2Functions to register map layer in space time datasets and the temporal database
6.. code-block:: python
8    import grass.temporal as tgis
10    tgis.register_maps_in_space_time_dataset(type, name, maps)
12(C) 2012-2013 by the GRASS Development Team
13This program is free software under the GNU General Public
14License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS
15for details.
17:authors: Soeren Gebbert
19from datetime import datetime
20import grass.script as gscript
21from .core import get_tgis_message_interface, init_dbif, get_current_mapset
22from .open_stds import open_old_stds
23from .abstract_map_dataset import AbstractMapDataset
24from .factory import dataset_factory
25from .datetime_math import check_datetime_string, increment_datetime_by_string, string_to_datetime
30def register_maps_in_space_time_dataset(
31    type, name, maps=None, file=None, start=None,
32    end=None, unit=None, increment=None, dbif=None,
33    interval=False, fs="|", update_cmd_list=True):
34    """Use this method to register maps in space time datasets.
36       Additionally a start time string and an increment string can be
37       specified to assign a time interval automatically to the maps.
39       It takes care of the correct update of the space time datasets from all
40       registered maps.
42       :param type: The type of the maps raster, raster_3d or vector
43       :param name: The name of the space time dataset. Maps will be
44                    registered in the temporal database if the name was set
45                    to None
46       :param maps: A comma separated list of map names
47       :param file: Input file, one map per line map with start and optional
48                   end time
49       :param start: The start date and time of the first map
50                    (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd",
51                    format relative is integer 5)
52       :param end: The end date and time of the first map
53                  (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd",
54                  format relative is integer 5)
55       :param unit: The unit of the relative time: years, months, days,
56                   hours, minutes, seconds
57       :param increment: Time increment between maps for time stamp creation
58                        (format absolute: NNN seconds, minutes, hours, days,
59                        weeks, months, years; format relative: 1.0)
60       :param dbif: The database interface to be used
61       :param interval: If True, time intervals are created in case the start
62                       time and an increment is provided
63       :param fs: Field separator used in input file
64       :param update_cmd_list: If is True, the command that was invoking this
65                               process will be written to the process history
66    """
67    start_time_in_file = False
68    end_time_in_file = False
69    msgr = get_tgis_message_interface()
71    # Make sure the arguments are of type string
72    if start != "" and start is not None:
73        start = str(start)
74    if end != "" and end is not None:
75        end = str(end)
76    if increment != "" and increment is not None:
77        increment = str(increment)
79    if maps and file:
80        msgr.fatal(_("%s= and %s= are mutually exclusive") % ("maps", "file"))
82    if end and increment:
83        msgr.fatal(_("%s= and %s= are mutually exclusive") % ("end",
84                                                              "increment"))
86    if end and interval:
87        msgr.fatal(_("%s= and the %s flag are mutually exclusive") % ("end",
88                                                                      "interval"))
90    if increment and not start:
91        msgr.fatal(_("The increment option requires the start option"))
93    if interval and not start:
94        msgr.fatal(_("The interval flag requires the start option"))
96    if end and not start:
97        msgr.fatal(_("Please specify %s= and %s=") % ("start_time",
98                                                      "end_time"))
100    if not maps and not file:
101        msgr.fatal(_("Please specify %s= or %s=") % ("maps", "file"))
102    # We may need the mapset
103    mapset = get_current_mapset()
104    dbif, connected = init_dbif(None)
106    # The name of the space time dataset is optional
107    if name:
108        sp = open_old_stds(name, type, dbif)
110        if sp.is_time_relative() and (start or end) and not unit:
111            dbif.close()
112            msgr.fatal(_("Space time %(sp)s dataset <%(name)s> with relative"
113                         " time found, but no relative unit set for %(sp)s "
114                         "maps") % {'name': name,
115                       'sp': sp.get_new_map_instance(None).get_type()})
117    maplist = []
119    # Map names as comma separated string
120    if maps:
121        if maps.find(",") < 0:
122            maplist = [maps, ]
123        else:
124            maplist = maps.split(",")
126        # Build the map list again with the ids
127        for count in range(len(maplist)):
128            row = {}
129            mapid = AbstractMapDataset.build_id(maplist[count], mapset, None)
131            row["id"] = mapid
132            maplist[count] = row
134    # Read the map list from file
135    if file:
136        fd = open(file, "r")
138        line = True
139        while True:
140            line = fd.readline().strip()
141            if not line:
142                break
144            line_list = line.split(fs)
146            # Detect start and end time
147            if len(line_list) == 2:
148                start_time_in_file = True
149                end_time_in_file = False
150            elif len(line_list) == 3:
151                start_time_in_file = True
152                end_time_in_file = True
153            else:
154                start_time_in_file = False
155                end_time_in_file = False
157            mapname = line_list[0].strip()
158            row = {}
160            if start_time_in_file and end_time_in_file:
161                row["start"] = line_list[1].strip()
162                row["end"] = line_list[2].strip()
164            if start_time_in_file and not end_time_in_file:
165                row["start"] = line_list[1].strip()
167            row["id"] = AbstractMapDataset.build_id(mapname, mapset)
169            maplist.append(row)
171        if start_time_in_file is True and increment:
172            increment = None
173            msgr.warning(_("The increment option will be ignored because of time stamps in input file"))
175        if start_time_in_file is True and interval:
176            increment = None
177            msgr.warning(_("The interval flag will be ignored because of time stamps in input file"))
179    num_maps = len(maplist)
180    map_object_list = []
181    statement = ""
182    # Store the ids of datasets that must be updated
183    datatsets_to_modify = {}
185    msgr.message(_("Gathering map information..."))
