1 (*
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.        *
7  *                                                                         *
8  ***************************************************************************
9 *)
12 unit fDXCluster;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 interface
18 uses
19   Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, inifiles,
20   ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons, httpsend, uColorMemo,
21   db, lcltype, Menus, ActnList, Spin, dynlibs, lNetComponents, lnet;
23 type
24   { TfrmDXCluster }
26   TfrmDXCluster = class(TForm)
27     acPreferences : TActionList;
28     acFont : TAction;
29     acCallAlert : TAction;
30     acProgPref : TAction;
31     acChatSize: TAction;
32     btnClear: TButton;
33     btnFont: TButton;
34     btnHelp: TButton;
35     btnSelect: TButton;
36     btnTelConnect: TButton;
37     btnWebConnect: TButton;
38     Button1: TButton;
39     Button2: TButton;
40     btnPreferences : TButton;
41     dlgDXfnt: TFontDialog;
42     edtCommand: TEdit;
43     edtTelAddress: TEdit;
44     Label1: TLabel;
45     lblInfo: TLabel;
46     MenuItem1 : TMenuItem;
47     mnuSkimQSLCheck: TMenuItem;
48     MenuItem2 : TMenuItem;
49     MenuItem3 : TMenuItem;
50     MenuItem4 : TMenuItem;
51     MenuItem5 : TMenuItem;
52     MenuItem6: TMenuItem;
53     MenuItem7: TMenuItem;
54     MenuItem8: TMenuItem;
55     mnuSkimAllowFreq: TMenuItem;
56     mnuCallalert : TMenuItem;
57     Panel1: TPanel;
58     Panel2: TPanel;
59     pnlChat: TPanel;
60     Panel4: TPanel;
61     pgDXCluster: TPageControl;
62     pnlTelnet: TPanel;
63     pnlWeb: TPanel;
64     popPreferences : TPopupMenu;
65     tabTelnet: TTabSheet;
66     tabWeb: TTabSheet;
67     tmrAutoConnect: TTimer;
68     tmrSpots: TTimer;
69     trChatSize: TTrackBar;
70     procedure acCallAlertExecute(Sender : TObject);
71     procedure acChatSizeExecute(Sender: TObject);
72     procedure acFontExecute(Sender : TObject);
73     procedure acProgPrefExecute(Sender : TObject);
74     procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
75     procedure btnPreferencesClick(Sender : TObject);
76     procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
77     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
78     procedure btnHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
79     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
80     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
81     procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
82     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
83     procedure btnClearClick(Sender: TObject);
84     procedure btnSelectClick(Sender: TObject);
85     procedure btnTelConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
86     procedure btnWebConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
87     procedure edtCommandKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
88     procedure mnuCallalertClick(Sender : TObject);
89     procedure mnuSkimAllowFreqClick(Sender: TObject);
90     procedure mnuSkimQSLCheckClick(Sender: TObject);
91    procedure tmrAutoConnectTimer(Sender: TObject);
92     procedure tmrSpotsTimer(Sender: TObject);
93     procedure trChatSizeChange(Sender: TObject);
94     procedure trChatSizeClick(Sender: TObject);
95   private
96     telDesc    : String;
97     telAddr    : String;
98     telPort    : String;
99     telUser    : String;
100     telPass    : String;
101     Running    : Boolean;
102     FirstShow  : Boolean;
103     ConOnShow  : Boolean;
104     lTelnet    : TLTelnetClientComponent;
105     csDXCPref  : TRTLCriticalSection;
106     ReloadDXCPref : Boolean;
107     FirstWebGet : Boolean;
109     gcfgUseBackColor : Boolean;
110     gcfgBckColor : TColor;
111     gcfgeUseBackColor : Boolean;
112     gcfgeBckColor : TColor;
113     gcfgiDXCC : String;
114     gcfgwIOTA : Boolean;
115     gcfgNewCountryColor : TColor;
116     gcfgNewBandColor : TColor;
117     gcfgNewModeColor : TColor;
118     gcfgNeedQSLColor : TColor;
119     gcfgShowFrom : Integer;
120     gcfgLastSpots : String;
121     gcfgIgnoreBandFreq : Boolean;
122     gcfgUseDXCColors : Boolean;
123     gcfgClusterColor : TColor;
124     gcfgNotShow : String;
125     gcfgCW : Boolean;
126     gcfgSSB : Boolean;
127     gcfgEU  : Boolean;
128     gcfgAS  : Boolean;
129     gcfgAF  : Boolean;
130     gcfgNA  : Boolean;
131     gcfgSA  : Boolean;
132     gcfgAN  : Boolean;
133     gcfgOC  : Boolean;
134     gwDXCC    : String;
135     gwWAZ     : String;
136     gwITU     : String;
137     giDXCC    : String;
138     giWAZ     : String;
139     giITU     : String;
141     HistCmd      : array [0..4] of string;
142     HistPtr      : integer;
144     procedure WebDbClick(where:longint;mb:TmouseButton;ms:TShiftState);
145     procedure TelDbClick(where:longint;mb:TmouseButton;ms:TShiftState);
146     procedure ConnectToWeb;
147     procedure ConnectToTelnet;
148     procedure SynWeb;
149     procedure SynTelnet;
150     procedure SynChat;
151     procedure lConnect(aSocket: TLSocket);
152     procedure lDisconnect(aSocket: TLSocket);
153     procedure lReceive(aSocket: TLSocket);
154     procedure ChangeCallAlertCaption;
ShowSpotnull156     function  ShowSpot(spot : String; var sColor : Integer; var Country : String; FromTelnet : Boolean = True) : Boolean;
GetFreqnull157     function  GetFreq(spot : String) : String;
GetCallnull158     function  GetCall(spot : String; web : Boolean = False) : String;
GetSplitnull159     function  GetSplit(spot : String) :String;
160     procedure StoreLastCmd(LastCmd:string);
GetHistCmdnull161     function  GetHistCmd:string;
162   public
163     ConWeb    : Boolean;
164     ConTelnet : Boolean;
165     csTelnet  : TRTLCriticalSection;
167     procedure SendCommand(cmd : String);
168     procedure StopAllConnections;
169     procedure ReloadSettings;
170   end;
172   type
173     TWebThread = class(TThread)
174     protected
175       BiggerFetch : Boolean;
176       procedure Execute; override;
177   end;
179   type
180     TTelThread = class(TThread)
181     protected
182       procedure Execute; override;
183   end;
185 var
186   frmDXCluster : TfrmDXCluster;
187   Spots        : TStringList;
188   Chats        : TStringList;
189   WebSpots     : TColorMemo;
190   TelSpots     : TColorMemo;
191   ChatSpots    : TColorMemo;
192   mindex       : Integer;
193   ThInfo       : String;
194   ThSpot       : String;
195   ThColor      : Integer;
196   ThBckColor   : Integer;
197   ThChat       : String;
198   ChBckColor   : Integer;
199   TelThread    : TTelThread;
200   SentStartCmd : Boolean;
202 implementation
203 {$R *.lfm}
204 { TfrmDXCluster }
206 uses dUtils, fDXClusterList, dData, dDXCluster, fMain, fTRXControl, fNewQSO, fBandMap,
207      uMyIni, fPreferences;
209 procedure TfrmDXCluster.ConnectToWeb;
210 var
211   WebThread : TWebThread = nil;
212 begin
213   tmrSpots.Enabled := True;
214   if not Running then
215   begin
216     Running := True;
217     if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then
218       Writeln('In ConnectWeb');
219     if WebThread = nil then
