1 /*=============================================================================|
2 |  PROJECT SNAP7                                                         1.4.0 |
3 |==============================================================================|
4 |  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Davide Nardella                                    |
5 |  All rights reserved.                                                        |
6 |==============================================================================|
7 |  SNAP7 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify               |
8 |  it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by |
9 |  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or           |
10 |  (at your option) any later version.                                         |
11 |                                                                              |
12 |  It means that you can distribute your commercial software linked with       |
13 |  SNAP7 without the requirement to distribute the source code of your         |
14 |  application and without the requirement that your application be itself     |
15 |  distributed under LGPL.                                                     |
16 |                                                                              |
17 |  SNAP7 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                    |
18 |  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
20 |  Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.                         |
21 |                                                                              |
22 |  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and a     |
23 |  copy of Lesser GNU General Public License along with Snap7.                 |
24 |  If not, see  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/                                   |
25 |==============================================================================|
26 |                                                                              |
27 |  C/C++ Snap 7 classes/Imports definitions                                    |
28 |                                                                              |
29 |=============================================================================*/
30 #ifndef snap7_h
31 #define snap7_h
32 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 // Platform detection
34 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 #if defined (_WIN32)||defined(_WIN64)||defined(__WIN32__)||defined(__WINDOWS__)
36 # define OS_WINDOWS
37 #endif
39 // Visual Studio needs this to use the correct time_t size
40 #if defined (_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
41 # define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
42 #endif
44 #if defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix)
45 # define PLATFORM_UNIX
46 #endif
48 #if defined(__SVR4) || defined(__svr4__)
49 # define OS_SOLARIS
50 #endif
52 #if BSD>=0
53 # define OS_BSD
54 #endif
56 #if defined(__APPLE__)
57 # define OS_OSX
58 #endif
60 #if defined(PLATFORM_UNIX) || defined(OS_OSX)
61 # include <unistd.h>
62 # if defined(_POSIX_VERSION)
63 #   define POSIX
64 # endif
65 #endif
67 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 // C++ Library
69 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 #ifdef __cplusplus
71 #include <string>
72 #include <time.h>
74 // Visual C++ not C99 compliant (VS2008--)
75 #ifdef _MSC_VER
76 # if _MSC_VER >= 1600
77 #  include <stdint.h>  // VS2010++ have it
78 # else
79    typedef signed __int8     int8_t;
80    typedef signed __int16    int16_t;
81    typedef signed __int32    int32_t;
82    typedef signed __int64    int64_t;
83    typedef unsigned __int8   uint8_t;
84    typedef unsigned __int16  uint16_t;
85    typedef unsigned __int32  uint32_t;
86    typedef unsigned __int64  uint64_t;
87    #ifdef _WIN64
88      typedef unsigned __int64  uintptr_t;
89    #else
90      typedef unsigned __int32  uintptr_t;
91    #endif
92 # endif
93 #else
94 # include <stdint.h>
95 #endif
97 extern "C" {
98 #endif
99 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 // C exact length types
101 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 #ifndef __cplusplus
104 #ifdef OS_BSD
105 #  include <stdint.h>
106 #  include <time.h>
107 #endif
109 #ifdef OS_OSX
110 #  include <stdint.h>
111 #  include <time.h>
112 #endif
114 #ifdef OS_SOLARIS
115 #  include <stdint.h>
116 #  include <time.h>
117 #endif
119 #if defined(_UINTPTR_T_DEFINED)
120 #  include <stdint.h>
121 #  include <time.h>
122 #endif
124 #if !defined(_UINTPTR_T_DEFINED) && !defined(OS_SOLARIS) && !defined(OS_BSD) && !defined(OS_OSX)
125   typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;  //  8 bit unsigned integer
126   typedef unsigned short  uint16_t; // 16 bit unsigned integer
127   typedef unsigned int    uint32_t; // 32 bit unsigned integer
128   typedef unsigned long   uintptr_t;// 64 bit unsigned integer
129 #endif
131 #endif
133 #ifdef OS_WINDOWS
134 # define S7API __stdcall
135 #else
136 # define S7API
137 #endif
139 #pragma pack(1)
140 //******************************************************************************
141 //                                   COMMON
142 //******************************************************************************
143 // Exact length types regardless of platform/processor
144 typedef uint8_t    byte;
145 typedef uint16_t   word;
146 typedef uint32_t   longword;
147 typedef byte       *pbyte;
148 typedef word       *pword;
149 typedef uintptr_t  S7Object; // multi platform/processor object reference
150                              // DON'T CONFUSE IT WITH AN OLE OBJECT, IT'S SIMPLY
151                              // AN INTEGER VALUE (32 OR 64 BIT) USED AS HANDLE.
