1 unit frmPartner;
3 {$MODE Delphi}
5 interface
7 uses
9   Windows,
10 {$ELSE}
11   LCLIntf, LCLType, LMessages,
12 {$ENDIF}
13   Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
14   Dialogs, ComCtrls, Grids, SyncObjs,
15   StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
16   Snap7;
18 Const
19   _Active  = true;   // <- the underscore to avoid conflicts with the Form property "Active"
20   _Passive = false;
22 type
24   TS7Buffer = packed array[0..$FFFF] of byte;
26   TPartnerForm = class;
28   TRecvThread = class(TThread)
29   private
30     FPartnerForm : TPartnerForm;
31   public
32     constructor Create(PartnerForm : TPartnerForm);
33     procedure Execute; override;
34   end;
36   TPartnerForm = class(TForm)
37     PageControl: TPageControl;
38     TabBSend: TTabSheet;
39     TabBRecv: TTabSheet;
40     SB: TStatusBar;
41     DataGrid: TStringGrid;
42     GR_Remote: TGroupBox;
43     Label5: TLabel;
44     Label6: TLabel;
45     Label7: TLabel;
46     EdRemoteIP: TEdit;
47     EdRemTsapHI: TEdit;
48     EdRemTsapLO: TEdit;
49     StartBtn: TButton;
50     StopBtn: TButton;
51     Label1: TLabel;
52     Ed_R_ID: TEdit;
53     Label4: TLabel;
54     EdAmount: TEdit;
55     BsendBtn: TButton;
56     AsBsendBtn: TButton;
57     lbldump: TLabel;
58     RxMemo: TMemo;
59     EdR_ID_In: TEdit;
60     Label8: TLabel;
61     GR_local: TGroupBox;
62     Label2: TLabel;
63     Label3: TLabel;
64     Label9: TLabel;
65     EdLocalIP: TEdit;
66     EdLocTsapHI: TEdit;
67     EdLocTsapLO: TEdit;
68     DataLed: TStaticText;
69     TLed: TTimer;
70     TBsend: TTimer;
71     ChkSend: TCheckBox;
72     TStat: TTimer;
73     TabStat: TTabSheet;
74     EdSent: TEdit;
75     Label10: TLabel;
76     Label11: TLabel;
77     EdRecv: TEdit;
78     RGMode: TRadioGroup;
79     TBRecv: TTimer;
80     EdTimeout: TEdit;
81     Label13: TLabel;
82     BRecvBtn: TButton;
83     BRecvLbl: TLabel;
84     ARGMode: TRadioGroup;
85     procedure DataGridDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
86       Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
87     procedure DataGridExit(Sender: TObject);
88     procedure DataGridKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
89     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
90     procedure TLedTimer(Sender: TObject);
91     procedure StartBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
92     procedure StopBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
93     procedure TStatTimer(Sender: TObject);
94     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
95     procedure ChkSendClick(Sender: TObject);
96     procedure TBsendTimer(Sender: TObject);
97     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
98     procedure BsendBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
99     procedure AsBsendBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
100     procedure RGModeClick(Sender: TObject);
101     procedure TBRecvTimer(Sender: TObject);
102     procedure ARGModeClick(Sender: TObject);
103     procedure BRecvBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
104   private
105     { Private declarations }
106     TxBuffer : TS7Buffer;
107     FActive  : boolean;
108     FRunning: boolean;
109     RecvThread : TRecvThread;
110     Cnt : byte;
111     AsSendMode : integer;
112     AsRecvMode : integer;
113     FLastSendError: integer;
114     FLastRecvError: integer;
115     FLastStartError: integer;
116     procedure ValidateGrid;
117     procedure DataToGrid(Amount : integer);
118     procedure GridToData(Amount : integer);
119     procedure SetFRunning(const Value: boolean);
