1 // Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
2 package org.rocksdb;
4 public interface MutableDBOptionsInterface<T extends MutableDBOptionsInterface<T>> {
5   /**
6    * Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background jobs (both flushes
7    * and compactions combined).
8    * Default: 2
9    *
10    * @param maxBackgroundJobs number of max concurrent background jobs
11    * @return the instance of the current object.
12    */
setMaxBackgroundJobs(int maxBackgroundJobs)13   T setMaxBackgroundJobs(int maxBackgroundJobs);
15   /**
16    * Returns the maximum number of concurrent background jobs (both flushes
17    * and compactions combined).
18    * Default: 2
19    *
20    * @return the maximum number of concurrent background jobs.
21    */
maxBackgroundJobs()22   int maxBackgroundJobs();
24   /**
25    * NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE: RocksDB automatically decides this based on the
26    * value of max_background_jobs. This option is ignored.
27    *
28    * Suggested number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to
29    * the default LOW priority thread pool.
30    * Default: -1
31    *
32    * @param baseBackgroundCompactions Suggested number of background compaction
33    *     jobs
34    *
35    * @deprecated Use {@link #setMaxBackgroundJobs(int)}
36    */
37   @Deprecated
setBaseBackgroundCompactions(int baseBackgroundCompactions)38   void setBaseBackgroundCompactions(int baseBackgroundCompactions);
40   /**
41    * NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE: RocksDB automatically decides this based on the
42    * value of max_background_jobs. This option is ignored.
43    *
44    * Suggested number of concurrent background compaction jobs, submitted to
45    * the default LOW priority thread pool.
46    * Default: -1
47    *
48    * @return Suggested number of background compaction jobs
49    */
baseBackgroundCompactions()50   int baseBackgroundCompactions();
52   /**
53    * NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE: RocksDB automatically decides this based on the
54    * value of max_background_jobs. For backwards compatibility we will set
55    * `max_background_jobs = max_background_compactions + max_background_flushes`
56    * in the case where user sets at least one of `max_background_compactions` or
57    * `max_background_flushes` (we replace -1 by 1 in case one option is unset).
58    *
59    * Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs,
60    * submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
61    * If you're increasing this, also consider increasing number of threads in
62    * LOW priority thread pool. For more information, see
63    * Default: -1
64    *
65    * @param maxBackgroundCompactions the maximum number of background
66    *     compaction jobs.
67    * @return the instance of the current object.
68    *
69    * @see RocksEnv#setBackgroundThreads(int)
70    * @see RocksEnv#setBackgroundThreads(int, Priority)
71    * @see DBOptionsInterface#maxBackgroundFlushes()
72    * @deprecated Use {@link #setMaxBackgroundJobs(int)}
73    */
74   @Deprecated
setMaxBackgroundCompactions(int maxBackgroundCompactions)75   T setMaxBackgroundCompactions(int maxBackgroundCompactions);
77   /**
78    * NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE: RocksDB automatically decides this based on the
79    * value of max_background_jobs. For backwards compatibility we will set
80    * `max_background_jobs = max_background_compactions + max_background_flushes`
81    * in the case where user sets at least one of `max_background_compactions` or
82    * `max_background_flushes` (we replace -1 by 1 in case one option is unset).
83    *
84    * Returns the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs,
85    * submitted to the default LOW priority thread pool.
86    * When increasing this number, we may also want to consider increasing
87    * number of threads in LOW priority thread pool.
88    * Default: -1
89    *
90    * @return the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs.
91    * @see RocksEnv#setBackgroundThreads(int)
92    * @see RocksEnv#setBackgroundThreads(int, Priority)
93    *
94    * @deprecated Use {@link #setMaxBackgroundJobs(int)}
95    */
96   @Deprecated
maxBackgroundCompactions()97   int maxBackgroundCompactions();
99   /**
100    * By default RocksDB will flush all memtables on DB close if there are
101    * unpersisted data (i.e. with WAL disabled) The flush can be skip to speedup
102    * DB close. Unpersisted data WILL BE LOST.
103    *
104    * DEFAULT: false
105    *
106    * Dynamically changeable through
107    *     {@link RocksDB#setOptions(ColumnFamilyHandle, MutableColumnFamilyOptions)}
108    *     API.
109    *
110    * @param avoidFlushDuringShutdown true if we should avoid flush during
111    *     shutdown
112    *
113    * @return the reference to the current options.
