1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
4 ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13 ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
14 ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
15 ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us.
16 **
17 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
18 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19 ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free
20 ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and
21 ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the
22 ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License
23 ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and
24 ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
25 **
26 ** As a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional
27 ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception
28 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
29 **
30 ** GNU General Public License Usage
31 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
32 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
33 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
34 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
35 ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
36 ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 #include "qcoreapplication.h"
43 #include "qcoreapplication_p.h"
44 #include "qstringlist.h"
45 #include "qt_windows.h"
46 #include "qvector.h"
47 #include "qmutex.h"
48 #include "qfileinfo.h"
49 #include "qcorecmdlineargs_p.h"
50 #include <private/qthread_p.h>
51 #include <ctype.h>
55 bool usingWinMain = false;  // whether the qWinMain() is used or not
56 int appCmdShow = 0;
qWinAppInst()58 Q_CORE_EXPORT HINSTANCE qWinAppInst()                // get Windows app handle
59 {
60     return GetModuleHandle(0);
61 }
qWinAppPrevInst()63 Q_CORE_EXPORT HINSTANCE qWinAppPrevInst()                // get Windows prev app handle
64 {
65     return 0;
66 }
qWinAppCmdShow()68 Q_CORE_EXPORT int qWinAppCmdShow()                        // get main window show command
69 {
70 #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
71     return appCmdShow;
72 #else
73     STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
74     GetStartupInfo(&startupInfo);
76     return (startupInfo.dwFlags & STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW)
77         ? startupInfo.wShowWindow
78         : SW_SHOWDEFAULT;
79 #endif
80 }
qAppFileName()82 Q_CORE_EXPORT QString qAppFileName()                // get application file name
83 {
84     // We do MAX_PATH + 2 here, and request with MAX_PATH + 1, so we can handle all paths
85     // up to, and including MAX_PATH size perfectly fine with string termination, as well
86     // as easily detect if the file path is indeed larger than MAX_PATH, in which case we
87     // need to use the heap instead. This is a work-around, since contrary to what the
88     // MSDN documentation states, GetModuleFileName sometimes doesn't set the
89     // ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER error number, and we thus cannot rely on this value if
90     // GetModuleFileName(0, buffer, MAX_PATH) == MAX_PATH.
91     // GetModuleFileName(0, buffer, MAX_PATH + 1) == MAX_PATH just means we hit the normal
92     // file path limit, and we handle it normally, if the result is MAX_PATH + 1, we use
93     // heap (even if the result _might_ be exactly MAX_PATH + 1, but that's ok).
94     wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH + 2];
95     DWORD v = GetModuleFileName(0, buffer, MAX_PATH + 1);
96     buffer[MAX_PATH + 1] = 0;
98     if (v == 0)
99         return QString();
100     else if (v <= MAX_PATH)
101         return QString::fromWCharArray(buffer);
103     // MAX_PATH sized buffer wasn't large enough to contain the full path, use heap
104     wchar_t *b = 0;
105     int i = 1;
106     size_t size;
107     do {
108         ++i;
109         size = MAX_PATH * i;
110         b = reinterpret_cast<wchar_t *>(realloc(b, (size + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)));
111         if (b)
112             v = GetModuleFileName(NULL, b, size);
113     } while (b && v == size);
115     if (b)
116         *(b + size) = 0;
117     QString res = QString::fromWCharArray(b);
118     free(b);
120     return res;
121 }
appName() const123 QString QCoreApplicationPrivate::appName() const
124 {
125     return QFileInfo(qAppFileName()).baseName();
126 }
128 class QWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection
129 {
131 public:
QWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection()132     QWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection()
133     { InitializeCriticalSection(&cs); }
~QWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection()134     ~QWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection()
135     { DeleteCriticalSection(&cs); }
lock()137     void lock()
138     { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); }
unlock()139     void unlock()
140     { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); }
141 };
qWinMsgHandler(QtMsgType t,const char * str)143 Q_CORE_EXPORT void qWinMsgHandler(QtMsgType t, const char* str)
144 {
145     Q_UNUSED(t);
146     // OutputDebugString is not threadsafe.
148     // cannot use QMutex here, because qWarning()s in the QMutex
149     // implementation may cause this function to recurse
150     static QWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection staticCriticalSection;
152     if (!str)
153         str = "(null)";
155     staticCriticalSection.lock();
157     QString s(QString::fromLocal8Bit(str));
158     s += QLatin1Char('\n');
159     OutputDebugString((wchar_t*)s.utf16());
161     staticCriticalSection.unlock();
162 }
165 /*****************************************************************************
166   qWinMain() - Initializes Windows. Called from WinMain() in qtmain_win.cpp
167  *****************************************************************************/
169 #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
qWinMain(HINSTANCE instance,HINSTANCE prevInstance,LPSTR cmdParam,int cmdShow,int & argc,QVector<char * > & argv)170 Q_CORE_EXPORT void __cdecl qWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prevInstance, LPSTR cmdParam,
171                int cmdShow, int &argc, QVector<char *> &argv)
172 #else
174 void qWinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prevInstance, LPSTR cmdParam,
175                int cmdShow, int &argc, QVector<char *> &argv)
176 #endif
177 {
178     static bool already_called = false;
180     if (already_called) {
181         qWarning("Qt: Internal error: qWinMain should be called only once");
182         return;
183     }
184     already_called = true;
185     usingWinMain = true;
187     // Install default debug handler
188     qInstallMsgHandler(qWinMsgHandler);
190     // Create command line
191     argv = qWinCmdLine<char>(cmdParam, int(strlen(cmdParam)), argc);
193     appCmdShow = cmdShow;
195     // Ignore Windows parameters
196     Q_UNUSED(instance);
197     Q_UNUSED(prevInstance);
198 }
200 /*!