120     procedure PartnerStart;
121     procedure PartnerStop;
122     procedure DumpData(P : PS7Buffer; Memo : TMemo; Count : integer);
123     procedure BSend(Async : boolean; Const Cyclic : boolean = false);
124     procedure SetFLastSendError(const Value: integer);
125     procedure SetFLastRecvError(const Value: integer);
126     procedure SetFLastStartError(const Value: integer);
127     procedure WaitBSendCompletion;
128     procedure BRecv(WithPolling : boolean);
ErrorTextnull129     function ErrorText(ErrNo : integer) : String;
130   public
131     { Public declarations }
132     Partner  : TS7Partner;
133     RxBuffer : TS7Buffer;
134     RxSize   : integer;
135     RxR_ID   : cardinal;
136     RxError  : integer;
137     RxEvent  : TEvent;
138     TxEvent  : TEvent;
139     procedure DataIncoming;
140     procedure CreatePartner(Mode : boolean);
141     property Running : boolean read FRunning write SetFRunning;
142     property LastStartError : integer read FLastStartError write SetFLastStartError;
143     property LastSendError : integer read FLastSendError write SetFLastSendError;
144     property LastRecvError : integer read FLastRecvError write SetFLastRecvError;
145   end;
147 implementation
148 {$R *.lfm}
150 Const
151    amPolling  = 0;
152    amWait     = 1;
153    amCallBack = 2;
155 Var
156   CS : TCriticalSection;
158 procedure OnRecv(usrPtr : pointer; opResult : integer; R_ID : dword;
159   pdata : pointer; size : integer);
160 {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF}
161 Var
162   PF : TPartnerForm;
163 begin
164   CS.Enter;
165   try
166     PF:=TPartnerForm(usrPtr);
167     if Assigned(PF) then
168     begin
169       if opResult=0 then
170       begin
171         move(pdata^,PF.RxBuffer[0],Size);
172         PF.RxSize:=Size;
173         PF.RxR_ID:=R_ID;
174       end;
175       PF.RxError:=opResult;
176       PF.RxEvent.SetEvent;
177     end;
178   finally
179     CS.Leave;
180   end;
181 end;
183 procedure OnSend(usrPtr : pointer; opResult : integer); stdcall;
184 var
185   PF : TPartnerForm;
186 begin
187   CS.Enter;
188   try
189     PF:=TPartnerForm(usrPtr);
190     if Assigned(PF) then
191       PF.TxEvent.SetEvent;
192   finally
193     CS.Leave;
194   end;
195 end;
198 procedure TPartnerForm.ARGModeClick(Sender: TObject);
199 begin
200   AsRecvMode:=ARGMode.ItemIndex; // 0 : amPolling
201                                  // 1 : amEvent
202                                  // 2 : amCallBack
203   case AsRecvMode of
204     amPolling,
205     amWait    : begin
206                   Partner.SetRecvCallback(nil,Self);  // <-- We don't want callback
207                   BRecvBtn.Enabled:=true;
208                 end;
209     amCallback: begin
210                   Partner.SetRecvCallback(@OnRecv,Self);
211                   BRecvBtn.Enabled:=false;           // <-- the recv is full async
212                 end;
213   end;
214   BRecvLbl.Enabled :=BRecvBtn.Enabled;
215   EdTimeout.Enabled:=BRecvBtn.Enabled;
216 end;
218 procedure TPartnerForm.AsBsendBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
219 begin
220   BSend(true,false);
221 end;
223 procedure TPartnerForm.BRecv(WithPolling: boolean);
224 Var
225   Timeout : cardinal;
226   Result : integer;
227   Elapsed : cardinal;
228   Done : boolean;
229 begin
230   Timeout:=StrToIntDef(edTimeout.Text,0);
231   edTimeout.Text:=IntToStr(Timeout);
233   if WithPolling then
234   begin
235     Elapsed:=GetTickCount;
236     repeat
237        Application.ProcessMessages;
238        Done:=Partner.CheckAsBRecvCompletion(Result,RxR_ID,@RxBuffer,RxSize);
