1module fst4_decode
3   type :: fst4_decoder
4      procedure(fst4_decode_callback), pointer :: callback
5   contains
6      procedure :: decode
7   end type fst4_decoder
9   abstract interface
10      subroutine fst4_decode_callback (this,nutc,sync,nsnr,dt,freq,    &
11         decoded,nap,qual,ntrperiod,lwspr,fmid,w50)
12         import fst4_decoder
13         implicit none
14         class(fst4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
15         integer, intent(in) :: nutc
16         real, intent(in) :: sync
17         integer, intent(in) :: nsnr
18         real, intent(in) :: dt
19         real, intent(in) :: freq
20         character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
21         integer, intent(in) :: nap
22         real, intent(in) :: qual
23         integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod
24         logical, intent(in) :: lwspr
25         real, intent(in) :: fmid
26         real, intent(in) :: w50
27      end subroutine fst4_decode_callback
28   end interface
32   subroutine decode(this,callback,iwave,nutc,nQSOProgress,nfa,nfb,nfqso, &
33      ndepth,ntrperiod,nexp_decode,ntol,emedelay,lagain,lapcqonly,mycall, &
34      hiscall,iwspr)
36      use prog_args
37      use timer_module, only: timer
38      use packjt77
39      use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
40      include 'fst4/fst4_params.f90'
41      parameter (MAXCAND=100,MAXWCALLS=100)
42      class(fst4_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
43      procedure(fst4_decode_callback) :: callback
44      character*37 decodes(100)
45      character*37 msg,msgsent
46      character*20 wcalls(MAXWCALLS), wpart
47      character*77 c77
48      character*12 mycall,hiscall
49      character*12 mycall0,hiscall0
50      complex, allocatable :: c2(:)
51      complex, allocatable :: cframe(:)
52      complex, allocatable :: c_bigfft(:)          !Complex waveform
53      real llr(240),llrs(240,4)
54      real candidates0(200,5),candidates(200,5)
55      real bitmetrics(320,4)
56      real s4(0:3,NN)
57      real minsync
58      logical lagain,lapcqonly
59      integer itone(NN)
60      integer hmod
61      integer*1 apmask(240),cw(240),hdec(240)
62      integer*1 message101(101),message74(74),message77(77)
63      integer*1 rvec(77)
64      integer apbits(240)
65      integer nappasses(0:5)   ! # of decoding passes for QSO states 0-5
66      integer naptypes(0:5,4)  ! (nQSOProgress,decoding pass)
67      integer mcq(29),mrrr(19),m73(19),mrr73(19)
69      logical badsync,unpk77_success,single_decode
70      logical first,nohiscall,lwspr
71      logical new_callsign,plotspec_exists,wcalls_exists,do_k50_decode
72      logical decdata_exists
74      integer*2 iwave(30*60*12000)
76      data   mcq/0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0/
77      data  mrrr/0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1/
78      data   m73/0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1/
79      data mrr73/0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1/
80      data  rvec/0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0, &
81         1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,1, &
82         0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1/
83      data first/.true./,hmod/1/
84      save first,apbits,nappasses,naptypes,mycall0,hiscall0
85      save wcalls,nwcalls
87      this%callback => callback
88      dxcall13=hiscall   ! initialize for use in packjt77
89      mycall13=mycall
91      if(iwspr.ne.0.and.iwspr.ne.1) return
92      if(lagain) continue ! use lagain to keep compiler happy
94      if(first) then
95! read the fst4_calls.txt file
96         inquire(file=trim(data_dir)//'/fst4w_calls.txt',exist=wcalls_exists)
97         if( wcalls_exists ) then
98            open(42,file=trim(data_dir)//'/fst4w_calls.txt',status='unknown')
99            do i=1,MAXWCALLS
100               wcalls(i)=''
101               read(42,fmt='(a)',end=2867) wcalls(i)
102               wcalls(i)=adjustl(wcalls(i))
103               if(len(trim(wcalls(i))).eq.0) exit
104            enddo
1052867        nwcalls=i-1
106            close(42)
107         endif
109         mcq=2*mod(mcq+rvec(1:29),2)-1
110         mrrr=2*mod(mrrr+rvec(59:77),2)-1
111         m73=2*mod(m73+rvec(59:77),2)-1
112         mrr73=2*mod(mrr73+rvec(59:77),2)-1
114         nappasses(0)=2
115         nappasses(1)=2
116         nappasses(2)=2
117         nappasses(3)=2
118         nappasses(4)=2
119         nappasses(5)=3
121! iaptype
123!   1        CQ     ???    ???           (29 ap bits)
124!   2        MyCall ???    ???           (29 ap bits)
125!   3        MyCall DxCall ???           (58 ap bits)
126!   4        MyCall DxCall RRR           (77 ap bits)
127!   5        MyCall DxCall 73            (77 ap bits)
128!   6        MyCall DxCall RR73          (77 ap bits)
131         naptypes(0,1:4)=(/1,2,0,0/) ! Tx6 selected (CQ)
132         naptypes(1,1:4)=(/2,3,0,0/) ! Tx1
133         naptypes(2,1:4)=(/2,3,0,0/) ! Tx2
134         naptypes(3,1:4)=(/3,6,0,0/) ! Tx3
135         naptypes(4,1:4)=(/3,6,0,0/) ! Tx4
136         naptypes(5,1:4)=(/3,1,2,0/) ! Tx5
138         mycall0=''
139         hiscall0=''
140         first=.false.
