1 /* Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
3    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
5    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
7    This program is also distributed with certain software (including
8    but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
9    as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
10    documentation.  The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
11    permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
12    separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA */
23 	/* Functions to compressed records */
25 #include "fulltext.h"
27 #define IS_CHAR ((uint) 32768)		/* Bit if char (not offset) in tree */
29 /* Some definitions to keep in sync with myisampack.c */
30 #define HEAD_LENGTH	32              /* Length of fixed header */
32 #if INT_MAX > 32767
33 #define BITS_SAVED 32
34 #define MAX_QUICK_TABLE_BITS 9		/* Because we may shift in 24 bits */
35 #else
36 #define BITS_SAVED 16
38 #endif
40 #define get_bit(BU) ((BU)->bits ? \
41 		     (BU)->current_byte & ((mi_bit_type) 1 << --(BU)->bits) :\
42 		     (fill_buffer(BU), (BU)->bits= BITS_SAVED-1,\
43 		      (BU)->current_byte & ((mi_bit_type) 1 << (BITS_SAVED-1))))
44 #define skip_to_next_byte(BU) ((BU)->bits&=~7)
45 #define get_bits(BU,count) (((BU)->bits >= count) ? (((BU)->current_byte >> ((BU)->bits-=count)) & mask[count]) : fill_and_get_bits(BU,count))
47 #define decode_bytes_test_bit(bit) \
48   if (low_byte & (1 << (7-bit))) \
49     pos++; \
50   if (*pos & IS_CHAR) \
51   { bits-=(bit+1); break; } \
52   pos+= *pos
54 /* Size in uint16 of a Huffman tree for byte compression of 256 byte values. */
55 #define OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE 512
57 static uint read_huff_table(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,MI_DECODE_TREE *decode_tree,
58 			    uint16 **decode_table,uchar **intervall_buff,
59 			    uint16 *tmp_buff);
60 static void make_quick_table(uint16 *to_table,uint16 *decode_table,
61 			     uint *next_free,uint value,uint bits,
62 			     uint max_bits);
63 static void fill_quick_table(uint16 *table,uint bits, uint max_bits,
64 			     uint value);
65 static uint copy_decode_table(uint16 *to_pos,uint offset,
66 			      uint16 *decode_table);
67 static uint find_longest_bitstream(uint16 *table, uint16 *end);
68 static void (*get_unpack_function(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec))(MI_COLUMNDEF *field,
69 						    MI_BIT_BUFF *buff,
70 						    uchar *to,
71 						    uchar *end);
72 static void uf_zerofill_skip_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
73 				   uchar *to,uchar *end);
74 static void uf_skip_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
75 			  uchar *to,uchar *end);
76 static void uf_space_normal(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
77 			    uchar *to,uchar *end);
78 static void uf_space_endspace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
79 				       uchar *to, uchar *end);
80 static void uf_endspace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
81 				 uchar *to,uchar *end);
82 static void uf_space_endspace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
83 			      uchar *to,uchar *end);
84 static void uf_endspace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
85 			uchar *to,uchar *end);
86 static void uf_space_prespace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
87 				       uchar *to, uchar *end);
88 static void uf_prespace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
89 				 uchar *to,uchar *end);
90 static void uf_space_prespace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
91 			      uchar *to,uchar *end);
92 static void uf_prespace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
93 			uchar *to,uchar *end);
94 static void uf_zerofill_normal(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
95 			       uchar *to,uchar *end);
96 static void uf_constant(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
97 			uchar *to,uchar *end);
98 static void uf_intervall(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
99 			 uchar *to,uchar *end);
100 static void uf_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
101 		    uchar *to,uchar *end);
102 static void uf_blob(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
103 		    uchar *to, uchar *end);
104 static void uf_varchar1(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
105                         uchar *to, uchar *end);
106 static void uf_varchar2(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
107                         uchar *to, uchar *end);
108 static void decode_bytes(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
109 			 uchar *to,uchar *end);
110 static uint decode_pos(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,MI_DECODE_TREE *decode_tree);
111 static void init_bit_buffer(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,uchar *buffer,uint length);
112 static uint fill_and_get_bits(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,uint count);
113 static void fill_buffer(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff);
114 static uint max_bit(uint value);
115 static uchar *_mi_mempack_get_block_info(MI_INFO *myisam, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
116                                          MI_BLOCK_INFO *info, uchar **rec_buff_p,
117 					 uchar *header);
119 static mi_bit_type mask[]=
120 {
121    0x00000000,
122    0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000f,
123    0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f, 0x000000ff,
124    0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff, 0x00000fff,
125    0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff, 0x0000ffff,
126 #if BITS_SAVED > 16
127    0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff, 0x000fffff,
128    0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x00ffffff,
129    0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff, 0x0fffffff,
130    0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff,
131 #endif
132  };
135 	/* Read all packed info, allocate memory and fix field structs */
_mi_read_pack_info(MI_INFO * info,pbool fix_keys)137 my_bool _mi_read_pack_info(MI_INFO *info, pbool fix_keys)
138 {
139   File file;
140   int diff_length;
141   uint i,trees,huff_tree_bits,rec_reflength,length;
142   uint16 *decode_table,*tmp_buff;
143   ulong elements,intervall_length;
144   uchar *disk_cache;
145   uchar *intervall_buff;
146   uchar header[HEAD_LENGTH];
147   MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
148   MI_BIT_BUFF bit_buff;
149   DBUG_ENTER("_mi_read_pack_info");
151   if (myisam_quick_table_bits < 4)
152     myisam_quick_table_bits=4;
153   else if (myisam_quick_table_bits > MAX_QUICK_TABLE_BITS)
154     myisam_quick_table_bits=MAX_QUICK_TABLE_BITS;
156   file=info->dfile;
157   set_my_errno(0);
158   if (mysql_file_read(file, (uchar*) header, sizeof(header), MYF(MY_NABP)))
159   {
160     if (!my_errno())
161       set_my_errno(HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
162     goto err0;
163   }
164   /* Only the first three bytes of magic number are independent of version. */
165   if (memcmp((uchar*) header, (uchar*) myisam_pack_file_magic, 3))
166   {
167     set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD);
168     goto err0;
169   }
170   share->pack.version= header[3]; /* fourth byte of magic number */
171   share->pack.header_length=	uint4korr(header+4);
172   share->min_pack_length=(uint) uint4korr(header+8);
173   share->max_pack_length=(uint) uint4korr(header+12);
174   elements=uint4korr(header+16);
175   intervall_length=uint4korr(header+20);
176   trees=uint2korr(header+24);
177   share->pack.ref_length=header[26];
178   rec_reflength=header[27];
179   diff_length=(int) rec_reflength - (int) share->base.rec_reflength;
180   if (fix_keys)
181     share->rec_reflength=rec_reflength;
182   share->base.min_block_length=share->min_pack_length+1;
183   if (share->min_pack_length > 254)
184     share->base.min_block_length+=2;
185   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("fixed header length:   %u", HEAD_LENGTH));
186   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("total header length:   %lu", share->pack.header_length));
187   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("pack file version:     %u", share->pack.version));
188   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("min pack length:       %lu", share->min_pack_length));
189   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("max pack length:       %lu", share->max_pack_length));
190   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("elements of all trees: %lu", elements));
191   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("distinct values bytes: %lu", intervall_length));
192   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("number of code trees:  %u", trees));
193   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bytes for record lgt:  %u", share->pack.ref_length));
194   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("record pointer length: %u", rec_reflength));
196   /*
197     Memory segment #1:
198     - Decode tree heads
199     - Distinct column values
200   */
201   if (!(share->decode_trees=(MI_DECODE_TREE*)
202 	my_malloc(mi_key_memory_MI_DECODE_TREE,
203                   (uint) (trees*sizeof(MI_DECODE_TREE)+
204 			  intervall_length*sizeof(uchar)),
205 		  MYF(MY_WME))))
206     goto err0;
207   intervall_buff=(uchar*) (share->decode_trees+trees);
