1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# This program makes Debian and RPM repositories for MongoDB, by
4# downloading our tarballs of statically linked executables and
5# insinuating them into Linux packages.  It must be run on a
6# Debianoid, since Debian provides tools to make RPMs, but RPM-based
7# systems don't provide debian packaging crud.
9# Notes:
11# * Almost anything that you want to be able to influence about how a
12# package construction must be embedded in some file that the
13# packaging tool uses for input (e.g., debian/rules, debian/control,
14# debian/changelog; or the RPM specfile), and the precise details are
15# arbitrary and silly.  So this program generates all the relevant
16# inputs to the packaging tools.
18# * Once a .deb or .rpm package is made, there's a separate layer of
19# tools that makes a "repository" for use by the apt/yum layers of
20# package tools.  The layouts of these repositories are arbitrary and
21# silly, too.
23# * Before you run the program on a new host, these are the
24# prerequisites:
26# apt-get install dpkg-dev rpm debhelper fakeroot ia32-libs createrepo git-core
27# echo "Now put the dist gnupg signing keys in ~root/.gnupg"
29import argparse
30import errno
31from glob import glob
32import os
33import re
34import shutil
35import subprocess
36import sys
37import tempfile
38import time
40# The MongoDB names for the architectures we support.
41ARCH_CHOICES=["x86_64", "arm64"]
43# Made up names for the flavors of distribution we package for.
44DISTROS=["suse", "debian","redhat","ubuntu", "amazon", "amazon2"]
47class Spec(object):
48    def __init__(self, ver, gitspec = None, rel = None):
49        self.ver = ver
50        self.gitspec = gitspec
51        self.rel = rel
53    # Commit-triggerd version numbers can be in the form: 3.0.7-pre-, or 3.0.7-5-g3b67ac
54    # Patch builds version numbers are in the form: 3.5.5-64-g03945fa-patch-58debcdb3ff1223c9d00005b
55    #
56    def is_nightly(self):
57        return bool(re.search("-$", self.version())) or bool(re.search("\d-\d+-g[0-9a-f]+$", self.version()))
59    def is_patch(self):
60        return bool(re.search("\d-\d+-g[0-9a-f]+-patch-[0-9a-f]+$", self.version()))
62    def is_rc(self):
63        return bool(re.search("-rc\d+$", self.version()))
65    def is_pre_release(self):
66        return self.is_rc() or self.is_nightly()
68    def version(self):
69        return self.ver
71    def patch_id(self):
72        if self.is_patch():
73            return re.sub(r'.*-([0-9a-f]+$)', r'\1', self.version())
74        else:
75            return "none"
77    def metadata_gitspec(self):
78        """Git revision to use for spec+control+init+manpage files.
79           The default is the release tag for the version being packaged."""
80        if(self.gitspec):
81          return self.gitspec
82        else:
83          return 'r' + self.version()
85    def version_better_than(self, version_string):
86        # FIXME: this is wrong, but I'm in a hurry.
87        # e.g., "1.8.2" < "1.8.10", "1.8.2" < "1.8.2-rc1"
88        return self.ver > version_string
90    def suffix(self):
91        return "-org" if int(self.ver.split(".")[1])%2==0 else "-org-unstable"
93    def prelease(self):
94      # NOTE: This is only called for RPM packages, and only after
95      # pversion() below has been called. If you want to change this format
96      # and want DEB packages to match, make sure to update pversion()
97      # below
98      #
99      # "N" is either passed in on the command line, or "1"
100      if self.rel:
101          corenum = self.rel
102      else:
103          corenum = 1
105      # Version suffix for RPM packages:
106      # 1) RC's - "0.N.rcX"
107      # 2) Nightly (snapshot) - "0.N.latest"
108      # 3) Patch builds - "0.N.patch.<patch_id>"
109      # 4) Standard release - "N"
110      if self.is_rc():
111          return "0.%s.%s" % (corenum, re.sub('.*-','',self.version()))
112      elif self.is_nightly():
113          return "0.%s.latest" % (corenum)
114      elif self.is_patch():
115          return "0.%s.patch.%s" % (corenum, self.patch_id())
116      else:
117          return str(corenum)
119    def pversion(self, distro):
120        # Note: Debian packages have funny rules about dashes in
121        # version numbers, and RPM simply forbids dashes.  pversion
122        # will be the package's version number (but we need to know
123        # our upstream version too).