220     begin
221       WebThread := TWebThread.Create(True);
222       WebThread.FreeOnTerminate := True
223     end;
224     WebThread.BiggerFetch := FirstWebGet;
225     WebThread.Start;
226     FirstWebGet := False
227   end
228 end;
230 procedure TfrmDXCluster.ConnectToTelnet;
231 begin
232   if edtTelAddress.Text='' then
233     exit;
234   if ConTelnet then
235   begin
236     btnTelConnect.Caption := 'Connect';
237     StopAllConnections;
238     ConTelnet := False;
239     exit
240   end;
241   try
242     lTelnet.Host    := telAddr;
243     lTelnet.Port    := StrToInt(telPort);
244     lTelnet.Connect;
245     lTelnet.CallAction;
246   except
247     on E : Exception do
248     begin
249       Application.MessageBox(Pchar('Cannot connect to telnet!:'+#13+'Error: '+E.Message),'Error!',mb_ok+mb_IconError)
250     end
251   end;
253   if lTelnet.Connected then
254   begin
255     edtCommand.SetFocus;
256     btnTelConnect.Caption := 'Disconnect';
257     ConTelnet := True
258   end
259 end;
261 procedure TfrmDXCluster.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction
262   );
263 begin
264   if not Assigned(cqrini) then
265     exit;
266   dmUtils.SaveWindowPos(frmDXCluster);
267   cqrini.WriteInteger('DXCluster','Tab',pgDXCluster.ActivePageIndex);
268   cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','Desc',telDesc);
269   cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','Addr',telAddr);
270   cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','Port',telPort);
271   cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','User',telUser);
272   cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','Pass',telPass);
273   cqrini.SaveToDisk;
274   if ConWeb then
275     btnWebConnect.Click;
276   if ConTelnet then
277     btnTelConnect.Click;
278   tmrSpots.Enabled := False;
279 end;
280 procedure TfrmDXCluster.StoreLastCmd(LastCmd:string);  //scroll &store last typed line
282 begin
283   HistPtr:=4;
284   Repeat
285         Begin
286          HistCmd[HistPtr] := HistCmd[HistPtr-1];
287           if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then writeln('[',HistPtr,']' ,HistCmd[HistPtr]);
288          dec(HistPtr);
289         end;
290   until HistPtr = 0;
291   HistCmd[HistPtr] := LastCmd;
293   if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then  writeln('[',HistPtr,']' ,HistCmd[HistPtr]);
295 end;
GetHistCmdnull296 function TfrmDXCluster.GetHistCmd:string;  //return line that ptr points & inc ptr(go round if not empty);
297 begin
298   Result:= HistCmd[HistPtr];
299   if (HistPtr < 4) and ( HistCmd[HistPtr+1]<>'') then
300      inc (HistPtr)
301     else
302      HistPtr:=0;
303 end;
307 procedure TfrmDXCluster.btnHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
308 begin
309   ShowHelp
310 end;
312 procedure TfrmDXCluster.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
313 begin
314   if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Closing DXCluster window');
315   TelThread.Terminate;
316   WebSpots.Free;
317   TelSpots.Free
318 end;
320 procedure TfrmDXCluster.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
321 begin
322   if FirstShow and ConOnShow then
323   begin
324     btnTelConnect.Click;
325     FirstShow := False;
326   end;
327 end;
329 procedure TfrmDXCluster.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
330 var
331   TelThread : TTelThread = nil;
332 begin
333   //Spots.Add('10368961.9  GB3CCX/B    17-Jan-2009 1905Z  51S IO81XW>IO81JM           <GW3TKH>')
334   //Spots.Add('DX de GW3TKH  10368961.9  GB3CCX/B                                    1905Z     ');
335   Spots.Add('DX de AK7V-#:     7025.30  AC2K           CW    28 dB  27 WPM  CQ      0425Z');
336   {
337   if not Running then
338   begin
339     Writeln('aa');
340     if TelThread = nil then
341     begin
342       Writeln('ab');
343       TelThread := TTelThread.Create(True);
344     end;
345     Writeln('bb');
346     TelThread.Start;
347     Writeln('cc');
348   end;
349   }
350 end;
352 procedure TfrmDXCluster.btnPreferencesClick(Sender : TObject);
353 var
354   p : TPoint;
355 begin
356   mnuCallalert.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster', 'AlertEnabled', False);
357   mnuSkimAllowFreq.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('Skimmer', 'AllowFreqEnable', False);
358   mnuSkimQSLCheck.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('Skimmer', 'QSLEnable', False);
359   ChangeCallAlertCaption;
360   p.x := 10;
361   p.y := 10;
362   p := btnPreferences.ClientToScreen(p);
363   popPreferences.PopUp(p.x, p.y)
364 end;
366 procedure TfrmDXCluster.acProgPrefExecute(Sender : TObject);
367 begin
368   cqrini.WriteInteger('Pref', 'ActPageIdx', 10);  //set DXCuster tab active. Number may change if preferences page change
369   frmNewQSO.acPreferences.Execute
370 end;
372 procedure TfrmDXCluster.acFontExecute(Sender : TObject);
373 begin
374   dlgDXfnt.Font.Name := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','Font','DejaVu Sans Mono');
375   dlgDXfnt.Font.Size := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','FontSize',12);
376   if dlgDXfnt.Execute then
377   begin
378     cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','Font',dlgDXfnt.Font.Name);
379     cqrini.WriteInteger('DXCluster','FontSize',dlgDXfnt.Font.Size);
380     WebSpots.SetFont(dlgDXfnt.Font);
381     TelSpots.SetFont(dlgDXfnt.Font);
382     ChatSpots.SetFont(dlgDXfnt.Font)
383   end
384 end;
386 procedure TfrmDXCluster.acCallAlertExecute(Sender : TObject);
387 begin
388   frmPreferences.btnAlertCallsignsClick(nil)
389 end;
391 procedure TfrmDXCluster.acChatSizeExecute(Sender: TObject);
392 begin
393        trChatSize.Max :=   pnlTelnet.Height -20;
394        trChatSize.Position := pnlChat.Height;
395        trChatSize.Visible :=true;
396        trChatSize.Cursor := crSizeWE;
397        edtCommand.Visible := false;
398        label1.Caption := 'ChatSize';
399        if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln('Chat sizing AC');
400 end;
402 procedure TfrmDXCluster.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
403 begin
404   InitCriticalSection(csTelnet);
405   InitCriticalSection(csDXCPref);
406   FirstShow := True;
407   ConOnShow := False;
408   FirstWebGet := True;
409   lTelnet := TLTelnetClientComponent.Create(nil);
410   ReloadDXCPref := True;
412   lTelnet.OnConnect    := @lConnect;
413   lTelnet.OnDisconnect := @lDisconnect;
414   lTelnet.OnReceive    := @lReceive;
416   WebSpots             := TColorMemo.Create(pnlWeb);
417   WebSpots.parent      := pnlWeb;
418   WebSpots.AutoScroll  := True;
419   WebSpots.oncDblClick := @WebDbClick;
420   WebSpots.Align       := alClient;
421   WebSpots.setLanguage(1);
424   TelSpots             := TColorMemo.Create(pnlTelnet);
425   TelSpots.parent      := pnlTelnet;
426   TelSpots.AutoScroll  := True;
427   TelSpots.oncDblClick := @TelDbClick;
428   TelSpots.Align       := alClient;
429   TelSpots.setLanguage(1);
431   ChBckColor  := $00D3F3F8;
432   pnlChat.Color := ChBckColor;
433   ChatSpots             := TColorMemo.Create(pnlChat);
434   ChatSpots.parent      := pnlChat;
