1 /*
2  Copyright 2011-2012 Karsten Ahnert
3  Copyright 2011-2013 Mario Mulansky
5  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
6  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
7  copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
8  */
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <cmath>
12 #include <utility>
15 #include <thrust/device_vector.h>
16 #include <thrust/reduce.h>
17 #include <thrust/functional.h>
19 #include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
21 #include <boost/numeric/odeint/external/thrust/thrust.hpp>
23 #include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
24 #include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
25 #include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
28 using namespace std;
29 using namespace boost::numeric::odeint;
31 //change this to float if your device does not support double computation
32 typedef double value_type;
34 //change this to host_vector< ... > of you want to run on CPU
35 typedef thrust::device_vector< value_type > state_type;
36 typedef thrust::device_vector< size_t > index_vector_type;
37 // typedef thrust::host_vector< value_type > state_type;
38 // typedef thrust::host_vector< size_t > index_vector_type;
41 const value_type sigma = 10.0;
42 const value_type b = 8.0 / 3.0;
45 //[ thrust_lorenz_parameters_define_simple_system
46 struct lorenz_system
47 {
48     struct lorenz_functor
49     {
50         template< class T >
51         __host__ __device__
operator ()lorenz_system::lorenz_functor52         void operator()( T t ) const
53         {
54             // unpack the parameter we want to vary and the Lorenz variables
55             value_type R = thrust::get< 3 >( t );
56             value_type x = thrust::get< 0 >( t );
57             value_type y = thrust::get< 1 >( t );
58             value_type z = thrust::get< 2 >( t );
59             thrust::get< 4 >( t ) = sigma * ( y - x );
60             thrust::get< 5 >( t ) = R * x - y - x * z;
61             thrust::get< 6 >( t ) = -b * z + x * y ;
63         }
64     };
lorenz_systemlorenz_system66     lorenz_system( size_t N , const state_type &beta )
67     : m_N( N ) , m_beta( beta ) { }
69     template< class State , class Deriv >
operator ()lorenz_system70     void operator()(  const State &x , Deriv &dxdt , value_type t ) const
71     {
72         thrust::for_each(
73                 thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
74                         boost::begin( x ) ,
75                         boost::begin( x ) + m_N ,
76                         boost::begin( x ) + 2 * m_N ,
77                         m_beta.begin() ,
78                         boost::begin( dxdt ) ,
79                         boost::begin( dxdt ) + m_N ,
80                         boost::begin( dxdt ) + 2 * m_N  ) ) ,
81                 thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
82                         boost::begin( x ) + m_N ,
83                         boost::begin( x ) + 2 * m_N ,
84                         boost::begin( x ) + 3 * m_N ,
85                         m_beta.begin() ,
86                         boost::begin( dxdt ) + m_N ,
87                         boost::begin( dxdt ) + 2 * m_N ,
88                         boost::begin( dxdt ) + 3 * m_N  ) ) ,
89                 lorenz_functor() );
90     }
91     size_t m_N;
92     const state_type &m_beta;
93 };
94 //]
96 struct lorenz_perturbation_system
97 {
98     struct lorenz_perturbation_functor
99     {
100         template< class T >
101         __host__ __device__
operator ()lorenz_perturbation_system::lorenz_perturbation_functor102         void operator()( T t ) const
103         {
104             value_type R = thrust::get< 1 >( t );
105             value_type x = thrust::get< 0 >( thrust::get< 0 >( t ) );
106             value_type y = thrust::get< 1 >( thrust::get< 0 >( t ) );
107             value_type z = thrust::get< 2 >( thrust::get< 0 >( t ) );
108             value_type dx = thrust::get< 3 >( thrust::get< 0 >( t ) );
109             value_type dy = thrust::get< 4 >( thrust::get< 0 >( t ) );
110             value_type dz = thrust::get< 5 >( thrust::get< 0 >( t ) );
111             thrust::get< 0 >( thrust::get< 2 >( t ) ) = sigma * ( y - x );
112             thrust::get< 1 >( thrust::get< 2 >( t ) ) = R * x - y - x * z;
113             thrust::get< 2 >( thrust::get< 2 >( t ) ) = -b * z + x * y ;
114             thrust::get< 3 >( thrust::get< 2 >( t ) ) = sigma * ( dy - dx );
115             thrust::get< 4 >( thrust::get< 2 >( t ) ) = ( R - z ) * dx - dy - x * dz;
116             thrust::get< 5 >( thrust::get< 2 >( t ) ) = y * dx + x * dy - b * dz;
117         }
118     };
lorenz_perturbation_systemlorenz_perturbation_system120     lorenz_perturbation_system( size_t N , const state_type &beta )
121     : m_N( N ) , m_beta( beta ) { }
123     template< class State , class Deriv >
operator ()lorenz_perturbation_system124     void operator()(  const State &x , Deriv &dxdt , value_type t ) const
125     {
126         thrust::for_each(
127                 thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
128                         thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
129                                 boost::begin( x ) ,
130                                 boost::begin( x ) + m_N ,
131                                 boost::begin( x ) + 2 * m_N ,
132                                 boost::begin( x ) + 3 * m_N ,
133                                 boost::begin( x ) + 4 * m_N ,
134                                 boost::begin( x ) + 5 * m_N ) ) ,
135                         m_beta.begin() ,
136                         thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
137                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) ,
138                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + m_N ,
139                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 2 * m_N ,
140                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 3 * m_N ,
141                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 4 * m_N ,
142                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 5 * m_N ) )
143                 ) ) ,
144                 thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
145                         thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
146                                 boost::begin( x ) + m_N ,
147                                 boost::begin( x ) + 2 * m_N ,
148                                 boost::begin( x ) + 3 * m_N ,
149                                 boost::begin( x ) + 4 * m_N ,
150                                 boost::begin( x ) + 5 * m_N ,
151                                 boost::begin( x ) + 6 * m_N ) ) ,
152                         m_beta.begin() ,
153                         thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
154                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + m_N ,
155                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 2 * m_N ,
156                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 3 * m_N ,
157                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 4 * m_N ,
158                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 5 * m_N ,
159                                 boost::begin( dxdt ) + 6 * m_N  ) )
160                 ) ) ,
161                 lorenz_perturbation_functor() );
162     }
164     size_t m_N;
165     const state_type &m_beta;
166 };
168 struct lyap_observer
169 {
170     //[thrust_lorenz_parameters_observer_functor
171     struct lyap_functor
172     {
173         template< class T >
174         __host__ __device__
operator ()lyap_observer::lyap_functor175         void operator()( T t ) const
176         {
177             value_type &dx = thrust::get< 0 >( t );
178             value_type &dy = thrust::get< 1 >( t );
179             value_type &dz = thrust::get< 2 >( t );
180             value_type norm = sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz );
181             dx /= norm;
182             dy /= norm;
183             dz /= norm;
184             thrust::get< 3 >( t ) += log( norm );
185         }
186     };
187     //]
lyap_observerlyap_observer189     lyap_observer( size_t N , size_t every = 100 )
190     : m_N( N ) , m_lyap( N ) , m_every( every ) , m_count( 0 )
191     {
192         thrust::fill( m_lyap.begin() , m_lyap.end() , 0.0 );
193     }
195     template< class Lyap >
fill_lyaplyap_observer196     void fill_lyap( Lyap &lyap )
197     {
198         thrust::copy( m_lyap.begin() , m_lyap.end() , lyap.begin() );
199         for( size_t i=0 ; i<lyap.size() ; ++i )
200             lyap[i] /= m_t_overall;
201     }
204     template< class State >
operator ()lyap_observer205     void operator()( State &x , value_type t )
206     {
207         if( ( m_count != 0 ) && ( ( m_count % m_every ) == 0 ) )
208         {
209             thrust::for_each(
210                     thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
211                             boost::begin( x ) + 3 * m_N ,
212                             boost::begin( x ) + 4 * m_N ,
213                             boost::begin( x ) + 5 * m_N ,
214                             m_lyap.begin() ) ) ,
215                     thrust::make_zip_iterator( thrust::make_tuple(
216                             boost::begin( x ) + 4 * m_N ,
217                             boost::begin( x ) + 5 * m_N ,
218                             boost::begin( x ) + 6 * m_N ,
219                             m_lyap.end() ) ) ,
220                     lyap_functor() );
221             clog << t << "\n";
222         }
223         ++m_count;
224         m_t_overall = t;
225     }
227     size_t m_N;
228     state_type m_lyap;
229     size_t m_every;
230     size_t m_count;
231     value_type m_t_overall;
232 };
234 const size_t N = 1024*2;
235 const value_type dt = 0.01;
main(int arc,char * argv[])238 int main( int arc , char* argv[] )
239 {
240     int driver_version , runtime_version;
241     cudaDriverGetVersion( &driver_version );
242     cudaRuntimeGetVersion ( &runtime_version );
243     cout << driver_version << "\t" << runtime_version << endl;
246     //[ thrust_lorenz_parameters_define_beta
247     vector< value_type > beta_host( N );
248     const value_type beta_min = 0.0 , beta_max = 56.0;
249     for( size_t i=0 ; i<N ; ++i )
250         beta_host[i] = beta_min + value_type( i ) * ( beta_max - beta_min ) / value_type( N - 1 );
252     state_type beta = beta_host;
253     //]
255     //[ thrust_lorenz_parameters_integration
256     state_type x( 6 * N );
258     // initialize x,y,z
259     thrust::fill( x.begin() , x.begin() + 3 * N , 10.0 );
261     // initial dx
262     thrust::fill( x.begin() + 3 * N , x.begin() + 4 * N , 1.0 );
264     // initialize dy,dz
265     thrust::fill( x.begin() + 4 * N , x.end() , 0.0 );
268     // create error stepper, can be used with make_controlled or make_dense_output
269     typedef runge_kutta_dopri5< state_type , value_type , state_type , value_type > stepper_type;
272     lorenz_system lorenz( N , beta );
273     lorenz_perturbation_system lorenz_perturbation( N , beta );
274     lyap_observer obs( N , 1 );
276     // calculate transients
277     integrate_adaptive( make_controlled( 1.0e-6 , 1.0e-6 , stepper_type() ) , lorenz , std::make_pair( x.begin() , x.begin() + 3 * N ) , 0.0 , 10.0 , dt );
279     // calculate the Lyapunov exponents -- the main loop
280     double t = 0.0;
281     while( t < 10000.0 )
282     {
283         integrate_adaptive( make_controlled( 1.0e-6 , 1.0e-6 , stepper_type() ) , lorenz_perturbation , x , t , t + 1.0 , 0.1 );
284         t += 1.0;
285         obs( x , t );
286     }
288     vector< value_type > lyap( N );
289     obs.fill_lyap( lyap );
291     for( size_t i=0 ; i<N ; ++i )
292         cout << beta_host[i] << "\t" << lyap[i] << "\n";
293     //]
295     return 0;
296 }