1# 2# Bug#20315088 LCASE/LTRIM, SOURCE AND DESTINATION OVERLAP IN MEMCPY 3# 4do lcase(ltrim(from_unixtime(0,' %T '))); 5do _cp852 "" <= lcase(trim(leading 1 from 12222)) not between '1' and '2'; 6do decode(substring(sha1('1'),'11'),25); 7do encode(mid(sysdate(),"5",1),'11'); 8do upper(substring(1.111111111111111111 from '2n')); 9Warnings: 10Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '2n' 11Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '2n' 12do nullif(1,'-' between lcase(right(11111111," 7,]" ))and '1'); 13Warnings: 14Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: ' 7,]' 15Warning 1292 Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: ' 7,]' 16do upper(right(198039009115594390000000000000000000000.000000,35)); 17do concat('111','11111111111111111111111111', 18substring_index(uuid(),0,1.111111e+308)); 19do replace(ltrim(from_unixtime(0,' %T ')), '0', '1'); 20do insert(ltrim(from_unixtime(0,' %T ')), 2, 1, 'hi'); 21set @old_collation_connection=@@collation_connection; 22set collation_connection="utf8_general_ci"; 23do replace(ltrim(from_unixtime(0,' %T ')), '0', '1'); 24set collation_connection=@old_collation_connection; 25