1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2011 Vivien Malerba <malerba@gnome-db.org>
3  * Copyright (C) 2011 Murray Cumming <murrayc@murrayc.com>
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
18  */
19 #include <libgda/libgda.h>
20 #include <virtual/gda-vprovider-data-model.h>
21 #include <virtual/gda-vconnection-data-model.h>
22 #include <sql-parser/gda-sql-parser.h>
24 static gboolean test_sql_select (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql);
25 static gboolean test_sql_non_select (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql);
27 GdaSqlParser *parser;
29 int
main()30 main ()
31 {
32 	GError *error = NULL;
33 	GdaConnection *cnc;
34 	GdaVirtualProvider *provider;
35 	GdaDataModel *xml_model, /* *csv_model, */ *rw_model;
36 	GdaDataModel *proxy = NULL;
38 	gda_init ();
40 	parser = gda_sql_parser_new ();
42 	provider = gda_vprovider_data_model_new ();
43 	cnc = gda_virtual_connection_open (provider, NULL);
44 	g_assert (GDA_IS_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc));
46 	g_print ("Connection status for %s: %s\n", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (cnc),
47 		 gda_connection_is_opened (cnc) ? "Opened" : "Closed");
49 	/* create RW data model */
50 	g_print ("Creating @rw_model from hand made array\n");
51 	rw_model = gda_data_model_array_new_with_g_types (2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING);
52 	gda_data_model_set_column_name (rw_model, 0, "id");
53 	gda_data_model_set_column_name (rw_model, 1, "a_string");
54 	gda_data_model_dump (rw_model, stdout);
56 	/* load test data model */
57 	g_print ("Creating @xml_model from loading \"test_model.xml\"\n");
58 	xml_model = gda_data_model_import_new_file ("test_model.xml", TRUE, NULL);
59 	if (gda_data_model_get_access_flags (xml_model) & GDA_DATA_MODEL_ACCESS_CURSOR_BACKWARD)
60 		gda_data_model_dump (xml_model, stdout);
61 	else
62 		g_print ("Data model cannot go backwards => don't yet print its contents\n");
64 	g_print ("Creating @proxy from proxying @xml_model\n");
65 	proxy = (GdaDataModel *) gda_data_proxy_new (xml_model);
66 	g_object_set (G_OBJECT (proxy), "defer-sync", FALSE, NULL);
67 	gda_data_model_dump (proxy, NULL);
69 	/* load CVS data */
70 	/*
71 	csv_model = gda_data_model_import_new_file ("names.csv", TRUE, NULL);
72 	if (gda_data_model_get_access_flags (csv_model) & GDA_DATA_MODEL_ACCESS_CURSOR_BACKWARD) {
73 		gda_data_model_dump (csv_model, stdout);
75 		GdaDataModelIter *iter;
76 		iter = gda_data_model_create_iter (csv_model);
77 		gda_data_model_iter_move_to_row (iter, -1);
78 		for (gda_data_model_iter_move_next (iter); gda_data_model_iter_is_valid (iter);
79 		     gda_data_model_iter_move_next (iter)) {
80 			g_print ("has row %d\n", gda_data_model_iter_get_row (iter));
81 		}
82 		g_object_unref (iter);
83 	}
84 	else
85 		g_print ("Data model cannot go backwards => don't yet print its contents\n");
86 	*/
88 	g_print ("Creating virtual table 'rwtable' from @rw_model\n");
89 	if (!gda_vconnection_data_model_add_model (GDA_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc), rw_model, "rwtable", &error)) {
90 		g_print ("Add RW model error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
91 		g_error_free (error);
92 		error = NULL;
93 		goto theend;
94 	}
95 	g_print ("Creating virtual table 'mytable' from @proxy\n");
96 	if (!gda_vconnection_data_model_add_model (GDA_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc), proxy, "mytable", &error)) {
97 		g_print ("Add Proxy model error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
98 		g_error_free (error);
99 		error = NULL;
100 		goto theend;
101 	}
102 	g_print ("Creating virtual table 'copytable' from @xml_model\n");
103 	if (!gda_vconnection_data_model_add_model (GDA_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc), xml_model, "copytable", &error)) {
104 		g_print ("Add XML model error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
105 		g_error_free (error);
106 		error = NULL;
107 		goto theend;
108 	}
109 	/*
110 	if (!gda_vconnection_data_model_add_model (GDA_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc), csv_model, "csv", &error)) {
111 		g_print ("Add model error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
112 		g_error_free (error);
113 		error = NULL;
