1 {==============================================================================|
2 | Project : Ararat Synapse                                       | 009.010.000 |
3 |==============================================================================|
4 | Content: Library base                                                        |
5 |==============================================================================|
6 | Copyright (c)1999-2017, Lukas Gebauer                                        |
7 | All rights reserved.                                                         |
8 |                                                                              |
9 | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without           |
10 | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:  |
11 |                                                                              |
12 | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this  |
13 | list of conditions and the following disclaimer.                             |
14 |                                                                              |
15 | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,    |
16 | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation    |
17 | and/or other materials provided with the distribution.                       |
18 |                                                                              |
19 | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may      |
20 | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without    |
21 | specific prior written permission.                                           |
22 |                                                                              |
33 | DAMAGE.                                                                      |
34 |==============================================================================|
35 | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
36 | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)1999-2017.                |
37 | All Rights Reserved.                                                         |
38 |==============================================================================|
39 | Contributor(s):                                                              |
40 |==============================================================================|
41 | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package                           |
42 |          (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/)                       |
43 |==============================================================================}
45 {
46 Special thanks to Gregor Ibic <gregor.ibic@intelicom.si>
47  (Intelicom d.o.o., http://www.intelicom.si)
48  for good inspiration about SSL programming.
49 }
52 {Note about define ONCEWINSOCK:
53 If you remove this compiler directive, then socket interface is loaded and
54 initialized on constructor of TBlockSocket class for each socket separately.
55 Socket interface is used only if your need it.
57 If you leave this directive here, then socket interface is loaded and
58 initialized only once at start of your program! It boost performace on high
59 count of created and destroyed sockets. It eliminate possible small resource
60 leak on Windows systems too.
61 }
64 {When you enable this define, then is Raiseexcept property is on by default
65 }
67 {:@abstract(Synapse's library core)
69 Core with implementation basic socket classes.
70 }
74 {$ENDIF}
75 {$IFDEF VER125}
76   {$DEFINE BCB}
77 {$ENDIF}
79   {$ObjExportAll On}
80 {$ENDIF}
81 {$Q-}
82 {$H+}
83 {$M+}
87 //old Delphi does not have MSWINDOWS define.
88 {$IFDEF WIN32}
91   {$ENDIF}
92 {$ENDIF}
97 {$ENDIF}
99 unit blcksock;
101 interface
103 uses
104   SysUtils, Classes,
105   synafpc,
106   synsock, synautil, synacode, synaip
107 {$IFDEF CIL}
108   ,System.Net
109   ,System.Net.Sockets
110   ,System.Text
111 {$ENDIF}
112   ;
114 const
116   SynapseRelease = '40';
118   cLocalhost = '';
119   cAnyHost = '';
120   cBroadcast = '';
121   c6Localhost = '::1';
122   c6AnyHost = '::0';
123   c6Broadcast = 'ffff::1';
124   cAnyPort = '0';
125   CR = #$0d;
126   LF = #$0a;
127   CRLF = CR + LF;
128   c64k = 65536;
130 type
132   {:@abstract(Exception clas used by Synapse)
133    When you enable generating of exceptions, this exception is raised by
134    Synapse's units.}
135   ESynapseError = class(Exception)
136   private
137     FErrorCode: Integer;
138     FErrorMessage: string;
139   published
140     {:Code of error. Value depending on used operating system}
141     property ErrorCode: Integer read FErrorCode Write FErrorCode;
142     {:Human readable description of error.}
143     property ErrorMessage: string read FErrorMessage Write FErrorMessage;
144   end;
146   {:Types of OnStatus events}
147   THookSocketReason = (
148     {:Resolving is begin. Resolved IP and port is in parameter in format like:
149      'localhost.somewhere.com:25'.}
150     HR_ResolvingBegin,
151     {:Resolving is done. Resolved IP and port is in parameter in format like:
152      'localhost.somewhere.com:25'. It is always same as in HR_ResolvingBegin!}
153     HR_ResolvingEnd,
154     {:Socket created by CreateSocket method. It reporting Family of created
155      socket too!}
156     HR_SocketCreate,
157     {:Socket closed by CloseSocket method.}
158     HR_SocketClose,
159     {:Socket binded to IP and Port. Binded IP and Port is in parameter in format
160      like: 'localhost.somewhere.com:25'.}
161     HR_Bind,
162     {:Socket connected to IP and Port. Connected IP and Port is in parameter in
163      format like: 'localhost.somewhere.com:25'.}
164     HR_Connect,
165     {:Called when CanRead method is used with @True result.}
166     HR_CanRead,
167     {:Called when CanWrite method is used with @True result.}
168     HR_CanWrite,
169     {:Socket is swithed to Listen mode. (TCP socket only)}
170     HR_Listen,
171     {:Socket Accepting client connection. (TCP socket only)}
172     HR_Accept,
173     {:report count of bytes readed from socket. Number is in parameter string.
174      If you need is in integer, you must use StrToInt function!}
175     HR_ReadCount,
176     {:report count of bytes writed to socket. Number is in parameter string. If
177      you need is in integer, you must use StrToInt function!}
178     HR_WriteCount,
179     {:If is limiting of bandwidth on, then this reason is called when sending or
180      receiving is stopped for satisfy bandwidth limit. Parameter is count of
181      waiting milliseconds.}
182     HR_Wait,
183     {:report situation where communication error occured. When raiseexcept is
184      @true, then exception is called after this Hook reason.}
185     HR_Error
186     );
188   {:Procedural type for OnStatus event. Sender is calling TBlockSocket object,
189    Reason is one of set Status events and value is optional data.}
190   THookSocketStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSocketReason;
191     const Value: String) of object;
193   {:This procedural type is used for DataFilter hooks.}
194   THookDataFilter = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Value: AnsiString) of object;
196   {:This procedural type is used for hook OnCreateSocket. By this hook you can
197    insert your code after initialisation of socket. (you can set special socket
198    options, etc.)}
199   THookCreateSocket = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
201   {:This procedural type is used for monitoring of communication.}
202   THookMonitor = procedure(Sender: TObject; Writing: Boolean;
203     const Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer) of object;
205   {:This procedural type is used for hook OnAfterConnect. By this hook you can
206    insert your code after TCP socket has been sucessfully connected.}
207   THookAfterConnect = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
209   {:This procedural type is used for hook OnVerifyCert. By this hook you can
210    insert your additional certificate verification code. Usefull to verify server
211    CN against URL. }
endernull213   THookVerifyCert = function(Sender: TObject):boolean of object;
215  {:This procedural type is used for hook OnHeartbeat. By this hook you can
216    call your code repeately during long socket operations.
217    You must enable heartbeats by @Link(HeartbeatRate) property!}
218   THookHeartbeat = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
220   {:Specify family of socket.}
221   TSocketFamily = (
222     {:Default mode. Socket family is defined by target address for connection.
223      It allows instant access to IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. When you need IPv6 address
224      as destination, then is used IPv6 mode. othervise is used IPv4 mode.
225      However this mode not working properly with preliminary IPv6 supports!}
226     SF_Any,
227     {:Turn this class to pure IPv4 mode. This mode is totally compatible with
228      previous Synapse releases.}
229     SF_IP4,
230     {:Turn to only IPv6 mode.}
231     SF_IP6
232     );
234   {:specify possible values of SOCKS modes.}
235   TSocksType = (
236     ST_Socks5,
237     ST_Socks4
238     );
240   {:Specify requested SSL/TLS version for secure connection.}
241   TSSLType = (
242     LT_all,
243     LT_SSLv2,
244     LT_SSLv3,
245     LT_TLSv1,
246     LT_TLSv1_1,
247     LT_TLSv1_2,
248     LT_SSHv2
249     );
251   {:Specify type of socket delayed option.}
252   TSynaOptionType = (
253     SOT_Linger,
254     SOT_RecvBuff,
255     SOT_SendBuff,
256     SOT_NonBlock,
257     SOT_RecvTimeout,
258     SOT_SendTimeout,
259     SOT_Reuse,
260     SOT_TTL,
261     SOT_Broadcast,
262     SOT_MulticastTTL,
263     SOT_MulticastLoop
264     );
266   {:@abstract(this object is used for remember delayed socket option set.)}
267   TSynaOption = class(TObject)
268   public
269     Option: TSynaOptionType;
270     Enabled: Boolean;
271     Value: Integer;
272   end;
274   TCustomSSL = class;
275   TSSLClass = class of TCustomSSL;
277   {:@abstract(Basic IP object.)
278    This is parent class for other class with protocol implementations. Do not
279    use this class directly! Use @link(TICMPBlockSocket), @link(TRAWBlockSocket),
280    @link(TTCPBlockSocket) or @link(TUDPBlockSocket) instead.}
281   TBlockSocket = class(TObject)
282   private
283     FOnStatus: THookSocketStatus;
284     FOnReadFilter: THookDataFilter;
285     FOnCreateSocket: THookCreateSocket;
286     FOnMonitor: THookMonitor;
287     FOnHeartbeat: THookHeartbeat;
288     FLocalSin: TVarSin;
289     FRemoteSin: TVarSin;
290     FTag: integer;
291     FBuffer: AnsiString;
292     FRaiseExcept: Boolean;
293     FNonBlockMode: Boolean;
294     FMaxLineLength: Integer;
295     FMaxSendBandwidth: Integer;
296     FNextSend: LongWord;
297     FMaxRecvBandwidth: Integer;
298     FNextRecv: LongWord;
299     FConvertLineEnd: Boolean;
300     FLastCR: Boolean;
301     FLastLF: Boolean;
302     FBinded: Boolean;
303     FFamily: TSocketFamily;
304     FFamilySave: TSocketFamily;
305     FIP6used: Boolean;
306     FPreferIP4: Boolean;
307     FDelayedOptions: TList;
308     FInterPacketTimeout: Boolean;
309     {$IFNDEF CIL}
310     FFDSet: TFDSet;
311     {$ENDIF}
312     FRecvCounter: Integer;
313     FSendCounter: Integer;
314     FSendMaxChunk: Integer;
315     FStopFlag: Boolean;
316     FNonblockSendTimeout: Integer;
317     FHeartbeatRate: integer;
318     FConnectionTimeout: integer;
320     FWsaDataOnce: TWSADATA;
321     {$ENDIF}
GetSizeRecvBuffernull322     function GetSizeRecvBuffer: Integer;
323     procedure SetSizeRecvBuffer(Size: Integer);
GetSizeSendBuffernull324     function GetSizeSendBuffer: Integer;
325     procedure SetSizeSendBuffer(Size: Integer);
326     procedure SetNonBlockMode(Value: Boolean);
327     procedure SetTTL(TTL: integer);
GetTTLnull328     function GetTTL:integer;
329     procedure SetFamily(Value: TSocketFamily); virtual;
330     procedure SetSocket(Value: TSocket); virtual;
GetWsaDatanull331     function GetWsaData: TWSAData;
FamilyToAFnull332     function FamilyToAF(f: TSocketFamily): TAddrFamily;
333   protected
334     FSocket: TSocket;
335     FLastError: Integer;
336     FLastErrorDesc: string;
337     FOwner: TObject;
338     procedure SetDelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
339     procedure DelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
340     procedure ProcessDelayedOptions;
341     procedure InternalCreateSocket(Sin: TVarSin);
342     procedure SetSin(var Sin: TVarSin; IP, Port: string);
GetSinIPnull343     function GetSinIP(Sin: TVarSin): string;
GetSinPortnull344     function GetSinPort(Sin: TVarSin): Integer;
345     procedure DoStatus(Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: string);
346     procedure DoReadFilter(Buffer: TMemory; var Len: Integer);
347     procedure DoMonitor(Writing: Boolean; const Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer);
348     procedure DoCreateSocket;
349     procedure DoHeartbeat;
350     procedure LimitBandwidth(Length: Integer; MaxB: integer; var Next: LongWord);
351     procedure SetBandwidth(Value: Integer);
TestStopFlagnull352     function TestStopFlag: Boolean;
353     procedure InternalSendStream(const Stream: TStream; WithSize, Indy: boolean); virtual;
InternalCanReadnull354     function InternalCanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
InternalCanWritenull355     function InternalCanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
356   public
357     constructor Create;
359     {:Create object and load all necessary socket library. What library is
360      loaded is described by STUB parameter. If STUB is empty string, then is
361      loaded default libraries.}
362     constructor CreateAlternate(Stub: string);
363     destructor Destroy; override;
365     {:If @link(family) is not SF_Any, then create socket with type defined in
366      @link(Family) property. If family is SF_Any, then do nothing! (socket is
367      created automaticly when you know what type of socket you need to create.
368      (i.e. inside @link(Connect) or @link(Bind) call.) When socket is created,
369      then is aplyed all stored delayed socket options.}
370     procedure CreateSocket;
372     {:It create socket. Address resolving of Value tells what type of socket is
373      created. If Value is resolved as IPv4 IP, then is created IPv4 socket. If
374      value is resolved as IPv6 address, then is created IPv6 socket.}
375     procedure CreateSocketByName(const Value: String);
377     {:Destroy socket in use. This method is also automatically called from
378      object destructor.}
379     procedure CloseSocket; virtual;
381     {:Abort any work on Socket and destroy them.}
382     procedure AbortSocket; virtual;
384     {:Connects socket to local IP address and PORT. IP address may be numeric or
385      symbolic ('', 'cosi.nekde.cz', 'ff08::1'). The same for PORT
386      - it may be number or mnemonic port ('23', 'telnet').
388      If port value is '0', system chooses itself and conects unused port in the
389      range 1024 to 4096 (this depending by operating system!). Structure
390      LocalSin is filled after calling this method.
392      Note: If you call this on non-created socket, then socket is created
393      automaticly.
395      Warning: when you call : Bind('','0'); then is nothing done! In this
396      case is used implicit system bind instead.}
397     procedure Bind(IP, Port: string);
399     {:Connects socket to remote IP address and PORT. The same rules as with
400      @link(BIND) method are valid. The only exception is that PORT with 0 value
401      will not be connected!
403      Structures LocalSin and RemoteSin will be filled with valid values.
405      When you call this on non-created socket, then socket is created
406      automaticly. Type of created socket is by @link(Family) property. If is
407      used SF_IP4, then is created socket for IPv4. If is used SF_IP6, then is
408      created socket for IPv6. When you have family on SF_Any (default!), then
409      type of created socket is determined by address resolving of destination
410      address. (Not work properly on prilimitary winsock IPv6 support!)}
411     procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); virtual;
413     {:Sets socket to receive mode for new incoming connections. It is necessary
414      to use @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) function call before this method to select
415      receiving port!}
416     procedure Listen; virtual;
418     {:Waits until new incoming connection comes. After it comes a new socket is
419      automatically created (socket handler is returned by this function as
420      result).}
Acceptnull421     function Accept: TSocket; virtual;
423     {:Sends data of LENGTH from BUFFER address via connected socket. System
424      automatically splits data to packets.}
SendBuffernull425     function SendBuffer(Buffer: Tmemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
427     {:One data BYTE is sent via connected socket.}
428     procedure SendByte(Data: Byte); virtual;
430     {:Send data string via connected socket. Any terminator is not added! If you
431      need send true string with CR-LF termination, you must add CR-LF characters
432      to sended string! Because any termination is not added automaticly, you can
433      use this function for sending any binary data in binary string.}
434     procedure SendString(Data: AnsiString); virtual;
436     {:Send integer as four bytes to socket.}
437     procedure SendInteger(Data: integer); virtual;
439     {:Send data as one block to socket. Each block begin with 4 bytes with
440      length of data in block. This 4 bytes is added automaticly by this
441      function.}
442     procedure SendBlock(const Data: AnsiString); virtual;
444     {:Send data from stream to socket.}
445     procedure SendStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
447     {:Send content of stream to socket. It using @link(SendBlock) method}
448     procedure SendStream(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
450     {:Send content of stream to socket. It using @link(SendBlock) method and
451     this is compatible with streams in Indy library.}
452     procedure SendStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
454     {:Note: This is low-level receive function. You must be sure if data is
455      waiting for read before call this function for avoid deadlock!
457      Waits until allocated buffer is filled by received data. Returns number of
458      data received, which equals to LENGTH value under normal operation. If it
459      is not equal the communication channel is possibly broken.
461      On stream oriented sockets if is received 0 bytes, it mean 'socket is
462      closed!"
464      On datagram socket is readed first waiting datagram.}
RecvBuffernull465     function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
467     {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
468      @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
469      high-level functions!
471      Method waits until data is received. If no data is received within TIMEOUT
472      (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT. Methods
473      serves for reading any size of data (i.e. one megabyte...). This method is
474      preffered for reading from stream sockets (like TCP).}
RecvBufferExnull475     function RecvBufferEx(Buffer: Tmemory; Len: Integer;
476       Timeout: Integer): Integer; virtual;
478     {:Similar to @link(RecvBufferEx), but readed data is stored in binary
479      string, not in memory buffer.}
RecvBufferStrnull480     function RecvBufferStr(Len: Integer; Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
482     {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
483      @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
484      high-level functions.
486      Waits until one data byte is received which is also returned as function
487      result. If no data is received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds)period,
488      @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT and result have value 0.}
RecvBytenull489     function RecvByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte; virtual;
491     {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
492      @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
493      high-level functions.
495      Waits until one four bytes are received and return it as one Ineger Value.
496      If no data is received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds)period,
497      @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT and result have value 0.}
RecvIntegernull498     function RecvInteger(Timeout: Integer): Integer; virtual;
500     {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
501      @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
502      high-level functions.
504      Method waits until data string is received. This string is terminated by
505      CR-LF characters. The resulting string is returned without this termination
506      (CR-LF)! If @link(ConvertLineEnd) is used, then CR-LF sequence may not be
507      exactly CR-LF. See @link(ConvertLineEnd) description. If no data is
508      received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set
509      to WSAETIMEDOUT. You may also specify maximum length of reading data by
510      @link(MaxLineLength) property.}
RecvStringnull511     function RecvString(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
513     {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
514      @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
515      high-level functions.
517      Method waits until data string is received. This string is terminated by
518      Terminator string. The resulting string is returned without this
519      termination. If no data is received within TIMEOUT (in milliseconds)
520      period, @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT. You may also specify
521      maximum length of reading data by @link(MaxLineLength) property.}
RecvTerminatednull522     function RecvTerminated(Timeout: Integer; const Terminator: AnsiString): AnsiString; virtual;
524     {:Note: This is high-level receive function. It using internal
525      @link(LineBuffer) and you can combine this function freely with other
526      high-level functions.
528      Method reads all data waiting for read. If no data is received within
529      TIMEOUT (in milliseconds) period, @link(LastError) is set to WSAETIMEDOUT.
530      Methods serves for reading unknown size of data. Because before call this
531      function you don't know size of received data, returned data is stored in
532      dynamic size binary string. This method is preffered for reading from
533      stream sockets (like TCP). It is very goot for receiving datagrams too!
