1// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
3// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.
5package elastic
7import (
8	"context"
9	"testing"
12func TestIndicesExistsTypeBuildURL(t *testing.T) {
13	client := setupTestClientAndCreateIndex(t)
15	tests := []struct {
16		Indices               []string
17		Types                 []string
18		Expected              string
19		ExpectValidateFailure bool
20	}{
21		{
22			[]string{},
23			[]string{},
24			"",
25			true,
26		},
27		{
28			[]string{"index1"},
29			[]string{},
30			"",
31			true,
32		},
33		{
34			[]string{},
35			[]string{"type1"},
36			"",
37			true,
38		},
39		{
40			[]string{"index1"},
41			[]string{"type1"},
42			"/index1/_mapping/type1",
43			false,
44		},
45		{
46			[]string{"index1", "index2"},
47			[]string{"type1"},
48			"/index1%2Cindex2/_mapping/type1",
49			false,
50		},
51		{
52			[]string{"index1", "index2"},
53			[]string{"type1", "type2"},
54			"/index1%2Cindex2/_mapping/type1%2Ctype2",
55			false,
56		},
57	}
59	for i, test := range tests {
60		err := client.TypeExists().Index(test.Indices...).Type(test.Types...).Validate()
61		if err == nil && test.ExpectValidateFailure {
62			t.Errorf("#%d: expected validate to fail", i+1)
63			continue
64		}
65		if err != nil && !test.ExpectValidateFailure {
66			t.Errorf("#%d: expected validate to succeed", i+1)
67			continue
68		}
69		if !test.ExpectValidateFailure {
70			path, _, err := client.TypeExists().Index(test.Indices...).Type(test.Types...).buildURL()
71			if err != nil {
72				t.Fatalf("#%d: %v", i+1, err)
73			}
74			if path != test.Expected {
75				t.Errorf("#%d: expected %q; got: %q", i+1, test.Expected, path)
76			}
77		}
78	}
81func TestIndicesExistsType(t *testing.T) {
82	client := setupTestClient(t)
84	// Create index with tweet type
85	createIndex, err := client.CreateIndex(testIndexName).Body(testMapping).Do(context.TODO())
86	if err != nil {
87		t.Fatal(err)
88	}
89	if createIndex == nil {
90		t.Errorf("expected result to be != nil; got: %v", createIndex)
91	}
92	if !createIndex.Acknowledged {
93		t.Errorf("expected CreateIndexResult.Acknowledged %v; got %v", true, createIndex.Acknowledged)
94	}
96	// Check if type exists
97	exists, err := client.TypeExists().Index(testIndexName).Type("tweet").Do(context.TODO())
98	if err != nil {
99		t.Fatal(err)
100	}
101	if !exists {
102		t.Fatalf("type %s should exist in index %s, but doesn't\n", "tweet", testIndexName)
103	}
105	// Delete index
106	deleteIndex, err := client.DeleteIndex(testIndexName).Do(context.TODO())
107	if err != nil {
108		t.Fatal(err)
109	}
110	if !deleteIndex.Acknowledged {
111		t.Errorf("expected DeleteIndexResult.Acknowledged %v; got %v", true, deleteIndex.Acknowledged)
112	}
114	// Check if type exists
115	exists, err = client.TypeExists().Index(testIndexName).Type("tweet").Do(context.TODO())
116	if err != nil {
117		t.Fatal(err)
118	}
119	if exists {
120		t.Fatalf("type %s should not exist in index %s, but it does\n", "tweet", testIndexName)
121	}
124func TestIndicesExistsTypeValidate(t *testing.T) {
125	client := setupTestClient(t)
127	// No index name -> fail with error
128	res, err := NewIndicesExistsTypeService(client).Do(context.TODO())
129	if err == nil {
130		t.Fatalf("expected IndicesExistsType to fail without index name")
131	}
132	if res != false {
133		t.Fatalf("expected result to be false; got: %v", res)
134	}