141      endif
143      l1=index(mycall,char(0))
144      if(l1.ne.0) mycall(l1:)=" "
145      l1=index(hiscall,char(0))
146      if(l1.ne.0) hiscall(l1:)=" "
147      if(mycall.ne.mycall0 .or. hiscall.ne.hiscall0) then
148         apbits=0
149         apbits(1)=99
150         apbits(30)=99
152         if(len(trim(mycall)) .lt. 3) go to 10
154         nohiscall=.false.
155         hiscall0=hiscall
156         if(len(trim(hiscall0)).lt.3) then
157            hiscall0=mycall  ! use mycall for dummy hiscall - mycall won't be hashed.
158            nohiscall=.true.
159         endif
160         msg=trim(mycall)//' '//trim(hiscall0)//' RR73'
161         i3=-1
162         n3=-1
163         call pack77(msg,i3,n3,c77)
164         call unpack77(c77,1,msgsent,unpk77_success)
165         if(i3.ne.1 .or. (msg.ne.msgsent) .or. .not.unpk77_success) go to 10
166         read(c77,'(77i1)') message77
167         message77=mod(message77+rvec,2)
168         apbits(1:77)=2*message77-1
169         if(nohiscall) apbits(30)=99
17110       continue
172         mycall0=mycall
173         hiscall0=hiscall
174      endif
177      if(nfqso+nqsoprogress.eq.-999) return
178      Keff=91
179      nmax=15*12000
180      if(ntrperiod.eq.15) then
181         nsps=720
182         nmax=15*12000
183         ndown=18                  !nss=40,80,160,400
184         nfft1=int(nmax/ndown)*ndown
185      else if(ntrperiod.eq.30) then
186         nsps=1680
187         nmax=30*12000
188         ndown=42                  !nss=40,80,168,336
189         nfft1=359856  !nfft2=8568=2^3*3^2*7*17
190      else if(ntrperiod.eq.60) then
191         nsps=3888
192         nmax=60*12000
193         ndown=108
194         nfft1=7500*96    ! nfft2=7500=2^2*3*5^4
195      else if(ntrperiod.eq.120) then
196         nsps=8200
197         nmax=120*12000
198         ndown=205                 !nss=40,82,164,328
199         nfft1=7200*200   ! nfft2=7200=2^5*3^2*5^2
200      else if(ntrperiod.eq.300) then
201         nsps=21504
202         nmax=300*12000
203         ndown=512                 !nss=42,84,168,336
204         nfft1=7020*512   ! nfft2=7020=2^2*3^3*5*13
205      else if(ntrperiod.eq.900) then
206         nsps=66560
207         nmax=900*12000
208         ndown=1664                !nss=40,80,160,320
209         nfft1=6480*1664  ! nfft2=6480=2^4*3^4*5
210      else if(ntrperiod.eq.1800) then
211         nsps=134400
212         nmax=1800*12000
213         ndown=3360                !nss=40,80,160,320
214         nfft1=6426*3360  ! nfft2=6426=2*3^3*7*17
215      end if
216      nss=nsps/ndown
217      fs=12000.0                       !Sample rate
218      fs2=fs/ndown
219      nspsec=nint(fs2)
220      dt=1.0/fs                        !Sample interval (s)
221      dt2=1.0/fs2
222      tt=nsps*dt                       !Duration of "itone" symbols (s)
223      baud=1.0/tt
224      sigbw=4.0*baud
225      nfft2=nfft1/ndown                !make sure that nfft1 is exactly nfft2*ndown
226      nfft1=nfft2*ndown
227      nh1=nfft1/2
229      allocate( c_bigfft(0:nfft1/2) )
230      allocate( c2(0:nfft2-1) )
231      allocate( cframe(0:160*nss-1) )
233      jittermax=2
234      do_k50_decode=.false.
235      if(ndepth.eq.3) then
236         nblock=4
237         jittermax=2
238         do_k50_decode=.true.
239      elseif(ndepth.eq.2) then
240         nblock=4
241         jittermax=2
242         do_k50_decode=.false.
243      elseif(ndepth.eq.1) then
244         nblock=4
245         jittermax=0
246         do_k50_decode=.false.
247      endif
249! Noise blanker setup
250      ndropmax=1
251      single_decode=iand(nexp_decode,32).ne.0
252      npct=0
253      nb=nexp_decode/256 - 3
254      if(nb.ge.0) npct=nb
255      inb1=20
256      inb2=5
257      if(nb.eq.-1) then
258         inb2=5                !Try NB = 0, 5, 10, 15, 20%
259      else if(nb.eq.-2) then
260         inb2=2                !Try NB = 0, 2, 4,... 20%
261      else if(nb.eq.-3) then
262         inb2=1                !Try NB = 0, 1, 2,... 20%
263      else
264         inb1=0                !Fixed NB value, 0 to 25%
265      endif
268! nfa,nfb: define the noise-baseline analysis window
269!  fa, fb: define the signal search window
270! We usually make nfa<fa and nfb>fb so that noise baseline analysis
271! window extends outside of the [fa,fb] window where we think the signals are.
273      if(iwspr.eq.1) then  !FST4W
274         nfa=max(100,nfqso-ntol-100)
275         nfb=min(4800,nfqso+ntol+100)
276         fa=max(100,nint(nfqso+1.5*baud-ntol))  ! signal search window
277         fb=min(4800,nint(nfqso+1.5*baud+ntol))
278      else if(iwspr.eq.0) then
279         if(single_decode) then
280            fa=max(100,nint(nfa+1.5*baud))
281            fb=min(4800,nint(nfb+1.5*baud))
282            ! extend noise fit 100 Hz outside of search window
283            nfa=max(100,nfa-100)
284            nfb=min(4800,nfb+100)
285         else
286            fa=max(100,nint(nfa+1.5*baud))
287            fb=min(4800,nint(nfb+1.5*baud))
288            ! extend noise fit 100 Hz outside of search window
289            nfa=max(100,nfa-100)
290            nfb=min(4800,nfb+100)
291         endif
292      endif
294      ndecodes=0
295      decodes=' '
296      new_callsign=.false.
297      do inb=0,inb1,inb2
298         if(nb.lt.0) npct=inb ! we are looping over blanker settings
299         call blanker(iwave,nfft1,ndropmax,npct,c_bigfft)
301! The big fft is done once and is used for calculating the smoothed spectrum
302! and also for downconverting/downsampling each candidate.
303         call four2a(c_bigfft,nfft1,1,-1,0)         !r2c
304         nhicoh=1
305         nsyncoh=8
306         minsync=1.20
307         if(ntrperiod.eq.15) minsync=1.15
309! Get first approximation of candidate frequencies
310         call get_candidates_fst4(c_bigfft,nfft1,nsps,hmod,fs,fa,fb,nfa,nfb,  &
311            minsync,ncand,candidates0)
312         isbest=0
313         fc2=0.
314         do icand=1,ncand
315            fc0=candidates0(icand,1)
316            if(iwspr.eq.0 .and. nb.lt.0 .and. npct.ne.0 .and.            &
317               abs(fc0-(nfqso+1.5*baud)).gt.ntol) cycle  ! blanker loop only near nfqso
318            detmet=candidates0(icand,2)
320! Downconvert and downsample a slice of the spectrum centered on the
321! rough estimate of the candidates frequency.
322! Output array c2 is complex baseband sampled at 12000/ndown Sa/sec.
323! The size of the downsampled c2 array is nfft2=nfft1/ndown
324            call timer('dwnsmpl ',0)
325            call fst4_downsample(c_bigfft,nfft1,ndown,fc0,sigbw,c2)
326            call timer('dwnsmpl ',1)
328            call timer('sync240 ',0)
329            call fst4_sync_search(c2,nfft2,hmod,fs2,nss,ntrperiod,nsyncoh,emedelay,sbest,fcbest,isbest)
330            call timer('sync240 ',1)
332            fc_synced = fc0 + fcbest
333            dt_synced = (isbest-fs2)*dt2  !nominal dt is 1 second so frame starts at sample fs2
334            candidates0(icand,3)=fc_synced
335            candidates0(icand,4)=isbest
336         enddo
338! remove duplicate candidates
339         do icand=1,ncand
340            fc=candidates0(icand,3)
341            isbest=nint(candidates0(icand,4))
342            do ic2=icand+1,ncand
343               fc2=candidates0(ic2,3)
344               isbest2=nint(candidates0(ic2,4))
345               if(fc2.gt.0.0) then
346                  if(abs(fc2-fc).lt.0.10*baud) then ! same frequency
347                     if(abs(isbest2-isbest).le.2) then
348                        candidates0(ic2,3)=-1
349                     endif
350                  endif
351               endif
352            enddo
353         enddo
354         ic=0
355         do icand=1,ncand
356            if(candidates0(icand,3).gt.0) then
357               ic=ic+1
358               candidates0(ic,:)=candidates0(icand,:)
359            endif
360         enddo
361         ncand=ic
363! If FST4 mode and Single Decode is not checked, then find candidates
364! within 20 Hz of nfqso and put them at the top of the list
365         if(iwspr.eq.0 .and. .not.single_decode) then
366            nclose=count(abs(candidates0(:,3)-(nfqso+1.5*baud)).le.20)
367            k=0
368            do i=1,ncand
369               if(abs(candidates0(i,3)-(nfqso+1.5*baud)).le.20) then
370                  k=k+1
371                  candidates(k,:)=candidates0(i,:)
372               endif
373            enddo
374            do i=1,ncand
375               if(abs(candidates0(i,3)-(nfqso+1.5*baud)).gt.20) then
376                  k=k+1
377                  candidates(k,:)=candidates0(i,:)
378               endif
379            enddo
380         else
381            candidates=candidates0
382         endif
384         xsnr=0.