209   /*
210     Memory segment #2:
211     - Decode tables
212     - Quick decode tables
213     - Temporary decode table
214     - Compressed data file header cache
215     This segment will be reallocated after construction of the tables.
216   */
217   length=(uint) (elements*2+trees*(1 << myisam_quick_table_bits));
218   /*
219     To keep some algorithms simpler, we accept that they access
220     bytes beyond the end of the input data. This can affect up to
221     one byte less than the "word size" size used in this file,
222     which is BITS_SAVED / 8. To avoid accessing non-allocated
223     data, we add (BITS_SAVED / 8) - 1 bytes to the buffer size.
224   */
225   if (!(share->decode_tables=(uint16*)
226         my_malloc(mi_key_memory_MYISAM_SHARE_decode_tables,
227                   (length + OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE) * sizeof(uint16) +
228                   (uint) (share->pack.header_length - sizeof(header) +
229                   (BITS_SAVED / 8) - 1), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL))))
230     goto err1;
231   tmp_buff=share->decode_tables+length;
232   disk_cache= (uchar*) (tmp_buff+OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE);
234   if (mysql_file_read(file, disk_cache,
235                       (uint) (share->pack.header_length-sizeof(header)),
236                       MYF(MY_NABP)))
237     goto err2;
239   huff_tree_bits=max_bit(trees ? trees-1 : 0);
240   init_bit_buffer(&bit_buff, disk_cache,
241 		  (uint) (share->pack.header_length-sizeof(header)));
242   /* Read new info for each field */
243   for (i=0 ; i < share->base.fields ; i++)
244   {
245     share->rec[i].base_type=(enum en_fieldtype) get_bits(&bit_buff,5);
246     share->rec[i].pack_type=(uint) get_bits(&bit_buff,6);
247     share->rec[i].space_length_bits=get_bits(&bit_buff,5);
248     share->rec[i].huff_tree=share->decode_trees+(uint) get_bits(&bit_buff,
249 								huff_tree_bits);
250     share->rec[i].unpack=get_unpack_function(share->rec+i);
251     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("col: %2u  type: %2u  pack: %u  slbits: %2u",
252                         i, share->rec[i].base_type, share->rec[i].pack_type,
253                         share->rec[i].space_length_bits));
254   }
255   skip_to_next_byte(&bit_buff);
256   /*
257     Construct the decoding tables from the file header. Keep track of
258     the used memory.
259   */
260   decode_table=share->decode_tables;
261   for (i=0 ; i < trees ; i++)
262     if (read_huff_table(&bit_buff,share->decode_trees+i,&decode_table,
263                         &intervall_buff,tmp_buff))
264       goto err3;
265   /* Reallocate the decoding tables to the used size. */
266   decode_table=(uint16*)
267     my_realloc(mi_key_memory_MYISAM_SHARE_decode_tables,
268                (uchar*) share->decode_tables,
269 	       (uint) ((uchar*) decode_table - (uchar*) share->decode_tables),
270 	       MYF(MY_HOLD_ON_ERROR));
271   /* Fix the table addresses in the tree heads. */
272   {
273     my_ptrdiff_t diff=PTR_BYTE_DIFF(decode_table,share->decode_tables);
274     share->decode_tables=decode_table;
275     for (i=0 ; i < trees ; i++)
276       share->decode_trees[i].table=ADD_TO_PTR(share->decode_trees[i].table,
277                                               diff, uint16*);
278   }
280   /* Fix record-ref-length for keys */
281   if (fix_keys)
282   {
283     for (i=0 ; i < share->base.keys ; i++)
284     {
285       MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo= &share->keyinfo[i];
286       keyinfo->keylength+= (uint16) diff_length;
287       keyinfo->minlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
288       keyinfo->maxlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
289       keyinfo->seg[keyinfo->flag & HA_FULLTEXT ?
290                    FT_SEGS : keyinfo->keysegs].length= (uint16) rec_reflength;
291     }
292     if (share->ft2_keyinfo.seg)
293     {
294       MI_KEYDEF *ft2_keyinfo= &share->ft2_keyinfo;
295       ft2_keyinfo->keylength+= (uint16) diff_length;
296       ft2_keyinfo->minlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
297       ft2_keyinfo->maxlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
298     }
299   }
301   if (bit_buff.error || bit_buff.pos < bit_buff.end)
302     goto err3;
304   DBUG_RETURN(0);
306 err3:
307   set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD);
308 err2:
309   my_free(share->decode_tables);
310 err1:
311   my_free(share->decode_trees);
312 err0:
313   DBUG_RETURN(1);
314 }
317 /*
318   Read a huff-code-table from datafile.
321     read_huff_table()
322       bit_buff                  Bit buffer pointing at start of the
323                                 decoding table in the file header cache.
324       decode_tree               Pointer to the decode tree head.
325       decode_table      IN/OUT  Address of a pointer to the next free space.
326       intervall_buff    IN/OUT  Address of a pointer to the next unused values.
327       tmp_buff                  Buffer for temporary extraction of a full
328                                 decoding table as read from bit_buff.
330   RETURN
331     0           OK.
332     1           Error.