125        # For RPM packages this just returns X.Y.X because of the
126        # aforementioned rules, and prelease (above) adds a suffix later,
127        # so detect this case early
128        if re.search("(suse|redhat|fedora|centos|amazon)", distro.name()):
129            return re.sub("-.*", "", self.version())
131        # For DEB packages, this code sets the full version. If you change
132        # this format and want RPM packages to match make sure you change
133        # prelease above as well
134        if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", distro.name()):
135            if self.is_nightly():
136                ver = re.sub("-.*", "-latest", self.ver)
137            elif self.is_patch():
138                ver = re.sub("-.*", "", self.ver) + "-patch-" + self.patch_id()
139            else:
140                ver = self.ver
142            return re.sub("-", "~", ver)
144        raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?")
146    def branch(self):
147        """Return the major and minor portions of the specified version.
148        For example, if the version is "2.5.5" the branch would be "2.5"
149        """
150        return ".".join(self.ver.split(".")[0:2])
152class Distro(object):
153    def __init__(self, string):
154        self.n=string
156    def name(self):
157        return self.n
159    def pkgbase(self):
160        return "mongodb"
162    def archname(self, arch):
163        """Return the packaging system's architecture name.
164        Power and x86 have different names for apt/yum (ppc64le/ppc64el
165        and x86_64/amd64)
166        """
167        if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", self.n):
168            if arch == "ppc64le":
169                return "ppc64el"
170            elif arch == "s390x":
171                return "s390x"
172            elif arch == "arm64":
173                return "arm64"
174            elif arch.endswith("86"):
175              return "i386"
176            else:
177              return "amd64"
178        elif re.search("^(suse|centos|redhat|fedora|amazon)", self.n):
179            if arch == "ppc64le":
180                return "ppc64le"
181            elif arch == "s390x":
182                return "s390x"
183            elif arch.endswith("86"):
184              return "i686"
185            else:
186              return "x86_64"
187        else:
188            raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?")
190    def repodir(self, arch, build_os, spec):
191        """Return the directory where we'll place the package files for
192        (distro, distro_version) in that distro's preferred repository
193        layout (as distinct from where that distro's packaging building
194        tools place the package files).
196        Examples:
198        repo/apt/ubuntu/dists/precise/mongodb-org/2.5/multiverse/binary-amd64
199        repo/apt/ubuntu/dists/precise/mongodb-org/2.5/multiverse/binary-i386
201        repo/apt/ubuntu/dists/trusty/mongodb-org/2.5/multiverse/binary-amd64
202        repo/apt/ubuntu/dists/trusty/mongodb-org/2.5/multiverse/binary-i386
204        repo/apt/debian/dists/wheezy/mongodb-org/2.5/main/binary-amd64
205        repo/apt/debian/dists/wheezy/mongodb-org/2.5/main/binary-i386
207        repo/yum/redhat/6/mongodb-org/2.5/x86_64
208        yum/redhat/6/mongodb-org/2.5/i386
210        repo/zypper/suse/11/mongodb-org/2.5/x86_64
211        zypper/suse/11/mongodb-org/2.5/i386
213        """
215        repo_directory = ""
217        if spec.is_pre_release():
218          repo_directory = "testing"
219        else:
220          repo_directory = spec.branch()
222        if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", self.n):
223            return "repo/apt/%s/dists/%s/mongodb-org/%s/%s/binary-%s/" % (self.n, self.repo_os_version(build_os), repo_directory, self.repo_component(), self.archname(arch))
224        elif re.search("(redhat|fedora|centos|amazon)", self.n):
225            return "repo/yum/%s/%s/mongodb-org/%s/%s/RPMS/" % (self.n, self.repo_os_version(build_os), repo_directory, self.archname(arch))
226        elif re.search("(suse)", self.n):
227            return "repo/zypper/%s/%s/mongodb-org/%s/%s/RPMS/" % (self.n, self.repo_os_version(build_os), repo_directory, self.archname(arch))
228        else:
229            raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?")
