1 //  Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc.  All rights reserved.
2 //  This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
3 //  COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
4 //  (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
8 // found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
9 //
11 #ifdef GFLAGS
12 #include "db_stress_tool/db_stress_common.h"
13 #include "db_stress_tool/db_stress_driver.h"
14 #include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
16 namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE {
StressTest()17 StressTest::StressTest()
18     : cache_(NewCache(FLAGS_cache_size)),
19       compressed_cache_(NewLRUCache(FLAGS_compressed_cache_size)),
20       filter_policy_(FLAGS_bloom_bits >= 0
21                          ? FLAGS_use_block_based_filter
22                                ? NewBloomFilterPolicy(FLAGS_bloom_bits, true)
23                                : NewBloomFilterPolicy(FLAGS_bloom_bits, false)
24                          : nullptr),
25       db_(nullptr),
26 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
27       txn_db_(nullptr),
28 #endif
29       new_column_family_name_(1),
30       num_times_reopened_(0),
31       db_preload_finished_(false),
32       cmp_db_(nullptr) {
33   if (FLAGS_destroy_db_initially) {
34     std::vector<std::string> files;
35     db_stress_env->GetChildren(FLAGS_db, &files);
36     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
37       if (Slice(files[i]).starts_with("heap-")) {
38         db_stress_env->DeleteFile(FLAGS_db + "/" + files[i]);
39       }
40     }
42     Options options;
43     // Remove files without preserving manfiest files
44 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
45     const Status s = !FLAGS_use_blob_db
46                          ? DestroyDB(FLAGS_db, options)
47                          : blob_db::DestroyBlobDB(FLAGS_db, options,
48                                                   blob_db::BlobDBOptions());
49 #else
50     const Status s = DestroyDB(FLAGS_db, options);
51 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
53     if (!s.ok()) {
54       fprintf(stderr, "Cannot destroy original db: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
55       exit(1);
56     }
57   }
58 }
~StressTest()60 StressTest::~StressTest() {
61   for (auto cf : column_families_) {
62     delete cf;
63   }
64   column_families_.clear();
65   delete db_;
67   assert(secondaries_.size() == secondary_cfh_lists_.size());
68   size_t n = secondaries_.size();
69   for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
70     for (auto* cf : secondary_cfh_lists_[i]) {
71       delete cf;
72     }
73     secondary_cfh_lists_[i].clear();
74     delete secondaries_[i];
75   }
76   secondaries_.clear();
78   for (auto* cf : cmp_cfhs_) {
79     delete cf;
80   }
81   cmp_cfhs_.clear();
82   delete cmp_db_;
83 }
NewCache(size_t capacity)85 std::shared_ptr<Cache> StressTest::NewCache(size_t capacity) {
86   if (capacity <= 0) {
87     return nullptr;
88   }
89   if (FLAGS_use_clock_cache) {
90     auto cache = NewClockCache((size_t)capacity);
91     if (!cache) {
92       fprintf(stderr, "Clock cache not supported.");
93       exit(1);
94     }
95     return cache;
96   } else {
97     return NewLRUCache((size_t)capacity);
98   }
99 }
BuildOptionsTable()101 bool StressTest::BuildOptionsTable() {
102   if (FLAGS_set_options_one_in <= 0) {
103     return true;
104   }
106   std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> options_tbl = {
107       {"write_buffer_size",
108        {ToString(options_.write_buffer_size),
109         ToString(options_.write_buffer_size * 2),
110         ToString(options_.write_buffer_size * 4)}},
111       {"max_write_buffer_number",
112        {ToString(options_.max_write_buffer_number),
113         ToString(options_.max_write_buffer_number * 2),
114         ToString(options_.max_write_buffer_number * 4)}},
115       {"arena_block_size",
116        {
117            ToString(options_.arena_block_size),
118            ToString(options_.write_buffer_size / 4),
119            ToString(options_.write_buffer_size / 8),
120        }},
121       {"memtable_huge_page_size", {"0", ToString(2 * 1024 * 1024)}},
122       {"max_successive_merges", {"0", "2", "4"}},
123       {"inplace_update_num_locks", {"100", "200", "300"}},
124       // TODO(ljin): enable test for this option
125       // {"disable_auto_compactions", {"100", "200", "300"}},
126       {"soft_rate_limit", {"0", "0.5", "0.9"}},
127       {"hard_rate_limit", {"0", "1.1", "2.0"}},
128       {"level0_file_num_compaction_trigger",
129        {
130            ToString(options_.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger),
131            ToString(options_.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger + 2),
132            ToString(options_.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger + 4),
133        }},
134       {"level0_slowdown_writes_trigger",
135        {
136            ToString(options_.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger),
137            ToString(options_.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger + 2),
138            ToString(options_.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger + 4),
139        }},
140       {"level0_stop_writes_trigger",
141        {
142            ToString(options_.level0_stop_writes_trigger),
143            ToString(options_.level0_stop_writes_trigger + 2),
144            ToString(options_.level0_stop_writes_trigger + 4),
145        }},
146       {"max_compaction_bytes",
147        {
148            ToString(options_.target_file_size_base * 5),
149            ToString(options_.target_file_size_base * 15),
150            ToString(options_.target_file_size_base * 100),
151        }},
152       {"target_file_size_base",
153        {
154            ToString(options_.target_file_size_base),
155            ToString(options_.target_file_size_base * 2),
156            ToString(options_.target_file_size_base * 4),
157        }},
158       {"target_file_size_multiplier",
159        {
160            ToString(options_.target_file_size_multiplier),
161            "1",
162            "2",
163        }},
164       {"max_bytes_for_level_base",
165        {
166            ToString(options_.max_bytes_for_level_base / 2),
167            ToString(options_.max_bytes_for_level_base),
168            ToString(options_.max_bytes_for_level_base * 2),
169        }},
170       {"max_bytes_for_level_multiplier",
171        {
172            ToString(options_.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier),
173            "1",
174            "2",
175        }},
176       {"max_sequential_skip_in_iterations", {"4", "8", "12"}},
177   };
179   options_table_ = std::move(options_tbl);
181   for (const auto& iter : options_table_) {
182     options_index_.push_back(iter.first);
183   }
184   return true;
185 }
InitDb()187 void StressTest::InitDb() {
188   uint64_t now = db_stress_env->NowMicros();
189   fprintf(stdout, "%s Initializing db_stress\n",
190           db_stress_env->TimeToString(now / 1000000).c_str());
191   PrintEnv();
192   Open();
193   BuildOptionsTable();
194 }
InitReadonlyDb(SharedState * shared)196 void StressTest::InitReadonlyDb(SharedState* shared) {
197   uint64_t now = db_stress_env->NowMicros();
198   fprintf(stdout, "%s Preloading db with %" PRIu64 " KVs\n",
199           db_stress_env->TimeToString(now / 1000000).c_str(), FLAGS_max_key);
200   PreloadDbAndReopenAsReadOnly(FLAGS_max_key, shared);
201 }
VerifySecondaries()203 bool StressTest::VerifySecondaries() {
204 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
205   if (FLAGS_test_secondary) {
206     uint64_t now = db_stress_env->NowMicros();
207     fprintf(
208         stdout, "%s Start to verify secondaries against primary\n",
209         db_stress_env->TimeToString(static_cast<uint64_t>(now) / 1000000).c_str());
210   }
211   for (size_t k = 0; k != secondaries_.size(); ++k) {
212     Status s = secondaries_[k]->TryCatchUpWithPrimary();
213     if (!s.ok()) {
214       fprintf(stderr, "Secondary failed to catch up with primary\n");
215       return false;
216     }
217     ReadOptions ropts;
218     ropts.total_order_seek = true;
219     // Verify only the default column family since the primary may have
220     // dropped other column families after most recent reopen.
221     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter1(db_->NewIterator(ropts));
222     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter2(secondaries_[k]->NewIterator(ropts));
223     for (iter1->SeekToFirst(), iter2->SeekToFirst();
224          iter1->Valid() && iter2->Valid(); iter1->Next(), iter2->Next()) {
225       if (iter1->key().compare(iter2->key()) != 0 ||
226           iter1->value().compare(iter2->value())) {
227         fprintf(stderr,
228                 "Secondary %d contains different data from "
229                 "primary.\nPrimary: %s : %s\nSecondary: %s : %s\n",
230                 static_cast<int>(k),
231                 iter1->key().ToString(/*hex=*/true).c_str(),
232                 iter1->value().ToString(/*hex=*/true).c_str(),
233                 iter2->key().ToString(/*hex=*/true).c_str(),
234                 iter2->value().ToString(/*hex=*/true).c_str());
235         return false;
236       }
237     }
238     if (iter1->Valid() && !iter2->Valid()) {
239       fprintf(stderr,
240               "Secondary %d record count is smaller than that of primary\n",
241               static_cast<int>(k));
242       return false;
243     } else if (!iter1->Valid() && iter2->Valid()) {
244       fprintf(stderr,
245               "Secondary %d record count is larger than that of primary\n",
246               static_cast<int>(k));
247       return false;
248     }
249   }
250   if (FLAGS_test_secondary) {
251     uint64_t now = db_stress_env->NowMicros();
252     fprintf(
253         stdout, "%s Verification of secondaries succeeded\n",
254         db_stress_env->TimeToString(static_cast<uint64_t>(now) / 1000000).c_str());
255   }
256 #endif  // ROCKSDB_LITE
257   return true;
258 }
AssertSame(DB * db,ColumnFamilyHandle * cf,ThreadState::SnapshotState & snap_state)260 Status StressTest::AssertSame(DB* db, ColumnFamilyHandle* cf,
261                               ThreadState::SnapshotState& snap_state) {
262   Status s;
263   if (cf->GetName() != snap_state.cf_at_name) {
264     return s;
265   }
266   ReadOptions ropt;
267   ropt.snapshot = snap_state.snapshot;
268   PinnableSlice exp_v(&snap_state.value);
269   exp_v.PinSelf();
270   PinnableSlice v;
271   s = db->Get(ropt, cf, snap_state.key, &v);
272   if (!s.ok() && !s.IsNotFound()) {
273     return s;
274   }
275   if (snap_state.status != s) {
276     return Status::Corruption(
277         "The snapshot gave inconsistent results for key " +
278         ToString(Hash(snap_state.key.c_str(), snap_state.key.size(), 0)) +
279         " in cf " + cf->GetName() + ": (" + snap_state.status.ToString() +
280         ") vs. (" + s.ToString() + ")");
281   }
282   if (s.ok()) {
283     if (exp_v != v) {
284       return Status::Corruption("The snapshot gave inconsistent values: (" +
285                                 exp_v.ToString() + ") vs. (" + v.ToString() +
286                                 ")");
287     }
288   }
289   if (snap_state.key_vec != nullptr) {
290     // When `prefix_extractor` is set, seeking to beginning and scanning
291     // across prefixes are only supported with `total_order_seek` set.