187    for count in range(len(maplist)):
188        if count % 50 == 0:
189            msgr.percent(count, num_maps, 1)
191        # Get a new instance of the map type
192        map = dataset_factory(type, maplist[count]["id"])
194        if map.map_exists() is not True:
195            msgr.fatal(_("Unable to update %(t)s map <%(id)s>. "
196                         "The map does not exist.") % {'t': map.get_type(),
197                                                       'id': map.get_map_id()})
199        # Use the time data from file
200        if "start" in maplist[count]:
201            start = maplist[count]["start"]
202        if "end" in maplist[count]:
203            end = maplist[count]["end"]
205        is_in_db = False
207        # Put the map into the database
208        if not map.is_in_db(dbif):
209            # Break in case no valid time is provided
210            if (start == "" or start is None) and not map.has_grass_timestamp():
211                dbif.close()
212                if map.get_layer():
213                    msgr.fatal(_("Unable to register %(t)s map <%(id)s> with "
214                                 "layer %(l)s. The map has timestamp and "
215                                 "the start time is not set.") % {
216                               't': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id(),
217                               'l': map.get_layer()})
218                else:
219                    msgr.fatal(_("Unable to register %(t)s map <%(id)s>. The"
220                                 " map has no timestamp and the start time "
221                                 "is not set.") % {'t': map.get_type(),
222                                                   'id': map.get_map_id()})
223            if start != "" and start is not None:
224                # We need to check if the time is absolute and the unit was specified
225                time_object = check_datetime_string(start)
226                if isinstance(time_object, datetime) and unit:
227                    msgr.fatal(_("%(u)s= can only be set for relative time") %
228                               {'u': "unit"})
229                if not isinstance(time_object, datetime) and not unit:
230                    msgr.fatal(_("%(u)s= must be set in case of relative time"
231                                 " stamps") % {'u': "unit"})
233                if unit:
234                    map.set_time_to_relative()
235                else:
236                    map.set_time_to_absolute()
238        else:
239            is_in_db = True
240            # Check the overwrite flag
241            if not gscript.overwrite():
242                if map.get_layer():
243                    msgr.warning(_("Map is already registered in temporal "
244                                   "database. Unable to update %(t)s map "
245                                   "<%(id)s> with layer %(l)s. Overwrite flag"
246                                   " is not set.") % {'t': map.get_type(),
247                                                      'id': map.get_map_id(),
248                                                      'l': str(map.get_layer())})
249                else:
250                    msgr.warning(_("Map is already registered in temporal "
251                                   "database. Unable to update %(t)s map "
252                                   "<%(id)s>. Overwrite flag is not set.") %
253                                 {'t': map.get_type(), 'id': map.get_map_id()})
255                # Simple registration is allowed
256                if name:
257                    map_object_list.append(map)
258                # Jump to next map
259                continue
261            # Select information from temporal database
262            map.select(dbif)
264            # Save the datasets that must be updated
265            datasets = map.get_registered_stds(dbif)
266            if datasets is not None:
267                for dataset in datasets:
268                    if dataset != "":
269                        datatsets_to_modify[dataset] = dataset
271                if name and map.get_temporal_type() != sp.get_temporal_type():
272                    dbif.close()
273                    if map.get_layer():
274                        msgr.fatal(_("Unable to update %(t)s map <%(id)s> "
275                                     "with layer %(l)s. The temporal types "
276                                     "are different.") % {'t': map.get_type(),
277                                                          'id': map.get_map_id(),
278                                                          'l': map.get_layer()})
279                    else:
280                        msgr.fatal(_("Unable to update %(t)s map <%(id)s>. "
281                                     "The temporal types are different.") %
282                                   {'t': map.get_type(),
283                                    'id': map.get_map_id()})
285        # Load the data from the grass file database
286        map.load()
