1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
6    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
9    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
10    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
11    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
12    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
13    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
15    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
20    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
23 */
25 #ifndef NdbDictionary_H
26 #define NdbDictionary_H
28 #include <ndb_types.h>
30 class Ndb;
31 struct charset_info_st;
32 typedef struct charset_info_st CHARSET_INFO;
34 /* Forward declaration only. */
35 class NdbRecord;
37 /**
38  * @class NdbDictionary
39  * @brief Data dictionary class
40  *
41  * The preferred and supported way to create and drop tables and indexes
42  * in ndb is through the
43  * MySQL Server (see MySQL reference Manual, section MySQL Cluster).
44  *
45  * Tables and indexes that are created directly through the
46  * NdbDictionary class
47  * can not be viewed from the MySQL Server.
48  * Dropping indexes directly via the NdbApi will cause inconsistencies
49  * if they were originally created from a MySQL Cluster.
50  *
51  * This class supports schema data enquiries such as:
52  * -# Enquiries about tables
53  *    (Dictionary::getTable, Table::getNoOfColumns,
54  *    Table::getPrimaryKey, and Table::getNoOfPrimaryKeys)
55  * -# Enquiries about indexes
56  *    (Dictionary::getIndex, Index::getNoOfColumns,
57  *    and Index::getColumn)
58  *
59  * This class supports schema data definition such as:
60  * -# Creating tables (Dictionary::createTable) and table columns
61  * -# Dropping tables (Dictionary::dropTable)
62  * -# Creating secondary indexes (Dictionary::createIndex)
63  * -# Dropping secondary indexes (Dictionary::dropIndex)
64  *
65  * NdbDictionary has several help (inner) classes to support this:
66  * -# NdbDictionary::Dictionary the dictionary handling dictionary objects
67  * -# NdbDictionary::Table for creating tables
68  * -# NdbDictionary::Column for creating table columns
69  * -# NdbDictionary::Index for creating secondary indexes
70  *
71  * See @ref ndbapi_simple_index.cpp for details of usage.
72  */
73 class NdbDictionary {
74 public:
NdbDictionary()75   NdbDictionary() {}                          /* Remove gcc warning */
76   /**
77    * @class Object
78    * @brief Meta information about a database object (a table, index, etc)
79    */
80   class Object {
81   public:
Object()82     Object() {}                               /* Remove gcc warning */
~Object()83     virtual ~Object() {}                      /* Remove gcc warning */
84     /**
85      * Status of object
86      */
87     enum Status {
88       New,                    ///< The object only exist in memory and
89                               ///< has not been created in the NDB Kernel
90       Changed,                ///< The object has been modified in memory
91                               ///< and has to be commited in NDB Kernel for
92                               ///< changes to take effect
93       Retrieved,              ///< The object exist and has been read
94                               ///< into main memory from NDB Kernel
95       Invalid,                ///< The object has been invalidated
96                               ///< and should not be used
97       Altered                 ///< Table has been altered in NDB kernel
98                               ///< but is still valid for usage
99     };
101     /**
102      * Get status of object
103      */
104     virtual Status getObjectStatus() const = 0;
106     /**
107      * Get version of object
108      */
109     virtual int getObjectVersion() const = 0;
111     virtual int getObjectId() const = 0;
113     /**
114      * Object type
115      */
116     enum Type {
117       TypeUndefined = 0,      ///< Undefined
118       SystemTable = 1,        ///< System table
119       UserTable = 2,          ///< User table (may be temporary)
120       UniqueHashIndex = 3,    ///< Unique un-ordered hash index
121       OrderedIndex = 6,       ///< Non-unique ordered index
122       HashIndexTrigger = 7,   ///< Index maintenance, internal
123       IndexTrigger = 8,       ///< Index maintenance, internal
124       SubscriptionTrigger = 9,///< Backup or replication, internal
125       ReadOnlyConstraint = 10,///< Trigger, internal
126       TableEvent = 11,        ///< Table event
127       Tablespace = 20,        ///< Tablespace
128       LogfileGroup = 21,      ///< Logfile group
129       Datafile = 22,          ///< Datafile
130       Undofile = 23,          ///< Undofile
131       ReorgTrigger = 19,
132       HashMap = 24
133     };
135     /**
136      * Object state
137      */
138     enum State {
139       StateUndefined = 0,     ///< Undefined
140       StateOffline = 1,       ///< Offline, not usable
141       StateBuilding = 2,      ///< Building, not yet usable
142       StateDropping = 3,      ///< Offlining or dropping, not usable
143       StateOnline = 4,        ///< Online, usable
144       StateBackup = 5,        ///< Online, being backuped, usable
145       StateBroken = 9         ///< Broken, should be dropped and re-created
146     };
148     /**
149      * Object store
150      */
151     enum Store {
152       StoreUndefined = 0,     ///< Undefined
153       StoreNotLogged = 1,     ///< Object or data deleted on system restart
154       StorePermanent = 2      ///< Permanent. logged to disk
155     };
157     /**
158      * Type of fragmentation.
159      *
160      * This parameter specifies how data in the table or index will
161      * be distributed among the db nodes in the cluster.<br>
162      * The bigger the table the more number of fragments should be used.
163      * Note that all replicas count as same "fragment".<br>
164      * For a table, default is FragAllMedium.  For a unique hash index,
165      * default is taken from underlying table and cannot currently
166      * be changed.
167      */
168     enum FragmentType {
169       FragUndefined = 0,      ///< Fragmentation type undefined or default
170       FragSingle = 1,         ///< Only one fragment
171       FragAllSmall = 2,       ///< One fragment per node, default
172       FragAllMedium = 3,      ///< two fragments per node
173       FragAllLarge = 4,       ///< Four fragments per node.
174       DistrKeyHash = 5,
175       DistrKeyLin = 6,
176       UserDefined = 7,
177       HashMapPartition = 9
178     };
179   private:
180     Object&operator=(const Object&);
181   };
183   class Dictionary; // Forward declaration
185   class ObjectId : public Object
186   {
187   public:
188     ObjectId();
189     virtual ~ObjectId();
191     /**
192      * Get status of object
193      */
194     virtual Status getObjectStatus() const;
196     /**
197      * Get version of object
198      */
199     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
201     virtual int getObjectId() const;
203   private:
204     friend class NdbDictObjectImpl;
205     class NdbDictObjectImpl & m_impl;
207     ObjectId(const ObjectId&); // Not impl.
208     ObjectId&operator=(const ObjectId&);
209   };
211   class Table; // forward declaration
212   class Tablespace; // forward declaration
213   class HashMap; // Forward
214 //  class NdbEventOperation; // forward declaration
216   /**
217    * @class Column
218    * @brief Represents a column in an NDB Cluster table
219    *
220    * Each column has a type. The type of a column is determined by a number
221    * of type specifiers.
222    * The type specifiers are:
223    * - Builtin type
224    * - Array length or max length
225    * - Precision and scale (not used yet)
226    * - Character set for string types
227    * - Inline and part sizes for blobs
228    *
229    * Types in general correspond to MySQL types and their variants.
230    * Data formats are same as in MySQL.  NDB API provides no support for
231    * constructing such formats.  NDB kernel checks them however.
232    */
233   class Column {
234   public:
235     /**
236      * The builtin column types
237      */
238     enum Type {
239       Undefined = NDB_TYPE_UNDEFINED,   ///< Undefined
240       Tinyint = NDB_TYPE_TINYINT,       ///< 8 bit. 1 byte signed integer, can be used in array
241       Tinyunsigned = NDB_TYPE_TINYUNSIGNED,  ///< 8 bit. 1 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array
242       Smallint = NDB_TYPE_SMALLINT,      ///< 16 bit. 2 byte signed integer, can be used in array
243       Smallunsigned = NDB_TYPE_SMALLUNSIGNED, ///< 16 bit. 2 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array
244       Mediumint = NDB_TYPE_MEDIUMINT,     ///< 24 bit. 3 byte signed integer, can be used in array
245       Mediumunsigned = NDB_TYPE_MEDIUMUNSIGNED,///< 24 bit. 3 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array
246       Int = NDB_TYPE_INT,           ///< 32 bit. 4 byte signed integer, can be used in array
247       Unsigned = NDB_TYPE_UNSIGNED,      ///< 32 bit. 4 byte unsigned integer, can be used in array
248       Bigint = NDB_TYPE_BIGINT,        ///< 64 bit. 8 byte signed integer, can be used in array
249       Bigunsigned = NDB_TYPE_BIGUNSIGNED,   ///< 64 Bit. 8 byte signed integer, can be used in array
250       Float = NDB_TYPE_FLOAT,         ///< 32-bit float. 4 bytes float, can be used in array
251       Double = NDB_TYPE_DOUBLE,        ///< 64-bit float. 8 byte float, can be used in array
252       Olddecimal = NDB_TYPE_OLDDECIMAL,    ///< MySQL < 5.0 signed decimal,  Precision, Scale
253       Olddecimalunsigned = NDB_TYPE_OLDDECIMALUNSIGNED,
254       Decimal = NDB_TYPE_DECIMAL,    ///< MySQL >= 5.0 signed decimal,  Precision, Scale
255       Decimalunsigned = NDB_TYPE_DECIMALUNSIGNED,
256       Char = NDB_TYPE_CHAR,          ///< Len. A fixed array of 1-byte chars
257       Varchar = NDB_TYPE_VARCHAR,       ///< Length bytes: 1, Max: 255
258       Binary = NDB_TYPE_BINARY,        ///< Len
259       Varbinary = NDB_TYPE_VARBINARY,     ///< Length bytes: 1, Max: 255
260       Datetime = NDB_TYPE_DATETIME,    ///< Precision down to 1 sec (sizeof(Datetime) == 8 bytes )
261       Date = NDB_TYPE_DATE,            ///< Precision down to 1 day(sizeof(Date) == 4 bytes )
262       Blob = NDB_TYPE_BLOB,        ///< Binary large object (see NdbBlob)
263       Text = NDB_TYPE_TEXT,         ///< Text blob
264       Bit = NDB_TYPE_BIT,          ///< Bit, length specifies no of bits
265       Longvarchar = NDB_TYPE_LONGVARCHAR,  ///< Length bytes: 2, little-endian
266       Longvarbinary = NDB_TYPE_LONGVARBINARY, ///< Length bytes: 2, little-endian
267       Time = NDB_TYPE_TIME,        ///< Time without date
268       Year = NDB_TYPE_YEAR,   ///< Year 1901-2155 (1 byte)
269       Timestamp = NDB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP  ///< Unix time
270     };
272     /*
273      * Array type specifies internal attribute format.
274      *
275      * - ArrayTypeFixed is stored as fixed number of bytes.  This type
276      *   is fastest to access but can waste space.
277      *
278      * - ArrayTypeVar is stored as variable number of bytes with a fixed
279      *   overhead of 2 bytes.
280      *
281      * Default is ArrayTypeVar for Var* types and ArrayTypeFixed for
282      * others.  The default is normally ok.
283      */
284     enum ArrayType {
285       ArrayTypeFixed = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_FIXED,          // 0 length bytes
286       ArrayTypeShortVar = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_SHORT_VAR,   // 1 length bytes
287       ArrayTypeMediumVar = NDB_ARRAYTYPE_MEDIUM_VAR // 2 length bytes
288     };
290     /*
291      * Storage type specifies whether attribute is stored in memory or
292      * on disk.  Default is memory.  Disk attributes are potentially
293      * much slower to access and cannot be indexed in version 5.1.
294      */
295     enum StorageType {
296       StorageTypeMemory = NDB_STORAGETYPE_MEMORY,
297       StorageTypeDisk = NDB_STORAGETYPE_DISK,
298       StorageTypeDefault = NDB_STORAGETYPE_DEFAULT
299     };
301     /**
302      * @name General
303      * @{
304      */
306     /**
307      * Get name of column
308      * @return  Name of the column
309      */
310     const char* getName() const;
312     /**
313      * Get if the column is nullable or not
314      */
315     bool getNullable() const;
317     /**
318      * Check if column is part of primary key
319      */
320     bool getPrimaryKey() const;
322     /**
323      *  Get number of column (horizontal position within table)
324      */
325     int getColumnNo() const;
328     int getAttrId() const;
329 #endif
331     /**
332      * Check if column is equal to some other column
333      * @param  column  Column to compare with
334      * @return  true if column is equal to some other column otherwise false.
335      */
336     bool equal(const Column& column) const;
339     /** @} *******************************************************************/
340     /**
341      * @name Get Type Specifiers
342      * @{
343      */
345     /**
346      * Get type of column
347      */
348     Type getType() const;
350     /**
351      * Get precision of column.
352      * @note Only applicable for decimal types
353      */
354     int getPrecision() const;
356     /**
357      * Get scale of column.
358      * @note Only applicable for decimal types
359      */
360     int getScale() const;
362     /**
363      * Get length for column
364      * Array length for column or max length for variable length arrays.
365      */
366     int getLength() const;
368     /**
369      * For Char or Varchar or Text, get MySQL CHARSET_INFO.  This
370      * specifies both character set and collation.  See get_charset()
371      * etc in MySQL.  (The cs is not "const" in MySQL).
372      */
373     CHARSET_INFO* getCharset() const;
375     /**
376      * Returns mysql's internal number for the column's character set.
377      */
378     int getCharsetNumber() const;
380     /**
381      * For blob, get "inline size" i.e. number of initial bytes
382      * to store in table's blob attribute.
383      */
384     int getInlineSize() const;
386     /**
387      * For blob, get "part size" i.e. number of bytes to store in
388      * each tuple of the "blob table".  Can be set to zero to omit parts
389      * and to allow only inline bytes ("tinyblob").
390      */
391     int getPartSize() const;
393     /**
394      * For blob, set or get "stripe size" i.e. number of consecutive
395      * <em>parts</em> to store in each node group.
396      */
397     int getStripeSize() const;
399     /**
400      * Get size of element
401      */
402     int getSize() const;
404     /**
405      * Check if column is part of partition key
406      *
407      * A <em>partition key</em> is a set of attributes which are used
408      * to distribute the tuples onto the NDB nodes.
409      * The partition key uses the NDB Cluster hashing function.
410      *
411      * An example where this is useful is TPC-C where it might be
412      * good to use the warehouse id and district id as the partition key.
413      * This would place all data for a specific district and warehouse
414      * in the same database node.
415      *
416      * Locally in the fragments the full primary key
417      * will still be used with the hashing algorithm.
418      *
419      * @return  true then the column is part of
420      *                 the partition key.
421      */
422     bool getPartitionKey() const;
getDistributionKey() const424     inline bool getDistributionKey() const { return getPartitionKey(); };
425 #endif
427     ArrayType getArrayType() const;
428     StorageType getStorageType() const;
430     /**
431      * Get if the column is dynamic (NULL values not stored)
432      */
433     bool getDynamic() const;
435     /**
436      * Determine if the column is defined relative to an Index
437      * This affects the meaning of the attrId, column no and primary key,
438      */
439     bool getIndexSourced() const;
441     /** @} *******************************************************************/
444     /**
445      * @name Column creation
446      * @{
447      *
448      * These operations should normally not be performed in an NbdApi program
449      * as results will not be visable in the MySQL Server
450      *
451      */
453     /**
454      * Constructor
455      * @param   name   Name of column
456      */
457     Column(const char * name = "");
458     /**
459      * Copy constructor
460      * @param  column  Column to be copied
461      */
462     Column(const Column& column);
463     ~Column();
465     /**
466      * Set name of column
467      * @param  name  Name of the column
468      */
469     int setName(const char * name);
471     /**
472      * Set whether column is nullable or not
473      */
474     void setNullable(bool);
476     /**
477      * Set that column is part of primary key
478      */
479     void setPrimaryKey(bool);
481     /**
482      * Set type of column
483      * @param  type  Type of column
484      *
485      * @note setType resets <em>all</em> column attributes
486      *       to (type dependent) defaults and should be the first
487      *       method to call.  Default type is Unsigned.
488      */
489     void setType(Type type);
491     /**
492      * Set precision of column.
493      * @note Only applicable for decimal types
494      */
495     void setPrecision(int);
497     /**
498      * Set scale of column.
499      * @note Only applicable for decimal types
500      */
501     void setScale(int);
503     /**
504      * Set length for column
505      * Array length for column or max length for variable length arrays.
506      */
507     void setLength(int length);
509     /**
510      * For Char or Varchar or Text, get MySQL CHARSET_INFO.  This
511      * specifies both character set and collation.  See get_charset()
512      * etc in MySQL.  (The cs is not "const" in MySQL).
513      */
514     void setCharset(CHARSET_INFO* cs);
516     /**
517      * For blob, set "inline size" i.e. number of initial bytes
518      * to store in table's blob attribute.  This part is normally in
519      * main memory.  It can not currently be indexed.
520      */
521     void setInlineSize(int size);
523     /**
524      * For blob, set "part size" i.e. number of bytes to store in
525      * each tuple of the "blob table".  Can be set to zero to omit parts
526      * and to allow only inline bytes ("tinyblob").
527      */
528     void setPartSize(int size);
530     /**
531      * For blob, set "stripe size" i.e. number of consecutive
532      * <em>parts</em> to store in a fragment, before moving to
533      * another (random) fragment.
534      *
535      * Striping may improve performance for large blobs
536      * since blob part operations are done in parallel.
537      * Optimal stripe size depends on the transport e.g. tcp/ip.
538      *
539      * Example: Given part size 2048 bytes, set stripe size 8.
540      * This assigns i/o in 16k chunks to each fragment.
541      *
542      * Blobs V1 required non-zero stripe size.  Blobs V2
543      * (created in version >= 5.1.x) have following behaviour:
544      *
545      * Default stripe size is zero, which means no striping and
546      * also that blob part data is stored in the same node group
547      * as the primary table row.  This is done by giving blob parts
548      * table same partition key as the primary table.
549      */
550     void setStripeSize(int size);
552     /**
553      * Set partition key
554      * @see getPartitionKey
555      *
556      * @param  enable  If set to true, then the column will be part of
557      *                 the partition key.
558      */
559     void setPartitionKey(bool enable);
setDistributionKey(bool enable)561     inline void setDistributionKey(bool enable)
562     { setPartitionKey(enable); };
563 #endif
565     void setArrayType(ArrayType type);
566     void setStorageType(StorageType type);
568     /**
569      * Set whether column is dynamic.
570      */
571     void setDynamic(bool);
573     /** @} *******************************************************************/
576     int setDefaultValue(const char*);
577 #endif
578     /* setDefaultValue
579      * Set buf to NULL for no default value, or null default value for
580      * NULLABLE column, otherwise set buf to pointer to default value.
581      * The len parameter is the number of significant bytes of default
582      * value supplied, which is the type size for fixed size types.
583      * For variable length types, the leading 1 or 2 bytes pointed to
584      * by buf also contain length information as normal for the type.
585      */
586     int setDefaultValue(const void* buf, unsigned int len);
588     /* getDefaultValue
589      * Get the default value data for this column.
590      * Optional int len* will be updated with the significant length
591      * of the default value, or set to 0 for NULL or no default.
592      */
593     const void* getDefaultValue(unsigned int* len = 0) const;
596     const Table * getBlobTable() const;
598     void setAutoIncrement(bool);
599     bool getAutoIncrement() const;
600     void setAutoIncrementInitialValue(Uint64 val);
602     static const Column * FRAGMENT;
603     static const Column * FRAGMENT_FIXED_MEMORY;
604     static const Column * FRAGMENT_VARSIZED_MEMORY;
605     static const Column * ROW_COUNT;
606     static const Column * COMMIT_COUNT;
607     static const Column * ROW_SIZE;
608     static const Column * RANGE_NO;
609     static const Column * DISK_REF;
610     static const Column * RECORDS_IN_RANGE;
611     static const Column * ROWID;
612     static const Column * ROW_GCI;
613     static const Column * ROW_GCI64;
614     static const Column * ROW_AUTHOR;
615     static const Column * ANY_VALUE;
616     static const Column * COPY_ROWID;
617     static const Column * LOCK_REF;
618     static const Column * OP_ID;
619     static const Column * OPTIMIZE;
620     static const Column * FRAGMENT_EXTENT_SPACE;
621     static const Column * FRAGMENT_FREE_EXTENT_SPACE;
623     int getSizeInBytes() const;
625     int getBlobVersion() const; // NDB_BLOB_V1 or NDB_BLOB_V2
626     void setBlobVersion(int blobVersion); // default NDB_BLOB_V2
628     /**
629      * 0 = yes
630      * -1 = no
631      */
632     int isBindable(const Column&) const;
633 #endif
635   private:
637     friend class NdbRecAttr;
638     friend class NdbColumnImpl;
639 #endif
640     class NdbColumnImpl & m_impl;
641     Column(NdbColumnImpl&);
642     Column& operator=(const Column&);
643   };
646   /**
647    * ???
648    */
649   typedef Column Attribute;
650 #endif
652   /**
653    * @brief Represents a table in NDB Cluster
654    *
655    * <em>TableSize</em><br>
656    * When calculating the data storage one should add the size of all
657    * attributes (each attributeconsumes at least 4 bytes) and also an overhead
658    * of 12 byte. Variable size attributes (not supported yet) will have a
659    * size of 12 bytes plus the actual data storage parts where there is an
660    * additional overhead based on the size of the variable part.<br>
661    * An example table with 5 attributes:
662    * one 64 bit attribute, one 32 bit attribute,
663    * two 16 bit attributes and one array of 64 8 bits.
664    * This table will consume
665    * 12 (overhead) + 8 + 4 + 2*4 (4 is minimum) + 64 = 96 bytes per record.
666    * Additionally an overhead of about 2 % as page headers and waste should
667    * be allocated. Thus, 1 million records should consume 96 MBytes
668    * plus the overhead 2 MByte and rounded up to 100 000 kBytes.<br>
669    *
670    */
671   class Table : public Object {
672   public:
673     /*
674      * Single user mode specifies access rights to table during single user mode
675      */
676     enum SingleUserMode {
677       SingleUserModeLocked    = NDB_SUM_LOCKED,
678       SingleUserModeReadOnly  = NDB_SUM_READONLY,
679       SingleUserModeReadWrite = NDB_SUM_READ_WRITE
680     };
682     /**
683      * @name General
684      * @{
685      */
687     /**
688      * Get table name
689      */
690     const char * getName() const;
692     /**
693      * Get table id
694      */
695     int getTableId() const;
697     /**
698      * Get column definition via name.
699      * @return null if none existing name
700      */
701     const Column* getColumn(const char * name) const;
703     /**
704      * Get column definition via index in table.
705      * @return null if none existing name
706      */
707     Column* getColumn(const int attributeId);
709     /**
710      * Get column definition via name.
711      * @return null if none existing name
712      */
713     Column* getColumn(const char * name);
715     /**
716      * Get column definition via index in table.
717      * @return null if none existing name
718      */
719     const Column* getColumn(const int attributeId) const;
721     /** @} *******************************************************************/
722     /**
723      * @name Storage
724      * @{
725      */
727     /**
728      * If set to false, then the table is a temporary
729      * table and is not logged to disk.
730      *
731      * In case of a system restart the table will still
732      * be defined and exist but will be empty.
733      * Thus no checkpointing and no logging is performed on the table.
734      *
735      * The default value is true and indicates a normal table
736      * with full checkpointing and logging activated.
737      */
738     bool getLogging() const;
740     /**
741      * Get fragmentation type
742      */
743     FragmentType getFragmentType() const;
745     /**
746      * Get KValue (Hash parameter.)
747      * Only allowed value is 6.
748      * Later implementations might add flexibility in this parameter.
749      */
750     int getKValue() const;
752     /**
753      * Get MinLoadFactor  (Hash parameter.)
754      * This value specifies the load factor when starting to shrink
755      * the hash table.
756      * It must be smaller than MaxLoadFactor.
757      * Both these factors are given in percentage.
758      */
759     int getMinLoadFactor() const;
761     /**
762      * Get MaxLoadFactor  (Hash parameter.)
763      * This value specifies the load factor when starting to split
764      * the containers in the local hash tables.
765      * 100 is the maximum which will optimize memory usage.
766      * A lower figure will store less information in each container and thus
767      * find the key faster but consume more memory.
768      */
769     int getMaxLoadFactor() const;
771     /** @} *******************************************************************/
772     /**
773      * @name Other
774      * @{
775      */
777     /**
778      * Get number of columns in the table
779      */
780     int getNoOfColumns() const;
782     /**
783      * Get number of auto_increment columns in the table
784      */
785     int getNoOfAutoIncrementColumns() const;
787     /**
788      * Get number of primary keys in the table
789      */
790     int getNoOfPrimaryKeys() const;
792     /**
793      * Get name of primary key
794      */
795     const char* getPrimaryKey(int no) const;
797     /**
798      * Check if table is equal to some other table
799      */
800     bool equal(const Table&) const;
802     /**
803      * Get frm file stored with this table
804      */
805     const void* getFrmData() const;
806     Uint32 getFrmLength() const;
808     /**
809      * Get default NdbRecord object for this table
810      * This NdbRecord object becomes invalid at the same time as
811      * the table object - when the ndb_cluster_connection is closed.
812      */
813     const NdbRecord* getDefaultRecord() const;
815     /** @} *******************************************************************/
817     /**
818      * @name Table creation
819      * @{
820      *
821      * These methods should normally not be used in an application as
822      * the result is not accessible from the MySQL Server
823      *
824      */
826     /**
827      * Constructor
828      * @param  name   Name of table
829      */
830     Table(const char * name = "");
832     /**
833      * Copy constructor
834      * @param  table  Table to be copied
835      */
836     Table(const Table& table);
837     virtual ~Table();
839     /**
840      * Assignment operator, deep copy
841      * @param  table  Table to be copied
842      */
843     Table& operator=(const Table& table);
845     /**
846      * Name of table
847      * @param  name  Name of table
848      */
849     int setName(const char * name);
851     /**
852      * Add a column definition to a table
853      * @note creates a copy
854      */
855     int addColumn(const Column &);
857     /**
858      * @see NdbDictionary::Table::getLogging.
859      */
860     void setLogging(bool);
862     /**
863      * Set/Get Linear Hash Flag
864      */
865     void setLinearFlag(Uint32 flag);
866     bool getLinearFlag() const;
868     /**
869      * Set fragment count
870      */
871     void setFragmentCount(Uint32);
873     /**
874      * Get fragment count
875      */
876     Uint32 getFragmentCount() const;
878     /**
879      * Set fragmentation type
880      */
881     void setFragmentType(FragmentType);
883     /**
884      * Set KValue (Hash parameter.)
885      * Only allowed value is 6.
886      * Later implementations might add flexibility in this parameter.
887      */
888     void setKValue(int kValue);
890     /**
891      * Set MinLoadFactor  (Hash parameter.)
892      * This value specifies the load factor when starting to shrink
893      * the hash table.
894      * It must be smaller than MaxLoadFactor.
895      * Both these factors are given in percentage.
896      */
897     void setMinLoadFactor(int);
899     /**
900      * Set MaxLoadFactor  (Hash parameter.)
901      * This value specifies the load factor when starting to split
902      * the containers in the local hash tables.
903      * 100 is the maximum which will optimize memory usage.
904      * A lower figure will store less information in each container and thus
905      * find the key faster but consume more memory.
906      */
907     void setMaxLoadFactor(int);
909     int setTablespaceName(const char * name);
910     const char * getTablespaceName() const;
911     int setTablespace(const class Tablespace &);
912     bool getTablespace(Uint32 *id= 0, Uint32 *version= 0) const;
914     bool getHashMap(Uint32* id = 0, Uint32* version = 0) const;
915     int setHashMap(const class HashMap &);
917     /**
918      * Get table object type
919      */
920     Object::Type getObjectType() const;
922     /**
923      * Get object status
924      */
925     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
926     void setStatusInvalid() const;
928     /**
929      * Get object version
930      */
931     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
933     /**
934      * Set/Get indicator if default number of partitions is used in table.
935      */
936     void setDefaultNoPartitionsFlag(Uint32 indicator);
937     Uint32 getDefaultNoPartitionsFlag() const;
939     /**
940      * Get object id
941      */
942     virtual int getObjectId() const;
944     /**
945      * Set frm file to store with this table
946      */
947     int setFrm(const void* data, Uint32 len);
949     /**
950      * Set fragmentation
951      *   One Uint32 per fragment, containing nodegroup of fragment
952      *   nodegroups[0] - correspondce to fragment 0
953      *
954      * Note: This calls also modifies <em>setFragmentCount</em>
955      *
956      */
957     int setFragmentData(const Uint32 * nodegroups, Uint32 cnt);
959     /**
960      * Get Fragment Data (array of node groups)
961      */
962     const Uint32 *getFragmentData() const;
963     Uint32 getFragmentDataLen() const;
965     /**
966      * Set array of information mapping range values and list values
967      * to fragments.
968      *
969      * For range, this is a sorted list of range values
970      * For list, this is a list of pairs { value, partition }
971      */
972     int setRangeListData(const Int32* data, Uint32 cnt);
974     /**
975      * Get Range or List Array (value, partition)
976      */
977     const Int32 *getRangeListData() const;
978     Uint32 getRangeListDataLen() const;
980     /**
981      * Get list of nodes storing given fragment, primary
982      * is normally entry 0
983      * Returns : 0 for error, > 0 for fragment count
984      * If fragment count is > arraySize param, only arraySize
985      * entries are written.
986      */
987     Uint32 getFragmentNodes(Uint32 fragmentId,
988                             Uint32* nodeIdArrayPtr,
989                             Uint32 arraySize) const;
991     /**
992      * Set table object type
993      */
994     void setObjectType(Object::Type type);
996     /**
997      * Set/Get Maximum number of rows in table (only used to calculate
998      * number of partitions).
999      */
1000     void setMaxRows(Uint64 maxRows);
1001     Uint64 getMaxRows() const;
1003     /**
1004      * Set/Get Minimum number of rows in table (only used to calculate
1005      * number of partitions).
1006      */
1007     void setMinRows(Uint64 minRows);
1008     Uint64 getMinRows() const;
1010     /**
1011      * Set/Get SingleUserMode
1012      */
1013     void setSingleUserMode(enum SingleUserMode);
1014     enum SingleUserMode getSingleUserMode() const;
1017     /** @} *******************************************************************/
1019     /**
1020      *
1021      */
1022     void setRowGCIIndicator(bool value);
1023     bool getRowGCIIndicator() const;
1025     void setRowChecksumIndicator(bool value);
1026     bool getRowChecksumIndicator() const;
1029     const char *getMysqlName() const;
setStoredTable(bool x)1031     void setStoredTable(bool x) { setLogging(x); }
getStoredTable() const1032     bool getStoredTable() const { return getLogging(); }
1034     int getRowSizeInBytes() const ;
1035     int createTableInDb(Ndb*, bool existingEqualIsOk = true) const ;
1037     int getReplicaCount() const ;
1039     bool getTemporary() const;
1040     void setTemporary(bool);
1042     /**
1043      * Only table with varpart do support online add column
1044      *   Add property so that table wo/ varsize column(s) still
1045      *   allocates varpart-ref, so that later online add column is possible
1046      */
1047     bool getForceVarPart() const;
1048     void setForceVarPart(bool);
1050     /**
1051      * Check if any of column in bitmaps are disk columns
1052      *   returns bitmap of different columns
1053      *     bit 0 = atleast 1 pk column is set
1054      *     bit 1 = atleast 1 disk column set
1055      *     bit 2 = atleast 1 non disk column set
1056      *   passing NULL pointer will equal to bitmap with all columns set
1057      */
1058     int checkColumns(const Uint32* bitmap, unsigned len_in_bytes) const;
1060     /**
1061      * Set tableId,tableVersion on a table...
1062      *   this is a "work-around" since createIndex can't (currently)
1063      *   accept an ObjectId instead of table-object in createIndex
1064      *   this as way way too much stuff is pushed into NdbDictInterface
1065      */
1066     void assignObjId(const ObjectId &);
1068     /**
1069      * set/get table-storage-method
1070      */
1071     void setStorageType(Column::StorageType);
1072     Column::StorageType getStorageType() const;
1074     /**
1075      * Get/set extra GCI bits (max 31)
1076      */
1077     void setExtraRowGciBits(Uint32);
1078     Uint32 getExtraRowGciBits() const;
1080     /**
1081      * Get/set extra row author bits (max 31)
1082      */
1083     void setExtraRowAuthorBits(Uint32);
1084     Uint32 getExtraRowAuthorBits() const;
1085 #endif
1087     // these 2 are not de-doxygenated
1089     /**
1090      * This method is not needed in normal usage.
1091      *
1092      * Compute aggregate data on table being defined.  Required for
1093      * aggregate methods such as getNoOfPrimaryKeys() to work before
1094      * table has been created and retrieved via getTable().
1095      *
1096      * May adjust some column flags.  If no PK is so far marked as
1097      * distribution key then all PK's will be marked.
1098      *
1099      * Returns 0 on success.  Returns -1 and sets error if an
1100      * inconsistency is detected.
1101      */
1102     int aggregate(struct NdbError& error);
1104     /**
1105      * This method is not needed in normal usage.
1106      *
1107      * Validate new table definition before create.  Does aggregate()
1108      * and additional checks.  There may still be errors which are
1109      * detected only by NDB kernel at create table.
1110      *
1111      * Create table and retrieve table do validate() automatically.
1112      *
1113      * Returns 0 on success.  Returns -1 and sets error if an
1114      * inconsistency is detected.
1115      */
1116     int validate(struct NdbError& error);
1118     /**
1119      * Return partitionId given a hashvalue
1120      *   Note, if table is not retreived (e.i using getTable) result
1121      *   will most likely be wrong
1122      */
1123     Uint32 getPartitionId(Uint32 hashvalue) const ;
1125     /*
1126      * Return TRUE if any of the columns in the table have a
1127      * non NULL default value defined
1128      */
1129     bool hasDefaultValues() const;
1131   private:
1133     friend class Ndb;
1134     friend class NdbDictionaryImpl;
1135     friend class NdbTableImpl;
1136     friend class NdbEventOperationImpl;
1137 #endif
1138     class NdbTableImpl & m_impl;
1139     Table(NdbTableImpl&);
1140   };
1142   /**
1143    * @class Index
1144    * @brief Represents an index in an NDB Cluster
1145    */
1146   class Index : public Object {
1147   public:
1149     /**
1150      * @name Getting Index properties
1151      * @{
1152      */
1154     /**
1155      * Get the name of an index
1156      */
1157     const char * getName() const;
1159     /**
1160      * Get the name of the underlying table being indexed
1161      */
1162     const char * getTable() const;
1164     /**
1165      * Get the number of columns in the index
1166      */
1167     unsigned getNoOfColumns() const;
1170     /**
1171      * Get the number of columns in the index
1172      * Deprecated, use getNoOfColumns instead.
1173      */
1174     int getNoOfIndexColumns() const;
1175 #endif
1177     /**
1178      * Get a specific column in the index
1179      */
1180     const Column * getColumn(unsigned no) const ;
1183     /**
1184      * Get a specific column name in the index
1185      * Deprecated, use getColumn instead.
1186      */
1187     const char * getIndexColumn(int no) const ;
1188 #endif
1190     /**
1191      * Represents type of index
1192      */
1193     enum Type {
1194       Undefined = 0,          ///< Undefined object type (initial value)
1195       UniqueHashIndex = 3,    ///< Unique un-ordered hash index
1196                               ///< (only one currently supported)
1197       OrderedIndex = 6        ///< Non-unique ordered index
1198     };
1200     /**
1201      * Get index type of the index
1202      */
1203     Type getType() const;
1205     /**
1206      * Check if index is set to be stored on disk
1207      *
1208      * @return if true then logging is enabled
1209      *
1210      * @note Non-logged indexes are rebuilt at system restart.
1211      * @note Ordered index does not currently support logging.
1212      */
1213     bool getLogging() const;
1215     /**
1216      * Get object status
1217      */
1218     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
1220     /**
1221      * Get object version
1222      */
1223     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
1225     /**
1226      * Get object id
1227      */
1228     virtual int getObjectId() const;
1230     /**
1231      * Get default NdbRecord object for this index
1232      * This NdbRecord object becomes invalid at the same time as
1233      * the index object does - when the ndb_cluster_connection
1234      * is closed.
1235      */
1236     const NdbRecord* getDefaultRecord() const;
1238     /** @} *******************************************************************/
1240     /**
1241      * @name Index creation
1242      * @{
1243      *
1244      * These methods should normally not be used in an application as
1245      * the result will not be visible from the MySQL Server
1246      *
1247      */
1249     /**
1250      *  Constructor
1251      *  @param  name  Name of index
1252      */
1253     Index(const char * name = "");
1254     virtual ~Index();
1256     /**
1257      * Set the name of an index
1258      */
1259     int setName(const char * name);
1261     /**
1262      * Define the name of the table to be indexed
1263      */
1264     int setTable(const char * name);
1266     /**
1267      * Add a column to the index definition
1268      * Note that the order of columns will be in
1269      * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes).
1270      */
1271     int addColumn(const Column & c);
1273     /**
1274      * Add a column name to the index definition
1275      * Note that the order of indexes will be in
1276      * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes).
1277      */
1278     int addColumnName(const char * name);
1281     /**
1282      * Add a column name to the index definition
1283      * Note that the order of indexes will be in
1284      * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes).
1285      * Deprecated, use addColumnName instead.
1286      */
1287     int addIndexColumn(const char * name);
1288 #endif
1290     /**
1291      * Add several column names to the index definition
1292      * Note that the order of indexes will be in
1293      * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes).
1294      */
1295     int  addColumnNames(unsigned noOfNames, const char ** names);
1298     /**
1299      * Add several column names to the index definition
1300      * Note that the order of indexes will be in
1301      * the order they are added (only matters for ordered indexes).
1302      * Deprecated, use addColumnNames instead.