292     ropt.total_order_seek = true;
293     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iterator(db->NewIterator(ropt));
294     std::unique_ptr<std::vector<bool>> tmp_bitvec(
295         new std::vector<bool>(FLAGS_max_key));
296     for (iterator->SeekToFirst(); iterator->Valid(); iterator->Next()) {
297       uint64_t key_val;
298       if (GetIntVal(iterator->key().ToString(), &key_val)) {
299         (*tmp_bitvec.get())[key_val] = true;
300       }
301     }
302     if (!std::equal(snap_state.key_vec->begin(), snap_state.key_vec->end(),
303                     tmp_bitvec.get()->begin())) {
304       return Status::Corruption("Found inconsistent keys at this snapshot");
305     }
306   }
307   return Status::OK();
308 }
VerificationAbort(SharedState * shared,std::string msg,Status s) const310 void StressTest::VerificationAbort(SharedState* shared, std::string msg,
311                                    Status s) const {
312   fprintf(stderr, "Verification failed: %s. Status is %s\n", msg.c_str(),
313           s.ToString().c_str());
314   shared->SetVerificationFailure();
315 }
VerificationAbort(SharedState * shared,std::string msg,int cf,int64_t key) const317 void StressTest::VerificationAbort(SharedState* shared, std::string msg, int cf,
318                                    int64_t key) const {
319   fprintf(stderr,
320           "Verification failed for column family %d key %" PRIi64 ": %s\n", cf,
321           key, msg.c_str());
322   shared->SetVerificationFailure();
323 }
PrintStatistics()325 void StressTest::PrintStatistics() {
326   if (dbstats) {
327     fprintf(stdout, "STATISTICS:\n%s\n", dbstats->ToString().c_str());
328   }
329   if (dbstats_secondaries) {
330     fprintf(stdout, "Secondary instances STATISTICS:\n%s\n",
331             dbstats_secondaries->ToString().c_str());
332   }
333 }
335 // Currently PreloadDb has to be single-threaded.
PreloadDbAndReopenAsReadOnly(int64_t number_of_keys,SharedState * shared)336 void StressTest::PreloadDbAndReopenAsReadOnly(int64_t number_of_keys,
337                                               SharedState* shared) {
338   WriteOptions write_opts;
339   write_opts.disableWAL = FLAGS_disable_wal;
340   if (FLAGS_sync) {
341     write_opts.sync = true;
342   }
343   char value[100];
344   int cf_idx = 0;
345   Status s;
346   for (auto cfh : column_families_) {
347     for (int64_t k = 0; k != number_of_keys; ++k) {
348       std::string key_str = Key(k);
349       Slice key = key_str;
350       size_t sz = GenerateValue(0 /*value_base*/, value, sizeof(value));
351       Slice v(value, sz);
352       shared->Put(cf_idx, k, 0, true /* pending */);
354       if (FLAGS_use_merge) {
355         if (!FLAGS_use_txn) {
356           s = db_->Merge(write_opts, cfh, key, v);
357         } else {
358 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
359           Transaction* txn;
360           s = NewTxn(write_opts, &txn);
361           if (s.ok()) {
362             s = txn->Merge(cfh, key, v);
363             if (s.ok()) {
364               s = CommitTxn(txn);
365             }
366           }
367 #endif
368         }
369       } else {
370         if (!FLAGS_use_txn) {
371           s = db_->Put(write_opts, cfh, key, v);
372         } else {
373 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
374           Transaction* txn;
375           s = NewTxn(write_opts, &txn);
376           if (s.ok()) {
377             s = txn->Put(cfh, key, v);
378             if (s.ok()) {
379               s = CommitTxn(txn);
380             }
381           }
382 #endif
383         }
384       }
386       shared->Put(cf_idx, k, 0, false /* pending */);
387       if (!s.ok()) {
388         break;
389       }
390     }
391     if (!s.ok()) {
392       break;
393     }
394     ++cf_idx;
395   }
396   if (s.ok()) {
397     s = db_->Flush(FlushOptions(), column_families_);
398   }
399   if (s.ok()) {
400     for (auto cf : column_families_) {
401       delete cf;
402     }
403     column_families_.clear();
404     delete db_;
405     db_ = nullptr;
406 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
407     txn_db_ = nullptr;
408 #endif
410     db_preload_finished_.store(true);
411     auto now = db_stress_env->NowMicros();
412     fprintf(stdout, "%s Reopening database in read-only\n",
413             db_stress_env->TimeToString(now / 1000000).c_str());
414     // Reopen as read-only, can ignore all options related to updates
415     Open();
416   } else {
417     fprintf(stderr, "Failed to preload db");
418     exit(1);
419   }
420 }
SetOptions(ThreadState * thread)422 Status StressTest::SetOptions(ThreadState* thread) {
423   assert(FLAGS_set_options_one_in > 0);
424   std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> opts;
425   std::string name =
426       options_index_[thread->rand.Next() % options_index_.size()];
427   int value_idx = thread->rand.Next() % options_table_[name].size();
428   if (name == "soft_rate_limit" || name == "hard_rate_limit") {
429     opts["soft_rate_limit"] = options_table_["soft_rate_limit"][value_idx];
430     opts["hard_rate_limit"] = options_table_["hard_rate_limit"][value_idx];
431   } else if (name == "level0_file_num_compaction_trigger" ||
432              name == "level0_slowdown_writes_trigger" ||
433              name == "level0_stop_writes_trigger") {
434     opts["level0_file_num_compaction_trigger"] =
435         options_table_["level0_file_num_compaction_trigger"][value_idx];
436     opts["level0_slowdown_writes_trigger"] =
437         options_table_["level0_slowdown_writes_trigger"][value_idx];
438     opts["level0_stop_writes_trigger"] =
439         options_table_["level0_stop_writes_trigger"][value_idx];
440   } else {
441     opts[name] = options_table_[name][value_idx];
442   }
444   int rand_cf_idx = thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_column_families;
445   auto cfh = column_families_[rand_cf_idx];
446   return db_->SetOptions(cfh, opts);
447 }
449 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
NewTxn(WriteOptions & write_opts,Transaction ** txn)450 Status StressTest::NewTxn(WriteOptions& write_opts, Transaction** txn) {
451   if (!FLAGS_use_txn) {
452     return Status::InvalidArgument("NewTxn when FLAGS_use_txn is not set");
453   }
454   static std::atomic<uint64_t> txn_id = {0};
455   TransactionOptions txn_options;
456   *txn = txn_db_->BeginTransaction(write_opts, txn_options);
457   auto istr = std::to_string(txn_id.fetch_add(1));
458   Status s = (*txn)->SetName("xid" + istr);
459   return s;
460 }
CommitTxn(Transaction * txn)462 Status StressTest::CommitTxn(Transaction* txn) {
463   if (!FLAGS_use_txn) {
464     return Status::InvalidArgument("CommitTxn when FLAGS_use_txn is not set");
465   }
466   Status s = txn->Prepare();
467   if (s.ok()) {
468     s = txn->Commit();
469   }
470   delete txn;
471   return s;
472 }
RollbackTxn(Transaction * txn)474 Status StressTest::RollbackTxn(Transaction* txn) {
475   if (!FLAGS_use_txn) {
476     return Status::InvalidArgument(
477         "RollbackTxn when FLAGS_use_txn is not"
478         " set");
479   }
480   Status s = txn->Rollback();
481   delete txn;
482   return s;
483 }
484 #endif
OperateDb(ThreadState * thread)486 void StressTest::OperateDb(ThreadState* thread) {
487   ReadOptions read_opts(FLAGS_verify_checksum, true);
488   WriteOptions write_opts;
489   auto shared = thread->shared;
490   char value[100];
491   std::string from_db;
492   if (FLAGS_sync) {
493     write_opts.sync = true;
494   }
495   write_opts.disableWAL = FLAGS_disable_wal;
496   const int prefixBound = static_cast<int>(FLAGS_readpercent) +
497                           static_cast<int>(FLAGS_prefixpercent);
498   const int writeBound = prefixBound + static_cast<int>(FLAGS_writepercent);
499   const int delBound = writeBound + static_cast<int>(FLAGS_delpercent);
500   const int delRangeBound = delBound + static_cast<int>(FLAGS_delrangepercent);
501   const uint64_t ops_per_open = FLAGS_ops_per_thread / (FLAGS_reopen + 1);
503   thread->stats.Start();
504   for (int open_cnt = 0; open_cnt <= FLAGS_reopen; ++open_cnt) {
505     if (thread->shared->HasVerificationFailedYet() ||
506         thread->shared->ShouldStopTest()) {
507       break;
508     }
509     if (open_cnt != 0) {
510       thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
511       MutexLock l(thread->shared->GetMutex());
512       while (!thread->snapshot_queue.empty()) {
513         db_->ReleaseSnapshot(thread->snapshot_queue.front().second.snapshot);
514         delete thread->snapshot_queue.front().second.key_vec;
515         thread->snapshot_queue.pop();
516       }
517       thread->shared->IncVotedReopen();
518       if (thread->shared->AllVotedReopen()) {
519         thread->shared->GetStressTest()->Reopen(thread);
520         thread->shared->GetCondVar()->SignalAll();
521       } else {
522         thread->shared->GetCondVar()->Wait();
523       }
524       // Commenting this out as we don't want to reset stats on each open.
525       // thread->stats.Start();
526     }
528     for (uint64_t i = 0; i < ops_per_open; i++) {
529       if (thread->shared->HasVerificationFailedYet()) {
530         break;
531       }
533       // Change Options
534       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_set_options_one_in)) {
535         SetOptions(thread);
536       }
538       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_set_in_place_one_in)) {
539         options_.inplace_update_support ^= options_.inplace_update_support;
540       }
542       if (thread->tid == 0 && FLAGS_verify_db_one_in > 0 &&
543           thread->rand.OneIn(FLAGS_verify_db_one_in)) {
544         ContinuouslyVerifyDb(thread);
545         if (thread->shared->ShouldStopTest()) {
546           break;
547         }
548       }
550       MaybeClearOneColumnFamily(thread);
552       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_sync_wal_one_in)) {
553         Status s = db_->SyncWAL();
554         if (!s.ok() && !s.IsNotSupported()) {
555           fprintf(stderr, "SyncWAL() failed: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
556         }
557       }
559       int rand_column_family = thread->rand.Next() % FLAGS_column_families;
560       ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family = column_families_[rand_column_family];
562       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_compact_files_one_in)) {
563         TestCompactFiles(thread, column_family);
564       }
566       int64_t rand_key = GenerateOneKey(thread, i);
567       std::string keystr = Key(rand_key);
568       Slice key = keystr;
569       std::unique_ptr<MutexLock> lock;
570       if (ShouldAcquireMutexOnKey()) {
571         lock.reset(new MutexLock(
572             shared->GetMutexForKey(rand_column_family, rand_key)));
573       }
575       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_compact_range_one_in)) {
576         TestCompactRange(thread, rand_key, key, column_family);
577         if (thread->shared->HasVerificationFailedYet()) {
578           break;
579         }
580       }
582       std::vector<int> rand_column_families =
583           GenerateColumnFamilies(FLAGS_column_families, rand_column_family);
585       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_flush_one_in)) {
586         Status status = TestFlush(rand_column_families);
587         if (!status.ok()) {
588           fprintf(stdout, "Unable to perform Flush(): %s\n",
589                   status.ToString().c_str());
590         }
591       }
593 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
594       // Every 1 in N verify the one of the following: 1) GetLiveFiles
595       // 2) GetSortedWalFiles 3) GetCurrentWalFile. Each time, randomly select
596       // one of them to run the test.