534      (UDP protocol)}
RecvPacketnull535     function RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
537     {:Read one block of data from socket. Each block begin with 4 bytes with
538      length of data in block. This function read first 4 bytes for get lenght,
539      then it wait for reported count of bytes.}
RecvBlocknull540     function RecvBlock(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString; virtual;
542     {:Read all data from socket to stream until socket is closed (or any error
543      occured.)}
544     procedure RecvStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
545     {:Read requested count of bytes from socket to stream.}
546     procedure RecvStreamSize(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer; Size: Integer);
548     {:Receive data to stream. It using @link(RecvBlock) method.}
549     procedure RecvStream(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
551     {:Receive data to stream. This function is compatible with similar function
552     in Indy library. It using @link(RecvBlock) method.}
553     procedure RecvStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer); virtual;
555     {:Same as @link(RecvBuffer), but readed data stays in system input buffer.
556     Warning: this function not respect data in @link(LineBuffer)! Is not
557     recommended to use this function!}
PeekBuffernull558     function PeekBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
560     {:Same as @link(RecvByte), but readed data stays in input system buffer.
561      Warning: this function not respect data in @link(LineBuffer)! Is not
562     recommended to use this function!}
PeekBytenull563     function PeekByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte; virtual;
565     {:On stream sockets it returns number of received bytes waiting for picking.
566      0 is returned when there is no such data. On datagram socket it returns
567      length of the first waiting datagram. Returns 0 if no datagram is waiting.}
WaitingDatanull568     function WaitingData: Integer; virtual;
570     {:Same as @link(WaitingData), but if exists some of data in @link(Linebuffer),
571      return their length instead.}
WaitingDataExnull572     function WaitingDataEx: Integer;
574     {:Clear all waiting data for read from buffers.}
575     procedure Purge;
577     {:Sets linger. Enabled linger means that the system waits another LINGER
578      (in milliseconds) time for delivery of sent data. This function is only for
579      stream type of socket! (TCP)}
580     procedure SetLinger(Enable: Boolean; Linger: Integer);
582     {:Actualize values in @link(LocalSin).}
583     procedure GetSinLocal;
585     {:Actualize values in @link(RemoteSin).}
586     procedure GetSinRemote;
588     {:Actualize values in @link(LocalSin) and @link(RemoteSin).}
589     procedure GetSins;
591     {:Reset @link(LastError) and @link(LastErrorDesc) to non-error state.}
592     procedure ResetLastError;
594     {:If you "manually" call Socket API functions, forward their return code as
595      parameter to this function, which evaluates it, eventually calls
596      GetLastError and found error code returns and stores to @link(LastError).}
SockChecknull597     function SockCheck(SockResult: Integer): Integer; virtual;
599     {:If @link(LastError) contains some error code and @link(RaiseExcept)
600      property is @true, raise adequate exception.}
601     procedure ExceptCheck;
603     {:Returns local computer name as numerical or symbolic value. It try get
604      fully qualified domain name. Name is returned in the format acceptable by
605      functions demanding IP as input parameter.}
LocalNamenull606     function LocalName: string;
608     {:Try resolve name to all possible IP address. i.e. If you pass as name
609      result of @link(LocalName) method, you get all IP addresses used by local
610      system.}
611     procedure ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; const IPList: TStrings);
613     {:Try resolve name to primary IP address. i.e. If you pass as name result of
614      @link(LocalName) method, you get primary IP addresses used by local system.}
ResolveNamenull615     function ResolveName(Name: string): string;
617     {:Try resolve IP to their primary domain name. If IP not have domain name,
618      then is returned original IP.}
ResolveIPToNamenull619     function ResolveIPToName(IP: string): string;
621     {:Try resolve symbolic port name to port number. (i.e. 'Echo' to 8)}
ResolvePortnull622     function ResolvePort(Port: string): Word;
624     {:Set information about remote side socket. It is good for seting remote
625      side for sending UDP packet, etc.}
626     procedure SetRemoteSin(IP, Port: string);
628     {:Picks IP socket address from @link(LocalSin).}
GetLocalSinIPnull629     function GetLocalSinIP: string; virtual;
631     {:Picks IP socket address from @link(RemoteSin).}
GetRemoteSinIPnull632     function GetRemoteSinIP: string; virtual;
634     {:Picks socket PORT number from @link(LocalSin).}
GetLocalSinPortnull635     function GetLocalSinPort: Integer; virtual;
637     {:Picks socket PORT number from @link(RemoteSin).}
GetRemoteSinPortnull638     function GetRemoteSinPort: Integer; virtual;
640     {:Return @TRUE, if you can read any data from socket or is incoming
641      connection on TCP based socket. Status is tested for time Timeout (in
642      milliseconds). If value in Timeout is 0, status is only tested and
643      continue. If value in Timeout is -1, run is breaked and waiting for read
644      data maybe forever.
646      This function is need only on special cases, when you need use
647      @link(RecvBuffer) function directly! read functioms what have timeout as
648      calling parameter, calling this function internally.}
CanReadnull649     function CanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
651     {:Same as @link(CanRead), but additionally return @TRUE if is some data in
652      @link(LineBuffer).}
CanReadExnull653     function CanReadEx(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
655     {:Return @TRUE, if you can to socket write any data (not full sending
656      buffer). Status is tested for time Timeout (in milliseconds). If value in
657      Timeout is 0, status is only tested and continue. If value in Timeout is
658      -1, run is breaked and waiting for write data maybe forever.
660      This function is need only on special cases!}
CanWritenull661     function CanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
663     {:Same as @link(SendBuffer), but send datagram to address from
664      @link(RemoteSin). Usefull for sending reply to datagram received by
665      function @link(RecvBufferFrom).}
SendBufferTonull666     function SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
668     {:Note: This is low-lever receive function. You must be sure if data is
669      waiting for read before call this function for avoid deadlock!
671      Receives first waiting datagram to allocated buffer. If there is no waiting
672      one, then waits until one comes. Returns length of datagram stored in
673      BUFFER. If length exceeds buffer datagram is truncated. After this
674      @link(RemoteSin) structure contains information about sender of UDP packet.}
RecvBufferFromnull675     function RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; virtual;
677     {:This function is for check for incoming data on set of sockets. Whitch
678     sockets is checked is decribed by SocketList Tlist with TBlockSocket
679     objects. TList may have maximal number of objects defined by FD_SETSIZE
680     constant. Return @TRUE, if you can from some socket read any data or is
681     incoming connection on TCP based socket. Status is tested for time Timeout
682     (in milliseconds). If value in Timeout is 0, status is only tested and
683     continue. If value in Timeout is -1, run is breaked and waiting for read
684     data maybe forever. If is returned @TRUE, CanReadList TList is filled by all
685     TBlockSocket objects what waiting for read.}
GroupCanReadnull686     function GroupCanRead(const SocketList: TList; Timeout: Integer;
687       const CanReadList: TList): Boolean;
688 {$ENDIF}
689     {:By this method you may turn address reuse mode for local @link(bind). It
690      is good specially for UDP protocol. Using this with TCP protocol is
691      hazardous!}
692     procedure EnableReuse(Value: Boolean);
694     {:Try set timeout for all sending and receiving operations, if socket
695      provider can do it. (It not supported by all socket providers!)}
696     procedure SetTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
698     {:Try set timeout for all sending operations, if socket provider can do it.
699      (It not supported by all socket providers!)}
700     procedure SetSendTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
702     {:Try set timeout for all receiving operations, if socket provider can do
703      it. (It not supported by all socket providers!)}
704     procedure SetRecvTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
706     {:Return value of socket type.}
GetSocketTypenull707     function GetSocketType: integer; Virtual;
709     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation.}
GetSocketProtocolnull710     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; Virtual;
712     {:WSA structure with information about socket provider. On non-windows
713      platforms this structure is simulated!}
714     property WSAData: TWSADATA read GetWsaData;
716     {:FDset structure prepared for usage with this socket.}
717     property FDset: TFDSet read FFDset;
719     {:Structure describing local socket side.}
720     property LocalSin: TVarSin read FLocalSin write FLocalSin;
722     {:Structure describing remote socket side.}
723     property RemoteSin: TVarSin read FRemoteSin write FRemoteSin;
725     {:Socket handler. Suitable for "manual" calls to socket API or manual
726      connection of socket to a previously created socket (i.e by Accept method
727      on TCP socket)}
728     property Socket: TSocket read FSocket write SetSocket;
730     {:Last socket operation error code. Error codes are described in socket
731      documentation. Human readable error description is stored in
732      @link(LastErrorDesc) property.}
733     property LastError: Integer read FLastError;
735     {:Human readable error description of @link(LastError) code.}
736     property LastErrorDesc: string read FLastErrorDesc;
738     {:Buffer used by all high-level receiving functions. This buffer is used for
739      optimized reading of data from socket. In normal cases you not need access
740      to this buffer directly!}
741     property LineBuffer: AnsiString read FBuffer write FBuffer;
743     {:Size of Winsock receive buffer. If it is not supported by socket provider,
744      it return as size one kilobyte.}
745     property SizeRecvBuffer: Integer read GetSizeRecvBuffer write SetSizeRecvBuffer;
747     {:Size of Winsock send buffer. If it is not supported by socket provider, it
748      return as size one kilobyte.}
749     property SizeSendBuffer: Integer read GetSizeSendBuffer write SetSizeSendBuffer;
751     {:If @True, turn class to non-blocking mode. Not all functions are working
752      properly in this mode, you must know exactly what you are doing! However
753      when you have big experience with non-blocking programming, then you can
754      optimise your program by non-block mode!}
755     property NonBlockMode: Boolean read FNonBlockMode Write SetNonBlockMode;
757     {:Set Time-to-live value. (if system supporting it!)}
758     property TTL: Integer read GetTTL Write SetTTL;
760     {:If is @true, then class in in IPv6 mode.}
761     property IP6used: Boolean read FIP6used;
763     {:Return count of received bytes on this socket from begin of current
764      connection.}
765     property RecvCounter: Integer read FRecvCounter;
767     {:Return count of sended bytes on this socket from begin of current
768      connection.}
769     property SendCounter: Integer read FSendCounter;
770   published
771     {:Return descriptive string for given error code. This is class function.
772      You may call it without created object!}
GetErrorDescnull773     class function GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: Integer): string;
775     {:Return descriptive string for @link(LastError).}
GetErrorDescExnull776     function GetErrorDescEx: string; virtual;
778     {:this value is for free use.}
779     property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag;
781     {:If @true, winsock errors raises exception. Otherwise is setted
782     @link(LastError) value only and you must check it from your program! Default
783     value is @false.}
784     property RaiseExcept: Boolean read FRaiseExcept write FRaiseExcept;
786     {:Define maximum length in bytes of @link(LineBuffer) for high-level
787      receiving functions. If this functions try to read more data then this
788      limit, error is returned! If value is 0 (default), no limitation is used.
789      This is very good protection for stupid attacks to your server by sending
790      lot of data without proper terminator... until all your memory is allocated
791      by LineBuffer!
793      Note: This maximum length is checked only in functions, what read unknown
794      number of bytes! (like @link(RecvString) or @link(RecvTerminated))}
795     property MaxLineLength: Integer read FMaxLineLength Write FMaxLineLength;
797     {:Define maximal bandwidth for all sending operations in bytes per second.
798      If value is 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
799     property MaxSendBandwidth: Integer read FMaxSendBandwidth Write FMaxSendBandwidth;
801     {:Define maximal bandwidth for all receiving operations in bytes per second.
802      If value is 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
803     property MaxRecvBandwidth: Integer read FMaxRecvBandwidth Write FMaxRecvBandwidth;
805     {:Define maximal bandwidth for all sending and receiving operations in bytes
806      per second. If value is 0 (default), bandwidth limitation is not used.}
807     property MaxBandwidth: Integer Write SetBandwidth;
809     {:Do a conversion of non-standard line terminators to CRLF. (Off by default)
810      If @True, then terminators like sigle CR, single LF or LFCR are converted
811      to CRLF internally. This have effect only in @link(RecvString) method!}
812     property ConvertLineEnd: Boolean read FConvertLineEnd Write FConvertLineEnd;
814     {:Specified Family of this socket. When you are using Windows preliminary
815      support for IPv6, then I recommend to set this property!}
816     property Family: TSocketFamily read FFamily Write SetFamily;
818     {:When resolving of domain name return both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, then
819      specify if is used IPv4 (dafault - @true) or IPv6.}
820     property PreferIP4: Boolean read FPreferIP4 Write FPreferIP4;
822     {:By default (@true) is all timeouts used as timeout between two packets in
823      reading operations. If you set this to @false, then Timeouts is for overall
824      reading operation!}
825     property InterPacketTimeout: Boolean read FInterPacketTimeout Write FInterPacketTimeout;
827     {:All sended datas was splitted by this value.}
828     property SendMaxChunk: Integer read FSendMaxChunk Write FSendMaxChunk;
830     {:By setting this property to @true you can stop any communication. You can
831      use this property for soft abort of communication.}
832     property StopFlag: Boolean read FStopFlag Write FStopFlag;
834     {:Timeout for data sending by non-blocking socket mode.}
835     property NonblockSendTimeout: Integer read FNonblockSendTimeout Write FNonblockSendTimeout;
837     {:Timeout for @link(Connect) call. Default value 0 means default system timeout.
838      Non-zero value means timeout in millisecond.}
839     property ConnectionTimeout: Integer read FConnectionTimeout write FConnectionTimeout;
841     {:This event is called by various reasons. It is good for monitoring socket,
842      create gauges for data transfers, etc.}
843     property OnStatus: THookSocketStatus read FOnStatus write FOnStatus;
845     {:this event is good for some internal thinks about filtering readed datas.
846      It is used by telnet client by example.}
847     property OnReadFilter: THookDataFilter read FOnReadFilter write FOnReadFilter;
849     {:This event is called after real socket creation for setting special socket
850      options, because you not know when socket is created. (it is depended on
851      Ipv4, IPv6 or automatic mode)}
852     property OnCreateSocket: THookCreateSocket read FOnCreateSocket write FOnCreateSocket;
854     {:This event is good for monitoring content of readed or writed datas.}
855     property OnMonitor: THookMonitor read FOnMonitor write FOnMonitor;
857     {:This event is good for calling your code during long socket operations.
858       (Example, for refresing UI if class in not called within the thread.)
859       Rate of heartbeats can be modified by @link(HeartbeatRate) property.}
860     property OnHeartbeat: THookHeartbeat read FOnHeartbeat write FOnHeartbeat;
862     {:Specify typical rate of @link(OnHeartbeat) event and @link(StopFlag) testing.
863       Default value 0 disabling heartbeats! Value is in milliseconds.
864       Real rate can be higher or smaller then this value, because it depending
865       on real socket operations too!
866       Note: Each heartbeat slowing socket processing.}
867     property HeartbeatRate: integer read FHeartbeatRate Write FHeartbeatRate;
868     {:What class own this socket? Used by protocol implementation classes.}
869     property Owner: TObject read FOwner Write FOwner;
870   end;
872   {:@abstract(Support for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy)
873    Layer with definition all necessary properties and functions for
874    implementation SOCKS proxy client. Do not use this class directly.}
875   TSocksBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
876   protected
877     FSocksIP: string;
878     FSocksPort: string;
879     FSocksTimeout: integer;
880     FSocksUsername: string;
881     FSocksPassword: string;
882     FUsingSocks: Boolean;
883     FSocksResolver: Boolean;
884     FSocksLastError: integer;
885     FSocksResponseIP: string;
886     FSocksResponsePort: string;
887     FSocksLocalIP: string;
888     FSocksLocalPort: string;
889     FSocksRemoteIP: string;
890     FSocksRemotePort: string;
891     FBypassFlag: Boolean;
892     FSocksType: TSocksType;
SocksCodenull893     function SocksCode(IP, Port: string): Ansistring;
SocksDecodenull894     function SocksDecode(Value: Ansistring): integer;
895   public
896     constructor Create;
898     {:Open connection to SOCKS proxy and if @link(SocksUsername) is set, do
899      authorisation to proxy. This is needed only in special cases! (it is called
900      internally!)}
SocksOpennull901     function SocksOpen: Boolean;
903     {:Send specified request to SOCKS proxy. This is needed only in special
904      cases! (it is called internally!)}
SocksRequestnull905     function SocksRequest(Cmd: Byte; const IP, Port: string): Boolean;
907     {:Receive response to previosly sended request. This is needed only in
908      special cases! (it is called internally!)}
SocksResponsenull909     function SocksResponse: Boolean;
911     {:Is @True when class is using SOCKS proxy.}
912     property UsingSocks: Boolean read FUsingSocks;
914     {:If SOCKS proxy failed, here is error code returned from SOCKS proxy.}
915     property SocksLastError: integer read FSocksLastError;
916   published
917     {:Address of SOCKS server. If value is empty string, SOCKS support is
918      disabled. Assingning any value to this property enable SOCKS mode.
919      Warning: You cannot combine this mode with HTTP-tunneling mode!}
920     property SocksIP: string read FSocksIP write FSocksIP;
922     {:Port of SOCKS server. Default value is '1080'.}
923     property SocksPort: string read FSocksPort write FSocksPort;
925     {:If you need authorisation on SOCKS server, set username here.}
926     property SocksUsername: string read FSocksUsername write FSocksUsername;
928     {:If you need authorisation on SOCKS server, set password here.}
929     property SocksPassword: string read FSocksPassword write FSocksPassword;
931     {:Specify timeout for communicatin with SOCKS server. Default is one minute.}
932     property SocksTimeout: integer read FSocksTimeout write FSocksTimeout;
934     {:If @True, all symbolic names of target hosts is not translated to IP's
935      locally, but resolving is by SOCKS proxy. Default is @True.}
936     property SocksResolver: Boolean read FSocksResolver write FSocksResolver;
938     {:Specify SOCKS type. By default is used SOCKS5, but you can use SOCKS4 too.
939      When you select SOCKS4, then if @link(SOCKSResolver) is enabled, then is
940      used SOCKS4a. Othervise is used pure SOCKS4.}
941     property SocksType: TSocksType read FSocksType write FSocksType;
942   end;
944   {:@abstract(Implementation of TCP socket.)
