1 /*
2     ACfax - Fax reception with X11-interface for amateur radio
3     Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Andreas Czechanowski, DL4SDC
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17     Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19     andreas.czechanowski@ins.uni-stuttgart.de
20 */
22 /*
23  * mod_demod.c - FM and AM modulator/demodulator for ACfax
24  */
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <math.h>
30 #include <unistd.h>
31 #include "mod_demod.h"
33 #define PI M_PI
35 SHORT int firwide[] = {  6,   20,   7, -42, -74, -12, 159, 353, 440 };
36 SHORT int firmiddle[] = {   0, -18, -38, -39,   0,  83, 191, 284, 320 };
37 SHORT int firnarrow[] = {  -7, -18, -15,  11,  56, 116, 177, 223, 240 };
39 /* these some more coefficient tables were for testing only. */
40 /* int firwide[] = {  12,  24,   7, -42, -74, -12, 159, 353, 440 }; */
41 /* int firnarrow[] = { -16, -21, -15,  11,  56, 116, 177, 223, 240 }; */
42 /* int fircheap[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36, 99, 128 }; */
43 /* int firtoobig[] = { -14, -12, 18, 40, -1, -80, -71, 114, 381, 510 } */
44 /* int firnotbad[] = { 11, 16, 1, -29, -44, -3, 98, 208, 256 }; */
46 static SHORT int *fcoeff = firmiddle;
47 static int *sqrt_lo;	/* square-root lookup-table for AM demodulator */
48 static int *sqrt_hi; 	/* (splitted in 2 parts) */
49 static int *sintab;	/* sine wave table for FM modulator */
50 static int *asntab;	/* arcsin-table for FM-demodulator */
51 static int *fmphsinc;	/* phase-increment-table for FM modulator */
52 static char *amreal;	/* amplitude tables for AM modulator */
53 static int compval;	/* comparator value for APT detecion */
55 /*
56 void main(int argc, char **argv)
57 {
58   char indata[2048];
59   int  outdata[1024];
60   int  q;
62   modem_init();
63   set_modem_param (FIL_MIDL, 255, 400);
64   while ((q = fread(indata, 1, 2048, stdin)) > 0) {
65     q &= 0xfffe;
66     fm_demod(indata, q, outdata);
67   }
68 }
69 */
71 /* Initialize the modulator/demodulator functions. This function allocates
72    space for the arrays and lookup-tables
73 */
modem_init(void)75 void modem_init(void)
76 {
77   int i;
78   static int inited = 0;
80   if (inited) return;
82   sqrt_lo = (int *)malloc(2048*sizeof(int));
83   sqrt_hi = (int *)malloc(2048*sizeof(int));
84   if (!(sqrt_lo) || !(sqrt_hi)) {
85     perror("modem_init:sqrt_*");
86     exit(1);
87   }
88   amreal = (char *)malloc(258);
89   if (!(amreal)) {
90     perror("modem_init:am{real|imag}");
91     exit(1);
92   }
93   sintab = (int *)malloc(1024*sizeof(int));
94   if (!(sintab)) {
95     perror("modem_init:sintab");
96     exit(1);
97   }
98   asntab = (int *)malloc(512*sizeof(int));
99   if (!(asntab)) {
100     perror("modem_init:asntab");
101     exit(1);
102   }
103   fmphsinc = (int *)malloc(258*sizeof(int));
104   for (i=0; i<1024; i++)
105     sintab[i] = 127.5 + 127*sin(i*PI/512.0);
107   inited = -1;
108 }
110 /* set up a lookup-table for the given deviation which gives values from
111    0 to maxval with clipping beyond the edges for reception, initialize
112    a lookup-table for FM transmission.
113 */
set_modem_param(int filter,int maxval,int devi)114 void set_modem_param(int filter, int maxval, int devi)
115 {
116   int phmax;
117   int i;
119   /* initialize decoder first, if not already done */
120   modem_init();
121   /* do some range-checking */
122   if (devi < 100) devi = 100;
123   if (devi > 1200) devi = 1200;
124   if (maxval < 1) maxval = 1;
125   if (maxval > 255) maxval = 255;
126   phmax = 255.9 * sin(devi * PI / 4000.0) + 0.5;
127   for (i=0; i<512; i++) {
128     if (i <= 256-phmax)
129       asntab[i] = 0;
130     else if (i >= 256+phmax)
131       asntab[i] = maxval;
132     else
133       asntab[i] = maxval * 2000 / devi * asin((i-256.0)/256.5) / PI
134 		+ maxval/ 2;
135   }
136   for (i=0; i<2048; i++) {
137     sqrt_lo[i] = (sqrt(i) * maxval / 256.0) + 0.5;
138     sqrt_hi[i] = (sqrt(32*i) * maxval / 256.0) + 0.5;
139   }
140   for (i=0; i<=maxval; i++)
141     fmphsinc[i] = devi / 2000.0 * 65536;
142   for (i=0; i<= maxval; i++)
143     amreal[i] = 127.5 + 127.5*i/maxval;
144   compval = maxval >> 1;
145   switch (filter) {
146     case FIL_NARR:
147       fcoeff = firnarrow;
148       fprintf(stderr, "selecting narrow filter\n");
149       break;
150     case FIL_MIDL:
151       fcoeff = firmiddle;
152       fprintf(stderr, "selecting middle filter\n");
153       break;
154     case FIL_WIDE:
155       fcoeff = firwide;
156       fprintf(stderr, "selecting wide filter\n");
157       break;
158   }
159 }
161 /* Demodulate the samples taken with 8kHz to a frequency sampled with 4kHz.
162    This is done with a delay-demodulator :
164                +----------+  +-------+     +----+  +---+
165             +->|*sin(2kHz)|->|FIR-LPF|--*->|z^-1|->|mul|--+
166             |  +----------+  +-------+  |  +----+  +---+  |
167             |                           *-->--     /      |     AM^2
168             |                           |     \   /       |+     |
169             |                      +---------+ \ /      +---+  +---+
170    <input>--+               AM^2<--|amp^2 det|  X       |add|->|div|--<FM-out>
171             |                      +---------+ / \      +---+  +---+
172             |                           |     /   \       |-
173             |                           *-->--     \      |
174             |  +----------+  +-------+  |  +----+  +---+  |
175             +->|*cos(2kHz)|->|FIR-LPF|--*->|z^-1|->|mul|--+
176                +----------+  +-------+     +----+  +---+
178    The cosine-signal is simply a sequence of 1,0,-1,0 , and the sine-
179    signal is a sequence of 0,1,0,-1 values because the frequency of
180    these is exactly a fouth of the sample-rate. The values multiplied by
181    zero need not be evaluated by  the FIR-filter, what reduces the
182    calculation-effort to one half. Taps of the FIR-chain which are to
183    be multiplied with the same coefficient (possible due to the
184    symmetry of the pulse-response) are first added or subtracted,
185    so again reducing the number of multiplications to one half.
187    NOTE: incnt must be a multiple of 2 to operate properly !
188 	 output range is determined by asntab, which is set up by
189 	 set_modem_param. This table also performs the arcsin-correction
190 	 and clips values that are beyond the given deviation.
191 */
fm_demod(char * smplin,int incnt,char * decout)192 void fm_demod(char *smplin, int incnt, char *decout)
193 {
194   static SHORT int firbuf[32];	/* buffer holding the input-values */
195 /*  static int inptr = 0;	/ pointer for data-entry into firbuf */
196 /*  static int rdptr = 0;	/ pointer for data-output from firbuf */
197   static int neg = 0;		/* flag changing every 2 sample-points */
198   static int px, py, qx, qy;    /* the filtered output-results */
199   static int pamp, qamp, pfrq, qfrq;
200 /*
201   static int n = 0;
202   int smplptr = 0;
203 */
205   while (incnt >= 2) {
207     /* shift buffer "left" by 2 : copy firbuf[2..17] to firbuf[0..15] */
208     memcpy(firbuf, firbuf+2, (16*sizeof(int)));
209     /* enter 2 new samle-points into buffer */
210     firbuf[16] = *(unsigned char *)smplin++ - 128;
211     firbuf[17] = *(unsigned char *)smplin++ - 128;
212     incnt -= 2;
214     /* do the first quarter : multiply with +0-0+0-0+0-0+0-0+ for px
215        and 0-0+0-0+0-0+0-0+0 for py.