385         do icand=1,ncand
386            sync=candidates(icand,2)
387            fc_synced=candidates(icand,3)
388            isbest=nint(candidates(icand,4))
389            xdt=(isbest-nspsec)/fs2
390            if(ntrperiod.eq.15) xdt=(isbest-real(nspsec)/2.0)/fs2
391            call timer('dwnsmpl ',0)
392            call fst4_downsample(c_bigfft,nfft1,ndown,fc_synced,sigbw,c2)
393            call timer('dwnsmpl ',1)
395            do ijitter=0,jittermax
396               if(ijitter.eq.0) ioffset=0
397               if(ijitter.eq.1) ioffset=1
398               if(ijitter.eq.2) ioffset=-1
399               is0=isbest+ioffset
400               iend=is0+160*nss-1
401               if( is0.lt.0 .or. iend.gt.(nfft2-1) ) cycle
402               cframe=c2(is0:iend)
403               bitmetrics=0
404               call timer('bitmetrc',0)
405               call get_fst4_bitmetrics(cframe,nss,bitmetrics, &
406                  s4,nsync_qual,badsync)
407               call timer('bitmetrc',1)
408               if(badsync) cycle
410               do il=1,4
411                  llrs(  1: 60,il)=bitmetrics( 17: 76, il)
412                  llrs( 61:120,il)=bitmetrics( 93:152, il)
413                  llrs(121:180,il)=bitmetrics(169:228, il)
414                  llrs(181:240,il)=bitmetrics(245:304, il)
415               enddo
417               apmag=maxval(abs(llrs(:,4)))*1.1
418               ntmax=nblock+nappasses(nQSOProgress)
419               if(lapcqonly) ntmax=nblock+1
420               if(ndepth.eq.1) ntmax=nblock ! no ap for ndepth=1
421               apmask=0
423               if(iwspr.eq.1) then ! 50-bit msgs, no ap decoding
424                  nblock=4
425                  ntmax=nblock
426               endif
428               do itry=1,ntmax
429                  if(itry.eq.1) llr=llrs(:,1)
430                  if(itry.eq.2.and.itry.le.nblock) llr=llrs(:,2)
431                  if(itry.eq.3.and.itry.le.nblock) llr=llrs(:,3)
432                  if(itry.eq.4.and.itry.le.nblock) llr=llrs(:,4)
433                  if(itry.le.nblock) then
434                     apmask=0
435                     iaptype=0
436                  endif
438                  if(itry.gt.nblock .and. iwspr.eq.0) then ! do ap passes
439                     llr=llrs(:,nblock)  ! Use largest blocksize as the basis for AP passes
440                     iaptype=naptypes(nQSOProgress,itry-nblock)
441                     if(lapcqonly) iaptype=1
442                     if(iaptype.ge.2 .and. apbits(1).gt.1) cycle  ! No, or nonstandard, mycall
443                     if(iaptype.ge.3 .and. apbits(30).gt.1) cycle ! No, or nonstandard, dxcall
444                     if(iaptype.eq.1) then   ! CQ
445                        apmask=0
446                        apmask(1:29)=1
447                        llr(1:29)=apmag*mcq(1:29)
448                     endif
450                     if(iaptype.eq.2) then  ! MyCall ??? ???
451                        apmask=0
452                        apmask(1:29)=1
453                        llr(1:29)=apmag*apbits(1:29)
454                     endif
456                     if(iaptype.eq.3) then  ! MyCall DxCall ???
457                        apmask=0
458                        apmask(1:58)=1
459                        llr(1:58)=apmag*apbits(1:58)
460                     endif
462                     if(iaptype.eq.4 .or. iaptype.eq.5 .or. iaptype .eq.6) then
463                        apmask=0
464                        apmask(1:77)=1
465                        llr(1:58)=apmag*apbits(1:58)
466                        if(iaptype.eq.4) llr(59:77)=apmag*mrrr(1:19)
467                        if(iaptype.eq.5) llr(59:77)=apmag*m73(1:19)
468                        if(iaptype.eq.6) llr(59:77)=apmag*mrr73(1:19)
469                     endif
470                  endif
472                  dmin=0.0
473                  nharderrors=-1
474                  unpk77_success=.false.
475                  if(iwspr.eq.0) then
476                     maxosd=2
477                     Keff=91
478                     norder=3
479                     call timer('d240_101',0)
480                     call decode240_101(llr,Keff,maxosd,norder,apmask,message101, &
481                        cw,ntype,nharderrors,dmin)
482                     call timer('d240_101',1)
483                     if(count(cw.eq.1).eq.0) then
484                        nharderrors=-nharderrors
485                        cycle
486                     endif
487                     write(c77,'(77i1)') mod(message101(1:77)+rvec,2)
488                     call unpack77(c77,1,msg,unpk77_success)
489                  elseif(iwspr.eq.1) then
490! Try decoding with Keff=66
491                     maxosd=2
492                     call timer('d240_74 ',0)
493                     Keff=66
494                     norder=3
495                     call decode240_74(llr,Keff,maxosd,norder,apmask,message74,cw, &
496                        ntype,nharderrors,dmin)
497                     call timer('d240_74 ',1)
498                     if(nharderrors.lt.0) goto 3465
499                     if(count(cw.eq.1).eq.0) then
500                        nharderrors=-nharderrors
501                        cycle
502                     endif
503                     write(c77,'(50i1)') message74(1:50)
504                     c77(51:77)='000000000000000000000110000'
505                     call unpack77(c77,1,msg,unpk77_success)
506                     if(unpk77_success .and. do_k50_decode) then
507! If decode was obtained with Keff=66, save call/grid in fst4w_calls.txt if not there already.
508                        i1=index(msg,' ')
509                        i2=i1+index(msg(i1+1:),' ')
510                        wpart=trim(msg(1:i2))
511! Only save callsigns/grids from type 1 messages
512                        if(index(wpart,'/').eq.0 .and. index(wpart,'<').eq.0) then
513                           ifound=0
514                           do i=1,nwcalls
515                              if(index(wcalls(i),wpart).ne.0) ifound=1
516                           enddo
518                           if(ifound.eq.0) then ! This is a new callsign
519                              new_callsign=.true.
