1# Copyright (c) 2012, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
5# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
7# This program is also distributed with certain software (including
8# but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
9# as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
10# documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
11# permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
12# separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
14# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
23"""Provides specialization of ABClusterHost for remote hosts using Paramiko."""
25import errno
26import stat
27import util
28import time
29import paramiko
30import ntpath
31import logging
32import os.path
33import tempfile
34import contextlib
35import posixpath
37import clusterhost
38from clusterhost import ABClusterHost
40_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
42def quote_if_contains_space(s):
43    if ' ' in s:
44        return '"'+s+'"'
45    return s
47class RemoteExecException(clusterhost.ExecException):
48    """Exception type thrown whenever os-command execution fails on
49    a remote host. """
51    def __init__(self, hostname, cmd, exitstatus, out):
52        self.hostname = hostname
53        self.cmd = cmd
54        self.exitstatus = exitstatus
55        self.out = out.read()
56    def __str__(self):
57        return 'Command `{self.cmd}\', running on {self.hostname} exited with {self.exitstatus}:\n{self.out}'.format(self=self)
59class RemoteClusterHost(ABClusterHost):
60    """Implements the ABClusterHost interface for remote hosts. Wraps a paramiko.SSHClient and uses
61    this to perform tasks on the remote host."""
63    def __init__(self, host, username=None, password=None):
64        super(type(self), self).__init__()
65        self.host = host
66        self.user = username
67        self.pwd = password
68        c = paramiko.SSHClient()
69        c.load_system_host_keys()
70        c.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
71        c.connect(hostname=self.host, username=self.user, password=self.pwd)
72        self.__client = c
73        self.__sftp = c.open_sftp()
75    def close(self):
76        self.drop()
78    @property
79    def client(self):
80        return self.__client
82    @property
83    def sftp(self):
84        return self.__sftp
86#     @property
87#     def client(self):
88#         """"A freshly connected SSHClient object."""
89#         if self.__client != None:
90#             if self.__sftp != None:
91#                 self.__sftp.close()
92#                 self.__sftp = None
93#             self.__client.close()
95#         c = paramiko.SSHClient()
96#         c.load_system_host_keys()
98#         # TODO - we need user acceptance for this by button in the frontend
99#         c.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
100#         ak = 'H:\\.ssh\\known_hosts'
101#         if os.path.exists(ak):
102#             _logger.debug('Loading additional host keys from %s', ak)
103#             c.load_host_keys(filename=ak)
104#         else:
105#             _logger.debug('File %s does not exist here', ak)
107#         c.connect(hostname=self.host, username=self.user, password=self.pwd)
108#         self.__client = c
109#         return c
111#     @property
112#     def sftp(self):
113#         """"An SFTPClient object to this host. It and its SSHClient
114#         object will be created on demand."""
115#         if self.__sftp != None:
116#             self.__sftp.close()
118#         self.__sftp = self.client.open_sftp()
119#         return self.__sftp
121    def _get_system_tuple(self):
122        preamble = None
123        system = None
124        processor = None
125        try:
126            preamble = self.exec_blocking(['#'])
127        except:
128            _logger.debug('executing # failed - assuming Windows...')
129            (system, processor) = self.exec_blocking(['cmd.exe', '/c', 'echo', '%OS%', '%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%']).split(' ')
130            if 'Windows' in system:
131                system = 'Windows'
132        else:
133            _logger.debug('preamble='+preamble)
134            raw_uname = self.exec_blocking(['uname', '-sp'])
135            _logger.debug('raw_uname='+raw_uname)
136            uname = raw_uname.replace(preamble, '', 1)
137            _logger.debug('uname='+uname)
138            (system, processor) = uname.split(' ')
139            if 'CYGWIN' in system:
140                system = 'CYGWIN'
141        return (system, processor.strip())
143    def _exec_pkg_cmdv(self, cmdv):
144        """For remote hosts the binary is fist copied over using sftp."""
145        _logger.debug("%s", str(self.sftp.listdir()))
146        hi = os.path.basename(cmdv[0])
147        self.sftp.put(cmdv[0], hi)
148        self.sftp.chmod(hi, stat.S_IRWXU)
149        return self.exec_cmdv([self.path_module.join('.', hi)] + cmdv[1:-1])
151    def _sftpify(self, path):
152        """Since sftp treats all path names as relative to its root we must
153        convert absolute paths before using them with sftp. As quick-fix we
154        assume that the sftp root is equal to the drive letter of all absolute
155        paths used. If it isn't the sftp operations will fail."""
156        return self.path_module.splitdrive(path)[1]
158    def open(self, filename, mode='r'):
159        """Forward to paramiko.SFTPClient.open for remote hosts.
160        Wrap in contextlib.closing so that clients can use
161        with-statements on it."""
162        return contextlib.closing(self.sftp.open(self._sftpify(filename), mode))
164    def drop(self, paths=[]):
165        """Close open connections and remove files.
166        paths - list of files to remove from host before closing connection
167        """
168        map(self.rm_r, paths)
169        if self.__sftp:
170            self.__sftp.close()
171            self.__sftp = None
172        if self.__client:
173            self.__client.close()
174            self.__client = None
176    def file_exists(self, path):
177        """Test for the existence of a file on the remote host. If the file actually exists,
178        its stat object is returned, otherwise None.
179        path - file to check the existence of
180        """
181        try:
182            return self.sftp.stat(self._sftpify(path))
183        except IOError as ioerr:
184            if ioerr.errno == errno.ENOENT:
185                return None
186            _logger.debug('stat failure on '+path)
187            raise
189    def list_dir(self, path):
190        """List the files in a directory on the remote host. Forwards to
191        SFTPClient.listdir(), but also warns about empty results that may be caused
192        by paramiko not reporting missing execute permission on the directory
193        correctly.
194        path - directory to list
195        """
196        content = self.sftp.listdir(self._sftpify(path))
197        if len(content) == 0:
198            m = stat.S_IMODE(self.sftp.stat(path).st_mode)
199            for role in ['USR', 'GRP', 'OTH']:
200                mask = util.get_fmask('R', role)|util.get_fmask('X',role)
201                if (m & mask) != mask:
202                    _logger.debug('Directory '+path+' does not have both read and execute permission for ' + role + '.\nIf you depend on '+role+ ' for access, the empty directory listing may not be correct')
204        return content
206    def mkdir_p(self, path):
207        """Provides mkdir -p type functionality on the remote host. That is,
208        all missing parent directories are also created. If the directory we are trying to
209        create already exists, we silently do nothing. If path or any of its parents is not
210        a directory an exception is raised.
211        path - directory to create on remote host
212        """
213        _logger.debug('mkdir_p('+path+')')
214        path = self._sftpify(path)
215        pa = self.file_exists(path)
216        if pa != None:
217            #print str(pa)+" "+str(pa.st_mode)
218            if not util.is_dir(pa):
219                raise Exception(self.host+':'+path+' is not a directory')
220            return
221        # Need to user normpath here since dirname of a directory with a trailing slash
222        #  is the directory without a slash (a dirname bug?)
223        sd = ntpath.splitdrive(path)
224        _logger.debug('sd='+str(sd))
225        if sd[1] == '':
226            _logger.debug('path='+path+' is a drive letter. Returning...')
227            return
229        np = self.path_module.normpath(path)
230        parent = self.path_module.dirname(np)
231        assert parent != path
232        self.mkdir_p(parent)
233        self.sftp.mkdir(np)
235    def rm_r(self, path):
236        """Provides rm -r type functionality on the remote host. That is, all files and
237        directories are removed recursively.
238        path - file or directory to remove
239        """
240        path = self._sftpify(path)
241        if util.is_dir(self.sftp.stat(path)):
242            for f in self.sftp.listdir(path):
243                self.rm_r(self.posixpath.join(path,f))
244            self.sftp.rmdir(path)
245        else:
246            self.sftp.remove(path)
248    def _exec_cmdln(self, cmdln, procCtrl, stdinFile):
249        """Execute an OS command line (as a single string) on the remote host.
250        cmdln - complete command line of the OS command
251        procCtrl - procCtrl object from message which controls how the process
252        is started (blocking vs non-blocking and output reporting)
253        """
255        contents = None
256        if (stdinFile != None):
257            with self.open(stdinFile) as stdin:
258                contents = stdin.read()
260        with contextlib.closing(self.client.get_transport().open_session()) as chan:
261            chan.set_combine_stderr(True)
262            _logger.debug('cmdln='+cmdln)
263            chan.exec_command(cmdln)
265            if (contents != None):
266                _logger.debug('Using supplied stdin from ' + stdinFile + ': ')
267                _logger.debug(contents[0:50] + '...')
268                chan.sendall(contents)
269                chan.shutdown_write()
271            if util.get_val(procCtrl, 'waitForCompletion'):
272                output = chan.makefile('rb')
273                _logger.debug('Waiting for command...')
274                exitstatus = chan.recv_exit_status()
275                if exitstatus != 0 and exitstatus != util.get_val(procCtrl, 'noRaise'):
276                    raise RemoteExecException(self.host, cmdln, exitstatus, output)
277                return output.read()
278            else:
279                if not chan.exit_status_ready() and procCtrl.has_key('daemonWait'):
280                    _logger.debug('Waiting {0} sec for {1}'.format(procCtrl['daemonWait'], cmdln))
281                    time.sleep(procCtrl['daemonWait'])
282                if chan.exit_status_ready():
283                    output = chan.makefile('rb')
284                    raise RemoteExecException(self.host, cmdln, chan.recv_exit_status(), output)
286    def _exec_cmdv(self, cmdv, procCtrl, stdinFile):
287        """Execute an OS command vector on the remote host.
288        cmdv - complete command vector (argv) of the OS command
289        procCtrl - procCtrl object from message which controls how the process
290        is started (blocking vs non-blocking and output reporting)
291        """
293        assert isinstance(cmdv, list)
294        return self._exec_cmdln(' '.join([quote_if_contains_space(a) for a in cmdv]), procCtrl, stdinFile)
297    def execute_command(self, cmdv, inFile=None):
298        """Execute an OS command blocking on the local host, using
299        subprocess module. Returns dict contaning output from process.
300        cmdv - complete command vector (argv) of the OS command.
301        inFile - File-like object providing stdin to the command.
302        """
303        cmdln = ' '.join([quote_if_contains_space(a) for a in cmdv])
304        _logger.debug('cmdln='+cmdln)
306        with contextlib.closing(self.client.get_transport().open_session()) as chan:
307            chan.exec_command(cmdln)
308            if inFile:
309                chan.sendall(inFile.read())
310                chan.shutdown_write()
312            result = {
313                'exitstatus': chan.recv_exit_status()
314                }
315            with contextlib.closing(chan.makefile('rb')) as outFile:
316                result['out'] = outFile.read()
318            with contextlib.closing(chan.makefile_stderr('rb')) as errFile:
319                result['err'] = errFile.read(),
321            return result