2////                                                              ////
3////  File name "xge_mac_wb.v"                                       ////
4////                                                              ////
5////  This file is part of the "10GE MAC" project                 ////
6////  http://www.opencores.org/cores/xge_mac/                     ////
7////                                                              ////
8////  Author(s):                                                  ////
9////      - A. Tanguay (antanguay@opencores.org)                  ////
10////                                                              ////
12////                                                              ////
13//// Copyright (C) 2008 AUTHORS. All rights reserved.             ////
14////                                                              ////
15//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
16//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
17//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
18//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
19////                                                              ////
20//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
21//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
22//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
23//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
24//// later version.                                               ////
25////                                                              ////
26//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
27//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
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29//// PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
30//// details.                                                     ////
31////                                                              ////
32//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
33//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
34//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml                     ////
35////                                                              ////
39module xge_mac_wb (
40  // Outputs
41  xgmii_txd, xgmii_txc, pkt_tx_full,
42  pkt_rx_val, pkt_rx_sop, pkt_rx_mod, pkt_rx_err, pkt_rx_eop,
43  pkt_rx_data, pkt_rx_avail,
44  wb_int_o, wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o,
45  mdc, mdio_out, mdio_tri, xge_gpo,
47  // Inputs
48  xgmii_rxd, xgmii_rxc,
49  wb_we_i, wb_stb_i, wb_rst_i, wb_dat_i,
50  wb_cyc_i, wb_clk_i, wb_adr_i,
51  reset_xgmii_tx_n, reset_xgmii_rx_n, reset_156m25_n,
52  pkt_tx_val, pkt_tx_sop, pkt_tx_mod, pkt_tx_eop,
53  pkt_tx_data, pkt_rx_ren,
54  clk_xgmii_tx, clk_xgmii_rx, clk_156m25,
55  mdio_in, xge_gpi
58  input                   clk_156m25;             // To rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v, ...
59  input                   clk_xgmii_rx;           // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v, ...
60  input                   clk_xgmii_tx;           // To tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v, ...
61  input                   pkt_rx_ren;             // To rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
62  input [63:0]            pkt_tx_data;            // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
63  input                   pkt_tx_eop;             // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
64  input [2:0]             pkt_tx_mod;             // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
65  input                   pkt_tx_sop;             // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
66  input                   pkt_tx_val;             // To tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
67  input                   reset_156m25_n;         // To rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v, ...
68  input                   reset_xgmii_rx_n;       // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v, ...
69  input                   reset_xgmii_tx_n;       // To tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v, ...
70  input [7:0]             wb_adr_i;               // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
71  input                   wb_clk_i;               // To sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v, ...
72  input                   wb_cyc_i;               // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
73  input [31:0]            wb_dat_i;               // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
74  input                   wb_rst_i;               // To sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v, ...
75  input                   wb_stb_i;               // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
76  input                   wb_we_i;                // To wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
77  input [7:0]             xgmii_rxc;              // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
78  input [63:0]            xgmii_rxd;              // To rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
79  input 		          mdio_in;
80  input [7:0]		      xge_gpi;
82  output                  pkt_rx_avail;           // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
83  output [63:0]           pkt_rx_data;            // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
84  output                  pkt_rx_eop;             // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
85  output                  pkt_rx_err;             // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
86  output [2:0]            pkt_rx_mod;             // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
87  output                  pkt_rx_sop;             // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
88  output                  pkt_rx_val;             // From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
89  output                  pkt_tx_full;            // From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
90  output                  wb_ack_o;               // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
91  output [31:0]           wb_dat_o;               // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
92  output                  wb_int_o;               // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
93  output [7:0]            xgmii_txc;              // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
94  output [63:0]           xgmii_txd;              // From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
95  output                  mdc;
96  output                  mdio_out;
97  output                  mdio_tri;               // Assert to tristate driver.
98  output [7:0] 	          xge_gpo;
100  wire                    ctrl_tx_enable;         // From wishbone_if0 of wishbone_if.v
101  wire                    ctrl_tx_enable_ctx;     // From sync_clk_xgmii_tx0 of sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
