1drop table if exists t1;
2drop function if exists foofct;
3drop procedure if exists empty;
4drop procedure if exists foosp;
5drop procedure if exists nicesp;
6drop trigger if exists t1_empty;
7drop trigger if exists t1_bi;
8"Pass 1 : --disable-comments"
13foofct("call 1")
14call 1
15Function	sql_mode	Create Function	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
16foofct	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `foofct`(x char(20)) RETURNS char(20) CHARSET latin1\nreturn\n\n\n\nx	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
17foofct("call 2")
18call 2
19Function	sql_mode	Create Function	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
20foofct	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `foofct`(x char(20)) RETURNS char(20) CHARSET latin1\nbegin\n  \n  \n  \n\n  \n\n  \n  return x;\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
21Procedure	sql_mode	Create Procedure	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
22empty	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `empty`()\nbegin\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
23id	data
24foo	42
25Procedure	sql_mode	Create Procedure	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
26foosp	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `foosp`()\ninsert into test.t1\n\n\n\n\n  \n\n  \n  values ("foo", 42)	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
27Procedure	sql_mode	Create Procedure	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
28nicesp	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `nicesp`(a int)\nbegin\n  \n  declare b int;\n  declare c float;\n\n  \n  \n\n  \nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
29Trigger	sql_mode	SQL Original Statement	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
30t1_empty	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` trigger t1_empty after delete on t1\nfor each row\nbegin\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
31Trigger	sql_mode	SQL Original Statement	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
32t1_bi	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` trigger t1_bi before insert on t1\nfor each row\nbegin\n\n\n\n  \n  declare b int;\n  declare c float;\n\n  \n  \n\n  \n  set NEW.data := 12;\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
33id	data
34trig	12
35"Pass 2 : --enable-comments"
40foofct("call 1")
41call 1
42Function	sql_mode	Create Function	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
43foofct	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `foofct`(x char(20)) RETURNS char(20) CHARSET latin1\nreturn\n-- comment 1a\n# comment 1b\n/* comment 1c */\nx # after body, on same line	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
44foofct("call 2")
45call 2
46Function	sql_mode	Create Function	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
47foofct	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `foofct`(x char(20)) RETURNS char(20) CHARSET latin1\nbegin\n  -- comment 1a\n  # comment 1b\n  /*\n     comment 1c\n  */\n\n  -- empty line below\n\n  -- empty line above\n  return x;\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
48Procedure	sql_mode	Create Procedure	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
49empty	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `empty`()\nbegin\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
50id	data
51foo	42
52Procedure	sql_mode	Create Procedure	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
53foosp	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `foosp`()\ninsert into test.t1\n## These comments are part of the procedure body, and should be kept.\n# Comment 2a\n-- Comment 2b\n/* Comment 2c */\n  -- empty line below\n\n  -- empty line above\n  values ("foo", 42) # comment 3, still part of the body	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
54Procedure	sql_mode	Create Procedure	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
55nicesp	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `nicesp`(a int)\nbegin\n  -- declare some variables here\n  declare b int;\n  declare c float;\n\n  -- do more stuff here\n  -- commented nicely and so on\n\n  -- famous last words ...\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
56Trigger	sql_mode	SQL Original Statement	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
57t1_empty	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` trigger t1_empty after delete on t1\nfor each row\nbegin\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
58Trigger	sql_mode	SQL Original Statement	character_set_client	collation_connection	Database Collation
59t1_bi	NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION	CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` trigger t1_bi before insert on t1\nfor each row\nbegin\n# comment 1a\n-- comment 1b\n/*\n   comment 1c\n*/\n  -- declare some variables here\n  declare b int;\n  declare c float;\n\n  -- do more stuff here\n  -- commented nicely and so on\n\n  -- famous last words ...\n  set NEW.data := 12;\nend	latin1	latin1_swedish_ci	latin1_swedish_ci
60id	data
61trig	12
62End of 5.0 tests