114    */
setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown(boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown)115   T setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown(boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown);
117   /**
118    * By default RocksDB will flush all memtables on DB close if there are
119    * unpersisted data (i.e. with WAL disabled) The flush can be skip to speedup
120    * DB close. Unpersisted data WILL BE LOST.
121    *
122    * DEFAULT: false
123    *
124    * Dynamically changeable through
125    *     {@link RocksDB#setOptions(ColumnFamilyHandle, MutableColumnFamilyOptions)}
126    *     API.
127    *
128    * @return true if we should avoid flush during shutdown
129    */
avoidFlushDuringShutdown()130   boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown();
132   /**
133    * This is the maximum buffer size that is used by WritableFileWriter.
134    * On Windows, we need to maintain an aligned buffer for writes.
135    * We allow the buffer to grow until it's size hits the limit.
136    *
137    * Default: 1024 * 1024 (1 MB)
138    *
139    * @param writableFileMaxBufferSize the maximum buffer size
140    *
141    * @return the reference to the current options.
142    */
setWritableFileMaxBufferSize(long writableFileMaxBufferSize)143   T setWritableFileMaxBufferSize(long writableFileMaxBufferSize);
145   /**
146    * This is the maximum buffer size that is used by WritableFileWriter.
147    * On Windows, we need to maintain an aligned buffer for writes.
148    * We allow the buffer to grow until it's size hits the limit.
149    *
150    * Default: 1024 * 1024 (1 MB)
151    *
152    * @return the maximum buffer size
153    */
writableFileMaxBufferSize()154   long writableFileMaxBufferSize();
156   /**
157    * The limited write rate to DB if
158    * {@link ColumnFamilyOptions#softPendingCompactionBytesLimit()} or
159    * {@link ColumnFamilyOptions#level0SlowdownWritesTrigger()} is triggered,
160    * or we are writing to the last mem table allowed and we allow more than 3
161    * mem tables. It is calculated using size of user write requests before
162    * compression. RocksDB may decide to slow down more if the compaction still
163    * gets behind further.
164    * If the value is 0, we will infer a value from `rater_limiter` value
165    * if it is not empty, or 16MB if `rater_limiter` is empty. Note that
166    * if users change the rate in `rate_limiter` after DB is opened,
167    * `delayed_write_rate` won't be adjusted.
168    *
169    * Unit: bytes per second.
170    *
171    * Default: 0
172    *
173    * Dynamically changeable through {@link RocksDB#setDBOptions(MutableDBOptions)}.
174    *
175    * @param delayedWriteRate the rate in bytes per second
176    *
177    * @return the reference to the current options.
178    */
setDelayedWriteRate(long delayedWriteRate)179   T setDelayedWriteRate(long delayedWriteRate);
181   /**
182    * The limited write rate to DB if
183    * {@link ColumnFamilyOptions#softPendingCompactionBytesLimit()} or
184    * {@link ColumnFamilyOptions#level0SlowdownWritesTrigger()} is triggered,
185    * or we are writing to the last mem table allowed and we allow more than 3
186    * mem tables. It is calculated using size of user write requests before
187    * compression. RocksDB may decide to slow down more if the compaction still
188    * gets behind further.
189    * If the value is 0, we will infer a value from `rater_limiter` value
190    * if it is not empty, or 16MB if `rater_limiter` is empty. Note that
191    * if users change the rate in `rate_limiter` after DB is opened,
192    * `delayed_write_rate` won't be adjusted.
193    *
194    * Unit: bytes per second.
195    *
196    * Default: 0
197    *
198    * Dynamically changeable through {@link RocksDB#setDBOptions(MutableDBOptions)}.
199    *
200    * @return the rate in bytes per second
201    */
delayedWriteRate()202   long delayedWriteRate();
204   /**
205    * <p>Once write-ahead logs exceed this size, we will start forcing the
206    * flush of column families whose memtables are backed by the oldest live
207    * WAL file (i.e. the ones that are causing all the space amplification).
208    * </p>
209    * <p>If set to 0 (default), we will dynamically choose the WAL size limit to
210    * be [sum of all write_buffer_size * max_write_buffer_number] * 2</p>
211    * <p>This option takes effect only when there are more than one column family as
212    * otherwise the wal size is dictated by the write_buffer_size.</p>
213    * <p>Default: 0</p>
214    *
215    * @param maxTotalWalSize max total wal size.
