key sensity	��T�F�ӫ�
33306key sequence	�䶶��
33307key sequence parameter	�̧ǰѼ�
33308key sequenced data set	������r�s�Ǫ��ƾڶ�
33309key sequenced file	������r�s�Ǫ���
33310key shelf	��L
33311key shift	������
33312key skip	������
33313key sort	�����
33314key sorting	�����
33315key source	����r����
33316key space	�䶡�Z
33317key state	���䪬�A
33318key station	�D��
33319key station on line business oriented language	�D���s�u�ɦV�ӷ~�y��	Kobol
33320key stroke	����
33321key stroke verification	�������
33322key switch	��}��
33323key table	���
33324key tape	��a	KT
33325key term	�D�n�N�y
33326key to address	��ܦ�}	KAT
33327key to address conversion algorithm	��ܦ�}�ഫ�t��k
33328key to address transformation	��--��}�ഫ	KAT
33329key to card	���d
33330key to disc operating system	��L--�ϺЧ@�~�t��	KDOS
33331key to disc software	��L--�Ϻгn��	KTDS
33332key to disc subsystem	��L--�ϺФl�t��	KDSS
33333key to disk	��L--�Ϻ�
33334key to disk data input system	��L--�Ϻмƾڿ�J�t��
33335key to disk shared processor system	��L�ܺϺЦ@�Φ��B�z�t��
33336key to disk system	��L--�ϺШt��
33337key to diskette	��L�ܺϺ�
33338key to diskette system	��L--�n�Шt��	KDS
33339key to floppy	��L--�n��
33340key to tape	��L--�ϱa
33341key to tape input	��L--�ϱa��J
33342key transformation	���ܴ�
33343key transformation table	���ܴ���
33344key trapping	�䪺�]��
33345key tree	���
33346key tuple	����X����
33347key type	�䫬��
33348key value	����X��; ���
33349key verify	���
33350key word	����r
33351key word parameter	����r�Ѽ�
33352key word table	����r��
33353key work tree	��u�@��
33354keyboard	��L	KBD
33355keyboard adapter unit	��L�A�t��
33356keyboard and display	��L�M���	KD
33357keyboard and display control	��L�M��ܱ���
33358keyboard buffer	��L�w��
33359keyboard button	��L���s	KB
33360keyboard card punch	��L�d��������	KCP
33361keyboard card verifier	��L�d����վ�	KCV
33362keyboard checking circuit	��L�˴��q��
33363keyboard clear pushswitch	��L�M�����s�}��
33364keyboard command	��L�R�O
33365keyboard command prompt	��L�R�O����
33366keyboard common contact	��L���@IJ�I	KCC
33367keyboard components layout	��L�ե�榡
33368keyboard computer	��L�p���
33369keyboard computer printer	�p�������L�C���
33370keyboard console	��L����x
33371keyboard contact	��L���I
33372keyboard contact bounce	��L��IJ�^�u
33373keyboard control key	��L������
33374keyboard control process	��L����B�z
33375keyboard control unit	��L����椸	KCU
33376keyboard data entry	��L�ƾڵn��	KDE
33377keyboard data recorder	��L�ƾڰO����	KDR
33378keyboard definition	��L�w�q
33379keyboard display	��L���	KD
33380keyboard display console	��L��ܥx	KD
33381keyboard display station	��L��ܥx
33382keyboard editing display station	��L�s����ܯ�
33383keyboard encoder	��L�s�X��	KBE
33384keyboard entry	��L�n��	KBE
33385keyboard entry and inquiry	��L�n���M�߰�
33386keyboard entry method	��L�n���覡
33387keyboard equivalent	������L
33388keyboard features	��L�S�I
33389keyboard function key	��L�\����
33390keyboard input command	��L��J�R�O
33391keyboard input matrix	��L��J�覡	KIM
33392keyboard input printout	��L��J�C�L��X	KIPO
33393keyboard input simulation	��L��J����
33394keyboard inquiry	��L�߰�
33395keyboard interaction	��L����
33396keyboard interface	��L����
33397keyboard interface control unit	��L��������椸	KICU
33398keyboard interface unit	��L�����椸	KIU
33399keyboard jack	��L���I
33400keyboard layout	��L�榡
33401keyboard listener	��L��ť��	KBL
33402keyboard lock message field	��L��w�T�����
33403keyboard lock state	��L��w���A
33404keyboard lockout	��L��w
33405keyboard monitor	��L�ʵ���	KMON
33406keyboard monitor command	��L�ʵ����R�O
33407keyboard operating system	��L�@�~�t��
33408keyboard operation	��L�ާ@
33409keyboard operator	��L�ާ@��
33410keyboard overlay	��L�л\��
33411keyboard page printer	��L�����C���	KPP
33412keyboard paper tape punch	��L�ȱa���վ�	KTP
33413keyboard paper tape punch and verifier	��L�ȱa���վ��M��վ�	KTPV
33414keyboard perforator	��L���վ�	KP
33415keyboard printer	��L�C���
33416keyboard printer control	��L�C�������	KPC
33417keyboard program	��L�{��
33418keyboard programmmable RAM	��L�i�s�{���H���x�s��	KPRAM
33419keyboard punch	��L���վ�	KB
33420keyboard puncher	��L���վ�	KBP
33421keyboard request control	��L�ШD����
33422keyboard scan	��L���y
33423keyboard selection	��L���
33424keyboard send/receive	��L���o��	KSR
33425keyboard send/receive set	��L���o��
33426keyboard send/receive terminal	��L�o���׺�	KSR/T
33427keyboard send/receiver	��L���o��	KSR
33428keyboard substem	��L�l�t��
33429keyboard switch	��L�}��
33430keyboard tape punch	��L�ȱa���վ�
33431keyboard template	��L�ҪO
33432keyboard time out	��L�W��
33433keyboard to disk system	��L--�ϺШt��
33434keyboard to tape system	��L--�ϱa�t��
33435keyboard transmitter	��L�o�e��	KT
33436keyboard types	��L����
33437keyboarding	��L��J
33438keychart	���޹Ϫ�
33439keydial	�S������
33440keyed	�䱱��
33441keyed access	�[��s��
33442keyed access method	�䱱�s����k
33443keyed address	��J��}	KA
33444keyed attribute	�H���и��ݩ�
33445keyed data set	���޸�ƶ�
33446keyed direct access	�䱱�����s��
33447keyed display console	�䱱��ܱ���x	KDC
33448keyed file	�䱱��
33449keyed file file access system	�䱱�ɦs���t��	KFAS
33450keyed indexed sequential search	����޶��Ƿj��
33451keyed option	�䱱���
33452keyed record access	�䦡�O���s��
33453keyed sequence	�䱱����
33454keyed sequence access path	�̧Ǧs�����|
33455keyed sequenced data set	�̧Ǽƾڶ�	KSDS
33456keyed sequential access	�̧Ǧs��
33457keyed sequential access method	�̧Ǧs���k	KSAM
33458keyhole bubble generator	����Ϫw���;�
33459keying	����
33460keying chirps	�����n
33461keying device	����˸m
33462keying error rate	������~�v
33463keying relationship	�䱱���Y
33464keying signal	�䱱�H��
33465keying switching station	�䱱�ഫ��	KSS
33466keying unit	�䱱�椸
33467keying wave	����i
33468keylock	��L��w
33469keylock feature	����S�x
33470keymat	���
33471keypad	�S����L; ��O
33472keypad application mode	��O���μҦ�
33473keypad mode	��O�Ҧ�
33474keypad numbers	�Ʀ���x
33475keypad numeric mode	��O�Ʀ�Ҧ�
33476keypad value	�Ʀ���x��
33477keypunch	���վ�; ���䥴��
33478keypunch error	�䥴�տ��~
33479keypunch machine	�䱱���վ�
33480keypunch operator	�䱱���վ��ާ@��
33481keypunch replacement	�䱱���ոm��	KPR
33482keypuncher	���խ�
33483keys available in the ws ctl mod	�u�@������ҺA�i����
33484keysets	�౵�O
33485keystation control language	�D������y��	KCL
33486keystroke	��IJ
33487keystroke verification	��J����
33488keytop symbol	�䳻�Ÿ�
33489keyway	���
33490keyword	����r
33491keyword and context	����r�M�W�U��	KWAC
33492keyword and context index	����r�M�W�U�����
33493keyword and UDC index	����r�M��ڤQ�i������k����
33494keyword count program	����r�p�Ƶ{��
33495keyword format	����r�榡
33496keyword from title index	���D���������
33497keyword identifier	����r���Ѳ�
33498keyword in context	�W�U�夺�����	KWIC
33499keyword in context index	�W�U�夺���������
33500keyword in context indexing	�W�U�夺���������
33501keyword in title	���D������r	KWIT
33502keyword index	���������
33503keyword indexing simulator	����r���޼����{��
33504keyword item	����r��
33505keyword macro	����r�������O
33506keyword macro argument	����r�������O�޼�
33507keyword macro instruction	����r�������O
33508keyword operand	����r�ާ@��
33509keyword out of context	�W�U��~����r	KWOC
33510keyword out of context index	�W�U��~����r����
33511keyword out of title	���D�~����r	KWOT
33512keyword parameter	����r�Ѽ�
33513keyword root	����r��
33514keyword rule	����r�W�h
33515keyword system	����r�t��
33516keyword transformation unit	����r�ܴ��椸	KTU
33517kill	����; ��
33518kilo	�d	K
33519kilo electron volts	�d�q�l��	KEV
33520kilo instruction per second	�C��d�����O
33521kilo operations per second	�C��d���B��
33522kilo stream	�d�ƾڬy�t��
33523kilo volt amphere	�d��w
33524kilobaud	�d�i�S
33525kilobit	�d�줸	KBIT
33526kilobits per second	�d��/ ��	KBPS
33527kilobyte	�d�줸��	KB
33528kilobytes	�d�줸��	KBYTES
33529kilobytes per second	�d�줸��/ ��	KBPS
33530kilocharacter	�d�r��	KCHR
33531kilocharacters per second	�d�r��/ ��	KCS
33532kilocycle	�d�g	KC
33533kilocycles per second	�d�g/ ��	KCPS
33534kilogram	�d�J	KG
33535kilohertz	�d��	KHZ
33536kilomega	�d��	KM
33537kilomegabit	�Q���줸
33538kilomegacycle	�d���g	KMC
33539kilomegacycles per second	�d����	KMC/S
33540kiloword	�d�r	KW
33541kinematic operator	�B�ʺ�l
33542kinetic	�ʤO��
33543kinetic control system	�ʺA����t��
33544kinetic energy	�ʯ�
33545kinetic energy operator	�ʯ���
33546kinetic filter	�ʺA�o�i��
33547Kipp relay	���R����
33548kirchhoff adder	���N�ҥ[�k��
33549kirchhoff's laws	���N�ҩw��
33550kit	�ե�
33551kit assembler	���M�զX�{��
33552kit hardware and software system	���M�w��M�n��t��
33553kit processor card	���M�B�z�d
33554kit software	���M�n��
33555kludge	�嶰
33556kneetop	���W��
33557knob	�۶s; ���`
33558knot	���I
33559know how	�޳N
33560knowledge acquisition	�������
33561knowledge acquisition and utilization system	��������M�Q�Ψt��
33562knowledge acquisition system	��������t��
33563knowledge base	���Ѯw
33564knowledge base compiler	���Ѯw�sĶ�{��
33565knowledge base debugger	���Ѯw�����{��
33566knowledge base intelligence	���z���Ѯw
33567knowledge base intelligent activity	����Ѫ����z����
33568knowledge base management system	���Ѯw�޲z�t��
33569knowledge base system	���Ѯw�t��
33570knowledge based consultation system	����Ѫ��Ըߵ{��
33571knowledge based expert system	����Ѫ��M�a�t��
33572knowledge based program editing	����Ѫ��{���s��
33573knowledge based programming system	����Ѫ��{���]�p�t��
33574knowledge based system	����Ѫ��t��
33575knowledge data base	���Ѯw
33576knowledge data base system	���Ѯw�t��
33577knowledge directed data base	���Ѥ޾ɪ���Ʈw
33578knowledge engineering	���Ѥu�{
33579knowledge engineering system	���Ѥu�{�t��
33580knowledge engineering tool	���Ѥu�{�u��
33581knowledge factory	���Ѥu�t
33582knowledge industry	���Ѳ��~
33583knowledge information	���ѫH��
33584knowledge information processing	���ѫH���B�z
33585knowledge information processing system	���ѫH���B�z�t��
33586knowledge language one	���ѻy��--1	KL-ONE
33587knowledge library expert system	���Ѯw�M�a�t��
33588knowledge management	���Ѻ޲z
33589knowledge manipulation system	���ѳB�z�t��
33590knowledge network	���Ѻ�
33591knowledge of programming	�{���]�p������
33592knowledge processing system	���ѳB�z�t��
33593knowledge reasoning	���ѱ��z
33594knowledge representation	���Ѫ��
33595knowledge representation language	���Ѫ�ܻy��	KRL
33596knowledge representation paradigm	���Ѫ�ܽd��
33597knowledge representation system	���Ѫ�ܨt��
33598knowledge resource	���ѷ�
33599knowledge structure	���ѵ��c
33600knowledge subsystem	���Ѥl�t��
33601known	�w��
33602known address	�x����}
33603known component	�w������
33604known lines	�w���u��
33605known segment	�x���q
33606known segment table	�x���q��	KST
33607known state	�x�����A
33608knuth morris pratt algorithm	�y�Ϻc�y�t��k
33609Konigsberg bridge problem	�����������ٰ��D
33610Kraft inequality	�J�ԤҤ�����
33611KRONOS	�@�ا@�~�t��
33612Kuck classification	�w�J�����k
33613Kuck classification schema	�w�J�����k
33614Kurzwell reading machine	�J���º��\Ū��
33615kword	�d�r
33616L attribute grammer	L �ݩʤ�k
33617L expression	L ��ܦ�
33618lab project	����p��	LP
33619label	�аO	LBL
33620label (in a programming language)	�аO( ��{���y������ )
33621label address table	�аO��}��
33622label area	�аO��
33623label assignment statement	�аO��ȱԭz
33624label attribute	�аO�ݩ�
33625label block	�аO�H����
33626label buffer address	�аO�w�Ħ�}
33627label check	�аO�ֹ�
33628label coding	�аO�s�X
33629label combination	�аO�զX
33630label constant	�аO�`��
33631label data	�аO�ƾ�
33632label declaration	�аO����
33633label declaration part	�аO��������
33634label declaration section	�аO��������
33635label definition	�аO�w�q	LD
33636label delimiter	�аO�w�q��
33637label descriptor	�аO������
33638label expression	�аO��ܦ�
33639label field	�аO��
33640label format record	�аO�榡�O��
33641label group	�аO��
33642label handling	�аO�B�z
33643label handling routine	�аO�B�z�`��
33644label identifier	�аO�ѧO��
33645label information area	�аO�H����
33646label key	�аO��
33647label map	�аO�M��
33648label notation	�и��аO
33649label number	�аO��
33650label parameter	�аO�Ѽ�
33651label prefix	�аO�e��
33652label printer	�аO�C���
33653label procedure	�аO�{��
33654label processing	�аO�B�z
33655label processing routine	�аO�B�z�`��
33656label processor	�аO�B�z��
33657label record	�аO�O��
33658label record clause	�аO�O���l�y
33659label record standard	�аO�O���з�
33660label routine	�аO�Ҧ�`��
33661label save area	�аO�O�s��
33662label set	�аO��
33663label subscript	�аO�U��
33664label symbol	�аO�Ÿ�
33665label table	�аO��
33666label terminator	�аO�׵���
33667label trace	�аO�l�a
33668label translation	�аO�ഫ
33669label variable	�аO�ܶq
33670labeled	���аO
33671labeling	�аO
33672labeling method	�аO�p��k
33673labelled algorithm	���аO����k
33674labelled block	���аO��
33675labelled common	���аO���ΰ�
33676labelled common block	���аO���β�
33677labelled common name	���аO���ΰϦW
33678labelled data stream	���аO�ƾڬy
33679labelled graph	�аO��
33680labelled image	���аO�Ϲ�
33681labelled input file	���аO��J��
33682labelled instruction	���аO���O
33683labelled ordered tree	�a�аO���ǹ�
33684labelled plan displays	�аO�������
33685labelled series-parallel network	���аO�ǦC�������
33686labelled statement	���аO�ԭz
33687labelled storage	���аO�x�s��
33688labelled transitive digraph	���аO�ǻ����V��
33689labelled tree	���аO��
33690labelling	�аO
33691labelling method	�аO�k
33692labelling procedure	�аO�{��
33693labor completed	�x�����H�u
33694labor content lower levels	�C���H�u���e
33695labor content this level	�����H�u���e
33696labor cost	�H�u����
33697labor hour	�H�u�p��
33698labor hours	�H�u�ɼ�
33699labor reported	�e���H�u
33700labor reporting	�H�u���i
33701labor tickets	�p�u��
33702labor time	�H�u�ɶ�
33703labor total	�H�u�`�p
33704labor/overhead table	�H�u/ �����s�y�O��
33705laboratory	�����	LAB.
33706laboratory automation	����Ǧ۰ʤ�
33707laboratory automation system	����Ǧ۰ʤƨt��
33708laboratory computer	����ǭp���
33709laboratory computer hierarchy	����ǭp�����t
33710laboratory computer online inquiry	����ǭp����s�u�߰�	LACONIQ
33711laboratory control computer	����DZ���p���	LCC
33712laboratory data base	����Ǹ�Ʈw
33713laboratory data management	����Ǹ�ƺ޲z	LDMS
33714laboratory data processor	����Ǹ�ƳB�z��	LDP
33715laboratory data products group	����Ǹ�Ʋ��~�p��	LDP
33716laboratory data stream	����Ǽƾڬy
33717laboratory effects	����Ǯ���
33718laboratory environment	���������
33719laboratory information processing system	����Ǹ�T�B�z�t��	LIPS
33720laboratory interconnecting programming system	����Ǥ��s�{���]�p�t��	LIPS
33721laboratory minicomputer	����Ǥp���p���
33722laboratory operating system	����Ǿާ@�t��	LOS
33723laboratory peripheral system	����Ƕg��t��	LPS
33724laboratory report	������i
33725laboratory signal processing instrument	����ǫH���B�z�]��
33726laboratory signal processor	����ǫH���B�z��
33727laboratory system	����Ǩt��	LS
33728lace	�ϱa����
33729lace card	�ϱa�եd
33730ladder diagram	��ι�
33731ladder logic	����޿�	LADDIC
33732ladder network	����
33733ladder printer	��ΦC���
33734ladder static logic	����R�A�޿�	LSL
33735laddic	�Ը��J�h�պϤ�
33736lag	����
33737lag network	�������
33738lag or lead	����ζW�e
33739lag product	����n
33740lag time	����ɶ�
33741lag unit	����椸
33742lag window	����
33743lagged product theorem	�����n�w�z
33744lagging	����
33745lagging current	����q�y
33746lagrange intergration formula	�Ԯ�Ԥ�n������
33747lagrange interpolation	�Ԯ�Ԥ鴡��
33748lagrange inversion formula	�Ԯ�Ԥ�Ϻt����
33749lagrange multiplier	�Ԯ�Ԥ魼��
33750lagrangian coordinates	�Ԯ�Ԥ�y��
33751lambda binding	�f����
33752lambda calculus	�f�t��
33753lambda definition	�f�w�q
33754lambda expression	�f��ܦ�
33755lambda notation	�f�аO
33756lambda parameter	�f�Ѽ�
33757lambda variable	�f�ܶq
33758lambda-stochastic finite state language	�f�H���������A�y��
33759lambda-stochastic pushdown language	�f�H���U���y��
33760laminar bus	���h�׬y��	LB
33761laminar bus A	���h�׬y��A	LBA
33762laminar bus B	���h�׬y��B	LBB
33763laminar flow	�h�y
33764laminate	�h���O
33765laminate board	�h���O
33766laminate bus plate		���K����s�x��
33767laminate bus plate	�h���׬y��
33768lamination	���h
33769lamp driver	���ܿO�X�ʾ�
33770lamp monitor	�O�ʹ
33771LAN broadcast	�����ϰ���s�����q�H
33772LAN gateway	�����ϰ���h���s����
33773LAN multicast	�����ϰ���h���p��
33774land development accounting system	�g�a�}�o�|�p�t��	LANDAC
33775land station	�a����
33776land terminal	�a���׺ݯ�
33777land-based facilities	�a���]��
33778land-line facilities	���u�]�I
33779land-line teletypewriter	���W�q�H�q�ǥ��r��	LTT
33780landing	����
33781landing line teletype	���W�u���q�ǥ��r��	LDTTY
33782landing zone	���X��
33783landline facilities	�a���q�T�]�I
33784landline teletype	���u�q�ǥ��r��	LLT
33785landsat	�a�y�ìP
33786LANDSAT image precessing	�a�y�ìP�Ϲ��B�z
33787lang file	�y���ɮ�
33788language	�y��	LANG
33789language analysis	�y�����R
33790language and language behavior abstracts	�y���P�y���欰�K�n	LLBA
33791language and terminal	�y���M�׺�	L&T
33792language assembler	�y���զX�{��
33793language cally	�y���ե�
33794language character	�y���r��
33795language character set	�y���r�Ŷ�
33796language class	�y����
33797language code	�y���X
33798language complexity	�y����������
33799language concept	�y������
33800language construction	�y�����c
33801language control form	�y�������
33802language convention	�y�����w
33803language conversion program	�y���ഫ�{��	LCP
33804language converter	�y���ഫ��
33805language converter translator	�y���ഫ�{��
33806language data	�y���ƾ�
33807language data processing	�y���ƾڳB�z	LDP
33808language definition	�y���w�q
33809language dependent translator	�P�y��������½Ķ�{��	LDT
33810language description	�y���y�z
33811language description language	�y�����y�z�y��	LDL
33812language designter	�y���]�p
33813language development	�y���}�o
33814language digit	�y�����w��
33815language editor	�y���s��{��
33816language element	�y������
33817language engineering	�y���u�{
33818language exploitation condense	�y�����Y�ϥ�	LEC
33819language extendibility	�y���i�X�R��
33820language feature	�y���S��
33821language file	�y����
33822language for conversation computing	�|�ܭp��y��	LCC
33823language for conversational computing	�|�ܭp��y��	LCC
33824language for programming-in-the small	�p���{���]�p�y��	LPS
33825language for robot control	�����H����λy��
33826language for symbolic simulation	�Ÿ������y��	LSS
33827language for system development	�t�ζ}�o�y��	LSD
33828language for your remote instruction by computer	�p������{�оǻy��	LYRICLSD
33829language form	�y������
33830language fundamental frequency recognition	�y�����W�ѧO
33831language generation system	�y���ͦ��t��
33832language graph	�y����
33833language hierarchy	�y���h��
33834language identification	�y���ѧO
33835language independent error recovery method	�W�ߩ�y�������~��_��k
33836language inference	�y�����z
33837language information algebra system	�y���H���N�ƨt��
33838language information processing	�y���H���B�z
33839language interpretation module	�y����Ķ�Ҳ�	LIM
33840language interpreter	�y����Ķ�{��
33841language knowledge base	�y�����Ѯw
33842language level	�y����
33843language list processing	�y����B�z
33844language media format	�y���C��N�X�榡	LMF
33845language oriented system analysis table	�H�y�����ɦV���t�Τ��R��	LOSAT
33846language pattern	�y���Ҧ�
33847language processing and debugging	�y���B�z�M����	LPD
33848language processor	�y���B�z��	LP
33849language processor unit	�y���B�z���椸	LPU
33850language reference manual	�y���ѦҤ�U
33851language reliability	�y���i�a��
33852language requirement	�y���n�D
33853language rules	�y���W�h
33854language selection	�y�����
33855language shift	�y������
33856language size	�y���W��
33857language specific linkage	�y���M����
33858language specification	�y���W��
33859language standardization	�y���зǤ�
33860language statement	�y�y
33861language structure	�y�����c
33862language structure group	�y�����c��	LSG
33863language subset	�y���l��
33864language subsystem	�y���l�t��
33865language summary	�y���K�n
33866language support environment	�y���䴩����
33867language system	�y���t��
33868language teaching system	�y���оǨt��	LTS
33869language theory semantics	�y���z�׻y�q��
33870language tool	�y���u��
33871language transformation	�y���ഫ
33872language translation	�y��½Ķ	LT
33873language translation feature	�y��½Ķ�S��
33874language translation system	�y��½Ķ�t��	LTS
33875language translator	�y��½Ķ��
33876language understanding system	�y���z�Ѩt��
33877language virtuality	�y���i������
33878language's fundamental structure	�y������¦���c
33879language-dependent parameter	�̻ۨy�����Ѽ�
33880language-independent macroprocessor	�W�ߩ�y�������B�z�{��
33881languageless programming	�L�y���{���]�p
33882lap	��i
33883lapel microphone	�رa�����J��
33884LAPIN	����r�ƾڮw�߰ݻy��
33885laplace operator	�Դ��Դ��B��Ÿ�
33886laplace's law	�Դ��Դ��W�h
33887laplacian	�Դ��Դ����
33888lapping	��i
33889lapse	���~
33890large area display	�j���n��ܾ�	LAD
33891large area electronic display panel	�j���n�q�l��ܪO	LAEDP
33892large area record reader	�j���n�O���\Ū��	LARR
33893large artificial nerve network	�j���H�u���g����	LANNET
33894large associative processor	�j�����p�B�z��
33895large attribute	�j�ݩ�
33896large automatic research computer	�j���۰ʬ�s�p���	LARC
33897large capacity core storage	�j�e�q�Ϫ��x�s��	LCCS
33898large capacity memory	�j�e�q�x�s��	LCM
33899large capacity satellite	�j�e�q�ìP
33900large capacity storage	�j�e�q�x�s��	LCS
33901large computer	�j���p���
33902large computer project	�j���p����M��	LCP
33903large computer supply	�j���p����q��
33904large computer system	�j���p����t��
33905large computerized branch exchange	�j���p����Ƥ����洫��	LCBX
33906large core memory	�j�e�q�Ϥ��x�s��	LCM
33907large core storage	�j�e�q�Ϥ��x�s��	LCS
33908large core storage access method	�j�e�q�Ϥ��x�s���s���k	LCSAM
33909large data base	�j����Ʈw	LDB
33910large data base system	�j����Ʈw�t��	LDBS
33911large data processing	�j���ƾڳB�z
33912large deformation	�j�ܧ�
33913large digital circuits	�j���Ʀr�q��
33914large electronic display	�j���q�l��ܾ�	LED
33915large electronic display panel	�j���q�l��ܪO	LEDP
33916large face	���j�Ʀr�u�@��
33917large general purpose computer	�j���q�έp���
33918large injection	�j�q�`�J
33919large integrated monolithic array computer	�j�W�ҿn�����}�C�p���	LIMAC
33920large letter	�j�g�r��	LL
33921large linear system	�j�u�ʲ�
33922large matrix store	�j�e�q�x�}�x�s��
33923large panel display	�j�������O���	LPD
33924large power semiconductor device	�j�\�v�b����˸m
33925large power supply	�j���q��
33926large print video terminal	�j���C����ܲ׺�	LPVT
33927large program life cycle	�j�{���ͩR�g��
33928large real time problem	�j���Y�ɰ��D
33929large retainer	�j������
33930large sample theory	�j�˥��z��
33931large scale compound integration circuit	�j���V�X�n��q��	LSCI
33932large scale computer	�j���p���	LSC
33933large scale computer project	�j���p����M��	LSCP
33934large scale computer system	�j���p����t��	LSCS
33935large scale data processor	�j���ƾڳB�z��
33936large scale digital computer	�j���Ʀ�p���
33937large scale dynamic system	�j���ʺA�t��
33938large scale hybrid integrated circuit	�j���V�X�n��q��	LSHI
33939large scale hybrid microprocessor	�j���V�X�L�B�z��
33940large scale integrated	�j���n��	LSI
33941large scale integrated chip	�j���n��q������
33942large scale integrated circuit	�j���n��q��	LSIC
33943large scale integrated circuit design	�j���n��q���]�p
33944large scale integrated microprocessor	�j���n��L�B�z��
33945large scale integration	�j���n��	LSI
33946large scale knowledge system	�j�����Ѩt��
33947large scale memory	�j���x�s��
33948large scale numerical problem	�j���ƭȰ��D
33949large scale program	�j���{��
33950large scale software development	�j���n��}�o
33951large scale structure	�j�����c
33952large scale system	�j���t��
33953large scale target display	�j���ؼ���ܾ�	LSTD
33954large scale time-sharing system	�j�����ɨt��
33955large scientific code	�j����ǭp��X
33956large screen display	�j�ù����	LSD
33957large screen display system	�j�ù���ܨt��	LSDS
33958large screen projector	�j�ù���v��
33959large signal operation	�j�H���ާ@
33960large signal parameter	�j�H���Ѽ�
33961large syntactic mark	�j�y�k�аO
33962large system engineering operation	�j���t�Τu�{�ާ@	LSEO
33963large system job	�j�t�Χ@�~
33964large value capacitor	�j�e�q�q�e
33965large volume data	�j�e�q�ƾ�	LVD
33966large volume data exchange	�j�e�q�ƾڥ洫��	LVDE
33967larger topology	���j�ݾ�
33968larger word	�j�g�r	LWD
33969largest integral equivalent	�̤j�������
33970largest logical record size	�̤j�޿�O������
33971largest processing time first	�̥��̪��B�z�ɶ�	LPT
33972laser	�p�g
33973laser acoustic delay	�p�g�n����
33974laser acquisition and direction	�p�g�j���M����
33975laser addressed memory	�p�g�w�}�x�s��
33976laser aerospace communications equipment	��ŻP�ӪŹp�g�q�H�]��	LACE
33977laser amplifier chain	�p�g��j���q��	LAC
33978laser annealed solar cell	�p�g�h�����Ӷ���q��
33979laser annealing	�p�g�h��
33980laser attenuator assembly	�p�g�W�q����զX��	LAA
33981laser basic mode	�p�g���覡
33982laser beam	�p�g��	LB
33983laser beam accessible storage	�p�g���i�s���x�s��
33984laser beam deflection circuit	�p�g������q��
33985laser beam printer	�p�g���C���
33986laser beam recorder	�p�g���O����	LBR
33987laser beam recording	�p�g���O���޳N	LBR
33988laser beam rotating mirror image recorder	���覡�p�g���v���O����
33989laser beam sweep	�p�g�����y
33990laser beam transmission	�p�g���ǿ�
33991laser cavity	�p�g�@����
33992laser channel capacity	�p�g�q�D�q�L��O
33993laser coding memory	�p�g�s�X�x�s��
33994laser COM	�p����p�g��X�L����
33995laser communication	�p�g�q�T
33996laser communication and tracking	�p�g�q�T�P�l�a
33997laser communication link	�p�g�q�T�u��
33998laser communication satellite experiment	�p�g�q�T�ìP����	LCSE
33999laser computer	�p�g�p���
34000laser connector	�p�g�s����
34001laser creation	�p�g����
34002laser data transmission	�p�g�ƾڶǿ�
34003laser designater seeker system	�p�g���ܾ��޾ɨt��	LDSS
34004laser detector diode	�p�g�˪i�G����	LDD
34005laser diode	�p�g�G����	LD
34006laser display	�p�g���
34007laser display system	�p�g��ܨt��
34008laser emulsion storage	�p�g�ž��x�s��
34009laser facility storage	�p�g�˸m
34010laser holography memory	�p�g�˵��x�s��
34011laser homing and warning system	�p�g�M���Pĵ�٨t��	LAHAWS
34012laser intersatellite communication	�ìP�p�g�q�T
34013laser memory	�p�g�O����
34014laser mode	�p�g�覡
34015laser optical videodisc	�p�g�ۤ�
34016laser phototypesetter	�p�g�ӹ��ƪ���
34017laser plotter	�p�gø�Ͼ�
34018laser print head	�p�g�C���q�Y
34019laser printer	�p�g�C���
34020laser profile system	�p�g�����t��	LAPS
34021laser rangeing and tracking system	�p�g���Z�P�l�a�t��	LRTS
34022laser satellite tracking installation	�p�g�ìP�l�a�]��
34023laser scannern storage	�p�g���y��
34024laser scanning powerge	�p�g���y�\�v
34025laser signal device	�p�g�H���˸m
34026laser source	�p�g��
34027laser storage	�p�g�x�s��
34028laser threshold	�p�g�֭�
34029laser typesetter	�p�g�Ʀr��
34030laser voice link	�p�g���W�u��
34031laser xerography	�p�g�R�q�L��N
34032lasing	�p�g�@��
34033lasing medium	�p�g�C��
34034last activity date	�e�����ʤ��
34035last address register	�̫��}�Ȧs��	LAR
34036last attribute	�̫��ݩ�
34037last come first serve	������	LCFS
34038last come first serve discipline	�������W�h
34039last come first serve policy	�������F��
34040last cost	�e������
34041last costed	�e���C�p����
34042last current state	�̫�ثe���A
34043last cycle	�פ�P��
34044last data sample	�W���ƾڼ˥�	LDS
34045last date affecting quantity on hand	�e���v�T�b�w�ƶq���
34046last element	������
34047last element of chain	�������
34048last environment point	�̪������I
34049last executed instruction	�̫������O
34050last frame address register	�̫�ئ�}�Ȧs��	LFAR
34051last in first out	��i���X�k	LIFO
34052last in first out list	��i���X��C
34053last in first out memory	��i���X�x�s��
34054last in first out stack	��i���X���|
34055last in first out store	��i���X�x�s��
34056last in last out	��i��X	LILO
34057last issue date	�e���o�Ƥ��
34058last issue date of component	�e������o�Ƥ��
34059last item	����
34060last level	����	LL
34061last level register	���żȦs��	LLR
34062last location	�̫��m
34063last logical record	�̫��޿�O��
34064last macro	�̫ᶰ���O
34065last maintained	�e�����@
34066last marked character	�̫�аO�r��
34067last number	����
34068last of chain	�쥽
34069last operation	�e���@�~
34070last pass phase	�̫ᱽ�y�M���q
34071last physical cycle count date	�e���ꪫ�g���L�I���
34072last physical or cycle inventory date	�e����a�ζg���L�I���
34073last priority level	�̥��u����
34074last rack	�̫�ج[
34075last radio contact	�̫�@���L�u�q�p��	LARCT
34076last record	�̫�O��	LR
34077last referenced point	�̫�ѷ��I
34078last sector	���Ϭq
34079last segment indicator	�̥��q���ܲ�	LSI
34080last significant figure	�������ļƦr
34081last simulated	�e������
34082last son	���l
34083last subscript	�̫�U��
34084last symbol	�̫�Ÿ�
34085last term	����
34086last terminal	�̫�׺ݲ�
34087last test	�̫����
34088last test step	�̫���ըB
34089last textword	����̫�@�r
34090last transaction	�e������
34091last transaction date	�e�����ʤ��
34092last unit cost	�e���椸����
34093last use	�e���ϥ�
34094last word	���r	LW
34095last word address	���r��}	LWA
34096last-in-chain	��i��	LIC
34097latch	���A��s��	LTCH
34098latch bit test	��s�����
34099latch checking switch	��s�ˬd�}��	LCSW
34100latch circuit	��s�q��
34101latch decoder	��sĶ�X��
34102latch down key	��U��
34103latch enable	���\��s
34104latch mode	��s���A
34105latch out tabulator key	�������w
34106latch output	��s��X
34107latch pulse	��s�߽�
34108latch register	��s�Ȧs��
34109latch trip	�T������	LT
34110latch unit	��s�椸
34111latch up	��w
34112latch up free	�L��w
34113latchdown	��w
34114latched	�Ȧs	LTCHD
34115latched system	��s�t��
34116latching	��s
34117latching full adder	��s���[��
34118latching logic	��s�޿�
34119latching network	�������
34120latching semiconductor diode	����b����G����	LSD
34121late commitment	�ߴ���I	LC
34122late date	�̿���
34123late distortion	�����u
34124late register	��Ȧs��
34125latency	���ݮɶ�
34126latency time	���ɶ�
34127latency tolerance	�e�\�ɩ�
34128latent error	��b�~�t
34129latent heat	���
34130latent image	�繳
34131latent multivalued dependencies	��h�Ȭ���
34132latent root	��b��
34133latent vector	��b�V�q
34134later phase	���
34135lateral	��V
34136lateral communications	��V�q�H
34137lateral complementary transistor	��V���ɴ����
34138lateral deflection	��V�ܦ�
34139lateral diffusion	��V�X��
34140lateral displacement coding	��V�첾�s�X	LDC
34141lateral displacement loss	��V�첾�ᥢ
34142lateral injection	��V�`�J
34143lateral isolation	��V�j��
34144lateral load	��V�t��
34145lateral magnification	��V��j����
34146lateral parity	��V�_������
34147lateral PNP transistor	��VPNP �����
34148lateral redundancy check	��V���l����
34149lateral reversal	��V�^��
34150lateral tell	��V�H���ǰe��
34151lateral transistor	��V�����
34152lateral view	����
34153latest completing time	�̿����ɶ�	LCT
34154latest node time	�̿�`�I�ɶ�
34155latest precedence partition	�̷s�u������	LPP
34156latest starting time	�̱߱Ұʮɶ�	LST
34157Latin alphabet	�ԤB�r����
34158Latin font	�ԤB��r��
34159Latin letter	�ԤB�r��
34160latitude data computer	�n�׼ƾڭp���	LDC
34161lattice	����
34162lattice defect	����ʳ�
34163lattice file	������
34164lattice imperfection	����ʳ�
34165lattice model	����ҫ�
34166lattice modulator	��l�ոѾ�
34167lattice network	�I�}����
34168lattice point	�}�I
34169lattice search	���I�j���k
34170lattice spacing	����椸����
34171lattice structure	�I�}���c
34172lattice theory	�I�}�z��
34173lattice vibration	���殶��
34174launch	�o�g
34175launch amplifier	�o�g��j��
34176launch angle	�o�g��
34177launch area recovery system	�o�g�Ϧ^���t��	LARS
34178launch auxiliary system	�o�g���U�t��	LAS
34179launch control and sequencer system	�o�g����M�w�Ǿ��t��	LCSS
34180launch data system	�o�g�ƾڨt��	LDS
34181launch enable logic unit	�o�g�ҥ��޿�椸	LELU
34182launch operations control center	�o�g�ާ@�����
34183launch procedure document	�o�g�{�Ǥ��	LPD
34184launch processing system	�o�g�B�z�t��	LPS
34185launch support data base	�o�g�䴩��Ʈw	LSDB
34186launch systems data	�o�g�t�μƾ�	LSD
34187launch vehicle data center	�B�����b�ƾڤ���	LVDC
34188launch vehicle digital computer	�B�����b�Ʀ�p���	LVDC
34189launch vehicle flight control	�B�����b���汱��	LVFC
34190launch vehicle flight system	�B�����b���汱��t��	LVFCS
34191launch zone display	�o�g����ܾ�	LZD
34192launcher assignment console	�o�g�����t����x	LAC
34193launching	�o�g
34194law	�k��
34195law enforcement information network	�k�߹�I��T����	LEIN
34196law enforcement teletype system	�k�߹�I�q�ǥ��r���t��	LETS
34197law of large number	�j�Ʃw��
34198laws for construction of programs	�{�ǵ��c�w��	LCP
34199lay down	�w��
34200lay in	�ɤJ
34201lay out	����
34202layer	�h	LYR
34203layer insulation	�h�����t
34204layer level	�h���A����
34205layer management	�h���޲z
34206layer primitive equation	�h��l��{��	LPE
34207layer protocol	���h��w
34208layer short	�h���u��
34209layer-growth rate	���ͪ��t��
34210layer-to-layer adhesion	�h���A��
34211layer-to-layer signal transfer	�h���H���ಾ
34212layered architecture computer communication system	���h���c�p����q�H�t��
34213layered distributed operating system	���h�������ާ@�t��
34214layered domain class	���h�ϰ��	LDC
34215layered machine	���h��
34216layered operating system	���h���ާ@�t��
34217layered protocol	���h��w
34218layered structure	���h���c
34219layered system	���h�t��
34220layering	���h
34221laying	���m
34222laying apparatus	���m�]��
34223laying effect	���m����
34224layout	�C�L�榡
34225layout character	�C�L�榡����r��
34226layout check subsystem	�榡�ˬd�l�t��
34227layout constant	�Ʀ���t�`��
34228layout data	�C�L�榡�ƾ�
34229layout definition	�C�L�榡�w�q
34230layout design	�C�L�榡�]�p
34231layout procedure	�]�p�{��
34232layout-error exception	�榡���~���`
34233lazy evaluation	��w�p��
34234LCFS policy	�������F��
34235lead attribute	�D�ݩ�
34236lead byte	���줸��
34237lead byte table	���X���줸�ժ�
34238lead computer operator	���ɭp����ާ@��
34239lead fatigue test	�޽u�h�Ҹ���
34240lead frame	�޾ɮج[
34241lead in pages	�ޤJ����
34242lead or lag	���e����
34243lead pattern	�޽u�ϫ�
34244lead programmer	�D�{����	LP
34245lead time	�e�m�ɶ�
34246lead time adjustment	�e�m�ɶ��վ�
34247lead time code	�e�m�ɶ��X
34248lead time control	�e�m�ɶ�����
34249lead time manufacturing	�s�y�e�m�ɶ�
34250lead time purchase	���ʫe�m�ɶ�
34251lead time scheduling	�Ƶ{�e�m�ɶ�
34252lead time-manufacturing	�e�m�ɶ�--�s�y
34253lead time-manufacturing adjustment	�e�m�ɶ�--�s�y�վ�
34254lead time-purchasing	�e�m�ɶ�--����
34255lead time-purchasing adjustment	�e�m�ɶ�--���ʽվ�
34256lead wire	�޽u
34257lead-in	�ޤJ
34258lead-lag network	�W�e�������
34259lead-out	�ޥX
34260leader	�a�Y, �e��
34261leader blanks	�޾ɪť�
34262leader card	���D�d��
34263leader record	����
34264leader tape	�޾ɱa
34265leaders	�޾ɽu
34266leading	�涡���J���Ŧ�
34267leading character	�e�ɦr��
34268leading control	���D����
34269leading decision	�e�ɨM�w
34270leading diagonal	�D�﨤�u
34271leading edge	�e��
34272leading edge of tape	�ϱa�ɤ޺�
34273leading end	�e��
34274leading flag	�}�l�лx
34275leading graphics	�e�ɹϧΦr��
34276leading minor	�D�l��
34277leading principal minor	�e�D�l��
34278leading space	�޾ɪŮ�
34279leading time	�e�ɮɶ�
34280leading zero	�e�ɹs
34281leading zero fill	�e�ɹs��R
34282leading zero protection	�e�ɹs�O�@
34283leading zero suppress	�e�ɹs�R��
34284leading-out terminal	��X�ݤl
34285leaf	���c�ݸ`�I
34286leaf node	���`�I
34287leak	���|
34288leakage	���|
34289leakage loss	���|�l��
34290leakage magnetic flux	�|�ϳq�q
34291leapfrog test	�������
34292leapfrogging	����
34293learnability	�i�Dzߩ�
34294learning	�DzߡA�V�m
34295learning algorithm	�Dzߺt��k
34296learning and adaptive system	�Dz߻P�A���t��
34297learning automation	�Dzߦ۰ʤ�
34298learning control system	�Dz߱���t��
34299learning curve	�Dzߦ��u
34300learning environment	�Dz�����
34301learning machine	�Dz߾�
34302learning matrix	�Dz߯x�}
34303learning phase	�Dz߶��q
34304learning program	�Dzߵ{��
34305learning resources exchange program	�Dz߸귽�洫�{��	LREP
34306learning sequence	�V�m����
34307learning simple conception	�Dz�²�淧��
34308learning software	�Dz߳n��
34309learning structural description	�Dzߵ��c�y�z
34310learning system	�Dzߨt��
34311learning system definition	�Dzߨt�Ωw�q
34312learning table	�Dzߪ�
34313lease base machine inventory	���ήw�����M��	LBMI
34314lease rental agreement	�����ij	LRA
34315leaseback	�^��
34316leased channel	���γq�D	LC
34317leased circuit	���ιq��
34318leased circuit connection	���ιq���s��
34319leased circuit data transmission service	���ιq���ƾڶǿ�A��
34320leased circuit service	���ιq���A��
34321leased facility	���γ]�I
34322leased group link	���ΰ�s�u��
34323leased line	���νu	LL
34324leased line adapter	���νu���౵��	LLA
34325leased line availabilities	���νu�i�Ω�
34326leased line data transmission service	���νu���ƾڶǿ�A�Ȩt��
34327leased line telephone network	���νu���q��
34328leased network service	������A��
34329leased private channel	���αM�γq�D
34330leased satellite	���νìP
34331leased telegraph circuit	���ιq���q��	LSTG
34332leased-line network	�����
34333least command increment	�̤p���O�W�q
34334least common denominator	�̤p������	LCD
34335least common multiple	�̤p������	LCM
34336least cost estimating and scheduling system	�̧C��������P�իרt��	LESS
34337least cost network design	�̧C���������]�p
34338least cost path	�̧C�������|
34339least cost routing	�̧C�������|���	LCR
34340least element	�̤p����
34341least error energy	�̤p�~�t��q
34342least fixed point	�̤p�w�I
34343least frequently used	�u�ΡA�̤��`��	LFU
34344least frequently used algorithm	�u�κt��k
34345least frequently used memory	�u���x�s��
34346least input increment	�̤p��J�W�q
34347least mean-square error	�̤p����t	LMSE
34348least mean-square estimate	�̤p������p
34349least mean-square optimization	�̤p����̨Τ�
34350least member	�̤p����
34351least privilege	�̤p�S�v
34352least recently used	�̪�̤֨ϥ�	LRU
34353least recently used algorithm	�̪�u�κt��k
34354least significant	�̧C����	LS
34355least significant bit	�̧C���Ħ줸	LSB
34356least significant byte	�̧C���Ħ줸��
34357least significant character	�̧C���Ħr��	LSC
34358least significant difference	�̤p��ۮt�O	LSD
34359least significant digit	�̧C���ļƦ�	LSD
34360least significant digit or character	�̧C���ļƦ�Φr��
34361least significant digit [bit]	�̤p������( �줸 )
34362least significant end	�̧C���ĺ�
34363least significant unit	�̧C���ij椸	LSU
34364least square	�̤p����
34365least square approximation	�̤p����G��
34366least square curve fitting	�̤p���覱�u�t�A
34367least square filter restoration	�̤p�����o�i�_��
34368least square fit	�̤p����t�A	LSF
34369least square linear regression	�̤p����u�ʰj�k
34370least square method	�̤p����k	LSM
34371least square multiple regression	�̤p����h���j�k
34372least square regression	�̤p����j�k
34373least square straight-line fit	�̤p���誽�u�t�A
34374least squared criterion	�̤p����ǫh
34375least upper bound	�̤p�W��	LUB
34376least-recently used memory	�̪�̤֨ϥΪ��O����	LRU
34377least-recently-used	�̪�̤֨ϥ�	LRU
34378least-recently-used replacement algorithm	�̪�̤֨ϥΪ������t��k
34379least-recently-used stack distance	�̪�̤֨ϥΪ����|�Z��
34380least-time principle	�̤p�ɶ���z
34381leaving	��
34382Lebesgue measure	�Ǩ������
34383led	�o���G����
34384led assembly	LED �˰t��
34385LED coupler	�o���G���޽��X��
34386ledge controller connector	�����b�d�p���	LCC
34387Lee's algorithm	�����k
34388left	����	LT
34389left alignment	�V�����
34390left arithmetic element	���B�⤸��	LAE
34391left bounded context	�����ɤW�U��	LBC
34392left bracket	���A��
34393left context	���W�U��
34394left context sensitive language	���W�U�妳���y��
34395left corner bottom-up	�����۩��V�W
34396left curly bracket	���i�άA��
34397left derivative	���L��
34398left end market	���ݼлx
34399left end of tape	�a����	LEOT
34400left entry	���J�f
34401left factoring	�������]�l
34402left half word	���b�r	LHW
34403left hand chain	������	LHC
34404left hand rule	�����w�h	LHR
34405left hand side	������	LHS
34406left hand word	�����r	LHW
34407left hand/right hand	����Υk��	LH/RH
34408left inverse	���f
34409left justification	�V�����
34410left justify	���a
34411left leaf	���l��
34412left linear form production	���u�ʫ����ͦ�
34413left linear grammar	���u�ʤ�k
34414left list layout	����C�L�榡
34415left margin	����
34416left margin detect	��������
34417left most bit	�̥��줸	LMB
34418left offspring	����N
34419left out of order	���L��	LOO
34420left over	�Ѿl
34421left parenthesis	���A��
34422left part	����
34423left part list	������
34424left part nonterminal	�����D�׵���
34425left part terminal	�����׵���
34426left profile	���孱
34427left recursion	�����j
34428left recursion production	�����j���ͦ�
34429left recursive definition	�����j�w�q
34430left recursive form	�����j��
34431left recursive grammar	�����j��k
34432left recursive nonterminal	�����j�D�׵���
34433left recursive rule	�����j�W�h
34434left recursive way	�����j�覡
34435left seperate numeric string	�����j�Ʀr��
34436left seperate sign	�����j��
34437left shift	����
34438left sibiling	���`�I
34439left side	����	LS
34440left store	���x�s��	LST
34441left subtree	���l��
34442left to right	����k	LR
34443left truncation	���I�_
34444left upper extremity	���W����	LUE
34445left zero	���s	LZ
34446left-adjust	���վ�
34447left-aligned	�V�����
34448left-associative	�����X
34449left-associative operator	�����X���
34450left-bracketed representation	���A����ܪk	LREP
34451left-component	���䳡��
34452left-half pointer	���b����
34453left-hand adder	�����[�k��
34454left-hand bracket	���A��
34455left-hand component	���䳡��
34456left-hand digit	�����Ʀ�
34457left-hand end	����
34458left-hand margin indent	����t�Y��
34459left-hand margin stop	����t����
34460left-hand side	����
34461left-hand side back link	���ݦ^���쵲
34462left-hand side production	�������ͦ�
34463left-hand subtree	�����l��
34464left-hand variable	�����ܶq
34465left-handed	����	LH
34466left-handed coordinate system	����y�Шt��
34467left-handed multiplication	�����k
34468left-handed system	����t��
34469left-justified character	������r��
34470left-justified clause	������l�y
34471left-justify	�����
34472left-right bounded-context	�q����k���ɤW�U��	LRBC
34473left-right indicator	����k���ܲ�	LRI
34474left-right parsing	����k���R
34475left-sided system	�����t��
34476left-to-right parser	����k���R�k
34477left-to-right scan	����k���y
34478leftmost bit	�̥��줸
34479leftmost cell	�̥��椸
34480leftmost character	�̥��r��
34481leftmost complete branch	�̥���������
34482leftmost derviation	�̥��ݾɥX��
34483leftmost derviation sequence	�̥����ɧǦC
34484leftmost interpreation	�̥������k
34485leftmost nonterminal	�̥��D�׵���
34486leftmost prime phrase	�̥����u�y
34487leftmost sequence	�̥��ǦC
34488leftmost simple phrase	�̥�²��u�y
34489leftmost string	�̥��r��
34490leftmost symbol	�̥��Ÿ�
34491leftmost tally mark	�̥����Ÿ�
34492leftmost terminal set	�̥��ݲפ
34493leftmost tree	�̥���
34494leftmost unchecked symbol	�̥��������
34495leftmost uncovered symbol	�̥����л\��
34496leftwards	�V��
34497leg	�޽u
34498legal	�X�k
34499legal assembler argument	�X�k�զX�{���޼�
34500legal information thru electronics	�q�L�q�l�]�ƪ��X�k��T
34501legal literal configuration	�X�k��r���c
34502legal program	�X�k�{��
34503legal protection	�X�k�O�@
34504legal protection of computer software	�p����n�骺�X�k�O�@
34505legal retrieval	�k�ߤ��m�˯�
34506legal sentence	�X�k�y�l
34507legal sentential form	�X�k�y��
34508legal string	�X�k��
34509legend	�Ƶ�, �ϼ�	LEGND
34510legend box	�ϵ���
34511legend justification	�ϵ��վ�
34512legend text	�ϵ�����
34513legend window	�ϵ���
34514legislative information and status system	�ߪk�T���M���A�t��	LEGIS
34515lego	�лx
34516legoff	�n�X
34517legoff message	�n�X�T��
34518legoff procedure	�n�X�{��
34519legon	�n�J
34520legon message	�n�J�T��
34521legon procedure	�n�J�{��
34522lemma	�޲z
34523length	����	LEN
34524length attribute	�����ݩ�
34525length between perpendiculars	�����u���Z��	LBP
34526length biased sampling	���װ��V���
34527length check	��������
34528length discrimination	����Ų�O
34529length discriminator	����Ų�O��
34530length indicator	���׫��ܲ�	LI
34531length modifier	���׭ק�q
34532length modulation	���׽���
34533length of adjacency process	�۾F�i�{����	LOAP
34534length of column	�����	LGTHCOLM
34535length of list directed field	���r�q����
34536length of perpendiculars	��������	LPP
34537length overall	�`����	LOA
34538length per transfer unit	�C�ǰe������	LTU
34539length selection	���׿��
34540length specification	���״y�z
34541length-pulse modulation	�߽Ī��׽���
34542lengthen label	�[���и�
34543lengthen symbol	�[���Ÿ�
34544lens	�z��
34545lens system	�E�J�t��
34546less than	�p��	LT
34547less than condition	�p�����
34548less than or equal	�p����	LEQ
34549lesson assembly program	�ҵ{�׽s�{��	LAP
34550letter	�r��	LTR
34551letter case	�r����
34552letter character	�r���Ÿ�
34553letter code	�r���N�X
34554letter contract	�ѭ��X��	LC
34555letter descriptor	��r�y�z��
34556letter hash	�r�����C
34557letter indicator	�r�����ܲ�
34558letter key	�r����
34559letter of credit	�H�ε�	LC
34560letter row	�r���C
34561letter shift	�r������	LS
34562letter string	�r����
34563letter symbol	�r���Ÿ�
34564letter type code	�r���X
34565letter-oriented algorithm	�H�r�����ɦV���t��k
34566letter-quality printer	�u��r�ŦC���
34567letter-shift signal	�r�����ɫH��
34568letterphone	�Ѽg�q�ܾ�
34569letterpress	�ѫH�Ƽg��
34570letters case	�r���c
34571letters signal	�r���H��
34572letterset	�Y���r�L��
34573letterspacing	�r������
34574level	�h��	LEV
34575level alignment	��Ǯշ�
34576level capacity	�Ůe�q
34577level checking	�������
34578level code	��ǽX
34579level coding	��ǽs�X
34580level compensator	��Ǹ��v��
34581level control	�ű���	LC
34582level control table	�ű����	LCT
34583level diagram	��ǹ�
34584level displacement	�h�첾��
34585level fluctation	��Ǫi��
34586level indicator	�h���ܲ�
34587level number	����
34588level of addressing	�w�}���
34589level of emphasis	�j�կŧO
34590level one variable	�@���ܶq
34591level operation	��Ǿާ@
34592level point	����I
34593level recoder	��ǰO����	LR
34594level saturation method	�Ź��M�k
34595level sensitive scan design	��DZӷP���y�]�p	LSSD
34596level shift amplifier	��Dz����j��	LSA
34597level shift diode	��Dz���G����
34598level surface	������
34599level switch	�q���}��	LS
34600level system	�Ũt��
34601level table	�ŧO��	LTBL
34602level trigger	���IJ�o��	LT
34603level variation	����ܰ�
34604level work area	�Ťu�@��	LWA
34605level-based system	���h�t��
34606level-enable flip-flop	��DZҰʥ��Ͼ�
34607level-enable signal	��DZҰʫH��
34608level-overload	�h�W��
34609level-sensitive scan design	��DZӷP���y�]�p	LSSD
34610leveling	��ǡA�վ�
34611leveling zone	�վ��
34612lever	�}����
34613lexeme	�y�q
34614lexemic stratum	�h���y�k
34615lexical	���k
34616lexical ambiguity	���h�q��
34617lexical analysis	���k���R
34618lexical analysis phase	���k���R���q
34619lexical analyzer	���k���R��
34620lexical attachment	�������[
34621lexical base	���k��¦
34622lexical box	���k��
34623lexical categoty	���J�d��
34624lexical contamination	���J�p��
34625lexical conversion	���k�ഫ
34626lexical entry	���J�n����
34627lexical feature	���J�S�x
34628lexical form	���J��
34629lexical function	���k�\��
34630lexical hierarchy	���J�h��
34631lexical insertion	���J���J
34632lexical item	����
34633lexical level	���J��
34634lexical matrix	���J�x�}
34635lexical meaning	���J�N�q
34636lexical node	���J�`�I
34637lexical order vector	����ǦV�q
34638lexical processor	���k�[�u�{��
34639lexical reading	���kŪ�J
34640lexical redundancy rule	���J���l�W�h
34641lexical representation	���J��ܪk
34642lexical routine	���J�{��
34643lexical scan	���k���y
34644lexical scan means	���k���y�k
34645lexical scoping	���k��
34646lexical substitution	���J����
34647lexical symbol	���k�Ÿ�
34648lexical token	���k�аO
34649lexical transformation	���J�ഫ
34650lexical unit	���k�椸
34651lexical word	���J�Ǫ���
34652lexical writing	���J�g�X
34653lexicality	���J�s��
34654lexicality hypothesis	���J�װ���
34655lexicographic	����
34656lexicographic algorithm	���妡�t��k
34657lexicographic order	���妡����
34658lexicographic product	���妡�n
34659lexicographic scan	���妡���y
34660lexicographic tree	�����
34661lexicographical	����
34662lexicographical order	���妡����
34663lexicography	�����
34664lexicography information services	�����T�t��	LEXIS
34665lexicology	���J��
34666lexicon	��J
34667lexiconstatistics	��J�έp��
34668lexics	���J��
34669lexon	���l
34670lexonic alternation pattern	���l����Ҧ�
34671lexotatics	���l���c��
34672liabilities	�t���B
34673liaison circuit	�p���q��
34674librarian	�w�޲z��	LBR
34675librarian program	�w�޲z�{��
34676library	�`���w	LBR
34677library addition and maintenance program	�{���w�W�ɤκ��@�{��	LAMP
34678library administration and management association	�Ϯ��]�޲z��|	LAMA
34679library administration division	�Ϯ��]�޲z��	LAD
34680library allocation	�w���t
34681library allocator	�w���t�{��
34682library and information science	�Ϯ��]�P��T��	LIS
34683library association of Alberta	�����B��Ϯ��]��|	LAA
34684library association of Australia	�D�j�Q�ȹϮ��]��|	LAA
34685library automated service system	�Ϯ��]�۰ʤƪA�Ȩt��	LASS
34686library automated systems information exchange	�Ϯ��]�۰ʤƨt�θ�T�洫	LASIE
34687library automation	�Ϯ��]�۰ʤ�
34688library automation research communication	�Ϯ��]�۰ʬ�s�q�T	LARC
34689library automation system	�Ϯ��]�۰ʤƨt��
34690library backup	�w�ᴩ
34691library block	�w�H����
34692library buffer size	�w�w�İϤj�p
34693library call	�w�{�ǽե�
34694library catalog	�Ϯѥؿ�
34695library character set	�w�r�Ŷ�
34696library circulation system	�w�P��t��
34697library control language	�`���w����y��	LCL
34698library control program	�`���w�޲z�{��
34699library control sector	�`���w�޲z�Ϭq
34700library data base	�Ϯ��]��Ʈw
34701library data processing	�Ϯ��]��ƳB�z
34702library directory	�Ϯ��]�ؿ�
34703library editor	�w�s��{��	LIBE
34704library education and personnel utilization	�Ϯ��]�Ш|�P�H�~�ϥ�	LEPU
34705library entry	�w�n����
34706library facilities	�w�]�I
34707library file	�w��
34708library file editor	�w�ɽs��{��
34709library format	�w�榡
34710library formatted disk file	�w�榡�ƺϺ���
34711library function	�w�s���
34712library function routine	�w�s��Ʊ`��
34713library information retrieval system	�Ϯ��]��T�˯��t��	LIRS
34714library information system	�Ϯ��]��T�t��	LIBRIS
34715library information system analysis	�Ϯ��]��T�t�Τ��R	LISA
34716library instruction round table	�Ϯ��]���O�ˤJ��	LIRT
34717library learning resource center	�Ϯ��]�Dz߸귽����	LLRC
34718library level	�w��
34719library link	�w�쵲
34720library list	�w��
34721library macrodefinition	�w�����w�q
34722library material	�{���w����	LM
34723library member	�w����
34724library member subtype	�w�����l���O
34725library migration table	�w�E����
34726library module	�w�Ҳ�
34727library name	�`���w�W��
34728library network	�Ϯ��]����
34729library object	�w�ت��X
34730library of congress	��|�Ϯ��]	LC
34731library of congress computer catalog	��|�Ϯ��]�p����ؿ�	LCCC
34732library of lessonss	�ҵ{�{���w
34733library of synthesis job	��X�@�~�w
34734library package	�w�M�˳n��
34735library parameter	�{���w�Ѽ�
34736library partition	�D�x�s��
34737library postlude	�w����
34738library prelude	�w�dz�
34739library program	�w�{��
34740library routine	�w�s�`��
34741library science	�Ϯ��]���
34742library searching	�w�j�M
34743library services	�w�A�ȵ{��	LIBS
34744library subroutine	�w�s���`��
34745library support	�{���w�䴩
34746library system	�ƾڮw�t��
34747library tape	�w�s�a
34748library terminal	�Ϯ��]�׺ݾ�
34749library text	�w����
34750library track	�w�s�O���y
34751library unit	�w�椸
34752library work area	�w�u�@��
34753librascope operation control system	�Ϯ��]��ܾ��ޱ���t��	LOCS
34754librious	�{���w
34755license	�\�i�ҡA�S�\
34756licensed application on program	�{�����S�\����
34757licensed documentation	�S�\���
34758licensed material	�S�\���
34759licensed optional materials	�S�\������
34760licensed program	�S�\�{��
34761licensed publication	�S�\��ƥX����
34762life	�ͩR�A�ϥδ���
34763life assurance rates calculation	�ةR�O�I�v�p��	LARC
34764life curve	�ͩR���u
34765life cycle	�ͩR�g��
34766life cycle computer program management plan	�ͩR�g���p����{���޲z�p	LCCPMP
34767life cycle costs	�ͩR�g������	LCC
34768life cycle phase	�ͩR�g�����q
34769life cycle position	�ͩR�g���w��
34770life cycle profile	�ͩR�g������
34771life cycle profile code	�ͩR�g�������X
34772life end point	�ͩR�פ��I
34773life test	�ͩR����
34774lifetime	�ةR
34775lifetime curve	�ةR���u
34776lifetime function	�ةR���
34777lifetime of a locality	�a�ϥͦs��
34778LIFO algorithm	��i���X�t��k
34779LIFO amount	��i���X���B
34780LIFO list	��J���X��C
34781LIFO memory	��i���X�O����
34782LIFO stack	��i���X���|
34783LIFO/FIFO inventory valuation report	��i���X/ ���i���X�w�s�������i
34784LIFO/FIFO number	��i���X/ ���i���X���X
34785LIFO/FIFO quantity	��i���X/ ���i���X�ƶq
34786LIFO/FIFO transaction purge and list	��i���X/ ���i���X���ʲM���M�C��
34787LIFO/FIFO transaction reconciliation	��i���X/ ���i���X���ʽթM
34788LIFO/FIFO valuation report	��i���X/ ���i���X�������i
34789LIFO/FOFO amount	��i���X/ ���i���X���B
34790lift set	�ɰ���
34791lifter	�ޱa�˱a�]��
34792light	�G��
34793light accessible transistor matrix	���s������x�}	LATRIX
34794light activated element	���Ӥ���
34795light activated switch	���Ӷ}��	LAS
34796light amplifier	����j��
34797light beam deflector	�������ྐྵ
34798light button	���s
34799light characteriatic	���S��
34800light check	����O
34801light communication system	���q�H�t��
34802light condult	���־ɺ�
34803light control	���q����
34804light coupled device	�����X����	LCD
34805light detector	���˪i��
34806light emitting diode	�o���G����	LED
34807light emitting diode array	�o���G����}�C
34808light emitting diode display	�o���G������ܾ�
34809light flux	���q�q
34810light flux meter	���q�q�p
34811light flux sensitivity	���t�F�ӫ�
34812light guide	�����
34813light gun	���q�l��	LG
34814light hole	���ť�
34815light hour	���t���p��
34816light intensity	���j��
34817light interface technology	���ɭ��޳N	LIT
34818light interface technology system	���ɭ��޳N�t��	LITS
34819light mask	���n
34820light microsecond	���L��
34821light modulator	�����ܾ�
34822light operated typewriter	���ާ@���r��	LOT
34823light pen	����	LP
34824light pen attention	�����d�N�]��
34825light pen attribute	�����ݩ�
34826light pen control system	��������t��	LPCS
34827light pen display	�������
34828light pen feature	�����S��
34829light pen tracking	�����l�a
34830light pipe	���ɺ�
34831light quantity	���q�q
34832light quantum	���l
34833light ray	���g�u
34834light region	�G��
34835light request	���ШD
34836light sensitive diode	���ӤG����
34837light sensitive layer	���Ӽh
34838light sensitive relay	�����~�q��	LSR
34839light sensitive resistor	���ӹq����	LSR
34840light sensitive tube	���Ӻ�	LST
34841light sensor	���ǷP��
34842light source	����
34843light spectrum	����
34844light stability	��í�w��
34845light storage device	���x�s�]��
34846light stylus	����
34847light tapping storage	�������x�s��	LITAST
34848light to microwave conversion	���ܷL�i�ܴ�	LITOMI
34849light traffic	�C�q�H�q
34850light traffic link	�C�q�H�q�쵲
34851light traffic period	�C�q�H�q��
34852light transmission	���ǿ�
34853light valve	����
34854light valve array	���ְ}�C
34855light-coupled semiconductor switch	�����X�b����}��
34856light-emmitting diode	�o���G����	LED
34857light-emmitting diode coupler	�o���G���齢�X��
34858light-loaded network	���t������
34859light-pen detection	�����˴�
34860light-pen hit	�����R��
34861light-pen strike	����IJ��
34862light-repeating ship	�����~��
34863light-sensitive	����
34864lightface	����
34865lightwave communication	���i�q�H
34866lightweight interrogator/transponder system	�����߰������t��	LITS
34867lightweight typewriter	�������r��
34868like	����
34869like attribute	�����ݩ�
34870like combinations	�ۦP�զX
34871like parity	�P�_����
34872like value	����
34873likelihood	���M
34874likelihood criterion	���M�ǫh
34875likelihood function	���M���
34876likelihood method	�ۦ��k
34877likelihood ratio test	���M�����
34878limit	����	LIM
34879limit address	���ɦ�}
34880limit address register	���ɦ�}�Ȧs��	LAR
34881limit check	����ֹ�
34882limit count	�����p��
34883limit cycle	������
34884limit flow graph	�����y��
34885limit in mean	��������
34886limit of computational model	�p��Ҧ���������
34887limit of stack register	���|�Ȧs���ɭ�	LOSR
34888limit order switching	������O�ഫ	LOS
34889limit path	�������|
34890limit point	�����I
34891limit priority	�����u���v
34892limit register	�ɼȦs��	LR
34893limit selection	�������
34894limit set	���
34895limit switch	�q���}��	LS
34896limit theorem	�����z��
34897limit value	������	LV
34898limitation	����
34899limited	����
34900limited access data	�����s���ƾ�
34901limited ASCII	ASCII�s�X�l��
34902limited availability	�����ϥβv
34903limited broadcast	�����s���q�H
34904limited channel logout	���w�q�D�B��O��	LCL
34905limited degree of freedom robot	�����ۥѫ׾����H
34906limited distance adapter	��{�t����
34907limited distance modem	��{���ܸѽվ�
34908limited distribution	�������t
34909limited entry decision table	�������P�w��
34910limited fanout-free	�����ۥѮ��X	LFF
34911limited generic formal part	�������ݧΦ�����
34912limited identification zone	�����ѧO��	LIZ
34913limited information estimation	������T����	LIE
34914limited infrared detector	�������~�u�˴�
34915limited operation	�����ާ@
34916limited optimization	�����̨Τ�
34917limited page allocation	�����������t
34918limited private type	�����M������
34919limited protection	�����O�@
34920limited purpose computer	�M�έp���
34921limited recursion	�������j�k
34922limited remote communication outlets	�������{�q�H���I��	LRCO
34923limited scanning	�������y
34924limited value	������
34925limited-entry decision table	�������بM����	LEDT
34926limited-protection voice equipment	���W�H�������O�@�˸m
34927limiter	���
34928limiter (in analog computing)	���( �b����p�⤤ )
34929limiter circuit	���T�q��
34930limiter diode	���T�G����
34931limiting	����B�z
34932limiting circuit	����q��
34933limiting error	�����~�t
34934limiting function	�������
34935limiting quality	�����~��
34936limiting resolution	��������v
34937limiting resolution angle	�����ѪR��
34938limits file	�ɭ��ɮ�
34939linage	���
34940linage counter	��p�ƾ�
34941line	�C, �u��	LN
34942line access point	�u���s���I
34943line access unit	�u���s���椸	LAU
34944line adapter	�u���t����	LA
34945line adapter circuit	�u���t���q��
34946line adapter unit	�u���t����	LAU
34947line address	���}
34948line address counter	���}�p�ƾ�	LAC
34949line addressable RAM	��M�}�H���s���x�s��	LARAM
34950line advance	����
34951line amplifier	�u����j��	LA
34952line at a time printer	�C�L��
34953line average edge	�業����u
34954line balance	�u����
34955line balancing	�u������
34956line bias	�u������
34957line blanking interval	�C�����j
34958line block	�u���X��
34959line break signal	�_���H��
34960line buffer	�C�w�ľ�	LB
34961line build-out network	�u�����v����
34962line busy tone	�u������
34963line by line assembler	�v��զX�{��
34964line by line scan	�v�汽�y
34965line call sign	�u���I��	LC
34966line call-up	�u���I�s	LC
34967line capacity	�u����O
34968line character	��r��
34969line circuit	��u�q��	LC
34970line clipping algorithm	�u�Ũ���k
34971line code	�@��N�X
34972line coding	��s�X
34973line colouring	�u�ۦ�
34974line command	�C�R�O
34975line commands	�C�R�O
34976line communications	���u�q�H
34977line computation	�C�p��
34978line concentrating unit	�u�������椸
34979line concentration	�u������
34980line concentrator	���u��	LC
34981line concentrator module	���u���Ҳ�	LCM
34982line condition	�u������
34983line conditioning	�u���ո`
34984line connection equipment	�u���p���]��
34985line connector	���u��	LC
34986line contact bank	���u��
34987line control	�u������	L/C
34988line control adapter	�u������t����	LCA
34989line control block	�u�������	LCB
34990line control characters	�u������r��
34991line control computer	�u������p���
34992line control discipline	�u������W�{
34993line control module	�u������Ҳ�	LCM
34994line control procedure	�u������{��
34995line control routine	�u������`��
34996line control/task control	�u������B���ȱ���	LC/TC
34997line coordination	�u����չL�{
34998line coupling	�u�����X
34999line covering	�u�л\
35000line covering number	�u�л\��
35001line critical graph	�u�{�ɹ�
35002line data	�C���ƾ�
35003line data set	�C���ƾڶ�
35004line decoder	�CĶ�X��
35005line definition	�C�����
35006line delete command	�R�C�R�O
35007line delete symbol	�R�C��
35008line deletion character	�R�C�r��
35009line density	�C�K��
35010line descriptor	�C�y�z��
35011line determination	�u�����w
35012line device	�u���]��
35013line diagraph	�u���V��
35014line discipline	�u���W�{
35015line disconnectiond	�u���_��
35016line disjoint path	�u���ۥ���|
35017line display generator	�u��ܲ��;�
35018line display range	�C��ܰϬq
35019line distortion	���u
35020line down	�^�u�G��
35021line drawing	ø�u��
35022line drawing display	�u����
35023line drive signal	�u���X�ʫH��
35024line driver	�u���X�ʾ�
35025line drop	�u���q����
35026line dropout	�q�ܽu���ǿ�S�ʪ�����
35027line editing	�C�s��
35028line editor	�C�s�边	LINED
35029line engraving	�C�J��
35030line entry	�����
35031line equalization	�u������
35032line equalizer	�u�����ž�
35033line equipment	�u���]��
35034line equipment number	�u���]�Ƽƥ�	LEN
35035line error	�u���~�t
35036line escapement	����
35037line exchanger	�u���洫��	LEX
35038line expansion function	���X�i�\��	LEF
35039line extender	�u��������
35040line feed	����	LF
35041line feed character	���C�r��	LF
35042line feed code	���C�X
35043line filter balance	�u���o�i�����ť\��
35044line finder	�C�w�쾹	LF
35045line fitting	�u�ʰt�A
35046line flow assembly order	�y���@�~�զX�R�O	LFAO
35047line flyback	�C�^��
35048line folding	�C���|
35049line following system	�u���a���t��
35050line format item	�C�榡��
35051line format page	�C�榡��
35052line format print data set	�C�榡�C�L�ƾڶ�
35053line frequency	�C���y�W�v
35054line function	�C�ާ@�\��
35055line gate number	�u����q�q���s��	LGN
35056line generation	�V�q����
35057line generator	�C���;�	LG
35058line generator number	�C���;����X	LGN
35059line graphics	�u�ϲ���
35060line group	�u�s
35061line grouping	�u�s��
35062line handling overhead	�u���B�z�`�}�P
35063line hit	�u���z�Z
35064line holding	�u������
35065line identification	�u������
35066line identification facility	�u�����ѳ]�I
35067line identification-request indicator	�u�����ѽШD���ܾ�
35068line identify	�u������
35069line idle	�u���Ŷ~
35070line image	�C���M��
35071line impedence	�ǿ����
35072line increment	�C�W�q
35073line index	�C����
35074line indicator	����ܲŸ�
35075line insert command	�C���J�R�O
35076line integrated circuit	�u�ʿn��q��	LIC
35077line interface	�u������	LI
35078line interface bank	�u�������w
35079line interface base	�u��������O	LIB
35080line interface coupler	�u���������X��	LIC
35081line interface feature	�u�������S�x	LIF
35082line interface handler	�u�������B�z��	LIH
35083line interface hardware	�u�������w��
35084line interface module	�u�������Ҳ�	LIM
35085line interface unit	�u�������椸	LIU
35086line inversion	�u�Ϻt
35087line item	�C����
35088line item extension	�涵�ة��i
35089line iteration	�u�|�N
35090line junctor switch grid	�u���s�����}����	LJSG
35091line justification	�u�X�z�ʡA�C����
35092line key	�C��
35093line label	�C�и�
35094line length	�C��
35095line level	�u�����
35096line link control station	�u��������
35097line load	�u���t��
35098line load control	�u���t������
35099line load control designation	�u���t������лx
35100line loading	�u���t��
35101line lock	�u����w
35102line loop	�u�j��
35103line loop resistance	�u�j���q��
35104line loss	�u���l��
35105line marker	�C�аO
35106line misregistration	�C�줣��
35107line mode	�C�覡
35108line mode switching	�u���覡�ഫ
35109line monitor unit	�u���ʱ���	LMU
35110line monitoring equipment	�u���ʱ��]��
35111line noise	�u�����T
35112line number	�C��
35113line number access	�C���s��
35114line number clause	�C�s���l�y
35115line number editing	�C���s��
35116line number field	�C�s���r�q
35117line number listing	�C�s���C��
35118line number operator	�C�s�����
35119line number table	�C����	LNT
35120line numbered data set	�C�s���ƾڶ�
35121line numbered file	�C�s����
35122line of blance	���Žu	LOB
35123line of communication	�q�H�u��	LOC
35124line of sight	���u	LOS
35125line option	�C����
35126line orignal	�u���쪩
35127line out of service	�u������
35128line out of service signal	�u�����ΫH��
35129line overhead	�u���B�~�t��
35130line overrelaxation	�C�W�P��
35131line overrun	�u���W�t
35132line parameters	�C�Ѽ�
35133line period	�u���g��
35134line plot	�u����
35135line pointer	�C����
35136line print	�C���C���	LPR
35137line printer	�C���	LPT
35138line printer command	�C���C����R�O
35139line printer control	�C���C�������	LPC
35140line printer control unit	�C���C�������˸m	LPC
35141line printer controller	�C���C������
35142line printer equipment	�C���C���	LPE
35143line printer simulator	�C���C���������	LPS
35144line printing	�C���C�L
35145line procedure specification	�C�{�ǻ���
35146line processing unit	�u���B�z�椸	LPU
35147line program	�C�{��
35148line program impulse	�C�{���߽�	LPRGIM
35149line program selector	�C�{����ܾ�	LPRGSE
35150line protocol	�u���q�H��w	LP
35151line protocol handler	�u���q�H��w�B�z�{��
35152line rate	�C�B�z�t��
35153line receiver	�u��������
35154line receiver	�u������	LR
35155line reconstruction	�C���c
35156line recovery	�u����_
35157line reflection	�u���H����q�Ϯg
35158line relaxation	�C�P��
35159line relaxation method	�C�P���k
35160line relay	�u������	LR
35161line relay	�u���~�q��	LR
35162line repair	�u���״_
35163line replace command	����R�O
35164line residual equalizer	�u���Ѿl���ž�
35165line response mode	�u�������覡
35166line retry parameter	�u�������Ѽ�
35167line routing algorithm	�u�q���u�t��k
35168line ruler	�C�Ф�
35169line scan recorder	�C���y�O����
35170line scan tube	�C���y��	LST
35171line scanning	�C���y
35172line scheduling	�u�Ƶ{
35173line search method	�u�j�M�k
35174line section	�u���q
35175line segregation	�u���j��
35176line seizure	�u������
35177line select module	�u��Ҳ�	LSM
35178line selection unit	�u����ܾ�	LSU
35179line sensing amplifier	�C�˴���j��	LSA
35180line separating filter	�u�����V�o�i��
35181line sharing adapter	�u���@�ɾA�t��	LSA
35182line sharing device	�u���@�θ˸m	LSD
35183line sharing unit	�u���@�γ椸	LSU
35184line side	���I�p���u��
35185line signal code	�u���H���X
35186line signal detector	�u���H���˴���	LSD
35187line signal element	�u���H���椸
35188line signal sender connector	�u���H���o�e�s����	LSSC
35189line signalling	�u���H���B�z
35190line simulator	�u��������
35191line size command	�C�j�p�R�O
35192line size option	�C�j�p���ﶵ
35193line skew	�C�찾��
35194line slope	�u���W���ܤƲv
35195line smoothing	�u����
35196line space	�C���Z
35197line space mechanism	�C���j���c
35198line space selector	�C���Z��ܾ�
35199line spacing	�C���Z
35200line speed	�u�t
35201line spread function	�u�i�}���
35202line state method	�u���A�k
35203line state variable	�u���A�ܶq
35204line status	�u�����A
35205line status table	�u�����A��	LST
35206line status word	�u�����A�r	LSW
35207line stochastic system	�u�H���t��
35208line store converter	�C�x�s�ܴ���
35209line stretcher	�u���Y��
35210line style	�u��
35211line supervisory count program	�u���ʵ��p�Ƶ{��	LNSCNP
35212line support processor system	�u���䴩�B�z���t��
35213line sweep	�C���y
35214line switch grid	�u���}����	LSG
35215line switch network	�u���洫����
35216line switching	�u���洫
35217line switching concentrator	�u���洫������
35218line switching controller	�u���}�����
35219line switching power supplies	�u���洫�q��
35220line switching system	�u���洫�t��
35221line switching technique	�u���洫�޳N
35222line symmetric graph	�u��ٹ�
35223line sync pulse	�C�P�B�߽�
35224line synchronizing pulse	�C�P�B�߽�	LSP
35225line telecommunication	���u�q�H	LT
35226line telegraphy	���u�q����	LT
35227line telephone	���u�q��	LT
35228line template	�u�ҪO
35229line terminal	�u���׺�
35230line terminating comment	�C��������
35231line terminating network	�u���׺ݺ���	LTN
35232line termination capacity	�u���׺ݮe�q
35233line termination controller	�u���׺ݱ��
35234line termination equipment	�u���׺ݳ]��	LTE
35235line termination unit	�u���׺ݳ]��	LTU
35236line terminator	�u���׺ݳs����	LT
35237line test trunk	�u�����դ��~�u	LTT
35238line test-access point	�u�����դJ�f�I
35239line time	�C�ɶ�
35240line time clock	�u���w�ɾ�	LTC
35241line to disk	�u����Ϻ�	LTD
35242line to line	�u��	LTL
35243line trace	�u���l�a
35244line tracking	�u���l�a
35245line traffic	�u���ǿ�q
35246line traffic coordination	�u���ǿ�~�Ȩ��
35247line transfer device	�u���ഫ�]��	LTD
35248line transient	�u�������q�߽�
35249line transient suppression	�u�����ɧ��	LTS
35250line transition	�u���ಾ
35251line transmission	�u�ǿ�
35252line transmitter	�u���o����	LT
35253line turn around delay	�u�����V����
35254line turn-around	�u�����V
35255line type	�u������
35256line type modulation	�u���ը�	LTM
35257line unit	�u���s���椸	LUT
35258line unit correction	�C��쪺�ץ�
35259line up test	��X����
35260line voltage regulator	�u���q���ո`��	LVR
35261line width	�u�e
35262line work	�u���u�@
35263line-at-a-time printer	�C���C���
35264line-charge model	�u�q���Ҧ�
35265line-chromatic number	�u�⸹
35266line-connectivity	�u�s�q��
35267line-counter	�C�p�ƾ�
35268line-end adjustement	�C���վ�
35269line-end control key	�C��������
35270line-end lock	�C����
35271line-end symboll key	�C������
35272line-ending zone	�C����
35273line-link network	�u���s������	LLN
35274line-log amplifier	�u�ʹ�Ʃ�j��
35275line-oriented macro scheme	�H�C���ɦV���E���\����
35276line-per inch	�C�^�T�C	LPI
35277line-regular graph	�u���W��
35278line-rooted graph	�u���ڹ�
35279line-route map	�u����
35280line-up	�զ��@���u
35281line-up record	�վ�O��
35282line-up test	�վ����
35283line-use ratio	�u���ϥΫY��
35284lineal chart	���t��
35285linear accelarator	�u�ʥ[�t��	LINAC
35286linear acceleration	�u�ʥ[�t
35287linear actuator	�u�ʰ�����c
35288linear addressing	�u�ʩw�}
35289linear algebra	�u�ʥN��	LINEAL
35290linear algebraic equation	�u�ʥN�Ƥ�{��
35291linear amplifier	�u�ʩ�j��
35292linear analog control	�u��������
35293linear analog synchronization	�u������P�B����
35294linear analogue control	�u��������
35295linear analysis and design of structures	���c���u�ʤ��R�M�]�p	LADS
35296linear approximation	�u�ʪ��
35297linear arrangement of a diagraph	���V�Ϫ��u�ʱƦC
35298linear array	�u�ʰ}�C
35299linear asynchronous structure	�u�ʲ��B���c
35300linear bit density	�u�줸�K��
35301linear block code	�u�ʤ��սX
35302linear boolean recursion	�u�ʥ��L���j
35303linear bounded automation	�u�ʦ��ɦ۰ʾ�	LBA
35304linear buffer	�u�ʽw�ľ�
35305linear characteristic	�u�ʯS��
35306linear chart	���u��
35307linear circuit	�u�ʹq��
35308linear classifier	�u�ʤ�����
35309linear code	�u�ʽX
35310linear coding	�u�ʽs�X
35311linear combination	�u�ʲզX
35312linear combiner	�u�ʲզX��
35313linear computing element	�u�ʭp�⤸��
35314linear context-free language	�u�ʤW�U��L���p�y��
35315linear control system	�u�ʱ���t��
35316linear convolution	�u�ʱ��n
35317linear coupled system	�u�ʽ��X�t��
35318linear crosstalk	�u�ʬﭵ
35319linear cut	���u���d
35320linear damping	�u�ʪ���
35321linear data storage representation	�u�ʸ���x�s���
35322linear data structure	�u�ʸ�Ƶ��c
35323linear decision rule	�u�ʧP�w�ǫh
35324linear density	�u�K��
35325linear dependence	�u�ʬ�����
35326linear detection	�u���˴�
35327linear discrete-valued system	�u�������Ȩt��
35328linear discriminant function	�u�ʧP�O���
35329linear displacement transducer	�u�ʦ첾�q�ǷP��
35330linear distortion	�u�ʥ��u
35331linear distribution	�u�ʤ��t
35332linear econometric modeling system	�u�ʸg�ټҫ��]�p�t��	LEMS
35333linear element	�u�ʤ���
35334linear encoder	�u�ʽs�X��
35335linear equalizer	�u�ʧ��ž�
35336linear equation solver	�u�ʤ�{�Ѻ⾹
35337linear estimation	�u�ʦ��p
35338linear feature extraction	�u�ʯS�x���
35339linear feedback shift register	�u�ʦ^�X����Ȧs��	LFSR
35340linear feedback shift register circuit	�u�ʦ^�X����Ȧs���q��
35341linear filtering	�u���o�i
35342linear finite automaton	�u�ʦ����۰ʾ�
35343linear flow	�u�ʬy
35344linear form	�u�ʫ�
35345linear fractional programming	�u�ʤ����W�h
35346linear gate and integrater	�u�ʹh�q���M�n��q��	LGI
35347linear grammar	�u�ʤ�k
35348linear graph	�u�ʹ�
35349linear growth	�u�ʥͦ�
35350linear hash	�u�ʸI��
35351linear independence	�u�ʿW��
35352linear index progression	�u�ʤU�Яż�
35353linear information processing language	�u�ʰT���B�z�y��	LIPL
35354linear input tape	�u�ʿ�J�a
35355linear inquality	�u�ʤ�����
35356linear integrated circuit	�u�ʿn��q��	LIC
35357linear interpolation	�u�ʴ��Ȫk
35358linear language	�u�ʻy��
35359linear left-to-right scan	�ۥ��ܥk�u�ʱ��y
35360linear list	�u�ʦ�C
35361linear machine	�u�ʾ�
35362linear mapping	�u�ʹ���
35363linear matrix inequality	�u�ʯx�}������	LMI
35364linear memory	�u���x�s��
35365linear minimization problem	�u�ʷ��p�ư��D
35366linear model	�u�ʼҦ�
35367linear modulation	�u�ʽը�	LM
35368linear monolithic	�u�ʳ��	LM
35369linear motion actuator	���u�q��
35370linear multiplication order	�u�ʭ��k����
35371linear multivariable system	�u�ʦh�ܶq�t��
35372linear nearest neighbor	�u�ʳ̪�۾F	LNN
35373linear network	�u�ʺ���
35374linear objectives	�u�ʥؼШ��
35375linear operational element	�u�ʹB�⤸��
35376linear operator	�u�ʹB���
35377linear optimal stochastic system	�u�ʳ̨��H���t��
35378linear optimization	�u�ʳ̨Τ�
35379linear order	�u�ʦ���
35380linear ordered relation	�u�ʦ������Y
35381linear ordering	�u�ʦ���
35382linear organization	�u�ʵ��c
35383linear parameter	�u�ʰѼ�
35384linear parameter estimation	�u�ʰѼƦ��p
35385linear parametric amplifier	�u�ʰѼƩ�j��
35386linear path system	�u�ʤ���t��
35387linear phase code modulation	�u�ʬۦ�N�X����	LPCM
35388linear polarization	�u�ʷ���	LP
35389linear potentiometer	�u�ʹq��p
35390linear power amplifier	�u�ʥ\�v��j��
35391linear power controller	�u�ʥ\�v���	LPC
35392linear precedence function	�u���u�����
35393linear prediction	�u�ʹw��
35394linear prediction theory	�u�ʹw���z��
35395linear predictive coding	�u�ʹw���s�X	LPC
35396linear predictive encoding	�u�ʹw���s�X	LPE
35397linear probing	�u�ʸձ�
35398linear processing	�u�ʳB�z	LP
35399linear program	�u�ʵ{��
35400linear programming	�u�ʳW��	LP
35401linear programming file generator	�u�ʳW���ɮײ��;�	LPFGEN
35402linear programming file printer	�u�ʳW���ɮצC���	LPFPRI
35403linear programming matrix generation	�u�ʳW���x�}�ͦ�	LPMATG
35404linear programming report	�u�ʳW�����i	LPREPO
35405linear programming soluting	�u�ʳW���D��	LPSOL
35406linear programming subroutine	�u�ʳW���l�{��	LPSUB
35407linear programming system	�u�ʳW���t��	LPS
35408linear pulse amplifier	�u�ʯ߽ĩ�j��
35409linear quantizer	�u�ʼƦr�ഫ��	LQT
35410linear query	�u�ʬd��
35411linear quotient method	�u�ʰӪk
35412linear receiver	�u�ʱ�����
35413linear recording	�u�ʰO��
35414linear recording density	�u�ʰO���K��
35415linear rectifier	�u�ʾ�y��
35416linear recurrence	�u�ʻ��j
35417linear regression	�u�ʰj�k
35418linear rehash method	�u�ʦA����k
35419linear relation	�u�����Y
35420linear relationship	�u�����Y
35421linear representation	�u�ʪ�ܪk
35422linear residue code	�u�ʳѾl�X
35423linear resistor	�u�ʹq��
35424linear resolution	�u�ʤ���
35425linear scale	�u�ʼЫ�
35426linear scanning	�u�ʱ��y
35427linear search	�u�ʬd�M
35428linear search technique	�u�ʬd�M�޳N
35429linear select memory	�u��O����	LSM
35430linear selection	�u�ʿ�ܪk
35431linear selection memory	�r��O����
35432linear selection switch	�u�ʿ�ܶ}��
35433linear selenium photocell	�u��ִ���q��	LSPC
35434linear sequential circuit	�u�ʮɧǹq��
35435linear sequential network	�u�ʮɧǺ���	LSN
35436linear smoothing	�u�ʥ���
35437linear smoothing algorithm	�u�ʥ��ƺt��k
35438linear space	�u�ʪŶ�
35439linear space automaton	�u�ʪŶ��۰ʾ�
35440linear staircase function generator	�u�ʶ����Ʋ��;�
35441linear stochastic system	�u���H���t��
35442linear storage hierarchy model	�u���x�s�h���Ҧ�
35443linear structure	�u�ʵ��c
35444linear subgraph	�u�ʤl��
35445linear sweep	���u���y
35446linear switching circuit	�u�ʥ洫�q��
35447linear system	�u�ʨt��
35448linear system additivity	�u�ʨt�Υi�[��
35449linear system analysis	�u�ʨt�Τ��R	LISA
35450linear system theory	�u�ʨt�βz��
35451linear threshold	�u���H��
35452linear time algorithm	�u�ʮɶ��t��k
35453linear time base	�u�ʮɰ�
35454linear time invariant	�u�ʮɶ����ܶq	LTI
35455linear time-optimal system	�u�ʮɶ����u�t��
35456linear transformation	�u���ܴ�
35457linear transformer read-only memory	�u���ܴ�����Ū�O����	LTOM
35458linear transient analysis	�u�����A���R
35459linear transmission channel	�u�ʶǿ�q�D	LTC
35460linear tree	�u�ʾ�
35461linear trend	�u���Ͷ�
35462linear unit	�u�ʳ��
35463linear variety	�u���L
35464linear vector equation	�u�ʦV�q��{	LVE
35465linear vector function	�u�ʦV�q���	LVF
35466linear velocity	�u�ʳt��	LV
35467linear voltage wave form	�u�ʹq���i��
35468linear-erasing	�u�ʮ���
35469linear-error-correcting code	�u�ʻ~�t�ե��X	LECC
35470linear-in-the-parameter	��Ѽƽu�ʪ�
35471linear-input form strategy	�u�ʿ�J������
35472linear-input form strategy in resolution	�ѪR���u�ʿ�J������
35473linear-sequence code	�u�ʶ��ǽX
35474linear-to-log converteregy	�u�ʹ���ഫ
35475linearity	�u��
35476linearity controls	���u������
35477linearity curve	�u�ʦ��u
35478linearity error	�u�ʻ~�t
35479linearization	�u�ʤ�
35480linearize	�u�ʤ�
35481linearized filter	�u�ʤ��o�i��
35482linearized method	�u�ʤƪk
35483linearized stochastic optimal control	�u�ʤ��H�����u����
35484linearized theory	�u�ʤƲz��
35485linearly dependent coefficient	�u�ʬ����Y��
35486linearly independent vector	�u�ʿW�ߦV�q
35487linearly ordered set	�u�ʦ��Ƕ�
35488linearly separable function	�u�ʥi�����
35489lines per inch	�C�^�T�C��	LPI
35490lines per minute	�C�����C��	LPM
35491lines per second	�C�����C��	LPS
35492linguistic analysis	�y����R
35493linguistic approach to pattern recognition	�y��Ҧ��ѧO�k
35494linguistic code	�y��X
35495linguistic computer	�y��p���
35496linguistic data	�y��ƾ�
35497linguistic index	�y�����
35498linguistic methods	�y���k
35499linguistic model	�y��Ҧ�
35500linguistic notations	�y���ܪk
35501linguistic organizer	�y���´�{��
35502linguistic support	�y��䴩
35503linguistic tool	�y��u��
35504linguistical	�y���
35505linguistics	�y���
35506lining-up	�վ�
35507link	�쵲	LK
35508link access attribute	�쵲�s���ݩ�
35509link access procedure	�쵲�s���L�{	LAP
35510link access protocol	�쵲�s����w	LAP
35511link access protocol balanced	���Ŧ��쵲�s����w	LAPB
35512link allotter	�쵲���t��	LA
35513link and selector language	�쵲�M��ܵ{���y��	LSL
35514link attribute	�쵲�ݩ�
35515link availability	�쵲�i�βv
35516link bit	�쵲��
35517link block	�쵲���{��
35518link checksum	�쵲����M
35519link circuit	�쵲�q��	LC
35520link connection	�쵲�s��
35521link control	�쵲����
35522link control block	�쵲�����	LCB
35523link control module	�쵲����Ҳ�	LCM
35524link control procedure	�쵲����{��	LCP
35525link control program	�쵲����{��	LCP
35526link control protocol	�쵲�����w
35527link controller	�쵲���	LC
35528link controller connector	�쵲����s����	LCC
35529link crytographic equipment	�쵲�K�X�]��
35530link definition	�쵲�w�q
35531link downward	�V�U��
35532link editor	�쵲�s��{��
35533link encryption	�쵲�[�K
35534link failure	�쵲����
35535link fault	�쵲�G��
35536link field	����
35537link flip-flop	�쥿�Ͼ�
35538link frame	�쵲��
35539link group	��s
35540link header	�쵲�Y
35541link inactivity timer	�쵲�����ʭp�ɾ�
35542link indicator	�쵲���ܾ�
35543link information	�쵲��T
35544link information unit	�쵲��T�椸	LIU
35545link item	�쵲��
35546link layer	�쵲�h
35547link level	�쵲��
35548link level communication protocol	�쵲�ųq�T��ij
35549link library	�쵲�{���w
35550link loader	�쵲���J�{��
35551link loss	�쵲�l��
35552link macroinstruction	�쵲�������O
35553link management	�쵲�޲z
35554link manager	�쵲�޲z�{��	LM
35555link map	�쵲��
35556link module	�쵲�Ҳ�
35557link motion	�쵲�E��
35558link multiplexing	�쵲�h�u�ǿ�
35559link name	�쵲�W��
35560link number	�쵲�s��	LN
35561link or pointer variable	�쵲�Ϋ����ܶq
35562link order	�쵲���O
35563link orderwire	�쵲�q�H�u��
35564link overflow	�쵲���X
35565link pack	�쵲�˰t�Ҳ�
35566link pack area	�쵲�˰t��	LPA
35567link pack area directory	�쵲�˰t�ϥؿ�
35568link pack area extension	�쵲�˰t���X�i
35569link pack area library	�쵲�˰t�Ϯw
35570link pack area queue	�쵲�˰t�Ϧ�C
35571link pack directory entry	�쵲�˰t�ؿ��J�f	LPDE
35572link pack update area	�쵲�˰t��s��
35573link performance	�쵲�į�
35574link problem determination aid	�쵲���D���w���U�{��	LPDA
35575link program	�쵲�{��
35576link protocol	�쵲��ij
35577link protocol data unit	�쵲��ij�ƾڳ��
35578link register	�쵲�Ȧs��
35579link repeater	�쵲���о�
35580link resistance factor	�쵲���q���]�l	LINKRF
35581link routine test equipment	�쵲�Ҧ���ճ]��	LRTE
35582link run-time subprogram	�쵲�B��ɶ��l�{��
35583link scheduler	�쵲�ի׵{��
35584link sort	�쵲�Ƨ�
35585link station	�쵲��
35586link strategy	�쵲����
35587link subsystem	�쵲�l�t��
35588link switch equipment	�쵲�ഫ�]��	LSE
35589link terminal simulator	�q�H�u���׺ݼ����{��	LTS
35590link test	�쵲����
35591link test counter	�쵲���խp�ƾ�
35592link threshold power	�쵲�{�ɥ\�v
35593link trailer	�쵲��
35594link utilization efficiency	�쵲�ϥήIJv	LUE
35595link variable	�쵲�ܶq
35596link vector	�쵲�V�q
35597link word	�쵲�r��
35598link-attached	�쵲�s��
35599link-attached network control program	�쵲�s����������{��
35600link-attached station	�쵲�s����
35601link-attached terminal	�쵲�s���׺�
35602link-by-link signalling	�쵲���H���ǿ�
35603link-edit	�쵲�s��
35604link-level implementation	�쵲�Ź�{
35605link-level module	�쵲�żҲ�
35606link-level protocol	�쵲�Ũ�ij
35607link-level software	�쵲�ųn��
35608linkage	�쵲
35609linkage computer	�쵲�p���
35610linkage control table	�쵲���O�����	LCT
35611linkage coroutine	�쵲��P�`��
35612linkage counter	�쵲�p�ƾ�
35613linkage editing	�쵲�s��
35614linkage editor	�쵲�s�边	LKED
35615linkage fault	�쵲�G��
35616linkage instruction	�쵲���O
35617linkage interrupt	�쵲���_
35618linkage library	�쵲�`���w
35619linkage loader	�쵲���J�{��
35620linkage multiplier	�쵲���k��
35621linkage register	�쵲�Ȧs��
35622linkage section	�쵲�`
35623linkage segment	�쵲�q
35624linkage unit	�쵲�椸
35625linked compression and expansion	�쵲�����Y�M�i�}	LINCOM
35626linked computer system	�p������쵲�t��
35627linked data structure	�쵲��Ƶ��c
35628linked file	�쵲�ɮ�
35629linked free storage list	�쵲�ۥ��x�s��C
35630linked index sequential access	�쵲���޶��Ǧs��	LISA
35631linked list	�쵲��C
35632linked list search	�쵲��C�j�M
35633linked network	�쵲������
35634linked sequential file	�쵲������
35635linked set	�쵲�˸m
35636linked stack	�쵲���|
35637linked subroutine	�쵲���`��
35638linker	�쵲�{��
35639linker and loader	�즡�˸���
35640linker failure	�쵲�{�ǥ���
35641linker map	�쵲��
35642linking	�쵲
35643linking automation	�쵲�۰ʾ�
35644linking format	�쵲�榡
35645linking graphic program	�쵲�ϧε{��
35646linking loader	�쵲���J�{��
35647linking loader executive	�쵲���J����{��
35648linking loader program	�쵲���J�{��
35649linking program	�쵲�{��
35650linking relocating loader	�쵲���m���J�{��	LRL
35651linking section	�쵲��
35652linking segment subprogram	�쵲�q�l�{��	LSS
35653liquid crystal	�G��
35654liquid crystal display	�G����ܾ�	LCD
35655liquid crystal display image	�G����ܹϹ�
35656liquid crystal display operation	�G����ܾާ@
35657liquid crystal memory	�G���O����
35658liquid growth	�G���ͪ�
35659liquid laser	�G���p�g
35660liquid logic circuit	�G���޿�q��
35661liquid magnetic bubble	�G���Ϫw
35662liquid phase	�G��
35663liquid phase epitaxy	�G�ۥ~��	LPE
35664liquid-core fiber	�G���Ϥ��ֺ�
35665liquid-phase epitaxial growth	�G���~���ͪ�
35666LISP	��B�z�����y��
35667LISP construction	LISP���c
35668LISP evaluation	LISP�D��
35669LISP language	LISP�y��
35670LISP machine	LISP�y���p���
35671LISP software conversion	LISP�n���ഫ
35672LISP standard	LISP�з�
35673LISP-like programming language	��LISP�{�dz]�p�y��
35674list	�C��; ��C; ���
35675list assembly program	��׽s�{��	LAP
35676list attribute	�C���ݩ�
35677list cell	���椸
35678list constructor	��c�y��
35679list creation	���إ�
35680list data structure	����Ƶ��c
35681list deletion	��R��
35682list element	�C����
35683list event	�C��ƥ�
35684list execution condition	�C��������	LEC
35685list file	�C���ɮ�
35686list file structure	�C���ɮ׵��c
35687list form	�C��榡
35688list generation	�C��ͦ�
35689list generation program	�C��ͦ��{��
35690list handling	�C��B�z
35691list handling facility	�C��B�z�]��	LHF
35692list handling statement	�C��B�z�ԭz
35693list head	���Y
35694list inserting	�C���J�k
35695list insertion	�C���J
35696list lines command	�C��r��R�O
35697list management system	��޲z�t��	LMS
35698list mode	�C��ҺA
35699list notation	�����
35700list of available storage	�i���x�s����	LAVS
35701list of believed assertion	�H���_����
35702list of change	����	LOFC
35703list of closed descriptor	�����y�z�Ū�	LCD
35704list of material	���ƲM��	L/M
35705list on tape	�C���ϱa�W	LOT
35706list parameter	�C��Ѽ�
35707list pointer word	�C����ܦr
35708list procedure	�C��{��
35709list processing	�C��B�z	LISP
35710list processing condition	�C��B�z����
35711list processing language	�C��B�z�y��	LPL
35712list processing program	�C��B�z�{��
35713list processing semantics	�C��B�z�y�q
35714list processing technique	�C��B�z�޳N
35715list processor	��B�z�{��	LISP
35716list program generator	�C��{�������;�	LPG
35717list programming language	�C��{���]�p�y��	LPL
35718list scheduling	�C��Ƶ{
35719list search	�C��d�M
35720list separatorg	�C����j��
35721list specification	�C����
35722list storage	�C���x�s
35723list structure	�C���c
35724list table	�s�ت�
35725list up	�C��
35726list variable	�C���ܼ�
35727list-directed field	�����
35728list-directed firmware	��ܶ���
35729list-directed input	��ܿ�J
35730list-directed input/output	��ܿ�J��X
35731list-directed transmission	��ܶǿ�
35732list-oriented function	�H���ɦV�����
35733list-searching mechanism	�d����c
35734list-structure-altering function	���c�ק���
35735listed items	�C������	LI
35736listed output control	�C���X����
35737listen mode	��ť�覡
35738listener	������
35739listening center	��ť����
35740listening depth	��ť�h��
35741listening mode	��ť�覡
35742listening post	��ť��	LP
35743listening silence	��ť�R�I
35744listening watch	��ť��
35745lister	�C��{��
35746listing	�C��
35747listing control	�C����
35748listing control statement	�C����ԭz
35749listing control switch	�C����}��
35750listing option	�C����
35751listing order	�C����
35752listing spooler	�C�X�g��]�ƦP�ɽu�W�@�~
35753liter	��
35754literal	��r	LIT
35755literal address	��r��}
35756literal addressing	��r�w�}
35757literal assignment	��r���
35758literal cipher equipment	��r�s�K��
35759literal code	��r�N�X
35760literal constant	��r�`��
35761literal data	��r�ƾ�
35762literal definition	��r�w�q
35763literal expression	��r��ܪk
35764literal field	��r��
35765literal node	��r���I
35766literal operands	��r�B�⤸
35767literal order	��r���O
35768literal pool	��r�w
35769literal reference	��r�ޥ�
35770literal register	��r�Ȧs��
35771literal string pool	��r��w
35772literal syntax	��r���y�k
35773literal term	��r��
35774literal type	��r����
35775literature information network	���m��T��
35776literature programming	���m�{���]�p
35777literature search	���m�d�M
35778lithography	�����L��޳N
35779litre	��
35780litter out	�M��
35781little subprocedure depth	���L���l�L�{�O�M�h��
35782live	���@��
35783live copy/hard copy	�w����
35784live load	��έt��	LL
35785live net	����
35786live program	���b���檺�{��
35787live register	���Ȧs��
35788live task instruction	�u�@���ȫ��O
35789live time	�ϥέ���
35790live variable analysis	���D�ܶq���R
35791live variable calcuation	���D�ܶq�p��
35792liveware	�H��
35793living computer	�B�椤���p���
35794LL grammar	LL��k
35795lndsc key	�u�����_��
35796LNR recursive scan	LNR ���j���y
35797LO address byte	�C�}�줸��
35798LO memory address	�C�O�Ч}
35799load	�t��, ���J
35800load accumulator	�˸��ֿn��	LAC
35801load accumulator instruction	���J�ֿn�����O
35802load accumulator with magnitude	�N�q���J�ֿn��	LAM
35803load address	���J��}	LAD
35804load adjuster	�t���ո`��	LA
35805load analysis	�t�����R
35806load analysis detail	�t�����R����
35807load and exchange	���J�M����
35808load and go	�H�X�H�@
35809load balancing	�t������
35810load balancing group	�t�����Ų�	LBG
35811load balancing mode	�t�����żҦ�
35812load buffer	���J�w�ľ�	LB
35813load buffer memory	���J�w���x�s��	LBM
35814load capacity	�t���e�q
35815load cards	�ˤJ�d��
35816load cell	�t���椸	LC
35817load circuit	�t���q��
35818load circuit efficiency	�t���q���IJv
35819load clear key	���J�M����
35820load command	���J�R�O
35821load compensation	�t�����v
35822load control	�t������
35823load cumulative	�t���֭p
35824load current	�t���q�y
35825load curve	�t�����u
35826load data base	���J��Ʈw
35827load data counter	���J�ƾڭp�ƾ�
35828load facility	���J�]�I
35829load factor	�t���]��
35830load file	���J�ɮ�
35831load file instruction	���J�ɮ׫��O
35832load function	���J�\��
35833load halfword	��J�b�r	LH
35834load image	���J�v��
35835load image file format	���J�v���ɮ׮榡
35836load immediate instruction	�ߧY���J���O
35837load impedance	�t������
35838load index register instruction	���J���޼Ȧs�����O
35839load indicator	���J���ܾ�
35840load initial table	��l���J��	LIT
35841load instruction	���J���O
35842load interrupt mask	���J���_�n
35843load key	�X�J��
35844load leveling	�t������
35845load life	�t���ͩR��
35846load limiting register	�t������Ȧs��	LLR
35847load line	�t���u
35848load loss	�t���ӷl
35849load map	���J�a�}
35850load matching	�t���ǰt
35851load member	���J����
35852load memory lockout register	���J�x������Ȧs��	LMLR
35853load micro-program	���J�L�{��	LMP
35854load mode	���J�Ҧ�
35855load model generator	���J�Ҧ����;�	LMGEN
35856load module	���J�Ҳ�	LM
35857load module file	���J�Ҳ��ɮ�
35858load module librarian	���J�Ҳծw�޲z�{��	LLIB
35859load module library	���J�Ҳծw
35860load module name	���J�ҲզW
35861load negative operation	�s�t�ާ@
35862load normal key	���J���`��
35863load overlay segment	���J���|�q
35864load paper	�и˯�
35865load point	�X�J�I
35866load point marker	�X�J�I�лx
35867load program	���J�{��
35868load program and allocation	���J�{���M���t
35869load program block	���J�{����	LPB
35870load program status word	���J�{�����A�r	LPSW
35871load real address	���J���}	LRA
35872load register	���J�Ȧs��	LR
35873load register instruction	���J�Ȧs�����O
35874load regulation	�t���ո`
35875load request block	���J�ШD�ƾڶ�	LRB
35876load resistance	�t���q��
35877load resistor	�t���q����
35878load routine	���J�`��
35879load rule	���J�W�h
35880load segment	���J�q
35881load sharing	����
35882load sharing matrix switch	�����t���x�}�}��
35883load splittinge	�t������
35884load stabilization	�t��í�w�k
35885load system program	���J�t�ΪA�ȵ{��
35886load test	�[������
35887load time	���J�ɶ�
35888load to capacity ratio	�t���ﲣ���v
35889load transfer	�t���ഫ
35890load type	�t������
35891load unit	���J�˸m
35892load vector	���J�V�q
35893load voltage regulation	�t���q���ո`
35894load-and-go	���J��
35895load-on-call	�եθ��J
35896load/rewind button	�˸�/ �^���s
35897loadable character set	�i���J�r�Ŷ�
35898loadable microcode	�i���J�L�X
35899loaded cable	�����q�l
35900loaded core logic	�[���Ϥ��޿�
35901loaded line	�t���u��
35902loaded origin	���J�_�l��}
35903loaded potentiometer function generator	�����q�쾹��Ʋ��;�
35904loaded program request block	���J�{�����ШD�H����
35905loader	���J��	LD
35906loader application	���μҲո��J�{��
35907loader bootstrap	�u�a�����J��
35908loader program	���J�{��
35909loader routine	���J�`��
35910loader system	�t��J�{��
35911loader-compatible form	�A����J�{������
35912loaders and linkage editors	���J�{���M�쵲�s��{��
35913loading	�t���k, �[��
35914loading calculation	�t���k�p��
35915loading characteristic	�[���S��
35916loading coilor	�[���u��
35917loading control	�[������
35918loading control program	���J����{��	LCP
35919loading density	�[���K��
35920loading diagonstic program	���J�E�_�{��
35921loading error	���J���~
35922loading factor	�[���]��
35923loading multiple file	���J�h�ɮ�
35924loading objective	���J�ؼ�
35925loading pattern	���J���
35926loading policy	���J�F��
35927loading potential	�t������b��O
35928loading problem	�t�����D
35929loading procedure	���J�{��
35930loading routine	�[���`��
35931loading tape	�˸��ϱa
35932loading zone	���J��
35933loading-location misuse errors	���J��m�~��~
35934lobe	�Y��
35935lobe attaching unit	����[�]��
35936lobe bypass	ä���Ǹ�
35937lobe receptacle	����y
35938local	�ϰ쪺; ����
35939local acquisition radar	���a����p�F	LAR
35940local address	������}	LA
35941local address register	������}�Ȧs��	LAR
35942local address space	������}�Ŷ�	LAS
35943local address translation	������}½Ķ
35944local addressing	�����s�}
35945local adjunct grammar	�����׹��y��k
35946local agency check	�ѷ�a���c�i�檺����	LAC
35947local and remote printing station	�ϰ�M���{�C�L��	LARPS
35948local application	��������
35949local area	�����ϰ�	LA
35950local area broadcast	�����ϰ�s��	LAB
35951local area communications network	�����ϰ�q�H����	LACN
35952local area data set	�����a�ϼƾڶ�	LADS
35953local area distributed system	�����a�Ϥ������t��	LADS
35954local area network	�ϰ�ʺ���	LAN
35955local attached support processor	�ϰ���[���䴩�B�z�{��
35956local attribute	�����ݩ�
35957local authorities management information system	�a����޲z��T�t��	LAMIS
35958local automatic circuit exchange	�����۰ʹq���洫��	LACE
35959local automatic message accounting	�����H���۰ʭp�b	LAMA
35960local autonomy	�����ۥD
35961local base vector	������V�q
35962local batch job	�����妸�@�~
35963local batch processing	��������B�z
35964local battery	�����q��
35965local buffer storage	�����w���x�s��
35966local burst mode	�������q��
35967local bus adapter	�������νu�t�A��	LBA
35968local bus controller	�������νu���	LBC
35969local call	�����I�s
35970local card	�����d
35971local cartesian coordinates	�����åd�����Шt
35972local catenative sequence	�����s���ǦC
35973local center	��a�洫����
35974local central office	��a�`��
35975local channel	��a�q�D
35976local character set identifier	�����r�Ŷ����Ѳ�	LCID
35977local check point	���������I	LCP
35978local cipher	�����[�K
35979local circuit	�����q��
35980local code	�ϰ�X
35981local code generator	�ϰ�N�X�ͦ��{��
35982local command area	�ϰ�R�O��
35983local communication	�ϰ�q�T
35984local communication console	�ϰ�q�T����x	LCC
35985local communication network	�ϰ�q�T����
35986local computer	���a�p���
35987local computer network	�ϰ�p�������	LCN
35988local configuration facility	�����t�m�{��	LCF
35989local congestion	�����ֶ�
35990local connection	�ϰ�ʳs��
35991local connectivity	�ϰ�ʳs��
35992local console	�ϰ챱��x
35993local control	�ϰ챱��
35994local control point	�ϰ챱���I	LCP
35995local control unit	�ϰ챱�	LCU
35996local convergence	��������
35997local copy	�L�X����
35998local copy operation	���a�ƻs�ާ@
35999local cypher	�����[�K
36000local data administrator	�ϰ�ƾں޲z�{��	LDA
36001local data area	�ϰ��ư�	LDA
36002local data base	�ϰ��Ʈw
36003local data base management system	�ϰ��Ʈw�޲z�t��	LDBMS
36004local data base system	�ϰ��Ʈw�t��	LDBS
36005local data buffer	�ϰ��ƽw�İ�	LDB
36006local data distribution	�ϰ��Ƥ��G	LDD
36007local data manager	�ϰ��ƺ޲z�v	LDM
36008local data message exchange	�ϰ��ƫH���洫	LDMX
36009local data package	�ϰ�ƾڥ]	LDP
36010local data processor	�ϰ�ƾڳB�z��	LDP
36011local DBMS	�ϰ��Ʈw�޲z�t��
36012local declaration	��������
36013local definition	�����w�q	LD
36014local destination	�ϰ�ت��a
36015local device controller line	�ϰ�]�Ʊ���u��
36016local diagnosis	�ϰ�E�_
36017local digital message exchange	�ϰ�Ʀr�H���洫	LDME
36018local digital switching	�ϰ�Ʀr�洫
36019local discard policy	�ϰ���o����
36020local display adapter	������ܰt�A��	LDA
36021local display controller	������ܱ��	LDC
36022local distribution data interface	�ϰ�������ƾڤ���
36023local distribution service	�ϰ�������A�Ȩt��	LDS
36024local distribution system	�ϰ�������t��	LDS
36025local echoing	���a����
36026local end	�����׺�
36027local engineering circuit	�����u�{�q�H�q��
36028local engineering standards	���a�u�{�з�	LES
36029local entity	��������
36030local environment	��������
36031local equalize	�������v
36032local error	�����~�t
36033local exchange center	��a�洫����
36034local exchange switching center	��a�洫����
36035local facult	�����G��
36036local file	�����ɮ�
36037local file directory system	�����ɮץؿ��t��	LFDS
36038local file manager	�����ɮ׺޲z�{��	LFM
36039local flag	�����аO
36040local font table	�����r���
36041local format storage	�����榡�x�s��	LFS
36042local forms control	�����榡����	LFC
36043local frequency distribution	�����W�v���G	LFD
36044local generator	�������Ͳ�
36045local government financial system	�a��F���]�F�t��	LGFS
36046local government information office	�a��F�������B	LGIO
36047local host	���a�D��
36048local id	�ϰ��ѧO�X
36049local identifier	�������Ѳ�
36050local information	������T
36051local input/output processor	���a��J��X�B�z��	LIOP
36052local interaction language	�ϰ��ͻy��	LIL
36053local interrupt register	�������_�Ȧs��
36054local job entry	�ϰ�@�~�n��	LJE
36055local job processing	�ϰ�@�~�B�z	LJP
36056local key	������
36057local knowledge	��������
36058local level	�a�ϯ�
36059local line	�����u��	LL
36060local lock	������
36061local loop	�����j��
36062local loopback	�����ϰj��	LL
36063local macro definition	���������w�q
36064local mailbox	�����H�c
36065local main process	�����D�L�{
36066local management	�����޲z
36067local mass storage	�����j�e�q�x�s��
36068local maxium	�����̤j��
36069local memory	�����x�s��	LM
36070local memory bank interface	�����x�s������	LMBI
36071local memory bus interface	�����x�s��������	LMBI
36072local memory image	�����x�s���M��	LMI
36073local microcode compaction technique	�����L�X��o�޳N
36074local minimization problem	�������p�ư��D
36075local minimum	�����̤p��
36076local mode	�ϰ�ʼҦ�
36077local modem	�ϰ���ܸѽվ�
36078local multiaccess communication system	�ϰ�h�s���q�H�t��
36079local multiple access	�ϰ�h�s��
36080local multiplexer	�ϰ�h�u��	LMX
36081local name base	�����W�r�w	LNB
36082local name base register	�����W�r�w�Ȧs��
36083local name space	�����W��	LNS
36084local NCP	���a��������{��
36085local net	������
36086local network	��������
36087local network control program	������������{��
36088local network emulator	������������u��	LNE
36089local network interface	������������	LNI
36090local network of personal computer	�ӤH�p�����������
36091local networking	�����s��
36092local node	�����`�I
36093local non-SNA major node	�����DSNA �D�`�I
36094local number	�����Ƹ�
36095local object descriptor	�����ؼдy�z��
36096local online card reader	�����s�u�d����J��
36097local operating procedure	�����ާ@�{��	LOP
36098local operating system	�����@�~�t��	LOS
36099local operation	�����B��
36100local optimization technique	�����̨ΤƧ޳N
36101local or own type	�����ΩT������
36102local order wire	�����ǦC�u��
36103local origination channel	�����`�سq�D
36104local oscillator frequency	���������W�v	LOF
36105local output	������X
36106local oxidation of silicon	���������	LOCOS
36107local port	�����q�D
36108local port level	�����q�D��
36109local printer	�ϰ�C���
36110local processor	�����B�z��	LP
36111local processor link	�����B�z���쵲	LPL
36112local programming	�����{���]�p
36113local record	�����O��
36114local reference	�����ޥ�
36115local register	�����Ȧs��	LR
36116local regulation	�����վ�
36117local replacement policy	������������
36118local representational structure	������ܵ��c
36119local resource	�����귽
36120local restrmctions	��������
36121local rounding error	�����ˤJ�~�t
36122local schema	�����Ҧ�
36123local screen write subroutine	�����ù��g�l�{��
36124local segment	�����q
36125local segment table	�����q��
36126local segment table base	�����q���}
36127local service	�����A��
36128local service area	�����A�Ȱ�
36129local session identification	������ܴ��ѧO	LSID
36130local shared resources	�����@�ɸ귽	LSR
36131local side	�����p���u��
36132local signals	�����H��
36133local SNA major node	����SNA �D�`�I
36134local stack	�������|
36135local station	������
36136local storage	�����x�s��	LOCSTO
36137local storage address latch	�����x�s����}��s	LSAL
36138local storage address register	�����x�s����}�Ȧs��	LSAR
36139local storage data register	�����x�s������ƼȦs��
36140local storage function register	�����x�s���\��Ȧs��	LSFR
36141local storage input/output	�����x�s����J��X	LSIO
36142local storage register	�����x�s���Ȧs��	LSR
36143local storage unit	�����x�s���椸	LSU
36144local store	�����x�s	LS
36145local store data register	�����x�s����ƼȦs��	LSDR
36146local store pointer	�����x�s����	LSP
36147local subport	�����l�q�D
36148local switch	�����}��
36149local switching center	�����洫����
36150local switching facilities	�����洫�]�I
36151local switching office	�����洫��
36152local symbol	�����Ÿ�
36153local symbol block	�����Ÿ���
36154local system	�����t��
36155local system library	�����t�ε{���w
36156local system queue area	�����t��C��	LSQA
36157local terminal	�����׺ݾ�
36158local timing	�����w��
36159local title	�������D
36160local tracking	�����l�a
36161local transaction	��������
36162local transaction program	�������ʵ{��
36163local translator	����½Ķ�{��	LOCTLR
36164local type	��������
36165local update procedure	������s�L�{
36166local user group	������p��	LUG
36167local value	������
36168local variable	�����ܶq
36169local variable symbol	�����ܶq��
36170local view	��������
36171local virtual address	����������}	LVA
36172local work area	�����u�@��
36173local work station	�����u�@��
36174local-global connection	�����P����s��
36175local-local link	�����P�����쵲
36176local-remote link	���a--���{�쵲
36177locality	������
36178locality improvement	������i
36179locality model	�����ҫ�
36180locality predication	�����w��
36181localization	������
36182localization of fault	�G�٩w��
36183localize	�ϧ����ơA�w��
36184localized	�w��
36185localized diffusion	�w���X��
36186localized doping	�w��U�V
36187localized network	��������
36188localizer	�w�쾹	LCZR
36189localizer station	�w�쾹��
36190locally distributed computing station	�w������p�⯸
36191locally distributed data base system	�w���������Ʈw
36192locally distributed processor	�w������B�z��
36193locally optimal repair	�����̨ΤƮե�
36194locally passive medium	�����L���C��
36195locally-attached	�����s��
36196locally-attached station	�����s����
36197locally-attached terminal	�����s���׺�
36198locally-oxidized CMOS	������Ƥ��ɪ��ݮ�ƪ�	LOCMOS
36199locate	�w��
36200locate mode	�w��Ҧ�
36201locate statement	�w��ԭz
36202locating	�w��
36203locating file	�d�M�ɮ�
36204locating hardware error	�d�M�w����~
36205locating programming error	�d�M�{���]�p���~
36206locating software error	�d�M�n����~
36207location	��m	LOC
36208location accessing operation	��m�s���ާ@
36209location beacon	��m�H��
36210location constants	��m�`��
36211location counter	��m�p�ƾ�	LC
36212location data	��m���
36213location delimiter	��m�w�ɼ�
36214location dependent	��m����	LOD
36215location free procedure	�B�ʹL�{
36216location hole	�w���
36217location identification	��m�ѧO��
36218location identifier	��m�ѧO��
36219location independent	�W�ߩw��
36220location information	�椸��T
36221location mode	�w��覡
36222location parameter	��m�Ѽ�
36223location pin	�w���
36224location pointer	��m���ܲ�
36225location problem	�������D
36226location tag field	������
36227location variable	��m�ܶq
36228location-variable type	��m�ܶq����
36229locator	�w�쾹
36230locator argument	�w��޼�
36231locator data	�w��ƾ�
36232locator device	�w��˸m
36233locator qualifier	�w��׹���
36234locator variable	�w���ܼ�
36235lock	��w
36236lock ahead on fault	�G�٥��汱��	LOF
36237lock and key	��M��
36238lock bar	�꭬
36239lock byte	��w�줸��
36240lock class	��w��
36241lock code	��w�X
36242lock file	��w�ɮ�
36243lock free system	�L��w�覡
36244lock hierarchy	����h���c
36245lock in	��w	LKN
36246lock key	��w��
36247lock management	�[��޲z
36248lock mode	��w�Ҧ�
36249lock nut	��w���U
36250lock out	����
36251lock pin	��w�w
36252lock record	��w�O��
36253lock register	��w�Ȧs��
36254lock resolution	����Ѫk
36255lock ring	����
36256lock state	��w���A
36257lock stud	��w��
36258lock up	��w
36259lock-and-key protection	��M��O�@
36260lock-in	��w	LKN
36261lock-in range	�P�B�d��
36262lock-in range on synchronization	�P�B�a
36263lock-in synchronism	��w�P�B
36264lock-in time	�P�B�ɶ�
36265lock-name	��W
36266lock-on counter	�椸�p�ƾ�	LOC
36267lock-out facility	����]��
36268lock-up table	�[���
36269lock/unlock facility	�[��/ �L��]�I
36270locked attribute	�Q���ݩ�
36271locked down	���
36272locked file	�Q���ɮ�
36273locked name	�Q��W�r
36274locked page	�Q�ꭶ��
36275locked record	�Q��O��
36276locked resource	�Q��귽
36277locker	�곬	LKR
36278locking	��w
36279locking band	��w�W�a
36280locking bar	��w��
36281locking bit	����줸
36282locking circuit	�j��P�B�q��
36283locking code extension character	��w�X�X�R�r��
36284locking crank	��w���`
36285locking device	����˸m
36286locking discipline	��w�W�h
36287locking escape	��w���X
36288locking hierarchy	��w�h��
36289locking key	��w��
36290locking latch	��w��s��
36291locking lever	��w��
36292locking of file	�ɮ׫���
36293locking primitive	��w��y
36294locking protocol	��w��ij
36295locking range	��w�d��
36296locking relay	��w�~�q��
36297locking shift character	��w����r��
36298locking signal	�P�B�H��
36299locking time	��w�ɶ�
36300lockout	����
36301lockout module	����Ҳ�
36302lockout switch	����}��
36303locomotive function	���ʥ\��
36304locus	�y��
36305locus of control	����y��
36306lodar	�p�F�t��
36307lofting	�z�׼ҽu��ø��
36308log	��x�A���
36309log amplifer	��Ʃ�j��	LOAMP
36310log amps hybrids	��Ʃ�j���V�X�L�q��
36311log analysis	���x���R
36312log control table	���x�����	LCT
36313log curve	��Ʀ��u
36314log data set	���x�ƾڶ�
36315log device	���x�]��
36316log drum	���x�Ϲ�
36317log file	���x�ɮ�
36318log file editor	�O�����s��{��	LOGFED
36319log in	�x�J
36320log off	���P
36321log on	�n�J
36322log out	�x�X
36323log paper	��Ƨ��Я�
36324log sheet	���x��
36325log table	��ƪ�
36326log tape write ahead	���g���x�a	LTWA
36327log task	���x����
36328log write-ahead	���g���x
36329log-down	���P
36330log-in command	���U�R�O
36331log-initiated check point	���x��l�����I
36332log-likelihood ratio representation	��Ʀ��M���F��	LLRR
36333log-log graph paper	���--��Ư�
36334log-off	���P
36335log-on	���U
36336logarithm	���
36337logarithm characteristic	��ƯS��
36338logarithm transformation	����ܴ�
36339logarithmic A/D converter	��Ƽ����q�Ʀr�q�ഫ��
36340logarithmic amplifier	��Ʃ�j��	LA
36341logarithmic base	��Ʃ�
36342logarithmic calculator	��ƭp�⾹
36343logarithmic computing instrument	��ƭp�ƾ�
36344logarithmic coordinate paper	��Ʈy�Я�
36345logarithmic criteria	��ƧP�w
36346logarithmic curve	��Ʀ��u
36347logarithmic decrement	��ƴ��Y�q
36348logarithmic differentiation	��ƷL���k
36349logarithmic fast time constant	��Ƨֳt�ɶ��`��	LOGFTC
36350logarithmic formula	��Ƥ���
36351logarithmic function	��ƨ��
36352logarithmic function generator	��ƨ�Ʋ��;�
36353logarithmic graph	��ƹ�
36354logarithmic integral	��ƿn��
36355logarithmic intermediate frequency amplifier	��Ƥ��W��j��
36356logarithmic mean difference	��ƥ����t	LMD
36357logarithmic receiver	��Ʊ�����
36358logarithmic scale	��ƪ�
36359logarithmic search method	��Ƭd�M�k
36360logarithmic searching	��Ʀ��d�M
36361logarithmic solution	��ƸѪk
36362logarithmic table	��ƪ�
36363logarithmic-to linear converter	��ƨ�ƻP�u�ʨ���ഫ��
36364logarithmicity	��Ʃ�
36365logbook	���x���U
36366logged data	�x�J�ƾ�
36367logged resource	�x�J�귽
36368logger	�۰ʿ��x��
36369logger task	���x����
36370logging	�n��	LOG
36371logging data	���x���
36372logging device	���x�˸m
36373logging in	�ШD�s�u
36374logging program	���x�{��
36375logging routine	���x�`��
36376logging service facility	���x�A�ȵ{��
36377logging typewriter	���x���r��
36378logic	�޿�
36379logic add	�޿�[
36380logic address	�޿��}
36381logic alternative	�޿���
36382logic analysis	�޿���R
36383logic analysis device	�޿���R�]��	LAD
36384logic analysis for maintenance planning	���@�p�����޿���R	LAMP
36385logic analysis stimulus and response	��E�M�^���޿���R	LASAR
36386logic analyzer	�޿���R��
36387logic analyzer for maintenance planning	���@�p�����޿���R�{��	LAMP
36388logic and adder	�޿�P�[�k��	LAD
36389logic and control simulator	�޿�P���������	LOCS
36390logic and information network compiler	�޿�P��T�����sĶ�{��	LINC
36391logic and test function drawer	�޿�P���ե\���P	LTFD
36392logic arithmetic unit	�޿��N���
36393logic array	�޿�}�C
36394logic automated documentation system	�۰��޿���t��	LADS
36395logic base	�޿��
36396logic behaviour	�޿�S��
36397logic bomb	�޿謵�u
36398logic bus monitor	�޿褽�νu�ʵ���	LBM
36399logic CAD	�޿誺�p������U�]�p
36400logic capability	�޿��O
36401logic card	�޿贡��
36402logic chart	�޿��
36403logic circuit	�޿�q��
36404logic clock pulse generator	�޿����߽IJ��;�	LCPG
36405logic coincidence element	�޿�
36406logic comparation	�޿���	LC
36407logic comparators	�޿�����
36408logic comparison	�޿���
36409logic component	�޿褸��
36410logic computer	�޿�p���
36411logic control block	�޿豱���	LCB
36412logic controlled sequential computer	�޿豱��ǭp���
36413logic coordination method	�޿�հt�k
36414logic core	�޿�Ϥ�	R	LOGICO
36415logic corporation	�޿�զX	LC
36416logic data base definition	�޿��Ʈw�w�q
36417logic data base design	�޿��Ʈw�]�p
36418logic data structure	�޿��Ƶ��c
36419logic decision	�޿�P�w
36420logic decoder	�޿�Ķ�X��
36421logic design	�޿�]�p
36422logic design automation	�޿�]�p�۰ʤ�
36423logic device	�޿�]��
36424logic diagram	�޿��
36425logic diagram approach	�޿�ϧΪk
36426logic diagram engineering	�޿�Ϥu�{
36427logic difference	�޿�t
36428logic diode	�޿�G����
36429logic dynamic gazard	�޿�ʺA�_�I
36430logic element	�޿褸��
36431logic entity	�޿����
36432logic equation simulation	�޿��{����
36433logic error	�޿�~�t
36434logic event	�޿�ƥ�
36435logic expression	�޿��ܦ�
36436logic eye	�޿���ܾ�
36437logic families	�޿�t��
36438logic family	�޿�t��
36439logic fault	�޿�G��
36440logic fault condition	�޿�G�ٱ���
36441logic fault simulator	�޿�G�ټ�����	LFS
36442logic file	�޿��ɮ�
36443logic file storage	�޿��ɮ��x�s��
36444logic file system	�޿��ɮרt��	LFS
36445logic flaw	�޿�ʳ�
36446logic flexibility	�޿�u��
36447logic flow	�޿�y�{
36448logic flow chart	�޿�y�{��	LFC
36449logic for computable functions	�i�����޿�	LCF
36450logic function	�޿���	LF
36451logic gate	�޿�h
36452logic gate level	�޿�h��
36453logic generating language	�޿貣�ͻy��	LOGEL
36454logic graph	�޿��
36455logic hazard	�޿�_�I
36456logic high	�޿谪
36457logic in document out	�޿��J����X	LIDO
36458logic in memory	���޿��x�s��
36459logic in memory array	���޿��x�s���}�C	LIMA
36460logic instruction	�޿���O
36461logic interface	�޿褶��
36462logic inverter	�޿����
36463logic level	�޿��
36464logic level translator	�޿�q���ഫ��
36465logic light	�ާ@�޿�X�����ܿO
36466logic line group	�޿�u����	LLG
36467logic link layer	�޿��쵲�h
36468logic low	�޿�C�q��
36469logic machine aids digital	�޿�����U�Ʀ�]��	LMAD
36470logic map	�޿��
36471logic mapping table	�޿��ܴ���	LMT
36472logic master tape	�޿�D�ϱa	LMT
36473logic matrix	�޿�x�}
36474logic microoperation	�޿�L�ާ@
36475logic module	�޿�Ҳ�	LM
36476logic multiply	�޿譼�k
36477logic nesting level number	�޿�_���Žs��
36478logic of machine	�p����޿�
36479logic operand	�޿�B���
36480logic operation	�޿�B��
36481logic OR	�޿�
36482logic oscillosope	�޿�ܪi��
36483logic package	�޿�M�˳n��
36484logic partition	�޿蹺��
36485logic partitioning	�޿蹺��
36486logic probe	�޿豴�w	LP
36487logic probe indicator	�޿豴�w���ܾ�
36488logic processor	�޿�B�z��	LOP
36489logic product	�޿�n
36490logic product gate	�޿�n�h
36491logic programming	�޿�{���]�p
36492logic proposition	�޿�R�D
36493logic pulser	�޿�߽IJ��;�
36494logic record	�޿�O��
36495logic rule	�޿�W�h
36496logic schematic replacement	�޿�عϥN��
36497logic schematics	�޿�ع�
36498logic sequence	�޿趶��
36499logic shift	�޿貾��
36500logic short fault	�޿�u���G��
36501logic signal	�޿�H��
36502logic signal transmission	�޿�H���ǿ�
36503logic simulation	�޿����	LOGSIM
36504logic spectrum	�޿�t�C
36505logic state analyzer	�޿説�A���R��
36506logic state table	�޿説�A��
36507logic states	�޿説�A
36508logic static hazard	�޿説�A�_�I
36509logic status indicator	�޿説�A���ܾ�	LSI
36510logic storage unit	�޿��x�s�椸	LSU
36511logic sum	�޿�M
36512logic sum gate	�޿�M�h
36513logic swing	�޿��\��
36514logic symbol	�޿�Ÿ�
36515logic synthesis	�޿��X
36516logic testing	�޿����
36517logic theory	�޿��	LT
36518logic theory machine	�޿�z�׾�	LTM
36519logic threshold	�޿��{��
36520logic timing and sequencing	�޿�w�ɩM�Ƨ�	LOTIS
36521logic timing diagram	�޿�w�ɹ�
36522logic translator	�޿�½Ķ��
36523logic unit	�޿�椸
36524logic value	�޿��
36525logic variable	�޿��ܶq
36526logic verification system	�޿�����t��
36527logic work station	�޿�u�@��	LWS
36528logic-controlled sequential computer	�޿豱��ɧǭp���
36529logic-in-memory chip	�x�s�����޿费��
36530logic-seeking	�޿�j��
36531logic-semantic analysis	�޿�y�q���R
36532logical	�޿�	LOG�@
36533logical access level	�޿�s���h
36534logical access method	�޿�s����k
36535logical access path schems	�޿�s�����|�Ҧ�
36536logical action	�޿�@��
36537logical add	�޿�[
36538logical addition	�޿�[�k
36539logical address	�޿��}	LA
36540logical address plug	�޿��}���Y	LAP
36541logical address space	�޿��}�Ŷ�
36542logical algorithm	�޿�t��k
36543logical algorithmic language	�޿�t��k�y��	LOGALG
36544logical analysis	�޿���R
36545logical analysis component	�޿���R����
36546logical analyzer of hypothesis	���]�޿���R��	LAH
36547logical AND	�޿�
36548logical arms position	�޿��u��m	LAP
36549logical array	�޿�}�C
36550logical array element reference	�޿�}�C���Ѧҥ�
36551logical assignment statement	�޿��ȱԭz
36552logical attribute	�޿��ݩ�
36553logical automaton	�޿�۰ʾ�
36554logical axiom	�޿褽�z
36555logical binary counter	�޿�G�i��p�ƾ�
36556logical block	�޿��	LB
36557logical block diagram	�޿����	LBD
36558logical block number	�޿�����X	LBN
36559logical bucket number	�޿���X	LBN
36560logical byte address	�޿�r����}
36561logical byte string	�޿�r����
36562logical capability	�޿��O
36563logical channel	�޿�q�D	LCH
36564logical channel control block	�޿�q�D�����
36565logical channel fill	�޿�q�D����	LCF
36566logical channel group	�޿�q�D��
36567logical channel number	�޿�q�D��	LCN
36568logical channel program	�޿�q�D�{��
36569logical channel queue	�޿�q�D��C	LCH
36570logical character	�޿�r��
36571logical character delete symbol	�޿�r�ŧR����
36572logical characteristic of data base	��Ʈw�޿�S��
36573logical chart	�޿��
36574logical child	�޿貣��	LCHILD
36575logical child pointer	�޿貣������
36576logical child segment	�޿貣���q
36577logical choice	�޿���
36578logical circuit	�޿�q��
36579logical combination	�޿�զX
36580logical command	�޿�R�O	S	LOGAND
36581logical compare accumulator with storage	�֥[���P�x�s�����޿���
36582logical comparison	�޿���
36583logical complexity	�޿������
36584logical component	�޿褸��
36585logical computer	�޿�p���
36586logical condition	�޿����
36587logical configuration communication area	�޿赲�c�q�H��	LCCA
36588logical connection	�޿�s��
36589logical connection layer	�޿�s���h	LCL
36590logical connection terminal	�޿�s���׺�
36591logical connective	�޿�s����
36592logical connector	�޿�s����
36593logical constant	�޿�`��
36594logical construction of programs	�{�����޿赲�c	LCP
36595logical conversion	�޿��ഫ
36596logical conversion code	�޿��ഫ�N�X
36597logical core	�޿�Ϥ�
36598logical data	�޿���
36599logical data base	�޿��Ʈw	LDB
36600logical data base description	�޿��Ʈw�y�z
36601logical data base design	�޿��Ʈw�]�p
36602logical data base record	�޿��Ʈw�O��
36603logical data base schema	�޿��Ʈw�ϸ�
36604logical data independence	�޿��ƿW�ߩ�
36605logical data item	�޿��ƶ�
36606logical data link	�޿����챵
36607logical data path	�޿��Ƹ��|
36608logical data structure	�޿��Ƶ��c
36609logical data transfer	�޿��ƶǰe
36610logical database	�޿��Ʈw
36611logical decision	�޿�M�w
36612logical descriptor	�޿�y�z��
36613logical design	�޿�]�p	LD
36614logical destination	�޿�ؼ�
36615logical determinant	�޿��C��
36616logical device	�޿�˸m
36617logical device address	�޿�˸m��}	LDA
36618logical device name	�޿�˸m�W
36619logical device order	�޿�˸m���O	LDO
36620logical diagram	�޿��
36621logical difference	�޿�t
36622logical diode circuit	�G�����޿�q��
36623logical disjunct	�޿�
36624logical disk	�޿�Ϻ�
36625logical distinction	�޿�t�O
36626logical distribution	�޿���t
36627logical division	�޿賡��
36628logical drawing	�޿��
36629logical edit	�޿�s��
36630logical editing symbols	�޿�s���
36631logical element	�޿褸��	LE
36632logical element symbol	�޿褸��Ÿ�
36633logical end	�޿赲��
36634logical end of media	�C�骺�޿���I	LEM
36635logical enhanced memory	�޿�W�j���O����	LEM
36636logical equation	�޿��{��
36637logical equipment table	�޿�]�ƪ�	LET
36638logical equivalence	�޿赥��
36639logical escape symbol	�޿贫�X
36640logical exclusive OR	�޿褬����
36641logical expression	�޿��ܦ�
36642logical factor	�޿�]��
36643logical fault	�޿�G��
36644logical fault vector location	�޿�G�٦V�q�椸
36645logical field descriptor	�޿���y�z��
36646logical file	�޿��ɮ�
36647logical file name	�޿��ɮצW	LFN
36648logical file section	�޿��ɮ׬q
36649logical file structure	�޿��ɮ׵��c	LFS
36650logical file system	�޿��ɨt��
36651logical flow	�޿�y�{
36652logical flow chart	�޿�y�{��
36653logical flowchart	�޿�y�{��
36654logical form	�޿�Φ�
36655logical formulas	�޿褽��
36656logical front end	�޿�e�ݵ{��
36657logical full-duplex flow	�޿�����u�y
36658logical function	�޿���
36659logical function reference	�޿��Ƨ@��
36660logical gate	�޿�h
36661logical gate expander	�޿�h�X�i�q��	LGE
36662logical grammar	�޿��k
36663logical group	�޿��
36664logical group instruction	�޿�ի��O
36665logical group number	�޿�ո�	LGN
36666logical grouping of data	�ƾڪ��޿�s��	LGD
36667logical I/O	�޿��J��X
36668logical I/O function	�޿��J��X�\��
36669logical I/O protocol	�޿��J��X��ij
36670logical IF	�޿����y�y
36671logical IF statement	�޿����ԭz
36672logical image	�޿�v��
36673logical implication	�޿�v���t��
36674logical inclusion	�޿�]�t
36675logical indicator	�޿���ܾ�
36676logical information system	�޿��T�t��
36677logical input device	�޿��J�]��
36678logical input output controller	�޿��J��X���
36679logical input/output	�޿��X�J
36680logical input/output control system	�޿��X�J����t��	LIOCS
36681logical inquiry and update system	�޿�߰ݩM��s�t��	LINUS
36682logical instruction	�޿���O
36683logical interface	�޿�ɭ�
36684logical inversion	�޿����
36685logical IOCS	�޿��J��X����t��
36686logical job name	�޿�@�~�W
36687logical language	�޿�y��	LOGLAN
36688logical leading end	�޿�e��
36689logical left shift	�޿襪�����O	LGL
36690logical line	�޿�C
36691logical line delete symbol	�޿�C�R����
36692logical line end symbol	�޿�C������
36693logical line group	�޿�u����	LLG
36694logical link	�޿��쵲
36695logical link connection	�޿��쵲�s��
36696logical link control	�޿��쵲����	LLC
36697logical link control sublayer	�޿��쵲����h
36698logical link path	�޿��쵲���|
36699logical local storage address register	�޿觽���x�s����}�Ȧs��	LLSAR
36700logical logging	�޿�n��
36701logical machine	�޿�p���
36702logical mathematics	�޿�ƾ�
36703logical matrix	�޿�x�}
36704logical memory level	�޿��x�s��	LML
36705logical memory organization	�޿��x�s���c
36706logical message	�޿�H��
36707logical mistake	�޿�X��
36708logical model	�޿�ҫ�
36709logical module	�޿�Ҳ�
36710logical multiplex	�޿�h���ƥ�	LGM
36711logical multiplication	�޿譼�k
36712logical multiply	�޿譼	LGM
36713logical name	�޿�W
36714logical name table	�޿�W��
36715logical naming	�޿�R�W
36716logical NAND circuit	�Ϥ��޿�q��
36717logical negation	�޿�D	LGN
36718logical negative operator	�޿�
36719logical network	�޿����
36720logical network concept	�޿��������
36721logical network machine	�޿������	LNM
36722logical NOR circuit	�ϩ��޿�q��
36723logical NOT circuit	���޿�q��
36724logical number	�޿踹
36725logical object model	�޿�ؼмҫ�
36726logical one or zero	�޿�
36727logical operation	�޿�B��	LO
36728logical operation unit	�޿�ާ@�椸
36729logical operator	�޿�B���
36730logical OR	�޿��
36731logical OR component	�޿�Τ���
36732logical OR register	�޿�μȦs��	LORA
36733logical order	�޿�R�O
36734logical organization	�޿��´
36735logical orientation	�޿�w�V
36736logical pack area	�޿�˰t��	LPA
36737logical page	�޿譶��	LPAGE
36738logical page identifier	�޿譶�����Ѳ�	LPID
36739logical page number	�޿譶��	LPN
36740logical paging	�޿����
36741logical parent	�޿�����
36742logical parent pointer	�޿����˫���
36743logical parent segment	�޿����ˬq
36744logical patch	�޿�׸�
36745logical pattern	�޿��
36746logical place	�޿��m
36747logical pointer	�޿����
36748logical port	�޿�ݤf	LP
36749logical port multiplexer	�޿�ݤf�h�u�ഫ��	LPM
36750logical predecessor	�޿�e�X
36751logical primary	�޿�쵥�q
36752logical procedure diagram	�޿�y�{�ع�
36753logical process	�޿�L�{
36754logical product	�޿�n
36755logical professor and computer	�޿�б©M�p���	LOGIPA
36756logical program	�޿�{��	LOGRAM
36757logical program synthesis system	�޿�{����X�t��	LOPS
36758logical protocol	�޿��ij
36759logical queue	�޿��C
36760logical race	�޿��v��
36761logical reading system	�޿�\Ū�t��
36762logical record	�޿��	LR
36763logical record access	�޿���s��	LRA
36764logical record access approach	�޿���s����k
36765logical record control block	�޿�������	LRCB
36766logical record length	�޿������	LRL�@
36767logical record location	�޿����m	LRL
36768logical record processor	�޿���B�z�{��	LRP
36769logical relation	�޿����Y
36770logical relationship	�޿����Y
36771logical resource	�޿�귽
36772logical right shift	�޿�k�����O	LGR
36773logical roll-out	�޿���X
36774logical rule	�޿��
36775logical runtime error	������޿���~
36776logical schema	�޿�ϸ�
36777logical screen	�޿�ù�
36778logical segment	�޿�q
36779logical semantic term relation	�޿�y�q�����Y
36780logical separator	�޿���j��
36781logical service	�޿�A��
36782logical session	�޿���
36783logical shift	�޿貾��
36784logical shift left	�޿襪��	LSL
36785logical shift right	�޿�k��	LSR
36786logical signal transmission	�޿�H���ǿ�
36787logical signals processor	�޿�H���B�z�{��	LSP
36788logical simulation	�޿����
36789logical specification	�޿軡��
36790logical statement	�޿�ԭz
36791logical station	�޿�ƾگ�
36792logical storage	�޿��x�s��
36793logical storage address	�޿��x�s����}
36794logical storage structure	�޿��x�s���c
36795logical structure	�޿赲�c
36796logical structure-operation specification	�޿赲�c--�ާ@�W�d	LSOS
36797logical subrecord	�޿�l�O��
36798logical subscheme	�޿�l����
36799logical successor	�޿���~
36800logical sum	�޿�M
36801logical swap control table	�޿�洫�����	LSCT
36802logical swapping	�޿�洫
36803logical switch	�޿�}��
36804logical symbol	�޿�Ÿ�
36805logical syntax	�޿�y�k
36806logical system design	�޿�t�γ]�p
36807logical term	�޿趵
36808logical terminal	�޿�׺�
36809logical terminal pool	�޿�׺ݲ�
36810logical terminal subpool	�޿�׺ݤl��
36811logical terminals	�޿�׺ݾ�
36812logical test	�޿����
36813logical thinking	�޿���
36814logical timer	�޿�p�ɾ�
36815logical tracing	�޿�l�a
36816logical track	�޿�ϭy
36817logical track header	�޿�ϭy���D	LTH
36818logical transient area	�޿����A��	LTA
36819logical truth	�޿�u
36820logical twin	�޿覨��
36821logical twin backward pointer	�޿����ϦV����	LTB
36822logical twin forward pointer	�޿������V����	LTF
36823logical type	�޿�����
36824logical unit	�޿�椸	LU
36825logical unit block	�޿�椸��	LUB
36826logical unit description	�޿�椸�y�z	LUD
36827logical unit designator	�޿�椸�R�W��
36828logical unit name	�޿�]�ƦW
36829logical unit number	�޿�椸��	LUN
36830logical unit of information	�T���޿�椸	LUI
36831logical unit of work	�޿�B��]��
36832logical unit service	�޿�]�ƪA��
36833logical unit services manager	�޿�]�ƪA�Ⱥ޲z�{��	LUSVC
36834logical unit table	�޿�椸��	LUT
36835logical unit to logical unit	�޿�]�ƨ��޿�]��	LU-LU
36836logical value	�޿��
36837logical variable	�޿��ܶq
36838logical variable reference	�޿��ܶq�ޥ�
36839logical volume	�޿��
36840logical word	�޿�r
36841logical work station	�޿�u�@��
36842logical-resource-oriented workload model	�H�޿�귽���ɦV���u�@�t
36843logicalization	�޿��
36844logicalized memory	�޿���x�s��
36845logically	�޿�a
36846logically complete	�޿觹����
36847logically connected terminal	�޿�s�����׺�
36848logically contiguous address space	�޿�۳s����}�Ŷ�
36849logically contiguous block	�޿�۳s��
36850logically equivalent	�޿赥��
36851logically integrated FORTRAN translator	�޿��XFORTRAN ½Ķ�{��	LIFT
36852logically passive self-dual	�޿�Q�ʦ۰ʹﰸ	LPSD
36853logically true	�޿�u
36854logically unrelated packet	�޿�L���]
36855login	�n�J
36856login command	�n�J�R�O
36857login request	�n�J�ШD
36858logistic	�Ʋz�޿�
36859logistic analysis simulation system	�Ÿ��޿���R�����t��	LASS
36860logistic evaluation and review technique	�Ÿ��޿�Ų�w�P���ק޳N	LEAR
36861logistics	��Ծ�
36862logistics management information	��Ժ޲z��T
36863logistics management information system	��Ժ޲z��T�t��	LOGMIS
36864logitron	�ϩ��޿褸��
36865lognormal	��ƥ��A
36866LOGO	LOGO�оǻy��
36867logoff	���P
36868logogram	�Ÿ�
36869logon	�e�J�t��
36870logon data	�Ұʼƾ�
36871logon mode	�Ұʤ覡
36872logon mode table	�Ұʤ覡��
36873logon owner name	�O�J�D�W
36874logon request	�ҰʽШD
36875logon security	���U�w����
36876logon-interpret routine	�Ұʸ����Ҧ�{��
36877LOGOS	�@�ئ۰ʳ]�p�u��
36878logotype	�Ӽмлx
36879logout	���P
36880logout analysis	�ƥ�O�����R	LA
36881logout analysis reference	�O�����R�ޥ�	LARF
36882logtype entry	�n���������
36883lone signal unit	��W�H���椸
36884long access	�C�t�s��
36885long branch routine	���ಾ�{��
36886long branch sequence	���ಾ����
36887long constant	���`��
36888long cycle	���g��
36889long distance link	���~��
36890long distance trunk	���~�F�u
36891long duration	������ɶ�
36892long floating point	����ׯB�I
36893long frame data	���ؼƾ�
36894long grain	���ɫ�
36895long haul network	���Z������
36896long haul optical transmission set	���Z�����ǿ�]��	LHOTS
36897long haul trunk	���{�F�u
36898long instruction format	�����O�榡
36899long lead	���޽u
36900long lead time	����s�P��	LLT
36901long left shift	�V��������	LLS
36902long life	���ϥδ���
36903long line	���u
36904long line adapter	���~�u���౵��	LLA
36905long lines	���u
36906long mark	���Ǹ�, �L�H���ǿ�	LMK
36907long message	���H��
36908long number	����
36909long precision	�h�����
36910long range	���{	LRG
36911long range data	���{�ƾ�	LRD
36912long range input	���{��J	LRI
36913long range input monitor	���{��J�ʱ���	LRIM
36914long range navigation	���{�ɯ�	LORAN
36915long range plan	���{�W��	LRP
36916long range planning committee	���{�W���e���|	LRPC
36917long range position determining system	���{����t��	LRPDS
36918long range scheduling	���{�Ƶ{
36919long recovery	���Z����_
36920long right shift	�V�k������	_	LRS
36921long run equilibrium state	���B�業�Ū��A
36922long run incremental costing	�����B��W��	LRIC
36923long shift	������
36924long storage location	���r�x�s�椸
36925long symbol	���Ÿ�
36926long term	����
36927long term behaviour	�����ʯ�
36928long term fix area	�����T�w��
36929long term planning	�����p��	LTP
36930long term policy	��������
36931long term queuing	������C
36932long term scheduling	�����Ƶ{
36933long term stability	����í�w��
36934long term storage	�����x�s
36935long time base	���ɰ�
36936long time diffusion	���ɶ��X��
36937long timer	���ɶ��p�ɾ�
36938long word	���r
36939long-access memory	�C�s���x�s��
36940long-distance cable	���~�q�l
36941long-distance call	���~�I�s
36942long-distance direct current dialing system	���~���y�۰ʹq�ܨt��
36943long-distance line	���~�u��
36944long-distance supervisory control	���{�ʵ�����
36945long-distance xerography	���Z���R�q�L��N
36946long-duration repair	�����״_
36947long-form floating point	����ׯB�I
36948long-haul communication	���Z���q�H
36949long-line effects	���u����
36950long-range earth-current communication	���{�a�q�y�q�H	LOREC
36951long-range earth-current communication system	���{�a�q�y�q�H�t��
36952long-range forecast	�����w��
36953long-range laser link	���Z���p�g�q�H�u��
36954long-range navigation	���Z���ɯ�
36955long-range network	���Z������
36956long-range plan	�����W�h
36957long-range requirements	����ݨD	LRR
36958long-range search	���{�˯�	LRS
36959long-space disconnect	���ťիH���_��
36960long-term arrival	��������F�v
36961long-term basis	�������
36962long-term departure	�������o�X�v
36963long-term performance	�����Z��
36964long-term planning	�����W��
36965long-term queueing	�����Ʀ�
36966long-term storage	�����x�s��
36967long-wave communication	���i�q�T
36968longest common submatrix	�̤j�@�P�l�x�}
36969longest common subsequence	�̤j�@�P�l�ǦC
36970longevity	�@�[��
36971longitude	�g��
36972longitudinal balance	�a�V����
36973longitudinal check	�a�V����
36974longitudinal circuit	�a�V�q��
36975longitudinal current	�a�V�q�y
36976longitudinal delay line	�a�V����u
36977longitudinal field	�a�V�ϳ�
36978longitudinal induction noise	�a�V�P������
36979longitudinal magnetic recording	�a�V�ϰO��
36980longitudinal magnetization	�a�V�Ϥ�
36981longitudinal mode delay line	�a�V�覡����u
36982longitudinal parity	�a�V�_����
36983longitudinal parity check	�a�V�_������	LPC
36984longitudinal piezoelectric effect	�a�V�q������
36985longitudinal redundance	�a�V���l
36986longitudinal redundancy character register	�a�V���l�r�żȦs��	LRCR
36987longitudinal redundancy check	�a�V���l�ֹ�	LRC
36988longitudinal redundancy check character	�a�V���l�ֹ�r��	LRCC
36989longitudinal redundancy check register	�a�V���l�ֹ�Ȧs��	LRCR
36990longitudinal redundancy shift	�a�V���l�X����	LRS
36991longitudinal scan	�a�V���y
36992longitudinal testing	�a�V����
36993longitudinal transmission check	�a�V�ǿ����
36994LOOK	�@�اY�ɩʯ���q�t��
36995look ahead	�w��
36996look ahead carry generator	����i�첣�;�
36997look ahead control	���汱��
36998look ahead on request	�ШD����	LOR
36999look ahead variable acceleration	�W�e�ܶq�[�t��	LAVA
37000look facility	�d�ݥ\��
37001look for operand	�M��B�⤸
37002look for operator	�M��B���
37003look in	����
37004look through	�f��
37005look up	�d
37006look up algorithm	��Ӫk
37007look-ahead	����
37008look-ahead carry adder	����i��[�k��
37009look-ahead carry block	����i�쳡��
37010look-ahead carry output	����i���X
37011look-ahead data staging architecture	����ƾڤ��ŵ��c
37012look-ahead field	�w�ݦr�q
37013look-ahead logic	�����޿�
37014look-aside buffer	��ƽw�İ�
37015look-aside register	��ƼȦs��
37016look-at-me	���_�H��
37017look-at-me function	���_�\��
37018look-back test	�^�e�ˬd
37019look-up	���A�d	LKUP
37020look-up command	�d��R�O
37021look-up instruction	�d����O
37022look-up routine	�d��`��
37023look-up table	�d��k
37024look-up table technique	�d��޳N
37025lookahead sets	�V�e�d�ݶ�
37026lookahead symbol propagate	����Ÿ��Ǽ�
37027lookout	�ʵ��A�`�N	LKT
37028lookup function	�d��\��
37029loop	�j��
37030loop actuating signal	�j���@�ΫH��	LAS
37031loop adapter	�j���A�t��
37032loop answer	�����T��
37033loop antenna	���Τѽu
37034loop around	�`��
37035loop around test	�j������
37036loop assertion	�`���_��
37037loop assertion generating system	�`���_�����ͨt��
37038loop back	��j
37039loop back test	�j������
37040loop board	��j�x
37041loop body	�`����
37042loop box	�ܧ}�Ȧs��
37043loop check	�j���ֹ�	LC
37044loop checker	�j���ֹ�{��
37045loop checking	�j���ֹ�
37046loop checking system	�j���ֹ�t��
37047loop circuit	����
37048loop code	�`���X
37049loop collapsing analysis	�`���˸Ѥ��R
37050loop command	�`���R�O
37051loop communication system	�`���q�T�t��
37052loop compilation	�`���sĶ
37053loop computation	�`���B��
37054loop computer network	�`���p�������
37055loop computing	�`���p��
37056loop computing functions	�`���p��\��
37057loop configuration	���ΰt�m
37058loop connection	�j���s��
37059loop construct	�`���c��
37060loop construction	�����c�y
37061loop control	�`������
37062loop control algorithm	�`������t��k
37063loop control statement	�`������ԭz
37064loop control structure	�`������c
37065loop control variable	�`�������ܶq
37066loop counter	�`���p�ƾ�
37067loop cycle	�`���g��
37068loop delay time	�`������ɶ�
37069loop detection	�`������
37070loop detuning	�j������
37071loop difference signal	�j���t���H��
37072loop disconnect pulsing	�j���_���߽ĵo�e
37073loop distribution	�`������
37074loop distribution algorithm	�`�������t��k
37075loop end	�`������
37076loop error	�`�����~
37077loop execution	�`������
37078loop extender	�j��������
37079loop fault	�`���X��
37080loop feature	�`���S��
37081loop feedback signal	�j�����X�H��
37082loop film	�`���v��
37083loop film characteristic	�`���v���S��
37084loop function	�`���\��
37085loop gain	�`���W�q
37086loop gain characteristic	�`���W�q�S��
37087loop head	�`���J�f
37088loop identifier	�`�����Ѳ�
37089loop initialization	�`���_�l��
37090loop input signal	�`����J�H��
37091loop instruction	�j�����O
37092loop interface address	�j��������}	LIA
37093loop invariant	�`�����ܶq
37094loop inversion	�`���Ϻt
37095loop jack switchboard	�j�����f�洫��
37096loop jamming	�j���z�Z
37097loop jump	�`���ಾ
37098loop line	���νu��
37099loop maintenance operations system	�j�����@�ާ@�t��	LMOS
37100loop measurement	�j�����q
37101loop mode	�j���覡
37102loop multiplexer	�`���h���ഫ��	LM
37103loop network	�����
37104loop on line control	�`���s�u����	LOC
37105loop operation	�`���ާ@
37106loop optimization	�`���̨Τ�
37107loop output signal	�`����X�H��	LOS
37108loop parameter	�`���Ѽ�
37109loop program	�`���{��
37110loop pulsing	�`���߽�
37111loop record	�`���O��
37112loop rectangularity	�j�u�x�Ω�
37113loop regenerative repeater	�j���A�ͦ����~��	LRR
37114loop resistance	�j���q��
37115loop restriction	�`������
37116loop reversal	�`���˴�
37117loop sensor	���ηP����
37118loop signalling	�`���H���q�H
37119loop size	�j������
37120loop speed-up	�`���[�t
37121loop speed-up hierarchy	�`���[�t�h��
37122loop splice plate	�j���s���O	LSP
37123loop state	�`�����A
37124loop statement	�`���ԭz
37125loop station connector	�`�����s����	LSC
37126loop stop	�`������
37127loop storage	�����x�s��
37128loop surge suppressor	�j���i�ʧ�	LSS
37129loop synchronizer	�`���P�B�{��
37130loop system	��������t��
37131loop table	�`����
37132loop table element	�`������
37133loop termination	�`������
37134loop test	�j������
37135loop tester	�`���ˬd�{��
37136loop time	�`���ɶ�
37137loop transfer function	�`���ǰe���
37138loop transmission frame	�`���ǿ��
37139loop unrolling	�`���i�}
37140loop update	�`���ѼƧ�s
37141loop variable	�j���ܼ�
37142loop wire	���u
37143loop wiring concentrator	�j���s�u������	LWC
37144loop wiring connector	�j���s����	LWC
37145loop write to read	�`���gŪ	LWR
37146loop-around test line	�j�����սu
37147loop-back test	�j������
37148loop-clause	�`���l�y
37149loop-control variable	�`�������ܶq
37150loop-free	�L�`��
37151loop-free directed graph	�L�`�����V��
37152loop-gain matrix	�`���W�q�x�}
37153loop-invariant computation	�`�����ܶq�p��
37154loopback	�^�e
37155loopback checking	�^�e����
37156loopback checking system	�^�e����t��
37157loopback test	�^�e����
37158looping	�`��
37159looping construct	�`���c�y
37160looping execution	�`������
37161looping statement	�`���ԭz
37162loops to local subscribers	���a��^��
37163looptest mode	�`�����դ覡
37164loose constraint	�P������
37165loose coupling	�P�����X
37166loose interconnection	�P�����s
37167loose list	�P����
37168loosely coupled	�P���X
37169loosely coupled interprocessor	�P���s���B�z��
37170loosely coupled multiprocessing	�P���h���B�z
37171loosely coupled multiprocessor	�P���h���B�z��
37172loosely coupled network	�P���X����	LCN
37173loosely coupled system	�P���X�t��
37174loosely-related	�P����
37175loosest nontrivial grammar	�̼e�P���D���Z��k
37176loss	�l��
37177loss angle	�l�Ө�
37178loss call	�����q���I�s
37179loss factor	�l�ӫY��
37180loss function	�l�Ө��
37181loss maintenance component	�l�Ӻ��@����
37182loss of accuracy	��T�׷l��
37183loss of contact	�q�H�p�����_
37184loss of existing service	�{���q�H�����_
37185loss of frame alignment	�ت�����
37186loss of information	��T�l��
37187loss of signal	�H���l��	LOS
37188loss of signification	���Ħ�ᥢ
37189loss of synchronism	���B
37190loss-free line	�L�l�ӽu
37191lossless	�L�l��
37192lossless channel	�L�l�ӳq�D
37193lossless joint	�L�l�s��
37194lossless line	�L�l�ӽu
37195lossless network	�L�l����
37196lossy	���l��
37197lossy line	���l�ӽu
37198lost call	���l�I�s
37199lost count	���h��Ū��
37200lost sale	�l���P��
37201lost size	��q�j�p
37202lost sizing	��q�j�p�k
37203lost time	���l�ɶ�
37204lot	�@��
37205lot number	�帹	LN
37206lot tolerance fraction reliability deviation	�夺���\�i�a�ʰ��t	LTFRD
37207lot tolerance percent defective	�夺���\���~�v	LTPD
37208LOTUS 1-2-3	�@�خM�˳n��
37209loudness level	�T�ׯ�	LL
37210louver board	�}�մ����O
37211low	�C
37212low access time	�C�t�s���ɶ�
37213low accuracy	�C��T��	LOAC
37214low accuracy data	�C��׼ƾ�	LAD
37215low accuracy radar data transmission system	�C��׹p�F�ƾڶǿ�t��	LARDTS
37216low active extended working register	�C���ʲv�X�R�u�@�Ȧs��
37217low active program counter carry-in	�C���ʲv�{���p�ƾ��i���
37218low active program counter carry-out	�C���ʲv�{���p�ƾ��i���
37219low address protection	�C��}�O�@
37220low address set-up time	�C��}�s�Ʈɶ�
37221low altitude laser measurement system	�C�Źp�g���q�t��	LALMS
37222low altitude target satellite	�C�ťؼнìP	LATS
37223low and medium frequency	�C�W�P���W	LMF
37224low byte	�C�줸��
37225low byte enable	�C�줸�ձҥ�	LBEN
37226low capacity	�C�q�e
37227low complement of address	��}�C��ɽX	LAC
37228low contrast edge	�C�Ϯt��t
37229low cost code	�C�����X
37230low cost computer attachment	�C�����p�������	LCCA
37231low cost development system	�C�����}�o�t��	LCDS
37232low cost module	�C�����Ҳ�	LCM
37233low cost/solid logic technology	�C�����T���޿�޳N	LC/SLT
37234low current	�p�q�y
37235low data rate	�C�ƾڲv	LDR
37236low data register	�C�ƾڼȦs��	LDR
37237low density	�C�K��	LD
37238low density center	�C�K�פ���	LDC
37239low density data	�C�K�׼ƾ�	LDD
37240low density data system	�C�K�׼ƾڨt��	LDDS
37241low density mode	�C�K�װO���Ҧ�
37242low disparity code	�C�t�O�N�X	LDC
37243low earth orbit	��a�y�D	LEO
37244low frequency	�C�W�v	LF
37245low frequency amplifier	�C�W��j��	LFA
37246low frequency analysis recording	�C�W���R�O��	LOFAR
37247low frequency beacon	�C�W�H��	LFB
37248low frequency choke	�C�W��y��	LFC
37249low frequency correction	�C�W�ե�	LFC
37250low frequency current	�C�W�q�y	LFC
37251low frequency filter	�C�W�o�i��	LFF
37252low frequency iron core inductance	�C�W�K�߹q�P	LFF
37253low frequency modulation	�C�W�ը�	LFM
37254low frequency oscillator	�C�W������	LFO
37255low function terminal	�C�\��׺�
37256low impedance transmission	�C���ܶǿ�	LIT
37257low input voltage conversion and regulation	�C��J�q���ܴ��P�ո`	LIVCR
37258low input voltage converter	�C��J�q���ܴ���	LIVC
37259low key maintenance	�C����@	LKM
37260low level	�C��	LL
37261low level code	�C���X	LLC
37262low level code/continuity check	�C���s�X�s�������	LLC/CC
37263low level current mode logic	�C�q���q�y���޿�	LCML
37264low level driver	�C���X�ʾ�	LLD
37265low level file store	�C���ɮ��x�s
37266low level firmware	�C������
37267low level interface	�C������	LLI
37268low level language	�C���y��	LOWL
37269low level language programming	�C���y���{���]�p
37270low level logical	�C���޿�	LLL
37271low level modulation	�C��ǽ���
37272low level multiplexer	�C���h���౵��	LLM
37273low level output voltage	�C��ǿ�X�q��	LLOV
37274low level packet	�C���H���]
37275low level programming facility	�C���{���]�p�]�I
37276low level scheduling	�C���Ƶ{
37277low level software	�C���n��
37278low level syntax	�C���y�k
37279low level teletypewriter terminal	�C���q�ǥ��r���׺�	LLTT
37280low level terminal	�C���׺�	LLT
37281low light level television	�L���q��	LLTV
37282low limit	�C��
37283low memory	�C�t�x�s��
37284low noise cable	�C���n�q�l	LNC
37285low noise receiver	�C���n������	LNR
37286low noise test	�C���n����	LNT
37287low norm	�C�з�
37288low order	�C���Ħ�	LO
37289low order add circuit	�C��[�k�q��
37290low order bit	�̧C��
37291low order byte	�̧C�줸��
37292low order character	�̧C��r��
37293low order digit	�C���Ʀ�
37294low order end	�̧C���
37295low order memory area	�p��}�x�s��
37296low order merge	�C���X��	LMERGE
37297low order position	�C���m
37298low overhead timesharing system	�C�}�P���ɨt��	LOTS
37299low paper indicator	�ȱi�������ܾ�
37300low pass filter	�C�q�o�i��	LPF
37301low performance equipment	�C�ij]��
37302low pin-count memory device	�֤޽u���x�s�ե�
37303low power	�C�\�v	LP
37304low power data retention	�C�\�v�ƾګO��	LPDR
37305low power logic	�C�\�v�޿�	LPL
37306low power single-chip microcomputer	�C�\�v�洹���L�B�z��
37307low precedence	�C�u����
37308low priority	�C�u���v
37309low priority ready	�C�u���dz�
37310low priority traffic	�C�u���ųq�H�~��
37311low punch	�C�쥴��
37312low resistance Ohmmeter	�C���کi��	LRO
37313low resistor	�C�ȹq����	LR
37314low resolution self-scan pattern recognition	�C����צ۱��y�Ҧ��ѧO
37315low right	�k�U	LR
37316low side	�C��
37317low speed	�C�t	LS
37318low speed adapter	�C�t�t����	LSA
37319low speed card punch	�C�t�d�����վ�	LSCP
37320low speed computer	�C�t�p���
37321low speed concentrator	�C�t���u��	LSC
37322low speed data channel	�C�t�ƾڳq�D	LDC
37323low speed digital system	�C�t�Ʀ�t��	LSDS
37324low speed encoder	�C�t�s�X��	LSE
37325low speed input adapter	�C�t��J�A�t��	LIA
37326low speed input/output processor	�C�t��J��X�B�z��	LIOP
37327low speed interface control	�C�t�ɭ�����	LSC
37328low speed line adapter	�C�t�u���౵��	LLA
37329low speed logic	�C�t�޿�	LSL
37330low speed logical	�C�t�޿�	LSL
37331low speed modem	�C�t���ܸѽվ�	LSM
37332low speed multiline controller	�C�t�h�u�����	LSMLC
37333low speed multiplexer arrangement	�C�t�h�u�ഫ���ƦC	LSMA
37334low speed output adapter	�C�t��X�A�t��	LOA
37335low speed paper tape reader	�C�t�ȱa�\Ū��	LSPTR
37336low speed pointer	�C�t����	LSP
37337low speed printer	�C�t�C���	LSP
37338low speed storage	�C�t�x�s
37339low speed switching	�C�t�洫	LSS
37340low speed tape	�C�t�a	LST
37341low speed terminal	�C�t�׺�
37342low speed transmission	�C�t�ǿ�
37343low tape	�ȱa����
37344low threshold of occupancy	�C�����v�H
37345low to high	�C�찪	L/H
37346low toner indicator	�զ⾯�������ܾ�
37347low voltage	�C�q��	LV
37348low voltage bias	�C����	LVB
37349low voltage capacitor	�C���q�e��	LVC
37350low voltage fast	�C�q���ֳt	LVF
37351low voltage neon	�C�q������	LVN
37352low voltage power supply	�C�q���q��	LVPS
37353low voltage protection	�C�q�����@	LVP
37354low voltage release	�C�q������	LVR
37355low-gain crytron	�C�W�q�N�l��
37356low-level code/continuity check	�C���s�X/ �s��ʮ���	LLC/CC
37357low-level control	��ű���
37358low-level language	�C���y��	LLL
37359low-level linked-list language	�C���s����y��
37360low-level logical	�C�����޿�
37361low-level modulation	�C���ǽ��ܾ�
37362low-level protocol	�C�h�����c��ij	LLP
37363low-noise amplifier	�C������j��	LNA
37364low-noise high-out tape	�C��������X�a	LH tape
37365low-performance communication equipment	�C�į�q�H�]��
37366low-performance equipment	�C�į�]��
37367low-power communication device	�C�\�v�q�H�]��
37368low-power data retention	�C�\�v�ƾګO��
37369low-power dissipation	�C�\��
37370low-power shift register	�p�\�v����Ȧs��
37371low-power test	�C�\�v����	LPT
37372low-power transistor-transistor logic	�p�\�v���鴹���޿�	LPTTL
37373low-priority ready queue	�C�u���v�N����C
37374low-speed magnetic tape controller	�C�t�ϱa���	LMTC
37375low-speed magnetic tape unit	�C�t�ϱa�˸m	LMTU
37376low-speed memory	�C�t�O����
37377low-speed MORSE	�C�t�������q��
37378low-speed paper tape punch	�C�t�ȱa����	LSPTP
37379low-speed register	�C�t�Ȧs��
37380low-speed storage	�C�t�x�s��
37381low-temperature device	�C�ų]��
37382low-traffic condition	�C�t�ǿ����
37383low-voltage state	�C�q�����A
37384lower	���C	LWR
37385lower acceptance value	�U��������
37386lower band	�U�a
37387lower bound	�U��	LB
37388lower bound algorithm	�U�ɺt��k
37389lower bound expression	�U�ɪ�ܦ�
37390lower bound of a subrange type	�l�������U��
37391lower bound on the complexity	�����ʤU��
37392lower bound symbol	�U�ɲŸ�
37393lower bound theorem	�U�ɩw�z
37394lower byte	�C�줸��	LB
37395lower case	�p�g�r��	LC
37396lower case alphabet	�p�g��r��	LCA
37397lower case ASCII terminal	�p�g�r��ASCII�׺�
37398lower case program	�p�g��{��
37399lower case text	�p�g�饻��
37400lower character	�᳡���r��
37401lower control	�U������	LC
37402lower curtate	�U�d�հ�
37403lower echelon automation switchboard	�C�ű�}�۰ʰt�q�O	LEAS
37404lower edge	�U��a
37405lower effective power	�̧C���ĥ\�v	LEP
37406lower half	�U�b��	LH
37407lower height tree	�U�h��
37408lower left	���U	LL
37409lower level node	�U�h�`�I
37410lower limit	�U��	LL
37411lower limit function	�U�����
37412lower limit register	�U���Ȧs��
37413lower loop	�U�ݰj��
37414lower node	�U�h�`�I
37415lower numbered variable	�U�s���ܼ�
37416lower priority job	�U�u���v�@�~
37417lower shift	�U����
37418lower sideband	�C�W��a
37419lower state	�U�A
37420lower state symbol	�U�A�Ÿ�
37421lower track	�U�ϭy
37422lower word	�U�r
37423lowering the typing line	�U�����L�C
37424lowest common factor	�̤p���]�l	LCF
37425lowest common module	�̤p������	LCM
37426lowest critcial value	�̧C�{�ɭ�
37427lowest effective power	�̧C���ĥ\�v
37428lowest level node	�̧C�h�`�I
37429lowest level protocol	�̧C�h��ij
37430lowest maximum range	�̧C�̤j�Z��	LMR
37431lowest order	�̧C��
37432lowest order digit	�̧C�Ʀ�
37433lowest term	�̤p��
37434lowest total overall cost	�̧C�`����	LTOC
37435lowest usable frequency	�̧C�i���W�v	LUF
37436lowest useful frequency	�̧C����W�v
37437lowest useful high frequency	�̧C�i�ΰ��W	LUHF
37438lowpass	�C�q
37439LR grammar	LR��k
37440LR-style parser	LR���y�k���R�{��
37441LRN recursive scan	LRN ���j���y
37442LSI board tester	�j���n��q���O���վ�
37443LSI chip	�j���n��q������
37444LSI chip design	�j���n��q�������]�p
37445LSI circuit	�j���n��q��
37446LSI circuitry	�j���n��q��
37447LSI components modularity	�j���n��q���Ҳղե�
37448LSI logic function testing	�j���n��q���޿�\�����
37449LSI memory	�j���n��q���x�s��
37450LSI microprocessor	�j���n��q���L�B�z��
37451LSI technologies	�j���n��q���޳N
37452LSI testing	�j���n��q������
37453LSI testing system	�j���n��q�����ըt��
37454LSI-CML circuit technology	�j���n��q�����޿�q���޳N
37455LU connection test	LU�s������
37456LU factorization	LU���Ѫk
37457LU services manager	LU�A�Ⱥ޲z�{��
37458LU type	�޿�椸����
37459LU-LU session	LU-LU�q��
37460LU-LU session initiation	LU-LU�q�ܶ}��
37461LU-LU session termination	LU-LU�q�ܵ���
37462LU-LU session type	LU-LU�q������
37463lumen	�y��
37464lumerg	�y����
37465luminance	����
37466luminance image restoration	�G�׹Ϲ���_
37467luminance signal	�G�׫H����
37468luminesce	�o��
37469luminescence	�G��
37470luminescent digital indicator	���Ʀr���ܾ�
37471luminosity	�G��
37472luminous flux	���q�q
37473luminous intensity	���j
37474lumped	���`
37475lumped circuit	���`�q��
37476lumped load	���`�t��
37477lumped loading	���`�[��
37478lumped mathematical model	���`�ƾǼҫ�
37479lumped network	���`����
37480lumped parameter	���`�Ѽ�
37481lumped parameter approximation	���`�Ѽƪ��
37482lumped parameter delay line	���`�ѼƩ���u
37483lumped parameter model	���`�ѼƼҫ�
37484lumped parameter system	���`�Ѽƨt��
37485lumped process control system	���`�L�{����t��
37486lumped system	���`�t��
37487lumpy line	���`�Ѽƽu
37488lumpy structure	�j�����c
37489lunar communication relay unit	��y�q�H���~�]��	LCRU
37490lunar module guidance computer	�n��Ҳի��ɭp���	LMGC
37491lunar module guidance computer	�n��Ҳի��ɭp���	LMGC	*
37492write protection label	�g�J�O�@��
37493"M" series network architecture	M�t�C�������c	MSNA
37494m,n-evaluation problem	m,n�������D
37495m-derived filter	m�����o�i��
37496m-derived network	m�������
37497m-out-of-n code	n��m�X;n����m�X
37498m-processor-bound system	����m�ӳB�z�����t��
37499m-to-n relationship	m��n���Y
37500m-type automatic voltage regulator	m���۰�í����	MTAVR
37501m-type controller	m�����	MTC
37502MacDonald code	����ǽX
37503mach-number computer	�����ƭp���
37504machanism	���c
37505machinable	�����iŪ;�����i�Ϊ�
37506machinable medium	�����i���x�s�C��
37507machinable service	�i�έp������A��
37508machine	����;�p���	MACH
37509machine address	�����};������}
37510machine address instruction	������}���O
37511machine address pointer	������}���ܾ�;������}���w
37512machine addressing	�����M�}
37513machine aided cognition	�p������U�ѧO;�������U�ѧO;���U�{��	MAC
37514machine aided graphics for illustration and compos	�ϨҩM�c�ϥέp������U���	MAGIC
37515machine aided heuristic	�������U����
37516machine aided information and dissemination system	�p������U�����P���o�t��	MAIDS
37517machine aided translation	�������U½Ķ	MAT
37518machine alarm	������ĵ
37519machine analysis display	�������R��ܾ�	MAD
37520machine analysis table	�������R��	MAT
37521machine analyzer package	�p������R�{�ǥ]	MAP
37522machine applications to technical information cent	�p����b�޳N�������߷~�Ȥ�������	MATICO
37523machine architecture	������t���c
37524machine arithmetic	�����B��
37525machine assisted cognition	�������U�ѧO
37526machine assisted detection and classification	�������U�˴��P����	MADC
37527machine automatic algorithm decoder	�����۰ʺ�kĶ�X��	MAD
37528machine available time	�����i�ήɶ�
37529machine binary language	�����G����y��
37530machine charge	�����t��
37531machine check	�����ˬd;�����ֹ�;��������	MACH CHK
37532machine check analysis and recording	�����ˬd���R�M�O��	MCAR
37533machine check code	�{���ˬd�X
37534machine check exception	�����ˬd���`
37535machine check extended logout	�����ˬd�X�R�O����X	MCEL
37536machine check frame	�����ˬd�ع�	MCF
37537machine check function	�����ˬd�\��	MCF
37538machine check handler	�����ˬd�B�z�{��	MCH
37539machine check indicator	�����ֹ���ܾ�;�����ˬd���ܾ�;�����ˬd���ܿO
37540machine check instruction	�����ˬd���O
37541machine check interruption	�����ˬd���_	MCI
37542machine check interruption code	�����ˬd���_�X	MCIC
37543machine check masking	�����ˬd�̽�
37544machine check mode	�����ֹ��(�A)
37545machine check record	�����ˬd�O��	MCR
37546machine check recording and recovery	��������O���P��_	MCRR
37547machine check summary counter	�����ˬd�K�n�p�ƾ�
37548machine check,program check	�����ˬd�P�{���ˬd	MCPC
37549machine code	�����N�X;�����X
37550machine code instruction	�����N�X���O
37551machine code language	�����N�X�y��
37552machine code level	�����N�X��
37553machine code programming	�����N�X�{�dz]�p
37554machine coding	�����s�X
37555machine cognition	�����{��
37556machine cycle	�����g;�����g��	MC
37557machine dependent	�����̩ۨ�
37558machine error	�����~�t
37559machine for automated graphics interface to a comp	�۰�ø�ϻP�p��������ξ���	MAGIC
37560machine for automatic graphics interface to a comp	�۰ʹϧΤ�����	MAGIC
37561machine function	����\��
37562machine function test	�����\�����	MFT
37563machine group	����	MACHGR
37564machine independent microprogramming language	�P�����L�����L�{�dz]�p�y��	MIMRLA
37565machine instruction	�������O
37566machine instruction code	�������O�X
37567machine instruction processor	�������O�B�z��	MIP
37568machine interface	��������	MI
37569machine interrupt	�������_
37570machine language	�����y��;����y��	ML
37571machine language code	�����y���X
37572machine language program	�����y���{��	MLP
37573machine language subroutine	�����y�����`��
37574machine learning	�����Dz�
37575machine line code	�����챵�X
37576machine logic	�����޿�
37577machine malfunction	�����G��
37578machine module	�����Ҳ�
37579machine notation	������ܪk
37580machine number	�������X
37581machine operation	�����ާ@	MO
37582machine operator	�����ާ@��
37583machine part	�����s��
37584machine program	�����{��
37585machine proof	�����ҩ�
37586machine rate	������v
37587machine readable	�����iŪ;�����iŪ��
37588machine readable catalog(ing)	�����iŪ�ؿ�;�����iŪ�s��	MARC
37589machine readable characters	�����iŪ�r��
37590machine readable data	�����iŪ���;�����iŪ�ƾ�
37591machine readable form	�����iŪ�Φ�
37592machine readable instruction	�����iŪ���O
37593machine readable statement	�����iŪ�ԭz
37594machine readable string	�����iŪ�r�Ŧ�
37595machine readable tapes	�����iŪ�ϱa	MRT
37596machine recognizable	�����i�{;�����i�ѧO��
37597machine reel	������;�����ϱa�L
37598machine retrieval system	�����˯��t��	MARS
37599machine ringing	�����I�s
37600machine room	����
37601machine run	�����B��;�����B��
37602machine script	�����r��;�����iŪ�ƾ�
37603machine sensible	�����i�P;�����iŪ��
37604machine sensible information	�����iŪ�X���H��
37605machine sheet	�����ϯ�
37606machine shorthand	�����t�O
37607machine space point	�����Ŷ��I
37608machine specification language	���������y��;�����W�满���y��	MSL
37609machine spoiled time	(�])����(�G�ٳy����)�ɶ��l��
37610machine spoiled work-time	(�])����(�G�ٳy����)�u�ɷl��
37611machine status word	�������A�r	MSW
37612machine storage pool	���������x�s��;�����x�s��
37613machine time	�����ɶ�;�p����ɶ�
37614machine tool control	���ɱ���
37615machine translation	����½Ķ	MT
37616machine translation alogrithm	����½Ķ��k
37617machine translation system	����½Ķ�t��	MTS
37618machine unit	�������
37619machine user symbolic environment	�����Τ�Ÿ�����	MUSE
37620machine utilization reporting system	�����Q�βv���i�t��	MURS
37621machine utilization statistical information collec	�����Q�βv�έp��Ʒj��	MUSIC
37622machine variable	�����ܼ�
37623machine vision	������ı
37624machine word	�����r; �p����r
37625machine word length	�����r��;�p����r��
37626machine-aided cognition	�������U�ѧO	MAC
37627machine-aided composing and editing	�p������U�ƪ��P�s��	MACE
37628machine-aided design	�p������U�]�p
37629machine-aided drafting system	�p������Uø�Ϩt��	MADS
37630machine-aided editing	�������U�s��;�p������U�s��
37631machine-aided index	�������U����	MAI
37632machine-aided manufacturing information	�p������U�s�y�H��	MAMI
37633machine-aided retrieval	�������U�˯�;�p������U�˯�
37634machine-aided technical processing system	�p������U�޳N�B�z�t��	MATPS
37635machine-aided translation editing	�������U½Ķ�s��	MATE
37636machine-check interrupt	�����ֹ���_
37637machine-dependent	�P����������
37638machine-dependent feature	���������S��
37639machine-dependent language	���������y��
37640machine-indepedent language	���W�y��
37641machine-independent	�W�ߩ������;�M�����L����;���̿������	MI
37642machine-independent command language	�W�ߩ�������R�O�y��
37643machine-independent solution	�����L����
37644machine-oriented higher order language	���V���������Ży��	MOHOL
37645machine-oriented language	���V�y��;���V�������y��	MOL
37646machine-processible media	�����i�B�z�C��
37647machine-readable catalogue	�����iŪ�ؿ�	MARC
37648machine-readable data files	�����iŪ�ƾڤ��	MRDF
37649machine-readable information	�����iŪ�H��	MRI
37650machine-readable medium	�����iŪ�C��;�����iŪ�C��
37651machine-sensible information	���P��T
37652machine-spoiled time	�����ɶ�
37653machine-state grammer	�������A��k
37654machine-usable form	�����i�ΧΦ�
37655machinereadable data	�����iŪ�ƾ�
37656machining and display application program	����[�u�M������ε{��	MDAP
37657machining data base system	(����)�[�u�ƾڮw�t��
37658machining rate	�����[�u��v
37659macro	����;����;����(���O)
37660macro address bus	�����a�}�׬y��	MAB
37661macro address table	�����a�}��
37662macro argument	�����ܤ�
37663macro arithmetic processor	�����B��B�z�{��
37664macro arithmetic processors	�����B��B�z�{��	MAP
37665macro assembler	���զX�{��;�����զX�{��	MAC
37666macro assembly language	�����զX�y��	MAL
37667macro assembly program	�����զX�{��	MAP
37668macro assignment statement	������ȱԭz
37669macro block design	�����{�Ƕ��]�p	MBD
37670macro body	�����\����
37671macro call	�����I�s
37672macro cell arrays	�����椸�}�C	MCA
37673macro chip	��������
37674macro code	�����N�X
37675macro command	�����R�O
37676macro component	���n���
37677macro control statement	��������ԭz
37678macro cross reference	������e�ޥ�
37679macro declaration	��������
37680macro declare statement	���������ԭz
37681macro definition	�����w�q
37682macro definition block	�����w�q��
37683macro definition exit	�����w�q�X�f	MEXIT
37684macro definition table	�����w�q��
37685macro directory	�����ؿ�	MD
37686macro efficiency	�����\��;��������
37687macro expansion	�����X�i
37688macro expansion algorithm	�����X�i��k
37689macro expression	������F��
37690macro facility	�������O;�����\��
37691macro feature	�����S��
37692macro flowchart	�����y�{��
37693macro generating program	�������;�;�����ͦ��{��
37694macro generation	�����ͦ�
37695macro generator	�����;�;�����ͦ��{��
37696macro GO TO statement	������V�ԭz;����GO TO�ԭz
37697macro IF statement	��������ԭz
37698macro implementation	�����\���{
37699macro instruction	�������O
37700macro insturction design	�������O�]�p
37701macro insturction level	�������O��
37702macro insturction limitation	�������O����
37703macro insturction operand	�������O�B�⤸
37704macro insturction storage	�������O�x�s��
37705macro language	�����y��	MACROL
37706macro library	�����{�Ǯw	ML;MACROL
37707macro library directive	�����{�Ǯw���O
37708macro library editor	�����{�Ǯw�s��{��
37709macro name	�����\��W
37710macro nest	�����O�M
37711macro null statement	�����űԭz
37712macro parameter	�����\��Ѽ�;�������O�Ѽ�
37713macro phase	�����i����{�Ǭq
37714macro plus	�����\��[
37715macro preprocessor	�����w�B�z�{��
37716macro processing instruction	�����B�z���O
37717macro processor	�����B�z�{��;�����[�u�{��
37718macro prototype	�����쫬
37719macro prototype statement	�����쫬�ԭz
37720macro pseudo instruction	macro�����O
37721macro recursion	�������j
37722macro routine	�����{��
37723macro scheduler	���Ƶ{��
37724macro set	���X��
37725macro setup	�����{�ǽs��
37726macro skeleton structure	�������O���[���c
37727macro statement	�����ԭz
37728macro statement number	�����ԭz�s��
37729macro statistics	�����[�έp��
37730macro subroutine library	�����l�{�Ǯw
37731macro substitution	��������
37732macro symbol	�����Ÿ�
37733macro symbol table	�����Ÿ���
37734macro variables	�����ܼ�
37735macro-architecture	������t
37736macro-defined system symbol	�����w�q�t�βŸ�
37737macro-instruction compiler assembler	�������O�sĶ�զX�{��	MICA
37738macro-language/1	�����[�u�y��	ML/1
37739macro-modular computer	�����Ҳե�p���
37740macro-operation symbolic assembler and information	���@�~�Ÿ��զX�P��T�sĶ��	MOSAIC
37741macro-operator	�����B��l
37742macro-oriented business language	�����ɦV�ӥλy��;���ɦV�ӥλy��	MOBL
37743macro-pipelining	�����y���u�ާ@
37744macro-time variable	�����ɶ��ܼ�
37745macroaddress bus	�����a�}�׬y��	MAB
37746macroaddress register	������}�Ȧs��	MAR
37747macroassembler	����Ķ��
37748macroassembler facility	�����զX�{�ǥ\��
37749macroassembler line editor	�����զX��s��{��
37750macroassembler processor	�����զX�{�dzB�z�{��;�����զX�{�ǥ[�u�{��
37751macroassembler time sharing	�����զX�{�Ǥ��T
37752macroassembly instruction	�����զX���O
37753macroassembly processor	�����զX�B�z�{��;�����զX�[�u�{��
37754macroblock	�����\���
37755macroblock characterization program	�����\������{��
37756macroblock test generator	�����Ҳմ��եͦ��{��	MTG
37757macrocode	���X
37758macrocoding	�����s�X
37759macrodata	�����ƾ�	MD
37760macrodata language	�����ƾڻy��	MDL
37761macrodeclaration	���ŧi
37762macrodefinition	���w�q
37763macrodefinition format	�����w�q�榡
37764macrodefinition library	�����w�q�w
37765macroelement	������;�����ե�;��������;�����椸
37766macroexerciser	�����ˬd�{��
37767macroexpander	�����X�i�{��
37768macrogenerator	�������;�	MAG
37769macrograph	������;�����[�ˬd��;�C���Ӭ۹�
37770macrograph design	�����[�ˬd�ϧγ]�p
37771macroinstruction	�����O
37772macroinstruction compiler assembler	�����O�sĶ�զX��	MICA
37773macroinstruction exit	�������O�X�f
37774macroinstruction link	�������O��
37775macroinstruction linkage	�������O�s��
37776macroinstruction set	�������O��
37777macroinstruction sorts	�������O����
37778macroinstruction system	�������O�t��
37779macrolanguage instruction	�����y�����O
37780macrolibrary	�����{�Ǯw;����(���O)�w	MACLIB;MLB
37781macrologic	�����޿�
37782macromodule and digital differential analyzer mach	�����ե�P�Ʀ�L�����R��	MADDAM
37783macropipeline	�����y���u
37784macroprocedure language	�����L�{�y��	MPL
37785macroprocessing	�����\��B�z
37786macroprocessing system	�����B�z�t��	MPS
37787macroprocessor	�����B�z��;�����\��B�z��	MACP;MP
37788macroprogram	�����{��
37789macroprogramming	���W��;�����{�dz]�p
37790macroprototype-statement number	�����쫬�ԭz�s��
37791macroread only memory	������Ū�O����	MROM
37792macros	�������O;�����R�O
37793macroscheme	�����Ҧ�
37794macroscopic concept	�����[����
37795macroscopic state	�����[���A
37796macroskeleton	�����{�ǰ��[;�����{�Ƕ�g��
37797macrostructure	�����[���c
37798macrosubstitution	�����N�J;��������
37799macrosuccessor	�����\����~(��)
37800macrosystem	�����t��
37801macrotext editor	��������s��{��	MATEX
37802macrotime event list	�����ɶ��ƥ��	MTEL
37803macrotrace	�����l��
37804magamp	�ϩ�j��
37805magazine	�Ϥ��X;���Z;�ܮw;�c;��;�n�L�c	MAG
37806magic number	�ۼ�
37807magic paper	�ۯ�
37808magic square	�a���;�ۤ�
37809magic three code	�ۤT�X
37810magmeter	��Ū���W�v�p
37811magnadur	�K�X�úϦX��;���樺�h���ϩʦX��
37812magnet driver	�q���K�X�ʾ�	MD
37813magnet drum recorder	�Ϲ��O����	MDR
37814magnetic	��(��)��	M;MAG
37815magnetic	disc drive	�Ϻ��X��(��)	MDD
37816magnetic after effect	�ѺϮ���;�ϫ����
37817magnetic amplifier	�ϩ�j��	MAGAMP
37818magnetic amplifier output	�ϩ�j����X	MAO
37819magnetic anisotropy	�ϦU�V�ݩ�
37820magnetic associative memory	���p�Q�x�s��
37821magnetic axis	�϶b
37822magnetic bar	�ϴ�
37823magnetic bar code	�ϴΥN�X
37824magnetic beam-switching tube	�ϱۺ�
37825magnetic bias	�ϰ��m
37826magnetic bubble	�Ϫw
37827magnetic bubble chip simulator	�Ϫw���������
37828magnetic bubble detection	�Ϫw�˴�
37829magnetic bubble device	�Ϫw����
37830magnetic bubble domain device	�Ϫw��å����	MBD
37831magnetic bubble material	�Ϫw����
37832magnetic bubble memory	�Ϫw�x�s��	MBM
37833magnetic bubble storage	�Ϫw�x�s��
37834magnetic card	�ϩʥd��; �ϥd; �ϥd��	MC
37835magnetic card code	�ϥd���N�X	MCC
37836magnetic card device	�ϥd�]��
37837magnetic card electric typewriter	�ϥd���q�ʥ��r��	MCET
37838magnetic card file	�ϥd��;�ϥd�����;�ϥd(��)���	MCF
37839magnetic card filing cabinet	�ϥd�����c
37840magnetic card memory	�ϥd���x�s��	MCM
37841magnetic card storage	�ϥd���x�s��
37842magnetic card storage;store	�ϥd�x�s(��)
37843magnetic carrier	��(�O��)����
37844magnetic cartridge	�����ϱa
37845magnetic cell	�Ϯ�;���x�s�椸
37846magnetic character	�ϩʦr��
37847magnetic character reader	�Ϧr�ž\Ū��
37848magnetic character recognition	�Ϧr���ѧO
37849magnetic character sorter	�Ϧr�Ť�����
37850magnetic check	�ϩ�����	MAGCHECK
37851magnetic circuit	�ϸ�
37852magnetic clutch	�q�����X��
37853magnetic coating	��(��)�h
37854magnetic code format	��(��)�N�X�榡
37855magnetic component	��(��)����;��(��)����
37856magnetic core	�Ϥ�; �Ϫ�	MC
37857magnetic core access switch	�Ϫ�s���}��
37858magnetic core buffer	�Ϫ�w���x�s��
37859magnetic core circuit	�Ϫ�q��
37860magnetic core gate	�Ϫ���q��
37861magnetic core logical circuit	�Ϫ��޿�q��
37862magnetic core matrix	�Ϥ߯x�};�Ϫ�x�}
37863magnetic core memory	�Ϥ߰O��;�Ϫ��x�s��	MCM
37864magnetic core multiplexer	�Ϫ�h���ഫ��
37865magnetic core plane	�Ϫ�O
37866magnetic core register	�Ϫ�Ȧs��
37867magnetic core stack	�Ϫ���
37868magnetic core storage	�Ϥ��x�s(��);�Ϫ��x�s��	MCS
37869magnetic core store	�Ϥ��x�s(��)
37870magnetic core tester	�Ϥߴ��վ�	MCT
37871magnetic coupling	�Ͻ��X
37872magnetic damping	�Ϫ���
37873magnetic decision element	�ϨM������;�ϩʨM�w����	MDE
37874magnetic delay line	�ϩ���u
37875magnetic delay-line	�ϩ��u
37876magnetic device	�ϩʸ˸m;��(��)�]�ƾ���
37877magnetic device evaluator	�ϩʾ����D�w��	MADE
37878magnetic dipole	�ϰ����l
37879magnetic dipole moment	�ϰ����x
37880magnetic direction indicator	�ϳ���V���ܾ�	MDI
37881magnetic disc	�Ϻ�;�Ϻ�
37882magnetic disc control unit	�Ϻб��	MDCU
37883magnetic disc drive	�Ϻ��X�ʾ�	MDD
37884magnetic disc memory	�ϺаO��;�Ϻ��x�s��	MDM
37885magnetic disc pack	�ϺХ];�Ϻв�
37886magnetic disc pack control unit	�Ϻвձ��
37887magnetic disc store	�Ϻ��x�s
37888magnetic disk	�Ϻ�;�Ϻ�	MD
37889magnetic disk access arm	�ϺЦs���u
37890magnetic disk actuator	�ϺЭP�ʾ�
37891magnetic disk file	�ϺФ��
37892magnetic disk memory	�Ϻ��x�s��
37893magnetic disk storage	�Ϻ��x�s��
37894magnetic disk storage unit	�Ϻ��x�s���
37895magnetic disk storage;store	�Ϻ��x�s(��)
37896magnetic disk unit	�Ϻг椸;�Ϻо�
37897magnetic document reader	�ϩʤ��\Ū��	MDR
37898magnetic document sorter-reader	�Ϥ��ɤ����\Ū��
37899magnetic domain	�ϩw��;��å
37900magnetic domain device	�����
37901magnetic domain wall	���
37902magnetic doublet	�ϰ����l
37903magnetic drum	�Ϲ�	MD
37904magnetic drum access	�Ϲ��s��
37905magnetic drum coating	�Ϲ���h
37906magnetic drum control unit	�Ϲ����
37907magnetic drum controller	�Ϲ����	MDC
37908magnetic drum data processing machine	�Ϲ��ƾڳB�z��	MDDPM
37909magnetic drum digital differental analyzer	�Ϲ��Ʀ�L�����R��	MADDIDA
37910magnetic drum input output control system	�Ϲ���J��X����t��	MDIOCS
37911magnetic drum macroorder	�Ϲ��������O	MD-MACR
37912magnetic drum memory	�Ϲ��O��;�Ϲ��x�s��
37913magnetic drum read	�Ϲ�Ū��	MDRD
37914magnetic drum receiving equipment	�Ϲ������]��	MADRE
37915magnetic drum storage	�Ϲ��x�s; �Ϲ��x�s��
37916magnetic drum storage system	�Ϲ��x�s�t��	MDSS
37917magnetic drum storage;store	�Ϲ��x�s(��)
37918magnetic drum system	�Ϲ��t��	MDS
37919magnetic drum unit	�Ϲ��椸;�Ϲ���
37920magnetic element	��(��)����
37921magnetic energy density	�ϯ�K��
37922magnetic eraser	���Ͼ�;�h�Ͼ�
37923magnetic ferrites	���K����
37924magnetic field	�ϳ�	F
37925magnetic field equalizer	�ϳ����ž�
37926magnetic field intensity	�ϳ��j��
37927magnetic field interference	�ϳ��z�Z
37928magnetic figure	�ϤO�u��;�ϳ���
37929magnetic film	�Ͻ�
37930magnetic film logic device	�Ͻ��޿边��
37931magnetic film memory	�Ͻ��x�s��
37932magnetic film recorder	�Ͻ��O����
37933magnetic film storage	�Ͻ��x�s��
37934magnetic flip-flop	�ϩʥ��Ͼ�
37935magnetic flux	�ϳq;�ϳq�q
37936magnetic flux density	�ϳq�K��
37937magnetic flux distribution	�ϳq����
37938magnetic focusing	�ϻE�J
37939magnetic gap	�ϻ�
37940magnetic hand scanner	�ⴤ���ϱ��y��
37941magnetic head	���Y	MAG HEAD
37942magnetic head positioning construction	���Y�w�쵲�c
37943magnetic hologram	�ϩʥ����Ӭ�
37944magnetic hysteresis	�Ϻ�(�{�H)
37945magnetic hysteresis loop	�Ϻ���;�Ϻ��^�u
37946magnetic hysteresis loss	�Ϻ��l��
37947magnetic impulse	�ϯ߽�
37948magnetic induction	�ϷP��
37949magnetic ink	�Ͼ�; �Ͼ���
37950magnetic ink character	�Ͼ����r��
37951magnetic ink character reader	�Ͼ����r�ž\Ū��	MICR
37952magnetic ink character recognition	�Ͼ��r������; �Ͼ����r���ѧO	MICR
37953magnetic ink character recognition code	�Ͼ����r���ѧO�X
37954magnetic ink character recognition scan	�Ͼ����r���ѧO���y
37955magnetic ink character sorter	�Ͼ����r�Ť�����
37956magnetic ink document reader	�Ͼ������ɾ\Ū��
37957magnetic ink scanner	�Ͼ������y��
37958magnetic instability	�ϩʤ�í��;�ϩʤ�í��;�ϩʥ�í
37959magnetic isotropic	�ϦU�V�P��
37960magnetic keyboard	�ϩ���L
37961magnetic layer	�ϼh
37962magnetic leakage	�Ϻ|
37963magnetic line of force	�ϤO�u
37964magnetic logic computer	���޿�p���	MAGLOC
37965magnetic loss	�Ϸl��
37966magnetic mark reader	�ϼаO�\Ū��
37967magnetic master	�ϩ�(�����L)�D�L
37968magnetic matrix	���x�s�x�}
37969magnetic memory	���x�s��
37970magnetic metal- oxide- semiconductor type field ef	�Ϫ��ݮ�ƪ��b��������������	MAGFET
37971magnetic modulator	�Ͻը	MAG MOD
37972magnetic multiaperture element	�h�պϤ���
37973magnetic needle	�ϰw
37974magnetic non-return-to-zero	�ϩʤ��k�s��	MNRZ
37975magnetic operational amplifier	�ϹB���j��
37976magnetic optic effect	�ϥ�����
37977magnetic optical-character reader	�ϥ��r�ž\Ū��
37978magnetic original	���n(��)�a
37979magnetic oxides	�Ϯ�Ƽh
37980magnetic path	�Ϯ|;��(�q�^)��
37981magnetic pen	��(�O��)��
37982magnetic permeability	�Ͼɲv
37983magnetic plate wire memory	����u�x�s��
37984magnetic plated wire	����u
37985magnetic playback head	Ū�X���Y;�����Y;�^����Y
37986magnetic potential	�϶�;�Ϧ�
37987magnetic powder core	�K���Ϫ�
37988magnetic read switch	��®�}��
37989magnetic read-write head	�ϩ�Ū�g�Y
37990magnetic read/write head	Ū�g���Y
37991magnetic reader/sorter	��(��)�\Ū������	MRS
37992magnetic record file	�ϰO�����
37993magnetic recording	�ϤưO��; �ϰO��
37994magnetic recording characteristics	�ϰO���S��
37995magnetic recording head	�O�����Y
37996magnetic recording industries association	(����)�ϩʰO���u�~�p�X�|	MRIA
37997magnetic recording medium	�ϰO���C��
37998magnetic relaxation effect	�ϱi������
37999magnetic remanence	�x��(�P���j��)
38000magnetic reproduce head	�A�ͺ��Y
38001magnetic resistance	�Ϫ�
38002magnetic resonance imaging	�Ϧ@���v��	MRI
38003magnetic saturation	�Ϲ��M
38004magnetic screen	�ϫ̹�
38005magnetic semiconductor	�ϩʥb����
38006magnetic sheet	�Ϥ�
38007magnetic shield	�ϫ̽�
38008magnetic shield simulator	�ϫ̽�������	MAGSIM
38009magnetic shift register	�ϲ��Ȧs��;�ϲ���Ȧs��
38010magnetic slot reader	�ϼ�Ū���˸m;�ϼѾ\Ū��
38011magnetic sound	�Ͽ���
38012magnetic storage	�ϩ��x�s( �� ) ;���x�s��; �ϩ��x�s��	MS
38013magnetic storage register	���x�s�Ȧs��
38014magnetic store	�ϩ��x�s(��);���x�s(��)
38015magnetic storm	�ϼ�
38016magnetic strength	�ϳ��j��
38017magnetic stress tensor	�����O�i�q
38018magnetic strip	�ϱ�
38019magnetic strip accounting machine	�ϱ��|�p��
38020magnetic strip file	�ϱ����
38021magnetic strip reader	�ϱ��\Ū��
38022magnetic strip recording	�ϱ��O��
38023magnetic stripe reader	�ϱ�Ū���˸m
38024magnetic surface memory	��(��)���x�s��
38025magnetic surface recording	��(��)���O��
38026magnetic surface storage	��(��)���x�s��
38027magnetic susceptibility	�ϤƲv
38028magnetic switch	�϶}��
38029magnetic tape	�ϱa	MAG TAPE
38030magnetic tape access	�ϱa�s��
38031magnetic tape adapter	�ϱa�A�t��
38032magnetic tape back-up station	�ϱa��Ư�
38033magnetic tape buffer	�ϱa�w�ľ�
38034magnetic tape cartridge	�����ϱa
38035magnetic tape cassette	�����ϱa
38036magnetic tape channel	�ϱa�q�D	MTC
38037magnetic tape check	�ϱa�ˬd
38038magnetic tape command	�ϱa�R�O	MTC
38039magnetic tape control unit	�ϱa���	MTCU
38040magnetic tape controller	�ϱa���	MTC
38041magnetic tape deck	�ϱa���a���c;�ϱa�����x
38042magnetic tape deiay	�ϱa����
38043magnetic tape diagnostics	�ϱa�E�_
38044magnetic tape drive	�ϱa�X��(��);�ϱa�X�ʾ�;�ϱa��
38045magnetic tape drive unit	�ϱa�X�ʳ]��
38046magnetic tape driver	�ϱa�X�ʾ�;�ϱa�X�ʾ�
38047magnetic tape driving system	�ϱa�X�ʨt��
38048magnetic tape equipment	�ϱa��	MTE
38049magnetic tape field search	�ϱa�H���շj��	MFS
38050magnetic tape file	�ϱa���
38051magnetic tape file check	�ϱa�������
38052magnetic tape file formatter	�ϱa���榡�Ƶ{��
38053magnetic tape file information	�ϱa���H��
38054magnetic tape file label	�ϱa���и�
38055magnetic tape file operation	�ϱa���ާ@
38056magnetic tape filing cabinet	�ϱa���c
38057magnetic tape format	�ϱa�榡
38058magnetic tape gap width	�ϱa���ؼe��
38059magnetic tape group	�ϱa��
38060magnetic tape handler	���ϱa��;�ϱa(�B�z)��;�ϱa�B�z��;�ϱa�B�z�{��	MTH
38061magnetic tape head	�ϱa���Y
38062magnetic tape label	�ϱa�и�
38063magnetic tape leader	�ϱa�Y;�ϱa����
38064magnetic tape librarian	�ϱa�{�Ǯw���޲z�{��
38065magnetic tape library	�ϱa�w
38066magnetic tape loader	�ϱa�˱a��
38067magnetic tape loading	�ϱa�ˤJ	MTL
38068magnetic tape loading program	�ϱa�ˤJ�{��	MTLP
38069magnetic tape master file	�ϱa�D���
38070magnetic tape module	�ϱa�Ҳ�	MTMOD
38071magnetic tape operating system	�ϱa�ާ@�t��	MTOS;MOS
38072magnetic tape operation system	�ϱa�ާ@�t��	MOS
38073magnetic tape parity	�ϱa�_������
38074magnetic tape parity check	�ϱa�_������
38075magnetic tape plotting system	�ϱa�s�Ϩt��	MTPS
38076magnetic tape processor	�ϱa�B�z��	MTP
38077magnetic tape programming system	�ϱa�{���]�p�t��	MTPS
38078magnetic tape reader	�ϱa(��J)��;�ϱa�\Ū��	MTR
38079magnetic tape record end	�ϱa�O������	MTRE
38080magnetic tape record start	�ϱa�O���}�l	MTRS
38081magnetic tape recorder	�ϱa������;�ϱa�O����
38082magnetic tape reel	�ϱa(�L)
38083magnetic tape reformatting system	�ϱa���s�榡�ƨt��	MTRS
38084magnetic tape release	�ϱa����	TRE
38085magnetic tape search unit	�ϱa�j���˸m;�ϱa�˯��˸m	MTSU
38086magnetic tape sorting	�ϱa����
38087magnetic tape start-stop time	�ϱa�Ұ��ɶ�
38088magnetic tape storage	�ϱa�x�s��
38089magnetic tape storage system	�ϱa�x�s�t��	MTSS
38090magnetic tape storage;store	�ϱa�x�s(��)
38091magnetic tape strip	�ϱa���x�s��
38092magnetic tape strip unit	�ϱa���x�s��
38093magnetic tape subsystem	�ϱa�l�t��	MTS
38094magnetic tape switching unit	�ϱa�౵��
38095magnetic tape system	�ϱa�t��	MTS
38096magnetic tape terminal	�ϱa�׺�	MTT
38097magnetic tape terminal equipment	�ϱa�׺ݳ]��	MTTE
38098magnetic tape terminal station	�ϱa�׺ݯ�	MTTS
38099magnetic tape to microfilm	�ϱa(�H�����x��)�Y�L����;�ϱa���Y�L����(�����x)	MT/MF
38100magnetic tape to printer converter	�ϱa�C�L���ഫ��
38101magnetic tape track	�ϱa�ϹD
38102magnetic tape trailer	�ϱa��;�ϱa����
38103magnetic tape transport	�ϱa�X��(��);�ϱa�ǰe���c
38104magnetic tape transport mechanism	�ϱa�ǰe���c
38105magnetic tape unit	�ϱa�椸;�ϱa��	MTU
38106magnetic tape volume	�ϱa��
38107magnetic tape volume list	�ϱa	MVL
38108magnetic tape wind	�ϱa�L;�ϱa��
38109magnetic tape write	�ϱa�g�J	MWR
38110magnetic tape-loop storage	�ϱa���x�s��
38111magnetic thin film	�Ͻ�
38112magnetic thin film storage	�Ͻ��x�s��
38113magnetic thin film storage;store	(�ϩ�)�����x�s(��)
38114magnetic thin-film	������
38115magnetic track	�ϭy;�ϹD
38116magnetic unit	�ϳ��
38117magnetic viscosity	���ߺ���
38118magnetic wire	�Ͻu;��������
38119magnetic wire storage	�Ͻu�x�s;�Ͻu�x�s��
38120magnetic workprint	�ϩʦL��~
38121magnetic-domain device	�����	MDD
38122magnetic-ink character reader	�Ͼ��r���\Ū��	MICR
38123magnetic-optic effect	��-������
38124magnetic-tape reader	�ϱa�\Ū��
38125magnetic-tape station	�ϱa��
38126magnetic-tape storage	�ϱa�x�s
38127magnetic-tape unit	�ϱa���
38128magnetics	�Ͼ�
38129magnetizable medium	�i�ϤƤ���
38130magnetization	�Ϥ�
38131magnetization characteristic curve	�ϤƯS�ʦ��u
38132magnetization curve	�ϤƦ��u
38133magnetization direction	�ϤƤ�V
38134magnetization vector	�ϤƦV�q
38135magnetized area	�Ϥưϰ�
38136magnetized spot	�Ϥ��I
38137magnetizer	�ɺ���
38138magnetizing current	�Ϥƹq�y
38139magnetizing field strength	�ϤƳ��j
38140magnetizing force	�ϤƤO
38141magneto-electric	�Ϲq��
38142magneto-mechanical effect	�ϤO�Ǯ���
38143magneto-optic	�ϥ���
38144magneto-optic bubble display	�ϥ��w��ܾ�
38145magneto-optic bubble-domain device	�ϥ��wå����
38146magneto-optic effect	�ϥ�����
38147magneto-optic garnet memory	�ϥ��ۺh���x�s��
38148magneto-optic garnet technique	�ϥ��ۺh�ۧ޳N
38149magneto-optic storage	�ϥ��x�s��
38150magneto-optical display memory	��-����ܰO����
38151magneto-resistance	�Ϫ�
38152magneto-static energy	�R�ϯ�
38153magnetoconductivity	�Ͼɲv;�ɺϩ�
38154magnetocrystalline anisotropy	�ϴ��U�V�ݩ�
38155magnetogram	�ϤO��;�ϱj�O����;�a�ϰO����
38156magnetograph	�ϱj(�۰�)�O����;�a��(�j��)�O����
38157magnetographic printer	�ϰʹϧΦC�L��
38158magnetoholographic memory type	�ϥ����Ӭ��x�s�覡
38159magnetometer	�ϱj�p;�ϤO�p;�a�ϭp
38160magnetometry	�ϤO���w;���Ͼ�
38161magnetomotive force	�ϰʶ�	MMF
38162magneton	�Ϥl
38163magnetooptical effect	�ϥ�����
38164magnetooptical memory material	�ϥ��x�s����
38165magnetooptical memory technique	�ϥ��x�s�޳N
38166magnetoresistance detector	��(�P)�q���˴���
38167magnetoresistance effect	��(�P)�q������
38168magnetoresistive (recording) head	�Ϫ��O���Y	MRH
38169magnetoresistive head	�Ϫ��O���Y
38170magnetostriction	�Ϧ��Y;�ϭP���Y
38171magnetostriction transducer	�ϭP���Y�ǷP��
38172magnetostrictive delay line storage	�ϭP���Y����u�x�s��
38173magnetostrictive delay-line	�Ϧ��Y����u
38174magnetostrictive effect	�ϭP���Y����
38175magnetostrictive effect storage	�ϭP���Y�����x�s��
38176magnetostrictive storage (unit)	�ϭP���Y�x�s��
38177magnetplate	�ϺФ�	MPL
38178magnetric tape	�ϱa
38179magnetron	�ϱ���	MAG;M
38180magnetron beam switching	�ϱ��ޮg���ഫ	MBS
38181magnification	��j;��j�v
38182magnify	��j
38183magnistor	���ܺ�;�϶}��
38184magnitude	����;�j�p;�q;�ƶq;�T��;��	MAG
38185magnitude portion	���Ƴ���
38186magslip	�Ϸ�
38187Mahalanobis distance	�����Կդ��Z��
38188mahine logic design	�����޿�]�p
38189mail	�l��
38190mail box	�H�c;(�q�l)�l�c;�H�c��(�x�s���������γ椸)
38191mail folder	�l��
38192mail list	��e�W��
38193mail log	�l��`�U
38194mail merge	�l��X��
38195mail ordering	�l��
38196mail queue	�l���C
38197mailbox	�l�c;�H�c��(�x�s���������γ椸)
38198mailbox memory	�H�c���x�s��;�M���x�s�椸
38199mailing list	��e�W��;�H���
38200mailing list program	�H�}�C��{��
38201main amplifier	�D��j��	MA
38202main arithmetic processor	�D�B��B�z��	MAP
38203main bang suppression	�D�����H�����	MBS
38204main battery powered machine	�D�q���ѹq���p���
38205main beam	�D�q�l��;�D�g�u;�D�i��
38206main buffer storage	�D�w���x�s��	MBS
38207main cable	�D�q�l
38208main command	�D�R�O
38209main communication center	�D�q�H����	MCC
38210main control chain	�D������
38211main control console	�D����x	MCC
38212main control panel	�D����O
38213main control unit	�D����椸; �D���; �D�����
38214main cycle	�j�g��
38215main data area	�D�ƾڰ�
38216main data package	�D�ƾڥ]	MDP
38217main data path	�D�ƾڳq��	MDP
38218main device scheduler	�D�]�ƽի׵{��	MDS
38219main display console	�D��ܱ���x	MDC
38220main distributing frame	�`�t�u�[;�D�t�u�O	MDF
38221main distribution frame	�D�t�u�O;�D�t�u�[	MDF
38222main entry	�D�J�f;�D���
38223main entry address	�D�J�f��}
38224main entry point	�D�J�f�I
38225main exchange area	�D�洫��	MXA
38226main executive module	�D����{�ǼҲ�
38227main file	�D��;�D���
38228main fixed station	�D�T�w��
38229main flux	�D�ϳq(�q)
38230main frame	�D��;�j���p���;�D���[;�D���@;���L	MNFRM
38231main frequency	�D�W�v
38232main gating pulse	�D��q�߽�
38233main generator	�D�o�;�	MG
38234main group	�D�s��;�D�s	MG
38235main interface	�D����	MI
38236main internal memory	�D�x�s��;���x�s��
38237main key	�D��
38238main keyboard	�D��L
38239main keypad	�D��O
38240main line channel	�D�u�q�D;�z�u�q�D
38241main line connector	�D�u�s����
38242main line section	�D�z�u����
38243main lobe	�D�iä
38244main loop	�D�`��
38245main loop cabling	�D�����q�l�s��
38246main machine interface	�D������	MMI
38247main machine system	�D���t��	MMS
38248main memory	�D�O�о�; �D�O��; �D�x�s��; �D�O����	MM
38249main memory address register	�D�O�����}�Ȧs��	MMAR
38250main memory controller	�D�x�s�����	MMC
38251main memory interface	�D�O�����;	MMI
38252main memory management	�D�x�s���޲z
38253main memory module	�D�x�s���Ҳ�	MMM
38254main memory register	�D�x�s���Ȧs��	MMR
38255main memory resource	�D�x�s���귽	MMR
38256main memory system	�D(�x)�s(��)�t��	MMS
38257main memory unit	�D�x�s��;�D�O�г椸	MMU
38258main menu	�D�����e��;�D�e��
38259main module	�D�Ҳ�
38260main network address	�D������}
38261main operation	�D�ާ@
38262main operation control program	�D�ާ@����{��
38263main operation house-keeping routine	�D�ާ@���ȵ{��
38264main page pool	�D����
38265main partition	�D����
38266main path	�D�q��
38267main procedure	�D�L�{
38268main processing block	�D�B�z����
38269main processing unit	�D�B�z��	MPU
38270main processor	�D�B�z��
38271main program	�D�{��;�D�{��
38272main program counter	�D�u�{�ǭp�ƾ�
38273main program cycle	�D�{�Ǵ`��
38274main program data area	�D�{�Ǽƾڰ�
38275main program sequence	�D�{�ǧǦC
38276main pulse	�D�߽�
38277main ring path	�D���q��
38278main routine	�D�`��;�D�{��
38279main scheduling routine	�D�ի׵{��
38280main screen	�D�ù�
38281main station	�`��;�D��
38282main storage	�D�x�s( �� ); �D�x�s��; �D�x�s	MS
38283main storage buffer	�D�x�s�w��
38284main storage control element	�D�x�s�������	MSCE
38285main storage controller	�D�x�s�����	MSC
38286main storage data base	�D�x�s���ƾڮw	MSDB
38287main storage data register	�D�x�s���ƾڼȦs��	MSDR
38288main storage dump	�D�x�s�����x
38289main storage management	�D�s�޲z
38290main storage partition	�D�x�s������
38291main storage processor	�D�x�s���B�z��
38292main storage region	�D�s�ϰ�
38293main storage unit	�D�x�s���;�D�x�s��	MSU
38294main store	�D�x�s(��)
38295main store allocator	�D�x�s�����t�{��	MSA
38296main switch	�D�}��;�`�}��	MS
38297main switch board	�`�t�q�L;�D�t�q�L;�`����O	MSB
38298main switching center	�D�ഫ����;�D�洫����	MSC
38299main system	�D�t��
38300main task	�D����
38301main test frame	�D����[
38302main text buffer	�D����w�ľ�
38303main track	�D�u;�z�u;�D�ϹD
38304main traffic station	�D�q�H��
38305main tree	�D��
38306main trunk circuit	�D�z�u	MTC
38307main unit	�D(�n)����
38308main-memory mapping	�D�x�s���M�H
38309mainframe	�j���q��; �D��( �@ ); �j����
38310mainframe computer	�D�p���
38311mainframe network	�D������
38312mainframe on-line test	�D���p������
38313mainframe on-line test system	�D���p�����ըt��
38314mainline	�D�u
38315mainline code	�D�u�N�X
38316mainline code program counter	�D�u�N�X�{�ǭp�ƾ�
38317mainline program	�D�u�{��
38318mains-powered calculator	�ӥιq�����p�⾹
38319mains/battery powered calculator	�ӥιq��/�q�������p�⾹
38320maint date	���@���
38321maint pend	���@����
38322maint.sys	maint.sys���@�t�ΰ�
38323maintain	���@;�O�i;�O�d;�O�s;�O��;�˭�	MNTN
38324maintain forecast	���@�w��
38325maintain system history program	���@�t��v�{��	MSHP
38326maintainability	���@��;�i���@��;�i���ש�
38327maintenance	���@;����	MAINT
38328maintenance alert network	���@ĵ����	MAN
38329maintenance analysis	���@���R	MA
38330maintenance analysis procedure	���@���R�L�{	MAP
38331maintenance analysis program	���@���R�{��	MAP
38332maintenance analysis review technique	���@���R�ˬd�޳N	MART
38333maintenance and construction management informatio	���@�M�u�{�޲z�H���t��	MACMIS
38334maintenance and operation	���@�P�B��	MO
38335maintenance and operation of programs	�{�Ǫ����@�P�ާ@
38336maintenance and operational data presentation stud	���@�P�ާ@�ƾ���ܬ�s	MODAPS
38337maintenance and supply	���׻P����	MANDS
38338maintenance and supply center	���׻P��������	MSC
38339maintenance assembly and disassembly	���@�B�˰t�P���
38340maintenance automated data management	���@�۰ʤƼƾں޲z	MADM
38341maintenance automated logic diagram	���@�Φ۰��޿��	MALD
38342maintenance center	���פ���	MC
38343maintenance channel buffer register	���@�q�D�w�ļȦs��	MCHB
38344maintenance channel command register	���@�q�D���O�Ȧs��;���@�q�D�R�O�Ȧs��	MCHC
38345maintenance channel transmit receive register	���@�q�D�o�e�����Ȧs��	MCHTR
38346maintenance charge	���@�O��;���׶O��
38347maintenance connection	���@�s��
38348maintenance control	���@����
38349maintenance control address register	���@����a�}�Ȧs��	MCAR
38350maintenance control center	���@�����	MCC
38351maintenance control data	���@����ƾ�
38352maintenance control panel	���@����O
38353maintenance control program	���ױ���{��;���@����{��	MACP;MACR
38354maintenance control report	���׺޲z���i	MCR
38355maintenance control signal	���@����H��
38356maintenance control unit	���@���	MCU
38357maintenance cost	���@�O��;���׶O��
38358maintenance definition	���@�W�w
38359maintenance device	���@�]��	MD
38360maintenance device adapter	���@�]�ƾA�t��
38361maintenance diagnostic logic	���@�E�_�޿�	MDL
38362maintenance diagnostic manual	���@�E�_��U	MDM
38363maintenance diagnostic program	���@�E�_�{��	MDP
38364maintenance diagnostic unit	���@�E�_�]��;���@�E�_�˸m	MDU
38365maintenance dictionary	���@��(�N�X)����
38366maintenance documentation	���@���s��	MD
38367maintenance down time	���@�����ɶ�
38368maintenance engineering analysis data (system)	���@�u�{���R�ƾ�(�t��)	MEAD(S)
38369maintenance engineering analysis record	��u�{���R�O��	MEAR
38370maintenance function	���@�S��
38371maintenance information	���@�H��
38372maintenance instruction	���@���O;���@������	MI
38373maintenance interface	���@����	MI
38374maintenance library	���@�{�Ǯw	ML
38375maintenance management information system	���׺޲z�H���t��	MMIS
38376maintenance mode	���@�覡
38377maintenance mode switch	���@�覡�}��
38378maintenance of equipment	�]�ƺ��@	MOFE
38379maintenance operation protocol	���@�@�~��w	MOP
38380maintenance operations center	���@�ާ@����	MOC
38381maintenance panel	���@���O	MP
38382maintenance parts	���@�s��
38383maintenance phase	���@���q
38384maintenance point	�����I;���ׯ�	MP
38385maintenance prevention	�w���ʺ��@	MP
38386maintenance program	���@�{��	MP
38387maintenance program chain	���@�{����
38388maintenance program procedures	���@�{�ǰ���L�{
38389maintenance programmer	���@�{�ǭ�
38390maintenance repair and operating	���@,�ק�ιB��	MRO
38391maintenance repairs and replacement	���@,�ײz�M��	MRR
38392maintenance requirement card	���@�Υd��	MRC
38393maintenance requirements list	���@�n�D��	MRL
38394maintenance routine	���@�{��
38395maintenance safeguard	���@�w���O�@���I
38396maintenance service	���@�A��
38397maintenance session statistics	���@���έp
38398maintenance signal distributor	���ץΫH�����t��	MSD
38399maintenance staff	(����)���@�H��
38400maintenance stand-by time	���׷dzƮɶ�
38401maintenance standardization evaluation program	���@�зǤƵ����{��	MSEP
38402maintenance standby time	�ƥκ��@�ɶ�
38403maintenance statistics	���ײέp(��)
38404maintenance strategy	���@����
38405maintenance subsystem	���@�l�t��
38406maintenance system	���@�t��
38407maintenance test	���@����
38408maintenance test equipment	���@���ճ]��
38409maintenance time	���@�ɶ�
38410maintenance unit	���@�]��;���׳]��;���׳椸	MU
38411maintenance word	�����r��
38412maintenance work	���@�u�@
38413maintenance-data collection system	���׼ƾڦ����t��	MCS
38414maintenance-free	���ݺ��@��
38415major class field	�D������
38416major control change	�D���ܧ�
38417major control data	���n��(��)�ƾ�
38418major control field	�D����r�q
38419major cycle	�D�g;�j�`��;�D�`��;�j�g��
38420major division	�D�n�Ϥ�
38421major gate	�h���޿��
38422major key	�D����r
38423major lobe	�D�iä
38424major loop	�D�`��
38425major module	�D�Ҳ�
38426major node	�j�`�I
38427major operation data system	�D�ާ@�ƾڨt��	MODS
38428major path	�D�q��;�u���u;�D���|	MP
38429major sequence field	�D������
38430major state	�D���A
38431major state generator	�D���A�o�;�
38432major state logic generator	�D���A�޿�o�;�
38433major state register	�D���A�Ȧs��	MAJSR
38434major structure	�D���c
38435major subtask	�D�l����
38436major system kit	���M�D�t��(�L���������M�w��M�n��)
38437major task	�D����
38438major technique	�D�n�޳N;(�u��)��k
38439major time slice	�D�ɶ���
38440major total	�X�p;�j�p
38441major track	�D�ϹD
38442major word	�D�r
38443major-minor deflection	�D-�ư���
38444major-state logic generator	�D���A�޿�o�;�
38445major/minor loop organization	�D�������c
38446majority	�h��(�޿�)
38447majority carrier	�h�Ƹ��l;�h�Ƹ��y�l
38448majority circuit	�h��(�޿�)�q��
38449majority consensus algorithm	�h��(�޿�)�@�P��k
38450majority decision element	�h�ƨM�w����;�h�ƨM�w����
38451majority decision gate	�h�ƨM�w�h;�h�ƨM�w��
38452majority decision rule	�h�ƨM�k�h
38453majority element	�h�Ƥ���; �h��( �޿� )����
38454majority gate	�h�ƹh; �h��( �޿� )��
38455majority logic	�h�ƨM�w�޿�
38456majority logic decodable code	�h�ƨM�w�޿�i�ѽX
38457majority logic operator	�h�ƨM�w�޿���
38458majority logic unit	�h���޿賡��;�h���޿�椸	MLU
38459majority operation	�h�ƹB��;�h�ƨM�w�޿�B��
38460majority organ	�h�ƲŦX����
38461majority principle	�h�ƭ�h
38462majority unknown elimination	�h���޿襼���Ʈ����k
38463majority-minor sorting	�D-������
38464majorization	�u��;�h�ƧP�M
38465majorizing sequence	�u�ƧǦC
38466make addressable (instruction)	�ϥi�M�}(���O);�ϥi�s�}(���O)
38467make code	�ۻs�X
38468make connection	�s��;�s�q
38469make-before-break	���q���_	MBB
38470make-break operation	�q-�_�ާ@
38471make-to-stock	�s�q���s�y
38472make-up	�զ�;�t��;�a��;��z
38473make-up time	�ȿ��ɶ�;�ɺ�ɶ�
38474makeup time	�l�ɮɶ�
38475malfunction	�G��;���F;�X��;�~�ʧ@
38476malfunction alert	�G�ٳ�ĵ;(��)�~�ʧ@ĵ��	MFA
38477malfunction analysis detection and recording	�G�٤��R�˴��P�O��	MADAR
38478malfunction analysis procedure	�G�٤��R�L�{	MAP
38479malfunction analysis program	���@���R�{��
38480malfunction and data recorder	�G�ٻP�ƾڰO��(�{��,��)	MADAR
38481malfunction detection system	�G���˴��t��	MDS
38482malfunction interrupt	�G�٤��_;���~���_
38483malfunction reporting program	�G�ٳ��i�{��	MRP
38484malfunction routine	���F�`��;�G�٬d��{��;���~�ˬd�{��
38485man communication and display to automatic compute	�H��۰ʭp������q�H�M���(�t��)	MACDAC
38486man in machine out	�ⱱ��J������X	MIMO
38487man machine interface	�H������
38488man week	�H�P	MW
38489man-auto	�H�u-�۰�
38490man-computer communication	�H�u�q�H
38491man-computer graphics	�H���s�Ͼ�;�H���s��	MCG
38492man-computer interaction	�H���p�t;�H���椬
38493man-computer interactive data access system	�H���椬�ƾڦs���t��	MCIDAS
38494man-machine collaboration	�H���X�@
38495man-machine communication	�H���q�H
38496man-machine conversation	�H�����
38497man-machine digital system	�H���Ʀ�t��
38498man-machine engineering	�H���u�{(��)
38499man-machine interaction	�H����@;�H���p�t;�H���椬	MMI
38500man-machine interactive	�H���椬
38501man-machine interactive system	�H���椬�t��
38502man-machine interface modelling	�H�������ҫ���;�H�������ؼ�
38503man-machine interrogation technique	�H-�����߰ݧ޳N	MMIT
38504man-machine language	�H��(�q�H)�y��
38505man-machine partnership translation	�H-���X�@½Ķ	MMPT
38506man-machine problem	�H�����D
38507man-machine relationship	�H�����Y
38508man-machine simulation	�H������
38509man-machine software	�H���n��
38510man-machine software interface	�H���n�餶��
38511man-machine symbiosis	�H���@	;�H���@�s
38512man-machine system	�H-���t��	MMS
38513man-machine system engineering	�H���t�Τu�{��	MMSE
38514man-made fault	�H���G��
38515man-made fault tolerance	�H���e��
38516man-made machine	�H�y����
38517man-made satellite	�H�y�ìP
38518man-year	�H�~	MY
38519man/machine package	�H��(�t��)�{�ǥ]	MMP
38520MANAGE	�ƾڮw�޲z�t��	MANAGE
38521manage authorizations	�޲z���v
38522manage microcode fixes	�޲z�L�X���
38523management	�޲z;�ާ@;����	MGMT;MNGMT
38524management access to records	�O���s���޲z	MATR
38525management aids program suite	�޲z���U�{�Ƕ�
38526management analysis program	�޲z���R�{��	MAP
38527management analysis reporting system	�޲z���R���i�t��	MARS
38528management and control system	�޲z�P����t��
38529management applications in a computer environment	�p������Ҥ����޲z����
38530management audit	�޲z�f�p
38531management by exception	�ҥ~�޲z
38532management control	�޲z����
38533management control data system	�޲z����ƾڨt��	MCDS
38534management control system	�޲z����t��	MCS
38535management cost summary	�޲z�����J�`
38536management cost summary-current	�޲z�����J�`-����
38537management cycle	�޲z�g
38538management data	�޲z�ƾ�
38539management data charting and review	�޲z�ƾڨ�ϻP�ˬd	MADCAR
38540management data collection and reporting	�޲z�ƾڱĶ��P���i	MDC&R
38541management data list	�޲z�ƾڪ�	MDL
38542management data processing system	�޲z�ƾڳB�z�t��	MADAPS
38543management data query system	�޲z�ƾڸ߰ݨt��	MDQS
38544management data service center	�޲z�ƾڪA�Ȥ���	MDSC
38545management decision system	����M���t��	MDS
38546management document	�޲z���;�޲z��;�޲z���ɸ��
38547management entity	�޲z����
38548management environment	�޲z����
38549management exercise	�޲z����
38550management game	�޲z�ﵦ;�޲z����
38551management information	�޲z�H��	MI
38552management information and control system	�޲z�H���M����t��	MICS
38553management information and text system	�޲z�H���M����t��	MITS
38554management information display system	�޲z�H����ܨt��	MIDS
38555management information network system	�޲z�H�������t��	MINS
38556management information retrieval	�޲z�H���˯�	MIR
38557management information science	�޲z�H�����	MIS
38558management information system	�޲z��T�t��;�޲z�H���t��;�g��H���t��	MIS
38559management information system research center	�޲z�H���t�ά�s����	MISRC
38560management informationsystems	�޲z��T�t��	MIS
38561management interactive data accounting system	�޲z�椬�ƾڰO�b�t��	MIDAS
38562management job description	�޲z�@�~�y�z	MJB
38563management of processes	�{�Ǻ޲z
38564management on- line data system	�޲z�p���ƾڨt��	MOLDS
38565management on-line data system	�޲z�s�u�ƾڨt��	MOLDS
38566management operating system	�޲z�ާ@�t��;�޲z�@�~�t��	MOS
38567management policy	�޲z����;�޲z�F��
38568management priority	�޲z�u������
38569management priority code	�޲z�u���X
38570management psychology	�޲z�߲z��;�g��߲z��
38571management report generator	�޲z���i�ͦ��{��	MARGEN
38572management reporting system	�޲z���i�t��	MRS
38573management reports	�޲z����;�޲z���i
38574management requirement	�޲z�n�D
38575management scheduling and control system	�޲z�ի׻P����t��	MSCS
38576management science operations research	�޲z��Ǫ��B�w��
38577management services	�޲z�A��
38578management software	�޲z�n�~;�޲z�n��
38579management support capability	�޲z�䴩��O
38580management support utility	�޲z�䴩��ε{��
38581management system	�޲z�t��
38582management tool	�޲z�u��
38583management visibility	�޲z�i����;�޲z�ਣ��
38584management work element	�޲z�u�@�n��
38585manager	manager�޲z�{��;�޲z�{��	MGR
38586manager easy reporting interactive tools	���i�ѻs�@�\��t��	MERIT
38587manager virtual machine	�޲z�{�ǵ�����	MVM
38588managerial report	�޲z���i;�޲z����
38589managerial report system	�޲z���i�t��;�޲z����t��
38590Manchester encoding	�ҹ����S�s�X	ME
38591Manchester transition tracking loop	�ҹ����S���A���ܸ��ܰj��	MTTL
38592Manchester's code	�ҹ����S�N�X
38593mandatory	���ƪ�;���n��
38594mandatory cryptographic session	�j��K�X�|��
38595mandatory disconnect	�j����u
38596mandatory fixed part	���ƩT�w����
38597mandatory member	�j���
38598mandatory membership class	�����������O
38599mandatory message element	���ưT������
38600mandatory procedure	�j��ʵ{��
38601mandatory set membership	�j��X��������
38602mandatory variable part	�����ܰʳ���
38603mandrel	�b���鳱�����ݤ�;�߶b
38604manganese-zinc ferrite	���N�K����
38605manganin	����;����ɦX��;������u
38606mangetic ink character recognition code	�Ͼ��{�r�X
38607mangetic ink character recognition scan	�Ͼ��{�r���y
38608Manhattan distance	�ҫ��Z�Z��
38609manifold paper	�Ƽg��
38610manifolding	�Ƽg;�ƦL
38611manipulate	�ާ@
38612manipulated direct controlled variable	�������������ܼ�
38613manipulated variable	�ճB�ܼ�;�����ܼ�
38614manipulating key	���a��
38615manipulating language	��z�y��
38616manipulation	���a;����;�B�z;�ާ@
38617manipulation data	���a�ƾ�
38618manipulative electronic deception	�ⱱ�q�l�g�b;�ⱱ�q�l���F	MED
38619manipulative index	���a����;��զ�����
38620manipulative indexing	�ճB���ުk;���a����;��զ�����
38621manipulator	�ާ@�˸m;�ާ@�{��;�����
38622manometer	�y�����O�p
38623manostat	���
38624manpower operation data system	�H�u�ާ@�ƾڨt��	MODS
38625mantissa	( ��ƪ� )����; ����; ����; �w�ȳ�; �B�I��
38626mantissa (in a floating-point representation)	�D��(�Ω�B�I��ܤ�)
38627mantissa of a logarithm	��Ƥ����ƩΩw�ȳ�
38628manual	�H�u��;��U;��ʪ�	MN
38629manual aircraft data input system	�ⱱ�����ƾڿ�J�t��	MADIS
38630manual amendment	��u�ץ�	MANAM
38631manual answer	�H�u����	MA
38632manual answering	�H�u�^��;�H�u����
38633manual back-up	�H�u�ƥ�
38634manual calling	�H�u�I�s;��u�I�s
38635manual calling (in a data network)	�H�u�I�s(�b�ƾں�����)
38636manual card	���d��
38637manual clock	�ⱱ����	MK
38638manual computation	����
38639manual control	�H�u����;�ⱱ	M/C
38640manual control device	�H�u����]��	MCD
38641manual controller	�H�u���
38642manual cut	��u����
38643manual data access arrangement	�H�u�ƾڦs���]��
38644manual data entry module	�H�u�ƾڿ��J�Ҳ�
38645manual data input	�H�u�ƾڿ�J;��ʼƾڿ�J	MDI
38646manual data input function	�ⱱ�ƾڿ�J�\��	MDIF
38647manual data input system	�H�u�ƾڿ�J�t��;�ⱱ�ƾڿ�J�t��	MDIS
38648manual data insertion unit	�H�u�ƾڴ��J�˸m	MDIU
38649manual data processing	�H�u�ƾڳB�z
38650manual data relay center/station	�H�u�ƾ���o���߻P��o��	MDRC/S
38651manual device backup	�H�u�]�Ƴƥ�
38652manual direction finder(radio)	�ⱱ(�L�q�u)���V��;�H�u���a(�L�q�u)���V��	MDF
38653manual driver	����X�ʾ�
38654manual entry	�H�u���J;�ⱱ��J
38655manual equalizer	��ʧ��ž�
38656manual exchange	�H�u�洫
38657manual exchanger	�H�u(�q��)�洫��
38658manual function	��ʥ\��
38659manual indicator	�H�u���ܾ�
38660manual inking control	�H�u�Ѿ�����
38661manual input	�H�u��J;��ʿ�J;�ⱱ��J	MANIP;MI
38662manual input buffer	��u��J�w�ľ�	MIB
38663manual input processing (program)	�H�u��J�B�z(�{��)	MIP
38664manual input register	�H�u��J�Ȧs��
38665manual input unit	�H�u��J���;�H�u��J�]��
38666manual interface tester	�ⱱ�������վ�
38667manual interrupt	�H�u���_
38668manual intervention	�H�u�z�w	MI
38669manual load key	�H�u�ˤJ��
38670manual loading	�H�u���J
38671manual manipulator	�H�u���a�����
38672manual member	�H�u����
38673manual membership class	�H�u���y���O
38674manual mode	�ⱱ�覡
38675manual number generator	�H�u�ƥز��;�
38676manual of field engineer	�{���u�{�v��U	MFE
38677manual operation	�H�u�ާ@
38678manual operations	�H�u�ާ@
38679manual operations control	�H�u�ާ@����
38680manual operations panel	�ⱱ�ާ@�x;�ⱱ�ާ@���O
38681manual operations screen	�H�u�ާ@�ù�
38682manual output	�H�u��X	MO
38683manual pagination	�H�u����
38684manual part programming	��u�s��{�dz]�p
38685manual program	�ⱱ�{��
38686manual read	�H�u�\Ū;�H�uŪ�J
38687manual reconfiguration	�H�u�A�զX
38688manual record locking	�H�u�O����w
38689manual record unlocking	�H�u�O������
38690manual set membership	��ʶ��X��������
38691manual slot	�H�u��
38692manual status control	��ʪ��A����	MSC
38693manual switch	��ʶ}��	D
38694manual switching position	�H�u�洫�y�u	MSP
38695manual tax	�H�u���J�|��
38696manual telephone switchboard	�H�u�q�ܥ洫��
38697manual toning control	�H�u�զⱱ�
38698manual typewriter	�H�u���r��
38699manual wire embedding	�H�u�O�u
38700manual word	�H�u��J�r	MW
38701manual word generator	�H�u�r���;�;�H�u�r�o�;�
38702manual word unit	�H�u�r��J�˸m
38703manual-automatic switch	�ⱱ�۰ʶ}��
38704manual-input generator	�H�u��J�o�;�
38705manual-operated	��u�ާ@��;�H�u�ާ@��	MO
38706manual-operated plotting board	�ⱱø�ϪO	MOPB
38707manual-perforated card	��ڥ��եd
38708manual-switch storage	����x�s
38709manually loading tape	�H�u�˸��ϱa
38710manually-controlled fault tolerant system	�H�u����e���t��
38711manufacture	��y	MAN
38712manufacture on-order quantity	�w�q�s�y�ƶq
38713manufacture on-order summary	�w�q�s�y�J�`
38714manufacture order summary maintenance edit list	�s�y�R�O�J�`���@�s��M�U
38715manufacture to order	�q�榡�s�y
38716manufacture's customer engineer	�t�Ӫ���
38717manufacturer software	(�s�y)�t�a(���Ѫ�)
38718manufacturer's customer engineer	�t�Ӫ��Ȥ�u�{�v	MDL
38719manufacturing	�s�y
38720manufacturing allocated quantity	�s�y�t�m�ƶq
38721manufacturing and cost control system	�s�y��������t��	MACCS
38722manufacturing and inspection record	�s�y�P�ˬd�O��	MAIR
38723manufacturing applications	�s�y�~����
38724manufacturing applications management system	�s�y���κ޲z�t��	MAMS
38725manufacturing assembly parts list	�s�y�˰t�s���;�s�y�ե��	MAPL
38726manufacturing automation protocal	�u�t�۰ʤƺ����з�	MAP
38727manufacturing bill	�s�y�M��
38728manufacturing cash flow analysis	�s�y�{���y�{���R
38729manufacturing component scrap	�s�y������o
38730manufacturing costs	�s�y����
38731manufacturing cycle	�s�y�g��
38732manufacturing engineering	�s�y�u�{
38733manufacturing environment	�s�y����;�Ͳ�����
38734manufacturing information and control system	�[�u�H���M����t��	MIACS
38735manufacturing information system support integrate	�[�u�H���t�Τ����X�p���ާ@	MISSION
38736manufacturing lead time	�s�y�e�m�ɶ�
38737manufacturing lead time adjustment	�s�y�e�m�ɶ��վ�
38738manufacturing message service	�s�y�~�T���A��
38739manufacturing monitoring system	�s�y�ʷ��t��	MMS
38740manufacturing open status code	�s�y���A�X
38741manufacturing operating system	�s�y�ާ@�t��	MOS
38742manufacturing operation description	�s�y�@�~����
38743manufacturing order	�s�O;�s�y�R�O
38744manufacturing order number	�s�y�R�O���X
38745manufacturing order scrap transaction	�s�y�R�O���o����
38746manufacturing order status report	�s�y�R�O���A����
38747manufacturing order summary file maintenance	�s�y�R�O�J�`�ɺ��@
38748manufacturing orders approved for release	�g�֭�o���s�y�R�O
38749manufacturing orders released	�w�o���s�y�R�O
38750manufacturing orders with chain count errors	���䵲�p����~���s�y�R�O
38751manufacturing orders with chain errors	���䵲���~���s�y�R�O
38752manufacturing orders with material detail	�����Ʃ��Ӥ��s�y�R�O
38753manufacturing quality control	�s�y��q����	MQC
38754manufacturing record processor	�s�y�O���B�z�{��	MRP
38755manufacturing records control	�s�y�O���޲z;�s�y�O������	MRC
38756manufacturing resource planning	�s�y�귽�W��
38757manufacturing resources	�s�y�귽
38758manufacturing schedule date	�s�y�Ƶ{���
38759manufacturing support program	�s�y�䴩�{��
38760manuscript	��Z;��Z
38761many dimensions	�h��
38762many stages	�h��
38763many value logic	�h���޿�
38764many-for-one concept	�h��@����
38765many-many	�h��h
38766many-to-one	�h��@
38767many-to-one function	�h��@���
38768many-valley semiconductor	�h���b����;���h����a���b����
38769many-valley theory	�h���z��
38770many-variable system	�h�ܼƨt��
38771many-way selection	�h�����
38772map	�M�g;�M����;�a�Ϲ�;�ϸ�;�M��;�Щw(��);��;�Ϲ�;�ܴ�;�ܧ}
38773map (over)	�M�g(��)
38774map address	�ܴ���}
38775map analyzer program	�ϧΤ��R�{��	MAP
38776map and chart information system	�϶H�Ϫ�H���t��	MCIS
38777map block address assignment	�ܴ�����}���t
38778map code	�ܴ��X;�M�H�X
38779MAP diagnostic integration	MAP�E�_��X
38780MAP diagnostic integration language	MAP�E�_��X�y��
38781map display	�϶H���(��)
38782map editor	�϶H�s�边
38783map function	(�a�})�ܴ��ާ@;�M�g���
38784map generator	�M���ͦ��{��	MAPGEN
38785map image descriptor list	�ܴ��M�H�y�z�Ū�
38786map list	�M�H��;�ܴ���
38787map listing	�a�ϹϦC��
38788map pointer register	�M�H���w�Ȧs��;���ܦr�Ȧs��
38789map program	�����ϵ{��
38790map request	�ܴ��ШD
38791map set editor	�϶��s�边
38792map specification library	�ϳW�满���w;�M�H�����w	MSL
38793mapped array area	�M���}�C��
38794mapped buffer	�M���w��
38795mapped conversation	�M�����
38796mapped memory	�M���O�о�
38797mapped mode	�ܴ��覡
38798mapped physical storage	�M�����z�x�s��
38799mapped program executive	�ܴ��{������
38800mapped real-time disk operating system	�x�s�M�H��ɺϺоާ@�t��	MRDOS
38801mapped system	�M���t��
38802mapper	�M���{��
38803mapping	�M��;���M;�M�g;��M
38804mapping algorithm	�M���t��k
38805mapping cache	�M�����t�w���x�s��
38806mapping device	�M���]��
38807mapping fault	�ܴ�����
38808mapping function	�M�H���	MF
38809mapping language	�M���y��
38810mapping mode	�ܴ��覡
38811mapping schemes	�a�}�ܴ���k
38812mapping status	�洫���A;�M�g���A
38813mapping status of window	���f�ܴ����A
38814mapping table	�M�H��;�ܴ���;�ܧ}��
38815mapping window	�M�g��;�M�H���f;�ܴ����f
38816marching "1"s and "0"s	��B"1"�M"0"�k(�b�����x�s�������ժk)
38817marching 1's and 0's test	��B"1"�M"0"����
38818marching display	�B�i�B���(��)
38819marching problem	�B�i�����D
38820margin	����;�d��;��;�Q��;�ݶZ;��Z;��ڧQ��;��t;�ɽu;���;�w���t��MAR
38821margin capacity	�ƥήe�q
38822margin control	��ڱ���;��ڱ���(��)
38823margin for page	����;����
38824margin guide	����нu
38825margin justify	�X�A�e��;�X�A�l�q
38826margin release key	���������
38827margin release mechanism	���������c
38828margin scale	�������
38829margin stop indicator	��ھ׶����ܾ�
38830margin stop mechanism	��ھ׶����c
38831margin stop setting control	��ھ׶��w�챱�
38832margin-punched	��t����
38833margin-punched card	��(�ڥ�)�եd;��u���եd��
38834margin-release control	���������
38835marginal	��t��;�{�ɪ�;��ڪ�
38836marginal check	��ڮֹ�;��t����
38837marginal cost	��t����
38838marginal error	��t���~
38839marginal forward pruning	���ɥ��V�װ�
38840marginal indexing	��گ��ުk;�������;��t����
38841marginal operation	��t�ާ@
38842marginal stability	�{��í�w��
38843marginal test	��ڴ���;��t����
38844marginal testing	��t����
38845marginal tests (voltage and registers)	(�q���M�Ȧs��)��t����
38846marginal value	�{�ɭ�
38847marginal voltage check	��t�q���ˬd
38848marginal voltage test	��t�q������
38849marine structures computer	���c�p����t��	MARSC
38850mark	�Х�;�аO;�O��;�лx;�и�;�Ǹ�;�S�x;�Ÿ�	MK;MRK
38851mark biased	����
38852mark bit	�аO��
38853mark card	�аO�d��
38854mark card reader	�аO�d���\Ū��;�аO�d�\Ū��	MCR
38855mark check	�аO�ˬd
38856mark couting check	�аO�p������
38857mark detection	�аO�˴�
38858mark field	�аO�r�q;�аO��
38859mark form sequence	�аO�Φ��ǦC
38860mark function	�аO�\��
38861mark impulse	�аO�߽�
38862mark match	�аO�ŦX
38863mark matching	�аO�ŦX
38864mark memory	�аO�x�s��
38865mark pen	�аO��
38866mark position	�аO��m
38867mark pulse	�аO�߽�
38868mark reader	�аO�\Ū��
38869mark reading	�аOŪ�X
38870mark scan	�Хܱ��y
38871mark scanning	�лx���y;�аO���y
38872mark scraper	�аO������
38873mark sense	�аOŪ�X
38874mark sense batch	�аOŪ�X����B�z	MSB
38875mark sense card	�зP�d
38876mark sense punch	�аOŪ�X����
38877mark sense reading	�аOŪ�X	MSR
38878mark sense sheet	�зP��
38879mark sensing	�лx�P��;�аOŪ�X
38880mark sheet	�аO�d��
38881mark sheet reader	�аO�d��Ū�X��
38882mark space	�Ÿ����j
38883mark time request	�аO�ɶ��ШD
38884mark track control word	�аO�ϹD����r
38885mark track error	�аO�ϹD���~
38886mark transmission	�Ǹ��ǿ�
38887mark zone	�аO��
38888mark-hold	�Ǹ��O��(���i��q�H�ɤ@��q�H�u���O�������A)
38889mark-program read-only memory	�аO�{�ǰ�Ū�x�s��
38890mark-sense	�зP
38891mark-sense character reader	�зP�r���\Ū��
38892mark-sense punch	�зP����
38893mark-sensing column	�аOŪ�X�C
38894mark-sensing row	�аOŪ�X��
38895mark-space multiplier	�ж�����;�Ǹ��Ÿ���j��
38896mark-to-space ratio	�Ǹ��Ÿ���
38897mark-to-space transition	�ж��ܾE;�Ǹ��Ÿ��ഫ
38898marked	�[�лx��	MRKD
38899marked document reader	�аO���\Ū��	MDR
38900marked index	�аO����
38901marked nonterminal	�аO�D�׵���
38902marked page reder	�аO�����\Ū��
38903marked symbol	�аO�Ÿ�
38904marked terminal	�аO�׵���
38905marker	�лx;�O��;�аO;�O����;�лx��	MKR;MRKR
38906marker bit	�аO��
38907marker bubble	�лx�w
38908marker hold	�аO�O��
38909marker register	�аO�Ȧs��
38910marker set	�аO��
38911marker stack control word	�аO���|����r	MSCW
38912marker symbol	�аO�Ÿ�
38913market data system	�ӷ~�ƾڨt��	MDS
38914market value	�]������
38915marketing support center	�P��������	MSC
38916marketing support representative	�P�����N��	MSR
38917marking	�аO
38918marking bias	�Хܰ���
38919marking bias	�аO����
38920marking class	�аO��
38921marking end distortion	�аO�ݥ��u
38922marking hole	�Ǹ���
38923marking interval	�аO���j
38924marking representative	�~�ȥN��
38925marking typewriter pulse	���r���аO�߽�
38926marking wave	�Ǹ��i
38927marking-off	���u
38928marking-off pin	���u�w
38929marking-off table	���u�x
38930marking-on	���u
38931Markov algorithm	�����i�Һ�k
38932markov chain	���i����
38933Markov chain	�����i����
38934markov information source	���i�Ҹ�T��
38935markov mode	���i�Ҽ�(�A)
38936Markov model	�����i�Ҽҫ�
38937markov process	���i�ҹL�{;���i�ҵ{��
38938Markov process	�����i�ҹL�{
38939markup	�[��;�а�;����;�O�b;����
38940markup or discount %	�[���Χ馩�ʤ���
38941markup percentage	�[���ʤ���
38942marriage chain	�t����;���X��
38943marriage problem	�t����D(�B�w�Ǥ���)
38944marriage relation	���X���Y
38945marshal	�s��;�ի�;�޾�;�w��;��z
38946Martin automatic data reduction equipment	���B���q�۰ʼƾ�²�Ƴ]��	MADRE
38947Maryland on-line automated retrieval system	�����s�u�۰��˯��t��	MOLARS
38948mask	�n; �n����; �n��; �B�n; �B��	MSK
38949mask alignment	���ҹ��
38950mask artwork	���ҭ��
38951mask bit	�B���줸;�̽���
38952mask bus	�̽��`�u
38953mask detection	�����ˬd
38954mask epitaxial method	�����~���k
38955mask etch	������k
38956mask field	�̽��r�q
38957mask generation system	���ҥͦ��t��
38958mask generator	�̽��ͦ��{��
38959mask holder	�����[
38960mask index register	�̽��ܧ}�Ȧs��	MXR
38961mask interrupt enable flag	���\�̽����_�лx
38962mask manufacture	���һs�y
38963mask matching	�t�n;�̽��ŦX
38964mask off	�̽�
38965mask off code	�̽��X;���X
38966mask off command	�̽��R�O
38967mask opening	���Ҷ}����
38968mask operand	�̽��ާ@��
38969mask option	�̽���ܶ�
38970mask pattern	���ҹ�(��)
38971mask pitch	�̽����Z
38972mask processing	���ҥ[�u
38973mask processing programmable ROM	�i�W��ROM�n���B�z
38974mask program	�̽��{��
38975mask programmable ROM	���ҥi�s�{��Ū�x�s��
38976mask programmed read only memory	�����{����Ū�O����	MPROM
38977mask register	�̽��Ȧs��	MR
38978mask ROM	�n����Ū�O��
38979mask set	���Ҳ�;�@�M����
38980mask tape	�̽��a
38981mask word	�̽��r
38982mask-making	���һs�y
38983mask-programmed read-only memory	���ҵ{�ǰ�Ū�x�s��
38984maskable interrupt	�i�̽����_	MI
38985masked	�̱���;�̽���
38986masked diffusion	�n���X��;�����X��
38987masked off	����(��)
38988masked ROM	�n��ROM;���ҫ���Ū�x�s��
38989masked state	�̽����A
38990masking	�̽�;�B��	MASK
38991masking effect	��������
38992masking interrupt	�̽����_
38993masking operation	�̽��ާ@
38994maskless process	�L���Ҥu��;�L���Ҫk
38995mass	��q;�j�q;�j�q
38996mass bus	mass�׬y��(�@�ذ��t�׬y��)
38997mass cache memory	�j�e�q�W���t�w���x�s��
38998mass data	�j�q���;�j�q�ƾ�;�j�q�ƾ�
38999mass delete	�j�q�R��
39000mass digital storage system	�j�e�q�Ʀ��x�s�t��	MDSS
39001mass file	�j�����;�j�q���
39002mass insert	�j�q���J
39003mass maintenance	�j�q���@
39004mass matrix	��q�x�}
39005mass media file	�j�e�q�x�s�C����
39006mass memory	�j�e�q�O����;�j�q�O����	MM
39007mass memory file	�j�e�q�x�s���;�j�q�x�s���	MMF
39008mass memory subsystem	�j�e�q�x�s�l�t��;�j�q�x�s�l�t��
39009mass memory system	�j�e�q�x�s�t��;�j�q�x�s�t��	MMS
39010mass memory unit	�j�e�q�O�г椸;�j�q�O�г椸	MMU
39011mass optical memory	�j�e�q���O����
39012mass production	�j�q�Ͳ�
39013mass random access data storage	�j�e�q�H���s���ƾ��x�s��	MRADS
39014mass random access disk	�j�e�q�H���s���L;�j�e�q�H���s���Ϻ�	MRAD
39015mass replace	�j�q����
39016mass sequential insertion	�j�q�s���J
39017mass storage	�j�q�x�s(��);�j�q����x�s����;�j�q����x�s��;�j�e�q�x�s��	MS
39018mass storage adapter	�j�e�q�x�s���A�t��;�j�q�x�s���A�t��	MSA
39019mass storage control	�j�q�x�s���	MSC
39020mass storage control system	�j�q����x�s����t��;�j�e�q�x�s����t��;�j�q�x�s����t��	MSCS
39021mass storage control table create	�j�q�x�s�����إߵ{��;�j�e�q�x�s�������ͦ�	MSCTC
39022mass storage control tables pack	�j�q�x�s�����L��
39023mass storage control twin port	�j�q�x�s���q�D����
39024mass storage controller	�j�q�x�s���	MSC
39025mass storage device	�j�q����x�s�˸m;�j�q�x�s�˸m;�j�e�q�x�s��;�j�q�x�s��
39026mass storage disc	�j�e�q�x�s�Ϻ�
39027mass storage dump/verify program	�j�e�q�x�s�����x�P����{��
39028mass storage facility	�j�e�q�x�s�˸m;�j�q�x�s�˸m	MSF
39029mass storage file	�j�e�q�x�s���;�j�q�x�s���
39030mass storage file segment	�j�q�x�s���q;�j�e�q�x�s���q
39031mass storage group (CODASYL)	�j�e�q�x�s�����Ȳ�;�j�q�x�s�����Ȳ�(�ƾڨt�λy���|ij)	MSTG
39032mass storage input/output	�j�e�q�x�s����J��X	MSIO
39033mass storage operating system	�j�e�q�x�s���ާ@�t��;�j�q�x�s���ާ@�t��	MSOS
39034mass storage processor	�j�e�q�x�s���B�z��;�j�q�x�s���B�z��	MSP
39035mass storage record	�j�e�q�x�s�O��;�j�q�x�s�O��
39036mass storage resident	�j�e�q�x�s���n�d;�j�q�x�s���n�d	MSR
39037mass storage subsystem	�j�e�q�x�s���l�t��;�j�q�x�s���l�t��	MSS
39038mass storage system	�j�e�q�x�s�t��;�j�q�x�s�t��	MSS
39039mass storage system communication	�j�e�q�x�s�t�γq�H;�j�q�x�s�t�γq�H	MSSC
39040mass storage system communicator	�j�q�x�s�t�γq�H�{��	MSSC
39041mass storage system extension	�j�e�q�x�s�t���X�R;�j�q�x�s�t���X�R	MSSE
39042mass storage system extensions	�j�q�x�s�t���X�i�{��
39043mass storage unit	�j�e�q�x�s��;�j�q�x�s��	MSU
39044mass storage volume	�j�q�x�s��;�j�e�q�x�s��	MSV
39045mass storage volume control	�j�q�x�s������{��;�j�e�q�x�s������{��	MSVC
39046mass storage volume control journal	�j�q�x�s�������x
39047mass storage volume gruop	�j�q�x�s����
39048mass storage volume inventory	�j�q�x�s���ؿ�
39049mass store	�j�q�x�s(��)
39050mass-communication medium	�j���q�T�C��
39051mass-producted	�j�q�Ͳ���;����Ͳ���
39052Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogra	���ĽѶ�q�������h�D�{��(�]�p)�t��	MUMPS
39053massbus adapter	massbus�t����	MBA
39054Massey decoding procedure	����Ķ�X�{��
39055Massey encoding procedure	����s�X�{��
39056Massey formula	���褽��
39057massive calculation	�j�q�p��
39058massive dump	�j�q(�H��)���x
39059massively parallel processor	�j�W�ҥ���B�z��;�j�e�q����B�z��	MPP
39060massubs adapter	mass�׬y���౵��	MBA
39061master	�D��;�D��;�D�n��;����;�Э㪺;�`��;�ֹ�Ϊ�	M;MST;MSTR
39062master address	����}
39063master address space	����}�Ŷ�
39064master alignment control	�쪩�w�������
39065master automated program	�D�۰ʤƵ{��	MAP
39066master card	�D�d;�D�d��	MC
39067master catalog	�D�ؿ�
39068master central timing system	�D�����p�ɨt��	MCTS
39069master change notice	�D���q��;�`���q��	MCN
39070master change record	�D���O��
39071master clamp	�쪩����
39072master clear	�`�M;�D�M��
39073master clear line	�D�M���u;�`�M�u	MCL
39074master clip	�쪩���l
39075master clock	�D����; �D�����߽� ;�D�߽�	MC;MCLK
39076master clock frequency	�D�����W�v
39077master clock generator	�D����(�߽�)�o�;�	MCG
39078master clock-pulse generator	�D�����߽ĵo�;�
39079master communication equipment	�D(��)�q�H�]��	MCE
39080master computer	�D�p���
39081master configuration record	�D�t�m�O��
39082master console	�D����x
39083master console command	�D����x�R�O
39084master console logon	�D����x�n�O;�D����x���U
39085master console usage	�D����x�ϥ�(�k)
39086master control	�D��;�D����(�{��);�D����	MC
39087master control and data buffer storage unit	�D����M�ƾڽw���x�s��	MCDBSU
39088master control and user interface software	�D���P�Τᤶ���n��	MCUIS
39089master control and user interface subsystem	�D���P�Τᤶ���l�t��	MCUIS
39090master control code	�D��(��)�N�X	MCC
39091master control executive	�D������{��	MACE
39092master control interrupt	�D��(��)���_
39093master control panel	�D��(��)���O
39094master control program	�D���{��;�D��(��)�{��	MCP
39095master control program procedure	�D���{�ǹL�{
39096master control register	�D���Ȧs��	MCR
39097master control routine	�D����{��	MCR
39098master control set	�D���˸m	MCS
39099master control station	�D���;�D��(��)��	MCS
39100master control system	�D����t��;�D��(��)�t��	MCS
39101master control unit	�D���	MCU
39102master controller	�D���	MCTR
39103master cryptography key	�D�K�X��
39104master cylinder mark	�D�W���аO;�P��кϹD�ռаO	MCM
39105master data	�D���;�D�ƾ�;���ƾ�
39106master data base update	�D�ƾڮw��s	MDBUPD
39107master data control console	�D�ƾڱ���x	MDCC
39108master data file	�D�ƾڤ��	MDF
39109master data index	�D�ƾگ���;���ƾگ���	MADI
39110master data record	�D�ƾڰO��	MADAR
39111master data recorder	�D�ƾڰO����	MDR
39112master data sheet	�D�ƾڪ�
39113master data structure	�D�ƾڵ��c	MDS
39114master delivery	�쪩���e
39115master dictionary	�D�r��
39116master digital command system	�D�Ʀ���O�t��	MDCS
39117master digital data tape	�D�Ʀ�ƾڱa	MDDT
39118master directory	�D�ؿ�
39119master environment	�D����
39120master executive control	�D����{�DZ���	MEC
39121master file	�D��;�D�ɮ�;�D���;���ܤ��	MF
39122master file directory	�D�ɮץؿ�	MFD
39123master file directory block	�D���ؿ���
39124master file index	�D������
39125master file inventory	�D���M��
39126master file job processing	�D���@�~�B�z
39127master file program	�D���{��	MFP
39128master file tape	�D���ϱa
39129master file utility routines	�D����ΨҦ�{��
39130master flip-flop	�D���Ͼ�
39131master font file	�D�r���
39132master frequency generators	�D�W�o�;�
39133master group	�D�s;�D��
39134master group information system	�D�s�H���t��	MAGI
39135master heading	�쪩�ɶi��
39136master history file	�D���v���
39137master I/O control block	�D��J��X�����	MIOCB
39138master image	�D�϶H
39139master index	�D����
39140master instruction tape	�D���O�a;�D���O�ϱa	MIT
39141master international frequency register	����W�v�n�O�`��(�X����)	MIFR
39142master interrupt control	�D���_����	MIC
39143master items planning report	���n���حp������
39144master key	�D��;�D�_
39145master key concept	�D����r�k�h;�D���[��
39146master key variant key data set	�D����r�ܧΦr�ƾڶ�	MKDS
39147master level forecast code	���n���عw���X
39148master level item	���n����	MLI
39149master level item code	���n���ؽX
39150master level item scheduling	���n���ؽX�Ƶ{
39151master level print code	�C�L�X
39152master library	�D�{�Ǯw
39153master library file system	�D�{�Ǯw���t��	MLFS
39154master mask	�D�̽�
39155master menu	�D�e��
39156master mode	�D�A
39157master mode bit	�D�覡��;�D�A��
39158master mode entry instruction	�D�覡�J�f���O;�D�A�J�f���O
39159master mode entry operation	�D�覡�J�f�ާ@;�D�A�J�f�ާ@
39160master mode entry routine	�D�覡��(��)�{(��)
39161master mode program	�D�覡�{��;�D�A�{��
39162master monitor	�D�ʵ���;�D�ʱ��{��	MM
39163master node	�D�`�I
39164master node control	�D�`�I����
39165master of science in computer science	�p�����Dzz��Ӥh	MSCS
39166master operating program	�D�ާ@�{��
39167master operating system	�D�ާ@�t��	MOS
39168master operation	�D�@�~
39169master operational console	�D�ާ@����x
39170master operational controller	�D�ާ@���	MOC
39171master operational recording tape	�D�ާ@�O���a	MORT
39172master operational recording tape address table	�D�ާ@�O���a��}��	MORTAT;MAT
39173master operational recording tape assembly program	�D�ާ@�O���a�զX�{��	MORTAP;MAP
39174master operational recording tape recording	�D�ާ@�O���a�O��	MORTR;MOR
39175master operations control center	�D�ާ@�����	MOCC
39176master operations control system	�D�ާ@����t��	MOCS
39177master operator command	�D�ާ@���R�O
39178master oscillator	�D������	MO
39179master output tape	�зǿ�X�a
39180master page	�D����
39181master password	�D�f�O
39182master pattern	�D�Ҧ�
39183master picture monitor	�϶H�D�ʵ���
39184master power regulator	�D�q�����	MPR
39185master priming	�쪩����
39186master process	�D�{��
39187master processor	�D�B�z��
39188master processor module	�D���B�z���Ҳ�
39189master production schedule	�D�Ͳ��Ƶ{
39190master program	�D�{��;�D�{��
39191master program controller	�D�{�DZ���{��
39192master program file	�D�{�Ǥ��
39193master program file update	�D�{�Ǥ���s
39194master program system	�D�{���t��	MPS
39195master program tape	�D�{���a;�D�{�DZa
39196master program update	�D�{�ǧ�s
39197master proof	������(�k)
39198master pulse	�D�߽�
39199master record	�D�O��;�D��
39200master relocatable tape	�B�ʥD�a	MRT
39201master reset	�D�_��;���_��	MR;MRST
39202master reset command	�D���]�R�O
39203master resident core	�D�`�n�֤ߵ{��	MRC
39204master reticle	���ҭ쪩
39205master routine	�D�`��;�D�Ҧ�{��
39206master scanner	�D���y��	MS
39207master schedule planning	�D�Ƶ{�W��
39208master scheduler	�D�Ƶ{��;�D�ի׵{��	MS
39209master scheduler address space	�D�իצ�}�Ŷ�
39210master scheduler resident area	�D�ի׵{�DZ`�n��	MSRDA
39211master scheduler task	�D�իץ���
39212master scheduling	�D�ի�
39213master segment	�D�q
39214master segment index	�D�q����
39215master segment table	�D�q��
39216master sequencer	�D�w�Ǿ�	MS
39217master set	(�ƾڮw��)�D��;�D�t
39218master shielding computer program	�D�̽��p����{��	MSCP
39219master skew tape	�зǧ�ױa
39220master slave polling	�D������
39221master slave system	�D�q���t��
39222master slewing device	�쪩����w��˸m
39223master slice	����
39224master slice method	�����k
39225master source program	�D���{��
39226master space	�D���j;�j���j
39227master speed tape	�зdzt�ױa
39228master standard data	�D�зǼƾ�	MSD
39229master state	�D(��)�A
39230master station	�D��;�D�u�@��	MST
39231master supervisory and alarm frame	�ʵ���ĵ�D���[;�����ʵ���ĵ�[	MSA;MSAF
39232master surveillance station	�D�ʵ��x	MSS
39233master switch	�`�}��;�D�}��	MASW;MS
39234master synchronization	�D�P�B	MSYN
39235master synchronizer	�D�P�B��
39236master system tape	�D�t�κϱa;�D�t�αa	MASTAP
39237master table of contents	�`�ؿ�;�D�ؿ�	MTC
39238master tape	�D�a;�зDZa
39239master tape loading	�D�a�ˤJ	MTL
39240master terminal	�D�׺�
39241master terminal formatting options	�D�׺ݮ榡�ƥi�ﶵ
39242master terminal operator	�D�׺ݾާ@��	MTO
39243master test frame	�D���լ[	MTF
39244master time	�D����
39245master timer	�D�w�ɾ�;�D����	MT
39246master timer control block	�D�w�ɾ������	MTRCB
39247master timing supply	�D������	MTS
39248master timing unit	�D�w�ɳ��
39249master trace	�D���ܵ{��
39250master tracking data file	�D���ܼƾڤ��	MTDF
39251master unit	�D����
39252master user	�D�Τ�
39253master user directory	�D�Τ�ؿ�	MUD
39254master vocabulary tape	�D���J��ϱa
39255master-active file	�D�{���;�D�E�����
39256master-control program	�D���{��
39257master-file-update program	�D����s�{��
39258master-slave	�D-�q	M-S
39259master-slave computer system	�D�q�p����t��
39260master-slave flip-flop	�D�qIJ�o��	MSFF
39261master-slave flipflop	�D�qIJ�o��	M-S
39262master/slave	�D�q	M/S
39263master/slave accumulator	�D�q�֥[��
39264master/slave configuration	�D�q�t�m
39265master/slave mode multiprogramming	�D�q���h�D�{�dz]�p
39266master/slave multiprogramming	�D�q���h�D�{�dz]�p
39267master/slave operating system	�D�q�ާ@�t��
39268master/slave scheduling system	�D�q�Ƶ{�t��
39269master/slave system	�D�q�t��
39270matal oxide semiconductor integrated circuit	����b�n��q��	MOS IC
39271match	�ǰt;�۰t;�ŦX;�k�X;���
39272match arc	�ǰt��
39273match bit	�ŦX��
39274match condition	�ŦX����;�ǰt����
39275match dissolve	�ŦX����
39276match exponents	�ﶥ
39277match gate	�ǰt�h;"�P"��
39278match operation	�ŦX�B��;�ǰt�ާ@
39279match substitution	�ǰt�m��
39280match time	�ǰt�ɶ�;�ŦX����ɶ�
39281match-merge	�ŦX�X��
39282matched data	�ǰt�ƾ�;�ŦX�ƾ�
39283matched filter	�ǰt�o�i��
39284matched group	�ǰt��
39285matched impedance	�ǰt����
39286matched load	�ǰt�t��
39287matched pair transistor	�t�ﴹ���;�ﰸ�����
39288matched pattern	�ǰt�Ҧ�
39289matched phrase	�ǰt�u�y
39290matched transmission line	�ǰt�ǿ�u
39291matcher	�ǰt�{��;�t��{��
39292matcher-selector-connector	�ǰt��-��ܾ�-�s����	MACTOR
39293matching	�ǰt;�ŦX;���;�L��
39294matching code	��ӽX
39295matching control	�ǰt����
39296matching criterion	�ǰt�ǫh
39297matching error	�ǰt�~�t
39298matching hierarchy	�ǰt�h��
39299matching impedance	�ǰt����
39300matching language	�ǰt�y��
39301matching literal	�v�r�ǰt;�ǰt��r
39302matching network	�ǰt����
39303matching operation	�ǰt�B��
39304matching package	�ǰt�]
39305matching problem	�ǰt���D
39306matching process	�ŦX�L�{;�ǰt�L�{
39307matching record	�ǰt�O��	MR
39308matching record indicator	�ŦX�O�����ܲ�
39309matching rule	�ǰt�W�h
39310matching storage hierarchy	�ǰt���x�s�h��
39311matching structured objects	���c�ƥؼЪ��ǰt
39312matching subfile	�ǰt�l���
39313matching sublanguage	�ǰt�l�y��
39314matching template	�ǰt�ҪO
39315matching transformer	�ŦX�ܴ���;�ǰt������
39316matching transistor	�t�ﴹ���
39317matching word	�ŦX�r
39318mate block	�t����
39319mate table	�t����
39320mated-film memory	���X���x�s��
39321material	����;��;����;���
39322material allocation record	���ưt�m�q�O��
39323material analysis data	���Ƥ��R�ƾ�	MAD
39324material detail file	���Ʃ�����
39325material detail file maintenance	���Ʃ����ɺ��@
39326material detail file maintenance-blanket purchase	���Ʃ����ɺ��@-��X����
39327material detail file maintenance-manufacture	���Ʃ����ɺ��@-�s�y
39328material detail maintenance edit list	���Ʃ��Ӻ��@�s��M�U
39329material detail record	���Ʃ��ӰO��
39330material dispersion	��������
39331material flow simulator	���y�����{��	MAFLOS
39332material implication	���ĭ�t
39333material picking list	�ˮƪ�
39334material planning horizon	���ƳW���ɬ�	MPH
39335material requirement planning	���ƻݨD�W��;���ƻݨD�p��	MRP
39336materialized record	���ưO��
39337materials requistition	���ƽ���
39338materials-handling application	���ƳB�m����
39339math	�ƾ�(�Y����)
39340math chip	�ƾǪ��
39341math coprocessor	�ƾǨ�B�z��
39342math processor	�ƾdzB�z��
39343math(s) processing	�ƾdzB�z
39344math-pac	�ƾǵ{�ǥ]	MATH-PAC
39345mathematic analysis	�ƾǤ��R
39346mathematic check	�ƾ�����
39347mathematic compiler	�ƾǽsĶ�{��
39348mathematic control mode	�ƾDZ���覡
39349mathematic definition	�ƾǩw�q
39350mathematic example	�ƾǨ��D
39351mathematic function	�ƾǨ��
39352mathematic function program	�ƾǨ�Ƶ{��
39353mathematic induction	�ƾ��k�Ǫk
39354mathematic logic	�ƾ��޿�
39355mathematic machine theory	�ƾǾ����z��
39356mathematic model	�ƾǼҫ�
39357mathematic operator	�ƾǺ��
39358mathematic power	����
39359mathematic programming	�u�ʳW��;�ƾdzW��
39360mathematic relation	�ƾ����Y
39361mathematic routine	�ƾǵ{��
39362mathematic structure	�ƾǵ��c
39363mathematic subroutine	�ƾǤl�{��
39364mathematic system	�ƾǨt��
39365mathematical analysis	�ƾǤ��R
39366mathematical analysis with programming	�{�dz]�p���ƾǤ��R	MAP
39367mathematical check	�ƾǮֹ�;�ƾ�����
39368mathematical code system	�ƾǽs�X�t��	MCS
39369mathematical control mode	�ƾDZ���覡
39370mathematical control model	�ƾDZ���ҫ�
39371mathematical decomposition	�ƾǤ���
39372mathematical experience	�ƾǪ���
39373mathematical function	�ƾǨ��
39374mathematical function library	�ƾǨ�Ʈw
39375mathematical function operator	�ƾǨ�ƺ��
39376mathematical function programs	�ƾǨ�Ƶ{��
39377mathematical induction	�ƾ��k�Ǫk
39378mathematical instrument	�ƾǻ���;�ƾǸ˳�
39379mathematical linguistics	�Ʋz�y����
39380mathematical logic	�Ʋz�޿�
39381mathematical manipulation	�ƾ��ܴ�;�ƾdzB�z
39382mathematical model	�ƾǼҫ�
39383mathematical operations computer	�ƾǹB��p���	MOC
39384mathematical operator	�ƾǺ��
39385mathematical parameter	�ƾǰѼ�
39386mathematical power	����
39387mathematical problem	�ƾǰ��D
39388mathematical programming	�ƾdzW��;�u�ʳW��	MP
39389mathematical programming language	�ƾǵ{���]�p�y��	MPL
39390mathematical programming system	�ƾdzW���t��	MPS
39391mathematical programming system extended	�X�R���ƾdzW���t��	MPSX
39392mathematical programming system report generator	�ƾdzW���t�γ��i�ͦ��{��	MPSRG
39393mathematical relation	�ƾ����Y(��)
39394mathematical routine	�ƾǵ{��
39395mathematical semantics	�ƾǻy�q(��)
39396mathematical simulation	�ƾǼ���
39397mathematical software	�ƾdzn��
39398mathematical statistics	�Ʋz�έp(��)
39399mathematical subprogram library	�ƾǤl�{�Ǯw	MSL
39400mathematical subroutine	�ƾǤl�{��
39401mathematical subroutine libraries	�ƾǤl�{�Ǯw
39402mathematical system	�ƾǨt��
39403mathematical tabulative architecture	�ƾǦC���c
39404mathematical theory of trees	��μƾDzz��
39405mathematical treatment	�ƾdzB�z
39406mathematics	�ƾ�
39407mathfile	�ƾǤ��
39408mathlab	�Φ��N���ܴ��p���t��	MATHLAB
39409mathpac	��ǻP�u�{�Ҧ�{�ǥ];�ƾǻP�έp�{�ǥ]	MATHPAC
39410matrix	�x�};�I�};�u�Ȫ�;����	MTX
39411matrix adder	�x�}(��)�[�k��
39412matrix addition	�x�}�[�k
39413matrix algebra	�x�}�N��
39414matrix algebra general interpretive coding	�x�}�N�Ƥ@�뻡���s�X	MAGIC
39415matrix algebra table	�x�}�N�ƪ�
39416matrix algorithm	�x�}��k
39417matrix algorithmic processor	�x�}��k�B�z��	MAP
39418matrix analysis	�x�}���R
39419matrix calculation	�x�}�p��
39420matrix chain product	�x�}�쭼�n
39421matrix checking	�x�}����;�x�}�ˬd
39422matrix circuit	�x�}�q��
39423matrix coefficient	�x�}�t��
39424matrix compiler	�x�}�sĶ�{��
39425matrix computation	�x�}�p��
39426matrix controller	�x�}�����;�x�}����{��
39427matrix differential equation	�x�}�L����{
39428matrix drive pulse	�x�}�X�ʯ߽�
39429matrix eigenvalue	�x�}�S�x��
39430matrix electrostatic writing technique	�I�}���R�q�Ѽg�޳N	MEWT
39431matrix element	�x�}����
39432matrix encoder	�x�}���s�X��
39433matrix equation	�x�}��{
39434matrix gate	�x�}��(�q��)
39435matrix grammar	�x�}��k
39436matrix interation	�x�}��N
39437matrix inverse	�x�}�˦�;�x�}�D�f
39438matrix language	�x�}�{�dz]�p�y��	MATLAN
39439matrix log-in memory	�x�}�����J�x�s��	MLIM
39440matrix manipulation language	�x�}�B�z�y��	MATLAN
39441matrix matching	�x�}�ǰt
39442matrix matching technique	�x�}�ǰt�޳N
39443matrix memory	�x�}���x�s��;�x�}�x�s��	MXM
39444matrix method	�x�}�k
39445matrix multiplication	�x�}���k
39446matrix norm	�x�}��(�q);�x�}�d��
39447matrix notation	�x�}�Ÿ�
39448matrix of printed dots	�C�L�I�}
39449matrix operation	�x�}�B��
39450matrix output time	�x�}��X�ɶ�
39451matrix pattern	�x�}�Ҧ�
39452matrix pin board	�x�}�����O
39453matrix plane construction	�x�}�O���c
39454matrix plane current	�x�}�O�q�y
39455matrix plane impedance	�x�}�O����
39456matrix plane output	�x�}�O��X
39457matrix plane wiring	�x�}�O�G�u
39458matrix printer	�I���C�L�� ;�x�}�L�r��; �I�}���C�L��
39459matrix printing	�x�}�L��;�I�}���C�L
39460matrix processor	�x�}�B�z��;�}�C�B�z��
39461matrix program board	�x�}�{���O	MPB
39462matrix representation	�I�}��ܪk
39463matrix ring	�x�}��
39464matrix selection	�x�}���
39465matrix storage	�x�}�x�s;�x�}(��)�x�s��
39466matrix storage system	�x�}���x�s�t��
39467matrix sum	�x�}�M
39468matrix switch	�x�}�}��
39469matrix table	�x�}��
39470matrix theory	�x�}�z��
39471matrix transpose method	�x�}��m��k
39472matrix-tree theorem	�x�}��w�z
39473maturing	�Ѥ�
39474maturing stage	�������q
39475max-flow-min-cut theorem	�̤j�y(�q)�̤p�I(��)�w�z
39476max-min criterion	�̤j�̤p�P��
39477maximal common subgraph	�̤j���Τl��
39478maximal compatible	�̤j�ۭݮe��;���j��ժ�
39479maximal compatible set	�̤j�ۭݮe���X;���j��ն�
39480maximal element	���j����
39481maximal flow	�̤j�y(�q)
39482maximal ideal	�̤j�z�Q��
39483maximal length null sequence	�̤j���תŮɧ�
39484maximal member	���j����;�̤j��
39485maximal planar graph	�̤j������
39486maximal shortest-distance tree	�̤j���̵u�Z����
39487maximal value	�̤j��
39488maximal-ratio combiner	�̤j��v�զX
39489maximizer	�̤j��
39490maximuin integration	�̤j��X
39491maximum	�̤j��;�̤j��	MX
39492maximum allowable common mode overvolatge	�̤j���\�@�ҹL�q��
39493maximum allowable common mode overvoltage	�̤j���\�@�ҹL��
39494maximum allowable normal mode overvoltage	�̤j���\�`�ҹL��
39495maximum amplitude filter	�̤j���T�o�i��	MAF
39496maximum and minimum	���j�M���p
39497maximum available gain	�̤j�i�μW�q	MAG
39498maximum byte count	�̤j�r�`�p��
39499maximum capacity	�̤j����
39500maximum clock frequency	�̰������W�v	FMAX
39501maximum common mode voltage	�̤j�@�ҹq��
39502maximum contrast	�̤j����
39503maximum cost	�̤j����
39504maximum cut-off	�̰��I���W�v
39505maximum file size	�̤j������
39506maximum flux	�̤j�q�϶q
39507maximum frequency deviation	�̤j�W(�v)��(��)
39508maximum frequency operation	�̰��u�@�W�v
39509maximum hops	�̤j���~�q�Z
39510maximum induction	�̤j�q�P;�̤j�ϷP
39511maximum justification rate	�̤j�վ�v
39512maximum latency	�̤j���Ůɶ�
39513maximum length sequence	�̪��ǦC
39514maximum likelihood decision rule	�̤j�i��M�w�W�h;�̤j�εM�v�M���W�h
39515maximum likelihood decoding	�̤j�i��ѽX
39516maximum line length	�̤j�����
39517maximum load	�̤j�t��
39518maximum magnitude	�̤j���\�q;�̤j�d��
39519maximum matching	�̤j�ǰt
39520maximum mode rejection	�`�ҥ���
39521maximum node address	�̤j�`�I�a�}
39522maximum norm	�̤j�d��;�̤j��
39523maximum normal mode voltage	�̤j�`�ҹq��
39524maximum normal mode voltagt	�̤j�@�ұ`�ҹq��
39525maximum number of components per assembly	�˰t���̤j�����
39526maximum number of lines per item	���ؤ��̤j���
39527maximum number of operations per routing	�~�{���̤j�@�~��
39528maximum number of records	�̤j�O����	MNR
39529maximum operating common mode voltage	�̤j�@�Ҥu�@�q��
39530maximum operating frequency	�̰��u�@�W�v
39531maximum operating normal mode voltage	�̤j�`�Ҥu�@�q��
39532maximum operating voltage	�̰��u�@�q��
39533maximum operation normal mode voltage	�̤j�B�@�`�ҹq��
39534maximum output level	�̤j��X�q��	MOL
39535maximum path cost	�̤j���|����
39536maximum path length	�̤j���|����
39537maximum permeability	�̤j�Ͼɲv
39538maximum permissible intake	�̤j���\�i�J�q	MPI
39539maximum permissible level	�̤j���\����	MPL
39540maximum possible magnitude	�̤j�i�ह�\�q
39541maximum presentation line	�̤j�C�L���
39542maximum presentation position	�C��̤j�C�L�r��
39543maximum principle	���j�ȭ�z
39544maximum print position	�̪��C�L��e
39545maximum printer lines	�̤j�C�L���
39546maximum quantity	�̤j�ƶq
39547maximum record number	�̤j�O�����X
39548maximum reset time	�̪��_��ɶ�
39549maximum right mask	�̤j�v�Q����
39550maximum segment size	�̤j�q����	MSS
39551maximum shift length	�Z���̪��ɶ�
39552maximum speed-up hierarchy	�̤j�[�t�h��
39553maximum storage bus rate	�̤j�x�s���׬y�Ƴt�v	MSBR
39554maximum suspension time	�̤j����ɶ�;�̤j���M�ɶ�
39555maximum time to repair	�̪��״_�ɶ�	MTTR
39556maximum transaction arrival rate	�̰�����F���v	MTAR
39557maximum transfer rate	�̰��ǰe�v
39558maximum usages of a component	����̤j�ϥζq
39559maximum usages of a work center	�u�@���̤j�ϥβv
39560maximum vertex	�̤j���I(��)
39561maximum visits	�̦h�X��
39562maximum working pressure	�̰��u�@���O	MWP
39563maximum-junction temperature	�̰�����
39564maximum-likelihood criterion	�̤j�εM�ǫh
39565maximum-likelihood error-correcting parser	�̤j�εM�~�t�ե���R�{��
39566maximun commom mode voltage	�̤j�@�ҹq��
39567maxint	�̤j��ƭ�
39568maxterm	���ζ�;�̤j��
39569maxterm form	�j����
39570Maxwell relationship	���J�������Y��
39571Maxwell's circulating current	���J�������y
39572Maxwell's equations	���J������{
39573Maxwell's law	���J�����w��
39574maybe compiler	"�i��"�sĶ��;"�i��"�sĶ�{��
39575maybe language	"�i��"�y��
39576maze	�g�};�g��
39577maze decision	�g���M��
39578maze decision stack	�g���M�����|
39579maze method	�g���k
39580maze search	�g������
39581maze search operation	�g�������ާ@
39582maze-running algorithm	�g�����u��k
39583MB	�ʸU�Ƥ���	MB
39584mbps	�C��ʸU�줸��
39585mbytes	�ʸU�줸��
39586MBZ	�����s	MBZ
39587MCB	�h�\��q�T��	MCB
39588mcga bit (one million)	����	MBIT
39589McMillan's inequality	���J����������
39590MCS-10	��T����t��	MCS-10
39591Mealy machine	�̧Q��
39592mean	������;�N�q;����	M
39593mean absolute deviation	����зǮt	MAD
39594mean absolute error	��������~�t	MAE
39595mean access time	�������F�ɶ�
39596mean active repair time	������׮ɶ�	MART
39597mean conditional information content	���������T���[
39598mean cycles between failure	�G�ٶ������g����	MCBF
39599mean deviation	�������t
39600mean down time	���������ɶ�	MDT
39601mean entropy	�����i
39602mean entropy (per character)	�����i(�C�@�r��)
39603mean entropy per character	�C�r�ť����i
39604mean free error time	�����L�t���ɶ�
39605mean information content	�����H���q
39606mean information content (per character)	������T���[(�C�@�r��)
39607mean information content per character	�C�r�ť����H���q
39608mean instruction execution rate	�������O����t�v
39609mean integrated square error	�n������~�t	MISE
39610mean modulation rate	�����ը�v
39611mean of a probability distribution	���v����������
39612mean operating time between failures	�G�ٶ������B��ɶ�	MOTBF
39613mean power	�����\�v
39614mean rate accuracy	�����v�ǽT��
39615mean repair time	�����״_�ɶ�	MRT
39616mean service time	�����A�Ȯɶ�	MST
39617mean square	����	MS
39618mean temperature difference	�����Ůt	MTD
39619mean time	�����ɶ�	MT
39620mean time between calls	�����I�s���j�ɶ�	MTBC
39621mean time between detection	�����G���˴��ɶ�	MTBD
39622mean time between errors	�������~���j�ɶ�	MTBE
39623mean time between failures	�G�ٶ��j�����ɶ�;�����L�G�ٮɶ�;�����G�ٶ��j�ɶ�	MTBF
39624mean time between interrupts	�������_���j�ɶ�	MTBI
39625mean time between IPLs	����IPL���j�ɶ�	MTBI
39626mean time between maintenance	��������j�ɶ�	MTBM
39627mean time between maintenance actions	�������׶��j�ɶ�	MTBMA
39628mean time between repairs	�����ײz���j�ɶ�	MTBR
39629mean time between replacement	���������j�ɶ�	MTBR
39630mean time between significant failures	�����Y���G�ٶ��j�ɶ�	MTBSF
39631mean time between software error	�����n����~���j�ɶ�	MTBSE
39632mean time between system failures	�����t�άG�ٶ��j�ɶ�	MTBSF
39633mean time between system incidents	�����t�Ψƥ��j�ɶ�	MTBSI
39634mean time of failure	�����G�ٮɶ�	MTF
39635mean time to diagnostic	�����E�_�ɶ�	MTTD
39636mean time to failure	�����G�ٮɶ�;�����L�Įɶ�	MTTF
39637mean time to first failure	���������G�ٮɶ�	MTFF
39638mean time to repair	�����״_�ɶ�;�����ײz�ɶ�	MTR,MTTR
39639mean time to restore	������_�ɶ�	MTR;MTTR
39640mean time to switch over	���������ɶ�	MTSO
39641mean time to system restoration	�����t�Ϋ�_�ɶ�	MTSR
39642mean time to wait	�������ݮɶ�	MTW
39643mean transinformation (content)	�����ǰe��T(���[)
39644mean transinformation content	�����ǰe�H���q	MTC
39645mean transinformation content (per character)	�����ǰe��T���[(�C�@�r��)
39646mean-time to repair	�����ײz�ɶ�;������ê�״_�ɶ�	MTTR
39647mean-time-between-failures	�����L�G�ٮɶ�;�����G�ٶ��j�ɶ�	MTBF
39648mean-time-to-failure	�G�٫e�����ɶ�	MTTF
39649mean-time-to-first-failure	�����즸�G�ٮɶ�	MTTFF
39650mean-time-to-repair	�����״_�ɶ�	MTTR
39651mean-time-to-restore	�����״_�ɶ�	MTTR
39652meaningful information	���N�q�H��
39653meaningless instruction	�L�N�q���O
39654means of communication	�q�H��q
39655meantime-between-failures	�����L�G�ٮɶ�	MTBF
39656measurable	�i�׶q��,�i���q��
39657measurand	���q�ܼ�,�Q��(��)�q
39658measure	���q;�q��;�׶q;������;����
39659measure information and control language	���q�H���M����y��	MICL
39660measure of effectiveness	���ĩʴ��q	MOE
39661measure of information	��T���q;�H�����q
39662measured rate service	�������O���q�ܷ~��
39663measured signal	�Q���H��;���q�H��
39664measured time	���q�ɶ�	MT
39665measured variable	�Q���ܼ�;���q�ܼ�
39666measurement	���q;�q��	MT
39667measurement analysis program	���q���R�{��	MAP
39668measurement and control	���q�P����	MECO
39669measurement and control system	�����t��	MACSYM
39670measurement control procedure	���q����{��	MCP
39671measurement control processor	�p�q����B�z��
39672measurement data base	���q�ƾڮw
39673measurement error	���q�~�t
39674measurement processor subsystem	���q�B�z���l�t��	MCP
39675measurement reproducibility	���q�A�{��;���q���Ʃ�
39676measurement routine	���q�{��
39677measurement session	���q�|��
39678measurement unit	���q�]��	MU
39679measuring network	���q����	MNET
39680measuring program quality	���q�{�ǽ�q
39681measuring programming productivity	���q�{�dz]�p�Ͳ��v
39682measurment information data analytic system	�q�׸�T���R�t��	MIDAS
39683mechanical analog computer	���������p���
39684mechanical and numerical integrator and computer	����Ʀ즡�n�����M�p���	MANIAC
39685mechanical assembly program	����˰t�{��
39686mechanical assembly technique	dv̱��˰t�޳N	MAT
39687mechanical calculator	�����p�⾹
39688mechanical computing system	�����p��t��
39689mechanical dictionary	����r��;����(½Ķ)����
39690mechanical differential	����L��
39691mechanical differential analyzer	����L�����R��;����L�����R��
39692mechanical equipment company	(����)����]�Ƥ��q	MECO
39693mechanical hardware system design	����w��t�γ]�p
39694mechanical high-fidelity	�����O�u��
39695mechanical interface	������
39696mechanical language	����y��;�����y��
39697mechanical language structure	����y�����c;�����y�����c
39698mechanical mouse	�����ƹ�
39699mechanical multiplier	�������k��
39700mechanical proof testing	�����ҩ�����
39701mechanical recognition	�����ѧO
39702mechanical register	����Ȧs��
39703mechanical replacement	�������
39704mechanical scanner	�����y��
39705mechanical storage	�����x�s��
39706mechanical theorem proving	�����ҩ�
39707mechanical translation	����½Ķ;����½Ķ	MT
39708mechanical translation language	����½Ķ�y��	MT
39709mechanics	�O��;�����;���c
39710mechanism	���c
39711mechanism magnetic tape deck	�ϱa�X��(��)
39712mechanism module	���c�Ҳ�
39713mechanization algorithm	����ƺ�k
39714mechanization of arithmetic process	�B��L�{�����
39715mechanization of mathematics	�ƾǾ����
39716mechanized accountant	�����|�p��
39717mechanized data	�����iŪ���;�����iŪ�ƾ�
39718mechanized data base	����Ƽƾڮw
39719mechanized data processing system	����ƼƾڳB�z�t��	MDPS
39720mechanized housekeeping	����Ƥ��ȳB�z
39721mechanotronics	����q�l��
39722mechatronics	����q�l��
39723mecury tank	���ȼ�;���Ⱥ�
39724mecury-wetted relay	��®�~�q��
39725media	�C��;�ǿ餶��;����
39726media access control	�C��s������
39727media base	�C���
39728media center	�C�餤��
39729media code	�C��X
39730media conversion	�C���ഫ;�����ഫ
39731media conversion processor	�C���ഫ�B�z�{��
39732media conversion program	�C���ഫ�{��
39733media conversion program generator	�C���ഫ�{�ǥͦ��{��	MCPG
39734media copying routine	�C��ƻs�{��
39735media drive	�C���X��
39736media drive selector	�C���X�ʿ�ܾ�
39737media error	(�x�s)�C����~
39738media initialize	�C���l��
39739media input facility	�C���J�]��
39740media management	(�x�s)�C��޲z
39741media services	�C��A��	MS
39742media technology	�C��s�y��;�C��u��
39743media-resident software	�n�d�C��n��
39744medial axis transform(ation)	���b�ܴ�	MAT
39745median	����;�����
39746median error norm	���Ȼ~�t�d��
39747mediated	������;�~��(�հ�)��
39748medical accounting (and billing) processing	�����|�p(�M�o��)�B�z�t��	MEDAC
39749medical administrative control system	������F�޲z����t��	MEDACS
39750medical billing and logging	�����b��M�O��	MBL
39751medical computer assisted instruction system	��ǭp������U�Ш|�t��	MCAIS
39752medical computer language	��ǭp����y��
39753medical computer system	��ǭp����t��
39754medical data acquisition system	��ǼƾڱĶ��t��	MDAS
39755medical data system/joint camera computer	��Ǽƾڨt�λP�p�X��v�p���	MDS/JCC
39756medical decision making	�����M��;�����M�w
39757medical diagnostic system	��ǶE�_�t��
39758medical hybrids	��βV�X�L�q��
39759medical index	��ǯ���
39760medical information and communications system	��DZ����P�q�H�t��	MEDICS
39761medical information bureau	��DZ�����	MIB
39762medical information management system	��ǫH���޲z�t��	MIMS
39763medical information system	��DZ����t��;��ǫH���t��	MIS
39764medical literature analysis and retrieval system	��Ǥ��m���R�M�˯��t��	MEDLARS
39765medical subject headings	��ǥD���D	MESH
39766medical system	�����t��
39767medium	�C��;�C��;�x�s�C��;������
39768medium access control	�C��s������	MAC
39769medium access control protocol	����s�������w;�C��s�������w
39770medium access control sublayer	�C��s������l�h
39771medium access memory	���t�X���x�s��
39772medium attachment unit	�C��s���˸m
39773medium dependent interface	�M�δC�餶��	MDI
39774medium distance modem	���Z���ƾھ�
39775medium frequency	���W	MF
39776medium level programming language	���Žs�{�y��;���ŵ{�dz]�p�y��	MLP
39777medium power	���\�v	M
39778medium range	���{;���Z��	MRG
39779medium scale integrated circuit	���W�ҿn��q��	MSI
39780medium scale integration	�����n���;�����n��q��;���W�ҿn��;�����n��(�q��)	MSI
39781medium scale integration circuit	�����n��q��	MSI
39782medium scale integration/small scale integration	��,�p�W�ҿn��q��	MSI/SSI
39783medium speed	���t	MS
39784medium voltage	��(���q)��	MV
39785medium-frequency direction finding	���W���V;���W�w�V	MDF
39786medium-scale integrated circuit	���W�ҿn��q��	MSCI
39787medium-scale integration	�����n��;���W�ҿn��	MSI
39788medium-scale program	�����{��
39789medium-scale software development	�����n���s
39790medium-size network	��������
39791medium-small batch system	���p������B�z�t��
39792medium-speed	���t
39793medium-technology robot	���ŧ޳N�����H
39794medium-term planning	���{�W��
39795medium-term scheduling	�����ի�
39796medium-weight typewriter	�������q���r��
39797medline	���u
39798meet	�ŦX;"�P";����
39799mega	��;�ʸU
39800mega bits per second	����/��	MBPS
39801mega electron volt	���q�l��(�S)
39802mega-hertz	�ʸU��	MHZ
39803megabit	�ʸU��;����	MB;MBIT
39804megabit chip	������
39805megabit per second	����/��	MB/S
39806megabyte	�ʸU�줸��;�ʸU��;���r�`;���r��	MB;MEG
39807megabyte/second	���r�`/��;�ʸU�r��/��	MBS
39808megacycle	�ʸU�g;���g	MC;MEGAC
39809megacycles per second	���g/��	MC/S;MCPS
39810megadoc system	"�ʸU���m�t��"
39811megahertz	�ʸU��;������;���g;����	MHZ
39812megamega	�U��;����	MM
39813megastream	"���y"
39814megavolt	����;�ʸU��	MV
39815megaword	���r;�ʸU�r	MWD
39816megohm	����	MEG
39817Melbourne university dualpackage analog computer	�������j�������ʸ˼����p���	MUDPAC
39818member	����;�|��;�c��;��;��	MBR;M
39819member (of a set)	����(�b���X��)
39820member condition	��������;��������
39821member file	�����ɮ�
39822member name	�����W��
39823member number	�������X
39824member of a set	���X������
39825member pointer	�������w;�������ܾ�
39826member record	�����O��
39827membership	����;���
39828membership class	�������O;������O
39829membership function	���ݨ��;�����
39830membership operator	����(�B)���
39831membership problem	���ݰ��D;�����D
39832membrane	��(��);����;�j��	MEMB
39833membrane eigenvalue	���S�x��
39834membrane keyboard	������L
39835membrane switch	�����}��
39836memo	�Ƨѿ�;�K��
39837memo due	����̳�
39838memomotion	����(�C�t)��v
39839memorable	�i�x�s��
39840memorandum	�Ƨѿ�	MEMO
39841memorize	�O��;�x�s
39842memorizer	�x�s��
39843memory	�O����;�O�о�;�O�Юe�q;�O�а�;�O��;�x�s��;�O���x�s	ME;M;MEN
39844memory access	�x�s���s��
39845memory access controller	�x�s���s�����	MAC
39846memory access director	�x�s���s�����ܾ�;�x�s���s���w�V��	MAD
39847memory access logic	�x�s���s���޿�	MAL
39848memory access port	�x�s���s���ݤf
39849memory access time	�x�s���s���ɶ�	MAT
39850memory accumulator	�x�s�֥[��
39851memory address	�O��};�x�s����}	MA
39852memory address bus	�x�s����}�׬y��
39853memory address counter	�x�s�a�}�p�ƾ�	MAC
39854memory address extension	�O�����}�X�R	MAE
39855memory address register	�O�Ц�}�Ȧs��;�x�s����}�Ȧs��	MAR
39856memory address select register	�x�s����}��ܼȦs��	MASR
39857memory address test	�x�s���a�}����	MAT
39858memory address translation	�x�s��}�ഫ;�x�s��}�ܴ�
39859memory addressing	�x�s���s�};�x�s���M�}
39860memory addressing mode	�x�s���s�}�覡;�x�s���M�}�覡
39861memory allocation	�O�аϰt�m;�x�s�����t
39862memory allocation and protection	�x�s�����t�M�O�@	MAP
39863memory allocation file	�O�о��t���ɮ�
39864memory allocation in the assembler	�զX�{�Ǫ��x�s���t
39865memory allocation in the loader	�ˤJ�{�Ǫ��x�s���t
39866memory allocation manager	�x�s���t�޲z�{��	MAN
39867memory allocation table	�x�s���t��
39868memory allocator	�x�s���t�{��
39869memory analysis,response generation and inference	�^�y���O�Ф��R,�^���ͦ��M���_	MARGIE
39870memory and input/output address	�x�s���M��J��X��}
39871memory and resource deallocation	�x�s���M�귽���A���t
39872memory answer bus	�x�s�������׬y��	MAB
39873memory area	�O�а�;�x�s��
39874memory arrangement	�x�s�ƦC
39875memory array	�x�s���}�C
39876memory assisted cognition	�x�s�����U�ѧO	MAC
39877memory attribute	�x�s�ݩ�
39878memory attribute list	�x�s�ݩʪ�
39879memory bank	�O�Юw;�x�s��
39880memory bank interface	�x�s�餶��	MBI
39881memory base register	�x�s����}�Ȧs��;�x�s���ܧ}�Ȧs��	MBR
39882memory block	�O�ж�
39883memory board	�O�ЪO;�x�s�O
39884memory buffer	�x�s�w�İ�;�x�s�w�ľ�
39885memory buffer address register	�x�s���w�Ħ�}�Ȧs��	MBAR
39886memory buffer register	�O�нw�ļȦs��	MBR;MB
39887memory buffer unit	�x�s�w�ľ�	MBU
39888memory buffer(register)	�x�s�w�ľ�(�Ȧs��)	MB
39889memory bus	�x�s���׬y��	MB
39890memory bus controller	�x�s���׬y�Ʊ��	MBC
39891memory bus width	�x�s���׬y�Ƽe��
39892memory byte location	�x�s�r����
39893memory cache	�x�s�����W���t�w�s
39894memory capacitor	�O�йq�e
39895memory capacity	�O�Юe�q;�x�s�e�q
39896memory card	�O�Хd(�O)
39897memory card chassis	�x�s�����O;�x�s������[
39898memory cell	�O�Ю�;�x�s�椸
39899memory cell array	�O�Ю�}�C
39900memory change	�x�s��
39901memory channel	�x�s�q�D
39902memory character format	�x�s�r�Ů榡
39903memory check program	�x�s�ˬd�{��
39904memory chip	�O���;�x�s�����
39905memory clear	�x�s���M��
39906memory clear key	�x�s���M����
39907memory clear subroutine	�x�s���M���l�{��
39908memory clock driver	�x�s�������X�ʾ�
39909memory configuration	�x�s���t�m
39910memory conflict	�x�s�Ĭ�
39911memory contention	�x�s������
39912memory contents	�x�s���e
39913memory control and logging	�x�s������M�O��	MCL
39914memory control module	�x�s(��)����Ҳ�	MCM
39915memory control register	�x�s������Ȧs��	MCR
39916memory control table	�x�s�������
39917memory control unit	�x�s(��)���	MCU
39918memory control unit special register	�x�s������M�μȦs��	MCUSR
39919memory control(ler)	�x�s������(��)	MC
39920memory controller	�x�s(����)���
39921memory core	�x�s�Ϥ�;�O�кϤ�
39922memory cycle	�x�s�g��;�O�жg
39923memory cycle overlap	�O�о��g���л\
39924memory cycle steal	�x�s�g������
39925memory cycle stealing	�O�жg����
39926memory cycle time	�x�s�g���ɶ�;�x�s���g���ɶ�	MCT
39927memory data base	�x�s�ƾڮw	MDB
39928memory data bus	�x�s�ƾڶ׬y��
39929memory data register	�O�и�ƼȦs��;�x�s���ƾڼȦs��;�x�s�ƾڼȦs��	MDR;MD
39930memory decrement	�x�s��(��})����	MD
39931memory density	�x�s�K��
39932memory descriptor	�x�s�y�z��
39933memory design	�x�s���]�p
39934memory device	�O�и˸m;�x�s�]��
39935memory diagnostic	�x�s���E�_
39936memory disc controller	�x�s���Ϻб��	MDC
39937memory dump	�O�жɨ�;(�x�s��)�H�����x
39938memory dump routine	�x�s���x(�Ҧ�)�{��
39939memory economy	�x�s���g�٩�
39940memory efficiency	�x�s�IJv
39941memory element	�O����;�x�s����	ME
39942memory error	�x�s���~
39943memory exchange	�O�Х洫;�x�s���౵�]��;�x�s�洫
39944memory expansion and protection unit	�x�s���X�R�M�O�@�˸m	MEPU;MEU
39945memory expansion board	�O�����X�R�d
39946memory expansion motherboard	�x�s���X�R���O
39947memory fill	�x�s����R(�@�ص{�ǰ������U��q)
39948memory gate generator	�x�s����q�߽ĵo�;�	MGG
39949memory guard	�x�s�O�@
39950memory hardware	�x�s���w��
39951memory hierarchy	�O��h�����c;�O���;�x�s��������t;�x�s�h��
39952memory I/O channel	�x�s����J��X�q�D
39953memory image	�O�о��v��;�x�s�϶H
39954memory image builder	�O�о��v���إߵ{��	MIB
39955memory image descriptor list	�x�s�϶H�y�z�Ū�
39956memory image file	�O����v���ɮ�;�x�s�϶H���
39957memory in key	�x�s��J��
39958memory indication	�O����
39959memory information register	�x�s(��)�H���Ȧs��	MIR
39960memory input bus	�x�s����J�׬y��
39961memory input register	�x�s����J�Ȧs��	MI;MIR
39962memory inspection ending address	�x�s�����絲����}	MEAI
39963memory instruction data	�x�s�����O�ƾ�
39964memory interconnect	�O����s
39965memory interface	�x�s������	MI
39966memory interleaving	�x�s����e�s��
39967memory interlock	�O���p��
39968memory key	�x�s��
39969memory latency time	�x�s�����ݮɶ�
39970memory light	�x�s�����ܿO
39971memory limit register	�x�s�ɭ��Ȧs��
39972memory load key	�x�s�ˤJ��
39973memory loading unit	�x�s���ˤJ�˸m	MLU
39974memory location	�O�Ц�m;�x�s�椸;�x�s(��)�椸	ML
39975memory location register	�x�s(�椸)�Ȧs��
39976memory lock write	�x�s������g�J
39977memory lockout	�x�s����
39978memory lockout register	�x�s����w�Ȧs��	MLR
39979memory logic	�x�s���޿�	ML
39980memory logic unit	�x�s���޿�椸;�x�s���޿賡��	MLU
39981memory management	�O�о��޲z;�O�к޲z;�x�s(��)�޲z
39982memory management algorithm	�x�s�޲z��k
39983memory management and protection unit	�x�s���ޮI�M�O�@����	MMPU
39984memory management exception	�x�s(��)�޲z���`;�x�s(��)�޲z�ҥ~
39985memory management interface	�x�s���޲z����
39986memory management module	�x�s�޲z�Ҳ�
39987memory management register	�x�s���޲z�Ȧs��	MMR
39988memory management strategy	�x�s(��)�޲z����
39989memory management system	�x�s���޲z�t��	MMS
39990memory management unit	�O�к޲z�椸;�O����޲z����	MMU
39991memory map	�O�аϹ�;�O�ЬM��;�x�s�ܴ�
39992memory map list	�x�s�ܴ���
39993memory mapping	�O�о��M�g;�x�s�ܴ�;�x�s�M�H
39994memory mapping device	�x�s�ܴ��]��
39995memory mapping enable	�O��M�g���\	MME
39996memory mapping technique	�x�s�ܴ��޳N;�x�s�M�H�޳N
39997memory mapping unit	�O�����ܴ�����	MMU
39998memory margin	�x�s���e��
39999memory minus key	��s��
40000memory module	�x�s(��)�Ҳ�;�x�s�Ҳ�;�x�s��;�x�s���Ҳ�;�x�s���ҥ�	MM
40001memory module error	�x�s�ҲեX��
40002memory multiplexer	�x�s���h���౵��	MM
40003memory net structure	�x�s���������c	MENS
40004memory operation	�O�оާ@	MO
40005memory output bus	�x�s����X�׬y��
40006memory output register	�O�����X�Ȧs��	MOR
40007memory overlay	�x�s���л\;�x�s���ާ@
40008memory package interface	�x�s������
40009memory page	�O����;�x�s����
40010memory parity	�x�s�_������
40011memory parity error	�O����_����;�O����_��������~	MPE
40012memory parity interrupt	�x�s(��)�_�����_
40013memory partition access attribute	�x�s�����Ϧs���ݩ�
40014memory partitioning	�x�s������; �x�s������
40015memory performance	�x�s�ʯ�
40016memory plus key	�[�s��
40017memory point	�x�s�I	MEMPT
40018memory pointer	�x�s���ܦr;�O������w	MP
40019memory pointer register	�x�s���w�Ȧs��
40020memory pool structure	�x�s�����c
40021memory power	�x�s��O
40022memory print	�x�s�C�L
40023memory print-out	�O�ЦL�X
40024memory printout	�x�s�C�L��X
40025memory processing time	�O����B�z�ɶ�	MPT
40026memory program	�x�s�{��
40027memory protect override	�W�V�O����O�@�\��;�o��O����O�@�\��	MPO
40028memory protection	�O�о��O�@;�O�ЫO�@;�x�s�O�@	MP
40029memory protection feature	�x�s�O�@�\��
40030memory protection register	�x�s�O�@�Ȧs��
40031memory protection unit	�O����O�@�˸m;�O����O�@�]��	MPU
40032memory read	�O����Ū�X	MR
40033memory read enable	���\�x�s��Ū�X
40034memory read/write	�x�s��Ū�g
40035memory ready	�x�s��(�dz�)�N��
40036memory reference instruction	�O����X�ݫ��O	MRI
40037memory register	�O�е�����;�O��(��)�Ȧs��	MR
40038memory register clear	�O����Ȧs���M��	MRC
40039memory register storage device	�x�s���Ȧs���x�s�˸m	MEMISTOR
40040memory relocation	�x�s���A�w��
40041memory request	�x�s���ШD
40042memory request controller	�O����ШD���	MRC
40043memory requirement	�x�s�ݭn�q
40044memory resident	�`�n�O���
40045memory scan	�x�s��(���y)�ˬd
40046memory scheduling	�x�s�ի�
40047memory search routine	�x�s�j���{��
40048memory section	�O�и`
40049memory segment	�O�аϰϬq
40050memory segmentation	�O���q
40051memory select	�x�s�����	MEMSEL
40052memory selection criteria	�x�s����ܷǫh
40053memory share system	�x�s���@�ɨt��
40054memory sharing	�x�s���@��
40055memory size	�x�s�q
40056memory space	�O�ЪŶ�;�x�s�Ŷ�
40057memory stack	�x�s���|
40058memory status indicator	�x�s���A���ܾ�
40059memory storage module	�x�s���x�s�ե�	MSM
40060memory storage unit	�O�����x�s�椸;�O�����x�s����	MSU
40061memory structural units	�O���鵲�c�椸
40062memory support capability	�x�s���䴩��O
40063memory swapping	�x�s�洫
40064memory system	�O����t��;�O�Шt��	MS
40065memory system tester	�x�s�t�δ��վ�	MST
40066memory test computer	�x�s�����խp���	MTC
40067memory time	�x�s�ɶ�
40068memory timing chain	�O����w����	MTC
40069memory transfer	(�x�s���e)���x
40070memory transfer unit	���x�˸m;�O����ǰe�˸m	MTU
40071memory transparency	�x�s���z����
40072memory tube	�O�к�	MT
40073memory unit	�O��;�O����	MU
40074memory update	�x�s����s
40075memory window	�x�s��
40076memory with short access time	�ֳt�s���x�s��
40077memory word	�O�Цr
40078memory workspace	�x�s���u�@��
40079memory write	�O����g�J	MW
40080memory write operation	�x�s���g�ާ@
40081memory write signal	�x�s���g�H��
40082memory-address register storage	�x�s���a�}�Ȧs���x�s
40083memory-bound	�x�s�����
40084memory-bounds registers	�x�s���ɭ��Ȧs��
40085memory-cell diagram	�x�s�椸��
40086memory-centered processing (system)	�H�x�s�������ߪ��B�z(�t��)	MCP
40087memory-centered processor	�H�x�s�������ߪ��B�z��	MCP
40088memory-increment technique	�O�л��W�޳N
40089memory-intensive	�x�s�[�j��
40090memory-mapped graphics	�x�s�ܴ��ϧ�(��)
40091memory-mapped I/O	�x�s�ܴ���J��X
40092memory-mapped video	�x�s�ܴ��϶H
40093memory-oriented system	�O����ɦV�t��	MOS
40094memory-reference instruction	�O�аѦҫ��O
40095memory-resident overlay	�`�n�O�о��л\
40096memory-resident overlay segment	�`�n�O�о��л\���q
40097memory-segmentation control	�x�s���q����
40098memory-time integral	�O�о��ɶ��n��
40099memoryless subsystem	�L�O�Фl�t��
40100Menger's theorem	���溸�w�z
40101menu	���;�ؿ�;�\���;�����e��;������U;��ܵe��;���;�ﶵ��
40102menu area	�ﶵ���;����
40103menu bar	�\����
40104menu builder	�ؿ��سy��
40105menu database	�����e����Ʈw	MDB
40106menu display	�ﶵ����ܾ�
40107menu driven system	�\����X�ʨt��
40108menu input	�ﶵ���J;����J
40109menu item	�\�ඵ��
40110menu option	�\���ﶵ
40111menu parameter	�ﶵ��Ѽ�;���Ѽ�
40112menu path	�ؿ��|
40113menu security	�ﶵ��w����;���w����
40114menu selection	�����;�ﶵ����
40115menu selector	���س��ܾ�;�ﶵ���ܾ�;����ܾ�
40116menu sheet	���س��;��J�ϧΪ�
40117menu utility	�\����ε{��
40118menu-driven program	�e���X�ʵ{��;�\����X�ʵ{��
40119mercury delay line	�E����u;���ȩ���u
40120mercury delay-line	�E���u
40121mercury memory	�E�x�s��;�����x�s��
40122mercury storage	�E�x�s(��);�����x�s��
40123mercury tank	�E��
40124mercury-wetted relay	�E�I����
40125merge	�X��;�֤J;�k��;�X�ֵ{��;(�϶H)����
40126merge algorithm	�X�ֺ�k
40127merge error recovery procedure	�X�ֿ��~��_�L�{
40128merge exchange sort	�X�֥洫����
40129merge file	�X���ɮ�;�X�֤��;�X�֤��
40130merge input file	�X�ֿ�J���
40131merge node	�X�ָ`�I
40132merge order	�X�ֶ���
40133merge output coding	�X�ֿ�X�s�X
40134merge pass	�X�ֹM;�X�ֽ�
40135merge sort	�X�֤����{��
40136merge-match	�k�֤ǰt
40137merge-sort	�X�ֱƧ�
40138merge/sort	�X�ֻP����
40139merged global symbol table	�X�֥��{�Ÿ���
40140merged transistor logic circuit	�X�ִ�����޿�q��
40141merger	�X�ֵ{��
40142merging	�X��
40143merging (sorting)	�k��;�X��(����)
40144merging algorithm	�X�ֺ�k
40145merging phase	�X�֪��A;�X�ֶ��q
40146merging sorted lists	�X�֤�����
40147meridional ray	�l���g�u
40148merit	����;���Z
40149mesa	�x�������	MS
40150mesa diffusion	�x���X��
40151mesh	₩X;����;���;��������;����
40152mesh configuration	����
40153mesh current	����q�y;�����q�y
40154mesh netork	���غ���
40155mesh network	₩X����;��������
40156mesh parameter	����Ѽ�
40157meshed ring structure	����������c
40158meson field	���l��
40159mesoscale model	������Ҽҫ�
40160message	�T��;�H��;����;����;�q��	MESG;MSG
40161message acceptance pulse	�H�������߽�;�H�������߽�	MAP
40162message access method	�H���s���k	MAN
40163message accuracy	�������ǽT��
40164message acknowledgement	�H���T�{����;�����ҹ�
40165message alignment	������ɹ��
40166message area	�T����
40167message assembler	�H���զX�{��	MA
40168message audit	�H���f�d;�����ˬd
40169message authentication	�H��ų�w;����ų�w
40170message authenticator code	�H��ų�w�X;����ų�w�X	MAC
40171message bit	�H����
40172message block	�H����;�H����
40173message blocking	�H������
40174message box	�T����
40175message buffer	�H���w��;����w��
40176message buffering	�H���w��(�޳N);����w��(�޳N)
40177message buffering facility	�H���w�ij]�I;����w�ij]�I
40178message buffering synchronization facility	�H���w�ĦP�B���c;����w�ĦP�B���c
40179message builder	�T���سy��
40180message center	�q�H����;�q������;�H������	MSG CNTR
40181message channel	�H���q�D
40182message character	�H���r��;����r��
40183message circuit	�T���q��;���Ϊ��~�q�ܹq��
40184message class	�H������;�������O
40185message code	�H���N�X
40186message composition	�T���զ�
40187message concentrator	�H��������
40188message control flag	�H������аO
40189message control language	�H������y��;���山��y��	MCL
40190message control program	�T������{��;���山��{��;�H������{��	MCP
40191message control subsystem	�T������t��	MCS
40192message control supervisor	�H������޲z�{��;���山��޲z�{��	MCS
40193message control system	�T������t��;�H������t��;���山��t��	MCS
40194message control task	�H���������
40195message count	�T���p��;�H���p��;����p��
40196message data	�H���ƾ�;����ƾ�	MD
40197message data set	�H���ƾڶ�
40198message dataset	�T����ƶ�
40199message datatype	�T����ƧΦ�
40200message decoder unit	�H���ѽX��	MDU
40201message delay	�H������
40202message delete option	�H���R�����ﶵ;����R�����ﶵ
40203message description	���廡��
40204message display	�H�����
40205message display console	�H����ܱ���x
40206message distribution system	�H�����G�t��
40207message drain	���嬪�|(�k)
40208message editing	����s��
40209message editor	�T���s�边
40210message electronic switching computer	����q�l�ܴ��p���	MESCO
40211message element	�H����;���夸
40212message encoder unit	�H���s�X��	MEU
40213message entry system	�H����J�t��	MENS
40214message error record	�H�����~�O��
40215message exchange	�T���洫;�T������;����洫(�˸m);�����洫
40216message feedback	�H���^�X
40217message field	����r�q;�H���r�q	MFLD
40218message file	�T���ɮ�
40219message file segment	�T���ɮפ��q
40220message flag	�H���аO	MSGFLG
40221message flow	����y;�H���y
40222message flow graph	�H���y��;����y��	MFG
40223message format	����榡
40224message format service	����榡�A��
40225message format services	����榡�A��	MFS
40226message forwarding queue	������o��C
40227message group	�T����
40228message handle	�H���B�z	MH
40229message handler	�H���B�z�{��;����B�z�{��	MH
40230message handling	�T����z
40231message handling processor	�H���B�z��;�H���B�z�{��	MHP
40232message handling program	����B�z�{��;�H���B�z�{��	MHP
40233message handling service	�T���B�z�A��
40234message header	������D;���孺��	MH
40235message header/heading	������Y
40236message heading	���孺��
40237message identification	�H������	MI
40238message identifier	������Ѳ�
40239message indicator	�H�����ܲ�;������ܲ�
40240message indicators	�T�����ܲ�
40241message input descriptor	�H����J�y�z��;�����J�y�z��	MID
40242message input processing	�H����J�B�z	MIP
40243message instruction	������;�H����
40244message intercept processing	�H���d���B�z
40245message intercept table	�H���d����
40246message journaling function	�H����x�\��
40247message line	�T����
40248message lock mode	�H����w�覡
40249message log	�n���T��
40250message management feature	�H���޲z����	MMF
40251message management layer	�H���޲z�h
40252message memory	�H���x�s��
40253message mode	����覡
40254message multiplexer operating system	�H���h���౵�ާ@�t��;����h���౵�ާ@�t��	MMOS
40255message network	�H������
40256message number	���帹(�X)	MN
40257message numbering	����s��
40258message numbering generator	����s���o�;�
40259message originating and terminating station	�H���l�o�M�ױ���	MOATS
40260message output description	�H����X����	MOD
40261message output descriptor	�H����X�y�z��;�����X�y�z��	MOD
40262message packet	�q�T�]
40263message paging	���孶���ի�
40264message panel	�T���O
40265message part	�H������;���峡
40266message partition	�H������;�������
40267message passing	�T���ǰe;�H���ǰe;����ǰe
40268message pending	���屾�_
40269message port	�T����
40270message preamble	���Y
40271message precedence	�H���u������
40272message preparation time	�H���dzƮɶ�
40273message priority	�����u����
40274message procedure(s)	�q���{��
40275message processing and distribution system	�H���B�z�P���t�t��;����B�z�P���t�t��	MPDS
40276message processing facility	�H���B�z�]��;�H���B�z�]�I	MPF
40277message processing facility table	�H���B�z�]�ƪ�	MPFT
40278message processing interrupt count	�H���B�z���_�p��	MPIC
40279message processing language	�H���B�z�y��	MPL
40280message processing module	�H���B�z�˸m;����B�z�˸m	MPM
40281message processing program	�T���B�z�{��;�H���B�z�{��;����B�z�{��	MPP
40282message processing region	�H���B�z�d��	MPR
40283message processing system	�H���B�z�t��	MPS
40284message processing time	�H���B�z�ɶ�;����B�z�ɶ�
40285message processor	�H���B�z��;����B�z��	MP
40286message protection	�H���O�@;����O�@
40287message queu(e)ing	�����C;�H����C
40288message queue	�H����C;�����C
40289message queue data set	�����C�ƾڶ�
40290message queue element	�H����C����	MQE
40291message queue handler	�H����C�B�z�{��
40292message queue size attribute	�����C�����ݩ�
40293message rate	�T���v;����t�v;�����p�O�v
40294message ready	����N��;�H���N��	MRDY
40295message reception services	�H�������~��;���屵���~��	MRS
40296message recovery point	�����_�I
40297message reference block	�H���ѦҰ�;����ޥζ�
40298message region	�H����	MSG
40299message register	�q�ܭp����;�H���Ȧs��	MR
40300message register terminal	�H���Ȧs���׺�	MRT
40301message release time	�H������ɶ�
40302message response time	�T���^���ɶ�
40303message resynchronization	����A�P�B�{��
40304message retention area	����s�d��
40305message retransmission unit	�q����o;�H����o
40306message retrieval	�����˯�
40307message router	�T�����o�`�I
40308message routing	�T�����|;������|���
40309message routing code	������|��ܽX
40310message sample	�H������;�H���˥�
40311message segment	�T�����q;�H���q
40312message signalling unit	�T���H���椸
40313message sink	�T����;���屵���a;���屵����
40314message slot	�H��(�ɶ�)��;�H����
40315message source	�T����;���巽;�o�e�a
40316message stream mode	�H���y�覡;����y�覡
40317message switch	�H���洫;����洫
40318message switching	�T���洫;�T������;�H���౵;�����౵;����洫
40319message switching applications	�H���౵����;�����౵����
40320message switching center	�T���洫����;�H���౵����;����洫����;�H���洫����	MSC
40321message switching computer	�H���洫�p���	MSC
40322message switching concentration	�H���洫����	MSC
40323message switching data service	�H���洫�ƾڪA��	MSDS
40324message switching facility	�H���洫�]�I	MSF
40325message switching multiplexer	����h���ഫ��	MSM
40326message switching multiplexing	����h���ഫ	MSM
40327message switching network	�H���౵����;����洫��
40328message switching procedures	�H���౵�L�{;����洫�L�{
40329message switching system	�T���洫�t��
40330message switching system components	�H���౵�t�γ���;����洫�t�γ���
40331message switching system for data	�ƾګH���౵�t��
40332message switching unit	�H���洫��	MSU
40333message system architecture	�H���t����t���c
40334message telecommunication service	�H���B�{�q�H�A��	MTS
40335message telephone service (AT&T)	�q���q�ܪA��(����q�ܹq�����q)	MTS
40336message text	���奿��
40337message time clause	�q�H�ɶ��l�y
40338message transfer agent	�T����e�N�z
40339message transfer layer	�H���ǿ�h	MTL
40340message transfer part	�T����e��;�����౵��
40341message transfer state	�����౵��;�H���౵��
40342message transfer system	�T������e�t��
40343message transfer time	�����౵�ɶ�;����ǰe�ɶ�;����ǻ��ɶ�;�H���ǰe�ɶ�	MTT
40344message transliteration	���媽Ķ
40345message transmission controller	�H���ǿ鱱�;�����ǿ鱱�	MTC
40346message transmitting procedure	����ǿ�L�{
40347message type	�T����
40348message type code	�T�������X
40349message typewriter	�H�����r��;���奴�r��
40350message unit	�T���椸;�H���椸
40351message waiting	�d��;�H������(�B�z)	MSG/WTG
40352message waiting queue	���嵥�ݦ�C
40353message word buffer	�H���r�w�ľ�
40354message-based language	�����媺�y��;���H�����y��
40355message-driven program	�H���X�ʪ��{��;�����X�ʪ��{��
40356message-mode communications adapter	����覡�q�H�౵��	MMCA
40357message-oriented kernel	���V�H�����֤�(�{��);���V���媺�֤�(�{��)
40358message-record-log data set	�H���O���p���ƾڶ�
40359message-switching	�T���洫
40360message-waiting indicator	�H������(�B�z)���ܾ�	MWI
40361messager cable	�q�H���ιq�l
40362messages	�H��;����	MSGES;MSGS
40363messaging	�q�H��;�q�H��
40364messmotor	����q�ʾ�;�n�����F;�n���q�ʾ�
40365meta assembler	���զX�{��
40366meta assembly language	���զX�y��	MAL
40367meta data base	���ƾڮw	MDB
40368meta-computer science	���p������
40369meta-implementation	����{�L�{
40370meta-knowledge	������
40371meta-language processor	���y���B�z��
40372meta-metalanguage	�����y��
40373meta-rule	���W�h
40374metabit	���Ƥ�;����
40375metacharacter	���r��
40376metacode	���N�X
40377metacompilation	���s��;���sĶ
40378metacompiler	���sĶ�{��
40379metadata	�����θ��;���ƾ�
40380metafont	���r��
40381metainference mechanism	�����z���c
40382metal alumina dielectric oxide semiconductor	���ݾT�����ƪ��b����	MAOS
40383metal card memory	���ݥd���x�s��;���ݥd���O�о�	MCM
40384metal card puncher	���ݥd���վ�	MCP
40385metal ceramic	���ݳ���
40386metal insulator semiconductor inegrated circuit	�����b�n��q��	MIS IC
40387metal oxide	���ݮ�ƪ���
40388metal oxide semiconductor	���ݮ�ƥb����;����b����	MOS
40389metal oxide silicon	���ݮ��ֺ
40390metal semiconductor	���ݥb����	MES
40391metal semiconductor field-effect transistor	���ݥb��������������	MESFET
40392metal-alumina semiconductor memory	���ݮ�ƾT�b�����x�s��
40393metal-alumina-oxide-silicon	����-�T-��ƪ�-ֺ(���c)	MAOS
40394metal-alumina-semiconductor	����-�T-�b����	MAS
40395metal-alumina-sillcon	����-�T-ֺ(���c)	MAS
40396metal-film resistron	���ݽ������ṳ��
40397metal-insulator-semiconductor	����-���t��-�b����	MIS
40398metal-nitride-oxide semiconductor memory	���ݴ�ƪ���ƪ��b�����x�s��
40399metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor	����-��ƪ�-��ƪ�-�b����	MNOS
40400metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor integrated circu	����-��ƪ�-��ƪ�-�b����n��q��	MNOS-IC
40401metal-nitride-oxide-silicon	����-��ƪ�-��ƪ�-ֺ	MNOS
40402metal-oxide resistor	���ݮ�ƪ��q��(��)
40403metal-oxide semiconductor	���ݮ�ƪ��b����
40404metal-oxide-semiconductor	����b����;���ݮ�ƪ��b����	MOS
40405metal-oxide-semiconductor array	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b�����x�s�}�C
40406metal-oxide-semiconductor character generator	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b����r�ŵo�;�
40407metal-oxide-semiconductor dynamic memory	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b����ʺA�O����
40408metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor	���ݮ�(�ƪ�)�b��������������	MOS-FET
40409metal-oxide-semiconductor for large-scale integrat	���ݮ�ƪ��b����j�W�ҿn��q��	MOSLSI
40410metal-oxide-semiconductor integrated circuit	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b����n��q��;���ݮ�ƪ��b����n��q��	MOSIC
40411metal-oxide-semiconductor logic integrated circuit	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b�����޿�n��q��
40412metal-oxide-semiconductor memory	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b����O����
40413metal-oxide-semiconductor random access memory	���ݮ�ƪ��b�����H���s���O����	MOSRAM
40414metal-oxide-semiconductor static memory	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b�����R�A�O����
40415metal-oxide-semiconductor storage cell	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b�����x�s�椸
40416metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor logic	���ݮ�ƪ��b���鴹����޿�(�q��)	MOSTL
40417metal-oxide-semiconductor type field-effect transi	���ݮ�ƪ��b��������������	MOST
40418metal-oxide-semiconductor/bipolar interface	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b������������
40419metal-oxide-sillicon integrated circuit	���ݮ�ƪ�ֺ�n��q��	MOSIC
40420metalanguage	���y��	ML
40421metalevel reasoning	���ű��z
40422metalinguistic bracket	���y���A��
40423metalinguistic connective	���y���s����
40424metalinguistic formula	���y������
40425metalinguistic variable	���y���ܼ�
40426metalization	����(����)��
40427metallic bond	���ݲk��;���ݱ��X;���ݳs��
40428metallic circuit	���ݹq��
40429metallic magnetic tape	���ݺϱa
40430metallic tape	���ݱa
40431metallic-film resistor	���ݽ��q��(��)
40432metallic-tape core	���ݱa�Ϥ�
40433metaproduction	�����ͦ�
40434metaproduction rule	�����ͦ��W�h
40435metaprogram	���{��
40436metaprogram state	���{�Ǫ��A
40437metaprogramming system	���{�dz]�p�t��
40438metascience	�����
40439metastable state	��í�w���A; �Dí�w���A
40440metasymbol	���Ÿ�
40441metasystem	���t��
40442metavariable	���ܼ�
40443meteo	��H(���i½Ķ)
40444meteor scatter communication	�y�P���g�q�H
40445meteor trail communication system	�y�P�l��q�H�t��
40446meteorological airborne data system	������H�ƾڨt��	MADS
40447meter	����;��	M
40448metering	�p�q
40449metering pulses	�p�Ư߽�
40450method	��k
40451method improvement program	��k��i�{��	MIP
40452method of bisection	����k
40453method of bit analysis	����R�k
40454method of calling	�I�s��k;�I�s�覡
40455method of clustering center	�E�����ߪk
40456method of deduction	�tö�k;���תk
40457method of exhaustion	�a�|�k
40458method of fractional step	���B�k
40459method of induction	�k�Ǫk
40460method of inversion	�Ϻt�k
40461method of iteration	��N�k
40462method of leading decisions	���e�M���k
40463method of maximum likelihood	�̤j�εM���q�k
40464method of moving average	���ʥ����k
40465method of relaxation	�P���k
40466method of residue	�Ѿl�k
40467method of reversales	����k;�Ϻt�k
40468method of steepest descent	�̰~�U���k
40469method of successive approximation	�v�B����k
40470method of working	�ާ@��k
40471methodology	��k;��k��;��k��
40472methods	��k
40473methods of extracting text automatically programmi	METAPLAN�y��(�۵M�y�����۰ʩ���{�dz]�p�y��)	METAPLAN
40474metre	��
40475metric	�׶q;�ث�
40476metrical information	�p�q�H��
40477metron	�K�S��(�p�q�H�������)
40478metropolitan area network	���|�ϰ����;(��)����(��)��(��)	MAN
40479mf subcommand	�ץ����ƩR�O
40480MFD	�D�ɮץؿ�	MFD
40481mfg allocation audit exception list	�s�y�t�s�f�֨ҥ~���p�M�U
40482mfg allocation chain validation	�s�y�t�m�q�嵲����
40483mfg allocation detail	�s�y�t�m�q����
40484mfg order status	�s�y�R�O���A
40485mfg order summary	�s�y�R�O�J�`
40486mfg schedule date	�s�y�Ƶ{���
40487mfg/pur code	�s�y/���ʽX
40488MFPR	���۳B�z�Ȧs��	MFPR
40489MFT with subtasking	�㦳�l���ȳB�z�\�઺�T�w���ȼƦh�D�{�dz]�p
40490mica	����
40491Michigan algorithm decoder	�K��ں�kĶ�X��	MAD
40492Michigan state university digital computer	�K��ڦ{�ߤj�ǼƦ�p���	MSUDC
40493Michigan terminal system	�K��ڲ׺ݨt��	MTS
40494mico network primer	�L������(��)�J��
40495micoelement	�L������
40496MICR document processing system	MICR���B�z�t��	MDPS
40497MICRAL disc system	MICRAL�ϺШt��	MIDIS
40498MICRAL sequence programmable automation language	MICRAL���ǥi�s�{�۰ʤƻy��	MICRALSPA
40499micro	micro�b��;�L;�ʸU�����@
40500micro (computer) control unit	�L(�p���)���	MCU
40501micro address register	�L��}�Ȧs��	MAR
40502micro circuit	�L���q��
40503micro code	�L�N�X;�L���O
40504micro computer	�L�q��;�L���p���	MICOM
40505micro computer disk operating system	�L�p����Ϻоާ@�t��	MDOS
40506micro copy	�Y�L�ƻs�~
40507micro CPU chip	�L�����B�z�����	MCC
40508micro electronics	�L�q�l��	ME
40509micro information system	�L�H���t��	MIS
40510micro information system inc.	�L�H���t���q	MISI
40511micro instruction compiler assembler	�L���O�sĶ�զX�{��	MICA
40512micro instruction word	�L���O�r	MIW
40513micro networking and communication	�L�����s���M�q�H
40514micro NOVA board computer	�L��NOVA�O���p���	MBC
40515micro order	�L���O
40516micro processor unit	�L�B�z���椸	MPU
40517micro programming language	�L�{���]�p�y��	MPL
40518micro RSTS	�L�귽�@�Τ��ɨt��
40519micro(program) address register	�L(�{��)��}�Ȧs��	MAR
40520micro-architecture	�L����t���c
40521micro-based imaging system	���L�������϶H�t��
40522micro-based mini	���L�B�z�����p���p���
40523micro-circuit module	�L�q���Ҳ�	MCM
40524micro-coded instruction	�L�s�X���O
40525micro-coded read-only memory	�L�s�X��Ū�x�s��
40526micro-coding	�L�{�dz]�p
40527micro-computer-based instrument	�L(���p��)���ƻ���
40528micro-electronic modularassembly	�L�q�l�ǼҲղե�	MEMA
40529micro-image system	�Y�L�϶H�t��
40530micro-instructions	�L���O
40531micro-micro computer	�L�L���p���
40532micro-minicomputer	�W�p���p���
40533micro-programming	�L�{�dz]�p
40534micro-programming technique	�L�{���]�p�޳N	MPT
40535micro-software memory	�L�n���x�s��
40536micro-to-mainframe communication	�L��-�D���q�H
40537micro-winchester disk	�L���Ź����S�Ϻ�
40538microaddress register	�L��}�Ȧs��	MIAR
40539microalloy diffused electrode	�L�X���X���q��	MADE
40540microalloy transistor	�L�X�������	MAT
40541microally diffused base transistor	�L���X���X�����q����	MADT
40542microally diffused electrode	�L���X���X���q��	MADE
40543microampere	�L�w(��)
40544microarchitecture	�L�B�z���c
40545microassembler	�L�զX�{��
40546microassembly	�L�q�l�˰t�q��;�L�զX
40547microassembly language	�L�զX�y��;�L�զX�y��
40548microbend loss	�L�s���l��
40549microbranch trace	�L���O�ಾ����	MBTR
40550microbus	�L�׬y��	MBUS
40551microcache	�L�{�ǽw���x�s��;�L�{�ǰ��t�w�s
40552microcard	�Y�L�d(��)
40553microcassette	�L�����ϱa(��)
40554microchip	�L����
40555microchip computer	�L���p���
40556microcircuit	�L�q��
40557microcircuit isolation	�L�q���j��
40558microcircuits	�L�q��
40559microcobol	�L��COBOL�y��
40560microcode	�L�X;�L�{���X
40561microcode compilation	�L�N�X�sĶ
40562microcode compiler	�L�N�X�sĶ�{��
40563microcode failure index	�L�X�G�ٯ���	MCFI
40564microcode fix	�L�X���
40565microcode instruction	�L�N�X���O
40566microcode memory	�L�X�x�s��
40567microcode program check	�L�X�{���ˬd	MCPC
40568microcode simulation	�L�X����
40569microcode status word	�L�X���A�r	MSW
40570microcode system	�L�X�t��	MCS
40571microcode system input/output controller	�L�X�t�ο�J��X���	MCSIOC
40572microcode verification system	�L�N�X���Ҩt��
40573microcoded communications line adapter	�L�s�X�q�H�u���A�t��	MCLA
40574microcoded ROM	�L�s�X��Ū�O����
40575microcommand	�L�R�O
40576microcommand language	�L�R�O�y��
40577microcomponent	�L�ե�
40578microcomputer	�L�q��;�L���;�L(��)�p���
40579microcomputer addressing modes	�L�p����s�}�覡;�L�p����M�}�覡
40580microcomputer analyzer	�L�p������R��;�L�p������R�{�Ǫ��{��
40581microcomputer application	�L�p�������
40582microcomputer architecture	�L�p�����t;�L�p������c
40583microcomputer auxiliary equipment	�L�p������U�]��
40584microcomputer backplane	�L�p������O
40585microcomputer board	�L�p������O	MCB
40586microcomputer bus	�L�p����׬y��
40587microcomputer bus system	�L�p����׬y�ƨt��
40588microcomputer bus type	�L�p����׬y������
40589microcomputer card	�L�p�������
40590microcomputer chip	�L�p������
40591microcomputer components	�L�p�������
40592microcomputer control and display panel	�L�p�������M��ܭ��O	MCDP
40593microcomputer control panel	�L�p�������O
40594microcomputer development center	�L�p����}�o����	MDC
40595microcomputer development facility	�L���p����}�o�]�I	MDF
40596microcomputer development kit	�L�p����}�o���M�]��
40597microcomputer development system	�L�p����}�o�t��	MDS
40598microcomputer disk development system	�L�p����Ϻж}�o�t��	MDDS
40599microcomputer disk operating systems	�L�p��Ϻоާ@�t��	MDOS
40600microcomputer execution cycle	�L�p�������g��
40601microcomputer function organization	�L�p����\���´
40602microcomputer functions	�L�p����\��
40603microcomputer I/O architecture	�L�p�����J��X��t���c
40604microcomputer index	�L�p�������
40605microcomputer industry trade association	�L���p����u�~�T����|	MITA
40606microcomputer instrument	�L�p�������
40607microcomputer interfacing kit	�L�p�⤶�����M�s��
40608microcomputer interrupt	�L�p������_
40609microcomputer kit	�L���p������M�s��
40610microcomputer kit assembler	�L�p������M�զX�{��
40611microcomputer kit components	�L�p������M����
40612microcomputer kit system software	�L�p������M�t�γn��
40613microcomputer language assembler	�L�p����y���զX�{��
40614microcomputer loader	�L�p����ˤJ�{��
40615microcomputer master/slave operating	�L�p����D�q�ާ@
40616microcomputer on a chip	����L���p���
40617microcomputer operating system	�L�p����ާ@�t��
40618microcomputer package	�L�p����{�ǥ]
40619microcomputer POS	�L���p����P���I�׺�
40620microcomputer prototyping system	�L�p��������t��
40621microcomputer S-100 bus	�L�p���S-100�׬y��
40622microcomputer support	�L�p����䴩;�L�p����t��
40623microcomputer system	�L���p����t��;�L�p����t��	MCS
40624microcomputer system design	�L�p����t�γ]�p
40625microcomputer system tester	�L�p����t�δ��վ�;�L�p����t�δ��յ{��
40626microcomputer word processing	�L�p����r���B�z
40627microcomputer-like instruction set	���L�p������O�t��
40628microconsole	�L����x
40629microcontrol microprogramming	�L����L�s�{;�L����L�{�dz]�p
40630microcontrol sequencing system	�L����ƧǨt��;�L����w�Ǩt��
40631microcontrolled programmable digital logic	�L����i�s�{�ǼƦ��޿�
40632microcontroller	�L���	MCU
40633microcontroller characheristics	�L����S��
40634microcontroller external input signals	�L����~����J�H��
40635microcontroller functional components	�L����\�ೡ��
40636microcontroller I/O system	�L�����J��X�t��
40637microcontroller simulator	�L���������
40638microcontroller working registers	�L����u�@�Ȧs��
40639microcycle	�L�g;�L�g��
40640microdesigner system	�L�]�p�t��
40641microdiagnosis	�L�E�_
40642microdiagnostic	�L�E�_
40643microdiagnostic loader	�L�E�_�ˤJ��
40644microdiagnostic microprogram	�L�E�_�L�{��
40645microdiagnostic program	�L�E�_�{��
40646microdiagnostic utility	�L�E�_���ε{��
40647microdiagnostics	�L�E�_�{��;�L�E�_�k
40648microdictionary	�L������
40649microdiskette	�L���n�Ϻ�
40650microdisplay processor	�L��ܳB�z��	MDP
40651microdrawing	�L���ϯ�
40652microelectronic	�L�q�l(��)��
40653microelectronic circuit	�L�q�l�q��;�L�q�l�ǹq��
40654microelectronic device	�L�q�l����	MED
40655microelectronic devices	�L�q�l�dz]��
40656microelectronic integrated circuit	�L�q�l�Ƕ���q��
40657microelectronic integrated test equipment	�L�q�l�Ǻ�X���ո˸m	MITE
40658microelectronic system	�L�q�l�t��
40659microelectronic technology	�L�q�l�޳N
40660microelectronics	�L�q�l��;�L�q�l;�L�q�l�޳N	ME
40661microelectrostatic copying	�L�R�q�ƦL
40662microelement	�L����
40663microenvironment	�L����
40664microetch	�L��k
40665microfabrication	�L���s�y;�L���˰t
40666microfarad	�L�k(��)	F;MDF
40667microfiche	�L�Y�v��;�L�Y���;�L�v��;�Y�L����;�Y�L(�Ӭ�)����	MF
40668microfiche enlarger printer	�Y�L������j�L���	MEP
40669microfiche management system	�Y�L�����޲z�t��	MMS
40670microfiche reader/printer	�Y�L�����\Ū���P�L���;�Y�L�����\Ū�L���	MRP
40671microfiche viewer	�Y�L�����[�
40672microfile	�Y�L���;�Y�L���
40673microfilm	�L�Y����;�Y�v�n��;�L����;�Y�L����;��L����	MF
40674microfilm aperture card automated retrieval system	�L�Y�������եd���۰��˯��t��	MACARS
40675microfilm cartridge	�Y�L������
40676microfilm computer output	�Y�L�����p�����X
40677microfilm counter	�Y�L�����p�ƾ�
40678microfilm duplex	�Y�L�������u
40679microfilm flow camera	�Y�L�����y����v��
40680microfilm frame	�Y�L�����V
40681microfilm I/O device	�Y�L������J��X�]��
40682microfilm image	�Y�L�����϶H;�Y�L�����v�H
40683microfilm information retrieval access code	�Y�L�����H���˯��s���X	MIRACODE
40684microfilm jacket	�����Y�L����
40685microfilm leader	�Y�L�������Y;�Y�L�����޾ɳ���
40686microfilm management system	�Y�L�����޲z�t��	MMS
40687microfilm output	�Y�L������X
40688microfilm output computer	�Y�L������X�p���	MOC
40689microfilm output device	�Y�L������X�]��	MOD
40690microfilm reader	�Y�L�����\Ū��
40691microfilm reader recorder	�Y�L�����\Ū�O����	MRR
40692microfilmer	�Y�L������
40693microfloppies	�L�n�L
40694microflowchart	�L�y�{��
40695microfont	�L���r��;�L���]�r;�L�����r
40696microform	�Y�L�L��~
40697microform in colour	�m���Y�L�L��~
40698microform reader	�Y�L�L��~�\Ū��
40699microform reader-copier	�Y�L�L��~�\Ū�ƻs��
40700microform reader-printer	�Y�L�L��~�\Ū�L���
40701microformat	�L�榡
40702micrographics	�Y�L�ϧξ�;�Y�L�Ӭ۳N
40703micrography	�Y�L��v�N	MICRO
40704microimage	�Y�L�Ϲ�
40705microimplementation language	�L����y��
40706microinstruction	�L���O	MI
40707microinstruction address	�L���O��}
40708microinstruction debug	�L���O����;�L���O����
40709microinstruction description	�L���O�y�z
40710microinstruction field	�L���O��
40711microinstruction register	�L���O�Ȧs��	MIR
40712microinstruction sequence	�L���O�ǦC
40713microinstruction sequencing	�L���O�w��
40714microinstruction simulation	�L���O����
40715microinstruction simulator	�L���O�����{��
40716microinstruction storage	�L���O�x�s��
40717microinstruction technique	�L���O�޳N
40718microinsturction read-only memory	�L���O��Ū�x�s��
40719microinterrupt	�L���_
40720microjump subroutine	�L�ಾ�l�{��
40721microkit	�L�p����M��
40722microlanguage	�L�y��
40723microlevel interrupt	�L�Ť��_
40724micrologic	�L�޿�
40725micrologic adder	�L�޿�[�k��
40726micrologic card	�L�޿贡��
40727microm	�L�{�ǰ�Ū�x�s��
40728micromainframe	�L���D��
40729micromation output software translator	�L���ƿ�X�n��½Ķ�{��	MOST
40730micromation recorder	�L���O����
40731micromemory	�L�O��
40732micromemory (control store)	�L�x�s��(�����x�s��)
40733micrometer	�L��(�ʸU�����@��);���L�p;�d����
40734micromicrofarad	�L�L�k(��)	MMF
40735microminiature discrete modules	�L�����߲ե�
40736microminiaturization	�L����;�W�p����
40737micromodule	�L���Ҳ�;�L������
40738micromodule package	�L���Ҳե];�L���{�ǥ]
40739micromonitor operating system	�L���ʱ����ާ@�t��	MOPS
40740micron	�L��(�ʸU�����@��)	MU
40741micronet	�L������
40742microopaque	���z���Y�L�~
40743microoperating system	�L�ާ@�t��
40744microoperation	�L�@�~;�L�ާ@	MO
40745microperipheral interface	�L�g��]�Ƥ���
40746microphone	���J��;�ܵ�;�L����	M
40747microphone pick up pattern	�L�����B�����c
40748microphonics	�L���X�j��;Ÿ������
40749microphotography	�Y�L�Ӭ�(�N)
40750microporgram	�L�{��
40751microposition	�L��
40752microprint	�L���C�L
40753microprocessing system	�L�B�z�t��	MPS
40754microprocessing unit	�L�B�z��	MPU
40755microprocessing unit addressing mode	�L�B�z���s�}�覡
40756microprocessing unit interface	�L�B�z������
40757microprocessing unit support chip	�L�B�z��������
40758microprocessor	�L�B�z��; �L�B�z��	MICRO;MP
40759microprocessor address path	�L�B�z����}���|
40760microprocessor addressing capacity	�L�B�z���s�}�e�q;�L�B�z���M�}�e�q
40761microprocessor addressing concept	�L�B�z���s�}����;�L�B�z���M�}����
40762microprocessor addressing modes	�L�B�z���s�}�覡;�L�B�z���M�}�覡
40763microprocessor alarm system	�L�B�z��ĵ���t��
40764microprocessor analyzer	�L�B�z�����R��
40765microprocessor application	�L�B�z������
40766microprocessor application project	�L�B�z�����έp��;�L�B�z�����ζ���
40767microprocessor architecture	�L�B�z����t���c
40768microprocessor assembly language	�L�B�z���զX�y��
40769microprocessor board	�L�B�z�����O
40770microprocessor building control system	�L�B�z���c������t��
40771microprocessor bus	�L�B�z���׬y��	MPBUS
40772microprocessor bus standard	�L�B�z���׬y�Ƽз�
40773microprocessor cache memory	�L�B�z�����W���t�w(���x)�s(��)
40774microprocessor card	�L�B�z������
40775microprocessor chip	�L�B�z�����
40776microprocessor chip characteristics	�L�B�z������S��
40777microprocessor classification	�L�B�z������
40778microprocessor code assembler	�L�B�z���N�X�զX�{��
40779microprocessor compatibility	�L�B�z���ۮe��
40780microprocessor compiler	�L�B�z���sĶ�{��
40781microprocessor compiler language	�L�B�z���sĶ�{�ǻy��
40782microprocessor control	�L�B�z������
40783microprocessor control circuit	�L�B�z������q��	MPCC
40784microprocessor control unit	�L�B�z�����	MCU
40785microprocessor controller	�L�B�z�����
40786microprocessor cross-assembler	�L�B�z����e�զX�{��
40787microprocessor debugging program	�L�B�z�������{��;�L�B�z�������{��
40788microprocessor design	�L�B�z���]�p
40789microprocessor development lab	�L�B�z���}�o�����	MDL
40790microprocessor development support system	�L�B�z���}�o�䴩�t��	MDSS
40791microprocessor development system	�L�B�z���o�i�t��;�L�B�z���}�o�t��	MDS
40792microprocessor encoder interface	�L�B�z���s�X������
40793microprocessor host loader	�L�B�z���D�ˤJ�{��	MHL
40794microprocessor I/O categories	�L�B�z����J��X���~�ؿ�
40795microprocessor indirect address	�L�B�z��������}
40796microprocessor industrial terminal	�L�B�z���u�~�׺�	MITE
40797microprocessor instruction	�L�B�z�����O
40798microprocessor instruction path	�L�B�z�����O���|;�L�B�z�����O�q��
40799microprocessor instruction set	�L�B�z�����O�t��
40800microprocessor interface	�L�B�z������	MPI
40801microprocessor intertie and communication system	�L�B�z�����p�q�H�t��
40802microprocessor language assembler	�L�B�z���y���զX�{��	MLA
40803microprocessor language editor	�L�B�z���y���s��{��	MLE
40804microprocessor life cycle	�L�B�z���ͩR�g��
40805microprocessor line set	�L�B�z���u���˸m	MLS
40806microprocessor maintenance console	�L�B�z���ױ���x
40807microprocessor master/slave operation	�L�B�z���D�q�ާ@
40808microprocessor memory controller	�L�B�z���O���鱱�	MPMC
40809microprocessor monitor	�L�B�z���ʱ��{��
40810microprocessor network	�L�B�z������
40811microprocessor organization	�L�B�z����´
40812microprocessor programming language	�L�B�z���{���]�p�y��	MPL
40813microprocessor read-only programmer	�L�B�z����Ū�{�Ǿ�
40814microprocessor semantics	�L�B�z���y�q��
40815microprocessor series	�L�B�z���t�C	MPS
40816microprocessor series software tools	�L�B�z���t�C�n��u��	MPSST
40817microprocessor software	�L�B�z���n��
40818microprocessor system	�L�B�z���t��	MPS
40819microprocessor system analyzer	�L�B�z���t���R��
40820microprocessor system interface module	�L�B�z���t�Τ����Ҳ�
40821microprocessor system software tool	�L�B�z���t�γn��u��
40822microprocessor tape duplicator	�L�B�z���ϱa�����	MTD
40823microprocessor terminal	�L�B�z���׺�(�]��)
40824microprocessor testing system	�L�B�z�����ըt��
40825microprocessor training aid	�L�B�z���V�m�u��
40826microprocessor-assisted data base management	�L�B�z�����U�ƾڮw�޲z
40827microprocessor-based computer system	���L�B�z�����p����t��
40828microprocessor-based data acquisition system	���L�B�z�����ƾڱĶ��t��
40829microprocessor-based information system	���L�B�z���������t��;���L�B�z�����H���t��
40830microprocessor-based interface	���L�B�z��������
40831microprocessor-based multiprocessor system	���L�B�z�����h�B�z���t��
40832microprocessor-based programmer	�ĥηL�B�z�����{�ǽs�
40833microprocessor-on-a-chip	����L�B�z��
40834microprogammed data processor	�L�{���ƾڳB�z��	MPDP
40835microprogram	�L�{��	MIC;MICRO
40836microprogram address	�L�{�Ǧ�}
40837microprogram address register	�L�{����}�Ȧs��	MAR;MPAR
40838microprogram addressing	�L�{�ǴM�};�L�{�ǽs�}
40839microprogram assembly language	�L�{�DzզX�y��
40840microprogram automation system	�L�{�Ǧ۰ʨt��	MAS
40841microprogram branching	�L�{���ಾ
40842microprogram certification system	�L�{�����Ҩt��	MCS
40843microprogram computer	�L�{���p���
40844microprogram control	�L�{������	MPC
40845microprogram control functions	�L�{�DZ���\��
40846microprogram control logic	�L�{�DZ����޿�	MCL
40847microprogram control memory	�L�{������O����	MPCM
40848microprogram control store	�L�{�DZ����x�s(��)
40849microprogram controller	�L�{�����	MPC
40850microprogram count register	�L�{���p�ƼȦs��	MPCR
40851microprogram counter	�L�{���p�ƾ�	MPC
40852microprogram data register	�L�{���ƾڼȦs��	MPDR
40853microprogram debugging	�L�{�ǰ���
40854microprogram description	�L�{�Ǵy�z
40855microprogram design	�L�{�dz]�p
40856microprogram design and description language	�L�{�dz]�p�M�y�z�y��	MIDDLE
40857microprogram design system	�L�{�dz]�p�t��	MDS
40858microprogram development	�L�{�Ƕ}�o
40859microprogram efficiency	�L�{�ǮIJv
40860microprogram emulation	�L�{�ǥ�u
40861microprogram fields	�L�{�Ǧr�q
40862microprogram generating system	�L�{���ͦ��t��	MPGS
40863microprogram index register	�L�{���ܧ}�Ȧs��	MIX
40864microprogram instruction set	�L�{�ǫ��O��
40865microprogram language	�L�{�ǻy��
40866microprogram level	�L�{�ǯ�
40867microprogram load	�L�{���ˤJ	MPL
40868microprogram looping	�L�{�Ǵ`��
40869microprogram machine instructions	�L�{�Ǿ������O
40870microprogram mapping	�L�{�Ǧ�}�ܴ�
40871microprogram memory	�L�{���O����	MPM
40872microprogram memory control unit	�L�{���O���鱱�	MPMCU
40873microprogram microassembler	�L�{�ǷL�զX�{��
40874microprogram microcode	�L�{�ǷL�X
40875microprogram operating system	�L�{�Ǿާ@�t��	MOS
40876microprogram optimization	�L�{���u��
40877microprogram parameterization	�L�{�ǰѼƤ�
40878microprogram read only memory	�L�{����Ū�O����	MROM
40879microprogram register	�L�{���Ȧs��	MPR
40880microprogram sequencer	�L�{�ǮɧǾ�
40881microprogram storage	�L�{���x�s��	MS
40882microprogram support software	�L�{�Ǥ䴩�n��;�L�{�Ǥ���n��
40883microprogram(med) control unit	�L�{�DZ��	MCU
40884microprogrammability	�L�{�DZ����;�i�s�L�{����
40885microprogrammable	�L�{�DZ��;�i�s�L�{����
40886microprogrammable arithmetic processor system	�L�i�s�{�B��B�z���t��	MAPS
40887microprogrammable bit-slice machine	�줸���ηL�{����
40888microprogrammable block input/output	�i�s�L�{�Ǧ��տ�J��X	MBIO
40889microprogrammable character generator	�i�s�L�{���r�ŵo�;�
40890microprogrammable communications controller	�i�L�s�{���q�H���	MPCC
40891microprogrammable computer	�L�{������p���
40892microprogrammable computer operating system	�i�s�L�{�ǭp����ާ@�t��	MCOS
40893microprogrammable instruction	�L�{��������O
40894microprogrammable machine	�i�L�s�{������
40895microprogrammable multi-processor	�i�L�s�{���h�B�z��	MMP
40896microprogrammable multiprocessor architecture	�i�s�L�{���h���B�z����t���c
40897microprogrammable processor	�i�L�s�{�B�z��	MPP
40898microprogrammable processor port	�i�L�s�{�B�z���ݤf	MPP
40899microprogrammable read-only memory	�i�s�L�{����Ū�x�s��
40900microprogrammed	�L�{�����
40901microprogrammed array processor	�L�{�DZ���}�C�B�z��	MAP
40902microprogrammed compiler	�L�{���ƽsĶ��
40903microprogrammed control processor	�L�{�DZ���B�z��	MCP
40904microprogrammed control unit	�L�{�����	MCU;MPU
40905microprogrammed controller	�L�{�����
40906microprogrammed gate control	�L�{���h����
40907microprogrammed I/O control unit	�L�{�������J��X����˸m
40908microprogrammed interface	�L�{���������
40909microprogrammed microprocessor	�L�{������L�B�z��
40910microprogrammed picoprocessor	�L�{���ƪ��L�L�B�z��
40911microprogrammed subroutines	�L�{������l(�Ҧ�)�{��
40912microprogrammer	�L�{���]�p��;�L�{���s�
40913microprogramming	�L�{���W��;�L�{���s�X;�L�W��;�L�{���]�p
40914microprogramming application	�L�{���]�p����
40915microprogramming approach	�L�{���]�p��k
40916microprogramming architecture	�L�{���]�p��t���c
40917microprogramming language	�L�{���]�p�y��	ML;MPL
40918microprogramming level	�L�{���]�p��
40919microprogramming multi-processor architecture	�L�{���]�p�h�B�z����t���c
40920microprogramming software	�L�{���]�p�n��
40921microprogramming support	�L�{���]�p�䴩;�L�{���]�p���
40922microprogramming technique	�L�{���]�p�޳N	MPT
40923microprogramming unit	�L�{���]�p����	MPU
40924microprogramming/fixed instruction	�L�s�{�P�T�w���O
40925microprojector	��L�M�H��;��{����v��
40926micropublishing	(�Y)�L(�L��~)�X��
40927micropush-down stack	�L�U���|
40928microrecording	�Y�L���ƨ�
40929microribbon connector	�L�x�����Y�y;�L��"�űa"������
40930microroutine	�L�`��;�L(��)�{��
40931microscheduler	�L(��)�ի׵{��	MSCH
40932microscope	��L��
40933microsecond	�L��(�ʸU�����@)
40934microsignal processor	�L�H���B�z��
40935microsoftware	�L�n��
40936microstack	�L(�x�s)���|
40937microstatement	�L�ԭz
40938microstep	�L�B
40939microstorage	�L�x�s��
40940microstreamer	�L���y���ϱa��
40941microstrip line	�L�a�u
40942microstructure	�L�����c;�L�[���c
40943microsubroutine	�L���`��
40944microsubroutine stack	�L�l�{��(�x�s)���|
40945microswitch	�L�}��
40946microsyn	��K�۰ʦP�B��
40947microterminal	�L�׺�
40948microtrip	�L�a
40949microtronics	�L�q�l��
40950microtutor	�L���оǭp���
40951microVMS	�����O�Шt��
40952microwave	�L�i	MCRWV;M/W
40953microwave amplification by stimulated emission of	���E�T�g���L�i��j��;�L�i�E�g(��)	MASER
40954microwave channel	�L�i�q�D
40955microwave circuit analysis program	�L�i�q�����R�{��	MCAP
40956microwave delay line	�L�i����u	MDL
40957microwave dish	�L�i�ѽu;�L�i�Ϯg��
40958microwave hologram techniques	�L�i�����޳N	MHT
40959microwave interference	�L�i�z�Z
40960microwave links	�L�i���
40961microwave relay	�L�i���_;�L�i���O
40962microwave relay station	�L�i���~��
40963microwave transmission	�L�i�ǿ�
40964microwave tube	�L�i��	MT
40965microwriter	�L�g�J�˸m;�L�g�J�{��
40966mid-batch recovery	(������屵����)��������X����_
40967midcomputer	�����p���
40968middle element	�����椸
40969middle letter row	�����r�Ŧ�
40970middle punch	������
40971middle RU of chain	�줤���ШD�����椸
40972middle storage	�����x�s��
40973middle-in-chain	�夤;�줤���椸	MIC
40974middle-of-chain	�줤���椸
40975middle-square method	��������k
40976middleware	�����]��;������(�������Τ�S��ݭn���t�γn��)
40977middlewave	���i
40978midland	����;���a
40979midpoint (coordinate)	���I(�y��)
40980midsquare method	������k
40981migrate	����;�E��;�ಾ
40982migration	�E��
40983migration control data set	�E������ƾڶ�
40984migration imaging	�E�����H
40985migration path	�E���q��;�E�����|
40986migratory permutation	�i���ƦC
40987migratory volume	�E����
40988mil	�@�^�o;�K��(�d�����@�^�o)
40989mil-spec integrated circuit	�x�γW��n��q��
40990mile	�^��	M
40991milestone	���{�O
40992milestone state	���{�O���A
40993military call sign	�x�ΩI��
40994military computer	�x�έp���	MC
40995military computer family	�x�έp����t�C	MCF
40996military computer-based system	�x�έp�������t��
40997military environment microprocessor	�x�����ҷL�B�z��
40998military exchange	�x�Υ洫��	MEX
40999military fixed communication network	�x�ΩT�w�q�H����
41000military hybrids	�x�βV�X�L�q��
41001military occupational data bank	�x�μƾڮw	MODB
41002military rest time computer	�x��"�R�I"�ɶ��p���	MRTC
41003military solid logic technology	�x�ΩT�A�޿�޳N	MSLT
41004military specification	�x�γW�d	MIL-SPEC
41005milk	�Ѩ�(�q�H�u���W)����
41006mill	�V�i��;��i��
41007Mill timer	Mill�p�ɾ�;Mill�w�ɾ�(�h�D�{�ǹB�椤�U�{�ǨϥΤ����B�z���ɶ�
41008Miller circuit	�K�ǹq��
41009Miller effect	�K�Ǯ���
41010milli	�@	M
41011milliampere	�@�w(��);�@�w(�H)	MA
41012milliampere hour	�@�w�p��	MAHR
41013milliampere second	�@�w��	MAS
41014milliampere(s) per volt	�@�w/��,�C��@�w��	MA/V
41015milliliter	�@��	MI
41016millimeter	�@��	MM
41017millimetre	����
41018millimicro	�@�L
41019millimicrosecond	�@�L��
41020million floating point operations per second	�ʸU���B�I�B��/��	MFLOPS
41021million instructions per second	�C��ʸU�����O	MIPS
41022million operations per second	�ʸU���B��/��	MOPS
41023million words	�ʸU�r;���r	MW
41024millisecond	�L��;�d�����@��;�@��	MSEC;MS
41025millivolt	�@��(�S)	MV
41026millivolt anaiog-digital instrumentation system	�@�����-�Ʀ����t��
41027millivolt analog-digital instrumentation system	�@�����-�Ʀ����t��	MADIS
41028milliwatt	�@��
41029milliwatt logic	�@�˯��޿�(�q��)	MWL
41030MIMD architecture	�h���O�h�ƾڵ��c
41031mimeograph	�o�L��;�o�L
41032min-cut placement method	�̤p���ΧG���k;���p�G���k
41033min-max-multiple	�̤p-�̤j-�h��
41034MINC	�Ҳդƻ����ιq��
41035mini computer	�g�A�q��
41036mini instant keyboard assembler,debug and operatin	�p����L�զX,�����M�ާ@�t��	MIKADOS
41037mini-computer and terminals operation	�p���p����P�׺ݾާ@	M&TO
41038mini-flexible disc	�p���n�Ϻ�
41039mini-floppy disk	�p���n�Ϻ�
41040mini-keyboard	�p����L
41041mini-micro designer	�p-�L���]�p�{��	MMD
41042mini-micro software	�p���L���n��
41043mini-module drive	�p���ե��X��(��)	MMD
41044mini-relational data base	�p�����Y�ƾڮw
41045mini-remote control unit	�p�����{���
41046mini-winchester disk drive	�p���Ź����S�Ϻ�(��)
41047miniassembler program	�p���զX�{�Ǫ��{��
41048miniature data acquistion system	�p���ƾڱĶ��t��	MDAS
41049miniature diskette drive	�p���n�Ϻо�
41050miniature IC computer	�p���n��q���p���	MICC
41051miniature information storage and retrieval	�p���H���x�s�P�˯�	MISAR
41052miniature information storage and retrieval (syste	�p���H���x�s�P�˯�(�t��)
41053miniature interface general purpose economy termin	�G���p�������q�β׺�	MIGET
41054miniature power unit	�p���q���]��	MPU
41055miniature-real time operating system	�p���Y�ɾާ@�t��	M-RTOS
41056miniaturization	�p����
41057miniaturized data assimilation computer	�p���ƼƾڦP�ƭp���	MINDAC
41058miniaturized system	�p���ƨt��
41059minicartridge	�p�������ϱa��;�p�������ϱa
41060minicassette	�p���d�������a;�p���d���X���ϱa
41061minicomputer	�p���q��;�p���p���;�p�����	MINI
41062minicomputer crosscompilation	�p���p�����e�sĶ
41063minicomputer device controller	�p���p����]�Ʊ��
41064minicomputer I/O	�p���p���(��)��J��X(�]��)
41065minicomputer library system	�p���p����Ϯ��]�t��	MILS
41066minicomputer network	�p���p�����(��)
41067minicomputer software	�p���p����n��
41068MINIDASD function	��L��l�ƾާ@
41069minidiagnostic routine	�p���E�_�{��
41070minidisc	�p�Ϻ�;��L
41071minidisk	�p���Ϻ�;��L
41072minidisk directory	�p���ϺХؿ�;��L�ؿ�
41073minidiskette	�p���n�Ϻ�
41074miniemulator	�p����u�{��
41075minified display	�Y�p���
41076minifloppy	�p���n�Ϻ�
41077minifloppy disk drive	�p���Ϻо�
41078minikeypad	�p����O
41079minimal Ada programming support environment	�̤pAda�{�dz]�p�䴩����	MAPSE
41080minimal automatic computer	�̤p���۰ʭp���	MINIAC
41081minimal automaton	�̤p�۰ʾ�
41082minimal BASIC	�̤pBASIC�y��
41083minimal computer load	�p����̤p�t��	MCL
41084minimal cost path	�̤p�������|
41085minimal cover	�̤p�л\;�̤��л\
41086minimal function	��²���
41087minimal graph	�̤p��
41088minimal latency coding	�̤p���ݮɶ��s�X
41089minimal latency programming	�̤p���ݮɶ��s�{(��)
41090minimal machine	�̤p����;�̤p�p���
41091minimal network	�̤p����
41092minimal path	�̵u���|
41093minimal product-of-sums	���p�M���n
41094minimal segment	�̤p(�{��)�q
41095minimal spanning tree	�̵u���;�̤p�ͦ���	MST
41096minimal storage	�p���x�s��
41097minimal total processing time	�̵u�`�B�z�ɶ�	MTPT
41098minimal tree	�̤p��
41099minimal-access coding	�̧֦s���s�X
41100minimal-access programming	�̧֦s���s�{;�̧֦s���{�dz]�p
41101minimal-access routine	�̵u�s���`��;�̧֦s��(�Ҧ�)�{��
41102minimal-latency coding	�̵u��ɼg�X
41103minimal-latency program	�̵u��ɵ{��
41104minimal-latency programming	�̵u��ɳW��
41105minimal-latency routine	�̵u��ɱ`��;�̤p���ݮɶ�(�Ҧ�)�{��
41106minimal-latency subroutine	�̵u��ɦ��`��
41107minimal-path problem	�̵u���|���D
41108minimal-row flow table	�̤֦C�y�{��
41109minimality	���p��
41110minimax	���j���p(���j�������p)
41111minimax method	���p���j�k
41112minimax principle	���j���p��z
41113minimax strategy	���j���p����
41114minimax system	���j���p�t��
41115minimization	���p�ƪk
41116minimization of interprocessor communication for p	����p��B�z�����q�H��²��
41117minimodem	�̤p�ƾھ�
41118minimum	�̤p��
41119minimum access code	�̧֦s���X
41120minimum access coding	�̧֦s���s�X
41121minimum access programming	�̧֦s���s�{;�̧֦s���{�dz]�p
41122minimum access retrieval system	�̧֦s���˯��t��	MARS
41123minimum access routine	�̧֦s��(�Ҧ�)�{��
41124minimum automatic computer	�p���۰ʭp���	MIAC
41125minimum automatic machine	�L���۰ʾ�
41126minimum automatic machine for interpolation and ex	�����k�Υ~���k�ηL���۰ʾ�	MAMIE
41127minimum balance	�̧C�l�B
41128minimum breakdown voltage	�̤p����q��	MBV
41129minimum channel code	�̤p�q�D�X
41130minimum channel-select setup time	�̤p�q�D��ܫإ߮ɶ�
41131minimum cost deadlock recovery	�̤p�N�������ꪬ�A��_
41132minimum CW count	�̤p���q�D����r�p��	MINCT
41133minimum data set	�̤p�ƾڶ�	MDS
41134minimum delay code	�̤p����X
41135minimum delay coding	�̤p����s�X
41136minimum delay programming	�̵u����{���s�g;�̤p����s�{;�̤p����{�dz]�p
41137minimum detectable signal	�̤p�i�����H��	MDS
41138minimum discernible signal	�̤p�i��O�H��	MDS
41139minimum discriminable signal	�̤p�i�ѧO�H��	MDS
41140minimum distance classification	�̤p�Z������(�k)
41141minimum distance classifier	�̤p�Z�������{��;�̤p�Z��������
41142minimum distance code	�̤p�Z���X
41143minimum distance error-correcting parser	�̤p�Z���~�t�ե����R�{��	MDECP
41144minimum distance rectangular path	�̤p�Z�������q��
41145minimum energy requirement	�̧C��q�n�D	MER
41146minimum function	�̤p���
41147minimum integration	�̤p��X
41148minimum latency	�̤p���ݮɶ�
41149minimum latency code	�̤p���ݮɶ��X
41150minimum latency program	�̤p���ݮɶ��{��
41151minimum latency routine	�̤p���ݮɶ��{��	MLR
41152minimum monthly maintenance charge	�̧C����׶O��	MMMC
41153minimum operation	�̤p�ާ@;�̤p�ƹB��
41154minimum path cover	�̤p���|�л\
41155minimum phase shift keying	�̤p�۲��䱱	MSK
41156minimum phase shift network	�̤p�۲�����
41157minimum processing time per operation	�C���ާ@���̤p�B�z�ɶ�	MINPRT
41158minimum processor and computer	�p���B�z���M�p���	MINIPAC
41159minimum quantity	�̧C�ƶq
41160minimum redundance	�̤p���Щ�
41161minimum shift keying	�̤p�첾�䱱	MSK
41162minimum signal recognition time	�̤p�H���ѧO�ɶ�
41163minimum size executive routines	�̵u����{��	MISER
41164minimum spanning tree	�̤p�ͦ���
41165minimum state finite automaton	���p���A�����۰ʾ�
41166minimum station	�̤p������
41167minimum storage	�p���x�s��
41168minimum teleprocessing communications system	�̤p���{�B�z�q�H�t��	MTCS
41169minimum truncation	�̵u�I��
41170minimum virtual memory	�̤p�����O����	MVM
41171minimum weight routing	�̤p�[�v���|���;�̤p�[�v���|���
41172minimum-access coding	�̵u�s���g�X
41173minimum-access programming	�̵u�s���W��
41174minimum-delay coding	�̵u����g�X
41175minimum-distance code	�̵u�Z���X
41176ministry of communications	�q�H��	MINCOM
41177ministry of international trade and industry	��~�T���M�u�~��	MITI
41178ministry of posts telephone and telegraph	�l�q��	MINPTT
41179minitape	�p���ϱa
41180minitape cartridge	�p�������ϱa
41181minitype	�p��
41182minor class field	���Ŧr�q
41183minor control change	�ӱ��ܧ�;���n�������
41184minor control data	���n����ƾ�;��������ƾ�
41185minor control field	������r�q
41186minor cycle	�ƶg;�p�g��;�p�`��
41187minor cycle counter	�u�g���p�ƾ�;�p�g���p�ƾ�	MCC
41188minor determinant	�l��C��
41189minor key	���U��
41190minor loop	�����Ϻ��^�u;�p�`��;�p�j��
41191minor node	���`�I
41192minor structure	�l���c
41193minor switch	�p����ܾ�;�p���M�u��
41194minor tick marks	�L�I�аO
41195minor time slice	�p�ɶ���
41196minor total	�p�p
41197minority carrier	�ּƸ��l;�ּƸ��y�l
41198Minos pattern recognition machine	�̿մ��Ҧ��ѧO��
41199minterm	���ζ�;�p��(�����n)
41200minuend	�Q���
41201minus balance	�t�l�B
41202minus flag	�t�аO
41203minus punch	�t�ƥ���
41204minus zero	�t��
41205minus zone	�t�ư�
41206mirror	��g;�Ϯg��;��;�Ϯg;�ϬM	M
41207mirror image	��H
41208mirror language	��H�y��
41209mirror transaction	��H�ƶ�(�B�z)
41210mirroring	�蹳;�ϬM;�M�g�P�B;�Ϯg
41211mis transistor	�����b�q����	MIS T
41212mis-sort	������
41213misaddress	���~��}
41214miscellaneous	����
41215miscellaneous charge	�����O��
41216miscellaneous charge detail number	�����O�Ω��Ӹ��X
41217miscellaneous charge form	�����O���
41218miscellaneous charge list	�����O�βM�U
41219miscellaneous charge number	�����O��X
41220miscellaneous common carrior	�䥦���θ��i	MCC
41221miscellaneous cost	��������
41222miscellaneous data	�����ƾ�
41223miscellaneous data record	�h���ƾڰO��;�����ƾڰO��	MDR
41224miscellaneous description	��������
41225miscellaneous detail	��������
41226miscellaneous detail form	�������Ӫ��
41227miscellaneous detail number	�������Ӹ��X
41228miscellaneous detail status code	�������Ӫ��A�X
41229miscellaneous detail unload	�������Ө���
41230miscellaneous equipment specification	�����]�Ƨ޳N�W�d	MES
41231miscellaneous form	�������
41232miscellaneous function	(�����]��)�}���h�إ\��;�����
41233miscellaneous intercept	�����I��;���κI��
41234miscellaneous issues	�����o��
41235miscellaneous issues transaction	�����o�Ʋ���
41236miscellaneous number	�������X
41237miscellaneous receipt transaction	�������Ʋ���
41238miscellaneous records	�����O��
41239miscellaneous simulation generator	�h�������o�;�;��X�����ͦ��{��	MSG
41240miscellaneous standard fixed cost	�����зǩT�w����
41241miscellaneous standard fixed quantity	�����зǩT�w�ƶq
41242miscellaneous standard unit cost	�����зdz�즨��
41243miscellaneous standard unit quantity	�����зdz��ƶq
41244miscellaneous time	�����ɶ�
41245miscellaneous unidentified transmission	�U�ؤ����ǿ�	MUT
41246misclassification	������;�~����;����
41247MISD computer	�h���O��ƾڬy�p���
41248misdelivery probability	�~�e���v
41249misfeed	�~�X;�~�ǰe;�ǰe����(�H������)
41250misidentificaiton	���~�ѧO
41251mismark	���лx;���Ÿ�
41252mismatch	���t;���ǰt;���ŦX
41253mismatch indicator	���t���ܾ�
41254misoperation	�~�ާ@
41255misprint	�~����
41256misrecognition	���~�ѧO
41257misregistration	��Ǥ��};��m����
41258missed synchronization	�|�P�B
41259missend	�~�o	MS
41260missile borne computer	�ɼu�ˮw���p���
41261missile ground equipment	�ɼu�a���]��	MGE
41262missile guidbance computer	�ɼu��ɭp���	MGC
41263missile intercept data acquisition system	�ɼu�I���ƾڱĶ��t��	MIDAS
41264missile system checkout program	�ɼu�t���˴��{��	MSCOP
41265missile system checkout programmer	�ɼu�t������{���˸m;�ɼu�t������{���]�p��	MSCP
41266missile traiectory measurement system	�ɼu�y�D���w�t��	MISTRAM
41267missile trajectory data system	�ɼu�u�D�ƾڨt��	MTDS
41268missile trajectory measurement system	�ɼu�u�D���q�t��	MISTRAM
41269missing	�G��;�l��;��|
41270missing address marker	�|��}�аO
41271missing code	��|�X
41272missing dots	�|�I
41273missing error	��|���~
41274missing factor	�ʦ]�l
41275missing field	��|��
41276missing file control block	��|������
41277missing interrupt check	�ᥢ���_�ˬd	MIC
41278missing interruption checker	�ᥢ���_�˴���;�ᥢ���_�ˬd�{��	MIC
41279missing interruption handler	�ᥢ���_�B�z�{��;�ᥢ���_�B�z��	MIH
41280missing page fault	�ʭ��G��
41281missing page interrupt	�ʭ����_
41282missing page interruption	�ʭ����_
41283missing parameter	��|�Ѽ�
41284missing pulse	���ߪi
41285missing segment interrupt	�ʬq���_
41286missing value	��|��;�|����;�[����
41287missing variable	���ܤ�
41288missing-interrupt handler	�ᥢ���_�B�z�{��;�ᥢ���_�B�z��	MIH
41289mission analysis computer program	���Ȥ��R�p����{��	MACP
41290mission control center	���ȱ����
41291mission data reduction	���ȼƾ�²��	MDR
41292mission factor	���Ȧ]�l;����]�l;��v
41293mission operation computer	���Ⱦާ@�p���	MOC
41294mission sequence	���ȧǦC
41295mission-dependent interface	���Ȭ�������	MDI
41296mist printer	�������C�L��
41297mistake	���~
41298mistranslation	�~Ķ	MISTRANS
41299misunderstanding	�~��
41300misuse failure	�~�ާ@�G��
41301Mitchell error correcting code	�̤����ȿ��X
41302mix	�V�X��
41303mix and match	�V�X�f�t
41304mix gate	�V�X�h;"��"��
41305mix instruction	�V�X���O
41306mixed	�V�X��	MXD
41307mixed alphabetic and numeric key	�V�X�r���Ʀ���
41308mixed amplifier	�V�X��j��	MA
41309mixed AND/OR node	�V�X"�P��"�`�I
41310mixed base notation	�V( �X�� )��( �� )�O�k
41311mixed base system	�V�X������
41312mixed based numeration system	�V(�X��)��(��)�Ʀ�t��
41313mixed chart	�V�X��
41314mixed chart options	�V�X�Ͽ��
41315mixed chart type	�V�X�ϫ���
41316mixed code	�V�X(�N)�X
41317mixed code approach	�V�X�s�X�k
41318mixed congruential method	�V�X�P�l�k
41319mixed data set	�V�X�ƾڶ�
41320mixed data structure	�V�X�ƾڵ��c	MIDAS
41321mixed density tape	�V�X�K�׺ϱa
41322mixed environment	�V�X����
41323mixed file	�V�X���
41324mixed format print data set	�V�X�榡�C�L�ƾڶ�
41325mixed hardware	�V�X�w��	MIXWARE
41326mixed integer programming	�V�X��ƳW��	MIP
41327mixed language programming	�V�X�y���{��
41328mixed language system	�V�X�y���t��	MLS
41329mixed linear programming	�V�X�u�ʳW��
41330mixed list	�V�X��
41331mixed mode	�V�X��
41332mixed mode expression	�V�X����F��
41333mixed mode tape	�V�X���ϱa
41334mixed processing on-line access	�V�X�B�I�p���s��
41335mixed radix	�V�X�ư�;�V�X���
41336mixed radix (numeration)	�V�X���Ʀr( �Ʀr )�t��
41337mixed radix notation	�V�X�ư�O�k
41338mixed storage	�V�X�x�s��
41339mixed strategy precedence grammar	�V�X�����u����k
41340mixed type	�V�X��
41341mixed-base notation	�V��O�k;�V�X��ưO�ƪk
41342mixed-base number	�V���;�V�X��Ƽ�
41343mixed-base numeration system	�V�X��ưO�ƨ�
41344mixed-based numeration system	�V�X��ưO�ƨ�
41345mixed-mode	�V�X�Ҧ�
41346mixed-mode document	�V�X�����
41347mixed-mode teletex	�V�X���q�Ǥ��
41348mixed-radix notation	�V�X�ư�O�k;�V�X��O�ƪk
41349mixed-radix notation system	�V�X��O�ƨ�
41350mixed-radix number	�V�X��Ƽ�
41351mixed-radix numeration system	�V�X��O�ƨ�
41352mixed-strategy precedence parser	�V�X�����u�����R�{��
41353mixed-type expression	�V�X����F��
41354mixer	�V�W��
41355mixing	�V�X
41356mixing network	�V�X����
41357mli plan total	���n���حp���`�p
41358mli reqmts versus forecast/customer orders	���n���ػݨD��w��/�Ȥ�q��
41359mli requirements versus forecast/orders	���n���ػݨD��w��/�q��
41360mli resource report	���n���ظ귽����
41361mli vs. forecast/customer orders	���n���ع�w��/�Ȥ�q��
41362mli vs. forecast/orders	���n���ع�w��/�q��
41363mm	�@��
41364MMDDYY	���r�Ť���ƾڦr�q���лx(��,��M�~)
41365MME	�O��M�����\	MME
41366mnemomic abbreviation	²�ٽX
41367mnemonic	�U�O��;�U�вŸ�;�U��;�U�O(��)��;�U�O�Ъ�	MNE
41368mnemonic address	�U�O��}
41369mnemonic address code	�U�O��}�X
41370mnemonic assembly language translator	�U�O�вզX�y��½Ķ��	MALT
41371mnemonic automatic programming	�U�O���۰ʵ{�dz]�p
41372mnemonic code	�U�нX;�U�O�X
41373mnemonic coding	�U�O�s�X
41374mnemonic field	�U�O�r�q
41375mnemonic instruction	�U�O���O
41376mnemonic instruction code	�U���O�X
41377mnemonic language	�U�лy��;�U�O�y��
41378mnemonic name	�U�O�W;�Y�g�W;���r�W
41379mnemonic operation code	�U�Ч@�~�X;�U�O�оާ@�X
41380mnemonic programming language	�U�O(��)�{���dz]�p�y��	MPL
41381mnemonic symbol	�U�вŸ�;�U�O�Ÿ�
41382mnemonic table	�U�O(��)�Ÿ���
41383mnemonic type	�U�O(��)��
41384mnemonic-name	�U�ЦW��
41385mnemonics	�U�O��	MN
41386mnemonis code	�U�нX
41387mnemotechnics	�U�O�N
41388MNOS memory	���ݴ��ƪ��b����O����
41389mobile automatic data experiment	����(��)�۰ʼƾڹ���(�˸m);���ʦ��۰ʼƾڹ���	MADE
41390mobile automatic programmed checkout equipment	���ʦ��۰ʵ{�����ˬd�]��	MAPCHE
41391mobile data acquisition system	���ʦ��ƾڱĶ��t��	MOBIDAC
41392mobile digital computer	���ʦ��Ʀ�p���	MOBIDLC
41393mobile digital data link	���ʦ��Ʀ�ƾ����
41394mobile network	���ʦ�����
41395mobile radio channel	���ʵL�u�q�q�D
41396mobile remote handler	���ʦ����{�B�z��	MRH
41397mobile scatter communication equipment	���ʦ����g�q�H�]��
41398mobile service satellite communication	���ʦ��~�ȽìP�q�H
41399mobile system	�y�ʨt��;�����t��
41400mobile tactical computer	���ʦ��ԳN�p���	MTC
41401mobile telephone services	���ʦ��q�ܪA��
41402mobile-to-satellite return channel	�����I-�ìP��^�q�D
41403mock-up	�ҫ�
41404mocrowave	�L�i	M/W
41405mod	��(��);�׹���
41406MOD n check	��n����
41407mod operator	�D�Һ��
41408modal analysis program	�ҺA���R�{��
41409modal data acquisition and processing system	�ҺA�ƾڱĶ��P�B�z�t��	MODAPS
41410modal length	�ҺA����
41411modal logic	�ҺA�޿�
41412mode	�A;�ҺA;��;�Ҧ�;�覡;��;��;���A;����	MD;M
41413mode address	(�u�@)�覡��}
41414mode bit	�覡��
41415mode bit vector	�覡��V�q
41416mode change character	�覡���ܦr��
41417mode condition	�覡����
41418mode control panel	�ҺA����O;�覡����O	MCP
41419mode controller	�覡���	MC
41420mode convert	�覡�ഫ
41421mode counter	�ҭp�ƾ�	MC
41422mode declaration	�覡����
41423mode field	�覡�r�q
41424mode identifier	�覡���Ѳ�;�Ҧ����Ѳ�
41425mode indication	�覡����;�Ҧ�����
41426mode indicator	�覡���ܾ�;�覡���ܲ�
41427mode instruction format	(�u�@)�覡���O�榡
41428mode name	�覡�W
41429mode of Chinese speech understanding system	����ܲz�Ѩt�μҫ�
41430mode of operation	�B��覡;�ާ@�覡
41431mode request register	�覡�ШD�Ȧs��	MRR
41432mode select	(�u�@)�覡���
41433mode selection	�ҺA���
41434mode setting command	�m�覡�R�O
41435mode specifier	�覡������
41436mode status register	�覡���A�Ȧs��	MSR
41437mode switching	�u�@���A�ഫ�}��;�覡�ഫ
41438mode table	�覡��
41439mode transducer	�覡�ǷP��	MT
41440mode-2 character	�覡2�r��
41441mode-3 character	�覡3�r��
41442model	�ҫ�;����;�Ҧ�;�˫~;�Х�;�˾�	MDL;MOD
41443model 65 multiprocessing system	65���h�D�B�z�t��	M65MP
41444model adjustment technique	�ҫ��վ�k
41445model and program	�ҫ��ε{��	MAP
41446model base	�ҫ��w
41447model block	�Ҷ�	MB
41448model building language	�ҫ��c�y�y��	MOBULA
41449model decomposition	�ҫ�����(�j�t�Ϊ�)
41450model generator	�ҫ��o�;�;�ҫ��ͦ��{��	MS
41451model language file	�Ҧ��y���ɮ�
41452model library	�ҫ��w
41453model line	�Ҧ���
41454model loop	����
41455model machine	�˾�
41456model management system	�ҫ��޲z�t��
41457model method	�ҫ��k
41458model of recursive definition	���k�w�q�ҫ�
41459model parameter	�ҫ��Ѽ�
41460model parts	�˾�����
41461model query translator	�ҫ��߰�½Ķ�{��
41462model reference system	�ѦҼҫ��t��
41463model space	�ҫ��Ŷ�
41464model statement	�ҫ��ԭz
41465model structure	�ҫ����c
41466model theory	�ҫ���
41467model(l)ing distributed database system	�������G���ƾڮw�t��
41468model(l)ing event	�����ƥ�
41469model(l)ing language	�ҫ��إ߻y��;�ҫ��ƻy��;�����y��
41470model(l)ing of data processing	�ƾڳB�z�ҫ���
41471model(l)ing of software fault tolerance strategy	�n��e����������
41472model(l)ing program(mer)	�ҫ��إߵ{��
41473model-controlled system	�ҫ�����t��	MCS
41474model-dependent logout	�ҫ������B��O��
41475MODEL204	MODEL204�ƾڮw�޲z�n��](�p��P�۰ʤƤ���)
41476modeled database	�ҫ��Ƽƾڮw
41477modeling	����;��y;�Ҥ�;����;�ҫ��إ�;�ҫ���;�ҫ�
41478modeling production management system	�����Ͳ��޲z�t��
41479modeling technique	�����޳N(�u��);�ҫ��ƪk;�����޳N
41480modem	�ƾھ�;�մ_��	M
41481modem adapter level 0	�s�Žը�ѽվ��౵��	MA0
41482modem audio loopback control	�ƾھ��n�W�j������
41483modem check control	�ƾھ��ˬd����
41484modem chip	�ƾھ����
41485modem control register	�ƾھ�����Ȧs��
41486modem conversion function	�ƾھ��ഫ�\��
41487modem data-clamp control	�ƾھ��ƾں�챱��
41488modem digital loopback control	�ƾھ��Ʀ�j������
41489modem evaluation board	�ƾھ���������O	MEB
41490modem interface unit	�ƾھ������椸;�ƾھ������]��	MIU
41491modem pool	�ƾھ��s
41492modem pooling	���μƾھ�
41493modem receive-only control	�ƾھ��u��������
41494modem status register	�ƾھ����A�Ȧs��
41495modem transfer unit	�ƾھ��ǰe�˸m	MTU
41496modem transmission rate	�ƾھ��ǿ�v
41497modem-clocked modem adapter	�ۮ����ը�ѽվ��౵��;�a�������ƾھ��౵��	MCMA
41498modem-sharing device	�ƾھ��@�γ]��	MSD
41499moder	�߽Ľs�X�˸m
41500moderately advanced data management	�������i���ƾں޲z;���ץ��i���ƾں޲z	MADM;MADAM
41501moderately-coupled system	�A�׽��X�t��
41502modern software technology	�{�N�n��޳N
41503modern-day digital computer	�{�N�Ʀ�p��
41504modern-encryption devices	�{�N�[�K�]��
41505modest capacity memory	�e�q�A�ת��O����
41506modest capacity storage	�e�q�A�ת��x�s��
41507modest-size program	���p���{��(�p��5000�i����ԭz���{��)
41508modifiability	�i�ק��
41509modifiable alternate program communication block	�i�ק諸�ƥε{�dzq�H��
41510modifiable parameter	�i�ק�Ѽ�
41511modification	�ץ�;�ק�;����;�ܧ}	MOD
41512modification address	�ק��}
41513modification by program-self	�{�Ǧۭק�
41514modification detection code	�ק�����X	MDC
41515modification field	�ץ����
41516modification level	�ץ��h��;�ק�ŧO
41517modification loop	�ܧ}��;�ƾڧ�����
41518modification program	�ץ��{��
41519modification review board	�ק��ˬd�O	MRB
41520modification transmitted memorandum	�ק�ǿ�O��	MTM
41521modified Bessel function	�ץ������뺸���
41522modified binary code	��i���G�i��N�X;�G�i��`���X
41523modified binary coded decimal	��i���G�i��s�X���Q�i���	MBCD
41524modified biquinary code	��i���G-���i��X;��i���G-���i��N�X	MBC
41525modified bit	�ק��
41526modified central computer display set	��i�������p�����ܳ]��	MCCDS
41527modified complement	�ܧθɽX
41528modified data	�ק諸�ƾ�
41529modified data tag	�ץ���ƼаO;�w�ץ���ƫ���;�ק�L���ƾڼлx	MDT
41530modified decimal number system	��i���Q�i��ƨt��	MDNS
41531modified documenter library	�ק���B�z�{�Ǯw
41532modified duobinary system	��i�����G�i��
41533modified frequency modulation	��i�����W��	MFM
41534modified frequency modulation recording	��i�����W�O��	MFM
41535modified frequency modulation system	��i�����W��
41536modified frequency modulation yecoding	�[�H�׹������W�O��
41537modified integration digital analog system	�׾�Ʀ����������	MIDAS
41538modified integration digital analogue simulation	��i���Ʀ������X��u�޳N	MIDAS
41539modified internal return rate	�ץ������Q��v
41540modified irr (mirr)	�ץ������Q��v
41541modified Miller code	��i���K�ǽX
41542modified modified frequency modulation	�G�����ܪ����W	MMFM
41543modified non-return-to-zero 1	��i���{1�ܴ����k�s��	MNRZ1
41544modified page zero addressing	�ק�s�����M�}
41545modified read	�ק�Ū�X
41546modified residue code	�ק�Ѿl�X
41547modified sandwich testing	��i�����J����(�k)
41548modified subfile record	�ק�l���O��
41549modified top-down testing	��i���۳��V�U����(�k)
41550modified user name	�w�ק諸�Τ�W
41551modified value	�ק��
41552modifier	�׹���;�׹���;�׹��X;�ק�q;�׹��y;�ܧ}��;���ܸ˸m	MOD
41553modifier area	�ק�ϰ�
41554modifier bit	�ק��
41555modifier command	�ܧ}�R�O
41556modifier data tag	�ܧ}�Ƽƾڼлx	MDT
41557modifier function bit	�ܧ}�\���
41558modifier register	�׹����Ȧs��;�ܧ}�Ȧs��
41559modify	�ק�;����;�ܧ}	MOD
41560MODIFY	�ק�ԭz
41561modify access type	�ץ��s���Φ�
41562modify address	�ק��}	MA
41563modify field	�ק�r�q	MF
41564modify field subcommand	�ץ����ƩR�O
41565modify instruction	�ק���O
41566modify page zero	�ק�s����
41567modify register	�ק�Ȧs��	MODR
41568modify sub-channel	�ק�l�q�D	MSCH
41569modify ticket	�ק��ñ
41570modula	modula�y��
41571modular	�Ҳդ�;�Ҳդƪ�;�n�즡��;�Ҫ�;�Ҽƪ�
41572modular accounting system	�Ҳդƭp�b�t��	MAS
41573modular analog computer	�Ҳզ������p���
41574modular analysis processor	�Ҳդ��R�B�z��	MAP
41575modular application customizing system	�Ҳ����Ωw��t��;�Ҳ����Χ��t��
41576modular application executive	�Ҳզ����ΰ���{��	MAX
41577modular application system	�Ҳդ����Ψt��	MAS
41578modular approach	�ҲդƳ~�|
41579modular approach to software construction operatio	�n�鵲�c�ާ@�M���ռҲժk	MASCOT
41580modular architecture	�n�쵲�c
41581modular arithmetic	�Ҳդƺ�N
41582modular automatic test equipment system	�Ҳզ��۰ʴ��ճ]�ƨt��	MATE
41583modular character	�ҲկS��
41584modular computer	�Ҳդƭp���;�Ҳզ��p���	MC;MODCOMP
41585modular computer breadboard	�Ҳդƭp�������O	MCB
41586modular computer sharing	�Ҳզ��p����@��	MCS
41587modular computer system	�Ҳդƭp����t��
41588modular concurrent program	�Ҳդƶi��{��
41589modular connector	�ҲդƳs����
41590modular construction	�n�즡���c;�Ҳյ��c
41591modular control	�Ҳձ���
41592modular converter	�Ҳդ��ഫ��
41593modular data acquisition and control subsystem	�ҲդƼƾڱĶ��P����l�t��	MODACS
41594modular data system	�ҲդƼƾڨt��	MDS
41595modular data transaction system	�զX���ƾڨưȨt��;�Ҳզ��ƾڨưȨt��	MDTS
41596modular data transaction system	�զX���ƾڨưȨt��;�ҲդƼƾڨưȨt��	MDTS
41597modular data transfer system	�զX���ƾڶǰe�t��;�Ҳզ��ƾڶǰe�t��	MDTS
41598modular design	�ҲդƳ]�p;�n�즡�]�p
41599modular equipment storage assembly	�Ҳզ��]���x�s�˸m	MESA
41600modular industrial terminal	�ҲդƤu�~�׺�	MIT
41601modular information processing equipment	�ҲդƫH���B�z�˸m	MIPE
41602modular information processor	�զX���H���B�z��;�ҲդƫH���B�z��	MIP
41603modular input output system	�Ҳդƿ�J��X�t��	MINOS
41604modular input/output system	�Ҳդƿ�J��X�t��	MIOS
41605modular intelligent terminal	�Ҳդƴ��z�׺�	MIT
41606modular inventory control system	�Ҳզ��w�s����t��	MINCOS
41607modular inventory management simulator	�Ҳծw�s�޲z������	MIMS
41608modular laboratory computer	�Ҳդƹ���ǭp���
41609modular language	�Ҳջy��
41610modular method	�Ҳժk
41611modular microcomputer	�ҲդƷL���p���
41612modular microcomputer component	�ҲդƷL�p�������
41613modular microprogram machine	�ҲդƷL�{�Ǿ�	MMM
41614modular microprogramming	�ҲդƷL�{�dz]�p
41615modular multimicroprocessor architecture	�Ҳզ��h�L�B�z�����c;�n�즡�h�L�B�z�����c
41616modular office system terminal	�Ҳդƿ줽�Ǩt�β׺�	MOST
41617modular one dynamic user system	��1�ʺA�Τ�t��	MODUS
41618modular operating procedure	�Ҳվާ@�{��	MOP
41619modular operating system	�զX���ާ@�t��;�Ҳզ��ާ@�t��	MOS
41620modular optical digital interface	�Ҳդƥ��ǼƦ줶��	MODI
41621modular organization	�Ҳյ��c
41622modular peripheral converter	�Ҳդƥ~���]���ഫ��	MPC
41623modular peripheral interface	�Ҳդƥ~���]�Ƥ���
41624modular PL/1 program	�Ҳդ�PL/1�{��
41625modular program	�ҲդƵ{��
41626modular programming	�ҲդƵ{���W��;�ҲդƵ{�dz]�p
41627modular programming system	�ҲդƵ{�dz]�p�t��
41628modular redundancy	�ҼƤ��l��;�ҲդƤ��l��	MR
41629modular self-synchronizing	�ҲզۦP�B
41630modular store control unit	�Ҳդ��x�s���	MSCU
41631modular structure microcomputer	�ҲդƵ��c�L�p���
41632modular supercomputer architecture	�Ҳդƥ�������t���c
41633modular system	�n�즡�t��;�Ҳդƨt��
41634modular system program	�Ҳդƨt�ε{��	MSP
41635modular system programs for the system/7	�t��/7���Ҳըt�ε{��	MSP/7
41636modular terminal processor	�ҲդƲ׺ݳB�z��	MTP
41637modular terminal support software package	�Ҳզ��׺ݤ䴩�n��]
41638modular timing terminal unit	�Ҳդƭp�ɲ׺ݸ˸m	MTTU
41639modular tree representation	�Ҳդƾ�Ϊ�ܪk	MTR
41640modular unit	�椸�զX����
41641modular universal terminal	�ҲդƳq�β׺�	MUT
41642modular utilities for systems-education	�t�αШ|�μҲդƹ�ε{��	MUSE
41643modularity	�Ҳթ�;�n���;�Ҳդ�;�Ҳի�
41644modularization	�Ҳդ�;�n���
41645modularized circuit	�Ҳդƹq��
41646modularized hardware	�ҲդƵw��
41647modularized program	�ҲդƵ{��
41648modulate	����;�ը�	MOD
41649modulated amplifier	�ը��j��	MA
41650modulated carrier	�w�ը���i
41651modulated continuous wave	�w�ը���i	MCW
41652modulated signal	���իH��
41653modulating and demodulating unit	�ը�ѽվ�	MOD/DEM
41654modulating and demodulating units	���ܸѽճ��	MOD/DEM
41655modulating frequency	�ը��W�v
41656modulating signal	���ܫH��;�ը�H��
41657modulating wave	�ը�i
41658modulation	����;�ը�
41659modulation code	���ܽX;�ը�X
41660modulation envelope	�ը�]���u
41661modulation factor	���ܦ]��;�ը�t��
41662modulation frequency	�����W�v
41663modulation index	���ܫ���
41664modulation mode	�ը�覡
41665modulation monitor	�ը�ʵ���
41666modulation noise	�ը��
41667modulation rate	���ܲv;�ը�t�v;�ը�v
41668modulation ratio	���ܲv
41669modulation type multiplier	�ը���k��
41670modulation with a fixed reference	�T�w�Ѧҽը�
41671modulation-demodulation	�ը�-�ѽ�	M-D
41672modulator	���ܾ�;�ը	MOD;M
41673modulator crystal	�ը��
41674modulator-demodulator	�ƾھ�;���ܸѽվ�	MODEM
41675modulator/demodulator	�ը�ѽվ�	MOD/DEMO
41676modulator/oscillator	�ը�P������	MOD/OSC
41677module	�Ҳ�; �ե� ;�x�s��( �Ϥ��x�s���� ); ����; �{�Ƕ�	MOD
41678module (programming)	�Ҳ�(�{���]�p)
41679module attribute	�Ҳ��ݩ�
41680module board	�ҲժO
41681module body	�Ҳ���
41682module check	�Ҳ��ˬd
41683module checking routine	�Ҳ��ˬd�{��
41684module complex library	�ҲսƦX�w
41685module control unit	�Ҳձ��	MCU
41686module declaration	�Ҳջ���
41687module entry point	�Ҳնi�J�I
41688module file	�Ҳդ��
41689module frame	�ҴV
41690module information	�ҲիH��
41691module interconnection language	�Ҳդ��s�y��	MIL
41692module interface	�Ҳդ���
41693module key	�Ҳ�����r
41694module library	�Ҳյ{�Ǯw
41695module loading order	�ҲոˤJ�R�O
41696module management language	�Ҳպ޲z�y��	MML
41697module name	�ҲզW
41698module name table	�ҲզW��	MNT
41699module origin	�Ҳհ_�l��m
41700module specification	�ҲճW�满��
41701module structure	�Ҳյ��c
41702module-level object	module-level object
41703moduling transform	�Ҳդ��ܴ�
41704modulization	�Ҳդ�
41705modulo	��;�Ҽ�	MOD
41706modulo 2 addition	��2�[�k
41707modulo arithmetic	�ҹB��
41708modulo check	�Ҽ�����;�Ҳ��ˬd
41709modulo counter	�ҭp�ƾ�
41710modulo N check	��N����;�P�l������
41711modulo symbol	�ҲŸ�
41712modulo-11 technique	��11�޳N
41713modulo-N	��N
41714modulo-N adder	��N�[�k��
41715modulo-N addition	��N�[�k
41716modulo-n check	��n�ֹ�
41717modulo-N check	��N �ֹ�
41718modulo-N count	��N�p��
41719modulo-n counter	��n �p�ƾ�
41720modulo-N counter	��N�p�ƾ�
41721modulo-N residue	��N���l��
41722modulo-N sum	��N�M
41723modulo-n-residue	��n�ݼ�
41724modulo-nine's checking	��9����
41725modulo-three counter	��3�p�ƾ�
41726modulo-two adder	���G�[��
41727modulo-two sum	"��"�B��
41728modulo-two sum gate	���G�M�h
41729modulor application system training	�Ҳ����Ψt�ΰV�m
41730modulus	�Ҽ�;��;�t��;�Ҷq
41731modulus 10 checking/modulus 11 checking	��10�P��11����
41732modulus operator	�ҹB���
41733modulus selection	�Ҽƿ��
41734Mogill university system for interactive computing	���N���j�ǥ椬�p��t��	MUSIC
41735Mohawk data language	���N�J�ƾڻy��	MDL
41736Mohawk data sciences corp.	���N�J�ƾڬ�Ǥ��q	MDS
41737Mohawk synchronous communications	���N�J�P�B�q�H	MSC
41738Mohawk's business-oriented language	���N�J�ӥλy��	MOBOL
41739moisture	���;�ū�;����
41740moisture-proof	����
41741mojor control cycles	�j����g��
41742molccular beam epitaxy	���l���~��	MBE
41743mole-electronics	���l�q�l��
41744molectronics	���l�q�l��
41745molecular	distillation	���l�]�H
41746molecular bonding	���l�k��
41747molecular circuit	���l�q��
41748molecular electronics	���l�q�l��
41749molecular integrated circuit	���l�n��q��
41750molecularized digital computer	���l�ƼƦ�p���	MOLE COM
41751molecule model program	���l�ҫ��{��	MMP
41752molybdenum	�	MO
41753molybdenum permalloy	໩Y���X��
41754moment	�x;�O�x;�ϯx	M
41755moment method	�O�x�k
41756moment of inertia	�D�ʯx
41757moment problem	�x�q���D
41758momentary connection(s)	���ɱ��q
41759momentary contact	������IJ	MC
41760momentary position	���ɦ�m
41761momentary pushbutton switch	IJ�s�}��	MPS
41762momentum	�ʶq
41763monad	�@��
41764monadic	�@����
41765monadic Boolean operation	�@�����L�B��;�@�إ��L�B��
41766monadic boolean operator	�椸���չB��l
41767monadic Boolean operator	�@�����L�B���
41768monadic indicant	�@�����ܲ�
41769monadic indication	�@������
41770monadic instruction	�椸���O
41771monadic operand	�@���B���H;�@���ާ@��
41772monadic operation	�涵�B��;�椸�B��;�@�عB��;�@���B��;��Ⱦާ@
41773monadic operator	�@��(�B)���;�@�غ�l
41774monadic [dyadic] operation	�涵�B���[�ⶵ�B��r]
41775money	money�{��
41776money transfer system	�f���קI�t��;�f���༷�t��;�f���L��t��	MTS
41777mongen	mongen�{��
41778mongen time	mongen�ɶ�
41779monitor	�ʵ���; �ʵ��{��; �ʷ�; ��ܾ�; �ʹ	MNTR;MON
41780monitor address	�ʵ��a�}	MA
41781monitor algorithm	�ʷ��{�Ǻ�k
41782monitor and control	�ʱ�	MAC
41783monitor and control protocol	�ʱ���q
41784monitor and control sublayer	�ʱ��l�h
41785monitor bit	�ʵ��줸
41786monitor call	�ʵ��{���I�s;�ʷ��{�ǽե�	MC
41787monitor call instruction	�ʷ��{�ǽեΫ��O	MC
41788monitor call intercept facility	�ʵ��{���I�s�I�_���@�{��
41789monitor command	�ʵ��{���R�O;�ʷ��R�O
41790monitor command description	�ʷ��R�O�y�z
41791monitor command mode	�ʵ��{���R�O�Ҧ�
41792monitor console	�ʵ��{������x;�ʱ��x
41793monitor console routine	�ʵ��{������x�`��;�ʵ�����x�`��;�ʵ��x�Ҧ�{��	MCR
41794monitor console routine dispactcher	�ʱ��x�Ҧ�{�Ǥ��t�{��	MCD
41795monitor console routine dispatcher	�ʱ��x�Ҧ�{�ǽի׵{��	MCRD
41796monitor control	�ʷ��{�DZ���
41797monitor control dump	�ʷ��{�DZ������x
41798monitor control language	��(��)��(��)�y��;�ʷ��{�DZ���y��	MCL
41799monitor controller	�ʷ��{�DZ��
41800monitor data base	�ʷ��ƾڮw
41801monitor data equipment	�ʵ����ƾڳ]��	MODE
41802monitor desk	�ʵ��x
41803monitor display	�ʷ����
41804monitor display support	�ʱ���ܤ䴩
41805monitor error message	�ʷ����~�H��
41806monitor event simulation system	�ʱ��ƥ�����t��	MESS
41807monitor fixed-offset area	�ʷ��{�ǩT�w������
41808monitor generator	�ʷ��{�ǥͦ��{��	MONGEN
41809monitor group	�ʱ��s
41810monitor I/O queue	�ʷ���J��X��C
41811monitor incoming job	�ʷ���J�@�~
41812monitor instruction	�ʷ����O
41813monitor interrupt	�ʷ����_
41814monitor location	�ʷ�(�{��)�x�s��
41815monitor message	�ʱ��H��
41816monitor mode	�ʱ��覡
41817monitor operating system	�ʷ��ާ@�t��
41818monitor operation	�ʷ��ާ@
41819monitor out	�ʱ���X
41820monitor out of service	�D�A�Ⱥʵ���	MONOS
41821monitor output	�ʱ�����X	MO
41822monitor overlay	�ʱ��{���л\
41823monitor printer	�ʹ�L�r��;�ʵ����C�L��;�ʱ��C�L��	MP
41824monitor procedure	�ʷ��L�{
41825monitor program	�ʹ�{��;�ʷ��{��;�ʱ��{��
41826monitor routine	�ʹ�`��;�ʷ��Ҧ�{��;�ʷ��{��
41827monitor scheduler	�ʷ��ի׵{��
41828monitor signal	�ʱ��H��
41829monitor stack area	�ʷ��{�ǰ��|��
41830monitor state	�ʷ����A
41831monitor station reports	��ť�����i��	MOREPS
41832monitor swapping characteristic	�ʷ��{�ǥ洫�S��
41833monitor system	�ʹ�t��;�ʷ��t��
41834monitor task	�ʷ�����
41835monitor terminal	�ʱ��׺�
41836monitor unit	�ʹ���;�ʵ���;�ʹ;�ʱ��]��	MU
41837monitor working area	�ʱ��{�Ǥu�@��
41838monitor/control panel	�ʷ�����O
41839monitored automatic control system	�۰ʺʷ�����t��
41840monitored command code	�ʱ����O�X	MCC
41841monitored control system	�ʱ��t��
41842monitored instruction	�ʱ�(��)���O
41843monitored local job	�ʵ����a�@�~
41844monitored mode	�ʷ����A
41845monitoring	�ʵ�;�ʱ�;�ʷ�
41846monitoring and control station	�ʱ���	MACS
41847monitoring command	�ʱ��R�O
41848monitoring data	�ʴ����
41849monitoring device	�ʵ��˸m
41850monitoring dynamic process	�ʵ��ʺA�L�{
41851monitoring environment	�ʷ�����
41852monitoring facilities	�ʴ��]��;�ʴ��{��
41853monitoring identification and correlation	�ʱ��ѧO�P���p	MIC
41854monitoring information	�ʱ��H��
41855monitoring key	�ʵ���;��ť��
41856monitoring process	�ʵ��{��
41857monitoring program	�ʷ��{��;�ʱ��{��
41858monitoring system microprocessor	�ʷ��t�Ϊ��L�B�z��
41859mono chromt	���
41860mono graphics adapter	���ϧΤ����d	MGA
41861mono-processor configuration	��B�z�����c;��B�z���t�m
41862mono-spacing	��զr
41863monoboard computer	��O�p���
41864monobrids	����V�X�L�q��
41865monobrids construction	����V�X�L�q�����c
41866monochromatic signal	���H��
41867monochrome	���
41868monochrome console	��ⱱ��x
41869monochrome display	������
41870monochrome graphics	���ϧ�
41871monochrome image	���϶H
41872monochromt display	�����ܾ�
41873monocode	��N�X
41874monocrystalline silicon	�洹ֺ
41875monofile monovolume	������
41876monofile multivolume	����h��
41877monolithic	���;�����;�����
41878monolithic A/D converter	�����(��)-��(�r)�ഫ��
41879monolithic array computer	����}�C�p���
41880monolithic array logic	�椸�}�C�޿�	MAL
41881monolithic chip	������
41882monolithic circuit structure	��q�����c
41883monolithic computing system	����p��t��
41884monolithic D/A converter	�����-���ഫ��
41885monolithic D/A interface	�������(�r)-��(��)����
41886monolithic design automation	����]�p�۰ʤ�	MDA
41887monolithic element	����ե�
41888monolithic head	����(���c)���Y;������Y
41889monolithic hybrid circuit	����V�X�q��
41890monolithic IC	��ۿn��q��
41891monolithic integrated circuit	��ۿn��q��;������n��q��;����n��q��	MIC
41892monolithic integrated-circuit	��ۿn��q��
41893monolithic main memory	����D�O����	MMM
41894monolithic memory	����O����
41895monolithic microcomputer	����L�p���
41896monolithic microwave integrated circuits	�洹�L�i�n��q��	MMIC
41897monolithic module	����ե�
41898monolithic processor	����B�z��	MP
41899monolithic processors	����B�z��	MPS
41900monolithic storage	����x�s��
41901monolithic substrate	���	��;���	��
41902monolithic system technology	����t�Χ޳N
41903monolithic systems technology	����t�Χ޳N	MST
41904monolithic technology	����޳N
41905monolithic-extending hybrids	�X�i����q�����V�X�L�q��
41906monophase microinstruction	��B�L���O
41907monoprocessor	��B�z��
41908monoprogrammed	��D�{�Ǫ�
41909monosemantic	��q��
41910monospace characters	���r��
41911monospacing	��Ů�޳N
41912monostability	��í�A
41913monostable	��w�A;���
41914monostable (trigger) circuit	��í�A( IJ�o )���A
41915monostable circuit	��í�A�q��;��w�A�q��;��í�q��
41916monostable flip-flop	��íIJ�o��
41917monostable multivbrator	��w�A�Ʈ���
41918monostable multivibrator	��í�A�h��������	MSMV
41919monostable trigger	��w�AIJ�o��;��í�AIJ�o��
41920monostable trigger circuit	��í�AIJ�o�q��;��íIJ�o�q��
41921monotone	���
41922monotone context-sensitive syntax	��դW�U�妳���y�k
41923monotone data-flow problem	��ռƾڬy���D
41924monotone restriction	��խ���
41925monotonic boolean function	��ե��L���	MBF
41926monotonic Boolean function	��ե��L���	MBF
41927monotonic function	��ը��
41928monotonic operation	��չB��
41929Monrobot automatic internal diagnosis	��ù�B�S�۰ʤ����E�_�{��	MAID
41930monte carlo method	�X�a�dù�k
41931monte carlo simulation	���a�dù�����k
41932Monte-careo method	�X�S�dù�k	MCM
41933Monte-Carlo method	�X�S�d���k;�έp����k
41934Monte-Carlo simulation	�X�S�d������
41935month to date	����ܤ���;���;����	MTD
41936month-end inventory stock status	�륽�w�s�s�q���A
41937monthly activity file	�묡����
41938monthly close	�뵲
41939monthly maintenance charge	����׶O��	MMC
41940monthly rental charge	�믲��O��	MRC
41941monthly statement	���
41942monthly tax report	��|�ȳ���
41943moon rocks program	��(�G)��(��)�{��
41944moore code	�����X
41945Moore constant ratio code	�����w��X
41946Moore machine	������
41947Moore school automatic computer	�����ǰ|�۰ʭp���	MSAC
41948MOP	���׾ާ@��w	MOP
41949more items	�t��
41950more keys	��l��
41951MORE screen status	MORE�̹����A
41952morpheme	�y��
41953morphic function	�κA���
41954morphism	�P��
41955morphology	�y����
41956Morse automatic decoder	�������۰�Ķ�X��	MAUDE
41957morse code	���h�X
41958Morse code	�������X
41959Morse code signal	�������X�H��
41960Morse duplex	���������u��
41961Morse key	��������
41962Morse operation	�������ާ@
41963Morse printer	�������C�L��
41964Morse recorder	�������O����
41965Morse simplex	��������u��
41966MOS dynamic random access memory	MOS�ʺA�H���s���O����
41967mos transistor	����b�q����	MOS T
41968mosaic	����;���r�żv��;�^�O
41969mosaic character set	�^�O�r�Ŷ�
41970mosaic mapping	�^�O���H
41971mosaic printer	�I���C�L��;�x�}���C�L��
41972mosaic printing	�I�C�L;�x�}���C�L
41973mosaic set	���϶�
41974mosaic structure	�^�O���c
41975mosfet	����b���Ĺq����
41976MOSFET shift register cell	��(��)��(�ƪ�)�b�������������޲���Ȧs���椸
41977most probable distribution	�̤j�i����G
41978most signifcant digit	�̤j���ļƦ�
41979most significant	�̰�����;�̰�����(��)	MS;MSIG
41980most significant bit	�̰����ļƤ�;�̰����Ħ�	MSB
41981most significant character	�̰���r��;�̰����Ħr��;�̰����Ħr��	MSC
41982most significant digit	�̤j���ļƦ�;�̤j���Ħ�;�̰����ļƦ�;�̰���;�̰����Ħ�	MSD
41983most significant package	�̤j���ĵ{�ǥ]
41984most-closely-nested rule	�̪�O�M�W�h
41985most-frequently-used index	�̱`�ϥΪ�����
41986MOTEL bus	MOTEL�׬y��
41987mother block	�D�{�Ǭq
41988mother board	������;���O
41989mother study	��k��s
41990mother unit	�D����;�D�椸
41991mother-board hybrids	���O���V�X�q��
41992motherboard	��O
41993motion control	�B�౱��;�ǰʱ���
41994motion picture	�ʵe
41995motion register	(�ϱa)�B��Ȧs��
41996motor	�q�ʾ�;���F	MOT
41997motor advance	���F�e�i;���F����
41998motor check	���F�ˬd
41999motor check light	���F�ˬd���ܿO
42000motor connector	���F���Y;�q���s��	MC
42001motor drive	���F�X��
42002motor generator	�q�ʵo�ʾ�;�q�ʾ�-�o�ʾ�(��);�q�ʵo�ʾ���	M-G;MG
42003motor on-off switch	���F�Ұ��}��
42004motor-on signal	���F�Ұʱ��q�H��
42005Motorola active interface diagnosis	����ù�Ԧ��Ĥ����E�_�{��	MAID
42006Motorola automatic sequential computer operated te	����ù��(���q)�۰ʶ��ǭp����ާ@������	MASCOT
42007Motorola disc operating system	����ù�ԺϺоާ@�t��	MDOS
42008Motorola disk operating system	����ù�ԺϺоާ@�t��	MDOS
42009Motorola kit expansion products	����ù��(�L����)���M���X�i���~(�t��)	MOKEP
42010Motorola memory system	����ù�԰O����t��	MMS
42011Motorola processing unit	����ù�ԳB�z�]��	MPU
42012mount	�[�];���;�˰t;�w��;�˰t�x
42013mount (tape)	��(�W)
42014mount a device	�[�]�˸m
42015mount a volumn	�[�]�Ϩ�
42016mount attribute	�w���ݩ�
42017mount count	�[�]�p��
42018mount message	�w�˫H��
42019mount;dismount	�[�];����
42020mountain system digital automatic computer	���s�t�Φ۰ʼƦ�p���	MODAC
42021mounted media	�˸����C��
42022mounted volume table address	�w�ˤ�����}
42023mounting a file structure	�[�]�@�ɮ׵��c
42024mounting thread	�˸�����
42025mouse	�ƹ�;��б��;���о�;��б��;(����)�w�쾹
42026mouse technology	�ƹ��w��޳N
42027mouth	�f
42028movable computer	�i���ʭp���
42029movable control	�i�ʱ���
42030movable head disk	�����Y�Ϻ�
42031movable heads	����(��)�Y
42032movable random access memory	�i�ʦ��H���s���O����
42033movable termination	�i���ʲ׺�
42034movable-head disc	�i���Y�Ϻ�	MHD
42035move	�h��;����
42036move after	�Ჾ
42037move before	�e��
42038move character substring	�ǰe�r�Ťl��
42039move character to primary	�ǰe�r�Ũ�@���x�s��	MVCP
42040move character to secondary	�ǰe�r�Ũ�G���x�s��	MVCS
42041move command	�ǰe�R�O
42042move immediate	�ߧY�ƶǰe(���O)	MVI
42043move immediate memory	�ߧY�ưe�J�O����(���O)	MVIM
42044move instruction	���ʫ��O;�ƾڶǰe���O;�ǰe���O	MOV;MVC
42045move inverse	�f�ǰe(���O)
42046move lines command	���ʦr��R�O
42047move long (instruction)	���ǰe(���O)	MVL
42048move mode	���ʼҦ�;���ʼ�(�A);�ǰe�覡
42049move parameter	���ʰѼ�
42050move place	�ǰe�a�I
42051MOVE statement	�ǰe�ԭz
42052move time	�h�B�ɶ�
42053move time in days	�h�B���
42054move to operation/location from	�h�B�ܧ@�~/��m���
42055move transaction	�h�B����
42056move transaction form	�h�B���ʪ��
42057moveable target image processor	(�i)�ʥؼйϹ��B�z��
42058movement	����;�ǰe
42059movement command	�ǰe�R�O
42060movement controller	�ǰʱ��
42061moving arm disk	�����u�Ϻ�;�����Y�Ϻ�
42062moving average	�첾������
42063moving average filter	�ưʥ����o�i��
42064moving cursor	���ʴ��
42065moving head	���ʺ��Y;����(��)���Y;�i�����Y
42066moving head disk	�����Y�Ϻ�
42067moving map display	���ʹϧ���ܾ�	MMD
42068moving seasonal ratio	���ʩʩu�`���
42069moving type box printer	���ʦr�����C�L��
42070moving-arm	�����u
42071moving-domain memory	����å�O����
42072MPS extended methods improvement program	�X�R���ƾdzW���t�Τ�k��i�{��	MPSX/MIP
42073MPX-controlled device	MPX����˸m
42074MPXable device	�i��MPX�˸m
42075MRN	�̤j�O���ƥ�
42076mrp assistance menu	MRP���U�e��
42077mrp planning exception code	MRP�W���ҥ~�X
42078mru	�̤jRU��
42079MS-DOS	microsoft�ϺЧ@�~�t��
42080MSB	�̰��줸	MSB
42081MSD	�̤j���ļƦ�	MSD
42083msr	�ϱ�Ū���˸m
42084MTAACP	�ϱa�b�U����{��	MTAACP
42085Muirhead facsimile copier equipment	�̺��¼w�ǯu�϶H�]��	MUFAX
42086MULT	���k���O
42087multi access on-line programming	�h���s���s�u�{���]�p	MOP
42088multi bus	�h���׬y��
42089multi mode	�h���Ҧ�
42090multi parts	�h�p��
42091multi station control unit	�h�����	MSCU
42092multi way branch	�h���ಾ
42093multi-access	�h���s��;�h���X��
42094multi-access computer	�h���s���p���	MAC
42095multi-access computing	�h���s���p��
42096multi-access computing background job	�h���s���p���x�@�~
42097multi-access computing mode	�h���s���p��覡
42098multi-access computing subsystem	�h���s���p��l�t��
42099multi-access data service	�h���s���ƾڪA��	MADS
42100multi-access method	�h���s����k
42101multi-access operating system	�h���s���ާ@�t��
42102multi-access retrieval system	�h���s���˯��t��
42103multi-access spool	�h���s��������t��	MAS
42104multi-access system	�h���s���t��
42105multi-access systems control terminal	�h���s���t�α���׺�	MASCOT
42106multi-accumulator computer	�h�֥[���p���
42107multi-action computer	�h�@�έp���	MAC
42108multi-address	�h�};�h��}
42109multi-address (order) code	�h��}���O�X
42110multi-address calling	�h��}�I�s
42111multi-address calling facility	�h��}�I�s�˸m
42112multi-address communication	�h��}�q�H
42113multi-address computer	�h��}�p���
42114multi-address instruction	�h�}���O;�h��}���O
42115multi-address instruction code	�h��}���O�X
42116multi-address message	�h�}�T��;�h��}�H��;�h��}����
42117multi-alternative stage	�h��������q
42118multi-analysis	�h������R
42119multi-aperture core	�h�պϤ�
42120multi-application computer	�h�γ~�p���	MAC
42121multi-applications computer	�h�γ~�p���	MACOM
42122multi-area file	�h���ϰ��ɮ�
42123multi-array surveillance processing	�h�}�C�ʵ��B�z
42124multi-aspect	�h�譱
42125multi-aspect relevance linkage information system	�h�譱�����쵲��T�t��	MARLIS
42126multi-associative processor	�h���p�B�z��
42127multi-attribute	�h�ݩ�
42128multi-block count	�h�q�p��
42129multi-block write	�h�r�ռg�J
42130multi-bus	�h�׬y��
42131multi-channel	�h�q�D;�h�q�D	MTCH
42132multi-channel analog to digital data encoder	�h�q�D����Ʀ��ƽs�X��	MADE
42133multi-channel communication center	�h�q�D�q�H����	MCC
42134multi-channel communication program	�h�q�D�q�H�{��
42135multi-channel communication system	�h�q�D�q�H�t��	MCS
42136multi-channel communications support	�h�q�D�q�H���;�h�q�D�q�H�䴩	MCS
42137multi-channel data recorder	�h�q�D�ƾڰO����	MDR
42138multi-channel receiver	�h�q�D������	MCR
42139multi-channel source system	�h�q�D���t��	MCSS
42140multi-class discrimination classification	�h�ŧP�O����
42141multi-class network	�h�ź���
42142multi-computer	�h���p���
42143multi-computing unit	�h���p����
42144multi-copy time-sharing capability	�h���ƻs���ɯ�O
42145multi-criteria access	�h�P�ڳX��
42146multi-criteria basis	�h�P�ڰ�
42147multi-cycle feeding	�h�g���X�e
42148multi-destination teleprinter system	�h��}�q�ǥ��r���q�H�t��
42149multi-dimensional access	�h���s��	MDA
42150multi-dimensional access memory	�h���s���O����	MDAM
42151multi-dimensional analysis	�h�����R	MDA
42152multi-dimensional array	�h���Ʋ�	MDA
42153multi-dimensional support	�h�����(�t��)
42154multi-element control system	�h�椸����t��
42155multi-element radiometer system	�h����T�g�p�t��	MERS
42156multi-environment system	�h���Ҩt��
42157multi-event	�h�Өƥ�
42158multi-exit loop	�h�X�f�j��
42159multi-failsafe timer	�h�O�I�w�ɾ�
42160multi-file	�h���
42161multi-file reel	�h���ϱa��
42162multi-file search	�h���j��
42163multi-file sorting	�h���Ƨ�
42164multi-file system standard format tape	�h���t�μзǮ榡�a
42165multi-file volume	�h���ϱa��
42166multi-frame	�h�V
42167multi-frame alignment signal	�h�V�w��H��
42168multi-frame structure	�h�V���c
42169multi-frequency code signaling	�h�W�s�X�H���ǿ�	MFC
42170multi-frequency sender	���W�o�e��	MFS
42171multi-function tape unit	�h�\��ϱa��	MFTU
42172multi-functional integrated circuit	�h�\��n��q��
42173multi-graph	�h�ϧ�
42174multi-head truing machine	�h�Y���L��
42175multi-host concept	�h�D������
42176multi-host configuration	�h�D���˸m
42177multi-host mode	�h�D���Ҧ�
42178multi-host network	�h�D������
42179multi-image	�h�Ϲ�
42180multi-image file	�h�϶H���
42181multi-input public address system	�h����J�@��}�t��	MIPAS
42182multi-input system	�h����J�t��
42183multi-instruction signal-data stream system	�h���O�H���ƾڬy�t��
42184multi-interpreter system	�h�������t��
42185multi-job	�h�D�@�~
42186multi-job operation	�h�@�~�ާ@
42187multi-job scheduling	�h�@�~�ի�
42188multi-jobbing	�h�@�~�ާ@
42189multi-language system	�h�y���t��	MLS
42190multi-layer logic	�h�h�޿�q��
42191multi-layer printed circuit	�h�h�L��q��	MLPC
42192multi-layer printed circuit board	�h�h�L��q���O	MLPCB
42193multi-layer process control	�h�h���L�{����;�h�h���i�{����
42194multi-leaving	�h�I�ǰe(�W�{)
42195multi-leaving remote job entry	�h�I�ǰe���{�@�~��J(�k)
42196multi-leaving support	�h�I�ǰe���
42197multi-leaving telecommunications access method	�h�I�ǰe���{�q�H�s����k	MTAM
42198multi-length number	�h������
42199multi-length working	�h�����u�@;�h�����u�@�椸
42200multi-level address	�h����};�h�Ŧ�}
42201multi-level addressing	�h���w�};�h�Žs�};�h�ŴM�}
42202multi-level algorithm	�h�ź�k
42203multi-level control system	�h�ű���t��
42204multi-level hierarchical approach	�h�żh�����c�k
42205multi-level hierarchy	�h�żh�����c
42206multi-level interrupt	�h�����_;�h�Ť��_
42207multi-level logical circuit	�h���޿�q��
42208multi-level machine	�h����
42209multi-level modulation	�h�Žը�
42210multi-level multi-access	�h�Ŧh���s��	MLMA
42211multi-level paging hierarchy	�h�Ť����h�����c
42212multi-level pipelining	�h�Ŭy���u�@�~
42213multi-level procedure	�h�ŵ{��	MLP
42214multi-level random-access memory	�h���H���s���O����
42215multi-level report	�h�ų���
42216multi-level security	�h�Ŧw���O�@
42217multi-level security classification	�h�Ŧw������
42218multi-level security proof	�h�Ŧw���ҩ�
42219multi-level signal element	�h�ūH���椸
42220multi-level storage	�h���x�s��
42221multi-level storage hierarchy	�h���x�s�h�����c
42222multi-level storage machine	�h���x�s��
42223multi-level subroutine	�h�Ťl�{��
42224multi-line control	�h�u������(��)
42225multi-lingual operating system	�h�y���ާ@�t��
42226multi-lingual processing	�h�y���B�z
42227multi-lingual processor	�h�y���B�z��;�h�y���B�z��
42228multi-linked list	�h���C
42229multi-list	�h��
42230multi-list file	�h����C��
42231multi-list options	�h���C�L���
42232multi-list organization	�h����C��´
42233multi-list processor	�h�D�{�dzB�z��;�h��B�z��
42234multi-lobe printer	�h��C�L��
42235multi-logic data store	�h�޿�ƾ��x�s��
42236multi-loop network system	�h�������t��
42237multi-machine	�h��
42238multi-machine computer center	�h���p�������
42239multi-machine library	�h���{�Ǯw
42240multi-man-machine system	�h�H���t��
42241multi-media communication	�h�C��q�T
42242multi-microprocessor	�h���L�B�z��;�h�L�B�z��	MMP
42243multi-microprocessor computer system	�h�L�B�z���p����t��
42244multi-microprocessor operating system	�h�L�B�z���ާ@�t��
42245multi-microprogrammed processor	�h�D�L�{�dzB�z��
42246multi-minicomputer	�h�p���p���
42247multi-miniprocessor	�h�p���B�z��
42248multi-miniprocessor network	�h�p���B�z������
42249multi-mode	�h��(�A);�h�覡
42250multi-mode latch buffer	�h��(�A)��s�w�ľ�
42251multi-mode operation	�h�覡�ާ@
42252multi-modular storage	�h�Ҳ��x�s��	MMS
42253multi-module access unit	�h�Ҳզs������;�h�ҲճX�ݳ���
42254multi-monitor system	�h�ʵ����t��
42255multi-multipoint configuration	�Ʀ��h�I���c;�Ʀ��h�I�t�m
42256multi-order	�h���q��
42257multi-order reference	�h���q��Ѧ�
42258multi-order reference code	�h���q��ѦҽX
42259multi-parameter regulation	�h�Ѽƽո`
42260multi-part subscriber's line	�Τ�X�νu��	MPSSL
42261multi-pass algorithm	�h�M(���y)��k
42262multi-pass compiler	�h�M(���y)�sĶ�{��
42263multi-pass debugging	�h�M����
42264multi-pass translation	(�{�Ǫ�)�h�M½Ķ
42265multi-path	�h��(�|)
42266multi-path algorithm	�h����k
42267multi-path branch	�h���ಾ
42268multi-path interference	�h���z�Z
42269multi-phase shift keying	�h�۲��䱱
42270multi-process controller	�h���B�z���	MPC
42271multi-processing control system	�h���B�z����t��	MPCS
42272multi-processor	�h���B�z��
42273multi-processor computer	�h�B�z���p���	MPC
42274multi-processor computer complex	�h�B�z���p����ƦX�t��;�h�B�z���p����ƦX�t��	MPCC
42275multi-processor mode	�h�B�z���覡	MPM
42276multi-program	�h�D�{��
42277multi-program control	�h�D�{������	MPC
42278multi-programming	�h�{��
42279multi-programming monitor control program	�h�D�{���]�p�ʷ��{�Ǫ�����{��	MP/M
42280multi-programming system	�h�D�{��(�]�p)�t��
42281multi-protocol adapter	�h��w�t����
42282multi-purpose communications and signaling	�h��(�~)�q�H�P�H���]��	MCS
42283multi-purpose computer	�h�γ~�p���	MPC
42284multi-purpose programming language	�h�γ~�{���]�p�y��	MPPL
42285multi-read, single write	�hŪ,��g	MRSW
42286multi-reel labelled file	�h���ϱa���и����
42287multi-reel unlabelled file	�h���ϱa�L�и����
42288multi-region operation	�h�ϰ�B��;�h�ϰ�ާ@	MRO
42289multi-requester	�h���ШD��
42290multi-segment index	�h���q����
42291multi-segment program	�h�q�{��
42292multi-segment structure	�h(�{��)�q���c
42293multi-segment type	�h(�{��)�q����
42294multi-sensor display	�h�ǷP��ܾ�	MSD
42295multi-sensor display group	�h�ǷP��ܾ��s	MSDG
42296multi-session	�h�h��w
42297multi-specification source map	�h�W�d����
42298multi-statement line	�h�ԭz��
42299multi-station configuration	�h���պA
42300multi-step control	�h�B����
42301multi-stream batch processing	�h�y����B�z
42302multi-subscriber time shared (computer system)	�h�����(�p����t��)	MSTS
42303multi-substitution cipher	�h���N���K�X;�h���m���K�X
42304multi-system automatic test equipment	�h�t�Φ۰ʴ��ճ]��	MATE
42305multi-tape transmission	�h�a�ǿ�
42306multi-task	�h(��)����
42307multi-tasking	�h���u�@��;�h�u;�h������;�h���u�@
42308multi-tasking real time I/O bound process	�h���ȧY�ɿ�J��X����B�z�L�{
42309multi-terminal	�h�ݾ�;�h�׺�;�h���I	MT
42310multi-terminal access and transfer equipment	�h�׺ݦs���M�ǰe�]��	MATE
42311multi-terminal network	�h�׺ݺ���
42312multi-tone transmission system	�h���ǿ�t��
42313multi-track error	�h�ϹD���~;�h(��)�D���~	MTE
42314multi-track function	�h�D�\��
42315multi-track head	�h�y�Y
42316multi-track operation	�h�ϹD�ާ@
42317multi-track tape	�h�ϹD�ϱa
42318multi-track tape unit	�h�ϹD�ϱa��
42319multi-unit addressing	�h�x�]�ƴM�}	MUA
42320multi-unit call	�h���I�s
42321multi-unit message	�h�椸�H��;�h������
42322multi-unit supervisory control	�h�x�]�ƺ޲z����	MUSC
42323multi-use	�h�γ~
42324multi-use chaining channel	�h�γ~�즡�q�D
42325multi-use mnemonics	�h�ΧU�O��	MUM
42326multi-user	�h�ϥΪ�;�h���Τ�;�h�Τ�
42327multi-user BASIC	�h��BASIC�y��
42328multi-user data base management system	�h�Τ�ƾڮw�޲z�t��
42329multi-user data flow architecture	�h�Τ�ƾڬy�{���c
42330multi-user environment	�h������
42331multi-user multi-task	�h��h����	MU/MT
42332multi-user operating system	�h�Τ�ާ@�t��
42333multi-user operation	�h�Τ�ާ@;�h�Τ�B��
42334multi-user symbolic debugger	�h�Τ�Ÿ������{��
42335multi-value oprand	�h�ȹB�⤸
42336multi-variable programming	�h�ܼƵ{���]�p	MVP
42337multi-variant counter	�h�ܼƭp�ƾ�	MVC
42338multi-vector device	�h�V�q�]��
42339multi-vector device handler	�h�V�q�]�ƳB�z�{��
42340multi-volume	�h����
42341multi-volume multi-file	�h���h���
42342multi-window	�h���f
42343multi-window object oriented system	���V�h���f�ؼШt��
42344multi-windowing	�h���f�޳N
42345multiaccess	�h�s��
42346multiaccess airline agent reservation system	�h�J�f�����w�q�t��	MAARS
42347multiaccess channel	�h���s���q�D
42348multiaccess computer	�h���s���p���	MAC
42349multiaccess computer switching	�h���X�ݭp����洫
42350multiaccess protocol	�h���s����w
42351multiaccess real-time operating system	�h���s���Y�ɾާ@�t��	MARTOS
42352multiaddress instruction	�h����}���O
42353multiaperture logic element	�h���޿褸��	MALE
42354multiapplication monitor	�h�κʵ���;�h�κʷ��{��;�h�γ~�ʵ���;�h�γ~�ʷ��{��	MAM
42355multiarchitecture computer	�h�����c�p���
42356multiarchitecture machine	�h��t���c(�p��)��
42357multiaspect indexing	�h�H���սs�تk;�h�Φ�����
42358multiattribute data	�h�ݩʼƾ�
42359multiband chmera	�h�W�a�۾�
42360multibank parallel memory	�h�饭��O����
42361multibanking system	�h(�x�s)��t��
42362multibatch processing	�h��B�z
42363multibit latching	�h����s
42364multibit shift	�h�첾��
42365multibranch	�h����;�h���ಾ;�h�䧽
42366multibus	�h���׬y��
42367multibus compatible	�h���׬y�Ƭۮe��
42368multibus compatible colour graphic system	�h���׬y�ƭݮe�m��ϧΨt��
42369multibus control	�h���׬y�Ʊ���
42370multibus module	�h���׬y�ƼҲ�
42371multibus multiprocessor	�h���׬y�Ʀh�B�z��
42372multibus network	�h���׬y�ƺ���
42373multibus processor	�h���׬y�ƳB�z��
42374multibyte	�h�r�`
42375multibyte subtraction	�h�r�`��k
42376multicast	�s��
42377multicast addressing	�h����g�a�}
42378multicast group address	�h����g�զa�}
42379multicategory system	�h�d�w�t��
42380multichannel	�h�q�D;�h�q�D
42381multichannel access	�h�q�D�s��
42382multichannel adapter	�h�q�D�౵��
42383multichannel analog-to-digital data encoder	�h���Ҽ��ഫ�ƾڽs�X��	MADE
42384multichannel analysis	�h�q�D���R
42385multichannel carrier	�h�����i
42386multichannel coincidence system	�h�q�D���X�t��
42387multichannel communication	�h�q�D�q�H
42388multichannel communication program	�h���q�H�{��	MCP
42389multichannel communication support	�h�q�D�q�H�䴩	MCS
42390multichannel communication system	�h�q�D�q�H�t��	MCS
42391multichannel communications controller	�h���q�H���	MCC
42392multichannel cycle stealing	�h�q�D�g������
42393multichannel data register	�h�q�D�ƾڼȦs��	MDR
42394multichannel disk	�h�q�D�Ϻ�
42395multichannel error correction	�h�q�D���~�ե�
42396multichannel interface controller	�h�q�D�������	MCIC
42397multichannel magnetic tape	�h�D�ϱa
42398multichannel memory system	�h�q�D�x�s�t��	MCMS
42399multichannel multiplexing	�h�q�D�ഫ
42400multichannel multiplier	�h�q�D���k��
42401multichannel recorder	�h�D�O����
42402multichannel recording head	�h�D�O���Y
42403multichip	�h����;�h��(��)
42404multichip circuit	�h���q��	MCC
42405multichip integrated circuit	�h���n��q��
42406multichip large scale integrated microcomputer	�h�����j�W�ҿn��L�p���
42407multichip module	�h���ե�
42408multiclass	�h��;�h��
42409multicolored symbol	�h��Ÿ�
42410multicolumn printing	�h��C�L
42411multicomponent	�h����;�h����;�h����
42412multicomponent architecture	�h�����c
42413multicomponent circuit	�h����q��	MCC
42414multicomputer	�h�p���
42415multicomputer communication system	�h�p����q�H�t��
42416multicomputer environment	�h�p�������
42417multicomputer management	�h�p����޲z
42418multicomputer system	�h�p����t��;�h�ݮe���t��
42419multicomputer version	�h�p������
42420multicomputing unit	�h�B�⾹�B�z��;�h�B�⾹�p���
42421multiconverter vector	�h���ഫ���V�q	MV
42422multicopy time-sharing system facility	�h���ƻs���ɨt�Υ\��
42423multicriterion	�h���P��
42424multicycle data entry	�h�g���ƾڿ�J
42425multicycle decimal and character operation	�h�g���Q�i��ƩM�r�žާ@
42426multicycle sort	�h�g������
42427multidata base	�h�ƾڮw
42428multidata entry system	�h�ƾڿ�J�t��	MDES
42429multidecision game	�h�B�P�M�ﵦ
42430multideclared label	�h�������и�
42431multidefined case label	�h���w�q�����μи�
42432multidefined label	�h���w�q�и�
42433multidestination protocol	�h�ت��a�q�H��w
42434multidigit	�h��
42435multidigit shifting	�h�첾��
42436multidimension network	�h������
42437multidimension turing machine	�h�����L��
42438multidimensional architecture	�h����t���c
42439multidimensional array	�h���}�C
42440multidimensional array access	�h���Ʋզs��
42441multidimensional array element name	�h���Ʋդ����W
42442multidimensional binary search tree	�h���G�i��j����(��c)
42443multidimensional data structure	�h���ƾڵ��c
42444multidimensional formal language	�h�����y��
42445multidimensional language	�h���y��
42446multidimensional subscript	�h���U��
42447multidimensional system	�h���t��
42448multidimensional tasking	�h�����Ȥ��t	MDT
42449multidimensional tree	�h����
42450multidimensioned array	�h���Ʋ�
42451multidimensions operating system	�h���ާ@�t��
42452multidisplay control unit	�h��ܱ��;�h����ܱ��	MDCU
42453multidisplay terminal	�h��ܲ׺�
42454multidomain	�hå
42455multidomain adaptive parameter	�hå�A���Ѽ�
42456multidomain network	�h���
42457multidomain structure	�h��c
42458multidrop	�h�I�u��
42459multidrop (network)	�h�I(����);�h����
42460multidrop circuit	�h�I�u��
42461multidrop communication network	�h�I�q�H����
42462multidrop connection	�h�I�s��
42463multidrop line	�h�[���u��;���[�u��;�h�[�u;�h�I�u��;�h����u
42464multidrop loop controller	�h����`�����;�h�I�j�����
42465multiend point connection	�h���I���s��
42466multientry	�h�J�f
42467multienvironment real-time operating system	�h���ҧY�ɾާ@�t��
42468multiextent file	�h�d����
42469multifield index	�h�r�q����
42470multifile database	�h�ɮ׸�Ʈw
42471multifilm output device	�h������X�]��;�h������X�˸m	MOD
42472multifont	�h�r��;�h�r��
42473multifont optical reader	�h�r����\Ū��
42474multifont page reader	�h�r�魶���\Ū��
42475multifont reader	�h�r��\Ū��
42476multiform	�h�ƾڮ榡(�@�ؼW�j���ƾڮ榡)	MULTIFORM
42477multiform printer	�h�榡�C�L��	MFP
42478multifrequency pushbutton set	�h�W���s�q��
42479multifrequency receiver	�h�W������	MFR
42480multifrequency terminal	�h�W�׺�
42481multifrequency tone	�h�W����
42482multifunction board	�h�\��O
42483multifunction card machine	�h�\��d����	MFCM
42484multifunction communications adapter	�h�\��q�H�౵��	MFCA
42485multifunction communications base	�h�\��q�T��¦
42486multifunction converter	�h�\���ഫ��
42487multifunction equipment	�h�\��]��	MFE
42488multifunction executive	�h�\�����{��	MFE
42489multifunction fading	�h�\��I��z
42490multifunction module	�h�\��Ҳ�
42491multifunction processor	�h�\��(����)�B�z��
42492multifunction protocol converter	�h�\��(�q�H)��w�ഫ�{��;�h�\��(�q�H)��w�ഫ��	MFPC
42493multifunctional Chinese language informatin proces	�h�\�त��H���B�z
42494multifunctional operating system	�h�\��ާ@�t��
42495multifunctional pipeline	�h�\��y���u
42496multifunctional time-sharing system	�h�\����ɨt��
42497multifunctional workstation	�h�\��u�@��
42498multigap head	�h�غ��Y
42499multihead	�h���Y
42500multiinput-multioutput system	�h��J-�h��X�t��
42501multijob operation	�h�u��@�~
42502multikey index file	�h������ɮ�
42503multikey retrieval	�h���˯�
42504multilaminate	�h�h��
42505multilanguage operating system	�h�y���ާ@�t��
42506multilanguage processor	�h�y���[�u�{��;�h�y���B�z��
42507multilayer	�h�h
42508multilayer board	�h�h�L��O
42509multilayer interconnection	�h�h�G�u
42510multilayer metallization	�h�h�G�u
42511multilayer microfiche	�h�h�Y�L����
42512multilayer motherboard	�h�h���O
42513multilayer printed board	�h�h�L��O
42514multilayer printed working board	�h�h�L��q���O
42515multilayer technology	�h�h�޳N
42516multilayer-metalization	�h�h���ݤ�	MLM
42517multilayered photoetched circuit board	�h�h����q���O
42518multilayered stochastic language	�h�h�H���y��
42519multilead	�h���u
42520multileaving	�h�I�ǰe;�h��X;�h����X	M/L
42521multileaving remote job entry	�h�I�ǰe���{�@�~��J(�t��)	MRJE
42522multileaving remote job entry work station	�h�I�ǰe���{�@�~��J�u�@��	MRJE/WS
42523multileaving remote terminal processor	�h��X���{�׺ݳB�z��	MLRTP
42524multilength arithmetic	�h�����׹B��
42525multilevel	�h�h��;�h����
42526multilevel address	�h����}
42527multilevel coding	�h�h�s�X
42528multilevel index	�h�ů���
42529multilevel indirect addressing	�h�Ŷ����M�}
42530multilevel logical structure	�h���޿赲�c
42531multilevel mixed mode	�h�h�V�X�Ҧ�
42532multilevel model(l)ing structure	(�椬�ϧγ]�p��)�h�żҫ��Ƶ��c
42533multilevel NAND circuit	�h��"�P�D"�q��
42534multilevel NOR circuit	�h��"�ΫD"�q��
42535multilevel plexus structure	�h�űq���c
42536multilevel priority interrupts	�h���u���v���_
42537multilevel processing	�h�ųB�z
42538multilevel schema	�h�żҦ�
42539multilevel vectored interrupt logic	�h�ŦV�q���_�޿�
42540multiline automatic calling system	�h���۰ʩI�s�t��;�h�u���۰ʩI�s�t��	MACS
42541multiline automatic network diagnostic and transmi	�h�u���۰ʺ����E�_�P�ǿ�]��	MANDATE
42542multiline communications adapter/attachment	�h�u���q�H�౵���P����	MLCA
42543multiline communications processor	�h�u���q�H�B�z��	ML-CP
42544multiline controller	�h�u���;�Ʀ��u�����;�h�u���	MLC
42545multiline message	�h���H��
42546multilinear system	�ƦX�u�ʨt��
42547multilingual function	�h�y���\��
42548multilingual information processing	�h��ثH���B�z
42549multilingual information processing system	�h��ثH���B�z�t��
42550multilingual translation	�h�y��½Ķ
42551multilingual word processor	�h��ػy���B�z��
42552multilink	�h���;�h���s��
42553MULTILINK	MULTILINK�׬y��(�A���j�e�q�q�H���W�j���ƾڶ׬y��)
42554multilink channel interface	�h����q�D����	MLCI
42555multilinked list	�h���챵��
42556multilinked structure	�h���챵���c
42557multilist chain	�h����
42558multilist file	�h����
42559multilist organization	�h���´
42560multilist software	�h��n��
42561multiloop communication network	�h�j���q�H��
42562multimaster system bus	�h�D�t�ζ׬y��	MULTIBUS
42563multimedia database	�h�C��ƾڮw
42564multimegabit communication speed	�X����q�H�t��
42565multimessage interface	�h���夶��;�h�H������	MMI
42566multimetering	�h�����q;�h���p��;�h��Ū��
42567multimicroprogrammable	�h�L�{���]�p��;�h�L�{�����
42568multimini computer compiler	�h�p���p����sĶ�{��	MMCC
42569multimini computer structure	�h�p���p������c
42570multimode	�h�ҺA
42571multimode error analysis	�h�һ~�t���R	MEA
42572multimode information distribution system	�h�覡�H�����t�t��	MIDS
42573multimode international data acquisition service	�h�覡��ڼƾڱĶ��A��	MIDAS
42574multinational character set	�h��r�Ŷ�;�h���r�r�Ŷ�
42575multinest	�h���O�M
42576multinode file entry	�h�`�I�ɮ׵n��
42577multioperand	�h�ާ@��
42578multioperand adder	�h�ާ@�ƥ[�k��
42579multioperation	�h���ާ@;�h���B��
42580multioperation capability	�h���ާ@��O
42581multioperation distribution	�h���ާ@���t
42582multioperation processor	�h���ާ@�B�z��
42583multioutlet assembler	�h�X�f�զX�{��
42584multipacket message	�h�]����;�h�]�H��
42585multipartition	�h����
42586multiparty call	�h��I�s
42587multipass automaton	�h���۰ʾ�;�h�M�۰ʾ�	MPA
42588multipass sort	�h�M�����{��
42589multipass-compiler generator	�h�M�sĶ�{�Ǫ��ͦ��{��
42590multipath delay	�h������
42591multipath distortion	�h�����u
42592multipath interference	�h���|�z�Z	MPI
42593multipath signal	�h�ǿ���|�H��
42594multipath translation	�h��½Ķ
42595multipath transmission	�h���ǿ�
42596multiphase charge-coupled device	�h�۹q�����X����
42597multiphase clock	�h�ۮ���
42598multiphase clock system	�h�ۮ����t��;�h�ۦP�B�߽Ĩt��
42599multiphase compiler	�h���q�sĶ�{��
42600multiphase program	�h���q�{��
42601multiple	�h��;�h�D;�h��;����	MPL;MULT
42602multiple access	�h�s��;�h���s��;�h�B�X��	MA
42603multiple access channel	�h���s���q�D
42604multiple access computer	�h���s���p���;�h�s���p���	MAC
42605multiple access computer system	�h���s���p����t��	MULTICS
42606multiple access data system	�h���s���ƾڨt��	MADS
42607multiple access device	�h���s���]��;�h�s���˸m	MAD
42608multiple access digital system	�h���s���Ʀ�t��	MADS
42609multiple access discrete address	�h���s�������a�}	MADA
42610multiple access forward link	�h�}�e�V���
42611multiple access interface	�h���s������	MAI
42612multiple access level	�h���s����
42613multiple access pass	�h���s���q��
42614multiple access path	�h���s�����|
42615multiple access plan	�h���s�����
42616multiple access protocol	�h���s����q;�h���s����w
42617multiple access remote computer	�h���s�����{�p���	MARC
42618multiple access retrieval system	�h���s���˯��t��	MARS
42619multiple access return link user	�h�}��^�����
42620multiple access sequential selection	�h���s�����ǿ�ܪk;�h���s�����ǿ��	MASS
42621multiple access shared-time executive routines	�h���s�����ɰ���{��	MASTER
42622multiple access switching system	�h���X�ݥ洫�t��	MASS
42623multiple access system	�h���s���t��
42624multiple access test	�h���X�ݴ���;�h���s������	MAT
42625multiple access time	�h���X�ݮɶ�;�h���s���ɶ�
42626multiple access time-sharing	�h���s������;�h�����ɦs��	MATS
42627multiple access unit	�h���s���˸m;�h���s������	MAU
42628multiple accumulating register	�h�֥[�Ȧs��
42629multiple activity	�h������
42630multiple adapter	�h���౵��	MPAP
42631multiple address	�h�};�h��}
42632multiple address code	�h��}�X	MAC
42633multiple address computer	�h��}�p���
42634multiple address instruction	�h����}���O;�h��}���O	MAI
42635multiple address message	�h��}����;�h��}�H��
42636multiple address processing system	�h��}�B�z�t��
42637multiple address processing unit	�h��}�B�z����	MAPU
42638multiple address traffic	�h��}�q��;�h��}�q��
42639multiple allocation procedure	�h�����t�{��;�h����}���t�{��	MAP
42640multiple alternative decision	�h�ܤ@�M��
42641multiple amplitude shift keying	�h�T����k	MASK
42642multiple apertured reluctance switch	�h�պϪ��}��	MARS
42643multiple application function	�h�����Υ\��
42644multiple argument routine	�h�ܤ��{��
42645multiple arithmetic	�h����N
42646multiple array processor	�h�}�C�B�z��	MAP
42647multiple aspect searching	�h�譱�j��
42648multiple assignment	�h�����
42649multiple assignment statement	�h����ȱԭz
42650multiple associative memory match	�h���p�O����ŦX
42651multiple attribute retrieval	�h�ݩ��˯�
42652multiple attribute tree database organization	�h�ݩʾ��ƾڮw��´
42653multiple basic channel	�h�����q�D	MBC
42654multiple batch mode user	�h��B�z�覡�Τ�
42655multiple bit latches	�h����s��
42656multiple block boundary	�h���{�����
42657multiple branch	�h�����e
42658multiple branching	�h������
42659multiple buffer	�h�w��
42660multiple bus	�h���׬y��
42661multiple bus architecture	�h���׬y��
42662multiple bus multiprocessor system	�h���׬y�Ʀh�B�z���t��
42663multiple business system	�h���ӥγq�H�t��	MBS
42664multiple call processing unit	�h�I�s�B�I�˸m;�h���I�s�B�z�]��	MCPU
42665multiple central processing unit	�h�����B�z��	MCPU
42666multiple central processor	�h�����B�z��
42667multiple chained construction	�h�즡���c
42668multiple channel analysis program	�h�q�D���R�{��	MCAP
42669multiple channel control unit	�h�q�D���	MCCU
42670multiple channel processing unit	�h�q�D�B�z�˸m	MCPU
42671multiple character request	�h�r�ŽШD
42672multiple check	�h���ˬd
42673multiple child pointer	�h�l�k(�q)���w
42674multiple chip hybrid circuit	�h���V�X�q��
42675multiple chip package	�h����ʸ�	MCP
42676multiple clock-driven sweeps SYN	�h�������X�ʱ��ySYN
42677multiple cluster control	�h�L����;�h�s����
42678multiple coincidence	�h���ŦX
42679multiple communication conrol unit	�Ʀ��q�H���	MCCU
42680multiple communication control unit	�h���q�H���	MCCU
42681multiple computer complex	�h�p����ƦX�t��	MCC
42682multiple computer operation	�h�p����ާ@
42683multiple computer support	�h(�p��)�����;�h(�p��)���䴩;�h(�p��)������t��	MCS
42684multiple computer system	�h(�p��)���t��;�h�p����t��	MCS
42685multiple connector	�h���s����;�h���s����
42686multiple console	�h����x
42687multiple console support	�h����x���;�h����x�䴩;�h����x�䴩(�{��)	MCS
42688multiple console time sharing system	�h����x���ɨt��
42689multiple contact	�Ʀ�IJ�I	MC
42690multiple control unit computer	�h����p���
42691multiple copy	�h������;�h���ƻs(�~)	MC
42692multiple copy averaging	�h��������(�k)
42693multiple copy screen	�h�����̹�	MCS
42694multiple correlation analysis	�h���������R
42695multiple correlation coefficient	�h�������t��
42696multiple data call	�h�ƾڽե�
42697multiple data channel	�h�ƾڳq�D
42698multiple data format	�h�ƾڮ榡
42699multiple data link controller	�h���ƾ��챵���	MDLC
42700multiple data stream computer	�h�ƾڬy�p���
42701multiple data terminal	�Ʀ��ƾڲ׺�
42702multiple decade counter	�h���Q�i��p�ƾ�
42703multiple decision	�h���P�M
42704multiple declaration	�h������;�h�ػ���
42705multiple dedicated bus	�h�M�ζ׬y��
42706multiple defined symbol	�h���w�q�Ÿ�
42707multiple definition global symbol	�h���w�q�����Ÿ�
42708multiple definition library	�h���w�q�{�Ǯw
42709multiple device controller	�h���]�Ʊ��	MDC
42710multiple device file	�h�]�Ƥ��
42711multiple digit adder	�h�Ʀ�[�k��
42712multiple digital recording	�h�Ʀ�O��
42713multiple dimensional tape turing machine	�h���a���L��
42714multiple directory	�h���ؿ���
42715multiple display indicator	�h����ܫ��ܾ�	MDI
42716multiple document indexing	�h��������
42717multiple dump processing	�h�����x�B�z
42718multiple eigenvalue	�h�����x��
42719multiple entrance	(�l�{�Ǫ�)�h�J�f�I
42720multiple entry	�h���J�f
42721multiple entry/multiple exit	�h�i�h�X;�h��J�h��X;�h�J�f�h�X�f	ME/ME
42722multiple error	�h���~�t;�h�����~
42723multiple evaluation	�h���p��
42724multiple exchange	�Ʀ��洫;�h���洫
42725multiple execution	�h�����檬�A
42726multiple execution environment	�h��������
42727multiple execution state	�h�����檬�A
42728multiple exit	(�l�{�Ǫ�)�h�X�f�I
42729multiple explict routes	�h�㦡���|
42730multiple external line control unit	�h���~���u�����	MELCU
42731multiple fault test set	�h���G�ٴ��եx
42732multiple fault testable system	�h���G�٥i���t��
42733multiple fault testing	�h���G���˴�
42734multiple faults	�h���G��
42735multiple field editing	�h�r�q�s��
42736multiple field multiplication	�h�r�q���k
42737multiple file	�h���
42738multiple file clause	�h���l�y
42739multiple files print	�s���ɮצC�L
42740multiple frame operation	�Ʈا@�~
42741multiple frequency shift keying	�h�W���䱱	MFSK
42742multiple functional unit processor	�h�\�ೡ��B�z��
42743multiple general purpose register	�h���q�μȦs��	MGPR
42744multiple goal programming	�h�ؼе{���]�p	MGP
42745multiple graphs	�h�ϧ�
42746multiple high speed data channel	�h(��)���t�ƾڳq�D	MHS-DC
42747multiple host support	�h�D���䴩	MHS
42748multiple I/O channel	�h����J��X�q�D
42749multiple image	�h���϶H
42750multiple index data access system	�h���޼ƾڦs���t��	MIDAS
42751multiple indexing addressing	�h���ܧ}���M�}
42752multiple indexing and console retrieval options	�h�����޻P����x�˯���ܶ�	MICRO
42753multiple indirect addressing	�h�������M�};�h�������s�}
42754multiple indirect file	�h���������
42755multiple information retrieval by parallel selecti	�������ܪ��h���H���˯�	MIRPS
42756multiple input data acquisition system	�h����J�ƾڱĶ��t��	MIDS
42757multiple input process	�h����J�L�{
42758multiple input terminal equipment	�h�ݿ�J�׺ݳ]��	MITE
42759multiple input/output	�h����J��X;�h����J��X	MIO
42760multiple instruction	�h���O
42761multiple instruction (stream) multiple data (strea	�h���O(�y)�h�ƾ�(�y)	MIMD
42762multiple instruction (stream) single data (stream)	�h���O(�y)��ƾ�(�y)	MISD
42763multiple instruction flow	�h���O�y
42764multiple instruction flow computer	�h���O�y�p���
42765multiple instruction signal data stream	�h���O�H���ƾڬy
42766multiple instruction stream	�h���O�y
42767multiple instruction stream multiple data stream	�h���O�y�h�ƾڬy
42768multiple instruction stream-multiple data streams	�h���O�y-�h�ƾڬy	MIS-MDS
42769multiple instruction stream-single data stream	�h���O�y��ƾڬy	MISD
42770multiple instruction stream-single data streams	�h���O�y-��ƾڬy
42771multiple instruction-multiple data	�h���O�y�h�ƾڬy	MIMD
42772multiple instruction-single data	�h���O�y��ƾڬy	MISD
42773multiple instruction-single-data-stream system	�h���O�y��ƾڬy�t��
42774multiple interfacing processor	�h�������B�z��
42775multiple internal communication system	�h�������q�H�t��	MICS
42776multiple interpolation	�h������
42777multiple interrupt	�h���_
42778multiple key data base	�h��r�ƾڮw
42779multiple key file	�h�_��
42780multiple key hashing	�h��h�C�k;�h������k	MKH
42781multiple key organization	�h����´
42782multiple key retrieval	�h(��)���˯�
42783multiple keyed record	�h�_�O��;�h��O��
42784multiple label	�h���и�
42785multiple layer architecture	�h�h���c
42786multiple length	�h���r��
42787multiple length number	�h���r����
42788multiple length working	�h���r���u�@
42789multiple level	�h��
42790multiple level combinational network	�h�ŲզX����
42791multiple level programmer	�h�ŵ{�ǽs�	MLP
42792multiple line adapter	�h�u�౵��	MLA
42793multiple line controller	�h���u�����
42794multiple line interrupt	�h�u���_;�h�����_
42795multiple line printing	�h��C�L	MLP
42796multiple line reading	�h��Ū�X	MLR
42797multiple line statement	�h��ԭz
42798multiple line terminal adapter	�h�u���׺��౵��	MLTA
42799multiple linear regression	�h���u���j�k
42800multiple list	�h��
42801multiple load module processing	�h�ˤJ�ҲճB�z
42802multiple location-stock control	�h����m-�w�s����
42803multiple logical unit	�h���޿�椸;�h���B�ⳡ��;�h���B�⾹	MLU
42804multiple mapping	�h���Щw;�h���M��
42805multiple match	�h���ǰt;�h���ŦX
42806multiple match resolution	�h���ǰt�ѪR
42807multiple matched word	�h���ŦX�r
42808multiple memory adapter	�h���O�аt���d�O
42809multiple merge program	�h���k�ֵ{��
42810multiple message format	�Ʀ�����榡
42811multiple message mode	�Ʀ�����覡
42812multiple microprocessor	�h�L�B�z��
42813multiple microprocessor programming technique	�h�L�B�z���{���]�p�޳N
42814multiple microprocessor system	�h���L�B�z�t��
42815multiple microprocessor system architecture	�h�L�B�z���t��c
42816multiple microprocessors	�h�L�B�z��(�t��)	MMP
42817multiple mission sequential decoder	�h���ȶ���Ķ�X��	MMSD
42818multiple mode operation	�h�覡�ާ@
42819multiple modulation	�h������
42820multiple module access	�h�Ҳզs��;�h���ҲճX��	MMA
42821multiple node evaluation technique	�h�`�I�����޳N	MULTINET
42822multiple on-line	�h���s�u
42823multiple on-line debugging system	�h���s�u�����t��	MOLDS
42824multiple on-line programming	�h�D�s�u�{���]�p	MOP
42825multiple operand	�h�ާ@��
42826multiple operation	�h���@�~
42827multiple operation computer	�h�ާ@�p���
42828multiple operation type	�h�ާ@����
42829multiple operations	�h���ާ@
42830multiple operations data acquisition program	�h���ާ@�ƾڱĶ��{��	MODAP
42831multiple order	�h���q��
42832multiple output	�h����X
42833multiple output combinational network	�h����X�զX����
42834multiple output function	�h����X�\��
42835multiple output network	�h����X����
42836multiple output program	�h�D��X�{��	MOP
42837multiple output switching function	�h��X�}�����
42838multiple parallel link	�h���������
42839multiple partition support	�h���Ϥ��;�h���Ϥ䴩	MPS
42840multiple partitions allocation	�h���ΰt�m
42841multiple path	�h�q��;�h��(�|)	M-PATH
42842multiple path communication	�h��(�|)�q�H
42843multiple path structure	�h�����c
42844multiple pen plotter	�h��ø�ϻ�
42845multiple peripheral adapter	�h�g��]���౵��	MPA
42846multiple phase shift keying	�h���q���䱱	MPSK
42847multiple pictures	�h���϶H
42848multiple pointer	�h�����ܾ�;�h���w
42849multiple pointer link	�h���w��
42850multiple pool processor and computer	�h���զX�B�z���P�p���	MULTIPAC
42851multiple port	�h��;�h�X�J�f
42852multiple position shift	�h�첾��
42853multiple precision	�h����T��;�h�����
42854multiple precision arithmetic	�h����׹B��	MPA
42855multiple precision capability	�h����ׯ�O
42856multiple precision number	�h����׼�
42857multiple priority level	�h�u����	MPL
42858multiple priority waiting-line mode	�h���u�����ݤ覡
42859multiple process chart	�h���B�z��	MPC
42860multiple processing	�h���B�z
42861multiple processor operating system	�h�B�z���ާ@�t��
42862multiple program number	�h�D�{���s��
42863multiple programming	�h�D�{���]�p
42864multiple protocol layer	�h��w�h
42865multiple punch	�h������
42866multiple punching	�h������
42867multiple purpose communications	�h�γq�H�]��
42868multiple quantity	�h���q��ƶq
42869multiple read	�h��Ū
42870multiple record access streams	�h�O���s���ʧ@�ǦC
42871multiple record feature	�h�O���S��
42872multiple record format	�h���O���榡
42873multiple record processing	�h���O���B�z
42874multiple record type	�h�O������
42875multiple recording medium word processing equipmen	�h�O���C��r���B�z�]��
42876multiple regression	�h���j�k���R
42877multiple repeated reference	�h�����ƳX��;�h�����Ƥޥ�
42878multiple report creation system	�h����ͦ��t��;�h�����i�ͦ��t��	MRCS
42879multiple representation of knowledge	���Ѧh����ܪk
42880multiple request terminal	�h���ШD�׺�	MRT
42881multiple request terminal procedure	�h���ШD�׺ݵ{��
42882multiple request terminal program	�h���ШD�׺ݵ{��
42883multiple requester terminal procedure	�h���ШD�׺ݵ{��
42884multiple requester terminal program	�h���ШD�׺ݵ{��
42885multiple requesting	�h���ШD	MR
42886multiple response	�h������;�h���^��
42887multiple response resolver	�h���^�����Ѿ�	MRR
42888multiple ring	�h��
42889multiple rotation instruction	�h���`�����O
42890multiple routine architecture	�h�D�Ҧ�{�ǵ��c
42891multiple routing	�h���|���
42892multiple segment data	�h�q�ƾ�
42893multiple segment procedure	�h�q�L�{
42894multiple segment query	�h�q�d��
42895multiple selection	�h�����
42896multiple sequence operation	�h�Ǿާ@
42897multiple sequential access method	�h�����Ǧs����k	MSAM
42898multiple session	�h���|��(��)
42899multiple session remote job entry	�h���|�ܻ��{�@�~��J(�t��)	MSRJE
42900multiple ship (release) dates	�h���X�f(�o��)���
42901multiple sort program	�h�������{��
42902multiple source statement	�h���ԭz
42903multiple spindle disk memory	�h�b�ϺаO����
42904multiple stack	�h�����|
42905multiple stack manipulation procedure	�h���|�ާ@�B�J;�h���|�ާ@�{��
42906multiple stacks and queues	�h�����|�M��C
42907multiple statement line	�h�ԭz��
42908multiple station interface unit	�h�������˸m	MIU
42909multiple step task	�h�B����
42910multiple subscriber number	�h�Τḹ�X
42911multiple substitution enciphering system	�h���N���[�K�t��
42912multiple subsystem	�h�l�t��
42913multiple subsystem simulator	�h�l�t����{��
42914multiple sweeps	�h�����y
42915multiple switch	�h���}��
42916multiple system	�h���t��
42917multiple system manager	�h�t�κ޲z�{��	MSM
42918multiple system networking	�h�t�γs��
42919multiple systems coupling	�h�t��X	MSC
42920multiple systems coupling feature	�h�t��X�S��
42921multiple systems integrity facility	�h�t�ξ�M�]��	MSI
42922multiple tag	�h�аO;�Ʀ��лx	MULTTAG
42923multiple task management	�h���Ⱥ޲z
42924multiple task management feature	�h���Ⱥ޲z�{��	MTMF
42925multiple task operating system	�h���Ⱦާ@�t��
42926multiple telecommunication	�h�����{�q�H
42927multiple terminal access	�h�׺ݦs��	MTA
42928multiple terminal communications adapter	�h�׺ݳq�H�౵��	MTCA
42929multiple terminal emulator	�h�׺ݥ�u��;�h�׺ݥ�u�{��	MTE
42930multiple terminal manager	�h�׺ݺ޲z�{��
42931multiple terminal monitor task	�h�׺ݺʷ�����	MTMT
42932multiple terminal system	�h�׺ݨt��	MTS
42933multiple terminals	�h�׺�
42934multiple time series	�h���ɶ��ǦC
42935multiple time-shared bus	�h�����ɶ׬y��
42936multiple time-sharing system	�h�����ɨt��
42937multiple track	�h(��)�D
42938multiple track error	�h�ϹD���~
42939multiple track operation	�h�ϹD�ާ@
42940multiple tracks	�h�ϹD
42941multiple transaction system	�h���ưȳB�z�t��;�h���ƶ��B�z�t��	MTS
42942multiple transfer	�h���ǰe;�h���ഫ	MT
42943multiple transient system	�h���ȺA�t��	MTS
42944multiple transition time decomposition	�h���վE�ɶ����ժk
42945multiple transmission	�h���ǿ�
42946multiple transmission-line	�h�ǿ�u
42947multiple unit	�h��;�h�]��
42948multiple up	�h���C�L;�h���C�L
42949multiple use	�h�γ~(��);�h�γ~	M/U
42950multiple use card	�h�Υd
42951multiple use MARC system	�h�γ~MARC�t��	MUMS
42952multiple user connection(s)	�h��s��
42953multiple user control	�h�Τᱱ��
42954multiple user remote terminal supervisor	�h�Τỷ�{�׺ݺ޲z�{��	MURTS
42955multiple utility	�h��ε{��
42956multiple utility program	�h��ε{��
42957multiple value logic	�h���޿�
42958multiple virtual space	�h�������Ŷ�
42959multiple virtual storage	�h�������x�s��;�h�������x�s�t��	MVS
42960multiple virtual storage operating system	�h�������x�s�ާ@�t��
42961multiple virtual storage/enterprise system archite	�h�������x�s�t���~�t��c	MVS/ESA
42962multiple virtual storage/extended architecture	�h�������x�s�X�R���c;�h�������x�s�t���X�R���c	MVS/XA
42963multiple virtual storage/system extensions	�h�������x�s�t�ΤΨt���X�R	MVS/SE
42964multiple virtual storage/system product	�h�������x�s�t�ΤΨt�β��~	MVS/SP
42965multiple virtual system	�h�������t��;�h�������x�s�t��	MVS
42966multiple wait	�h������
42967multiple wire path	�h�u�q��
42968multiple word instruction	�h�r���O
42969multiple word processing	�h�r���B�z
42970multiple-access virtual machine	�h���X�ݵ�����
42971multiple-address code	�h�}�X
42972multiple-address instruction	�h�}���O
42973multiple-address message	�h�}�T��
42974multiple-address space	�h��}�Ŷ�
42975multiple-address space partition	�h��}�Ŷ�����
42976multiple-alternative decision structure	�h�ܤ@�M�����c
42977multiple-aperture core	�h�պϤ�
42978multiple-aspect indexing	�h������
42979multiple-attachment support	�h�s�����
42980multiple-blank suppression	���h�h�ťհ�;���Y�h�ťհ�;�h�Ů���
42981multiple-branching construction	�h���䵲�c
42982multiple-byte graphic repertoire	�h�줸�չϲŶ�
42983multiple-channel/multiple-choice	�h�q�D�P�h���	MCMC
42984multiple-coincidence system	�h���ŦX�t��
42985multiple-domain network	�h�d�w����
42986multiple-entry FUNCTION subprogram	�h�J�fFUNCTION�l�{��
42987multiple-entry point	(�l�{�Ǫ�)�h�J�f�I
42988multiple-error stochastic model	�h�����~�H���ҫ�
42989multiple-error-correcting code	�h�����ե��X
42990multiple-head disc	�h�Y�Ϻ�	MHD
42991multiple-instruction stream pipelined processor	�h���O�y�y���u�B�z��
42992multiple-job processing	�h�D�@�~�B�z
42993multiple-length arithmetic	�h���r���B��
42994multiple-length numeral	�ƪ���;�h���r����
42995multiple-length working	�ƪ��u�@
42996multiple-level exit structure	�h�ťX�f���c
42997multiple-line format	�h��榡
42998multiple-precision	�h����T��
42999multiple-purpose arithmetic building block	�h�γ~�B��n�즡�ե�	MABB
43000multiple-purpose communication	�h�γ~�q�H	MPC
43001multiple-reel file control	�h�ϱa�������
43002multiple-register machine	�h�Ȧs������
43003multiple-stable-state storage	�hí�A�x�s��
43004multiple-step task	�h�B�J�u�@
43005multiple-string processing	�h��B�z
43006multiple-trigger generator	�hIJ�o�߽ĵo�;�	MTG
43007multiple-volume file	�h�Ϩ��ɮ�
43008multipleinstruction multiple-data-stream computer	�h���O�y�h�ƾڬy�p���
43009multipleinstruction multiple-data-stream processor	�h���O�y�h�ƾڬy�B�z��
43010multipleterminal manager	�h�׺ݺ޲z�{��	MTM
43011multiplex	�h�u;�h�u�ǿ�;�h���ǿ�(�q�H);�h���q�D;�h���ഫ;�h�u�ާ@	MPLX;MPX
43012multiplex adapter	�h���A�t��
43013multiplex bus	�h���ƥζ׬y��
43014multiplex channel	�h���ƥγq�D;�h���ഫ�q�D
43015multiplex communication	�h���q�H;�h�u�q�H
43016multiplex data terminal	�h�u��ƺݯ�;�h���ƾڲ׺�(�]��);�h�u�ƾڲ׺�(�]��)
43017multiplex decoder	�h��Ķ�X��
43018multiplex demodulator	�h���q�H�ѽվ�
43019multiplex demultiplex subsystem	�h���ƥλP�����l�t��	MUX
43020multiplex driver	�h���X�ʾ�
43021multiplex equipment	�h���ƥγ]��
43022multiplex interface	�h���౵����
43023multiplex loop interface adapter	�ƥΰj�������౵��;�ƥΰj�������A�t��	MLIA
43024multiplex machine	�h���ƥθ˸m;�h�u��
43025multiplex message processor	�h���ഫ�H���B�z��;�h���ഫ����B�z��;�h�u�H���B�z�t��	MMP
43026multiplex mode	�h���ƥΤ覡
43027multiplex modulation system	�h���ǿ�ը�t��	MMS
43028multiplex operation	�h���ƥξާ@
43029multiplex output terminal	�h���ഫ��X�׺�	MOT
43030multiplex register	�h�u�Ȧs��	MPXR
43031multiplex sub-channel	�h���ǿ�l�q�D	MSCH
43032multiplex switch	�h���ǿ��ഫ�}��
43033multiplex terminal	�h���׺�
43034multiplex time division system	��(��)��(��)�h���q�H�t��
43035multiplex unit	�h�u���
43036multiplex-automatic error correction	�h���۰ʪȿ�;�h�����~�۰ʮե�	MUX-AEC
43037multiplexed communication	�h���ƥγq�H
43038multiplexed communication control unit	�h���ഫ�q�H���	MPX-CCU
43039multiplexed data accumulator	�h���ƥμƾڲ֥[��;�h�u�ƾڲ֥[��	MDA
43040multiplexed information and computing service	�h���ƥΫH���P�p��~��	MULTICS
43041multiplexed information and computing system	�H���h���౵�M�p��t��;�h���ƥΫH���p��t��	MULTICS
43042multiplexed line	�h���ƥνu��
43043multiplexed message processor	�h���H���B�z��
43044multiplexed microwave data communications	�h���ǿ�L�i�ƾڳq�H	MMDC
43045multiplexed operation	�h�u�B��;�h�u�@�~;�h���ާ@;�h�����ɾާ@
43046multiplexed signal	�h���ƥΫH��
43047multiplexer	�h�u��;�h���ഫ��;�h���ƥ��ഫ��;�h���ƥξ�;�h���ǰe��	MUX;MPX
43048multiplexer and terminal unit	�h���ഫ���P�׺ݸ˸m	MTU
43049multiplexer bus mode	�h���ƥζ׬y�ƼҦ�
43050multiplexer channel	�h���ഫ���q�D;�h���ƥγq�D;�h���ഫ�q�D;�h��(�ഫ)�q�D	MPX-CH;MXC
43051multiplexer circuit	�h���ഫ�q��	MPX
43052multiplexer concentrator	�h�u���T��
43053multiplexer mode	�h���ƥΤ覡
43054multiplexer polling	�h���ƥξ�����
43055multiplexer regenerator address	�h���ഫ�A�;���}	MREGAD
43056multiplexer storage	�h���౵���x�s��	MS
43057multiplexer storage data register	�h���౵���x�s���ƾڼȦs��	MSDR
43058multiplexer subchannel	�h���౵�l�q�D
43059multiplexer time division modulation	��(��)��(��)�h���ը�
43060multiplexer(or) set	�h���ƥγ]��;�h���ը
43061multiplexer(or) simulator	�h���ഫ�������{��;�h���ഫ�������˸m
43062multiplexer-demultiplexer	�h���_�ξ�-�h�����Ѿ�	MDM
43063multiplexer/selector	�h�u��ܾ�
43064multiplexing	�h�u;�h�u�k;�h�u�ǿ�
43065multiplexing algorithm	�h���౵��k
43066multiplexing and demultiplexing equipment	�h���_�ΩM���ѳ]��	MUDEX
43067multiplexing channel adapter	�h���q�D�౵��;�h���q�D�A�t��;�h���ƥγq�D�A�t��	MCA
43068multiplexing class	�h�u��
43069multiplexing equipment	�h���ഫ�]��	MUX
43070multiplexor	�Y�ɦh�u��
43071multiplexor channel	�h�u�D
43072multiplexor polling	�h���ƥξ�����
43073multiplexor terminal unit	�h���౵���׺ݳ]��
43074multiplicand	�Q����	MLPC
43075multiplicand field	�Q���Ʀ�q
43076multiplicand gate	�Q���ƪ�
43077multiplicand length operand	�Q���ƪ��׾ާ@��
43078multiplicand register	�Q���ƼȦs��
43079multiplicand-divisor register	�Q����-���ƼȦs��	MDR
43080multiplicating	�h������
43081multiplication	���k;��;���W	MP
43082multiplication algorithm	���t��k
43083multiplication congruent method	���k�P�l�k
43084multiplication cross	�e��
43085multiplication factor	�L�k�]��;���W�]��
43086multiplication of series	�żƭ��k
43087multiplication operator	���k��l;���k���
43088multiplication routine	���k�{��
43089multiplication rule	���k�W�h
43090multiplication shift	���k����
43091multiplication sign	����
43092multiplication table	���k��
43093multiplication time	���k�ɶ�
43094multiplication-cycle time	���k�g���ɶ�
43095multiplication-division unit	���k-���k��
43096multiplicative homomorphic system	���k�P�A�t��
43097multiplicative operator	�L�k�B��l
43098multiplicative smoothing	�ۭ��ʥ���
43099multiplicator	����;���W��
43100multiplier	����;����;���k��;(���q)�H�W��;���k;��j;���W;���W��;����	MLPR;MP
43101multiplier bit	���Ʀ�
43102multiplier coefficient unit	�`�t�Ƹ˸m(��X�P��J�����`��)
43103multiplier coeffient unit	���ƫY�Ƴ��
43104multiplier factor	����(�]�l)
43105multiplier field	���Ʀ�q
43106multiplier quontient register	���ưӼȦs��	MQR
43107multiplier register	���ƼȦs��	MR
43108multiplier unit	���k��
43109multiplier word	���Ʀ�
43110multiplier zero error	���k���s�~�t
43111multiplier-quotient	����-�Ӽ�	MQ
43112multiplier-quotient register	��(��)-��(��)�Ȧs��;���ӼȦs��;���ưӼȦs��	MQR;MQ
43113multiplier-shifter	���Ʋ��쾹
43114multiplier/quotient	���ƻP�Ӽ�	M/Q
43115multiply	��;���k	MLY;MPY
43116multiply and add	���P�[	MAD
43117multiply and divide	���P��	MAD
43118multiply and round	�ˤJ��	MLR
43119multiply byte (instruction)	�r�`��(���O)
43120multiply doubleword	���r��(���O)	MD
43121multiply field	���k�r�q
43122multiply instruction	���k���O
43123multiply operation	���B��;���k�B��;���k�ާ@
43124multiply register	���k�Ȧs��
43125multiply statement	���k�ԭz
43126multiply time	���k�ɶ�
43127multiply time chain	���k�ɶ���	MTC
43128multiply unit	���k��;���k����
43129multiply-divide instruction	��-�����O
43130multiply-divide package	�����{�ǥ]
43131multiply-divide unit	�����k����
43132multiplying instruction	���k���O
43133multiplying operator	���k��l;���k�B���
43134multiplying order	���k���O
43135multiplying punch	���⥴��(��)
43136multiplying signal	�ۭ��H��
43137multiplying unit	���k��
43138multipoint	�h�I	MP;MPT;M-P
43139multipoint access	�h�I���e
43140multipoint channel	�h�I�q�D
43141multipoint circuit	�h�I�q��;�h�I�u��
43142multipoint configuration	�h�I���c
43143multipoint connection	�h�I�s��
43144multipoint data link	�h�I�ƾ����
43145multipoint data service	�h�I�ƾڪA��	MDS
43146multipoint digital line	�h�I�Ʀ�u��
43147multipoint line	�h�I�u��;�h�I�u
43148multipoint link	�h�I���
43149multipoint network	�h�I����
43150multipoint network control system	�h�I��������t��	MNCS
43151multipoint restriction	�h�I����
43152multipoint system	�h�I�t��
43153multipoint unit	�h�I�]��
43154multiport memory	�h��O�о�;�h�ݤf�O����
43155multiport memory bank	�h�ݤf�O����;�h�ݤf�x�s��	MMB
43156multiport memory controller	�h�ݤf�O���鱱�	MMC
43157multiport memory interface	�h�ݤf�O���餶��	MPMI
43158multiport memory multiplexer	�h�ݤf�O����h���ഫ��	MMM
43159multiport memory system	�h�ݤf�O����t��	MMS
43160multiport moments	�h�ݤf���ɮɶ���
43161multiport programmable communications interface	�h�ݤf�i�s�{���q�H����	MPCI
43162multiport register file	�h�ݤf�Ȧs�����
43163multiport semiconductor memory	�h�ݤf�b����O����	MP/SCM
43164multiported system	�h�ݤf�t��
43165multiprecision arithmetic	�h����׹B��
43166multiprecision integer	�h����׾��
43167multiprinter	�h�ΦC�L��
43168multipriority	�h�u����
43169multipriority queue	�h�u���Ŧ�C
43170multipriority request	�h���u���ШD
43171multiprocess	�h���B�z�{�Ǫ�
43172multiprocess environment	�h���B�z����
43173multiprocess executive	�h���B�z����(�{��)
43174multiprocess organization	�h���B�z���c
43175multiprocessing	�h���B�z;�h���B�z�{��;�h���B�z;�h�D(�i��)�B�z;�h�D�B�z	MP;MPC
43176multiprocessing efficiency	�h���B�z�IJv
43177multiprocessing facility	�h�D�B�z�˸m;�h�D�B�z�{��
43178multiprocessing mass data	�h���B�z�j�q�ƾ�
43179multiprocessing operating system	�h���B�z�ާ@�t��
43180multiprocessing recovery	�h�D�B�z��_
43181multiprocessing system	�h���B�z�t��	MPS
43182multiprocessing with a fixed number of tasks	�T�w���ȼƪ��h���B�z	MFT
43183multiprocessor	�h���B�z��; �h���B�z��; �h���B�z��	MP
43184multiprocessor analysis	�h�B�z�����R
43185multiprocessor architecture	�h�B�z����t���c
43186multiprocessor array	�h�B�z���}�C
43187multiprocessor communication adapter	�h�B�z���q�H�౵��
43188multiprocessor communication link	�h�B�z���q�H���
43189multiprocessor communications adapter	�h�B�z���q�H�౵��	MCA
43190multiprocessor communications unit	�h�B�z���q�H�]��	MCU
43191multiprocessor computer organization	�h�B�z���p�����´
43192multiprocessor configuration	�h�B�z���t�m
43193multiprocessor interleaving	�h�B�z����e(�s��)
43194multiprocessor mode	�h�B�z���覡
43195multiprocessor operating system	�h�B�z���ާ@�t��
43196multiprocessor operational mode	�h�B�z���ާ@�覡
43197multiprocessor organization	�h�B�z����´
43198multiprocessor performance	�h�B�z���ʯ�
43199multiprocessor performance analysis	�h�B�z���ʯ���R
43200multiprocessor performance predication	�h�B�z���ʯ�w��
43201multiprocessor run	�h�B�z���B��
43202multiprocessor scheduling	�h�B�z���ի�
43203multiprocessor series	�h�B�z���t�C	MPS
43204multiprocessor software system	�h�B�z���n��t��
43205multiprocessor system	�h�B�z���t��
43206multiprocessor utility and monitoring system	�h�B�z����ε{�ǩM�ʱ��t��	MUMS
43207multiprogamming executive	�h�D�{������{��	MPE
43208multiprogram computer	�h�D�{���p���
43209multiprogrammed	�h�D�{��(����)��
43210multiprogrammed computation	�h�D�{���p��
43211multiprogrammed computer	�h�D�{��(����)�p���
43212multiprogrammed computer system	�h�D�{���p����t��	MCS
43213multiprogrammed information retrieval	�h�D�{��(����)�����˯�
43214multiprogrammed load controller	�h�D�{���ˤJ����{��
43215multiprogrammed machine	�h�D�{��(����)�p���
43216multiprogrammed system	�h�D�{��(����)�t��
43217multiprogrammed time-sharing system	�h�D�{�����ɨt��
43218multiprogramming	�h���W��;�h���{���W��;�h�{���ާ@;�h�D�{���]�p;�h�D�{��	MP
43219multiprogramming capability	�h�D�{���]�p��O
43220multiprogramming dispatching	�h�D�{���ի�
43221multiprogramming efficiency	�h�D�{���IJv
43222multiprogramming environment	�h�D�{���]�p����
43223multiprogramming executive	�h�D�{������(�{��)	MPX
43224multiprogramming executive control	�h�D�{�����汱��
43225multiprogramming executive control logic	�h�D�{�����汱���޿�
43226multiprogramming executive system	�h�D�{������t��	MPES;MPX
43227multiprogramming facility	�h�D�{���]�I
43228multiprogramming interrupt	�h�D�{�����_
43229multiprogramming memory protect	�h�D�{���O�ЫO�@
43230multiprogramming monitor	�h�D�{���ʷ��{��	MPM
43231multiprogramming nucleus	�h�D�{����(�ߵ{��)
43232multiprogramming operating system	�h�D�{���ާ@�t��	MOS;MPOS
43233multiprogramming priority	�h�D�{���]�p�u����
43234multiprogramming queue	�h�D�{��(�]�p)��C
43235multiprogramming sequencing	�h�D�{���w��
43236multiprogramming support	�h�D�{���䴩	MPS
43237multiprogramming system	�h�D�{���]�p�t��	MPS
43238multiprogramming time-sharing operating system	�h�D�{�����ɾާ@�t��	MTSO
43239multiprogramming utility sysstem interpretive lang	�h�D�{����ε{�Ǩt�θ����y��	MUSIL
43240multiprogramming utility system	�h�D�{����ε{�Ǩt��	MUS
43241multiprogramming utility system interpretive langu	�h�D�{����ε{�Ǩt�θ����y��	MUSIL
43242multiprogramming with a variable number of tasks	�i�ܥ��ȼƦh�D�{���]�p	MVT
43243multiprogramming with fixed tasks	�T�w���ȼƦh�D�{���]�p
43244multiprogramming with variable tasks	�i�ܥ��ȼƦh�D�{���]�p
43245multiproject automated control system	�h���۱��t��	MACS
43246multiprotocol communications controller	�h�W�{�q�H���	MPCC
43247multipurpose	�h�γ~��;�U�Ϊ�
43248multipurpose acquisition and control system	�q�αĶ��M����t��;�h�γ~�Ķ��M����t��	MACS
43249multipurpose automatic data analysis center	�h�γ~�۰ʼƾڤ��R����	MADAC
43250multipurpose automatic data analysis machine	�h�γ~�۰ʼƾڤ��R��	MADAM
43251multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnosis	�h�γ~�۰ʶE�_�t��	MAIDS
43252multipurpose automatic inspection and diagnostic s	�h�γ~�۰��ˬd�P�E�_�t��	MAIDS
43253multipurpose automatic test system	�h�γ~�۰ʴ��ըt��	MATS
43254multipurpose computer	�q�έp���
43255multipurpose computer-aided design	�q�έp������U�]�p
43256multipurpose information processor	�h�γ~�H���B�z��	MIP
43257multipurpose international securities trading info	�h�γ~��ڦw���T������(�t��)	MISTI
43258multipurpose key pack	�h�γ~��L
43259multipurpose language	�h�γ~�y��
43260multipurpose research system	�h�γ~��s�t��	MRS
43261multipurpose system simulator	�h��(�~)�t�����;�h��(�~)�t����{��	MPSS
43262multipurpose unit	�h�\�ྐྵ��;�h�\�ೡ��
43263multipurpose user-oriented software technology	���V�Τ᪺�h�γ~�n��޳N	MUST
43264multiqueu(e)ing system	�h��C�t��
43265multiqueue dispatching	�h��C�ի�
43266multiqueue system	�h��C�t��
43267multiradix computer	�h��ƭp���
43268multirange amplifier	�e�a��j��; �h�q�{��j��
43269multiread feeding	��Ū�X�J;�hŪ�X�e
43270multiread head	�hŪ���Y
43271multireasonable check	�h���X�z����
43272multirecord block	�h�O����
43273multireel file	�h���ϱa���
43274multireel sorting	�h������
43275multireel tape file	�h���ϱa���
43276multiregion system	�h�ϰ�t��	MRS
43277multiregional input/output	�h�ϰ��J��X	MRIO
43278multiregional processing center	�h�ϰ�B�z����	MRPC
43279multiregister (logic block)	�h�Ȧs��(�޿賡��)	MREG
43280multiregister operation	�h�Ȧs���B��
43281multiresidue code	�h�Ѿl�X
43282multiresource	�h�귽
43283multirun study	�h���B���s
43284multirunning	�h���B��;�h�D�B��;�h�D�{���]�p
43285multisatellited link	�h�ìP�����
43286multischedule private line	�h�իױM�νu	MPL
43287multisegment environment	�h(�{��)�q����
43288multisegment mode	�h(�{��)�q�覡
43289multisequencing	�h���ǦC;�h���w��;�h�ǦC
43290multisequential system	�h�ǦC�t��;�h�ɧǨt��
43291multiserver loss queuing model	�h���̷l����C�ҫ�
43292multiserver network	�h���ɮתA�ȯ�����
43293multiset	�h(��)��
43294multishare network architecture	�h(��)�@�ɺ������c;�h���@�ɺ������c	MNA
43295multishift operation	�h����B��
43296multisource	�h��
43297multispectral data analysis system	�h�W�мƾڤ��R�t��	MDAS
43298multispectral photography	�h�зӬ۾�
43299multispeed clock feature	�h�t�v�����S��
43300multispeed digital tape recorded	�h�t�Ʀ�O���ϱa	MSDTR
43301multispeed repeater	�h�t���o��;�h�t��o��	MSR
43302multistage interconnection network	�h�Ť��s����	MIN
43303multistage model	�h�żҫ�
43304multistage network	�h�ź���
43305multistage network parameter	�h�ź����Ѽ�
43306multistage operations	�h�ŹB��;�h�žާ@	MSO
43307multistage switching network	�h�ť洫����
43308multistate information system	�h���A�H���t��	MSIS
43309multistatement	�h���ԭz
43310multistation	�h�\��u�@��;�h��
43311multistation access unit	�h���s���]��
43312multistation circuit	�h���u��
43313multistation communication network	�h���q�H����
43314multistation switching network	�h���洫����
43315multistep	�h�B;�h��
43316multistep decision	�h�B�M��
43317multistep method	�h�B�k
43318multistep task	�h�B����
43319multistream system	�h�y�t��
43320multistreaming	�h�y�޳N
43321multistrip coupler	�h�a���X��	MSC
43322multistyli head	�h�w�O���Y
43323multistyli recorder	�h�w���O����
43324multistyli recording	�h�w���O��
43325multisubsystem adapter	�h�l�t���౵��;�h�l�t�ξA�t��	MSA
43326multisync	�h�W��ܾ�
43327multisystem	�h�t��
43328multisystem communication(s) unit	�h�t�γq�H�]��	MCU
43329multisystem computer	�h�t�έp���
43330multisystem environment	�h�t������
43331multisystem mode	�h�t�Τ覡
43332multisystem networking facility	�h�t�γs���]��;�h�t�βպ��]�I;�h�t�κ����]�I	MNF;MSNF
43333multisystem operation	�h���t�ξާ@
43334multitape	�h�a
43335multitape turing machine	�h�a���L��
43336multitask	�h���u�@;�h�u(�ާ@)
43337multitask disk system	�h���ȺϺШt��
43338multitask environment	�h��������
43339multitask function	�h���ȥ\��;�h���ȵ{��
43340multitask link control	�h�����챵����
43341multitask monitor	�h���Ⱥʷ��{��
43342multitask operation	�h���Ⱦާ@
43343multitask process	�h���ȹL�{
43344multitask terminal system	�h���Ȳ׺ݨt��	MTTS
43345multitasking	�h������;�h���@�~;�h����;�h(��)���ȳB�z	MT
43346multitasking control	�h���ȱ���
43347multitasking efficiency	�h���ȮIJv
43348multitasking executive	�h���Ȱ���(�{��)	MTX
43349multitasking operation system	�h���Ⱦާ@�t��	MTOS
43350multitasking programming	�h���ȵ{���]�p
43351multitasking software	�h���ȳB�z�n��
43352multitasking system program	�h���Ȩt�ε{��	MSP
43353multitasking with a fixed number of tasks	�T�w���ȼƪ��h���Ⱦާ@	MFT
43354multiterminal executive	�h�׺ݰ���{��	MTX
43355multiterminal interface	�h�׺ݤ���
43356multiterminal monitor	�h�׺ݺʱ���;�h�׺ݺʱ��{��	MTM
43357multiterminal service	�h�ݾ��A��
43358multiterminal support	�h�ݾ��䴩
43359multiterminal time-sharing system	�h�׺ݤ��ɨt��	MTS
43360multithread	�h���u��
43361multithread application program	�h(����)���u���ε{��;�h�y���ε{��
43362multithread operation	�h�y�ާ@
43363multithread processing	�h�y�B�z
43364multithreading	�h(����)���u(�ާ@);�h�y(�ާ@)	M/T
43365multithreading executive	�h������u����{��;�h�y����{��	MTEX
43366multithreshold	�h���
43367multitone circuit	�h���u��;�ƽu
43368multitrack	�h�ϹD	MT
43369multitrack head	�h�D���Y
43370multitrack parallel recording	�h�ϹD����O��
43371multitrack unit	�h�ϹD�ϱa��
43372multitrack-turing machine	�h�D���L��
43373multiturn film head	�h�`�������Y
43374multiunit machine	�h����p���
43375multiuse register	�h�μȦs��	MUR
43376multiuser	�h�Τ�	MU
43377multiuser executive	�h�����(�{��);�h�����{��	MUEXEC
43378multiuser monitor	�h�Τ�ʵ���;�h�Τ�ʷ��{��	MUM
43379multiuser terminal executive	�h�Τ�׺ݰ���{��	MUTEX
43380multiuser terminal translator	�h�Τ�׺�½Ķ�{��	MUTT
43381multivalue	�h��
43382multivalue decision	�h�ȨM��
43383multivalue dependency	�h�Ȭ���
43384multivalue logic	�h���޿�
43385multivalue logic device	�h���޿边��
43386multivalue logic simulation	�h���޿����
43387multivariable	�h�ܼ�
43388multivariable analysis	�h�ܼƤ��R
43389multivariable control	�h�ܼƱ���
43390multivariable feedback system	�h�ܼƦ^�X�t��
43391multivariate analysis	�h�����R
43392multivariate distribution	�h������
43393multivariate interpolation	�h�ܤ�����
43394multivariate normal distribution	�h�����A����
43395multivector	�Ʀ��ܴ�(��)
43396multivectored interrupt	�h���V�q���_
43397multiversion software	�h�����n��
43398multivibrator	�h��������	MV
43399multivirtual storage	�h�������x�s�t��	MVS
43400multivirtual system	�h�������x�s�t��	MVS
43401multivolume	�h�e��
43402multivolume disk file	�h���ϺФ��
43403multivolume file	�h�Ϩ��ɮ�;�h�����
43404multiway	�h��
43405multiway classification	�h������;�h������
43406multiway decision	�h���M��
43407multiway direct access	�h�������s��
43408multiway host processing	�h���D���B�z
43409multiway message transmission	�h������o�e
43410multiway tree	�h�V���c
43411multiwindow	�h����;�h����
43412multiwindow display	�h���f���
43413multiwindow menu	�h���f���س�
43414multiwire channel	�h�u��q�D
43415multiwire element	�h�u����
43416multiwire PC board	�h�u�L��q���O
43417multiword	�h�r
43418multiword binary data	�h�r�G�i��ƾ�
43419multiword instruction	�h�r���O
43420multiword operand	�h�r�ާ@��
43421multiword record	�h�r�O��
43422multiwork station	�h�u�@��	MWS
43423MUMPS	�¦{�q��������Φh���{���W���t��	MUMPS
43424MUMPS utility package	MUMPS��ε{�ǥ]	MUPAK
43425Murray code	����X
43426must be zero	�����s
43427must fill	�r�����
43428must-operate value	���@��
43429must-release value	������
43430mutation testing	�ܤƴ���
43431mutex	�����T��
43432mutex semaphore	�����O��
43433mutual consistency	���ۭݮe
43434mutual dependency	���p����
43435mutual exclusion	����
43436mutual exclusive call	�����ե�
43437mutual induction	���P(��)
43438mutual information	�@�q��T;�椬�H��
43439mutual protection	����
43440mutual repulsion	�ۤ��ƥ�
43441mutually exclusive	����
43442mutually synchronized network	���P�B��(��)
43443mutually synchronized system	���P�B�t��
43444mutually-exclusive	������
43445MVS page fault assist	MVS�������~�ƴ�
43446my compact operating system	�ۥ�²��ާ@�t��	MYCOS
43447mylar	����(�콦���@��);�E�����;�E୽���
43448mylar tape	����(��)�a;�E୺ϱa;�i�Ժϱa
43449myriabit	�U��
43450myriabit memory	�U��O����
43451myriabit storage	�U���x�s��
43452mystic	�K�h���J�g�X�t��
43453mystic	�K�h���J�g�X�t��
43454"NOT" function	"�D"�޿���; "�D"�\��
43455"numerical" selector	�Τḹ�X��ܾ�
43456n-address code	n ��}( �N )�X
43457n-address electronic computer	n ��}�q�l�p���
43458n-address instruction	n ��}���O
43459n-address-instruction format	n �}���O�榡; n ��}���O�榡
43460n-adic Boolean operation	n �����L�B��; n �����L�ާ@
43461n-adic function	n �����
43462n-adic operation	n ���B��; n ���ާ@
43463n-adic predicate	n ���z��
43464n-ary	n �i; n ��
43465n-ary Boolean operation	n �����L�B��; n �����L�ާ@
43466n-ary code	n ���N�X
43467n-ary digital signal	n ���Ʀ�H��
43468n-ary relationship	n �����Y
43469n-base binary logic	n ��ƤG�i���޿�	NBBL
43470n-bit byte	n ��r�`
43471n-bit character	n ��r��
43472n-channel circuit	n �q�D�q��
43473n-channel metal oxide semiconductor	n �q�D����b����; n �q�D����--��ƪ�--�b����	NMOS; N.M.
43474n-channel metal oxide semiconductor memory	n �q�D��( �� )��( �ƪ� )�b����O����
43475n-channel metal oxide semiconductor package	n �q�D��( �� )��( �ƪ� )�b�ɪ��ե�
43476n-channel silicon JFET	n �q�Dֺ�����������q����
43477n-channel silicon planar	n �q�Dֺ����
43478n-channel silicon planar epitaxial JFET	n �q�Dֺ�����~�������������q����
43479n-channel transistor	n �q�D�q����
43480n-core per bit	�C��n �ӺϤ�
43481n-core-per-bit storage	�C��n �Ϫ��x�s( �� ); �C��n �Ϫ��x�s��
43482n-core-per-bit storage;store	�C�줸n �Ϫ��x�s( �� )
43483n-cube	n ����
43484n-density	n �Y�K��; n �Y�K��
43485n-digit product register	n �쭼�n�Ȧs��
43486n-dimensional array	n ���Ʋ�
43487n-entity	n �h����
43488n-entity nets	n �����
43489n-layer connection	n �h�s��
43490n-level address	n ���}; n �Ŧ�}
43491n-level logic	n ���޿�; n ���޿�
43492n-modular redundancy	n �Ҥ��l	NMR
43493n-n junction	n-n ��
43494n-order recurrence system	n �����k�t��
43495n-p-n transistor	n-p-n �q����
43496N-P-N transistor	N-P-N �q����
43497n-plus-minus-one rule	n �[��1 �W�h
43498n-plus-one-address	n �[1 ��}
43499n-plus-one-address instruction	n �[�@�}���O; n �[1 ��}���O
43500n-select	n ���
43501n-stage decision problem	n �B�M�����D
43502n-tuple	n ��; n ����; n ����; n ���V�q
43503n-tuple length register	n ���ժ��׼Ȧs��
43504N-tuple length register	N �����׼Ȧs��
43505n-tuple register	n ���Ȧs��; n ���ռȦs��
43506N-tuple register	N ���Ȧs��
43507n-tuple rooted trees	n �����ھ�
43508n-type	n ��
43509n-type semiconductor	n ���b����
43510n-type transistor	n ���q����
43511n-valued logic	�h���޿�; n ���޿�
43512n-valued switching theory	�h�ȶ}���z��
43513n-way branch	n ���ಾ; n ������
43514n-way switch	n �V�}��; n ���}��
43515n-word element	n �r��( �� )
43516n-word vector	n �r�V�q
43517nabla	�A�κ��; �ˤT����l
43518naive user	��ťΤ�; �۵M�Τ�
43519naked indicator	�L�����ܲ�
43520naked reference	�L���ޥ�
43521name	�W��; �W��; �W; �W�r
43522name and address	�W�ٻP��}	N/A
43523name block	�W�٬q; �W�r��	NAM
43524name call	�W�r�ե�
43525name code	�W�r�N�X	NC
43526name condition	�W�r����
43527name conflict	�W�r�Ĭ�
43528name constant	�W�r�`��	NCON
43529name data	�a�W���
43530name data type	�W�r�������
43531name entry	�W�r��
43532name field	�W�r�r�q
43533name identification	�W�r����
43534name identifier	�W�r���Ѳ�
43535name key	�W�r����X
43536name look-up rule	�W�r�d��W�h
43537name of an object	����W( �� ); �ؼЦW
43538name of code	�K�X�W; �N�X�W��
43539name of numeric literal	�Ʀ��r�W
43540name of spooler bond unit	������{���p�s�椸�W
43541name of variable	�ܼƦW
43542name parameter	�W�r�Ѽ�
43543name part	�W�r����
43544name precedence	�W�r�u��( ���� )
43545name qualification	�W�ٸ��( �Ү� )
43546name recognizer	�W�r�ѧO�{��; �W�r�ѧO��k
43547name register	�W�r�Ȧs��	NR
43548name replacement	�W�r�N��
43549name resolution	�W�r����
43550name scoping	�W�٧@�ΰ�
43551name server	�W�A�ȵ{��
43552name service	�W�A��
43553name space	�W�Ŷ�
43554name space modification	�W�r�Ŷ��ק�; �@�ΰ�Ŷ��ק�
43555name substitution	�W�r����
43556name table	�W�r��
43557name value	�W�r��
43558name-address mapping	�W�r-�a�}�ܴ�
43559name-error exception	�W�r���~�ҥ~
43560named actual parameter	�R�W��( �� )��( �� )
43561named common	�R�W���@��
43562named common area	���W���ΰ�
43563named common block	���W���ζ�
43564named component	�R�W���q
43565named constant	���W�`��
43566named data	���W���
43567named destination	���W�ؼ�; �R�W�ت��a
43568named file	���W�ɮ�; �R�W���
43569named parameter	���W�Ѽ�
43570named parameter association	�R�W�ѼƵ��X
43571named program module	�R�W�{���Ҳ�
43572named record type	���W�O������
43573named system	�R�W�t��
43574named user file	���W�Τ��ɮ�
43575namelist name	�W�r��W
43576names	�W�r; �W��
43577naming convention	�R�W���w
43578naming operation	�R�W�ާ@
43579naming program	�W�r�{��
43580naming rule	��W�W�h
43581naming variable	�R�W�ܼ�
43582NAND	�D�P��	NAND
43583NAND buffer	"�P�D"�w�ľ�
43584NAND circuit	"�P�D"�q��
43585NAND element	�ϤΤ���; "�P�D"�h
43586NAND gate	�Ϥιh; "�P�D"�h
43587NAND gate debouncer	"�P�D"�h�h�ݰʾ�
43588NAND gate flip-flop	"�P�D"�h���Ͼ�
43589nand gate;nand element	�Ϥιh; �ϤΤ���
43590NAND operation	"�P�D"�B��
43591NAND operator	�Ϥκ�l; "�P�D"���
43592NAND R/S latch	"�P�D"�m��Ʀ���s��
43593nano	��; �Q�������@; �@�L
43594nano memory	���O��
43595nano-architecture	�@�L���c( ��t )
43596nanocircuit	�@�L�q��
43597nanofarad	�@�L�k( �� )	NF
43598nanoinstruction	�@�L���O
43599nanoinstruction statement	�@�L���O�ԭz
43600nanomachine	�@�L( �� )�p���
43601nanomemory	�@�L�O����
43602nanoprocessor	�@�L( �� )�B�z��
43603nanoprogram	�@�L�{��
43604nanoprogram counter	�@�L�{���p�ƾ�	NPC
43605nanoprogram level	�@�L�{����
43606nanoprogram memory	�@�L�{���O����
43607nanoprogram store	�@�L�{���x�s��
43608nanoprogrammable computer	�i�s�@�L�{���p���
43609nanoprogramming	�@�L�{���]�p
43610nanoprogramming memory	�@�L�s�{�O����
43611nanoscope	�@�L��ܪi��; �W���W�ܪi��
43612nanosecond	����; �Q�������@��; ��( �� )��; �@�L��	NANOSEC; N
43613nanosecond circuit	����q��; �@�L��q��
43614nanosecond pulse	�@�L��߽�
43615nanosecond pulser	�@�L��߽ĵo�;�
43616nanostorage	�@�L�x�s��
43617nanostore	�@�L�x�s��
43618nanowatt	�@�L��( �S )	NW
43619nanowatt electronics	�@�L�˥\�v�q�l��
43620nanowatt integrated circuit	�@�L�˿n��q��
43621napier	�`��
43622naplps	�_����{�h��w�y�k
43623narcotics and dangerous drug(s) information system	�¾K�~�M�@�r�Ī��H���t��	NADDIS
43624narrative	�ԭz��( �ƾڳq�H�������榡���@ ); �O�Ƥ�
43625narrative address	�ԭz�ʦ�}
43626narrative capability	�ԭz�ʯ�O
43627narrative format	�ԭz�ʮ榡
43628narrative message	�ԭz�ʮ���; �ԭz�ʹq��
43629narrative output vocabulary edition language	���z�ʿ�X���զX��y��	NOVEL
43630narrative traffic	�ԭz�ʳq��
43631narrow band	���W�a; ���a	NB
43632narrow band allocation	��( �W )�a���t	NBA
43633narrow band channel	���W�q�D
43634narrow band communication system	���W�q�D�t��
43635narrow band data line	���W�a��ƽu��
43636narrow band data link	���W�a������
43637narrow band filter	���W�o�i��
43638narrow band frequency modulation	���W���W; ���a���W	NBFM
43639narrow band line	���W�ǿ�u
43640narrow band link	���W�q�H�u��
43641narrow band phase modulation	���a�լ�	NBPM
43642narrow band signal	���W�H��
43643narrow band transmission	���W�ǿ�
43644narrow channel	���a�q�D
43645narrow frequency-band	���W�a	NF
43646narrow line	���ǿ�u
43647narrowband	���W
43648narrowcasting	��T�p��
43649NASA communications operating procedures	�����ѧ��q�H�ާ@�{��; ��a��ѧ��q�H�ާ@�{��	NASCOP
43650NASA data processing facility	����t�觽��ƳB�z�]�I	NDPF
43651NASA end-to-end data system	�����a��ѧ���--�ݸ�ƨt��	NEED
43652NASA energy cost analysis program (NASA)	�෽������R�{��	NECAP
43653NASA structural analysis	����t�觽���c���R	NASTRAN
43654NASA world-wide communications network	�����ѧ��@�ɳq�H����; ��a��ѧ��@�ɳq�H����	NASCOM
43655nat	�`�S( �H���q�۵M��� )	NAT
43656national academy of sciences	��a��ǰ|( ���� )	NAS
43657national aeronautics and space administration	����t�觽; ( ���� )��ŤӪ��`�p	NASA
43658national aerospace and electronics conference	�����ѻP�q�l�Ƿ|ij	NAECON
43659national alliance of TV and electronic service ass	����q���ιq�l�A�Ȩ�|�p�X�|	NATESA
43660national association	�����|
43661national association for state information system	����{�߱����t�Ψ�|	NASIS
43662national association of accountants	����|�p��|	NAA
43663national association of computerized tax processor	����p����Ƶ|�ȳB�z����|	NACTP
43664national association of independent computer compa	����W�߭p������q��|	NAICC
43665national association of radio and TV broadcasters	����L�u�q�ιq���s������|	NARTB
43666national association of securities dealers	�����Ҩ�����Ө�|	NASD
43667national association of securities dealers automat	�����Ҩ�����Ө�|�۰ʦ����~��	NASDAQ
43668national association of users of computer applied	����p������U�DzߥΤ��|	NAUCAL
43669national automated clearing house association	����۰ʲ��ڥ洫�Ҩ�|	NACHA
43670national automatic controls conference	����۰ʱ����p�X�|	NACC
43671national bureau of standards	��a�зǧ�	NBS
43672national cable television association	( ���� )����q�l�q����|	NCTA
43673national cash register electronic autocoding techn	NCR�q�l�۰ʼg�X�N	NEAT
43674national characters	��a�S���r��
43675national civil defense computer facility	��a�����p����]�I	NCDCF
43676national commission on electronic funds transfer	��a�q�l����༷�e���|	NCEFT
43677national committee on computer network (England)	��a�p��������e���|( �^�� )	NCCN
43678national committee on radiological protection	����T�g���@�e���|	NCRP
43679national communication center	��a�q�H����	NATCOM
43680national communications (system)	��a�q�H( �t�� )	NACOM
43681national communications association	����q�H��|	NCA
43682national communications forum	����q�H�Q�׷|	NCF
43683national communications information plan	��a�q�H�����p��	NCP
43684national communications schedule	��a�q�H�p��	NACOS
43685national communications system	��a�q�H�t��	NCS
43686national computer center	����p�������	NCC
43687national computer conference	����p����|ij	NCC
43688national computer network of Britain	�^��p�����	NCNB
43689national computer program abstract service	��a�p����{����K�A�ȳB	NCPAS
43690national computer program index	��a�p����{������	NCPI
43691national computer users forum (United Kingdom)	����p����Τ�Q�׷|( �^�� )	NCUF
43692national crime information center	��a�D�ƥǸo��������	NCIC
43693national crime information system	����Ǹo��ƨt��	NCIS
43694national data manager users group	�����ƺ޲z�{�ǥΤ�p��	NADUG
43695national data processing service	�ꤺ��ƳB�z�~��	NDPS
43696national defense advisory committee	�꨾�Ըߩe���|	NDAC
43697national defense communication control center	( �� )�꨾( �� )�q�H�����	NDCCC
43698national destination code	�ꤺ�ت��X
43699national driver register (system)	�ꤺ�r�p�����U�t��	NDR
43700national electric code	( ���� )��a�q��W�{( �u���M�]�ƪ��[�]�M�w�� )	NEC
43701national electrical code	��a�q��k�W	NEC
43702national electrical code standard	����q��W�{�з�	NECS
43703national electrical code standards	��a�q��k�W�з�	NECS
43704national electrical manufacturers association	����q��s�y�Ө�|	NEMA
43705national electrical safety code	��a�q��w���k�W	NESC
43706national electronic association	����q�l�Ƿ|	NEA
43707national electronic facilities organization	����q�l�]�Ʋ�´	NEFO
43708national electronics conference	����q�l�Ƿ|ij	NEC
43709national electronics council	��a�q�l�ǩe���|	NEC
43710national electronics distributors association	����q�l���~�g�P�Ө�|	NEDA
43711national energy information center	����෽��������	NEIC
43712national engineers association	����u�{�v��|	NEA
43713national federation of abstracting and indexing se	�����K�P���ުA���p�X�|	NFAIS
43714national flight data center	���ꭸ���Ƥ���( ���� )	NFDC
43715national guard computer center	��a���íp�������( ���� )	NGCC
43716national industrial BASIC language	��a�u�~BASIC �y��	NIBL
43717national information and analysis center	��a�������R����	NIAC
43718national information control center	��a�H�������	NICC
43719national information network	���걡����	NIN
43720national information processing system	��a�H���B�z�t��	NIPS
43721national information research institute	��a������s��	NIRI
43722national information storage and retrieval center	���걡���x�s�P�˯�����	NISARC
43723national information system	��a�����t��	NATIS; NIS
43724national information system for science & technolo	��a��ޱ����t��	NISST
43725national institute of hardware	��a�w���s��	NIH
43726national institute of science and technology	�����ǧ޳N�Ƿ|	NIST
43727national joint computers committee	����p����p�X�e���|	NJCC
43728national keyboard/language setup	��a��L/ �y���]�m
43729national language	��a�y��
43730national language support	���ڻy�������O
43731national machine accountants association	��a�p����|�p�v��|; ( ���� )�����|�p�v��|	NMAA
43732national microfilm association	��a�Y�L������|; �����Y�L������|	NMA
43733national network	�ꤺ����
43734national newspaper index	������ȯ���( �ƾڲv )
43735national office management association	����줽�޲z��|; ( ���� )���Ⱥ޲z��|	NOMA
43736national public switched telecommunications networ	��ߤ��Υ洫�q�H��	NPSTN
43737national reprographic center for documentation	������m�ƻs����
43738national requirements	��a�S���n�D
43739national requirements feature	��a�S���n�D�\��( ���� )
43740national resource information system	��a�귽�H��( �B�z )�t��	NRIS
43741national signification number	�ꤺ���n�X
43742national software works	��a�n��u�t	NSW
43743national space surveillance control center	( ���� )��a����[����	NSSCC
43744national standard reference data system	��a�зǰѦҸ�ƨt��	NSRDS
43745national standards management board	��a�зǺ޲z��	NSMB
43746national strategic target data base	��a�Բ��ؼи�Ʈw	NSTDB
43747national technical information service	����޳N�����A�ȳB( ���� )	NTIS
43748national technical information service (U.S.A.)	����޳N�����A�ȳB
43749national telecommunications agency	��a�q�H��	NTA
43750national telecommunications and information admini	��a�q�H�����޲z��; ��a���{�q�H�M�H���޲z��	NTIA
43751national telecommunications conference	��a���{�q�H�|ij	NTC
43752national telephone company	��a�q�ܤ��q	NTC
43753national telephone cooperative association	����q�ܦX�@��|	NTCA
43754national television system committee	NTSC�m��q���t��	NTSC
43755national warning system	����ĵ���t��	NAWAS
43756national water data system	��a�����ƨt��	NWDS
43757national weather analysis center	�����H���R����	NAWAC
43758nationwide service network	����d��A�Ⱥ�
43759native assembly language	�����զX�y��	NAL
43760native character set	�����r����; �����r�Ŷ�; ASCII �r�Ŷ�
43761native code	����( �N )�X
43762native code translator	�����N�X½Ķ�{��
43763native collating sequence	������ֶ���; �����ƦC����; ���Ѿ�z����
43764native command name	�����R�O�W( �r ); �T���R�O�W( �r )
43765native compiler	�����sĶ�{��
43766native image	�����v��; �����M�H
43767native language	�����y��
43768native mode	�����Ҧ�; �����覡; ���Ѥ覡
43769native view	�������
43770NATO air defence ground environment data network	�_�j��v������´�a������ĵ�ƨt�μƾں���
43771NATO codification system	�_�j��v������´�s�X�t��
43772NATO integrated communication system	�_�j��v������´�Τ@�q�H�t��	NICS
43773NATO integrated communications system management a	"�_��"�Τ@�q�H�t�κ޲z��( �p )	NICSMA
43774NATO integrated communications system organization	"�_��"�Τ@�q�H�t�ξ��c; "�_��"��X�q�H�t�β�´	NICSO
43775NATO joint communications-electronics committee	"�_��"�p�X�q�H�q�l�e���|	NJCEC
43776natural binary	�۵M�G�i��
43777natural binary code	�۵M�G�i��X
43778natural binary coded decimal	�۵M�G�i��s�X���Q�i��	NBCD
43779natural binary-coded hexadecimal	�۵M�G�i��s�X���Q���i��	NBCH
43780natural boundary	�۵M���
43781natural boundary condition	�۵M��ɱ���
43782natural constraint	�۵M����
43783natural convection cooling	�۵M��y�N�o
43784natural deduction	�۵M�tö( �k ); �۵M����
43785natural deduction system	�۵M���z�t��
43786natural dialogue	�۵M���
43787natural dumping order	�۵M���x����
43788natural electronic business users language	�q�l�ӷ~�Τ�۵M�y��	NEBUL
43789natural frequency	�T���W�v; �۵M�W�v	NAT FREQ
43790natural frequency of vibration	�ۮ��W�v
43791natural function generator	�ѪR��Ƶo�;�; �۵M��ƽs��{��
43792natural join	�۵M�s��
43793natural join system	�۵M�s���t��
43794natural language	�۵M�y��
43795natural language analysis	�۵M�y�����R
43796natural language application	�۵M�y������
43797natural language communication	�۵M�y���q�H
43798natural language computer	�۵M�y���p���	NLC
43799natural language data base	�۵M�y����Ʈw	NLDB
43800natural language explanation	�۵M�y������; �۵M�y������
43801natural language information system	�۵M�y���H���t��
43802natural language input	�۵M�y����J
43803natural language interface	�۵M�y������
43804natural language interface to data base	��Ʈw�۵M�y������
43805natural language operating system	�۵M�y���ާ@�t��	NLOS
43806natural language processing	�۵M�y���B�z
43807natural language processing system	�۵M�y���B�z�t��
43808natural language programming	�۵M�y���{���]�p
43809natural language query system	�۵M�y���߰ݨt��
43810natural language symbol string	�۵M�y���r�Ŧ�
43811natural language system	�۵M�y���t��
43812natural language text	�۵M�y������; �۵M�y�����
43813natural language translation	�۵M�y��½Ķ
43814natural language understander	�۵M�y���z�ѵ{��
43815natural law generator	�ѪR��Ƶo�;�
43816natural logarithm	�۵M���
43817natural loop	�۵M�`��
43818natural merge sort	�۵M�k�֤���
43819natural merging	�۵M�k��
43820natural modes	�۵M��
43821natural number	�۵M��
43822natural order searching	�۵M���Ǭd�M�k
43823natural ordering	�۵M����; �۵M�Ƨ�
43824natural structure	�۵M���c
43825natural unit of information content	��T���[���۵M���
43826natural weighted BCD number	�۵M�[�vBCD ��
43827natural-function generator	�۵M��Ʋ��;�
43828natural-law generator	�۵M�߲��;�
43829NAU services	NAU �A��
43830NAU services manager layer	NAU �A�Ⱥ޲z�h
43831naval air logistices data analysis	���x��ŧL��Ը�Ƥ��R	NADA
43832Naval auxiliary communication center	( ���� )���x���U�q�H����	NACC
43833naval communication	���x�q�H
43834naval communication area master stations	���x�q�H�ϰ�D�q�H�x	NAVCAMS
43835naval communication processing and routing system	���x�q�H�B�z�P���|��ܨt��
43836naval communications area	���x�q�H��
43837naval communications center	���x�q�H����	NAVCOMCEN
43838naval communications satellitc	���x�q�H�ìP
43839naval communications system	���x�q�H�t��	NCS
43840naval data transmission network	���x��ƶǿ��	NDTN
43841naval electronic system	���x�q�l�t��	NAVELECS
43842naval electronics laboratory	���x�q�l�����	NEL
43843naval electronics laboratory international algebra	���x�q�l����ǰ�ڥN�ƽsĶ��	NELIAC
43844naval information center	���x��������	NAVIC
43845naval integrated command/management information sy	���x�Τ@�����޲z�H���t��	NAICOM/MIS
43846naval intelligence data network	���x�����ƾں�	NIDN
43847naval intelligence processing system	���x�����B�z�t��	NIPS
43848naval intelligence processing system support activ	���x�����B�z�t�Τ䴩����	NIPSSA
43849Naval research electronic computer	���x��s�ιq�l�p���	NAREC
43850naval space surveillance system	���x�Ŷ��ʵ��t��	NAVSPASUR
43851naval tactical computer system	���x�ԳN�p����t��	NTCS
43852naval tactical data system	���x�ԳN��ƨt��; ���x�ԳN��ƨt��	NTDS
43853naval telecommunications system	���x���{�q�H�t��	NTS
43854naval-ordnance research computer	���x�x���s�έp���	NORC
43855navamander	�s�X�q�H�]��; �s�X�q�H�t��
43856navic operating system	���x�������߾ާ@�t��	NAVOPS
43857navigation computer	�ɯ�p���	NC
43858navigation computer control	�ɯ�p�������	NCC
43859navigation computer unit	�ɯ�p����˸m	NCU
43860navigation control simulator	�ɯ豱�������	NCS
43861navigation data assimilation computer	�ɯ�������p���; �ɯ��ƦP�ƭp���	NADAC
43862navigation display system	�ɯ���ܨt��	NDS
43863navigation equipment capability analysis program	�ɯ�]�Ư�O���R�{��	BECAP
43864navigation map computer	�ɯ�a�ϭp���	NMC
43865navigation operational checkout computer	�ɯ�ާ@����p���	NOCC
43866navigation route data base	�ɯ���|��ܸ�Ʈw
43867navigation satellite timing and ranging	�ɯ�ìP�w�ɩM���Z	NAVSTAR
43868navigation-communication satellites	�ɯ�q�H�ìP	NAVSAT
43869navigational access method	�ɯ�s���k
43870navigational computer	�ɯ�p���
43871navigational digital computer	�ɯ�Ʀ�p���	NDC
43872Navy automated research and development informatio	���x�۰ʤƬ�s�P�o�i�H���t��	NARDIS
43873navy command and control system	���x�����P����t��	NCCS
43874navy display system	���x��ܨt��	NDS
43875navy electronic laboratory operating system	���x�q�l����Ǿާ@�t��	NELOS
43876navy environment protecting data base	���x���ҫO�@��Ʈw	NEPDB
43877navy laboratory computer network	���x����ǭp�����	NALCON
43878navy numerical weather prediction	���x�ƭȮ�Թw��	NANWEP
43879navy program(ming) language division	���x�{��( �]�p )�y����	NPLD
43880navy technical information program	���x�޳N�����{��	NATIP
43881navy's (worldwide) environmental data network	���x( ���y )���Ҽƾں�	NEDN
43882navy-navigation satellete system	���x�ɯ�ìP�t��	NAVSAT
43883NCR's applied COBOL packages	NCR ���Ϊ�COBOL �{�ǥ]	NACPAC
43884near label	�F��и�
43885near letter quality	�����Ѧr��	NLQ
43886near neighbor mesh network	��F������
43887near real-time	�ǧY��; ��Y��	NRT
43888near-end cross talk	��ݦ��	NEXT
43889near-end cross-talk	��ݦ��; ��ݦꭵ
43890near-end cross-talk attenuation	��ݦ�ܰI��
43891near-end cross-talk loss	��ݦ�ܷl��
43892near-end crosstalk	��ݦꭵ
43893near-end operated terminal	��ݾާ@�׺�
43894near-end signal	��ݫH��
43895near-letter-quality printing	����H���q�C�L
43896near-optimal grouping	����u�Ƥ���
43897near-real-time signal processing	��Y�ɫH���B�z
43898near-term work load	����u�@�t��
43899nearby bucket	�F���x�s��
43900nearest neighbor classification	�̪�F�����( �k )
43901nearest-neighbo(u)r pattern classification	�̪�F��Ҧ������k
43902neat/3 to COBOL language	neat/3-COBOL�y��	NECOL
43903NEC on-line software system	�饻�q���q�s�u�n��t��	NOSS
43904necessary and sufficient condition	�R( ���� )�n����
43905necessary bandwidth	���n�W�W�e; �����W�W�e
43906necessary condition	���n����
43907necessary environment	��������
43908need to know	����
43909need-to-know policy	�ݪ̤誾( �w�� )����
43910needing forecasting method	�ݨD�w����k
43911needle	�w; ���w; ���w
43912needle printer	�w���C�L��
43913needles per inch	�C�^�o�w��	NPI
43914negate	�_�w; ��; �t; �D��; "�D"
43915negate instruction	�_�w���O; �ϫ��O
43916negated combined condition	�_�w�զX����; �զX����D��
43917negated simple condition	²�����D��
43918negation	�_�w; ��; �t; �D
43919negation element	"�D"����
43920negation gate	�Ϲh; "�D"��
43921negative	�D; �t; �t��; �_�w��	NEG
43922negative (A ignore B) gate	�t( A ��B )�h
43923negative (A implies B) gate	�t( A ĭ�tB )�h
43924negative A-ignore-B gate	�PB�L����A"�D"��
43925negative A-implies-B gate	A "�P"B "�D"�h; �T��h
43926negative acknowledge	�_�{	NAK
43927negative acknowledge character	�ϽT�{�r��; �_�{; �_�w�{����; �_�{�r��; �_�w�r��	NAK;NAC
43928negative acknowledgement	�_�w�^��( �H�� )	NAK
43929negative acknowledgment	�_�w�{����; �_�w�^��; �_�w( �H�� )�^��	NAK;NACK
43930negative AND gate	�t�ιh; "�P�D"�h
43931negative answer	�_�w�^��
43932negative argument	�t�ܤ�
43933negative authorization terminal system	�D�S�\�׺ݨt��	NATS
43934negative availability	�t�i�ϥζq
43935negative B-ignore-A gate	�PA �L����B "�D"�h
43936negative B-implies-A gate	B "�P"A "�D"�h
43937negative balance	�t����
43938negative base number	�t���
43939negative BCD data	�t�G--�Q�i����
43940negative bias	�t����
43941negative binary number	�t�G�i��
43942negative binary zero	�t�G�i��s
43943negative carry	�t�i��
43944negative clause	�t�l�y
43945negative computer	�p����t�s
43946negative conductance	�t��
43947negative conductor	�t����; �t�ɽu
43948negative crystal	�t����
43949negative direction	�f�V; �Ϥ�V
43950negative entry	�t��J
43951negative feedback	�t�^�X; �t�^��	NF; NFB
43952negative feedback circuit	�t�^�X�q��	NFC
43953negative flag	�t�аO
43954negative going transition	�t�V�ܴ�
43955negative ignore gate	�t���h; �L���D�h( �P�Y�ǿ�J�L�����D�h )
43956negative impedance	�t����
43957negative impedance boosting	�t���ܿE�W	NIB
43958negative impedance region	�t����
43959negative incidence	�t�J�g��
43960negative indication	�t����
43961negative information sequence	�t�H���ǦC
43962negative input value	�t��J��
43963negative input,positive output	�t��J, ����X	NIPO
43964negative justification	�t( �X�t )�վ�
43965negative logic	�t�޿�
43966negative logic level	�t�޿��	NLL
43967negative negabinary carry-look-ahead adder	�t���t�G�i�����i��[�k��	NNBCLA
43968negative number	�t��
43969negative number representation	�t�ƪ�ܪk
43970negative operation concepts	�t�B�ⷧ��	NOC
43971negative OR circuit	"�ΫD"�q��
43972negative OR gate	"�ΫD"�h
43973negative OR operation	"�ΫD"�B��
43974negative output	�t��X
43975negative pressure slider	�t�����Y�B�ʶ�	NPS
43976negative pulse	�t�߽�
43977negative reception	�t�H������	NR
43978negative resistance device	�t������; �t������
43979negative resistance oscillation	�t������	NRO
43980negative response	�_�w�^��; �_�w����
43981negative sign	�t��
43982negative supply voltage	�t�q���q��	NSV
43983negative transpose	�t��m
43984negative writing	�t�g�H
43985negative-OR gate	�t�ιh
43986negative-positive	�t-��; �t��-����	NP
43987negative-positive process	�t���Ӭۤu��
43988negative-positive-zero	�t--��--�s	NPZ
43989negative-true logic	�t-�u�޿�
43990negator	�t��; "�D"����
43991negentropy	�t�����H���q; �t�i
43992neglected language program	�Q�������y���{��	NLP
43993negotiable BIND	�i��ӳs�q( �ШD )
43994negotiated contract	��w�X��
43995negotiated contract price	��w�X������
43996negotiated prices	��w����
43997neighbo(u)r node	�۾F�`�I
43998neighbo(u)r node address	�۾F�`�I��}	NNA
43999neighbo(u)r table	�F��`�I��	NT
44000neighborhood	�F��
44001neighborhood averaging	�F�쥭���k
44002neighborhood classification rule	�F������W�h
44003neighborhood effect	�F��v�T
44004neighborhood matching logic	�F��ǰt�޿�( �q�� )	NML
44005neighboring entry	�۾F��; �F��J�f
44006neighboring vertices	�۾F���I
44007neighbour	�F����; �F��
44008NEITHER-NOR element	"�ΫD"����
44009neither-NOR gate	�t�ϩιh
44010NEITHER-NOR gate	"�ΫD"�h
44011neither-nor operation	"�ΫD"�B��
44012neo-modern	�̷s��; ��{�N�ƪ�
44013neogenesis	�s��; �A��
44014neon lamp	�O�i�O; ���O
44015neper	��; �[; �`��
44016nesistor	�����������q����
44017nest	�_; �_��; �_�M; �M; �_��; �O�M; ��i���X( �@�ئs���覡 )
44018nest cell	�O�M�椸
44019nest of DO	DO( �`�� )�O�M
44020nest of subroutines	�l�ҵ{�O�M
44021nest relation	�O�M���Y
44022nested	�O�M��; �_��
44023nested address space	�_����}�Ŷ�
44024nested assignment statement	�_����ȱԭz
44025nested association list	�_���p�t��
44026nested binding	�_�����X
44027nested block	�_�����{��
44028nested block IF statement	�_�����{�DZ���ԭz
44029nested cell	�_���椸
44030nested command list	�_���R�O��
44031nested condition statement	�_������ԭz
44032nested conditional directive	�_��������O
44033nested conditional instruction	�_�M������O
44034nested critical section	�_������q
44035nested DO	�_��DO( �`�� )
44036nested DO loops	�_��DO�`��
44037nested ELSE clause	�_���_�h�l�y
44038nested environment	�_������
44039nested file transfer format	�_���ɮ׶ǰe�榡
44040nested function	�_�����
44041nested interrupt	�_�����_
44042nested language	�_���y��
44043nested loop	�h�M����; �_���j��; �_���`��
44044nested loop structure	�_���`�����c
44045nested loops	�_���j��
44046nested macro call	�_�������I�s
44047nested macro definition	�_�������w�q
44048nested macro structure	�_���������c
44049nested macros	�_���������O
44050nested monitor	�_���ʷ��{��
44051nested monitor call	�_���ʷ��{�ǽե�
44052nested multiplication method	�_�����k
44053nested operation	�_���B��
44054nested order	�_������
44055nested parenthesis	�_��( �� )�A��
44056nested polynomial evaluation	�_���h�����p��
44057nested primitive programming language	�_����y�{���]�p�y��	NPL
44058nested procedure	�_���L�{
44059nested procedure structure	�_���L�{���c
44060nested program structure	�_���{�����c
44061nested record variant	�_���O������
44062nested redeclaration	�_�����s����
44063nested routine	�_���`��; �_���{��
44064nested scope	�_���@�ΰ�
44065nested scope of identifier	���ѲŪ��_���@�ΰ�
44066nested sequence	�_���ǦC
44067nested sequence of intervals	�_���϶��ǦC
44068nested sets	�_�����X
44069nested sign-on	�_�����U; �_���n�O
44070nested stack automaton	�_�������|�۰ʾ�
44071nested statement	�_���ԭz
44072nested statement structure	�_���ԭz���c
44073nested subprogram definition	�_���l�{���w�q
44074nested subroutine	�_���l�{��
44075nested transaction	�_���ƶ�
44076nested transaction mechanism	�_���ƶ����c
44077nested variant	�_������
44078nested-if structure	�_��IF���c; �_���p�G���c
44079nested-phrase index	�_���u�y����
44080nested-phrase indexing system	�O�M�u�y�Фިt��	NEPHIS
44081nestification	�_��; �|�[
44082nesting	�_�M; �_�M�k; �_��
44083nesting block	�_�����{��
44084nesting environment	�_������
44085nesting error	�_�����~
44086nesting indirect command file	�_�������R�O�ɮ�
44087nesting level	�_���h��; �_����
44088nesting level complexity	�_���Ž�����
44089nesting loop	�_���j��
44090nesting of blocks	���{�Ǫ��_��
44091nesting of ELSE clause	"�_�h"�l�y���_��
44092nesting of subroutine	�l�{�Ǫ��_��
44093nesting or recursive structure	�_����k���c
44094nesting storage	�_���x�s( �� ); ��i���X�x�s��
44095nesting storage types	��i���X�x�s������
44096nesting store	�_���x�s
44097nesting structure	�_�����c
44098net	��; �b��
44099net address	������}
44100net boundary	�������
44101net change	�b�ܤ�
44102net change planning	�b�ܧ�W���k
44103net code	�½X
44104net commander-inchief	�q�H���t�d�H	NECIC
44105net control group	���������	NCG
44106net control program	��������{��
44107net control station	�������
44108net control terminal	��������׺�	NCT
44109net coordination station message	�q�H����եx�q��	NCSM
44110net difference report	�����t���B���i	NDR
44111net income	�b���J
44112net information contents	�b�H�����e
44113net loss	�b�l; �b�l��
44114net margin of start-stop apparatus	�_���]�ƪ��b�T��
44115net movement	�b����
44116net point	�����I
44117net real-time	�Y�ɺ���( �q�H )	NRT
44118net region	����ϰ�
44119net requirement	�b�n�D
44120net requirements	�b�ݨD
44121net resource units	�b�귽���
44122net sales	�P��b�B; �b�P��
44123net sales amount	�b�P����B
44124net service test	�����~�ȶ��ظ���; �����A�ȥ\�����	NST
44125net simulation language	���������y��
44126net structure	�������c
44127net theory	�����z��
44128NETCON	��������	NETCON
44130Netherland's automatic information processing rese	�����۰ʫH���B�z��s����	NAIPRC
44131netting	����; �b�Ȫk
44132netware	netware �����@�~�t��
44133netware bridge	netware ����
44134netware remote	netware ����
44135netware shell	netware �����h
44136netware-supplied menu	netware �e���䴩
44137network	����;	�q��;	�u��	NET; NTWK
44138network abort	�������`����
44139network access control	�����X�ݱ���
44140network access controller	�������J���	NAC
44141network access devices	�����s���]��	NAD
44142network access facility	�������J�]��; �����s���]��; �������J�\��	NAF
44143network access machine	�������J��; �����s����	NAM
44144network access method	�������J�k; �����s���k	NAM
44145network access pricing	�����X�ݭp��( �k )	NAP
44146network access processor	�����s���B�z��	NAP
44147network access protocol	�����X�ݨ�w	NAP
44148network access unit	�����i�X�˸m	NAU
44149network address	������}
44150network addressable clnit	�i�w��}�������˸m
44151network addressable unit	�����i�w�}�椸; ������}���; �����i�s�}�椸	NAU
44152network administration	�����޲z
44153network administration storage facility	�����޲z�x�s�\��
44154network algorithm	������k
44155network analog	��������; ��������
44156network analyser	�������R��
44157network analysis	�������R
44158network analysis for system application	�t����������R( �{�� );	NASAP
44159network analysis for system application program	�t�����ε{�����������R	NASAP
44160network analysis model	�������R�ҫ�	NAM
44161network analysis program	�������R�{��	NET; NETAP
44162network analyzer	�������R��; �������R�{��
44163network ancillary control process	�������U����B�z�{��; �������U����{��	NETACP
44164network and trunk control	�����Τz�u����( �� )	NTC
44165network and trunk equipment	�����Τz�u�]��	NTE
44166network application	�������μh; ��������( �{�� )
44167network application environment	������������
44168network application maintenance program	��������@�{��	NAMP
44169network application node	�������θ`�I	NAN
44170network architechture	�������c
44171network architectuer	�����[�c
44172network architecture	�����غc;������t���c
44173network architecture design	������t���c�]�p
44174network awareness	�����N��
44175network basic input output system	��������J��X�t��	NETBIOS
44176network board	�����O
44177network buffer	�����w�ľ�
44178network bus	�����׬y��
44179network calculator	�����p�⾹
44180network capacity	�����e�q
44181network chart	�����ϥ�; �����Ϫ�
44182network circuit	�����u��
44183network communication	�����q�T
44184network communication access method	�����q�H�X�ݪk	NCAM
44185network communication circuit	�����q�H�u��
44186network communication control facilities	�����q�H����]�I	NCCF
44187network communications	�����q�H�޳N
44188network communications control facility	�����q�H����\��( �{�� )	NCCF
44189network compiler simulation program	�����sĶ�{�Ǫ������{��	NCSP
44190network components	��������
44191network compromise	������J�B�z
44192network computer interface	�����p�������
44193network computing environment	�����p������
44194network computing industry	�����p��u�~
44195network configuragion facility	�����t�m�]�I	NCF
44196network configuration	�����t�m
44197network configuration facility	�����t�m�\��( �{�� )	NCF
44198network configuration tables	�����t�m��
44199network congestion	��������
44200network connect	�����s��
44201network connect block	�����s����	NCB
44202network connection	�����s��
44203network connection element	�����s���]��	NCE
44204network connection handler	�����s���B�z��	NCH
44205network connection point	�����s���I
44206network console	�����D���x
44207network constant	�����`��
44208network control	��������	NC
44209network control algorithm	���������k
44210network control block	���������; ��������{�Ƕ�; ���������	NCB
44211network control center	���������; ��������	NCC
44212network control communications	��������q�H	NETCOM
44213network control function	��������\��
44214network control language	��������y��	NCL
44215network control language standards	��������y���з�
44216network control layer	��������h
44217network control message	��������H��; �����������	NETCONMSG
44218network control mode	��������覡
44219network control module	��������Ҳ�	NCM
44220network control needs	��������ݨD
44221network control node	��������`�I	NCN
44222network control phase	��������q
44223network control processor	��������B�z��	NCP
44224network control program	��������{��	NCP
44225network control program BSC or SS session	��������{��BSC ��SS�q��; ��������{��BSC ��SS�|��
44226network control program generation	��������{���ͦ�
44227network control program major node	��������{���j�`�I; ��������{���D�`�I
44228network control program node	��������{���`�I
44229network control program station	��������{����
44230network control program/virtual storage	��������{���������x�s
44231network control protocol	���������w
44232network control signaling unit	��������H��( �o�e )�˸m
44233network control station	�������	NCS
44234network control system	��������t��	NCS
44235network control unit	��������˸m; �������; ���������	NCU
44236network controller	�������	NC
44237network controlling signal unit	��������H���˸m
44238network convention	�������w
44239network coordinating station	������կ�	NCS
44240network coordination center	������դ���	NCC
44241network creation	���إ�; �غ�
44242network cryptographic device	�����[�K�˸m	NCD
44243network data base management system	������Ʈw�޲z�t��	NDBMS
44244network data description	������ƴy�z; ������ƻ���
44245network data link control	��������������	NDLC
44246network data manager	������ƺ޲z�{��
44247network data model	������Ƽҫ�; �����ƾڼҫ�
44248network data phase	�������( �ǿ� )��
44249network data reduction	�������²��	NDR
44250network data series	������ƨt�C	NDS
44251network data structure	������Ƶ��c
44252network data translator	�������½Ķ�{��
44253network data unit	������Ƴ��	NDU
44254network database	��������Ʈw; ������Ʈw; �����ƾڮw
44255network database design	������Ʈw�]�p
44256network database language	������Ʈw�y��	NDL
44257network database management system	������Ʈw�޲z�t��
44258network defining language	�����w�q�y��	NEDLAN
44259network definition	�����w�q
44260network definition language	�����w�q�y��	NDL
44261network delay	��������
44262network description language	�����y�z�y��	NDL
44263network description table	�����y�z��	NDT
44264network design algorithm	�����]�p��k
44265network design and management system	�����]�p�M�޲z�t��	NDMS
44266network design center	�����]�p����
44267network design criteria	�����]�p�ǫh
44268network device modem	�����]�ƽը�ѽվ�
44269network diagnosis	�����E�_
44270network diagnostic control	�����E�_����; �����E�_���	NDC
44271network diagnostic tool	�����E�_�u��	NDT
44272network diagram	������
44273network dialogue	�������
44274network diameter	�������|
44275network director	����������; ��������	ND
44276network disconnect command	�����_�}�R�O; ������u�R�O
44277network disconnet and reset	�������u���]
44278network disk	�����Ϻо�
44279network distribution equipment	�������t�]��
44280network distributor	�������t��
44281network domain	�����޲z; ����
44282network drill	�����t��
44283network duality	�������ﰸ��
44284network earth reference	�������a���
44285network electronic mail	�����q�l�l��
44286network element	��������
44287network end-point	��������
44288network engineering administrative data system	�����u�{��F�޲z��ƨt��	NEADS
44289network environment	��������
44290network environment operating system	��( ������ )�ξާ@�t��
44291network equalize	��������; �������v
44292network equation	������{
44293network equipment number	�����]�ƽs��	NEN
44294network expression	������F��
44295network extended unit	���������˸m	NEU
44296network failure	�����G��
44297network file access method	�����ɮ׳X�ݪk; �����ɮצs���k	NFAM
44298network file access protocol	�����ɮ׳X�ݨ�w; �����ɮצs����w	NFAP
44299network file transfer	�����ɮפ���; �������ǰe	NFT
44300network flow	�����y
44301network flow control	����( �H�� )�y����
44302network flow model	�����y�ҫ�
44303network flow routine	�����y�{��	NETFLOW
44304network flow theory	�����y�z��
44305network front end	�����e��	NFE
44306network function	�������
44307network generation	�����ͦ�	NETGEN
44308network geometry	�����X��( �� )
44309network host	�����D��
44310network implementation language	������{�y��	NIL
44311network independence	�����W�ߩ�
44312network information and control exchange	������ƻP�����	NICE
44313network information center	�����H����������; �����H������	NIC
44314network information files	������T�ɮ�	NIF
44315network information management	�����H���޲z( �t�� )	NIM
44316network information services	�����H���~��	NIS
44317network information system	�����H���t��	NIS
44318network initial condition	������l����; ������l���A
44319network integration	�����n��
44320network integrity	���������
44321network integrity control system	��������ʱ���t��	NICS
44322network intelligence	�������z
44323network interconnect	�������s
44324network interface	��������
44325network interface card	���������d
44326network interface control	������������	NIC
44327network interface machine	����������	NIM
44328network interface module	���������Ҳ�
44329network interface program	���������{��
44330network interface system	���������t��	NIS
44331network interface task	������������	NIT
44332network interface unit	���������]��	NIU
44333network job control language	�����@�~����y��	NJCL
44334network job entry	�����@�~��J( �t�� )	NJE
44335network job entry facility	�����@�~���J�\��]�I; �����@�~���J�\��{��
44336network job entry implementation	�����@�~���J��{
44337network job interface	�����@�~����	NJI
44338network job processing	���������B�z; �����@�~�B�z	NJP
44339network knowledge representation scheme	���������Ѫ�ܼҦ�
44340network language center	�����y������	NLC
44341network layer	�����h
44342network layer service	�����h�A��
44343network layer standard	�����h�з�
44344network level	�����h; ������
44345network line	�����u��
44346network link	�������
44347network load analysis	�����t�����R
44348network lock-up	��������
44349network logical address	�����޿��}	NLA
44350network logical data manager	�����޿��ƺ޲z��; �����޿��ƺ޲z�{��	NLDM
44351network maintenance	�������@
44352network maintenance signal	�������@�H��
44353network management	�����޲z
44354network management information system	�����޲z�H���t��	NEMIS
44355network management layer	�����޲z�h
44356network management services	�����޲z�A��	NMS
44357network management system	�����޲z�t��	NMS
44358network management unit	�����޲z����	NMU
44359network management-oriented transaction	�����޲z�ɦV���ƶ�; �����޲z�ɦV�����
44360network manager	�����޲z��; �����޲z�{��	NM
44361network maximum segment size	�����̤j�q����	NMSS
44362network measurement center	�������q����	NMC
44363network model	�����ҫ�
44364network model data base	�����ҫ���Ʈw
44365network model data base system	�����ҫ���Ʈw�t��
44366network modelling	�����ҫ���; �����ؼ�
44367network modes	����( �ϥ� )�覡
44368network modifier	����( �ո` )���v��	NWM
44369network monitoring	�����ʵ�( �޳N )
44370network multi-station access unit	�����h���s����
44371network name	�����W( �r )
44372network node	�����`�I
44373network node administration	�����`�I�޲z
44374network noise	��������
44375network object	��������
44376network of computer	�p�������
44377network of memory cell	���s�椸��
44378network of quasireversible queue	���i�f�ʦ�C����
44379network operating center	�����ާ@����
44380network operating support program	�����ާ@�䴩�{��	NOSP
44381network operating system	�����ާ@�t��	NOS
44382network operating system function	�����ާ@�t�Υ\��
44383network operation	�����B��
44384network operation and maintenance center	�����B��M���@����; �����ާ@�M���@����	NOMC
44385network operation center	�����B�椤��; �����ާ@����	NOC
44386network operation console	�����ާ@����x
44387network operation interface	�����ާ@����
44388network operation manager	�����ާ@�޲z�{��
44389network operation procedure	�����ާ@�{��
44390network operations control center	�����ާ@�����	NOCC
44391network operator	�����ާ@��
44392network operator command	�����ާ@���R�O
44393network operator console	�����ާ@������x
44394network operator control program	�����ާ@������{��	NOCP
44395network operator log-on	�����ާ@�����U; �����ާ@���n�O
44396network operator process	�����ާ@�L�{; �����ާ@���L�{	NETOP
44397network operator service	�����ާ@���~��
44398network operator workstation	�����ާ@���u�@��
44399network operator/administrator	�����ާ@��/�����޲z��
44400network optimization	�����u��
44401network optimized approach	�����u�Ƥ�k
44402network out-dialing	��������	NOD
44403network parameter	�����Ѽ�
44404network parameters in public data network s	���μƾں����������Ѽ�
44405network partition problem	�����������D
44406network path	�����q��; �������|
44407network PC adapter	����PC�A�t��
44408network performance analysis reporting system	�����ʯ���R���i�t��	NETPARS
44409network performance analyzer	�����ʯ���R�{��	NPA
44410network physical unit	�������z����椸
44411network picture process language	�����϶H�B�z�y��; �����ϳB�z�y��	NPPL
44412network planning	�����W��
44413network planning tool	�����W���u��	NPT
44414network port(s)	������; �����X�J�f
44415network printer	�����L���
44416network problem decision application	�������D�M������	NPDA
44417network problem determination application	�������D�M�����ε{��; �������D�M������	NPDA
44418network processing	�����B�z
44419network processing architecture	�����B�z��t���c
44420network processing supervisor	�����B�z�޲z�{��	NPS
44421network processing supervisor error message	�����B�z�ʱ��{�ǿ��~�H��
44422network processing supervisor startup	�����B�z�ʱ��{�ǰ_��
44423network processing supervisor table	�����B�z�ʱ��{�Ǫ�
44424network processing unit	�����B�z����	NPU
44425network processor	�����B�z��
44426network product support	�������~���( �{�� )	NPS
44427network programming	�����{���]�p
44428network protective device	�����O�@�˸m	NPD
44429network protocol	������w
44430network protocol processor	������w�B�z�{��; ������w�B�z��	NPP
44431network protocol software	������w�n��
44432network protocol timing	������w�w��( �޳N )
44433network quality	������q
44434network readiness testing	�����ƥΪ��A����	NRT
44435network recovery	������_
44436network redundancy	�������l( �� )
44437network reference monitor station	�����ѦҩM��ť�x	NRMS
44438network registry	�������U; �����n�O
44439network reliability	�����i�a��
44440network reliability coordinator	�����i�a�ʨ�յ{��	NRC
44441network representation	������ܪk
44442network resource	�����귽
44443network resource directory	�����귽�ؿ�
44444network resource unit	�����귽����	NRU
44445network restructuring language	�������c�y��	NRL
44446network routing center	�s�����|��ܤ���; �������|��ܤ���	NRC
44447network rule	�����W�h
44448network sample	����˫~
44449network scheduling	�����ի�
44450network security	�����w����
44451network security center	�����w������	NSC
44452network security module	�����w���Ҳ�	NSM
44453network segment	�����q
44454network sensitivity formula	�����F�ӫפ���
44455network server	�����A�ȵ{��; �����A�Ⱦ�
44456network service	�����A��	NS
44457network service data unit	�����A�ȸ�Ƴ]��	NSDU
44458network service frame	�����A�ȴV
44459network service header	�����A�ȼ��Y
44460network service level	�����A�ȯ�
44461network service manager	�����A�Ⱥ޲z�{��	NSM
44462network service procedure error	�����A�ȹL�{���~	NSPE
44463network service protocol	�����A�Ȩ�w	NSP
44464network service provider	�����A�ȴ��Ѫ�
44465network service(s) manager	�����A�Ⱥ޲z�{��; �����A�Ⱥ޲z��	NSM
44466network services layer	�����A�ȴ�
44467network services procedure error	�����A�ȹL�{���~	NSPE
44468network services protocol	�����A�Ȩ�w
44469network site	������m
44470network size	�����W��
44471network slowdown	������t
44472network software	�����n��
44473network software development	�����n��}�o; �����n���s
44474network space monitor	�����Ŷ��ʵ���	NSM
44475network stabilization	����í�w��
44476network stand-alone system	�W�ߺ����t��
44477network state	�������A
44478network state table	�������A��
44479network station	�����u�@��; ������
44480network status display	�������A��ܾ�	NSD
44481network status display system	�������A��ܨt��
44482network status initialization	�������A��l��
44483network status notifications	�������p�q��
44484network strategy	��������
44485network structure	�������c
44486network supervisor software	�����ʱ�( �{�� )�n��
44487network supervisor software system	�����ʱ�( �{�� )�n��t��
44488network supervisor system	�����޲z�{�Ǩt��	NSS
44489network support processor system	�����䴩�B�z���t��
44490network surveillance system	�����ʵ��t��	NSS
44491network switch	�����౵
44492network switching center	�����洫����	NSC
44493network synthesis	������X
44494network synthesis & evaluation technique	������X�P�����޳N	NETSET
44495network system	�����t��
44496network system organization	�����t�β�´	NSO
44497network task	�����u�@
44498network technical architecture group	�����޳N��t���c��	NTAG
44499network technique	�����޳N	NETT
44500network technology	�����޳N
44501network television	�����q��	NTV
44502network terminal	�����׺�; �����]��
44503network terminal circuits	�����׺ݽu��	NTC
44504network terminal number	�ꤺ�׺ݸ��X
44505network terminal option	�����׺ݥi�ﶵ	NTO
44506network terminal option device	�����׺ݥ���]��
44507network terminal protocol	�����׺ݨ�w	NTP
44508network terminal system	�����׺ݨt��	NTS
44509network terminating unit	�����׵��椸	NTU
44510network termination	�����׺�
44511network termination processor	�����׺ݳB�z��	NTP
44512network test and training facility	�������թM�V�m�]��	NTTF
44513network testing problem	����������D; �����˴����D
44514network theory	�����z��
44515network throughput	�����y�q�q; �����]�R�q
44516network timing	�����w��( �H�� )
44517network topology	�����G��; �������c; �����ݮ�
44518network topology figure	�����G����
44519network traffic	�����H���y�q�q; �����ܰȶq
44520network traffic pattern	�����q�H�~�ȼҦ�
44521network transaction processing	�����ƶ��B�z	NTP
44522network transfer function	�����ǻ����
44523network transfer table	�����ǰe��	NTT
44524network transmission	�����ǿ�
44525network type analog computer	�����������p���
44526network universality	�����q��
44527network user	������
44528network user access procedure	������s���{��
44529network user identifier	�����Τ���ѽX	NUI
44530network user identity	�����Τᨭ���ѧO( �X )	NUI
44531network user interface	�����Τᤶ��
44532network virtual terminal	���������׺�	NVT
44533network virtual terminal protocols	���������׺ݾ���w
44534network wide directory	����( �� )�ؿ�	NWD
44535network wide directory system	����( �� )�ؿ��t��	NWDS
44536network work group	�����u�@��	NWG
44537network-based project management	���������p���޲z	NBPM
44538network-host protocol	�����D����w	NHP
44539network-like structure	�������c
44540network-oriented computer system	�����ɦV���p����t��
44541network-oriented data acquisition language	�����ɦV����ƱĶ��y��; �����ɦV����Ʀ����y��	NODAL
44542network-oriented data acquisition system	�����ɦV����ƱĶ��t��	NODAS
44543network-oriented operating system	�����ɦV���ާ@�t��	NOS
44544network-oriented project management committee	�����ɦV���W���޲z�e���|
44545network-teletype	�����q��( ���r )��
44546network-type computer	�������p���
44547network-wide coordination entity	�����d���չ���
44548network/guard system	�������èt��
44549networking	�s��; �غ�
44550networking device modem	�s���]�Ƽƾھ�
44551networking distributed processing	�s�����G���B�z
44552networking environment condition	�s�����ұ���
44553networking function	�s���\��; �s���ާ@
44554networking products	�s�����~
44555networking support	�s���䴩( �{�� )
44556networkmanagement signal	�����޲z�H��
44557Neumann principle	�հҭ�h
44558Neumann problem	�հҰ��D; �ĤG����Ȱ��D
44559Neumann type computer	�������p���
44560neural logic system	���g�޿�t��
44561neural net	���g����
44562neuron	���g��
44563neuron simulation	���g����
44564neutral bus	���ʶ׬y�y
44565neutral circuit	���ʹq��
44566neutral conductor	���ʾ���
44567neutral keying	�����䱱
44568neutral network simulator	���ʺ���������	NNS
44569neutral state	���ʪ��A( �����h�� )
44570neutral transmission	���M�ǿ�
44571neutral zone	���ʰ�; �L����@�Ϊ��Ѽƽd��( �۰ʱ���t�Τ��� )
44572neutron transport computer code	���l�ǿ�p����N�X	NTCC
44573Nevada automatic diagnostic system	���عF�۰ʤƶE�_�t��	NADS
44574Nevada automatic diagnostis system	���عF�۰ʤƶE�_�t��	NADS
44575never-call function	���դJ�\��
44576never-ending program	�L��{��
44577new	�s��
44578new and old cost	�s�P�¦���
44579new assembly language	�s�զX�y��	NAL
44580new computer family D	�s�p����t�CD	NCFD
44581new data network	�s�ƾں���	NDN
44582new disk access method	�s���ϺЦs���k	NDAM
44583new display device	�s����ܸ˸m
44584New England bankcard association	�s�^�����Ȧ�d��|	NEBA
44585New England educational data system	�s�^�����Ш|��ƨt��	NEEDS
44586New England eneragy management information system	�s�^�����෽�޲z�����t��	NEEMIS
44587New England library information network	�s�^�����Ϯ��]������	NELINET
44588New England telecommunication association	�s�^�����q�H��|	NETA
44589new entry	�s���~; �s�Ӫ��H
44590new equipment introduction	�s�]�Ƥ���	NEI
44591new fields	�s�]���
44592new file	�s�ɮ�; �إ��ɮ�
44593new information technology	�H���s�޳N
44594new input message queue	�s��J�����C
44595new input queue	�s��J��C
44596new input/output program status word location	�s����J��X�{�����A�r�椸	NIOPSWL
44597new international commercial language	�s��ڰӷ~�y��	NICOL
44598new line	�s��; ����	NL
44599new line character	�s��r��; �s�C�r��	NL
44600new line operation	�s��ާ@
44601new list	�s�C
44602new lower bound	�s�U��
44603new lower bound part	�s�U�ɳ���
44604new master file	�s���D�ɮ�	NMF
44605new network architecture	�s������t���c	NNA
44606new page	����	NP
44607new page mark	�����аO; �s���аO
44608new paragraph	���q	NP
44609new permanent file	�s( �� )�ä[�ɮ�
44610new product evaluation form	�s���~������	NPEF
44611new program language	�s�{�ǻy��	NPL
44612new program language/1	�s�{�ǻy��1	NP/1
44613new program status area pointer	�s�{�Ǫ��A�x�s�ϫ��ܦr
44614new program status word	�s�{�Ǫ��A�r
44615new program status word location	�s�{�����A�r��m	NPSWL
44616new programming language	�s�{���]�p�y��	NPL
44617new route	�s���|
44618new series	�s�t�C	NS
44619new signal	�s�H��	NS
44620new subsystem	�s( �إ� )�l�t��
44621new sync	�s�P�B
44622new system	�s���; �s�t��	NS
44623new transmission plan	�s�ǿ���
44624new type	�s����; �s��	NT
44625new type constructor	�s�����c�y��
44626new type definition	�s�����w�q
44627new type parameter	�s�����Ѽ�
44628New York assembly program	�ì��զX�{��	NYAP
44629New York automated clearing house	�ì��۰ʲ��ڥ洫��	NYACH
44630New York clearing house association	�ì����ڥ洫( �� )��|	NYCHA
44631New York stock exchange	�ì��Ҩ������	NYSE
44632New York Times information	�ì��ɳ��H��
44633new-line character	����r��	NL
44634newfig	�s��
44635news editing and layout system of newspaper	���Ƚs��M�ƪ��t��	NELSON
44636news information	�s�D���
44637news release	�s�D�o�G
44638newspaper composition program	���ȱƪ��{��	NEWSCOMP
44639newspaper database	�s�D��Ʈw
44640newspaper in microform	�����Y�L�L��~	NIM
44641newspapers on microfilm	�����Y�L����
44642next	���@��
44643next address assembly register	�U�@��}�զX�Ȧs��	NAAR
44644next address control	���}����
44645next address field	���}��
44646next address instruction	�U�@��}���O
44647next consecutive bucket	�U�@���~�x�s��
44648next event models	���ƥ�ҫ�
44649next executable statement	�U�@�i����ԭz
44650next field	�U�@���
44651next in,first out	��i; ���X	NIFO
44652next location for move	���@�h�B��m
44653next node index	�U�@�`�I����	NNI
44654next operation for move	���@�h�B�@�~
44655next record	���@����
44656next record number	�U�@�ӰO����	NRN
44657next sequential instruction	�U�@���ǫ��O	NSI
44658next state	���A
44659next task register	�U�����ȼȦs��	NTR
44660next word request	�U�@�r�ШD	NWR
44661next-event synchronous simulation	�U�@�ƥ�P�B����
44662next-in	�U�@�H���i�J��m( ��ܤU�@�Ӷi�ӫH���s����m )
44663next-out	�U�@�H�����X��m( ��ܱq���̨��X�U�@�ӫH�� )
44664next-use information	�U�@�ϥΫH��
44665nexus	����; �`�I; �����I; �s��; ���s
44666NI nicknames	�O�W�޲z
44667nibble	�|�줸�r; ��; �b��; �|��r�`; �b�r�`
44668nibble mode	�b�r�`�覡; �|��覡
44669NICE protocol	NICE��w
44670nice syntax	�n���y�k
44671niche	�Q��
44672nickel delay-line	�쩵��u
44673nickname	�O�W; �ʺ�
44674night frequency	�]��( �q�H )�W�v	NF; NFQ
44675Nihongo information system	�饻�H���t��	NIS
44676Nike-Zeus automatic programming system	�`�J-�z���۰ʵ{���]�p�t��	NZAPS
44677nil interference	�L�z�Z
44678nil link	�ųs��
44679nil pointer	�s����; �s���ܾ�; �s���w
44680nil symbol	�s�Ÿ�
44681nim	��N�C��
44682nimbus data handling system	���B( �ìP )��ƳB�z�t��	NDHS
44683nine track tape	�E�y�ϱa
44684nine's complement	�Q�i��ϽX
44685nine's complement representation	�Q�i��ϽX��ܪk
44686nine-track compatibility	�E�ϹD�ݮe��
44687nine-track R/W head	�E�yŪ�g�Y
44688nines check	�E�ֹ�; ��9 ����
44689nines complement	�E�ɼ�
44690nines complement; complement on nine 9	9 ���ɼ�
44691ninety column card	�E�Q�C( ���� )�d��
44692ninety-column card	�E�Q��d
44693Nippon calculation machine company	�饻�p������q	NCM
44694Nippon data processing association	�饻��ƳB�z��|	NDPA
44695Nippon decimal classification	�饻�Q�i������k	NDC
44696Nippon electric automatic computer	�饻�q��۰ʭp���	NEAC
44697Nippon electric company	�饻�q���q	NEC
44698Nippon electric layout design system for integrate	�饻�q��n��q���G�u�]�p�t��	NELDIC
44699Nippon electronic automatic computer	�饻�q�l�۰ʭp���	NEAC
44700Nippon electronic memory industry company	�饻�q�l�O����u�~���q	NEMIC
44701Nippon electrotechnical committee	�饻�q�޳N�e���|	NEC
44702Nippon telegraph and telephone public corporation	�饻�q���q�ܤ��q	NTTPC
44703Nippon-electric experimental digital exchange	�饻�q���q��s������ʼƦ즡�洫��( ����)	NEEDEX
44704Nixdorf communications network	Nixdorf �q�H����( �w�� )	NCN
44705nixie decoder	�Ʀ��Ķ�X��
44706nixie display indicator	�ƽX����ܫ��ܾ�
44707nixie driver	�Ʀ���X�ʾ�
44708Nixie light	���J���
44709nixie light	�ƽX��; �Ʀ��
44710nixie readout	�Ʀ��Ū�X�˸m
44711Nixie tube	���J���
44712nixie tube	�ƽX��; �Ʀ��
44713NLR-recursive scan	NLR ���j���y
44714nn junction	( �b���餤�� )nn��	NN
44715no address instruction	�L��}���O	NAI
44716no answer required	���n�D�^��	NAR
44717no carry	�L�i��	NC
44718no charge	���p��; �K�O	N/C
44719no code	�L�N�X; �S���N�X	NCD
44720no connection	���s��; ���s��	NC
44721no control print	�L����C�L	NCP
44722no correction	�L����
44723no count	���p��; ���p��r��
44724no date	�L���	ND
44725no dated	���`�����	N/D
44726no defect found	���o�{���~	NDF
44727no delay	������; �L��o	ND
44728no delivery	����e	ND
44729no detect	���˴�; ���o�{	ND
44730no echo	���^��; ���@�^��; �L�^��( �� )
44731no effect	�L�@��; �L�v�T	NEF
44732no error check	����L��; �L���~����	NEC
44733no error loop	�L���~�`��	NEL
44734no fault found	�S���o�{���~	NFF
44735no filing time	�L�k�ɮɶ�	NFT
44736no first error	�D�즸���~; �D�Ĥ@�����~	NFE
44737no GO TO statement	�L��V�ԭz
44738no home record	�L�޾ɰO��; �L��l�O��
44739no job definition error	�L�@�~�w�q���~
44740no label	�L�и�	NL
44741no load ratio	�Ÿ���; �L���v; �Ÿ��v	NLR
44742no logging	���O��
44743no manual intervention	�D�H�u�z�w	NMI
44744no mark	�L�лx; �L�H��; �L�Ǹ�	NM
44745no memory	�L�O����	NOM
44746no of complete ops	�����@�~��
44747no OP	�L�@( �~ )
44748no op instruction	�žާ@���O	NOP
44749no operation	�L��; �L�ާ@; �žާ@	NOP
44750no operation instruction	���@�~���O
44751no parallel print	�D����C�L	NPP
44752no parallel printer	�D����C�L��	NPP
44753no parity	�L�_��( ����X )	NP
44754no programming language	�D�{���]�p�y��	NPL
44755no record	�L�O��	NR
44756no remote	�D���{��; ��a��	NRE
44757no response	�L����
44758no return point	�L��^�I
44759no signal	�L�H��; �D�H��	NS
44760no slot release	�L������	NSR
44761no space, no print	�L��, �D�C�L	NSNP
44762no spurious interrupt	�D�����_; �u���_	NSI
44763no such address	�L����}	NSA
44764no test link	�D�������	NTL
44765no test loop	�L���հj��; �D���հj��	NTL
44766no time lost	�L�ɶ��l��	NTL
44767no transmission	�L�ǿ�; ���ǿ�	NT
44768no trouble found	���o�{�G��	NTF
44769no truncate mode	�D�I�_�A
44770no wait mode	�L���ݤ覡
44771no-address	�L��}
44772no-address computer	�L��}�p���
44773no-address instruction	�L�}���O; �L��}���O	NAI
44774no-bias	�L����	NB
44775no-bit	�ʦ�; �D( �G�i )��
44776no-bread	�����_
44777no-buffer queue	�L�w�İϦ�C
44778no-call	�L�դJ; ���ե�
44779no-carry	�L�i��
44780no-charge item	�K�O����
44781no-charge machine-fault time	�K�O���ٮɶ�; ( �����ް_�� )�����G�٧K�O�ɶ�
44782no-charge non-machine-fault time	�K�O�D���ٮɶ�; ( �䥦��]�ް_�� )�D�����G�٧K�O�ɶ�
44783no-consoles condition	�L����x���A
44784no-CPB queue	�L�q�D�{�Ƕ���C
44785no-data	�L���
44786no-encoding microinstruction	���s�X�L���O
44787no-flux gate head	�L�ϳq�����Y
44788no-global-optimization	�D�����u��
44789no-guard band recording	�L�O�@�a�O��
44790no-load	�Ÿ�; �L��
44791no-load current	�Ÿ��q�y
44792no-load running	�Ÿ��B��
44793no-load test	�Ÿ�����
44794no-man control	�L�H���a
44795no-op	�L�ާ@���O; �žާ@���O
44796no-op instruction	�L�@���O; �žާ@���O
44797no-operand instruction	�L�ާ@�ƫ��O
44798no-operation	�žާ@���O; �žާ@
44799no-operation instruction	�L�@�~���O; �žާ@���O
44800no-print key	���C�L��
44801no-reply	�L�^��; �L����
44802no-report	�L���i	NOREP
44803no-signal	�L�H��
44804no-station address	�L����}
44805no-valid reference	�L�Ĥޥ�
44806no-wait I/O processing	�ߧY��J��X�B�z
44807no-wait message send request	�ߧY�H���o�e�ШD
44808no-wait run request	�ߧY�B��ШD
44809no-wrap	���^¶
44810nodal analysis method	�`�I���R�k
44811nodal computer	�`�I�p���
44812nodal displacement	�`�I�첾
44813nodal exchange area	�`�洫��	NXA
44814nodal line	�`�I�u
44815nodal parallel processor system	�`�I����B�z�t��
44816nodal processor	�`�I�B�z��
44817nodal route vector	�`�I���|�V�q	NRV
44818nodal switching center	�`�I�౵����	NSC
44819nodal value	�`�I��
44820node	�`�I; �`( �I ); ���I; ���I
44821node address	�`�I��}
44822node administration	�`�I�޲z
44823node array	�`�I�}�C	NA
44824node branch	�`�I����
44825node computer	���I�p���; �`�I�p���
44826node control function	�`�I����\��
44827node deletion	�`�I�R�h
44828node diagram	���I��
44829node expression	�n�`�I��F��
44830node identification	�`�I����
44831node identifier	�`�I���Ѳ�
44832node initialization block	�`�I��l�Ƶ{�Ƕ�; �`�I�w�m�����	NIB
44833node initialization block list	�`�I��l�ƶ���
44834node insertion	���I���J
44835node layering language	�`�I���h�y��
44836node level	�`�I�h��
44837node level loopback test	�`�I����¶�^����
44838node link	���I�s��; �`�I�챵
44839node listing	�`�I�C��
44840node name	�`�I�W��; �`�I�W
44841node name mapping table	�`�I�W�٬M����
44842node number	�`�I���X
44843node of network	�������I; �����`�I
44844node of tree	��`�I
44845node operator	���I�ާ@��; �`�I�ާ@��
44846node overwrite	�`�I���g
44847node pair	���I��; �`�I��
44848node partition	���I����; �`�I����
44849node point	�`�I
44850node queue	�`�I��C
44851node record	���I�O��; �`�I�O��
44852node repair	���I�״_; �`�I�״_
44853node serve routine	�`�I�A�ȵ{��	NODSE
44854node specification	�`�I�W��
44855node state	�`�I���A
44856node statement	�`�I�ԭz
44857node structure	���I���c; �`�I���c
44858node subgraph	���I�l��; �`�I�l��
44859node switching	���I�౵; �`�I�౵
44860node table	���I��
44861node table form of parse trees	�y�k���R�����I���
44862node time	�`�I�ɶ�
44863node transformation	�`�I�ܴ�
44864node transition description	�`�I�ಾ�y�z
44865node type	�`�I����
44866node variable	�`�I�ܼ�
44867node voltage	�`�I�q��
44868node-and-pointer notation	�`�I���w�O�k
44869node-disjoint path	�`�I���ۥ�q��
44870node-label controlled graph grammar	���`�I�аO����ϧΤ�k
44871node-oriented directed graph	���I�ɦV�����V��
44872node-oriented grammar	�`�I�ɦV����k
44873noise	���T;	����;	�z�Z;	����
44874noise abatement procedure	�������{��	NAP
44875noise analysis approach	�������R��k	NAA
44876noise analysis program	�������R�{��	NAP
44877noise attenuation	�����I��
44878noise balancing circuit	�������Źq��	NBC
44879noise bandwidth	�����W�e
44880noise cancelling	��������; �������
44881noise channel	�����q��
44882noise communication channel	����( �n�� )�q�T�q�D
44883noise control	��������
44884noise criterion	�����з�	NC
44885noise detector	�����˴���	ND
44886noise digit	�����p�Ƴ��
44887noise diode	�����G����
44888noise equivalent flux density	�������ijq�q�K��	NEFD
44889noise equivalent intensity	�������ıj��	NEI
44890noise exposure computer integrator	�����O���p����n����	NECI
44891noise factor	�����]�l; �����Y��
44892noise figure	�����t��	NF
44893noise immunity	���T�K��; ���Z��; ���Z��
44894noise killer	�����T��; ������; ����������
44895noise level	�����q��
44896noise limiter	�������; �R����	NL
44897noise loading	�����t��	NL
44898noise loading test set	�����[�����ճ]��
44899noise maintenance component	�������@����
44900noise margin	���T���; �����e��
44901noise ratio	������
44902noise signal	�����H��
44903noise source	������
44904noise suppression circuit	�������q��	NSC
44905noise suppressor	���n��; ������
44906noise transmission impairment	�����ǿ�	NTI
44907noise type	��������
44908noise-operated automatic level adjustment	��������۰ʹq���ո`	NOALA
44909noise-operated gain adjusting device	����( �q�� )����W�q�˸m	NOGAD
44910noiseless channel	�L�����q�D
44911noiseless pulse	�L�����߽�; �L�z�Z�߽�
44912noisy channel theorem	�����q�D�w�z
44913noisy deformed tree	�������ܾ�
44914noisy digit	�����Ʀ�
44915noisy mode	�����Ҧ�
44916nokeypad	�D�����
44917NOMAD language	NOMAD �y��( �@�إN�ƽsĶ�y�� )
44918nomenclature	�W��; �N�y; �N�y��; �ؿ�; �R�W; �R�W�k	NOMEN
44919nominal (rated) speed	�к�( �B�w )�t�v; �B�w�t�v
44920nominal bandwidth	��W�e; �B�w( �W )�W�e( �� )
44921nominal circuit voltage	�q���B�w�q��
44922nominal delay	�к٩���
44923nominal justification rate	�кٽվ�v
44924nominal key	���w����r
44925nominal margin	�кٮe��
44926nominal modulation rate	�кٽը�t�v
44927nominal path	�кٸ��|
44928nominal transfer rate	�к��ಾ�v
44929nominal transformation ratio	�B�w�ܴ��v
44930nominal transmission loss	�кٶǿ�l��
44931nominal value	�к٭�
44932nominative testing	���W�w����
44933non destructive read out	�D�}�a��Ū�X	NDRO
44934non GO TO statement	�DGO TO �ԭz
44935non inhibitable interrupt	���i�T��_
44936non local	�D������
44937non position independent code	�D��m�W�߽X
44938non processor request	�D�B�z�{��( �� )�ШD	NPR
44939non replacable unit	���i��������	NRU
44940non return to zero	���k�s	NRZ
44941non return to zero change	���k�s�ܧ�	NRZ C
44942non return to zero inverted	IBM ���k�s����	NRZI
44943non return to zero mark	���k�s��	NRZ M
44944non standard	�D�зǪ�
44945non standard item	�D�зǶ���	NSI
44946non threshold logic large scale integration	�D����޿�j�W�ҿn��q��	NTL-LSI
44947non-accountable time	( �b�Ӯɶ����t�ι�Τ�ӻ��O����Ϊ� )�D�p��ɶ�
44948non-action message	���n�z�w�H��; �D���ʫH��
44949non-add	���W�[
44950non-add key	���W�[��
44951non-adjacent area of complementary	���ɰO���D�۾F�ϰ�
44952non-adjacent area of primary record	�D�O���D�۾F�ϰ�
44953non-ageing	�D�Ѥ�; �D����
44954non-algebraic adder	�D�N�ƥ[�k��
44955non-alphanumeric sign	�D�r���Ʀ�Ÿ�
44956non-arithmetic shift	�D��N����; �`������
44957non-arithmetic statement	�D��N�ԭz
44958non-arithmetic uses	�D��N����
44959non-ASCII paper tape input	�DASCII �ȱa��J
44960non-associated mode of operation	�D���X�u�@�覡
44961non-based variable	�L���ܼ�
44962non-based variable attribute	�D���ܼƪ�x; �L���ܼ��ݩ�
44963non-binary code	�D�G�i��N�X
44964non-binary switching theory	�D�G�i��}��
44965non-blank input column	�D�ſ�J��
44966non-blocking I/O	�D�����J/ �X
44967non-blocking voice/data switching	�L����ܭ��ƾڥ洫
44968non-busy waiting	�D��( �L )����
44969non-busy waiting strategy	�D��( �L )���ݵ���
44970non-centralize control system	�D�������; �D�������
44971non-character array	�D�r�żƲ�
44972non-character type variable	�D�r�������ܼ�
44973non-charge nonmachine fault time	���p�O���D�����G�ٮɶ�
44974non-code information	�D�s�X�H��
44975non-coherent optical signal processing	�D�ۤz���H���B�z
44976non-commutative context-sensitive language	���i���W�U�妳���y��	N-COCSL
44977non-commutativity of substitution	�m�������i�洫��
44978non-concurrent operating system	�D�ֵo�ާ@�t��	NCOS
44979non-conditional statement	�L����ԭz
44980non-conjunction	�D��
44981non-contact magnetic recording	�DIJ���ϰO���k
44982non-contact recording	�DIJ��( �� )�O���k
44983non-contiguous field	�D�F���r�q
44984non-conversational mode	�D��ܤ覡
44985non-critical value	�D�{�ɭ�
44986non-data input/output(I/O) operations control	�D��ƿ�J��X������ާ@
44987non-data operation	�D��ƾާ@
44988non-data set clocking	�D��Ʀ��e���p��
44989non-decimal base	�D�Q�i����
44990non-decimal system	�D�Q�i��
44991non-dedicated file server	�D�M���ɮתA�ȯ�
44992non-dedicated mode	�D�M�μҦ�
44993non-deletable file	����R�����ɮ�
44994non-delimiter	�D�w�q��; �D�w�ɲ�
44995non-destructive read element	�D�}�aŪ�X����; �L�lŪ�X����
44996non-destructive read-write	�D�}�aŪ�g	NDRW
44997non-destructive readout	�D�}�a��Ū�X	NORD
44998non-destructive testing	�D�}�a�ʴ���; �L�l����	NDT
44999non-determinacy	���T�w��
45000non-deterministic computation	���T�w�p��
45001non-deterministic diagram	���T�w���A��
45002non-deterministic finite automaton	���T�w�����۰ʾ�
45003non-deterministic information structure	���T�w�H�����c
45004non-deterministic push-down automaton	���T�w�U���۰ʾ�
45005non-deterministic stack automaton	���T�w���|�۰ʾ�
45006non-deterministic system	���T�w�t��
45007non-directory device	�L�ؿ��]��
45008non-directory-structured	�L�ؿ����c
45009non-disjunction	�L����
45010non-display field	��������
45011non-display-based word processing equipment	�D��ܦ��r�B�z�]��
45012non-displayable characters	�D��ܦr��
45013non-distributed system architecture communication	�D�������t�ε��c�q�H�޳N
45014non-document	�D��Z�����
45015non-dynamic collection buffer	�D�ʺA�����w�ľ�
45016non-dynamic resource assignment	�D�ʺA�귽���t
45017non-empty list	�D�Ū�
45018non-equivalence gate	"��"�h
45019non-equivalence operation	�D���ȹB��
45020non-erasing determination stack automation	���M�����T�w���|�۰ʤ�	NEDSA
45021non-erasing deterministic writing stack accepter	���M�����T�w���g�J���|������	NEDWSA
45022non-escaping key	�D���X��
45023non-execution	������
45024non-existence code	�D�k�N�X
45025non-exploded items	���ݮi�}����
45026non-extended I/O device status	�D�X�R��J��X�]�ƪ��A
45027non-extended logical address space	�D�X�R�޿��}�Ŷ�
45028non-file-structured device	�D�ɮ׵��c�Ƹ˸m
45029non-file-structured lookup	�D�ɮ׵��c�d��
45030non-floating arithmetic sign	�D�B�I��N�Ÿ�
45031non-full functional dependency	�D������Ƭ�����
45032non-functional test	�D�\�����	NFT
45033non-fuse breaker	�L�O�I���_����	NFB
45034non-generic form of external function	�~����ƪ��D���ݧΦ�
45035non-generic form of intrinsic function	���b��ƪ��D���ݧΦ�
45036non-graphic/video terminal	�D�ϧ�/ ���W�׺�
45037non-graphical data	�D�ϥܸ��
45038non-hang-up base	�ߧY�A�Ȥ覡
45039non-I/D split	�������O/���
45040non-identity operation	�D���B��
45041non-impact printer	�D�����C�L��
45042non-impact printing mode	�D�������L�r�覡
45043non-impact printing process	�D�������C�L�L�{	NIPP
45044non-indexable address tag	�D�i�ܧ}��}�аO	NIAT
45045non-information bit	�D�H����; �D�H���X��
45046non-inhibit interrupt	�D�T��_
45047non-inhibitable	���i�T��; ���i�̽���
45048non-integral quantity	�D��ƶq
45049non-intelligent	�D���z( �� )
45050non-interactive	�D�椬��
45051non-interactive computer applications	�D�椬���p�������( �{�� )	NICA
45052non-interactive system	�D�椬���t��
45053non-interfering process	�D�z�Z�L�{
45054non-inventoried item	�D�w�s����
45055non-inventory item	�D�w�s����
45056non-invert	�D�Ϭ�; �P��; ����
45057non-inverting bidirectional bus	�D�Ϭ����V
45058non-isolated amplifier	�D�j������j��
45059non-leaf node	�D���`�I
45060non-leak memory	�ä[�O����
45061non-linear amplifier	�D�u�ʩ�j��	NLA
45062non-linear analysis program	�D�u�ʤ��R�{��	NOLAP
45063non-linear and, non-linear or	�D�u��"�P"; �D�u��"��"	NANO
45064non-linear computation	�D�u�ʭp��
45065non-linear regression analysis	�D�u�ʰj�k���R
45066non-linear system	�D�u�ʨt��	NLS
45067non-loaded	�Ÿ���; �L����
45068non-loaded cable	�Ÿ��q�l
45069non-loaded line	�Ÿ��u
45070non-local entry	�D���a��J; �D���a�J�f
45071non-local identifier	�D�����w�q��; �D�������Ѳ�
45072non-local variable	�D�����ܼ�
45073non-locking	�D��; ����; �D��w
45074non-locking key	�D��w��
45075non-locking shift character	�D��w�ಾ�r��; �D��w���צr��
45076non-magnetic recording medium	�D�ϰO������
45077non-magnetic substance	�D�ϩʪ���
45078non-mapping mode	�D�ܴ��覡
45079non-maskable	���i�̽�( ���_ )
45080non-maskable interrupt	���i�̽����_; �D�̽����_
45081non-maskable interrupt request	���i�̽������_�ШD
45082non-matched data	���ǰt���
45083non-mathematical program	�D�ƾǵ{��
45084non-mathematical relation	�D�ƾ����Y
45085non-message-driven program	�D�����X�ʵ{��
45086non-modulation system	�D�ը�覡
45087non-neighbo( u)r node	 �D�۾F�`�I
45088non-network control program station	�D��������{����
45089non-numeric operand	��r�ާ@��; �D�ƭȾާ@��
45090non-numerical	�D�Ʀ쪺; �D�ƭȪ�
45091non-numerical information	�D�Ʀ�H��
45092non-numerical operation	�D�Ʀ�ާ@; �D�Ʀ�B��
45093non-occupied terminal	�Ŷ��׺�; ���e�β׺�
45094non-orthogonal data	�D������
45095non-packet-mode data terminal equipment	�D���ʼҦ�DTE
45096non-paged computer system	�D�Ʀ쭶�����p����t��
45097non-parametric classification	�D�ѼƤ����k
45098non-parametric decision theoretic classification t	�D�ѼƨM���z�פ�����k
45099non-parametric decision theory	�D�ѼƨM���z��
45100non-permissible	�T��; �����\��
45101non-permissible code	�T�ΥN�X
45102non-polarized return to zero	�D�����k�s��
45103non-polarized return to zero recording	�D�����k�s��O���k	RZ(NP)
45104non-polarized return-to-zero recording	�D�����k�s�O��
45105non-primary path	�D�D�n�q��
45106non-primitive code	�D�줸�X; �D����X
45107non-print field	���L�C���
45108non-printable	�C�L���X��; ���i�L�ꪺ
45109non-printing character	���C�L�r��	NPC
45110non-privileged mode/state	�D�S�v�覡; �D�S�v���A; �D�S�\�覡; �D�S�\���A
45111non-privileged processing	�D�S�v�B�z
45112non-privileged program	�D�S�v�{��
45113non-procedural computer hardware description langu	�D�L�{�p����w��y�z�y��
45114non-procedural information retrieval language	�D�L�{�����˯��y��
45115non-procedural parallel processing language	�D�L�{����B�z�y��
45116non-procedure data interface	�D�L�{��Ƥ���
45117non-procedure-oriented language	�D�L�{�ɦV�y��
45118non-productive poll	���U����
45119non-productive task	���U����
45120non-productive timeout counter	�D�Ͳ��ʼȰ��p�ƾ�
45121non-proprietary	�D�M��
45122non-ready program	���N���{��
45123non-real time conversion subsystem	�D�Y���ഫ�l�t��	NRTC
45124non-real time system	�D�Y�ɨt��
45125non-reciprocal network	�D�������
45126non-record	�D�O��; �D�O����
45127non-recourse	�L�l���v
45128non-recoverable read error rate	���i��_��Ū�X�~�X�v	NRR
45129non-redundant segment	�D���l�q
45130non-repeatable edit descriptor	���i���ƽs��y�z��
45131non-repeated run approach	�D���ƹB���k
45132non-repetitive sequence	�D���Ʀ���
45133non-replaceable unit	���i��������
45134non-reply call	�L�����I�s
45135non-resident error procedure	�D�`�n���~�B�z�L�{
45136non-resident overlay	�D�`�n�л\
45137non-resident resource	�D�`�n�귽
45138non-restoring method	����_�k
45139non-return policy	����^����
45140non-return-to-reference recording	�D�k�ѦҬ���;	���k��Ǩ�O��( �޳N );	���k�s��O��( �޳N )
45141non-return-to-zero	���k�s	NRZ
45142non-return-to-zero (change) recording	���k�s��( �ܤ� )�O��( �޳N )	NRZC
45143non-return-to-zero (change) recroding	�D�k�s( �ܤ� )�O��	NRZ(C)
45144non-return-to-zero (change-on-ones) recording	�{"1" �ܤƤ��k�s��O��( �޳N )	NRZ1
45145non-return-to-zero (inverted) recording	���k�s( �J"1" ½�� )�O��( �޳N)	NRZI
45146non-return-to-zero (mark) recording	���k�s( �лx )����; ���k�s( �Ǹ� )�O��( �޳N );	NRZ(M)
45147non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording	�D�k�s�P�ܤ�1 ������; ���k�s��"1" �ܤưO��( �޳N )	NRZ-1
45148non-return-to-zero change-on-zeros recording	�D�k�s�P�ܤƹs���O��
45149non-return-to-zero incremental	�W�q���k�s��	NRZI
45150non-return-to-zero indicator	���k�s���ܾ�	NRZI
45151non-return-to-zero invert(ed)	���k�s( �� )½��	NRZI
45152non-return-to-zero logic	���k�s( �� )�޿�
45153non-return-to-zero mark	���k�s( �Ǹ� )��	NRZM
45154non-return-to-zero method	���k�s�k
45155non-return-to-zero operation	���k�s( �� )�ާ@
45156non-return-to-zero recording	�D�k�s����; ���k�s( �� )�O��( �޳N ); ���k�s�O��	NRZ
45157non-return-to-zero reference recording	���k�s��O��( �޳N )
45158non-reutrn-to-reference recording	���k��O��
45159non-segmented file	�D���q�ɮ�
45160non-segmented mode	�D���q�覡
45161non-self-embedding grammar	�D�۴O�M��k
45162non-sentence	�D�y( �l )
45163non-sequence access	�L�Ǧs��
45164non-sequenced acknowledge	�D( �� )�ǽT�{
45165non-set-up job	�D�dzƧ@�~
45166non-sharable segment	�D�@���q
45167non-shareable	����@��
45168non-shared task address space	�D�@�ɥ��Ȧ�}�Ŷ�
45169non-siaitched network	�D�洫������
45170non-SNA interconnect	�DSNA ���s	NSI
45171non-SNA interconnection	�DSNA���s
45172non-SNA station	�DSNA�u�@��
45173non-SNA terminal	�DSNA�׺�
45174non-standard default packet size	�D�зǤ��w�ʥ]�ؤo
45175non-standard FORTRAN	�D�з�FORTRAN�y��	NSFORT
45176non-standard interfaces	�D�зǤ���
45177non-standard language construction	�D�зǻy�����c
45178non-storage device	�D�x�s�]��
45179non-supervised inference procedure	�L�ʷ����_�L�{
45180non-suspendable subsystem	���i���_�l�t��
45181non-switched circuit	�M�u
45182non-switched line (or nonswitched line)	�D�����u��
45183non-symbolic address debugging	�D�Ÿ���}����
45184non-symmetric relation	�D������Y
45185non-system job	�D�t�Χ@�~
45186non-system mark time request	�D�t�μаO�ɶ��ШD
45187non-terminal character	�D�׵��r��
45188non-terminal-related main storage data base	�P�׺ݵL�����D�s��Ʈw
45189non-threshold logic	�D����޿�	NTL
45190non-transparent mode	�D�z���ҺA
45191non-unique alternate key	�D�ߤ@������
45192non-vector interrupt	�D�V�q���_
45193non-verbal communication	( �ǯu�q�H�� )�D�y���q�H
45194non-volatile memory	�T�w�O����; �D�����O����	NVM
45195non-volatile semiconductor memory	�D�����ʥb����O����
45196non-weighted code	�D�[�v�X
45197non-zero address	�D�s��}
45198nonadd function	���[�\��
45199nonaddress memory	�L��}�O����
45200nonaddressable memory	�D�M�}�O����
45201nonadjacent level	( �����x�s���� )�D�۾F��
45202nonadjacent node	�D�۾F���I
45203nonalgorithmic procedure	�D��k�L�{
45204nonanchored choice	�D�T�w���
45205nonanchored recongnition	�D�T�w�ѧO
45206nonarithmetic operation	�D��N�B��
45207nonarithmetic shift	�D��N����
45208nonassociated CCIS	�D���p��CCIS
45209nonassociative operator	�D���X���
45210nonautomatic self verification	�D�۰ʪ�������	NSV
45211nonautomatic switching	�D�۰��ഫ
45212nonautonomous system	�D�۱��t��
45213nonbasic variable	�D���ܼ�
45214nonbasic variable attribute	�D���ܼ��ݩ�
45215nonbatched file	�D�����ɮ�
45216nonbinary query	�D�G���d��
45217nonblank character	�D�Ŧr��
45218nonblocking network	�L�������
45219nonblocking protocol	�D�����w
45220nonblocking service	�L����A��
45221nonblocking switching network	�L����洫����
45222nonboundary line	�D��ɽu
45223nonbranching	�����䪺
45224nonbreaking hyphen	�D�_�r�s����; �D�_�}�s�r��
45225nonbusiness organization	�D�ӷ~���c
45226nonbusy-hour load	�D���ɭt��
45227noncentral distribution	�D���ߤ���
45228noncentralized control	�D����������
45229noncharacter array element name	�D�r�żƲդ����W
45230noncharacter array name	�D�r�żƲզW
45231noncircular symbol	�D�`���Ÿ�; ���A�{�Ÿ�
45232noncoded graphics	�D�s�X�ϧ�( �� )
45233noncoded information	�D���s�X�H��	NCI
45234noncoherent communication	�D�ۤz�q�H
45235noncoherent modulation system	�D�ۤz�ը�t��
45236noncollinear	�D�@�u��	NONCOLL
45237noncommand terminal	�D�R�O���׺�
45238noncommand-language input	�D�R�O�y����J
45239noncommunications jamming	�D�q�H�z�Z	NONCOMJAM
45240noncommutative operation	�D�洫�ާ@
45241noncommutative right context-sensitive grammar	���i���k���W�U�妳����k	N-CRCSG
45242noncompatibility	���ۮe��
45243noncompatible	�D�ۮe��; ���ۮe��
45244noncompatible run-time library	�D�ۮe�B��ɶ��w
45245noncomplete independence	�������W�ߩ�
45246noncomputable flow graph	���i�p�⪺�y�{��
45247noncomputational	�D�p�⪺
45248nonconjuction	"�P�D"
45249nonconjuction gate	"�P�D"�h
45250nonconjunction gate	�D�@���h
45251nonconnected storage	�D�s���x�s
45252noncontact longitudinal recording	�LIJ�I�a�V�O��
45253noncontiguous data	�D�F�����
45254noncontiguous file	�D�s���ɮ�; ���s�����
45255noncontiguous item	�D�F��( ��� )��; �D�s��
45256noncontiguous linkage storage	�D�F���s���x�s
45257noncontiguous page	�D�F����( �� )
45258noncontiguous working-storage	�D�F���u�@�x�s��
45259noncontrol system	�D����t��
45260noncritical activity	�D���䬡��
45261noncritical microoperation	�D����L�ާ@; �D�{�ɷL�ާ@
45262nondata input	�D��ƿ�J
45263nondata input/output operation	�D��ƿ�J��X�ާ@
45264nondata-based category	�D��ƳB�z��
45265nondeclarative procedure	�D�����L�{
45266nondecreasing order	�D�����
45267nondedicated laboratory computer	�D�M�ι���ǭp���
45268nondegenerate basic feasible solution	�D�h�ư��i���
45269nondelivery diagnostic	����e�E�_	NDD
45270nondemand paging	�D�ШD�խ�
45271nondense index	�D�Y�K����
45272nondependence relation	�D���������Y
45273nondestructing check	�D�}�a���ˬd
45274nondestructing memory	�D�}�a�ʰO����
45275nondestructing read	���}�aŪ	NDR
45276nondestructing readout	���}�aŪ�X
45277nondestructive addition	�D�}�a�ʥ[�k
45278nondestructive addition	���}�a( �H�� )�[�k
45279nondestructive inspection	�L�l�ˬd; �D�}�a���ˬd	NDI
45280nondestructive inspection standard	( �饻 )�D�}�a���ˬd( ��| )�з�	NDIS
45281nondestructive memory	���}�a( Ū�X )�O����
45282nondestructive read	�D�}�a�ʾ\Ū;	�D�}�aŪ��	NDR
45283nondestructive read character	���}�aŪ�r��
45284nondestructive read element	���}�aŪ�X����
45285nondestructive read-out	�D�}�a��Ū�X	NDRO
45286nondestructive read-write	���}�aŪ�g
45287nondestructive readout	�D�}�aŪ�X; �L�lŪ�X	NDRO
45288nondestructive readout memory	���}�aŪ�X�O����
45289nondestructive readout storage	�L�lŪ�X�x�s��
45290nondestructive storage	�D�}�a���x�s( �� )
45291nondestructive technique	���}�a( Ū�X )�޳N
45292nondestructive testing	���}�a�ʸ���
45293nondestructive toroidal memory core	���}�aŪ�X���ΰO�кϤ�
45294nondetectability	���i�˴���
45295nondeterministic algorithm	���T�w��k
45296nondeterministic automaton	���T�w�ʦ۰ʾ�
45297nondeterministic data flow programming	�D�T�w��Ƭy�{���]�p
45298nondeterministic finite state machine	�D�T�w�ʦ������A��
45299nondeterministic finite state recognizer	�D�T�w�ʦ������A�ѧO��
45300nondeterministic flow chart	�D�T�w�y�{��
45301nondeterministic FORTRAN	�D�T�w��FORTRAN �y��	NDF
45302nondeterministic machine	�D�T�w��
45303nondeterministic nested stack automat	�D�T�w�_�������|�۰ʾ�
45304nondeterministic parsing	�D�T�w�����R
45305nondeterministic process	�D�M�w�ʹL�{
45306nondeterministic processing	�D�T�w�B�z
45307nondeterministic program	�D�T�w�{��
45308nondeterministic syntax	�D�T�w�y�k
45309nondeterministic syntax analyzer	�D�T�w�y�k���R�{��
45310nondeterministic syntax analyzer with mixed strate	�㦳�V�X�������D�T�w�y�k���R�{��
45311nondial trunks	�D����( �۰ʹq�� )���~�u
45312nondirected graph	�L�V��( �� )
45313nondisjunction	"�ΫD"
45314nondisjunction gate	�����h; "�ΫD"�h
45315nondisplay	�D���
45316nondissipative network	�D���Ӻ���
45317nondistributed information	�D�����H��
45318nondistributed parameter	�D�����Ѽ�
45319none indicator	���t���ܦr
45320none line	"�L"�u; ���t�u( ���e�w�}�x�s����, �Psome line �ϸq )
45321none-return to zero	���k�s
45322nonelocked random access memory design	�L���H���s���O����]�p
45323nonempty binary tree	�D�ŤG�e��
45324nonempty entry	�D�Ŷ�
45325nonempty finite set	�D�Ŧ�����
45326nonempty finite string	�D�Ŧ�����
45327nonempty sequence	�D�ŧǦC
45328nonempty set	�D�Ŷ��X
45329nonenumerative algorithm	���i�T�|��k
45330nonequality gate	�D�����h; "��"�h
45331nonequivalence element	�D�ﵥ����
45332nonequivalence gate	�D�ﵥ�h
45333nonequivalence interruption	"��"���_
45334nonequivalence operation	"��"�B��
45335nonequivalency element	"��"�h; "��"����
45336nonerasable medium	���i���C��
45337nonerasable stack automaton	���i�����|�۰ʾ�
45338nonerasable storage	���i���x�s( �� ); �T�w�x�s��; ���i�������x�s��; ��Ū�x�s��	NES
45339nonexecutable program	�D����{��
45340nonexecutable statement	���i����ԭz; �D����ԭz
45341nonexecutable statement label	�D����ԭz�и�
45342nonexecutable work-load model	�D����u�@�t���ҫ�
45343nonexistent block	�D�k�{�Ƕ�; ���s�b���{�Ƕ�
45344nonexistent code	���s�X; �D�k�N�X; ���s�b���N�X
45345nonexistent code check	���s�X�ֹ�; �D�k�X����
45346nonexistent load module file	�D�k���J�Ҳ��ɮ�; ���s�b�����J�Ҳ��ɮ�
45347nonexistent logical unit number	�D�k�޿�]�Ƹ�; ���s�b���޿�]�Ƹ�
45348nonexistent memory	���s�b���O����	NXM
45349nonextended address space	�D�X�R��}�Ŷ�
45350nonfailure node	�D���ĸ`�I
45351nonfatal	�D���j���~��
45352nonfatal error	�D�P�R���~; �D�Y�����~
45353nonfeasible method	���i���k
45354nonfile-structured device	�D�ɮ׵��c�]��
45355nonflag character	�D�аO�r��
45356nonfull dependency	����������( �� )
45357nonfunction package software	�D��ƮM�˳n��
45358nonfundamental mode flow table	�D���Ҧ��y�{��
45359nonhierarchical file	�������ɮ�
45360nonidentical processor	�����B�z��
45361nonidentity operation	"�D���P"�ާ@; "��"�B��	NIP
45362nonimbedded command	�D�O�J�R�O
45363nonimpact printer	�D�����C���
45364nonimpact printing	�D�������L��
45365nonimpact thermal printer	�D���������P�צL���
45366nonindexed command	�D�ܧ}�R�O
45367nonindexed detail	�L���޲ӥ�
45368noninhibitable interrupt	���i�T����_	NI
45369nonintelligent terminal	�D���z�׺�
45370noninteracting control system	�D�椬������t��
45371noninteractive processing mode	�D�椬���B�z�覡
45372noninteractive task	�D�椬������
45373noninterference basis	�L�z�Z��¦; �L�z�Z��z	NIB
45374noninterlaced	�D�������
45375noninventory	�D�w�s
45376nonkey	�D���䪺
45377nonkey domain	�D�_�w��
45378nonkeyboard characters	�D��L�r��
45379nonlabeled tape	�L�и��ϱa
45380nonleaf node	�D���`�I
45381nonleave tree	�D����
45382nonlinear active network simulation	�D�u�ʦ�����������	NANSIM
45383nonlinear analysis	�D�u�ʤ��R
45384nonlinear component	�D�u�ʤ���
45385nonlinear compressor	�D�u�����Y��
45386nonlinear computing element	�D�u�ʭp�⤸��
45387nonlinear control system	�D�u�ʱ���t��
45388nonlinear data structure	�D�u�ʸ�Ƶ��c
45389nonlinear discriminant	�D�u�ʧP�O
45390nonlinear distortion	�D�u�ʥ��u; �D�u�ʷ���
45391nonlinear element	�D�u�ʤ���	NLE
45392nonlinear grammar	�D�u�ʤ�k
45393nonlinear integrated circuit	�D�u�ʿn��q��
45394nonlinear mapping	�D�u�ʬM�H
45395nonlinear network	�D�u�ʺ���
45396nonlinear network analysis program	�D�u�ʺ������R�{��	NONLAP
45397nonlinear network simulation and analysis program	�D�u�ʺ��������M���R�{��	NONLISA
45398nonlinear operational element	�D�u�ʹB�ⳡ��
45399nonlinear optimization	�D�u�ʳ̨Τ�
45400nonlinear programming	�D�u�ʳW�e	NLP
45401nonlinear regression analysis	�D�u�ʰj�k���R
45402nonlinearity distortion	�D�u�A���u
45403nonlinking format	�D�s���榡
45404nonloadable character set	�D�ˤJ�r�Ŷ�
45405nonloaded cable	�L���q�l
45406nonloaded line	�L���u
45407nonlocal environment	�D��������
45408nonlocal goto	�D���agoto���O
45409nonlocking escape	����h�X
45410nonmaintenance time	�D���׮ɶ�
45411nonmaskable interrupt	���i�̽����_	NMI
45412nonmaskable interrupt capability	���i�̽����_�\��
45413nonmatching control	�D�ǰt����
45414nonmicroprogrammed device	�D�L�{��( ���� )�]��
45415nonmicroprogrammed interface	�D�L�{�������
45416nonmicroprogrammed machine	�D�L�{������p���
45417nonnegative integer	�D�t���
45418nonnegative number	�D�t��
45419nonnegative type	�D�t��
45420nonnegative variable	�D�t�ܼ�
45421nonnormalized number	�D�W��Ƽ�	NNN
45422nonnumeric application	�D�ƭ�����
45423nonnumeric calculation	�D�ƭȭp��
45424nonnumeric character	�D�Ʀ�r��
45425nonnumeric coding	�D�ƭȽs�X
45426nonnumeric comparison	�D�ƭȤ��
45427nonnumeric data processing	�D�ƭȸ�ƳB�z
45428nonnumeric item	�D�ƭȶ���; �D�ƭȶ�
45429nonnumeric literal	�D�Ʀ�w�r; �D�ƭȤ�r
