2// Copyright 2019 Ettus Research, A National Instruments Company
4// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
6// Module: chdr_pad_packet
7// Description:
8//  This module pads extra data on the AXI-Stream bus
9//  to the requested packet size. This module is for
10//  creating len-sized packets, for DMA engines that
11//  do not support partial transfers.
13// Parameters:
14//  - CHDR_W: Width of the CHDR tdata bus in bits
16// Signals:
17//  - s_axis_* : Input AXI-Stream CHDR bus
18//  - m_axis_* : Output AXI-Stream CHDR bus
19//  - len      : Requested number of CHDR_W lines in the packet (must be > 1)
21`default_nettype none
22module chdr_pad_packet #(
23  parameter CHDR_W = 256
25  input  wire              clk,
26  input  wire              rst,
27  input  wire [15:0]       len,
28  input  wire [CHDR_W-1:0] s_axis_tdata,
29  input  wire              s_axis_tlast,
30  input  wire              s_axis_tvalid,
31  output reg               s_axis_tready,
32  output wire [CHDR_W-1:0] m_axis_tdata,
33  output reg               m_axis_tlast,
34  output reg               m_axis_tvalid,
35  input  wire              m_axis_tready
38  localparam [1:0] ST_HEADER = 2'd0;
39  localparam [1:0] ST_BODY   = 2'd1;
40  localparam [1:0] ST_PAD    = 2'd2;
41  localparam [1:0] ST_DROP   = 2'd3;
43  reg [1:0]   state;
44  reg [15:0]  lines_left;
46  always @(posedge clk) begin
47    if (rst || (len <= 16'd1)) begin
48      state <= ST_HEADER;
49    end else begin
50      case(state)
51        ST_HEADER: begin
52          lines_left <= len - 16'd1;
53          if (s_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) begin
54              if (!s_axis_tlast) begin
55                // Packet is more than one line and length not reached
56                state <= ST_BODY;
57              end else begin
58                // Packet is only one line and length not reached
59                state <= ST_PAD;
60              end
61          end
62        end
63        ST_BODY: begin
64          if (s_axis_tvalid && m_axis_tready) begin
65            lines_left <= lines_left - 16'd1;
66            if (s_axis_tlast && (lines_left == 16'd1)) begin
67              // End of input and reached length
68              state <= ST_HEADER;
69            end else if (s_axis_tlast && (lines_left != 16'd1)) begin
70              // End of input, but length not reached
71              state <= ST_PAD;
72            end else if (!s_axis_tlast && (lines_left == 16'd1)) begin
73              // Reached length, but input continues...
74              state <= ST_DROP;
75            end
76          end
77        end
78        ST_PAD: begin
79          if (m_axis_tready) begin
80            lines_left <= lines_left - 16'd1;
81            if (lines_left == 16'd1) begin
82              state <= ST_HEADER;
83            end
84          end
85        end
86        ST_DROP: begin
87          if (s_axis_tvalid && s_axis_tlast) begin
88            state <= ST_HEADER;
89          end
90        end
91        default: begin
92          // We should never get here
93          state <= ST_HEADER;
94        end
95      endcase
96    end
97  end
99  assign m_axis_tdata  = s_axis_tdata;
101  always @(*) begin
102    case(state)
103      ST_HEADER: begin
104        if (len <= 16'd1) begin
105          s_axis_tready <= 1'b0;
106          m_axis_tvalid <= 1'b0;
107        end else begin
108          s_axis_tready <= m_axis_tready;
109          m_axis_tvalid <= s_axis_tvalid;
110        end
111        m_axis_tlast <= 1'b0;
112      end
113      ST_BODY: begin
114        s_axis_tready <= m_axis_tready;
115        m_axis_tvalid <= s_axis_tvalid;
116        m_axis_tlast  <= (lines_left == 16'd1);
117      end
118      ST_PAD: begin
119        s_axis_tready <= 1'b0;
120        m_axis_tvalid <= 1'b1;
121        m_axis_tlast  <= (lines_left == 16'd1);
122      end
123      ST_DROP: begin
124        s_axis_tready <= 1'b1;
125        m_axis_tvalid <= 1'b0;
126        m_axis_tlast  <= 1'b0;
127      end
128    endcase
129  end
131endmodule // chdr_pad_packet
132`default_nettype wire