1 #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * See the file LICENSE for license information.
6  *
7  * apitimes.d - Summarize time spent in DB API functions
8  *
9  * This script graphs the time spent in the main API calls, grouped by thread.
10  *
11  * The optional integer maxcount parameter directs the script to exit after
12  * that many functions have been accumulated.
13  *
14  * usage: apitimes.d { -p <pid> | -c "<program> [<args]" } [maxcount]
15  */
16 #pragma D option quiet
17 #pragma D option defaultargs
19 self unsigned long long start;
21 dtrace:::BEGIN
22 {
23 	maxcount = $1 > 0 ? $1 : -1;
24 	functioncount = 0;
25 	printf("DB API times of process %d grouped by function; ", $target);
26 	printf("interrupt to display summary\n");
27 }
29 pid$target::db*_create:entry,
30 pid$target::__*_pp:entry
31 {
32 	self->start = timestamp;
33 }
35 pid$target::db*_create:return,
36 pid$target::__*_pp:return
37 /self->start != 0/
38 {
39 	@calltimes[tid, probefunc] = quantize(timestamp - self->start);
40 	self->start = 0;
41 	functioncount++;
42 }
44 pid$target::db*_create:return,
45 pid$target::__*_pp:return
46 /functioncount == maxcount/
47 {
48 	exit(0);
49 }
51 dtrace:::END
52 {
53 	printf("\n");
54 	printa("Times that thread %x spent in %s in nanoseconds %@a", @calltimes);
55 }