435   ChatSpots.autoscroll  := True;
436   ChatSpots.Align       := alClient;
437   ChatSpots.setLanguage(1);
439   Spots := TStringList.Create;
440   Spots.Clear;
441   Chats := TStringList.Create;
442   Chats.Clear;
444   Running := False;
445   mindex  := 1;
447   TelThread := TTelThread.Create(True);
448   TelThread.FreeOnTerminate := True;
449   TelThread.Start;
450   HistPtr:=5;               //initialize command history to be clean
451   repeat
452         Begin
453           dec(HistPtr);
454           HistCmd[HistPtr]:=''
455         end;
456   until HistPtr =0;
457   SentStartCmd :=false;
458 end;
460 procedure TfrmDXCluster.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
461   Shift: TShiftState);
462 begin
463   if (key= VK_ESCAPE) then
464   begin
465     frmNewQSO.ReturnToNewQSO;
466     key := 0
467   end
468 end;
470 procedure TfrmDXCluster.WebDbClick(where:longint;mb:TmouseButton;ms:TShiftState);
471 var
472   spot : String = '';
473   tmp  : Integer = 0;
474   freq : String = '';
475   mode : String = '';
476   call : String = '';
477   etmp : Extended = 0;
478   stmp : String = '';
479   i    : Integer = 0;
480 begin
481   WebSpots.ReadLine(spot,tmp,tmp,tmp,where);
482   spot := copy(spot,i+6,Length(spot)-i-5);
483   spot := Trim(spot);
484   freq := GetFreq(spot);
485   call := GetCall(spot,True);
486   {
487   Writeln('WebDbClick*****');
488   Writeln('Spot:',spot);
489   Writeln('Freq:',freq);
490   Writeln('Call:',call);
491   Writeln('***************');
492   }
493   if NOT TryStrToFloat(freq,etmp) then
494     exit;
495   if (not dmData.BandModFromFreq(freq,mode,stmp)) or (mode='') then
496     exit;
498   frmNewQSO.NewQSOFromSpot(call,freq,mode)
499 end;
501 procedure TfrmDXCluster.TelDbClick(where:longint;mb:TmouseButton;ms:TShiftState);
502 var
503   spot : String = '';
504   tmp  : Integer = 0;
505   freq : String = '';
506   mode : String = '';
507   call : String = '';
508   etmp : Extended = 0;
509   stmp : String = '';
510   i    : Integer = 0;
511   f    : Currency;
512 begin
513   TelSpots.ReadLine(spot,tmp,tmp,tmp,where);
514   if TryStrToCurr(copy(spot,1,Pos(' ',spot)-1),f)  then
515   begin
516     freq := copy(spot,1,Pos(' ',spot)-1);
517     call := trim(copy(spot,Pos('.',spot)+2,14))
518   end
519   else begin
520     spot := copy(spot,i+6,Length(spot)-i-5);
521     spot := Trim(spot);
522     freq := GetFreq(Spot);
523     call := GetCall(Spot, ConWeb)
524   end;
525   {
526   Writeln('TelDbClick*****');
527   Writeln('Spot:',spot);
528   Writeln('Freq:',freq);
529   Writeln('Call:',call);
530   Writeln('***************');
531   }
533   if NOT TryStrToFloat(freq,etmp) then
534     exit;
535   if (not dmData.BandModFromFreq(freq,mode,stmp)) or (mode='') then
536     exit;
537   frmNewQSO.NewQSOFromSpot(call,freq,mode)
538 end;
541 procedure TfrmDXCluster.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
542 var
543   f : TFont;
544 begin
545   f := TFont.Create;
546   try
547     f.Name    := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','Font','DejaVu Sans Mono');
548     f.Size    := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','FontSize',12);
549     WebSpots.SetFont(f);
550     TelSpots.SetFont(f) ;
551     ChatSpots.SetFont(f)
552   finally
553     f.Free
554   end;
555   dmUtils.LoadFontSettings(frmDXCluster);
556   dmUtils.LoadWindowPos(frmDXCluster);
557   ReloadSettings;
558   pgDXCluster.ActivePageIndex :=  cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','Tab',1);;
559   telDesc := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','Desc','');
560   telAddr := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','Addr','');
561   telPort := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','Port','');
562   telUser := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','User','');
563   telPass := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','Pass','');
564   edtTelAddress.Text := telDesc;
566   mnuCallalert.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster', 'AlertEnabled', False);
567   mnuSkimAllowFreq.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('Skimmer', 'AllowFreqEnable', False);
568   mnuSkimQSLCheck.Checked := cqrini.ReadBool('Skimmer', 'QSLEnable', False);
570   ChangeCallAlertCaption;
572   if cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster', 'ConAfterRun', False) then
573     tmrAutoConnect.Enabled := True;
574   pnlChat.Height := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','ChatSize',2);  //default now 2 = invisible
575 end;
577 procedure TfrmDXCluster.btnClearClick(Sender: TObject);
578 begin
579   WebSpots.RemoveAllLines
580 end;
582 procedure TfrmDXCluster.btnSelectClick(Sender: TObject);
583 begin
584   frmDXClusterList := TfrmDXClusterList.Create(self);
585   try
586     frmDXClusterList.OldDesc := edtTelAddress.Text;
587     frmDXClusterList.ShowModal;
588     if frmDXClusterList.ModalResult = mrOK then
589     begin
590       telDesc            := dmData.qDXClusters.Fields[1].AsString;
591       telAddr            := dmData.qDXClusters.Fields[2].AsString;
592       telPort            := dmData.qDXClusters.Fields[3].AsString;
593       telUser            := dmData.qDXClusters.Fields[4].AsString;
594       telPass            := dmData.qDXClusters.Fields[5].AsString;
595       edtTelAddress.Text := telDesc
596     end
597   finally
598     frmDXClusterList.Free
599   end
600 end;
602 procedure TfrmDXCluster.btnTelConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
603 begin
604   if ConWeb then
605   begin
606     Application.MessageBox('You are connected to web, you must disconnect it before connect to telnet.',
607                             'Info ...',mb_ok + mb_IconInformation);
608     exit
609   end;
611   if ConTelnet then
612   begin
613     StopAllConnections;
614     btnTelConnect.Caption := 'Connect';
615     ConWeb := False;
616   end
617   else begin
618     ConnectToTelnet;
619     btnTelConnect.Caption := 'Disconnect';
620     ConTelnet := True;
621     if (Sender <> nil) then
622       edtCommand.SetFocus
623   end
624 end;
626 procedure TfrmDXCluster.btnWebConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
627 begin
628   if ConTelnet then
629   begin
630     Application.MessageBox('You are connected with telnet, you must disconnect it before connect to web cluster.',
631                             'Info ...',mb_ok + mb_IconInformation);
632     exit
633   end;
635   if ConWeb then
636   begin
637     StopAllConnections;
638     btnWebConnect.Caption := 'Connect';
639     ConWeb := False
640   end
641   else begin
642     ConnectToWeb;
643     btnWebConnect.Caption := 'Disconnect';
644     ConWeb := True;
645   end;
646 end;
648 procedure TfrmDXCluster.edtCommandKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
649 begin
650   if key=#26 then
651   Begin
652     key := #0;
653     edtCommand.Clear;
654     edtCommand.Text := GetHistCmd;
655     edtCommand.SelStart := Length(edtCommand.Text);
656   end;
657   if key=#19 then
658   Begin
659     key := #0;
660     cqrini.WriteString('DXCluster','StartCmd',edtCommand.Text);