231    def repo_component(self):
232        """Return the name of the section/component/pool we are publishing into -
233        e.g. "multiverse" for Ubuntu, "main" for debian."""
234        if self.n == 'ubuntu':
235          return "multiverse"
236        elif self.n == 'debian':
237          return "main"
238        else:
239            raise Exception("unsupported distro: %s" % self.n)
241    def repo_os_version(self, build_os):
242        """Return an OS version suitable for package repo directory
243        naming - e.g. 5, 6 or 7 for redhat/centos, "precise," "wheezy," etc.
244        for Ubuntu/Debian, 11 for suse, "2013.03" for amazon"""
245        if self.n == 'suse':
246            return re.sub(r'^suse(\d+)$', r'\1', build_os)
247        if self.n == 'redhat':
248            return re.sub(r'^rhel(\d).*$', r'\1', build_os)
249        if self.n == 'amazon':
250            return "2013.03"
251        elif self.n == 'amazon2':
252            return "2017.12"
253        elif self.n == 'ubuntu':
254            if build_os == 'ubuntu1204':
255                return "precise"
256            elif build_os == 'ubuntu1404':
257                return "trusty"
258            elif build_os == 'ubuntu1604':
259                return "xenial"
260            elif build_os == 'ubuntu1804':
261                return "bionic"
262            else:
263                raise Exception("unsupported build_os: %s" % build_os)
264        elif self.n == 'debian':
265            if build_os == 'debian81':
266                return 'jessie'
267            elif build_os == 'debian92':
268                return 'stretch'
269            else:
270                raise Exception("unsupported build_os: %s" % build_os)
271        else:
272            raise Exception("unsupported distro: %s" % self.n)
274    def make_pkg(self, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir):
275        if re.search("^(debian|ubuntu)", self.n):
276            return make_deb(self, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir)
277        elif re.search("^(suse|centos|redhat|fedora|amazon)", self.n):
278            return make_rpm(self, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir)
279        else:
280            raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?")
282    def build_os(self, arch):
283        """Return the build os label in the binary package to download (e.g. "rhel55" for redhat,
284        "ubuntu1204" for ubuntu, "debian81" for debian, "suse11" for suse, etc.)"""
285        # Community builds only support amd64
286        if arch not in ['x86_64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'arm64']:
287            raise Exception("BUG: unsupported architecture (%s)" % arch)
289        if re.search("(suse)", self.n):
290            return [ "suse11", "suse12" ]
291        elif re.search("(redhat|fedora|centos)", self.n):
292            return [ "rhel80", "rhel70", "rhel71", "rhel72", "rhel62", "rhel55" ]
293        elif self.n in ['amazon', 'amazon2']:
294            return [ self.n ]
295        elif self.n == 'ubuntu':
296            return [ "ubuntu1204", "ubuntu1404", "ubuntu1604", "ubuntu1804"]
297        elif self.n == 'debian':
298            return [ "debian81", "debian92" ]
299        else:
300            raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?")
302    def release_dist(self, build_os):
303        """Return the release distribution to use in the rpm - "el5" for rhel 5.x,
304        "el6" for rhel 6.x, return anything else unchanged"""
306        if self.n == 'amazon':
307          return 'amzn1'
308        elif self.n == 'amazon2':
309          return 'amzn2'
310        else:
311          return re.sub(r'^rh(el\d).*$', r'\1', build_os)
313def get_args(distros, arch_choices):
315    distro_choices=[]
316    for distro in distros:
317        for arch in arch_choices:
318          distro_choices.extend(distro.build_os(arch))
320    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build MongoDB Packages')
321    parser.add_argument("-s", "--server-version", help="Server version to build (e.g. 2.7.8-rc0)", required=True)
322    parser.add_argument("-m", "--metadata-gitspec", help="Gitspec to use for package metadata files", required=False)
323    parser.add_argument("-r", "--release-number", help="RPM release number base", type=int, required=False)
324    parser.add_argument("-d", "--distros", help="Distros to build for", choices=distro_choices, required=False, default=[], action='append')
325    parser.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", help="Directory to build into", required=False)
326    parser.add_argument("-a", "--arches", help="Architecture to build", choices=arch_choices, default=[], required=False, action='append')
327    parser.add_argument("-t", "--tarball", help="Local tarball to package", required=True, type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x))
329    args = parser.parse_args()
331    if len(args.distros) * len(args.arches) > 1 and args.tarball:
332      parser.error("Can only specify local tarball with one distro/arch combination")
334    return args
336def main(argv):
338    distros=[Distro(distro) for distro in DISTROS]
340    args = get_args(distros, ARCH_CHOICES)
342    spec = Spec(args.server_version, args.metadata_gitspec, args.release_number)
344    oldcwd=os.getcwd()
345    srcdir=oldcwd+"/../"
347    # Where to do all of our work. Use a randomly-created directory if one
348    # is not passed in.