153 #ifndef __cplusplus
154 typedef struct
155 {
156   int   tm_sec;
157   int   tm_min;
158   int   tm_hour;
159   int   tm_mday;
160   int   tm_mon;
161   int   tm_year;
162   int   tm_wday;
163   int   tm_yday;
164   int   tm_isdst;
165 }tm;
167 typedef int bool;
168 #define false 0;
169 #define true  1;
170 #endif
172 const int errLibInvalidParam  = -1;
173 const int errLibInvalidObject = -2;
175 // CPU status
176 #define S7CpuStatusUnknown  0x00
177 #define S7CpuStatusRun      0x08
178 #define S7CpuStatusStop     0x04
180 // ISO Errors
181 const longword errIsoConnect            = 0x00010000; // Connection error
182 const longword errIsoDisconnect         = 0x00020000; // Disconnect error
183 const longword errIsoInvalidPDU         = 0x00030000; // Bad format
184 const longword errIsoInvalidDataSize    = 0x00040000; // Bad Datasize passed to send/recv buffer is invalid
185 const longword errIsoNullPointer    	= 0x00050000; // Null passed as pointer
186 const longword errIsoShortPacket    	= 0x00060000; // A short packet received
187 const longword errIsoTooManyFragments   = 0x00070000; // Too many packets without EoT flag
188 const longword errIsoPduOverflow    	= 0x00080000; // The sum of fragments data exceded maximum packet size
189 const longword errIsoSendPacket         = 0x00090000; // An error occurred during send
190 const longword errIsoRecvPacket         = 0x000A0000; // An error occurred during recv
191 const longword errIsoInvalidParams    	= 0x000B0000; // Invalid TSAP params
192 const longword errIsoResvd_1            = 0x000C0000; // Unassigned
193 const longword errIsoResvd_2            = 0x000D0000; // Unassigned
194 const longword errIsoResvd_3            = 0x000E0000; // Unassigned
195 const longword errIsoResvd_4            = 0x000F0000; // Unassigned
197 // Tag Struct
198 typedef struct{
199 	int Area;
200 	int DBNumber;
201 	int Start;
202 	int Size;
203 	int WordLen;
204 }TS7Tag, *PS7Tag;
206 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 //                                  PARAMS LIST
208 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
209 const int p_u16_LocalPort  	    = 1;
210 const int p_u16_RemotePort 	    = 2;
211 const int p_i32_PingTimeout	    = 3;
212 const int p_i32_SendTimeout     = 4;
213 const int p_i32_RecvTimeout     = 5;
214 const int p_i32_WorkInterval    = 6;
215 const int p_u16_SrcRef          = 7;
216 const int p_u16_DstRef          = 8;
217 const int p_u16_SrcTSap         = 9;
218 const int p_i32_PDURequest      = 10;
219 const int p_i32_MaxClients      = 11;
220 const int p_i32_BSendTimeout    = 12;
221 const int p_i32_BRecvTimeout    = 13;
222 const int p_u32_RecoveryTime    = 14;
223 const int p_u32_KeepAliveTime   = 15;
225 // Client/Partner Job status
226 const int JobComplete           = 0;
227 const int JobPending            = 1;
229 //******************************************************************************
230 //                                   CLIENT
231 //******************************************************************************
233 // Error codes
234 const longword errNegotiatingPDU            = 0x00100000;
235 const longword errCliInvalidParams          = 0x00200000;
236 const longword errCliJobPending             = 0x00300000;
237 const longword errCliTooManyItems           = 0x00400000;
238 const longword errCliInvalidWordLen         = 0x00500000;
239 const longword errCliPartialDataWritten     = 0x00600000;
240 const longword errCliSizeOverPDU            = 0x00700000;
241 const longword errCliInvalidPlcAnswer       = 0x00800000;
242 const longword errCliAddressOutOfRange      = 0x00900000;
243 const longword errCliInvalidTransportSize   = 0x00A00000;
244 const longword errCliWriteDataSizeMismatch  = 0x00B00000;
245 const longword errCliItemNotAvailable       = 0x00C00000;
246 const longword errCliInvalidValue           = 0x00D00000;
247 const longword errCliCannotStartPLC         = 0x00E00000;
248 const longword errCliAlreadyRun             = 0x00F00000;
249 const longword errCliCannotStopPLC          = 0x01000000;
250 const longword errCliCannotCopyRamToRom     = 0x01100000;
251 const longword errCliCannotCompress         = 0x01200000;
252 const longword errCliAlreadyStop            = 0x01300000;
253 const longword errCliFunNotAvailable        = 0x01400000;
254 const longword errCliUploadSequenceFailed   = 0x01500000;
255 const longword errCliInvalidDataSizeRecvd   = 0x01600000;
256 const longword errCliInvalidBlockType       = 0x01700000;
257 const longword errCliInvalidBlockNumber     = 0x01800000;
258 const longword errCliInvalidBlockSize       = 0x01900000;
259 const longword errCliDownloadSequenceFailed = 0x01A00000;
260 const longword errCliInsertRefused          = 0x01B00000;
261 const longword errCliDeleteRefused          = 0x01C00000;
262 const longword errCliNeedPassword           = 0x01D00000;
263 const longword errCliInvalidPassword        = 0x01E00000;
264 const longword errCliNoPasswordToSetOrClear = 0x01F00000;
265 const longword errCliJobTimeout             = 0x02000000;
266 const longword errCliPartialDataRead        = 0x02100000;
267 const longword errCliBufferTooSmall         = 0x02200000;
268 const longword errCliFunctionRefused        = 0x02300000;
269 const longword errCliDestroying             = 0x02400000;
270 const longword errCliInvalidParamNumber     = 0x02500000;
271 const longword errCliCannotChangeParam      = 0x02600000;
273 const int MaxVars     = 20; // Max vars that can be transferred with MultiRead/MultiWrite