201     The message procedure calls this function for every message
202     received. Reimplement this function if you want to process window
203     messages \a msg that are not processed by Qt. If you don't want
204     the event to be processed by Qt, then return true and set \a result
205     to the value that the window procedure should return. Otherwise
206     return false.
208     It is only directly addressed messages that are filtered. To
209     handle system wide messages, such as messages from a registered
210     hot key, you need to install an event filter on the event
211     dispatcher, which is returned from
212     QAbstractEventDispatcher::instance().
213 */
winEventFilter(MSG * msg,long * result)214 bool QCoreApplication::winEventFilter(MSG *msg, long *result)        // Windows event filter
215 {
216     Q_UNUSED(msg);
217     Q_UNUSED(result);
218     return false;
219 }
removePostedTimerEvent(QObject * object,int timerId)221 void QCoreApplicationPrivate::removePostedTimerEvent(QObject *object, int timerId)
222 {
223     QThreadData *data = object->d_func()->threadData;
225     QMutexLocker locker(&data->postEventList.mutex);
226     if (data->postEventList.size() == 0)
227         return;
228     for (int i = 0; i < data->postEventList.size(); ++i) {
229         const QPostEvent & pe = data->postEventList.at(i);
230         if (pe.receiver == object
231             && pe.event
232             && (pe.event->type() == QEvent::Timer || pe.event->type() == QEvent::ZeroTimerEvent)
233             && static_cast<QTimerEvent *>(pe.event)->timerId() == timerId) {
234                 --pe.receiver->d_func()->postedEvents;
235                 pe.event->posted = false;
236                 delete pe.event;
237                 const_cast<QPostEvent &>(pe).event = 0;
238                 return;
239             }
240     }
241 }
243 #if defined(Q_WS_WIN) && !defined(QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM)
244 /*****************************************************************************
245   Convenience functions for convert WM_* messages into human readable strings,
246   including a nifty QDebug operator<< for simpel QDebug() << msg output.
247  *****************************************************************************/
249 #include <windowsx.h>
250 #include "qdebug.h"
253 #if !defined(GET_X_LPARAM)
254 #  define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp))
255 #  define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp))
256 #endif
257 #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
258 #  ifndef WM_NCACTIVATE
259 #    define WM_NCACTIVATE 0x86
260 #  endif
261 #endif
263 // The values below should never change. Note that none of the usual
264 // WM_...FIRST & WM_...LAST values are in the list, as they normally have other
265 // WM_... representations
266 struct KnownWM {
267     uint WM;
268     const char* str;
269 } knownWM[] =
270 {{ 0x0000, "WM_NULL" },
271  { 0x0001, "WM_CREATE" },
272  { 0x0002, "WM_DESTROY" },
273  { 0x0003, "WM_MOVE" },
274  { 0x0005, "WM_SIZE" },
275  { 0x0006, "WM_ACTIVATE" },
276  { 0x0007, "WM_SETFOCUS" },
277  { 0x0008, "WM_KILLFOCUS" },
278  { 0x000A, "WM_ENABLE" },
279  { 0x000B, "WM_SETREDRAW" },
280  { 0x000C, "WM_SETTEXT" },
281  { 0x000D, "WM_GETTEXT" },
282  { 0x000E, "WM_GETTEXTLENGTH" },
283  { 0x000F, "WM_PAINT" },
284  { 0x0010, "WM_CLOSE" },
285  { 0x0011, "WM_QUERYENDSESSION" },
286  { 0x0013, "WM_QUERYOPEN" },
287  { 0x0016, "WM_ENDSESSION" },
288  { 0x0012, "WM_QUIT" },
289  { 0x0014, "WM_ERASEBKGND" },
290  { 0x0015, "WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE" },
291  { 0x0018, "WM_SHOWWINDOW" },
292  { 0x001A, "WM_WININICHANGE" },
293  { 0x001B, "WM_DEVMODECHANGE" },
294  { 0x001C, "WM_ACTIVATEAPP" },
295  { 0x001D, "WM_FONTCHANGE" },
296  { 0x001E, "WM_TIMECHANGE" },
297  { 0x001F, "WM_CANCELMODE" },
298  { 0x0020, "WM_SETCURSOR" },
299  { 0x0021, "WM_MOUSEACTIVATE" },
300  { 0x0022, "WM_CHILDACTIVATE" },
301  { 0x0023, "WM_QUEUESYNC" },
302  { 0x0024, "WM_GETMINMAXINFO" },
303  { 0x0026, "WM_PAINTICON" },
304  { 0x0027, "WM_ICONERASEBKGND" },
305  { 0x0028, "WM_NEXTDLGCTL" },
306  { 0x002A, "WM_SPOOLERSTATUS" },
307  { 0x002B, "WM_DRAWITEM" },
308  { 0x002C, "WM_MEASUREITEM" },
309  { 0x002D, "WM_DELETEITEM" },
310  { 0x002E, "WM_VKEYTOITEM" },
311  { 0x002F, "WM_CHARTOITEM" },
312  { 0x0030, "WM_SETFONT" },
313  { 0x0031, "WM_GETFONT" },
314  { 0x0032, "WM_SETHOTKEY" },
315  { 0x0033, "WM_GETHOTKEY" },
316  { 0x0037, "WM_QUERYDRAGICON" },
317  { 0x0039, "WM_COMPAREITEM" },
318  { 0x003D, "WM_GETOBJECT" },
319  { 0x0041, "WM_COMPACTING" },
320  { 0x0044, "WM_COMMNOTIFY" },
321  { 0x0046, "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING" },
322  { 0x0047, "WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED" },
323  { 0x0048, "WM_POWER" },
324  { 0x004A, "WM_COPYDATA" },
325  { 0x004B, "WM_CANCELJOURNAL" },
326  { 0x004E, "WM_NOTIFY" },
328  { 0x0051, "WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE" },
329  { 0x0052, "WM_TCARD" },
330  { 0x0053, "WM_HELP" },
331  { 0x0054, "WM_USERCHANGED" },
332  { 0x0055, "WM_NOTIFYFORMAT" },
333  { 0x007B, "WM_CONTEXTMENU" },
334  { 0x007C, "WM_STYLECHANGING" },
335  { 0x007D, "WM_STYLECHANGED" },
336  { 0x007E, "WM_DISPLAYCHANGE" },
337  { 0x007F, "WM_GETICON" },
338  { 0x0080, "WM_SETICON" },
339  { 0x0081, "WM_NCCREATE" },
340  { 0x0082, "WM_NCDESTROY" },
341  { 0x0083, "WM_NCCALCSIZE" },
342  { 0x0084, "WM_NCHITTEST" },
343  { 0x0085, "WM_NCPAINT" },
344  { 0x0086, "WM_NCACTIVATE" },
345  { 0x0087, "WM_GETDLGCODE" },
346  { 0x0088, "WM_SYNCPAINT" },
347  { 0x00A0, "WM_NCMOUSEMOVE" },
348  { 0x00A1, "WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN" },
349  { 0x00A2, "WM_NCLBUTTONUP" },
350  { 0x00A3, "WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK" },
351  { 0x00A4, "WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN" },
352  { 0x00A5, "WM_NCRBUTTONUP" },
353  { 0x00A6, "WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK" },
354  { 0x00A7, "WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN" },
355  { 0x00A8, "WM_NCMBUTTONUP" },
356  { 0x00A9, "WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK" },
357  { 0x00AB, "WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN" },
358  { 0x00AC, "WM_NCXBUTTONUP" },
359  { 0x00AD, "WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK" },
360  { 0x00FF, "WM_INPUT" },
361  { 0x0100, "WM_KEYDOWN" },
362  { 0x0101, "WM_KEYUP" },
363  { 0x0102, "WM_CHAR" },
364  { 0x0103, "WM_DEADCHAR" },
365  { 0x0104, "WM_SYSKEYDOWN" },
366  { 0x0105, "WM_SYSKEYUP" },
367  { 0x0106, "WM_SYSCHAR" },
368  { 0x0107, "WM_SYSDEADCHAR" },
369  { 0x0109, "WM_UNICHAR" },
371  { 0x010E, "WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION" },
372  { 0x010F, "WM_IME_COMPOSITION" },
373  { 0x0110, "WM_INITDIALOG" },
374  { 0x0111, "WM_COMMAND" },
375  { 0x0112, "WM_SYSCOMMAND" },
376  { 0x0113, "WM_TIMER" },
377  { 0x0114, "WM_HSCROLL" },
378  { 0x0115, "WM_VSCROLL" },
379  { 0x0116, "WM_INITMENU" },
380  { 0x0117, "WM_INITMENUPOPUP" },
381  { 0x011F, "WM_MENUSELECT" },
382  { 0x0120, "WM_MENUCHAR" },
383  { 0x0121, "WM_ENTERIDLE" },
384  { 0x0122, "WM_MENURBUTTONUP" },
385  { 0x0123, "WM_MENUDRAG" },
386  { 0x0124, "WM_MENUGETOBJECT" },
387  { 0x0125, "WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP" },
388  { 0x0126, "WM_MENUCOMMAND" },
389  { 0x0127, "WM_CHANGEUISTATE" },
390  { 0x0128, "WM_UPDATEUISTATE" },
391  { 0x0129, "WM_QUERYUISTATE" },
392  { 0x0132, "WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX" },
393  { 0x0133, "WM_CTLCOLOREDIT" },
394  { 0x0134, "WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX" },
395  { 0x0135, "WM_CTLCOLORBTN" },
396  { 0x0136, "WM_CTLCOLORDLG" },
397  { 0x0137, "WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR" },
398  { 0x0138, "WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC" },
399  { 0x0200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE" },
400  { 0x0201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN" },
401  { 0x0202, "WM_LBUTTONUP" },
402  { 0x0203, "WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK" },
403  { 0x0204, "WM_RBUTTONDOWN" },
404  { 0x0205, "WM_RBUTTONUP" },
405  { 0x0206, "WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK" },
406  { 0x0207, "WM_MBUTTONDOWN" },
407  { 0x0208, "WM_MBUTTONUP" },
408  { 0x0209, "WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK" },
409  { 0x020A, "WM_MOUSEWHEEL" },
410  { 0x020B, "WM_XBUTTONDOWN" },
411  { 0x020C, "WM_XBUTTONUP" },
412  { 0x020D, "WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK" },
413  { 0x020E, "WM_MOUSEHWHEEL" },
414  { 0x0210, "WM_PARENTNOTIFY" },
415  { 0x0211, "WM_ENTERMENULOOP" },
416  { 0x0212, "WM_EXITMENULOOP" },
417  { 0x0213, "WM_NEXTMENU" },
418  { 0x0214, "WM_SIZING" },
419  { 0x0215, "WM_CAPTURECHANGED" },
420  { 0x0216, "WM_MOVING" },
421  { 0x0218, "WM_POWERBROADCAST" },
422  { 0x0219, "WM_DEVICECHANGE" },