45430nonnumeric processing	�D�ƭȳB�z
45431nonnumeric processor	�D�ƭȳB�z��
45432nonnumeric processor architecture	�D�ƭȳB�z����t���c
45433nonnumeric word	�D�ƭȦr
45434nonnumerical data processing	�D�ƭȸ�ƳB�z
45435nonobject program instruction	�D�ؼе{�����O
45436nonoperable instruction	�D�ާ@���O
45437nonoperational mode	�D�ާ@�覡
45438nonoptimal path	�D�̨γq��; �D�̨θ��|
45439nonoptimal value	�D�̨έ�
45440nonoriented communication network	�L�V�q�H����
45441nonoverflow entry	�D���X��
45442nonoverlaid	�D�л\��
45443nonoverlapping	�����|; �D�л\
45444nonoverlayed main program link	�D�л\�D�{���s��
45445nonpacket mode	�D�]�覡; �D���զ�
45446nonpacket mode terminal	�D�]�覡�׺�	NPT
45447nonpageable dynamic area	���i�խ��ʺA��
45448nonpageable partition	���i�խ�����
45449nonpageable region	���i�խ���
45450nonpaired data	�D������; �D����ƾ�; �D�t����
45451nonparametric job model	�D�ѼƧ@�~�ҫ�
45452nonparametric statistics	�D�Ѷq�ʲέp; �D�ѼƲέp
45453nonpassage of signals	�H�����q; �H������
45454nonpath-dependent record	�D�q�������O��
45455nonpermanent foreground	�D�ä[�e�x
45456nonpermissible code block	�T�ΥN�X��
45457nonpermitted transfer	�T���ಾ
45458nonpipelined processor	�D�y���u���B�z��
45459nonpreemptive scheduling	�D�w�e�ի�
45460nonpreemptive service	�D�w�e�A��
45461nonprimary data structure	�D��l��Ƶ��c
45462nonprime attribute	�D�D�n�ݩ�; �D�D�ݩ�
45463nonprint	�D�C�L; �T��C�L
45464nonprint code	�D�C�L�X
45465nonprint function	���C�L�\��
45466nonprint instruction	�K�L���O; �D�C�L���O
45467nonprinting character	�D�C�L�r��; �D�C�L�r��
45468nonpriority interrupt	�D�u�����_
45469nonprivileged	�D�S�v��
45470nonprivileged account	�D�S�v�b��
45471nonprivileged instruction	�D�S�\���O
45472nonprivileged user	�D�S�v�Τ�
45473nonprivileged user program	�D�S�v��{��
45474nonprocedural data processing	�D�L�{��ƳB�z
45475nonprocedural language	�D�L�{�y��
45476nonprocedural reference	�D�L�{�Ѧ�( �{�� )	NPR
45477nonprocedural referencing language	�D�L�{�Ѧһy��	NPRL
45478nonprofit organization	�D��Q���c
45479nonprogrammable analog signal	�D�{����������H��
45480nonprogrammable calculator	�T�w�{���p�⾹
45481nonprogrammable port	�D�i�s�{����
45482nonprogrammed decision	�D�{���M��( ���O�{�����W�w���M�� )
45483nonprogrammed halt	�D�W�e�Ȱ�; �D�{������( ���O�{���W�w������ )
45484nonprogrammer	�D�{���]�p��
45485nonprogramming language/one	�D�{���]�p�y��-1	NL/1
45486nonprogramming user	�D�{���]�p��
45487nonquick-access file	�D�ֳt�s���ɮ�
45488nonrandom access	�D�H���s��
45489nonrandom data	�D�H�����
45490nonrandom key	�D�H������r
45491nonrandom subset	�D�H���l��
45492nonreal-time data automation system	�D�Y�ɸ�Ʀ۰ʳB�z�t��	NRTDAS
45493nonreal-time processing	�D�Y�ɳB�z
45494nonrecoverable error	���i��_���~
45495nonrecoverable program error	���i��_���{�����~
45496nonrecoverable transaction	���i��_�ƶ�
45497nonrecursive digital filter	�D���k�Ʀ��o�i��; �D���k�Ʀ��o�i�{��	NRDF
45498nonreentrant	�D���J
45499nonreference object	�D�ޥέ���
45500nonregular character	�D�`�W�r��
45501nonrelevant document	�D���p���
45502nonrelocatable phase	�D�B�ʪ��i����{��; ���i�A�w�쪺�i����{��
45503nonreproducing code	�D�ƻs�N�X
45504nonrequesting terminal program	�D�ШD�פ�{��
45505nonresident	�D�`�n
45506nonresident device handler	�D�`�n�]�ƳB�z�{��
45507nonresident micro diagnostics	�D�`�n�L�E�_�{��
45508nonresident portion (of a control program)	( ����{���� )�D�`�n����
45509nonresident program	�D�`�n�{��
45510nonresident routine	�D�`�n��( �� )�{( �� )
45511nonrestoring division	�D�^�_���k
45512nonreturn to zero	���k�s��	NRTZ
45513nonreturn to zero inverted	���k�s����	NRZI
45514nonreturn-to zero "change" recording	���k�s"�ܧ�"�O��
45515nonreturn-to-reference	���k�s��
45516nonreturn-to-zero	���k�s	NRZ
45517nonreturn-to-zero "mark" recording	���k�s"��"�O��
45518nonreturn-to-zero level	���k�s( �q�� )��	NRZ-L
45519nonreturn-to-zero on one recording	�{"1" �O�����k�s( �� )
45520nonreturn-to-zero recording	���k�s�O��
45521nonreturn-to-zero space	���k�s( �Ÿ� )��	NRZ-S
45522nonreusable	���i���ƨϥ�
45523nonreusable disk queuing	���i���ƨϥκϺЦ�C
45524nonreusable medium	���i���ƥΪ��C��
45525nonreusable routine	���i���ƥΨ�( �� )�{( �� )
45526nonroutine maintenance	�D�Ҧ����	NRM
45527nonrouting node	�D�ܮ|�`�I
45528nonsales mode	�D�P��覡
45529nonsaturated logic	�D���M�޿�
45530nonsaturating inverter logic	�D���M�ϦV( �� )
45531nonsaturation magnetic recording	�D���M�ϰO��( �k )
45532nonscan field	�D���y�r�q
45533nonscheduled down-time	�D�p�������ɶ�
45534nonscheduled maintenance time	�{�ɺ��@�ɶ�; �D�w�w���׮ɶ�
45535nonsegregated phase bus	���j�۶׬y��
45536nonseparated code	�D�����N�X
45537nonsequenced	�D( �� )�Ǫ�	NS
45538nonsequenced chain	�D������
45539nonsequenced command	�D���ǩR�O
45540nonsequenced display	�D�������
45541nonsequential computer	�D�ɧǭp���
45542nonsequential list	�D���Ǫ�
45543nonsequential operation	�D�ɧǾާ@
45544nonsequential receive protocol	�L�DZ�����w
45545nonsequential stochastic programming	�L�����H���W��
45546nonshared control unit	�D�@�ɱ��; �M�α��
45547nonshared subchannel	�D���Τl�q�D
45548nonsimple domain	�D²��w��
45549nonsimultaneous transmission	�D�P�ɶǿ�
45550nonsingular code	�D�_�X
45551nonsingular set	�D�_���X
45552nonsingular set type	�D�_���X��
45553nonsoftware support	�D�n��䴩
45554nonstandard	�D��( �� ); �W��~	NS
45555nonstandard action	�D�зǰʧ@
45556nonstandard command format	�D�зǩR�O�榡
45557nonstandard dynamic logic	�D�зǰʺA�޿�
45558nonstandard formatted file	�D�зǮ榡�ɮ�
45559nonstandard label	�D�зǼи�	NSL
45560nonstandard label number	�D�зǼи���
45561nonstandard part approval	�D�зdz���f�w	NSP
45562nonstandard procedure	�D�зǹL�{
45563nonstandard syntax	�D�зǻy�k
45564nonstop computing	�L���p��
45565nonstop distributed database system	�L����������Ʈw�t��
45566nonstop operation protection	�L���ާ@�O�@
45567nonstore through cache	�q�L���t�w�s�������x�s
45568nonstructured data type	�D���c�������
45569nonstructured type	�D���c����
45570nonsubscripted integer variable	�L�U�Ъ��㫬�ܼ�
45571nonsubscripted switch variable	�L�U�ж}���ܼ�
45572nonsubscripted variable	�L�U���ܼ�
45573nonsupervisor mode	�D��( �z�� )�A
45574nonswappable	���i���X��
45575nonswappable storage	���i�ܴ����x�s��
45576nonswitched connection	�D�洫�s��
45577nonswitched line	�D�������u��; �D�洫���u��; �D�౵���u��
45578nonswitched link	�D�洫�����
45579nonswitched network	�D�洫������
45580nonswitched point-to-point line	�D�洫���I���I�u��; �D�౵�����I���I�u��
45581nonswitched transmission	�D�洫���ǿ�
45582nonsynchronous computer	�D�P�B�p���
45583nonsynchronous information	�D�P�B�H��
45584nonsynchronous multiplex system	�D�P�B�h���ƥΨ�
45585nonsynchronous network	�D�P�B��( �� )
45586nonsynchronous transfer	�D�P�B�ǰe
45587nonsynchronous trnsmission	�D�P�B�ǿ�
45588nonsystem standard format	�D�t�μзǮ榡
45589nonsystematic code	�D�t�νX
45590nontask	�D����
45591nontechnical user	�D�޳N( �� )�Τ�
45592nontemporary data set	�D�{�ɸ�ƶ�
45593nonterminal	�D�׵��r��
45594nonterminal alphabet	�D�׵��r����
45595nonterminal class	�D�׵�����
45596nonterminal expression	�D�׵��Ū�F��
45597nonterminal in a grammar	��k���D�׵���
45598nonterminal look ahead	�V�e�ݫD�פ��; �W�e�D�׵���
45599nonterminal node	�D�׵��`�I
45600nonterminal node of tree	���D���ݸ`�I
45601nonterminal position	�D�׵��Ŧ�m
45602nonterminal symbol	�D�׵��Ÿ�
45603nonterminal word	�D�׵��r
45604nonterminating interruptible state	�D�׵����_���A
45605nonterminating uninterruptible	�D�׵��D���_
45606nonthreshold logic circuit	�D����޿�q��
45607nontime delay	�L�ɶ�����
45608nontransmission field	�D�ǿ�r�q
45609nontransparent mode	�D�z���覡
45610nontrappable	���i������
45611nontrivial condition	�D���Z����
45612nontrivial grammar	�D���Z��k
45613nontutorial computer application	�D���ɭp�������	NTCA
45614nonuniform encoding	�D�@�P�s�X
45615nonuniform mapping	�D�@�P�ܴ�
45616nonuniform sampling	�D�����
45617nonuniform transmission line	�D���öǿ�u
45618nonupdatable	���i��s��
45619nonurgent batch task	�D��榨��( �B�z )����
45620nonvector computer	�D�V�q�p���
45621nonvector mathematic operation	�D�V�q�ƾǹB��
45622nonvirtual-memory execution time	�D�����O�а���ɶ�
45623nonvolatile chain	�D������
45624nonvolatile programmable read only memory	�D�����i�s�{����Ū�O����
45625nonvolatile RAM	�������Ȧs�O����
45626nonvolatile random access memory	�D�����H���O����	NVRAM
45627nonvolatile storage	���ܩ��x�s( �� ); �D�����ʰO����
45628nonvolatile storage; store	���o���x�s( �� )
45629nonworkdays	�D�u�@��
45630nonzero character	�D�s�r��
45631nonzero integer constant	�D�s��`��
45632nonzero mask	�D�s�̽�; �̽��줣���s
45633nonzero value	�D�s��
45634NOR	"�ΫD"
45635NOR buffer	"�ΫD"�w�ľ�
45636NOR circuit	"�ΫD"�q��
45637NOR element	�ϩΤ���; "�ΫD"����
45638nor element; nor gate	�ϩΤ���; �ϩιh
45639NOR gate	�ϩιh; "�ΫD"�h
45640NOR gate debouncer	"�ΫD"�h�h�ݰʹq��
45641NOR operation	"�ΫD"�ާ@; "�ΫD"�B��
45642NOR operator	"�ΫD"��l
45643NOR R/S latch	"�ΫD"�m��_����s��
45644NOR-function	"�ΫD"���
45645NOR-logic	"�ΫD"�޿�
45646NOR-operator	�ϩκ�l
45647Nordic data network	�_�ڼƾں���	NDN
45648normal addresss	���`��}
45649normal algorithm	���W��k
45650normal assignment statement	���W��ȱԭz
45651normal attribute	���W�ݩ�
45652normal binary	���`�G�i��; �зǤG�i��; ���q�G�i��
45653normal block	���W���{��
45654normal call	���`�I�s; ���`�ե�
45655normal calling procedure	���`�I�s�L�{; ���`�եιL�{
45656normal carrier system	���W���i�t��
45657normal channel	���W�q�D; ���W�q�D
45658normal character	�зǦr��
45659normal charge	���`�O��; ���`���O	NCH
45660normal closing hours	���`�����ɶ�
45661normal compiler writer	�зǽsĶ�{�ǽs�s��
45662normal contact	���`��IJ
45663normal context-switch operation	���W�W�U���౵�ާ@
45664normal control field	���`����r�q
45665normal correlation function	���A�������
45666normal cycle	���`�g��; ���`�`��	NC
45667normal data	�зǸ��
45668normal direction flow	���V�y�{; �`�W�y�V( ���q�W��U, �q����k )
45669normal disconnected mode	���`���_�ҺA; ���`�_�}�覡; ���`��u�覡	NDM
45670normal distribution	�`�A����; ���A����
45671normal entry	���`��J; ���`�J�f
45672normal execution mode	���`���檬�A
45673normal execution sequence	���`���涶��
45674normal exit	���`�X�f
45675normal flow	���`�y�q; �`�W( ��� )�y
45676normal form	���`�Φ�; �W��ƧΦ�; ���W�Φ�	NF
45677normal forms	���W��
45678normal formula	�зǦ�	NF
45679normal FORTRAN statement	���WFORTRAN�ԭz
45680normal grammar	���W��k
45681normal graph reduction	�зǹ��k��
45682normal identifier	���W���Ѳ�
45683normal initial status	���`�_�l���A
45684normal input cause	���`��J����	NIC
45685normal input/output control executive	�зǿ�J��X�������{��	NICE
45686normal inspection	�`�W�ˬd
45687normal install	���`�w��
45688normal instruction	�зǫ��O
45689normal language	���W�y��
45690normal length	���`����
45691normal line	���W�u��
45692normal load	���`�t��
45693normal magnetization	�зǺϤ�( �j�� )
45694normal manual operation	���`�H�u�ާ@	NMO
45695normal merge program key ranking procedure	�зǦX�ֵ{������r�ƦC�L�{
45696normal mode	���`�ҺA; ���`�覡
45697normal mode flow table	���`�覡�y�{��
45698normal mode of input	���`��J�覡
45699normal mode rejection	�`�ҹq��
45700normal mode rejection ratio	�`�ҧ���	NMRR
45701normal mode voltage	�`�ҹq��
45702normal monotone context sensitive web grammar	�зǧγ�դW�U�妳����´�y�k	NMCSWG
45703normal name call	���`�W�r�ե�
45704normal network cause	���`������]	NNC
45705normal network traffic	���`�����q�H�q
45706normal operating conditions	���`�ާ@����
45707normal operator	���W��l
45708normal output	���`��X
45709normal overload	���`�W��	NOL
45710normal parameter	���`�Ѽ�
45711normal permeability	�зǺϾɲv
45712normal pricing	���`����k
45713normal priority	���`�u����
45714normal procedure call	���`�L�{�ե�
45715normal process	���A�L�{
45716normal program flow	���`�{���y�{
45717normal random number	�`�A�H����; ���A�H����
45718normal random process	���W�H���L�{
45719normal random variable	���W�H���ܼ�
45720normal range	���`�d��
45721normal release	���`����
45722normal release condition	���`�������
45723normal requirement	���`�ݭn
45724normal response	���W�^��; ���`�^��
45725normal response mode	���`�����覡	NRM
45726normal restart	���`�A�Ұ�
45727normal return address	���`��^��}
45728normal return point	���`��^�I
45729normal route	���`���u; ���`���|
45730normal sample	���W�˥�
45731normal service request	���`�A�ȽШD	NSR
45732normal signal	�`�W�H��
45733normal software environment	���`�n������; ���W�n������
45734normal sort	�зǤ���
45735normal sort program	�зǤ����{��
45736normal sort program input procedure	�зǤ����{����J�L�{
45737normal sort program key ranging procedure	�зǤ����{������r�ƦC�L�{
45738normal stack mechanism	���W���|����
45739normal stack pointer	���`���|���w
45740normal state	���W���A; ���q���A
45741normal statement	�`�W�ԭz
45742normal subgroup	���`�l�s; ���W�l�s
45743normal system operation	���W�t�ιB��; ���`�t�ξާ@
45744normal term	���`��
45745normal termination	���`�פ�; ���`�׵�
45746normal time	���`�ɶ�; �зǮɶ�
45747normal traffic	���`�q�H�q
45748normal value	�W�q��; ���`��	NV
45749normal view	��ڤؤo
45750normal-stage punch	���C����; ( �d�� )���Ʀ楴��
45751normalised device coordinate	�`�A�Ƹ˸m�y��
45752normality test	���`�ʴ���
45753normalization	���W��; �W���; �W�d��
45754normalization (of a database)	���W��; ( ��Ʈw )�W���
45755normalization routine	�W�d�ƨ�( �� )�{( �� )
45756normalization signal	�H�����`��; �зǤƫH��
45757normalization technique	�W�d�Ƨ޳N; �W��Ƨ޳N
45758normalize	�W���; ���`��; ���W��,�зǤ�,�W�d��	NRM
45759normalized data structure	�W��Ƹ�Ƶ��c
45760normalized device coordinate	�W��Ƴ]�Ʈy��
45761normalized device coordinates	���W�Ƴ]�Ʈy��	NDC
45762normalized doubling algorithm	�W���������k
45763normalized factor	��@�Ʀ]�l,�зǤƦ]�l
45764normalized float-point integer	�W��ƯB�I���
45765normalized float-point operation	�W��ƯB�I�B��
45766normalized floating add	�W��ƯB�I�[	NFA
45767normalized floating divide	�W��ƯB�I���k	NFD
45768normalized floating multiply	�W��ƯB�I���k	NFM
45769normalized floating subtract	�W��ƯB�I��	NFS
45770normalized floating-point number	���`�ƯB�I��
45771normalized form	�зǤƧΦ�( �Ω�B�I��ܤ� );	���`�ƧΦ�;	�зǧΦ�
45772normalized fraction	�W��Ƥ���
45773normalized local address	�W��Ƨ�����}	NLA
45774normalized mantissa	�W��Ƨ���
45775normalized mode	���W�覡
45776normalized number	�W��Ƽ�
45777normalized result	�W��Ƶ��G
45778normalized schema	�W�d�ƼҦ�
45779normalized space	�W�d�ƪŶ�
45780normalized value	�W��ƭ�; �зǭ�
45781normalized volt-ampere	�зǥ�w
45782normalizer	�W�d��
45783normalizing	�W���,���`��
45784normally closed	�`����	NORM CLSD
45785normally closed contact	���`�����I	NCC
45786normally closed contacts	�`��IJ�I; �`�����I
45787normally closed control element	�`�������
45788normally open	( �� )�`( �_ )�}	NORM OPN
45789normally open (closed) contact	���`�}( �� )��IJ�I
45790normally open contact	�`�}IJ�I; �`�}���I
45791normally real-time priority	���`��T�u����
45792normative testing	�зǴ���
45793north American presentation level protocol syntax	�_����{�h��w�y�k	NAPLPS
45794North American presentation level protocol syntax	�_����{�h�W���y�k	NAPLPS
45795North Atlantic Relay communication system	�_�j��v���~�q�H�t��	NARCOM
45796north atlantic treaty organization satellite commu	�_�j��v������´�ìP�q�H�t��
45797North Caroline computer orientation project	�_�dù�ӭp����w�V�p��	NCCOP
45798Northeast computer measurement group	�F�_�p������q�p��	NECMG
45799Northern Europe university computing complex	�_�ڤj�ǭp���X�]��	NEUCC
45800northwest computer association	��_�p�����|( ���� )	NCA
45801northwest computing association	( ���� )��_�p���|	NCA
45802NOT	"�D"; �@���޿��l
45803NOT ACCEPTED screen status	"������"�̹����A
45804not all	���O����	NOTAL
45805not and	"�P�D"�h	NA
45806NOT AND circuit	"�P�D"�q��
45807not assigned	�����w��; ����Ȫ�	NA
45808not available	�L�Ī�; ���i�Ϊ�; ���s�b	NA
45809not circuit	"�D"�q��	NOT
45810NOT component	"�D"����; "�D"�h
45811not connected graph	�D�s�q��
45812not counted	���p( �O )	N/C
45813not data accepted	�D�����쪺���	NDAC
45814not dated at all	���L���; �������`�����	NDA
45815not editable attribute	���i�s���ݩ�
45816NOT element	" �D "����;	" �D "�h
45817not element; not gate	�Ϥ���; �Ϲh
45818not elsewhere specified	���t��W�w��	NES
45819not equal	������	NE
45820not error loop	�D���~�`��; ���X���j��	NEL
45821not examined	���ˬd	NE
45822not exceding	���W�L
45823not executable attribute	���i�����ݩ�
45824not file protect	�L�ɮ׫O�@; �S���ɮ׫O�@	NFP
45825not first error communication	�D�즸�X���q�H
45826not found	���o�{; �����	NF
45827NOT gate	�Ϲh; "�D"�h
45828NOT if-then	�ϭY�h
45829NOT if-then gate	�ϭY�h�h
45830not less than	���֩�	NLT
45831NOT operation	�Ϻ�l; "�D"�ާ@
45832not operation	�D�B��
45833not operationally ready	���@�n�ާ@�dz�
45834NOT operator	�D�Ϻ��; "�D"���
45835NOT OR circuit	"�ΫD"�q��
45836not otherwise specified	���t�[�W�w	NOS
45837not out	���X��	NO
45838not packet terminal	�D�]���׺�
45839not print	���C�L
45840not ready for data	���dzƦn�������	NRFD
45841not ready for data line	��ƶǿ�u�����dzƴN��
45842NOT ready state	���N�����A
45843not received	������	NOREC
45844not reusable	���୫�s�ϥΪ�; ����A�Ϊ�
45845not selected items	�D��ܶ���
45846not signed	�Lñ�W	NS
45847NOT sum	"�D"�M
45848NOT symbol	"�D"�Ÿ�
45849NOT system	"�D"�t��
45850not to noted	�S���аO	N/N
45851not to scale	�������	NTS
45852not yet diagnosed	�|���E�_��	NYD
45853not yet operated	�|���u�@; �|���ҥ�	NYO
45854not yet returned	�|����^	NYR
45855not, or, and	"�D"�q��, "��"�q����"�P"�q�����`��	NOA
45856not-a-number	�D�Ʀ�
45857NOT-AND	"�P�D"
45858NOT-AND element	"�P�D"����; "�P�D"��
45859NOT-AND gate	�Ϥιh; "�P�D"��
45860NOT-AND operation	"�P�D"�B��; "�P�D"�ާ@
45861NOT-both gate	�G�Ϲh
45862NOT-BOTH operation	"�P�D"��; "�P�D"�B��
45863not-carry	���i��	NOC
45864NOT-circuit	�Ϲq��
45865not-if-then element	��--��--�h����
45866NOT-IF-THEN element	" �� "����;	" �P�D "����
45867not-if-then gate	��--�Y--�h�h
45868NOT-IF-THEN gate	" �� "��
45869NOT-IF-THEN operation	"��"�ާ@; "�P�D"�ާ@
45870NOT-OR	�ϩ�; "�ΫD"
45871NOT-OR element	"�ΫD"����
45872NOT-OR gate	"�ΫD"��
45873NOT-OR operation	"�ΫD"�B��
45874notation	�O�k; ��ܪk; �O��; �O�ƪk; �Ÿ�
45875notation constant	�Ÿ��`��
45876notation system	�O�ƨt��; �O�ƨ�
45877notational system	�O�ƨt��
45878notbusy interrupt	�D�����_
45879notch	�g�J�ʤf
45880note	����; ����; ��; �`�N�ƶ�; ����; �K�O; �Ÿ�; �O��; �лx	NTE
45881note command	�`���R�O
45882note payable	���I����
45883note receivable	��������
45884nothing to report	�L�ƥi��; �L���p���i	NTR
45885notice	�`�N; �q��	NTC
45886notice of enquiry	�߰ݪ`�N
45887notice of execution	����q��	NOE
45888notification	�q��; �q����; �q����; ���i��; �лx�H��	NOTIF
45889notification message	�q������
45890notify	�q��	NTF
45891notify delivery	�q���ǰe; �q���ǻ�
45892notify lock	�q����w
45893notify object	�q����H
45894notion list	������
45895notion of subprocedure	�l�{�Ƿ���
45896nought state	�s���A
45897noughts complement	�s�C��; �ɽX
45898noun group	�W����; �W���u�y
45899noun group program	�W���յ{��
45900noun-group description	�W���մy�z
45901noun-group network function	�W���պ������
45902NOVA tape utility programs	NOVA�ϱa���ε{��	NTUP
45903novalidate mode	�D�ͮļҦ�
45904novice	��Ǫ�; �L�g���
45905nozzle	�Q�L
45906NP-completeness	NP������
45907NPL network	NPL �p�����; �^���a���z��s�ҭp�����
45908NRZ (abbreviation)	�D�k�s�O��( �Y�g )
45909NRZ(C) (abbreviation)	�D�k�s( �ܤ� )�O��( �Y�g )
45910NRZ(M) (abbreviation)	�D�k�s( �лx )�O��( �Y�g )
45911NRZ_0 (abbreviation)	�D�k�s�P�ܤ�0 ���O��( �Y�g )
45912NRZ_1 (abbreviation)	�D�k�s�P�ܤ�1 ���O��( �Y�g )
45913NSP	�����A���w
45914nth-level address	n �Ŧ�}
45915nuclear data information center	�֤߸�Ʊ�������	NDIC
45916nuclear data tape program	�ָ�ƺϱa�{��	NDTP
45917nuclear detection satellite	�ֱ����ìP	NDS
45918nuclear magnetic resonance computer tomography	�ֺϦ@���p����_�h���y	NMR-CT
45919nucleus	��( �� ); �֤�; �֤ߵ{��; ��
45920nucleus control block area	�֤�( �{�� )������x�s��	NCBA
45921nucleus initialization program	�֤ߵ{�Ǫ���l�{��	NIP
45922nucleus module	�֤߼Ҳ�
45923null	�Ū�; ��; �L; �s; �ť�; ��r; ��( �r�� )	NUL
45924null access value	�s�s����
45925null allocation	�Ť��t
45926null argument	���ܤ�
45927null argument list	�s�ܤ���
45928null array	�s�Ʋ�
45929null bit string	�Ŧ��; �Ŧ��
45930null character	�Ŧr��; �s�r��	NUL
45931null character string	�Ŧr�Ŧ�
45932null command	�ũR�O
45933null cycle	�s�g��
45934null data area	�Ÿ�ư�
45935null data set	�Ÿ�ƶ�
45936null delimiter	�ũw�ɲ�
45937null device	�Ÿ˸m; �ų]��
45938null field	�Ŧr�q; �Ű�
45939null file	���ɮ�
45940null gate	�s�h
45941null index range	�s�ܧ}�ϰ�
45942null instruction	�ū��O
45943null key (characteristic)	����
45944null line	�Ŧ�; �s�u
45945null line suppression	�Ŧ���
45946null link	�ųs��
45947null list	�Ū�; �s��
45948null locator value	�ũw����ܼƭ�
45949null modem	�żƾھ�; ���ƾھ�; ��ƾھ�
45950null name	�ŦW
45951null operator	�s���
45952null parameter list	�ŰѼƪ�
45953null pointer value	�s���ܦr��
45954null process	�ŵ{��
45955null record	�ŰO��
45956null reference	�s�Ѧ��I; �s���	NR
45957null representation	�Ū��( �k )
45958null set	�Ŷ��X; �Ŷ�; �s��
45959null space	�s�Ŷ�
45960null state	�s���A
45961null statement	�űԭz
45962null string	��( �� )�r��; �Ŧr��; �Ŧ�; �Ŧ�
45963null string argument	�Ŧ��ܤ�
45964null suppression	�s���; ���h�s
45965null symbol	�ŲŸ�
45966null term	�Ŷ�; �L�Ķ�
45967null transformation	�s�ܴ�
45968null value	�ż�; �ŭ�
45969null/idle	( �C�L�� )�L�Ī���	NULL
45970null; nul	 �Ŧ�r��
45971nullable non-terminal	�i�Ū��D�׵��Ÿ�
45972number	��( �� ); �ƥ�; ��; �Ʀ�; ����; ���X; �s��	NUM; NO
45973number address code	�Ʀ�}�X
45974number base	�ư�; ���
45975number base conversion	�ư��ഫ	NBC
45976number building	���X�զ�; ���X�c��
45977number bus	�ƽX�׬y��
45978number check	�Ʀ�����	NOCK
45979number column	( �ԭz�� )�s���C
45980number control	�Ʀ챱��
45981number controlled oscillator	�Ʊ�������	NCO
45982number conversion	�Ʀ��ഫ; ���ഫ
45983number crunching unit	������	NCU
45984number format	�Ʀ�榡
45985number format character	�Ʀ�榡�r��
45986number generator	�Ʀ�o�;�
45987number group	( �q�� )���X��; ( �q�� )���X�s
45988number identification	���X�ѧO
45989number identifier	�Τḹ�X�ѧO�˸m	NID
45990number identifier connector	( �Τ� )���X�ѧO�˸m�s����	NIDC
45991number key	�Ʀ���
45992number line	�s����
45993number normalization	�ƪ��W���
45994number of active lines	�C�V���ı��y���
45995number of active material records	�ϥΤ����ưO������
45996number of active miscellaneous records	�ϥΤ������O������
45997number of active operations detail records	�ϥΤ��@�~���ӰO������
45998number of basic operation	���ާ@����
45999number of bits	( �G�i�� )���
46000number of calls	�I�s����
46001number of channels	�q�D��; �ܸ���
46002number of character output	�r�ſ�X��
46003number of chargeable words	�p�O�r��	NCW; NOFCW
46004number of columns	���
46005number of complete operations	�����@�~��
46006number of days supplied	�������
46007number of defect	���I��; �G�ټ�
46008number of entry	���ؼ�
46009number of equivalent binary digits	�����G�i��Ʀ���( ��ܫD�G�i�Ʃһݪ��G�i��� )
46010number of equivalent labels	�������
46011number of fan outs	( �޿� )���X��
46012number of fillers	��R���; ��R�ż�
46013number of forecast periods	�w������
46014number of item	����
46015number of items per class or vendor	�C���O�ΨC�����Ӥ��ƥ��
46016number of items with shortage	�ʮƶ��ؼ�
46017number of jobs	�@�~��	NJOBS
46018number of lines	���; �u����
46019number of orders on report	����W�q�浧��
46020number of partition	���ϼ�
46021number of reaction unit	��������	NRU
46022number of records still available in batch	�妸�����i�ϥΤ��O������
46023number of sales months	�P����
46024number of terminals per failure	�C���G�ٲ׺ݼ�	NTPF
46025number of tracks	�ϹD��	NT
46026number of transaction in error	���~���ʵ���
46027number of transfer units	�ǰe���ƥ�	NTU
46028number of true dependencies	�u�̼ۨƥ�
46029number of word	�r��	NOFW
46030number of words	�r��	NW; NWDS
46031number one	�Y��; �Ĥ@��; �Ĥ@
46032number period	�Ʀ�g��
46033number range	�ƥؽd��; �ƭȽd��
46034number recorder	���X�O����
46035number representation	�O��( �k )
46036number representation system	�Ʀ�t��; �ƥت�ܨt��; �O�ƨt��; �O�ƨ�
46037number scale	�O�ƪk
46038number sequence	�Ƨ�
46039number service	�Ʀ�A��
46040number service operator	�Ʀ�A�Ⱥ��
46041number storage	�Ʀ��x�s��
46042number system	�ƥبt��; �Ʀ�t��; �O�ƨt��
46043number theory	�ƽ�
46044number transfer bus	�Ʀ�ǰe�׬y��
46045numbered card	( �w )�s���d( �� )
46046numbered information frame	���s����T��
46047numbered node	( �w )�s���`�I
46048numberical readout	�ƭ�Ū�X
46049numbering	�s��
46050numbering area	�s���ϰ�
46051numbering area code	�s���ϰ�X
46052numbering cycle	�`���s��	NC
46053numbering line	�s���ƦC; �s����	NL
46054numbering of statement	�ԭz�s��
46055numbering plan	( �q�� )�s���p��
46056numbering prefix	�s���e��; �s�����Y
46057numbering scheme	�s���Ҧ�; �s�����
46058numbering system	�s���t��
46059numbering transmitter	�s���o�e��	NT
46060numbers	��
46061numeral	�Ʀ�; �Ʋ�; �ƭȫ��A
46062numeral control	��( �r )��( �� )
46063numeral control robot	��( �r )��( �� )�����H
46064numeral control tape	��( �r )��( �� )�ϱa; �Ʊ��ȱa
46065numeral data	�Ʀ���
46066numeral row	�Ʀ��
46067numeral system	�Ʀ�t��; �ƲŨt��
46068numeralization	�Ʀ��
46069numeration	�R�ƪk; �O��
46070numeration representation system	�O�ƨ�
46071numeration system	�Ʀ�t��; �R�ƨt��; �O�ƨ�
46072numeric	�ƭ�; �Ʀ�; �Ʀ쪺	NUM
46073numeric address	�Ʀ��}
46074numeric argument indicator	�Ʀ��ܤ����ܲ�
46075numeric backspace character	�Ʀ�h���	NBS
46076numeric bit data	�Ʀ����
46077numeric character	�Ʀ�r��; �Ʀ�r��
46078numeric character data	�Ʀ�r�Ÿ��
46079numeric character set	�Ʀ�r�Ŷ�
46080numeric character set (character subset)	�Ʀ�r����( �r���l�� )
46081numeric character subset	�Ʀ�r�Ťl��
46082numeric class	�Ʀ���
46083numeric code	�Ʀ�X; �Ʀ�N�X( �μƦ�N��ƪ��ξާ@ )
46084numeric code input	�ƽX��J; �Ʀ�N�X��J
46085numeric coded character set	�Ʀ�s�X�r�Ŷ�
46086numeric coded set	�Ʀ�s�X�˸m
46087numeric coding	�Ʀ�s�X
46088numeric comparison	�ƭȤ��
46089numeric computer	�Ʀ�p���
46090numeric constant	�ƭȱ`��; �Ʀ�`��
46091numeric control	��( �r )��( �� )
46092numeric conversion code	�ƭ��ഫ�N�X; �ƭ��ܴ��X
46093numeric data	�Ʀ���; �Ʀ�ƾ�
46094numeric data code	�Ʀ��ƽX
46095numeric data type	�Ʀ�������
46096numeric datacode	�Ʀ��ƽX( �ΤG�i�X�N��Ʀ� )
46097numeric edited character	�Ʀ�s��r��
46098numeric edited data item	�Ʀ�s���ƶ�
46099numeric edited item	�Ʀ�s�趵
46100numeric expression	�Ʀ�( �ƭȪ�ܦ� )
46101numeric field	�Ʀ���; �Ʀ����; �Ʀ��; �ƭ���
46102numeric field arithmetic data	�Ʀ���N�����
46103numeric field data item	�Ʀ���ƶ�
46104numeric field descriptor	��( �r )��y�z��
46105numeric field name	�Ʀ���W
46106numeric integer	��ƭ�
46107numeric item	�Ʀ춵
46108numeric item name	�Ʀ춵�W
46109numeric key	�Ʀ���
46110numeric key lock function	�Ʀ�����w�S��
46111numeric keyboard	�Ʀ���L
46112numeric keypad	�Ʀ�����; �Ʀ컲�U��L; �Ʀ����; �Ʀ���x; �Ʀ�p��L
46113numeric literal	�Ʀ�w�r; �Ʀ��r; �ƭȱ`�r; �ƭȤ�r
46114numeric lock	�Ʀ�����w
46115numeric move	�Ʀ첾��
46116numeric operand	�ƭȾާ@��; �ƭȹB���H
46117numeric operator	�ƭȹB��l; �ƭȹB���
46118numeric pads	�Ʀ�p��L
46119numeric portion	�Ʀ쳡��
46120numeric printer	�Ʀ�C�L��
46121numeric process	�ƭȳB�z; �ƭȥ[�u
46122numeric punch	�Ʀ쥴��; ( �d���W�� )�Ʀ쥴��( �C�C�@�� )
46123numeric read-out	�Ʀ�Ū�X
46124numeric representation	�Ʀ��ܦ�; �Ʀ���( �k )
46125numeric scale	�Ʀ��
46126numeric shift	�Ʀ촫��
46127numeric sorting	�Ʀ�Ƨ�; �Ʀ����
46128numeric space character	�Ʀ춡�j��	NSP
46129numeric string	�Ʀ�r��; �Ʀ��; �Ʀ��
46130numeric subroutine package	�Ʀ�l��( �� )�{( �� )�]	NSP
46131numeric to numeric conversion	( ���P�ƨ�� )�Ʀ�-�Ʀ��ഫ
46132numeric type conversion	�Ʀ������ഫ
46133numeric type input/output	�Ʀ�������J��X
46134numeric value	�ƭ�
46135numeric valued expression	�Ʀ�Ȥƪ�ܦ�	NVE
46136numeric variable	�Ʀ��ܼ�; �ƭ��ܼ�
46137numeric word	�ƭȦr; �Ʀ�r
46138numeric-alphabetic	�Ʀ�r��; �Ʀ�r����
46139numeric-error	�Ʀ���~
46140numeric-field data	�Ʀ����
46141numeric-pictured arithmatic item	�Ƨκ�N��
46142numerical	�ƭȪ�; �Ʀ쪺
46143numerical algorithm	�ƭȺt��k
46144numerical algorithm library	�ƭȺ�k�w
46145numerical analysis	�ƭȤ��R	NA
46146numerical analysis laboratory	�ƭȤ��R�����	NAL
46147numerical analysis problem solving system	�ƭȤ��R���D�t��	NAPSS
46148numerical analysis research	�ƭȤ��R��s	NAR
46149numerical analyst	�ƭȤ��R��
46150numerical approximation	�ƭȪ��
46151numerical argument	�ƭ��ܤ�
46152numerical calculation	�ƭȭp��
46153numerical code	�Ʀ�X
46154numerical coding	�Ʀ�s�X
46155numerical computation	�ƭȭp��
46156numerical control	�ƭȱ���; �Ʀ챱��; �Ʊ�	NC; NCNT
46157numerical control and computer service	�Ʀ챱��M�p����A��	NCCS
46158numerical control device	�Ʀ챱��˸m
46159numerical control distribution system	��( �r )��( �� )�����t��	NCDS
46160numerical control drafting machine	�Ʊ�ø�Ͼ�	NCDM
46161numerical control language processor	��( �r )��( �� )�y���B�z��
46162numerical control machine	��( �r )��( �� )��
46163numerical control parts	�Ʀ챱���
46164numerical control parts programming language	�Ʀ챱��s����{���]�p�y��	NCPPL
46165numerical control robot	�Ʊ������H
46166numerical control society	( ���� )�Ʀ챱��Ƿ|; �Ʊ���|	NCS
46167numerical control software	�Ʊ��n��
46168numerical control support system	�Ʀ챱��䴩�t��
46169numerical control system	�Ʀ챱��t��; �Ʊ��t��
46170numerical control technique	�Ʀ챱��޳N; �Ʊ��޳N
46171numerical equivalent routine	�ƭȵ��ĵ{��
46172numerical experimentation	�ƭ�����
46173numerical expression	�ƭȪ�F��
46174numerical indicator tube	�Ʀ��	NIT
46175numerical information	�Ʀ�H��
46176numerical keyboard device	�Ʀ���L�˸m
46177numerical method analysis	�ƭȪk���R
46178numerical optical processor	���ƭȳB�z��
46179numerical part	�Ʀ쳡��
46180numerical plotting system	�Ʀ�ø�Ϩt��	NPS
46181numerical positioning control	�Ʀ�w�챱��
46182numerical processing and interface unit	�ƭȳB�z�������椸	NPIU
46183numerical readout	�Ʀ�Ū�X
46184numerical recognition	�Ʀ��ѧO
46185numerical representation	�ƭȪ��
46186numerical science	�ƭȬ��
46187numerical search	�ƭȷj��
46188numerical selection	���X���
46189numerical sequence code	�Ʀ�ǽX	NSC
46190numerical signal	�Ʀ�H��
46191numerical subroutine library	�Ʀ�l�{�Ǯw
46192numerical system	�ƨt; �ƨ�
46193numerical tape	�Ʀ�a
46194numerical tape punch	�Ʀ�a����	NTP
46195numerical technique	�ƭȤ�k
46196numerical test algorithm	�Ʀ������k
46197numerical tool operation	�Ʊ����ɾާ@
46198numerical word	�ƭȦr
46199numerically controlled	�ƭȱ���	NC
46200numerically integrated differential analyzer	�Ʀ�n���L�����R��; �Ʀ�n��L�����R��	NIDA
46201numerically-controlled machine	�Ʀ챱���
46202numerically-controlled machine tool(s)	�Ʀ챱�����
46203nut clip	���U��
46204NXM	�D�s�b�O�о�	NXM
46205NXM error	�D�s�b�O����~
46206Nyquist diagram	�������S��
46207Nyquist diagram	�������S��
46208Oak ridge automatic computer and logical engine	������۰ʭp����M�޿��	ORACLE
46209Oak ridge data evaluation and analysis language	�������ƨD�ȻP���R�y��	ORDEAL
46210Oak ridge system analysis code	������t���R�X	ORSAC
46211object	�ؼ�; �ت���; �D��; ����; �s��; ��H; ���G; ����	OBJ
46212object addressing	�ؼнs�}; �ؼЩw�}
46213object authority	�ؼб��v; �ؼЯS�\
46214object base	�ؼе{�Ǯw
46215object code	�ؼнX; �ت��X; ���G�N�X
46216object code compatibility	�ؼХN�X�ۮe��
46217object computer	�ؼЭp���
46218object computer entry	�ؼЭp�����
46219object computer paragraph	�ؼЭp����q
46220object configuration	�ؼаt�m
46221object construction	�ؼе��c
46222object data	�ؼи��
46223object deck	�ؼ��|�d; �ؼ�( �d�� )�|
46224object definition	�ؼЩw�q
46225object definition table	�ؼЩw�q��	ODT
46226object description	�ؼдy�z
46227object design	�ؼг]�p
46228object diskette	�ت��Ϥ�
46229object existence rights	�ؼХͦs�v
46230object file	�ؼ���; �ت��ɮ�; �ت���
46231object handling program	�ؼгB�z�{��
46232object id	�ؼ��ѧO
46233object language	�ؼлy��
46234object language program	�ؼлy���{��
46235object level access protection	�ؼЯŦs���O�@
46236object level instruction	�ؼЯū��O
46237object level program	�ؼЯŵ{��
46238object level structure	�ؼЯŵ��c
46239object library	�ؼе{�Ǯw
46240object library editor	�ؼЮw�s��{��
46241object listing	�ؼ�( �{�� )�C��
46242object machine	�ؼо���
46243object management rights	�ؼк޲z�v
46244object map	�ؼй�; �ؼЬM�H
46245object module	�ؼмҲ�; �ت��Ҳ�
46246object module assembly program	�ؼмҲղզX�{��	OMAP
46247object module data set	�ؼмҲո�ƶ�
46248object module library	�ؼмҲծw
46249object module patch program	�ؼмҲխ׸ɵ{��
46250object name	�ؼЦW��; �ؼЦW
46251object oriented	�ؼоɦV; ����ɦV
46252object owner	�ؼЩҦ���
46253object pack	�ؼиs; �ؼ�( �{�� )���եd���|
46254object phrase	�ؼеu�y
46255object plane	�ؼХ���
46256object point	�ؼ��I
46257object program	�ت��{��; �ؼе{��
46258object program code	�ت��{���X
46259object program instruction	�ؼе{�����O
46260object program language	�ؼе{���y��
46261object program library	�ؼе{���w
46262object program listing	�ؼе{���C��
46263object program loader	�ؼе{�������J�{��; �ؼе{�����J��	OPL
46264object program module	�ؼе{���Ҳ�
46265object program optimization	�ؼе{���̨Τ�
46266object program preparation	�ؼе{���dz�
46267object program utility routine	�ؼе{������( �Ҧ� )�{��	OPUR
46268object recognition	�ؼ��ѧO
46269object relation	�ؼ����Y
46270object rights	�ؼ��v
46271object routine	�ؼ�( �Ҧ� )�{��
46272object run	�ؼйB��
46273object segment	�ؼЬq
46274object subschema	�ؼФl�Ҧ�
46275object system	�ؼШt��
46276object table	�ؼЪ�; ��H��
46277object tape	�ؼкϱa
46278object time	�ؼ�( �{�ǰ��� )�ɶ�
46279object time format string	�ؼ�( �{�ǰ��� )�ɶ��榡��
46280object time system	�ؼЮɶ��t��; �ؼ�( �{�ǰ��� )�ɶ��t��	OTS
46281object tracking	�ؼи���
46282object type	�ت�����; ����Φ�; �ؼ�����
46283object user	�ؼХΤ�
46284object-based language	���ؼЪ��y��
46285object-based virtual operating system	���ؼЪ������@�~�t��
46286object-centered programming	�ؼФ��߽s�{; �ؼФ��ߵ{���]�p
46287object-centered representation	�ؼФ��ߪ�ܪk; ��H���ߪ�ܪk
46288object-oriented command language	�ؼоɦV���R�O�y��
46289object-oriented precompiler	�ؼоɦV���w�sĶ�{��
46290object-oriented programming	�ؼоɦV���{���]�p; �ؼоɦV���s�{
46291objective	�ت�; �ؼ�; ���G; ���[��
46292objective fidelity criteria	���[�O�u�׼з�
46293objective function	�ؼХ\��; �ؼШ��
46294objective language	�ت��y��
46295objective program	�ت��{��
46296objective program instruction	�ؼе{�����O; ��H�{�����O
46297objective program library	�ؼе{���w
46298oblique-incidence sounding	�פJ�g�^�i����
46299observability	�i�[���
46300observation	�[��
46301observation point	�[���I
46302observing pattern	�[��Ҧ�
46303obstacle handling program	��ê�B�z�{��
46304obstruction	�B�_; �z�Z; ���
46305occupation	¾��
46306occupation probability	�e�����v
46307occupational information access system	�����H���s���t��	OIAS
46308occupied bandwidth	�e��( �W )�W�e( �� )
46309occupy	����
46310occurrence	�ƥ�; �o��; �X�{; ( ��Ʈw���� )�����
46311occurrence time	�o�ͮɶ�
46312occurs	���{
46313occurs clause	���Ƥl�y
46314ocean all source information system	���v�귽��T�t��	OASIS
46315ocean surveillance data base	���v�ʵ���Ʈw	OSDB
46316oceanic abstracts	���v�Ǥ�K
46317oceanographic data interrogating station	���v��Ƴq�H�߰ݯ�
46318oceanographic data processing and control systems	���v�Ǹ�ƳB�z�P����t��	ODPCS
46319oceanographic data station	���v��Ƴq�H��
46320oceanographic digital data system	���v�ǼƦ��ƨt��	ODDS
46321OCL statement	OCL �ԭz
46322OCR (abbreviation)	���Ǧr������( �Y�g )
46323OCR-A font size 1	OCR-A ��1 ���r��
46324OCR-B font size 1	OCR-B ��1 ���r��
46325octal	�K�i; �K�i�; �K�i��; �K�i��( �� ); �K�䪺
46326octal addition	�K�i��[�k
46327octal chain code	�K�i���즡�X
46328octal code	�K�i��( �N )�X
46329octal coded binary	�K--�G�i��; �K�i��s�X���G�i��	OCB
46330octal coded binary code	�K--�G�i��s�X
46331octal debug technique	�K�i����޳N
46332octal debugger	�K�i������
46333octal debugging technique	�K�i����޳N; �K�i����޳N	ODT
46334octal digit	�K�i�Ʀ�; �K�i��Ʀ�; �K�i��Ʀ�
46335octal editor	�K�i��s��{��	OEDIT
46336octal format	�K�i��榡
46337octal notation	�K�i�O�k; �K�i��O�ƪk
46338octal number	�K�i��ƥ�; �K�i��; �K�i���
46339octal number complement	�K�i��Ƹɼ�
46340octal number system	�K�i�ƨt��; �K�i��O�ƨt��; �K�i��Ʀ�t��
46341octal numeral	�K�i�Ʋ�;	�K�i���
46342octal print punch	�K�i��C�L����( �� )	OPP
46343octal program updating system	�K�i��{����s�t��	OPUS
46344octal system	�K�i��
46345octal tube	�K�}��
46346octal(numeration)system	�K�i��( �Ʀr )�t��
46347octal-to-binary converter	�K--�G�i���ഫ��; �K--�G�i���ഫ�{��
46348octave band	���W�a
46349octave band analysis	���W�{�W�a���R	OBA
46350octave band automatic data reduction system	���W�a�۰ʸ��²�ƨt��	OBADRS
46351octaves	�K( �� )��; ���W�{( �K�� )
46352octaword	�K�i�r��
46353octet	�줸��; �K�줸��; �K���; �K��r�`; �K����; �K��H��
46354octet alignment	�K���ձƻ�; �K��r�`�ƻ�
46355octet timing signal	�K���ծɼЫH��; �K��r�`�ɼЫH��
46356octonary	�K�i�
46357octonary number system	�K�i��
46358octonary signaling	�K�i��H��; �K�i��]��
46359OCTOPUS network	OCTOPUS �p�����
46360odd component	�_�ɼ�
46361odd location	�_��( �x�s )�椸
46362odd loop	�_�ưj��
46363odd parity	�_�t��; �_�P��; �_�ƦP�줸
46364odd parity check	�_�P��ֹ�
46365odd permutation	�_�ƦC
46366odd positive acknowledge	�_�֩w����
46367odd substitution	�_�N��
46368odd-condition gate	�_�Ʊ���h
46369odd-controlled gate	�_�Ʊ���h
46370odd-even check	�_���ֹ�; �_������
46371odd-even counter	�_���p�ƾ�
46372odd-even interleaving	�_����e( �s�� )
46373odd-even logic	�_���޿�
46374odd-even loop	�_����
46375odd-even merging algorithm	�_���X�ֺ�k
46376odd-even merging network	�_���X�ֺ���
46377odd-even sorting	�_���Ƨ�; �_������
46378odd-even sorting algorithm	�_��������k
46379odd-numbered channels	�_�Ƴq�D
46380odd-or even parity	�_��P��
46381odd-parity check	�_�Ʃ_������
46382odds ratio	�u�ղv
46383ODT	�u�W�����޳N	ODT
46384off	��; �_�}; �I��; ���}
46385off air	����
46386off balance sheet financing	�D�ھڸ겣�t�Ū��w��
46387off emergency	����_�}; ���}��
46388off microphone	���u�ܵ�; ���}�ܵ�; ���u�X����; ���u���J��; ���}�X����
46389off mike	���u�ܵ�; ���}�ܵ�
46390off screen	�_�}���
46391off state	�������A
46392off time	�Ŷ��ɶ�
46393off tune	����
46394off-axis paraboloidal mirror	���b���ߪ�����
46395off-contact	IJ�I�_�}
46396off-duty	���B�檺( ���]�� ); ����Z��( ���u�@�H�� )
46397off-gauge	�����ëp��; �W�椣��; �D�зǪ�
46398off-hand	�۰ʪ�; �ߧY
46399off-hook	��ť; �u�@��; �K��
46400off-hook instrument	�K�������]��
46401off-hook service	���u( �q�� )�~��
46402off-hook signal	�K���H��
46403off-hook status	�K�����A
46404off-hours	���_�ɶ�
46405off-line	���u; ���u��; �u�~
46406off-line application	���u����
46407off-line batch processing	���u����B�z; ���u��q�B�z
46408off-line batch processing system	���u����B�z�t��; ���u��q�B�z�t��
46409off-line computation	���u�p��
46410off-line compute system	���u�p��t��
46411off-line computer	���u�p���
46412off-line control	���u����
46413off-line conversion	���u�ഫ
46414off-line conversion equipment	���u�ഫ�]��
46415off-line copying device	���u�ƻs�]��
46416off-line cryptographic operation	���u�K�X�ާ@
46417off-line data generator	���u��Ƶo�;�; ���u��ƥͦ��{��	ODG
46418off-line data processing	���u��ƳB�z
46419off-line data reduction	���u���²��
46420off-line device	���u�˸m
46421off-line equipment	�u�~�]��; ���u�]��
46422off-line fault detection	���u�G���˴�
46423off-line file	���u�ɮ�
46424off-line function	���u�\��
46425off-line input	���u��J
46426off-line job control	���u�@�~����
46427off-line memory	���u�O����
46428off-line mode	���u�覡
46429off-line operating simulator	���u�ާ@�����{��	OOPS
46430off-line operation	�u�~�B��; ���u�@�~; ���u�ާ@	OLO
46431off-line output	�u�~��X; ���u��X
46432off-line peripheral operation	���u�g��ާ@
46433off-line printer	���u�C�L��
46434off-line printing	���u�C�L
46435off-line processing	���u�B�z
46436off-line processor	���u�B�z��
46437off-line program	���u�{��
46438off-line programming system	���u�{���]�p�t��
46439off-line recovery	���u��_
46440off-line remote batch	���u���{��q
46441off-line retrieval	���u�˯�
46442off-line scan	���u���y
46443off-line seek	���u�d��
46444off-line sorting	���u����
46445off-line state	���u���A
46446off-line storage	�u�~�x�s( �� ); ���u�x�s��
46447off-line support program	���u�䴩�{��
46448off-line system	�u�~�t��; ���u�t��
46449off-line system reconfiguration	���u�t�έ��s�t�m; ���u�t�έ��s�պA
46450off-line test and diagnostic program	���u���թM�E�_�{��
46451off-line test and diagnostic system	���u���նE�_�t��
46452off-line test program	���u���յ{��
46453off-line turing machine	���u���L��
46454off-line unit	���u�]��
46455off-line work	���u�u�@
46456off-line working	�u�~�u�@
46457off-lining	���u
46458off-net calling	���~�I�s
46459off-net extension	���~����
46460off-page connector	�����s����
46461off-position	����; ����; "�_�}"��m
46462off-premise	( ���� )�ƥγ]��
46463off-premise standby equipment	���Х~���ƥγ]��
46464off-punch	������
46465off-site	����
46466off-the shelf	���[�{�f
46467off-the-air monitoring	�����ʵ�
46468off-the-shelf	�{����; �{����; �{�f
46469off-the-shelf hardware	�{�����w��
46470off-the-shelf integrated circuit	�{�����n��q��
46471off-the-shelf item	�{������; �꦳����
46472off-the-shelf processor	�{�����B�z��; �{�����B�z��; �{�����B�z�{��
46473off-time	�Ŷ��ɶ�
46474off-track	�����ϹD
46475offered load in erlangs	���Ӧ��u�p�ɴ��ѭt��
46476office	�줽��; ��; ��; ��ƳB; �ư�( �u�@ )	OFF
46477office automation	�줽�Ǧ۰ʤ�; �줽��( �u�@ )�۰ʤ�	OA
46478office automation conference	�줽��( �u�@ )�۰ʤƷ|ij	OAC
46479office automation system	�줽�۰ʤƨt��	OASYS
46480office computer	�줽��( �� )�p���
46481office computer system	�줽�ǭp����t��	OCS
46482office computing system	�줽�p��t��	OCS
46483office copier	�줽��( �� )�ƦL��
46484office document architecture	�줽�Ǥ��[�c; �줽�Ǥ���c
46485office document interchange format	�줽�Ǥ��洫�榡
46486office document processing system	�줽�Ǥ�ѳB�z�t��
46487office equipment division	�줽�]�Ƴ�	OED
46488office equipment manufacturer's institute	�줽�]�ƻs�y�Ӭ�s��	OEMI
46489office for scientific and technical information	��ǩM�޳N������	OSTI
46490office information system	�줽�Ǹ�T�t��	OIS
46491office machine	�줽��( �� )����
46492office management	�줽�Ǻ޲z
46493office network	�줽�Ǻ���
46494office of air research automatic computer	��Ŭ�s�۰ʭp�����; ��Ŭ�s�Φ۰ʭp�����	OARAC
46495office of communication systems	�q�T�t�Χ�	OCS
46496office of computer and communications system	�p����P�q�T�t��	OCCS
46497office of computer information	�p�����T��	OCI
46498office of information systems	�H���t��	OIS
46499office of management and budget	��F�޲z�M�w�⧽( �� )	OMB
46500office of science and technology	��ǧ޳N��	OST
46501office of science information service	��DZ����A�ȿ줽��	OSIS
46502office of scientific research	( ���� )��Ǭ�s��	OSR
46503office of scientific research and development	��Ǭ�s�}�o��	OSRD
46504office of space sciences	�Ŷ���ǧ�	OSS
46505office of standard reference data	�зǰѦҸ�Ƨ�	OSRD
46506office of technology assessment (U.S.government)	�޳N�����B( ����F�� )	OTA
46507office of telecommunications (U.S.government)	�q�H�줽��( ����F�� )	OT
46508office of telecommunications policy	���{�q�H�F���줽��; �q�H�F���줽��	OTP
46509office of the future	�����줽��
46510office products	�줽�ư�( �{�� )���~	OP
46511office profile	�줽²�n( �� )
46512office support program	�줽�Ǥ䴩�{��
46513office system	�줽�Ǩt��; �줽�t��	OS
46514office typewriter	�줽�ǥΥ��r��
46515officer	�x��; ����¾��
46516officer-of-the-watch	�[���
46517official experimental station	( ����ARRL )���ȹ���q�x	OES
46518offline	�u�~; ���u
46519offline diagnostic program	���u�E�_�{��
46520offline storage	�u�~�x�s
46521offline terms code	���u�˯��X
46522offprint	��L��; ��Z
46523offset	����; �첾; �~�t; ����; ���m; ����; �ݯd�~�t; ����( �q )
46524offset address	������}; ���m��}; �첾��};
46525offset bit	���m��
46526offset control	��������
46527offset correction	�����ե�
46528offset course computer	��V�����p���
46529offset data	�������; ���v���
46530offset days	�������
46531offset duplicating machine	�����ƦL��
46532offset litho duplicating	�������L�ƻs
46533offset litho duplicator	�������L�ƻs��
46534offset litho( graphy)	 �������L
46535offset lithography	�����L��N
46536offset name	( ��ưϪ� )�϶Z�W
46537offset prime-focus feed	���v�D�E�J�X�q
46538offset printing	��( �O )�L( �� )
46539offset stacker	���m���|��; ���ﱵ�d�c( �� )
46540offset variable	�첾�ܼ�
46541offset voltage	�����q��; ���v�q��
46542offsetting mechaism	�����˸m
46543offspring	��N; ��t
46544Ohm	�کi
46545ohm	�کi
46546ohm's law	�کi�w��
46547ohmic	�کi��
46548ohmic base resistance	���کi�q��
46549ohmic drop	�q��( �� )�q����
46550ohmic leakage	�|�q��
46551ohmmeter	�کi��	OHM
46552OI-dash	OI�R
46553OIC	�Ȧb�줺	OIC
46554oil paper	�o( ���t )��
46555oil reservoir	�o��
46556oil-filled cable	�R�o�q�l	OFC
46557Oki parametron computer	( �饻 )�R�q��( �t )�Ѷq�p���( ���� )	OPC
46558OL system	�L��}���t��
46559OL-resolution	OL����
46560old generation file	�¥@�N�ɮ�
46561old program status word location	�µ{�����A�r�椸	OPSWL
46562Olsen memory	�@�ͰO��; �������O����
46563omega network	�s����
46564omega-square criterion	�s��������
46565OMEN-60 orthogonal computer	OMEN-60 ����p���
46566omission factor	�ٲ��]��; ��|�Y��; �|�˲v
46567omit function	�ٲ��\��
46568omnidirectional antenna	���V�T�g�ѽu; �D�w�V�ѽu
46569omnidirectional microphone	���V���J��; ���V�X����
46570omnidirectional radio range	����V�L�u�q�ɯ诸; �L�V�L�u�q�H��
46571omnidirectional range station	����V���Z��
46572omnidirectional signaling system	����V�ǫH�t��
46573omnifont	���r��
46574omnifont reader	���r��\Ū��; ���r��\Ū��
46575OMNINET network	OMNINET ����( �����ϰ���� )
46576on	���q; �ɹq; �}
46577on black	���q�¶H�H��
46578on condition	�Ұʱ���; ���q���p
46579on hand	�b�w
46580on line and off line	�s�u�P���u
46581on line manual	�u�W��U
46582on line monitoring	�u�W�ʵ�
46583on order	�w�q
46584on order quantity audit	�w�q�ƶq�f��
46585on position	���q��m
46586on state	�}�Ҫ��A
46587on statement	���q�ԭz; ON�ԭz
46588on status	�}���A
46589on the fly	���t����; ����
46590on white	���q�նH�H��
46591on-board attitude control system	�������A����t��
46592on-board checkout system	�����ˬd�t��	OCS
46593on-board computer	�����p���; ��O�p���
46594on-board data processor	������ƳB�z��
46595on-board digital data handling	�����Ʀ��ƳB�z	ODDH
46596on-board memory	��O�O����
46597on-board processor	�����B�z��	OBP
46598on-board spacecraft computer	�P���p���
46599on-call channel	�H�ɥs�q�q�D
46600on-call circuit	�H�ɥs�q�q��
46601on-call maintenance	�q�����@; ( �q�� )�I�s����
46602on-call patching service	�I�s����A��
46603on-call repairing	( �q�� )�I�s�ײz
46604on-chip control logic	��������޿�
46605on-chip memory	����O����
46606on-chip microcomputer	����L���p���
46607on-condition	ON����; ���q����
46608on-demand call tracing	�ШD���q�ܸ���
46609on-demand ink gun	�ШD���Q���Y
46610on-demand processing	�ШD���B�z
46611on-demand system	�Y�I�t��; �ШD��( �A�� )�t��; �Y�ɦ^���t��
46612on-disk structure level 1	�@�źϺФ��s���c	ODS-1
46613on-disk structure level 2	�G�źϺФ��s���c	ODS-2
46614on-hand cost	�b�w����
46615on-hand cost or annual use at price	�b�w�����Υ��~�ϥλ���
46616on-hand cost range	�b�w�����d��
46617on-hand quantity	�b�w�ƶq
46618on-hand total quantity	�b�w�`�ƶq
46619on-hook	���_; �D�u�@��; "����"
46620on-hook signal	�����H��
46621on-line	�s�u; �p�u��; �u�W	OL
46622on-line access machine interaction	�s�u�s�������椬�@��
46623on-line adapter	�s�u�A�t��; �s�u�౵��
46624on-line administrative information system	�s�u�޲z�H���B�z�t��	OASIS
46625on-line algorithm	�s�u��k
46626on-line analog input	�s�u������J	OAI
46627on-line analog output	�s�u������X	OAO
46628on-line analysis	�s�u���R
46629on-line application	�s�u����
46630on-line application transaction	�s�u���ΨưȳB�z; �s�u���Ψƶ��B�z; �s�u���Υ��
46631on-line backup	�s�u�ƥ�
46632on-line banking system	�u�W�Ȧ�t��; �s�u�Ȧ�~�Ȩt��
46633on-line base system	�s�u��Ʈw�t��
46634on-line batch processing	�s�u��q�B�z; �s�u����B�z
46635on-line batch processing system	�s�u����B�z�t��; �s�u��q�B�z�t��
46636on-line business systems	�s�u�ӥΨt��	OBS
46637on-line capacity	�s�u�e�q
46638on-line card reader	�s�u�d���\Ū��
46639on-line central file	�s�u�����ɮ�
46640on-line circuit analysis	�s�u�q�����R	OLCA
46641on-line circuit design	�s�u�q���]�p	OLCD
46642on-line closed loop	�s�u����
46643on-line command language	�s�u�R�O�y��
46644on-line communication	�s�u�q�H
46645on-line communication driver	�s�u�q�H�X�ʾ�; �s�u�q�H�X�ʵ{��	OCD
46646on-line communications adapter	�s�u�q�H�A�t��	OLCA
46647on-line compiler	�s�u�sĶ�{��
46648on-line computation	�s�u�p��
46649on-line computer	�s�u�p���	OLC
46650on-line computer output microfilm recorders	�s�u�p�����X�Y�L�����O����
46651on-line computer system	�s�u�p����t��	OLCS
46652on-line computing	�u�W�p��
46653on-line console	�s�u����x
46654on-line control	�s�u����
46655on-line control file	�s�u�����ɮ�; �s�u������
46656on-line cryptanalytic aid language	�s�u�K�X���R���U�y��	OCAL
46657on-line crypto-analytic aid system	�s�u�K�X���R���U�t��	OCAS
46658on-line cryptographic equipment	�s�u�K�X�]��
46659on-line data acquisition	�s�u��ƱĶ�
46660on-line data base	�s�u��Ʈw	OLDB
46661on-line data base management	�s�u��Ʈw�޲z
46662on-line data base system	�s�u��Ʈw�t��
46663on-line data entry system	�s�u��ƿ�X�t��	ODESY
46664on-line data flow	�s�u��Ƭy
46665on-line data processing	�s�u��ƳB�z
46666on-line data processor	�s�u��ƳB�z��; �s�u��ƳB�z�{��	OLDAP
46667on-line data reduction	�s�u���²��	OLDR
46668on-line debug	�s�u����
46669on-line debug communicator	�s�u�����q�H�˸m
46670on-line debug program	�s�u�����{��
46671on-line debugging technique	�s�u�����޳N; �s�u�����޳N	ODT
46672on-line diagnostic and report system	�s�u�E�_�M���i�t��	ODARS
46673on-line diagnostics	�s�u�E�_( �{�� )
46674on-line dialogue	�s�u���
46675on-line digital control system	�s�u�Ʀ챱��t��
46676on-line digital input	�s�u�Ʀ��J	ODI
46677on-line digital output	�s�u�Ʀ��X	ODO
46678on-line disk file	�s�u�Ϻ��ɮ�
46679on-line display system	�s�u��ܨt��	OLDS
46680on-line document retrieval system	�s�u����˯��t��
46681on-line editing	�s�u�s��
46682on-line editor	�s�u�s��{��
46683on-line encryption	�s�u�[�K
46684on-line environment	�s�u����
46685on-line equipment	�s�u�]��
46686on-line executive	�s�u����( �{�� )	OLX
46687on-line executive for real time	�Y�ɽu�W����	OLERT
46688on-line executive for real-time	�Y�ɳs�u����( �{�� )	OLERT
46689on-line fault detection	�s�u�G���˴�
46690on-line file	�s�u�ɮ�
46691on-line file (central)	�s�u�ɮ�( ���� )
46692on-line file software	�s�u�ɮ׳n��	OLFS
46693on-line file system	�s�u�ɮרt��	OLFS
46694on-line fourier transform system	�s�u�Ũ�	�ܴ��t��	OLFTS
46695on-line free form input	�s�u�ۥѮ榡��J	OFI
46696on-line handwritten Chinese character recognition	�s�u��g��~�r�ѧO
46697on-line help	�s�u����; �u�W����; �u�W���U
46698on-line help system	�s�u�D�U�t��
46699on-line identification algorithm	�s�u�ѧO��k
46700on-line image-forming light modulator	�s�u���H���ը	OLIFLM
46701on-line implicit calculation	�s�u�����p��
46702on-line information	�s�u�H��
46703on-line information retrieval	�s�u�����˯�
46704on-line information retrieval system	�s�u�����˯��t��
46705on-line information system	�s�u�H���t��; �s�u�����t��
46706on-line input	�s�u��J
46707on-line input instruction	�s�u��J���O
46708on-line inquiry system	�s�u�߰ݨt��
46709on-line interaction	�s�u���; �s�u���
46710on-line interactive project management system	�s�u���( �� )�p���޲z�t��
46711on-line interactive system	�s�u��ͨt��
46712on-line inverted file system	�s�u�˱��ɮרt��
46713on-line job	�s�u�@�~
46714on-line job control	�s�u�@�~����
46715on-line journal	�s�u���Z
46716on-line logic simulation	�s�u�޿����
46717on-line logic simulation system	�کi�޿�����t��	OLLSS
46718on-line machine	�s�u����
46719on-line magnetic tape	�s�u�ϱa
46720on-line maintenance	�s�u���@
46721on-line manufacturing, accounting and control syst	�s�u�s�y, �|�p�P����t��	OMAC
46722on-line mass storage	�s�u�j�e�q�x�s��; �s�u�j�q�x�s��
46723on-line material management system	�s�u���ƺ޲z�t��	OLMMS
46724on-line memory	�s�u�O����
46725on-line memory test	�s�u�O�������
46726on-line mode	�s�u�覡
46727on-line monitor	�s�u�ʵ���; �s�u�ʷ��{��; �s�u�ʱ���; �s�u�ʱ��{��	OLM
46728on-line monitoring	�s�u�ʵ�; �s�u�ʷ�
46729on-line numerical control language	�s�u�Ʊ��y��; �b�u�Ʊ��y��
46730on-line operation	�s�u�ާ@	OLO
46731on-line order entry	�s�u�q���J	OLOE
46732on-line order entry system	�s�u�q���J�t��	OOES
46733on-line output	�s�u��X; ������X
46734on-line patient billing and accounts receivable	�s�u�f���O�b�M�����b��	OL/PBAR
46735on-line patient monitoring system	�s�u�f�H���@�t��
46736on-line pattern analysis and recognition	�s�u�Ҧ����R�M�ѧO
46737on-line pattern analysis and recognition system	�s�u�Ҧ����R�M�ѧO�t��	OLPARS
46738on-line peripheral test	�s�u�g��]�ƴ���
46739on-line peripheral test system	�s�u�g����ըt��	OPTS
46740on-line plotter	�s�uø�ϻ�; �s�uø�Ͼ�
46741on-line plotter controller	�s�uø�ϻ����	OPC
46742on-line printer	�s�u�C�L��
46743on-line problem determination	�s�u���D�T�w	OLPD
46744on-line process synthesizer	�u�W�B�z�X����	OPS
46745on-line processing	�s�u�B�z
46746on-line processing environment	�s�u�B�z����
46747on-line processing optimization	�s�u�B�z�̨Τ�
46748on-line processor	�s�u�B�z��; �s�u�B�z�{��
46749on-line program	�s�u�{��
46750on-line program debugging	�s�u�{������
46751on-line program development	�s�u�{���}�o	ONLP
46752on-line program modification	�s�u�{���ק�
46753on-line program testing system	�s�u�{�����ըt��	OPTS
46754on-line programming	�s�u�s�{; �s�u�{���]�p	OLP
46755on-line programming system	�s�u�s�{�t��; �s�u�{���]�p�t��	OLPS
46756on-line query	�s�u�߰�	OLQ
46757on-line query language	�s�u�߰ݻy��	OQL
46758on-line random-access processing	�u�W�H���s���B�z
46759on-line real time branch information language	�s�u�Y�ɤ��䱡���y��	ORBIL
46760on-line real time operation	�s�u�Y�ɾާ@	OLRT
46761on-line real time processing	�s�u�Y�ɳB�z	OLRTP
46762on-line real time system	�s�u�Y�ɨt��	OLRTS
46763on-line real-time	�s�u�Y��
46764on-line real-time branch information transmission	�s�u�Y�ɤ����H���ǿ�	ORBIT
46765on-line real-time operation	�s�u�Y�ɾާ@
46766on-line real-time processing	�s�u�Y�ɳB�z
46767on-line real-time system	�u�W�Y�ɨt��; �s�u�Y�ɨt��
46768on-line reconfiguration	�s�u���s�t�m
46769on-line remote microfiche reader	�s�u���{�Y�L�d���\Ū��
46770on-line retailer	�s�u�s���
46771on-line retrieval	�s�u�˯�
46772on-line retrieval of information over a network	���W�����s�u�˯�	ORION
46773on-line reversal SSP	�s�u�ϦV�t�ΪA�ȵ{��
46774on-line routine	�s�u( �Ҧ� )�{��
46775on-line scientific computer	�s�u��ǭp���	OLSC
46776on-line searching	�s�u�d�M
46777on-line software	�s�u�n��
46778on-line software system	�s�u�n��t��	OLSS
46779on-line sorting	�s�u����
46780on-line stand-along support system	�s�u�W�ߤ���t��
46781on-line state	�s�u���A
46782on-line storage	�s�u�x�s��
46783on-line system	�s�u�t��	OLS
46784on-line system driver	�s�u�t���X�ʾ�; �s�u�t���X�ʵ{��	OSD
46785on-line system environment	�s�u�t������
46786on-line system maintenance	�s�u�t��@
46787on-line system management	�s�u�t�κ޲z
46788on-line task loader	�s�u���ȸˤJ�{��	OTL
46789on-line teller system	�s�u�X�Ǩt��
46790on-line teller terminal	�s�u�X�ǭ��׺�; �s�u�@���׺�	OLTT
46791on-line terminal	�s�u�׺�
46792on-line terminal system	�s�u�׺ݨt��	OTS
46793on-line terminal test	�s�u�׺ݴ���	OLTT
46794on-line test	�s�u����	OLT
46795on-line test and diagnostic routine	�s�u���թM�E�_( �Ҧ� )�{��
46796on-line test executive program	�s�u���հ���{��	OLTEP
46797on-line test facilities	�s�u���ճ]��; �s�u���յ{��
46798on-line test program	�s�u���յ{��
46799on-line test routine	�s�u����( �Ҧ� )�{��
46800on-line test stand-alone executive program	�s�u���տW�߰���{��	OLTSEP
46801on-line test system	�s�u���ըt��	OLTS
46802on-line test transaction processing	�s�u���ըưȳB�z
46803on-line tester	�s�u���ջ�; �s�u���վ�
46804on-line testing	�s�u����
46805on-line testing simulator	�s�u���ռ����{��	OLTES
46806on-line time-shared system	�s�u���ɨt��
46807on-line tracking	�s�u����
46808on-line transaction	�s�u�ưȳB�z
46809on-line transaction system	�s�u�ưȳB�z�t��	OLTS
46810on-line transaction-oriented environment	�ưȳB�z�ɦV���s�u����
46811on-line turing machine	�s�u���L��
46812on-line tutorial text	�s�u���ɤ�r
46813on-line typewriter	�s�u���r��
46814on-line unit	�s�u�]��
46815on-line without limits	�L����s�u	O-W-L
46816on-line working	�s�u�u�@
46817on-line workload	�s�u�u�@�t��
46818on-off	�}��
46819on-off control	�_������; �}��������; �~�q��������
46820on-off control system	�}������t��
46821on-off element	�}������
46822on-off operation mode	"�}-��"�u�@�覡
46823on-off time ratio	�}���ɶ���
46824on-order production quantity	�w�q�Ͳ��ƶq
46825on-order purchase quantity	�w�q���ʼƶq
46826on-order quantity	�w�q�ƶq
46827on-premise standby equipment	����ƥγ]��
46828on-screen data	�ù����; �í����
46829on-screen editing	�ù��s��
46830on-screen image manipulation	�ù��϶H�B�z; �í��϶H�B�z
46831on-site data processing	�{����ƳB�z	OSDP
46832on-site data processor	�{����ƳB�z��; �{����ƳB�z�{��	OSDP
46833on-site maintenance	�n�����@
46834on-site processing	�{���B�z
46835on-state	���q���A
46836on-the-fly printer	�����C�L��; ���Ǧ��L�r��; �������C�L��
46837on-the-line hit	�b�y�D�W�R��; �b�u���W�I��; �b�o�q�����ɤ��_
46838on-unit	�}�l�椸; ���q�椸; ON��
46839on/off controller	�q-�_�����; �}�������
46840on/off keying	�q-�_���䱱; �q-�_������
46841once-only time	�Ȥ@���ɶ�
46842one action	��ʧ@; �@���u�@
46843one address format	�@��}�榡
46844one address instruction format	�@��}���O�榡
46845one board computer	��O( �p�� )��	OBC
46846one board microcomputer	��O���L���p���
46847one card microcomputer	��O���L���p���
46848one chip	���; ���
46849one chip CPU	��������B�z��; ���CPU
46850one chip microcomputer	����L���p���
46851one complete voice channel	�@���㪺���W�q�D
46852one component graph	�@����
46853one digit adder	�@��[��
46854one element	"��"����
46855one gate	���h; "��"�h
46856one line initial	��u�_�l; ��u��l
46857one loop controller	��^�����
46858one million floating-point operations per second	�@�ʸU���B�I�B��/��
46859one output	"1" ��X
46860one output to partial output ratio	"1" ��X�P"�b"��X����
46861one time pad	�@�����J; �@����R
46862one touch	IJ����
46863one writing	�@���g�J�\��
46864one's complement	1 ���ɼ�; �@�ɼ�
46865one's complement arithmetic	�@�ɼƹB��
46866one's complement binary number	�@�ɼƶi���
46867one's complement circuit	�@�ɼƹq��
46868one's complement operator	�@�ɼƹB��l
46869one's complementer	�@�ɼƾ�
46870one's-complement representation	1 �ɼƪ�ܪk
46871one-address	�@�}; �@��}; ���}
46872one-address code	�@�}�X; �@��}�X
46873one-address computer	�@��}�p���
46874one-address instruction	�@�}���O; �@��}���O
46875one-ahead addressing	��e�Y�w�}; ���M�}; ����M�}; ���ƴM�}
46876one-and-a-half address	�@�[�b��}
46877one-armed robot	���u�����H
46878one-board computer	��O( �p�� )��
46879one-byte code	�@�줸�սX
46880one-cell switching	�椸��q
46881one-chip microprocessor	����L�B�z��
46882one-column adder	�@��[�k��
46883one-core-per-bit	�C�줸�@�Ϥ�
46884one-core-per-bit storage	�@�ӺϤ��x�s�@��H�����x�s��
46885one-digit adder	�b�[( �k )��
46886one-digit subtracter	�@��; �b��( �k )��
46887one-dimensional array	�@���}�C; �@���Ʋ�
46888one-dimensional code	�@���N�X
46889one-dimensional communication system	��V�q�H�t��
46890one-dimensional Fourier transform	�@���Ũ����ܴ�
46891one-dimensional language	�@���y��
46892one-dimensional memory organization	�@�װO���鵲�c
46893one-dimensional path	�@���q��
46894one-dimensional path sensitizing	�@���q���Ӥƪk; �@���q���E���k
46895one-dimensional representation	�@����ܪk
46896one-dimensional sequence	�@���ǦC
46897one-for-one	�@��@( �@�����y���O�ܬ��@�������y�����O )
46898one-for-one exchange algorithm	�@��@����k
46899one-for-one translation	�@��@½Ķ
46900one-level address	�@����}; �@���}; �@�Ŧ�}; ������}
46901one-level addressing	�@�ŴM�}; �����M�}
46902one-level code	�@�ťN�X
46903one-level interrupt	�@�Ť��_
46904one-level storage	�@���x�s��
46905one-level store	�@���x�s( �� )
46906one-level subroutine	�@�Ťl( �Ҧ� )�{��
46907one-line operation	��u�ާ@
46908one-line scanner	��汽�y��
46909one-literal rule	���r�W�h; ������W�h
46910one-off bill	�ϥΤ@�����M��
46911one-operator ship	����a������( �� )
46912one-out-of-four selecting circuit	�|�����@��ܹq��
46913one-out-of-ten code	�Q�����@�X
46914one-output signal	"1" ��X�H��
46915one-over-one address	�@�[�@��}
46916one-pass algorithm	�@�M( ���y )��k
46917one-pass assembler	�@�M( ���y )�զX�{��
46918one-pass compiler	�@�M( ���y )�sĶ�{��
46919one-pass operation	�@�M( ���y )�ާ@
46920one-pass scheme	�@�M( ���y )���; �@���ǰe��
46921one-person game	��H�ի�; ��H�ﵦ
46922one-person game tree	��H���ɾ�; ��H�ﵦ��
46923one-plus-one address	�@�[�@�}; �@�[�@��}
46924one-plus-one address computer	�@�[�@��}�p���
46925one-plus-one address instruction	�@�[�@��}���O
46926one-plus-one code	�@�[�@�N�X
46927one-plus-one instruction	�@�[�@���O
46928one-plus-one-address instruction	�@�[�@�}���O
46929one-port network	��ݤf����
46930one-position adder	�@��[�k��; ���[��
46931one-purpose computer	�M�έp���
46932one-quadrant multiplier	��H�����k��
46933one-sample test	��˥�����; ���˴���
46934one-shot	��í�u��
46935one-shot circuit	��í�q��; ��IJ�o�q��
46936one-shot job	�@�B�@�~
46937one-shot multivibrator	��o�Ʈ���; ��í�q��; ��í�u��; ��í�A�h�Ӯ�����
46938one-shot operation	�@�o�@�~; ��B�ާ@; ��߽ľާ@
46939one-sided alternative	�氼����; ������
46940one-sided system	�氼�t��
46941one-state	"1" ���A
46942one-state pushdown machine	��A�U����
46943one-step derivation	��B����
46944one-step diagnosability	�@�B�i�E�_��
46945one-step instruction	��B���O
46946one-step method	��B( �� )�k
46947one-step operation	�@�B�@�~; ��B�ާ@( ��߽ĩγ�`�� )
46948one-step t-fault diagnosable	�G�٤@�B�i�E�_��
46949one-tape turing machine	��a���L��
46950one-terminal-pair graph	��ݹ��
46951one-time setting	�@���]�w
46952one-to-many	�@��h; �@��h( �� )
46953one-to-many mapping	�@��h�M�H
46954one-to-many nonblocking network	�@��h�L�������
46955one-to-one	�@��@; �@��@( �� )( �@�@���� )
46956one-to-one assembler	�@��@�զX�{��
46957one-to-one connection	�@��@�s��
46958one-to-one tranlator	�@��@½Ķ�{��
46959one-to-partial select ratio	"1" �b��H��( ��X )��
46960one-to-partial-select ratio	1�ﳡ����ܤ�
46961one-to-zero ratio	"1" �P"0" ( ��X )��
46962one-touch control	��IJ������
46963one-touch dial	��IJ�����L
46964one-touch key	��IJ��
46965one-touch operation	��IJ���ާ@
46966one-way	��V( �q�H )
46967one-way chain with tail link	�㦳���s������V��
46968one-way channel	��V�q�D
46969one-way communication	��V�q�H
46970one-way connection	��V�s��
46971one-way controlled transmission	��V�������ǿ�
46972one-way finite automaton	��V�����۰ʾ�
46973one-way infinite tape	��V�L�a�a
46974one-way input	��V��J
46975one-way input tape	��V��J�a
46976one-way interaction	��V�椬�@��
46977one-way layout	�@���t�m; ��V�t�m
46978one-way line	��V�u��; ��V���
46979one-way linkage	��V�챵
46980one-way logical channel incoming	��V�޿�q�D��J
46981one-way nondeterministic nested stack automata	��V���T�w�_�����|�۰ʾ�
46982one-way nondeterministic stack automaton	��V���T�w���|�۰ʾ�
46983one-way only operation	��V�u�@; ��u�ާ@
46984one-way operation	��V�ާ@; ��u�ާ@
46985one-way pointer	��V���ܲ�; ��V���ܦr; ��V���ܾ�
46986one-way radio equation	��V�L�u�q��{
46987one-way reversible operation	�b���V�ާ@; ��V�i�f�ާ@; �b���u�ާ@; ��u�i�f�ާ@
46988one-way ring	��V��
46989one-way signal	��V�H��
46990one-way stack	��V���|
46991one-way stack automaton	��V���|�۰ʾ�
46992one-way transmission	��V�ǰe; ��V�ǿ�
46993one-way trunk	��V�F�u; ��V���~�u
46994one-way-only channel	��V�q�D; ��V�q�D
46995one-way-reversible telegraph operation	��V�i�f�q���@�~
46996one-word address	��r��}
46997one-word value	��r��
46998ones complement	1 �ɼ�
46999onion skin architecture	"�v����"���c
47000onion skin language	"�v����"�y��
47001onion skin level	"�v����"��
47002online	�u�W; �s�u
47003online button	( �s�u )�s
47004online cryptographic operation	�s�u�[�K�ާ@
47005online data reduction	�u�W����Y��
47006online equipment	�u�W�]��
47007online help	�u�W�ѻ�
47008online operation	�u�W�B��; �u�W�@�~
47009online output	�u�W��X
47010online storage	�u�W�x�s; �u�W�x�s( �� )
47011online system	�u�W�t��
47012online test/debug	�s�u���ջP����	OLTD
47013online transaction processing	�u�W���ʳB�z	OLTP
47014online working	�u�W�u�@
47015only element	�ߤ@�椸
47016only RU of chain	�줤�ߤ@�ШD�����椸
47017only-element-of-chain	�줤�ߤ@�椸
47018only-in-chain	�줤�ߤ@�椸	OIC
47019only-of chain	�줤�ߤ@�椸
47020onomasticon	�M���W��; �M�ΦW����; �S��W�٪�
47021onscreen binary readout	�ù��G�i��Ū�X
47022op code	�@�~�X
47023op register	�ާ@�Ȧs��
47024op-amp-booster hybrids	�B���j��-�������V�X�L�q��
47025opacity	���z����; �t��
47026opaque	���z����; ���Ǿɪ�
47027opaque area	���z����
47028opaque mask	���z���̽�
47029opaque projector	���z����v��
47030opaque screen	���z���ϥ���
47031opcode	�ާ@�X; �B��X
47032opcode generator	�ާ@�X�o�;�; �ާ@�X�ͦ��{��	OPGN
47033open	�}��; �}��; �_��; ���}; �_�}; �}��
47034OPEN	���}���O; ���}�ԭz
47035open accounts	�}��
47036open addressing	���}�w�}; �}���M�}
47037open architecture	�}���[�c; �}����t���c
47038open capture file	���}���e�ɮ�
47039open channel	�}���q�D
47040open charge entry	�@�~�O�εn��
47041open circuit	�}��	OC
47042open code	�}��( �N )�X
47043open code procedure	�}���X�L�{
47044open collector	���q���}��	OC
47045open collector gate	���q���}����
47046open collector inverter	�}�������Ϭ۾�
47047open computer	�}���p���
47048open connection port dialog	���}�s���ݤf���	OCPD
47049open contact tone	IJ�I�_�}���T����
47050open control	�}����
47051open curve sequence	�}���u�ǦC
47052open cycle	�}��
47053open data path	�}����Ƴq��	ODP
47054open decoder	�}��Ķ�X��
47055open detail entry	�@�~���ӵn��
47056open discrete modules	���S�����߲ե�
47057open distributed processing	�}��ʤ����B�z
47058open ended structure	�i�X�R�����c
47059open file	�}���ɮ�; ���}�ɮ�
47060open formula	�}�޿覡
47061open fragments	�}���q��
47062open game	�}���ﵦ; �}���ի�
47063open gate	�q��
47064open hash	�}����; �}�V�C
47065open hash definition	�}����w�q
47066open hash method	�}����k
47067open hash table	�}�����
47068open hash technique	�}����޳N
47069open interaction	�}���@
47070open item	�}����
47071open item method	�}���p���k
47072open line	���u
47073open load	�t��
47074open loop	�}��
47075open loop damping	�}������	OLD
47076open loop gain	�}���W�q	OLG
47077open loop numerical control system	�}���Ʊ��t��
47078open loop robot	�}�������H
47079open loop voltage gain	�}���q���W�q
47080open memory location	�}���O�г椸
47081open mode	�}��Ҧ�; ���}���A
47082open node	�}���`�I
47083open numbering	�}���s��
47084open operations	�@�~
47085open order	�w�}�߭q��
47086open order maintenance-miscellaneous detail	�s�O���@-��������
47087open order maintenance-operations detail	�s�O���@-�@�~����
47088open order material detail	�s�O���Ʃ���
47089open order miscellaneous detail	�s�O��������
47090open order operation description	�s�O�@�~����
47091open order operations detail	�s�O�@�~����
47092open order status	�q�檬�A
47093open order summary	�q��J�`
47094open order summary extract file	�q��J�`�`����
47095open orders	�}�����O
47096open path	�}���q��
47097open payable file	�w�}�����I��
47098open programmer	�ۥѵ{���]�p��
47099open purchase orders	�w�}�߱��ʭq��
47100open quantity	�_�l�ƶq
47101open question	�s�b�����D; �ݬ�s���D
47102open queu( e)ing network	 �}��( �� )��C����
47103open receivable detail file	�����b�ک�����; �������ة�����
47104open reel	���}�ϱa�L
47105open reel tape transport	�}�����ϱa��
47106open robot	�}�������H
47107open routine	�}��`��; �}��( �Ҧ� )�{��; �������J( �Ҧ� )�{��
47108open running	�}���B��
47109open shop	�}��; �}���p�⯸; �}������
47110open shop system	�}��t��
47111open software foundation	�}���n�����|	OSF
47112open stack register	�}����|�Ȧs��
47113open statement	���}�ԭz
47114open string	�}��; �}�Ÿ���
47115open subprogram	�}���l�{��
47116open subroutine	�}���`��; �}��( �Ҧ� )�l�{��
47117open subrouting	�}��Ʊ`��
47118open symbol	�}�Ÿ�
47119open system	�}��t��; �}���t��
47120open system architecture	�}���t��c; �}���t����t���c	OSA
47121open system call	�}��t�νե�
47122open system interconnection	�}��ʨt�Τ��s; �}���t�γs��; �}���t�Τ��s	OSI
47123open system interconnection environment	�}���t���s����
47124open system interconnection layer	�}���t���s�h
47125open system interconnection plan	�}���t���s�p��	OSIP
47126open system interconnection reference model	�}��ʨt�Τ��s�ѦҼҦ�
47127open system transmission	�}���t�ζǿ�	OSTSS
47128open systems interconnection	�}��ʨt�Τ��s
47129open systems interconnection architecture	�}���t���s��t���c
47130open systems interconnection environment	�}��ʨt�Τ��s����
47131open systems interconnection reference model	�}���t�Τ��s�ѦҼҫ�
47132open topology	�}��ݮ����c
47133open waveguide	�}�i��
47134open window	�}����
47135open wire	���u; �_�u
47136open wire circuit	���u�q��
47137open wire line	���u�u��
47138open wire link	���u���
47139open wiring	���u���u
47140open-and-shut control	�}������
47141open-circuit impedance	�}������
47142open-circuit line	�}���u
47143open-circuit parameter	�}���Ѽ�
47144open-circuit signaling	�}���H��( �˸m )
47145open-circuit system	�}����
47146open-circuit transmission line	�}���ǿ�u	OCTAL
47147open-collector gate	�}�������h
47148open-collector output	���q���}����X
47149open-ended	�}�ݦ�; �i�X�R��; �L�פ
47150open-ended language	�i�X�R�y��
47151open-ended system	�i�X�R�t��
47152open-loop	�}����
47153open-loop control	�}������
47154open-loop control system	�}������t��
47155open-loop system	�}���t��
47156open-network model	�}�������ҫ�
47157open-wire line	���u��
47158open/close program	�}-���{��
47159opening	���}; �_��; �}�f; �f�|; ��; �q�D
47160opening a file	���}�ɮ�
47161opening a terminal	���}�׺�
47162opening bracket	�}�A��
47163opening file	�}���ɮ�; ���}�ɮ�
47164opening pseudo-text delimiter	���}������w�ɲ�
47165opening virtual array file	���}�����Ʋ��ɮ�
47166operable time	�i�@�~�ɶ�; �i�ާ@�ɶ�
47167operand	�B�⤸; �B�⤸��; �B���; �ާ@��; �B���H	OP; OPND
47168operand access	�ާ@�Ʀs��
47169operand address	�B�⤸��}
47170operand address generator	�ާ@�Ʀ�}�ͦ��{��; �ާ@�Ʀ�}�ͦ���	OAG
47171operand address register	�ާ@�Ʀ�}�Ȧs��	OAR
47172operand addressing mode	�ާ@�ƴM�}�覡	OAM
47173operand bus	�B�⤸�׬y��
47174operand cache control	�B�⤸�W���t�w�s����
47175operand call syllable	�B�⤸�եΦr�`
47176operand coding format	�B�⤸�s�X�榡
47177operand delay	�B�⤸����
47178operand description	�B�⤸�y�z; �B���H�y�z
47179operand descriptor	�ާ@��H�y�z��
47180operand descriptor register	�ާ@��H�y�z�żȦs��
47181operand effective address	�B�⤸���Ħ�}
47182operand entry	�B�⤸�J�f
47183operand fetch module	���B�⤸( �\�� )�Ҳ�
47184operand field	�B�����
47185operand field separator	�B�⤸��q���j��
47186operand format	�B�⤸�榡
47187operand identification	�B�⤸����
47188operand page	�B�⤸����
47189operand segment	�B�⤸�q
47190operand specifier	�B�⤸�W���
47191operand specifier type	�B�⤸�W��ŧΦ�
47192operand stack	�B�⤸���|; �B���H���|
47193operand storage register	�B�⤸�x�s�Ȧs��	OSR
47194operand store	�B����x�s��
47195operand sublist	�B�⤸���
47196operand sum	�B��ƩM
47197operand table	�B�⤸��
47198operand type	�B�⤸����
47199operand word	�B�⤸��
47200operand-description oriented programming language	�B�⤸�y�z�ɦV���s�{; �B�⤸�y�z�ɦV���{���]�p�y��
47201operand-precision register	�B��ƺ�׼Ȧs��
47202operate	�ާ@; �B��
47203operate class instruction	�B�������O
47204operate mode	�ާ@�覡;	�B��覡
47205operate storage	�ާ@�x�s��
47206operate time	�ާ@�ɶ�; �u�@�ɶ�
47207operate-oriented language	�ާ@�ɦV���y��
47208operated stack register	�ާ@���|�Ȧs��	OSR
47209operatind environment	�ާ@����
47210operating ambient temperature	�B���������; �B��Ƿ�	OAT
47211operating angle	( �����H�� )�ʧ@����
47212operating board	�u�@�x
47213operating characteristic	�u�@�S��; �ާ@�S��
47214operating characteristic curve	�ާ@�S�ʦ��u; �u�@���ʦ��u	OCC
47215operating circuit	�ާ@�q��; �B��q��
47216operating class	�ާ@���O
47217operating code	�ާ@�X
47218operating command	�ާ@�R�O
47219operating condition	�ާ@����
47220operating console	�ާ@����x
47221operating control	�B�ⱱ��( �� )
47222operating cost	�B��O��
47223operating crew	�ާ@�H��
47224operating current	�u�@�q�y
47225operating data	�ާ@���
47226operating delay	�@�~����; �ާ@����( �ɶ� )
47227operating discipline	�ާ@�W�h
47228operating diskette	�ާ@�n��
47229operating display	�ާ@���
47230operating distance	( �����H�� )�ʧ@�Z��
47231operating engine	�B�⾹
47232operating environment	�ާ@����; �B������
47233operating equipment	�ާ@�]��
47234operating expenses	�@�~�O��
47235operating facilities	�@�~�]�I
47236operating function	�ާ@�\��; �ާ@���
47237operating guide	�ާ@���n
47238operating income	�@�~���J; �@�~���q
47239operating information	�ާ@���
47240operating information system	�ާ@�H���t��
47241operating instruction	�u�@�ӫh; �ާ@����
47242operating key	������; �ާ@��
47243operating language	�ާ@�y��; �u�@�y��
47244operating life	�u�@�ةR( ������ )
47245operating limit	�u�@����
47246operating load	�u�@�t��
47247operating log	�@�~��x; �B��O��
47248operating maintenance	�ާ@����; ��`����
47249operating maintenance panel	�ާ@���@���O	OMP
47250operating maintenance procedure	�ާ@���@�B�J; �ާ@���@�L�{	OMP
47251operating method	�ާ@��k
47252operating mode	�u�@���A; �ާ@�覡
47253operating modes	�@�~��( �A )
47254operating performance	�ާ@�ʯ�
47255operating principle	�ާ@��z
47256operating program	�ާ@�{��	OPPR
47257operating provision	�ާ@�W�w
47258operating range	�u�@�d��; �B��d��
47259operating rate	�B��t��
47260operating ratio	�@�~��; �B��v( ���`�u�@�ɶ��P�}���ɶ����� )
47261operating record	�ާ@( �B�� )�O��
47262operating repairs	��`���@�˭�
47263operating sequence control array	�ާ@���DZ���Ʋ�	OSCAR
47264operating sign	�B��Ÿ�; �ާ@�Ÿ�
47265operating signal	�ާ@�H��
47266operating space	�ާ@�Ŷ�; �ާ@��
47267operating specification	�ާ@������
47268operating speed	�ާ@�t��
47269operating state	�ާ@���A; �B�檬�A
47270operating status	�ާ@���A; �B�檬�A
47271operating supervisor	�ާ@�޲z�{��
47272operating system	�@�~�t��; �ާ@�t��	OS; OPSYS
47273operating system 360 (OS/360)	�t��360�@�~�t��
47274operating system access method	�@�~�t�Φs���k
47275operating system address space	�@�~�t�Φ�}�Ŷ�
47276operating system algorithm	�@�~�t�κ�k
47277operating system architecture	�@�~�t��c
47278operating system characteristics	�@�~�t�ίS��
47279operating system coexistence	�@�~�t�Φ@�s��
47280operating system command and response language	�ާ@�t�ΩR�O�M�����y��	OSCRL
47281operating system communication application program	�ާ@�t�γq�H���ε{��	OSCAP
47282operating system component	�@�~�t�Φ���; �@�~�t�βզ�����
47283operating system configuration	�@�~�t�ΰt�m
47284operating system control segment	�@�~�t�α���{�Ǭq
47285operating system description	�ާ@�t�λ���	OSD
47286operating system dispatcher	�@�~�t�νի׵{��
47287operating system efficiency	�@�~�t�ήį�
47288operating system environment	�@�~�t������
47289operating system error isolation	�@�~�t��~�j��
47290operating system facility	�@�~�t�Υ\��{��; �@�~�t�γ]�I
47291operating system family	�@�~�t�Ψt�C
47292operating system firmware	�@�~�t�ΩT��; �ާ@�t�ΩT��	OSF
47293operating system functions	�@�~�t�Υ\��
47294operating system generation	�@�~�t�Υͦ�; �@�~�t�β���
47295operating system implementation language	�ާ@�t�ι�{�y��	OSIL
47296operating system initialization	�@�~�t�Ϊ�l��; �@�~�t�ν���; �@�~�t�αҰ�
47297operating system interface	�ާ@�t�Τ���	OSI
47298operating system job control directive	�@�~�t�Χ@�~������O
47299operating system job control program	�@�~�t�Χ@�~����{��
47300operating system kernel	�@�~�t�ή֤�; �@�~�t�Τ���
47301operating system language	�@�~�t�λy��; �ާ@�t�λy��	OSL
47302operating system machine level	�@�~�t�����	OSML
47303operating system management	�@�~�t�κ޲z
47304operating system master	�@�~�t�ΥD�{��
47305operating system module	�@�~�t�μҲ�
47306operating system monitor	�@�~�t�κʷ��{��; �@�~�t�κʱ��{��; �ާ@�t�κʵ���	OSM
47307operating system optimization	�@�~�t�γ̨Τ�
47308operating system overhead	�@�~�t�ζ}�P
47309operating system principle	�@�~�t�έ�z
47310operating system privacy lock	�@�~�t�ΫO�K��
47311operating system program	�@�~�t�ε{��
47312operating system recovery	�@�~�t�Ϋ�_
47313operating system routine	�@�~�t��( �Ҧ� )�{��
47314operating system security	�@�~�t�Φw����
47315operating system service	�@�~�t�ΪA��
47316operating system simulation language	�@�~�t����y��
47317operating system simulator for VAX (ROSS/V)	VAX �@�~�t����{��
47318operating system software	�@�~�t�γn��
47319operating system space	�@�~�t���x�s�Ŷ�
47320operating system standard information	�@�~�t�μзǫH��
47321operating system state data	�@�~�t���A���
47322operating system structure	�@�~�t��c
47323operating system supervisor	�@�~�t�κ޲z�{��	OSS
47324operating system support facility	�ާ@�t�Τ���]�I; �ާ@�t�Τ���n��; �ާ@�t�Τ���{��	OSSF
47325operating system test	�ާ@�t�δ���; �ާ@�t�θ���	OST
47326operating system test facility	�ާ@�t�δ��յ{��	OSTF
47327operating system testing	�@�~�t���
47328operating system theroy	�@�~�t�βz��
47329operating system time-sharing	�@�~�t����
47330operating system workstation	�ާ@�t�Τu�@��	OSWS
47331operating system's program switch word	�@�~�t�ε{���ഫ�r
47332operating system/360	360 �ާ@�t��	OS/360
47333operating system/disk operating system (OS/DOS)	�@�~�t�κϺЧ@�~�t��
47334operating system/virtual storage (OS/VS)	�����x�s�@�~�t��
47335operating systems simulation language	�ާ@�t�μ����y��	OSSL
47336operating techniques	�@�~�޳N
47337operating temperature	�u�@�ū�
47338operating test equipment	�ާ@���ճ]��	OTE
47339operating time	�@�~�ɶ�; �ާ@�ɶ�; �B��ɶ�
47340operating time log	�B��ɶ��O��	OTL
47341operating voltage	�u�@�q��
47342operating voltage indicator	�u�@�q�����ܾ�
47343operating-program tape	�ާ@�{���a	OPT
47344operation	�B��; �ާ@; �@�~; �ʧ@; �B����O; �ާ@���O	OP; OPER
47345operation acknowledge	�ާ@����	OPACK
47346operation address register	�ާ@��}�Ȧs��
47347operation amplifier	�B���j��
47348operation and maintenance activities	�ާ@�P���@���c; �ާ@�P���@����	O&MA
47349operation and maintenance center	�ާ@�M���@����	OMC
47350operation and maintenance manual	�ާ@�P���@��U	OMM
47351operation and managemnet capabilities	�B�@�P�޲z��O
47352operation buffer	�ާ@�w�ľ�
47353operation charge	����O
47354operation charge form	����O���
47355operation chart	�ާ@��; �@�~��
47356operation check	�ާ@�ˬd
47357operation code	�B��X; �ާ@�X; �@�~�X	OPCODE; OP
47358operation code field	�ާ@�X�r�q
47359operation code table	�ާ@�X��
47360operation complete	�@�~����
47361operation control	�@�~����; �ާ@����; �ާ@���; �B�ⱱ�; �ާ@����{��	OPCON; OC
47362operation control center	�ާ@�����	OCC
47363operation control key	�ާ@������	OCK
47364operation control language	�ާ@����y��	OCL
47365operation control panel	�ާ@����O
47366operation control statement	�ާ@����ԭz
47367operation control switch	�ާ@����}��
47368operation control system	�ާ@����t��; �B�ⱱ��t��	OCS
47369operation control unit	�B�ⱱ�
47370operation cost	�@�~����
47371operation cycle	�ާ@�g��; �B��g��
47372operation decoder	�@�~�ѽX��; �ާ@Ķ�X��; �B��Ķ�X��
47373operation definition	�ާ@�w�q; �B��w�q
47374operation description	�@�~����
47375operation detail	�@�~����
47376operation detail additional description	�@�~���Ӫ��[����
47377operation detail form	�@�~���Ӫ��
47378operation directive	�ާ@���O	OD
47379operation exception	�ާ@�ҥ~; �ާ@���`
47380operation expression	�B���F��
47381operation field	�ާ@��
47382operation flow chart	�ާ@�y�{��
47383operation form	�@�~���
47384operation guide binder	�ާ@���n��
47385operation id	�@�~�ѧO
47386operation instruction	�ާ@���O
47387operation instruction book	�ާ@������	OIB
47388operation interface command	�ާ@�����R�O
47389operation level	�ާ@��
47390operation maintenance	�ާ@���@	OM
47391operation manager	�~�ȸg�z; �ާ@�޲z��
47392operation manual	�ާ@��U; �ާ@���n	OM
47393operation mistake	�ާ@���~
47394operation mode	�ާ@�覡; �B��覡
47395operation net	�ާ@��
47396operation number	�@�~���X; �ާ@��( �X )
47397operation overhead	�ާ@( �t�� )�}�P
47398operation panel	�ާ@���O
47399operation part	�@�~����; �ާ@( �X )����	OP
47400operation pipeline	�ާ@�y���u
47401operation point	�@�~�I
47402operation processing	�ާ@�B�z
47403operation program	�ާ@�{��	OP
47404operation ratio	�B��v
47405operation record	�B��O��
47406operation register	�@�~�Ȧs��; �ާ@( �X )�Ȧs��	OR
47407operation request	�ާ@�ШD	OPREQ
47408operation research	�@�~��s
47409operation retry	����; ( �ާ@ )����
47410operation scheduling	�@�~�p��
47411operation sequence control	�ާ@�ǦC����
47412operation sequence no.	�@�~���Ǹ��X
47413operation sequence number	�@�~���Ǹ��X
47414operation sheet	�B���; �ާ@��
47415operation speed	�@�~�t�v
47416operation stack register	�ާ@���|�Ȧs��
47417operation standard	�@�~�з�
47418operation status	�@�~���A
47419operation status code	�@�~���A�X
47420operation storage	�ާ@�x�s��
47421operation supervisor	�ާ@�޲z�{��; �ާ@�D�ޤH
47422operation symbol	�ާ@�Ÿ�; �B��Ÿ�
47423operation system	�@�~�t��; �B��t��; �~�Ȩt��
47424operation system data base	�ާ@( �� )�t�θ�Ʈw
47425operation system function	�B��t�Υ\��; �~�Ȩt�Υ\��
47426operation system hardware	�B��t�εw��
47427operation system management	�B��t�κ޲z
47428operation table	�B���; �ާ@��
47429operation test	�B�����
47430operation time	�@�~�ɶ�; �ާ@�ɶ�; �B��ɶ�
47431operation token	�B��лx
47432operation use time	���Ĩϥήɶ�; ���Ĥu�@�ɶ�
47433operation where 1'st used	�̥��ϥΤ��@�~
47434operation where used	�@�~�γ~
47435operation word	�ާ@�r
47436operation-code bit	�@�~�X�Ƥ�
47437operation-control switch	�@�~����}��
47438operational	�ާ@��; �B�⪺; �B�檺	OPL
47439operational address register	�ާ@��}�Ȧs��	OAR
47440operational amplifier	�B���j��	OA; OPAMP
47441operational amplifier	�B���j��	OA
47442operational analysis	�B����R
47443operational announcing system	�ާ@�q���t��
47444operational approach	�ާ@��k
47445operational center	�ާ@����
47446operational character	�@�~�r��
47447operational character	�ާ@��; �B���; �����
47448operational checkout procedure	�ާ@����L�{	OCP
47449operational circuit	�B��q��
47450operational code	�ާ@�X
47451operational command and control system	�ާ@���O�P����t��	OCCS
47452operational communication system	�@�Գq�H�t��
47453operational condition	�ާ@����; �B�����
47454operational control center of COMSAT	��ڳq�H�ìP�ާ@�����	OPCEN
47455operational control console	�ާ@����x	OCC
47456operational control system	�ާ@����t��
47457operational control unit	�ާ@����]��; �ާ@���	OCU
47458operational data	�@�~���
47459operational data	�ާ@���; �B����
47460operational data analysis	�ާ@��Ƥ��R; �B���Ƥ��R	ODA
47461operational data analysis program	�ާ@��Ƥ��R�{��; �B���Ƥ��R�{��	ODAP
47462operational data collection system	�ާ@��Ʀ����t��; �B���Ʀ����t��	ODCS
47463operational delay	�ާ@����( �ɶ� )
47464operational diskette	�u�@�n��
47465operational display system	�B����ܨt��	ODS
47466operational environment	�u�@����; �B������
47467operational environment software	�ާ@���ҳn��
47468operational error analysis program	�ާ@���~���R�{��	OEAP
47469operational flowchart	�@�~�y�{��; �ާ@�y�{��
47470operational information system	�ާ@��T�t��	OIS
47471operational input	�ާ@��J	OPIN
47472operational instruction	�ާ@���O
47473operational key	�ާ@��
47474operational label	�ާ@�и�; �B��и�
47475operational life proof cycle	�ϥιةR�O�Ҷg��
47476operational life span	�ϥιةR
47477operational load	�u�@�t��
47478operational maintenance	�B����@	OM
47479operational maintenance instruction	�ާ@���@������; �B����@������	OMI
47480operational management information system	�B��޲z�H���t��	OMIS
47481operational method	�B���k
47482operational mode	�B��覡; �ާ@�覡
47483operational model annual forecast	�@�~�Ҧ��~�׹w��
47484operational network control	�ާ@��������
47485operational order	�ާ@���O
47486operational output	�ާ@��X	OPOUT
47487operational paging system	�@�~�����t��	OPS
47488operational parameter	�ާ@�Ѽ�
47489operational performance	�B��ʯ�; �ާ@�ʯ�
47490operational performance analysis language	�ާ@�ʯ���R�y��	OPAL
47491operational phase	�ާ@���q
47492operational power supply	�u�@�q��	OPS
47493operational principle	�u�@��z; �ާ@��z
47494operational process	�ާ@�L�{
47495operational program	�ާ@�{��; �B��{��
47496operational readiness inspection	�ާ@�N���ˬd	ORI
47497operational relay	�ާ@�~�q��
47498operational reliability	�u�@�i�a��; �B��i�a��
47499operational report	�B����i	OR
47500operational semantics	�ާ@�y�q��
47501operational sequence	�@�~����	OS
47502operational sequential diagram	�ާ@���ǹ�
47503operational service period	�ާ@�A�ȶg��
47504operational service state	�ާ@�A�Ȫ��A
47505operational sign	�B��Ÿ�
47506operational specification	�ާ@�\��y�z; �ާ@����
47507operational speed	�B��t��
47508operational stand-by program	�ƥξާ@�{��
47509operational store	�ާ@�x�s��
47510operational support	�B��䴩
47511operational support directive	�ާ@������O	OSD
47512operational support equipment	�ާ@����]��	OSE
47513operational symbol	�B���( �� )
47514operational test land station	�B�����a����
47515operational testing	�B�����
47516operational unit	�ާ@�椸	OU
47517operational unit number	�ާ@�椸��
47518operational use time	�@�~�ϥήɶ�; ���Ĥu�@�ɶ�; ���Ĩϥήɶ�
47519operational word	�ާ@�r; �B��r
47520operational, administrative and maintenance messag	�@�~, �޲z�κ��@�T��
47521operational-address instruction	�@�~��}���O; �ާ@��}���O
47522operational-stop instruction	����B����O
47523operations analysis	�@�~���R
47524operations control	�ާ@����
47525operations control center	�ާ@�����	OPCONCEN
47526operations control procedure	�B�ⱱ��L�{	OCP
47527operations directive handbook	�ާ@���ɤ�U; �ާ@�O��U	ODH
47528operations manager	�ާ@�޲z�{��; �~�ȸg�z	OM
47529operations manual	�ާ@��U
47530operations multitask	�h���Ⱦާ@
47531operations per minute	�C�����ާ@����; �C�����B�⦸��; �C���@�~��	OPM
47532operations per second	�C�����ާ@����; �C�����B�⦸��	OPS
47533operations research	�B�w��	O/R; OR
47534operations research cycle	�B�w�Ƕg��
47535operations research dynamic programming	�B�w�ǰʺA�W��
47536operations research model	�@�~��s�ҫ�
47537operations research society of America	����B�w�ǾǷ|; ����@�~��s�Ƿ|	ORSA
47538operations support system	�ާ@����t��	OSS
47539operative limit	�u�@����
47540operator	�B���; �ާ@��; �ާ@��; �B���; �B��l; �ާ@�{��; ��l	OP
47541operator A	�ާ@��A ; �Үu���u��( ���������I�s, ���q���~ )
47542operator authorization record	�ާ@���v���O��	OAR
47543operator B	�ާ@��B ; �A�u���u��( �������~�J���I�s, ���q�����Τ� )
47544operator class	�ާ@���ŧO; ��Ť���
47545operator command	�ާ@���R�O
47546operator command function processor	�ާ@���R�O�\��B�z�{��; �ާ@���R�O�\��B�z��	OCFP
47547operator command language	�ާ@���R�O�y��	OCL
47548operator communication	�ާ@���q�H	OPCOM
47549operator communication control facility	�ާ@���q�T����{��; �ާ@���q�H����{��	OCCF
47550operator communication manager	�ާ@���q�T�޲z�{��; �ާ@���q�T�޲z�{��; �ާ@���q�H�޲z�{��	OPCOM
47551operator console	( �ާ@�� )�ާ@�x; ( �ާ@�� )����O; �ާ@( �� )����x
47552operator console facility	�ާ@������x�{��; �ާ@������x�]��	OCF
47553operator control	�ާ@������( �{�� )
47554operator control address vector table	�ާ@�������}�V�q��
47555operator control command	�ާ@������R�O	OCC
47556operator control element	�ާ@�������	OPCE
47557operator control facility	�ާ@������]��; �ާ@������{��	OCF
47558operator control file	�ާ@��������	OCF
47559operator control function	�ާ@������\��
47560operator control language	�ާ@������y��	OCL
47561operator control language command	�ާ@������y���R�O
47562operator control panel	�ާ@������O
47563operator control station	�ާ@�����
47564operator control system	�ާ@������t��
47565operator control table	�ާ@�������	OCT
47566operator delay	�ާ@������( �ɶ� )
47567operator display terminal	�ާ@����ܲ׺�
47568operator display terminal protocol	�ާ@����ܲ׺ݨ�w
47569operator distance dialing	�ާ@�����{����	ODD
47570operator domain	��l��
47571operator error	�ާ@( �� )���~; ��ſ��~
47572operator error analysis	�ާ@�����~���R	OEA
47573operator error recording	�ާ@�����~�O��	OER
47574operator exception code	�B�ⲧ�`�X
47575operator external interrupt processor	�ާ@���~�����_�B�z�{��
47576operator field	�����
47577operator grammar	��Ť�k
47578operator guidance code	�ާ@���޾ɽX
47579operator guidance indicator	�ާ@���޾ɫ��ܿO
47580operator guide	�ާ@�����n
47581operator handler	�ާ@���B�z�{��
47582operator ID	�ާ@�����Ѳ�
47583operator identification	�ާ@���ѧO; �ާ@������
47584operator indicator	�ާ@�����ܿO
47585operator information area	�ާ@����T�ϰ�; �ާ@���H����	OIA
47586operator information area message	�ާ@����T�ϰT��
47587operator inquiry	�ާ@���߰�
47588operator interaction	�ާ@��( �P�p����� )��ͧ@��
47589operator interface control block	�ާ@�����������; �ާ@�����������	OPICB
47590operator interface software	�ާ@�������n��
47591operator interrupt	�ާ@�����_
47592operator interruption code	�ާ@�����_�X
47593operator intervention	�ާ@���z�w
47594operator intervention section	�ާ@���z�w����
47595operator language	�ާ@���y��
47596operator log	�ާ@���n��
47597operator logical paging	�ާ@���޿�խ�
47598operator message	�ާ@���H��
47599operator monitor	�ާ@���ʱ��{��; �ާ@���ʵ���
47600operator notation	��l�Ÿ�; ��l��ܪk
47601operator number identification	�ާ@�����ѧO; �ާ@��������	ONI
47602operator part	�ާ@�X����
47603operator precedence	����u��
47604operator precedence grammar	����u����k
47605operator precedence language	����u���y��
47606operator precedence matrix	����u���x�}
47607operator precedence method	����u���k
47608operator precedence parser	����u�����R�{��
47609operator precedence relation	����u�����Y
47610operator precedence technique	����u���޳N
47611operator priority order grammar	����u�����Ǥ�k
47612operator priority order language	����u�����ǻy��
47613operator programming method	�ާ@���s�{��k; �ާ@���{���]�p��k	OPM
47614operator register	��żȦs��
47615operator request control panel	�ާ@���ШD����O
47616operator request job	�ާ@���ШD�@�~	ORJ
47617operator response field	�ާ@�������r�q
47618operator ring	��l��
47619operator schema	�ާ@�Ҧ�
47620operator sequence table	��Ŷ��Ǫ�
47621operator services	�ާ@���A��( �{�� )
47622operator set-up time	�ާ@���dzƮɶ�
47623operator signaling	�ܰȭ��ǫH
47624operator stack	�ާ@���|
47625operator station	�ާ@����
47626operator station task	�ާ@��������
47627operator symbol	�ާ@�Ÿ�; �B��Ÿ�
47628operator table	��Ū�
47629operator token	�B��O��
47630operator trunk	�ާ@�`�u; ���u�ͤ��~�u
47631operator unit console	�ާ@�]�Ʊ���x
47632operator window	�ާ@������
47633operator's access code	�ާ@���s���X
47634operator's console	�ާ@������x
47635operator-applied occurrence	������ΩʥX�{
47636operator-assisted call	���u�ͨ�U�q��
47637operator-defined occurrence	��ũw�q�ʥX�{
47638operator-monitor communication	�ާ@��-�ʱ��{�Ƕ��q�H
47639operator-oriented language	�ާ@���ɦV�y��	OOL
47640operator-selectable symbol	�ާ@����ܲ�
47641operator/service panel	�ާ@�����@���O
47642operators control panel	�ާ@������O	OCP
47643Opitz classification system	Opitz �����k
47644opposite control field	( �۹� )����r�q
47645opposite-type region	( �� )�ϫ��ϰ�
47646opposition duplex	�����u
47647opsearch	�B�w��
47648optic bundle	����
47649optic cable	��( �ǹq )�l
47650optic communications	���q�H
47651optic connector	���s����
47652optic data link	����Ƴs��; ��������
47653optic electronic circuitry	���q�u��
47654optic fiber	����
47655optic fiber communication	���ֳq�T
47656optic interface device	�������]��
47657optic modulator	���ը
47658optic multiport coupler	���h��( �f )���X��
47659optic Myocardium stimulator	��Myocardium�E�y��
47660optic probe	�����Y; �����w
47661optic reflective sensor	���Ϯg������
47662optic rod coupler	����X��
47663optic scrambler	���Z�W��; �����W��
47664optic splice	���汵( �Y )
47665optic telecommunication cable	�����{�q�H�q�l
47666optic terminus	���ɭ�
47667optic transmission system	���ǿ�t��
47668optic waveguide	���i��
47669optic-electronic device	��-�q�l�]��
47670optical adaptive technique	���Ǧ۾A���޳N; ���Ǧ۾A����k
47671optical analog computer	���Ǽ����p���
47672optical analog memory	���Ǽ����O����
47673optical analyzer	���Ǥ��R��; ���Ǥ��R��; ���Ǥ��R�{��
47674optical attenuator	���ǰI�
47675optical axis	���b
47676optical bar reader	���DZ��XŪ�X��
47677optical bar-code reader	���DZ��X�\Ū��
47678optical barcode reader	�����νX�\Ū��	OBR
47679optical beam scanning	�������y
47680optical cable	���ǹq�l; ���ɹq�l
47681optical cable driver	���ǹq�l�X�ʾ�
47682optical cavity	���ǪŵĿӮ���
47683optical cavity diode	���ǿӮ��ĤG����
47684optical cement	����; ���ǵ��X��
47685optical character	���Ǧr��
47686optical character mark matching	��( �Ǧr )�żаO�ŦX
47687optical character photocell matrix	��( �Ǧr )�ť��q�ޯx�}
47688optical character read	��( �Ǧr )��Ū�X
47689optical character reader	�P���r���\Ū��;	���Ǧr���\Ū��;	��(	�Ǧr )�ž\Ū��	OCR
47690optical character recognition	�P���r������;	���Ǧr����{;	��(	�Ǧr )���ѧO	OCR
47691optical character recognition application	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO����( �{�� )
47692optical character recognition common language	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO�q�λy��
47693optical character recognition equipment	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO�]��	OCRE
47694optical character recognition machine	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO��
47695optical character recognition system	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO�t��
47696optical character recognition user association	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO�Τ��|	OCRUA
47697optical character recognition-ANSI standard	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO-����зǨ�|�з�	OCR-A
47698optical character recognition-international standa	��( �Ǧr )���ѧO-��ڼз�	OCR-B
47699optical character scanner	��( �Ǧr )�ű��y��	OCS
47700optical character technology	��( �Ǧr )�ŧ޳N	OCRT
47701optical character viewer	�P����r��
47702optical chopper	�����y��; ���_��
47703optical circuit	���q��
47704optical code reader	���N�XŪ�X��	OCR
47705optical communication	���q�H
47706optical communication system	���q�H�t��
47707optical conduction	���Ǿ�
47708optical conductor	������
47709optical conductor loss	���ɷl��
47710optical contact	����IJ; �����I
47711optical control	������
47712optical countermeasure	�����; ���z�Z
47713optical coupler	�����X��
47714optical coupling	�����X
47715optical data corrector	���Ǹ�Ʈե���	ODC
47716optical data digitizer	��( �� )��ƼƦ��ഫ��
47717optical data links	��������
47718optical data processing	����ƳB�z	ODP
47719optical data processing concept	����ƳB�z����
47720optical data processor	���Ǹ�ƳB�z��; ���Ǹ�ƳB�z�{��	ODP
47721optical data recognition	������ѧO
47722optical data transmission channel	����ƶǿ�q�D
47723optical data transmission system	���Ǹ�ƶǿ�t��	ODTS
47724optical deflector	�����ྐྵ
47725optical delay line	������u	ODL
47726optical density	���K��
47727optical detection	���˴�
47728optical detector	�����˴���; ���DZ�������
47729optical device	���dz]��
47730optical digital disc	���ǼƦ�L
47731optical digital disks	���ǼƦ�L
47732optical digital voice processor	���ǼƦ�y���B�z��	ODVP
47733optical directional coupler	���w�V���X��
47734optical disk	���о�;	���Ф�;	���L
47735optical dispersion attenuation	���ⴲ�I��
47736optical display keyboard	�������L
47737optical display memory	��������x�s��	ODM
47738optical display plotter	�����ø�Ͼ�
47739optical display terminal	����ܲ׺�
47740optical distortion	�����u
47741optical docking system	���ǹﱵ�t��	ODS
47742optical document reader	���Ǥ��\Ū��
47743optical element	���Dzե�; ���dz���
47744optical emitter	���o�g��; ����g��
47745optical encoder	���s�X��
47746optical end-finish	���ݥ�ϡ��
47747optical energy density	����( �q )�K��
47748optical fiber	�����ֺ�
47749optical fiber cable	�����ֺ��q�l; ���l
47750optical fiber cladding	�����ֺ��]�h; �����ֺ��~�n
47751optical fiber senser	���ַP����
47752optical fiber transfer function	�����ֺ��ǰe�\��	OFTF
47753optical fiber tube	�����ֺ���	OFT
47754optical filter	���ǹL�o; �o����
47755optical finder	���Ǩ�����
47756optical font	�����ѧO�Φr��
47757optical font sensing	���r��Ū�X
47758optical form flash	����{�{
47759optical Fourier transform	���Ũ����ܴ�
47760optical guidance system	���Ǩ�ɨt��	OGS
47761optical image input unit	���ǹϹ���J��
47762optical image processor	���Ϲ��B�z��	OIP
47763optical image unit	���ǹϹ�( ��J )�˸m
47764optical imaging path	���������|
47765optical impedance discontinuity	�����ܤ��s���
47766optical increment display	���W�q���
47767optical information storage	���H���x�s��
47768optical integrated circuit	���ǿn��q��; ���n��q��	OIC
47769optical interference	���z�A; ���z�w
47770optical isolator	���j����
47771optical journal reader	�����x�\Ū��; ����x�\Ū��
47772optical light filter	�����o����
47773optical link	�����
47774optical mark card reader	��аO�dŪ�X��
47775optical mark page reader	��аO��( �� )�\Ū��
47776optical mark printer	��аO�C�L��	OMPR
47777optical mark reader	�P��Хܾ\Ū��; ��аO�\Ū��; ��аO( �r�� )�\Ū��	OMR
47778optical mark reader card	���ǼаO��Ū�X�d	OMRC
47779optical mark reader sheet	���ǼаO��Ū�X��	OMRS
47780optical mark reading	��аOŪ�X
47781optical mark recognition	��аO�ѧO	OMR
47782optical mark sheet	�P��Хܳ�
47783optical maser	�J�g��; ���E�g��
47784optical mass storage	���j�e�q�x�s��
47785optical memories	���O����
47786optical memory	���O�о�
47787optical memory circuit	���O�йq��
47788optical microscope	������L��
47789optical mixing	���V�W
47790optical mixing box	���V�W��
47791optical mixing rod	���V�W��
47792optical modulation	���ǽ��ܾ�; ���ը�
47793optical modulator	���ը
47794optical mouse	���Ǧ��ƹ�
47795optical multimode dispersion	���h�Ҧⴲ( �{�H )
47796optical multiplexer	���h���౵��; ���h�u��
47797optical numerical aperture	���ƭȤծ|; ���ƭȤf�|
47798optical page reader	�P��Ū����; ���ǭ���( �r�� )�\Ū��	OPR
47799optical parametric amplifier	���Ѷq��j��
47800optical parametric oscillator	���ѼƮ�����
47801optical path	����; ���{
47802optical path length	���{�Z��
47803optical pattern recognition	���ǼҦ��ѧO; ���Ҧ��ѧO	OPR
47804optical power density	���\�v�K��
47805optical power efficiency	���\�v�Y��; ���\�v�IJv
47806optical power output	���\�v��X
47807optical procedural task instruction compiler	���ǹL�{���ȫ��O�sĶ�{��	OPTIC
47808optical processing system	���dzB�z�t��; ���B�z�t��	OPS
47809optical processor	���B�z��
47810optical protective coating	���O�@��h; ���O�@��
47811optical pulse counter	���߽ĭp�ƾ�
47812optical pulse transmitter using laser	�ĥ��J�g�����߽ĵo�e��	OPTUL
47813optical range	���d��; ���u�Z��
47814optical ray	���g�u
47815optical read-only memory	����Ū�x�s��
47816optical reader	���Ǿ\Ū��; ���\Ū��; ����J��
47817optical reader input device	���\Ū��J��
47818optical reading direct input system	���Ǿ\Ū������J�t��	ORDIS
47819optical reading equipment	���\Ū��
47820optical receiver	��������
47821optical recognition device	���ѧO�]��
47822optical repeater power	���H����o���\�v
47823optical rotation	�����
47824optical satellite	���ǽìP
47825optical scanner	�����˾�
47826optical scanning	�����y
47827optical scanning device	�����y�]��; �����y�˸m	OSD
47828optical scanning unit	�����y�˸m
47829optical signal	���H��
47830optical signal processing	���H���B�z
47831optical society of America	������ǾǷ|	OSA
47832optical soundtrack	�����n�D
47833optical source	����
47834optical space division multiplexing	���Ŷ����Φh���౵; ���Ŷ����Φh���}��	OS-DM
47835optical space-division multiplexing	���Ŷ����Φh���౵; ���Ŷ����Φh���}��	OSDM
47836optical spectrum analyzer	�����R��
47837optical speed	���t
47838optical storage	�P���x�s;	���x�s��
47839optical storage media	���x�s����
47840optical subsystem	���Ǥl�t��
47841optical surface	����
47842optical switch	���}��
47843optical switch matrix	���洫�x�}
47844optical system	���Ǩt��
47845optical taper	�����@( �� )
47846optical tapoff	���i�ǰe����; ���i�ǰe����
47847optical target designation computer	���ؼм��ѭp���	OTDC
47848optical technology satellite	���ǧ޳N�ìP	OTS
47849optical telegraph system	���q���t��
47850optical thinfilm	������
47851optical time domain reflectometer	���ɰ�Ϯg�p	OTDR
47852optical time-domain reflectormeter	���ɰ�Ϯg�p
47853optical tracking satellite	�����ܽìP
47854optical tracking system	�����ܨt��
47855optical transceiver	���Ǧ��o��
47856optical transfer function	���Ǩt���ǵ����	OTF
47857optical transimpedance	�����ɭ˼�; ��������; �������
47858optical transistor	���ӹq����
47859optical transmisison	���ǿ�
47860optical transmitter	���o�e��
47861optical type font	���ѧO�r��; ���Ǧr��
47862optical video disc	���ǹϹ��L; ���ǿ��۽L	OVD
47863optical wand	��( �� )��
47864optical waveguide	���Ǫi��; ���Ǫi�ɺ�; ���Ǫi�ɾ�
47865optical waveguide coupler	���Ǫi�ɽ��X��
47866optical-fiber active connector	�����ֺ������s����
47867optical-fiber asoustic sensor	�����ֺ��n�i������
47868optical-fiber bundle	�����ֺ���
47869optical-fiber circuit	�����ֺ��q��
47870optical-fiber coating	�����ֺ��M�h
47871optical-fiber communications	�����ֺ��q�H
47872optical-fiber concentrator	�����ֺ�������; �����ֺ����u��
47873optical-fiber delay line	�����ֺ�����u
47874optical-fiber distribution box	�����ֺ����t�c
47875optical-fiber distribution system	�����ֺ����t�t��
47876optical-fiber jacket	�����ֺ��~�M
47877optical-fiber junction	�����ֺ����Y; �����ֺ��s���I
47878optical-fiber line	�����ֺ��u��
47879optical-fiber merit figure	�����ֺ��u�@��
47880optical-fiber perform	�����ֺ��w����
47881optical-fiber pulse compression	�����ֺ��߽����Y
47882optical-fiber radiation damage	�����ֺ���g�l��
47883optical-fiber ribbon	�����ֺ��a
47884optical-fiber ringer	�����ֺ����a��; �����ֺ��H����
47885optical-fiber source	�����ֺ���
47886optical-fiber system	�����ֺ��t��
47887optical-fiber tensile strength	�����ֺ��ܩԱj��; �����ֺ��Ԧ��j��
47888optical-fiber transfer function	�����ֺ��ǻ����
47889optical-fiber trap	�����ֺ�����; �����ֺ�����
47890optical-fiber video trunk	�����ֺ����W�z�u
47891optical-frequency division multiplex	�����W�h���౵
47892optically isolated digital input	���j���Ʀ��J	OIDI
47893optically ported CRT	��( ��v )��������H��
47894optics	����; ���Ǩt��; ���Ǿ���
47895optimal access	���u�s��
47896optimal algorithm	�̨κt��k; �̨κ�k
47897optimal allocation	���u���t
47898optimal approximation	�̨ιG��
47899optimal automatic control	�̨Φ۰ʱ���	OAC
47900optimal basic solution	���u����
47901optimal binary search tree	�̨ΤG�e�d���
47902optimal code generation	�̨ΥN�X�ͦ�	OCG
47903optimal computation sequence	�̨έp��ǦC
47904optimal control	�̨α���
47905optimal control equation	���u�����{
47906optimal control problem	���u������D
47907optimal cycle	���u��
47908optimal decision function	�̨ΧP�M���	ODF
47909optimal decision rule	���u�M���W�h
47910optimal deterministic schedule	�̨ΨM���ի�
47911optimal digital voice processor	�̨μƦ�y���B�z��	ODVP
47912optimal dynamic routing	���u�ʺA���|���
47913optimal estimation algorithm	���u���p��k
47914optimal file allocation	�̨��ɮפ��t
47915optimal finish time	�̨Χ����ɶ�
47916optimal finish time scheduling	�̨Χ����ɶ��ի�
47917optimal input	���u��J
47918optimal load distribution	���u�t�����G
47919optimal match	���u�ﶰ; �̨Τǰt
47920optimal memory management	�̨ΰO�к޲z
47921optimal merge tree	�̨ΦX�־�; �̨��k�־�
47922optimal multiprogramming	�̨Φh�D�{���]�p
47923optimal operating bubble diameter	�̨Τu�@�w�|
47924optimal partial-match retrieval algorithm design	���u�����ǰt�˯���k�]�p
47925optimal path	���u���|; ���u�q��; �̨θ��|; �̨γq��
47926optimal program	�̨ε{��
47927optimal release time	�̨�����ɶ�
47928optimal replacement algorithm	���u������k
47929optimal resource scheduler	�̨θ귽�ի׵{��
47930optimal scheduling	���u�ի�
47931optimal search	���u�d�M
47932optimal search tree	���u�d�M��
47933optimal searching algorithm	�̨άd�M��k
47934optimal solution	�̨θ�
47935optimal solution graph	���u�ѹ�
47936optimal solution tree	���u�Ѿ�
47937optimal task schedule	���u���Ƚի�
47938optimal test procedure	�̨�����L�{; �̨δ��չL�{	OTP
47939optimal third normal form	�̨βĤT���`�Φ�
47940optimal universal code word set	�̨γq�ΥN�X�r��
47941optimal vector	���u�V�q
47942optimality of automata	�۰ʾ������u��
47943optimality of graph-search control strategy	�ϧάd�M����������u��
47944optimality of search algorithm	�d�M��k�����u��
47945optimally adaptive control	�̨Φ۾A������	OAC
47946optimally coded program	�̨νs�X�{��
47947optimisation	�̨Τ�; �̨Τ�
47948optimistic-pessimistic forward purning	���[�d�[���V�װ�
47949optimizable loop	�i�̨Τƴ`��
47950optimization	�̨Τ�; �̨Τ�
47951optimization algorithm	�̨Τƺ�k
47952optimization function	�̨̳Τƥ\��
47953optimization of branch instruction	�ಾ���O�̨Τ�
47954optimization of code	�N�X�̨Τ�
47955optimization of job	�@�~�̨Τ�
47956optimization of linkage operation	�s���B�⪺�̨Τ�
47957optimization of loops	�`���̨Τ�
47958optimization of microprogram	�L�{���̨Τ�
47959optimization of regions	�ϰ�̨Τ�
47960optimization of scalar instruction	�жq���O�̨Τ�
47961optimization pass	�̨ΤƹM��
47962optimization procedure	�̨ΤƹL�{
47963optimization theory	�̨ΤƲz��
47964optimization-based computer aided design system	�H�̨ΤƬ���¦���p������U�]�p�t��
47965optimization-oriented language	�̨ΤƾɦV�y��	OPOL
47966optimize	�̨Τ�; �̨Τ�
47967optimize paging	�̨ΤƤ����ի�
47968optimized chain	�̨Τ���
47969optimized data base	�̨ΤƸ�Ʈw
47970optimized data base access	�̨ΤƸ�Ʈw�s��
47971optimized data base access runtime routine	�̨ΤƸ�Ʈw�s���B��ɶ�( �Ҧ�)�{��
47972optimized microminiature electronic circuit	�W�p���̨ιq�l�q��	OMEC
47973optimized processing element	�̨Τƪ��B�z�椸; �̨Τƪ��B�z����	OPE
47974optimizer	�̨ΤƵ{��
47975optimizing	�̨Τ�; �̨Τ�
47976optimizing compiler	�̨νsĶ��; �̨ΤƽsĶ�{��
47977optimizing control action	�̨ΤƱ���ʧ@
47978optimizing control theory	���u����z��
47979optimizing translator	�̨Τ�½Ķ�{��
47980optimum coding	�̨μg�X
47981optimum condition	�̨α��p; �̨α���
47982optimum control	�̨α���
47983optimum programming	�̨γW�e
47984optimum solution	�̨ε���
47985optimum step size random search	�̨ΨB���H���d�M	OSSRS
47986optimum traffic frequency	�̨γq�H�W�v	OTF
47987optimum transmission block length	�̨ζǿ����
47988optimum working frequence	�̨Τu�@�W�v
47989optimum working frequency	�̨Τu�@�W�v	OWF
47990optimun allocation	�̨Τ��t
47991optimun behaviour	���u�欰
47992optimun burst correcting code	���u��o���~�ȥ��X
47993optimun code	�̨�( �N )�X
47994optimun coding	�̨νs�X
47995optimun control	���u����
47996optimun control theory	���u����z��
47997optimun decision strategy	�̨ΨM������
47998optimun guard zone	�̨ΫO�@��
47999optimun merging pattern	���u�k�ּҦ�
48000optimun output	�̨ο�X
48001optimun programming	�̨ε{���]�p
48002optimun reception	�̨α���
48003optimun relaxation parameter	�̨��P���Ѽ�
48004optimun skip length	���u���D����
48005optimun solution	���u��
48006optimun strategy	���u����
48007optimun switching function	���u�}�����; ���u�ഫ�\��
48008optimun thresholding	�̨Ϊ���
48009optimun traffic frequency	�̨γq�H�q�W�v; �̨ΫH���q�W�v
48010optimun transmission frequency	�̨ζǿ��W�v
48011optimun working frequency	�̨Τu�@�W�v
48012optimun-interval interpolation	���u�϶������k
48013option	�ﶵ; ��ܶ���; ��ܶ�; ���; ��ζ���; ��ܩʶ���; ����
48014option attribute	�����ݩ�
48015option bill	��βM�U
48016option blank	����ť�
48017option box	�ﶵ��; ��ܩʸ˸m( �� )
48018option card	��ܩʥd�O
48019option character	����r��
48020option command	����R�O
48021option component record	�����O��
48022option feature	��ܥ\��; ��ܯS�I; ��ܳ���
48023option field	��ܦr�q	OPT
48024option indicator	��ܶ��ث��ܰ�
48025option interface	���虜��
48026option list	��ܦC��; �\���ܪ�
48027option select number	��ο�ܸ��X
48028option switch	��ܶ}��
48029option table	��ܪ�
48030option table generator	�����ͦ��{��	OTG
48031optional	�i��ܪ�
48032optional argument	�i��޼�
48033optional equipment	����]��; ���[�]��
48034optional file	�i���ɮ�
48035optional function	�i��\��
48036optional half instruction	����b���O
48037optional halt	��ܰ���; ������
48038optional instruction set	��ܫ��O��; ������O��
48039optional interrupt	��ܤ��_
48040optional library of program	����{���w
48041optional member	�i�令��; ���令��
48042optional membership class	�������y���O
48043optional mounting base	��ܩʥ\���X�R��y
48044optional multilevel interruption	����h�Ť��_
48045optional network facilities	�i��ܺ����]�I
48046optional numeric statement number	����Ʀ�ԭz�s��
48047optional operation	��Ωʧ@�~
48048optional parallel instrument bus	�i��ܥ�������׬y��
48049optional pause instruction	�H�N�Ȱ����O; �i��ܼȰ����O; �i��ܰ������O
48050optional planner limits	��ΩʳW���H������
48051optional priority	����u��( �v )
48052optional report limits	��Ωʳ�����
48053optional resident routine	����n�d( �Ҧ� )�{��
48054optional routing algorithm	������|��ܺ�k
48055optional set membership	�i�ﶰ�X������
48056optional stop	��ܰ���; ������
48057optional stop instruction	��ܰ������O; �H�N�������O; ���������O
48058optional switched channel	����洫�q�D
48059optional top instruction	�H�N������O
48060optional transfer condition	����ǰe����
48061optional variance percent	��Ωʮt���ʤ���
48062optional vertical parity check	��ܫ����P�줸����
48063optional word	�i��r��; ��ܦr
48064optional-halt instruction	�H�N�Ȱ����O
48065optional-stop instruction	�H�����O
48066opto-coupler	�����X��
48067opto-isolator	���ǹj����
48068optoacoustic transducer	���n�ഫ��
48069optoacoustics	���n��
48070optoelectronic device	���q�l�]��
48071optoelectronic directional coupler	���q�l�w�V���X��
48072optoelectronic hybrids	���q�l�V�X�L�q��
48073optoelectronic input	���q��J
48074optoelectronic isolator	��( �� )�q( �l )�j����	OEI
48075optoelectronic memory	���q�l�O����
48076optoelectronic multiplex switch	���q�h���}��	OMS
48077optoelectronic pulse amplifier	���q�߽ĩ�j��	OPA
48078optoelectronic receiver	���q�l������
48079optoelectronic storage	���q�l�x�s��
48080optoelectronic technology	���q�l�޳N
48081optoelectronics	���q�l��
48082optomagnetics	���Ͼ�
48083optotransistor	���q����
48084optron	���ɵo������
48085opword	�ާ@�r
48086or	��
48087OR	��; "��"
48088OR bridge	"��"������
48089OR circuit	�ιq��
48090OR circuit (logic symbol)	"��"�q��( �޿�Ÿ� )	OR
48091OR component	"��"����
48092OR core	"��"�Ϥ�
48093OR cycle	�δ`��
48094OR element	����; "��"����
48095OR else	�Υt�~; "��"
48096OR else circuit	"��"�q��
48097OR else control form	"��"���
48098OR else logic	"��"�޿�
48099OR function	"��"�ާ@	OR
48100or gate	�ιh
48101OR gate	�ιh; "��"�h	OR; OG
48102OR mixer	"��"��
48103OR model	�B�w�Ǽҫ�
48104OR node	"��"�`�I
48105OR NOT gate	�ΤϹh; ĭ�t�h; "�ΫD"�h
48106or operation	�ιB��
48107OR operation	�ιB��; "��"�ާ@
48108OR operator	�κ�l; "��"���
48109OR parallelism	"��"�����
48110OR relationship	"��"���Y
48111OR symbol	"��"�Ÿ�
48112OR tree	"��"��
48113OR unit	��; "��"�h
48114OR-AND-OR circuit	"�λP��"�q��
48115OR-circuit	"��"�q��
48116OR-flip-latch function	"��"����\��	OR-FL
48117OR-switch	"��"�}��
48118OR-to-AND circuit	"��"-"�P"�q��
48119OR-to-OR circuit	"��"-"��"�q��
48120oracle	�ҥܾ�; �ҥܵ{��
48121ORACLE binary internal translator	������p������G�i���½Ķ�{��	ORBIT
48122oracle Turing machine	�a�~���H���������L��; �ҥܧ��L��
48123orbit	�y�D
48124orbit data editer assembly	�y�D��ƽs��{�DzզX	ODE
48125orbit navigation analysis program	�y�D�ɯ���R�{��	ONAP
48126orbital control program	�y�D����{��	OCP
48127orbital rendezvous procedure	�y�D��|�L�{; �y�D�|�X�L�{	ORP
48128orbital satellite data processor	�y�D�ìP�W����ƳB�z��; �y�D�ìP�W����ƳB�z�{��
48129orbital test satellite	�y�D����ìP	OTS
48130orbiting astronomical observatory	�Ѥ�y�D�[����	OAO
48131orbiting data relay satellite system	�y�D��Ƥ��~�ìP�t��	ODRSS
48132orbiting geophysical observatory	����( �y�D�a�y���z�[� )	OGO
48133order	����; �Ƨ�; ��; ��; ��; �O; �R�O; �q��; �q��; ���O; ��	ORD
48134order acknowledgement	�q��q����; �s�O�q����
48135order action detail	�s�O��ʩ���
48136order action summary	�s�O��ʷJ�`
48137order block	���O�s; ���O��
48138order by merging	�H�X�֪k�Ƨ�
48139order channel	�q�H�q�D
48140order circuit	�q�H�q��
48141order closeout	�q�浲��
48142order closeout miscellaneous purge	�q�浲�������R��
48143order closeout operations purge	�q�浲�ק@�~�R��
48144order closeout options	�q�浲�׿��
48145order closeout report and purge	�q�浲�׳���ΧR��
48146order closeout selection	�q�浲�׿��
48147order closeout selection by date audit list	�̤���O�q�浲�׿�ܼf�ֲM�U
48148order closeout selection by order audit lisst	�̭q��O�q�浲�׿�ܼf�ֲM�U
48149order closeout selection-purchase/manufacture	����/�Ͳ����q�浲�׿��
48150order closeout summary and material purge auist	�q�浲�׷J�`�Χ��ƧR���f�ֲM�U
48151order closeout turnaround number	�q�浲�׶Ǿ\���X
48152order closeout-accounting report	�q�浲��-�|�p����
48153order closeout-production report	�q�浲��-�Ͳ�����
48154order closeout-selection	�q�浲��-���
48155order code	�R�O�X; �O�X; ���O�X; �ާ@�X
48156order code processor	���O�X�B�z��	OCP
48157order comment	�q�满��
48158order communications system	���O�q�T�t��	OCS
48159order complete entry	�q�槹���n��
48160order complete form	�q�槹�����
48161order completion date	�q�槹�����
48162order control record	���O����O��	OCR
48163order control system	���O����t��	OCS
48164order costing	�q�槹���p��
48165order date	�q����
48166order due date	�q������
48167order due date limit	�q�����魭��
48168order due date prior to current date	����e���q������
48169order due date prior to planning start date	�W���}�l��e���q������
48170order due date sequence	�q�����鶶��
48171order entry	�q��n��
48172order entry and invoicing	�q��޲z�ζ}�ߵo��
48173order entry application	�q���J����
48174order entry batch control update	�q��n���妸�����s
48175order entry system	�q��n���t��; �q���J�t��	OES
48176order entry-blanket detail	�q��n��-��X�q�����
48177order entry-component detail	�q��n��-�������
48178order entry-manufacturing	�q��n��-�s�y
48179order entry-manufacturing split	�q��n��-�s�O����
48180order entry-mfg per cust order	�q��n��-�̫Ȥ�q�椧�s�O
48181order entry-miscellaneous detail	�q��n��-��������
48182order entry-operation detail	�q��n��-�@�~����
48183order entry-purchase	�q��n��-����
48184order extract work file	�q��`���u�@�ɮ�
48185order format	�O�榡; ���O�榡
48186order fulfillment	���O����; ���O����
48187order handling lead time	�q��B�z�e�m�ɶ�
48188order information	�q�ʸ�T
48189order key	���O��
48190order maintenance batch update	�q����@�妸��s
48191order number	�q�渹�X; �q��s��
48192order of columns	���
48193order of magnitude	�ƶq��	OM
48194order of merge	�k�ֶ���
48195order of operation	�B�⦸��
48196order of smoothing	���Ƨ�
48197order of statement	�ԭz������
48198order of the merge	�k�֦���
48199order phase	���Ƕ��q; �ƧǶ��q
48200order placement cost	�U�榨��
48201order point	�O�I; �q���I	OP
48202order point reached	��F�q���I
48203order policy code	�q�ʬF���X
48204order priority	�q���u������
48205order processing	�q�f�B�z
48206order processing and invertory monitoring	�q�f��B�z�P�w�s�ʱ�( �{�� )	OPIM
48207order processing menu	�q�ʳB�z��ܵe��
48208order quantity	�q�ʼƶq
48209order reactivated	�A�ͮĭq��
48210order recommendation	�q���ij
48211order recommendation report	�q���ij����
48212order recommendation-by exception	�q���ij-�ҥ~���p
48213order recommendation-by item	�q���ij-���اO
48214order register	���O�Ȧs��	OR
48215order release	�q��o��
48216order release and closeout	�q��o����
48217order release and closeout-purchase/manufacture	�q��o����-����/�s�y
48218order release batch control update	�q��妸�����s
48219order release batch extract and B/M expansion	�q��妸�`����B/M�i�}
48220order release forms	�q��o����
48221order release routing expansion	�q��o��~�{�i�}
48222order release segment update and log	�q��o��Ϭq��s�ΦC�J��x
48223order release summary and material detail up	�q��o��J�`�Χ��Ʃ��ӧ�s
48224order release update	�q��o���s
48225order release with shop packet	���{������s�O�o��
48226order release-segment status	�q��o��-�Ϭq���A
48227order release-summary selection	�q��o��-�J�`���
48228order release/review	�q��o��/�Ƭd
48229order review status	�q��Ƭd���A
48230order sequence	�R�O�ǦC
48231order set	���O��
48232order shortage report	�s�O�ʮƳ���
48233order source	�q��ӷ�
48234order starting date	�q��}�l���
48235order starting date adjusted to calendar date	�q��}�l����վ�ܤ����
48236order statistic test	���Dzέp����
48237order status	�q�檬�A
48238order status tracking	�q�檬�A�l��
48239order structure	���ǵ��c; ���O���c
48240order summary	�q��J�`
48241order tracking date	�q��l�ܤ��
48242order under critical ratio value	�C����v�Ȥ��q��
48243order under critical ratio value list	�C����v�ȭq��M�U
48244order waiting vendor confirmation report	���Ũ����ӽT�{���q�����
48245order wire	���@�u; �ǥO�u; ���O�u; �q���u; �p���u
48246order wire circuit	�u���p���q��
48247order wire key	�R�O�u��; �q�H�u��
48248order wire printer	�R�O�u�C�L��; �q�H�u�C�L��
48249order wire signal	�R�O�u�H��; �q�H�u�H��
48250order-by-merging	�X�ֱƧ�
48251ordered clause	���Ǥl�y
48252ordered data	���Ǹ��
48253ordered enumerated type	���ǪT�|����
48254ordered Hadamard transform	���ǫ��F�X�ܴ�
48255ordered n-tuple	����n ��; n ���Ǥ�
48256ordered random access talking equipment	�����H���s���q�ܳ]��	ORATE
48257ordered retrieval	�����˯�
48258ordered search	���Ǭd�M; ���Ǭd��
48259ordered search algorithm	���Ǭd�M��k
48260ordered seek queuing	���Ǭd���C
48261ordered sequence	���ǧǦC
48262ordered serial file	���Ǧ���ɮ�
48263ordered set	���Ƕ��X
48264ordered tape file	���Ǻϱa�ɮ�
48265ordered tree	���Ǿ�
48266ordered word	���Ǧr
48267ordering	�w��; �Ƨ�; ����
48268ordering bias	�w�ǰ���; �Ƨǰ��t; �Ƨǰ���
48269ordering by merging	�X�ֱƧ�; �ֶ����ǹL�{
48270ordering constant identifier	�`�Ƽ��Ѳũw��
48271ordering cost	�q�ʦ���
48272ordering for term-rewriting system	�����g�t�αƧ�
48273ordering of entries	�n���w��
48274ordering of segments	�q�w��
48275ordering point system	�w���I�t��
48276ordering statement	�ƧDZԭz
48277ordering strategy	�Ƨǵ���; ���ǵ���
48278orderly close-down	��������
48279orderly start	���DZҰ�
48280ordinal	�Ǽƪ�
48281ordinal number	�Ǽ�; �Ǹ�
48282ordinal position	���Ǧ�m
48283ordinal type	�ǼƧΦ�
48284ordinary binary	���`�G�i( �� ); ���q�G�i��; �зǤG�i��
48285ordinary least square	���`�̤p����
48286ordinary privileged slave program	�`�W�S�\�q�ݵ{��
48287ordinary privileged slave request	�`�W�S�\�q�ݽШD
48288ordinary ray	���q�g�u; ���q���u
48289ordinary symbol	�q�βŸ�; �`�W�Ÿ�
48290ordinate	�a����
48291ordnance variable automatic computer	�x��Υi�ܦ۰ʭp���	ORVAC
48292organic semiconductor	�����b����
48293organization	��´; ���c; ���c; ���q	ORG
48294organization chart	��´��; ���c��
48295organization clause	���c�l�y
48296organization definition	���c�w�q
48297organization for European economic cooperation	�ڬw�g�٦X�@��´	OEEC
48298organization identification code	���c�ѧO�X; ���c�ѧO�X	OIC
48299organization instruction	��´���O
48300organization of information	�H����´; �H�����c
48301organization of semiconductor memory	�b����O���鵲�c
48302organizational concatenated network	��´���s������	OCN
48303organizational control	��´����
48304orientation	�w�V; ���; �շ�
48305orientation execution code	�w�V����X	OEC
48306orientation parameter	�w��Ѽ�; ��V�Ѽ�
48307orientation range	���V�d��; �շǽd��
48308orientation ratio	�շǤ�
48309oriented binary tree	���V�G�e��
48310oriented communication network	���V�q�H��; �w�V�q�H��
48311oriented cut-set	�w�V���ζ�
48312oriented cycle	���V����; ���V�`��
48313oriented edge weighted network	���V��ɥ[�v����
48314oriented graph	���V��
48315oriented graph of a network	�w�V������
48316oriented language	���V�y��
48317oriented path	���V�q��
48318oriented tree	�w�V��; ���V��
48319oriented vertex	���V���I
48320origin	��l; �_�l; ���I; �_�l�a�I; ��Ʒ�; �o����
48321origin address	�_�l��}
48322origin address field	�_�l��}��	OAF
48323origin address field prime	�a�J�_�l��}��	OAF
48324origin directive	�_�l��}���R�O
48325origin element field	�_�l�椸�r�q	OEF
48326origin location	��l��m
48327origin node address	�o�H( �� )���I��}; �l�ݸ`�I��}	ONA
48328origin of walk	�樫�_�I
48329origin port address	�l�I���}	OPA
48330origin subarea field	�_�l�l�Ϧr�q; �l�I�l�Ϧr�q	OSAF
48331origin subport address	�_�l�l�ݤf��}
48332origin system	���t��
48333original	��l��; ����; ���; ��( �� )��; ��l��
48334original block	��l��; ��l���{��
48335original board situation	��l�ѧ����A
48336original character form	��l�r�ŧΦ�
48337original code word	��l�N�X�r
48338original coded word	��l�s�X�r
48339original command string	��l�R�O��
48340original data	��l���; �����
48341original data file	��l����ɮ�	ODF
48342original data record	��l��ưO��	ODR
48343original directive	��l�R�O
48344original document	��l���
48345original document processing	��( �l�� )��B�z	ODP
48346original equipment manufacture's information	��l�]�ƻs�y���	OEMI
48347original equipment manufacturer	��l�����s�y��; ��l�]�ƻs�y�t�a	OEM
48348original file	��l�ɮ�
48349original hash address	��l�����}
48350original input data	��l��J���
48351original input stream	��l��J( ��� )�y
48352original key field	��l����r�q
48353original language	��l�y��; ���y��; ��l�y��
48354original order quantity	��l�q��ƶq
48355original print routine	��l�C�L( �Ҧ� )�{��
48356original problem	��l���D
48357original procedure	��l�L�{
48358original program	���{��; ��l�{��
48359original routine	��l( �Ҧ� )�{��
48360original semantic routine	��l�y�q( �Ҧ� )�{��
48361original sentence	���y; ��l�y�l
48362original signal	��H��
48363original source program listing library	��l���{���C��w
48364original source statement	��l���ԭz
48365original statement	��l�ԭz
48366original symbol	��l�Ÿ�
48367original symbolic language	��l�Ÿ��y��
48368original transmission	��l�ǿ�
48369original typing	��l�]�r; ��l���r�Z; ��l���r���
48370original-equipment manufacturer	��l�]�ƻs�y��	OEM
48371originating	�o�H; �o��; �o��
48372originating call	�o�ݩI�s
48373originating device	�o�ݸ˸m
48374originating marker	�o�ݼлx��	OM
48375originating network	�o�ݺ���
48376originating node	���`�I; �o�ݸ`�I
48377originating office	�l�o��; �o����
48378originating packet	�_�l�ʥ]
48379originating process	���L�{
48380originating register	�o��( �H�� )�Ȧs��	OR
48381originating register trunk	�o��( �H�� )�Ȧs�����~�u	ORT
48382originating user	�o�ݥΤ�
48383origination	�o��; �_�I
48384originator	�o�T��; �o�Ҫ�; ��l�o���H
48385orphan	�t��
48386ortho film	����
48387orthochromatic film	���⽦��
48388orthocode	���V�X
48389orthocode scanning	���V�X���y
48390orthocorrection digit	���V�ե���
48391orthogonal	���檺; ������
48392orthogonal antenna mount	����ѽu�w��
48393orthogonal array arithmetic unit	����ƲչB�⾹	OAAU
48394orthogonal array processor	����ƲճB�z�{��; ����ƲճB�z��	OAP
48395orthogonal code	����X
48396orthogonal computer	����p���
48397orthogonal contrast	������
48398orthogonal discriptor	����y�z��
48399orthogonal error control	������~����; �a����~����
48400orthogonal extention	�����X�i( �Ω�s�L�{�Ǫ��h�B�z�t�� )
48401orthogonal instruction	������O
48402orthogonal linkage	�����챵
48403orthogonal list	�����; �Q�r���
48404orthogonal matrix	����x�}
48405orthogonal memory	����O����	OM
48406orthogonal multiplex	����h���౵
48407orthogonal parity check	����P�줸����
48408orthogonal parity check sum	����P�줸����M
48409orthogonal polynomial	����h����
48410orthogonal precedent	����~��
48411orthogonal processor	����B�z��
48412orthogonal projection	�����v
48413orthogonal relation	�������Y
48414orthogonal row computer	�����p���	ORC
48415orthogonal signals	����H��
48416orthogonal transformation	�����ܴ�
48417orthogonal vector	����V�q
48418orthogonalizable code	�i����X
48419orthogonalized parity check equation	����P�줸�����{
48420orthonormal basis	�W�d�����; �W��ƥ����
48421orthonormal function	������
48422orthoscanner	���V���y��
48423orthotropic control	���汱��
48424orthotropic error control	������~����
48425orthotropic word	����r
48426OS job queue dump program	( �ާ@�t�Ϊ� )�@�~��C���x�{��	OSJQD
48427OS/multiprogramming with a fixed number of tasks	�T�w���ȼƦh�D�{���]�p�ާ@�t��	OS/MFT
48428OS/multiprogramming with a variable number of task	�i�ܥ��ȼƦh�D�{���]�p�ާ@�t��	OS/MVT
48429OS/MVS hierarchical recovery	�h�������x�s�ާ@�t�Τ��ū�_
48430oscillate	����
48431oscillating circuit	�����q��
48432oscillating data window	������Ƶ�
48433oscillating frequency	�����W�v
48434oscillating pulse	�����߽�
48435oscillating sort	�����Ƨ�; ��������k
48436oscillating tube	������
48437oscillation frequency	�����W�v
48438oscillation tube	������
48439oscillator	������; �b���鮶����	O; OSC
48440oscillator and timing generator	�������M�ɼеo�;�
48441oscillator crystal	���鮶����
48442oscillator off	�������I��
48443oscillator tuning	�������տ�
48444oscillogram	�ܪi��; �i�ι�
48445oscillogram trace reader	�ܪi�ϸ���Ū�X��; �ܪi�y��\Ū��	OTRAC
48446oscillograph	�ܪi��
48447oscillometer	�ܪi��
48448oscilloprobe	�ܪi�����Y; �ܪi�����w
48449oscilloscope	�ܪi��; �ܪi��	OSP
48450oscilloscope probe capacitance	�ܪi�����Y�q�e
48451OSI	�}��ʨt�Τ��s	OSI
48452OSI model	�}��ʨt�Τ��s�ҫ�
48453OSIE	�}��ʨt�Τ��s����	OSIE
48454other data messages	��L��ưT��
48455other-domain resource	�D����귽
48456otype	�ؼЫ���
48457out	��X; �b�~
48458out amplifier	��X��j��
48459out command	��X���O	OC
48460out connector	��X�s����
48461out data control	��X��Ʊ���
48462out of control	����
48463out of frame	�V����
48464out of line	�W��; �W�u; �~��
48465out of order	�o�ͬG��; ���DzV��; �G��; �L( �� )��	OOO
48466out of phase	����; ���P��( �� )
48467out of range	�V��; ����
48468OUT statement	��X�ԭz
48469out switch	��X�}��
48470out symbol	�~���Ÿ�
48471out-band multi-frequency-code	�a�~�h�W�q�X	OM
48472out-device	��X�]��
48473out-elementary process	�D��ųB�z
48474out-expander	��X�X�i�q��
48475out-fan	��X; ���X
48476out-gate	��X��( �q�� )
48477out-line feed	�~�u�^�X
48478out-of-band	�a�~
48479out-of-band siginaling	�DZa�H��
48480out-of-band signaling	�a�~�ǫH
48481out-of-band supervision	�a�~�ʵ�( �H�� )
48482out-of-frame alignment time	�V( �W )���սշǮɶ�
48483out-of-line coding	�~���s�X
48484out-of-line procedure	�~���L�{
48485out-of-order signal	���`�H��
48486out-of-phase component life	���ۤ���ةR
48487out-of-sequence	����
48488out-of-service time	�D�A�Ȯɶ�
48489out-of-step	���P�B; ���B
48490out-of-stock costs	�L�w�s����
48491out-plant system	�ǥ~�t��
48492out-station	���x; ����; �价�x��
48493out-tree	�X��
48494out-tuning	�~�տ�
48495outage	����; �_�q
48496outage duration	���_�ɶ�
48497outage period	�����g��; �����g��
48498outage probability	�������v
48499outage state	�������A
48500outage threshold	����֭�
48501outages	����; �B�त�_; ����( ���A,�ɶ� ); ���q; �_�q; �X�f
48502outboard	�~�O
48503outboard data manager	�~����ƺ޲z�{��	ODM
48504outboard logical unit	�~���޿�˸m
48505outboard record routine	�~���O��( �Ҧ� )�{��	OBR
48506outboard record(er)	�~���O��( �� )	OBR
48507outboard recorder	�~��O����
48508outbound	����; ��X
48509outbound connection	�e�X�n�D�s��
48510outbound data system	�����Ʀ�
48511outbound pacing	��X�w�B
48512outbox	�X�c
48513outbuf	��X�w��
48514outbuffer	��X�w�ľ�
48515outbuffer subgroup	��X�w�ľ��l��
48516outburst	�y�Y�H��; �߽�
48517outcoming signal	��X�H��; �X���H��
48518outconnection	( �y�u )�~�s��; ( �y�u )��s��
48519outconnector	�~�s����; ( �y�u )�~����; ( �y�u )�ﱵ��
48520outer computer	�~���p���
48521outer control limit	�~����ɭ�
48522outer face	�~��
48523outer language	�~�y��
48524outer level memory	�~�ŰO����
48525outer macroinstruction	�~�������O
48526outer planar graph	�~��������
48527outer space	�~�h�Ŷ�
48528outer track	�~�ϹD
48529outer-shell electron	�~�h�q�l
48530outfile	�~���ɮ�
48531outflow	�y�X�q; �y�X
48532outgoing access	�X���X��; �X���X��
48533outgoing broadcast channel	��X�s���q�D; ��X�s���q�D
48534outgoing call	���h�I�s
48535outgoing calls barred	�T���~�I�s
48536outgoing code	��X�s�X	OC
48537outgoing control	��X����
48538outgoing control class	��X�����
48539outgoing frame	�X�����[	OGF
48540outgoing group	��X��
48541outgoing link	�~�V���; �I�X���
48542outgoing network	��X����; �o�H����
48543outgoing position	�h�ܮu; �h�ܥx	OGPOS
48544outgoing primary switch frame	�h�ܪ�ű��u���[; �X����ű��u���[	OGPSWF
48545outgoing quality level	��X��q�ŧO	OQL
48546outgoing record	��X�O��; �o�H�O��
48547outgoing route	��X���|
48548outgoing routine test	��X( �Ҧ� )�{�Ǵ���
48549outgoing toll circuit	�h�ܪ��~�q��; �X�����~�q��	OGTC
48550outgoing transmission	�o�H�ǿ�
48551outgoing trunk	�X�����~�u; �h�ܤ��~�u	OGT
48552outgoing unit	��X�˸m
48553outheader subgroup	��X�����l��
48554outlet	���f; ���y; ��X; �X�f; �ޥX�u; �q�����y
48555outlet line	��X�u
48556outline	�~��; ����; ���n; ��
48557outline flowchart	�y�{��
48558outline font	�����r��
48559outline input	�~�u��J
48560outline letter	�~�ιϲŸ�
48561outline numbering	�~�νs��; �~�u�s��
48562outlining	��u; �e��u
48563outmessage subgroup	��X�H���l��
48564outphase	���P��; ����
48565outpulsing	��X�߽�( �L�{ )
48566output	��X��; ��X; ���X; ��X�]��; ��X�L�{; ��X���
48567output (adjective)	��X
48568output (data)	��X( ��� )
48569output (process)	��X( �L�{ )
48570output address register	��X��}�Ȧs��	OAR
48571output alarm	��X��ĵ
48572output amplifier	��X��j��	OA
48573output amplitude	��X�T��
48574output analysis	��X���R
48575output aperture	��X���]; ��X�ծ|
48576output area	��X��; ��X( �w�� )��
48577output attribute	��X�ݩ�
48578output block	��X��; ��X�H����; ��X��; ��X�w��
48579output blocking factor	��X���]�l
48580output break	��X���_
48581output buffer	��X�w�ľ�; ��X�w�İ�	OB
48582output buffer empty	��X�w�ľ���	OBE
48583output buffer full	��X�w�ľ���; ��X�w�İϺ�
48584output buffer register	��X�w�ļȦs��	OBR
48585output bus	��X�׬y��	OB
48586output bus check	��X�׬y������
48587output bus driver	��X�׬y���X�ʾ�; ��X�׬y���X�ʵ{��
48588output capability	��X�\��; ��X��O
48589output capacitance	��X�q�e
48590output channel	��X�q�D
48591output circuit	��X�q��
48592output class	��X����
48593output coding	��X�s�X
48594output command	��X�R�O
48595output command data set	��X�R�O��ƶ�	OCDS
48596output complement circuit	��X�ɽX�q��
48597output computer	��X�p���	OC
48598output control line	��X����u	OCL
48599output control program	��X����{��	OCP
48600output control pulse	��X����߽�	OCP
48601output control register	��X����Ȧs��	OCR
48602output converter	��X�ഫ�{��
48603output current	��X�q�y
48604output data	��X���; ��X���
48605output data buffer	��X��ƽw�ľ�; ��X��ƽw�İ�	ODB
48606output data buffer register	��X��ƽw�ļȦs��	ODBR
48607output data control	��X��Ʊ���	ODC
48608output data description	��X��ƴy�z
48609output data line	��X��ƽu	ODL
48610output data set	��X��ƶ�
48611output data strobe	��X��ƿ�q	ODS
48612output data structure	��X��Ƶ��c
48613output definition register	��X�w�q�Ȧs��	ODR
48614output device	��X�˸m;	��X�]��
48615output device control	��X�]�Ʊ���
48616output device positioning	��X�]�Ʃw��
48617output digital data	��X�Ʀ���
48618output display area	��X��ܰ�
48619output display unit	��X��ܾ�	ODU
48620output document	��X���
48621output driver program	��X�X�ʵ{��
48622output enable	���\��X; �ҥο�X	OE
48623output equipment	��X�]��
48624output error rate	��X�~�X�v; ��X�X���v
48625output feedback	��X�^�X	OFB
48626output field	��X�r�q
48627output file	��X�ɮ�; ��X���
48628output file code	��X�ɮץN�X
48629output file collation control	��X�ɮ׮ֹﱱ��
48630output file control block	��X�ɮױ����
48631output files	��X�ɮ�
48632output form	��X��
48633output format	��X�榡
48634output format rule	��X�榡�W�h
48635output format specification	��X�榡����( �� )
48636output formatter	��X�榡�{��
48637output function	��X�\��
48638output gap	��X���j
48639output handler	��X�B�z�{��
48640output hopper	��X�x�s�]��
48641output identification	��X( �]�� )����
48642output impedance	��X����	OI
48643output indicator	��X���ܿO; ��X���ܲ�
48644output information	��X�H��
48645output instruction	��X���O
48646output interface	��X����
48647output interrupt register	��X���_�Ȧs��
48648output job queue	��X�@�~��C	OJQ
48649output job stream	��X�@�~�y
48650output language	��X�y��
48651output library master file	��X�w�D�ɮ�
48652output limited	����X���
48653output limiting facility	��X����{��; ��X����]�I	OUTLIM
48654output line	��X�u��
48655output link	��X���; ��X�s��
48656output list	��X��
48657output listing	��X�C��
48658output listing format	��X�C��榡
48659output loading factor	��X�t���v; ��X�O���]��
48660output loop	��X�`��; ��X�j��
48661output machine variable	��X�����ܼ�
48662output magazing	���d�c
48663output medium	��X�C��
48664output message	��X�H��
48665output meter	��X���q��
48666output mode	��X��; ��X�覡
48667output module	��X�Ҳ�	OM
48668output module value	��X�Ҳխ�
48669output monitor	��X�ʷ��{��
48670output multiplex synchronizer	��X�h�u�P�B��; ��X�h���౵�P�B��	OMS
48671output multiplexe( o)r	 ��X�h���౵��
48672output network	��X����
48673output node	��X�`�I
48674output only console	��X�M���x
48675output operation	��X�ާ@
48676output order	��X����; ��X���O
48677output order control	��X���O����
48678output parameter address	��X�ѼƦ�}
48679output password	��X�f�O
48680output picture	��X�榡
48681output port	��X��; ��X�ݤf
48682output power	��X�\�v
48683output primitive	��X��y; ��X��
48684output print queue	��X�C�L��C
48685output printer	��X�C�L��	OP
48686output priority	��X�u���v
48687output procedure	��X�{��; ��X�L�{
48688output process	��X�L�{; ��X�{��
48689output processing	��X�B�z
48690output processor	��X�B�z��; ��X�B�z��; ��X�B�z�{��	OP
48691output processor test	��X�B�z������; ��X�B�z�{�Ǵ���
48692output program	��X�{��
48693output pulse	��X�߽�
48694output puncher	��X���վ�
48695output queue	��X��C; ��X�Ʀ�
48696output queue file	��X��C�ɮ�
48697output rating	��X( �B�w )�\�v
48698output record	��X�O��
48699output record character set	��X�O���r�Ŷ�
48700output redirection	��X���w�V
48701output register	��X�Ȧs��	OR; OUTREG
48702output register buffer	��X�Ȧs���w�ľ�
48703output register empty	��X�Ȧs����	ORE
48704output report	��X���i
48705output request	��X�ШD
48706output restricted deque	��X�����ݶ��C
48707output routine	��X�`��; ��X( �Ҧ� )�{��
48708output routine generator	��X( �Ҧ� )�{�ǥͦ���; ��X( �Ҧ� )�{�ǥͦ��{��
48709output section	��X��
48710output selector	��X��ܾ�; ��X��ܵ{��
48711output sequence	��X�ǦC
48712output service	��X�A��( �{�� )
48713output signal	��X�H��
48714output specification code	��X���w�N�X
48715output specification file	��X�����ɮ�
48716output speed	��X�t��
48717output spool	�������X
48718output spooling subsystem	�������X�l�t��
48719output stacker	��X���|��; ��X���d�c
48720output state	��X���A
48721output statement	��X�ԭz
48722output statistics	���X�έp
48723output status register	��X���A�Ȧs��	OSR
48724output storage	��X�x�s; ��X( �x�s )��
48725output stream	��X�y
48726output stream control	��X�y����
48727output structure	��X���c
48728output subroutine	��X�l( �Ҧ� )�{��
48729output subsystem	��X�l�t��
48730output switch function	��X�}�����
48731output switch network	��X�ഫ����	OSN
48732output symbol	��X�Ÿ�
48733output system	��X�t��
48734output table	��X��
48735output tape punch	��X���a��
48736output tape sorting	��X�ϱa����
48737output terminal	��X�׺�	OT
48738output token	��X�аO; ��X�v��; ��X�O��
48739output transaction	��X�ưȳB�z; ��X���
48740output transformer	��X������	OPT; OT
48741output translator	��X½Ķ�{��; ��X½Ķ��	OUTRAN
48742output unit	��X�椸;	��X���;	��X�˸m	OU
48743output value table	��X�Ȫ�
48744output variable	��X�ܼ�
48745output vector	��X�V�q
48746output voltage	��X�q��
48747output well	��X��
48748output word	��X�r
48749output work queue	��X�u�@���C; ��X�u�@��C
48750output writer	��X�Ѽg��; ��X( �O�� )�{��( �@�تA�ȵ{�� )
48751output-input	��X�J
48752output-queue table	��X���C��
48753output-restricted double queue	����X�������C
48754output-to-output crosstalk	��X���X�����Z; ���ݦ��Z
48755output/input field	��X��J�r�q
48756outscriber	��X�O����
48757outside loop	�~�`��
48758outside operation	�U�~�[�u
48759outside operation form	�U�~�[�u���
48760outside plant	�~�u�]��
48761outside processor	�~���B�z��
48762outside request foreground program	�~���ШD�e�x( �u�@ )�{��
48763outside vapor-phase oxidation process	�~��A��ƹL�{	OVPO
48764outstanding balance	���M�l�B
48765outstanding command	�����椧�R�O
48766outstanding data formatting	��������Ʈ榡�s��
48767outstanding frame	���M��; �|���{�i�[�c
48768outstanding mark time request	�������аO�ɶ��ШD
48769outstanding message	�������T��
48770outstanding orders	���M�q��
48771outstanding run request	�������B��ШD
48772outward dialing	�V�~����; �~�u����
48773oven	�l; �M�c; ��ž�
48774over	( �L�u�q�q�ܥλy )"���姹,�Ц^��"
48775over capacity	�L��; �L�q
48776over charge	�L��; �L�q�R�q
48777over current relay	�L( �q )�y�~�q��	OCR
48778over or underloaded work centers	�L���ιL�C�t�����u�@��
48779over run	�W�B��; �W�t�B��	OR
48780over variance	�L���ܲ�
48781over writing noise	���g����
48782over-all load	�`�t��
48783over-paint	��W
48784over-the-horizon	���Z�~( �q�H )	OH
48785over/under loaded period	�L��/ �L�C�t������
48786over/under loaded variance percent	�L��/ �L�C�ܲ��ʤ���
48787over/under percent	�L��/ �L�C�ʤ���
48788overall availability	�`�B��v; �`�Q�βv
48789overall bandpass response	������a�q�S��
48790overall chart	����Ϫ�
48791overall computing speed	�`�p��t��
48792overall distortion	�`����
48793overall efficiency	�`�IJv
48794overall loss	�`�l��
48795overall noise	�`����
48796overall performance	����į�
48797overall structure	���鵲�c
48798overall test	�`�����
48799overall transfer function	�`�ǻ����
48800overall transmission test	�`��ǿ����
48801overall transmission time	�`�ǿ�ɶ�
48802overbackordered quantities	�L�������X�f�q��ƶq
48803overcommitment	�L�שӿ�
48804overcompensated optical fiber	�L���v�����ֺ�
48805overcoupling	�L���X
48806overdivided region	�L���ΰϰ�
48807overdue	�O��
48808overdue balance	�O���l�B
48809overdue horizon	�O���ɶb
48810overdue order	�O���q��
48811overdue report	�L�ɪ����i; �L�������i
48812overflow	����; ����; �W( �W )��; �W��; ����; �W��	OF; OFL
48813overflow access	�������
48814overflow addressing method	����M�}�k
48815overflow alarm	�����ĵ
48816overflow area	����ϰ�; �����; �����
48817overflow attribute	�����ݩ�
48818overflow bit	����줸
48819overflow bucket	���������; ����( �x�s )��; �����}
48820overflow chain	������
48821overflow chain length	�������
48822overflow chaining	��������
48823overflow check	��������
48824overflow check error	����������~
48825overflow check indicator	����������ܾ�
48826overflow drain	���|
48827overflow entry	���춵; ����J�f
48828overflow entry hash	���춵����
48829overflow exception	���첧�`
48830overflow fault	����G��
48831overflow field	�������
48832overflow file	�W����
48833overflow flag	����X��
48834overflow handling	����B�z
48835overflow handling mode	����B�z�覡
48836overflow hash	��������
48837overflow indication	�������
48838overflow indicator	������ܾ�; ������ܾ�
48839overflow line	�����
48840overflow logic	�����޿�
48841overflow operation	����ާ@
48842overflow page	���쭶��
48843overflow position	���쳡��; �����
48844overflow printing	����L��
48845overflow probability	���췧�v
48846overflow pulse	����߽�
48847overflow record	����O��
48848overflow register	����Ȧs��
48849overflow sequential access method	���춶�Ǧs���k; ���춶�Ǧs����k	OSAM
48850overflow signal	����H��; �����H��
48851overflow status	���쪬�A
48852overflow technique	����޳N
48853overflow test	�������
48854overflow toggle	����}��
48855overflow trap	���쮷�R; ���줤�_
48856overflow-check indicator	����ֹ���ܾ�
48857overflow-check program	����ֹ�{��
48858overfow (in calculators)	( �p�⾹���� )����
48859overhaul	�˭�; �j��
48860overhaul and repair	�ˬd�P�ײz	OR
48861overhead	�Ӯ�; �B�~��X��; �B�~��X; �޲z�O��; �`��X; ���; �}�P
48862overhead bit	���[�줸; ���[��
48863overhead block	���[��; ���Ⱦާ@��
48864overhead cable	�[�Źq�l
48865overhead code	�����s�y�O�νX
48866overhead content lower levels	�C�������s�y�O���e
48867overhead content this level	���������s�y�O���e
48868overhead cost code	�����s�y�O�����X
48869overhead costs	�����s�y�O����
48870overhead information	���[�H��; ���ȫH��
48871overhead method	���Ⱦާ@�k; ��z�ާ@�k
48872overhead operation	�޲z�@�~; ���Ⱦާ@; ��z�ާ@
48873overhead projector	���[����M��
48874overhead rate	�����s�y�O�ζO�v
48875overhead rate/percent	�����s�y�O�ζO�v/ �ʤ���
48876overhead time	���Ⱦާ@�ɶ�; �}�P�ɶ�; �B�~�ɶ�
48877overhead total	�����s�y�O���`�p
48878overhead traffic	���ȳq�H�q; �}�P�q�H�q; �}�P�y�q�q
48879overissue	�o�Ʒ��W
48880overlaid	�Х[��
48881overlap	���|; ���|	OL; OVL
48882overlap access	���|�X��; ��e�X��
48883overlap action	���|�ʧ@
48884overlap channel	���|�q�D
48885overlap factor	���|�]�l
48886overlap loop	���|�`��
48887overlap of operation	�@�~���|
48888overlap operand	���|�ާ@��
48889overlap operation	���|�ާ@
48890overlap processing	���|�B�z; ���|�B�z; ����B�z
48891overlap tell	���|�R�O
48892overlap transistor	�л\���q����
48893overlapped central processor	���|�����B�z��
48894overlapped channel	���|�q�D
48895overlapped data channel	���|��Ƴq�D
48896overlapped execution	���|����
48897overlapped instruction execution	���|���O����
48898overlapped memory	���|�O����
48899overlapped microinstruction execution	�L���O���|����
48900overlapped operation	���|�ާ@
48901overlapped operation buffer	���|�ާ@�w�ľ�
48902overlapped span of control	���|�Τ�w�q�챱��
48903overlapping	���|; �л\
48904overlapping bridge	���|��
48905overlapping field	���|�Ϭq; ���|�r�q
48906overlapping operand	���|�ާ@��
48907overlapping operations	���|�@�~
48908overlapping processor	���|�B�z�{��
48909overlapping sublist	���|�l��
48910overlay	�л\; �и�; ���|; ���|��; ���|�O; �л\�O	OVLY
48911overlay access control register	�л\�s������Ȧs��
48912overlay area	�л\�ϰ�
48913overlay control program	�л\����{��; ���|����{��
48914overlay controller	�л\���
48915overlay defining	�л\�w�q
48916overlay description language	���|�y�z�y��
48917overlay description language file	�л\�y�z�y���ɮ�
48918overlay display	�л\���
48919overlay drafting	�|�[�e��; �M�εe��
48920overlay generation language	�л\�ͦ��y��
48921overlay geueration langaye	�л\���ͻy��
48922overlay handler	���|�B�z�{��
48923overlay keyboard	�л\�O��L
48924overlay linkage editor	�л\�s���s��{��
48925overlay load	���|���J
48926overlay load module	�и��Ҳ�; �л\�ˤJ�{�ǼҲ�
48927overlay management routine entry	���|�޲z( �Ҧ� )�{�ǤJ�f
48928overlay manager	�л\�޲z�{��
48929overlay memory configuration	�л\�O�е��c
48930overlay module	�л\�Ҳ�
48931overlay network	�л\����
48932overlay path	�л\���|
48933overlay program	�л\�{��
48934overlay region	�л\��
48935overlay routine	�л\( �Ҧ� )�{��
48936overlay runtime routines	���|�B��ɶ����l�{��
48937overlay segment	�л\���q; �л\�{�Ǭq; ���|�{�Ǭq
48938overlay segment area	���|�{�Ǭq�ϰ�; �л\�{�Ǭq�ϰ�
48939overlay store address	�л\�x�s��}
48940overlay structure	�л\���c
48941overlay supervisor	�и��ʷ���; �л\�޲z�{��
48942overlay supervisor routine	�л\�޲z�{�Ǫ��Ҧ�{��
48943overlay tree	�л\��; ����л\���c
48944overlay writing	�л\�g�X
48945overload	�W��; �W�t��; �L��	OVLD
48946overload alarm control	�L����ĵ����
48947overload circuit breaker	�L���_����	OCB
48948overload control	�L������
48949overload definition	�W�t���w�q
48950overload module testing	�L���Ҳմ���; �L���ҥ����
48951overload point	�W���I
48952overload protection	�L���O�@
48953overload rating	�B�w�W��; �L����O
48954overload recovery time	�L����_�ɶ�
48955overload relay	�L���~�q��	OLR; OR
48956overload simulator	�L��������
48957overload test	�W������
48958overmodulation	�L�ը�
48959overpaint	�L�ۦ�
48960overprint	���[�L��; ���L
48961overprinting	�[�L; ���[�L��; ���L; �V�ɦL��
48962overprogram	���ƽs�{
48963overpunch	�W�B����; ( �d�� )���[����; ������
48964overpunching	�[����; ���[����; ������
48965overrelaxation	�W�P��( �k )
48966override	�m��; �W�V; �J�A; ������	OVRD
48967override cataloged memory allocation	���u���s�ذO�Ф��t
48968override code	�m���X
48969override control	�V�v����
48970override interrupt	���u�����_
48971override precedence	���u��( �a��, �v ); �W�V�u��
48972override price	����m��
48973override ship-to	�m���B��
48974override sold-to	�m���⩹
48975override work center	�m���u�@��
48976overrun	�W�X; �W���B��; �L�t; �W��; �V�{	OR; OVRN
48977overrun counter	�W���B��p�ƾ�
48978overrun error	�W�~; �L�t���~; �W�����~; �V�{���~
48979overscan	�L���y
48980overscore	���u
48981overseas intelligence data process system	���~���z��ƳB�z�t��	OIDPS
48982overseas telecommunication commission	���~�q�H�e���|	OTCOM
48983overshipped quantities	���˼ƶq
48984overshoot	�L��; �h�X; �L�ո`; �W�V��
48985overshoot rise-time	�y�Y�H���W�ɮɶ�
48986overshoot rising-up time	�W�V�W�ɮɶ�
48987overspeed test	�W�t����
48988overstress	�L��; �W��
48989overstrike	�\�L; ���|�C�L; �L�C�L
48990overstrike mode	�����A; �\�L�Ҧ�
48991overstriking	�L�C�L
48992overtime	�[�Z
48993overtone absorption	�L��էl��
48994overtones	�L���
48995overtype	���|��J
48996overtype mode	�����Ҧ�
48997overview	²��; ���[
48998overvoltage interruption	�L�����_
48999overvoltage protection	�L���O�@
49000overwrite	���g
49001overwrite mode	���g�A
49002overwrite noise	���g����
49003overwrite within fixed ruler line mode	�w�u�����g�A
49004overwritten	�мg
49005ovonic memory switch	���V����O�ж}��; ���V�O�ж}��	OMS
49006ovonic threshold switch	���V��ȶ}��	OTS
49007ovonics	��y����b���餸��; ���V�}���b���龹��
49008Ovshinsky ( glass) semiconductor	 ���Ҩ�����( ���� )�b����
49009Ovshinsky effect	�������
49010own code	�۽X; �X�R�u�@�X; �ۦ��X( �ϵ{�ǧ����S����� )
49011own coding ( sorting)	 �۽s�X( ���� )
49012own coding routine	�۽s�X( �Ҧ� )�{��
49013own variable	�T���ܼ�
49014own virtual space	�T�������Ŷ�
49015owned	�ۨ��֦���
49016owner	�֦���; �Ҧ���; �D����; ���D�s�H
49017owner ( of a network connection)	( �@�����s���� )�֦���
49018owner file	�D�ɮ�; �ۦ��ɮ�
49019owner process	�D�B�z�{��
49020owner record	�D����; �ۦ��O��
49021owner record type	�D��������
49022owner's equity	�ѪF�v�q
49023owner-coupled set	�D����	CODD
49024ownership	�Ҧ��v; �Ҧ���; �D�v
49025ownership of data	��ƩҦ��v
49026Oxford university press	���z�j�ǥX����( �^�� )	OUP
49027oxidation mask	��Ʊ���
49028oxidation type semiconductor	��ƫ��b����
49029oxide build-up	��Ƽh�c��
49030oxide film condenser	��ƽ��q�e��; �q�ѹq�e��
49031oxide semiconductor	��ƪ��b����
49032oxide-film	��ƽ�
49033oxide-isolation-isoplanar	��������ƹj��
49034oxide-isoplanar technique	��Ƽh�������޳N
49035oxide-mask pattern	��Ƽh���ҹ�
49036oximeter	���w�q�p
49037oxygen	��	O
49038oximeter	���w�q�p
49039oxygen	��	O	*
49040PL/1 optimizing compiler	PL/1�̨ΤƽsĶ�{��	OPL1
49041p-n type junction	p-n����
49042p-n-p transistor	p-n-p�q����
49043p-operation	p�@�~
49044p-operator	p�@�~�l
49045p-pulse	p�ߪi
49046p-type semiconductor	p���b����
49047P/OS	�M�a�@�~�t��	P/OS
49048P1	P1�����
49049P1 through P8	P1��P8
49050P1BR	P1����ϰ��Ȧs��	P1BR
49051P1LR	P1����Ϫ��׼Ȧs��	P1LR
49052PA keys	�{���s����
49053pace	�B��;�t��
49054pacesetter	�w�վ�
49055pacing	�ըB;�w�B
49056pacing count	�w�B�p��;�ըB�p��
49057pacing device	�w�B�]��;�ըB�]��
49058pacing group	�w�B��;�ըB��
49059pacing group size	�w�B�ճW��;�ըB�ճW��
49060pacing indicator	�B�ի��ܾ�	PI
49061pacing message	�w�B����;�ըB����
49062pacing parameter	�w�B�Ѽ�;�ըB�Ѽ�
49063pacing request	�w�B�ШD;�ըB�ШD
49064pacing response	�w�B����;�ըB����
49065pacing value	�w�B��;�ըB��
49066pack	�]��;�Ϻв�;���Y;�Y��;�Y��;�E��;�]�q;�ո�;�ʸ�	PK
49067pack cluster	�Ϻ�G��
49068pack no	�Ϻи�;�Ϻи�
49069pack unit	����;�ե�;�c�˳���
49070package	�{��;�ʸ�;�];�M�˳n��;��ƥ];����;�ե�;�q�l�~��;(�n��)�]	PKG
49071package assembly	(����)�ո˵��c
49072package base	�~�߰�y
49073package board	����(�O)
49074package body	�{�ǥ]��
49075package card	����(�O)
49076package count	�ʸ˼�;�ե��
49077package declaration	�{�ǥ]����
49078package filling factor	�ʸ˶�R�]��
49079package identifier	�{�ǥ]���Ѳ�
49080package lead	�ե��u;�~�߱��u
49081package level	�ո˯�
49082package library	�զX(�{��)�w
49083package media	�M�˴C��
49084package of software	�n��]
49085package of subroutine	�l�{�ǥ]
49086package pin limitation	�ե��u����
49087package program	�M�˵{��;�զX�{��
49088package shell	�ե�~��;�޴�
49089package specification	�{�ǥ]�W�满��(��)
49090package standard	�{�ǥ]�з�
49091package technique	�ո˧޳N
49092package terminal	�ʸˤޥX�u
49093package transfer unit	�]�ǰe�椸	PTU
49094packaged electronic circuit	�ʸ˦��q�l�q��	PEC
49095packaged program	�ʸ˦��{�ǥ];�q�ε{�ǥ]
49096packaged software	�ʸ˦��n��];�q�γn��]
49097packaged transistor	�ʸ˴����;�K�ʦ������
49098packaging	�ո�;�ʸ�
49099packaging dealy	�ո˩���
49100packaging density	�]�˱K��;�ո˱K��;�˰t�K��
49101packaging design	�ʸ˳]�p;�ո˳]�p
49102packaging level	�ո˯�
49103packed	���Y��;�˰t��
49104packed array	���Y�Ʋ�
49105packed attribute	���Y�ݩ�
49106packed BCD	���Y�G-�Q�i��
49107packed byte	���Y�r�`
49108packed code	�E���X
49109packed data	�Y����;���Y�ƾ�
49110packed decimal	���Y�Q�i��;�Y��Q�i
49111packed decimal format	���M�Q�i��榡
49112packed decimal key	���Y�Q�i������X
49113packed decimal notation	�]�˪��Q�i��O�k
49114packed decimal number format	���Y�Q�i��Ʈ榡
49115packed decimal string	���Y�Q�i��r��;���Y�Q�i��(�r��)��
49116packed field	���Y�r�q
49117packed form	�Y���
49118packed format	�E���榡;���Y�榡
49119packed format message	���Y�榡�T��
49120packed key	���M��
49121packed record	���Y�O��
49122packed structure	�ո�(��)���c
49123packet	����;�T���];�ʥ];�H���];�p�];�T���];�x�s�c;�];�ƾڥ];�{�ǥ] PKT
49124packet address recognition	�]��}�ѧO;���ճ����ѧO
49125packet assemble and disassemble	�]��(�t�M)��(��)	PAD
49126packet assembler/disassembler	�t�ʾ�;�]�˰t���M�����	PAD
49127packet assembly	�]�˰t
49128packet assembly/disassembly	�]�˰t���;�]�˰t�Ѹ�	PAD
49129packet assembly/disassembly facility	���ʲզ��P�R������;���ʲզX/����\��
49130packet broadcast	�]�s��;���ճ���s��
49131packet communication	���ʳq�H;�]�q�H(�k);���ճ���q�H(�k)
49132packet communication function	�]�q�H�\��
49133packet control	���ʱ���;������ձ���;�]����
49134packet control layer	(�ƾ�)�]����h;(����)���ձ���h	PCL
49135packet controller	���ʱ��
49136packet disassembly	�]���;�]�Ѹ�
49137packet error detection	�]���~�˴�
49138packet filter	�]�o�i��
49139packet filtering	�]�o�i(�k)
49140packet flow	(�ƾ�)�]�y
49141packet format	�]�榡
49142packet gateway	�]����;�]�H�h
49143packet handler	���ʺ�z��;�]�B�z�{��
49144packet handling module	�]�B�z�Ҳ�
49145packet head	�]���Y;�]���D;���ճ����Y
49146packet interface	������դ���;�]����
49147packet interference	�]�z�Z
49148packet interleaving	�]��e
49149packet layer	���ʼh
49150packet layout	�]�]�p
49151packet lead address	�]�޾�(����)��}
49152packet length	�]����;���ճ������
49153packet level error control	�]�ſ��~����;���ճ���ſ��~����
49154packet level protocol	�]�Ũ�w
49155packet lifetime control	���ʥͩR�g������
49156packet link	�]�q�H���
49157packet message delay	�]���婵��
49158packet mode	�]�覡
49159packet mode operation	�]�覡�B��;�]�覡�ާ@
49160packet mode terminal	���ʫ��׺ݾ�;�]�覡�׺�
49161packet multiplexer	�]�h���ƥξ�;�Ʋզh���౵��	PMX
49162packet multiplexing technique	�]�h���ƥΧ޳N
49163packet network	�](�洫)��
49164packet network architecture	�](�洫)����t���c
49165packet network interface	�]��(��)����
49166packet number	�]�s��	PN
49167packet priority level	�]�u����
49168packet protocol	�]��w;�]�W��
49169packet protocol extension	�]��w�X�R	PPX
49170packet radio	�L�u�q���ճq�H;�L�u�q�]�q�H
49171packet radio network	���ʵL�u����;�L�u�q���ճq�H��;�L�u�q�]�q�H��	PRNET
49172packet radio technique	�L�u�q���ճq�H�޳N
49173packet radio unit	�L�u�q���ճq�H�]��	PRU
49174packet rate	�]�t�v
49175packet receive sequence number	���ʱ������Ǹ��X	(P(R))
49176packet repeater	�]���~��;�]���o��
49177packet reservation	���ʹw��
49178packet retransmission interval	�]���o���j
49179packet routing address	�]���|��}	PRA
49180packet send sequence number	���ʰe���Ǹ��X	(P(S))
49181packet sequence number	�]���Ǹ�
49182packet sequencing	�ʥ]�w��;�]�Ƨ�;�]�w��
49183packet size	�]�j�p;�]���
49184packet switch level interface	�]�洫�Ť���	PSLI
49185packet switched data transmission service	�]�洫�ƾڶǿ�A��;�]�洫�ƾڶǿ�~��
49186packet switched public data network	���ʥ洫��������ƺ���
49187packet switched signalling message	�]�洫�H�O�T��;�]�洫�ǫH�T��	PSM
49188packet switcher	�]�洫��	PS
49189packet switching	���ʥ洫;�p�]�洫;���ʦ��洫;�]�洫
49190packet switching center	�]�洫����
49191packet switching computer communication network	�]�洫�p����q�H��
49192packet switching data network	���ʥ洫�ƾں���;���ʥ洫��ƺ���	PSDN
49193packet switching data transmisison service	�]�洫�ƾڶǿ�A��;�]�洫�ƾڶǿ�~��
49194packet switching environment	�]�洫����
49195packet switching equipment	�]�洫�]��
49196packet switching exchange	���ʥ洫�x	PSE
49197packet switching interface	���ʥ洫�ɭ�	PSI
49198packet switching network	���ʥ洫����
49199packet switching node	�]�洫�`�I	PSN
49200packet switching processor	�]�洫�B�z��	PSP
49201packet switching service network	�]�洫�~�Ⱥ�
49202packet switching services	�]�洫�~��;�]�洫�A�ȵ{��	PSS
49203packet switching unit	�]�洫�椸	PSU
49204packet swithcing exchange	�]�洫��	PSE
49205packet terminal	�](�覡)�׺�
49206packet transfer	�]�ǰe
49207packet transmission	�]�ǿ�
49208packet voice communication system	�](�覡)�ܭ��q�H�t��
49209packet-handle function	���ʺ�z�\��
49210packet-mode DTE	���ʦ��ƾڲ׺ݳ]��
49211packet-model terminal	���ʫ��׺ݾ�
49212packet-switched center	�]�洫����
49213packet-switched data network	���ʥ洫��ƺ���;�]�洫�ƾں�
49214packet-switching	���ʥ洫
49215packet-switching network	���ʦ������
49216packetize	���];����
49217packetized ensemble protocol	���ʾ����w	PEP
49218packetized voice	�]�ƻy��
49219packetnet system interface	���ʺ����t�ɭ�	PSI
49220packets data flow	�]���ƾڬy
49221packing	���Y; �]��
49222packing code	�˽c�X
49223packing density	����K��;�O���K��;�x�s�K��
49224packing density (deprecated in this sense)	����K��( ������ )
49225packing factor	�O���]�l;�x�s�]�l
49226packing fraction	�ʸˤ���
49227packing list	�˽c��
49228packing material	�]�˧���
49229packing routine	����`��
49230packing slip	�˽c��
49231pad	��O;���;Ũ��;�W�l��;��;��R;����g�T;�k�L;�k���I;�I�
49232pad character	��ɦr��;Ũ��r��;��R�r��
49233pad method	���J�k
49234padder	�L�չq�e��
49235padding	���;���;���;�Զ�;��R;�ɥ�
49236padding bit	��R��
49237padding character	��R�r��
49238padding data	��R�ƾ�
49239pads	�Ԥ�
49240page	��;����;��(��);����;����	P;PG
49241page address	������}
49242page address field	������}�r�q	PAF
49243page address register	������}�Ȧs��	PAR
49244page address registers	����}�Ȧs��	PAR
49245page addressing	�����M�}
49246page addressing algorithm	�����M�}��k
49247page algorithm	������k
49248page alignment	�������
49249page and line	�����M�渹	PGLIN
49250page and segment table	����M�q��
49251page assignment table	����������
49252page backward	�V�e½��
49253page balancing	������
49254page base	����
49255page base address	�������}
49256page body	����
49257page boundary	����
49258page boundary error	���ɿ��~
49259page break	�����_
49260page breakage	�����H��;�����s�Y
49261page breaking	����
49262page buffer	���w�İ�;�����w�ľ�;�����w�İ�	PB
49263page change	����
49264page check	�����ˬd
49265page command	�����R�O
49266page composer	�����s�ƾ�
49267page composition software	�խ��{��
49268page control block	���������	PCB
49269page control register	��������Ȧs��	PCR
49270page controls	��������(�{��)
49271page copy	�����ƻs
49272page counter	�����p�ƾ�
49273page data	�����ƾ�
49274page data set	�����ƾڶ�
49275page definition	�����w�q	PAGEDEF
49276page depth	���`��
49277page depth control (last line)	�������ױ���(����)
49278page description language	���y�z�y��	PDL
49279page descriptor register	���y�z�Ȧs��	PDR
49280page descriptor word	�����y�z�r
49281page device	�����]��
49282page device description table	�����]�ƻ�����;�����]�ƴy�z�Ū�	PDDT
49283page directory	�����ؿ�
49284page directory base register	�����ؿ���}�Ȧs��
49285page displacement	���m��	PDISP
49286page display	�������
49287page down	���U��;�������U��
49288page dtat register	�����ƾڼȦs��	PDR
49289page eject	���u�X;����;����
49290page end character	���צr��;����(�r)��	PE
49291page entry	���J�f;�����J�f
49292page exit	���X�f;�����X�f
49293page facsimile recorder	(��)�����ǯu�O����
49294page failure	�M�����~
49295page fault	�����~;�M���ʥ�;����;�����X��
49296page fault cluster size	�����~G�դؤo
49297page fault frequency	�����X���W��	PFF
49298page fault frequency replacement algorithm	�����X���W�״�����k;�����X���W�v������k
49299page fault handling	�����X���B�z
49300page fault trace	�����X������
49301page file	�������
49302page fix	�����T�w;������w
49303page fixing	�����T�w;������w(�b��s��)
49304page footing	���X�p��;���X�p	PF
49305page format item	�����榡��
49306page formatter	�����榡��	PF
49307page formatting	���榡��
49308page forward	�V��½��
49309page frame	����;���V
49310page frame number	���ظ��X;���ظ�	PFN
49311page frame number data base	���ظ��X��Ʈw
49312page frame number mapping	���ظ��X�M��
49313page frame real address	���ع��}	PFRA
49314page frame table	���ت�	PFT
49315page frame table entry	���ت�J�f	PFTE
49316page fualt frequency	�����X���W��	PFF
49317page head	�����D
49318page header	�����D
49319page heading	�����D	PH
49320page hierarchical memory	���������x�s��
49321page I/O	�i���X��;���J���X
49322page interrupt	�M���ʥ�;�M�����_
49323page invalid bit	���L�Ħ�
49324page key	������;����
49325page layout	�����]�p
49326page length field	�����r�q;�������צr�q	PLF
49327page letter	����
49328page loading station	������
49329page locking	������w
49330page make up	�㭶����
49331page map address	�����ܴ���}
49332page map address register	���Ϧ�}�Ȧs��	PMAR
49333page map register	���M���Ȧs��
49334page mapping table	�����ܴ���	PMT
49335page marker	����(�O);�����аO;���аO
49336page memory	���O����
49337page memory management	�����x�s�޲z
49338page memory system	�����x�s�t��
49339page merging	���X��
49340page migration	�����E��
49341page mode	�����覡
49342page number	���X;����	PGNR;PN
49343page numbering	�s����;�s���X
49344page option	���ﶵ
49345page out	���X
49346page overflow	�����X	P-OVERFLOW
49347page overflow condition	�������X����
49348page pointer	�������ܦr;�������w
49349page pool	�����@�ΰ�;��(��)��
49350page printer	���L�r��; ���L��; �����C�L��	PP
49351page printing	�����C�L
49352page printing system	�����C�L�t��	PPS
49353page proof	�ռ�
49354page protection	�����O�@
49355page queue	������C
49356page reader	�����\Ū��
49357page reclaim	�������^
49358page reclamation	������_
49359page refresh	������s
49360page register	�����Ȧs��
49361page releasing station	������
49362page removal algorithms	�����X�t��k
49363page replacement	��������
49364page replacement algorithm	����������k	PRA
49365page replacement policy	����������h
49366page replacement time	���������ɶ�
49367page scanner	�����y��
49368page scrolling	����(�a�V)�u��
49369page segment	���q
49370page selection	�������
49371page selector	������ܾ�
49372page size	�����j�p;�����ؤo
49373page size option	�����j�p�ﶵ;�����ؤo�ﶵ
49374page splitting	��������;��������
49375page stealing	�����Ѩ�;��������
49376page storage	�����x�s(��)
49377page structure	�������c
49378page swapping	�����洫
49379page table	����;��(��)��	PGT;PT
49380page table association	�������X
49381page table base	�����	PTB
49382page table base register	�����Ȧs��
49383page table building	����إ�
49384page table directory	������ؿ�
49385page table entry	����;����J�f	PTE
49386page table lookup	�d����
49387page tape	���a
49388page throw	����;����
49389page top	������
49390page translation exception	���ഫ���`
49391page turning	½��
49392page turning capability	½����O
49393page type	��������
49394page use list	�����ϥΪ�
49395page view terminal	������ܲ׺�
49396page viewing station	���˵���
49397page virtual memory system	���������x�s�t��
49398page wait	��������
49399page width	���e��
49400page zero	�s����
49401page zero direct addressing	�s�������M�}
49402page-by-page memory protection	�v���x�s�O�@
49403page-end mark	�����аO
49404page-in	���i;�i����;���J
49405page-in operation	���J�@�~
49406page-oriented program memory	�����ɦV���{���x�s��
49407page-out	���X;�X����
49408page-replacement algorithm and control logic	����������k�M�����޿�	PRACL
49409page-row-column	��-��-�C	PRC
49410page-up	���W��;�������W��
49411pageable	�i�խ���;�i������
49412pageable area	�i������
49413pageable dynamic area	�i�����ʺA�ϰ�
49414pageable nucleus	�i�����֤ߵ{��
49415pageable partition	�i��������
49416pageable region	�i�����ϰ�
49417pageable system task	�����իרt�Υ���
49418paged algorithm	������k
49419paged allocation method	����(����)�k
49420paged direct addressing	���������M�}
49421paged hierarchical memory	���������x�s��
49422paged memory	�����O��
49423paged memory management	�����O�к޲z
49424paged segmentation	�������q
49425paged system	����
49426pager	�����~�B�z�{��;�����ի׵{��
49427paginal translation	�v��(���)½Ķ
49428paginate	�s��;�s���X
49429paginating	�s���X
49430paginating machine	�s(��)�X��
49431pagination	����;�s��;�аO����;�s���X
49432paging	����;����;����;�s��;�����ի�;����(�k)
49433paging access	�խ��X��
49434paging activity indexes	�������ʫ���
49435paging algorithm	������k
49436paging area	������
49437paging date	���l���
49438paging device	�����]��
49439paging disorder	���X����
49440paging mechanism	�������c
49441paging performance	�����ʯ�
49442paging rate	�����t�v
49443paging receive	��������
49444paging routine	�����{��;�����Ҧ�{��
49445paging supervisor	�����޲z�{��
49446paging technique	�����޳N
49447paging terminal	�����׺�
49448paging time-sharing	��������
49449paint	��(�C��)
49450paint-on technique	��٧޳N
49451paintbrush	�W���
49452pair cable	���ѹq�u;�ﵱ���q�l
49453pair delay	���冀��(�g�G�ӤϬ۾�)
49454pair diode	���G����;�t��G����
49455pair formation	�q�l�諸�Φ�
49456pair gain	�u��W�q;��u���
49457pair register	���Ȧs��
49458pair table	�����
49459pair test	�G�I����k
49460pair transistor	�������;���
49461pair-disparity code	���藍�����ʥN�X
49462pair-selected ternary	�����ܤT�i��	PST
49463paired cable	����q�l
49464paired comparisons	������
49465paired data	������
49466pairing	�t��;����
49467pairing function	�t����
49468pairwise independent events	���W�ߨƥ�
49469palette	�զ�
49470palette chart	�զ��
49471palindrome	�^��
49472pamphlet	�p�U�l
49473pan film	���⽦��
49474pan head screw	���Y���v
49475pan scrolling	���k�u��
49476panalty function	�@���
49477panchromatic	���⪺
49478panchromatic film	����n��
49479panel	���O;�e��;�̭�;���O;�w�˪O	PNL
49480panel data interface	�̭��ƾڤ���;���O�ƾڤ���	PDI
49481panel data set	�̭��ƾڶ�
49482panel definition program	�̭��w�q�{��
49483panel display	�̭����;���O��ܾ�	PD
49484panel editor	�O���s��{��
49485panel field	�O�����
49486panel group	�O����
49487panel interrupt mask off	���O���_�̽��M��
49488panel interrupt mask on	�m���O���_�̽�
49489panel monitor	�̭��ʱ���
49490panel number	�̭���
49491panel services	���O�A�ȵ{��
49492panic	���檺
49493panic button	�����s;������s
49494panic dump	�������x
49495panic dump routine	�������x(�Ҧ�)�{��
49496panic equipment	����]��
49497panic mode	����覡
49498panning	�ṳ����������;�n�����
49499pantograph	�Y�ϻ�;�Y�Ͼ�
49500pantograph optical projection system	�Y�ϥ��ǧ�v�t��;���Y���q��v�t��	POPS
49501paper advance	�i��;����	PA
49502paper advance mechanism	�i�Ⱦ��c
49503paper ball	���ȱ�
49504paper base	�ȱa�L�y
49505paper capacity	�@���L�i��
49506paper card	�ȥd
49507paper carrier	��ȸ˸m
49508paper cassette	�s�Ȳ�
49509paper change	����
49510paper change lever	�ί��ܧ��
49511paper core	�Ȩ��b��
49512paper curl	�Ȱ_�K��
49513paper deflector	�ɯȪO
49514paper delivery	�ȥX�f;�e��
49515paper document conveyor	�L���ƶǰe��
49516paper drawer	�ȧX
49517paper end stop	���|���ɶ�
49518paper extraction	���
49519paper feed	�e�Ⱦ���
49520paper feed aperture	�e�Ȥջ�
49521paper feed control	��ȱ���;�X�ȱ���
49522paper feed control electronics	��ȱ���q�l�q��;�X�ȱ���q�l�q��
49523paper feed fault sensing	��ȬG�٫���
49524paper feed fray	�e�Ȧ��[
49525paper feed gate	��Ȫ�
49526paper feed mechanism	��Ⱦ��c
49527paper feed motor	��Ȱ��F
49528paper feed ready	�ȷdzƴN��(���A)
49529paper feed rollers	�e������
49530paper feed speed	��ȳt��
49531paper feed unit	��ȳ���
49532paper form	����榡
49533paper guide	�ɯȾ��c
49534paper holder	���Ȥ�
49535paper holding roller	���Ⱥu��
49536paper injection/extractor	�ޯȩ�Ⱦ�
49537paper jam	����;����;�d��
49538paper jams	����
49539paper labor tickets	�p�u��
49540paper lift	�ȱi����
49541paper like document editing & management system	�����޲z�t��	PALET
49542paper loop	�ȱa��
49543paper low	�Ȥ���(�C�L����)
49544paper low indicator	(�C�L��)�Ȥ������ܲ�
49545paper perforator	�ȱa���վ�
49546paper phenol	���ǯ�
49547paper platform	���ȪO;���Ȭ[
49548paper registration	�ȹ��
49549paper release	�Q��
49550paper set lever	�ίȳ]�w��
49551paper shredder	�ȱi�P����
49552paper side guides	�ɯȰ��O
49553paper size	�ȱi�W��
49554paper skip	�ȱi�Ų�;����
49555paper slew	����; �ȱi�Ų�; �W��Z����; �]��
49556paper speed	�ȳt
49557paper stack	���|
49558paper support	���Ȼ\�O
49559paper support extension	���ȥ[���O
49560paper tape	�ȱa	P-TAPE,PT
49561paper tape accessory	�ȱa����	PTA
49562paper tape and transmission code	�ȱa�ζǿ�N�X	PTTC
49563paper tape channels	�ȱa�q�D
49564paper tape character	�ȱa�r��
49565paper tape code	�ȱa�N�X
49566paper tape coder	�ȱa�s�X��
49567paper tape control	�ȱa����	PTC
49568paper tape control symbol	�ȱa�����
49569paper tape copy	�ȱa�ƻs	PYCPY
49570paper tape data processing	�ȱa�ƾڳB�z
49571paper tape editor	�ȱa�s�边
49572paper tape equipment	�ȱa�]��
49573paper tape input device	�ȱa��J�]��
49574paper tape input/output system	�ȱa��J��X�t��	PTIOS
49575paper tape loop	�ȱa��
49576paper tape macro	�ȱa�������O
49577paper tape micro	�ȱa�L���O
49578paper tape output device	�ȱa��X�]��
49579paper tape parity	�ȱa�P�줸����
49580paper tape perforating typewriter	�ȱa���ե��r��
49581paper tape perforator	�ȱa���վ�	PTP
49582paper tape punch control	�ȱa���ձ���	PTPC
49583paper tape read	�ȱa��J	PRD
49584paper tape reader	�ȱa�\Ū��;�ȱa��J��	PTR;PR
49585paper tape reader control	�ȱa��J������	PTRC
49586paper tape reader control unit	�ȱa��J�����
49587paper tape rewind	�ȱa��¶	PRW
49588paper tape space	�ȱa���j	PSP
49589paper tape speed	�ȱa�t��
49590paper tape splicing equipment	�ȱa���Y�˸m	PTSE
49591paper tape sprocket	�ȱa���ɤ�
49592paper tape system	�ȱa�t��	PTS
49593paper tape to magnetic tape	�ȱa��ϱa�ഫ;�ȱa��ϱa(�ഫ)	P/T TO M/T
49594paper tape transcriber	�ȱa�����
49595paper tape transport	�ȱa�ǰe
49596paper tape type	�ȱa����
49597paper tape unit	�ȱa��
49598paper tape write	�ȱa�g(�R�O)	PRW
49599paper tape-oriented operating system	�ȱa�ɦV���ާ@�t��	PTOS
49600paper tape-to-magnetic tape conversion system	�ȱa��ϱa�ഫ�t��	PTS
49601paper thickness adjustment	�ȱa�p�׽վ�
49602paper thickness set knob	�ίȫp�׳]�w�s
49603paper throw	�ȱi�Ų�; �W��Z����; �]��
49604paper throw character	�]�Ȧr��
49605paper transport	���
49606paper transport mechanism	��Ⱦ��c
49607paper tray	�ȽL
49608paper-advance unit	�i�ȸ˸m
49609paper-insulated lead-covered cable	�ȵ��t�]�]�q�l	PILC
49610paper-low reset	�Ȥ����_�m
49611paper-out	�ȥΧ�
49612paper-out sensor	�ȥΧ��˴���
49613paper-out state	�ʯȪ��A
49614paper-supply section	�ѯȳ���
49615paper-tape code	�ȱa�X
49616paper-tape coil	�ȱa��
49617paper-tape operation	�ȱa�@�~
49618paper-tape punch	�ȱa���վ�;�ȱa���վ�
49619paper-tape reader	�ȱa�\Ū��
49620paperless entry processing	�L�ȿ��J�B�z	PEP
49621paperless item processing system	�L�ȶ��سB�z�t��	PIPS
49622paperless office	�L�ȿ줽(�޲z�k)
49623papertape	�ȱa
49624parabola	�ߪ��u
49625parabolic antenna	�ߪ��u�ѽu
49626parabolic approximation	�ߪ��u�G��k
49627parabolic differential equation	�ߪ��u���L����{
49628parabolic dish	�ߪ��W���Ϯg��
49629parabolic distribution	�ߪ��u����
49630parabolic interpolator	�ߪ��u���ɾ�
49631paraboloid	�ߪ���
49632paradox	����
49633paragraph	�q��;(�`)�q;�q;�`;�u�T	PAR
49634paragraph and line (number)	�q���M�渹	P/L
49635paragraph assembly	�q�ո�(�r�B�z);�`�ո�(�r�B�z)
49636paragraph format	�q�榡
49637paragraph header	�q�Y
49638paragraph indent	�q�����Y
49639paragraph key	�q��
49640paragraph label	�q�лx
49641paragraph mark	�q�лx
49642paragraph marker	�q���аO;�q�аO
49643paragraph name	�q�W
49644paragraph number	�q��
49645paragraph numbering	�q���s��
49646paragraph type	�q������
49647parallax	���t
49648parallax angle	���t��
49649parallax correction	���t�ե�
49650parallax effect	���t����
49651paralledl adder	�å[��
49652parallel	����; �æC	P
49653parallel access	����s��;����s��
49654parallel access multiple distribution	����s���h�}���t	PAMD
49655parallel access shift register	����s������Ȧs��
49656parallel accumulator	����֥[��
49657parallel action	����@��
49658parallel active tracking program	����D�ʸ��ܵ{��
49659parallel added	����[
49660parallel adder	�å[��;����[�k��
49661parallel addition	����[�k
49662parallel algorithm	�����k
49663parallel algorithm folding method	�����k���|��k
49664parallel allocation	������t
49665parallel and pipeline processing	����M�y���u�B�z
49666parallel architecture	���浲�c;������t���c
49667parallel architecture system	���浲�c�t��
49668parallel arithmetic	�����N;����B��
49669parallel arithmetic element	����B�ⳡ��
49670parallel arithmetic operation	�����N�B��
49671parallel arithmetic unit	����B�⾹
49672parallel array processor	����}�C�B�z��
49673parallel assignment algorithm	������t��k
49674parallel associative processor	������p�B�z��
49675parallel asynchronous computer	���沧�B�p���
49676parallel asynchronous computer architecture	���沧�B�p�����t���c
49677parallel backtracking	����^��
49678parallel binary accumulator	����G�i��֥[��
49679parallel binary adder	����G�i��[�k��
49680parallel binary computer	����G�i��p���
49681parallel bit transmission	�����ǰe
49682parallel block	������{��
49683parallel buffer	����w�ľ�
49684parallel bus	����׬y��
49685parallel by bit	�쥭��	PBB
49686parallel by byte	�r�`����
49687parallel by character	�r�ť���	PBC
49688parallel C language	����C�y��
49689parallel card reader	����Ū�d��;����d����J��
49690parallel cascade action	���p��Űʧ@
49691parallel cellular chain	����椸��
49692parallel cellular inverted list	����椸�˱ƪ�
49693parallel cellular organization	����椸���c
49694parallel channel	����q�D
49695parallel chord method	���橶�k
49696parallel circuit	����q��
49697parallel combination	����զX
49698parallel combinational circuit	����զX�q��
49699parallel command	����R�O
49700parallel communication interface	����q�H
49701parallel communication link	����q�H���	PCL
49702parallel communications link receiver	����q�H���������	PCLR
49703parallel communications link transmitter	����q�H����o�e��	PCLT
49704parallel compensation	���p���v
49705parallel computation	����p��
49706parallel computation approach	����p��k
49707parallel computation environment	����p������
49708parallel computation technique	����p��k
49709parallel computer	�æC�p���;����p���
49710parallel computer architecture	����p�����t���c
49711parallel computer hardware	����p����w��
49712parallel computer performace	����p����ʯ�
49713parallel computer simulator	����p�����u��;����p��������{��	PACS
49714parallel computer software	����p����n��
49715parallel computing	����p��
49716parallel connection	���p;���p�s��
49717parallel construction	���浲�c
49718parallel conversion	�����ഫ
49719parallel counter	����p�ƾ�
49720parallel data adapter	����ƾھA�t��	PDA
49721parallel data communicator	����ƾڳq�H��	PDC
49722parallel data controller	����ƾڱ��	PDC
49723parallel data driven processor	����ƾ��X�ʳB�z��
49724parallel data form	����ƾڧΦ�
49725parallel data medium	����ƾڴC��
49726parallel data processing	����ƾڳB�z
49727parallel data structure	����ƾڵ��c
49728parallel data transmission	�æ��ƶǿ�;����ƾڶǿ�
49729parallel decimal adder	����Q�i��[�k��
49730parallel detection	�����˴�
49731parallel diagnosis	����E�_
49732parallel digital computer	����Ʀ�p���
49733parallel digital computing system	����Ʀ�p��t��	PDCS
49734parallel digital input/output	����Ʀ��J��X	PDCS
49735parallel distribution processing system	����������B�z�t��
49736parallel edge	������
49737parallel element processing ensemble	���椸���B�z��ʨt��	PEPE
49738parallel entry	����J�f
49739parallel executable statement	�������ԭz
49740parallel execution	�������
49741parallel execution of plans	�W�����������
49742parallel extended routes	�����X�R���|
49743parallel fault simulation	����G�ټ���
49744parallel feed	�����X�q
49745parallel feedback	����^�X
49746parallel file	�æC��
49747parallel filling process	�����R�L�{
49748parallel flow	����y�{;����y
49749parallel fold	������|
49750parallel FORTRAN	����FORTRAN�y��	PFOR
49751parallel full adder	������[��
49752parallel full subtracter	������
49753parallel gap welding	���涡�زk��
49754parallel grammar	�����k
49755parallel half adder	����b�[��
49756parallel half subtracter	����b�
49757parallel half-subtracter	�æC�b�
49758parallel hash algorithm	���������k
49759parallel hash hardware	��������w��
49760parallel head disc	������Y�Ϻ�	PHD
49761parallel high-speed algorithm	���t�����k
49762parallel identification and control	�����ѧO�M����
49763parallel image correlation	����϶H����(��)
49764parallel image processing	����϶H�B�z
49765parallel in	�����J
49766parallel inference computer	������z�p���
49767parallel inference machine	������z��	PIM
49768parallel inference system	������z�t��
49769parallel input	�����J
49770parallel input mode	�����J�覡
49771parallel input serial output	�����J����X	PISO
49772parallel input/output	�����J��X	PIO
49773parallel input/output card	�����J��X�d
49774parallel input/output unit	�����J��X�˸m	PIOU
49775parallel insertion	���洡�J
49776parallel instruction control unit	������O���	PICU
49777parallel instruction execution	������O����
49778parallel instruction queue	������O��C	PIQ
49779parallel interface	���椶��
49780parallel interface adaptor	�æC�����d	PIA
49781parallel interface element	���椶������;���椶������	PIE
49782parallel interface extender	���椶���X�i��	PIX
49783parallel interface extender line module	���椶���X�i���u���Ҳ�
49784parallel interface extender network	���椶���X�i������	PIXNET
49785parallel interface machine	������ɾ�	PIM
49786parallel knowledge base machine	���檾�Ѯw����
49787parallel language	����y��(�Ω�϶H�M�y���B�z)
49788parallel line	����u(��)
49789parallel link	�������
49790parallel logic	�����޿�
49791parallel logic word	�����޿�r
49792parallel machine	�æC����;�����
49793parallel machine processing	������B�z
49794parallel mark	����лx
49795parallel memory	�����x�s��
49796parallel memory access	�����x�s���s��
49797parallel memory address counter	�����x�s����}�p�ƾ�	PMAC
49798parallel memory operation	�æC�O�Ч@�~
49799parallel memory unit	�����x�s��
49800parallel memory-memory bus	����O����-�O����׬y��	PMMB
49801parallel merge	����X��
49802parallel merge algorithm	����X�ֺ�k
49803parallel micromodule	����L�Ҳ�
49804parallel mode	����Ҧ�;����覡
49805parallel multiple incremental computer	����h���W�q�p���;����h���W�q�p���	PMIC
49806parallel multiplication	���歼�k
49807parallel multiplier	���歼�k��
49808parallel multisection method	����h�q��k
49809parallel n-bit adder	����n-��[�k��
49810parallel operating testing	����ާ@����
49811parallel operation	�æC�@�~;�æC�B��;�æ�@�~;����ާ@;����B��
49812parallel optical computer	������ǭp���	POC
49813parallel output	�����X
49814parallel output platform	�����X���x	POP
49815parallel parsing	����y�k���R
49816parallel parsing algorithm	����y�k���R��k
49817parallel parsing method	����y�k���R�k
49818parallel partitioning	���湺��
49819parallel PASCAL	����PASCAL�y��
49820parallel path counter	����q���p�ƾ�	PPC
49821parallel pattern processor	����Ҧ��B�z��	PPP
49822parallel penalty automaton	����@���۰ʾ�
49823parallel plate domain structure	����O����c	PPD
49824parallel port	�æC��;����ݤf
49825parallel print	����C�L	PP
49826parallel printing	����C�L
49827parallel procedure structure	����L�{���c
49828parallel process	����B�z;����L�{
49829parallel processable task	�i����B�z����
49830parallel processing	�æC�B�z;����B�z	PP
49831parallel processing automata	����B�z�۰ʾ�	PPA
49832parallel processing computer	����B�z�p���
49833parallel processing element	����B�z�椸
49834parallel processing in computer communication	�p����q�H��������B�z
49835parallel processing limitation	����B�z����
49836parallel processing multiplier	����B�z���k��
49837parallel processing of serial image	���϶H����B�z
49838parallel processor	����B�z��	PP
49839parallel processor application software	����B�z�����γn��
49840parallel processor architecture	����B�z����t���c
49841parallel processor control unit	����B�z������˸m
49842parallel processor operating system	����B�z���ާ@�t��
49843parallel processor software	����B�z���n��
49844parallel program	����{��
49845parallel program model	����{���ҫ�
49846parallel programming	����W�e
49847parallel programming in logic	�����޿�{���]�p	PARLOG
49848parallel programming language	����{���]�p�y��
49849parallel Prolog	����Prolog�y��
49850parallel record	����O��
49851parallel redundancy	���椾�l��
49852parallel register	����Ȧs��
49853parallel representation	�æC��ܪk
49854parallel research memory	����j���O����
49855parallel resonance	���p�Ӯ�
49856parallel rewriting	���歫�g
49857parallel ring register	�������μȦs��
49858parallel run	����B��
49859parallel run test	����B�����
49860parallel running	����B��;����B��
49861parallel scheduling	����ի�
49862parallel scheduling algorithm	����ի׺�k
49863parallel search	����d��
49864parallel search memory	����d��O����
49865parallel search type memory	�����˯����O����
49866parallel sequential computer	����ɧǭp���
49867parallel sessions	������(��)
49868parallel shift	���沾��
49869parallel shift register	���沾��Ȧs��
49870parallel simulation	�������
49871parallel sorting	����Ƨ�;�������
49872parallel storage	�����x�s(��);�����x�s
49873parallel sub-channel	����l�q�D
49874parallel symbol	����Ÿ�
49875parallel synchronous computer	����P�B�p���
49876parallel system	����t��
49877parallel task spawning	����@�Ȭ���
49878parallel terminal	����׺�(�]��)
49879parallel termination	���p�ݱ�;���p�ױ�
49880parallel transfer	�����ಾ;����ǰe
49881parallel transmission	����ǿ�;�æ�ǿ�
49882parallel transmission unit	����ǿ�]��
49883parallel vector operation	����V�q�B��
49884parallel word recognizer	����r�ѧO��;����r�ѧO�{��
49885parallel work-flow	����u�@�y�{;����u�@�y
49886parallel-access-parallel-distribution	����s��������t	PASD
49887parallel-association processor	������p�B�z��
49888parallel-by-bit	�Ƥ�����;�쥭��
49889parallel-by-character	�r������;�r�ť���
49890parallel-clause	����l�y
49891parallel-conversion	�����ഫ
49892parallel-plate package	����O�]
49893parallel-search memory	�ôM�O��(��)
49894parallel-search storage	�ôM�x�s(��);����d���x�s��
49895parallel-serial	��p;����-���
49896parallel-serial conversion	�æ��ഫ;����-����ഫ
49897parallel-serial converter	�æ�@���p�ഫ��
49898parallel-serial register	����-���Ȧs��
49899parallel-serial-converter	����-����ഫ��
49900parallel-structured computer	���浲�c�p���
49901parallel-tangent method	������u(�k)
49902parallel-to-serial converter	��������ഫ��
49903parallel/serial	������	P/S
49904parallelism	�����
49905parallelism of multiprocessing	�h���B�z�����
49906paramagnetic material	���ϩʧ���
49907paramagnetism	���ϩ�
49908parameter	�Ѽ�;�Ѷ�;�Ѷq;��(��)�q;��(��)��	PAR;PARAM
49909parameter adaptive	�ѼƦ۾A��
49910parameter allocation	�ѼƤ��t
49911parameter association	�ѼƵ��X; �Ѽ����p
49912parameter attribute	�Ѽ��ݩ�
49913parameter block	�Ѽƶ�
49914parameter buffer address	�Ѽƽw�İϦ�}
49915parameter checkout	�Ѽ��ˬd	PC
49916parameter declaration	�Ѽƻ���
49917parameter delimiter	�ѼƤ��ɲ�
49918parameter descriptor	�Ѽƴy�z��;�Ѽƻ�����
49919parameter descriptor list	�Ѽƴy�z�Ū�;�Ѽƻ����Ū�
49920parameter entry card	�Ѽƿ�J�d
49921parameter estimation	�ѼƦ��p
49922parameter group	�ѼƲ�
49923parameter identification	�ѼƼ���
49924parameter instruction	�Ѽƫ��O
49925parameter language	�Ѽƻy��
49926parameter length	�Ѽƪ���
49927parameter library	�ѼƮw
49928parameter list	�Ѽƪ�
49929parameter list syntax	�Ѽƪ�y�k
49930parameter measurement	�Ѽƴ��q
49931parameter mode	�ѼƤ覡
49932parameter mode display	�ѼƤ覡���
49933parameter name	�ѼƦW
49934parameter of a work-load	�u�@�t���Ѽ�
49935parameter of an analytic model	���R�ҫ��Ѽ�
49936parameter of library procedure	�w�L�{�Ѽ�
49937parameter of subroutine	�l�{�ǰѼ�
49938parameter optimization	�Ѽ��u��
49939parameter oscillation	�ѼƮ���
49940parameter packet	�ѼưT���];�Ѽƥ]
49941parameter passing	�Ѽƶǻ�
49942parameter passing mechanism	�Ѽƶǻ�����
49943parameter passing rule	�Ѽƶǻ��W�h
49944parameter passing technique	�Ѽƶǻ��޳N
49945parameter position	�ѼƦ�m
49946parameter potentiometer	�Ѽƹq��p
49947parameter receive block	�ѼƱ�����
49948parameter segment	�ѼƬq
49949parameter segment descriptor	�ѼƬq�y�z��
49950parameter segment descriptor register	�ѼƬq�y�z�żȦs��
49951parameter segment register	�ѼƬq�Ȧs��
49952parameter selection mechanism	�Ѽƿ�ܾ���
49953parameter send block	�ѼƵo�e��
49954parameter set	�Ѽƶ�
49955parameter setting instruction (order)	�ѼƳ]�m���O
49956parameter specification	�Ѽƻ���
49957parameter specifier	�Ѽƻ�����
49958parameter stack	�Ѽư��|
49959parameter stack segment	�Ѽư��|�q
49960parameter stack segment discriptor	�Ѽư��|�q�y�z��
49961parameter storage	�Ѽ��x�s��
49962parameter string	�ѼƦ�
49963parameter substitution	�Ѽƴ���
49964parameter table	�Ѽƪ�
49965parameter testing	�Ѽƴ���
49966parameter tracking identification	�ѼƸ��ܼ���
49967parameter values	�Ѽƭ�
49968parameter variation	�Ѽ��ܲ�;�Ѽ��ܧ�
49969parameter word	�ѼƦ�
49970parameter-attribute list	�Ѽ��ݩʪ�
49971parameter-calculation procedure	�Ѽƭp��L�{
49972parameter-definition	�ѼƩw�q
49973parameter-dependent operator	�ѼƬ�����l
49974parameter/variable table	�Ѽ��ܼƪ�	PVT
49975parameterization	�ѼƤ�
49976parameterized application package	�ѼƤ����ε{�ǥ]
49977parameterized module	�ѼƤƼҲ�
49978parameterized programming	�ѼƤƵ{���]�p
49979parameterless entry	�L�ѤJ�f
49980parameterless module	�L�ѼҲ�
49981parameterless procedure	�L�ѹL�{
49982parameterless task	�L�ѥ���
49983parameters	�Ѽ�
49984parameters bounds and length	�L�Ѭɭ��P����
49985parameters length	�L�Ѫ���
49986parameters sorting	�L�ѱƧ�
49987parametric amplifier	�ѼƩ�j��;�Ѷq��j��	PA;PARAMP
49988parametric amplifier system	�Ѷq��j���t��	PAS
49989parametric and non-parametric classification	�ѼƤ����k�M�D�ѼƤ����k
49990parametric classification	�ѼƤ���(�k)
49991parametric command	�ѼƩR�O
49992parametric communication	�ѼƳq�H
49993parametric curve	�ѼƦ��u
49994parametric description	�Ѽƴy�z
49995parametric descriptor	�Ѽƴy�z��
49996parametric diode	�Ѷq�G����
49997parametric fault	�ѼƬG��
49998parametric ferrite amplifier	�Ѽ��K�����j��;�K����Ѷq��j��	PFA
49999parametric job model	�ѼƧ@�~�ҫ�
50000parametric linear programming	�Ѽƽu�ʳW��
50001parametric oscillator	�Ѷq������
50002parametric procedure	�ѼƹL�{
50003parametric programming	�ѼƳW��
50004parametric representation	�Ѽƪ��(�k)
50005parametric stabilization channel	��ѳq�D;��ѳq�D
50006parametric subroutine	�ѼƤl�{��
50007parametric synthesis	�ѼƦX��	PARASYN
50008parametric type	�Ѽƫ�
50009parametric user	�ѼƥΤ�
50010parametric variable	�Ѽ��ܼ�
50011parametric variation channel	�ܰѳq�D;�ܰѳq�D
50012parametron	�ܧܺ�;�ܰѤ���;���ܺ�
50013paramodulant	�ոѦ�
50014paramodulation	�ո�(�k)
50015paraphase amplifier	�ˬ۩�j��
50016parasitic capacitance	�H�͹q�e
50017parasitic component	�H�ͤ���
50018parasitic current	�H�͹q�y
50019parasitic diode	�H�ͤG����
50020parasitic effect	�H�ͮ���
50021parasitic emission	�H�͵o�g
50022parasitic noise	�H�;���
50023parasitic oscillation	�H�ͮ���
50024parasitic parameter	�H�ͰѼ�
50025parasitic signal	�H�ͫH��
50026parasitic solution	�H�͸�
50027parasitic transistor	�H�ʹ����
50028parent	��/��;��;�˶�;(��)��;���N
50029parent collection	������
50030parent directory	�˶��ؿ�;���N�ؿ�;���ؿ�
50031parent element	���餸��
50032parent environment	���N����;������
50033parent group	���s��
50034parent ion	�����l
50035parent item number	�˶����X
50036parent nodes	���N�`�I
50037parent of node	�`�I�����N
50038parent page	��(�N)����
50039parent population	����
50040parent process	���B�z
50041parent request	�l���n�D
50042parent resource	���N�귽
50043parent segment	��(�N)�q
50044parent-child relationship	���l���Y
50045parent-child set	��-�l���X
50046parent-to-child mapping	��-�l�M�H;��-�l�ܴ�
50047parentheses	�A��
50048parentheses nesting	�A���O�M
50049parenthesis	�A��;�A��
50050parenthesis grammar	�A���y�k
50051parenthesis language	�A���y��
50052parenthesis-free notation	�K�A���O�k;�L�A����ܪk
50053parenthesisfree notation	�L�A���O�k
50054parenthesized expression	�a�A����F��
50055parial-parallel converter	���p�@�æ��ഫ��
50056parity	�P��;�t��;�P�줸;�_����	PAR;P;PTY
50057parity bit	�P��줸; �t���Ƥ�; �_�������	P
50058parity character	�_���r��
50059parity check	�P���ˬd;�P��ֹ�;�t���ֹ�;�P��ֹ�;�P�줸����;�_������	PAR;PC
50060parity check bit	�_������줸
50061parity check circuit	�_������q��
50062parity check code	�_������X
50063parity check equation	�_�������{
50064parity check matrix	�t���ֹ�x�};�_������x�}
50065parity check system	�_������t��
50066parity checking	�_������
50067parity code	�t���X;�_������X
50068parity count character	�_���p�Ʋ�
50069parity digit	�_���Ʀ�
50070parity error	�t���~�t;�_����;�P�줸�տ�	PE
50071parity error module	�_�����Ҳ�
50072parity errors	�t�����~
50073parity flag	�t���X��;�_���лx
50074parity generator	�_����ͦ���;�_����o�;�	PG
50075parity generator-checker	�_���o��-����q��
50076parity interrupt	�_�����礤�_
50077parity line circuit	�_������u�q��
50078parity odd	�_����;�_�P�줸	PO
50079parity state	�_�����窬�A
50080parity track	�_������D
50081parking's systems simulation model	�����t�μ����ҫ�	PSSM
50082parling process	���R�L�{
50083parse	��R;(�y�k)���R
50084parse list	���R��
50085parse of sentential form	�y�����R
50086parse tree	���R��
50087parser	�y�k�ѪR�{��;�ѪR��;(�y�k)���R�{��
50088parser generator	���R�{�ǥͦ���;���R�{�ǥͦ��{��
50089parser of language programs	�y���{�����y�k���R��;�y���{�����y�k���R�{��
50090parser optimization	���R�{���u��
50091parser symbol	��R�Ÿ�
50092parser table	���R�{�Ǫ�
50093parsing	�y�k��R;��R;�y�k�ѪR;(�y�k)���R
50094parsing phase	���R���q
50095parsing problem	���R���D
50096parsing program	���R�{��
50097parsing sentence	���R�y�l
50098parsing stack	��R���|��
50099part	�s��;����
50100part and components manual	�s��M�����U	PCM
50101part failure rate	�����IJv;����G�ٲv;����G�ٲv	PFR
50102part list	�s���
50103part program	�s���[�u�{��
50104part switching characteristics	(�Ϥߪ�)����½��S��
50105part-electronic switching system	�b�q�l�洫�t��
50106part-operation	�ާ@�X����
50107part-period balancing	����-�����l�B�k;���������l�B�k	PPB
50108part-period balancing-current cost	���������l�B�k-��������
50109part-period balancing-standard cost	���������l�B�k-�зǦ���
50110partan method	������u(�k)
50111partial arithmetic	������N
50112partial automatic translation technique	�b�۰�½Ķ�޳N	PATT
50113partial carry	�����i��
50114partial computability	�����p���
50115partial correctness	�������T��
50116partial correctness proof	�������T���ҩ�
50117partial decision procedure	�����M���L�{
50118partial dependency	�����̿�
50119partial derivation	��������;��������
50120partial derivative	���ɼ�;���L��
50121partial dial tone	����������
50122partial dichotomy	���G����
50123partial differential	���L��
50124partial differential equation	���L����{
50125partial directed set	�������V��
50126partial directory	�����ؿ�
50127partial disturbed one-output signal	�b��z�Z"1"��X�H��
50128partial disturbed zero-output signal	�b��z�Z"0"��X�H��
50129partial double error detecting	������������	PDED
50130partial drive pulse	�����X�ʯߪi;(�Ϥ��x�s��)�b��߽�
50131partial dump	�������x
50132partial emulation	������u
50133partial expansion	�����i�}
50134partial failure	��������
50135partial fault-tolerance	�����e��
50136partial fractions	��������;��������
50137partial full-duplex	���������u
50138partial function	�������
50139partial graph	������
50140partial group	�����s
50141partial integration	���n��
50142partial interpretation	��������
50143partial key lookup	������d�M
50144partial match pattern	�����ǰt�Ҧ�
50145partial match retrieval	�����ǰt�˯�
50146partial model	�����ҫ�
50147partial multiple	�����Ʊ�
50148partial network control center	�������������	PNCC
50149partial ordering	����
50150partial parameterization	�����ѼƤ�
50151partial path name	�����ɮ|�W��;�������|�W��
50152partial phrase	�����u�y
50153partial pivot	�����D����
50154partial pivoting	������D��(�k)
50155partial processing automata	����B�z�۰ʾ�	PPA
50156partial product	����(��)�n
50157partial product array	�����n�Ʋ�	PPA
50158partial product word	�����n�r
50159partial program	�����{��(�l�{��,������{��)
50160partial program specification	�����{���W�满����
50161partial read pulse	�����\Ū�ߪi;�bŪ�߽�
50162partial recognition	�������ѧO
50163partial recursive function	�������k���
50164partial response	�����^��
50165partial response code	�����^���s�X
50166partial select output	�b���X
50167partial selected cell	�b��椸
50168partial ship code	�����X�f�X
50169partial ship notes	�����X�f�Ƨѿ�
50170partial shipment	�����X�f
50171partial solution	������
50172partial solvability	�����i�ѩ�
50173partial substitution	��������
50174partial sum	�����M
50175partial sum register	�����M�Ȧs��
50176partial switching	����½��
50177partial syntax tree	�����y�k��
50178partial system failure	�����t�άG��
50179partial system test	�����t���
50180partial tree	������
50181partial undisturbed one output signal	�b�藍���z�Z"1"��X�H��
50182partial undisturbed zero output signal	�b�藍���z�Z"0"��X�H��
50183partial word	�����r
50184partial write pulse	�����Ѽg�ߪi;�b��g�߽�
50185partial-enumeration method	�����C�|�k
50186partial-fraction expansion	���������i�}��
50187partial-function semantics	�����\��y�q��
50188partial-match query	�����ǰt�߰�
50189partial-one output signal	����1��X�H��
50190partial-select input pulse	������J�ߪi;�b���X�߽�
50191partial-select output pulse	������X�ߪi
50192partial-sum gate	�����M�h;����
50193partial-write operation	�b�g�ާ@
50194partial-zero output signal	����0��X�H��
50195partial/complete code	����/�����X
50196partially coherent optical processor	�����ۤz���B�z��
50197partially completed tree	����������
50198partially computable	�����i�p��
50199partially computable function	�����i�p����
50200partially constructed syntax tree	�����c�y�y�k��
50201partially filled transition matrix	��J�����������ಾ�x�}
50202partially inverted file	�����˱Ƥ��
50203partially occupied band	�����a
50204partially ordered set	���Ƕ�
50205partially ordered space	���ǪŶ�
50206partially ordered task	�b�ǥ���
50207partially self-checking	��������
50208partially self-checking circuit	�������˹q��
50209partially switched cell	����½��椸
50210partially symmetric function	����٨��
50211partially-qualified name	�������w�W
50212particle	�ɤl;���I
50213particle and force (computing) method	���I�M�O�p��k	PAE
50214particle in cell method	���(����)���I�k
50215particle method	�ɤl�k;���I�k
50216particle orientation	�ɤl���V
50217particular case	�S��
50218particular program	�S�w�{��
50219particular proposition	�S�٩R�D
50220particular solution	�S��
50221partition	����;����;�϶�;���Φ�;���ΰ�;���z��;����;����
50222partition activity monitor	���Ϭ��ʺʷ��{��
50223partition allocation method	���Ϥ����k
50224partition balancing	���ϥ���
50225partition communication region	���ϳq�H��
50226partition control descriptor	���ϱ���y�z��;���ϱ���y�z��	PCD
50227partition control table	���ϱ����	PCT
50228partition data set	���θ�ƶ�
50229partition data set compression	���ϼƾڶ����Y(�{��)	PDSC
50230partition load	���ϸˤJ(�Ҳ�)
50231partition map	���Ϲ�
50232partition network	���Ϻ���
50233partition number	���Ͻs��
50234partition of automaton	�۰ʾ�����
50235partition of sets	���X������
50236partition page queue element	���ϭ�����C�椸	PPQE
50237partition parameter	���j�ϰѼ�
50238partition priority system	�����u���ű���t��	PPS
50239partition programs	�����{��
50240partition queue area	���Ϧ�C��
50241partition queue element	���Ϧ�C����	PQE
50242partition running	���ϹB��
50243partition save area	���ϫO�d��
50244partition sequential access method	���ϫ��Ǧs���k	PSAM
50245partition sequential file	���϶��Ǥ��
50246partition specification table	���ϻ�����	PST
50247partition user	���ϥΤ�
50248partition-exchange sort	�����洫����
50249partitional access method	���Ϧs���k	PAM
50250partitioned	���q��
50251partitioned allocation	���ΰt�m
50252partitioned content addressable memory	���Ϥ��e�M�}�O����	PCAM
50253partitioned data base	���ϼƾڮw
50254partitioned data organization	���ϼƾڵ��c
50255partitioned data set	���ϼƾڶ�	PDS
50256partitioned data set management system	���ϼƾڶ��޲z�t��	PDSMAN
50257partitioned emulation program(ming)	���ϥ�u�{��(�]�p)	PEP
50258partitioned emulation programming extension	���ϥ�u�{���]�p�X�R
50259partitioned file	������;���Ϥ��
50260partitioned file access	���Ϥ��s��
50261partitioned list	���Ϫ�
50262partitioned logic	�����޿�
50263partitioned memory	���ϰO����
50264partitioned mode	���ϹB���k
50265partitioned segmentation	���Ϧ����q
50266partitioned semantic network	���ϻy�q��
50267partitioned sequential file	���Ϧ����Ǥ��
50268partitioned specification table	���ϻ�����(�����)	PST
50269partitioned-memory	���ΰO��;���Φ��O��
50270partitioning	����;����
50271partitioning algorithm	���Ϻ�k
50272partitioning problem	�������D
50273partitioning strategies	���ϵ���
50274partitions assignment algorithm	�������t��k
50275parts catalog	�s��ؿ�;�s(��)��ؿ�	PC
50276parts data processing system	�s���ƳB�z�t��;����ƾڳB�z�t��	PDPS
50277parts early warning system	�ƥ�w�i�t��	PEWS
50278parts list	�s���
50279parts number	����;�s��	PN;P/N
50280parts reliability improvement routine	����i�a�ʴ���(�Ҧ�)�{��	PRIR
50281parts surface	(�s)�����	PS
50282parts usage maintenance program	�s��ϥκ��@�{��	PUMP
50283parts-on-demand facility	���ݨ����s�t��]�I
50284party bit	�ﵥ�줸
50285party line	�X�νu(�q��);�P�u(�q��)	PL
50286party-line adapter board	�X�νu���A�t���O	PLAB
50287party-line bus	�P�u�׬y
50288party-line bus driver	�P�u�׬y���X�ʾ�
50289party-line circuit	�X�νu�q��;�P�u�q��
50290party-line driver	�P�u�X�ʾ�
50291party-line service	�P�u�~��
50292PASCAL	���q�d(�y��);�q���y��;PASCAL�y��
50293PASCAL analyser	PASCAL���R�{��
50294PASCAL compiler	PASCAL�sĶ�{��
50295PASCAL data type	PASCAL�ƾ�����
50296PASCAL evaluation	PASCAL����
50297PASCAL function	PASCAL�y���\��
50298PASCAL preprocessor	PASCAL�w�B�z�{��
50299PASCAL procedure	PASCAL�y���{��
50300PASCAL-like language	��PASCAL�y��
50301pass	���q;�ǻ�;�q�L;�q;�ǰe;�M(��)
50302pass algorithm	�ǰe��k
50303pass by name	���W�ǰe
50304pass by value	���ȶǰe
50305pass counter	(���y)�M�ƭp�ƾ�
50306pass one of the assembler	�զX�{�Ǫ��Ĥ@�M���y
50307pass parameter	�ǻ��Ѽ�
50308pass two of the assembler	�զX�{�Ǫ��ĤG�M���y
50309pass-along	����
50310pass-along method	�����覡
50311pass-through	�q�L
50312passage	�q�L;�q�D	PSG
50313passband channel	�q�a�q�D
50314passed data set	�汵�ƾڶ�
50315passenger acceptance and load control	���ȭq���{�i�M�t������
50316passenger airline reservation system	���ȭ������w�q�t��;��Ť��q���ȭq���t��	PARS
50317passenger name list	���ȦW��	PNL
50318passenger name record	���ȦW�O��;�ȫȩm�W�O��	PNR
50319passim	��B
50320passimeter	�۰ʰⲼ��;�B�ƾ�
50321passing	�X�檺;�q�檺
50322passivation	�w��(�@��)
50323passivation planar transistor	�w�ƥ��������
50324passive	�Q�ʤ���;�L��;�Q��;����
50325passive branching	�L������
50326passive broadcast channel	�L���s���q�D
50327passive broadcast medium	�L���s���C��
50328passive bubble generator	�L���Ϫw���;�
50329passive bus	�L���׬y��
50330passive circuit	�L���q��
50331passive component	�L������
50332passive component array	�L������}�C
50333passive data memory unit	�L���ƾڰO����	PDMU
50334passive element	�L������
50335passive fault-detection	�L���G���˴�
50336passive feedback control	�q�ʦ^�X����
50337passive graphics	�Q�ʫ���Ͼ�(�D�椬��)
50338passive hub	�D�W�j�౵��
50339passive hybrids	�L���V�X�L�q��
50340passive infrared guidance systems	�L�����~��ɨt��	PIGS
50341passive infrared night equipment	�L�����~�]���]��	PINE
50342passive line monitor	�L���u���ʵ���	PLM
50343passive micro electronic element	�L���L�q�l����;�L���L�q�l����	PME
50344passive mode	�Q�ʤ覡(�D�椬��)
50345passive network	�L������
50346passive search list	�Q�ʦ��M���
50347passive side	�Q�ʤ�
50348passive station	�Q�ʯ�;�q��
50349passive transducer	�L���ǷP��
50350passive type	�Q������
50351passthru	�z�q
50352password	�q��X; �K�X; �t�X; �f�O( �r ); �q��r; �O�K�r	PW
50353password card	�f�O�d
50354password entry	�q��X�n��
50355password file maintenance	�f�O�����@
50356password information option	�f�O�H���ﶵ
50357password protected load module file	���f�O�O�@�ˤJ�Ҳդ��
50358password protection	�K�X�O�@;�w���K�X;�f�O(�r)�O�@
50359password requestor	�f�O�ШD�{��
50360password security	�f�O�O�K��
50361password setup	�q��X�]�m
50362password strike-over mask	�f�O�����̽�
50363password system	�f�O�t��
50364passwords	�K�X
50365past due load	�O���t��
50366past due mode	�O���ҺA
50367paste	�K��;�ɶK;�k;��;�I
50368paste area	�K�ɰ�
50369paste box	�K�ɮ�
50370paste buffer	�K�ɽw�İ�
50371pasteboard	�ɶK�O
50372patch	�׸�;�O��;���u;�{���׸�;�ɤ�;�׸ɵ{��
50373patch area	�׸ɰ�
50374patch bay	�t�u�j��;���u�j��
50375patch board	���u�L;���u�O;�t�q�L
50376patch board control panel	���u�O����O
50377patch cable	����q�l
50378patch cord	�����u;���u÷;�ի׶�÷;���~��÷
50379patch level	�O�ɵ���
50380patch output converter	�׸ɿ�X�ഫ�{��	POC
50381patch panel	�������O;���u���O;�����O;�t�q�O;�t�u�O
50382patch plug	���Y
50383patch routine	�׸ɨ�(��)�{(��)
50384patch-program plugboard	�׸ɵ{�����Y�O;�ܵ{�O
50385patchboard	���u�O
50386patchcord	���u
50387patching	�׸�
50388patching a deck	�׸ɥd����
50389patching board	���u�O
50390patchplug	���Y
50391patent	�M�Q(�v);�M�Q��	PAT
50392patent information retrieval system	�M�Q�����˯��t��
50393patent office classification system	����M�Q�������k	POCS
50394patent office library	�M�Q���μƾڮw	POL
50395patent protection	�M�Q�O�@
50396path	���|; �ɮ|; �q��; ���u; �y�D; ���{; ����( �u�� )
50397path addition algorithm	���|�ۥ[��k
50398path analysis	���|���R
50399path call	���|�I�s
50400path choice	�q�����
50401path compression	���{���Y
50402path control	�q������
50403path control layer	�q������h
50404path control network	�q�������
50405path control(ler)	�q������(��)	PC
50406path controller	�q�����	PC
50407path cost	���|����
50408path dependency	�q������
50409path difference	���|�t;�{�t
50410path expression	�q����F��
50411path finding	���|�M��
50412path generation	���|����
50413path generation method	���|�ͦ��k;���|���ͤ�k	PGM
50414path independent protocol	���|�W�߳W��	PIP
50415path information unit	�q���H�����;�q���H���椸	PIU
50416path length	���|����
50417path loss	���|�l��
50418path name	�ɮ|�W��;���|�W��;�q���W�r
50419path name block	���|�W�r��
50420path number matrix	�q���s���x�}	PNM
50421path representation	���|���
50422path rule	���|�W�h
50423path selector	���|��ܾ�;�q�D��ܾ�
50424path sensitization	���|�Ӥ�
50425path sensitizing test	���|�Ӥƴ���
50426path sensitizing test generation	���|�Ӥƴ��ղ��ͪk
50427path testing	���|����
50428path way	�q�D
50429path-down	�V�U���|
50430path-loading	���|���J
50431path-oriented testing	���|�ɦV����
50432path-up	�V�W���|
50433pathname	���|�W��
50434patient care system	�f�w���@�t��;�f�H���@�t��	PCS
50435patient medical information system	�f�H������T�t��	PMIS
50436pattern	�ϫ�;�ϼ�;����;�Ҧ�;�Ϯ�;����	PAT;PATN
50437pattern adaptive writing	�Ҧ��۾A���g�J
50438pattern analysis language	�Ҧ����R�y��
50439pattern articulating device	�Ҧ��o���]��
50440pattern articulation unit	�Ҧ��o���]��;�Ҧ��o������	PAU
50441pattern character	�ϧΦr��
50442pattern classification	�Ҧ�����
50443pattern classifier	�Ҧ�������
50444pattern command	���˩R�O
50445pattern correspondence index	�Ҧ��۲ū���(�i�z�ѩʶq��)	PCI
50446pattern description	�Ҧ��y�z
50447pattern description language	�Ҧ��y�z�y��	PADEL
50448pattern detection	�Ҧ��˴�;�ϧ��˴�
50449pattern device	�Ҧ��]��
50450pattern discrimination	�Ҧ��P�O
50451pattern displacement	�Ҧ�����;���]�첾
50452pattern driven	�Ҧ��X��
50453pattern driven subroutine	�Ҧ��X�ʤl�{��
50454pattern enumeration	�Ҧ��C�|
50455pattern error analysis	�Ҧ��~�t���R	PEA
50456pattern evaluation	�Ҧ�����
50457pattern finding program	�Ҧ��d��{��
50458pattern generator	���չϧεo�;�;���իH���o�;�;�Ҧ��ͦ��{��	PAT GEN
50459pattern handling statement	�Ҧ��B�z�ԭz
50460pattern identification	�Ҧ�����
50461pattern information processing	�Ҧ��H���B�z
50462pattern information processing system	�Ҧ��H���B�z�t��	PIPS
50463pattern information retrieval system	�Ҧ��H���˯��t��	PIRS
50464pattern input language	�Ҧ���J�y��
50465pattern list	�Ҧ���
50466pattern matching	���ˤǰt;�Ҧ��ǰt;�Ҧ��t��
50467pattern matching algorithm	�Ҧ��ǰt��k;�Ҧ��t���k
50468pattern matching system	�Ҧ��ǰt�t��
50469pattern memory	�϶H�O����
50470pattern noise	�϶H����
50471pattern of behavior	�欰�Ҧ�
50472pattern of character	�r�żҦ�
50473pattern operand	�Ҧ��ާ@��
50474pattern operation editing sequence	�Ҧ��ާ@�s��ǦC
50475pattern operator	�Ҧ����
50476pattern primitive	�Ҧ���y;�ϧΤ�
50477pattern recognition	�ϫ��ѧO; �ϼ˿���; ���˿���; �ϧ��ѧO; �Ҧ��ѧO	PR
50478pattern recognition algorithm	�ϧο��Ѫk�h
50479pattern recognition and information correlation	�Ҧ��ѧO�M�H������	PATRIC
50480pattern recognition program	�Ҧ��ѧO�{��
50481pattern recognition system	�Ҧ��ѧO�t��	PRS
50482pattern recognition technique	�Ҧ��ѧO�޳N	PRT
50483pattern recognition type	�Ҧ��ѧO����
50484pattern recognizer	�Ҧ��ѧO��	PR
50485pattern search	�Ҧ��j��
50486pattern segmentation	�Ҧ�����
50487pattern sensitivity	�Ҧ��F�ө�
50488pattern set	���˲�
50489pattern space	�Ҧ��Ŷ�
50490pattern transformation memory	�Ҧ��ܴ��O����	PTM
50491pattern variable	�Ҧ��ܼ�
50492pattern variable's value	�Ҧ��ܼƭ�
50493pattern verification	�ϧνT�{
50494pattern-directed inference system	�Ҧ��޾ɪ����z�t��
50495pattern-learning parser	�Ҧ��Dz߻y�k���R�{��;�Ҧ��Dz߻y�k���R��	PLP
50496pattern-sensitive fault	���˦��P�G��;�S�w�Ҧ��G��
50497pause	�Ȱ�;�Ȯ�
50498pause control	��������
50499pause instruction	�Ȱ����O
50500pause retry	���ح���;���ƭ���(��������{�Ǩѿ�ζ�)
50501pause statement	�Ȱ��ԭz
50502pay actual computer time	��I��ھ��ɶO	PACT
50503pay cable network	���O�q�l����
50504pay cable TV	�I�O���u�q��
50505pay load	���ĸ���;�̤j�����q	PL
50506pay per view	�I�O(���)�`��
50507pay station	���ιq��;��������ιq�ܫF
50508pay television	�I�O�q��
50509payment	��I;�I��
50510payments mechanism	��I����;��I��q(�p�{��,�䲼,�H�Υd)
50511payoff matrix	��I�x�};�^���x�}
50512payroll	�u���;�u�~��;�b�U¾�u�H��	P/R
50513payroll accounting	�u�~�|�p
50514payroll computation	�u�~�p��;�u��p��
50515payroll journal	�u�~��O�b
50516payroll management system	�u�~�޲z�t��
50517payroll program	�u�~�{��;�u��p��{��
50518payroll register	�u�~�n�O(�t��)
50519payroll taxes	�~��|
50520PC	�{���]�p��	PC
50521pc mode	�ӤH�q���ҺA
50522pc mode image	�ӤH�q���ҺA�v��
50523PC network	PC����
50524PC-DOS	�ӤH�p����Ϻоާ@�t��
50525PCB	�L��q���O	PCB
50526PCI	��w�����T	PCI
50527PCM	�սX����	PCM
50528PDI	�ϧδy�z���O	PDI
50529PDV	��{��ƭ�	PDV
50530peak	�p��;�i�p	PK
50531peak capacity	�̰��e�q
50532peak cathode current	�p�ȳ����q�y
50533peak current	�p�ȹq�y
50534peak current rating	�p�ȹq�y�B�w��
50535peak data-transfer rate	�y�p����ಾ�v;�p�ȼƾڶǿ�v
50536peak detection	�p���˴�
50537peak distortion	�y�p���u;�p�ȷ���
50538peak distribtuion analyzer	�p�Ȥ������R��	PDA
50539peak envelope power	�]���u�p�ȥ\�v;�]���p�ȥ\�v	PEP
50540peak envelope voltage	�p�ȥ]���q��	PEV
50541peak flux density	�p�Ⱥϳq�K��
50542peak forward voltage	���V�p�ȹq��
50543peak hold switch	�p�ȫO���}��
50544peak holding	�p�ȫO��
50545peak holding circuit	�p�ȫO���q��
50546peak inverse voltage	�ϦV�p�ȹq��	PIV
50547peak limiting	�p�ȭ���
50548peak load	�y�p�t��;�y�p�t��;�p�ȭt��
50549peak load employee	�y�p�t�����u��
50550peak load time	���p�t���ɶ�
50551peak magnetizing field strength	�̤j�ϤƳ��j(��)
50552peak magnetizing force	�̤j�ϤƤO
50553peak point	�p���I
50554peak power	�p�ȥ\�v
50555peak recognition	�p���ѧO
50556peak reverse voltage	�p�ȤϦV�q��
50557peak shift	�p�Ⱥ}��
50558peak shift pattern	�p�Ȧ첾�Ҧ�
50559peak signal	�p�ȫH��
50560peak to average ratio	�p�ȻP�����Ȥ���	P/AR
50561peak to peak	�p��p	PK-PK
50562peak traffic flow	���p�q�H�y�q
50563peak traffic period	���p�q�H��
50564peak transmission rate	�y�p�ǿ�v;�p�ȶǿ�v
50565peak value	�p��
50566peak voltmeter	�p�ȹq����
50567peak-and-hold	�p-�O��
50568peak-to-peak amplitude	�p-�p�T��
50569peak-to-valley ratio	�p-����
50570peaking circuit	�p�ƹq��;�H���ե��q��(�[�����W�q��)
50571pecking motor	�B�i�q�ʾ�
50572peculiar	�S����;�S��
50573peculiar test equipment	�S����ճ]��	PTE
50574pedagogic algorithmic language	�оǪk����k�y��;�оǥκ�k�y��	PAL
50575pedestal	�����߽Ĺq��;��y
50576peek	����
50577peek-a-boo	�ˤ�;�P�쥴��
50578peek-a-boo card	�P�쥴�եd��
50579peek-a-boo check	�ˤծֹ�
50580peek-a-boo system	�ˤըt��;�P�쥴���˯��t��
50581peel off operand	�R���ާ@��
50582peel off operator	�R���B���
50583peephole mask	�s�ձ��X
50584peephole optimization technique	�s���u�Ƨ޳N
50585peephole optimizer	�s���u�Ƶ{��
50586peer	�P�h��;�P��
50587peer entities	�P�h����
50588peer entity	�P��
50589peer layer	�P�żh
50590peer layer communication	�P�żh�q�H
50591peer layer protocol	�P�żh��w
50592peer to peer	�P�h��
50593peer to peer communication	�P�h���q�T
50594peg count	�e�u�p������
50595pegging	�n��;�e�u�p��
50596pegging inquiry	�n�Ӭd��
50597pel	�ϯ�;�I;���I;���I��
50598pellet	��������
50599pen (light) control	������;��������
50600pen and ink recorder	�۰ʰO����;�����O����
50601pen arm	���[
50602pen attribute	���ݩ�
50603pen light	����
50604pen mode	���Ҧ�
50605pen move	����
50606pen plotter emulation program	����ø�Ͼ���u�{��	PPEP
50607pen scribe	���y���u�k
50608pen solenoid	�O�������u��
50609pen station number	���츹
50610pen touch input	���ѿ�J
50611pen type	����
50612pen up	�ﵧ
50613pen-down	�U��
50614pen-driving mechanism	�����X�ʾ��c
50615pen-like device	�����]��
50616penalty	�g�@;(�ʯ൥��)�l��
50617pence coding	�Q�G�i��s�X;�Q�G���s�X(�q0-11�����եd�s�X)
50618pence conversion equipment	�K�h�ܴ��]��
50619pencil	��
50620pend	���m
50621pending	�Ȱ�;�ݨM;���M;���_
50622pending active session	���M���ʷ|��(��)
50623pending delete	�Ȱ��R��
50624pending interrupt condition	���M���_����
50625pending queue	���M��C
50626pending releases	���m�o��
50627pending status	���M���A
50628penetrance	���z�v
50629penetration control	(���r)��z�`�ױ���
50630penetration depth	��z����
50631pentagrid converter	���]���W��
50632pentode	������	PEN
50633pentravel	(��)����{
50634penumbral	�b�v��
50635per	�C;��	P
50636per disk	�C�@�Ϻ�
50637per face	�C�@�ϺЭ�
50638per second	�C��
50639per segment	�C�@�Ϭq
50640per-process address space	�U�B�z�{�Ǥ���}�Ŷ�
50641PERAL task	�æ�u�@
50642percent	�ʤ���;�ʤ���	PC;PCT
50643percent character	�ʤ���Ÿ�
50644percent defective	�o�~�v
50645percent intelligibility	�i���v
50646percent make	���q�ʤ���
50647percent rate wattage	�ʤ��v�˼�	PRW
50648percent symbol	�ʤ���Ÿ�
50649percentage	�ʤ��v
50650percentage basis	�ʤ��v���
50651percentage function	�ʤ���\��
50652percentage over tolerance for print	�C�L����e��ʤ��v
50653percentage under tolerance for print	�C�L�C��e��ʤ��v
50654percentage variation	�ʤ��v�ܤ�
50655percentiles	�ʤ����(��)
50656perceptibility	�Pı��O
50657perception	�P��
50658perceptive function	�P���\��
50659perceptron	��{��;�P����
50660perceptron algorithm	�P������k
50661percolation	���o
50662perfect	������;������
50663perfect balance	�z�Q����
50664perfect conductor	�z�Q����
50665perfect crystal	��������
50666perfect cube	�����ߤ�
50667perfect dielectric	�z�Q����
50668perfect gas	�z�Q����
50669perfect induction	�����k�Ǫk
50670perfect information feedback	���H���^�X
50671perfect information game	���ƫH�����ի�;���ƫH�����ﵦ
50672perfect number	������
50673perfect shuffle	��������;�~(�P)	PS
50674perfect square	��������
50675perfecting	�����L��
50676perfection	����;��q
50677perfective maintenance	(�n��)�����ʺ��@
50678perfectly balanced tree program	�z�Q���ž��{��
50679perfectly legal	�����X�k��
50680perfetch buffer	�w���w��	PFB
50681perforated	����
50682perforated edge card	��t���եd
50683perforated litho master	���զ�(����)�L��쪩
50684perforated panel	���ժO
50685perforated paper tape	���կȱa
50686perforated tape	���ձa;���կȱa
50687perforated tape code	���ձa�N�X
50688perforated tape code for information interchange	�H���洫�Υ��ձa�N�X
50689perforated tape subsystem	���ձa�l�t��	PTS
50690perforated-tape reader	���ձaŪ�J��
50691perforating machine	���վ�
50692perforating typewriter	���ե��r��
50693perforation	�魶�u;���ղ��u	P
50694perforation rate	���ղv
50695perforator	���վ�
50696perforator character	���վ��r��
50697perforator tape unit	�ȱa���վ�
50698perform	����;����
50699perform statement	����ԭz
50700performability	�i�B���
50702performance	�ʯ�;�į�;�IJv;���Z	PERF
50703performance adaptive	�ʯ�۾A��
50704performance analysis	�ʯ���R
50705performance analysis and reporting system	�ʯ���R�M���i�t��	PARS
50706performance analysis display system	�ʯ���R��ܨt��	PADS
50707performance analysis tool	�ʯ���R�u��
50708performance and cost evaluation	�ʯন������	PACE
50709performance attribute	�ʯ��ݩ�
50710performance characteristic	�u�@�S��
50711performance classification	�ʯ����
50712performance comparison	�ʯ���
50713performance control	�ʯ౱��
50714performance criteria	�ʯ�P�_�з�;�ʯ�Ŷq�ǫh
50715performance data base	�ʯ�ƾڮw	PDB
50716performance degradation	�ʯ�h��;�ʯ୰��
50717performance enhancement module	�ʯണ���Ҳ�;�ʯ�W�j�Ҳ�	PEM
50718performance evaluation	�ʯ����;�ʯ����
50719performance evaluation test	�ʯ���p����;�ʯ��������	PET
50720performance factor	�ʯ�]��	PF
50721performance group	�ʯ��
50722performance group number	�ʯ�ո�	PGN
50723performance history	�Z���ɮ�	PH
50724performance index	�ʯ����	PI
50725performance management	�ʯ�޲z
50726performance management reporting system	�ʯ�޲z���i�t��	PMRS
50727performance management system	�ʯ�޲z�t��	PMS
50728performance measurement	�ʯ���q
50729performance monitor	�į�ʷ��{��
50730performance monitoring	�ʯ�ʴ�
50731performance monitoring program	�ʯ�ʷ��{��	PMP
50732performance objective	�ʯ�ؼ�
50733performance optimization	�ʯ��u��
50734performance option	�ʯ���ﶵ
50735performance parameter	�ʯ�Ѽ�
50736performance period	�Z�Ķg��;�u�@��
50737performance predication	�ʯ����;�ʯ�w��
50738performance prediction method	�ʯ�w���k
50739performance reference	�ʯ�ѷ�
50740performance requirement	�ʯ�ݨD
50741performance specification	�ʯ໡��;�ʯ�n�D������
50742performance standard	�ʯ�з�
50743PERFORMANCE statement	����ԭz
50744performance statistics	�ʯ�έp
50745performance synthesis	�ʯ��X
50746performance test	�ʯ����;�Z�Ħҹ�
50747performance test analysis	�ʯ���դ��R
50748performance testing	�ʯ����
50749performance trace	�ʯ�l��
50750performance verification	�ʯ�����
50751performance/valuation	�ʯ����	PERVAL
50752performed leads	(���q���ʸ˪�)�w���α��u
50753perigee	��a�I
50754period	�y�I;�ɴ�;����;�g��	P
50755period analysis cost summary	�����������R�J�`
50756period analysis report	�������R����
50757period balances	�����l�B
50758period capacity	��������
50759period closing activity	�������b����
50760period demand capture function	�����ݨD����\��
50761period end/year end close	����/�~�����b
50762period interval code	�����ɬq�X
50763period length	��������
50764period load analysis detail file	�����t�����R������
50765period load detail file	�����t��������
50766period number	�������X
50767period of sampling	���˶g��
50768period of validity	���Ĵ�(��)
50769period to date	�ܥ������;�����ܥ���
50770period type	�g������
50771period use	�����ϥ�
50772period-end financial reports	�����]�ȳ���
50773period-end-bal	���������s
50774period-end/year-end inventory stock status	����/�~���w�s���A
50775periodic	�g����
50776periodic analysis system	�P���ʤ��R�t��	PAS
50777periodic boundary condition	�g����ɱ���
50778periodic component	�g�����q
50779periodic convolution	�g�����n
50780periodic current	�g���q�y
50781periodic damping	�g������
50782periodic dumping	�g�������x
50783periodic error integrating controller	�g���ʻ~�t�n�����	PEIC
50784periodic function	�g�����
50785periodic interrupt	�g���ʤ��_
50786periodic job	�g���ʧ@�~
50787periodic law	�g����
50788periodic maintenance	�w������
50789periodic measurement	�w�����q
50790periodic pulse train	�g���ʯ߽Ħ�
50791periodic random process	�g�����H���L�{
50792periodic report	�w�����i
50793periodic sampling	�g���ʨ���
50794periodic sequence	�g���ʧǦC
50795periodic state	�g�����A
50796periodic-signal enhancement	�g���ʫH���[�j
50797periodical requirement print lister	�w���ШD�C�L�C��{��	PRPL
50798periodical requirements	�g���ШD	PR
50799periodicity	�g����
50800periods per second	�P/��;����;��(��)	P/S
50801peripheral	�g�䪺;�g��]��;�~��	PERIF
50802peripheral adapter	�g��]�ƾA�t��;�g��]�ưt�ξ�
50803peripheral adapter module	�g��A�t���Ҳ�;�g��]�ƾA�t���Ҳ�	PAM
50804peripheral address	�g���}
50805peripheral allocator	�g��]�Ƥ��t�{��	PACR
50806peripheral apparatus	�g��]��
50807peripheral assignment table	�g��]�ƽ�Ȫ�;�g��]�Ƥ�����
50808peripheral buffer	�g��]�ƽw�ľ�;�g��w�ľ�	PB
50809peripheral bus	�g��׬y��
50810peripheral bus computer	�g��׬y�ƭp���	PBC
50811peripheral command indicator	�g��R�O���ܾ�	PCI
50812peripheral communications	�g��q�H	PERCOM
50813peripheral compatibility	�g��]�ƭݮe��
50814peripheral computer	�g��p���
50815peripheral control	�g�䱱��
50816peripheral control line	�g�䱱��u��
50817peripheral control switching unit	�g�䱱���౵��
50818peripheral control terminal	�g�䱱��׺�	PCT
50819peripheral control transfer	�g�䱱��ǰe
50820peripheral control unit	�g�䱱��椸	PCU
50821peripheral control word	�g��]�Ʊ���r
50822peripheral controller	�g�䱱�	PC
50823peripheral controller interface	�g�䱱�����	PCI
50824peripheral conversion program	�g���ഫ�{��
50825peripheral data bus	�g��ƾڶ׬y��
50826peripheral data register	�g��ƾڼȦs��
50827peripheral data set information record	�g��ƾڶ��H���O��	PDIR
50828peripheral decoding	�g��]��Ķ�X
50829peripheral device	�g��˸m;�g��]��
50830peripheral device control	�g��]�Ʊ���
50831peripheral device controller	�g��]�Ʊ��	PDC
50832peripheral device test program	�g��]���ˬd�{��;�g��]�ƴ��յ{��
50833peripheral devices	�g��˸m
50834peripheral driver	�g���X�ʾ�;�g���X�ʵ{��
50835peripheral equipment	�g��]��	PE
50836peripheral equipment list	�g��]�ƪ�
50837peripheral equipment operator	�g��]�ƾާ@��
50838peripheral exchange synchronization	�g��洫�P�B��	PESY
50839peripheral I/O unit	�g��J�X���
50840peripheral interchange program	�g��洫�{��	PIP
50841peripheral interface	�g�䤶��
50842peripheral interface adapter	�g�䤶���t����;�g�䤶���A�t��	PIA
50843peripheral interface adaptor	�g�䤶���t����	PIA
50844peripheral interface channel	�g�䤶���q�D
50845peripheral interface circuit	�g�䤶���q��
50846peripheral interface module	�g�䤶���Ҳ�
50847peripheral interface program	�g��ɭ��{��	PIP
50848peripheral interface register	�g�䤶���Ȧs��
50849peripheral interrupt	�g�䤤�_
50850peripheral link	�g�����
50851peripheral logic unit	�g���޿�椸
50852peripheral node	�g��`�I; ���I�`�I
50853peripheral operation	�g��ާ@
50854peripheral order buffer	�~�����O�w�ľ�	POB
50855peripheral order register	�g����O�Ȧs��	POR
50856peripheral physical unit	�g�䪫�z�椸
50857peripheral power supplies	�g��q��
50858peripheral processing unit	�g��B�z���	PPU
50859peripheral processor	�g��B�z��;�g��B�z��	PP
50860peripheral prompt	�g��]�ƴ���(��)
50861peripheral software driver	�g��n���X�ʾ�
50862peripheral subsystem	�g��l�t��
50863peripheral subsystem interface	�g��l�t����	PSI
50864peripheral switching unit	�g��洫�椸	PSU
50865peripheral system	�g��t��
50866peripheral transfer	�P�䪺�ಾ;�g���ಾ;�g��ǰe
50867peripheral trunks	�g��׬y��
50868peripheral unit	�g��椸	PU
50869peripheral unit address bus	�g��椸��}�׬y��	PUAB
50870peripheral unit fault recognition	�g��椸�G���ѧO	PUFR
50871peripheral-interchange program	�g��洫�{��
50872peripheral-limited	���g��(�]�Ƴt��)���
50873permalloy	���ɺϦX��
50874permanent	�ä[;�ä[(��)	PERM
50875permanent blocking	�ä[����
50876permanent connection	�ä[�s��;�T�w����
50877permanent copy	�ä[����
50878permanent data base	�ä[��Ʈw
50879permanent data file	�ä[�ʼƾڤ��
50880permanent data set	�ä[�ʼƾڶ�
50881permanent disc file	�ä[�ʺϺФ��
50882permanent dynamic storage	�ä[�ʰʺA�x�s��
50883permanent error	�ä[�~�t;�ä[�ʿ��~
50884permanent failure	�ä[�ʥ���
50885permanent fault	�ä[�ʬG��
50886permanent file	�ä[��;�ä[�ʤ��
50887permanent file name	�ä[�ʤ��W	PFN
50888permanent load module file	�ä[�ˤJ�Ҳդ��
50889permanent magnet	�ä[���K	PM
50890permanent magnetism	�ú�
50891permanent magnetization	�úϤ�
50892permanent member	�ä[�ե�
50893permanent memory	�ä[�x�s��	PM
50894permanent object	�ä[�ʹ�H
50895permanent page store	�ä[�����x�s(��)
50896permanent physical link	�ä[�ʪ��z���
50897permanent plant	�T�w�]��
50898permanent read/write error	�T�wŪ�g��
50899permanent relationship	�ä[���Y
50900permanent segment	�ä[�q
50901permanent signal	�T�w�H��;�ä[�H��;�`�]�H��
50902permanent state	�ä[���A
50903permanent storage	�ä[�x�s( �� ); �ä[���x�s��; ��Ū�x�s��
50904permanent storage/store	�ä[�x�s(��)
50905permanent store	�ä[���x�s��
50906permanent structure library	�T�w���c�{�Ǯw
50907permanent symbol	�ä[�Ÿ�
50908permanent symbol table	�ä[�Ÿ���
50909permanent user file	�ä[�Τ���;�T�w�Τ���
50910permanent virtual circuit	�ä[�����q��	PVC
50911permanently resident volume	�ä[�ʱ`�n��
50912permatron	�ϱ���
50913permeability	�ɺϫY��;�Ͼɲv
50914permissible code blobk	�\�νX��
50915permissible error	�e�\�~�t	PE
50916permissible limit	�e�\����
50917permissible move	�e�\���B;�e�\����
50918permission	���\
50919permission vector	���\�V�q
50920permissive matching	�e���ǰt
50921permissive timing system	�e�\�w�ɨ�
50922permitted form of initializer	��l�{�Ǫ��e�\�Φ�
50923permitted transfer	�e�\�ಾ
50924permittivity	���q�`��;�q�e�v
50925permutation	�ƦC;�m��
50926permutation code	�m���X
50927permutation code switching system	�m���X�洫�t��
50928permutation decoding	�m���ѽX
50929permutation encoding	�m���s�X
50930permutation generating algorithm	�m���ͦ���k
50931permutation generating method	�m���ͦ��k
50932permutation graph	�m����
50933permutation group	�m���s
50934permutation index	�ƦC����;�m������;���D���������
50935permutation matrix	�m���x�}
50936permutation network	�m������
50937permutation symbol	�ƦC�Ÿ�
50938permutation table	�ƦC��
50939permutation-reset sequential machine	�m��-�_�m�ǦC��
50940permuted code	�m��(�N)�X
50941permuted cyclic code	�`���m��(�N)�X
50942permuted title index	�`���m�����D����
50943permuted-title index	�ƦC���D����
50944perpendicular	������
50945perpendicular drive	�����X��
50946perpendicular magnetic recording	���V�ϰO��
50947perpendicular recording	�����O��
50948perpetual inventory	����w�s
50949perplexed children	�V���l�t(�O��)
50950persisted current	����q�y
50951persisted state	�����A
50952persistence	���[��
50953persistence of vision	��ı�ȯd
50954persistent conductivity	����ɹq�v�϶H
50955persistent current memory cell	����q�y�x�s�椸
50956persistent object management	���[�ؼк޲z
50957persistent record	����O��
50958persister	�N����
50959personal account number	�ӤH�b��;�H�W�b��	PAN
50960personal biological model	�H���ͪ��ҫ�
50961personal code	�ӤH�K�X
50962personal communication	�ӤH�q�H
50963personal computer	�ӤH�q��;�ӤH�p���	PC
50964personal computer compatible	�ӤH�p����ݮe��;PC�ݮe
50965personal computer database	�ӤH�p����ƾڮw
50966personal computer instructional instructional syst	�ӤH�p����б¨t�Τ��޲z	PCIS:AD
50967personal computer instructional system:authoring	�ӤH�p����б¨t�Τ��s�g	PCIS:A
50968personal computer instructional system:presentatio	�ӤH�p����б¨t�Τ��t��	PCIS:P
50969personal computer mode	�ӤH�q���ҺA
50970personal computer network	�ӤH�p�������
50971personal computer system	�ӤH�p����t��
50972personal computing conference	�ӤH�p��|ij	PERCOMP
50973personal data management system	�ӤH�ƾں޲z�t��	PDMS
50974personal data system	�ӤH�ƾڨt��
50975personal data terminal	�M�μƾڲ׺�
50976personal dictionary	�ӤH�r��;�ӤH���
50977personal document	�ӤH���
50978personal error	�H���~�t
50979personal identification code	�ӤH�ѧO�X
50980personal identification data	�ӤH�ѧO�μƾ�;�ӤH�����ѧO�ƾ�	PID
50981personal identification device	�ӤH�ѧO�]��;�ӤH�����ѧO�]��	PID
50982personal identification number	�ӤH�ѧO��;�ӤH�����ѧO��	PIN
50983personal investigation	�H���լd
50984personal management analysis	�H���޲z���R
50985personal microcomputer	�ӤH�L����
50986personal minicomputer	�ӤH�p����
50987personal module	�M�βե�
50988personal phone directory	�ӤH�q�ܸ��Xï
50989personal privacy	�ӤH�O�K��
50990personal security	�H���w��
50991personal security identifier	�ӤH�O�K���Ѳ�	PSI
50992personal training	�H�����V
50993personal workstation	�ӤH�u�@��
50994personality card	�өʴ���;���H�M�δ���d(���t�ϥΪ̦����ƾ�)
50995personality module	�өʼҥ�;���H�M�μҲ�(���t�ϥΪ̦����ƾ�)
50996personnel accounting & skills system	¾�u�b�ȩM�ޯ�t��	PASS
50997personnel data system	¾�u�ƾڨt��	PDS
50998personnel information communication system	�H�Ʊ����q�H�t��;�H�ƫH���q�H�t��	PICS
50999personnel management program	�H�ƺ޲z�{��
51000personnel operations information system	¾�u�@�~�H���t��	POISE
51001personnel project	�H�Ƥ��
51002personnel record	�H���O��;�H���ɮ�
51003personnel signaling system	¾�u�ǫH�t��	PSS
51004personnel-assignment problem	�H�����t���D
51005perspective	�z��
51006perspective projection	�z����v
51007pertinency	���X��(�˯����G�����ӧO�Τ�{��)
51008pertinency factor	���X�]�l
51009pertinent	���X��
51010pertinent retrieval	���X�˯�
51011perturbance	�Z��;�z�Z
51012perturbation equation	�Z�ʤ�{
51013perturbation method	��ʤ�k;�Z�ʤ�k
51014perturbation theory	��ʲz��;�Z�ʲz��
51015pessimistic forward pruning	�d�[���V�װ�
51016pesudo interrupt system	�������_�t��
51017pesudo keyboard	������L
51018petal printer	����C�L��
51019peypad value	�Ʀ���x��
51020PF key(s)	�{���\����
51021phantastron	�۶H����q��
51022phantom	�ۼv;��ı;�۶H
51023phantom balance	�۶H�q������	PHBAL
51024phantom bills	�궵�M�U
51025phantom branch	�۶H�ಾ
51026phantom channel	�۶H�q�D
51027phantom circuit	�۸�;�۶H�q��
51028phantom group	�۶H��
51029phantom line	�۶H�u��
51030phantom ROM	�۶HROM
51031phantom signal	�۶H�H��
51032phantom telegraphy circuit	�۶H�q���q��
51033phantom value	�ۼv��
51034pharmaceutical information control system	�Ī��H���޲z�t��;���ı����޲z�t��	PICS
51035phase	���q;�ۦ�;���A;��;��(�q)	PH;PHSE
51036phase angle	�ۨ�
51037phase angle error	�ۨ��~�t
51038phase characteristic	�ۦ�S��
51039phase coherent	�ۦ�ۤz(��)	PC
51040phase comparison sinusoidal frequency shift keying	�ۦ��������W���䱱	PCSFSK
51041phase compensating network	�ۦ���v����
51042phase constant	�P�۱`��
51043phase controlled oscillator	��(��)��(��)������	PCO
51044phase correcting unit	�ۦ�ե��˸m
51045phase delay	�ۦ쩵��
51046phase detection	�ۦ��˪i	PD
51047phase detector	�ۦ��˴���
51048phase dictionary	(�z�ε{�dzB�z)���q�r��(�������q�W�θˤJ��})
51049phase difference	�ۦ�t
51050phase discrimination	�ۦ�Ų�O;ų��
51051phase discriminator	ų�۾�
51052phase distortion	�ۦ쥢�u;�ۦ����
51053phase division multiplexing	�ۤ��h���ƥ�;��(��)��(��)�h��	PDM
51054phase encoded	�ۦ�s�X	PE
51055phase encoding	�ۦ�s�X
51056phase equalization	�ۦ쵥��;�ۦ짡��
51057phase equalizer	�ۦ짡�ž�
51058phase filter	�ۦ��o�i��
51059phase filter synthesis	�ۦ��o�i����X
51060phase function	�ۦ���
51061phase hologram	�ۦ������
51062phase III end node	�ĤT���q�����`�I
51063phase inverter	�Ϭ۾�;�ˬ۾�
51064phase inverting circuit	�Ϭ۹q��;�ˬ۹q��
51065phase jitter	�ۦ�{��;�ۦ�Ÿ��;�ۦ찾�{;�ۦ�ݰ�
51066phase library	���q�w
51067phase loading entry	�����q�˸��J�f	PLE
51068phase lock	���;�ۦ�P�B;�P��	PL
51069phase lock loop	��ۦ^��
51070phase lock(ed) loop	�����(��)	PLL
51071phase locked loop	��w�j��	PLL
51072phase locked oscillator	��ۮ�����
51073phase modulated telemetering system	�ۦ�ը���t��(���W�լ�)	FM/PM
51074phase modulation	�լ�;�ۦ����;�ۦ�ը�	PM;PHM
51075phase modulation generator	�ۦ�ը�o�;�	PMG
51076phase modulation recording	�լ۰O��
51077phase name	�ۦ�W��;���q�W
51078phase of network functions	������ƪ��ۦ�
51079phase one of loader	�ˤJ�Ĥ@���q
51080phase plane	�ۥ���
51081phase pre-equalization	�ۦ�w����
51082phase program constructing	�����q�إߵ{��	PPC
51083phase response characteristic	�ۦ�^���S��
51084phase reversal	�ۦ�½��
51085phase reversal coding	�Ϭ۽s�X
51086phase reversal keying	�Ϭ��䱱��
51087phase roll	�ۦ�u��
51088phase selection	�ۦ���
51089phase separation	�ۦ����
51090phase servo-system	�ۦ���A�t��
51091phase shift	�۲�;����
51092phase shift coding	�۲��s�X
51093phase shift decoder	�۲�Ķ�X��
51094phase shifter	���۾�;�ۦ�վ㾹	PHS
51095phase shifting circuit	�۲��q��
51096phase sorting	�����q����
51097phase space	�ۦ�Ŷ�
51098phase srift	�ۦ�}��
51099phase velocity	�۳t��
51100phase-by-phase build-up	�v���q�إ�
51101phase-distortion coefficient	�ۦ쥢�u�Y��;�ۦ���ܫY��
51102phase-inversion modulation	�Ϭ۽ը�
51103phase-lock demodulation	��۸ѽվ�;�ۦ�P�B�ѽվ�	PLD
51104phase-lock loop	��������
51105phase-locked detection	����˪i;�ۦ�P�B�˪i	PLD
51106phase-locked logic	����޿�
51107phase-locked loop	��ۦ^��
51108phase-locked loop motor control	��ۦ^���q������
51109phase-locked oscillator	��ۮ�����	PLO
51110phase-locked pulsed oscillator	��ۯ߽Į�����	PLPO
51111phase-shift driver	�۲��E�y��	PHD
51112phase-shift keying	������e;�۲�����k;�����䱱	PSK
51113phase-splitter	���۾�
51114phase/frequency distortion	�ۦ��W�v����
51115phased program construction	�����q���檺�{�����c	PPC
51116phasing	�ۦ�վ�w��
51117phasing capacitor	�w�۹q�e��
51118phasing signal	�w�۫H��
51119phenomenological coefficient	�{�H�޿�Y��
51120phone	�q��;�q�ܾ�;����	PH
51121phone directory	�q�ܦW��
51122phone line	�q�ܽu
51123phone receiver	�q�ܾ�;�q�ܨ��ܾ�
51124phoneme	����
51125phonemes-voice synthesizer	�ܭ���X��
51126phonetic code	�`���X;�y���X
51127phonetic keyboard	�y����L
51128phonetic spelling	�y�����g
51129phonetic system	�y���t��
51130phonetic transcription	�y�����s
51131phonetic typewriter	�f�¥��r��
51132phonetically-balanced	�y������;�y�����Ū�	PB
51133phonetics	�y����
51134phonology	������
51135phonon	�n�l
51136phosphorescence	�C��
51137photo	�Ӭ�;��
51138photo amplifier detector	���ө�j�˴���	PAD
51139photo aperture card	�����եd��	PAC
51140photo communication	���q�H
51141photo data quantizer	���q�ƾڶq�ƾ�	PDQ
51142photo detector	���ǷP����
51143photo diode	���q�G����	PD
51144photo document sensor	���q���Ū�J��
51145photo interpretive program	���Ǹ�Ķ�{��	PIP
51146photo masking	������
51147photo receptors	�Ϲ�������
51148photo tape reader	���q�ȱa��J��	PTR
51149photo telegraphy	�ǯu�q��
51150photo-chromic micro-image	PCMI�L�Ӽv�H	PCMI
51151photo-conductor drum	���ɶ깪
51152photo-coupled transistor	���l���X�����	PCT
51153photo-data card	���q�ƾڥd	PDC
51154photo-detector	���˴���
51155photo-digital store	���Ʀ��x�s��	PDS
51156photo-electric scanner	���q���y��	PES
51157photo-electric scanning	���q���y	PES
51158photo-excitation	���P�E�o
51159photo-interpertive program	�Ӥ��PŪ�{��
51160photo-isolator	���j����
51161photo-magneto-effect	���Ϲq����
51162photo-optic memory	���q�O����;�����x�s��
51163photo-optical recorder tracker	���q�O�����ܸ˸m	PORT
51164photo-optics	�Ӭۥ���
51165photo-second	�T�z��(�n�����)
51166photo-sensing marker	���P�лx
51167photo-tape	���q���ձa
51168photo-tube	���q��
51169photocathode	������
51170photocell	���q��;���q��
51171photocell light checks	���q����
51172photochemistry	���ƾ�
51173photochromatic	�m��Ӭ۪�
51174photochromic film	�m��(�Ӭ�)����
51175photochromic micro image	�m��(�Ӭ�)�Y�L�϶H	POMI
51176photochromism	�m��Ӭ۳N
51177photocomposer	�Ӥ��ƪ���;�ӱƾ�
51178photocomposition	�Ӭ۱ƪ�;�Ӭ۱Ʀr
51179photoconduction	���q��
51180photoconductive cell	���q�ɺ�
51181photoconductive film	��������;���q������
51182photoconductivity	���q�ɩ�
51183photoconductor	������;���q����	PT
51184photoconductor drum	���ɹ�
51185photoconductor gap	�����鶡��
51186photocopier	���ƻs��;�v�L��;�Ӭ۽ƦL��
51187photocopy	���ƻs;�ƦL
51188photocoupler	�����X��
51189photodetector array	���˴����}�C
51190photodiode	���q�G����
51191photodirect lithography	�Ӭۥ����N;����(�k)
51192photoelectric cell	���q��;���q��
51193photoelectric coded disk	���q�s�X�L
51194photoelectric detection	���q�˴�
51195photoelectric element	���q����
51196photoelectric emission	���q�o�g
51197photoelectric keyboard	���q��L	PKB
51198photoelectric mark reading	���q�аOŪ�X
51199photoelectric portable probe reader	���q�S�ñ��ަ�Ū�J��;���q�S�ñ��Φ�Ū�J��	PEPPER
51200photoelectric reader	���q�\Ū��;���q��J��
51201photoelectric tape reader	���qŪ�a��	PTR
51202photoelectromagnetic effect	���q�Ϯ���
51203photoelectron	���q�l
51204photoelectronic control	���q����
51205photoemission	���q�o�g
51206photoemissive	���q�o�g��
51207photoemissive cathode	���q�o�g����
51208photoengraving	����(�޳N)
51209photoetch pattern	����Ϯ�
51210photoetching	����;���k��k
51211photoferroelectric effect	���K�q����	PEE
51212photograph interpretation	�Ӥ��PŪ
51213photographic	�Ӭ�;��v
51214photographic copy	�Ӭ۽ƻs
51215photographic document copying machine	�Ӭۦ���ƽƻs��
51216photographic element	�Ӭۤ���
51217photographic emuision	�Ӭۨž�;�ӬۨŽ�
51218photographic film	�Ӭ۽���
51219photographic photometer	�n����
51220photographic plate	�Ӭ۩��O
51221photographic record	�Ӭ۰O��
51222photographic storage	�Ӭ��x�s��
51223photographic store	�Ӭ��x�s(��)
51224photographic typesetter	�Ӭ۱Ʀr��
51225photographone	���q��
51226photography	�Ӭ�(�N);��H�N
51227photogravure	�ӬۥW���N
51228photolithographic diffusion window	�����X����
51229photolithographic mask layer	���豻���h
51230photolithographic masking operation	���豻���u��
51231photolithography	�v�L;����N;�Ӭۥ���;���L
51232photolithography limitation	���跥��;�v�L�k����
51233photolithography mask layer	�v�L�k�����h
51234photomagnetic memory	���ϰO����
51235photomask	������
51236photomask set	�����Ҳ�
51237photomechanical plates	�Ӭۻs�O�Ϊ�
51238photometer	���׭p
51239photometric data system	�����ƾڨt��	PDS
51240photometry	���׾�
51241photomicrograph	�Y�L�Ӥ�;��L�Ӭ�
51242photomicrography	�L��v�N;�Y�L�Ӭ۳N
51243photomontage	�X���Ӥ�;���A�Ӭ�
51244photomultiplier	���q���W��;���q���W��
51245photomultiplier light pen	���q���W�ަ�����
51246photomultiplier tube	���q���W��	PMT
51247photon	���l
51248photonics	�ֺ�����
51249photoplastic	���쪺
51250photoplastic recording	����O��	PPR
51251photoprint	�v�L;�v�L��;�Ӥ�
51252photoreader	���q��J��
51253photoreceptor	���q��������
51254photoresist	���P�ܻk��
51255photoresist coating	���P�ܻk��h
51256photoresist mask	���P�ܻk����
51257photoresist process	���P�ܻk�L�{
51258photoresistance	���ӹq��
51259photoresistive	������;���P�ܻk��
51260photoresistor	���ӹq����
51261photosensing device	���Ӿ���
51262photosensing marker	��Ū�X�аO
51263photosensitive diode	���ӤG����
51264photosensor	���Ӥ���
51265photosetting	�Ӭ۱ƪ�
51266photoswitch	���q�}��
51267phototelegram service	�ǯu�q���A��
51268phototelegraph	�ǯu�q��
51269phototelegraphy	�ǯu�q���N
51270phototransistor	���Ӵ����
51271phototransistor matrix	���Ӵ���ް}�C
51272phototypegraphy	���Y���L��N
51273photovalve	���q�o�g��;���o�g����
51274photovaristor	�����ܪ���;���ӹq��
51275photovoltaic	���q��;���q��;���P�q����;���ͥ���
51276photovoltaic cell	���q���q��;���ͥ��q��;���׼h���q��
51277phrase	�u�y;���y
51278phrase dictionary diskette	���J�r��Ϥ�
51279phrase dictionary file	�`�����J�ɮ�
51280phrase structure language	�u�y���c�y��
51281phrase table	�u�y��
51282phrase-structure grammar	�u�y���c�y�k
51283phraseology	���y
51284phrasing	���`�k;�y�k����
51285physical	����;����;���骺;��誺;���;��ڪ�	PHYS
51286physical access level	����s����
51287physical address	��ڦ�};�����}	PA
51288physical address extention	��ڦ�}�X�R	PAX
51289physical address space	��ڦ�}�Ŷ�;�����}�Ŷ�
51290physical analog	�������
51291physical attribute	�����ݩ�
51292physical binding	�����p�s;���鵲�X
51293physical block	�����
51294physical block number	��������X;��ڶ���	PBN
51295physical block offset	��������m
51296physical byte address	����Ƥ��զ�}
51297physical capability	�����O
51298physical channel	����q�D
51299physical characteristics of the database	�ƾڮw����S��
51300physical child	����l�N
51301physical child first pointer	����l�N�����w
51302physical child last pointer	����l�N�����w
51303physical child segment	����l(�N)�q
51304physical circuit	����q��
51305physical communication protocol	����q�H�W��
51306physical configuration audit	����t�m�f�p	PCA
51307physical configuration communication area	���z�t�m�q�H��	PCCA
51308physical connection	����s��
51309physical connectivity	����s��
51310physical constraint	��ڬ���
51311physical contiguity	���鱵IJ
51312physical control layer	���鱱��h
51313physical count	��a�L�I
51314physical data base	����ƾڮw	PDB
51315physical data base description	����ƾڮw�y�z
51316physical data base design	����ƾڮw�]�p
51317physical data base record	����ƾڮw�O��
51318physical data base record occurrence	����ƾڮw�O�������
51319physical data description language	����ƾڴy�z�y��
51320physical data independence	����ƾڿW�ߩ�
51321physical data structure	����ƾڵ��c
51322physical database name	����ƾڮw�W
51323physical database record	�����Ʈw�O��
51324physical database record type	����ƾڮw�O������
51325physical design	����]�p;���c�]�p
51326physical design decision	����]�p�M�w
51327physical device	����˸m;����]��;��ڳ]��
51328physical device address	��ڳ]�Ʀ�};����]�Ʀ�}	PDA
51329physical device level model	��ڳ]�Ưżҫ�;����]�Ưżҫ�
51330physical device name	��ڳ]�ƦW
51331physical device table	����]�ƪ�
51332physical disjoint structure	��ڤ��۳s���c
51333physical end	��ڵ���
51334physical entity	���z����
51335physical equipment table	����]�ƪ�;��ڳ]�ƪ�	PET
51336physical fault tolerance	��ڮe��
51337physical file	�����ɮ�;������
51338physical file copy	������ƻs
51339physical file definition	������w�q
51340physical file format	������榡
51341physical file maintenance	��������@
51342physical file member	��������
51343physical file name	������W
51344physical file organization	�������c
51345physical file space	������Ŷ�
51346physical file structure	�������c
51347physical file system	�����ɮרt��	PFS
51348physical format	����榡
51349physical I/O	�����J/��X;�����J��X
51350physical I/O address	�����J��X��}
51351physical I/O function	�����J��X�\��
51352physical I/O functions	�����J��J�\��
51353physical I/O operation	�����X�J�ާ@
51354physical in	����s��
51355physical input-output control system	�����J��X����t��	PIOCS
51356physical input/output control system	�����J��X����t��	PIOCS
51357physical interconnection level	���餬�s��
51358physical interface	��ڤ���;����ɭ�
51359physical interface level	���餶����
51360physical inventory	����L�s;�L�I
51361physical inventory attach final totals	���̫��`�p���L�I
51362physical inventory batch control update	�L�I�妸�����s
51363physical inventory data entry control	�L�I��Ƶn������
51364physical inventory edit final totals	�L�I�s��̫��`�p
51365physical inventory edit listing	�L�I�s��M�U
51366physical inventory entry	�L�I�n��
51367physical inventory entry batch status	�L�I�n���妸���A
51368physical inventory list	�L�I�M�U
51369physical inventory update	�L�I��s
51370physical isolation	����j��;����d��(�G��)
51371physical layer	����h;���鶥�h
51372physical layout	����G��
51373physical level	����h;�����
51374physical limit	���魭��
51375physical line	�����
51376physical link	����s��;�������
51377physical link connection	��������s��
51378physical link layer	��������h
51379physical location	�����m;����w��;����椸
51380physical logging	����n��;����(��x)�O��
51381physical logic description	���z�޿�y�z	PLD
51382physical main storage	����D�s
51383physical mapping	����M��
51384physical master tape	�쪩�a	PMT
51385physical medium	����C��;��ڴC��
51386physical memory	����O����
51387physical memory address	����O�����}	PMA
51388physical memory level	����O�����	PML
51389physical message	�������
51390physical model	����ҫ�
51391physical module	����Ҳ�
51392physical name	����W;����W�r
51393physical network configuration	��ں����t�m
51394physical network resource	��������귽
51395physical network topology	��ں����G��
51396physical node	����`�I
51397physical on-hand at count	�b�w�M�I
51398physical organization	�����´
51399physical organization table	�����´��	POT
51400physical out	�����_�}
51401physical output device	�����X�]��
51402physical page	����ꭶ;���魶
51403physical paging	�������
51404physical pairing	����t��
51405physical parent	������t(�O��);������N
51406physical parent segment	������q;������N�q
51407physical path	����q��
51408physical position	�����m
51409physical record	����O��; ����O��	PHR;PR
51410physical record deletion	��ڰO���R��
51411physical record length	����O������	PLENG
51412physical recorder positioning	����O���w��
51413physical recording density	����O���K��
51414physical relationship	�������Y
51415physical requirement	����ݨD
51416physical resource	����귽
51417physical schema	����Ҧ�
51418physical screen coordinates	��ڿù��y��
51419physical sector	���鮰��
51420physical security	����w����
51421physical segment	����q
51422physical sequential access	���鶶�Ǧs��
51423physical simulation	�������
51424physical storage	�����x�s;�����x�s��
51425physical storage address	�����x�s��}
51426physical storage block	�����x�s��
51427physical storage table	�����x�s��	PST
51428physical structure	���鵲�c
51429physical swap out	��ڴ��X
51430physical swapping	����洫
51431physical system time	��ڨt�ήɶ�
51432physical systems simulation	����t���
51433physical terminal	����׺�;��ڲ׺�	PTERM
51434physical timer	����w�ɾ�
51435physical transaction block	����ƶ���	PTB
51436physical transaction register	�L�I���ʩ���
51437physical transaction register-error/deleted	�L�I���ʩ���-���~/�w�R���ƥ�
51438physical transaction register-processed item	�L�I���ʩ���-�w�B�z�ƥ�
51439physical transient area	��ڼȦs��;��ڤu�@��	PTA
51440physical twin	�����p�ͰO��
51441physical twin backward pointer	�����p�ͦV����w
51442physical twin forward pointer	�����p�ͦV�e���w
51443physical twins	�����p��
51444physical unit	����椸;��ڸ˸m;��ڳ]��	PU
51445physical unit control block	����]�ƶ�	PUB
51446physical unit directory	����]�ƥؿ�
51447physical unit name	��ڳ��W��
51448physical unit services	����椸�A��(�{��)
51449physical unit services manager	����椸�A��
51450physical unit type	����]������
51451physical UUOs	��ڥ��˸m�ϥΪ̾ާ@
51452physical vector	����V�q
51453physical volume	�����
51454physical word address	��ڦr��}
51455physical word boundary	��ڦr���
51456physical world	����@��
51457physically contiguous list	����s���
51458pica	�֥d(���,���������@�T);�Q�G�I���r
51459pick	�ˮ�
51460pick axe conductor	����ξ���(�Ϫw�޳N���@�إ\��ϧ�)
51461pick complete by order	�̧��ˮƧ���
51462pick complete transaction	�ˮƧ������	PC
51463pick device	�˨��˸m;��ϳ]��;�w��˸m
51464pick requirements	�ˮƻݨD
51465pick requirements audit exception	�ˮƻݨD�f�֨ҥ~���p
51466pick requirements quantity	�ˮƻݨD�ƶq
51467pick variance	�ˮƮt��
51468pick-and-place robot	��-�������H
51469pick-off diode	�I��G����
51470picker	�˥X��
51471picking	�ˮ�
51472picking area	�ˮư�
51473picking list	�ˮƲM�U
51474picking list requirement quantity	�ˮƲM�U�ݨD�ƶq
51475picking list requirements	�ˮƲM�U�ݨD
51476picking slip	�ˮƳ�
51477picking slip shortage report	�ˮƳ�u�ʳ��i
51478pickup	�B��;�B�i;�˨�;�B����;�ǷP��;�q����H��	PU
51479pickup plate	�B�T�O;�H���O
51480pickup tube	��H��
51481pico	��;�L�L	P
51482picoampere	�L�L�w(��)	PA
51483picocomputer	�L�L�p���
51484picofarad	�L�L�k(��);�L�L�k	PF
51485picohenry	�L�L��Q
51486picojoule	�L�L�J��	PJ
51487picologic	�L�L�޿�
51488picoprocessor	�L�L�B�z��
51489picoprocessor intelligent cable	�L�L�B�z�����z�q�l
51490picoprogram	�L�L�{��
51491picoprogramming	�L�L�{���]�p
51492picosecond	�L�L��	PS;PSEC
51493pictograph	�H�Τ�r;�έp�Ϫ�
51494pictorial	�ϥܪ�;�϶H��;�Ϥ���
51495pictorial computer	�϶H��X�p���
51496pictorial data representation	�϶H�ƾڪ��;�e���ƾڪ��
51497pictorial database system	�϶H�ƾڮw�t��
51498pictorial display	�϶H���(��)
51499pictorial encoding language	�e���s�X�y��
51500pictorial information	�϶H�H��
51501pictorial information digitizer	�e���H���Ʀ�ƾ�	PID
51502pictorial query language	�϶H�d�߻y��
51503picture	�Ϲ�;�e��;�榡;�ϧ�;�e��;�ۤ�;�ϵe;�϶H;�ζH�y�z	PIC;PC
51504picture (in a programming language)	��( ��{���y������ )
51505picture archiving and communication system	�϶H�ɮשM�q�H�t��
51506picture attribute	�϶H�ݩ�
51507picture attribute specification	�϶H�ݩʻ���
51508PICTURE attribute with numeric data	�ƭȼƾڪ���ӻ����ݩ�
51509PICTURE attribute with string data	�ꫬ�ƾڪ���ӻ����ݩ�
51510picture building system	�e���إߨt��
51511picture carrier	�϶H(�H��)���i
51512picture channel	�϶H�q�D;�϶H�q�D
51513picture character	�϶H�Ÿ�;��ӻ�����
51514picture character precedence chart	�ϧΦr���u����
51515picture clause	�϶H�l�y;��ӻ����l�y
51516picture coding	�e���s�X;�϶H�s�X
51517picture coding scheme	�϶H�s�X���
51518picture compiler	�e���sĶ��;�e���sĶ�{��;�϶H�sĶ��;�϶H�sĶ�{��	PC
51519picture computation and storage system	�϶H�p��P�x�s�t��;�e���p��M�x�s�t��;�϶H�p��M�x�s�t��	P/CASS
51520picture data	�e���ƾ�
51521picture description grammar	�e���y�z�y�k;�϶H�y�z��k
51522picture description instruction set	�Ϲ��y�z���O��
51523picture description language	�e���y�z�y��;�϶H�y�z�y��	PDL
51524picture detection	�e���˴�;�϶H�˴�
51525picture display	�϶H���
51526picture editing	�e���s��;�϶H�s��
51527picture element	�v������;�϶H����;����;�H��;�H��	PEL;PIXEL
51528picture element density	�H���K��
51529picture element matrix	�H���Ʋ�
51530picture element signal	�H���H��
51531picture file	�e�����;�ϧΤ��;�϶H���
51532picture format	�϶H�榡
51533picture format item	�϶H�榡��
51534picture frequency	�϶H�W�v
51535picture grammar	�϶H��k;�ϧΤ�k
51536picture input device	�e����J�]��;�϶H��J�]��	PID
51537picture intermediate frequency	�϶H���W	PIF
51538picture interpretation	�϶H����;�e���PŪ
51539picture interpretation language	�e���PŪ�y��	PIL-1
51540picture inversion	�϶H����
51541picture language	�϶H�y��;�ϭ��y��
51542picture mechanism	�@�Ͼ��c;�@�Ͼ���
51543picture meeting service	�϶H�|ij�A��
51544picture memory	�ϧΰO����
51545picture modification function	�e���ק�\��;�϶H�ק�\��
51546picture network	�϶H����
51547picture object	�϶H�ؼ�
51548picture object table	�϶H�ؼЪ�;�e���ؼЪ�	POT
51549picture perception	�ζH�P��
51550picture portion	�϶H��
51551picture processing	�v���B�z;�϶H�B�z
51552picture recognition	�϶H�ѧO
51553picture record	�϶H�O��
51554picture recorder	�϶H�O����;�϶H�O����
51555picture reproduction	�Ϥ��ƻs
51556picture scanner	�϶H���y��
51557picture sequence analysis	�Ϥ��t�C���R
51558picture signal	�϶H�H��
51559picture space	�϶H�Ŷ�
51560picture specification	��ӻ���;�϶H����
51561picture specification character	�϶H�����r��;��ӻ����r��
51562picture stop	�e����
51563picture string	�϶H�r��
51564picture synchronizing signal	�϶H�P�B�H��
51565picture synthesis	�϶H��X;�϶H�X��
51566picture tone	�϶H���;�϶H�W�v
51567picture transmission	�϶H�ǿ�;�Ϥ��ǯu
51568picture tube	�v����
51569picture width control	�V�e�ױ���
51570picture-phone	�q���q��;�϶H�q��
51571picture-string character	�϶H��C�r��
51572picturephone	�v���q��
51573pie chart	��ι�;����
51574pie graph	�ʤ�(�v)��
51575pie label	���ϼаO
51576pie slice	���ϺI��
51577pie-tail	���u;��X(��)
51578piece identificaiton number	�ϮѼ��ѽX	PIN
51579piece work programming	�p��u�@�s�{
51580piecemeal determination	�v�q�T�w�k
51581pieces per hour	�C�p�ɥ��
51582piecewise analytic	function	���q�ѪR���
51583piecewise linear approximation	���q�u�ʪ���k
51584piecewise linear discriminant function	���q�u�ʧP�O���	PLDF
51585piecewise linear interpolation	���q�u�ʴ���
51586piecewise polynomial approximation	���q�h�������
51587piecewise smooth function	���q���ƨ��
51588piecewsie polynomial	���q������
51589pierce arrow operation	"�ΫD"�ާ@
51590piezocrystal	���q����
51591piezoeffect	���q����
51592piezoelectric	���q��
51593piezoelectric crystal	���q����
51594piezoelectric effect	���q����
51595piezoelectric filter	���q�o�i��
51596piezoelectric modulus	���q�Ҷq
51597piezoelectric pressure gauge	���q�����O�p
51598piezoelectric strain gauge	���q���ܻ�
51599piezoelectric transducer	���q���ǷP��
51600piezoelectricity	���q(�{�H)
51601piezoelectricity element	���q��������
51602piezomagnetic effect	���Ϯ���
51603piezomagnetic material	���ϧ���
51604piggyback entry	(�ɹD)�D�k�i�J
51605piggyback entry form	(�ɹD)�D�k�i�J�覡
51606piggyback hardware	�I�t���w��
51607piggybacking	���e�L�{;�ɹD
51608pike noise	�y����
51609piling up	��n
51610pillar	�W;�ɬW
51611pilot	�ޥ�;�޾�;�嫬���窺
51612pilot carrier frequency	���W�W�v	PCF
51613pilot channel	���W�q�D;�޾ɳq�H�q��
51614pilot channel equipment	�޾ɳq�D�]��
51615pilot channel system	�޾ɳq�D�覡
51616pilot detector	���W�˪i��	PD
51617pilot filter	���W�o�i��	PF
51618pilot hole	�w���;�ɤ�
51619pilot lamp	���ܿO;�H���O	PL
51620pilot model	����ʼҫ�
51621pilot operation	�ޥܧ@�~;�զ�@�~;�޾ɾާ@
51622pilot project	����ʶ���
51623pilot system	����ʨt��
51624pilot tape	�޾ɱa
51625pin	�޸};���};���Y;���w;���u
51626pin assignment	�޸}�\����t;���u�\����t
51627pin configuration	�޸}�t�m
51628pin contact	���}IJ�I;�w�����Y
51629pin dot matrix	�w�I�x�}
51630pin feed forms	�w���X�e(��)����
51631pin feed plat(t)en	�w���X�e(��)�u��
51632pin hole	�p��;�w��
51633pin jack	�޸}����
51634pin limitation	���u����
51635pin saving design	�ٱ��u�]�p�k
51636pin summary	�޸}�@��
51637pin-feed device	�w���X�e���]��
51638pin-pong	�}���޳N;�����޳N
51639pin-socket contact	�w�զ�IJ�I
51640pin-to-pin	����-����s��
51641pinboard	���}�O;�����O
51642pinboard programming	�����O�s�{
51643pinch off	���_(����������ޥ�);����(�ޤf��)
51644pinch roller	���u��;����(�ϱa����)
51645pinched resistor	���h�q��;���D�q��
51646pincushion distortion	�E���
51647pinfeed form	�w�X���
51648pinfeed platen	�w�X�u�}
51649ping-pong	����N
51650ping-pong procedure	���L�{
51651pip	�y�Y�H��
51652pipe	��;�ɺ�
51653pipe earth	�ɺޱ��a
51654piped mode	�ަ���(�A)
51655pipeline	�޹D;�y���u;�޽u
51656pipeline architecture	�y���u���c
51657pipeline arithmetic unit	�y���u�B�⾹
51658pipeline capacity	�y���u�e�q;�y���u��O
51659pipeline characteristics	�y���u�S��
51660pipeline computer	�y���u�p���
51661pipeline control	�y���u����
51662pipeline iterative operation	�y��(�u)���|�ާ@;�y��(�u)�|�N�޳N
51663pipeline machine	�޽u������
51664pipeline module	�y���u�Ҳ�
51665pipeline multiplier	�y���u���k��
51666pipeline multiplier chip	�y���u���k�����
51667pipeline operation	�y���u�B��;�y���u�ާ@
51668pipeline partitioning	�y���u����
51669pipeline processor	�y���u�B�z��; �y���u�B�z�{��
51670pipeline program	�y���u�{��
51671pipeline register	�y���u�Ȧs��
51672pipeline searching	�y���u�j��
51673pipeline speech-recognition system	�y���u�y���ѧO�t��
51674pipeline transparency	�y���u�z����
51675pipeline unit	�y���u����
51676pipeline vector computer	�y���u�V�q(�p��)��
51677pipelined array processor	�y���u���}�C�B�z��;�y���u���}�C�B�z�{��
51678pipelined digital architecture	�y���u�Ʀ쵲�c
51679pipelined functional unit	�y���u�\�ೡ��
51680pipelined look-ahead carry	�y���u����i��
51681pipelined microprogramming system	�y���u�L�{���]�p�t��
51682pipelining	�޽u�ާ@;�޽u�y�q;�޸���;�y���u�޳N
51683pipelining segment	�y���u�q
51684piping	�޽u�u�{;(��)�޹D�ǰe
51685piquant	�϶H�Ʀ��ഫ��
51686piracy	�I�DZM�Q�v
51687pitch	���Z;�r�Ŷ��Z
51688pitch selector	�r�Z��ܾ�
51689pivot	��;���I;�D��(��)
51690pivot element	�D��(��)
51691pivot operation	�D���B��
51692pivoting	��D��;����
51693pix lock	�ۤ���;���W��
51694pixel	���I;�I;����;�ϯ�;�Ϥ�;�H��;�H��
51695pixel loading	�H����J;�H���ˤJ
51696pixel order	�H������	PODR
51697pixel oriented	�����ɦV
51698pixel pattern	�H���Ҧ�
51699pixel replication	�H���ƻs
51700pixmap	���M
51701PL/1	PL/1�{���y��
51702PL/1 optimizing compiler	PL/1�̨ΤƽsĶ�{��	OPL1
51703place	��;��;�a�I
51704place information	��m�H��
51705place value	�a�I��;���
51706place/transition net	��m�E����
51707placeholder	�e���;��m�лx��
51708placeholder record	�e��O��
51709placement	�G��
51710placement algorithm	�G����k
51711placement control	��m����
51712placement mode	��m�Ҧ�
51713placement of security feature	�w���譱���G�m
51714placement policy	�G���W�h
51715placement strategy	�G���Բ�
51716plain	���X	PLN
51717plain blank board	�L�ժťմ���O
51718plain denotation	²��лx
51719plain language	²���y��	PL
51720plain mode	²��覡
51721plain old telephone service	²���Ѧ��q�ܷ~��	POTS
51722plain value	²���
51723plaintext	����
51724plan generation	�����ͦ�
51725plan position indication	������m����	PPI
51726plan view display	���������	PVD
51727plan, do, check, action	�p��,��I,�ˬd,���I	PDCA
51728planar	������
51729planar chip	������
51730planar computer	�����p���	PC
51731planar diffusion	�����X��
51732planar diode	�����G����
51733planar double-diffused transistor	�������X�������
51734planar element	��������
51735planar epitaxial method	�����~���k
51736planar epitaxial transistor	�����~�������
51737planar epitaxial tuning varactor	�����~���տ��ܮe�G����	PETV
51738planar film	������
51739planar gas discharge	���������q	PGD
51740planar graph	������
51741planar integrated circuit	�����n��q��
51742planar method	�����k(����ި�y�u��)
51743planar module	�����ո˴���;�����Ҳ�
51744planar package	�����ʸ�
51745planar passivated translator	�������ƴ����
51746planar process	�����u��
51747planar separator theorem	�������j�z��
51748planar solution	������
51749planar technique	�����޳N
51750planar transistor	���������
51751planarity	�i������
51752planarity testing	�i�����ƴ���
51753planarization algorithm	�����ƺ�k
51754plane	����;�S�d
51755plane hologram	���������Ӭ�
51756plane map	�����a��
51757plane memory	�����O��
51758plane normal	�����k�u
51759plane strain	��������
51760plane stress	�������O
51761plane tree	������
51762plane wave	�����i
51763planetary camera	��P���Ӭ۾�
51764planned availability	�p���i��
51765planned issue transaction	�p���ʵo�Ʋ���	PI
51766planned issues	�p���ʵo��
51767planned load	�p���ʭt��
51768planned order	�p���ʭq��
51769planned order error list	�p���ʭq����~�M�U
51770planned order status	�p���ʭq�檬�A
51771planned period capacity	�p���ʴ�������
51772planned queue	�p���ʵ��ݧǦC
51773planner	�W����
51774planner number	�W�������X
51775planner number range	�W�������X�d��
51776planning and scheduling	�W���P�ի�	PS
51777planning and simulation model	�W�������Ҧ�
51778planning bill	�W���M��
51779planning data gathering	�W���ƾڦ���
51780planning date	�W�����
51781planning dependencies	�W���̩ۨ�
51782planning exception	�W���ҥ~���p
51783planning execution time	�W������ɶ�
51784planning horizon	�W���ɶ�����
51785planning lead time	�W���e�m�ɶ�
51786planning objective	�W���ؼ�	PO
51787planning parameter definition	�W���ѼƩw�q
51788planning report	�W������
51789planning reports selection	�W��������
51790planning run	�W���B�@
51791planning run control menu	�W���B�@����e��
51792planning runc exception report	�W���B�@�ҥ~���p����
51793planning selection and initiation	�W����ܤΰ_�l
51794planning sheet	�ާ@��
51795planning software	�W���n��
51796planning software project	�W���n�鶵��
51797planning systems generator	�W���t�Υͦ��{��	PSG
51798planning time period	�W���ɶ�����
51799planning warehouse	�W���ܮw
51800planning, control and decision evaluation	�p���޲z�M�M������;�p���޲z�M�M������	PLANCODE
51801planographic	�����L�ꪺ
51802plant	����;�u�t;���;�ʯ����
51803plant capacity	�u�t����
51804plant layout	�]�ƧG�m(���);�ʤO�˸m�G�m(��)	PL
51805plant model	�u�t�ҫ�
51806plant operations control center	�u�t�]�ƾާ@�����	POCC
51807plasma	�����l��
51808plasma display	�q�ߦ���ܾ�;�����l�����	PD
51809plasma display panel	�����l����ܪO	PDP
51810plasma display unit	�����l��ܾ�;�����l����ܳ���	PDU
51811plasma panel	�q�ߪO;�����l����ܪO
51812plasma wave	�q�ߪi
51813plasma-ray device	�����l�g�u�]��
51814plastic	���;��ʪ�
51815plastic condult	�w���ƺ�
51816plastic dielectric capacitor	��Ƥ���q�e��	PDC
51817plastic disk optical memory	��(��)�L���O����
51818plastic flexible disk	��Ƴn�Ϻ�
51819plastic flexible disk unit	��Ƴn�Ϻо�
51820plastic foam	�w�M���
51821plastic insulated cable	��Ƶ��t�q�l	PIC
51822plastic package	��ƫʸ�
51823plastic read-only disc	��ư�Ū�Ϻ�(�x�s��)
51824plastic-backed magnetic tape	�I���ƺϱa
51825plasticity	���
51826plat(t)en	���Ⱥu��;�Ҫ�;�x�O
51827plate	����;�O��;��h;����	P
51828plate deflection	����O
51829plate modulation	�O���ը�
51830plateau	�x��;�W
51831plateau voltage	�x���q��;�W�q��
51832plated film disk	�q�������Ϻ�
51833plated wire storage/store	��u�x�s(��)
51834plated-wire memory	��u�O��
51835platen	�u�};�u��;�C�L�ԪO
51836platform	�x��
51837platform position computer	���x��m�p���	PPC
51838plating	��;�q��
51839platter	�ۤ�;�ϱa
51840plausibility check	�u����ˬd
51841play	��(��);��(�H);��
51842playback	����;���t;Ū�X;��	PB
51843playback head	�^���Y
51844player	�۽L;��H�����y;�����H
51845plenum	(�j��)�q���t��
51846plex structure	�������c
51847plexicoder	����s�X��
51848pliotron	�\�v�q�l��
51849plot	�Ϫ�;���u;ø(�s);ø��
51850plot chart	�u����
51851plot pen	ø�ϵ�
51852plotomat	�۰�ø�Ͼ�
51853plotter	ø�Ͼ�; ø�Ͼ�
51854plotter step size	ø�Ͼ��B�i�ؤo;ø�ϻ��B��
51855plotting area	ø�ϰ�
51856plotting board	ø�ϪO
51857plotting head	ø���Y
51858plotting mode	ø�ϼ�
51859plotting table	ø�Ϯ�
51860plug	���Y;����	PL
51861plug board	�����O	PGBD
51862plug compatible	����(�O)�ݮe
51863plug compatible mainframe	�����ݮe�D��	PCM
51864plug compatible manufactures	�����ݮe�s�y�t	PCM
51865plug compatible memory	�����ݮe�O����	PCM
51866plug on terminator	�������ױ���	PLOT
51867plug-in amplifier	���J����j��	PIA
51868plug-in electronics	�������q�l����	PIE
51869plug-in unit	�������;���J����	PIU
51870plugboard	���Y�O;���D�O
51871plugboard chart	���Y�O��
51872pluggable input method interface	���J����J�k����	PIMI
51873pluggable unit	���J���˸m;����
51874plugging chart	������
51875pluggingchart	������
51876plumbing	�i�ɳ]��;�i�ɺ�
51877plural entity	�h������
51878plus	�[;����	PL
51879plus zone	����(��)�a
51880PME	�᤹�į�ʷ�	PME
51881pneumatic	��ʪ�;���ʪ�
51882pneumatic capstan	��ʵ��L
51883pneumatic computer	��ʭp���
51884pneumatically controlled bistable	��ʱ����í�A
51885PO	PO�{����	PO
51886pocker	�d����
51887pocket	�d����;�d���X
51888pocket calculator	�f�U���p�⾹
51889point	���w;�I
51890point approximation	�I���(�k)
51891point array	���а}�C
51892point of failure	�G���I	POF
51893point of intersection	��e�I	PI
51894point of sale	�P���I
51895point of sales	�P���I;���I�P������t��	POS
51896point page	���ܭ�
51897point size	�I�ؤo
51898point source	�I��
51899point-of-last environment	�̫������I	POLE
51900point-of-sale	�P���I
51901point-to-multipoint	���I��h�I
51902point-to-point	�I���I
51903point-to-point and multi-drop transmission systeml	�I���I��P�h�I�[����
51904point-to-point channel	�I���I�q�D
51905point-to-point circuit	�I���I�q��
51906point-to-point connection	�I���I���s��;�I���I�s��
51907point-to-point control	�I���I����
51908point-to-point data link	�I���I�ƾ����	PPDL
51909point-to-point line	�I���I�u��
51910point-to-point transmission	�I���I�ǿ�
51911pointed cone	�y�@
51912pointer	���ܸ˸m; ����; ����( �� ); ���w; ���ܦr	P
51913pointer address	���ܦr��};���w��}
51914pointer array	���а}�C
51915pointer device	���ܸ˸m
51916pointing	���I
51917pointwise	�v�I��
51918poke	�s��
51919polar	���Ʀ�;����;���ʪ�
51920polar axis	���b
51921polar chart	�����
51922polar relay	�����~�q��
51923polar transmission	���ʶǿ�
51924polarity	����	PO
51925polarizability	���Ʋv;���Ʃ�
51926polarization	����;������	P
51927polarization diversity	���Ƥ���
51928polarize	����;����
51929polarized return-to-zero recording	�����k�s�O��
51930polarized return-to-zero-recording	�����k�s�O��	RZ(P)
51931polaroid filter	�����o����
51932pole	���I
51933police information network	���w������	PIN
51934policy information network	���w������	PIN
51935policy module	�F���Ҳ�
51936Polish notation	�i���O�k
51937poll	���ߪk
51938poll record	�벼�O��
51939poll/final	�d�ߵ���	P/F
51940poll/final bit	����/�פF�줸
51941polled access network	��(��)�X(��)������	PAN
51942polling	����;����
51943polling characters	���ߦr��
51944polling list	���ߪ�;���ߦC��
51945polling mode	���߼Ҧ�
51946polling system	���I��;���ߨ�
51947polling techniques	���ߧޥ�
51948pollutant standard index	�Ů�ìV����	PSI
51949polybinary code	�h�G�i��X
51950polycomputer	�h�p���
51951polygon	�h���
51952polygon attribute	�h����ݩ�
51953polygon mirror scanner	�Ϯg��
51954polyline	��u;�h���u
51955polymarker	���I�и�
51956polymorphism	�h��
51957polynomial code	�h�����X
51958polynomial equation	�h����{��
51959polynomial ideal	�h�����z�Q
51960polynomial list	�h������
51961polynomial module	�h�����Ҳ�
51962polynomial regression	�h�����j�k
51963polynomial residue class algebra	�h�����l���N��
51964polynomial ring	�h������
51965polyphase microinstruction	�h�۷L���O
51966polyphase modulation	�h�۽���
51967polyphase sort	�h�۱Ƨ�
51968polystyrene dielectric capacitor	�E�f�A�m����q�e��	PDC
51969polyvalence	�h��
51970polyvalent notation	�h���O�k
51971polyvalent number	�h���ƥ�
51972pool	�x�s��;��;�x�w;�x�s��
51973pool of available nodes	���Υi�Q�θ`�I��
51974pooled resource	�x�s�귽
51975pop	�W����;�W��;�u�X;�z�X;���X
51976pop operation	�z�X�@�~
51977pop stack	�z�X���|
51978pop-up	�Y�{
51979pop-up menu	�Y�{�\���;�W���ﶵ��
51980pop/push (stack)	�u�X/���J
51981populate	����
51982population	�`��;�K��
51983port	��;(�q�T)��
51984port address	�ݤf��}
51985port expander unit	�ݤf�X�i�椸	PEU
51986port frame type	�ݤf�V����	PFT
51987port level manager	�ݤf�ź޲z�{��	PLM
51988portability	�i���;�@�q��;����
51989portability technique	���ǩʧ޳N
51990portable	�ⴣ��
51991portable automatic data recording equipment	�K�⦡�۰ʼƾڰO���]��	PADRE
51992portable camera-transmitter	�K�⦡�Ӭ۵o�e��	PCT
51993portable data acquisition system	�K�⦡�ƾڱĶ��t��	PODAS
51994portable data medium	���ǩʸ�ƴC��
51995portable debugger	�i���Ӫ������{��
51996portable display terminal	��a����Ʋ׺ݾ�	PDT
51997portable electric probe reader	�S�ùq���ަ�Ū�J��;�S�ùq���Φ�Ū�J��	PEPR
51998portable keyboard	�K�⦡��L	PKB
51999portable program	���ǩʵ{��
52000portfolio selection	�ɨ����
52001portion of text	�����
52002portrait	����;���\;����r
52003ports	��
52004position	��m; ����; �a��; �w��
52005position and velocity	��m�M�t��	PAV
52006position and velocity extraction	����t�פޥX(�{��);��m�t�״���	PAVE
52007position and velocity tracking	��m�M�t�׸���	PAVT
52008position finding device	��m���w��;�����;���쾹	PFD
52009position independent addressing	����W�ߩw�}
52010position independent code	����W�߽X;��m�W�ߥN�X	PIC
52011position indicator	��m��ܾ�;��m���ܾ�	PIN
52012position invariant linear system	��m���ܽu�ʨt��
52013position of key in record	�O�����_��m;��b���ꤤ����m
52014position pulse	(�a)��ߪi
52015position type	��m����
52016position-dependent code	��m�ۨ̽X
52017position-event-time	�a�I-�ƥ�-�ɶ�	PET
52018position-independent code	��m�W��X	PIC
52019positional format	��m�榡
52020positional notation	�w��O�k; ����O�k
52021positional number	�츹
52022positional representation	�w����; ���ܪk
52023positional representation (system)	�w����(�t��)
52024positional system	�w��t��
52025positional value	���
52026positioner	�w�쾹
52027positioning operation	�w��ާ@
52028positioning time	�w��ɶ�
52029positive	����(�v)
52030positive appearing image	�թ��¼v����(�v)
52031positive feedback	���^�X;���^��	PF
52032positive feedback circuit	���^�X�q��	PFC
52033positive image	�Y�v����(�v)
52034positive input-negative output element	����J-�t��X����	PINOE
52035positive integer	�����
52036positive logic disturbance	���޿�z�Z	PLD
52037positive logic level	���޿�q��	PLL
52038positive-AND gate	���ιh
52039positive-edge-triggered	����tIJ�o
52040positive-input negative-output	����J�t��X	PINO
52041positive-OR gate	���ιh
52042post	�i��;�b��;�n�O
52043post assembly stage	�˫ᶥ�q
52044post mortem	�ƫ�R�~
52045post mortem dump	�׵���ɦL;�ƫ�R�~�ɨ�	PMD
52046post mortem routine	�ƫ�R�~�`��
52047post office box	�l�F�H�c	POB
52048post office work unit	�l���u�@���	POWU
52049post operation data analysis facillity	�ާ@��ƾڤ��R�]��;�ާ@��ƾڤ��R�{��	PODAF
52050post-edit	�ƫ�s��
52051post-installation review	�˫�Ƭd
52052post-write disturb pulse	�g���Z�ïߪi
52053postal address reader-indexer system	�l�F�a�}Ū�J�Фިt��	PARIS
52054postal,telegraph and telephone	�l�q����
52055postamble	���
52056postbilling	�ƫ�}�߱b��
52057postconditional expression	��m����
52058postfix form	��ǧΦ�
52059postfix notation	��m�O�k
52060postindexing	��[����
52061posting	��m;�i��
52062posting machine	�i�ܾ�
52063postmortem dump	�˵��ɦL
52064postprocessor	��m�B�z��
52065postscript	����ƪ�
52066poststimulus-time mode	��E�ɶ��Ҧ�	PST
52067postulate	���]
52068post_help	��@����
52069potential address space	��}�Ŷ�
52070potential correction	�q�ծե�;�q��ե�
52071potential corrosively	�G�k�q��	PC
52072potential customer	��b�U��
52073potential well	�q�줫
52074potentiall well	�զ}
52075potentiometer	�q��p;�q�쾹
52076potentiometer loading error	�q��p�[���~�t
52077potentiometer multiplier	�q��p����
52078potentiometer set mode	�q��p�]�w��
52079pototype	�쫬�է@
52080pototyping	�쫬�]�p
52081pound sign #	�S��
52082power	����;��;�\�v;�q;�ʤO	P
52083power amplifier	�\(�v)��(�j��)	PA
52084power box	�q���c	PB
52085power cable	�q���q�l
52086power circuit breaker	�q���_���}��;�q���_����	PCB
52087power control	�\�v����;�ʤO����	PC
52088power control and distribution	�\�v����P���t;�ʤO����P���t;�q������P�t�q	PCD
52089power control compartment	�q������c
52090power control unit	�q������椸	PCU
52091power conversion unit	�q���ഫ����	PCU
52092power cord	�q���u
52093power cord compartment	�q������c
52094power cord connector	�q���u�s����
52095power density meter	�\�v�K�׭p	PDM
52096power dissipation index	�\�ӫ���	PDI
52097power distribtuion unit	�t�q�椸	PDU
52098power distribution panel	�t�q�L	PDP
52099power down	���_�q��;����q�������{��
52100power dump	�q�����_;�q���M��
52101power factor meter	�\�v�]�ƭp	PFM
52102power fail restart	���q�A�_��;�q���G�٦A�_��	PER
52103power fail/restart	�q���G�٦A�_��	PF/R
52104power fall restart	�q���G�٦A�Ұ�	PFR
52105power feeding	�X�q
52106power gain	�\�v�W�q	PG
52107power indicator	�q�����ܾ�	PI
52108power input	�q����J	PI
52109power input panel	�q���O;�t�q�O	PIP
52110power interlock	�q������	PI
52111power level	�\�v���;�\�v�q��	PL
52112power line	�ʤO�u;�q�O�u	PL
52113power off	�q������
52114power on	�}�ҹq��;�q�q���;�q���}��
52115power on hours	�q�q�ɶ�	POH
52116power on light	�q���}�ҫ��ܿO
52117power on self test	�}���ۧڴ���
52118power outlet	�q�����y
52119power plug	�q�����Y
52120power ready	�q���Ƨ�
52121power ready light	�q���Ƨ����ܿO
52122power residul method	�����l�ƪk
52123power sequence cable	�q�����ǹq�l
52124power set	����
52125power spectrum	����
52126power supply	�ѹq��/�q������;�q��������
52127power switch	�q���}��
52128power table	������
52129power up	�}�ҹq��;����q���}�ҵ{��
52130power-failure protection	�q���G�٫O�@
52131power-system application	�q�O�t������
52132powers of two	�G����
52133PPSDN	�������ʥ洫��ƺ���	PPSDN
52134pragmat	�{���榡
52135pragmatics	��ھ�
52136pre-allocation	�w���t
52137pre-define	�w���w�q��
52138pre-edit	�ƫe�s��
52139pre-intermediate frequency amplifier	�e�m��(�W)��(�j)��	PIFAMP
52140pre-read head	�wŪ�Y
52141preamble	�e��
52142preamplifier	�e�m��j��
52143preanalysis	�ƫe���R
52144preassigned multiple access	�w���t�h�}�s��	PMA
52145preassigned multiple access satellite system	�w���t�h���s���ìP�t��	PAMA
52146preauthorization	�w�����v
52147prebilling	����}�߱b��
52148preburning	�w�N
52149precedence	�u���v; �u������
52150precedence notation	�u�����Ǫ�ܪk
52151precedence prosign	�~���b�e�O��;�e�m�r�Ų�
52152precedence record	���e�O��
52153precedence rules	�u�����dzW�h
52154precedence table	�~����
52155preceding	�e��
52156precharge	�w�����O
52157precise lock	��K��
52158precise scalar product	��T�¶q�n
52159precision	��K��;��ǫ�;��(�K)��;�ǽT��;��T��
52160precision analog computing equipment	��K�����p��]��	PACE
52161precision artwork language	��T��ϻy��	PAL
52162precision graph recorder	��T�ϰO����	PGR
52163precision infrared tracking system	��K���~����(�t��)	PIRT
52164precision navigation processor	��T�ɯ�B�z��	PNP
52165precompiler	�ƫe�sĶ�{��
52166preconfigured system definition	�w�t�m�t�Ωw�q	PCD
52167precoordinate index	���զ�����
52168predecessor activity	�e������
52169predecessor value	���ͭ�
52170predefined	�w���w�q
52171predefined message	�w�w�T��
52172predefined priorities method	�w�w�u���k
52173predefined process	�w�w�q�L�{;�w�w�L�{
52174predicate	�z�y
52175predicted values	�w����
52176prediction	�w��
52177predictive analyzer	�z�����R�{��	PA
52178predictor-corrector	�w���ե��k	PC
52179prediiction error covaariance	�w���~�t���t
52180preferred character set	�u��r�Ŷ�	PCS
52181preferred class	�u������
52182prefetching	�ƫe����
52183prefix	�e�m;�r��;���r;�r�a	PFX
52184prefix method	���Y�k;�e��k
52185prefix notation	�e�m�O�k
52186prefix operator	�e�m�B�⤸
52187prefixes	���r;�r�a	PFXS
52188preformat	�w���榡
52189preindexing	���[����
52190preliminary design	��B�]�p	PD
52191preliminary investigation	��B�լd
52192preliminary review	�w���Ƭd
52193preorder	�e��
52194preorder for binary tree	�G�e���e�ڦ���
52195preout	�e��X
52196preparation	�w��
52197prepare diskettes	�dzƺϤ�
52198preprinted	����C�L
52199preprocessing	�e�B�z
52200preprocessing data	�w�B�z���
52201preprocessor	�w�B�z��
52202preprocessor control lines	�w���B�z�{������C
52203prepunched	���կȱi
52204prepunched card	�w���եd
52205preread disturb pulse	Ū�e�Z�ïߪi
52206preread head	��Ū�Y
52207prerecorded (data) mudium	�w������ƴC��
52208prerequisite	���M����(���Ʊ���)
52209preselection	�w��
52210presence bit	�e�{�Ƥ�
52211present next digit	��ܤU�@�ӼƦ�	PND
52212presentation	�e��
52213presentation data value	��{��ƭ�
52214presentation graphic	��ܹϧ�
52215presentation graphic routines	�t�ܹϧ�(�Ҧ�)�{��	PGR
52216presentation layer	��{�h;���z���h
52217presentation service access point	��{�A�Ȧ��e�I
52218preserve	�O�d
52219preserved context index system	�O�d�W�U����ިt��
52220preset	�w�m;�w�];�w�w
52221preset code	�w�m�X
52222preset parameter	�w�m�Ѽ�;�w�]�Ѽ�
52223press	���U;��
52224press bond	����
52225pressure control	���O����
52226pressure gas	���Y����
52227pressure switch	���O�}��	PS
52228prestaging	�w����m
52229prestel	prestel�q�ǵ��T�t��
52230prestel imformation center	prestel��T����	PIC
52231prestore	�w�x
52232prestored query	�w�s�߰�
52233presumptive address	������}
52234presumptive instruction	�������O
52235pretty printing	����C�L
52236prevailing mode	�{��Ҧ�
52237prevalue	�w�m��
52238preventive maintenance	�w�����@
52239preventive maintenance management program	�w���ʺ��׺޲z�{��	PMMP
52240preventive maintenance scheduling system	�w���ʺ��@��{�w�ƨt��	PMSS
52241preventive maintenance time	�w�����@�ɶ�
52242preview and graphics editing	�w�t�M�ϧνs��	PAGE
52243previewing	�w��(��)
52244previous	�e�e��
52245previous annual forecast	�e�~�׹w��
52246previous operation	�e�@�~
52247previous work center	�e�u�@��
52248prewire	�w�s�u
52249pre_help	�w�@����
52250price break	���q����
52251price break conversion factor	���q�����ഫ�]��
52252price break literal	���q����w��
52253price discount/markup code	����馩/�[���X
52254pricing hierarchy	�w���h��
52255pricing methods	�w����k
52256pricing structure	�w�����c
52257primal cluster	�@���L
52258primary	�D;�@��;����;��;�̪�;�D�n
52259primary abort counter	�D�n���`����p�ƾ�
52260primary access method	�D�s���k	PAM
52261primary application block	�D����(�{��)��	PAB
52262primary center	�D(�洫)����
52263primary character set	���r�Ŷ�
52264primary clustering	�D�O��
52265primary colors	���
52266primary communication attachment	�D�q�H���ݳ]��	PCA
52267primary console	�D����x
52268primary control program	�D���{��	PCP
52269primary control unit	�D�����	PCU
52270primary dictionary	�D�r��
52271primary directory	�D�ؿ�
52272primary expression	�D��ܦ�
52273primary expression operator	�D��ܦ��ާ@��
52274primary file	�D��;�D�n��
52275primary frequency	�D�n�W�v;�D�W	PF
52276primary I/O device	�D��X��J�˸m
52277primary index	�D����;�D��;�D����
52278primary input	��ſ�J	PI
52279primary key	�D��;�D�_;�D�˯�����
52280primary lock	�D��
52281primary logical unit	�D�޿���;�D�n�޿���	PLU
52282primary memory unit	�D�O��
52283primary overlay description language	�D���|�y�z�y����
52284primary password	�D�t�X
52285primary processor	�D�B�z��
52286primary program operator interface task	�D�{���ާ@����������	PPT
52287primary protocol	�D�q�T��w
52288primary protocol error	�D�n�q�H��w���~
52289primary rack	�D�ج[
52290primary rate	��ųt�v
52291primary rate interface	��ųt�v�ɭ�
52292primary root	�D��
52293primary routing code	�D�~�{�X
52294primary run-time system	�D�B��ɶ��t
52295primary set of control characters	������r�Ŷ�
52296primary set of graphic characters	��ø�Ϧr�Ŷ�
52297primary station	�D�n��
52298primary storage	���x�s(��)
52299primary support system	�D�䴩�t��
52300primary switching center	�D�洫����
52301primary terminal address	�D�׺ݾ���}
52302primary timrout category	�D�W�ɺ���
52303primary vector	�D�V�q
52304prime area	���ϰ�
52305prime field	���
52306prime implicant	��ĭ��
52307prime integer	���
52308prime load code	�D�t���X
52309prime number	���
52310prime option menu	�D��ܵe��
52311prime quote	�D����
52312prime record key	�D���_
52313prime RIB	�D�˯���T��
52314primitive	����O;��;��Ƥ���;�Ϥ�
52315primitive data item	��l�ƾڶ�
52316primitive element	��l����
52317primitive flow table	��l�y�{��
52318primitive operation	���ʧ@
52319primitive polynomial	��l�h����
52320primitive state table	��l���A��
52321primitive subroutine	��l���`��
52322principal component analysis	�D�������R
52323principal device	�D�n�˸m
52324principal idea	�D�z�Q
52325principal ideal ring	�D�z�Q��
52326principal maintenance period	�D���@�g��
52327principle of exclusion	�ƥ���z
52328principle of limit design	�����]�p��h	PLD
52329print	�L�r;�C�L;�C�L
52330print attribute	�C�L�ݩ�
52331print barrel	�C�L��
52332print character generator	�C�L�r�ŵo�;�;�C�L�r�ŵo�͵{��	PCG
52333print contrast ratio	�L�r��Ũ��
52334print contrast signal	�L��Ϯt�H��	PCS
52335print control character	�L�r����r��;�C�L����r��
52336print control unit	�C�L�����	PCU
52337print density	�C�L�K��
52338print device	�C�L�]��
52339print drum	�C�L��
52340print form	�C�L�ί�
52341print formatter	�L��榡
52342print function	�C�L�\��
52343print head	�L�r�Y
52344print hold state	�C�L�O�d���A
52345print information form	�C�L��T���
52346print intercept routine	�C�L���I�`��
52347print job configuration	�C�L�u�@�t�m
52348print line buffer	�C�L��w�ľ�;�C�L��w�İ�	PLB
52349print line buffer address register	�C�L��w�ľ���}�Ȧs��	PLBAR
52350print line desity	�C�L��K��
52351print list	�C�L�M��
52352print mode	�C�L�Ҧ�
52353print out	�C�L�X��
52354print pattern generator	�C�L�r�ҵo�;�	PPG
52355print position density	�C�L��m�K��
52356print processor	�C�L�B�z��
52357print quality	�C�L�~��
52358print queue	�C�L��C;�C�L���Խu
52359print screen key	�L�X������
52360print setting	�C�L�]�w
52361print settings	�C�L�]�w
52362print settings menu	�C�L�]�w�ؿ�
52363print spooler	�C�L�Ȧs��
52364print spooling	�L����s�u�@�~
52365print start	�C�L�}�l
52366print start bit	�C�L�}�l�줸
52367print through	�L��
52368print wheel	�L���; �L�r��
52369print zones	�C�L��
52370print-head	�L�r�Y
52371print-image	�C�L�v��
52372print-member	�L�r����
52373print-punch editor	�L���s�边	PPE
52374print-wheel assembly	�L����զX
52375print-wheel printer	�L���L�r��
52376print/plot option	�C�L/ø�Ͽ��
52377printable group	�i�C�LG
52378printable item	�i�C�L����
52379printed circuit	�L��q��;�L�s�q��	PC
52380printed circuit assembly	�L�s�q������	PCA
52381printed circuit block	�L�s�q���O	PCB
52382printed circuit board	�L��q���O;�L�s�q���O	PCB
52383printed circuit board fabricating processes	�L�s�q���O�s�y�L�{
52384printed circuit board partition	�L�s�q���O����
52385printed circuit board socket	�L��q���O���y;�L�s�q���O���y	PCBS
52386printed circuit board test language	�L�s�q���O���ջy��
52387printed circuit generator	�L�s�q���ͦ��{��	PCG
52388printed circuit soldering	�L��q���k��
52389printed-circuit board	�L��q���O	PCB
52390printed-circuit card	�L��q���d
52391printer	�L�r��; �L���; �C�L( �˸m ); �C���
52392printer communications adapter	�C�L���q�H�A�t��	PCA
52393printer control block	�L�r�������
52394printer control command	�L�r������R�O
52395printer control key	�C���������
52396printer control keyword	�L�r����������r
52397printer control markers	�L�r������аO
52398printer control mode	�C�������ҺA
52399printer control pa1	�C�������PA1
52400printer control pa2	�C�������PA2
52401printer error	�C�L�������~
52402printer form	�C�L�ί�
52403printer interface	����������	PRI
52404printer margin	�L�r����u
52405printer mechanism	�C�������
52406printer number	�L�r�����X
52407printer operation	�C����ާ@
52408printer server	�L������A��;�C�L�A�ȯ�
52409printer setting	�C����]�w
52410printer sharing	�@�ΦC���
52411printer spacing chart	�C�L�W����
52412printer station	�C�L��
52413printer status field	�C������A���
52414printer status message	�C������A�T��
52415printer table	�L�r���ؿ�
52416printer type	�C�������
52417printer upoperable state	�C����D�ާ@���A
52418printing calculator	�C�L�p�⾹
52419printing document form	�C�L�����
52420printing equipment	�L�r�]��
52421printout	�L�X
52422printwheel	�L��(�r)��
52423prior	������
52424prioritization	�u����
52425prioritized requisitions report	�����u�����dz���
52426priority	�u��;�u��(��);�u���v;�u������
52427priority bit	�u����
52428priority by critical ratio	�̺�n���u������
52429priority calculation limits	�u�����ǭp�⭭��
52430priority control sequence	�u���ű���ǦC	PCS
52431priority dispatching	�u�������k
52432priority encoder	�u��(��)�s�X��
52433priority indicator	�u��(��)���ܾ�
52434priority interrupt	�u�����_;�u�����_;�u��(��)���_	PI
52435priority interrupt control	�u�����_����	PIC
52436priority interrupt control unit	�u�����_���	PICU
52437priority interrupt module	�u�����_�Ҳ�	PIM
52438priority phase	�u����
52439priority processing	�u���B�z
52440priority program flip-flop	�u���{��IJ�o��	PPFF
52441priority scheduling system	�u���Ƶ{�t��
52442priority-arbitration circuit	�u�����w�q��
52443priority-oriented demand assignment	�u���žɦV�����ݤ��t	PODA
52444privacy	�p�K��;���p�v
52445privacy breath	���p��
52446privacy key	���p�_;�O�K��
52447privacy lock	���p��;�O�K��
52448privacy protection	���p�O�@
52449privacy transformation	���p�ܴ�
52450private automatic branch exchange	�p�Φ۰ʥ洫����;(�۰�)�Τ�洫��	PABX
52451private automatic computer exchange	�۰ʥΤ�洫��	PABX
52452private automatic exchange	�p�Φ۰ʥ洫��;�۰ʥΤ�洫��	PAX
52453private branch exchange	�p�Υ洫����;�p�H�q�l�洫��;�Τ�洫��	PBX
52454private branch exchange attendant	�Τ�洫���ܰȭ�
52455private branch exchange final selector	�Τ�洫���׿ᄍ	PBXFS
52456private branch exchange tie trunk	�Τ�洫�������~�u;�Τ��p�����~�u
52457private branch exchange trunk	�Τ�洫�����~�u
52458private circuit	�p�ιq��
52459private circuit digital data service	�M�ιq���Ʀ�ƾڷ~��	PCDDS
52460private delimiter	�p��(�M��)����
52461private electronic exchange	�q�l�Τ�洫��	PEX
52462private jack	�M�δ��y;���u�u®�}��	PJ
52463private key	�M����	PK
52464private line	�M�νu;�p�νu;�M�u	PL
52465private line interface	�M�νu������	PLI
52466private line service	�M�u�A��;�M�u�~��	PLS
52467private line typewriter	�M�u�q�ǥ��r(�q�A)��	PLT
52468private manual branch exchange	�M�Τ�u�洫��	PMBX
52469private network	�M���
52470private section	�M���q
52471private style	�p���A
52472private telephone network	�p�ιq�ܺ���
52473private volumn	�p�ήe��
52474private wire network	�M�u����
52475privated code	�M�αK�X	PC
52476privilege	�S�v;�S�\��
52477privileged account	�S�v�b��
52478privileged front end	�S�v�e��
52479privileged instruction	�S�v���O
52480privileged instruction simulation	�S�\���O����
52481privileged instructions	�S�v���O
52482privileged memory operation	�S�v���O����ާ@	PMO
52483privileged process	�S�v�B�z
52484privileged program	�S�v�{��;�S�\�{��
52485privileged task	�S�v�u�@
52486privileged user	�S�v�ϥΪ�
52487privileges	�S�v��k
52488PRO/BASIC	�M�a����y��
52489PRO/communications	�M�a/�q�T
52490probability	�εM�v
52491probability density function	���v�K�ר��;���v�K�ר��	PDF
52492probability distribution function	���v�������	PDF
52493probability model	���v�ҫ�
52494probability theory	���v(�z)��
52495probability-analysis compaction	���v���R���k
52496probe	���w
52497problem analysis	���D���R
52498problem analysis by logical approach	�޿�k���D���R	PABLA
52499problem board	���D�O
52500problem data	���D�ƾ�
52501problem definition	���D�w�q
52502problem description	���D�y�z
52503problem descriptor system	���D�y�z�Ũt��	PDS
52504problem determination	���D�T�w	PD
52505problem determination aid	���D�M�����U�{��	PDAID
52506problem division	���D����
52507problem file	���D��
52508problem folder	���D��
52509problem formulation	���D���z
52510problem identification program	���D�ѧO�{��	PIP
52511problem input preparation	���D��J�dz�	PIP
52512problem language analyzer	���D�y�����R��	PLAN
52513problem program	���D�{��
52514problem statement language	���D�ԭz�y��
52515problem-oriented language	���D�ɦV�y��;�D�V�y��
52516procedural block	�L�{��
52517procedural control	�{�DZ���k
52518procedural escape	�{�ǩʤ���
52519procedural extension	�{�ǩ���
52520procedural language for integrity constraints	����ʭ���L�{�y��	PLIC
52521procedure	�{��; ��k; �B�J; ����; �L�{	P
52522procedure block	�{�Ƕ�
52523procedure call	�{�ǩI�s
52524procedure communication	�L�{�q�H
52525procedure division	�{�dz��`
52526procedure file	�{����
52527procedure heading	���Y
52528procedure language	�{���ɦV�y��;�{�ǻy��
52529procedure map	�L�{��	PMAP
52530procedure server	���A�{��
52531procedure server image	���A�{�Ǽv��
52532procedure server transfer module	���A�{���ഫ�Ҳ�
52533procedure-oriented language	�{�ǾɦV�y��;�{�ǫ��V�y��
52534proceed backward magnetic tape	�ϱa����	PBC
52535proceed forward magnetic tape	�ϱa����	PFM
52536proceedings of institute of electrical engineers	�q��P�q�l�u�{�v�Ƿ|�|��	PIEEE
52537process	�B�z;�{��;�B�J;�L�{	P
52538process (data)	�B�z(���)
52539process (in a data processing system)	�B�z�L�{(�b��ƳB�z�t�Τ�)
52540process accessible segment table	�L�{�i�s���q��	PAST
52541process address space	�B�z��}�Ŷ�
52542process assembler language	�L�{�զX�{�ǻy��	PAL
52543process assembly language	�{�DzզX�y��	PAL
52544process automation	(�Ͳ�)�L�{�۰ʤ�	PA
52545process automation interface	�Ͳ��L�{�۰ʤƤ���	PAI
52546process automation monitor	�L�{�۰ʤƺʱ���	PAM
52547process characterization analysis package	�L�{�S�ʤ��R�n��]	PCAP
52548process chart	�L�{��
52549process communication block	�{�dzq�H��	PCB
52550process communication block mask	�{�dzq�H���S�x�X
52551process communication supervisor	�L�{�q�H�޲z�{��;�L�{�q�H�ʱ��{��	PCS
52552process computer system	�L�{�p����t��	PCS
52553process context	�B�z���s;�ѳB�z���A;�B�z���e	PC
52554process control	�{�DZ���;�L�{����;�@�~����	PC
52555process control block	�B�z�{�DZ����;�B�z�����;�{�DZ�����;�L�{�����	PCB
52556process control block base	�B�I�{�DZ���ϰ��Ȧs��	PCBB
52557process control equipment	�{�DZ���]��
52558process control language	�L�{����y��	PCL
52559process control processor	�{�DZ���B�z��	PCP
52560process control program	�L�{����{��	PCP
52561process control system	�{�DZ���t��;�L�{����t��	PCS
52562process descriptor	�L�{�y�z��
52563process dispatching	�L�{�ի�
52564process dynamic recorder	�L�{�ʺA�O����	PDR
52565process flow chart	�@�~�y�{��
52566process header	�L�{���Y
52567process header slots	�L�{���Y��
52568process I/O channel	�B�z��X��J�q�D
52569process I/O segment	�B�z��J��X���q
52570process identification	�L�{�ѧO	PID
52571process identification code	�L�{�ѧO�X	PID
52572process index	�L�{����,�B�z����
52573process information	�Q�B�z���H��
52574process initiation	�L�{�Ұ�
52575process input output	�L�{��J��X	PIO
52576process input/output subroutine package	�L�{��J��X�l�{�ǥ]	PIOSP
52577process instruments digital communication system	�L�{����Ʀ�q�H�t��	PIDCOM
52578process interface control	�L�{��������	PIC
52579process interface system	�{�Ǥ����t��
52580process interrupt signal	�B�z���_�T��
52581process intrerrupt status word	�L�{���_���A�r	PISW
52582process limited	�B�J����
52583process name	�L�{�W��
52584process oriented language	�B�z���V�y��
52585process page tables	�L�{�ꭶ��
52586process permanent file	�L�{�ä[��
52587process priority	�u���v
52588process privileges	�S�v
52589process scheduling	�B�z�Ƶ{
52590process scheduling policy	�B�z�Ƶ{�F��
52591process section	�L�{�q
52592process section table	�L�{�q��
52593process sheet	�B�z��
52594process sheet number	�B�z�渹�X
52595process space	�B�z�Ŷ�
52596process special character	�L�{�M�Φr��
52597process synchronization	�L�{�P�B;�B�z�P�B
52598process table	�L�{��
52599process unit	�B�z���
52600process, experiment and automation real-time langu	�Ͳ��L�{,����Φ۰ʤƹ�ɻy��	PEARL
52601process-own	�L�{�Ҧ��귽
52602process-time	�B�z�ɶ�
52603processed event	�w�B�z���ƥ�
52604processed items	�w�B�z����
52605processing	�B�z
52606processing and control element	�B�z�����	PCE
52607processing control table	�B�z�����	PCT
52608processing element	�B�z����;�B�z��	PE
52609processing element memory	�B�z�椸�O����	PEM
52610processing failure	�G�ٳB�z
52611processing item	�B�z��
52612processing level	�B�z��
52613processing limit	�B�z����
52614processing list	�B�z��
52615processing load	�B�z�t��
52616processing manager	�B�z�޲z�{��
52617processing mode	�B�z�覡
52618processing options	�B�z����
52619processing plan	�B�z�p��
52620processing program	�B�z�{��
52621processing section	�B�z����
52622processing step	�B�z�B�J
52623processing time	�B�z�ɶ�
52624processing unit	�B�z���
52625processor	�B�z��; �B�z��; �B�z�{��	P
52626processor binding	�B�z�����X
52627processor console	�B�z�D����x
52628processor console clock	�B�z���D����x�p����
52629processor control cards	�B�z������O	PCC
52630processor control program	�B�z������{��;�B�z������{��	PCP
52631processor control unit	�B�z�������	PCU
52632processor cycle	�B�z���g
52633processor defined function	�B�z���w�q���;�B�z���w�q�\��	PDF
52634processor element	�B�z������
52635processor element memory	�B�z���椸�O����	PEM
52636processor input-output	�B�z����J-��X;�B�z�{�ǿ�J-��X	PIO
52637processor interface	�B�z������	PI
52638processor interface controller	�B�z���������	PIC
52639processor interface module	�B�z�������Ҳ�;�B�z�{�Ǥ����Ҳ�	PIM
52640processor interface routine	�B�z������(�Ҧ�)�{��
52641processor interrupt	�B�z�����_;�B�z�{�Ǥ��_	PINT
52642processor limited	�B�z������
52643processor local storage address register	�B�z�������x�s����}�Ȧs��	PLSA
52644processor management	�B�z���޲z
52645processor management lower level	�B�z���޲z��h
52646processor management upper level	�B�z���B�z�W�h
52647processor memory	�B�z���O����	PMEM
52648processor memory enhancement	�B�z���O����W�j	PME
52649processor option	�B�z�����
52650processor register	�B�z���Ȧs��
52651processor scheduler	�B�z���Ƶ{��
52652processor stack pointer	�B�z�����|����
52653processor status	�B�z�����A
52654processor status longword	�B�z�����A���r��	PSL
52655processor status word	�B�z�����A�r��;�B�z�����A�r	PSW
52656processor storage	�B�z���x�s��
52657processor unit	�B�z���˸m
52658processor unit control panel	�B�z���˸m�D����O
52659procurement division	���ʳ�	PD
52660producer-consumer problem	�Ͳ��̻P���O�̰��D
52661product	���n;(��)�n
52662product administration and contract control	���~�޲z�ΦX������	PACC
52663product analyst	���~���R��	PA
52664product code	���n�X
52665product cost	���~����
52666product cost simulation	���~��������
52667product cost update report	���~������s����
52668product costing	���~�����p��
52669product data management	���~��ƺ޲z
52670product development system	���~�}�o�t��	PDS
52671product features	���~�\��
52672product line	���~�u
52673product load profile	���~�t������
52674product of sums	�M���n
52675product register	���n�Ȧs��
52676product structure	�n���c;���~���c
52677product structure chain validation	���~���c�쵲�T�{
52678product structure data entry backup/recovery error	���~���c��Ƶn���ƻs/�_����~����
52679product structure data entry rerun guide	���~���c��Ƶn��������ɤ�
52680product structure file	���~���c��
52681product structure file maintenance	���~���c�ɺ��@
52682product structure transaction list	���~���c���ʲM�U
52683product structure unload	���~���c����
52684product structure update audit list	���~���c��s�f�ֲM��
52685product summary	�n�M
52686product term	�n��
52687production	�Ͳ�
52688production acceptance test procedure	���~�禬����L�{	PATP
52689production acceptance testing	���~�禬����	PAT
52690production action control technique	�Ͳ����ʱ���޳N	PACT
52691production allocations	�Ͳ��t�m
52692production analysis control technique	�Ͳ����R����޳N	PACT
52693production and inventory control system	�Ͳ��w�s�޲z�t��	PICS
52694production automation microcomputer	�Ͳ��۰ʤƷL�p���
52695production control	�Ͳ��ި�;�Ͳ�����
52696production control and costing	�Ͳ�����Φ����p��
52697production control and costing summary report menu	�Ͳ��ި�Φ����p���J�`����e��
52698production control system	�Ͳ�����t��	PCS
52699production engineering	�Ͳ��u�{
52700production family	�Ͳ�������
52701production file manager	���~���޲z�{��	PFM
52702production format	�Ͳ��榡
52703production information and control system	�Ͳ��H���M����t��	PICS
52704production language	���ͦ��y��	PL
52705production library	�Ͳ��{���w
52706production line	�Ͳ��u	PL
52707production plan	�Ͳ��p��
52708production receipt transaction	�Ͳ����Ʋ���
52709production report	�Ͳ�����
52710production routine	�Ͳ��`��
52711production rule	�s�@�ǫh
52712production summary report	�Ͳ��J�`����
52713production time	�Ͳ��ɶ�
52714productive man hour	�Ͳ��u��	PMH
52715productive man year	�Ͳ��H�~	PMY
52716productive poll	���ͩʬd��
52717productivity improvement and control system	�Ͳ��O��i����t��	PICS
52718products	���~
52719professional debug facility	�M�~�H������{��	PDF
52720professional group automatic control	�۰ʱ���M�~��	PGAC
52721professional group circuit theory	�q���z�ױM�~��	PGCT
52722professional group communication system	�q�H�t�αM�~��	PGCS
52723professional group education	�Ш|�M�~��	PGE
52724professional group electronic devices	�q�l����M�~��	PGED
52725professional group engineering management	�u�{�޲z�M�~��	PGEM
52726professional group human factors in electionics	�q�l�Ǥ��H���]���M�~��	PGHFE
52727professional group industrial electronics	�u�~�q�l�DZM�~��	PGIE
52728professional group information theory	�H���z�ױM�~��	PGIT
52729professional group instrumentation	����M�~��	PGI
52730professional group medical electronics	��ǹq�l�DZM�~��	PGME
52731professional group microwave theory and techniques	�L�i�z�פΧ޳N�M�~��	PGMITT
52732professional group on electronic computers	�q����M�~��´;�q�l�p����M�~��	PGEC
52733professional specific subsystem	�M�~�S��l�t��
52734profile	�����;�~��;����
52735profile pool	�w�m�ɮ��x�s��
52736profit	�Q��
52737profit amount	�Q����B
52738profit amount range	�Q����B�d��
52739profit and loss statement	�l�q��
52740profit percent	�Q��ʤ���
52741profit percent range	�Q��ʤ���d��
52742proforma	�M��;����
52743program	�{��;�s�@�{��;�{��	P
52744program (in a programming language)	�{��( ��{���y������ )
52745program access	�{���X��;�{���s��	PA
52746program access keys	�{���s���_
52747program access specification	�{���s������	PAS
52748program address	�{����}	PA
52749program address storage	�{����}�x�s	PAS
52750program amplifier	�{����j��	PA
52751program analysis	�{�����R	PA
52752program analysis unit	�{�Ǥ��R�˸m	PAU
52753program analyzer	�{�����R��
52754program assembly language	�{���զX�y��	PAL
52755program attention	�{���`�N	PA
52756program attention key	�{���`�N��	PA KEY
52757program attention keys	�{���`�N��
52758program attitude test	�{���ζH����	PAT
52759program authorized credentials	�{���S�\����	PAC
52760program base register	�{����Ȧs��
52761program card	�{���d
52762program change control system	�{����ﱱ��t��	PCCS
52763program change package	�{�����]	PCP
52764program change packages	�{�����]	PCPS
52765program change proposal	�{�����ܫ�ij	PCP
52766program change request	�{�����ШD	PCR
52767program check	�{���ˬd	PGK
52768program check code	�{���ˬd�X
52769program checkout	�{������
52770program clock	�{������	PCLK
52771program code	�{���X
52772program coding	�s�g�{��
52773program comments	�{������
52774program communication	�{���q�H	PC
52775program communication area	�{���q�H�ϰ�	PCA
52776program communication block	�{���q�H��
52777program comparator	�{�������	PCO
52778program compiler	�{���sĶ��
52779program control	�{������
52780program control block	�{�������	PCB
52781program control counter	�{������p�ƾ�	PCC
52782program control instruciton	�{��������O
52783program control table	�{�������	PCT
52784program control unit	�{�������	PCU
52785program control word	�{������r	PCW
52786program controlled interruption	�{�����_	PCI
52787program cost estimate	�{���������p	PCE
52788program counter	�{���p�ƾ�	PC
52789program counter high	�{���p�ƾ����쳡	PCH
52790program counter low	�{���p�ƾ��C�쳡	PCL
52791program counter timer	�{���p�Ʃw�ɾ�	PCT
52792program data set	�{���ƾڶ�	PDS
52793program decoder	�{��Ķ�X��	PD
52794program description and operations manual	�{�������M�ާ@��U	PDOM
52795program design language	�{���]�p�y��	PDL
52796program development	�{���o�i
52797program development and maintenance system	�{���}�o�M���@�t��	PDMS
52798program development time	�{���o�i�ɶ�
52799program directive	�{����(��)���O	PD
52800program drum	�{����
52801program editor	�{���s��{��
52802program element	�{������	PE
52803program element code	�{���椸�N�X	PEC
52804program error	�{���~�t
52805program error report	�{�����~���i	PER
52806program evaluation and review technique	�p�����ֳN	PERT
52807program evaluation procedure	�{��ų�w�L�{	PEP
52808program event recording	�{���ƥ�O��	PER
52809program execution monitor	�{������ʱ��{��	PEM
52810program execution request	�{������ШD	PER
52811program file	�{���ɮ�
52812program file processor	�{�����B�z��;�{�����B�z�{��	PFP
52813program flow chart	�{���y�{��
52814program for evaluation of rejects and substitution	�o�~�M�N�Ϋ~�����{��	PERS
52815program function	�{���\��	PF
52816program function key	PF��;�{���\����	PFK
52817program generated parameter	�{���ͦ��Ѽ�
52818program generation system	�{���ͦ��t��	PGS
52819program generator	�{�����;�;�{���o�;�;�{���ͦ��{��	PG
52820program global table	�{��������	PGT
52821program graph	�{����	PG
52822program heading	�D
52823program ID	�{���s��;�{���ѧO
52824program identification	�{���ѧO�X;�{������	PIDENT
52825program identification number	�{�����Ѹ�	PIN
52826program instruction	�{�����O
52827program instruction frequency analyzer	�{�����O�W�v���R�{��	PIFAL
52828program instruction tape	�{�����O�a	PIT
52829program interface	�{������
52830program interrupt	�{�����_;�{�����_	PI
52831program interrupt entry	�{�����_�J�f	PIE
52832program interrupt word	�{�����_�r	PIW
52833program interrupter	�{�����_�{��	PI
52834program isolation	�{���j��	PI
52835program language analyzer	�{���y�����R��	PLAN
52836program length	�{������
52837program level	�{����	PL
52838program level change	�{�������ﴫ	PLC
52839program level change tape	�{�������ﴫ�ϱa	PLC
52840program library	�{���];�]�s�{��;�{���w	PL;PLIB
52841program library release	�{���w(�o��)����	PLR
52842program library update system	�{���w��s�t��	PLUS
52843program limit register	�{�������Ȧs��
52844program line	�{���C;�{���u
52845program linkage	�{���쵲
52846program list control block	�{�������	PLCB
52847program listing editor	�{���C��s��{��	PLE
52848program load	�{�����J
52849program load setup	�{�����J�]�m
52850program locality	�{��������
52851program lock-in register	�{����w�Ȧs��	PLR
52852program logic array	�{���޿�}�C
52853program loop	�{������
52854program management block	�{���޲z��	PMB
52855program management control table	�{���޲z�����	PMCT
52856program management document	�{���޲z���;�{���޲z���	PMD
52857program management instruction	�{���޲z���O	PMI
52858program mask	�{���n��
52859program matrix	�{���x�}
52860program memory	�{���O����
52861program modification	�{���׹�
52862program module connection diagram	�{���Ҳճs����	PMCD
52863program monitoring and planning techniques	�{���ʹ�έp���޳N	PROMPT
52864program operator interface	�{���ާ@������	POI
52865program origin	�{���_��(��})
52866program package	�{���]
52867program parameter	�{���Ѽ�
52868program patching plug board	�{���׸ɴ��Y�O
52869program priority	�{���u��(��)
52870program product	�{�����~
52871program production time	�{���Ͳ��ɶ�
52872program region	�{����
52873program region base register	�{���ϰ��Ȧs��	POBR
52874program region length register	�{���Ϫ��׼Ȧs��	POLR
52875program register	�{���Ȧs��
52876program relocation	�{�����m
52877program report generator	�{�����i�ͦ��{��	PRG
52878program request key	�{���n�D��	PRK
52879program run	(�{��)�B��
52880program section	�{���q
52881program segment	�{���Ϭq
52882program segment prefix	�{���Ϭq�e�m��
52883program specification	�{���W��
52884program start	�{���_�l
52885program status word	�{�����A�r	PSW
52886program step	�{���B(�J)
52887program stop	�{������
52888program storage	�{���x�s(��)
52889program storage unit	�{���x�s���
52890program swapping	�{���մ�(�k)
52891program tab	�{������R�O
52892program tape	�{���a
52893program temporary fix	�{���Ȯɭ׭q;�{���Ȯɺ���	PTF
52894program termination	�{���פ�
52895program test	�{������
52896program test time	�{�����ծɶ�
52897program testing	�{������
52898program testing time	�{�����ծɶ�
52899program timing matrix	�{���w�ɯx�}
52900program to process command	�{���ܳB�z�R�O
52901program to program communication	�{����{���q�T
52902program translation	�{��½Ķ
52903program trap	�{�����_
52904program unit	�{���椸
52905program(able) function key	�{���\����;�i�{���\����
52906program(ming) language committee	�{���]�p�y���e���|	PLC
52907program-controlled channel control	�i�s�{���q�D����(��)	PCC
52908program-controlled sequential computer	�{������ǭp���
52909program-oriented graphics operation	�{���ɦV�ϧξާ@	POGO
52910program-sensitive error	�{�����P�~�t
52911program-sensitive fault	�{���ӷP�G��;�{�����P�G��
52912program-sensitive malfunction	�{�����P���F
52913programmable	�i�{����;(�i)�{����
52914programmable array logic	�i�W���}�C�޿�;�i�s�{�}�C�޿�	PAL
52915programmable asynchronous dual line adapter	�i�s�{���B���u�A�t��	PADLA
52916programmable asynchronous line adapter	�i�s�{���B�u���A�t��	PASLA
52917programmable automatic comparator	�i�s�{�۰ʤ����	PAC
52918programmable automatic function tester	�i�s�{�۰ʥ\����羹	PAFT
52919programmable automatic testing	�i�s�{�۰ʴ��վ�	PAT
52920programmable automatic transistor tester	�i�s�{�۰ʴ���޴��վ�	PATT
52921programmable calculator	�i�{���p�⾹
52922programmable channel termination group	�i�s�{�q�D�ױ���	PCTG
52923programmable character generator	�i�s�{�r�ŵo�;�;�i�s�{�r�ťͦ��{��	PCG
52924programmable circuit processor	�i�s�{�q���B�z��	PCP
52925programmable communication interface	�i�s�{�q�H����	PCI
52926programmable control unit	�i�s�{�����	PCU
52927programmable data controller	�i�s�{�ƾڱ��	PDC
52928programmable data system	�i�s�{�ƾڨt��	PDS
52929programmable data terminal	�i�s�{�ƾڲ׺�	PDT
52930programmable delay unit	�i�s�{����椸	PDU
52931programmable desk calculator	�i�s�{��W�p���	PDC
52932programmable diagnostic unit	�i�s�{�E�_�椸	PDU
52933programmable digital controller	�i�s�{�Ʀ챱�	PDC
52934programmable digital logic	�i�s�{�Ʀ��޿�	PDL
52935programmable extension package	�i�s�{�X�R�n��]	PEP
52936programmable frequency generator	�i�s�{�W�v�o�;�	PFG
52937programmable front end precessor	�i�s�{�e�ݳB�z��	PFEP
52938programmable graphics processor	�i�s�{�ϧγB�z��;�i�s�{�ϧγB�z�{��	PGP
52939programmable input buffer	�i�s�{��J�w��	PIB
52940programmable input-output	�i�s�{��J��X	PIO
52941programmable integrated processor	�i�W�e����B�z��	PIP
52942programmable interrupt controller	�i�s�{���_���	PIC
52943programmable interval timer	�i�s�{���j�p�ɾ�	PIT
52944programmable keyboard/display	�i�s�{��L���	PKD
52945programmable line adapter	�i�s�{�u���A�t��	PLA
52946programmable logic array	�i�W���޿�}�C;�i�{���W�e�޿�}�C	PLA
52947programmable logic control	�i�s�{�޿豱��(��)	PLC
52948programmable matched filter	�i�s�{�ǰt�o�i��	PMF
52949programmable message sign	�q���r����
52950programmable multiplexer	�i�s�{�h���ƥξ�;�i�s�{�h���౵��	PMUX
52951programmable multiuse chaining channel	�i�s�{�h�γ~�s���q�D
52952programmable peripheral interface unit	�i�s�{�g�䤶������	PPIU
52953programmable protocol interface board	�i�s�{�W�������O	PPIB
52954programmable read-only memory	�i�{����Ū�O����	PROM
52955programmable read-only-memory	�i�W����Ū�O��(��);�i�{���W�e��Ū�O��(��)	PROM
52956programmable remote operation	�i�s�{���{�ާ@
52957programmable transmission control unit	�i�{���W�e�ǿ鱱����
52958programmatics	�{���W�e��
52959programmed access/security system	�{���s���O�K�t��	PASS
52960programmed automatic circuit evaluator and recorde	�{���۰ʹq�������M�O����	PACER
52961programmed automatic circuit tester	�W�e�۰ʹq�����վ�	PACT
52962programmed automatic communication equipment	�{���۰ʳq�H�]��	PACE
52963programmed automatic welding system	�{���۰ʲk���t��	PAWS
52964programmed check	�{���W�e�ֹ�
52965programmed checking	�{������
52966programmed communications support program	�{���q�H����{��	PCSP
52967programmed control sequencer	�{���w�Ǿ�	PCS
52968programmed controlled interruption flag	�{�����_�X��
52969programmed cryptographic facility	�{���[�K�]��	PCF
52970programmed editor and automated resources for lear	�Dzߥνs��{�ǩM�۰ʤƸ귽	PEARL
52971programmed film reader	�{�������\Ū��	PFR
52972programmed frequency amplitude modulation	�{���W�v�T�׽ը�	PFAM
52973programmed gain control	�{���W�q����	PGC
52974programmed halt	�{���W�e�Ȱ�
52975programmed input/output	�{���W�e��X�J;�{����J��X	PIO
52976programmed instructions	�{���ƾ�;�{�����O	PI
52977programmed integrated control equipment	�{����X����]��	PICE
52978programmed interconnection process	�{�����s�L�{	PIP
52979programmed interrupt request vector	�{�����_�ШD�V�q	PIRV
52980programmed language-based enquiry system	���{���y�����߰ݨt��	PLANES
52981programmed learning	�{���Dz�;�Dz߽s�{	PL
52982programmed learning AID	�{���оǻ��U�]��	PLAID
52983programmed logic	�{���W�e�޿�
52984programmed logic for automatic teaching operations	�۰ʱоǥε{���޿�	PLATO
52985programmed marginal check	�{���W�e��ڮֹ�
52986programmed multiline computer	�{���h�u���	PMLC
52987programmed numerical control	�{�����Ʀ챱��	PNC
52988programmed operators	�{���W���B��l
52989programmed patch board	�{�������O	PPB
52990programmed reliability in design engineering	�]�p�u�{�����{������i�a��	PRIDE
52991programmed request	�{���W���n�D
52992programmed stop	�{���W�e����
52993programmed switch	�{���W�e�}��
52994programmed symbol load	�{���Ÿ����J
52995programmer	�{���]�p�v;�{����	PG;PROG
52996programmer access code	�{���v�s���X	PAC
52997programmer aptitude competence test system	�{������O�Ү֨t��	PACTS
52998programmer aptitude test	�{�����ʦV����	PAT
52999programmer aptitude tester	�{���v�ʦV���վ�	PAT
53000programmer number	�{���v���X
53001programmer panel	�{���v���O
53002programmer's hierachical interactive graphics stan	�{���v�ϥζ��h��ͫ��ϧγW��	PHIGS
53003programmer's interface	�{��������	PI
53004programmers aid in debugging	�{�����������U�{��	PAID
53005programming	(�{��)�W��;�{���s�g;�{���]�p
53006programming aid software system	�{���]�p���U�n��t��	PASS
53007programming job	�{���]�p�@�~
53008programming language	�{���y��;�{���W���y��;�W�e�y��
53009programming language extension	�{���]�p�y���X�R
53010programming language for automatic checkout equipm	�۰��˴��]�ƥΪ��{���]�p�y��	PLACE
53011programming language for interactive teaching	��ܱоǥε{���]�p�y��	PLANIT
53012programming language for microprocessors	�L�B�z���ε{�dz]�p�y��	PL/M
53013programming language one	�W���y���@��	PL/1
53014programming language-1	PL/1�W���y��	PL-1
53015programming language/data base	�{���]�p�y���ƾڮw	PL/DB
53016programming language/edit	�{���]�p�y���s��	PL/E
53017programming module	�W�e�Ҳ�
53018programming nonlinear	�D�u�ʳW�e
53019programming skill	�{���ޥ�
53020programming system	�{���t��;�W�e�{���t��
53021progress control	�i�ױ���
53022progress report	�i�׳��i
53023progressive overflow	�ֶi���y
53024project	�M��
53025project control	�M�׺ި�
53026project control plan	��ױ���p��	PCP
53027project control system	��ױ���t��	PCS
53028project definition and planning	(�u�{)���ؽT�w�M�p��	PDEP
53029project evaluation and review technique	�p�����f�޳N	PERT
53030project evaluation and review technique network	�p�����f�޳N����
53031project evaluation and review technique plus cost	�p�����f�޳N(�[)����
53032project evaluation and review technique/cost	�p�����f�޳N������(���R)
53033project evaluation and review technique/time	�p�����f�޳N���ɶ�(���R)
53034project for the advancement of coding techniques	���żg�X�޳N���	PACT I
53035project management	(�u�{)���غ޲z
53036project number	�M�׸��X
53037project operation	��v�B��;�M�ק@�~
53038project organization	��ײ�´
53039project-programmer number	�M�׵{���v���X	PPN
53040projected balance	���t�l�B
53041projected display	��v����ܾ�	PD
53042projected load	���㤧�t��
53043projection	��v;���t
53044projection report	���t���i
53045prolog	�e��
53046prologue	�Ǩ�;�s��
53047prologue level	�Ǩ����h
53048PROM (abbreviation)	�i�{����Ū�O����
53049PROM programmer	PROM�{����
53050promissory note	����;����
53051promotion history	�P�P���v
53052prompt	�Ե��T��;���ܸ�;���ܲŸ�;���ܦr��
53053prompt area	���ܰ�
53054prompt facility	���ܥ\��
53055prompter	����
53056prompting expression	���ܪ��
53057prompting screen	���ܿù�
53058prong	���};�e�y
53059proof	�ҩ�
53060proof list	�ҩ���
53061proof total	�ֲ��`�p
53062propagated error	�Ǽ��~�t
53063propagated forecast	�����w��
53064propagated requirement	�����ݨD
53065propagating	�Ǽ�
53066propagation delay	�Ǽ�����;�Ǿɩ���
53067propagation time	�Ǽ��ɶ�;�T�g�ɶ�
53068proper divisor	�u�]�l
53069proper subset	�u�l��
53070property	�S��
53071property and liability information system	�]���M�t�ūH���t��	PALIS
53072property sort	�S�ʱƧ�
53073proportional band	��ұa	PB
53074proportional control	��ұ���
53075proportional counter	��ҭp�ƾ�	PC
53076proportional integral	��ҿn��	PI
53077proportional integral and differential	���,�n���P�L��	PID
53078proportional integral and differential action	��ҿn���L���@��
53079proportional plus integral controller	��ҥ[�n�����
53080proportional range	��ҽd��
53081proportional-spacing	��Ҷ��j;�թM�r
53082proposed class	��ij����
53083proposed parameter	��ij�Ѽ�
53084propositional logic	�R�D�޿�
53085proprietary	�M��
53086proprietary software system	�M���n�~�t��	PSS
53087protect	�O�@
53088protected examines/deposits	�O�@�ˬd/�x�s
53089protected field	�O�@���
53090protected location	���@��m;�O�@��m
53091protected mode	�O�@�ҺA
53092protected read or update	���@�\Ū�Χ�s
53093protected update mode	�O�@��s��(�A)
53094protected usage mode	�O�@�ϥμ�(�A)
53095protection	���@;�O�@
53096protection address	�O�@��}
53097protection character	�O�@�r��
53098protection code	�O�@�X
53099protection kernel	�O�@�֤�
53100protection key	�O�@�_
53101protective ground	�O�@���a	PG
53102protective redundancy	�O�@�ʤ��l
53103proto synthesis indexing	�쫬�y�k����	PSI
53104proto synthex indexing	�쫬�y�k����	PSI
53105protocol	��w;��w;���w;�W�{;ij�w;�q�T��w;(�q�H)��w
53106protocol analysis system	�W�����R�t��	PAS
53107protocol control information	��w�����T
53108protocol conversion	��w�ܴ�;�q�T��w�ഫ
53109protocol converter	�q�T��w�ഫ��
53110protocol data flow	��w��Ƭy
53111protocol data unit	��w��Ƴ椸	PDU
53112protocol data units	��w�ƾڳ椸	PDU
53113protocol discriminator	��wŲ�O��
53114protocol error	��w���~
53115protocol implementation conformance statement	��w��@�ŦX���n��
53116protocol items	��w����
53117protocol processing image	�q�T��w�B�z�v��	PPI
53118protocol reference model	��w�ѦҼҫ�
53119protocol translation gateway	��w½Ķ�q��
53120protocol, first-level	�Ĥ@�h�q�T��w
53121protocol, second-level	�ĤG�h�q�T��w
53122protocol, third-level	�ĤT�h�q�T��w
53123prototype	�쫬;�зǫ��A;����	P/T
53124prototype context	�쫬����
53125prototype life cycle	�쫬�ͩR�g��	PLC
53126prototype overlay description language file	�쫬���|�y�z�y����
53127prototyping	�쫬�Ҧ���;�쫬�]�p;����
53128prototyping evaluation and programming	�쫬�����M�s�{	PEP
53129prototyping kit	�˾����M��
53130protyping technique	�����޳N
53131proving time	�D�Үɶ�
53132provisions for verification of teletex terminal co	�q�Ǥ��׺ݾ��ŦX�ʤ����ұ���
53133PSDU	��{�A�ȸ�Ƴ椸	PSDU
53134PSECT	�{���q	PSECT
53135pseudo bills	�����M��
53136pseudo code	�����X;���N�X	PC
53137pseudo color	��m��
53138pseudo cursor	�������
53139pseudo device	�����˸m
53140pseudo instruction	�������O
53141pseudo instruction form	�������O��
53142pseudo interrupt device	�����_�]��	PID
53143pseudo language	�����y��
53144pseudo random	�����H��
53145pseudo random hashing	�����H�����ú�k
53146pseudo random number sequence	�����H���Ƨ�
53147pseudo scan code	�������˽X
53148pseudo sequential file	�����`���ɮ�
53149pseudo tenary code	�갲�T���X
53150pseudo-adder tree	���[�k��	PAT
53151pseudo-code	��X
53152pseudo-convexity	���Y��
53153pseudo-cyclic code	�����`���X
53154pseudo-line control block	���u�������	PLCB
53155pseudo-offline working	�����u�~�u�@
53156pseudo-op	�����@�~
53157pseudo-random number sequence	�����H���Ƨ�
53158pseudo-text	��������
53159pseudodisk	�����Ϻ�
53160pseudovariable	�����ܼ�
53161PSISER	���_�����Ҳ�
53162PSK	�۲���e	PSK
53163PSTN	�����q�ܺ���	PSTN
53164PSTN-based circuit-switched data network	�H�����q�ܺ�������¦���q���洫����ƺ���
53165PTT	�l��;�q��;�q�ܺ޲z	PTT
53166pubication	�X��;�X���~
53167public access	�@�P�i�X�ϥ�
53168public address	���@��}	PA
53169public communication line	���γq�H�u��
53170public data network	���μƾں���
53171public disk pack	���κϺв�
53172public disk structure	���κϺе��c
53173public drive	�����X�ʾ�
53174public file	�����ɮ�
53175public information file	���θ�T�ɮ�
53176public key	���@��	PK
53177public key algorithm	���@�K�v��k	PKA
53178public library automation network	���@�Ϯ��]�۰ʤƺ���	PLAN
53179public limit	������
53180public line	���νu
53181public matrix	���ίx�}
53182public message service	���ΰT���A��	PMS
53183public mode	���μҦ�
53184public packet switching network	���Τ��ʥ洫����	PPSN
53185public printer	���ΦC���
53186public resource	���θ귽
53187public structure	����c
53188public support	���Τ䴩
53189public switched network	���Υ洫����
53190public volumn	���ήe��
53191public volumn manager	���ήe��޲z�{��
53192publication board	���i(��)	PB
53193puck	�w��L
53194pull operation	�����@�~
53195pull-down menu	�U�Զ��ت�;�a���\���
53196pull-up resistor	���ɹq��
53197pulse	�߽�; �ߪi
53198pulse amplifier	�߽ĩ�j��	PA
53199pulse amplitude	�ߴT
53200pulse amplitude modulation	�ߴT����;��(��)�T(��)�ը�	PAM
53201pulse code	�߽X
53202pulse code modulation	�߽Ľs�X�ը�	PCM
53203pulse code modulation amplitude modulation	�߽X�ը�T�׽ը�	PCM-AM
53204pulse code modulation frequency modulation	�߽X�ը��W�v�ը�	PCM-FM
53205pulse code modulation multiplex equipment	�߽X�ը�h���ƥγ]��
53206pulse code modulation switching network	�߽X�ը�}������
53207pulse code modulation switching network system	�߽X�ը�}�������t��
53208pulse code modulation terminal	�߽X�ը�׺ݾ�;�߽X�ը�׺ݳ]��
53209pulse compression	�߽����Y	PC
53210pulse count modulation	�ߪi�p�ƽ���	PCM
53211pulse counter	�߽ĭp�ƾ�	PC
53212pulse decay time	�ߪi�I�ܮɶ�
53213pulse delay time	�߽ĩ���ɶ�	PDT
53214pulse delta modulation	�߽ļW�q�ը�	PDM
53215pulse dial	���L��
53216pulse duration	�ߪi����
53217pulse duration modulation	�ߴ�����;�߼e����;�߼e�ը�	PDM
53218pulse echo pattern	�߽Ħ^�i�ϧ�	PEP
53219pulse encode modulation	�߽Ľs�X�ը�	PEM
53220pulse encoding	�߽Ľs�X	PE
53221pulse expension line	�߽Įi�e�u	PEL
53222pulse forming network	�߽Ħ��κ���	PFN
53223pulse frequency	�߽��W�v;�߽ĭ����W�v	PF;PFR
53224pulse frequency distortion analyzer	�߽��W�v���u���R��;�߽��W�v���u���R��	PFDA
53225pulse frequency diversity	�߽��W�v����	PFD
53226pulse frequency modulation	�߽��W�v�ը�	PFM
53227pulse gate	��q�߽�;�߽Ī�	PG
53228pulse group repetition rate	�߽IJխ��Ʋv	PGRR
53229pulse groups per second	�߽IJ�/��	PGPS
53230pulse height analysis	�߽İ��פ��R	PHA
53231pulse height discrimination	��(�Į�)�Tų�O	PHD
53232pulse height discriminator	��(�Į�)�Tų�O��	PHD
53233pulse interference eliminator	�߽Ĥz�Z������	PIE
53234pulse length	�ߪ�;�߽Ī���	PL
53235pulse modulation	�ߪi����
53236pulse motor	�B�i���F
53237pulse normalization	�ߪi���`��
53238pulse phase modulation	�߽Ĭۦ�ը�	PPHM
53239pulse position modulation	�ߦ����	PPM
53240pulse regeneration	�ߪi�A��
53241pulse repetition frequency	�ߪi�����W�v	PRF
53242pulse repetition rate	�ߪi���Ʋv;�߽ĭ��Ʋv	PRR
53243pulse reshaping	�ߪi�A����
53244pulse rise time	�ߪi�W�ɮɶ�
53245pulse shaping	�ߪi����
53246pulse standardization	�ߪi�зǤ�
53247pulse string	�ߪi��; �ߦ�
53248pulse train	�ߪi�C; �ߦC
53249pulse transformer	�ߪi������
53250pulse width	�ߪi����;�ߪ�;�߼e
53251pulse-amplitude analyzer	�ߴT���R��
53252pulse-amplitude modulation	�ߴT����
53253pulse-amplitude-code modulation	��(��)�T(��)�s�X�ը�	PACM
53254pulse-code modulation	�߽X����	PCM
53255pulse-coded processing system	�߽Ľs�X�B�z�t��	PCPS
53256pulse-duration modulation	�ߴ�����
53257pulse-frequency modulation	���W����
53258pulse-length discriminator	�߼eų�O��	PLD
53259pulse-length modulation	�ߪ�����;�߽ļe�׽ը�	PLM
53260pulse-mode operation	�߼ҧ@�~
53261pulse-position modulation	�ߦ����
53262pulse-time modulation	�߮ɽ���
53263pulse-width modulation	�߼e����
53264pulsed illumination source	�߽Ħ��ө���	PIS
53265pulsed magnetic field system	�߽Ħ��ϳ��t��	PMFS
53266pulser	�ߪi��
53267punch	����(��);����
53268punch card	�d��; ���եd��
53269punch card accounting system	���եd�|�p�t��;���եd�O�b�t��	PCAS
53270punch card system	���d�t��	PCS
53271punch card unit	���d���;���եd����	PCU
53272punch control unit	���վ������	PCU
53273punch off	������	PF
53274punch operator	���d��
53275punch path	��( �� )�|
53276punch position	���զ�m
53277punch rate	���ղv
53278punch station	���կ�
53279punch tape	���ձa
53280punch tape reader	���ձaŪ�J��	P
53281punch typewriter	���ե��r��
53282punch-print editor	�C�L�s�边
53283punched card	(��)�եd(��);�եd	PC
53284punched card data processing	���եd�ƾڳB�z	PCDP
53285punched card data processing system	���եd���ƾڳB�z�t��;�w�եd���ƾڳB�z�t��	PCDPS
53286punched card machine	���վ�	PCM
53287punched card system	�եd�t��;���եd�t��	PCS
53288punched card utility	���եd���ε{��	PCU
53289punched paper tape	(��)�կȱa
53290punched tape	�ձa
53291punched tape reader	Ū�a��
53292punched-card machine	�եd�B�z��
53293punched-tape code	�ձa�X
53294punched-tape machine	�ձa�B�z��
53295punched-tape-to-magnetic	�ձa�ܺϱa
53296punching position	���ճ���
53297punching rate	���ղv
53298punching station	���կ�
53299purchase blanket release detail	��X�����ʤ������
53300purchase content lower levels	�C�������ʤ��e
53301purchase content this level	���������ʤ��e
53302purchase entry	���ʵn��
53303purchase on order quantity	���ʦb�~�ƶq
53304purchase on order summary	���ʦb�~�J�`
53305purchase on-order summary records	���ʦb�~�J�`�O��
53306purchase option	�ʶR�ﶵ
53307purchase order	�ʶR�q��;���ʭq��
53308purchase order costs	���ʭq�榨��
53309purchase order number	���ʭq�渹�X
53310purchase order scrap transaction	���ʭq����o����
53311purchase order status	���ʭq�檬�A
53312purchase order summary maintenance edit list	���ʭq��J�`���@�����M�U
53313purchase order turnaround file addition	���ʭq����[�Ǿ\��
53314purchase orders approved for release	�Q�{�i�o�����ʭq��
53315purchase orders closed	�w���פ����ʭq��
53316purchase orders closed/released	�w����/�w�o�����ʭq��
53317purchase orders completed ready for close report	�w�����ݵ��פ����ʭq�����
53318purchase orders released	�w�o�����ʭq��
53319purchase orders summary	���ʭq��J�`
53320purchase orders with blanket detail	����X���Ӥ����ʭq��
53321purchase orders with chain errors	���쵲���~�����ʭq��
53322purchase planning report	���ʳW������
53323purchase receipt to dock transaction	���ʦܽX�Y�����Ʋ���	RD
53324purchase receipt to inspection transaction	���ʦ����礧���Ʋ���	RI
53325purchase receipt to stock transaction	���ʦܭܮw�����Ʋ���	RS
53326purchase requisition	����
53327purchase U/M and conversion factor	���ʭp�q�����ഫ�]��
53328purchase unit of measure	���ʭp�q���
53329purchase/mfg on-order chain validation	����/�s�y�w�q�����쵲�T�{
53330purchase/mfg order detail chain validation	���ʭq��/�s�y�R�O�����쵲�T�{
53331purchased item	���ʶ���
53332purchasing	����
53333purchasing constant master	���ʱ`�ƥD��
53334purchasing lead time	���ʫe�m�ɶ�
53335purchasing lead time adjustment	���ʫe�m�ɶ��վ�
53336purchasing routing file	���ʳ~�{��
53337purchasing U/M conversion factor	���ʭp�q����ഫ�]��
53338purchasing unit of measure	���ʭp�q���
53339pure binary	�¤G�i��
53340pure binary number	�¤G�i��Ʀ�X
53341pure binary numeration system	�¤G�i��Ʀ�t��
53342pure code	�½X
53343pure generator	�²��;�
53344pure Markov process	�°��i�ҹL�{
53345pure procedure code	�µ{�ǽX
53346purge	�M��;�h��
53347purge code	�R���X
53348purpose identification code	�ت��ѧO�X;�γ~�ѧO�X	PIC
53349push	��;��J
53350push button	���s	PB;P/B
53351push button switch	���s�}��	PBSW
53352push down	���U��
53353push down list	�U����	PDL
53354push down stack	���U���|
53355push down storage	�U���x�s��	PDS
53356push operation	���s�@�~
53357push-button dial	���s�����L
53358push-button originating register	���s���o�H�Ȧs��	PBOR
53359push-down register	���U�Ȧs��
53360push-down stack	���U���|
53361push-to-talk operation	���s�q�ܧ@�~
53362push-to-type operation	���s���r�@�~
53363pushdown automation	�U���۰�(�˸m)	PDA
53364pushdown dialing	���s����
53365pushdown list	���U��
53366pushdown storage	���U�x�s( �� )
53367pushdown storage/store	���U�x�s
53368pushdown transducer	�U��½Ķ��;�U��½Ķ�{��	PDT
53369pushup list	���W��C; ���W��
53370pushup storage	���W�x�s( �� )
53371pushup storage/store	���W�x�s(��)
53372put-get operation	�s�i-Ū�X�@�~
53373pyramid	�@��;���@��
533742-wire normal quality	2 �u���W��q	QN2
533754-wire normal quality	4 �u���W��q	QN4
53376Q	Q �]��
53377Q address	Q ��}; �ǰe�ƾڦ�}; ����}
53378Q channel	Q �H�D( NTSC�m��q�����, �ǿ��-�����H�����W�a )
53379Q output	Q ��X( IJ�o������X )
53380Q output state	Q ��X�A
53381Q test	Q ����
53382Q-ADDRESS	Q ��}( �Y�ب֦�ƾڶǰe�]�ƪ������x�s���������椸 )
53383q-axis	Q �b( �⧤�� )	QA
53384Q-band	Q �i�q
53385Q-character	�S�x��; Q �S�x��; �лx��
53386Q-code	Q �Y�y�q�X; Q �Y�y�N�X	QC
53387Q-factor	�~��]��
53388Q-unsatisfiability	Q ���i������
53389Q-zero compiler	Q �s�sĶ�{��	Q-0
53390QCB extension	QCB �X�R��
53391QI/O	��C���X��J	QI/O
53392QLISP	�@�ؤH�u���z�y��; QLISP �y��
53393QM-1	�@�طL�{�DZ���p���
53394QMANGR	����C�޲z�{��	QMANGR
53395QMG batch job	QMG ���@�~
53396QMG print job	QMG �C�L�u�@
53397qty ordered	�q�ʼƶq
53398qty per	���ƶq
53399quad	�|�u��; �|�߽u; �|��( �� )�u; �|����; �|����; �|�Ӥ@�ժ�
53400quad asynchronous local terminal adapter	�|�u�ɨB�����׺ݾA�t��	QUALTA
53401quad bus transceiver (inverting)	�|�׬y�Ʀ��o��( �Ϭ� )( �зǶ����q�� )
53402quad cable	�|�߹q�l
53403quad density	�����K��; �|���K��
53404quad in-line	�|�C������	QIL
53405quad in-line package	�|�C�������ե�	QUIP
53406quad synchronous adapter	�|�u�P�B�౵��; �|�u�P�B�A�t��	QSA
53407quad-in-line	�|�C������( �ե� )	QIL
53408quad-in-line LST package	�|�C�������j�W�Ҷ����q���ե�
53409quad-in-line package	�|�C�������ե�; �|�C�����ʸ�	QUIL
53410quad-in-line-package	�|�C�������ե�	QUIL
53411quad-phase	�|�ۨ�	QP
53412quad2-in NAND gate	�|2 ��J"�P�D"�h( �зǶ����q�� )
53413quadded cable	�|�u�չq�l; �|�߹q�l; �|�u�q�l
53414quadded flip-flop	�|�u���Ͼ�
53415quadded logic	�|�u�޿�
53416quadra-phase	�|�ۨ�	QP
53417quadrangle	�|����; �|���
53418quadrant	�H��	QUAD
53419quadrant multiplier	�H�����k��
53420quadrantal symmetry	�H�����
53421quadrate	����; �G��; �����
53422quadratic	�G����
53423quadratic approximation	�G�����
53424quadratic arc computer	�G�����p���	QUAC
53425quadratic assignment problem	�G�����t���D
53426quadratic convergence	�G������
53427quadratic criterion integral	�G�����n���ǫh
53428quadratic dual problem	�G���ﰸ���D
53429quadratic equation	�G����{��
53430quadratic form	( �� )�G����
53431quadratic function	�G�����
53432quadratic hash	�G������k
53433quadratic minimization problem	�G�����p�ư��D
53434quadratic probing	���豴�d; �G������
53435quadratic programming	�G���W��
53436quadratic quotient search	�G���Ӭd�M
53437quadratic reciprocity law	�G���˼Ʋv; �G�����ϲv
53438quadratic rehash	�G���A���C( �k )
53439quadratic search	�G���d��; �G���˯�
53440quadratic sum	����M
53441quadratic surface	�G������
53442quadratically integrable function	����i�n���
53443quadrature	����; �D���n; �D�n��
53444quadrature amplitude modulation	����մT	QAM; QUAM
53445quadrature amplitude shift keying	���沾�T�䱱; ���殶�T�۲��䱱	QASK
53446quadrature component	���泡��; ������q
53447quadrature formula	�D�n����
53448quadrature mirror filter	�n������o�i��
53449quadrature modulation	����ը�
53450quadrature phase and amplitude modulation	����լ۽մT	QPAM
53451quadrature phase-shift keying	����۲��䱱; 90�X�۲��������䱱	Q-PSK
53452quadric	�G����; �G��������
53453quadric discriminantor	�G���P�O��
53454quadrilateral	�|���
53455quadrilateral prism	�|��θW�W
53456quadrinomial	�|����; �|����( �� )
53457quadriphase shift keying	�|�۲��䱱	QPSK
53458quadripole	�|�ݺ���; �|�ݹq��
53459quadripuntal	�|����; ���|�ժ�
53460quadruple	�|��; �|����; �|����
53461quadruple address	�|��}; �|��}��
53462quadruple diversity operation	�|�������ާ@
53463quadruple form	�|���էΦ�
53464quadruple length register	�|�����׼Ȧs��
53465quadruple notation	�|���ժ��( �k )
53466quadruple operator	�|���պ��
53467quadruple precision	�|����ǫ�
53468quadruple processor	�|���B�z��	QP
53469quadruple register	�|���Ȧs��; �|���Ȧs��
53470quadruple register	�|���Ȧs��
53471quadruple type	�|����ǫ׫���; �|��������
53472quadruple-address	�|�}
53473quadruple-length register	�|�����Ȧs��
53474quadrupler	�|����; ��4�˸m
53475quadruplex	�|�u��; �|����; �|����; �|���h�u��	QUAD
53476quadruplex system	�|�u�t��
53477quadruplex transverse scanning	�|�u��V���y
53478quadrupling	�|��
53479quadtree	�|��
53480quadword	�|���r��; �|���r; �ŧΦr; �|�����r	QW
53481quaint character	�j�Ǧr��; �륩�r��
53482qualification	�X���; ���; �ޯ�; ���w	QUAL
53483qualification	�X��
53484qualification of name	���w�W
53485qualification test	�X��ʸ���; ��qų�w����
53486qualification test procedure	�X�����{��; ������ҵ{��	QTP
53487qualification test specification	��qų�w����W�d; �X����ճW�d	QTS
53488qualification testing	�X��ʴ���; �������
53489qualification time	ų�w�ɶ�; �P�w�ɶ�; ���w�ɶ�
53490qualified call	���w�ե�
53491qualified data name	���w��ƦW; �����ƾڦW
53492qualified data-name	���w��ƦW��
53493qualified expression	���w��F��
53494qualified file	�X�G�n�D���ɮ�
53495qualified function	������
53496qualified global name	�X������W; ���w�����W
53497qualified job name	�X��@�~�W; ���w�@�~�W
53498qualified name	�X��W��; ���w�W; �׹��W; �w��W�r
53499qualified object name	�X��ؼмҲզW; ���w�ؼмҲզW
53500qualified paragraph name	���w�q�W; �����q�W
53501qualified parts list	�X��s���; �X��s��M��	QPL
53502qualified products list (desc)	�X�沣�~�M��( �q�l���m�ѵ����� )	QPL
53503qualified reference	���w�ޥ�
53504qualified segment search argument	�X��q�d�M����	QSSA
53505qualifier	�X�渹; ���w�y; ���w��; �w�q��; �q�w�l; �d���w; �q��
53506qualifier signal	����H��
53507qualify	���w; ����; �
53508qualifying	���w��; ���
53509qualifying connective	���w�s����; ���w�s����
53510qualifying parameter	�w�q�Ѽ�
53511qualitative data	�w�ʸ��
53512qualitative evaluation	�w�ʵ���( �{�Ǫ� )
53513qualitative method	�w�ʤ�k
53514qualitative operational requirement	�w�ʹB��n�D	QOR
53515qualitative requirement information	�w�ʻݨD��T	QRI
53516qualitative theory	�w�ʲz��
53517qualitative variable	�w���ܼ�
53518quality	��q; �ʽ�; �ݩ�	Q; QUAL
53519quality assurance	��q�O��	QA
53520quality assurance acceptance standards	��q�O���禬�з�	QAAS
53521quality assurance data system	��q�O�Ҹ�ƨt��	QADS
53522quality assurance division	��q�O�ҳ���	QAD
53523quality assurance program	��q�O�ҵ{��	QAP
53524quality assurance test procedure	��q�O������{��; ��q�O�������k	QATP
53525quality assurance, documentation and maintenance	��q�O��, ���s��M���@	QDM
53526quality certification system	��q�T�{�t��	QCS
53527quality control	��q����; ��q�޲z	QC
53528quality control center	��q�����	QCC
53529quality control level	��q�����	QCL
53530quality control operating procedure	��q����u�@�{��	QCOP
53531quality control system	��q����t��; ��q�޲z�t��
53532quality diagnostics	��q�E�_
53533quality engineering	��q�u�{
53534quality examination program	��q�ˬd�{��	QEP
53535quality factor	��q�]��; ��q�~��	Q; QF
53536quality index	��q����	QI
53537quality index of a channel	�q�D��q����; �H�D��q����
53538quality information	��q�H��
53539quality insurance chain	��q�O����	QIC
53540quality insurance system	��q�O�Ҩ��; ��q�O�Ҩt��	QIS
53541quality metric	��q�׶q
53542quality monitor console	��q�ʱ��x	QMC
53543quality of connection	�s����q; �q�ܽ�q
53544quality products list	�u�貣�~�ؿ�	QPL
53545quality reporting system	��q���i�t��	QRS
53546quality requirement	��q�n�D	QR
53547quality verification	��q���Ҵ���	QVT
53548quality verification test	��q�֬d����	QVT
53549quanity received in inspection	�b�ˤw���ƶq
53550quanta	�q�l
53551quantic	�����h����
53552quantification	�q��
53553quantification theory	�q�Ʋz��
53554quantified system analysis	�w�q�t���R
53555quantifier	�q��
53556quantifier-free conjunctive-normal form	�ۥѶq���X���d��
53557quantile	�����
53558quantily per	���ƶq
53559quantitative	�w�q��
53560quantitative computer management	�w�q�p����޲z	QCM
53561quantitative management method	�w�q�޲z��k
53562quantitative theory	�w�q�z��
53563quantitative variable	�w�q�ܼ�
53564quantity	�q; ( �w )�B; ��( �� ); �Ѽ�; ��; �ƶq; �j�q	QTY
53565quantity adjusted this month or period	����Υ����վ�ƶq
53566quantity adjusted this period	�����վ�ƶq
53567quantity adjusted, period-to-date	�v�վ�ƶq,�����ܥ���
53568quantity adjusted,period-to-date	�w�վ�ƶq,�����ܥ���
53569quantity allocated	�t�m�ƶq
53570quantity and transaction amount	�ƶq�β��ʪ��B
53571quantity available	�i�ϥμƶq
53572quantity break	���q�ƶq
53573quantity break points	�ƶq���q�I
53574quantity breakdown	�ƶq����
53575quantity complete current operation	�{��@�~�����ƶq
53576quantity complete previous operation	�e���@�~�����ƶq
53577quantity completed	�w�����ƶq
53578quantity deviation	�ƶq���t
53579quantity discount	�ƶq�馩
53580quantity in splits	���Τ��ƶq
53581quantity issued	�o�Ƥ��ƶq
53582quantity issued this month or period	����Υ����o�Ƽƶq
53583quantity issued this period	�����o�Ƽƶq
53584quantity issued this year	���~�o�Ƽƶq
53585quantity limit	�ƶq����
53586quantity of components per parent	�˶�������ƶq
53587quantity on hand	�b�w�ƶq
53588quantity on order	�b�~�ƶq
53589quantity on this release	�����o��ƶq
53590quantity open	�w�}�߼ƶq
53591quantity ordered	�w�q�ʼƶq
53592quantity per assembly	�C�˰t��ƶq
53593quantity per unit	�C���ƶq
53594quantity price break information	������q�ƶq��T
53595quantity price file	�ƶq������
53596quantity received	�w���ƶq
53597quantity received at dock	�b�X�Y���Ƽƶq
53598quantity received this month or period	����Υ����w���ƶq
53599quantity received this period	�����w���ƶq
53600quantity received to stock	�w���J�w�ƶq
53601quantity req/unit	�C���ݨD�ƶq
53602quantity required	�ݨD�ƶq
53603quantity scrapped	���o�ƶq
53604quantity scrapped total-to-date	�ܥ����`���o�ƶq
53605quantity short	�u�ʼƶq
53606quantity sold	��X�ƶq
53607quantity sold this month or period	����Υ�����X�ƶq
53608quantity sold this period	������X�ƶq
53609quantity sold this year	���~��X�ƶq
53610quantity sold this year-to-date	���~�צܥ����X�ƶq
53611quantity to inspection	�b�ˤ��ƶq
53612quantity unissued	���o�Ƽƶq
53613quantity used this month or period	����Υ����ϥμƶq
53614quantity used this period	�����ϥμƶq
53615quantity used this year	���~�ϥμƶq
53616quantity variance	�ƶq�ܶq
53617quantization	�q��; �q�l��
53618quantization distortion	�q�ƥ��u; �q�Ʒ���
53619quantization error	�q�ƻ~�t
53620quantization noise	�q�ƾ���
53621quantization uncertainty	�q�Ƥ��T�w��
53622quantize	�q��; �Ʀr�ഫ( ��s��q�ഫ���Ʀr ); �q�l��
53623quantized amplitude modulation	�q�ƽմT	QAM
53624quantized analog data	�q��������
53625quantized interval	�q�ƶ��j
53626quantized probability design	�q�Ʒ��v�]�p	QPD
53627quantized pulse position modulation	�q�Ưߦ�ը�	QPPM
53628quantized pulsed amplitude modulation	�q�Ư߽ĽմT	QPAM
53629quantizer	�q�ƾ�; �Ʀr�ഫ��; �s�X��	QNT
53630quantizer noise	�q�ƾ�����
53631quantizer threshold spacing	�q�ƾ��֭ȶ��j; �q�ƾ��������j	QTS
53632quantizing	�q��
53633quantizing distortion	�q�ƥ��u; �q�Ʒ���
53634quantizing error	�q�ƿ��~; �q�l�~�t; �q�ƻ~�t
53635quantizing noise	�q�ƾ���
53636quantizing uncertainty or error	�q�ƻ~�t�Τ��T�w��
53637quantum	�q�l; �q�{; �ɶ���( ���ɨt�Υ� )
53638quantum clock	�q�l��
53639quantum counter	�q�l�p�ƾ�	QC
53640quantum electronics	�q�l�q�l��
53641quantum number	�q�l��
53642quantum of time	�ɶ��q�l; �ɶ���
53643quantum theory	�q�l��
53644quantum time	�q�Ʈɶ�
53645quarter adder	�|�����@�[�k��
53646quarter wave line	�|�����@�i���u
53647quarter wave plate	�|�����@�i( �� )��
53648quarter word	�|�����@�r��
53649quarter-speed	�|�����@�t�v; �|�����@�t��
53650quarter-squares multiplier	�|�����@���譼�k��
53651quarterly progress report	�u�׶i�i���i	QPR
53652quarternary operator	�|���B���
53653quartet	�|��r�`
53654quartic	�|����
53655quartic equation	�|����{
53656quartile	�|�����
53657quartz	����; �ۭ^
53658quartz crystal	�ۭ^����	QC
53659quartz crystal filter	�ۭ^�����o�i��	QCF
53660quartz crystal frequency oscillator	�ۭ^�����W�v������	QCFO
53661quartz delay-line	�ۭ^����u
53662quartz delay-line memory	�ۭ^����u�O����
53663quartz delay-line storage	�ۭ^����u�x�s��
53664quartz oscillator	�ۭ^������
53665quartz thermometer	�ۭ^�ū׭p
53666quasi	��; ��( ���Y )
53667quasi conductor	�b����
53668quasi coordinates	�Ǯy��
53669quasi order	����
53670quasi-	��......; ��......