597       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_get_live_files_and_wal_files_one_in)) {
598         Status status = VerifyGetLiveAndWalFiles(thread);
599         if (!status.ok()) {
600           VerificationAbort(shared, "VerifyGetLiveAndWalFiles status not OK",
601                             status);
602         }
603       }
604 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
606       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_pause_background_one_in)) {
607         Status status = TestPauseBackground(thread);
608         if (!status.ok()) {
609           VerificationAbort(
610               shared, "Pause/ContinueBackgroundWork status not OK", status);
611         }
612       }
614 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
615       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_verify_checksum_one_in)) {
616         Status status = db_->VerifyChecksum();
617         if (!status.ok()) {
618           VerificationAbort(shared, "VerifyChecksum status not OK", status);
619         }
620       }
621 #endif
623       std::vector<int64_t> rand_keys = GenerateKeys(rand_key);
625       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_ingest_external_file_one_in)) {
626         TestIngestExternalFile(thread, rand_column_families, rand_keys, lock);
627       }
629       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_backup_one_in)) {
630         Status s = TestBackupRestore(thread, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
631         if (!s.ok()) {
632           VerificationAbort(shared, "Backup/restore gave inconsistent state",
633                             s);
634         }
635       }
637       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_checkpoint_one_in)) {
638         Status s = TestCheckpoint(thread, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
639         if (!s.ok()) {
640           VerificationAbort(shared, "Checkpoint gave inconsistent state", s);
641         }
642       }
644 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
645       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_approximate_size_one_in)) {
646         Status s =
647             TestApproximateSize(thread, i, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
648         if (!s.ok()) {
649           VerificationAbort(shared, "ApproximateSize Failed", s);
650         }
651       }
652 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
653       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_acquire_snapshot_one_in)) {
654         TestAcquireSnapshot(thread, rand_column_family, keystr, i);
655       }
657       /*always*/ {
658         Status s = MaybeReleaseSnapshots(thread, i);
659         if (!s.ok()) {
660           VerificationAbort(shared, "Snapshot gave inconsistent state", s);
661         }
662       }
664       int prob_op = thread->rand.Uniform(100);
665       // Reset this in case we pick something other than a read op. We don't
666       // want to use a stale value when deciding at the beginning of the loop
667       // whether to vote to reopen
668       if (prob_op >= 0 && prob_op < static_cast<int>(FLAGS_readpercent)) {
669         assert(0 <= prob_op);
670         // OPERATION read
671         if (FLAGS_use_multiget) {
672           // Leave room for one more iteration of the loop with a single key
673           // batch. This is to ensure that each thread does exactly the same
674           // number of ops
675           int multiget_batch_size = static_cast<int>(
676               std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(thread->rand.Uniform(64)),
677                        FLAGS_ops_per_thread - i - 1));
678           // If its the last iteration, ensure that multiget_batch_size is 1
679           multiget_batch_size = std::max(multiget_batch_size, 1);
680           rand_keys = GenerateNKeys(thread, multiget_batch_size, i);
681           TestMultiGet(thread, read_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
682           i += multiget_batch_size - 1;
683         } else {
684           TestGet(thread, read_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
685         }
686       } else if (prob_op < prefixBound) {
687         assert(static_cast<int>(FLAGS_readpercent) <= prob_op);
688         // OPERATION prefix scan
689         // keys are 8 bytes long, prefix size is FLAGS_prefix_size. There are
690         // (8 - FLAGS_prefix_size) bytes besides the prefix. So there will
691         // be 2 ^ ((8 - FLAGS_prefix_size) * 8) possible keys with the same
692         // prefix
693         TestPrefixScan(thread, read_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
694       } else if (prob_op < writeBound) {
695         assert(prefixBound <= prob_op);
696         // OPERATION write
697         TestPut(thread, write_opts, read_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys,
698                 value, lock);
699       } else if (prob_op < delBound) {
700         assert(writeBound <= prob_op);
701         // OPERATION delete
702         TestDelete(thread, write_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys, lock);
703       } else if (prob_op < delRangeBound) {
704         assert(delBound <= prob_op);
705         // OPERATION delete range
706         TestDeleteRange(thread, write_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys,
707                         lock);
708       } else {
709         assert(delRangeBound <= prob_op);
710         // OPERATION iterate
711         int num_seeks = static_cast<int>(
712             std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(thread->rand.Uniform(4)),
713                      FLAGS_ops_per_thread - i - 1));
714         rand_keys = GenerateNKeys(thread, num_seeks, i);
715         i += num_seeks - 1;
716         TestIterate(thread, read_opts, rand_column_families, rand_keys);
717       }
718       thread->stats.FinishedSingleOp();
719 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
720       uint32_t tid = thread->tid;
721       assert(secondaries_.empty() ||
722              static_cast<size_t>(tid) < secondaries_.size());
723       if (thread->rand.OneInOpt(FLAGS_secondary_catch_up_one_in)) {
724         Status s = secondaries_[tid]->TryCatchUpWithPrimary();
725         if (!s.ok()) {
726           VerificationAbort(shared, "Secondary instance failed to catch up", s);
727           break;
728         }
729       }
730 #endif
731     }
732   }
733   while (!thread->snapshot_queue.empty()) {
734     db_->ReleaseSnapshot(thread->snapshot_queue.front().second.snapshot);
735     delete thread->snapshot_queue.front().second.key_vec;
736     thread->snapshot_queue.pop();
737   }
739   thread->stats.Stop();
740 }
742 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
743 // Generated a list of keys that close to boundaries of SST keys.
744 // If there isn't any SST file in the DB, return empty list.
GetWhiteBoxKeys(ThreadState * thread,DB * db,ColumnFamilyHandle * cfh,size_t num_keys)745 std::vector<std::string> StressTest::GetWhiteBoxKeys(ThreadState* thread,
746                                                      DB* db,
747                                                      ColumnFamilyHandle* cfh,
748                                                      size_t num_keys) {
749   ColumnFamilyMetaData cfmd;
750   db->GetColumnFamilyMetaData(cfh, &cfmd);
751   std::vector<std::string> boundaries;
752   for (const LevelMetaData& lmd : cfmd.levels) {
753     for (const SstFileMetaData& sfmd : lmd.files) {
754       boundaries.push_back(sfmd.smallestkey);
755       boundaries.push_back(sfmd.largestkey);
756     }
757   }
758   if (boundaries.empty()) {
759     return {};
760   }
762   std::vector<std::string> ret;
763   for (size_t j = 0; j < num_keys; j++) {
764     std::string k =
765         boundaries[thread->rand.Uniform(static_cast<int>(boundaries.size()))];
766     if (thread->rand.OneIn(3)) {
767       // Reduce one byte from the string
768       for (int i = static_cast<int>(k.length()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
769         uint8_t cur = k[i];
770         if (cur > 0) {
771           k[i] = static_cast<char>(cur - 1);
772           break;
773         } else if (i > 0) {
774           k[i] = 0xFFu;
775         }
776       }
777     } else if (thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
778       // Add one byte to the string
779       for (int i = static_cast<int>(k.length()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
780         uint8_t cur = k[i];
781         if (cur < 255) {
782           k[i] = static_cast<char>(cur + 1);
783           break;
784         } else if (i > 0) {
785           k[i] = 0x00;
786         }
787       }
788     }
789     ret.push_back(k);
790   }
791   return ret;
792 }
793 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
795 // Given a key K, this creates an iterator which scans to K and then
796 // does a random sequence of Next/Prev operations.
TestIterate(ThreadState * thread,const ReadOptions & read_opts,const std::vector<int> & rand_column_families,const std::vector<int64_t> & rand_keys)797 Status StressTest::TestIterate(ThreadState* thread,
798                                const ReadOptions& read_opts,
799                                const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families,
800                                const std::vector<int64_t>& rand_keys) {
801   Status s;
802   const Snapshot* snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot();
803   ReadOptions readoptionscopy = read_opts;
804   readoptionscopy.snapshot = snapshot;
806   bool expect_total_order = false;
807   if (thread->rand.OneIn(16)) {
808     // When prefix extractor is used, it's useful to cover total order seek.
809     readoptionscopy.total_order_seek = true;
810     expect_total_order = true;
811   } else if (thread->rand.OneIn(4)) {
812     readoptionscopy.total_order_seek = false;
813     readoptionscopy.auto_prefix_mode = true;
814     expect_total_order = true;
815   } else if (options_.prefix_extractor.get() == nullptr) {
816     expect_total_order = true;
817   }
819   std::string upper_bound_str;
820   Slice upper_bound;
821   if (thread->rand.OneIn(16)) {
822     // in 1/16 chance, set a iterator upper bound
823     int64_t rand_upper_key = GenerateOneKey(thread, FLAGS_ops_per_thread);
824     upper_bound_str = Key(rand_upper_key);
825     upper_bound = Slice(upper_bound_str);
826     // uppder_bound can be smaller than seek key, but the query itself
827     // should not crash either.
828     readoptionscopy.iterate_upper_bound = &upper_bound;
829   }
830   std::string lower_bound_str;
831   Slice lower_bound;
832   if (thread->rand.OneIn(16)) {
833     // in 1/16 chance, enable iterator lower bound
834     int64_t rand_lower_key = GenerateOneKey(thread, FLAGS_ops_per_thread);
835     lower_bound_str = Key(rand_lower_key);
836     lower_bound = Slice(lower_bound_str);
837     // uppder_bound can be smaller than seek key, but the query itself
838     // should not crash either.
839     readoptionscopy.iterate_lower_bound = &lower_bound;
840   }
842   auto cfh = column_families_[rand_column_families[0]];
843   std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter(db_->NewIterator(readoptionscopy, cfh));
845   std::vector<std::string> key_str;
846   if (thread->rand.OneIn(16)) {
847     // Generate keys close to lower or upper bound of SST files.
848     key_str = GetWhiteBoxKeys(thread, db_, cfh, rand_keys.size());
849   }
850   if (key_str.empty()) {
851     // If key string is not geneerated using white block keys,
852     // Use randomized key passe in.
853     for (int64_t rkey : rand_keys) {
854       key_str.push_back(Key(rkey));
855     }
856   }
858   std::string op_logs;
859   const size_t kOpLogsLimit = 10000;
861   for (const std::string& skey : key_str) {
862     if (op_logs.size() > kOpLogsLimit) {
863       // Shouldn't take too much memory for the history log. Clear it.
864       op_logs = "(cleared...)\n";
865     }
867     Slice key = skey;
869     if (readoptionscopy.iterate_upper_bound != nullptr &&
870         thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
871       // 1/2 chance, change the upper bound.
872       // It is possible that it is changed without first use, but there is no
873       // problem with that.
874       int64_t rand_upper_key = GenerateOneKey(thread, FLAGS_ops_per_thread);
875       upper_bound_str = Key(rand_upper_key);
876       upper_bound = Slice(upper_bound_str);
877     } else if (readoptionscopy.iterate_lower_bound != nullptr &&
878                thread->rand.OneIn(4)) {
879       // 1/4 chance, change the lower bound.
880       // It is possible that it is changed without first use, but there is no
881       // problem with that.
882       int64_t rand_lower_key = GenerateOneKey(thread, FLAGS_ops_per_thread);
883       lower_bound_str = Key(rand_lower_key);
884       lower_bound = Slice(lower_bound_str);
885     }
887     // Record some options to op_logs;
888     op_logs += "total_order_seek: ";
889     op_logs += (readoptionscopy.total_order_seek ? "1 " : "0 ");
890     op_logs += "auto_prefix_mode: ";
891     op_logs += (readoptionscopy.auto_prefix_mode ? "1 " : "0 ");
892     if (readoptionscopy.iterate_upper_bound != nullptr) {
893       op_logs += "ub: " + upper_bound.ToString(true) + " ";
894     }
895     if (readoptionscopy.iterate_lower_bound != nullptr) {
896       op_logs += "lb: " + lower_bound.ToString(true) + " ";
897     }
899     // Set up an iterator and does the same without bounds and with total
900     // order seek and compare the results. This is to identify bugs related
901     // to bounds, prefix extractor or reseeking. Sometimes we are comparing
902     // iterators with the same set-up, and it doesn't hurt to check them
903     // to be equal.
