1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2012 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
10 #include <array>
11 #include <deque>
13 #include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h"
15 #include "rocksdb/slice.h"
16 #include "table/block_based/block_based_filter_block.h"
17 #include "table/block_based/full_filter_block.h"
18 #include "table/block_based/filter_policy_internal.h"
19 #include "third-party/folly/folly/ConstexprMath.h"
20 #include "util/bloom_impl.h"
21 #include "util/coding.h"
22 #include "util/hash.h"
24 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
26 namespace {
28 // See description in FastLocalBloomImpl
29 class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
30  public:
FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(const int millibits_per_key)31   explicit FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(const int millibits_per_key)
32       : millibits_per_key_(millibits_per_key),
33         num_probes_(FastLocalBloomImpl::ChooseNumProbes(millibits_per_key_)) {
34     assert(millibits_per_key >= 1000);
35   }
37   // No Copy allowed
38   FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(const FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
39   void operator=(const FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
~FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder()41   ~FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder() override {}
AddKey(const Slice & key)43   virtual void AddKey(const Slice& key) override {
44     uint64_t hash = GetSliceHash64(key);
45     if (hash_entries_.empty() || hash != hash_entries_.back()) {
46       hash_entries_.push_back(hash);
47     }
48   }
Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]> * buf)50   virtual Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) override {
51     uint32_t len_with_metadata =
52         CalculateSpace(static_cast<uint32_t>(hash_entries_.size()));
53     char* data = new char[len_with_metadata];
54     memset(data, 0, len_with_metadata);
56     assert(data);
57     assert(len_with_metadata >= 5);
59     uint32_t len = len_with_metadata - 5;
60     if (len > 0) {
61       AddAllEntries(data, len);
62     }
64     // See BloomFilterPolicy::GetBloomBitsReader re: metadata
65     // -1 = Marker for newer Bloom implementations
66     data[len] = static_cast<char>(-1);
67     // 0 = Marker for this sub-implementation
68     data[len + 1] = static_cast<char>(0);
69     // num_probes (and 0 in upper bits for 64-byte block size)
70     data[len + 2] = static_cast<char>(num_probes_);
71     // rest of metadata stays zero
73     const char* const_data = data;
74     buf->reset(const_data);
75     assert(hash_entries_.empty());
77     return Slice(data, len_with_metadata);
78   }
CalculateNumEntry(const uint32_t bytes)80   int CalculateNumEntry(const uint32_t bytes) override {
81     uint32_t bytes_no_meta = bytes >= 5u ? bytes - 5u : 0;
82     return static_cast<int>(uint64_t{8000} * bytes_no_meta /
83                             millibits_per_key_);
84   }
CalculateSpace(const int num_entry)86   uint32_t CalculateSpace(const int num_entry) override {
87     uint32_t num_cache_lines = 0;
88     if (millibits_per_key_ > 0 && num_entry > 0) {
89       num_cache_lines = static_cast<uint32_t>(
90           (int64_t{num_entry} * millibits_per_key_ + 511999) / 512000);
91     }
92     return num_cache_lines * 64 + /*metadata*/ 5;
93   }
EstimatedFpRate(size_t keys,size_t bytes)95   double EstimatedFpRate(size_t keys, size_t bytes) override {
96     return FastLocalBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(keys, bytes - /*metadata*/ 5,
97                                                num_probes_, /*hash bits*/ 64);
98   }
100  private:
AddAllEntries(char * data,uint32_t len)101   void AddAllEntries(char* data, uint32_t len) {
102     // Simple version without prefetching:
103     //
104     // for (auto h : hash_entries_) {
105     //   FastLocalBloomImpl::AddHash(Lower32of64(h), Upper32of64(h), len,
106     //                               num_probes_, data);
107     // }
109     const size_t num_entries = hash_entries_.size();
110     constexpr size_t kBufferMask = 7;
111     static_assert(((kBufferMask + 1) & kBufferMask) == 0,
112                   "Must be power of 2 minus 1");
114     std::array<uint32_t, kBufferMask + 1> hashes;
115     std::array<uint32_t, kBufferMask + 1> byte_offsets;
117     // Prime the buffer
118     size_t i = 0;
119     for (; i <= kBufferMask && i < num_entries; ++i) {
120       uint64_t h = hash_entries_.front();
121       hash_entries_.pop_front();
122       FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len, data,
123                                       /*out*/ &byte_offsets[i]);
124       hashes[i] = Upper32of64(h);
125     }
127     // Process and buffer
128     for (; i < num_entries; ++i) {
129       uint32_t& hash_ref = hashes[i & kBufferMask];
130       uint32_t& byte_offset_ref = byte_offsets[i & kBufferMask];
131       // Process (add)
132       FastLocalBloomImpl::AddHashPrepared(hash_ref, num_probes_,
133                                           data + byte_offset_ref);
134       // And buffer
135       uint64_t h = hash_entries_.front();
136       hash_entries_.pop_front();
137       FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len, data,
138                                       /*out*/ &byte_offset_ref);
139       hash_ref = Upper32of64(h);
140     }
142     // Finish processing
143     for (i = 0; i <= kBufferMask && i < num_entries; ++i) {
144       FastLocalBloomImpl::AddHashPrepared(hashes[i], num_probes_,
145                                           data + byte_offsets[i]);
146     }
147   }
149   int millibits_per_key_;
150   int num_probes_;
151   // A deque avoids unnecessary copying of already-saved values
152   // and has near-minimal peak memory use.
