1** Setup ** 2 3SET @default_read_only = @@read_only; 4'#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_140_01-------------------------#' 5SET Global read_only=ON; 6DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; 7CREATE TABLE t1 8( 9id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, 10PRIMARY KEY (id), 11name BLOB 12); 13INSERT into t1(name) values("aaassssssssddddddddffffff"); 14update t1 set name="jfjdf" where id=1; 15select * from t1 where id=1; 16id name 171 jfjdf 18'#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_140_02-------------------------#' 19** Creating new user with out super privilege** 20CREATE user sameea; 21** Connecting connn using username 'sameea' ** 22SET Global read_ONLY=ON; 23ERROR 42000: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation 24CREATE TABLE t2 25( 26id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, 27PRIMARY KEY (id), 28name BLOB 29); 30ERROR HY000: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement 31not updating values 32INSERT into t2(name) values("aaassssssssddddddddffffff"); 33Got one of the listed errors 34UPDATE t2 SET name="samia" where id=1; 35Got one of the listed errors 36'#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_140_03-------------------------#' 37CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t3(a int); 38'#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_140_04-------------------------#' 39** Connection default ** 40SET Global read_only=OFF; 41** Connection connn ** 42CREATE TABLE t2 43( 44id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, 45PRIMARY KEY (id), 46name BLOB 47); 48updating values 49INSERT into t2(name) values("aaassssssssdddddddd"); 50UPDATE t2 SET name="samia" where id=1; 51** Connection default ** 52** Disconnecting connn ** 53DROP USER sameea; 54DROP TABLE t1; 55DROP TABLE t2; 56SET global read_only = @default_read_only; 57