216    * @return the instance of the current object.
217    */
setMaxTotalWalSize(long maxTotalWalSize)218   T setMaxTotalWalSize(long maxTotalWalSize);
220   /**
221    * <p>Returns the max total wal size. Once write-ahead logs exceed this size,
222    * we will start forcing the flush of column families whose memtables are
223    * backed by the oldest live WAL file (i.e. the ones that are causing all
224    * the space amplification).</p>
225    *
226    * <p>If set to 0 (default), we will dynamically choose the WAL size limit
227    * to be [sum of all write_buffer_size * max_write_buffer_number] * 2
228    * </p>
229    *
230    * @return max total wal size
231    */
maxTotalWalSize()232   long maxTotalWalSize();
234   /**
235    * The periodicity when obsolete files get deleted. The default
236    * value is 6 hours. The files that get out of scope by compaction
237    * process will still get automatically delete on every compaction,
238    * regardless of this setting
239    *
240    * @param micros the time interval in micros
241    * @return the instance of the current object.
242    */
setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long micros)243   T setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long micros);
245   /**
246    * The periodicity when obsolete files get deleted. The default
247    * value is 6 hours. The files that get out of scope by compaction
248    * process will still get automatically delete on every compaction,
249    * regardless of this setting
250    *
251    * @return the time interval in micros when obsolete files will be deleted.
252    */
deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros()253   long deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros();
255   /**
256    * if not zero, dump rocksdb.stats to LOG every stats_dump_period_sec
257    * Default: 600 (10 minutes)
258    *
259    * @param statsDumpPeriodSec time interval in seconds.
260    * @return the instance of the current object.
261    */
setStatsDumpPeriodSec(int statsDumpPeriodSec)262   T setStatsDumpPeriodSec(int statsDumpPeriodSec);
264   /**
265    * If not zero, dump rocksdb.stats to LOG every stats_dump_period_sec
266    * Default: 600 (10 minutes)
267    *
268    * @return time interval in seconds.
269    */
statsDumpPeriodSec()270   int statsDumpPeriodSec();
272   /**
273    * If not zero, dump rocksdb.stats to RocksDB every
274    * {@code statsPersistPeriodSec}
275    *
276    * Default: 600
277    *
278    * @param statsPersistPeriodSec time interval in seconds.
279    * @return the instance of the current object.
280    */
setStatsPersistPeriodSec(int statsPersistPeriodSec)281   T setStatsPersistPeriodSec(int statsPersistPeriodSec);
283   /**
284    * If not zero, dump rocksdb.stats to RocksDB every
285    * {@code statsPersistPeriodSec}
286    *
287    * @return time interval in seconds.
288    */
statsPersistPeriodSec()289   int statsPersistPeriodSec();
291   /**
292    * If not zero, periodically take stats snapshots and store in memory, the
293    * memory size for stats snapshots is capped at {@code statsHistoryBufferSize}
294    *
295    * Default: 1MB
296    *
297    * @param statsHistoryBufferSize the size of the buffer.
298    * @return the instance of the current object.
299    */
setStatsHistoryBufferSize(long statsHistoryBufferSize)300   T setStatsHistoryBufferSize(long statsHistoryBufferSize);
302   /**
303    * If not zero, periodically take stats snapshots and store in memory, the
304    * memory size for stats snapshots is capped at {@code statsHistoryBufferSize}
305    *
306    * @return the size of the buffer.
307    */
statsHistoryBufferSize()308   long statsHistoryBufferSize();
310   /**
311    * Number of open files that can be used by the DB.  You may need to
312    * increase this if your database has a large working set. Value -1 means
313    * files opened are always kept open. You can estimate number of files based
314    * on {@code target_file_size_base} and {@code target_file_size_multiplier}
315    * for level-based compaction. For universal-style compaction, you can usually
316    * set it to -1.
317    * Default: -1
318    *
319    * @param maxOpenFiles the maximum number of open files.
320    * @return the instance of the current object.
321    */
setMaxOpenFiles(int maxOpenFiles)322   T setMaxOpenFiles(int maxOpenFiles);
324   /**
325    * Number of open files that can be used by the DB.  You may need to
326    * increase this if your database has a large working set. Value -1 means
327    * files opened are always kept open. You can estimate number of files based
328    * on {@code target_file_size_base} and {@code target_file_size_multiplier}
329    * for level-based compaction. For universal-style compaction, you can usually
330    * set it to -1.