423  { 0x0220, "WM_MDICREATE" },
424  { 0x0221, "WM_MDIDESTROY" },
425  { 0x0222, "WM_MDIACTIVATE" },
426  { 0x0223, "WM_MDIRESTORE" },
427  { 0x0224, "WM_MDINEXT" },
428  { 0x0225, "WM_MDIMAXIMIZE" },
429  { 0x0226, "WM_MDITILE" },
430  { 0x0227, "WM_MDICASCADE" },
431  { 0x0228, "WM_MDIICONARRANGE" },
432  { 0x0229, "WM_MDIGETACTIVE" },
433  { 0x0230, "WM_MDISETMENU" },
434  { 0x0231, "WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE" },
435  { 0x0232, "WM_EXITSIZEMOVE" },
436  { 0x0233, "WM_DROPFILES" },
437  { 0x0234, "WM_MDIREFRESHMENU" },
438  { 0x0281, "WM_IME_SETCONTEXT" },
439  { 0x0282, "WM_IME_NOTIFY" },
440  { 0x0283, "WM_IME_CONTROL" },
441  { 0x0284, "WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL" },
442  { 0x0285, "WM_IME_SELECT" },
443  { 0x0286, "WM_IME_CHAR" },
444  { 0x0288, "WM_IME_REQUEST" },
445  { 0x0290, "WM_IME_KEYDOWN" },
446  { 0x0291, "WM_IME_KEYUP" },
447  { 0x02A0, "WM_NCMOUSEHOVER" },
448  { 0x02A1, "WM_MOUSEHOVER" },
449  { 0x02A2, "WM_NCMOUSELEAVE" },
450  { 0x02A3, "WM_MOUSELEAVE" },
451  { 0x02B1, "WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE" },
452  { 0x02C0, "WM_TABLET_FIRST" },
453  { 0x02C1, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 1" },
454  { 0x02C2, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 2" },
455  { 0x02C3, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 3" },
456  { 0x02C4, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 4" },
457  { 0x02C5, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 5" },
458  { 0x02C6, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 6" },
459  { 0x02C7, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 7" },
460  { 0x02C8, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 8" },
461  { 0x02C9, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 9" },
462  { 0x02CA, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 10" },
463  { 0x02CB, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 11" },
464  { 0x02CC, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 12" },
465  { 0x02CD, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 13" },
466  { 0x02CE, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 14" },
467  { 0x02CF, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 15" },
468  { 0x02D0, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 16" },
469  { 0x02D1, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 17" },
470  { 0x02D2, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 18" },
471  { 0x02D3, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 19" },
472  { 0x02D4, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 20" },
473  { 0x02D5, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 21" },
474  { 0x02D6, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 22" },
475  { 0x02D7, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 23" },
476  { 0x02D8, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 24" },
477  { 0x02D9, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 25" },
478  { 0x02DA, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 26" },
479  { 0x02DB, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 27" },
480  { 0x02DC, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 28" },
481  { 0x02DD, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 29" },
482  { 0x02DE, "WM_TABLET_FIRST + 30" },
483  { 0x02DF, "WM_TABLET_LAST" },
484  { 0x0300, "WM_CUT" },
485  { 0x0301, "WM_COPY" },
486  { 0x0302, "WM_PASTE" },
487  { 0x0303, "WM_CLEAR" },
488  { 0x0304, "WM_UNDO" },
489  { 0x0305, "WM_RENDERFORMAT" },
490  { 0x0306, "WM_RENDERALLFORMATS" },
491  { 0x0307, "WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD" },
492  { 0x0308, "WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD" },
493  { 0x0309, "WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD" },
494  { 0x030A, "WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD" },
495  { 0x030B, "WM_SIZECLIPBOARD" },
496  { 0x030C, "WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME" },
497  { 0x030D, "WM_CHANGECBCHAIN" },
498  { 0x030E, "WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD" },
499  { 0x030F, "WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE" },
500  { 0x0310, "WM_PALETTEISCHANGING" },
501  { 0x0311, "WM_PALETTECHANGED" },
502  { 0x0312, "WM_HOTKEY" },
503  { 0x0317, "WM_PRINT" },
504  { 0x0318, "WM_PRINTCLIENT" },
505  { 0x0319, "WM_APPCOMMAND" },
506  { 0x031A, "WM_THEMECHANGED" },
507  { 0x0358, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST" },
508  { 0x0359, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST + 1" },
509  { 0x035A, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST + 2" },
510  { 0x035B, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST + 3" },
511  { 0x035C, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST + 4" },
512  { 0x035D, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST + 5" },
513  { 0x035E, "WM_HANDHELDFIRST + 6" },
514  { 0x035F, "WM_HANDHELDLAST" },
515  { 0x0360, "WM_AFXFIRST" },
516  { 0x0361, "WM_AFXFIRST + 1" },
517  { 0x0362, "WM_AFXFIRST + 2" },
518  { 0x0363, "WM_AFXFIRST + 3" },
519  { 0x0364, "WM_AFXFIRST + 4" },
520  { 0x0365, "WM_AFXFIRST + 5" },
521  { 0x0366, "WM_AFXFIRST + 6" },
522  { 0x0367, "WM_AFXFIRST + 7" },
523  { 0x0368, "WM_AFXFIRST + 8" },
524  { 0x0369, "WM_AFXFIRST + 9" },
525  { 0x036A, "WM_AFXFIRST + 10" },
526  { 0x036B, "WM_AFXFIRST + 11" },
527  { 0x036C, "WM_AFXFIRST + 12" },
528  { 0x036D, "WM_AFXFIRST + 13" },
529  { 0x036E, "WM_AFXFIRST + 14" },
530  { 0x036F, "WM_AFXFIRST + 15" },
531  { 0x0370, "WM_AFXFIRST + 16" },
532  { 0x0371, "WM_AFXFIRST + 17" },
533  { 0x0372, "WM_AFXFIRST + 18" },
534  { 0x0373, "WM_AFXFIRST + 19" },
535  { 0x0374, "WM_AFXFIRST + 20" },
536  { 0x0375, "WM_AFXFIRST + 21" },
537  { 0x0376, "WM_AFXFIRST + 22" },
538  { 0x0377, "WM_AFXFIRST + 23" },
539  { 0x0378, "WM_AFXFIRST + 24" },
540  { 0x0379, "WM_AFXFIRST + 25" },
541  { 0x037A, "WM_AFXFIRST + 26" },
542  { 0x037B, "WM_AFXFIRST + 27" },
543  { 0x037C, "WM_AFXFIRST + 28" },
544  { 0x037D, "WM_AFXFIRST + 29" },
545  { 0x037E, "WM_AFXFIRST + 30" },
546  { 0x037F, "WM_AFXLAST" },
547  { 0x0380, "WM_PENWINFIRST" },
548  { 0x0381, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 1" },
549  { 0x0382, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 2" },
550  { 0x0383, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 3" },
551  { 0x0384, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 4" },
552  { 0x0385, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 5" },
553  { 0x0386, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 6" },
554  { 0x0387, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 7" },
555  { 0x0388, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 8" },
556  { 0x0389, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 9" },
557  { 0x038A, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 10" },
558  { 0x038B, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 11" },
559  { 0x038C, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 12" },
560  { 0x038D, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 13" },
561  { 0x038E, "WM_PENWINFIRST + 14" },
562  { 0x038F, "WM_PENWINLAST" },
563  { 0x0400, "WM_USER" },
564  { 0x8000, "WM_APP" },
565  { 0,0 }}; // End of known messages
567 // Looks up the WM_ message in the table above
findWMstr(uint msg)568 static const char* findWMstr(uint msg)
569 {
570     uint i = 0;
571     const char* result = 0;
572     // Known WM_'s
573     while (knownWM[i].str && (knownWM[i].WM != msg))
574         ++i;
575     result = knownWM[i].str;
576     return result;
577 };
579 // Convenience function for converting flags and values into readable strings
581 {
582     uint value;
583     const char* str;
584 };
FLAG_STRING(uint value=0,const char * c=0)586 FLAG_STRING_STRUCT FLAG_STRING(uint value = 0, const char *c = 0)
587 {
588     FLAG_STRING_STRUCT s = {value, c};
589     return s;
590 }
592 #define FLGSTR(x) FLAG_STRING(x, #x)
594 // Returns an ORed (" | ") together string for the flags active in the actual
595 // value. (...) must consist of FLAG_STRING, with a FLAG_STRING() as the last
596 // value in the list passed to the function
flagCheck(uint actual,...)597 QString flagCheck(uint actual, ...)
598 {
599     va_list ap;
600     va_start(ap, actual);
602     QString result;
603     int count = 0;
605     while((v=va_arg(ap,FLAG_STRING_STRUCT)).str) {
606         if ((actual & v.value) == v.value) {
607             if (count++)
608                 result += QLatin1String(" | ");
609             result += QString::fromLatin1(v.str);
610         }
611     }
612     va_end(ap);
613     return result;
614 };
616 // Returns the string representation of the value in 'actual'. (...) must
617 // consist of FLAG_STRING, with a FLAG_STRING() as the last value in the list
618 // passed to the function
valueCheck(uint actual,...)619 QString valueCheck(uint actual, ...)