333 */
read_huff_table(MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,MI_DECODE_TREE * decode_tree,uint16 ** decode_table,uchar ** intervall_buff,uint16 * tmp_buff)335 static uint read_huff_table(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, MI_DECODE_TREE *decode_tree,
336 			    uint16 **decode_table, uchar **intervall_buff,
337 			    uint16 *tmp_buff)
338 {
339   uint min_chr,elements,char_bits,offset_bits,size,intervall_length,table_bits,
340   next_free_offset;
341   uint16 *ptr,*end;
342   DBUG_ENTER("read_huff_table");
344   if (!get_bits(bit_buff,1))
345   {
346     /* Byte value compression. */
347     min_chr=get_bits(bit_buff,8);
348     elements=get_bits(bit_buff,9);
349     char_bits=get_bits(bit_buff,5);
350     offset_bits=get_bits(bit_buff,5);
351     intervall_length=0;
352     ptr=tmp_buff;
353     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("byte value compression"));
354     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("minimum byte value:    %u", min_chr));
355     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("number of tree nodes:  %u", elements));
356     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bits for values:       %u", char_bits));
357     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bits for tree offsets: %u", offset_bits));
358     if (elements > 256)
359     {
360       DBUG_PRINT("error", ("ERROR: illegal number of tree elements: %u",
361                            elements));
362       DBUG_RETURN(1);
363     }
364   }
365   else
366   {
367     /* Distinct column value compression. */
368     min_chr=0;
369     elements=get_bits(bit_buff,15);
370     intervall_length=get_bits(bit_buff,16);
371     char_bits=get_bits(bit_buff,5);
372     offset_bits=get_bits(bit_buff,5);
373     decode_tree->quick_table_bits=0;
374     ptr= *decode_table;
375     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("distinct column value compression"));
376     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("number of tree nodes:  %u", elements));
377     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("value buffer length:   %u", intervall_length));
378     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bits for value index:  %u", char_bits));
379     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bits for tree offsets: %u", offset_bits));
380   }
381   size=elements*2-2;
382   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("tree size in uint16:   %u", size));
383   DBUG_PRINT("info", ("tree size in bytes:    %u",
384                       size * (uint) sizeof(uint16)));
386   for (end=ptr+size ; ptr < end ; ptr++)
387   {
388     if (get_bit(bit_buff))
389     {
390       *ptr= (uint16) get_bits(bit_buff,offset_bits);
391       if ((ptr + *ptr >= end) || !*ptr)
392       {
393         DBUG_PRINT("error", ("ERROR: illegal pointer in decode tree"));
394         DBUG_RETURN(1);
395       }
396     }
397     else
398       *ptr= (uint16) (IS_CHAR + (get_bits(bit_buff,char_bits) + min_chr));
399   }
400   skip_to_next_byte(bit_buff);
402   decode_tree->table= *decode_table;
403   decode_tree->intervalls= *intervall_buff;
404   if (! intervall_length)
405   {
406     /* Byte value compression. ptr started from tmp_buff. */
407     /* Find longest Huffman code from begin to end of tree in bits. */
408     table_bits= find_longest_bitstream(tmp_buff, ptr);
409     if (table_bits >= OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE)
410       DBUG_RETURN(1);
411     if (table_bits > myisam_quick_table_bits)
412       table_bits=myisam_quick_table_bits;
413     DBUG_PRINT("info", ("table bits:            %u", table_bits));
415     next_free_offset= (1 << table_bits);
416     make_quick_table(*decode_table,tmp_buff,&next_free_offset,0,table_bits,
417 		     table_bits);
418     (*decode_table)+= next_free_offset;
419     decode_tree->quick_table_bits=table_bits;
420   }
421   else
422   {
423     /* Distinct column value compression. ptr started from *decode_table */
424     (*decode_table)=end;
425     /*
426       get_bits() moves some bytes to a cache buffer in advance. May need
427       to step back.
428     */
429     bit_buff->pos-= bit_buff->bits/8;
430     /* Copy the distinct column values from the buffer. */
431     memcpy(*intervall_buff,bit_buff->pos,(size_t) intervall_length);
432     (*intervall_buff)+=intervall_length;
433     bit_buff->pos+=intervall_length;
434     bit_buff->bits=0;
435   }
436   DBUG_RETURN(0);
437 }
440 /*
441   Make a quick_table for faster decoding.
444     make_quick_table()
445       to_table                  Target quick_table and remaining decode table.
446       decode_table              Source Huffman (sub-)tree within tmp_buff.
447       next_free_offset   IN/OUT Next free offset from to_table.
448                                 Starts behind quick_table on the top-level.
449       value                     Huffman bits found so far.
450       bits                      Remaining bits to be collected.
451       max_bits                  Total number of bits to collect (table_bits).
455     The quick table is an array of 16-bit values. There exists one value
456     for each possible code representable by max_bits (table_bits) bits.
457     In most cases table_bits is 9. So there are 512 16-bit values.
459     If the high-order bit (16) is set (IS_CHAR) then the array slot for
460     this value is a valid Huffman code for a resulting byte value.
462     The low-order 8 bits (1..8) are the resulting byte value.
464     Bits 9..14 are the length of the Huffman code for this byte value.
465     This means so many bits from the input stream were needed to
466     represent this byte value. The remaining bits belong to later
467     Huffman codes. This also means that for every Huffman code shorter
468     than table_bits there are multiple entires in the array, which
469     differ just in the unused bits.
471     If the high-order bit (16) is clear (0) then the remaining bits are
472     the position of the remaining Huffman decode tree segment behind the
473     quick table.
475   RETURN
476     void
477 */
make_quick_table(uint16 * to_table,uint16 * decode_table,uint * next_free_offset,uint value,uint bits,uint max_bits)479 static void make_quick_table(uint16 *to_table, uint16 *decode_table,
480 			     uint *next_free_offset, uint value, uint bits,
481 			     uint max_bits)
482 {
483   DBUG_ENTER("make_quick_table");
485   /*
486     When down the table to the requested maximum, copy the rest of the
487     Huffman table.
488   */
489   if (!bits--)
490   {
491     /*
492       Remaining left  Huffman tree segment starts behind quick table.
493       Remaining right Huffman tree segment starts behind left segment.
494     */
495     to_table[value]= (uint16) *next_free_offset;
496     /*
497       Re-construct the remaining Huffman tree segment at
498       next_free_offset in to_table.
499     */
500     *next_free_offset= copy_decode_table(to_table, *next_free_offset,
501                                          decode_table);
503   }
505   /* Descent on the left side. Left side bits are clear (0). */
506   if (!(*decode_table & IS_CHAR))
507   {
508     /* Not a leaf. Follow the pointer. */
509     make_quick_table(to_table, decode_table + *decode_table,
510                      next_free_offset, value, bits, max_bits);
511   }
512   else
513   {
514     /*
515       A leaf. A Huffman code is complete. Fill the quick_table
516       array for all possible bit strings starting with this Huffman
517       code.
518     */
519     fill_quick_table(to_table + value, bits, max_bits, (uint) *decode_table);
520   }
522   /* Descent on the right side. Right side bits are set (1). */
523   decode_table++;
524   value|= (1 << bits);
525   if (!(*decode_table & IS_CHAR))
526   {
527     /* Not a leaf. Follow the pointer. */
528     make_quick_table(to_table, decode_table + *decode_table,
529                      next_free_offset, value, bits, max_bits);
530   }
531   else
532   {
533     /*
534       A leaf. A Huffman code is complete. Fill the quick_table
535       array for all possible bit strings starting with this Huffman
536       code.
537     */
538     fill_quick_table(to_table + value, bits, max_bits, (uint) *decode_table);
539   }
542 }
545 /*
546   Fill quick_table for all possible values starting with this Huffman code.
549     fill_quick_table()
550       table                     Target quick_table position.
551       bits                      Unused bits from max_bits.
552       max_bits                  Total number of bits to collect (table_bits).
553       value                     The byte encoded by the found Huffman code.
557     Fill the segment (all slots) of the quick_table array with the
558     resulting value for the found Huffman code. There are as many slots
559     as there are combinations representable by the unused bits.
561     In most cases we use 9 table bits. Assume a 3-bit Huffman code. Then
562     there are 6 unused bits. Hence we fill 2**6 = 64 slots with the
563     value.
565   RETURN
566     void
567 */
fill_quick_table(uint16 * table,uint bits,uint max_bits,uint value)569 static void fill_quick_table(uint16 *table, uint bits, uint max_bits,
570 			     uint value)
571 {
572   uint16 *end;
573   DBUG_ENTER("fill_quick_table");
575   /*
576     Bits 1..8 of value represent the decoded byte value.
577     Bits 9..14 become the length of the Huffman code for this byte value.
578     Bit 16 flags a valid code (IS_CHAR).
579   */
580   value|= (max_bits - bits) << 8 | IS_CHAR;
582   for (end= table + ((my_ptrdiff_t) 1 << bits); table < end; table++)
583   {
584     *table= (uint16) value;
585   }
587 }
590 /*
591   Reconstruct a decode subtree at the target position.
594     copy_decode_table()
595       to_pos                    Target quick_table and remaining decode table.
596       offset                    Next free offset from to_pos.
597       decode_table              Source Huffman subtree within tmp_buff.
