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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Directory.cppH A D05-Aug-202111 KiB323283

Directory.hppH A D05-Aug-20211.5 KiB6149

DirectoryDelegate.cppH A D05-Aug-20211.9 KiB5954

DirectoryDelegate.hppH A D05-Aug-2021675 3119

DirectoryNode.hppH A D05-Aug-20211.5 KiB5229

FileNode.cppH A D05-Aug-20212.1 KiB8071

FileNode.hppH A D05-Aug-20212 KiB6841

READMEH A D05-Aug-2021262 64

RemoteFile.cppH A D05-Aug-20219 KiB316292

RemoteFile.hppH A D05-Aug-20212.2 KiB8553


1A UI for downloading sample files from a web server.
3Works in concert with  samples/CMakeLists.txt which generates the JSON
4contents description file  and has a build  target upload-samples that
5uploads the samples and content file to the project files server.