102  wire                    status_local_fault_ctx; // From sync_clk_xgmii_tx0 of sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
103  wire                    status_remote_fault_ctx;// From sync_clk_xgmii_tx0 of sync_clk_xgmii_tx.v
104  wire                    status_crc_error;       // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
105  wire                    status_crc_error_tog;   // From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
106  wire                    status_fragment_error;  // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
107  wire                    status_fragment_error_tog;// From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
108  wire                    status_local_fault;     // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
109  wire                    status_local_fault_crx; // From fault_sm0 of fault_sm.v
110  wire                    status_pause_frame_rx;  // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
111  wire                    status_pause_frame_rx_tog;// From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
112  wire                    status_remote_fault;    // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
113  wire                    status_remote_fault_crx;// From fault_sm0 of fault_sm.v
114  wire                    status_rxdfifo_ovflow;  // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
115  wire                    status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog;// From rx_eq0 of rx_enqueue.v
116  wire                    status_rxdfifo_udflow;  // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
117  wire                    status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog;// From rx_dq0 of rx_dequeue.v
118  wire                    status_txdfifo_ovflow;  // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
119  wire                    status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog;// From tx_eq0 of tx_enqueue.v
120  wire                    status_txdfifo_udflow;  // From sync_clk_wb0 of sync_clk_wb.v
121  wire                    status_txdfifo_udflow_tog;// From tx_dq0 of tx_dequeue.v
123  xge_mac xge_mac (
124    // Clocks and Resets
125    .clk_156m25             (clk_156m25),
126    .clk_xgmii_rx           (clk_xgmii_rx),
127    .clk_xgmii_tx           (clk_xgmii_tx),
128    .reset_156m25_n         (reset_156m25_n),
129    .reset_xgmii_rx_n       (reset_xgmii_rx_n),
130    .reset_xgmii_tx_n       (reset_xgmii_tx_n),
131    // XGMII
132    .xgmii_txc              (xgmii_txc[7:0]),
133    .xgmii_txd              (xgmii_txd[63:0]),
134    .xgmii_rxc              (xgmii_rxc[7:0]),
135    .xgmii_rxd              (xgmii_rxd[63:0]),
136    // Packet interface
137    .pkt_rx_avail           (pkt_rx_avail),
138    .pkt_rx_data            (pkt_rx_data),
139    .pkt_rx_eop             (pkt_rx_eop),
140    .pkt_rx_err             (pkt_rx_err),
141    .pkt_rx_mod             (pkt_rx_mod),
142    .pkt_rx_sop             (pkt_rx_sop),
143    .pkt_rx_val             (pkt_rx_val),
144    .pkt_tx_full            (pkt_tx_full),
145    // Inputs
146    .pkt_rx_ren             (pkt_rx_ren),
147    .pkt_tx_data            (pkt_tx_data),
148    .pkt_tx_eop             (pkt_tx_eop),
149    .pkt_tx_mod             (pkt_tx_mod),
150    .pkt_tx_sop             (pkt_tx_sop),
151    .pkt_tx_val             (pkt_tx_val),
152    // Control and Status
153    .ctrl_tx_enable         (ctrl_tx_enable),
154    .status_crc_error       (status_crc_error_tog),
155    .status_fragment_error  (status_fragment_error_tog),
156    .status_txdfifo_ovflow  (status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog),
157    .status_txdfifo_udflow  (status_txdfifo_udflow_tog),
158    .status_rxdfifo_ovflow  (status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog),
159    .status_rxdfifo_udflow  (status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog),
160    .status_pause_frame_rx  (status_pause_frame_rx_tog),
161    .status_local_fault     (status_local_fault_crx),
162    .status_remote_fault    (status_remote_fault_crx)
163  );
165  sync_clk_wb sync_clk_wb0 (
166    // Outputs
167    .status_crc_error      (status_crc_error),
168    .status_fragment_error (status_fragment_error),
169    .status_txdfifo_ovflow (status_txdfifo_ovflow),
170    .status_txdfifo_udflow (status_txdfifo_udflow),
171    .status_rxdfifo_ovflow (status_rxdfifo_ovflow),
172    .status_rxdfifo_udflow (status_rxdfifo_udflow),
173    .status_pause_frame_rx (status_pause_frame_rx),
174    .status_local_fault    (status_local_fault),
175    .status_remote_fault   (status_remote_fault),
176    // Inputs
177    .wb_clk_i              (wb_clk_i),
178    .wb_rst_i              (wb_rst_i),
179    .status_crc_error_tog  (status_crc_error_tog),
180    .status_fragment_error_tog(status_fragment_error_tog),
181    .status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog(status_txdfifo_ovflow_tog),
182    .status_txdfifo_udflow_tog(status_txdfifo_udflow_tog),
183    .status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog(status_rxdfifo_ovflow_tog),
184    .status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog(status_rxdfifo_udflow_tog),
185    .status_pause_frame_rx_tog(status_pause_frame_rx_tog),
186    .status_local_fault_crx(status_local_fault_crx),
187    .status_remote_fault_crx(status_remote_fault_crx)
188  );
191// IJB. This module has only inputs and is treated as a black box by XST which causes a fatal error.
192// Commented out. Original pupose/intent unknown.
193//sync_clk_core sync_clk_core0(/*AUTOINST*/
194//                             // Inputs
195//                            .clk_xgmii_tx      (clk_xgmii_tx),
196//                             .reset_xgmii_tx_n  (reset_xgmii_tx_n));
197  wishbone_if wishbone_if0 (
198    // Outputs
199    .wb_dat_o              (wb_dat_o[31:0]),
200    .wb_ack_o              (wb_ack_o),
201    .wb_int_o              (wb_int_o),
202    .ctrl_tx_enable        (ctrl_tx_enable),
203    // Inputs
204    .wb_clk_i              (wb_clk_i),
205    .wb_rst_i              (wb_rst_i),
206    .wb_adr_i              (wb_adr_i[7:0]),
207    .wb_dat_i              (wb_dat_i[31:0]),
208    .wb_we_i               (wb_we_i),
209    .wb_stb_i              (wb_stb_i),
210    .wb_cyc_i              (wb_cyc_i),
211    .status_crc_error      (status_crc_error),
212    .status_fragment_error (status_fragment_error),
213    .status_txdfifo_ovflow (status_txdfifo_ovflow),
214    .status_txdfifo_udflow (status_txdfifo_udflow),
215    .status_rxdfifo_ovflow (status_rxdfifo_ovflow),
216    .status_rxdfifo_udflow (status_rxdfifo_udflow),
217    .status_pause_frame_rx (status_pause_frame_rx),
218    .status_local_fault    (status_local_fault),
219    .status_remote_fault   (status_remote_fault),
220    // MDIO
221    .mdc(mdc),
222    .mdio_in(mdio_in),
223    .mdio_out(mdio_out),
224    .mdio_tri(mdio_tri),
225    .xge_gpo(xge_gpo),
226    .xge_gpi(xge_gpi)
227  );