275 // Client Connection Type
276 const word CONNTYPE_PG                      = 0x0001;  // Connect to the PLC as a PG
277 const word CONNTYPE_OP                      = 0x0002;  // Connect to the PLC as an OP
278 const word CONNTYPE_BASIC                   = 0x0003;  // Basic connection
280 // Area ID
281 const byte S7AreaPE   =	0x81;
282 const byte S7AreaPA   =	0x82;
283 const byte S7AreaMK   =	0x83;
284 const byte S7AreaDB   =	0x84;
285 const byte S7AreaCT   =	0x1C;
286 const byte S7AreaTM   =	0x1D;
288 // Word Length
289 const int S7WLBit     = 0x01;
290 const int S7WLByte    = 0x02;
291 const int S7WLWord    = 0x04;
292 const int S7WLDWord   = 0x06;
293 const int S7WLReal    = 0x08;
294 const int S7WLCounter = 0x1C;
295 const int S7WLTimer   = 0x1D;
297 // Block type
298 const byte Block_OB   = 0x38;
299 const byte Block_DB   = 0x41;
300 const byte Block_SDB  = 0x42;
301 const byte Block_FC   = 0x43;
302 const byte Block_SFC  = 0x44;
303 const byte Block_FB   = 0x45;
304 const byte Block_SFB  = 0x46;
306 // Sub Block Type
307 const byte SubBlk_OB  = 0x08;
308 const byte SubBlk_DB  = 0x0A;
309 const byte SubBlk_SDB = 0x0B;
310 const byte SubBlk_FC  = 0x0C;
311 const byte SubBlk_SFC = 0x0D;
312 const byte SubBlk_FB  = 0x0E;
313 const byte SubBlk_SFB = 0x0F;
315 // Block languages
316 const byte BlockLangAWL       = 0x01;
317 const byte BlockLangKOP       = 0x02;
318 const byte BlockLangFUP       = 0x03;
319 const byte BlockLangSCL       = 0x04;
320 const byte BlockLangDB        = 0x05;
321 const byte BlockLangGRAPH     = 0x06;
323 // Read/Write Multivars
324 typedef struct{
325    int   Area;
326    int   WordLen;
327    int   Result;
328    int   DBNumber;
329    int   Start;
330    int   Amount;
331    void  *pdata;
332 } TS7DataItem, *PS7DataItem;
334 //typedef int TS7ResultItems[MaxVars];
335 //typedef TS7ResultItems *PS7ResultItems;
337 // List Blocks
338 typedef struct {
339    int OBCount;
340    int FBCount;
341    int FCCount;
342    int SFBCount;
343    int SFCCount;
344    int DBCount;
345    int SDBCount;
346 } TS7BlocksList, *PS7BlocksList;
348 // Blocks info
349 typedef struct {
350    int BlkType;    // Block Type (OB, DB)
351    int BlkNumber;  // Block number
352    int BlkLang;    // Block Language
353    int BlkFlags;   // Block flags
354    int MC7Size;    // The real size in bytes
355    int LoadSize;   // Load memory size
356    int LocalData;  // Local data
357    int SBBLength;  // SBB Length
358    int CheckSum;   // Checksum
359    int Version;    // Block version
360    // Chars info
361    char CodeDate[11]; // Code date
362    char IntfDate[11]; // Interface date
363    char Author[9];    // Author
364    char Family[9];    // Family
365    char Header[9];    // Header
366 } TS7BlockInfo, *PS7BlockInfo ;
368 typedef word TS7BlocksOfType[0x2000];
369 typedef TS7BlocksOfType *PS7BlocksOfType;
371 // Order code
372 typedef struct {
373    char Code[21];
374    byte V1;
375    byte V2;
376    byte V3;
377 } TS7OrderCode, *PS7OrderCode;
379 // CPU Info
380 typedef struct {
381    char ModuleTypeName[33];
382    char SerialNumber[25];
383    char ASName[25];
384    char Copyright[27];
385    char ModuleName[25];
386 } TS7CpuInfo, *PS7CpuInfo;
388 // CP Info
389 typedef struct {
390    int MaxPduLengt;
391    int MaxConnections;
392    int MaxMpiRate;
393    int MaxBusRate;
394 } TS7CpInfo, *PS7CpInfo;
396 // See §33.1 of "System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions"
397 // and see SFC51 description too
398 typedef struct {
399    word LENTHDR;
400    word N_DR;
403 typedef struct {
404    SZL_HEADER Header;
405    byte Data[0x4000-4];
406 } TS7SZL, *PS7SZL;
408 // SZL List of available SZL IDs : same as SZL but List items are big-endian adjusted
409 typedef struct {
410    SZL_HEADER Header;
411    word List[0x2000-2];
412 } TS7SZLList, *PS7SZLList;
414 // See §33.19 of "System Software for S7-300/400 System and Standard Functions"
415 typedef struct {
416    word  sch_schal;
417    word  sch_par;
418    word  sch_rel;
419    word  bart_sch;
420    word  anl_sch;
421 } TS7Protection, *PS7Protection;
423 // Client completion callback
424 typedef void (S7API *pfn_CliCompletion) (void *usrPtr, int opCode, int opResult);
425 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 //  Import prototypes
427 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 S7Object S7API Cli_Create();
429 void S7API Cli_Destroy(S7Object *Client);
430 int S7API Cli_ConnectTo(S7Object Client, const char *Address, int Rack, int Slot);
431 int S7API Cli_SetConnectionParams(S7Object Client, const char *Address, word LocalTSAP, word RemoteTSAP);
432 int S7API Cli_SetConnectionType(S7Object Client, word ConnectionType);
433 int S7API Cli_Connect(S7Object Client);
434 int S7API Cli_Disconnect(S7Object Client);
435 int S7API Cli_GetParam(S7Object Client, int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
436 int S7API Cli_SetParam(S7Object Client, int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
437 int S7API Cli_SetAsCallback(S7Object Client, pfn_CliCompletion pCompletion, void *usrPtr);
438 // Data I/O main functions
439 int S7API Cli_ReadArea(S7Object Client, int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
440 int S7API Cli_WriteArea(S7Object Client, int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
441 int S7API Cli_ReadMultiVars(S7Object Client, PS7DataItem Item, int ItemsCount);
442 int S7API Cli_WriteMultiVars(S7Object Client, PS7DataItem Item, int ItemsCount);
443 // Data I/O Lean functions
