1 /*$T src/random.c GC 1.140 10/29/11 13:34:15 */
3 /*$I0
5     This file is part of CWStudio.
7     Copyright 2008-2011 Lukasz Komsta, SP8QED
9     CWStudio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12     (at your option) any later version.
14     CWStudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17     GNU General Public License for more details.
19     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20     along with CWStudio. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22  */
23 #include "cwgen.h"
25 /*
26  =======================================================================================================================
27     Generate standard normal pseudorandom numbers using Box-Muller transform of uniform deviates.
28  =======================================================================================================================
29  */
cw_rand_norm(long int length,unsigned int seed)30 floating *cw_rand_norm(long int length, unsigned int seed)
31 {
32 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
33 	int			*uniform;
34 	long int	i;
35 	floating	*normal, u1, u2, r;
36 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
38 	if((uniform = cw_rand_int(1000, length + length, seed)) == NULL) return(NULL);
39 	if((normal = cw_malloc(length * sizeof(floating))) == NULL) return(NULL);
40 	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
41 		u1 = ((floating) (uniform[2 * i] + 1)) / 1000.0;
42 		u2 = ((floating) (uniform[2 * i + 1] + 1)) / 1000.0;
43 		r = cw_sqrt(-2 * cw_log(u1));
44 		normal[i] = r * cw_cos(6.283185 * u2);
45 	}
47 	cw_free(uniform);
48 	return(normal);
49 }
51 /*
52  =======================================================================================================================
53     Generate random integers of given shape. Positive shape value increases probability of higher values, negative
54     increase the lower ones.
55  =======================================================================================================================
56  */
cw_rand_shaped(int range,int shape,long int length,unsigned int seed)57 int *cw_rand_shaped(int range, int shape, long int length, unsigned int seed)
58 {
59 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
60 	int			*pvector;
61 	long int	i;
62 	floating	*normals;
63 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
65 	/* If shape parameter is equal to zero, the result is equal to cw_rand_int */
66 	if(shape == 0) return(cw_rand_int(range, length, seed));
68 	/* Memory allocation */
69 	if((pvector = (int *) cw_malloc(length * sizeof(int))) == NULL) return(NULL);
71 	/* Generate equivalent length of random numbers */
72 	if((normals = cw_rand_norm(length, seed)) == NULL) return(NULL);
74 	/* Transform to integers */
75 	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
76 		normals[i] = cw_fabs(normals[i]) / (floating) (abs(shape) / 3.0) * (floating) range;
77 		pvector[i] = (((int) normals[i]) % range);
78 	}
80 	/* If negative shape, revert the result */
81 	if(shape > 0)
82 		for(i = 0; i < length; i++) pvector[i] = range - 1 - pvector[i];
84 	return(pvector);
85 }
87 /*
88  =======================================================================================================================
89     Generate random integers of given range, generated using given seed. Algorithm "Multiply-With-Carry" of G.
90     Marsaglia
91  =======================================================================================================================
92  */
cw_rand_int(int range,long int length,unsigned int seed)93 int *cw_rand_int(int range, long int length, unsigned int seed)
94 {
95 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
96 	int				*pvector;
97 	long int		i;
98 	unsigned int	seed2;
99 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
101 	if((pvector = (int *) cw_malloc(length * sizeof(int))) == NULL) return(NULL);
102 	seed2 = seed;
103 	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
104 		seed = 36969 * (seed & 65535) + (seed >> 16);
105 		seed2 = 18000 * (seed2 & 65535) + (seed2 >> 16);
106 		*(pvector + i) = ((seed << 16) + seed2) % range;
107 	}
109 	return(pvector);
110 }
112 /*
113  =======================================================================================================================
114     Generate autocorrelated uniform random floating variables using given seed. Used to simulate a drift (QSB, detune).
115  =======================================================================================================================
116  */
cw_rand_corr(int length,floating corr,unsigned int seed)117 floating *cw_rand_corr(int length, floating corr, unsigned int seed)
118 {
119 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
120 	int			*runif;
121 	int			i;
122 	floating	max, min, x, u, w, *pvector;
123 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
125 	max = 0;
126 	min = 1;
127 	if((pvector = (floating *) cw_malloc(length * sizeof(floating))) == NULL) return(NULL);
128 	if((runif = cw_rand_int(1000, length, seed)) == NULL) return(NULL);
129 	u = 0.9999;
130 	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
131 		w = (floating) * (runif + i) / 1000.0 * corr;
132 		x = u + w;
133 		if(x <= corr)
134 			*(pvector + i) = x * x / (2 * corr);
135 		else if((x > corr) && (x <= 1))
136 			*(pvector + i) = (2 * x - corr) / 2;
137 		else
138 			*(pvector + i) = 1 - ((1 + corr - x) * (1 + corr - x)) / (2 * corr);
139 		u = *(pvector + i);
140 		if(u < min) min = u;
141 		if(u > max) max = u;
142 	}
144 	cw_free(runif);
145 	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
146 		*(pvector + i) -= min;
147 		*(pvector + i) /= max - min;
148 	}
150 	return(pvector);
151 }
153 /*
154  =======================================================================================================================
155     Generate random groups of given charset, started by VVV
156  =======================================================================================================================
157  */
cw_rand_groups(int ngroup,int shape,const char * charset,unsigned int seed)158 char *cw_rand_groups(int ngroup, int shape, const char *charset, unsigned int seed)
159 {
160 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
161 	int		length, charsetlength;
162 	char	*pgroups;
163 	int		*randoms, i;
164 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
166 	length = (ngroup + 1) * 6 * sizeof(char);
167 	charsetlength = strlen(charset);
168 	if((pgroups = (char *) cw_malloc(length + 1)) == NULL) return(NULL);
169 	*(pgroups + length) = '\x00';
170 	if((randoms = cw_rand_shaped(charsetlength, shape, length, seed)) == NULL) return(NULL);
171 	for(i = 0; i < length; i++) strncpy(pgroups + i, &charset[*(randoms + i)], 1);
172 	strncpy(pgroups, "vvv =\n", 6);
173 	for(i = 2; i < ngroup + 2; i++) {
174 		if((i - 1) % 5)
175 			*(pgroups + (6 * i) - 1) = ' ';
176 		else
177 			*(pgroups + (6 * i) - 1) = '\n';
178 	}
180 	cw_free(randoms);
181 	return(pgroups);
182 }
184 /*
185  =======================================================================================================================
186     Generate group of random words, started by VVV
187  =======================================================================================================================
188  */
cw_rand_words(int nwords,int shape,int wordset,unsigned int seed)189 char *cw_rand_words(int nwords, int shape, int wordset, unsigned int seed)
190 {
191 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
192 	int		length;
193 	char	*pwords;
194 	int		*randoms, i;
195 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
197 	if((randoms = cw_rand_shaped(wordset, shape, nwords, seed)) == NULL) return(NULL);
198 	length = 6;
199 	for(i = 0; i < nwords; i++) length += strlen(cw_words[randoms[i]]) + 2;
200 	if((pwords = (char *) cw_malloc(length + 1)) == NULL) return(NULL);
201 	strcpy(pwords, "vvv =\n");
202 	for(i = 0; i < nwords; i++) {
203 		strcat(pwords, cw_words[*(randoms + i)]);
204 		if((i > 0) && ((i % 5) == 0))
205 			strcat(pwords, "\n");
206 		else
207 			strcat(pwords, " ");
208 	}
210 	cw_free(randoms);
211 	return(pwords);
212 }
214 /*
215  =======================================================================================================================
216     Generate group of random calls, started by VVV
217  =======================================================================================================================
218  */
cw_rand_calls(int ncalls,int shape,unsigned int seed)219 char *cw_rand_calls(int ncalls, int shape, unsigned int seed)
220 {
221 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
222 	int		length;
223 	char	*pcalls;
224 	int		*randoms, i, ind1, ind2;
225 	/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
227 	if((randoms = cw_rand_shaped(22720, shape, ncalls, seed)) == NULL) return(NULL);
228 	length = 6;
229 	for(i = 0; i < ncalls; i++) {
230 		ind1 = (int) (randoms[i] / 22720);
231 		ind2 = randoms[i] % 22720;
232 		length += strlen(cw_calls[ind1][ind2]) + 2;
233 	}
235 	if((pcalls = (char *) cw_malloc(length + 1)) == NULL) return(NULL);
236 	strcpy(pcalls, "vvv =\n");
237 	for(i = 0; i < ncalls; i++) {
238 		ind1 = (int) (randoms[i] / 22720);
239 		ind2 = randoms[i] % 22720;
240 		strcat(pcalls, cw_calls[ind1][ind2]);
241 		if((i > 0) && ((i % 5) == 0))
242 			strcat(pcalls, "\n");
243 		else
244 			strcat(pcalls, " ");
245 	}
247 	cw_free(randoms);
248 	return(pcalls);
249 }