216        2 sample-periodes later, multiply with 0-0+0 for px and -0+0- for py,
217        what is done using the neg variable as flag. In this case, the result
218        for frequency is negated (amplitude is always positive) */
219     px =  (firbuf[0] + firbuf[16]) * fcoeff[0];
220     px -= (firbuf[2] + firbuf[14]) * fcoeff[2];
221     px += (firbuf[4] + firbuf[12]) * fcoeff[4];
222     px -= (firbuf[6] + firbuf[10]) * fcoeff[6];
223     px += (firbuf[8]) * fcoeff[8];
224     px >>= 2;
225     py =  (firbuf[15] - firbuf[1])  * fcoeff[1];
226     py += (firbuf[3]  - firbuf[13]) * fcoeff[3];
227     py += (firbuf[11] - firbuf[5])  * fcoeff[5];
228     py += (firbuf[7]  - firbuf[9])  * fcoeff[7];
229     py >>= 2;
230 /*
231     dfft->src[smplptr].r = (neg) ? -px : px;
232     dfft->src[smplptr].i = 0;
233     smplptr++;
234 */
235 /*    rdptr = (rdptr+1) & 31; */
236     pamp = ((px*px + py*py) >> 8) + 1;
237     pfrq = (px*qy - py*qx) / (pamp + qamp);
239     /* do the second quarter : multiply with 0-0+0-0+0-0+0-0+0 for px,
240        -0+0-0+0-0+0-0+0- for py */
241     qx =  (firbuf[15+1] - firbuf[1+1])  * fcoeff[1];
242     qx += (firbuf[3+1]  - firbuf[13+1]) * fcoeff[3];
243     qx += (firbuf[11+1] - firbuf[5+1])  * fcoeff[5];
244     qx += (firbuf[7+1]  - firbuf[9+1])  * fcoeff[7];
245     qx >>= 2;
246     qy = -(firbuf[0+1] + firbuf[16+1]) * fcoeff[0];
247     qy += (firbuf[2+1] + firbuf[14+1]) * fcoeff[2];
248     qy -= (firbuf[4+1] + firbuf[12+1]) * fcoeff[4];
249     qy += (firbuf[6+1] + firbuf[10+1]) * fcoeff[6];
250     qy -= (firbuf[8+1]) * fcoeff[8];
251     qy >>= 2;
252 /*
253     dfft->src[smplptr].r = (neg) ? -qx : qx;
254     dfft->src[smplptr].i = 0;
255     smplptr++;
256 */
257 /*    rdptr = (rdptr+1) & 31; */
258     qamp = ((qx*qx + qy*qy) >> 8) + 1;
259     qfrq = (px*qy - py*qx) / (qamp + pamp);
261     /* asntab gives values from minval to maxval for given deviation */
262     *decout = (unsigned char)asntab[(pfrq+qfrq+256) & 511];
263 /*
264     printf("%3d %5d %5d\n", n, (px*qy)/1024, (py*qx)/1024);
265     printf("%3d %5d %5d\n", n, *decout, pamp+qamp);
266     n++;
267 */
268     decout++;
269     neg = ~neg;
270   }
271 /*
272   do_dfft(dfft);
273   for (smplptr=0; smplptr<1024; smplptr++) {
274     dx = dfft->dest[smplptr].r;
275     dy = dfft->dest[smplptr].i;
276     printf("%4.1f %3.1f\n", smplptr * 3.906, 20*log10(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)));
277   }
278 */
279 }
282 /* Demodulate the samples taken with 9.6kHz to an amplitude sampled with 4.8kHz.
283    This done with a synchronous demodulator :
285                +------------+  +-------+  +------+
286             +->|*sin(2.4kHz)|->|FIR-LPF|->|square|-+
287             |  +------------+  +-------+  +------+ |
288             |                                      |
289             |                                      |
290             |                                   +-----+  +-------+
291    <input>--+                                   |adder|->|sq.root|--<AM-out>
292             |                                   +-----+  +-------+
293             |                                      |
294             |                                      |
295             |  +------------+  +-------+  +------+ |
296             +->|*cos(2.4kHz)|->|FIR-LPF|->|square|-+
297                +------------+  +-------+  +------+
299    The cosine-signal is simply a sequence of 1,0,-1,0 , and the sine-
300    signal is a sequence of 0,1,0,-1 values because the frequency of
301    these is exactly a fouth of the sample-rate. The values multiplied by
302    zero need not be evaluated by  the FIR-filter, what reduces the
303    calculation-effort to one half.
305    NOTE: incnt must be a multiple of 2 to operate properly !
306 	 output range is determined by sqrt_lo and sqrt_hi, which
307 	 are set up by set_modem_param.
308 */
am_demod(char * smplin,int incnt,char * decout)309 void am_demod(char *smplin, int incnt, char *decout)
310 {
311   static SHORT int firbuf[32];	/* buffer holding the input-values */
312 /*  static int inptr = 0;	/ pointer for data-entry into firbuf */
313 /*  static int rdptr = 0;	/ pointer for data-output from firbuf */
314   static int neg = 0;		/* flag changing every 2 sample-points */
315   static int px, py, qx, qy;    /* the filtered output-results */
316   static int pamp, qamp;
317 /*
318   static int n = 0;
319   int smplptr = 0;
320 */
322   while (incnt >= 2) {
324     /* shift buffer "left" by 2 : copy firbuf[2..17] to firbuf[0..15] */
325     memcpy(firbuf, firbuf+2, (16*sizeof(int)));
326     /* enter 2 new samle-points into buffer */
327     firbuf[16] = *(unsigned char *)smplin++ - 128;
328     firbuf[17] = *(unsigned char *)smplin++ - 128;
329     incnt -= 2;
331     /* do the first quarter : multiply with +0-0+0-0+0-0+0-0+ for px
332        and 0-0+0-0+0-0+0-0+0 for py.
