3-- encoding tests
6set client_encoding = 'utf8';
8-- google translate says:
9-- column: コラム
10-- table: テーブル
11-- client data: クライアント側のデータ
12-- proxy data: プロキシデータ
13-- remote data: リモートデータ
14-- argument: 引数
17set client_min_messages = 'warning';
18drop database if exists test_enc_proxy;
19drop database if exists test_enc_part;
20create database test_enc_proxy with encoding 'euc_jp' lc_collate 'C' lc_ctype 'C' template template0;
21create database test_enc_part with encoding 'utf-8' template template0;
23-- initialize proxy db
24\c test_enc_proxy
25set client_encoding = 'utf-8';
26set client_min_messages = 'warning';
27\set ECHO none
28create extension plproxy;
29\set ECHO all
30create schema plproxy;
31create or replace function plproxy.get_cluster_version(cluster_name text)
32returns integer as $$ begin return 1; end; $$ language plpgsql;
33create or replace function plproxy.get_cluster_config(cluster_name text, out key text, out val text)
34returns setof record as $$ begin return; end; $$ language plpgsql;
35create or replace function plproxy.get_cluster_partitions(cluster_name text)
36returns setof text as $$ begin
37    return next 'host= dbname=test_enc_part'; return;
38end; $$ language plpgsql;
40create table intl_data (id int4, "コラム" text);
41create function test_encoding() returns setof intl_data as $$
42    cluster 'testcluster'; run on 0; select * from intl_data order by 1;
43$$ language plproxy;
44create function test_encoding2(text) returns setof intl_data as $$
45    cluster 'testcluster'; run on 0;
46    select 0 as id, $1 as "コラム";
47$$ language plproxy;
48create function test_encoding3(text) returns setof intl_data as $$
49    cluster 'testcluster'; run on 0;
50$$ language plproxy;
51-- initialize part db
52\c test_enc_part
53set client_min_messages = 'warning';
54set client_encoding = 'utf8';
55create table intl_data (id int4, "コラム" text);
56insert into intl_data values (1, 'リモートデータ');
57create function test_encoding3(text)
58returns setof intl_data as $$
59declare rec intl_data%rowtype;
61    raise notice 'got: %', $1;
62    rec := (3, $1);
63    return next rec; return;
64end; $$ language plpgsql;
66set client_encoding = 'sjis';
67select * from intl_data order by 1;
68set client_encoding = 'euc_jp';
69select * from intl_data order by 1;
70set client_encoding = 'utf-8';
71select * from intl_data order by 1;
73-- test
74\c test_enc_proxy
75set client_encoding = 'sjis';
76select * from test_encoding();
77set client_encoding = 'euc_jp';
78select * from test_encoding();
79set client_encoding = 'utf8';
80select * from test_encoding();
81select * from test_encoding2('クライアント側のデータ');
82select * from test_encoding3('クライアント側のデータ');
84\c template1
85set client_min_messages = 'warning';
86drop database if exists test_enc_proxy;
87drop database if exists test_enc_part;
88create database test_enc_proxy with encoding 'utf-8' template template0;
89create database test_enc_part with encoding 'euc_jp' lc_collate 'C' lc_ctype 'C' template template0;
91-- initialize proxy db
92\c test_enc_proxy
93set client_min_messages = 'warning';
94\set ECHO none
95create extension plproxy;
96\set ECHO all
97set client_encoding = 'utf8';
98create schema plproxy;
99create or replace function plproxy.get_cluster_version(cluster_name text)
100returns integer as $$ begin return 1; end; $$ language plpgsql;
101create or replace function plproxy.get_cluster_config(cluster_name text, out key text, out val text)
102returns setof record as $$ begin return; end; $$ language plpgsql;
103create or replace function plproxy.get_cluster_partitions(cluster_name text)
104returns setof text as $$ begin
105    return next 'host= dbname=test_enc_part'; return;
106end; $$ language plpgsql;
108create table intl_data (id int4, "コラム" text);
109create function test_encoding() returns setof intl_data as $$
110    cluster 'testcluster'; run on 0; select * from intl_data order by 1;
111$$ language plproxy;
112create function test_encoding2(text) returns setof intl_data as $$
113    cluster 'testcluster'; run on 0;
114    select 0 as id, $1 as "コラム";
115$$ language plproxy;
116create function test_encoding3(text) returns setof intl_data as $$
117    cluster 'testcluster'; run on 0;
118$$ language plproxy;
120-- initialize part db
121\c test_enc_part
122set client_min_messages = 'warning';
123set client_encoding = 'utf8';
124create table intl_data (id int4, "コラム" text);
125insert into intl_data values (1, 'リモートデータ');
126create function test_encoding3(text)
127returns setof intl_data as $$
128declare rec intl_data%rowtype;
130    raise notice 'got: %', $1;
131    rec := (3, $1);
132    return next rec; return;
133end; $$ language plpgsql;
134set client_encoding = 'sjis';
135select * from intl_data order by 1;
136set client_encoding = 'euc_jp';
137select * from intl_data order by 1;
138set client_encoding = 'utf-8';
139select * from intl_data order by 1;
141-- test
142\c test_enc_proxy
143set client_encoding = 'utf8';
144set client_encoding = 'sjis';
145select * from test_encoding();
146set client_encoding = 'euc_jp';
147select * from test_encoding();
148set client_encoding = 'utf-8';
149select * from test_encoding();
150select * from test_encoding2('クライアント側のデータ');
151select * from test_encoding3('クライアント側のデータ');