945    Supported features: IPv4, IPv6, SSL/TLS or SSH (depending on used plugin),
946    SOCKS5 proxy (outgoing connections and limited incomming), SOCKS4/4a proxy
947    (outgoing connections and limited incomming), TCP through HTTP proxy tunnel.}
948   TTCPBlockSocket = class(TSocksBlockSocket)
949   protected
950     FOnAfterConnect: THookAfterConnect;
951     FSSL: TCustomSSL;
952     FHTTPTunnelIP: string;
953     FHTTPTunnelPort: string;
954     FHTTPTunnel: Boolean;
955     FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP: string;
956     FHTTPTunnelRemotePort: string;
957     FHTTPTunnelUser: string;
958     FHTTPTunnelPass: string;
959     FHTTPTunnelTimeout: integer;
960     procedure SocksDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
961     procedure HTTPTunnelDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
962     procedure DoAfterConnect;
963   public
964     {:Create TCP socket class with default plugin for SSL/TSL/SSH implementation
965     (see @link(SSLImplementation))}
966     constructor Create;
968     {:Create TCP socket class with desired plugin for SSL/TSL/SSH implementation}
969     constructor CreateWithSSL(SSLPlugin: TSSLClass);
970     destructor Destroy; override;
972     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.CloseSocket)}
973     procedure CloseSocket; override;
975     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.WaitingData)}
WaitingDatanull976     function WaitingData: Integer; override;
978     {:Sets socket to receive mode for new incoming connections. It is necessary
979      to use @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) function call before this method to select
980      receiving port!
982      If you use SOCKS, activate incoming TCP connection by this proxy. (By BIND
983      method of SOCKS.)}
984     procedure Listen; override;
986     {:Waits until new incoming connection comes. After it comes a new socket is
987      automatically created (socket handler is returned by this function as
988      result).
990      If you use SOCKS, new socket is not created! In this case is used same
991      socket as socket for listening! So, you can accept only one connection in
992      SOCKS mode.}
Acceptnull993     function Accept: TSocket; override;
995     {:Connects socket to remote IP address and PORT. The same rules as with
996      @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) method are valid. The only exception is that PORT
997      with 0 value will not be connected. After call to this method
998      a communication channel between local and remote socket is created. Local
999      socket is assigned automatically if not controlled by previous call to
1000      @link(TBlockSocket.BIND) method. Structures @link(TBlockSocket.LocalSin)
1001      and @link(TBlockSocket.RemoteSin) will be filled with valid values.
1003      If you use SOCKS, activate outgoing TCP connection by SOCKS proxy specified
1004      in @link(TSocksBlockSocket.SocksIP). (By CONNECT method of SOCKS.)
1006      If you use HTTP-tunnel mode, activate outgoing TCP connection by HTTP
1007      tunnel specified in @link(HTTPTunnelIP). (By CONNECT method of HTTP
1008      protocol.)
1010      Note: If you call this on non-created socket, then socket is created
1011      automaticly.}
1012     procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
1014     {:If you need upgrade existing TCP connection to SSL/TLS (or SSH2, if plugin
1015      allows it) mode, then call this method. This method switch this class to
1016      SSL mode and do SSL/TSL handshake.}
1017     procedure SSLDoConnect;
1019     {:By this method you can downgrade existing SSL/TLS connection to normal TCP
1020      connection.}
1021     procedure SSLDoShutdown;
1023     {:If you need use this component as SSL/TLS TCP server, then after accepting
1024      of inbound connection you need start SSL/TLS session by this method. Before
1025      call this function, you must have assigned all neeeded certificates and
1026      keys!}
SSLAcceptConnectionnull1027     function SSLAcceptConnection: Boolean;
1029     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP)}
GetLocalSinIPnull1030     function GetLocalSinIP: string; override;
1032     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP)}
GetRemoteSinIPnull1033     function GetRemoteSinIP: string; override;
1035     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort)}
GetLocalSinPortnull1036     function GetLocalSinPort: Integer; override;
1038     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort)}
GetRemoteSinPortnull1039     function GetRemoteSinPort: Integer; override;
1041     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.SendBuffer)}
SendBuffernull1042     function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1044     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.RecvBuffer)}
RecvBuffernull1045     function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; override;
1047     {:Return value of socket type. For TCP return SOCK_STREAM.}
GetSocketTypenull1048     function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1050     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For TCP return
1051      IPPROTO_TCP.}
GetSocketProtocolnull1052     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1054     {:Class implementing SSL/TLS support. It is allways some descendant
1055      of @link(TCustomSSL) class. When programmer not select some SSL plugin
1056      class, then is used @link(TSSLNone)}
1057     property SSL: TCustomSSL read FSSL;
1059     {:@True if is used HTTP tunnel mode.}
1060     property HTTPTunnel: Boolean read FHTTPTunnel;
1061   published
1062     {:Return descriptive string for @link(LastError). On case of error
1063      in SSL/TLS subsystem, it returns right error description.}
GetErrorDescExnull1064     function GetErrorDescEx: string; override;
1066     {:Specify IP address of HTTP proxy. Assingning non-empty value to this
1067      property enable HTTP-tunnel mode. This mode is for tunnelling any outgoing
1068      TCP connection through HTTP proxy server. (If policy on HTTP proxy server
1069      allow this!) Warning: You cannot combine this mode with SOCK5 mode!}
1070     property HTTPTunnelIP: string read FHTTPTunnelIP Write FHTTPTunnelIP;
1072     {:Specify port of HTTP proxy for HTTP-tunneling.}
1073     property HTTPTunnelPort: string read FHTTPTunnelPort Write FHTTPTunnelPort;
1075     {:Specify authorisation username for access to HTTP proxy in HTTP-tunnel
1076      mode. If you not need authorisation, then let this property empty.}
1077     property HTTPTunnelUser: string read FHTTPTunnelUser Write FHTTPTunnelUser;
1079     {:Specify authorisation password for access to HTTP proxy in HTTP-tunnel
1080      mode.}
1081     property HTTPTunnelPass: string read FHTTPTunnelPass Write FHTTPTunnelPass;
1083     {:Specify timeout for communication with HTTP proxy in HTTPtunnel mode.}
1084     property HTTPTunnelTimeout: integer read FHTTPTunnelTimeout Write FHTTPTunnelTimeout;
1086     {:This event is called after sucessful TCP socket connection.}
1087     property OnAfterConnect: THookAfterConnect read FOnAfterConnect write FOnAfterConnect;
1088   end;
1090   {:@abstract(Datagram based communication)
1091    This class implementing datagram based communication instead default stream
1092    based communication style.}
1093   TDgramBlockSocket = class(TSocksBlockSocket)
1094   public
1095     {:Fill @link(TBlockSocket.RemoteSin) structure. This address is used for
1096      sending data.}
1097     procedure Connect(IP, Port: string); override;
1099     {:Silently redirected to @link(TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo).}
SendBuffernull1100     function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1102     {:Silently redirected to @link(TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom).}
RecvBuffernull1103     function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1104   end;
1106   {:@abstract(Implementation of UDP socket.)
1107    NOTE: in this class is all receiving redirected to RecvBufferFrom. You can
1108    use for reading any receive function. Preffered is RecvPacket! Similary all
1109    sending is redirected to SendbufferTo. You can use for sending UDP packet any
1110    sending function, like SendString.
1112    Supported features: IPv4, IPv6, unicasts, broadcasts, multicasts, SOCKS5
1113    proxy (only unicasts! Outgoing and incomming.)}
1114   TUDPBlockSocket = class(TDgramBlockSocket)
1115   protected
1116     FSocksControlSock: TTCPBlockSocket;
UdpAssociationnull1117     function UdpAssociation: Boolean;
1118     procedure SetMulticastTTL(TTL: integer);
GetMulticastTTLnull1119     function GetMulticastTTL:integer;
1120   public
1121     destructor Destroy; override;
1123     {:Enable or disable sending of broadcasts. If seting OK, result is @true.
1124      This method is not supported in SOCKS5 mode! IPv6 does not support
1125      broadcasts! In this case you must use Multicasts instead.}
1126     procedure EnableBroadcast(Value: Boolean);
1128     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo)}
SendBufferTonull1129     function SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1131     {:See @link(TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom)}
RecvBufferFromnull1132     function RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer; override;
1133 {$IFNDEF CIL}
1134     {:Add this socket to given multicast group. You cannot use Multicasts in
1135      SOCKS mode!}
1136     procedure AddMulticast(MCastIP:string);
1138     {:Remove this socket from given multicast group.}
1139     procedure DropMulticast(MCastIP:string);
1140 {$ENDIF}
1141     {:All sended multicast datagrams is loopbacked to your interface too. (you
1142      can read your sended datas.) You can disable this feature by this function.
1143      This function not working on some Windows systems!}
1144     procedure EnableMulticastLoop(Value: Boolean);
1146     {:Return value of socket type. For UDP return SOCK_DGRAM.}
GetSocketTypenull1147     function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1149     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For UDP return
1150      IPPROTO_UDP.}
GetSocketProtocolnull1151     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1153     {:Set Time-to-live value for multicasts packets. It define number of routers
1154      for transfer of datas. If you set this to 1 (dafault system value), then
1155      multicasts packet goes only to you local network. If you need transport
1156      multicast packet to worldwide, then increase this value, but be carefull,
1157      lot of routers on internet does not transport multicasts packets!}
1158     property MulticastTTL: Integer read GetMulticastTTL Write SetMulticastTTL;
1159   end;
1161   {:@abstract(Implementation of RAW ICMP socket.)
1162    For this object you must have rights for creating RAW sockets!}
1163   TICMPBlockSocket = class(TDgramBlockSocket)
1164   public
1165     {:Return value of socket type. For RAW and ICMP return SOCK_RAW.}
GetSocketTypenull1166     function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1168     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For ICMP returns
GetSocketProtocolnull1170     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1171   end;
1173   {:@abstract(Implementation of RAW socket.)
1174    For this object you must have rights for creating RAW sockets!}
1175   TRAWBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
1176   public
1177     {:Return value of socket type. For RAW and ICMP return SOCK_RAW.}
GetSocketTypenull1178     function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1180     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For RAW returns
1181      IPPROTO_RAW.}
GetSocketProtocolnull1182     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1183   end;
1185   {:@abstract(Implementation of PGM-message socket.)
1186    Not all systems supports this protocol!}
1187   TPGMMessageBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
1188   public
1189     {:Return value of socket type. For PGM-message return SOCK_RDM.}
GetSocketTypenull1190     function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1192     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For PGM-message returns
1193      IPPROTO_RM.}
GetSocketProtocolnull1194     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1195   end;
1197   {:@abstract(Implementation of PGM-stream socket.)
1198    Not all systems supports this protocol!}
1199   TPGMStreamBlockSocket = class(TBlockSocket)
1200   public
1201     {:Return value of socket type. For PGM-stream return SOCK_STREAM.}
GetSocketTypenull1202     function GetSocketType: integer; override;
1204     {:Return value of protocol type for socket creation. For PGM-stream returns
1205      IPPROTO_RM.}
GetSocketProtocolnull1206     function GetSocketProtocol: integer; override;
1207   end;
1209   {:@abstract(Parent class for all SSL plugins.)
1210    This is abstract class defining interface for other SSL plugins.
1212    Instance of this class will be created for each @link(TTCPBlockSocket).
1214    Warning: not all methods and propertis can work in all existing SSL plugins!
1215    Please, read documentation of used SSL plugin.}
1216   TCustomSSL = class(TObject)
1217   private
1218   protected
1219     FOnVerifyCert: THookVerifyCert;
1220     FSocket: TTCPBlockSocket;
1221     FSSLEnabled: Boolean;
1222     FLastError: integer;
1223     FLastErrorDesc: string;
1224     FSSLType: TSSLType;
1225     FKeyPassword: string;
1226     FCiphers: string;
1227     FCertificateFile: string;
1228     FPrivateKeyFile: string;
1229     FCertificate: Ansistring;
1230     FPrivateKey: Ansistring;
1231     FPFX: Ansistring;
1232     FPFXfile: string;
1233     FCertCA: Ansistring;
1234     FCertCAFile: string;
1235     FTrustCertificate: Ansistring;
1236     FTrustCertificateFile: string;
1237     FVerifyCert: Boolean;
1238     FUsername: string;
1239     FPassword: string;
1240     FSSHChannelType: string;
1241     FSSHChannelArg1: string;
1242     FSSHChannelArg2: string;
1243     FCertComplianceLevel: integer;
1244     FSNIHost: string;
1245     procedure ReturnError;
1246     procedure SetCertCAFile(const Value: string); virtual;
DoVerifyCertnull1247     function DoVerifyCert:boolean;
CreateSelfSignedCertnull1248     function CreateSelfSignedCert(Host: string): Boolean; virtual;
1249   public
1250     {: Create plugin class. it is called internally from @link(TTCPBlockSocket)}
1251     constructor Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket); virtual;
1253     {: Assign settings (certificates and configuration) from another SSL plugin
1254      class.}
1255     procedure Assign(const Value: TCustomSSL); virtual;
1257     {: return description of used plugin. It usually return name and version
1258      of used SSL library.}
LibVersionnull1259     function LibVersion: String; virtual;
1261     {: return name of used plugin.}
LibNamenull1262     function LibName: String; virtual;
1264     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1266      Here is needed code for start SSL connection.}
Connectnull1267     function Connect: boolean; virtual;
1269     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1271      Here is needed code for acept new SSL connection.}
Acceptnull1272     function Accept: boolean; virtual;
1274     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1276      Here is needed code for hard shutdown of SSL connection. (for example,
1277      before socket is closed)}
Shutdownnull1278     function Shutdown: boolean; virtual;
1280     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1282      Here is needed code for soft shutdown of SSL connection. (for example,
1283      when you need to continue with unprotected connection.)}
BiShutdownnull1284     function BiShutdown: boolean; virtual;
1286     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1288      Here is needed code for sending some datas by SSL connection.}
SendBuffernull1289     function SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;
1291     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1293      Here is needed code for receiving some datas by SSL connection.}
RecvBuffernull1294     function RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer; virtual;
1296     {: Do not call this directly. It is used internally by @link(TTCPBlockSocket)!
1298      Here is needed code for getting count of datas what waiting for read.
1299      If SSL plugin not allows this, then it should return 0.}
WaitingDatanull1300     function WaitingData: Integer; virtual;
1302     {:Return string with identificator of SSL/TLS version of existing
1303      connection.}
GetSSLVersionnull1304     function GetSSLVersion: string; virtual;
1306     {:Return subject of remote SSL peer.}
GetPeerSubjectnull1307     function GetPeerSubject: string; virtual;
1309     {:Return Serial number if remote X509 certificate.}
GetPeerSerialNonull1310     function GetPeerSerialNo: integer; virtual;
1312     {:Return issuer certificate of remote SSL peer.}
GetPeerIssuernull1313     function GetPeerIssuer: string; virtual;
1315     {:Return peer name from remote side certificate. This is good for verify,
1316      if certificate is generated for remote side IP name.}
GetPeerNamenull1317     function GetPeerName: string; virtual;
1319     {:Returns has of peer name from remote side certificate. This is good
1320      for fast remote side authentication.}
GetPeerNameHashnull1321     function GetPeerNameHash: cardinal; virtual;
1323     {:Return fingerprint of remote SSL peer.}
GetPeerFingerprintnull1324     function GetPeerFingerprint: string; virtual;
1326     {:Return all detailed information about certificate from remote side of
1327      SSL/TLS connection. Result string can be multilined! Each plugin can return
1328      this informations in different format!}
GetCertInfonull1329     function GetCertInfo: string; virtual;
1331     {:Return currently used Cipher.}
GetCipherNamenull1332     function GetCipherName: string; virtual;
1334     {:Return currently used number of bits in current Cipher algorythm.}
GetCipherBitsnull1335     function GetCipherBits: integer; virtual;
1337     {:Return number of bits in current Cipher algorythm.}
GetCipherAlgBitsnull1338     function GetCipherAlgBits: integer; virtual;
1340     {:Return result value of verify remote side certificate. Look to OpenSSL
1341      documentation for possible values. For example 0 is successfuly verified
1342      certificate, or 18 is self-signed certificate.}
GetVerifyCertnull1343     function GetVerifyCert: integer; virtual;
1345     {: Resurn @true if SSL mode is enabled on existing cvonnection.}
1346     property SSLEnabled: Boolean read FSSLEnabled;
1348     {:Return error code of last SSL operation. 0 is OK.}
1349     property LastError: integer read FLastError;
1351     {:Return error description of last SSL operation.}
1352     property LastErrorDesc: string read FLastErrorDesc;
1353   published
1354     {:Here you can specify requested SSL/TLS mode. Default is autodetection, but
1355      on some servers autodetection not working properly. In this case you must
1356      specify requested SSL/TLS mode by your hand!}
1357     property SSLType: TSSLType read FSSLType write FSSLType;
1359     {:Password for decrypting of encoded certificate or key.}
1360     property KeyPassword: string read FKeyPassword write FKeyPassword;
1362     {:Username for possible credentials.}
1363     property Username: string read FUsername write FUsername;
1365     {:password for possible credentials.}
1366     property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword;
1368     {:By this property you can modify default set of SSL/TLS ciphers.}
1369     property Ciphers: string read FCiphers write FCiphers;
1371     {:Used for loading certificate from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1372      if this method is supported and how!}
1373     property CertificateFile: string read FCertificateFile write FCertificateFile;
1375     {:Used for loading private key from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1376      if this method is supported and how!}
1377     property PrivateKeyFile: string read FPrivateKeyFile write FPrivateKeyFile;
1379     {:Used for loading certificate from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1380      if this method is supported and how!}
1381     property Certificate: Ansistring read FCertificate write FCertificate;
1383     {:Used for loading private key from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1384      if this method is supported and how!}
1385     property PrivateKey: Ansistring read FPrivateKey write FPrivateKey;
1387     {:Used for loading PFX from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1388      if this method is supported and how!}
1389     property PFX: Ansistring read FPFX write FPFX;
1391     {:Used for loading PFX from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1392      if this method is supported and how!}
1393     property PFXfile: string read FPFXfile write FPFXfile;
1395     {:Used for loading trusted certificates from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1396      if this method is supported and how!}
1397     property TrustCertificateFile: string read FTrustCertificateFile write FTrustCertificateFile;
1399     {:Used for loading trusted certificates from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1400      if this method is supported and how!}
1401     property TrustCertificate: Ansistring read FTrustCertificate write FTrustCertificate;
1403     {:Used for loading CA certificates from binary string. See to plugin documentation
1404      if this method is supported and how!}
1405     property CertCA: Ansistring read FCertCA write FCertCA;
1407     {:Used for loading CA certificates from disk file. See to plugin documentation
1408      if this method is supported and how!}
1409     property CertCAFile: string read FCertCAFile write SetCertCAFile;
1411     {:If @true, then is verified client certificate. (it is good for writing
1412      SSL/TLS servers.) When you are not server, but you are client, then if this
1413      property is @true, verify servers certificate.}
1414     property VerifyCert: Boolean read FVerifyCert write FVerifyCert;
1416     {:channel type for possible SSH connections}
1417     property SSHChannelType: string read FSSHChannelType write FSSHChannelType;
1419     {:First argument of channel type for possible SSH connections}
1420     property SSHChannelArg1: string read FSSHChannelArg1 write FSSHChannelArg1;
1422     {:Second argument of channel type for possible SSH connections}
1423     property SSHChannelArg2: string read FSSHChannelArg2 write FSSHChannelArg2;
1425     {: Level of standards compliance level
1426       (CryptLib: values in cryptlib.pas, -1: use default value )  }
1427     property CertComplianceLevel:integer read FCertComplianceLevel write FCertComplianceLevel;
1429     {:This event is called when verifying the server certificate immediatally after
1430      a successfull verification in the ssl library.}
1431     property OnVerifyCert: THookVerifyCert read FOnVerifyCert write FOnVerifyCert;
1433     {: Server Name Identification. Host name to send to server. If empty the host name
1434        found in URL will be used, which should be the normal use (http Header Host = SNI Host).