153   std::deque<uint64_t> hash_entries_;
154 };
156 // See description in FastLocalBloomImpl
157 class FastLocalBloomBitsReader : public FilterBitsReader {
158  public:
FastLocalBloomBitsReader(const char * data,int num_probes,uint32_t len_bytes)159   FastLocalBloomBitsReader(const char* data, int num_probes, uint32_t len_bytes)
160       : data_(data), num_probes_(num_probes), len_bytes_(len_bytes) {}
162   // No Copy allowed
163   FastLocalBloomBitsReader(const FastLocalBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
164   void operator=(const FastLocalBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
~FastLocalBloomBitsReader()166   ~FastLocalBloomBitsReader() override {}
MayMatch(const Slice & key)168   bool MayMatch(const Slice& key) override {
169     uint64_t h = GetSliceHash64(key);
170     uint32_t byte_offset;
171     FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len_bytes_, data_,
172                                     /*out*/ &byte_offset);
173     return FastLocalBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(Upper32of64(h), num_probes_,
174                                                     data_ + byte_offset);
175   }
MayMatch(int num_keys,Slice ** keys,bool * may_match)177   virtual void MayMatch(int num_keys, Slice** keys, bool* may_match) override {
178     std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> hashes;
179     std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> byte_offsets;
180     for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
181       uint64_t h = GetSliceHash64(*keys[i]);
182       FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len_bytes_, data_,
183                                       /*out*/ &byte_offsets[i]);
184       hashes[i] = Upper32of64(h);
185     }
186     for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
187       may_match[i] = FastLocalBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(
188           hashes[i], num_probes_, data_ + byte_offsets[i]);
189     }
190   }
192  private:
193   const char* data_;
194   const int num_probes_;
195   const uint32_t len_bytes_;
196 };
198 using LegacyBloomImpl = LegacyLocalityBloomImpl</*ExtraRotates*/ false>;
200 class LegacyBloomBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
201  public:
202   explicit LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const int bits_per_key, Logger* info_log);
204   // No Copy allowed
205   LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const LegacyBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
206   void operator=(const LegacyBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
208   ~LegacyBloomBitsBuilder() override;
210   void AddKey(const Slice& key) override;
212   Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) override;
214   int CalculateNumEntry(const uint32_t bytes) override;
CalculateSpace(const int num_entry)216   uint32_t CalculateSpace(const int num_entry) override {
217     uint32_t dont_care1;
218     uint32_t dont_care2;
219     return CalculateSpace(num_entry, &dont_care1, &dont_care2);
220   }
EstimatedFpRate(size_t keys,size_t bytes)222   double EstimatedFpRate(size_t keys, size_t bytes) override {
223     return LegacyBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(keys, bytes - /*metadata*/ 5,
224                                             num_probes_);
225   }
227  private:
228   int bits_per_key_;
229   int num_probes_;
230   std::vector<uint32_t> hash_entries_;
231   Logger* info_log_;
233   // Get totalbits that optimized for cpu cache line
234   uint32_t GetTotalBitsForLocality(uint32_t total_bits);
236   // Reserve space for new filter
237   char* ReserveSpace(const int num_entry, uint32_t* total_bits,
238                      uint32_t* num_lines);
240   // Implementation-specific variant of public CalculateSpace
241   uint32_t CalculateSpace(const int num_entry, uint32_t* total_bits,
242                           uint32_t* num_lines);
244   // Assuming single threaded access to this function.
245   void AddHash(uint32_t h, char* data, uint32_t num_lines, uint32_t total_bits);
246 };
LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const int bits_per_key,Logger * info_log)248 LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const int bits_per_key,
249                                                Logger* info_log)
250     : bits_per_key_(bits_per_key),
251       num_probes_(LegacyNoLocalityBloomImpl::ChooseNumProbes(bits_per_key_)),
252       info_log_(info_log) {
253   assert(bits_per_key_);
254 }
~LegacyBloomBitsBuilder()256 LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::~LegacyBloomBitsBuilder() {}
AddKey(const Slice & key)258 void LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::AddKey(const Slice& key) {
259   uint32_t hash = BloomHash(key);
260   if (hash_entries_.size() == 0 || hash != hash_entries_.back()) {
261     hash_entries_.push_back(hash);
262   }
263 }
Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]> * buf)265 Slice LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) {
266   uint32_t total_bits, num_lines;
267   size_t num_entries = hash_entries_.size();
268   char* data =
269       ReserveSpace(static_cast<int>(num_entries), &total_bits, &num_lines);
270   assert(data);
272   if (total_bits != 0 && num_lines != 0) {
273     for (auto h : hash_entries_) {
274       AddHash(h, data, num_lines, total_bits);
275     }
277     // Check for excessive entries for 32-bit hash function
278     if (num_entries >= /* minimum of 3 million */ 3000000U) {
279       // More specifically, we can detect that the 32-bit hash function
280       // is causing significant increase in FP rate by comparing current
281       // estimated FP rate to what we would get with a normal number of
282       // keys at same memory ratio.
283       double est_fp_rate = LegacyBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(
284           num_entries, total_bits / 8, num_probes_);
285       double vs_fp_rate = LegacyBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(
286           1U << 16, (1U << 16) * bits_per_key_ / 8, num_probes_);
288       if (est_fp_rate >= 1.50 * vs_fp_rate) {
289         // For more details, see
290         // https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-Bloom-Filter
291         ROCKS_LOG_WARN(
292             info_log_,
293             "Using legacy SST/BBT Bloom filter with excessive key count "
294             "(%.1fM @ %dbpk), causing estimated %.1fx higher filter FP rate. "
295             "Consider using new Bloom with format_version>=5, smaller SST "
296             "file size, or partitioned filters.",
297             num_entries / 1000000.0, bits_per_key_, est_fp_rate / vs_fp_rate);
298       }
299     }
300   }
301   // See BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader for metadata
302   data[total_bits / 8] = static_cast<char>(num_probes_);
303   EncodeFixed32(data + total_bits / 8 + 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(num_lines));
305   const char* const_data = data;
306   buf->reset(const_data);
307   hash_entries_.clear();
309   return Slice(data, total_bits / 8 + 5);
310 }
GetTotalBitsForLocality(uint32_t total_bits)312 uint32_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::GetTotalBitsForLocality(uint32_t total_bits) {
313   uint32_t num_lines =
314       (total_bits + CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8 - 1) / (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8);
316   // Make num_lines an odd number to make sure more bits are involved
317   // when determining which block.
318   if (num_lines % 2 == 0) {
319     num_lines++;
320   }
321   return num_lines * (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8);
322 }
CalculateSpace(const int num_entry,uint32_t * total_bits,uint32_t * num_lines)324 uint32_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::CalculateSpace(const int num_entry,
325                                                 uint32_t* total_bits,
326                                                 uint32_t* num_lines) {
327   assert(bits_per_key_);
328   if (num_entry != 0) {
329     uint32_t total_bits_tmp = static_cast<uint32_t>(num_entry * bits_per_key_);
331     *total_bits = GetTotalBitsForLocality(total_bits_tmp);
332     *num_lines = *total_bits / (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8);
333     assert(*total_bits > 0 && *total_bits % 8 == 0);
334   } else {
335     // filter is empty, just leave space for metadata
336     *total_bits = 0;
337     *num_lines = 0;
338   }
340   // Reserve space for Filter
341   uint32_t sz = *total_bits / 8;
342   sz += 5;  // 4 bytes for num_lines, 1 byte for num_probes
343   return sz;
344 }
ReserveSpace(const int num_entry,uint32_t * total_bits,uint32_t * num_lines)346 char* LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::ReserveSpace(const int num_entry,
347                                            uint32_t* total_bits,
348                                            uint32_t* num_lines) {
349   uint32_t sz = CalculateSpace(num_entry, total_bits, num_lines);
350   char* data = new char[sz];
351   memset(data, 0, sz);
352   return data;
353 }
CalculateNumEntry(const uint32_t bytes)355 int LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::CalculateNumEntry(const uint32_t bytes) {
356   assert(bits_per_key_);
357   assert(bytes > 0);
358   int high = static_cast<int>(bytes * 8 / bits_per_key_ + 1);
359   int low = 1;
360   int n = high;
361   for (; n >= low; n--) {
362     if (CalculateSpace(n) <= bytes) {
363       break;
364     }
365   }
366   assert(n < high);  // High should be an overestimation
367   return n;
368 }
AddHash(uint32_t h,char * data,uint32_t num_lines,uint32_t total_bits)370 inline void LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::AddHash(uint32_t h, char* data,
371                                             uint32_t num_lines,
372                                             uint32_t total_bits) {
373 #ifdef NDEBUG
374   static_cast<void>(total_bits);
375 #endif
376   assert(num_lines > 0 && total_bits > 0);
378   LegacyBloomImpl::AddHash(h, num_lines, num_probes_, data,
379                            folly::constexpr_log2(CACHE_LINE_SIZE));
380 }
382 class LegacyBloomBitsReader : public FilterBitsReader {
383  public:
LegacyBloomBitsReader(const char * data,int num_probes,uint32_t num_lines,uint32_t log2_cache_line_size)384   LegacyBloomBitsReader(const char* data, int num_probes, uint32_t num_lines,
385                         uint32_t log2_cache_line_size)
386       : data_(data),
387         num_probes_(num_probes),
388         num_lines_(num_lines),
389         log2_cache_line_size_(log2_cache_line_size) {}
391   // No Copy allowed
392   LegacyBloomBitsReader(const LegacyBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
393   void operator=(const LegacyBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
~LegacyBloomBitsReader()395   ~LegacyBloomBitsReader() override {}
397   // "contents" contains the data built by a preceding call to
398   // FilterBitsBuilder::Finish. MayMatch must return true if the key was
399   // passed to FilterBitsBuilder::AddKey. This method may return true or false
400   // if the key was not on the list, but it should aim to return false with a
401   // high probability.
MayMatch(const Slice & key)402   bool MayMatch(const Slice& key) override {
403     uint32_t hash = BloomHash(key);
404     uint32_t byte_offset;
405     LegacyBloomImpl::PrepareHashMayMatch(
406         hash, num_lines_, data_, /*out*/ &byte_offset, log2_cache_line_size_);
407     return LegacyBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(
408         hash, num_probes_, data_ + byte_offset, log2_cache_line_size_);
409   }
MayMatch(int num_keys,Slice ** keys,bool * may_match)411   virtual void MayMatch(int num_keys, Slice** keys, bool* may_match) override {
412     std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> hashes;
413     std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> byte_offsets;
414     for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
415       hashes[i] = BloomHash(*keys[i]);
416       LegacyBloomImpl::PrepareHashMayMatch(hashes[i], num_lines_, data_,
417                                            /*out*/ &byte_offsets[i],
418                                            log2_cache_line_size_);
419     }
420     for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
421       may_match[i] = LegacyBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(
422           hashes[i], num_probes_, data_ + byte_offsets[i],