520                              if(nwcalls.lt.MAXWCALLS) then
521                                 nwcalls=nwcalls+1
522                                 wcalls(nwcalls)=wpart
523                              else
524                                 wcalls(1:nwcalls-1)=wcalls(2:nwcalls)
525                                 wcalls(nwcalls)=wpart
526                              endif
527                           endif
528                        endif
529                     endif
5303465                 continue
532! If no decode then try Keff=50
533                     iaptype=0
534                     if( .not. unpk77_success .and. do_k50_decode ) then
535                        maxosd=1
536                        call timer('d240_74 ',0)
537                        Keff=50
538                        norder=4
539                        call decode240_74(llr,Keff,maxosd,norder,apmask,message74,cw, &
540                           ntype,nharderrors,dmin)
541                        call timer('d240_74 ',1)
542                        if(count(cw.eq.1).eq.0) then
543                           nharderrors=-nharderrors
544                           cycle
545                        endif
546                        write(c77,'(50i1)') message74(1:50)
547                        c77(51:77)='000000000000000000000110000'
548                        call unpack77(c77,1,msg,unpk77_success)
549! No CRC in this mode, so only accept the decode if call/grid have been seen before
550                        if(unpk77_success) then
551                           unpk77_success=.false.
552                           do i=1,nwcalls
553                              if(index(msg,trim(wcalls(i))).gt.0) then
554                                 unpk77_success=.true.
555                              endif
556                           enddo
557                        endif
558                     endif
560                  endif
562                  if(nharderrors .ge.0 .and. unpk77_success) then
563                     idupe=0
564                     do i=1,ndecodes
565                        if(decodes(i).eq.msg) idupe=1
566                     enddo
567                     if(idupe.eq.1) goto 800
568                     ndecodes=ndecodes+1
569                     decodes(ndecodes)=msg
571                     if(iwspr.eq.0) then
572                        call get_fst4_tones_from_bits(message101,itone,0)
573                     else
574                        call get_fst4_tones_from_bits(message74,itone,1)
575                     endif
576                     inquire(file='plotspec',exist=plotspec_exists)
577                     fmid=-999.0
578                     call timer('dopsprd ',0)
579                     if(plotspec_exists) then
580                        call dopspread(itone,iwave,nsps,nmax,ndown,hmod,  &
581                           isbest,fc_synced,fmid,w50)
582                     endif
583                     call timer('dopsprd ',1)
584                     xsig=0
585                     do i=1,NN
586                        xsig=xsig+s4(itone(i),i)
587                     enddo
588                     base=candidates(icand,5)
589                     arg=600.0*(xsig/base)-1.0
590                     if(arg.gt.0.0) then
591                        xsnr=10*log10(arg)-35.5-12.5*log10(nsps/8200.0)
592                        if(ntrperiod.eq.  15) xsnr=xsnr+2
593                        if(ntrperiod.eq.  30) xsnr=xsnr+1
594                        if(ntrperiod.eq. 900) xsnr=xsnr+1
595                        if(ntrperiod.eq.1800) xsnr=xsnr+2
596                     else
597                        xsnr=-99.9
598                     endif
599                     nsnr=nint(xsnr)
600                     qual=0.0
601                     fsig=fc_synced - 1.5*baud
602                     inquire(file=trim(data_dir)//'/decdata',exist=decdata_exists)
603                     if(decdata_exists) then
604                        hdec=0
605                        where(llrs(:,1).ge.0.0) hdec=1
606                        nhp=count(hdec.ne.cw) ! # hard errors wrt N=1 soft symbols
607                        hd=sum(ieor(hdec,cw)*abs(llrs(:,1))) ! weighted distance wrt N=1 symbols
608                        open(21,file=trim(data_dir)//'/fst4_decodes.dat',status='unknown',position='append')
609                        write(21,3021) nutc,icand,itry,nsyncoh,iaptype,  &
610                           ijitter,npct,ntype,Keff,nsync_qual,nharderrors,dmin,nhp,hd,  &
611                           sync,xsnr,xdt,fsig,w50,trim(msg)
6123021                    format(i6.6,i4,6i3,3i4,f6.1,i4,f6.1,f9.2,f6.1,f6.2,f7.1,f7.3,1x,a)
613                        close(21)
614                     endif
615                     call this%callback(nutc,smax1,nsnr,xdt,fsig,msg,    &
616                        iaptype,qual,ntrperiod,lwspr,fmid,w50)
617!                     if(iwspr.eq.0 .and. nb.lt.0) go to 900
618                     goto 800
619                  endif
620               enddo  ! metrics
621            enddo  ! istart jitter
622800      enddo !candidate list
623      enddo ! noise blanker loop
625      if(new_callsign .and. do_k50_decode) then ! re-write the fst4w_calls.txt file
626         open(42,file=trim(data_dir)//'/fst4w_calls.txt',status='unknown')
627         do i=1,nwcalls
628            write(42,'(a20)') trim(wcalls(i))
629         enddo
630         close(42)
631      endif
633      return
634   end subroutine decode
636   subroutine sync_fst4(cd0,i0,f0,hmod,ncoh,np,nss,ntr,fs,sync)
638! Compute sync power for a complex, downsampled FST4 signal.