53671quasi-bidirectional	�����V��; �����V��	QBD
53672quasi-differential mode	�ǷL����( �A )
53673quasi-dynamic memory	�ǰʺA�O����
53674quasi-equal	���۵�
53675quasi-equilibrium	�ǧ���
53676quasi-field	����
53677quasi-horizontal microinstruction	�Ǥ����L���O
53678quasi-instruction	�ǫ��O; �����O; �����O
53679quasi-instruction form	�ǫ��O�Φ�; �����O�Φ�( �N�ƾڪ�ܦ����O���ΥO )
53680quasi-language	���y��
53681quasi-linear equation	���u�ʤ�{
53682quasi-linear hyperbolic equation	���u����������{
53683quasi-linear sequential machine	�ǽu�ʧǦC��	QLSM
53684quasi-linearization	���u�ʤ�
53685quasi-Monte Carlo method	���X�S�dù�k
53686quasi-Newton method	�����y�k
53687quasi-ordering	���Ƨ�
53688quasi-parallel processing	������B�z; ������B�z
53689quasi-parallelism	�ǥ����
53690quasi-peak detector	�Ǯp���˴���
53691quasi-perfect code	�ǧ���X
53692quasi-periodicity	���g����
53693quasi-random access memory	���H�����s�O����
53694quasi-random sequence of number	���H���ƪ��ǦC
53695quasi-reentrant	�����J
53696quasi-stable state	��í�A
53697quasi-strongly connected graph	���j�s�q��
53698quasi-synchronous	�ǦP�B��
53699quasi-syntax	���y�k; ����k
53700quasi-uniform distribution	������G
53701quasilinear	�ǽu�ʪ�	QL
53702quasiparticle	�Dzɤl
53703quasistable state	��í�w���A; ��í�A
53704quasistable state	��í�w���A
53705quasivariable	���ܶq; ���ܶq
53706quaterdenary	�Q�|�i�
53707quaternary	�|�i�
53708quaternary center	( STDN�� )�|�Ť���	QC
53709quaternary logic	�|�i���޿�
53710quaternary operator	�|���ާ@��
53711quaternary read only memory	�|�i���Ū�O����
53712quaternary signaling	�|��( ��, �L, ��, �t )�H���k
53713quaternion	�|����
53714que	��( �� )�C��m
53715queens function	�ӦZ���
53716quench	�f��; ����
53717quench pulse	�m'0' �߽�
53718quenching frequency	�����W�v; �P���W�v; �`��( ���� )�W�v	QF
53719queried access	�߰ݦ��s��; �߰ݦ��X��
53720query	�d��; �߰T; �߰�; �߰ݵ{��	Q
53721query and reporting processor	�߰ݩM���i�B�z�{��; �߰ݩM���i�B�z��	QRP
53722query by example	��Ĺ�Ҹ߰�( �@�ؼƾڮw�d�߻y�� )	QBE
53723query complexity	�߰ݽ�����; �d�߽�����
53724query complexity degree	�߰ݽ�����	QCD
53725query decomposition	�߰ݤ���
53726query evaluation and search technique	�߰ݨD�ȩM�d�M�޳N	QUEST
53727query evaluatioon algorithm	�߰ݵ�����k; �߰ݨD�Ⱥ�k
53728query facility	�߰ݥ\��n��
53729query generation language	�߰ݥͦ��y��
53730query header	�d�ߪ��Y; �d�߼��Y
53731query interactive processor	�߰ݥ�ͳB�z��; �d�ߥ�@�B�z��	QUIP
53732query language	�d�߻y��; �߰ݻy��	QL; QUEL
53733query language development	�߰ݻy���}�o
53734query language processor	�߰ݻy���B�z��	QLP
53735query language semantics	�߰ݻy���y�q��
53736query language/CICS (a MARK IV feature)	�߰ݻy��/CICS( MARK IV���@�دS�x )	QCS
53737query language/DC (a MARK IV feature)	�߰ݻy��/DC( MARK IV���@�دS�L )	QDC
53738query language/INTERCOMM (a MARK IV feature)	�߰ݻy��/INTERCOMM( MARK/IV �����@�دS�� )	QLI
53739query language/one	�߰ݻy��/1	QL/1
53740query management facility	��C�޲z�\��	QMF
53741query mode	�d�߼Ҧ�
53742query modification	�߰ݭק�
53743query name	�d�ߦW��
53744query normalization	�߰ݳW���	QN
53745query optimization	�߰ݳ̨Τ�
53746query processing	�߰ݳB�z
53747query processing subsystem	�߰ݳB�z�l�t��
53748query reply	�߰ݦ^��
53749query reply mode	�߰T�^���ҺA
53750query similarity	�߰ݼҦ���; �߰ݬۦ���	QS
53751query specification	�߰ݻ���
53752query station	�߰ݥx; �d�ߥx
53753query time	�߰ݮɶ�; �d�߮ɶ�
53754query translator	�߰�½Ķ�{��; �߰�½Ķ��
53755query type	�d������
53756query/report writer	�d��/���i��X�{��
53757query/update extension to system 2000	SYSTEM2000���߰�/ ��s�X�R	QUEST
53758querying database	�߰ݸ�Ʈw
53759question	�߰�; ���D	QN
53760question analysis, transformation and search	���D���R, �ܴ��P�˯�	QUANTRAS
53761question and answer	�ݻP��	Q&A
53762question and answer system	�ݵ��t��
53763question and answering	���D�M�^��	QA
53764question answer	�ݵ�	QA
53765question answer system	�ݵ��t��
53766question answering 3	3 ���ݵ��t��	QA3
53767question answering system	�ݵ��t��; ���D�^���t��	QUANSY; QA
53768question file	���D�ɮ�
53769question logical formulation	�����޿褽����
53770question mark	�ݸ�
53771question vector	���ݦV�q
53772questionaire	�߰ݪ�
53773questionnaire	�ݨ�
53774queu hash table	���C��C��	QHT
53775queu search limit	��C�d�M����; ��C�d�䭭��	QSL
53776queu(e)ing	��C
53777queu(e)ing analysis	��C���R
53778queu(e)ing behavior	��C�S��; ��C�ʯ�
53779queu(e)ing delay	��C����
53780queu(e)ing description	��C�y�z
53781queu(e)ing discipline	��C�W�h
53782queu(e)ing logic	��C�޿�
53783queu(e)ing model	��C�ҫ�
53784queu(e)ing network model	��C�����ҫ�
53785queu(e)ing process	��C�L�{
53786queu(e)ing register	��C�Ȧs��
53787queu(e)ing routine	��C�{��
53788queu(e)ing semaphore	��C�H��( �q )
53789queu(e)ing system	��C( �� )��; ��C�t��
53790queu(e)ing theory	��C��
53791queue	���C; ��C; �ƶ�; �Ƨ�; ���ݧǦC; ���Խu; ��C; ���Ԧ�C	Q
53792queue access	��C�s��	QA
53793queue access method	��C�s����k; ��C�s����k	QAM
53794queue adjustment	���ݧǦC�վ�
53795queue alpha factor	���ݧǦCalpha �]��
53796queue analyzer system	��C���R�{�Ǩt��	QAS
53797queue control	��C����
53798queue control block	���C����( �� )��; ��C�����; ��C������{��	QCB
53799queue control record	��C����O��	QCE
53800queue control task block	��C������ȶ�
53801queue data set	��C��ƶ�
53802queue descriptor	��C������; ��C�y�z��	QD
53803queue descriptor block	��C�y�z��	QDB
53804queue directory	��C�W��
53805queue discipline	��C�W�h; ��C��h
53806queue element	��C��; ��C����	QE
53807queue element control block	��C�������	QECB
53808queue elements	��( �� )�C����
53809queue empty	��C��	QE
53810queue executive interface	��C���椶��	QXI
53811queue file	��( �� )�ɮ�; ��C�ɮ�
53812queue front	��C�e��
53813queue full	��C��	QF
53814queue header	��C����; ��C���D
53815queue input output	��C��J��X	QIO
53816queue input-output	��C��J��X	QIO
53817queue length	��C����; ���
53818queue link word	��C�챵�r
53819queue linkage entry	��C�s���J�f; ��C�챵�J�f	QLE
53820queue MAD	���ݧǦCMAD
53821queue management	��C�޲z
53822queue manager	��( �� )�C�޲z�{��	QMG
53823queue name	��C�W
53824queue object	��C�ؼ�
53825queue of interrupt	���_��C; ���_��C
53826queue pointer	��C���ܦr; ��C���w
53827queue priority	��( �� )�C�u������
53828queue rear	��C�᳡; ��C����
53829queue register	��C�Ȧs��
53830queue request	��C�ШD
53831queue run-time	��C�B��ɶ�	QRT
53832queue search limit	��C�˯�����	QSL
53833queue semaphore	��( �� )�C�H����
53834queue size	���Խu�j�p; ��C����; ��C�j�p
53835queue slice	��C��
53836queue state of task	���Ȫ���C���A
53837queue structure	��( �� )�C���c
53838queue table	��C��; ���C��
53839queue thread	��C�u��
53840queue type	��C����; ��C����
53841queue work file	��C�u�@�ɮ�
53842queue-back chain	��C�ϦV��
53843queue-driven task	��C�X�ʥ���
53844queued access method	��C���F�k
53845queued access methods	��C�s���k; ��C�s���k
53846queued BIND	��C�|�ܰ_�ʽШD
53847queued CINIT	��C�����A�ȽШD
53848queued communication interface	��C�q�H����
53849queued content addressed memory	��C�����e�w�}�O����
53850queued control	�Ʀ��
53851queued file	��C�ɮ�
53852queued file access	��C�ɮױ��F
53853queued for connection	���ݳs����C
53854queued for logon	���ݵn����C
53855queued indexed access memory	��C���ަs���O����	QIAM
53856queued indexed access method	��C���ަs����k	QIAM
53857queued indexed sequential access method	��C���޶��Ǧs���k	QISAM
53858queued logon request	��C�n���ШD
53859queued printing services	��C���L�A�ȵ{��
53860queued sequentail access method	��C���Ǧs���k	QSAM
53861queued sequential access method	��C���Ǧs����k; ���C���DZ��F�k	QSAM; QSM
53862queued session	��C���( �� )
53863queued telecommunication access method	��C���{�q�T�s�k	QTAM
53864queued telecommunications access method	��C�q�H�s���k; ��C�����{�q�H�s���k; ���C�q�DZ��F�k	QTAM
53865queued teleprocessing access method	��C���{�B�z�s���k	QTAM
53866queued terminal access method	��C�׺ݦs���k; ��C�׺ݳX�ݪk	QTAM
53867queued transaction handling	��C�ƶ��B�z; ��C�ưȳB�z	QTH
53868queueing buffer	��C�w�ľ�; ��C�w�İ�
53869queueing delay time	��C����ɶ�
53870queueing discipline	��C�W�h
53871queueing list	��C��
53872queueing mechanism	��C���c; ��C���z
53873queueing message	��C�T��; ��C����
53874queueing network model	��C�����ҫ�	QNM
53875queueing problem	��C���D
53876queuing	�ƶ�
53877queuing delay	�ƶ���
53878queuing discipline	�ƶ�����
53879queuing method	�ƶ���k
53880queuing specification	��C����
53881queuing system	�ƶ��t��
53882queuing theory	�ƶ��z��; ��C��	QT
53883queuing time	��C�ɶ�
53884quibinary	��--�G( �V�X )�i�
53885quibinary code	��--�G�X( ��7 ��G�i��ƪ�ܤQ�i���,��ܧΦ�������[�G�� )
53886quibinary coded decimal notation	��--�G�s�X���Q�i��O�ƪk
53887quibinary notation	��--�G�O�ƪk
53888quick	�ֳt( �� ); ��( �� )
53889quick access	�ֳt�s��; �ߧY�s��
53890quick access generator	�ֳt�s���ͦ��{��; �ֳt�s���ͦ���
53891quick acting	�ֳt�ʧ@	QA
53892quick and effective system of enhance retrieval	�����˯��IJv���ֳt���Ĩt��	QUESTER
53893quick and effective system to enhance retrieval	�����˯��IJv���ֳt���Ĩt��	QUESTER
53894quick break	�ֳt�_��
53895quick cell	�ֳt�椸
53896quick cell facility	�ֳt�椸�]�I
53897quick change real-time	�ֳt�����Y�ɾާ@	QCRT
53898quick closedown	�ֳt���e; �ֳt����
53899quick dependable communication	�ֳt�i�a�q�T	QDC
53900quick detachable	�i�ֳt�����	QD
53901quick diagnostic debugging program	�ֳt�E�_�����{��	QDEBUG
53902quick disconnect	�ֳt��u; �ֳt��}
53903quick disconnection	�ֳt�_�}; �ֳt�; �ֳt��u	QD
53904quick draw graphics system	�ֳt�s�Ϩt��	QDGS
53905quick editor	�ֳt�s��{��	QUED
53906quick fit method	�ֳt�A�X�k
53908quick guide	�������n
53909quick help	²���ѻ��e��
53910quick indexed sequential access method	�ֳt���޶��Ǧs���k	QUISAM
53911quick initialization	�ֳt�m���
53912quick inquiry processor	�ֳt�d�M�B�z��; �ֳt�d�߳B�z��	QUIP
53913quick knockdown	�ֳt���	QKD
53914quick loading	�ֳt���J	QL
53915quick look and checkout system	�ʬd�˴��t��	QLCS
53916quick make-and-break contact	�ֳt�q-�_���I; �ֳt�q-�_��IJ	QMB
53917quick printer	�ֳt�C���
53918quick processing	�ֳt�B�z; ���t�B�z	QP
53919quick reaction	�ֳt����	QR
53920quick reaction communication	�ֳt�����q�H	QRC
53921quick recall diagram	�ֳt�G���I�s��	QRD
53922quick recovery	�ֳt��_( ��Ʈw�G�٫�_�覡���@ )
53923quick relocate and link	�ֳt�A�w��M�s��; �ֳt�A�B�ʩM�s��	QRL
53924quick response	�ֳt�^��
53925quick response targeting program	�ֳt�^���˷ǥؼе{��	QRTP
53926quick sort	�ֳt����; �ֳt�Ƨ�
53927quick sort program	�ֳt�����{��
53928quick sort scheme	�ֳt�ƧǤ��
53929quick start	�ֳt�_��
53930quick switching	�ֳt�ഫ
53931quick system programming language	�ֳt�t�ε{���]�p�y��	QSPL
53932quick text editor	�ֳt����s��{��	QED
53933quick translator	�ֳt½Ķ�{��	QUICKTRAN
53934quick-access memory	�ֳt�s���O����
53935quick-access permenent file	�ֳt�s���ä[�ɮ�
53936quick-access report	�ֳt�s�����i; �ֳt�i�����i
53937quick-access storage	�ֳt�s���x�s��
53938quick-access store	�ֳt�s���x�s��
53939quick-access time-sharing file	�ֳt�s�������ɮ�
53940quick-acting	�ֳt�@��; �ֳt�ʧ@
53941quick-change	����	QC
53942quick-ground	�ֳt���a	Q-G
53943quick-lock-processor	�ֳt�ˬd�B�z��; �ֳt�d��B�z�t��	QLP
53944quick-make, quick-break	�ֳq���_	QMQB
53945quick-read flow sheet	�tŪ�y�{��
53946quick-release latch	�ֳt������( �ϱa�L�� )
53947quiesce	���y
53948quiesce at end of chain	��ƶǿ�Ȱ��n�D	QEC
53949quiesce communication	�R�A�q�H
53950quiesce protocol	�R�A��ij
53951quiesce-at-end-of-chain	�쵲���ɸT��ާ@	QEC
53952quiesce-completed	�R�������; �T��ާ@����	QC
53953quiesce-completed indicator	�R����������ܾ�
53954quiescent	�R( �� )��; ���ʪ�
53955quiescent carrier modulation	�����i�ը�
53956quiescent carrier transmission	�����i�ǿ�
53957quiescent condition	�R��A
53958quiescent current	�R�A�q�y
53959quiescent operating point	�R�A�u�@�I
53960quiescent point	�R�I
53961quiescent state	�R�A
53962quiescent time	���ɶ�; ����ɶ�( �߽Ķ��j )
53963quiese complete	��ƶǿ�Ȱ��{��	QC
53964quiesing	�T��( �ާ@ )( �h�D�{�ǭp����������L�{ ); ���y( �ާ@ )
53965quiet	�L�n; �w�R; �R�A; �R�; �L���n��; ��í��; ��ժ�
53966quiet automatic volume control	�L���n�۰ʭ��q����	QAVC
53967quiet error	�R�A���~; �R�A�~�t
53968quiet point	�R���I
53969quiet recording mode	�R�A�O���覡
53970quieting	�R�A( �S�� )
53971QUIKJOB	�@���ɮ׺޲z�M���i�g�J�t��
53972QUILL	QUILL �{��
53973quinary	���i�
53974quinary code	���i��X
53975quinary digit	���i��Ʀr
53976quinary notation	���i��p�ƪk; ���i��O�ƪk
53977quindenary	�Q���i�
53978Quine's method	���]�k( �@��²�ƶ}����ƪ���k )
53979Quine-McCluskey method	���]-���J�Դ���k
53980quintet	������; ����r�`
53981quintic	����
53982quintic curve	�������u
53983quintic equation	������{
53984quintuple	������; ( �� )������; ��5 ; ������; ������
53985quintuple form	�����էΦ�
53986quintuple Turing computable function	�����է��L�i�p��{��; �����է��L�i�p����
53987quintuple Turing machine	�����է��L��
53988quintupler	������; ��5 �˸m
53989quintuplicate	������; ������; ��......������
53990quintupling	( �� )����
53991quit	�h�X; ����
53992quite	����; ²��; �D�`
53993quite-correct	�������T	QC
53994quodata management system	quodata �޲z�t��	QDMS
53996quota	�t�B; �w�B; ���t�B; ���B
53997quota input processor	�w�B��J�B�z��	QUIP
53998quotation	�ި�; ����; �߻�; ����; �Ҩ�; �ޥ�( �y )
53999quotation extended description	�߻���������
54000quotation mark	�޸�
54001quotation mark(s)	�޸�
54002quotation master	�߻��D��
54003quotation record	������O��
54004quotation request	�߻�
54005quote	����; �߻�; �ޥ�; ����; �޸�; �[�޸�; �ޭz; ����; �o��; �ҩ�QT
54006quote character	���Ҧr��
54007quote image	�����蹳; ���ҹϹ�; ���ҬM��
54008quote mark	�޸�
54009quote symbol	���ҲŸ�; �ޥβŸ�
54010quoted lead time	��f�e�m�ɶ�
54011quoted string	���Ҧ�; �ޥ�( �r�� )��; ���Ҧr�Ŧ�
54012quoted-string literal	���Ҧ��r
54013quotient	��; �Ӽ�; �Y��	QT; QUOT
54014quotient address	�Ӧ�}
54015quotient address operand	�Ӧ�}�B�⤸
54016quotient algebra	�ӥN�ƾ�
54017quotient counter	��( �� )�p�⾹
54018quotient graph	�ӹ�
54019quotient group	�Ӹs
54020quotient register	�ӼȦs��
54021quotient string	�Ӧ�
54022quotient tree	�Ӿ�( �k )
54023quotient-difference algorithm	��-�t��k	QDA
54024quotient-multiplier register	����--�ӼƼȦs��
54025quoting	�޸�; �ޥ�
54026quwei code	�Ϧ�X
54027Qwerty keyboard	Qwerty��L( �@�ح^����L )
54028Qwertz arrangement	Qwertz��C( �@�ؼw����L��C�k )
54029QY wrong	�O�_���~
54030r-ary compact code	r �i���X
54031R-F bandwidwidth	�g�W�W�e
54032R-F-emission band-width	�g�W�o�g�e(�PR+F bandwidth)
54033r-nary number system	r �i�ƥبt��
54034R/W driver	Ū�g�X�ʾ�
54035R/W head	Ū�g�Y
54036race	�ɶ]
54037race condiction	�ɶ]���p
54038race condition	�ɶ]���p;�v������
54039rack	�ج[
54040Rad-50	���50	rad-50
54041radial serial protocol	��g����C;(�g�u�ǦC)�q�T��w	RSP
54042radial transfer	��g���ಾ
54043radian	����
54044radio button	�h��@���s
54045radio frequency	�g�W	RF
54046radio tele-typewriter	�L�u�q�ǥ��r��	RTTY
54047radio typewriter	�L�u�q�ǥ��r��	RATT
54048radio window	�L�u�q����
54049radio-frequency interference	�g�W�z�Z	RFI
54050radius	�b�|
54051radix	�ư�
54052radix complement	�ư�ɼ�
54053radix complement,diminished	�ư��1�ɼ�
54054radix conversion	�ư��ഫ
54055radix notation	�ư���k
54056radix number	�ư��
54057radix numeration system	�ư�Ʀ�t��
54058radix point	�ư��I
54059radix scale	�ư�Ы�(�P radix notation)
54060radix sort	�ư�Ƨ�
54061radix,base	���ư�
54062radix,floating-point	�B�I�ư�
54063radix-minus-one complement	�ư��@�ɼ�
54064radix-minusone complement	�ư��@�ɼ�
54065ragged	�����
54066rail logic ,double	���y�޿�
54067rain barrel effect	�B�����
54068rainbow	�m�⪺
54069Rajchman selection swith	�ǯ��ҿ�ܶ}��(�Pstorage,core-rope)
54070random access	�H���s��
54071random access block	���s����;�H���s����	RAB
54072random access by hashing	���ꦡ�H���s��
54073random access by key	�_���H���s��
54074random access by record file address	���ɦ�}���H���s��
54075random access by relative record number	�۹�������X�H���s��
54076random access memory	�H���s���O��;�H���s���O����;�H���s���O��(��)	RAM
54077random access method of accounting and control	�|�p�ި��H���s���k	RAMAC
54078random access storage device	�H���s���x�s�˸m
54079random counter	�H���p�ƾ�
54080random error	�H���~�t
54081random logic	�H���޿�
54082random noise	�H�����T
54083random number	�H����
54084random number sequence	�H���ƼƧ�
54085random number,generator	�H���Ʋ��;�
54086random number,normal	���`�H����
54087random number,sequence	�H���ƶ���
54088random number,uniform	�P���H����
54089random processing	�H���B�z
54090random selection	�H�����
54091random signal	�H���H��
54092random variation	�H���ܰ�
54093random-access device	�H�h�s���˸m
54094random-access file	�H���s����
54095random-access menory	(RAM)	�H���s���O��(��)
54096random-access programming	�H���s���W�e
54097random-access storage	�H���s���x�s(��)
54098random-walk	�H�����B
54099random-walk method	�H�����B�k
54100randomization	�H����
54101range	�w�d��;�d��	R
54102range finder	���Z��
54103range specification	�d��W�d
54104range variable	�d���ܼ�
54105range,error	�~�t�d��
54106range,number	�ƥؽd��
54107range,proportional	��ҽd��
54108rank	����;��
54109rapid-access loop	�ֳt�s������
54110rapid-access storage	�ֳt�s���x�s(��)
54111raster	���];����
54112raster display	���]��ܾ�
54113raster graphics	���]�ϧ�;����ϧ�
54114raster image processor	���]���y�v���B�z��	RIP
54115raster plotter	���]ø�Ͼ�
54116raster to vector	�����I��V�q
54117raster unit	���]���
54118rate of information throughput	��T��e�v	RIT
54119rate speed	�B�w�t�v
54120rate,action	�@�βv
54121rate,averge transmission	��������ಾ�v
54122rate,bit	�Ƥ��v
54123rate,center	�B�w����
54124rate,clock	�����v
54125rate,data signalling	��Ƶo�H�v
54126rate,effective data-transfer	���ĸ���ಾ�v
54127rate,effective tranmission	���Ĥ��ǿ�v
54128rate,instantaneous data-transfer	���ɸ���ಾ�v
54129rate,instantaneous transmission	���ɶǿ�v
54130rate,peak data-transfer	�y�p�ǿ�v
54131rate,peak transmission	�y�p����ಾ�v
54132rate,perforation	���ղv
54133rate,pulse repetition	�ߪi���Ʋv
54134rate,punch	���ղv
54135rate,read	�\Ū�v
54136rate,rest	���]�v
54137rate,sampling	��˲v
54138rate,signalling	�o�H�v
54139rating,carrier power output	���i�\�v��X�B
54140ratio	��,��v	R
54141ratio,activity	���ʤ�
54142ratio,data transmission utilization	��ƶǿ�ĥΤ�
54143ratio,file activity	�ɮ׬��ʤ�
54144ratio,one-to-partial-select	1 �ﳡ�����ܤ�
54145ratio,operating	�@�~��
54146ratio,print contrast	�L�r��Ũ��
54147ratio,read-around	¶Ū��
54148ratio,recall	�_�ˤ�
54149ratio,reflectance	�Ϯg�j�פ�
54150ratio,relevance	���p��
54151ratio,selection	��ܤ�
54152ratio,sensitivity	�ӷP�פ�
54153ratio,signal-to-noise (S/N)	�H�����T��
54154ratio,squarenss	��ʤ�
54155ratio,vesolution	���ѫפ�
54156rational approximation	���z�����
54157rational number	���z��
54158raw data	��l���
54159raw event	��l�ƥ�
54160RC paper	�P���ۯ�
54161RCB	���G�����	RCB
54162RCI	���Y�I�s�ɭ�	RCI
54163RDU	�n�D�w�q���ε{��	RDU
54164RDU commands	RDU�R�O
54165re-entrant	�A(��)�J��
54166re-entrant code	�A(��)�J�X
54167re-entrant program	�A(��)�J�{��
54168re-entry	�A(��)�J
54169re-routing	���|�A���
54170reachable node	�i��F���`�I
54171read	Ū;Ū�X;Ū��	R
54172read access type	Ū�X�s������
54173read half-pluse	�b�ߪi�\Ū
54174read head	Ū�Y
54175read modified operation	Ū�J�ץ��ާ@
54176read modify write	Ū�׹��g
54177read only memory	��Ū�O����;��Ū�O����	ROM
54178read operation	�\Ū�@�~
54179read path	Ū( �� )�|
54180read pulse	�\Ū�ߪi
54181read pulse,partial	�����\Ū�ߪi
54182read rate	�\Ū�v
54183read receipt	Ū��^��
54184read sharing	�@�PŪ��
54185read station	Ū����
54186read time	�\Ū�ɶ�
54187read while writing	Ū�g�öi
54188read [write] cycle time	Ū[�g]�`���ɶ�
54189read,around number	¶Ū��
54190read,destructive	�}�a�ʾ\Ū
54191read,manual	�H�u�\Ū
54192read,nondestructive	�D�}�a�ʾ\Ū
54193read,regenerative	�A�;\Ū
54194read,write,execute,delete	Ū,�g,����,�R��	RWED
54195read-around ratio	¶Ū��
54196read-back check	�^Ū�ֹ�(�Pecho check)
54197read-in	Ū�J
54198read-only memory	��Ū�O��; ��Ū�O����; ��Ū�O��( �� )	ROM
54199read-only storage	��Ū�x�s(��)
54200read-only storage/store	��Ū�x�s(��)
54201read-out	Ū�X
54202read-punch unit	Ū���d��
54203read-write	Ū�g
54204read-write check	Ū�g�ֹ�
54205read-write check indicator	Ū�g�ֹ���ܾ�
54206read-write drive	Ū�g�X�ʾ�
54207read-write head	Ū�g�Y
54208read/write head	Ū/ �g�Y
54209readable medium,machine	��Ū�C��
54210readable,machine	�����iŪ
54211reader	Ū,Ū�X��,Ū�{��	R
54212reader table	Ū�d����
54213reader,card	Ū�d��
54214reader,character	�r���\Ū��
54215reader,film	Ū����
54216reader,high-speed	���t�\Ū��
54217reader,magnetic-tape	�ϱa�\Ū��
54218reader,paper-tape	�ȱa�\Ū��
54219reader,photoelectric	���q�\Ū��
54220reader,tape	Ū�a��
54221reader-interpreter	�\Ū��Ķ��
54222reader-punch,card	Ū���d��
54223readiness review	�N���ˬd
54224reading	Ū��
54225reading brush	Ū����
54226reading mechanism	Ū�����c
54227reading rate	Ū���v
54228reading station	Ū����(�Pstation,sensing)
54229ready	�N��;�Ƨ�
54230ready condition	�Ƨ����p
54231ready for sending	�dzƵo�e
54232ready list	�dzƪ�
54233ready mode	�Ƨ���(�A)
54234ready prompt	�Ƨ����ܲŸ�
54235ready to receive	�w�ƶ}�l����	RTR
54236real address	���}
54237real file	�u���ɮ�
54238real filestore	�u���ɮ׮w
54239real number	���
54240real storage	���x�s��
54241real system environment	�u��t������
54242real time	�Y��
54243real time and delayed time	�Y�ɻP����
54244real time input	�Y�ɿ�J
54245real time monitor	�Y�ɺʹ
54246real time output	�Y�ɿ�X
54247real time processing	�Y�ɳB�z
54248real time simulation	�Y�ɼ���
54249real time system	�Y�ɨt��
54250real type	real(���)����
54251real-time	�Y��
54252real-time address	�Y�ɧ}
54253real-time addressing	�Y�ɩw�}
54254real-time clock	�Y����
54255real-time data reduction	�Y�ɸ���Y��
54256real-time device	�Y�ɸ˸m
54257real-time input-output	�Y�ɿ�X�J
54258real-time operation	�Y�ɧ@�~
54259real-time operation (in analog computing)	�Y�ɹB��(�b����p�⤤)
54260real-time process	�Y�ɳB�z�{��
54261real-time processing	�Y�ɳB�z
54262real-time statement	�Y�ɱԭz�y
54263real-time system	�Y�ɨt��
54264real-time working	�Y�ɤu�@
54265realization	��{;�u���
54266realm	���
54267realm currency indicator	���y�q���ܾ�
54268rearrange	����
54269reassembly	����;���զX
54270reaster display device	���]��ܸ˸m
54271recall index	�^�_����
54272recall ration	�_�ˤ�
54273receipt	����	R
54274receive control message	��������T��
54275receive control text item	���������Z��
54276receive data buffer	������ƽw�İ�	RDB
54277receive only	�Ȧ�(��)	RO
54278receive sequence number	�������Ǹ��X	N(R)
54279receive state variable	�������A�ܼ�	V(R)
54280receive-only service	�Ȧ��A��
54281receive-only type reperforator	�����_���վ�
54282receive-only typing reperforator	�����_���վ�
54283received data	�������	RD
54284received data circuit	������ƹq��
54285received data lead	������Ƥ��Y
54286receiver	������	R
54287receiver not ready	���������Ƨ�
54288receiver only tape reperforator	�Ȧ��ȱa�ƥ��վ�	ROTR
54289receiver queue	���������C
54290receiver ready	�������Ƨ�
54291receiver,card	���d��(�Pstacker,card)
54292receiving entity	������
54293receiving margin	�������
54294receiving transport entity	�B�e�h��������
54295receiving-end crossfire	����«�T
54296receptacle	���y
54297reception,exalted carrier	�¦����i�����k
54298recipient	���H��;�����H
54299reciprocal polynomial	�����h����
54300recirculating memory	�����O��
54301reckoning,dead	����k
54302recognition	��{
54303recognition gate	���ѹh
54304recognition,character	�r������
54305recognition,magnetic ink character	�Ͼ��r������
54306recognition,optical character	�P���r������
54307recognition,pattern	���˿���,�ϧ��ѧO
54308recognizable,machine	��������
54309recognized private operation agency	�Q�ӻ{���p����B�N�z
54310recommendation	��ij(��)
54311recompaction	�A���k
54312reconfiguration	���պA
54313record	�O��	R
54314record access block	�O���s����	RAB
54315record access mode	�O���s����
54316record access mode switching	�O���s���Ҥ���
54317record access stream	�O���s���y
54318record access type	�O���s������
54319record area	�O���ϰ�
54320record block	�O����
54321record blocking	�O�����q
54322record cell	�O���椸
54323record collection	�O���׶�
54324record control block	�O�������
54325record control scehdule	�����Ƶ{
54326record definition	�O���w�q
54327record description entry	�O���y�z��
54328record file address	�O���ɦ�}	RFA
54329record format	�O���榡
54330record format overhead	�O���榡�B�~�줸��
54331record gap	�O��(��)��
54332record head	�O���Y
54333record header	�O�����Y
54334record I/O	�O����J��X
54335record id access	�O���ѧO�s��
54336record identifier	�O���ѧO�X
54337record identity number	�O���ѧO��
54338record instance	�O�����
54339record key	�O����
54340record layout	�O�����m
54341record length	�O������
54342record list	�O�����
54343record location mode	�O����m�Ҧ�
54344record locking	���;�O���곬
54345record management	�O���޲z
54346record management services	�O���޲z�A�ȵ{��	RMS
54347record manager	�O���޲z�{��
54348record mark	�O����
54349record message	�O���T��
54350record number	�O�����X
54351record occurrence	�O�����
54352record operation	�O���ާ@
54353record position	�O����m
54354record reference vector	�O���ѦҦV�q	RRV
54355record resolved index	�k������
54356record segment	�O�����q
54357record selection expression	�����	RSE
54358record separator	�O��������
54359record storage cell	�O���x�s�椸
54360record storage mark	�O���x�s��
54361record stream	�O���y
54362record transfer mode	�O���ಾ�Ҧ�
54363record type	�O����;�O������
54364record type currency indicator	�O�������y�q���ܾ�
54365record's file address	�O���ɦ�}	RFA
54366record,addition	�W��
54367record,deletion	�R��
54368record,fixed length	�w����
54369record,group	�s��
54370record,header	����
54371record,home	����
54372record,leader	�޿�
54373record,logical	�޿�O��
54374record,reference	�ѦҰO��
54375record,semifixed length	�b�w����
54376record,trailer	����
54377record,unit	���O��
54378record,variable-length	�ܪ���
54379record-id	�O���ѧO�X
54380record-length field	�O���������
54381record-name (or record name)	�O���W��
54382record-oriented device	�O���ɦV�˸m
54383recorder,film	���v��
54384recording density	�O���K��
54385recording head	�O���Y
54386recording trunk	�O���F�u
54387records,grouping of recovery	�_��,��_
54388recourse	�l���v
54389recover	�_��
54390recovery	��_;�_��
54391recovery unit	��_���
54392recovery-unit journal	��_����x��;��_����x
54393rectangular arrays	�x�ΰ}�C
54394rectangular hysteresis loop	�x�κϺ���
54395rectangular loop	��Ϻ���
54396rectifier	��y��
54397rectifier,crystal	�����y��
54398recurrence formula	�A�{����
54399recurrence relation	�A�{���Y
54400recurrent code	�A�{�X
54401recursive	���j;�^�k��;���k��
54402recursive function	���j���
54403recursive macro call	���j���I�s
54404recursive procedure	���k�{��
54405recursive routine	���k�`��
54406recursive subroutine	���j�Ʊ`��
54407recursive substitute	���j���N
54408recursively defined sequence	���j�w�q���ǦC
54409red-tape	���a,�x�ˤ峹
54410red-tape operation	���a�@�~,�c�Ƨ@�~
54411redact	�s��
54412redaction	�s�ת�
54413redirection table	���s�w�V��
54414redisign	���s�]�p
54415redline characteristic	���u�S�x
54416redlining	���u;�e���u
54417reduced Echelon form	�Y��C�ƶ���
54418reduced floe table	�Y��y�{��
54419reduced view	�Y�p�ؤo
54420reducible polynomial	�i���h����
54421reduction operation	²�ƹB��
54422reduction,data	����Y��
54423reduction,online data	�u�W����Y��
54424reduction,real-time data	�Y�ɸ���Y��
54425redundancy	�h�l��;���l
54426redundancy bit	���l�Ƥ�
54427redundancy character	���l�r��
54428redundancy check	���l�ֹ�
54429redundant check	���l�ֹ�
54430redundant term	���l��
54431Reed-Muller code	���o�̰ǽX
54432reel	���L
54433reel,feed	�X�J���L
54434reel,take-up	���DZ��L
54435reenterable code	���J�X
54436reenterable load module	�i�����Ҳ�
54437reenterable program	�i���J�{��
54438reenterant programming	�i���J�W�e
54439reenterant subroutine	�i���J���`��
54440reentrant program	���J�{��
54441reentry point	�A�J�I
54442referable object	�i�ѦҤ�����
54443reference	�������; �ѦҸ��; �Ѧ�
54444reference address	�Ѧҧ}
54445reference axis	�ѦҶb
54446reference bit	�ѦҼƤ�
54447reference configuration	�ѦҰt�m
54448reference counter	�Ѧҭp�ƾ�
54449reference designators	�Ѧҫ���
54450reference edge	�Ѧҽt
54451reference edge,document	���Ѧҿ�
54452reference field	�Ѧ���
54453reference format	�ѦҮ榡
54454reference id	�Ѧ��ѧO�X
54455reference level	�ѦҦ��
54456reference model	�ѦҼҫ�
54457reference model for open system interconnection	�}��ʨt�Τ��s���ѦҼҫ�
54458reference noise	�Ѧ����T
54459reference number	�ѦҸ��X
54460reference object	�Ѧҹ���
54461reference point	�Ѧ��I
54462reference point,zero-level transmission	�s���ǿ�Ѧ��I
54463reference power-supply	�Ѧҹq��
54464reference record	�ѦҰO��
54465reference supply	�Ѧҹq��
54466reference time	�ѦҮɶ�
54467reference vector	�ѦҦV�q
54468reference volume	�ѦҶq
54469reference-line,character spacint	�r���Ů�Ѧҽu
54470refile	�౵
54471reflectance ratio	�Ϯg��
54472reflectance,background	����Ϯg
54473reflectance,ink	�L���Ϯg
54474reflectance,spectral	���ФϮg
54475reflected binary code	�Ϯg�G�i�X
54476reflected binary unit-distance code	�Ϯg�G�i��Z���X
54477reflected code	�Ϯg�X
54478reflection coefficient	�Ϯg�Y��
54479reflective marker	�Ϯg�лx
54480reflesh memory	�A�s�O��(��)
54481reflesh operation	�A�s�ާ@
54482reflexive join	�ۤϦ��p
54483reformat	���q�榡
54484refresh	�A�s;���M
54485refresh rate	�_�s�v
54486refresh screen	��s�e��
54487refreshing the screen	���M�ù�
54488regenerate	�A��
54489regeneration period	�A�ͩP��
54490regeneration,pulse	�ߪi�A��
54491regenerative connection	�A�ͳs��
54492regenerative feedback	�A�ͦ^�X
54493regenerative read	�A�;\Ū
54494regenerative repeater	�A����o��
54495regenerative storage	�A���x�s
54496regenerative track	�A�ͭy
54497regime	���Ҵ���
54498region	�ϰ�
54499region of interest	�`�N�ϰ�	ROI
54500regional address	�ϰ�(��)�}
54501regional center	�ϰ줤��
54502register	�Ȧs��; �Ȧs��
54503register deferred indexed mode	�Ȧs���������ީw�}�Ҧ�
54504register deferred mode	�Ȧs�������w�}�Ҧ�
54505register drive	�Ȧs���X��	RD
54506register length	�Ȧs������
54507register mode	�Ȧs���Ҧ�
54508register pair	�Ȧs������
54509register transfer	�Ȧs���ಾ
54510register,A	A�Ȧs��(�Pregister,arithmetic)
54511register,address	��}�Ȧs��
54512register,arithmetic	��N�Ȧs��
54513register,array	�}�C�Ȧs��
54514register,B	B�Ȧs��(�Pregister,base)
54515register,base	��Ȧs��
54516register,check	�ֹ�Ȧs��
54517register,circulating	���y�Ȧs��
54518register,control	����Ȧs��
54519register,delay-line	����u�Ȧs��
54520register,ecchange	�洫�Ȧs��
54521register,flip-flop	���ϼȦs��
54522register,index	���޼Ȧs��
54523register,input	��J�Ȧs��
54524register,input-output	��X�J�Ȧs��
54525register,instruction	���O�Ȧs��
54526register,length	���׼Ȧs��
54527register,magnetic shift	�ϲ��Ȧs��
54528register,modifier	�׹����Ȧs��
54529register,multiplicand	�Q���ƼȦs��
54530register,multiplier	���ƼȦs��
54531register,multiplier-quotient	���ưӼȦs��
54532register,operation	�B��Ȧs��
54533register,program	�{���Ȧs��
54534register,quotient-multiplier	�ӭ��ƼȦs��
54535register,return code	�^�X�Ȧs��
54536register,sequence control	���DZ���Ȧs��
54537register,shift	����Ȧs��
54538register,standby	�ƥμȦs��
54539register,stepping	�B�i�Ȧs��
54540register,storage	�x�s�Ȧs��
54541register-select multiplexer	�Ȧs����ܦh�u��
54542registration	�n�O
54543regression analysis	�j�k���R
54544regression curve	�j�k���u
54545regular binary	���W�G�i(��)
54546regular mesh point	���W₩X�I
54547regular organization	���W��´
54548regulation	�վ�;�վ�v
54549regulation algebra	���Y�N��
54550regulation calulus	���Y�L�n��
54551regulation data-base	���Y��Ʈw
54552regulation file	���Y��
54553regulation gate	�_�M�h(�Pgate,NOR)
54554regulation structured processes	�������c�L�{
54555regulation,voltage	�q���վ�v
54556rel file	�i���t���ɮ�
54557related data file	���������
54558related dictionary	�������
54559relation	���Y��
54560relation condition	���Y����
54561relation expression	���s��;���Y��
54562relation table	���Y��
54563relational call interface	���Y�I�s�ɭ�	RCI
54564relational data model	���s����Ƽҫ�
54565relational database	���s����Ʈw
54566relational database operator	���s����Ʈw�ާ@�{��	RDO
54567relational expression	���s��
54568relational join operation	���s�����p�⦡
54569relational operation	���s���⦡
54570relational operator	���s��l
54571relational operators	���s���B���
54572relative	�۹�
54573relative accuracy	�۹�ǽT��
54574relative address	�۹��}
54575relative coding	�۹�g�X
54576relative command	�۹�R�O
54577relative coordinate	�۹�y��
54578relative entropy	�۹��i
54579relative error	�۹�~�t
54580relative file	�۹���
54581relative file organization	�۹��ɲ�´
54582relative instruction	�۹���O
54583relative key	�۹���
54584relative level	�۹���
54585relative location	�۹��m
54586relative organization	�۹��´
54587relative path name	�۹��ɮ|�W��;�۹���|�W��
54588relative placement	�۹�w�m
54589relative point	�۹��I
54590relative record number	�۹�O�����X
54591relative redundancy	�۹菉�l
54592relative time	�۹�ɶ�
54593relative transmission level	�۹�ǿ���
54594relative value	�۹��
54595relative vector	�۹�V�q
54596relative volume table	�۹����	RVT
54597relaxation	��e
54598relay	�ǻ�;���~;�~�q��
54599relay center	���~����
54600relay interface	���~����
54601relay,control of	�~�q���~����
54602relay,kipp	��������;(�Pmultivibrator,one_shot)
54603release	����;�P�}
54604release complete message	�������T��
54605release connextion	�_��
54606release key	������
54607release memory	����O��
54608release message	����T��
54609release note	�o��Ƶ�;�X������
54610release quiesce	��ƶǿ��_	RELQ
54611release space	����Ŧ�
54612relevance ratio	���p��
54613reliability	�i�a��;�i�a��
54614reliability,data	��ƥi�a��
54615relocatabe code	�i���w��X
54616relocatabe routine	�i���w��`��
54617relocatability	���w���
54618relocatable	�i�A�w�쪺
54619relocatable address	�i���m��}
54620relocatable addresses	�i�A�w���}
54621relocatable control section	�i�A�w�챱��q
54622relocatable object module	�i�A�w��ت��Ҳ�
54623relocatable program	�i���m�{��
54624relocate	���m;�A�w��;���w��
54625relocating loader	���w����J��
54626relocation counter	�A�w��p�ƾ�
54627relocation dictionary	���w��r��
54628REMACP	���{��X���U����L�{	REMACP
54629remainder	�l��
54630remainder theorem	�l�Ʃw�z
54631remanent point	�ݯd�I
54632remark	����;����;��
54633remedial maintenance	�ɱϺ��@
54634reminder	��������
54635Remington Rand code	�p�ŽX
54636remote	���{��;����;���j
54637remote accecss	�����s��
54638remote access	���{�s��
54639remote batch	���a�妸�@�~;���{���@�~
54640remote batch entry	���{���n��
54641remote batch processing	���{���B�z
54642remote command terminal	���{�R�O�׺ݾ�
54643remote computing	�����p��
54644remote control equipment	�����]��
54645remote data concentrator	������ƶ��T��
54646remote data terminal equipment	���{�ƾڲ׺ݳ]��
54647remote database	���{��Ʈw
54648remote device	���{�˸m
54649remote graphics instruction set	���{�ϧΫ��O��	REGIS
54650remote job entry	���{�@�~����;���{�u�@�n��	RJE
54651remote job entry (RJE)	�����u�@�n��
54652remote key	���{�_
54653remote network services protocol	���{�����A�ȳq�T��w
54654remote node	���{�`�I
54655remote operation service	���a�B�@�A��
54656remote operation service element	���a�B�@�A�Ȥ���
54657remote patching	���{�O��
54658remote peripherals	���{�g��˸m
54659remote repeater	���{��o��
54660remote sensing	���P��,����
54661remote server	���{���A��(�{��)
54662remote station	���{��
54663remote task	���{�u�@
54664remote videotex concentrators	���ݹq�ǵ��T���T��
54665remote virtual terminal	���{�����׺ݾ�
54666removable disk unit	�i�����Ϻо�
54667removable plugboard	���ʴ��Y�O
54668removal class	���ʵ���
54669remove	���};����
54670rendition	�A�{
54671rental system	���Ψt��
54672reorder	����
54673reorganization	����
54674repair dalay time	�˭ש���ɶ�
54675repair time	�˭׮ɶ�
54676repairing,self	�ۦ��˭�
54677repeat statement	���Ʊԭz
54678repeater	��o��
54679repeater station	�W����
54680repeater,forty-four	44 ���W����
54681repeater,single-line	��u��o��
54682repeating coil	����u��
54683repeating group	����G��
54684repeating groups	���Ƹs
54685reperforator	�ƥ��վ�
54686reperforator-transmitter(RT)	�ƥ��նǿ��
54687repertoire,code	�X�ؿ�(�Pcode,instruction)
54688repertoire,instrucction	���O�ؿ�(�Prepertory,instruction)
54689repertory dialer	�̳漷����
54690repertory,code	�X�̳�(�P code,instruction)
54691repertory,instruction	���O�̳�
54692repetition frequency,pulse	�ߪi�����W�v
54693repetition instruction	���ƫ��O
54694repetition rate,pulse	�ߪi���Ʋv
54695repetitive addressing	���Щw�}
54696repetitive operation	���йB��
54697repetitive statement	���бԭz�y
54698replace	����;�٭�;���N
54699replace writing	���N�g�J
54700replacement algorithm	�����t��k
54701replacement character	�����r��
54702replacement in strings	�����
54703replacement problem	���m���D
54704replacement selection sort	������ܱƧ�
54705replacement,mechanical	�������
54706reply line	���ЦC
54707report	����
54708report clause	����l�y
54709report description entry	����y�z����
54710report file	������
54711report footing	������}
54712report generation	�s��
54713report generator	�����;�
54714report group	����G��
54715report group description entry	����G�մy�z����
54716report header	�����Y
54717report heading	������D
54718report level	������
54719report name	����W��
54720report program generator	����(�s��{���o�;�)�y��	RPG
54721report program generator(RPG)	����s�s��
54722report section	����q
54723report specification	����W�d
54724report writer	����Ѽg��;����g�X�{��
54725report writer control system	����g�X����t��	RWCS
54726report writer logical record	����g�X�޿��
54727report,progress	�i�׳��i
54728reporting system	���i�t��
54729reposition	�A�Ƴ���
54730representation	��ܪk
54731representation,analog	�����ܪk
54732representation,binary incremental	�G�i���W��ܪk
54733representation,digital	�Ʀ��ܪk
54734representation,excess-fifty	�W50��ܪk
54735representation,fixed-point	�w�I��ܪk
54736representation,floating-point	�B�I��ܪk
54737representation,incremental	���W��ܪk
54738representation,ternary incremental	�T�i���W��ܪk
54739representations of variable	�ܼƪ��
54740representative calcu-lating operation	�N��p��@�~
54741representative calcu-lating time	�N��p��@�~
54742reproduce	�ƻs
54743reproducer	�ƻs��
54744reproducer,card	�d���ƻs��
54745reproducing machine	�ƻs����
54746reproducing punch	�ƻs����
54747request	�n�D;�ӽ�;�ШD
54748request call	�n�D�I�s
54749request count	�n�D����
54750request definition	�n�D�w�q
54751request definition file	�n�D�w�q��	RDF
54752request definition text	�n�D�w�q����
54753request definition utility	�n�D�w�q���ε{��	RDU
54754request element	�ӽФ���
54755request event	�n�D�ƥ�
54756request handle	�n�D�B�z
54757request header	�n�D���Y	RH
54758request instructions	�n�D���O
54759request library definition	�n�D�{���w�w�q
54760request library file	�n�D�{���w��	RLB
54761request library instructions	�n�D�{���w���O
54762request recovery	�n�D�^�_
54763request repeat system	�ӽЭ��ƨt��
54764request response	�n�D�^��
54765request segment	�n�D���q
54766request shutdown	�n�D����	RSHUT
54767request stringing	�ӽЦ�
54768request to send	�n�D�}�l�ǰe;�ӽп�e	RTS;RS
54769request to send (RS)	�ӽп�e
54770request unit	�n�D���
54771request-send circuit	�D�e�q��
54772request/grant logic	�ӽ�/�����޿�
54773requesting process	�ӽе{��
54774requirements,information	��T�n�D
54775rereading	��Ū
54776rerun	���@
54777rerun point	���@�I
54778rerun routine	���@�`��
54779rerun time	���@�ɶ�
54780rescue	����
54781research and development	��s�P�o�i	R&D
54782research,operations	�@�~��s
54783reserve	�O�d
54784reserved	�O�d��
54785reserved word	�O�d�r
54786reserved words	�O�d�r
54787reserving storage	�w�d�x�s(��)
54788reset	���];���s�}�l;���m
54789reset (a counter)	���](�@�p�ƾ�)
54790reset pulse	���]�ߪi
54791reset rate	���]�v
54792reset,cycle	�g���]
54793reset-to-n	���]��n
54794reshape handles	���]�Хܰ�
54795reshaping	������
54796reshaping,pulse	�ߪi������
54797reshaping,signal	�H��������
54798reside	�n�d
54799resident	�n�s;�n�d;�`�n;�n�d��;�n�s
54800resident assembler	�n�s��Ķ��
54801resident common	�n�s�@�P��
54802resident control program	�n�s����{��
54803resident library	�n�s�{���w
54804resident monitor	�n�s��
54805residual error	�Ѿl�~�t
54806residual error rate	�Ѿl�~�t�v
54807residual error ratio	�Ѿl�~�t��
54808residual value	�Ѿl��
54809residue	�Ѿl
54810residue class	�l����
54811residue class algebra	�l�����N��
54812residue class ring	�l����
54813residue,check	�l�Ʈֹ�
54814residue,module-n	��n�l��
54815resignal	���аT��
54816resistance	�q��
54817resistance,breakage	�ܯ}���O
54818resistance,color-bleeding	�⬪��
54819resistance,smudge	�ܦìV�O
54820resistance,wear	�ܿi�l�O
54821resistance-coupled amplifier	�q�����X��j��
54822resistor	�q����
54823resistor matrix	�q���x�}
54824resistor transistor logic	�q��,�q�����޿�	RTL
54825resolution	�ѪR��
54826resolver	���Ѿ�
54827resolver,ball	�y(�V�q)���ѻ�
54828resolver,spherical	�y��(�V�q)���ѻ�(�Presolver,ball)
54829resolving time	���Ѯɶ�
54830resonance	�@��
54831resource	�귽
54832resource allocation	�귽�t�m
54833resource assignment table	�귽������
54834resource manager	�귽�޲z��
54835resource monitoring display	�귽�ʷ����	RMD
54836resource sharing	�귽����
54837resource wait mode	�귽���ݼҦ�
54838resource,preemptive	�����귽
54839resource-sharing	�귽�@��
54840responder	�^����
54841response	�^��;�^��
54842response contour	�^���λ�
54843response header	�����Y	RH
54844response page	�^����
54845response required	�j��n��
54846response step	�^���B�J
54847response surface methodology	�^������k��
54848response time	�^���ɶ�
54849response unit	�^�����	RU
54850response,frequency	�W�v�^��
54851response,spectral	�i�Ц^��
54852responsetime	�^���ɶ�
54853restart	���s�}�l;�A�Ұ�
54854restart address	�A�Ұʦ�}
54855restart condition	���s�}�l����
54856restart instruction	��(�s�})�l���O
54857restart point	��(�s�})�l�I
54858restart routine	���l�`��
54859restarting	�A�Ұ�
54860restore	���s;��_;�٭�;���w
54861restorer-pulse generator	���w�ߪi���;�
54862restrict	����
54863restricted front end	�����e��
54864restricted state	�������A
54865restriction	����
54866restriction clause	����l�y
54867result	���G
54868result control block	���G�����	RCB
54869result field	���G��
54870result file descriptor	���G�ɴy�z	RFD
54871result option descriptor	���G�ﶵ�y�z�Ÿ�
54872resume	�^�_
54873retain	��(�s�~)��;�K�n
54874retain character reader	�O�d�r���\Ū��	RCR
54875retained TPDU	����TPDU
54876retaining	�O�d
54877retention class	�O�d���O
54878retention period	�O������
54879retentive goal	�O���ت�
54880retiming	���w��
54881retransmission	���e;���s�ǰe
54882retrieval	�˯�
54883retrieval field	�˯���
54884retrieval information block	�˯���T��	RIB
54885retrieval lock	�˯����
54886retrieval pointer	�˯�����
54887retrieval usage mode	�˯��ϥμҦ�
54888retrieval,data	����˯�
54889retrieval,false	�����˯�
54890retrieval,information	��T�˯�
54891retrieve	���^;�˯�;�^��
54892retrofit	�׾�
54893retry count	���զ���
54894return	��^;��^
54895return address	��^��}
54896return code	��^�X
54897return code register	��^�X�Ȧs��
54898return descriptor	��^�y�z�Ÿ�
54899return jump	��^���V
54900return message	��^�T��
54901return status code	��^���A�X
54902return to zero	�k�s�k	RZ
54903return value	��^��
54904return,carriage	��e����^
54905return-to-bias	�k��
54906return-to-reference recording	�k�ѦҬ���
54907return-to-zero	�k�s
54908return-to-zero recording	�k�s�O��	RZ
54909return-to-zero space	�k�s�Ŧ�
54910reusable program	�i�A�ε{��
54911reusable routine	�i���α`��
54912revenue	���J
54913reversal entry	�j�����
54914reverse	�Ϭ�
54915reverse channel	�ϦV�q�D
54916reverse charging	�ϦV���O
54917reverse code dictionary	�ϽX�r��
54918reverse interrupt	�ϦV���_	RVI
54919reverse pointer	�ϦV����
54920reverse polish notation	�Ϫi���O�k
54921reverse Polish notation(RPN)	�Ϫi���O�k
54922reverse video	�ϥ�;�Ϭ����
54923reverse-direction flow	�ϦV�y�{
54924reversible coding	�i�f�g�X
54925reversible counter	�i�f�p�ƾ�
54926reversible telegraph operation,one-way	��V�i�f�q���@�~
54927reversing amplifier	�ϦV��j��
54928reversing entry	�j�����
54929review,post-installation	�˫�Ƭd
54930review,preliminiary	�w���Ƭd
54931review,readiness	�N���Ƭd
54932revisable form	�睊
54933revolver	�����
54934revolver track	����y(�Prevolver)
54935rewind	�^��
54936rewind (record operation)	�˱�
54937rewind time	�^���ɶ�
54938rewiring	�����u
54939rewrite	���g
54940right justification	���k
54941right margin	�k��
54942right-adjusted data	�k�a���
54943right-angle edge connector	������s����
54944right-justified attribute	�V�k����ݩ�
54945right-justified tab	���k�и�
54946right-linked pointer	�V�k�s������
54947rights database	�Ҧ��v��Ʈw
54948rights list	�Ҧ��v��
54949ring buffer	���w��
54950ring counter	�����p�ƾ�
54951ring network	��������
54952ring register	�����Ȧs��
54953ring shift	��������
54954ringdown	�a��
54955ringdown signaling	�a�y�o�H
54956ringer	�q�a,���a��
54957ripple	����
54958ripple factor	���i�]��
54959ripple group delay	���i�s��
54960ripple-through carry	��(�i)�e(�q)�i��
54961rise time	�W�ɮɶ�
54962rise time,pulse	�ߪi�W�ɮɶ�
54963robot	�����H
54964rocker switch	�n���}��
54965rod magnet	�Ϥƴ�
54966role indicator	������ܾ�
54967roll in	��J
54968roll out	��X
54969roll polling	�I�W����
54970roll-back	�^��
54971roll-forward	�e��
54972roll-in	��J
54973roll-out	��X
54974rollback	�^��;�^��
54975rollback routine	���`��
54976rollforward	�e��
54977rolling	�u��
54978rolling out	��X
54979rollup	�`�p
54980ROM(read-only memory)	��Ū�O��
54981root	��;���
54982root caching	�ڰ��t�w�İO����
54983root dictionary directory	�ڸ��ؿ�
54984root file	����
54985root node	�ڸ`�I
54986root segment	�ڤ��q
54987rope memory	(�Ϥ�)�u�O��(��)(�Pstorage<core-rope)
54988rope storage	(�Ϥ�)�u�x�s(��)(�Pstorage,core-rope)
54989rotary dial	���༷���L
54990rotary group number	����s��
54991rotate	�j��
54992rotate instruction	�j����O
54993rotate/shift operation	�j��/����B��
54994rotating menory	�j��O��(��)
54995rotation	����
54996rotation (in computer graphics)	����(�q���ϧΪ�)
54997rotational delay	�j�ੵ��
54998rotational ordering	�j��w��
54999rotational speed	����t��
55000round	�˦�
55001round down	�˥h
55002round off	�|�ˤ��J;�ˤJ
55003round rectangle	�ꨤ�x��
55004round robin	�`����;�`���k
55005round up	�˶i
55006round-off	�ˤJ
55007round-off error	�ˤJ�~�t
55008round-robin scheduler	�`���Ƶ{�{��
55009rounding	�|�ˤ��J
55010rounding error	�ˤJ�~�t
55011route	���|
55012route diversity	���|����
55013route-through	���|��V
55014router	���o�`�I
55015router server	���o���A�{��
55016routine	�l�{��;�`��
55017routine analyzer	�`�����R��
55018routine buffer	�`���w��
55019routine check	�`���ֹ�
55020routine library	�`���w
55021routine line	�`���C
55022routine maintenance	�Ҧ���@
55023routine maintenance time	�Ҧ���@�ɶ�
55024routine name	�`���W
55025routine storage	�`���x�s(��)
55026routine test	�`������
55027routine,algorithmic	�t��`��
55028routine,assembly	�զX�`��
55029routine,automatic	�۰ʱ`��
55030routine,auxiliary	���U�`��
55031routine,check	�ֹ�`��
55032routine,closed	�����`�W
55033routine,compiling	�sĶ�`��
55034routine,control	����`��
55035routine,debugging aid	�������U�`��
55036routine,diagnostic	�E�_�`��
55037routine,direct-insert	�������J�`��
55038routine,dynamic	�ʺA�`��
55039routine,edit	�s��`��
55040routine,error-correcting	��~�`��
55041routine,error-detecting	���~�`��
55042routine,executive	����`��
55043routine,fixed	�T�w�`��
55044routine,fooating-point	�B�I�`��
55045routine,general	�@��`��
55046routine,generating	���ͱ`��
55047routine,heuristic	�ձ��ʱ`��
55048routine,housekeeping	���ȱ`��
55049routine,input	��J�`��
55050routine,interpretive	��Ķ�`��
55051routine,library	�]�s�`��
55052routine,loading	�[���`��
55053routine,main	�D�`��(�Pprogram,main)
55054routine,malfunction	�������F�`��
55055routine,master	�D(��)�`��(�Proutine,executive)
55056routine,minimal-access	�̪��s���`��
55057routine,minimal-latency	�̪���ɱ`��
55058routine,monitir	�ʹ�`��
55059routine,object	�ؼб`��
55060routine,open	�}��`��
55061routine,output	��J�`��
55062routine,post morterm	�ƫ�R�~�`��
55063routine,production	�Ͳ��`��
55064routine,relocatable	�i���w��`��
55065routine,rerun	���w�`��
55066routine,restart	���l�`��
55067routine,rollback	���`��
55068routine,selective tracing	��ܰl�a�`��
55069routine,sequence-checking	���Ǯֹ�`��
55070routine,service	�A�ȱ`��
55071routine,source	�ڷ��`��
55072routine,specific	�S�w�`��
55073routine,static	�R�A�`��
55074routine,stored	�x�s�`��
55075routine,suprvisory	�ʷ��`��
55076routine,target	�v�б`��
55077routine,test	���ձ`��
55078routine,tracing	�l�ܱ`��
55079routine,translating	½Ķ�`��
55080routine,utility	���α`��
55081routine,working	�u�@�`��
55082routing	���|;���|���;�ܸ�
55083routing algorithm	�ܸ��t��k
55084routing label	���|�к�
55085routing layer	�ܸ��h
55086routing node	�ܸ��`�I
55087routing protocol	�ܸ��q�T��w
55088routing,alternate	����|
55089routing,indicator row	���|���ܾ��C
55090routing,message	�T�����|
55091row	��;�C
55092row binary card	�C�G�i�d
55093row major order	�C�D��
55094row pitch	�C�Z
55095row selection lines	�C��ܽu
55096row,binary	�G�i�C
55097row,card	�d�C
55098row-major order	�C�D����
55099rows per inch	�C�T�C��
55100rub out	����
55101rub-out character	�����r��
55102rubber-banding	�ξ��aô��
55103ruggedized computer	�ʾ|�ƭp���
55104rule	�O�u
55105ruler	�W��
55106ruler guide	�W�ؼнu
55107ruler line	��u
55108ruler setting	�W�س]�w
55109rules ENGLISH	�w�W�^��
55110rules,syntax	�y�k�W�h
55111run	�B��;����;�B��
55112run book	�B���U(�P file,problem)
55113run burst	�����`�o�ɶ�
55114run duration	�B��ɶ�
55115run mode	�B��Ҧ�
55116run time	�B��ɶ�
55117run time library	�B��ɥε{���w
55118run unit	������
55119run,computer	�p����B��
55120run,machine	�����B��
55121run-time	�B��ɶ�
55122run-time environment	�B��ɶ�����
55123run-time procedure library	�B��ɶ��{�ǵ{���w
55124run-time system	�B��ɶ��t��
55125run-unit	������
55126runaway tape condition	�W�X�ϱa���A
55127runnable	�i���檺
55128runnable task	�i���檺�u�@
55129running accumulator	�B��ֿn��(�Pstorage,push down)
55130running aggregate	����E��
55131running data base	���b���檺��Ʈw
55132running feet	�y����;���}�`
55133running heads	�y������;��~���D
55134running open	�}��B��
55135running rate	�B��v
55136running time	�������;�B��ɶ�
55137running total	�p�p
55138running value	�y�����X
55139running,parallel	����B��
55140runoff	���w��{��	RNO
55141runtime	�B��ɶ�
55142RZ(NP)-(recording,non-polarized return-to-zero)	�L���k�s���T
55143RZ(P)-(recording,polarized return-to-zero)	�����k�s���T
55144(storage) location	( �x�s )��m
55145s-number	s ��
55146s/370 channel address	s/370 �q�D��}
55147saddle node	�b���I
55148saddle point	�b�I
55149saddle-point game	�b�I�ﵦ
55150saddle-point method	�b�I�k
55151safe	�w����; �i�a��
55152safe address register	�w����}�Ȧs��	SAR
55153safe area	�O�ٰ�; �w����
55154safe expression	�w����F��; �i�a��F��
55155safe formula	�w������; �i�a����
55156safe length	�O�I����; �w������
55157safe net	�w����
55158safe prediction	�w���w��
55159safe shut-down	�w������
55160safe state	�w�����A
55161Safeguards Information System	"�çL"��T�t��	SIS
55162safety circuit	�O�w( ��ĵ )�q��[ �u�� ]
55163safety code	�w���X
55164safety communication	�w���q�T
55165safety cut-out	�w���_����
55166safety engineering	�w���u�{
55167safety factor	�w���]��
55168safety lead time	�w���e�m�ɶ�
55169safety message	�O�w�H[ �� ]��; �w���H[ �� ]��
55170safety paper	�w����
55171safety pole	�w����
55172safety problem	�w�����D
55173safety ring	�w����
55174safety service	�O�w�A��; �w���A��
55175safety signal	�O�w�H��; �w���H��
55176safety standards	�O�w�з�
55177safety stock	�w���s�q
55178safety switch	�O�I�}��; �w���}��
55179safety test	�w������; �w������
55180safety traffic	�w���ʳq�H����
55181safety verification	�w������
55182SAGE air traffic integration	SAGE�Ť���q�Ψ�t��	SATIN
55183Salami technique	�ĩԦ̧޳N
55184salary accounting	�~���O�b
55185sale amount	�P����B
55186sale representative	�~�ȥN��
55187sales & business reservations done electronically	( ���� )��Ť��q�q�y�t��	SABRE
55188sales aid	���P��q[ �u�� ]
55189sales analysis flag	�P����R����
55190sales code	�P��X
55191sales cost	�P�⦨��
55192sales history	�P����v
55193sales income	�P�⦬�J
55194sales mode	�P��覡
55195sales percentage	�P��ʤ���
55196sales profit amount	�P��Q����B
55197sales profit percent	�P��Q��ʤ���
55198sales qty	�P��ƶq
55199sales shipment transaction	�P��X�f����
55200sales transaction	�P�ⲧ��
55201salesman number	�~�ȭ����X
55202samarium gallium garnet		SGG
55203same area	�P��
55204same area clause	�ۦP�Ϥl�y; �P��l�y
55205same body chain	�P����
55206same body relation	�P�����Y
55207same clause	�ۦP�l�y
55208same domain LU-LU session	�P��LU-LU ��
55209same phase	�P��
55210same priority	�P�@�u����; �ۦP�u����
55211same record area	�P�O����; �P�@�O����
55212same record area clause	�P�O���Ϥl�y
55213same size	�P�ؤo[ �j�p ]
55214same sort area	�P������
55215same sort-merge area clause	�P�@����--�X�ְϤl�y
55216same way	�P��
55217same-as-except	�����ƻs	SAE
55218sample	�˥�	SMPL
55219sample and hold	���˻P�O��	S/H,SH
55220sample autocorrelation function	�˥��۬������
55221sample average	�˥�������[ �� ]
55222sample central moment	�˥����߯x
55223sample command file	��˩R�O�ɮ�
55224sample configuration	�˥��t�m
55225sample controller	��˱��; ���˱��
55226sample correlation coefficient	�˥������Y��
55227sample covariance	�˥����t
55228sample definition	�˥��w�q
55229sample delay	��˩���; ���˩���	SD
55230sample dispresion	�˥����t
55231sample distribution	�˥����G
55232sample evaluation method	���ų�w	SEM
55233sample flip-flop	��˥��Ͼ�
55234sample hold switch	��˫O���}��
55235sample input	�˭ȿ�J; ��˿�J
55236sample interactive task	��˥�ͦ�����
55237sample interval	����( �ɶ� )���j	SI
55238sample job stream	�˥��@�ìy
55239sample length	�˥�����
55240sample line	���˽u
55241sample linker directive	�˥��챵( �{�� )���O
55242sample mean	�˥�����
55243sample mean estimator	�˥����Ȧ��p��
55244sample mean-square contingency	�˥�����C�p[ �ۨ� ]
55245sample mechanism	��˾��c
55246sample median	�˥������
55247sample moment	�˥��x
55248sample number	�˥���
55249sample operating system	�˥��ާ@�t��	SOS
55250sample output	�˥���X; ��˿�X
55251sample panel	�d�ҵe��
55252sample percentiles	�˥��ʤ����
55253sample point	����I
55254sample program	��˵{��
55255sample program listing sequence	��˵{���C��ǦC
55256sample protocol	��˨�w
55257sample quartiles	�˥��|�����
55258sample query procedure	�ܨҦ��߰ݹL�{
55259sample range	�˥��d��
55260sample rate	�˥��v; ���˲v
55261sample relay	�����~�q��; ����~�q��	SR
55262sample session	�ܨҦ����
55263sample session editing	�ܨҦ���ܽs��
55264sample set	�˥���
55265sample size	�˥��e�q
55266sample standard deviation	�˥��зǮt
55267sample techniques	��˧޳N; ���˧޳N
55268sample time	��ˮɶ�; ���ˮɶ�
55269sample time aperture	��ˮɶ��I�f; ���ˮɶ��I�f
55270sample tree	��˾�; ���˾�
55271sample variance	�˫~�ܲ���
55272sample wafer	�ˤ�; �j����˫~
55273sample,statistical	�έp�˥�
55274sample-and-hold circuit	��˫O���q��; ���˫O���q��
55275sample-and-hold device	��˫O���˸m; ���˫O���˸m
55276sample-change compaction	�˥����ܤ����Y
55277sample-change compaction	��˺��k
55278sample-generator	�˥����;�; ��˵o�;�
55279sample-hold	��˫O��
55280sample-hold circuit	��˫O���q��; ���˺����q��
55281sampled	���; ����
55282sampled analog computer	�������p���
55283sampled analog data	���������
55284sampled data	��˸��
55285sampled data mode	��˸�Ƥ覡
55286sampled data simulator	��˸�Ƽ����{��
55287sampled image quality measure	���˹϶H��q�׶q
55288sampled ramp signal	�שY��˫H��
55289sampled signal	��˫H��
55290sampled-data computer	��˸�ƭp���
55291sampled-data control	��˸�Ʊ���( �� )
55292sampled-data control system	��˸�Ʊ���t��
55293sampled-data measurement	�˥���ƶq��
55294sampled-data nonlinearity matrix	���˸�ƫD�u�ʯx�}	SDNM
55295sampled-data signal	��˸�ƫH��
55296sampled-data system	��˸�ƨt��
55297sampler	��˾�; ���˾�	SMP
55298samples per second	�C����	SPS
55299samplescope	���˥ܪi��
55300sampling	����; ���	SAMP
55301sampling algorithm	���˺t��k; ��˺t��k
55302sampling analog memory system	�������O����t��	SAMS
55303sampling cell	��˳椸
55304sampling controller	��˱��
55305sampling distribution	��ˤ���
55306sampling error	��˻~�t
55307sampling frequency	����W�v
55308sampling function	��˨��
55309sampling gate	��˹h
55310sampling grid size	����I�}�j�p
55311sampling inspection	�������
55312sampling inspection by attribute	�ݩʩ������
55313sampling inspection by variable	�ܼƩ������
55314sampling interval	��˶��j
55315sampling life test	��˹ةR����
55316sampling mechanism	��˾��c
55317sampling network	��˺���
55318sampling normal distribution	��˱`�A���t
55319sampling oscilloscope	���˥ܪi��
55320sampling parametric computation	���˰Ѽƭp��
55321sampling period	���˴�
55322sampling plan	��ˤ��; ���ˤ��
55323sampling process	��˹L�{; ���˹L�{
55324sampling property	��˩ʽ�; ���˩ʽ�
55325sampling pulse	��˯߽�; ���˯߽�
55326sampling pulse width	��˯߽ļe��; ���˯߽ļe��
55327sampling rate	��˳t�v; ���˳t�v
55328sampling read out	���Ū�X( ��� )
55329sampling scope	���˥ܪi��
55330sampling signal	��˫H��
55331sampling survey method	��˽լd�k
55332sampling switch	����ഫ( �� )
55333sampling theorem	��˩w�z
55334sampling theory	��˲z��
55335sampling time	��ˮɶ�
55336sampling tool	��ˤu��
55337sampling unit	��˳椸
55338sampling window	��˵���
55339sand-blast	�Q��; ��i
55340sandwich	�T���v���c; ���ߵ��c
55341sandwich digit	������
55342sandwich tape	�h�αa
55343sandwich testing	�h��c������
55344sandwich type element	�h��( ���c )����
55345sapphire	���_��; �C�ɦ�
55346sapphire substrate	���_�۹侀
55347satellite	�ìP; �H�y�a�y�ìP
55348satellite access	�ìP�s��
55349satellite address	�ìP��}
55350satellite and missile observation system	�ìP�έ��u�[��t��	SAMOS
55351satellite antenna	�ìP�ѽu
55352satellite attitude	�ìP( �Ŷ� )���A
55353satellite auto-monitor system	�ìP�۰ʺʹ�t��	SAMS
55354satellite automation system	�ìP�۰ʤƨt��; �ìP�۰ʱ���t��	SAP
55355satellite automonitor system	�ìP�۰ʺʵ��t��
55356satellite beacon	�ìP�H��
55357satellite bus line	�ìP�׬y�ƽu
55358satellite business	�ìP�ư�
55359satellite business system	�ìP�ӰȨt��	SBS
55360satellite channel	�ìP�q�D
55361satellite channel mode	�ìP�q�D�Ҧ�
55362satellite communication	�ìP�q�T
55363satellite communication center	�ìP�q�T����
55364satellite communication concentrator	�ìP�q�T���u��	SCC
55365satellite communication control facility	�ìP�q�T����]��
55366satellite communication system	�ìP�q�T�t��
55367satellite communication terminal	�ìP�q�T�׺�( �]�� )
55368satellite communication test	�ìP�q�T����
55369satellite communications controller	�ìP�q�T���
55370satellite community reception	�ìP���@������; �ìP���@�����t��
55371satellite computer	�ìP�p���; ���U�p���	SC
55372satellite computer	�ìP�p���
55373satellite computer terminal	���U�p����׺�
55374satellite control center	�ìP�����
55375satellite control facility	�ìP����]�I	SCF
55376satellite control function	�ìP����\��
55377satellite control network	�ìP�������
55378satellite data	�ìP�ƾ�; �ìP���
55379satellite data area	�ìP��ư�	SDA
55380satellite data collection system	�ìP��Ʀ����t��
55381satellite data communication	�ìP�ƾڳq�T
55382satellite data exchange	�ìP��ƥ洫( �� )	SDX
55383satellite data modulator	�ìP��ƽը
55384satellite data processing system	�ìP��ƳB�z�t��	SATDAT
55385satellite data recorder	�ìP��ưO����
55386satellite data system	�ìP��ƨt��
55387satellite delay compensation unit	�ìP������v��	SDCU
55388satellite digital-analog display	�ìP�Ʀ�--�������
55389satellite downlink	�ìP�U�o���; �ìP�U�����
55390satellite earth station	�ìP�a����
55391satellite earth terminal	�ìP�a���׺ݾ�
55392satellite environment	�ìP����
55393satellite equatorial orbit	���D�y�D�ìP
55394satellite graphic job processor	�ìP�ϧΧ@�~�B�z�{��	SGJP
55395satellite ground station	�ìP�a����
55396satellite I/O module	�ìP��J��X�Ҳ�	SIOM
55397satellite identification	�ìP�ѧO
55398satellite image	�ìP�Ϲ�
55399satellite information	���ݸ�T; �ìP�H��
55400satellite information center	�ìP��T����	SIC
55401satellite information message protocol	�ìP��T�H����w	SIMP
55402satellite information processor	�ìP��T�B�z��
55403satellite inspection	�ìP�ʵ���
55404satellite inspection network	�ìP�˴�����
55405satellite inspection technique	�ìP�˴��޳N
55406satellite interface message processor	�ìP�����T���B�z��	SIMP
55407satellite laboratory	�ìP�����
55408satellite library information network	�ìP�ϧθ�T��	SALINET
55409satellite line	�ìP�q�T�u��
55410satellite link	�ìP���
55411satellite maintenance technique	�ìP���ק޳N
55412satellite minicomputer	�ìP�g�A( �p�� )��
55413satellite motion simulator	�ìP�i�������	SMS
55414satellite multiple access	�ìP�h���s��
55415satellite navigation computer	�ìP�ɯ�p���
55416satellite network	�ìP����	SATNET
55417satellite observations	�ìP�[��
55418satellite optical link	�ìP�����
55419satellite packet transmission	�ìP���նǿ�
55420satellite paper tape transfer	�ìP�ȱa�ǰe
55421satellite point	�ìP�I
55422satellite problem	�ìP���D
55423satellite processor	�ìP�B�z��	SP
55424satellite processor access method	�ìP�B�z���s����k	SPAM
55425satellite recovery	�ìP�^��
55426satellite relay	�ìP���~
55427satellite rendezvous	�ìP�|�X
55428satellite rendezvous system	�ìP�|�X�t��
55429satellite service	�ìP�A��
55430satellite simulator	�ìP������
55431satellite space station	�ìP�Ŷ���
55432satellite station	�ìP��
55433satellite switched time-division multiple access	�ìP�洫�ɤ��h���s��	SST-OMA
55434satellite switching	�ìP�洫
55435satellite system	�ìP�t��; ���U�t��
55436satellite system monitor station	�ìP�t�κʵ���
55437satellite test center	�ìP���դ���
55438satellite tracking program	�ìP�l�ܵ{��	STP
55439satellite-pair	��
55440satellite-to-satellite communication	�ìP���q�T
55441satellite-to-satellite data transfer	�ìP����ƶǰe
55442satellite-to-satellite link	�ìP���q�T���
55443SATF policy	SATF�F��
55444satisfaction proof	���N�ҩ�; �����ҩ�
55445satisfiability	�i������
55446satisfiability problem	�i�����ʰ��D
55447satisfiable	�i������
55448satisfiable combination	�i�����զX
55449satisfy	����; ����
55450satruation	���M
55451satstream	�ìP�y
55452saturaing integrator	���M�ؤ���
55453saturate	�Ϲ��M
55454saturated	���M��
55455saturated arc	���M��
55456saturated circuit	���M�q��
55457saturated current demand logic	���M�q�y�ݨD�޿�q��	SCDL
55458saturated cut	���M����
55459saturated diode	���M�G����
55460saturated drift transistor diode logic	���M�}�����q����--�G�����޿�	SDTDL
55461saturated drift transistor register logic	���M�}�����q����Ȧs���޿�
55462saturated edge	���M�ɭ�
55463saturated integrator	���M�n����
55464saturated inveter logic	���M�ϦV�޿�
55465saturated logic	���M( �� )�޿�q��	SL
55466saturated logic circuit	���M�޿�q��
55467saturated path	���M���|
55468saturating drift transistor register logic	���M�}���q����Ȧs���޿�	SDTRL
55469saturation	���M
55470saturation area	���M��
55471saturation arithmetic	���M�B��
55472saturation breakpoint voltage	���M�I�q��
55473saturation characteristic	���M�S��
55474saturation current	���M�q�y
55475saturation delay	���M����
55476saturation delay schottky diode	���M����v�S��G����
55477saturation flux	���M�ϳq; ���M�q�q
55478saturation flux density	���M�ϳq�K��
55479saturation jamming	���M����
55480saturation magnetic recording	���M�ϰO��
55481saturation magnetization	���M�Ϥ�; �Ϲ��M
55482saturation noise	���M����	SN
55483saturation point	���M�I
55484saturation recording current	���M�O���q�y
55485saturation region	���M��
55486saturation resistance	���M�q��
55487saturation routing	���M�o�H���|
55488saturation signaling	���M�H�O; ���M�H���ǿ�
55489saturation signaling system	���M�ǫH�t��
55490saturation state	���M���A
55491saturation testing	���M����
55492saturation threshold	���M�{�ɭ�
55493saturation voltage	���M�q��
55494saturation zone	���M��
55495save	�O�s	SAV
55496save address latch	��}�P�s��; �O�d��}�Ȧs��	SAL
55497save area	�O�s��
55498save area description entry	�O�s�ϴy�z��; �O�s�ϴy�z��
55499save area table	�O�s�Ϫ�	SAVT
55500save file	�O�s�ɮ�; �ƥ��ɮ�
55501save file procedure	�O�s�ɮ׹L�{
55502save file system resource	�O�s�ɮרt�θ귽
55503save format	�O�s�榡
55504save graphics environment	�O�s�ϧ�����
55505save image structure	�O�s�Ϲ����c
55506save instruction	�O�s���O
55507save memory	�O�s�O����
55508save option	�O�s���
55509save register	�O�s�Ȧs��
55510save routine	�O�s( �Ҧ� )�`��
55511save statement	�O�s�ԭz
55512save system rights	�O�s�t���v
55513save tape	�O�s�a
55514save tape structure	�O�s�a���c
55515save value	�O�s��
55516save/restore message queues	�O�s��_����[ �H�� ]��C	SMQ
55517saved area	�O�d��
55518saved area description entry	�O�d�ϴy�z
55519saved screens	�O�s���ù�
55520saved system	�O�d�t��
55521saving time	�O�s�ɶ�
55522sawtooth	����( �i )
55523sawtooth generator	����( �i )���;�
55524sawtooth pulse	����( �i )�߽�
55525sawtooth time-base	�����ήɰ�
55526sawtooth voltage generator	�����i�q�����;�
55527sawtooth wave	�����i
55528sawtooth waveform	�����i��
55529scalar	�¶q; �¶q��
55530scalar access control	�¶q�s������( �� )
55531scalar assignment	�¶q���w��
55532scalar C compiler	�¶qC �sĶ�{��
55533scalar computation	�¶q�p��
55534scalar constant	�¶q�`��
55535scalar data	�¶q���
55536scalar enumerated type	�¶q�T�|����
55537scalar execution unit	�¶q�p��椸
55538scalar expansion	�¶q�X�i
55539scalar expression	�¶q��ܦ�
55540scalar filter	�¶q�o�i��
55541scalar instruction	�¶q���O
55542scalar item	�¶q��
55543scalar matrix	�¶q�x�}
55544scalar multiplication	�¶q���k
55545scalar operation	�¶q�B��
55546scalar predictor	�¶q�w����
55547scalar processer	�¶q�B�z( �� )����
55548scalar processing	�¶q�B�z
55549scalar processing unit(Burroughs)	�¶q�B�z��( �_�Ӥ��q )	SPU
55550scalar product	�¶q��; �¶q��
55551scalar quantity	�¶q( �D�V�q )
55552scalar reference	�¶q�ޥ�
55553scalar register	�¶q�Ȧs��
55554scalar result	�¶q���G
55555scalar stream	�¶q�y
55556scalar type	�¶q����
55557scalar type identifier	�¶q�������Ѳ�
55558scalar variable	�¶q�ܼ�
55559scalar-array operation	�¶q�}�C�B��
55560scalar-return register	�¶q��^�Ȧs��
55561scale	�Ы�; �ث�
55562scale change	�Ыק���
55563scale coefficient	��ҫY��; ��Ҧ]�l
55564scale control	��ұ���( �� ); �w�б���( �� )
55565scale coordinate system	�Y��y�Шt
55566scale decimal arithmetic	�a��Ҫ��Q�i���N
55567scale definition	��שw�q
55568scale factor	��Ҧ]��; �Ыצ]��	SF
55569scale factor check	��Ҧ]�Ʈ���
55570scale factor designator	��Ҧ]�ƫ��ܾ�
55571scale factor register	��Ҧ]�ƼȦs��	SFR
55572scale increment	��׼W�q
55573scale label	�Фب��
55574scale line	��׽u
55575scale mark	����; ��׽u
55576scale merit	�W�ҧQ�q
55577scale model	��Ҽҫ�; �Фؼҫ�
55578scale modifier	�Ы׭ץ���
55579scale multiplier	�Ы׭��k��
55580scale number	�Ы׼ƥ�
55581scale operation	�Ы׹B��
55582scale plate	��פ�; ��תO
55583scale process technology	��ҳB�z�޳N
55584scale radix	��ưO��
55585scale value	�Ы׭�; ��׭�
55586scale,binary	�G�i�Ы�
55587scale,fixed-radix	�w�ư�Ы�
55588scale,radix	�ư�Ы�
55589scale,time	�ɶ��Ы�
55590scale,two	�G�Ы�
55591scale-down	������Y�p
55592scale-model investigation	��Ҽҫ���s
55593scale-of-ten	�Q�i��( �� )�p�Ƥ���t��
55594scale-of-ten circuit	�Q�i��q��
55595scale-of-two	�G�i��
55596scale-up	����ҼW�[; ����ҩ�j
55597scaled cap	�K�ʻ\; �K�ʴU
55598scaled circuits	�K�ʹq��
55599scaled transistor	�K�ʹq����
55600scaler	�w�о�
55601scaler circuit	�w�йq��
55602scaler quantity	�жq
55603scaler-printer	�a�C�L�˸m���w�о�
55604scaling	�w��; ����
55605scaling attribute	�w���ݩ�
55606scaling circuit	�w�йq��
55607scaling down	������Y�p
55608scaling factor	��Ҧ]��; �w�Ц]��
55609scaling instruction	�w���O
55610scaling method	��Ҫk
55611scaling point	�w�Э�
55612scaling position	�p���I��m
55613scallop	���η��; ���Χᦱ
55614scan	����
55615scan abort	���y���`����
55616scan abort subsystem	���y���`�����l�t��
55617scan address	���y��}
55618scan address generator	���y��}���͵{��
55619scan algorithm	���y�t��
55620scan area	���y��
55621scan backwards	�ϦV���y
55622scan band	���y�a
55623scan code	���y�X
55624scan command	���y�R�O
55625scan command word	���y�R�O�r
55626scan control register	���y����Ȧs��
55627scan control unit	���y���( �椸 )
55628scan conversion program	���y�ܴ��{��
55629scan converter	���y�ܴ���
55630scan counter	���y�p�ƾ�
55631scan for operand	���y�B�⤸
55632scan forwards	���V���y
55633scan fraction	���y�Y��
55634scan frequency	���y�W�v
55635scan gate number	���y�h�Ǹ�	SGN
55636scan head	���y�Y
55637scan length	���y����
55638scan limit	���y���q
55639scan line	���y�u
55640scan patterns	���y�Ҧ�
55641scan period	���y�g��
55642scan rate	���y( �t )�v
55643scan rate modulation deception	���y�v�g����F( �޳N )
55644scan reset	���y���m
55645scan resolution	���y����v
55646scan speed	���y�t�v
55647scan task	���y����
55648scan,magnetic ink	�϶¦r�����ѱ�
55649scan,magnetic ink character	�϶¦r�����ѱ�
55650scan,magnetic ink character recognition	�϶¦r�����ѱ��y
55651scan,mark	�Хܱ��y
55652scan-conversion algorithm	���y�ഫ�t��k
55653scan-in	���y��J
55654scan-in bus	���y��J�׬y��
55655scan-line algorighm	���y�u�t��k
55656scan-out bus	���y��X�u
55657scan-round	�`�����y
55658scanister	���y��
55659scanned character	�Q���y�r��
55660scanned document	�Q���y���
55661scanned laser infrared microscope	���y���p�g���~��L��	SLIM
55662scanned storage tube	���y�x�s��	SST
55663scanned symbol	�Q���y�Ÿ�
55664scanner	���y��; ���y�{��	SCN
55665scanner board	���y���O
55666scanner controller	���y���
55667scanner definition	���y�{�ǩw�q
55668scanner definition facinity	���y�{�ǩw�q�{��
55669scanner encoder	���y���s�X��	SEN
55670scanner generator	���y�{�Dz��;�
55671scanner input language	���y�{�ǿ�J�y��	SIL
55672scanner interrupt	���y�����_
55673scanner keyed input language	���y���䱱��J�y��	SKIL
55674scanner program	���y�{��
55675scanner selection	���y�����
55676scanner selector	���y��ܾ�
55677scanner,flyingspot	���I���y��
55678scanner,optical	�����y��
55679scanning	���y
55680scanning accuracy	���y�ǽT��
55681scanning algorithm	���y�t��k
55682scanning area	���y��
55683scanning beam	���y( �q�l )��
55684scanning circuit	���y�q��
55685scanning control	���y����( �� )
55686scanning control register	���y����Ȧs��
55687scanning densitometer	���y�K�׭p
55688scanning density	���y�K��
55689scanning device	���y�]��
55690scanning digitizer	���y�Ʀ�ƾ�
55691scanning direction	���y��V
55692scanning drum	���y�u��
55693scanning electron microscope	���y�q�l��L��
55694Scanning Electron Microscope	���y�q�l��L��	SEM
55695scanning encoding	���y�s�X	SEN
55696scanning field	���y��
55697scanning index	���y����
55698scanning interval	���y���j
55699scanning limit	���y�ŭ�
55700scanning line	���y�u
55701scanning line frequency	���y�u�W�v
55702scanning line length	���y�u����
55703scanning line period	�汽�y�u�g��
55704scanning line rate	�汽�y�u( �t )�v
55705scanning line usable length	���y��i����
55706scanning machine	���y��
55707scanning mechanism	���y���c
55708scanning method	���y( �� )�k
55709scanning motion	���y����
55710scanning period	���y�g��
55711scanning pitch	���y���Z
55712scanning pointer	���y����
55713scanning position	���˦�m
55714scanning rate	���y�t�v
55715scanning routine	���y�`��
55716scanning search	���y�d�M
55717scanning selector	���y��ܾ�
55718scanning sequence	���y����
55719scanning shift	���y����
55720scanning speed	���y�t��
55721scanning spot	���y( �� )�I
55722scanning spot beam	���y( ���I )��
55723scanning spot X-dimension	X ( �� )�V���y( �� )�I
55724scanning spot Y-dimension	Y ( �� )�V���y( �� )�I
55725scanning television camera	���y�q����v��
55726scanning trace	���y�y��
55727scanning traverse	���y�
55728scanning unit	���y��; ���y�]��
55729scannogramm	���y�N
55730scatter	���g; ����
55731scatter chart	���G��
55732scatter diagram	���G��
55733scatter format	�����榡
55734scatter gap	��������
55735scatter graph	�o����; ���g��
55736scatter load	�������J( �k )
55737scatter loading	�������J( �{�� )
55738scatter plot	���G��
55739scatter proofs	���g����
55740scatter propagation	���g�Ǽ�
55741scatter read	����Ū�J
55742scatter read operation	����Ū�J�ާ@
55743scatter read/write	����Ū�g
55744scatter reading	�����\Ū
55745scatter register transfer	���üȦs���ಾ
55746scatter storage	�����x�s
55747scatter storage technique	�����x�s�޳N( �k )
55748scatter table	������
55749scatter transfer	�����ǰe
55750scatter write	�����g
55751scatter write operation	�����g�ާ@
55752scatter,gap	�Żش���
55753scatter-read/gather-write	����Ū�����g
55754scatter/gather	����--����
55755scatter/gather operation	����--�����ާ@
55756scatterd data point	��������I
55757scatterd seeds	�o���ɴ�
55758scatterd wind	���u
55759scatterer	���g��; ���g����
55760scattering	���g; �X��
55761scattering center	���g����; �X������
55762scattering coefficient	���g�Y��
55763scattering cross-section	���g�I��
55764scattering loss	���g�l��
55765scavenger	�M����; �b�ƾ�
55766scavenging	�s��; �M��
55767scenarics	�}��
55768scenario	�ե�; ���
55769scenario method	�}���k
55770scenario prototype	�}���쫬; ��׭��
55771scenario specialist	�����M�d�{��
55772scene	����; ����
55773scene analysis	�������R
55774scene border	�������
55775scene description	�����y�z
55776scene domain	�����d��
55777scene recognition	�����ѧO
55778scene segmentation	��������
55779scene understanding	�����z��
55780scene-of-action communications	��ʹ�p�q�T
55781scene-of-air-sea-rescue frequency	���űϴ���p( �q�H )�W�v
55782sceurity isolation	�w���j��
55783schedule	�w�ƶi��; �i�ת�
55784schedule and accumulate work load procedure	�u�@�t���{�Ǥ��Ƶ{�β֭p
55785schedule file	�Ƶ{�ɮ�
55786schedule job	�Ƶ{�@�~
55787schedule status pre-processor	�Ƶ{���A�B�z��	SSPP
55788schedule stop date	�i�װ�����
55789schedule table	�Ƶ{��
55790schedule time	�w�w�ɶ�; �p���ɶ�
55791schedule,record control	�����Ƶ{
55792scheduled	�w�w��; �w�ƪ�
55793scheduled circuits	�w�w�u��; �w�w�q��
55794scheduled completion date	�Ƶ{���u���
55795scheduled down time	�w�w�����ɶ�
55796scheduled engineering	time	�w���u�{�ɶ�
55797scheduled engineering time	�w�w�u�{�ɶ�
55798scheduled fault detection	�w�w�G���˴�
55799scheduled maintenance	�Ҧ���@; �w�w���@	SM
55800scheduled maintenance time	�Ҧ���@�ɶ�; �w�w���@�ɶ�
55801scheduled operating time	�w�w�ާ@�ɶ�
55802scheduled operation	�w�w�ާ@; �Ҧ�ާ@
55803scheduled output	�w�w��X; �Ҧ��X
55804scheduled overtime	�Ƶ{�[�Z
55805scheduled receipt	�Ƶ{����
55806scheduled start date	�Ƶ{�}�l���
55807scheduled start time	�w�w�}�l�ɶ�; �Ҧ�Ұʮɶ�
55808scheduler	�Ƶ{��	SCH,SCHDLR
55809scheduler program	�Ƶ{�{��
55810scheduler proposed-queue	�Ƶ{�{���ӽЦ�C
55811scheduler subsystem	�Ƶ{( �{�� )�l�t��
55812scheduler waiting-queue	�Ƶ{�{�ǵ��ݦ�C
55813scheduler work area	�Ƶ{( �{�� )�u�@��	SWA
55814scheduler work area data set	�Ƶ{( �{�� )�u�@�ϸ�ƶ�	SWADS
55815scheduling	�Ƶ{; �u�@�Ƶ{
55816scheduling algorism	�Ƶ{�t��k
55817scheduling algorithm	�Ƶ{�t��k
55818scheduling calculation	�Ƶ{�p��
55819scheduling discipline	�Ƶ{�W�h
55820scheduling information pool	�Ƶ{��T��	SIP
55821scheduling intent	�Ƶ{�N�V
55822scheduling management display	�Ƶ{�޲z���( �� )	SMD
55823scheduling model	�Ƶ{�ҫ�
55824scheduling monitor computer	�Ƶ{�ʱ��p���
55825scheduling of resources	�귽�Ƶ{
55826scheduling of tasks	�u�@�ɵ{
55827scheduling operation	�Ƶ{�ާ@
55828scheduling phase	�Ƶ{���q
55829scheduling policy	�Ƶ{��w
55830scheduling priority	�Ƶ{�u����( �� )
55831scheduling problem	�Ƶ{���D
55832scheduling process	�Ƶ{�L�{
55833scheduling processor	�Ƶ{�B�z��
55834scheduling protocol	�Ƶ{��w
55835scheduling queue	�Ƶ{��C
55836scheduling resource	�Ƶ{�귽
55837scheduling rule	�Ƶ{�W�h
55838scheduling rules	�Ƶ{�W�h
55839scheduling start date	�Ƶ{�W���}�l���
55840scheduling strategy	�Ƶ{����
55841scheduling subroutine	�Ƶ{�l�`��
55842scheduling support	�Ƶ{�䴩[ �� ]
55843scheduling system	�Ƶ{( �{�� )�t��
55844scheduling theory	�Ƶ{�z��
55845scheduling tool	�Ƶ{�u��
55846scheduling vector	�Ƶ{�V�q
55847scheduling, backward	�Ƶ{�k,�f�V
55848scheduling, forward	�Ƶ{�k,���V
55849schema	�Ҧ�; ���
55850schema category	��׺���
55851schema chart	��׹�
55852schema control system	��ױ���t��
55853schema data description	��׸�ƴy�z
55854schema data description language	��׸�ƴy�z�y��
55855schema data item	��׸�ƶ�
55856schema DDL	��׸�ƴy�z�y��
55857schema DDL skeleton	��׸�ƴy�z�y�����[
55858schema declaration	��׻���
55859schema description language	��״y�z�y��
55860schema entry	��ױ���; ���( �n�O )��
55861schema file	����ɮ�
55862schema frame	��׮ج[
55863schema instance	��׹��
55864schema integration architecture	��׾�X���c; ��׿n�鵲�c
55865schema level description	��ׯŴy�z
55866schema name	��צW
55867schema processing	��׳B�z
55868schema reformatting	��׭��w�榡
55869schema restructuring	��׭��c
55870schema section	��׬q
55871schema translation	���½Ķ; ����ഫ
55872schematic	�ܷN��; ²��
55873schematic circuit	��z�q��
55874schematic diagram	��z��; ²��
55875schematic diagram, electrical	�q��²��
55876scheme	�p��; ���
55877scheme of the Chinese phonetic alphabet	�~�y�������
55878Schimtt limiter	�I�K�S���T( �� )��
55879Schimtt system	�I�K�S�t��
55880Schimtt toggle circuit	�I�K�SIJ�o�q��
55881Schimtt trigger circuit	�I�K�SIJ�o�q��
55882Schneider front-end	�I�`�w�e��
55883Schottky	�v�S��k; �v����޳N
55884Schottky barrier collector transistor	�v�S��ն����q����
55885Schottky barrier diode clemped transistor-transist	�v�S��դG����O�쪺�q����--�q�����޿�( �q�� )
55886Schottky bipolar decoder	�v�S�������ѽX��
55887Schottky bipolar memory	�v�S�������O����
55888Schottky bipolar microcomputer	�v�S�������L���p���
55889Schottky cell array technology	�v�S��椸�}�C�޳N	SCAT
55890Schottky circuit	�v�S��q��
55891Schottky clamped transistor	�v�S��O��q����
55892Schottky diode	�v�S��G����
55893Schottky diode field-effect transistor logic	�v�S��G����������q�����޿�( �q�� )
55894Schottky diode termination	�v�S��G����ݱ�
55895Schottky emitter type transistor	�v�S��g�����q����
55896Schottky guard-ring transistor	�v�S��O�@���q����
55897Schottky noise	�v�S����
55898Schottky process IC	�v�S��޳N�n��q��
55899Schottky transistor	�v�S��q����[ �T�� ]��
55900Schottky transistor logic	�v�S��q�����޿�( �q�� )	STL
55901Schottky transistor logic circuit	�v�S��q�����޿�q��
55902Schottky transistor-transistor logic	�v�S��q����--�q�����޿�( �q�� )
55903Schottky trigger charge-coupled device	�v�S��IJ�o���q�����X�˸m
55904Schottky trigger height	�v�S��IJ�o���T��
55905Schottky TTL	�v�S��q����--�q�����޿�( �q�� )
55906Schottky walter	�v�S��( �q���ʤO )�p�F�o�g��
55907Schottky-device IC	�v�S����n��q��
55908science & technology information center	��޸�T����
55909Science and Mathematics Analysis Center	��ǻP�ƾǤ��R����( ���� )	SMAC
55910Science Council of JAPAN	�饻��ǩe���|	SCJ
55911Science Education Information Analysis Center	��DZШ|��T���R����( ���� )	SEIAC
55912Science information facility	��Ǹ�T���c	SIF
55913Science information services	��Ǹ�T�A��	SIS
55914science satellite	��ǽìP
55915scientific	��Ǫ�
55916Scientific Accelerator Module	��ǥ[�t���Ҳ�	SAM
55917Scientific and Engineering Data Processing Center	��ǻP�u�{��T�B�z����( �� )	SEDPC
55918Scientific and Technical Information Center	��ǧ޳N��T����( �� )	SATIC
55919Scientific and Technical Information Facility	��ǧ޳N��T���c	SATIF
55920Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center	��Ǹ�T����( �� )	SATIC
55921Scientific and Technical Modules System	��ǼҲըt��
55922Scientific Apparatus Makers Association	��ǻ����s�y�̨�|
55923scientific assist firmware	��ǭp�⻲�U����
55924scientific calculation	��ǭp��
55925scientific communication network	��dzq�T����	SCICOMNE
55926scientific community	��ǹ���; ��Ǭ�
55927scientific computation	��ǭp��
55928Scientific Computer Inc.	��ǭp������q
55929scientific computing	��ǭp��
55930scientific computing facility	��ǭp��]�I
55931scientific control	��DZ���	SCICON
55932scientific data automation system	��Ǹ�Ʀ۰ʤƨt��	SDAS
55933scientific data center	��Ǹ�Ƥ���	SDC
55934scientific data processing	��Ǹ�ƳB�z
55935scientific data system	��Ǹ�ƨt��
55936Scientific Data System Inc.	��Ǹ�ƨt�Τ��q
55937Scientific disc operating system	���( �� )�ϺЧ@�~�t��	SDOS
55938scientific distributed processing	��Ǥ������B�z
55939scientific effort	���u�@
55940scientific experiment	��ǹ���; ��ǻ����]��
55941scientific information	��Ǹ�T; ��Ǹ��
55942scientific information center	��Ǹ�T����	SIC
55943scientific information system	��Ǹ�T�t��	SIS
55944scientific instruction processor	��ǥΫ��O�B�z��	SIP
55945scientific instruction set	��ǥΫ��O�t��( �� )	SIS
55946Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association	��ǻ����t�a��|	SIMA
55947scientific language	��ǭp��y��
55948scientific management	��Ǻ޲z
55949Scientific Manpower Commission	��ǤH�O�e���|; ��dzҤO�e���|	SMC
55950scientific measurement unit	��Ǵ��q�]��
55951scientific mehtod	��Ǥ�k
55952scientific method	��Ǥ�k
55953Scientific Micro System	��ǷL�t��	SMS
55954scientific notation	��ǰO�ƪk
55955scientific pay-off	��Ǧ��G
55956scientific philosophy	��ǭ��z
55957scientific problems	��ǰ��D
55958scientific processing	��dzB�z
55959scientific program	��ǭp��{��; ��ǵ{��
55960scientific programmable calculator	��ǭp��i�{���ƭp�⾹( �� )
55961scientific programming language	��ǭp��]�p�y��
55962scientific research satellite	��Ǭ�s�ìP
55963Scientific Research Society of America	�����Ǭ�s��|	RESA
55964scientific sampling	��ǩ��; ��Ǩ���
55965scientific software	��dzn��
55966scientific subroutine	���( �p��� )�l�`��
55967scientific subroutine library	��Ǥl�`���w
55968scientific subroutine package	��Ǧ��`���]	SSP
55969scientific subroutine package library	��Ǥl�`���w
55970scientific system	���( �� )�t��
55971scientific system support group	��Ǩt�Τ䴩��
55972scientific terminal system	���( �� )�׺ݨt��
55973Scientific Time-sharing Corp.	��Ǥ��ɤ��q	STSC
55974scientific-medical RF equipment	�������( �� )�g�W�]��
55975scientific/engineering routine	���( �� )�P�u�{( �� )�Ҧ�`��
55976scintillation	( ������ )�_��; �ؼЫ�t����
55977scisearch	��ޱ����˯���Ʈw
55978scissor	�ŵ�
55979scissoring	�Ũ�
55980scope	��ܾ�; �ܪi��
55981scope (of a declaration)	( �ŧi�� )�d��
55982scope analog	�������
55983scope attribute	�@�ΰ��ݩ�
55984scope delimiter	�@�ΰ�w��
55985scope link	�@�ΰ��챵
55986scope note	�d�����
55987scope of a condition prefix	����e���@�ΰ�
55988scope of an operator	�B��ŧ@�ΰ�
55989scope of automatic	�۰ʧ@�ΰ�
55990scope of command facility	�R�O�]�I[ �\�� ]�d��
55991scope of declaration	�����@�ΰ�
55992scope of entities in program	�{��������@��
55993scope of external name	�~���W�@�ΰ�
55994scope of identifier	���Ѳŧ@�ΰ�
55995scope of name	�W�r�@�ΰ�
55996scope of program identifiers	�{�����ѲŽd��; �{�����Ѳŧ@�ΰ�
55997scope of quantifier	�q���@�ΰ�; �q���Ұ�
55998scope of recovery	��_�d��
55999scope of symbolic name	�Ÿ��W�@�ΰ�
56000scope of variable	�ܼƧ@�ΰ�; �ܼƽd��
56001scope problem	�@���D
56002scope restriction	�@�ΰ쭭��
56003scope rule	�@�ΰ�W�h( �w )
56004scopic	��ı��; �s�x��
56005scopometry	�����@�״��w�k
56006score	����; �o��
56007SCPC	�������i�t��	SCPC
56008scramble	�Z�W; ( �[�K )�s�X
56009scramble network	���W�h����
56010scramble pattern	���W�h�Ҧ�
56011scramble rule	���V�W�h
56012scramble time	�s�P�ɶ�
56013scrambled	���V��>
56014scrambled order	�����
56015scrambled speech	�Z�W�y��; �g�L�O�K�B�z���y��
56016scrambler	�Z�W��; �s�X��
56017scrambler circuit	( �O�K )���W�q��
56018scrambling	���W�h��; �Z�W
56019scrambling and unscrambling network	�����P��������
56020scrap	���o
56021scrap cost	���o����
56022scrap factor	���o�]��
56023scrap from stock	�w�s�~���o
56024scrap from stock transaction	�w�s�~���o����
56025scrap transaction	���o����
56026scrapt	�o�m��
56027scratch	�E��; �貪
56028scratch addressing	�K�ড�w�}
56029scratch data cartridge	�{�ɸ�ƧX����
56030scratch file	�L���ɮ�
56031scratch memory	�ȮɰO����; �O����
56032scratch memory location	�ȮɰO����椸; �Ȧs�椸
56033scratch pack	�Ȯɺв�
56034scratch pad	�K��; �K�ড( ���t�Ȧs )�x�s��	SP,SCPD
56035scratch pad area	�Ȧs��( �� )	SPA
56036scratch pad memory address register	�Ȧs[ �K�� ]�O�����}�Ȧs��	SPMAR
56037scratch storage	�Ȯ��x�s��
56038scratch tape	�Ȧs�a; �����μȦs�ϱa
56039scratch tape sorting	�Ȧs�a����
56040scratch volume	�o��
56041scratch workspace	�Ȧs�u�@��
56042scratch-pad	�K�ড
56043scratch-pad addressing	�K�ড�w�}
56044scratch-pad memory	���t�Ȧs�O����; �K�ড�O����
56045scratch-pad register	�ȮɼȦs��; �K�ড�Ȧs��
56046scratch-pad register addressing	�Ȯ��x�s���w�}
56047scratch-pad storage(temporary storage)	�Ȯ��x�s��; �Ȧs��
56048scratch-pad test channel	���������ճq�D
56049scratching	�l��; �貪
56050scratching area	������( �� )
56051scratchpad	�K��; �K�ড( ���t�Ȧs )�x�s��
56052scratchpad memory	�K��( �� )�O����; ���t�Ȧs�O����
56053screen	�ù�
56054screen address	��( �� )��}
56055screen adjustment	�ù��վ�
56056screen area	�ù��ϰ�
56057screen attribute	�ù��ݩ�
56058screen attribute byte	�ù�( �� )�ݩ�[ �S�x ]�줸��
56059screen buffer	�ù�( �� )�w�ľ�[ �� ]
56060screen coordinate	�ù�( �� )�y��
56061screen coordinate system	�ù�( �� )�y�Шt��
56062screen copy	�ù�( �� )�ƻs
56063screen cursor	�ù�( �� )���
56064screen data	�ù�( �� )���
56065screen desigh aid	�ù��]�p���U
56066screen design aid	�ù�( �� )�]�p���U�{��[ �u�� ]
56067screen design facility	�ù��]�p����
56068screen development utility	�ù��o�i�@�ε{��
56069screen editor	�ù��s�边
56070screen enhancement character	�ù��W�j�r��
56071screen facility	�ù�����
56072screen file	�ù��ɮ�
56073screen form construction	�ù��Φ��c�y
56074screen form file	�ù��榡�ɮ�
56075screen format	�ù��榡
56076screen formatter	�ù��榡��
56077screen generator	�ù����;�
56078screen grid	�����]��	SG
56079screen handler	�e������
56080screen help	�ù��ѻ�
56081screen image	�ù��Ϲ�; ��ܹϹ�
56082screen input/output	�ù���J��X
56083screen load	�ù��[��
56084screen management system	�ù��޲z�t��	SMS
56085screen mapping	�ù��M�g
56086screen mode	�ù��覡
56087screen overlay	�ù����|
56088screen read	�ù�Ū�X
56089screen selection	�o��
56090screen size	�ù��ؤo
56091screen status area	�ù����A
56092screen-based	���ù���
56093screen-grid input	�����]����J	SI
56094screen-oriented programs	�ù��ɦV���{��
56095screen-oriented structural editor	�ù��ɦV�����c�s��{��
56096screen-printed conductor	�����C�L����
56097screen-subdivision method	�ù��l����( �� )�k; �ù����Ϊk
56098screened resistor evaporated transistor logic	�j���q���]�o�q�����޿�( �q�� )	SRETL
56099screened-and-fired components	���L�N������
56100screenful	���ù�
56101screening	�z��; �̽�
56102screening range equation	�ù��d���{
56103screening test	�ù�����
56104screenwrite batch program	�g�ù��妸�B�z�{��
56105screenwrite program	�g�ù��{��
56106screenwrite transaction program construction	�g�ù����ʳB�z�{���c�y
56107screw plug	���۶�
56108scribe	���u; ����
56109scribing plotting display	���uø����ܾ�
56110script	�쥻; ���
56111script graphics tablet	���ϧο�J�O
56112script handwriting	�����
56113script,machine	�����r��
56114scroll	�
56115scroll bar	���ʱ���
56116scroll factor	���ʦ]��
56117scroll key	�W����
56118scroll mode	���ʼҦ�
56119scroll ribbon	���ʦ�a
56120scroll text buffer	�W������w�ľ�
56121scroll timing	�W���w��
56122scrolled manner	�W���覡
56123scroller control character	�W������r��
56124scroller logic	�W���{���޿�
56125scroller program	�W���{��
56126scroller text display	�W���������
56127scrolling	����
56128scrubbing	�~��; �M�~
56129scs control code	scs ����X
56130scs data	scs ���
56131scs data stream	scs ��Ʀ�
56132scs data stream general format	scs ��Ʀ�@��榡
56133scs inbound data stream format	scs �J���Ʀ�榡
56134scs outbound data stream format	scs �����Ʀ�榡
56135sdewed distribution	�פ���
56136sdlc/bsc communication adapter card	sdlc/bsc�q�H�t���d
56137sea rescue frequency	���v[ �� ]�ϴ�( �q�H )�W�v
56138sea return	�����^�i
56139sea surveillance system	����ʵ��t��
56140seakeeping data analysis center	���v�޲z��Ƥ��R����
56141seal	�K��; �ʱ�
56142seal test	�K��( �� )����; �K�ʸ���
56143seal washer	�K�ʹ԰�
56144sealant	�K�ʾ�; �K�ʼh
56145sealer	�O�@�h; �K�ʾ�
56146sealing current	��[ �K ]�ιq�y
56147sealing lip	�ʱK�B; �a�B�䪺�K�ʥ�
56148search	�˯�; �d�M	SRCH
56149search algorithm	�j����k; �˯���k
56150search and kill method	�j���R���k
56151search and replace	�j���}���N; �d��}����
56152search argument	�d���ܤ�; �˯��ܤ�
56153search capability	�d���O; �˯���O
56154search chain	�d����; �˯���
56155search circuit	�j���q��
56156search clue	�d��u��; �j���u��
56157search complete	��[�j]������
56158search compressed index block	�˯������ޫH����	SCIB
56159search cycle	�˯��P��
56160search direction	�j����V
56161search field	�˯��r�q
56162search function	�˯��\��; �j�����
56163search game AND/OR tree	�j���ի�[ �ﵦ ]"�P��"��
56164search game tree	�j���ի�[ �ﵦ ]��
56165search graph	�j����
56166search index	�j������
56167search instruction	�j�����O
56168search jammer	( �۰� )�j���z�Z�o�g��
56169search key	�d�M��
56170search language	�j���y��
56171search length	�j������
56172search library	�j���w
56173search list	�j����
56174search mask	�j���̽�
56175search memory	�j���x�s��; ���p�x�s��
56176search method	�j���k
56177search mode logic	�j���ҺA�޿�	SML
56178search operation	�j���ާ@
56179search option	�j����ܶ�
56180search path	�j�����|
56181search path algorithm	�j�����|��k
56182search procedure	�j���L�{
56183search process	�j���L�{
56184search processor	�j���B�z��[ �{�� ]
56185search program	�j���{��
56186search radar	�j���p�F
56187search receiver	�j��������
56188search result register	�j�����G�Ȧs��
56189search space	�j���Ŷ�
56190search statement	�j���ԭz
56191search strategy	�j������
56192search terms	�j����
56193search test	�j������
56194search text command	�j������R�O
56195search theory	�j���z��
56196search time	�j���ɶ�
56197search tree	�j����
56198search word	�j���r
56199search,area	�a�Ϸj�M
56200search,binary	�G���d�M
56201search,conjunctive	�@���d�M
56202search,dichotomizing	�G���@�d�M
56203search,disjunctive	�����d�M
56204search,Fibonacci	��i����d�M
56205search,literature	���m�d�M
56206search-and-lock jammer	�j����w�z�Z�o�g��
56207search-and-rescue beacon	�j��( �M )�ϴ��H��
56208search-and-rescue beacon frequency	�j��( �M )�ϴ��H���W�v
56209search-and-rescue communication	�j��( �M )�ϴ��q�H
56210search-and-rescue frequency	�j��( �M )�ϴ��q�H�W�v
56211search-read function	�MŪ���[ �\�� ]
56212searchable information	�i�ѷj�����H��
56213searcher	�j���˸m
56214searching	�d�M
56215searching algorighm	�j����k
56216searching storage	�j���x�s��
56217searching technique	�j���޳N
56218searchlight sonar	���ӿO�n��
56219searchlighting	�p�F�j��( �ɯ� )
56220seasonal	�u�`�ʪ�
56221seasonal curve	�u�`�ʦ��u
56222seasonal differencing	�u�`�ʮt��
56223seasonal group profile code	�u�`�s�հ����X
56224seasonal profile	�u�`�ʰ���
56225seasonality coefficient	�u�`�ʫY��
56226seasoning	��[ �� ]��; �z��k
56227seat reservation system	�y��w�q�t��	SRS
56228secant	����; �νu
56229secant method	�νu�u
56230second	��; �ĤG( �� )
56231second addition time	( �� )�G���[�k�ɶ�
56232second anode	�ĤG����
56233second approximation	�G�����
56234second attribute	���ݩ�
56235second channel	�G���q��; �ĤG�q�D
56236second channel interference	�ĤG�q�D�z�Z
56237second check character flip flop	�G������r��IJ�o��
56238second choice route	�ĤG��θ��|
56239second class conductor	( �� )�G������( ���q�� )
56240second computer age	�ĤG�ӭp����ɥN
56241second detector	�ĤG�˪i��
56242second DO	�ĤG�`��
56243second generation computer	�ĤG�N�p���
56244second grid	�ĤG�]��
56245second half machine cycle	��b�����g
56246second largest entry	���̤j��
56247second level access	�G�Ũ��s
56248second level interrupt handler	�G�Ť��_�B�z�{��	SLIH
56249second logic	�G���޿�( �q�� )
56250second mean-value theorem	�ĤG���ȩw�z
56251second memory	���U�x�s��
56252second metallization	( �� )�G�����ݤ�
56253second operand	�ĤG�ާ@��
56254second order differential equation	�G���L��
56255second partial product	�ĤG������
56256second predicate calculus	�G���z���t��
56257second probability distribution	�ĤG���v����
56258second protocal error	���n�q�H��w���~
56259second source	���U( �f )��; �ĤG�f��
56260second sourcing	���U�ѳf��; �ĤG�ѳf��
56261second system control facility	���U�t�α���]�I[ �{�� ]; �G�Ũt�α���{��	SSCF
56262second task	���U����; �G�ť���
56263second variable	�ĤG�ܼ�
56264second-level access address	�G�Ũ��s��}
56265second-level address	�G�Ŧ�}
56266second-level addressing	�G�Žs�}; �G�ũw�}
56267second-level definition	�G�ũw�q
56268second-level directory	�G�ťؿ�; ���ťؿ�
56269second-level inner-macro-call	�G�Ť������ե�
56270second-level interrupt	�G�Ť��_
56271second-level message	( �� )�G�ūH��
56272second-level message display	( �� )�G�ūH�����
56273second-level message member	( �� )�G�ūH������
56274second-level stack	�G��( �� )��
56275second-level statement	�G�űԭz
56276second-level storage	�G���x�s��
56277second-level structure	�G�ŵ��c
56278second-normal form	�ĤG�d��
56279second-order block	�G�Ŷ�
56280second-order difference	�G���t��
56281second-order digit	�ĤG���
56282second-order equation	�G����{
56283second-order logic	�G���޿�
56284second-order polynomial	�G���h����
56285second-order predicate calculus	�G���z���t��
56286second-order stochastic process	�G���H���L�{
56287second-order subroutine	�G�Ťl�`��
56288second-order system	�G���t��
56289secondary	�ĤG��; ���n��	SEC
56290secondary access	�G���s��
56291secondary activation word	���U�E�y�r
56292secondary address	�G�Ŧ�}; ���U��}	SEC
56293secondary address vector table	( �� )�G�Ŧ�}�V�q��	SAVT
56294secondary allocation	�G�����t
56295secondary application block	���U���ε{����	SAB
56296secondary application program	���U���ε{��
56297secondary assignment	�G������
56298secondary attribute	���U�ݩ�
56299secondary axis	���U�b; ���b
56300secondary breakdown	�G������
56301secondary buffer	���U�w�ľ�	SB
56302secondary calculation code	���U�p��X
56303secondary center	�Ƥ���
56304secondary center,telephone	�q�ܰƤ���
56305secondary channel	�Ƴq�D
56306secondary clear to send	���U�q�D�����o��	SCS
56307secondary cluster	�G���L
56308secondary clustering	�G���O��
56309secondary coil	���Žu��
56310secondary colour	����( �C )��
56311secondary computer	���U�p���; ��( �p�� )��
56312secondary console	���U����x
56313secondary constants	�G���t��; �G���`��
56314secondary constraint	���n����
56315secondary control point	�������I
56316secondary control unit	���U���; ( �� )�G���	SCU
56317secondary data	���U���
56318secondary data set group	���U��ƶ���; ��( �� )��ƶ���
56319secondary destination	���ت��a; �ĤG�ت��a
56320secondary device	���U�]��
56321secondary display sequence	�G����ܧǦC
56322secondary dump	���U���x
56323secondary dump system	���U���x�t��
56324secondary emission	�G���o�g
56325secondary emission ratio	�G���o�g�t��
56326secondary end of a session	��ܦ���
56327secondary entry point	���U�J�f�I; ���J�f�I
56328secondary error	�G���~�t
56329secondary exception vector	�ĤG���`�V�q
56330secondary failure	�G���G��
56331secondary file	���U��
56332secondary frequency	���U�W�v; ���W�v
56333secondary function	���\��
56334secondary group	��( �� )��; ����
56335secondary half-session	����ܺ�; ���q�ܺ�
56336secondary IBM support system	��IBM�䴩�t��
56337secondary index	���U����
56338secondary index field	���U���ަr�q; �G�ů��ަr�q	XDFLD
56339secondary index organization	�G�����޲�´
56340secondary input port	�G����J�ݤf
56341secondary key	���U��; ������r
56342secondary key encrypting keys	���U��[�K��
56343secondary key field	���U��r�q
56344secondary key retrieval	���U( �� )��( �r )�˯�
56345secondary keys	�G���_
56346secondary lattice group	�G�������s
56347secondary line	��( �n )�u��
56348secondary link station	��( �� )�����
56349secondary literation	�ĤG��N; �G����N
56350secondary logical unit	��( �� )�޿�椸	SLU
56351secondary memory	�G���x�s��; ���U�x�s��
56352secondary menu	���U�ޭ�
56353secondary multiplexing	�G���h���ƥ�
56354secondary network support	���U�����䴩
56355secondary node	���`�I
56356secondary operate pipeline	�G���ާ@�y���u; ���U�ާ@�y���u	SEOP
56357secondary operator control station	���U�ާ@�����
56358secondary optimization problem	�����u�ư��D
56359secondary paging device	�G�Ť����˸m
56360secondary partition	���U����
56361secondary phase error	�ĤG���q���~
56362secondary processing sequence	���U�B�z����
56363secondary program	��( �� )�{��; �G�ŵ{��
56364secondary proof	���U�ҩ�
56365secondary PSV	���{�����A�V�q
56366secondary rack	���ج[
56367secondary radiation source	�G���T�g��
56368secondary record format	���U�O���榡
56369secondary reference tape	�G�żз�[ �Ѧ� ]�ϱa
56370secondary register set	���U�Ȧs����; ���żȦs����
56371secondary request	���U�ШD; ���ŽШD
56372secondary route	���n���|
56373secondary routing code	���~�{�X
56374secondary row	���U��
56375secondary sample	�G�����
56376secondary segment	���q; ���q
56377secondary service	���U�ư�
56378secondary session(job)	���y�@�~( �u�@ )
56379secondary ship-shore station	���U�H�������
56380secondary space allocation	�G���Ŷ����t
56381secondary space clearing	�G���Ŷ��M��
56382secondary standard reference surface	�G�żЭ�( �� )�Э�
56383secondary station	����; ����
56384secondary station algorithm	������k
56385secondary status	�����A
56386secondary storage	���x�s��
56387secondary store	���U�x�s( �� )
56388secondary subroutine	���U�l�`��; �G�ŰƱ`��
56389secondary support system	���䴩�t��
56390secondary switching center	���U�洫����; �G�ť洫����
56391secondary system control facility	���U�t���]�I	SSCF
56392secondary terminal address	���׺ݾ���}
56393secondary user	�G�ťΤ�; �����q�Τ�
56394secondary vector	�ĤG�V�q; ���V�q
56395secondary winding	���Žu��
56396secret algorithm	�O�K��k
56397secret code	�K�X
56398secret communication	�O�K�q�H
56399secret document	�O�K���[ ��� ]
56400section	�`; �q	SECT
56401section attribute	�`�ݩ�
56402section bit	�Ϭq��
56403section buffer	�`�w�ľ�
56404section carry look-ahead	���`����i��	SCLA
56405section code	�`�X
56406section control	�`����
56407section debugging	�`����
56408section directory	�`�ؿ�
56409section end	�`����; �`��
56410section format	�`�榡
56411section header	�`�Y; �`���D
56412section name	�`�W
56413section nmuber	�`��
56414section output	�`( �q )��X
56415section paper	����
56416section start	�`�}�l
56417section table	�`��
56418section text	�`�q����
56419section,arithmetic	��N����
56420section-and-point code	���I�X
56421section-by-section	�v�`��
56422sectional assembly	���q�զX�{��
56423sectional center	�a�Ϥ���
56424sectional view	���_��( �� )
56425sectionalization test	���q����
56426sectionalized	���`; ���q
56427sectioning	����; ���`
56428sectioning search	���ηj��
56429sector	��( �q ); �q	S;SCT
56430sector address	��( �q )��}; �q��}
56431sector address register	��( �q )��}�Ȧs
56432sector address system	��( �q )��}�t��
56433sector associative buffer storage	��( �q )���p�w���x�s��
56434sector buffer	��( �q )�w�ľ�
56435sector chaining	��( �q )�챵
56436sector chart	��( �q )��
56437sector control center	��( �q )�����	SCC
56438sector counter	��( �q )�p�ƾ�
56439sector disc	��( �q )�Ϻ�
56440sector display	��( �q )��ܾ�
56441sector hole	���Ϥ�
56442sector label	���ϼи�
56443sector mark	���ϼаO
56444sector number	���Ͻs��
56445sector one-shot	���ϯ߽�
56446sector pulse	���ϯ߽�
56447sector queu(e)ing	���ϱƶ�
56448sector register	���ϼȦs��	SCTR
56449sector ring	������
56450sector scan	���ϱ��y
56451sector sequence	���϶���[�ǦC]
56452sector serve system	���Ϧ��A�t��
56453sector transducer	�����ഫ��[ �{�� ]
56454sectored file	�����ɮ�; �����ɮ�
56455sectored file controller	�����ɮױ��; �����ɮױ��	SFC
56456sectorial harmonics function	���ϽթM���
56457sectorial spherical harmonics	���ϲy���թM���
56458sectoring	��( �� )�q; ����y
56459sectors per track	�C�ϹD�q��; �C�ϹD���ϼ�
56460secular equation	�S�x��{
56461secure	�w����; �i�a��
56462secure archival storage system	�w���ɮ��x�s�t��
56463secure automatic communication network	�O�K�۰ʳq�H����; �w���۰ʳq�H����	SACNET
56464secure automatic data information exchange	�O�K���۰ʼƾڥ洫( �� )	SADIE
56465secure communication	�w���q�H; �O�K�q�H
56466secure communication processor	�O�K�q�H�B�z��	SCOMP
56467secure computer network	�w���p�����( �� )
56468secure environment	�w������
56469secure failure set	�w���G�ٶ�
56470secure industries communication system	�w�����~�q�H�t��	SICS
56471secure line	�w���u��; �O�K�u��
56472secure protocol	�w����w; �O�K��w
56473secure query function	�w���d��[ �߰� ]�\��
56474secure schedule program	�w���ի׵{��	SSP
56475secure traffic	�O�K�q�H( �ư� )
56476secure transmission	�O�K�ǿ�
56477secure voice	�O�K��[�y]��
56478secure voice communication system	�O�K�y���q�H�t��
56479secure voice cord board	�O�K�y�౵�x	SECORD
56480Securities Industry Automation Corp.	�ץ����~�۰ʤƤ��q	SIAC
56481security	�w��; �w����
56482security arrangement	�w�����I
56483security axioms	�w�����z
56484security classification	�O�K����( ���� )
56485security classified	�O�K����; �O�K����
56486security code	�O�K�X; �w���X
56487security coefficient	�w���Y��
56488security command language processor	�O�K�����y���B�z��	SCLP
56489security communication center	�O�K�q�H����
56490security constraint	�w������; �w���ʬ���
56491security control	�w������
56492security control processor	�O�K����p���	SCP
56493security count	�w���p��
56494security custodian	�O�K( �޲z )��
56495security data set	�w����ƶ�
56496security design	�w��( �� )�]�p
56497security device	�w���˸m
56498security dump	�w��[ �O�K ]���x
56499security equipment	( �q�H )�O�K�]��
56500security facility	�w���ʳ]�I
56501security fault	�w���ʬG��
56502security fence	�w���ʨ��@
56503security file	�O�K�ɮ�
56504security filter	�O�K�L�o�{��
56505security filter processor	�O�K�z��B�z��[ �{�� ]	SFP
56506security flaw	�w���ʯʳ�
56507security flow analysis	�O�K��Ƭy���R
56508security guard	�w���O��
56509security in network	����( �� )�w����
56510security information	�O�K�H��[ ���� ]
56511security isolation	�w���j��
56512security kernel	�w���֤�
56513security kernel approach	�w���֤�( �� )�k
56514security kernel interface	�w���֤ߤ���
56515security kernel validation	�w���֤ߦ��ĩ�
56516security keylock	�w����
56517security level	�O�K��( �O )
56518security maintenance	�w���ʺ��@
56519security management	�w���ʺ޲z
56520security management system	�w���ʺ޲z�t��
56521security material	�O�K����; �O�K�]��
56522security mechanism	�w�����c
56523security monitor	�w���ʺʵ���
56524security monitor microprocessor	�w���ʺʵ����L�B�z��
56525security number	�w����( �X )
56526security of user file	�Τ��ɮ�( �� )�O�K��
56527security officer	�w���D��
56528security officer user profile	�O�K�ʩx���Τᴣ����[�S�x�ɮ�]
56529security operations computer	�w���ާ@�p���	SDC
56530security policy	�w������
56531security procedure	�w���{��
56532security profile	( �q�H )�O�K[ �w�� ]������[ ²���ɮ� ]
56533security protection	�w���O�@
56534security protection feature	�w���O�@�S��[ �\�ೡ�� ]
56535security requirement	�w���ʭn�D[ �ݨD ]
56536security restore	�w����_�{��
56537security system	�w��( �� )�t��
56538security type	�w������
56539security window	�w��( �� )���f
56540see through	�M��( �� )
56541see-saw amplifier	�Ϭ۩�j��
56542see-saw buffer	�ߪO�w��
56543see-saw circuit	�Ϭ۹q��; �Ϭ۩�j��
56544see-through plate	�m��O
56545seed	���d
56546seed bubble	�تw
56547seed of random number	�üƺ�
56548seed selection	���
56549seed temperature	���ū�
56550seeding	�޴��޳N
56551seek	�d��; �M��
56552seek area	�d���; �M���
56553seek arm	�d���u; �s���u
56554seek characteristic	�d��S��
56555seek command	�d��R�O
56556seek instruction	�M����O
56557seek key	�d����
56558seek only time	�¬d��ɶ�
56559seek ordering	�M[ �d ]��w��
56560seek system call	�M[ �d ]��t�νե�
56561seek time	�M�d�ɶ�
56562seek time per track	�C( �� )�D�M[�d]��ɶ�
56563seeker	������
56564seeking	�d��
56565seepage	�L�o; ���|
56566seepage flow	���y
56567seesaw repeater	�椬�ഫ���~��[��]
56568seg subspace	�s�q�ζ��l�Ŷ�
56569segment	�Ϭq
56570segment address	�Ϭq��}
56571segment address register	�q��}�Ȧs��
56572segment addressing	�q�w�}
56573segment analysis	�q���R
56574segment and assembly	�����
56575segment attribute	�϶��ݩ�; �q�ݩ�
56576segment attribute modification	�϶��ݩʭק�; �q�ݩʭק�
56577segment base	�q��( �} ); �q�_�l��}
56578segment base register	�q��( �} )�Ȧs��	SBR
56579segment body	( �{�� )�q�^
56580segment buffer	�q�w�ľ�
56581segment call	�q�դJ[ �� ]
56582segment class	�q����
56583segment classification	�q����
56584segment control bits	�q�����	SCB
56585segment control code	�q����X
56586segment control word	( �{�� )�q����r
56587segment data	�q���
56588segment data buffer	�q��ƽw�ľ�
56589segment decoder	���q�ѽX��
56590segment definition card	�q�w�q�d
56591segment descriptor	�q�y�z��	SDT
56592segment descriptor block	�q�y�z�Ŷ�	SDB
56593segment descriptor identification	�q�y�z����[ ���� ]
56594segment descriptor stack	�q�y�z����
56595segment descriptor word	�q�y�z�Ŧr	SDB
56596segment designation	�q����[ ���� ]
56597segment dictionary	�q�r��
56598segment disable circult	�q�T�ܹq��
56599segment driver	�q�X�ʾ�
56600segment encode	�q�s�X
56601segment entry save register	( �{�� )�q�J�f�O�s�Ȧs��
56602segment fault	���q( �t )��; �q����
56603segment field	�q��}��	SAF
56604segment file	�q�ɮ�
56605segment frequency algorithm	�q�W�v[ �� ]��k	SFA
56606segment hard core module	���q�w�֤߼Ҳ�
56607segment identification field	�q���ѲŦr�q
56608segment identification register	�q���ѼȦs��
56609segment idependence	�q�W�ߩ�
56610segment length	�q��
56611segment limits origin	�q�ɩl�}	SLO
56612segment management	�q( �� )�޲z
56613segment manager	�q�޲z�{��
56614segment mapping table	�q�M�H��
56615segment mark	�q��( ��; �� )
56616segment mode	( �� )�q�覡
56617segment name	�q�W
56618segment number	�q��
56619segment occurrence	�q( ���^ )��
56620segment overlay	�q�л\
56621segment phrase	�q�u�y
56622segment pointer	�q���w; �q���ܦr
56623segment prefix	�q�e��
56624segment program	�{���q; ���q�{��
56625segment protect	( �{�� )�q�O�@
56626segment reference string	�q�ޥΦ�
56627segment register	�Ϭq�Ȧs��
56628segment relative addressing	�q�۹�s�}
56629segment search algument	�q�d���ܤ�; �q�j�ܤ�
56630segment search argument	�M�q�޼�
56631segment sharing	�q�@��
56632segment size	�q��( �� )
56633segment stack number	�q�u��
56634segment structure	�q���c
56635segment swith	���q�}��; �����}��
56636segment table	�q��	SGT
56637segment table base register	�q����}�Ȧs
56638segment table length	�q���( �� )
56639segment table look-aside buffer	�q���ƽw�ľ�	STLB
56640segment table look-up	�q��d�\
56641segment table origin register	���q���l�Ȧs��	STOR
56642segment table orign	�q��l�}	STO
56643segment table orign register	�q��l�}�Ȧs��	STOR
56644segment table register	�q��Ȧs��	STR
56645segment tag	�q����
56646segment tag bits	�q�S�x��	STB
56647segment time unit	( �� )�q�ɶ����	STU
56648segment translation	�q�ഫ; ���q�ഫ
56649segment translation exception	�q�ഫ���`
56650segment type	�q����; �q��
56651segment type code	�q�����X
56652segment variable	���q�ܼ�; �q�ܼ�
56653segment vectoring attribute	�q�w�V�ݩ�
56654segment(link)	�Ϭq
56655segment-invalid bit	�q���Ħ�
56656segment-level sharing	( �{�� )�q�Ŧ@��
56657segment-limit	�q��
56658segment-limit clause	�q�ɤl�y
56659segment-relative address	�q������}
56660segment-table address	�q���}
56661segment-table entry	�q��; �q��( �� )��( IBM���q )
56662segmentation	���q
56663segmentation and paging memory management	���q�����O�к޲z
56664segmentation and reassembly	���q����
56665segmentation and relocation	���q�P�A�w
56666segmentation control	���q����
56667segmentation facility	���q( �\�� )�{��
56668segmentation hardware	���q���w��
56669segmentation module	���q�Ҷ�
56670segmentation overlay	���q�л\; ���q���|
56671segmentation paging mode	���q�s���覡
56672segmentation program	����[ �q ]���D
56673segmentation register	���q�Ȧs��
56674segmentation register table	�q�Ȧs����
56675segmentation strategy	����[ �q ]����
56676segmentation system	�q��( �ի� )�t��
56677segmented	���q��
56678segmented dictionary	���q����
56679segmented dictionary encoding	���q�s�X
56680segmented dictionary pointer	���q�������
56681segmented dictionary stack	���q������
56682segmented environment	���q����
56683segmented micrprogramming computer	�L�{�����q����( �� )�p���
56684segmented mode	���q�覡
56685segmented page system	���q�����t��
56686segmented program	���q�{��
56687segmented text file	���q�����ɮ�
56688segmented virtual display file	���q������ɮ�	SVDF
56689segmented word	���Φr
56690segmenting	�������q
56691segmenting bound	�q��
56692segmenting image	�϶H���γB�z; �϶H���q�B�z
56693segmenting of BIUs	���H���椸���q
56694segmenting size	���q�j�p; ���q����
56695segmenting unit	���q�椸
56696segregating unit	�����˸m; ������
56697segregation	����; �����k
56698segregation coefficient	�����t��; ���R�Y��
56699segregation constant	�����`��; ���R�`��
56700Seismologic Socity of America	����a�_�Ƿ|	SSA
56701seize	����
56702seizing singal	���ΫH��; ���u�H��
56703seizure	����; �e��; �e�u
56704seizure conditional	�����A; ���u���A
56705seizure signal	����H��; ���ΫH��; ���u�H��
56706SEL fiber SEL	��
56707select	���	SEL,SLT
56708select ADC register	���ADC �Ȧs��	SLAR
56709select address	��ܦa�}	SA
56710select address output signal	��ܦ�}��X�H��
56711select bit	��ܼƤ�
56712select circult	��ܹq��
56713select clause	��ܤl�y
56714select color	���
56715select command	��ܩR�O
56716select error	��ܿ��~
56717select error execption	��ܿ��~���`
56718select frequency	����W�v	SF
56719select function	��ܥ\��
56720select in	���( �H�� )��J[ ��^ ]
56721select input	��ܿ�J
56722select line	��ܽu; ��ܦ�
56723select number	��ܸ��X
56724select order	��ܩR�O; ��ܫ��O
56725select out	���( �H�� )��X	SELO
56726select register	��ܼȦs��	SEL RGTR
56727select routine	��ܨҦ�`��; ��ܨҵ{
56728select standby	��ܳƥγ]��; ��ܳƥ�
56729select statement	��ܱԭz
56730select type command	��ܫ��R�O
56731select unit	��ܳ���; ��ܾ�
56732select verify	�������[ ���� ]
56733select-minus rountine	���[ �X ]�ʳ��ҵ{
56734select-out	��X( �H�� )
56735select/omit level specification	���-�ٲ��Ż���
56736selectability	��ܯ�O
56737selectable	�i��ܪ�
56738selectable diagnostic output device	�i��E�_��X�]��
56739selectable length word	�i��r��; �i����צr
56740selectable unit	�i�ﳡ��	SU
56741selected	�Q��ܪ�; �襤��	SEL
56742selected area	�Q���
56743selected bit	�Q���	SB
56744selected cell	�Q��椸
56745selected class	�Q������
56746selected core	�Q��Ϥ�
56747selected force-out	��ܩʱj��Ū�X
56748selected function group	�ҿ��Ƹs
56749selected job queue	�Q�ҿ�@�~���C	SJQ
56750selected length field	���׿�ܦr�q; �Q����צr�q
56751selected master file tape	�Q��( �� )�D�ɮױa
56752selected parameter	�Q��Ѽ�
56753selected research in microfiche	�Y�L�����M�D�˯��A��
56754selected sddress	�Q���( �� )��}; �Q���}
56755selected test optimization program	��ܴ��ճ̨ΤƵ{��	STOP
56756selecting	���	SIG
56757selecting data	��ܸ��
56758selecting operation	��ܾާ@
56759selecting priority	����u���v[ �� ]
56760selecting sequency	��ܶ���
56761selection	���
56762selection acknowledge	�������	SACK
56763selection addressing	��ܦ�}
56764selection algorithm	��ܺ�k
56765selection bar	��ܤ���
56766selection calling system	��ܩI�s�t��
56767selection character	���( �r )��
56768selection check	��ܮ���; ��ܮֹ�
56769selection check device	��ܮ��羹
56770selection component	��ܦ���
56771selection control	��ܱ���( �� )
56772selection core matrix	��ܺϤ߯x�}
56773selection criteria	��ܼз�
56774selection dump	������x; ��ܨ��X
56775selection field	��ܦr�q; ��ܰ�
56776selection for simulation	���������
56777selection function	��ܨ��; ��ܥ\��
56778selection information	��ܫH��
56779selection lever	��ܧ�
56780selection list	��ܪ�
56781selection menu	��ܵ��
56782selection network	��ܺ���
56783selection operation	����ާ@; ��ܾާ@
56784selection operator	����ާ@��; ��ܺ�l
56785selection panel	������O; ��ܪO
56786selection path	��ܳq��; ��ܸ��|
56787selection plugboard	��ܴ���O
56788selection position	����I; ��ܦ�m
56789selection priority	����u����
56790selection procedure	��ܹL�{
56791selection program	��ܵ{��
56792selection program for ADMIRAL runs	ADMIRAL ��ܵ{��	SPAR
56793selection ratio	��ܤ�
56794selection replacement technique	��ܴ����޳N; ��ܴ����k
56795selection scheme	��ܤ��
56796selection sequence	��ܶ���
56797selection sequential access	��ܶ��Ǧs��
56798selection set	��ܶ��X
56799selection signal	��ܫH��
56800selection signal code	��ܫH��( �N )�X
56801selection sort	��ܤ���; ��ܱƧ�
56802selection switch, linear	�u�ʿ�ܶ}��
56803selection time	��ܮɶ�
56804selection tree	��ܾ�
56805selection wire	��ܽu
56806selection with interchange	������ܪk
56807selection,coincident-current	�ŦX�q�y���
56808selection-replacement approach	��ܴ�[ �m ]���k
56809selective	��ܫ��O; ��ܪ�	SS
56810selective absorption	��ܧl��
56811selective abstract	��ܩ��
56812selective addressing	��ܩw�}
56813selective area recovery	��ܰϫ�_
56814selective assembly	��ܸ˰t[ �m ]
56815selective automonitoring tracking routine	��ܦ۰ʺʵ��l�ܱ`��
56816selective bottom-up	�۩��V�W���; �˿�
56817selective call number	��ܩʩI�s��
56818selective calling	�ﯸ; ��x
56819selective calling system	��ܩI�s�t��
56820selective cavity	��ܿӮ�( �� )
56821selective channel	��ܳq�D
56822selective channel input bus	��ܳq�D��J�I�u	SCIB
56823selective channel output bus	��ܳq�D��X�I�u	SCOB
56824selective circuit	��ܹq��
56825selective combiner	��ܲզX��[ �{�� ]
56826selective complement accumulator	��ܭt�X�֥[��	SCM
56827selective construct	��ܺc�y
56828selective costing	��ܩʦ����p��
56829selective cryptographic session	��ܱK�X���
56830selective data management system	��ܩʸ�ƺ޲z�t��	SELDAM
56831selective data processing	��ܩʸ�ƳB�z	SDP
56832selective diffusion	����X��
56833selective digit emitter	��ܼƦ�o�e��
56834selective display	������
56835selective dissemination of information	��T��ܶǼ��t��	SDI
56836selective dissemination on microfiche	�Y�L�����w�D�A��
56837selective diversity combining	��ܤ����X�}
56838selective dump	������x
56839selective erase	���( �� )����
56840selective fading	���(��)�I��
56841selective FIDO trace	���FIDO����
56842selective flooding routing	���( �� )�X�������|[ �| ]�T�w
56843selective index	��ܤU��; ��ܯ���
56844selective information	��ܫH��
56845selective information retrieval	���( �� )����[ �H ]���˯�	SIR
56846selective interference	���a�z�Z; ��ܩʤz�Z
56847selective line editing	��ܦ�s��
56848selective listing	���( �C )��
56849selective mark insertion	��ܼаO( �� )���J
56850selective network	��ܩʺ���
56851selective oxidation process	��ܮ�Ƨ޳N
56852selective plating	��ܹq��
56853selective preemption	��ܩʱ��e
56854selective printing	���( �� )�C�L
56855selective prompting	��ܩʴ���
56856selective reject	�ڿ�	SREJ
56857selective reject comamnd	�ڿ�R�O
56858selective repeat	��ܩʭ���
56859selective repeat procedure	��ܩʭ��ƹL�{
56860selective retransmission	��ܩʭ��e
56861selective retransmission ARQ	��ܩʭ��e�۰ʭ��e�n�D
56862selective ringing	���( �� )�����a
56863selective sequence calculator	��ܵ{��[ ���� ]�p�⾹
56864selective sequence electronic calculator	��ܵ{��[ ���� ]�q�l�p�⾹	SSEC
56865selective sequential	���ǿ��; ���ǿ��
56866selective statement	��ܻy��
56867selective tape listing	��ܺϱa�s��[ �M�� ]	STL
56868selective tape print	��ܺϱa�C�L	STP
56869selective top to bottom algorithm	���( �� )�۳��V�U��k	STBA
56870selective top-down	�۳��V�U���; ����
56871selective trace	��ܸ���
56872selective tracing	��ܸ���
56873selective tracing routine	��ܸ��ܱ`��
56874selective track	���( �� )�D
56875selective transmission	��ܶǿ�
56876selective transmittance	��ܳz�g�v
56877selective type	�������
56878selective updating	��ܧ�s
56879selective wait	��ܵ���
56880selective waveguide	��ܪi��( �� )
56881selective-clock stretching	��ܮ����i�e
56882selective-length field	��ܪ��צr�q[ ���� ]
56883selective-serial update	����[ �� ]��ܧ�s
56884selectivity	��ܩ�
56885selectivity clear accummulator	��ܲM���֥[��	SCA
56886selectivity,adjacent channel	�F�D��ܫ�
56887selector	��ܾ�; ��ܵ{��	SEL
56888selector bus	��ܾ��I�u
56889selector channel	��ܳq�D	SC,SLC,SEL
56890selector channel emulation unit	��ܳq�D��u��	SCEU
56891selector channel executive	��ܳq�D����{��	SCX
56892selector input/output processor	��ܿ�J��X�B�z��	SIOP
56893selector input/output processors	��ܾ���X�J�B�z��	SIOP
56894selector light pen	��ܥΥ���
56895selector mode	��ܤ覡
56896selector pen	��ܵ�
56897selector pen attention	��ܵ�( �ް_ )�`�N( ���_ )�˸m
56898selector plus routine	����ܨҦ�`��; ����ܨҵ{
56899selector register	��ܾ��Ȧs��
56900selector unit channel	��ܾ��q�D
56901selector,digit	�Ʀ��ܾ�
56902selectron	��ƺ�
56903selectron storage	��ƺ��x�s��
56904selenlum	ִ	SE
56905selenlum diode matrix alloy logic	ִ�X���G���ޯx�}�޿�	SMALL
56906selenlum rectifier	ִ��y��
56907self anti-dual function	�D�۹ﰸ���
56908self assembler	�۲զX�{��
56909self banking	�۰�( �Ȧ� )�I�{��; �ۧU( �Ȧ� )�I�{��
56910self calibration	�ۮխ�
56911self check	������
56912self check program	���˵{��; �ۮ���{��
56913self checking code	�ۮֽX
56914self clock	�ۦP�B
56915self complement	�۸�
56916self complementing code	�۸ɽX
56917self conjugate	�ۦ�; �ۦ@��
56918self contained DBMS	�ۮe��DBMS
56919self defining data	�ۦ�w�q���S
56920self demagnetization	�ۥh��; �۰h��
56921self describing entry	�۱Եn��
56922self editor	�۽s��{��
56923self embedding	�۴O�J[ �M ]
56924self heterodyne	�ۮt; �ۥ~�t
56925self imaging	�ۦ��H
56926self inductance	�۷P
56927self induction	�۷P( �� )
56928self left recursion	�ۨ������j
56929self loop	�۴`��
56930self programmed electronic equation delincator	�۽s�{( �� )�q�l��{�ϸ�	SPEED
56931self programming	�۽s�{( �� )
56932self registration	�۹��; �۵n��
56933self standing system	�ۿW�߫��t��
56934self support system	�ۤ䴩�t��
56935self testing modem	�۴��սը�ѽվ�
56936self-act	�۰�
56937self-adapting	�۾A���{��; �۾A��( �� )
56938self-adapting computer	�۾A���p���
56939self-adapting memory	�۾A�M�}�x�s��	SAM
56940self-adapting program	�۾A���{��
56941self-adapting report generator	�۾A������ͦ���	SARG
56942self-adapting system	�۾A���t��	SAS
56943self-adjoint	�ۦ�; �ۦ@��
56944self-adjointness	�ۦ��; �ۦ@���
56945self-adjusting	�۽ո`
56946self-adjusting automaton	�۽ո`�۰ʾ�
56947self-adjusting communication	�۽ո`�q�H
56948self-aligning gate	�۱��]( �� )
56949self-aligning gate transistor	�۱��]( �� )�q����
56950self-aligning system	�۩w��t��
56951self-application	������
56952self-assessment procedure	�ۦ����L�{
56953self-authentication	��ų�w[ �O ]
56954self-balanced	�ۥ��Ū�
56955self-blas	�۰���; �۰��y
56956self-block	��( �� )����
56957self-blocking	��( �� )����
56958self-check code	����( �N )�X
56959self-check digit	������Ʀ�[ �� ]
56960self-check field	������Ʀ�q
56961self-checker	�����羹
56962self-checking	����
56963self-checking circuit	���˹q��
56964self-checking cleaner	�ۨ��M���M�侹
56965self-checking code	���˽X
56966self-checking number	���˽s��
56967self-checking number device	�����縹�X��	SCND
56968self-checking number system	������s���t��
56969self-checking numeral	�������
56970self-checking program	������{��
56971self-checking synchronous sequential computer	������P�B�ɧǭp���
56972self-checking system	������t��
56973self-checking technique	������޳N
56974self-clocking	�ۦP�B
56975self-clocking ability	�ۦP�B��O
56976self-compatibility	�۬ۮe
56977self-compensating	�۸��v
56978self-compiling compiler	�۽sĶ( �� )�sĶ�{��
56979self-complement digraph	�۸ɦ��V��
56980self-complementary graph	�۸ɹ�
56981self-complementing code	�۸�( �N )�X
56982self-complementing counter	�۸ɭp�ƾ�
56983self-complementing graph	�۸ɹ�
56984self-configurating operating system	�ۺc�ާ@�t��
56985self-consistent	�۬ۮe��; �۬ۤ@�P��
56986self-contained	�ۥD��; �ۧt��	SCNTN
56987self-contained control	�W�ߦ�����( �� )
56988self-contained data base	�W��( �y�� )��Ʈw
56989self-contained data language	�W�߸�ƻy��
56990self-contained digraph	�W�ߦ��V��
56991self-contained facility	�W�ߦ��]��	SCF
56992self-contained generated data	�W�ߥͦ����
56993self-contained hardware unit	�۳ƪ�[ �ۧt�� ]�w��]��
56994self-contained language system	�W�߻y���t��; �ۧt���y���t��
56995self-contained loop	�۫ʴ`��
56996self-contained program loader	�۳ƪ�[ �ۧt�� ]�{�����J�{��
56997self-contained system	�ۧt( �� )�t��
56998self-control access	�۱��s��
56999self-converse digraph	�۰f( �� )���V��
57000self-cooling	�ۦ���
57001self-correcting code	�ۮ�( �� )�X; �~�t�ե��X
57002self-correcting link	�ۮ����
57003self-correcting technique	�ۮէ޳N
57004self-correlation	�۬���
57005self-debugger	�۰����{��
57006self-decode	�۸ѽX
57007self-decode delimiter	�۸ѽX�w��[ �q ]��
57008self-decoding readout	�۸ѽXŪ�X	SDR
57009self-defined parameter	�ۦ�w�q�Ѽ�
57010self-defining	�۩w�q
57011self-defining character	�۩w�q( �r )��
57012self-defining data	�۩w�q���
57013self-defining data name	�۩w�q��ƦW
57014self-defining delimiter	�۩w�q�w�ɲ�
57015self-defining term	�۩w�q��
57016self-defining value	�۩w�q��
57017self-demagnetizing factor	�۰h�ϫY��
57018self-demagnetizing field	�۰h�ϳ�
57019self-demarcating code	�۩w�ɽX; �ۤ��ɽX
57020self-demarking code	����( �N )�X; �۸ѽX
57021self-describing	�۱�
57022self-diagnosable	�i�۶E�_��
57023self-diagnosable modular system	�i�۶E�_���ؤ�( �� )�t��
57024self-diagnosable system	�۶E�_�t��
57025self-diagnostic	�۶E�_
57026self-diagnostic function	�ۦ氻���\��
57027self-diagnostic program	�۶E�_�{��
57028self-diagnostic test	�ۦ氻������
57029self-diagnostic testing routine	�۶E�_���ձ`��
57030self-documenting program	�۽s���{��
57031self-dual	�۹ﰸ
57032self-dual function	�۹ﰸ���
57033self-dual graph	�۹ﰸ��
57034self-dual matrix	�۹ﰸ�x�}
57035self-dual system	�۹ﰸ�t��
57036self-duality	�۰���
57037self-embedding grammar	�۴O�J[ �M ]��k
57038self-embedding inference	�۴O�J���z
57039self-embedding property	�۴O�J[ �M ]�S��
57040self-enclosed	�۳��X
57041self-erasure	�۲M�~
57042self-evident code	�۩��X
57043self-excitation	�ۿE( �y )
57044self-excitation oscillation	�ۿE����
57045self-explanatory	�۸���
57046self-extensible language	��( �i )�X�R�y��
57047self-extensible saftware pachage	��( �i )�X�R�y���n��]
57048self-focusing optical fiber	�ۻE�J����
57049self-generating dictionary	�ۥͦ��r��	SGD
57050self-healing	��( �� )�״_[ ��_ ]
57051self-healing thermionic tube	�ۼ����q�l��
57052self-improvement	�ۧ�i; �ۧڧﵽ
57053self-indexed file	�ۯ����ɮ�
57054self-indexing file	�ۦ������
57055self-information	�۫H��
57056self-initializing program	�۹w�m�{��; �۪�l�Ƶ{��
57057self-initializing test	�۸m�ȴ���
57058self-initializing test sequence	�ۤ޾ɴ��էǦC
57059self-installability	�ۦw�˩�
57060self-instructed carry	�۰ʶi��
57061self-interference	�ۤz�Z
57062self-interpreting program generator	�۸����{���ͦ��{��	SIP
57063self-interval timer	�۰ʶ��j�p�ɾ�
57064self-isolation resistor	�۹j���q��( �� )
57065self-learning	�۾�( �� )
57066self-learning computer	�۾�( �� )
57067self-learning system	�۾Dzߨt��
57068self-loading cartridge	�۰ʸ˱a�����ϱa
57069self-loading program	�۸��J�{��
57070self-lock mechanism	�������[ �c ]; �����z
57071self-locking	���ꪺ	SLFLKG
57072self-locking property	����S��
57073self-magnetic environment	�ۺ޲z����
57074self-magnetic flux	�۷P�ϳq�q
57075self-modification program	�ۭק�{��
57076self-modifying channel program	��( �� )�ק諸�q�D�{��
57077self-modifying function	�ۭק���
57078self-modifying instruction	��( �� )�ק�( �� )���O
57079self-modifying operation	��( �� )�ק�( �� )�ާ@
57080self-modifying program	��( �� )�ק�( �� )�{��
57081self-monitoring system	�ۺʷ��t��
57082self-operated controller	�۾ާ@���
57083self-optimizing communication	�۾A��[ �̨Τ� ]�q�H
57084self-optimizing control	�۾A��[ �̨Τ� ]����
57085self-organization	�۲�´
57086self-organization theory	�۲�´�z��
57087self-organizing	�۲�´; �۲�´��
57088self-organizing binary logical network	�۲�´�G�i���޿����	SOBLIN
57089self-organizing computer	�۲�´�p���
57090self-organizing control	�۲�´����
57091self-organizing controller	�۲�´���
57092self-organizing equipment	�۲�´�]��
57093self-organizing list	�۲�´��
57094self-organizing machine	�۲�´��
57095self-organizing program	�۲�´�{��
57096self-organizing routing method	�۲�´���|��ܤ�k
57097self-organizing symbol table	�۲�´�Ÿ���
57098self-organizing system	�۲�´�t��
57099self-oscillating regime	�ۮ����A
57100self-paced instructional tool	�۽ո`�оǤu��
57101self-phasing code	�ۦP��[ �B ]�X
57102self-programmed electronic equation delineator	�ۼ��q�l��{���yø��	SPEED
57103self-programming computer	�۽s�{( �� )�p���
57104self-programming software	�۽s�{���n��
57105self-programming system	�۽s�{���t��
57106self-protecting	�۫O�@
57107self-protection	�۫O�@
57108self-protection jamming	�۫O�@�z�Z
57109self-pulse modulation	�ۯ߽Ľը�
57110self-purging redundancy	�۲M�����l
57111self-reading	��Ū
57112self-recovery	�۫�_
57113self-refective program	�ۤϨ��{��
57114self-reference	�ۤޥ�; �۰Ѧ�
57115self-referential structure	�۰Ѧҵ��c
57116self-refereshed dynamic memory	�ۨ�s( �� )�ʺA�x�s��
57117self-registered operating system	�۽վ�ާ@�t��
57118self-registered technology	�۹�Ǥu��
57119self-regulating error-correct coder-decoder	�۽ո`[ �� ]�ȿ����X-Ķ�X��	SECD
57120self-regulation	�۽վ�
57121self-relative address	�۬۹��}
57122self-relative addressing	�۬۹�M�}
57123self-relative computer	�۬����p���
57124self-relative subroutine	�۬����l�`��
57125self-relocating program	�ۦA�w��{��; �ۯB�ʵ{��
57126self-relocation	�ۦA[ �� ]�w��
57127self-repair system	�ۭ״_�t��; �ۮե��t��
57128self-repairability	�ۭ״_��
57129self-repairing	�ۭ״_
57130self-repairing circuit	�ۭ״_�q��
57131self-repairing computer	�ۭ״_�p���
57132self-repairing fault-tolerant system	�ۭ״_�e���t��
57133self-reproducing	�ۦA��
57134self-reproducing automaton	�ۦA�ͦ۰ʾ�
57135self-reproducing function	�ۦA�ͨ��[ �\�� ]
57136self-reset	�۴_��( �� )
57137self-reseting loop	�ۭ��m�`��; �۴_��`��
57138self-restoring loop	�ۭ��m�`��; �۫�_�`��
57139self-retrieval	���˯�
57140self-routing	�ۿ���|
57141self-scanned array	�۱��y�}�C
57142self-scanned linear array	�۱��y�u�ʰ}�C
57143self-scanned photosensing array	�۱��y���Ӱ}�C
57144self-scanning array	�۱��y�}�C
57145self-selecting u-scan	�ۿ��U ���y
57146self-service financial terminal	�ۧU���]�Ȳ׺�	SSFT
57147self-similar solution	�۬ۦ���; �۫���
57148self-study course	�۾ǽҵ{	SSC
57149self-supervisor	�ۺ޲z�{��
57150self-sustained oscillation	�ۮ�( �� )
57151self-synchronizing	�ۦP�B	SELSYM
57152self-synchronizing code	�ۦP�B�X
57153self-test factor	�۴��t��	STF
57154self-testable failure set	�i�۴��G�ٶ�
57155self-testing	�۴���
57156self-testing cartridge	�۰ʬ�a�X���ϱa( �� )
57157self-testing circuit	�۴��սu[ �q ]��
57158self-testing factor	�۴��զ]��
57159self-threading tape	�۰ʬ�a
57160self-timing	�۩w��
57161self-training	environment	�۰V�m����
57162self-triggered program	�۱Ұʵ{��
57163self-trnslator	��½Ķ�{��	SET
57164self-tuning	�۽տ�
57165self-tuning regulator	�۽տӽո`��
57166self-validating code	�۽T�{�N�X
57167self-ventilation	��( �� )�q��; �ۧN
57168self-virtualizing	�۵���; �۵�����
57169self-virtualizing machine	�۵�����
57170selftest	�ۧڴ���
57171selling price	�P�����
57172selling warehouse	�P��ܮw
57173selsyn	�۰ʦP�B��; �P�B�˸m
57174selsyn control	�ۦP�B�˸m����
57175selsyn data system	��ƶǿ�ۦP�B�t��
57176selsyn device	�ۦP�B�]��
57177selsyn motor	�ۦP�B���F	SELS
57178selsyn system	�ۦP�B�t��
57179semanteme	�y�N����
57180semanteme(=lexeme)	�y�q; �y��
57181semantic	�y�q��; �y�q��
57182semantic action	�y�q�@��
57183semantic ambiguity	�y�q�G�q��; �y�q�t�V
57184semantic analysis	�y�q���R
57185semantic analyzeing machine	�y�q���R��	SAM
57186semantic analyzer	�y�q���R�{��
57187semantic attribute	�y�q�ݩ�
57188semantic check	�y�q�ˬd
57189semantic clash	�y�q���X
57190semantic code	�y�q�N�X
57191semantic compatibility	�y�q�ۮe��
57192semantic component	�y�q����
57193semantic correctness	�y�q���T��
57194semantic correlation	�y�q������	SEMCOR
57195semantic data independence	�y�q��ƿW�ߩ�
57196semantic data mode	�y�q��ƼҦ�
57197semantic data model	�y�q��Ƽҫ�
57198semantic database integrity	�y�q��Ʈw�����
57199semantic definition	�y�q�w�q
57200semantic description	�y�q����; �y�q�y�z
57201semantic design method	�y�q�]�p��k
57202semantic desintegrity	�y�q�������
57203semantic domain	�y�q��
57204semantic equivalence	�y�q����
57205semantic error	�y�q���~
57206semantic error checking	�y�q���~�ˬd
57207semantic error handing	�y�q���~�B�z
57208semantic error sources	�y�q���~��
57209semantic evaluation	�y�q�w�w; �y�q����
57210semantic expressiveness	�y�q���; �y�q��A
57211semantic generation	�y�q�ͦ�
57212semantic grammer	�y�q��k; �y�q�y�k
57213semantic information	�y�q�H��
57214semantic information function	�y�q�H�����
57215semantic information processing	�y�q�H���B�z
57216semantic information retrieval	�y�q�H��[ ���� ]�˯�
57217semantic information retriever	�y�q( �� )�H���˯��{��; �y�q( �� )�����˯��{��	SIR
57218semantic integrity	�y�q�����
57219semantic interpretation	�y�q����
57220semantic interpretation function	�y�q�������
57221semantic language	�y�q�y��
57222semantic line finder	�y�q��M��{��
57223semantic logic notation	�y�q�޿�k
57224semantic logic structure	�y�q�޿赲�c
57225semantic matching	�y�q�ǰt
57226semantic matrix	�y�q�x�}
57227semantic meaning	�y�q�N�q
57228semantic memory	�y�q�x�s��
57229semantic memory model	�y�q�x�s�ҫ�
57230semantic memory net	�y�q�x�s��
57231semantic model	�y�q�ҫ�
57232semantic net	�y�q��( �� )
57233semantic network	�y�q��( �� )
57234semantic notation	�y�q��ܪk
57235semantic paradox	�y�q����
57236semantic pattern matching	�y�q�Ҧ��ǰt
57237semantic preference	�y�q���
57238semantic primitive	�y�q��y
57239semantic procedure	�y�q�L�{
57240semantic processing	�y�q�B�z
57241semantic query optimization	�y�q�߰��u��
57242semantic relation data model	�y�q���Y��Ƽҫ�
57243semantic representation language	�y�q��ܪk�y��
57244semantic resolution	�y�q����
57245semantic routine	�y�q�`��; �y�q�ҵ{
57246semantic routine call	�y�q�`��[ �ҵ{ ]�ե�
57247semantic routine notation	�y�q�`����ܪk
57248semantic routine number	�y�q�`��( �s )��; �y�q�ҵ{( �s )��
57249semantic sequence	�y�q����
57250semantic space construction	�y�q�Ŷ����c
57251semantic specification	�y�q����; �y�q�y�z
57252semantic stack	�y�q��
57253semantic stack configuration	�y�q�̺c��; �y�q�̰t�m
57254semantic stack element	�y�q�̤���
57255semantic symbol	�y�q�Ÿ�
57256semantic tableaux algorithm	�y�q����k
57257semantic tree	�y�q��
57258semantic valuation function	�y�q�������; �y�q�p����
57259semantic word	�y�q�r
57260semantic-meta-laguage	�y�q���y��	SML
57261semantics	�y�q
57262semantics meta-language	�y�q�Ǥ��y��
57263semantics translator	�y�q½Ķ�{��
57264semantics-oriented lanuage	���V�y�q���y��	SEMANOL
57265semaphore	�H��; �H���лx; �H���O
57266semaphore primitive	�H���q��y
57267semaphore queue management	�H���q�ƶ��޲z
57268semaphore signalling	�X�ܫH��
57269semaphore symbol	�H��( �q )�Ÿ�
57270semaphore word	�H���q�r
57271semeiology	�Ÿ�( �y�� )��; �g����
57272semi	�b
57273semi micro xerography	�b�Y�L�R�q�ƦL�޳N
57274semi-automatic	�b�۰ʪ�
57275semi-automatic artwork generator system	�b�۰ʭ��Z( ���� )�o��[ �ͦ� ]���t��	SAAGS
57276semi-automatic checkout equipment	�b�۰�����˸m	SACE
57277semi-automatic circuit	�b�۰ʹq��
57278semi-automatic coding	�b�۰�( �� )�s�X	SAC
57279semi-automatic control	�b�۰ʱ���
57280semi-automatic controller	�b�۰ʱ��
57281semi-automatic ground environment	�b�۰ʦa�����Ũt��	SAGE
57282semi-automatic inserting machine	�b�۰ʴ����[ �� ]	SAIM
57283semi-automatic low data rate input	�b�۰ʧC��Ʋv��J	SALDRI
57284semi-automatic message switching	�b�۰ʳ���洫[ �౵ ]
57285semi-automatic message switching center	�b�۰ʳ���洫[ �౵ ]����
57286semi-automatic operation	�b�۰ʾާ@
57287semi-automatic processor	�b�۰�( �H�� )�B�z��
57288semi-automatic program	�b�۰ʵ{��
57289semi-automatic service	�b�۰ʷ~��
57290semi-automatic working	�b�۰ʾ�[ �u ]�@
57291semi-automation	�b�۰ʤ�
57292semi-autonomous multiprocessor	�b�W�ߦh�B�z��
57293semi-changeable ROM	�b�i�ܰ�Ū�x�s��; �b�i��ROM
57294semi-circle	�b��
57295semi-closed shop	�b�ʳ����p�⯸; �b�ʳ�������
57296semi-colloid	�b����
57297semi-compiled	�b�sĶ��
57298semi-conductor storage unit	�b�����x�s��	SSU
57299semi-continuous channel	�b�s��q�D
57300semi-decidability	�b�i�M����
57301semi-decidable	�b�i�M���ʪ�
57302semi-discrete approximation	�b�����G��
57303semi-distributed hardware system	�b�������w��t��
57304semi-dry process	�b���k�u��; �b���B�z( �k )
57305semi-duplex operation	�b���u�ާ@
57306semi-electronic switch	�b[ �� ]�q�l�}��
57307semi-electronic switching system	�b[ �� ]�q�l�洫�t��
57308semi-empirical calculation	�b�g��p��
57309semi-empirical equation	�b�g���{
57310semi-empirical relationship	�b�g�����Y
57311semi-explicit	�b�㦡
57312semi-heavy loading	�b���t��
57313semi-increment	�b�W�q
57314semi-infinite storage tape	�b�L���x�s�a
57315semi-infinite tape	�b�L���a
57316semi-insulating	�b���t��
57317semi-integrated type	�b�n�馡; �b���X��
57318semi-interquartile range	�b���|��( ��ƶ� )�Z
57319semi-irreducible graph	�b�J����
57320semi-iterative method	�b��N�k
57321semi-iterative process	�b��N�L�{
57322semi-lattice	�b���I
57323semi-log paper	�b��Ʈy�Я�
57324semi-logarithmic coordinate paper	�b��Ʈy
57325semi-magnetic controller	�b�ϱ��
57326semi-Markov chain	�b�����i����
57327semi-natural language	�b�۵M�y��
57328semi-numerical analysis	�b�ƭȤ��R
57329semi-open shop	�b�}���p�⯸; �b�}������
57330semi-orbit	�b�y�D
57331semi-parabolic	�b�ߪ��u��
57332semi-permanent connection	�b�ä[�ʱ���
57333semi-physical simulation	�b���z����
57334semi-predicate function	�b�z�����
57335semi-private circuit	�b�M�νu��
57336semi-rational formula	�b�z�פ���; �b���z��
57337semi-real time	�b���
57338semi-real time processing	�b��ɳB�z
57339semi-threshold logic	�b����޿�( �q�� )
57340semi-Thue production	�b�Ϥ̲��ͦ�
57341semi-Thue system	�b�Ϥ̨t��
57342semi-vocoder	�b�n�X��
57343semiaddition	�b�[�k
57344semiautomatic continuous-tape relay switching	�b�۰ʳs��( ���� )�a���~�౵[ �洫 ]
57345semiautomatic ground environment	�b�۰ʦa��( ���� )����	SAGE
57346semiautomatic message switching center	�b�۰ʰT���洫����
57347semiautomatic program checkout equipment	�b�۰ʵ{������˸m	SAPCHE
57348semiautomatic programming	�b�۰ʽs�{( �� ); �b�۰ʵ{���]�p
57349semiautomatic relay system	�b�۰ʤ��~�t��
57350semiautomatic selection	�b�۰ʿ��
57351semiautomatic test equipment	�b�۰ʴ��ճ]��
57352semicolon	����
57353semicolon count	�����p��
57354semicompiler	�b�sĶ�{��
57355semicomputability	�b�i�p���
57356semicomputable	�b�i�p�⪺
57357semicomputable predicate	�b�i�p��z��
57358semicomputable set	�b�i�p�ⶰ
57359semicomputer	��p���
57360semiconductive	�b�ɹq��
57361semiconductive glass	�b�ɹq������
57362semiconductor	�b����	SC
57363semiconductor active memory	�b���馳���x�s��	SAM
57364semiconductor advanced memory	���ťb�����x�s��	SAM
57365semiconductor amplifier	�b�����j��
57366semiconductor bipolar processor	�����b����B�z��	SBP
57367semiconductor channel	�b����q�D
57368semiconductor chip	�b���鴹��
57369semiconductor chip bonding	�b���鴹���k��
57370semiconductor component	�b���餸��
57371semiconductor crystal	�b���鴹��
57372semiconductor device	�b���龹��
57373semiconductor diffusion	�b�����X��( �u�� )
57374semiconductor diode	�b����G����
57375semiconductor diping	�b����U�V
57376semiconductor disc memory	�b����Ϻ��x�s��	SDM
57377semiconductor donor	�b����I�D( ���� )
57378semiconductor dopant	�b����U�V��
57379semiconductor dual in-line package	�b���鰦�C�y�����ե�
57380semiconductor equipment and materials institute	�b����]�ƻP���ƾǷ|	SEMI
57381semiconductor function block	�b����\���
57382semiconductor hole	�b����ť�
57383Semiconductor Industry Association	�b����u�~��|	SIA
57384semiconductor integrated circuit	�b����n��q��	SIC
57385semiconductor junction	�b���鵲
57386semiconductor laser	�b�����J�g��
57387semiconductor material	�b�������
57388semiconductor memory	�b�����x�s��	SM
57389semiconductor memory component	�b�����x�s����[ �� ]��
57390semiconductor memory design	�b�����x�s���]�p
57391semiconductor memory integrated device	�b�����x�s���n�龹��	SMID
57392semiconductor memory module	�b�����x�s��; �b�����x�s�Ҳ�	SMM
57393semiconductor memory technology	�b�����x�s���u��
57394semiconductor memory test system	�b�����x�s�����ըt��
57395semiconductor memory type	�b�����x�s����
57396semiconductor network	�b�������
57397semiconductor parameter	�b����Ѽ�
57398semiconductor RAM	�b�����H���s���x�s��
57399semiconductor storage	�b�����x�s
57400semiconductor storage module	�b�����x�s���Ҳ�	SSM
57401semiconductor store	�b�����x�s��
57402semiconductor technology	�b����u��[ �޳N ]
57403semiconductor trap	�b���鳴��
57404semiconductor triode	����T����
57405semiconductor type	�b��������
57406semiconductor,intrinsic	����b����
57407semiconductor,n-type	n ���b����
57408semiconductor,p-type	p ���b����
57409semicontinuous function	�b�s����
57410semicustom chip	�b�w���
57411semicut set	�b�ζ�
57412semicycle	�b��; �b��
57413semidefinite integral form	�b�w�ؤ��Φ�
57414semidefinite matrix	�b�w�x�}
57415semidefinite operator	�b�w��l
57416semidefinite quadratic form	�b�w�G����
57417semiduplex	�b���u
57418semifast Fourier Transform	�b�ֳt�I�����ܴ�	SFFT
57419semifixed length record	�b�T�w���װO��; �b�w���O��
57420semifixed length record memory	�b�w���O���x�s��
57421semifixible board	�b�X�ʦL��u���O
57422semigraphical method	�b�ϸѪk
57423semigroup	�b�s
57424semigroup method	�b�s�k
57425semigroup property	�b�s��
57426semilinear	�b�u��
57427semilocal convergence	�b�������ĩ�
57428semilog	�b��ƪ�
57429semimetal	�b����[ ���� ]
57430seminorm	�b��; �b�d��
57431seminumerical algorithm	�b�ƭȺ�k
57432semiotics	�Ÿ��y����; �Φ��y����
57433semipath	�b�q��
57434semiperiod	�b�P��
57435semipermanent data	�b�ä[���
57436semipermanent electronic storage	�b�T�w�q�x�s��; �b�ä[�ʹq�l�x�s��
57437semipermanent store	�b�T�w�x�s��; �b�ä[���x�s��
57438semirandom access memory	�b�H���s���x�s��	SRAM
57439semirandom access storage	�b�H���s���x�s��
57440semirigid cable	�b�w��q�l
57441semiselective ringing	�b��ܮ��a
57442semisinusoidal	�b������
57443semisolid	�b�T��; �b�T�A��
57444semistatic memory	�b�R�A�x�s��
57445semitriangular basis	�b�T����
57446semitriangular form	�b�T����
57447semiwalk	�b�樫
57448senary	�b���i�
57449send	�o�e
57450send ahead	���e�e
57451send buffer address	�o�e�w�İϦ�}
57452send common	�@�o�e	SC
57453send console	�o�e����x
57454send control predefined procedure	�o�e����w�w�L�{
57455send data	�o�e���	SD
57456send data condition	�o�e��ƪ��A[ ���� ]	SDC
57457send data-receive data request	�o�e--������ƽШD
57458send filter	�o�e�o�i��
57459send in error	�~�o
57460send message	�o�e�T��
57461send only	�u�o�e	SO
57462send processor	�o�e�B�z��
57463send receive keyboard	�o�e������L
57464send receive protocol	�o�e������w
57465send receive teletypewriter	�o�e�����q�ǥ��r( �q�� )��
57466send request circuit	�ШD�o�e�u��
57467send sequence number	�o�e��( �C )��; �o�e���Ǹ�
57468send signal	�o�e�H��
57469send state	�o�e���A
57470send state variable	�o�e���A�ܼ�
57471send statement	�o�e�ԭz
57472send terminal	�o�e�׺�
57473send-back system	�^�e�t��
57474send-only service	�u�o�e�A��( �� )
57475send-request circuit	�D�e�u��
57476sendanswer	�e��
57477sender	�o�e��
57478sender attachment delay	�o�e�����ݸ˸m����
57479sender queue	�o�e�̶��C
57480sending	�o�e
57481sending acknowledgement	�o�e�T�{�H��
57482sending area	�o�e��
57483sending buffer	�o�e�w�ľ�
57484sending entity	�o�e��
57485sending field	�o�e�r�q
57486sending item	�o�e��
57487sending job	�o�e�@�~
57488sending node	�o�e�`�I
57489sending pacing	�o�e�ըB; �o�e��t
57490sending point	�o�e�I
57491sending processor	�o�e�B�z��
57492sending signal	�o�e�H��
57493sending station	�o�e��
57494sending transport entity	�B�e�h�o�e����
57495sending-end crossfire	�o�e�ݦ��Z( �q�y )
57496senior	����( �� )	SR
57497senior management	���ź޲z
57498senior programmer	���ŵ{����; ���ŵ{��( �]�p )�v
57499senior ship radio officer	���Ų�L�u�q( �q�H )��
57500senior system analyst	���Ũt�Τ��R��
57501senior system designer	���Ũt�γ]�p��
57502seniority	�e��; �����
57503sense	Ū�X; �Pı	SEN
57504sense amplifier	Ū�X��j��	SA
57505sense amplifier circuit	Ū�X�q��
57506sense amplifier gate	Ū�X��j���h
57507sense bit	Ū�X��
57508sense byte	Ū�X�r�`	SSB
57509sense code	�P���X
57510sense command	Ū�X�R�O
57511sense console	Ū�X����x
57512sense control block	�˴������	SCB
57513sense data	Ū�X���
57514sense device status word	Ū�X�]�ƪ��A�r	SDSW
57515sense digit line	Ū�X[ �˴� ]�Ʀ�u��
57516sense field	�P����
57517sense information	Ū�X[ �˴� ]�H��
57518sense latch	Ū�X[ �˴� ]����( IJ�o�� )	S/L
57519sense light	�P���O; �˴��O
57520sense line	�ǷP�����u( �� ),Ū�X�u
57521sense order	Ū�X�R�O
57522sense printer	�P���C�L��	SPR
57523sense recovery time	Ū�X��_�ɶ�
57524sense register	�P���Ȧs��
57525sense response	Ū�X�^��; �˴��^��
57526sense signal	Ū�X����; �˴��H��
57527sense switch	���ܶ}��; �P���}��
57528sense winding	Ū�X�u��; �P���u��
57529sense wire	�P���u
57530sense,mark	�ХܷP��
57531sensibility	�F�ӫ�; �F�ө�
57532sensible	�i�P��
57533sensible field	�P�����
57534sensible information processing	�i�P�H���B�z
57535sensible,machine	�����P��
57536sensing	�P��; �˴�; Ū�X
57537sensing coil	����u��
57538sensing element	�ǷP��; �P������
57539sensing head	�P���Y; Ū�X�Y
57540sensing hole	�˴���; Ū�X��
57541sensing line	�˴��u; Ū�X�u
57542sensing marker	Ū�X���ܾ�
57543sensing mechanism	�P�����c
57544sensing pin	�PŪ�w
57545sensing station	Ū�X��; �P����
57546sensing tape	Ū�X�a
57547sensing technique	Ū�X�޳N; �P���޳N
57548sensing winding	Ū�X�u��; �P���u��
57549sensitive	�ӷP��; �P����
57550sensitive detector-demodulator	�ӷP�˪i��; �ѽվ�
57551sensitive film	�P���n��
57552sensitive information	�P���H��; �P������
57553sensitive printer	�P�����C�L��
57554sensitive relay	�F���~�q��
57555sensitive segment	�ӷP�q
57556sensitivity	�F�ӫ�
57557sensitivity analysis	�F�ӫפ��R
57558sensitivity coefficient	�F�ӫY��
57559sensitivity control	�F�ӫױ���
57560sensitivity curve	�F�ӫצ��u
57561sensitivity function	�F�ӫר��
57562sensitivity level	�F�ӫפ���
57563sensitivity ratio	�F�ӫ�
57564sensitivity theory	�F�ӫײz��
57565sensitivity-time control	�ӷP�ɶ����
57566sensitization	�E��; �Ӥ�
57567sensitized	�Ӥƪ�
57568sensitized block	�Ӥƶ�
57569sensitized cube	�Ӥƥߤ�
57570sensitized function value	�Ӥƨ�ƭ�
57571sensitized functional block	�Ӥƥ\���
57572sensitized material	�ӤƧ���
57573sensitizer	�Ӥƾ�; �P�Ӫ���
57574sensitizing	�Ӥƪk( �G�٭��_�� )
57575sensitometer	�P���p; �n����
57576sensitometric strip	�P����; �n����
57577sensor	�ǷP��; �˴���
57578sensor access manager	�ǷP���s���޲z�{��	SAM
57579sensor amplifier	�ǷP����j��
57580sensor based control adapter	��_�ǷP��������A�t��	SBCA
57581sensor card	�n���d; �P���d
57582sensor device	�n���˸m; �P���]��
57583sensor element	Ū�X����; �ǷP����
57584sensor matrix	�ǷP���x�}
57585sensor panel	�P�������O
57586sensor scan	�ǷP�����y
57587sensor simulator unit	�ǷP��������	SSU
57588sensor switch	Ū�X�}��; �ǷP�}��
57589sensor-based computer	��_�ǷP�����p���
57590sensor-based system	��_�ǷP�����t��
57591sensory	�ǷP; �Pı
57592sensory control	�ǷP����; �Pı����
57593sensory hierarchy	�ǷP�h��
57594sensory representative	�~�ȥN��
57595sensory-controlled robot	�ǷP����( �� )����
57596sentence	�y( �l )
57597sentence articulation	�y�l�M����
57598sentence delimiter	�y�l���ɲ�; �y�l�w��
57599sentence error probability	���~�y( �� )�v
57600sentence generation	�y�l�ͦ�
57601sentence generator	�y�l�ͦ��{��[��]
57602sentence intelligibility	�y�l�i����
57603sentence key	�y�l����r
57604sentence length	�y�l����
57605sentence length count	�y�l���׭p��
57606sentence logic	�y�l�޿�
57607sentence pattern	�y�l�Ҧ�; �y��
57608sentence position	�y�l��m
57609sentence specialist	�y�l�M�ε{��
57610sentence structure	�y�l���c
57611sentence symbol	�y�l�Ÿ�
57612sentence synthesizing program	�y�l�X���{��	SSP
57613sentence-by-sentence syntactic analysis	�v�y�y�k���R
57614sentential calculus	�y�l�t��
57615sentential shape	�y�l�Ϊ�
57616sentinel	�аO; �l�׼аO
57617sentinel card	�I��d
57618separable	�i��( �� )��
57619separable characteristic	�i���S��
57620separable code	�i���X
57621separable function	�i�����
57622separable graph	�i����
57623separable kernel	�i��(��)��
57624separable library	�i�����{�Dzv
57625separable programming	�i�����{���]�p	SP
57626separable sequence	�i���ǦC
57627separable transition diagram	�i�����ഫ��
57628separate	����; ���j	SEP
57629separate assembly	���O�զX
57630separate bus	���O�I�u
57631separate carry adder	�����i��[�k��
57632separate channel	�����q�D
57633separate code	�����X
57634separate compliation	���O�sĶ
57635separate compliation strategy	���O�sĶ����
57636separate cylinder	�����W��
57637separate data	�������
57638separate file	�����ɮ�
57639separate file area	�����ɮװ�
57640separate library	�����{���w
57641separate overflow area	�������X��
57642separate partition option	���j���Ͽ��	SPO
57643separate processor mode	���j��ƳB�z�覡
57644separate program divisions	�����{������
57645separate subprogram definition	�����l�{���w�q
57646separate system	���j�t��
57647separate-channel signaling	�����q�D�H�O; �����q�D�H���]��
57648separated clock	��������
57649separated code	�����X
57650separated data	�������
57651separated face	������
57652separated graphics	�����ϧ�
57653separated region	���j�ϰ�
57654separately addressed printer	�����s�}�C�L��
57655separately compiled language	�����sĶ�y��
57656separately instructed carry	�����i��
57657separating character	���j( �r )��; ����( �r )��
57658separating control character	���j����( �r )��; ��������( �r )��
57659separating delimiter	���Ωw�ɲ�
57660separating force, contact	���I�����O
57661separating hyperplane	�����W[ �h ]����
57662separating keyword	���j����r
57663separating plane	��������
57664separating system	�����t��
57665separation	���j; ���Z
57666separation code	���j�X
57667separation control character	���j����( �r )��
57668separation distance	���Z
57669separation keyword	���j����r
57670separation loss	�����l��
57671separation mark	���j�аO
57672separation polynomial	�����h����
57673separation theorem	�����w�z
57674separative sign	������( �� ); ���j��( �� )
57675separator	���j��; ���j��
57676separator character	���j�r��
57677separator page	���j��
57678separator sheet	���j��
57679septenary	�C�i�
57680septenary notation	�C�i��O�ƪk
57681septenary number	�C�i���
57682septendecimal	�Q�C�i�
57683septet	�C��Ƹ`; �C��[ �� ]��
57684septinary	�C�i
57685septum	�j��
57686seq and ack fields	�Ǹ��M�����r�q
57687sequence	����; �ǦC
57688sequence access	���Ǧs��
57689sequence alternator	�ǦC���ܾ�; �ɧǧ��ܾ�
57690sequence break(sorting)	�ǦC�_�I( ���� )
57691sequence breakpoint	�ǦC�_�I
57692sequence by merge	�X�}�Ƨ�
57693sequence call	���ǩI�s
57694sequence chart	�{�ǹϪ�; �ɧǹ�
57695sequence check	�ǦC����; ���ǩ�����
57696sequence checking	�ǦC����; ���ǩ�����
57697sequence checking routine	��������`��	SCR
57698sequence circuit	�ɧǹq��
57699sequence code	���ǽX; �ǦC�X
57700sequence computer	���ǭp���; �ɧǭp���
57701sequence concatenation	�ǦC�}�m
57702sequence control	���DZ���
57703sequence control area	���DZ����	SCA
57704sequence control chart	���DZ����[ �� ]	SCC
57705sequence control counter	���DZ���p�ƾ�
57706sequence control program	���DZ���{��
57707sequence control register	���DZ���Ȧs��
57708sequence control statement	���DZ���ԭz
57709sequence control system	���DZ���t��
57710sequence control tape	���DZ���a
57711sequence control unit	���DZ��[ �椸 ]	SCU
57712sequence controller	���DZ��	SC
57713sequence counter	���ǭp�ƾ�	SC
57714sequence criterion	���ǧP��
57715sequence drum	���ǺϹ�
57716sequence error	���ǿ��~
57717sequence error interrupt	���ǿ��~���_
57718sequence field	���Ǧr�q; ���ǰ�
57719sequence file	�����ɮ�
57720sequence frames	���ǴV
57721sequence generator	�ǦC�o�;�
57722sequence in time	�ɧ�
57723sequence indentification field	���Ǽ��Ѧr�q
57724sequence independence	���ǵL��( �� ); ���ǿW��( �� )
57725sequence information data	�ǦC�H��	SID
57726sequence integrity	���ǧ����
57727sequence length	�ǦC����
57728sequence list	���Ǫ�
57729sequence modulation	���ǽը�; �ɧǽը�
57730sequence monitor	���Ǻʷ��{��
57731sequence number	���Ǹ��X
57732sequence number error	�Ǹ��X��
57733sequence number field	�Ǹ��r��
57734sequence number handing	�Ǹ��B�z
57735sequence number indicator	�Ǹ�����	SNI
57736sequence number readout	�Ǹ�Ū�X
57737sequence number search	�Ǹ��ˬd
57738sequence of combination	�զX����
57739sequence packing	����[ ���� ]�ո�
57740sequence processor	���dzB�z��; �ɧdzB�z��
57741sequence program	���ǵ{��
57742sequence program control	���ǵ{������
57743sequence register	( ���O )���ǼȦs��
57744sequence search	�����˯�; ���Ƿj��
57745sequence separator	���Ǥ��j��
57746sequence set	�ǦC��
57747sequence set operation	�ǦC���ާ@
57748sequence signal	�ǦC�H��
57749sequence sorting	���Ǥ���
57750sequence specification	���ǻ���
57751sequence swith	���ǥ洫[ �౵ ]
57752sequence symbol	���DzŸ�
57753sequence tape	���DZa
57754sequence timer	�ɧǯ߽ĵo�;�
57755sequence token	���ǼаO
57756sequence, calling	�I�s����
57757sequence, collating	��ֶ���
57758sequence, pseudorandom number	�����H���ƶ���
57759sequence-by-merging	�X�ֱƧ�
57760sequence-checking routine	���Ǯֹ�`��
57761sequence-controlled computer	����[ �ǦC ]����p���
57762sequence-operated lock	���Ǿާ@��w	SOL
57763sequence-type job parameter	���ǫ��@�~�Ѽ�
57764sequenced acknowledge	���ǽT�{
57765sequenced chain	������
57766sequenced display	�������
57767sequenced frames	���ǴV
57768sequenced packet exchange	������w�з�	SPX
57769sequencer	�ǦC�o�;�; �w�Ǿ�	SEQR
57770sequencer procedure	�w�ǹL�{
57771sequencer program	�Ƨǵ{��
57772sequencer register	���ǼȦs��
57773sequencing	�s��; �w��; �w����
57774sequencing by merging	�X�ֱƧ�
57775sequencing control	���DZ���
57776sequencing criteria	�w[ �� ]�Ƿǫh
57777sequencing indicator	�Ƨǫ��ܲ�
57778sequencing key	�w�Ƿǫh; �Ƨ���
57779sequencing macro control card	���ǧ�����d
57780sequencing number	���ǽX
57781sequencing time	�w[ �� ]�Ǯɶ�
57782sequencing token	�ƧǥO�P; ���ǼаO
57783sequencing unit	�R�O�o�e��; ���
57784sequency	�Ǽ�
57785sequent	���~��
57786sequential	���Ǫ�; �ɧǪ�
57787sequential access	���Ǧs��
57788sequential access command	���Ǧs���R�O
57789sequential access disk	���Ǧs���Ϻ�
57790sequential access memory	���Ǧs���x�s��
57791sequential access method	���Ǧs����k	SAM
57792sequential access methods	���Ǧs���k	SAM
57793sequential access mode	���Ǧs���覡
57794sequential access module	���Ǧs���Ҳ�
57795sequential access path	���Ǧs���q��
57796sequential access storage	���Ǧs���x�s��
57797sequential access structure	���Ǧs�����c
57798sequential addressing	���ǩw�}[ �M�} ]
57799sequential alarm module	���dz�ĵ��
57800sequential algorithm	��[ �� ]�Ǻ�k
57801sequential allocation	��[ �� ]�Ǥ��t
57802sequential analogue-digital computer	�ɧǼ�--�ƭp���
57803sequential analysis	���Ǥ��R
57804sequential attribute	�����ݩ�
57805sequential batch processing	���ǧ�( �q )�B�z
57806sequential batch system	���ǧ�( �q )�B�z�t��
57807sequential binary partition	���ǤG�i����q
57808sequential bit stream	���Ǧ�y
57809sequential blocked file	���Ǥ����ɮ�
57810sequential by key	�̧Ƕ���
57811sequential call	���ǽե�
57812sequential carry	��[ �� ]�Ƕi��
57813sequential chained item	�����챵��
57814sequential circuit	�ɧǹq��
57815sequential classification algorithm	���Ǥ�����k
57816sequential coding	���ǽs�X
57817sequential collating	���DZƶ�[ ��z ]
57818sequential commputer, logic-controlled	�޿豱��ǭp���
57819sequential complexity	�ɧǽ�����
57820sequential composition	���ǦX��
57821sequential computer	��[ �� ]�ǭp���
57822sequential computer, program-controlled	�{���Ũ�ǭp��
57823sequential connection	���dzs��
57824sequential control	���DZ���	SECO
57825sequential control counter	���DZ���p�ƾ�	SCC
57826sequential control flow	���DZ���y
57827sequential control logic	���DZ����޿�	SCL
57828sequential control mechanism	���DZ�����c
57829sequential conversation	���ǹ��
57830sequential data base	���Ǹ�Ʈw
57831sequential data bit	���Ǹ�Ʀ줸
57832sequential data change	���Ǹ���ܴ�
57833sequential data set	���Ǹ�ƶ�
57834sequential data structure	���Ǹ�Ƶ��c
57835sequential davanced control	���ǥ��汱��
57836sequential decision problem	���ǨM�����D
57837sequential decision process	���ǨM���L�{
57838sequential decision tree	���ǨM����
57839sequential decoding	����Ķ[ �� ]�X
57840sequential definition	���ǩw�q
57841sequential dependent segment	���Ǭ����q
57842sequential detection	�����˴�
57843sequential diagnosibility	���ǶE�_��O
57844sequential diagnosis	���ǶE�_
57845sequential digital network	��[ �� ]�ǼƦ��
57846sequential disk file	���ǺϺ��ɮ�
57847sequential distribution	���Ǥ���[ �t ]
57848sequential encoder-decoder	�ɧǽs�XĶ�X��	SECO
57849sequential encoding	�ɧǽs�X
57850sequential error-correcting parser	���ǿ��~�ե��y�k���R��
57851sequential estimation	�dze���p
57852sequential events recorder	��[ �� ]�Ǩƥ�O����	SER
57853sequential experiment design	��[ �� ]�ǹ���]�p
57854sequential fault diagnosis	��[ �� ]�ǬG�ٶE�_
57855sequential file	��[ �� ]���ɮ�
57856sequential file input statement	��[ �� ]���ɮ׿�J�ԭz
57857sequential file mode	��[ �� ]���ɮפ覡
57858sequential file of variable-length record	( �i )�ܪ�( �� )�O������[ �� ]���ɮ�
57859sequential file organization	��[ �� ]���ɮײ�´[ ���c ]
57860sequential file rollback	��[ �� ]���ɮ׭���
57861sequential file structure	��[ �� ]���ɮ׵��c
57862sequential filtering	�ǦC�o�i
57863sequential formula translation	���Ǥ���½Ķ�y��
57864sequential function	�ɧǨ��
57865sequential fuzzy language	�ɧǼҽk	SFL
57866sequential grammar	�ɧǤ�[ �y ]�k
57867sequential hazard	�ɧ��I�A
57868sequential hierarchy	�ɧǼh��
57869sequential hierarchy segment	�ɧǼh��( �` )
57870sequential I/O	���ǿ�J��X
57871sequential index	���ǯ���
57872sequential index access command	�����ܧ}�s���R�O
57873sequential index file	���ǥ[�����ɮ�
57874sequential input/output	���ǿ�J��X
57875sequential interface	���Ǥ���
57876sequential interval timer	���Ƕ��j�w�ɾ�	SIT
57877sequential jamming	���Ǥz�Z[ ��� ]
57878sequential language	���ǻy��
57879sequential learning automaton	���ǾDzߦ۰ʾ�
57880sequential linear lists	���ǽu��( �C )��
57881sequential lobing	�ɧǪiä�k
57882sequential logic	�ɧ��޿�
57883sequential logic circuit	�ɧ��޿�q��
57884sequential logic control	��[ �� ]���޿豱��
57885sequential logic element	��[ �� ]���޿褸��
57886sequential logic equation	��[ �� ]���޿��{
57887sequential logic network	��[ �� ]���޿����
57888sequential logic system	��[ �� ]���޿�t��
57889sequential logic tester	��[ �� ]���޿���վ�	SLOT
57890sequential machine	��[ �� ]�Ǿ�	SM
57891sequential mapping	��[ �� ]�ǬM�H[ �g ]
57892sequential marked graph	��[ �� ]�ǼаO��
57893sequential mass storage file	��[ �� ]�Ǥj�e�q�x�s���ɮ�
57894sequential memory	��[ �� ]���x�s��
57895sequential memory location	��[ �� ]���x�s�椸
57896sequential memory mode	��[ �� ]���x�s�覡
57897sequential microprogramming	��[ �� ]�ǷL�{���]�p
57898sequential mode	��[ �� ]�Ǥ覡
57899sequential network	��[ �� ]�Ǻ���
57900sequential notation	��[ �� ]�Ǫ�ܪk
57901sequential number	���Ǽ�
57902sequential operation	��[ �� ]�Ǿާ@
57903sequential operator	��[ �� ]�ǹB���
57904sequential option	��[ �� ]�ǿ��
57905sequential organization	���Dz�´[ �s�� ]
57906sequential organization file	���Dz�´[ �s�� ]�ɮ�
57907sequential organization in OS/360	OS/360 �����Dz�´
57908sequential parsing scheme	���ǭ�R[ ���R ]���
57909sequential partitioned system	���Ǥ���[ �� ]�t��	SPS
57910sequential pattern	���ǫ���
57911sequential pattern recognition	���ǼҦ��ѧO	SPR
57912sequential placement	���ǥ���
57913sequential prime implicant form	���ǽ�����t��
57914sequential probability ratio	�ǦC���v��
57915sequential process	���ǹL�{
57916sequential processing	��[ �� ]�dzB�z
57917sequential processing machine	��[ �� ]�dzB�z��
57918sequential processor	��[ �� ]�dzB�z��	SP
57919sequential program	��[ �� ]�ǵ{��
57920sequential programming	��[ �� ]�ǵ{���]�p
57921sequential propagation algorithm	��[ �� ]���c�l��k
57922sequential queue	��[ �� ]�Ƕ��C[ �ƦC ]
57923sequential read	�`��Ū��
57924sequential reading	��[ �� ]��Ū
57925sequential record	��[ �� ]�ǰO��
57926sequential relationship	��[ �� ]�����Y
57927sequential relationship matrix	��[ �� ]�����Y�x�}
57928sequential retrieval	��[ �� ]���˯�
57929sequential sampling	��[ �� ]�ǩ��
57930sequential sampling inspection	��[ �� ]�ǩ������
57931sequential scanning	��[ �� ]�DZ��y
57932sequential scheduling system	��[ �� ]�DZƵ{�t��	SSS
57933sequential search	��[ �� ]���˯�( �k )
57934sequential selection	��[ �� ]�ǿ��
57935sequential sequence	��[ �� ]�ǧǦC	SEQ
57936sequential signal elements	��[ �� ]�ǫH���X��
57937sequential similarity detection algorithm	�ǦC�ۦ����˴���k
57938sequential simplex method	�dze��Ϊk; ���dz�§Ϊk
57939sequential stacked job control	�ɧǰ�̧@�~����( �� )
57940sequential stochastic programming	�ǦC�H���W��
57941sequential storage	�����x�s��
57942sequential structure	���ǵ��c
57943sequential switch circuit	�ɧǶ}���q��
57944sequential switching network	�ɧǶ}������
57945sequential synchronous transmission	���ǦP�B�ǿ�
57946sequential system	�ɧǨt��
57947sequential t-fault-diagnosable	�G�ٶ��ǥi�E�_��
57948sequential test	���Ǵ���
57949sequential testing	���Ǵ���( �k )
57950sequential time delay	���Ǯɩ�
57951sequential timer	���ǩw�ɾ�	ST
57952sequential transducer	��[ �� ]���ܴ���
57953sequential transmission	��[ �� ]�Ƕǿ�
57954sequential TV equipment programmer	��[ �� ]�ǹq���]�Ƹ`��[ �{�� ]�s�	STEP
57955sequential unconstrained minimization technique	�dze�L�����D���p�Ȫk	SUMT
57956sequential update	���ǧ�s
57957sequential working	��[ �� ]�Ǥu�@
57958sequential write	�`�Ǽg�J
57959sequential-access device	��[ �� ]�Ǧs���]��
57960sequential-by-key processing	����r����( �� )�B�z
57961sequential-code reduction	�ǦC�N�X²��	SCR
57962sequentially ordered file	���ǩw���ɮ�
57963sequentidl ratio probability test	���Ǥ�ҷ��v����	SRPT
57964serface mounted technology	���H�ۧ޳N	SMT
57965serial	��檺;�s��;��s��	SER
57966serial access	��C���F
57967serial access device	���s���x�s��; ���Ǧs���x�s��
57968serial access file	���s���ɮ�
57969serial access medium	���s���C��
57970serial access memory	���s���x�s��
57971serial access store	���s���x�s��
57972serial accumulator	���֥[��
57973serial action	���ʧ@
57974serial adder	���[�k��
57975serial addition	���[�k
57976serial algorithm	����k
57977serial analog memory	�������x�s��	SAM
57978serial arithmetic	���B��
57979serial arithmetic operation	����N�B��
57980serial arithmetic unit	���B�⾹
57981serial batch system	���( �� )��B�z�t��
57982serial binary	���G�i��( �� )	SB
57983serial binary adder	���G�i��[�k��
57984serial binary computer	���G�i��p���
57985serial binary information transmission	���G�i��H���ǿ�
57986serial bit	����
57987serial bit error detector	������~�˴���	SBED
57988serial bit transmission	����ǿ�
57989serial block	����[ �� ]	SB
57990serial bubble store	���Ϫw�x�s( �� )
57991serial by bit	������( �B�z )
57992serial by bit and byte	����M�r�`���( �B�z )
57993serial by byte	���r�`���( �B�z )
57994serial carry	���i��
57995serial CCD memory	���q�����X�����x�s��
57996serial character printer	���r�ŦC�L��	SCP
57997serial chip memory	���p�����x�s��
57998serial clause	���l�y
57999serial clock receive	������( �߽� )����	SCR
58000serial communication	���q�H
58001serial communication interface	���q�H����	SCI
58002serial communication link	���q�H���
58003serial communication loop	���q�H�^��	SCL
58004serial comparator	������q��[ �� ]
58005serial computer	���p���
58006serial computing	���p��
58007serial control interface	��汱���	SCI
58008serial control processor	��汱��B�z��
58009serial correlation	�̧Ǭ���
58010serial cryptographic device	���[�K��	SCD
58011serial data	�����
58012serial data controller	����Ʊ��	SDC
58013serial data exchange	����ƥ洫( �� )	SERDEX
58014serial data form	����ƧΦ�
58015serial data handshaking	����ƥ洫( �L�{ )
58016serial data input	����ƿ�J
58017serial data link	��������
58018serial data mode	����ƼҦ�
58019serial data output	����ƿ�X
58020serial data representation	��C��ƪ�ܪk
58021serial data set	����ƶ�
58022serial data stream	����Ƭy
58023serial data transfer	����ƶǰe
58024serial data transmission	����ƶǿ�	SDT
58025serial decomposition	������
58026serial device	���]��
58027serial digital adder	���Ʀ�[�k��
58028serial digital computer	���Ʀ�p���
58029serial digital decoder	���Ʀ�Ķ�X��
58030serial entry	����J[ �n�� ]
58031serial entry printer	����J[ �n�� ]�C�L��	SEP
58032serial feedback A/D converter	���^�X���Ҽ��ഫ��
58033serial feeding	����e
58034serial file	����ɮ�; �����ɮ�
58035serial file operating system	����ɮ׾ާ@�t��	SERF
58036serial file organization	����ɮ׵��c; �����ɮײ�´
58037serial flow	���y
58038serial full adder	�����[��
58039serial full subtracter	�����
58040serial half adder	���b�[��
58041serial half-fubtracter	��C�b�
58042serial half-subtracter	���b�
58043serial I/O card	����J��X�d( �� )
58044serial I/O channel	����J��X�q�D
58045serial I/O command	����J��X�R�O
58046serial I/O control signal	����J��X����H��
58047serial I/O error condition	����J��X���~���A[ ���� ]
58048serial I/O mode	����J��X�覡
58049serial in	����J
58050serial inference computer	�����z�p���
58051serial input	����J	SI
58052serial input output interface	����J��X����
58053serial input register	����J�Ȧs��	SIR
58054serial input/output	��C��X�J	SIO
58055serial input/output board	����J��X( ���� )�O	SIB
58056serial input/output channel	����J��X�q�D	SIOC
58057serial input/output controller	����J��X���	SIO
58058serial insertion	��洡�J
58059serial intelligent cable	��洼�z�q�l
58060serial interface	��椶��	SI
58061serial interface board	��椶��( ���� )�O	SIB
58062serial left-list layout	��楪�C����
58063serial line unit	���p�u���s����; ���˸m	SLU
58064serial logic	����޿�( �q�� )
58065serial loop	�����( �� )
58066serial machine	���( �p�� )��
58067serial machine simulation program	���( �p�� )�������{��	SERMASP
58068serial memory	����x�s��
58069serial memory address computer	����x�s����}�p���	SMAC
58070serial mode	���覡
58071serial multiplier	��歼�k��
58072serial number	�Ǹ�; �Ǽ�; ����	SERN,SN
58073serial number control	���Ǹ�����
58074serial number cycle	���Ǹ��`��
58075serial number-code	���Ǹ��X
58076serial numbering	���ǽs��
58077serial operation	���Ʀ�ާ@
58078serial operation word	���ާ@�r
58079serial out	����X
58080serial output	����X	SO
58081serial output data	����X���	SOD
58082serial output register	����X�Ȧs��	SOR
58083serial overhead	���}�P
58084serial paralled interface	��}����
58085serial peripheral interface	���~����	SPI
58086serial poll disable	�T����d��
58087serial poll enable	���\���d��
58088serial port	���( �� )�f; ���X�J�f
58089serial print	���C�L[ �L�� ]
58090serial printer	��C�C�L��	SPR
58091serial process hierarchical control	�s��B�z���ű���
58092serial processing	���B�z; ���dzB�z
58093serial processing system	���B�z�t��
58094serial processor	���B�z��
58095serial programming	���{���]�p
58096serial punch	��楴��[ �d ]
58097serial read	���Ū( �� )
58098serial reader punch	���Ū�J������	SRP
58099serial receive control signal	��汵������H��
58100serial receive synchronization control	��汵���P�B����
58101serial register	���Ȧs��
58102serial reusable	�i�s����; ���i����
58103serial reusable routine	�i�s���ΨҦ�`��
58104serial run test	���i�����
58105serial scanning model	���DZ��y�ҫ�; ��汽�y�ҫ�
58106serial scheduling	���DZƵ{( �k )
58107serial search	���Ǭd��
58108serial shared resource	���@�ɸ귽
58109serial shift register	��沾��Ȧs��
58110serial signaling rate	���H���o�e�v
58111serial sort	������
58112serial storage	����x�s��
58113serial stream of bits	����S( �� )�y
58114serial synchronous hunt mode	���P�B�M��覡
58115serial system	��C�t��
58116serial task	���ǥ���; ������
58117serial terminal	���׺�
58118serial test	�̧Ǵ���
58119serial time sharing system	�����ɨt��
58120serial transfer	���ǰe
58121serial transmission	���ǿ�
58122serial transmit control signal	���ǿ鱱��H��
58123serial type adder	���( �� )�[�k��
58124serial user buffer	���Τ�w�ľ�
58125serial word operation	���r�ާ@
58126serial work flow	���u�@�y[ �y�{ ]
58127serial work-flow	��C�u�@�~�y�{
58128serial-access storage	�����s�x�s��
58129serial-access system	�����s�t��
58130serial-by-bit processing	������B�z
58131serial-by-character processing	���r�Ŧ��B�z
58132serial-in parallel-out multiplier	����J��X���k��
58133serial-ot-parallel conversion	����p�ܴ�
58134serial-paralled	��æ檺
58135serial-paralled A/D converter	��æ�Ҽ��ഫ��
58136serial-paralled contact network	����p����
58137serial-paralled control	��æ汱��( �� )
58138serial-paralled conversion	��æ��ഫ
58139serial-paralled converter	��æ��ഫ��
58140serial-paralled converter module	��æ��ഫ���Ҳ�
58141serial-paralled multiplication	��æ歼�k
58142serial-paralled network	�����
58143serial-paralled register	��-�æ�Ȧs��
58144serial-parallel converter	���p--�æ��ഫ��
58145serial-parallel-serial	��-��-��( �� )	SPS
58146serial-to-parallel converter	����æ��ഫ��
58147serialiser	��澹; �æ����ഫ��
58148serializability	�i����
58149serializability theory	�i���ʲz��
58150serializable	�i���ƪ�
58151serializable class	�i�������O
58152serialization	����; �s��
58153serialize	����
58154serialized job processor	���@�~�B�z	SJP
58155serialized scheduling	���Ƶ{( �k )
58156serializer	�æ�( �� )�ഫ��
58157serializer/deserializer	���ƾ�-�Ѧ꾹
58158serially	�s��; �v��
58159serially reusable	�i�s��; �i�s����
58160serially reusable attribute	�i�s���Ϊ��ݩ�
58161serially reusable load module	�i�s�θ˧@�Ҳ�
58162serially reusable program	�i�s���ε{��
58163serially reusable resource	�i�s���θ귽	SRR
58164serially reusable routine	�i�s���ΨҦ�`��
58165serials on-line	���p�p��	SERLINE
58166series	�ǦC; �ƦC
58167series architecture	�t�C��t���c
58168series assignment algorithm	�s����t��k; ����Ⱥ�k
58169series bit-slices	�t�C���
58170series circuit	���p�q��
58171series combination	���p�զX
58172series compensation filter	���p���v�o�i��
58173series computer operator	�t�C�p����ާ@��
58174series connection	���p
58175series connective	���dzs����
58176series damping resistor	���p�����q��( �� )
58177series gating technique	���p�߽Ŀ�q�޳N
58178series inductance	���p�q�P
58179series interface	���p����
58180series interface board	���p�����O
58181series loss	���p�l��
58182series machine	���( �p�� )��
58183series microprocessor	�t�C�L�B�z��
58184series mode rejection	��ҧ��	SMR
58185series modulation	���p�ը�
58186series multiple arrangement	���p�Ʊ��t�m�k
58187series multiple connection	���p�Ʀ��s��
58188series parallel control	��æ汱��
58189series records	���[ ���� ]�O��
58190series resistor	���p�q��( �� )
58191series system	���p��[ �t�� ]
58192series termination	���p�ݱ�
58193series to parallel converter	����æ��ഫ��
58194series transmission	�s��ǻ�; ���ǿ�
58195series X recommendation	X �t�C��ij[ ����з� ]
58196series, Fibonacci	��i����ż�
58197series, time	�ɶ��ǦC
58198series-parallel	����p	SP
58199series-parallel connection	����p
58200series-parallel contact network	����p����
58201series-parallel counter	����p( �V�X )�p�ƾ�
58202series-parallel network	����p����
58203Series/1	�t�C/1( �@�ؤp���� )
58204serif	��u(�S���[�b�r���W���˹����ӽu)
58205serioparallel	����p
58206serious error condition	�Y�����~����
58207sermo card	���ҥd
58208serpentine domain	���ۧκ�å; �D�κ�å
58209serve	���A
58210server	���A��
58211server console	�A�ȯ��D���x
58212serverice data unit	�A�ȸ�Ƴ���
58213service	�A��; ����	SERV,SRV
58214service ability	�A�ȯ�O; ���ׯ�O
58215service ability testing	�A��[ ���� ]��O����
58216service access point	�A�Ȧ��e�I	SAP
58217service access point address	�A�Ȧs���I��}
58218service access point identifier	�A�Ȧ��e�I�ѧO��
58219service adapter	�A�ȾA�t��
58220service aid	���פ�q; �A�Ȥu��
58221service area	�A�Ȱ�; ���ħ@�ΰ�
58222service area concept	�A�ȰϷ���
58223service assistance switchboard	�A�Ȼ��U�洫�x
58224service band	���Ȫi�q
58225service bit	���U��
58226service bits	�A�ȼƤ�
58227service book	���פ�U
58228service bureau	�A�ȧ�; ���׳B
58229Service Bureau Co.	�A�ȧ����q	SBC
58230service center	�A��[ ���� ]����
58231service channel	�~�ȳq�D; �A�ȳq�D
58232service charge	�A�ȶO
58233service checking routine	�����ˬd�`��
58234service circuit	�~�Ƚu��; ���ȹq��
58235service class	�A�ȯŧO; �A�ȵ���
58236service clearance	�A�ȶ���; ���תŶ�
58237service code	���q�K�y
58238service command	�A�ȩR�O
58239service computer signalling channel	���ȭp����H�O�q�D	SCSC
58240service condition	�ϥα���; �A�ȱ���
58241service connection	�~�ȱ��q
58242service console	�A�ȥD����x
58243service conversation	�~�ȹ��
58244service cycle	�A�ȩP��
58245service data	���@( �ϥ� )���; �~�ȸ��
58246service data unit	�A�ȸ�Ƴ��
58247service data unit integrity	�A�ȸ�Ƴ椸����
58248service dependability	�A�ȥi�a��
58249service discipline	�A�ȳW�h
58250service document	�~�Ȥ��
58251service efficiency	�ϥ�[ �A�� ]�IJv
58252service element	�A�Ȥ���
58253service engineer	���@[ �A�� ]�u�{�v
58254service engineering	���@[ �A�� ]�u�{
58255service error	�~�Ȯt��
58256service exchange	���ȥ洫( �� )
58257service facility	�A�ȳ]�I
58258service frequency	�u�@�W�v
58259service grade	�A�ȫ~��[ ���� ]
58260service guide	�A�ȫ��n
58261service hpurs	�A�Ȯɶ�
58262service in	�~�ȫH����J	SERVI,SI
58263service indication	�A�ȼлx
58264service information	�~�ȫH��
58265service information analysis	�~��[ �A�� ]�H�����R	SIA
58266service inspection	�~���ˬd
58267service instruction	�A�ȳW�{; �ާ@����
58268service interface command	�A�Ȥ����R�O
58269service interrupt	�u�@���_
58270service interrupt reporting	�u�@���_����
58271service level	�A�Ȥ���
58272service level update	�A�ȯŧ�s
58273service library	�A��( �{�� )�w
58274service life	�ϥδ���; �ϥιةR
58275service life evaluation	�ϥιةRų�w
58276service log	�A�ȰO��; �~�Ȥ�O
58277service macro	�A�ȧ�( ���O )
58278service macro instruction	�A�ȧ����O
58279service manager	�A�ȸg�z; �~�ȸg�z
58280service manual	�u�@��U; ���@��U
58281service message	���Ȥ��q
58282service meter	�����
58283service meter key	�������s[ �}�� ]
58284service mode	�A�Ȥ覡
58285service mode switch	�A�Ȥ覡����
58286service modem	���Ƚը�ѽվ�
58287service modem cable	���Ƚը�ѽվ��q�l
58288service operation monitor	�t�ιB��ʷ���	SOM
58289service order program	�A�ȶ��ǵ{��
58290service order table	�A�Ȧ�[ �� ]�Ǫ�
58291service organization, computer	�p����A�Ȳ�´
58292service out	�~�ȫH����X	SERVO,SO
58293service package	�A�ȵ{���]
58294service panel	���׭��O; ���@���O	SP
58295service panel adapter	���׭��O�A�t��; ���@���O�A�t��	SPCK
58296service part	�A�ȹs��
58297service parts forecast	�A�ȹs��w��
58298service period	�A�ȩP��[ ���� ]
58299service point	�A��[ �˭� ]�I
58300service primitive	�A�ȭ���O
58301service probability	�~��[ �A�� ]��[ �� ]�v
58302service processor	�~��[ �A�� ]�B�z��
58303service program	�~��[ �A�� ]�{��
58304service protection	�~�ȫO�@
58305service provider	�A�ȴ��Ѫ�
58306service quality parameter	�A�Ƚ�q�Ѽ�
58307service queue	�A�ȶ��C
58308service rate	�A�Ȳv
58309service reference model	�A�ȰѦҼҫ�
58310service representative	�A�ȷ~�ȥN��
58311service representative privilege class	�A��[ ���� ]�N��[ �H�� ]�S�v��
58312service repuest	�A�ȭn�D
58313service request	�A��[ ���� ]�ШD	SR,SRQ
58314service request block	�A��[ ���� ]�ШD( ���� )��	SRB
58315service request interrupts	�A��[ ���� ]�ШD���_
58316service request line	�A��[ ���� ]�ШD�u
58317service request monitor	�A��[ ���� ]�ШD�ʷ��{��	SRM
58318service request output	�A��[ ���� ]�ШD��X
58319service restoral	�~�ȫ�_
58320service routine	�A�ȨҦ�`��
58321service sequence	���׶���; �A�ȶ���	SERV
58322service signal	�~��[ �A�� ]�H��
58323service speed	�~��[ �A�� ]�t��
58324service standard	�~��[ �A�� ]�з�
58325service state	�~��[ �A�� ]���A
58326service subprogram	�~��[ �A�� ]�l�{��
58327service technic	����[ �˭� ]�޳N
58328service test	�i�����; ���@����
58329service test pause	�i����ռȰ�; ���@���ռȰ�
58330service time	�A�Ȯɶ�; ���׮ɶ�
58331service time distribution	�A�Ȯɶ����t; ���׮ɶ����t
58332service time interval	�A�Ȯɶ����j; ���שP��
58333service transaction program	�A�Ȩưȵ{��; �~�Ȩưȵ{��
58334service type	�A�ȫ��A
58335service unit	�A�ȳ��
58336service update process	�A�ȧ�s�B�z; �~�ȧ�s�B�z
58337service virtual machine	�A�ȵ�( �� )��
58338service, exchange	�洫�A��
58339service, extended area	�s��A��
58340service, foreign exchange	�V�ϥ洫�A��
58341service, full-duplex	�����u�A��
58342service, half-duplex	�b���u�A��
58343service, receive-only	�Ȧ��A��
58344service, send-only	�ȵo�A��
58345service, teletypewriter exchange	�q�ǥ��r���洫�A��
58346service-seeking	�d��A��
58347service-seeking pause	�d��A�ȼȰ�
58348service/operator panel	�A�ȻP�ާ@��( �ާ@ )���O
58349serviceability	�i�A�ȩ�; �i���ש�
58350serviceability aid for input/output channel	��J��X�q�D�i���שʻ��U	AIDS IOC
58351serviceability aid(routine)	�i�A��[ ���� ]�ʻ��U�ҵ{
58352serviceability ratio	�i�A�Ȯɶ���( �v )
58353serviceable	�i�Ϊ�
58354serviceable time	�i�ήɶ�
58355servicer	�A�ȵ{��
58356services display	�A�����( �� )
58357servicing	���@; �ײz
58358servicing time	���@�ɶ�; �ײz�ɶ�
58359servo	���A�˸m; ���A���c
58360servo A/D converter	���A��-���ഫ��
58361servo action	���A�@��
58362servo actuated control	���A���ı���
58363servo card	���A�d
58364servo channel	���A�q�D
58365servo component	���A����
58366servo control	���A����( �� )
58367servo control amplifier	���A�����j��
58368servo control equipment	���A����]��
58369servo control mechanism	���A������c
58370servo control system	���A����t��
58371servo device	���A�t���X��( �˸m )
58372servo field	���A��
58373servo integrator	���A�ؤ���
58374servo link	���A�ǰʸ˸m
58375servo logic	���A�޿�
58376servo mark	���A�аO[ ��� ]
58377servo plotter	���Aø�Ͼ�
58378servo problem	���A���D
58379servo stability	���A���c��í�w��
58380servo surface	���A��
58381servo swap	�����( �� )�a
58382servo system control	���A�t���
58383servo system integral control	���A�t�κؤ�����
58384servo theory	���A�z��
58385servo track	���A( �� )�D[ �y�D ]
58386servo, velocity	�t�צ��A
58387servo-analog computer	���A�����p���
58388servo-computer	���A�p���
58389servo-controlled robot	���A��������H
58390servo-controlled search	���A����j��
58391servo-driven positioner	���A�X�ʩw�쾹
58392servo-function generator	���A��Ƶo�;�
58393servo-gear	���A���c
58394servo-mechanism	���A���c
58395servo-motor	���A���F
58396servo-motor controller	���A���F���
58397servo-multiplier	���A���k��
58398servo-positional	���A�w��
58399servo-positional rate	���A�w��t�v
58400servo-positioning	���A�w��
58401servo-repeater	���A���~��
58402servo-resolver	���A( �� )���Ѿ�
58403servo-system	���A�t��
58404servo-type function generator	���A( �� )��Ƶo�;�
58405servo-type operational element	���A( �� )�B�ⳡ��
58406servo-unit	���A���c
58407servodisk	���A�Ϻ�
58408servodyne	���A�t�Ϊ��ʤO�ǰ�( �˸m )
58409servohead	���A���Y
58410servointegrator	���A�n����
58411servomechanism	���A���c
58412servomodulator	���A�ը
58413servomultiplier	���A����
58414servonoise	���A����( �z�Z )
58415servoscribe	���A���y
58416servosurface encoding	���A���s�X
58417servosystem	���A�t��
58418session	���; �s�u���q
58419session activation	���( �� )�E��; �q��( �� )�E��
58420session activation request	���( �� )�E���ШD; �q��( �� )�E���ШD
58421session address space	��ܦa�}�Ŷ�; �q�ܦa�}�Ŷ�
58422session authorization check	��ܱ��v�ˬd; �q�ܱ��v�ˬd
58423session awareness block	��ܹ�ı��	SAB
58424session command	���[ �q�� ]�R�O
58425session command and responses	��ͩR�O�Φ^��
58426session connection service	��ͳs���A��
58427session connection synchronization	���[ �q�� ]( �� )�s���P�B
58428session control	���[ �q�� ]����	SC
58429session control block	���[ �q�� ]�����	SCB
58430session control protocol	���[ �q�� ]�����w
58431session control record	���[ �q�� ]����O��
58432session count	���[ �q�� ]�p��
58433session cryptographic key	���[ �q�� ]�K�X��
58434session cryptographic seed	���[ �q�� ]�K�X�ح�[ ��� ]
58435session date	���[ �q�� ]���
58436session deactivation	���[ �q�� ]�M��
58437session deactivation request	���[ �q�� ]�M���ШD
58438session description	���[ �q�� ]�y�z
58439session end	���[ �q�� ]��
58440session establishment macro instruction	���[ �q�� ]�إߥ������O
58441session facility	���[ �q�� ]�]�I[ �{�� ]
58442session field	���[ �q�� ]��
58443session group	���[ �q�� ]��
58444session handler	���[ �q�� ]�B�z�{��	SH
58445session information block	���[ �q�� ]�H����	SIB
58446session initiation	���[ �q�� ]�Ұ�[ �}�l ]
58447session initiation command	���[ �q�� ]�Ұ�[ �}�l ]�R�O
58448session initiation request	���[ �q�� ]�Ұ�[ �}�l ]�ШD
58449session key	���[ �q�� ]��
58450session layer	��ͼh
58451session level	���[ �q�� ]��
58452session library	���q�{���w
58453session limit	���[ �q�� ]���q
58454session local protocol	���[ �q�� ]������w
58455session log	���[ �q�� ]�O��
58456session management service	��ͺ޲z�A��
58457session manager	���q�@�~�޲z
58458session memory pool	���[ �q�� ]�x�s��
58459session network services	���[ �q�� ]�����A��
58460session pacing	���[ �q�� ]�ըB[ ��t ]
58461session parameters	���[ �q�� ]�Ѽ�
58462session partner	���[ �q�� ]���
58463session presentation services	���[ �q�� ]��ܪA��
58464session profile	���[ �q�� ]�S���ɮ�
58465session protocol	���[ �q�� ]��w
58466session protocol data units	���[ �q�� ]��w��Ƴ]��	SPDU
58467session seed	���[ �q�� ]�ح�[ ��l�� ]
58468session sequence identifier	���[ �q�� ]���Ǽ���( �� )
58469session sequence number	���[ �q�� ]���Ǹ�
58470session service data unit	���[ �q�� ]�A�ȸ�Ƴ]��	SSDI
58471session services	���[ �q�� ]�A��
58472session start	���[ �q�� ]�}�l[ �Ұ� ]
58473session start-up file	���[ �q�� ]�}�l[ �Ұ� ]�ɮ�
58474session start-up procedure	���[ �q�� ]�}�l[ �Ұ� ]�L�{
58475session started command	���[ �q�� ]�}�l[ �Ұ� ]�R�O
58476session started message	���[ �q�� ]�}�l[ �Ұ� ]�H��
58477session structure	���[ �q�� ]���c
58478session synchronization	���[ �q�� ]�P�B
58479session termination	���[ �q�� ]�פ�
58480session termination request	���[ �q�� ]�פ�ШD
58481session-level field	���[ �q�� ]����
58482session-level pacing	���[ �q�� ]�ŽըB[ ��t ]
58483set	��( �X ); ��
58484set algebra	���X�N��
58485set associative buffer storage	( �� )�լ��p�w���x�s��
58486set associative organization	( �� )�լ��p��´
58487set asynchronous balance mode	�]�w�D�P�B���żҦ�
58488set asynchronous balance mode extend	�]�w�D�P�B���żҦ��X�R��
58489set asynchronous balanced mode	�m���B���Ť覡
58490set asynchronous response mode	���ղ��B�^���覡; �m���B�����覡	SARM
58491set attribute	���ݩ�; �t�ݩ�
58492set attribute order	�m�ݩʩR�O
58493set bit	�m��; �]�m�G�i��	SB
58494set breakpoint	( �] )�m�_�I
58495set buffer address	�]�w�w�İϦ�}
58496set buffer address register	( �] )�m�w��( �� )��}�Ȧs��	SBA
58497set buffer address subcommand	�]�w�w�İϦ�}���R�O
58498set clause	���l�y
58499set clock	( �] )�m����; �m�����	SCK
58500set color	���; �w��
58501set covering	��[ �t ]�л\
58502set description entry	�t�y�z��[ �� ]; ���y�z��[ �� ]
58503set difference	���X�t; �t��
58504set element	���X����
58505set element type	���X��������
58506set entry	���X��; �t��
58507set equation transfer system	���X��{�ഫ�t��( �y�� )	SETS
58508set expression	���X��F��
58509set fast execution	�]�w�ֳt����
58510set fill mask	�m�����X; �m���̽�( �X )	SFM
58511set function	�����
58512set gate	�m"1" �h; �h�m��	SG
58513set graphic input device	�m�ϧο�J�]��
58514set horizontal format	�]�w�����榡
58515set identification	[ ��� ]���X����
58516set index instruction	�]�w�ܧ}���O; �m�ܧ}���O
58517set inhibit	�m��T��
58518set intersection	���X��|
58519set language	���X�y��
58520set line density	�]�w��K��
58521set location mode	�t�w��覡; ���X�w��覡
58522set location stack	�]�w( �x�s )�椸��	SLS
58523set member	�t����; ���X����
58524set membership	���X���Y; ���l���Y
58525set merging	���X����
58526set mode	�t��{�覡; �m�쪬�A	SM
58527set name	�t�W; ���X�W
58528set nonnegnative integer	�D�t��ƶ�
58529set normal response mode	�m���W�^���覡
58530set occurence	����; �t��
58531set occurence selection	��[ �t ]�ȿ��
58532set occurences	��[ �t ]��
58533set of automorphisms	�ۦP�c��
58534set of elementary event	�ۦP�A��
58535set of file descriptor	�ɮ״y�z�Ŷ�
58536set of final state(s)	�̲ת��A��
58537set of homomorphisms	�P�A��
58538set of instruction	���O��[ �� ]
58539set of integer	��ƶ�
58540set of isomorphisms	�P�c��
58541set of language	�y����
58542set of linear equation	�u�ʤ�{��
58543set of node	�`�I��[��]
58544set of symbol	�Ÿ���
58545set of truth value assignment	�u�ȫ������X; �u�Ƚ�ȶ��X
58546set of wffs	�X�A������
58547set operation	���X�B��; ���X�ާ@
58548set operator	���X���
58549set option	���X��ܶ�; ( �] )�m���[ ���� ]��
58550set order	�t��; ����
58551set ordering criteria	�t�w��[ �ƦC ]�з�; �t�w�Ƿǫh
58552set owner	�t�D; ���X�D
58553set pair	��[ ���X ]��
58554set point	�վ��I
58555set point command	�վ��I�R�O; �m�I�R�O
58556set point computer control system	�p����w�I����t��	SPCC
58557set point control	�վ��I����
58558set pointer	�t���ܦr[ �w ]; ( ���X )���ܦr[ ���w ]
58559set processing	�t�B�z; ��( �X )�B�z
58560set program interrupt	�m�{�����_
58561set program mask	�m�{���̽�( ���O )
58562set program status word	�m�{�����A�r
58563set pulse	�m��߽�; �m"1" �߽�
58564set representation	���X��ܪk
58565set screw	��w���v
58566set section	���X�`; �t�`
58567set selection criteria	�t��ܷǫh[ �з� ]
58568set size	�s�Ƥؤo; �T�۪���
58569set statement	���ԭz
58570set storage key	( �] )�m�x�s��	SSK
58571set strobe time	�m���q�ɶ�	SST
58572set structure	���X���c
58573set subentry	���X�l��; �t�l�n�O��
58574SET symbol	SET �Ÿ�
58575set symbol	���X��
58576set system algebra	���t�N��
58577set system mask	( �] )�m�t�α��X[ �̻� ]	SSL
58578set systems	���t
58579set theoretic data structure	���X�׸�Ƶ��c	STDS
58580set theoretical definition	���X�שw�q
58581set theoretical language	���X�׻y��
58582set theory	���X��
58583set theory language	���X�׻y��
58584set time counter	�m��ɶ��p�ƾ�	SCO
58585set to zero	�m"0" ; �M"0"
58586set trigger	�m��IJ�o��	ST
58587set type	�t����; ���X����
58588set type currency indicator	�t�����{��[��e]���ܲ�
58589set type entry	���X�����n�O��
58590set union	���X��
58591set vertical format	�]�w���u�榡
58592set width	�T�ۼe��; �r��T�w�e��
58593set, alphanumeric character	��Ʀ줸���X
58594set, character	�r�����X
58595set, code	�X��
58596set, empty	�Ŷ�
58597set, instruction	���O��
58598set, mode	�Ҷ�
58599set, null	�s��
58600set, occurrence	�ƥ�
58601set, pulse	�ߪi�]�w
58602set, singular	�_����
58603set, union	�p��
58604set-and-test-sequence-number indicators	�]�m�δ��ն��Ǹ����ܲ�[ �� ]	STSN
58605set-clear	�m��--�M��	S-C
58606set-down time	�w���ɶ�
58607set-miss	�~�վ�
58608set-of-support strategy	���[ �� ]������
58609set-off	�_�L; �_�y
58610set-oriented language	���X���y; ���V���X���y��
58611set-oriented retrieval module	���V���X���˯��Ҳ�	SORM
58612set-read operation	�m��Ū�ާ@
58613set-request	�m��-�ШD	S-R
58614set-reset pulse	�m��_��߽�; �m"1" �m"0" �߽�
58615set-reset trigger	�m��-�_��IJ�o��	SRT
58616set-reset word	�m��_��r; �m"1" �m"0" �r
58617set-top convertor	�����ഫ��
58618set-up	�إ�; �t�m
58619set-up diagram	�إ߮ع�; �˸m��
58620set-up error	�վ�~�t; �s�ƻ~�t
58621set-up job	�dzƧ@�~
58622set-up parameter	�]�w�Ѽ�
58623set-up procedure	�dzƹL�{; �إ߹L�{
58624set-up register	�إ߼Ȧs��
58625set-up service	�dzƤu�@[ �A�� ]
58626set-up time	�dzƮɶ�; �إ߮ɶ�
58627set-write operation	�m��g�ާ@
58628set/reset I/O parameter	�m��_���J��X�Ѽ�
58629set/reset test	�m��_�����
58630setable	�i�m�쪺; �i�w�쪺
58631sets-of-items construction	�����X�c�y
58632setting	�]�w
58633setting breakpoint condition	�]�m�_�I����
58634setting position	�˰t��m; �վ��m
58635setting pulse	�m��߽�; �m"1" �߽�
58636setting time	�m��ɶ�; �إ߮ɶ�
58637setting value	�ƭȳ]�w; �m�ƭ�
58638settle	í�w; �վ�
58639settlements	����; �T�w; �T�w
58640settling time	í�w�ɶ�
58641setup	�إ�; �t�m
58642setup cost	��Ʀ���
58643setup crew size	��Ƹs�դj�p
58644setup hours remaining	�Ѿl����Ƥp�ɼ�
58645setup labor	��ƤH�u
58646setup labor hours	��ƤH�u�ɼ�
58647setup machine	��ƾ���
58648setup string	�]�m�r��
58649setup tests	�dzƴ���; �إ߸���
58650setup time	��Ʈɶ�
58651seven and nine track compatibility	�C--�E�ϹD����[ �ۮe ]��
58652seven segment	�C�q
58653seven track tape	�C�ϹD�O��( �� )�a
58654seven-bit alphameric code	�C���ƽX
58655seven-bit byte	�C��r�`
58656seven-channel paper tape	�C���ȱa
58657seven-segment display	�C�q[ �� ]���( �� )
58658seven-stroke coded magnetic character	�C���s�X�ϩʦr��
58659seven-track compatibility	�C�ϹD�ݮe��
58660seven-track tape	�C�y�ϱa
58661sever	�A�ȯ�
58662several-for-one	�h��@
58663severe environment controller system	�c�H���ұ���t��	SECS
58664severe environment memory system	�c�H�����x�s�t��	SEMS
58665severe error	�Y�����~
58666severity	�Y����
58667severity code	�Y���X���X
58668sexadecimal	�Q���i�
58669sexadecimal digit	�Q���i��Ʀ�; �Q���i��Ʀ�
58670sexadecimal external number base	�Q���i��( �� )�~���ư�
58671sexadecimal notation	�Q���i��O�ƪk[ ��ܪk ]
58672sexadecimal number	�Q���i���
58673sexadecimal number system	�Q���i��ƨt[ �� ]
58674sexadecimal numeral	�Q���i��
58675sexadecimal(hexadecimal)notation	�Q���i��O�ƪk; �Q���i��Ʀ�
58676sexagesimal	���Q�i�
58677sexdecimal digit	�Q���i�Ʀ�
58678sextet	����r�`
58679sexto	���}��[ �� ]
58680shade	���v; ���
58681shade graphing	���v�ϸ�
58682shade page table	���v����
58683shaded	���v
58684shaded area	���v���n; ���v��
58685shaded curve surface	�H�H����
58686shaded letter	�����v( �u )�r��
58687shaded picture	���v��; �h�ǫױm���
58688shading	�B��; ����
58689shadow	�B��; �R��
58690shadow area	�R��; ����
58691shadow graphing	���v�ϸ�
58692shadow mask	�m����H�ު��n
58693shadow mask color CTR	���n���m����H��
58694shadow mask CTR	���n��( �m�� )��H��
58695shadow memory	���v[ �v�l ]�x�s��
58696shadow page table	���v[ �v�l ]����
58697shadow price	�w��[ �w�� ]����
58698shadow resource	���v[ �v�l ]�귽
58699shadow ROM	���v[ �v�l ]��Ū�x�s��
58700shadow table	�v�H[ �v�l ]��
58701shaft	�b
58702shaft encode	�b���s�X
58703shaft encode automatic tuning	�b���s�X�۰ʽտ�
58704shaft encoder	�b���s�X��
58705shaft position digitizer	�b������-�Ʀ��ഫ��
58706shake-down period	�եήɴ�
58707shaker-sort	�z�����
58708shaker-sort program	�z������{��
58709shallow	�L[ �� ]��
58710shallow binding	�L���X
58711shallow diffusion	�L�X��
58712shallow search procedure	�L�j���L�{
58713shallow system	�L�t��
58714shallow system organization	�L�t�β�´
58715Shannon	�V�A( �H�W )
58716shannon	�V�A( ��� )
58717Shannon black box	���祼����; ����§X�l
58718Shannon equation	���礽��
58719Shannon expansion theorem	����i�}�w�z
58720Shannon fromula	���A����
58721Shannon ideal code	����z�Q�X
58722Shannon page table	���筶��
58723Shannon's fundamental theorem	�V�A���w�z
58724Shannon's law	����w��
58725shannon's theorem	�V�A�w�z
58726Shannon-Fano code	����--�S�սX
58727shape	��; ���
58728shape analysis	�����R
58729shape anisotropy	���U�V�q��
58730shape code	�Ϊ�( �N )�X
58731shape decomposition	������
58732shape description	���y�z
58733shape factor	���]�l
58734shape function	�����
58735shape grammar	����k
58736shape information	���H��
58737shape number	�����X
58738shape recognition	�Ϊ��ѧO
58739shape, wave	�i��
58740shaped character printer	�w��( �r�� )�r�ŦC�L��
58741shaped pulse	�����߽�; �g��Ϊ��߽�
58742shaped reflector Cassegrain	�����Ϯg���d��楦�t��
58743shaped-card potentiometer	�Υd�q��p
58744shaper	( �߽� )��ξ�
58745shaping	���
58746shaping circuit	��ιq��
58747shaping network	����
58748shaping pulse	��ί߽�
58749shaping signal	��ΫH��
58750shaping, pulse	�ߪi����
58751share	�@��; �@��
58752share assembly program	�@�ɲզX�{��	SAP
58753share bus	�@���I�u
58754share count	�@�ɼƥ�[ �p�� ]
58755share interval FORTRAN translator	�@�ɰ϶�FORTRAN ½Ķ�{��	SIFT
58756share library	�@�ɵ{���w
58757share library user report	���ε{���w�Τ���i
58758share limit	�@�ɭ��q[ ���� ]
58759share load	���u�t��
58760share operating system	�@�ɾާ@�t��	SOS
58761share request	�@�ɽШD
58762share supervisor	�@��[ �@�� ]�޲z�{��
58763share, time	����
58764shareable	�i�@�ɪ�; �i�@�Ϊ�
58765shareable device	�i�@��[ �@�� ]�]��
58766shareable global area	�i�@��[ �@�� ]��( �� )	SGA
58767shareable image	�i�@��[ �@�� ]�M�H
58768shareable routine	�i�@��[ �@�� ]�`��
58769shareable run-time program	�i�@��[ �@�� ]�B��ɶ�
58770shared	�@�ɪ�; �@�Ϊ�
58771shared access path	�@��[ �� ]�s�����|
58772shared access routine	�@��[ �� ]�s���Ҧ�`��
58773shared batch area	�@��[ �� ]��B�z��	SBA
58774shared cell	�@��[ �� ]�椸
58775shared central memory	�@��[ �� ]�����x�s��
58776shared class	�@��[ �� ]����[ �ŧO ]
58777shared communication facility	�@��[ �� ]�q�H�]��
58778shared communication resource	�@��[ �� ]�q�H�귽
58779shared contingency computer center	�@��[ �� ]����p�⤤��	SCCC
58780shared control	�@��[ �� ]����
58781shared control unit	�@��[ �� ]���
58782shared DASD option	�@��[ �� ]DASD���( �� ); �@�ɪ����s���x�s�]�ƥi�ﶵ
58783shared data	�@��[ �� ]���
58784shared data bank	�@��[ �� ]��Ʈw
58785shared data base	�@��[ �� ]��Ʈw
58786shared data set	�@��[ �� ]��ƶ�	SDS
58787shared data set integrity	�@��[ �� ]��ƶ������	SDSI
58788shared data system	�@��[ �� ]��ƨt��
58789shared data transmission network	�@��[ �� ]��ƶǿ��( �� )
58790shared device	�@��[ �� ]�]��
58791shared direct memory access	�@��[ �� ]�����x�s�����s	SDMA
58792shared direct memory access controller	�@��[ �� ]�����x�s�����s���	SDMAC
58793shared disc	�@��[ �� ]�Ϻ�
58794shared disk	�@��[ �� ]�Ϻ�
58795shared disk system	�@��[ �� ]�ϺШt��
58796shared electron bond	�@����
58797shared enqueue	�@�ɤJ��( �]�I )
58798shared environment	�@������
58799shared file	�@��[ �� ]�ɮ�
58800shared file system	�@��[ �� ]�ɮרt��
58801shared firmware	�@��[ �� ]�T��
58802shared font store	�@��[ �� ]�r�Үw
58803shared hospital accounting system	�@��[ �� ]( �� )��|�O�b�t��
58804shared I/O	�@��[ �� ]��J��X( �]�� )
58805shared index data base	�@��[ �� ]���޸�Ʈw
58806shared information system	�@��[ �� ]�H���t��
58807shared instruction	�@��[ �� ]���O
58808shared library	�@���ɮ׮w
58809shared line	�@��[ �� ]�u
58810shared linkage segment	�@��[ �� ]�챵�q
58811shared lock	�@��[ �� ]��
58812shared logic	�@��[ �� ]�޿�
58813shared logic system	�@��[ �� ]�޿�t��
58814shared logic word processing equipment	�@��[ �� ]�޿�r���B�z�]��
58815shared main memory	�@��[ �� ]�D�x�s��
58816shared main storage multiprocessing	�@��[ �� ]�h���B�z
58817shared mass storage	�@��[ �� ]�j�q[ �j�e�q ]�x�s��	SMS
58818shared memory	�@��[ �� ]�x�s��	SHM
58819shared memory table	�@��[ �� ]�x�s��
58820shared memory table address	�@��[ �� ]�x�s���}
58821shared memory technique	�@��[ �� ]�x�s�޳N
58822shared module page queue	�@��[ �� ]�Ҳխ������C
58823shared multiport memory	�@��[ �� ]�h���x�s��	SMM
58824shared name	�@��[ �� ]�W
58825shared network resource	�@��[ �� ]�����귽
58826shared node	�@��[ �� ]�`�I
58827shared operating system	�@��[ �� ]�ާ@�t��
58828shared page table	�@��[ �� ]����	SPT
58829shared partition	�@��[ �� ]����
58830shared path	�@��[ �� ]�q�D
58831shared peripheral	�@��[ �� ]�~��]��
58832shared procedure	�@��[ �� ]�L�{
58833shared processor	�@��[ �� ]�B�z��
58834shared read-only system residence disk	�@��[ �� ]��Ū�t�α`�n��
58835shared record format	�@��[ �� ]�O���榡
58836shared resource	�@��[ �� ]�귽
58837shared resource mode	�@��[ �� ]�귽�覡
58838shared resource multiprocessing	�@��[ �� ]�귽�h�D[ �� ]�B�z
58839shared resource text processing	�@��[ �� ]�귽����B�z
58840shared resources processing	�@��[ �� ]�귽�B�z	SRP
58841shared routine	�@��[ �� ]�`��
58842shared row assignment	�@��[ �� ]����t
58843shared run unit library	�@��[ �� ]�B��]�Ƶ{���w
58844shared run-time library	�@��[ �� ]�B��ɶ��{���w
58845shared segment	�@��[ �� ]( �{�� )�q
58846shared software	�@��[ �� ]�n��
58847shared software routine	�@��[ �� ]�n��`��
58848shared spooling	�@��[ �� ]�����
58849shared storage	�@��[ �� ]�x�s��
58850shared storage management	�@���x�s�޲z
58851shared storage technique	�@��[ �� ]�x�s���޳N
58852shared structure	�@��[ �� ]���c
58853shared subchannel	�@��[ �� ]�l�q�D
58854shared subroutine	�@��[ �� ]�l�`��
58855shared system	�@��[ �� ]�t��
58856shared tape allocation manager	�@��[ �� ]�a���t�޲z�{��	SIAM
58857shared task address space	�@��[ �� ]���Ȳ�
58858shared track	�@��[ �� ]( �� )�D
58859shared update	�@��[ �� ]��s
58860shared variable	�@��[ �� ]�ܼ�
58861shared variable set	�@��[ �� ]�ܼƶ�[ �� ]
58862shared variable update procedure	�@��[ �� ]�ܼƧ�s�L�{
58863shared virtual area	�@��[ �� ]��s��	SVA
58864shared working space	�@��[ �� ]�u�@�Ŷ�
58865shared-bus system	�@��[ �� ]�I�u�t��
58866shared-executive system	�@��[ �� ]����{�Ǩt��
58867shared-for-read lock state	Ū�@����w���A
58868shared-for-update lock state	��s�@����w���A
58869shared-line adapter	�@�νu( �� )�౵[ �A�t ]��
58870shared-no-update lock state	�D��s�@��[ �� ]��w���A
58871shared-peripheral interface	�@��[ �� ]�~��]�Ƥ���
58872shared-resource system	�@��[ �� ]�귽�t��
58873shared-time control action	���ɱ���ʧ@
58874shared-write library	�@�Υi�g�ɮ׮w
58875shared/locked included file	�@��/ ��w�Ѧ���
58876sharer	�@��[ �� ]��
58877sharing	�@��; �@��
58878sharing data set	�@��[ �� ]��ƶ�
58879sharing logical link	�@��[ �� ]�޿����
58880sharing multiprocessing	�@��[ �� ]�h���B�z
58881sharing policy	�@��[ �� ]����
58882sharing processor time	�@��[ �� ]�B�z���ɶ�
58883sharing resource	�@��[ �� ]�귽
58884sharing subchannel	�@��[ �� ]�l�q�D
58885sharing system	�@��[ �� ]�t��
58886sharp clear printing	�M�����C�L�޳N
58887sharp cut-off	�U�I��
58888sharp cut-off tube	�U�I���
58889sharp edge	�~�u
58890sharp image	�M���v�H
58891sharp product	�U�n; ��T�n
58892sharp pulse	�y�߽�
58893sharp step	�~��
58894sharp turning	�L��; �ӷL
58895sharpening	�U��
58896sharpening technique by differentiation	�L���U�Ƨ޳N
58897sharping technique	�U�Ƨ޳N[ �u�� ]
58898sharpness	�M����; �U��
58899shear	�ܧ�
58900shear distribution	�Ť�����
58901shear stiffness	�Ť����
58902shear strength	�ܰűj��
58903sheath	�~��; �~�h�л\��
58904sheet	( �� )��; ��; �i	SH
58905sheet conductance	���h�q��; ���q��
58906sheet detector	�ѯ��˴���
58907sheet dielectric	�����q����
58908sheet feed	�ѯ�; �X��
58909sheet feeder	�ѯȾ�
58910sheet film	��������
58911sheet glass	������; ���O����
58912sheet microfilm	�����Y�L����
58913sheet mode	���覡
58914sheet paper	�ȪO; �Ȥ�
58915sheet resistance	���h�q��; ���q��
58916sheet-to-roll duplicator	���Ȧ��ƦL��
58917sheet-to-sheet duplicator	��i���ƦL��
58918sheffer stroke	"�P�D"
58919Sheffer stroke	�R�����ĵ{
58920Sheffer stroke gate	�R�����ĵ{�h
58921Sheffer stroke operation	"�P�D"�ާ@[ �B�� ]
58922shelf	�[�l; �h; ��
58923shelf label	�f�[��ñ
58924shelf life	�x�s����[ �ةR ]; ���m�ةR
58925shelf lists	�f�[�M��
58926shelf location	�[�W�w��
58927shelf storage	�ƥ��x�s��
58928shelf, off the	�{�f
58929shelf-life	�s�[�ةR
58930shell	��; �~��
58931shell command language	�~�ߩR�O�y��
58932shell document	�~�ߤ��[ �m ]
58933shell mechanism	�~�߾��c[ ���c ]
58934shell process	�~�߹L�{
58935shell program	�~�ߵ{��
58936shell prompt	�~�ߴ���( �� )
58937shell script	�~�ߤ�Z( �@��S�w�{�� )
58938Shell sort	�ƺ�����( �k )
58939shell sort	�ߦ��Ƨ�
58940Shell sorting	�ƺ�����[ �Ƨ� ]
58941shell theory	����z��
58942shelves	�f�[���Ȧs��
58943shield	�̽�; �n; ���@
58944shield line	�j���u
58945shield wire	�j���u
58946shielded cable	�̽��q�l
58947shielded enclosure	�̽��n[ �� ]
58948shielded line	�̽��u
58949shielded pair	�̽��u��
58950shielded transmission line	�̽��ǿ�u
58951shielding	�̽�; ���\
58952shielding box	�̽��c; ���\�c
58953shielding case	�̽���[ �c; �n ]; �O�@�n
58954shielding wire	�̽��u; �j���u
58955shift	����; ��q,�ഫ	SFT,SHF
58956shift action	���ʰʧ@; ����ʧ@
58957shift amount register	����q�Ȧs��; �����ƼȦs��	SAR
58958shift and subtract "1" control	����ô�"1"���
58959shift arithmetically	��N����
58960shift capacity	�Z������
58961shift chain	������
58962shift character	��q( �r )��; ����( �r )��
58963shift charge	�B�~���O; �B�~�O��
58964shift code	����X
58965shift control	���챱��( �� )
58966shift control counter	���챱��p�ƾ�
58967shift count register	����p�ƼȦs��	SCR
58968shift counter	����p�ƾ�	SC
58969shift divisor	���찣��
58970shift down	�U��( �V�C�첾 )
58971shift down modem	�U���ƾھ�; �V�U���ɼƾھ�
58972shift end	���쵲��
58973shift folding	������|
58974shift forward	�e��
58975shift frequency-shift keying	�W���۰ʲ��ʶ}��; �W�������䱱( �k )
58976shift function	����ާ@[ �\�� ]
58977shift guide	�����վ�ɭy[�ɦV]�˸m
58978shift in	���J; ��J	SI
58979shift in character	���J�r��
58980shift in control code	���J����X
58981shift instruction	������O
58982shift key	����( �r )��; ������
58983shift keying	�����䱱( �k )
58984shift left	����
58985shift left arithmetic	��N����
58986shift left logical	�޿襪��
58987shift left long	( �V )��������	SLL
58988shift left out/shift right in	�����X�k���J	SLO/SRI
58989shift length	�Z���ɶ�
58990shift length replacement	�Z���ɶ�����
58991shift letters	���ɲ�; ��q��
58992shift lock	������
58993shift lock key	������w��
58994shift matrix	����x�}
58995shift microoperation	����L�ާ@
58996shift motion	���ʦ�{
58997shift network	���ƺ���; �������
58998shift operation	����ާ@; ���ʾާ@
58999shift operator	�����l
59000shift order	������O
59001shift out	���X; ��X	SO
59002shift out character	���X�r��
59003shift position	�����m
59004shift pulse	����߽�	SP
59005shift register	����Ȧs��	SHR
59006shift register code	����Ȧs���X
59007shift register drive	����Ȧs���X�ʾ�	SRD
59008shift register latch	����Ȧs����s�q��	SRL
59009shift register memroy	����Ȧs��( �� )�x�s��	SRM
59010shift register sequence	����Ȧs���ǦC
59011shift register storage circuit	����Ȧs�����s�x�q��
59012shift register, magnetic	�ϲ���Ȧs��
59013shift reverse	�ϦV����	SR
59014shift right	�k��
59015shift right arithmetic	��N�k��
59016shift right double	�����k��	SRD
59017shift right logical	�޿�k��
59018shift signal	����H��; ��q�H��
59019shift stack	����u
59020shift status field	���쪬�A���
59021shift system	����t��
59022shift theorem	����w�z
59023shift unit	���쾹[ �˸m ]
59024shift up	�W��(�V���첾)
59025shift winding	����u��
59026shift, arithmetic	��N����
59027shift, carrier	���l����
59028shift, circular	��������
59029shift, end-around-carry	�ݰj�i�첾��
59030shift, frequency	�W�v����
59031shift, logic	�޿貾��
59032shift, nonarithmetic	�D��N����
59033shift, phase	�۲�
59034shift, ring	������
59035shift-identify	����[ ���� ]�ѧO
59036shift-identify machine	����[ ���� ]�ѧO��
59037shift-identify method	����[ ���� ]�ѧO�k
59038shift-in character	���J[ ��J ]�r��	SI
59039shift-in control character	���J[ ��J ]����( �r )��
59040shift-lock keyboard	������w��L
59041shift-out character	���X�r��	SO
59042shift-out control character	���X[ ���X ]����( �r )��
59043shift-phase parallel microprocessor system	�۲����p�L�B�z���t��
59044shift-reduce conflit	�����¬��Ĭ�
59045shift-reduce machine	�����¬���
59046shift-reduce method	�����¬��k
59047shift-reduce parser	�����¬����R�{��
59048shift-register generator	����Ȧs���o�;�	SRG
59049shifted diagonal	����﨤�u
59050shifted diagonal test	�﨤�u���ʴ���
59051shifted divisor	���찣��
59052shifter	���쾹; ���a��; ��( �� )�Y��
59053shifting	����; ����ާ@
59054shifting counter	����p�ƾ�
59055shifting function	����ާ@[ �\�� ]
59056shifting operator	�����l
59057shifting principle	����[����]��z
59058shifting process	����[ ���� ]�L�{
59059shifting register	����[ ���� ]�Ȧs��
59060shifting theorem	����[ ���� ]�w�z
59061shifting-out character	���X�r��
59062shiftout modular redundancy	���X��( �� )���l( �� )	SMR
59063shiftward	����r	SWS
59064shim	�Ԥ�; ��ؤ�
59065ship	��
59066ship alarm signal	��ĵ���H��
59067ship broadcast constal radio station	��s�������L�u�q��[ �x ]
59068ship broadcast schedule	��s���ի�
59069ship broadcast service	��s���A[ �~ ]��
59070ship broadcast-area radio station	��( ���� )�L�u�q�ϰ�s����
59071ship call sign	���I( �s�H )��
59072ship communications	��q�H( �t��[ �]�� ] )
59073ship deck log	�����x[ �O�� ]
59074ship international call sign	���کI( �s�H )��
59075ship movement service	��ʫO�w�A��
59076ship net	��( �q�H )��
59077ship radar silence	��p�F�I�R[ �R�� ]
59078ship radio log	��L�u�q��x[ �B��O�� ]
59079ship radio officer	��L�u�q�~�ȭ�
59080ship radio silence	��L�u�q�I�R�ɶ�
59081ship radio transmission security	��L�u�q( �q�T )�O�K( ���I )
59082ship radiotelephone numeral	��L�u�q�ܼƽX
59083ship signaling	��H��(�k)
59084ship station	�[ �x ]
59085ship via code	�X�f�g�ѽX
59086ship-air net	��-��ž�( �q�H )��
59087ship-fitting communication standard plan	�A( �� )���q�H���зdzW��[ �]�p ]
59088ship-shore communication net	��-���q�H��
59089ship-shore communications	��q�H( ��k )
59090ship-shore net	�( �L�u�q�q�H )��
59091ship-shore radio teletypewriter	��L�u�q�q�ǥ��r( �q�� )��
59092ship-shore station	���[ �x ]
59093ship-to	�e��
59094ship-to address records	�e����}�O��
59095ship-to location	�e���a�I
59096ship-to master file	�e���D��
59097ship-to number	�e�����X
59098ship-to override	�e���m��
59099ship-to override code	�e���m���X
59100ship-to-air net	����ž�( �q�H )��
59101ship-to-ship net	����( �q�H )��
59102ship-to-shore net	������( �q�H )��
59103ship-to-shore radiotelephone procedure	�������L�u�q( �q�H )�L�{
59104ship-to-shore schedule	������( �q�H )�@����
59105shipboard uniform automated data processing system	����Τ@�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��	SUADPS
59106shipment	�X�f
59107shipped complete	�X�f����
59108shipping brackets	�B���[
59109shipping carton	�B��~�c
59110shipping clamp	�����T�w��
59111shipping instructions	�X�f����
59112shipping label	�X�f����
59113shipping list	�X�f�M�U
59114shipping operations information system	����A�ȫH���t��	SOIS
59115shipping position interpolation computer	�����k�����w�p���	SPIC
59116shipping weight	�X�f���q
59117shock	�R��; �_��
59118shock absorber	��_��; �_�ʧl����
59119shock discontinuties	�E�i���_
59120shock edcitation	�R���E�y; �߽�[ �� ]�E�y
59121shock fitting	�E�i���X
59122shock front	�E�i�}��
59123shock interaction	�E�i�ۥ�
59124shock isolator	��_��
59125shock mount	��_��
59126shock mounts	�׾_�˸m
59127shock proof	���_��
59128shock smearing	�E�i�\��
59129shock strength	�E�i�j��
59130shock test	��������; ���ʸ���; �ܾ_����
59131shock wave	�����i; �E�i
59132shoe	�ƭy
59133shooting method	���v�k
59134shop	�{��
59135shop activity	�{������
59136shop activity control totals	�{�����ʱ����`�p
59137shop activity data entry	�{�����ʸ�Ƶn��
59138shop activity edit	�{�����ʽs��
59139shop activity extract	�{�����ʸ`��
59140shop activity forms	�{�����ʪ��
59141shop activity transaction type	�{�����ʲ��ʫ��A
59142shop activity-operation charge form	�{������-�@�~�O���
59143shop automation	�u�t�۰ʤ�
59144shop calendar	�{�����
59145shop documentation	�{���ɮ�
59146shop feedback	�{���^�X
59147shop floor reporting	�{�����i
59148shop order	�u�@�R�O
59149shop order handling costs	�u�@�R�O�B�m����
59150shop packet	�{�����
59151shop packet creation	�{�����s�@
59152shop packet creation options	�{�����s�@���
59153shop packet summary list	�{�����J�`�M�U
59154shop packet worksheet	�{�����u�@��
59155shop, closed	����
59156shop, open	�}��
59157shore communications	�����q�H( �t�� )
59158Shore hardness	�v���w��
59159shore net	����( �q�H )��
59160shore radio teletypewriter	�����ѽu�q�q�ǥ��r( �q�� )��
59161shore radiotelephone procedure	�����ѽu�q��( �q�H )�L�{
59162shore station	������[ �x ]
59163short	�u��; �u��
59164short address	�u�a�}
59165short block	�u��
59166short branch	�u�ಾ
59167short card	�u�d; �u�d��
59168short card processing	�u�d���B�z
59169short channel	�u�q�D
59170short circuit	�u��	S/C
59171short circuit control form	�u�����
59172short circuit impedance	�u������
59173short circuit line	�u���u
59174short circuit output capacitance	�u����X�q�e
59175short code	�u�N�X
59176short code dialing	�u�X����; �Y�촩��
59177short cut	���|; ²����
59178short cycle	�u�P��
59179short data message	�u��Ƴ���
59180short dialing	�u����
59181short distance transmission	�u�Z���ǿ�
59182short dot	�u���I
59183short duration failure	�u�ȥ���[ �G�� ]
59184short duration repair	�u���ײz
59185short element	�u�椸
59186short floating-point number	�u�B�I��
59187short floating-point number format	�u�B�I�Ʈ榡
59188short format	�u( ��� )�榡	SF
59189short frame data	�u�ظ��
59190short haul communication	�u�Z���q�H
59191short instruction	�u���O
59192short instruction format	�u���O�榡
59193short life	�u�ةR; �u�ϥδ���
59194short message	�u����
59195short noise	���g����
59196short noise burst	�u���F
59197short number	�u��
59198short operation	�u�ާ@
59199short out	�u��
59200short period fading	�u�P���I��
59201short range	�u�q�{��; �u�Z����
59202short range forecast	�u���w��
59203short range modem	��{�ը�ѽվ�	SRM
59204short response time	��^���ɶ�
59205short run equilibrium state	�u�B�業�Ū��A
59206short shunt	�u����; �u���y��
59207short sign-on	²�ƶ}�l; �u�}�l
59208short stack	�u( �� )�|
59209short term memory	�u���O����	STM
59210short term operation	�u���B��
59211short term stability	�u��í�w��
59212short term test	�u������
59213short time diffusion	�u�ɶ��X��
59214short time memory	�u���x�s��
59215short time memory device	�Ȯ��x�s�˸m
59216short time statistics	�u���έp�S��
59217short time storage	�u���x�s��
59218short title	�u�W( �� ); �u���D
59219short transaction traffic	�u����[ �� ]�q�H�q
59220short trouble	�u���G��
59221short type	�u����
59222short wave	�u�i	SW
59223short wave broadcasting	�u�i�s��
59224short wavelength magnetic recording	�u�i( �� )�ϰO��
59225short word	�u�r
59226short-access storage	�ֳt�s���x�s��
59227short-circuit parameter	�u���Ѽ�
59228short-circuit path	�u���q��[ ���| ]
59229short-circuit transmission line	�u���ǿ�u	SCTL
59230short-circuited transmission line	�u���ǿ�u
59231short-circuited winding	�u���u��[ �u�� ]
59232short-cuit calculation	²���p��
59233short-cuit method	²���k
59234short-cuit multiplication	²( �� )���k
59235short-form	�u�榡
59236short-haul carrier	�u�{���i
59237short-hold mode	�u�ȫO���覡
59238short-hold modem	�u�ȫO��( �� )�ƾھ�
59239short-range aid to navigation	��{�ɯ�	SHORAN
59240short-range laser sonar	��{�J�g�n��
59241short-range navigation	��{�ɯ�
59242short-range network	�u��������
59243short-range radionavigation	�u�{�L�u�q�ɯ�
59244short-term buffering	�u�Ƚw��
59245short-term constant	�u�ɶ��`��	STC
59246short-term Fourier analysis	�ֳt�Ũ������R
59247short-term lonospheric forecast	�u���q���h( ���p )�w��
59248short-term planning	�u���W��
59249short-term schedule	�u���ի�
59250short-term scheduling	�u���ի�
59251short-term security	�u���O�K( ���I )
59252short-term storage	�u���x�s��
59253short-term weather prediction	�u����H�w��
59254short-wave radio	�u�i�L�u�q
59255shortage report	�ʮƳ���
59256shortage shipment	�u�ʥX�f
59257shortcutting	²��
59258shorted diode fault	�G����u���G��
59259shorten symbol	�Y�u�Ÿ�; �u�Y�Ÿ�
59260shortened block codes	�Y�u���սX
59261shortest access time first	�̵u�s���ɶ��u��	SATF
59262shortest job first	�̵u�@�~�u��	SJF
59263shortest latency time first	�̵u����ɶ��u��	SLTF
59264shortest path	�̵u���|; �̵u�q��
59265shortest path problem	�̵u���|[ �q�� ]���D
59266shortest path routing	�̵u���|[ �q�� ]���
59267shortest path(es) algorithm	�̵u���|[ �q�� ]��k
59268shortest processing time	�̵u( �� )�B�z�ɶ�	SPT
59269shortest processing time first	�̵u( �� )�B�z�ɶ��u��	SPTF
59270shortest queue routing	�̵u���C���
59271shortest route	�̵u���|
59272shortest route problem	�̵u���|���D
59273shortest seek time first	�̵u�d��ɶ��u��	SSTF
59274shortest spanning subtree	�̤p�ͦ��l��
59275shortest word	�̵u�r
59276shortest-path	�̵u�|�t��
59277shortest-processing-time first policy	�̵u�B�z�ɶ��u������
59278shorthand	�t�O; ²�g
59279shorthand coding system	�t�O�s�X�t��	SHACO
59280shorthand notation	�t�O�Ÿ�; �t�O��ܪk
59281shorthand preprocessor	�t�O�w�[�u�{��
59282shotqun microphone	���J��
59283shoulder point	���I
59284show	"���"�R�O
59285show D	"��ܺϺ�"�R�O
59286show P	"��ܧ@�~���A"�R�O
59287show selection	��ܿ��
59288show T	"��ܱa��"�R�O
59289show through	�z��
59290SHRINK	SHRINK������Y�t��
59291shrinkable tubing	( �i )���Y�ާ�
59292shrinkage	�ܯU; ���; ���Y
59293shrinkage factor	�l�Ӧ]��
59294shrinking and thinning	���Y�M�Ӥ�
59295shuffle	����; �V�~
59296shuffle interconnection	�������s
59297shuffle-exchange network	�V�~�洫����
59298shun off sequence	���_�ǦC	so
59299shunt	����; ���y; ���p
59300shunt circuit	����; ���p�q��
59301shunt compensation	���p���v
59302shunt feed	���p�X�q
59303shunt feedback	���p�^�X
59304shunt loss	���p�l��
59305shunt resistance	���y�q��
59306shunt-feedback Schottky clamped logic	���p�^�X�v�S��X���޿�( �q�� )���y�q��	SFSCL
59307shunt-series compensation	����p���v
59308shunted condenser	���p�q�e��; �Ǹ��q�e��
59309shut off	����; ���_
59310shut-down	�B�ఱ��; ����
59311shut-down time	�����ɶ�
59312shutdown	����
59313shutdown circuit	�����q��
59314shutter	�B�ɪO; ���h; �֪�
59315shuttle	��; ��ѭ���; �t�z����
59316shuttle attached manipulator system	��ѭ������ݾ��a�t��	SAMS
59317shuttle-pulse test	����߽Ĵ���[ ���� ]
59318shuttlecock	�Ф�y�ι]�r
59319sibilance	����
59320sibling segment types	�S��( �` )�q��
59321sibling segments	�S��( �` )�q
59322side	( �� )��; ��; ����
59323side band	��( �W )�a
59324side bearings	���
59325side by side	�æC��
59326side by side listing	�ñƦC��; �ñƽs��
59327side circuit	�b���q��
59328side circuit loading coil	�b���q���t���u��
59329side circuit repeating coil	�b���q�����~�u��
59330side crosstalk	�b���ꭵ( �z�Z )
59331side effect	�Ƨ@��; �Ǯ���
59332side effects introduce ambiguity	�Ƨ@�ΤޤJ�G�q��
59333side erase	����M�~; �����h[ �� ]��
59334side etch	�����G�k
59335side flow	���y
59336side frequency	���W; ���W
59337side information	���U�H��
59338side lay	�����w��˸m
59339side lay adjuster	�����w��վ㾹
59340side lobe	��iä; ��ä
59341side lobe level	��ä�q��
59342side plate	���O
59343side select	( �� )�����
59344side select signal	����ܫH��( �ϺЪ� )
59345side stable relay	��í�~�q��
59346side tone	�ǭ�
59347side view	������
59348side wall	����
59349side, line	���I�p���u��
59350side, local	��a�p���u��
59351side-by-side dual control sysem	�æC������
59352side-circuit loading coil	�b���q���t���u��
59353side-circuit repeat coil	�b���q�����~�u��
59354side-lobe blanking	�����
59355side-lobe cancellation	����
59356side-lobe jamming	����[ �z�Z ]
59357side-looking airborne radar	�ǵ������p�F
59358side-play mount	�����q
59359side-shielded	��( �� )�̽�( �� )
59360sideband	�DZa
59361sideband carrier	��( �W )�a���i
59362sideband noise power ratio	��( �W )�a�����\�v��
59363sideband reference level	��( �W )�a�Ѧҹq��
59364sideband suppressed-carrier	��( �W )�a�����i
59365sideband suppressed-carrier transmission	��( �W )�a�����i( �� )�ǿ�
59366sideband transmission	��( �W )�a�ǿ�
59367sideband transmission, double	���DZa�ǿ�
59368sideband transmission, vestigial	�ݮDZa�ǿ�
59369sideband voice	��( �W )�a�ܭ�
59370sideless	�L��; �L��; �L��
59371sidereal day	�ڬP��
59372sidetone	����
59373sideways	���V
59374sideways diffusion	���V�X��
59375sideways sum	�Ʀ��|�[�M( �@�ƪ��U��Ƥ��M )
59376Siecor cable	��_�����l
59377Siemens	����l( ���q )
59378Siemens reporting system	����l���i�t��	SIREP
59379Siepinski curve	�륭�����u
59380Siepinski curve program	�륭�����u�{��
59381sieve	�z�l
59382sieve method	�z( �� )�k
59383sieve problem	�z���D
59384sieving	�z��; �z��
59385sift program	�z��{��
59386sifting sort	�z������k
59387sight	���u; ����
59388sight check	( �d�� )�ص��ˬd[ �� ]
59389sight equation	��ı( �� )�t
59390sight hole	�s����; �ˬd��
59391sight link	���u�u��[���]
59392sight propagation	���u�Ǽ�
59393sighted robot	����ı�����H
59394sighted sensor	����ı�ǷP��
59395sighting	�[��[ �� ]
59396sigma center information storage and retrieval sys	��溿���߫H���x�s�P�˯��t��	SCISRS
59397sigma information retrieval system	��溿�����˯��t��	SIR
59398sigma memory	�`�M�O��
59399sigma modulation	��溿�ը�
59400sigma storage	�D�M�s�x��
59401sign	( �N�� )�Ÿ�; ���t��	S,SN
59402sign and currency symbol character	���t���γf�����r��
59403sign binary digit	�Ÿ��G�i��Ʀ�; �Ÿ��G�i��
59404sign bit	���t�Ÿ��줸
59405sign change	�Ÿ�����
59406sign change function	���ܲŸ����\��
59407sign changer	�Ÿ��ܴ���
59408sign changing amplifier	�Ÿ��ܴ���j��
59409sign character	�Ÿ��r��
59410sign check	�Ÿ�����
59411sign check indicator	�Ÿ�������ܾ�
59412sign clause	�Ÿ��l�y
59413sign code	�Ÿ��N�X
59414sign comparator	�Ÿ������
59415sign condition	�Ÿ�����
59416sign digit	���t���Ʀ�
59417sign flip-flop	���t�����Ͼ�
59418sign off	�n�X
59419sign on	�ҥ�; �n�J
59420sign position	�Ÿ���m
59421sign, special	�S�O�O��
59422sign-and-magnitude code	���t�Τj�p�X
59423sign-changing amplifier	�ܸ���j��
59424sign-check indicator	���t���ֹ���ܾ�
59425sign-control flip-flop	���t�������
59426sign-reversing amplifier	�ϸ���j��
59427signal	�H��
59428signal averaging	�H������
59429signal cable	�H���q�l
59430signal cable connector	�H���q�l�s����
59431signal cable path	�H���q�l���|
59432signal conditioner	�H���ղž�
59433signal distortion, teletypewriter	�q�ǥ��r�H�����u
59434signal elements	�H���椸
59435signal ground	�H�����a
59436signal level	�H�����
59437signal normalization	�H�����`��
59438signal plate	�H���O
59439signal processors	�H���B�z�t��
59440signal regeneration	�H���A��
59441signal request	�T���n�D
59442signal reshaping	�H���A����
59443signal shaping	�H������
59444signal software	�n�~�H��
59445signal standardization	�H���зǤ�
59446signal theory	�H���z��
59447signal transformation	�H���ܴ�
59448signal, carry complete	�i�짹���H��
59449signal, clock	�����H��
59450signal, delta		�H��
59451signal, disturbed-one output	���Z1 ��X�H��
59452signal, disturbed-zero output	���Z0 ��X�H��
59453signal, enabling	�P���H��
59454signal, guard	���@�H��
59455signal, inhibit	���H��
59456signal, partial-one putput	����1��X�H��
59457signal, partial-zero output	����0��X�H��
59458signal-noise ratio	�T�����T��
59459signal-to-distortion performance	�H���異�u�ʯ�
59460signal-to-noise ratio	�H�����T��	S/N
59461signal-to-noise ratio(S/N)	�H�����T��
59462signaling rate, data	��Ƶo�H�v
59463signaling, common-battery	�@�q���o�H
59464signaling, ringdown	�a�y�o�H
59465signalling	�H���覡; �H����
59466signalling connection control part	�H���s�����
59467signalling link	�H�����
59468signalling network	�H������
59469signalling transfer points	�H���ഫ�I
59470signed field	�a����
59471signed magnitude number	�����t���j�p��
59472signed numbers	�����Ʀ�
59473significance	���ļ�
59474significance point	�����I
59475significand	���Ħ��
59476significant condition	���ı��p
59477significant digit	���ļƦ�
59478significant digit, least	���C���ļƦ�
59479significant digit, most	�������ļƦ�
59480significant figure	���ļƦ�
59481significant instant	��������
59482significant interval	���İ϶�
59483silence	�R��
59484silicon compliers	���sĶ��
59485silicon diode	���G����
59486simple algebraic languages for engineers	�u�{�v²���N�ƻy��	SALE
59487simple buffering	²��w��
59488simple class	²���
59489simple harmonic wave	²�Ӫi
59490simple index	²������
59491simple name	²�W
59492simple path	²����|
59493simple variable	���ܼ�
59494simplex	��u	SX
59495simplex algorithm	��ºt��
59496simplex channel	��u�q�D
59497simplex circuit	��u�q��
59498simplex link	��u��
59499simplex method	��u�k
59500simplex mode	��u��
59501simplex tableaux	��[�´y��
59502simplex transmission	��u�ǿ�
59503simplification	²��
59504simulate	����
59505simulated time	�����ɶ�
59506simulation	����
59507simulation checkout and training system	��������ΰV�m�t��	SCATS
59508simulation clock	������
59509simulation control program	��������{��
59510simulation experiment	��������
59511simulation language	�����y��
59512simulation package	�����]
59513simulation process	�����L�{
59514simulation programming language	�����W�e�y��
59515simulation programming task	�����W�e����
59516simulation project	�����M��
59517simulation timing	�����w��
59518simulator	������
59519simulator program	�������{��
59520simulator, table	�������
59521simultaneous	�P��
59522simultaneous access	�P�ɦs��
59523simultaneous computer	�æ�p���
59524simultaneous confidence band	�P�ɥi�H�a
59525simultaneous confidence interval	�P�ɥi�H�϶�
59526simultaneous equations	�p�ߤ�{��
59527simultaneous events	�P�ɨƥ�
59528simultaneous operation computer	�æ�@�~�p���
59529simultaneous peripheral operation on line	�u�W�P��P�ɧ@�~	SPOOLING
59530simultaneous peripheral operation on-line	�u�W�g��P�ɧ@�~; �g��P�@	SPOOL
59531simultaneous peripheral operations on-line	�g����s�u�P�ɾާ@	SPOOLING
59532simultaneous processing operating system	�P�ɳB�z�@�~�t��	SIPROS
59533simultaneous transmission	�P�ɶǿ�
59534simutaneous input-output	��X�J
59535sine	����
59536sine wave	�����i
59537sine-junction gate	���������h
59538singing	����
59539single button cursor	��s���
59540single capstan	�浱�L
59541single column menu	�����ܵe��
59542single current method	��y�k
59543single error	��@�~�t
59544single exponential smoothing	����Ʃʥ���
59545single factor experiment	��]������
59546single factor search	��]���d�M
59547single form	��i��
59548single frame operation	��ا@�~
59549single level	�涥
59550single level bill	�涥�M��
59551single level cost sheet	�涥������
59552single level shere-used	�涥�γ~
59553single linked deque	�����ݶ��C
59554single mode fiber	��ҥ���
59555single operation	��@�~
59556single plane storage	���h�O�а�
59557single precision	���K��
59558single print form	��i��
59559single punch	�楴��
59560single quote	��޸�
59561single sideband	����a	SSB
59562single station	��@�u�@��
59563single station type	��@�u�@������
59564single step	��B
59565single summing function	��V�u�M����
59566single-address	��}
59567single-address code	��}�X
59568single-address computer	��}�p���
59569single-address instruction	��}���O
59570single-address message	��}�T��
59571single-bue architecture	��׬y�Ƭ[�c
59572single-column pence coding	����ռg�X
59573single-frequency tone	���W����
59574single-harmonic distortion	��Ӫi���u
59575single-key file	���_��
59576single-level address	�涥�}
59577single-level pegging	�涥�n�Ӫk
59578single-line	�C��C�L
59579single-line interrupt	��u���_
59580single-office exchange	�槽�洫
59581single-path structure	��|���c
59582single-sheet feeding	��i�X�e
59583single-shot multivibrator	��o�Ʈ���
59584single-shot operation	��o�@�~
59585single-sideband transmission	��DZa�ǿ�
59586single-step operation	��B�@�~
59587single-step trace	��B�l��
59588single-value oprand	��ȹB�⤸
59589single-wire line	��u��
59590singular set	�_����
59591sink	��
59592sink, data	��Ƽ�
59593sinusoid	�������u
59594sinusoid, half	�b�������u
59595sister	�n; �f
59596situation display	���p���
59597situational data base	���p��ư�
59598sixty day percent	60�Ѧʤ�
59599size	�j�p
59600skeletal coding	�`�W�[�g�X
59601skeleton	���[
59602skelton line	���[�u
59603skew	�n��
59604skew field	�׳�
59605skew register transfer	�׼Ȧs���ಾ
59606skewness	����
59607skip	���L
59608skip chain	��V��
59609skip instruction	��V���O
59610skip key	��V��
59611skip linear process	��V�u�ʹL�{
59612skoleton	������
59613slack	�P��
59614slack path	���|
59615slack time per operation	�C�@�~���m�ɶ�
59616slash	�׽u
59617slave	�q�ݸ˸m
59618slave application	�q������
59619slave computer	�q�ݭp���
59620slave gateway	�q�ݹh
59621slave station	�q�ݯ�
59622slave system	�q�ݨt��
59623slave tuve	�q�ݺ�
59624slct key	�ާ@������
59625slew, paper	����
59626slice	�I
59627slice control field	�I��������
59628slice number	�I�����X
59629slice value	�I����
59630slice, bit	�Ƥ��I��
59631slicer	�I�ž�
59632slide	�ƭy
59633slide knob	�ո`�s
59634slide locking tab	�ƭy��w��
59635sliding-window technique	�Ƶ��޳N
59636sloderless breadboard	�L�Z�����O
59637sloid logic technology	�T���޿����
59638slope-keypoint compaction	�ײv�n�I���k
59639slot	��
59640slotted ring	������
59641slow storage	�w�x�s
59642small computer systems interface	�p���q���t����	SCSI
59643small scale cluster	�p�W���O��
59644small scale integrated circuit	�p���n��q��	SSI
59645small-scale integration	�p���n��
59646smart card	����d
59647smooth contact	����IJ�I
59648smooth line	���ƽu
59649smoothing	����
59650smoothing code	���ƽX
59651smoothing constant	���Ʊ`��
59652smudge resistance	�ܦìV�O
59653smudge, link	���{�ìV
59654snap	����
59655snap action switch	�ְʶ}��
59656snapshot dump	�ֳt�ɨ�
59657snapshpot	�ַ�
59658sneak current	�笪�q�y
59659sneak path	�笪���|
59660sneak write	��g
59661society for automation in business education	�ӷ~�Ш|�۰ʾǷ|	SABE
59662society for industrial and applied mathematics	�u�~�P���μƾǾǷ|	SIAM
59663society of American value engineers	������Ȥu�{�v�Ƿ|	SAVE
59664socket	���y
59665socket connector	���y�s����
59666socket contact	���yIJ�I
59667soft adder	�n�[��
59668soft bound	�b����
59669soft copy	�n����
59670soft error	�n�ʻ~�t
59671soft sector	�n���]�w�ϰ�
59672soft sectoring	�n���Ϲ���
59673software	�n��
59674software driver	�n���X�ʾ�
59675Software Englineering Institute	�n��u�{��s��( IBM )	SEI
59676software license	�n�����
59677software package	�M�˳n��
59678software portability	�n����q��
59679software, common	�@�γn��
59680sold to	�P��
59681sold to address records	�P����}�O��
59682sold to override code	�P���m���X
59683solid	�T��
59684solid logic technology	�T�A�޿����	SLT
59685solid state	�T�A
59686solid-state component	�T�Ȳե�
59687solid-state computer	�T�A�p���
59688solid-state device	�T�A�˸m
59689solid-state randomaccess device	�T�A�H���s���˸m
59690solie-state electronics	�T�ȹq�l��
59691solution	�ѵ�
59692solver, equation	��{���ѵ���
59693sonic delay-line	�����u
59694sophisticate	�륩
59695sopt, action	�@���I
59696sort	����
59697sort block	���Ƨ�
59698sort, balance	���űƧ�
59699sort, digital	�Ʀ�Ƨ�
59700sort, four-tape	�|�a�Ƨ�
59701sort, merge	�X�ֱƧ�
59702sort-key	�Ƨ��_
59703sorter	�ƧǾ�
59704sorting	�Ƨ�
59705sorting program	�Ƨǵ{��
59706sorting, updating, report generating	�Ƨ�, ��s, ���i����( �{�� )	SURGE
59707sortm property	�S�ʱƧ�
59708sound-powered telephone	�n�O�q��
59709sounder	�o�n��
59710source	��l
59711source area	�ӷ���
59712source card deck	�ڷ��d�|
59713source code	��l�{���X
59714source code control system	��l�X����t��	SCCS
59715source data	�ڷ����
59716source data automation	�ڷ���Ʀ۰ʤ�	SDA
59717source data information	�ڷ���T	SDI
59718source description	�ӷ�����
59719source diskette	��l�Ϥ�
59720source document	�ӷ����
59721source entry utility	��l�ɮ׵n�����ε{��
59722source file	��l�ɮ�
59723source language	�ڷ��y��
59724source module	�ڷ��Ҳ�
59725source of orders	�q��ӷ�
59726source program	�ڷ��{��
59727source recording	�ڷ��O��
59728source routine	�ڷ��`��
59729source service access point	��l�A�Ȧs���I
59730source system	��l�t��
59731source, data	��Ʒ�
59732source-destination instruction	�������O
59733space	�Ŧ�r��	SP
59734space allocation	�Ŷ��t�m
59735space bar	�ťձ�
59736space biased	�����Ŧ�
59737space character	�Ŧ�r��
59738space diversity	�Ŷ�����
59739space key	����
59740space suppression	����
59741space telemetering	�ӪŹq�ǭp��
59742space, back	�h��
59743space, interword	�r���Ŧ�
59744space, switching	�洫���j
59745space, word	�r���j
59746space, working	�u�@�Ŷ�
59747space-hold	�Ŧ���d
59748space-to-mark transition	�Ŷ��ܼХܹL��
59749spacebar	����
59750spacing bias	�Ů氾��
59751spacing chart	���j��
59752spacing referenceline, character	�r���Ů�Ѧҽu
59753spacing, teletypewriter pulse	����
59754span	��Z
59755spanned record	��ϰO��
59756spanning tree, minimal	�̤p��Z��
59757sparse array	�}���}�C
59758speaker	��z
59759special character	�S�O�r��
59760special charge	�S�O�O
59761special charge amount	�S�O�O���B
59762special charge cost	�S�O�O����
59763special charge description	�S�O�O����
59764special index analyzer	�S�O���ޤ��R��
59765special list processing	�ܦC��( �S�O�C�ܳB�z )�y��	SLIP
59766special sign	�S�O�O��
59767special symbol	�S�O�Ÿ�
59768special-purpose computer	�M�έp���
59769specialized analysis	�S�w���R
59770specific	�S�w��
59771specific address	�S�w�}
59772specific application service element	�S�w���ΪA�Ȥ���	SASE
59773specific code	�S�w�X
59774specific coding	�S�w�g�X
59775specific communication line	�S�w�q�H�u��
59776specific program	�S�w�{��
59777specific routine	�S�w�`��
59778specification	�W��
59779specification bill	�W��M��
59780specification character	���w�r��
59781specify	�]�w
59782spectral analysis	�i���R
59783spectral reflectance	�i�ФϮg��
59784spectral response	�i�Ц^��
59785spectral width	�W�v�d��
59786spectrum	�W��
59787spectrum computer	�W�йq��
59788spectrum, frequency	�W��
59789speech	�y��; �ܭ�
59790speech processing	�y���B�z
59791speech recognition	�ܷN����
59792speech recognition systems	�y�����Ѩt��
59793speech synthesis	�y���X��
59794speech understanding	�y���A��
59795speed	�t��
59796speed discrepancy	�t�v�t��
59797spherical resolver	�y�����ѻ�
59798spider text	�Ȧ�����
59799spike	��i
59800spike file	�q��
59801spill file	���X��
59802spindle	��b
59803spindle lock lever	��b��w��
59804spindle motor	���న�F
59805splicer	�s����
59806split	����
59807split beginning operation	���αҩl�@�~
59808split catalog	����
59809split detection	��������
59810split display	�������
59811split key	����
59812split order quantity	���έq��ƶq
59813split system	�����t��
59814split, column	�����
59815split-browse display	����--½�\���
59816splitting orders	���έq��
59817spool	���b
59818spool file	�Ʀs�ɮ�
59819spool intercept buffer	�Ʀs���I�w�İ�
59820spooler	�Ʀs��
59821spooling	�P�B�P��u�W�@�~
59822spot carbon	�I��
59823spot punch	�I����
59824spot, flying	���I
59825spread sheet	�պ��
59826spread spectrum	�X���W��
59827spreadsheet	�պ��
59828spring	�u®
59829spring system simulation	�u�ߨt�μ���
59830spring-finger action	��IJ�@��
59831sprocket	��e��
59832sprocket hole	����
59833sprocket holes	����
59834sprocket pulse	�쾦�ߪi
59835sprocket track	�X�y
59836square function	����\��
59837square hysteresis loop	����
59838square root	�����
59839square root function	����ڨ��
59840squareness ratio	��ʤ�
59841squeezeout, ink	���{��V
59842squoze deck	���c�|�d
59843SSB-SC	����a�����i�մT
59844stability	í�w��
59845stability analysis	í�w�פ��R
59846stability, carbon	��í�w��
59847stability, light	��í�w��
59848stable solution	í�w��
59849stable state	í�w���A
59850stack	���|
59851stack (storage)	���|
59852stack computer	���|�p���
59853stack depth	���|�`��
59854stack indicator	���|���ܾ�
59855stack limit register	���|�����Ȧs��
59856stack marker	���|�лx
59857stack operations, microprogrammed	���|�@�~
59858stack pointer	���|����
59859stack space	���|�Ŷ�
59860stack(storage)	���|( �x�s�� )
59861stack, head	���Y�|
59862stack, storage	�x�s�|
59863stacked job processing	���|�u��B�z
59864stacker	���|�[
59865stacker, card	�d�|��
59866stacker, offset	���m�|��
59867stacker, output	��X�|��
59868stage	���q
59869staging	�Ʈư�
59870staging area	����
59871staging cost	���x����
59872stamping	�W�O
59873stand-alone	�W�ߦ�
59874stand-alone processor	��W�B�z��
59875stand-alone production system	��W���Ͳ��t��
59876stand-alone unit	�W�ߦ�����
59877standard	�з�
59878standard array	�зǰ}�C
59879standard average output	�зǥ������X
59880standard card	�зǥd
59881standard cost replace transaction	�зǦ������N����
59882standard deviation	�зǮt
59883standard efficiency	�зǮIJv
59884standard error	�зǻ~�t
59885standard error adjusted	�зǤw�վA�~�t
59886standard form	�зǧΦ�
59887standard i/o device	�зǿ�X�J�˸m
59888standard interface	�зǤ���
59889standard items recosted	�зǶ��ئ�������
59890standard labor content this level	�����зǤH�u���[
59891standard labor rate code	�зǤH�u�O�v�X
59892standard labor time/unit	( �C )���зǤH�u�ɶ�
59893standard lot size	�зǧ�q�j�p
59894standard machine rate	�зǾ����O�v
59895standard machine time/unit	( �C )���зǾ����ɶ�
59896standard mode	�зǼҺA
59897standard modular system	SMS�зǼҲըt��	SMS
59898standard operating procedure	�зǧ@�~�{��	SOP
59899standard operation move time	�зǧ@�~�h�B�ɶ�
59900standard order quantity	�зǭq�ʼƶq
59901standard output alpha factor	�зDz��Xalpha �]��
59902standard overhead code	�зǶ����s�y�O�νX
59903standard overhead content this level	�����зǶ����s�y�O�Τ��[
59904standard overhead rate code	�зǶ����s�y�O�v�X
59905standard overhead rate/percentage	�зǶ����s�y�O�v/ �ʤ���
59906standard product form	�зǿn�Φ�
59907standard program	�зǵ{��
59908standard purchase content this level	�����зDZ��ʤ��[
59909standard quantity	�зǼƶq
59910standard queue time (day)	�зǵ��ݮɶ�( ��� )
59911standard run labor hours	�зǹB�@�H�u�ɼ�
59912standard run labor hours per unit	( �C )���зǹB�@�H�u�ɼ�
59913standard run labor rate	�зǹB�@�H�u�O�v
59914standard run machine hours	�зǹB�@�����ɼ�
59915standard run machine hours per unit	���зǹB�@�����ɼ�
59916standard setup cost per lot	�C�妸�зǾ�Ʀ���
59917standard setup labor hours	�зǾ�ƤH�u�ɼ�
59918standard setup labor rate	�зǾ�ƤH�u�O�v
59919standard setup labor time	�зǾ�ƤH�u�ɶ�
59920standard subroutine	�зǦ��`��
59921standard sum form	�зǩM�Φ�
59922standard terminal program	�зǺ��I�{��	STEP
59923standard terms	�зDZ���
59924standard test tone power	�зǴ����\�v
59925standard unit cost	�зdz�즨��
59926standard unit of cost	�������зdz��
59927standard unit quantity	�зdz��ƶq
59928standard work center	�зǤu�@��
59929standard work week	�зǤu�@�g
59930standard, average, or last unit cost	�з�,����,�Ϋe����즨��
59931standard, system	�t�μз�
59932standardization, pulse	�ߪi�зǤ�
59933standardized options	�зǥ���
59934standart cost	�зǦ���
59935standby	�ݥ�
59936standby block	�ƥζ�
59937standby equipment	�ƥγ]��
59938standby register	�ƥμȦs��
59939standby time	�ƥήɶ�
59940standing operating procedure	�{��@�~�{��	SOP
59941standing-on-nines carry	��E�i��
59942star conection	�P���s��
59943star coupler	�P��X��
59944star network	�P������
59945star program	�P�{��
59946start	�Ұ�
59947start activity	�_�l����
59948start address	�_�l��}
59949start bit	�_�ҼƤ�
59950start button	�Ұʶs
59951start column	�_�l��
59952start date	�_�l���
59953start date range	�_�l����d��
59954start element	�Ұʤ���
59955start field	�_�l���
59956start field extended subcommand	�_�l����X�R���R�O
59957start field subcommand	�_�l��즸�R�O
59958start input/output	��X�J�_�B	SIO
59959start key	�_����
59960start of heading character	�_�Y�r��
59961start of message	�T���_�l	SOM
59962start of text character	��l�r��	STX
59963start period	�_�l�g��
59964start period number	�_�l�g�����X
59965start point	�_�l�I
59966start question and answer	�_�l�ݵ�
59967start row	�_�l�C
59968start stop distortion	�_��u
59969start year	�_�l�~
59970start-of-heading character	�}�Y�r��	SOH
59971start-of-message character	�T���_�l	SOM
59972start-stop multivibrator	�_��Ʈ���
59973start-stop supervision	�_��ʷ�
59974start-stop system	�_��t��
59975start-stop transmission	�Ұʮɶ�
59976statci random access momory	�R�A�H���s���O����	SRAM
59977state	���A
59978state assigmment	���A����
59979state diagram	���A��
59980state equation	���A��{��
59981state matrix	���A�Z�}
59982state number	���ȼ�
59983state table	���A��
59984state transition	���A�y�{
59985state transition equation	���A�ܾE��{��
59986state transition matrix	���A�ܾE�x�}
59987state transition tables	���A���ܪ�
59988state variable	���A�ܼ�
59989state vector	���A�V�q
59990state, input	��J���A
59991state, solid	�T�A
59992state-transition diagram	���A�ܾE��
59993statement	���ΰ�; �ԭz
59994statement code	�ԭz�X
59995statement number	�ԭz���X
59996static	�R�A
59997static dump	�R�A�ɨ�
59998static magnetic storage	�úA���x�s
59999static memory	�R�A�O��
60000static print-out	�R�A�L�X
60001static RAM	�R�ARAM
60002static register	�R�A�Ȧs��
60003static storage	�R�A�x�s��
60004static subroutine	�R�Ȧ��`��
60005static test mode	�R�A���ռ�
60006staticize	�R�A��
60007staticizer	�R�A( ���� )��
60008station	��
60009station address	�u�@����}
60010station arrangement	���w��
60011station battery	���q��
60012station index	�ڦW����
60013station line	�����u
60014station number	�u�@���s��
60015station selection code	����ܽX	SSC
60016station, bruch	�q�꯸
60017station, called	�Q�s��
60018station, calling	�I�s��
60019station, control	���
60020station, inquiry	�ڰݯ�
60021station, magnetictape	�ϱa��
60022station, master	�D��
60023station, punching	���կ�
60024station, reading	�\Ū��
60025station, repeater	�W����
60026station, sensing	�P����
60027station, slave	�q�ݯ�
60028station, tape	�ϱa��
60029station, tributary	������
60030station, way	����
60031stationary distribution	�R������
60032stationary stochastic process	�R���H���L�{
60033statistical	�έp��
60034statistical analysis	�έp���R
60035statistical and forecasting analysis	�έp�ιw�����R
60036statistical data base	�έp�ʸ�Ʈw
60037statistical descriptions	�έp�ʴy�z
60038statistical forecasting	�έp�ʹw��
60039statistical independence	�έp�ʿW��
60040statistical multiplexer	�έp�ʦh�u��
60041statistical sample	�έp�˥�
60042statistical techniques	�έp�޳N
60043statistics	�έp��
60044statistics package for social science	���|��Dzέp�n��	SPSS
60045statistics regression display	�έp�j�k���
60046statistics regression polynomial panel	�έp�j�k�h�����e��
60047statistics regression variables display	�έp�j�k�ܼ����
60048status	���A
60049status area	���A��
60050status byte	���A�Ƥ���
60051status code	���A�X
60052status correlation tolerance	���A�����e�e
60053status field	���A��
60054status flag	���A�X��
60055status indicator	���A���ܿO
60056status latch	���A��
60057status line	���A����ܦ�
60058status variable	���A�ܼ�
60059status word	���A�r
60060status, empty	�źA
60061steady state condition	í�A���p
60062steeped start-stop system	���B�_��t��
60063steepest ascent method	�̰~�W�@�k
60064steepest ascent search	�̰~�W�@�d�M
60065stencil bit	�Ҫ��Ƥ�
60066step	����O���A
60067step change	�B�J�ܧ�
60068step control table	�B�J�����	SCT
60069step counter	�B�J�p�ƾ�
60070step input/output table	�B�J��X�J��	SIOT
60071step z	�B�Jz
60072step, program	�{���B�J
60073step, single	��B
60074step-by-step operation	�v�B�@�~
60075step-by-step switch	�B�i�}��
60076step-by-step system	�B�i��
60077step-down counter	�B���p�ƾ�
60078step-up counter	�B�ɭp�ƾ�
60079stepping register	�B�i�Ȧs��
60080stepwise decomposition	�v�B����
60081stepwise regression	�B�ʰj�k
60082sticker affixer	�K�ҭ�
60083sticking	�T��
60084stimulus	�E��
60085stochastic	�H��
60086stochastic activites	�H������
60087stochastic convergence	�H������
60088stochastic model	�H���Ҧ�
60089stochastic process	�H���L�{
60090stochastic relationship	�H�����Y
60091stochastic simulation runs	�H�������B��
60092stock issues and returns	�w�s�o�Ƥΰh�^
60093stock keeping units	�ܮw�p�q���
60094stock location	�w��
60095stock movement analysis report	�w�s���ʤ��R����
60096stock on hand	�b�w�s�q
60097stock status report	�w�s���A����
60098stock status review	�w�ª��A�˰Q
60099stock staus	�s�q���A
60100stockout	�L�s�f
60101stockroom	�w��
60102stop	����A
60103stop address	�����}
60104stop bit	����Ƥ�
60105stop element	�����
60106stop instruction, optional	���ﰱ����O
60107stop key	������
60108stop, coded	�X�ư���
60109stop, form	��氱��
60110stop, programmed	�W�e����
60111stop-and-wait AROQ	�������۰ʽƶǽШD
60112stop-and-wait ARQ	����; ���ԫ�ARQ
60113stop-and-wait procedure	���ӵ��{��
60114stop-and-wait-for-acknowledgement	���ԩӻ{
60115stopper	�w�쾹
60116stopping rules	����W�h
60117storage	�x�s��
60118storage address	�x�s����}
60119storage allocation	�x�s�t�m
60120storage and retrieval	�x�s�P�˯�	STORET
60121storage anomalies	�x�s�����`
60122storage area	�x�s��
60123storage bank	�O�Юw
60124storage block	�x�s��
60125storage buffer	�x�s�w�ľ�
60126storage capacity	�x�s�e�q
60127storage cell	�x�s��
60128storage cycle	�x�s�g
60129storage density	�x�s�K��
60130storage device	�x�s�˸m
60131storage dump	�x�s�ɨ�
60132storage element	�x�s����
60133storage exchange	�x�s�洫
60134storage fill	�x�s��R
60135storage hierarchy	�x�s����
60136storage indication	�x�s����
60137storage key	�x�s�_
60138storage location	�x�s��m
60139storage map	�O�����
60140storage medium	�x�s�C��
60141storage operation	�x�s�@�~
60142storage parity	�t��
60143storage partitioning	�x�s����
60144storage protection	�x�s�O�@
60145storage register	�x�s�Ȧs��
60146storage size	�x�s�j�p
60147storage stack	�x�s���|
60148storage switch	�x�s�}��
60149storage tube	�x�s��
60150storage type CRT	�x�s�������g�u��
60151storage unit	�x�s���
60152storage usage map	�O����ϥι�
60153storage(device)	�x�s( �˸m )
60154storage, allocate	�t�m�x�s
60155storage, annex	���K�x�s
60156storage, aprallelsearch	����d�M�x�s
60157storage, associative	���X�x�s
60158storage, auxiliary	���U�x�s
60159storage, backing	�ƴ��x�s
60160storage, buffer	�w���x�s
60161storage, capacitor	�q�e�x�s
60162storage, cathode-ray tube	�������x�s
60163storage, changeable	�i���x�s
60164storage, circulating	���y�x�s
60165storage, condenser	�q�e�x�s
60166storage, constant	�`���x�s
60167storage, content-addressed	���e�w�}�x�s
60168storage, core	�Ϥ��x�s
60169storage, core-rope	�Ϥ߽u�x�s
60170storage, CRT	CRT �x�s
60171storage, cyclic	�`���x�s
60172storage, dedicated	�M���x�s
60173storage, delay-line	����u�x�s
60174storage, destructive	�}�a���x�s
60175storage, dicap	�G����q�e�x�s
60176storage, disc	�Ϻ��x�s
60177storage, drum	�Ϲ��x�s
60178storage, dual	�����x�s��
60179storage, dynamic	�ʺA�x�s
60180storage, electrostatic	�R�q�x�s
60181storage, erasable	�i���x�s
60182storage, external	�~�x�s
60183storage, fast	�ֳt�x�s
60184storage, fast-access	�ֳt�s���x�s
60185storage, fixed	�T�w�x�s
60186storage, flip-flop	�����x�s
60187storage, high-speed	���t�x�s
60188storage, immediate-access	�ߧY�s���x�s
60189storage, input	��J�x�s
60190storage, input-output	��J�X�x�s
60191storage, instruction	���O�x�s
60192storage, internal	���x�s
60193storage, laser-emulsion	�q�g�ž��x�s
60194storage, loop	�����x�s
60195storage, low-speed	�C�t�x�s
60196storage, magetic-core	�Ϥ��x�s
60197storage, magetic-wire	�Ͻu�x�s
60198storage, magnetic	�ϩ��x�s
60199storage, magnetic-tape	�ϱa�x�s
60200storage, main	�D���x�s
60201storage, manual-switch	����x�s
60202storage, mass	�j�q�x�s
60203storage, matrix	�x�}�x�s
60204storage, mercury	�E�x�s
60205storage, nesting	�M�_�x�s
60206storage, nondestructive	�D�}�a���x�s
60207storage, nonerasable	���i���x�s
60208storage, nonvolatile	���ܩ��x�s
60209storage, offline	�u�~�x�s
60210storage, online	�u�W�x�s
60211storage, output	��X�x�s
60212storage, parallel	�����x�s
60213storage, permanent	�ä[�x�s
60214storage, primary	���x�s
60215storage, program	�{���x�s
60216storage, push-up	���W�x�s
60217storage, pushdown	���U�x�s
60218storage, quick-access	��t�s���x�s
60219storage, random-access	�H���s���x�s
60220storage, rapid-access	��t�s���x�s
60221storage, read-only	��Ū�x�s
60222storage, regenerative	�A���x�s
60223storage, rope	�u�x�s
60224storage, routine	�`�W�x�s
60225storage, scratch-pad	��Z�x�s
60226storage, searching	�d�M�x�s
60227storage, secondary	���x�s
60228storage, serial	��C�x�s
60229storage, slow	�C�x�s
60230storage, static	�R�A�x�s
60231storage, static magnetic	�R�A�ϩ��x�s
60232storage, subroutine	���`���x�s
60233storage, switch	�}���x�s
60234storage, tape	�a�x�s
60235storage, tape-loop	�a���x�s
60236storage, volatile	���o���x�s
60237storage, wire	�u�x�s
60238storage, working	�u�@�x�s
60239storage, zero-access	�s�s���x�s
60240storage-and-forward	�s��
60241storage-to-storage instruction	�x�s�������O	SSI
60242store	�x�s
60243store and forward	�s��
60244store management system	�ө��޲z�t��	SMS
60245stored data	���x���
60246stored file	���x��
60247stored instruction	���x���O
60248stored program	���x�{��
60249stored record	���x�O��
60250stored record interface	���x�O������
60251stored routine	���x�`��
60252stored-program computer	���x�{���p���
60253storeroom	�J�ë�
60254storing	�x�J
60255straight binary	�����G�i
60256straight-line coding	���u�g�X
60257straight-line sequencing	���u�w��
60258strategic air command control system	�Բ��ŭx��������t��	SACCS
60259strategic planning	�����p�e
60260strategy routine	�����`��
60261stratified sampling	���h���
60262stratum	�h
60263stray capacitor	�����q�e��
60264stream	��y
60265stream file	�y����
60266stream I/O	��ƬyI/O
60267stream type	�s��
60268streamer	�y�u�ϱa�X�ʾ�
60269streaming tape drive	�y�u�ϱa�X�ʾ�
60270stretch	���i
60271stride	��B
60272string	�r��
60273string expression	�r���ܦ�
60274string file	����
60275string function	�r����
60276string manipulation mnemonics	�r���B�z���O�X
60277string matching	�r����
60278string processing	��B�z
60279string switch	��s�}��
60280string variable	�r���ܼ�
60281string-oriented symbolic language	���Y�i( �r��w�V�Ÿ��y�� )	SNOBOL
60282strip file, magnetic	�ϱ���
60283stripped minicomputer	�Ѹˤp���p���
60284strobe	�{��
60285stroke	����
60286stroke centerline	���e���u
60287stroke edge	���e��t
60288stroke width	���e�e��
60289structural addressing	���c�w�}
60290structural engineering system solver	�q�ޤh( ���c�u�{�t�θѵ��� )�y��	STRESS
60291structural processing	���c�ʳB�z
60292structure	���c
60293structure assignment	���c���w
60294structure delete	���c�R��
60295structure flow chart	���c�y�{��
60296structure programming	���c�Ƶ{���]�p
60297structure query language	���c�Ƭd�M�y��	SQL
60298structured	���c��
60299structured computer organization	���c�ƭp�����´
60300structured field	���c�����
60301stubcard	�ݥd
60302student prerequisites	�ǭ����Ʊ���
60303study organization plan	��R��´�p�e	SOP
60304stunt box	�޲�
60305styled fill with reference line	�H�Ѧҽu�����R��
60306stylus	�w��
60307stylus printer	�w�y�C���
60308sub menu	���e��
60309sub string	���r��
60310sub-address	�Ʀ�}
60311sub-channel	�Ƴq�D
60312sub-expression	�ƪ�
60313sub-program	�Ƶ{��
60314sub-system	�l�t��
60315subaddress code	�Ʀ�}�X
60316subalphabet	�l�r��
60317subassembly	���˰t��
60318subcarrier	�Ƹ��i
60319subcategory	�l��
60320subchannel	�l�q�D
60321subclass	�l��
60322subcommand	���R�O
60323subcommittee on programming terminology	�W�e�N�y�e�����|	SCOPT
60324subconsole	�Ʊ��x
60325subcycle	���`��
60326subdirectory	���ؿ�
60327subdocument	�Ƥ��
60328subfield	����
60329subfile	�l�ɮ�
60330subfile page	�l�ɮ׭�
60331subgraph	�l��
60332subheading	�����D
60333subj disc	������馩
60334subject program	��{��
60335subject-object role reversal	�D�ȩ���
60336subjunction gate	�����X�h
60337submatrix	�l�x�}
60338submenu	�Ƶ��; �ƿ��
60339submit	���X
60340suboptimization	���̨Τ�
60341subprogram	���{��
60342subroutine	���`��
60343subroutine analyzer	���`�����R��
60344subroutine call	���`���I�s
60345subroutine library	���`���w
60346subroutine storage	���`���x�s
60347subroutine test	���`������
60348subroutine, closed	�������`��
60349subroutine, dating	�ɤ馸�`��
60350subroutine, direct-insert	�������`��
60351subroutine, dynamic	�ʺA���`��
60352subroutine, editing	�s�覸�`��
60353subroutine, first-order	�Ĥ@�Ŧ��`��
60354subroutine, inline	�u�����`��
60355subroutine, library	�]�s���`��
60356subroutine, linked	�챵���`��
60357subroutine, minimal-latency	�̵u��ɦ��`��
60358subroutine, open	�}�����`��
60359subroutine, second-order	�ĤG�Ŧ��`��
60360subroutine, standard	�зǦ��`��
60361subschema	������
60362subscriber	�Τ�
60363subscriber code	�Τ�X
60364subscriber toll dialing	����~����	STD
60365subscriber's line	�Τ�u
60366subscriber's loop	������
60367subscript	�U��
60368subscripted variable	�U���ܼ�
60369subscripting	�U��
60370subsequence conter	�����ǭp�ƾ�
60371subsequent address message	�����}�T��
60372subsequent release	������
60373subset	�l��
60374subset, character	�r���l��
60375substance	���
60376substitute	���N
60377substitute character	�N���r��	SUB
60378substitute mode	�N���ҺA
60379substitution	�N��
60380substitution method	���N�k
60381substrate	����
60382substring	�l�r��
60383subsystem	�l�t��
60384subsystem structure	�l�t��c
60385subtask	�l�@�~
60386subtotal	�p�p
60387subtotal function	�p�p�\��
60388subtracter	��k��
60389subtracter, adder	�[�
60390subtracter, full	���
60391subtracter, one-digit	�@��
60392subtracter, three-input	�T��J�
60393subtracter, two-input	�G��J�
60394subtraction	��k
60395subtractor	�
60396subtrahend	���
60397subtree	�l��
60398subtype	�����A
60399subvoice-grade channel	���ܭ��ųq�D
60400subystem selection switch	�l�t�ο�ܶ}��	SSS
60401successor	����
60402successor activity	������
60403successor node	����`�I
60404successor record	����O��
60405successor set	����
60406sufficient reduction	�R���Y��
60407suffix	�r��
60408sum	�M
60409sum check	�`�M�ֹ�
60410sum check digit	�M�ֹ�Ʀ�
60411sum of square	����M
60412sum partial	�����M
60413sum, arithmetic	��N�M
60414sum, check	�ֹ�M
60415sum, logic	�޿�M
60416sum, sideways	�ѦC�M
60417summarized bill	�J�`�M��
60418summary	�J�`
60419summary card	�`���d
60420summary maintenance scheduler	�J�`���@�Ƶ{�H��
60421summary punch	�`�����վ�
60422summary review	�J�`�Ƭd
60423summary selection form	�J�`��ܪ��
60424summation check	�`�M�ֹ�
60425summer	�[�k��
60426summing amplifier	�M��j��
60427summing integrator	�M�n����
60428summing point	�M�I
60429super bill	�l�[�M��
60430super high frequency	�����W( �v )	SHF
60431super stack	�W���|
60432super-micro computer	�W�ŷL�q��
60433super-microprocessor	�W�ŷL�B�z��
60434super-mini computer	�W�Űg�A�q��
60435superconductivity	�W�ɹq��
60436superimposed coding	���|�g�X
60437supermarket checkout	�W�ť������b
60438superposed	���|���a
60439superposed circuit	���|�u��
60440superposed ringing	���|���a
60441superqueue	�W���C
60442superscript	�W��
60443supervision, throughtrunk	�e�q�F�u�ʷ�
60444supervisor	�ʷ��`��
60445supervisor call	�ʷ����I�s
60446supervisor configuration table	�ʵ��t�m��
60447supervisor mode	�ʷ����ҺA
60448supervisor, overlay	�л\�ʷ���
60449supervisory	�ʷ�
60450supervisory computer	�ʷ��p���
60451supervisory control	�ʷ�����
60452supervisory instruction	�ʷ����O
60453supervisory lelay	�ʷ�����
60454supervisory program	�ʷ��{��
60455supervisory routine	�ʷ��`��
60456supervisory signal	�ʷ��H��
60457supervisory system	�ʷ��t��
60458supplementary character set	���U�r�Ŷ�
60459supplementary maintenance	�ɧU���@
60460supplementary maintenance time	�ɧU���@�ɶ�
60461supplementary service	�W�K�A��
60462supplementary set graphic character set	�ɥRø�Ϧr�Ŷ�
60463supplementary set of control character	�ɥR����r�Ŷ�
60464supplier	������
60465supplier name	�����ӦW��
60466supply hub	�ѱa�b
60467supply menu	�L��Ϋ~�ޭ�
60468supply voltage	�����q��
60469supply, reference	�Ѧҹq��
60470supply/demand factor	�ѻݦ]��
60471support	�䴩
60472support arm	�伵��
60473support functions	�䴩�\��
60474support pin	�伵���}
60475support work sheet	�䴩���
60476suppress	���
60477suppressed-carrier transmission	�����i�ǿ�
60478suppression	���
60479suppression, space	�ťէ��
60480suppression, zero	�s���
60481surface chart	�h����
60482surface chart shape	�h���ϧΪ�
60483surface chart variable	�h�����ܼ�
60484surface mounting components	���H�۸˸m	SMD
60485surface response	�^����
60486suspend	�Ȱ�
60487suspended process	�a���B�z
60488suspense file	�a��
60489swab	�֪��
60490swap	�洫
60491swap list	�մ��C��
60492swap time	�մ��ɶ�
60493swap, servo	���A�մ�
60494swap, tape-servo	�ϱa���A�մ�
60495swapin	���i
60496swapout	���X
60497swapping	�մ�
60498swathes	����
60499switch	����
60500switch core	�}���Ϥ�
60501switch hook	�}���_
60502switch insertion	���䴡�J
60503switch pf	pf�ഫ
60504switch register	�}���Ȧs��
60505switch room	�洫��
60506switch setting	���s�]�w
60507switch storage	�洫�x�s
60508switch storage, manual	����x�s
60509switch train	�}���C
60510switch, alternation	����}��
60511switch, breakpoint	�_�I�}��
60512switch, diamond	�p�۶}��
60513switch, electronic	�q�l�}��
60514switch, emergency	���}��
60515switch, function	��ƶ}��
60516switch, insertion	���J�}��
60517switch, intervention	�����}��
60518switch, linear selection	�u�ʿ�ܶ}��
60519switch, matrix	�x�}�}��
60520switch, n-way	n �V�}��
60521switch, operation-control	�@�~����}��
60522switch, programmed	�W�e�}��
60523switch, Rajchman selection	�ǯ��ҿ�ܶ}��
60524switch, sense	�P���}��
60525switch, storage	�x�s�}��
60526switch, toggle	���s�}��
60527switch, whiffletree	�ƭl�}��
60528switchboard, manual telephone	�H�u�q�ܥ洫��
60529switched disconnect	�������_
60530switched line	�������u��
60531switched network	�洫������
60532switched path	�i�洫���|
60533switching	�洫
60534switching algebra	�洫�N��
60535switching center	�洫����
60536switching center, automatic data	�۰ʸ�ƥ洫����
60537switching center, local	��a�洫����
60538switching center, local exchange	��a�洫����
60539switching center, message	�T���洫����
60540switching center, primary	���洫����
60541switching center, secondary	�ƥ洫����
60542switching center, semiautomatic message	�b�۰ʰT���洫����
60543switching center, torn-tape	���a�洫����
60544switching center, zone	�ϰ�洫����
60545switching circuit	�洫�q��
60546switching coefficient	�洫�Y��
60547switching space	�洫���j
60548switching system	�洫�t��
60549switching theory	�洫�z��
60550switching time	�洫�ɶ�
60551switching tube, beam	���g�洫��
60552switching, automatic message	�۰ʰT���洫
60553switching, circuit	�q���洫
60554switching, store-and-forward	�s��洫
60555swithcing, message	�T���洫
60556symbionts	�@����
60557symbiotic service element	�@�s�A�Ȥ���
60558symbol	�Ÿ�
60559symbol mnemonic	�U�вŸ�
60560symbol programmer	�Ÿ��W�e��	SP
60561symbol rank	�Ÿ���
60562symbol set	�Ÿ���
60563symbol string	�Ÿ���
60564symbol table	�Ÿ���
60565symbol, abstract	��H�Ÿ�
60566symbol, breakpoint	�_�I�Ÿ�
60567symbol, flowchart	�y�{�ϲŸ�
60568symbol, logic	�޿�Ÿ�
60569symbol, special	�S�O�ݸ�
60570symbol, terminating	�פ�Ÿ�
60571symbolic address	�Ÿ��}
60572symbolic assembly language	�Ÿ��զX�y��
60573symbolic code	�Ÿ��X
60574symbolic coding	�Ÿ��g�X
60575symbolic conversion program	�Ÿ��ഫ�{��	SCP
60576symbolic debugger	�ݸ������{��
60577symbolic deck	�Ÿ��|�d
60578symbolic expression	�Ÿ���
60579symbolic file directory	�Ÿ��ɮצW��	SFD
60580symbolic instruction	�Ÿ����O
60581symbolic integration	�Ÿ��n��
60582symbolic language	�Ÿ��y��
60583symbolic logic	�Ÿ��޿�
60584symbolic name	�Ÿ��W��
60585symbolic notation	�Ÿ��O�k
60586symbolic programming	�Ÿ��W�e
60587symbolic programming system	SPS �Ÿ��W�e�t��	SPS
60588symbolic reference	�Ÿ��Ѧ�
60589symbolic representation	�Ÿ���F�k
60590symmetric	��٪�
60591symmetric binary b-tree	��٫��G�i b-tree	SBB
60592symmetric check	��ٮֹ�
60593symmetric difference gate	��ٮt�h
60594symmetric matrix	��ٯx�}
60595symmetrical architecture	��٬[�c
60596symmetry	��٩�
60597symptom	�g��
60598syn character	�P�B�r��
60599synapse	���g��
60600synchro	�P�B��
60601synchronies	�P�B��
60602synchronization	�P�B
60603synchronization flag	�P�B�X��
60604synchronization loss	�P�B����
60605synchronization pulse	�P�B�ߪi
60606synchronizer	�P�B��
60607synchronizer, master	�D�P�B��
60608synchronizer, tape	�ϱa�P�B��
60609synchronous	�P�B�p���
60610synchronous bit-oriented FDX	�P�B�줸�ɦV�����u
60611synchronous cipher	�P�B�[�K��
60612synchronous data link control	�P�B����챱��	SDLC
60613synchronous idle character	�P�B�}�r��	SYN
60614synchronous machine	�P�B��
60615synchronous operation	�P�B�@�~
60616synchronous time-division multiplexing	�P�B���ɦh�u	STDM
60617synchronous transfer mode	�P�B�e�Ҧ�
60618synchronous transmission	�P�B�ǿ�
60619synchronous transmission mode	�P�B�ǿ�覡
60620synchronous transmitter receiver	�P�B���o��	STR
60621synchronous working	�P�B�u�@
60622syndet	�s�@
60623syndrome	�h�q�r
60624synergy	�@�@
60625synonym	�P�q�r
60626synonym table	�P�q�r��
60627synonym-handling algorithm	�P�q�B�m�t��k
60628syntactic analysis	�y�k���R
60629syntactical	�y�k��
60630syntax	�y�k
60631syntax analysis	�y�k���R
60632syntax description	�y�k�ԭz
60633syntax diagram notations	�y�k�Ϫ�ܪk
60634syntax error	�y�k���~
60635syntax errors	�y�k���~
60636syntax rules	�y�k�W�h
60637synthesis	�X��
60638synthesis method	�X���k
60639synthetic address	�X���}
60640synthetic apriorism	�X�������
60641synthetic keys	�X���_
60642synthetic language	�X���y��
60643synthetic program	�X���{��
60644system	�t��
60645system adapter	�t�ΰt����
60646system administrator	�t�κ޲z��
60647system analysis	�t���R
60648system analyst	�t���R�v	SA
60649system application architecture	�t�����ά[�c	SAA
60650system arbitor	�t��M��
60651system availability	�t�Υi�δ�
60652system call	�t�ΩI�s
60653system check	�t�ήֹ�
60654system configuration record	�t�ά[�c�O��
60655system configuration setup	�t�ά[�c�]�m
60656system configuration upgrade	�t�ά[�c�W�j
60657system console	�t�ΥD����x
60658system control program	�t���{��
60659system design	�t�γ]�p
60660system disk	�t�κϺ�
60661system diskette	�t�κϤ�
60662system engineer	�t�Τu�{�v	SE
60663system engineering	�t�Τu�{
60664system environment	�t������
60665system fault tolerance	�e���t��	SFT
60666system file	�t���ɮ�
60667system files	�t����
60668system flow chart	�t�άy�{��
60669system functions	�t�Υ\��
60670system generation	�t�Ϋإ�
60671system image	�t�μv��
60672system information	�t�θ�T
60673system initialization	�t�ΰ_�l�]�w
60674system input unit	�t�ο�J���
60675system instruction	�t���
60676system journal	�t�Τ�O
60677system key	�t����
60678system library	�t�ήw
60679system load	�t��J
60680system management	�t�κ޲z
60681system manager	�t�θg�z
60682system marco instruction	�t�������O
60683system message	�t�ΰT��
60684system modeling	�t�Ϋؼ�
60685system netwok architecture	�t����[�c	SNA
60686system number representation	�ƥت�ܨt��
60687system operator	�t�ξާ@��
60688system optimization	�t�γ̨Τ�
60689system output unit	�t�ο�X���
60690system overhead	�t�κ޲z�t��
60691system performance	�t�ήį�
60692system performance objectives	�t�ήį�ؼ�
60693system planner	�t�έp�e�v
60694system postulation	�t���]
60695system power off	�t�ιq������
60696system processor	�t�γB�z��	SP
60697system program	�t�ε{��
60698system programmer	�t�ε{����
60699system reset	�t���]
60700system residence volume	�t�Φw�m�e�q
60701system service tool	�t�ΪA�Ȥu��
60702system simulation	�t���
60703system standard	�t�μз�
60704system status	�t���A
60705system study	�t���
60706system support user	�t�Τ䴩�Τ�
60707system tailoring	�t���
60708system test	�t���
60709system test auditing	�t�δ��ս]��
60710system testing	�t���
60711system unit	�D��
60712system upgrade	�t�μW�j
60713system warehouse	�t�έܮw
60714system wide	���t��
60715system, addressing	�w�}�t��
60716system, army fieldata	���x���Ը�ƨt��
60717system, binary number	�G�i�ƨt��
60718system, bridge duplex	�������u�t��
60719system, Brussels classification	���|�뺸�����t��
60720system, carrier	���i�t��
60721system, decimal number	�Q�i�ƨt��
60722system, Dewey decimal	���¤Q�i�t��
60723system, executive	����t��
60724system, information	��T�t��
60725system, information feedback	��T�^�X�t��
60726system, management information	�޲z��T�t��
60727system, monitor	�ʹ�t��
60728system, number	�ƥبt��
60729system, numeral	�ƨt��
60730system, numeration	�R�ƨt��
60731system, octal number	�K�i�ƨt��
60732system, operating	�@�~�t��
60733system, programming	�W�e�t��
60734system, slave	�q�ݨt��
60735system, uniterm	�涵�t��
60736system, variable-length record	�i�ܪ��O���t��
60737system, Zatocoding	�����g�X�t��
60738systematic code	�t�νX
60739systems engineering	�t�Τu�{	SE
60740systems engineering group	�t�Τu�{��	SEG
60741(technical) process	( �޳N )�B�z
60742t test	T ����
60743t-ary tree	�i��
60744T-dimension	T ����
60745t-equivalent circuit parameter	T �����Ĺq���Ѽ�
60746t-flip flop	½�ॿ�Ͼ�
60747t-junctor	�T�q���e
60748t-out-of-s diagnosable	s ����t �i�E�_��
60749T/2 way merging	T/2 ���X�}
60750TAB	����
60751tab	���
60752tab character	����r��
60753tab file	�аO�ɮ�
60754tab position	���m
60755tabbing	�лx
60756tabbing command	�лx�R�O
60757table	��
60758table access	��s��
60759table accessing mechanism	��s�����c
60760table address operand	���}�B�⤸
60761table addressing	��w�}
60762table block	�ƾڪ��
60763table compression	�����Y
60764table constructor	��c�y�{��
60765table data	�C����
60766table description	������
60767table directory	��ؿ�
60768table display	�����
60769table driven algorithm	���X�ʦ��t��k
60770table driven code generation	���X�ʥN�X����
60771table driven compiler	���X�ʦ��sĶ�{��
60772table driven interpreter	���X�ʦ���Ķ�{��
60773table driven parser program	���X�ʦ��y�k���R�{��
60774table driven parsing	���X�ʦ��y�k���R
60775table driven simulation	���X�ʼ����k
60776table driven technique	���X�ʪk
60777table element	����
60778table entry	��J�f
60779table file	���ɮ�
60780table format language	��榡�y��
60781table function	����
60782table handling	��B�z
60783table handling module	��B�z�Ҳ�
60784table index	�����
60785table indicator	�����ܲ�
60786table language	��y��
60787table load record	����J�O��
60788table look up	�d��	TLU
60789table look-at	�d��
60790table look-up	�d��
60791table look-up instruction	�d����O
60792table look-up program	�d��{��
60793table look-up routine	�d��`��
60794table look-up technique	�d��K�N
60795table lookup file	��C�d�M�ɮ�
60796table memory	���O����
60797table of binomial coefficients	�G�����Y�ƪ�
60798table of combinations	�զX��
60799table of constant	�`�ƪ�
60800table of content	�ؿ�
60801table of exponential function	���ƨ�ƪ�
60802table of heading of real page chain	��ڭ�������D��
60803table of information	��T��
60804table of joints	���X��
60805table of pointer	����
60806table of process page chain	�L�{�������
60807table of vector	�V�q��
60808table of word-delimiter	�r�w�ɲŪ�
60809table organization	���´
60810table preprocessing	��w�B�z
60811table producing language	���ͻy	TPL
60812table reference character	��ޥΦr��	TRC
60813table register	���Ȧs��
60814table searching	���˯�
60815table segment	��q
60816table segmenting	�����q
60817table simulator	�������
60818table size	��j�p
60819table skeleton	��[
60820table sort	��Ƨ�
60821table structure	���c
60822table technique	�Ϫ�޳N
60823table top computer	��W�p���
60824table transform	���ܴ�
60825table,decision	�M����
60826table,function	��ƪ�
60827table,output	��X��
60828table,plotting	ø�Ϯ�
60829table,symbol	�Ÿ���
60830table,truth	�u�Ȫ�
60831table-driven	���X��
60832table-driven software	���X���n�ʹ�I
60833table-driven software implementation	���X���n�ʹ�I
60834table-look-up-instruction	�d����O
60835table-top word processing equipment	��W��ѳB�z�]��
60836tableau	�y��
60837tableau format	��浲�c
60838tablespace	��Ŷ�
60839tablet	�Ʀ�Ѽg�O
60840tablet input	�ϧο�J�O��J
60841tablet menu	�ϧο�J�O�ο�ܳ�
60842tablewalking	�d��
60843tabloid	��K
60844taboo term	�T�ҵ�
60845tabs on field	�ҥ�������
60846tabular	�C����
60847tabular data presentation	�C���ƪ��
60848tabular display	�C�����
60849tabular form	�C���
60850tabular form language	���y��
60851tabular interpretive program	��Ķ��{��
60852tabular language	�C��y��
60853tabular query formulation	���d�ߦ��z
60854tabular representation	����ܪk
60855tabular system oriented language	���t�ξɦV�y��	TABSOL
60856tabular-system-oriented language	���t�ξɦV���y��
60857tabulate	�C��	TAB
60858tabulated data	�C����
60859tabulating	�C��
60860tabulating card	�C��d��
60861tabulating equlpment	���]��
60862tabulating machine	����
60863tabulating system	���t��
60864tabulation	�ƪ�	TAB
60865tabulation character	���r��
60866tabulation equipment	�ƪ�]��
60867tabulation function	�ƪ�\��
60868tabulation markers	���аO
60869tabulation method	�C��k
60870tabulation sequential format	����Ǯ榡
60871tabulation set	���˸m
60872tabulator	�ƪ�	TAB
60873tabulator clear key	���w�쾹�]�w��
60874tabulator gang clear key	���w�쾹�`�M����
60875tabulator key	�����
60876tabulator mechanism	�����c
60877tabulator set key	���w�쾹�]�w��
60878tabulator setting	���ѼƳ]�m
60879tabulator stop	���w�쾹
60880tachometer	��t�p
60881tachometer housing	��t�p�n��
60882tachometer roller	��t�p�u��
60883tactile	IJı
60884tactile controlled hand	IJı��������H
60885tactile feedback	IJı���X
60886tactile keyboard	IJı��L
60887tactile sense	IJı
60888tag	��; ����
60889tag along sort	����ñ�Ƨ�
60890tag architecture	�S�x���c
60891tag array	�Хܰ}�C
60892tag bits	���[�줸
60893tag bus byte	�S�x�׬y�Ʀ줸��
60894tag card	�Хd
60895tag card reader	�S�x�d���\Ū��
60896tag check	�S�x�ˬd
60897tag converting device	�аO�ഫ�˸m
60898tag converting unit	�аO�ഫ��
60899tag field	�аO��
60900tag file	�аO�ɮ�
60901tag format	�аO�榡
60902tag in	����--�J
60903tag list	�S�x��
60904tag mark	�S�x�O��
60905tag notation	�аO�k
60906tag number list	�аO���X��
60907tag out	����--�X
60908tag path	���|
60909tag reader	���Ҿ\Ū��
60910tag reader puncher	�S�x�\Ū���վ�
60911tag sequence	�аO����
60912tag slot	�аO�x�s��
60913tag sort	���ұƧ�
60914tag system	���Ҩt��
60915tag type	�аO����
60916tag type identifier	�аO�������Ѳ�
60917tag value	�аO��
60918tag-value compilation	�аO��½Ķ
60919tagged memory	�аO�O����
60920tagged word	�a��ñ�r
60921tagging reader	�S�x�\Ū��
60922tail	��
60923tail link	���챵
60924tail pointer	������
60925tail recursion	�����j
60926tail symbol	�����Ÿ�
60927tailer	�����q
60928tailor	����
60929tailorable option	�i�������
60930tailored configuration	����t�m
60931tailored version	���
60932tailoring	����
60933tait's conjecture	���S�q�Q
60934take back	���^
60935take down connection	��u
60936take in	����
60937take over	��
60938take-down	���
60939take-down time	���U�ɶ�
60940take-up hub	���a�b
60941take-up motor	���a�L
60942take-up reel	���DZ��L
60943take-up spool	���a��
60944takeoff	�h��
60945talk	�q��
60946talk off	�������
60947talk,cross	�ꭵ
60948talkback	���
60949talker	�o�ܾ�
60950talker echo	�o�ܤH�^��
60951talker-independent system	�D�S�w���ܪ̨t��
60952talking book	���n�ѥZ
60953talking connection	�q�ܱ���
60954talking printer	�n���C�L��
60955talking robot	�|���ܪ������H
60956talking terminal	�n���׺ݾ�
60957talking typewriter	�n�����r��
60958tally	�p��
60959tally down	��1
60960tally order	�`�����O
60961tally register	�p�ƼȦs��
60962tally up	�[1
60963tallying	�p��
60964tamperproof	�z�w���@
60965tandem	���
60966tandem connection	�J���s��
60967tandem data circuit	��Ÿ�ƽu��
60968tandem exchange	�ױ��洫
60969tandem link	���p���
60970tandem nonstop distributed database system	�ױ��L����������Ʈw�t��
60971tandem office	�J���洫��
60972tandem queue	����C
60973tandem routing	�ױ����|
60974tandem selector	�ױ���ܾ�
60975tandem switching	�ױ��洫
60976tandem switching exchange	�ױ��洫��
60977tandem system	���p�t��
60978tandem trunk	�ױ����~�u
60979tangent	��
60980tangent vector	�����V�q
60981tangential approximation method	���u�G��k
60982tangential derivative	���V�ɼ�
60983tangible factor	���Φ]��
60984tangible object	�iIJ����H
60985tanglement	����
60986tanimoto's expression	��������ܦ�
60987tank	��	TNK
60988tank circuit	�x��q��
60989tank,mercury	�E��
60990tansactor	�׺ݥΤ�
60991tantalum	�	TA
60992tantalum capacitor	ູq�e
60993tantamount	����
60994tap	���I
60995tap circuit	��e�q��
60996tape	�ϱa	TP
60997tape adapter	�a�A�t��	TA
60998tape adapter unit	�ϱa�A�t��	TAU
60999tape advance	�ȱa�W�e	TA
61000tape alternation	�a���
61001tape alternation subroutine	���a�l�`��	TAS
61002tape and buffer system	�ϱa�P�w�ľ��t��
61003tape automatic checkout equipment	�ϱa�۰��ˬd�˸m
61004tape automatic positioning	�ϱa�۰ʩw��
61005tape back spacing	�ϱa�^�h
61006tape backup unit	�ϱa�ƥ��椸
61007tape bin	�ϱa�c
61008tape block	�ϱa�H����
61009tape bootstrap loader	�a�޾ɸ��J�{��
61010tape bootstrap routine	�a�޾ɱ`��
61011tape bound	�ϱa��
61012tape bounded turing machine	�a������L��
61013tape buffer	�ϱa�w�ľ�
61014tape cable	�a�ιq�l
61015tape card	��t���եd��
61016tape card converter	�ϱa--�d���ഫ��
61017tape cartridge	�ϱa�X
61018tape cartridge reader	�X���a��	TCR
61019tape cassette	�d���ϱa
61020tape cassette recorder	�X���ϱa��	TCR
61021tape cell	�a�椸
61022tape certification	�ϱa����
61023tape channel	�a�q�D
61024tape character	�a�r��
61025tape character check	�a�r������
61026tape checking	���A�ˬd
61027tape cleaner	�ϱa�M���Y
61028tape cluster	�a�s
61029tape code	�a�X
61030tape coil,blank paper	�ťկȱa��
61031tape coil,virgin paper	���ίȱa��
61032tape coiling	���a
61033tape comparator	�a�����
61034tape compiexity	�a������
61035tape compiler	�a�sĶ�{��
61036tape compiling program	�a�sĶ�{��
61037tape compiling routine	�a�sĶ�`��	TCR
61038tape conditioning	�a�վ�
61039tape control unit	�a���	TCU
61040tape controlled carriage	�ȱa�����X�Ȧ��[
61041tape controlled recording equipment	�ϱa����O���˸m
61042tape conversion program	�ȱa�ഫ�{��
61043tape copy	�ϱa�ƻs
61044tape core	���a��
61045tape counter	�a�p�ƾ�
61046tape data family	�a��Ʊ�	TDF
61047tape data handling system	�ϱa��ƳB�z�t��	TDHS
61048tape data processing system	�a��ƳB�z�t��
61049tape data register	�a��ƼȦs��	TDR
61050tape data selector	�ȱa��ƿ�ܾ�	TDS
61051tape data validation	�ϱa��ƽT
61052tape deck	�a���|
61053tape delivery	�ȱa�ǰe	TD
61054tape disc operating system	�ϱa�ϺЧ@�~�t��	TDOS
61055tape drive	�ϱa�X�ʾ�	TD
61056tape drive controller	�a�X�ʾ��c
61057tape drive interrupt routine	�a�X�ʤ��_�`��
61058tape drive mechanism	�a�X�ʾ��c
61059tape dump	�a���x
61060tape duplicator	�a�ƻs��
61061tape editor	�a�s��{��
61062tape entry	�a�J�f
61063tape erasure	�a�M��
61064tape error	�a���~
61065tape executive program	�a����{��	TAPEX
61066tape expression	�a����ܦ�
61067tape facsimile	�a���ǯu��
61068tape feed	�X�a����	TF
61069tape feed motor	�X�a���F
61070tape feed switch	�X�a�}��
61071tape field	�a�H����
61072tape file	�a��
61073tape file copying	�a�ɮ׽ƻs
61074tape file management	�ϱa�ɮ׺޲z	TFM
61075tape file octal load	�ϱa�ɮפK�i����J	TFOL
61076tape file supervisor	�a�ɮ׺ʷ��{��	TFS
61077tape file-to-tape file transfer	�a�ɮר�a�ɮ׶ǰe
61078tape format	�a�榡
61079tape frame	�a��
61080tape garble	�ȱa�շl
61081tape group	�a��
61082tape guide	�ϱa�ɤޱ�
61083tape guide cam	�ɱa
61084tape guide roller	�ɱa
61085tape handler	�ϱa��
61086tape handling	�a�B�z
61087tape handling option routines	�a�B�z����`��	THOR
61088tape handling optional routines	�ϱa�B�m����`��	THOR
61089tape handling unit	�ϱa��
61090tape head	�a�e
61091tape hierarchy	�a�h�ŵ��c
61092tape housing	�ϱa�n
61093tape identification	�a����
61094tape identification card	�a���ѥd	TIC
61095tape identification unit	�a���Ѿ�	TIU
61096tape image	�ϱa�v�H
61097tape index	�a����
61098tape input	�a��J
61099tape input-output control	�a��J��X����
61100tape input/output swapping	�a��J��X�洫
61101tape input/output system	�ϱa��J��X�t��	TIPOP
61102tape input/tape output	�ϱa��J��X	TIP
61103tape inscriber	�g�a��
61104tape inverter	�˱a��	TI
61105tape label	�ϱa�и�	TPLAB
61106tape layout	�a�]�p
61107tape layout form	�a�]�p�榡
61108tape leader	�ϱa���Y
61109tape leader tool	�ϱa�ɤ޾�
61110tape librarian	�a�w�޲z�{��
61111tape librarian system	�ϱa�w�t��	TLS
61112tape library	�ϱa�]
61113tape library management system	�ϱa�w�޲z�t��	TLMS
61114tape limited	�a����
61115tape load key	�a���J��
61116tape load point	�a�_�l�u�@�I
61117tape loading	�e�a
61118tape lossing	�ϱa�P��
61119tape management catalog	�a�޲z�ؿ�	TMC
61120tape management system	�a�޲z�t��	TMS
61121tape mark	�a�аO	TM
61122tape marker	�ϱa�лx
61123tape master file	�ϱa�D�ɮ�
61124tape mechanism	���a���c
61125tape memory	�ϱa�x�s��
61126tape merge	�a�X��
61127tape module	�ϱa�Ҳ�	TM
61128tape operated printer	�a����C�L��
61129tape operated typewriter	�a����r��
61130tape operating system	�ϱa�@�~�t��	TOS
61131tape oriented system	�ϱa�ɦV�t��
61132tape overlap emulator	�ϱa�����u�{��	TOE
61133tape pack	�a�в�
61134tape parity	�ϱa�t��
61135tape path	�ϱa���|
61136tape perforating	�ȱa����
61137tape perforator	�ȱa���վ�	PFR
61138tape perforator interface	�a���վ�����
61139tape phase inverter	�a�˾���	TPI
61140tape plotting system	�ϱaø�Ϩt��
61141tape pool	�a�w
61142tape preparation unit	�a�dzƳ椸	TPU
61143tape preventive maintenance	�a�w����	TPM
61144tape print-out routine	�a�C�L�`��
61145tape printer	�a���C�L��
61146tape printing	���ձa�C�L
61147tape printing counter	�a�C�L�p�ƾ�
61148tape printing system	�a���C�L�t��
61149tape processing	�ϱa�B�z
61150tape processing simulatneity	�a�B�z���P�ɩ�
61151tape processing unit	�a�B�z�椸
61152tape program	�ϱa�{��
61153tape programmer	�ȱa�{����
61154tape punch	�ȱa���վ�
61155tape punch control key	�ȱa���ձ�����
61156tape punch interface	�ȱa���վ�����
61157tape punch output	�ȱa���տ�X
61158tape punch reproduce check unit	�ȱa��Ʈվ�
61159tape punch subassembly	�ȱa���դ���	TPS
61160tape punch subassembly panel	�ȱa���ճ�����O	TPSP
61161tape punch typewriter	�ȱa���ե��r��
61162tape punch,automatic	�۰ʥ��a��
61163tape punch,output	��X���a��
61164tape puncher	�ȱa���վ�
61165tape puncher output	�ȱa���վ���X
61166tape punching mechanism	�ȱa���վ��c
61167tape read and write library	�ϱaŪ�g�w	TRAWL
61168tape read head	Ū�a���Y
61169tape read register	Ū�a�Ȧs��	TRR
61170tape reader	Ū�a��
61171tape reader control	Ū�a������	TRC
61172tape reader emulator module	Ū�a����u�{���Ҳ�	TREM
61173tape reader input	Ū�a����J
61174tape reader punch	Ū�a������
61175tape reader,mangetic	�ϱa�\Ū��
61176tape reader/punch controller	�ȱa�\Ū���ձ��
61177tape reading	�aŪ�X
61178tape record coordinator	�ϱa�O���t�쾹	TRC
61179tape recorder	�ϱa�O����	TR
61180tape recorder amplifier	�ϱa�O����j��	TRA
61181tape recording	�a�O��
61182tape recording density	�ϱa�O���K��
61183tape reduction theorem	�Y�a�w�z
61184tape reel	�ϱa���L
61185tape register	�ϱa�Ȧs��	TR
61186tape relay	�ȱa�౵�k
61187tape repeating automatic data integration system	�a���Ʀ۰ʸ�ƾ�X�t��	TRADIS
61188tape reproducer	�ȱa�Ƭ��
61189tape request word	�a�ШD�r
61190tape rerun	�a���s�B��
61191tape reservoir	�ϱa�w�ľ�
61192tape resident	�ϱa�`�n�{��	TR
61193tape rewind	�˱a
61194tape row	�ϱa��
61195tape running accuracy	�a�B��ǽT��
61196tape running speed	�a�B��t��
61197tape running stability	�a�B��í�w��
61198tape sealer	�a�O�@�h
61199tape search	�ϱa�d�M
61200tape search unit	�ϱa�d�M�椸	TSU
61201tape selection	�ϱa���
61202tape sender	�a�o�e��
61203tape serial number	�a�ǦC��
61204tape skew	�a����
61205tape skip	�a���V
61206tape skip restore	�a���V���
61207tape skip restore character	�a���V��Ʀr��
61208tape sort	�ϱa����
61209tape sort and collate program	�a������z�{��
61210tape sort,four	�|�a�Ƨ�
61211tape sorting	�ϱa����
61212tape span	�ϱa��Z
61213tape speed	�a�t
61214tape speed monitor	�a�t�ʵ���
61215tape speed variation	�a�t�ܤ�
61216tape splicing	���a
61217tape spool	�a��; ���b
61218tape squeal	�ϱa�y�s�n
61219tape stand alone dump/restore	�ϱa�W�����x�M��Ƶ{��
61220tape starting	�a�_��
61221tape station	�ϱa��
61222tape stopping	�a����
61223tape storage	�a�x�s
61224tape storage bin	�s�a�c
61225tape storage,tape storage bin magnetic	�a�x�s�c
61226tape string	�a��
61227tape strip	�ϱa��
61228tape strip cartridge	�ϱa���c
61229tape strip storage	�ϱa���x�s��
61230tape supply motor	�ѱa�q��
61231tape swapping	�ϱa�D�s�H���洫
61232tape switching	�ϱa�洫
61233tape switching center,torn	���a�洫����
61234tape symbol	�a�Ÿ�
61235tape symbolic editor	�ȱa�Ÿ��s��{��
61236tape synchronizer	�ϱa�P�B��
61237tape teleprinter	�a���q�ǥ��r��
61238tape teletypewriter	�a���q�ǥ��r��
61239tape tension	�ϱa�i�O
61240tape test	�a����
61241tape test set	�a���ո˸m
61242tape thickness	�ϱa�p��
61243tape threading	��a
61244tape timer	�a�w�ɾ�
61245tape trailer	�a��
61246tape transfer procedure	�a�ǰe�L�{
61247tape transfer restart procedure	�a�ǰe�A�_�ʹL�{
61248tape transmitter distributor	�a�ǿ���t��
61249tape transport	�ϱa�ǰʾ�
61250tape transport mechanism	���a���c
61251tape transport speed	���a�t��
61252tape travel	�a��{
61253tape unit	�ϱa��
61254tape unit bus in	�ϱa���׬y�ƿ�J	TUBI
61255tape unit bus out	�ϱa���׬y�ƿ�X	TUBO
61256tape unit check	�ϱa������	TUCHK
61257tape unit perforator	�ȱa���վ�
61258tape verifier	��a��
61259tape volume	�a��
61260tape wheel	�DZa��
61261tape width	�W�e
61262tape winder	���a��
61263tape wound core	�a�u�Ϫ�
61264tape wound magnetic core	�a�u�Ϫ�
61265tape,carriage control	��e������a
61266tape,chadded	���h�a
61267tape,chadless	�L�h�a
61268tape,change	���a
61269tape,grandfather	���źϱa
61270tape,instruction	���O�a
61271tape,library	�{���]�a
61272tape,magnetic	�ϱa
61273tape,master	�D�a
61274tape,master instruction	�D���O�a
61275tape,master program	�D�{���a
61276tape,Mylar	���Աa
61277tape,paper	�ȱa
61278tape,perforated	���կȱa
61279tape,perforated	���ձa
61280tape,perforated paper	���կȱa
61281tape,program	�{���a
61282tape,punched	���ձa
61283tape,punched paper	���կȱa
61284tape,sequence control	���DZ���a
61285tape,transaction	���ʱa
61286tape-controlled carriage	�a����e��
61287tape-driver interrupt	�ϱa�X�ʾ����_
61288tape-format plotting system	�ϱa�榡��ø�Ϩt��
61289tape-loop storage	���a�x�s
61290tape-mark	�a�O��������
61291tape-oriented system	�����ϱa�t��
61292tape-resident system	�a�`�n�t��
61293tape-select switch	�a��ܶ}��
61294tape-servo swap	�ϱa���A�մ�
61295tape-skip key	���a��
61296tape-switching center	�ȱa�౵����
61297tape-to-card	�a�ܥd
61298tape-to-card communication	�a--�d�q�T
61299tape-to-card converse program	�a--�d�ഫ�{��
61300tape-to-card converter	�a--�d�ഫ��
61301tape-to-card program	�a--�d�{��
61302tape-to-print converter	�a--�C�L�ഫ��
61303tape-to-print program	�a--�C�L�{��
61304tape-to-print system	�a--�C�L�t��	TPS
61305tape-to-printer converter	�a--�C�L���ഫ��
61306tape-to-printer program	�a--�C�L���{��
61307tape-to-tape converter	�ϱa--�ϱa�ഫ��
61308tape-to-tape converter..	�a�ܱa�ܴ���
61309tape-wound core	���a��
61310tapebeginning marker	�a�l
61311tapeless numerical control	�L�a�ƭȱ�
61312tapered n-best forward pruning	�@��n �̨Υ��V�װ�
61313tapered quantization	���Y��q��
61314tapered search	�@�άd�M
61315tapped	�������Y��
61316tapped-potentiometer function generator	���Y�q�쾹��Ʋ��;�
61317tapping cable	���Y�q�l
61318tapping point	���Y
61319target	�ؼ�	TA
61320target acquisition	�ؼЫH�����
61321target architecture	�ؼе��c
61322target area	�ؼа�
61323target attribute	�ؼ��ݩ�
61324target block	�ؼе{�Ƕ�
61325target character item	�ؼЦr�Ŷ�
61326target compiler	�ؼнsĶ�{��
61327target computer	�v�Эp���
61328target configuration	�ؼаt�m
61329target curve	�ؼЦ��u
61330target data model	�ؼи�Ƽҫ�
61331target data set	�ؼи�ƶ�
61332target data structure	�ؼи�Ƶ��c
61333target designation	�ؼЩR�W
61334target directory	�ؼХؿ�
61335target diskette	�ؼгn��
61336target domain	�ؼЩw�q��
61337target echo	�ؼФϮg�H��
61338target group	�ؼиs
61339target identification	�ؼм���	TI
61340target identification system	�ؼм��Ѩt��
61341target image	�ؼйϹ�
61342target information system	�ؼи�T�t��	TIS
61343target input panel	�ؼп�J����L	TIP
61344target instruction register	�ؼЫ��O�Ȧs��	TIR
61345target intercept computer	�ؼФ��I�p���	TIC
61346target language	�v�лy	TL
61347target level	�v���
61348target list	�v�ЦC��
61349target machine	�ؼо�
61350target microprocessor	�ؼзL�B�z��
61351target of an assignment	���w�ȥؼ�
61352target phase	�ؼж��q
61353target processor	�ؼгB�z��
61354target program	�v�е{��
61355target recognition	�ؼ��ѧO	TR
61356target routine	�v�б`��
61357target screen	�ؼпù�
61358target segment	�ؼЬq
61359target specification	�ؼл���
61360target statement	�ؼбԭz
61361target system	�ؼШt��
61362target track	�ؼЭy�D
61363target track correction	�ؼаl�ܮե�
61364target variable	�ؼ��ܼ�
61365target view	�ؼе���
61366target word	�ؼЦr
61367target zone	�ؼа�
61368target-oriented	�ؼоɦV��
61369tariff	�O�v
61370tarnishing	�æ�
61371tarnsistor-transistor logic-Schottky	�v�S��q����--�q�����޿�	TTL/S
61372TAS instruction	���ջP�m����O
61373TAS operation	���ջP�m��ާ@
61374tasble organization within a compiler	�sĶ�{�����Ÿ�����´
61375task	�@�~; ����
61376task abnormal exit routine	���Ȳ��`�X�f�`��
61377task activation	���Ȭ���
61378task address	���Ȧ�}
61379task allocation	���Ȥ��t
61380task allocation problem	���Ȥ��t���D	TAP
61381task analysis	���Ȥ��R	TA
61382task appendage routine	���Ȫ��ݵ{��
61383task assignment	���ȫ���
61384task attribute	�����ݩ�
61385task body	������
61386task builder	���ȫإߵ{��	TKB
61387task call	���Ƚե�
61388task code	���ȥN�X
61389task communication	���ȳq�T
61390task control	���ȱ���
61391task control block	���ȱ����	TCB
61392task control call	���ȱ���ե�
61393task control card	���ȱ���d
61394task control program	���ȱ���{��	TCP
61395task creation	���ȫإ�
61396task data	���ȸ��
61397task declaration	���Ȼ���
61398task decomposition	���Ȥ���
61399task definition dable	���ȩw�q��
61400task descriptor	���ȴy�z��
61401task determination	���ȽT�w
61402task dictionary	���ȯ���	TDY
61403task dictionary table	���Ȧr���
61404task dispatcher	���Ƚի׵{��
61405task dispateher	���Ƚի׾�
61406task dump	�������x
61407task error exit routine	���ȥX���h�X�`��
61408task execution	���Ȱ���
61409task execution area	���Ȱ����
61410task execution language	���Ȱ���y��	TEL
61411task execution memory	���Ȱ���O����
61412task execution scheduler	���Ȱ���Ƶ{�{��
61413task family	���ȱ�
61414task force	���ȱj���ಾ
61415task form specification	���Ȯ榡����	TFS
61416task group	���Ȳ�	TG
61417task group resource	���Ȳո귽
61418task group's error-out file	���Ȳտ��~��X�ɮ�
61419task identifier	���ȼ��Ѳ�
61420task information area	���ȸ�T��
61421task initiation/termination	���ȱҩl�βפ�
61422task input queue	���ȿ�J��C	TIQ
61423task input/output table	���ȿ�J��X��	TIOT
61424task interrupt control	���Ȥ��_����	TIC
61425task interrupt routine	���Ȥ��_�`��
61426task level controller	���ȯű���{��	TLC
61427task library	���Ȯw
61428task list	���Ȫ�
61429task load module	���ȸˤJ�Ҳ�
61430task load module file	���ȸˤJ�Ҳ��ɮ�
61431task location	���ȩw��
61432task macro	���ȥ������O
61433task management	���Ⱥ޲z
61434task management program	���Ⱥ޲z�{��
61435task management system	���Ⱥ޲z�t��
61436task marco	���ȥ������O
61437task memorandum	���ȳƧѿ�	TM
61438task menu	�@�~�e��
61439task name	���ȦW
61440task number	���ȸ�	TN
61441task object	���ȥؼ�
61442task option	���ȿ�ܶ�
61443task option word	���ȥ���r
61444task option word inquiry system	���ȥ���r�߰ݨt��
61445task priority	�����u����
61446task priority dispatching	�����u���Ť��t
61447task processing	���ȳB�z
61448task processing unit	���ȳB�z�˸m	TPU
61449task processor scheduling	���ȳB�z���Ƶ{
61450task program	���ȵ{��
61451task proup identification	���Ȳռ���
61452task queue	���Ȧ�C
61453task queue table	���Ȧ�C��	TQTBL
61454task quit	���Ȱh�X
61455task ready queue	���ȴN����C	TRQ
61456task reassignment	���ȦA���w
61457task request block	���ȽШD��
61458task restart processing	���ȦA�ҰʳB�z
61459task run	���ȹB��
61460task run online	���ȳs�u�B��
61461task scheduler	���ȱƵ{�{��
61462task scheduler gueue	���ȱƵ{��C
61463task scheduling	���ȱƵ{
61464task selection	���ȿ��
61465task service area	���ȪA�Ȱ�
61466task service area structure	���ȪA�Ȱϵ��c
61467task set	���ȶ�
61468task set control block	���ȶ������
61469task set installation	���ȶ��w��
61470task set reference table	���ȶ��ޥΪ�	TSRT
61471task specification	���Ȼ���
61472task stack space	���Ȱ��|�Ŷ�
61473task start	���ȱҰ�
61474task state	���Ȫ��A
61475task state segment	�@�~���A�Ϭq
61476task status	���Ȫ��A
61477task status index	���Ȫ��A����	TSI
61478task storage	�����x�s
61479task supervisor	���Ⱥʷ��{��
61480task suspension	���ȼȰ�
61481task switch	�@�~����
61482task synchronization	���ȦP�B
61483task system work stack	���Ȩt�Τu�@���|
61484task table	���Ȫ�	TTBL
61485task table control block	���Ȫ����
61486task termination	���ȵ���
61487task time	���Ȯɶ�
61488task timer	���ȭp�ɾ�
61489task transfer	���ȶǰe
61490task translator	����½Ķ�{��
61491task tyep	��������
61492task unit	���ȳ��	TU
61493task user work stack	���ȥΤ�u�@���|
61494task value attribute	���ȭ��ݩ�
61495task variable	�����ܼ�
61496task virtual storage	���ȵ����x�s��
61497task waiting	���ȵ���
61498task work stack descriptor	���Ȥu�@���|�y�z��	TWSD
61499task'memory requirement	���ȰO�Эn�D
61500task's abort receiver	���Ȳ��`����������
61501task's extended area	�����X�R��
61502task's logical address space	�����޿��}�Ŷ�
61503task's memory pool	���ȰO�Юw
61504task's message receiver routine	���ȫH�������`��
61505task's owner name	���ȩҦ��̦W
61506task's pseude-interrupt receiver	���ȵ������_������
61507task's subsequent execution	���Ȭ��~����
61508task's user status word	���ȥΤ᪬�A�r
61509task-dependent option	���Ȭ������ﶵ
61510task-level queuing model	���ȯŦ�C�ҫ�
61511task-oriented image data base	���V���Ȫ��Ϲ���Ʈw
61512task-to-task communication	����--���ȳq�T
61513tasking	���Ȥ��t
61514tasking facility	���Ȥ��t�]�I
61515tasking protocol	���Ȥ��t��w
61516tasking-error execption	���Ȥ��t���~���`
61517taskmix	�@�~�V�X
61518taut tape attachment	�Աa����
61519tautology	����
61520tautology rule	�P�q�ϽƳW�h
61521tax administration system	�|�Ⱥ޲z�t��	TAS
61522tax amount	�ҵ|���B
61523tax body mane	�ҵ|���W��
61524tax classes	�ҵ|����
61525tax code	�ҵ|�X
61526tax due	���I�|
61527tax rate application	���ҵ|�v
61528tax rates	�|�v
61529tax status	�ҵ|���A
61530taxable sales	���ҵ|���P��
61531taxing body	�ҵ|��
61532taxing body file	�ҵ|����
61533taxing body record	�ҵ|���O��
61534taxonomic hierarchies	������t
61535taxonomic organization	������´
61536taxonomic view	������t�[�I
61537taxonomy	������
61538Taylor expansion	���Ǯi����
61539TCAM application program	TCAM���ε{��
61540tcam control task	�B�{�q�T�s����k�������	TCT
61541tcam destination address field	tcam�ت���}��	TDAF
61542tcam host logical unit	tcam�D���޿�椸
61543tcam network address	tcam������}
61544tcam node	tcam���I
61545tcam origin address field	tcam�_�l��}��	TOAF
61546tcam system	tcam�t��
61547teach information processing language	�оǸ�T�B�z�y��	TIPL
61548teacher programming language	�Э��ε{���]�p�y��	TPL
61549teaching	�ܱ�
61550teaching and playback robot	�ܱЦA�{�������H
61551teaching logic translator	�о��޿�½Ķ��	TEACHTRA
61552teaching machine	�оǾ�	TM
61553teaching process	�оǹL�{
61554teaching program	�оǵ{��
61555teaching system	�оǨt��
61556teaching-and-coursewriting computer language	�оǻP�ҵ{�s�g���p����y��	TACL
61557team theory	���ղz��
61558team working	��@
61559tear cycle	�����P
61560tearing	�Ϲ�����
61561technial description of system	�t�Χ޳N�y�z
61562technical advisory board	�޳N�Ըߩe���|	ANSI
61563technical and operational control center	�޳N�P�ާ@�����
61564technical article	�޳N�פ�
61565technical newsletter	�޳N�q��
61566technical objective directive	�޳N�ؼЫ���	TOD
61567technical objective document	�޳N�ؼФ��	TOD
61568technical operating procedure	�޳N�ާ@�L�{	TOP
61569technical operation center	�޳N�ާ@����	TOC
61570technical operations manager	�޳N�ާ@�޲z�{��	TOM
61571technical order	�޳N�W�{
61572technical papers	�޳N���i	TP
61573technical program	�޳N�{��
61574technical proposal	�޳N��ij
61575technical report	�޳N���i	TR
61576technical safeguard	�޳N�w���˸m
61577technicals	�޳N�N�y
61578technicology	�u��
61579technicolor	�m��q�v
61580technics of least squares	�̤p�G����޳N
61581technique	�޳N
61582technique flowcharts	�u���y�{��
61583techno-economist	�޳N�g�پǮa
61584technological environment	�޳N����
61585technologics	��ǧ޳N
61586technology	����
61587technology processor	�u���B�z�{��
61588technology transfer	�޳N�ಾ
61589technology utilization	�u������
61590technometrics	�޳N�p�q��
61591tel area	�q�ܰ�
61592tel no	�q�ܸ��X
61593telautogram	�ǯu�q��
61594telautograph	�ǯu�q��
61595telautomatics	�����˸m
61596tele fax	���{�ǯu��
61597tele-autograph	���{�ǯu�q��
61598tele-processing	�q�dzB�z
61599tele-processing system	�q�dzB�z�t��
61600teleaction information	���ʸ�T
61601teleautograph	�q�g
61602telebanking	���{�Ȧ�ư�
61603telebit	�G�i����t��
61604telechirics	�����t��
61605telecine	�q���q�v
61606telecom	�q�H
61607telecommand	�������O
61608telecommunicatio link	���{�q�T���
61609telecommunication	���a�ǿ�	TELECOM
61610telecommunication access method	�q�H�s���k	TCAM
61611telecommunication administration	�q�T�޲z����
61612telecommunication channel	���{�q�T�q�D
61613telecommunication circuit	�q�T�q��
61614telecommunication code	���{�q�T�X
61615telecommunication control unit	���{�q�T����椸
61616telecommunication data link	���{�q�T�ƾ����
61617telecommunication facility	�q�T�]�I
61618telecommunication line	�q�T�u��
61619telecommunication maintenance center	���{�q�T���@����	TMC
61620telecommunication network	���{�q�T����	TELENT
61621telecommunication organization	���{�q�T��´
61622telecommunication route	���{�q�T���|
61623telecommunication satellite	���{�q�T�ìP
61624telecommunication satellite space station	���{�q�T�ìP�Ŷ���
61625telecommunication service	�q�T�A��
61626telecommunication software architecture	���{�q�T�n��t��c
61627telecommunication switching system	�q�T�洫�t��
61628telecommunication system	���{�q�T�t��	TCS
61629telecommunication time	���{�q�T�ɶ�
61630telecommunication traffic	���{�q�T�ưȶq
61631telecommunication working group	�q�T�u�@��	TCWG
61632telecommunications	�q�H	TCAM
61633telecommunications access method	�B�{�q�T�s����k	TCAM
61634telecommunications association	�q�T��|	TCA
61635telecommunications data interface	�B�{�q�T�ƾڤ���	TDI
61636telecommunications hybrids	���{�q�T�βV�X�L�q��
61637telecommuting	���{�洫
61638telecomputer	�q�T�q��
61639telecomputing	���{�p��
61640teleconference	�q�Ƿ|ij
61641teleconferencing	�ìP�q�ܷ|ij
61642telecontrol	����
61643telecontrolled	������
61644telecontrolling	����
61645telecopier	���{�ƦL��
61646teledata	���{���
61647teledata system	�q�Ǹ�ƨt��
61648teleeducation	���{�о�
61649teleeducation system	���{�оǨt��
61650teleequipment	�����˸m
61651telefacsimile	�q�ܶǯu
61652telefax	�ǯu
61653telefax interface	���{�ǯu������
61654telefile	���{�ɮ�
61655telefilm	�q����
61656telegram	�q��
61657telegraph	�q��	TG
61658telegraph automatic relay equipment	�q���۰ʤ��~�]��	TARE
61659telegraph automatic routing equipment	�۰ʹq���s���]��
61660telegraph automatic switching system	�q���۰ʥ洫�t��
61661telegraph automatic system	�۰�����t��
61662telegraph channel	�q���q�D
61663telegraph code	�q���X
61664telegraph communication	�q���q�T
61665telegraph communication system	�q���q�T�t��
61666telegraph exchange	��q��	TELEX
61667telegraph grade channel	�q���ųq�D
61668telegraph grade circuit	�q���Źq��
61669telegraph mulitplexer	�q���h�u�ƥξ�	TELEMUX
61670telegraph reply	�q���^��	TELRY
61671telegraph signal	�q���H��
61672telegraph speed	�q���t��
61673telegraph switching system	�q���洫�t��
61674telegraph transmission	�q���ǿ�
61675telegraph word	�q���r
61676telegraphy	�q����
61677teleinformatic services	���{��T�A��
61678teleinformatics	���{��T��
61679telemail	���{�l�F�t��
61680telemaintenance service	���{���@�A��
61681telemanagement	���{�޲z
61682telematic	�q�Ǹ�T
61683telematic service	�q�Ǹ�T�A��
61684telematics	�q�Ǹ�T
61685telemechanic system	��������˸m
61686telemechanics	�����O��
61687telemechanique	�����޳N
61688telemedicine	�q�����
61689telemeter	����
61690telemetering	�����N
61691telemetering device	�����]��
61692telemetering system	�����t��
61693telemetric data analyzer	�����ƾڤ��R�{��
61694telemetric data converter	��������ഫ��
61695telemetry	����	TM
61696telemetry automatic processing system	�����۰ʳB�z�t��	TAPS
61697telemetry code modulation	�����s�X�ը�
61698telemetry command	�������O
61699telemetry command system	�������O�t��
61700telemetry compression routine	�������Y�`��	TCR
61701telemetry ground system	�����a���t��
61702telemetry modulation system	�����ը�t��	TMS
61703telemetry processing	�����B�z	TMPROC
61704telemetry system	�����t��
61705telenalysis	�������R
61706telenet	�@�ؤj���ӥέp�������
61707telepak	����q�ܤ��q�M����p�����q���Ѫ��@�د��γq�D���ӨƦW��
61708telephone	�q��	TEL
61709telephone answering machine	�q�ܵ����]��
61710telephone answering service	�q�������ư�	TAS
61711telephone bill payment	�q�ܱb���I	TBP
61712telephone borsht functions	�q���X�q
61713telephone call length	�q�ܩI�s����
61714telephone call processing	�q�ܩI�s�B�z
61715telephone channel	�q�ܳq�D
61716telephone circuit	�q�ܽu��
61717telephone circuit,data	��ƹq�ܹq��
61718telephone code	�q�ܥN�X
61719telephone communication unit	�q�ܳq�T�˸m
61720telephone company	�q�ܤ��q	TELCO
61721telephone company data set	�q�ܤ��q�ƶǾ�	TCDS
61722telephone coupler	�q�ܽ��X��
61723telephone data set	�q�ܸ�ƾ�
61724telephone data-carrier system	�q�ܼƾ�--���i�t��
61725telephone dialer	�q�ܼ�����
61726telephone dialer circuit	�q�ܼ����q��
61727telephone directory	�q�ܸ��Xï
61728telephone exchange	�q�ܥ洫��
61729telephone frequency	�q���W�v
61730telephone line	�q�ܽu
61731telephone line data set	�q�ܽu���ƶǾ�
61732telephone line patch	�q�ܽu�����u	TLP
61733telephone links	�q�����
61734telephone local center	��a�q�ܤ���
61735telephone local exchange center	��a�q�ܥ洫����
61736telephone modem	�q�ܼƾھ�
61737telephone network	�q�ܺ�
61738telephone network,private	�p�ιq�ܺ���
61739telephone primary center	�q�ܥD����
61740telephone recording attachment	�q�ܿ�������
61741telephone recording control	�q�ܿ�������
61742telephone repeater	�q����o��
61743telephone secondary center	�q�ܰƤ���
61744telephone set	�q�ܾ�
61745telephone switchboard,manual	�H�u�q�ܥ洫��
61746telephone switching center	�q�ܰϰ�洫����
61747telephone switching system	�q�ܥ洫�t��
61748telephone system	�q�ܨt��
61749telephone trunk	�q�ܷF�u
61750telephone type network	�q�ܫ�����
61751telephone zone center	�q�ܰϰ줤��
61752telephone,electrically powered	�q�O�q��
61753telephone,sound powered	�n�O�q��
61754telephone-circuit data	�q��--�q���ƾ�
61755telephone-line concentrator	�q�ܽu�����u��
61756telephony	�q�ܾ�
61757telephoto	�ǯu�q��
61758telephotography	�ǯu�q���N
61759teleplotter	�q��ø�Ͼ�
61760teleport	���{��
61761teleprinter	�q�ǦL�r��	TPR
61762teleprinter channel	�q�ǦC�L���q�D
61763teleprinter character	�q�ǦC�L���r��
61764teleprinter code	�q�ǦC�L���N�X
61765teleprinter diagram	�ǯu�ϸ�
61766teleprinter exchange	�q�ǥ��r�洫��	TEX
61767teleprinter interface	�q�ǦC�L������
61768teleprinter keyboard	�q�ǦC�L����L
61769teleprinter keyboard selection	�q�ǦC�L����L���
61770teleprinter link	�q�ǦC�L�����
61771teleprinter over multiplex	�h�u�q�ǦC�L��
61772teleprinter receiver	�q�ǦC�L������
61773teleprinter signal generator	�q�ǦC�L���H�����;�
61774teleprinter switching network	�q�ǦC�L���洫����
61775teleprinter terminal	�q�ǦC�L�����׺ݾ�
61776teleprinter terminal unit	�q�ǦC�L���׺ݳ椸
61777teleprocessing	���a�B�z	TP
61778teleprocessing analysis and design program	���{�B�z���R�P�]�p�{��	TPAD
61779teleprocessing diagnostic	���{�B�z�E�_
61780teleprocessing diagnostic analyzer	���{�H���B�z�E�_���R�{��
61781teleprocessing diagnostic tester	���{�H���B�z�E�_���յ{��
61782teleprocessing exchange service	���{�B�z�洫�A��
61783teleprocessing monitor system	���{�B�z�ʷ��t��	TPMS
61784teleprocessing network	���{�B�z����
61785teleprocessing requirement analysis and cost	���{�B�z�ݨD���R�P��������	TRACE
61786teleprocessing system	���{�B�z�t��
61787teleprocessing terminal	���{�B�z�׺ݾ�
61788teleprogram	�q�ǵ{��
61789telepunch	���{����
61790telepuppet	���������H
61791telereference	���{�˯�
61792telereservation	�q�ǹw�w
61793telescreen	���{�ù�
61794teleservice	�q�ǪA��
61795teleset	�q��������
61796teleshopping	�q���ʪ�
61797telesignalling	�����H��
61798telesoftware	�q�dzn��
61799telespeed	�q�dzt�v
61800telesymbionts	���{�@�s�{��
61801telesynd	�P�B������
61802telesytems-questel	��Ʈw�˯��λy���W
61803teletel	�k��i������˯��t�ΰӼЦW
61804teletex	�q�Ǥ��
61805teletex coded document	�q�Ǥ��s�X���
61806teletex page	�q�Ǥ�r��
61807teletex procedure	�q�Ǥ��{��
61808teletex requirements for real time interworking	�b���ʥ洫�������ҤU�P�q���洫�A�ȧY�ɤ��q���q�Ǥ��ݨD
61809teletex service	�q�Ǥ��A��
61810teletext	�s�����T
61811teletext broadcast	�q����r�s��
61812teletext data decoding	�q����r�s����ƸѽX
61813teletext service	�q����r�s���ư�
61814teletraffic	���~�q�ܨư�
61815teletraffic theory	���{�q�H�ܰȶq�z��
61816teletransmission	���{�ǿ�
61817teletransmission decoder	���{�ǿ�ѽX��
61818teletron	�㹳��
61819teletype	�q�ǥ��r	TT
61820teletype assignment	�q�Ǿ����w
61821teletype channel	�q�Ǿ��q�D
61822teletype code	�q�ǥ��r���X
61823teletype command	�q�ǩR�O
61824teletype communication	�q�dzq�T
61825teletype compatible terminal	�q�Ǭۮe�׺ݾ�
61826teletype controler	�q�DZ��
61827teletype diagnostic	�q�ǶE�_
61828teletype error	�q�ǿ��~
61829teletype exchange	�q�ǥ洫��
61830teletype exchange service	�q�ǥ洫�ư�
61831teletype for chinese characters	����q�ǥ��r��
61832teletype grade	�q�ǽu������
61833teletype input/output device	�q�ǿ�J��X�]��
61834teletype input/output unit	�q�ǿ�J��X�椸
61835teletype link	�q�����
61836teletype message switching	�q�ǫH���洫
61837teletype microcomputer interface	�q�ǷL�p�������
61838teletype microcomputer system	�q�ǷL�p����t��
61839teletype modification kit	�q�Ǿ��ܴ��ե�
61840teletype network	�q�Ǻ���
61841teletype optical projection system	�q�ǥ��ǧ�v�t��	TOPS
61842teletype paper tape reader	�q�ǯȱa�\Ū��
61843teletype printer	�q�ǦC�L��
61844teletype punch	�q�ǥ��r���վ�
61845teletype request-send	�q�ǽШD--�o�e
61846teletype ribbon	�q�ǥ��r��a
61847teletype serial data format	�q�Ǧ���Ʈ榡
61848teletype setting	�q�Ǧw��
61849teletype station	�q�ǯ�
61850teletype tape	�q�ǥ��r�a
61851teletype terminal	�q�Dz׺ݾ�
61852teletype utility	�q�Ǿ����ε{��
61853teletypesetting	�q�DZƪ�
61854teletypewriter	�q�ǥ��r��	TTY
61855teletypewriter automatic send/reseive unit	�q�ǥ��r���۰ʦ��o��	ASR
61856teletypewriter communication	�q�Ǿ��q�T
61857teletypewriter conference	�q�ǥ��r���|ij
61858teletypewriter control set	�q�ǥ��r�����
61859teletypewriter control unit	�q�ǥ��r�����
61860teletypewriter controller	�q�ǥ��r�����
61861teletypewriter exchange	�q�ǥ��r���洫	TWX
61862teletypewriter exchange service	�q�ǥ��r���洫�A��	TWX
61863teletypewriter grade	�q�ǽu������
61864teletypewriter marking pulse	�q�ǥ��r���Хܯߪi
61865teletypewriter network	�q�Ǻ���
61866teletypewriter operation	�q�Ǿ��ާ@
61867teletypewriter perforator	�q�ǥ��վ�
61868teletypewriter pulse spacing	�q�ǥ��r���߽Ķ��j
61869teletypewriter signal distortion	�q�ǥ��r���H�����u
61870teletypewriter switching systems	�q�ǥ洫�t��
61871teletypewriter terminal	�q�Dz׺ݾ�
61872teletypewriter transmission	�q�Ǿ��ǿ�
61873teletypewriter utility package	�q�Ǥ��ήM�˳n��
61874television	�q��	TV
61875television automatic sequence control	�q���۰ʶ��DZ���	TASCON
61876television camera	�q����v��	TVC
61877television channel	�q���q�D
61878television control center	�q�������	TCC
61879television cut off	�q���H�����_
61880television demodulator	�q���ѽվ�
61881television interface	�q������
61882television management information system	�q���޲z��T�t��	TMIS
61883television mask	�q���n�B
61884television monitor	�q���ʵ���
61885television oriented information society	�q���Ƹ�T���|
61886television projector	�q����v��
61887television receiver	�q��������
61888television receiver/monitor	�q�������ʵ���
61889television safe action area	�q���w���@�ΰ�
61890television scan	�q�����y
61891television system	�q���
61892television tubes	�q���㹳��
61893television-directed	�q��������
61894telewriter	�q�g��
61895telewriter exchange service	�q�ǥ��r���洫�ư�
61896telewriter interface	�q�ǥ��r������
61897telex	�q�ǥ��r; �q���洫
61898telex computer communication	�p����౵���Τ�q���q�T
61899telex computer communication service	�p����౵���Τ�q���q�T�ư�
61900telex facsimile	�Τ�ǯu�q��
61901telex network	��q������
61902telex network identification code	�Τ�q�������ѧO�X
61903telex service	�Τ�q���ư�
61904telex telegraph exchange	�Τ�q���洫��
61905teleytpewriter pulse spacing	�q�ǥ��r���߱�����
61906teleytpewriter signal distortion	�q�ǥ��r���H�����u
61907teleytpewriter switching system	�q�ǥ��r���౵�t��
61908teller console	�X�ǥx
61909teller system	�X�ǪA�Ȩt��
61910teller window	�X�ǵ���
61911teller work station	�X�Ǥu�@��
61912telpak	�e�W�a�q�H�q�D
61913telpak channel	�e�W�q�D
61914teltex	�q�ǥ��r���Τ�A�Ȱ�ں�
61915teltypewriter	�q�ǥ��r��
61916temp storage	�Ȯ��x�s
61917temper	�^��
61918temperature	�ū�	T
61919temperature characteristic	�ūׯS��
61920temperature coefficient	�ūרt��	T.C.