333        2 sample-periodes later, multiply with 0-0+0 for px and -0+0- for py,
334        what is done using the neg variable as flag. In this case, the result
335        for frequency is negated (amplitude is always positive) */
336     px =  (firbuf[0] + firbuf[16]) * fcoeff[0];
337     px -= (firbuf[2] + firbuf[14]) * fcoeff[2];
338     px += (firbuf[4] + firbuf[12]) * fcoeff[4];
339     px -= (firbuf[6] + firbuf[10]) * fcoeff[6];
340     px += firbuf[8] * fcoeff[8];
341     px >>= 2;
342     py =  (firbuf[15] - firbuf[1])  * fcoeff[1];
343     py += (firbuf[3]  - firbuf[13]) * fcoeff[3];
344     py += (firbuf[11] - firbuf[5])  * fcoeff[5];
345     py += (firbuf[7]  - firbuf[9])  * fcoeff[7];
346     py >>= 2;
347 /*
348     dfft->src[smplptr].r = (neg) ? -px : px;
349     dfft->src[smplptr].i = 0;
350     smplptr++;
351 */
352 /*    rdptr = (rdptr+1) & 31; */
353     pamp = (px*px + py*py);
355     /* do the second quarter : multiply with 0-0+0-0+0-0+0-0+0 for px,
356        -0+0-0+0-0+0-0+0- for py */
357     qx =  (firbuf[15+1] - firbuf[1+1])  * fcoeff[1];
358     qx += (firbuf[3+1]  - firbuf[13+1]) * fcoeff[3];
359     qx += (firbuf[11+1] - firbuf[5+1])  * fcoeff[5];
360     qx += (firbuf[7+1]  - firbuf[9+1])  * fcoeff[7];
361     qx >>= 2;
362     qy = -(firbuf[0+1] + firbuf[16+1]) * fcoeff[0];
363     qy += (firbuf[2+1] + firbuf[14+1]) * fcoeff[2];
364     qy -= (firbuf[4+1] + firbuf[12+1]) * fcoeff[4];
365     qy += (firbuf[6+1] + firbuf[10+1]) * fcoeff[6];
366     qy -= firbuf[8+1] * fcoeff[8];
367     qy >>= 2;
368 /*
369     dfft->src[smplptr].r = (neg) ? -qx : qx;
370     dfft->src[smplptr].i = 0;
371     smplptr++;
372 */
373 /*    rdptr = (rdptr+1) & 31; */
374     qamp = (qx*qx + qy*qy + pamp) / 6400;
376     if (qamp >= 65535)
377       *decout = sqrt_hi[2047];
378     else if (qamp >= 2047)
379       *decout = (unsigned char)sqrt_hi[qamp >> 5];
380     else
381       *decout = (unsigned char)sqrt_lo[qamp];
383 /*
384     printf("%3d %5d %5d\n", n, (px*px)/1024, (py*py)/1024);
385     printf("%3d %5d %5d\n", n, *decout, qamp);
386     n++;
387 */
388     decout++;
389     neg = ~neg;
390   }
391 }
393 /* Encode a frequency sampled at 4kHz to an AF-signal sampled at 8kHz.
394    This is done by shifting the phase by the appropriate value for each
395    sample.
396 */
fm_modulate(char * codin,int incnt,char * smplout)397 void fm_modulate(char *codin, int incnt, char *smplout)
398 {
399   static int phs = 0;
401   while (incnt-- > 0) {
402     phs += 0x10000 + fmphsinc[*(unsigned char *)codin++];
403     phs &= 0x3ffff;
404     *smplout++ = (char)sintab[phs >> 8];
405     phs += 0x10000 + fmphsinc[*(unsigned char *)codin++];
406     phs &= 0x3ffff;
407     *smplout++ = (char)sintab[phs >> 8];
408   }
409 }
411 /* Encode an amplitude sampled at 4.8kHz to an AF-signal sampled at 9.6kHz.
412    This is done by multiplying the amplitude-values with a sampled sine-
413    function represented by a 0,1,0,-1 sequence.
414 */
am_modulate(char * codin,int incnt,char * smplout)415 void am_modulate(char *codin, int incnt, char *smplout)
416 {
417   static int neg = 0;
419   while (incnt-- > 0) {
420     if (neg) {
421       *smplout++ = amreal[*(unsigned char *)codin++];
422       *smplout++ = 128; /*amimag[*codin++]*/
423     } else {
424       *smplout++ = amreal[*(unsigned char *)codin++] ^ 0xff;
425       *smplout++ = 128; /*amimag[*codin++] ^ 0xff*/
426     }
427     neg = ~neg;
428   }
429 }