640      use timer_module, only: timer
641      include 'fst4/fst4_params.f90'
642      complex cd0(0:np-1)
643      complex csync1,csync2,csynct1,csynct2
644      complex ctwk(3200)
645      complex z1,z2,z3,z4,z5
646      integer hmod,isyncword1(0:7),isyncword2(0:7)
647      real f0save
648      common/sync240com/csync1(3200),csync2(3200),csynct1(3200),csynct2(3200)
649      data isyncword1/0,1,3,2,1,0,2,3/
650      data isyncword2/2,3,1,0,3,2,0,1/
651      data f0save/-99.9/,nss0/-1/,ntr0/-1/
652      save twopi,dt,fac,f0save,nss0,ntr0
654      p(z1)=(real(z1*fac)**2 + aimag(z1*fac)**2)**0.5     !Compute power
656      nz=8*nss
657      call timer('sync240a',0)
658      if(nss.ne.nss0 .or. ntr.ne.ntr0) then
659         twopi=8.0*atan(1.0)
660         dt=1/fs
661         k=1
662         phi1=0.0
663         phi2=0.0
664         do i=0,7
665            dphi1=twopi*hmod*(isyncword1(i)-1.5)/real(nss)
666            dphi2=twopi*hmod*(isyncword2(i)-1.5)/real(nss)
667            do j=1,nss
668               csync1(k)=cmplx(cos(phi1),sin(phi1))
669               csync2(k)=cmplx(cos(phi2),sin(phi2))
670               phi1=mod(phi1+dphi1,twopi)
671               phi2=mod(phi2+dphi2,twopi)
672               k=k+1
673            enddo
674         enddo
675         fac=1.0/(8.0*nss)
676         nss0=nss
677         ntr0=ntr
678         f0save=-1.e30
679      endif
681      if(f0.ne.f0save) then
682         dphi=twopi*f0*dt
683         phi=0.0
684         do i=1,nz
685            ctwk(i)=cmplx(cos(phi),sin(phi))
686            phi=mod(phi+dphi,twopi)
687         enddo
688         csynct1(1:nz)=ctwk(1:nz)*csync1(1:nz)
689         csynct2(1:nz)=ctwk(1:nz)*csync2(1:nz)
690         f0save=f0
691         nss0=nss
692      endif
693      call timer('sync240a',1)
695      i1=i0                            !Costas arrays
696      i2=i0+38*nss
697      i3=i0+76*nss
698      i4=i0+114*nss
699      i5=i0+152*nss
701      s1=0.0
702      s2=0.0
703      s3=0.0
704      s4=0.0
705      s5=0.0
707      if(ncoh.gt.0) then
708         nsec=8/ncoh
709         do i=1,nsec
710            is=(i-1)*ncoh*nss
711            z1=0
712            if(i1+is.ge.1) then
713               z1=sum(cd0(i1+is:i1+is+ncoh*nss-1)*conjg(csynct1(is+1:is+ncoh*nss)))
714            endif
715            z2=sum(cd0(i2+is:i2+is+ncoh*nss-1)*conjg(csynct2(is+1:is+ncoh*nss)))
716            z3=sum(cd0(i3+is:i3+is+ncoh*nss-1)*conjg(csynct1(is+1:is+ncoh*nss)))
717            z4=sum(cd0(i4+is:i4+is+ncoh*nss-1)*conjg(csynct2(is+1:is+ncoh*nss)))
718            z5=0
719            if(i5+is+ncoh*nss-1.le.np) then
720               z5=sum(cd0(i5+is:i5+is+ncoh*nss-1)*conjg(csynct1(is+1:is+ncoh*nss)))
721            endif
722            s1=s1+abs(z1)/nz
723            s2=s2+abs(z2)/nz
724            s3=s3+abs(z3)/nz
725            s4=s4+abs(z4)/nz
726            s5=s5+abs(z5)/nz
727         enddo
728      else
729         nsub=-ncoh
730         nps=nss/nsub
731         do i=1,8
732            do isub=1,nsub
733               is=(i-1)*nss+(isub-1)*nps
734               z1=0.0
735               if(i1+is.ge.1) then
736                  z1=sum(cd0(i1+is:i1+is+nps-1)*conjg(csynct1(is+1:is+nps)))
737               endif
738               z2=sum(cd0(i2+is:i2+is+nps-1)*conjg(csynct2(is+1:is+nps)))
739               z3=sum(cd0(i3+is:i3+is+nps-1)*conjg(csynct1(is+1:is+nps)))
740               z4=sum(cd0(i4+is:i4+is+nps-1)*conjg(csynct2(is+1:is+nps)))
741               z5=0.0
742               if(i5+is+ncoh*nss-1.le.np) then
743                  z5=sum(cd0(i5+is:i5+is+nps-1)*conjg(csynct1(is+1:is+nps)))
744               endif
745               s1=s1+abs(z1)/(8*nss)
746               s2=s2+abs(z2)/(8*nss)
747               s3=s3+abs(z3)/(8*nss)
748               s4=s4+abs(z4)/(8*nss)
749               s5=s5+abs(z5)/(8*nss)
750            enddo
751         enddo
752      endif
753      sync = s1+s2+s3+s4+s5
754      return
755   end subroutine sync_fst4
757   subroutine fst4_downsample(c_bigfft,nfft1,ndown,f0,sigbw,c1)
759! Output: Complex data in c(), sampled at 12000/ndown Hz
761      complex c_bigfft(0:nfft1/2)
762      complex c1(0:nfft1/ndown-1)
764      df=12000.0/nfft1
765      i0=nint(f0/df)
766      ih=nint( ( f0 + 1.3*sigbw/2.0 )/df)
767      nbw=ih-i0+1
768      c1=0.
