1package kivik
3const (
4	// KivikVersion is the version of the Kivik library.
5	KivikVersion = "1.0.0-beta"
6	// KivikVendor is the vendor string reported by this library.
7	KivikVendor = "Kivik"
10// SessionCookieName is the name of the CouchDB session cookie.
11const SessionCookieName = "AuthSession"
13// UserPrefix is the mandatory CouchDB user prefix.
14// See http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/intro/security.html#org-couchdb-user
15const UserPrefix = "org.couchdb.user:"
17// EndKeySuffix is a high Unicode character (0xfff0) useful for appending to an
18// endkey argument, when doing a ranged search, as described here:
19// http://couchdb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ddocs/views/collation.html#string-ranges
21// Example, to return all results with keys beginning with "foo":
23//    rows, err := db.Query(context.TODO(), "ddoc", "view", map[string]interface{}{
24//        "startkey": "foo",
25//        "endkey":   "foo" + kivik.EndKeySuffix,
26//    })
27const EndKeySuffix = string(0xfff0)
29// HTTP methods supported by CouchDB. This is almost an exact copy of the
30// methods in the standard http package, with the addition of MethodCopy, and
31// a few methods left out which are not used by CouchDB.
32const (
33	MethodGet    = "GET"
34	MethodHead   = "HEAD"
35	MethodPost   = "POST"
36	MethodPut    = "PUT"
37	MethodDelete = "DELETE"
38	MethodCopy   = "COPY"
41// HTTP response codes permitted by the CouchDB API.
42// See http://docs.couchdb.org/en/1.6.1/api/basics.html#http-status-codes
43const (
44	StatusOK                           = 200
45	StatusCreated                      = 201
46	StatusAccepted                     = 202
47	StatusFound                        = 302
48	StatusNotModified                  = 304
49	StatusBadRequest                   = 400
50	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401
51	StatusForbidden                    = 403
52	StatusNotFound                     = 404
53	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405
54	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408
55	StatusConflict                     = 409
56	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412
57	StatusStatusRequestEntityTooLarge  = 413
58	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415
59	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416
60	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417
61	StatusInternalServerError          = 500
63	// StatusNotImplemented is not returned by CouchDB proper. It is used by
64	// Kivik for optional features which are not implemented by some drivers.
65	StatusNotImplemented = 501
67	// Error status over 600 are obviously not proper HTTP errors at all. They
68	// are used for kivik-generated errors of various types.
70	// StatusUnknownError is used for unclassified errors generated by Kivik,
71	// generally caused by a programming error.
72	StatusUnknownError = 600
74	// StatusNetworkError represents an error that occurred outside of the HTTP
75	// transport, such as a problem contacting the remote server.  This code is
76	// used to distinguish from actual HTTP-layer errors.
77	StatusNetworkError = 601
79	// StatusBadResponse indicates that the server responded with unrecognized
80	// data.
81	StatusBadResponse = 602
83	// StatusIteratorUnusable indicates an improper use of an iterator, such as
84	// calling an iterator prematurely, or after it was closed.
85	StatusIteratorUnusable = 603