2Name	Location	Comment
3Alibaba Cloud	https://www.alibabacloud.com/	Platinum Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
4Tencent Cloud	https://cloud.tencent.com	Platinum Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
5Microsoft	https://microsoft.com/	Platinum Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
6MariaDB Corporation	https://mariadb.com	Founding member, Platinum Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
7ServiceNow	https://servicenow.com	Platinum Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
8Visma	https://visma.com	Gold Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
9DBS	https://dbs.com	Gold Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
10IBM	https://www.ibm.com	Gold Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
11Automattic	https://automattic.com	Silver Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
12Percona	https://www.percona.com/	Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
13Galera Cluster	https://galeracluster.com	Sponsor of the MariaDB Foundation
14Google	USA	Sponsoring encryption, parallel replication and GTID
15Facebook	USA	Sponsoring non-blocking API, LIMIT ROWS EXAMINED etc
16Ronald Bradford	Brisbane, Australia	EFF contribution for UC2006 Auction
17Sheeri Kritzer	Boston, Mass. USA	EFF contribution for UC2006 Auction
18Mark Shuttleworth	London, UK.	EFF contribution for UC2006 Auction