349    prefix = args.prefix
350    if prefix is None:
351      prefix = tempfile.mkdtemp()
352    print "Working in directory %s" % prefix
354    os.chdir(prefix)
355    try:
356      # Build a package for each distro/spec/arch tuple, and
357      # accumulate the repository-layout directories.
358      for (distro, arch) in crossproduct(distros, args.arches):
360          for build_os in distro.build_os(arch):
361            if build_os in args.distros or not args.distros:
363              filename = tarfile(build_os, arch, spec)
364              ensure_dir(filename)
365              shutil.copyfile(args.tarball, filename)
367              repo = make_package(distro, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir)
368              make_repo(repo, distro, build_os, spec)
370    finally:
371        os.chdir(oldcwd)
373def crossproduct(*seqs):
374    """A generator for iterating all the tuples consisting of elements
375    of seqs."""
376    l = len(seqs)
377    if l == 0:
378        pass
379    elif l == 1:
380        for i in seqs[0]:
381            yield [i]
382    else:
383        for lst in crossproduct(*seqs[:-1]):
384            for i in seqs[-1]:
385                lst2=list(lst)
386                lst2.append(i)
387                yield lst2
389def sysassert(argv):
390    """Run argv and assert that it exited with status 0."""
391    print "In %s, running %s" % (os.getcwd(), " ".join(argv))
392    sys.stdout.flush()
393    sys.stderr.flush()
394    assert(subprocess.Popen(argv).wait()==0)
396def backtick(argv):
397    """Run argv and return its output string."""
398    print "In %s, running %s" % (os.getcwd(), " ".join(argv))
399    sys.stdout.flush()
400    sys.stderr.flush()
401    return subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
403def tarfile(build_os, arch, spec):
404    """Return the location where we store the downloaded tarball for
405    this package"""
406    return "dl/mongodb-linux-%s-%s-%s.tar.gz" % (spec.version(), build_os, arch)
408def setupdir(distro, build_os, arch, spec):
409    # The setupdir will be a directory containing all inputs to the
410    # distro's packaging tools (e.g., package metadata files, init
411    # scripts, etc), along with the already-built binaries).  In case
412    # the following format string is unclear, an example setupdir
413    # would be dst/x86_64/debian-sysvinit/wheezy/mongodb-org-unstable/
414    # or dst/x86_64/redhat/rhel55/mongodb-org-unstable/
415    return "dst/%s/%s/%s/%s%s-%s/" % (arch, distro.name(), build_os, distro.pkgbase(), spec.suffix(), spec.pversion(distro))
417def unpack_binaries_into(build_os, arch, spec, where):
418    """Unpack the tarfile for (build_os, arch, spec) into directory where."""
419    rootdir=os.getcwd()
420    ensure_dir(where)
421    # Note: POSIX tar doesn't require support for gtar's "-C" option,
422    # and Python's tarfile module prior to Python 2.7 doesn't have the
423    # features to make this detail easy.  So we'll just do the dumb
424    # thing and chdir into where and run tar there.