769      c1(0)=c_bigfft(i0)
770      nfft2=nfft1/ndown
771      do i=1,nbw
772         if(i0+i.le.nfft1/2) c1(i)=c_bigfft(i0+i)
773         if(i0-i.ge.0) c1(nfft2-i)=c_bigfft(i0-i)
774      enddo
775      c1=c1/nfft2
776      call four2a(c1,nfft2,1,1,1)            !c2c FFT back to time domain
777      return
779   end subroutine fst4_downsample
781   subroutine get_candidates_fst4(c_bigfft,nfft1,nsps,hmod,fs,fa,fb,nfa,nfb,   &
782      minsync,ncand,candidates)
784      complex c_bigfft(0:nfft1/2)              !Full length FFT of raw data
785      integer hmod                             !Modulation index (submode)
786      integer im(1)                            !For maxloc
787      real candidates(200,5)                   !Candidate list
788      real, allocatable :: s(:)                !Low resolution power spectrum
789      real, allocatable :: s2(:)               !CCF of s() with 4 tones
790      real, allocatable :: sbase(:)            !noise baseline estimate
791      real xdb(-3:3)                           !Model 4-tone CCF peaks
792      real minsync
793      data xdb/0.25,0.50,0.75,1.0,0.75,0.50,0.25/
795      nh1=nfft1/2
796      df1=fs/nfft1
797      baud=fs/nsps                             !Keying rate
798      df2=baud/2.0
799      nd=df2/df1                               !s() sums this many bins of big FFT
800      ndh=nd/2
801      ia=nint(max(100.0,fa)/df2)               !Low frequency search limit
802      ib=nint(min(4800.0,fb)/df2)              !High frequency limit
803      ina=nint(max(100.0,real(nfa))/df2)       !Low freq limit for noise baseline fit
804      inb=nint(min(4800.0,real(nfb))/df2)      !High freq limit for noise fit
805      if(ia.lt.ina) ia=ina
806      if(ib.gt.inb) ib=inb
808      nnw=nint(48000.*nsps*2./fs)
809      allocate (s(nnw))
810      s=0.                                  !Compute low-resolution power spectrum
811      do i=ina,inb   ! noise analysis window includes signal analysis window
812         j0=nint(i*df2/df1)
813         do j=j0-ndh,j0+ndh
814            s(i)=s(i) + real(c_bigfft(j))**2 + aimag(c_bigfft(j))**2
815         enddo
816      enddo
818      ina=max(ina,1+3*hmod)                       !Don't run off the ends
819      inb=min(inb,nnw-3*hmod)
820      allocate (s2(nnw))
821      allocate (sbase(nnw))
822      s2=0.
823      do i=ina,inb                                !Compute CCF of s() and 4 tones
824         s2(i)=s(i-hmod*3) + s(i-hmod) +s(i+hmod) +s(i+hmod*3)
825      enddo
826      npctile=30
827      call fst4_baseline(s2,nnw,ina+hmod*3,inb-hmod*3,npctile,sbase)
828      if(any(sbase(ina:inb).le.0.0)) return
829      s2(ina:inb)=s2(ina:inb)/sbase(ina:inb)             !Normalize wrt noise level
831      ncand=0
832      candidates=0
833      if(ia.lt.3) ia=3
834      if(ib.gt.nnw-2) ib=nnw-2
836! Find candidates, using the CLEAN algorithm to remove a model of each one
837! from s2() after it has been found.
838      pval=99.99
839      do while(ncand.lt.200)
840         im=maxloc(s2(ia:ib))
841         iploc=ia+im(1)-1                         !Index of CCF peak
842         pval=s2(iploc)                           !Peak value
843         if(pval.lt.minsync) exit
844         do i=-3,+3                            !Remove 0.9 of a model CCF at
845            k=iploc+2*hmod*i                   !this frequency from s2()
846            if(k.ge.ia .and. k.le.ib) then
847               s2(k)=max(0.,s2(k)-0.9*pval*xdb(i))
848            endif
849         enddo
850         ncand=ncand+1
851         candidates(ncand,1)=df2*iploc         !Candidate frequency
852         candidates(ncand,2)=pval              !Rough estimate of SNR
853         candidates(ncand,5)=sbase(iploc)
854      enddo
855      return
856   end subroutine get_candidates_fst4
858   subroutine fst4_sync_search(c2,nfft2,hmod,fs2,nss,ntrperiod,nsyncoh,emedelay,sbest,fcbest,isbest)
859      complex c2(0:nfft2-1)
860      integer hmod
861      nspsec=int(fs2)
862      baud=fs2/real(nss)
863      fc1=0.0
864      if(emedelay.lt.0.1) then  ! search offsets from 0 s to 2 s
865         is0=1.5*nspsec
866         ishw=1.5*nspsec
867      else      ! search plus or minus 1.5 s centered on emedelay
868         is0=nint((emedelay+1.0)*nspsec)
869         ishw=1.5*nspsec
870      endif
872      sbest=-1.e30
873      do if=-12,12
874         fc=fc1 + 0.1*baud*if
875         do istart=max(1,is0-ishw),is0+ishw,4*hmod
876            call sync_fst4(c2,istart,fc,hmod,nsyncoh,nfft2,nss,   &
877               ntrperiod,fs2,sync)
878            if(sync.gt.sbest) then
879               fcbest=fc
880               isbest=istart
881               sbest=sync
882            endif
883         enddo
884      enddo
886      fc1=fcbest
887      is0=isbest
888      ishw=4*hmod
889      isst=1*hmod
891      sbest=0.0
892      do if=-7,7
893         fc=fc1 + 0.02*baud*if
894         do istart=max(1,is0-ishw),is0+ishw,isst
895            call sync_fst4(c2,istart,fc,hmod,nsyncoh,nfft2,nss,   &
896               ntrperiod,fs2,sync)
897            if(sync.gt.sbest) then
898               fcbest=fc
899               isbest=istart
900               sbest=sync
901            endif
902         enddo
903      enddo
904   end subroutine fst4_sync_search
906   subroutine dopspread(itone,iwave,nsps,nmax,ndown,hmod,i0,fc,fmid,w50)
908! On "plotspec" special request, compute Doppler spread for a decoded signal
910      include 'fst4/fst4_params.f90'
911      complex, allocatable :: cwave(:)       !Reconstructed complex signal
912      complex, allocatable :: g(:)           !Channel gain, g(t) in QEX paper
913      real,allocatable :: ss(:)              !Computed power spectrum of g(t)
914      integer itone(160)                     !Tones for this message
915      integer*2 iwave(nmax)                  !Raw Rx data
916      integer hmod                           !Modulation index
917      data ncall/0/
918      save ncall
920      ncall=ncall+1
921      nfft=2*nmax
922      nwave=max(nmax,(NN+2)*nsps)
923      allocate(cwave(0:nwave-1))
924      allocate(g(0:nfft-1))
925      wave=0
926      fsample=12000.0
927      call gen_fst4wave(itone,NN,nsps,nwave,fsample,hmod,fc,1,cwave,wave)
928      cwave=cshift(cwave,-i0*ndown)
929      fac=1.0/32768
930      g(0:nmax-1)=fac*float(iwave)*conjg(cwave(:nmax-1))
931      g(nmax:)=0.
932      call four2a(g,nfft,1,-1,1)         !Forward c2c FFT
934      df=12000.0/nfft
935      ia=1.0/df
936      smax=0.
937      do i=-ia,ia                        !Find smax in +/- 1 Hz around 0.
938         j=i
939         if(j.lt.0) j=i+nfft
940         s=real(g(j))**2 + aimag(g(j))**2
941         smax=max(s,smax)
942      enddo
944      ia=10.1/df
945      allocate(ss(-ia:ia))               !Allocate space for +/- 10 Hz
946      sum1=0.
947      sum2=0.
948      nns=0
949      do i=-ia,ia
950         j=i
951         if(j.lt.0) j=i+nfft
952         ss(i)=(real(g(j))**2 + aimag(g(j))**2)/smax
953         f=i*df
954         if(f.ge.-4.0 .and. f.le.-2.0) then
955            sum1=sum1 + ss(i)                  !Power between -2 and -4 Hz
956            nns=nns+1
957         else if(f.ge.2.0 .and. f.le.4.0) then
958            sum2=sum2 + ss(i)                  !Power between +2 and +4 Hz
959         endif
960      enddo
961      avg=min(sum1/nns,sum2/nns)               !Compute avg from smaller sum
963      sum1=0.
964      do i=-ia,ia
965         f=i*df
966         if(abs(f).le.1.0) sum1=sum1 + ss(i)-avg !Power in abs(f) < 1 Hz
967      enddo
969      ia=nint(1.0/df) + 1
970      sum2=0.0
971      xi1=-999
972      xi2=-999
973      xi3=-999
974      sum2z=0.
975      do i=-ia,ia                !Find freq range that has 50% of signal power
976         sum2=sum2 + ss(i)-avg
977         if(sum2.ge.0.25*sum1 .and. xi1.eq.-999.0) then
978            xi1=i - 1 + (sum2-0.25*sum1)/(sum2-sum2z)
979         endif
980         if(sum2.ge.0.50*sum1 .and. xi2.eq.-999.0) then
981            xi2=i - 1 + (sum2-0.50*sum1)/(sum2-sum2z)
982         endif
983         if(sum2.ge.0.75*sum1) then
984            xi3=i - 1 + (sum2-0.75*sum1)/(sum2-sum2z)
985            exit
986         endif
987         sum2z=sum2
988      enddo
989      xdiff=sqrt(1.0+(xi3-xi1)**2) !Keep small values from fluctuating too widely
990      w50=xdiff*df                 !Compute Doppler spread
991      fmid=xi2*df                  !Frequency midpoint of signal powere
993      do i=-ia,ia                          !Save the spectrum for plotting
994         y=ncall-1
995         j=i+nint(xi2)
996         if(abs(j*df).lt.10.0) y=0.99*ss(i+nint(xi2)) + ncall-1
997         write(52,1010) i*df,y
9981010     format(f12.6,f12.6)
999      enddo
1001      return
1002   end subroutine dopspread
1004end module fst4_decode