3PostgreSQL documentation
6<refentry id="app-pg-ctl">
7 <indexterm zone="app-pg-ctl">
8  <primary>pg_ctl</primary>
9 </indexterm>
11 <refmeta>
12  <refentrytitle><application>pg_ctl</application></refentrytitle>
13  <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
14  <refmiscinfo>Application</refmiscinfo>
15 </refmeta>
17 <refnamediv>
18  <refname>pg_ctl</refname>
19  <refpurpose>initialize, start, stop, or control a <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> server</refpurpose>
20 </refnamediv>
22 <refsynopsisdiv>
23  <cmdsynopsis>
24   <command>pg_ctl</command>
25   <arg choice="plain"><option>init[db]</option></arg>
26   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
27   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
28   <arg choice="opt"><option>-o</option> <replaceable>initdb-options</replaceable></arg>
29  </cmdsynopsis>
31  <cmdsynopsis>
32   <command>pg_ctl</command>
33   <arg choice="plain"><option>start</option></arg>
34   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
35   <arg choice="opt"><option>-l</option> <replaceable>filename</replaceable></arg>
36   <arg choice="opt"><option>-W</option></arg>
37   <arg choice="opt"><option>-t</option> <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
38   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
39   <arg choice="opt"><option>-o</option> <replaceable>options</replaceable></arg>
40   <arg choice="opt"><option>-p</option> <replaceable>path</replaceable></arg>
41   <arg choice="opt"><option>-c</option></arg>
42  </cmdsynopsis>
44  <cmdsynopsis>
45   <command>pg_ctl</command>
46   <arg choice="plain"><option>stop</option></arg>
47   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
48   <arg choice="opt"><option>-m</option>
49     <group choice="plain">
50       <arg choice="plain"><option>s[mart]</option></arg>
51       <arg choice="plain"><option>f[ast]</option></arg>
52       <arg choice="plain"><option>i[mmediate]</option></arg>
53     </group>
54   </arg>
55   <arg choice="opt"><option>-W</option></arg>
56   <arg choice="opt"><option>-t</option> <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
57   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
58  </cmdsynopsis>
60  <cmdsynopsis>
61   <command>pg_ctl</command>
62   <arg choice="plain"><option>restart</option></arg>
63   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
64   <arg choice="opt"><option>-m</option>
65     <group choice="plain">
66       <arg choice="plain"><option>s[mart]</option></arg>
67       <arg choice="plain"><option>f[ast]</option></arg>
68       <arg choice="plain"><option>i[mmediate]</option></arg>
69     </group>
70   </arg>
71   <arg choice="opt"><option>-W</option></arg>
72   <arg choice="opt"><option>-t</option> <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
73   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
74   <arg choice="opt"><option>-o</option> <replaceable>options</replaceable></arg>
75   <arg choice="opt"><option>-c</option></arg>
76  </cmdsynopsis>
78  <cmdsynopsis>
79   <command>pg_ctl</command>
80   <arg choice="plain"><option>reload</option></arg>
81   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
82   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
83  </cmdsynopsis>
85  <cmdsynopsis>
86   <command>pg_ctl</command>
87   <arg choice="plain"><option>status</option></arg>
88   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
89  </cmdsynopsis>
91  <cmdsynopsis>
92   <command>pg_ctl</command>
93   <arg choice="plain"><option>promote</option></arg>
94   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
95   <arg choice="opt"><option>-W</option></arg>
96   <arg choice="opt"><option>-t</option> <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
97   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
98  </cmdsynopsis>
100  <cmdsynopsis>
101   <command>pg_ctl</command>
102   <arg choice="plain"><option>kill</option></arg>
103   <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>signal_name</replaceable></arg>
104   <arg choice="plain"><replaceable>process_id</replaceable></arg>
105  </cmdsynopsis>
107  <para>On Microsoft Windows, also:</para>
109  <cmdsynopsis>
110   <command>pg_ctl</command>
111   <arg choice="plain"><option>register</option></arg>
