1# 2# Bug #16963396 INNODB: USE OF LARGE EXTERNALLY-STORED FIELDS MAKES 3# CRASH RECOVERY LOSE DATA 4# 5# 6# Uncompressed Table - UPDATE Operation - Crash Test 7# Update that moves non-updated column to blob 8# 9create table t2 (f1 bigint primary key, f2 longblob, f3 longblob, 10index(f2(10), f3(10))) engine=innodb; 11insert into t2 values (1, repeat('%', 1000), repeat('+', 30)); 12select f1, length(f2), length(f3) from t2; 13f1 length(f2) length(f3) 141 1000 30 15# Connection con1: 16set debug_sync='ib_mv_nonupdated_column_offpage SIGNAL s1 WAIT_FOR go_update'; 17begin; 18update t2 set f3 = repeat('[', 1000); 19# Connection default: 20set debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR s1'; 21set debug_sync='now SIGNAL go_update'; 22# Connection con1: 23# reap: update t2 set f3 = repeat('[', 3000); 24# Connection default: 25# Kill and restart 26select f1, length(f2), length(f3) from t2; 27f1 length(f2) length(f3) 281 1000 30 29select f1, right(f2, 40), right(f3, 40) from t2; 30f1 right(f2, 40) right(f3, 40) 311 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 32check table t2; 33Table Op Msg_type Msg_text 34test.t2 check status OK 35# 36# Compressed Table - Update Operation 37# update that moves a non-updated column to BLOB 38# 39set global innodb_compression_level = 0; 40create table t3 (f1 bigint primary key, f2 longblob, f3 longblob, 41index(f2(10), f3(10))) engine=innodb row_format=compressed; 42insert into t3 values (1, repeat('%', 1000), repeat('+', 30)); 43select f1, length(f2), length(f3) from t3; 44f1 length(f2) length(f3) 451 1000 30 46# Connection con2: 47set debug_sync='ib_mv_nonupdated_column_offpage SIGNAL s1 WAIT_FOR go_upd'; 48begin; 49update t3 set f3 = repeat(']', 1000) where f1 = 1; 50# Connection default: 51set debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR s1'; 52set debug_sync='now SIGNAL go_upd'; 53# Connection con2: 54# reap: update t3 set f3 = repeat(']', 1000) where f1 = 1; 55# Connection default: 56# Kill and restart 57select f1, length(f2), length(f3) from t3; 58f1 length(f2) length(f3) 591 1000 30 60select f1, right(f2, 30), right(f3, 20) from t3; 61f1 right(f2, 30) right(f3, 20) 621 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ++++++++++++++++++++ 63check table t3; 64Table Op Msg_type Msg_text 65test.t3 check status OK 66DROP TABLE t2, t3; 67