1<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
2  <Product Id='*' UpgradeCode='89316d6e-b68c-11e3-8d9b-001d099e0a33'
3   Name='@PRODUCT_NAME@' Version='@PROD_WIX_VERSION@'
4   Manufacturer='Oracle' Language='1033'>
6    <!-- Store files as a compressed 'cabinet' embedded in the .MSI file. -->
7    <!-- Let WiX generate guid for us. -->
8    <Package Id='*'
9     Keywords="Embedded Database Datastore"
10     Description='@PRODUCT_NAME@'
11     Comments='includes sources and binaries' InstallerVersion='300'
12     Compressed='yes' Platform="@WIN_BUILD@"
13     Languages="1033" SummaryCodepage="1252" />
14    <!-- The upgrade id should be the same to the UpgradeCode of the previous version you want upgrade -->
15    <Upgrade Id='2ef4dbf0-b1a7-11e2-af6c-001e4f951af2'>
16    <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes"
17			Minimum="@PROD_WIX_VERSION@"
18			Property="NEWERFOUND"
19			IncludeMinimum="no"
20			Language='1033'/>
21    <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="no"
22			Minimum="@PROD_WIX_VERSION_MIN@"
23			Maximum="@PROD_WIX_VERSION@"
24			Property="UPGRADEDFOUND"
25			IncludeMinimum="yes"
26			IncludeMaximum="no"
27			Language='1033'/>
28   </Upgrade>
30    <Media Id='1' Cabinet='dbcore.cab' EmbedCab='yes' />
31    <Property Id="ApplicationUsers"><![CDATA[AnyUser]]></Property>
32    <Property Id="LicenseType"><![CDATA[Open]]></Property>
34    <!-- The ARP* properties affect the Add/Remove Programs dialog -->
35    <Property Id="ARPURLINFOABOUT"><![CDATA[http://www.oracle.com]]></Property>
36    <Property Id="ARPCONTACT"><![CDATA[berkeleydb-info_us@oracle.com]]></Property>
37    <Property Id="ARPNOMODIFY"><![CDATA[1]]></Property>
38    <Property Id="ARPNOREPAIR"><![CDATA[1]]></Property>
39    <Property Id="INSTALLLEVEL"><![CDATA[200]]></Property>
41    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
42      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="." />
43      <Directory Id="FavoritesFolder" Name="." />
44      <Directory Id="@PROGRAM_FILES_FOLDER@" Name=".">
45        <Directory Id="OracleFolder" Name="Oracle">
46          <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR"
47                   Name="@PRODUCT_NAME@">
48            <Directory Id="INSTALLUTIL" Name="installutil">
49            </Directory>
50	  </Directory> <!-- installdir -->
51        </Directory> <!-- folder -->
52      </Directory> <!-- ProgramFilesFolder -->
53      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name=".">
54        <Directory Id="BerkeleyDbMenu"
55         Name="@PRODUCT_NAME@" />
56      </Directory>
57    </Directory>
58    <!-- template for location of Visual Studio Merge Modules.  This
59     is in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\....  See
60     the FindMergeModules function in s_winmsi.fcn for how this is
61     found.
62     NOTE: this results in warnings in "light.exe" that are documented
63     in the WiX manual and can be safely ignored.  Errors cannot be
64     ignored.
65    -->
66    <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
67      <Merge Id="VCRedist" SourceFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge Modules\@MERGE_MODULES_LOCATION@" DiskId="1" Language="0"/>
68    </DirectoryRef>
69    <!-- Features:
70	o required stuff
71	o doc
72	o runtime (includes C++)
73	o java runtime
74	o BDB SQL runtime
75	o STL runtime
76	o C# runtime
77	o C/C++ devo
78	o examples
79    -->
80    <Feature Id="Complete" Title="@PRODUCT_NAME@" Description="Complete installation"
81	      Display="expand" Level="1" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
83    <Feature Id="AlwaysInstall" Title="Always Install"
84	 Description="@PRODUCT_NAME@" Display="hidden" Level="1"
85	 AllowAdvertise="no"
86	 Absent="disallow" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
87	      <ComponentGroupRef Id="db_required"/>
88    </Feature>
89    <Feature Id="CoreRuntime" Title="Core Runtime" Description="Release build of C and C++ runtime libraries and utilities." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
90	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_runtime" Primary="yes"/>
91	<MergeRef Id="VCRedist"/>
92    </Feature>
93    <Feature Id="CoreDevo" Title="C Development files" Description="C header and library files required for development of C applications.  This option includes the Core Runtime." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
94	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_devo" Primary="yes"/>
95	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_runtime"/>
96    </Feature>
97    <Feature Id="Documentation" Title="Documentation" Description="@PRODUCT_NAME@ Documentation." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
98	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_doc"/>
99	<ComponentRef Id="ondisk_doc"/>
100    </Feature>
101    <Feature Id="JavaRuntime" Title="Java runtime and development files" Description="Java .jar files required for development and running of Java applications.  This option includes the Core Runtime." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
102	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_java"/>
103	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_runtime"/>
104    </Feature>
105    <Feature Id="STLRuntime" Title="STL runtime and development files" Description="STL libraries and header files required for development and running of applications using BDB's C++ Standard Template Library (STL) interface.  This option includes the Core Runtime." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
106	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_cxx"/>
107	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_runtime"/>
108    </Feature>
109    <Feature Id="CSharpRuntime" Title="C# runtime and development files" Description="C# libraries required for development and running of applications using BDB's C# interface.  This option includes the Core Runtime." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
110	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_csharp"/>
111	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_runtime"/>
112    </Feature>
113    <Feature Id="Examples" Title="Examples (all languages)" Description="@PRODUCT_NAME@ examples for all language interfaces." AllowAdvertise="no" Display="expand" Level="1" InstallDefault="source" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR">
114	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_examples"/>
115	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_devo"/>
116	<ComponentGroupRef Id="group_runtime"/>
117    </Feature>
118    </Feature> <!-- end of all Features -->
120    <!-- UI: reference the Wix library -->
121    <!-- WixUI_FeatureTree is a canned UI that goes directly to
122         a custom install without "typical" and "full" options -->
123    <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" />
124    <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
125    <!-- Use our own End User License Agreement (EULA) -->
126    <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf"/>
128    <CustomAction Id='PreventDowngrade' Error='A later version of @PRODUCT_NAME@ is already installed. If you want to downgrade, you need to uninstall it first.' />
130    <InstallExecuteSequence>
131      <Custom Action='PreventDowngrade' After='FindRelatedProducts'>NEWERFOUND</Custom>
132      <RemoveExistingProducts After='InstallInitialize' />
133    </InstallExecuteSequence>
135    <InstallUISequence>
136      <Custom Action='PreventDowngrade' After='FindRelatedProducts'>NEWERFOUND</Custom>
137    </InstallUISequence>
138  </Product>