1 #include <math.h>
2 #include <grass/gis.h>
3 #include <grass/glocale.h>
4 #include "global.h"
6 #define	TOLERANCE	0.00001
7 #define	MAX_ITER	20
8 #define	NUM_TERMS	10
9 #define	PONDING_NO	0
10 #define	PONDING_STARTED	1
11 #define	PONDING_YES	2
13 /* Calculates the infiltrate rate (m/hr) for the given time step. For variable
14  * names and equation numbers in comments, refer to Beven (1984).
15  *
16  * Beven, K. J., 1984. Infiltration into a class of vertically non-uniform
17  * soils. Hydrological Sciences Journal 29 (4), 425-434.
18  *
19  * Beven, K. J., Kirkby, M. J., 1979. A physically based, variable contributing
20  * area model of basin hydrology. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 24 (1), 43-69.
21  *
22  * Morel-Seytoux, H. J., Khanji, J., 1974. Derivation of an equation of
23  * infiltration. Water Resources Research 10 (4), 795-800.
24  */
calculate_infiltration(int timestep,double R)25 double calculate_infiltration(int timestep, double R)
26 {
27     /* params.K0	Surface hydraulic conductivity (m/h)
28      * params.psi	Wetting front suction (m)
29      * params.dtheta	Water content change across the wetting front
30      *			    dtheta = saturated moisture content
31      *				     - initial moisture content
32      * params.m		Parameter controlling the decline rate of
33      *			transmissivity (m)
34      *
35      *			Beven and Kirkby (1979) introduced the scaling
36      *			parameter m.
37      *
38      *			    K(z) = K0 * exp(-f * z)
39      *
40      *			where K(z) is hydraulic conductivity at depth z,
41      *			      z is the soil depth, and
42      *			      f is the parameter controlling the decline rate
43      *			        of transmissivity (1/m); can be defined by m as
44      *			        f = dtheta / m
45      *
46      *			Now, m = dtheta / f.
47      *
48      * R		Rainfall intensity (m/h)
49      * r		Infiltration rate (m/h)
50      * cumI		Cumulative infiltration at the start of time step (m)
51      * I		Cumulative infiltration at the end of time step (m)
52      * dIdt		Infiltration rate for the current time step (m/hr)
53      * C		Storage-suction factor (m) (Morel-Seytoux and Khanji,
54      *			1974); C = psi * dtheta
55      * IC		I + C
56      * lambda		lambda in Eq. (8); Note that this lambda is different
57      *			from params.lambda
58      * t		Current time (hr)
59      * tp		Time to ponding (hr)
60      * ponding		Ponding indicator
61      * 			PONDING_NO: no ponding
62      * 			PONDING_STARTED: ponding started in this time step
63      * 			PONDING_YES: ponding has started in a previous time step
64      */
65     static double cumI = 0.0, I = 0.0, lambda = 0.0, tp = 0.0;
66     static int ponding = PONDING_NO;
67     double r, C, IC, dIdt, t;
68     double f1, f2, df, sum;
69     int fact;
70     int i, j;
72     /* reset if there is no rainfall */
73     if (R <= 0.0) {
74 	cumI = I = lambda = tp = 0.0;
75 	ponding = PONDING_NO;
76 	return 0.0;
77     }
79     t = timestep * input.dt;
80     C = params.psi * params.dtheta;
81     f1 = 0.0;
83     /* if ponding hasn't started and cumulative infiltration is greater than 0
84      */
85     if (ponding == PONDING_NO && cumI > 0) {
86 	f1 = cumI;
87 	/* infiltration rate: Eq. (6)
88 	 * Note that his Ks=K0*exp(f*z) in Eq. (1a) instead of Ks=K0*exp(-f*z)
89 	 * used in his TOPMODEL code, TMOD9502.F. Substitute f=-dtheta/m for f
90 	 * in Eq. (1a), hence -K0 and exp(f1/m), slightly different from the
91 	 * original Eq. (6).