423           log2_cache_line_size_);
424     }
425   }
427  private:
428   const char* data_;
429   const int num_probes_;
430   const uint32_t num_lines_;
431   const uint32_t log2_cache_line_size_;
432 };
434 class AlwaysTrueFilter : public FilterBitsReader {
435  public:
MayMatch(const Slice &)436   bool MayMatch(const Slice&) override { return true; }
437   using FilterBitsReader::MayMatch;  // inherit overload
438 };
440 class AlwaysFalseFilter : public FilterBitsReader {
441  public:
MayMatch(const Slice &)442   bool MayMatch(const Slice&) override { return false; }
443   using FilterBitsReader::MayMatch;  // inherit overload
444 };
446 }  // namespace
448 const std::vector<BloomFilterPolicy::Mode> BloomFilterPolicy::kAllFixedImpls = {
449     kLegacyBloom,
450     kDeprecatedBlock,
451     kFastLocalBloom,
452 };
454 const std::vector<BloomFilterPolicy::Mode> BloomFilterPolicy::kAllUserModes = {
455     kDeprecatedBlock,
456     kAuto,
457 };
BloomFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key,Mode mode)459 BloomFilterPolicy::BloomFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key, Mode mode)
460     : mode_(mode), warned_(false) {
461   // Sanitize bits_per_key
462   if (bits_per_key < 1.0) {
463     bits_per_key = 1.0;
464   } else if (!(bits_per_key < 100.0)) {  // including NaN
465     bits_per_key = 100.0;
466   }
468   // Includes a nudge toward rounding up, to ensure on all platforms
469   // that doubles specified with three decimal digits after the decimal
470   // point are interpreted accurately.
471   millibits_per_key_ = static_cast<int>(bits_per_key * 1000.0 + 0.500001);
473   // For better or worse, this is a rounding up of a nudged rounding up,
474   // e.g. 7.4999999999999 will round up to 8, but that provides more
475   // predictability against small arithmetic errors in floating point.
476   whole_bits_per_key_ = (millibits_per_key_ + 500) / 1000;
477 }
~BloomFilterPolicy()479 BloomFilterPolicy::~BloomFilterPolicy() {}
Name() const481 const char* BloomFilterPolicy::Name() const {
482   return "rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter";
483 }
CreateFilter(const Slice * keys,int n,std::string * dst) const485 void BloomFilterPolicy::CreateFilter(const Slice* keys, int n,
486                                      std::string* dst) const {
487   // We should ideally only be using this deprecated interface for
488   // appropriately constructed BloomFilterPolicy
489   assert(mode_ == kDeprecatedBlock);
491   // Compute bloom filter size (in both bits and bytes)
492   uint32_t bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(n * whole_bits_per_key_);
494   // For small n, we can see a very high false positive rate.  Fix it
495   // by enforcing a minimum bloom filter length.
496   if (bits < 64) bits = 64;
498   uint32_t bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;
499   bits = bytes * 8;
501   int num_probes =
502       LegacyNoLocalityBloomImpl::ChooseNumProbes(whole_bits_per_key_);
504   const size_t init_size = dst->size();
505   dst->resize(init_size + bytes, 0);
506   dst->push_back(static_cast<char>(num_probes));  // Remember # of probes
507   char* array = &(*dst)[init_size];
508   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
509     LegacyNoLocalityBloomImpl::AddHash(BloomHash(keys[i]), bits, num_probes,
510                                        array);
511   }
512 }
KeyMayMatch(const Slice & key,const Slice & bloom_filter) const514 bool BloomFilterPolicy::KeyMayMatch(const Slice& key,
515                                     const Slice& bloom_filter) const {
516   const size_t len = bloom_filter.size();
517   if (len < 2 || len > 0xffffffffU) {
518     return false;
519   }
521   const char* array = bloom_filter.data();
522   const uint32_t bits = static_cast<uint32_t>(len - 1) * 8;
524   // Use the encoded k so that we can read filters generated by
525   // bloom filters created using different parameters.
526   const int k = static_cast<uint8_t>(array[len - 1]);
527   if (k > 30) {
528     // Reserved for potentially new encodings for short bloom filters.
529     // Consider it a match.
530     return true;
531   }
532   // NB: using stored k not num_probes for whole_bits_per_key_
533   return LegacyNoLocalityBloomImpl::HashMayMatch(BloomHash(key), bits, k,
534                                                  array);
535 }
GetFilterBitsBuilder() const537 FilterBitsBuilder* BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsBuilder() const {
538   // This code path should no longer be used, for the built-in
539   // BloomFilterPolicy. Internal to RocksDB and outside
540   // BloomFilterPolicy, only get a FilterBitsBuilder with
541   // BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderFromContext(), which will call
542   // BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(). RocksDB users have
543   // been warned (HISTORY.md) that they can no longer call this on
544   // the built-in BloomFilterPolicy (unlikely).
