1<sect1 id="configuration-file-log-settings" xreflabel="log settings">
2  <title>Log settings</title>
4  <indexterm>
5    <primary>repmgr.conf</primary>
6    <secondary>log settings</secondary>
7  </indexterm>
8  <indexterm>
9    <primary>log settings</primary>
10    <secondary>configuration in repmgr.conf</secondary>
11  </indexterm>
13  <para>
14    By default, &repmgr; and &repmgrd; write log output to
15    <literal>STDERR</literal>. An alternative log destination can be specified
16    (either a file or <literal>syslog</literal>).
17  </para>
19  <note>
20    <para>
21      The &repmgr; application itself will continue to write log output to <literal>STDERR</literal>
22      even if another log destination is configured, as otherwise any output resulting from a command
23      line operation will "disappear" into the log.
24    </para>
25    <para>
26      This behaviour can be overriden with the command line option <option>--log-to-file</option>,
27      which will redirect all logging output to the configured log destination. This is recommended
28      when &repmgr; is executed by another application, particularly &repmgrd;,
29      to enable log output generated by the &repmgr; application to be stored for later reference.
30    </para>
31  </note>
33  <variablelist>
35   <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-log-level" xreflabel="log_level">
36    <term><varname>log_level</varname> (<type>string</type>)</term>
37    <listitem>
38     <indexterm>
39      <primary><varname>log_level</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
40     </indexterm>
41     <para>
42       One of <option>DEBUG</option>, <option>INFO</option>, <option>NOTICE</option>,
43       <option>WARNING</option>, <option>ERROR</option>, <option>ALERT</option>, <option>CRIT</option>
44       or <option>EMERG</option>.
45     </para>
46     <para>
47       Default is <option>INFO</option>.
48     </para>
49     <para>
50       Note that <option>DEBUG</option> will produce a substantial amount of log output
51       and should not be enabled in normal use.
52     </para>
53    </listitem>
54   </varlistentry>
56   <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-log-facility" xreflabel="log_facility">
57    <term><varname>log_facility</varname> (<type>string</type>)
58     <indexterm>
59      <primary><varname>log_facility</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
60     </indexterm>
61    </term>
62    <listitem>
63     <para>
64       Logging facility: possible values are <option>STDERR</option> (default), or for
65       syslog integration, one of <option>LOCAL0</option>, <option>LOCAL1</option>, <option>...</option>,
66       <option>LOCAL7</option>, <option>USER</option>.
67     </para>
68    </listitem>
69   </varlistentry>
71   <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-log-file" xreflabel="log_file">
72    <term><varname>log_file</varname> (<type>string</type>)
73     <indexterm>
74      <primary><varname>log_file</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
75     </indexterm>
76    </term>
77    <listitem>
78     <para>
79       If <xref linkend="repmgr-conf-log-facility"/> is set to <option>STDERR</option>, log output
80       can be redirected to the specified file.
81     </para>
82     <para>
83       See <xref linkend="repmgrd-log-rotation"/> for information on configuring log rotation.
84     </para>
85    </listitem>
86   </varlistentry>
88   <varlistentry id="repmgr-conf-log-status-interval" xreflabel="log_status_interval">
89    <term><varname>log_status_interval</varname> (<type>integer</type>)
90     <indexterm>
91      <primary><varname>log_status_interval</varname> configuration file parameter</primary>
92     </indexterm>
93    </term>
94    <listitem>
95     <para>
96       This setting causes &repmgrd; to emit a status log
97       line at the specified interval (in seconds, default <literal>300</literal>)
98       describing &repmgrd;'s current state, e.g.:
99     </para>
100     <programlisting>
101      [2018-07-12 00:47:32] [INFO] monitoring connection to upstream node "node1" (ID: 1)</programlisting>
102    </listitem>
103   </varlistentry>
105  </variablelist>