661     if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then  writeln('ClusterStarCommand:_',edtCommand.Text,'_saved');
662     edtCommand.Clear;
663   end;
664   if key=#13 then
665   begin
666     StoreLastCmd(edtCommand.Text);
667     key := #0;
668    SendCommand(edtCommand.Text);
669    edtCommand.Clear
670   end;
671 end;
673 procedure TfrmDXCluster.mnuCallalertClick(Sender : TObject);
674 begin
675   mnuCallalert.Checked := not mnuCallalert.Checked;
676   cqrini.WriteBool('DXCluster', 'AlertEnabled', mnuCallalert.Checked);
677   ChangeCallAlertCaption
678 end;
680 procedure TfrmDXCluster.mnuSkimAllowFreqClick(Sender: TObject);
681 begin
682   mnuSkimAllowFreq.Checked := not mnuSkimAllowFreq.Checked;
683   cqrini.WriteBool('Skimmer', 'AllowFreqEnable', mnuSkimAllowFreq.Checked);
684 end;
686 procedure TfrmDXCluster.mnuSkimQSLCheckClick(Sender: TObject);
687 begin
688   mnuSkimQSLCheck.Checked := not mnuSkimQSLCheck.Checked;
689   cqrini.WriteBool('Skimmer', 'QSLEnable', mnuSkimQSLCheck.Checked);
690 end;
692 procedure TfrmDXCluster.tmrAutoConnectTimer(Sender: TObject);
693 begin
694   tmrAutoConnect.Enabled := False;
695   if pgDXCluster.ActivePageIndex = 0 then
696   begin
697     if not ConWeb then
698       btnWebConnectClick(nil)
699   end
700   else begin
701     if not ConTelnet then
702       btnTelConnectClick(nil)
703   end;
704   frmNewQSO.ReturnToNewQSO
705 end;
707 procedure TfrmDXCluster.lConnect(aSocket: TLSocket);
708 begin
709   btnTelConnect.Caption := 'Disconnect';
710   ConTelnet := True
711 end;
713 procedure TfrmDXCluster.lDisconnect(aSocket: TLSocket);
714 begin
715   btnTelConnect.Caption := 'Connect';
716   ConTelnet := False
717 end;
719 procedure TfrmDXCluster.lReceive(aSocket: TLSocket);
720 const
721   CR = #13;
722   LF = #10;
723 var
724   sStart, sStop, SkimCallStartPos, SkimCallStopPos, SkimParserAnchor: Integer;
725   stmp, tmp, Chline, Skimline, SkimCall, SkimFreq, SkimMode, prefix: String;
726   itmp, itmp2, QSLState, SkimCTYid : Integer;
727   buffer : String;
728   f, etmp : Double;
729   cmds    :TStringlist;
730   K       :integer;
731 begin
732   if lTelnet.GetMessage(buffer) = 0 then
733     exit;
734   sStart := 1;
735   sStop := Pos(CR, Buffer);
736   if sStop = 0 then
737     sStop := Length(Buffer) + 1;
738   while sStart <= Length(Buffer) do
739   begin
740     tmp  := Copy(Buffer, sStart, sStop - sStart);
741     tmp  := trim(tmp);
742     if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln(tmp);
744     if Pos(UpperCase(telUser) + ' DE', UpperCase(tmp)) > 0 then
745       Begin
746         ChLine := tmp;
747         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('pos: ', pos('>',Chline) ,' len:', length(Chline));
748         if pos('>',Chline) < length(Chline) then //if not dxcluster prompt
749          Begin //remove "mycall de" add local timestamp from PC
750            itmp := length(telUser)+4; //4 = ' DE '
751            ChLine := FormatDateTime('hh:nn',Now)+'_'+copy(Chline,itmp+1,length(Chline)-itmp);
752            if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Chat :',ChLine);
753            EnterCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
754            if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Enter critical section On Receive Chat');
755            try
756             Chats.Add(Chline);
757            finally
758             LeaveCriticalsection(csTelnet);
759             if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Leave critical section On Receive Chat')
760            end
761          end
762         else
763         Begin
764           Chline := '';
765           if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Chat : line is cluster prompt!');
766           //send start command at first prompt
767           if not SentStartCmd and (cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','StartCmd','') <> '') then
768             begin
769                cmds := Tstringlist.create;
770                 try
771                  Assert(Assigned(cmds)) ;
772                  cmds.Clear;
773                  cmds.StrictDelimiter := true;
774                  cmds.Delimiter := ',';
775                  cmds.DelimitedText := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','StartCmd','') ;
776                  for K:=0 to cmds.Count-1 do
777                   Begin
778                    SendCommand(trim(cmds[K]));
779                    if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then  writeln('Sent DXCluster connect start command:',trim(cmds[K]));
780                    sleep(100);
781                   end;
782                 finally
783                   FreeAndNil(cmds);
784                 end;
785                SentStartCmd := true;
786             end;
787         end;
788       end;
789     if  (mnuSkimAllowFreq.Checked) then
790       Begin
791       if Pos('TO ALL DE SKIMMER',UpperCase(tmp)) > 0 then
792         Begin //Handle Double Click in CwSkimmer via Telnet Commands
793           Skimline := tmp;
794           SkimCallStartPos := Pos('"',Skimline) + 1;
795           SkimCallStopPos := Pos('"',copy(Skimline,SkimCallStartPos,Length(Skimline)-SkimCallStartPos));
796           SkimCall := copy(Skimline,SkimCallStartPos,SkimCallStopPos - 1);
797           SkimFreq := copy(Skimline,Pos('at ',Skimline) + 3,Length(Skimline)-Pos('at ',Skimline));
798           if NOT TryStrToFloat(SkimFreq,etmp) then
799              exit;
800           if (not dmData.BandModFromFreq(SkimFreq,SkimMode,stmp)) or (SkimMode='') then
801              exit;
802           if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then WriteLn('Call: ' + SkimCall + ', Freq: ' + SkimFreq + ', Mode: ' + SkimMode);
803           frmNewQSO.NewQSOFromSpot(SkimCall,SkimFreq,SkimMode);
804         end;
805     end;
806     itmp := Pos('DX DE',UpperCase(tmp));
807     if (itmp > 0) or TryStrToFloat(copy(tmp,1,Pos(' ',tmp)-1),f)  then
808     begin
809       EnterCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
810       if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Enter critical section On Receive');
811       try
812         Spots.Add(tmp);
813         if Chline <> '' then Chats.Add(Chline);
814       finally
815         LeaveCriticalsection(csTelnet);
816         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Leave critical section On Receive')
817       end;
818       if  (mnuSkimQSLCheck.Checked) then
819       Begin
820         if (Pos('-#:',UpperCase(tmp)) > 0) then
821         Begin //Handle Spot from Skimmer
822           Skimline := tmp;
823           SkimParserAnchor := Pos('-#:',UpperCase(Skimline));
824           SkimCall := copy(Skimline,SkimParserAnchor + 15 , 16);
825           SkimCall := copy(SkimCall,0, Pos(' ',SkimCall) - 1);
826           SkimFreq := copy(Skimline,SkimParserAnchor + 6, 7);
827           if NOT TryStrToFloat(SkimFreq,etmp) then
828              exit;
829           if (not dmData.BandModFromFreq(SkimFreq,SkimMode,stmp)) or (SkimMode='') then
830              exit;
831           if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('CAll: ' + SkimCall + ' Freq: ' + SkimFreq);
