1 /*
2   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
3   | See COPYING file for further copyright information                   |
4   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
5   | Author: Oleg Grenrus <oleg.grenrus@dynamoid.com>                     |
6   | See CREDITS for contributors                                         |
7   +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
8 */
10 #ifndef IGBINARY_H
11 #define IGBINARY_H
12 #include <stdint.h>
14 /* Forward declarations. */
15 struct zval;
17 /* Constants and constant macros */
18 /** Binary protocol version of igbinary. */
19 #define IGBINARY_FORMAT_VERSION 0x00000002
21 #define PHP_IGBINARY_VERSION "3.2.6"
23 /* Macros */
25 #ifdef PHP_WIN32
26 #	if defined(IGBINARY_EXPORTS) || (!defined(COMPILE_DL_IGBINARY))
27 #		define IGBINARY_API __declspec(dllexport)
28 #	elif defined(COMPILE_DL_IGBINARY)
29 #		define IGBINARY_API __declspec(dllimport)
30 #	else
31 #		define IGBINARY_API /* nothing special */
32 #	endif
33 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
34 #	define IGBINARY_API __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
35 #else
36 #	define IGBINARY_API /* nothing special */
37 #endif
39 /** Struct that contains pointers to memory allocation and deallocation functions.
40  * @see igbinary_serialize_data
41  */
42 struct igbinary_memory_manager {
43 	void *(*alloc)(size_t size, void *context);
44 	void *(*realloc)(void *ptr, size_t new_size, void *context);
45 	void (*free)(void *ptr, void *context);
46 	void *context;
47 };
49 /** Serialize zval.
50  * Return buffer is allocated by this function with emalloc.
51  * @param[out] ret Return buffer
52  * @param[out] ret_len Size of return buffer
53  * @param[in] z Variable to be serialized
54  * @return 0 on success, 1 elsewhere.
55  */
56 IGBINARY_API int igbinary_serialize(uint8_t **ret, size_t *ret_len, zval *z);
58 /** Serialize zval.
59  * Return buffer is allocated by this function with emalloc.
60  * @param[out] ret Return buffer
61  * @param[out] ret_len Size of return buffer
62  * @param[in] z Variable to be serialized
63  * @param[in] memory_manager Pointer to the structure that contains memory allocation functions.
64  * @return 0 on success, 1 elsewhere.
65  */
66 IGBINARY_API int igbinary_serialize_ex(uint8_t **ret, size_t *ret_len, zval *z, struct igbinary_memory_manager *memory_manager);
68 /** Unserialize to zval.
69  * @param[in] buf Buffer with serialized data.
70  * @param[in] buf_len Buffer length.
71  * @param[out] z Unserialized zval
72  * @return 0 on success, 1 elsewhere.
73  */
74 IGBINARY_API int igbinary_unserialize(const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len, zval *z);
76 #endif /* IGBINARY_H */