239     until Done or (GetTickCount-Elapsed>Timeout);
240     if not Done then
241       Result:=errParRecvTimeout;
242   end
243   else // Wait idle
244     Result:=Partner.BRecv(Timeout,RxR_ID,@RxBuffer,RxSize);
246   LastRecvError:=Result;
247   if Result=0 then
248   begin
249     DumpData(@RxBuffer,RxMemo,RxSize);
250     lbldump.Caption:='Data Dump : '+IntToStr(RxSize)+' bytes';
251     EdR_ID_In.Text:='$'+IntToHex(RxR_ID,8);
252   end;
253 end;
255 procedure TPartnerForm.BRecvBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
256 begin
257   BRecv(ARGMode.ItemIndex=0);
258 end;
260 procedure TPartnerForm.BSend(Async: boolean; Const Cyclic : boolean = false);
261 Var
262   Amount : integer;
263   R_ID : cardinal;
264   c: Integer;
265   SendTime,RecvTime : cardinal;
266 begin
267   // Amount
268   Amount:=StrToIntDef(EdAmount.Text,0);
269   if Amount>65536 then
270     Amount:=65536;
271   EdAmount.Text:=IntToStr(Amount);
272   // R_ID
273   R_ID:=StrToIntDef(Ed_R_ID.Text,0);
274   Ed_R_ID.Text:='$'+IntToHex(R_ID,8);
277   if Cyclic then
278   begin
279     TBSend.Enabled:=false;
280     inc(Cnt);
281     for c := 0 to Amount - 1 do
282       TxBuffer[c]:=Cnt;
283     DataToGrid(Amount);
284   end
285   else
286     GridToData(Amount);
288   if Async then
289     FLastSendError:=Partner.AsBSend(R_ID,@TxBuffer,Amount)
290   else
291     LastSendError:=Partner.BSend(R_ID,@TxBuffer,Amount);
293   if FLastSendError=0 then
294   begin
295     if ASync then
296       WaitBSendCompletion;
297   end;
298   SB.Panels[1].Text:=IntToStr(Partner.SendTime)+' ms';
300   if Cyclic then
301     TBSend.Enabled:=true;
302 end;
304 procedure TPartnerForm.BsendBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
305 begin
306   BSend(false,false);
307 end;
309 procedure TPartnerForm.ChkSendClick(Sender: TObject);
310 begin
311   if ChkSend.Checked then
312   begin
313     BSendBtn.Enabled:=false;
314     Ed_R_ID.Enabled:=false;
315     EdAmount.Enabled:=false;
316     AsBSendBtn.Enabled:=false;
317     TBSend.Enabled:=true;
318   end
319   else begin
320     TBSend.Enabled:=false;
321     BSendBtn.Enabled:=true;
322     AsBSendBtn.Enabled:=true;
323     Ed_R_ID.Enabled:=true;
324     EdAmount.Enabled:=true;
325   end;
326 end;
328 procedure TPartnerForm.CreatePartner(Mode: boolean);
329 begin
330   Partner:=TS7Partner.Create(Mode);
332   FActive:=Mode;
334   if FActive then
335   begin
336     Caption:='Active Partner';
337     GR_Local.Caption:='Local Partner (Active)';
338     GR_Remote.Caption:='Remote Partner (Passive)';
339     EdLocalIP.Text:='';
340     EdLocalIP.Color:=clBtnFace;
341     EdLocalIP.Enabled:=false;
342   end
343   else begin
344     Caption:='Passive Partner';
345     GR_Local.Caption:='Local Partner (Passive)';
346     GR_Remote.Caption:='Remote Partner (Active)';
347   end;
349   Partner.SetRecvCallback(@OnRecv,Self);
350   BRecvBtn.Enabled:=false;             // <-- the recv is full async
351   BRecvLbl.Enabled:=false;
352   EdTimeout.Enabled:=false;
353   ARgMode.ItemIndex:=2;
355   Running:=false;
356 end;
358 procedure TPartnerForm.DataGridDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
359   Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
360 Var
361   aRect : TRect;
362   aText : string;
363   Style : TTextStyle;
364 begin
365   with Sender as TStringGrid do
366   begin
367     ARect:=Rect;
368     AText:=Cells[ACol,ARow];
369     if (ACol=0) or (ARow=0) then
370       Canvas.Brush.Color:=clbtnface
371     else
372       Canvas.Brush.Color:=clWhite;
374     Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
375     Style.Alignment:=taCenter;
376     Style.Clipping:=true;
377     Style.ExpandTabs:=false;
378     Style.Layout:=tlCenter;
379     Style.ShowPrefix:=false;
380     Style.Wordbreak:=false;
381     Style.SystemFont:=false;
382     Style.RightToLeft:=false;
384     Canvas.TextRect(ARect, 0,0, AText,Style);
386     if gdfocused in State then
387     begin
388       Canvas.Brush.Color:=clRed;
389       Canvas.FrameRect(ARect);
390     end;
391   end;
392 end;
394 procedure TPartnerForm.DataGridExit(Sender: TObject);
395 begin
396   ValidateGrid;
397 end;
399 procedure TPartnerForm.DataGridKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
400 begin
401   if Key=#13 then
402     ValidateGrid;
403 end;
405 procedure TPartnerForm.DataIncoming;
406 begin
407   if RxError=0 then
408   begin
409     DataLed.Color:=clLime;
410     DumpData(@RxBuffer,RxMemo,RxSize);
411     lbldump.Caption:='Data Dump : '+IntToStr(RxSize)+' bytes';
412     EdR_ID_In.Text:='$'+IntToHex(RxR_ID,8);
413     TLed.Enabled:=true;
414   end;
415   LastRecvError:=RxError;
416 end;
418 procedure TPartnerForm.DataToGrid(Amount: integer);
419 Var
420  x, c, r : integer;
421 begin
422   with DataGrid do
423   begin
424     c:=1;r:=1;
425     for x := 0 to Amount - 1 do
426     begin
427       Cells[c,r]:='$'+IntToHex(TxBuffer[x],2);
428       inc(c);
429       if c=ColCount then
430       begin
431         c:=1;
432         inc(r);
433       end;
434     end;
435     Row:=1;
436     Col:=1;
437     if PageControl.ActivePage=TabBSend then
438       SetFocus;
439   end;
440 end;
442 procedure TPartnerForm.DumpData(P: PS7Buffer; Memo: TMemo; Count: integer);
443 Var
444   SHex, SChr : string;
445   Ch : AnsiChar;
446   c, cnt : integer;
447 begin
448   Memo.Lines.Clear;
449   Memo.Lines.BeginUpdate;
450   SHex:='';SChr:='';cnt:=0;
451   try
452     for c := 0 to Count - 1 do
453     begin
454       SHex:=SHex+IntToHex(P^[c],2)+' ';
455       Ch:=AnsiChar(P^[c]);
456       if not (Ch in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_','$','-',#32]) then
457         Ch:='.';
458       SChr:=SChr+String(Ch);
459       inc(cnt);
460       if cnt=16 then
461       begin
462         Memo.Lines.Add(SHex+'  '+SChr);
463         SHex:='';SChr:='';
464         cnt:=0;
465       end;
466     end;
467     // Dump remainder
468     if cnt>0 then
469     begin
470       while Length(SHex)<48 do
471         SHex:=SHex+' ';
472       Memo.Lines.Add(SHex+'  '+SChr);
473     end;
474   finally
475     Memo.Lines.EndUpdate;
476   end;
477 end;
ErrorTextnull479 function TPartnerForm.ErrorText(ErrNo: integer) : string;
480 begin
481   Result:=String(ParErrorText(ErrNo));
482 end;
484 procedure TPartnerForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
485 begin
486   Action:=caFree;
487 end;
489 procedure TPartnerForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
490 Var
491   c : integer;
492 begin
493   RxEvent:=TEvent.Create(nil,false,false,'');
494   TxEvent:=TEvent.Create(nil,false,false,'');
495   RecvThread := TRecvThread.Create(Self);
496   RecvThread.Start;
498   // Init Grid
499   with DataGrid do
500   begin
501     DefaultColWidth:=32;
502     ColWidths[0]:=48;
503     DefaultRowHeight:=18;
504     ColCount:=17;
505     RowCount:=4097;
506     for c := 1 to ColCount - 1 do
507       Cells[c,0]:=inttohex(c-1,2);
509     for c := 1 to RowCount - 1 do
510       Cells[0,c]:=inttohex((c-1)*16,4);
511   end;
512   ValidateGrid;
513 end;
515 procedure TPartnerForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
516 begin
517   Partner.Free;
518   RecvThread.Terminate;
519   RxEvent.SetEvent;
520   TxEvent.SetEvent;