425    os.chdir(where)
426    try:
427        sysassert(["tar", "xvzf", rootdir+"/"+tarfile(build_os, arch, spec)])
428        release_dir = glob('mongodb-linux-*')[0]
429        for releasefile in "bin", "LICENSE-Community.txt", "README", "THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES", "THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.gotools", "MPL-2":
430            print "moving file: %s/%s" % (release_dir, releasefile)
431            os.rename("%s/%s" % (release_dir, releasefile), releasefile)
432        os.rmdir(release_dir)
433    except Exception:
434        exc=sys.exc_value
435        os.chdir(rootdir)
436        raise exc
437    os.chdir(rootdir)
439def make_package(distro, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir):
440    """Construct the package for (arch, distro, spec), getting
441    packaging files from srcdir and any user-specified suffix from
442    suffixes"""
444    sdir=setupdir(distro, build_os, arch, spec)
445    ensure_dir(sdir)
446    # Note that the RPM packages get their man pages from the debian
447    # directory, so the debian directory is needed in all cases (and
448    # innocuous in the debianoids' sdirs).
449    for pkgdir in ["debian", "rpm"]:
450        print "Copying packaging files from %s to %s" % ("%s/%s" % (srcdir, pkgdir), sdir)
451        # FIXME: sh-dash-cee is bad. See if tarfile can do this.
452        sysassert(["sh", "-c", "(cd \"%s\" && tar cf - %s/ ) | (cd \"%s\" && tar xvf -)" % (srcdir, pkgdir, sdir)])
453    # Splat the binaries under sdir.  The "build" stages of the
454    # packaging infrastructure will move the files to wherever they
455    # need to go.
456    unpack_binaries_into(build_os, arch, spec, sdir)
457    # Remove the mongoreplay binary due to libpcap dynamic
458    # linkage.
459    if os.path.exists(sdir + "bin/mongoreplay"):
460      os.unlink(sdir + "bin/mongoreplay")
461    return distro.make_pkg(build_os, arch, spec, srcdir)
463def make_repo(repodir, distro, build_os, spec):
464    if re.search("(debian|ubuntu)", repodir):
465        make_deb_repo(repodir, distro, build_os, spec)
466    elif re.search("(suse|centos|redhat|fedora|amazon)", repodir):
467        make_rpm_repo(repodir)
468    else:
469        raise Exception("BUG: unsupported platform?")
471def make_deb(distro, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir):
472    # I can't remember the details anymore, but the initscript/upstart
473    # job files' names must match the package name in some way; and
474    # see also the --name flag to dh_installinit in the generated
475    # debian/rules file.
476    suffix=spec.suffix()
477    sdir=setupdir(distro, build_os, arch, spec)
478    if re.search("debian", distro.name()):
479        os.unlink(sdir+"debian/mongod.upstart")
480        os.link(sdir+"debian/mongod.service", sdir+"debian/%s%s-server.mongod.service" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix))
481        os.unlink(sdir+"debian/init.d")
482    elif re.search("ubuntu", distro.name()):
483        os.unlink(sdir+"debian/init.d")
484        if build_os in ("ubuntu1204", "ubuntu1404", "ubuntu1410"):
485            os.link(sdir+"debian/mongod.upstart", sdir+"debian/%s%s-server.mongod.upstart" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix))
486            os.unlink(sdir+"debian/mongod.service")
487        else:
488            os.link(sdir+"debian/mongod.service", sdir+"debian/%s%s-server.mongod.service" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix))
489            os.unlink(sdir+"debian/mongod.upstart")
490    else:
491        raise Exception("unknown debianoid flavor: not debian or ubuntu?")
492    # Rewrite the control and rules files
493    write_debian_changelog(sdir+"debian/changelog", spec, srcdir)
494    distro_arch=distro.archname(arch)
495    sysassert(["cp", "-v", srcdir+"debian/%s%s.control" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix), sdir+"debian/control"])
496    sysassert(["cp", "-v", srcdir+"debian/%s%s.rules" % (distro.pkgbase(), suffix), sdir+"debian/rules"])
499    # old non-server-package postinst will be hanging around for old versions
500    #
501    if os.path.exists(sdir+"debian/postinst"):
502      os.unlink(sdir+"debian/postinst")
504    # copy our postinst files
505    #
506    sysassert(["sh", "-c", "cp -v \"%sdebian/\"*.postinst \"%sdebian/\""%(srcdir, sdir)])
508    # Do the packaging.