444 int S7API Cli_DBRead(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
445 int S7API Cli_DBWrite(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
446 int S7API Cli_MBRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
447 int S7API Cli_MBWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
448 int S7API Cli_EBRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
449 int S7API Cli_EBWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
450 int S7API Cli_ABRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
451 int S7API Cli_ABWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
452 int S7API Cli_TMRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
453 int S7API Cli_TMWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
454 int S7API Cli_CTRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
455 int S7API Cli_CTWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
456 // Directory functions
457 int S7API Cli_ListBlocks(S7Object Client, TS7BlocksList *pUsrData);
458 int S7API Cli_GetAgBlockInfo(S7Object Client, int BlockType, int BlockNum, TS7BlockInfo *pUsrData);
459 int S7API Cli_GetPgBlockInfo(S7Object Client, void *pBlock, TS7BlockInfo *pUsrData, int Size);
460 int S7API Cli_ListBlocksOfType(S7Object Client, int BlockType, TS7BlocksOfType *pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
461 // Blocks functions
462 int S7API Cli_Upload(S7Object Client, int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
463 int S7API Cli_FullUpload(S7Object Client, int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
464 int S7API Cli_Download(S7Object Client, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int Size);
465 int S7API Cli_Delete(S7Object Client, int BlockType, int BlockNum);
466 int S7API Cli_DBGet(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
467 int S7API Cli_DBFill(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, int FillChar);
468 // Date/Time functions
469 int S7API Cli_GetPlcDateTime(S7Object Client, tm *DateTime);
470 int S7API Cli_SetPlcDateTime(S7Object Client, tm *DateTime);
471 int S7API Cli_SetPlcSystemDateTime(S7Object Client);
472 // System Info functions
473 int S7API Cli_GetOrderCode(S7Object Client, TS7OrderCode *pUsrData);
474 int S7API Cli_GetCpuInfo(S7Object Client, TS7CpuInfo *pUsrData);
475 int S7API Cli_GetCpInfo(S7Object Client, TS7CpInfo *pUsrData);
476 int S7API Cli_ReadSZL(S7Object Client, int ID, int Index, TS7SZL *pUsrData, int *Size);
477 int S7API Cli_ReadSZLList(S7Object Client, TS7SZLList *pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
478 // Control functions
479 int S7API Cli_PlcHotStart(S7Object Client);
480 int S7API Cli_PlcColdStart(S7Object Client);
481 int S7API Cli_PlcStop(S7Object Client);
482 int S7API Cli_CopyRamToRom(S7Object Client, int Timeout);
483 int S7API Cli_Compress(S7Object Client, int Timeout);
484 int S7API Cli_GetPlcStatus(S7Object Client, int *Status);
485 // Security functions
486 int S7API Cli_GetProtection(S7Object Client, TS7Protection *pUsrData);
487 int S7API Cli_SetSessionPassword(S7Object Client, char *Password);
488 int S7API Cli_ClearSessionPassword(S7Object Client);
489 // Low level
490 int S7API Cli_IsoExchangeBuffer(S7Object Client, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
491 // Misc
492 int S7API Cli_GetExecTime(S7Object Client, int *Time);
493 int S7API Cli_GetLastError(S7Object Client, int *LastError);
494 int S7API Cli_GetPduLength(S7Object Client, int *Requested, int *Negotiated);
495 int S7API Cli_ErrorText(int Error, char *Text, int TextLen);
496 // 1.1.0
497 int S7API Cli_GetConnected(S7Object Client, int *Connected);
498 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
499 //  Async functions
500 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 int S7API Cli_AsReadArea(S7Object Client, int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
502 int S7API Cli_AsWriteArea(S7Object Client, int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
503 int S7API Cli_AsDBRead(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
504 int S7API Cli_AsDBWrite(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
505 int S7API Cli_AsMBRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
506 int S7API Cli_AsMBWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
507 int S7API Cli_AsEBRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
508 int S7API Cli_AsEBWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
509 int S7API Cli_AsABRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
510 int S7API Cli_AsABWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
511 int S7API Cli_AsTMRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
512 int S7API Cli_AsTMWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
513 int S7API Cli_AsCTRead(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
514 int S7API Cli_AsCTWrite(S7Object Client, int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
515 int S7API Cli_AsListBlocksOfType(S7Object Client, int BlockType, TS7BlocksOfType *pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
516 int S7API Cli_AsReadSZL(S7Object Client, int ID, int Index, TS7SZL *pUsrData, int *Size);
517 int S7API Cli_AsReadSZLList(S7Object Client, TS7SZLList *pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
518 int S7API Cli_AsUpload(S7Object Client, int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
519 int S7API Cli_AsFullUpload(S7Object Client, int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
520 int S7API Cli_AsDownload(S7Object Client, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int Size);