288        # Try to read an existing time stamp from the grass spatial database
289        # in case this map wasn't already registered in the temporal database
290        # Read the spatial database time stamp only, if no time stamp was provided for this map
291        # as method argument or in the input file
292        if not is_in_db and not start:
293            map.read_timestamp_from_grass()
295        # Set the valid time
296        if start:
297            # In case the time is in the input file we ignore the increment
298            # counter
299            if start_time_in_file:
300                count = 1
301            assign_valid_time_to_map(ttype=map.get_temporal_type(),
302                                     map=map, start=start, end=end, unit=unit,
303                                     increment=increment, mult=count,
304                                     interval=interval)
306        if is_in_db:
307            #  Gather the SQL update statement
308            statement += map.update_all(dbif=dbif, execute=False)
309        else:
310            #  Gather the SQL insert statement
311            statement += map.insert(dbif=dbif, execute=False)
313        # Sqlite3 performance is better for huge datasets when committing in
314        # small chunks
315        if dbif.get_dbmi().__name__ == "sqlite3":
316            if count % 100 == 0:
317                if statement is not None and statement != "":
318                    dbif.execute_transaction(statement)
319                    statement = ""
321        # Store the maps in a list to register in a space time dataset
322        if name:
323            map_object_list.append(map)
325    msgr.percent(num_maps, num_maps, 1)
327    if statement is not None and statement != "":
328        msgr.message(_("Registering maps in the temporal database..."))
329        dbif.execute_transaction(statement)
331    # Finally Register the maps in the space time dataset
332    if name and map_object_list:
333        count = 0
334        num_maps = len(map_object_list)
335        msgr.message(_("Registering maps in the space time dataset..."))
336        for map in map_object_list:
337            if count % 50 == 0:
338                msgr.percent(count, num_maps, 1)
339            sp.register_map(map=map, dbif=dbif)
340            count += 1
342    # Update the space time tables
343    if name and map_object_list:
344        msgr.message(_("Updating space time dataset..."))
345        sp.update_from_registered_maps(dbif)
346        if update_cmd_list is True:
347            sp.update_command_string(dbif=dbif)
349    # Update affected datasets
350    if datatsets_to_modify:
351        for dataset in datatsets_to_modify:
352            if type == "rast" or type == "raster":
353                ds = dataset_factory("strds", dataset)
354            elif type == "raster_3d" or type == "rast3d" or type == "raster3d":
355                ds = dataset_factory("str3ds", dataset)
356            elif type == "vect" or type == "vector":
357                ds = dataset_factory("stvds", dataset)
358            ds.select(dbif)
359            ds.update_from_registered_maps(dbif)
361    if connected is True:
362        dbif.close()
364    msgr.percent(num_maps, num_maps, 1)
369def assign_valid_time_to_map(ttype, map, start, end, unit, increment=None,
370                             mult=1, interval=False):
371    """Assign the valid time to a map dataset
373       :param ttype: The temporal type which should be assigned
374                     and which the time format is of
375       :param map: A map dataset object derived from abstract_map_dataset
376       :param start: The start date and time of the first map
377                     (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd",
378                     format relative is integer 5)
379       :param end: The end date and time of the first map
380                   (format absolute: "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" or "yyyy-mm-dd",
381                   format relative is integer 5)
382       :param unit: The unit of the relative time: years, months,
383                    days, hours, minutes, seconds
384       :param increment: Time increment between maps for time stamp creation
385                        (format absolute: NNN seconds, minutes, hours, days,
386                        weeks, months, years; format relative is integer 1)
387       :param mult: A multiplier for the increment
388       :param interval: If True, time intervals are created in case the start
389                        time and an increment is provided
390    """
392    msgr = get_tgis_message_interface()
394    if ttype == "absolute":
395        start_time = string_to_datetime(start)
396        if start_time is None:
397            msgr.fatal(_("Unable to convert string \"%s\"into a "
398                         "datetime object") % (start))
399        end_time = None
401        if end:
402            end_time = string_to_datetime(end)
403            if end_time is None:
404                msgr.fatal(_("Unable to convert string \"%s\"into a "
