1 /*  XNECVIEW - a program for visualizing NEC2 input and output data
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 2000-2006, Pieter-Tjerk de Boer -- pa3fwm@amsat.org
4  *
5  *  Distributed on the conditions of version 2 of the GPL: see the files
6  *  README and COPYING, which accompany this source file.
7  *
8  *  This module contains code for drawing plots of several quantities
9  *  like impedance, SWR and gain as a function of frequency.
10  *
11  */
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <math.h>
15 #include <float.h>
16 #include <string.h>
17 #include <gdk/gdk.h>
19 #include "xnecview.h"
22 int win2sizex,win2sizey;                 /* size of window in pixels */
24 int plot2_swr=1;     /* show the SWR graph? */
25 int plot2_maxgain=1;  /* show the maxgain and front/back graph? */
26 int plot2_vgain=0;    /* show the vgain graph? */
27 int plot2_z=0;       /* show the impedance graph? */
28 int plot2_z2=0;      /* show the phi(z)/abs(z) graph? */
29 int plot2_dir=0;     /* show the direction-of-maximum-gain graph? */
31 double r0=R0;        /* reference impedance for SWR calculation */
fixrange1(double * mi,double * ma,int * np)36 void fixrange1(double *mi, double *ma, int *np)
37 /* mi and ma point to minimum and maximum value of a range of values to
38    be plotted, and np to the maximum acceptable number of subdivision.
39    This function tries to modify the minimum and maximum and the number
40    of subdivision such that the resulting grid lines are at "round" numbers.
41 */
42 {
43    double d,e;
44    double a;
45    double newmin,newmax;
46    int i;
47    int n=*np;
48 /*
49    static double acceptable[]={10, 5.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.0, -1};
50 */
51    static double acceptable[]={10, 5.0, 2.0, 1.0, -1};
53    if (*ma==*mi) {
54       if (*mi>0) {*mi=0; *ma=2* *ma;}
55       else if (*mi<0) {*mi=2* *mi; *ma=0;}
56       else {*mi=-10; *ma=10;}
57    }
58    d=(*ma-*mi)/n;
59    e=1.0;
60    while (e<d) e*=10;
61    while (e>d) e/=10;
62    a=d/e;
63    i=0;
64    while (acceptable[i]>a) i++;
65    if (acceptable[i]==-1) i--;
66    i++;
67    do {
68       i--;
69       if (i<0) {
70          e*=10;
71          i=0;
72          while (acceptable[i+1]>0) i++;
73       }
74       a=acceptable[i];
75       d=a*e;
76       newmin = d*floor(*mi/d);
77       newmax = d*ceil(*ma/d);
78       n = (int)((newmax-newmin)/d+0.5);
79    } while (n>*np);
80    *np=n;
81    *mi=newmin;
82    *ma=newmax;
83 }
fixrange2(double * mi1,double * ma1,double * mi2,double * ma2,int * np)86 void fixrange2(double *mi1, double *ma1, double *mi2, double *ma2, int *np)
87 /* like fixrange2(), but for two (vertical) axes simultaneously */
88 {
89    static double acceptable[]={100.0, 50.0, 25.0, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.02, 0.01, -1};
90    double a,d,e1,e2,s;
91    int n=*np;
92    int i1,i2;
93    int i,j;
94    int ibest,jbest;
95    int n1[5],n2[5];
96    double x1[4],x2[4];
97    double best;
99    if (*ma1==*mi1) {
100       if (*mi1>0) {*mi1=0; *ma1=2* *ma1;}
101       else if (*mi1<0) {*mi1=2* *mi1; *ma1=0;}
102       else {*mi1=-10; *ma1=10;}
103    }
104    d=(*ma1-*mi1)/n;                  /* d is the ideal, but usually not acceptable, stepsize, for axis 1 */
