1 /* Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
3    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
5    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
7    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
8    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
9    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
10    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
11    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
12    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA */
23 #ifndef _my_sys_h
24 #define _my_sys_h
26 #include "my_global.h"                  /* C_MODE_START, C_MODE_END */
30 #ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT
31 #include <sys/asynch.h>			/* Used by record-cache */
32 typedef struct my_aio_result {
33   aio_result_t result;
34   int	       pending;
35 } my_aio_result;
36 #endif
39 # include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
44 #else /* HAVE_VALGRIND */
45 # define MEM_UNDEFINED(a,len) ((void) 0)
46 # define MEM_NOACCESS(a,len) ((void) 0)
47 # define MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(a,len) ((void) 0)
48 # define MEM_CHECK_DEFINED(a,len) ((void) 0)
49 #endif /* HAVE_VALGRIND */
51 #include <my_pthread.h>
53 #include <m_ctype.h>                    /* for CHARSET_INFO */
54 #include <stdarg.h>
55 #include <typelib.h>
56 #ifdef _WIN32
57 #include <malloc.h> /*for alloca*/
58 #endif
59 #include <sys/stat.h>
61 #define MY_INIT(name)   { my_progname= name; my_init(); }
63 /**
64   Max length of an error message generated by mysys utilities.
65   Some mysys functions produce error messages. These mostly go
66   to stderr.
67   This constant defines the size of the buffer used to format
68   the message. It should be kept in sync with MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE,
69   since sometimes mysys errors are stored in the server diagnostics
70   area, and we would like to avoid unexpected truncation.
71 */
72 #define MYSYS_ERRMSG_SIZE   (512)
73 #define MYSYS_STRERROR_SIZE (128)
75 #define MY_FILE_ERROR	((size_t) -1)
77 	/* General bitmaps for my_func's */
78 #define MY_FFNF		1	/* Fatal if file not found */
79 #define MY_FNABP	2	/* Fatal if not all bytes read/writen */
80 #define MY_NABP		4	/* Error if not all bytes read/writen */
81 #define MY_FAE		8	/* Fatal if any error */
82 #define MY_WME		16	/* Write message on error */
83 #define MY_WAIT_IF_FULL 32	/* Wait and try again if disk full error */
84 #define MY_IGNORE_BADFD 32      /* my_sync: ignore 'bad descriptor' errors */
85 #define MY_SYNC_DIR     8192    /* my_create/delete/rename: sync directory */
86 #define MY_UNUSED       64      /* Unused (was support for RAID) */
87 #define MY_FULL_IO     512      /* For my_read - loop intil I/O is complete */
88 #define MY_DONT_CHECK_FILESIZE 128 /* Option to init_io_cache() */
89 #define MY_LINK_WARNING 32	/* my_redel() gives warning if links */
90 #define MY_COPYTIME	64	/* my_redel() copys time */
91 #define MY_DELETE_OLD	256	/* my_create_with_symlink() */
92 #define MY_RESOLVE_LINK 128	/* my_realpath(); Only resolve links */
93 #define MY_HOLD_ORIGINAL_MODES 128  /* my_copy() holds to file modes */
94 #define MY_REDEL_MAKE_BACKUP 256
95 #define MY_REDEL_NO_COPY_STAT 512 /* my_redel() doesn't call my_copystat() */
96 #define MY_SEEK_NOT_DONE 32	/* my_lock may have to do a seek */
97 #define MY_DONT_WAIT	64	/* my_lock() don't wait if can't lock */
98 #define MY_ZEROFILL	32	/* my_malloc(), fill array with zero */
99 #define MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR 64	/* my_realloc() ; zero ptr -> malloc */
100 #define MY_FREE_ON_ERROR 128	/* my_realloc() ; Free old ptr on error */
101 #define MY_HOLD_ON_ERROR 256	/* my_realloc() ; Return old ptr on error */
102 #define MY_DONT_OVERWRITE_FILE 1024	/* my_copy: Don't overwrite file */
103 #define MY_THREADSAFE 2048      /* my_seek(): lock fd mutex */
104 #define MY_SYNC       4096      /* my_copy(): sync dst file */
106 #define MY_CHECK_ERROR	1	/* Params to my_end; Check open-close */
107 #define MY_GIVE_INFO	2	/* Give time info about process*/
108 #define MY_DONT_FREE_DBUG 4     /* Do not call DBUG_END() in my_end() */
110 #define ME_HIGHBYTE	8	/* Shift for colours */
111 #define ME_NOCUR	1	/* Don't use curses message */
112 #define ME_OLDWIN	2	/* Use old window */
113 #define ME_BELL		4	/* Ring bell then printing message */
114 #define ME_HOLDTANG	8	/* Don't delete last keys */
115 #define ME_WAITTOT	16	/* Wait for errtime secs of for a action */
116 #define ME_WAITTANG	32	/* Wait for a user action  */
117 #define ME_NOREFRESH	64	/* Write the error message to error log */
118 #define ME_NOINPUT	128	/* Dont use the input libary */
119 #define ME_COLOUR1	((1 << ME_HIGHBYTE))	/* Possibly error-colours */
120 #define ME_COLOUR2	((2 << ME_HIGHBYTE))
121 #define ME_COLOUR3	((3 << ME_HIGHBYTE))
122 #define ME_FATALERROR   1024    /* Fatal statement error */
124 	/* Bits in last argument to fn_format */
125 #define MY_REPLACE_DIR		1	/* replace dir in name with 'dir' */
126 #define MY_REPLACE_EXT		2	/* replace extension with 'ext' */
127 #define MY_UNPACK_FILENAME	4	/* Unpack name (~ -> home) */
128 #define MY_PACK_FILENAME	8	/* Pack name (home -> ~) */
129 #define MY_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS	16	/* Resolve all symbolic links */
130 #define MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH	32	/* return full path for file */
131 #define MY_SAFE_PATH		64	/* Return NULL if too long path */
132 #define MY_RELATIVE_PATH	128	/* name is relative to 'dir' */
133 #define MY_APPEND_EXT           256     /* add 'ext' as additional extension*/
136 	/* My seek flags */
137 #define MY_SEEK_SET	0
138 #define MY_SEEK_CUR	1
139 #define MY_SEEK_END	2
141 	/* Some constants */
142 #define MY_WAIT_FOR_USER_TO_FIX_PANIC	60	/* in seconds */
143 #define MY_WAIT_GIVE_USER_A_MESSAGE	10	/* Every 10 times of prev */
144 #define MIN_COMPRESS_LENGTH		50	/* Don't compress small bl. */
145 #define DFLT_INIT_HITS  3
147 	/* root_alloc flags */
148 #define MY_KEEP_PREALLOC	1
149 #define MY_MARK_BLOCKS_FREE     2  /* move used to free list and reuse them */
151 	/* Internal error numbers (for assembler functions) */
152 #define MY_ERRNO_EDOM		33
153 #define MY_ERRNO_ERANGE		34
155 	/* Bits for get_date timeflag */
156 #define GETDATE_DATE_TIME	1
157 #define GETDATE_SHORT_DATE	2
159 #define GETDATE_GMT		8
162 	/* defines when allocating data */
163 extern void *my_malloc(size_t Size,myf MyFlags);
164 extern void *my_multi_malloc(myf MyFlags, ...);
165 extern void *my_realloc(void *oldpoint, size_t Size, myf MyFlags);
166 extern void my_free(void *ptr);
167 extern void *my_memdup(const void *from,size_t length,myf MyFlags);
168 extern char *my_strdup(const char *from,myf MyFlags);
169 extern char *my_strndup(const char *from, size_t length,
170 				   myf MyFlags);
172 /*
173   Switch to my_malloc() if the memory block to be allocated is bigger than
174   max_alloca_sz.
175 */
176 #ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA
177 #define my_safe_alloca(size, max_alloca_sz) my_alloca(size)
178 #define my_safe_afree(ptr, size, max_alloca_sz) my_afree(ptr)
179 #else
180 #define my_safe_alloca(size, max_alloca_sz) ((size <= max_alloca_sz) ? \
181                                              my_alloca(size) : \
182                                              my_malloc(size, MYF(0)))
183 #define my_safe_afree(ptr, size, max_alloca_sz) if (size > max_alloca_sz) \
184                                                my_free(ptr)
185 #endif                                          /* #ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA */
187 #if !defined(DBUG_OFF) || defined(HAVE_VALGRIND)
188 /**
189   Put bad content in memory to be sure it will segfault if dereferenced.
190   With Valgrind, verify that memory is addressable, and mark it undefined.
191   We cache value of B because if B is expression which depends on A, memset()
192   trashes value of B.
193 */
194 #define TRASH(A,B) do {                                                 \
195     const size_t l= (B);                                                \
196     MEM_CHECK_ADDRESSABLE(A, l);                                        \
197     memset(A, 0x8F, l);                                                 \
198     MEM_UNDEFINED(A, l);                                                \
199   } while (0)
200 #else
201 #define TRASH(A,B) do {} while(0)
202 #endif
203 #if defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC)
204 extern void (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(const char *, size_t);
205 #define DEBUG_SYNC_C(_sync_point_name_) do {                            \
206     if (debug_sync_C_callback_ptr != NULL)                              \
207       (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(STRING_WITH_LEN(_sync_point_name_)); } \
208   while(0)
209 #define DEBUG_SYNC_C_IF_THD(thd, _sync_point_name_) do {                \
210     if (debug_sync_C_callback_ptr != NULL && thd)                       \
211       (*debug_sync_C_callback_ptr)(STRING_WITH_LEN(_sync_point_name_)); } \
212   while(0)
213 #else
214 #define DEBUG_SYNC_C(_sync_point_name_)
215 #define DEBUG_SYNC_C_IF_THD(thd, _sync_point_name_)
216 #endif /* defined(ENABLED_DEBUG_SYNC) */
219 extern uint my_get_large_page_size(void);
220 extern uchar * my_large_malloc(size_t size, myf my_flags);
221 extern void my_large_free(uchar *ptr);
222 #else
223 #define my_get_large_page_size() (0)
224 #define my_large_malloc(A,B) my_malloc_lock((A),(B))
225 #define my_large_free(A) my_free_lock((A))
226 #endif /* HAVE_LARGE_PAGES */
228 #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA
229 #if defined(_AIX) && !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(_AIX43)
230 #pragma alloca
231 #endif /* _AIX */
232 #if defined(__MWERKS__)
233 #undef alloca
234 #define alloca _alloca
235 #endif /* __MWERKS__ */
236 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H) && ! defined(alloca)
237 #define alloca __builtin_alloca
238 #endif /* GNUC */
239 #define my_alloca(SZ) alloca((size_t) (SZ))
240 #define my_afree(PTR) {}
241 #else
242 #define my_alloca(SZ) my_malloc(SZ,MYF(MY_FAE))
243 #define my_afree(PTR) my_free(PTR)
244 #endif /* HAVE_ALLOCA */
246 #include <errno.h>			/* errno is a define */
248 extern char *home_dir;			/* Home directory for user */
249 extern const char *my_progname;		/* program-name (printed in errors) */
250 extern char curr_dir[];		/* Current directory for user */
251 extern void (*error_handler_hook)(uint my_err, const char *str,myf MyFlags);
252 extern void (*fatal_error_handler_hook)(uint my_err, const char *str,
253 				       myf MyFlags);
254 extern void(*sql_print_warning_hook)(const char *format,...);
255 extern uint my_file_limit;
256 extern ulong my_thread_stack_size;
258 extern void (*proc_info_hook)(void *, const PSI_stage_info *, PSI_stage_info *,
259                               const char *, const char *, const unsigned int);
262 extern my_bool my_use_large_pages;
263 extern uint    my_large_page_size;
264 #endif
266 /* charsets */
267 #define MY_ALL_CHARSETS_SIZE 2048
268 extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT CHARSET_INFO *default_charset_info;
270 extern CHARSET_INFO compiled_charsets[];
272 /* statistics */
273 extern ulong	my_file_opened,my_stream_opened, my_tmp_file_created;
274 extern ulong    my_file_total_opened;
275 extern my_bool	my_init_done;
277 					/* Point to current my_message() */
278 extern void (*my_sigtstp_cleanup)(void),
279 					/* Executed before jump to shell */
280 	    (*my_sigtstp_restart)(void),
281 	    (*my_abort_hook)(int);
282 					/* Executed when comming from shell */
283 extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT int my_umask;		/* Default creation mask  */
284 extern int my_umask_dir,
285 	   my_recived_signals,	/* Signals we have got */
286 	   my_safe_to_handle_signal, /* Set when allowed to SIGTSTP */
287 	   my_dont_interrupt;	/* call remember_intr when set */
288 extern my_bool my_use_symdir;
290 extern ulong	my_default_record_cache_size;
291 extern my_bool  my_disable_locking, my_disable_async_io,
292                 my_disable_flush_key_blocks, my_disable_symlinks;
293 extern char	wild_many,wild_one,wild_prefix;
294 extern const char *charsets_dir;
296 extern my_bool timed_mutexes;
298 enum cache_type
299 {
301   SEQ_READ_APPEND		/* sequential read or append */,
304 enum flush_type
305 {
306   FLUSH_KEEP,           /* flush block and keep it in the cache */
307   FLUSH_RELEASE,        /* flush block and remove it from the cache */
308   FLUSH_IGNORE_CHANGED, /* remove block from the cache */
309   /*
310     As my_disable_flush_pagecache_blocks is always 0, the following option
311     is strictly equivalent to FLUSH_KEEP
312   */
314 };
316 typedef struct st_record_cache	/* Used when cacheing records */
317 {
318   File file;
319   int	rc_seek,error,inited;
320   uint	rc_length,read_length,reclength;
321   my_off_t rc_record_pos,end_of_file;
322   uchar *rc_buff,*rc_buff2,*rc_pos,*rc_end,*rc_request_pos;
323 #ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT
324   int	use_async_io;
325   my_aio_result aio_result;
326 #endif
327   enum cache_type type;
330 enum file_type
331 {
334 };
336 struct st_my_file_info
337 {
338   char  *name;
339 #ifdef _WIN32
340   HANDLE fhandle;   /* win32 file handle */
341   int    oflag;     /* open flags, e.g O_APPEND */
342 #endif
343   enum   file_type	type;
344 #if !defined(HAVE_PREAD) && !defined(_WIN32)
345   mysql_mutex_t mutex;
346 #endif
347 };
349 extern struct st_my_file_info *my_file_info;
351 typedef struct st_dynamic_array
352 {
353   uchar *buffer;
354   uint elements,max_element;
355   uint alloc_increment;
356   uint size_of_element;
359 typedef struct st_my_tmpdir
360 {
361   DYNAMIC_ARRAY full_list;
362   char **list;
363   uint cur, max;
364   mysql_mutex_t mutex;
365 } MY_TMPDIR;
367 typedef struct st_dynamic_string
368 {
369   char *str;
370   size_t length,max_length,alloc_increment;
373 struct st_io_cache;
374 typedef int (*IO_CACHE_CALLBACK)(struct st_io_cache*);
376 typedef struct st_io_cache_share
377 {
378   mysql_mutex_t       mutex;           /* To sync on reads into buffer. */
379   mysql_cond_t        cond;            /* To wait for signals. */
380   mysql_cond_t        cond_writer;     /* For a synchronized writer. */
381   /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of buffer. */
382   my_off_t              pos_in_file;
383   /* If a synchronized write cache is the source of the data. */
384   struct st_io_cache    *source_cache;
385   uchar                 *buffer;         /* The read buffer. */
386   uchar                 *read_end;       /* Behind last valid byte of buffer. */
387   int                   running_threads; /* threads not in lock. */
388   int                   total_threads;   /* threads sharing the cache. */
389   int                   error;           /* Last error. */
391   /* whether the structure should be free'd */
392   my_bool alloced;
393 #endif
396 typedef struct st_io_cache		/* Used when cacheing files */
397 {
398   /* Offset in file corresponding to the first byte of uchar* buffer. */
399   my_off_t pos_in_file;
400   /*
401     The offset of end of file for READ_CACHE and WRITE_CACHE.
402     For SEQ_READ_APPEND it the maximum of the actual end of file and
403     the position represented by read_end.
404   */
405   my_off_t end_of_file;
406   /* Points to current read position in the buffer */
407   uchar	*read_pos;
408   /* the non-inclusive boundary in the buffer for the currently valid read */
409   uchar  *read_end;
410   uchar  *buffer;				/* The read buffer */
411   /* Used in ASYNC_IO */
412   uchar  *request_pos;
414   /* Only used in WRITE caches and in SEQ_READ_APPEND to buffer writes */
415   uchar  *write_buffer;
416   /*
417     Only used in SEQ_READ_APPEND, and points to the current read position
418     in the write buffer. Note that reads in SEQ_READ_APPEND caches can
419     happen from both read buffer (uchar* buffer) and write buffer
420     (uchar* write_buffer).
421   */
422   uchar *append_read_pos;
423   /* Points to current write position in the write buffer */
424   uchar *write_pos;
425   /* The non-inclusive boundary of the valid write area */
426   uchar *write_end;
428   /*
429     Current_pos and current_end are convenience variables used by
430     my_b_tell() and other routines that need to know the current offset
431     current_pos points to &write_pos, and current_end to &write_end in a
432     WRITE_CACHE, and &read_pos and &read_end respectively otherwise
433   */
434   uchar  **current_pos, **current_end;
436   /*
437     The lock is for append buffer used in SEQ_READ_APPEND cache
438     need mutex copying from append buffer to read buffer.
439   */
440   mysql_mutex_t append_buffer_lock;
441   /*
442     The following is used when several threads are reading the
443     same file in parallel. They are synchronized on disk
444     accesses reading the cached part of the file asynchronously.
445     It should be set to NULL to disable the feature.  Only
446     READ_CACHE mode is supported.
447   */
448   IO_CACHE_SHARE *share;
450   /*
451     A caller will use my_b_read() macro to read from the cache
452     if the data is already in cache, it will be simply copied with
453     memcpy() and internal variables will be accordinging updated with
454     no functions invoked. However, if the data is not fully in the cache,
455     my_b_read() will call read_function to fetch the data. read_function
456     must never be invoked directly.
457   */
458   int (*read_function)(struct st_io_cache *,uchar *,size_t);
459   /*
460     Same idea as in the case of read_function, except my_b_write() needs to
461     be replaced with my_b_append() for a SEQ_READ_APPEND cache
462   */
463   int (*write_function)(struct st_io_cache *,const uchar *,size_t);
464   /*
465     Specifies the type of the cache. Depending on the type of the cache
466     certain operations might not be available and yield unpredicatable
467     results. Details to be documented later
468   */
469   enum cache_type type;
470   /*
471     Callbacks when the actual read I/O happens. These were added and
472     are currently used for binary logging of LOAD DATA INFILE - when a
473     block is read from the file, we create a block create/append event, and
474     when IO_CACHE is closed, we create an end event. These functions could,
475     of course be used for other things
476   */
477   IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_read;
478   IO_CACHE_CALLBACK post_read;
479   IO_CACHE_CALLBACK pre_close;
480   /*
481     Counts the number of times, when we were forced to use disk. We use it to
482     increase the binlog_cache_disk_use and binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use status
483     variables.
484   */
485   ulong disk_writes;
486   void* arg;				/* for use by pre/post_read */
487   char *file_name;			/* if used with 'open_cached_file' */
488   char *dir,*prefix;
489   File file; /* file descriptor */
490   /*
491     seek_not_done is set by my_b_seek() to inform the upcoming read/write
492     operation that a seek needs to be preformed prior to the actual I/O
493     error is 0 if the cache operation was successful, -1 if there was a
494     "hard" error, and the actual number of I/O-ed bytes if the read/write was
495     partial.
496   */
497   int	seek_not_done,error;
498   /* buffer_length is memory size allocated for buffer or write_buffer */
499   size_t	buffer_length;
500   /* read_length is the same as buffer_length except when we use async io */
501   size_t  read_length;
502   myf	myflags;			/* Flags used to my_read/my_write */
503   /*
504     alloced_buffer is 1 if the buffer was allocated by init_io_cache() and
505     0 if it was supplied by the user.
506     Currently READ_NET is the only one that will use a buffer allocated
507     somewhere else
508   */
509   my_bool alloced_buffer;
510 #ifdef HAVE_AIOWAIT
511   /*
512     As inidicated by ifdef, this is for async I/O, which is not currently
513     used (because it's not reliable on all systems)
514   */
515   uint inited;
516   my_off_t aio_read_pos;
517   my_aio_result aio_result;
518 #endif
519 } IO_CACHE;
521 typedef int (*qsort2_cmp)(const void *, const void *, const void *);
523 /*
524   Subset of struct stat fields filled by stat/lstat/fstat that uniquely
525   identify a file
526 */
527 typedef struct st_file_id
528 {
529   dev_t st_dev;
530   ino_t st_ino;
531 } ST_FILE_ID;
533 typedef void (*my_error_reporter)(enum loglevel level, const char *format, ...)
534   ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_FPTR(printf, 2, 3);
536 extern my_error_reporter my_charset_error_reporter;
538 	/* defines for mf_iocache */
540 	/* Test if buffer is inited */
541 #define my_b_clear(info) (info)->buffer=0
542 #define my_b_inited(info) (info)->buffer
543 #define my_b_EOF INT_MIN
545 #define my_b_read(info,Buffer,Count) \
546   ((info)->read_pos + (Count) <= (info)->read_end ?\
547    (memcpy(Buffer,(info)->read_pos,(size_t) (Count)), \
548     ((info)->read_pos+=(Count)),0) :\
549    (*(info)->read_function)((info),Buffer,Count))
551 #define my_b_write(info,Buffer,Count) \
552  ((info)->write_pos + (Count) <=(info)->write_end ?\
553   (memcpy((info)->write_pos, (Buffer), (size_t)(Count)),\
554    ((info)->write_pos+=(Count)),0) : \
555    (*(info)->write_function)((info),(uchar *)(Buffer),(Count)))
557 #define my_b_get(info) \
558   ((info)->read_pos != (info)->read_end ?\
559    ((info)->read_pos++, (int) (uchar) (info)->read_pos[-1]) :\
560    _my_b_get(info))
562 	/* my_b_write_byte dosn't have any err-check */
563 #define my_b_write_byte(info,chr) \
564   (((info)->write_pos < (info)->write_end) ?\
565    ((*(info)->write_pos++)=(chr)) :\
566    (_my_b_write(info,0,0) , ((*(info)->write_pos++)=(chr))))
568 #define my_b_fill_cache(info) \
569   (((info)->read_end=(info)->read_pos),(*(info)->read_function)(info,0,0))
571 #define my_b_tell(info) ((info)->pos_in_file + \
572 			 (size_t) (*(info)->current_pos - (info)->request_pos))
574 #define my_b_get_buffer_start(info) (info)->request_pos
575 #define my_b_get_bytes_in_buffer(info) (char*) (info)->read_end -   \
576   (char*) my_b_get_buffer_start(info)
577 #define my_b_get_pos_in_file(info) (info)->pos_in_file
579 /* tell write offset in the SEQ_APPEND cache */
580 int      my_b_copy_to_file(IO_CACHE *cache, FILE *file);
581 my_off_t my_b_append_tell(IO_CACHE* info);
582 my_off_t my_b_safe_tell(IO_CACHE* info); /* picks the correct tell() */
584 #define my_b_bytes_in_cache(info) (size_t) (*(info)->current_end - \
585 					  *(info)->current_pos)
587 typedef uint32 ha_checksum;
589 #include <my_alloc.h>
592 	/* Prototypes for mysys and my_func functions */
594 extern int my_copy(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags);
595 extern int my_delete(const char *name,myf MyFlags);
596 extern int my_getwd(char * buf,size_t size,myf MyFlags);
597 extern int my_setwd(const char *dir,myf MyFlags);
598 extern int my_lock(File fd,int op,my_off_t start, my_off_t length,myf MyFlags);
599 extern void *my_once_alloc(size_t Size,myf MyFlags);
600 extern void my_once_free(void);
601 extern char *my_once_strdup(const char *src,myf myflags);
602 extern void *my_once_memdup(const void *src, size_t len, myf myflags);
603 extern File my_open(const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags);
604 extern File my_register_filename(File fd, const char *FileName,
605 				 enum file_type type_of_file,
606 				 uint error_message_number, myf MyFlags);
607 extern File my_create(const char *FileName,int CreateFlags,
608 		      int AccessFlags, myf MyFlags);
609 extern int my_close(File Filedes,myf MyFlags);
610 extern int my_mkdir(const char *dir, int Flags, myf MyFlags);
611 extern int my_readlink(char *to, const char *filename, myf MyFlags);
612 extern int my_is_symlink(const char *filename, ST_FILE_ID *file_id);
613 extern int my_realpath(char *to, const char *filename, myf MyFlags);
614 extern int my_is_same_file(File file, const ST_FILE_ID *file_id);
615 extern File my_create_with_symlink(const char *linkname, const char *filename,
616 				   int createflags, int access_flags,
617 				   myf MyFlags);
618 extern int my_delete_with_symlink(const char *name, myf MyFlags);
619 extern int my_rename_with_symlink(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags);
620 extern int my_symlink(const char *content, const char *linkname, myf MyFlags);
621 extern size_t my_read(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags);
622 extern size_t my_pread(File Filedes,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,my_off_t offset,
623 		     myf MyFlags);
624 extern int my_rename(const char *from,const char *to,myf MyFlags);
625 extern my_off_t my_seek(File fd,my_off_t pos,int whence,myf MyFlags);
626 extern my_off_t my_tell(File fd,myf MyFlags);
627 extern size_t my_write(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,
628 		     myf MyFlags);
629 extern size_t my_pwrite(File Filedes,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,
630 		      my_off_t offset,myf MyFlags);
631 extern size_t my_fread(FILE *stream,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,myf MyFlags);
632 extern size_t my_fwrite(FILE *stream,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count,
633 		      myf MyFlags);
634 extern my_off_t my_fseek(FILE *stream,my_off_t pos,int whence,myf MyFlags);
635 extern my_off_t my_ftell(FILE *stream,myf MyFlags);
637 /* implemented in my_memmem.c */
638 extern void *my_memmem(const void *haystack, size_t haystacklen,
639                        const void *needle, size_t needlelen);
642 #ifdef _WIN32
643 extern int      my_access(const char *path, int amode);
644 #else
645 #define my_access access
646 #endif
648 extern int check_if_legal_filename(const char *path);
649 extern int check_if_legal_tablename(const char *path);
651 #ifdef __WIN__
652 extern my_bool is_filename_allowed(const char *name, size_t length,
653                    my_bool allow_current_dir);
654 #else /* __WIN__ */
655 # define is_filename_allowed(name, length, allow_cwd) (TRUE)
656 #endif /* __WIN__ */
658 #ifdef _WIN32
659 extern int nt_share_delete(const char *name,myf MyFlags);
660 #define my_delete_allow_opened(fname,flags)  nt_share_delete((fname),(flags))
661 #else
662 #define my_delete_allow_opened(fname,flags)  my_delete((fname),(flags))
663 #endif
665 #ifdef _WIN32
666 /* Windows-only functions (CRT equivalents)*/
667 extern HANDLE   my_get_osfhandle(File fd);
668 extern void     my_osmaperr(unsigned long last_error);
669 #endif
671 extern void init_glob_errs(void);
672 extern const char** get_global_errmsgs();
673 extern void wait_for_free_space(const char *filename, int errors);
674 extern FILE *my_fopen(const char *FileName,int Flags,myf MyFlags);
675 extern FILE *my_fdopen(File Filedes,const char *name, int Flags,myf MyFlags);
676 extern FILE *my_freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE *stream);
677 extern int my_fclose(FILE *fd,myf MyFlags);
678 extern File my_fileno(FILE *fd);
679 extern int my_chsize(File fd,my_off_t newlength, int filler, myf MyFlags);
680 extern void thr_set_sync_wait_callback(void (*before_sync)(void),
681                                        void (*after_sync)(void));
682 extern int my_sync(File fd, myf my_flags);
683 extern int my_sync_dir(const char *dir_name, myf my_flags);
684 extern int my_sync_dir_by_file(const char *file_name, myf my_flags);
685 extern char *my_strerror(char *buf, size_t len, int errnum);
686 extern const char *my_get_err_msg(int nr);
687 extern void my_error(int nr,myf MyFlags, ...);
688 extern void my_printf_error(uint my_err, const char *format,
689                             myf MyFlags, ...)
690                             ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 4);
691 extern void my_printv_error(uint error, const char *format, myf MyFlags,
692                             va_list ap);
693 extern int my_error_register(const char** (*get_errmsgs) (),
694                              int first, int last);
695 extern void my_printf_warning (const char * format, ...);
696 extern const char **my_error_unregister(int first, int last);
697 extern void my_message(uint my_err, const char *str,myf MyFlags);
698 extern void my_message_stderr(uint my_err, const char *str, myf MyFlags);
699 extern my_bool my_init(void);
700 extern void my_end(int infoflag);
701 extern int my_redel(const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags);
702 extern int my_copystat(const char *from, const char *to, int MyFlags);
703 extern char * my_filename(File fd);
705 #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG
706 void my_print_open_files(void);
707 #else
708 #define my_print_open_files()
709 #endif
711 extern my_bool init_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir, const char *pathlist);
712 extern char *my_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir);
713 extern void free_tmpdir(MY_TMPDIR *tmpdir);
715 extern void my_remember_signal(int signal_number,sig_handler (*func)(int));
716 extern size_t dirname_part(char * to,const char *name, size_t *to_res_length);
717 extern size_t dirname_length(const char *name);
718 #define base_name(A) (A+dirname_length(A))
719 extern int test_if_hard_path(const char *dir_name);
720 extern my_bool has_path(const char *name);
721 extern char *convert_dirname(char *to, const char *from, const char *from_end);
722 extern void to_unix_path(char * name);
723 extern char * fn_ext(const char *name);
724 extern char * fn_same(char * toname,const char *name,int flag);
725 extern char * fn_format(char * to,const char *name,const char *dir,
726 			   const char *form, uint flag);
727 extern size_t strlength(const char *str);
728 extern void pack_dirname(char * to,const char *from);
729 extern size_t normalize_dirname(char * to, const char *from);
730 extern size_t unpack_dirname(char * to,const char *from, my_bool *is_symdir);
731 extern size_t cleanup_dirname(char * to,const char *from);
732 extern size_t system_filename(char * to,const char *from);
733 extern size_t unpack_filename(char * to,const char *from);
734 extern char * intern_filename(char * to,const char *from);
735 extern int pack_filename(char * to, const char *name, size_t max_length);
736 extern char * my_path(char * to,const char *progname,
737 			 const char *own_pathname_part);
738 extern char * my_load_path(char * to, const char *path,
739 			      const char *own_path_prefix);
740 extern int wild_compare(const char *str,const char *wildstr,
741                         pbool str_is_pattern);
742 extern my_bool array_append_string_unique(const char *str,
743                                           const char **array, size_t size);
744 extern void get_date(char * to,int timeflag,time_t use_time);
745 extern void soundex(CHARSET_INFO *, char * out_pntr, char * in_pntr,
746                     pbool remove_garbage);
747 extern int init_record_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info,size_t cachesize,File file,
748 			     size_t reclength,enum cache_type type,
749 			     pbool use_async_io);
750 extern int read_cache_record(RECORD_CACHE *info,uchar *to);
751 extern int end_record_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info);
752 extern int write_cache_record(RECORD_CACHE *info,my_off_t filepos,
753 			      const uchar *record,size_t length);
754 extern int flush_write_cache(RECORD_CACHE *info);
755 extern void handle_recived_signals(void);
757 extern sig_handler my_set_alarm_variable(int signo);
758 extern my_bool radixsort_is_appliccable(uint n_items, size_t size_of_element);
759 extern void my_string_ptr_sort(uchar *base,uint items,size_t size);
760 extern void radixsort_for_str_ptr(uchar* base[], uint number_of_elements,
761 				  size_t size_of_element,uchar *buffer[]);
762 extern qsort_t my_qsort(void *base_ptr, size_t total_elems, size_t size,
763                         qsort_cmp cmp);
764 extern qsort_t my_qsort2(void *base_ptr, size_t total_elems, size_t size,
765                          qsort2_cmp cmp, const void *cmp_argument);
766 extern qsort2_cmp get_ptr_compare(size_t);
767 void my_store_ptr(uchar *buff, size_t pack_length, my_off_t pos);
768 my_off_t my_get_ptr(uchar *ptr, size_t pack_length);
769 extern int init_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info,File file,size_t cachesize,
770 			 enum cache_type type,my_off_t seek_offset,
771 			 pbool use_async_io, myf cache_myflags);
772 extern my_bool reinit_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info,enum cache_type type,
773 			       my_off_t seek_offset,pbool use_async_io,
774 			       pbool clear_cache);
775 extern void setup_io_cache(IO_CACHE* info);
776 extern int _my_b_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
777 extern int _my_b_read_r(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
778 extern void init_io_cache_share(IO_CACHE *read_cache, IO_CACHE_SHARE *cshare,
779                                 IO_CACHE *write_cache, uint num_threads);
780 extern void remove_io_thread(IO_CACHE *info);
781 extern int _my_b_seq_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
782 extern int _my_b_net_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
783 extern int _my_b_get(IO_CACHE *info);
784 extern int _my_b_async_read(IO_CACHE *info,uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
785 extern int _my_b_write(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
786 extern int my_b_append(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
787 extern int my_b_safe_write(IO_CACHE *info,const uchar *Buffer,size_t Count);
789 extern int my_block_write(IO_CACHE *info, const uchar *Buffer,
790 			  size_t Count, my_off_t pos);
791 extern int my_b_flush_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info, int need_append_buffer_lock);
793 #define flush_io_cache(info) my_b_flush_io_cache((info),1)
795 extern int end_io_cache(IO_CACHE *info);
796 extern size_t my_b_fill(IO_CACHE *info);
797 extern void my_b_seek(IO_CACHE *info,my_off_t pos);
798 extern size_t my_b_gets(IO_CACHE *info, char *to, size_t max_length);
799 extern my_off_t my_b_filelength(IO_CACHE *info);
800 extern size_t my_b_printf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, ...)
801   ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT(printf, 2, 3);
802 extern size_t my_b_vprintf(IO_CACHE *info, const char* fmt, va_list ap);
803 extern my_bool open_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache,const char *dir,
804 				 const char *prefix, size_t cache_size,
805 				 myf cache_myflags);
806 extern my_bool real_open_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache);
807 extern void close_cached_file(IO_CACHE *cache);
808 File create_temp_file(char *to, const char *dir, const char *pfx,
809 		      int mode, myf MyFlags);
810 #define my_init_dynamic_array(A,B,C,D) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,NULL,C,D)
811 #define my_init_dynamic_array_ci(A,B,C,D) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,NULL,C,D)
812 #define my_init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E)
813 #define my_init_dynamic_array2_ci(A,B,C,D,E) init_dynamic_array2(A,B,C,D,E)
814 extern my_bool init_dynamic_array2(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint element_size,
815                                    void *init_buffer, uint init_alloc,
816                                    uint alloc_increment);
817 /* init_dynamic_array() function is deprecated */
818 extern my_bool init_dynamic_array(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint element_size,
819                                   uint init_alloc, uint alloc_increment);
820 extern my_bool insert_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, const void *element);
821 extern void *alloc_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array);
822 extern void *pop_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY*);
823 extern my_bool set_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, const void *element,
824                            uint array_index);
825 extern my_bool allocate_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint max_elements);
826 extern void get_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, void *element,
827                         uint array_index);
828 extern void delete_dynamic(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array);
829 extern void delete_dynamic_element(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array, uint array_index);
830 extern void freeze_size(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array);
831 #define dynamic_array_ptr(array,array_index) ((array)->buffer+(array_index)*(array)->size_of_element)
832 #define dynamic_element(array,array_index,type) ((type)((array)->buffer) +(array_index))
833 #define push_dynamic(A,B) insert_dynamic((A),(B))
834 #define reset_dynamic(array) ((array)->elements= 0)
835 #define sort_dynamic(A,cmp) my_qsort((A)->buffer, (A)->elements, (A)->size_of_element, (cmp))
837 extern my_bool init_dynamic_string(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str,
838 				   size_t init_alloc,size_t alloc_increment);
839 extern my_bool dynstr_append(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append);
840 my_bool dynstr_append_mem(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append,
841 			  size_t length);
842 extern my_bool dynstr_append_os_quoted(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append,
843                                        ...);
844 extern my_bool dynstr_set(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str);
845 extern my_bool dynstr_realloc(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t additional_size);
846 extern my_bool dynstr_trunc(DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t n);
847 extern void dynstr_free(DYNAMIC_STRING *str);
848 #ifdef HAVE_MLOCK
849 extern void *my_malloc_lock(size_t length,myf flags);
850 extern void my_free_lock(void *ptr);
851 #else
852 #define my_malloc_lock(A,B) my_malloc((A),(B))
853 #define my_free_lock(A) my_free((A))
854 #endif
855 #define alloc_root_inited(A) ((A)->min_malloc != 0)
857 #define clear_alloc_root(A) do { (A)->free= (A)->used= (A)->pre_alloc= 0; (A)->min_malloc=0;} while(0)
858 extern void init_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size,
859 			    size_t pre_alloc_size);
860 extern void *alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t Size);
861 extern void *multi_alloc_root(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, ...);
862 extern void free_root(MEM_ROOT *root, myf MyFLAGS);
863 extern void set_prealloc_root(MEM_ROOT *root, char *ptr);
864 extern void reset_root_defaults(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, size_t block_size,
865                                 size_t prealloc_size);
866 extern char *strdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const char *str);
safe_strdup_root(MEM_ROOT * root,const char * str)867 static inline char *safe_strdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root, const char *str)
868 {
869   return str ? strdup_root(root, str) : 0;
870 }
871 extern char *strmake_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const char *str,size_t len);
872 extern void *memdup_root(MEM_ROOT *root,const void *str, size_t len);
873 extern my_bool my_compress(uchar *, size_t *, size_t *);
874 extern my_bool my_uncompress(uchar *, size_t , size_t *);
875 extern uchar *my_compress_alloc(const uchar *packet, size_t *len,
876                                 size_t *complen);
877 extern int packfrm(uchar *, size_t, uchar **, size_t *);
878 extern int unpackfrm(uchar **, size_t *, const uchar *);
880 extern ha_checksum my_checksum(ha_checksum crc, const uchar *mem,
881                                size_t count);
882 extern void my_sleep(ulong m_seconds);
883 extern ulong crc32(ulong crc, const uchar *buf, uint len);
884 extern uint my_set_max_open_files(uint files);
885 void my_free_open_file_info(void);
887 extern time_t my_time(myf flags);
888 extern ulonglong my_getsystime(void);
889 extern ulonglong my_micro_time();
890 extern ulonglong my_micro_time_and_time(time_t *time_arg);
891 time_t my_time_possible_from_micro(ulonglong microtime);
892 extern my_bool my_gethwaddr(uchar *to);
893 extern int my_getncpus();
895 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H
896 #include <sys/mman.h>
898 #ifndef MAP_NOSYNC
899 #define MAP_NOSYNC      0
900 #endif
901 #ifndef MAP_NORESERVE
902 #define MAP_NORESERVE 0         /* For irix and AIX */
903 #endif
905 #ifdef HAVE_MMAP64
906 #define my_mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f)    mmap64(a,b,c,d,e,f)
907 #else
908 #define my_mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f)    mmap(a,b,c,d,e,f)
909 #endif
910 #define my_munmap(a,b)          munmap((a),(b))
912 #else
913 /* not a complete set of mmap() flags, but only those that nesessary */
914 #define PROT_READ        1
915 #define PROT_WRITE       2
916 #define MAP_NORESERVE    0
917 #define MAP_SHARED       0x0001
918 #define MAP_PRIVATE      0x0002
919 #define MAP_NOSYNC       0x0800
920 #define MAP_FAILED       ((void *)-1)
921 #define MS_SYNC          0x0000
923 #define HAVE_MMAP
924 void *my_mmap(void *, size_t, int, int, int, my_off_t);
925 int my_munmap(void *, size_t);
926 #endif
928 /* my_getpagesize */
930 #define my_getpagesize()        getpagesize()
931 #else
932 int my_getpagesize(void);
933 #endif
935 int my_msync(int, void *, size_t, int);
937 /* character sets */
938 extern void my_charset_loader_init_mysys(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader);
939 extern uint get_charset_number(const char *cs_name, uint cs_flags);
940 extern uint get_collation_number(const char *name);
941 extern const char *get_charset_name(uint cs_number);
943 extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset(uint cs_number, myf flags);
944 extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_name(const char *cs_name, myf flags);
945 extern CHARSET_INFO *my_collation_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader,
946                                               const char *name, myf flags);
947 extern CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_csname(const char *cs_name,
948 					   uint cs_flags, myf my_flags);
949 extern CHARSET_INFO *my_charset_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader,
950                                             const char *name,
951                                             uint cs_flags, myf my_flags);
952 extern my_bool resolve_charset(const char *cs_name,
953                                const CHARSET_INFO *default_cs,
954                                const CHARSET_INFO **cs);
955 extern my_bool resolve_collation(const char *cl_name,
956                                  const CHARSET_INFO *default_cl,
957                                  const CHARSET_INFO **cl);
958 extern void free_charsets(void);
959 extern char *get_charsets_dir(char *buf);
960 extern my_bool my_charset_same(const CHARSET_INFO *cs1,
961                                const CHARSET_INFO *cs2);
962 extern my_bool init_compiled_charsets(myf flags);
963 extern void add_compiled_collation(CHARSET_INFO *cs);
964 extern size_t escape_string_for_mysql(const CHARSET_INFO *charset_info,
965                                       char *to, size_t to_length,
966                                       const char *from, size_t length);
967 #ifdef __WIN__
969 /* File system character set */
970 extern CHARSET_INFO *fs_character_set(void);
971 #endif
972 extern size_t escape_quotes_for_mysql(CHARSET_INFO *charset_info,
973                                       char *to, size_t to_length,
974                                       const char *from, size_t length);
976 extern void thd_increment_bytes_sent(ulong length);
977 extern void thd_increment_bytes_received(ulong length);
979 #ifdef __WIN__
980 extern my_bool have_tcpip;		/* Is set if tcpip is used */
982 /* implemented in my_windac.c */
984 int my_security_attr_create(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES **psa, const char **perror,
985                             DWORD owner_rights, DWORD everybody_rights);
987 void my_security_attr_free(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *sa);
989 /* implemented in my_conio.c */
990 my_bool my_win_is_console(FILE *file);
991 char *my_win_console_readline(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, char *mbbuf, size_t mbbufsize);
992 void my_win_console_write(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *data, size_t datalen);
993 void my_win_console_fputs(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *data);
994 void my_win_console_putc(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, int c);
995 void my_win_console_vfprintf(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, const char *fmt, va_list args);
996 int my_win_translate_command_line_args(const CHARSET_INFO *cs, int *ac, char ***av);
997 #endif /* __WIN__ */
999 #include <mysql/psi/psi.h>
1002 extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT struct PSI_bootstrap *PSI_hook;
1003 extern void set_psi_server(PSI *psi);
1004 void my_init_mysys_psi_keys(void);
1005 #endif
1007 struct st_mysql_file;
1008 extern struct st_mysql_file *mysql_stdin;
1010 enum durability_properties
1011 {
1012   /*
1013     Preserves the durability properties defined by the engine */
1015   /*
1016      Ignore the durability properties defined by the engine and
1017      write only in-memory entries.
1018   */
1020 };
1023 #endif /* _my_sys_h */