1 #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #endif
5 /* According to the method given in the book:
6 Yagi Antenna Design, by Dr. James L. Lawson, W2PV, ARRL.
7 Essentially, the self impedance Zxx of an elemnt is found. Then the mutural
8 impedance between two elements Zxy is found. Then the currents and voltages
9 are computed  since:
11 I1 Z11 + I2 Z12 + I3 Z13 = V1
12 I1 Z21 + I2 Z22 + I3 Z23 = V2
13 I1 Z31 + I2 Z32 + I3 Z33 = V3
15 For just element 1 being driven, V2 = V3 = 0.
16 The input impedance is Zin= V_driven / I_driven
17 gain and other parameters can be found, as required. See book for
18 formulae */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <math.h>
24 #include <errno.h>
25 #include "yagi.h"
27 extern int optind, opterr, errno;
main(int argc,char ** argv)29 int main(int argc, char **argv)
30 {
31 	char *output_filename, *input_filename, *line;
32 	double **driven_data, **parasitic_data, **z, frequency, *v, **A, *b, *x;
33 	double d=0.0, real=0.0, imaginary=0.0, min_frequency=0.0, max_frequency=0.0;
34 	double step_frequency=0.0;
35 	double angular_step=0.0;
36 	int   helpflg=0, errflg=0, pflg=0, dflg=0;
37 	int elements=-1, driven=-1, parasitic=-1, i=0, j=0, *indx;
38 	int element_number=0, c=0, sflg=0;
39 	FILE *ofp;
40 	struct FCOMPLEX *current, *voltage;
41 	 /* necessary with gcc under DOS */
42 	opterr=0;
44    while ((c =  getoptions(argc, argv, "dhps")) != -1)
45    switch       (c)
46    {
47 			 case 'd': /* display currents */
48 				dflg=1;
49 				break;
50 			 case 'h':   /* help */
51 				helpflg=1;
52 				break;
53 			case 'p':
54 				pflg=1;
55 				break;
56 			 case 's':   /* suppress all messages*/
57 				sflg=1;
58 				break;
59 			 case '?':
60 				errflg=1;
61 				break;
62 	}
64 	if(errflg || helpflg || (argc-optind)!=1)
65 	{
66 		usage_yagi(argv[0]);
67 		exit(1);
68 	}
69 	/* allocate memory, using routines similar to that in Numerical Recipes */
70 	input_filename=string(0L,90L);
71 	line=string(0L,MAX_LINE);
72 	output_filename=string(0L,90L);
73 	output_filename=get_data_filenames(optind, argv, input_filename);
74 	if(errno)
75 	   fprintf(stderr, "Errno = %d in yagi.c\n", errno);
76 	/* since the size of all the arrays depends on the number of elements,
77 	lets first find out how many elements we have,including driven and
78 	parasitic sepparately.  Then try to allocate all the memory we need. If we
79 	fail, then not much time is wasted. */
80 	elements=get_number_of_elements(input_filename, &driven, &parasitic);
81 	indx=ivector(1,2L*elements);
83 	/* allocate all memory */
84 	driven_data=dmatrix(1L,(long)(driven),1L,6L); /* 6 bits of info on each driven ele */
85 	if(parasitic > 0)
86 		parasitic_data=dmatrix(1L,(long) (parasitic),1L,4L); /* 4 on each parasitic ele */
87 	/* the impedance matrix for the impedance Z11 to Znn, needs an NxN
88 	matrix. Since the data is complex, it needs 2*N by N, where N is
89 	the total number of elelemnts */
90 	z=dmatrix(1L,(long) elements, 1L, elements*2L);
91 	A=dmatrix(1L, 2L*elements, 1L, 2L*elements);   /* A.x=b for large matrices */
92 	x=dvector(1L, 2L*elements);
93 	b=dvector(1L, 2L*elements);
94 	/* read text file containing yagi description into memory */
95 	read_yagi_data(line, input_filename, &frequency, &min_frequency, &max_frequency,
96 	&step_frequency, driven, driven_data, parasitic, parasitic_data, &angular_step);
97 	/* write some data to a disk file. A header of 100 items will be written
98 	first. I doubt if I will ever need 100 items, but its better to have too
99 	many, rather than too few. */
100 	if(errno)
101 	   fprintf(stderr, "Errno = %d in yagi.c 2\n", errno);
102 	ofp=fopen(output_filename,"wb");
103 	errno=0;
104 	write_header_to_disk(ofp, elements, driven, parasitic,min_frequency, max_frequency, frequency, step_frequency, angular_step);
105 	/* write the x and y coordinates of the centre of the element, and the
106 	length in m */
108 	write_coordinates_of_elements_to_disk(ofp, driven, parasitic, driven_data, parasitic_data);
109 	/* Now we have all the data in memory about the elements, we can calculate
110 	the impedance matrices. This will be a square matrix, of size NxN, where
111 	N is the number of elements in the yagi. The components on the diaganol
112 	Z11, Z22, Z33 etc, will be the self impedance of each element. The
113 	off-diagonal components, Zij (Z12, Z13 etc are the mutual impedance between
114 	elements. */
115 	current=FCOMPLEXvector(1L,(long) elements);
116 	voltage=FCOMPLEXvector(1L,(long) elements);
119 	v=dvector(1L,2L*elements);
121 	for(frequency=min_frequency; frequency <=max_frequency; frequency+=step_frequency)
122 	{
123 		fill_z_matrix(frequency,driven,parasitic,driven_data,parasitic_data, z);
124 		/* Now we must fill the V vector, which gives the voltage at the centre of
125 		each driven element. Since we know the magnitude of the voltage and phase,
126 		we can calculate the real and imaginary components of voltage. NB */
127 		fill_v_vector(driven, parasitic, driven_data, v);
128 		/* We now have the voltage vector V, and the impedance matrix Z. All
129 		we need to do now is solve a set of NxN equations, where N is the
130 		number of elements, to get N values of current, which we can put in
131 		the I matrix.
132 		Unfortunately, this is not trivual, by any standards!!!  It is
133 		complicated by the fact the the N equations are all complex.
134 		The method used us a brute-force approach mentioned by Press
135 		in their 2nd Edition of the Numerical Recipes in C book. Here we
136 		put the data in the form:
138 		|Zr -Zc|   |Ic|   = |Vr|   which we will call A.x=b
139 		|Zc  Zr|   |Ic|     |Vc|
141 		so the Z data goes now in a 2Nx2N matrix. This is a bit wasteful of space
142 		and time, but it will do here. */
143 		/* Read impedance data from 'z' to matrix A */
144 		for(i=1;i<=elements;++i)
145 		{
146 			for(j=1;j<=elements;++j)
147 			{
148 				A[i][j]=z[i][2*j-1];   /* real data, top left corner of Z */
149 				A[i+elements][j+elements]=z[i][2*j-1]; /* Bot right, real data */
150 				A[i][j+elements]=-z[i][2*j]; /* imaginary, top right */
151 				A[i+elements][j]=z[i][2*j]; /* bottom left, imaginary */
152 			}
153 		}
154 		/* The following function prints to stantard output the z matrix of the
155 		antenna. It is really only used during debugging, so it can be commented
156 		out normally. */
157 		if(pflg)
158 			print_z_matrix(frequency,elements,z);
159 		/* read voltage data from v to b */
160 		for(i=1;i<=elements;++i)
161 		{
162 			b[i]= v[2*i-1];                                                 /* real data */
163 			b[i+elements]=v[2*i];                           /* complex data */
164 			voltage[i].r=v[2*i-1];
165 			voltage[i].i=v[2*i];
166 		/*
167 			if(isnand(voltage[i].r) || isnand (voltage[i].i) || isnand(b[i]) || isnand(b[i+elements]) ||
168 			(voltage[i].r) < 0.001)
169 			{
170 			   fprintf(stderr, "b[%d]=%f b[%d]=%f %f %f\n", i, b[i], i+elements, b[i+elements], voltage[i].r, voltage[i].i);
171 			}
172 		*/
173 		}
174 		/* we now write the voltage data to disk, but only once, *not* at
175 		every frequency, since its fixed */
176 		if(frequency==min_frequency)
177 		{
178 			fwrite((char *) &voltage[1], sizeof(struct FCOMPLEX), elements, ofp);
179 		}
180 		/* Perform a LU decompositon of A */
181 #ifdef DEBUG2
182 		for(test=1;test <= 2*elements; ++test)
183 		{
184 		  for( =1;  <= 2*elements; ++)
185 		    printf("A[%d][%d]=%f\n", test, , A[test][]);
186 		}
187 #endif
188 		ludcmp(A, elements*2, indx, &d);
189 		/* We now have the voltages in b. After lubksb is run, we get the
190 		currents in b */
192 		lubksb(A, 2*elements, indx, b); /* current's in b after lubksb has run*/
193 		/* Put currents an FCOMPLEX matrix current[element]
194 		currents are stored in b as r,r,r,r ..... i,i,i,i */
195 		for(element_number=1;element_number<=elements;element_number++)
196 		{
197 			current[element_number].r=b[element_number];
198 			current[element_number].i=b[element_number+elements];
199 		}
200 		if(dflg)
201 			display_antenna_currents(current,elements);
202 		fwrite((char *) &current[1], sizeof(struct FCOMPLEX), elements, ofp);
203 		real=b[1]/((b[1]*b[1])+(b[1+elements]*b[1+elements]));
204 		imaginary=-b[1+elements]/((b[1]*b[1])+(b[1+elements]*b[1+elements]));
205 	   /* printf("f=%.2f MHz z = 1/(%f + i %f) = %f + i%lf \n", frequency/1e6, b[1], b[1+elements], real, imaginary);   */
207 		if(min_frequency < max_frequency && !sflg)
208 		{
209 			printf("%s completed %5.1f%% f=%f MHz\n",argv[0],100*(frequency-min_frequency)/(max_frequency-min_frequency), frequency);
210 		}
211 	}
212 	if(errno)
213 	   fprintf(stderr, "Errno = %d in yagi.c 3\n", errno);
214 	printf("\n");
215 	fclose(ofp);
217 	/* free strings */
218 	free_string(input_filename,0L,90L);
219 	free_string(line,0L,(long) MAX_LINE);
220 	free_string(output_filename,0L,90L);
222 	/* free vectors */
223 	free_dvector(x,1L, 2L*elements);
224 	free_dvector(b,1L, 2L*elements);
225 	free_dvector(v,1L, 2L*elements);
226 	free_ivector(indx,1,2L*elements);
227 	free_FCOMPLEXvector(current,1L,(long) elements);
228 	free_FCOMPLEXvector(voltage,1L,(long) elements);
229 	/* free matrices */
230 	free_dmatrix(driven_data,1L,(long)(driven),1L,6L);
231 	// free_dmatrix(parasitic_data,1L,(long) parasitic,1L,4L);
232 	free_dmatrix(z,1L,(long) elements, 1L, elements*2L);
233 	free_dmatrix(A,1L, 2L*elements, 1L, 2L*elements);
234 	if(errno)
235 	{
236 	   fprintf(stderr, "Errno = %d in yagi.c 4\n", errno);
237 	   exit (errno);
238 	}
239 	else
240 		exit(0);
241 }