1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2012 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
10 #include <algorithm>
11 #include "rocksdb/slice_transform.h"
12 #include "rocksdb/slice.h"
13 #include "util/string_util.h"
14 #include <stdio.h>
16 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
18 namespace {
20 class FixedPrefixTransform : public SliceTransform {
21  private:
22   size_t prefix_len_;
23   std::string name_;
25  public:
26   explicit FixedPrefixTransform(size_t prefix_len)
27       : prefix_len_(prefix_len),
28         // Note that if any part of the name format changes, it will require
29         // changes on options_helper in order to make RocksDBOptionsParser work
30         // for the new change.
31         // TODO(yhchiang): move serialization / deserializaion code inside
32         // the class implementation itself.
33         name_("rocksdb.FixedPrefix." + ToString(prefix_len_)) {}
35   const char* Name() const override { return name_.c_str(); }
37   Slice Transform(const Slice& src) const override {
38     assert(InDomain(src));
39     return Slice(src.data(), prefix_len_);
40   }
42   bool InDomain(const Slice& src) const override {
43     return (src.size() >= prefix_len_);
44   }
46   bool InRange(const Slice& dst) const override {
47     return (dst.size() == prefix_len_);
48   }
50   bool FullLengthEnabled(size_t* len) const override {
51     *len = prefix_len_;
52     return true;
53   }
55   bool SameResultWhenAppended(const Slice& prefix) const override {
56     return InDomain(prefix);
57   }
58 };
60 class CappedPrefixTransform : public SliceTransform {
61  private:
62   size_t cap_len_;
63   std::string name_;
65  public:
66   explicit CappedPrefixTransform(size_t cap_len)
67       : cap_len_(cap_len),
68         // Note that if any part of the name format changes, it will require
69         // changes on options_helper in order to make RocksDBOptionsParser work
70         // for the new change.
71         // TODO(yhchiang): move serialization / deserializaion code inside
72         // the class implementation itself.
73         name_("rocksdb.CappedPrefix." + ToString(cap_len_)) {}
75   const char* Name() const override { return name_.c_str(); }
77   Slice Transform(const Slice& src) const override {
78     assert(InDomain(src));
79     return Slice(src.data(), std::min(cap_len_, src.size()));
80   }
82   bool InDomain(const Slice& /*src*/) const override { return true; }
84   bool InRange(const Slice& dst) const override {
85     return (dst.size() <= cap_len_);
86   }
88   bool FullLengthEnabled(size_t* len) const override {
89     *len = cap_len_;
90     return true;
91   }
93   bool SameResultWhenAppended(const Slice& prefix) const override {
94     return prefix.size() >= cap_len_;
95   }
96 };
98 class NoopTransform : public SliceTransform {
99  public:
100   explicit NoopTransform() { }
102   const char* Name() const override { return "rocksdb.Noop"; }
104   Slice Transform(const Slice& src) const override { return src; }
106   bool InDomain(const Slice& /*src*/) const override { return true; }
108   bool InRange(const Slice& /*dst*/) const override { return true; }
110   bool SameResultWhenAppended(const Slice& /*prefix*/) const override {
111     return false;
112   }
113 };
115 }
117 // 2 small internal utility functions, for efficient hex conversions
118 // and no need for snprintf, toupper etc...
119 // Originally from wdt/util/EncryptionUtils.cpp - for ToString(true)/DecodeHex:
120 char toHex(unsigned char v) {
121   if (v <= 9) {
122     return '0' + v;
123   }
124   return 'A' + v - 10;
125 }
126 // most of the code is for validation/error check
127 int fromHex(char c) {
128   // toupper:
129   if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
130     c -= ('a' - 'A');  // aka 0x20
131   }
132   // validation
133   if (c < '0' || (c > '9' && (c < 'A' || c > 'F'))) {
134     return -1;  // invalid not 0-9A-F hex char
135   }
136   if (c <= '9') {
137     return c - '0';
138   }
139   return c - 'A' + 10;
140 }
142 Slice::Slice(const SliceParts& parts, std::string* buf) {
143   size_t length = 0;
144   for (int i = 0; i < parts.num_parts; ++i) {
145     length += parts.parts[i].size();
146   }
147   buf->reserve(length);
149   for (int i = 0; i < parts.num_parts; ++i) {
150     buf->append(parts.parts[i].data(), parts.parts[i].size());
151   }
152   data_ = buf->data();
153   size_ = buf->size();
154 }
156 // Return a string that contains the copy of the referenced data.
157 std::string Slice::ToString(bool hex) const {
158   std::string result;  // RVO/NRVO/move
159   if (hex) {
160     result.reserve(2 * size_);
161     for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
162       unsigned char c = data_[i];
163       result.push_back(toHex(c >> 4));
164       result.push_back(toHex(c & 0xf));
165     }
166     return result;
167   } else {
168     result.assign(data_, size_);
169     return result;
170   }
171 }
173 // Originally from rocksdb/utilities/ldb_cmd.h
174 bool Slice::DecodeHex(std::string* result) const {
175   std::string::size_type len = size_;
176   if (len % 2) {
177     // Hex string must be even number of hex digits to get complete bytes back
178     return false;
179   }
180   if (!result) {
181     return false;
182   }
183   result->clear();
184   result->reserve(len / 2);
186   for (size_t i = 0; i < len;) {
187     int h1 = fromHex(data_[i++]);
188     if (h1 < 0) {
189       return false;
190     }
191     int h2 = fromHex(data_[i++]);
192     if (h2 < 0) {
193       return false;
194     }
195     result->push_back(static_cast<char>((h1 << 4) | h2));
196   }
197   return true;
198 }
200 const SliceTransform* NewFixedPrefixTransform(size_t prefix_len) {
201   return new FixedPrefixTransform(prefix_len);
202 }
204 const SliceTransform* NewCappedPrefixTransform(size_t cap_len) {
205   return new CappedPrefixTransform(cap_len);
206 }
208 const SliceTransform* NewNoopTransform() {
209   return new NoopTransform;
210 }
212 PinnableSlice::PinnableSlice(PinnableSlice&& other) {
213   *this = std::move(other);
214 }
216 PinnableSlice& PinnableSlice::operator=(PinnableSlice&& other) {
217   if (this != &other) {
218     Cleanable::Reset();
219     Cleanable::operator=(std::move(other));
220     size_ = other.size_;
221     pinned_ = other.pinned_;
222     if (pinned_) {
223       data_ = other.data_;
224       // When it's pinned, buf should no longer be of use.
225     } else {
226       if (other.buf_ == &other.self_space_) {
227         self_space_ = std::move(other.self_space_);
228         buf_ = &self_space_;
229         data_ = buf_->data();
230       } else {
231         buf_ = other.buf_;
232         data_ = other.data_;
233       }
234     }
235     other.self_space_.clear();
236     other.buf_ = &other.self_space_;
237     other.pinned_ = false;
238     other.PinSelf();
239   }
240   return *this;
241 }
243 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE