1 // Boost.Range library
2 //
3 //  Copyright Neil Groves 2010. Use, modification and
4 //  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
5 //  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6 //  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7 //
8 //
9 // For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/range/
10 //
14 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
15 #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
16 #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
18 namespace boost
19 {
20     namespace range_detail
21     {
22         // integer_iterator is an iterator over an integer sequence that
23         // is bounded only by the limits of the underlying integer
24         // representation.
25         //
26         // This is useful for implementing the irange(first, last)
27         // function.
28         //
29         // Note:
30         // This use of this iterator and irange is appreciably less
31         // performant than the corresponding hand-written integer
32         // loop on many compilers.
33         template<typename Integer>
34         class integer_iterator
35             : public boost::iterator_facade<
36                         integer_iterator<Integer>,
37                         Integer,
38                         boost::random_access_traversal_tag,
39                         Integer,
40                         std::ptrdiff_t
41                     >
42         {
43             typedef boost::iterator_facade<
44                         integer_iterator<Integer>,
45                         Integer,
46                         boost::random_access_traversal_tag,
47                         Integer,
48                         std::ptrdiff_t
49                     > base_t;
50         public:
51             typedef typename base_t::value_type value_type;
52             typedef typename base_t::difference_type difference_type;
53             typedef typename base_t::reference reference;
54             typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
integer_iterator()56             integer_iterator() : m_value() {}
integer_iterator(value_type x)57             explicit integer_iterator(value_type x) : m_value(x) {}
59         private:
increment()60             void increment()
61             {
62                 ++m_value;
63             }
decrement()65             void decrement()
66             {
67                 --m_value;
68             }
advance(difference_type offset)70             void advance(difference_type offset)
71             {
72                 m_value += offset;
73             }
distance_to(const integer_iterator & other) const75             difference_type distance_to(const integer_iterator& other) const
76             {
77                 return is_signed<value_type>::value
78                     ? (other.m_value - m_value)
79                     : (other.m_value >= m_value)
80                         ? static_cast<difference_type>(other.m_value - m_value)
81                         : -static_cast<difference_type>(m_value - other.m_value);
82             }
equal(const integer_iterator & other) const84             bool equal(const integer_iterator& other) const
85             {
86                 return m_value == other.m_value;
87             }
dereference() const89             reference dereference() const
90             {
91                 return m_value;
92             }
94             friend class ::boost::iterator_core_access;
95             value_type m_value;
96         };
98         // integer_iterator_with_step is similar in nature to the
99         // integer_iterator but provides the ability to 'move' in
100         // a number of steps specified at construction time.
101         //
102         // The three variable implementation provides the best guarantees
103         // of loop termination upon various combinations of input.
104         //
105         // While this design is less performant than some less
106         // safe alternatives, the use of ranges and iterators to
107         // perform counting will never be optimal anyhow, hence
108         // if optimal performance is desired a hand-coded loop
109         // is the solution.
110         template<typename Integer>
111         class integer_iterator_with_step
112             : public boost::iterator_facade<
113                         integer_iterator_with_step<Integer>,
114                         Integer,
115                         boost::random_access_traversal_tag,
116                         Integer,
117                         std::ptrdiff_t
118                     >
119         {
120             typedef boost::iterator_facade<
121                         integer_iterator_with_step<Integer>,
122                         Integer,
123                         boost::random_access_traversal_tag,
124                         Integer,
125                         std::ptrdiff_t
126                     > base_t;
127         public:
128             typedef typename base_t::value_type value_type;
129             typedef typename base_t::difference_type difference_type;
130             typedef typename base_t::reference reference;
131             typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
integer_iterator_with_step(value_type first,difference_type step,value_type step_size)133             integer_iterator_with_step(value_type first, difference_type step, value_type step_size)
134                 : m_first(first)
135                 , m_step(step)
136                 , m_step_size(step_size)
137             {
138             }
140         private:
increment()141             void increment()
142             {
143                 ++m_step;
144             }
decrement()146             void decrement()
147             {
148                 --m_step;
149             }
advance(difference_type offset)151             void advance(difference_type offset)
152             {
153                 m_step += offset;
154             }
distance_to(const integer_iterator_with_step & other) const156             difference_type distance_to(const integer_iterator_with_step& other) const
157             {
158                 return other.m_step - m_step;
159             }
equal(const integer_iterator_with_step & other) const161             bool equal(const integer_iterator_with_step& other) const
162             {
163                 return m_step == other.m_step;
164             }
dereference() const166             reference dereference() const
167             {
168                 return m_first + (m_step * m_step_size);
169             }
171             friend class ::boost::iterator_core_access;
172             value_type m_first;
173             difference_type m_step;
174             difference_type m_step_size;
175         };
177     } // namespace range_detail
179     template<typename Integer>
180     class integer_range
181         : public iterator_range< range_detail::integer_iterator<Integer> >
182     {
183         typedef range_detail::integer_iterator<Integer> iterator_t;
184         typedef iterator_range<iterator_t> base_t;
185     public:
integer_range(Integer first,Integer last)186         integer_range(Integer first, Integer last)
187             : base_t(iterator_t(first), iterator_t(last))
188         {
189         }
190     };
192     template<typename Integer>
193     class strided_integer_range
194     : public iterator_range< range_detail::integer_iterator_with_step<Integer> >
195     {
196         typedef range_detail::integer_iterator_with_step<Integer> iterator_t;
197         typedef iterator_range<iterator_t> base_t;
198     public:
199         template<typename Iterator>
strided_integer_range(Iterator first,Iterator last)200         strided_integer_range(Iterator first, Iterator last)
201             : base_t(first, last)
202         {
203         }
204     };
206     template<typename Integer>
207     integer_range<Integer>
irange(Integer first,Integer last)208     irange(Integer first, Integer last)
209     {
210         BOOST_ASSERT( first <= last );
211         return integer_range<Integer>(first, last);
212     }
214     template<typename Integer, typename StepSize>
215     strided_integer_range<Integer>
irange(Integer first,Integer last,StepSize step_size)216         irange(Integer first, Integer last, StepSize step_size)
217     {
218         BOOST_ASSERT( step_size != 0 );
219         BOOST_ASSERT( (step_size > 0) ? (last >= first) : (last <= first) );
221         typedef typename range_detail::integer_iterator_with_step<Integer> iterator_t;
223         const std::ptrdiff_t sz = static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(step_size >= 0 ? step_size : -step_size);
224         const Integer l = step_size >= 0 ? last : first;
225         const Integer f = step_size >= 0 ? first : last;
226         const std::ptrdiff_t num_steps = (l - f) / sz + ((l - f) % sz ? 1 : 0);
227         BOOST_ASSERT(num_steps >= 0);
229         return strided_integer_range<Integer>(
230             iterator_t(first, 0, step_size),
231             iterator_t(first, num_steps, step_size));
232     }
234 } // namespace boost
236 #endif // include guard