832           SkimCTYid := dmDXCluster.id_country(SkimCall,now,stmp,stmp,stmp,stmp,stmp,stmp,stmp);
833           dmDXCluster.DXCCInfo(SkimCTYid,FloatToStr(etmp/1000),SkimMode,QSLState);
834           if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('QSLState: ' + FloatToStr(QSLState));
835           case QSLState of
836             0:
837               begin
838                 lTelnet.SendMessage('SKIMMER/STATUS ' + SkimCall + ' ' + SkimFreq + ' DUPE' + #13 + #10);
839                 if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('DUPE');
840               end;
841             1:
842               begin
843                 lTelnet.SendMessage('SKIMMER/STATUS ' + SkimCall + ' ' + SkimFreq + ' NEWCTY' + #13 + #10);
844                 if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('NEWCTY');
845               end;
846             2:
847               begin
848                 lTelnet.SendMessage('SKIMMER/STATUS ' + SkimCall + ' ' + SkimFreq + ' BNDCTY' + #13 + #10);
849                 if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('BNDCTY');
850               end;
851             4:
852               begin
853                 lTelnet.SendMessage('SKIMMER/STATUS ' + SkimCall + ' ' + SkimFreq + ' NOTCFM' + #13 + #10);
854                 if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('NOTCFM');
855               end;
856             else
857           end;
858         end;
859       end;
860     end
861     else begin
862       if (Pos('LOGIN',UpperCase(tmp)) > 0) and (telUser <> '') then
863         lTelnet.SendMessage(telUser+#13+#10);
864       if (Pos('please enter your call',LowerCase(tmp)) > 0) and (telUser <> '') then
865         lTelnet.SendMessage(telUser+#13+#10);
866       if (Pos('PASSWORD',UpperCase(tmp)) > 0) and (telPass <> '') then
867         lTelnet.SendMessage(telPass+#13+#10);
868       TelSpots.AddLine(tmp,clBlack,clWhite,0)
869     end;
870     sStart := sStop + 1;
871     if sStart > Length(Buffer) then
872       Break;
873     if Buffer[sStart] = LF then
874       sStart := sStart + 1;
875     sStop := sStart;
876     while (Buffer[sStop] <> CR) and (sStop <= Length(Buffer)) do
877       sStop := sStop + 1
878   end;
879   lTelnet.CallAction
880 end;
882 procedure TfrmDXCluster.SendCommand(cmd : String);
883 begin
884   if lTelnet.Connected then
885   begin
886     lTelnet.SendMessage(cmd + #13#10);
887     TelSpots.AddLine(cmd,clBlack,clWhite,0)
888   end
889 end;
891 procedure TfrmDXCluster.tmrSpotsTimer(Sender: TObject);
892 begin
893   if pgDXCluster.ActivePageIndex = 0 then
894     ConnectToWeb;
895 end;
897 procedure TfrmDXCluster.trChatSizeChange(Sender: TObject);
898 begin
899      pnlChat.Height := trChatSize.Position;
900 end;
902 procedure TfrmDXCluster.trChatSizeClick(Sender: TObject);
903 begin
904       trChatSize.Visible := false;
905       trChatSize.Cursor :=  crDefault;
906       edtCommand.Visible := true;
907       label1.Caption := 'Command:';
908       cqrini.WriteInteger('DXCluster','ChatSize',trChatSize.Position);
909       pnlChat.Height := trChatSize.Position;
910       if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln('Chat sizing Click');
911 end;
TfrmDXCluster.GetFreqnull913 function TfrmDXCluster.GetFreq(spot : String) : String;
914 var
915   tmp : String;
916 begin
917   tmp    := copy(spot,Pos(' ',spot),Pos('.',spot)+2 - Pos(' ',spot));
918   Result := trim(tmp)
919 end;
GetSplitnull921 function TfrmDXCluster.GetSplit(spot : String) : String;
922 var
923   tmp : String;
924   spl : String;
925   spn : String;
926   l : Integer;
927 begin
928   tmp := copy(spot,34,Length(spot)-34);
929   //Writeln('tmp: ',tmp);
930   if Pos('UP',tmp)>0 then begin
931     spl:= copy(tmp,Pos('UP',tmp),13);
932     spn:='UP';
933     for l:=3 to Length(spl) do
934        if Pos(spl[l],' 0123456789.,-+')>0 then
935            spn:=spn+spl[l]
936         else break;
937     end;
938   if Pos('DOWN',tmp)>0 then begin
939     spl:= copy(tmp,Pos('DOWN',tmp),13);
940     spn:='DOWN';
941     for l:=5 to Length(spl) do
942        if Pos(spl[l],' 0123456789.,-+')>0 then
943            spn:=spn+spl[l]
944         else break;
945     end;
946   if Pos('QSX',tmp)>0 then begin
947     spl:= copy(tmp,Pos('QSX',tmp),13);
948     spn:='QSX';
949     for l:=4 to Length(spl) do
950        if Pos(spl[l],' 0123456789.,-+')>0 then
951            spn:=spn+spl[l]
952         else break;
953     end;
954   Result := trim(spn)
955 end;
GetCallnull957 function TfrmDXCluster.GetCall(spot : String; web : Boolean = False) : String;
958 var
959   tmp : String='';
960 begin
961   if web then
962   begin
963     //Writeln('spot:',spot);
964     tmp    := trim(copy(spot,Pos(' ',spot)+1, Length(spot) -(Pos(' ',spot))));
965     //Writeln('tmp: ',tmp);
966     tmp    := copy(tmp,Pos(' ',tmp)+1, Length(tmp) -(Pos(' ',tmp)));
967     //Writeln('tmp: ',tmp);
968     if Pos(' ',tmp) > 0 then
969       tmp    := trim(copy(tmp,1,Pos(' ',tmp)));
970     //Writeln('tmp: ',tmp);
971   end
972   else begin
973     tmp    := copy(spot,Pos('.',spot)+3,Length(spot)-Pos('.',spot)-1);
974     tmp    := trim(tmp);
975     tmp    := trim(copy(tmp,1,Pos(' ',tmp)))
976   end;
977   Result := tmp
978 end;
980 procedure TfrmDXCluster.StopAllConnections;
981 begin
982   if ConWeb then
983     tmrSpots.Enabled := False;
984   if ConTelnet then
985   begin
986     if lTelnet.Connected then
987       lTelnet.Disconnect;
988     ConTelnet := False;
989     SentStartCmd := False;
990   end;
991 end;
ShowSpotnull993 function TfrmDXCluster.ShowSpot(spot : String; var sColor : Integer; var Country : String; FromTelnet : Boolean = True) : Boolean;
994 var
995   kmitocet : Extended = 0.0;
996   call     : String  = '';
997   freq     : String  = '';
998   tmp      : Integer = 0;
999   band     : String  = '';
1000   mode     : String  = '';
1001   freeText : String  = '';
1002   seznam   : TStringList;
1003   i        : Integer = 0;
1004   prefix   : String  = '';
1005   index    : Integer = 0;
1006   stmp     : String = '';
1007   waz      : String = '';
1008   itu      : String = '';
1009   cont     : String = '';
1010   ToBandMap : Boolean = False;
1011   wDXCC    : String = '';
1012   wWAZ     : String = '';
1013   wITU     : String = '';
1014   iDXCC    : String = '';
1015   iWAZ     : String = '';
1016   iITU     : String = '';
1017   lat      : String = '';
1018   long     : String = '';
1019   adif     : Word   = 0;
1020   f        : Currency;
1021   kHz      : String;
1022   splitstr : String;
1023   cLat, cLng : Currency;
1024   isLoTW : Boolean;
1025   isEQSL : Boolean;
1027   cfgUseBackColor : Boolean = True;
1028   cfgBckColor : TColor;
1029   cfgeUseBackColor : Boolean = True;
1030   cfgeBckColor : TColor;
1031   cfgiDXCC : String;
1032   cfgwIOTA : Boolean;
1033   cfgNewCountryColor : TColor;
1034   cfgNewBandColor : TColor;
1035   cfgNewModeColor : TColor;
1036   cfgNeedQSLColor : TColor;
1037   cfgShowFrom : Integer;
1038   cfgLastSpots : String;
1039   cfgIgnoreBandFreq : Boolean;
1040   cfgUseDXCColors : Boolean;
1041   cfgClusterColor : TColor;
1042   cfgNotShow : String;
1044   cfgCW : Boolean;