599   NOTE
600     Pointers in the decode tree are relative to the pointers position.
602   RETURN
603     next free offset from to_pos.
604 */
copy_decode_table(uint16 * to_pos,uint offset,uint16 * decode_table)606 static uint copy_decode_table(uint16 *to_pos, uint offset,
607 			      uint16 *decode_table)
608 {
609   uint prev_offset= offset;
610   DBUG_ENTER("copy_decode_table");
612   /* Descent on the left side. */
613   if (!(*decode_table & IS_CHAR))
614   {
615     /* Set a pointer to the next target node. */
616     to_pos[offset]=2;
617     /* Copy the left hand subtree there. */
618     offset=copy_decode_table(to_pos,offset+2,decode_table+ *decode_table);
619   }
620   else
621   {
622     /* Copy the byte value. */
623     to_pos[offset]= *decode_table;
624     /* Step behind this node. */
625     offset+=2;
626   }
628   /* Descent on the right side. */
629   decode_table++;
630   if (!(*decode_table & IS_CHAR))
631   {
632     /* Set a pointer to the next free target node. */
633     to_pos[prev_offset+1]=(uint16) (offset-prev_offset-1);
634     /* Copy the right hand subtree to the entry of that node. */
635     offset=copy_decode_table(to_pos,offset,decode_table+ *decode_table);
636   }
637   else
638   {
639     /* Copy the byte value. */
640     to_pos[prev_offset+1]= *decode_table;
641   }
642   DBUG_RETURN(offset);
643 }
646 /*
647   Find the length of the longest Huffman code in this table in bits.
650     find_longest_bitstream()
651       table                     Code (sub-)table start.
652       end                       End of code table.
656     Recursively follow the branch(es) of the code pair on every level of
657     the tree until two byte values (and no branch) are found. Add one to
658     each level when returning back from each recursion stage.
660     'end' is used for error checking only. A clean tree terminates
661     before reaching 'end'. Hence the exact value of 'end' is not too
662     important. However having it higher than necessary could lead to
663     misbehaviour should 'next' jump into the dirty area.
665   RETURN
666     length                  Length of longest Huffman code in bits.
667     >= OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE    Error, broken tree. It does not end before 'end'.
668 */
find_longest_bitstream(uint16 * table,uint16 * end)670 static uint find_longest_bitstream(uint16 *table, uint16 *end)
671 {
672   uint length= 1;
673   uint length2;
675   if (!(*table & IS_CHAR))
676   {
677     uint16 *next= table + *table;
678     if (next > end || next == table)
679     {
680       DBUG_PRINT("error", ("ERROR: illegal pointer in decode tree"));
681       return OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE;
682     }
683     length= find_longest_bitstream(next, end) + 1;
684   }
685   table++;
686   if (!(*table & IS_CHAR))
687   {
688     uint16 *next= table + *table;
689     if (next > end || next == table)
690     {
691       DBUG_PRINT("error", ("ERROR: illegal pointer in decode tree"));
692       return OFFSET_TABLE_SIZE;
693     }
694     length2= find_longest_bitstream(next, end) + 1;
695     length= MY_MAX(length, length2);
696   }
697   return length;
698 }
701 /*
702   Read record from datafile.
705     _mi_read_pack_record()
706     info                        A pointer to MI_INFO.
707     filepos                     File offset of the record.
708     buf                 RETURN  The buffer to receive the record.
710   RETURN
711     0                                   on success
712     HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD or -1        on error
713 */
_mi_read_pack_record(MI_INFO * info,my_off_t filepos,uchar * buf)715 int _mi_read_pack_record(MI_INFO *info, my_off_t filepos, uchar *buf)
716 {
717   MI_BLOCK_INFO block_info;
718   File file;
719   DBUG_ENTER("mi_read_pack_record");
721   if (filepos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR)
722     DBUG_RETURN(-1);			/* _search() didn't find record */
724   file=info->dfile;
725   if (_mi_pack_get_block_info(info, &info->bit_buff, &block_info,
726                               &info->rec_buff, file, filepos))
727     goto err;
728   if (mysql_file_read(file, (uchar*) info->rec_buff + block_info.offset,
729                       block_info.rec_len - block_info.offset, MYF(MY_NABP)))
730     goto panic;
731   info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV;
732   DBUG_RETURN(_mi_pack_rec_unpack(info, &info->bit_buff, buf,
733                                   info->rec_buff, block_info.rec_len));
734 panic:
735   set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD);
736 err:
737   DBUG_RETURN(-1);
738 }
_mi_pack_rec_unpack(MI_INFO * info,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * from,ulong reclength)742 int _mi_pack_rec_unpack(MI_INFO *info, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
743                         uchar *to, uchar *from, ulong reclength)
744 {
745   uchar *end_field;
746   MI_COLUMNDEF *end;
747   MI_COLUMNDEF *current_field;
748   MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
749   DBUG_ENTER("_mi_pack_rec_unpack");
751   init_bit_buffer(bit_buff, (uchar*) from, reclength);
753   for (current_field=share->rec, end=current_field+share->base.fields ;
754        current_field < end ;
755        current_field++,to=end_field)
756   {
757     end_field=to+current_field->length;
758     (*current_field->unpack)(current_field, bit_buff, (uchar*) to,
759 			     (uchar*) end_field);
760   }
761   if (!bit_buff->error &&
762       bit_buff->pos - bit_buff->bits / 8 == bit_buff->end)
763     DBUG_RETURN(0);
764   info->update&= ~HA_STATE_AKTIV;
765   set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD);
767 } /* _mi_pack_rec_unpack */
770 	/* Return function to unpack field */
get_unpack_function(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec)772 static void (*get_unpack_function(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec))
773 (MI_COLUMNDEF *, MI_BIT_BUFF *, uchar *, uchar *)
774 {
775   switch (rec->base_type) {
776   case FIELD_SKIP_ZERO:
777     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_ZERO_FILL)
778       return &uf_zerofill_skip_zero;
779     return &uf_skip_zero;
780   case FIELD_NORMAL:
781     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SPACE_FIELDS)
782       return &uf_space_normal;
783     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_ZERO_FILL)
784       return &uf_zerofill_normal;
785     return &decode_bytes;
787     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SPACE_FIELDS)
788     {
789       if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SELECTED)
790 	return &uf_space_endspace_selected;
791       return &uf_space_endspace;
792     }
793     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SELECTED)
794       return &uf_endspace_selected;
795     return &uf_endspace;
797     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SPACE_FIELDS)
798     {
799       if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SELECTED)
800 	return &uf_space_prespace_selected;
801       return &uf_space_prespace;
802     }
803     if (rec->pack_type & PACK_TYPE_SELECTED)
804       return &uf_prespace_selected;
805     return &uf_prespace;
806   case FIELD_CONSTANT:
807     return &uf_constant;
809     return &uf_intervall;
810   case FIELD_ZERO:
811   case FIELD_CHECK:
812     return &uf_zero;
813   case FIELD_BLOB:
814     return &uf_blob;
815   case FIELD_VARCHAR:
816     if (rec->length <= 256)                      /* 255 + 1 byte length */
817       return &uf_varchar1;
818     return &uf_varchar2;
819   case FIELD_LAST:
820   default:
821     return 0;			/* This should never happend */
822   }
823 }
825 	/* The different functions to unpack a field */
uf_zerofill_skip_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)827 static void uf_zerofill_skip_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
828 				   uchar *to, uchar *end)
829 {
830   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
831     memset(to, 0, (end-to));
832   else
833   {
834     end-=rec->space_length_bits;
835     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
836     memset(end, 0, rec->space_length_bits);
837   }
838 }
uf_skip_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)840 static void uf_skip_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
841 			  uchar *end)
842 {
843   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
844     memset(to, 0, (end-to));
845   else
846     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
847 }
uf_space_normal(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)849 static void uf_space_normal(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
850 			    uchar *end)
851 {
852   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
853     memset(to, ' ', end - to);
854   else
855     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
856 }
uf_space_endspace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)858 static void uf_space_endspace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
859 				       uchar *to, uchar *end)
860 {
861   uint spaces;
862   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
863     memset(to, ' ', end-to);
864   else
865   {
866     if (get_bit(bit_buff))
867     {