904     ReadOptions cmp_ro;
905     cmp_ro.snapshot = snapshot;
906     cmp_ro.total_order_seek = true;
907     ColumnFamilyHandle* cmp_cfh =
908         GetControlCfh(thread, rand_column_families[0]);
909     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> cmp_iter(db_->NewIterator(cmp_ro, cmp_cfh));
910     bool diverged = false;
912     bool support_seek_first_or_last = expect_total_order;
914     LastIterateOp last_op;
915     if (support_seek_first_or_last && thread->rand.OneIn(100)) {
916       iter->SeekToFirst();
917       cmp_iter->SeekToFirst();
918       last_op = kLastOpSeekToFirst;
919       op_logs += "STF ";
920     } else if (support_seek_first_or_last && thread->rand.OneIn(100)) {
921       iter->SeekToLast();
922       cmp_iter->SeekToLast();
923       last_op = kLastOpSeekToLast;
924       op_logs += "STL ";
925     } else if (thread->rand.OneIn(8)) {
926       iter->SeekForPrev(key);
927       cmp_iter->SeekForPrev(key);
928       last_op = kLastOpSeekForPrev;
929       op_logs += "SFP " + key.ToString(true) + " ";
930     } else {
931       iter->Seek(key);
932       cmp_iter->Seek(key);
933       last_op = kLastOpSeek;
934       op_logs += "S " + key.ToString(true) + " ";
935     }
936     VerifyIterator(thread, cmp_cfh, readoptionscopy, iter.get(), cmp_iter.get(),
937                    last_op, key, op_logs, &diverged);
939     bool no_reverse =
940         (FLAGS_memtablerep == "prefix_hash" && !expect_total_order);
941     for (uint64_t i = 0; i < FLAGS_num_iterations && iter->Valid(); i++) {
942       if (no_reverse || thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
943         iter->Next();
944         if (!diverged) {
945           assert(cmp_iter->Valid());
946           cmp_iter->Next();
947         }
948         op_logs += "N";
949       } else {
950         iter->Prev();
951         if (!diverged) {
952           assert(cmp_iter->Valid());
953           cmp_iter->Prev();
954         }
955         op_logs += "P";
956       }
957       last_op = kLastOpNextOrPrev;
958       VerifyIterator(thread, cmp_cfh, readoptionscopy, iter.get(),
959                      cmp_iter.get(), last_op, key, op_logs, &diverged);
960     }
962     if (s.ok()) {
963       thread->stats.AddIterations(1);
964     } else {
965       fprintf(stderr, "TestIterate error: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
966       thread->stats.AddErrors(1);
967       break;
968     }
970     op_logs += "; ";
971   }
973   db_->ReleaseSnapshot(snapshot);
975   return s;
976 }
978 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
979 // Test the return status of GetLiveFiles, GetSortedWalFiles, and
980 // GetCurrentWalFile. Each time, randomly select one of them to run
981 // and return the status.
VerifyGetLiveAndWalFiles(ThreadState * thread)982 Status StressTest::VerifyGetLiveAndWalFiles(ThreadState* thread) {
983   int case_num = thread->rand.Uniform(3);
984   if (case_num == 0) {
985     std::vector<std::string> live_file;
986     uint64_t manifest_size;
987     return db_->GetLiveFiles(live_file, &manifest_size);
988   }
990   if (case_num == 1) {
991     VectorLogPtr log_ptr;
992     return db_->GetSortedWalFiles(log_ptr);
993   }
995   if (case_num == 2) {
996     std::unique_ptr<LogFile> cur_wal_file;
997     return db_->GetCurrentWalFile(&cur_wal_file);
998   }
999   assert(false);
1000   return Status::Corruption("Undefined case happens!");
1001 }
1002 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
1004 // Compare the two iterator, iter and cmp_iter are in the same position,
1005 // unless iter might be made invalidate or undefined because of
1006 // upper or lower bounds, or prefix extractor.
1007 // Will flag failure if the verification fails.
1008 // diverged = true if the two iterator is already diverged.
1009 // True if verification passed, false if not.
VerifyIterator(ThreadState * thread,ColumnFamilyHandle * cmp_cfh,const ReadOptions & ro,Iterator * iter,Iterator * cmp_iter,LastIterateOp op,const Slice & seek_key,const std::string & op_logs,bool * diverged)1010 void StressTest::VerifyIterator(ThreadState* thread,
1011                                 ColumnFamilyHandle* cmp_cfh,
1012                                 const ReadOptions& ro, Iterator* iter,
1013                                 Iterator* cmp_iter, LastIterateOp op,
1014                                 const Slice& seek_key,
1015                                 const std::string& op_logs, bool* diverged) {
1016   if (*diverged) {
1017     return;
1018   }
1020   if (op == kLastOpSeekToFirst && ro.iterate_lower_bound != nullptr) {
1021     // SeekToFirst() with lower bound is not well defined.
1022     *diverged = true;
1023     return;
1024   } else if (op == kLastOpSeekToLast && ro.iterate_upper_bound != nullptr) {
1025     // SeekToLast() with higher bound is not well defined.
1026     *diverged = true;
1027     return;
1028   } else if (op == kLastOpSeek && ro.iterate_lower_bound != nullptr &&
1029              (options_.comparator->Compare(*ro.iterate_lower_bound, seek_key) >=
1030                   0 ||
1031               (ro.iterate_upper_bound != nullptr &&
1032                options_.comparator->Compare(*ro.iterate_lower_bound,
1033                                             *ro.iterate_upper_bound) >= 0))) {
1034     // Lower bound behavior is not well defined if it is larger than
1035     // seek key or upper bound. Disable the check for now.
1036     *diverged = true;
1037     return;
1038   } else if (op == kLastOpSeekForPrev && ro.iterate_upper_bound != nullptr &&
1039              (options_.comparator->Compare(*ro.iterate_upper_bound, seek_key) <=
1040                   0 ||
1041               (ro.iterate_lower_bound != nullptr &&
1042                options_.comparator->Compare(*ro.iterate_lower_bound,
1043                                             *ro.iterate_upper_bound) >= 0))) {
1044     // Uppder bound behavior is not well defined if it is smaller than
1045     // seek key or lower bound. Disable the check for now.
1046     *diverged = true;
1047     return;
1048   }
1050   const SliceTransform* pe = (ro.total_order_seek || ro.auto_prefix_mode)
1051                                  ? nullptr
1052                                  : options_.prefix_extractor.get();
1053   const Comparator* cmp = options_.comparator;
1055   if (iter->Valid() && !cmp_iter->Valid()) {
1056     if (pe != nullptr) {
1057       if (!pe->InDomain(seek_key)) {
1058         // Prefix seek a non-in-domain key is undefined. Skip checking for
1059         // this scenario.
1060         *diverged = true;
1061         return;
1062       } else if (!pe->InDomain(iter->key())) {
1063         // out of range is iterator key is not in domain anymore.
1064         *diverged = true;
1065         return;
1066       } else if (pe->Transform(iter->key()) != pe->Transform(seek_key)) {
1067         *diverged = true;
1068         return;
1069       }
1070     }
1071     fprintf(stderr,
1072             "Control interator is invalid but iterator has key %s "
1073             "%s\n",
1074             iter->key().ToString(true).c_str(), op_logs.c_str());
1076     *diverged = true;
1077   } else if (cmp_iter->Valid()) {
1078     // Iterator is not valid. It can be legimate if it has already been
1079     // out of upper or lower bound, or filtered out by prefix iterator.
1080     const Slice& total_order_key = cmp_iter->key();
1082     if (pe != nullptr) {
1083       if (!pe->InDomain(seek_key)) {
1084         // Prefix seek a non-in-domain key is undefined. Skip checking for
1085         // this scenario.
1086         *diverged = true;
1087         return;
1088       }
1090       if (!pe->InDomain(total_order_key) ||
1091           pe->Transform(total_order_key) != pe->Transform(seek_key)) {
1092         // If the prefix is exhausted, the only thing needs to check
1093         // is the iterator isn't return a position in prefix.
1094         // Either way, checking can stop from here.
1095         *diverged = true;
1096         if (!iter->Valid() || !pe->InDomain(iter->key()) ||
1097             pe->Transform(iter->key()) != pe->Transform(seek_key)) {
1098           return;
1099         }
1100         fprintf(stderr,
1101                 "Iterator stays in prefix but contol doesn't"
1102                 " iterator key %s control iterator key %s %s\n",
1103                 iter->key().ToString(true).c_str(),
1104                 cmp_iter->key().ToString(true).c_str(), op_logs.c_str());
1105       }
1106     }
1107     // Check upper or lower bounds.
1108     if (!*diverged) {
1109       if ((iter->Valid() && iter->key() != cmp_iter->key()) ||
1110           (!iter->Valid() &&
1111            (ro.iterate_upper_bound == nullptr ||
1112             cmp->Compare(total_order_key, *ro.iterate_upper_bound) < 0) &&
1113            (ro.iterate_lower_bound == nullptr ||
1114             cmp->Compare(total_order_key, *ro.iterate_lower_bound) > 0))) {
1115         fprintf(stderr,
1116                 "Iterator diverged from control iterator which"
1117                 " has value %s %s\n",
1118                 total_order_key.ToString(true).c_str(), op_logs.c_str());
1119         if (iter->Valid()) {
1120           fprintf(stderr, "iterator has value %s\n",
1121                   iter->key().ToString(true).c_str());
1122         } else {
1123           fprintf(stderr, "iterator is not valid\n");
1124         }
1125         *diverged = true;
1126       }
1127     }
1128   }
1129   if (*diverged) {
1130     fprintf(stderr, "Control CF %s\n", cmp_cfh->GetName().c_str());
1131     thread->stats.AddErrors(1);
1132     // Fail fast to preserve the DB state.
1133     thread->shared->SetVerificationFailure();
1134   }
1135 }
1137 #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE
TestBackupRestore(ThreadState *,const std::vector<int> &,const std::vector<int64_t> &)1138 Status StressTest::TestBackupRestore(
1139     ThreadState* /* thread */,
1140     const std::vector<int>& /* rand_column_families */,
1141     const std::vector<int64_t>& /* rand_keys */) {
1142   assert(false);
1143   fprintf(stderr,
1144           "RocksDB lite does not support "
1145           "TestBackupRestore\n");
1146   std::terminate();
1147 }
TestCheckpoint(ThreadState *,const std::vector<int> &,const std::vector<int64_t> &)1149 Status StressTest::TestCheckpoint(
1150     ThreadState* /* thread */,
1151     const std::vector<int>& /* rand_column_families */,
1152     const std::vector<int64_t>& /* rand_keys */) {
1153   assert(false);
1154   fprintf(stderr,
1155           "RocksDB lite does not support "
1156           "TestCheckpoint\n");
1157   std::terminate();
1158 }
TestCompactFiles(ThreadState *,ColumnFamilyHandle *)1160 void StressTest::TestCompactFiles(ThreadState* /* thread */,
1161                                   ColumnFamilyHandle* /* column_family */) {
1162   assert(false);
1163   fprintf(stderr,
1164           "RocksDB lite does not support "
1165           "CompactFiles\n");
1166   std::terminate();
1167 }
1168 #else   // ROCKSDB_LITE
TestBackupRestore(ThreadState * thread,const std::vector<int> & rand_column_families,const std::vector<int64_t> & rand_keys)1169 Status StressTest::TestBackupRestore(
1170     ThreadState* thread, const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families,
1171     const std::vector<int64_t>& rand_keys) {
1172   // Note the column families chosen by `rand_column_families` cannot be
1173   // dropped while the locks for `rand_keys` are held. So we should not have
1174   // to worry about accessing those column families throughout this function.