1435        The value is cleared after the connection is established.
1436       (SNI support requires OpenSSL 0.9.8k or later. Cryptlib not supported, yet )  }
1437     property SNIHost:string read FSNIHost write FSNIHost;
1438   end;
1440   {:@abstract(Default SSL plugin with no SSL support.)
1441    Dummy SSL plugin implementation for applications without SSL/TLS support.}
1442   TSSLNone = class (TCustomSSL)
1443   public
1444     {:See @inherited}
LibVersionnull1445     function LibVersion: String; override;
1446     {:See @inherited}
LibNamenull1447     function LibName: String; override;
1448   end;
1450   {:@abstract(Record with definition of IP packet header.)
1451    For reading data from ICMP or RAW sockets.}
1452   TIPHeader = record
1453     VerLen: Byte;
1454     TOS: Byte;
1455     TotalLen: Word;
1456     Identifer: Word;
1457     FragOffsets: Word;
1458     TTL: Byte;
1459     Protocol: Byte;
1460     CheckSum: Word;
1461     SourceIp: LongWord;
1462     DestIp: LongWord;
1463     Options: LongWord;
1464   end;
1466   {:@abstract(Parent class of application protocol implementations.)
1467    By this class is defined common properties.}
1468   TSynaClient = Class(TObject)
1469   protected
1470     FTargetHost: string;
1471     FTargetPort: string;
1472     FIPInterface: string;
1473     FTimeout: integer;
1474     FUserName: string;
1475     FPassword: string;
1476   public
1477     constructor Create;
1478   published
1479     {:Specify terget server IP (or symbolic name). Default is 'localhost'.}
1480     property TargetHost: string read FTargetHost Write FTargetHost;
1482     {:Specify terget server port (or symbolic name).}
1483     property TargetPort: string read FTargetPort Write FTargetPort;
1485     {:Defined local socket address. (outgoing IP address). By default is used
1486      '' as wildcard for default IP.}
1487     property IPInterface: string read FIPInterface Write FIPInterface;
1489     {:Specify default timeout for socket operations.}
1490     property Timeout: integer read FTimeout Write FTimeout;
1492     {:If protocol need user authorization, then fill here username.}
1493     property UserName: string read FUserName Write FUserName;
1495     {:If protocol need user authorization, then fill here password.}
1496     property Password: string read FPassword Write FPassword;
1497   end;
1499 var
1500   {:Selected SSL plugin. Default is @link(TSSLNone).
1502    Do not change this value directly!!!
1504    Just add your plugin unit to your project uses instead. Each plugin unit have
1505    initialization code what modify this variable.}
1506   SSLImplementation: TSSLClass = TSSLNone;
1508 implementation
1511 var
1512   WsaDataOnce: TWSADATA;
1513   e: ESynapseError;
1514 {$ENDIF}
1517 constructor TBlockSocket.Create;
1518 begin
1519   CreateAlternate('');
1520 end;
1522 constructor TBlockSocket.CreateAlternate(Stub: string);
1524 var
1525   e: ESynapseError;
1526 {$ENDIF}
1527 begin
1528   inherited Create;
1529   FDelayedOptions := TList.Create;
1530   FRaiseExcept := False;
1532   FRaiseExcept := True;
1533 {$ENDIF}
1534   FSocket := INVALID_SOCKET;
1535   FBuffer := '';
1536   FLastCR := False;
1537   FLastLF := False;
1538   FBinded := False;
1539   FNonBlockMode := False;
1540   FMaxLineLength := 0;
1541   FMaxSendBandwidth := 0;
1542   FNextSend := 0;
1543   FMaxRecvBandwidth := 0;
1544   FNextRecv := 0;
1545   FConvertLineEnd := False;
1546   FFamily := SF_Any;
1547   FFamilySave := SF_Any;
1548   FIP6used := False;
1549   FPreferIP4 := True;
1550   FInterPacketTimeout := True;
1551   FRecvCounter := 0;
1552   FSendCounter := 0;
1553   FSendMaxChunk := c64k;
1554   FStopFlag := False;
1555   FNonblockSendTimeout := 15000;
1556   FHeartbeatRate := 0;
1557   FConnectionTimeout := 0;
1558   FOwner := nil;
1560   if Stub = '' then
1561     Stub := DLLStackName;
1562   if not InitSocketInterface(Stub) then
1563   begin
1564     e := ESynapseError.Create('Error loading Socket interface (' + Stub + ')!');
1565     e.ErrorCode := 0;
1566     e.ErrorMessage := 'Error loading Socket interface (' + Stub + ')!';
1567     raise e;
1568   end;
1569   SockCheck(synsock.WSAStartup(WinsockLevel, FWsaDataOnce));
1570   ExceptCheck;
1571 {$ENDIF}
1572 end;
1574 destructor TBlockSocket.Destroy;
1575 var
1576   n: integer;
1577   p: TSynaOption;
1578 begin
1579   CloseSocket;
1581   synsock.WSACleanup;
1582   DestroySocketInterface;
1583 {$ENDIF}
1584   for n := FDelayedOptions.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1585     begin
1586       p := TSynaOption(FDelayedOptions[n]);
1587       p.Free;
1588     end;
1589   FDelayedOptions.Free;
1590   inherited Destroy;
1591 end;
TBlockSocket.FamilyToAFnull1593 function TBlockSocket.FamilyToAF(f: TSocketFamily): TAddrFamily;
1594 begin
1595   case f of
1596     SF_ip4:
1597       Result := AF_INET;
1598     SF_ip6:
1599       Result := AF_INET6;
1600   else
1601     Result := AF_UNSPEC;
1602   end;
1603 end;
1605 procedure TBlockSocket.SetDelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
1606 var
1607   li: TLinger;
1608   x: integer;
1609   buf: TMemory;
1611   timeval: TTimeval;
1612 {$ENDIF}
1613 begin
1614   case value.Option of
1615     SOT_Linger:
1616       begin
1617         {$IFDEF CIL}
1618         li := TLinger.Create(Value.Enabled, Value.Value div 1000);
1619         synsock.SetSockOptObj(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_LINGER), li);
1620         {$ELSE}
1621         li.l_onoff := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1622         li.l_linger := Value.Value div 1000;
1623         buf := @li;
1624         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_LINGER), buf, SizeOf(li));
1625         {$ENDIF}
1626       end;
1627     SOT_RecvBuff:
1628       begin
1629         {$IFDEF CIL}
1630         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1631         {$ELSE}
1632         buf := @Value.Value;
1633         {$ENDIF}
1634         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVBUF),
1635           buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1636       end;
1637     SOT_SendBuff:
1638       begin
1639         {$IFDEF CIL}
1640         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1641         {$ELSE}
1642         buf := @Value.Value;
1643         {$ENDIF}
1644         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDBUF),
1645           buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1646       end;
1647     SOT_NonBlock:
1648       begin
1649         FNonBlockMode := Value.Enabled;
1650         x := Ord(FNonBlockMode);
1651         synsock.IoctlSocket(FSocket, FIONBIO, x);
1652       end;
1653     SOT_RecvTimeout:
1654       begin
1655         {$IFDEF CIL}
1656         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1657         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVTIMEO),
1658           buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1659         {$ELSE}
1660           {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
1661         buf := @Value.Value;
1662         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVTIMEO),
1663           buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1664           {$ELSE}
1665         timeval.tv_sec:=Value.Value div 1000;
1666         timeval.tv_usec:=(Value.Value mod 1000) * 1000;
1667         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVTIMEO),
1668           @timeval, SizeOf(timeval));
1669           {$ENDIF}
1670         {$ENDIF}
1671       end;
1672     SOT_SendTimeout:
1673       begin
1674         {$IFDEF CIL}
1675         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1676         {$ELSE}
1677           {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}
1678         buf := @Value.Value;
1679         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDTIMEO),
1680           buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1681           {$ELSE}
1682         timeval.tv_sec:=Value.Value div 1000;
1683         timeval.tv_usec:=(Value.Value mod 1000) * 1000;
1684         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDTIMEO),
1685           @timeval, SizeOf(timeval));
1686           {$ENDIF}
1687         {$ENDIF}
1688       end;
1689     SOT_Reuse:
1690       begin
1691         x := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1692         {$IFDEF CIL}
1693         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(x);
1694         {$ELSE}
1695         buf := @x;
1696         {$ENDIF}
1697         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_REUSEADDR), buf, SizeOf(x));
1698       end;
1699     SOT_TTL:
1700       begin
1701         {$IFDEF CIL}
1702         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1703         {$ELSE}
1704         buf := @Value.Value;
1705         {$ENDIF}
1706         if FIP6Used then
1707           synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IPV6), integer(IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS),
1708             buf, SizeOf(Value.Value))
1709         else
1710           synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IP), integer(IP_TTL),
1711             buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1712       end;
1713     SOT_Broadcast:
1714       begin
1715 //#todo1 broadcasty na IP6
1716         x := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1717         {$IFDEF CIL}
1718         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(x);
1719         {$ELSE}
1720         buf := @x;
1721         {$ENDIF}
1722         synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_BROADCAST), buf, SizeOf(x));
1723       end;
1724     SOT_MulticastTTL:
1725       begin
1726         {$IFDEF CIL}
1727         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(value.Value);
1728         {$ELSE}
1729         buf := @Value.Value;
1730         {$ENDIF}
1731         if FIP6Used then
1732           synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IPV6), integer(IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS),
1733             buf, SizeOf(Value.Value))
1734         else
1735           synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IP), integer(IP_MULTICAST_TTL),
1736             buf, SizeOf(Value.Value));
1737       end;
1738    SOT_MulticastLoop:
1739       begin
1740         x := Ord(Value.Enabled);
1741         {$IFDEF CIL}
1742         buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(x);
1743         {$ELSE}
1744         buf := @x;
1745         {$ENDIF}
1746         if FIP6Used then
1747           synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IPV6), integer(IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP), buf, SizeOf(x))
1748         else
1749           synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(IPPROTO_IP), integer(IP_MULTICAST_LOOP), buf, SizeOf(x));
1750       end;
1751   end;
1752   Value.free;
1753 end;
1755 procedure TBlockSocket.DelayedOption(const Value: TSynaOption);
1756 begin
1757   if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1758   begin
1759     FDelayedOptions.Insert(0, Value);
1760   end
1761   else
1762     SetDelayedOption(Value);
1763 end;
1765 procedure TBlockSocket.ProcessDelayedOptions;
1766 var
1767   n: integer;
1768   d: TSynaOption;
1769 begin
1770   for n := FDelayedOptions.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1771   begin
1772     d := TSynaOption(FDelayedOptions[n]);
1773     SetDelayedOption(d);
1774   end;
1775   FDelayedOptions.Clear;
1776 end;
1778 procedure TBlockSocket.SetSin(var Sin: TVarSin; IP, Port: string);
1779 var
1780   f: TSocketFamily;
1781 begin
1782   DoStatus(HR_ResolvingBegin, IP + ':' + Port);
1783   ResetLastError;
1784   //if socket exists, then use their type, else use users selection
1785   f := SF_Any;
1786   if (FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET) and (FFamily = SF_any) then
1787   begin
1788     if IsIP(IP) then
1789       f := SF_IP4
1790     else
1791       if IsIP6(IP) then
1792         f := SF_IP6;
1793   end
1794   else
1795     f := FFamily;
1796   FLastError := synsock.SetVarSin(sin, ip, port, FamilyToAF(f),
1797     GetSocketprotocol, GetSocketType, FPreferIP4);
1798   DoStatus(HR_ResolvingEnd, GetSinIP(sin) + ':' + IntTostr(GetSinPort(sin)));
1799 end;
TBlockSocket.GetSinIPnull1801 function TBlockSocket.GetSinIP(Sin: TVarSin): string;
1802 begin
1803   Result := synsock.GetSinIP(sin);
1804 end;
TBlockSocket.GetSinPortnull1806 function TBlockSocket.GetSinPort(Sin: TVarSin): Integer;
1807 begin
1808   Result := synsock.GetSinPort(sin);
1809 end;
1811 procedure TBlockSocket.CreateSocket;
1812 var
1813   sin: TVarSin;
1814 begin
1815   //dummy for SF_Any Family mode
1816   ResetLastError;
1817   if (FFamily <> SF_Any) and (FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET) then
1818   begin
1819     {$IFDEF CIL}
1820     if FFamily = SF_IP6 then
1821       sin := TVarSin.Create(IPAddress.Parse('::0'), 0)
1822     else
1823       sin := TVarSin.Create(IPAddress.Parse(''), 0);
1824     {$ELSE}
1825     FillChar(Sin, Sizeof(Sin), 0);
1826     if FFamily = SF_IP6 then
1827       sin.sin_family := AF_INET6
1828     else
1829       sin.sin_family := AF_INET;
1830     {$ENDIF}
1831     InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1832   end;
1833 end;
1835 procedure TBlockSocket.CreateSocketByName(const Value: String);
1836 var
1837   sin: TVarSin;
1838 begin
1839   ResetLastError;
1840   if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1841   begin
1842     SetSin(sin, value, '0');
1843     if FLastError = 0 then
1844       InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1845   end;
1846 end;
1848 procedure TBlockSocket.InternalCreateSocket(Sin: TVarSin);
1849 begin
1850   FStopFlag := False;
1851   FRecvCounter := 0;
1852   FSendCounter := 0;
1853   ResetLastError;
1854   if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1855   begin
1856     FBuffer := '';
1857     FBinded := False;
1858     FIP6Used := Sin.AddressFamily = AF_INET6;
1859     FSocket := synsock.Socket(integer(Sin.AddressFamily), GetSocketType, GetSocketProtocol);
1860     if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1861       FLastError := synsock.WSAGetLastError;
1862     {$IFNDEF CIL}
1863     FD_ZERO(FFDSet);
1864     FD_SET(FSocket, FFDSet);
1865     {$ENDIF}
1866     ExceptCheck;
1867     if FIP6used then
1868       DoStatus(HR_SocketCreate, 'IPv6')
1869     else
1870       DoStatus(HR_SocketCreate, 'IPv4');
1871     ProcessDelayedOptions;
1872     DoCreateSocket;
1873   end;
1874 end;
1876 procedure TBlockSocket.CloseSocket;
1877 begin
1878   AbortSocket;
1879 end;
1881 procedure TBlockSocket.AbortSocket;
1882 var
1883   n: integer;
1884   p: TSynaOption;
1885 begin
1886   if FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET then
1887     synsock.CloseSocket(FSocket);
1888   FSocket := INVALID_SOCKET;
1889   for n := FDelayedOptions.Count - 1 downto 0 do
1890     begin
1891       p := TSynaOption(FDelayedOptions[n]);
1892       p.Free;
1893     end;
1894   FDelayedOptions.Clear;
1895   FFamily := FFamilySave;
1896   DoStatus(HR_SocketClose, '');
1897 end;
1899 procedure TBlockSocket.Bind(IP, Port: string);
1900 var
1901   Sin: TVarSin;
1902 begin
1903   ResetLastError;
1904   if (FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET)
1905     or not((FFamily = SF_ANY) and (IP = cAnyHost) and (Port = cAnyPort)) then
1906   begin
1907     SetSin(Sin, IP, Port);
1908     if FLastError = 0 then
1909     begin
1910       if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1911         InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1912       SockCheck(synsock.Bind(FSocket, Sin));
1913       GetSinLocal;
1914       FBuffer := '';
1915       FBinded := True;
1916     end;
1917     ExceptCheck;
1918     DoStatus(HR_Bind, IP + ':' + Port);
1919   end;
1920 end;
1922 procedure TBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
1923 var
1924   Sin: TVarSin;
1925   b: boolean;
1926 begin
1927   SetSin(Sin, IP, Port);
1928   if FLastError = 0 then
1929   begin
1930     if FSocket = INVALID_SOCKET then
1931       InternalCreateSocket(Sin);
1932     if FConnectionTimeout > 0 then
1933     begin
1934       // connect in non-blocking mode
1935       b := NonBlockMode;
1936       NonBlockMode := true;
1937       SockCheck(synsock.Connect(FSocket, Sin));
1938       if (FLastError = WSAEINPROGRESS) OR (FLastError = WSAEWOULDBLOCK) then
1939         if not CanWrite(FConnectionTimeout) then
1940           FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
1941       NonBlockMode := b;
1942     end
1943     else
1944       SockCheck(synsock.Connect(FSocket, Sin));
1945     if FLastError = 0 then
1946       GetSins;
1947     FBuffer := '';
1948     FLastCR := False;
1949     FLastLF := False;
1950   end;
1951   ExceptCheck;
1952   DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
1953 end;
1955 procedure TBlockSocket.Listen;
1956 begin
1957   SockCheck(synsock.Listen(FSocket, SOMAXCONN));
1958   GetSins;
1959   ExceptCheck;
1960   DoStatus(HR_Listen, '');
1961 end;
Acceptnull1963 function TBlockSocket.Accept: TSocket;
1964 begin
1965   Result := synsock.Accept(FSocket, FRemoteSin);
1966 ///    SockCheck(Result);
1967   ExceptCheck;
1968   DoStatus(HR_Accept, '');
1969 end;
1971 procedure TBlockSocket.GetSinLocal;
1972 begin
1973   synsock.GetSockName(FSocket, FLocalSin);
1974 end;
1976 procedure TBlockSocket.GetSinRemote;
1977 begin
1978   synsock.GetPeerName(FSocket, FRemoteSin);
1979 end;
1981 procedure TBlockSocket.GetSins;
1982 begin
1983   GetSinLocal;
1984   GetSinRemote;
1985 end;
1987 procedure TBlockSocket.SetBandwidth(Value: Integer);
1988 begin
1989   MaxSendBandwidth := Value;
1990   MaxRecvBandwidth := Value;
1991 end;
1993 procedure TBlockSocket.LimitBandwidth(Length: Integer; MaxB: integer; var Next: LongWord);
1994 var
1995   x: LongWord;
1996   y: LongWord;
1997   n: integer;
1998 begin
1999   if FStopFlag then
2000     exit;
2001   if MaxB > 0 then
2002   begin
2003     y := GetTick;
2004     if Next > y then
2005     begin
2006       x := Next - y;
2007       if x > 0 then
2008       begin
2009         DoStatus(HR_Wait, IntToStr(x));
2010         sleep(x mod 250);
2011         for n := 1 to x div 250 do
2012           if FStopFlag then
2013             Break
2014           else
2015             sleep(250);
2016       end;
2017     end;
2018     Next := GetTick + Trunc((Length / MaxB) * 1000);
2019   end;
2020 end;
TBlockSocket.TestStopFlagnull2022 function TBlockSocket.TestStopFlag: Boolean;
2023 begin
2024   DoHeartbeat;
2025   Result := FStopFlag;
2026   if Result then
2027   begin
2028     FStopFlag := False;
2029     FLastError := WSAECONNABORTED;
2030     ExceptCheck;
2031   end;
2032 end;
TBlockSocket.SendBuffernull2035 function TBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2036 {$IFNDEF CIL}
2037 var
2038   x, y: integer;
2039   l, r: integer;
2040   p: Pointer;
2041 {$ENDIF}
2042 begin
2043   Result := 0;
2044   if TestStopFlag then
2045     Exit;
2046   DoMonitor(True, Buffer, Length);