509    oldcwd=os.getcwd()
510    try:
511        os.chdir(sdir)
512        sysassert(["dpkg-buildpackage", "-uc", "-us", "-a" + distro_arch])
513    finally:
514        os.chdir(oldcwd)
515    r=distro.repodir(arch, build_os, spec)
516    ensure_dir(r)
517    # FIXME: see if shutil.copyfile or something can do this without
518    # much pain.
519    sysassert(["sh", "-c", "cp -v \"%s/../\"*.deb \"%s\""%(sdir, r)])
520    return r
522def make_deb_repo(repo, distro, build_os, spec):
523    # Note: the Debian repository Packages files must be generated
524    # very carefully in order to be usable.
525    oldpwd=os.getcwd()
526    os.chdir(repo+"../../../../../../")
527    try:
528        dirs=set([os.path.dirname(deb)[2:] for deb in backtick(["find", ".", "-name", "*.deb"]).split()])
529        for d in dirs:
530            s=backtick(["dpkg-scanpackages", d, "/dev/null"])
531            with open(d+"/Packages", "w") as f:
532                f.write(s)
533            b=backtick(["gzip", "-9c", d+"/Packages"])
534            with open(d+"/Packages.gz", "wb") as f:
535                f.write(b)
536    finally:
537        os.chdir(oldpwd)
538    # Notes: the Release{,.gpg} files must live in a special place,
539    # and must be created after all the Packages.gz files have been
540    # done.
541    s="""Origin: mongodb
542Label: mongodb
543Suite: %s
544Codename: %s/mongodb-org
545Architectures: amd64 arm64
546Components: %s
547Description: MongoDB packages
548""" % (distro.repo_os_version(build_os), distro.repo_os_version(build_os), distro.repo_component())
549    if os.path.exists(repo+"../../Release"):
550        os.unlink(repo+"../../Release")
551    if os.path.exists(repo+"../../Release.gpg"):
552        os.unlink(repo+"../../Release.gpg")
553    oldpwd=os.getcwd()
554    os.chdir(repo+"../../")
555    s2=backtick(["apt-ftparchive", "release", "."])
556    try:
557        with open("Release", 'w') as f:
558            f.write(s)
559            f.write(s2)
560    finally:
561        os.chdir(oldpwd)
564def move_repos_into_place(src, dst):
565    # Find all the stuff in src/*, move it to a freshly-created
566    # directory beside dst, then play some games with symlinks so that
567    # dst is a name the new stuff and dst+".old" names the previous
568    # one.  This feels like a lot of hooey for something so trivial.
570    # First, make a crispy fresh new directory to put the stuff in.
571    i=0
572    while True:
573        date_suffix=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
574        dname=dst+".%s.%d" % (date_suffix, i)
575        try:
576            os.mkdir(dname)
577            break
578        except OSError:
579            exc=sys.exc_value
580            if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
581                pass
582            else:
583                raise exc
584        i=i+1
586    # Put the stuff in our new directory.
587    for r in os.listdir(src):
588        sysassert(["cp", "-rv", src + "/" + r, dname])
590    # Make a symlink to the new directory; the symlink will be renamed
591    # to dst shortly.
592    i=0
593    while True:
594        tmpnam=dst+".TMP.%d" % i
595        try:
596            os.symlink(dname, tmpnam)
597            break
598        except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5
599            exc=sys.exc_value
600            if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
601                pass
602            else:
603                raise exc
604        i=i+1
606    # Make a symlink to the old directory; this symlink will be
607    # renamed shortly, too.