521   RecvThread.Free;
523   RxEvent.Free;;
524   TxEvent.Free;
525 end;
527 procedure TPartnerForm.GridToData(Amount: integer);
528 Var
529  x, c, r : integer;
530 begin
531   ValidateGrid;
532   with DataGrid do
533   begin
534     c:=1;r:=1;
535     for x := 0 to Amount- 1 do
536     begin
537       TxBuffer[x]:=StrToIntDef(Cells[c,r],0);
538       inc(c);
539       if c=ColCount then
540       begin
541         c:=1;
542         inc(r);
543       end;
544     end;
545   end;
546 end;
548 procedure TPartnerForm.PartnerStart;
549 Var
550   LocalAddress : AnsiString;
551   RemoteAddress: AnsiString;
552   LocalTsapHI  : integer;
553   LocalTsapLO  : integer;
554   RemoteTsapHI : integer;
555   RemoteTsapLO : integer;
556   LocalTsap    : integer;
557   RemoteTsap   : integer;
559   function GetChar(ED : TEdit) : integer;
560   Var
561     B : byte;
562   begin
563     B:=StrToIntDef('$'+Ed.Text,0);
564     Ed.Text:=IntToHex(B,2);
565     Result:=B;
566   end;
568 begin
569    LocalAddress :=EdLocalIP.Text;
570    RemoteAddress:=EdRemoteIP.Text;
571    LocalTsapHI  :=GetChar(EdLocTsapHI);
572    LocalTsapLO  :=GetChar(EdLocTsapLO);
573    RemoteTsapHI :=GetChar(EdRemTsapHI);
574    RemoteTsapLO :=GetChar(EdRemTsapLO);
576    LocalTsap    :=LocalTsapHI shl 8 + LocalTsapLO;
577    RemoteTsap   :=RemoteTsapHI shl 8 + RemoteTsapLO;
579    LastStartError:=Partner.StartTo(LocalAddress,
580                                    RemoteAddress,
581                                    LocalTsap,
582                                    RemoteTsap);
583    Running:=FLastStartError=0;
584 end;
586 procedure TPartnerForm.PartnerStop;
587 begin
588   Partner.Stop;
589   Running:=false;
590   SB.Panels[2].Text:='';
591 end;
593 procedure TPartnerForm.RGModeClick(Sender: TObject);
594 begin
595   AsSendMode:=RGMode.ItemIndex; // 0 : amPolling
596                                 // 1 : amEvent
597                                 // 2 : amCallBack
599   case AsSendMode of
600     amPolling,
601     amWait    : Partner.SetSendCallback(nil,Self);
602     amCallback: Partner.SetSendCallback(@OnSend,Self);
603   end;
604 end;
606 procedure TPartnerForm.SetFLastRecvError(const Value: integer);
607 begin
608   FLastRecvError := Value;
609   if FLastRecvError=0 then
610     SB.Panels[2].Text:='Last BRecv OK'
611   else
612     SB.Panels[2].Text:=ErrorText(FLastRecvError);
613 end;
615 procedure TPartnerForm.SetFLastSendError(const Value: integer);
616 begin
618   FLastSendError := Value;
619   if FLastSendError=0 then
620     SB.Panels[2].Text:='Last BSend OK'
621   else
622     SB.Panels[2].Text:=ErrorText(FLastSendError);
623 end;
625 procedure TPartnerForm.SetFLastStartError(const Value: integer);
626 begin
627   FLastStartError := Value;
628   if FLastStartError=0 then
629     SB.Panels[2].Text:='Last Start OK'
630   else
631     SB.Panels[2].Text:=ErrorText(FLastRecvError);
632 end;
634 procedure TPartnerForm.SetFRunning(const Value: boolean);
635 begin
636   FRunning := Value;
638   if FRunning then
639   begin
640     EdLocalIP.Enabled:=false;
641     EdLocTsapHI.Enabled:=false;
642     EdLocTsapLO.Enabled:=false;
643     EdRemoteIP.Enabled:=false;
644     EdRemTsapHI.Enabled:=false;
645     EdRemTsapLO.Enabled:=false;
646     StartBtn.Enabled:=false;
647     StopBtn.Enabled:=true;
648     BSendBtn.Enabled:=true;
649     AsBSendBtn.Enabled:=true;
650     Ed_R_ID.Enabled:=true;
651     EdAmount.Enabled:=true;
652   end
653   else begin
654     EdLocalIP.Enabled:=not FActive;
655     EdLocTsapHI.Enabled:=true;
656     EdLocTsapLO.Enabled:=true;
657     EdRemoteIP.Enabled:=true;