2047 {$IFDEF CIL}
2048   Result := synsock.Send(FSocket, Buffer, Length, 0);
2049 {$ELSE}
2050   l := Length;
2051   x := 0;
2052   while x < l do
2053   begin
2054     y := l - x;
2055     if y > FSendMaxChunk then
2056       y := FSendMaxChunk;
2057     if y > 0 then
2058     begin
2059       LimitBandwidth(y, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
2060       p := IncPoint(Buffer, x);
2061       r := synsock.Send(FSocket, p, y, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2062       SockCheck(r);
2063       if FLastError = WSAEWOULDBLOCK then
2064       begin
2065         if CanWrite(FNonblockSendTimeout) then
2066         begin
2067           r := synsock.Send(FSocket, p, y, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2068           SockCheck(r);
2069         end
2070         else
2071           FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2072       end;
2073       if FLastError <> 0 then
2074         Break;
2075       Inc(x, r);
2076       Inc(Result, r);
2077       Inc(FSendCounter, r);
2078       DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(r));
2079     end
2080     else
2081       break;
2082   end;
2083 {$ENDIF}
2084   ExceptCheck;
2085 end;
2087 procedure TBlockSocket.SendByte(Data: Byte);
2088 {$IFDEF CIL}
2089 var
2090   buf: TMemory;
2091 {$ENDIF}
2092 begin
2093 {$IFDEF CIL}
2094   setlength(buf, 1);
2095   buf[0] := Data;
2096   SendBuffer(buf, 1);
2097 {$ELSE}
2098   SendBuffer(@Data, 1);
2099 {$ENDIF}
2100 end;
2102 procedure TBlockSocket.SendString(Data: AnsiString);
2103 var
2104   buf: TMemory;
2105 begin
2106   {$IFDEF CIL}
2107   buf := BytesOf(Data);
2108   {$ELSE}
2109   buf := Pointer(data);
2110   {$ENDIF}
2111   SendBuffer(buf, Length(Data));
2112 end;
2114 procedure TBlockSocket.SendInteger(Data: integer);
2115 var
2116   buf: TMemory;
2117 begin
2118   {$IFDEF CIL}
2119   buf := System.BitConverter.GetBytes(Data);
2120   {$ELSE}
2121   buf := @Data;
2122   {$ENDIF}
2123   SendBuffer(buf, SizeOf(Data));
2124 end;
2126 procedure TBlockSocket.SendBlock(const Data: AnsiString);
2127 var
2128   i: integer;
2129 begin
2130   i := SwapBytes(Length(data));
2131   SendString(Codelongint(i) + Data);
2132 end;
2134 procedure TBlockSocket.InternalSendStream(const Stream: TStream; WithSize, Indy: boolean);
2135 var
2136   l: integer;
2137   yr: integer;
2138   s: AnsiString;
2139   b: boolean;
2140 {$IFDEF CIL}
2141   buf: TMemory;
2142 {$ENDIF}
2143 begin
2144   b := true;
2145   l := 0;
2146   if WithSize then
2147   begin
2148     l := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;;
2149     if not Indy then
2150       l := synsock.HToNL(l);
2151   end;
2152   repeat
2153     {$IFDEF CIL}
2154     Setlength(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2155     yr := Stream.read(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2156     if yr > 0 then
2157     begin
2158       if WithSize and b then
2159       begin
2160         b := false;
2161         SendString(CodeLongInt(l));
2162       end;
2163       SendBuffer(buf, yr);
2164       if FLastError <> 0 then
2165         break;
2166     end
2167     {$ELSE}
2168     Setlength(s, FSendMaxChunk);
2169     yr := Stream.read(Pointer(s)^, FSendMaxChunk);
2170     if yr > 0 then
2171     begin
2172       SetLength(s, yr);
2173       if WithSize and b then
2174       begin
2175         b := false;
2176         SendString(CodeLongInt(l) + s);
2177       end
2178       else
2179         SendString(s);
2180       if FLastError <> 0 then
2181         break;
2182     end
2183     {$ENDIF}
2184   until yr <= 0;
2185 end;
2187 procedure TBlockSocket.SendStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream);
2188 begin
2189   InternalSendStream(Stream, false, false);
2190 end;
2192 procedure TBlockSocket.SendStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream);
2193 begin
2194   InternalSendStream(Stream, true, true);
2195 end;
2197 procedure TBlockSocket.SendStream(const Stream: TStream);
2198 begin
2199   InternalSendStream(Stream, true, false);
2200 end;
TBlockSocket.RecvBuffernull2202 function TBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2203 begin
2204   Result := 0;
2205   if TestStopFlag then
2206     Exit;
2207   LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
2208 //  Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2209   Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2210   if Result = 0 then
2211     FLastError := WSAECONNRESET
2212   else
2213     SockCheck(Result);
2214   ExceptCheck;
2215   if Result > 0 then
2216   begin
2217     Inc(FRecvCounter, Result);
2218     DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
2219     DoMonitor(False, Buffer, Result);
2220     DoReadFilter(Buffer, Result);
2221   end;
2222 end;
TBlockSocket.RecvBufferExnull2224 function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferEx(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer;
2225   Timeout: Integer): Integer;
2226 var
2227   s: AnsiString;
2228   rl, l: integer;
2229   ti: LongWord;
2230 {$IFDEF CIL}
2231   n: integer;
2232   b: TMemory;
2233 {$ENDIF}
2234 begin
2235   ResetLastError;
2236   Result := 0;
2237   if Len > 0 then
2238   begin
2239     rl := 0;
2240     repeat
2241       ti := GetTick;
2242       s := RecvPacket(Timeout);
2243       l := Length(s);
2244       if (rl + l) > Len then
2245         l := Len - rl;
2246       {$IFDEF CIL}
2247       b := BytesOf(s);
2248       for n := 0 to l do
2249         Buffer[rl + n] := b[n];
2250       {$ELSE}
2251       Move(Pointer(s)^, IncPoint(Buffer, rl)^, l);
2252       {$ENDIF}
2253       rl := rl + l;
2254       if FLastError <> 0 then
2255         Break;
2256       if rl >= Len then
2257         Break;
2258       if not FInterPacketTimeout then
2259       begin
2260         Timeout := Timeout - integer(TickDelta(ti, GetTick));
2261         if Timeout <= 0 then
2262         begin
2263           FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2264           Break;
2265         end;
2266       end;
2267     until False;
2268     delete(s, 1, l);
2269     FBuffer := s;
2270     Result := rl;
2271   end;
2272 end;
TBlockSocket.RecvBufferStrnull2274 function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferStr(Len: Integer; Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2275 var
2276   x: integer;
2277 {$IFDEF CIL}
2278   buf: Tmemory;
2279 {$ENDIF}
2280 begin
2281   Result := '';
2282   if Len > 0 then
2283   begin
2284     {$IFDEF CIL}
2285     Setlength(Buf, Len);
2286     x := RecvBufferEx(buf, Len , Timeout);
2287     if FLastError = 0 then
2288     begin
2289       SetLength(Buf, x);
2290       Result := StringOf(buf);
2291     end
2292     else
2293       Result := '';
2294     {$ELSE}
2295     Setlength(Result, Len);
2296     x := RecvBufferEx(Pointer(Result), Len , Timeout);
2297     if FLastError = 0 then
2298       SetLength(Result, x)
2299     else
2300       Result := '';
2301     {$ENDIF}
2302   end;
2303 end;
RecvPacketnull2305 function TBlockSocket.RecvPacket(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2306 var
2307   x: integer;
2308 {$IFDEF CIL}
2309   buf: TMemory;
2310 {$ENDIF}
2311 begin
2312   Result := '';
2313   ResetLastError;
2314   if FBuffer <> '' then
2315   begin
2316     Result := FBuffer;
2317     FBuffer := '';
2318   end
2319   else
2320   begin
2322     //not drain CPU on large downloads...
2323     Sleep(0);
2324     {$ENDIF}
2325     x := WaitingData;
2326     if x > 0 then
2327     begin
2328       {$IFDEF CIL}
2329       SetLength(Buf, x);
2330       x := RecvBuffer(Buf, x);
2331       if x >= 0 then
2332       begin
2333         SetLength(Buf, x);
2334         Result := StringOf(Buf);
2335       end;
2336       {$ELSE}
2337       SetLength(Result, x);
2338       x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(Result), x);
2339       if x >= 0 then
2340         SetLength(Result, x);
2341       {$ENDIF}
2342     end
2343     else
2344     begin
2345       if CanRead(Timeout) then
2346       begin
2347         x := WaitingData;
2348         if x = 0 then
2349           FLastError := WSAECONNRESET;
2350         if x > 0 then
2351         begin
2352           {$IFDEF CIL}
2353           SetLength(Buf, x);
2354           x := RecvBuffer(Buf, x);
2355           if x >= 0 then
2356           begin
2357             SetLength(Buf, x);
2358             result := StringOf(Buf);
2359           end;
2360           {$ELSE}
2361           SetLength(Result, x);
2362           x := RecvBuffer(Pointer(Result), x);
2363           if x >= 0 then
2364             SetLength(Result, x);
2365           {$ENDIF}
2366         end;
2367       end
2368       else
2369         FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2370     end;
2371   end;
2372   if FConvertLineEnd and (Result <> '') then
2373   begin
2374     if FLastCR and (Result[1] = LF) then
2375       Delete(Result, 1, 1);
2376     if FLastLF and (Result[1] = CR) then
2377       Delete(Result, 1, 1);
2378     FLastCR := False;
2379     FLastLF := False;
2380   end;
2381   ExceptCheck;
2382 end;
TBlockSocket.RecvBytenull2385 function TBlockSocket.RecvByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte;
2386 begin
2387   Result := 0;
2388   ResetLastError;
2389   if FBuffer = '' then
2390     FBuffer := RecvPacket(Timeout);
2391   if (FLastError = 0) and (FBuffer <> '') then
2392   begin
2393     Result := Ord(FBuffer[1]);
2394     Delete(FBuffer, 1, 1);
2395   end;
2396   ExceptCheck;
2397 end;
RecvIntegernull2399 function TBlockSocket.RecvInteger(Timeout: Integer): Integer;
2400 var
2401   s: AnsiString;
2402 begin
2403   Result := 0;
2404   s := RecvBufferStr(4, Timeout);
2405   if FLastError = 0 then
2406     Result := (ord(s[1]) + ord(s[2]) * 256) + (ord(s[3]) + ord(s[4]) * 256) * 65536;
2407 end;
RecvTerminatednull2409 function TBlockSocket.RecvTerminated(Timeout: Integer; const Terminator: AnsiString): AnsiString;
2410 var
2411   x: Integer;
2412   s: AnsiString;
2413   l: Integer;
2414   CorCRLF: Boolean;
2415   t: AnsiString;
2416   tl: integer;
2417   ti: LongWord;
2418 begin
2419   ResetLastError;
2420   Result := '';
2421   l := Length(Terminator);
2422   if l = 0 then
2423     Exit;
2424   tl := l;
2425   CorCRLF := FConvertLineEnd and (Terminator = CRLF);
2426   s := '';
2427   x := 0;
2428   repeat
2429     //get rest of FBuffer or incomming new data...
2430     ti := GetTick;
2431     s := s + RecvPacket(Timeout);
2432     if FLastError <> 0 then
2433       Break;
2434     x := 0;
2435     if Length(s) > 0 then
2436       if CorCRLF then
2437       begin
2438         t := '';
2439         x := PosCRLF(s, t);
2440         tl := Length(t);
2441         if t = CR then
2442           FLastCR := True;
2443         if t = LF then
2444           FLastLF := True;
2445       end
2446       else
2447       begin
2448         x := pos(Terminator, s);
2449         tl := l;
2450       end;
2451     if (FMaxLineLength <> 0) and (Length(s) > FMaxLineLength) then
2452     begin
2453       FLastError := WSAENOBUFS;
2454       Break;
2455     end;
2456     if x > 0 then
2457       Break;
2458     if not FInterPacketTimeout then
2459     begin
2460       Timeout := Timeout - integer(TickDelta(ti, GetTick));
2461       if Timeout <= 0 then
2462       begin
2463         FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2464         Break;
2465       end;
2466     end;
2467   until False;
2468   if x > 0 then
2469   begin
2470     Result := Copy(s, 1, x - 1);
2471     Delete(s, 1, x + tl - 1);
2472   end;
2473   FBuffer := s;
2474   ExceptCheck;
2475 end;
RecvStringnull2477 function TBlockSocket.RecvString(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2478 var
2479   s: AnsiString;
2480 begin
2481   Result := '';
2482   s := RecvTerminated(Timeout, CRLF);
2483   if FLastError = 0 then
2484     Result := s;
2485 end;
TBlockSocket.RecvBlocknull2487 function TBlockSocket.RecvBlock(Timeout: Integer): AnsiString;
2488 var
2489   x: integer;
2490 begin
2491   Result := '';
2492   x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
2493   if FLastError = 0 then
2494     Result := RecvBufferStr(x, Timeout);
2495 end;
2497 procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStreamRaw(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
2498 var
2499   s: AnsiString;
2500 begin
2501   repeat
2502     s := RecvPacket(Timeout);
2503     if FLastError = 0 then
2504       WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
2505   until FLastError <> 0;
2506 end;
2508 procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStreamSize(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer; Size: Integer);
2509 var
2510   s: AnsiString;
2511   n: integer;
2512 {$IFDEF CIL}
2513   buf: TMemory;
2514 {$ENDIF}
2515 begin
2516   for n := 1 to (Size div FSendMaxChunk) do
2517   begin
2518     {$IFDEF CIL}
2519     SetLength(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2520     RecvBufferEx(buf, FSendMaxChunk, Timeout);
2521     if FLastError <> 0 then
2522       Exit;
2523     Stream.Write(buf, FSendMaxChunk);
2524     {$ELSE}
2525     s := RecvBufferStr(FSendMaxChunk, Timeout);
2526     if FLastError <> 0 then
2527       Exit;
2528     WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
2529     {$ENDIF}
2530   end;
2531   n := Size mod FSendMaxChunk;
2532   if n > 0 then
2533   begin
2534     {$IFDEF CIL}
2535     SetLength(buf, n);
2536     RecvBufferEx(buf, n, Timeout);
2537     if FLastError <> 0 then
2538       Exit;
2539     Stream.Write(buf, n);
2540     {$ELSE}
2541     s := RecvBufferStr(n, Timeout);
2542     if FLastError <> 0 then
2543       Exit;
2544     WriteStrToStream(Stream, s);
2545     {$ENDIF}
2546   end;
2547 end;
2549 procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStreamIndy(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
2550 var
2551   x: integer;
2552 begin
2553   x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
2554   x := synsock.NToHL(x);
2555   if FLastError = 0 then
2556     RecvStreamSize(Stream, Timeout, x);
2557 end;
2559 procedure TBlockSocket.RecvStream(const Stream: TStream; Timeout: Integer);
2560 var
2561   x: integer;
2562 begin
2563   x := RecvInteger(Timeout);
2564   if FLastError = 0 then
2565     RecvStreamSize(Stream, Timeout, x);
2566 end;
TBlockSocket.PeekBuffernull2568 function TBlockSocket.PeekBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2569 begin
2570  {$IFNDEF CIL}
2571 //  Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer^, Length, MSG_PEEK + MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2572   Result := synsock.Recv(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_PEEK + MSG_NOSIGNAL);
2573   SockCheck(Result);
2574   ExceptCheck;
2575   {$ENDIF}
2576 end;
PeekBytenull2578 function TBlockSocket.PeekByte(Timeout: Integer): Byte;
2579 var
2580   s: string;
2581 begin
2582  {$IFNDEF CIL}
2583   Result := 0;
2584   if CanRead(Timeout) then
2585   begin
2586     SetLength(s, 1);
2587     PeekBuffer(Pointer(s), 1);
2588     if s <> '' then
2589       Result := Ord(s[1]);
2590   end
2591   else
2592     FLastError := WSAETIMEDOUT;
2593   ExceptCheck;
2594   {$ENDIF}
2595 end;
2597 procedure TBlockSocket.ResetLastError;
2598 begin
2599   FLastError := 0;
2600   FLastErrorDesc := '';
2601 end;
SockChecknull2603 function TBlockSocket.SockCheck(SockResult: Integer): Integer;
2604 begin
2605   ResetLastError;
2606   if SockResult = integer(SOCKET_ERROR) then
2607   begin
2608     FLastError := synsock.WSAGetLastError;
2609     FLastErrorDesc := GetErrorDescEx;
2610   end;
2611   Result := FLastError;
2612 end;
2614 procedure TBlockSocket.ExceptCheck;
2615 var
2616   e: ESynapseError;
2617 begin
2618   FLastErrorDesc := GetErrorDescEx;
2619   if (LastError <> 0) and (LastError <> WSAEINPROGRESS)
2620     and (LastError <> WSAEWOULDBLOCK) then
2621   begin
2622     DoStatus(HR_Error, IntToStr(FLastError) + ',' + FLastErrorDesc);
2623     if FRaiseExcept then
2624     begin
2625       e := ESynapseError.Create(Format('Synapse TCP/IP Socket error %d: %s',
2626         [FLastError, FLastErrorDesc]));
2627       e.ErrorCode := FLastError;
2628       e.ErrorMessage := FLastErrorDesc;
2629       raise e;
2630     end;
2631   end;
2632 end;
WaitingDatanull2634 function TBlockSocket.WaitingData: Integer;
2635 var
2636   x: Integer;
2637 begin
2638   Result := 0;
2639   if synsock.IoctlSocket(FSocket, FIONREAD, x) = 0 then
2640     Result := x;
2641   if Result > c64k then
2642     Result := c64k;
2643 end;
TBlockSocket.WaitingDataExnull2645 function TBlockSocket.WaitingDataEx: Integer;
2646 begin
2647   if FBuffer <> '' then
2648     Result := Length(FBuffer)
2649   else
2650     Result := WaitingData;
2651 end;
2653 procedure TBlockSocket.Purge;
2654 begin
2655   Sleep(1);
2656   try
2657     while (Length(FBuffer) > 0) or (WaitingData > 0) do
2658     begin
2659       RecvPacket(0);
2660       if FLastError <> 0 then
2661         break;
2662     end;
2663   except
2664     on exception do;
2665   end;
2666   ResetLastError;
2667 end;
2669 procedure TBlockSocket.SetLinger(Enable: Boolean; Linger: Integer);
2670 var
2671   d: TSynaOption;
2672 begin
2673   d := TSynaOption.Create;
2674   d.Option := SOT_Linger;
2675   d.Enabled := Enable;
2676   d.Value := Linger;
2677   DelayedOption(d);
2678 end;
LocalNamenull2680 function TBlockSocket.LocalName: string;
2681 begin
2682   Result := synsock.GetHostName;
2683   if Result = '' then
2684     Result := '';
2685 end;
2687 procedure TBlockSocket.ResolveNameToIP(Name: string; const IPList: TStrings);
2688 begin
2689   IPList.Clear;
2690   synsock.ResolveNameToIP(Name, FamilyToAF(FFamily), GetSocketprotocol, GetSocketType, IPList);
2691   if IPList.Count = 0 then
2692     IPList.Add(cAnyHost);
2693 end;
TBlockSocket.ResolveNamenull2695 function TBlockSocket.ResolveName(Name: string): string;
2696 var
2697   l: TStringList;
2698 begin
2699   l := TStringList.Create;
2700   try
2701     ResolveNameToIP(Name, l);
2702     Result := l[0];
2703   finally
2704     l.Free;
2705   end;
2706 end;
ResolvePortnull2708 function TBlockSocket.ResolvePort(Port: string): Word;
2709 begin
2710   Result := synsock.ResolvePort(Port, FamilyToAF(FFamily), GetSocketProtocol, GetSocketType);
2711 end;
ResolveIPToNamenull2713 function TBlockSocket.ResolveIPToName(IP: string): string;
2714 begin
2715   if not IsIP(IP) and not IsIp6(IP) then
2716     IP := ResolveName(IP);
2717   Result := synsock.ResolveIPToName(IP, FamilyToAF(FFamily), GetSocketProtocol, GetSocketType);
2718 end;
2720 procedure TBlockSocket.SetRemoteSin(IP, Port: string);
2721 begin
2722   SetSin(FRemoteSin, IP, Port);
2723 end;
TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIPnull2725 function TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP: string;
2726 begin
2727   Result := GetSinIP(FLocalSin);
2728 end;
GetRemoteSinIPnull2730 function TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP: string;
2731 begin
2732   Result := GetSinIP(FRemoteSin);
2733 end;
TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPortnull2735 function TBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort: Integer;