545   assert(false);
546   return GetBuilderWithContext(FilterBuildingContext(BlockBasedTableOptions()));
547 }
GetBuilderWithContext(const FilterBuildingContext & context) const549 FilterBitsBuilder* BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
550     const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
551   Mode cur = mode_;
552   // Unusual code construction so that we can have just
553   // one exhaustive switch without (risky) recursion
554   for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
555     switch (cur) {
556       case kAuto:
557         if (context.table_options.format_version < 5) {
558           cur = kLegacyBloom;
559         } else {
560           cur = kFastLocalBloom;
561         }
562         break;
563       case kDeprecatedBlock:
564         return nullptr;
565       case kFastLocalBloom:
566         return new FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(millibits_per_key_);
567       case kLegacyBloom:
568         if (whole_bits_per_key_ >= 14 && context.info_log &&
569             !warned_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
570           warned_ = true;
571           const char* adjective;
572           if (whole_bits_per_key_ >= 20) {
573             adjective = "Dramatic";
574           } else {
575             adjective = "Significant";
576           }
577           // For more details, see
578           // https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/RocksDB-Bloom-Filter
579           ROCKS_LOG_WARN(
580               context.info_log,
581               "Using legacy Bloom filter with high (%d) bits/key. "
582               "%s filter space and/or accuracy improvement is available "
583               "with format_version>=5.",
584               whole_bits_per_key_, adjective);
585         }
586         return new LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(whole_bits_per_key_,
587                                           context.info_log);
588     }
589   }
590   assert(false);
591   return nullptr;  // something legal
592 }
GetBuilderFromContext(const FilterBuildingContext & context)594 FilterBitsBuilder* BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderFromContext(
595     const FilterBuildingContext& context) {
596   if (context.table_options.filter_policy) {
597     return context.table_options.filter_policy->GetBuilderWithContext(context);
598   } else {
599     return nullptr;
600   }
601 }
603 // Read metadata to determine what kind of FilterBitsReader is needed
604 // and return a new one.
GetFilterBitsReader(const Slice & contents) const605 FilterBitsReader* BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader(
606     const Slice& contents) const {
607   uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast<uint32_t>(contents.size());
608   if (len_with_meta <= 5) {
609     // filter is empty or broken. Treat like zero keys added.
610     return new AlwaysFalseFilter();
611   }
613   // Legacy Bloom filter data:
614   //             0 +-----------------------------------+
615   //               | Raw Bloom filter data             |
616   //               | ...                               |
617   //           len +-----------------------------------+
618   //               | byte for num_probes or            |
619   //               |   marker for new implementations  |
620   //         len+1 +-----------------------------------+
621   //               | four bytes for number of cache    |
622   //               |   lines                           |
623   // len_with_meta +-----------------------------------+
625   int8_t raw_num_probes =
626       static_cast<int8_t>(contents.data()[len_with_meta - 5]);
627   // NB: *num_probes > 30 and < 128 probably have not been used, because of
628   // BloomFilterPolicy::initialize, unless directly calling
629   // LegacyBloomBitsBuilder as an API, but we are leaving those cases in
630   // limbo with LegacyBloomBitsReader for now.
632   if (raw_num_probes < 1) {
633     // Note: < 0 (or unsigned > 127) indicate special new implementations
634     // (or reserved for future use)
635     if (raw_num_probes == -1) {
636       // Marker for newer Bloom implementations
637       return GetBloomBitsReader(contents);
638     }
639     // otherwise
640     // Treat as zero probes (always FP) for now.
641     return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
642   }
643   // else attempt decode for LegacyBloomBitsReader
645   int num_probes = raw_num_probes;
646   assert(num_probes >= 1);
647   assert(num_probes <= 127);
649   uint32_t len = len_with_meta - 5;
650   assert(len > 0);
652   uint32_t num_lines = DecodeFixed32(contents.data() + len_with_meta - 4);
653   uint32_t log2_cache_line_size;
655   if (num_lines * CACHE_LINE_SIZE == len) {
656     // Common case
657     log2_cache_line_size = folly::constexpr_log2(CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
658   } else if (num_lines == 0 || len % num_lines != 0) {
659     // Invalid (no solution to num_lines * x == len)
660     // Treat as zero probes (always FP) for now.
