1 //
2 // iirdes_analog_example.c
3 //
4 // Tests infinite impulse reponse (IIR) analog filter design.
5 // While this example seems purely academic as IIR filters
6 // used in liquid are all digital, it is important to realize
7 // that they are all derived from their analog counterparts.
8 // This example serves to check the response of the analog
9 // filters to ensure they are correct.  The results of design
10 // are written to a file.
11 // SEE ALSO: iirdes_example.c
12 //           iir_filter_crcf_example.c
13 //
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <getopt.h>
19 #include <math.h>
20 #include <complex.h>
22 #include "liquid.h"
24 #define OUTPUT_FILENAME "iirdes_analog_example.m"
26 // print usage/help message
usage()27 void usage()
28 {
29     printf("iirdes_analog_example -- infinite impulse response filter design\n");
30     printf("options (default values in []):\n");
31     printf("  u/h   : print usage/help\n");
32     printf("  t     : filter type: [butter], cheby1, cheby2, ellip, bessel\n");
33 //    printf("  b     : filter transformation: [LP], HP, BP, BS\n");
34     printf("  n     : filter order, n > 0 [5]\n");
35     printf("  r     : passband ripple in dB (cheby1, ellip), r > 0 [3.0]\n");
36     printf("  s     : stopband attenuation in dB (cheby2, ellip), s > 0 [60.0]\n");
37     printf("  f     : angular passband cut-off frequency, f > 0 [1.0]\n");
38 //    printf("  c     : center frequency (BP, BS cases), 0 < c < 0.5 [0.25]\n");
39 //    printf("  o     : format [sos], tf\n");
40 //    printf("          sos   : second-order sections form\n");
41 //    printf("          tf    : regular transfer function form (potentially\n");
42 //    printf("                  unstable for large orders\n");
43 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])45 int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
46     // options
47     unsigned int order=3;   // filter order
48     float wc=1.0f;          // angular cutoff frequency
49     float Ap=3.0f;          // pass-band Ap
50     float As=60.0f;         // stop-band attenuation
52     // filter type
53     liquid_iirdes_filtertype ftype = LIQUID_IIRDES_BUTTER;
55     int dopt;
56     while ((dopt = getopt(argc,argv,"uht:n:r:s:f:")) != EOF) {
57         switch (dopt) {
58         case 'u':
59         case 'h':
60             usage();
61             return 0;
62         case 't':
63             if (strcmp(optarg,"butter")==0) {
64                 ftype = LIQUID_IIRDES_BUTTER;
65             } else if (strcmp(optarg,"cheby1")==0) {
66                 ftype = LIQUID_IIRDES_CHEBY1;
67             } else if (strcmp(optarg,"cheby2")==0) {
68                 ftype = LIQUID_IIRDES_CHEBY2;
69             } else if (strcmp(optarg,"ellip")==0) {
70                 ftype = LIQUID_IIRDES_ELLIP;
71             } else if (strcmp(optarg,"bessel")==0) {
72                 ftype = LIQUID_IIRDES_BESSEL;
73             } else {
74                 fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, unknown filter type \"%s\"\n", argv[0], optarg);
75                 usage();
76                 exit(1);
77             }
78             break;
79         case 'n': order = atoi(optarg); break;
80         case 'r': Ap = atof(optarg);    break;
81         case 's': As = atof(optarg);    break;
82         case 'f': wc = atof(optarg);    break;
83         default:
84             exit(1);
85         }
86     }
88     // validate input
89     if (wc <= 0) {
90         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, cutoff frequency out of range\n", argv[0]);
91         usage();
92         exit(1);
93     } else if (Ap <= 0) {
94         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, pass-band ripple out of range\n", argv[0]);
95         usage();
96         exit(1);
97     } else if (As <= 0) {
98         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s, stop-band ripple out of range\n", argv[0]);
99         usage();
100         exit(1);
101     }
103     // number of analaog poles/zeros
104     unsigned int npa = order;
105     unsigned int nza = 0;
107     // complex analog zeros, poles, gain
108     float complex za[order];
109     float complex pa[order];
110     float complex ka;
112     unsigned int i;
114     unsigned int r = order % 2;
115     unsigned int L = (order-r)/2;
117     float Gp, Gs;
118     float ep = sqrtf( powf(10.0f, Ap / 10.0f) - 1.0f );
119     float es = powf(10.0f, -As / 20.0f);
121     switch (ftype) {
123         printf("Butterworth filter design:\n");
124         nza = 0;
125         butter_azpkf(order,za,pa,&ka);
126         break;
127     case LIQUID_IIRDES_CHEBY1:
128         printf("Cheby-I filter design:\n");
129         nza = 0;
130         cheby1_azpkf(order,ep,za,pa,&ka);
131         break;
132     case LIQUID_IIRDES_CHEBY2:
133         printf("Cheby-II filter design:\n");
134         nza = 2*L;
135         float epsilon = powf(10.0f, -As/20.0f);
136         cheby2_azpkf(order,epsilon,za,pa,&ka);
137         break;
139         printf("elliptic filter design:\n");
140         nza = 2*L;
141         Gp = powf(10.0f, -Ap / 20.0f);
142         Gs = powf(10.0f, -As / 20.0f);
143         printf("  Gp = %12.8f\n", Gp);
144         printf("  Gs = %12.8f\n", Gs);
146         // epsilon values
147         ep = sqrtf(1.0f/(Gp*Gp) - 1.0f);
148         es = sqrtf(1.0f/(Gs*Gs) - 1.0f);
150         ellip_azpkf(order,ep,es,za,pa,&ka);
151         break;
153         printf("Bessel filter design:\n");
154         bessel_azpkf(order,za,pa,&ka);
155         nza = 0;
156         break;
157     default:
158         fprintf(stderr,"error: %s: unknown filter type\n", argv[0]);
159         exit(1);
160     }
162     // transform zeros, poles, gain
163     for (i=0; i<npa; i++) {
164         pa[i] *= wc;
165         ka *= wc;
166     }
167     for (i=0; i<nza; i++) {
168         za[i] *= wc;
169         ka /= wc;
170     }
172     // print zeros, poles, gain to screen
173     for (i=0; i<nza; i++)
174         printf("z(%3u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, crealf(za[i]), cimagf(za[i]));
175     printf("\n");
176     for (i=0; i<npa; i++)
177         printf("p(%3u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", i+1, crealf(pa[i]), cimagf(pa[i]));
178     printf("\n");
179     printf("ka = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", crealf(ka), cimagf(ka));
181     // open output file
182     FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
183     fprintf(fid,"%% %s : auto-generated file\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
184     fprintf(fid,"clear all;\n");
185     fprintf(fid,"close all;\n");
186     fprintf(fid,"\n");
187     fprintf(fid,"order=%u;\n", order);
188     fprintf(fid,"wc = %12.8f;\n", wc);
189     fprintf(fid,"npa = %u;\n", npa);
190     fprintf(fid,"nza = %u;\n", nza);
191     fprintf(fid,"pa = zeros(1,npa);\n");
192     fprintf(fid,"za = zeros(1,nza);\n");
193     for (i=0; i<npa; i++)
194         fprintf(fid,"pa(%3u) = %16.8e + j*%16.8e;\n", i+1, crealf(pa[i]), cimagf(pa[i]));
195     for (i=0; i<nza; i++)
196         fprintf(fid,"za(%3u) = %16.8e + j*%16.8e;\n", i+1, crealf(za[i]), cimagf(za[i]));
198     fprintf(fid,"k = %16.8e;\n", crealf(ka));
200     fprintf(fid,"b = 1;\n");
201     fprintf(fid,"for i=1:nza,\n");
202     fprintf(fid,"  b = conv(b,[1 za(i)]);\n");
203     fprintf(fid,"end;\n");
205     fprintf(fid,"a = 1;\n");
206     fprintf(fid,"for i=1:npa,\n");
207     fprintf(fid,"  a = conv(a,[1 pa(i)]);\n");
208     fprintf(fid,"end;\n");
210     fprintf(fid,"b = real(b)*k;\n");
211     fprintf(fid,"a = real(a);\n");
213     fprintf(fid,"w = 10.^[-2:0.002:2]*wc;\n");
214     fprintf(fid,"s = j*w;\n");
215     fprintf(fid,"h = polyval(b,s) ./ polyval(a,s);\n");
216     fprintf(fid,"H = 20*log10(abs(h));\n");
217     fprintf(fid,"figure;\n");
218     fprintf(fid,"t = [0:0.02:1]*2*pi;\n");
219     fprintf(fid,"plot(wc*cos(t),wc*sin(t),'-','Color',[1 1 1]*0.7,...\n");
220     fprintf(fid,"     real(pa),imag(pa),'x');\n");
221     fprintf(fid,"if nza > 0,\n");
222     fprintf(fid,"  hold on; plot(real(za),imag(za),'ob'); hold off;\n");
223     fprintf(fid,"  legend('(\\omega_c)','poles','zeros',0);\n");
224     fprintf(fid,"else,\n");
225     fprintf(fid,"  legend('(\\omega_c)','poles',0);\n");
226     fprintf(fid,"end;\n");
227     fprintf(fid,"  axis([-1 1 -1 1]*1.2*max([wc abs(pa) abs(za)]));\n");
228     //fprintf(fid,"     real(za),imag(za),'x');\n");
229     fprintf(fid,"axis square;\n");
230     fprintf(fid,"grid on;\n");
231     fprintf(fid,"xlabel('real');\n");
232     fprintf(fid,"ylabel('imag');\n");
233     fprintf(fid,"\n");
235     // plot group delay
236     fprintf(fid,"figure;\n");
237     fprintf(fid,"gd = gradient(unwrap(arg(h)))./gradient(w);\n");
238     fprintf(fid,"semilogx(w,gd);\n");
239     fprintf(fid,"xlabel('Angular frequency, \\omega [rad/s]');\n");
240     fprintf(fid,"ylabel('group delay [s]');\n");
241     fprintf(fid,"gd_min = min(gd); if gd_min < 0, gd_min=0; end;\n");
242     fprintf(fid,"axis([wc/100 wc*100 gd_min 1.1*max(gd)]);\n");
243     fprintf(fid,"grid on;\n");
245     // plot magnitude response
246     fprintf(fid,"figure;\n");
247     fprintf(fid,"subplot(2,1,1);\n");
248     fprintf(fid,"  semilogx(w,H,'-'); grid on;\n");
249     fprintf(fid,"  axis([wc/100 wc*100 -5 1]);\n");
250     fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('Angular frequency, \\omega [rad/s]');\n");
251     fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('PSD [dB]');\n");
252     fprintf(fid,"subplot(2,1,2);\n");
253     fprintf(fid,"  semilogx(w,H,'-'); grid on;\n");
254     fprintf(fid,"  axis([wc/100 wc*100 -100 10]);\n");
255     fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('Angular frequency, \\omega [rad/s]');\n");
256     fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('PSD [dB]');\n");
258     fclose(fid);
259     printf("results written to %s.\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
261     printf("done.\n");
262     return 0;
263 }