1045   cfgSSB : Boolean;
1046   cfgEU  : Boolean;
1047   cfgAS  : Boolean;
1048   cfgAF  : Boolean;
1049   cfgNA  : Boolean;
1050   cfgSA  : Boolean;
1051   cfgAN  : Boolean;
1052   cfgOC  : Boolean;
1053 begin
1054   sColor  := 0; //cerna
1056   EnterCriticalSection(csDXCPref);
1057   try
1058     cfgUseBackColor  := gcfgUseBackColor;
1059     cfgBckColor      := gcfgBckColor;
1060     cfgeUseBackColor := gcfgeUseBackColor;
1061     cfgeBckColor     := gcfgeBckColor;
1062     wDXCC  := gwDXCC;
1063     iDXCC  := giDXCC;
1064     wWAZ   := gwWAZ;
1065     iWAZ   := giWAZ;
1066     wITU   := gwITU;
1067     iITU   := giITU;
1068     cfgCW  := gcfgCW;
1069     cfgSSB := gcfgSSB;
1070     cfgEU  := gcfgEU;
1071     cfgAS  := gcfgAS;
1072     cfgNA  := gcfgNA;
1073     cfgSA  := gcfgSA;
1074     cfgAF  := gcfgAF;
1075     cfgAN  := gcfgAN;
1076     cfgOC  := gcfgOC;
1077     cfgiDXCC := gcfgiDXCC;
1078     cfgwIOTA := gcfgwIOTA;
1079     cfgNewCountryColor := gcfgNewCountryColor;
1080     cfgNewBandColor := gcfgNewBandColor;
1081     cfgNewModeColor := gcfgNewModeColor;
1082     cfgNeedQSLColor := gcfgNeedQSLColor;
1083     cfgShowFrom     := gcfgShowFrom;
1084     cfgLastSpots    := gcfgLastSpots;
1085     cfgIgnoreBandFreq := gcfgIgnoreBandFreq;
1086     cfgUseDXCColors := gcfgUseDXCColors;
1087     cfgClusterColor := gcfgClusterColor;
1088     cfgNotShow := gcfgNotShow
1089   finally
1090     LeaveCriticalSection(csDXCPref)
1091   end;
1093   spot := UpperCase(spot);
1094   i := Pos('DX DE ',spot);
1095   if i > 0 then
1096     spot := copy(spot,i+6,Length(spot)-i-5);
1098   if TryStrToCurr(copy(spot,1,Pos(' ',spot)-1),f)  then
1099   begin
1100     freq := copy(spot,1,Pos(' ',spot)-1);
1101     call := trim(copy(spot,Pos('.',spot)+2,14))
1102   end
1103   else begin
1104     freq     := GetFreq(Spot);
1105     call     := GetCall(Spot, ConWeb)
1106   end;
1108   splitstr := GetSplit(Spot);
1110   kHz := Freq;
1112   tmp := Pos('.',freq);
1113   if tmp > 0 then
1114     freq[tmp] := FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator;
1115   tmp := Pos(',',freq);
1116   if tmp > 0 then
1117     freq[tmp] := FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator;
1119   isLoTW := dmData.UsesLotw(call);
1120   isEQSL := dmDXCluster.UseseQSL(call);
1122   //DXCluster - default Backgroundcolor white
1123   //case lotw and eqsl is given, lotw will win
1124   ThBckColor := clWhite;
1125   if cfgeUseBackColor and isEQSL then
1126     ThBckColor := cfgeBckColor;
1127   if cfgUseBackColor and isLoTW then
1128     ThBckColor := cfgBckColor;
1130   if not TryStrToFloat(freq,kmitocet) then
1131   begin
1132     Result := False;
1133     exit
1134   end;
1135   if (not dmDXCluster.BandModFromFreq(freq,mode,band)) or (mode='') then
1136   begin
1137     Result := False;
1138     if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1139       Writeln('Cannot find out mode from frequency, exiting ...');
1140     exit
1141   end;
1142   if band = '' then
1143   begin
1144     Result := False;
1145     if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1146       Writeln('Wrong band, exiting ...');
1147     exit
1148   end;
1149   freq    := FloatToStr(kmitocet/1000);
1150   adif    := dmDXCluster.id_country(call,now,prefix,stmp,waz,itu,cont,lat,long);
1151   prefix  := dmDXCluster.PfxFromADIF(adif);
1152   Country := dmDXCluster.CountryFromADIF(adif);
1153   dmDXCluster.DXCCInfo(adif,freq,mode,index);
1154   if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then
1155   begin
1156     Writeln('dx_prefix:',prefix);
1157     Writeln('dx_cont:  ',cont);
1158     Writeln('Freq:     ',freq);
1159     Writeln('Call:     ',call)
1160   end;
1161   if dmData.DebugLevel >=2 then
1162   begin
1163     Writeln('Prefix: ',prefix);
1164     WriteLn('index_: ',index)
1165   end;
1166   if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1167   begin
1168     Writeln('Color: ',ColorToString(sColor));
1169     Writeln('Index_: ',index)
1170   end;
1172   cont := UpperCase(cont);
1173   Result := True;
1175   if Pos('.',band) > 0 then
1176     stmp := StringReplace(band,'.','',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase])
1177   else
1178     stmp := band;
1179   if not cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster','Show'+stmp,True) then
1180   begin
1181     Result := false;
1182     if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1183       Writeln('Cannot show this sport because of settings ...');
1184     exit
1185   end;
1187   if not cfgCW then
1188   begin
1189     if (mode='CW') then
1190       Result := False
1191   end;
1193   if not cfgSSB  then
1194   begin
1195     if (mode='SSB') then
1196       Result := false
1197   end;
1199   if (result = False) then
1200     exit;
1202   if wDXCC = '*' then
1203   begin
1204     if Pos(prefix+';',iDXCC) = 0 then
1205       ToBandMap := True
1206     else
1207       ToBandMap := False
1208   end;
1209   if iDXCC = '*' then
1210   begin
1211     if Pos(prefix+';',wDXCC) > 0 then
1212       ToBandMap := True
1213     else
1214       ToBandMap := False
1215   end;
1216   if wWAZ = '*' then
1217   begin
1218     if Pos(waz+';',iWAZ) = 0 then
1219       ToBandMap := True
1220     else
1221       ToBandMap := False
1222   end;
1223   if iWAZ = '*' then
1224   begin
1225     if Pos(waz+';',wWAZ) > 0 then
1226       ToBandMap := True
1227     else
1228       ToBandMap := False
1229   end;
1230   if wITU = '*' then
1231   begin
1232     if Pos(itu+';',iITU) = 0 then
1233       ToBandMap := True
1234     else
1235       ToBandMap := False
1236   end;
1237   if iITU = '*' then
1238   begin
1239     if Pos(itu+';',wITU) > 0 then
1240       ToBandMap := True
1241     else
1242       ToBandMap := False
1243   end;
1244   if (cont='EU') and cfgEU then
1245     ToBandMap := True
1246   else  begin
1247     if (cont='AS') and cfgAS then
1248       ToBandMap := True
1249     else begin
1250       if (cont='NA') and cfgNA then
1251         ToBandMap := True
1252       else begin
1253         if (cont='SA') and cfgSA then
1254           ToBandMap := True
1255         else begin
1256           if (cont='AF') and cfgAF then
1257             ToBandMap := True
1258           else begin
1259             if (cont='OC') and cfgOC then
1260               ToBandMap := True
1261             else begin
1262               if (cont='AN') and cfgAN then
1263                 ToBandMap := True
1264               else
1265                 ToBandMap := False
1266             end
1267           end
1268         end
1269       end
1270     end
1271   end;
1273   if Pos(prefix+';',cfgiDXCC+';') > 0 then
1274     ToBandMap := False;
1275   if not ToBandMap then
1276   begin
1277     if cfgwIOTA then
1278     begin
1279       if dmUtils.IsItIOTA(spot) then
1280        ToBandMap := True
1281     end
1282   end;
1283   if index = 0 then
1284     sColor := 0;
1285   if index = 1 then
1286     sColor := cfgNewCountryColor;
1287   if index = 2 then
1288     sColor := cfgNewBandColor;
1289   if index = 3 then
1290     sColor := cfgNewModeColor;
1291   if index = 4 then
1292     sColor := cfgNeedQSLColor;
1294   if (cont='') or (prefix='') then
1295     ToBandMap := True; //for MM stations etc.
1297   if cfgShowFrom = 0 then
1298   begin
1299     dmDXCluster.AddToMarkFile(prefix,call,sColor,cfgLastSpots,lat,long)
1300   end;
1302   if dmUtils.IgnoreFreq(kHz) and cfgIgnoreBandFreq then
1303   begin
1304     if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln('This freq: ',freq,' is ignored');
1305     ToBandMap := False
1306   end;
1308   if index > 0 then
1309   begin
1310     seznam := TStringList.Create;
1311     try
1312       seznam.Clear;
1313       seznam.Delimiter     := ';';
1314       seznam.DelimitedText := cfgNotShow;
1315       for i:=0 to seznam.Count-1 do
1316       begin
1317         if (prefix=seznam.Strings[i]) then
1318         begin
1319          Result:= False;
1320          if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1321             Writeln('Cannot show this sport because of prefix  ...');
1322          Break
1323         end
1324       end
1325     finally
1326       seznam.Free
1327     end
1328   end;
1330   if Result then
1331   begin
1332     if ToBandMap and frmBandMap.Showing then
1333     begin
1334       dmDXCluster.GetRealCoordinate(lat,long,cLat,cLng);
1336       if cfgUseDXCColors then
1337         frmBandMap.AddToBandMap(kmitocet,call,mode,band,splitstr,cLat,cLng,sColor,ThBckColor, False, isLoTW, isEQSL)
1338       else
1339         frmBandMap.AddToBandMap(kmitocet,call,mode,band,splitstr,cLat,cLng,
1340                                 cfgClusterColor,ThBckColor, False, isLoTW, isEQSL)
1341     end
1342   end;
1344   if  ( mnuCallalert.Checked and ConTelnet ) then // do not run IsAlertCall unless alert is selected
1345                                                    // and connected to telnet cluster
1346     if (dmDXCluster.IsAlertCall(call,band,mode,cqrini.ReadBool('DxCluster', 'AlertRegExp', False))) then
1347       Begin
1348         freeText:= dmDXCluster.GetfreeTextFromSpot('DX de '+spot);
1349         if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1350             Writeln('Spot is:',spot,#$0A,'----Call alerting is: ',call,',',band,',',mode,',',freq,',',freeText,'-----------');
1351         dmDXCluster.RunCallAlertCmd(call,band,mode,freq,freeText);
1352         call :='';
1353       end;
1354   if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
1355   begin
1356     Writeln('Color: ',ColorToString(sColor));
1357     Writeln('Index_: ',index)
1358   end
1359 end;
1361 procedure TTelThread.Execute;
1362 var
1363   dx      : String;
1364   sColor  : TColor;
1365   Country : String;
1366 begin
1367   while true do
1368   begin
1369     while Spots.Count > 0 do
1370     begin
1371       if dmData.DebugLevel>=2 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - enter critical section ');
1372       EnterCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
1373       try
1374         dx := dmUtils.MyTrim(spots.Strings[0]);
1375         spots.Delete(0)
1376       finally
1377         LeaveCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
1378         if dmData.DebugLevel>=2 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - leave critical section ');
1379       end;
1380       if dmData.DebugLevel >= 2 then Writeln('Spot: ',dx);
1381       if frmDXCluster.ShowSpot(dx,sColor, Country) then
1382       begin
1383         if cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster','ShowDxcCountry',False) then
1384           ThSpot := dx + ' ' + Country
1385         else
1386           ThSpot := dx;
1387         ThColor   := sColor;
1388         ThInfo    := '';
1389         if dmData.DebugLevel>=2 then
1390         begin
1391           Writeln('Spot nr. ',mindex);
1392           WriteLn('ThSpot: ',ThSpot);
1393           Writeln('ThColor: ',ThColor)
1394         end;
1395         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - before Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynTelnet)');
1396         Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynTelnet);
1397         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - after Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynTelnet)')
1398       end
1399     end;
1401     while Chats.Count > 0 do
1402     begin
1403       if dmData.DebugLevel>=2 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - enter critical section Chat ');
1404       EnterCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
1405       try
1406         ThChat := Trim(Chats.Strings[0]);
1407         Chats.Delete(0)
1408       finally
1409         LeaveCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
1410         if dmData.DebugLevel>=2 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - leave critical section Chat ');
1411       end;
1412       if dmData.DebugLevel >= 2 then Writeln('Chat: ',ThChat);
1413       if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - before Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynChat)');
1414       Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynChat);
1415       if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TelThread.Execute - after Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynChat)')
1416     end;
1418     sleep(500)
1419   end
1420 end;
1422 procedure TWebThread.Execute;
SpacesFromLeftnull1424   function SpacesFromLeft(What : String; TargetLen : Integer) : String;
1425   var
1426     n : Integer;
1427     i : Integer;
1428   begin
1429     Result := What;
1430     n := TargetLen - Length(what);
1431     if n < 0 then
1432       Result := copy(What,1,abs(n))
1433     else begin
1434       for i:=Length(What) to TargetLen do
1435       begin
1436         Result := ' '+Result;
1437         //Writeln(Result)
1438       end
1439     end
1440   end;
SpacesFromRightnull1442   function SpacesFromRight(What : String; TargetLen : Integer) : String;
1443   var
1444     n : Integer;
1445     i : Integer;
1446   begin
1447     Result := What;
1448     n := TargetLen - Length(what);
1449     if n < 0 then
1450       Result := copy(What,1,abs(n))
1451     else begin
1452       for i:=Length(What) to TargetLen do
1453       begin
1454         Result := Result+' ';
1455         //Writeln(Result+'*')
1456       end
1457     end
1458   end;
Explodenull1460   function  Explode(const cSeparator, vString: String): TExplodeArray;
1461   var
1462     i: integer;
1463     S: string;
1464   begin
1465     S := vString;
1466     SetLength(Result, 0);
1467     i := 0;
1468     while Pos(cSeparator, S) > 0 do
1469     begin
1470       SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
1471       Result[i] := Copy(S, 1, Pos(cSeparator, S) - 1);
1472       Inc(i);
1473       S := Copy(S, Pos(cSeparator, S) + Length(cSeparator), Length(S))
1474     end;
1475     SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
1476     Result[i] := Copy(S, 1, Length(S))
1477   end;
1479 var
1480   i,tmp   : Integer;
1481   HTTP    : THTTPSend;
1482   sp      : TStringList;
1483   spot    : String;
1484   a       : TExplodeArray;
1485   sColor  : TColor;
1486   Country : String;
1487   x       : String;
1488   limit   : String;
1489 begin
1490   if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then
1491     Writeln('In TWebThread.Execute');
1492   FreeOnTerminate      := True;
1493   frmDXCluster.Running := True;
1494   HTTP   := THTTPSend.Create;
1495   sp     := TStringList.Create;
1496   try
1497     if BiggerFetch then
1498       limit := '60'
1499     else
1500       limit := '20';
1501     sp.Clear;
1502     ThInfo := 'Connecting ...';
1503     Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynWeb);
1504     HTTP.ProxyHost := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Proxy','');
1505     HTTP.ProxyPort := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Port','');
1506     HTTP.UserName  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','User','');
1507     HTTP.Password  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Passwd','');
1508     if not HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET','http://www.hamqth.com/dxc_csv.php?limit='+limit) then
1509     begin
1510       frmDXCluster.StopAllConnections;
1511       frmDXCluster.btnWebConnect.Click;
1512       exit
1513     end;
1514     ThInfo := 'Downloading spots ...';
1515     Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynWeb);
1516     sp.LoadFromStream(HTTP.Document);
1517     for i:=0 to sp.Count-1 do
1518     begin
1519       EnterCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
1520       if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Enter critical section TWebThread.Execute');
1521       try
1522         a := Explode('^',sp.Strings[i]);
1523         if Length(a) < 3 then
1524           Continue;
1525         spot :=  SpacesFromRight('DX de '+a[0]+':',13)+ //spotter
1526                  SpacesFromLeft(a[1],8)+ ' '+  //freq
1527                  SpacesFromRight(a[2],12)+ ' ' + //dxcall
1528                  SpacesFromRight(a[3],28)+ ' ' + //comment
1529                  copy(a[4],1,4)+'Z';
1530         {
1531         Writeln(SpacesFromRight('DX de '+a[0]+':',14),'|',Length(SpacesFromRight('DX de '+a[0]+':',14)));
1532         Writeln(SpacesFromLeft(a[1],9),'|',Length(SpacesFromLeft(a[1],9)));
1533         Writeln(SpacesFromRight(a[2],13),'|',Length(SpacesFromRight(a[2],13)));
1534         Writeln(SpacesFromRight(a[3],29),'|',Length(SpacesFromRight(a[3],29)));
1535         Writeln(copy(a[4],1,4)+'Z','|',Length(copy(a[4],1,4)+'Z'));
1536         }
1537         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Adding from web:',spot);
1538         if frmDXCluster.ShowSpot(spot,sColor, Country) then
1539         begin
1540           if cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster','ShowDxcCountry',False) then
1541             ThSpot := spot + ' ' + Country
1542           else
1543             ThSpot := spot;
1544           ThColor   := sColor;
1545           ThInfo    := '';
1546           Synchronize(@frmDXCluster.SynWeb)
1547         end
1548       finally
1549         LeaveCriticalsection(frmDXCluster.csTelnet);
1550         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('Leave critical section TWebThread.Execute')
1551       end
1552     end
1553   finally
1554     ThInfo := '';
1555     HTTP.Free;
1556     sp.Free;
1557     frmDXCluster.Running := False
1558   end
1559 end;
1561 procedure TfrmDXCluster.SynWeb;
1562 begin
1563   lblInfo.Caption := ThInfo;
1564   if WebSpots.Search(ThSpot,0,True,True) = -1 then
1565   begin
1566     WebSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(true);
1567     WebSpots.AddLine(ThSpot,ThColor,ThBckColor,0);
1568     WebSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(false)
1569   end
1570   {
1571   if ThSpot = '' then
1572     exit;
1573   Writeln('******************* Hledam:',ThSpot,'********');
1574   if WebSpots.Search(ThSpot,1,True,True) = -1 then
1575   begin
1576     Writeln('*****************Nenasel:',ThSpot,'********');
1577     WebSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(true);
1578     WebSpots.vloz_vetu(ThSpot,ThColor,clWhite,0,0);
1579     WebSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(false);
1580     Sleep(200)
1581   end
1582   else
1583     Writeln('*****************Nenasel:',ThSpot,'********');
1584   }
1585 end;
1587 procedure TfrmDXCluster.SynTelnet;
1588 begin
1589   //if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TfrmDXCluster.SynTelnet - begin ');
1590   if ThSpot = '' then
1591     exit;
1592   //if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TfrmDXCluster.SynTelnet - before MapToScreen');
1593   //frmBandMap.MapToScreen;
1594   //if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TfrmDXCluster.SynTelnet - Before ]'yu
1595   if ConTelnet then
1596   begin
1597     TelSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(true);
1598     TelSpots.AddLine(ThSpot,ThColor,ThBckColor,0);
1599     TelSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(false)
1600   end
1601   else begin
1602     {
1603     if WebSpots.Search(ThSpot,0,True,True) = -1 then
1604     begin
1605       WebSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(true);
1606       WebSpots.vloz_vetu(ThSpot,ThColor,ThBckColor,0,0);
1607       WebSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(false);
1608     end
1609     }
1610   end;
1611   //if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TfrmDXCluster.SynTelnet - before PridejVetu ');
1612   //if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln('TfrmDXCluster.SynTelnet - after zakaz_kresleni');
1613   //Sleep(200)
1614 end;
1615 procedure TfrmDXCluster.SynChat;
1616 begin
1618   if ThChat = '' then
1619     exit;
1621   if ConTelnet then
1622   begin
1623     ChatSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(true);
1624     ChatSpots.AddLine(ThChat,clBlack,ChBckColor,0);
1625     ChatSpots.DisableAutoRepaint(false)
1626   end;
1627 end;
1629 procedure TfrmDXCluster.ReloadSettings;
1630 begin
1631   EnterCriticalSection(csDXCPref);
1632   try
1633     gcfgUseBackColor  := cqrini.ReadBool('LoTW','UseBackColor',True);
1634     gcfgBckColor      := cqrini.ReadInteger('LoTW','BckColor',clMoneyGreen);
1635     gcfgeUseBackColor := cqrini.ReadBool('LoTW','eUseBackColor',True);
1636     gcfgeBckColor     := cqrini.ReadInteger('LoTW','eBckColor',clSkyBlue);
1637     gwDXCC  := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','wDXCC','*');
1638     giDXCC  := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','iDXCC','');
1639     gwWAZ   := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','wWAZ','*');
1640     giWAZ   := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','iWAZ','');
1641     gwITU   := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','wITU','*');
1642     giITU   := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','iITU','');
1643     gcfgCW  := cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster','CW',true);
1644     gcfgSSB := cqrini.ReadBool('DXCluster','SSB',True);
1645     gcfgEU  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wEU',True);
1646     gcfgAS  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wAS',True);
1647     gcfgNA  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wNA',True);
1648     gcfgSA  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wSA',True);
1649     gcfgAF  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wAF',True);
1650     gcfgAN  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wAN',True);
1651     gcfgOC  := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wOC',True);
1652     gcfgiDXCC := cqrini.ReadString('BandMap','iDXCC','');
1653     gcfgwIOTA := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','wIOTA', True);
1654     gcfgNewCountryColor := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','NewCountry',0);
1655     gcfgNewBandColor := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','NewBand',0);
1656     gcfgNewModeColor := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','NewMode',0);
1657     gcfgNeedQSLColor := cqrini.ReadInteger('DXCluster','NeedQSL',0);
1658     gcfgShowFrom     := cqrini.ReadInteger('xplanet','ShowFrom',0);
1659     gcfgLastSpots    := cqrini.ReadString('xplanet','LastSpots','20');
1660     gcfgIgnoreBandFreq := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','IgnoreBandFreq',True);
1661     gcfgUseDXCColors := cqrini.ReadBool('BandMap','UseDXCColors',False);
1662     gcfgClusterColor := cqrini.ReadInteger('BandMap','ClusterColor',clBlack);
1663     gcfgNotShow := cqrini.ReadString('DXCluster','NotShow','')
1664   finally
1665     LeaveCriticalSection(csDXCPref)
1666   end
1667 end;
1669 procedure TfrmDXCluster.ChangeCallAlertCaption;
1670 begin
1671   if mnuCallalert.Checked then
1672     mnuCallalert.Caption := 'Callsign alert enabled'
1673   else
1674     mnuCallalert.Caption := 'Enable callsign alert'
1675 end;
1677 end.