1175   assert(rand_column_families.size() == rand_keys.size());
1176   std::string backup_dir = FLAGS_db + "/.backup" + ToString(thread->tid);
1177   std::string restore_dir = FLAGS_db + "/.restore" + ToString(thread->tid);
1178   BackupableDBOptions backup_opts(backup_dir);
1179   BackupEngine* backup_engine = nullptr;
1180   Status s = BackupEngine::Open(db_stress_env, backup_opts, &backup_engine);
1181   if (s.ok()) {
1182     s = backup_engine->CreateNewBackup(db_);
1183   }
1184   if (s.ok()) {
1185     delete backup_engine;
1186     backup_engine = nullptr;
1187     s = BackupEngine::Open(db_stress_env, backup_opts, &backup_engine);
1188   }
1189   if (s.ok()) {
1190     s = backup_engine->RestoreDBFromLatestBackup(restore_dir /* db_dir */,
1191                                                  restore_dir /* wal_dir */);
1192   }
1193   if (s.ok()) {
1194     s = backup_engine->PurgeOldBackups(0 /* num_backups_to_keep */);
1195   }
1196   DB* restored_db = nullptr;
1197   std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> restored_cf_handles;
1198   if (s.ok()) {
1199     Options restore_options(options_);
1200     restore_options.listeners.clear();
1201     std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> cf_descriptors;
1202     // TODO(ajkr): `column_family_names_` is not safe to access here when
1203     // `clear_column_family_one_in != 0`. But we can't easily switch to
1204     // `ListColumnFamilies` to get names because it won't necessarily give
1205     // the same order as `column_family_names_`.
1206     assert(FLAGS_clear_column_family_one_in == 0);
1207     for (auto name : column_family_names_) {
1208       cf_descriptors.emplace_back(name, ColumnFamilyOptions(restore_options));
1209     }
1210     s = DB::Open(DBOptions(restore_options), restore_dir, cf_descriptors,
1211                  &restored_cf_handles, &restored_db);
1212   }
1213   // for simplicity, currently only verifies existence/non-existence of a few
1214   // keys
1215   for (size_t i = 0; s.ok() && i < rand_column_families.size(); ++i) {
1216     std::string key_str = Key(rand_keys[i]);
1217     Slice key = key_str;
1218     std::string restored_value;
1219     Status get_status = restored_db->Get(
1220         ReadOptions(), restored_cf_handles[rand_column_families[i]], key,
1221         &restored_value);
1222     bool exists = thread->shared->Exists(rand_column_families[i], rand_keys[i]);
1223     if (get_status.ok()) {
1224       if (!exists) {
1225         s = Status::Corruption("key exists in restore but not in original db");
1226       }
1227     } else if (get_status.IsNotFound()) {
1228       if (exists) {
1229         s = Status::Corruption("key exists in original db but not in restore");
1230       }
1231     } else {
1232       s = get_status;
1233     }
1234   }
1235   if (backup_engine != nullptr) {
1236     delete backup_engine;
1237     backup_engine = nullptr;
1238   }
1239   if (restored_db != nullptr) {
1240     for (auto* cf_handle : restored_cf_handles) {
1241       restored_db->DestroyColumnFamilyHandle(cf_handle);
1242     }
1243     delete restored_db;
1244     restored_db = nullptr;
1245   }
1246   if (!s.ok()) {
1247     fprintf(stderr, "A backup/restore operation failed with: %s\n",
1248             s.ToString().c_str());
1249   }
1250   return s;
1251 }
1253 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
TestApproximateSize(ThreadState * thread,uint64_t iteration,const std::vector<int> & rand_column_families,const std::vector<int64_t> & rand_keys)1254 Status StressTest::TestApproximateSize(
1255     ThreadState* thread, uint64_t iteration,
1256     const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families,
1257     const std::vector<int64_t>& rand_keys) {
1258   // rand_keys likely only has one key. Just use the first one.
1259   assert(!rand_keys.empty());
1260   assert(!rand_column_families.empty());
1261   int64_t key1 = rand_keys[0];
1262   int64_t key2;
1263   if (thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
1264     // Two totally random keys. This tends to cover large ranges.
1265     key2 = GenerateOneKey(thread, iteration);
1266     if (key2 < key1) {
1267       std::swap(key1, key2);
1268     }
1269   } else {
1270     // Unless users pass a very large FLAGS_max_key, it we should not worry
1271     // about overflow. It is for testing, so we skip the overflow checking
1272     // for simplicity.
1273     key2 = key1 + static_cast<int64_t>(thread->rand.Uniform(1000));
1274   }
1275   std::string key1_str = Key(key1);
1276   std::string key2_str = Key(key2);
1277   Range range{Slice(key1_str), Slice(key2_str)};
1278   SizeApproximationOptions sao;
1279   sao.include_memtabtles = thread->rand.OneIn(2);
1280   if (sao.include_memtabtles) {
1281     sao.include_files = thread->rand.OneIn(2);
1282   }
1283   if (thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
1284     if (thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
1285       sao.files_size_error_margin = 0.0;
1286     } else {
1287       sao.files_size_error_margin =
1288           static_cast<double>(thread->rand.Uniform(3));
1289     }
1290   }
1291   uint64_t result;
1292   return db_->GetApproximateSizes(
1293       sao, column_families_[rand_column_families[0]], &range, 1, &result);
1294 }
1295 #endif  // ROCKSDB_LITE
TestCheckpoint(ThreadState * thread,const std::vector<int> & rand_column_families,const std::vector<int64_t> & rand_keys)1297 Status StressTest::TestCheckpoint(ThreadState* thread,
1298                                   const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families,
1299                                   const std::vector<int64_t>& rand_keys) {
1300   // Note the column families chosen by `rand_column_families` cannot be
1301   // dropped while the locks for `rand_keys` are held. So we should not have
1302   // to worry about accessing those column families throughout this function.
1303   assert(rand_column_families.size() == rand_keys.size());
1304   std::string checkpoint_dir =
1305       FLAGS_db + "/.checkpoint" + ToString(thread->tid);
1306   Options tmp_opts(options_);
1307   tmp_opts.listeners.clear();
1308   tmp_opts.env = db_stress_env->target();
1310   DestroyDB(checkpoint_dir, tmp_opts);
1312   Checkpoint* checkpoint = nullptr;
1313   Status s = Checkpoint::Create(db_, &checkpoint);
1314   if (s.ok()) {
1315     s = checkpoint->CreateCheckpoint(checkpoint_dir);
1316   }
1317   std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> cf_handles;
1318   DB* checkpoint_db = nullptr;
1319   if (s.ok()) {
1320     delete checkpoint;
1321     checkpoint = nullptr;
1322     Options options(options_);
1323     options.listeners.clear();
1324     std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> cf_descs;
1325     // TODO(ajkr): `column_family_names_` is not safe to access here when
1326     // `clear_column_family_one_in != 0`. But we can't easily switch to
1327     // `ListColumnFamilies` to get names because it won't necessarily give
1328     // the same order as `column_family_names_`.
1329     if (FLAGS_clear_column_family_one_in == 0) {
1330       for (const auto& name : column_family_names_) {
1331         cf_descs.emplace_back(name, ColumnFamilyOptions(options));
1332       }
1333       s = DB::OpenForReadOnly(DBOptions(options), checkpoint_dir, cf_descs,
1334                               &cf_handles, &checkpoint_db);
1335     }
1336   }
1337   if (checkpoint_db != nullptr) {
1338     for (size_t i = 0; s.ok() && i < rand_column_families.size(); ++i) {
1339       std::string key_str = Key(rand_keys[i]);
1340       Slice key = key_str;
1341       std::string value;
1342       Status get_status = checkpoint_db->Get(
1343           ReadOptions(), cf_handles[rand_column_families[i]], key, &value);
1344       bool exists =
1345           thread->shared->Exists(rand_column_families[i], rand_keys[i]);
1346       if (get_status.ok()) {
1347         if (!exists) {
1348           s = Status::Corruption(
1349               "key exists in checkpoint but not in original db");
1350         }
1351       } else if (get_status.IsNotFound()) {
1352         if (exists) {
1353           s = Status::Corruption(
1354               "key exists in original db but not in checkpoint");
1355         }
1356       } else {
1357         s = get_status;
1358       }
1359     }
1360     for (auto cfh : cf_handles) {
1361       delete cfh;
1362     }
1363     cf_handles.clear();
1364     delete checkpoint_db;
1365     checkpoint_db = nullptr;
1366   }
1368   DestroyDB(checkpoint_dir, tmp_opts);
1370   if (!s.ok()) {
1371     fprintf(stderr, "A checkpoint operation failed with: %s\n",
1372             s.ToString().c_str());
1373   }
1374   return s;
1375 }
TestCompactFiles(ThreadState * thread,ColumnFamilyHandle * column_family)1377 void StressTest::TestCompactFiles(ThreadState* thread,
1378                                   ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) {
1379   ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyMetaData cf_meta_data;
1380   db_->GetColumnFamilyMetaData(column_family, &cf_meta_data);
1382   // Randomly compact up to three consecutive files from a level
1383   const int kMaxRetry = 3;
1384   for (int attempt = 0; attempt < kMaxRetry; ++attempt) {
1385     size_t random_level =
1386         thread->rand.Uniform(static_cast<int>(cf_meta_data.levels.size()));
1388     const auto& files = cf_meta_data.levels[random_level].files;
1389     if (files.size() > 0) {
1390       size_t random_file_index =
1391           thread->rand.Uniform(static_cast<int>(files.size()));
1392       if (files[random_file_index].being_compacted) {
1393         // Retry as the selected file is currently being compacted
1394         continue;
1395       }
1397       std::vector<std::string> input_files;
1398       input_files.push_back(files[random_file_index].name);
1399       if (random_file_index > 0 &&
1400           !files[random_file_index - 1].being_compacted) {
1401         input_files.push_back(files[random_file_index - 1].name);
1402       }
1403       if (random_file_index + 1 < files.size() &&
1404           !files[random_file_index + 1].being_compacted) {
1405         input_files.push_back(files[random_file_index + 1].name);
1406       }
1408       size_t output_level =
1409           std::min(random_level + 1, cf_meta_data.levels.size() - 1);
1410       auto s = db_->CompactFiles(CompactionOptions(), column_family,
1411                                  input_files, static_cast<int>(output_level));
1412       if (!s.ok()) {
1413         fprintf(stdout, "Unable to perform CompactFiles(): %s\n",
1414                 s.ToString().c_str());
1415         thread->stats.AddNumCompactFilesFailed(1);
1416       } else {
1417         thread->stats.AddNumCompactFilesSucceed(1);
1418       }
1419       break;
1420     }
1421   }
1422 }
1423 #endif  // ROCKSDB_LITE
TestFlush(const std::vector<int> & rand_column_families)1425 Status StressTest::TestFlush(const std::vector<int>& rand_column_families) {
1426   FlushOptions flush_opts;
1427   std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*> cfhs;
1428   std::for_each(rand_column_families.begin(), rand_column_families.end(),
1429                 [this, &cfhs](int k) { cfhs.push_back(column_families_[k]); });
1430   return db_->Flush(flush_opts, cfhs);
1431 }
TestPauseBackground(ThreadState * thread)1433 Status StressTest::TestPauseBackground(ThreadState* thread) {
1434   Status status = db_->PauseBackgroundWork();
1435   if (!status.ok()) {
1436     return status;
1437   }
1438   // To avoid stalling/deadlocking ourself in this thread, just
1439   // sleep here during pause and let other threads do db operations.