608    oldnam=None
609    if os.path.exists(dst):
610       i=0
611       while True:
612           oldnam=dst+".old.%d" % i
613           try:
614               os.symlink(os.readlink(dst), oldnam)
615               break
616           except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5
617               exc=sys.exc_value
618               if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
619                   pass
620               else:
621                   raise exc
623    os.rename(tmpnam, dst)
624    if oldnam:
625        os.rename(oldnam, dst+".old")
628def write_debian_changelog(path, spec, srcdir):
629    oldcwd=os.getcwd()
630    os.chdir(srcdir)
631    preamble=""
632    try:
633        s=preamble+backtick(["sh", "-c", "git archive %s debian/changelog | tar xOf -" % spec.metadata_gitspec()])
634    finally:
635        os.chdir(oldcwd)
636    lines=s.split("\n")
637    # If the first line starts with "mongodb", it's not a revision
638    # preamble, and so frob the version number.
639    lines[0]=re.sub("^mongodb \\(.*\\)", "mongodb (%s)" % (spec.pversion(Distro("debian"))), lines[0])
640    # Rewrite every changelog entry starting in mongodb<space>
641    lines=[re.sub("^mongodb ", "mongodb%s " % (spec.suffix()), l) for l in lines]
642    lines=[re.sub("^  --", " --", l) for l in lines]
643    s="\n".join(lines)
644    with open(path, 'w') as f:
645        f.write(s)
647def make_rpm(distro, build_os, arch, spec, srcdir):
648    # Create the specfile.
649    suffix=spec.suffix()
650    sdir=setupdir(distro, build_os, arch, spec)
652    specfile = srcdir + "rpm/mongodb%s.spec" % suffix
653    init_spec = specfile.replace(".spec", "-init.spec")
655    # The Debian directory is here for the manpages so we we need to remove the service file
656    # from it so that RPM packages don't end up with the Debian file.
657    os.unlink(sdir + "debian/mongod.service")
659    # Swap out systemd files, different systemd spec files, and init scripts as needed based on
660    # underlying os version. Arranged so that new distros moving forward automatically use
661    # systemd. Note: the SUSE init packages use a different init script than then other RPM
662    # distros.
663    #
664    if distro.name() == "suse" and distro.repo_os_version(build_os) in ("10", "11"):
665        os.unlink(sdir+"rpm/init.d-mongod")
666        os.link(sdir+"rpm/init.d-mongod.suse", sdir+"rpm/init.d-mongod")
668        os.unlink(specfile)
669        os.link(init_spec, specfile)
670    elif distro.name() == "redhat" and distro.repo_os_version(build_os) in ("5", "6"):
671        os.unlink(specfile)
672        os.link(init_spec, specfile)
673    elif distro.name() == "amazon":
674        os.unlink(specfile)
675        os.link(init_spec, specfile)
677    topdir=ensure_dir('%s/rpmbuild/%s/' % (os.getcwd(), build_os))
678    for subdir in ["BUILD", "RPMS", "SOURCES", "SPECS", "SRPMS"]:
679        ensure_dir("%s/%s/" % (topdir, subdir))
680    distro_arch=distro.archname(arch)
681    # RPM tools take these macro files that define variables in
682    # RPMland.  Unfortunately, there's no way to tell RPM tools to use
683    # a given file *in addition* to the files that it would already
684    # load, so we have to figure out what it would normally load,
685    # augment that list, and tell RPM to use the augmented list.  To
686    # figure out what macrofiles ordinarily get loaded, older RPM
687    # versions had a parameter called "macrofiles" that could be
688    # extracted from "rpm --showrc".  But newer RPM versions don't
689    # have this.  To tell RPM what macros to use, older versions of
690    # RPM have a --macros option that doesn't work; on these versions,
691    # you can put a "macrofiles" parameter into an rpmrc file.  But
692    # that "macrofiles" setting doesn't do anything for newer RPM
693    # versions, where you have to use the --macros flag instead.  And
694    # all of this is to let us do our work with some guarantee that
695    # we're not clobbering anything that doesn't belong to us.
696    #
697    # On RHEL systems, --rcfile will generally be used and
698    # --macros will be used in Ubuntu.
699    #
700    macrofiles=[l for l in backtick(["rpm", "--showrc"]).split("\n") if l.startswith("macrofiles")]
701    flags=[]
702    macropath=os.getcwd()+"/macros"
704    write_rpm_macros_file(macropath, topdir, distro.release_dist(build_os))
705    if len(macrofiles)>0:
706        macrofiles=macrofiles[0]+":"+macropath
707        rcfile=os.getcwd()+"/rpmrc"
708        write_rpmrc_file(rcfile, macrofiles)
709        flags=["--rcfile", rcfile]
710    else:
711        # This hard-coded hooey came from some box running RPM
712        #  It may not work over time, but RPM isn't sanely
713        # configurable.
714        flags=["--macros", "/usr/lib/rpm/macros:/usr/lib/rpm/%s-linux/macros:/usr/lib/rpm/suse/macros:/etc/rpm/macros.*:/etc/rpm/macros:/etc/rpm/%s-linux/macros:~/.rpmmacros:%s" % (distro_arch, distro_arch, macropath)]
715    # Put the specfile and the tar'd up binaries and stuff in
716    # place.
717    #
718    # The version of rpm and rpm tools in RHEL 5.5 can't interpolate the
719    # %{dynamic_version} macro, so do it manually
720    with open(specfile, "r") as spec_source:
721      with open(topdir+"SPECS/" + os.path.basename(specfile), "w") as spec_dest:
722        for line in spec_source:
723          line = line.replace('%{dynamic_version}', spec.pversion(distro))
724          line = line.replace('%{dynamic_release}', spec.prelease())
725          spec_dest.write(line)
727    oldcwd=os.getcwd()
728    os.chdir(sdir+"/../")
729    try:
730        sysassert(["tar", "-cpzf", topdir+"SOURCES/mongodb%s-%s.tar.gz" % (suffix, spec.pversion(distro)), os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(sdir))])
731    finally:
732        os.chdir(oldcwd)
733    # Do the build.
735    flags.extend(["-D", "dynamic_version " + spec.pversion(distro), "-D", "dynamic_release " + spec.prelease(), "-D", "_topdir " + topdir])
737    # Versions of RPM after 4.4 ignore our BuildRoot tag so we need to
738    # specify it on the command line args to rpmbuild
739    if ((distro.name() == "suse" and distro.repo_os_version(build_os) == "15")
740            or (distro.name() == "redhat" and distro.repo_os_version(build_os) == "8")):
741        flags.extend([
742            "--buildroot", os.path.join(topdir, "BUILDROOT"),
743        ])
745    sysassert(["rpmbuild", "-ba", "--target", distro_arch] + flags +
746              ["%s/SPECS/mongodb%s.spec" % (topdir, suffix)])
747    repo_dir = distro.repodir(arch, build_os, spec)
748    ensure_dir(repo_dir)
750    # FIXME: see if some combination of shutil.copy<hoohah> and glob
751    # can do this without shelling out.
752    sysassert(["sh", "-c", "cp -v \"%s/RPMS/%s/\"*.rpm \"%s\""%(topdir, distro_arch, repo_dir)])
753    return repo_dir
755def make_rpm_repo(repo):
756    oldpwd=os.getcwd()
757    os.chdir(repo+"../")
758    try:
759        sysassert(["createrepo", "."])
760    finally:
761        os.chdir(oldpwd)
764def write_rpmrc_file(path, string):
765    with open(path, 'w') as f:
766        f.write(string)
768def write_rpm_macros_file(path, topdir, release_dist):
769    with open(path, 'w') as f:
770        f.write("%%_topdir	%s\n" % topdir)
771        f.write("%%dist	.%s\n" % release_dist)
772        f.write("%_use_internal_dependency_generator 0\n")
774def ensure_dir(filename):
775    """Make sure that the directory that's the dirname part of
776    filename exists, and return filename."""
777    dirpart = os.path.dirname(filename)
778    try:
779        os.makedirs(dirpart)
780    except OSError: # as exc: # Python >2.5
781        exc=sys.exc_value
782        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
783            pass
784        else:
785            raise exc
786    return filename
788def is_valid_file(parser, filename):
789    """Check if file exists, and return the filename"""
790    if not os.path.exists(filename):
791        parser.error("The file %s does not exist!" % filename)
792    else:
793        return filename
795if __name__ == "__main__":
796    main(sys.argv)