1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns module of the Qt Toolkit.
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42 //
43 //  W A R N I N G
44 //  -------------
45 //
46 // This file is not part of the Qt API.  It exists purely as an
47 // implementation detail.  This header file may change from version to
48 // version without notice, or even be removed.
49 //
50 // We mean it.
52 #ifndef Patternist_XsdSchema_H
53 #define Patternist_XsdSchema_H
55 #include "qschematype_p.h"
56 #include "qxsdannotated_p.h"
57 #include "qxsdattribute_p.h"
58 #include "qxsdattributegroup_p.h"
59 #include "qxsdcomplextype_p.h"
60 #include "qxsdelement_p.h"
61 #include "qxsdidentityconstraint_p.h"
62 #include "qxsdmodelgroup_p.h"
63 #include "qxsdnotation_p.h"
64 #include "qxsdsimpletype_p.h"
66 #include <QtCore/QHash>
67 #include <QtCore/QReadWriteLock>
69 /**
70  * @defgroup Patternist_schema XML Schema Processing
71  */
77 namespace QPatternist
78 {
79     /**
80      * @short Represents a XSD schema object.
81      *
82      * The class provides access to all components of a parsed XSD.
83      *
84      * @note In the documentation of this class objects, which are direct
85      *       children of the <em>schema</em> object, are called top-level objects.
86      *
87      * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/Submission/2004/SUBM-xmlschema-api-20040309/xml-schema-api.html#Interface-XSModel">XML Schema API reference</a>
88      * @ingroup Patternist_schema
89      * @author Tobias Koenig <tobias.koenig@nokia.com>
90      */
91     class XsdSchema : public QSharedData, public XsdAnnotated
92     {
93         public:
94             typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<XsdSchema> Ptr;
95             typedef QList<XsdSchema::Ptr> List;
97             /**
98              * Creates a new schema object.
99              *
100              * @param namePool The namepool that should be used for names of
101              *                 all schema components.
102              */
103             XsdSchema(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool);
105             /**
106              * Destroys the schema object.
107              */
108             ~XsdSchema();
110             /**
111              * Returns the namepool that is used for names of
112              * all schema components.
113              */
114             NamePool::Ptr namePool() const;
116             /**
117              * Sets the @p targetNamespace of the schema.
118              */
119             void setTargetNamespace(const QString &targetNamespace);
121             /**
122              * Returns the target namespace of the schema.
123              */
124             QString targetNamespace() const;
126             /**
127              * Adds a new top-level @p element to the schema.
128              *
129              * @param element The new element.
130              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-element">Element Declaration</a>
131              */
132             void addElement(const XsdElement::Ptr &element);
134             /**
135              * Returns the top-level element of the schema with
136              * the given @p name or an empty pointer if none exist.
137              */
138             XsdElement::Ptr element(const QXmlName &name) const;
140             /**
141              * Returns the list of all top-level elements.
142              */
143             XsdElement::List elements() const;
145             /**
146              * Adds a new top-level @p attribute to the schema.
147              *
148              * @param attribute The new attribute.
149              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-attribute">Attribute Declaration</a>
150              */
151             void addAttribute(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute);
153             /**
154              * Returns the top-level attribute of the schema with
155              * the given @p name or an empty pointer if none exist.
156              */
157             XsdAttribute::Ptr attribute(const QXmlName &name) const;
159             /**
160              * Returns the list of all top-level attributes.
161              */
162             XsdAttribute::List attributes() const;
164             /**
165              * Adds a new top-level @p type to the schema.
166              * That can be a simple or a complex type.
167              *
168              * @param type The new type.
169              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-datatype">Simple Type Declaration</a>
170              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-type">Complex Type Declaration</a>
171              */
172             void addType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type);
174             /**
175              * Returns the top-level type of the schema with
176              * the given @p name or an empty pointer if none exist.
177              */
178             SchemaType::Ptr type(const QXmlName &name) const;
180             /**
181              * Returns the list of all top-level types.
182              */
183             SchemaType::List types() const;
185             /**
186              * Returns the list of all top-level simple types.
187              */
188             XsdSimpleType::List simpleTypes() const;
190             /**
191              * Returns the list of all top-level complex types.
192              */
193             XsdComplexType::List complexTypes() const;
195             /**
196              * Adds an anonymous @p type to the schema.
197              * Anonymous types have no name and are declared
198              * locally inside an element object.
199              *
200              * @param type The new anonymous type.
201              */
202             void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type);
204             /**
205              * Returns the list of all anonymous types.
206              */
207             SchemaType::List anonymousTypes() const;
209             /**
210              * Adds a new top-level attribute @p group to the schema.
211              *
212              * @param group The new attribute group.
213              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-attributeGroup">Attribute Group Declaration</a>
214              */
215             void addAttributeGroup(const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &group);
217             /**
218              * Returns the top-level attribute group of the schema with
219              * the given @p name or an empty pointer if none exist.
220              */
221             XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr attributeGroup(const QXmlName name) const;
223             /**
224              * Returns the list of all top-level attribute groups.
225              */
226             XsdAttributeGroup::List attributeGroups() const;
228             /**
229              * Adds a new top-level element @p group to the schema.
230              *
231              * @param group The new element group.
232              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-namedModelGroup">Element Group Declaration</a>
233              */
234             void addElementGroup(const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group);
236             /**
237              * Returns the top-level element group of the schema with
238              * the given @p name or an empty pointer if none exist.
239              */
240             XsdModelGroup::Ptr elementGroup(const QXmlName &name) const;
242             /**
243              * Returns the list of all top-level element groups.
244              */
245             XsdModelGroup::List elementGroups() const;
247             /**
248              * Adds a new top-level @p notation to the schema.
249              *
250              * @param notation The new notation.
251              * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#declare-notation">Notation Declaration</a>
252              */
253             void addNotation(const XsdNotation::Ptr &notation);
255             /**
256              * Returns the top-level notation of the schema with
257              * the given @p name or an empty pointer if none exist.
258              */
259             XsdNotation::Ptr notation(const QXmlName &name) const;
261             /**
262              * Returns the list of all top-level notations.
263              */
264             XsdNotation::List notations() const;
266             /**
267              * Adds a new identity @p constraint to the schema.
268              */
269             void addIdentityConstraint(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint);
271             /**
272              * Returns the identity constraint with the given @p name
273              * or an empty pointer if none exist.
274              */
275             XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr identityConstraint(const QXmlName &name) const;
277             /**
278              * Returns the list of all identity constraints in this schema.
279              */
280             XsdIdentityConstraint::List identityConstraints() const;
282         private:
283             NamePool::Ptr                               m_namePool;
284             QString                                     m_targetNamespace;
285             QHash<QXmlName, XsdElement::Ptr>            m_elements;
286             QHash<QXmlName, XsdAttribute::Ptr>          m_attributes;
287             QHash<QXmlName, SchemaType::Ptr>            m_types;
288             QHash<QXmlName, SchemaType::Ptr>            m_anonymousTypes;
289             QHash<QXmlName, XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr>     m_attributeGroups;
290             QHash<QXmlName, XsdModelGroup::Ptr>         m_elementGroups;
291             QHash<QXmlName, XsdNotation::Ptr>           m_notations;
292             QHash<QXmlName, XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr> m_identityConstraints;
293             mutable QReadWriteLock                      m_lock;
294     };
295 }
301 #endif