620 {
621     va_list ap;
622     va_start(ap, actual);
624     QString result;
626     while((v=va_arg(ap,FLAG_STRING_STRUCT)).str && (actual != v.value))
627         ;
628     result = QString::fromLatin1(v.str);
630     va_end(ap);
631     return result;
632 };
634 #ifdef Q_CC_BOR
decodeMSG(const MSG & msg)636 QString decodeMSG(const MSG& msg)
637 {
638     return QString::fromLatin1("THis is not supported on Borland");
639 }
641 #else
643 // Returns a "human readable" string representation of the MSG and the
644 // information it points to
decodeMSG(const MSG & msg)645 QString decodeMSG(const MSG& msg)
646 {
647     const WPARAM wParam = msg.wParam;
648     const LPARAM lParam = msg.lParam;
649     QString wmmsg = QString::fromLatin1(findWMstr(msg.message));
650     // Unknown WM_, so use number
651     if (wmmsg.isEmpty())
652         wmmsg = QString::fromLatin1("WM_(%1)").arg(msg.message);
654     QString rawParameters;
655     rawParameters.sprintf("hwnd(0x%p) ", (void *)msg.hwnd);
657     // Custom WM_'s
658     if (msg.message > WM_APP)
659         wmmsg = QString::fromLatin1("WM_APP + %1").arg(msg.message - WM_APP);
660     else if (msg.message > WM_USER)
661         wmmsg = QString::fromLatin1("WM_USER + %1").arg(msg.message - WM_USER);
663     QString parameters;
664     switch (msg.message) {
665 #ifdef WM_ACTIVATE
666         case WM_ACTIVATE:
667             {
668                 QString activation = valueCheck(wParam,
669                                                 FLAG_STRING(WA_ACTIVE,      "Activate"),
670                                                 FLAG_STRING(WA_INACTIVE,    "Deactivate"),
671                                                 FLAG_STRING(WA_CLICKACTIVE, "Activate by mouseclick"),
672                                                 FLAG_STRING());
673                 parameters.sprintf("%s Hwnd (0x%p)", activation.toLatin1().data(), (void *)msg.hwnd);
674             }
675             break;
676 #endif
678         case WM_CAPTURECHANGED:
679             parameters.sprintf("Hwnd gaining capture (0x%p)", (void *)lParam);
680             break;
681 #endif
682 #ifdef WM_CREATE
683         case WM_CREATE:
684             {
685                 LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam;
686                 QString styles = flagCheck(lpcs->style,
687                                            FLGSTR(WS_BORDER),
688                                            FLGSTR(WS_CAPTION),
689                                            FLGSTR(WS_CHILD),
690                                            FLGSTR(WS_CLIPCHILDREN),
691                                            FLGSTR(WS_CLIPSIBLINGS),
692                                            FLGSTR(WS_DISABLED),
693                                            FLGSTR(WS_DLGFRAME),
694                                            FLGSTR(WS_GROUP),
695                                            FLGSTR(WS_HSCROLL),
696                                            FLGSTR(WS_OVERLAPPED),
698                                            FLGSTR(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW),
699 #endif
700 #ifdef WS_ICONIC
701                                            FLGSTR(WS_ICONIC),
702 #endif
703                                            FLGSTR(WS_MAXIMIZE),
704                                            FLGSTR(WS_MAXIMIZEBOX),
705                                            FLGSTR(WS_MINIMIZE),
706                                            FLGSTR(WS_MINIMIZEBOX),
707                                            FLGSTR(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW),
708                                            FLGSTR(WS_POPUP),
710                                            FLGSTR(WS_POPUPWINDOW),
711 #endif
712                                            FLGSTR(WS_SIZEBOX),
713                                            FLGSTR(WS_SYSMENU),
714                                            FLGSTR(WS_TABSTOP),
715                                            FLGSTR(WS_THICKFRAME),
716 #ifdef WS_TILED
717                                            FLGSTR(WS_TILED),
718 #endif
720                                            FLGSTR(WS_TILEDWINDOW),
721 #endif
722                                            FLGSTR(WS_VISIBLE),
723                                            FLGSTR(WS_VSCROLL),
724                                            FLAG_STRING());
726                 QString exStyles = flagCheck(lpcs->dwExStyle,
728                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES),
729 #endif
730 #ifdef WS_EX_APPWINDOW
731                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_APPWINDOW),
732 #endif
733                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE),
734                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME),
735 #ifdef WS_EX_LEFT
736                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_LEFT),
737 #endif
738                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR),
740                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_LTRREADING),
741 #endif
742 #ifdef WS_EX_MDICHILD
743                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_MDICHILD),
744 #endif
746                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE),
747 #endif
749                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_NOANIMATION),
750 #endif
751                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY),
752                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW),
754                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW),
755 #endif
756 #ifdef WS_EX_RIGHT
757                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_RIGHT),
758 #endif
760                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR),
761 #endif
763                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_RTLREADING),
764 #endif
765                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_STATICEDGE),
766                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW),
767                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_TOPMOST),
769                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_TRANSPARENT),
770 #endif
771                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE),
773                                            FLGSTR(WS_EX_CAPTIONOKBTN),
774 #endif
775                                            FLAG_STRING());
777                 QString className;
778                 if (lpcs->lpszClass != 0) {