112   <arg choice="opt"><option>-D</option> <replaceable>datadir</replaceable></arg>
113   <arg choice="opt"><option>-N</option> <replaceable>servicename</replaceable></arg>
114   <arg choice="opt"><option>-U</option> <replaceable>username</replaceable></arg>
115   <arg choice="opt"><option>-P</option> <replaceable>password</replaceable></arg>
116   <arg choice="opt"><option>-S</option>
117     <group choice="plain">
118       <arg choice="plain"><option>a[uto]</option></arg>
119       <arg choice="plain"><option>d[emand]</option></arg>
120     </group>
121   </arg>
122   <arg choice="opt"><option>-e</option> <replaceable>source</replaceable></arg>
123   <arg choice="opt"><option>-W</option></arg>
124   <arg choice="opt"><option>-t</option> <replaceable>seconds</replaceable></arg>
125   <arg choice="opt"><option>-s</option></arg>
126   <arg choice="opt"><option>-o</option> <replaceable>options</replaceable></arg>
127  </cmdsynopsis>
129  <cmdsynopsis>
130   <command>pg_ctl</command>
131   <arg choice="plain"><option>unregister</option></arg>
132   <arg choice="opt"><option>-N</option> <replaceable>servicename</replaceable></arg>
133  </cmdsynopsis>
134 </refsynopsisdiv>
137 <refsect1 id="app-pg-ctl-description">
138  <title>Description</title>
139  <para>
140   <application>pg_ctl</application> is a utility for initializing a
141   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> database cluster, starting,
142   stopping, or restarting the <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>
143   database server (<xref linkend="app-postgres">), or displaying the
144   status of a running server.  Although the server can be started
145   manually, <application>pg_ctl</application> encapsulates tasks such
146   as redirecting log output and properly detaching from the terminal
147   and process group. It also provides convenient options for
148   controlled shutdown.
149  </para>
151  <para>
152   The <option>init</option> or <option>initdb</option> mode creates a new
153   <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> database cluster, that is,
154   a collection of databases that will be managed by a single
155   server instance.  This mode invokes the <command>initdb</command>
156   command.  See <xref linkend="app-initdb"> for details.
157  </para>
159  <para>
160   <option>start</option> mode launches a new server.  The
161   server is started in the background, and its standard input is attached
162   to <filename>/dev/null</filename> (or <literal>nul</> on Windows).
163   On Unix-like systems, by default, the server's standard output and
164   standard error are sent to <application>pg_ctl</application>'s
165   standard output (not standard error).  The standard output of
166   <application>pg_ctl</application> should then be redirected to a
167   file or piped to another process such as a log rotating program
168   like <application>rotatelogs</>; otherwise <command>postgres</command>
169   will write its output to the controlling terminal (from the
170   background) and will not leave the shell's process group.  On
171   Windows, by default the server's standard output and standard error
172   are sent to the terminal.  These default behaviors can be changed
173   by using <option>-l</option> to append the server's output to a log file.
174   Use of either <option>-l</option> or output redirection is recommended.
175  </para>
177  <para>
178   <option>stop</option> mode shuts down the server that is running in
179   the specified data directory.  Three different
180   shutdown methods can be selected with the <option>-m</option>
181   option.  <quote>Smart</quote> mode disallows new connections, then waits
182   for all existing clients to disconnect and any online backup to finish.
183   If the server is in hot standby, recovery and streaming replication
184   will be terminated once all clients have disconnected.
185   <quote>Fast</quote> mode (the default) does not wait for clients to disconnect and
186   will terminate an online backup in progress.  All active transactions are
187   rolled back and clients are forcibly disconnected, then the
188   server is shut down.  <quote>Immediate</quote> mode will abort
189   all server processes immediately, without a clean shutdown.  This choice
190   will lead to a crash-recovery cycle during the next server start.
191  </para>
193  <para>
194   <option>restart</option> mode effectively executes a stop followed
195   by a start.  This allows changing the <command>postgres</command>
196   command-line options, or changing configuration-file options that
197   cannot be changed without restarting the server.
198   If relative paths were used on the command line during server
199   start, <option>restart</option> might fail unless
200   <application>pg_ctl</application> is executed in the same current
201   directory as it was during server start.
202  </para>
204  <para>
205   <option>reload</option> mode simply sends the
206   <command>postgres</command> server process a <systemitem>SIGHUP</>
207   signal, causing it to reread its configuration files
208   (<filename>postgresql.conf</filename>,
209   <filename>pg_hba.conf</filename>, etc.).  This allows changing
210   configuration-file options that do not require a full server restart
211   to take effect.
212  </para>
214  <para>
215   <option>status</option> mode checks whether a server is running in
216   the specified data directory. If it is, the server's <acronym>PID</acronym>
217   and the command line options that were used to invoke it are displayed.
218   If the server is not running, <application>pg_ctl</application> returns
219   an exit status of 3.  If an accessible data directory is not
220   specified, <application>pg_ctl</application> returns an exit status of 4.
221  </para>
223  <para>
224   <option>promote</option> mode commands the standby server that is
225   running in the specified data directory to end standby mode
226   and begin read-write operations.
227  </para>
229  <para>
230   <option>kill</option> mode sends a signal to a specified process.
231   This is primarily valuable on <productname>Microsoft Windows</>
232   which does not have a built-in <application>kill</> command.  Use
233   <literal>--help</> to see a list of supported signal names.
234  </para>
236  <para>
237   <option>register</option> mode registers the <productname>PostgreSQL</>
238   server as a system service on <productname>Microsoft Windows</>.
239   The <option>-S</option> option allows selection of service start type,
240   either <quote>auto</quote> (start service automatically on system startup)
241   or <quote>demand</quote> (start service on demand).
242  </para>
244  <para>
245   <option>unregister</option> mode unregisters a system service
246   on <productname>Microsoft Windows</>.  This undoes the effects of the
247   <option>register</option> command.
248  </para>
249 </refsect1>
251 <refsect1 id="app-pg-ctl-options">
252  <title>Options</title>
254    <variablelist>
256     <varlistentry>
257      <term><option>-c</option></term>
258      <term><option>--core-files</option></term>
259      <listitem>
260       <para>
261        Attempt to allow server crashes to produce core files, on platforms
262        where this is possible, by lifting any soft resource limit placed on
263        core files.
264        This is useful in debugging or diagnosing problems by allowing a
265        stack trace to be obtained from a failed server process.
266       </para>
267      </listitem>
268     </varlistentry>
270     <varlistentry>
271      <term><option>-D <replaceable class="parameter">datadir</replaceable></option></term>
272      <term><option>--pgdata=<replaceable class="parameter">datadir</replaceable></option></term>
273      <listitem>
274       <para>
275        Specifies the file system location of the database configuration files.  If
276        this option is omitted, the environment variable
277        <envar>PGDATA</envar> is used.
278       </para>
279      </listitem>
280     </varlistentry>
282     <varlistentry>
283      <term><option>-l <replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable></option></term>
284      <term><option>--log=<replaceable class="parameter">filename</replaceable></option></term>
285      <listitem>
286       <para>
287        Append the server log output to
288        <replaceable>filename</replaceable>.  If the file does not
289        exist, it is created.  The <systemitem>umask</> is set to 077,
290        so access to the log file is disallowed to other users by default.
291       </para>
292      </listitem>
293     </varlistentry>
295     <varlistentry>
296      <term><option>-m <replaceable class="parameter">mode</replaceable></option></term>
297      <term><option>--mode=<replaceable class="parameter">mode</replaceable></option></term>
298      <listitem>
299       <para>
300        Specifies the shutdown mode.  <replaceable>mode</replaceable>
301        can be <literal>smart</literal>, <literal>fast</literal>, or
302        <literal>immediate</literal>, or the first letter of one of
303        these three.  If this option is omitted, <literal>fast</literal> is
304        the default.
305       </para>
306      </listitem>
307     </varlistentry>
309     <varlistentry>
310      <term><option>-o <replaceable class="parameter">options</replaceable></option></term>
311      <term><option>--options=<replaceable class="parameter">options</replaceable></option></term>
312      <listitem>
313       <para>
314        Specifies options to be passed directly to the
315        <command>postgres</command> command.
316        <option>-o</> can be specified multiple times, with all the given
317        options being passed through.
318       </para>
319       <para>
320        The <replaceable>options</> should usually be surrounded by single or
321        double quotes to ensure that they are passed through as a group.
322       </para>
323      </listitem>
324     </varlistentry>
326     <varlistentry>
327      <term><option>-o <replaceable class="parameter">initdb-options</replaceable></option></term>
328      <term><option>--options=<replaceable class="parameter">initdb-options</replaceable></option></term>
329      <listitem>
330       <para>
331        Specifies options to be passed directly to the
332        <command>initdb</command> command.
333        <option>-o</> can be specified multiple times, with all the given
334        options being passed through.
335       </para>
336       <para>
337        The <replaceable>initdb-options</> should usually be surrounded by single or
338        double quotes to ensure that they are passed through as a group.
339       </para>
340      </listitem>
341     </varlistentry>
343     <varlistentry>
344      <term><option>-p <replaceable class="parameter">path</replaceable></option></term>
345      <listitem>
346       <para>
347        Specifies the location of the <filename>postgres</filename>
348        executable.  By default the <filename>postgres</filename> executable is taken from the same
349        directory as <command>pg_ctl</command>, or failing that, the hard-wired
350        installation directory.  It is not necessary to use this
351        option unless you are doing something unusual and get errors
352        that the <filename>postgres</filename> executable was not found.
353       </para>
355       <para>
356        In <literal>init</literal> mode, this option analogously
357        specifies the location of the <filename>initdb</filename>
358        executable.
359       </para>
360      </listitem>
361     </varlistentry>
363     <varlistentry>
364      <term><option>-s</option></term>
365      <term><option>--silent</option></term>
366      <listitem>
367       <para>
368        Print only errors, no informational messages.
369       </para>
370      </listitem>
371     </varlistentry>
373     <varlistentry>
374      <term><option>-t <replaceable class="parameter">seconds</replaceable></option></term>
375      <term><option>--timeout=<replaceable class="parameter">seconds</replaceable></option></term>
376      <listitem>
377       <para>
378        Specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait when waiting for an
379        operation to complete (see option <option>-w</option>).  Defaults to
380        the value of the <envar>PGCTLTIMEOUT</> environment variable or, if
381        not set, to 60 seconds.
382       </para>
383      </listitem>
384     </varlistentry>
386     <varlistentry>
387      <term><option>-V</></term>
388      <term><option>--version</></term>
389       <listitem>
390        <para>
391         Print the <application>pg_ctl</application> version and exit.
392        </para>
393       </listitem>
394     </varlistentry>
396     <varlistentry>
397      <term><option>-w</option></term>
398      <term><option>--wait</option></term>
399      <listitem>
400       <para>
401        Wait for the operation to complete.  This is supported for the
402        modes <literal>start</literal>, <literal>stop</literal>,
403        <literal>restart</literal>, <literal>promote</literal>,
404        and <literal>register</literal>, and is the default for those modes.
405       </para>
407       <para>
408        When waiting, <command>pg_ctl</command> repeatedly checks the
409        server's <acronym>PID</acronym> file, sleeping for a short amount
410        of time between checks.  Startup is considered complete when
411        the <acronym>PID</acronym> file indicates that the server is ready to
412        accept connections.  Shutdown is considered complete when the server
413        removes the <acronym>PID</acronym> file.
414        <command>pg_ctl</command> returns an exit code based on the
415        success of the startup or shutdown.
416       </para>
418       <para>
419        If the operation does not complete within the timeout (see
420        option <option>-t</option>), then <command>pg_ctl</command> exits with
421        a nonzero exit status.  But note that the operation might continue in
422        the background and eventually succeed.
423       </para>
424      </listitem>
425     </varlistentry>
427     <varlistentry>
428      <term><option>-W</option></term>
429      <term><option>--no-wait</option></term>
430      <listitem>
431       <para>
432        Do not wait for the operation to complete.  This is the opposite of
433        the option <option>-w</option>.
434       </para>
436       <para>
437        If waiting is disabled, the requested action is triggered, but there
438        is no feedback about its success.  In that case, the server log file
439        or an external monitoring system would have to be used to check the
440        progress and success of the operation.
441       </para>
443       <para>
444        In prior releases of PostgreSQL, this was the default except for
445        the <literal>stop</literal> mode.
446       </para>
447      </listitem>
448     </varlistentry>
450     <varlistentry>
451      <term><option>-?</></term>
452      <term><option>--help</></term>
453      <listitem>
454       <para>
455        Show help about <application>pg_ctl</application> command line
456        arguments, and exit.
457       </para>
458      </listitem>
459     </varlistentry>
460   </variablelist>
462  <para>
463   If an option is specified that is valid, but not relevant to the selected
464   operating mode, <application>pg_ctl</application> ignores it.
465  </para>
467  <refsect2 id="app-pg-ctl-windows-options">
468   <title>Options for Windows</title>
470   <variablelist>
471    <varlistentry>
472     <term><option>-e <replaceable class="parameter">source</replaceable></option></term>
473     <listitem>
474      <para>
475       Name of the event source for <application>pg_ctl</application> to use
476       for logging to the event log when running as a Windows service.  The
477       default is <literal>PostgreSQL</literal>.  Note that this only controls
478       messages sent from <application>pg_ctl</application> itself; once
479       started, the server will use the event source specified
480       by its <xref linkend="guc-event-source"> parameter.  Should the server
481       fail very early in startup, before that parameter has been set,
482       it might also log using the default event
483       source name <literal>PostgreSQL</literal>.
484      </para>
485     </listitem>
486    </varlistentry>
488    <varlistentry>
489     <term><option>-N <replaceable class="parameter">servicename</replaceable></option></term>
490     <listitem>
491      <para>
492       Name of the system service to register. This name will be used
493       as both the service name and the display name.
494       The default is <literal>PostgreSQL</literal>.
495      </para>
496     </listitem>
497    </varlistentry>
499    <varlistentry>
500     <term><option>-P <replaceable class="parameter">password</replaceable></option></term>
501     <listitem>
502      <para>
503       Password for the user to run the service as.
504      </para>
505     </listitem>
506    </varlistentry>
508    <varlistentry>
509     <term><option>-S <replaceable class="parameter">start-type</replaceable></option></term>
510     <listitem>
511      <para>
512       Start type of the system service.  <replaceable>start-type</> can
513       be <literal>auto</literal>, or <literal>demand</literal>, or
514       the first letter of one of these two. If this option is omitted,
515       <literal>auto</literal> is the default.
516      </para>
517     </listitem>
518    </varlistentry>
520    <varlistentry>
521     <term><option>-U <replaceable class="parameter">username</replaceable></option></term>
522     <listitem>
523      <para>
524       User name for the user to run the service as. For domain users, use the
525       format <literal>DOMAIN\username</literal>.
526      </para>
527     </listitem>
528    </varlistentry>
529   </variablelist>
530  </refsect2>
532 </refsect1>
535 <refsect1>
536  <title>Environment</title>
538  <variablelist>
539   <varlistentry>
540    <term><envar>PGCTLTIMEOUT</envar></term>
542    <listitem>
543     <para>
544      Default limit on the number of seconds to wait when waiting for startup
545      or shutdown to complete.  If not set, the default is 60 seconds.
546     </para>
547    </listitem>
548   </varlistentry>
550   <varlistentry>
551    <term><envar>PGDATA</envar></term>
553    <listitem>
554     <para>
555      Default data directory location.
556     </para>
557    </listitem>
558   </varlistentry>
560  </variablelist>
562  <para>
563   Most <command>pg_ctl</command> modes require knowing the data directory
564   location; therefore, the <option>-D</> option is required
565   unless <envar>PGDATA</envar> is set.
566  </para>
568  <para>
569   <command>pg_ctl</command>, like most other <productname>PostgreSQL</>
570   utilities,
571   also uses the environment variables supported by <application>libpq</>
572   (see <xref linkend="libpq-envars">).
573  </para>
575  <para>
576   For additional variables that affect the server,
577   see <xref linkend="app-postgres">.
578  </para>
579 </refsect1>
582 <refsect1>
583  <title>Files</title>
585  <variablelist>
586   <varlistentry>
587    <term><filename>postmaster.pid</filename></term>
589    <listitem>
590     <para>
591      <application>pg_ctl</application> examines this file in the data
592      directory to determine whether the server is currently running.
593     </para>
594    </listitem>
595   </varlistentry>
597   <varlistentry>
598    <term><filename>postmaster.opts</filename></term>
600    <listitem>
601     <para>If this file exists in the data directory,
602      <application>pg_ctl</application> (in <option>restart</option> mode)
603      will pass the contents of the file as options to
604      <application>postgres</application>, unless overridden
605      by the <option>-o</option> option. The contents of this file
606      are also displayed in <option>status</option> mode.
607     </para>
608    </listitem>
609   </varlistentry>
611  </variablelist>
612 </refsect1>
615 <refsect1 id="R1-APP-PGCTL-2">
616  <title>Examples</title>
618  <refsect2 id="R2-APP-PGCTL-3">
619   <title>Starting the Server</title>
621   <para>
622    To start the server, waiting until the server is
623    accepting connections:
625<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl start</userinput>
627   </para>
629   <para>
630    To start the server using port 5433, and
631    running without <function>fsync</function>, use:
633<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" start</userinput>
635  </refsect2>
637  <refsect2 id="R2-APP-PGCTL-4">
638   <title>Stopping the Server</title>
639   <para>
640    To stop the server, use:
642<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl stop</userinput>
644    The <option>-m</option> option allows control over
645    <emphasis>how</emphasis> the server shuts down:
647<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl stop -m smart</userinput>
649  </refsect2>
651  <refsect2 id="R2-APP-PGCTL-5">
652   <title>Restarting the Server</title>
654   <para>
655    Restarting the server is almost equivalent to stopping the
656    server and starting it again, except that by default,
657    <command>pg_ctl</command> saves and reuses the command line options that
658    were passed to the previously-running instance.  To restart
659    the server using the same options as before, use:
661<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl restart</userinput>
663   </para>
665   <para>
666    But if <option>-o</> is specified, that replaces any previous options.
667    To restart using port 5433, disabling <function>fsync</> upon restart:
669<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" restart</userinput>
671  </refsect2>
673  <refsect2 id="R2-APP-PGCTL-6">
674   <title>Showing the Server Status</title>
676   <para>
677    Here is sample status output from
678    <application>pg_ctl</application>:
680<prompt>$</prompt> <userinput>pg_ctl status</userinput>
682pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 13718)
683/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres "-D" "/usr/local/pgsql/data" "-p" "5433" "-B" "128"
686    The second line is the command that would be invoked in restart mode.
687   </para>
688  </refsect2>
689 </refsect1>
692 <refsect1>
693  <title>See Also</title>
695  <simplelist type="inline">
696   <member><xref linkend="app-initdb"></member>
697   <member><xref linkend="app-postgres"></member>
698  </simplelist>
699 </refsect1>