1440   // Sleep up to ~16 seconds (2**24 microseconds), but very skewed
1441   // toward short pause. (1 chance in 25 of pausing >= 1s;
1442   // 1 chance in 625 of pausing full 16s.)
1443   int pwr2_micros =
1444       std::min(thread->rand.Uniform(25), thread->rand.Uniform(25));
1445   db_stress_env->SleepForMicroseconds(1 << pwr2_micros);
1446   return db_->ContinueBackgroundWork();
1447 }
TestAcquireSnapshot(ThreadState * thread,int rand_column_family,const std::string & keystr,uint64_t i)1449 void StressTest::TestAcquireSnapshot(ThreadState* thread,
1450                                      int rand_column_family,
1451                                      const std::string& keystr, uint64_t i) {
1452   Slice key = keystr;
1453   ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family = column_families_[rand_column_family];
1454 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1455   auto db_impl = reinterpret_cast<DBImpl*>(db_->GetRootDB());
1456   const bool ww_snapshot = thread->rand.OneIn(10);
1457   const Snapshot* snapshot =
1458       ww_snapshot ? db_impl->GetSnapshotForWriteConflictBoundary()
1459                   : db_->GetSnapshot();
1460 #else
1461   const Snapshot* snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot();
1462 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
1463   ReadOptions ropt;
1464   ropt.snapshot = snapshot;
1465   std::string value_at;
1466   // When taking a snapshot, we also read a key from that snapshot. We
1467   // will later read the same key before releasing the snapshot and
1468   // verify that the results are the same.
1469   auto status_at = db_->Get(ropt, column_family, key, &value_at);
1470   std::vector<bool>* key_vec = nullptr;
1472   if (FLAGS_compare_full_db_state_snapshot && (thread->tid == 0)) {
1473     key_vec = new std::vector<bool>(FLAGS_max_key);
1474     // When `prefix_extractor` is set, seeking to beginning and scanning
1475     // across prefixes are only supported with `total_order_seek` set.
1476     ropt.total_order_seek = true;
1477     std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iterator(db_->NewIterator(ropt));
1478     for (iterator->SeekToFirst(); iterator->Valid(); iterator->Next()) {
1479       uint64_t key_val;
1480       if (GetIntVal(iterator->key().ToString(), &key_val)) {
1481         (*key_vec)[key_val] = true;
1482       }
1483     }
1484   }
1486   ThreadState::SnapshotState snap_state = {
1487       snapshot, rand_column_family, column_family->GetName(),
1488       keystr,   status_at,          value_at,
1489       key_vec};
1490   uint64_t hold_for = FLAGS_snapshot_hold_ops;
1491   if (FLAGS_long_running_snapshots) {
1492     // Hold 10% of snapshots for 10x more
1493     if (thread->rand.OneIn(10)) {
1494       assert(hold_for < port::kMaxInt64 / 10);
1495       hold_for *= 10;
1496       // Hold 1% of snapshots for 100x more
1497       if (thread->rand.OneIn(10)) {
1498         assert(hold_for < port::kMaxInt64 / 10);
1499         hold_for *= 10;
1500       }
1501     }
1502   }
1503   uint64_t release_at = std::min(FLAGS_ops_per_thread - 1, i + hold_for);
1504   thread->snapshot_queue.emplace(release_at, snap_state);
1505 }
MaybeReleaseSnapshots(ThreadState * thread,uint64_t i)1507 Status StressTest::MaybeReleaseSnapshots(ThreadState* thread, uint64_t i) {
1508   while (!thread->snapshot_queue.empty() &&
1509          i >= thread->snapshot_queue.front().first) {
1510     auto snap_state = thread->snapshot_queue.front().second;
1511     assert(snap_state.snapshot);
1512     // Note: this is unsafe as the cf might be dropped concurrently. But
1513     // it is ok since unclean cf drop is cunnrently not supported by write
1514     // prepared transactions.
1515     Status s = AssertSame(db_, column_families_[snap_state.cf_at], snap_state);
1516     db_->ReleaseSnapshot(snap_state.snapshot);
1517     delete snap_state.key_vec;
1518     thread->snapshot_queue.pop();
1519     if (!s.ok()) {
1520       return s;
1521     }
1522   }
1523   return Status::OK();
1524 }
TestCompactRange(ThreadState * thread,int64_t rand_key,const Slice & start_key,ColumnFamilyHandle * column_family)1526 void StressTest::TestCompactRange(ThreadState* thread, int64_t rand_key,
1527                                   const Slice& start_key,
1528                                   ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) {
1529   int64_t end_key_num;
1530   if (port::kMaxInt64 - rand_key < FLAGS_compact_range_width) {
1531     end_key_num = port::kMaxInt64;
1532   } else {
1533     end_key_num = FLAGS_compact_range_width + rand_key;
1534   }
1535   std::string end_key_buf = Key(end_key_num);
1536   Slice end_key(end_key_buf);
1538   CompactRangeOptions cro;
1539   cro.exclusive_manual_compaction = static_cast<bool>(thread->rand.Next() % 2);
1540   cro.change_level = static_cast<bool>(thread->rand.Next() % 2);
1541   std::vector<BottommostLevelCompaction> bottom_level_styles = {
1542       BottommostLevelCompaction::kSkip,
1543       BottommostLevelCompaction::kIfHaveCompactionFilter,
1544       BottommostLevelCompaction::kForce,
1545       BottommostLevelCompaction::kForceOptimized};
1546   cro.bottommost_level_compaction =
1547       bottom_level_styles[thread->rand.Next() %
1548                           static_cast<uint32_t>(bottom_level_styles.size())];
1549   cro.allow_write_stall = static_cast<bool>(thread->rand.Next() % 2);
1550   cro.max_subcompactions = static_cast<uint32_t>(thread->rand.Next() % 4);
1552   const Snapshot* pre_snapshot = nullptr;
1553   uint32_t pre_hash = 0;
1554   if (thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
1555     // Do some validation by declaring a snapshot and compare the data before
1556     // and after the compaction
1557     pre_snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot();
1558     pre_hash =
1559         GetRangeHash(thread, pre_snapshot, column_family, start_key, end_key);
1560   }
1562   Status status = db_->CompactRange(cro, column_family, &start_key, &end_key);
1564   if (!status.ok()) {
1565     fprintf(stdout, "Unable to perform CompactRange(): %s\n",
1566             status.ToString().c_str());
1567   }
1569   if (pre_snapshot != nullptr) {
1570     uint32_t post_hash =
1571         GetRangeHash(thread, pre_snapshot, column_family, start_key, end_key);
1572     if (pre_hash != post_hash) {
1573       fprintf(stderr,
1574               "Data hash different before and after compact range "
1575               "start_key %s end_key %s\n",
1576               start_key.ToString(true).c_str(), end_key.ToString(true).c_str());
1577       thread->stats.AddErrors(1);
1578       // Fail fast to preserve the DB state.
1579       thread->shared->SetVerificationFailure();
1580     }
1581     db_->ReleaseSnapshot(pre_snapshot);
1582   }
1583 }
GetRangeHash(ThreadState * thread,const Snapshot * snapshot,ColumnFamilyHandle * column_family,const Slice & start_key,const Slice & end_key)1585 uint32_t StressTest::GetRangeHash(ThreadState* thread, const Snapshot* snapshot,
1586                                   ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
1587                                   const Slice& start_key,
1588                                   const Slice& end_key) {
1589   const std::string kCrcCalculatorSepearator = ";";
1590   uint32_t crc = 0;
1591   ReadOptions ro;
1592   ro.snapshot = snapshot;
1593   ro.total_order_seek = true;
1594   std::unique_ptr<Iterator> it(db_->NewIterator(ro, column_family));
1595   for (it->Seek(start_key);
1596        it->Valid() && options_.comparator->Compare(it->key(), end_key) <= 0;
1597        it->Next()) {
1598     crc = crc32c::Extend(crc, it->key().data(), it->key().size());
1599     crc = crc32c::Extend(crc, kCrcCalculatorSepearator.data(), 1);
1600     crc = crc32c::Extend(crc, it->value().data(), it->value().size());
1601     crc = crc32c::Extend(crc, kCrcCalculatorSepearator.data(), 1);
1602   }
1603   if (!it->status().ok()) {
1604     fprintf(stderr, "Iterator non-OK when calculating range CRC: %s\n",
1605             it->status().ToString().c_str());
1606     thread->stats.AddErrors(1);
1607     // Fail fast to preserve the DB state.
