1 /**************** Value H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
2 /*  Name: VALUE.H    Version 2.4                                       */
3 /*                                                                     */
4 /*  (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND          2001-2019    */
5 /*                                                                     */
6 /*  This file contains the VALUE and derived classes declares.         */
7 /***********************************************************************/
8 #ifndef __VALUE__H__
9 #define __VALUE__H__
11 /***********************************************************************/
12 /*  Include required application header files                          */
13 /*  assert.h     is header required when using the assert function.    */
14 /*  block.h      is header containing Block    global declarations.    */
15 /***********************************************************************/
16 #include "assert.h"
17 #include "block.h"
19 /***********************************************************************/
20 /*  This should list the processors accepting unaligned numeral values.*/
21 /***********************************************************************/
22 #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(_M_IA64)
23 #define UNALIGNED_OK
24 #endif
26 /***********************************************************************/
27 /*  Types used in some class definitions.                              */
28 /***********************************************************************/
29 enum CONV {CNV_ANY     =   0,         /* Convert to any type           */
30            CNV_CHAR    =   1,         /* Convert to character type     */
31            CNV_NUM     =   2};        /* Convert to numeric type       */
33 /***********************************************************************/
34 /*  Types used in some class definitions.                              */
35 /***********************************************************************/
36 class CONSTANT;                       // For friend setting
37 typedef struct _datpar *PDTP;         // For DTVAL
39 /***********************************************************************/
40 /*  Utilities used to test types and to allocated values.              */
41 /***********************************************************************/
42 // Exported functions
43 DllExport PCSZ  GetTypeName(int);
44 DllExport int   GetTypeSize(int, int);
45 #ifdef ODBC_SUPPORT
46 /* This function is exported for use in OEM table type DLLs */
47 DllExport int   TranslateSQLType(int stp, int prec,
48                                  int& len, char& v, bool& w);
49 #endif
50 DllExport const char *GetFormatType(int);
51 DllExport int   GetFormatType(char);
52 DllExport bool  IsTypeChar(int type);
53 DllExport bool  IsTypeNum(int type);
54 DllExport int   ConvertType(int, int, CONV, bool match = false);
55 DllExport PVAL  AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, void *, short, short = 2);
56 DllExport PVAL  AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, PVAL, int = TYPE_VOID, int = 0);
57 DllExport PVAL  AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, int, int len = 0, int prec = 0,
58                               bool uns = false, PCSZ fmt = NULL);
59 DllExport ulonglong CharToNumber(PCSZ, int, ulonglong, bool,
60                                  bool *minus = NULL, bool *rc = NULL);
61 DllExport BYTE OpBmp(PGLOBAL g, OPVAL opc);
63 /***********************************************************************/
64 /*  Class VALUE represents a constant or variable of any valid type.   */
65 /***********************************************************************/
66 class DllExport VALUE : public BLOCK {
67   friend class CONSTANT; // The only object allowed to use SetConstFormat
68 	friend class SWAP;     // The only class allowed to access protected
69 public:
70   // Constructors
72   // Implementation
73   virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) = 0;
74   virtual bool   IsZero(void) = 0;
IsCi(void)75   virtual bool   IsCi(void) {return false;}
IsUnsigned(void)76   virtual bool   IsUnsigned(void) {return Unsigned;}
77   virtual void   Reset(void) = 0;
78   virtual int    GetSize(void) = 0;
79   virtual int    GetValLen(void) = 0;
80   virtual int    GetValPrec(void) = 0;
GetLength(void)81   virtual int    GetLength(void) {return 1;}
GetCharValue(void)82   virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {assert(false); return NULL;}
GetTinyValue(void)83   virtual char   GetTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
GetUTinyValue(void)84   virtual uchar  GetUTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
GetShortValue(void)85   virtual short  GetShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
GetUShortValue(void)86   virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
87   virtual int    GetIntValue(void) = 0;
88   virtual uint   GetUIntValue(void) = 0;
89   virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) = 0;
90   virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) = 0;
91   virtual double GetFloatValue(void) = 0;
92   virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) = 0;
SetPrec(int prec)93   virtual void   SetPrec(int prec) {Prec = prec;}
IsNull(void)94           bool   IsNull(void) {return (Nullable && Null);}
SetNull(bool b)95           void   SetNull(bool b) {Null = (Nullable ? b : false);}
GetNullable(void)96           bool   GetNullable(void) {return Nullable;}
SetNullable(bool b)97           void   SetNullable(bool b) {Nullable = b;}
GetType(void)98           int    GetType(void) {return Type;}
GetClen(void)99           int    GetClen(void) {return Clen;}
SetGlobal(PGLOBAL g)100           void   SetGlobal(PGLOBAL g) {Global = g;}
102   // Methods
103   virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype = false) = 0;
104   virtual bool   SetValue_char(const char *p, int n) = 0;
105   virtual void   SetValue_psz(PCSZ s) = 0;
SetValue_bool(bool)106   virtual void   SetValue_bool(bool) {assert(false);}
107   virtual int    CompareValue(PVAL vp) = 0;
108   virtual BYTE   TestValue(PVAL vp);
SetValue(char)109   virtual void   SetValue(char) {assert(false);}
SetValue(uchar)110   virtual void   SetValue(uchar) {assert(false);}
SetValue(short)111   virtual void   SetValue(short) {assert(false);}
SetValue(ushort)112   virtual void   SetValue(ushort) {assert(false);}
SetValue(int)113   virtual void   SetValue(int) {assert(false);}
SetValue(uint)114   virtual void   SetValue(uint) {assert(false);}
SetValue(longlong)115   virtual void   SetValue(longlong) {assert(false);}
SetValue(ulonglong)116   virtual void   SetValue(ulonglong) {assert(false);}
SetValue(double)117   virtual void   SetValue(double) {assert(false);}
118   virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n) = 0;
119 	virtual void   SetBinValue(void* p) = 0;
120 	virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go) = 0;
121   virtual int    ShowValue(char *buf, int len) = 0;
122   virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p) = 0;
123   virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype) = 0;
124   virtual bool   Compute(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op);
125   virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, PCSZ fmt) = 0;
126 	virtual void   Printf(PGLOBAL g, FILE *, uint);
127 	virtual void   Prints(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z);
129 	/**
130 	Set value from a non-aligned in-memory value in the machine byte order.
131 	TYPE can be either of:
132 	- int, short, longlong
133 	- uint, ushort, ulonglong
134 	- float, double
135 	@param - a pointer to a non-aligned value of type TYPE.
136 	*/
137 	template<typename TYPE>
SetValueNonAligned(const char * p)138 	void SetValueNonAligned(const char *p)
139 	{
140 #if defined(UNALIGNED_OK)
141 		SetValue(*((TYPE*)p)); // x86 can cast non-aligned memory directly
142 #else
143 		TYPE tmp;               // a slower version for non-x86 platforms
144 		memcpy(&tmp, p, sizeof(tmp));
145 		SetValue(tmp);
146 #endif
147 	}	// end of SetValueNonAligned
149 	/**
150 	Get value from a non-aligned in-memory value in the machine byte order.
151 	TYPE can be either of:
152 	- int, short, longlong
153 	- uint, ushort, ulonglong
154 	- float, double
155 	@params - a pointer to a non-aligned value of type TYPE, the TYPE value.
156 	*/
157 	template<typename TYPE>
GetValueNonAligned(char * p,TYPE n)158 	void GetValueNonAligned(char *p, TYPE n)
159 	{
160 #if defined(UNALIGNED_OK)
161 		*(TYPE *)p = n; // x86 can cast non-aligned memory directly
162 #else
163 		TYPE tmp = n;               // a slower version for non-x86 platforms
164 		memcpy(p, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
165 #endif
166 	}	// end of SetValueNonAligned
168 protected:
169   virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) = 0;
170   const   char  *GetXfmt(void);
172   // Constructor used by derived classes
173   VALUE(int type, bool un = false);
175   // Members
176   PGLOBAL     Global;               // To reduce arglist
177   const char *Fmt;
178   const char *Xfmt;
179   bool        Nullable;             // True if value can be null
180   bool        Null;                 // True if value is null
181   bool        Unsigned;             // True if unsigned
182   int         Type;                 // The value type
183   int         Clen;                 // Internal value length
184   int         Prec;
185   }; // end of class VALUE
187 /***********************************************************************/
188 /*  Class TYPVAL: represents a typed value.                            */
189 /***********************************************************************/
190 template <class TYPE>
191 class DllExport TYPVAL : public VALUE {
192  public:
193   // Constructor
194   TYPVAL(TYPE n, int type, int prec = 0, bool un = false);
196   // Implementation
IsTypeNum(void)197   virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
IsZero(void)198   virtual bool   IsZero(void) {return Tval == 0;}
Reset(void)199   virtual void   Reset(void) {Tval = 0;}
200   virtual int    GetValLen(void);
GetValPrec()201   virtual int    GetValPrec() {return Prec;}
GetSize(void)202   virtual int    GetSize(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
203 //virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {return VALUE::GetCharValue();}
GetTinyValue(void)204   virtual char   GetTinyValue(void) {return (char)Tval;}
GetUTinyValue(void)205   virtual uchar  GetUTinyValue(void) {return (uchar)Tval;}
GetShortValue(void)206   virtual short  GetShortValue(void) {return (short)Tval;}
GetUShortValue(void)207   virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {return (ushort)Tval;}
GetIntValue(void)208   virtual int    GetIntValue(void) {return (int)Tval;}
GetUIntValue(void)209   virtual uint   GetUIntValue(void) {return (uint)Tval;}
GetBigintValue(void)210   virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) {return (longlong)Tval;}
GetUBigintValue(void)211   virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) {return (ulonglong)Tval;}
GetFloatValue(void)212   virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return (double)Tval;}
GetTo_Val(void)213   virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) {return &Tval;}
215   // Methods
216   virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
217   virtual bool   SetValue_char(const char *p, int n);
218   virtual void   SetValue_psz(PCSZ s);
SetValue_bool(bool b)219   virtual void   SetValue_bool(bool b) {Tval = (b) ? 1 : 0;}
220   virtual int    CompareValue(PVAL vp);
SetValue(char c)221   virtual void   SetValue(char c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
SetValue(uchar c)222   virtual void   SetValue(uchar c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
SetValue(short i)223   virtual void   SetValue(short i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
SetValue(ushort i)224   virtual void   SetValue(ushort i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
SetValue(int n)225   virtual void   SetValue(int n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
SetValue(uint n)226   virtual void   SetValue(uint n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
SetValue(longlong n)227   virtual void   SetValue(longlong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
SetValue(ulonglong n)228   virtual void   SetValue(ulonglong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
SetValue(double f)229   virtual void   SetValue(double f) {Tval = (TYPE)f; Null = false;}
230   virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
231   virtual void   SetBinValue(void *p);
232   virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
233   virtual int    ShowValue(char *buf, int len);
234   virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
235   virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
236   virtual bool   Compute(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op);
237   virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
238   virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, PCSZ fmt);
240  protected:
241   static  TYPE   MinMaxVal(bool b);
242           TYPE   SafeAdd(TYPE n1, TYPE n2);
243           TYPE   SafeMult(TYPE n1, TYPE n2);
244           bool   Compall(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op);
246   // Default constructor not to be used
TYPVAL(void)247   TYPVAL(void) : VALUE(TYPE_ERROR) {}
249   // Specialized functions
250   static  ulonglong MaxVal(void);
251           TYPE   GetTypedValue(PVAL vp);
252           TYPE   GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n);
253 //        TYPE   GetTypedValue(PSZ s);
255   // Members
256   TYPE        Tval;
257   }; // end of class TYPVAL
259 /***********************************************************************/
260 /*  Specific STRING class.                                             */
261 /***********************************************************************/
262 template <>
263 class DllExport TYPVAL<PSZ>: public VALUE {
264 	friend class SWAP;     // The only class allowed to offsets Strg
265 public:
266   // Constructors
267   TYPVAL(PSZ s, short c = 0);
268   TYPVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int c);
270   // Implementation
IsTypeNum(void)271   virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) {return false;}
IsZero(void)272   virtual bool   IsZero(void) {return *Strp == 0;}
Reset(void)273   virtual void   Reset(void) {*Strp = 0;}
GetValLen(void)274   virtual int    GetValLen(void) {return Len;};
GetValPrec()275   virtual int    GetValPrec() {return (Ci) ? 1 : 0;}
GetSize(void)276   virtual int    GetSize(void) {return (Strp) ? (int)strlen(Strp) : 0;}
GetCharValue(void)277   virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {return Strp;}
278   virtual char   GetTinyValue(void);
279   virtual uchar  GetUTinyValue(void);
280   virtual short  GetShortValue(void);
281   virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void);
282   virtual int    GetIntValue(void);
283   virtual uint   GetUIntValue(void);
284   virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void);
285   virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void);
GetFloatValue(void)286   virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return atof(Strp);}
GetTo_Val(void)287   virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) {return Strp;}
SetPrec(int prec)288   virtual void   SetPrec(int prec) {Ci = prec != 0;}
290   // Methods
291   virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
292   virtual bool   SetValue_char(const char *p, int n);
293   virtual void   SetValue_psz(PCSZ s);
294   virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
295   virtual void   SetValue(char c);
296   virtual void   SetValue(uchar c);
297   virtual void   SetValue(short i);
298   virtual void   SetValue(ushort i);
299   virtual void   SetValue(int n);
300   virtual void   SetValue(uint n);
301   virtual void   SetValue(longlong n);
302   virtual void   SetValue(ulonglong n);
303   virtual void   SetValue(double f);
304   virtual void   SetBinValue(void *p);
305   virtual int    CompareValue(PVAL vp);
306   virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
307   virtual int    ShowValue(char *buf, int len);
308   virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
309   virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
310   virtual bool   Compute(PGLOBAL g, PVAL *vp, int np, OPVAL op);
311   virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, PCSZ fmt);
312   virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
313 	virtual void   Prints(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z);
315  protected:
316   // Members
317   PSZ         Strp;
318   bool        Ci;                   // true if case insensitive
319   int         Len;
320   }; // end of class TYPVAL<PSZ>
322 /***********************************************************************/
323 /*  Specific DECIMAL class.                                            */
324 /***********************************************************************/
325 class DllExport DECVAL: public TYPVAL<PSZ> {
326  public:
327   // Constructors
328   DECVAL(PSZ s);
329   DECVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int prec, bool uns);
331   // Implementation
IsTypeNum(void)332   virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
333   virtual bool   IsZero(void);
334   virtual void   Reset(void);
GetValPrec()335   virtual int    GetValPrec() {return Prec;}
337   // Methods
338   virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
339   virtual int    ShowValue(char *buf, int len);
340   virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
341   virtual int    CompareValue(PVAL vp);
343  protected:
344   // Members
345   }; // end of class DECVAL
347 /***********************************************************************/
348 /*  Specific BINARY class.                                             */
349 /***********************************************************************/
350 class DllExport BINVAL: public VALUE {
351 	friend class SWAP;     // The only class allowed to offsets pointers
352 public:
353   // Constructors
354 //BINVAL(void *p);
355   BINVAL(PGLOBAL g, void *p, int cl, int n);
357   // Implementation
IsTypeNum(void)358   virtual bool   IsTypeNum(void) {return false;}
359   virtual bool   IsZero(void);
360   virtual void   Reset(void);
GetValLen(void)361   virtual int    GetValLen(void) {return Clen;};
GetValPrec()362   virtual int    GetValPrec() {return 0;}
GetSize(void)363   virtual int    GetSize(void) {return Len;}
GetCharValue(void)364   virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) {return (PSZ)Binp;}
365   virtual char   GetTinyValue(void);
366   virtual uchar  GetUTinyValue(void);
367   virtual short  GetShortValue(void);
368   virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void);
369   virtual int    GetIntValue(void);
370   virtual uint   GetUIntValue(void);
371   virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void);
372   virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void);
373   virtual double GetFloatValue(void);
GetTo_Val(void)374   virtual void  *GetTo_Val(void) {return Binp;}
376   // Methods
377   virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
378   virtual bool   SetValue_char(const char *p, int n);
379   virtual void   SetValue_psz(PCSZ s);
380   virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
381   virtual void   SetValue(char c);
382   virtual void   SetValue(uchar c);
383   virtual void   SetValue(short i);
384   virtual void   SetValue(ushort i);
385   virtual void   SetValue(int n);
386   virtual void   SetValue(uint n);
387   virtual void   SetValue(longlong n);
388   virtual void   SetValue(ulonglong n);
389   virtual void   SetValue(double f);
390   virtual void   SetBinValue(void *p);
391 	virtual void   SetBinValue(void* p, ulong len);
392 	virtual bool   GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
CompareValue(PVAL)393   virtual int    CompareValue(PVAL) {assert(false); return 0;}
394   virtual int    ShowValue(char *buf, int len);
395   virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
396   virtual bool   IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
397   virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, PCSZ fmt);
398   virtual bool   SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
400  protected:
401   // Members
402   void       *Binp;
403   char       *Chrp;
404   int         Len;
405   }; // end of class BINVAL
407 /***********************************************************************/
408 /*  Class DTVAL: represents a time stamp value.                        */
409 /***********************************************************************/
410 class DllExport DTVAL : public TYPVAL<int> {
411  public:
412   // Constructors
413   DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n, int p, PCSZ fmt);
414   DTVAL(int n);
415   using TYPVAL<int>::SetValue;
417   // Implementation
418   virtual bool   SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
419   virtual bool   SetValue_char(const char *p, int n);
420   virtual void   SetValue_psz(PCSZ s);
421   virtual void   SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
422   virtual void   SetValue(int n);
GetCharValue(void)423   virtual PSZ    GetCharValue(void) { return Sdate; }
424 	virtual char  *GetCharString(char *p);
425   virtual int    ShowValue(char *buf, int len);
426   virtual bool   FormatValue(PVAL vp, PCSZ fmt);
427           bool   SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
428           bool   SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp);
IsFormatted(void)429           bool   IsFormatted(void) {return Pdtp != NULL;}
430           bool   MakeTime(struct tm *ptm);
431   static  void   SetTimeShift(void);
GetShift(void)432   static  int    GetShift(void) {return Shift;}
434   // Methods
435           bool   MakeDate(PGLOBAL g, int *val, int nval);
437   struct  tm    *GetGmTime(struct tm *);
439  protected:
440   // Default constructor not to be used
DTVAL(void)441   DTVAL(void) : TYPVAL<int>() {}
443   // Members
444   static int    Shift;        // Time zone shift in seconds
445   PDTP          Pdtp;         // To the DATPAR structure
446   char         *Sdate;        // Utility char buffer
447   int           DefYear;      // Used by ExtractDate
448   int           Len;          // Used by CHAR scalar function
449   }; // end of class DTVAL
451 #endif // __VALUE__H__