1 (*
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.        *
7  *                                                                         *
8  ***************************************************************************
9 *)
12 unit fImportProgress;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 interface
18 uses
19   Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
20   ComCtrls,lcltype, synachar, ExtCtrls, httpsend, blcksock, iniFiles, FileUtil,
21   LazFileUtils;
23 type
24   TImportProgressType = (imptRegenerateDXCC, imptImportDXCCTables, imptDownloadDXCCData, imptImportLoTWAdif,
25                          imptImportQSLMgrs, imptDownloadQSLData, imptInsertQSLManagers, imptImporteQSLAdif,
26                          imptRemoveDupes, imptUpdateMembershipFiles, imptDownloadDOKData);
28 type
30   { TfrmImportProgress }
32   TfrmImportProgress = class(TForm)
33     lblCount: TLabel;
34     lblErrors: TLabel;
35     lblComment: TLabel;
36     pBarProg: TProgressBar;
37     tmrImport: TTimer;
38     procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
39     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
40     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
41     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
42     procedure tmrImportTimer(Sender: TObject);
43   private
44     running : Boolean;
45     FileSize : Int64;
46     procedure ImportDXCCTables;
47     procedure RegenerateDXCCStat;
48     procedure DownloadDXCCData;
49     procedure DownloadDOKData;
50     procedure ImportLoTWAdif;
51     procedure ImportQSLMgrs;
52     procedure DownloadQSLData;
53     procedure InsertQSLManagers;
54     procedure ImporteQSLAdif;
55     procedure RemoveDupes;
56     procedure UpdateMembershipFiles;
58     procedure SockCallBack (Sender: TObject; Reason:  THookSocketReason; const  Value: string);
60   public
61     ImportType : TImportProgressType;
62     FileName   : String;
64     Directory  : String;
65     CloseAfImport : Boolean;
66     LoTWShowNew : Boolean;
67     LoTWQSOList : TStringList;
68     eQSLShowNew : Boolean;
69     eQSLQSOList : TStringList;
71   end;
73 var
74   frmImportProgress: TfrmImportProgress;
76 implementation
77 {$R *.lfm}
78 { TfrmImportProgress }
80 uses dData, dUtils, fImportTest, dDXCC, uMyini, dLogUpload, dMembership, dSatellite;
82 procedure TfrmImportProgress.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
83 begin
84   tmrImport.Enabled := False;
85   if not running then
86   begin
87     running := True;
88     case ImportType of
89       imptRegenerateDXCC : RegenerateDXCCStat;
90       imptImportDXCCTables : ImportDXCCTables;
91       imptDownloadDXCCData : DownloadDXCCData;
92       imptDownloadDOKData : DownloadDOKData;
93       imptImportLoTWAdif : ImportLoTWAdif;
94       imptImportQSLMgrs : ImportQSLMgrs;
95       imptDownloadQSLData  : DownloadQSLData;
96       imptInsertQSLManagers : InsertQSLManagers;
97       imptImporteQSLAdif : ImporteQSLAdif;
98       imptRemoveDupes : RemoveDupes;
99       imptUpdateMembershipFiles : UpdateMembershipFiles
100     end // case
101   end
102 end;
104 procedure TfrmImportProgress.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
105 begin
106   CloseAfImport := False;
107   FileSize      := 0;
108   LoTWQSOList := TStringList.Create;
109   LoTWQSOList.Clear;
110   eQSLQSOList := TStringList.Create;
111   eQSLQSOList.Clear
112 end;
114 procedure TfrmImportProgress.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
115 begin
116   LoTWQSOList.Free;
117   eQSLQSOList.Free
118 end;
120 procedure TfrmImportProgress.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
121 begin
122   running := False;
123   dmUtils.LoadFontSettings(self);
124   tmrImport.Enabled := True
125 end;
127 procedure TfrmImportProgress.tmrImportTimer(Sender: TObject);
128 begin
129   FormActivate(nil)
130 end;
132 procedure TfrmImportProgress.ImportDXCCTables;
133 var
134   f        : TStringList;
135   i,z,y,c  : Integer;
136   Result   : TExplodeArray;
137   Prefixes : TExplodeArray;
138   ADIF     : Integer;
139   List     : TStringList;
140   tmp      : String;
141 begin
142   SetLength(Prefixes,0);
143   SetLength(Result,0);
144   f       := TStringList.Create;
145   List    := TStringList.Create;
146   List.Clear;
147   dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.Close;
148   if dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.Active then
149     dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.Rollback;
151   dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.StartTransaction;
152   dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.SQL.Text := 'DELETE FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref';
153   dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.ExecSQL;
154   dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.Commit;
155   c := 0;
156   try
157     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// country.tab
158     dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.StartTransaction;
159     f.Clear;
160     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing file country.tab ...';
161     Application.ProcessMessages;
162     f.LoadFromFile(Directory+'Country.tab');
164     for z:=0 to f.Count-1 do
165     begin
166       inc(c);
167       Result := dmUtils.Explode('|',f.Strings[z]);
168       Prefixes  := dmUtils.Explode(' ',Result[0]);
169       ADIF := StrToInt(Result[8]);
170       if ADIF > 0 then
171       begin
172         dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref (pref,name,cont,utc,lat,'+
173                                     'longit,itu,waz,adif,deleted) VALUES ('+
174                                     QuotedStr(Prefixes[0])+','+ QuotedStr(Result[1])+','+
175                                     QuotedStr(Result[2])+','+QuotedStr(Result[3])+','+
176                                     QuotedStr(Result[4])+','+QuotedStr(Result[5])+','+
177                                     QuotedStr(Result[6])+','+QuotedStr(Result[7])+','+
178                                     IntToStr(ADIF)+',0)';
179         if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln(dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.SQL.Text);
180         dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.ExecSQL;
181       end;
182     end;
183     List.AddStrings(f);
184     dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.Commit;
185     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// countrydel.tab
186     dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.StartTransaction;
187     f.Clear;
188     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing file countrydel.tab ...';
189     Application.ProcessMessages;
190     f.LoadFromFile(Directory+'CountryDel.tab');
191     for z:=0 to f.Count-1 do
192     begin
193       Result := dmUtils.Explode('|',f.Strings[z]);
194       Prefixes  := dmUtils.Explode(' ',Result[0]);
195       ADIF := StrToInt(Result[8]);
196       if ADIF > 0 then
197       begin
198         dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref (pref,name,cont,utc,lat,'+
199                                     'longit,itu,waz,adif,deleted) VALUES ('+
200                                     QuotedStr(Prefixes[0]+'*')+','+ QuotedStr(Result[1])+','+
201                                     QuotedStr(Result[2])+','+QuotedStr(Result[3])+','+
202                                     QuotedStr(Result[4])+','+QuotedStr(Result[5])+','+
203                                     QuotedStr(Result[6])+','+QuotedStr(Result[7])+','+
204                                     IntToStr(ADIF)+','+'1'+')';
205         if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then
206           Writeln(dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.SQL.Text);
207         dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.ExecSQL;
208       end;
209     end;
210     dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.Commit;
211     f.SaveToFile(dmData.HomeDir+'dxcc_data'+PathDelim+'country_del.tab');
213     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exceptions.tab
214     CopyFile(Directory+'Exceptions.tab',dmData.HomeDir+'dxcc_data'+PathDelim+'exceptions.tab');
216     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// callresolution.tbl
217     f.Clear;
218     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing file Callresolution.tbl ...';
219     Application.ProcessMessages;
220     f.LoadFromFile(Directory+'CallResolution.tbl');
221     List.AddStrings(f);
222     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AreaOK1RR.tab
224     f.Clear;
225     f.LoadFromFile(Directory+'AreaOK1RR.tbl');
226     List.AddStrings(f);
228     for y:=0 to List.Count-1 do
229     begin
230       if List.Strings[y][1] = '%' then
231       begin
232         for i:=65 to 90 do
233           list.Add(chr(i)+copy(list.Strings[y],2,Length(list.Strings[y])-1));
234       end;
235     end;
237     List.SaveToFile(dmData.HomeDir+'dxcc_data'+PathDelim+'country.tab');
239     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ambigous.tbl;
240     CopyFile(Directory+'Ambiguous.tbl',dmData.HomeDir+'dxcc_data'+PathDelim+'ambiguous.tab');
242     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing LoTW and eQSL users ...';
243     Application.ProcessMessages;
245     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory+'lotw1.txt') then
246     begin
247       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir+'lotw1.txt');
248       CopyFile(Directory+'lotw1.txt',dmData.HomeDir+'lotw1.txt');
249       dmData.LoadLoTWCalls
250     end;
252     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory+'eqsl.txt') then
253     begin
254       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir+'eqsl.txt');
255       CopyFile(Directory+'eqsl.txt',dmData.HomeDir+'eqsl.txt');
256       dmData.LoadeQSLCalls
257     end;
259     lblComment.Caption := 'Loading MASTER.SCP ...';
260     Application.ProcessMessages;
261     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory+'MASTER.SCP') then
262     begin
263       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir+'MASTER.SCP');
264       CopyFile(Directory+'MASTER.SCP',dmData.HomeDir+'MASTER.SCP');
265       dmData.LoadMasterSCP
266     end;
268     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory+'us_states.tab') then
269     begin
270       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir+'dxcc_data'+PathDelim+'us_states.tab');
271       CopyFile(Directory+'us_states.tab',dmData.HomeDir+'dxcc_data'+PathDelim+'us_states.tab')
272       //reloading is in dmDXCC.ReloadDXCCTables
273     end;
275     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory + C_SATELLITE_LIST) then
276     begin
277       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir + C_SATELLITE_LIST);
278       CopyFile(Directory + C_SATELLITE_LIST, dmData.HomeDir + C_SATELLITE_LIST);
279       dmSatellite.LoadSatellitesFromFile
280     end;
282     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory + C_PROP_MODE_LIST) then
283     begin
284       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir + C_PROP_MODE_LIST);
285       CopyFile(Directory + C_PROP_MODE_LIST, dmData.HomeDir + C_PROP_MODE_LIST);
286       dmSatellite.LoadPropModesFromFile
287     end;
289     if FileExistsUTF8(Directory + 'ContestName.tab') then
290     begin
291       DeleteFileUTF8(dmData.HomeDir + 'ContestName.tab');
292       CopyFile(Directory + 'ContestName.tab', dmData.HomeDir + 'ContestName.tab');
293     end;
295     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing IOTA table ...';
296     Application.ProcessMessages;
297     dmData.qIOTAList.Close();
298     dmData.qIOTAList.SQL.Text := 'DELETE FROM cqrlog_common.iota_list';
299     dmData.trIOTAList.StartTransaction;
300     dmData.qIOTAList.ExecSQL;
301     dmData.trIOTAList.Commit;
303     f.Clear;
304     f.LoadFromFile(Directory + 'iota.tbl');
305     dmData.trIOTAList.StartTransaction;
306     for i:= 0 to f.Count-1 do
307     begin
308       Result := dmUtils.Explode('|',f.Strings[i]);
309       if Length(Result) = 3 then
310         dmData.qIOTAList.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO cqrlog_common.iota_list (iota_nr,island_name,dxcc_ref)'+
311                                      ' VALUES ('+QuotedStr(Result[0]) + ',' +
312                                      QuotedStr(Result[1]) + ',' + QuotedStr(Result[2]) + ')'
313       else begin
314         tmp := Result[3];
315         if pos('/',tmp) > 0 then
316           tmp := Copy(tmp,1,pos('/',tmp)-1)+ '.*' + Copy(tmp,pos('/',tmp),Length(tmp)-pos('/',tmp)+1);
317         dmData.qIOTAList.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO cqrlog_common.iota_list (iota_nr,island_name,dxcc_ref,pref)'+
318                                      ' VALUES ('+QuotedStr(Result[0]) + ',' +
319                                      QuotedStr(Result[1]) + ',' + QuotedStr(Result[2])
320                                      + ',' + QuotedStr(tmp) + ')';
321       end;
322       if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then
323         Writeln(dmData.qIOTAList.SQL.Text);
325       if length(Result[1]) > 250 then ShowMessage(Result[0]);
326       if length(Result[2]) > 15 then ShowMessage(Result[0]);
327       if length(Result) > 3 then
328         if length(Result[3]) > 15 then ShowMessage(Result[0]);
329       dmData.qIOTAList.ExecSQL;
330     end;
331     dmData.trIOTAList.Commit;
333   finally
334     //dmDXCC.trDXCCRef.StartTransaction;
335     dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM cqrlog_common.dxcc_ref ORDER BY adif';
336     dmDXCC.qDXCCRef.Open;
337     f.Free;
338     List.Free;
339     Close
340   end
341 end;
343 procedure TfrmImportProgress.RegenerateDXCCStat;
344 var
345   i        : Integer;
346   adif     : Word;
347   old_adif : Word;
348   id       : Integer;
349   waz      : String;
350   itu      : String;
351   cont     : String;
352   tmp      : String;
353 begin
354   lblComment.Caption := 'Rebuilding DXCC statistics ...';
355   Caption := lblComment.Caption;
356   waz := '';
357   itu := '';
358   i   := 0;
359   lblCount.Caption := '0';
360   dmData.qCQRLOG.DisableControls;