1608     thread->shared->SetVerificationFailure();
1609   }
1610   return crc;
1611 }
PrintEnv() const1613 void StressTest::PrintEnv() const {
1614   fprintf(stdout, "RocksDB version           : %d.%d\n", kMajorVersion,
1615           kMinorVersion);
1616   fprintf(stdout, "Format version            : %d\n", FLAGS_format_version);
1617   fprintf(stdout, "TransactionDB             : %s\n",
1618           FLAGS_use_txn ? "true" : "false");
1619 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1620   fprintf(stdout, "BlobDB                    : %s\n",
1621           FLAGS_use_blob_db ? "true" : "false");
1622 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
1623   fprintf(stdout, "Read only mode            : %s\n",
1624           FLAGS_read_only ? "true" : "false");
1625   fprintf(stdout, "Atomic flush              : %s\n",
1626           FLAGS_atomic_flush ? "true" : "false");
1627   fprintf(stdout, "Column families           : %d\n", FLAGS_column_families);
1628   if (!FLAGS_test_batches_snapshots) {
1629     fprintf(stdout, "Clear CFs one in          : %d\n",
1630             FLAGS_clear_column_family_one_in);
1631   }
1632   fprintf(stdout, "Number of threads         : %d\n", FLAGS_threads);
1633   fprintf(stdout, "Ops per thread            : %lu\n",
1634           (unsigned long)FLAGS_ops_per_thread);
1635   std::string ttl_state("unused");
1636   if (FLAGS_ttl > 0) {
1637     ttl_state = NumberToString(FLAGS_ttl);
1638   }
1639   fprintf(stdout, "Time to live(sec)         : %s\n", ttl_state.c_str());
1640   fprintf(stdout, "Read percentage           : %d%%\n", FLAGS_readpercent);
1641   fprintf(stdout, "Prefix percentage         : %d%%\n", FLAGS_prefixpercent);
1642   fprintf(stdout, "Write percentage          : %d%%\n", FLAGS_writepercent);
1643   fprintf(stdout, "Delete percentage         : %d%%\n", FLAGS_delpercent);
1644   fprintf(stdout, "Delete range percentage   : %d%%\n", FLAGS_delrangepercent);
1645   fprintf(stdout, "No overwrite percentage   : %d%%\n",
1646           FLAGS_nooverwritepercent);
1647   fprintf(stdout, "Iterate percentage        : %d%%\n", FLAGS_iterpercent);
1648   fprintf(stdout, "DB-write-buffer-size      : %" PRIu64 "\n",
1649           FLAGS_db_write_buffer_size);
1650   fprintf(stdout, "Write-buffer-size         : %d\n", FLAGS_write_buffer_size);
1651   fprintf(stdout, "Iterations                : %lu\n",
1652           (unsigned long)FLAGS_num_iterations);
1653   fprintf(stdout, "Max key                   : %lu\n",
1654           (unsigned long)FLAGS_max_key);
1655   fprintf(stdout, "Ratio #ops/#keys          : %f\n",
1656           (1.0 * FLAGS_ops_per_thread * FLAGS_threads) / FLAGS_max_key);
1657   fprintf(stdout, "Num times DB reopens      : %d\n", FLAGS_reopen);
1658   fprintf(stdout, "Batches/snapshots         : %d\n",
1659           FLAGS_test_batches_snapshots);
1660   fprintf(stdout, "Do update in place        : %d\n", FLAGS_in_place_update);
1661   fprintf(stdout, "Num keys per lock         : %d\n",
1662           1 << FLAGS_log2_keys_per_lock);
1663   std::string compression = CompressionTypeToString(compression_type_e);
1664   fprintf(stdout, "Compression               : %s\n", compression.c_str());
1665   std::string bottommost_compression =
1666       CompressionTypeToString(bottommost_compression_type_e);
1667   fprintf(stdout, "Bottommost Compression    : %s\n",
1668           bottommost_compression.c_str());
1669   std::string checksum = ChecksumTypeToString(checksum_type_e);
1670   fprintf(stdout, "Checksum type             : %s\n", checksum.c_str());
1671   fprintf(stdout, "Bloom bits / key          : %s\n",
1672           FormatDoubleParam(FLAGS_bloom_bits).c_str());
1673   fprintf(stdout, "Max subcompactions        : %" PRIu64 "\n",
1674           FLAGS_subcompactions);
1675   fprintf(stdout, "Use MultiGet              : %s\n",
1676           FLAGS_use_multiget ? "true" : "false");
1678   const char* memtablerep = "";
1679   switch (FLAGS_rep_factory) {
1680     case kSkipList:
1681       memtablerep = "skip_list";
1682       break;
1683     case kHashSkipList:
1684       memtablerep = "prefix_hash";
1685       break;
1686     case kVectorRep:
1687       memtablerep = "vector";
1688       break;
1689   }
1691   fprintf(stdout, "Memtablerep               : %s\n", memtablerep);
1693   fprintf(stdout, "Test kill odd             : %d\n", rocksdb_kill_odds);
1694   if (!rocksdb_kill_prefix_blacklist.empty()) {
1695     fprintf(stdout, "Skipping kill points prefixes:\n");
1696     for (auto& p : rocksdb_kill_prefix_blacklist) {
1697       fprintf(stdout, "  %s\n", p.c_str());
1698     }
1699   }
1700   fprintf(stdout, "Periodic Compaction Secs  : %" PRIu64 "\n",
1701           FLAGS_periodic_compaction_seconds);
1702   fprintf(stdout, "Compaction TTL            : %" PRIu64 "\n",
1703           FLAGS_compaction_ttl);
1704   fprintf(stdout, "Background Purge          : %d\n",
1705           static_cast<int>(FLAGS_avoid_unnecessary_blocking_io));
1706   fprintf(stdout, "Write DB ID to manifest   : %d\n",
1707           static_cast<int>(FLAGS_write_dbid_to_manifest));
1708   fprintf(stdout, "Max Write Batch Group Size: %" PRIu64 "\n",
1709           FLAGS_max_write_batch_group_size_bytes);
1710   fprintf(stdout, "Use dynamic level         : %d\n",
1711           static_cast<int>(FLAGS_level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes));
1713   fprintf(stdout, "------------------------------------------------\n");
1714 }
Open()1716 void StressTest::Open() {
1717   assert(db_ == nullptr);
1718 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1719   assert(txn_db_ == nullptr);
1720 #endif
1721   if (FLAGS_options_file.empty()) {
1722     BlockBasedTableOptions block_based_options;
1723     block_based_options.block_cache = cache_;
1724     block_based_options.cache_index_and_filter_blocks =
1725         FLAGS_cache_index_and_filter_blocks;
1726     block_based_options.block_cache_compressed = compressed_cache_;
1727     block_based_options.checksum = checksum_type_e;
1728     block_based_options.block_size = FLAGS_block_size;
1729     block_based_options.format_version =
1730         static_cast<uint32_t>(FLAGS_format_version);
1731     block_based_options.index_block_restart_interval =
1732         static_cast<int32_t>(FLAGS_index_block_restart_interval);
1733     block_based_options.filter_policy = filter_policy_;
1734     block_based_options.partition_filters = FLAGS_partition_filters;
1735     block_based_options.index_type =
1736         static_cast<BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType>(FLAGS_index_type);
1737     options_.table_factory.reset(
1738         NewBlockBasedTableFactory(block_based_options));
1739     options_.db_write_buffer_size = FLAGS_db_write_buffer_size;
1740     options_.write_buffer_size = FLAGS_write_buffer_size;
1741     options_.max_write_buffer_number = FLAGS_max_write_buffer_number;
1742     options_.min_write_buffer_number_to_merge =
1743         FLAGS_min_write_buffer_number_to_merge;
1744     options_.max_write_buffer_number_to_maintain =
1745         FLAGS_max_write_buffer_number_to_maintain;
1746     options_.max_write_buffer_size_to_maintain =
1747         FLAGS_max_write_buffer_size_to_maintain;
1748     options_.memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio =
1749         FLAGS_memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio;
1750     options_.memtable_whole_key_filtering = FLAGS_memtable_whole_key_filtering;
1751     options_.max_background_compactions = FLAGS_max_background_compactions;
1752     options_.max_background_flushes = FLAGS_max_background_flushes;
1753     options_.compaction_style =
1754         static_cast<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle>(FLAGS_compaction_style);
1755     if (FLAGS_prefix_size >= 0) {
1756       options_.prefix_extractor.reset(
1757           NewFixedPrefixTransform(FLAGS_prefix_size));
1758     }
1759     options_.max_open_files = FLAGS_open_files;
1760     options_.statistics = dbstats;
1761     options_.env = db_stress_env;
1762     options_.use_fsync = FLAGS_use_fsync;
1763     options_.compaction_readahead_size = FLAGS_compaction_readahead_size;
1764     options_.allow_mmap_reads = FLAGS_mmap_read;
1765     options_.allow_mmap_writes = FLAGS_mmap_write;
1766     options_.use_direct_reads = FLAGS_use_direct_reads;
1767     options_.use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction =
1768         FLAGS_use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction;
1769     options_.recycle_log_file_num =
1770         static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_recycle_log_file_num);
1771     options_.target_file_size_base = FLAGS_target_file_size_base;
1772     options_.target_file_size_multiplier = FLAGS_target_file_size_multiplier;
1773     options_.max_bytes_for_level_base = FLAGS_max_bytes_for_level_base;
1774     options_.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier =
1775         FLAGS_max_bytes_for_level_multiplier;
1776     options_.level0_stop_writes_trigger = FLAGS_level0_stop_writes_trigger;
1777     options_.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger =
1778         FLAGS_level0_slowdown_writes_trigger;
1779     options_.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger =
1780         FLAGS_level0_file_num_compaction_trigger;
1781     options_.compression = compression_type_e;
1782     options_.bottommost_compression = bottommost_compression_type_e;
1783     options_.compression_opts.max_dict_bytes = FLAGS_compression_max_dict_bytes;
1784     options_.compression_opts.zstd_max_train_bytes =
1785         FLAGS_compression_zstd_max_train_bytes;
1786     options_.create_if_missing = true;
1787     options_.max_manifest_file_size = FLAGS_max_manifest_file_size;
1788     options_.inplace_update_support = FLAGS_in_place_update;
1789     options_.max_subcompactions = static_cast<uint32_t>(FLAGS_subcompactions);
1790     options_.allow_concurrent_memtable_write =
1791         FLAGS_allow_concurrent_memtable_write;
1792     options_.periodic_compaction_seconds = FLAGS_periodic_compaction_seconds;
1793     options_.ttl = FLAGS_compaction_ttl;
1794     options_.enable_pipelined_write = FLAGS_enable_pipelined_write;
1795     options_.enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield =
1796         FLAGS_enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield;
1797     options_.compaction_options_universal.size_ratio =
1798         FLAGS_universal_size_ratio;
1799     options_.compaction_options_universal.min_merge_width =
1800         FLAGS_universal_min_merge_width;
1801     options_.compaction_options_universal.max_merge_width =
1802         FLAGS_universal_max_merge_width;
1803     options_.compaction_options_universal.max_size_amplification_percent =
1804         FLAGS_universal_max_size_amplification_percent;
1805     options_.atomic_flush = FLAGS_atomic_flush;
1806     options_.avoid_unnecessary_blocking_io =
1807         FLAGS_avoid_unnecessary_blocking_io;
1808     options_.write_dbid_to_manifest = FLAGS_write_dbid_to_manifest;
1809     options_.max_write_batch_group_size_bytes =
1810         FLAGS_max_write_batch_group_size_bytes;
1811     options_.level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes =
1812         FLAGS_level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes;
1813   } else {
1814 #ifdef ROCKSDB_LITE
1815     fprintf(stderr, "--options_file not supported in lite mode\n");
1816     exit(1);
1817 #else
1818     DBOptions db_options;
1819     std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> cf_descriptors;
1820     Status s = LoadOptionsFromFile(FLAGS_options_file, db_stress_env,
1821                                    &db_options, &cf_descriptors);
1822     db_options.env = new DbStressEnvWrapper(db_stress_env);
1823     if (!s.ok()) {
1824       fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load options file %s --- %s\n",
1825               FLAGS_options_file.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
1826       exit(1);
1827     }
1828     options_ = Options(db_options, cf_descriptors[0].options);
1829 #endif  // ROCKSDB_LITE
1830   }
1832   if (FLAGS_rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec > 0) {
1833     options_.rate_limiter.reset(NewGenericRateLimiter(
1834         FLAGS_rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec, 1000 /* refill_period_us */,
1835         10 /* fairness */,
1836         FLAGS_rate_limit_bg_reads ? RateLimiter::Mode::kReadsOnly
