2Aggregation methods for space time raster datasets
6.. code-block:: python
8    import grass.temporal as tgis
10    tgis.aggregate_raster_maps(dataset, mapset, inputs, base, start, end, count, method, register_null, dbif)
12(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
13This program is free software under the GNU General Public
14License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
15for details.
17:author: Soeren Gebbert
20import grass.script as gscript
21from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError
22from .space_time_datasets import RasterDataset
23from .datetime_math import create_suffix_from_datetime
24from .datetime_math import create_time_suffix
25from .datetime_math import create_numeric_suffix
26from .core import get_current_mapset, get_tgis_message_interface, init_dbif
27from .spatio_temporal_relationships import SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder, \
28    create_temporal_relation_sql_where_statement
32def collect_map_names(sp, dbif, start, end, sampling):
33    """Gather all maps from dataset using a specific sample method
35       :param sp: The space time raster dataset to select aps from
36       :param dbif: The temporal database interface to use
37       :param start: The start time of the sample interval, may be relative or
38              absolute
39       :param end: The end time of the sample interval, may be relative or
40              absolute
41       :param sampling: The sampling methods to use
42    """
44    use_start = False
45    use_during = False
46    use_overlap = False
47    use_contain = False
48    use_equal = False
49    use_follows = False
50    use_precedes = False
52    # Initialize the methods
53    if sampling:
54        for name in sampling.split(","):
55            if name == "start":
56                use_start = True
57            if name == "during":
58                use_during = True
59            if name == "overlap":
60                use_overlap = True
61            if name == "contain":
62                use_contain = True
63            if name == "equal":
64                use_equal = True
65            if name == "follows":
66                use_follows = True
67            if name == "precedes":
68                use_precedes = True
70    else:
71        use_start = True
73    if sp.get_map_time() != "interval":
74        use_start = True
75        use_during = False
76        use_overlap = False
77        use_contain = False
78        use_equal = False
79        use_follows = False
80        use_precedes = False
82    where = create_temporal_relation_sql_where_statement(start, end,
83                                                         use_start,
84                                                         use_during,
85                                                         use_overlap,
86                                                         use_contain,
87                                                         use_equal,
88                                                         use_follows,
89                                                         use_precedes)
91    rows = sp.get_registered_maps("id", where, "start_time", dbif)
93    if not rows:
94        return None
96    names = []
97    for row in rows:
98        names.append(row["id"])
100    return names
105def aggregate_raster_maps(inputs, base, start, end, count, method,
106                          register_null, dbif,  offset=0):
107    """Aggregate a list of raster input maps with r.series
109       :param inputs: The names of the raster maps to be aggregated
110       :param base: The basename of the new created raster maps
111       :param start: The start time of the sample interval, may be relative or
112                    absolute
113       :param end: The end time of the sample interval, may be relative or
114                  absolute
115       :param count: The number to be attached to the basename of the new
116                    created raster map
117       :param method: The aggreation method to be used by r.series
118       :param register_null: If true null maps will be registered in the space
119                            time raster dataset, if false not
120       :param dbif: The temporal database interface to use
121       :param offset: Offset to be added to the map counter to create the map ids
122    """
124    msgr = get_tgis_message_interface()
126    msgr.verbose(_("Aggregating %s raster maps") % (len(inputs)))
127    output = "%s_%i" % (base, int(offset) + count)
129    mapset = get_current_mapset()
130    map_id = output + "@" + mapset
131    new_map = RasterDataset(map_id)
133    # Check if new map is in the temporal database
134    if new_map.is_in_db(dbif):
135        if gscript.overwrite() is True:
136            # Remove the existing temporal database entry
137            new_map.delete(dbif)
138            new_map = RasterDataset(map_id)
139        else:
140            msgr.error(_("Raster map <%(name)s> is already in temporal "
141                         "database, use overwrite flag to overwrite" %
142                       ({"name": new_map.get_name()})))
143            return
145    msgr.verbose(_("Computing aggregation of maps between %(st)s - %(end)s" % {
146                   'st': str(start), 'end': str(end)}))
148    # Create the r.series input file
149    filename = gscript.tempfile(True)
150    file = open(filename, 'w')
152    for name in inputs:
153        string = "%s\n" % (name)
154        file.write(string)
156    file.close()
157    # Run r.series
158    try:
159        if len(inputs) > 1000:
160            gscript.run_command("r.series", flags="z", file=filename,
161                                output=output, overwrite=gscript.overwrite(),
162                                method=method)
163        else:
164            gscript.run_command("r.series", file=filename,
165                                output=output, overwrite=gscript.overwrite(),
166                                method=method)
168    except CalledModuleError:
169        dbif.close()
170        msgr.fatal(_("Error occurred in r.series computation"))
172    # Read the raster map data
173    new_map.load()
175    # In case of a null map continue, do not register null maps
176    if new_map.metadata.get_min() is None and \
177       new_map.metadata.get_max() is None:
178        if not register_null:
179            gscript.run_command("g.remove", flags='f', type='raster',
180                                name=output)
181            return None
183    return new_map
188def aggregate_by_topology(granularity_list, granularity, map_list, topo_list,
189                          basename, time_suffix, offset=0, method="average",
190                          nprocs=1, spatial=None, dbif=None, overwrite=False,
191                          file_limit=1000):
192    """Aggregate a list of raster input maps with r.series
194       :param granularity_list: A list of AbstractMapDataset objects.