361   try try
362     lblComment.Caption := 'Rebuilding DXCC statistics ...';
363     Repaint;
365     if dmData.trQ.Active then dmData.trQ.RollBack;
366     dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cqrlog_main';
367     dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
368     dmData.Q.Open;
369     pBarProg.Max := dmData.Q.Fields[0].AsInteger;
370     dmData.Q.Close;
371     dmData.trQ.Rollback;
373     dmData.Q1.Close;
374     if dmData.trQ1.Active then dmData.trQ1.Rollback;
375     dmData.Q1.SQL.Text := 'select id_cqrlog_main,qsodate,callsign,adif,qso_dxcc from cqrlog_main';
376     dmData.trQ1.StartTransaction;
377     dmData.Q1.Open;
378     dmData.Q1.First;
380     dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
381     while not dmData.Q1.Eof do
382     begin
383       inc(i);
384       if dmData.Q1.Fields[4].AsInteger > 0 then
385       begin
386         dmData.Q1.Next;
387         pBarProg.StepIt;
388         Continue
389       end
390       else begin
391         old_adif := dmData.Q1.Fields[3].AsInteger;
392         id       := dmData.qCQRLOG.Fields[0].AsInteger;
393         adif     := dmDXCC.id_country(dmData.Q1.Fields[2].AsString, dmUtils.StrToDateFormat(
394                                       dmData.Q1.Fields[1].AsString),
395                                       tmp, cont, tmp, waz, tmp, itu, tmp, tmp);
396         if adif<>old_adif then
397         begin
398           cont := copy(cont,1,2);
399           dmUtils.ModifyWAZITU(waz,itu);
400           if adif =  0 then
401             dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE cqrlog_main SET adif=0,waz=null,itu=null,cont=null WHERE id_cqrlog_main='+IntToStr(id)
402           else
403             dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE cqrlog_main SET adif='+IntToStr(adif)+',waz ='+waz+',itu ='+itu+',cont='+QuotedStr(cont)+' WHERE id_cqrlog_main='+IntToStr(id);
404           dmData.Q.ExecSQL
405         end
406       end;
407       dmData.Q1.Next;
408       pBarProg.StepIt;
409       lblCount.Caption := IntToStr(i);
410       if (i mod 100 = 0) then
411       begin
412         Repaint;
413         Application.ProcessMessages
414       end
415     end
416   except
417     on E : Exception do
418     begin
419       Writeln('Exception: ',E.Message);
420       dmData.trQ.RollBack
421     end
422   end;
423   dmData.trQ.Commit
424   finally
425     dmData.Q1.Close;
426     dmData.trQ1.Rollback;
427     dmData.qCQRLOG.Close;
428     dmData.qCQRLOG.Open;
429     dmData.qCQRLOG.EnableControls
430   end;
431   Close
432 end;
434 procedure TfrmImportProgress.DownloadDXCCData;
435 var
436   HTTP   : THTTPSend;
437   m      : TFileStream;
438 begin
439   FileName := dmData.HomeDir+'ctyfiles/cqrlog-cty.tar.gz';
440   if FileExists(FileName) then
441     DeleteFile(FileName);
442   http   := THTTPSend.Create;
443   m      := TFileStream.Create(FileName,fmCreate);
444   try
445     HTTP.Sock.OnStatus := @SockCallBack;
446     HTTP.ProxyHost := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Proxy','');
447     HTTP.ProxyPort := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Port','');
448     HTTP.UserName  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','User','');
449     HTTP.Password  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Passwd','');
451     if HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', 'http://www.ok2cqr.com/linux/cqrlog/ctyfiles/cqrlog-cty.tar.gz') then
452     begin
453       http.Document.Seek(0,soBeginning);
454       m.CopyFrom(http.Document,HTTP.Document.Size);
455       if dmUtils.UnTarFiles(FileName,ExtractFilePath(FileName)) then
456       begin
457         Directory := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
458         ImportDXCCTables
459       end;
460     end;
461   finally
462     http.Free;
463     m.Free;
464   end
465 end;
467 procedure TfrmImportProgress.DownloadDOKData;
468 var
469   HTTP   : THTTPSend;
470   m      : TFileStream;
471 begin
472   FileName := dmData.HomeDir+'dok_data/doks.tar.gz';
473   if FileExists(FileName) then
474     DeleteFile(FileName);
475   http   := THTTPSend.Create;
476   m      := TFileStream.Create(FileName,fmCreate);
477   try
478     HTTP.Sock.OnStatus := @SockCallBack;
479     HTTP.ProxyHost := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Proxy','');
480     HTTP.ProxyPort := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Port','');
481     HTTP.UserName  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','User','');
482     HTTP.Password  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Passwd','');
484     if HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', 'https://www.df2et.de/cqrlog/doks.tar.gz') then
485     begin
486       http.Document.Seek(0,soBeginning);
487       m.CopyFrom(http.Document,HTTP.Document.Size);
488       if dmUtils.UnTarFiles(FileName,ExtractFilePath(FileName)) then
489       begin
490         Directory := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
491       end;
492     end;
493   finally
494     http.Free;
495     m.Free;
496     Close;
497   end
498 end;
500 procedure TfrmImportProgress.DownloadQSLData;
501 var
502   HTTP   : THTTPSend;
503   m      : TFileStream;
504 begin
505   FileName := dmData.HomeDir+'ctyfiles'+PathDelim+'qslmgr.tar.gz';
506   if FileExists(FileName) then
507     DeleteFile(FileName);
508   http   := THTTPSend.Create;
509   m      := TFileStream.Create(FileName,fmCreate);
510   try
511     HTTP.Sock.OnStatus := @SockCallBack;
512     HTTP.ProxyHost := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Proxy','');
513     HTTP.ProxyPort := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Port','');
514     HTTP.UserName  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','User','');
515     HTTP.Password  := cqrini.ReadString('Program','Passwd','');
516     if HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', 'http://www.ok2cqr.com/linux/cqrlog/qslmgr/qslmgr.tar.gz') then
517     begin
518       http.Document.Seek(0,soBeginning);
519       m.CopyFrom(http.Document,HTTP.Document.Size);
520       if dmUtils.UnTarFiles(FileName,ExtractFilePath(FileName)) then
521       begin
522         Directory := ExtractFilePath(FileName);
523         FileName  := Directory + 'qslmgr.csv';
524         ImportQSLMgrs
525       end;
526     end;
527   finally
528     http.Free;
529     m.Free;
530   end
531 end;
533 procedure TfrmImportProgress.SockCallBack (Sender: TObject; Reason:   THookSocketReason; const  Value: string);
534 begin
535   if Reason = HR_ReadCount then
536   begin
537     FileSize := FileSize + StrToInt(Value);
538     lblCount.Caption := IntToStr(FileSize);
539     Repaint;
540     Application.ProcessMessages;
541   end;
542 end;
545 procedure TfrmImportProgress.ImportLoTWAdif;
546 var
547   num      : Word = 1;
548   qsln     : Word = 0;
549   size     : Word;
550   sSize    : String;
551   a        : String;
552   orig     : String;
553   f        : TextFile;
554   PosEOH   : Word;
555   PosEOR   : Word;
556   call     : String;
557   band     : String;
558   mode     : String;
559   qsodate  : String;
560   time_on  : String;
561   qslr     : String;
562   qslrdate : String;
563   cqz      : String;
564   ituz     : String;
565   iota     : String;
566   grid     : String;
567   state    : String;
568   county   : String;
569   PosCall     : Word;
570   PosBand     : Word;
571   PosMode     : Word;
572   PosQsoDate  : Word;
573   PosTime_on  : Word;
574   PosQslr     : Word;
575   PosQslrDate : Word;
576   PosCqz      : Word;
577   PosItuz     : Word;
578   PosIota     : Word;
579   PosGrid     : Word;
580   PosState    : Word;
581   PosCounty   : Word;
583   qso_in_log  : Boolean = False;
584   ErrorCount  : Word = 0;
585   l           : TStringList;
586   t_lotw : TDateTime;
587   t_lotw_min,t_lotw_max  : TDateTime;
588   t_log : TDateTime;
590 begin
591   if dmData.trQ.Active then
592     dmData.trQ.RollBack;
593   if dmData.trQ1.Active then
594     dmData.trQ1.RollBack;
597   l := TStringList.Create;
598   AssignFile(f,FileName);
599   try
600     if cqrini.ReadBool('OnlineLog','IgnoreLoTWeQSL',False) and dmLogUpload.LogUploadEnabled then
601       dmLogUpload.DisableOnlineLogSupport;
603     dmData.trQ1.StartTransaction;
604     dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
605     Reset(f);
606     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing LoTW Adif file ...';
607     pBarProg.Visible   := False;
608     Repaint;
609     PosEOH := 0;
610     PosEOR := 0;
611     while (PosEOH = 0) and (not eof(f)) do //Skip header
612     begin
613       Readln(f, a);
614       a      := UpperCase(a);
615       PosEOH := Pos('<EOH>', a);
616     end;
617     if PosEOH > 0 then //we have valid lotw adif output
618     begin
619       while not eof(f) do
620       begin
621         call     := '';
622         band     := '';
623         mode     := '';
624         qsodate  := '';
625         time_on  := '';
626         qslr     := '';
627         qslrdate := '';
628         cqz      := '';
629         ituz     := '';
630         iota     := '';
631         grid     := '';
632         state    := '';
633         county   := '';
634         PosEOR   := 0;
635         while not ((PosEOR > 0) or eof(f)) do
636         begin
637           qso_in_log := False;
638           Readln(f, a);
639           a    := Trim(a);
640           orig := a;
641           a    := UpperCase(a);
643           PosCall     := Pos('<CALL:',a);
644           PosBand     := Pos('<BAND:',a);
645           PosMode     := Pos('<MODE:',a);
646           PosQsoDate  := Pos('<QSO_DATE:',a);
647           PosTime_on  := Pos('<TIME_ON:',a);
648           PosQslr     := Pos('<QSL_RCVD:',a);
649           PosQslrDate := Pos('<QSLRDATE:',a);
650           PosCqz      := Pos('<CQZ:',a);
651           PosItuz     := Pos('<ITUZ:',a);
652           PosIota     := Pos('<IOTA:',a);
653           PosGrid     := Pos('<GRIDSQUARE:',a);
654           PosState    := Pos('<STATE:',a);
655           PosCounty   := Pos('<CNTY:',a);
656           PosEOR      := Pos('<EOR>',a);
658           if PosCall > 0 then
659           begin
660             sSize   := '';
661             PosCall := PosCall + 6;
662             while not (a[PosCall] = '>') do
663             begin
664               sSize := sSize + a[PosCall];
665               inc(PosCall)
666             end;
667             Size := StrToInt(sSize);
668             call := copy(orig,PosCall+1,Size)
669           end;
671           if PosBand > 0 then
672           begin
673             sSize   := '';
674             PosBand := PosBand + 6;
675             while not (a[PosBand] = '>') do
676             begin
677               sSize := sSize + a[PosBand];
678               inc(PosBand)
679             end;
680             Size := StrToInt(sSize);
681             band := copy(orig,PosBand+1,Size)
682           end;
684           if PosMode > 0 then
685           begin
686             sSize   := '';
687             PosMode := PosMode + 6;
688             while not (a[PosMode] = '>') do
689             begin
690               sSize := sSize + a[PosMode];
691               inc(PosMode)
692             end;
693             Size := StrToInt(sSize);
694             mode := copy(orig,PosMode+1,Size)
695           end;
697           if PosQsoDate > 0 then
698           begin
699             sSize      := '';
700             PosQsoDate := PosQsoDate + 10;
701             while not (a[PosQsoDate] = '>') do
702             begin
703               sSize := sSize + a[PosQsoDate];
704               inc(PosQsoDate)
705             end;
706             Size    := StrToInt(sSize);
707             qsodate := copy(orig,PosQsoDate+1,Size)
708           end;
710           if PosTime_on > 0 then
711           begin
712             sSize      := '';
713             PosTime_on := PosTime_on + 9;
714             while not (a[PosTime_on] = '>') do
715             begin
716               sSize := sSize + a[PosTime_on];
717               inc(PosTime_on)
718             end;
719             Size    := StrToInt(sSize);
720             time_on := copy(orig,PosTime_on+1,Size)
721           end;
724           if PosQslr > 0 then
725           begin
726             sSize   := '';
727             PosQslr := PosQslr + 10;
728             while not (a[PosQslr] = '>') do
729             begin
730               sSize := sSize + a[PosQslr];
731               inc(PosQslr)
732             end;
733             Size := StrToInt(sSize);
734             qslr := copy(orig,PosQslr+1,Size)
735           end;
737           if PosQslrDate > 0 then
738           begin
739             sSize      := '';
740             PosQslrDate := PosQslrDate + 10;
741             while not (a[PosQslrDate] = '>') do
742             begin
743               sSize := sSize + a[PosQslrDate];
744               inc(PosQslrDate)
745             end;
746             Size     := StrToInt(sSize);
747             qslrdate := copy(orig,PosQslrDate+1,Size)
748           end;
750           if PosCqz > 0 then
751           begin
752             sSize  := '';
753             PosCqz := PosCqz + 5;
754             while not (a[PosCqz] = '>') do
755             begin
756               sSize := sSize + a[PosCqz];
757               inc(PosCqz)
758             end;
759             Size := StrToInt(sSize);
760             cqz  := copy(orig,PosCqz+1,Size)
761           end;
763           if PosItuz > 0 then
764           begin
765             sSize   := '';
766             PosItuz := PosItuz + 6;
767             while not (a[PosItuz] = '>') do
768             begin
769               sSize := sSize + a[PosItuz];
770               inc(PosItuz)
771             end;
772             Size  := StrToInt(sSize);
773             ituz  := copy(orig,PosItuz+1,Size)
774           end;
776           if PosIota > 0 then
777           begin
778             sSize   := '';
779             PosIota := PosIota + 6;
780             while not (a[PosIota] = '>') do
781             begin
782               sSize := sSize + a[PosIota];
783               inc(PosIota)
784             end;
785             Size  := StrToInt(sSize);
786             iota  := copy(orig,PosIota+1,Size)
787           end;
789           if PosGrid > 0 then
790           begin
791             sSize   := '';
792             PosGrid := PosGrid + 12;
793             while not (a[PosGrid] = '>') do
794             begin
795               sSize := sSize + a[PosGrid];
796               inc(PosGrid)
797             end;
798             Size  := StrToInt(sSize);
799             grid  := copy(orig,PosGrid+1,Size)
800           end;
802           if PosState > 0 then
803           begin
804             sSize    := '';
805             PosState := PosState + 7;
806             while not (a[PosState] = '>') do
807             begin
808               sSize := sSize + a[PosState];
809               inc(PosState)
810             end;
811             Size  := StrToInt(sSize);
812             state := copy(orig,PosState+1,Size)
813           end;
815           if PosCounty > 0 then
816           begin
817             sSize     := '';
818             PosCounty := PosCounty + 6;
819             while not (a[PosCounty] = '>') do
820             begin
821               sSize := sSize + a[PosCounty];
822               inc(PosCounty)
823             end;
824             Size   := StrToInt(sSize);
825             county := copy(orig,PosCounty+1,Size)
826           end;
828           if PosEOR > 0 then
829           begin
830             //inc(qsln);
831             if dmData.DebugLevel >= 1 then
832             begin
833              // Writeln('Number:   ',IntToStr(qsln));
834               Writeln('Call:     ',call);
835               Writeln('Band:     ',band);
836               Writeln('Mode:     ',mode);
837               Writeln('QSO_date: ',qsodate);
838               Writeln('Time_on:  ',time_on);
839               Writeln('QSLR:     ',qslr);
840               Writeln('QSLRDate: ',qslrdate);
841               Writeln('CQZ:      ',cqz);
842               Writeln('ITUZ:     ',ituz);
843               Writeln('IOTA:     ',iota);
844               Writeln('Grid:     ',grid);
845               Writeln('State:    ',state);
846               Writeln('County:   ',county);
847               Writeln('------------------------------------------------')
848             end;
849             band  := dmUtils.GetBandFromFreq(dmUtils.FreqFromBand(band,'CW'));
850             qsodate  := dmUtils.ADIFDateToDate(qsodate);
851             qslrdate := dmUtils.ADIFDateToDate(qslrdate);
853             mode := UpperCase(mode);
854             if mode='JT65' then
855               mode := 'JT65A';
857             dmData.Q.Close;
858             dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'select time_on,lotw_qslr,waz,itu,iota,loc,state,county,id_cqrlog_main from cqrlog_main ' +
859                                  'where (qsodate ='+QuotedStr(qsodate)+') '+
860                                  'and (band = ' + QuotedStr(band) + ')'+
861 //                                 'and (mode = ' + QuotedStr(mode) + ') and (band = ' + QuotedStr(band) + ')'+
862                                  'and (callsign = ' + QuotedStr(call) + ')';
863             if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
864             //if dmData.trQ.Active then dmData.trQ.Rollback;
865             //dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
866             dmData.Q.Open();
867             dmData.Q.First;
868             if dmData.Q.Eof then  qso_in_log := False;
869             while not dmData.Q.Eof do
870             begin
871               qso_in_log := False;
873               t_lotw := EncodeTime(StrToInt(copy(time_on,1,2)),
874                         StrToInt(copy(time_on,3,2)),0,0);
876               t_log := EncodeTime(StrToInt(copy(dmData.Q.Fields[0].AsString,1,2)),
877                         StrToInt(copy(dmData.Q.Fields[0].AsString,4,2)),0,0);
879               t_lotw_min := t_lotw-5/1440;
880               t_lotw_max := t_lotw+5/1440;
882               if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln(call,'|',TimeToStr(t_log),' | ',TimeToStr(t_lotw_min),'|',TimeToStr(t_lotw_max));
884               if (t_log >=t_lotw_min) and (t_log<=t_lotw_max)  then
885               begin
886                 if (dmData.Q.Fields[1].AsString <> 'L') then
887                 begin
888                   if LoTWShowNew then  //this qso is already confirmed
889                     LoTWQSOList.Add(qsodate+ ' ' + call + ' ' + band + ' ' + mode);
890                   dmData.Q1.Close;
891                   dmData.Q1.SQL.Clear;
892                   dmData.Q1.SQL.Add('update cqrlog_main set lotw_qslr = ' + QuotedStr('L'));
893                   dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',lotw_qslrdate = ' + QuotedStr(qslrdate));
894                   if cqz<>'' then
895                     dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',waz = ' + QuotedStr(cqz));
896                   if ituz<>'' then
897                     dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',itu = ' + QuotedStr(ituz));
898                   if iota<>'' then
899                     dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',iota = ' + QuotedStr(iota));
900                   if (grid <> '') and (dmData.Q.Fields[5].AsString='') then
901                     dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',loc = ' + QuotedStr(grid));
902                   if (state<>'') and (dmData.Q.Fields[6].AsString='') then
903                     dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',state = ' + QuotedStr(state));
904                   if (county<>'') and (dmData.Q.Fields[7].AsString='') then
905                     dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',county = ' + QuotedStr(county));
906                   dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(' where id_cqrlog_main = ' + dmData.Q.Fields[8].AsString);
907                   inc(qsln);
908                   if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q1.SQL.Text+ '  qsl number:'+ IntToStr(qsln));
909                   dmData.Q1.ExecSQL
910                 end;
911                 qso_in_log := True;
912                 Break
913               end;
914               dmData.Q.Next
915             end;
916             if not qso_in_log then
917             begin
918               l.Add('QSO NOT FOUND in log');
919               l.Add('Call:     '+call);
920               l.Add('Band:     '+band);
921               l.Add('Mode:     '+mode);
922               l.Add('QSO_date: '+qsodate);
923               l.Add('Time_on:  '+time_on);
924               l.Add('QSLR:     '+qslr);
925               l.Add('QSLRDate: '+qslrdate);
926               l.Add('CQZ:      '+cqz);
927               l.Add('ITUZ:     '+ituz);
928               l.Add('IOTA:     '+iota);
929               l.Add('Grid:     '+grid);
930               l.Add('State:    '+state);
931               l.Add('County:   '+county);
932               l.Add('------------------------------------------------');
933               l.Add('');
934               inc(ErrorCount)
935             end
936           end
937         end;
938         inc(num);
939         lblCount.Caption:= IntToStr(num);
940         if num mod 100 = 0 then
941           Repaint
942       end;
943       dmData.trQ1.Commit;
944       if ErrorCount > 0 then
945       begin
946         l.SaveToFile(dmData.HomeDir + 'lotw_error.txt');
947         if Application.MessageBox(PChar(IntToStr(ErrorCount)+' QSO(s) were not found in your log. '#13' QSO(s) are stored to '+dmData.HomeDir + 'lotw_error.txt'+
948                                   LineEnding+LineEnding+'Do you want to show the file?'),'Question ....',mb_YesNo+mb_IconQuestion)=idYes then
949            dmUtils.OpenInApp(dmData.HomeDir + 'lotw_error.txt')
950         //ShowMessage(IntToStr(ErrorCount)+' QSO(s) were not found in your log. '#13' QSO(s) are stored to '+dmData.HomeDir + 'lotw_error.txt')
951       end
952     end
953     else begin
954       if Application.MessageBox('Something is wrong because LoTW server returned invalid adif file header.'+LineEnding+
955                                 'Your LoTW username/password could be wrong or LoTW server is down.'+LineEnding+LineEnding+'Do you want to show the file?',
956                                 'Error ...',mb_YesNo+mb_IconQuestion) = idYes then
957         dmUtils.OpenInApp(FileName)
958     end
959   finally
960     dmData.Q.Close();
961     if dmData.trQ.Active then
962       dmData.trQ.Rollback;
963     if dmData.trQ1.Active then
964       dmData.trQ1.Rollback;
965     l.Free;
966     CloseFile(f);
967     if cqrini.ReadBool('OnlineLog','IgnoreLoTWeQSL',False) and dmLogUpload.LogUploadEnabled then
968       dmLogUpload.EnableOnlineLogSupport(False)
969   end;
970   Close
971 end;
973 procedure TfrmImportProgress.ImportQSLMgrs;
974 const
975   C_INS = 'INSERT INTO cqrlog_common.qslmgr (callsign,qsl_via,fromdate) VALUES (:callsign,:qsl_via, :fromdate)';
976 var
977   sF : TextFile;
978   a  : TExplodeArray;
979   call     : String = '';
980   qsl_via  : String = '';
981   fromDate : String = '';
982   line     : String = '';
983   num      : Word = 1;
984   e        : Boolean = False;
985 begin
986   lblComment.Caption := 'Importing QSL managers ...';
987   AssignFile(sF,FileName);
988   FileMode := 0;
989   {$I-}
990   Reset(sF);
991   {$I+}
992   if IOResult <> 0 then
993   begin
994     Application.MessageBox(PChar('Can not open source file ' + FileName + ' for reading!'),'Error ...',mb_ok+
995                            mb_IconError);
996     exit
997   end;
998   Application.ProcessMessages;
999   Repaint;
1000   try try
1001     dmData.qQSLMgr.Close;
1002     if dmData.trQSLMgr.Active then dmData.trQSLMgr.Rollback;
1003     dmData.trQSLMgr.StartTransaction;
1004     dmData.qQSLMgr.SQL.Text := 'delete from cqrlog_common.qslmgr';
1005     dmData.qQSLMgr.ExecSQL;
1006     dmData.qQSLMgr.SQL.Text := C_INS;
1007     while not Eof(sF) do
1008     begin
1009       readln(sF,line);
1010       Writeln('Line: ',line);
1011       a := dmUtils.Explode(';',line);
1012       call     := a[0];
1013       qsl_via  := a[1];
1014       fromDate := a[2]+'-01';
1017       dmData.qQSLMgr.Prepare;
1018       dmData.qQSLMgr.Params[0].AsString := call;
1019       dmData.qQSLMgr.Params[1].AsString := qsl_via;
1020       dmData.qQSLMgr.Params[2].AsString := fromDate;
1021       dmData.qQSLMgr.ExecSQL;
1023       inc(num);
1024       lblCount.Caption := IntToStr(num);
1025       if num mod 100 = 0 then
1026         Repaint
1027     end
1028   except
1029     on Ex : Exception do
1030     begin
1031       dmData.trQSLMgr.Rollback;
1032       e := True;
1033       Writeln(Ex.Message)
1034     end
1035   end
1036   finally
1037     CloseFile(sF);
1038     if not e then
1039       dmData.trQSLMgr.Commit
1040   end;
1041   Close
1042 end;
1044 procedure TfrmImportProgress.InsertQSLManagers;
1045 var
1046   qsl_via : String = '';
1047   i : Integer = 0;
1048 begin
1049   lblComment.Caption := 'Inserting QSL managers ...';
1050   pBarProg.Max := dmData.qCQRLOG.RecordCount;
1051   Application.ProcessMessages;
1052   dmData.qCQRLOG.DisableControls;
1053   try
1054     dmData.qCQRLOG.First;
1055     while not dmData.qCQRLOG.Eof do
1056     begin
1057       if (dmData.qCQRLOG.FieldByName('qsl_via').AsString = '') and
1058          dmData.QSLMgrFound(dmData.qCQRLOG.Fields[4].AsString,dmData.qCQRLOG.Fields[1].AsString,qsl_via) then
1059       begin
1060         dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1061         dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'update cqrlog_main set qsl_via = ' + QuotedStr(qsl_via) +
1062                              ' where id_cqrlog_main = '+ IntToStr(dmData.qCQRLOG.FieldByName('id_cqrlog_main').AsInteger);
1063         if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
1064         dmData.Q.ExecSQL;
1065         dmData.trQ.Commit
1066       end;
1067       dmData.qCQRLOG.Next;
1068       pBarProg.StepIt;
1069       inc(i);
1070       if i mod 100 = 0 then
1071         Application.ProcessMessages
1072     end
1073   finally
1074     dmData.qCQRLOG.EnableControls
1075   end;
1076   Close
1077 end;
1079 procedure TfrmImportProgress.ImporteQSLAdif;
1080 var
1081   num      : Word = 1;
1082   size     : Word;
1083   sSize    : String;
1084   a        : String;
1085   orig     : String;
1086   f        : TextFile;
1087   PosEOH   : Word;
1088   PosEOR   : Word;
1089   call     : String;
1090   band     : String;
1091   mode     : String;
1092   submode  : String;
1093   qsodate  : String;
1094   time_on  : String;
1095   qslr     : String;
1096   PosCall     : Word;
1097   PosBand     : Word;
1098   PosMode     : Word;
1099   PosSubmode  : Word;
1100   PosQsoDate  : Word;
1101   PosTime_on  : Word;
1102   PosQslr     : Word;
1104   qso_in_log  : Boolean = False;
1105   ErrorCount  : Word = 0;
1106   l           : TStringList;
1107   t_eQSL      : TDateTime;
1108   t_eQSL_min  : TDateTime;
1109   t_eQSL_max  : TDateTime;
1110   t_log       : TDateTime;
1112 begin
1113   l := TStringList.Create;
1114   if dmData.trQ.Active then
1115     dmData.trQ.RollBack;
1116   if dmData.trQ1.Active then
1117     dmData.trQ1.RollBack;
1119   if cqrini.ReadBool('OnlineLog','IgnoreLoTWeQSL',False) then
1120     dmLogUpload.DisableOnlineLogSupport;
1122   dmData.trQ1.StartTransaction;
1123   dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1124   try
1125     AssignFile(f,FileName);
1126     Reset(f);
1127     lblComment.Caption := 'Importing eQSL Adif file ...';
1128     pBarProg.Visible   := False;
1129     Repaint;
1130     PosEOH := 0;
1131     PosEOR := 0;
1132     while not (PosEOH > 0) do //Skip header
1133     begin
1134       Readln(f, a);
1135       a      := UpperCase(a);
1136       PosEOH := Pos('<EOH>', a);
1137     end;
1138     while not eof(f) do
1139     begin
1140       call     := '';
1141       band     := '';
1142       mode     := '';
1143       submode  := '';
1144       qsodate  := '';
1145       time_on  := '';
1146       qslr     := '';
1147       PosEOR   := 0;
1148       while not ((PosEOR > 0) or eof(f)) do
1149       begin
1150         Readln(f, a);
1151         a    := Trim(a);
1152         orig := a;
1153         a    := UpperCase(a);
1155         PosCall     := Pos('<CALL:',a);
1156         PosBand     := Pos('<BAND:',a);
1157         PosMode     := Pos('<MODE:',a);
1158         PosSubmode  := Pos('<SUBMODE:',a);
1159         PosQsoDate  := Pos('<QSO_DATE:8:D',a);
1160         PosTime_on  := Pos('<TIME_ON:',a);
1161         PosQslr     := Pos('<QSL_RCVD:',a);
1162         PosEOR      := Pos('<EOR>',a);
1164         if PosCall > 0 then
1165         begin
1166           sSize   := '';
1167           PosCall := PosCall + 6;
1168           while not (a[PosCall] = '>') do
1169           begin
1170             sSize := sSize + a[PosCall];
1171             inc(PosCall)
1172           end;
1173           Size := StrToInt(sSize);
1174           call := copy(orig,PosCall+1,Size)
1175         end;
1177         if PosBand > 0 then
1178         begin
1179           sSize   := '';
1180           PosBand := PosBand + 6;
1181           while not (a[PosBand] = '>') do
1182           begin
1183             sSize := sSize + a[PosBand];
1184             inc(PosBand)
1185           end;
1186           Size := StrToInt(sSize);
1187           band := copy(orig,PosBand+1,Size)
1188         end;
1190         if PosMode > 0 then
1191         begin
1192           sSize   := '';
1193           PosMode := PosMode + 6;
1194           while not (a[PosMode] = '>') do
1195           begin
1196             sSize := sSize + a[PosMode];
1197             inc(PosMode)
1198           end;
1199           Size := StrToInt(sSize);
1200           mode := copy(orig,PosMode+1,Size)
1201         end;
1203         if PosSubmode > 0 then
1204         begin
1205           sSize   := '';
1206           PosSubmode := PosSubmode + 9;
1207           while not (a[PosSubmode] = '>') do
1208           begin
1209             sSize := sSize + a[PosSubmode];
1210             inc(PosSubmode)
1211           end;
1212           Size := StrToInt(sSize);
1213           submode := copy(orig,PosSubmode+1,Size)
1214         end;
1216         if PosQsoDate > 0 then
1217         begin
1218           qsodate :=copy(orig,PosQsoDate+14,8);
1219           {
1220           sSize      := '';
1221           PosQsoDate := PosQsoDate + 13;
1222           while not (a[PosQsoDate] = '>') do
1223           begin
1224             sSize := sSize + a[PosQsoDate];
1225             inc(PosQsoDate)
1226           end;
1227           Size    := StrToInt(sSize);
1228           qsodate := copy(orig,PosQsoDate+1,Size)
1229           }
1230         end;
1232         if PosTime_on > 0 then
1233         begin
1234           sSize      := '';
1235           PosTime_on := PosTime_on + 9;
1236           while not (a[PosTime_on] = '>') do
1237           begin
1238             sSize := sSize + a[PosTime_on];
1239             inc(PosTime_on)
1240           end;
1241           Size    := StrToInt(sSize);
1242           time_on := copy(orig,PosTime_on+1,Size)
1243         end;
1245         if PosQslr > 0 then
1246         begin
1247           sSize   := '';
1248           PosQslr := PosQslr + 10;
1249           while not (a[PosQslr] = '>') do
1250           begin
1251             sSize := sSize + a[PosQslr];
1252             inc(PosQslr)
1253           end;
1254           Size := StrToInt(sSize);
1255           qslr := copy(orig,PosQslr+1,Size)
1256         end;
1258         if PosEOR > 0 then
1259         begin
1260           band    := UpperCase(band);
1261           mode    := UpperCase(mode);
1262           submode := UpperCase(submode);
1263           qslr    := UpperCase(qslr);
1264           call    := UpperCase(call);
1265           if dmData.DebugLevel >= 1 then
1266           begin
1267             Writeln('Call:     ',call);
1268             Writeln('Band:     ',band);
1269             Writeln('Mode:     ',mode);
1270             Writeln('Submode:  ',submode);
1271             Writeln('QSO_date: ',qsodate);
1272             Writeln('Time_on:  ',time_on);
1273             Writeln('QSLR:     ',qslr);
1274             Writeln('------------------------------------------------')
1275           end;
1276           qsodate  := dmUtils.ADIFDateToDate(qsodate);
1277           mode     := UpperCase(mode);
1280           dmData.Q.Close;
1282           if (mode='JT65') then  //since implementing submodes below, this can most probably be removed
1283           begin
1284             dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'select id_cqrlog_main,eqsl_qsl_rcvd,time_on from cqrlog_main ' +
1285                                  'where (qsodate ='+QuotedStr(qsodate)+') '+
1286                                  'and ((mode = ' + QuotedStr('JT65') + ') or (mode='+QuotedStr('JT65A')+') '+
1287                                  'or (mode='+QuotedStr('JT65B')+') or (mode='+QuotedStr('JT65C')+')) '+
1288                                  'and (band = ' + QuotedStr(band) + ') '+
1289                                  'and (callsign = ' + QuotedStr(call) + ')'
1290           end
1291           else begin
1292             dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'select id_cqrlog_main,eqsl_qsl_rcvd,time_on from cqrlog_main ' +
1293                                  'where (qsodate ='+QuotedStr(qsodate)+') '+
1294                                  'and ((mode = ' + QuotedStr(mode) + ') or (mode = ' + QuotedStr(submode) + ')) '+
1295                                  'and (band = ' + QuotedStr(band) + ') '+
1296                                  'and (callsign = ' + QuotedStr(call) + ')'
1297           end;
1298           if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
1299           //if dmData.trQ.Active then dmData.trQ.Rollback;
1300           //dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1301           dmData.Q.Open();
1302           while not dmData.Q.Eof do
1303           begin
1304             qso_in_log := False;
1306             t_eQSL := EncodeTime(StrToInt(copy(time_on,1,2)),
1307                       StrToInt(copy(time_on,3,2)),0,0);
1309             t_log  := EncodeTime(StrToInt(copy(dmData.Q.Fields[2].AsString,1,2)),
1310                       StrToInt(copy(dmData.Q.Fields[2].AsString,4,2)),0,0);
1312             t_eQSL_min := t_eQSL-60/1440;
1313             t_eQSL_max := t_eQSL+60/1440;
1315             if dmData.DebugLevel >=1 then Writeln(call,'|',TimeToStr(t_log),' | ',TimeToStr(t_eQSL_min),'|',TimeToStr(t_eQSL_max));
1317             if (t_log >=t_eQSL_min) and (t_log<=t_eQSL_max)  then
1318             begin
1319               if eQSLShowNew and (dmData.Q.Fields[1].AsString <> 'E') then
1320                 eQSLQSOList.Add(qsodate+ ' ' + call + ' ' + band + ' ' + mode);
1321               if (dmData.Q.Fields[1].AsString <> 'E') then
1322               begin
1323                 dmData.Q1.Close;
1324                 dmData.Q1.SQL.Clear;
1325                 dmData.Q1.SQL.Add('update cqrlog_main set eqsl_qsl_rcvd = ' + QuotedStr('E'));
1326                 dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(',eqsl_qslrdate = ' + QuotedStr(dmUtils.DateInRightFormat(now)));
1327                 dmData.Q1.SQL.Add(' where id_cqrlog_main = ' + dmData.Q.Fields[0].AsString);
1328                 if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q1.SQL.Text);
1329                 dmData.Q1.ExecSQL
1330               end;
1331               qso_in_log := True;
1332               Break //should only be one qso confirmed, if we have several answers we stop looping those if found one match
1333             end;
1334             dmData.Q.Next
1335           end;
1336           if not qso_in_log then
1337           begin
1338             l.Add('QSO NOT FOUND in log');
1339             l.Add('Call:     '+call);
1340             l.Add('Band:     '+band);
1341             l.Add('Mode:     '+mode);
1342             l.Add('Mode:     '+submode);
1343             l.Add('QSO_date: '+qsodate);
1344             l.Add('Time_on:  '+time_on);
1345             l.Add('------------------------------------------------');
1346             l.Add('');
1347             inc(ErrorCount)
1348           end
1349         end
1350       end;
1351       inc(num);
1352       lblCount.Caption:= IntToStr(num);
1353       if num mod 100 = 0 then
1354         Repaint
1355     end;
1356     dmData.trQ1.Commit;
1357     CloseFile(f);
1358     if ErrorCount > 0 then
1359     begin
1360       l.SaveToFile(dmData.UsrHomeDir + 'eQSL_error.txt');
1361       ShowMessage('Some QSO(s) were not found in your log. '#13' QSO(s) are stored to '+dmData.UsrHomeDir + 'eQSL_error.txt')
1362     end
1363   finally
1364     l.Free;
1365     if cqrini.ReadBool('OnlineLog','IgnoreLoTWeQSL',False) then
1366       dmLogUpload.EnableOnlineLogSupport(False);
1367     Close
1368   end
1369 end;
1371 procedure TfrmImportProgress.RemoveDupes;
1372 var
1373   err : Boolean = False;
1374 begin
1375   Caption := 'Remove dupes from the log';
1376   lblComment.Caption := 'Creating temporary table';
1377   Application.ProcessMessages;
1378   try try
1379     dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1380     dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'create table tempdupes like cqrlog_main';
1381     if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
1382     dmData.Q.ExecSQL;
1383     dmData.trQ.Commit;
1385     lblComment.Caption := 'Checking for dupe QSOs';
1386     Application.ProcessMessages;
1387     sleep(200);
1389     dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1390     dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'insert into tempdupes ' +
1391                          '  select * from cqrlog_main group by qsodate,time_on,callsign,mode,band';
1392     if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
1393     dmData.Q.ExecSQL;
1395     dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'delete from cqrlog_main';
1396     if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
1397     dmData.Q.ExecSQL;
1399     dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'insert into cqrlog_main select * from tempdupes';
1400     if dmData.DebugLevel>=1 then Writeln(dmData.Q.SQL.Text);
1401     dmData.Q.ExecSQL
1402   except
1403     on E : Exception do
1404     begin
1405       Application.MessageBox(PChar('ERROR:'+E.Message+LineEnding),'Error ..',mb_OK+mb_IconError);
1406       err := True
1407     end
1408   end
1409   finally
1410     if err then
1411       dmData.trQ.Rollback
1412     else
1413       dmData.trQ.Commit;
1415     lblComment.Caption := 'Done ...';
1416     Application.ProcessMessages;
1417     Sleep(500);
1419     dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1420     dmData.Q.SQL.Text := 'drop table tempdupes';
1421     dmData.Q.ExecSQL;
1422     dmData.trQ.Commit;
1423     Close
1424   end
1425 end;
1427 procedure TfrmImportProgress.UpdateMembershipFiles;
1429   procedure SaveMembershipFile(l : TStringList; ClubFileName : String);
1430   begin
1431     if not DirectoryExistsUTF8(dmData.HomeDir + 'members') then
1432       CreateDirUTF8(dmData.HomeDir + 'members');
1433     l.SaveToFile(dmData.HomeDir + 'members' + DirectorySeparator + ClubFileName)
1434   end;
1436   procedure ImportMembeshipFileToDatabase(l : TStringList; ClubFileName : String);
1437   const
1438     C_INS = 'insert into %s (club_nr,clubcall,fromdate,todate) values (:club_nr, :clubcall, :fromdate, :todate)';
1439   var
1440     ClubTableName : String;
1441     i : Integer;
1442     y : Integer;
1443     ClubLine : TMembershipLine;
1444   begin
1445     ClubTableName := dmMembership.GetClubTableName(ClubFileName);
1446     pBarProg.Position := 0;
1447     pBarProg.Max := l.Count-1;
1449     dmData.q.Close;
1450     try try
1451       dmData.trQ.StartTransaction;
1452       for i:=0 to l.Count-1 do
1453       begin
1454         //ship file header
1455         if (i < 2) then
1456           Continue;
1458         ClubLine := dmMembership.GetMembershipStructure(l.Strings[i]);
1460         dmData.Q.SQL.Text := Format(C_INS, [ClubTableName]);
1461         dmData.Q.Prepare;
1462         dmData.Q.Params[0].AsString := ClubLine.club_nr;
1463         dmData.Q.Params[1].AsString := ClubLine.club_call;
1464         dmData.Q.Params[2].AsString := ClubLine.fromdate;
1465         dmData.Q.Params[3].AsString := ClubLine.todate;
1466         dmData.Q.ExecSQL;
1467         pBarProg.StepIt;
1468         Application.ProcessMessages
1469       end
1470     except
1471       on E : Exception do
1472       begin
1473         Application.MessageBox(PChar('ERROR:' + LineEnding + LineEnding + E.ToString), 'Error', mb_OK + mb_IconError);
1474         dmData.trQ.Rollback
1475       end
1476     end
1477     finally
1478       dmData.Q.Close;
1479       if dmData.trQ.Active then
1480         dmData.trQ.Commit
1481     end
1482   end;
1484 var
1485   i : Integer;
1486   ClubFileNameWithPath : String;
1487   ClubFileName : String;
1488   data : String;
1489   l : TStringList;
1490 begin
1491   Application.ProcessMessages;
1492   l := TStringList.Create;
1493   try try
1494     for i:=0 to dmMembership.ListOfMembershipFilesForUpdate.Count-1 do
1495     begin
1496       if (dmMembership.ListOfMembershipFilesForUpdate.Strings[i] = '') then
1497         Continue;
1499       l.Clear;
1500       ClubFileNameWithPath := dmMembership.ListOfMembershipFilesForUpdate.Strings[i];
1501       ClubFileName := ExtractFileName(ClubFileNameWithPath);
1503       lblComment.Caption := 'Downloading ' + ClubFileName;
1504       Application.ProcessMessages;
1506       if dmUtils.GetDataFromHttp(Format(C_MEMBERSHIP_DOWNLOAD_URL,[ClubFileName]), data) then
1507       begin
1508         l.Add(data);
1510         lblComment.Caption := 'Importing ' + ClubFileName;
1511         Application.ProcessMessages;
1513         SaveMembershipFile(l, ClubFileName);
1514         //without loading again whole data was in one line only
1515         l.Clear;
1516         l.LoadFromFile(dmData.HomeDir + 'members' + DirectorySeparator + ClubFileName);
1518         ImportMembeshipFileToDatabase(l, ClubFileName);
1520         dmMembership.SaveLastMembershipUpdateDate(ClubFileName, now());
1521       end
1522     end
1523   except
1524     on E : Exception do
1525       Application.MessageBox(PChar('ERROR:' + LineEnding + LineEnding + E.ToString), 'Error', mb_OK + mb_IconError)
1526   end
1527   finally
1528     FreeAndNil(l)
1529   end;
1530   Close
1531 end;
1533 end.