1837                                   : RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly));
1838     if (FLAGS_rate_limit_bg_reads) {
1839       options_.new_table_reader_for_compaction_inputs = true;
1840     }
1841   }
1843   if (FLAGS_prefix_size == 0 && FLAGS_rep_factory == kHashSkipList) {
1844     fprintf(stderr,
1845             "prefeix_size cannot be zero if memtablerep == prefix_hash\n");
1846     exit(1);
1847   }
1848   if (FLAGS_prefix_size != 0 && FLAGS_rep_factory != kHashSkipList) {
1849     fprintf(stderr,
1850             "WARNING: prefix_size is non-zero but "
1851             "memtablerep != prefix_hash\n");
1852   }
1853   switch (FLAGS_rep_factory) {
1854     case kSkipList:
1855       // no need to do anything
1856       break;
1857 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1858     case kHashSkipList:
1859       options_.memtable_factory.reset(NewHashSkipListRepFactory(10000));
1860       break;
1861     case kVectorRep:
1862       options_.memtable_factory.reset(new VectorRepFactory());
1863       break;
1864 #else
1865     default:
1866       fprintf(stderr,
1867               "RocksdbLite only supports skip list mem table. Skip "
1868               "--rep_factory\n");
1869 #endif  // ROCKSDB_LITE
1870   }
1872   if (FLAGS_use_full_merge_v1) {
1873     options_.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateDeprecatedPutOperator();
1874   } else {
1875     options_.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreatePutOperator();
1876   }
1878   fprintf(stdout, "DB path: [%s]\n", FLAGS_db.c_str());
1880   Status s;
1881   if (FLAGS_ttl == -1) {
1882     std::vector<std::string> existing_column_families;
1883     s = DB::ListColumnFamilies(DBOptions(options_), FLAGS_db,
1884                                &existing_column_families);  // ignore errors
1885     if (!s.ok()) {
1886       // DB doesn't exist
1887       assert(existing_column_families.empty());
1888       assert(column_family_names_.empty());
1889       column_family_names_.push_back(kDefaultColumnFamilyName);
1890     } else if (column_family_names_.empty()) {
1891       // this is the first call to the function Open()
1892       column_family_names_ = existing_column_families;
1893     } else {
1894       // this is a reopen. just assert that existing column_family_names are
1895       // equivalent to what we remember
1896       auto sorted_cfn = column_family_names_;
1897       std::sort(sorted_cfn.begin(), sorted_cfn.end());
1898       std::sort(existing_column_families.begin(),
1899                 existing_column_families.end());
1900       if (sorted_cfn != existing_column_families) {
1901         fprintf(stderr, "Expected column families differ from the existing:\n");
1902         fprintf(stderr, "Expected: {");
1903         for (auto cf : sorted_cfn) {
1904           fprintf(stderr, "%s ", cf.c_str());
1905         }
1906         fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
1907         fprintf(stderr, "Existing: {");
1908         for (auto cf : existing_column_families) {
1909           fprintf(stderr, "%s ", cf.c_str());
1910         }
1911         fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
1912       }
1913       assert(sorted_cfn == existing_column_families);
1914     }
1915     std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor> cf_descriptors;
1916     for (auto name : column_family_names_) {
1917       if (name != kDefaultColumnFamilyName) {
1918         new_column_family_name_ =
1919             std::max(new_column_family_name_.load(), std::stoi(name) + 1);
1920       }
1921       cf_descriptors.emplace_back(name, ColumnFamilyOptions(options_));
1922     }
1923     while (cf_descriptors.size() < (size_t)FLAGS_column_families) {
1924       std::string name = ToString(new_column_family_name_.load());
1925       new_column_family_name_++;
1926       cf_descriptors.emplace_back(name, ColumnFamilyOptions(options_));
1927       column_family_names_.push_back(name);
1928     }
1929     options_.listeners.clear();
1930     options_.listeners.emplace_back(
1931         new DbStressListener(FLAGS_db, options_.db_paths, cf_descriptors));
1932     options_.create_missing_column_families = true;
1933     if (!FLAGS_use_txn) {
1934 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1935       if (FLAGS_use_blob_db) {
1936         blob_db::BlobDBOptions blob_db_options;
1937         blob_db_options.min_blob_size = FLAGS_blob_db_min_blob_size;
1938         blob_db_options.bytes_per_sync = FLAGS_blob_db_bytes_per_sync;
1939         blob_db_options.blob_file_size = FLAGS_blob_db_file_size;
1940         blob_db_options.enable_garbage_collection = FLAGS_blob_db_enable_gc;
1941         blob_db_options.garbage_collection_cutoff = FLAGS_blob_db_gc_cutoff;
1943         blob_db::BlobDB* blob_db = nullptr;
1944         s = blob_db::BlobDB::Open(options_, blob_db_options, FLAGS_db,
1945                                   cf_descriptors, &column_families_, &blob_db);
1946         if (s.ok()) {
1947           db_ = blob_db;
1948         }
1949       } else
1950 #endif  // !ROCKSDB_LITE
1951       {
1952         if (db_preload_finished_.load() && FLAGS_read_only) {
1953           s = DB::OpenForReadOnly(DBOptions(options_), FLAGS_db, cf_descriptors,
1954                                   &column_families_, &db_);
1955         } else {
1956           s = DB::Open(DBOptions(options_), FLAGS_db, cf_descriptors,
1957                        &column_families_, &db_);
1958         }
1959       }
1960     } else {
1961 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
1962       TransactionDBOptions txn_db_options;
1963       assert(FLAGS_txn_write_policy <= TxnDBWritePolicy::WRITE_UNPREPARED);
1964       txn_db_options.write_policy =
1965           static_cast<TxnDBWritePolicy>(FLAGS_txn_write_policy);
1966       if (FLAGS_unordered_write) {
1967         assert(txn_db_options.write_policy == TxnDBWritePolicy::WRITE_PREPARED);
1968         options_.unordered_write = true;
1969         options_.two_write_queues = true;
1970         txn_db_options.skip_concurrency_control = true;
1971       }
1972       s = TransactionDB::Open(options_, txn_db_options, FLAGS_db,
1973                               cf_descriptors, &column_families_, &txn_db_);
1974       if (!s.ok()) {
1975         fprintf(stderr, "Error in opening the TransactionDB [%s]\n",
1976                 s.ToString().c_str());
1977         fflush(stderr);
1978       }
1979       assert(s.ok());
1980       db_ = txn_db_;
1981       // after a crash, rollback to commit recovered transactions
1982       std::vector<Transaction*> trans;
1983       txn_db_->GetAllPreparedTransactions(&trans);
1984       Random rand(static_cast<uint32_t>(FLAGS_seed));
1985       for (auto txn : trans) {
1986         if (rand.OneIn(2)) {
1987           s = txn->Commit();
1988           assert(s.ok());
1989         } else {
1990           s = txn->Rollback();
1991           assert(s.ok());
1992         }
1993         delete txn;
1994       }
1995       trans.clear();
1996       txn_db_->GetAllPreparedTransactions(&trans);
1997       assert(trans.size() == 0);
1998 #endif
1999     }
2000     assert(!s.ok() || column_families_.size() ==
2001                           static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_column_families));
2003     if (FLAGS_test_secondary) {
2004 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
2005       secondaries_.resize(FLAGS_threads);
2006       std::fill(secondaries_.begin(), secondaries_.end(), nullptr);
2007       secondary_cfh_lists_.clear();
2008       secondary_cfh_lists_.resize(FLAGS_threads);
2009       Options tmp_opts;
2010       // TODO(yanqin) support max_open_files != -1 for secondary instance.
2011       tmp_opts.max_open_files = -1;
2012       tmp_opts.statistics = dbstats_secondaries;
2013       tmp_opts.env = db_stress_env;
2014       for (size_t i = 0; i != static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_threads); ++i) {
2015         const std::string secondary_path =
2016             FLAGS_secondaries_base + "/" + std::to_string(i);
2017         s = DB::OpenAsSecondary(tmp_opts, FLAGS_db, secondary_path,
2018                                 cf_descriptors, &secondary_cfh_lists_[i],
2019                                 &secondaries_[i]);
2020         if (!s.ok()) {
2021           break;
2022         }
2023       }
2024       assert(s.ok());
2025 #else
2026       fprintf(stderr, "Secondary is not supported in RocksDBLite\n");
2027       exit(1);
2028 #endif
2029     }
2030     if (FLAGS_continuous_verification_interval > 0 && !cmp_db_) {
2031       Options tmp_opts;
2032       // TODO(yanqin) support max_open_files != -1 for secondary instance.
2033       tmp_opts.max_open_files = -1;
2034       tmp_opts.env = db_stress_env;
2035       std::string secondary_path = FLAGS_secondaries_base + "/cmp_database";
2036       s = DB::OpenAsSecondary(tmp_opts, FLAGS_db, secondary_path,
2037                               cf_descriptors, &cmp_cfhs_, &cmp_db_);
2038       assert(!s.ok() ||
2039              cmp_cfhs_.size() == static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_column_families));
2040     }
2041   } else {
2042 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
2043     DBWithTTL* db_with_ttl;
2044     s = DBWithTTL::Open(options_, FLAGS_db, &db_with_ttl, FLAGS_ttl);
2045     db_ = db_with_ttl;
2046     if (FLAGS_test_secondary) {
2047       secondaries_.resize(FLAGS_threads);
2048       std::fill(secondaries_.begin(), secondaries_.end(), nullptr);
2049       Options tmp_opts;
2050       tmp_opts.env = options_.env;
2051       // TODO(yanqin) support max_open_files != -1 for secondary instance.
2052       tmp_opts.max_open_files = -1;
2053       for (size_t i = 0; i != static_cast<size_t>(FLAGS_threads); ++i) {
2054         const std::string secondary_path =
2055             FLAGS_secondaries_base + "/" + std::to_string(i);
2056         s = DB::OpenAsSecondary(tmp_opts, FLAGS_db, secondary_path,
2057                                 &secondaries_[i]);
2058         if (!s.ok()) {
2059           break;
2060         }
2061       }
2062     }
2063 #else
2064     fprintf(stderr, "TTL is not supported in RocksDBLite\n");
2065     exit(1);
2066 #endif
2067   }
2068   if (!s.ok()) {
2069     fprintf(stderr, "open error: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
2070     exit(1);
2071   }
2072 }
Reopen(ThreadState * thread)2074 void StressTest::Reopen(ThreadState* thread) {
2075 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
2076   // BG jobs in WritePrepared must be canceled first because i) they can access
2077   // the db via a callbac ii) they hold on to a snapshot and the upcoming
2078   // ::Close would complain about it.
2079   const bool write_prepared = FLAGS_use_txn && FLAGS_txn_write_policy != 0;
2080   bool bg_canceled = false;
2081   if (write_prepared || thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
2082     const bool wait =
2083         write_prepared || static_cast<bool>(thread->rand.OneIn(2));
2084     CancelAllBackgroundWork(db_, wait);
2085     bg_canceled = wait;
2086   }
2087   assert(!write_prepared || bg_canceled);
2088   (void) bg_canceled;
2089 #else
2090   (void) thread;
2091 #endif
2093   for (auto cf : column_families_) {
2094     delete cf;
2095   }
2096   column_families_.clear();
2098 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
2099   if (thread->rand.OneIn(2)) {
2100     Status s = db_->Close();
2101     if (!s.ok()) {
2102       fprintf(stderr, "Non-ok close status: %s\n", s.ToString().c_str());
2103       fflush(stderr);
2104     }
2105     assert(s.ok());
2106   }
2107 #endif
2108   delete db_;
2109   db_ = nullptr;
2110 #ifndef ROCKSDB_LITE
2111   txn_db_ = nullptr;
2112 #endif
2114   assert(secondaries_.size() == secondary_cfh_lists_.size());
2115   size_t n = secondaries_.size();
2116   for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
2117     for (auto* cf : secondary_cfh_lists_[i]) {
2118       delete cf;
2119     }
2120     secondary_cfh_lists_[i].clear();
2121     delete secondaries_[i];
2122   }
2123   secondaries_.clear();
2125   num_times_reopened_++;
2126   auto now = db_stress_env->NowMicros();
2127   fprintf(stdout, "%s Reopening database for the %dth time\n",
2128           db_stress_env->TimeToString(now / 1000000).c_str(),
2129           num_times_reopened_);
2130   Open();
2131 }
2132 }  // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
2133 #endif  // GFLAGS