114 		goto theend;
115 	}
116 	*/
118 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from mytable"))
119 		goto theend;
120 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from mytable where id=3"))
121 		goto theend;
122 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "pragma table_info ('copytable')"))
123 		goto theend;
124 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT a.*, b.* from mytable a join copytable b on (a.id!=b.id) where a.id=3"))
125 		goto theend;
126 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "CREATE TABLE anew (id int, string name)"))
127 		goto theend;
128 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "INSERT INTO anew SELECT id, name FROM copytable"))
129 		goto theend;
130 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from anew"))
131 		goto theend;
133 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from rwtable"))
134 		goto theend;
136 	/* INSERT test */
137 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "INSERT INTO rwtable SELECT id, name FROM copytable"))
138 		goto theend;
139 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from rwtable order by 1"))
140 		goto theend;
142 	/* DELETE test */
143 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "BEGIN"))
144 		goto theend;
145 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "DELETE FROM rwtable where id=3"))
146 		goto theend;
147 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from rwtable"))
148 		goto theend;
149 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "ROLLBACK"))
150 		goto theend;
152 	/* UPDATE test */
153 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "BEGIN"))
154 		goto theend;
155 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "UPDATE rwtable set id=21 where id=3"))
156 		goto theend;
157 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from rwtable"))
158 		goto theend;
159 	if (! test_sql_non_select (cnc, "COMMIT"))
160 		goto theend;
161 	if (! test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from rwtable"))
162 		goto theend;
164 	/* remove a table */
165 	if (!gda_vconnection_data_model_remove (GDA_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc), gda_vconnection_data_model_get_table_name (GDA_VCONNECTION_DATA_MODEL (cnc), proxy), &error)) {
166 		g_print ("Remove Proxy model error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
167 		g_error_free (error);
168 		error = NULL;
169 		goto theend;
170 	}
171 	test_sql_select (cnc, "SELECT * from mytable");
173  theend:
174 	if (proxy)
175 		g_object_unref (proxy);
176 	g_object_unref (xml_model);
177 	g_object_unref (cnc);
178 	g_object_unref (provider);
180 	return 0;
181 }
183 static gboolean
test_sql_select(GdaConnection * cnc,const gchar * sql)184 test_sql_select (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql)
185 {
186 	GdaStatement *stmt;
187 	GdaDataModel *data;
188 	GError *error = NULL;
190 	g_print ("\n\n============== SQL: %s\n", sql);
191 	stmt = gda_sql_parser_parse_string (parser, sql, NULL, NULL);
192 	g_assert (stmt);
193 	data = gda_connection_statement_execute_select (cnc, stmt, NULL, &error);
194 	g_object_unref (stmt);
195 	if (data) {
196 		gda_data_model_dump (data, stdout);
197 		g_object_unref (data);
198 		return TRUE;
199 	}
200 	else  {
201 		g_print ("SELECT error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
202 		g_error_free (error);
203 		error = NULL;
204 		return FALSE;
205 	}
206 }
208 static gboolean
test_sql_non_select(GdaConnection * cnc,const gchar * sql)209 test_sql_non_select (GdaConnection *cnc, const gchar *sql)
210 {
211 	GdaStatement *stmt;
212 	GError *error = NULL;
213 	gint nrows;
215 	g_print ("\n\n============== SQL: %s\n", sql);
216 	stmt = gda_sql_parser_parse_string (parser, sql, NULL, NULL);
217 	g_assert (stmt);
218 	nrows = gda_connection_statement_execute_non_select (cnc, stmt, NULL, NULL, &error);
219 	g_object_unref (stmt);
220 	if (nrows == -1) {
221 		g_print ("NON SELECT error: %s\n", error && error->message ? error->message : "no detail");
222 		g_error_free (error);
223 		error = NULL;
224 		return FALSE;
225 	}
226 	else {
227 		gchar *msg = "";
228 		if (nrows == -2)
229 			msg = " (unknown number of impacted rows)";
230 		g_print ("Impacted rows: %d%s\n", nrows, msg);
231 		return TRUE;
232 	}
233 }