521 int S7API Cli_AsCopyRamToRom(S7Object Client, int Timeout);
522 int S7API Cli_AsCompress(S7Object Client, int Timeout);
523 int S7API Cli_AsDBGet(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
524 int S7API Cli_AsDBFill(S7Object Client, int DBNumber, int FillChar);
525 int S7API Cli_CheckAsCompletion(S7Object Client, int *opResult);
526 int S7API Cli_WaitAsCompletion(S7Object Client, int Timeout);
528 //******************************************************************************
529 //                                   SERVER
530 //******************************************************************************
531 const int OperationRead  = 0;
532 const int OperationWrite = 1;
534 const int mkEvent = 0;
535 const int mkLog   = 1;
537 // Server Area ID  (use with Register/unregister - Lock/unlock Area)
538 const int srvAreaPE = 0;
539 const int srvAreaPA = 1;
540 const int srvAreaMK = 2;
541 const int srvAreaCT = 3;
542 const int srvAreaTM = 4;
543 const int srvAreaDB = 5;
545 // Errors
546 const longword errSrvCannotStart        = 0x00100000; // Server cannot start
547 const longword errSrvDBNullPointer      = 0x00200000; // Passed null as PData
548 const longword errSrvAreaAlreadyExists  = 0x00300000; // Area Re-registration
549 const longword errSrvUnknownArea        = 0x00400000; // Unknown area
550 const longword errSrvInvalidParams      = 0x00500000; // Invalid param(s) supplied
551 const longword errSrvTooManyDB          = 0x00600000; // Cannot register DB
552 const longword errSrvInvalidParamNumber = 0x00700000; // Invalid param (srv_get/set_param)
553 const longword errSrvCannotChangeParam  = 0x00800000; // Cannot change because running
555 // TCP Server Event codes
556 const longword evcServerStarted       = 0x00000001;
557 const longword evcServerStopped       = 0x00000002;
558 const longword evcListenerCannotStart = 0x00000004;
559 const longword evcClientAdded         = 0x00000008;
560 const longword evcClientRejected      = 0x00000010;
561 const longword evcClientNoRoom        = 0x00000020;
562 const longword evcClientException     = 0x00000040;
563 const longword evcClientDisconnected  = 0x00000080;
564 const longword evcClientTerminated    = 0x00000100;
565 const longword evcClientsDropped      = 0x00000200;
566 const longword evcReserved_00000400   = 0x00000400; // actually unused
567 const longword evcReserved_00000800   = 0x00000800; // actually unused
568 const longword evcReserved_00001000   = 0x00001000; // actually unused
569 const longword evcReserved_00002000   = 0x00002000; // actually unused
570 const longword evcReserved_00004000   = 0x00004000; // actually unused
571 const longword evcReserved_00008000   = 0x00008000; // actually unused
572 // S7 Server Event Code
573 const longword evcPDUincoming  	      = 0x00010000;
574 const longword evcDataRead            = 0x00020000;
575 const longword evcDataWrite    	      = 0x00040000;
576 const longword evcNegotiatePDU        = 0x00080000;
577 const longword evcReadSZL             = 0x00100000;
578 const longword evcClock               = 0x00200000;
579 const longword evcUpload              = 0x00400000;
580 const longword evcDownload            = 0x00800000;
581 const longword evcDirectory           = 0x01000000;
582 const longword evcSecurity            = 0x02000000;
583 const longword evcControl             = 0x04000000;
584 const longword evcReserved_08000000   = 0x08000000; // actually unused
585 const longword evcReserved_10000000   = 0x10000000; // actually unused
586 const longword evcReserved_20000000   = 0x20000000; // actually unused
587 const longword evcReserved_40000000   = 0x40000000; // actually unused
588 const longword evcReserved_80000000   = 0x80000000; // actually unused
589 // Masks to enable/disable all events
590 const longword evcAll                 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
591 const longword evcNone                = 0x00000000;
592 // Event SubCodes
593 const word evsUnknown                 = 0x0000;
594 const word evsStartUpload             = 0x0001;
595 const word evsStartDownload           = 0x0001;
596 const word evsGetBlockList            = 0x0001;
597 const word evsStartListBoT            = 0x0002;
598 const word evsListBoT                 = 0x0003;
599 const word evsGetBlockInfo            = 0x0004;
600 const word evsGetClock                = 0x0001;
601 const word evsSetClock                = 0x0002;
602 const word evsSetPassword             = 0x0001;
603 const word evsClrPassword             = 0x0002;
604 // Event Params : functions group
605 const word grProgrammer               = 0x0041;
606 const word grCyclicData               = 0x0042;
607 const word grBlocksInfo               = 0x0043;
608 const word grSZL                      = 0x0044;
609 const word grPassword                 = 0x0045;
610 const word grBSend                    = 0x0046;
611 const word grClock                    = 0x0047;
612 const word grSecurity                 = 0x0045;
613 // Event Params : control codes
614 const word CodeControlUnknown         = 0x0000;
615 const word CodeControlColdStart       = 0x0001;
616 const word CodeControlWarmStart       = 0x0002;
617 const word CodeControlStop            = 0x0003;
618 const word CodeControlCompress        = 0x0004;
619 const word CodeControlCpyRamRom       = 0x0005;
620 const word CodeControlInsDel          = 0x0006;
621 // Event Result
622 const word evrNoError                 = 0x0000;
623 const word evrFragmentRejected        = 0x0001;