868       if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
869       {
870 	bit_buff->error=1;
871 	return;
872       }
873       if (to+spaces != end)
874 	decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end-spaces);
875       memset(end-spaces, ' ', spaces);
876     }
877     else
878       decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
879   }
880 }
uf_endspace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)882 static void uf_endspace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
883 				 uchar *to, uchar *end)
884 {
885   uint spaces;
886   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
887   {
888     if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
889     {
890       bit_buff->error=1;
891       return;
892     }
893     if (to+spaces != end)
894       decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end-spaces);
895     memset(end - spaces, ' ', spaces);
896   }
897   else
898     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
899 }
uf_space_endspace(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)901 static void uf_space_endspace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
902 			      uchar *end)
903 {
904   uint spaces;
905   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
906     memset(to, ' ', end - to);
907   else
908   {
909     if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
910     {
911       bit_buff->error=1;
912       return;
913     }
914     if (to+spaces != end)
915       decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end-spaces);
916     memset(end - spaces, ' ', spaces);
917   }
918 }
uf_endspace(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)920 static void uf_endspace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
921 			uchar *end)
922 {
923   uint spaces;
924   if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
925   {
926     bit_buff->error=1;
927     return;
928   }
929   if (to+spaces != end)
930     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end-spaces);
931   memset(end - spaces, ' ', spaces);
932 }
uf_space_prespace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)934 static void uf_space_prespace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
935 				       uchar *to, uchar *end)
936 {
937   uint spaces;
938   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
939     memset(to, ' ', end - to);
940   else
941   {
942     if (get_bit(bit_buff))
943     {
944       if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
945       {
946 	bit_buff->error=1;
947 	return;
948       }
949       memset(to, ' ', spaces);
950       if (to+spaces != end)
951 	decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to+spaces,end);
952     }
953     else
954       decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
955   }
956 }
uf_prespace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)959 static void uf_prespace_selected(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
960 				 uchar *to, uchar *end)
961 {
962   uint spaces;
963   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
964   {
965     if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
966     {
967       bit_buff->error=1;
968       return;
969     }
970     memset(to, ' ', spaces);
971     if (to+spaces != end)
972       decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to+spaces,end);
973   }
974   else
975     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to,end);
976 }
uf_space_prespace(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)979 static void uf_space_prespace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
980 			      uchar *end)
981 {
982   uint spaces;
983   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
984     memset(to, ' ', end-to);
985   else
986   {
987     if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
988     {
989       bit_buff->error=1;
990       return;
991     }
992     memset(to, ' ', spaces);
993     if (to+spaces != end)
994       decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to+spaces,end);
995   }
996 }
uf_prespace(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)998 static void uf_prespace(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
999 			uchar *end)
1000 {
1001   uint spaces;
1002   if ((spaces=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits))+to > end)
1003   {
1004     bit_buff->error=1;
1005     return;
1006   }
1007   memset(to, ' ', spaces);
1008   if (to+spaces != end)
1009     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to+spaces,end);
1010 }
uf_zerofill_normal(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)1012 static void uf_zerofill_normal(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
1013 			       uchar *end)
1014 {
1015   end-=rec->space_length_bits;
1016   decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,(uchar*) to,end);
1017   memset(end, 0, rec->space_length_bits);
1018 }
uf_constant(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),uchar * to,uchar * end)1020 static void uf_constant(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,
1021 			MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
1022 			uchar *to,
1023 			uchar *end)
1024 {
1025   memcpy(to,rec->huff_tree->intervalls,(size_t) (end-to));
1026 }
uf_intervall(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)1028 static void uf_intervall(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
1029 			 uchar *end)
1030 {
1031   uint field_length=(uint) (end-to);
1032   memcpy(to,rec->huff_tree->intervalls+field_length*decode_pos(bit_buff,
1033 							       rec->huff_tree),
1034 	 (size_t) field_length);
1035 }
1038 /*ARGSUSED*/
uf_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)),uchar * to,uchar * end)1039 static void uf_zero(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
1040 		    MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
1041 		    uchar *to, uchar *end)
1042 {
1043   memset(to, 0, (end-to));
1044 }
uf_blob(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)1046 static void uf_blob(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
1047 		    uchar *to, uchar *end)
1048 {
1049   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
1050     memset(to, 0, (end-to));
1051   else
1052   {
1053     ulong length=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits);
1054     uint pack_length=(uint) (end-to)-portable_sizeof_char_ptr;
1055     if (bit_buff->blob_pos+length > bit_buff->blob_end)
1056     {
1057       bit_buff->error=1;
1058       memset(to, 0, (end-to));
1059       return;
1060     }
1061     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,bit_buff->blob_pos,bit_buff->blob_pos+length);
1062     _mi_store_blob_length((uchar*) to,pack_length,length);
1063     memcpy(to+pack_length, &bit_buff->blob_pos, sizeof(char*));
1064     bit_buff->blob_pos+=length;
1065   }
1066 }
uf_varchar1(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))1069 static void uf_varchar1(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
1070 		       uchar *to, uchar *end MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)))
1071 {
1072   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
1073     to[0]= 0;				/* Zero lengths */
1074   else
1075   {
1076     ulong length=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits);
1077     *to= (uchar) length;
1078     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to+1,to+1+length);
1079   }
1080 }
uf_varchar2(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))1083 static void uf_varchar2(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
1084 		       uchar *to, uchar *end MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)))
1085 {
1086   if (get_bit(bit_buff))
1087     to[0]=to[1]=0;				/* Zero lengths */
1088   else
1089   {
1090     ulong length=get_bits(bit_buff,rec->space_length_bits);
1091     int2store(to, (uint16)length);
1092     decode_bytes(rec,bit_buff,to+2,to+2+length);
1093   }
1094 }
1096 	/* Functions to decode of buffer of bits */
1098 #if BITS_SAVED == 64
decode_bytes(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)1100 static void decode_bytes(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec,MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,uchar *to,
1101 			 uchar *end)
1102 {
1103   uint bits,low_byte;
1104   uint16 *pos;
1105   uint table_bits,table_and;
1106   MI_DECODE_TREE *decode_tree;
1108   decode_tree=rec->decode_tree;
1109   bits=bit_buff->bits;			/* Save in reg for quicker access */
1110   table_bits=decode_tree->quick_table_bits;
1111   table_and= (1 << table_bits)-1;
1113   do
1114   {
1115     if (bits <= 32)
1116     {
1117       if (bit_buff->pos > bit_buff->end+4)
1118       {
1119 	bit_buff->error=1;
1120 	return;				/* Can't be right */
1121       }
1122       bit_buff->current_byte= (bit_buff->current_byte << 32) +
1123 	((((uint) bit_buff->pos[3])) +
1124 	 (((uint) bit_buff->pos[2]) << 8) +
1125 	 (((uint) bit_buff->pos[1]) << 16) +
1126 	 (((uint) bit_buff->pos[0]) << 24));
1127       bit_buff->pos+=4;
1128       bits+=32;
1129     }
1130     /*
1131       First use info in quick_table.
1133       The quick table is an array of 16-bit values. There exists one
1134       value for each possible code representable by table_bits bits.
1135       In most cases table_bits is 9. So there are 512 16-bit values.
1137       If the high-order bit (16) is set (IS_CHAR) then the array slot
1138       for this value is a valid Huffman code for a resulting byte value.
1140       The low-order 8 bits (1..8) are the resulting byte value.
1142       Bits 9..14 are the length of the Huffman code for this byte value.
1143       This means so many bits from the input stream were needed to
1144       represent this byte value. The remaining bits belong to later
1145       Huffman codes. This also means that for every Huffman code shorter
1146       than table_bits there are multiple entires in the array, which
1147       differ just in the unused bits.
1149       If the high-order bit (16) is clear (0) then the remaining bits are
1150       the position of the remaining Huffman decode tree segment behind the
1151       quick table.
1152     */
1153     low_byte=(uint) (bit_buff->current_byte >> (bits - table_bits)) & table_and;
1154     low_byte=decode_tree->table[low_byte];
1155     if (low_byte & IS_CHAR)
1156     {
1157       /*
1158         All Huffman codes of less or equal table_bits length are in the
1159         quick table. This is one of them.
1160       */
1161       *to++ = (low_byte & 255);		/* Found char in quick table */
1162       bits-=  ((low_byte >> 8) & 31);	/* Remove bits used */
1163     }
1164     else
1165     {					/* Map through rest of decode-table */
1166       /* This means that the Huffman code must be longer than table_bits. */
1167       pos=decode_tree->table+low_byte;
1168       bits-=table_bits;
1169       /* NOTE: decode_bytes_test_bit() is a macro wich contains a break !!! */
1170       for (;;)
1171       {
1172 	low_byte=(uint) (bit_buff->current_byte >> (bits-8));
1173 	decode_bytes_test_bit(0);
1174 	decode_bytes_test_bit(1);
1175 	decode_bytes_test_bit(2);
1176 	decode_bytes_test_bit(3);
1177 	decode_bytes_test_bit(4);
1178 	decode_bytes_test_bit(5);
1179 	decode_bytes_test_bit(6);
1180 	decode_bytes_test_bit(7);
1181 	bits-=8;
1182       }
1183       *to++ = *pos;
1184     }
1185   } while (to != end);
1187   bit_buff->bits=bits;
1188   return;
1189 }
1191 #else
decode_bytes(MI_COLUMNDEF * rec,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * to,uchar * end)1193 static void decode_bytes(MI_COLUMNDEF *rec, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *to,
1194 			 uchar *end)
1195 {
1196   uint bits,low_byte;
1197   uint16 *pos;
1198   uint table_bits,table_and;
1199   MI_DECODE_TREE *decode_tree;
1201   decode_tree=rec->huff_tree;
1202   bits=bit_buff->bits;			/* Save in reg for quicker access */
1203   table_bits=decode_tree->quick_table_bits;
1204   table_and= (1 << table_bits)-1;
1206   do
1207   {
1208     if (bits < table_bits)
1209     {
1210       if (bit_buff->pos > bit_buff->end+1)
1211       {
1212 	bit_buff->error=1;
1213 	return;				/* Can't be right */
1214       }
1215 #if BITS_SAVED == 32
1216       bit_buff->current_byte= (bit_buff->current_byte << 24) +
1217 	(((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[2]))) +
1218 	  (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[1])) << 8) +
1219 	    (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0])) << 16);
1220       bit_buff->pos+=3;
1221       bits+=24;
1222 #else
1223       if (bits)				/* We must have at leasts 9 bits */
1224       {
1225 	bit_buff->current_byte=  (bit_buff->current_byte << 8) +
1226 	  (uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0]);
1227 	bit_buff->pos++;
1228 	bits+=8;
1229       }
1230       else
1231       {
1232 	bit_buff->current_byte= ((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0]) << 8) +
1233 	  ((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[1]));
1234 	bit_buff->pos+=2;
1235 	bits+=16;
1236       }
1237 #endif
1238     }
1239 	/* First use info in quick_table */
1240     low_byte=(bit_buff->current_byte >> (bits - table_bits)) & table_and;
1241     low_byte=decode_tree->table[low_byte];
1242     if (low_byte & IS_CHAR)
1243     {
1244       *to++ = (low_byte & 255);		/* Found char in quick table */
1245       bits-=  ((low_byte >> 8) & 31);	/* Remove bits used */
1246     }
1247     else
1248     {					/* Map through rest of decode-table */
1249       pos=decode_tree->table+low_byte;
1250       bits-=table_bits;
1251       for (;;)
1252       {
1253 	if (bits < 8)
1254 	{				/* We don't need to check end */
1255 #if BITS_SAVED == 32
1256 	  bit_buff->current_byte= (bit_buff->current_byte << 24) +
1257 	    (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[2]))) +
1258 	      (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[1])) << 8) +
1259 		(((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0])) << 16);
1260 	  bit_buff->pos+=3;
1261 	  bits+=24;
1262 #else
1263 	  bit_buff->current_byte=  (bit_buff->current_byte << 8) +
1264 	    (uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0]);
1265 	  bit_buff->pos+=1;
1266 	  bits+=8;
1267 #endif
1268 	}
1269 	low_byte=(uint) (bit_buff->current_byte >> (bits-8));
1270 	decode_bytes_test_bit(0);
1271 	decode_bytes_test_bit(1);
1272 	decode_bytes_test_bit(2);
1273 	decode_bytes_test_bit(3);
1274 	decode_bytes_test_bit(4);
1275 	decode_bytes_test_bit(5);
1276 	decode_bytes_test_bit(6);
1277 	decode_bytes_test_bit(7);
1278 	bits-=8;
1279       }
1280       *to++ = (uchar) *pos;
1281     }
1282   } while (to != end);
1284   bit_buff->bits=bits;
1285   return;
1286 }
1287 #endif /* BIT_SAVED == 64 */
decode_pos(MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,MI_DECODE_TREE * decode_tree)1290 static uint decode_pos(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, MI_DECODE_TREE *decode_tree)
1291 {
1292   uint16 *pos=decode_tree->table;
1293   for (;;)
1294   {
1295     if (get_bit(bit_buff))
1296       pos++;
1297     if (*pos & IS_CHAR)
1298       return (uint) (*pos & ~IS_CHAR);
1299     pos+= *pos;
1300   }
1301 }
_mi_read_rnd_pack_record(MI_INFO * info,uchar * buf,my_off_t filepos,my_bool skip_deleted_blocks)1304 int _mi_read_rnd_pack_record(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf,
1305 			     my_off_t filepos,
1306 			     my_bool skip_deleted_blocks)
1307 {
1308   uint b_type;
1309   MI_BLOCK_INFO block_info;
1310   MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
1311   DBUG_ENTER("_mi_read_rnd_pack_record");
1313   if (filepos >= info->state->data_file_length)
1314   {
1315     set_my_errno(HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
1316     goto err;
1317   }
1319   if (info->opt_flag & READ_CACHE_USED)
1320   {
1321     if (_mi_read_cache(&info->rec_cache, (uchar*) block_info.header,
1322                        filepos, share->pack.ref_length,
1323                        skip_deleted_blocks ? READING_NEXT : 0))
1324       goto err;
1325     b_type=_mi_pack_get_block_info(info, &info->bit_buff, &block_info,
1326                                    &info->rec_buff, -1, filepos);
1327   }
1328   else
1329     b_type=_mi_pack_get_block_info(info, &info->bit_buff, &block_info,
1330                                    &info->rec_buff, info->dfile, filepos);
1331   if (b_type)
1332     goto err;					/* Error code is already set */
1333 #ifndef NDEBUG
1334   if (block_info.rec_len > share->max_pack_length)
1335   {
1336     set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD);
1337     goto err;
1338   }
1339 #endif
1341   if (info->opt_flag & READ_CACHE_USED)
1342   {
1343     if (_mi_read_cache(&info->rec_cache, (uchar*) info->rec_buff,
1344                        block_info.filepos, block_info.rec_len,
1345                        skip_deleted_blocks ? READING_NEXT : 0))
1346       goto err;
1347   }
1348   else
1349   {
1350     if (mysql_file_read(info->dfile,
1351                         (uchar*) info->rec_buff + block_info.offset,
1352                         block_info.rec_len-block_info.offset, MYF(MY_NABP)))
1353       goto err;
1354   }
1355   info->packed_length=block_info.rec_len;
1356   info->lastpos=filepos;
1357   info->nextpos=block_info.filepos+block_info.rec_len;
1358   info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV | HA_STATE_KEY_CHANGED;
1360   DBUG_RETURN (_mi_pack_rec_unpack(info, &info->bit_buff, buf,
1361                                    info->rec_buff, block_info.rec_len));
1362  err:
1363   DBUG_RETURN(my_errno());
1364 }
1367 	/* Read and process header from a huff-record-file */
_mi_pack_get_block_info(MI_INFO * myisam,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,MI_BLOCK_INFO * info,uchar ** rec_buff_p,File file,my_off_t filepos)1369 uint _mi_pack_get_block_info(MI_INFO *myisam, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
1370                              MI_BLOCK_INFO *info, uchar **rec_buff_p,
1371                              File file, my_off_t filepos)
1372 {
1373   uchar *header=info->header;
1374   uint head_length, ref_length= 0;
1376   if (file >= 0)
1377   {
1378     ref_length=myisam->s->pack.ref_length;
1379     /*
1380       We can't use mysql_file_pread() here because mi_read_rnd_pack_record assumes
1381       position is ok
1382     */
1383     mysql_file_seek(file, filepos, MY_SEEK_SET, MYF(0));
1384     if (mysql_file_read(file, header, ref_length, MYF(MY_NABP)))
1385       return BLOCK_FATAL_ERROR;
1386     DBUG_DUMP("header",(uchar*) header,ref_length);
1387   }
1388   head_length= read_pack_length((uint) myisam->s->pack.version, header,
1389                                 &info->rec_len);
1390   if (myisam->s->base.blobs)
1391   {
1392     head_length+= read_pack_length((uint) myisam->s->pack.version,
1393                                    header + head_length, &info->blob_len);
1394     /*
1395       Ensure that the record buffer is big enough for the compressed
1396       record plus all expanded blobs. [We do not have an extra buffer
1397       for the resulting blobs. Sigh.]
1398     */
1399     if (!(mi_alloc_rec_buff(myisam,info->rec_len + info->blob_len,
1400 			    rec_buff_p)))
1401       return BLOCK_FATAL_ERROR;			/* not enough memory */
1402     bit_buff->blob_pos= (uchar*) *rec_buff_p + info->rec_len;
1403     bit_buff->blob_end= bit_buff->blob_pos + info->blob_len;
1404     myisam->blob_length=info->blob_len;
1405   }
1406   info->filepos=filepos+head_length;
1407   if (file > 0)
1408   {
1409     info->offset= MY_MIN(info->rec_len, ref_length - head_length);
1410     memcpy(*rec_buff_p, header + head_length, info->offset);
1411   }
1412   return 0;
1413 }
1416 	/* rutines for bit buffer */
1417 	/* Note buffer must be 6 byte bigger than longest row */
init_bit_buffer(MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uchar * buffer,uint length)1419 static void init_bit_buffer(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uchar *buffer, uint length)
1420 {
1421   bit_buff->pos=buffer;
1422   bit_buff->end=buffer+length;
1423   bit_buff->bits=bit_buff->error=0;
1424   bit_buff->current_byte=0;			/* Avoid purify errors */
1425 }
fill_and_get_bits(MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,uint count)1427 static uint fill_and_get_bits(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff, uint count)
1428 {
1429   uint tmp;
1430   count-=bit_buff->bits;
1431   tmp=(bit_buff->current_byte & mask[bit_buff->bits]) << count;
1432   fill_buffer(bit_buff);
1433   bit_buff->bits=BITS_SAVED - count;
1434   return tmp+(bit_buff->current_byte >> (BITS_SAVED - count));
1435 }
1437 	/* Fill in empty bit_buff->current_byte from buffer */
1438 	/* Sets bit_buff->error if buffer is exhausted */
fill_buffer(MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff)1440 static void fill_buffer(MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff)
1441 {
1442   if (bit_buff->pos >= bit_buff->end)
1443   {
1444     bit_buff->error= 1;
1445     bit_buff->current_byte=0;
1446     return;
1447   }
1449 #if BITS_SAVED == 64
1450   bit_buff->current_byte=  ((((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[7]))) +
1451 			     (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[6])) << 8) +
1452 			     (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[5])) << 16) +
1453 			     (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[4])) << 24) +
1454 			     ((ulonglong)
1455 			      ((((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[3]))) +
1456 			       (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[2])) << 8) +
1457 			       (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[1])) << 16) +
1458 			       (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0])) << 24)) << 32));
1459   bit_buff->pos+=8;
1460 #else
1461 #if BITS_SAVED == 32
1462   bit_buff->current_byte=  (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[3])) +
1463 			     (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[2])) << 8) +
1464 			     (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[1])) << 16) +
1465 			     (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0])) << 24));
1466   bit_buff->pos+=4;
1467 #else
1468   bit_buff->current_byte=  (uint) (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[1]))+
1469 				    (((uint) ((uchar) bit_buff->pos[0])) << 8));
1470   bit_buff->pos+=2;
1471 #endif
1472 #endif
1473 }
1475 	/* Get number of bits neaded to represent value */
max_bit(uint value)1477 static uint max_bit(uint value)
1478 {
1479   uint power=1;
1481   while ((value>>=1))
1482     power++;
1483   return (power);
1484 }
1487 /*****************************************************************************
1488 	Some redefined functions to handle files when we are using memmap
1489 *****************************************************************************/
1490 #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H
1491 #include <sys/mman.h>
1492 #endif
1494 static int _mi_read_mempack_record(MI_INFO *info,my_off_t filepos,uchar *buf);
1495 static int _mi_read_rnd_mempack_record(MI_INFO*, uchar *,my_off_t, my_bool);
_mi_memmap_file(MI_INFO * info)1497 my_bool _mi_memmap_file(MI_INFO *info)
1498 {
1499   MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
1500   my_bool eom;
1502   DBUG_ENTER("mi_memmap_file");
1504   if (!info->s->file_map)
1505   {
1506     my_off_t data_file_length= share->state.state.data_file_length;
1508     if (myisam_mmap_size != SIZE_T_MAX)
1509     {
1510       mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1511       eom= data_file_length > myisam_mmap_size - myisam_mmap_used - MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN;
1512       if (!eom)
1513         myisam_mmap_used+= data_file_length + MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN;
1514       mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1515     }
1516     else
1517       eom= data_file_length > myisam_mmap_size - MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN;
1519     if (eom)
1520     {
1521       DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("File is too large for mmap"));
1522       DBUG_RETURN(0);
1523     }
1524     if (mysql_file_seek(info->dfile, 0L, MY_SEEK_END, MYF(0)) <
1525         share->state.state.data_file_length+MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN)
1526     {
1527       DBUG_PRINT("warning",("File isn't extended for memmap"));
1528       if (myisam_mmap_size != SIZE_T_MAX)
1529       {
1530         mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1531         myisam_mmap_used-= data_file_length + MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN;
1532         mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1533       }
1534       DBUG_RETURN(0);
1535     }
1536     if (mi_dynmap_file(info,
1537                        share->state.state.data_file_length +
1538                          MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN))
1539     {
1540       if (myisam_mmap_size != SIZE_T_MAX)
1541       {
1542         mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1543         myisam_mmap_used-= data_file_length + MEMMAP_EXTRA_MARGIN;
1544         mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1545       }
1546       DBUG_RETURN(0);
1547     }
1548   }
1549   info->opt_flag|= MEMMAP_USED;
1550   info->read_record= share->read_record= _mi_read_mempack_record;
1551   share->read_rnd= _mi_read_rnd_mempack_record;
1552   DBUG_RETURN(1);
1553 }
_mi_unmap_file(MI_INFO * info)1556 void _mi_unmap_file(MI_INFO *info)
1557 {
1558   assert(info->s->options & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD);
1560   (void) my_munmap((char*) info->s->file_map, (size_t) info->s->mmaped_length);
1562   if (myisam_mmap_size != SIZE_T_MAX)
1563   {
1564     mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1565     myisam_mmap_used-= info->s->mmaped_length;
1566     mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_myisam_mmap);
1567   }
1568 }
_mi_mempack_get_block_info(MI_INFO * myisam,MI_BIT_BUFF * bit_buff,MI_BLOCK_INFO * info,uchar ** rec_buff_p,uchar * header)1571 static uchar *_mi_mempack_get_block_info(MI_INFO *myisam, MI_BIT_BUFF *bit_buff,
1572                                          MI_BLOCK_INFO *info, uchar **rec_buff_p,
1573 					 uchar *header)
1574 {
1575   header+= read_pack_length((uint) myisam->s->pack.version, header,
1576                             &info->rec_len);
1577   if (myisam->s->base.blobs)
1578   {
1579     header+= read_pack_length((uint) myisam->s->pack.version, header,
1580                               &info->blob_len);
1581     /* mi_alloc_rec_buff sets my_errno on error */
1582     if (!(mi_alloc_rec_buff(myisam, info->blob_len,
1583 			    rec_buff_p)))
1584       return 0;				/* not enough memory */
1585     bit_buff->blob_pos= (uchar*) *rec_buff_p;
1586     bit_buff->blob_end= (uchar*) *rec_buff_p + info->blob_len;
1587   }
1588   return header;
1589 }
_mi_read_mempack_record(MI_INFO * info,my_off_t filepos,uchar * buf)1592 static int _mi_read_mempack_record(MI_INFO *info, my_off_t filepos, uchar *buf)
1593 {
1594   MI_BLOCK_INFO block_info;
1595   MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
1596   uchar *pos;
1597   DBUG_ENTER("mi_read_mempack_record");
1599   if (filepos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR)
1600     DBUG_RETURN(-1);			/* _search() didn't find record */
1602   if (!(pos= (uchar*) _mi_mempack_get_block_info(info, &info->bit_buff,
1603                                                 &block_info, &info->rec_buff,
1604 						(uchar*) share->file_map+
1605 						filepos)))
1606     DBUG_RETURN(-1);
1607   DBUG_RETURN(_mi_pack_rec_unpack(info, &info->bit_buff, buf,
1608                                   pos, block_info.rec_len));
1609 }
1612 /*ARGSUSED*/
_mi_read_rnd_mempack_record(MI_INFO * info,uchar * buf,my_off_t filepos,my_bool skip_deleted_blocks MY_ATTRIBUTE ((unused)))1613 static int _mi_read_rnd_mempack_record(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buf,
1614 				       my_off_t filepos,
1615 				       my_bool skip_deleted_blocks
1616 				       MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)))
1617 {
1618   MI_BLOCK_INFO block_info;
1619   MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s;
1620   uchar *pos,*start;
1621   DBUG_ENTER("_mi_read_rnd_mempack_record");
1623   if (filepos >= share->state.state.data_file_length)
1624   {
1625     set_my_errno(HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
1626     goto err;
1627   }
1628   if (!(pos= (uchar*) _mi_mempack_get_block_info(info, &info->bit_buff,
1629                                                 &block_info, &info->rec_buff,
1630 						(uchar*)
1631 						(start=share->file_map+
1632 						 filepos))))
1633     goto err;
1634 #ifndef NDEBUG
1635   if (block_info.rec_len > info->s->max_pack_length)
1636   {
1637     set_my_errno(HA_ERR_WRONG_IN_RECORD);
1638     goto err;
1639   }
1640 #endif
1641   info->packed_length=block_info.rec_len;
1642   info->lastpos=filepos;
1643   info->nextpos=filepos+(uint) (pos-start)+block_info.rec_len;
1644   info->update|= HA_STATE_AKTIV | HA_STATE_KEY_CHANGED;
1646   DBUG_RETURN (_mi_pack_rec_unpack(info, &info->bit_buff, buf,
1647                                    pos, block_info.rec_len));
1648  err:
1649   DBUG_RETURN(my_errno());
1650 }
1653 	/* Save length of row */
save_pack_length(uint version,uchar * block_buff,ulong length)1655 uint save_pack_length(uint version, uchar *block_buff, ulong length)
1656 {
1657   if (length < 254)
1658   {
1659     *(uchar*) block_buff= (uchar) length;
1660     return 1;
1661   }
1662   if (length <= 65535)
1663   {
1664     *(uchar*) block_buff=254;
1665     int2store(block_buff+1,(uint) length);
1666     return 3;
1667   }
1668   *(uchar*) block_buff=255;
1669   if (version == 1) /* old format */
1670   {
1671     assert(length <= 0xFFFFFF);
1672     int3store(block_buff + 1, (ulong) length);
1673     return 4;
1674   }
1675   else
1676   {
1677     int4store(block_buff + 1, (ulong) length);
1678     return 5;
1679   }
1680 }
read_pack_length(uint version,const uchar * buf,ulong * length)1683 uint read_pack_length(uint version, const uchar *buf, ulong *length)
1684 {
1685   if (buf[0] < 254)
1686   {
1687     *length= buf[0];
1688     return 1;
1689   }
1690   else if (buf[0] == 254)
1691   {
1692     *length= uint2korr(buf + 1);
1693     return 3;
1694   }
1695   if (version == 1) /* old format */
1696   {
1697     *length= uint3korr(buf + 1);
1698     return 4;
1699   }
1700   else
1701   {
1702     *length= uint4korr(buf + 1);
1703     return 5;
1704   }
1705 }
calc_pack_length(uint version,ulong length)1708 uint calc_pack_length(uint version, ulong length)
1709 {
1710   return (length < 254) ? 1 : (length < 65536) ? 3 : (version == 1) ? 4 : 5;
1711 }