2736 begin
2737   Result := GetSinPort(FLocalSin);
2738 end;
TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPortnull2740 function TBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort: Integer;
2741 begin
2742   Result := GetSinPort(FRemoteSin);
2743 end;
InternalCanReadnull2745 function TBlockSocket.InternalCanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2746 {$IFDEF CIL}
2747 begin
2748   Result := FSocket.Poll(Timeout * 1000, SelectMode.SelectRead);
2749 {$ELSE}
2750 var
2751   TimeVal: PTimeVal;
2752   TimeV: TTimeVal;
2753   x: Integer;
2754   FDSet: TFDSet;
2755 begin
2756   TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
2757   TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
2758   TimeVal := @TimeV;
2759   if Timeout = -1 then
2760     TimeVal := nil;
2761   FDSet := FFdSet;
2762   x := synsock.Select(FSocket + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
2763   SockCheck(x);
2764   if FLastError <> 0 then
2765     x := 0;
2766   Result := x > 0;
2767 {$ENDIF}
2768 end;
CanReadnull2770 function TBlockSocket.CanRead(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2771 var
2772   ti, tr: Integer;
2773   n: integer;
2774 begin
2775   if (FHeartbeatRate <> 0) and (Timeout <> -1) then
2776   begin
2777     ti := Timeout div FHeartbeatRate;
2778     tr := Timeout mod FHeartbeatRate;
2779   end
2780   else
2781   begin
2782     ti := 0;
2783     tr := Timeout;
2784   end;
2785   Result := InternalCanRead(tr);
2786   if not Result then
2787     for n := 0 to ti do
2788     begin
2789       DoHeartbeat;
2790       if FStopFlag then
2791       begin
2792         Result := False;
2793         FStopFlag := False;
2794         Break;
2795       end;
2796       Result := InternalCanRead(FHeartbeatRate);
2797       if Result then
2798         break;
2799     end;
2800   ExceptCheck;
2801   if Result then
2802     DoStatus(HR_CanRead, '');
2803 end;
TBlockSocket.InternalCanWritenull2805 function TBlockSocket.InternalCanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2806 {$IFDEF CIL}
2807 begin
2808   Result := FSocket.Poll(Timeout * 1000, SelectMode.SelectWrite);
2809 {$ELSE}
2810 var
2811   TimeVal: PTimeVal;
2812   TimeV: TTimeVal;
2813   x: Integer;
2814   FDSet: TFDSet;
2815 begin
2816   TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
2817   TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
2818   TimeVal := @TimeV;
2819   if Timeout = -1 then
2820     TimeVal := nil;
2821   FDSet := FFdSet;
2822   x := synsock.Select(FSocket + 1, nil, @FDSet, nil, TimeVal);
2823   SockCheck(x);
2824   if FLastError <> 0 then
2825     x := 0;
2826   Result := x > 0;
2827 {$ENDIF}
2828 end;
CanWritenull2830 function TBlockSocket.CanWrite(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2831 var
2832   ti, tr: Integer;
2833   n: integer;
2834 begin
2835   if (FHeartbeatRate <> 0) and (Timeout <> -1) then
2836   begin
2837     ti := Timeout div FHeartbeatRate;
2838     tr := Timeout mod FHeartbeatRate;
2839   end
2840   else
2841   begin
2842     ti := 0;
2843     tr := Timeout;
2844   end;
2845   Result := InternalCanWrite(tr);
2846   if not Result then
2847     for n := 0 to ti do
2848     begin
2849       DoHeartbeat;
2850       if FStopFlag then
2851       begin
2852         Result := False;
2853         FStopFlag := False;
2854         Break;
2855       end;
2856       Result := InternalCanWrite(FHeartbeatRate);
2857       if Result then
2858         break;
2859     end;
2860   ExceptCheck;
2861   if Result then
2862     DoStatus(HR_CanWrite, '');
2863 end;
TBlockSocket.CanReadExnull2865 function TBlockSocket.CanReadEx(Timeout: Integer): Boolean;
2866 begin
2867   if FBuffer <> '' then
2868     Result := True
2869   else
2870     Result := CanRead(Timeout);
2871 end;
TBlockSocket.SendBufferTonull2873 function TBlockSocket.SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2874 begin
2875   Result := 0;
2876   if TestStopFlag then
2877     Exit;
2878   DoMonitor(True, Buffer, Length);
2879   LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
2880   Result := synsock.SendTo(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL, FRemoteSin);
2881   SockCheck(Result);
2882   ExceptCheck;
2883   Inc(FSendCounter, Result);
2884   DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(Result));
2885 end;
TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFromnull2887 function TBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
2888 begin
2889   Result := 0;
2890   if TestStopFlag then
2891     Exit;
2892   LimitBandwidth(Length, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
2893   Result := synsock.RecvFrom(FSocket, Buffer, Length, MSG_NOSIGNAL, FRemoteSin);
2894   SockCheck(Result);
2895   ExceptCheck;
2896   Inc(FRecvCounter, Result);
2897   DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
2898   DoMonitor(False, Buffer, Result);
2899 end;
GetSizeRecvBuffernull2901 function TBlockSocket.GetSizeRecvBuffer: Integer;
2902 var
2903   l: Integer;
2904 {$IFDEF CIL}
2905   buf: TMemory;
2906 {$ENDIF}
2907 begin
2908 {$IFDEF CIL}
2909   setlength(buf, 4);
2910   SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_RCVBUF), buf, l));
2911   Result := System.BitConverter.ToInt32(buf,0);
2912 {$ELSE}
2913   l := SizeOf(Result);
2914   SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, @Result, l));
2915   if FLastError <> 0 then
2916     Result := 1024;
2917   ExceptCheck;
2918 {$ENDIF}
2919 end;
2921 procedure TBlockSocket.SetSizeRecvBuffer(Size: Integer);
2922 var
2923   d: TSynaOption;
2924 begin
2925   d := TSynaOption.Create;
2926   d.Option := SOT_RecvBuff;
2927   d.Value := Size;
2928   DelayedOption(d);
2929 end;
GetSizeSendBuffernull2931 function TBlockSocket.GetSizeSendBuffer: Integer;
2932 var
2933   l: Integer;
2934 {$IFDEF CIL}
2935   buf: TMemory;
2936 {$ENDIF}
2937 begin
2938 {$IFDEF CIL}
2939   setlength(buf, 4);
2940   SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, integer(SOL_SOCKET), integer(SO_SNDBUF), buf, l));
2941   Result := System.BitConverter.ToInt32(buf,0);
2942 {$ELSE}
2943   l := SizeOf(Result);
2944   SockCheck(synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, @Result, l));
2945   if FLastError <> 0 then
2946     Result := 1024;
2947   ExceptCheck;
2948 {$ENDIF}
2949 end;
2951 procedure TBlockSocket.SetSizeSendBuffer(Size: Integer);
2952 var
2953   d: TSynaOption;
2954 begin
2955   d := TSynaOption.Create;
2956   d.Option := SOT_SendBuff;
2957   d.Value := Size;
2958   DelayedOption(d);
2959 end;
2961 procedure TBlockSocket.SetNonBlockMode(Value: Boolean);
2962 var
2963   d: TSynaOption;
2964 begin
2965   d := TSynaOption.Create;
2966   d.Option := SOT_nonblock;
2967   d.Enabled := Value;
2968   DelayedOption(d);
2969 end;
2971 procedure TBlockSocket.SetTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
2972 begin
2973   SetSendTimeout(Timeout);
2974   SetRecvTimeout(Timeout);
2975 end;
2977 procedure TBlockSocket.SetSendTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
2978 var
2979   d: TSynaOption;
2980 begin
2981   d := TSynaOption.Create;
2982   d.Option := SOT_sendtimeout;
2983   d.Value := Timeout;
2984   DelayedOption(d);
2985 end;
2987 procedure TBlockSocket.SetRecvTimeout(Timeout: Integer);
2988 var
2989   d: TSynaOption;
2990 begin
2991   d := TSynaOption.Create;
2992   d.Option := SOT_recvtimeout;
2993   d.Value := Timeout;
2994   DelayedOption(d);
2995 end;
2997 {$IFNDEF CIL}
TBlockSocket.GroupCanReadnull2998 function TBlockSocket.GroupCanRead(const SocketList: TList; Timeout: Integer;
2999   const CanReadList: TList): boolean;
3000 var
3001   FDSet: TFDSet;
3002   TimeVal: PTimeVal;
3003   TimeV: TTimeVal;
3004   x, n: Integer;
3005   Max: Integer;
3006 begin
3007   TimeV.tv_usec := (Timeout mod 1000) * 1000;
3008   TimeV.tv_sec := Timeout div 1000;
3009   TimeVal := @TimeV;
3010   if Timeout = -1 then
3011     TimeVal := nil;
3012   FD_ZERO(FDSet);
3013   Max := 0;
3014   for n := 0 to SocketList.Count - 1 do
3015     if TObject(SocketList.Items[n]) is TBlockSocket then
3016     begin
3017       if TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket > Max then
3018         Max := TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket;
3019       FD_SET(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket, FDSet);
3020     end;
3021   x := synsock.Select(Max + 1, @FDSet, nil, nil, TimeVal);
3022   SockCheck(x);
3023   ExceptCheck;
3024   if FLastError <> 0 then
3025     x := 0;
3026   Result := x > 0;
3027   CanReadList.Clear;
3028   if Result then
3029     for n := 0 to SocketList.Count - 1 do
3030       if TObject(SocketList.Items[n]) is TBlockSocket then
3031         if FD_ISSET(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]).Socket, FDSet) then
3032           CanReadList.Add(TBlockSocket(SocketList.Items[n]));
3033 end;
3034 {$ENDIF}
3036 procedure TBlockSocket.EnableReuse(Value: Boolean);
3037 var
3038   d: TSynaOption;
3039 begin
3040   d := TSynaOption.Create;
3041   d.Option := SOT_reuse;
3042   d.Enabled := Value;
3043   DelayedOption(d);
3044 end;
3046 procedure TBlockSocket.SetTTL(TTL: integer);
3047 var
3048   d: TSynaOption;
3049 begin
3050   d := TSynaOption.Create;
3051   d.Option := SOT_TTL;
3052   d.Value := TTL;
3053   DelayedOption(d);
3054 end;
GetTTLnull3056 function TBlockSocket.GetTTL:integer;
3057 var
3058   l: Integer;
3059 begin
3060 {$IFNDEF CIL}
3061   l := SizeOf(Result);
3062   if FIP6Used then
3063     synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS, @Result, l)
3064   else
3065     synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, @Result, l);
3066 {$ENDIF}
3067 end;
3069 procedure TBlockSocket.SetFamily(Value: TSocketFamily);
3070 begin
3071   FFamily := Value;
3072   FFamilySave := Value;
3073 end;
3075 procedure TBlockSocket.SetSocket(Value: TSocket);
3076 begin
3077   FRecvCounter := 0;
3078   FSendCounter := 0;
3079   FSocket := Value;
3080 {$IFNDEF CIL}
3081   FD_ZERO(FFDSet);
3082   FD_SET(FSocket, FFDSet);
3083 {$ENDIF}
3084   GetSins;
3085   FIP6Used := FRemoteSin.AddressFamily = AF_INET6;
3086 end;
GetWsaDatanull3088 function TBlockSocket.GetWsaData: TWSAData;
3089 begin
3091   Result := WsaDataOnce;
3092   {$ELSE}
3093   Result := FWsaDataOnce;
3094   {$ENDIF}
3095 end;
TBlockSocket.GetSocketTypenull3097 function TBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
3098 begin
3099   Result := 0;
3100 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull3102 function TBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
3103 begin
3104   Result := integer(IPPROTO_IP);
3105 end;
3107 procedure TBlockSocket.DoStatus(Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: string);
3108 begin
3109   if assigned(OnStatus) then
3110     OnStatus(Self, Reason, Value);
3111 end;
3113 procedure TBlockSocket.DoReadFilter(Buffer: TMemory; var Len: Integer);
3114 var
3115   s: AnsiString;
3116 begin
3117   if assigned(OnReadFilter) then
3118     if Len > 0 then
3119       begin
3120         {$IFDEF CIL}
3121         s := StringOf(Buffer);
3122         {$ELSE}
3123         SetLength(s, Len);
3124         Move(Buffer^, Pointer(s)^, Len);
3125         {$ENDIF}
3126         OnReadFilter(Self, s);
3127         if Length(s) > Len then
3128           SetLength(s, Len);
3129         Len := Length(s);
3130         {$IFDEF CIL}
3131         Buffer := BytesOf(s);
3132         {$ELSE}
3133         Move(Pointer(s)^, Buffer^, Len);
3134         {$ENDIF}
3135       end;
3136 end;
3138 procedure TBlockSocket.DoCreateSocket;
3139 begin
3140   if assigned(OnCreateSocket) then
3141     OnCreateSocket(Self);
3142 end;
3144 procedure TBlockSocket.DoMonitor(Writing: Boolean; const Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer);
3145 begin
3146   if assigned(OnMonitor) then
3147   begin
3148     OnMonitor(Self, Writing, Buffer, Len);
3149   end;
3150 end;
3152 procedure TBlockSocket.DoHeartbeat;
3153 begin
3154   if assigned(OnHeartbeat) and (FHeartbeatRate <> 0) then
3155   begin
3156     OnHeartbeat(Self);
3157   end;
3158 end;
TBlockSocket.GetErrorDescExnull3160 function TBlockSocket.GetErrorDescEx: string;
3161 begin
3162   Result := GetErrorDesc(FLastError);
3163 end;
TBlockSocket.GetErrorDescnull3165 class function TBlockSocket.GetErrorDesc(ErrorCode: Integer): string;
3166 begin
3167 {$IFDEF CIL}
3168   if ErrorCode = 0 then
3169     Result := ''
3170   else
3171   begin
3172     Result := WSAGetLastErrorDesc;
3173     if Result = '' then
3174       Result := 'Other Winsock error (' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ')';
3175   end;
3176 {$ELSE}
3177   case ErrorCode of
3178     0:
3179       Result := '';
3180     WSAEINTR: {10004}
3181       Result := 'Interrupted system call';
3182     WSAEBADF: {10009}
3183       Result := 'Bad file number';
3184     WSAEACCES: {10013}
3185       Result := 'Permission denied';
3186     WSAEFAULT: {10014}
3187       Result := 'Bad address';
3188     WSAEINVAL: {10022}
3189       Result := 'Invalid argument';
3190     WSAEMFILE: {10024}
3191       Result := 'Too many open files';
3192     WSAEWOULDBLOCK: {10035}
3193       Result := 'Operation would block';
3194     WSAEINPROGRESS: {10036}
3195       Result := 'Operation now in progress';
3196     WSAEALREADY: {10037}
3197       Result := 'Operation already in progress';
3198     WSAENOTSOCK: {10038}
3199       Result := 'Socket operation on nonsocket';
3200     WSAEDESTADDRREQ: {10039}
3201       Result := 'Destination address required';
3202     WSAEMSGSIZE: {10040}
3203       Result := 'Message too long';
3204     WSAEPROTOTYPE: {10041}
3205       Result := 'Protocol wrong type for Socket';
3206     WSAENOPROTOOPT: {10042}
3207       Result := 'Protocol not available';
3208     WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: {10043}
3209       Result := 'Protocol not supported';
3210     WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: {10044}
3211       Result := 'Socket not supported';
3212     WSAEOPNOTSUPP: {10045}
3213       Result := 'Operation not supported on Socket';
3214     WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: {10046}
3215       Result := 'Protocol family not supported';
3216     WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: {10047}
3217       Result := 'Address family not supported';
3218     WSAEADDRINUSE: {10048}
3219       Result := 'Address already in use';
3220     WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: {10049}
3221       Result := 'Can''t assign requested address';
3222     WSAENETDOWN: {10050}
3223       Result := 'Network is down';
3224     WSAENETUNREACH: {10051}
3225       Result := 'Network is unreachable';
3226     WSAENETRESET: {10052}
3227       Result := 'Network dropped connection on reset';
3228     WSAECONNABORTED: {10053}
3229       Result := 'Software caused connection abort';
3230     WSAECONNRESET: {10054}
3231       Result := 'Connection reset by peer';
3232     WSAENOBUFS: {10055}
3233       Result := 'No Buffer space available';
3234     WSAEISCONN: {10056}
3235       Result := 'Socket is already connected';
3236     WSAENOTCONN: {10057}
3237       Result := 'Socket is not connected';
3238     WSAESHUTDOWN: {10058}
3239       Result := 'Can''t send after Socket shutdown';
3240     WSAETOOMANYREFS: {10059}
3241       Result := 'Too many references:can''t splice';
3242     WSAETIMEDOUT: {10060}
3243       Result := 'Connection timed out';
3244     WSAECONNREFUSED: {10061}
3245       Result := 'Connection refused';
3246     WSAELOOP: {10062}
3247       Result := 'Too many levels of symbolic links';
3248     WSAENAMETOOLONG: {10063}
3249       Result := 'File name is too long';
3250     WSAEHOSTDOWN: {10064}
3251       Result := 'Host is down';
3252     WSAEHOSTUNREACH: {10065}
3253       Result := 'No route to host';
3254     WSAENOTEMPTY: {10066}
3255       Result := 'Directory is not empty';
3256     WSAEPROCLIM: {10067}
3257       Result := 'Too many processes';
3258     WSAEUSERS: {10068}
3259       Result := 'Too many users';
3260     WSAEDQUOT: {10069}
3261       Result := 'Disk quota exceeded';
3262     WSAESTALE: {10070}
3263       Result := 'Stale NFS file handle';
3264     WSAEREMOTE: {10071}
3265       Result := 'Too many levels of remote in path';
3266     WSASYSNOTREADY: {10091}
3267       Result := 'Network subsystem is unusable';
3268     WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: {10092}
3269       Result := 'Winsock DLL cannot support this application';
3270     WSANOTINITIALISED: {10093}
3271       Result := 'Winsock not initialized';
3272     WSAEDISCON: {10101}
3273       Result := 'Disconnect';
3274     WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: {11001}
3275       Result := 'Host not found';
3276     WSATRY_AGAIN: {11002}
3277       Result := 'Non authoritative - host not found';
3278     WSANO_RECOVERY: {11003}
3279       Result := 'Non recoverable error';
3280     WSANO_DATA: {11004}
3281       Result := 'Valid name, no data record of requested type'
3282   else
3283     Result := 'Other Winsock error (' + IntToStr(ErrorCode) + ')';
3284   end;
3285 {$ENDIF}
3286 end;
3288 {======================================================================}
3290 constructor TSocksBlockSocket.Create;
3291 begin
3292   inherited Create;
3293   FSocksIP:= '';
3294   FSocksPort:= '1080';
3295   FSocksTimeout:= 60000;
3296   FSocksUsername:= '';
3297   FSocksPassword:= '';
3298   FUsingSocks := False;
3299   FSocksResolver := True;
3300   FSocksLastError := 0;
3301   FSocksResponseIP := '';
3302   FSocksResponsePort := '';
3303   FSocksLocalIP := '';
3304   FSocksLocalPort := '';
3305   FSocksRemoteIP := '';
3306   FSocksRemotePort := '';
3307   FBypassFlag := False;
3308   FSocksType := ST_Socks5;
3309 end;
SocksOpennull3311 function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksOpen: boolean;
3312 var
3313   Buf: AnsiString;
3314   n: integer;
3315 begin
3316   Result := False;
3317   FUsingSocks := False;
3318   if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3319   begin
3320     FUsingSocks := True;
3321     Result := True;
3322   end
3323   else
3324   begin
3325     FBypassFlag := True;
3326     try
3327       if FSocksUsername = '' then
3328         Buf := #5 + #1 + #0
3329       else
3330         Buf := #5 + #2 + #2 +#0;
3331       SendString(Buf);
3332       Buf := RecvBufferStr(2, FSocksTimeout);
3333       if Length(Buf) < 2 then
3334         Exit;
3335       if Buf[1] <> #5 then
3336         Exit;
3337       n := Ord(Buf[2]);
3338       case n of
3339         0: //not need authorisation
3340           ;
3341         2:
3342           begin
3343             Buf := #1 + AnsiChar(Length(FSocksUsername)) + FSocksUsername
3344               + AnsiChar(Length(FSocksPassword)) + FSocksPassword;
3345             SendString(Buf);
3346             Buf := RecvBufferStr(2, FSocksTimeout);
3347             if Length(Buf) < 2 then
3348               Exit;
3349             if Buf[2] <> #0 then
3350               Exit;
3351           end;
3352       else
3353         //other authorisation is not supported!