61921temperature compensation	�ū׸��v
61922temperature compensation device	�ū׸��v�˸m
61923temperature control	�ūױ���
61924temperature conversion program	�ū��ഫ�{��
61925temperature cycling	�ū״`��
61926temperature cycling test	�ū״`������
61927temperature difference	�Ůt
61928temperature distribution	�ūפ���
61929temperature drift	�ū׺}��
61930temperature gradient	�ūױ��
61931temperature noise	������
61932temperature regulation	�ū׽ո`
61933temperature regulator	�ūױ��
61934temperature response	�ūצ^��
61935temperature stability	�ū�í�w��
61936temperature variation	�ū��ܤ�
61937temperature-sensitive paint	���Ӷ��
61938tempering	�^��
61939template	�����榡; �ѦҪO; �ѷӰ�	TEM
61940template match	�ҪO�ǰt
61941template matching	�ҪO�ǰt
61942templete	�зǮ�
61943temporal interval	�ɺA�϶�
61944temporal logic	�ɧ��޿�
61945temporal logic language	�ɺA�޿�y��
61946temporal logic specification	�ɺA�޿軡��
61947temporal sampling theorem	�w�ɩ�˩w�z
61948temporarles	�{���ܼ�
61949temporary	�Ȯɳs��
61950temporary area	�{�ɰ�
61951temporary assignment	�{�ɫ��w
61952temporary block	�u�@�椸��
61953temporary connection	�Ȯɳs��
61954temporary context change	�{�ɤW�U�����Y����
61955temporary data	�{�ɸ��
61956temporary data set	�{�ɸ�ƶ�
61957temporary directory table	�{�ɥؿ���
61958temporary disk	�{�ɺϺ�	T-DISK
61959temporary error	�Ȯɿ��~
61960temporary failure	�Ȯɥ���
61961temporary file	�{���ɮ�
61962temporary general ledger	�Ȧs�`�b�|�p
61963temporary library	�Ȧs�{���w
61964temporary location	�{�ɳ椸
61965temporary memory	�{�ɰO����	TM
61966temporary memory test	�ȮɰO�������	TMTST
61967temporary name	�{�ɦW�r
61968temporary pictorial display	�{�ɹϹ����
61969temporary pointer	�{�ɫ���
61970temporary pointer variable	�{�ɫ����ܼ�
61971temporary read/weite error	�{��Ū�g���~
61972temporary realm	�{�ɻ��
61973temporary register	�{�ɼȦs��	TEMP
61974temporary storage	�Ȯ��x�s
61975temporary storage area	�{���x�s��
61976temporary storage channel	�{���x�s���q�D
61977temporary storage device	�Ȧs��
61978temporary storage location	�{���x�s��m
61979temporary storage reference	�Ȧs�����ޥ�
61980temporary storage register	�Ȧs�Ȧs��
61981temporary suspension	�Ȯɱ��_
61982temporary table	�u�@�椸��
61983temporary tabular display	�Ȯɪ�����
61984temporary text delay	�奻�Ȯɩ����	TTD
61985temporary variable	�{���ܼ�
61986temporary variable description	�{���ܼƴy�z
61987temporary working space	�{�ɤu�@�Ŷ�
61988ten (10)-key pad	�Q��p��L
61989ten keyboard	�Q����L	TK
61990ten nines	�Q��"9"
61991ten's complement	�Q�i��ɼ�
61992ten-bit component	�Q����q
61993tenancy condition	�����
61994tenant	����
61995tenant number	���ḹ�X	TNN
61996tender	���
61997tens complement	10���ɼ�
61998tens digit	�Q�i��Ʀ�
61999tense logic	�ɺA�޿�
62000tense logic language	�ɺA�޿�y��
62001tensile strength	�ܱi�j��	TS
62002tensile stress	�i���O
62003tension	�i�O
62004tension arm	�Ա�
62005tension spring	��®
62006tensor	�ϱi�u
62007tensor of stress	���O�i�q
62008tensor product	�i�q��
62009tensor viscosity	�i�q�ߩ�
62010tensor-product method	�i�q���٪k
62011tentation data	����ʸ��
62012tentative	���窺
62013tentative control strategy	�ձ��ʪ������
62014tentative table of equipment	�զ�]�ƪ�	TTE
62015tenth-micron technology	�Q�����@�L�̧޳N
62016tenth-micron transistor	�Q�����@�L�̹q����
62017tera	��
62018tera cycle	�����P	TC
62019terabit memory	������O����
62020teracycle	�����P
62021terahertz	������
62022terdenary	�Q�T�i�
62023terestrial data line	�a����ƽu
62024term	��
62025term "and"	�P��
62026term availability plan	���إi��ʭp��	TAP
62027term bank	����
62028term by term	�v��
62029term clustering	�˯����E��
62030term compression	�˯������Y
62031term discount	�馩����
62032term frequency	�˯����W�v
62033term lease plan	�w���X���p��	TLP
62034term vector	�˯����V�q
62035term-on-item file	�O��--�˯����ɮ�
62036terminal	�׺ݾ�
62037terminal access	�׺ݦs��	TA
62038terminal access controller	�׺ݦs�����	TAC
62039terminal access method	�׺ݦs����k	TAM
62040terminal access network	�׺ݳX������
62041terminal access processor	�׺ݦs���B�z��	TAP
62042terminal adapter type 1	1 ���׺ݾA�t��	TA1
62043terminal adaptor	�׺ݾ��t����
62044terminal address	�׺ݦ�}
62045terminal address card	�׺ݦ�}�d
62046terminal alphabet	�׺ݦr����
62047terminal application language	�׺����λy��	TAL
62048terminal application package	�׺����ήM�˳n��	DEC
62049terminal architecture	�׺���t���c
62050terminal area	�k�L
62051terminal attribute	�׺ݾ��ݩ�
62052terminal automatic monitoring system	�׺ݦ۰ʺʱ��t��	TAMOS
62053terminal badge reader	�׺ݼлx�\Ū��
62054terminal based electronic mall	�׺ݹq�l�l��	TBEM
62055terminal block	�׺ݪO	TB
62056terminal board	���u�׺ݪO	TB
62057terminal board configuration	���u�׺ݪO�t�m
62058terminal business system	�`���ưȳB�z�t��	TBS
62059terminal business-oriented language	�׺ݨưȾɦV���y��	TEBOL
62060terminal capability	�׺ݯ�O
62061terminal capacity	�׺ݮe�q
62062terminal card	�פ�d��
62063terminal character mapping	�׺ݾ��r���M��
62064terminal character sets	�׺ݦr�Ŷ�
62065terminal class	�׺����O
62066terminal cluster	�׺ݸs����
62067terminal column	���C
62068terminal command language	�׺ݩR�O�y��	TCL
62069terminal communication costs	�׺ݳq�T�O��
62070terminal component	�׺ݳ]�Ʀ���
62071terminal computer	�׺ݭp���	TC
62072terminal computer communication	�׺ݭp����q�T
62073terminal computer system	�׺ݭp����t��	TCS
62074terminal concentrator	�׺ݶ��u��	TC
62075terminal condition	�׺ݱ���
62076terminal configuration facility	�׺ݰt�m�]�I	TCF
62077terminal console	�׺ݾާ@�x
62078terminal control area	�׺ݱ����	TMA
62079terminal control computer	�׺ݱ���p���
62080terminal control device	�׺ݱ���]��
62081terminal control language	�׺ݱ���y��	TCL
62082terminal control processor	�׺ݱ���B�z��	TCP
62083terminal control program	�׺ݱ���{��	TCP
62084terminal control system	�׺ݱ���t��	TCS
62085terminal control table	�׺ݱ����	TCT
62086terminal control unit	�׺ݱ���椸	TCU
62087terminal controller	�׺ݱ��
62088terminal converter	�׺��ഫ��
62089terminal cursor	�׺ݾ����
62090terminal data processing	�׺ݸ�T�B�z
62091terminal device	�׺ݸ˸m
62092terminal device interface	�׺ݳ]�Ƥ���
62093terminal diagnostic graphics	�׺ݶE�_��
62094terminal digit posting	�׺ݼƦ�O�J
62095terminal digital controller	�׺ݼƦ챱�
62096terminal display	�׺����
62097terminal display language	�׺���ܻy��	TDL
62098terminal display mode	�׺���ܤ覡
62099terminal distributed system	�׺ݤ����t��
62100terminal driver	�׺��X�ʾ�
62101terminal edit operation	�׺ݽs��ާ@
62102terminal electric buzzer	�׺ݹq����ᄍ
62103terminal emulation	�׺ݥ�u
62104terminal emulator	�׺ݥ�u�{��
62105terminal end-to-end control	�׺ݺݨ�ݱ���
62106terminal endpoint identifier	�׺ݾ������I�ѧO��
62107terminal entry	�׺ݿ�J
62108terminal equipment	�׺ݾ��]��	TE
62109terminal equipment for use in the teletex service	�q�Ǥ��A�ȥβ׺ݳ]��
62110terminal equipment types	�׺ݳ]������
62111terminal equipment,data	��Ʋ׺ݳ]��
62112terminal error program	�׺ݬd���{��	TEP
62113terminal exchange	�׺ݥ洫��	TE
62114terminal exchange area	�׺ݥ洫��	TXA
62115terminal executive language	�׺ݰ���y��	TEL
62116terminal fanout	�׺ݮ��X��
62117terminal function key	�׺ݥ\����
62118terminal graphic plotter	�׺�ø�Ͼ�
62119terminal handle	�׺ݳB�z
62120terminal handle cost	�׺ݳB�z�O��
62121terminal hardware	�׺ݵw��
62122terminal i/o wait	�׺ݿ�J��X����
62123terminal identification	�׺ݾ��ѧO	TID
62124terminal identifier	�׺ݼ��Ѳ�
62125terminal identity	�׺ݨ���
62126terminal impedance	�ݪ���
62127terminal input buffer	�׺ݿ�J�w�ľ�
62128terminal input/output coordination time sharing	�׺ݿ�J��X��դ���
62129terminal input/output module	�׺ݿ�J��X�Ҳ�	TIOM
62130terminal input/output task	�׺ݿ�J��X����	TIOT
62131terminal input/output wait queue	�׺ݿ�J��X���ݰ}�C	TIOWQ
62132terminal installation	�ݯ���o��
62133terminal interaciton	�׺ݤH�����
62134terminal interchange	�׺ݥ洫��
62135terminal interface	�׺ݤ���	TI
62136terminal interface design	�׺ݤ����]�p
62137terminal interface equlpment	�׺ݤ����]��	TIE
62138terminal interface module	�׺ݤ����Ҳ�	TIM
62139terminal interface package	�׺ݤ����M�˳n��	TIP
62140terminal interface processor	�׺ݤ����B�z��	TIP
62141terminal interface unit	�׺ݤ����椸	TIU
62142terminal job	�׺ݧ@�~
62143terminal job identification	�׺ݧ@�~����	TJID
62144terminal keyboard	�׺���L
62145terminal label	�׺ݼи�
62146terminal layout	�׺ݳ]�p
62147terminal line	�׺ݽu
62148terminal list	�׺ݪ�
62149terminal loop adapter	�׺ݰj���A�t��
62150terminal machine	�׺ݾ�
62151terminal management system	�׺ݺ޲z�t��	TERMS
62152terminal memory	�׺ݰO����
62153terminal message processor	�׺ݫH���B�z��	TMP
62154terminal mode	�׺ݼҺA
62155terminal modem eliminator	�׺ݼƾھ�������
62156terminal modem interface	�׺ݼƾھ�����
62157terminal module	�׺ݼҲ�
62158terminal monitor	�׺ݺʷ��{��	TM
62159terminal monitor program	�׺ݺʱ��{��	TMP
62160terminal multiplexer	�׺ݦh�u�ഫ��	TM
62161terminal name	�׺ݦW�r
62162terminal network controller	�׺ݺ������	TNC
62163terminal node	�׺ݸ`�I	TN
62164terminal office	�׺ݧ�
62165terminal operating system	�׺ݧ@�~�t��
62166terminal operation control system	�׺ݾާ@����t��	TOCS
62167terminal operator	�׺ݹB���
62168terminal pad	�k�L
62169terminal parameter	�׭ȰѼ�
62170terminal parameter of do	�`���׭ȰѼ�
62171terminal pattern	�׺ݼҦ�
62172terminal point	���u�I
62173terminal polling system	�׺ݽ��ߨt��	TPS
62174terminal port	�׺ݰ�
62175terminal position location system	�׺ݩw��t��	TPLS
62176terminal printer	�׺ݦC�L��	TP
62177terminal processing language	�׺ݳB�z�y��	TPL
62178terminal processing program	�׺ݳB�z�{��	TPP
62179terminal processing unit	�׺ݳB�z�˸m	TPU
62180terminal processor	�׺ݳB�z��	TP
62181terminal production	�׺ݲ��ͦ�
62182terminal programming language	�׺ݵ{���]�p�y��	TPL
62183terminal programming system	�׺ݵ{���]�p�t��	TPS
62184terminal protocol	�׺ݨ�w	TP
62185terminal queue	�׺ݦ�C
62186terminal quiesce	�׺ݰ��y
62187terminal reliability	�׺ݥi�a��
62188terminal repeater	�׺ݤ��~��
62189terminal response mode	�׺ݦ^���Ҧ�
62190terminal room	�׺ݫ�
62191terminal row	���C
62192terminal security	�׺ݦw����
62193terminal security system	�׺ݦw���t��	TSS
62194terminal self testing	�׺ݦ���
62195terminal send side	�׺ݵo�e	TSS
62196terminal series	�׺ݨt�C	TS
62197terminal server	�׺ݾ����A��
62198terminal service	�׺ݷ~��	TS
62199terminal session	�׺ݹ��
62200terminal setup	�׺ݾ��]�w
62201terminal snapshot	�פ����H
62202terminal source editor	�׺ݭ�s��{��	TSE
62203terminal state	�׵����A
62204terminal statement	�׵��ԭz
62205terminal statement of do	�`���׵��ԭz
62206terminal station	�ݯ�	TS
62207terminal status block	�׺ݪ��A��	TSB
62208terminal status word	�׵����A�r
62209terminal string	�׵���
62210terminal strip	���u��
62211terminal subcontrol station	�׺ݱ������
62212terminal substring	�׵��l��
62213terminal subsystem	�׺ݾ��l�t��
62214terminal suffix	�׵����
62215terminal supervisory program	�׺ݺ޲z�{��	TSP
62216terminal switching	�׺ݾ��ഫ
62217terminal symbol	�׵���
62218terminal system	�׺ݨt��
62219terminal system design costs	�׺ݨt�γ]�p�O
62220terminal table	���I��
62221terminal teleprocessing	�׺ݻ��{�B�z
62222terminal terminal communication adapter	�׺ݳq�H�A�t��	TCA
62223terminal test	�׺ݾ�����
62224terminal time	�פ�ɶ�
62225terminal traffic	�׺ݷ~��
62226terminal transaction facillty	�׺ݲ��ʳB�z�{��	TIF
62227terminal transfer	�׺ݶǰe
62228terminal translator	�׺�½Ķ��	TERMTRAN
62229terminal transmission equipment	�׺ݶǿ�]��
62230terminal transmission interface	�׺ݶǿ餶��
62231terminal transparency	�׺ݳz����
62232terminal trunk	�ݯ��F�u
62233terminal unit	�׺ݳ��	TU
62234terminal unit status	�׺ݳ]�ƪ��A
62235terminal unit status information	�׺ݳ]�ƪ��A��T
62236terminal user	�׺ݥΤ�
62237terminal user productivity	�׺ݥΤ�Ͳ��v
62238terminal value	�׭�
62239terminal variable	�׵��ܼ�
62240terminal versatility	�׺ݳq�Ω�
62241terminal vocabulary	�׵��Ÿ���
62242terminal's communication input queue	�׺ݳq�H��J��C
62243terminal's flagging mode	�׺ݼлx�Ҧ�
62244terminal's prompt mode	�׺ݴ��ܼҦ�
62245terminal'sdialog area	�׺ݹ�ܰ�
62246terminal,cathode ray tube	CRT �׺ݾ�
62247terminal,data	��Ʋ׺ݳ]��
62248terminal,iob-oriented	�M�~�ݯ�
62249terminal,multiplex data	�h�u��ƺݯ�
62250terminal-digit posting	����i��
62251terminal-related main storage data base	�׺ݦ������D�s��Ʈw
62252terminal-text processing	�׺ݤ奻�B�z
62253terminal-to-terminal message	�׺ݾ����T��
62254terminal-transmission entry	�׺ݶǰe��J
62255terminal/modem interface	�׺ݼƾھ�����
62256terminals	�׺ݳ]��
62257terminals per station	�C���׺ݼ�
62258terminaltransmission card	�׺ݶǰe�d
62259terminate	�פ�
62260terminate alternative	�פ���
62261terminate graphics	�פ�@��
62262terminate key	END ��
62263terminate load	�פ�t��
62264terminate parameter	�פ�Ѽ�
62265terminate procedure	�����L�{
62266terminate statement	�פ�ԭz
62267terminated attribute	�פ��ݩ�
62268terminated line	�פ�u
62269terminated task	�w�פ����
62270terminating	�פ�
62271terminating adapter	�ױ��A�t��
62272terminating apparatus	�ױ��˸m
62273terminating chain	�פ���
62274terminating character	�׵��r��
62275terminating circuit	�ױ��q��
62276terminating device	�ױ��˸m
62277terminating error	�ݱ����~
62278terminating format	�׺ݮ榡
62279terminating macro processing	���������B�z
62280terminating markov chain	�פ���i����
62281terminating office	�׺ݧ�	TOFF
62282terminating packet	�����פ�]
62283terminating plug	�׺ݴ��Y
62284terminating point	���I
62285terminating production	�׵����ͦ�
62286terminating queue	�׵���C
62287terminating register	�׺ݼȦs��	TR
62288terminating resister	�׵��q��
62289terminating symbol	�פ�Ÿ�
62290terminating trunk center	�׺ݪ��~�q�ܤ��ߧ�	TTC
62291termination	�׺�
62292termination character	�פ�r��
62293termination condition	��������
62294termination condition fof production system	���ͦ��t�Ϊ��פ����
62295termination condition of rulebased system	��_�W�h�t�Ϊ��פ����
62296termination interrupt	�������_
62297termination job processing	�פ�@�~�B�z
62298termination message	�פ�H��
62299termination of block	���{�Dz׵�
62300termination phase	�פ�q
62301termination point	�ݳe
62302termination proof	�פ�ʵ���
62303termination queue overfolw	�פ��C���X
62304termination record	�׵��O��
62305termination routine	�����`��
62306termination section of device handler	�]�ƳB�z�{���פ�q
62307termination statement	�׵��ԭz
62308termination symbol	�׵��Ÿ�
62309termination system	�׺ݨt��	TS
62310termination table	�פ��
62311termination voltage	�ݱ��q��
62312termination,automatic	�۰ʲפ�
62313terminator	�ݤl	TERM
62314terminator code	�����ťN�X
62315terminator group	�����r�Ų�	TG
62316terminator group controller	�����r��ձ��	TGC
62317terminator program	�׵��{��
62318terminator record	�׵��ŰO��
62319terminator string	�׵��r�Ŧ�
62320terminator/initiator	����_�l�{��
62321terminological data bank	�N�y��Ʈw
62322terminology	�N�y
62323terminology bank	�N�y�w
62324terms	�I�ڱ���
62325terms description	�I�ڻ���
62326terms percent	�I�ڦʤ���
62327ternary	�T��
62328ternary addition	�T�i��[�k
62329ternary algebra	�T���N��
62330ternary arithmetic	�T�i��B��
62331ternary cell	�T�i���x�s�椸
62332ternary code	�T�i��N�X
62333ternary counter	�T�i��p�ƾ�
62334ternary device	�ĤT�]��
62335ternary exclusive or	�T�Ȥ���
62336ternary incremental representation	�T�i���W��ܪk
62337ternary logic	�T�i���޿�
62338ternary logic difference	�T���޿�t
62339ternary logic network	�T���޿����
62340ternary model	�T�ȼҫ�
62341ternary multiplication	�T�i��k
62342ternary notation	�T�i�O�k
62343ternary number	�T�i���
62344ternary number system	�T�i��O�ƨt��
62345ternary operation	�T�ȹB��
62346ternary operator	�T�عB���
62347ternary representation	�T�i���ܪk
62348ternary system	�T�i��
62349ternary tree	�T����
62350terrestrial interface equipment	�a�������]��
62351terrestrial microwave link	�a���L�i���
62352terrestrial microwave route	�a���L�i���|
62353terrestrial telemetric station	�a��������
62354territory	�d����
62355tertiary	�T����
62356test	����	T
62357test access	���զs��
62358test access point	���զs���I
62359test analysis program	���դ��R�{��
62360test analysis report	���դ��R���i
62361test and branch statement	���ջP�ಾ�ԭz
62362test and diagnostic language	���թM�E�_�y	TDL
62363test and diagnostics	���թM�E�_	TD
62364test and evaluation	���ջP����
62365test and goto statement	������V�ԭz
62366test and link	���ջP�챵
62367test and maintenance program	���ջP���@�{��
62368test and repair processor	���թM���׳B�z��	TARP
62369test and verify program	t&v ��������{��
62370test antenna	����ѽu
62371test approach	���դ�k
62372test assistance program	���ջ��U�{��	TAP
62373test automation	���զ۰ʤ�
62374test bar	�����
62375test bed	����x
62376test bench	���եx
62377test bench set	���եx
62378test block	�ն�
62379test board	���ջO
62380test button	���նs
62381test card	���եd
62382test case	���ծר�
62383test case description	�����Ҵy�z
62384test case design	�����ҳ]�p
62385test case generation	�����Ҳ���
62386test center	���դ���
62387test channel	���ճq�D	TCH
62388test chart	���չϪ�
62389test checkout procedure	��������{��	TCP
62390test clips of hybrids	�V�X�L�q������
62391test code	���սX
62392test computer unit	���խp����椸	TCU
62393test condition	���ձ���
62394test console	���籱��x	TC
62395test controller	���籱�	TC
62396test controller system	���籱��{�Ǩt��
62397test coupon	���s����O
62398test criteria	�˴��ǫh
62399test cube	���եߤ�
62400test data	���ո��
62401test data generating language	���ո�Ʋ��ͻy��	TDG-L
62402test data generation	���ո�Ʋ���
62403test data generator	���ո�Ʋ��;�
62404test data package	���ո�ƥ]	TDP
62405test data selection criteria	���ո�ƿ�ܷǫh
62406test data system	���ո�ƨt��
62407test deck	���եd���|
62408test design	�˴��]�p
62409test desk	���եx
62410test detect function	�����ˬd�\��
62411test detect routine	�����ˬd�`��
62412test dispatching	���սի�
62413test driver	�����X�ʵ{��
62414test equipment	���ճ]��	TE
62415test event	���ըƥ�
62416test execcutive	���հ���{��	TEX
62417test executive program	�������{��
62418test facility	���ճ]��
62419test file	�����ɮ�
62420test file control command	�����ɮױ���R�O
62421test for ambiguity	�G�q�ʪ�����
62422test function	���ը��
62423test generation	���եͦ�
62424test generator	���սX���͵{��	TG
62425test grading	���դ���
62426test indicator	���ի��ܾ�
62427test information processing system	���ո�T�B�z�t��	TIPS
62428test initialization	���ժ�l��
62429test input tape	���տ�J�a
62430test input/output	���տ�J��X	TIO
62431test instruction	���ի��O
62432test instruction debugging	���ի��O����
62433test instrument	���ջ���
62434test interconnection line	���դ��s�u
62435test interval	���ն��j
62436test IO	��X�J����	TIO
62437test item taker	���綵�ر�����	TIT
62438test joint	�����p��
62439test lead	����ޤJ�u
62440test library	���յ{���w
62441test link	�������
62442test log	���դ�x
62443test loop	���հj��	TL
62444test macro	���է����O
62445test maintenance unit	���պ��@�椸	TMU
62446test matrix	����x�}
62447test methodology	���դ�k��
62448test methods and procedures	���դ�k�P�L�{	TMP
62449test microinstruction	���շL���O
62450test mode	���ռҦ�	TM
62451test mode run	���ռҦ��B��
62452test model	���ռҫ�
62453test module	���ռҲ�
62454test monitor system	���պʱ��t��	TMS
62455test numeric	���ռƦ�
62456test ok	���ե��`
62457test operating procedure	���վާ@�{��
62458test overflow condition	���շ��X����
62459test pack	���ղե�
62460test page	���խ���
62461test page loading	���խ������J
62462test page termination	���խ����פ�
62463test pattern	���սX�Ҧ�	TP
62464test pattern generation program	���սX�Ҧ��ͦ��{��
62465test pattern generation system	���սX�Ҧ����ͨt��
62466test pattern generator	���սX�Ҧ����;�	TPG
62467test pattern peneration	���սX�Ҧ��ͦ�
62468test pattern sequence	���սX�Ҧ��ǦC
62469test patterns	���ի��A
62470test period	���մ���
62471test phase	���ն��q
62472test piece	�ե�
62473test plan	���խp��
62474test plate	����O
62475test point	�����I	TP
62476test probe	���ձ��w
62477test problem	���հ��D
62478test procedure	���յ{��
62479test procedure language	���յ{�ǻy��	TPL
62480test program	���յ{��	TP
62481test program package	���յ{���M�˳n��
62482test program system	���յ{���t��
62483test rate	���ճt�v
62484test repeatability	���եi���Ʃ�
62485test replacement	���մ������
62486test report	������i	TR
62487test request	���խn�D	TEST
62488test request message	���խn�D�H��	TRM
62489test result tape	���յ��G�a
62490test routine	���ձ`��
62491test rules	���ճW�h
62492test run	�չB��
62493test selector	���տ�ܾ�
62494test sequencing	���ն���
62495test set	���ջ�
62496test signal	���իH��
62497test signal characteristics	���իH���S��
62498test signal generator	���իH�����;�
62499test skip	���ո��D
62500test space	���ժŶ�
62501test specification	���է޳N�n�D
62502test statistics	����έp
62503test status output	���ժ��A��X
62504test step	���ըB
62505test step output state	���ըB��X�A
62506test subroutine	���դl�`��
62507test suite	�@�M����{��
62508test supervisor program	���եκʱ��{��
62509test support equipment	�������]��	TSE
62510test support program	���դ䴩�{��	TSP
62511test switch	����}��	TSW
62512test system	���ըt��
62513test system component	���ըt�Τ���
62514test system coordination	���ըt�Ψ��
62515test table	���ժ�
62516test tape	����a
62517test tape program	���ձa�{��
62518test task	���ե���
62519test terminal	���ղ׺ݾ�
62520test time	���ծɶ�
62521test timer	���թw�ɾ�
62522test tone	�խ�
62523test tone power,standard	�зǸխ��\�v
62524test transistor	���չq����	TESTRAN
62525test translator	����½Ķ�{��	TESTRAN
62526test two bits	�������줸	TTB
62527test under mask	�̽��U����	TM
62528test validity	���զ��ĩ�
62529test wait	���յ���
62530test work group	���դu�@��	TWG
62531test zone	�ϰ����
62532test,bias	��������
62533test,compatibility	�ۮe�ʴ���
62534test,crippled-leapfrog	������
62535test,destructive	�}�a�ʴ���
62536test,diagnostic	�E�_����
62537test,frequency	�W�v����
62538test,leapfrog	�������
62539test,routine	�`������
62540test,subroutine	���`������
62541test,system	�t���
62542test,volume	�h�q����
62543test-and-repair processor	���խ״_�B�z��
62544test-and-set instruction	���ոm����O
62545test-and-set procedure	���ոm��L�{
62546test-oriented language	���վɦV���y��	TOL
62547test-oriented languagee	���վɦV���y��	TOL
62548test-oriented operator language	���վɦV���ާ@���y��	TOOL
62549test-oriented programming system	����M�ε{���]�p�t��	TOPS
62550testability	�i���թ�
62551testable ROM	�i���հ�Ū�O����	TROM
62552tester	���վ�
62553testing	����
62554testing and scoring system	����P�O���t��	TASS
62555testing digital module	���ռƦ�Ҳ�
62556testing envelope	���ե]�u
62557testing environment	��������
62558testing for bug	����
62559testing function	���ը��
62560testing hardware	���յw��
62561testing hybrids	�V�X�L�q��������
62562testing maintainability	����i���@��
62563testing nominative	�����B�w��
62564testing program	���յ{��
62565testing real-time system	���էY�ɨt��
62566testing sequence	���ն���
62567testing software	���ճn��
62568testing terminal	���պ�
62569testing time	�˴��ծɶ�
62570testing tool	�˴��u��
62571tetrad	�|���s
62572tetragamma function	�|	���
62573tetragon	�|���
62574tetrahedral array	�|����Ʋ�
62575tetrahedron	�|����
62576tetral notation	�|�i��
62577tetrode	�|����
62578tetrode field-effect transistor	�|���������q����
62579tetrode transistor	�|���q����
62580texas instrruments	�w�J�Ĵ�����	TI
62581texas instruments	�w�J�Ĵ�����
62582text	����	TXT
62583text 1 and	����1 �M
62584text analysis package	������R�M�˳n��
62585text analysis program	������R�{��
62586text and file management system	����P�ɮ׺޲z�t��	TFMS
62587text angle	���娤��
62588text argument	�����ܤ�
62589text attribute	�����ݩ�
62590text block	�ն�
62591text body	������
62592text buffer	����w��
62593text card	����d��
62594text command	����R�O
62595text compaction	������Y
62596text component	������q
62597text compression	�������Y
62598text concordance	������ׯ���
62599text control	���山��
62600text control chaining	���山���챵
62601text control sequence	���山��ǦC
62602text correction system	����ե��t��
62603text data base	�����Ʈw
62604text delay	���婵��
62605text delimiter	����w�q��
62606text display	�������
62607text display editor	������ܽs��{��
62608text edit	����s��
62609text editing	����s��
62610text editing interface	����s�褶��
62611text editing system	����s��t��	TES
62612text edition and modification	����s��P�ק�
62613text editor	��r�s�边	TE
62614text editor and corrector	�奻�s��{���P�ե��{��	TECO
62615text editor module	����s��{���Ҳ�
62616text editor system	����s��{���t��
62617text escape character	���崫�X�r��
62618text file	�����ɮ�
62619text file parameter	�����ɮװѼ�
62620text files	�����ɮ�
62621text final cursor position	����̲״�Ц�m
62622text font	����r��
62623text formatter	����榡�Ƶ{��
62624text formatting	����榡�s��
62625text formatting program	����榡�Ƶ{��
62626text formatting system	����榡�ƨt��
62627text gap	���嶡��
62628text handling facility	����B�z�]�I
62629text handling language	����B�z�y��
62630text indexing and retrieval	������޻P�˯�	TEXTIR
62631text information management system	�����T�޲z�t��
62632text information retrieval system	�����T�˯��t��
62633text initial cursor	�����l���
62634text initial cursor position	�����l���m
62635text input	�����J
62636text input-output	�����J��X
62637text input-output primitive	�����J��X��y
62638text justification	������
62639text justified to both margins	������������
62640text justifier	����㪩�{��
62641text left justified	�V�����������
62642text length clause	������פl�y
62643text library	�ؼе{���w
62644text line	�����
62645text link	�����챵
62646text maintenance	������@	TXTM
62647text management sytem	����޲z�t��	TMS
62648text manipulation	����ާ@
62649text margin	������t
62650text material	�������
62651text message	���妡�T��
62652text mode	����ҺA
62653text module	����Ҳ�
62654text name	����W
62655text orienation	����w�V
62656text overflow	�{���D��L�j
62657text parameter	����Ѽ�
62658text part	���峡��
62659text preparation	������
62660text processing	����B�z
62661text processing command	����B�z�R�O
62662text processing language	����B�z�y��
62663text processing standard	����B�z�з�
62664text processing system	����B�z�t��
62665text processing tool	����B�z�u��
62666text processor	����B�z�{��
62667text retrieval	�����˯�
62668text revision	����׭q
62669text right justified	�V�k���������
62670text scanning application	���屽�y����
62671text section	����q
62672text segment	����q
62673text segmentation	������q
62674text sequence	���嶶��
62675text seze	����g�T�j�p
62676text spacing constant	���j���`�ƪ�����
62677text spacing proportional	���j�ۺ٪�����
62678text string search	�����d�M
62679text string test	��������
62680text structure	���嵲�c
62681text supperssion	������
62682text transparency	����z��
62683text word	����r
62684text-coordinate origin	����վ�}��
62685text-I/O package	�����J��X�M�˳n��
62686text-to-speech mode	�����y���u�@�Ҧ�
62687text-to-speech synthesizer	�����y���X����
62688textfile	�����ɮ�
62689textfile operator	�����ɮץ�B���
62690textile model	��´�ҫ�
62691textual	���媺
62692textual character	����Ÿ�
62693textual order	���妸��
62694textual output routine	�����X�`��
62695textual retrieval	�����˯�
62696textual scan	���屽�y
62697textual substitution	����N��
62698texture	����
62699texture analysis	���z���R
62700texture discrimination	���z�P�O
62701texture statistics	���z�έp
62702texture synthesis	���z�X��
62703then	�h
62704then clause	�h�l�y
62705then if symbol	�h�p�G�Ÿ�
62706then symbol	�h�Ÿ�
62707theorem	�w�z
62708theorem machine	�w�z��
62709theorem of EULER	�کԩw�z
62710theorem of polyhedra	�h����w�z
62711theorem on flows in network	�����y�w�z
62712theorem on regular set	���h���w�z
62713theorem prover	�w�z�����{��
62714theorem proving	�w�z����
62715theorem proving use of resolution	�ϥΤ��ѫߪ��w�z����
62716theorem-proving by resolution	�����ѫߪ��w�z����
62717theorem-proving by resolution refutation	�����ѫߤϺt���w�z����
62718theorem-proving by rule-based system	��_�W�h�t���w�z����
62719theorem-proving for robot problem solving	�����H���D�D�Ѫ��w�z����
62720theorem-proving machine	�w�z������
62721theorem-proving system	�w�z�����t��
62722theoretical	�z�ת�
62723theoretical arithmetic	�z�׭p��
62724theoretical computer science	�z�׭p������
62725theoretical level	�z�װ���
62726theoretical logic	�z���޿��
62727theoretical margin	�z���䭭
62728theoretical maximum density	�z�׳̤j�K��	TMD
62729theoretical model	�z�׼ҫ�
62730theoretical principle	�z�׭�h
62731theoretical resuit	�z�׵��G
62732theoretical side	�z�פ譱
62733theoretical value	�z�׭�
62734theory	�z��
62735theory formation	�z�קΦ�
62736theory lower bound	�z�פU��
62737theory of algorithm	�t��k�z��
62738theory of automata	�۰ʾ��z��
62739theory of branching process	����L�{�z��
62740theory of chances	���J��
62741theory of computation	�p��z��
62742theory of correct locking protocol	�ե������w�z��
62743theory of dynamic programming	�ʺA�W���z��
62744theory of foundations of mathematics	�ƾǰ�¦�z��
62745theory of function	��ƽ�
62746theory of game	�ﵦ��
62747theory of inference	���z��
62748theory of large scale system	�j�t�βz��
62749theory of maintenance installation manual	���צw�˭�z��U	TMIM
62750theory of maintenance manual	���׭�z��U	TMM
62751theory of multitype G-W branching process	�ƦX���\���y--�S�ͤ���L�{�z��
62752theory of operation	�ާ@�z��
62753theory of programming	�{�dz]�p�z��
62754theory of queue	��C��
62755theory of servo-mechanism	���A���c�z��
62756theory of switching circuits	�}���q���z��
62757theory of systemic grammar	������k�z��
62758theory of technical stability	�޳Ní�w�ʲz��
62759theory of terminology	�N�y�Dzz��
62760theory of transmission lines	�ǿ�u�z��
62761theory of type number	���Ʋz��
62762theory,automata	�۰ʾ��z��
62763theory,game	�v�ɲz��
62764theory,group	�s��
62765theory,information	��T�z��
62766theory,probability	���v��
62767theory,queuing	��C��
62768theory,set	���X��
62769theory,switching	�洫�z��
62770thermal agitation noise	������
62771thermal analog computer	�������p���
62772thermal breakdown	������
62773thermal capacity	���e�q
62774thermal characteristics	���S��
62775thermal check	�����ˬd
62776thermal check light	�����ˬd���ܿO
62777thermal conduction	���Ǿ�
62778thermal conductivity	���ɲv
62779thermal connector	���ӱ�IJ��
62780thermal contact	���ӱ��I	TH
62781thermal contact resistance	��IJ����
62782thermal control	������
62783thermal design	���]�p
62784thermal display light	����ܿO
62785thermal dissipation	���Ӵ�
62786thermal equilibrium	������
62787thermal equilibrium state	�����Ū��A
62788thermal equivalent	����q
62789thermal expansion	������
62790thermal imaging	������
62791thermal insulator	������
62792thermal light	���q�O
62793thermal mass	����q
62794thermal noise	������
62795thermal noise power	�������\�v
62796thermal printer	�P�����C�L��
62797thermal printing	�P�����C�L
62798thermal printing technigue	�P�����L��޳N
62799thermal radiation	���T�g
62800thermal resistance	����
62801thermal resistor	����
62802thermal run-away	���Ӵ�
62803thermal sensitive paper	���ӯ�
62804thermal sensitive ribbon	���ӱa
62805thermal shock	���n
62806thermal shock test	���n����
62807thermal stencil	���Ҫ�
62808thermal time constant	���ɶ��`��
62809thermal transfer	����
62810thermal transfer printer	���Ǽg���L���
62811thermal warning	��ĵ�i
62812thermal-type spirit master	���C�L�쪩
62813thermal-type spirit transfer sheet	���C�L�Ǫ�
62814thermionic integrated micro modules	�����l�n��L���Ҳ�	TIMM
62815thermionic tube	�u�ź�
62816thermistor	������
62817thermistor test program	���ӹq�����յ{��	TIP
62818thermo electric effect	���q����
62819thermocompression bond	�����k
62820thermocompression bonder	�����k����
62821thermocompression bonding	�������X
62822thermocouple	����	TC
62823thermocouple connector	���q�����I
62824thermocouple thermometer	���q���ū׭p
62825thermoelectric cooler	���q�N�o��
62826thermoelectric couple	�Ůt�q��
62827thermoelectric couple effect	�Ůt�q������
62828thermoelectric effect	���q����
62829thermoelement	�Ůt�q��
62830thermogalvanometer	�Ůt�q���q�y�p
62831thermograph	�ūװO����
62832thermographic document copying machine	���ϧθ�ƽƦL��
62833thermographic process	���ϧΤu��
62834thermography	���g�k
62835thermomagnetic	���Ϫ�
62836thermomagnetic effect	���Ϯ���
62837thermometer	�ū׭p	THERM
62838thermonagnetic writing	���ϼg�J
62839thermophone	���P�o�n��
62840thermoplastic recording	����O��
62841thermoplastic tape	����a
62842thermoplastic-photoconductor device	������ɸ˸m	TPD
62843thermoplastics	����ʶ��
62844thermoprinter	���P���L���
62845thermorelay	���~�q��
62846thermoremanence	���x��
62847thermoset	���T��
62848thermosetting plastics	���T�ʶ��
62849thermostat	��ž�
62850thermostated bath	��ż�
62851thermostatic bath	��ż�
62852thermostatic control	��ű���
62853thermostatic oven	����l
62854thermotape	����a
62855thermplastic	������
62856thesaurus	�T�q���J
62857thesaurus construction	�D�D����c��
62858thesaurus display	�D�D�����
62859thesaurus management system	����޲z�t��	TMS
62860theta graph		��
62861thick film	�p��
62862thick film circuit	�p���q��
62863thick film fabrication	�p����y
62864thick film hybrid circuit	�p���V�X�q��
62865thick film integrated circuit	�p���n��q��
62866thick film PCB	�p���L��q���O
62867thick film storage	�p���x�s��
62868thick-film	�p��
62869thick-film / thin-film hybrid fabrication	�p���������V�X�n��q���s�y
62870thick-film / thin-film printing	�p���������C�L
62871thickness	�p��; �e��
62872thickness loss	�p�׷l��
62873thin ferromagnetic film	�K������
62874thin film	����	TF
62875thin film capacitor	�����q�e
62876thin film circuit	�����q��
62877thin film condenser	�����q��
62878thin film head	�����ϳe
62879thin film hybrids	�����V�X�L�q��
62880thin film hybrids construction	�����V�X�L�q�����c
62881thin film integrated circuit	�����n��q��
62882thin film magnetic modules	�����ϼҲ�
62883thin film magnetoresistive head	�����Ϫ��ϳe
62884thin film memory	�Ͻ��O����
62885thin film rod	������
62886thin film storage	�����x�s��
62887thin film technology	�����޳N	TFT
62888thin film terminal	�����ޥX�u
62889thin film transistor	�����q����	TFT
62890thin lens	���z��
62891thin list	����
62892thin membrane	����
62893thin route	�}���|
62894thin route circuit	�}���|�q��
62895thin route earth station	�}���|�a����
62896thin route network	�}���|����
62897thin route satellite communication	�}���|�ìP�q�T
62898thin route service	�}���|�~��
62899thin route system	�}���|�t��
62900thin window display	���������
62901thin wire communication	�}�u���q�T
62902thin-film cryotron	�����N�l��
62903thin-film deposition	����������
62904thin-film diode	�����G����
62905thin-film electronic circuit	�����q�l�q��
62906thin-film fabrication	�����s�y
62907thin-film head	�����ϳe
62908thin-film IC process	�����n��q���u��
62909thin-film magnetic head	�����ϳe
62910thin-film magnetic module	�����ϼҲ�
62911thin-film memory	�����O��
62912thin-film microelectronics	�����L�q�l��
62913thin-film processing	�����u��
62914thin-film store control	�����x�s����
62915thin-film,magnetic	�ϩ�����
62916thin-window memory	�����O����
62917thin-window printing	�������C�L
62918thinner	�}����
62919thinning process	�ӽu�ƳB�z
62920third boundary-value problem	�ĤT��Ȱ��D
62921third generation	�ĤT�N
62922third generation computer	�ĤT�N�q��
62923third generation computer language	�ĤT�N�p����y��
62924third generation hardware	�ĤT�N�w��
62925third generation languages	�ĤT�N�y��
62926third generation logical organization	�ĤT�N�޿赲�c
62927third generation software	�ĤT�N�n��
62928third level address	�ĤT�Ŧ�}
62929third level of packaging	�ĤT�Ųո�
62930third normal form	�ĤT���`�Φ�	TNF
62931third party	�ĤT��
62932third-level address	�ĤT���}
62933third-level inner-macro-call	�ĤT�Ť��������ե�
62934third-level storage	�ĤT���x�s��
62935third-level structure	�ĤT�ŵ��c
62936third-order servo problem	�ĤT�����A���D
62937thirty day percent	30�Ѧʤ���
62938thirty-nine feature code	�ʤE�S�x�X
62939thirty-two bit system	32��t��
62940thrashing	�r��
62941thread	�ի׳��
62942thread control block	�իײձ����	TCB
62943thread links	��u�챵
62944thread list of register descriptions	�Ȧs���y�z�u����
62945thread list use to process forward jump	�B�z�V�e�ಾ�u����
62946thread threaded tree	��v��u����i���u
62947thread trees	��u����
62948thread-testing approach	��u�����ժk
62949threaded code	�u���N�X
62950threaded file	�u����
62951threaded hole	������
62952threaded link	�즡���
62953threaded list	�u��C��
62954threaded tree	�u����
62955threaded tree representation	�u������
62956threading	��u
62957threat monitoring	�¯ٺʹ�
62958three address	�T��}
62959three channel bidirectional bus switch	�T�q�D���V�׬y�ƶ}��
62960three colour process	�T��u��
62961three dimensional analog computer	�T������p���	TRIDAC
62962three dimensional computer graphic	�T���p����ϧ�
62963three dimensional equation	�T����{��
62964three dimensional four wire	�T�ץ|�u	3D4W
62965three dimensional imaging	�T��������
62966three dimensional interconnection	�T�����s
62967three dimensional package	�T���ո�
62968three dimensional structure	���鵲�c
62969three dimensional three wire	�T�פT�u	3D3W
62970three figure decimal fraction	�T��Q�i�p��
62971three hole core	�T�պϪ�
62972three item storage	�T�����x�s��
62973three junction transistor	�T���q����
62974three level tree	�T�ž�
62975three phase	�T��
62976three phase clock pulse	�T�ۮ����߽�
62977three point bond	�T�I�s��
62978three position modulation	�T��椸�ը�
62979three state buffer	�T�A�w�ľ�
62980three state control	�T�A����	TSC
62981three time estimates	�T�ɶ��w��
62982three-address	�T�}
62983three-address code	�T�}�X
62984three-address instruction	�T�}���O
62985three-axis body	�T�b��
62986three-axis satellte	�T�b�ìP
62987three-axis stabilization	�T�bí�w
62988three-bit byte	�T��줸��
62989three-dimension graphics support	�T���ϧΤ䴩
62990three-dimensional	�T��
62991three-dimensional array	�T���}�C
62992three-forked jump	�T�e�ಾ
62993three-input adder	�T��J�[�k��
62994three-input subtracter	�T�J��k��
62995three-layer construction logic circuit	�T�h���c�޿�q��
62996three-length recording	�T���װO��
62997three-level addressing	�T���w�}
62998three-place accuracy	�T��ǽT��
62999three-plus-one address	�T�[�@�}
63000three-plus-one address instruction	�T�[�@�}���O
63001three-port networks	�T�����
63002three-position control	�T��m����
63003three-position key	�T��m�q��
63004three-row keyboard	�T�C��L
63005three-set space diversity	�T���Ŷ���
63006three-sigma limit	�T	�ɭ�
63007three-stable state device	�Tí�A�]��
63008three-stage rocket	�T�Ť��b
63009three-state control	�T�A����
63010three-state gate	�T�A�h
63011three-state logic	�T�A�޿�
63012three-unit code	�T����X
63013three-value logic	�T���޿�
63014three-value simulation	�T�ȼ���
63015three-way layout	�T���]�p
63016three-wire system	�T�u��
63017threefld representation	�T����ܦ�
63018threshold	�{��
63019threshold circuit	�ֹq��
63020threshold condition	�w������
63021threshold current	�ֹq�y
63022threshold decoder	�֭ȸѽX��
63023threshold decoding	�{���ѽX
63024threshold element	�w������
63025threshold extension demodulator	�֭��X�i�ѽվ�
63026threshold frequency	���W�v
63027threshold function	�֨��
63028threshold gate	�ֹh
63029threshold learning process	�֭ȾDz߹L�{
63030threshold level	�ֹq��
63031threshold logic	�w���޿�
63032threshold logic circuit	���޿�q��	TIC
63033threshold logic element	���޿褸��	TLE
63034threshold logic network	���޿����
63035threshold mode	�֭Ȥ覡
63036threshold of audibilty	�D��
63037threshold operation	�֭ȹB��
63038threshold value	�֭�
63039threshold volatge	�ֹq��
63040threshold voltage	�w���q��
63041threshold voltage generator	�ֹq�����;�	TVG
63042thresholded gradient	�֭����
63043thresholding	�֭�
63044through capacity	�q�L��O
63045through connection	���q�s��
63046through connection point	�౵�I
63047through connection station	�౵��
63048through group	���q�s
63049through line	���q�u
63050through path	���q���|
63051through-hole	�q��
63052through-hole plating	�q�����
63053through-rate	�q�L�t�v
63054through-trunk supervision	�e�q�F�u�ʷ�
63055throughout	�B�z����`�t��
63056throughput	���q
63057throughput capability	��e��O
63058throughput capacity	�]�R�q
63059throughput class negotiation	�]�R�q�ŧO��w
63060throughput efficiency	���q�IJv
63061throughput performance turnaround time	��e�ʯ���j�ɶ�
63062throughput rate	�]�R�v
63063throughput time	��e�ɶ�
63064throw,paper	�ȱi�Ų�
63065throw-away character	�o��r��
63066throw-away compiling	�o��sĶ
63067throw-down study	�Y�U��s
63068throw-out	�_�}
63069thruput	���D��O
63070thumb wheel	�L���۽�
63071thumb wheel control	�i�������౱�
63072thumb whell switch	�i������}��
63073thumbscrew	�l����
63074thyratron	�h�y��
63075thyristor	�h�y��
63076thyristor cell	�h�y�޳椸
63077tic-tac-toe game	���r�C��
63078tick	�w��
63079tick mark	�I�O�I
63080ticket converter	�������ഫ��
63081ticket vendor	�۰ʰⲼ��
63082ticking	�U�O
63083tie breaker	���ŧ��_
63084tie line	�p���u
63085tie link	���F�q�H�u��
63086tie point	�����I
63087tie station	�౵�x
63088tie trunk	�p���F�u	TTK
63089tieline	���u�q��
63090tier	�P��
63091tight alignment	���
63092tight constraint	�����
63093tight coupling	��K���X
63094tight loop waiting	��K�`������
63095tight masterslave	���X�D�q�P�B�t��	TMS
63096tightening rod	�
63097tightly coupled system	�K���t��
63098tightly-coupled	���X
63099tightly-coupled interprocessor	��K���X�B�z��
63100tightly-coupled multiprocessing	��K���X���h���B�z
63101tightly-coupled processor	��K���X�B�z��	TCP
63102tiling window	�E�j������
63103tilt/totate	�ɱשα���	T/R
63104tilting mirror	�ɱפϮg��
63105time	�ɶ�	T
63106time address code	�ɶ���}�X
63107time advancing algorithm	�ɶ��W�e�t��k
63108time analysis	�ɶ����R
63109time analysis program	�ɶ����R�{��
63110time and attendance	�ɶ��ΥX��
63111time automated grid	�۰ʮɬ]	TAG
63112time base	�ɰ�	TB
63113time base circuit	�ɰ�q��
63114time base code	�ɶ���¦�X
63115time base control	�ɰ���
63116time base corrector	�ɰ�ե���
63117time base counter	�ɰ�p�ƾ�
63118time base error	�ɰ�~�t	TBE
63119time base generator	�ɰ��;�
63120time bus	�ɶ��׬y��
63121time cell	�ɶ��椸
63122time chart	�ɶ���
63123time circuit	�ɶ��q��
63124time clock	�w�ɮ���	TC
63125time clock circuit	�w�ɮ����q��
63126time code	�ɶ��N�X	TC
63127time code generator	�ɶ��N�X���;�
63128time code reader	�ɶ��N�X�\Ū��
63129time code signal	�ɶ��N�X�H��
63130time coding	�ɶ��s�X
63131time component complexity	�ɶ����q�_����
63132time compression codeing	�ɶ����Y�s�X	TCC
63133time compression coding	�ɶ����Y�s�X	TCC
63134time compression multiplex	�ɶ����Y�h�u�ƥ�	TCM
63135time constant	�ɶ��`��	T
63136time constant term	�ɶ��`�ƶ�	TCT
63137time control	�w�ɱ���
63138time control pulse	�w�ɯ߽�
63139time control task	�w�ɱ������
63140time controlled gain	�ɶ�����W�q	TCG
63141time correlation system	�ɶ������t��
63142time critical process	��ɶi�{
63143time data card	�ɶ���ƥd	TDC
63144time delay	�ɩ�	TD
63145time delay circuit	���ɹq��
63146time delay device	���ɸ˸m
63147time delay difference	���ɮt
63148time delay distortion	���ɥ��u
63149time delay relay	�����~�q��	TDR
63150time demodulation	�ɶ��ѽ�
63151time discriminator	�ɶ�Ų�O��
63152time displacement	�ɶ��첾
63153time display	�ɶ����
63154time divided network	�ɤ�����
63155time division	�ɤ�	TD
63156time division channel	�ɤ��q�D
63157time division common control	�ɤ����@����
63158time division control access	�ɤ����@����s��
63159time division data link	�ɤ�������
63160time division exchange	�ɤ��洫��	TDX
63161time division modulation	�ɤ��ը�	TDM
63162time division multiple access	�ɤ��h�}�s��	TDMA
63163time division multiple address	�ɤ��h����}	TDMA
63164time division multiple carrier	�ɤ��h�����i
63165time division multiplex bus	�ɤ��h���׬y��
63166time division multiplex channel	�ɤ��h���౵�q�D	TDMC
63167time division multiplex communication	�ɤ��h���q�T
63168time division multiplex transmission	�ɤ��h���ǿ�
63169time division multiplexer	�ɶ������h�u��	TDM
63170time division multiplexer unit	�ɤ��h���_�γ椸
63171time division multiplexing	�ɤ��h���ഫ	TDM
63172time division multiplexing scheme	�ɤ��h���_�Τ��
63173time division multplexing	�ɤ��h���ഫ	TDM
63174time division network	�ɤ�����
63175time division switch	�ɤ��洫
63176time division switching network	�ɤ��洫����
63177time division switching system	�ɤ��洫�t��
63178time domain	�ɰ�
63179time domain addressing	�ɰ�w�}
63180time domain analysis	�ɰ���R
63181time domain design	�ɰ�]�p
63182time domain equalizer	�ɰ짡�ž�
63183time domain experiment design	�ɰ����]�p
63184time domain multiple access system	�ɰ�h���s���t��
63185time domain reflectometer	�ɰ�Ϯg�p
63186time domain reflector	�ɰ�Ϯg��	TDR
63187time domain specification	�ɰ�S��
63188time domain synthesizer	�ɰ��X��
63189time duration	����ɶ�
63190time enablement	���\�ɶ�
63191time encoding	�ɶ��s�X
63192time factor	�ɶ��]��
63193time fence	�ɮ�
63194time flow mechanism	�ɶ��y���c
63195time folw mechanisms	�ɬy���c
63196time frame	�ɬq
63197time gate	�w�ɹh
63198time gauge	�w�ɭp	TG
63199time hierarchy	�ɶ��Шt
63200time history file	�ɶ����{�ɮ�
63201time impulse distribution	��鿯߽Ĥ��t
63202time integrating optical processor	�ɶ���X���B�z��
63203time interleaving	�ɶ����
63204time interval	�ɶ����j	TI
63205time interval bell	�ɶ����j�a	TIB
63206time interval conversion	�ɶ����j�ܴ�	TIC
63207time interval counter	�ɶ����j�p�ƾ�	TIC
63208time interval measurement	�ɶ����j���q	TIM
63209time interval optimization	�ɹj�̨Τ�	TIO
63210time invariant channel	�ɶ����ܩʳq�D
63211time invariant operation	�ɶ����ܩʹB��
63212time invariant system	�ɶ����ܨt��
63213time isolation unit	�w�ɹj���˸m	TIU
63214time jitter	�ɰ�{��
63215time keeping	�O��
63216time keeping system	�ɶ��O���t��
63217time lag	�ɶ�����
63218time lag action	�ɺ��@��
63219time lag sytem	�ɺ��t��
63220time lapse cinematography	�C�t����q�v���N
63221time lapse recorder	�C�t����O����
63222time level	�ɶ���
63223time limit	�ɶ�����	TL
63224time loss	�ɶ��l��
63225time mapping	�ɶ��M�g
63226time margin	�ɶ��l�q
63227time mark	�ɼ�
63228time mark generator	�ɼв��;�
63229time marker	�ɼЫ��ܾ�
63230time marker frequency	�ɶ��лx�W�v	TMF
63231time marker generator	�ɼв��;�
63232time measurement unit	�ɶ����q�˸m	TMU
63233time modulation	�ɶ��ը�
63234time modulation sideband	�ɶ��ը���a
63235time modulation,pulse	�ߪi�ɶ�����
63236time monitor	�ɶ��ʵ���	TM
63237time multiplex	�ɤ��h�u��
63238time multiplex transmission	�ɤ��h�u�ǿ�
63239time multiplexed	�ɶ��h�u��
63240time multiplexed communication channel	�ɤ��h�u�q�T�q�D
63241time multiplexed system	�ɤ��h�u�t��
63242time multiplexing dual-microprocessor system	�ɤ��h�u���L�B�z���t��
63243time multiplexor channel	�ɤ��h�u�q�D
63244time of day clock	�骺����	TDC
63245time of filling	���ɮɶ�	TOF
63246time of lag	����ɶ�
63247time of operation	�@�ήɶ�
63248time of recovery	��_�ɶ�
63249time opening	���}�ɶ�	TO
63250time out	�Ȱ�; �Ȱ�����
63251time out circuit	�W�ɹq��	TOC
63252time out control	�W�ɱ���
63253time out error	�L�ɿ��~
63254time out period	�W�ɴ���
63255time over	�W��
63256time over check	�W������
63257time parameter	�ɶ��Ѽ�
63258time penalty	�ɶ��g�@
63259time period of supply	�����g��
63260time phase	�ɶ��ۦ�
63261time prearranged assignment	�ɶ��w���t
63262time preassing	�ɶ��w���t
63263time proportioning controller	�ɶ���ұ��
63264time pulse	�����߽�	TP
63265time pulse distribution	�����߽Ĥ��t
63266time quantum	�ɶ��q
63267time quantum method	�ɶ����q�k
63268time redundancy	�ɶ����l
63269time register	�ɶ��Ȧs��
63270time relay	�ɶ��~�q��
63271time remaining	�Ѿl�ɶ�
63272time response	�ɶ��^��
63273time scale	�ɶ��Ы�
63274time scale (factor)	�ɶ��Ы�( �]�� )
63275time scale factor	�ɼЦ]��
63276time schedule	�ɶ���
63277time schedule controller	�ɶ����
63278time selection	�ɶ���
63279time sequencing	�ɶ��w��
63280time series	�ɶ��ǦC
63281time series analysis	�ɶ��ǦC���R
63282time series package	�ɧǮM�˳n��
63283time series prediction	�ɶ��ǦC�w��
63284time series vector	�ɶ��ǦC�V�q
63285time share	����
63286time share network	���ɺ���
63287time shared bus	���ɶ׬y��
63288time shared multiplexor	���ɦh�u�ഫ��
63289time sharing	����
63290time sharing application	��������
63291time sharing control task	���ɱ������	TSC
63292time sharing interface terminal	���ɤ����׺ݾ�
63293time sharing language	���ɻy��
63294time sharing operating system	���ɧ@�~�t��
63295time sharing recovery subsystem	���ɫ�_�l�t��
63296time signal	�ɶ��H��
63297time slice	�ɶ����_	TS
63298time slice control	�ɶ����I����
63299time slice interval	�ɶ������j
63300time slice time-sharing	�ɶ�������
63301time slicing	�ɶ��I��
63302time slot	�ɬq
63303time slot width	�ɻؼe��
63304time space problem	�ɶ��Ŷ����D
63305time spread code	�ɶ��i�e�X
63306time spreading process	�ɶ��i�e�L�{
63307time stamp	�ɶ��W�O
63308time state	�ɺA
63309time step	�ɶ��B�J
63310time system	�ɶ���t��
63311time table	�ɶ���
63312time table memory	�ɶ���O����
63313time tolerance	�ɶ��e�t
63314time trade-off	�ɶ���J
63315time variable data	���ܸ��
63316time zone	�ɰ�
63317time,acceleration	�[�t�ɶ�
63318time,access	�s���ɶ�
63319time,actual	��ڮɶ�
63320time,advance	�e�i�ɶ�
63321time,average operation	�����@�~�ɶ�
63322time,awaiting-repair	�ԭ׮ɶ�
63323time,carry	�i��ɶ�
63324time,code checking	�ֽX�ɶ�
63325time,compiling	�sĶ�ɶ�
63326time,computer running	�p����B��ɶ�
63327time,crash	�����ɶ�
63328time,cycle	�g��
63329time,dead	���ɮɶ�
63330time,debatable	�N�l�ɶ�
63331time,decay	�I�ܮɶ�
63332time,deceloration	��t�ɶ�
63333time,development	�o�i�ɶ�
63334time,digit	�Ʀ�ɶ�
63335time,down	���u�ɶ�
63336time,effective	���Įɶ�
63337time,engineering improvement	�u�{�ﵽ�ɶ�
63338time,execution	����ɶ�
63339time,fault	�G�ٮɶ�
63340time,idle	����
63341time,incidental	�B�~�ɶ�
63342time,increment	���W�ɶ�
63343time,installation	�˳]�ɶ�
63344time,instruciton	���O�ɶ�
63345time,interarrival	���F�ɶ�
63346time,interval	���j�ɶ�
63347time,machine spoiled	�����ɶ�
63348time,maintenance standby	�ƥκ��@�ɶ�
63349time,no-charge	�K�O���ٮɶ�
63350time,nonscheduled mainttenance	�{�ɺ��@�ɶ�
63351time,off	�Ŷ��ɶ�
63352time,operation	�@�~�ɶ�
63353time,operational use	�@�~�ϥήɶ�
63354time,production	�Ͳ��ɶ�
63355time,program development	�{���o�i�ɶ�
63356time,proving	�D�Үɶ�
63357time,pulse decay	�ߪi�I�ܮɶ�
63358time,pulse rise	�ߪi�W�ɮɶ�
63359time,real	�Y��
63360time,reference	�ѦҮɶ�
63361time,repair	�˭׮ɶ�
63362time,repair delay	�˭ש���ɶ�
63363time,rise	�W�ɮɶ�
63364time,routine maintenance	�Ҧ���@�ɶ�
63365time,running	�B��ɶ�
63366time,scheduled	�w���Ƶ{�ɶ�
63367time,scheduled engineering	�w���Ƶ{�ɶ�
63368time,scheduled maintenance	�w�����@�ɶ�
63369time,scramble	���ήɶ�
63370time,search	�d�M�ɶ�
63371time,serviceable	�i�A�Ȯɶ�
63372time,set-up	�N�Ǯɶ�
63373time,simulated	�����ɶ�
63374time,supplementary maintenance	�ɧU���@�ɶ�
63375time,switching	�洫�ɶ�
63376time,takedown	���U�ɶ�
63377time,testing	���ծɶ�
63378time,total	�`�ɶ�
63379time,training	�V�m�ɶ�
63380time,true	�u��
63381time,turn-around	��j�ɶ�
63382time,unit	���ɶ�
63383time,unscheduled maintenance	���w�����@�ɶ�
63384time,unused	���ήɶ�
63385time,up	�u�@�ɶ�
63386time,word	�r��
63387time-control conversational	��ܦ��ɱ�
63388time-control driver	�ɱ��X�ʾ�
63389time-delay circuit	���ɹq��
63390time-delay switch	���ɶ}��
63391time-division multiplex	���ɦh�u
63392time-division multiplexing	���ɦh�u
63393time-division multiplier	���ɭ��k��
63394time-mapping asynchronous simulation	�ɶ��M�g���B����
63395time-multiplexed communications channel	�ɶ��h�u�_�γq�T�q�D	TMCC
63396time-of-day (TOD) clock	TOD �p����
63397time-of-day clock	�����
63398time-of-day zone correction	�p�ɰϰ�ץ�
63399time-optimal control	�ɶ��̨α���
63400time-out	�O��
63401time-out monitoring	�Ȱ��ʵ��ɶ�
63402time-phased allocation	�ɬ۰t�m
63403time-phased order point	�ɶ��q���I
63404time-phased requirements	�ɶ��ݨD
63405time-pulse distributor	�ɶ��ߪi���t��
63406time-pulse generator	�ɶ��ߪi���;�
63407time-related	�P�ɶ�������
63408time-related running balance	�P�ɶ��������B�@�l�B
63409time-share	����
63410time-shared data management system	���ɸ�ƺ޲z�t��	TDMS
63411time-shared relational associative memory program	TRAMP ��Ʈw�޲z�t��( ����K���ڤj�� )	TRAMP
63412time-sharing	����
63413time-sharing computer system	���ɹq���t��
63414time-sharing executive	���ɰ���{��	TSE
63415time-sharing executive operation	���ɰ���ާ@
63416time-sharing executive system	���ɰ���t��	TSES
63417time-sharing facility	���ɳ]��
63418time-sharing file processing	�����ɮ׳B�z
63419time-sharing generator	�ɶ��H�����;�
63420time-sharing group	�ɶ�����
63421time-sharing help program	���ɨD�U�{��
63422time-sharing incremental compoler	���ɥi�W�sĶ�{��
63423time-sharing input queue control block	���ɿ�J��C�����	TSIOCB
63424time-sharing installation management	���ɳ]�ƺ޲z
63425time-sharing interchange	�����ܴ�
63426time-sharing interface area	���ɤ�����
63427time-sharing interface program	���ɤ����{��
63428time-sharing interrupt	���ɤ��_
63429time-sharing job	���ɧ@�~
63430time-sharing job control block	���ɧ@�~�����	TJB
63431time-sharing language	���ɻy��
63432time-sharing library	���ɮw	TSL
63433time-sharing media input	���ɴC���J
63434time-sharing method	���ɤ�k
63435time-sharing minicomputer	���ɰg�A�p���
63436time-sharing mode	���ɤu�@�Ҧ�
63437time-sharing monitor	���ɺʷ��{��	TSM
63438time-sharing monitor system	���ɺʷ��t��
63439time-sharing multiplex	���ɦh�u�ǿ�	TSM
63440time-sharing multiplexer channel	���ɦh�u�_�ιD
63441time-sharing network	���ɺ���
63442time-sharing operation	���ɾާ@	TSO
63443time-sharing operation system	���ɾާ@�t��	TSOS
63444time-sharing option	���ɿ�ܶ�	TSO
63445time-sharing polling	���ɽ���
63446time-sharing priority	�����u����
63447time-sharing processing	���ɳB�z
63448time-sharing programming	���ɵ{���]�p
63449time-sharing programming system	���ɵ{���]�p�t��	TSPS
63450time-sharing ready	���ɴN��
63451time-sharing reference	���ɤޥ�
63452time-sharing resource	�귽����
63453time-sharing scanner	���ɱ��y��
63454time-sharing service	���ɪA��	TSS
63455time-sharing session	���ɹ�ܴ�
63456time-sharing software	���ɳn��
63457time-sharing subsystem	���ɤl�t��	TSS
63458time-sharing supervisor	���ɺʷ��{��
63459time-sharing system	���ɧ@�~�t��; ���ɨt��	TSS
63460time-sharing system 360/67	���ɨt��360/67	TSS/360
63461time-sharing system administration package	���ɨt�κ޲z�n��]
63462time-sharing system command	���ɨt�ΩR�O
63463time-sharing system editing package	���ɨt�νs��{���]
63464time-sharing system evaluation	���ɨt�ε���
63465time-sharing system executive	���ɨt�ΰ���
63466time-sharing system FORTRAN interface	���ɨt��FORTRAN ����
63467time-sharing system functionality	���ɨt�Υ\���
63468time-sharing system simulator	���ɨt�μ����{��
63469time-sharing system subsystem	���ɨt�Ϊ��l�t��
63470time-sharing system text editor	���ɨt�Τ奻�s��{��
63471time-sharing terminal	���ɲ׺ݾ�	TST
63472time-sharing user	���ɥΤ�
63473time-sharing user modes	���ɥΤ�Ҧ�
63474time-switching multiplex	�ɶ��洫���h�u�_�Χ޳N
63475time-to-digital conversion	�ɶ��Ʀ��ഫ
63476time-variant series	�ɶ��ܲ��ǦC
63477time-varied gain	���ܼW�q	TVG
63478time-varying single	���ܫH��
63479time-write interval	�g�ɶ����j
63480time/space trade-off	�ɶ��Ŷ���J
63481timedomain multiple access technique	�ɰ�h���s���޳N	TDMA
63482timeout	�O��
63483timer	�p�ɸ˸m	TM
63484timer control table	�w�ɾ������	TCT
63485timer interrupt	�w�ɾ����_
63486timer,master	�D�w�ɾ�
63487timing	�ɧ�
63488timing algorithm	�w�ɺt��k
63489timing analyzer	�w�ɤ��R��
63490timing and control circuit	�w�ɤα���q��
63491timing capacitor	�ɰ�q�e
63492timing channel	�p�ɳq�D	TC
63493timing chart	�ɶ���
63494timing circuit	�w�ɹq��
63495timing clock	�w����
63496timing code	�ɶ��X
63497timing control unit	�w�ɱ��	TCU
63498timing cycle	�w�ɶg
63499timing data distributor	�p�ɸ�Ƥ��t��	TDD
63500timing data input-output	�p�ɸ�ƿ�J��X	TDIC
63501timing device	�p�ɳ]��	TD
63502timing diagram	�w�ɹ�
63503timing distribution systme	�p�ɤ��t�t��	TDS
63504timing error	�w�ɿ��~
63505timing extraction	�w�ɩ�X
63506timing gate	�w�ɹh�q��	TG
63507timing generator	�w�ɫH�����;�
63508timing interval	�w�ɶ��j
63509timing jitter	�w�ɫH��������
63510timing loop	�w������
63511timing mark	�w�ɰO��
63512timing mark check	�ɼЮ���
63513timing master	�w�ɥD�߽�
63514timing matrix,program	�{���w�ɯx�}
63515timing mechanism	�w�ɾ��c
63516timing meter	�w�ɪ�
63517timing microprocessor	���L�B�z���w��
63518timing modulation	�ɶ��ը�
63519timing network	�w�ɺ���
63520timing out	�w�ɥ���
63521timing processor	�w�ɳB�z��	TIP
63522timing program	�p�ɵ{��
63523timing pulse	�ɪi
63524timing pulse	�w�ɯ߽�
63525timing pulse distributor	�P�B�߽Ĥ��t��
63526timing pulse generator	�w�ɯ߽IJ��;�
63527timing recovery	�w�ɫ�_
63528timing reference signal	�ɶ��ѦҫH��
63529timing register	�w�ɼȦs��	TMR
63530timing requirement	�p�ɭn�D
63531timing routine	�w�ɱ`��
63532timing sampling	�w�ɨ���
63533timing selector	�p�ɿ�ܾ�	TS
63534timing sequence	�ɼЧǦC
63535timing service	�p�ɸ˸m
63536timing signal	�w�ɫH��
63537timing terminal unit	�w�ɲ׺ݸ˸m	TTU
63538timing track	�w�ɭy
63539timing uncertainty	�p�ɤ���
63540timing unit	�ɶ��椸	TU
63541timing-pulse generator	�w�ɯ��Z���;�
63542tip	��
63543tip cable	��y�q�l
63544tip mode	�ݼ��I
63545tip side	��y��
63546title	���D
63547title card	���D�d��
63548title option	�D�ؿ�ܶ�
63549to clause	TO�l�y
63550to date	�I����
63551to file	�ت��ɮ�
63552to library	�ت��ɮ׮w
63553to transcribe	�ۼg
63554to transfer	�ಾ
63555to transform	����
63556to translate	½Ķ
63557to transliterate	��Ķ
63558to window	�ϥε���
63559TO-5 can	TO-5���ե��
63560to-effectivity date	���ĵ�����
63561toach panel	IJ�N���O
63562together execution order	�æ���榸��
63563toggle	���V( �}�� )
63564toggle button	���V���s
63565toggle circuit	�p�ƫ��q��
63566toggle flip-flop	���ܥ��Ͼ�
63567toggle flip-foop	�p�ƫ����Ͼ�
63568toggle rate	�p���W�v
63569toggle speed	�p�ɳt��
63570toggle switch	���s�}��
63571token	�ŰO
63572token access control	�аO�s������
63573token bus	�H���׬y
63574token bus architecture	�аO�׬y�Ƶ��c
63575token card	�аO�d��
63576token code	�ŰO�X
63577token matching	�аO�ǰt
63578token monitor	�аO�ʷ��{��
63579token name	�аO�W
63580token passing	��x�ǻ�; �\�i�q���
63581token passing bus	�\�i�q���׬y�ƺ���
63582token passing procedure	�аO�ǰe�L�{
63583token replacement	�аO�m��
63584token ring	��x��; �H�����y
63585token ring architecture	�O�P�����c
63586token separator	�O�����j��
63587token value	�аO��
63588token-bus network	�аO�׬y�ƺ���
63589token-passing	�q��лx
63590token-ring	�O����
63591token-ring local area network	�O�P����������
63592token-type ratio	�ŰO������
63593Tokyo electric co.	�F�ʹq���q	TEC
63594Tokyo experiment computer network	�F�ʹ���ʭp�������	TECNET
63595Tokyo shilbaura electric	�F�ʪۮ��q���q	TOSHIBA
63596tolerable delay	�e�\����
63597tolerable error rate	�e�\�t���v
63598tolerable limit	�e�\����
63599tolerance	�e�t	TOL
63600tolerance analysis	�e�t���R
63601tolerance frequency	�e���W�v
63602tolerance interval	�e�\�϶�
63603tolerance,frequency	�W�v�e�\��
63604toll	���O
63605toll call	���~�q��
63606toll center	���~����	TC
63607toll key	�q����
63608toll line release	���~�u������	TLR
63609toll network	���~�q�T��
63610toll service	���~�~��
63611toll switching trunk	���~�洫���~�u
63612toll-free number	�K�O��
63613tomographic	�_�h�g�v
63614tone	����
63615tone control	���ձ��
63616tone control circuit	���ձ���q��
63617tone count audiometric computer	�歵�p�ƭ��W���q�p���	TCAT
63618tone dial	���䦡
63619tone dial receiver	�歵����������	TDR
63620tone dialing	���W����
63621tone digital command	�歵�Ʀ���O	TDC
63622tone power,standard test	�зǴ����\�v
63623toner	�ү�
63624toner carrier	�⾯����
63625toner concentrate	�⾯�@�Y��
63626toner concentration	�⾯�@��
63627toner container	�⾯�e��
63628toner mark	�⾯�аO
63629toner migration	�⾯����
63630toner offset	�⾯����
63631toner reservoir	�զ⾯�x�s��
63632toning control	��ձ���
63633toning system	��v�t��
63634tool	�u��
63635tool box	�n��u��c
63636tool for compiler writing	�sĶ�{�����g�u��
63637tool function	�u����
63638tool number	�u�㸹�X
63639tool offset	�u��첾
63640tool position compensation	�u���m���v
63641tool-based programming environment	���u�㪺�{���]�p����
63642toolbox	�u��c
63643toolbuild	�\����
63644toolkit	�M��
63645toolkit utility	�u��c���ε{��
63646tools	�u��
63647tools for building expert system	�إ߱M�a�t�Ϊ��u��
63648top	( �e���� )����
63649top class	���h��
63650top clause	���l�y
63651top cover	���\
63652top digit	�����
63653top document	���h���
63654top down goal-oriented analysis procedure	�ۤW�ӤU�ؼоɦV�����R�{��
63655top element	���ݤ���
63656top entry	���ݴ��J
63657top environment	���h����
63658top level	���h
63659top loading	�۳����J
63660top management	�D��
63661top management decision simulation	�����޲z�M������
63662top margin	�����Z��
63663top node	���ݸ`�I
63664top node of tree	���`�I
63665top of stack	���|��	TOS
63666top of stack control word	���|������r	TOSCW
63667top of stack pointer	���|������	TOSP
63668top operand	���|���B�⤸
63669top operator	�ﳻ�B���
63670top paper	���ݥί�
63671top priority processing	�̰��u���B�z
63672top register	���|���Ȧs��
63673top row	����
63674top speed	�̰��t��
63675top stack element	���|������
63676top stack location	���|���椸
63677top stack operand	���|���B�⤸
63678top stack symbol	���|���Ÿ�
63679top symbol	���Ÿ�
63680top to top	���쳻	TT
63681top view	������
63682top-down analysis	�ۤW�ӤU���R
63683top-down analysis procedure	�ۤW�ӤU�����R�B�J
63684top-down analyzer	�ۤW�ӤU���R�{��
63685top-down approach	�ۤW�ӤU���R�k
63686top-down block structure	�ۤW�ӤU�{�Ƕ����c
63687top-down compiler	�ۤW�ӤU�sĶ�{��
63688top-down computer-aided graphics	�ۤW�ӤU���p������U�ϧξ�
63689top-down design	�W�ӤU�]�p
63690top-down development	�ۤW�ӤU�o�i�k
63691top-down disign	�ۤW�ӤU�]�p
63692top-down error recovery	�ۤW�ӤU�X����_
63693top-down fast-back parser	�ۤW�ӤU�ֳt���R�{��
63694top-down management orientation	�ۤW�ӤU���޲z��V
63695top-down method	�ۤW�ӤU���R�k
63696top-down parse	�ۤW�ӤU���R
63697top-down parser	�ۤW�ӤU���R�{��
63698top-down parsing algorithm	�ۤW�ӤU���R�t��k
63699top-down parsing language	�ѳ��V�U���R�y��	TOPL
63700top-down partitioning rule	�ۤW�ӤU�E���W�h
63701top-down process	�ۤW�ӤU���R�L�{
63702top-down program refinement	�ۤW�ӤU�D��{��
63703top-down programming	�ۤW�ӤU�{���]�p
63704top-down recognizer	�ۤW�ӤU�ѧO�t��k
63705top-down recursive parser	�ۤW�ӤU���j���R�{��
63706top-down stepwise refinement	�ۤW�ӤU�v�B�D��k
63707top-down technique	�ۤW�ӤU���R�޳N
63708top-down-left-right sequence	�ۤW�ӤU�ۥ��ܥk����
63709top-level design	���h�]�p	TLD
63710top-level environment	���h����
63711top-level function calls	���h��ƽե�
63712topic	�D��
63713topology	�ݼ�
63714topology record	�ݼ��O��
63715torn-tape switching center	���a�洫����
63716torque	��x
63717torque amplifier	��x��j��
63718total	�`�p
63719total actual costs	�`��ڦ���
63720total adjustment amount	�`�վ���B
63721total amount	�`���B
63722total function	�`�p�\��
63723total harmonic distortion	�`�Ӫi���u
63724total hours remaining	�`�Ѿl�ɼ�
63725total information system	�����T�t��
63726total net movement	�`�b����
63727total numerical control	���Ʀ챱��	TNC
63728total on-hand cost	�`�b�w����
63729total period capacity	�`��������
63730total physical selection report option	�`�L�I��ܳ����ζ���
63731total prints	�`�C�L����
63732total quantity	�����ƶq
63733total quantity on order	�b�~�`�ƶq
63734total replacement cost	�`�m������
63735total secondary calculation	�G���p���`�p
63736total specified throughput	�`�S�w���q
63737total standard quantity required	�ݭn���з��`��
63738total system approach	����t��i�k
63739total systems concept	�`�t���
63740total time	�`�ɶ�
63741total transactions	�����`�p
63742total type	�`��
63743total usage amount	�`�ϥΪ��B
63744total variation	�`�ܲ�
63745total,batch	����`�p
63746total,check	�ֹ��`�p
63747total,gibberish	����`�p
63748total,hash	�����`�p
63749total,intermediate	�����X�p
63750total,major	�X�p
63751total,minor	�p�p
63752total,proof	�ֲ��`�p
63753total-to-date cost	�ܥ��餧�`����
63754totch	�`�p�r��
63755touch	IJ��; IJ��; ��
63756touch call	��IJ�s��
63757touch display	IJ�N��ܾ�
63758touch panel	IJ�N���O
63759touch screen	IJ��
63760touch sensitive screen	IJ�ӹ�
63761touch tone	���W��
63762touch tone dialing	IJ�������L
63763touch-tone	���䦡; ���W��
63764tower	��ι�
63765tower chart	��ι�
63766tower shape	���
63767tpae duplicator	�a�ƻs��
63768tpae operating system	�ϱa�@�~�t��	TOS
63769tpae,core	�Ϫ�a
63770trace	�l��
63771trace analysis program	�ܸ���R�{��	TAP
63772trace command	�l�ܩR�O
63773tracer	�l�ܾ�
63774tracing	�l��
63775tracing routine	�l�ܱ`��
63776tracing routine,selective	��ܰl�ܱ`��
63777tracing,logical	�޿�l��
63778tracing,selective	��ܰl��
63779track	�ϭy
63780track and hold unit	�l�ܤΫO���椸
63781track and store unit	�l�ܤ��x�s�椸
63782track density	�y�K��
63783track history	���y
63784track index	�ϭy����; �ϹD����
63785track number	�ϭy���X
63786track pitch	�y�x
63787track,address	��}�y
63788track,card	�d�y
63789track,clock	�����y
63790track,library	�]�s�O���y
63791track,regenerative	�A�ͭy
63792track,revolver	����y
63793track,timing	�w�ɭy
63794tracking and data relay satellite	�l�ܻP��Ƥ��~�ìP	TDRS
63795tracking devices	���ܸ˸m
63796tracking history exception codes	�l�ܾ��v�ҥ~�X
63797tracking level	�l�ܵ���
63798tracking pattern	���ܫ���
63799tracking signal trip	�l�ܰT���~�|
63800tractor	�w�y��
63801trade discount	�T���馩
63802trade-off	���
63803traffic	�q�T
63804traffic controller	�T�ȱ��
63805traffic intensity	�T�ȱj��
63806traffic load	�T�ȭt��
63807traffic noise index	�q�ܾ�������	TNI
63808traffic volume	�T�ȶq
63809trail	�a��
63810trailer	�Ч�
63811trailer label	����
63812trailer record	����
63813trailer sync	�����P�B�T��
63814trailer,tpae	�a��
63815trailing character	���H�r��
63816trailing edge,card	�d����t
63817trailing end	����
63818trailing-portion abbreviation	�����Y�g
63819train	�s�C
63820train,pulse	�ߪi�s�C
63821training simulator	�V�m������
63822training time	�V�m�ɶ�
63823trandfer bus,digit	�Ʀ��ಾ�׬y��
63824transaction	���; ����
63825transaction activity difference	���ʬ��ʮt��
63826transaction amount	���ʪ��B
63827transaction beginning point	�}�l�����I
63828transaction code	����X; ���ʽX
63829transaction control block	�ưȱ����	TCB
63830transaction control center	���ʱ����
63831transaction control table	���ʱ����	TCT
63832transaction cost	���ʦ���
63833transaction count	���ʵ���
63834transaction data	���ʸ��
63835transaction data set	���ʸ�ƶ�	TDS
63836transaction date	���ʤ��
63837transaction driven system	�����X�ʨt��	TDS
63838transaction facility	����]�I
63839transaction file	����ɮ�; �����ɮ�
63840transaction flow language	���ʬy�{�y
63841transaction matrix	���ʯx�}
63842transaction processing	���ʳB�z
63843transaction reconciliation	���ʹ�b
63844transaction register	���ʩ���
63845transaction reversal code	���ʤ���X
63846transaction selection	���ʿ��
63847transaction set	���ʶ��X
63848transaction tape	���ʱa
63849transaction tolerance percent	���ʼe��ʤ���
63850transaction tracking system	���ʰl�ܨt��
63851transaction types	���ʫ��A
63852transaction-log file	���ʤ�x��
63853transceiver	��Ʀ��o��
63854transceiver,card	�d�����o��
63855transcendental function	�W�V���
63856transcribing	���
63857transcription	����
63858transducer	�ഫ��
63859transfer	����; ��e
63860transfer card	�ಾ�d
63861transfer check	�ಾ�ֹ�
63862transfer control	�ಾ����	TC
63863transfer function	�ഫ���
63864transfer instruction	�ಾ���O
63865transfer instruction,conditional	�����ಾ���O
63866transfer instruction,conditional control	�������ಾ���O
63867transfer instruction,control	�����ಾ���O
63868transfer instruction,unconditional	�L�����ಾ���O
63869transfer interpreter	�ಾ��Ķ��
63870transfer less than zero	�p�_�s�ಾ	TLZ
63871transfer medium	�ಾ�C��
63872transfer on no index	�L�ܧ}�ಾ	TNX
63873transfer on no overflow	�L���X�鲾	TNO
63874transfer on nonzero	�D�s�ಾ	TNZ
63875transfer operation	�ಾ�@�~
63876transfer point	��e�I; �౵�I
63877transfer process	��e�B�z
63878transfer rate	�ಾ�v
63879transfer rate of information bits	��T�줸�ಾ�v	TRIB
63880transfer source	��e�ӷ�
63881transfer target	��e�ت�
63882transfer time	�ಾ�ɶ�
63883transfer trunk,digit	�Ʀ��ಾ�F�u
63884transfer,block	���ಾ
63885transfer,conditional	�����ಾ
63886transfer,unconditional	�L�����ಾ
63887transform	�ܴ�
63888transformation	�ഫ
63889transformation,inverse	���ഫ
63890transformation,signal	�H���ഫ
63891transformations	�{���ഫ
63892transformer,pulse	�ߪi������
63893transient	�Ȯ�
63894transient date	�Ȯɸ��
63895transient error	�ȺA�~�t
63896transient hpenomenon	�ȺA�{�H
63897transient network analyzer	���A�������R��	TNA
63898transient response	���a�^��
63899transient state	�ȺA
63900transistor	�q����
63901transistor current steering logic	�q����q�y�����޿�	TCSL
63902transistor diode logic	�q����G�����޿�	TDL
63903transistor,n-p-n	n-p-n�q����
63904transistor,p-n-p	p-n-p�q����
63905transistor-resistor-transistor logic	TRT �޿�q��	TRTL
63906transistor-transistor logic	�q����--�q�����޿�	TTL
63907transit time	�~���ɶ�
63908transition	�ಾ
63909transition card	�L��d
63910transition diagram	�ܾE��
63911transition matrix	�ܾE�x�}
63912transition rule	���ܳW�h
63913transition sequence	�ܾE����
63914transition table	�ܾE��
63915transition time	�ܾE�ɶ�
63916transitive dependence	�����ۨ�
63917translate	��Ķ; ½Ķ
63918translate table	�ഫ��
63919translation	�ഫ
63920translation algorithm	½Ķ�t��k
63921translation,machine	����½Ķ
63922translation,mechanical	����½Ķ
63923translation,program	�{��½Ķ
63924translator	½Ķ��	TLR
63925translator program	��Ķ�{��
63926translator-assembler compiler	½Ķ�զX�sĶ�{��	TAC
63927translators	��Ķ�{��
63928transliteration	���r
63929transmission	�ǿ�
63930transmission block length	�ǿ����
63931transmission collision	�ǿ��IJ
63932transmission control	�ǿ鱱��	TC
63933transmission control card	�ǿ鱱��d
63934transmission control character	�ǿ鱱��r��	TC
63935transmission control characters	�ǿ鱱��r��	TCC
63936transmission control program	�ǿ鱱��{��	TCP
63937transmission distributor	�ǿ���t��	TD
63938transmission efficency	�ǿ�IJv
63939transmission error	�ǿ�~�t
63940transmission frequency band width	�ǿ��W�W�e
63941transmission impairments	�ǿ�l�`
63942transmission level	�ǿ���
63943transmission level,relative	�۹�ǿ���
63944transmission line	�ǿ�u
63945transmission loss	�ǿ�l��
63946transmission measuring set input	�ǿ���վ���J	TMSI
63947transmission medium	�ǿ餶��
63948transmission performance	�ǿ�ʯ�
63949transmission performance & throughput	�ǿ�į�P���q
63950transmission rate	�ǿ�t�v
63951transmission rate,instantaneous	���ɶǿ�v
63952transmission rate,peak	�y�p�ǿ�v
63953transmission reference point zero level	�ǿ�Ѧ��I�s���
63954transmission request	�ǿ�ӽ�
63955transmission schedule	�ǿ�ɵ{
63956transmission speed	�ǿ�t�v
63957transmission tate,effective	���Ķǿ�t�v
63958transmission trap,data	��ƶǿ鳴��
63959transmission utilization ratio,data	��ƶǿ�Q�Τ�
63960transmission,digital data	�Ʀ��ƶǿ�
63961transmission,double sideband	����a�ǿ�
63962transmission,independent sideband	�W����a�ǿ�
63963transmission,parallel	�æC�ǿ�
63964transmission,serial	��C�ǿ�
63965transmission,single sideband	����a�ǿ�
63966transmission,suppressed carrier	�����i�ǿ�
63967transmission,vestigial sideband	����a�ǿ�
63968transmit	�ǰe
63969transmit data lead	�ǰe��Ƥ��Y
63970transmit data register	�o�e��ƼȦs��	TDR
63971transmit operation	����B��
63972transmit window	�o�e����
63973transmittal mode	�ǰe��
63974transmitted data circuit	��Ƶo�e�q��
63975transmitter distributor	�o�e���t��	TD
63976transmitter distributor,tape	�a�o�e���t��
63977transmitter signal element timing	�ǰe�H���p�ɾ�
63978transmitter start code	�o�g���ҰʽX	TSC
63979transmitter,automatic tape	�۰ʰe�a��
63980transparency	�z����; �z�q��
63981transparent	�z�q
63982transparent assembly	�ȺA�˰t��
63983transparent background	�z���I��
63984transparent data add facility	�z�q��ƲK�[�]��
63985transparent mode	�z�q�ҺA
63986transparent text stransmission	�z�q����ǿ�
63987transport layer	�B�e�h
63988transport level	�B�e�h
63989transport service	�B�e�A��
63990transport service user	�B�e�A�ȨϥΪ�
63991transport,tape	�ϱa�ǰʰe��
63992transportable	�i�B�e��
63993transportation method	�B�e�k
63994transposed file	������
63995transposition	����
63996transposition cipher	����K�X��
63997transverse crosstalk coupling	��V�ꭵ��
63998transverse parity check	��V�t���ֹ�
63999trap	�]��
64000trap address	������}
64001trap,data transmission	��ƶǿ鳴��
64002trapping	���J
64003travel time	�Ȧ�ɶ�
64004traveler	�~�{
64005traversal sequence	�ұ�����
64006tray	���ȽL
64007treatment	�B�m
64008tree	��
64009tree level	���h
64010tree network	������
64011tree search	���d�M�k
64012tree structure	�����c
64013tree structure directory	�����c�ؿ�
64014tree-like structure	�����c
64015tree-structured database	�����c����Ʈw
64016trellis algorithm	��´�t��k�h
64017trellis code modulation	��´�X����
64018trend	�Ͷ�
64019trend analysis	�Ͷդ��R
64020trend cycle	�Ͷնg��
64021trend line	�Ͷսu
64022trend selection	�Ͷտ��
64023tri electrode	�T��
64024tri-state	�T�A
64025tri-state bussing	�T�A�׬y
64026triad	�T���s
64027trial and error method	�ջ~�k
64028trial balance	�պ��
64029tributary station	������
64030tributary trunk	�϶��F�u
64031trigger	IJ�o
64032trigger circuit	IJ�o�q��
64033trigger circuit,bistable	���w�AIJ�o�q��
64034trigger mode	IJ�o�ҺA
64035trigger tube	IJ�o��
64036trigger,Eccles-Jordan	�R�J�h����IJ�o��
64037trigger,monostable	��w�AIJ�o��
64038triggering clock pulse	IJ�o�����ߪi
64039trigonometric cosine	�T���l��
64040trigonometric functions	�T�����
64041trigonometric sine	�T������
64042trigonometric tangent	�T������
64043trigonometry	�T���k
64044triode	�T����
64045trip	�~�|
64046triple exponential smoothing	�T�����ƥ���
64047triple length register	�T�����׼Ȧs��
64048triple modular redundancy	�T�ҲդƤ��l	TMR
64049triple precision	�T���
64050triple register	�T���Ȧs��
64051triple-address	�T�}
64052triple-line	�j���C�L
64053triple-plane	�T����
64054trminator	�פ�H��; �פ
64055trouble shooting	�G���˭�
64056trouble ticket	���
64057trouble unit	����
64058trouble-location problem	���m���D
64059troubleshooting	���
64060true	�u
64061true complement	�u�ɼ�
64062true mean value	�u������	TMV
64063true track	�u�y��	T/T
64064true-time operation	�u�ɧ@�~
64065trun-around	��j
64066truncate	�I�_
64067truncation error	�I��~�t
64068trunk	�F�u	TK
64069trunk hunting	�F�u�M�V
64070trunk number	���~�u�s��	TN
64071trunk number group	���~�u���X�s	TNG
64072trunk,check	�ֹ�F�u
64073trunk,digit transfer	�Ʀ��ಾ�F�u
64074trunk,final	�׷F�u
64075trunk,group	�s�F�u
64076trunk,high-usage	���ķF�u
64077trunk,LD	���~�F�u
64078trunk,long-distance	���~���F�u
64079trunk,telephone	�q�ܷF�u
64080trunk,terminal	�ݯ��F�u
64081trunk,tributary	�϶��F�u
64082trustee	�U���v; �U�ު�
64083trustee rights	�U���v��
64084trustee security	�U���v�w�����@
64085truth table	�u�Ȫ�
64086tsang-jye-to-chinese	�ܾe�����ഫ
64087tsc legend	TSC �Ƶ�
64088TTY	�q�ǥ��r��	TTY
64089tub file	����
64090tube	��
64091tube,acorn	����
64092tube,beam-switching	���g�洫��
64093tube,cathode-ray	�����g�u��
64094tube,display	�V�ܺ�
64095tube,electrostatic storage	�R�q�x�s��
64096tube,gate	�h��
64097tube,Nixie	���J���
64098tube,oscilloscope	�ܪi��
64099tube,slave	�q�ݺ�
64100tube,storage	�x�s��
64101tube,trigger	IJ�o��
64102tube,Williams	�·G��
64103tuned not-tuned	�տӤ��տ�	TNT
64104tuning units	�տӸ˸m	TN
64105tunnel diode	�z�ǤG����	TD
64106tuple	������
64107tuple variable	�������ܼ�
64108turbo FATs	�����ɮצ�m��
64109Turing machine	���L��
64110Turing machine,universal	�q���L��
64111turn around	��^
64112turn off	����
64113turn on	�}��
64114turn over rate	�g��v
64115turn-around delay	��j����
64116turn-around time	��j�ɶ�
64117turn-off time	�����ɶ�
64118turn-on stabilizing time	�}��í�w�ɶ�
64119turn-on time	�}�Үɶ�
64120turn-on-time	�}�Үɶ�
64121turnaround	�^��
64122turnaround cards	�Ǿ\�d
64123turnaround file sequence number	�Ǿ\�ɶ��Ǹ��X
64124turnaround sequence number	�Ǿ\���Ǹ��X
64125turning point	����I
64126turnkey	���_��
64127turnover	�g��
64128tutorial	�оǵ{��; �۲߫���
64129tutorial and message library	���ɩM�H���w	TML
64130tutorial subsystem	�һX�l�t��
64131twelve punch	�Q�G�C����
64132twenty-nine feature code	�ܤE�S�x�X
64133twin check	���ֹ�
64134twinaxial	���b
64135twisted pair	����u
64136twisted-pair wire	�����u
64137twistor	��¶�Ͻu��
64138two way alternate	���V���	TWA
64139two way analysis of variance	�������V���R
64140two way simultaneous	���V�P��	TWS
64141two's complement	�G�ɼ�
64142two-address	�G�}
64143two-address code	�G�}�X
64144two-address instruction	�G�}���O
64145two-byte code	�G�줸�սX
64146two-byte conversion	�G�줸�սX�ഫ
64147two-input adder	�G��J�[�k��
64148two-input subtracter	�G��J��k��
64149two-level address	�G����}
64150two-loop system	�G���t��
64151two-out-of-five code	�����G�X
64152two-out-or-five code	�����G�X
64153two-plus-one address	�G�[�@��}
64154two-plus-one address instruction	�G�[�@��}���O
64155two-scale	�G�Ы�
64156two-stage least squares	�G�ų̤p����
64157two-state variable	���A�ܼ�
64158two-tone keying	�G����k
64159two-tone modulation	�G�Ƚ���
64160two-valued variable	�G���ܼ�
64161two-wire channel	�G�u�q�D
64162two-wire circuit	�G�u�q��
64163twos complement	�G���ɼ�
64164TWX service	�q�ǥ��r���洫�A��
64165typamatic key	�s����
64166type	����
64167type bar	�L�r��
64168type bar,fixed	�T�w�L�r��
64169type bar,interchangeable	�i���L�r��
64170type definition	�����w�q
64171type font	�r��
64172type of interrupt	���_����
64173type setting character	�ƪ��r��
64174typeface	�r��
64175typefaces	�r��; �r��
64176typewheel	�L�r��
64177typewriter key	���r����
64178typewriter terminal	���r�׺ݾ�
64179typewriter,electric	�q�ʥ��r��
64180typing reperforator	�ƿ����վ�
64181typewriter key	���r����
64182typewriter terminal	���r�׺ݾ�
64183typewriter,electric	�q�ʥ��r��
64184typing reperforator	�q�ʥ��r��
64185U series common on-line package (Fujitsu)	U �t�C���γs�u�M�˳n��( �I�h�q���q )
64186u-format	���w���榡
64187u-mode records	���w���Ҧ��O��
64188U.S. army fieldata code	�����x���Ը�ƽX
64189u/m conversion	u/m �ഫ
64190ud-chaining equations	�ϥΩw�q�챵��{( �� )
64191ultimate sink	���Ŵ�����
64192ultra high frequency	�W���W( �v )	UHF
64193ultra large scale integration	�W�j�W�ҿn��q��
64194ultra microfiche	�W�Y�L����	UMF; UMI
64195ultra violet	���~�u	U-V
64196ultra-high frequency	�W���W	UHF
64197ultra-high reduction	�W�j�q�I��	UHR
64198ultra-low frequency	�W�C�W	ULF
64199ultraempiricism	�W�g���
64200ultrafast computer	�W���t�p���
64201ultrafiche	�W�Y�L����
64202ultrafilteration	�W�o�@��
64203ultrahigh frequency	�W���W	UHF
64204ultrahigh reduction	�W�j�q�I��
64205ultraintelligent machine	�W�Ŵ��z��	UIM
64206ultralarge scale integration	�W�j�W�ҿn��( �q�� )	ULSI
64207ultramicrofiche	�W�L�v�d
64208ultrareliable fault-tolerant microprocessor system	�W�i�a�e���L�B�z���t��
64209ultrareliable modular computer	�W�i�a�Ҳխp���
64210ultrasonic	�W���i; �W�n��; �W�n�i
64211ultrasonic band	�W�n�i�q
64212ultrasonic bonding	�W�n( �i )�k��( �k )
64213ultrasonic cleaning	�W�n�i�M�~; �W�n�i�M��
64214ultrasonic delay line	�W�n����u
64215ultrasonic generator	�W�n�i�o�;�
64216ultrasonic memory	�W���i�O��; �W�n�O����
64217ultrasonic pen pointer	�W�n���ܵ�
64218ultrasonic pen table	�W�n���P���O
64219ultrasonics	�W����; �W�n��
64220ultrasound	�W�n
64221ultrasound image analysis	�W�n�i�Ϲ����R
64222ultraviolet	���~�u	UV
64223ultraviolet contrast-control safety goggles	�Ϯt����~�u���@�@����
64224ultraviolet energy definition	���~�u��q�w�q
64225ultraviolet erasable programmable read only memory	���~�u�M���i�s�{����Ū�O����
64226ultraviolet glass	�z���~�u������; ���~�u����
64227ultraviolet light erasing	���~�u�O�M��
64228ultraviolet programmable read-only memory	���~�u�i�s�{����Ū�O����	UVPROM
64229ultraviolet PROM erasure LAMP	�i�s�{����Ū�O���骺���~�u�M���O
64230ultraviolet radiation	���~�u�T�g
64231ultraviolet-erasable read-only-memory	���~�u�i����Ū�O����	UVROM
64232umacro	�q�λE�����O
64233umbilical connector	���a�s����
64234umbilical cord	���a���n�u; ( �a�q )����( ���� )�M�ιq�l; ���a�q�l
64235UN documentation information system	�p�X����m��ƨt��	UNDIS
64236UN information center	�p�X���T����	UNIC
64237un-line dump	�W�u�ɦL
64238unacceptable event	���i�����ƥ�
64239unacceptable event security	���i�����ƥ�w��
64240unacceptable file code	���౵�����ɮץN�X
64241unacknowledged data	���T�{���
64242unacknowledged frame	���T�{��
64243unacknowledged information transfer service	�L�^����T��e�A��
64244unaddressable storage	���i�w�}�x�s��
64245unadjusted trial balance	���վ���祭��
64246unallocated logical storage	�����t�޿��x�s��
64247unallocated physical storaage	�����t�����x�s��
64248unallowable character	�D�k�r��; �T�Φr��
64249unallowable code check	�D�k�X�ˬd
64250unallowable digit	�D�k�Ʀ�
64251unallowable instruction check	���\���O�ֹ�; �D�k���O����
64252unallowable instruction digit	���\���O�Ʀ�; �D�k���O��
64253unambiguity	�L�[�q��
64254unambiguous determination	��ȽT�w; �L�G�q�ʽT�w
64255unambiguously right-linear stochastic grammar	�D�[�q�k�u���H����k; �D�t�V�k�u���H����k
64256unanchored mode	�D��w�Ҧ�( �Ҧ��t�� )
64257unanticipated request	�D����ШD
64258unary	�@�����Y; �@�����Y; �@����; �@�ت�
64259unary array	�@�دx�}; �@���x�}; �@���}�C
64260unary Boolean operator	�@�إ��L���
64261unary expression	�@����F��
64262unary minus operator	�@�ش���
64263unary minus quadruple	�@�ش�|����
64264unary operation	�涵�B��; �涵�B���; �@�ƹB��; �@���B��; �@�عB��; �@���ާ@
64265unary operator	�@���B��l; �@���B���; �@�عB���; �@����l
64266unary predicate calculus	��z���t��
64267unary restricted zero-sided Lindenmayer system	��ŪL��L���t��
64268unary subquery	�@���l�d��; �@���l�߰�
64269unassignable node	����ȸ`�I
64270unassignable primary input	����Ȫ�l��J
64271unassigned real address area	�����t���}��
64272unassigned reference	�L���t�Ѧ�( �a�} )
64273unassigned variable	������ܼ�
64274unate function	������
64275unate two-level network	����G�ź���
64276unattached	���۳s��
64277unattached processing	���۳s�B�z; �����[�B�z
64278unattended	�L�H��
64279unattended automatic exchange	�L�H�Ȧu�۰ʥ洫��
64280unattended communication	�L�H�Ȧu�q�T
64281unattended earth terminal	�L�H�Ȧu�a���׺ݯ�	UET
64282unattended mode	�L�H�Ȧu�覡
64283unattended multipoint communications station	�L�H�Ȧu�h�I�q�T��	UMCS
64284unattended operation	�W�߾ާ@; ���Ⱥާ@�~; �L�H�Ȧu�ާ@; �L�H�Ӻ޾ާ@
64285unattended realy station	�L�H�Ӻޤ��~��
64286unattended scope	�L�H�Ȧu�d��
64287unattended stand-by time	�Ŷ��ɶ�; �D�u�@�ɶ�
64288unattended time	�L�H�Ӻޮɶ�; �ݭ׮ɶ�
64289unattended trail printer	�L�H�Ӻު��H�C�L��
64290unaugmentable matching	���i�X�i�ǰt
64291unauthorized access	�D�S�\�s��; �V�v�s��; ���g��㪺�s��
64292unauthorized use	�����v�ϥ�
64293unauthorized user	�D�S�\�Τ�; �V�v�Τ�
64294unauthorized withdrawal	���g���v�����f
64295unavailability	���i�Q��; �L��
64296unavailable time	���i�ήɶ�; ( ���� )���i�ήɶ�
64297unbalance effect	�����ŧ@��
64298unbalanced circuit	�����Źq��
64299unbalanced data link	�����Ÿ�����
64300unbalanced error	�����Ż~�t
64301unbalanced line	�����Žu��
64302unbalanced merge sort	�����ŦX�֤���
64303unbalanced modulator	�����Žը
64304unbalanced network	�����ź���
64305unbalanced to ground	��a������( ���A )
64306unbalanced wire circuit	�����Źq��
64307unbiased estimator	�L�����p�q
64308unbiased importance sampling	�L�����n�ʩ��
64309unbiased test	�L������
64310unbind	���_
64311unbind session	�����X�Ϭq
64312unblank	�W��
64313unblind	�D�ʳ�
64314unblock	�Ѷ�; ��������; ����
64315unblocked file	�D�����ɮ�; �D�����ɮ�
64316unblocked mode	�D����Ҧ�; �D�����Ҧ�
64317unblocked record	�������O��; �����ѰO��; �D�����O��; �D���հO��
64318unblocking	�������; �Ѷ�
64319unbound control mode	�L��������Ҧ�
64320unbound task set	�L�������ȶ�	UTS
64321unbound task set load module	�L�������ȶ��ˤJ�Ҳ�
64322unbounded function	�L�ɨ��
64323unbounded program	�L�ɵ{��
64324unbounded solution	�L�ɸ�
64325unbounded universal quantifier	�L�ɥ��ٶq��
64326unbracketing signal	���[�A���H��
64327unbuffered	�L�w��
64328unbuffered attribute	�L�w���ݩ�
64329unbuffered input	�L�w�Ŀ�J
64330unbuffered option	�L�w�Ŀ��( �� )
64331unbundled	�D���a��
64332unbundled price	�������( �p����w��, �n��κ��@�޳N���涵��� )
64333unbundled program	( �t��p�� )�D���H�{��
64334unby-passed	�D�Ǹ���; �L�Ǹ���
64335uncatalog	���s��; ���C�J�ؿ�; �Ѱ��s��
64336uncertain knowledge	���T�w����
64337uncertain region	���T�w��; ���T�w�d��
64338uncertainty	���T�w; ���w��; ���i����
64339uncertainty relation	���T�w���Y
64340unchecked storage deallocation	�������x�s�����s���t
64341unchecked symbol	������Ÿ�
64342unchecked type conversion	�����������ഫ
64343unclamp	�P�}
64344unclassified	��������; ���C�J�O�K�Ū�; ���O�K��	UC
64345unclocked	�L����
64346uncoded digit communication	���s�X�Ʀ�q�T
64347uncoded transmission	���s�X�ǿ�
64348uncoded word	���s�X�r
64349uncollectible account	�D�����ʪ��b��
64350uncommitted array logic	�ۥѰ}�C�޿�
64351uncommitted logic array	�ۥ��޿�}�C; �W���޿�}�C	ULA
64352uncommitted orders	���ӿժ��q��
64353uncommitted storage list	���e�w�x�s�C��; �ۥ��x�s��; �����x�s��
64354uncommunicate	����q�T	UNCOM
64355uncomplemented form	�D�ɽX�Φ�
64356uncondition statement	�L����ԭz
64357unconditional	�L����	UNC
64358unconditional branch	�L��������; �L�������; �L�����ಾ
64359unconditional branch instruction	�L�����ಾ���O
64360unconditional branch-microprogram instruction	�L����L�{���ಾ���O
64361unconditional capture	�L������
64362unconditional control transfer instruction	�L�����ಾ������O
64363unconditional force	�L����j��
64364unconditional jump	�L�������; �L������V; �L�������V; �L�����ಾ
64365unconditional jump instruction	�L���������O; �L�����ಾ���O
64366unconditional jump instruction debug	�L�����ಾ���O����
64367unconditional statement	�L����ԭz
64368unconditional transfer	�L�����ಾ
64369unconditional transfer instruction	�L�����ಾ���O
64370unconditional transfer of control	�L�������ಾ
64371unconditional-jump instruction	�L������V���O
64372unconditional-transfer instruction	�L�����ಾ���O
64373unconditionally stable	�L����í�w��
64374unconditioned circuits	���վ�q��
64375unconditioned response	�L����^��	UCR
64376unconnected graph	�D�s�q��
64377unconsolidated subsidiary	�������Ʒ~
64378unconstrained array	�L�����}�C
64379unconstrained minimization	�L�������p��
64380unconstrained optimization	�L�����̨Τ�
64381unconstrained record type	�L�����O������
64382unconstrained restoration	�L�����_��
64383uncontinuity	���s���
64384uncontrollable floor stock	�L����{���w�s
64385uncontrolled fashion	�L�����
64386uncontrolled join	�������p�X
64387uncontrolled language	�L�W�d�ƻy��
64388uncontrolled lines	�L����u��
64389uncontrolled satellite system	�L���ìP�t��
64390unconverter	�L�ܤ�
64391uncorrectable error	�L�k�ե������~; ���i�ե������~
64392uncorrected error	�|�տ��~; ���i�տ��~
64393uncorrelated function	���������
64394uncorrelated increment process	�������W�q�L�{
64395uncorrelated variable	�������ܼ�
64396uncovered symbol	���Q���{���Ÿ�
64397undamped frequency	�L�����W�v
64398undamped oscillation	�L��������
64399undecidability theorem	���i�M���ʩw�z
64400undecidable	���i�M����
64401undeclared identifier	���������Ѳ�
64402undefined	���w�q��; ���w�ɪ�	UNDEF
64403undefined ( record format)	���w�q��( ���榡 )
64404undefined code	���w�q�X
64405undefined data	���w�q���
64406undefined element	�L�w�q����
64407undefined file designator	�L�w�q�ɮ׼лx��
64408undefined format	�L�w�q�榡
64409undefined instruction trap	�L�w�q���O����
64410undefined length record	���w���O��
64411undefined operation	( ��Y�ǿ�J�� )�L�w�q�B��; ( ��Y�ǿ�J�� )�L�w�q�ާ@
64412undefined operation code	�L�w�q�ާ@�X
64413undefined record	���w���O��; �L�w�ɰO��
64414undefined statement label	�L�w�q�ԭz�и�
64415undefined symbol	���w�q�Ÿ�
64416undefined variable	�L�w�q�ܼ�
64417undefinition	�L�w�q; ���w�q
64418undelayed channel	�L����q�D; �L����q�D
64419undelayed pulse	�L����߽�
64420under carpet cable	�a���q�l
64421under catalog	�s�ؤ��U��
64422under development	��o�i��
64423under line	�U( �� )�u
64424under variance	�C���ܲ�
64425under voltage/over voltage	�����L��	UV/OV
64426under-the-cover modem	( ���˦� )�n��;;�ƾھ�
64427underbackorder	���X�f�q�椣��
64428undercalculation	�U��p��; �U���p��
64429undercapacity	�e�q���e
64430undercompensation	����v; ���������v
64431undercoupling	���X; ���X����
64432undercut	�U������; ����
64433underdamping	�����
64434underdeterminant	�l��C��
64435underexposure	�n������
64436underfloor raceway	�a�O�U( �q�l )�q�D
64437underflow	�U��; ��; ���; �W�U��; �C��U��
64438underflow (in calculators)	( �p�⾹���� ) ���
64439underflow characteristics	�U���S��
64440underflow exception	�U�����`
64441underflow indication	������
64442underflow indicator	�U������( �� )
64443underframe	���[; ����
64444underfrequency	�W�v�L�C; ���C���W�v
64445underground communication	�a�U�q�D
64446underlap	�[���|
64447underline	���u
64448underline mark	�U( �� )�u�O��
64449underlined character	�[�U�u�r��
64450underload	�t������; �[��; ���t��
64451underlying carrier	������; ��¦�C��
64452underlying characteristic grammar	��¦��x��k
64453underlying data base	��¦��Ʈw; ��e�ϥΪ���Ʈw
64454underlying digraph	��¦���V��
64455underlying graph	��¦��; ����
64456undermodulation	��ը�
64457underpan	���L
64458underplate	���O; ���y
64459underpunch	�ФU��; �U������( ���P�@�зǥN�X�դ��U )
64460underrun	����B��; �����q�L
64461underrun counter	�C���B��p�ƾ�
64462underscanning	���y; �U���y
64463underscore	���u; �U���u
64464underscore cursor	���u���
64465undershipments	�X�f����
64466undershoot	�U��; �t�y�p
64467underspeed	�t�פ���
64468understandability	�i�z�ѩ�
64469understander	�z�ѵ{��; �z�Ѿ�
64470understanding connected speech	�z�ѳs�e���y
64471understanding natural language	�z�Ѧ۵M�y��
64472understanding program	�z�ѵ{��
64473underswing	�t�y�p�H��; �T�פ���
64474undervoltage	����
64475undervoltage shutdown	�L�C�q�������q��
64476undervoltage/overvoltage	�����L��	UV/OV
64477underwater communication	���U�q�T
64478undesired signal	�z�Z�H��; ���ݭn���H��
64479undetectable error	�L�k�����~�t
64480undetected branch	���ˤ���; �����ಾ
64481undetected error rate	�|�˿��~�v
64482undetermined coefficient	�ݩw�Y��
64483undetermined multiplier	�ݩw�]�l
64484undirected action	���w�V�ʧ@; ���w�V�@��
64485undirected graph	�L�V��
64486undirected tree	�L�V��; ���w�V��; ���V��
64487undirectional approach	���w�V�G��k; ���V�G��k
64488undistorted power output	�����u�\�v��X	UPO
64489undistorted signalling	�����u�ǫH	US
64490undistorted transmission	�����u�ǿ�
64491undisturbed output signal	���z�Z��X�H��
64492undisturbed response voltage	���z�Z�^���q��
64493undisturbed zero output signal	���z�Z"0"��X�H��
64494undisturbed-one output	���z�Z"1"��X
64495undisturbed-zero output	���z�Z"0"��X
64496undo	����; �o��
64497undulate	�i��; �_��
64498unemployed time	�����ɶ�; ���ϥήɶ�	UT
64499unencrypted password file	�D�[�K���K�X�ɮ�; �D�[�K���f�O�ɮ�
64500unequal	������
64501unequivalence interrupt	���������_
64502unequivocal acceptance	���t�k����; ���T����
64503unevaluated operand	���p�⪺�B���H
64504uneven data usage	�D���Ÿ������
64505uneven length code	�����ùq�X
64506unexpected halt	�N�~����; �N�~���_
64507unfailing service	�i�a�A��; �L�G�٪��u�@�~��
64508unfiltered annual forecast	���g�z�蠟�~�׹w��
64509unfiltered cost	���g�z�蠟����
64510unfiltered demand	���g�z�蠟�ݨD
64511unfold	�i�}
64512unformat	�D�w�榡
64513unformatted capacity	�L�榡�x�s�e�q
64514unformatted diskette	���榡�Ƴn�L
64515unformatted display	���w�����; ���w�榡��ܹ�; ���榡�����
64516unformatted image	���榡�ƹϹ�
64517unformatted input/output statement	�L�榡��J��X�ԭz
64518unformatted logic record	�L�榡�޿�O��
64519unformatted media	�L�榡�C��
64520unformatted mode	���榡�ƼҦ�
64521unformatted program interface	���榡�{������
64522unformatted random access call	�L�榡�H���s���ե�
64523unformatted random file input/output statement	�L�榡�H���ɮ׿�J��X�ԭz
64524unformatted read and write statement	�L�榡Ū�g�ԭz
64525unformatted record	���w�榡�O��; �L�榡�O��
64526unformatted request	�D�榡�ƽШD
64527unformatted system services	�D���榡�ƨt�ΪA�ȵ{��; �D�榡�ƨt�ΪA�ȵ{��	USS
64528unformatted write statement	�L�榡�g�ԭz
64529ungrounded system	�����a��
64530unguarded interval	�L�O�@���j
64531uni-FET	�浲���������q����
64532uni-vibrator	�殶�l
64533uniaxial anisotropy	��b�U�V����
64534UNIBUS adapter	UNIBUS�t����; UNIBUS�A�t��	UBA
64535unibus microchannel	��׬y�ƷL�q�D	UMC
64536unichannel	��q�D	UC
64537unichassis	��h���O
64538unicode state assignment	��@�N�X���A���t
64539unicomputer	��p���
64540unicontrol	��@����
64541unicyclic graph	����
64542unidensity coherent light recording	�����O��	UNICON
64543unidentifiability	���i�ѧO( �� )
64544unidentified material allocation record	���T�{���ưt�m�q���O��
64545unidimensional	�@����
64546unidirection	��V
64547unidirection flow of information	��V��T�y( �{ )
64548unidirectional	��V��
64549unidirectional antenna	��V�ѽu
64550unidirectional bus	��V�׬y��
64551unidirectional current	��V�q�y
64552unidirectional dialog	��V���
64553unidirectional file allocation	��V�ɮפ��t
64554unidirectional flow of data	��Ƴ�V�y( �{ )
64555unidirectional microphone	��V�ܵ�; ��V���J��
64556unidirectional pulse	��V�߽�
64557unidirectional transducer	��V���ྐྵ
64558unidirectional transmission	��V�ǿ�
64559unidirectioned	���V��
64560unifiable	�i�Τ@��; �i�X�@��; �i�@�P��
64561unification	��@��; �Τ@��; �p�X; �@����; �X�@
64562unification algorithm	�q�N�t��k; �@�P�t��k; �X�@�t��k
64563unification rule	�Τ@�W�h
64564unification set	�@�P���X
64565unified communications	�Τ@�q�T�t��; �Τ@�q�T�]��; �Τ@�q�T�k	UNICOM
64566unified data base language	�Τ@��Ʈw�y��
64567unified design methodology	�Τ@�]�p��k
64568unified direct access standards	�Τ@�������s���з�	UDAS
64569unified file access system environment	�Τ@�ɮצs���t������
64570unified file format	�Τ@�ɮ׮榡
64571unified functional design technique	�Τ@�\��]�p�޳N; �Τ@�ާ@�]�p�޳N
64572unified numerical control language	�Τ@���ƭȱ���y��	UNCL
64573unified software gauge	�Τ@�n��з�	USG
64574unified software system	�Τ@�зdzn��t��
64575unified software systems	�Τ@�зdzn��t��	USS
64576unifier	�@�P��; �X�@��; �@�P�m��( �� ); �q�N( �� )
64577unifile volume	���ɮפ��
64578uniflow	��V�y( �{ )
64579unifluxor	�úϽu
64580uniform approximation	�@�P����k; �@�P�G��
64581uniform array	�@�P�}�C; �@�P�Ʋ�
64582uniform automatic data processing system	�@�P�۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��; �зǦ۰ʸ�ƳB�z�t��	UADPS
64583uniform baseline offset	�Τ@��u�첾
64584uniform bound	�@�P��
64585uniform channel	���óq�D
64586uniform command language	�Τ@�R�O�y��
64587uniform commercial code	�Τ@�ӷ~�X; �Τ@�Ӫk��	UCC
64588uniform convergence	�@�P����
64589uniform distribution	�����; �@�P����
64590uniform encoding	�u�ʽs�X; ���ýs�X
64591uniform evaluation rule	�@�P�p��W�h
64592uniform function	��Ȩ��
64593uniform game tree	�Τ@���ɾ�
64594uniform hashing	��������; ��������
64595uniform hashing function	����������
64596uniform inquiry update element	�Τ@�߰ݧ�s����
64597uniform inquiry, update and edit	�Τ@�߰�,�ק�M�s��	UNIQUE
64598uniform interface	�@�P����; �Τ@����
64599uniform line	���ýu
64600uniform magnetic field	���úϳ�
64601uniform norm	�@�P��; �Τ@�Ҽ�
64602uniform programming environment	�Τ@�{���]�p����
64603uniform quantization	���öq��
64604uniform random number	�����H����
64605uniform referencing	���ìd��; ���ðѷ�
64606uniform reporting system	�Τ@���i�t��; �@�P���i�t��	URS
64607uniform sampling	�����; ����
64608uniform sampling design	���é�˳]�p
64609uniform systems of accounts	�Τ@�b�بt��	USOA
64610uniform-geometry technique	�W�h�Ϊ��޳N( ����Ϊ��ۦP�����K�׸˰t�޳N )
64611uniform-grid method	����k
64612uniform-grid search pattern	����d�M����
64613uniformity	���é�; �@�P��
64614uniformity argument	�@�P�ʪ��[�I
64615uniformization	��Ȥ�
64616uniformly accessible storage	���æs���x�s( �� )
64617unifunctional pipeline	��\��޽u
64618unify processor	�X�@�B�z��
64619unifying composition	�X�@�ƦX; �@�P�X��; �@�P�_���X��
64620unigauge design	��@�зdz]�p
64621unijunction transistor	�浲�q����; �浲���q����	UJT
64622unilateral circuit	��V�q��
64623unilateral conductivity	��V�ɹq�v
64624unilateral connected digraph	�氼�s�q���V��; ��V�s�q��
64625unilateral continuity	��V�s��( �� )
64626unilateral diagraph	�氼���V��
64627unilateral diffusion	��V�X��
64628unilateral impedance	��V����
64629unilateral network	��V����
64630unilateral signal transmission	��V�H���ǿ�
64631unilateral synchronization system	��V�P�B�t��
64632unilateral system	��V�t��
64633unilateral variational problem	�����ܤ����D
64634unilateralization	��V��
64635unilaterally connected graph	�氼�s�q��
64636uniline	��u; ��@�u��; ���
64637uniline message	��u�H��
64638unimicroprocessor	��L�B�z��
64639unimodal distribution	��p����
64640unimodal function	��p���
64641unimodal search	��p�d�M
64642unimodality	��p��
64643unimodel response surface	��ҫ��^����
64644unimodular matrix	��үx�}
64645unimodular property	��үS��
64646unimplemented user operations	���w�˨ϥΪ̾ާ@
64647uninformed graph search	�L�ҰʹϬd�M; �L��T���ϧάd�M
64648uninitialized variable	����l���ܼ�
64649uninked ribbon	�L�o����a
64650unintegrated	���n����
64651unintelligent terminal	�D���z�׺�( �]�� )
64652unintelligible crosstalk	���i�����
64653uninterpreted name	�������W
64654uninterrupted	�����_��; �s��; ������
64655uninterruptible computer power	�p��������_�q��; �L���_���p����q��	UCP
64656uninterruptible power supply	���_�q�q��������; �����_( �ѹq )�q��	UPS
64657uninterruptible power system	�����_�ѹq�q���t��	UPS
64658union	�p�X; �p; �p��; "��"; �X��; �p��; ��; �M; �p�X�ؿ�
64659union algorithm	�X�ֺt��k
64660union catalogue	�p�X�ؿ�
64661union function	�p�����
64662union gate	�p�h; "��"�h
64663union ideal	�z�Q�X��
64664union of set	���X�p��; ���X���p�X
64665union of subinterval	�l�϶����M
64666union operation	�X�ֹB��; �X�־ާ@
64667union operator	�X�־ާ@��; �X�ֹB���
64668union pattern	�p�X�Ϯ�; �p�X�榡
64669union sequence	�X�֧ǦC
64670union set	�p��( �X ); �p��
64671union station	�`��
64672union tag	�p�X�аO
64673union-compatible	�i�ۮe��
64674union-find algorithm	�X�ִM��t��k
64675unipath	��q��
64676uniphase	���
64677unipolar	�淥; �淥�ʪ�
64678unipolar analog signal	�淥������T��
64679unipolar signal	�淥�H��
64680unipolar transistor	�淥( �� )�q����
64681uniprocessing	����B�z
64682uniprocessing system	��( �� )�B�z�t��
64683uniprocessor	��B�z��; ��@�B�z��	UP
64684uniprocessor mode	��B�z���Ҧ�	UNP
64685uniprocessor operating system	��B�z���ާ@�t��
64686uniprogrammed system	��D�{��( ���� )�t��
64687uniprogramming	��( �{�� )�W��; ��D�{���]�p
64688uniprogramming interactive system	��D�{���]�p��ͨt��
64689uniprogramming interactive time-sharing system	��D�{���]�p��ͤ��ɨt��
64690unipunch	�楴�վ�; �楴�վ�
64691unique	�ߤ@; �ߤ@��; �W�S��
64692unique	�ߤ@
64693unique address	�ߤ@��}
64694unique alternate key	�ߤ@������
64695unique application program	�ߤ@( �� )���ε{��
64696unique array	�ߤ@�}�C
64697unique factorization theorem	�ߤ@�R�]�w�z��
64698unique file	�W���ɮ�
64699unique handle	�ߤ@�y�`
64700unique identification	�ߤ@�ѧO
64701unique identifier	�ߤ@���Ѳ�
64702unique initial snapshot	�ߤ@��l����
64703unique key	�ߤ@��
64704unique load module	�ߤ@�ˤJ�Ҳ�
64705unique name	�ߤ@�s�W
64706unique name generator	�ߤ@�W�r���;�; �ߤ@�W�r���͵{��
64707unique programming language	�ߤ@�{���]�p�y��
64708unique sequential access method	�ߤ@���Ǧs���k; �ߤ@���Ǧs���k	USAM
64709unique solution	�ߤ@��
64710unique subprogram	�ߤ@�l�{��
64711unique system header segment	��@�t�μ��D�q; �ߤ@�t�έ����q
64712unique variable	�ߤ@�ܼ�
64713unique word	�ߤ@�r; �W�S�r
64714unique working space	�ߤ@��( ���x )�s��
64715uniquely colorable graph	�ߤ@�i�ۦ��
64716uniquely decipherable code	�ߤ@�iĶ�N�X
64717uniquely decodable code	�ߤ@�i�ѽX; �ߤ@�iĶ�N�X
64718uniquely n-colorable graph	�ߤ@n �i�ۦ��
64719uniqueness	�ߤ@��
64720uniqueness condition	�ߤ@�ʱ���
64721unirecord	��O��
64722unirecord block	��O����
64723uniselector	��ʧ@��ܾ�
64724uniset console	���������x
64725unisolvent function	�ߤ@�i�Ѩ��
64726unit	���; �椸; ����; �˸m; �]��; ��	U
64727unit address	�]�Ʀ�}; �椸��}	UA
64728unit address register	�椸��}�Ȧs��	UAR
64729unit affinity	�]�Ƭۦ�
64730unit architecture	�椸�c�y; �����c
64731unit area	��쭱�n; ���ϰ�
64732unit automatic exchange	�����۰ʹq�ܥ洫��	UAX
64733unit backspace character	�r��h���; ���h���	UBS
64734unit bit	�椸��; �]�Ʀ�; �˸m��
64735unit buffer terminal	���w�İϲ׺�
64736unit check	�]�Ʈ���( �X�� )	UC; UK; UC
64737unit class	�椸���O
64738unit code element	���N�X��( �� )
64739unit command word	�]�ƩR�O�r; �椸�R�O�r	UCW
64740unit construction computer	�椸���c���p���
64741unit construction principle	�]�Ƶ��c��z	UCP
64742unit control	�椸����
64743unit control block	��챱��q; ��豱����; �]�Ʊ����; �椸�����	UCB
64744unit control file	�椸�����ɮ�; �]�Ʊ����ɮ�; �椸�����ɮ�	UCF
64745unit control word	�]�Ʊ���r; �椸����r	UCW
64746unit cost	��즨��
64747unit cost default	��즨����]
64748unit data	�椸���
64749unit data and control diagram	�椸��ƩM�����	UDCD
64750unit delay operator	��쩵���l; ��쩵��B���
64751unit development folder	( �n�鲣�~ )�椸��s��
64752unit diagnostics	�椸�E�_( �{�� ); �]�ƶE�_( �{�� )
64753unit dislocation	�����
64754unit disparity binary code	��줣�����G�i��X
64755unit displacement method	���첾�k
64756unit distance code	���Z���X; ��춡�Z�X
64757unit doublet	����
64758unit element	���X��; ��줸��
64759unit emergency power-off	���������q��
64760unit essential equipment	���D�n�˳�
64761unit exception	�]�Ʋ��`; �]�ƨҥ~; �椸���`; �椸�ҥ~	UE; UEX
64762unit factor clause	�椸�]�l�l�y
64763unit gap	��춡�j
64764unit identification system	�椸�ѧO�t��	UIS
64765unit information	�椸���A��T; �椸��T; ����T
64766unit initialization routine	���_�l�`��
64767unit interface	�椸����; �椸����; �]�Ƥ���
64768unit interval	��춡�j; ���ɹj; ���϶�; ���( �H�� )���j
64769unit length	������
64770unit load	������; ���t��; ( ���Y�@ )���ˤJ(	��� )
64771unit logic device	�椸�޿�]��	ULD
64772unit matrix	���x�}
64773unit module	���Ҳ�
64774unit number	�椸��
64775unit of allocation list	���t����	UOA LIST
64776unit of measure	�p�q���
64777unit of measure conversion factor	�p�q����ഫ�]��
64778unit of measure of component	�����p�q���
64779unit of measurement	�p�q���
64780unit of processing capacity	�B�z��O���	UPC
64781unit of transfer	�ǰe���
64782unit of work	�u�@�椸
64783unit position	����m
64784unit preference strategy	�椸�u������
64785unit preference strategy in resolution	�k�������椸�u������
64786unit price	���
64787unit price discount/markup code	����馩/ �[���X
64788unit price discount/markup percent	����馩/ �[���ʤ���
64789unit program	���{��
64790unit quantity required	�һݭn�����ƶq
64791unit ready	�����Ƨ�
64792unit ready light	�˸m�Ƨ����ܿO
64793unit record	���O��; �椸�O��( �]�A�@�ӧ���O�����@�i���եd�� ) UR
64794unit record data processing machines	�椸�O����ƳB�z����	URDPM
64795unit record device	���O���˸m
64796unit record equipment	���O���˸m
64797unit record file	���O���ɮ�; �椸�O���ɮ�
64798unit record machine	���O����
64799unit record pool	���O����; ���O����
64800unit record principle	���O���k; ���O����h
64801unit record processor	���O���B�z��	URP
64802unit record routine	���O��( �Ҧ� )�`��
64803unit record volume	�椸�O���e�q; ���O����
64804unit reference code	���ѦҽX
64805unit required quantity	���ݭn���ƶq
64806unit resolution	�涵����; �涵����
64807unit response function	���^�����
64808unit rule	�椸�W�h
64809unit run time	�]�ƹB��ɶ�	URT
64810unit sample	������
64811unit screen	���ù�
64812unit segment	���{���q; ���u�q
64813unit separator	��������; �����j��	US
64814unit separator character	�����j��; �椸���j��; �椸���j�r��	US
64815unit space	�椸�Ŷ�
64816unit specify	�]�ƫ��O; �]�ƳW�w	UNIT SPY
64817unit status information	�椸���A��T
64818unit step	��춥�q; ��B
64819unit step input	��춥�q��J
64820unit step response	��춥�q�^��
64821unit string	���r��; ����; ( �u���@�ӹ��骺 )��r�Ŧ�
64822unit switch	�椸�}��; �զX�}��
64823unit synchronizer	���P�B��
64824unit system	�椸�t��
64825unit testing	������; �椸����
64826unit testing philosophy	( �n�� )�椸���խ�z
64827unit time	���ɶ�	UT
64828unit time step	���ɶ��B�J
64829unit transform of image matrix	�v���x�}���ܴ�; �v���x�}��@�ܴ�
64830unit type	�]������; �椸����
64831unit under test	�Q���椸; �ݴ��椸	UUT
64832unit vector	���V�q
64833unit weight	��쭫�q
64834unit's order	�Ӧ�
64835unit-distance code	���Z���X
64836unit-equipment record	���]�ưO��
64837unit-of-work identifier	�u�@�椸���Ѳ�
64838unit-time advance	���ɶ��e�i
64839unitary	��@��; �椸��; �榡��; ����
64840unitary clause	��@�l�y
64841unitary code	�@��N�X; ��N�X
64842unitary declaration	��@����; ��@�ŧi
64843unitary matrix	���x�}; �榡�x�}; ��@�x�}
64844unitary vector space	�榡�V�q�Ŷ�
64845united gas laboratory internally programmed automa	�p�X�˴�����Ǥ��{���۰ʭp���	UGLIAC
64846united kingdom atomic energy authority	�^���l�৽	UKAEA
64847united kingdom information technology organization	�^���T�޳N��´	UKITO
64848united kingdom post office	�^��l�F�`��	UKPO
64849united nations educational scientific and clutural	�p�X��Ь���´	UNESCO
64850United Nations educational scientific and cultural	�p�X��Ь���´	UNESCO
64851united nations postal administration	�p�X��l�F�޲z�B	UNPA
64852united nations standards coordinating committee	�p�X��зǨ�թe���|	UNSCC
64853United Stated independent telephone association	����W�߹q�ܤ��q��|	USITA
64854united states army computer system	���곰�x�p����t��	USACS
64855united states atomic energy commission	�����l��e���|	USAEC
64856United States bureau of standards	����зǧ�	USBS
64857United States communications intelligence board	����q�T��T�e���|; ����q�T��T��	USCIB
64858United States department of agriculture	����A�~��	USDA
64859United States frequency standard	�����W�v�з�	USFS
64860United States geological survey	����a��ɱ���	USGS
64861united states independent telephone association	����W�߹q�ܨ�|	USITA
64862United States information center	�����T����	USIC
64863United States navy	������x	USN
64864united states of America standard	����з�; �����a�з�	USAS
64865united states of America standard institute	����зǾǷ|	USASI
64866United States post office	����l�F��	USPO
64867United States postal service	����l�F�`��	USPS
64868United States standard	����з�	USS
64869united states standard gauge	����зǽu( �| )�W( �d )	USSG
64870united technology center	�p�X�޳N����	UTC
64871united translation system	�p�X½Ķ�t��	UTS
64872uniterm	�椸��; �椸��; �涵
64873uniterm index	�椸������
64874uniterm indexing	�椸������; �椸������
64875uniterm system	�椸���t��; �椸���t��
64876uniterming	�椸�����
64877uniting	�p�X��
64878unitized digital electronic calculator	�Τ@�Ʀ�q�l�p�⾹; ���M���q�l�Ʀ�p���	UDEC
64879unitized film	�Τ@����; �Τ@����
64880unitransitive graph	��i�ǻ���
64881unity	��@; �X�@; ����
64882unity of system operation	�t�ξާ@���
64883Univac industrial system	Univac�u�~�t��	UNIS
64884Univac storage and retrieval	Univac���x�s�P�˯�	UNISTAR
64885Univac users association	Univac�p������|	UUA
64886univariant function generator	���ܼƨ�Ʋ��;�; ���ܼƨ�Ʋ��͵{��
64887univariant search	���ܼƬd�M
64888univariate curve fitting	���ܲ����u�A�t
64889universal	�q�Ω�; �q�Ϊ�; �U�઺; �t�z��; ���M��	UNI; UNIV
64890universal access	�t�z�ʦs��; �q�Φs��
64891universal active filter	�q�����o�i��
64892universal address	�q�Φ�}
64893universal algorithm	�q�κt��k
64894universal assembler translator system	�q�βզX½Ķ�{���t��	UATS
64895universal asynchronous port	�q��B��
64896universal asynchronous receiver transmitter	�q��B���o��	UART
64897universal asynchronous receiver/transmitler	�q��B���o��
64898universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter	�q�ΦP�B���B�������o�g��	USART
64899universal automatic computer	�q�Φ۰ʭp���	UNIVAC
64900universal black box	�q�ζ½c	UBB
64901universal block channel	�q�Φr��( �h���ഫ )�q�D	UBC
64902universal buffer controller	�q�νw�ľ����	UBC
64903universal buffer-controller	�q�νw�ľ����	UBC
64904universal button box	�q���s�c
64905universal camera control system	�q�ηӹ�������t��	UCCS
64906universal card read-in program	�q�Υd��Ū�J�{��	UNCDRP
64907universal chain control	�q���山��; ( �C�L���� )�q���즡����
64908universal character	�q�Φr��; �q�Φr��
64909universal character buffer	�q�Φr�Žw�ľ�	UCB
64910universal character buffer address register	�q�Φr�Žw�ľ���}�Ȧs��	UCBAR
64911universal character set	�q�Φr�Ŷ�	UCS
64912universal class	�����X; �q( �� )��( �� )
64913universal class card reader	�q�Ϋ��d���\Ū��
64914universal classification system	�q�����t��	UCS
64915universal closure	���ٳ��]
64916universal code	�q�νX
64917universal code synchronouss transmitter/receiver	�q�νs�X�P�B���o��	UCSTR
64918universal command	�q�ΩR�O
64919universal communication switching device	�q�γq�T�౵�˸m	UCSD
64920universal communications monitor	�q�γq�T�ʷ��{��	UCM
64921universal communications switching device	�q�γq�T�౵�˸m
64922universal compiler	�q�νsĶ��; �q�νsĶ�{��	UNICOMP
64923universal computer	�q�έp���
64924universal computer company	�q�έp������q	UCC
64925universal computer-oriented language	�q�ξ��V�y��; �q�έp����ɦV�y��	UNICOL
64926universal constant	�q�α`��
64927universal controller	�q�α��
64928universal controller-system bus	�q�α���t�ζ׬y��	UCSB
64929universal coordinated time	�q�Ψ�ծɶ�
64930universal data base access system	�q�θ�Ʈw�s���t��	UDB
64931universal data link control	�q���������	UDLC
64932universal data system	�q���ƨt��	UDS
64933universal data transfer service	�q�θ�ƶǰe�~��	UDTS
64934universal decimal classification	��ڤQ�i�����k; �q�ΤQ�i������k	UDC
64935universal default	�q�Τ��w��; �q�Ψt�γ]�w��
64936universal device index	�q�θ˸m����	UDX
64937universal devices	�q�γ]��
64938universal digital computer	�q�μƦ�p���
64939universal digital interface	�q�μƦ줶��
64940universal document reader	�q�Τ��\Ū��	UDR
64941universal electron microscope	�q�ιq�l��L��
64942universal emulating terminal system	�q�Υ�u�׺ݨt��	UETS
64943universal file access method	�q���ɮצs���k	UFAM
64944universal file access system	�q���ɮצs���t��; �Τ@�ɮצs���t��	UFAS
64945universal fixed type	�q�Ωw�I����
64946universal fixturing	�q����
64947universal frequency counter	�q���W�v�p�ƾ�	UFC
64948universal function	���A���
64949universal grammar	�q�Τ�k
64950universal graphic recorder	�q�ιϥܰO����	UGR
64951universal host machine	�q�ΥD��	UHM
64952universal host processor	�q�ΥD�B�z��	UHP
64953universal image processing system	�q�ιϹ��B�z�t��
64954universal implication graph	�q�����t��; �����t��
64955universal input/output controller	�q�ο�J��X���	UIOC
64956universal instance assumption	�q�ι�Ұ��]
64957universal instruction set	�q���O��; �q���O�t��
64958universal integer type	�q������
64959universal integrated communication system	���y��X�q�T�t��	UNICOM
64960universal interconnecting device	�q�Τ��s�˸m; �q�Τ��s�]��
64961universal job control language	�q�Χ@�~����y��	UJCL
64962universal key	�q����; �h�γ~��; �q������r
64963universal keyboard	�q����L	UKB
64964universal keyset	�q�����
64965universal language definition	�q�λy���w�q	ULD
64966universal language description	�q�λy���y�z	ULD
64967universal library	�q�ε{���w; �q��( �{�� )�w	ULB
64968universal line multiplexer	�q�νu���h���ഫ��	ULM
64969universal link terminal	�q�Τ��~( �ǿ� )�׺ݾ�	ULT
64970universal logic block	�q���޿��	ULB
64971universal logic circuit	�q���޿�q��	ULC
64972universal logic gate	�h�γ~�޿�h
64973universal logic implementation	�q���޿����L�{	ULI
64974universal machine	�q�ξ�
64975universal machine language	�q����y��
64976universal maintenance standard	�q�κ���( ���@ )�з�	UMS
64977universal memory system	�q���x�s���t��	UMS
64978universal meter	�U�Ϊ�
64979universal microprogramming	�q�ηL�{���]�p
64980universal modular tree	�q�μҲվ�
64981universal module	�q�μҲ�; �q�ε{��	UNIMOD
64982universal multiprogramming system	�q�Φh�D�{���]�p�t��	UMS
64983universal navigation computer	�q�ξɯ�p���	UNC
64984universal network	�q���
64985universal numerical interchange terminal	�q�μƭȥ洫�׺ݾ�	UNIT
64986universal operating system	�q�Χ@�~�t��
64987universal output computer	�q�ο�X�p���	UOC
64988universal performance assessment and control syste	�q�Ωʯ�����P����t��	UPACS
64989universal peripheral interface	�q�ζg�䤶��	UPI
64990universal peripheral interface chip	�q�ζg�䤶������
64991universal postal union	��ڶl�F�p��	UPU
64992universal postprocessor	�q��B�z�{��; �q��B�z��
64993universal power supply	�q�ιq��	UNPS
64994universal procedure oriented language	�q�ιL�{�ɦV�y��	UNIPOL
64995universal procedure-oriented language	�q�ιL�{�ɦV�y��	UNIPOL
64996universal processing system	�q�γB�z�t��	UPS
64997universal processor	�q�γB�z��	UNIPRO
64998universal product code	�U��f���X; �q��~�N�X	UPC
64999universal program	�q�ε{��
65000universal program development system	( �з� )�q�ε{���}�o�t��
65001universal programming language	�q�ε{���]�p�y��
65002universal PROM programmer	�q��PROM�{���]�p��; �q��PROM�{���s�s��
65003universal property	�q�Ωʽ�
65004universal proposition	���٩R�D
65005universal quantification	�q�Ωw�q; ���ٶq����
65006universal quantifier	���ٶq��
65007universal radar signal processor	�q�ιp�F�H���B�z��	URSP
65008universal real type	�q������
65009universal receiver-transmitter	�q����o�g��
65010universal relation	�������Y
65011universal relation assumption	�x���Y���]
65012universal relation model	�x���Y�ҫ�
65013universal series regulator	�q�Φ��p���վ㾹; �q�Φ��p��í����	USR
65014universal service order code	�q�ΪA�ȫ��O�X; �q�Τ��αK�y	USOC
65015universal set	����; �r��; ����( �X )
65016universal simulator	�q�����
65017universal software interface	�q�γn�餶��( MRI �t�Τ��q )	USI
65018universal specialization	�q�ٯS��
65019universal specialization reasoning	���ٮ��h���z; �q�ٯS�Ʊ��z
65020universal structural analysis service	�q��c���R�~��	UNISTRUC
65021universal symbol	�q�βŸ�
65022universal synchronous receiver	�q�ΦP�B�����{��; �q�ΦP�B������
65023universal synchronous receiver/transmitter	�q�ΦP�B�������o�g��; �q�ΦP�B���o��	USRT
65024universal tape processor	�q�κϱa�B�z��	UTP
65025universal tape-to-tape converter	�q�κϱa��ϱa�ഫ��	UTTC
65026universal test equipment complier	�q�δ��ճ]�ƽsĶ�{��	UTEC
65027universal time	�@�ɮɶ�; ��L�ªv�ɶ�; ��ڼзǮ�	UT
65028universal time-sharing system	�q�Τ��ɨt��	UTS
65029universal torn tape system	�q�μ�( �_�� )�a�t��
65030universal transistor	�q�ιq����
65031universal translator-oriented language	�q��½Ķ�{���ɦV���y��	UTOL
65032universal tree domain	�`����; �����
65033universal trnslator-oriented language	�q��½Ķ�{���ɦV�y��	UTOL
65034universal Turing machine	�q���L��; �q���L��
65035universality	�q�Ω�
65036universally quantified variable	���ٶq�����ܼ�
65037universally valid premise	���٥ïu�e��
65038universe	�t�z; �@��; ��; ����; �`��	U
65039universe of admissible patterns	�e�\�Ҧ����X; ����e�\�Ϲ�
65040universe of discourse	�װ�; �����
65041universe set	����
65042universe time	�t�z�ɶ�; �@�ɮ�
65043university	�j��	UNIV
65044university computing company	�j�ǭp�⤽�q	UCC
65045university of California at Los Angeles	����������[�Q�֥��Ȥj��	UCLA
65046university of Manchester regional computer center	�ҹ����S�j�Ǧa�ϭp�������	UMRECC
65047university of Michigan multi-programming system	( ���� )�K��ڤj�Ǧh���{���]�p�t��	UMMPS
65048university of Toronto electronic computer	�h�ۦh�j�ǹq�l�p���	UTEC
65049university of Washington BASIC interpretive compil	�ز��y�j��BASIC �������sĶ�{��	UWBIC
65050university of Waterloo COBOL	( �[���j )���K�c�j�Ǫ�COBOL �y��	WATBOL
65051university of Waterloo FORTRAN	���K�c�j��FORTRAN �y��	WATFOR
65052univolume	���
65053univolume file	����ɮ�
65054uniwafer	����
65055uniwave signalling	���W�H���k
65056UNIX	UNIX�@�~�t��; UNIX�ާ@�t��
65057UNIX application	UNIX����( �{�� )
65058UNIX C shell	UNIX��C�y���t��
65059UNIX file access	UNIX�ɮצs��
65060UNIX filing system	UNIX�ɮרt��
65061UNIX network	UNIX����
65062UNIX software	UNIX�n��
65063UNIX system command	UNIX�t�ΩR�O
65064UNIX system V core package	UNIX�t��V �֤߮M�˳n��
65065UNIX time sharing system	UNIX���ɨt��
65066UNIX-like file name	��UNIX�ɮצW( �r )
65067unjustified	���վ㪺; �������
65068unjustified tape	���վ㪺�ϱa
65069unjustified text	�������Z; ���վ㪺����; �����������
65070unknown character	�����r��
65071unknown parameter	�����Ѽ�
65072unknown periodic component	�����g�����q
65073unknown quantity	�����q
65074unknown state	�������A
65075unknown station	������
65076unlabelled	�L���
65077unlabelled common block	�L�и����ε{����
65078unlabelled compound statement	�L�и��ƦX�ԭz
65079unlabelled input file	�L�и���J�ɮ�
65080unlabelled magnetic tape	�L�и��ϱa
65081unlabelled multireel file	�L�и��h���ɮ�
65082unlabelled statement	�L�и��ԭz
65083unlike dislocation	�������
65084unlikely event	�����i��ƥ�
65085unlimited	�L����; �L�a��	UNLIM
65086unlink	�_��; �Ѷ}( ��, �� ); �; �ϲ�}
65087unlink system call	����t�νե�
65088unload	����; ���U; ����; ���x; ( �H�� )��s; ���a	UL; UNLD
65089unload button	( ���� )�s
65090unload data base	���x��Ʈw
65091unload data set	( �d�@���w�u�� )�ƨ�θ�ƶ�
65092unload pointer	�q��}�p�ƾ�����h; �X�ū���( ���ܦr )
65093unload time chain	���x�ɶ���; ��s�ɶ���	UTC
65094unloaded	�L����; �Ÿ���
65095unloaded version	���x��
65096unloading	��s; ����; �h��; ���U; ���x
65097unloading foreground job	���x�e�x�@�~
65098unloading system job	���x�t�Χ@�~
65099unloading tape	�����ϱa
65100unlock	�}��; �Ѱ���w; ����; �}��
65101unlock statement	����ԭz; �}��ԭz
65102unlocked resource	����귽; ����귽
65103unlocking escape	�D�ꫬ( �r�� )��q
65104unmagnetized region	���Ϥư�
65105unmanned aerospace surveillance	�L�H�t�z�Ŷ��ʵ�; �L�H�t��ʵ�	UAS
65106unmanned factory	�L�H�u�t
65107unmanned multifunction satellite	�L�H�h�γ~�ìP
65108unmanned sensing satellite system	�L�H�ìP��ܨt��
65109unmapped address space	�D�ܴ���}�Ŷ�
65110unmapped conversation	���M�g�����
65111unmapped memory	���M�g�O����
65112unmapped physical storage	���M�g�����x�s��
65113unmapped system	���M�g�t��
65114unmarked area	�L�[�а�
65115unmarked list node	�L�аO��`�I; ���[�Ъ�`�I
65116unmarked nonterminal	���ЫD�׵���
65117unmarked stack frame	���[�аO���|��
65118unmask	�L�̽�; ���_�̽�
65119unmask state	�L�̽����A
65120unmasking	�L�̽�( �B�z ); ���_�̽�( �B�z )
65121unmatch	���ǰt; ���t; ���t��
65122unmatched record	���t�O��
65123unmodified instruction	���@�ק���O
65124unmodulated	���ը
65125unmovable data set	���i����ƶ�
65126unnamed block data subprogram	�L�W����Ƥl�{��
65127unnaming	�M���R�W
65128unnested version	�D�O�M�Φ�
65129unnormalized floating add	�D�W��ƯB�I�[( �k )	UFA
65130unnormalized floating devide	�D�W��ƯB�I��( �k )	UFD
65131unnormalized floating multiply	�D�W��ƯB�I��( �k )	UFM
65132unnormalized floating subtract	�D�W��ƯB�I��( �k )	UFS
65133unnormalized number	�D�W��Ƽ�; �D�зǼ�
65134unnumbered acknowledge	�D�s������; �L�s���T�{	UA
65135unnumbered acknowledgement	���s���ӻ{
65136unnumbered frame	�D�s����
65137unnumbered information (frame)	���s����T( �� )	UI
65138unnumbered information frame	���s����T��
65139unnumbered response	�L�s������
65140unoccupied time	�D���ήɶ�; �L�@�ήɶ�
65141unoptimizable	�D�̨Ϊ�; ���i�̨Τƪ�
65142unordered	�L�Ǫ�
65143unordered file	�L���ɮ�
65144unordered queue	�L�Ƕ��C
65145unordered table	�L�Ǫ�
65146unpack	�ѻE; ��]; �٭�; ��}; ��; ���}; �X�i; �P�i; �R( ��)
65147unpack procedure	��}�L�{
65148unpacked	���ո˪�; ���}��	UNPKD
65149unpacked decimal	�����Y�Q�i��; ��}���Q�i��
65150unpacked decimal notation	���]�˪��Q�i��O�k
65151unpacked format	�����Y�榡
65152unpacked rounded floating point package	�D���Y�a�ˤJ���B�I�M�˳n��
65153unpacked structured type	�����Y�c�y����
65154unpacking instructions	��]����
65155unpage segment	������( �{�� )�q
65156unpaired rank test	�D���ﯴ����
65157unperforated tape	�����կȱa
65158unplanned component issue	�D�p���ʤ���o��
65159unplanned issue	�D�p���o��
65160unpredicatable result	���i�w�������G
65161unprinted dot	( �w���C�L���� )�D�C�L�I
65162unprocessed	���B�z
65163unprotect field	���O�@���
65164unprotected dynamic storage	���O�@�ʺA�x�s��
65165unprotected field	�L�O�@���; ���O�@�r�q; ���O�@��
65166unprotected link	�L�O�@���
65167unprotected storage	���O�@�x�s��
65168unqualified call	�����w�ե�
65169unqualified segment search argument	�����w�q�d�M�P�_
65170unreachable code	���椣�쪺�N�X
65171unreachable node	���i�θ`�I
65172unreachable nonterminal	���i��F���D�׵���
65173unreadable signal	������몺�H��; ����{���H��
65174unrecognizable character	���i�ѧO�r��
65175unrecoverable ABEND	���i��_���`����
65176unrecoverable error	���i��_���~; ���i�ե����~
65177unrecoverable parity error	���i��_�_���ʿ��~
65178unreduced matrix	���i²�Ưx�}
65179unreducible expression	���i²�ƪ�ܦ�
65180unreferenced field	���ޥΦr���
65181unregister	���n�O; �����U; ������
65182unregulated	���վ㪺	UNREG
65183unreliable	���i�a��; ���T�ꪺ	UNREL
65184unreliable process	���i�a�L�{
65185unrepeatable read	���i����Ū
65186unresolved reference report	�D���몺�ޥγ��i
65187unresolved sequential prime inplicant form	�D����ɧǽ����t��
65188unrestricted digital information	���]�����Ʀ��T
65189unrestricted random sampling	�L�����H���ļ�
65190unrestricted variable	�L�����ܼ�
65191unrooted tree	�L�ھ�
65192unrounded	���ˤJ��
65193unsafe region	���w����
65194unsafe reset	���w���Ʀ�
65195unsample	�D�˥�; �����; ������
65196unsatisfiability	���i������
65197unsatisfied external	���������~���W
65198unsatisfied forward reference	�������V�e�ޥ�
65199unsaturated edge	�D���M��
65200unsaturated logic circuit	�D���M�޿�q��
65201unsaturated mode circuit	�D���M���q��
65202unsaturated tree	�D���M��
65203unsave	��_
65204unscheduled maintenance	���w�����@; ���w������; �X������; �D�p������; �G�ٺ�	UM
65205unscheduled maintenance time	���w�����@�ɶ�
65206unscheduled open order summary records	�D�Ƶ{���}�߭q��J�`�O��
65207unscrambled method	�D���êk; ���Ǫk
65208unscrambled order	�D�����
65209unscrambling	�D���é�
65210unscrew	�����v
65211unsegmented external file	�����q�~���ɮ�
65212unselected core	����Ϫ�
65213unsensible	�L�k�P��
65214unsent	���e
65215unseparated subprogram definitions	���������l�{���w�q
65216unserviceable	���i�ϥΪ�; �B�椣�i�a��; ���A�Ϊ�; ����ϥΪ�	UNSV
65217unset	���]; �_��; �m"0"; ����; �_��
65218unshaded region	�D���v��; �ťհ�
65219unshared structure	�D�@�ɵ��c; �D�@�ε��c
65220unsharp image	�ҽk�Ϲ�; �ҽk�M��
65221unshift	������; ������; ���첾; ������
65222unshift on space	���L�r���j
65223unshuffle	�ϲ�( �q�k�V���� )
65224unshuffle interconnection	�ϲ����s
65225unsigned 16-bit integer	�L��16�줸���
65226unsigned integer	�L�Ÿ����
65227unsigned integer conversion	�L�Ÿ�����ഫ
65228unsigned number	�L�Ÿ��ƥ�
65229unsigned real	�L�Ÿ����
65230unsigned type	�L�ū���
65231unsimplified Chinese character	�c��r
65232unslotted protocol	�D������w
65233unsolder	�k�}; �S�}
65234unsolicited data	�D�w�D���
65235unsolicited key-in	�D�ШD����J
65236unsolicited message	�D�ШD���H��; �D�޵o�ʫH��
65237unsolvability	���i�ѩ�
65238unsolvable labeling procedure	���i�ѼаO�L�{
65239unsolvable node	���i�Ѹ`�I
65240unsorted table	���ƧǪ�; ����z��
65241unspanned record	�D��q�O��; �D��O��
65242unspecified bounds	��������
65243unstability	��í�w��
65244unstable equilibrium	��í�w����
65245unstable state	��í�w���A
65246unstable systems	��í�w�t��
65247unstack	�D���|��
65248unstarred nonterminal	���[�P���D�׵���	UNTS
65249unsteadiness	��í�w��
65250unsteady state	����A
65251unstratified language	�D�h�ƻy��; �D���h�y��
65252unstring	�Ѧ�
65253unstring statement	�Ѧ�ԭz
65254unstructured	�L���c�ʪ�
65255unstructured data item	�D���c��ƶ�
65256unsubscripted variable name	�L�U���ܼƦW
65257unsubstantiated hypothesis	���Q�ҹꪺ���]
65258unsuccessful execution	�����\������
65259unsuccessfule call	�����\�I�s
65260unsuitable value	���A�X( �� )��
65261unsupervised classification	�L�ʷ������k
65262unsupported category	�D�䴩�d��
65263unsuppressible literal	���i����r
65264unsymmetrical	����٪�; �D��٪�	UNSYM
65265unsymmetrical balance	����٥��ź���	UNBAL
65266unsymmetry	�����; �D��٩�
65267unterminated line	�L�ݱ��u; ���ױ��u��
65268unthread	���P��; ���q�L
65269UNTIL clause	UNTIL ( ���� )�l�y
65270UNTIL control structure	UNTIL ( ���� )����c
65271until further notice	���i�@�B�q��; �b�t���q���e	UFN
65272UNTIL further notice	����i�@�B�q��	UFN
65273UNTIL iteration structure	UNTIL ( ���� )���|�N���c
65274UNTIL structure	UNTIL ( ���� )�����c
65275untranslated program segment	��½Ķ���{���q
65276untranslated storage	���ഫ�x�s��
65277untrue	��( �� ); ��( �� )
65278untyped language	���������y��
65279unused bit	����; �T��
65280unused capacity	���ϥΪ�����
65281unused code	���νX; �T�ΥN�X; �D�k�N�X
65282unused command	���ΩR�O; �D�k�R�O; �T�ΩR�O
65283unused command check	���ΩR�O�ֹ�
65284unused time	���ήɶ�; ���ϥήɶ�; �����ɶ�
65285unused word	���Φr
65286unusual end of program	�{���D���`����; �{�����`����	UEP
65287unusual event recording system	���`�ƥ�O���t��	UERS
65288unvisited vertices	���X( �� )���I
65289unwanted signal	���ݥΫH��; �z�Z�H��; ���ݭn���H��
65290unwanted string	���Φr�Ŧ�; ���ݭn�r�Ŧ�
65291unwatched	�۰ʪ�; ���κʵ���
65292unweighted noise-power level	�D�[�v�����\�v�q��
65293unwind	�i�}; ���i; �Ѱ�; ( �`�� )�i�}; �h�M; �Ѱh; ( �{�� )�i�}
65294unwind the call stack	�I�s���|�^��
65295up	�V�W; �W; ����	U
65296up and down propagation time	�W��U��Ǽ��ɶ�
65297up converter	�W���W��; �W�W���W��	UC
65298up data link	�W�������	UDL
65299up level	���q��
65300up symbol	�ɲŸ�
65301up time	�u�@�ɶ�
65302up uniprocessing	�V�W��B�z��
65303up-down counter	�i�f�p�ƾ�; ���V�p�ƾ�	UDC
65304up-level addressing	�~�h�w�}
65305up-line dumping	�W�u�ɦL
65306up-link	�W�����	U/L
65307up-posting	�W����۰ʵn��
65308up-shift	�W��; �W�ɦr�ಾ
65309up-side-down mounting	( �n��q���ո˪� )�˸�( �k )
65310up-station	�W�ݧ�
65311up-stroke	�W��{; �W��B��
65312up-time	���`�B��ɶ�
65313up-to symbol	����Ÿ�
65314up-to-date	�{�N��; �ɮפ��e��s
65315up/down binary counter	�G�i��i�f�p�ƾ�
65316updatable microfiche	�i�ק諸�Y�L����
65317update	��s; �ץ�; �ק�; �ե�	U
65318update attribute	�ק��ݩ�
65319update authority	��s�v��
65320update center	��s����
65321update control list	��s�����	UCL
65322update cursor	��s���
65323update data	��s���; �ק���
65324update file	��s�ɮ�; ��s���
65325update intent	�ק�N�V
65326update level	��s����
65327update load	��s�t��
65328update lock	��s��
65329update operation	��s�ާ@
65330update option	��s����( �� )
65331update register edit list report	��s���ӽs��M�U����
65332update rights	��s�v�Q
65333update synchronization	��s�P�B��
65334update transaction	��s�ƶ�( �B�z )
65335update usage mode	�ק�ϥΪ��A; ��s�ϥμҦ�
65336update use mode	��s�ϥμҺA
65337update-only recovery	�u��s��_
65338updated	��s��
65339updated collision count	��s�I���p��
65340updated file	��s��
65341updated parameter	��s�Ѽ�
65342updated-record mark	��s�O���лx
65343updater	��s��
65344updating	��s
65345updating algorithm	��s�t��k
65346updating and file maintenance	��s�M�ɮ׺��@
65347updating formula	�ե�����
65348updating program	�ե��{��; ��s�{��
65349updating routing table	��s���|( ��� )��
65350updown traverse of the arm	���u�ɭ�
65351updown turning of the arm	���u����
65352upgrade	�ɯ�; �����X�R; ������q
65353upgrade set	���h��
65354upkeep	����; ���@
65355upline dump	�W�u�ɦL
65356upline dumping	�W�u�ɦL
65357upline facility	�W�u�]��
65358uplink	( �a���V�ìP�o�e�H������ )�W�����; �ìP���
65359upload	�W��
65360upper acceptance value	�W��������
65361upper accumulator	����֥[��	UA
65362upper and lower case	( ���r���W�� )�j�g�p�g��; �W�U��	U/LC
65363upper band	�W( �� )�a
65364upper bound	�W��; �W��	UB; UPB
65365upper bound of information translation amount	��T�ഫ�q�W��	UBITA
65366upper bound symbol	�W�ɲŸ�
65367upper byte	����r�`	UB
65368upper case	�j�g( �r�� ); �j�g�r��; �j�g�r��; (	�r���� )�j�g��	UC
65369upper control	�W( �� )����	UC
65370upper control limit	�W���; ����W��	UCL
65371upper curtate	�W�d�հ�; ����; ����; ( �d���վ�V������ )�W�Ϭq
65372upper dead center	�W���I; ���ϤW��; �W�R�I	UDC
65373upper dimension bound	�W����
65374upper layer	�W�h
65375upper layer protocol	�W�h��w
65376upper left corner cut card	���W�����d
65377upper level switching center	���ť洫����
65378upper limit	�W��	UL
65379upper limit rule	�W���W�h
65380upper midwest automated clearing house association	�W���賡�۰ʲ��ڥ洫�Ҩ�|	UMACHA
65381upper print line	�C�L�W�u; �C�L�W��
65382upper shift	�W����
65383upper side-band u-converter	�W��a--�W�ഫ��	USB-UC
65384upper state	�W�A
65385upper track	�W�D
65386upper triangular matrix	�W�T���x�}
65387upper way computer	�W�j�W�ҭp���
65388upper window edge	�������u
65389upper window edge allocated to the peer entity	�t�m��P�h���餧�������u
65390upper window open state	�W���}���A
65391upper-lift corner	���W��
65392uppercase	�j�g��; �j�g�r��
65393upset	�Z��; ½��; ����
65394upside-down	�˸m
65395upstop	�W�ɶ�; �W����c
65396upstream	�W��
65397upstroke	�W��
65398uptime	�u�@�ɶ�; ���`�B��ɶ�; ���`�u�@�ɶ�
65399upward compatibility	�V�W�ۮe��
65400upward compatible	�e�V�ۮe��
65401upward multiplexing	�V�W�h�u
65402upward reference	�V�W�ޥ�
65403upward-multiplexing	�V�W�h���౵
65404upwind difference formula	�W���t������
65405urban and regional information systems association	�����M�a�ϸ�T�t�Ψ�|	URISA
65406urban management information system	�����޲z��T�t��	UMIS
65407urban traffic control system	������q�ި�t��	UTCS
65408urgency communication	���q�T
65409urgent interrupt	��椤�_
65410us	�L��
65411US federation of information users	����H�����p�X�|	FIU
65412usability	�i�Ω�
65413usability test	�i�Ωʴ���
65414usable area	�i��( �� )��
65415usable direction	�i�Τ�V
65416usable logic block	�i���޿��	ULB
65417usable time	�i�ήɶ�	UT
65418usage	����; �ϥ�; �Ϊk; �ߺD�Ϊk
65419usage alert	�Ϊkĵ�i
65420usage clause	���Τl�y; �ϥΤl�y
65421usage cost month or period to date	����δ����ܥ��骺�ϥΦ���
65422usage lock	������
65423usage mode	�ϥμҺA; �ϥμҦ�; �ϥΤ覡
65424usage sencitive pricing	( �q�� )�p�ɦ��O
65425USASI basic FORTRAN	����зǰ�FORTRAN �y��
65427use	�ϥ�; �ϥΪk; �γ~
65428use attribute	�ϥ��ݩ�
65429use clause	�ϥΤl�y
65430use count	�ݥέp��
65431use definition chaining equations	�ϥΩw�q�챵��{( �� )
65432use of ENTRY attribute	ENTRY �ݩʥΪk
65433use statement	�ϥαԭz
65434use-error exception	�ϥο��~���`
65435use-to-user signal	�Τᶡ�H��
65436usec	�L��
65437used area	���ΰ�
65438used bit	�w�μƤ�
65439used entries	�w���
65440useful life span	���ĹةR
65441user	�Τ�; �ϥΪ�
65442user account	��O��; ��p�b
65443user accounting table	��O�b��	UAT
65444user action frame	�Τ�ʧ@��
65445user action routine	�ϥΪ̦�ʱ`��; �S�w�@�Ϊ��{��	UAR
65446user agent	�ϥΪ̥N�z	UA
65447user area	���	UA
65448user area profile	�Τ��²�n�S��	UAP
65449user attribute	�Τ��ݩ�
65450user attribute data set	�Τ��ݩʸ�ƶ�	UADS
65451user authorization file	�ϥΪ̱��v�ɮ�
65452user batch job	�ϥΪ̾��u�@
65453user benefit analysis	��Q�q���R
65454user block handling routine	�Τ�( ��T )���B�z�Ҧ�`��; �Τ�ϳB�z�Ҧ�`��	UBHR
65455user buffer	�ϥΪ̽w�İ�; �Τ�w�ľ�; �Τ�w�İ�; �Τ�w�ĪŶ�
65456user calling pattern	�Τ�I�s�˦�
65457user catalog	�Τ�ؿ�
65458user class identifier	�ϥΪ̺������ѲŸ�; �ϥΪ����O���Ѳ�	UCI
65459user class job	�Τ�ŧ@�~
65460user class of service	�Τ�A�Ȥ���; �Τ�A�ȯŧO
65461user class restructure	���m�����O	UCR
65462user class service	�Τ�ŪA��; �Τ����A��
65463user cluster language	��s���y��	UCLAN
65464user completion code	�Τᵲ���X
65465user control block table	�Τᱱ�����	UCBTAB
65466user control store	�Τᱱ���x�s( �� )	UCS
65467user controlled searching	�Τᱱ��d�M
65468user coordinate	��y��
65469user correlator	������]�l
65470user created library	�Τ�إ�( �� )�{���w
65471user data record	�ϥΪ̸�ưO��
65472user data set	�Τ��ƶ�
65473user default device	�ϥΪ̤��w�˸m
65474user defined job control language	��w�q�@�~����y��
65475user defined key	�ϥΪ̩w�q��	UDK
65476user defined keyword	�ϥΪ̦۩w����r
65477user definition area	�ϥΪ̩w�q�ϰ�
65478user definition file	�ϥΪ̩w�q�ɮ�
65479user definition utility	�ϥΪ̩w�q���ε{��
65480user design command	�Τ�]�p�R�O
65481user designation code	�Τ�]�p�N�X
65482user designation codes	�Τ���ܥN�X	UDC
65483user dictionary	�ӤH�r��
65484user directory	�Τ�( �� )�ؿ�
65485user disk	�Τ�Ϻ�; �ϥΪ̺Ϻ�; �Τ�L
65486user driven operation	�Τ��X�ʾާ@�覡
65487user end-of-data exit	�Τ��Ƶ����X�f
65488user entry time	�Τ�i�J�ɶ�
65489user environment	������
65490user environment test package	�ϥΪ����Ҵ��ծM�˳n��	UETP
65491user equipment	��]��	UE
65492user exit	�Τ�X�f
65493user exit routine	�ϥΪ̥X�f�`��; �Τ�X�f�Ҧ�`��
65494user facility	��]�I; ��( �A�� )�\��
65495user file directory	�ϥΪ��ɮץؿ�; �Τ��ɮץؿ�( �� )	UFD
65496user font utility	�ϥΪ̦r�βդ��ε{��
65497user friendly	�ϥΪ̿˩M��; �Τạ�N����
65498user friendly interface	��K�Τ᪺����; �Τ�ͦn����	UFI
65499user friendly system	�Τ�ͦn�t��
65500user graphic file	�Τ�ϧ��ɮ�
65501user group	�Τᶰ��; �Τ��
65502user group table	�Τ�ժ�	UGT
65503user guides	�Ϊ̫��n
65504user header label	�Τ᭺����( ñ ); �Τ���Y��( ñ ); �Τ���D�лx; �Τ��Y�и�UHL
65505user hold status	�Τ�Ȱ����A
65506user I/O device	���J��X�]��	UIOD
65507user I/O mode	�ϥΪ̿�X�J�Ҧ�
65508user identification	�ϥΪ̿���; �Τ����( �� )	USERID
65509user identification and verification	�Τ���ѩM����
65510user identification code	�ϥΪ̿��ѽX; �ϥΪ��ѧO�X	UIC
65511user identifier	�ϥΪ̿��ѲŸ�; �Τ���Ѳ�
65512user information throughput	���T�]�R�q
65513user input area	���J��
65514user interaction analysis	�Τ��ͦ����R( �{�� )
65515user interface	�ϥΪ̤���; �Ϊ̤���; �Τᤶ��; �Τ�ɭ�
65516user interface architecture	�Τᤶ�����c
65517user interface tailoring	�Τᤶ������	UIT
65518user interrupt	�Τᤤ�_
65519user interrupt service routine	�Τᤤ�_�A��( �Ҧ� )�`��
65520user job	�Τ�@�~
65521user journal	���x
65522user key	������r
65523user label	�Τ�аO; �Τ�и�
65524user label exit routine	�Τ�аO�X�f( �Ҧ� )�`��; �Τ�и��X�f( �Ҧ� )�{��
65525user language	��y��	UL
65526user language/1	��y��/1	UL/1
65527user layer	�ϥΪ̼h��
65528user level protocol	�Τ�Ũ�w
65529user library	�ϥΪ̵{���w; �Τ�{���w; �Τ�w
65530user line	��u��
65531user logoff	����P
65532user logon	����U
65533user loop	��j��
65534user main storage map	��D�s�M��
65535user map	���; ��M��
65536user mapping mode	�Τ��ܴ��Ҧ�
65537user master catalog	�Τ�D�ؿ�
65538user memory	��O����
65539user message table	��H����
65540user microprogrammability	��L�{�������
65541user microprogrammable system	��i�s�L�{���t��
65542user microprogrammer processor	��L�{���s��B�z��
65543user microprogramming	��L�{���]�p
65544user mode	�ϥΪ̼Ҧ�; �Τ᪬�A; �Τ�Ҧ�; �ϥΪ��A
65545user model	�Τ�ҫ�; �Τ�Ҧ�
65546user module	�Τ�Ҳ�	UMOD
65547user name	�ϥΪ̦W��; �Τ�W
65548user network control machine	����������	UNCM
65549user node interface	��`�I����
65550user number	�ϥΪ̽s��; �Τ�N��
65551user of automatic information display equipment	�۰ʸ�T��ܳ]�ƥΤ�	UAIDE
65552user of interactive system	��ͨt�ΥΤ�
65553user operated language	�Τ�ާ@�y��
65554user operated table	�Τ�ާ@��
65555user option	�Τ���ﶵ
65556user options	�ϥΪ̿��
65557user oriented time sharing languages	�Τ�ɦV�����ɻy��
65558user overlay	�Τ᭫�|
65559user own coding	��T���s�X; ���X�R�u�@�s�X
65560user owncode interface	�Τ�ۦ��N�X����
65561user partition	�����
65562user password	�ϥΪ̳q��X; �Τ�f�O
65563user performance	�Τ�ϥι��; �Τ�ʯ�
65564user port	���
65565user preference	�Τ᰾�R��; �Τ��u���v
65566user privileges	�ϥΪ̯S�v; �Τ�S�v
65567user process	�ϥΪ̳B�z�椸
65568user process interface	��L�{����
65569user process table	��L�{��	UPT
65570user profile	�ϥΪ̯S���ɮ�; �Ϊ̷��p; �Τ�²�n(	�S�x ); �Τ�ݨD�ɮ�
65571user profile table	�Τ�²�n�S�ʪ�; �Τᷧ�z��	UPT
65572user program	�ϥΪ̵{��; �Τ�{��
65573user program area	��{����
65574user program library	��{���w
65575user program size	��{���j�p
65576user program status display	��{�����A���	UPSD
65577user program structure	��{�����c
65578user program verification facility	�Τ�{�����ҳ]�I	UPVF
65579user programming language	��{���]�p�y��	UPL
65580user prompts	�Τᴣ��
65581user queue	�ϥΪ̦�C
65582user queue table	���C��	UQT
65583user readiness	�Τ�Ƨ����A
65584user request system service	�Τ�ШD�t�ΪA��
65585user requirements analysis	�Τ�ݨD���R	URA
65586user requirements data base	�Τ�ݨD��Ʈw	URDB
65587user requirements language	�Τ�n�D�y��; �Τ�ݨD�y��	URL
65588user routine bound unit	�Τ�( �Ҧ� )�`���p�s�椸
65589user routine root	�Τ�( �Ҧ� )�`����( �q )
65590user routine table	�Τ�( �Ҧ� )�`����
65591user security verification routine	�Τ�w������(	�Ҧ� )�`��
65592user selectable configuration	��i��t�m
65593user sequence	�ϥΪ̶���
65594user service	��A��( �{�� )
65595user service class	��A�����O
65596user service routine buffer area	�Τ�A��( �Ҧ� )�`���w�İ�
65597user set	�Τᶰ
65598user side	���( �� )
65599user slave job	�Τ�q�ݧ@�~
65600user space	�Τ�Ŷ�
65601user specification file	�Τỡ���ɮ�
65602user stack	����|
65603user stack pointer	����|����; ����|���w	USP
65604user state	�Τ᪬�A
65605user status monitoring	�Τ᪬�A�ʷ�
65606user status table	�Τ᪬�A��
65607user supplied personal language	�Τᴣ�Ѫ��M�λy��
65608user support software	�����n��
65609user survey	�Τ�ɴ�; �Τ�լd
65610user system behavior	�Τ�t�ίS��
65611user system emulation	�Τ�t�Υ�u	USE
65612user system evaluator	��t�����( �{�� )	USE
65613user task	�ϥΪ̥���; �Τ����
65614user task scheduling	�Τ���Ƚի�
65615user task's break reciever	�Τ���Ȥ��_������
65616user terminal	( �ϥΪ� )�׺ݾ�; �Τ�׺�( �]�� ); �Τ�׺�	UT
65617user time	�Τ�ɶ�
65618user time-sharing	�����
65619user total exit routine	�Τ��`�X�f( �Ҧ� )�`��
65620user trailer label	�Τ�����O���аO; �Τ�����аO	UTL
65621user transaction processing routine	�Τ�ƶ��B�z�Ҧ�`��
65622user transducer	�Τᴫ�ྐྵ
65623user transient program	��L��{��
65624user trap address	�Τ᳴����}
65625user trap facility	�Τ᳴���]�I
65626user utility	�ϥΪ̤��ε{��
65627user utility program	�Τ᤽�ε{��
65628user validation	��X�k��
65629user validation scheme	��T�{���; ��T�{��k
65630user virtual address space	�ϥΪ̵�����}�Ŷ�; �Τ������}�Ŷ�
65631user virtual memory buffer address	�Τ�����O�нw�Ħ�}
65632user volume	�ϥΪ̺Ϩ�; �Τ��( �v )
65633user volume header label	����v����	UVHL
65634user word	�Τ�r; �ϥε�
65635user work area	�Ϊ̤u�@��
65636user working area	�ϥΪ̤u�@��; �Τ�u�@��	UWA
65637user workspace	�ϥΪ̤u�@�Ŷ�
65638user writer	�Τ�Ѽg�`��; �Τ�g�J�`��; �Τᥴ�r��; �Τ�O����
65639user written program	��s��{��
65640user's association	���|
65641user's block diagram	�Τ�ع�
65642user's business	�Τ�ư�
65643user's common shared data base	�Τ᤽�Φ@�θ�Ʈw
65644user's coordinate space	�Τ��ժŶ�
65645user's data processing capability	�Τ��ƳB�z��O
65646user's file code	�Τ��ɮ׽X
65647user's guide	�ϥΫ��n
65648user's LISP function	��LISP���
65649user's logon procedure	����U�L�{
65650user's manual	�Ϊ̤�U; �Τ��U
65651user's online data base	�Τ�s�u��Ʈw
65652user's program	�ϥΪ̵{��
65653user's programming mode	�Τ᪺�{���]�p�Ҧ�
65654user's set	�Ϊ̦��e��; �Τ�]��
65655user's system	�Ϊ̨t��
65656user's terminal session	�Τ�׺ݹ��
65657user's time-sharing communication capability	�Τ���ɳq�T��O
65658user's transaction processing environment	�Τ�ƶ��B�z����
65659user-aided system	�ΤỲ�U�t��
65660user-application network	�������
65661user-assigned name	����w�W
65662user-coded instruction	��s�X���O
65663user-definable color look-up table	��i�w�q���m��d�M��
65664user-defined attribute	�Τ�w�q�ݩ�
65665user-defined CMS command	��w�q��CMS �R�O
65666user-defined dyadic operator	��w�q�G�����; ��w�q�G����l
65667user-defined edit code	��w�q�s��X
65668user-defined key	�ϥΪ̩w�q��; �ϥΪ̦۩w��	UDK
65669user-defined menu	�ϥΪ̦۩w�B�z�ؿ�
65670user-defined name	�ϥΪ̦۩w�W��
65671user-defined operator	��w�q�B���; ��w�q��l
65672user-defined process	�ϥΪ̦۩w�B�z	UDP
65673user-defined subsystem	��w�q�l�t��
65674user-defined two-byte code conversion table	�ϥΪ̩w�q�G�줸�սX�ഫ��
65675user-defined type	�ϥΪ̩w�q����
65676user-defined word	�ϥΪ̩w�q�r; �Τ�w�q�r
65677user-friendly	�˩M��
65678user-generated call	�Τ�ͦ��ե�
65679user-id	�����( �� )
65680user-in file	�Τ��J�ɮ�
65681user-microprogrammable	�Τ�L�{�����; �Τ�i�s�L�{����
65682user-oriented	�Τ�ɦV��
65683user-oriented data base management system	�Τ�ɦV����Ʈw�޲z�t��
65684user-oriented data display language	�Τ�ɦV�������ܻy��	UODDL
65685user-oriented job control language	�Τ�ɦV���@�~����y��
65686user-out file	�Τ��X�ɮ�
65687user-perceptive quality	��P����q
65688user-prepared transaction processing program	�Τ�dzƦn�����ʳB�z�{��
65689user-queue control block	���C�����	UQCB
65690user-responsive system	�������t��
65691user-selected character	�ϥΪ̿�ܦr��
65692user-specified mnemonic name	����w���U�O�W
65693user-submitted batch job	�Τᴣ�檺����@�~
65694user-supplied directive	�Τᴣ�Ѫ����O
65695user-technical exchange	�Τ�޳N�洫
65696user-to-file manager	�Τ���ɮת��޲z�{��; �Τ��ɮ׺޲z�{��	UFM
65697user-to-user call	����I�s
65698user-to-user interface level	�Τ��Τᤶ����
65699user-transparent	��z����
65700user-writeen CMS command	��s�g��CMS �R�O
65701user/system interface	��t����	USI
65702userid	�ϥΪ��ѧO�X
65703username	�ϥΪ̦W��
65704users group	���
65705users interface programming	�ϥΪ̤����{��	UIP
65706users test	�Τ�ϥδ���	UT
65707usual arithmetic conversions	�q�`�⦡�ഫ
65708utilities	���ε{��
65709utilities program product	���ε{���{�����~
65710utilities system	���ε{��
65711utilities telecommunications council	���ΨƷ~�q�H�p�X�|	UTC
65712utility	���ε{��; ���ΨƷ~; ���ε{��; ��ε{��; ���Ω�; ���ε{��	UTIL
65713utility ( program)	���ε{��
65714utility checker	�������羹	UCK
65715utility compiler	���νsĶ�{��	UCO
65716utility control console	���α���x; �ϥα���x; ( �Τ� )�ާ@����x
65717utility control facility	���ε{��( �Τ� )����n��; ���ε{������]�I	UCF
65718utility control statement	���ε{������ԭz
65719utility data reduction	���θ��²��; ���θ���ܴ�( �B�z )	UDR
65720utility data reduction output	���θ��²��( �B�z )��X	UDRO
65721utility data retrieval output	���θ���˯���X	UDRO
65722utility debug	���ε{������
65723utility definition specification	���ε{���w�q����( �� )	UDS
65724utility definition specifications	���ε{���w�q����	UDS
65725utility facilities program	���γ]�I�A�ȵ{��; ���γn��{��; ���ΪA�ȳ]�I�{��	UFP
65726utility function	���ε{���\��
65727utility modifier statement	���ε{���׹��ԭz
65728utility package	���ήM�˳n��; ���ε{��
65729utility program	���α`��; ���ε{��; ��ε{��
65730utility programmer	���ε{����; ���ε{���]�p��
65731utility ratio	���βv; ���βv
65732utility routine	���α`��; ���ΨҦ�{��; ���ε{��
65733utility session	����
65734utility software	���γn��
65735utility system	�q�Ψt��
65736utility tape processor	���κϱa�B�z��	UTP
65737utility theory	���βz��
65738utility time	�ϥήɶ�
65739utility unit	���θ˸m; ���θ˸m; ���γ椸
65740utilization	�ϥβv; �Q��( �� ); �Q��	UTIL
65741utilization factor	�Q�Φ]��; �Q�Φ]�l
65742utilization logger system	�B��O���t��; ���ΤưO���t��
65743utilization ratio	�ĥΤ�
65744utilized bandwidth ratio	�ϥ��W�e��
65745utmost	���ݪ�; ���ת�; �̤j��
65746uviol glass	�z���~�u������; ���~�u����
65747V format	V �榡
65748V response	V �T��
65749V-groove metal oxide semiconductor	V �Ѫ��ݮ�ƥb����	VMOS
65750V-operation	V �@�~
65751vacuum column	�u�Ŭq
65752vacuum tube	�u�ź�
65753validation	�T�{
65754validation stages	�T�{���q
65755validity	�T���
65756validity check	�T��ʮֹ�
65757value	��
65758value analysis	���Ȥ��R
65759value engineering	���Ȥu�{
65760value field	�Ȱ�
65761value parameter	���ȰѼ�
65762value relationship	�������Y
65763variable	�ܼ�
65764variable address	�i�ܦ�}
65765variable connector	�i�ܳs����
65766variable factor programming	�i�ܦ]�ƳW�e	VFP
65767variable function generator	�i�ܨ�Ʋ��;�
65768variable information processing	�i�ܸ�T�B�z	VIP
65769variable length	�i�ܪ���
65770variable length attribute list	�i�ܪ����ݩʪ�
65771variable length character encoding	�i�ܪ��צr���s�X
65772variable logic	�i���޿�
65773variable multiplier	�i�ܭ���
65774variable point	�i���I
65775variable pointer list	�i�ܫ��Ъ�
65776variable word-length	�i�ܦr��
65777variable-cycle operation	�i�ܶg���@�~
65778variable-length pointer	�ܪ�����
65779variable-length record	�ܪ��O��
65780variable-length record file	�ܪ����ɮ�
65781variable-length record system	�ܪ��O���t��
65782variable-length word	�ܪ��r
65783variable-point representation system	���I��ܨt��
65784variable-precision coding compaction	�ܺ�T�׼g�X���k
65785variant part (of a record)	( �O���� )�ܰʳ���
65786vector processor	�V�q�B�z��
65787Veitch diagram	���_��
65788velocity servo	�t�צ��A
65789velocity servointegrator gear	�t�צ��A�n������	VSG
65790Venn diagram	�S����
65791venture analysis	���I���R
65792verifer	��վ�; ���Ҿ�
65793verification	����
65794verify	����; ���
65795vertical data processing	������ƳB�z	VDP
65796vertical magnetic recording	�����ϩʰO��
65797vertical tabulation character	�����s��r��	VT
65798very large scale integration	�W�j���n��q��	VLSI
65799very-high frequency	�S���W	VHF
65800very-low frequency	�S�C�W( �v )	VLF
65801vestigial side-band	����a	VSR
65802video lottery terminal	�ֳz�q�ʪ���	VLT
65803video tape	���v�a	VT
65804violative operation	���`�ʧ@�~
65805virgin medium	���δC��
65806virtual address	���}
65807virtual addressing	��w�}�k
65808virtual data	����
65809virtual domain/field	��Ȱ�
65810virtual goal records	��ؼаO��
65811virtual I/O instruction	��J�X���O
65812virtual key	������
65813virtual machine	��������
65814virtual memory	�����O����
65815virtual memory system	�����O����t��
65816virtual pairing	��t��
65817virtual segment	��q
65818virtual storage access method	�����x�s�s���k	VSAM
65819virtual storage technology	�����x�s�޳N
65820virtual system	��t��
65821visible file	�i����
65822visual	��ı
65823visual display terminal	��ܲ׺ݾ�
65824visual scanner	�㹳���y��
65825vocabulary	�r�J
65826vocabulary control	�r�J����
65827voice	�y��
65828voice band	���W�a
65829voice channel	���W�q�D
65830voice frequency	���W
65831voice unit	�y�����
65832voice-frequency carrier telegraphy	���W���i�q���N
65833voice-frequency telegraph system	���W�q���t��
65834voice-grade channel	�y���ųq�D
65835voice-operated device	�y���ާ@�˸m
65836voice-operated gain-adjusting device	�y���ާ@�W�q�ո`�˸m	VOGAD
65837void	�ŵ�
65838volatile	�̹q��
65839volatile memory	�̹q�ʰO����
65840volatile storage	�̹q���x�s��
65841voltage regulation	�q���վ�
65842volume	�q; �e�n
65843volume (header) lable	�e�q�_���аO
65844volume header	�e�q�_���аO
65845volume table of contents	���e�q��	VTOC
65846volume test	���q����; �h�q����
65847volume unit	���q���	VU
65848voting circuit	��M�q��
65849vulnerability	���l��
65850coaxial wire armored cable	�P�b�u�]�˹q�l	WA
65851Wadkin automatic remote processor accessed via ter	�˼w���۰ʲ׺ݦs�����{�B�z�{��; �˼w���۰ʲ׺ݦs�����{�B�z��WARPAT
65852wafer	����; ����; ���; �j����; ����; �z����
65853wafer bonder	������k; �������k
65854wafer fabrication	�����s�y
65855wafer process control system	����[�u����t��; �����[�u����t��
65856wafer processing	�����B�z
65857wafer silicon integration	�j���ֺ�n��q��
65858wafering	����
65859Waffle iron memory	�ۥ��K���x�s��
65860Waffle pack	�ۥ��ե�
65861wage	�u��
65862wages accounting	�~���p��; �u��O�b
65863wait	����; ����( ���A�H�� )	WT
65864wait acknowledge	���ݪ֩w����	WAK; WACK
65865wait before transmit positive acknowledgment	�o�e�֩w�����H���e����	WACK
65866wait condition	���ݱ���; ���Ԫ��p
65867wait for interrupt	���ݤ��_	WAI
65868wait I/O processing	���ݿ�J��X�B�z
65869wait list	���ݪ�
65870wait loop	���ݴ`��; ��������
65871wait phase	���Զ��q
65872wait state	���ݪ��A; ���Ԫ��A
65873wait time	���ݮɶ�
65874wait-acknowledge	���Ի{�i	WAK
65875wait-before-transmitting-positive-acknowledgement	�ǿ�e���Ԫ֩w�{��	WACK
65876wait-for-interrupt request	���ݤ��_�n�D
65877wait-on-user-defined event	���ݥΤ�w�q�ƥ�	WOUDE
65878waiting	����
65879waiting before transmission	�ǿ�e����	WBT
65880waiting facilities	���ݳ]��
65881waiting indicator	���ݫ��ܿO	WI
65882waiting line model	���Լҫ�
65883waiting line theory	���Բz��
65884waiting lines	�ƦC
65885waiting list	���ݪ�; ���Ԫ�
65886waiting loop	���ݴ`��
65887waiting period	���ݴ�
65888waiting state	���ݪ��A
65889waiting time	���ݮɶ�; ���Ԯɶ�
65890waiting-queue channel	���ݦ�C�q�D
65891wake	���
65892wake-up character	����r��
65893wake-up waiting	�������
65894wakeup waiting bit	������Ԧ줸
65895walk	�B��; �q�D; �~�|
65896walk through	���d; ���d; �w��( �u�@ )	WT
65897walkie talkie	�B( ��� )�ܾ�
65898walking "1"s and "0"s	���B"1"�M"0"( �b�����x�s�������ժk )
65899walking pattern	�樫�Ҧ�; �B��˦�	WAKPAT
65900wall energy	���
65901wall receptacle	��W���y	WR
65902wall state	�Ͼ����A
65903Wallace add tree	�صܤh�[�k��
65904Walsh transform subroutine	�U�����ഫ�l( �Ҧ� )�{��
65905Walsh-Hadamard transformation	�U����--���F���w�ഫ
65906wand	���νXŪ�J��; �ѧO��
65907wand reader	���νX�\Ū��
65908wanding	Ū���νX
65909Wang 2200 VS	���w2200VS�p���
65910Wang computer system	���w�p����t��	WCS
65911Wang intersystem exchange	���w�t�ζ��汵( �]�I )	WISE
65912Wang system users society	���w�t�ΥΤ��|	WSUS
65913war communications	�Ԯɳq�T	WC
65914warehouse	�ܮw
65915warehouse automation	�ܮw�۰ʤ�
65916warehouse number	�ܮw���X
65917warehouse stock location	�ܮw�s���m
65918warm boot	���Ұ�
65919warm restart	���A�A�Ұ�
65920warm standby	���A�ƥ�
65921warm start	�x�}��; ���A�Ұ�
65922warm up	�x��
65923warm-up period	�[����
65924warm-up time	�[���ɶ�
65925warming up	�x����
65926warning	ĵ�i; ĵ�i��; ��ĵ; �iĵ; ĵ��	WNG
65927warning circuit	ĵ�i�q��
65928warning facilities	ĵ�i�]��
65929warning light	ĵ�i�O	WL
65930warning mark	ĵ�i�лx
65931warning message	��ĵ�T��; �iĵ�H��
65932warning sign	ĵ�i�H��
65933washer	�԰�; �ɹ�; �Ԥ�
65934Washington academy of sciences	( ���� )�ز��y��ǰ|	WAS
65935waste instruction	�ū��O; ���O���O
65936waste operation	�žާ@
65937wastebasket	�o�Ƚc
65938watch continued	�~��ʵ�	WC
65939watch dog timer	�ʵ��p�ɾ�; �ݪ����p�ɾ�	WDT
65940watch-dog timer	�ʮɭp	WDT
65941watchdog	�ʵ���
65942watchdog subsystem	�ʵ��l�t��
65943watchdog timer	�ʵ��p�ɾ�	WDT
65944watchpoint	�ʵ��I
65945water electrolysis system	���q�Ѩt��	WES
65946water permanence	�@����
65947watermark magnetics	���L�ϱ�
65948wating	����	WG
65949Watson code	�U�˽s�X
65950watt	�˯S; ��( �S )( �q�dz�� )	W; WT
65951watt-hour	�˯S�p��	WHR
65952wattage rating	�B�w�\�v
65953wattmeter	�˯S��; �˯S�p	W; WM
65954watts	�˯S
65955wave	�i
65956wave analyzer	�i���R��
65957wave antenna	�i�Τѽu
65958wave band	�i�q
65959wave carrier	���i
65960wave detector	�˪i��	WD
65961wave form	�i��
65962wave form distortion	�i���u; �i���
65963wave form generator	�i�β��;�; �i�Υͦ���
65964wave form moniter	�i�κʵ���	WFM
65965wave function	�i���
65966wave guide	�i��; �i�ɺ�; �i�ɾ�
65967wave guide filter	�i���o�i��
65968wave guide junction	�i�ɱ��Y
65969wave guide lens	�i�ɳz��
65970wave guide stub	�i�ɽտӥεu�u
65971wave guide tee	T ���i��
65972wave guide transformer	�i�ɪ����ഫ��
65973wave interference	�q�i�z�Z
65974wave length	�i��	WL; WVL
65975wave mode	�q�i�ҺA
65976wave node	�i�`
65977wave number	( �n )�i��	WN
65978wave propagation laboratory	�q�i�Ǽ������	WPL
65979wave shape	�i��
65980wave shaping	�i�ΧΦ�
65981wave trap	���i��(�q��)
65982waveform	�i��
65983waveform analyzer	�i���R��; �i���R��	WA
65984waveform coder	�i�νs�X��
65985waveform digitalization	�i�μƦ��
65986waveform distortion	�i���u
65987waveform parsing system	�i���R�t��	WAPSYS
65988waveform processing system	�i�γB�z�t��	WPS
65989waveform recording method	�i�ΰO���k
65990wavefront	�i�e; �i�}��
65991wavefront reconstruction photography	�i�e�A�{�Ӭ۳N
65992waveguide	�ɪi��
65993waveguide communications system	�i�ɳq�T�t��	WCS
65994waveguide storage	�i���x�s��
65995waveguide transmission system	�i�ɶǿ�t��
65996wavelength	�i��	W/L; WL; W
65997wavelength multiplexing	�i���h�u��
65998wavelet	�l�i; �p�i
65999waveshape	�i��
66000way control block	��������( �{�� )��	WCB
66001way sort	�u������; �q������
66002way station	( �h�I�u���W )����; ����
66003weak convergence	�z����
66004weak coupling	�z���X
66005weak definition	�z�w�q
66006weak equality	�z�۵�
66007weak external reference	�z�~���ޥ�	WXTRN
66008weak interference	�z�z�Z
66009weak magnetic substance	�z�ϩ���; �z�ϩʪ���
66010weak precedence grammar	�z�u����k
66011weak precedence parser	�z( �u����k )���R�{��
66012weak reciprocity	�z����
66013weak reference	�z�ޥ�
66014weaked connected graph	�z�s�q��
66015weakest liberal precondition	�̮z�R���e��
66016weakly connected diagraph	�z�s�q���V��
66017weakly �`-approximation	�z�`--���
66018weapon effect display system	�Z��������ܨt��	WEDS
66019weapon system monitor	�Z���t�κʱ��{��; �Z���t�κʱ���	WEASMO
66020weapon system phase to analog recording	�Z���t������O�����q	WESPAR
66021weapon system planning and control system	�Z���t�γ]�p�M����t��	WSPACS
66022weapon system software development	�Z���t�γn���s
66023weapons delivery computer	�Z���o�g�p���	WDC
66024weapons effect buoy system	�Z�������B�Шt��	WEBS
66025weapons release computer	�Z�����Y�p���	WRC
66026weapons release programmer	�Z�����Y�{����	WRP
66027weapons status digital display	�Z�����A�Ʀ���ܾ�	WSDD
66028weapons system computer	�Z���t�έp���	WSC
66029wear	�i�l
66030wear process	�i�l�L�{
66031wear resistance	�ܿi�l�O
66032wear resistance tape head	�@�i�ϱa�Y
66033wear-out	�i�l; ����
66034wear-out failure	�I�ѥ���; �i�l����
66035weather analysis	��H���R
66036weather bureau area forecast center	��H���ϰ�w������	WBAFC
66037weather bureau signal station	��H���q�H��	WBSIGSTA
66038weather center	��H����	WECEN
66039weather chart facsimile apparatus	��H�϶ǯu��
66040weather communications center	��H�q�T����	WCC
66041weather communications problems	��H�q�T���D	WECOP
66042weather computer	��H�p���
66043weather controlled message	��H����q��; ��H����H��	WECON
66044weather facsimile experiment	��H�ǯu����	WEFAX
66045weather facsimile network	��H�ǯu�q�H��
66046weather information network and display system	��H��T������ܨt��; ��H����������ܨt��	WIND(S)
66047weather information remoting and display system	��H��ƻ����M��ܨt��	WIRDS
66048weather information telemetry system	��H��T�����t��	WITS
66049weather message switching center	��H�H���౵����; ��H�H���洫����	WMSC
66050weather message switching system	��H�H���洫�t��	WMSS
66051weather observing and forecasting system	�Ѯ��[���w���t��	WOFS
66052weather radar data processor and analyzer	��H�p�F��ƳB�z���M���R��; ��H�p�F��ƳB�z�{�ǩM���R�{��	WERAN
66053weather records processing center	��H�O���B�z����	WRPC
66054weather satellite data	��H�ìP�ƾ�
66055web	������; ���O��; ��; ����; ����ȦL��
66056web grammar	����k
66057weber	���B( �ϳq��� )	W; WB
66058Weber's law	���B�w��
66059wedge	��; ����; �y�A
66060wedge contact	����I
66061wedge label	���μаO
66062weed	�o��; �^�O; �M��; �߱�
66063weed out	���P; �^�O; �簣
66064Wehnelt interrupter	��Ǻ��_��	WI
66065Weibull distribution	���B���G
66066Weierstrass condition	�������S�Դ�����
66067weight	�v��; �v; ��; �v��; ���q; �[�v; ���q; �t��; �|�X; �v( �� )	WT; WGT
66068weight data transmitter	�[�v��Ƶo�e��; �[�v��Ƶo�e�{��	WDT
66069weight encoder	�v�X�s�X��
66070weight register	�[�v�Ȧs��
66071weight vector	�v�V�q; �v�ŦV�q
66072weight-bit code	�[�v��N�X( �G�i��Ÿ��ƤQ�i��Ÿ� )
66073weighted assignment	�[�v����
66074weighted average	�[�v����; �[�v������
66075weighted bidirectional search	�[�v���V�d�M
66076weighted code	�[�v�X
66077weighted coefficient	�[�v�Y��
66078weighted external path length	�[�v�~�q������
66079weighted graph	�[�v�ϧ�
66080weighted least squares	�[�v�̤p�G���k
66081weighted longest common subsequence	�[�v�̪��@�P�l����
66082weighted metric	�[�v�׶q
66083weighted moving average	( �ƾ� )�[�v���ʥ�����; ( �ƾ� )�[�v�첾������
66084weighted path length	�[�v���|����; �[�v�q������
66085weighted pushdown language	�[�v�U���y��
66086weighted superposition	�v���|�[
66087weighted term logic	�˯����[�v�޿�
66088weighted term search	�[�v���d�M
66089weighted value	�[�v��
66090weighted-area masks	�[�v��( �� )���X; �[�v��( �� )��x�X
66091Weighter record analysis program	���S���O�����R�{��	WRAP
66092weighting	�[�v; �[��; �Ŷq; ����
66093weighting function method	�v��ƪk
66094weighting network	�v������
66095weld	����; �k��
66096weld flange	�k���Y�t
66097welding engineering standard	( �饻 )�k���u�{�з�	WES
66098welding flux	�k��; �k��
66099welfare administrative information system	�֧Q��F�޲z��T�t��	WAIS
66100well	��( �ާ@�t�Υ� )
66101well-behaved net	�}�u�@����; �}�ʺ���
66102well-connected relation computer	�s���}�n�������p���	WCRC
66103well-defined function	�Y��w�q�����
66104well-defined support structure	�w�q�������䴩���c
66105well-designed control unit	�]�p�}�n������]��
66106well-developed theory	���Ʋz��
66107well-documented software tool	���������n��u��
66108well-formed arithmetic expression	�X�A��N��ܦ�
66109well-formed formula	�ŦX�y�k�W�h������; �X�A����; �X������	WFF
66110well-formed string	�X�A��; �X����
66111well-formed structured program	�X�������c�{��; ���}�n�����c�{��
66112well-founded set	�}��; ��Ƕ�
66113well-ordered set	�}�Ƕ�
66114well-ordering principle	�}�ǭ�h
66115West African science association	��D��Ǩ�|	WASA
66116West star	��P( ���q�H�ìP )	WESTAR
66117western airway and air communication service	����ŻP�Ť��q�T�~��	WAACS
66118western association of circuit manufacturers	�賡�q���t�a��|	WACM
66119Western data processing center	�賡��ƳB�z����	WDPC
66120Western development division	( ���� )�賡�}�o�����q	WDD
66121Western electric air defense engineering service	( ���� )�賡�q���Ťu�{�B	WEADES
66122Western electric corporation	( ���� )��( �� )�q( �� )���q	WE
66123Western electric system test	( ���� )���q��t���	WEST
66124Western electronic show and convention	�賡�q�l�i���P��y�|	WESCON
66125Western electronics education fund	( ���� )�賡�q�l�Ш|���	WEEF
66126Western electronics manufacturers association	���q�l�]�ƻs�y�Ө�|( �{������q�l��| )
66127Western European union	����p��	WEU
66128western GEEIA region	( ���� )�賡�a���q�l�u�{�w�ˤ��q�]�I��	WGR
66129western information network	( ���� )�賡��T��; ( ���� )�賡������	WIN
66130Western joint computer conference	�賡�p�X�p����|ij	WJCC
66131western programming language	�賡�{���]�p�y��	WPL
66132western union computer utilities	��( �� )�p( �X )���q�p������ε{��	WUCU
66133Western union corporation	�賡�p�X���q; ����p�X���q	WUC
66134western union data services corporation	��( �� )�p( �X )�ƾڪA�Ȥ��q	WUDS; WUDS
66135western union information systems	��( �� )�p( �X )��T�t��	WUIS
66136Western union satellite	���p���q�ìP	WESTAR
66137western union telegraph corporation	��( �� )�p( �X )�q�����q	WUT; WUTC
66138Westing-house aerospace electrical division	��ί�Źq��	WAED
66139Westinghouse broadcasting compnay	��μs�����q	WBC
66140Westinghouse data acquisition and control	�������P����	WESDAC
66141Westinghouse digital airborne computer	��ξ����Ʀ�p���	WEDAC
66142Westinghouse electric corporation	( ���� )��ιq���q	WEC
66143Westinghouse electronic tubeless analog computer	��ιq��L�q�l������p���	WETAC
66144Westinghouse research and development center	���s�P�}�o����	WRDC
66145Westinghouse teleprocessing interface system	���{�H���B�z�����t��	WESTI
66146wet	����
66147wet process development	��k��v
66148wet tumbling	��k�ߥ�
66149wetting	����
66150Wharton alerting network database	�غ���ĵ�i������Ʈw	WAND
66151what you see is what you get	�����i���ƾ�; ���e�ƪ�; �Ҩ��Y�ұo	WYSIWYG
66152Wheaton information system for education	�¹y�Ш|��T�t��	WISE
66153Wheatstone bridge	�f���n�q��
66154wheel	�S�v�Τ�
66155wheel energy storage and attitude control	������q�x�s�P���A����	WESAC
66156wheel printer	���馡�L���; �r�����C�L��; �����L�r��
66157when-determinate	�ɶ��T�w��
66158where used file	���̨ϥΪ��ɮ�( �߰ݦr�� )	WUF
66159where-determinate	�a�I�T�w��
66160where-used	�γ~
66161where-used pegging	�γ~�n�Ӫk
66162whiffletree switch	�ƭl�}��
66163while	��
66164while box	���p��
66165while loop	���`��
66166while schema	���Ҧ�
66167WHILE statement syntax	��ԭz�y�k
66168whirl	����
66169whirl coating	�����\�ƪk; �Ͻ�( �L�s�q���O�޳N�� )
66170whirly bird	���ɭ���( �Ϻо����Z�y )
66171whisker contact	�I��IJ
66172white Gaussian noise	�հ�������	WGN
66173White House communication agency	�ծc�q�T��	WHCA
66174White House conference on library and information	�ծc�Ϯ��]�M��T�~�ȷ|ij	WHCLIS
66175White House signal support	�ծc�q�H�䴩
66176white indicator lamp	�զ���ܿO	WIL
66177white noise	������; �վ���; �����T
66178white plague	�մ�
66179white space count program	�ժŶ��p�Ƶ{��
66180whitespace	���
66181Whitney tape head	�f�S���ϱa�Y
66182Whittaker-Shawnon sampling theorem	���S�J--�����˩w�z
66183who-are-you	�߰ݦr��( �ƾڳq�H�����ǿ鱱��r�� )	WRU
66184who-are-you ?	�߰ݦr��	WRU
66185who-are-you character	�ߦW�r��	WRU
66186whole course tracing	���{�l��
66187wholesale applications management system	��o�~���κ޲z�t��	WAMS
66188wholesale inventory management system	��o�w�s�޲z�t��	WIMS
66189whrilwind computer	�ۭ����p���
66190Wichita automatic linear data output (Boeing)	�§J�F�۰ʽu�ʼƾڿ�X( �i�����q )	WALDO
66191wick	�ֹ�
66192wide	�e; �s
66193wide application system adapter	�s�����Ψt�ξA�t��	WASAR
66194wide area data service	�s�ϸ�ƪA��; �s��ƾڷ~��	WADS
66195wide area network	�s�����; ��������	WAN
66196wide area telecommunication service	�s�컷�{�q�H�~��; �s�컷�{�q�H�~��	WATS
66197wide area telecommunications/telephone service	�s��q�T�q�ܷ~��	WATS
66198wide area telephone service	�s�Ϲq�ܪA��; �s��q�ܷ~��	WATS
66199wide area transmission system	�s��ǿ�t��	WATS
66200wide band	�e�W; �e( �W )�a	WB
66201wide band system	�e( �W )�a�t��	WBS
66202wide branching	�e����
66203wide character	�e��r��
66204wide document	�e���
66205wide field optical filter	�s������o�i��	WFOF
66206wide frequency-band	�e�W�a	WF
66207wide line	�e�u��
66208wide line character	����r��
66209wide pulse modulation	�e�߽Ľը�
66210wide range analog input subsystem	�s�������J�l�t��	WRAIS
66211wide range imaging spectrometer	�e�i�q�Ϲ��W�о�	WISP
66212wide ruler	�e�W��
66213wide-area computing service	�s��p��~��	WACS
66214wide-area network	�e�Ϻ���
66215wide-band antenna	�e�W�ѽu
66216wide-band channel	�e�W�q�D; �e�a�q�D
66217wide-band common carrier channels	�e�W����i�q�D
66218wide-band data set	�e�W�ƶǾ�
66219wide-range recording and monitoring system	�s��O���P�ʵ��t��
66220wide-range search system	�s��d�M�t��
66221wide-spectrum signal transmission	�e�W�ЫH���ǿ�
66222wide-temperature core	�e��( �� )�Ϫ�
66223wideband active repeater satellite	�e�W������o�ìP
66224wideband carrier system	�e�W���i�t��
66225wideband communication system	�e�W�q�T�t��
66226wideband coupler	�e�W���X��	WBC
66227wideband data	�e�W���	WBD
66228wideband data assembly	�e�W��ƲզX( �{�� )	WBDA
66229wideband data line	�e�W��ƶǿ�u( �� )	WBDL
66230wideband data link	�e�W������	WBDL
66231wideband demodulator	�e�W�ѽվ�	WBD
66232wideband exciter and processor	�e�W�E�y���P�B�z��	WEP
66233wideband frequency-modulation	�e( �W )�a���W	WBFM
66234wideband laser	�e�W�J�g	WBL
66235wideband limiter	�e( �W )�a���T��	WL
66236wideband link	�e�W���
66237wideband multi-channel receiver	�e�W�h�q�D������; �e�W�h��������	WBMCR
66238wideband multiple access	�e�W�h���X��; �e�W�h���s��
66239wideband remote switch	�e�W�����}��	WBRS
66240wideband satellite delay compensation unit	�e�W�ìP������v��	WSDCU
66241wideband subscriber terminal	�e�W�Τ�׺ݾ�	WBST
66242wideband system for acquiring and recording data	�������P�O���μe�W�t��	WISARD
66243wideband transmission system	�e�W�ǿ�t��	WBTS
66244wideband video tape recorder	�e�W�ϱa���v��	WBVTR
66245widening	�ݮi
66246widening alter	�[�e�ܴ�
66247widening coercion	��e�j��( �ʳW�w )
66248Widget instance	Widget�궵
66249widow	���; ���ƨ�����; �b��; �u��( ���W���h�X����U�����b�� )
66250widow line	���ƨ���; �b��; �u��
66251widow/orphan control lines	�q����������
66252width	�e��	W; WID
66253width coding	�e�׽s�X
66254width control	�e�ױ���
66255width slots	�e��
66256width value	�e�׭�
66257Wiener's predication	���ǹw��( �H�� )
66258Wijngaarden grammar	�����[�n��k
66259wild card	�q�t��
66260wild card character	�q�t�r��
66261wild-card	�q�t��; �q�t��
66262wildcard	�q�t��; �q�t��
66263wildcard character	�q�t�r��; �q�Φr��
66264wildcard construction	�q�t�c��
66265wildcard operation	�q�t�@�~
66266willful intercept	���N�I��; �G�N�Iť; �G�N�I��
66267Williams memory tube	�·G�O�к�( �@�س����g�u�x�s�� )
66268Williams storage tube	�·G�x�s��( �@�س����g�u�x�s�� )
66269Williams tube	�·G��
66270Winchester	�Ź����S( �޳N )
66271Winchester disk	Winchester�Ϻ�; �Ź����S�w���Ϻо�; �Ź����S�Ϻ�
66272Winchester disk drive	�Ź����S�Ϻо�
66273Winchester disk technology	�Ź����S�ϺЧ޳N
66274wind-tunnel computer	���}�p���
66275winder	���u��; ¶�u��
66276winding	��¶��; ¶��
66277winding pitch	�u��`�Z; ¶�u�`�Z
66278window	����; ��; ���f
66279window (in computer graphics)	����( �q���ϧΪ� )
66280window /viewport transformation	����/ �����ഫ
66281window area	�����ϰ�
66282window block	������
66283window clipping	�����Ũ�
66284window concept	��������
66285window control block	���������	WCB
66286window coordinates	�����y��
66287window definition block status word	�����w�q�����A�r
66288window edge	������t; �������
66289window frame	����
66290window information	���T
66291window management software	�����޲z�n��
66292window management system	�����޲z�t��
66293window operation	�����ާ@
66294window position	������m
66295window scale factor	�����վ���
66296window signal	�����H��; IJ�o�߽īH��
66297window size	�����j�p; �����ؤo
66298window turning	�������
66299window's base address	�������}
66300window-based interface	������������
66301window-viewport	��������
66302window/viewport transformation	�����������ܴ�; �����[��f�ܴ�
66303windowed pattern primitive	�����μҦ���
66304windowing	�}����; ����; ����
66305windowing function	�}�����\��
66306windowing transformation	�����ܴ�
66307windows	����( ��� )
66308wing nut	�������U; ��������
66309wing panel	�l�O; ���[�b���䪺���O
66310wing-shaped screw	�l������
66311winter convention on aerospace electronic systems	��Źq�l�t�ΥV�u�|ij	WINCON
66312wip totals sheet	�b�s�~�`�p��
66313wipe	��; ����
66314wipe-out	�M��; �ʳ�	WO
66315wiper	���b��; �M����; ������ܾ�( �q���S�ޮĪG���;� )
66316wiper seal	���O�K��; ��IJ�K��
66317wiper switch	�ưʶ}��; ��IJ�}��
66318wiping	������IJ
66319wiping action	���b�@��
66320wire	�u; �ɽu
66321wire automated check system	�ɽu�۰�����t��; ���ݽu�۰�����t��	WACS
66322wire board	���u�O
66323wire bonding	���k( �k ); �ӵ����k( �k )
66324wire broadcast telephone	���u�s���q��	WBCT
66325wire broadcast telephone exchange	���u�s���q�ܥ洫��	WBX
66326wire cable	( �q )�u( �q )�l	WC
66327wire communication line	���u�q�T�u��
66328wire contact relay	�u��IJ�~�q��	WCR
66329wire fault	�u���G��
66330wire file	�����ɮ�; �u����
66331wire frame	�u��
66332wire frame representation	�u�Ϯت�ܪk; �u�ت��
66333wire gauge	�u�W	WG
66334wire guide	( �w���C�L���� )�w�ɺ�
66335wire jumper	���u; ���u
66336wire layout	�G�u
66337wire list	�s�u��; ���u��
66338wire matrix	�I�}; �u�x�}
66339wire matrix printer	�w��( �I�} )�L���; �w��( �I�} )�C�L��; �u�x�}�L�r��
66340wire memory	�Ͻu�O����; ( �� )�u�O��( �� )
66341wire printer	�w���C�L��; �u���C�L��; �u�L�r��
66342wire reel	¶�u�L	WR
66343wire sharing system	�u���@�Ψt��
66344wire shift register	�Ͻu����Ȧs��	WSR
66345wire storage	�Ͻu�x�s��; ( �� )�u�x�s( �� )
66346wire surface	( �C�L )�w��
66347wire teletype	���u�q�ǥ��r��	WITT
66348wire tip	( �w���C�L���� )�w�Y
66349wire wrap	¶��	WW; W/W
66350wire-in check	�w������
66351wire-type acoustic delay line	�u���n�i����u
66352wire-wrap	¶�u( ���k )
66353wire-wrap boards	¶���O
66354wire-wrap connection	¶( �u�s )��
66355wire-wrap tool	¶���u��; ¶��
66356wire-wrappable module board	¶���ҲժO
66357wire-wrapped socket board	¶�����ժO
66358wire-wrapping machine	¶����
66359wired AND	�u"�P"; �u"�P"�s��
66360wired back	�G�u�I��
66361wired circuit	���u�q��	WC
66362wired logic	�G�u�޿�; �s�u�޿�	WL
66363wired logic control	�G�u�޿豱��
66364wired OR wired AND logic	�u"��"�u"�P"�޿�	W2
66365wired program computer	�����{���p���	WPC
66366wired remote control	���u����
66367wired synchronization system	���u�P�B�t��
66368wired-program computer	�s�u�{�����p���
66369wireless bonding	�L�u���X( �k )
66370wireless data link	�L�u��ƶǿ����	WDL
66371wireless institute of Australia	�D�j�Q�ȵL�u�q��|	WIA
66372wireless microphone	�L�u���J��( �ܵ� )
66373wireless note	( �� )�L�u�q�q��	W/N
66374wireless order	�L�u�q���O	WO
66375wireless telegraphy	�L�u�q��	WT
66376wireless terminal	�L�u�׺ݾ�
66377wireline modulator and demodulator	���u�ը�ѽվ�	WIRELINE M
66378wiretapping	�q�q��( �ιq�� )�u���W�Ѩ�����; �f�u
66379wiring	���u; �G�u; �t�u	WNG
66380wiring board	�����O; ���u�O
66381wiring closet	�G�u��
66382wiring concentrator	�G�u���u��
66383wiring diagram	���u��	WD
66384wiring list	���u��; ���u��	WL
66385wiring measurement sampling	�u�@���w����	WMS
66386wiring pattern	�G�u�Ҧ�
66387wiring plan system	�G�u�]�p�t��	WPS
66388wiring system	�G�u�t��
66389wiring topology	���u�G��
66390Wirth-Weber precedence relation	�U��--���B�u�����Y
66391Wisconsin integrally synchronized computer	�´��d�P��X�P�B�p���	WISC
66392Wiswesser line notation	���������u����ܪk	WLN
66393WITH statement	���w�ԭz; WITH�ԭz
66394withdraw	�M�^
66395withholding	�w���|��
66396Witton network analyzer	�¹y�������R��; �¹y�������R��; �¹y�������R�{��	WINA
66397woofer	�C�����n��; �C����z
66398word	�r��; �r; �r��; �r�X; ���; ��r	WD; W
66399word access time	�r�s���ɶ�
66400word accumulator	�r�֥[��
66401word address	�r��}	WA; W
66402word address format	�r��}�榡	WAF
66403word address register	�r��}�Ȧs��	WAR
66404word addressing	�r�w�}
66405word aligned	����r
66406word and byte addressing	�r�M�r�`�V�X�w�}��
66407word association	�r�p�Q
66408word boundary	�r�����; �r���
66409word buffer register	�r�w�ļȦs��	WBR
66410word capacity	�r��; �r�e�q
66411word cell	�r�椸
66412word chain operation	�r��ާ@
66413word character	��r�r��
66414word combine and multiplexer	�r�զX�P�h�u�ഫ��; �r�զX�P�h�u�ƥξ�	WCM
66415word comparator time	�r����ɶ�
66416word computer	�r( �� )�p���
66417word control logic	�r�����޿�	WCL
66418word control register	�r����Ȧs��	WCR
66419word count	�r�p��	WC
66420word count register	�r�p�ƼȦs��	WCR
66421word counter	�r�p�ƾ�	WC
66422word cycle instruction	�r�g�����O
66423word cycle register	�r�g���Ȧs��
66424word data stage	�r( �� )��ƶ��q; �N�X��ƶ��q	WDS
66425word data state	�r��ƪ��A	WDS
66426word decoder	�r�ѽX��
66427word describing data	��r�y�z���
66428word description	�r�y�z	WD
66429word dictionary	�r��
66430word display	�r( �� )���( �� )	WD
66431word drive current	�r�X�ʹq�y
66432word driver	�r�X�ʾ�
66433word driver AND gate	�r�X�ʾ�"�P"�h	WDAG
66434word driver bit	�r�X�ʦ줸	WDB
66435word error probability	�~�r���v
66436word family	�r( �� )��
66437word flow language	�r�y�y��
66438word frequency	�r( �X�{ )�W�v
66439word gap	( ���ƾڪ� )�r�����j; �r�Z; �r��
66440word generator	�r( �� )���;�; �r( �� )�ͦ��{��
66441word index	�r����
66442word indexing	�r����
66443word key	�r��
66444word length	�r��; �r�ժ���
66445word line	�r�u	WL
66446word locality	�r��m
66447word locator	�r�w�쾹
66448word mark	�r�лx; �r��	WM
66449word memory	�r�O����
66450word modules	�r�Ҳ�
66451word oriented	�H�r( �� )���ɦV��
66452word pattern	�r�Ҧ�
66453word period	�r�g��
66454word problem system type-0 grammar	0 ����k�P�r���D�t��
66455word processing	��r�B�z; �r( �� )�B�z	WP
66456word processing and office equipment	�r( �� )�B�z�M�줽�γ]��	WPOE
66457word processing capability	�r( �� )�B�z��O
66458word processing control function character	�r( �� )�B�z����\��r��
66459word processing equipment	�r( �� )�B�z�]��
66460word processing equipment for print-out only	�u��C�L���r�B�z�]��
66461word processing equipment for recording and print	��O���M�C�L���r�B�z�]��
66462word processing equipment for recording only	�u��O�����r�B�z�]��
66463word processing equipment using remote program	�ϥλ��{�{�����r�B�z�]��
66464word processing equipment with "pianola" roll	"�۰ʿ��^"���u���r�B�z�]��
66465word processing equipment with changeable program	�i��g�{�����r�B�z�]��
66466word processing equipment with edgepunched card	��u���եd���r�B�z�]��
66467word processing equipment with fixed (nonremovable	�T�w( ���i���� )�O���C��r�B�z�]��
66468word processing equipment with fixed program	�T�w�{���r�B�z�]��
66469word processing equipment with impact printer	��IJ���C�L���r�B�z�]��
66470word processing equipment with magnetic card	�ϥd�r�B�z�]��
66471word processing equipment with magnetic disk	�ϺЦr�B�z�]��
66472word processing equipment with magnetic sheet	�ϥd���r�B�z�]��
66473word processing equipment with magnetic tape	�ϱa�r�B�z�]��
66474word processing equipment with magnetic tape casse	�X���ηL���ϱa�r�B�z�]��
66475word processing equipment with non-impact printer	�D��IJ���C�L���r�B�z�]��
66476word processing equipment with OCR input	���ž\Ū����J�r�B�z�]��
66477word processing equipment with provision	���x�ƪ��r�B�z�]��
66478word processing equipment with provision for makin	�㦳����ե��M�קﱹ�I���r�B�z�]��
66479word processing equipment with punched recording	���հO���C��r�B�z�]��
66480word processing equipment with punched tape	����( �� )�a�r�B�z�]��
66481word processing equipment with removable recording	�i���ʰO���C��r�B�z�]��
66482word processing equipment with storage	�x�s���r�B�z�]��
66483word processing equipment without provision	�L�x�ƪ��r�B�z�]��
66484word processing system	�r( �� )�B�z�t��	WPS
66485word processing terminal	�r( �� )�B�z�׺ݾ�
66486word processing/data processing system	�r�B�z��ƳB�z�t��
66487word processor	��ѳB�z�{��; �r( �� )�B�z��; �r( �� )�B�z�{��	WOPRO; WP
66488word root	�r��
66489word search instruction	�r�d�M���O
66490word segmentation unit	�������
66491word select memory	�r��O����
66492word select register	�r��Ȧs��
66493word selection	�r���	WORSE
66494word separator	�r���j��
66495word serial	�r���
66496word size	�r��; �r( �� )�ؤo; �r��
66497word size bus	�r���׬y��
66498word space	�r���j; ( ���ƾڪ� )�r�����j; �r�Ŷ�
66499word stem	���F
66500word stock	�r( �� )�w
66501word switch register	�r�}���Ȧs��	WSR
66502word synchronizing track	�r�P�B�y	WST
66503word template	�r�˪O
66504word terminal	�r�׺ݾ�	WT
66505word time	�r�ɶ�( �����r�q�L�@�I���ɶ� ); �r��
66506word transfer instruction	�r�ǰe���O
66507word underscore character	�r�U���u��	WUS
66508word with variable length	�i�ܦr��
66509word wrap	�r��; �r�^¶; �r¶�^; �r����
66510word wrap indent	�r�^¶�Y��
66511word wrap return	�r�^¶��^
66512word-organized storage	�r�զ��x�s( �� ); �r���c�x�s��
66513word-organized store	�r�զ��x�s( �� ); �r���c�x�s( �� )
66514word-organized system	��r�զ��t��
66515word-oriented scientific instruction	��ǥγ�������O
66516word-oriented serial access file	�H�r���ɦV����C�s���ɮ�
66517word-oriented storage	�H�r( �� )���ɦV���x�s��
66518word-processing center	�r( �� )�B�z����
66519word-wrap indent	�r�����Y	W
66520wordchar	��r�r��
66521words per minute	�C�����r��; �r/ ��	W/M; WPM
66522words per second	�C�����r��; �r/ ��	WPS
66523work analysis program	�u�@���R�{��	WAP
66524work area	�u�@��
66525work assignment procedure	�u�@���t�{��; �u�@�w�ƹL�{; �u�@�����{��	WAP
66526work breakdown structure	�u�@�Ӥ����c	WBS
66527work breaking structure chart	�u�@���ѵ��c��
66528work center	�u�@��; �u�@����
66529work center analysis report	�u�@�����R����
66530work center base capacity (men or machines)	�u�@��������( �H��� )
66531work center capacities	�u�@������
66532work center capacity change	�u�@�������ܧ�
66533work center capacity report-by department	�u�@���������--�̳����O
66534work center capacity report-by work center	�u�@���������--�̤u�@���O
66535work center description	�u�@������
66536work center ID	�u�@��ID
66537work center load	�u�@���t��
66538work center load analysis by department	�̳����O���u�@���t�����R
66539work center load analysis by work center	�̤u�@���O���u�@���t�����R
66540work center load analysis detail	�u�@���t�����R����
66541work center location	�u�@����m
66542work center master file maintenance	�u�@���D�ɺ��@
66543work center master file report	�u�@���D�ɳ���
66544work center over/underload	�u�@���L��/ �L�C�t��
66545work center over/underload by work center	�u�@���O�u�@���L��/ �L�C�t��
66546work center percent change audit	�u�@���ʤ����ܧ�f��
66547work center percent change audit report	�u�@���ʤ����ܧ�f�ֳ���
66548work center tag file	�u�@������
66549work center variable capacity detail	�u�@���ܰʲ������
66550work center variable capacity inquiry	�u�@���ܰʲ���d��
66551work center variable capacity maintenance	�u�@���ܰʲ�����@
66552work center variable capacity master	�u�@���ܰʲ���D��
66553work center variable capacity summary	�u�@���ܰʲ���J�`
66554work center where-used	�u�@���γ~
66555work cycle	�u�@�g��; �u�@�g
66556work data file	�u�@����ɮ�
66557work distribution chart	�u�@���t��
66558work environment	�u�@����
66559work field	�u�@��
66560work file	�u�@�ɮ�
66561work flow language	�u�@�y�{�y��	WFL
66562work flow language job	�u�@�y�{�y���@�~
66563work force simulator	�u�@�O������
66564work function	�\���
66565work in process	�b�s�~
66566work in process totals sheet and cost totalst	�b�s�~�`�p������`�p��
66567work item	�u�@��
66568work line	�u�@�u; �y���u	WL
66569work lisst	�u�@��
66570work list by work center	�̤u�@���Ϥ����u�@��
66571work list exception	�u�@��ҥ~
66572work list exception report	�u�@��ҥ~����
66573work list extract	�u�@��`��
66574work list extract procedure	�u�@��`���{��
66575work list file	�u�@����
66576work list generation	���ͤu�@��
66577work list horizon	�ɶ������u�@��
66578work list priority calculation edit	�u�@���u�����ǭp��s��
66579work load	�u�@�t��; �u�@�q
66580work load characterization	�u�@�t���S�ʪ�ܪk
66581work load manager	�u�@�t���޲z( �{�� )	WLM
66582work load model calibration	�u�@�t���ҫ��շ�
66583work load routing exception report	�u�@�t���~�{�ҥ~����
66584work measurement	�u�@����; �u�@�q��
66585work order	�u�@�R�O; �@�~���O; �˭׳�	WO
66586work output queue	�u�@��X��C
66587work period	�u�@�g��
66588work piece	�u��
66589work plan analysis and scheduling technique	�u�@�p�����R�M�Ƶ{��k	WOPAST
66590work process scheduler	�u�@�B�z�Ƶ{�׵{��
66591work queue	�u�@��C
66592work queue directory	�u�@�ƦC�ؿ�( �� ); �u�@��C�ؿ�(��)	WKQDR
66593work sampling	�u�@���
66594work screen	�u�@���
66595work session	�u�@���( �� )
66596work session control record	�u�@��ܱ���O��
66597work sheet	�u�@��
66598work simplification	�u�@²��
66599work simplification program	�u�@²�Ƶ{��	WSP
66600work simplification training program	�u�@²�ưV�m�{��	WSP
66601work slice	�u�@�ɶ���
66602work space	�u�@��; �u�@�Ŷ�	WS
66603work space register	�u�@�ϼȦs��; �u�@�Ŷ��Ȧs��
66604work stack	�u�@���|
66605work station	�u�@��	WS
66606work station control key	�u�@��������
66607work station control mode	�u�@������ҺA
66608work station controller	�u�@�����; �u�@������{��
66609work station data management	�u�@����ƺ޲z
66610work station entry	�u�@�����J; �u�@����J
66611work station facility	�u�@���]��	WSF
66612work station message queue	�u�@���H����C
66613work station operator	�u�@���ާ@��
66614work station user profile	�u�@���Τ�²�n��
66615work station utility	�u�@�����ε{��	WSU
66616work station utility display	�u�@�����ε{�����
66617work storage	�u�@�x�s��	W
66618work storage address register	�u�@�x�s����}�Ȧs��	WSAR
66619work storage to auxiliary storage	�u�@�x�s���컲�U�x�s��	W-AUX
66620work table	�u�@�x
66621work tape	�u�@�a
66622work unit	�u�@�椸
66623work volume	�u�@��
66624work-in-process inventory	�b�s�~�s�q; �b�s�~�w�s; �b�s�~�s�f
66625work-session-initiation indicator	�u�@��ܱҰʫ��ܾ�
66626work-session-initiation processing level	�u�@��ܱҰʳB�z�ŧO
66627workability	�i�u�@��; �i�ާ@��; �i�[�u��
66628workable multiple microprocessor	�i�u�@���h�L�B�z��
66629workable program	�i�u�@�{��
66630workbench	�u�@�x
66631workbench compiler	�u�@�x�sĶ�{��
66632workdays	�u�@��
66633workhorse	���F; �D�O
66634working	�u�@; �B��; �[�u; �B�z; �u�@�k	WKG
66635working area	�u�@��; ��( ���x )�s��; �������G�x�s��
66636working capital	�y�ʸ��
66637working cell	�u�@�椸
66638working code	�u�@�X
66639working condition	�u�@����
66640working data base	�u�@��Ʈw	WDB
66641working data file	�u�@����ɮ�
66642working directory	�u�@�ؿ�( �� )	WDIR
66643working diskette	�u�@�n��
66644working display	�u�@���
66645working envelope	�u�@�ʥ]; �u�@���
66646working equipment	�u�@�]��
66647working frequency	�u�@�W�v
66648working group standards	�u�@�ռз�	WGS
66649working life	�u�@�ةR; �ϥιةR
66650working memory	�u�@�O����; ��( ���x )�s��
66651working memory area	�u�@�O�а�
66652working method	�u�@��k; �B�z��k	WKGMETOD
66653working order	�u�@����; �[�u��	WO
66654working page	�u�@����; ��( ���x )�s����
66655working path	�u�@���|
66656working process	�u�@�L�{; �ާ@�L�{
66657working program	�u�@�{��
66658working range	�u�@�d��
66659working register	�u�@�Ȧs��	WR
66660working routine	�u�@�{��; �u�@�`��
66661working sampling	�ާ@����	WS
66662working set	�u�@( ���� )��; ( �����x�s���� )�u�@��; �u�@������; �u�@��
66663working set control	�u�@������
66664working set dispatcher	�u�@�ϱƵ{�{��
66665working set list	�u�@����C
66666working set swapper	�u�@�ϥ洫�{��
66667working set swapping	�u�@�ϥ洫�{��
66668working signalling link	�u�@�H���u��
66669working space	��( ���x )�s��; �u�@�x�s��; �u�@��; �u�@�Ŷ�	WS
66670working space basic	����( ���x )�s��
66671working space control table	��( ���x )�s�������
66672working space number assignment	��( ���x )�s���s��
66673working space register	��( ���x )�s�Ȧs��
66674working space structure	��( ���x )�s�����c
66675working state	�u�@���A
66676working station	�u�@��
66677working storage	�Ȧs��; �u�@�x�s��; ��( ���x )�s��; �u�@�x�s	WS
66678working storage area	�u�@�Ȧs��
66679working tape	�u�@( �� )�a	WT
66680working voltage	�u�@�q��	WV
66681working-storage section	�u�@�x�s�`
66682workload	�u�@�q; �u�@�t��( ���� )	WL
66683workload control file	�u�@�t��������	WCF
66684worksheet	�u�@���Z
66685workshop	���; �M�D�Q�׷|; �M�D��s��; ����
66686workspace	�u�@�Ŷ�
66687workspace pointer	�u�@�ϫ���; �u�@�ϫ��w	WP
66688workspace symbol module	�u�@�Ŷ��Ÿ��Ҳ�
66689workstation	�u�@��
66690workstation number	�u�@�����X
66691workstation resource center	�u�@���귽����	WRC
66692world	�����
66693world administrative radio conference	�@�ɵL�u�q��F�|ij	WARC
66694world aluminium abstracts	�@�ɾT��K( ��Ʈw )
66695world association of industrial and technological	�@�ɤu�~�P�޳N��s��´��|	WAITRO
66696world association of medical informatics	�@����θ�T�Ǩ�|	WAMI
66697world bank retrieval array processing system	�@�ɻȦ��˯��}�C�B�z�t��	WRAPS
66698world communications	�@�ɳq�T	WORLDCOM
66699world coordinate	�@�ɮy��
66700world coordinates	�����y��
66701world corrdinates	�����y��; �q�ήy��; �@�ɮy��
66702world data bank	�@�ɸ�Ʈw; �@�ɸ�ƶ�	WDB
66703world data center	�@�ɸ�Ƥ���	WDC
66704world data transmission service	�@�ɼƾڶǿ�~��
66705world data transmitter service	�@�ɸ�ƶǿ�~��	WDTS
66706world energy conference	�@�ɯ෽�|ij	WEC
66707World environment and resources council	�@�����ҩM�귽�e���|	WERC
66708World federation of engineering organizations	�@�ɤu�{��´�p�X�|	WFEO
66709World federation of scientific workers	�@�ɬ�Ǥu�@���p�X�|	WFSW
66710World future society	�@�ɥ��ӾǷ|	WFS
66711World geodesic system	�@�ɴ��a�t��	WGS
66712World health organization	�@�ɽåͲ�´	WHO
66713world information system exchange	�@�ɸ�T�t�Υ�y( ���� )	WISE
66714World intellectual property organization	�@�ɪ��Ѱ]�I��´	WIPO
66715World meteorological organization	�@�ɮ�H��´	WMO
66716World mettings information center	�@�ɷ|ij��������	WMIC
66717World microelectronic center	�@�ɷL�q�l( �޳N )����	WMC
66718world model	�@�ɼҫ�; �����ҫ�
66719World oceanographic data display	�@�ɮ��v�ƾ���ܾ�	WODD
66720world patent index	�@�ɱM�Q����	WPI
66721world satellite terminal	�@�ɽìP�׺ݾ�( ���q )	WST
66722world simulation organization	�@�ɼ�����´	WSO
66723world space	�۵M�Ŷ�
66724world telecommunications directory	�@�ɹq�T��	WTD
66725world textiles	�@�ɯ�´( ��Ʈw )
66726world time zone	�@�ɮɰ�
66727world trade centers association	�@�ɶT�����ߨ�|	WTCA
66728world weahter watch network	��ڮ�H�[����
66729world weather center	�@�ɮ�H����	WWC
66730world weather program	�@�ɮ�H�{��	WWP
66731world weather watch	�@�ɮ�H�[�	WWW
66732world wide information services	���@�ɸ�T��´	WWIS
66733world wide military command and control system	���y�x�ƫ����P����t��	WWMCCS
66734world-wide belt line	���y�u��	WWB
66735world-wide satellite observing network	���y��[����	WSON
66736world-wide time	�@�ɮɶ�	WWT
66737worldwide network	���y�q�H��
66738worldwide on-line data and document intelligence	���@�ɳs�u��ƻP����z�t��	WODDIN
66739worldwide satellite communication	���y�ìP�q�T
66740worldwide telecommunication network	���y�q�T����
66741worldwide traffic	���y�q�H�q
66742worm	�@�ؽƻs�O�@�{��
66743worst case	���a���p; ���a����
66744worst case circuit analysis	���a���p�q�����R	WCCA
66745worst case difference	���a���p�t��	WCD
66746worst case performance	���a���p�į�
66747worst fit algorithm	�̤��A�t��k
66748worst peak-shift pattern	���a�p�Ⱥ}���Ҧ�; ���a�p�ȯB���Ҧ�
66749worst status check	���a���A����
66750worst-case amplitude-derivation pattern	���a�T�׺t�ܼҦ�
66751worst-case design	���a���p�]�p
66752worst-case noise pattern	���a�����Ҧ�
66753worst-case time behavior	���a���p�ɶ��S��
66754wow and flutter	�ݮ�; ��t���é�
66755wrap	�^��; ���; ����; ¶; ��¶; ( �u )�X; ���r; ����; ����
66756wrap capability	�^����O( �ƾھ� )
66757wrap count	���ߦ���
66758wrap symbol	¶�^�Ÿ�
66759wrap test	�^�����; �������; ���ߴ���
66760wrap-around	¶�^
66761wrap-around memory	��¶���O����
66762wrap-around storage	��¶���x�s��
66763wraparound	�]¶; ��¶; ¶�^; ����; ��¶���B�z(�{��)
66764wrapped connection	¶���k
66765wrapping	��¶
66766wrapping region	��¶��
66767wrapup	�����˸m
66768wrapup procedure	�����L�{
66769wrench	���
66770wrist	�����; ���
66771writability	�i�g��; ���g��
66772writable character generation module	�i�g�r�Ų��ͼҲ�	WCGM
66773writable control memory	�i�g������O����	WCM
66774writable control storage	�i�g�����x�s��	WCS
66775writable control storage firmware	�i�g�����x�s������
66776writable control storage programming	�i�g�����x�s���{���]�p
66777writable control store	�i�g�����x�s( �� )
66778writable diagnostic control store	�i�g�E�_�����x�s��	WDCS
66779write	�g�J; �g�W( ��� ); �g; �g" ���O "; �Ѽg	W; WR; WRT
66780write access	�g�J�s��
66781write access key	�g�s������r; �g�X������r; �g�J��	WAK
66782write access type	�g�J�s������
66783write accumulator	�g�J�֥[��( ���O )	WA
66784write address counter	�g�J��}�p�ƾ�	WAC
66785write address mark	�g��}�аO
66786write after read	Ū��g
66787write allocate	�g�J�t��
66788write and compute	�g�J�íp��; �g�M�p��	WC
66789write back	�^�g
66790write break point	�g�J�_�I
66791write buffer	�g�J�w�İ�; �g�J�w�ľ�	WB
66792write check	�g( �J )�ˬd	WRCHK
66793write circuit for queuing message	��C�H���g�J�q��	WQM
66794write clock	�g�����߽�	WC
66795write clock pulse	�g�����߽�
66796write command	�g�J�R�O
66797write control	�g����( �{�� )	WC; WRTC
66798write control character	�g�J����r��; �g�J����r��; �g����r��	WCC
66799write control character reset	�g����r�ŭ��m
66800write count key data	�g�p�����; �g�p������X���	WCKD
66801write count register	�g�p�ƼȦs��	WCR
66802write cycle time	�g�g���ɶ�
66803write data	�g���	WD
66804write data strobe	�g�J��ƿ�q( �߽� )	WDS
66805write drum	�g( �J )�Ϲ�	WDR
66806write enable	���\�g�J	WRE; WE
66807write enable ring	���g��; ���O�@��
66808write enable-ring	�ϯ�g��
66809write end of file	�g�ɮ׵���; �g�ɮ׼лx	WEF
66810write fault	�g�J���~; �g�G��	WF
66811write font	�g�r��
66812write forward	���V�g�J	WF
66813write gate	�g�h	WG
66814write half-pulse	�b�g�߽�; �Ѽg�b�ߪi
66815write head	�g�Y
66816write head stack	�g���Y��
66817write in	�g�J; �g��
66818write index address mark	�g�J�ܧ}�аO
66819write information	�g�J��T	WIF
66820write inhibit	�T��g�J
66821write instruction	�g�J���O
66822write interface unit	�g�J�����椸	WRIU
66823write interval	�g���j
66824write into memory	�g�J�O����	WRM
66825write into program memory	�g�J�{���O����	WPM
66826write into read only memory	�g�J��Ū�O����	WRR
66827write key	�g����r
66828write key field	�g����r���
66829write lockout	�g�J����
66830write magnetic tape	�g�J�ϱa	WMT
66831write memory	�g�J�O����	WM
66832write memory lock	�g�O������
66833write noise	�g�����T
66834write notch	�g�J�ʤf
66835write once read only memory	�u����g�@����Ū�O����	WOROM
66836write only	�u�g	WO
66837write operation	�Ѽg�ʧ@
66838write or out	�g�J�ο�X	W/O
66839write oscillator	�g������	WRO
66840write out	�g�X	WO
66841write parameters	�g�J�Ѽ�
66842write pen register	�����O���Ȧs��
66843write precompensation	�g�e���v
66844write printer binary	�G�i��g�J�C�L��	WPB
66845write printer decimal	�Q�i��g�J�C�L��	WPD
66846write protect	���d�g�J; �g�O�@	WP; WPRT
66847write protect memory	�g�J�O�@�O����	WPM
66848write protection	�g�J�O�@	WP
66849write protection label	�g�J�O�@��
66850write protection ring	�g�O�@��	WP
66851write pulse	�g�߽�
66852write punch	�g�J���վ�; �g�J���յ{��	WPU
66853write rate	�g�t( ��, �v )
66854write read head	Ū�g( �� )�Y
66855write report heading	�g������D
66856write retry	�g�J����
66857write ring	�g��
66858write sharing	�g�J�@��
66859write structured field command	�g�J���c�����R�O
66860write symbol table	�g�J�Ÿ���	WST
66861write tape binary	�G�i��g�a	WTB
66862write tape decimal	�Q�i��g�a	WTD
66863write tape mark	�g( �� )�a��( �x )	WTM
66864write through	�����g�J
66865write time	�g�ɶ�
66866write timeout counter	�g�J�Ȱ��p�ƾ�
66867write without program	�L�{���g�J	WWP
66868write-enable	���\�g�J	WE
66869write-enable ring	���g��; �g�J�����
66870write-enabled	�g�J���\��
66871write-into memory port	�g�J�O�����	WMP
66872write-off	���P
66873write-only memory	�߼g�O����	WOM
66874write-protect notch	�g�O�@�ʤf
66875write-protect plug	���g��
66876write-protect tab	���d�g�J�K��; �g�O�@�K��
66877write-protected	�g�J�O�@��
66878write-protected disk	����g�J�Ϥ�
66879write-protected tab	����g�J����
66880write-protection label	�g�O�@�аO
66881write-read head	Ū�g�Y
66882write-to-operator	�g���ާ@��( ���H�� )	WTO
66883write-to-operator with reply	�g���ާ@���B�ݦ^��( ���H�� ); �g���ާ@���B�n�D�^��( ���H�� )WTOR
66884write-to-programmer	�g���{����( ���H�� )	WTP
66885write-to-read crossfeed	�gŪ���Z
66886write-type (record operation)	�g�J�Φ�( �O���ާ@ )
66887write-up	�g��	WU
66888write/read	�g/ Ū( �ާ@ )	W/R
66889writeable character generation memory	�i�g�r�Ų��ͰO����	WCGM
66890writeable character generation module	�i�g�r�Ų��ͼҲ�	WCGM
66891writer	�g�X( �J )��; �g�X��; �O����; �C�L�{��; �s�g�{��
66892writing	�g�X; �g; �g�J
66893writing head	�g�Y; �g�J�Y
66894writing line	�Ѽg��
66895writing machine	�Ѽg��( ��q�ȱa�ιϤ����X��ƪ��q�ǥ��r�� )
66896writing parameter	�g�J�Ѽ�; �O�J�Ѽ�	WP
66897writing position	�g�J��m
66898writing pushdown acceptor	�g�J�U��������	WPDA
66899writing rate	�g�t��; �g�t�v
66900writing task	�g����; �O���u�@
66901writing tube	�g��; �O����( �q�l������ )
66902writing-while-reading	�P��Ū�g
66903written message	�ѭ��T��
66904written programmable read only memory	�w�g���i�s�{����Ū�O����
66905written record	�Ѽg�O��
66906wroking region	�u�@��
66907wrong number call	�����I�s
66908wrong variable type	�����T���ܼ�����
66909WWMCCS intercomputer network	���y�x�ƫ����P����t�έp���( �� )����	WIN
66910Wyle on-line real-time distribution system	�h���s�u�Y�ɤ������t��	WORDS
66911Wyle on-line real-time distribution system	�h���s�u�Y�ɤ������t��	WORDS
66912x address	x ��}
66913x automatic translation code	x �۰�½Ķ�N�X	XATC
66914x axis	x �b( �����y�Шt�� )
66915x axis label	x �b�аO
66916x direction	��b��V
66917x edit descriptor	x �s��y�z��( �w��s�誺 )
66918x index register	x �ܧ}�Ȧs��
66919x register y bit	x �Ȧs��y �줸	XRYB
66920x select input	x ��ܿ�J
66921x status register	x ( �b )���A�Ȧs��
66922x value	x ��
66923x-axis	��y��
66924x-band	x �W�a( �W�v�d��5200����--10900���� )
66925x-band phase shifter	x �i�q�۲���
66926x-datum line	x ��ǽu
66927x-punch	x �楴��; x ���զ�; 11�楴��; �t�ƥ���; x ����; ���C����
66928x-ray emission gauge	x �g�u�T�g�p	XEG
66929x-ray tube	x �g�u��; x ����
66930x-series of recommendations of CCITT	��ڹq���q�ܫt�ߩe���|x �t�C��ij
66931x-y axis	x--y�b	XYA
66932x-y coordinate CRT display	x--y�y�г����g�u����ܾ�
66933x-y plotter	x--yø�Ͼ�; xyø�Ͼ�
66934x-y recoder	xy�O����
66935x-y recorder	x--y( �b )�O����
66936x-y switch	x--y������
66937x.1	���μƾں����Τ����O; ��ڤ��μƾں��Τ�A�Ȥ���
66938x.110	�q�L�P�������μƾڥ洫������ڤ��μƾڷ~�Ȫ����|��h
66939x.121	���μƾں�����ڽs���p��
66940x.130	���ΦP�B�ƾں�( �q���洫 )���I�s�إߩM��u�ɶ����ȮɳW�w
66941x.132	�q���洫�����μƾں���ڼƾڳq�H���~�ȵ��Ū��ȮɳW�w
66942x.150	���μƾں�DTE �MDCE ���������s��
66943x.25	x.25; ���ի����μƾں�DTE-DCE ����
66944x.25 gateway access protocol	x.25�h���s����w
66945x.25 protocol	x.25��w; x.25��w
66946x.25 recommendation	x.25��ij
66947x.28	x.28
66948x.29	x.29
66949x.29 terminal	x.29�׺ݾ�
66950x.3	x.3 ; ���μƾں��H���]���ո�/ ��˳]��
66951x.4	���μƾں��W�ǿ�ƾڥΪ����5 ���N�X�H�����@�뵲�c
66952x.40	�b�W���t�Τ����ѹq���ƾڳq�����W���ը�ǿ�t�μзǤ�
66953x.50	�Ω�P�B�ƾں�����ڤ������ƥΤ�ת����Ѽ�
66954x.50 bis	�Ω�P�B�ƾں����ΰ�ڤ�����48k bps �Τ�ƾڪ����Ѽ�
66955x.51	�P�B�ƾں���10bit �]�ʵ��c��ڤ������ƥΤ�ת����Ѽ�
66956x.51 bis	�P�B�ƾں�����10bit �]�ʵ��c��ڤ����� 48k bps�Τ�ƾڪ���
66957x.52	�N�D���ɫH���ഫ���P�B�Τᶰ�X�X�v���s�X��k
66958x.53	64k bps �ƥ�����W���q���s��
66959x.54	64k bps �ƥ�����W���q�����t
66960x.60	�q���洫���ƾڳq�H�t�Ϊ��@�ΫH�O�q�D
66961x.61	7 ���H�O�t��--�ƾڥΤ᳡��
66962x.70	�D���ɼƾں�����ڹq���W�_��~�Ȫ��׺ݩM���౱��H�O�t��
66963x.75	x.75
66964XAB	�X�R�ݩʬq
66965XBUF	�X�R�w�Ħ�
66966XENIX operation system	XENIX �@�~�t��
66967xenon flash lamp	��{���O
66968xerographic copy	�R�q�L�����
66969xerographic printer	�R�q�ӹ��L���; �R�q�ƦL��
66970xerography	�R�q�L��N; �R�q�ƦL�N
66971Xerox computer services	Xerox ���q�p����A��( ���q )	XCS
66972Xerox data system	Xerox ���q�ƾڨt��	XDS
66973Xerox memory systems	Xerox ���q�O��( �� )�t��	XMS
66974Xerox operating system	Xerox �@�~�t��	XOS
66975Xerox telecommunication network	Xerox �q�H��	XTEN
66976Xerox telecommunications network	Xerox �q�H��; Xerox ���{�q�H����	XTEN
66977xid response	xid �^��
66978XMTSD	�X�R�O�о����ɰ���ɶ��t��
66979xon/off protocol	�}��������w
66980xon/xoff	�ǿ�}�l/�ǿ鵲��
66981xparent tran	( �N�X )�z����( �ǰe����W�{ )
66982xy plotter	xyø�Ͼ�	XYP
66983"yes-no" decision	" �O--�_ "�M��
66984"yes-no" type of operation	" �O--�_ "���u�@��
66985y address	y ��}
66986y axis	y �b
66987y axis label	y �b�аO
66988y channel	y �q�D
66989y connection	y ��u; �P��u
66990y cursor counter	y ��Эp�ƾ�	YCUR-CNT
66991y direction	�a�b��V; y �b��V
66992y operator	y �B���; y ��l
66993y position	y ( �b )��m
66994y punch	12�楴��( �b��Ǩ����d���W ); y ����; ���ƥ���
66995y select input	y ��ܿ�J
66996y signal	y �H��; �G�׫H��
66997y status register	y ( �b )���A�Ȧs��
66998y value	y ��
66999y-axis	�a�y��; y �b
67000y-connection	y �γs��
67001y-datum line	y ��ǽu
67002y-delta starter	�P��--�T��( y --�� )�ΰ_�ʾ�	YDS
67003y-disk	y ��; �@��( �|�ܺʷ��t�� )�t�κϺЪ��X�R
67004y-punch	y ���զ�; y �楴��; 12�楴��; ���C����
67005y-y connection	y -- y��u
67006Yale engineering association	�C�|�j�Ǥu�{��|	YEA
67007yard	�X; �u��; ����	Y; YD
67008yard automatic control system	�u�t�۰ʱ���t��	YACS
67009yards	�X��	YDS
67010yaw axis	����b( �ìP�� )
67011yaw damping computer	��������p���	YDC
67012year	�~; �~��	YR
67013year book	�~ų; �~�Z	YB
67014year-to-date	�~�צܥ���
67015year-to-date cost amount	�~�צܥ��馨�����B
67016year-to-date issues	�~�צܥ���o�ƶq
67017year-to-date quantity sold	�~�צܥ���P��ƶq
67018year-to-date sales amount	�~�צܥ���P����B
67019year-to-date sales profit amount	�~�צܥ���P��Q����B
67020year-to-date sales profit percent	�~�צܥ���P��Q��ʤ���
67021year-to-date used	�~�צܥ���w�ϥ�
67022yearly load curve	�~�t�����u
67023yearly load factor	�~�t���]��
67024yearly output	�~���q	YO
67025yellow indicator lamp	������ܿO	YIL
67026yet another compiler-compiler	�t�@�ؽsĶ�{�����sĶ�{��	YACC
67027Yewtec corporation	�ׯS�J���q	YEW
67028yield	���~; ���~�v; �X��v; ��X; ����; �o��; �}�A; �}�v	YLD
67029yield factor	�}�v
67030yield load	�}�A�I�t��	YL
67031yield point	�h�A�I; �����I	YP
67032yield safety factor	�}�v�w���]��	YSF
67033yield value	�}�A��; �_�l��; ���ܭ�; �_�l���ܭ�	YV
67034yielding point	�}�A�I; ���I; �����I
67035yoke	( �ո˦b�@�_�� )�@�պ��Y( �iŪ�g�h���ϹD ); ���Y��; �ϳm
67036youngest empty cell	�̵u�ų椸; �̪���ų椸	YEC
67037ytterbium	�^	YB
67038yttrium	��	Y; YT
67039yttrium aluminum garnet	���T�ۺh��; ���T�h��	YAG
67040yttrium iron garnet	���K�ۺh��; ���K�h��	YIG
67041z address	z ��}
67042z code	z �s�X; z �K�y
67043z height	����; ���I
67044z impedance	����
67045z select input	z ��ܿ�J
67046z time	��L�ªv�l�Ȱ饭����
67047z-80 development system	z80 �}�o�t��	ZDS
67048z-80 industrial BASIC language	z80 �u�~BASIC �y��	ZIBL
67049z-80 microprocessor	z80 �L�B�z��
67050z-80 processor board	z80 �B�z���O	ZPB
67051z-8000 microprocessor	z8000 �L�B�z��
67052z-axis	z �b( �����y�Шt�� )
67053z-diode transistor logic	���ǤG�ź޹q�����޿�( �q�� )	Z-DTL
67054z-disk	z ��; ( �|�ܺʷ��t�� )�t�κϺ�CMS���X�R
67055z-fold paper	�P�|��
67056z-parameter	z �Ѽ�( �q����� )
67057z-sub	�s��k���O
67058Zatocode indexing	���S�X
67059Zatocoding	���S�g�X
67060Zatocoding system	���S�g�X�t��
67061zener	����
67062zener breakdown	��������
67063zener diode	���ǤG����; í���G����	ZD
67064zenith	�ѳ�; �̰��I
67065zero	�s; �s��; �s�I; 0	Z
67066zero access	�ߧY�s��; �ߧY�X��; �s�s��
67067zero access addition	�ߧY�s���[�k; �ߧY���ƥ[( ���@�Ƥw�b�֥[�����[�k	)
67068zero access memory	�ߧY�s���O����
67069zero access storage	�ߧY�s���x�s��; �ߧY�X���x�s��	ZAS
67070zero access store	�ߧY�s���x�s��
67071zero accident	�L�N�~	ZA
67072zero address	�s��}
67073zero address format	�s��}�榡
67074zero address instruction	�s��}���O	ZAI
67075zero address machine	�s��}�p���; �L��}�p���
67076zero address order	�s��}���O
67077zero adjust	�չs; �s�I�վ�
67078zero adjuster	�s( �� )�ո`��
67079zero adjustment	�s��վ�; �s�I�վ�
67080zero and add	�M�s�P�[( ���O )	ZA
67081zero and subtract	�s�P��	ZS
67082zero balance	�s����
67083zero beat	�s��	ZB
67084zero bias	�s����
67085zero bit	�s��; �s�줸
67086zero blanking	���s
67087zero branch	�s�ಾ	ZBR
67088zero byte	�s���; �s�r�`
67089zero center	�s����; �ױ���
67090zero charge	�s�q��
67091zero check routine	�s����Ҧ�{��
67092zero circuit	�s�q��
67093zero complement	�ɽX; �s�ɼ�
67094zero compression	�s���Y( �R���s )
67095zero condition	�s���A; �s����
67096zero correction	�s�I�ե�
67097zero count interrupt	�s�p�Ƥ��_
67098zero cross signal	�s��e�H��
67099zero cross switch circuit	�L�s( �ˬd )�����q��
67100zero crossing	�L�s; �s��e
67101zero crossover	�s��e	ZCO
67102zero defect	�L�ʳ�	ZD
67103zero destination address	�s�ت��a��}
67104zero dimensional set	�s����
67105zero disparity binary code	�s�������G�i��X
67106zero drift error	�s�I�}���~�t
67107zero element	�s����
67108zero elimination	���s( �h���L��0 )
67109zero energy	�s��q; �L��q	ZOE
67110zero error	�s�~�t
67111zero extended	�X�R�s	ZE
67112zero fill	��s
67113zero flag	�s�лx; �s�X��	Z
67114zero force connector	�L�j���O���s�Ծ�
67115zero form	�s��; �s��
67116zero format value	�s�榡��
67117zero frame	�s��
67118zero free region	�L�s�I�ϰ�
67119zero frequency	�s�W�v( ���y )	ZF
67120zero function	�s���
67121zero game	�s����
67122zero gravity	�s���O; ����
67123zero guard band recording	�s�O�@�a�O��
67124zero hold	�s�O��
67125zero hour	�w�w��ʶ}�l�ɨ�	ZHR
67126zero input	�s��J; �L��J	ZI
67127zero insertion	�s���J
67128zero insertion force	�L���J�O
67129zero kill	�s����; ���s; �s����
67130zero label	�s�и�
67131zero level	�s�q��
67132zero level symbol	�s�h�Ÿ�
67133zero marker	�s�аO��
67134zero mask	�s�̽�( �̽��쬰�s )
67135zero matrix	�s�x�}
67136zero memory channel	�s�O�гq�D; �s�O�ЫH�D
67137zero memory source	�s�O�з�
67138zero method	���s�k; �s���k
67139zero modulation	�չs; �s�ը�	ZM
67140zero offset	�s�찾�t; �s���m
67141zero operator	�~�ȹq�ܸܰȭ�
67142zero order diffraction beam	�s���l�g����
67143zero order wave	�s�Ūi
67144zero output	�s��X; �L��X	ZO
67145zero output signal	�s��X�H��
67146zero page addressing	�s�����s��; �s���w�}
67147zero place predicate	�s��z��
67148zero point	�s�I
67149zero point error	�s�I�~�t
67150zero population growth	�s�H�f����
67151zero potential	�s�q��; �s�q��
67152zero power level	�s�\�v�q��
67153zero proof	�s�ҩ�; �s�ˬd
67154zero reader	�s��\Ū��
67155zero redundancy store	�s���l�x�s��
67156zero repeat factor	�s���Ʀ]��
67157zero replacement editing	�s�m���s��
67158zero reset	�s�쭫�m
67159zero ring	�s��
67160zero scan	�s���y
67161zero shift	�s����	ZA
67162zero signal zone	�s�H����; �L�H����
67163zero state	�s���A	ZS
67164zero status flag	�s���A�X��
67165zero sum game	�s�M�ﵦ; �s�M����
67166zero sum two-person game	�G�H�s�M����
67167zero suppress	���s	ZS
67168zero suppression	���s( �h���L���s ); �s���
67169zero suppression editing	�s���s��; ���s�s��
67170zero suppression function	���s�\��
67171zero synchronization	���I�P�B
67172zero transfer function	�s�ǻ����
67173zero transmission level reference point	�s�ǿ�q���Ѧ��I; �s�ǿ��ǰѦ��I
67174zero valued exponent	�s�ȫ���
67175zero vector	�s�V�q
67176zero volt	�s��( �S )
67177zero voltage	�s�q��
67178zero wander	�s�I�}��
67179zero word	�s�r
67180zero-access addition	�s�s���[�k
67181zero-access storage	�s�s���x�s( �� )
67182zero-address instruction	�s�}���O
67183zero-adjusted	�s�I�վ㪺; �ը�s��	ZA
67184zero-beat	�s��
67185zero-detection operation	��"�s"�ާ@
67186zero-gate-voltage drain current	�s�]�q��; �|�q�y
67187zero-length buffer	�s���׽w�ľ�
67188zero-level address	�s����}
67189zero-level addressing	�s���w�}( �k )
67190zero-level transmission reference point	�s���ǿ�Ѧ��I
67191zero-match gate	"�ΫD"��; �s�ǰt�h
67192zero-one distribution	�s�@����
67193zero-one integer programming	�s�@��ƳW��
67194zero-one system	�s�@�t��; �s�@��
67195zero-order-hold	�s���O��	ZOH
67196zero-phase-shift filter	�s�ۦ첾�o�i��
67197zero-place function	�s����
67198zero-punch	�s����
67199zero-sided Lindenmayer system	�L��L���t��
67200zero-static error loop	�s�R�A�~�t�j��
67201zerofill	��s; �ɹs
67202zerography	�R�q�L��N
67203zeroing	�չs; �s��վ�
67204zeroing block of storage	�m�s�x�s��
67205zeroize	��s; �ɹs; �ƹs
67206Zeus program analysis	�z���{�����R	ZPA
67207zig-zag fold paper	�P�|��
67208zigzag	������; ����
67209Zilog disk operation system	Zilog �ϺЧ@�~�t��	ZDOS
67210Zilog real-time emulator	Zilog �Y�ɥ�u��; Zilog �Y�ɥ�u�{��	ZRTE
67211zinc	�N	ZN
67212zip code	�l�F���ϸ��X
67213Zipf law	���ҩw��
67214Zipf's law	�h�ҩw��
67215zonal decimal	�ϤƤQ�i��
67216zonal sampling	�ϰ���
67217zone	�x�s��; �T���( ���դ��������T�� ); �Ϭq; �h; �ϰ�; �d��	Z
67218zone bit	�Ϧ�; �a�줸
67219zone boundary	�ϰ����
67220zone center	�Ϫ��~�q�ܧ�; �Ϫ��~���ߧ�; �ϰ줤��
67221zone coverage	�ϰ�i���л\�d��
67222zone curve	�Z�����u
67223zone dercription	�x�s�ϻ���; �a�a�W��; ( ������ )���a�y�z	ZD
67224zone digit	�ϰ�Ʀ�
67225zone distance	�϶��Z��	ZD
67226zone field	��( ��r )�q
67227zone field selection	�Ϭq�H���տ��; �ϰ�r�q���	ZFS
67228zone indicator	�ϰ���ܾ�
67229zone leveling	�ϰ쥭���k
67230zone marker	�ϰ�лx; �ϰ�аO	ZM
67231zone metering system	���ϭp�q�覡; ����( �� )�έp��
67232zone of action	�@�ΰ�; ����d��
67233zone of ambiguity	��q��; ���w��
67234zone operation control	�ϰ�ާ@����	ZOC
67235zone position indicator	���Ϧ�m���ܲ�	ZPI
67236zone positions	�ϰ쳡��
67237zone punch	�Ϭq����; ��������; �T��ϥ���; �ϰ쥴��
67238zone registration	���ϰO��	ZREG
67239zone station	�a�Ϲq�ܧ�
67240zone switching center	�q�ܰϰ�洫����
67241zone system	�ϰ�t��
67242zone time	�ϰ�ɶ�	ZT
67243zone width	�ϰ�e��
67244zone-setting	�ϰ�]�m
67245zone-switching center	�ϰ�洫����
67246zoned decimal format	�Ϧ�Q�i��榡
67247zoned decimal number format	�T��ϤQ�i��Ʈ榡
67248zoned field	�Ϧ�ϰ�; �Ϧ�r�q
67249zoned format	�Ϧ�榡��
67250zoning	����; �Ϲ�
67251zoom	�ܵJ�Z; �N��v�����t���V�β��i�ؼ�; �Ϲ��ܤ�( ��j���Y�p )
67252zoom down	�Y�p
67253zoom table	�t�d��
67254zoom up	����
67255zooming	�ܵJ�Z; �Ϲ��Y��
67256Zorn's lemma	�����޲z
67257zulu time	�@�ɼзǮɶ�; ��L�ªv������	Z/TME
67258zulu time	�@�ɼзǮɶ�; ��L�ªv������	Z/TME