105    *ma1-=0.00001*d;   /* prevent rounding errors from causing a boundary of say 1000 to be seen as slightly larger than say 10 steps of 100 each */
106    *mi1+=0.00001*d;   /* idem */
107    d-=0.00001*d;
108    e1=1.0;
109    while (e1<d) e1*=10;
110    while (e1>d) e1/=10;              /* e1 is the appropriate power of 10 to scale the steps, for axis 1 */
111    a=d/e1;
112    i1=0;
113    while (acceptable[i1+1]>=a) i1++;   /* i1 is the index in the acceptable[] array of the highest acceptable stepsize, for axis 1 */
114    for (i=0;i<4;i++) {                /* consider this and the next 3 lower stepsizes: */
115       s = e1*acceptable[i1-i];
116       n1[i] = ceil(*ma1/s) - floor(*mi1/s) ;   /* minimum number of acceptable steps */
117       x1[i] = (*ma1-*mi1) / s;                 /* "usage factor": how many of these steps does the data cover? */
118    }
120    /* same calculations for axis 2 */
121    if (*ma2==*mi2) {
122       if (*mi2>0) {*mi2=0; *ma2=2* *ma2;}
123       else if (*mi2<0) {*mi2=2* *mi2; *ma2=0;}
124       else {*mi2=-10; *ma2=10;}
125    }
126    d=(*ma2-*mi2)/n;
127    *ma2-=0.00001*d;
128    *mi2+=0.00001*d;
129    d-=0.00001*d;
130    e2=1.0;
131    while (e2<d) e2*=10;
132    while (e2>d) e2/=10;
133    a=d/e2;
134    i2=0;
135    while (acceptable[i2+1]>=a) i2++;
136    for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
137       s = e2*acceptable[i2-i];
138       n2[i] = ceil(*ma2/s) - floor(*mi2/s) ;
139       x2[i] = (*ma2-*mi2) / s;
140    }
142    /* search for best combination: the combination for which the data covers as large a fraction of both axes as possible */
143    best=0;
144    ibest=jbest=0;
145    for (i=0;i<4;i++)
146       for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
147          double x;
148          int n;
149          n = n1[i];
150          if (n2[j]>n) n=n2[j];
151          x = (x1[i]/n) * (x2[j]/n);
152          if (x>best*1.1 || (x>best && n>=*np)) { best=x; ibest=i; jbest=j; *np=n; }
153       }
155    n = *np;
156    i1-=ibest;
157    i2-=jbest;
158    s = e1*acceptable[i1];
159    *mi1 = s*floor(*mi1/s);
160    *ma1 = *mi1+n*s;
161    s = e2*acceptable[i2];
162    *mi2 = s*floor(*mi2/s);
163    *ma2 = *mi2+n*s;
164 }
167 double minf,maxf;
168 int xleft, xright;
170 #define idxOK(idx,ne) (idx>=0 && ( !ONLY_IF_RP(idx) || ne->rp ) && ne->d[idx]>-DBL_MAX)
freqplot(int idx1,int idx2,int idx1a,int idx2a,char * title1,char * title2,char * title,GdkColor * color1,GdkColor * color2,double ybotf,double ytopf)172 void freqplot(
173    int idx1,                        /* index in neco[].d[] of quantity for left axis */
174    int idx2,                        /* index in neco[].d[] of quantity for right axis */
175    int idx1a,                       /* index in neco[].d[] of second quantity for left axis (dotted line) */
176    int idx2a,                       /* index in neco[].d[] of second quantity for right axis (dotted line) */
177    char *title1, char *title2,      /* titles for left and right */
178    char *title,                     /* center title */
179    GdkColor *color1, GdkColor *color2,  /* colours for both curves */
180    double ybotf, double ytopf       /* vertical position; 0...1 = top...bottom of window */
181 )
182 {
183    int ybot, ytop;
184    int i;
185    double min1,max1, min2, max2;
186    NECoutput *ne;
187    int ntx,nty;
188    int xx1,xx2,yy1,yy2;
189    int xx1a,xx2a,yy1a,yy2a;
191    /* choose the corner points of the graph area */
192    ybot = ybotf*win2sizey - fontheight;
193    ytop = ytopf*win2sizey + fontheight;
194    xleft = 5*fontheight;
195    xright = win2sizex - 5*fontheight;
197    /* find the ranges */
198    minf=maxf=neco[0].f;
199    min1=min2=DBL_MAX;
200    max1=max2=-DBL_MAX;
201    for (i=0, ne=neco; i<numneco; i++, ne++) {
202       if (ne->f < minf) minf=ne->f;
203       if (ne->f > maxf) maxf=ne->f;
204       if (idxOK(idx1,ne)) {
205          if (ne->d[idx1] < min1) min1=ne->d[idx1];
206          if (ne->d[idx1] > max1) max1=ne->d[idx1];
207       }
208       if (idxOK(idx1a,ne)) {
209          if (ne->d[idx1a] < min1) min1=ne->d[idx1a];
210          if (ne->d[idx1a] > max1) max1=ne->d[idx1a];
211       }
212       if (idxOK(idx2,ne)) {
213          if (ne->d[idx2] < min2) min2=ne->d[idx2];
214          if (ne->d[idx2] > max2) max2=ne->d[idx2];
215       }
216       if (idxOK(idx2a,ne)) {
217          if (ne->d[idx2a] < min2) min2=ne->d[idx2a];
218          if (ne->d[idx2a] > max2) max2=ne->d[idx2a];
219       }
220    }
221    if (min1>max1) { idx1=-1; idx1a=-1; }
222    if (min2>max2) { idx2=-1; idx2a=-1; }
224    /* extend the ranges to have 'round' numbers at each division */
225    ntx=(xright-xleft)/fontheight/3;
226    fixrange1(&minf,&maxf,&ntx);
227    nty = (ybot-ytop)/fontheight;
228    if (idx1>=0) {
229       if (idx1==neco_zr) {
230          if (max1 > 20*r0) max1 = 20*r0;
231       }
232    }
233    if (idx2>=0) {
234       if (idx2==neco_zi || idx2==neco_zabs) {
235          if (max2 > 20*r0   &&  min2 < 20*r0)   max2 = 20*r0;
236          if (min2 < -20*r0  &&  max2 > -20*r0)  min2 = -20*r0;
237       }
238    }
239    if (idx1==neco_swr) { min1=0; if (max1>10) max1=9; else max1-=1; }
240    if (idx2==neco_swr) { min2=0; if (max2>10) max2=9; else max2-=1; }
241    if (idx1<0 && idx1a<0) {
242       if (idx2<0 && idx2a<0) return;
243       fixrange1(&min2,&max2,&nty);
244    } else {
245       if (idx2<0 && idx2a<0) fixrange1(&min1,&max1,&nty);
246       else fixrange2(&min1,&max1,&min2,&max2,&nty);
247    }
248    if (idx1==neco_swr) { min1+=1; max1+=1; }
249    if (idx2==neco_swr) { min2+=1; max2+=1; }
253    /* macros for converting from "real" values to screen coordinates */
254 #define sx(f) (((f)-minf)/(maxf-minf)*(xright-xleft)+xleft)
255 #define sy1(f) (((f)-min1)/(max1-min1)*(ytop-ybot)+ybot)
256 #define sy2(f) (((f)-min2)/(max2-min2)*(ytop-ybot)+ybot)
259    /* vertical grid lines and associated labels */
260    for (i=0; i<=ntx; i++) {
261       double f;
262       int x;
263       char s[20];
264       f=minf+(maxf-minf)*((double)i)/ntx;
265       x=sx(f);
266       if (i>0 && i<ntx) {
267          SetForeground(&c_scale);
268          DrawLine(x,ybot,x,ytop);
269       }
270       SetForeground(&c_axis);
271       sprintf(s,"%g",f);
272       DrawString(x,ybot+1,s,0.5,1);
273       if (i==ntx) {
274          int l;
275          l=strlen(s);
276          sprintf(s,"                MHz"+(15-(l+1)/2));
277          DrawString(x,ybot+1,s,0,1);
278       }
279    }
280    if (idx1<0) { min1=1; max1=2; }
281    /* horizontal grid lines and associated labels */
282    for (i=0; i<=nty; i++) {
283       double f;
284       int y;
285       char s[20];
286       f=min1+(max1-min1)*((double)i)/nty;
287       if (fabs(f/(max1-min1))<0.1/nty) f=0;
288       y=sy1(f);
289       if (i>0 && i<nty) {
290          SetForeground(&c_scale);
291          DrawLine(xleft,y,xright,y);
292       }
293       if (idx1>=0) {
294          sprintf(s,"%g  ",f);
295          SetForeground(color1);
296          DrawString(xleft,y,s,1,0.5);
297       }
298       if (idx2>=0) {
299          f=min2+(max2-min2)*((double)i)/nty;
300          if (fabs(f/(max2-min2))<0.1/nty) f=0;
301          y=sy2(f);
302          sprintf(s,"  %g",f);
303          SetForeground(color2);
304          DrawString(xright,y,s,0,0.5);
305       }
306    }
307    SetForeground(&c_axis);
308    /* border around the graph */
309    DrawLine(xleft,ybot,xright,ybot);
310    DrawLine(xleft,ytop,xright,ytop);
311    DrawLine(xleft,ybot,xleft,ytop);
312    DrawLine(xright,ybot,xright,ytop);
314    /* title(s) */
315    if (title) {
316       SetForeground(&c_axis);
317       DrawString((xleft+xright)/2, ytop-1, title, 0.5,0);
318    }
319    if (title1) {
320       SetForeground(color1);
321       DrawString(xleft-fontheight, ytop-1, title1, 0,0);
322    }
323    if (title2) {
324       SetForeground(color2);
325       DrawString(xright+fontheight, ytop-1, title2, 1,0);
326    }
328    /* the actual data points and connecting lines */
329    SetClipRectangle(xleft-2,ytop,xright+2,ybot);
330    xx1=xx2=yy1=yy2=-1;
331    xx1a=xx2a=yy1a=yy2a=-1;
332    for (i=0, ne=neco; i<numneco; i++, ne++) {
333       int x,y;
334       x=sx(ne->f);
335       if (idx1a>=0 || idx2a>=0) SetLineAttributes(0, GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
336       if (idxOK(idx1a,ne)) {
337          y = sy1(ne->d[idx1a]);
338          SetForeground(color1);
339          if (numneco < win2sizex / 4) {
340             DrawLine(x-2,y-2,x+2,y-2);
341             DrawLine(x-2,y+2,x+2,y+2);
342             DrawLine(x-2,y-2,x-2,y+2);
343             DrawLine(x+2,y-2,x+2,y+2);
344          }
345          if (xx1a!=-1) DrawLine(xx1a,yy1a,x,y);
346          xx1a=x; yy1a=y;
347       }
348       if (idxOK(idx2a,ne)) {
349          y = sy2(ne->d[idx2a]);
350          SetForeground(color2);
351          if (numneco < win2sizex / 4) {
352             DrawLine(x-3,y,x,y-3);
353             DrawLine(x-3,y,x,y+3);
354             DrawLine(x+3,y,x,y-3);
355             DrawLine(x+3,y,x,y+3);
356          }
357          if (xx2a!=-1) DrawLine(xx2a,yy2a,x,y);
358          xx2a=x; yy2a=y;
359       }
360       if (idx1a>=0 || idx2a>=0) SetLineAttributes(0, GDK_LINE_SOLID, GDK_CAP_ROUND, GDK_JOIN_ROUND);
361       if (idxOK(idx1,ne)) {
362          y = sy1(ne->d[idx1]);
363          SetForeground(color1);
364          if (numneco < win2sizex / 4) {
365             DrawLine(x-2,y-2,x+2,y-2);
366             DrawLine(x-2,y+2,x+2,y+2);
367             DrawLine(x-2,y-2,x-2,y+2);
368             DrawLine(x+2,y-2,x+2,y+2);
369          }
370          if (xx1!=-1) DrawLine(xx1,yy1,x,y);
371          xx1=x; yy1=y;
372       }
373       if (idxOK(idx2,ne)) {
374          y = sy2(ne->d[idx2]);
375          SetForeground(color2);
376          if (numneco < win2sizex / 4) {