92 	 */
93 	r = -params.K0 / params.m * (C + f1) / (1 - exp(f1 / params.m));
94 	/* if infiltration rate is less than rainfall intensity, ponding starts
95 	 */
96 	if (r < R) {
97 	    I = cumI;
98 	    /* ponding time: tp will remain the same until next ponding occurs
99 	     */
100 	    tp = t - input.dt;
101 	    ponding = PONDING_STARTED;
102 	}
103     }
105     /* if ponding hasn't started yet */
106     if (ponding == PONDING_NO) {
107 	/* try full infiltration */
108 	f2 = cumI + R * input.dt;
109 	/* infiltration rate */
110 	r = -params.K0 / params.m * (C + f2) / (1 - exp(f2 / params.m));
111 	/* if potential cumulative infiltration is 0 or infiltration rate is
112 	 * greater than rainfall intensity, all rainfall will be infiltrated
113 	 */
114 	if (f2 == 0.0 || r > R) {
115 	    /* full infiltration */
116 	    dIdt = R;
117 	    cumI += dIdt * input.dt;
118 	    return dIdt;
119 	}
121 	/* infiltration rate is less than rainfall intensity */
122 	/* Newton-Raphson iteration to solve Eq. (6) for I */
123 	/* guess new cumulative infiltration */
124 	I = cumI + r * input.dt;
125 	for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; i++) {
126 	    /* new infiltration rate */
127 	    r = -params.K0 / params.m * (C + I) / (1 - exp(I / params.m));
128 	    /* if new infiltration rate is greater than rainfall intensity,
129 	     * increase cumulative infiltration
130 	     */
131 	    if (r > R) {
132 		f1 = I;
133 		I = (I + f2) / 2.0;
134 		df = I - f1;
135 	    }
136 	    /* otherwise, decrease cumulative infiltration */
137 	    else {
138 		f2 = I;
139 		I = (I + f1) / 2.0;
140 		df = I - f2;
141 	    }
142 	    /* stop if cumulative infiltration converged */
143 	    if (fabs(df) <= TOLERANCE)
144 		break;
145 	}
146 	if (i == MAX_ITER)
147 	    G_warning(
148 		_("Maximum number of iterations exceeded at time step %d"),
149 		timestep);
151 	/* ponding time: tp will remain the same until next ponding occurs */
152 	tp = t - input.dt + (I - cumI) / R;
153 	/* if ponding time is greater than the current time,
154 	 * tp = t - dt + (I - cumI) / R > t
155 	 * (I - cumI) / R > dt
156 	 * I - cumI > R * dt
157 	 * means that additional infiltration (I - cumI) is greater than the
158 	 * total rainfall (R * dt), which cannot happen when there is no
159 	 * ponding, so infiltrate all rainfall
160 	 */
161 	if (tp > t) {
162 	    /* full infiltration */
163 	    dIdt = R;
164 	    cumI += dIdt * input.dt;
165 	    return dIdt;
166 	}
168 	/* ponding starts if additional infiltration is less than the total
169 	 * rainfall because not all rainfall can be infiltrated in this time
170 	 * step
171 	 */
172 	ponding = PONDING_STARTED;
173     }
175     /* if ponding just started */
176     if (ponding == PONDING_STARTED) {
177 	/* lambda will remain the same until next ponding occurs */
178 	lambda = 0.0;
179 	fact = 1;
180 	IC = I + C;
181 	for (j = 1; j <= NUM_TERMS; j++) {
182 	    fact *= j;
183 	    lambda += pow(IC / params.m, (double)j) / (double)(j * fact);
184 	}
185 	/* lambda in Eq. (8) */
186 	lambda = log(IC) - (log(IC) + lambda) / exp(C / params.m);
187 	I += R * (t - tp) / 2.0;
188     }
190     /* Newton-Raphson iteration to solve Eq. (8) for I */
191     for (i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; i++) {
192 	IC = I + C;
193 	sum = 0.0;
194 	fact = 1;
195 	for (j = 1; j <= NUM_TERMS; j++) {
196 	    fact *= j;
197 	    sum += pow(IC / params.m, (double)j) / (double)(j * fact);
198 	}
199 	/* Eq. (8) - (t - tp) in hr: should converge to 0
200 	 * Note that sum is outside 1/exp(C/m) in Eq. (8), but inside in his
201 	 * TMOD9502.F. Based on lambda and his code, it looks like a typo in
202 	 * Eq. (8).
203 	 */
204 	f1 = -(log(IC) - (log(IC) + sum) / exp(C / params.m) - lambda) /
205 	    (params.K0 / params.m) - (t - tp);
206 	/* inverse of Eq. (7) in hr/m */
207 	f2 = (exp(I / params.m) - 1.0) / (IC * params.K0 / params.m);
208 	/* -(Eq. (8) - (t-tp)) * Eq. (7): cumulative infiltration in a short
209 	 * time period
210 	 */
211 	df = -f1 / f2;
212 	I += df;
213 	if (fabs(df) <= TOLERANCE)
214 	    break;
215     }
216     if (i == MAX_ITER)
217 	G_warning(_("Maximum number of iterations exceeded at time step %d"),
218 			timestep);
220     /* if new cumulative infiltration is less than the previous cumulative
221      * infiltration plus the total rainfall, update the current cumulative
222      * infiltration and guess cumulative infiltration for the next time step
223      */
224     if (I < cumI + R * input.dt) {
225 	/* less than full infiltration */
226 	dIdt = (I - cumI) / input.dt;
227 	cumI = I;
228 	/* initial guess for next time step */
229 	I += dIdt * input.dt;
230 	ponding = PONDING_YES;
231     } else {
232     	/* full infiltration */
233 	dIdt = R;
234 	cumI += dIdt * input.dt;
235 	ponding = PONDING_NO;
236     }
238     return dIdt;
239 }