3354         Exit;
3355       end;
3356       FUsingSocks := True;
3357       Result := True;
3358     finally
3359       FBypassFlag := False;
3360     end;
3361   end;
3362 end;
SocksRequestnull3364 function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksRequest(Cmd: Byte;
3365   const IP, Port: string): Boolean;
3366 var
3367   Buf: AnsiString;
3368 begin
3369   FBypassFlag := True;
3370   try
3371     if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3372       Buf := #4 + AnsiChar(Cmd) + SocksCode(IP, Port)
3373     else
3374       Buf := #5 + AnsiChar(Cmd) + #0 + SocksCode(IP, Port);
3375     SendString(Buf);
3376     Result := FLastError = 0;
3377   finally
3378     FBypassFlag := False;
3379   end;
3380 end;
TSocksBlockSocket.SocksResponsenull3382 function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksResponse: Boolean;
3383 var
3384   Buf, s: AnsiString;
3385   x: integer;
3386 begin
3387   Result := False;
3388   FBypassFlag := True;
3389   try
3390     FSocksResponseIP := '';
3391     FSocksResponsePort := '';
3392     FSocksLastError := -1;
3393     if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3394     begin
3395       Buf := RecvBufferStr(8, FSocksTimeout);
3396       if FLastError <> 0 then
3397         Exit;
3398       if Buf[1] <> #0 then
3399         Exit;
3400       FSocksLastError := Ord(Buf[2]);
3401     end
3402     else
3403     begin
3404       Buf := RecvBufferStr(4, FSocksTimeout);
3405       if FLastError <> 0 then
3406         Exit;
3407       if Buf[1] <> #5 then
3408         Exit;
3409       case Ord(Buf[4]) of
3410         1:
3411           s := RecvBufferStr(4, FSocksTimeout);
3412         3:
3413           begin
3414             x := RecvByte(FSocksTimeout);
3415             if FLastError <> 0 then
3416               Exit;
3417             s := AnsiChar(x) + RecvBufferStr(x, FSocksTimeout);
3418           end;
3419         4:
3420           s := RecvBufferStr(16, FSocksTimeout);
3421       else
3422         Exit;
3423       end;
3424       Buf := Buf + s + RecvBufferStr(2, FSocksTimeout);
3425       if FLastError <> 0 then
3426         Exit;
3427       FSocksLastError := Ord(Buf[2]);
3428     end;
3429     if ((FSocksLastError <> 0) and (FSocksLastError <> 90)) then
3430       Exit;
3431     SocksDecode(Buf);
3432     Result := True;
3433   finally
3434     FBypassFlag := False;
3435   end;
3436 end;
TSocksBlockSocket.SocksCodenull3438 function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksCode(IP, Port: string): Ansistring;
3439 var
3440   ip6: TIp6Bytes;
3441   n: integer;
3442 begin
3443   if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3444   begin
3445     Result := CodeInt(ResolvePort(Port));
3446     if not FSocksResolver then
3447       IP := ResolveName(IP);
3448     if IsIP(IP) then
3449     begin
3450       Result := Result + IPToID(IP);
3451       Result := Result + FSocksUsername + #0;
3452     end
3453     else
3454     begin
3455       Result := Result + IPToID('');
3456       Result := Result + FSocksUsername + #0;
3457       Result := Result + IP + #0;
3458     end;
3459   end
3460   else
3461   begin
3462     if not FSocksResolver then
3463       IP := ResolveName(IP);
3464     if IsIP(IP) then
3465       Result := #1 + IPToID(IP)
3466     else
3467       if IsIP6(IP) then
3468       begin
3469         ip6 := StrToIP6(IP);
3470         Result := #4;
3471         for n := 0 to 15 do
3472           Result := Result + AnsiChar(ip6[n]);
3473       end
3474       else
3475         Result := #3 + AnsiChar(Length(IP)) + IP;
3476     Result := Result + CodeInt(ResolvePort(Port));
3477   end;
3478 end;
SocksDecodenull3480 function TSocksBlockSocket.SocksDecode(Value: Ansistring): integer;
3481 var
3482   Atyp: Byte;
3483   y, n: integer;
3484   w: Word;
3485   ip6: TIp6Bytes;
3486 begin
3487   FSocksResponsePort := '0';
3488   Result := 0;
3489   if FSocksType <> ST_Socks5 then
3490   begin
3491     if Length(Value) < 8 then
3492       Exit;
3493     Result := 3;
3494     w := DecodeInt(Value, Result);
3495     FSocksResponsePort := IntToStr(w);
3496     FSocksResponseIP := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',
3497       [Ord(Value[5]), Ord(Value[6]), Ord(Value[7]), Ord(Value[8])]);
3498     Result := 9;
3499   end
3500   else
3501   begin
3502     if Length(Value) < 4 then
3503       Exit;
3504     Atyp := Ord(Value[4]);
3505     Result := 5;
3506     case Atyp of
3507       1:
3508         begin
3509           if Length(Value) < 10 then
3510             Exit;
3511           FSocksResponseIP := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',
3512               [Ord(Value[5]), Ord(Value[6]), Ord(Value[7]), Ord(Value[8])]);
3513           Result := 9;
3514         end;
3515       3:
3516         begin
3517           y := Ord(Value[5]);
3518           if Length(Value) < (5 + y + 2) then
3519             Exit;
3520           for n := 6 to 6 + y - 1 do
3521             FSocksResponseIP := FSocksResponseIP + Value[n];
3522           Result := 5 + y + 1;
3523         end;
3524       4:
3525         begin
3526           if Length(Value) < 22 then
3527             Exit;
3528           for n := 0 to 15 do
3529             ip6[n] := ord(Value[n + 5]);
3530           FSocksResponseIP := IP6ToStr(ip6);
3531           Result := 21;
3532         end;
3533     else
3534       Exit;
3535     end;
3536     w := DecodeInt(Value, Result);
3537     FSocksResponsePort := IntToStr(w);
3538     Result := Result + 2;
3539   end;
3540 end;
3542 {======================================================================}
3544 procedure TDgramBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
3545 begin
3546   SetRemoteSin(IP, Port);
3547   InternalCreateSocket(FRemoteSin);
3548   FBuffer := '';
3549   DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
3550 end;
RecvBuffernull3552 function TDgramBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3553 begin
3554   Result := RecvBufferFrom(Buffer, Length);
3555 end;
TDgramBlockSocket.SendBuffernull3557 function TDgramBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3558 begin
3559   Result := SendBufferTo(Buffer, Length);
3560 end;
3562 {======================================================================}
3564 destructor TUDPBlockSocket.Destroy;
3565 begin
3566   if Assigned(FSocksControlSock) then
3567     FSocksControlSock.Free;
3568   inherited;
3569 end;
3571 procedure TUDPBlockSocket.EnableBroadcast(Value: Boolean);
3572 var
3573   d: TSynaOption;
3574 begin
3575   d := TSynaOption.Create;
3576   d.Option := SOT_Broadcast;
3577   d.Enabled := Value;
3578   DelayedOption(d);
3579 end;
TUDPBlockSocket.UdpAssociationnull3581 function TUDPBlockSocket.UdpAssociation: Boolean;
3582 var
3583   b: Boolean;
3584 begin
3585   Result := True;
3586   FUsingSocks := False;
3587   if FSocksIP <> '' then
3588   begin
3589     Result := False;
3590     if not Assigned(FSocksControlSock) then
3591       FSocksControlSock := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
3592     FSocksControlSock.CloseSocket;
3593     FSocksControlSock.CreateSocketByName(FSocksIP);
3594     FSocksControlSock.Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
3595     if FSocksControlSock.LastError <> 0 then
3596       Exit;
3597     // if not assigned local port, assign it!
3598     if not FBinded then
3599       Bind(cAnyHost, cAnyPort);
3600     //open control TCP connection to SOCKS
3601     FSocksControlSock.FSocksUsername := FSocksUsername;
3602     FSocksControlSock.FSocksPassword := FSocksPassword;
3603     b := FSocksControlSock.SocksOpen;
3604     if b then
3605       b := FSocksControlSock.SocksRequest(3, GetLocalSinIP, IntToStr(GetLocalSinPort));
3606     if b then
3607       b := FSocksControlSock.SocksResponse;
3608     if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
3609       FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY;
3610     FUsingSocks :=FSocksControlSock.UsingSocks;
3611     FSocksRemoteIP := FSocksControlSock.FSocksResponseIP;
3612     FSocksRemotePort := FSocksControlSock.FSocksResponsePort;
3613     Result := b and (FLastError = 0);
3614   end;
3615 end;
TUDPBlockSocket.SendBufferTonull3617 function TUDPBlockSocket.SendBufferTo(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3618 var
3619   SIp: string;
3620   SPort: integer;
3621   Buf: Ansistring;
3622 begin
3623   Result := 0;
3624   FUsingSocks := False;
3625   if (FSocksIP <> '') and (not UdpAssociation) then
3626     FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY
3627   else
3628   begin
3629     if FUsingSocks then
3630     begin
3631 {$IFNDEF CIL}
3632       Sip := GetRemoteSinIp;
3633       SPort := GetRemoteSinPort;
3634       SetRemoteSin(FSocksRemoteIP, FSocksRemotePort);
3635       SetLength(Buf,Length);
3636       Move(Buffer^, Pointer(Buf)^, Length);
3637       Buf := #0 + #0 + #0 + SocksCode(Sip, IntToStr(SPort)) + Buf;
3638       Result := inherited SendBufferTo(Pointer(Buf), System.Length(buf));
3639       SetRemoteSin(Sip, IntToStr(SPort));
3640 {$ENDIF}
3641     end
3642     else
3643       Result := inherited SendBufferTo(Buffer, Length);
3644   end;
3645 end;
RecvBufferFromnull3647 function TUDPBlockSocket.RecvBufferFrom(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
3648 var
3649   Buf: Ansistring;
3650   x: integer;
3651 begin
3652   Result := inherited RecvBufferFrom(Buffer, Length);
3653   if FUsingSocks then
3654   begin
3655 {$IFNDEF CIL}
3656     SetLength(Buf, Result);
3657     Move(Buffer^, Pointer(Buf)^, Result);
3658     x := SocksDecode(Buf);
3659     Result := Result - x + 1;
3660     Buf := Copy(Buf, x, Result);
3661     Move(Pointer(Buf)^, Buffer^, Result);
3662     SetRemoteSin(FSocksResponseIP, FSocksResponsePort);
3663 {$ENDIF}
3664   end;
3665 end;
3667 {$IFNDEF CIL}
3668 procedure TUDPBlockSocket.AddMulticast(MCastIP: string);
3669 var
3670   Multicast: TIP_mreq;
3671   Multicast6: TIPv6_mreq;
3672   n: integer;
3673   ip6: Tip6bytes;
3674 begin
3675   if FIP6Used then
3676   begin
3677     ip6 := StrToIp6(MCastIP);
3678     for n := 0 to 15 do
3679       Multicast6.ipv6mr_multiaddr.u6_addr8[n] := Ip6[n];
3680     Multicast6.ipv6mr_interface := 0;
3681     SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP,
3682       PAnsiChar(@Multicast6), SizeOf(Multicast6)));
3683   end
3684   else
3685   begin
3686     Multicast.imr_multiaddr.S_addr := swapbytes(strtoip(MCastIP));
3687 //    Multicast.imr_interface.S_addr := INADDR_ANY;
3688     Multicast.imr_interface.S_addr := FLocalSin.sin_addr.S_addr;
3689     SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
3690       PAnsiChar(@Multicast), SizeOf(Multicast)));
3691   end;
3692   ExceptCheck;
3693 end;
3695 procedure TUDPBlockSocket.DropMulticast(MCastIP: string);
3696 var
3697   Multicast: TIP_mreq;
3698   Multicast6: TIPv6_mreq;
3699   n: integer;
3700   ip6: Tip6bytes;
3701 begin
3702   if FIP6Used then
3703   begin
3704     ip6 := StrToIp6(MCastIP);
3705     for n := 0 to 15 do
3706       Multicast6.ipv6mr_multiaddr.u6_addr8[n] := Ip6[n];
3707     Multicast6.ipv6mr_interface := 0;
3708     SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP,
3709       PAnsiChar(@Multicast6), SizeOf(Multicast6)));
3710   end
3711   else
3712   begin
3713     Multicast.imr_multiaddr.S_addr := swapbytes(strtoip(MCastIP));
3714 //    Multicast.imr_interface.S_addr := INADDR_ANY;
3715     Multicast.imr_interface.S_addr := FLocalSin.sin_addr.S_addr;
3716     SockCheck(synsock.SetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP,
3717       PAnsiChar(@Multicast), SizeOf(Multicast)));
3718   end;
3719   ExceptCheck;
3720 end;
3721 {$ENDIF}
3723 procedure TUDPBlockSocket.SetMulticastTTL(TTL: integer);
3724 var
3725   d: TSynaOption;
3726 begin
3727   d := TSynaOption.Create;
3728   d.Option := SOT_MulticastTTL;
3729   d.Value := TTL;
3730   DelayedOption(d);
3731 end;
TUDPBlockSocket.GetMulticastTTLnull3733 function TUDPBlockSocket.GetMulticastTTL:integer;
3734 var
3735   l: Integer;
3736 begin
3737 {$IFNDEF CIL}
3738   l := SizeOf(Result);
3739   if FIP6Used then
3740     synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS, @Result, l)
3741   else
3742     synsock.GetSockOpt(FSocket, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, @Result, l);
3743 {$ENDIF}
3744 end;
3746 procedure TUDPBlockSocket.EnableMulticastLoop(Value: Boolean);
3747 var
3748   d: TSynaOption;
3749 begin
3750   d := TSynaOption.Create;
3751   d.Option := SOT_MulticastLoop;
3752   d.Enabled := Value;
3753   DelayedOption(d);
3754 end;
GetSocketTypenull3756 function TUDPBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
3757 begin
3758   Result := integer(SOCK_DGRAM);
3759 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull3761 function TUDPBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
3762 begin
3763  Result := integer(IPPROTO_UDP);
3764 end;
3766 {======================================================================}
3767 constructor TTCPBlockSocket.CreateWithSSL(SSLPlugin: TSSLClass);
3768 begin
3769   inherited Create;
3770   FSSL := SSLPlugin.Create(self);
3771   FHTTPTunnelIP := '';
3772   FHTTPTunnelPort := '';
3773   FHTTPTunnel := False;
3774   FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP := '';
3775   FHTTPTunnelRemotePort := '';
3776   FHTTPTunnelUser := '';
3777   FHTTPTunnelPass := '';
3778   FHTTPTunnelTimeout := 30000;
3779 end;
3781 constructor TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
3782 begin
3783   CreateWithSSL(SSLImplementation);
3784 end;
3786 destructor TTCPBlockSocket.Destroy;
3787 begin
3788   inherited Destroy;
3789   FSSL.Free;
3790 end;
TTCPBlockSocket.GetErrorDescExnull3792 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetErrorDescEx: string;
3793 begin
3794   Result := inherited GetErrorDescEx;
3795   if (FLastError = WSASYSNOTREADY) and (self.SSL.LastError <> 0) then
3796   begin
3797     Result := self.SSL.LastErrorDesc;
3798   end;
3799 end;
3801 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.CloseSocket;
3802 begin
3803   if FSSL.SSLEnabled then
3804     FSSL.Shutdown;
3805   if (FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) and (FLastError = 0) then
3806   begin
3807     Synsock.Shutdown(FSocket, 1);
3808     Purge;
3809   end;
3810   inherited CloseSocket;
3811 end;
3813 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.DoAfterConnect;
3814 begin
3815   if assigned(OnAfterConnect) then
3816   begin
3817     OnAfterConnect(Self);
3818   end;
3819 end;
WaitingDatanull3821 function TTCPBlockSocket.WaitingData: Integer;
3822 begin
3823   Result := 0;
3824   if FSSL.SSLEnabled and (FSocket <> INVALID_SOCKET) then
3825     Result := FSSL.WaitingData;
3826   if Result = 0 then
3827     Result := inherited WaitingData;
3828 end;
3830 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.Listen;
3831 var
3832   b: Boolean;
3833   Sip,SPort: string;
3834 begin
3835   if FSocksIP = '' then
3836   begin
3837     inherited Listen;
3838   end
3839   else
3840   begin
3841     Sip := GetLocalSinIP;
3842     if Sip = cAnyHost then
3843       Sip := LocalName;
3844     SPort := IntToStr(GetLocalSinPort);
3845     inherited Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
3846     b := SocksOpen;
3847     if b then
3848       b := SocksRequest(2, Sip, SPort);
3849     if b then
3850       b := SocksResponse;
3851     if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
3852       FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY;