661     return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
662   } else {
663     // Determine the non-native cache line size (from another system)
664     log2_cache_line_size = 0;
665     while ((num_lines << log2_cache_line_size) < len) {
666       ++log2_cache_line_size;
667     }
668     if ((num_lines << log2_cache_line_size) != len) {
669       // Invalid (block size not a power of two)
670       // Treat as zero probes (always FP) for now.
671       return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
672     }
673   }
674   // if not early return
675   return new LegacyBloomBitsReader(contents.data(), num_probes, num_lines,
676                                    log2_cache_line_size);
677 }
679 // For newer Bloom filter implementations
GetBloomBitsReader(const Slice & contents) const680 FilterBitsReader* BloomFilterPolicy::GetBloomBitsReader(
681     const Slice& contents) const {
682   uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast<uint32_t>(contents.size());
683   uint32_t len = len_with_meta - 5;
685   assert(len > 0);  // precondition
687   // New Bloom filter data:
688   //             0 +-----------------------------------+
689   //               | Raw Bloom filter data             |
690   //               | ...                               |
691   //           len +-----------------------------------+
692   //               | char{-1} byte -> new Bloom filter |
693   //         len+1 +-----------------------------------+
694   //               | byte for subimplementation        |
695   //               |   0: FastLocalBloom               |
696   //               |   other: reserved                 |
697   //         len+2 +-----------------------------------+
698   //               | byte for block_and_probes         |
699   //               |   0 in top 3 bits -> 6 -> 64-byte |
700   //               |   reserved:                       |
701   //               |   1 in top 3 bits -> 7 -> 128-byte|
702   //               |   2 in top 3 bits -> 8 -> 256-byte|
703   //               |   ...                             |
704   //               |   num_probes in bottom 5 bits,    |
705   //               |     except 0 and 31 reserved      |
706   //         len+3 +-----------------------------------+
707   //               | two bytes reserved                |
708   //               |   possibly for hash seed          |
709   // len_with_meta +-----------------------------------+
711   // Read more metadata (see above)
712   char sub_impl_val = contents.data()[len_with_meta - 4];
713   char block_and_probes = contents.data()[len_with_meta - 3];
714   int log2_block_bytes = ((block_and_probes >> 5) & 7) + 6;
716   int num_probes = (block_and_probes & 31);
717   if (num_probes < 1 || num_probes > 30) {
718     // Reserved / future safe
719     return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
720   }
722   uint16_t rest = DecodeFixed16(contents.data() + len_with_meta - 2);
723   if (rest != 0) {
724     // Reserved, possibly for hash seed
725     // Future safe
726     return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
727   }
729   if (sub_impl_val == 0) {        // FastLocalBloom
730     if (log2_block_bytes == 6) {  // Only block size supported for now
731       return new FastLocalBloomBitsReader(contents.data(), num_probes, len);
732     }
733   }
734   // otherwise
735   // Reserved / future safe
736   return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
737 }
NewBloomFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key,bool use_block_based_builder)739 const FilterPolicy* NewBloomFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key,
740                                          bool use_block_based_builder) {
741   BloomFilterPolicy::Mode m;
742   if (use_block_based_builder) {
743     m = BloomFilterPolicy::kDeprecatedBlock;
744   } else {
745     m = BloomFilterPolicy::kAuto;
746   }
747   assert(std::find(BloomFilterPolicy::kAllUserModes.begin(),
748                    BloomFilterPolicy::kAllUserModes.end(),
749                    m) != BloomFilterPolicy::kAllUserModes.end());
750   return new BloomFilterPolicy(bits_per_key, m);
751 }
FilterBuildingContext(const BlockBasedTableOptions & _table_options)753 FilterBuildingContext::FilterBuildingContext(
754     const BlockBasedTableOptions& _table_options)
755     : table_options(_table_options) {}
~FilterPolicy()757 FilterPolicy::~FilterPolicy() { }
759 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE