1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * tidbitmap.h
4  *	  PostgreSQL tuple-id (TID) bitmap package
5  *
6  * This module provides bitmap data structures that are spiritually
7  * similar to Bitmapsets, but are specially adapted to store sets of
8  * tuple identifiers (TIDs), or ItemPointers.  In particular, the division
9  * of an ItemPointer into BlockNumber and OffsetNumber is catered for.
10  * Also, since we wish to be able to store very large tuple sets in
11  * memory with this data structure, we support "lossy" storage, in which
12  * we no longer remember individual tuple offsets on a page but only the
13  * fact that a particular page needs to be visited.
14  *
15  *
16  * Copyright (c) 2003-2017, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
17  *
18  * src/include/nodes/tidbitmap.h
19  *
20  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
21  */
22 #ifndef TIDBITMAP_H
23 #define TIDBITMAP_H
25 #include "storage/itemptr.h"
26 #include "utils/dsa.h"
29 /*
30  * Actual bitmap representation is private to tidbitmap.c.  Callers can
31  * do IsA(x, TIDBitmap) on it, but nothing else.
32  */
33 typedef struct TIDBitmap TIDBitmap;
35 /* Likewise, TBMIterator is private */
36 typedef struct TBMIterator TBMIterator;
37 typedef struct TBMSharedIterator TBMSharedIterator;
39 /* Result structure for tbm_iterate */
40 typedef struct
41 {
42 	BlockNumber blockno;		/* page number containing tuples */
43 	int			ntuples;		/* -1 indicates lossy result */
44 	bool		recheck;		/* should the tuples be rechecked? */
45 	/* Note: recheck is always true if ntuples < 0 */
46 	OffsetNumber offsets[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
47 } TBMIterateResult;
49 /* function prototypes in nodes/tidbitmap.c */
51 extern TIDBitmap *tbm_create(long maxbytes, dsa_area *dsa);
52 extern void tbm_free(TIDBitmap *tbm);
53 extern void tbm_free_shared_area(dsa_area *dsa, dsa_pointer dp);
55 extern void tbm_add_tuples(TIDBitmap *tbm,
56 			   const ItemPointer tids, int ntids,
57 			   bool recheck);
58 extern void tbm_add_page(TIDBitmap *tbm, BlockNumber pageno);
60 extern void tbm_union(TIDBitmap *a, const TIDBitmap *b);
61 extern void tbm_intersect(TIDBitmap *a, const TIDBitmap *b);
63 extern bool tbm_is_empty(const TIDBitmap *tbm);
65 extern TBMIterator *tbm_begin_iterate(TIDBitmap *tbm);
66 extern dsa_pointer tbm_prepare_shared_iterate(TIDBitmap *tbm);
67 extern TBMIterateResult *tbm_iterate(TBMIterator *iterator);
68 extern TBMIterateResult *tbm_shared_iterate(TBMSharedIterator *iterator);
69 extern void tbm_end_iterate(TBMIterator *iterator);
70 extern void tbm_end_shared_iterate(TBMSharedIterator *iterator);
71 extern TBMSharedIterator *tbm_attach_shared_iterate(dsa_area *dsa,
72 						  dsa_pointer dp);
74 #endif							/* TIDBITMAP_H */