2   "name": "plpgsql_check",
3   "abstract": "Additional tools for plpgsql functions validation",
4   "description": "The plpgsql_check is PostgreSQL extension with functionality for direct or indirect extra validation of functions in plpgsql language. It verifies a validity of SQL identifiers used in plpgsql code. It try to identify a performance issues. Modern versions has integrated profiler. The table and function dependencies can be displayed",
5   "version": "2.0.6",
6   "maintainer": "Pavel STEHULE <pavel.stehule@gmail.com>",
7   "license": "bsd",
8   "provides": {
9      "plpgsql_check": {
10         "abstract": "Additional tools for plpgsql functions validation",
11         "file": "sql/plpgsql_check_active.sql",
12         "docfile": "README.md",
13         "version": "2.0.6"
14      }
15   },
16   "prereqs": {
17      "runtime": {
18         "requires": {
19            "PostgreSQL": "10.0.0",
20            "plpgsql": 0
21        }
22      }
23   },
24   "resources": {
25      "bugtracker": {
26         "web": "https://github.com/okbob/plpgsql_check/issues/"
27      },
28      "repository": {
29        "url":  "git://github.com/okbob/plpgsql_check.git",
30        "web":  "https://github.com/okbob/plpgsql_check/",
31        "type": "git"
32      }
33   },
34   "generated_by": "David E. Wheeler",
35   "meta-spec": {
36      "version": "1.0.0",
37      "url": "http://pgxn.org/meta/spec.txt"
38   },
39   "tags": [
40      "plpgsql",
41      "analyzer",
42      "validate",
43      "development",
44      "profiler"
45   ]