624 const word evrMalformedPDU            = 0x0002;
625 const word evrSparseBytes             = 0x0003;
626 const word evrCannotHandlePDU         = 0x0004;
627 const word evrNotImplemented          = 0x0005;
628 const word evrErrException            = 0x0006;
629 const word evrErrAreaNotFound         = 0x0007;
630 const word evrErrOutOfRange           = 0x0008;
631 const word evrErrOverPDU              = 0x0009;
632 const word evrErrTransportSize        = 0x000A;
633 const word evrInvalidGroupUData       = 0x000B;
634 const word evrInvalidSZL              = 0x000C;
635 const word evrDataSizeMismatch        = 0x000D;
636 const word evrCannotUpload            = 0x000E;
637 const word evrCannotDownload          = 0x000F;
638 const word evrUploadInvalidID         = 0x0010;
639 const word evrResNotFound             = 0x0011;
641 typedef struct{
642 	time_t EvtTime;    // Timestamp
643 	int EvtSender;     // Sender
644 	longword EvtCode;  // Event code
645 	word EvtRetCode;   // Event result
646 	word EvtParam1;    // Param 1 (if available)
647 	word EvtParam2;    // Param 2 (if available)
648 	word EvtParam3;    // Param 3 (if available)
649 	word EvtParam4;    // Param 4 (if available)
650 }TSrvEvent, *PSrvEvent;
652 // Server Events callback
653 typedef void (S7API *pfn_SrvCallBack)(void *usrPtr, PSrvEvent PEvent, int Size);
654 // Server Read/Write callback
655 typedef int(S7API *pfn_RWAreaCallBack)(void *usrPtr, int Sender, int Operation, PS7Tag PTag, void *pUsrData);
657 S7Object S7API Srv_Create();
658 void S7API Srv_Destroy(S7Object *Server);
659 int S7API Srv_GetParam(S7Object Server, int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
660 int S7API Srv_SetParam(S7Object Server, int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
661 int S7API Srv_StartTo(S7Object Server, const char *Address);
662 int S7API Srv_Start(S7Object Server);
663 int S7API Srv_Stop(S7Object Server);
664 int S7API Srv_RegisterArea(S7Object Server, int AreaCode, word Index, void *pUsrData, int Size);
665 int S7API Srv_UnregisterArea(S7Object Server, int AreaCode, word Index);
666 int S7API Srv_LockArea(S7Object Server, int AreaCode, word Index);
667 int S7API Srv_UnlockArea(S7Object Server, int AreaCode, word Index);
668 int S7API Srv_GetStatus(S7Object Server, int *ServerStatus, int *CpuStatus, int *ClientsCount);
669 int S7API Srv_SetCpuStatus(S7Object Server, int CpuStatus);
670 int S7API Srv_ClearEvents(S7Object Server);
671 int S7API Srv_PickEvent(S7Object Server, TSrvEvent *pEvent, int *EvtReady);
672 int S7API Srv_GetMask(S7Object Server, int MaskKind, longword *Mask);
673 int S7API Srv_SetMask(S7Object Server, int MaskKind, longword Mask);
674 int S7API Srv_SetEventsCallback(S7Object Server, pfn_SrvCallBack pCallback, void *usrPtr);
675 int S7API Srv_SetReadEventsCallback(S7Object Server, pfn_SrvCallBack pCallback, void *usrPtr);
676 int S7API Srv_SetRWAreaCallback(S7Object Server, pfn_RWAreaCallBack pCallback, void *usrPtr);
677 int S7API Srv_EventText(TSrvEvent *Event, char *Text, int TextLen);
678 int S7API Srv_ErrorText(int Error, char *Text, int TextLen);
680 //******************************************************************************
681 //                                   PARTNER
682 //******************************************************************************
684 // Status
685 const int par_stopped         = 0;   // stopped
686 const int par_connecting      = 1;   // running and active connecting
687 const int par_waiting         = 2;   // running and waiting for a connection
688 const int par_linked          = 3;   // running and connected : linked
689 const int par_sending         = 4;   // sending data
690 const int par_receiving       = 5;   // receiving data
691 const int par_binderror       = 6;   // error starting passive server
693 // Errors
694 const longword errParAddressInUse       = 0x00200000;
695 const longword errParNoRoom             = 0x00300000;
696 const longword errServerNoRoom          = 0x00400000;
697 const longword errParInvalidParams      = 0x00500000;
698 const longword errParNotLinked          = 0x00600000;
699 const longword errParBusy               = 0x00700000;
700 const longword errParFrameTimeout       = 0x00800000;
701 const longword errParInvalidPDU         = 0x00900000;
702 const longword errParSendTimeout        = 0x00A00000;
703 const longword errParRecvTimeout        = 0x00B00000;
704 const longword errParSendRefused        = 0x00C00000;
705 const longword errParNegotiatingPDU     = 0x00D00000;
706 const longword errParSendingBlock       = 0x00E00000;
707 const longword errParRecvingBlock       = 0x00F00000;
708 const longword errParBindError          = 0x01000000;
709 const longword errParDestroying         = 0x01100000;
710 const longword errParInvalidParamNumber = 0x01200000; // Invalid param (par_get/set_param)
711 const longword errParCannotChangeParam  = 0x01300000; // Cannot change because running
712 const longword errParBufferTooSmall     = 0x01400000; // Raised by LabVIEW wrapper
714 // Brecv Data incoming Callback
715 typedef void (S7API *pfn_ParRecvCallBack)(void * usrPtr, int opResult, longword R_ID, void *pData, int Size);
716 // BSend Completion Callback
717 typedef void (S7API *pfn_ParSendCompletion)(void * usrPtr, int opResult);
719 S7Object S7API Par_Create(int Active);
720 void S7API Par_Destroy(S7Object *Partner);
721 int S7API Par_GetParam(S7Object Partner, int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
722 int S7API Par_SetParam(S7Object Partner, int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