331    * Default: -1
332    *
333    * @return the maximum number of open files.
334    */
maxOpenFiles()335   int maxOpenFiles();
337   /**
338    * Allows OS to incrementally sync files to disk while they are being
339    * written, asynchronously, in the background.
340    * Issue one request for every bytes_per_sync written. 0 turns it off.
341    * Default: 0
342    *
343    * @param bytesPerSync size in bytes
344    * @return the instance of the current object.
345    */
setBytesPerSync(long bytesPerSync)346   T setBytesPerSync(long bytesPerSync);
348   /**
349    * Allows OS to incrementally sync files to disk while they are being
350    * written, asynchronously, in the background.
351    * Issue one request for every bytes_per_sync written. 0 turns it off.
352    * Default: 0
353    *
354    * @return size in bytes
355    */
bytesPerSync()356   long bytesPerSync();
358   /**
359    * Same as {@link #setBytesPerSync(long)} , but applies to WAL files
360    *
361    * Default: 0, turned off
362    *
363    * @param walBytesPerSync size in bytes
364    * @return the instance of the current object.
365    */
setWalBytesPerSync(long walBytesPerSync)366   T setWalBytesPerSync(long walBytesPerSync);
368   /**
369    * Same as {@link #bytesPerSync()} , but applies to WAL files
370    *
371    * Default: 0, turned off
372    *
373    * @return size in bytes
374    */
walBytesPerSync()375   long walBytesPerSync();
377   /**
378    * When true, guarantees WAL files have at most {@link #walBytesPerSync()}
379    * bytes submitted for writeback at any given time, and SST files have at most
380    * {@link #bytesPerSync()} bytes pending writeback at any given time. This
381    * can be used to handle cases where processing speed exceeds I/O speed
382    * during file generation, which can lead to a huge sync when the file is
383    * finished, even with {@link #bytesPerSync()} / {@link #walBytesPerSync()}
384    * properly configured.
385    *
386    * - If `sync_file_range` is supported it achieves this by waiting for any
387    *   prior `sync_file_range`s to finish before proceeding. In this way,
388    *   processing (compression, etc.) can proceed uninhibited in the gap
389    *   between `sync_file_range`s, and we block only when I/O falls
390    *   behind.
391    * - Otherwise the `WritableFile::Sync` method is used. Note this mechanism
392    *   always blocks, thus preventing the interleaving of I/O and processing.
393    *
394    * Note: Enabling this option does not provide any additional persistence
395    * guarantees, as it may use `sync_file_range`, which does not write out
396    * metadata.
397    *
398    * Default: false
399    *
400    * @param strictBytesPerSync the bytes per sync
401    * @return the instance of the current object.
402    */
setStrictBytesPerSync(boolean strictBytesPerSync)403   T setStrictBytesPerSync(boolean strictBytesPerSync);
405   /**
406    * Return the strict byte limit per sync.
407    *
408    * See {@link #setStrictBytesPerSync(boolean)}
409    *
410    * @return the limit in bytes.
411    */
strictBytesPerSync()412   boolean strictBytesPerSync();
414   /**
415    * If non-zero, we perform bigger reads when doing compaction. If you're
416    * running RocksDB on spinning disks, you should set this to at least 2MB.
417    *
418    * That way RocksDB's compaction is doing sequential instead of random reads.
419    * When non-zero, we also force
420    * {@link DBOptionsInterface#newTableReaderForCompactionInputs()} to true.
421    *
422    * Default: 0
423    *
424    * @param compactionReadaheadSize The compaction read-ahead size
425    *
426    * @return the reference to the current options.
427    */
setCompactionReadaheadSize(final long compactionReadaheadSize)428   T setCompactionReadaheadSize(final long compactionReadaheadSize);
430   /**
431    * If non-zero, we perform bigger reads when doing compaction. If you're
432    * running RocksDB on spinning disks, you should set this to at least 2MB.
433    *
434    * That way RocksDB's compaction is doing sequential instead of random reads.
435    * When non-zero, we also force
436    * {@link DBOptionsInterface#newTableReaderForCompactionInputs()} to true.
437    *
438    * Default: 0
439    *
440    * @return The compaction read-ahead size
441    */
compactionReadaheadSize()442   long compactionReadaheadSize();
443 }