1 #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #endif
4 /*
5 A few changes have been made, including:
6 1) Memory is freed, rather than lying on the OS
7 2) Memory is no longer repeatdly allocated, which meant excessive use
8 of system memory.
9 */
10 #include <stdio.h>
11 #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
13 #endif
14 #include <math.h>
15 #include <string.h>
16 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include "yagi.h"
19 double Zo=Z0; /* Z0 is defined in yagi.h */
21 extern int optind, opterr;
22 extern char *optarg;
23 double min_offset_from_peak, angular_stepsize_2; /* not needed */
25 double pin, design_f, normalised_f, f;
26 double gain_E_plane, gain_H_plane, peak_gain;
27 struct element_data *coordinates;
28 struct FCOMPLEX *current;
29 int elements;
30 double rrange_min=RRANGE_MIN;
31 double rrange_max=RRANGE_MAX;
main(int argc,char ** argv)34 int main(int argc, char **argv)
35 {
36 	FILE *ifp, *ofp, *gain_fp;
37 	FILE *gnuplot_filename_fp;
38 	FILE *gnuplot_log_command_filename_fp;
39 	FILE *gnuplot_lin_command_filename_fp;
40 	char *input_filename, *output_filename, *temp;
41 	char *gnuplot_log_command_filename;
42 	char *gnuplot_lin_command_filename;
43 	char *gain_filename;
44 	char *gnuplot_filename;
45 	char *original_filename;
46 	double min_f, max_f, step_f, vswr, angular_step,theta;
47 	double magnitude, phase,max_SL,E_max=E_MAX, H_max=H_MAX;
48 	struct FCOMPLEX *voltage, input_impedance;
49 	double fb_ratio,gain_E_plane_back;
50 	double gain_H_plane_back;
51 	struct flags flag;
52 	struct pattern pattern_shape;
53 	int  c, step=0;
54 	input_filename=string(0L, 100L);
55 	gnuplot_filename=string(0L, 400L);
56 	gnuplot_log_command_filename=string(0L, 400L);
57 	gnuplot_lin_command_filename=string(0L, 400L);
58 	output_filename=string(0L, 100L);
59 	original_filename=string(0L, 100L);
60 	gain_filename=string(0L, 100L);
61 	memset((char *) &flag, 0, sizeof(flag));
62    while ((c =  getoptions(argc,argv,"cehpsr:E:H:R:Z:")) != -1)
63    switch       (c)
64    {   	case 'c':
65 	      flag.cflg=1;
66 	      break;
67 	case 'p':  /* Print data for gnuplot_log */
68 		flag.pflg=1;
69 	      break;
70 	case 'e':  /* suppress E- plane 3dB BW */
71 		flag.eflg=1;
72 	      break;
73 	case 'h':  /* suppress H- plane 3dB BW */
74 	flag.hflg=1;
75 	      break;
76 	 case 'r':  /* suppress H- plane 3dB BW */
77 		rrange_min=atof(optarg);
78 	      break;
79 	 case 'R':  /* suppress H- plane 3dB BW */
80 	rrange_max=atof(optarg);
81 	      break;
82 	 case 's':   /* suppress diagnostics */
83 		flag.sflg=1;
84 	      break;
85           case 'E':             /* Max angle in E plane to look for -3dB */
86 			      E_max=atof(optarg);
87                break;
88           case 'H':
89                H_max=atof(optarg); /* max angle in H plane to look for -3dB */
90                break;
91           case 'Z':        /* Zo */
92                Zo=atof(optarg);
93                break;
94 			 case '?':   /* default */
95 					flag.errflg=1;
96 					break;
97 	}
98 	if((argc-optind != 1) || flag.errflg)
99 	{
100 		usage_output(argv[0]);
101 		exit(0);
102 	}
103 	/* The file read by 'output' is expected to have a .out extension.
104 	'output' creates files with extensions:
105 	.dat     Containing the basic broperties of impedance, gain etc as a function
106 		 of frequency.
107 	.gai     Contains field patterns (gain) in the both H and E plane.
109 	We here get all the file names, then open files. */
110 	strcpy(input_filename, argv[optind]);
111 	strcpy(original_filename, argv[optind]);
112 	strcpy(output_filename, *(argv+optind));
113 	strcpy(gain_filename, *(argv+optind));
115 	strcat(input_filename,".out");
116 	strcat(output_filename,".dat");
117 	strcat(gain_filename,".gai");
118 	ifp=fopen(input_filename,"rb");
119 	ofp=fopen(output_filename,"wb");
120 	gain_fp=fopen(gain_filename,"wt");
121 	if(ifp == NULL)
122 	{
123 		fprintf(stderr,"Cant open %s\n", input_filename);
124 		exit(10);
125 	}
127 	temp=string(0L,100L);
128 	/* No longer need to refer to files by names, we just use the
129 	file pointers, so free memory associated with names. */
130 	free_string(output_filename,0L,100L);
131 	free_string(gain_filename,0L,100L);
132 	/* Read the header on the .out file, which is usually 100 Bytes,
133 	but can be defined in yagi.h as HEADER_SIZE */
134 	elements=read_header(ifp, ofp, &min_f, &max_f, &step_f, &design_f, &angular_step);
135 	/* Creatre an array of structures, so contain the x and y locations of
136 	each element, and the lengths of the elements. All dimensions are in m */
137 	coordinates=element_data_vector(1,elements); /* x,y &l of centre of ele's */
138 	/* read into memory the x,y, and lengths of all elements */
139 	fread((char *) &coordinates[1], sizeof(struct element_data),elements,ifp);
140 	/* Create arrays to hold real and imaginary components of voltage */
141 	voltage=FCOMPLEXvector(1,elements);
142 	current=FCOMPLEXvector(1,elements);
143 	/* read voltages applied to elements into memory */
144 	fread((char *) &voltage[1], sizeof(struct FCOMPLEX),elements, ifp);
145 	/* Now print a one line header to put into .dat file */
146 	fprintf(ofp,"  f(MHz) E(deg) H(deg)  R     jX    VSWR   Gain(dBi)     FB(dB)    SideLobes(dB)\n\n");
147 	if(flag.pflg==1)
148 	{
149 		if(angular_step > 10)
150 		{
151 			fprintf(stderr,"The angular step site is set at less that 10 degress. Edit the file %s, change the ANGULAR_STEP to 10 degrees or less, then rerun 'yagi %s' and 'output -p %s'\n", original_filename, original_filename, original_filename);
152 			exit(12);
154 		}
155 		sprintf(gnuplot_log_command_filename,"%s.glog",original_filename);
156 		sprintf(gnuplot_lin_command_filename,"%s.glin",original_filename);
157 		gnuplot_log_command_filename_fp=fopen(gnuplot_log_command_filename,"w");
158 		gnuplot_lin_command_filename_fp=fopen(gnuplot_lin_command_filename,"w");
159 		write_gnuplot_header(gnuplot_log_command_filename_fp,f,original_filename,step,LOG);
160 		write_gnuplot_header(gnuplot_lin_command_filename_fp,f,original_filename,step,LIN);
161 	}
162 	/* compute data at every frequency of interest */
163 	for(f=min_f; f<=max_f; f+=step_f)
164 	{
165 		normalised_f=f/design_f;
166 		fread((char *) &current[1], sizeof(struct FCOMPLEX),elements, ifp);
167 		z_input(voltage[1], current[1], &input_impedance);
168 		/* Compute magnitude and phase of reflection coefficient */
169 		reflection_coefficient(input_impedance, &magnitude, &phase);
170 		/* Compute VSWR from magnitude of reflection coefficient */
171 		vswr=calculate_vswr(magnitude);
172 		/* Calculate power input to antenna */
173 		pin=calculate_power_input(input_impedance.r,current[1]); /* in Watts */
174 		if(pin < 0.0)
175 		{
176 			fprintf(stderr,"input power less than 0! Probably due to self or mutual impedance being inaccurate when current not sinusidal\n");
177 			fprintf(stderr,"f=%f MHz Zin=%f +i%f\n",f/1e6, input_impedance.r, input_impedance.i);
178 		}
179 		/* compute gain at theta=90, phi=0 (forward direction) */
180 		gain(90, 0, pin, normalised_f, coordinates, current, elements, &gain_E_plane, &gain_H_plane, f, design_f );
181 		/* compute gain at theta -90 degrees (ie back - direction) */
182 		gain(270, 0, pin, normalised_f, coordinates, current, elements, &gain_E_plane_back, &gain_H_plane_back, f, design_f);
183 		fb_ratio=gain_E_plane-gain_E_plane_back;  /* in dB, so subtract */
184 		/* If the values of impedance are too large, the cant be printed in
185 		the .dat file. Hence we truncate them. At this point, the numbers
186 		are so large, that we are not likely to be able to use them anyway. */
187 		if(input_impedance.r > 9999999)
188 			input_impedance.r = 9999999;
189 		if(input_impedance.i > 9999999)
190 			input_impedance.i = 9999999;
191 		if(input_impedance.r < -9999999)
192 			input_impedance.r = -9999999;
193 		if(input_impedance.i < -9999999)
194 			input_impedance.i = -9999999;
196 	   /* Find the most importent bits of the pattern info */
198 		/* Estimiate 3dB bandwidth using .See '-E' and '-H' options */
199 		peak_gain=gain_E_plane;
200 		if(flag.hflg || elements==1)
201 			pattern_shape.three_dB_H=0.0;
202 		else
203 	      pattern_shape.three_dB_H=(double) zbrent(error_3dB_H, 0.0,H_max,0.1);
204 		if(flag.eflg)
205 			pattern_shape.three_dB_E=0.0;
206 		else
207 		 	pattern_shape.three_dB_E=(double) zbrent(error_3dB_E, 90.0,E_max,0.1);
208 		if(flag.cflg==1)
209 		{
210 			max_SL=find_max_sidelobe_slow(peak_gain, pin,coordinates,current,elements,f,design_f);
211 		}
212 		else
213 			max_SL=0.0;
214 		fprintf(ofp,"%9.3f %3.1f  %3.1f %6.2f %6.2f %6.3f %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f\n",f/1e6,2*(pattern_shape.three_dB_E-90), 2*pattern_shape.three_dB_H,input_impedance.r, input_impedance.i, vswr, peak_gain, fb_ratio,max_SL);
215 		write_gain_at_various_angles(gain_fp, angular_step, pin, normalised_f, f, coordinates, current, elements, design_f);
216 		if((min_f < max_f) && !flag.sflg)
217 			printf("%s completed  %5.1f%%\n",argv[0],100*(f-min_f)/(max_f-min_f));
218 		if(flag.pflg == 1) /* Plot results in files suitable for gnuplot */
219 		{
220 			step++;
221 			sprintf(gnuplot_filename,"%s.%.4f.g",original_filename,f/1e6);
222 			gnuplot_filename_fp=fopen(gnuplot_filename,"w");
224 			for(theta=0;theta<360;theta+=angular_step)
225 			{
226 		        	gain(theta+90.0, 0, pin, normalised_f, coordinates, current, elements, &gain_E_plane, &gain_H_plane, f, design_f );
227 				if(gain_E_plane < rrange_min)
228 				    gain_E_plane= rrange_min;
229 				if(gain_H_plane < rrange_min)
230 				    gain_H_plane= rrange_min;
231 				fprintf(gnuplot_filename_fp,"%11.3f %11.3f %11.3f %8.3f %11.3f %11.3f %11.3f %11.3f %11.3f\n",theta,gain_E_plane,gain_H_plane,vswr,pow(10.0,gain_E_plane/10.0),pow(10.0,gain_H_plane/10.0),0.0,0.0,0.0);
232 				/*
233 				if(theta<=90)
234 					zz=-40.0;
235 				else if (theta > 90 && theta <= 180)
236 					zz=-20.0;
237 				else if (theta > 180 && theta <= 270)
238 					zz=0.0;
239 				else
240 					zz=10.0;
241 				fprintf(gnuplot_log_filename_fp,"%11.3f %11.3f %11.3f %8.3f %11.3f %11.3f\n",theta,zz,gain_H_plane,vswr,0.0,0.0,0.0);
242 				*/
243 			}
244 			fprintf(gnuplot_log_command_filename_fp,"plot '%s' using 1:2\n",gnuplot_filename);
245 			fprintf(gnuplot_lin_command_filename_fp,"plot '%s' using 1:5\n",gnuplot_filename);
246 			fprintf(gnuplot_lin_command_filename_fp,"pause -1 \"Hit RETURN to see pattern at %.4f MHz on a linear scale\"\n",f);
247 			fprintf(gnuplot_log_command_filename_fp,"pause -1 \"Hit RETURN to see pattern at %.4f MHz on a log scale\"\n",f);
248 		}
249 	}
250 	if(flag.pflg==1)
251 	{
252 		fclose(gnuplot_filename_fp);
253 		fclose(gnuplot_log_command_filename_fp);
254 		fclose(gnuplot_lin_command_filename_fp);
255 	}
256 	output_filename=string(0L, 100L);
257 	original_filename=string(0L, 100L);
258 	gain_filename=string(0L, 100L);
259 	/* free strings not already freed */
260 	free_string(input_filename,0L,100L);
261 	free_string(temp,0L,100L);
262 	free_string(gnuplot_filename,0L, 400L);
263 	free_string(gnuplot_log_command_filename,0L, 400L);
264 	free_string(gnuplot_lin_command_filename,0L, 400L);
265         free_string(output_filename, 0L, 100L);
266 	free_string(original_filename, 0L,100L);
267 	free_string(gain_filename, 0L, 100L);
268 	/* free vectors */
269 	free_FCOMPLEXvector(voltage,1L,(long) elements);
270 	free_FCOMPLEXvector(current,1L,(long) elements);
272 	fclose(ifp);
273 	fclose(gain_fp);
274 	exit(0);
275 }
error_3dB_E(double x)279 double error_3dB_E(double x)
280 {
281 		double ans;
283 		gain(x, 0, pin, normalised_f, coordinates, current, elements, &gain_E_plane, &gain_H_plane, f, design_f );
284 		ans=peak_gain-gain_E_plane-3.01;
285 		return(ans);
286 }
error_3dB_H(double x)288 double error_3dB_H(double x)
289 {
290 		double ans;
292 		gain(0, x, pin, normalised_f, coordinates, current, elements, &gain_E_plane, &gain_H_plane, f, design_f );
293 		ans=peak_gain-gain_H_plane-3.01;
294 		return(ans);
295 }