723 int S7API Par_StartTo(S7Object Partner, const char *LocalAddress, const char *RemoteAddress,
724     word LocTsap, word RemTsap);
725 int S7API Par_Start(S7Object Partner);
726 int S7API Par_Stop(S7Object Partner);
727 // BSend
728 int S7API Par_BSend(S7Object Partner, longword R_ID, void *pUsrData, int Size);
729 int S7API Par_AsBSend(S7Object Partner, longword R_ID, void *pUsrData, int Size);
730 int S7API Par_CheckAsBSendCompletion(S7Object Partner, int *opResult);
731 int S7API Par_WaitAsBSendCompletion(S7Object Partner, longword Timeout);
732 int S7API Par_SetSendCallback(S7Object Partner, pfn_ParSendCompletion pCompletion, void *usrPtr);
733 // BRecv
734 int S7API Par_BRecv(S7Object Partner, longword *R_ID, void *pData, int *Size, longword Timeout);
735 int S7API Par_CheckAsBRecvCompletion(S7Object Partner, int *opResult, longword *R_ID,
736 	void *pData, int *Size);
737 int S7API Par_SetRecvCallback(S7Object Partner, pfn_ParRecvCallBack pCompletion, void *usrPtr);
738 // Stat
739 int S7API Par_GetTimes(S7Object Partner, longword *SendTime, longword *RecvTime);
740 int S7API Par_GetStats(S7Object Partner, longword *BytesSent, longword *BytesRecv,
741 	longword *SendErrors, longword *RecvErrors);
742 int S7API Par_GetLastError(S7Object Partner, int *LastError);
743 int S7API Par_GetStatus(S7Object Partner, int *Status);
744 int S7API Par_ErrorText(int Error, char *Text, int TextLen);
747 #pragma pack()
748 #ifdef __cplusplus
749  }
750 #endif // __cplusplus
752 #ifdef __cplusplus
754 //******************************************************************************
755 //                           CLIENT CLASS DEFINITION
756 //******************************************************************************
757 class TS7Client
758 {
759 private:
760     S7Object Client;
761 public:
762 	TS7Client();
763 	~TS7Client();
764     // Control functions
765     int Connect();
766     int ConnectTo(const char *RemAddress, int Rack, int Slot);
767     int SetConnectionParams(const char *RemAddress, word LocalTSAP, word RemoteTSAP);
768     int SetConnectionType(word ConnectionType);
769     int Disconnect();
770     int GetParam(int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
771     int SetParam(int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
772     // Data I/O Main functions
773     int ReadArea(int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
774     int WriteArea(int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
775     int ReadMultiVars(PS7DataItem Item, int ItemsCount);
776     int WriteMultiVars(PS7DataItem Item, int ItemsCount);
777     // Data I/O Lean functions
778     int DBRead(int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
779     int DBWrite(int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
780     int MBRead(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
781     int MBWrite(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
782     int EBRead(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
783     int EBWrite(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
784     int ABRead(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
785     int ABWrite(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
786     int TMRead(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
787     int TMWrite(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
788     int CTRead(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
789     int CTWrite(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
790     // Directory functions
791     int ListBlocks(PS7BlocksList pUsrData);
792     int GetAgBlockInfo(int BlockType, int BlockNum, PS7BlockInfo pUsrData);
793     int GetPgBlockInfo(void *pBlock, PS7BlockInfo pUsrData, int Size);
794     int ListBlocksOfType(int BlockType, TS7BlocksOfType *pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
795     // Blocks functions
796     int Upload(int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
797     int FullUpload(int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
798     int Download(int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int Size);
799     int Delete(int BlockType, int BlockNum);
800     int DBGet(int DBNumber, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
801     int DBFill(int DBNumber, int FillChar);
802     // Date/Time functions
803     int GetPlcDateTime(tm *DateTime);
804     int SetPlcDateTime(tm *DateTime);
805     int SetPlcSystemDateTime();
806     // System Info functions
807     int GetOrderCode(PS7OrderCode pUsrData);
808     int GetCpuInfo(PS7CpuInfo pUsrData);
809     int GetCpInfo(PS7CpInfo pUsrData);
810 	int ReadSZL(int ID, int Index, PS7SZL pUsrData, int *Size);
811 	int ReadSZLList(PS7SZLList pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
812 	// Control functions
813 	int PlcHotStart();
814 	int PlcColdStart();
815 	int PlcStop();
816 	int CopyRamToRom(int Timeout);
817 	int Compress(int Timeout);
818 	// Security functions
819 	int GetProtection(PS7Protection pUsrData);
820 	int SetSessionPassword(char *Password);
821 	int ClearSessionPassword();
822 	// Properties
823 	int ExecTime();
824 	int LastError();
825 	int PDURequested();
826 	int PDULength();
827 	int PlcStatus();
828 	bool Connected();
829 	// Async functions
830 	int SetAsCallback(pfn_CliCompletion pCompletion, void *usrPtr);
831 	bool CheckAsCompletion(int *opResult);
832 	int WaitAsCompletion(longword Timeout);
833 	int AsReadArea(int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
834 	int AsWriteArea(int Area, int DBNumber, int Start, int Amount, int WordLen, void *pUsrData);
835 	int AsListBlocksOfType(int BlockType, PS7BlocksOfType pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
836 	int AsReadSZL(int ID, int Index, PS7SZL pUsrData, int *Size);
837 	int AsReadSZLList(PS7SZLList pUsrData, int *ItemsCount);
838 	int AsUpload(int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
839 	int AsFullUpload(int BlockType, int BlockNum, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
840 	int AsDownload(int BlockNum, void *pUsrData,  int Size);
841 	int AsCopyRamToRom(int Timeout);
842 	int AsCompress(int Timeout);
843 	int AsDBRead(int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
844 	int AsDBWrite(int DBNumber, int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
845 	int AsMBRead(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
846 	int AsMBWrite(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
847 	int AsEBRead(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
848 	int AsEBWrite(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
849 	int AsABRead(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
850 	int AsABWrite(int Start, int Size, void *pUsrData);
851     int AsTMRead(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
852     int AsTMWrite(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
853     int AsCTRead(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
854 	int AsCTWrite(int Start, int Amount, void *pUsrData);
855     int AsDBGet(int DBNumber, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
856 	int AsDBFill(int DBNumber, int FillChar);
857 };
858 typedef TS7Client *PS7Client;
859 //******************************************************************************
860 //                           SERVER CLASS DEFINITION
861 //******************************************************************************
862 class TS7Server
863 {
864 private:
865     S7Object Server;
866 public:
867     TS7Server();
868     ~TS7Server();
869     // Control
870     int Start();
871     int StartTo(const char *Address);
872     int Stop();
873     int GetParam(int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
874     int SetParam(int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
875     // Events
876     int SetEventsCallback(pfn_SrvCallBack PCallBack, void *UsrPtr);
877     int SetReadEventsCallback(pfn_SrvCallBack PCallBack, void *UsrPtr);
878     int SetRWAreaCallback(pfn_RWAreaCallBack PCallBack, void *UsrPtr);
879     bool PickEvent(TSrvEvent *pEvent);
880     void ClearEvents();
881     longword GetEventsMask();
882     longword GetLogMask();
883     void SetEventsMask(longword Mask);
884     void SetLogMask(longword Mask);
885     // Resources
886     int RegisterArea(int AreaCode, word Index, void *pUsrData, word Size);
887     int UnregisterArea(int AreaCode, word Index);
888     int LockArea(int AreaCode, word Index);
889     int UnlockArea(int AreaCode, word Index);
890     // Properties
891     int ServerStatus();
892     int GetCpuStatus();
893     int SetCpuStatus(int Status);
894     int ClientsCount();
895 };
896 typedef TS7Server *PS7Server;
898 //******************************************************************************
899 //                          PARTNER CLASS DEFINITION
900 //******************************************************************************
901 class TS7Partner
902 {
903 private:
904 	S7Object Partner; // Partner Handle
905 public:
906 	TS7Partner(bool Active);
907 	~TS7Partner();
908 	// Control
909 	int GetParam(int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
910 	int SetParam(int ParamNumber, void *pValue);
911 	int Start();
912 	int StartTo(const char *LocalAddress,
913 				const char *RemoteAddress,
914 				int LocalTSAP,
915 				int RemoteTSAP);
916 	int Stop();
917 	// Data I/O functions : BSend
918 	int BSend(longword R_ID, void *pUsrData, int Size);
919 	int AsBSend(longword R_ID, void *pUsrData, int Size);
920 	bool CheckAsBSendCompletion(int *opResult);
921 	int WaitAsBSendCompletion(longword Timeout);
922 	int SetSendCallback(pfn_ParSendCompletion pCompletion, void *usrPtr);
923 	// Data I/O functions : BRecv
924 	int BRecv(longword *R_ID, void *pUsrData, int *Size, longword Timeout);
925 	bool CheckAsBRecvCompletion(int *opResult, longword *R_ID, void *pUsrData, int *Size);
926 	int SetRecvCallback(pfn_ParRecvCallBack pCallback, void *usrPtr);
927 	// Properties
928 	int Status();
929 	int LastError();
930 	int GetTimes(longword *SendTime, longword *RecvTime);
931 	int GetStats(longword *BytesSent,
932 				 longword *BytesRecv,
933 				 longword *ErrSend,
934 				 longword *ErrRecv);
935 	bool Linked();
936 };
937 typedef TS7Partner *PS7Partner;
938 //******************************************************************************
939 //                               TEXT ROUTINES
940 // Only for C++, for pure C use xxx_ErrorText() which uses *char
941 //******************************************************************************
942 #define TextLen 1024
944 // String type
945 // Here we define generic TextString (by default mapped onto std::string).
946 // So you can change it if needed (Unicodestring, Ansistring etc...)
948 typedef std::string TextString;
950 TextString CliErrorText(int Error);
951 TextString SrvErrorText(int Error);
952 TextString ParErrorText(int Error);
953 TextString SrvEventText(TSrvEvent *Event);
956 #endif // __cplusplus
957 #endif // snap7_h