405                             "datetime object") % (end))
407        # Add the increment
408        if increment:
409            start_time = increment_datetime_by_string(
410                start_time, increment, mult)
411            if start_time is None:
412                msgr.fatal(_("Error occurred in increment computation"))
413            if interval:
414                end_time = increment_datetime_by_string(
415                    start_time, increment, 1)
416                if end_time is None:
417                    msgr.fatal(_("Error occurred in increment computation"))
419        if map.get_layer():
420            msgr.debug(1, _("Set absolute valid time for map <%(id)s> with "
421                            "layer %(layer)s to %(start)s - %(end)s") %
422                       {'id': map.get_map_id(), 'layer': map.get_layer(),
423                        'start': str(start_time), 'end': str(end_time)})
424        else:
425            msgr.debug(1, _("Set absolute valid time for map <%s> to %s - %s")
426                       % (map.get_map_id(), str(start_time), str(end_time)))
428        map.set_absolute_time(start_time, end_time)
429    else:
430        start_time = int(start)
431        end_time = None
433        if end:
434            end_time = int(end)
436        if increment:
437            start_time = start_time + mult * int(increment)
438            if interval:
439                end_time = start_time + int(increment)
441        if map.get_layer():
442            msgr.debug(1, _("Set relative valid time for map <%s> with layer"
443                            " %s to %i - %s with unit %s") %
444                       (map.get_map_id(), map.get_layer(), start_time,
445                       str(end_time), unit))
446        else:
447            msgr.debug(1, _("Set relative valid time for map <%s> to %i - %s "
448                            "with unit %s") % (map.get_map_id(), start_time,
449                                               str(end_time), unit))
451        map.set_relative_time(start_time, end_time, unit)
456def register_map_object_list(type,  map_list, output_stds,
457                             delete_empty=False, unit=None, dbif=None):
458    """Register a list of AbstractMapDataset objects in the temporal database
459       and optional in a space time dataset.
461       :param type: The type of the map layer (raster, raster_3d, vector)
462       :param map_list: List of AbstractMapDataset objects
463       :param output_stds: The output stds
464       :param delete_empty: Set True to delete empty map layer found in the map_list
465       :param unit: The temporal unit of the space time dataset
466       :param dbif: The database interface to be used
468    """
469    import grass.pygrass.modules as pymod
470    import copy
472    dbif,  connected = init_dbif(dbif)
474    filename = gscript.tempfile(True)
475    file = open(filename, 'w')
477    empty_maps = []
478    for map_layer in map_list:
479        # Read the map data
480        map_layer.load()
481        # In case of a empty map continue, do not register empty maps
483        if delete_empty:
484            if type in ["raster", "raster_3d", "rast", "rast3d"]:
485                if map_layer.metadata.get_min() is None and \
486                   map_layer.metadata.get_max() is None:
487                    empty_maps.append(map_layer)
488                    continue
489            if type == "vector":
490                if map_layer.metadata.get_number_of_primitives() == 0:
491                    empty_maps.append(map_layer)
492                    continue
494        start,  end = map_layer.get_temporal_extent_as_tuple()
495        id = map_layer.get_id()
496        if not end:
497            end = start
498        string = "%s|%s|%s\n" % (id,  str(start),  str(end))
499        file.write(string)
500    file.close()
502    if output_stds:
503        output_stds_id = output_stds.get_id()
504    else:
505        output_stds_id = None
507    register_maps_in_space_time_dataset(type, output_stds_id, unit=unit,
508                                        file=filename, dbif=dbif)
510    g_remove = pymod.Module("g.remove", flags='f', quiet=True,
511                            run_=False, finish_=True)
513    # Remove empty maps and unregister them from the temporal database
514    if len(empty_maps) > 0:
515        for map in empty_maps:
516            mod = copy.deepcopy(g_remove)
517            if map.get_name():
518                if map.get_type() == "raster":
519                    mod(type='raster', name=map.get_name())
520                if map.get_type() == "raster3d":
521                    mod(type='raster_3d', name=map.get_name())
522                if map.get_type() == "vector":
523                    mod(type='vector', name=map.get_name())
524                mod.run()
525            if map.is_in_db(dbif):
526                map.delete(dbif)
528    if connected:
529        dbif.close()
531if __name__ == "__main__":
532    import doctest
533    doctest.testmod()