377             DrawLine(x-3,y,x,y-3);
378             DrawLine(x-3,y,x,y+3);
379             DrawLine(x+3,y,x,y-3);
380             DrawLine(x+3,y,x,y+3);
381          }
382          if (xx2!=-1) DrawLine(xx2,yy2,x,y);
383          xx2=x; yy2=y;
384       }
385    }
386    SetClipRectangle(0,0,win2sizex,win2sizey);
387 }
xfreq(int x)390 double xfreq(int x)
391 {
392    return ((double)x-xleft)/(xright-xleft)*(maxf-minf)+minf;
393 }
freqx(double f)396 int freqx(double f)
397 {
398    return sx(f);
399 }
freqindex(double f)402 int freqindex(double f)
403 {
404    double d,dbest;
405    int i,ibest;
407    ibest=-1;
408    dbest=DBL_MAX;
409    for (i=0;i<numneco;i++) {
410       if ( !neco[i].rp && !neco[i].cu && !neco[i].nf ) continue;
411       d=fabs(f-neco[i].f);
412       if (d<dbest) {
413          ibest=i;
414          dbest=d;
415       }
416    }
417    return ibest;
418 }
draw_all2(int onlyvgain)422 void draw_all2(int onlyvgain)
423 {
424    int n;
425    double size,step,y;
427    n = plot2_swr+plot2_z+plot2_z2+plot2_maxgain+plot2_dir+plot2_vgain;
428    size = 1.0/(n+(n-1)*0.05);
429    step = 1.05*size;
430    y = 1.0;
432    if (!onlyvgain) ClearWindow();
433    if (plot2_z2) {
434       if (!onlyvgain) freqplot(neco_zphi,neco_zabs,-1,-1,"phi(Z) [deg]","[ohm] |Z|","impedance",&c_exci,&c_load,y,y-size);
435       y-=step;
436    }
437    if (plot2_z) {
438       if (!onlyvgain) freqplot(neco_zr,neco_zi,-1,-1,"real [ohm]","[ohm] imag","impedance",&c_exci,&c_load,y,y-size);
439       y-=step;
440    }
441    if (plot2_swr) {
442       if (!onlyvgain) freqplot(neco_swr,-1,-1,-1,"SWR",NULL,NULL,&c_wire,NULL,y,y-size);
443       y-=step;
444    }
445    if (plot2_dir) {
446       if (!onlyvgain) {
447          if (polarization==POLnone || polarization==POLcolour) freqplot(neco_phi,neco_theta,-1,-1,"phi [deg]","[deg] theta","direction of maximum gain",&c_exci,&c_load,y,y-size);
448          else freqplot(Neco_polphi+Neco_gsize*polarization,
449                        Neco_poltheta+Neco_gsize*polarization,
450                        neco_phi,neco_theta,"phi","theta","direction of maximum gain",&c_exci,&c_load,y,y-size);
451       }
452       y-=step;
453    }
454    if (plot2_maxgain) {
455       if (!onlyvgain) {
456          if (polarization==POLnone || polarization==POLcolour) freqplot(neco_maxgain,neco_fb,-1,-1,"gain [dB]","[dB] f/b","in direction of maximum gain",&c_gain,&c_surf,y,y-size);
457          else freqplot(Neco_polgain+Neco_gsize*polarization,
458                        Neco_polfb1+Neco_gsize*polarization,
459                        neco_maxgain,
460                        Neco_polfb2+Neco_gsize*polarization,
461                        "gain","f/b","in direction of maximum gain",&c_gain,&c_surf,y,y-size);
462       }
463       y-=step;
464    }
465    if (plot2_vgain) {
466       if (onlyvgain) ClearRectangle(0,(y-size)*win2sizey,win2sizex,y*win2sizey);
467       if (polarization==POLnone || polarization==POLcolour) freqplot(neco_vgain,neco_vfb,-1,-1,"gain [dB]","[dB] f/b","in direction toward viewer",&c_gain,&c_surf,y,y-size);
468       else freqplot(neco_vgain2,neco_vfb,neco_vgain,neco_vfb2,"gain [dB]","[dB] f/b","in direction toward viewer",&c_gain,&c_surf,y,y-size);
469       y-=step;
470    }
471    out->Complete();
472 }