195                                The temporal extents of the objects are used
196                                to build the spatio-temporal topology with the
197                                map list objects
198       :param granularity: The granularity of the granularity list
199       :param map_list: A list of RasterDataset objects that contain the raster
200                        maps that should be aggregated
201       :param topo_list: A list of strings of topological relations that are
202                         used to select the raster maps for aggregation
203       :param basename: The basename of the new generated raster maps
204       :param time_suffix: Use the granularity truncated start time of the
205                           actual granule to create the suffix for the basename
206       :param offset: Use a numerical offset for suffix generation
207                      (overwritten by time_suffix)
208       :param method: The aggregation method of r.series (average,min,max, ...)
209       :param nprocs: The number of processes used for parallel computation
210       :param spatial: This indicates if the spatial topology is created as
211                       well: spatial can be None (no spatial topology), "2D"
212                       using west, east, south, north or "3D" using west,
213                       east, south, north, bottom, top
214       :param dbif: The database interface to be used
215       :param overwrite: Overwrite existing raster maps
216       :param file_limit: The maximum number of raster map layers that
217                          should be opened at once by r.series
218       :return: A list of RasterDataset objects that contain the new map names
219                and the temporal extent for map registration
220    """
221    import grass.pygrass.modules as pymod
222    import copy
224    msgr = get_tgis_message_interface()
226    dbif, connected = init_dbif(dbif)
228    topo_builder = SpatioTemporalTopologyBuilder()
229    topo_builder.build(mapsA=granularity_list, mapsB=map_list, spatial=spatial)
231    # The module queue for parallel execution
232    process_queue = pymod.ParallelModuleQueue(int(nprocs))
234    # Dummy process object that will be deep copied
235    # and be put into the process queue
236    r_series = pymod.Module("r.series", output="spam", method=[method],
237                            overwrite=overwrite, quiet=True, run_=False,
238                            finish_=False)
239    g_copy = pymod.Module("g.copy", raster=['spam', 'spamspam'],
240                          quiet=True, run_=False, finish_=False)
241    output_list = []
242    count = 0
244    for granule in granularity_list:
245        msgr.percent(count, len(granularity_list), 1)
246        count += 1
248        aggregation_list = []
250        if "equal" in topo_list and granule.equal:
251            for map_layer in granule.equal:
252                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
253        if "contains" in topo_list and granule.contains:
254            for map_layer in granule.contains:
255                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
256        if "during" in topo_list and granule.during:
257            for map_layer in granule.during:
258                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
259        if "starts" in topo_list and granule.starts:
260            for map_layer in granule.starts:
261                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
262        if "started" in topo_list and granule.started:
263            for map_layer in granule.started:
264                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
265        if "finishes" in topo_list and granule.finishes:
266            for map_layer in granule.finishes:
267                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
268        if "finished" in topo_list and granule.finished:
269            for map_layer in granule.finished:
270                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
271        if "overlaps" in topo_list and granule.overlaps:
272            for map_layer in granule.overlaps:
273                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
274        if "overlapped" in topo_list and granule.overlapped:
275            for map_layer in granule.overlapped:
276                aggregation_list.append(map_layer.get_name())
278        if aggregation_list:
279            msgr.verbose(_("Aggregating %(len)i raster maps from %(start)s to"
280                           " %(end)s")  %({"len": len(aggregation_list),
281                           "start": str(granule.temporal_extent.get_start_time()),
282                           "end": str(granule.temporal_extent.get_end_time())}))
284            if granule.is_time_absolute() is True and time_suffix == 'gran':
285                suffix = create_suffix_from_datetime(granule.temporal_extent.get_start_time(),
286                                                     granularity)
287                output_name = "{ba}_{su}".format(ba=basename, su=suffix)
288            elif granule.is_time_absolute() is True and time_suffix == 'time':
289                suffix = create_time_suffix(granule)
290                output_name = "{ba}_{su}".format(ba=basename, su=suffix)
291            else:
292                output_name = create_numeric_suffix(basename, count + int(offset),
293                                                    time_suffix)
295            map_layer = RasterDataset("%s@%s" % (output_name,
296                                                 get_current_mapset()))
297            map_layer.set_temporal_extent(granule.get_temporal_extent())
299            if map_layer.map_exists() is True and overwrite is False:
300                msgr.fatal(_("Unable to perform aggregation. Output raster "
301                             "map <%(name)s> exists and overwrite flag was "
302                             "not set" % ({"name": output_name})))
304            output_list.append(map_layer)
306            if len(aggregation_list) > 1:
307                # Create the r.series input file
308                filename = gscript.tempfile(True)
309                file = open(filename, 'w')
310                for name in aggregation_list:
311                    string = "%s\n" % (name)
312                    file.write(string)
313                file.close()
315                mod = copy.deepcopy(r_series)
316                mod(file=filename, output=output_name)
317                if len(aggregation_list) > int(file_limit):
318                    msgr.warning(_("The limit of open files (%i) was "\
319                                   "reached (%i). The module r.series will "\
320                                   "be run with flag z, to avoid open "\
321                                   "files limit exceeding."%(int(file_limit),
322                                                             len(aggregation_list))))
323                    mod(flags="z")
324                process_queue.put(mod)
325            else:
326                mod = copy.deepcopy(g_copy)
327                mod(raster=[aggregation_list[0],  output_name])
328                process_queue.put(mod)
330    process_queue.wait()
332    if connected:
333        dbif.close()
335    msgr.percent(1, 1, 1)
337    return output_list