658     EdRemTsapHI.Enabled:=true;
659     EdRemTsapLO.Enabled:=true;
660     StartBtn.Enabled:=true;
661     StopBtn.Enabled:=false;
662     if FActive then
663       EdLocalIP.Text:='';
665     ChkSend.Checked:=false;
666     BSendBtn.Enabled:=false;
667     AsBSendBtn.Enabled:=false;
668     Ed_R_ID.Enabled:=false;
669     EdAmount.Enabled:=false;
670     TBSend.Enabled:=false;
671   end;
672 end;
674 procedure TPartnerForm.StartBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
675 begin
676   if not FRunning then
677     PartnerStart;
678 end;
680 procedure TPartnerForm.StopBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
681 begin
682   if FRunning then
683     PartnerStop;
684 end;
686 procedure TPartnerForm.TBRecvTimer(Sender: TObject);
687 begin
688 //
689 //  if Partner.AsBRecvCompletion()
691 end;
693 procedure TPartnerForm.TBsendTimer(Sender: TObject);
694 begin
695   if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) and Partner.Linked then
696     BSend(false,true);
697 end;
699 procedure TPartnerForm.TLedTimer(Sender: TObject);
700 begin
701   DataLed.Color:=clBtnFace;
702 end;
704 procedure TPartnerForm.TStatTimer(Sender: TObject);
705 Var
706   Status    : integer;
707   BytesSent : cardinal;
708   BytesRecv : cardinal;
709   ErrSend   : cardinal;
710   ErrRecv   : cardinal;
711 begin
712    Status:=Partner.Status;
714   case Status of
715     par_stopped    : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Stopped';
716     par_connecting : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Connecting';
717     par_waiting    : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Waiting';
718     par_linked     : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Connected';
719     par_sending    : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Sending';
720     par_receiving  : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Receiving';
721     par_binderror  : SB.Panels[0].Text:='Bind Error';
722   end;
724   BytesSent:=Partner.BytesSent;
725   BytesRecv:=Partner.BytesRecv;
726   ErrSend  :=Partner.SendErrors;
727   ErrRecv  :=Partner.RecvErrors;
729   EdSent.Text:=IntToStr(BytesSent);
730   EdRecv.Text:=IntToStr(BytesRecv);
731 end;
733 procedure TPartnerForm.ValidateGrid;
734 Var
735   r,c : integer;
737   function ValidateHexCell(S : string) : string;
738   Var
739     V : integer;
740   begin
741     if S='' then
742       S:='0';
744     V:=StrToIntDef(S,0);
745     if V<0 then V:=0;
746     if V>255 then V:=255;
748     Result:='$'+IntToHex(V,2);
749   end;
751 begin
752   With DataGrid do
753   for r:=1 to RowCount - 1 do
754     for c := 1 to ColCount - 1 do
755        Cells[c,r]:=ValidateHexCell(Cells[c,r])
756 end;
758 procedure TPartnerForm.WaitBSendCompletion;
759 Var
760   Result : integer;
761 begin
762   Application.ProcessMessages;
763   if AsSendMode=amPolling then
764   begin
765     repeat
766       Application.ProcessMessages;
767     until Partner.CheckAsBSendCompletion(Result);
768   end
769   else
770     Result:=Partner.WaitAsBSendCompletion(3000);
771   LastSendError:=Result;
772 end;
774 { TRecvThread }
776 constructor TRecvThread.Create(PartnerForm: TPartnerForm);
777 begin
778   inherited Create(true);
779   FreeOnTerminate:=false;
780   FPartnerForm:=PartnerForm;
781 end;
783 procedure TRecvThread.Execute;
784 begin
785   while not Terminated do
786   begin
787     FPartnerForm.RxEvent.WaitFor(infinite);
788     if not Terminated then
789       Synchronize(FPartnerForm.DataIncoming);
790   end;
791 end;
794 initialization
796   CS:=TCriticalSection.Create;
798 finalization
800   CS.Free;;
802 end.