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2    DBD::PgLite - PostgreSQL emulation mode for SQLite
5      use DBI;
6      my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:PgLite:dbname=file');
7      # The following PostgreSQL-flavoured SQL is invalid
8      # in SQLite directly, but works using PgLite
9      my $sql = q[
10        SELECT
11          news_id, title, cat_id, cat_name, sc_id sc_name,
12          to_char(news_created,'FMDD.FMMM.YYYY') AS ndate
13        FROM
14          news
15          NATURAL JOIN x_news_cat
16          NATURAL JOIN cat
17          NATURAL JOIN subcat
18        WHERE
19          news_active = TRUE
20          AND news_created > NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days'
21      ];
22      my $res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql,{Columns=>{}});
23      # From v. 0.05 with full sequence function support
24      my $get_nid = "SELECT NEXTVAL('news_news_id_seq')";
25      my $news_id = $dbh->selectrow_array($get_nid);
28    The module automatically and transparently transforms a broad range of
29    SQL statements typical of PostgreSQL into a form suitable for use in
30    SQLite. This involves both (a) parsing and filtering of the SQL; and (b)
31    the addition of several PostgreSQL-compatible functions to SQLite.
33    Mainly because of datatype issues, support for many PostgreSQL features
34    simply cannot be provided without elaborate planning and detailed
35    metadata. Since this module is intended to be usable with any SQLite3
36    database, it follows that the emulation is limited in several respects.
37    An overview of what works and what doesn't is given in the following
38    section on PostgreSQL Compatibility.
40    DBD::PgLite has support of a sort for stored procedures. This is
41    described in the Extras section below. So are the few database functions
42    defined by this module which are not in PostgreSQL. Finally, the Extras
43    section contains a brief mention of the DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite
44    companion module.
46    If you do not want SQL filtering to be turned on by default for the
47    entire session, you can connect setting the connection attribute
48    *FilterSQL* to a false value:
50      my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:PgLite:dbname=$fn",
51                             undef, undef, {FilterSQL=>0});
53    To turn filtering off (or on) for a single statement, you can specify
54    *FilterSQL* option as a statement attribute, e.g.:
56      $dbh->do($sql, {FilterSQL=>0}, @bind);
57      my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql, {FilterSQL=>0});
58      $res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, {FilterSQL=>0}, @bind);
60    It is possible to specify user-defined pre- and postfiltering routines,
61    both globally (by specifying them as attributes of the database handle)
62    and locally (by specifying them as statement attributes):
64      $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:PgLite:$file",undef,undef,
65                          {prefilter=>\&prefilter});
66      $res = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql,
67                                      {postfilter=>\&postfilter},
68                                      @bind_values);
70    The pre-/postfiltering subroutine receives the SQL as parameter and is
71    expected to return the changed SQL.
74    This module was initially developed using SQLite 3.0 and PostgreSQL 7.3,
75    but it should be fully compatible with newer versions of both SQLite
76    (3.1 and 3.2 have been tested) and PostgreSQL (8.1 has been tested).
78    Support for SELECT statements and the WHERE-conditions of DELETE and
79    UPDATE statements is rather good, though still incomplete. The module
80    especially focuses on NATURAL JOIN differences and commonly used,
81    built-in PostgreSQL functions.
83    Support for inserted/updated values in INSERT and UPDATE statements
84    could use some improvement but is useable for simple things.
86    There is no support for differences in DDL.
88    The SQL transformations used are not based on a formal grammar but on
89    applying simple regular expressions. An obvious consequence of this is
90    that they may depend excessively on the author's SQL style. YMMV. (I
91    would however like you to contact me if you come across some SQL
92    statements which you feel should work but that don't).
94    The development of this module has been driven by personal needs, and so
95    is likely to be even more one-sided than the above description suggests.
98    In this section, the PostgreSQL functions and operators supported by the
99    module are enumerated.
101  Regex operators
102    *   The regex operators "~", "~*", "!~" and "!~*" are transformed into
103        calls to the user-defined function matches(). The regex flavour
104        supported is Perl, not plain vanilla POSIX, so some
105        incompatibilities may arise.
107    *   Note that for ease of parsing, whitespace before and after the
108        operator is required for the filtering to succeed. So "col ~ 'pat'"
109        works, but "col~'pat'" doesn't.
111    *   "SIMILAR TO" is not supported.
113    *   ILIKE is quietly changed to LIKE. LIKE in SQLite is case-insensitive
114        for 7-bit characters. In future, ILIKE will probably be handled more
115        elegantly, and LIKE will be redefined so as to be more like
116        PostgreSQL.
118  Math Functions
119    *   Added: abs, cbrt, ceil, degrees, exp, floor, ln, log (1- and
120        2-argument forms), mod, pi, pow, radians, sign, sqrt, trunc (1- and
121        2-argument forms), acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, cot, sin, tan.
123    *   random() exists in SQLite but was redefined to conform better with
124        PostgreSQL in terms of value range. setseed() was also added, but is
125        not entirely compatible with PostgreSQL in the sense that setting
126        the random seed does not engender the same sequence of pseudo-random
127        numbers as it would in PostgreSQL.
129    *   SQLite already has a handful of mathematical functions which have
130        been left alone, notably round() (1- and 2-argument forms).
132  String Functions
133    The only string functions which are present natively in SQLite are
134    substr(), lower() and upper(). These have been left alone. Added
135    functions are the following:
137    *   ascii, bit_length, btrim, char_length, character_length, chr,
138        convert (1- and 2-arg), decode, encode, initcap, length, lpad,
139        ltrim, md5, octet_length, position, pg_client_encoding (always
140        'SQL_ASCII'), quote_ident, quote_literal, repeat, replace, rpad,
141        rtrim, split_part, strpos, substring(string,offset,length),
142        substring(string from pattern), to_ascii (assumes latin-1 input),
143        to_hex, translate, trim.
145    Except for convert(), where another input encoding can be specified
146    explicitly, these functions all assume that the strings are in an 8-bit
147    character set, preferably iso-8859-1.
149    The little-used idiom "substring(string from pattern for escape)" (where
150    'pattern' is not a POSIX regular expression but a SQL pattern) is not
151    supported. Otherwise support for string functions is pretty complete.
153  Data Type Formatting Functions
154    The implementation of these functions is impeded by the sparse type
155    system employed by SQLite. Workarounds are possible, however, so this
156    area will probably be better covered in future.
158    *   to_char(timestamp, format) is mostly supported. There is support for
159        most formatting strings (all except 'Y,YYY', 'IYYY', 'IYY', 'IY',
160        'I', 'J', 'TZ', and 'tz'). The FM prefix is supported for 'MM', 'DD'
161        and 'HH*', but not otherwise. Other prefixes are not supported.
163    *   to_char(interval, format) and to_char(number, format) are not
164        currently supported. Nor are to_date(), to_timestamp() and
165        to_number() (yet).
167  Date/Time Functions
168    Again, SQLite's intrinsically bad support for dates and intervals makes
169    this area somewhat hard to cover properly. Function support is as
170    follows; also note the caveats below:
172    *   Supported: now, current_date, current_time, current_datetime,
173        date_part (with timestamps, not intervals), date_trunc, extract
174        (with timestamps, not intervals), localtime, localtimestamp,
175        timeofday.
177    *   Not supported: age, isfinite, overlaps.
179    Versions of SQLite 3.1 and later support some of these functions, e.g.
180    current_date. In these versions the built-in will be overridden.
182    The module makes no distinction between time/timestamp with and without
183    time zone. It is assumed that times and timestamps are either all GMT or
184    all localtime; time zone information is silently discarded. This may
185    change later.
187    Support for calculations with dates and intervals is still very limited.
188    Basically, what is supported are expressions of the form "expr +/-
189    interval 'descr'" where expr reduces to a timestamp or date value.
191    If a transaction is started with begin_work(), the time as represented
192    by now() and friends is "frozen" in the same way as in PostgreSQL until
193    commit() or rollback() are called. A transaction started by simply
194    running the SQL statement "BEGIN" does not, however, trigger this
195    behaviour. Nor is the time automatically "unfrozen" when an error occurs
196    during a transaction; you need to catch exceptions and call rollback()
197    manually.
199  Sequence Manipulation Functions
200    *   There is now full support for all explicit invocations of the
201        sequence functions nextval(), setval(), currval() and lastval().
202        Sequences are emulated using the table pglite_seq. (This works even
203        with multiple connections to the same database file, some of which
204        are using transactions, since SQLite transactions lock the whole
205        database file, luckily eliminating any risk of two connections
206        getting the same value from a nextval() call).
208        Please be aware that sequences are autogenerated if they do not
209        exist. Be careful to specify the appropriate sequence names or you
210        will get unexpected results.
212        If a sequence being autogenerated ends with '_seq' and has a name
213        which seems to match an existing table + an integer column from that
214        table (tablename_colname_seq), it is given an initial value based on
215        the maximum value in the column in question.
217        There is as yet no support for CREATE SEQUENCE statements. Use the
218        autogeneration feature to create sequences.
220        Implicit calls to NEXTVAL() by omitting the serial column from the
221        column list in an INSERT are caught in most cases. The main
222        conditions that must be fulfilled for this to work are: (1) that the
223        column in question is an integer column which is the sole primary
224        key on the table; and (2) that the statement is a normal INSERT with
225        a column list and a VALUES clause (and not, e.g., a statement of the
226        form INSERT INTO x SELECT * FROM y).
228        There is as yet no interaction with the SQLite builtin
229        autoincrement/last_insert_rowid() functionality in connection with
230        the sequence function support.
232  Aggregate Functions
233    *   max(), min(), count() and sum() are already supported by SQLite and
234        have been left alone. Note that the construct "count(distinct
235        colname)" is not supported unless the SQLite version being used
236        supports it (3.2.6 and later).
238    *   avg() has been added.
240    *   stddev() and variance() are not supported.
242  A Note on Casting
243    Casting using the construct "::datatype" is not supported in general.
244    However, "::int", "::date" and "::bool" should work as expected. All
245    other casts are silently discarded.
247  A Note on Booleans
248    This module assumes that booleans will be stored as numeric values in
249    the SQLite database. SQLite interprets 0 as false and any non-zero
250    numeric value as true. Accordingly, expressions such as "= TRUE" and "=
251    't'" are simply removed in SELECT and DELETE statements. Likewise, "expr
252    = FALSE" is turned into "NOT expr" before being passed on to SQLite.
254    In INSERT and DELETE statements, TRUE and FALSE (as well as 't'::bool
255    and 'f'::bool - but not 't' and 'f' by themselves) are turned into 1 and
256    0.
258  Current_user etc.
259    The functions current_user(), session_user() and user() - with or
260    without parentheses - all mean the same thing. They return the username
261    of the effective uid.
263  Other Functions
264    The main groups of other functions (not supported by this module at all)
265    are:
267    *   Database/user information functions: Aside from
268        current_user/session_user/user, which were mentioned above, no
269        functions in this group are supported. This includes
270        current_database(), current_schema(), all functions with names
271        starting with 'pg_' and 'has_', obj_description and col_description.
272        See
273        http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-misc.html
275    *   Array functions are not implemented - see
276        http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-array.html
278    *   Binary string (BYTEA) functions are not implemented - see
279        http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-binarystring
280        .html
282    *   Geometric functions are not implemented - see
283        http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-geometry.htm
284        l
286    *   Network Address Functions are not implemented - see
287        http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-net.html
290  Stored Procedures
291    If the active database file contains a table called pglite_functions,
292    the module assumes that it will have the following structure:
294      CREATE TABLE pglite_functions (
295        name   TEXT,   -- name  of the function
296        argnum INT,    -- number of arguments (-1 means any number)
297        type   TEXT,   -- can be 'sql' or 'perl'
298        sql    TEXT,   -- the body of the function
299        PRIMARY KEY (name, argnum)
300      );
302    In the case of a SQL-type function, it can contain syntax supported
303    through the module (and not directly by SQLite). The numeric arguments
304    ($1-$9) customary in PostgreSQL are supported, so that in many cases
305    simple functions will be directly transferrable from pg_proc in a
306    PostgreSQL database.
308    An instance of a SQL snippet which would work as a function body both in
309    PostgreSQL and PgLite (e.g. with the function name 'full_price_descr'):
311      SELECT TRIM(group_name||': '||price_description)
312        FROM price_group NATURAL JOIN price
313        WHERE price_id = $1
315    As for perl-type functions, the function body is simply the text of a
316    subroutine. Here is a simple example of a function body for the function
317    'commify', which takes two arguments: the number to be formatted and the
318    desired number of decimal places:
320      sub {
321        my ($num,$dp) = @_;
322        my $format = "%.${dp}f";
323        $num = scalar reverse(sprintf $format, $num);
324        my $rest = $1 if $num =~ s/^(\d+)\.//;
325        $num =~ s/(...)/$1,/g;
326        $num = "$rest.$num" if $rest;
327        return scalar reverse($num);
328      }
330  Non-Pg Functions
331    matches(), imatches():
332        These functions are used behind the scenes to implement support for
333        the '~' regex-matching operator and its variants. They take two
334        arguments, a string and a regular expression. matches() is case
335        sensitive, imatches() isn't.
337    matches_safe(), imatches_safe():
338        These work in the same way as matches() and imatches() except that
339        metacharacters are escaped in the regex argument. They are therefore
340        in many cases more suitable for user input and other untrusted
341        sources.
343    lower_latin1():
344        Depending on platform, lower() and upper() may not transform the
345        case of non-ascii characters despite a proper locale being defined
346        in the environment. This functions assumes that a Latin-1 locale is
347        active and returns a lower-case version of the input given this
348        assumption.
350    localeorder():
351        DBD::SQLite does not provide access to defining SQLite collation
352        functions. This is a workaround for a specific case where this
353        limitation can be an issue. Given a Latin-1 encoded string, it
354        returns a string of hex digits which can be ascii-sorted in the
355        ordinary way. The resulting row order will be in accordance with the
356        currently active locele - but only if the locale is Latin-1 based.
357        The sort is case-insensitive.
359    locale():
360        An information function simply returning the name of the current
361        locale. The module sets the locale based on the environment
362        variables $ENV{LC_COLLATE}, $ENV{LC_ALL}, $ENV{LANG}, and
363        $ENV{LC_CTYPE}, in that order. Currently it is not possible to use
364        different locales for character type and collation, as far as the
365        module is concerned.
367  DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite
368    The companion module, DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite, may be of use in
369    conjunction with this module. It can be used for easily mirroring
370    specific tables from a PostgreSQL database, moving views and (some)
371    functions as well if desired.
374    Some functions defined by the module are not suitable for use with UTF-8
375    data and/or in an UTF-8 locale. (This, however, would be rather easy to
376    change if you're willing to sacrifice proper support for 8-bit locales
377    such as iso-8859-1).
379    Please do not make the mistake of using this module for an important
380    production system - too much can go wrong. But as a development tool it
381    can be useful, and as a toy it can be fun...
384    There is a lot left undone. The next step is probably to handle
385    non-SELECT statements better.
388    DBI, DBD::SQLite, DBD::Pg, DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite;
391    Johan Vromans, for encouraging me to improve the sequence support.
394    Baldur Kristinsson (bk@mbl.is), 2006.
396     Copyright (c) 2006 Baldur Kristinsson. All rights reserved.
397     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
398     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
402    DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite - Mirror tables from PostgreSQL to SQLite
405     use DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite qw(pg_to_sqlite);
406     pg_to_sqlite(
407         sqlite_file => '/var/pg_mirror/news.sqlite',
408         pg_dbh      => $dbh,
409         schema      => 'news',
410         tables      => [ qw(news cat img /^x_news/)],
411         views       => [ 'v_newslist' ],
412         indexes     => 1,
413         verbose     => 1,
414         snapshot    => 1,
415     );
418    The purpose of this module is to facilitate mirroring of tables from a
419    PostgreSQL dataabse to a SQLite file. The module has only be tested with
420    PostgreSQL 7.3 and SQLite 3.0-3.2. SQLite 2.x will probably not work; as
421    for PostgreSQL, any version after 7.2 is supposed to work. If it
422    doesn't, please let me know.
424    As seen above, options to the pg_to_sqlite() function (which is exported
425    on request) are passed in as a hash. These options are described below.
426    The default values can be changed by overriding the
427    DBD::PgLite::MirrorPgToSQLite::defaults() subroutine.
429  Required options
430    Obviously, the mirroring function needs either a PosgtgreSQL database
431    connection or enough information to be able to connect to the database
432    by itself. It also needs the name of a target SQLite file, and a list of
433    tables to copy between the two databases.
435    pg_dbh, pg_user, pg_pass, pg_dsn
436        If a database handle is specified in *pg_dbh*, it takes precedence.
437        Otherwise we try to connect using *pg_dsn*, *pg_user*, and *pg_pass*
438        (which are assigned defaults based on the environment variables
439        PGDATABASE, PGUSER and PGPASSWORD, if any of these is present).
441    tables
442        The value of the required *tables* option should be an arrayref of
443        strings or a string containing a comma-separated list of tablenames
444        and tablename patterns. A tablename pattern is a string or distinct
445        string portion delimited by forward slashes. To clarify: Suppose
446        that a database contains the tables news, img, img_group, cat,
447        users, comments, news_read_log, x_news_cat, x_news_img, and
448        x_img_group; and that we want to mirror news, img, cat, x_news_img
449        and x_news_cat, leaving the other tables alone. To achieve this, you
450        would set the *tables* option to any of the following (there are of
451        course also other possibilities):
453         (1) [qw(news img cat x_news_img x_news_cat)]
454         (2) 'news, img, cat, x_news_img, x_news_cat'
455         (3) [qw(news /img$/ /cat$/)]
456         (4) 'news,/img$/,/cat/'
458        The purpose of this seemingly unneccesary flexibility in how the
459        table list is specified is to make the functionality of the module
460        more easily accessible from the command line.
462        Please note that the patterns between the slash delimiters are not
463        Perl regular expressions but rather POSIX regular expressions, used
464        to query the PostgreSQL system tables directly.
466    sqlite_file
467        This should specify the full path to a SQLite file. While the
468        mirroring takes place, the incoming data is not written directly to
469        this file, but to a file with the same name except for a '.tmp'
470        extension. When the operation has finished, the previous file with
471        the name specified (if any) is renamed with a '.bak' extension, and
472        the .tmp file is renamed to the requested filename. Unless you use
473        the *append* option, the information previously in the file will be
474        totally replaced.
476  Other options
477    schema
478        This signifies the schema from which the tables on the PostgreSQL
479        side are to be fetched. Default: 'public'. Only one schema can be
480        specified at a time.
482    where
483        A WHERE-condition appended to the SELECT-statement used to get data
484        from the PostgreSQL tables.
487        A list of views, specified in the same manner as the list of tables
488        for the *tables* option. An attempt is made to define corresponding
489        views on the SQLite side (though this functionality is far from
490        reliable).
492    indexes
493        A boolean option indicating whether to create indexes for the same
494        columns in SQLite as in PostgreSQL. Default: false. (Normally only
495        the primary key is created).
497    functions
498        A boolean indicating whether to attempt to create functions on the
499        SQLite side corresponding to any SQL language (NOT PL/pgSQL or other
500        procedural language) functions in the PostgreSQL database. This is
501        for use with DBD::PgLite only, since these functions are put into
502        the pglite_functions table. Default: false.
504    page_limit
505        Normally the information from the PostgreSQL tables is read into
506        memory in one go and transferred directly to the SQLite file. This
507        is, however, obviously not desireable for very large tables. If the
508        PostgreSQL system tables report that the page count for the table is
509        above the limit specified by *page_limit*, the table is instead
510        transferred row-by-row. Default value: 5000; since each page
511        normally is 8K, this represents about 40 MB on disk and perhaps
512        70-100 MB of memory usage by the Perl process. For page_limit to
513        work, the table must have a primary key.
515        NB! Do not set this limit lower than necessary: it is orders of
516        magnitude slower than the default "slurp into memory" mode.
518    append
519        If this boolean option is true, then instead of creating a new
520        SQLite file, the current contents of the *sqlite_file* are added to.
521        If a table which is being mirrored existed previously in the file,
522        it is dropped and recreated, but any tables not being copied from
523        PostgreSQL in the current run are left alone. (This is primarily
524        useful for mirroring some tables in toto, and others only in part,
525        into the same file). Default: false. Incompatible with the
526        *snapshot* option.
528    snapshot
529        If this is true, then the copying from PostgreSQL takes place in
530        serialized mode (transaction isolation level serializable), which
531        should ensure consistency of relations between tables linked by
532        foreign key constraints. Currently, foreign keys are not created on
533        the SQLite side, however. Default: false. Incompatible with the
534        *append* option.
536    cachedir
537        The current method for getting information about table structure in
538        PostgreSQL is somewhat slow, especially for databases with very many
539        tables. To offset this, table definitions are cached in a temporary
540        directory so that subsequent mirrorings of the same table will go
541        faster. The downside is, of course, that if the table structure
542        changes, the cache needs to be cleared manually. The cache directory
543        can be specified using this option; the default is
544        /tmp/sqlite_mirror_cache (with separate subdirectories for each
545        user).
547    verbose
548        If this is true, a few messages will be output to stderr during the
549        mirroring process.
552    *   Support for foreign keys is missing.
554    *   The method used to read tables bigger than *page_limit* needs to be
555        improved.
557    *   It would be nice to have a quick way of telling whether the cached
558        table definition of a specific table is still valid.
560    *   Tests.
563    Baldur Kristinsson (bk@mbl.is), 2004-2006.
565     Copyright (c) 2006 Baldur Kristinsson. All rights reserved.
566     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
567     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.