3853     FSocksLocalIP := FSocksResponseIP;
3854     if FSocksLocalIP = cAnyHost then
3855       FSocksLocalIP := FSocksIP;
3856     FSocksLocalPort := FSocksResponsePort;
3857     FSocksRemoteIP := '';
3858     FSocksRemotePort := '';
3859     ExceptCheck;
3860     DoStatus(HR_Listen, '');
3861   end;
3862 end;
Acceptnull3864 function TTCPBlockSocket.Accept: TSocket;
3865 begin
3866   if FUsingSocks then
3867   begin
3868     if not SocksResponse and (FLastError = 0) then
3869       FLastError := WSANO_RECOVERY;
3870     FSocksRemoteIP := FSocksResponseIP;
3871     FSocksRemotePort := FSocksResponsePort;
3872     Result := FSocket;
3873     ExceptCheck;
3874     DoStatus(HR_Accept, '');
3875   end
3876   else
3877   begin
3878     result := inherited Accept;
3879   end;
3880 end;
3882 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.Connect(IP, Port: string);
3883 begin
3884   if FSocksIP <> '' then
3885     SocksDoConnect(IP, Port)
3886   else
3887     if FHTTPTunnelIP <> '' then
3888       HTTPTunnelDoConnect(IP, Port)
3889     else
3890       inherited Connect(IP, Port);
3891   if FLasterror = 0 then
3892     DoAfterConnect;
3893 end;
3895 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.SocksDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
3896 var
3897   b: Boolean;
3898 begin
3899   inherited Connect(FSocksIP, FSocksPort);
3900   if FLastError = 0 then
3901   begin
3902     b := SocksOpen;
3903     if b then
3904       b := SocksRequest(1, IP, Port);
3905     if b then
3906       b := SocksResponse;
3907     if not b and (FLastError = 0) then
3908       FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3909     FSocksLocalIP := FSocksResponseIP;
3910     FSocksLocalPort := FSocksResponsePort;
3911     FSocksRemoteIP := IP;
3912     FSocksRemotePort := Port;
3913   end;
3914   ExceptCheck;
3915   DoStatus(HR_Connect, IP + ':' + Port);
3916 end;
3918 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.HTTPTunnelDoConnect(IP, Port: string);
3919 //bugfixed by Mike Green (mgreen@emixode.com)
3920 var
3921   s: string;
3922 begin
3923   Port := IntToStr(ResolvePort(Port));
3924   inherited Connect(FHTTPTunnelIP, FHTTPTunnelPort);
3925   if FLastError <> 0 then
3926     Exit;
3927   FHTTPTunnel := False;
3928   if IsIP6(IP) then
3929     IP := '[' + IP + ']';
3930   SendString('CONNECT ' + IP + ':' + Port + ' HTTP/1.0' + CRLF);
3931   if FHTTPTunnelUser <> '' then
3932   Sendstring('Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' +
3933     EncodeBase64(FHTTPTunnelUser + ':' + FHTTPTunnelPass) + CRLF);
3934   SendString(CRLF);
3935   repeat
3936     s := RecvTerminated(FHTTPTunnelTimeout, #$0a);
3937     if FLastError <> 0 then
3938       Break;
3939     if (Pos('HTTP/', s) = 1) and (Length(s) > 11) then
3940       FHTTPTunnel := s[10] = '2';
3941   until (s = '') or (s = #$0d);
3942   if (FLasterror = 0) and not FHTTPTunnel then
3943     FLastError := WSAECONNREFUSED;
3944   FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP := IP;
3945   FHTTPTunnelRemotePort := Port;
3946   ExceptCheck;
3947 end;
3949 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.SSLDoConnect;
3950 begin
3951   ResetLastError;
3952   if not FSSL.Connect then
3953     FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
3954   ExceptCheck;
3955 end;
3957 procedure TTCPBlockSocket.SSLDoShutdown;
3958 begin
3959   ResetLastError;
3960   FSSL.BiShutdown;
3961 end;
TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIPnull3963 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinIP: string;
3964 begin
3965   if FUsingSocks then
3966     Result := FSocksLocalIP
3967   else
3968     Result := inherited GetLocalSinIP;
3969 end;
GetRemoteSinIPnull3971 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinIP: string;
3972 begin
3973   if FUsingSocks then
3974     Result := FSocksRemoteIP
3975   else
3976     if FHTTPTunnel then
3977       Result := FHTTPTunnelRemoteIP
3978     else
3979       Result := inherited GetRemoteSinIP;
3980 end;
TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPortnull3982 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetLocalSinPort: Integer;
3983 begin
3984   if FUsingSocks then
3985     Result := StrToIntDef(FSocksLocalPort, 0)
3986   else
3987     Result := inherited GetLocalSinPort;
3988 end;
GetRemoteSinPortnull3990 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetRemoteSinPort: Integer;
3991 begin
3992   if FUsingSocks then
3993     Result := ResolvePort(FSocksRemotePort)
3994   else
3995     if FHTTPTunnel then
3996       Result := StrToIntDef(FHTTPTunnelRemotePort, 0)
3997     else
3998       Result := inherited GetRemoteSinPort;
3999 end;
RecvBuffernull4001 function TTCPBlockSocket.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
4002 begin
4003   if FSSL.SSLEnabled then
4004   begin
4005     Result := 0;
4006     if TestStopFlag then
4007       Exit;
4008     ResetLastError;
4009     LimitBandwidth(Len, FMaxRecvBandwidth, FNextRecv);
4010     Result := FSSL.RecvBuffer(Buffer, Len);
4011     if FSSL.LastError <> 0 then
4012       FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
4013     ExceptCheck;
4014     Inc(FRecvCounter, Result);
4015     DoStatus(HR_ReadCount, IntToStr(Result));
4016     DoMonitor(False, Buffer, Result);
4017     DoReadFilter(Buffer, Result);
4018   end
4019   else
4020     Result := inherited RecvBuffer(Buffer, Len);
4021 end;
TTCPBlockSocket.SendBuffernull4023 function TTCPBlockSocket.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Length: Integer): Integer;
4024 var
4025   x, y: integer;
4026   l, r: integer;
4027 {$IFNDEF CIL}
4028   p: Pointer;
4029 {$ENDIF}
4030 begin
4031   if FSSL.SSLEnabled then
4032   begin
4033     Result := 0;
4034     if TestStopFlag then
4035       Exit;
4036     ResetLastError;
4037     DoMonitor(True, Buffer, Length);
4038 {$IFDEF CIL}
4039     Result := FSSL.SendBuffer(Buffer, Length);
4040     if FSSL.LastError <> 0 then
4041       FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
4042     Inc(FSendCounter, Result);
4043     DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(Result));
4044 {$ELSE}
4045     l := Length;
4046     x := 0;
4047     while x < l do
4048     begin
4049       y := l - x;
4050       if y > FSendMaxChunk then
4051         y := FSendMaxChunk;
4052       if y > 0 then
4053       begin
4054         LimitBandwidth(y, FMaxSendBandwidth, FNextsend);
4055         p := IncPoint(Buffer, x);
4056         r := FSSL.SendBuffer(p, y);
4057         if FSSL.LastError <> 0 then
4058           FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
4059         if Flasterror <> 0 then
4060           Break;
4061         Inc(x, r);
4062         Inc(Result, r);
4063         Inc(FSendCounter, r);
4064         DoStatus(HR_WriteCount, IntToStr(r));
4065       end
4066       else
4067         break;
4068     end;
4069 {$ENDIF}
4070     ExceptCheck;
4071   end
4072   else
4073     Result := inherited SendBuffer(Buffer, Length);
4074 end;
SSLAcceptConnectionnull4076 function TTCPBlockSocket.SSLAcceptConnection: Boolean;
4077 begin
4078   ResetLastError;
4079   if not FSSL.Accept then
4080     FLastError := WSASYSNOTREADY;
4081   ExceptCheck;
4082   Result := FLastError = 0;
4083 end;
TTCPBlockSocket.GetSocketTypenull4085 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4086 begin
4087   Result := integer(SOCK_STREAM);
4088 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull4090 function TTCPBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4091 begin
4092   Result := integer(IPPROTO_TCP);
4093 end;
4095 {======================================================================}
TICMPBlockSocket.GetSocketTypenull4097 function TICMPBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4098 begin
4099   Result := integer(SOCK_RAW);
4100 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull4102 function TICMPBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4103 begin
4104   if FIP6Used then
4105     Result := integer(IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
4106   else
4107     Result := integer(IPPROTO_ICMP);
4108 end;
4110 {======================================================================}
TRAWBlockSocket.GetSocketTypenull4112 function TRAWBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4113 begin
4114   Result := integer(SOCK_RAW);
4115 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull4117 function TRAWBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4118 begin
4119   Result := integer(IPPROTO_RAW);
4120 end;
4122 {======================================================================}
TPGMmessageBlockSocket.GetSocketTypenull4124 function TPGMmessageBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4125 begin
4126   Result := integer(SOCK_RDM);
4127 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull4129 function TPGMmessageBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4130 begin
4131   Result := integer(IPPROTO_RM);
4132 end;
4134 {======================================================================}
TPGMstreamBlockSocket.GetSocketTypenull4136 function TPGMstreamBlockSocket.GetSocketType: integer;
4137 begin
4138   Result := integer(SOCK_STREAM);
4139 end;
GetSocketProtocolnull4141 function TPGMstreamBlockSocket.GetSocketProtocol: integer;
4142 begin
4143   Result := integer(IPPROTO_RM);
4144 end;
4146 {======================================================================}
4148 constructor TSynaClient.Create;
4149 begin
4150   inherited Create;
4151   FIPInterface := cAnyHost;
4152   FTargetHost := cLocalhost;
4153   FTargetPort := cAnyPort;
4154   FTimeout := 5000;
4155   FUsername := '';
4156   FPassword := '';
4157 end;
4159 {======================================================================}
4161 constructor TCustomSSL.Create(const Value: TTCPBlockSocket);
4162 begin
4163   inherited Create;
4164   FSocket := Value;
4165   FSSLEnabled := False;
4166   FUsername := '';
4167   FPassword := '';
4168   FLastError := 0;
4169   FLastErrorDesc := '';
4170   FVerifyCert := False;
4171   FSSLType := LT_all;
4172   FKeyPassword := '';
4173   FCiphers := '';
4174   FCertificateFile := '';
4175   FPrivateKeyFile := '';
4176   FCertCAFile := '';
4177   FCertCA := '';
4178   FTrustCertificate := '';
4179   FTrustCertificateFile := '';
4180   FCertificate := '';
4181   FPrivateKey := '';
4182   FPFX := '';
4183   FPFXfile := '';
4184   FSSHChannelType := '';
4185   FSSHChannelArg1 := '';
4186   FSSHChannelArg2 := '';
4187   FCertComplianceLevel := -1; //default
4188   FSNIHost := '';
4189 end;
4191 procedure TCustomSSL.Assign(const Value: TCustomSSL);
4192 begin
4193   FUsername := Value.Username;
4194   FPassword := Value.Password;
4195   FVerifyCert := Value.VerifyCert;
4196   FSSLType := Value.SSLType;
4197   FKeyPassword := Value.KeyPassword;
4198   FCiphers := Value.Ciphers;
4199   FCertificateFile := Value.CertificateFile;
4200   FPrivateKeyFile := Value.PrivateKeyFile;
4201   FCertCAFile := Value.CertCAFile;
4202   FCertCA := Value.CertCA;
4203   FTrustCertificate := Value.TrustCertificate;
4204   FTrustCertificateFile := Value.TrustCertificateFile;
4205   FCertificate := Value.Certificate;
4206   FPrivateKey := Value.PrivateKey;
4207   FPFX := Value.PFX;
4208   FPFXfile := Value.PFXfile;
4209   FCertComplianceLevel := Value.CertComplianceLevel;
4210   FSNIHost := Value.FSNIHost;
4211 end;
4213 procedure TCustomSSL.ReturnError;
4214 begin
4215   FLastError := -1;
4216   FLastErrorDesc := 'SSL/TLS support is not compiled!';
4217 end;
TCustomSSL.LibVersionnull4219 function TCustomSSL.LibVersion: String;
4220 begin
4221   Result := '';
4222 end;
LibNamenull4224 function TCustomSSL.LibName: String;
4225 begin
4226   Result := '';
4227 end;
CreateSelfSignedCertnull4229 function TCustomSSL.CreateSelfSignedCert(Host: string): Boolean;
4230 begin
4231   Result := False;
4232 end;
Connectnull4234 function TCustomSSL.Connect: boolean;
4235 begin
4236   ReturnError;
4237   Result := False;
4238 end;
TCustomSSL.Acceptnull4240 function TCustomSSL.Accept: boolean;
4241 begin
4242   ReturnError;
4243   Result := False;
4244 end;
Shutdownnull4246 function TCustomSSL.Shutdown: boolean;
4247 begin
4248   ReturnError;
4249   Result := False;
4250 end;
TCustomSSL.BiShutdownnull4252 function TCustomSSL.BiShutdown: boolean;
4253 begin
4254   ReturnError;
4255   Result := False;
4256 end;
SendBuffernull4258 function TCustomSSL.SendBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
4259 begin
4260   ReturnError;
4261   Result := integer(SOCKET_ERROR);
4262 end;
4264 procedure TCustomSSL.SetCertCAFile(const Value: string);
4265 begin
4266   FCertCAFile := Value;
4267 end;
TCustomSSL.RecvBuffernull4269 function TCustomSSL.RecvBuffer(Buffer: TMemory; Len: Integer): Integer;
4270 begin
4271   ReturnError;
4272   Result := integer(SOCKET_ERROR);
4273 end;
WaitingDatanull4275 function TCustomSSL.WaitingData: Integer;
4276 begin
4277   ReturnError;
4278   Result := 0;
4279 end;
GetSSLVersionnull4281 function TCustomSSL.GetSSLVersion: string;
4282 begin
4283   Result := '';
4284 end;
TCustomSSL.GetPeerSubjectnull4286 function TCustomSSL.GetPeerSubject: string;
4287 begin
4288   Result := '';
4289 end;
GetPeerSerialNonull4291 function TCustomSSL.GetPeerSerialNo: integer;
4292 begin
4293   Result := -1;
4294 end;
GetPeerNamenull4296 function TCustomSSL.GetPeerName: string;
4297 begin
4298   Result := '';
4299 end;
GetPeerNameHashnull4301 function TCustomSSL.GetPeerNameHash: cardinal;
4302 begin
4303   Result := 0;
4304 end;
TCustomSSL.GetPeerIssuernull4306 function TCustomSSL.GetPeerIssuer: string;
4307 begin
4308   Result := '';
4309 end;
GetPeerFingerprintnull4311 function TCustomSSL.GetPeerFingerprint: string;
4312 begin
4313   Result := '';
4314 end;
TCustomSSL.GetCertInfonull4316 function TCustomSSL.GetCertInfo: string;
4317 begin
4318   Result := '';
4319 end;
GetCipherNamenull4321 function TCustomSSL.GetCipherName: string;
4322 begin
4323   Result := '';
4324 end;
GetCipherBitsnull4326 function TCustomSSL.GetCipherBits: integer;
4327 begin
4328   Result := 0;
4329 end;
GetCipherAlgBitsnull4331 function TCustomSSL.GetCipherAlgBits: integer;
4332 begin
4333   Result := 0;
4334 end;
GetVerifyCertnull4336 function TCustomSSL.GetVerifyCert: integer;
4337 begin
4338   Result := 1;
4339 end;
TCustomSSL.DoVerifyCertnull4341 function TCustomSSL.DoVerifyCert:boolean;
4342 begin
4343   if assigned(OnVerifyCert) then
4344   begin
4345     result:=OnVerifyCert(Self);
4346   end
4347   else
4348     result:=true;
4349 end;
4352 {======================================================================}
TSSLNone.LibVersionnull4354 function TSSLNone.LibVersion: String;
4355 begin
4356   Result := 'Without SSL support';
4357 end;
LibNamenull4359 function TSSLNone.LibName: String;
4360 begin
4361   Result := 'ssl_none';
4362 end;
4364 {======================================================================}
4366 initialization
4367 begin
4369   if not InitSocketInterface(DLLStackName) then
4370   begin
4371     e := ESynapseError.Create('Error loading Socket interface (' + DLLStackName + ')!');
4372     e.ErrorCode := 0;
4373     e.ErrorMessage := 'Error loading Socket interface (' + DLLStackName + ')!';
4374     raise e;
4375   end;
4376   synsock.WSAStartup(WinsockLevel, WsaDataOnce);
4377 {$ENDIF}
4378 end;
4380 finalization
4381 begin
4383   synsock.WSACleanup;
4384   DestroySocketInterface;
4385 {$ENDIF}
4386 end;
4388 end.