779                     if (HIWORD(lpcs->lpszClass) == 0) // Atom
780                         className = QString::number(LOWORD(lpcs->lpszClass), 16);
781                     else                              // String
782                         className = QString((QChar*)lpcs->lpszClass,
783                                             (int)wcslen(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(lpcs->lpszClass)));
784                 }
786                 QString windowName;
787                 if (lpcs->lpszName != 0)
788                     windowName = QString((QChar*)lpcs->lpszName,
789                                          (int)wcslen(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(lpcs->lpszName)));
791                 parameters.sprintf("x,y(%4d,%4d) w,h(%4d,%4d) className(%s) windowName(%s) parent(0x%p) style(%s) exStyle(%s)",
792                                    lpcs->x, lpcs->y, lpcs->cx, lpcs->cy, className.toLatin1().data(),
793                                    windowName.toLatin1().data(), (void *)lpcs->hwndParent,
794                                    styles.toLatin1().data(), exStyles.toLatin1().data());
795             }
796             break;
797 #endif
798 #ifdef WM_DESTROY
799         case WM_DESTROY:
800             parameters.sprintf("Destroy hwnd (0x%p)", (void *)msg.hwnd);
801             break;
802 #endif
803 #ifdef WM_IME_NOTIFY
804         case WM_IME_NOTIFY:
805             {
806                 QString imnCommand = valueCheck(wParam,
807                                             FLGSTR(IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE),
808                                             FLGSTR(IMN_CLOSECANDIDATE),
809                                             FLGSTR(IMN_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW),
810                                             FLGSTR(IMN_GUIDELINE),
811                                             FLGSTR(IMN_OPENCANDIDATE),
812                                             FLGSTR(IMN_OPENSTATUSWINDOW),
813                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETCANDIDATEPOS),
814                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT),
815                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW),
816                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETCONVERSIONMODE),
817                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETOPENSTATUS),
818                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETSENTENCEMODE),
819                                             FLGSTR(IMN_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS),
820                                             FLAG_STRING());
821                 parameters.sprintf("Command(%s : 0x%p)", imnCommand.toLatin1().data(), (void *)lParam);
822             }
823             break;
824 #endif
826         case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT:
827             {
828                 bool fSet = (BOOL)wParam;
829                 DWORD fShow = (DWORD)lParam;
830                 QString showFlgs = flagCheck(fShow,
832                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUICOMPOSITIONWINDOW),
833 #endif
835                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUIGUIDWINDOW),
836 #endif
838                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUISOFTKBD),
839 #endif
840                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW),
841                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW << 1),
842                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW << 2),
843                                              FLGSTR(ISC_SHOWUICANDIDATEWINDOW << 3),
844                                              FLAG_STRING());
845                 parameters.sprintf("Input context(%s) Show flags(%s)", (fSet? "Active" : "Inactive"), showFlgs.toLatin1().data());
846             }
847             break;
848 #endif
849 #ifdef WM_KILLFOCUS
850         case WM_KILLFOCUS:
851             parameters.sprintf("Hwnd gaining keyboard focus (0x%p)", (void *)wParam);
852             break;
853 #endif
854 #ifdef WM_CHAR
855         case WM_CHAR:
856 #endif
857 #ifdef WM_IME_CHAR
858         case WM_IME_CHAR:
859 #endif
860 #ifdef WM_KEYDOWN
861         case WM_KEYDOWN:
862 #endif
863 #ifdef WM_KEYUP
864         case WM_KEYUP:
865             {
866                 int nVirtKey     = (int)wParam;
867                 long lKeyData    = (long)lParam;
868                 int repCount     = (lKeyData & 0xffff);        // Bit 0-15
869                 int scanCode     = (lKeyData & 0xf0000) >> 16; // Bit 16-23
870                 bool contextCode = (lKeyData && 0x20000000);   // Bit 29
871                 bool prevState   = (lKeyData && 0x40000000);   // Bit 30
872                 bool transState  = (lKeyData && 0x80000000);   // Bit 31
873                 parameters.sprintf("Virual-key(0x%x) Scancode(%d) Rep(%d) Contextcode(%d), Prev state(%d), Trans state(%d)",
874                                    nVirtKey, scanCode, repCount, contextCode, prevState, transState);
875             }
876             break;
877 #endif
879         case WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE:
880             parameters = QLatin1String("Keyboard layout changed");
881             break;
883 #ifdef WM_NCACTIVATE
884         case WM_NCACTIVATE:
885             {
886             parameters = (msg.wParam? QLatin1String("Active Titlebar") : QLatin1String("Inactive Titlebar"));
887             }
888             break;
889 #endif
891         case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE:
892             {
893                 QString mouseMsg = QString::fromLatin1(findWMstr(HIWORD(lParam)));
894                 parameters.sprintf("TLW(0x%p) HittestCode(0x%x) MouseMsg(%s)", (void *)wParam, LOWORD(lParam), mouseMsg.toLatin1().data());
895             }
896             break;
897 #endif
898 #ifdef WM_MOUSELEAVE
899         case WM_MOUSELEAVE:
900             break; // wParam & lParam not used
901 #endif
902 #ifdef WM_MOUSEHOVER
903         case WM_MOUSEHOVER:
904 #endif
905 #ifdef WM_MOUSEWHEEL
906         case WM_MOUSEWHEEL:
907 #endif
909         case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL:
910 #endif
912         case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK:
913 #endif
915         case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
916 #endif
917 #ifdef WM_LBUTTONUP
918         case WM_LBUTTONUP:
919 #endif
921         case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK:
922 #endif
924         case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
925 #endif
926 #ifdef WM_MBUTTONUP
927         case WM_MBUTTONUP:
928 #endif
930         case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK:
931 #endif
933         case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
934 #endif
935 #ifdef WM_RBUTTONUP
936         case WM_RBUTTONUP:
937 #endif
938 #ifdef WM_MOUSEMOVE
939         case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
940             {
941                 QString vrtKeys = flagCheck(wParam,
942                                             FLGSTR(MK_CONTROL),
943                                             FLGSTR(MK_LBUTTON),
944                                             FLGSTR(MK_MBUTTON),
945                                             FLGSTR(MK_RBUTTON),
946                                             FLGSTR(MK_SHIFT),
947 #ifdef MK_XBUTTON1
948                                             FLGSTR(MK_XBUTTON1),
949 #endif
950 #ifdef MK_XBUTTON2
951                                             FLGSTR(MK_XBUTTON2),
952 #endif
953                                             FLAG_STRING());
954                 parameters.sprintf("x,y(%4d,%4d) Virtual Keys(%s)", GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam), vrtKeys.toLatin1().data());
955             }
956             break;
957 #endif
958 #ifdef WM_MOVE
959         case WM_MOVE:
960             parameters.sprintf("x,y(%4d,%4d)", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
961             break;
962 #endif
963 #if defined(WM_PAINT) && defined(WM_ERASEBKGND)
964         case WM_ERASEBKGND:
965         case WM_PAINT:
966             parameters.sprintf("hdc(0x%p)", (void *)wParam);
967             break;
968 #endif
970         case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE:
971             break; // lParam & wParam are unused
972 #endif
973 #ifdef WM_SETCURSOR
974         case WM_SETCURSOR:
975             {
976                 QString mouseMsg = QString::fromLatin1(findWMstr(HIWORD(lParam)));
977                 parameters.sprintf("HitTestCode(0x%x) MouseMsg(%s)", LOWORD(lParam), mouseMsg.toLatin1().data());
978             }
979             break;
980 #endif
981 #ifdef WM_SETFOCUS
982         case WM_SETFOCUS:
983             parameters.sprintf("Lost Focus (0x%p)", (void *)wParam);
984             break;
985 #endif
986 #ifdef WM_SETTEXT
987         case WM_SETTEXT:
988             parameters.sprintf("Set Text (%s)", QString((QChar*)lParam, (int)wcslen(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(lParam))).toLatin1().data()); //Unicode string
989             break;
990 #endif
991 #ifdef WM_SIZE
992         case WM_SIZE:
993             {
994                 QString showMode = valueCheck(wParam,
995                                               FLGSTR(SIZE_MAXHIDE),
996                                               FLGSTR(SIZE_MAXIMIZED),
997                                               FLGSTR(SIZE_MAXSHOW),
998                                               FLGSTR(SIZE_MINIMIZED),
999                                               FLGSTR(SIZE_RESTORED),
1000                                               FLAG_STRING());
1002                 parameters.sprintf("w,h(%4d,%4d) showmode(%s)", LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), showMode.toLatin1().data());
1003             }
1004             break;
1005 #endif
1007         case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED:
1008             {
1009                 LPWINDOWPOS winPos = (LPWINDOWPOS)lParam;
1010                 if (!winPos)
1011                     break;
1012                 QString hwndAfter = valueCheck(quint64(winPos->hwndInsertAfter),
1013                                           FLAG_STRING((qptrdiff)HWND_BOTTOM,    "HWND_BOTTOM"),
1014                                           FLAG_STRING((qptrdiff)HWND_NOTOPMOST, "HWND_NOTOPMOST"),
1015                                           FLAG_STRING((qptrdiff)HWND_TOP,       "HWND_TOP"),
1016                                           FLAG_STRING((qptrdiff)HWND_TOPMOST,   "HWND_TOPMOST"),
1017                                           FLAG_STRING());
1018                 if (hwndAfter.isEmpty())
1019                     hwndAfter = QString::number((quintptr)winPos->hwndInsertAfter, 16);
1020                 QString flags = flagCheck(winPos->flags,
1021                                           FLGSTR(SWP_DRAWFRAME),
1022                                           FLGSTR(SWP_FRAMECHANGED),
1023                                           FLGSTR(SWP_HIDEWINDOW),
1024                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOACTIVATE),
1025 #ifdef SWP_NOCOPYBITS
1026                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOCOPYBITS),
1027 #endif
1028                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOMOVE),
1029                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOOWNERZORDER),
1030                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOREDRAW),
1031                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOREPOSITION),
1033                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOSENDCHANGING),
1034 #endif
1035                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOSIZE),
1036                                           FLGSTR(SWP_NOZORDER),
1037                                           FLGSTR(SWP_SHOWWINDOW),
1038                                           FLAG_STRING());
1039                 parameters.sprintf("x,y(%4d,%4d) w,h(%4d,%4d) flags(%s) hwndAfter(%s)", winPos->x, winPos->y, winPos->cx, winPos->cy, flags.toLatin1().data(), hwndAfter.toLatin1().data());
1040             }
1041             break;
1042 #endif
1043         default:
1044             parameters.sprintf("wParam(0x%p) lParam(0x%p)", (void *)wParam, (void *)lParam);
1045             break;
1046     }
1047     // Yes, we want to give the WM_ names 20 chars of space before showing the
1048     // decoded message, since some of the common messages are quite long, and
1049     // we don't want the decoded information to vary in output position
1050     QString message = QString::fromLatin1("%1: ").arg(wmmsg, 20);
1051     message += rawParameters;
1052     message += parameters;
1053     return message;
1054 }
1056 #endif
operator <<(QDebug dbg,const MSG & msg)1058 QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const MSG &msg)
1059 {
1060     dbg << decodeMSG(msg);
1061     return dbg.nospace();
1062 }
1063 #endif