1303      */
1304     int addIndexColumns(int noOfNames, const char ** names);
1305 #endif
1307     /**
1308      * Set index type of the index
1309      */
1310     void setType(Type type);
1312     /**
1313      * Enable/Disable index storage on disk
1314      *
1315      * @param enable  If enable is set to true, then logging becomes enabled
1316      *
1317      * @see NdbDictionary::Index::getLogging
1318      */
1319     void setLogging(bool enable);
setStoredIndex(bool x)1322     void setStoredIndex(bool x) { setLogging(x); }
getStoredIndex() const1323     bool getStoredIndex() const { return getLogging(); }
1325     bool getTemporary() const;
1326     void setTemporary(bool);
1327 #endif
1329     /** @} *******************************************************************/
1331   private:
1333     friend class NdbIndexImpl;
1334     friend class NdbIndexStat;
1335 #endif
1336     class NdbIndexImpl & m_impl;
1337     Index(NdbIndexImpl&);
1338   };
1340   /**
1341    * @brief Represents a Table Optimization Handle
1342    * Passed as argument to optimizeTable
1343    */
1344   class OptimizeTableHandle {
1345   public:
1346     /**
1347      * Supported operations for OptimizeTableHandle
1348      */
1349     OptimizeTableHandle();
1350     ~OptimizeTableHandle();
1351     /**
1352      * Optimize one more batch of records
1353      * @return 1 for more records left to optimize,
1354      *         0 when completed
1355      *         -1 encountered some error
1356      */
1357     int next();
1358     /**
1359      * Close the handle object
1360      * @return 0 when completed
1361      *         -1 encountered some error
1362      */
1363     int close();
1364   private:
1366     friend class NdbOptimizeTableHandleImpl;
1367     friend class NdbOptimizeIndexHandleImpl;
1368     friend class NdbDicitionaryImpl;
1369 #endif
1370     class NdbOptimizeTableHandleImpl & m_impl;
1371     OptimizeTableHandle(NdbOptimizeTableHandleImpl &);
1372   };
1374   /**
1375    * @brief Represents a Index Optimization Handle
1376    * passed as argument to optimizeIndex
1377    */
1378   class OptimizeIndexHandle {
1379   public:
1380     /**
1381      * Supported operations for OptimizeIndexHandle
1382      */
1383     OptimizeIndexHandle();
1384     ~OptimizeIndexHandle();
1385     /**
1386      * Optimize one more batch of records
1387      * @return 1 for more records left to optimize,
1388      *         0 when completed
1389      *         -1 encountered some error
1390      */
1391     int next();
1392     /**
1393      * Close the handle object
1394      * @return 0 when completed
1395      *         -1 encountered some error
1396      */
1397     int close();
1398   private:
1400     friend class NdbOptimizeIndexHandleImpl;
1401     friend class NdbDicitionaryImpl;
1402 #endif
1403     class NdbOptimizeIndexHandleImpl & m_impl;
1404     OptimizeIndexHandle(NdbOptimizeIndexHandleImpl &);
1405   };
1407   /**
1408    * @brief Represents an Event in NDB Cluster
1409    *
1410    */
1411   class Event : public Object  {
1412   public:
1413     /**
1414      * Specifies the type of database operations an Event listens to
1415      */
1417     /** TableEvent must match 1 << TriggerEvent */
1418 #endif
1419     enum TableEvent {
1420       TE_INSERT      =1<<0, ///< Insert event on table
1421       TE_DELETE      =1<<1, ///< Delete event on table
1422       TE_UPDATE      =1<<2, ///< Update event on table
1424       TE_SCAN        =1<<3, ///< Scan event on table
1425       TE_FIRST_NON_DATA_EVENT =1<<4,
1426 #endif
1427       TE_DROP        =1<<4, ///< Drop of table
1428       TE_ALTER       =1<<5, ///< Alter of table
1429       TE_CREATE      =1<<6, ///< Create of table
1430       TE_GCP_COMPLETE=1<<7, ///< GCP is complete
1431       TE_CLUSTER_FAILURE=1<<8, ///< Cluster is unavailable
1432       TE_STOP        =1<<9, ///< Stop of event operation
1433       TE_NODE_FAILURE=1<<10, ///< Node failed
1434       TE_SUBSCRIBE   =1<<11, ///< Node subscribes
1435       TE_UNSUBSCRIBE =1<<12, ///< Node unsubscribes
1436       TE_ALL=0xFFFF         ///< Any/all event on table (not relevant when
1437                             ///< events are received)
1438     };
1440     enum _TableEvent {
1441       _TE_INSERT=0,
1442       _TE_DELETE=1,
1443       _TE_UPDATE=2,
1444       _TE_SCAN=3,
1445       _TE_FIRST_NON_DATA_EVENT=4,
1446       _TE_DROP=4,
1447       _TE_ALTER=5,
1448       _TE_CREATE=6,
1449       _TE_GCP_COMPLETE=7,
1450       _TE_CLUSTER_FAILURE=8,
1451       _TE_STOP=9,
1452       _TE_NODE_FAILURE=10,
1453       _TE_SUBSCRIBE=11,
1454       _TE_UNSUBSCRIBE=12,
1455       _TE_NUL=13, // internal (e.g. INS o DEL within same GCI)
1456       _TE_ACTIVE=14 // internal (node becomes active)
1457     };
1458 #endif
1459     /**
1460      *  Specifies the durability of an event
1461      * (future version may supply other types)
1462      */
1463     enum EventDurability {
1464       ED_UNDEFINED
1466       = 0
1467 #endif
1468 #if 0 // not supported
1469       ,ED_SESSION = 1,
1470       // Only this API can use it
1471       // and it's deleted after api has disconnected or ndb has restarted
1473       ED_TEMPORARY = 2
1474       // All API's can use it,
1475       // But's its removed when ndb is restarted
1476 #endif
1477       ,ED_PERMANENT    ///< All API's can use it.
1478                        ///< It's still defined after a cluster system restart
1480       = 3
1481 #endif
1482     };
1484     /**
1485      * Specifies reporting options for table events
1486      */
1487     enum EventReport {
1488       ER_UPDATED = 0,
1489       ER_ALL = 1, // except not-updated blob inlines
1490       ER_SUBSCRIBE = 2,
1491       ER_DDL = 4
1492     };
1494     /**
1495      *  Constructor
1496      *  @param  name  Name of event
1497      */
1498     Event(const char *name);
1499     /**
1500      *  Constructor
1501      *  @param  name  Name of event
1502      *  @param  table Reference retrieved from NdbDictionary
1503      */
1504     Event(const char *name, const NdbDictionary::Table& table);
1505     virtual ~Event();
1506     /**
1507      * Set unique identifier for the event
1508      */
1509     int setName(const char *name);
1510     /**
1511      * Get unique identifier for the event
1512      */
1513     const char *getName() const;
1514     /**
1515      * Get table that the event is defined on
1516      *
1517      * @return pointer to table or NULL if no table has been defined
1518      */
1519     const NdbDictionary::Table * getTable() const;
1520     /**
1521      * Define table on which events should be detected
1522      *
1523      * @note calling this method will default to detection
1524      *       of events on all columns. Calling subsequent
1525      *       addEventColumn calls will override this.
1526      *
1527      * @param table reference retrieved from NdbDictionary
1528      */
1529     void setTable(const NdbDictionary::Table& table);
1530     /**
1531      * Set table for which events should be detected
1532      *
1533      * @note preferred way is using setTable(const NdbDictionary::Table&)
1534      *       or constructor with table object parameter
1535      */
1536     int setTable(const char *tableName);
1537     /**
1538      * Get table name for events
1539      *
1540      * @return table name
1541      */
1542     const char* getTableName() const;
1543     /**
1544      * Add type of event that should be detected
1545      */
1546     void addTableEvent(const TableEvent te);
1547     /**
1548      * Check if a specific table event will be detected
1549      */
1550     bool getTableEvent(const TableEvent te) const;
1551     /**
1552      * Set durability of the event
1553      */
1554     void setDurability(EventDurability);
1555     /**
1556      * Get durability of the event
1557      */
1558     EventDurability getDurability() const;
1559     /**
1560      * Set report option of the event
1561      */
1562     void setReport(EventReport);
1563     /**
1564      * Get report option of the event
1565      */
1566     EventReport getReport() const;
1568     void addColumn(const Column &c);
1569 #endif
1570     /**
1571      * Add a column on which events should be detected
1572      *
1573      * @param attrId Column id
1574      *
1575      * @note errors will mot be detected until createEvent() is called
1576      */
1577     void addEventColumn(unsigned attrId);
1578     /**
1579      * Add a column on which events should be detected
1580      *
1581      * @param columnName Column name
1582      *
1583      * @note errors will not be detected until createEvent() is called
1584      */
1585     void addEventColumn(const char * columnName);
1586     /**
1587      * Add several columns on which events should be detected
1588      *
1589      * @param n Number of columns
1590      * @param columnNames Column names
1591      *
1592      * @note errors will mot be detected until
1593      *       NdbDictionary::Dictionary::createEvent() is called
1594      */
1595     void addEventColumns(int n, const char ** columnNames);
1597     /**
1598      * Get no of columns defined in an Event
1599      *
1600      * @return Number of columns, -1 on error
1601      */
1602     int getNoOfEventColumns() const;
1604     /**
1605      * Get a specific column in the event
1606      */
1607     const Column * getEventColumn(unsigned no) const;
1609     /**
1610      * The merge events flag is false by default.  Setting it true
1611      * implies that events are merged in following ways:
1612      *
1613      * - for given NdbEventOperation associated with this event,
1614      *   events on same PK within same GCI are merged into single event
1615      *
1616      * - a blob table event is created for each blob attribute
1617      *   and blob events are handled as part of main table events
1618      *
1619      * - blob post/pre data from the blob part events can be read
1620      *   via NdbBlob methods as a single value
1621      *
1622      * NOTE: Currently this flag is not inherited by NdbEventOperation
1623      * and must be set on NdbEventOperation explicitly.
1624      */
1625     void mergeEvents(bool flag);
1627     /**
1628      * Get object status
1629      */
1630     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
1632     /**
1633      * Get object version
1634      */
1635     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
1637     /**
1638      * Get object id
1639      */
1640     virtual int getObjectId() const;
1643     void print();
1644 #endif
1646   private:
1648     friend class NdbEventImpl;
1649     friend class NdbEventOperationImpl;
1650 #endif
1651     class NdbEventImpl & m_impl;
1652     Event(NdbEventImpl&);
1653   };
1655   /* Flags for createRecord(). */
1656   enum NdbRecordFlags {
1657     /*
1658       Use special mysqld varchar format in index keys, used only from
1659       inside mysqld.
1660     */
1661     RecMysqldShrinkVarchar= 0x1,
1662     /* Use the mysqld record format for bitfields, only used inside mysqld. */
1663     RecMysqldBitfield= 0x2
1664   };
1665   struct RecordSpecification {
1666     /*
1667       Column described by this entry (the column maximum size defines field
1668       size in row).
1669       Note that even when creating an NdbRecord for an index, the column
1670       pointers must be to columns obtained from the underlying table, not
1671       from the index itself.
1672       Note that pseudo columns cannot be used as part of a RecordSpecification.
1673       To read pesudo column values, use the extra get value and set value
1674       APIs.
1675     */
1676     const Column *column;
1677     /*
1678       Offset of data from start of a row.
1680       For reading blobs, the blob handle (NdbBlob *) will be written into the
1681       result row when the operation is created, not the actual blob data.
1682       So at least sizeof(NdbBlob *) must be available in the row.  Other
1683       operations do not write the blob handle into the row.
1684       In any case, a blob handle can always be obtained with a call to
1685       NdbOperation/NdbScanOperation::getBlobHandle().
1686     */
1687     Uint32 offset;
1688     /*
1689       Offset from start of row of byte containing NULL bit.
1690       Not used for columns that are not NULLable.
1691     */
1692     Uint32 nullbit_byte_offset;
1693     /* NULL bit, 0-7. Not used for columns that are not NULLable. */
1694     Uint32 nullbit_bit_in_byte;
1695   };
1697   /* Types of NdbRecord object */
1698   enum RecordType {
1699     TableAccess,
1700     IndexAccess
1701   };
1703   /*
1704     Return the type of the passed NdbRecord object
1705   */
1706   static RecordType getRecordType(const NdbRecord* record);
1708   /*
1709     Return the name of the table object that the NdbRecord
1710     refers to.
1711     This method returns Null if the NdbRecord object is not a
1712     TableAccess NdbRecord.
1713   */
1714   static const char* getRecordTableName(const NdbRecord* record);
1716   /*
1717     Return the name of the index object that the NdbRecord
1718     refers to.
1719     This method returns Null if the NdbRecord object is not an
1720     IndexAccess NdbRecord
1721   */
1722   static const char* getRecordIndexName(const NdbRecord* record);
1724   /*
1725     Get the first Attribute Id specified in the NdbRecord object.
1726     Returns false if no Attribute Ids are specified.
1727   */
1728   static bool getFirstAttrId(const NdbRecord* record, Uint32& firstAttrId);
1730   /* Get the next Attribute Id specified in the NdbRecord object
1731      after the attribute Id passed in.
1732      Returns false if there are no more attribute Ids
1733   */
1734   static bool getNextAttrId(const NdbRecord* record, Uint32& attrId);
1736   /* Get offset of the given attribute id's storage from the start
1737      of the NdbRecord row.
1738      Returns false if the attribute id is not present
1739   */
1740   static bool getOffset(const NdbRecord* record, Uint32 attrId, Uint32& offset);
1742   /* Get offset of the given attribute id's null bit from the start
1743      of the NdbRecord row.
1744      Returns false if the attribute is not present or if the
1745      attribute is not nullable
1746   */
1747   static bool getNullBitOffset(const NdbRecord* record,
1748                                Uint32 attrId,
1749                                Uint32& nullbit_byte_offset,
1750                                Uint32& nullbit_bit_in_byte);
1752   /*
1753     Return pointer to beginning of storage of data specified by
1754     attrId.
1755     This method looks up the offset of the column which is stored in
1756     the NdbRecord object, and returns the value of row + offset.
1757     There are row-const and non-row-const versions.
1759     @param record : Pointer to NdbRecord object describing the row format
1760     @param row : Pointer to the start of row data
1761     @param attrId : Attribute id of column
1762     @return : Pointer to start of the attribute in the row.  Null if the
1763     attribute is not part of the NdbRecord definition
1764   */
1765   static const char* getValuePtr(const NdbRecord* record,
1766                                  const char* row,
1767                                  Uint32 attrId);
1769   static char* getValuePtr(const NdbRecord* record,
1770                            char* row,
1771                            Uint32 attrId);
1773   /*
1774     Return a bool indicating whether the null bit for the given
1775     column is set to true or false.
1776     The location of the null bit in relation to the row pointer is
1777     obtained from the passed NdbRecord object.
1778     If the column is not nullable, false will be returned.
1779     If the column is not part of the NdbRecord definition, false will
1780     be returned.
1782     @param record : Pointer to NdbRecord object describing the row format
1783     @param row : Pointer to the start of row data
1784     @param attrId : Attibute id of column
1785     @return : true if attrId exists in NdbRecord, is nullable, and null bit
1786     in row is set, false otherwise.
1787   */
1788   static bool isNull(const NdbRecord* record,
1789                      const char* row,
1790                      Uint32 attrId);
1792   /*
1793     Set the null bit for the given column to the supplied value.
1794     The offset for the null bit is obtained from the passed
1795     NdbRecord object.
1797     If the attrId is not part of the NdbRecord, or is not nullable
1798     then an error will be returned.
1800     @param record : Pointer to NdbRecord object describing the row format
1801     @param row : Pointer to the start of row data
1802     @param atrId : Attribute id of the column
1803     @param value : Value to set null bit to
1804     @returns : 0 in success, -1 if the attrId is not part of the record,
1805     or is not nullable
1806   */
1807   static int setNull(const NdbRecord* record,
1808                      char* row,
1809                      Uint32 attrId,
1810                      bool value);
1812   /*
1813     Return the number of bytes needed to store one row of data
1814     laid out as described by the passed NdbRecord structure.
1815   */
1816   static Uint32 getRecordRowLength(const NdbRecord* record);
1818   /*
1819     Return an empty column presence bitmask.
1820     This bitmask can be used with any NdbRecord to specify that
1821     no NdbRecord columns are to be included in the operation.
1822   */
1823   static const unsigned char* getEmptyBitmask();
1825   struct AutoGrowSpecification {
1826     Uint32 min_free;
1827     Uint64 max_size;
1828     Uint64 file_size;
1829     const char * filename_pattern;
1830   };
1832   /**
1833    * @class LogfileGroup
1834    */
1835   class LogfileGroup : public Object {
1836   public:
1837     LogfileGroup();
1838     LogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup&);
1839     virtual ~LogfileGroup();
1841     void setName(const char * name);
1842     const char* getName() const;
1844     void setUndoBufferSize(Uint32 sz);
1845     Uint32 getUndoBufferSize() const;
1847     void setAutoGrowSpecification(const AutoGrowSpecification&);
1848     const AutoGrowSpecification& getAutoGrowSpecification() const;
1850     Uint64 getUndoFreeWords() const;
1852     /**
1853      * Get object status
1854      */
1855     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
1857     /**
1858      * Get object version
1859      */
1860     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
1862     /**
1863      * Get object id
1864      */
1865     virtual int getObjectId() const;
1867   private:
1868     friend class NdbDictionaryImpl;
1869     friend class NdbLogfileGroupImpl;
1870     class NdbLogfileGroupImpl & m_impl;
1871     LogfileGroup(NdbLogfileGroupImpl&);
1872   };
1874   /**
1875    * @class Tablespace
1876    */
1877   class Tablespace : public Object {
1878   public:
1879     Tablespace();
1880     Tablespace(const Tablespace&);
1881     virtual ~Tablespace();
1883     void setName(const char * name);
1884     const char* getName() const;
1886     void setExtentSize(Uint32 sz);
1887     Uint32 getExtentSize() const;
1889     void setAutoGrowSpecification(const AutoGrowSpecification&);
1890     const AutoGrowSpecification& getAutoGrowSpecification() const;
1892     void setDefaultLogfileGroup(const char * name);
1893     void setDefaultLogfileGroup(const class LogfileGroup&);
1895     const char * getDefaultLogfileGroup() const;
1896     Uint32 getDefaultLogfileGroupId() const;
1898     /**
1899      * Get object status
1900      */
1901     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
1903     /**
1904      * Get object version
1905      */
1906     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
1908     /**
1909      * Get object id
1910      */
1911     virtual int getObjectId() const;
1913   private:
1914     friend class NdbTablespaceImpl;
1915     class NdbTablespaceImpl & m_impl;
1916     Tablespace(NdbTablespaceImpl&);
1917   };
1919   class Datafile : public Object {
1920   public:
1921     Datafile();
1922     Datafile(const Datafile&);
1923     virtual ~Datafile();
1925     void setPath(const char * name);
1926     const char* getPath() const;
1928     void setSize(Uint64);
1929     Uint64 getSize() const;
1930     Uint64 getFree() const;
1932     int setTablespace(const char * name);
1933     int setTablespace(const class Tablespace &);
1934     const char * getTablespace() const;
1935     void getTablespaceId(ObjectId * dst) const;
1937     void setNode(Uint32 nodeId);
1938     Uint32 getNode() const;
1940     Uint32 getFileNo() const;
1942     /**
1943      * Get object status
1944      */
1945     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
1947     /**
1948      * Get object version
1949      */
1950     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
1952     /**
1953      * Get object id
1954      */
1955     virtual int getObjectId() const;
1957   private:
1958     friend class NdbDatafileImpl;
1959     class NdbDatafileImpl & m_impl;
1960     Datafile(NdbDatafileImpl&);
1961   };
1963   class Undofile : public Object {
1964   public:
1965     Undofile();
1966     Undofile(const Undofile&);
1967     virtual ~Undofile();
1969     void setPath(const char * path);
1970     const char* getPath() const;
1972     void setSize(Uint64);
1973     Uint64 getSize() const;
1975     void setLogfileGroup(const char * name);
1976     void setLogfileGroup(const class LogfileGroup &);
1977     const char * getLogfileGroup() const;
1978     void getLogfileGroupId(ObjectId * dst) const;
1980     void setNode(Uint32 nodeId);
1981     Uint32 getNode() const;
1983     Uint32 getFileNo() const;
1985     /**
1986      * Get object status
1987      */
1988     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
1990     /**
1991      * Get object version
1992      */
1993     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
1995     /**
1996      * Get object id
1997      */
1998     virtual int getObjectId() const;
2000   private:
2001     friend class NdbUndofileImpl;
2002     class NdbUndofileImpl & m_impl;
2003     Undofile(NdbUndofileImpl&);
2004   };
2006   /**
2007    * @class HashMap
2008    * @brief Represents a HashMap in an NDB Cluster
2009    *
2010    */
2011   class HashMap : public Object {
2012   public:
2013     HashMap();
2014     HashMap(const HashMap&);
2015     virtual ~HashMap();
2017     void setName(const char *);
2018     const char * getName() const;
2020     void setMap(const Uint32* values, Uint32 len);
2021     Uint32 getMapLen() const;
2022     int getMapValues(Uint32* dst, Uint32 len) const;
2024     /**
2025      * equal
2026      *   compares *values* only
2027      */
2028     bool equal(const HashMap&) const;
2030     /**
2031      * Get object status
2032      */
2033     virtual Object::Status getObjectStatus() const;
2035     /**
2036      * Get object version
2037      */
2038     virtual int getObjectVersion() const;
2040     /**
2041      * Get object id
2042      */
2043     virtual int getObjectId() const;
2045   private:
2046     friend class NdbHashMapImpl;
2047     class NdbHashMapImpl & m_impl;
2048     HashMap(NdbHashMapImpl&);
2049   };
2051   /**
2052    * @class Dictionary
2053    * @brief Dictionary for defining and retreiving meta data
2054    */
2055   class Dictionary {
2056   public:
2057     /**
2058      * @class List
2059      * @brief Structure for retrieving lists of object names
2060      */
2061     struct List {
2062       /**
2063        * @struct  Element
2064        * @brief   Object to be stored in an NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List
2065        */
2066       struct Element {
2067 	unsigned id;            ///< Id of object
2068         Object::Type type;      ///< Type of object
2069         Object::State state;    ///< State of object
2070         Object::Store store;    ///< How object is logged
2071         Uint32 temp;            ///< Temporary status of object
2072 	char * database;        ///< In what database the object resides
2073 	char * schema;          ///< What schema the object is defined in
2074 	char * name;            ///< Name of object
ElementNdbDictionary::Dictionary::List::Element2075         Element() :
2076           id(0),
2077           type(Object::TypeUndefined),
2078           state(Object::StateUndefined),
2079           store(Object::StoreUndefined),
2080           temp(NDB_TEMP_TAB_PERMANENT),
2081 	  database(0),
2082 	  schema(0),
2083           name(0) {
2084         }
2085       };
2086       unsigned count;           ///< Number of elements in list
2087       Element * elements;       ///< Pointer to array of elements
ListNdbDictionary::Dictionary::List2088       List() : count(0), elements(0) {}
~ListNdbDictionary::Dictionary::List2089       ~List() {
2090         if (elements != 0) {
2091           for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
2092             delete[] elements[i].database;
2093             delete[] elements[i].schema;
2094             delete[] elements[i].name;
2095             elements[i].name = 0;
2096           }
2097           delete[] elements;
2098           count = 0;
2099           elements = 0;
2100         }
2101       }
2102     };
2104     /**
2105      * @name General
2106      * @{
2107      */
2109     /**
2110      * Fetch list of all objects, optionally restricted to given type.
2111      *
2112      * @param list   List of objects returned in the dictionary
2113      * @param type   Restrict returned list to only contain objects of
2114      *               this type
2115      *
2116      * @return       -1 if error.
2117      *
2118      */
2120     int listObjects(List & list, Object::Type type = Object::TypeUndefined);
2121 #endif
2122     int listObjects(List & list,
2123 		    Object::Type type = Object::TypeUndefined) const;
2124     int listObjects(List & list,
2125                     Object::Type type,
2126                     bool fullyQualified) const;
2128     /**
2129      * Get the latest error
2130      *
2131      * @return   Error object.
2132      */
2133     const struct NdbError & getNdbError() const;
2135     /**
2136      * Get warning flags.  The value is valid only if the operation did
2137      * not return an error and can return warnings.  The flags are
2138      * specific to the operation.
2139      */
2140     int getWarningFlags() const;
2142     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2144     /**
2145      * @name Retrieving references to Tables and Indexes
2146      * @{
2147      */
2149     /**
2150      * Get table with given name, NULL if undefined
2151      * @param name   Name of table to get
2152      * @return table if successful otherwise NULL.
2153      */
2154     const Table * getTable(const char * name) const;
2157     /**
2158      * Given main table, get blob table.
2159      */
2160     const Table * getBlobTable(const Table *, const char * col_name);
2161     const Table * getBlobTable(const Table *, Uint32 col_no);
2163     /*
2164      * Save a table definition in dictionary cache
2165      * @param table Object to put into cache
2166      */
2167     void putTable(const Table * table);
2168 #endif
2170     /**
2171      * Get index with given name, NULL if undefined
2172      * @param indexName  Name of index to get.
2173      * @param tableName  Name of table that index belongs to.
2174      * @return  index if successful, otherwise 0.
2175      */
2176     const Index * getIndex(const char * indexName,
2177 			   const char * tableName) const;
2179     /**
2180      * Fetch list of indexes of given table.
2181      * @param list  Reference to list where to store the listed indexes
2182      * @param tableName  Name of table that index belongs to.
2183      * @return  0 if successful, otherwise -1
2184      */
2186     int listIndexes(List & list, const char * tableName);
2187 #endif
2188     int listIndexes(List & list, const char * tableName) const;
2191     /**
2192      * Fetch list of indexes of given table.
2193      * @param list  Reference to list where to store the listed indexes
2194      * @param table  Reference to table that index belongs to.
2195      * @return  0 if successful, otherwise -1
2196      */
2197     int listIndexes(List & list, const Table &table) const;
2198 #endif
2200     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2201     /**
2202      * @name Events
2203      * @{
2204      */
2206     /**
2207      * Create event given defined Event instance
2208      * @param event Event to create
2209      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2210      */
2211     int createEvent(const Event &event);
2213     /**
2214      * Drop event with given name
2215      * @param eventName  Name of event to drop.
2216      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2217      */
2218     int dropEvent(const char * eventName, int force= 0);
2220     /**
2221      * Get event with given name.
2222      * @param eventName  Name of event to get.
2223      * @return an Event if successful, otherwise NULL.
2224      */
2225     const Event * getEvent(const char * eventName);
2227     /**
2228      * List defined events
2229      * @param list   List of events returned in the dictionary
2230      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2231      */
2233     int listEvents(List & list);
2234 #endif
2235     int listEvents(List & list) const;
2237     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2239     /**
2240      * @name Table creation
2241      * @{
2242      *
2243      * These methods should normally not be used in an application as
2244      * the result will not be visible from the MySQL Server
2245      */
2247     /**
2248      * Create defined table given defined Table instance
2249      * @param table Table to create
2250      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2251      */
2252     int createTable(const Table &table);
2254     /**
2255      * Create defined table given defined Table instance
2256      *   return ObjectId
2257      * @param table Table to create
2258      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2259      */
2260     int createTable(const Table &table, ObjectId * objid);
2262     /**
2263      * Start table optimization given defined table object
2264      * @param t Object of table to optimize
2265      * @param Pre-allocated OptimizeTableHandle
2266      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2267      */
2268     int
2269     optimizeTable(const Table &t, OptimizeTableHandle &h);
2271     /**
2272      * Start index optimization given defined index object
2273      * @param ind Object of index to optimize
2274      * @param Pre-allocated OptimizeIndexHandle
2275      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2276      */
2277     int
2278     optimizeIndex(const Index &ind, OptimizeIndexHandle &h);
2280     /**
2281      * Drop table given retrieved Table instance
2282      * @param table Table to drop
2283      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2284      */
2285     int dropTable(Table & table);
2287     /**
2288      * Drop table given table name
2289      * @param name   Name of table to drop
2290      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2291      */
2292     int dropTable(const char * name);
2294     /**
2295      * Check if alter of table given defined
2296      * Table instance to new definition is supported
2297      * @param f Table to alter
2298      * @param t New definition of table
2299      * @return  TRUE supported      <br>
2300      *          FALSE not supported <br>
2301      */
2302     bool supportedAlterTable(const Table & f, const Table & t);
2305     /**
2306      * Alter defined table given defined Table instance
2307      * @param f Table to alter
2308      * @param t New definition of table
2309      * @return  -2 (incompatible version) <br>
2310      *          -1 general error          <br>
2311      *           0 success
2312      */
2313     int alterTable(const Table & f, const Table & t);
2315     /**
2316      * Invalidate cached table object
2317      * @param name  Name of table to invalidate
2318      */
2319     void invalidateTable(const char * name);
2320 #endif
2322     /**
2323      * Remove table from local cache
2324      */
2325     void removeCachedTable(const char * table);
2326     /**
2327      * Remove index from local cache
2328      */
2329     void removeCachedIndex(const char * index, const char * table);
2332     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2333     /**
2334      * @name Index creation
2335      * @{
2336      *
2337      * These methods should normally not be used in an application as
2338      * the result will not be visible from the MySQL Server
2339      *
2340      */
2342     /**
2343      * Create index given defined Index instance
2344      * @param index Index to create
2345      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2346      */
2347     int createIndex(const Index &index, bool offline = false);
2348     int createIndex(const Index &index, const Table &table, bool offline = false);
2350     /**
2351      * Drop index with given name
2352      * @param indexName  Name of index to drop.
2353      * @param tableName  Name of table that index belongs to.
2354      * @return 0 if successful otherwise -1.
2355      */
2356     int dropIndex(const char * indexName,
2357 		  const char * tableName);
2359     /*
2360      * Force update of ordered index stats.  Scans an assigned fragment
2361      * in the kernel and updates result in stats tables.  This one-time
2362      * update is independent of IndexStatAuto settings.  Common use case
2363      * is mysql "analyze table".
2364      */
2365     int updateIndexStat(const Index&, const Table&);
2367     /*
2368      * Force update of ordered index stats where index is given by id.
2369      */
2370     int updateIndexStat(Uint32 indexId, Uint32 indexVersion, Uint32 tableId);
2372     /*
2373      * Delete ordered index stats.  If IndexStatAutoUpdate is set, also
2374      * stops automatic updates, until another forced update is done.
2375      */
2376     int deleteIndexStat(const Index&, const Table&);
2378     /*
2379      * Delete ordered index stats where index is given by id.
2380      */
2381     int deleteIndexStat(Uint32 indexId, Uint32 indexVersion, Uint32 tableId);
2384     void removeCachedTable(const Table *table);
2385     void removeCachedIndex(const Index *index);
2386     void invalidateTable(const Table *table);
2387     /**
2388      * Invalidate cached index object
2389      */
2390     void invalidateIndex(const char * indexName,
2391                          const char * tableName);
2392     void invalidateIndex(const Index *index);
2393     /**
2394      * Force gcp and wait for gcp complete
2395      */
2396     int forceGCPWait();
2397     int forceGCPWait(int type);
2399     /**
2400      * Get restart gci
2401      */
2402     int getRestartGCI(Uint32 * gci);
2403 #endif
2405     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2407     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2408     /**
2409      * @name Disk data objects
2410      * @{
2411      */
2413     /*
2414      * The four "create" operations can return warning flags defined
2415      * below.  See getWarningFlags().
2416      */
2417     enum {
2418       WarnUndobufferRoundUp = 0x1,  // rounded up to kernel page size
2419       WarnUndofileRoundDown = 0x2,  // rounded down to kernel page size
2420       WarnExtentRoundUp = 0x4,      // rounded up to kernel page size
2421       WarnDatafileRoundDown = 0x8,  // rounded down to kernel page size
2422       WarnDatafileRoundUp = 0x10    // rounded up to extent size
2423     };
2425     int createLogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup &, ObjectId* = 0);
2426     int dropLogfileGroup(const LogfileGroup&);
2427     LogfileGroup getLogfileGroup(const char * name);
2429     int createTablespace(const Tablespace &, ObjectId* = 0);
2430     int dropTablespace(const Tablespace&);
2431     Tablespace getTablespace(const char * name);
2432     Tablespace getTablespace(Uint32 tablespaceId);
2434     int createDatafile(const Datafile &, bool overwrite_existing = false, ObjectId* = 0);
2435     int dropDatafile(const Datafile&);
2436     Datafile getDatafile(Uint32 node, const char * path);
2438     int createUndofile(const Undofile &, bool overwrite_existing = false, ObjectId * = 0);
2439     int dropUndofile(const Undofile&);
2440     Undofile getUndofile(Uint32 node, const char * path);
2443     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2444     /**
2445      * @name HashMap
2446      * @{
2447      */
2449     /**
2450      * Create a HashMap in database
2451      */
2452     int createHashMap(const HashMap&, ObjectId* = 0);
2454     /**
2455      * Get a HashMap by name
2456      */
2457     int getHashMap(HashMap& dst, const char* name);
2459     /**
2460      * Get a HashMap for a table
2461      */
2462     int getHashMap(HashMap& dst, const Table* table);
2464     /**
2465      * Get default HashMap
2466      */
2467     int getDefaultHashMap(HashMap& dst, Uint32 fragments);
2470     /**
2471      * Init a default HashMap
2472      */
2473     int initDefaultHashMap(HashMap& dst, Uint32 fragments);
2475     /**
2476      * create (or retreive) a HashMap suitable for alter
2477      * NOTE: Requires a started schema transaction
2478      */
2479     int prepareHashMap(const Table& oldTable, Table& newTable);
2481     /** @} *******************************************************************/
2483     /**
2484      * @name Schema transactions
2485      *
2486      * Metadata operations are create, alter, and drop of objects of
2487      * various types.  An operation may create additional sub-operations
2488      * in the kernel.
2489      *
2490      * By default, each user operation is executed separately.  That is,
2491      * a schema transaction is started implicitly, the operation and its
2492      * suboperations are executed, and the transaction is closed.
2493      *
2494      * The Ndb object and its associated Dictionary support one schema
2495      * transaction at a time.
2496      *
2497      * Using begin and end transaction explicitly it is possible to
2498      * execute a set of user defined operations atomically i.e. either
2499      * all operations succeed or all are aborted (rolled back).
2500      *
2501      * The steps are 1) beginSchemaTrans 2) submit operations such as
2502      * createTable 3) endSchemaTrans.
2503      *
2504      * Each operation is sent to the kernel which parses and saves it.
2505      * Parse failure does rollback to previous user operation before
2506      * returning.  The user can continue or abort entire transaction.
2507      *
2508      * After all operations have been submitted, endSchemaTrans with
2509      * flags 0 (the default) processes and commits them.  On error
2510      * return the transaction is already aborted.
2511      *
2512      * If the user exits before calling endSchemaTrans, the kernel
2513      * aborts the transaction.  If the user exits before the call to
2514      * endSchemaTrans returns, the kernel continues with the request.
2515      * Completion status is reported in cluster log.
2516      */
2518     //@{
2519     /**
2520      * Begin schema transaction.  Returns error if a transaction is
2521      * already active or if the kernel metadata is locked.
2522      *
2523      * @return 0 on success, -1 on error
2524      */
2525     int beginSchemaTrans();
2527     /**
2528      * End schema transaction, with commit or with abort.  Combines
2529      * execute and close which do not exist separately.  May be called
2530      * and succeeds even if no transaction is active.
2531      *
2532      * @note Like any method, may overwrite current error code.
2533      *       First save error code from any failed operation.
2534      *
2535      * @param flags
2536      *        Bitmask of options.
2537      *        Default 0 commits the transaction.
2538      *        Including option 1 aborts the transaction.
2539      *        See SchemaTransFlag for others.
2540      * @return 0 on success, -1 on error
2541      */
2542     int endSchemaTrans(Uint32 flags = 0);
2544     /**
2545      * Flags for endSchemaTrans, or-ed together.
2546      */
2547     enum SchemaTransFlag {
2548       // abort transaction
2549       SchemaTransAbort = 1,
2550       // do not wait for reply, status is reported in cluster log
2551       SchemaTransBackground = 2
2552     };
2554     /**
2555      * Check if a schema transaction exists currently.
2556      */
2557     bool hasSchemaTrans() const;
2558     //@}
2560   protected:
2561     Dictionary(Ndb & ndb);
2562     ~Dictionary();
2564   private:
2566     friend class NdbDictionaryImpl;
2567     friend class UtilTransactions;
2568     friend class NdbBlob;
2569 #endif
2570     class NdbDictionaryImpl & m_impl;
2571     Dictionary(NdbDictionaryImpl&);
2572     const Table * getIndexTable(const char * indexName,
2573 				const char * tableName) const;
2574   public:
2576     const Table * getTable(const char * name, void **data) const;
2577     void set_local_table_data_size(unsigned sz);
2579     const Index * getIndexGlobal(const char * indexName,
2580                                  const Table &ndbtab) const;
2581     const Index * getIndexGlobal(const char * indexName,
2582                                  const char * tableName) const;
2583     const Table * getTableGlobal(const char * tableName) const;
2584     int alterTableGlobal(const Table &f, const Table &t);
2585     int dropTableGlobal(const Table &ndbtab);
2586     int dropIndexGlobal(const Index &index);
2587     int removeIndexGlobal(const Index &ndbidx, int invalidate) const;
2588     int removeTableGlobal(const Table &ndbtab, int invalidate) const;
2589     void invalidateDbGlobal(const char * dbname);
2590 #endif
2592     /*
2593       Create an NdbRecord for use in table operations.
2594     */
2595     NdbRecord *createRecord(const Table *table,
2596                             const RecordSpecification *recSpec,
2597                             Uint32 length,
2598                             Uint32 elemSize,
2599                             Uint32 flags= 0);
2601     /*
2602       Create an NdbRecord for use in index operations.
2603     */
2604     NdbRecord *createRecord(const Index *index,
2605                             const Table *table,
2606                             const RecordSpecification *recSpec,
2607                             Uint32 length,
2608                             Uint32 elemSize,
2609                             Uint32 flags= 0);
2610     /*
2611       Create an NdbRecord for use in index operations.
2612       This variant assumes that the index is for a table in
2613       the current database and schema
2614     */
2615     NdbRecord *createRecord(const Index *index,
2616                             const RecordSpecification *recSpec,
2617                             Uint32 length,
2618                             Uint32 elemSize,
2619                             Uint32 flags= 0);
2621     /*
2622       Free an NdbRecord object created earlier with
2623       createRecord
2624     */
2625     void releaseRecord(NdbRecord *rec);
2626   }; // class Dictionary
2628   class NdbDataPrintFormat
2629   {
2630   public:
2631     NdbDataPrintFormat();
2632     virtual ~NdbDataPrintFormat();
2633     const char *lines_terminated_by;
2634     const char *fields_terminated_by;
2635     const char *start_array_enclosure;
2636     const char *end_array_enclosure;
2637     const char *fields_enclosed_by;
2638     const char *fields_optionally_enclosed_by;
2639     const char *hex_prefix;
2640     const char *null_string;
2641     int hex_format;
2642   };
2644   static
2645   class NdbOut& printFormattedValue(class NdbOut& out,
2646                                     const NdbDataPrintFormat& format,
2647                                     const NdbDictionary::Column* c,
2648                                     const void* val);
2651 }; // class NdbDictionary
2653 class NdbOut& operator <<(class NdbOut& out, const NdbDictionary::Column& col);
2655 #endif